PZA Boy Stories

Shakey Psyche



Scott tells the story about his life of sex and prostitution when he was ten. The story will tell in flashbacks how he came into the life and how it changed his life (for the better?). Then something happened and he had to give up his life as prostitute.
Publ. Jul-Oct 2005 (Lolita Bondage); this site Mar 2008
Finished Length 50,000 words (100 pages)


Scott (10-11yo), Randy (10yo) and other boy-prostitutes;

Category & Story codes

Boy prostition story
Mb bb tb Fb Mgcons nc oral anal prost bdsm spank pierce elect


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

This story was published earlier as the first part of A Fucking Life on Lolita Bondage.

All the events being pictured are fictitious. Not one event really happened. If you cannot distinguish between fiction and fantasy from reality, do not read. The story depicts a boy growing up having sex with men, and the events surrounding it. If you don't like this, do not read. If you are under 18, or this type of thing is illegal, do not read.
Now, if you're still with me, please enjoy my first attempt at writing.
Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author using this feedback form with the title of the story or the author's name in the subject line.

Table of Contents

  1. From the Beginning
  2. College Party
  3. Chapter 3
  4. The Video
  5. From the Beginning III
  6. Time With Friends and Teachers
  1. From the Beginning
  2. A Night With a New Client
  3. Rudy's Big Mistake
  4. Suspended Time
  5. A Screeching Halt

Chapter 1
From the Beginning

"UHUHUHHH!" I breathed out as Mr. Crandall shoved his cock in me as hard as he could one more time.

He wasn't one of my larger clients, but he was still a sadistic fuck. On reflection, I would have to say that he was more average than anything. But me being ten years old at the time, his dick was larger than my asshole. I was reflecting on this as he moved to lay on my body.

"That's right, little bitch-boy, take it. Take it good, 'cause we're gonna go for a lot longer than just the usual fuck-and-sit routine," he hissed in my left ear.

What the fuck was he talking about; longer?

"If you're wondering what the fuck I'm talking about, I jacked-off shortly before you arrived. I got tired of paying for you for an hour and only enjoying fifteen minutes of you before I came. So, tonight it's going to last the entire hour," he said that last bit with a certain degree of satisfaction.

I felt him raise up and grab my hips as he started ripping into my asshole. As usual with him or some other sadistic fuck like him I escaped into the back of my mind. I grabbed into the sofa pillows, and escaped, letting him do whatever he wanted. With one of my 'johns', this mechanism doesn't work, as he would slap my face to bring me back to reality, Mr. Melrose. With the rest of them, though, they didn't care. All they wanted was a boy to fuck for an hour, I usually didn't have to do much more than strip and bend over something. Mr. Melrose, though, wanted to make sure I was feeling his cock in every part of my body he could reach with it. More on him later.

I have a place in my mind that I visit if my client gets too carried away with things. I don't see or feel anything. I leave it when I feel him cum; either inside or out. I feel the liquid squirt, and bring myself out of it. I learned that trick from another 'rent-a-kid' (that's what we called ourselves), and it did work very well.

After half an hour of solid pounding, Mr. Crandall was filling my ass with his seed, sending a warm feeling inside me. I started coming out of my 'hiding place' as he was collapsing on my back, as he always does when he cums. He started gently rubbing his hand up and down my side and cooing in my ear. I think it was his way of apologizing for being so brutal to me. He did that every time, also. I guess you could call it a ritual of his.

"Ready?" He asked, and I nodded. It was his signal that he was going to pull out of me. I was to hold my buttcheeks together as to not drip anything onto his precious carpet as I made my way to the bathroom. Once there, I dispelled anything inside into the toilet. At first, my ass was on fire at this point, but at this time, I had gotten used to having cocks up my ass, so it was not a major discomfort. I heard the liquid and a few solid chunks hit the water, feeling a little better. With Mr. Crandall's semen excreted out, I wiped up and walked out of the bathroom for my payment. He was waiting for me in his living room.

"Well done, little one," he said with a smile, and then handed me the hundred dollars. He also added another twenty. "This is for the extra work you had to do this evening. You handled it well."

I smiled back and thanked him; if he only knew. I got dressed and shoved the money in my front pants pocket. Just as I stood up, there was a knock at the door. Randy's dad was here to pick me up, hopefully for the night. When Mr. Crandall opened the door, sure enough, Dan was standing there waiting for me.

"All done, sport?" He asked.

Why doesn't anyone call me by my real name?

"Yes, sir," I answered, and walked out to the car. I saw Randy was waiting in the backseat for me. He moved over as I climbed in, and Dan got behind the wheel to drive off.

"The son of a bitch jacked off before I got there," I complained. "He took almost the entire fucking hour to cum."

Randy smiled and Dan snickered.

"We goin' home, Dan?" I asked.

"Nope. I got another job for the two of you to do at the college on the other side of town."

Randy and I both moaned our disagreement to this.

"Now boys, this is a special night that was booked months ago, just in case the team won the game. They wanted two boys for the night, and paid in advance. Don't worry; you'll get your cut when I get you home in the morning."

"We gotta be there the whole night, Dad?" Randy was more than a little bit apprehensive at hearing this. So was I; I had never stayed the entire night at a client's house before. The longest I had ever stayed was three hours (and it was a very long three hours).

"Yes, son, the entire night, but if you do this, you won't have to work tomorrow night. Deal?"

We looked at each other, and shrugged our answer, yes. The rest of the trip was spent in silence. I think Randy was worrying about what was going to happen. I started thinking how I had gotten into this life, some six months before 3;


My father's job had changed, and we moved to this town at the beginning of the summer, right after school let out. It was between my fourth and fifth years in school. I hated moving. I had some good friends and I didn't want to leave them. Two days of travel had us arriving at our new home. After we unpacked and got settled, I decided to take a walk around the neighborhood. I needed to see what was there.

Walking around the third block from the house, I heard the sounds of laughter and squealing coming from a back yard. I climbed the wall and looked over the top board to see four boys my age playing with the water sprinkler naked. I was shocked. I kept looking at them running around with their dicks swinging back and forth, never embarrassed about any of it. They acted as if this was perfectly normal, or something. I was so lost in the scene before me that I almost fell when a voice snapped me out of my trance.

"Just what do ya think you're doin'?" I looked around to my right to see a man in some shorts standing with his fists on his hips looking up at me. I was immediately embarrassed, and dropped to the ground. I looked up at him when I stood back up, but didn't answer.

"I asked you a question, boy," he said, but it was with a softer tone than the first time he said something.

"I heard laughing, sir. I just wanted to see what was going on," I said as I looked down at his feet. When I looked back up, he was smiling back at me.

"No harm done. We're just about to start lunch. Care to join us?" He asked.

"I don't know, my mom says not to talk to people I don't know," I stammered. I was trying to hide the fact that the scene I saw had piqued my curiosity.

"Who's a stranger? My name's Dan Potter. And yours?"

"Scott, sir, Scott Fielding. My family and I just moved in a couple of blocks over."

"Tell ya what. Why don't you go ask your parents if you could join us, then come back?"

It seemed like a good way around my parents' rule. Now my parents were okay and everything, but I could have gone to the moon and back before they ever missed me. My father spent so much time at work, that he pretty much missed my earlier years, as well as my brothers'. My mother was always so involved with the TV that a nuclear explosion could go off in the living room and the only thing she would complain about would have been the bad reception.

But to make sure I didn't get into trouble for anything, I ran home, told my mother where I was going to be, and ran back to the Potter house. I got back and missed only about five minutes of fun. Mr. Potter, Dan as he liked me to call him, was waiting for me in the front doorway.

"That was quick, sport. You must be able to fly," he said smiling down at me as I recovered my breath. "Come on back; let me introduce you to the others."

We walked through the house. It was about the same layout as my new one; cookie-cutter houses, my father called them. When we got to the back yard, the other boys stopped playing and ran up to me and Dan.

He introduced each of them in turn. Randy was his son, and looked like a younger version of him. He had ice-cold blue eyes and freckles on his high cheek bones and nose. He also had shoulder length dark blond hair, and a build that mimicked mine. Jake was standing next to Randy, with dark black hair and it was cut short, very unlike the times. His face was clean of freckles, and more round than mine and Randy's. Mikey was next. He was the really different one; shorter, whiter, and fatter. For some reason, he just could never lose the weight. Also, for some other reason, he was quite popular with the older men (we'll get to that later). James was last, or as he preferred to be called, Red. It takes no imagination as to why. He had the reddest hair I had ever seen, or seen since, and he wore it well. Most boys that have red hair are awkward about it, but James was not. Nor was he ugly as most redheaded boys are prone to be (he was also quite popular).

After the introductions, they turned back around and ran through the sprinkler again, almost as if nothing had interrupted them. I looked up at Dan, and he motioned for me to join the others. I was embarrassed to strip totally, but I didn't want to get my shoes or t-shirt wet, so I took them off, and ran through the misty water also. They accepted me as I was. They never coerced me to take off my pants, but after a few hours of running around and being the only one clothed; I decided to at least get rid of my shorts.

A few more hours had us tired out, so we decided to lie on the grass for some tanning time. They asked me where I came from, and other mundane things. I asked them about their brief histories. Apparently, they had known each other for a few years, and had been close friends for over a year, now. I was just getting relaxed, and comfortable, when Randy spoke up.

"Why don't you lose those underpants, Scott?" He asked. I shrugged my answer.

"I dunno 3; why?"

"Just 'cause," Jake came back. I looked at each of them in turn, and the more I thought about it, the more it seemed ridiculous to keep them on.

"Alright, but don't look, 'kay?" I said, as if that would help.

They snickered at the obvious stupidity of the comment, but made no remarks to further embarrass me. I rolled over, hooked my thumbs under my elastic band, and pulled down. I rolled back over, quickly, giving the sun the first ever view of my butt. It needed the sun, to be honest.

"That was painless, wasn't it?" Dan was at the door looking at the five of us naked boys, lying on the grass. I flushed red, instantly. I probably gave James a run for his money in the red department. Dan smiled and walked back inside. I turned to Randy.

"Where's your mom?" I asked him.

"Work. Dad's a teacher, so he gets the summers off while Mom's a secretary for a law firm downtown."

"Law firm?"

"It's a company of lawyers; actually, a very famous one," he said, proudly. He told me what the name of the company was, but I could never remember it. "Look, it's getting a little chilly out here. Come on, let's go inside."

He was right. The sun was starting to set, and the breeze was kicking up, so we adjourned to the indoors. I grabbed my clothes as we went inside. Dan made us dinner while the five of us played video games in the living room. Mrs. Potter got to the house just as dinner was being served. Randy's brothers, Rudy and Roger, showed up at about that time, also. Rudy was two years older, and Roger two years younger than Randy. They could have been triplets if they were the same age. After a nice satisfying meal, Dan told me I had better get going home, and that the others had to get ready for work.

"Work?" I asked Randy.

"Uh huh," he nodded.

I looked at Dan to explain what he meant by work, but he just smiled at me and handed me my clothes. I got dressed, and left. As I walked home, I thought about what kind of work they could be doing. I remember wrestling with it all night as I tried to sleep that night.

The next day, I returned to the Potter's house to find just the three Potter boys at home alone. Randy welcomed me inside and we went into his room. After a while I asked Randy what his dad meant by work the previous night. He shrugged and answered.

"Dad wanted me to talk to you about this, anyways. Just to see if you're interested in joining us."

"Joining you?" This was interesting me. I was always interested in making money. "Joining you in doing what?"

"We have a job at nights. But before I go on, you have to promise not to say anything to anyone about what I tell you here, okay?" I nodded my answer. "Good. First, there are men out there that'll pay money for sex with us."

"Sex?" I had heard the term, and what it meant on a basic level, but not the full extent of it. "How can they do that?" I was soooo naïve. He sighed, and explained in full measure how it could be done.

"Doesn't that hurt?" I asked him.

"Well, yeah. It hurts the first couple of times, but after a while, it actually starts to feel kind of good. Dad will start you off slowly and easily with smaller things going up your butt, then when you're broken in, you start making money with clients."

"How much money?"

"Hundred dollars an hour."

"WHAT! A hundred dollars an hour? You gotta be kidding."

"Nope, I'm not kidding. Actually, it's more like eighty. You give twenty of it to Dad as a fee, but the rest of it is yours. Any tip is yours to keep as well. If you do it, it will take up your weekend nights, and a few nights during the week. And, there are a few sadistic fucks out there to deal with, but you won't have to deal with them until later."

"What does it feel like, having a thing up there?" I just couldn't say cock or butt. It was like a mental block or something.

"You wanna try it?" He asked with a slight smile. I shrugged, then nodded. "Okay, pull your shorts and underpants down." I baulked at the request. "Look, you were naked in front of us yesterday, what's the problem?"

"I dunno; it just seems wrong somehow," I replied, a little squirrelish.

"It's not wrong, Scott, it's just your body. We all have one, you know." That made sense to me somehow. I unzipped my shorts, and lowered them and my underpants to the floor without any further discussion. I kicked off my shoes and socks and then pulled my shorts off. He pulled my t-shirt over my head, and once again I was standing naked in front of him. I felt a little embarrassed again being naked in front of someone, but I wanted to find out more about this job of his and the others. He looked me up and down for just a second. I didn't know what he was looking for; we were almost exactly the same build.

I think to make me feel less nervous, he stripped off his clothes as well, so that the two of us had not one stitch of clothing on between us.

"Better?" He asked. I smiled and nodded. "Good. Now, turn around and bend over the bed." I nodded, then complied, although a little apprehensively. As I knelt over the edge of the bed, I looked at the wall. I was still wondering what he was going to do to me, when he walked up behind me and knelt down.

"Now, this might feel a little weird. Ready?"

I breathed deeply, then nodded. I heard some liquid being squirted, then his hands at the crack of my ass. The liquid felt cold as he spread it up my crack, but it wasn't unpleasant. He moved his hand up and down my crack, working in the lubricant. I could feel my cock swelling as he manipulated the gel. Then I felt his fingertip at the entrance of my backdoor exit. I stiffened at the unusual feeling. Nothing had ever been going up my ass, always leaving it.

"Relax, Scotty," he said. I looked back at him and he smiled back at me. I nodded, still a little unsure of what was happening. I tried to relax as his finger circled my anus, carefully. The feelings I was getting were intense, but still making me nervous. Even through my nervousness, my small cock continued to rise and harden, almost as if it had a mind of its own. Without warning, he pushed his finger inside me.

"Uuuhhhh," was the only reply I could make as I arched my back from the intruding digit. He stopped pushing, and waited for a minute for me to get used to it, then continued his journey inward. With steady pressure, his finger invaded my nether region, until I felt his other two fingers on the globes of my ass and the webbing between them. He had penetrated as far as his middle finger could go. Applying gentle pressure, he pulled his finger up, then around my anal chute, widening me as he went. His finger made the journey a couple of times, then he began pulling it out. I was almost disappointed, as I thought it was over, but when he had it almost all the way out, he pushed it back inside. He finger fucked me for the next minute or so, then pulled it all the way out.

Throughout the entire experience, my cock never once even thought about softening. It was hard as a rock, and didn't show any signs of changing its mind. Randy put the tip of his finger back to my anus, but this time, it had its neighbor with it. His forefinger slipped inside along with his middle finger, coaxing another moan from me. Again, he allowed me to get used to his fingers, then restarted the sequence he had done with just one finger. As he drove his fingers inside me, he twisted them, though, spreading me out even further. I felt that he had me as wide as I could go, when his fingers bottomed (forgive the pun) out. He turned his hand, rotating his fingers inside me. With two fingers, it did hurt a little, but I just closed my eyes, allowing my new friend to do as he wanted.

As his right hand finger fucked my ass, he reached around to my cock with his left. When it made contact, I almost jumped out of my skin. He waited for me to settle down, then reached for me again. This time when he touched me, I moved my knees back, and allowed him access to my stiff member. With his lubricated left hand, he encircled my cock and began slowly pumping it. As with each stroke of his left hand, his right hand would make the same motion. Soon, something powerful was building up inside me; it was something I had never felt in my young life. This feeling was building in intensity towards something unknown. Within minutes, my head jerked up, and my whole body stiffened as I came for the first time in my life. I was way too young for anything to shoot out, but the feeling was extremely intense, anyway.

When I came down from my high, I realized that Randy still had his two fingers in my asshole. I turned to look him in the eye, and that's when he kissed me. It wasn't a deep passionate one, just a peck on the lips. I think it was a signal from him that everything was okay. I smiled back at him.

"Feel good?" He said. I heard a slopping sound as he eased his fingers out of me. I nodded my response. "Good, because here's where you make your real money," he said with a grin.

In one swift move, he moved behind me and grabbed my hips. I turned around to see what he was going to do, and I stared in horror as he lined up his cock to my asshole. He looked up and saw my reaction.

"Hey, you've just taken my two fingers up your ass, man. This'll be easy."

I nodded apprehensively. I just barely had time to register his cockhead at my rear entrance before he plowed inside me, all the way to the hilt. I rose up in shock. The suddenness of his attack surprised me. He wrapped his arms around my torso and remained still, to allow me to get accustomed to the new sensation.

"Easy, boy, easy," he cooed in my ear. After some time remaining fixed like that, he began to withdraw from my backside. When he was almost all the way out, he pushed back inside me, again all the way to the hilt. He moved his hands around to my back, and began to push me back down to the bed. Once again being bent over, it gave him the ability and angle to give me the hard fucking he was looking for. It was a position I was going to have to get used to.

After several minutes of fucking my ass, his breathing quickened, and he hissed, moaned and grunted through his own climax, finally collapsing on top of my back. He ran his hands up and down my sides as he came down. I heard more than felt him withdraw from my worn asshole. I looked back at him again as he pulled my cheeks apart to survey the damage.

"Nothin' to worry about, mate," he exclaimed with a smile. And with that, he slapped me on the ass and walked over to get his clothes. "Stay that way too long, and Rudy might just come in for a piece of you." I quickly moved to a sitting position, not sure I wanted another round right now.

"That's it?" I asked him.

"Well, there's some other stuff to do, too, but yeah, that's pretty much it. Only 3;"

"Only, what?"

"Only that the clients are a lot larger than me or my two fingers. My dick is only three inches [7½ cm] long. Most of the men are at least six [15 cm], and twice as thick. Dad's cock is over twelve inches [30 cm] long, and almost as thick as your wrist. He's quite proud of it, actually."

"I bet. Have you been 3;um 3;?"

"Fucked by him?" I nodded. "Yeah. He broke my cherry."

"Wow. Did it hurt?"

"Yeah 3;" he said, with his eyes clouding over, but then continued. "But it got me ready for what he needed me to do, make money. The sooner he gets inside you, the sooner you start making some serious money. So, whaddya think? Join us?"

"Could I try Rudy's thing first?" I still couldn't say cock or anything else that was considered dirty.

"Sure you could," I heard a voice at the door. We both snapped our heads in the direction of the door to find him standing there, rubbing his cock through his pants. "Get on the bed, fresh meat." He started moving inside the room with a sinister smile on his face.

"Rudy, go easy, or I'll tell Dad. He wants Scott to join us," Randy said, with a hint of fear in his voice.

"Don't worry, brat, I'll go easy. This one wants it, he'll get it," Rudy told his brother, and then turned his attentions back to me. "I said; get on the bed, fresh meat."

With Rudy being older and bigger than me, I was definitely intimidated by him, but moved to bend over the bed, as I thought he wanted.

"No, stupid. Get on the bed, on all fours." He was undoing his pants as he ordered me in to the position he wanted. I climbed onto the bed and waited on my hands and knees for Rudy to mount me. Randy hurried to my side with one of his pillows from his bed.

"Put your head down and this under your belly. It'll help, Scott."

I shook my head, no, at him.

"If Rudy wants me like this, then I'd best get used to following the orders of others, right?" I was taking a chance, and I knew it. But I wanted to get into making the money Randy had talked about earlier. This was the best way I could think of.

"Good thinking, fresh meat. Good thinking," Rudy was saying as he lined himself up to my ass. "Just for that, I'm going to let you get down into the position he suggested."

So, with that, I placed the pillow under my belly, and lowered my head to the mattress. My butt was sticking straight up in the air, waiting for my twelve-year-old lover to plow into me, and he did. With minimal effort, as my asshole was lubed and spread wide open, Rudy shoved his four inch [10 cm] cock straight up my ten-year-old ass. It hurt somewhat, and it made me hiss at the sting, but I bore it with no other reaction. Rudy's abdomen collided with my asscheeks on his second thrust, telling me that he too was buried to the hilt inside me. He pulled out until the head was at the entrance door, then shoved it all the way back inside. He grunted as our skin met again and I sheathed his entire erection once again with my anal cavity. Each time he plowed into my sore asshole, he grunted out his pleasure. I could even feel his hot breath on the skin of my back. Soon, it started having the same effect on me that I had earlier. It was making my own cock grow into its own firmness.

Randy could see my wakening rod, and enveloped it with his hand again. But this time, to my own astonishment, I pushed his hand away. I didn't want to feel good. I wanted to feel a little bit of what my job was going to be like. Rudy continued to fuck my ass as if tomorrow didn't exist. The rhythm he had built up was almost to a peak frenzy. I heard his grunting getting louder and more frequent, and knew, from recent experience, that he was close to finishing.

Within minutes, he made a huge, final lunge, and climaxed into my bowels. This was different, though. This time I felt some liquid being squirted inside me. For the first time since Rudy invaded me, I opened my eyes and looked at Randy, questioning. Rudy had collapsed on my back as his brother had done earlier.

"Why am I wet?" I whispered to Randy.

He smiled back. "He's old enough to shoot cum, Scott. Better get used to it, because that is nothing compared to most of the clients out there." Turning to Rudy, he told him to climb off me and give me room. Amazingly, Rudy complied, then pulled his pants up, and left the room, whistling to himself.

"You okay?" He asked with genuine concern.

"Yeah, just a little sore." Rudy's semen was starting to run down my legs. "I guess I need to get cleaned up."

"Come on, we'll use the bathroom upstairs," he said, and led me out of the room.


"We're here, boys," Dan's voice brought me out of my reverie. We had arrived at the college.

Chapter 2
College Party

This second chapter is an extreme one. The two boys arrive at the campus to a party where they are two of the main courses on the menu for the evening. Surprises all around.

We climbed out of the car and followed Dan towards the stadium's locker room. When we arrived at the building, the door was unlocked and he led us into a hallway that seemed to stretch on forever. A double door met us half way down the hallway, and we turned into it. A beefy man in his early thirties was waiting for us. He smiled when he saw me and Randy.

"Twins, good," he said. It was a common mistake if people saw us together. We did look enough alike that most people thought we were at least cousins.

"Nope, just look-a-likes. I take it you're Jake?" The beefy man nodded. "Okay, here are the rules. You may do as you wish to them, but if either of them says my name, Steve, then things are to stop, understood?" Dan always used the name 'Steve' with our clients.

Jake nodded and flashed us a quick smile. His cock was starting to already grow in his pants.

"Good. Do you have their money?" Jake nodded and handed over a wad of cash to Dan. He counted it, and seemed to be satisfied at the amount. He put the money in his front pocket and turned back to Jake one last time before leaving.

"I'll return for them at seven, as agreed." Jake just nodded again; he seemed to be a man of few words. Dan turned and left the locker room.

"Take the clothes off, boys, and then follow me," he said. We did as we were told, piling our clothes up on the bench in front of us. When we were completely naked, he walked around the pair of us, for a preliminary inspection. Completing the inspection, he turned and started walking away from the double entry doors. Once we got past the last row of lockers, we turned to walk down the back wall towards another set of double doors.

Upon exiting through the doors, we entered a larger room with tables lining the wall, making a large horseshoe shape. On the tables were stacks upon stacks of food laid out ready to eat. I knew it wasn't for us, but my stomach growled anyway. In between what would have been the top of the horseshoe of tables were four short bars with what seemed like screws at the ends of the bars. But the ends of the screws were rounded with a hole in the middle. The same types of screws were bolted into the floor a couple of feet from the bars.

Jake positioned us to one side of two bars and walked over to a table far to the right that I had missed when I initially entered the room. I had been preoccupied by the food to see this table. It had some whips laid out on it, and I knew those were not there to make us feel good. He grabbed some leather straps and walked back over to us. He approached me first, placing a leather strap around each of my biceps and each of my wrists. The same was done to my thighs and ankles. A last strap was wrapped around my waist. Jake repeated the procedure with Randy. When completed, he walked back over to the table for some clips and four metal bars. For a moment I thought he was going to hit us with the bars, but then I noticed the same screweyes at the ends of the bars. With one bar, he clipped to the straps around our biceps, pulling our arms behind us. The other two bars were clipped to the straps at our thighs, pushing our legs out very wide. He clipped the wrist restraints together behind our backs, and then led us to the bars on the floor. We were bent over the bars and our waist straps were secured to the screweyes on the bars. The ankle restraints were clipped to the ones on the floor. Both of us were totally immobile, which is exactly what he wanted. When finished, Jake walked around to face us, and smiled at his handiwork.

"Now, I know you have a password, but I'm going to make a deal with both of you. If neither one says the password, there will be huge bonus in this for both of you. Deal?"

Randy and I looked at each other, then back to him.

"How much of a bonus?" Randy asked him. Jake smiled and pulled out a wad of money that was larger than the one he had given Dan.

"This will be split between the four of you," he said.

"Four of us? There's only two," I stated.

"Oh, yeah. That reminds me 3;" he said, more to himself than either of us. He stood up, and walked to the side closet. "Get up, bitches."

Randy and I looked over to where he had gone. He was leading back two girls that were our age. They were as naked as we were and tied in exactly the same fashion we were. I recognized both of them; they were in our classes in school. I panicked. My sex job with Dan and the others was a private thing; I didn't want the entire fucking school knowing about it.

The redhead's name was Carry, and just like Red, she was covered with a lot of freckles. She had a slender build and a shy demeanor. She was definitely as embarrassed as we were at being caught by a fellow student. The other girl was Patricia. Trish was slightly shorter than Carry and a little stockier. She sported a length of blond hair that reached down to the middle of her back. After the initial shock of seeing two of her fellow classmates bound to two bars, she didn't seem all that disturbed about the situation.

Jake led them to the two remaining bars and secured the girls to them as he did us. Metal bars were also clipped to the straps on their legs also. When the girls were tied down, he walked back over to the table where the straps had been and pulled four dog collars off it and walked back over to us. After wrapping the collars around our necks, he clipped each of them to a wire that he hung from the ceiling, pulling our heads up and a little forward. More than just a little apprehension was creeping into me, and I could tell Randy was feeling the same thing.

Jake left us tied that way, and left the room. I saw a clock on the far wall, it read ten o'clock. This was going to be a long, long night, I could tell. I squirmed a little bit to get more comfortable in my position. I took a glance at the girls. Only Carry was showing any signs of emotion. Tears were running down her freckled cheeks, and dropping to the floor beneath her. I could tell she was trembling at the anticipated party that was to come. I wondered if she was here on her own will, or if one of her parents had made this deal without her consent. I didn't wonder too long, as the door behind us opened and people started streaming in.

As each of them walked in, they waited at the side, to our left. As the one on the far left, I got a horrifying look at the lot of them, and I didn't really care for what I saw. Every one of them was either on the football team, or supported it in some way. I don't think any of them were less than six feet [1.80 m] tall. Finally, Jake walked back inside, and turned to address the crowd.

"Gentlemen and gentlemen," he started, and then laughed at his own little joke. "What we have before you, are treats for all appetites. On your left, a buffet set up to satisfy your stomachs, and on your right, a buffet to satisfy your cocks. Enjoy." All of them cheered as he finished.

Before I knew what was happening, a cock was in my face, ready to shove down my throat. I opened my mouth, knowing better than not to, and the party began. The man shoving his cock down my throat was huge, and smelly, but his cock was pathetically small. Thank God. However, there was also a person that had walked around behind me, ready to spear my ass. This cock was significantly larger, and thicker. Once lined up at my rear entrance, he wasted no time in getting inside me. I closed my eyes and tried not to grit my teeth to his assault. I tried to escape to my other world, but something I heard at my right made that almost impossible.

"Holy, shit! This bitch is a fucking virgin," I heard a man shout, excitedly. Without turning to my right, I knew he was talking about Carry. My heart went out to the poor girl. She was going to have to endure a gang rape as her first time. She screamed as he penetrated her no longer virgin pussy. She begged him to take his cock out of her, but he only laughed and plowed further inside her. When her cries got too much for someone, he opened her mouth, and shoved his own dick inside. I could hear her gag as he tried to force it down her throat.

The footballer that was plowing into me was no less ruthless. He grabbed my tied arms and forced himself deeper and deeper into me. The pain I was feeling was almost enough to drown out Carry's cries. Every time I would try to slip into my own little world, her rapist would slam into her, causing her to scream again. She could even be heard over the dick she had in her mouth, although it was muffled more than it could have been. Finally, the man that had shoved his cock down my own throat stiffened and shot his load down my gullet. When he pulled out, it gave me a chance to look to my right to see what Carry was screaming about.

"You wanna see what your girlfriend is doing?" The sadistic fuck that was reaming my butthole asked me. He pulled my arms up and back to raise me up. What I saw, I didn't want to see again. The one in her mouth was a little above average, but the one fucking her was huge. I had seen my fair share of cocks over the past few months of doing this time, but this one astonished even me. I would have put him at least a foot long and as around as my wrist. She was being fucked by a damn telephone pole. "Like that, boy?" I shook my head, truthfully.

"Hey, Brad 3;" He called to the one at the end who was tearing into Carry.

"Yeah?" He answered.

"This boy bitch doesn't like the look of your cock, man," he said back to him.

Oh, fuck, I thought.

"Really? Tell the fucking faggot I'll tend to him next, then," he said laughing.

Why didn't I just mind my own damn business? That thought came to me in a real hurry. There was no way that monster was going to fit up my ass. No way, no how.

The other men that had been waiting in line for my mouth told him to let me back down, and he did. It only took a second before someone shoved their cock down my throat again. A few minutes later, the man behind me spasmed and emptied himself into my bowels. I didn't even get a moment's reprieve, before the next man walked up and shoved his own cock inside.

Three more men followed the second one in front of me, then no one. I was once again able to see the clock. Only ninety minutes had passed. We still had over seven hours of this shit to endure. The next half hour, two of them took turns fucking me in the ass and mouth, rotating every five minutes. The others in the room were preoccupied with Randy, the girls, or the food. Even when these were done with me, no one bothered me again. I took the time to rest as best as I could in the position I was in.

Carry was being used in every way possible. At one point, I heard three of them taking her at one time. When the one that took her ass-cherry crammed his cock inside her, fresh screams filled the room. Trish was like me and Randy; this was nothing new to her. Later on, we found out that she had taken much worse that this. She did a good job of acting, though. Each time someone new mounted her, she moaned as if in pain. These sadistic fucks seemed to like it. Throughout the night, both girls were fucked in all three holes, most of the time at the same time. Trish admitted later that even she had a hard time dealing with that predicament.

At about midnight, the footballers left us alone and just continued with the two girls. I probably could have gone to sleep if it hadn't been for Carry's sobs and the occasional scream when something new was done to her. Earlier, when 'Mr. Footlong' had finished with Carry, he didn't come to me immediately, as he threatened. He waited a while. In fact, he waited so long, I had forgotten about him. It had been over an hour since I had been last touched, when he walked up to me. I knew I was in deep shit when he got over to me.

"So, you don't like me cock, huh?" I knew better than to answer. "Well, we'll just have to change that attitude, won't we?"

With that, he walked behind me and I was waiting for him to ram his monster sized cock inside me. As young as I was, even through all of my experiences, this one was going to hurt like hell. I got a surprise, though, when he unclipped the ankle restraints holding my feet to the floor. The clips holding my waist to the bar were also released. He unclipped the collar around my neck from the ceiling wire, and ordered me to stand. I stood up as best as possible, as my legs had gone so long without any real fresh blood supply. I felt as miserable as I probably looked. The sensation I was not used to, was dried cum on the inside of my legs. It sort of itched, but I could make no move to get it off as my arms were still secured behind my back.

He walked up behind me and grabbed the clip on the dog collar. I thought he was about to force me back down to the ground, but he pulled me over to the wall that had been behind us all evening. On the wall, were three more wires coming down from the ceiling with clips on them, also. He fastened the middle one back to the collar, and then undid the clips to the bars and the ones on my wrists. But further rest was not what he had in mind for me. He pulled my wrists up one at a time, and clipped them to the other two wires. He then roughly pulled my ankles further apart than they had been earlier, and clipped them to two wires on the floor. He fit each wire through a screweye located about two feet away from me. Pulling them back towards the middle, he took the slack out of the wires, then, with a great deal of sadistic pleasure, he pulled, hard. The action pulled my legs apart almost beyond their limits, and it also dropped me down so I was only being held up by the wrist restraints. I screamed like fucking hell.

"That was to get your attention, boy bitch. I trust I have it, now?" He said with a sneer. I nodded as tears began rolling down my cheeks. "Good, real good. Now, I'm going to allow you to put your feet back on the ground, boy. DON'T let the wires from the ceiling get any slack, understand?" Again I nodded. He let out the slack a little, allowing me to get my feet back on the floor. I thought a muscle had been pulled. I was certainly going to be sore for a while, if I lived through this, that is.

He made sure that that was all the length of wire I was going to get, then turned and walked away. I had my eyes closed, and was looking away, so I didn't see where he was going, and, truthfully, I didn't care at the time. I did care when he returned. He reached through my legs and grabbed my balls, and pulled them downward. I grunted through the pain as best as possible. I felt him attach something around them and more pain as they were pulled hard towards the floor, but did not let up. Randy told my later he had added weights to them. Then he turned away again. As he returned, I heard a swishing sound, then pain down my back. I screamed again. The sound again and pain. This was repeated relentlessly. I didn't bother counting the times he brought the whip down on my back. The many-tethered whip continued to abuse my back, butt, and thighs. Occasionally, a strand would make contact to my stretched balls sending shards of renewed pain throughout my torso. I completely lost track of time. I had no idea how many lashes I had taken before I looked and saw the double doors opening. Someone was walking in; this night was finally over.

"Having fun, boys?" The newcomer asked. I despairingly moaned.

"Fuck yeah, Coach. You wanna join?" Mr. Footlong asked.

"That's what I'm here for, Bern," he smiled, and then saw the target of Bern's whip.

"Ooooh, that's gonna smart in the morning, boy. What'd ya do? Bite one of my boys' cocks?"

"He said he didn't like me cock, Coach. I'm just teaching him a lesson, that's all."

"I see," Coach said. "Enjoy, sport." The rest of the team guffawed crudely at his joke.

Five more lashes with the whip, and Bern was finished with that stage of my punishment. He walked up behind me, and I could feel his stiff prick pressing into my sore back. I was sure I had lost some skin back there, somewhere. I hissed at the contact.

"Quit your fuckin' belly-achin'. I ain't even close to being up your ass yet."

He unclipped the wires that were spreading my legs, and I was about to close them, but something told me not to. So I just waited for him to make the next move. He moved my legs back together, and clipped both of the leather straps together, with my balls still being stretched by the weights, and making my legs impossible to spread open very far. He unclipped the wrist restraints and collar from the ceiling wires. But with one swift, unexpected move, he pulled my feet backward by the leather restraints. If my hands had not been in front of my body, my face would have slammed into the floor.

He didn't even give me time to wonder what he was doing before he clipped the wrist restraints to the two wires that had held my ankles apart at the wall. At least now my balls were not being pulled out of their sacks. The ankle straps were secured to two wires attached to the screweyes that had held my ankles while I was bent over the bar. After retying me, he walked back over to the table, and returned with a paddle. The paddle was long and thin, only four inches [10 cm] across, and littered with holes. He lined up next to me on my right, and brought it down on my buttocks. A sick 'slap' sound filled the room.

I don't think he used all of his strength, but combined with the whipping I had just received, it felt like fire had erupted on my asscheeks. After ten hits with the paddle, I was pleading with him to stop. I was about to shout, 'Steve,' when Jake walked in front of me and shoved a ball gag in my mouth for the duration of the spanking. Bern didn't even slow down. After what seemed like a lifetime, he stopped hitting me, but he wasn't done with me, yet.

I was weak from the beatings, my ass was on fire, and just wanted some rest, when I felt his body on top of mine. When his skin made contact with mine, it felt like needles piercing my skin. He raised himself up and I felt him line his cock up with the crack between the globes of my ass. But by this time, I no longer cared what he did to me. I just wanted this horrible night to end. With a grunt, he shoved his cock inside me. I spread my legs as far at the restraints would let me, but I didn't get far. This was why he clipped them together; so I couldn't spread out my legs, and his cock would hurt even more as he fucked me. And fuck me he did.

I cried out when initially his monster sized cock was crammed inside me. It only took me a second to realize, though, that he had only fit the cockhead inside. He still had the remaining foot to go, and I had no delusions that he wouldn't stop until he had buried the entire length inside my bowels. The pain was worse than anything else I had felt as he continued to feed that thing deeper inside me. I remember feeling every single inch as it forced its way deeper and deeper. I cried as he penetrated me inch by inch. With each inch, he spread me further and further apart, until I felt his balls on my legs. Then the fucking really began.

He raised himself up, and grabbed my asscheeks to press them together even more firmly. I hissed at the stinging sensation. He pulled his thick cock out, stopping just when the head was at my anal doorway, then plunged back inside. He was tearing into me so badly, I was sure something had torn inside. Every full length thrust brought a new threshold of pain. Every single part of my ten-year-old body hurt, from my wrists to my abused balls, to my ankles.

The last thing I remember from that night, was one last giant shove of us cock being buried full tilt into my rectum. The cum he was pumping into me went on for what seemed like hours.

"Like my cock now, boy?" He hissed into my ear.

My brain being on sensory overload, mercifully, lost consciousness.

Chapter 3

This episode is a little tame for some of you more sadistic people, but it does continue the story with Scott's first client and gets him going with others.

I woke up from my ordeal, I was still lying face down, but the restraints were gone, and I was laying on something soft, instead of the concrete locker room floor. Sunlight was flooding into the room, and it was hard at first to focus my eyes. When my eyes did focus, they came to bear on Randy sleeping next to me. I realized an urgent need to pee. I moved my arms towards my sides to raise myself up and as the skin on my back was pulled, I hissed at the pain. Randy moaned, but continued to sleep. I eased myself off the bed and onto my wobbly legs and feet. Moving very slowly and gingerly, I made my way to the bathroom that was next to Randy's room. Being naked, as I usually was over at Randy's, I didn't need to worry about lowering any clothes when I got to the toilet. I just leaned over the bowl and let loose.

When I finished what seemed like an eternity-long piss, I turned to leave. I saw the bathroom mirror on the way out, and turned to look at it. At first glance, nothing seemed out of order, even my balls seemed fine from the abuse they took, but then I turned my backside towards the reflecting glass. Tears welled up in my eyes as I saw the damage Bern had done to me the previous night. The backs of my legs were still inflamed red, with purple vertical lines. As I looked up the back of my body and my vision focused on the globes of my ass, more tears streamed down my face. Both cheeks didn't have patches of bruising; they were two mounds of black, with not a hint of normal flesh between them. Even the crack seemed to have been discolored. The skin covering my back imitated the backs of my legs. I was so engrossed in what I was looking at, I didn't even hear Randy walk to the door.

"Dad was pissed when he saw you," he said, startling me. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." I smiled weakly at him through my tears. I collapsed down to the floor. With very little help from me, he got me back to his bed, and laid me on my stomach. I turned back to look at him as he left the room momentarily. When he returned, he had a jar of some kind of cream in his hands.

"This'll help heal this up," he said as he spread some on my back. The cream was cool and after the initial sting, actually felt good. I closed my eyes and allowed him to rub the cream over my entire backside. "I'd never seen Dad that pissed off before at a client."

"Wha 3; what'd he do?" I stammered. The rubbing of the cream was making me feel better.

"He screamed holy hell, that's what. When he saw you lying passed out on the floor, he told Jake that that school could never use any one of us again. After that, I told Dad about the extra money he had promised us, and Dad took it from him. We agreed that you should get it all, okay?"

"I think we should still split it between the four of us, Randy. That was the deal."

"I know, but he was really brutal with you. It'll take you at least a month to heal up after this."

"How much did your dad get for the regular fee?"

"The normal hundred dollars an hour, why?" That added up to be eight hundred minus Dan's fee of eighty, totaling to seven-twenty for me and Randy.

"What was the extra?"

Randy just looked at me.

"What?" I asked. He mumbled something.

"What was that?" I asked again, this time rising from the bed to look more squarely at him.

"Two hundred. Total." He looked like the world had ended or something.

"He was only going to pay us fifty fucking dollars each??!!" I was almost screaming, now. Randy could only nod. "I don't fucking believe it."

"Neither could Dad when he heard about the whole deal. Besides, how the hell were you to say anything with that fucking ball in your mouth?"

"Oh, you're awake," a voice said at the doorway. It was Randy's mom, Amy. I tried to smile at her, but just couldn't manage it after hearing what Randy told me. "You hungry, Scott?" I just realized just how hungry I was, and nodded. "You stay there, let me get it for you," she said, then disappeared.

"Mom knows, too. She was awake when we got home this morning," he almost looked ashamed of the situation. He then turned back to me. "Want some more cream?" I nodded again, and he applied some to my bruised asscheeks, being extremely careful.

"What is that stuff, anyways?"

"A skin cream with some stuff in it to help numb the pain a little."

Amy returned with a plate full of small sandwiches and two glasses of soda. She put them down on the end table, looked at me with a mixture of pity and guilt, then walked out of the room. I raised myself up on my elbows, and Randy put a pillow under my chest to help.

"Take your share of the tip, anyways, Randy," I told him.

"Yeah, but 3;"

"No 'buts', man." We both looked at each other and snickered at the pun. "Look, we were all stupid enough to agree to it, right?" He nodded his head. "Alright, then, take your fifty. I'll be fine with my share, and I'll give the girls' theirs when I next see them. Speaking of the girls; how was Carry?"

"Not good, but better than you, though. You know she really lost her cherry last night to those pricks? It wasn't a put-on. When she and Trish saw you on the floor, and saw what that asshole did to you, neither one of them wanted the extra money. They told me to give you their share."

"Well, we'll see about that. Who's their 'manager'?"

"Trish's dad is. It seems that she's been doing this since she was six."

"I just hope none of this is permanent."

We ate the rest of the sandwiches in silence as he continued to work the cream into my skin with his free hand. After a while, the stinging did subside to more of a dull ache. As he manipulated my skin, I pulled and stretched the muscles, they were really sore, also.

"Don't stretch your legs out. Your groin muscles have probably been strained." I moved them apart, to test them, and didn't feel any pain until I tried to pull them back together.

"You're right, they hurt." As he rubbed in more of the cream, I slipped back into my mind when I had first gotten into this gig 3;


After Randy had cleaned me up following Rudy fucking me, we sat down and talked about what the whole job would be like.

"Well, Dad won't start you out on the larger, or more sadistic ones out there, he'll get you started with a smaller client; probably Mr. Sanders or Mr. Jackson. From there, he'll move on to the more 'exciting' ones."

"Exciting ones?"

"Yeah. Like the ones that enjoy tying you up, spankings, torturing your nipples, cock and balls. There you get more money, though."

"I look forward to that," I said sarcastically.

Randy laughed. "Don't worry, Scott, you'll get used to it. You may even enjoy some of it. I know Mikey and Red actually do like some of it, especially Mikey."

"Mikey, really? He's so 3;so 3;"

"So fat?"

"Yeah," I said sheepishly.

"He actually doesn't mind being fat or being called that. He is also quite popular with the wilder clients."

"Because he's so big?"

"I think so. He told me after one night when we got home that they like to call him a pig. Like, 'squeal like a pig, fat boy,' and 'shove your snout into this, oinker,' actually do turn him on. When they have his arms pinned behind his back and shout those things at him while fucking him, he likes it, he says. He also likes it when they hit him while doing it. He usually comes home with a woody."

"Why? I figured it would bother him."

"Me too, but it does turn him on. Let me tell you what happened when Dad found out about it."

"Was he pissed?"

"Are you kidding? When we got home that night, Rudy, Red and I went upstairs for the night. Dad took him down into the basement. Rudy, Roger and I knew what that meant; Mikey was about to get the fucking of his life, and he did."

"What happened?"

"Mikey told me everything that happened when Dad let him go, three hours later. Now, I told you that Dad's quite well hung, right?"


"Well, Dad pushed Mikey down the stairs, and into the soundproof room that's down there. He pushed Mikey to the floor, and closed the door, shutting him in. He asked Mikey if what he had heard about him was true, and he nodded."

"Then what?"

"He grabbed him, flipped him onto all fours, and ripped off his clothes, leaving Mikey on the floor, looking like a smaller white pig without a tail. Mikey said he spanked his fat ass a few times, and then mounted him. After burying himself to the hilt in Mikey's rear, he reached around to check, and sure enough, the guy was turned on. Over the next three hours, Dad took a belt, a paddle, a switch, and a crop to Mikey's ass, and he enjoyed every minute. According to Dad, he came at least a half dozen times, and Dad only fucked him twice."

"Jesus Christ. So he likes being hit?"

"Yeah, weird, huh?" I nodded. "He says it really excites him. Makes him feel wanted, somehow."

"Do you or the others ever do anything to him?"

"After that happened; all the time. And he really does like that kind of attention."

"And just what are we discussing?" A voice came from the door.

"Oh, hi Dad. We were just talking about Mikey and what he likes others to do to him. I think though that Scott, here, wants to start working with us."

"You do?"

"Yes sir," I answered. "If it's not too painful."

"Well, we'll make sure that it won't be that bad. You up for anything tonight?"

"Uh 3;sure," I replied.

"Good, Mr. Jackson is one of our best clients and is in need of some attention. He does like a particular look, though. Help him dress for the evening, Randy."

"Okay, Dad," he answered him. Dan left the room to the two of us.

"I thought that your dad would have at me first, Randy."

"Well, normally, he would start you out with some toys, and then fuck the shit out of you. But James is busy tonight with family stuff, and we need someone to fill in. You is it, man."

"Toys? What toys?" I asked.

"Oh, just some dildos, butt plugs, and vibrators. Nothing to worry about. Now, let's get you dressed for the evening."

"Dressed?" I asked.

"Yeah, dressed. Mr. Jackson may be one the nicer and smaller clients, but he wants us dressed in girl's clothes."

"You're kiddin',"

"Nope. And he wants us to act like a girl, and call him 'Daddy'. Dad told me what happened to him. A couple of years ago, his wife and two daughters were hit by a drunk driver and killed. Since then, he's been using us as substitutes."

"So we just do as he says," I was definitely still concerned about this whole thing and Randy could tell.

"Look, you'll be fine, Scott, stop worrying. Oh, by the way, when do you have to be back?"

"Are you kiddin'? Got a phone?" He pointed to the bedside table. I called my parents and told them I was staying with the Potters for the night. I hung up as Randy was laying out 'my' dress on the bed. "All night," I said with a smile.

"Excellent. We'll talk to dad about maybe having you with someone else after Mr. Jackson. Two hundred dollars your first night. How 'bout it?"

"Works for me," I shrugged at him.

Over the next hour, he got me dressed in a pair of lacy white panties (with a small button at the back) and matching training bra. Over that, a light pink dressed was slipped on with a white bow at the front, completing the look up top. White knee high socks were pulled up both my legs and pink shoes were slipped over them. I kinda felt a little silly.

"Stand up, and let's have a look," he said after the shoes were in place. I stood, and as I stood, my cock was pushing the material out at the front of the dress. Randy noticed this, but was prepared for it. With a bit of string in his hands, he told me to pull 'my' dress up. He went down and pulled 'my' panties down a little. I felt him tie the string around the head of my soft member, and pull the string through my legs. He tied the ends of the string to the button at the back of the panties, holding my cock between my legs. As long as I didn't have to pee, I was fine, although it did bite into the head a little.

"That's better," he said as I lowered 'my' dress back down. "But we'll need makeup and a wig to finish it off."

We? What does he mean 'we'?

So, he applied a little lipstick and only a small amount of blush to my face, then pulled a wig out of the closet. It was brown with straight hair, kind of like mine and Randy's, only longer. After applying the wig, and securing it in place, he had me stand up and look in the mirror.

I was astonished. A very cute looking girl was staring back at me while standing next to Randy. Looking at me, you would never, ever guess I was a boy.

"Very nice, Randy," we heard at the door. Dan was gazing at me in a really weird way, almost like he wanted to eat me alive, or something. "Very, nice. I think you would fool your own mother, Scott. Train him to walk, talk and act, now, Randy. You have about an hour or so before we leave."

"Okay, Dad," Randy answered. "Scott," he said, turning his attention to me. "Walk to me."

I did. I wasn't good enough. Randy worked with me over the next hour, showing me just how to act like a girl. When the hour was up, Dan came in and led us, with Rudy, Roger, and Mikey to the car. Rudy made some rude comment on how I looked, but Roger and Mikey were actually impressed by my appearance.

The drive took about half an hour to get to the house. Dan called me out of the car, and I looked at Randy for confirmation. He did a 'thumbs up' thing, and I followed Dan up to the front door, remembering to walk like a girl.

When Mr. Jackson opened the door, I was less than impressed, but tried to keep up appearances. Mr. Jackson, though, was very impressed with me. His smile showed a set of yellow teeth, and he looked like he was about a week overdue for a shave. His belly hung a little over his belt, and hair was literally covering his body. I was almost disgusted at the though of having to spend any time with him at all.

He opened the door and allowed me to sashay past him. I gave him a little teasing wiggle of my butt, knowing that was what Dan would want me to do. The two shook hands and I was alone with this man in his living room, wondering if he was going to hurt me. I looked at the two hands on his clock. Seven o'clock. He smiled as he walked up to me, with almost the same look in his eyes as Dan had back at his house. I would come to know the look very well over the years 3; lust.

"You're new to this game, aren't ya, sweetie?" He said, smiling.

"Yessir," I said, as innocently as possible, remembering my training from Randy.

"Well, don't be too nervous, I don't bite too hard," he said with a small guffaw that shook his belly a little. He walked over to me and started feeling up my legs and around my stomach area. He pulled the hemline of the dress up as his hand went up my legs. When his hand made contact with 'my' panties, I flinched a little, pulling back.

"Sorry, sir," I said with a sheepish smile.

"It's alright, young one. What's your name?"

Taking a tip from a movie I saw once, I said innocently, "What do you want it to be, sir?" He smiled at my poor attempt at humor, and grabbed my chin in his rough hand.

"Don't try to be funny, young one. Your cuteness and good looks will only serve you for so long. You try to be funny with anyone else, and you might just be going home with a sore ass. Got it?"

I nodded, getting the implication.

"Good, now, name?"

"Scott," I replied truthfully.

"Well, Scott, while you're here, your name's Samantha; Sam for short. It was my son's name."

"Son? I was told that you only had two daughters."

"I had two sons. My wife wanted daughters, so to make her happy, sometimes we dressed them up as girls, just as you are now." He finished his short story with wet eyes, and from then on I was not nervous around him. He seemed more human to me.

When he continued to just stand there, I took the initiative, and walked up to him. I surprised him as I wrapped my arms around his large waist, and let him hug me back. He seemed to me to need it. After a few minutes, though, his hands started sliding down my back to my butt. I then remembered why I was there.

I smiled up at him as he leaned down to me. The kiss that followed stunned me a little and it took a second to kiss him back. As he rose back up, the back of 'my' dress came up also. I reached up and unbuckled his pants.

"Is this what you want, Daddy?" I asked, sweetly, slipping into the role.

"Yes, Sammy, that's what Daddy wants. Thank you," he answered as he moved his hips to allow his pants to fall to the floor. My hands moved up to the waistband of his boxers and slid them down to rest on his pants. I got my first look at an adult cock. To me, it was big, and it wasn't even hard, yet. Covered with black hair at the base, and supported by two furry balls, it started to come to life as my breath hit it.

"What do you want me to do, now, Daddy?" I asked, dreading the answer. But it wasn't what I expected.

"Put it in your mouth, Sammy, suck on it," he said with his eyes closed.

I don't think so, pal.

"Sir?" I asked, wondering why on earth anyone would want that done to them.

"Suck on it like a lollipop, son. It would make Daddy very happy. Just open your mouth, and I'll do the rest, okay?"

I nodded, definitely apprehensively. I was hoping he would turn me around and be done with it. I opened my mouth, and as he aimed his hardening meat at my mouth, his belly started to obscure my vision to his groin. The head passed by my teeth and continued its journey towards the back of my mouth. When it hit the back and touched my gag reflex, he pulled back. His belly had almost enveloped my entire face and I could smell his groin; I didn't like it. I did, however, get used to the smell over time, but I never did like it.

He pushed forward again, and I gagged again.

"Let's try this another way for your first time," he said, then pushed me away. I watched as he walked over and laid down on the couch. He beckoned me over to his side. He reached over and pulled 'my' dress over my head, leaving me in 'my' girl's underwear. He pulled me gently on top of him, with my head down at his groin and my feet past his head.

"Now, try it again, son," he suggested. I nodded and grabbed a man's stiffening member for the first time. With a great deal of inner fortitude, I lowered my mouth over his cockhead, and sucked him into me. "Now, try to swallow when it hits the back of your throat, like if you are swallowing food, or something." I nodded my reply as best I could and moved further down his body.

When his cockhead hit the back of my throat again, I gagged for a second, then remembered and swallowed. My throat opened up and he slipped easily down my gullet. He moaned his pleasure as a tight throat engulfed his tool.

Now, what?

As if he could read my mind, he told me to work it back out and then back inside. He wasn't particularly long or thick, but to a ten year old throat, it was like having a redwood go down my throat. After several times of going in and out, he stopped me.

"Was I doing something wrong, Daddy?" I asked, worried.

"No, son. You were doing fine; too fine. I didn't want to cum in your mouth. I want that sweet tail of yours, first."

"Yes, Daddy," I said, then reached down to pull 'my' panties off. I rested my knees on his shoulders as I raised my tail up to lower them down. He got a 'birds-eye' view of my pink nether cherry, just waiting to be popped by an adult cock. I had to remember to untie my own cock from the button in the back, and then I continued to slide them down. He pushed on my tail to slide me down his body, until I was positioned over his rigid cock. I had both of my knees outside his wide hips with my hands on his knees. I remember being nervous as I waited in anticipation to him spearing me.

He took his cock in his hand and rubbed some of his pre-cum into my crack. It felt kind of slimy as he worked it back and forth. Then the moment of truth came, and I tensed up as he placed his cockhead to the entrance of my backdoor.

"You'd better relax, son, or this will hurt a lot more," he said. I nodded as I felt his hand move up my back to my shoulder, then back down again. I relaxed my sphincter muscles as best as I could, and as he placed his hand back on my shoulder, he pushed up with his hips, impaling me on his manhood.

"Uuuhhhh," was all that came out of my mouth, but my mind was screaming at the intrusion. I arched my back and raised my head at the same time, throwing the hair from my wig backward. Only the head had made inside, and already it felt like a two by four post. I wiggled, trying to get a little relief from the pain, only to allow more of him inside me. I lowered my head back down, and grimaced at the searing torment my virgin ass was undergoing. As I closed my eyes, the tears that had welled up were released down my chest.

"Come here, Sammy," he said and pulled me down to lie on his chest. He continued to feed his cock into my bowels as I lowered myself down onto his belly. After what seemed like an eternity, I felt his pubic hair rubbing my smooth, hairless ass, and I realized that he had fit all of himself inside. Unfortunately, I knew he wasn't finished yet.

He wrapped his arms around my chest as he pulled out of me. He held onto me as he thrust back inside. The act was very intimate. As he continued to fuck me, the pain lessened, and soon enough, I actually started to enjoy it. While he held onto me with his left hand, his right moved down to my stiffening rod. Having his rough hands wrap around my privates took me a few seconds to get used to. The roughness and size was a considerable contrast to the youthfulness of Randy's hand or my own. I looked down to see the entire thing being enveloped by only three of his fingers.

He pumped my own member as he pumped my asshole with his. The feelings were just as intense as they were in Randy's room, maybe even more so, as he was a bit larger than Rudy. The feelings started to build deep inside my stomach area, and just as the feelings exploded in my mind and body, I felt him stiffen and liquid being squirted into my rectum.

If the world had ended right then, I would have been very happy. After our climaxes, we clean ourselves up, got dressed, and watched some TV. He was leaning back against the arm of the couch as we watched, while I stretched out on the other side. After a minute or so, I looked over at him, to see his face. The look he had was hard to read, almost a blissful euphoria. I decided to see if he would like a little company. I mean, the hard (forgive the pun again) part was over, right?

I crawled over and sat in his lap. His wrapped his arms around me again, and started playing with my cock through 'my' dress. I reached back, and put my arms around the back of his neck, and laced my fingers together, allowing him full access to my whole body.

"Playful little thing, aren't you?" He asked.

"Yes, sir," I replied with a slight smile. I spread my legs wide and placed them on the outside of his to give him anything he wanted.

I could tell he smiled back as his hands roamed over my torso. Within minutes, 'my' dress was pulled back up, and his hands went under the elastic of 'my' panties.

"Daddy, whatcha doin'?" I asked in a mock innocent voice.

"Just checking your equipment, son. Making sure it still works and all."

"Oh 3; should I check yours, also?" I asked with a slight teasing giggle.

"You can if you want to, but my 'equipment' probably won't work for another hour or so, so don't be too disappointed."

"You mean there's nothing I can do to make you feel good again? Are you sure?" I said with another giggle.

"Well 3; there might be something your mouth can try and do again."

What's with the mouth thing?

"I guess I can try, Daddy," I said and rolled over to face his crotch area again.

I lowered his boxers down again, and found his flaccid penis. With as much tenderness as I could muster, I reached down and started stroking him to a semi-hard state. With a deep breath, I lowered my mouth down on his cock for a second time. This time, I had no problems getting him inside my ten year old mouth.

"Play with my balls, Sammy, but do it gently," he requested. I reached down with my left hand and started massaging his hairy nuts. It was like playing with a pair of extra fuzzy tennis balls. I moved my head up and down the length of his shaft while continuing to play with them.

Within mere moments he was rock hard again, and meeting me with upward thrusts of his hips to my face. Each time he thrust upwards, his cock slid down my throat with now practiced ease. It's amazing the things you can get used to. Following one time after he pushed inside, I closed my lips to encircle his manhood, just to see what would happen when he pulled out. The effect caused a groan to escape from him, and I knew I had done something right.

After only a few more minutes, his breathing deepened and his thrusts were becoming more violent, followed by a large thrust as he released a substantial amount of semen down my throat. He dug his nails into my asscheeks as he came. He actually drew blood from that.

I wasn't sure I liked the taste of his cum or not. It tasted like buttermilk, but not as sweet. Since he had cum already, this time wasn't very much, and I swallowed all of it, not sure if it was the right thing to do or not. He seemed to appreciate it.

"Wow, boy, that was good; very good," he commented. I smiled. For some reason, I liked pleasing him.

Just then, a car stopped outside, and a door closed. I looked at the clock; our hour was up. He paid me a hundred and twenty dollars. And I left as Dan opened the door. I walked out to a vacant car, and got in the front seat. After the two talked for a minute or so, Dan climbed in the driver's side.

"Well, sport, how did it go?" He asked as he started the car. I shrugged and showed him the money. "Good job, sport, good job." I started to give him his twenty, when he held up his hand to stop me. "The first one, you keep. Pay me after the next customer. You want another one?"

"Who is he?"

"This one likes to tie up the boys. Interested?" I had been fascinated with being tied up since I was five. Here was a chance to get paid at the same time. I nodded. "Good. Now, he will tie you up, and do some other things to you. If it is too much for you, all you have to say is, 'Steve', and he will stop. This also goes with any other client."

"What other stuff is he gonna do?" I asked with just a hint of nervousness.

"A spanking, nothing too rough, though. Also just a little cbt, and a little nipple torture, but it's nothing too extreme."


"Cock and Ball Torture," he answered.

"Do what?"

"Don't worry, sport, it won't hurt too bad, okay? You can handle a little pain, can't you?"

Oh, sure, no fucking problem.

I shrugged my answer.

"That's the spirit, sport. Go ahead and get changed into your cut-offs and t-shirt while I get you there. His name is Mr. Foster, and he is a nice man, just with a different taste."


"How do you feel, Scotty?" The real voice of Dan brought me back to the present day.

I turned to look at the doorway, and smiled a weak smile. "Better, after Randy put that cream on my back. Do we have any clients tonight?"

"The others do, but you and Randy don't. Amy has your money for the weekend, and the two of you can stay here tonight while we take the others out. Amy has some work to do at the office and won't be home till after we leave, so you'll be on your own for a few hours. Can you handle that?"

We nodded, and smiled at each other. We could definitely handle that.

Chapter 4
The Video

This is a chapter of Randy getting his anus broken in by his well hung father, Dan.

Following several hours of Randy tending to my wounds, we decided to rejoin the human race. Amy had already left for her office, and Dan and the rest of the boys were getting ready for this evening's clients. We said our farewells, and they headed out, leaving us in front of the TV. I was stretched out on the couch, lying sideways and Randy was sitting on the floor in front of me.

"So, what do you wanna watch?"

"I dunno, you?" I answered.

"How about a video?"

"Sure, what do you have?" I was kind of in the mood for a nice sci-fi flick.

"Well, we got the usual stuff, but then we have some homemade movies."

"What homemade movies?" Thinking that it would be vacation stuff, or something equally boring.

"How about one of us getting our cherry popped by Dad?"

"Do what?! You gotta be kidding. You taped that?"

"Sure, he taped all three of us getting popped."

"Your mom taped them?"

"No, while dad did one of us, she took the other two of us to the movies and dinner. She didn't want to think about what was going to be happening. But he taped each of us getting popped so that we would remember what we looked like when we were younger."

"Sure, go ahead, pop one in," I said, and then we snickered at the joke (okay, lame, but funny). When the laughter died, I added, "Just not Rudy, okay?"

"Agreed," he said wistfully.

He recovered quickly, put the tape in, and pushed the play button while I stretched out on the couch. He joined me on the couch where my feet were. He picked them up and placed them in his lap as the TV cleared of screen snow. We watched and saw a six year old boy being led into a padded room by his father; his father was completely nude, and he was only wearing a t-shirt and underpants.

"You?" I asked. He nodded with a slight smile.

The camera was positioned to show him from behind, and to the left. The far wall was covered in mirror tiles, to show Randy's front also. I saw Dan's front as well; and boy was he hung, alright. His dick was at least eight [20 cm] inches long, and he wasn't even remotely hard, yet.

We watched as Dan guided Randy to the center of the room. He looked around the room at the things on the walls. There were instruments that were foreign to me, as well as Randy at the time, but as the video continued each of them were used on my friend. Other items were obvious: a whip, paddle, crop, switch, leather cuffs, etc. On a table to the left of the camera, there were some dildos, vibrators, straps, and gags of different sizes.

Dan had Randy stand in the middle of the room while he went to the wall and pulled off four leather straps and walked back to the shaking little boy. Randy's eyes were tearing up as his father put each of the cuffs on him.

"Dad, please don't 3;," Randy pleaded with Dan.

"Son, you have to know what the worst of things that you're going to go through when you are with the client so you can handle the pain. There are some men that will do things to you that you can't imagine. This is just the beginning lesson. Now, stop crying, and do what you're told. You've seen Rudy's video and how well he handled it."

Randy sniffled, wiped his nose with the back of his hand, and nodded. Dan finished putting each of the straps on Randy's limbs, and walked behind his son. He pulled Randy's arms up, and linked the two wrist cuffs together. He pulled a rope down from the pulley attached to the ceiling, and clipped the cuffs to the end of the rope. He walked off camera to the side of the room, and pulled the rope to suspend Randy in the air. His feet were about two inches [5 cm] off the ground when Dan tied off the rope.

As Dan walked back over to his middle son, he clipped the ankle restraints to two eyebolts bolted to the floor, pulling the boy to his limits. His legs were spread apart slightly. Dan walked towards the wall, and returned to Randy with the switch. He did a couple of practice swings before standing next to the six-year-old. Without preamble, he swung the switch hard against Randy's backside. The boy screamed as the stick made contact with his young flesh. The camera showed the welt rising quickly across the middle of Randy's ass. Nine more lashes were laid across the boy's soft skin before Dan stopped swinging.

"He's really tearing into you," I commented.

"Dad does that to start the session. It'll get worse, trust me," said and sort of fidgeted on the couch.

I nodded. I believed him.

I continued to watch as Dan walked back over to the wall and retrieved the riding crop. After a few practice swings with that, he lashed Randy's ass again. With each swing, it brought a fresh set of wailings and pleadings from the six-year-old. Randy was being torn to shreds, but there was nothing he could do to stop it.

A leather belt followed the crop, and the paddle followed the belt. After the tenth swat with the paddle, Randy's whole ass was one big dark red mass, from two inches [5 cm] above the curve to two inches [5 cm] below it. Even through the thin layer of his underpants, I could tell my friend's ass was bruised. Dan never held back when each implement was used on my friend, so each and every one was hard and extremely painful.

Dan went to the side table and stalked back to Randy carrying a six inch [15 cm] knife. The look in Randy's eyes went from pleading to terror in under a second. The knife was then used to cut away the boy's t-shirt and underpants, leaving him totally naked and helpless. I then saw the extent of the damage to Randy's skin. His asscheeks were almost totally black and blue. I looked up at the ten year old Randy, and he smiled, but I don't think it was a sincere one.

Back on the television, Dan walked off, and returned with two alligator clips. After playing with and pulling on Randy's nipples, Dan applied one clip to each nipple. Randy screamed like hell and thrashed around madly trying to dislodge the clips, but it was no use; Dan put them on too well. Randy had to accept his torment. Once Randy settled down from that, Dan walked back over to him, and tied weights to the ends of the clips. This caused the clips to bite into his flesh further, and pull the boy's abused nipples downward. The more Randy moved and squirmed, the more they sunk into the pink sensitive flesh. Dan waited for his son to settle down before going to the next step of his plan.

When the six-year-old finally calmed down, Dan picked up the leather belt again and struck Randy's bleeding nipples with the loose end of it. The clips dug in further, sending waves of pain through the boy's chest. A small bit of blood flew away from the skin and landed on the floor beneath Randy. The belt landed a total of ten times on the child's nipples, and I saw my friend reduced to a string of whimpers and tears. As I watched the video, I saw the real Randy unconsciously move his right hand to his chest.

I was really feeling sorry for Randy, but I remembered what he had said earlier; it was going to get worse. It did get worse for the boy. Dan grabbed two more alligator clips and attached them to the six-year-old's balls. Randy screamed louder than he did before, and the sound sent chills up and down my spine. I watched as Dan then took the belt to Randy's flaccid cock and balls for ten licks. The boy tried to guard his privates as best as he could, but being stretched out like he was, there was no hope in that.

Randy was still begging for Dan to stop the torment, but the sounds fell on deaf ears. I continued to watch as Dan then took a small pail of water and poured it over his son's head. He then took a cord and wound one side of the cord (I learned later that it was the negative side of the cord) to the alligator clip on Randy's right nipple. The other side of the cord (the positive side) was attached to the clip on his left testicle. The plug was inserted into the wall, and a roller switch was clicked on to mild. Electrical current started to pass through the lad's body. The current was not strong enough to kill him, of course, but it was enough to cause some pain.

I watched as Randy thrashed around trying to escape the inescapable. The clips were too well attached to him, and the cord was wound around the clips to tightly to let loose. After Dan put his middle son through the electrical torture for about five minutes, he detached the cord from the clips, and allowed his son to rest for a minute.

By this time, Dan's cock had begun to harden. It was already at least ten inches [25 cm] long as wide as my wrist. Randy was in for a really hard (stupid, but forgive the pun) time. That monster of a cock was going to rip my friend's anus wide open. I was thinking that Randy wouldn't be able to sit down for a month after this episode.

When next Dan approached his son, his cock was sticking out at its limit of just over twelve inches [30 cm]. Dan walked up behind the child and greased up his rear end with some sort of gel. He slid his forefinger on his right hand inside Randy's well lubed asshole. The boy grunted at being invaded for the first time; the first time of many to cum (okay, another dumb pun; get over it).

Dan then inserted his left forefinger inside the same opening, and Randy squealed at having his asshole stretched that far. Dan let him get used to having two fingers inside his rectum then he started to pull his two fingers apart, stretching the same asshole even farther. Randy now knew that begging his father to stop was useless, but screaming was not beneath him yet. Dan continued to work the boy's asshole over, getting him as wide as possible before he pulled his fingers out of him.

Randy relaxed, not knowing the main even was yet to come. Dan greased up his monster cock and lined it up to Randy's virgin asshole. Begging was now back in the picture for Randy as he now realized the inevitable was about to happen.

"Please, Dad, please don't do it; it's gonna hurt," was all Randy could get out before Dan impaled the six-year-old on his cock. The scream was enough to tear my eardrums, and it was only a tape. The problem was, Dan only had the head past the boy's sphincter. Well, he was right; it hurt.

Dan grabbed Randy's armpit to prevent him from going any further forward, and drove another two inches [5 cm] inside his son's asshole. Randy was still trying to put up a good fight, begging Dan to stop, while wiggling around in his bonds. All of his effort was useless in the struggle. There was no way Dan was going to stop.

While Dan was force-feeding his cock to Randy's young ass, my cock was getting harder watching it. Randy noticed me getting hard, and worked his experienced mouth around my hard-on. I moaned at Randy's ministrations while on the screen the younger Randy was getting impaled worse and worse; his pain was clear by the look on his face. As young Randy's pain was worsening, I found it more and more exciting and older Randy was doing a superb blowjob. I found it difficult to concentrate on the screen, other than hearing Randy's screams and beggings for mercy.

When next I looked, Dan was fully inside the youngster's hole. Dan allowed his son to settle down a bit before really fucking him. As I opened my legs and put my upper foot on his shoulder to allow the older Randy better access to my groin, Dan began to pull out of younger Randy's backdoor, to begin the slow and tortuous process of a good hard fuck. As I built up to my climax, Dan was building to his on the screen. With one final bob of his head, Randy had me cumming as I saw Dan begin pulling out of a preteen's asshole. Semen and blood was running down young Randy's legs and pooling on the floor beneath him.

Randy cleaned my cock off with the expert use of his tongue then slipped his legs behind mine. I returned to my previous position of lying on my side. I watched as Dan walked away from Randy, leaving him hanging by his wrists. The boy was in utter shambles, crying and continuing to beg his father not to continue.

"You know we have to go on, Randy," Dan said, off camera. "There are more things you have to get used to. Now, take a few minutes and recover your strength, because the next part is going to hurt even worse."

Young Randy groaned at having to endure more pain, but made no other sound at acknowledging his father's comment. I watched as he hung there getting no relief for the pain in his backside. Finally, Dan walked back on camera with a large dildo with some sort of cream smeared on the stalk of it.

The dildo was smaller than Dan's hardened cock, so I didn't see how this was going to hurt the boy any more than he had already been hurt. Dan walked up behind him as he had done before, and placed the dildo at the boy's rear entrance. Without preamble, he shoved the tool inside him. I heard the younger Randy hiss at the violent intrusion, but then settle down for a short time.

Tape was used to keep the dildo in its place. After the short respite was up, Randy started squirming like something was bothering him. He didn't show any signs that something unusual had happened, except having a seven inch [17½ cm] dildo shoved up his ass. Something was bothering him, though.

"Still wondering what is going on?" Older Randy asked. I nodded. "Dad put sports cream on the dildo." I was still puzzled. "It causes your ass to feel like it's on fire. And I mean like it's blazingly on fire. You will do anything to get that thing out of you when that is done."

"That bad?"

"Really that bad, Scott. It feels good for about a second or two, but then the cream starts to do its work, and it feels like someone put a torch up your butt."

"Wow 3;" I silently mouthed. "And there's nothing you can do about it?"

"Nope. It takes a good half an hour before the heat eases up. Before then the heat gets worse and worse."

By this time, Young Randy was back to screaming and begging Dan to make it stop. Dan just walked around his son and watched. For a few circles around, that was all he did; watch. But after the third or fourth time around, he reached out and enveloped his little dick in his right hand. Randy reacted with a sudden stop to his beggings. A slopping sound filled the room as Dan stroked the boy's dick to full erection. But instead of continuing until Randy climaxed, he let go of him in mid-stroke.

Frustrated, Randy looked at his dad, but Dan just turned and walked away. Young Randy looked down to his erection then started a small dance. I assumed he was still trying to get his orgasm, but I was wrong.

"He's put the cream on your dick, didn't he?" I asked Randy. Randy just nodded. "Ho, boy," I exhaled.

A few minutes lapsed and six-year-old Randy had returned to the screaming and begging routine. His cock must have felt like a four alarm fire by this time. He was trying anything and everything he could to get the relief he needed. Nothing worked, of course. The poor boy was locked into a pain he could not relieve.

Soon enough, Dan walked back over, this time with another raging hard-on. He pulled the tape off the dildo buried in his son's asshole, pulled the fake cock out, and replaced it with his own real one. The act took only a fraction of a second. Even with the residue of the cream inside his son, Dan didn't seem to mind fucking him. It was as if the cream didn't bother him.

"Doesn't the cream hurt your dad's cock?" I asked.

"No. Dad's used to the sting of it by now. He had it done to him when he was eight, and grandfather put him to work to make money for the family."

"Did your uncle have to do this also?" By this time I knew pretty much the whole family; when I say knew, I mean 'knew' in an intimate way. His grandfather reamed me hard a few months ago. I couldn't sit down for thanksgiving dinner without squirming.

"No, just Dad; I don't know why, and Dad won't tell me. I did ask him once about it, and he just said, no. But it was a 'no' that meant to drop the subject."

Now, Dan was giving his son another serious fuck, and Randy was still screaming. I then saw Dan reach around and start to stroke his son's cock again. He didn't clean it off of cream, he just began stroking it. When Dan had sent sperm shooting into Randy's now well-laid ass, the boy came just after him.

Randy slumped in his bonds as Dan pulled his weakening cock out of him once again. I watched in fascination as Dan walked off camera and walked back to the defeated youngster to wipe his legs of jizm and blood. The cloth got redder as Randy was cleaned off. As he wiped the cream from his cock, Randy actually thanked his father.

I truly expected the scenario to continue, but Dan reached up and unbuckled Randy's wrists from the restraints to let the boy down. I really felt sorry for him having to go through that ordeal as a first-timer. I had been down there myself, but only after I had some experience, and, yes, it was filmed.

"Is that it?" I asked Randy.

"No, just wait and see," he countered.

I continued to watch the screen as six year old Randy slumped to the floor after Dan let him loose. I saw what damage he had done to the boy's backside. His whole asscheeks were black, blue and red. I actually saw his gaping hole between those cheeks and I knew it would never return to its original tightness, neither was mine in point of fact. Randy was probably as loose as most whores on the streets that episode.

Dan walked in front of him and put his softened cock to the boy's lips. Randy didn't want to have anything to do with it and backed away. I saw Dan actually slap him upside the head.

"That was a mistake," ten-year-old Randy said.

Back on the screen, Randy opened his mouth to clean his father's dick. The boy was revolted at having something in his mouth that was just up his ass, but considering the alternative, he licked the tool until it was clean.

As Randy continued to clean, I noticed that not only was Dan getting harder, so was older Randy. When Dan was satisfied with the firmness of his mammoth cock, he grabbed Randy by the hair, and shoved it down his throat. The boy gagged on it, trying to force it back out, but Dan would have none of that and held onto him tighter.

Meanwhile, older Randy began to stroke his little erection, getting more and more turned on by what he was watching on the TV. I turned onto my stomach and opened my legs. I wanted him to know that I was willing to return the favor that he gave me earlier. I wasn't disappointed. He saw what I did and moved gingerly on top of me.

When he made contact with my abused skin, I hissed and closed my eyes.

"You don't have to do this, you know, Scotty," he commented.

"I know how much you have always liked my ass, Randy. So 3;," I trailed off.

He eased his tiny erection into my waiting boyhole. The renewed sensation of something sliding into my own well-laid ass did nothing but send shards of pain up my spine. I pushed him off me. It was too soon for this; I needed more time to heal.

As sort of a consolation prize, I had him lay with his back where my head had been resting. I knew how to please a man, or a woman for that matter, so sucking him off was hardly going to be a let down for him.

I took to my task as a fish takes to water, using all the tricks (another bad pun, sorry) of my trade. He put his arms behind his head and laced his fingers to keep them there and let me work.

While young Randy was being forced to take an enormous cock down his small throat, I had no problem easing the older Randy's preteen cock into mine. My mouth and tongue worked in concert together to bring him over the edge of a really nice orgasm. Dan cried his release for the third time on the TV screen, sending some jizm down Randy's young throat.

The weirdest thing happened next; I laid my head down on Randy's groin, wrapped my arms around his back, and fell asleep.

I woke up to Dan, Roger, Red, and Mickey walking in the door. Roger looked a little sulky, but the others looked at me with a sort of pity in their eyes. I couldn't believe I had slept that long, after just sleeping most of the morning. Amy actually came in from work and went to bed while I slept; that was how out of it I was.

"Feeling better, Scotty?" Mickey asked. I nodded, but I was still a little sore. Randy, Red, Mickey, and I went to Randy's room for the night. Roger went to his room to sleep it off before Sunday. We still had one more day of possibly making money, and I was kind of anxious to get some of it.

When we walked in the room, Randy asked how the night went. It seems Mickey had to take care of Mr. Foster as well as Mr. Crandall.

"So you spent pretty much the entire evening tied up, huh?" Mickey smiled at my question that he didn't need to answer. Plus, his cock was rock hard, as usual after a night like this one. Mr. Crandall was another one of our clients that liked Mickey the best. Mickey usually spent the time getting his fat behind spanked and paddled by him. He used to be a headmaster of a school.

"What about you, Red?" Randy asked.

"Mr. Fields for two hours, and then a new client who went by the name, 'Bob'. He seemed familiar, somehow, though. Oh, well, another three hundred dollars," he stated as he stretched out on the bed.

Usually, after an easy night, we would 'play' for a while, but we didn't seem in the mood for it that night, so we called it and went to bed. The others went to sleep quite easily, but I had slept most of the day away, so falling asleep was not going to come soon.

I tried lying on my back, and it didn't hurt like it did before, so I stayed that way. Randy was lying on his side and swung his leg over onto my stomach then fell asleep. If he could lie there with my head in his crotch for a few hours while I slept, then I guess I could let him curl up next to me while he slept. It seemed only fair.

Chapter 5
From the Beginning III

Our young pro, Scott, is taking his first lesson in getting tied by a client.

Lying there with Randy's leg on me and with the other three boys in the room was like having my own little family outside of my own. But that night when Mickey told that he had spent the time with Mr. Foster, it allowed me to think about when I first met him 3;


The car pulled up in the driveway and Dan got out and walked me up to the door. After ringing the bell, we waited. Dan looked at me and smiled to reassure me of my safety. The door opened suddenly with a man standing in the doorway with a robe on.

"Scotty, this is Mr. Foster," he said to me and we nodded to each other. I think he could tell I was as nervous as humanly possible about meeting him. Dan turned to him to speak. "Carl, Scott's new at this, so please go easier on him than you do with Mickey." Mr. Foster nodded to Dan that he understood, and the two parted company. I walked in the house at his welcome.

When the door closed, I turned and saw him take off his robe. I had to struggle not to be more apprehensive than I already was. He was dressed in nothing but leather pants with a flap over the crotch. He wasn't wearing a shirt, but five leather belts connecting to a metal ring in the center of his chest. Two belts rested on his shoulders, two more circled his chest, and the last one went down to the snap on his pants. No socks or shoes were worn but there was no need for them anyway.

Except for the bare feet, he looked like something I would expect from the middle ages. My nervousness grew. Then, he did something unexpected; he smiled.

"Thirsty?" He asked me. I was shocked, but nodded. We walked to the kitchen where he gave me a small drink of water and we sat down at the bar. He looked me in the eye and started talking while I drank the water.

"Is this your first time doing this?" He asked.

"Well, I just had someone," I admitted.

"Probably Chester Jackson," he guessed. I looked at him in shock as he guessed correctly. He smiled again before continuing. "We all tend to run in the same circles, Scott. That way, we can sort of protect ourselves from the police. Now, let me explain this to you as I do all the boys at the beginning.

"This part of the job is technically called Bondage, or bdsm for short. bdsm stands for Bondage, Domination, Sadistic or Sado-, Masochism. Basically, it means that we like to tie up people and torment them for mutual pleasure. Are you with me so far?"

"I think so," I was a little confused, but was getting a bit more relaxed as he talked. He didn't seem the ogre I thought he was when I first saw him dressed as he was.

"Now, during your time with me, I am called, 'Master' or 'Sir'. Got it?"

"Yes, Sir," I answered.

"Good; now, listen up, because I'm only going to say this once. If you will do as directed, then I will ask you back. If you don't; this will be the only time you are here."

"Yes, Sir," I answered again.

For the next half hour, he outlined my tasks while being his slave for him. During this time, he never explained anything more than once, but he didn't have to; I took in every word. He also told me that he had worked it out with Dan that while he was explaining things to me that no time was lapsing for him, so my time didn't start until he was finished talking.

"Now, being that this is going to be your first time with me, I will go a little easier on you than I do on Mickey."

"May I ask a question, Sir?"

"Yes, but after your question, you may not talk unless given permission. Understand?"

"Yes, Sir. Does Mickey really like getting spanked?"

He laughed for a minute before answering. "Yes, he does like it. I was surprised when I was whipping him with the belt for the first time to find him with an erection. I took it to the next level with him that night and he loved every second of it. I was impressed. He's a natural sub."

"Sub, Sir?" I said, and then caught my mistake. "Oops. I'm sorry, Sir. I spoke without permission."

"Well, I'll excuse this one, Scott, but not another one. As for your question, a sub is short for submissive. It is one who likes being either dominated or punished or both. Mickey will make someone a good wife."

I laughed at his joke then once again caught myself. I had to remember why I was there. I was there for his pleasure, not mine. He looked at me and smiled.

"Ready to get started?"

"Yes, Master," I answered him.

"Good. Strip; now, boy," he ordered. I slid off the barstool and took my clothes off, placing them on the bar. When I was finished, I stood before him stark naked; ready for inspection. He walked around me, looking at everything. He even ran his finger up my crack.

When he was finished with the inspection, he took me by the hand and led me to a door on the side of his staircase. After he opened the door, I saw that there was another set of stairs, but these led downward. When we arrived in the basement, I took in everything I saw in the room.

In the middle of the room was a cross in the shape of an 'X' and made out of wood. It was bolted to the floor. At each end of the X were leather cuffs and in the middle was a leather belt. Also in the middle was a hole drilled in it. Being tied up was one thing, but this was something out of a horror movie, and my apprehension returned. Actually, I was getting scared shitless.

There were things hanging from the wall opposite the cross. Paddles, crops, leather straps, and one very thick whip hung from different hooks on the wall. Fear had gripped my very being and the only thing I wanted to do was run out of there as fast as possible.

He left me standing next to the cross and walked over to the table. When he returned, he had a leather blindfold in his hand. He told me to turn around and after obeying, he put the blindfold in its place over my eyes. He then led me to the cross and had me step up on something. I felt him take my right arm first and attach the leather cuff around it. He repeated the process with my left arm. He pulled something and my arms were forced upwards, making me stand on my toes.

Mr. Foster came back around and I felt his hand at my groin. I then learned what the hole in the middle of the cross was for. He pulled my cock and balls through the hole, making sure my middle was not going anywhere. Something was tied to my cock's head and it was pulled upward; stretched to its limit. I winced at having it forced so tight. Another, what felt like leather, straps were attached to each testicle and they were pulled apart and downward. I now groaned a bit, not being used to this.

He came back around to my backside and buckled the leather belt at the middle of my back. He then took each of my feet and put them on small platforms on the cross, but also tied them to it by way of the leather cuffs. I was tied to this thing and not going anywhere fast. One final thing he did was he put a ball gag in my mouth before he was totally finished. I was panicking inside. How was I supposed to say the code word if my mouth was gagged?

"Well, that ought to do it, boy," he stated when he finished. "If things get too much for you, simply knock on the cross with your fist and I will stop. Understand?"

I nodded and breathed a little easier. I had a way out. I just hoped he would abide by his own rule. I heard him walk away and return. I heard a whoosh and felt wind blow past me and I kind of got the idea what was going to happen next.

Sure enough, "SMACK!" the paddle landed square across my ass, sending my groin into the hole of the cross even deeper. I whimpered as I felt him pull back and line up for another swing. Another, "SMACK!" and I was once again pushed into the hole of the cross. After the third hit, I could feel my cock begin to harden.

Why the fuck is that happening?

It was Mickey that liked this sort of thing, not me. I always hated getting spanked by my father; not that he did it all that much. I still hated getting the spankings, though. Why was my cock getting hard?

The fourth and fifth strikes rained down on my helpless asscheeks and my cock had now turned into a three inch [7½ cm] flagpole. I was actually starting to thrust my hips into the cross with every swing of the paddle. I tried to hide the fact that my lascivious nature was enjoying the paddling, but he noticed after the tenth swat. He had stopped hitting me for some reason and noticed I was grinding my groin into the wood. When I heard his voice it was in front of me.

"Well, well, well, we have another masochist here, don't we?" He chided. "Well, we'll just have to keep doing this, won't we?" And with that, he walked back around behind me again.

As the piece of wood struck my ass for the eleventh time, the pleasure was building to its inevitable peak. I groaned as conflicting feelings were running through my mind. I wasn't supposed to be enjoying this. Spankings and paddlings were supposed to hurt, not feel good. Oh, my ass was turning to flames, but my cock was rock hard, and I was trying to cum like crazy.

Following the fifteenth strike, my body erupted in the ultimate form of pleasure as my lust reached its zenith. Oh, he continued to paddle me, but it didn't matter; I had reached orgasm, and that was all that mattered. After the twentieth swat on my derrière, he put the paddle back in its place on the wall.

I felt him walk up behind me again, but this time, he didn't strike me with anything. He just ran his hands up and down the back part of my body, as if he were worshiping it in some way. He paid special attention to my enflamed asscheeks; I even felt him kiss them a couple of times. The gentleness of the act made me shudder before he stopped. I heard him walk back around to stand in front of me then I heard something being slid up to the cross. The ball gag was removed and he grabbed me by the hair, but the angle was wrong. He wasn't reaching up for it, but down for my head.

"My turn, boy. Open your mouth," he said and the voice was coming from above me. I obediently opened my mouth. I heard the snaps on his groin flap open, and for the second time that day, an adult cock was placed inside my ten year old mouth.

What is it about the boy's mouth thing?

I could tell Mr. Foster was a little longer that Mr. Jackson, but thinner. I was able to swallow his cock with very little difficulty. I didn't even gag once. I was actually proud of myself about that. He groaned the second the head of his cock passed the back of my mouth and made it down my throat. I closed my lips around his adult tool to allow a suction effect. By his reaction, he seemed to like it.

I felt the leather of his leggings on both facial cheeks as he sank his man-meat down my throat. I heard him gasp as the suction effect helped stimulate his organ when he pulled back out. I was having an adverse effect on him and he knew it. When he drove his cock back down my throat, it was too abrupt and I wasn't ready for it, so I backed my head up a little. He wouldn't have any of that. With my hair wrapped up in his fist, he forced my head back towards him and I felt his leggings against my cheeks again.

After that little stutter, I remained where I was as he face-fucked me. Even with the little experience I had so far, I could tell when he was getting close to cumming. It didn't take long before he was shooting a wad of cum down my throat. I choked on some of the slippery fluid as I wasn't expecting it to shoot out like it did, but I did manage to recompose myself and finish swallowing the rest of it.

"Very good, boy; very good," he praised. "You're one damn good cocksucker. You know that?"

I smiled at his commendation and thanked him, remembering to call him 'Master'. He tousled my hair then climbed back down the steps he had brought over. I then wondered what he was going to do next; I didn't have long to wait.

He removed my blindfold, but kept me pinned up to the cross. I noticed that his erection had not gone down.

"Master, may I ask a question?"

"Yes, boy," he answered.

"Why is your thing still hard?"

"It's called a 'cock', boy, not a 'thing'. To answer your question, it is because there is an herb I get from the orient that allows me to remain hard for hours. It will stay hard even after I cum. I find it best if I don't take the time to recover after each and every time I blow my load." I nodded. "Any other questions?"

"No, Master," I replied.

"Good. Now it's back to business."

He walked behind me and I felt him attach something to my right asscheek. It felt like a piece of tape of some sort. Then I felt him move my chest back and he attached some kind of clip to my left nipple. I gritted my teeth at having something attached to a sensitive area. Another clip was placed on my other nipple as well. This one didn't surprise me as much as I had a feeling what he was about to do, but it did hurt just as well.

He left me hanging for a few seconds before he came back. I heard a click then felt electricity shoot through my body starting at the points where he had attached something. The effect hurt but had a different reaction on my cock; it started to grow again.

Why the fuck was this thing doing this?

Mr. Foster regulated the amount of electrical current going through my body, making it surge with power, or tingle with only a touch. Either way, my cock was obeying its own desires. For some reason, I was starting to really enjoy the pain coming from what was happening. But, I was here not for my pleasure and enjoyment, but Mr. Foster's. He did seem to enjoy himself, though, even as I did.

The electricity was used for what seemed like for over a half an hour, but was probably only ten minutes. Time seems to stand still when you're tied up and blindfolded. When he stopped the electric shock treatment, I heard him walk back around to my front again and I knew he saw my erection.

"So, you really do like the pain as much as the pig. Well 3; that's good to know," he said, almost under his breath. Turning back to me, he said louder, "You may finish, if you wish, boy."

I pushed my pelvis into the leather covered wood hole, and pulled back out. I humped the cross as hard as possible, trying with all my might to reach orgasm. It seemed to take forever this time. Mr. Foster noticed that as much as I tried, I couldn't cum. I heard him walk away from me and return in mere moments.

Before I knew it, the paddle landed against my asscheeks one more time, driving my pelvis into the cross's middle. "SMACK!" another one landed, and then another, then another, until my whole body tensed and a very powerful orgasm was breached.

I collapsed, spent, hanging from my bonds connected to the cross. I felt like I had just run a marathon, twice. My body felt like it was drenched in sweat. The room seemed to spin out of control as my mind reeled in confusion. At the time, that was the most powerful climax I had felt. I never forgot that feeling. I've had more powerful climaxes since (more on that later), but that was the first one that really sent me into orbit.

"About time, boy; I was wondering if you'd ever finish. Of course, now it's time for you to return the favor again," he said, and the glee was very evident in his voice.

I was expecting another round with him down my throat, but he didn't want that again. This time he walked up right behind me and I felt his erection between my buttcheeks. This time was for real. I closed my eyes and let him do what he wanted; not that I had much choice in the matter.

With infinite patience he rubbed the head of his dick up and down my crack, as Mr. Jackson had done, to get some pre-cum lubrication. I knew how big he was and I knew I could handle him, as he was thinner than Mr. Jackson. When he had enough lubricant lining my asscheeks, he pushed forward and for the second time inside of two hours, and adult cock was sliding into me.

I groaned at the intrusion, of course, but the feeling wasn't too unpleasant. He was larger than Rudy, but still, I didn't hate it. When had buried himself inside me to the hilt, he stood still for a moment. I think he thought I needed the respite, but it didn't last long. Within mere seconds, he pulled back out till the head of his cock was just barely inside, and then rammed it back inside.

The suddenness of the assault made me hiss in my breath. Before anything could register in my preteen mind, he pulled back out again. The fucking had begun, and he was using his full body to do it. He grabbed my hair and pulled my head back as far as it would go, and then laid a full mouth kiss on my lips. That move surprised me even more than the initial fuck. I felt his tongue force its way inside my mouth and touch my tonsil.

When he parted from the kiss, I actually felt emptied, at least in my mouth. My tail was getting its opening quite filled. He made two or three more savage thrusts until I heard his guttural voice grunt through another climax. The next second I felt his body tense and sperm shoot into my bowels.

He had now spent himself twice, and surely I thought the evening with him was over, but once again, I was wrong. He pulled his still rock-hard dick out of my backside, leaving me feeling really empty now. I also had a really weird feeling that I needed to take a shit, but that feeling faded after a few minutes.

The electrical nodes were detached from my nipples and buttcheek. He reapplied the blindfold over my eyes. He unclipped the cuffs holding my wrists and ankles to the cross, but didn't release the cuffs from my limbs. My cock and balls were released from their respective prisons, also. He led me off the foot shelves of the cross and guided me to the center of the room.

He walked away to my right, and then I heard something lower from overhead and stop just above me. He returned to stand directly in front of me. The next move was to take the cuffs attached to my wrists and clip them to the bar that was suspended above me. Another bar was laid at my feet to have the cuffs on my ankles clipped to it. I felt a line being drawn up my body and secured to the bar above. He moved off again, and I heard him pull then felt my legs swing upward to meet with the upper bar. The wire (I later found out) was threaded thru a metal loop in the upper bar and clipped to looped wire above it. When the rope was pulled, my legs came out from under me, and I was suspended in air, hanging by my wrists and ankles and those being spread wide open.

My head was forced to fall backwards by the sheer weight of it. I didn't know it, but he also had lowered me down to just about three feet [90 cm] off the ground. It was perfect fucking height, wouldn't ya know. I heard him walk back over to me, and that was when I realized the height my head and tail were placed at. He thumped my forehead with his cock! I think it was to get my attention.

I felt another shock as something was touching my asshole. Then the thing invaded my rear orifice in one smooth stroke. It felt rubbery against my skin. The rubber invader didn't move once it was inside me. I tried to expel it, but I couldn't push it out. Another shock was what I did next, though.

Taking a chance, I stuck my tongue out to touch his cockhead. He took the invitation, and put his crotch right over my face. His fuzzy balls hung down to rest on both sides of my nose as I licked the length of his long fuckstick.

"Open," was all he said. I did. With the position I was in, it allowed his cock to slip down my throat without any resistance. I now had two things shoved inside me for the first time. I then felt him reach up and grab my arms as he walked forward to get further inside my gullet. He held onto my elbows as he pulled his cock back out again. Experience had taught me that that wasn't enough for him. Sure enough, he pushed it back down my throat. Within a few seconds, he built up a steady rhythm of fucking my throat once again.

It was right then that I first taught myself how to escape into my mind. I had had enough sex for the evening, but he wasn't finished. That was fine with me, he was the client after all, but I needed to be elsewhere, that is to amuse myself. Being blindfolded, he was never going to know the difference (and he didn't that time).

I mildly remember him pulling his cock all the way out of my mouth and walking around behind me. The rubber invader was pulled out with a 'pop' sound. And knowing what was coming next; I just slipped back into my make-believe world and let him do as he pleased. I had a vague feeling that he entered me again and took to pumping my asshole. I just hung there, making believe I was somewhere else.

When I felt him grasp my knees real hard and shove even harder, I came out of my 'happy place' to join him in the room as he pumped his semen into me for a third time. As he slipped out of me a few minutes later, I felt his dick droop downward instead of remain firm.

"Well, boy, you've done well for your first time here," he said. "As I see the clock on the wall, you've still got about another half an hour with me. You're gonna stay like this for the next twenty minutes of that time; to reflect."

"Yes, Master," I answered. The rubber invader was shoved back inside and he walked out of the basement. I tried to expel the invader once again, but it was still useless; whatever it was, was stuck inside until he came back for me.

Reflect on what?

Oh, well, at least he was leaving me alone for a while. Being tied up and hung upside down, sort of, was not my idea of a position of reflection, but it would do. I let my head fall back down as I just hung there, thinking.

I began swinging myself back and forth as some sort of amusement to pass the time. After some time had passed, I heard him approach the door and walk in. I stopped my swinging and just hung there, waiting for him to uncuff me.

With another soft 'pop', my rubber lover was removed and he released my ankles from the cuffs. My wrists were next, and I was free from my bonds. He took off the blindfold, and I saw him standing before me totally naked, smoking a cigarette. He smiled down at me as I stood there getting my eyes readjusted to the light. I smiled back up at him when I could see again.

"Well, how was it, Scott?"

"Fun, Sir, thank you," I answered.

"Good. I hope that I will see you again, then."

"Oh, yes, Sir, you will," I countered with a smile.

"Good. You have about ten minutes to get cleaned up and dressed before Dan gets here, so you'd better hurry."

I turned and ran up the stairs to the bathroom where I cleaned out my bowels and wiped my sphincter clean. I went to the bar to get dressed and the doorbell rang, but it wasn't a doorbell sound. It also kept ringing after the door had opened.


I opened my eyes to see that I was back in Randy's bed with the sunlight screaming through the blinds. The alarm had woken the four of us up for the day's adventures.