UnikueWhat Money Can Buy |
SummaryA boy wants to buy a computer. There is a way to earn quickly enough money.
Publ. Oct. 2016
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CharactersAustin and Ethan (boys of unspecified age)Category & Story codesSlave-Boy storyMb bb – slave oral anal – castration (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteThank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author through this feedback form with Unikue – What Money Can Buy in the subject line. |
Ethan was a fairly solitary boy who never really did much with other children, that is except Austin whom you could call his best friend. No, he was more at home with his Nintendo and Commodore 64 than the latest dirt on the girls at school. Ethan's mother Abigail had suggested he volunteer for a term of enslavement, it would force him to interact with other people. It was almost May, all the best slave positions would soon be open. So one day Ethan brought it up with Austin, "My mother thinks I should volunteer for slavery." Austin suggested, "Seriously dude?" Ethan paraphrased, "She thought it would help me socialize more." Austin replied, "Well that much is almost certain depending on what position you get. You know you would be naked right?" Ethan shuddered at the thought, he was a very private person – like many introverted boys his age. His mother hadn't so much as seen his pelvis in years. "But it could be exciting at the same time, and it isn't forever. How about we do it together?" Austin rejected, "No way dude. I want to play for the summer, do some programming. You know that 80386 they came out with last month? That thing can do wicked fast stuff!" "But you don't have one of those, you aren't rich," he replied. Although his family does have more money, which is why he had an IBM instead of a C64. The boys split up when they got to their separate houses. Austin went inside and his mother, Brenda said, "Dinner's almost ready." So Austin washed up, and he, his younger brother Conner, his father Bill, and Brenda sat down for dinner. It started off pretty mundane, but Austin eventually brought up the new 80386 and asked his father if they could get it. "There is nothing wrong with the computer you have, and we don't have the money this summer," Bill replied. "My computer is slow!" he complained. His mother offered, "Well dear, there is one way you could earn the money." "How?" he asked. Brenda said, "Abigail called me this afternoon, and said what Ethan might be doing. You know you could make enough money doing a term." Conner might only have been ten but he knew what a term meant. Austin said, "You want me to become a slave?" Bill offered, "If you do a term of slavery, you can buy that computer you want. If there is any shortfall, we can help you." Of course to a twelve year old infatuated with the prospect of a new computer. His IBM PC had only 320k of RAM and operated at 4.77MHz, but with only a single term, he could have something that was 16MHz. The dreams of youth, so he was warming up to the idea. "I'll do it if Conner does it with me!" Conner interjected, "You want me to be a slave?" He didn't really have a clear conception of what a slave was, but his parents had explained hastily. It's not like the enslavement of children was exactly like the far past. Austin wanted to entice Conner, "Think of it as an adventure that you have never done." Conner was an easily excitable boy, so he said, "I'll do it!" Their parents were thinking they could take a vacation without the kids. Ethan was convinced that night by his mother, on personal growth and monetary grounds. Brenda phoned Abigail that night to ask, "Did you have any spare slavery underwear?" It's the only kind Abigail ever bought because it was so subsidized by the government. "Of course Brenda, you say you need two pairs? Ethan's underwear can fit Austin, but I don't think Conner is big enough. But I'll check to see if Ethan has any old pairs that might not fit him anymore," she put Brenda on hold and went to speak with Ethan. "Ethan, do you have any old pairs of underwear that don't fit you anymore but are still good?" Abigail inquired. "Sure mom, might be a little thin, but it doesn't have any holes in it." Ethan ran up stairs to get one of his good pairs and old pairs of underwear. Abigail inspected the underwear, the front was good, and the clasps at the back released good. "Thank you Ethan, could you run these over to Austin's house?" "Sure thing mom." So Ethan ran over to his friend's house and rang the door bell. His friend answered the door, and asked, "What are you over for?" Ethan showed him the underwear. "What do we need these for?" Austin asked. "Well you and your brother are going to volunteer for slavery aren't you?" Ethan asked. "Yes, 3;" Austin replied with an implied 'so what' in his voice. "You can't exactly get enslaved without these," Ethan explained. "Why not?" "Just wear them and find out," Ethan said. So his friend took the offered underwear, and looked at it. "What is with this flap on the back?" "You'll find out tomorrow," Ethan said mysteriously. "I gotta go!" and he ran off into the darkness.
So Austin took these pairs to his mother, and asked, "What are the flaps on the underwear for mom?" "Oh nothing dear, it is just made to government specifications. You know most boys wear this type of underwear. Now go upstairs and you make sure you both have a bath." The flap was to remain a secret of the underwear, nobody was going to tell him. So that night he and his brother had a bath and went to sleep. The next morning his mother woke both of them up and ordered them, "Put this underwear on." His mother wasn't leaving, and his brother just took everything off and put the underwear on. So he did it right in front of his mother too. She watched them get dressed and get ready to go to school. But she made a point of having them skip breakfast. Ethan was less supervised, because he couldn't put on any other kind of underwear. But he skipped breakfast too. The three of them met up on the path to school, and the only thing Austin said was, "This underwear is drafty!" When they got to school the three of them went straight for the induction room. The man in the room got them registered, and said, "I will need you to go into the next room and take off your clothes except for your underwear. Lay stomach down on the couches, and I will be in five minutes." So the three boys went into the room and undressed. The man watched them as they followed his instructions to the letter. So he joined them five minutes later, and started with Austin. "Austin are you comfortable?" he asked. "Yes, these couches are really nice!" He massaged Austin's back a little to make him more at ease. He pulled the flap on the boy's underwear revealing the inner sides of his bum with his hole right in the middle. The man warned Austin, "This is going to be slightly uncomfortable, just bear with me." The man unwrapped a plug and put it on the end of a mechanical arm. He moved the arm to the anus – which has been called the gateway to slavery in his profession. The tip went slightly in, it caused Austin to yelp a little but was really only at the bare entrance. He went over to Conner next, doing a normal massage and placed a plug at the same point. Ethan was next. It was important to get the tips of the machine just slightly into their anal cavities before going any further. If there was only one of them, he wouldn't bother with the machine. He would just put the plugin by hand, it wouldn't matter if they screamed – and they would scream. But if he had done Austin the screaming probably would have had Conner off the couch and he would probably lose a slave. But once the plugs were confirmed partially into their bums, these boys were all slaves. "Boys this is going to hurt a little," he warned. Of course, he lied a little – these slaves will scream. He liked hearing them scream. So he pressed the button and the arms pushed the lubricated butt plug right into them. All the boys screamed bloody murder. The plugs went in at least eight inches [20 cm]. They can't help but notice. These also have a huge button on the outside of their bums that they will find out the purpose for later. During their little screaming session they found that they couldn't move much because of the presence of the plug holding them. After about ten minutes the pain mostly went away, and the man continued his work. "Congratulations, you are now all slaves. I just have to finish some things, and we can get you ready for transport." He cut the bands around their underwear, and put a slave mark on each of their bums. It looked like a brand, but certainly doesn't feel like one was put on. He put a collar around each of the boys and made sure they were tight. The Devocalizer (DeVoc) was enabled so they couldn't form any sounds. He let Conner and Ethan get up and they both immediately covered their cocks. He quickly slapped their faces and said, "If you ever try to cover your penis again, you will be whipped!" A cage was put around their cocks, and he said, "We don't want you two playing with your penis, that is for your master." The two boys were put into a cage and Conner was sat up with his hands restrained. The man took a bander to Conner's balls and removed them. He joined the other boys in the cage. The boys sat in the cage until about noon, a couple other boys joined them. Ethan and Austin were often bullied by boy named Zack, but now he was in the same cage as they were, but without his balls. The man put a couple of phallic like objects inside the cage and said, "If you are hungry you might want to eat." The boys were all hungry, but Conner was taken out of the cage. So the boys started sucking what looked like cocks and after a minute of effort the cocks spirited food into their mouths. Conner was facing the cock of the man who enslaved him and told, "Suck." So the eunuch put his mouth against the cock and was told what to do, and eventually rewarded with his first meal as a slave. These meals all tasted the same, at first they were revolting. But eventually they started to like them. After the second day, they found themselves standing an auction. A farmer was bidding on most of them, and got Conner for $2000, Zack for $2500, and both Ethan and Austin went for $7000 each – because of their intact testicles. Austin figured he would get at least some money after his term was up, and he could buy his new computer. He really hoped this was all worth it.
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