PZA Boy Stories

aR Jey

Little Boy Friends

Short Stories


Short stories about little boy friends
  1. Best of Both WorldsApr 2005 (4,500 words / 9 pages)
    An alien halfblood orphan is taken to Earth by his uncle. He befriended an earth boy and then something unexpected happens.
  2. Danny & ZackOct 2005 (2,500 words / 5 pages)
    Love story of two boys going on summer camp.
  3. Strange FeelingsMar 2005 (3,000 words / 6 pages)
    Scotty is angry because he have to stay at home for the vacation to baby-sit an 8 year old boy. But it is not as bad as he thought.
Publ. 2004-05 (Nifty); this site July 2015
Finished 10,000 words (7 pages)



Category & Story codes

Boy-Friends story
bb – cons mast oral anal


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Orphan story

This is an orphan story, that means that the author's e-mail address is no longer active and there is no other way to contact the author. Are you the author, please contact me.



Best of Both Worlds

An alien halfblood orphan is taken to Earth by his uncle. He befriended an earth boy and then something unexpected happens.

Alaani (11yo), Drake (11yo)
bb – cons mast oral anal

Author's note

This story has sex in it! There are even underaged boys doing it together. If you just ran into this by mistake, you now have the ultimate chance to leave 3; (hum) 3; (whistle) 3; Ok! Now that we are alone, there are other things to say: In most countries it's against the law, to read stories like this. If you read further, you have to live with it. (grin) And now to your age: In most places, you have to be at a certain age to read erotic fiction, so would all underage people, now leave, please? 3; Ok, ok! If you want it that bad I continue. (But please let go of my leg now).

This is my first science-fiction story.Some things may sound a little weird first, but hey: It's a mad world, isn't it? And remember: It's just a fantasy, so no one's got to be hurt. Although I have to say, that this no story to jerk-off over (I really apologize for that!grin!), because the sex-scenes are scattered around in it. So I hope you enjoy it as it is: A science-fiction short-story that has some sex in it.


"Landing cleared for docking-hangar 45 on Martian spaceport Ganymede. Tractor beam ready to take you over, Calypso. Lean back and relax." he heard the controller tell him over his comm. Rhen Dakar wasn't new to this. It wasn't his first time, he came here. This was the place, he more than any other called home. He had to come back here, to overcome the loss of his best friend Keefe. His friend was involved in a riot on Kitiar, his home planet. One evening he and his small gang of rebels were ambushed by Imperial guards and nearly all were killed. Deadly injured his friend managed to reach his ship and before he died in his arms, he reminded Rhen of the promise he gave. The promise. He seemed to be really talented, getting himself into trouble. Now he was stuck with his 'freight'. An eleven year old Kitiary-halfblood, named Alaani and the son of his friend. Keefe saved his life one day and after their escape, he asked him to take care of his boy, if anything would happen to him. And Rhen promised it. What should he do now? He never had a family. How would he manage to raise a kid? He heard the familiar sounds of the docking-bolts gripping his ship and stood up from the pilots seat. He went to the ships-lounge, where his little passenger waited. He looked at him and smiled. Alaani looked nearly human. His small, grazile body, was around 4'10" [1.47 m] in height, weighing just about 90 pound [40 kg]. Only on closer examination you could notice the soft layer of blond fur covering his body. His ears were slightly pointed and the green eyes had the ovale form of his ancestors. But one thing was sure: This boy was really handsome. He couldn't avoid noticing it. Alaani smiled at him trustfully as they left the Calypso.

Rhen's special talent in forging showed itself one more time, as they came through the controls without any problems. Then they went to his glider to get to his apartment. Alaani wasn't that safe here. The war with the Kitiari ended just a few months ago, after the felines suddenly signed an armistice. Through some circumstances their wifes were no longer capable to get pregnant and they needed the gene-technology of the humans, to save their race. These cats are so stupid. Keefe was the most capable gene-engineer he ever encountered, but the traditionalists of his race, prefered to hunt him, just because he fell in love with a human woman. Kyra was Rhen's sister and died at the ambush. He again looked at the boy sitting beside him. It wasn't Alaani's fault, that he was related to this fierce warrior-race, that killed his sister. Just the opposite: He was her son and Rhen would do anything to protect him. The boy seemed to be deep in thought.

"Are you alright?" he asked him.

Alaani looked at him and Rhen could see the tears in his eyes. "I just thought of mom and dad."

"I know it's hard, but we will go through this together. I'm there for you, from now on."

"Why are they after me this hard? I haven't done anything."

"I don't know, Alaani. Don't worry. I will protect you. They wouldn't dare to come here, to get you. They surely know they aren't welcome."

"Ok Uncle Rhen," the boy replied reassured.

The boy was right. Why were they after him? They shouldn't even know of his existence. Perhaps this data-cristal Keefe gave to him would bring some light to all this. He just has to find someone who could descrypt it, for it was coded in some dreaded phrases that didn't make sense to him. Damn! He shouldn't have quitted these hacker-lessons so quick, he thought to himself.

"Destination reached. Have a nice day, sir." he heard the voice of the auto-pilot announce.

They left the glider and entered the lift. "Ok,boy. Now remember: You are Alan Dakar and you are my son from a relationship I once had, if anyone asks you," Rhen said sternly.

"Yeah! You already told me unc 3; dad! But what should we do now?"

"Apartment 314. Have a nice day," the elevator said, as the door opened.

"Welcome home, Dakar," he heard a slightly familiar voice sneer. He reached for his blaster.

"You shouldn't even think of that, Rhen. From where I am, you and the little bastard are in a clear line of fire for me. Now come in slowly."

Rhen recognized the voice now: It was Tork Vester, a well known and very capable bounty-hunter.

"What do you want, Vester?" he asked, as he carefully entered the room with Alaani just behind him. Now he could see him, sitting on a recliner in his lounge.

The guy smiled at him, while he pointed his blaster at them. "I got an appointment, for getting this little bastard. They want him alive, but if you try something silly, I will have to hurt you real bad," he said.

Rhen heard a slight hiss from behind him. He knew what this meant. He heard it many times when Keefe got into battle-frenzy, while fighting at his side.

Vester hadn't heard it, for he now said: "Come to me you little bastard."

He had a victorious smile on his face as Alaani stepped forward. Vester didn't know enough of his prey. Rhen saw the flexed muscles of Alaani and suddenly heard the familiar sound of the claws sliding out their sheats. With a wild scream Alaani suddenly leapt the whole 5 yards, landing just in front of Vester. With a quick lunge he slashed open his throat. The bounty-hunter didn't even have time to notice what happened to him. In an instant his life-force left him and the arm holding his blaster slumped down.

"I don't like being called a bastard," Alaani sneered.

Rhen stepped up beside him and looked down at his unwanted guest. He saw the clean cut at his throat, where the blood still left the body and he saw the impression of utter surprise in Vester's broken eyes.

"Now we have a problem, little guy. They seem to know where we are. We just pack some things and get outta here. I have to meet someone, who can help us. You go to the arcade at the top-floor playing a little, till I get you. By the way: Remind me to never start a fight with you," Rhen said to Alaani.

The boy was just his little self again. No one would have considered the cute 11 year-old, to be a fierce warrior, as he showed, just seconds before. "Yes Uncle Rhen," he said obediently, smiling innocently. They packed up the things they needed and departed again.

Alaani reached the top-floor minutes later and entered the arcade. The noise he encountered was nearly too much for his heightened senses. The whole room was filled with all sorts of entertainment-machines, emitting the usual mix of sound-effects. Alaani concentrated on blocking them out. After some time there he found a cool new game and played a little on it. Suddenly he felt a very familiar urge. This soft-drink he drank at the Calypso wanted to go out again. He stood up and searched for the loo. He followed the signs leading to it and entered the rest-room. He stepped up to the urinal, took out his dick and began to piss.

Whoo! This was close, he thought to himself. He suddenly noticed a scent near him. His stomach began to warm up and he felt a slight shiver going down his spine. He looked to his side and saw a boy, aproximately his age standing beside him. He was around 4'8" [1.42 m], had brown hair and hazel eyes. Cute! he suddenly thought and his pecker began to get hard.

The boy suddenly noticed Alaanis stare and asked: "Why are you looking at me this way?"

"You 3; you smell so good," Alaani mumbled deep in thought.

The boy blushed. "Thank you! I am Drake. What's your name?" he said coily.

"Alaa 3; Alan. I'm new here," Alaani replied.

"You really seem to like me," Drake said looking at Alaanis now fully erect 4" [10 cm] pecker.

Now it was Alaanis time to blush. He tried to get it back into his pants, but it doesn't seem to fit.

"Maybe I should help you with this," Drake said grinning from ear to ear. Alaani thought he would help him, get it back into his pants, but Drake suddenly started to jerk him off.

"What are you doing?" he asked shocked.

"Jerking you. Doesn't it feel good?" Drake replied, while he continued to pleasure him. Alaani had to admit, that the hand on his dick really felt nice and nodded absently.

"Come on! Let's go into a stall, in case someone comes in," Drake whispered to him. He took his hand and they entered one of the stalls closing the door behind them. "Do me too!" Drake now said urgently.

Alaani looked down and saw that Drake had lowered his pants down to his knees. This way he had an unobstructed view of the boys hard 5" [12 cm] pecker.

This looks nice! he thought and instantly grabbed it.

Quickly the two boys were into their new game and soon they went through very intense dry orgasms one after the other. After they came out of the afterglow they smiled at each other coily.

"That was fun. Thank you!" Alaani whispered to his new friend.

"You're welcome. It was fun for me too," Drake replied.

They both left the rest-room and went to one of the game-machines to entertain themselves.


Rhen wasn't at home for nearly a year, so he just hoped his old chum Taruk was still on business. He didn't know anyone with a higher hacker-ability as this guy. If he couldn't decode the data-crystal nobody could. Eventually he found some of his old contacts and soon he was sitting before his friend.

"It's been a long time," Taruk said to him.

Rhen looked at him. He looked younger than the the 21 years he already lived. He sat in the mechanized wheel-chair especially constructed for him and looked at him expectantly.

"Yeah Taruk. Nice to see you again. I need your help really bad," Rhen said.

Taruk sighed. "I should have known, you don't just drop by. So what kind of trouble did you get yourself in this time?" Taruk asked him.

"I need to retrieve the data from this crystal here." He handed it over to his friend, who instantly inspected it.

"It's Kitiaran work," Taruk said.

"Yeah, I know. I got it from Keefe," Rhen replied.

"Oh! How's the old pussycat?" Taruk asked grinning.

"He was killed a month ago, along with my sister," Rhen said grimly.

Taruk's grin died away instantly. "Sorry! I didn't know. What about Alaani?" he asked.

"He was with me at the time. I care for him now. Keefe managed to reach my ship after he got shot. He reminded me of my promise to take care of Alaani and gave me the crystal," Rhen replied.

"So, let's have a look at it then," Taruk said determined and drove over to one of his workstations.

After some time he looked up again and said: "It seems to use an old Kitiari-code. I surely can descrypt it with some time, but it would get easier if you know the password he used. Try to remember. Did he say something to you?" Rhen thought about the last time he saw his friend. His last words shot into his mind: "Remember your promise. Take care of Alaani. Here 3;! Take this! It's 3; the last refuge." Rhen stated: "Try Alaani."

"I already did. The names of relatives are always the first I try," Taruk said.

"Hmmm 3;, what about last refuge?" Rhen said.

Taruk typed it in and the monitor started flashing. The image of Keefe appeared on the screen looking at the camera. He started to talk:

"Hi Rhen, my old friend. If you see this recording, I'm obviously dead. Sorry about that. You have to take care of Alaani, for he is the last hope for my race to survive. The disease that caused our wives to lose their ability to bear children, is coming from a biological weapon, developed by humans. The effects are irreversible, so I worked on another solution for the problem. I changed Alaanis gene-code causing his body to mutate. I know it's hard, but because he is a half-blood, his chances for survival were really good. The mutation makes it possible for him to get pregnant. You have to find a way to continue my work. The genetic code of my son has to be extracted. If it is injected into another Kitiari boy the mutation should have the same effect on them. I know it's a great task I lay down on your shoulders, but you are the only one that could do it. You are the only hope for my race, although the traditionalists would never willingly take this chance. I'm considered an outcast and you are just a criminal for them, belonging to their arch-enemies. I hope you decide to help my people. Good luck my friend! Mio kash n'idar!"

The screen went blank.

"There is a lot more on the crystal. Seems to be some kind of scientific instructions on how to do it. Tricky thing this it. But if you want my help, I'm always in for a challenge. Eeehm 3; what did this last sentence mean?" Taruk said.

"The true warrior never encounters death," Rhen replied.


As Rhen entered the arcade later on it took him some time to find his nephew, for he and Drake were surrounded by a cheering mob of youngsters. Alaani's incredible reflexes helped him getting the highest score ever on the arcade-game he played. Rhen eventually managed to reach him.

"Time to go, Alan," he said.

"Un 3; Daddy! Did you see my score?" he yelled excited jumping up into his arms.

"Yeah! It's cool, champ. Don't you want to introduce me to your new friend?" Rhen asked, pointing at Drake.

"Sure! This is Drake Carter. I met him here. Drake? This is my dad, Rhen Dakar."

Drake stood up to shake his hand and Rhen couldn't help, but notice something familiar in the boy. "You aren't in any way related to Cole Carter, are you?" Rhen asked him.

"Oh, I am. He's my daddy," Drake replied. What a surprise. Cole was one of his school-mates, when he was young and Drake seamt to be a younger copy of him. After school Cole went to a college to become a doctor. Maybe he should visit him. Not only would they have a place their enemies wouldn't know, it would possibly come in handy that his old friend was a doctor. They would surely need the help of one for the task at hand.

"I think I know your dad from back in school. Maybe I should give you a ride home. This way I would have a chance to meet my old friend again," Rhen said.

"That's cool! I have to go home anyway."

They left the arcade and went to the glider. Soon they were on their way to Drake's apartment-complex.

They entered the apartment and were greeted by Drake's father Cole.

"Rhen?!?" Cole instantly said, recognizing his old buddy. Quickly they were sitting in the lounge exchanging school-memories.

Meanwhile the two boys were retreating into Drake's room. They sat down on the bed, playing a little on Drake's laptop. After some time they got bored.

"What about some sexy games?" Drake suddenly asked.

"Sexy games?" Alaani asked back.

"Yeah! You know, like we did in the restroom," Drake replied.

Alaani nodded excited. He really enjoyed the feelings he got there. Quickly they undressed each other and sat down again stark naked. Instantly they started to jerk each other off. The two boys enjoyed their game very much. Drake suddenly stopped and said: "I show you something new." He leaned down and took Alaani's dick into his mouth. Alaani first looked shocked, but as he felt Drake's soft lips engulfing his pecker, he moaned pleasured. This felt awesome! He threw his head back and closed his eyes. It didn't take him long to go through a very intense dry orgasm. His whole body was shaking uncontrollable, as he felt the pleasure flooding his whole body. Drake was very proud, that his new friend enjoyed his first blowjob so much. After a few minutes Alaani relaxed again.

"Wanna try it too?" Drake asked the little half-blood.

Alaani was eager to please his friend. He knew exactly, that he had to mind his teeth, because they were so sharp, that they would hurt the soft flesh of the dick. He started to suck him and soon he was really into it. He was a quick learner and soon Drake went through his own dry cum. Drake needed a few minutes to regain the control over his body and mind. As he looked up again, he saw Alaani looking down at him fascinated.

"Wow! Did I buck and moan around the same way?" Alaani muttered.

"You bet!" Drake replied smiling and they started laughing.

Then they began to cuddle, with Alaani on top of Drake. Drake was stroking up and down Alaani's back until he suddenly felt the slightly elongated spine near Alaani's cute butt. Unlike full-blooded Kitiaris he didn't have a full-grown tail there. Alaani had to moan softly, because it was a very sensible spot. Drake had noticed before that the skin of his new friend felt like velvet, but now he could clearly see the slight cover of blond fur covering his body, as it stood up from excitement.

"You aren't human," Drake mumbled.

Alaani looked at him, first shocked, then worried and then muttered: "No, I'm not. I'm half Kitiaran. Don't you want to be my friend anymore now?"

"Don't be silly! It's cool! And 3; and your fur is tickling me real nicely," Drake said blushing sweetly.

Alaani leaned down and kissed him softly on the mouth. "Thank you Drake. I think I'm falling in love with you. It would have broken my heart, to be sent away by you," he said.

"I don't think this will ever happen," Drake replied. Then they embraced each other again and started a most passionate kiss.


Rhen and Cole were chatting in the lounge. The memories of their childhood and their deep friendship seemed to fill their minds again. Rhen learned that Cole had married Shira, a girl they both knew, back in school, around twelve years ago. But she got bored of the life as a doctor's wife and left him five years ago. He also left behind their son. The little guy was very sad at first, because his dad hadn't much time for him. So after a year Cole decided, to quit his former job as a hospital-doctor and got employed in a research-facility near his home. This way he had much more time for his son and they soon developed a very deep father-son relationship.

"What kind of research do you do?" Rhen asked him.

"I can't speak about it. It's confidential," Cole replied. "Do you know something about gene-engineering?" Rhen asked carefully.

"Yes, I do! Why do you ask? Do you have some kind of trouble? You look a little worried," Cole said concerned.

Rhen told his friend about his problems and Cole reassured him instantly, that he could count on him. Because Alaani and Drake seemed to get along so well, they decided that he would stay with him and his father, until Rhen would manage everything necessary. Then they called the boys and explained their plans to them. The two tykes were unusally cheerfull, as they heard that they could stay together. Rhen was pleased, that Alaani took their separation for some time so well. He didn't know just HOW well the boys got along.

Alaani stayed in Drake's room for the night, so they had to sleep in Drake's bed. Not that the boys complained about it. Just the opposite. They cheerfully accepted the arrangements. After dinner they went into their room and prepared to take a shower. They both undressed then Alaani was first to enter the bathroom. As he stood under the warm water-spray, Drake suddenly opened the curtain and stepped in with him. He grabbed him from behind and they began to hose around a little. After a few minutes, the result could be clearly seen, for both boys sported full hard-ons. They managed to clean themselves and then went back to their room. They instantly went to bed and began to cuddle. Soon the little cuties were horned up again. They grabbed each others stiff peckers and began to jerk off. After a few minutes they changed into a 69-position and started to suck each other. They moaned and squirmed around on the bed, until they went through their very intense dry orgasms.

They laid side by side, kissing and cuddling each other softly. Then Drake whispered: "Alan? There's something else, I wanna try."

"What is it?" Alaani asked curious.

"You know, it's something my class-mates told me about. It's called fucking," Drake said conspirational.

"I heard from it too. Don't we need a girl for that?" Alaani asked dumbfounded.

"No! Eeehm 3; I mean down there," Drake whispered urgently, pointing at Alaani's butt.

"You wanna stick your stiffie in my bum?" Alaani asked shocked.

"Yeah! I heard it's really easy, when you make it slippery before," Drake replied.

"Ok! Let's try it!" Alaani said. "Cool!" Drake cheered and jumped up.

He put on his bathrobe and slipped out of the room. A few minutes later he returned with a bottle of baby-oil. Alaani now laid down on his belly and Drake put a pillow under his hips, that lifted his butt a little. Drake looked down at his friend fascinated. Then he parted the butt-cheeks and saw Alaani's virgin-pucker. He began to rub on it with his index-finger and Alaani instantly began to purr pleasured. Drake opened the oil-bottle and put some oil on his fingers. He began to rub around the pucker again with his now lubed up fingers and then pushed his finger into it. It slided into the tight, warm chute, like it was made for it. Alaani moaned loudly. He had never before felt this way. A nice tickle went all over his body, causing him to shiver. At the same time he felt a warm feeling, starting at his butt and creeping slowly up his spine. He relaxed fully.

Meanwhile Drake had lubed up his dick and positioned himself over his friend. He put his cockhead at the opening and sank down slowly. He felt the sphincter give in and his dick slid in to the hilt. Now they both moaned. They didn't expect it, to be so easy. It seemed like they did this their whole life. Nature took over and Drake fucked Alaani with a never known vigor. Drake was like in a trance as his cock slid in and out of the butt of his buddy. Suddenly he felt a rush of pleasure, flooding his whole body and with a joyfull squeal, he squirted his first load ever into Alaani's boypussy. Alaani had come three times in the meantime and the two boys were now quiet exhausted.

"Did you piss in me?" Alaani muttered sleepy.

"No! I squirted for the first time," Drake whispered proud.

"Cool! Congratulations!" Alaani mumbled smiling back at him. They kissed again and then fell asleep.


After three months Rhen had managed to find a new hideout for them. They even had a med-lab, to do the research. Alaani and Drake were unseparable. What worried Rhen, was that his nephew showed clear signs of sickness. He had fits of bad temper and puked a lot the last few days. So Rhen sent him over to Cole, to get a physical. An hour later his old buddy entered his room. He had a strange smirk on his face.

"Ok, Cole! What is it?" Rhen asked him.

"He's ok! Considering the circumstances," Cole replied. "What? 3; Circumstances? What are you talking about?" Rhen asked dumbfounded.

"Nothing serious, grandpa," Cole replied.

"So, what is it? Wait 3;! What do you mean? Grandpa!" Rhen muttered.

"I made the usual examinations. It seems Alaani is pregnant," Cole said.

"But who? How?" Rhen asked.

"I don't know. I have to do some tests to determine, when he got pregnant. And how? You know how, don't you? He must have had sex," Cole explained smiling.

"But we were never separated for longer. Just 3; just the time he was with you," Rhen said staring at Cole.

"Oh,oh! You don't think that I 3; no Rhen. I would never touch a child," Cole muttered embarrassed.

"Maybe you should look closer," they heard Taruk from behind.

"What do you mean?" they both asked.

"Oh, come on! Nervous giggling, loving gazes at each other. We have a nice little couple here. And as I see it, Rhen isn't the only upcoming grandpa in this room," Taruk said grinning.

"You mean 3; Drake? But he's only 11," Cole muttered.

"So what? I started shooting, when I was 10," Taruk replied still grinning broadly.

"I think I have to do some talking," Rhen said.

Alaani was sitting on his bed,as Rhen entered his room. Cole hadn't told the boy about his diagnosis, so he didn't knew what he had. The tyke looked up and saw the serious expression on Rhen's face. He gulped.

"Ok, what do I have?" he asked terrified.

Rhen sat down beside him and looked at him. "First of all. You don't have to be frightened. But we have to be honest to each other. So, what did you and Drake do together?" Rhen asked him.

"We 3; we just played a little," Alaani replied near to tears.

As Rhen saw the quivering boy, he had to laugh. Kids that think they are in trouble, look soooo cute. He hugged him fiercely and asked: "What kind of games?"

"Eeeeehm 3; sexy games?" Alaani answered unsure.

"Ok buddy! I'm not mad at you. It's normal for boys your age to do such things," Rhen said.

"It is?" Alaani asked.

"Yeah! It's just that that something happened, as you did it. Your daddy did something with you. He changed your genetic code. We thought, we could wait a little longer to explain it to you. We didn't knew that you are such big boys," he explained smiling.

"What do you mean?" Alaani asked.

"You are getting a baby. That's what your dad did. He changed your body, so that you could get pregnant," Rhen explained.

Suddenly the door opened and Drake ran in. "Did you hear it already? We gotta have a baby!" Drake cheered.

The two boys jumped at each other and embraced warmly. Then they began to chatter around excited. Rhen knew, that there was no chance for a serious conversation anymore, so he left the room.

Another three months later Alaani gave birth to a wonderfull little baby-boy. They called him Keefe, after Alaani's dad. The research went well too, for they managed to extract the gene-code of Alaani and put it on a virus. This way they would be able to spread it all over Kitiar.

The End

That's it! I hope you like it! I have to thank some people, that tried to help me. Hope you aren't angry, that I don't wanted editing. You see: That's not intended to be a perfect novel and I'm not supposed to be a second Hemingway. Hope you can enjoy it nontheless.



Danny & Zack

Love story of two boys going on summer camp.

Danny (11yo) and Zack (10yo)
bb – cons mast oral

Warning: This story contains descriptions of sex-scenes between totally willing preteens. If this isn't your cup of tea you should move on. In most countries, stories like this are against the law. If this worries you in any way, you should leave too. And now to your age. I know exactly that some of my readers are not adult. Tsk, tsk, tsk! Please be sure, not to get caught by your parents. I may be a little older, but I still remember how a good spanking hurts. ;-) This story is dedicated to a very special reader. That doesn't mean that all the others have to leave now. I'm sure he would want you to read it too. Because this is the first story for someone special, I really hope it will be good.


Danny was quite excited. Tomorrow he would go to a special training-camp for soccer. His best friend Zack would be there too. It wasn't long ago that they discovered their love for each other. Sure, he was 11 and Zack was 10, and the adults would surely say it's only a phase they are going through, but Danny was sure about his feelings. If the adults couldn't live with this, they should hang themselves upside down to dry. He looked into the big mirror on his wardrobe and was really satisfied with what he saw. He was 5'2" [1.57 m] tall and blond headed. Although Zack was a year younger, he was as big as him. He He! Not in all parts, Danny thought grinning. His pecker was nearly an inch [2 cm] longer than Zack's. His thoughts were interrupted by the voice of his dad calling him to dinner.

Later in bed he again imagined the soft face of Zack. The shy look he always gave him when Danny made a move on him was so sweet, as was the slight reddening of his ears. Sometimes Danny was even a little jealous when he saw all the nice girls in his school that tried to get his friend. Gay, Bi, hetero? He didn't know about such things. All he knew was the nice warm feeling, that swept through his whole body when he was near him. Now he noticed the usual effect the images of Zack have on him. His pecker had gone stiff. Lazily he began to jerk off. In his mind he imagined Zack doing it, like he did on their last sleep-over. These thoughts helped him to build to his dry orgasm quickly. A little exhausted, he fell into a deep sleep, dreaming of his lover.

Early the next morning he arrived at his school, where the bus was already waiting for them. Zack was nowhere to be seen and Danny started to get a little worried, as the moment of departure drew nearer and nearer. A few minutes before that moment Danny saw Zack's dads car arrive. Danny's heart began to beat faster as he saw Zack jumping out of the car, waving at his dad and running towards the bus. Again there was the sweet blushing as their eyes met. Together they boarded the bus and managed to get a seat sitting next to each other. The drive to camp wasn't eventful and so they arrived in the early afternoon. The director of the camp and his son, Jeffrey welcomed them. Danny looked at the 16 year old boy and instantly saw that he was in a bad mood. He decided that it would be better to get out of his way.

After they had lunch, they were shown their rooms and were excited to have gotten a room together. While they put their clothes into the lockers, Jeffrey was doing his chores. He really was in a bad mood. He wanted to go on a camping trip with some of his friends, but suddenly there was this assignment for the school soccer team and his dad told him he had to stay. Now he grumbled about all the fun he missed just because these brats. Meanwhile, Danny and Zack had finished unpacking and now wrestled around on one of the beds. As usual Danny managed to pin his friend quite easily and sat down on his lap. He instantly felt Zack's sweet boner poking his butt. He grabbed for it, while his buddy squirmed around under him.

"Now what do we have here?" Danny teased his friend.

"Oh come on, that's not fair," Zack squealed.

Danny leaned down and whispered into his ear: "Want me to take care of it?"

Zack looked into his eyes and nodded smiling. Danny got up and laid down beside Zack. Then he slowly began to undress his friend, until he lay before him stark naked. Zack's pecker was standing up proudly and Danny instantly started to jerk him off. Danny looked into Zack's eyes as he did this and he really loved the pleasured expression they had. Zack moaned with pleasure, as the feeling in his dick swept through his whole body. He shivered as he went through his dry orgasm. Zack really loved this feeling. It took him some time to come down from his emotional high, then he looked at Danny again and smiled.

"Hey, it's your turn now," he gasped.

Danny laid back down and let his buddy undress him too. Zack didn't lose any time and began to jerk his friend off until he went through his own orgasm. Then they cuddled with each other and fell asleep in each others arms. Unnoticed by them, Jeffrey was looking at the whole scene through the window as he was passing by doing his clean-up.

Now that was interesting. There even were some faggots among the brats that ruined his summer-vacation, he thought. He instantly made plans to show these rascals how to behave.

The next morning the training started after a good breakfast. As they jogged around the soccer-field to warm up, Danny saw Jeffrey again. He was talking with two bigger boys that looked like typical school bullies. Every once in a while he glanced over at him and Zack. Danny wondered what this guy was up to. He didn't know that Jeffrey and his friends were planning to entertain themselves by 'lecturing' him and his friend. As Danny finished his last round they had disappeared.

Later, back in their room, Danny and Zack wrestled around again on the bed. Surely it had the same result as it usually did. They both ended up with nice little boners and in no time they got rid of their clothes and started to jerk each other off again.

Just before Zack came this time, Danny stopped. Zack looked at him pleadingly. "I nearly came. Why did you stop," he whined.

"I wanna try something new. I'm sure you will like it. A guy from a chat room told me about it last week," Danny replied.

"Yes? What is it?" Zack asked.

"It's called a blow job," Danny said.

"Blow job? So you just want to blow around on my body?" his friend asked a little disappointed.

"No you dummy! A blow job is when someone sucks on your dick," Danny said.

"You wanna take it in your mouth? Eeeew, isn't that dirty?" Zack asked back.

"Why? We just showered, so what should be dirty?" Danny replied.

"Hmmm, ok, but you go first," Zack said.

Danny grinned at him and instantly went down on him. As Zack felt the soft lips touching his dick he moaned with pleasure. That felt awesome. Danny began to suck him off now and in no time at all he was going through his dry cum. He was so excited over all the new feelings, that he instantly went down on Danny. Without any hesitation he took his dick in his mouth and began to suck on him. It didn't take long for Danny to cum too. After their new explorations they lay beside each other quite exhausted.

"That was so cool. Maybe we can try something else, that I heard about in the chat," Danny said breathless.

"Yeah? What's it?" Zack asked curious.

"It's called butt fucking. That's where you stick your dick into your partner's butt." Danny explained.

"Ouch! That has to hurt like hell," Zack replied.

"I don't know. They told me it doesn't hurt that much when you make it slippery before," Danny said.

"Ok Danny! Maybe we can try it another day then. I trust you," Zack said.

Danny again had this warm feeling that swept through his body as he looked into Zack's eyes. He began to kiss him passionately. After this kiss they hugged each other closely and fell asleep again.

Danny woke up the next morning and was alone in his bed. He wondered why Zack hadn't woken him up, but was relieved to hear the sound of a running shower. Naked as he was, he stood up and walked over to the bathroom door. He wanted to surprise his friend under the shower. As he opened the door he couldn't see anyone there. The shower was still running and Zack's clothes were scattered around in the room. Now Danny was really worried. Sure Zack really is a little horn-dog, but he wouldn't run through the camp stark naked. He shivered as he thought of the hateful gazes of Jeffrey and his friends. He was sure he had something to do with the disappearance of his friend. He ran back into their room and put on his clothes. Then he sneaked out of the room to search for the bad guys.

After a few minutes he saw Jeffrey while he helping with the preparation of breakfast. Danny hid behind a counter and began observing him. Jeffrey seemed to be quite nervous. Danny thanked God, that this guy was no professional. Danny was somehow sure that Jeff had kidnapped Zack. But why did he do that? Danny and Zack had never done anything bad to him. Jeffrey seemed to be in a hurry, because he ran around the room and placed the dishes on the tables, like the devil was behind him. When he finished his work he quickly left the room. Danny shadowed him. Jeffrey was so nervous, that he would surely not notice him, even if Danny danced around him just wearing a pink umbrella.

Jeffrey immediately walked to the edge of the camp. There stood an old seemingly abandoned storeroom. As Danny approached with stealth and when he neared heard voices from within. They seemed to yell at someone. Then he heard slapping sounds and Zack crying out in pain. They were hurting his friend. He had to do something. Over and over again he heard the bullies yell words like queer and faggot at his friend. Now Danny knew what happened. He and Zack weren't cautious enough while playing their sexy games and Jeffrey must have seen them.

Danny knew how most people thought about gays. He just couldn't understand why. Why couldn't the people accept, that Zack and he were in love? It shouldn't matter to anyone. After all, they were the same age. They didn't hurt anyone, or did they?

Danny now scanned the area for a possible entry into the storeroom. On the back side he found a ladder that lead to the roof of the building and he climbed up, as silently as possible. As he reached the roof he saw a hatch that lead to the small attic room of the house. Cautiously he opened the hatch and looked down into the room. He saw several shelves that that were still filled with all kinds of equipment. He climbed down the ladder and searched the room for something useful.

After a while he found a big can of soft soap and some ropes. He took them and left the room again the way he entered it. The floor in front of the storeroom was made of concrete. This was simply perfect for the plan he had in mind. The guys in there just had to be distracted enough not to notice the slippery floor. He emptied the whole can of soap in front of the door. Then he tied one of the ropes one foot above the floor. He planned to tease the bullies and hoped they would trip over the rope falling down on the soapy floor. They would have a difficult time standing up again. Danny tried to calm himself. He was quite excited and if these guys managed to catch him, they would surely beat the shit out of him. Then he opened the door and looked into the room. Zack was sitting on a chair. His arms were tied behind his back and he was surrounded by the three bigger boys who still threatened him.

"Hey you morons! Try to catch me!" Danny yelled into the room.

Jeffrey and his friends looked into his direction and as Danny ran away they chased after him like madmen. The plan worked out quite well. The bullies tripped over the rope and landed on the slippery area. Danny didn't lose any time and slipped into the room. He ran up to his friend and untied him. Then they both ran out of the building. After they were safe, they looked back and watched the three guys and had to laugh heavily. They still didn't manage to stand up. But the two friends didn't wanted to risk anything and ran over to the dining room to get breakfast. They decided not to tell anyone what had happened. Somehow Danny had the feeling that would make the situation even worse.

After their training that day, they went to their room again. A few minutes after they reached it, they heard a knock on the door. Danny opened it and saw Jeffrey standing before him.

"I wanted to thank you not not telling my dad what I did. I would have been grounded for the rest of the year," the boy said blushing fiercely.

"It's ok. I just want to know why you did it at all," Danny said to him.

"I 3; I 3; it wasn't personal. I wanted to go on a camping trip with some friends. But dad couldn't find enough helpers and so he told me I had to stay. I was really pissed and then I saw what you two did last night. I don't know what I thought 3; maybe I wasn't thinking at all. Sometimes I'm really a dumb-ass." Jeffrey tried to explain.

"I wouldn't disagree with you about that," Danny replied grinning.

Jeffrey had to smile too. "By the way. The idea with the soap was really funny," he said. Now all three had to laugh, as they remembered the scene.

Then Jeffrey held out his hand and said: "You seem to be nice guys. Wanna be friends?"

Danny took the hand and looked up to the big boy's face. "Ok, let's forget about the whole thing," he said.

Jeffrey now had to help his dad preparing dinner and left them. Now, Danny and Zack were alone again and began to hug each other. Zack started to kiss his friend passionately. Then he looked into Danny's eyes and cooed: "My saviour. I really love you."

Danny blushed as he heard these words. Zack never before said that to him. They continued kissing some more until they heard the call to dinner.

"Danny?" Zack asked.

"Yes darling?" Danny asked back.

"Eeeeehm 3; the thing with the butt fucking. Could we wait until we are at home?" Zack asked him blushing.

"Sure my lover. You don't have to do anything you aren't comfortable with. I will wait until you are ready for that." Danny said and kissed him again.

Then they ran over the dining hall to get something to eat. The rest of the time they were at camp they just did the things they already had tried before and ok 3; they had a little soccer training too. They now were really sure about their feelings. But they learned something more at the camp. The sexy games were fun, but they weren't all that made out their relationship. They would continue exploring all the aspects of their love.

The End

Ok! That's the story. I hope you will like it. Especially the one it's dedicated to. It took me quite some time to finish and I really hope it's good enough. ;) I finally found someone who is able to edit my stories and I really hope he didn't get a nervous breakdown while correcting all the errors in it. (wink) Thank you for the work Boystory.

Best wishes from Germany.
aR Jey



Strange Feelings

Scotty is angry because he have to stay at home for the vacation to baby-sit an 8 year old boy. But it is not as bad as he thought.

Scott (13yo) and Jerry (8yo)
tb – cons mast oral anal

Author's note

Warning: This story contains sex-scenes between underaged boys. If you don't like such stories, I'm really sorry for you. I think for most of us the sexual development began in our youth, so I always try to bring back memories of the very first experiences we had. Although the main-characters in this story are under 18, it is no bedtime-story for minors. SO 3; if you are not considered adult in your country, it will certainly destroy your brain, therefore hindering your further development in a very serious way. (grin) I know that stories involving kids that have sex are against the law in most countries. Just remember: All the things I tell here are just fiction. As long as you all keep these things in your imagination, no harm will be done. I decided this time to give no explicit description of the characters. I know everyone of you has some dream images of boys in his mind. This way it's much easier for you to fill them into the story.

Thirteen year old Scott Jeffries was in a bad mood. It was the beginning of his summer-holidays and he were just coming home. But in an instant his mum had crushed all his plans for the following weeks. He threw his backpack into the next corner, ran up to his room and smashed the door shut after him. His mother went after him and opened the door.

"Come on, Scott. Don't behave like a little kid. It's just for two weeks," she said to him.

Normally he really liked it, when she spoke to him as a grown-up, but this time it didn't work. "You know I wanted to go to a camping-trip with Marvin and Kelly," he whailed.

"Yeah, I know darling. But it's my first possibility to go on a vacation alone. I always had to work, since daddy left us. Scotty, please don't be so angry at me. It was a real surprise as the Thatchers came up with the idea I could come with them to their cabin. Just think of it: You will have the whole house for yourself. Isn't this exciting?" Kate said to him soothingly.

"But all my friends will be on a vacation and I have to stay here with this little brat," Scott spat out angrily.

"Jerry is no brat. He's a nice little boy of 8 years and I think you will have much fun with him. I just thought you are big enough now to handle this. If you think you are too young to take this responsibility, I maybe have to change my plans," she said. She really knew how to get him.

"I'm not too young. I'm just a little pissed, that I can't go away for the holidays," he said, coming down to earth a little. "Am I such a bad boy, that you need an out-time?" he then said, with a little smile.

She sat down beside him and hugged him. "No, Scotty. You are my big boy and I wouldn't have lasted the last few years without you on my side. I just need some time for myself a little. You grew up so fast, that I just thought you are old enough now to stay alone for a while," she replied.

"Oh, come on mum! You already got me. So, when does the br 3; Jerry arrive?" he muttered.

"The Thatchers just wait for my affirmation. I will call them now. Thank you darling," she said and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

"Yeeks! Mom! You know I don't like this," he squeaked.

"So what? Are you too old already to get a little kiss from your mom? Don't be afraid, I won't tell your friends about it."

In no time all was settled. The Thatchers would arrive at 8am, the next morning, to get his mom and bring along their son Jerry. His mom had filled up their supplies enough to feed a football-team for four weeks, so there would be little danger for them to get hungry. She also gave him some money, in case they wanted to go somewhere or rent a movie to see. The morning came and they got up early, to eat breakfast.

"So, will you be okay now?" his mom asked him.

"Do I have another chance?" he said grinning.

"Hmm! I could sell you to the grocery-store as a working-slave. This way you would have something to do, the next two weeks," his mom contered. They both laughed. Suddenly they heard the doorbell.

Half a hour too early, Scott thought. They rushed to the door and opened it. The Thatchers were an average American couple. But Jerry was simply gorgeous. Wait! What did he think? He ain't no fairy. He stared confused at the little tyke before him.

" 3; and I think Scott and Jerry will get along very well. Isn't it Scotty? Scotty?" he heard his mother say.

"Huh? 3; Yeah mommy, I think so," Jerry stepped up to him and reached out his hand. Scotty grabbed it while the little one chattered away at him.

"I already know you. I saw you a few weeks ago playing baseball. You are a hell of a batter. I already play in little league. Did you play there too? Maybe you can train me a little. Hey are you still sleeping? You aren't saying anything."

"Maybe you should give him the chance to reply. You splatter at him like a waterfall, my little rascal," his daddy said to him, lifted him up and began to tickle him. Jerry squirmed around and giggled wildly. Scott was awestruck as he heard the crystal clear laughing. It sounded like an angel singing. Hey, there where those strange thoughts again. He couldn't fall in love with him. He was just a little boy.

"So, Scotty! We have to get going. Remember that he is a little younger than you. Try to get him into bed at 8 or 9 pm latest. And remind him to take a bath before bedtime."

"Sure mom. I will take care of him," he replied smiling.

"That's my big boy," she said and kissed him again.

"Mom! Not in front of the kids!" he cried out and instantly they all bursted out laughing. A few minutes later they had brought out his moms baggage and the adults were on their way.

"So, now it's only we two," Scott said to Jerry.

"Yeah! What do we do now?" Jerry asked.

"I think I first give you the big house-tour, showing you everything. How about a ride on my back?" Scott replied.

"YEAH!" the little tyke shouted and jumped up to him.

The day went by in a hurry and Scott couldn't help himself. Everytime he could, he stared at this energetic bundle of boyhood before him. He was totally confused. He had already dated a girl and even kissed her, but it wasn't the same thing. It was late afternoon and they sat on the couch in the living-room and looked tv. Jerry was stretched out lazily. He was just dressed in sweat-shorts and a t-shirt. Scott again looked at him. He didn't understand the strange feelings he got, when he was near him. Was he queer? Could it really be, that he fell in love with this sweet little tyke?

"Why are you looking at me this way?" he suddenly heard Jerry ask. He caught him staring.

Scott blushed crimson and looked at his face. Jerry looked him straight in the eyes.

"I 3; I 3;!" Scott stammered.

"Do you like looking at boys? You can tell me. I do too."

"No 3; It's not that way," Scott muttered.

"So maybe you just like me?" the little one said.

"Yeah! I think so. You are cute 3; What do you mean, you do too?" Scott croaked. He hated it how his voice cracked, when he got excited.

"Looking at boys! I do it all the time. I really like boys," Jerry announced.

"But you are so young. You sure will find a girl someday, you will like," Scott said.

"I don't think so. Girls are silly. By the way: Do you really think I'm cute?" Jerry replied smiling warmly.

"Yeah sure," Scott squeaked. Damn puberty.

"Thank you. You look good too," the tyke now said and crawled over to him.

"Are you excited? Your dickie seems to be hard already," Jerry said grabbing his cock through his jeans. Scott gasped, then moaned as the little one began to stroke him nearly professional.

"H 3; How do you know of such things?" he asked dumbfounded.

"Oh! From Robert. He was my babysitter. But he went to college last year. Am I doing it right? Does it feel good?" the little tyke said as he fondled his crotch.

"Yeah, but we can't 3;" Scott began, but Jerry cut him off.

"It's ok! I really like this. I saw how you looked at me. That's the way Robert looked at me all the time. You seem to really like me. Can I take your jeans off? I wanna see your dickie. Would you put it in my bum? We always wanted to try this, but he had to go to the college," the little one blabbered.

"I 3; I 3;!" Scotty stammered again. His throat felt incredible dry. "I need a Coke," he managed to croak, jumped up from the couch and went to the kitchen. He took the cold can from the fridge and held it to his forehead. As he turned around he saw Jerry standing in the doorframe, stark naked and with a look of determination in his face.

"You are a little shy, aren't you? Maybe you haven't done anything yet. Do you already mastribute?" he asked him.

"Mastri-what? Ah, you mean masturbate. Yes, I jerk off sometimes," he said grinning. He suddenly found his composure. "So! As I see you are ready to take your bath now." He stepped up to him, threw him over his shoulder and carried the squirming and laughing boy up to the bathroom. There he let him down again and began to fill the bathtub.

"Don't you like me?" Jerry asked him sad.

"Oh, Jerry! I like you a lot. But do you really think, you have to do these things, when you like someone?" Scott asked him back.

Jerry began to cry. "I botched it. You don't like me anymore. I just thought you like this games too," he whined and tried to run out of the room.

Scott managed to grab him and began to hug him. "I already said I like you a lot. You are 3; just a little quick for me," he said smiling at him.

"Maybe that's why my teachers always say I'm a hippo," Jerry said.

Scotty laughed out. "A hyper. That's a kid that couldn't sit around somewhere for two minutes in a row," he lectured him.

"Oh!" Jerry muttered. "So, you don't want to have fun today?"

"I'm no boy for the first night, you know?" Scotty recited some movie-phrase he once heard. Now they both had to laugh. "Now go, take your bath, buddy. If are a nice boy, I will take you to the zoo tomorrow," he said smiling.

"Cool!" Jerry cheered.

Half an hour later little Jerry was lying in the bed, sleeping like a log.


Scott was true to his word. After breakfast they went to the zoo. Jerry was really excited, as he saw all the animals there. Scott had been afraid, that the boy had lost his childish innocence, through the games with Robert, but he now could clearly see, that he was a perfectly normal 8 year old boy, with just a little bit too much energy. Scott also showed him the hippos and the little tyke laughed his ass off, imagining himself trampling around the class-room, as one of these. On their way home, they got themselves some burgers and fries for lunch. A little later they again sat on the couch, before the tv.

"Scotty? My belly hurts a little. Would you rub it for me?" Jerry whined.

"You just ate too much, little guy. Three burgers," Scott replied, but nonetheless began to give him a nice little rubdown.

"Hmmm! That's nice, Scotty!" Jerry cooed. After a while he said. "Eeehm 3; Scotty? I think my dickie is hurting too. Would you rub it a little, too?"

"You little rascal try to seduce me again," Scott replied grinning.

"After all, it isn't the first night, is it?" Jerry exclaimed grinning from ear to ear.

That was enough for Scott, who instantly started a fierce tickle-attack at the little boy, who squirmed and laughed hysterically from it. After a while the tyke lay before him quiet exhausted. Scott couldn't stop himself. The tickles changed into soft stroking, getting nearer and nearer to the boys groin. As his fingers brushed over the soft cotton, he instantly felt the hard little pecker of him. Jerry moaned pleasured. Scott looked up at him, seeing the contentment in his eyes. Scott now lowered the sweatshorts and Jerry instantly lifted his little butt to help him. Then he removed the t-shirt. Now Jerry lay before him like the day he was born.

He grabbed the cocklet and began to jerk him softly with the thumb and two fingers. Jerry's moaning got louder and he began to hump against his hand.

"Do you like this?" Scotty asked him softly, while he worked faster and faster on the sweet pecker.

Jerry just nodded, with a dreamy look on his face. Suddenly his eyes and mouth opened wide and he let out a joyous squeal. His small body shuddered all over and his dick throbbed in Scott's hand. Cool! He really could come, Scott thought. Jerry needed a few minutes to come back down, from this intense feelings.

"Thank you. It's not hurting anymore," he cooed.

Scotty smiled at him warmly. "It's ok! As long as you had fun."

Suddenly the little tyke jumped up saying "Now it's your turn." He grabbed at Scott's crotch, feeling his already hard dick.

"Ok, ok! But let me time to undress first." He stood up and pulled his shirt over his head, while he felt how Jerry already loosened his belt. In no time he was as naked as Jerry and lay back down on the couch. Jerry crawled up to his side and began to jerk him off. Scott closed his eyes and moaned as he felt the soft little fingers on his cock. Suddenly he felt something wet on his cock head, causing a shiver to go through his whole body. He looked down and saw that Jerry was sucking on his cock. Totally new sensations filled his mind and he let himself fall into them. He wished that these feelings would never end, but it was all too new and exciting for him. After a few minutes he felt like his lower body would explode and he squirted his boyjuice into Jerry's mouth. As he came down from the emotional high, he looked down and saw Jerry grinning at him, with his chin totally coated with his sperm.

"You got a lot of juice in there, isn't it?" he asked patting his nuts.

"More than enough for you. There's even more of it," Scott replied.

Jerry again got this determined look on his face. "You really have a nice dick. Would you put it in my butt?" he asked him coily.

"But your sweet bubble-butt is much too small to take it," Scott said pointing down at his 'nice dick'.

"Oh, please Scotty. I really like you and I want you to be my first. We just have to make it slippery somehow. If it could hurt me, my butt would have exploded every time I take a crap," Jerry whined.

"My dick is no turd," Scott replied.

"No it isn't! But I managed to get out much bigger turds, when I got constipated," Jerry said to him with pleading eyes.

"There's little chance, you would settle for a round on the PS2 instead, would you?" he said as a last refuge.

"No way! I want it. And I want you to do it," Jerry said grinning at him.

Scott sighed. "Ok, ok! I give in. Go to the bedroom upstairs and wait for me."

"YEAH!" the tyke piped leaped up and gave him a slobbery kiss on the cheek. Then he ran up the stairs. Scotty looked after him shaking his head. Jerry had such a sweet butt. He still doubted his cock would ever fit in it. He got up and went to the kitchen, to get some crisco. Then he ascended to the next level.

As he reached the bedroom, Jerry already lay on the bed, looking at him totally trustfull. "Ready to try it?" he asked him. Jerry nodded eagerly. The sweet tyke now lifted his legs up to his chest, giving Scott an unobstructed view at his sweet vigin-pucker. Scotty approached the bed lying down before him. What a view, he thought. He could now see the small boyhole just before him. Over it he saw Jerry's pecker standing up proudly and his face showing a mix of excitement and utter contentment. This boy was as ready, as he could be. Scott opened the crisco and took a big glob of it on his fingers. Then he coated the crack of the little tyke with it. Then he slicked up his fingers and began to push his index-finger into the small opening. Jerry groaned.

"Are you ok?" Scott asked concerned.

"Uh huh! I think so," Jerry replied.

Scott waited a little and then pushed his finger deeper until he felt some kind of lump in there. Jerry now began to moan pleasured.

"What's the matter? Did I hurt you?" Scott muttered.

"No! It feels really funny now." Scotty thought instantly of the lump and began to rub around it some more, causing even more moans from him.

"You like that don't you?" Scott asked him, wiggling his finger around.

"Yeaaaah!" Jerry cooed.

Now or never, he thought, removed his finger and slicked up his dick. Then he positioned himself before the sweet bum and led his cockhead to the lubed up pucker. The little boy seemed to be totally relaxed.

"Should I go slow or quick, buddy?" Scott asked.

"Slow please!" Jerry muttered.

Scotty pushed forward a little and his glans began to press through the sphincter. With a pop it gave in suddenly and his cock slided a good 2 inches [5 cm] into the tight boypussy. Both of them moaned pleasured. "Awesome!" they both muttered at the same time. They looked into each others eyes and smiled. Their connection was complete and it seemed that this cock was just made for this butt. Scott now began to slide in out of the boy, accelerating after every thrust. They both enjoyed it very much and very soon Scott squirted his hot boyjuice deep into his little lover, who at the same time went through his dry climax.

Little lover!


He didn't have to think twice about this. He didn't knew how long this would last, but for now he surrendered to the loving feeling he felt for the little guy. He slid out of him and snuggled up to each other they fell asleep.

The End

So! That's it. Come on guys. Let them alone some time. (grin) Maybe I will continue this story somehow. Maybe you even have some wishes or suggestions how the two boys will get along together.