PZA Boy Stories

Paul Paris

The Arena


A prison visitor "inherits" the function of boy-trainer in an Italian chateau, where twelve young boys are trained as companions to men.
Publ. Nov 2001 (ANCGS); this site Mar 2010
Finished 19,500 words (39 pages)


Twelve "Chateau" boys (10-13yo) and Rodney Collins alias Martin Gough (adult)

Category & Story codes

Boy Prostitution story
Mtb – cons anal oralprostitution spank (reference only)


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Orphan story

This is an orphan story, that means that the author's e-mail address is no longer active:
15 Aug 2007 Hi. This is the qmail-send program at yahoo.com. I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses. This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.

<shaksbeer@ureach.com>: 63.xxx.xxx.xx does not like recipient. Remote host said: 550 5.1.1 <shaksbeer@ureach.com>... User unknown Giving up on 63.xxx.xxx.xx.

There is no other way to contact the author. Paul Paris wrote some other stories which are on Nifty, the last chapter was sent 7 July 2003, the third chapter of his story The Calendar, at the end he announced a fourth chapter, but that was never sent... Since he wrote that he wrote his stories in hospital being treated for cancer, I am afraid Paul Paris is no longer among us.

If I am wrong, and you are the author, please contact me.

The Arena is a bit of an odd story - sometimes the writing gives more the impression of a story outline than of a finished story, especially the second part. But I liked the idea of the story, and maybe somebody finds inspiration to work the idea out to a more polished story.

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the collector through this feedback form with Paul Paris - The Arena in the subject line.

Author's note

This is a story from my imagination. It is pure fiction. Any names, places or description are purely there to help the story keep on track. The subject matter is the nature of life between a man and boys. Underage sex is illegal so do check your country allows stories about this.

I have the copyright so do please ask if you wish to use this story for any reason [Sorry, I couldn't, Cel.]. Fee paying sites will automatically be refused.

I am dyslexic so if you have read any of my other stories then you will know I have proofreaders. They are people with dreams as I but have disabilities to. We do our best.

I was diagnosed with Liver cancer and I am having Chemotherapy to get it under control or kill it. So far it's working.

Most of the work is done in Hospital so that I have things to do. I do get home now each night but I am happy fighting. This was my third story I ever wrote. I have had it re-worded in places with help. This was a story that did a lot for me.


Part One

Chapter One

It is eleven foot by seven foot [3½ x 2 m]. Two beds were inside. Add to those two tables with a cupboard under each of them. Bars against the window and the door locks, with a number of keys required to open them. So that was the simple description of the cell I was visiting. I was a prison visitor. This is a person who will visit prisoners who have no family, no friends or both. At the worst end of the scale volunteers were asked to visit the so-called scum of society. These were rapist, sex offenders or people who had been found guilty of a crime involving children. They were called Paedophiles. To me they were still human beings. Visiting these people had very strict guidelines. You could talk about anything, but if they spoke about what they were in prison for or even what they had done you had in your possession a dictaphone (very apt with flashers) to record any conversations. I had always been in the right frame of mind so whoever or whatever they had done; no one had the right to feel alone.

I was taken to Wing 13 on D Block. There were two requests for visitors. My partner in crime, what a thing to say, was a man from the lay preachers guild. He got a rapist who was climbing the walls due to some phobia and would smash the place up unless he got someone to talk to. I was asked to sit in on a group of prisoners while they had a group session with a psychiatrist. They had all agreed to a stranger being there and witness the reaction of a member of the public.

Seven men of all ages sat about in a smoke filled room talking. To them what they had done was as common as you or I going to the supermarket. To them there were no serious consequences. I was asked to act normal. I listened to the man who raped a six year old girl, two men who liked to watch children in a local leisure centres changing rooms. Three men had been caught with boys, and a man who was being held on remand for possible sex offences. For the hour I heard how each man told in graphic details about his crime. They argued about who was telling lies, un-caring, maniacs, the list went on. With five minutes to go I was asked what I thought of the group. I answered in true honesty that I was more concerned about their victims. When it was over I was asked to see the man on remand.

"I need your help!"

I went for the dictaphone.

"No this is private. If you are not happy after I tell you something then go brag to the screws."

"Go see my family. I need to know they are all OK. They wont let me contact them in any way. Just say that 'The Bear' sent you and they will know its alright to talk to you."

He gave me a piece of paper that had his address on. It was not far from me so against my better judgment I would go. I did this for a reason. He was a remand prisoner so had yet to be convicted of anything. I left the obligatory pack of cigarettes and made my way out. I gave them the dictaphone back knowing that it contained nothing but the words of the group meeting.

I went through the familiar quick search and being a regular the officers had begun to just ask me if I had anything I should not. This was followed by a laugh because my answer was always, "Oh just one prisoner escaping through my sock." I was let out with "See you next month Rodney." And that's me Rodney Collins.

In the car I took the paper from my sock thanking the trusting search officers for not looking there.

It took me an hour to get to the address. It was a shabby looking address but in the neighbour hood it was the best of the lot. I knocked at the door. After a short while a boys face looked through the letterbox.


Not a word. Another boy opened the door. He was scruffy looking and I guess about 12.

I whispered, "The Bear sent me."

The boy ran into my arms crying. "Uncle is here."

Now don't get me confused because this had done it already. Two more boys came running out. They never looked at me just joined in the family hug. A woman came to the door.

"Ah I am glad you made it. Ricky being on remand has made this situation very bad for the boys. I take it you have seen him?"

I nodded.

"I have been here for two days now trying to instil some good behaviour in these boys but with no luck. I am Mrs Wallis from Social Services."

Have you ever had that feeling which is called Pins and Needles? I had it right then. I was feeling flushed and panicked but the eldest boy held me tight while the Wallis woman collected her bags and told me that if the boys would be needed in the next few months I would be called.

"Have a good trip abroad boys."

She left.

The boys went into action as if this had been planned ever since they had left their mothers womb.

"Tom watch the door. Peter gets the bags. I was told to give you this."

I was so out of my depth that I looked at the biggest boy in such away that he said, "Come on Uncle we have not got time to do this."

I read the letter.

"I hope the person who is reading this will be someone I have asked for help. The eldest boy is called Joe he is 12. He knows what to do and I beg you to help the boys. There have been provisions made for your help and Joe has the rest of the details."

I was really confused.

"Uncle look at me," said Peter. FLASH, he took a photograph. I watched as the three boys put together a passport for me with all the official looking stamps.

"What's your name?"

I looked at Peter.

"I am Rodney. The Bear sent me."

Joe grabbed a bag giving it to me. "Uncle Rodney this is yours. You are our uncle and live in Spain. You are taking us to stay with you because that will stop us from being split up. We wont be coming back. Understand."

Here I was the adult being controlled by three boys. They each had some strings and I was the puppet.

"Get the bags in the car Tom."

I looked while this was going on.

"Uncle come on get with it. Drive to the private airport at Gromer."

I stood outside and as yet I had not even said, "Stop."

The boys got in the car and I started to drive. Peter threw a key out of the window. It took me six hours to get to Gromer Airport. There was a plane waiting. Customs was a blind man fixing another plane so all we got was a finger pointing to the North and "You are late. Take off in five minutes."

The plane roared off with me still in a state of shock wondering how I had got from a visit in a prison to a plane 15,000 feet [4,500 m] high heading for who knows where.

"Ah the hero of the day. Rodney is it not. Peter has told me all about you. This is yours." I was given a briefcase that contained a great deal off money. "That will keep you going for a while. This is your new passport. You are Mr Martin Gough. You have three boys as you can see. Peter is 11, Tom is almost 11 and Joe is 12. They have been with you since their mother died giving birth to Tom. We will land at an airfield in Italy and the Chateau has been purchased to the requirements of the letter. This is a radio. If you need help at any time just call, «Cave the Bear needs you». You will get a visit within ten minutes. Joe can explain the rest. Have a good flight."

I was grateful I knew Tom because he saw what was going to happen and managed to get a couple of sick bags that I happily filled.

"Feel better Martin?" I grabbed Joe and asked him angrily what was going on. "Sorry Martin. Our other Uncle was kept in prison for the reason that they thought he was at risk of fleeing the country. We are boys with very special talents. People will pay a lot of money to buy us."

I looked even more angrily at him. "Buy you?"

Joe continued. "Yes buy us. We have been trained to do special tasks. Colin who was in prison was supposed to be taking us where you are. He was arrested for it."

I told him I knew.

"No he is a child pusher and now so are you. We have a chateau that we stay at then if people need children like us they pay good money. One quarter to us that goes in a special bank account that's already been set up and half to you so that you can go through the procedure of training more boys. You will be a millionaire in a year. The boys are found and brought to you and you just train them nothing else. If a boy fails in his training then he is lost. No blame is ever attached to you."

That was when I could not get a bag quick enough. Joe took the whole force of it. I looked at him covered in my vomit and he was continuing as if nothing had happened.

"Feel better now. I have the feeling that you would rather go home?"

I was wiping his face when the boy who had hugged me at the door became different. The dirt now gone from his face made him look quite respectable.

"Peter quick get the case." Joe was very upset. He took some sort of make up out off the bag and covered his face. "Only money gets the real me."

I was given a book while the boys all did some sort of exercise to relax. They looked in unison and very articulate in what they did.

Welcome to Chateau Haven

At the chateau in any one-day twelve boys will be available for purchase.

Their trainer will tell you if he has any boy that meets your need. No matter the age if there is a boy the cost is 200,000 Pound Sterling [US$320,000 / €225,000]. No cheques, cash only.

After payment the boy will be brought to your home or you can collect. Your contract with the boy is to provide a home and schooling of the highest standing. You will not harm, hurt, or maim the child in anyway unless it is part of the predilection of your nature. A doctor that you will pay will inspect the child every week.

This contract is binding and no police will be involved. We have our own security. The trainer that you will contact is called The Bear. Beware that if you are deemed to have hurt or falsely obtained a child for illicit purposes then The Bear's claws will be released. Pray that does not happen.

Finally, The Bear's word is final in the placement of the boys, or you with the boys.

These establishment's credentials are the best of its kind.

To do businesses call Mr Martin Gough.

"So Uncle what do you think?"

I asked Joe what it really was all about.

"Get use to it Uncle you are in the business of selling boys to men for company and sex."

If I was not so angry I was fuming now. Joe just laughed "Read paragraph 3 if you want to get real angry."

There will at any one time be tweleve boys at the chateau and their trainer has the right to first test any boy before he becomes part of your family. I had been set up. I said I wanted to go back.

"Uncle if you had not saved us we would have been split up and sent all over the country."

"But Joe, to be sold for sex that's sick."

Little Peter came to me with a tape recorder. The only thing on it was "The main thing I am concerned about was their victims." That was my voice. I had said that in the group session. Child molesters, are a dime a dozen but who looks after their children.

"Well Uncle now you do get to take care of their children and decide who are worthy to have us."

The plane landed and we were transferred to a Limo. It was all cloak and dagger still. I could see the chateau ahead. It was big. There was a fence around it with security on the gate. The board warned that the fence was electrified. We got to the door and a man brought me a key.

"Mr Gough. So you are the new trainer. Do not forget, any trouble call the cave."

Okay, so I was thinking Batman and what the hell am I doing here, even, who the hell made me go? In the main hall I was greeted by nine other boys all shapes and sizes. They each had a book with their names on.

"I need a drink."

A boy at the far end-ran off bringing an artificial globe that contained every drink known to man, several different glasses and some ice.

"The Creep."

I looked at the boy who said it. With his head bowed he took a book from the wall. Punishments. All the boys' names were in the book and red dots were against them. This boy was called Cullen had 12 dots. 13 meant he had to get beaten with a belt. Rather than add a dot I heard the voice that said what about their victims? If he were to be beaten he would become a statistic of hurt children. The book said that No one who purchased a child could harm them, so why should I. The book was torn up into small pieces. Joe looked at me.

"And you don't know what to do? It looks like you have started to train already."

For the first time in the whole day he made me laugh. I whispered, "Will you get washed now and take your brothers with you. Cullen walked over to me.

"We are not brothers, we are all saved street children. What time is inspection?"

I made my way to the office. It was as big as the room I lived in back home. I had a safe that I had to enter a code of my choice. I had all the details of the boys. Everything was fitting like a jigsaw. I heard a bell. I did wonder what it was but when Cullen came into my office with a tray of food, I gathered it was dinner.

"Cullen is you trying to get into my good books?"

I never noticed his smile before. "Thank you sir for not giving me a beating."

Then left. For the next hour I sat and ate a delicious meal then took the chance to read the boys reports. Next to trainer was a picture of the guy I had seen in prison that had deceased through it. I could not believe what I was reading. All the boys had been trained in multi-sexual practices. Any child could be called upon to test what they had been taught by the trainer. The one rule was No child could say no.

I then got to meet the real Joe, Tom and Peter. They were completely different and were very good looking. Hell, I was thinking they were good looking. I felt very uncomfortable. I wriggled in the chair.

Joe walked towards me. "Uncle that's the effect we are supposed to have on people."

I am not someone who was into liking boys and things like that. I could not understand why men would want to do something with Joe. It was, he was good looking, and his face was that of Michelangelo's David. Yes I like art. Well he was nice, is that what you wanted to hear. I did not like the next part. I had to train him. There must be an easier way than this.

Cullen came to collect my plate. "If you need some company Uncle, you can call for me." He stood next to me looking.

I read his book.

Cullen Robins, English.
  • Parents died in a plane crash when a baby.
  • Chateau acquired child at the age of 6.
  • Talents: He is a great passion seeker as well as giver. Has a final exam to take before ready for the view book.
  • Body oiled twice a day; hair groomed once a week.
  • Needs practicing for kissing and further.
  • Angry child. Has yet to become close to any trainer so punishment potential High.
  • Might be happy with Rich Farmer who needs a son.
  • RCP. 100,000 Pound Stirling [US$160,000 / €112,000. This is due to lack of commitment.
  • PD.

I looked at the letters and PD meant 'Punishment Dropped.'"Cullen what Does PD mean?"

He pulled up a stool. He lifted his shirt. "It means that some people who come here want boys to hurt. PD means I am one of those. It would only last a year then I come back here. I will get 25,000 Pound Sterling [US$40,000 / €28,000] for that. I have been away once and you can see the marks."

I saw them.

"Cullen if you went to buy a car would you chose a shiny red one or the other shiny red car that had a big dent in it?"

He laughed. "The big shiny one, the first one."

I looked at him "Cullen you are the one that had a dent in."

He sat on the stool resting his head on the table. I could hear him crying but he said it was a cold. I lifted his chin and looked him in the eye. "If I had a car with a dent that I loved do you know what I would do?"

Wiping his eyes he said no.

"I would find the best garage around and get him to make it as good as new." I told him to find Joe for me.

Joe came running and almost hit the table. "Joe if any of the boys is unwell what happens?"

He opened the cupboard to show me a set of books. He looked up doctor then showed me. I called the number.

"Hello Dr Yatra here." I was not sure what to say so took a deep breath and said, "This is The Bear I need to see you" and put down the phone.

It was seven minutes later that the limo drove up.

"I am Dr Yatra."

I called Cullen in. I showed the doctor and asked him if he could do something about the marks.

"Well some light Acid then a graft of skin from another would have this well in three months."

I told him I wanted it done at the chateau as soon as possible.

"Oh naturally. I will use the infirmary. I will do it tonight."

I said he could send the bill but he said there was no need. He was given a free boy for his expert services less than three months ago. "The boys get my first class treatment not what I give those stuck up rich bastards who should know better."

I told Joe to get Cullen ready. He told me that Chiro was waiting to see me.

A small boy came in and asked to be tested as soon as possible. I asked what he meant because there was nothing in the book of his. Standing in front of me I watched as he took his shorts and briefs down. His age was 12 but he was endowed with a small finger penis. I saw the problem. He had some stitches in the skin that just needed taking out. He had caught it tight in his zip a while back. I think it was because I had been effected by the air up this high, or maybe I was going fucking mental at the thought of looking after all these kids. Gently I held him while I pulled the four stitches out after a quick snip with the scissors on the table.

"Will you try now?"

He shuffled forwards. I could see he wanted me to touch him.

"I will hold the tissues so that it won't cause a mess." I stopped. I pulled up his clothes.

He looked at me as if it was the end of the world.

"Chiro has angered you." He left the room.

My eyes focused upon the stitches on the tissue on the table and realised that I had become a molester of children without really thinking about it.

I ran to the door and called the boy back. I had done it again. These boys had no one else but me until they were brought as if a slave. "I am sorry Chiro. Shall we try that again?"

I took his hand and sat back down. I did the opening this time. I could see that he was pleased with that. I held the damaged penis when almost immediately it started to grow.

"It is better. Will it make a mess?"

I said that we should let it rest after the stitches had come out and check in two days. Most children if they give you a hug place their arms around you then you do the same. I wonder just how many would do that to a stranger half naked? The person in prison who had been training them sure had them under his thumb.

Joe came in while I was in the hug with Chiro. "Well Uncle that did not take long till you got stuck in."

I told him to stay. I helped Chiro dress. And we hugged again then left.

"Right I do not care who you think you are. I have been told I am the trainer, The Bear. So you will give me the respect I have got for doing this right!!!"

Joe walked to me, "I am very sorry uncle. You are right. Forgive me? The doctor has finished what you asked of him and said Cullen will sleep all night and will have no pain." He walked out. Almost immediately his face popped in again. "I hope one day I get a man who loves boys like you show."

I could not say much. It was going through my head all day. I had to take a walk. I went about the chateau. I saw the bedrooms. The clothing rooms this place had everything. There was a pool that was well used by the multitude of wet footprints and wet towels hanging around. I called Joe to get a few friends.

"Now Mr know-it-all, you and your friends get to clear the pool up, towels in to be cleaned or whatever you do to them and mop it all down. One hour. The moans of "it takes us all morning." I heard Joe tell them he would get more time.

I shouted "Do not try my patience now, I have very good ears and a strong right arm. Have we a cricket bat here?" I was told it was in the cupboard marked 'Ball games'. "Right let's hope I get to hit a ball and not a young boy's bottom with it. Understand."

I found the infirmary. Cullen was face down asleep I lifted the sheet. Every mark on that poor boy's body had be made good. I turned away when I touched his bottom. Well the guy in prison must have seen something more than I ever knew. I sat with Cullen. I stroked his hair he did look sweet just lying there. While I had one last touch he woke up from his deep sleep.

"Hello Uncle. I am very sore."

I told him he would be fine.

"Will you stay with me for a while till I go to sleep?"

I grabbed the stool and held his hand. I was pleased that 'I will be with you forever' was never said out loud. Cullen heard it in his own way so held tight and fell back to sleep. I went back to my office. Walking to it I was honest and wished I had never got where I was but I thought of the boys so far who had become my friend. I just could not give up on them.

Paul was 10. A new boy to the chateau. Three weeks ago. Training to start.

Terri was 10. Had been there since he was three and his parents tried to sell him to Romany gypsies.

Cullen I knew all about except he had been passed over seven times.

Joe, 12, was a leader in his field.

Tom and Peter both 11. Loved to be taught so worth expert time.

Chiro was 11 and he had a brother Tio who was 12. Both very loving and will do anything for the right person.

Jac and Franc were 13. These two boys could be the babies if needed. Have all the passing grades.

Finally Ch1 and Ch2 both boys are 13. They are originally from China. Great bath mates so if customer requires a bath mate there are two who are ready.

I could not believe what I was reading. It was like a menu at the restaurant except you are after young live flesh here. I asked all the boys to line up so that I could put a face to a name. I made Joe carry on cleaning being that I had seen him enough for the time being. Tio was a mystery. He did look oriental but not Chinese. It was as if they both, Tio and Chiro had been the union of English and Chinese. Tio was good enough. His eyes were full blue and pierced you like lasers. The one thing I did approve of was there clothing. All had the same so the conformity was hypnotic. If a boy had test to pass he would wear six different coloured badges. Pass a test and one got removed. Only two boys had no badges on. Tio and my Cullen. Sorry Tio and Cullen. He was not mine even though I was a different person when I was with him. He wanted some attention. He wanted love not beatings. His red hair was as angry looking as the scars he had on his back. Maybe I was right when I said they were mine.

Chapter 2

I asked each boy that was in the hall to choose a part of the chateau to show me. I know I said it was big so maybe, just maybe, I would pass on the training and being shown around would take all my time. I was wrong there.

Jac and Franc showed me the rooms that contained all the clothing. It was as big as a department store. There were so many cupboards. They had just numbers on the door. In each was enough clothing to last a lifetime of boys. One cupboard at the side had a Red star on it. Inside there was underwear. Boxers, briefs, leather, zippers, see through and all in ones. Every colour, size and shape. I saw the book on the shelf but wished I had never opened it. There were pictures of so many boys wearing nothing but underwear. It was clear what the pictures were for but did not like what was written. Some clients are in need of boys who will be like the pictures all day so pictures will suffice their need to look.

Paul and Terri took me to the dining area. The food was cooked away from the chateau but there was enough food in locked glass cabinets that would last for six months in case of emergencies.

Chiro and Tio showed me to the bedrooms. Every boy had his own room and there were six extra rooms empty for children if and when they became available. My room was enormous. The most prominent feature was a great big round bed in the centre of the room. Enough space for anything you wished for. Cupboards all filled with clothing. I got to the stage of not bothering to check if it was my size but assumed that it was.

Joe, Tom and Peter were almost finished at the pool but I found the room that Ch1 and Ch2 show me was the worst. It was like a medieval torture room. Chains and whips. I just turned away I could not help but look at the boys' faces not wanting to believe that they would willingly go through the torture that the room was set up for.

When I got back to the office I looked again at the contract that to be signed by the people who bought the boys. I wanted to make a few changes but again I was in a position where I did not know what to do. I saw a solicitor's number so called. "Come see The Bear!" It was similar to the doctor. He was there within a few minutes. I explained what I wanted to do.

"This is very inappropriate."

I asked him if it was inappropriate for him or us. I demanded that the following clause be included and new contracts made out.

"No boy will be allowed to go with any man he does not want to be with. The acts of punishment will no longer be allowed so if any boy is marked in any way a full explanation will be required. If I am not satisfied then the security services will be involved."

"You mean that for the sake of a child you would cause harm to their owner if the child was harmed?"

I looked at him face to face. "The boys here are to be loved even by perverts and I will protect them in any way I can. Understand?"

In less than an hour I had all the new contracts in my hands. I was getting everything sorted when I realised that it was dark. It was in fact 2am. The boys had eaten and taken themselves off to bed. I looked in on each boy to make sure things were as they should be but got a slight shock. Most of the boys had cucumber over their eyes. Their faces were covered in a white facemask. Their hands had white gloves on. I made a note to find out about this in the morning. Finally I checked on Cullen. He was still asleep but the sheet that covered him was on the floor. He lay straight and prone. His flesh was smooth as silk. I spent far too much time standing there looking at him before I lifted up the sheet recovering him so he was warm enough till morning.

On my way out I saw a box on the wall that had the room numbers on them. The words 'Pass' and 'Check' were highlighted. The infirmary's light had the same. I flipped one of the tabs wondering what they were for. There was no book so I made a note to check on that in the morning. Above my head were two lights. Under each light was the words 'Normal' and 'Change'. I must have made a mistake because I hit the normal button and it would not go out. My note pad was filling up. 3am. I was getting tired. I checked the alarm, I did read that, and then went to bed. I managed a quick shower but was not sure how to sleep in a round bed.

I had not been in bed long when I saw Tio come in to my room. I was going to say something but wondered if he was sleeping walking. I had not got around to reading the boy's medical histories. I watched. Tio washed his face, took off his gloves and make his way to the round bed. Scared is the wrong word but I was frozen stiff. I could not talk and I panicked slightly because my breathing began to falter. At the bottom of the round bed, I'll let you work that out, Tio lifted the cover. He slipped under. I started to feel sick. He was caressing my feet. His lips kissed my legs. I wished I had got dressed. I was repulsed by his actions the combinations of feelings made me almost faint. Between my thighs his kissing continued, where he had kissed his hands stroked till the sheet that covered us slipped away. I looked down screaming for him to stop but I heard no sounds. I was ashamed because his actions were having the wrong effect upon my body. When you die they say the first thing that happens is rigor mortis sets in. There was only one part of me that had rigor mortis. I was ashamed to say it was not dead. The boy just continued to do everything I never wanted. I think I was getting angry because I grabbed his hair to throw him off but I had no strength in my arms. On his own he sat up impaling himself on the organ that I always kept private. Tight and squeezing he slipped up and down on me. Tio masturbated. I watched as his hand fly back and forth over his organ begging him to stop. I could not understand why I could hear the screams but Tio could not. I did try and move but all that happened was I managed to arch my back and explode in an orgasm the like I had never known. Tio was still in the flow while making me empty my contents inside him. He sat firm then while I was looking a droplet the size of winter mornings dew escaped from him. A tissue took care of it. His mouth took care of me. Tio left as quickly as he came in. I just managed to get across to the sink before I vomited at the thought of my dream. I went back to bed. My only thought was, if it was a dream why was there a tissue on the bed.

I slept late but did see that someone had brought some breakfast. I stood on the tissue. I remembered what had happened last night. It took a mouthful of coffee and I felt sick again. It must have been the thought of the dream. I lay back for a bit but was disturbed by Joe.

"Morning Uncle, I have brought the book. Lets get the curtains."

When he opened them there was a different Joe. He was like a regular boy. It looked as if he was going out to get on a bike. Yes he was a regular kid.

"Will you tick the book please?"

I started to understand. The lights I saw last night, normal and change. They signified the way I wanted the boys to be the next morning. Change was to get dressed up and even use make up. I looked at the book. All the boys were normal for today. I signed the book.

"I hear that you have to have a badge this morning?"

I do not know about you but there I was naked in a strange bed surrounded by strange boys in a strange house being told I was to have a badge. "You dropped Tio's flag last night. You have to give marks out of 10. The number determines what badge you take from him."

I was getting good at vomiting. I managed to face the floor when it happened.

"Don't worry uncle The Ch-brothers are on room duties today I will call them."

I told Joe to wait till I had dressed.

"Uncle, you must not worry because we will all see you naked at some time. Now what mark do you give Tio?"

I never answered.

"Wow was he that good?"

I stood and threw a pillow at him.

"Now I have seen you uncle."

I called him back "Joe I will say 6. Now get out. I want everyone in the hall in 15 minutes."

I went down. All the boys including Cullen were there. All looked so different. I asked Cullen what had happened to his blue eyes. He took a box from his pocket and showed me the contact lenses. I began that day to understand how they made some boys look the way they did. I sent them of to do their jobs and Tio came to my room. He gave me a blue badge then a smile.

"Tio I have to ask you, what did you do last night?"

He never said much, but after he said "Just whatever you wanted." I was grateful that there was a bin nearby.

I had a meeting with a Mr 2 early afternoon. Mr 2 is a Manager of thriving business. Requires someone to keep him company on long nights and days. Will send boy to school in Switzerland then home each night, as he does not live far away. He has deposited 200,000 Pound Sterling [US$320,000 / €225,000] in the chateau account. I read his requirements. I had to call Joe.

"You better read this."

He took his time.

"Then it looks like I am the one."

I told him to get ready. I regretted those words. I went to look in on him and offered to get some new clothes as a start.

"That's not the way it is done."

I looked at him, "It is if I am the trainer."

Joe almost fell into my arms. The boy with the big head was now just a normal lad. He was as scared about the decision as I was. I got the clothes. Not knowing what a boy would wear I offered a choice. I watched as he packed into a case the clothing in his room and what he had been wearing. I looked on as the naked child chose boxers and socks in white. The trousers and shirt in black, a jumper with a question mark on it and a cap. Before he started to dress, why I do not know, I hugged him with no reservation at all. Even the kiss to the forehead was unexpected.

Mr 2 arrived. He looked like a normal businessman. Reading the contract he was happy to sign. Joe arrived. I introduced him. For a while they chatted. Formalities agreed and they had gone.

I remember a book I had seen. I called a number. One child contract signed. Empty places are going spare. I called Cullen and told him to take Joe's room as he was going to have to help me. The rest of the day was just getting to know the boys. Their likes and dislikes that I wrote in a new book. I even managed to write down what sexual activities the Ch-brothers liked when they told me. I asked Tio about last night but I made him feel as if he had failed on some big test. I had a visit from Chiro who wanted to have a test because of the stitches being removed. I had him stand next to me and I looked at the cut that had healed. "It should be alright." He had a wonderful smile that made me smile along wit him. I had tea with the boys and that was unheard of. Listening to them I began to realise just how important this life was to them. They had nothing else so the chateau was the start of a new life.

I was helped by all the boys to do a new rota for them. Out went cleaning up mess made by others. They would all have a responsibility for themselves. In the evening we all had a game of baseball in the garden. This again was something never done before, they were never allowed outside. There was a room fitted like a gymnasium. I just gave them the fresh air they looked like they needed.

We had drinks after the game and I was horrified to hear what some of them had gone through. I told them I had hay fever from playing in the garden rather than tell them I was crying for the pain they had suffered. I saw the way they got ready for bed. Normally they were on their honour to do this on their own but it made it a more family atmosphere when they had someone to care for them. I then understood why they did what they did to just be part of a family again.

They all got to bed except Cullen who brought the book to sign. Day and night I had to sign who was there. I took the book and said goodnight. I left the light on normal and looked at all the sleeping boys in turn. I turned the alarm on and had an early night myself. I was reading some of the more out of date files and counted over 50 boys had gone through the chateau in a year. I did not know what I was going to do. This was going to be too much I was sure. I was not the right person for this but I could not see them alone. The bank accounts showed funds in excess of 4,000,000 Pound Sterling [US$6,500,000 / €4,500,000]. Only a small amount was used each week so I wondered who was the main beneficiary of all this money. I lasted till midnight when I think I fell asleep with the book falling to the floor.

At 2am the door opening waked me up. I saw a shadow approach. It was Franc. He closed the door quietly then walked towards the bed. Slowly he slipped off the long gown he wore to bed. All the boys had the same clothes on at night. I felt as I did last night. I just wished I could tell them all. Franc sat next to me. The room was so dark that his silhouette was about all I could seat the top of my head. Slipping the covers down he moved to my head. His long arms reached down massaging my chest. His reach let him run his fingers through the hairs from my neck to the pubic bone. With his knees either side of my head he managed to stretch even further. His lips nibbled the parts of me that I would never believe lips would ever touch. I could feel small hairs touch my nose with a smell of hyacinths. In a soft and quick move this boy had engulfed my organ to its fullness. With gentle suction his lips and tongue penetrated the hole in the tip of my organ delivering delicious signals of wanton lust. When he forced the opening wider I had to take a deep breath. I almost died at that moment because I could feel this small organ push into my mouth. I wanted to spit it out so made my plan to get rid of it. I thought long and hard. Sucking his was not an option but every time it touched the back of the tongue I had the impulse so did. He then sucked harder and his hands moistened by the juices I had started to excrete started to dig into the area known as no go, being that the only thing that ever went there was paper. My body started to do things I never told it. I was pushing up, sucking down. The feelings got very intense. Without a care I broke with my feelings and when Franc slipped sideways I went with him. I believe that I was now sucking him more than he was I. Franc moved down so that his feet rested now on the bed and I was ashamed. I lost the comforter that I had been sucking on. I used my hands and lips to get it back and it was then I who was the one on top. Sucking for all I was worth I had to take all of this boy but why I cannot tell you. I felt a hand touch me then start to rub. It made me use some sort of force that caused Franc to make noises of satisfaction. I never did feel that night after that I was doing wrong. I did feel guilty but I just sucked. When I had the feeling I was about to explode I tried to turn back but Franc's mouth covered me again. I filled his mouth listening to him swallow every drop. His legs opened wide as I sucked on him and I tasted something new. It was sweet but also had a slight bitterness combined. It was as if I had taken a sip from a glass but not of water. I realised what I had done and that's when the guilt took over.

Franc spoke asking if he could stay the night. I think he was upset because I was sharp at telling him to go to bed. I saw the small figure dress and make his way to the door. I sat up quickly turning on the light.

"Franc come here."

He shuffled his way to me.

"Is that what you want Franc, to stay here?"

I saw him look to me.

"Only if you want me Uncle."

The light was shining through a crack in the curtain. I wondered what kind of dreams this place was making me have. I got out of bed and stood on a boy's nightshirt. Lifting it up I turned to see the sleeping Franc still with me. I lifted the cover but rather than move I sat and watched his body rise up and down with each breath. My hand shook with disgrace when I caressed the part of Franc that responded to my touch. No matter what I did I never felt as bad as Cullen looked when he saw us in each other's arms.

I helped Franc up feeling very strange. "I want you to do something for me?" He listens as I told him what to do. Not bothering to put the shirt on he left the room. I was washing when Cullen came back with the morning book. I signed the book but only after he had gone did I realise I was naked with yet another boy in my room.

I did the morning check but Cullen was not talking much. I told Chiro to come to the study. I got the others to go play in the gym. I sat in the chair. Chiro came in asking what he had done wrong. I smiled at him. I took the decision to take the initiative. I placed my hand on his shorts and tugged them down. His briefs followed. Leaning against me I held his body part that had been stitched. Stroking it grew and grew. Very quickly I could see his eyes start to close. I could feel his breathing become faster until his legs almost buckled. Not a drop was produced. The feeling was intense as he put it. The scar had held. Chiro felt whole again. I tidied him up and we hugged as a way of saying thank you.

The rest of the day I took the chance of talking again to all the boys wanting to know more about what they wanted. The family was important. The reasons were clear but I tried but could not understand why they would allow a stranger to have a sexual hold over them.

Another man called who had signed a contract for two boys. 400,000 Pound Sterling [US$640,000 / €450,000] was deposited. He was different. His skin was very greasy. I really did not want any boy to go but after speaking to Franc and his brother Jac the deal was done. I got a call from the Cave to tell me that four new boys would be arriving. They had been taken from the streets of Rome. Boys aged 11 and two of 12. These boys had been pimping themselves for food. They had all been told what the score was about the chateau and agreed to it. The important thing was that they had all been checked and were clean. Apart from a few cuts and bruises they were perfect.

I made sure that four rooms were made ready. A man in a bus dropped off the boys with all their details. I saw in the boys the feeling I had when the plane took off and I realised the subterfuge that had begun. Twin boys were grasping each other in what I believed to be fear while the elder two just seemed to be looking at this experience as just another day. They were defiantly street kids. How did I know? I didn't but the state of their clothes combined with the look of, water? What's that? I have never washed. I had seen pictures of children who were starving due to being malnourished and uncared for. These boys looked the same. Walking to them I saw a single black spot jump from one of the boys clothes.

"Cullen run some bathes. Get something to get rid of any visitors the boys may have brought with them."

Cullen took a large container. I heard the water run. Another of the boys brought a large black bag wearing some long gloves.

"Right boys. You do not have to be afraid now. I have to ask you to take all the clothes you are wearing off. I will give you all new things to wear after you have had a bath."

The boys may have been checked for damage but their clothing had not. I got it to the furnace straight away. I did not know what the boys looked liked being covered in so much dirt. I shuffled them to the baths and made another boy make sure they cleaned every part of themselves. I took Cullen who was still not talking to the clothing rooms. Choosing four sets of clothes Cullen collected some sandals for them to wear. I made a check. The boys had been taught to wash. However it was clear also that they never bothered to find water. They cleaned up well. Cullen showed them how to use the oil that all boys had to use every day. Then dressed each one in turn showing them to their rooms. I spoke to them briefly, making sure everything was understood.

One boy said, "We get the picture. You want us to let some guy take our arses if they want and you give us a home and money."

I did the full bit and they were excited about going to school. I had to get the local barber in to get their hair cut so got him to do us all. I then sat all of them down to eat explaining that Cullen would show them what to do. I went back to the study.

I reassessed the whole situation. Here I was, an officer in a council department, taken for a ride. I had met and hated the people I saw in prison. Their victims I had now been placed in charge of. I had to train them to serve adults thus becoming the victims I cared about. This was so confusing. I could not become those people in prison; yet, in two nights, through ignorance and lack of knowledge, made two children, who had been taught to be a servant to those who ask, come to my room. They did things to me that made me vomit but desire what they did. I had not come to any conclusion yet except I could not just walk out on people that were in danger, even though they could not see it themselves.

I did one thing. I had been given a case of money at the start. It was 500,000 Pound Sterling [US$800,000 / €550,000]. I had never seen so much money. I had just put it in the safe when the new boys came to see me. I got their real names. Twins Sam and Simon were from Genoa. On holiday with their family but had been left for some reason. They were 12. The other two were 11. Ishta and Itasha. They were friends who had been taken from a house by two women. They had been in the house for six months. I listened as they told me, just as a normal conversation went, the variety of things they had done to stay alive. The things they allowed to be done to their bodies were things that a normal child would never hear of. Even after they had grown into an adult relationship some things they did would never have been spoken of also never done. The four boys talking to me now would be prepared to do anything. They understood that death was a part of their way of life. As long as they had a meal and a bed to sleep in, the people who took them could be given carte blanche to do whatever they wanted. One real point was, "If we did good we might just get more than food and a bed."

They had been given drugs but they had affected the performance. "We would get beaten but that was better than sleeping in the snow. I called on the Ch-brothers. I pointed two boys to each of them.

"Listen and learn to what they say. Learn all the rules of the house and your personal rules. Ch will explain and get some rest. I wont let your picture be placed in the book for four weeks so you have a lot of learning to do."

The conversation had upset me more than I thought. I was called for two small boys to keep an old man company. It seemed to be a chance in a lifetime. Paul and Terri were 10. Paul had just started to learn to be answerable for his mistakes but Terri was happy so training had gone well before I arrived. The man had asked for companionship rather than sexual gratification. He paid way over the top for the boys so I asked them what they thought. They were both friends and knew they would get some money. They both just wanted to be happy. After meeting the man he sounded genuine. His papers were of a high standard so the boys were his. I watched as I saw a grand father took his grandsons to live with him. I wrote in the book "I hope all is as well as the last."

I called Cullen. "I have had a contract and it looks like you would be the best to fill it. He read:

Boy age 12 required. Firstly I will guarantee that the child would be not harmed for any reason. He would attend the best school I could find. His life I hope will be happy. I understand that all the boys are taught in many sexual forms. The boy will only be required to perform these things at his choice. Money deposited will arrive in seven days.

He said that it sounded great and would be happy to go with the man. That's all he said. He still was not happy with me.

We all had something to eat and I told the boys left that I would be changing the light tonight so get ready to change. There was a flurry of activity while the boys gathered some make up together ready for the morning. I asked, no, I told Cullen to show the new twins what to do. Ch2 was to help the others.

Lights off I was pleased that this day was over. My last job was to stop my hand from flagging the room of Ch1 for the night. It was hard work but a strong man like me, I did.

I finished writing and realised that it was the earliest night so far. Not even 11pm. No knock just the light going out reminded me of what I had done. The shadow of a boy walked around the bed. In the light of the lamp that pierced the curtain I could see the figure. I watched as each button was opened of his shirt. The moment it hit the ground I became acutely aware of its shape and form. I could from that distance draw a finger from the top of the head down around the nose, bevelled under the chin taking a wide oval curve that was his chest. Then the shape I drew around next started to enlarge making this impossible to draw freestyle. The form turned. My left hand let the covers slip. I was sure that I would get them back but my eyes were glued to the figure coming towards me. Climbing over me he turned so he was looking at my feet. Parting his roundness his crack started to tenderise the pole he was going to use. I felt cold oil sliding down the shaft but had no time to breath. His opening was at the right angle so the shaft slipped inside. His hands were on my knees as he bounced up and down in long strokes almost letting the shaft slip out on every occasion. My hand grabbed his side then got to his shoulders. I began to forcibly push him down. Slipping back his back reached my chest and I was forcing myself to get the pleasure that I once again never thought possible. I reach around till I was holding his slim shaft. Skinless was the head as I rubbed. With one push that would have ripped the insides of any other mere mortal I began to empty myself. His body shook and my hand held the warm fluid escaping from him. A swift turn combined his lips with mine. The fluids still dripping in various quantities mangled between us. The boy got off me and went to my bathroom. I saw Ch1's face in the light. He washed me but did not allow me to do the same. Dry he covered me with the sheet blowing a kiss goodnight as he left. The dreams that night made me so angry.

In the morning Cullen arrived at 6am. "Uncle we have an emergency."

There was a message on an answer phone that I never knew we had. "Uncle this is Joe. I need help."

I felt so silly. I stood up and shouted "The Cave." I was given the phone. I spoke to a voice.

"Joe is in trouble. Get there."

The phone was dead. I sat there not bothering to dress wondering what was going on. I was brought some coffee and asked if I had heard anything. I stood looking through the window for three hours.

Suddenly there was a call. "You better get the doctor there we are almost home." I called the doctor.

When the van pulled up a man was carrying a body wrapped in a blanket. Joe was hardly recognizable. Both eyes were swollen, nose and lips cut and covered in blood. I ran to the infirmary. The man dropped Joe to the bed. "We have work to do." I opened the blanket. I almost broke down. There were large marks on every part of his body. He had been beaten with a stick.

What I will tell you now has taken me a long time to write. After the doctor had examined him, I was there, the report read as follows.

"30 cuts made by a cane or shape whip. Face beaten, Nose broken. Anus ripped apart by an object other than what it had been trained for, milk bottle comes to mind, and finally this poor boy was circumcised while he was awake with garden shears. Vast amount of blood lost. Cannot guarantee his life."

I went berserk. I told the doctor that it was his life if Joe died. Doctor Yatra told me to calm down.

"I will do all I can but this maybe far more than I can deal with."

I saw container after container of blood given. Container after container of plasma was given, Injection after injection at the start to sedate Joe and keep him free from pain. Finally seven stitched in his anus to seal the damage then he was properly circumcised to make him look aesthetically correct. I had to wonder if 200,000 Pound Sterling [US$320,000 / €225,000] was enough to make a child suffer so. I got a radio and let some soft music play while I sat with Joe. I heard over a new flash that a man answering the description of the man who brought Joe had been found decapitated in his car. I thought, 'They would not have done that, would they?'

The man who brought Joe home came to see us. Even though almost naked that man's comment of "Well Joe you look so much better now you have your uncle back."

Just before he left he said, "Our work is complete. Give the lad a kiss when he wakes up from us." He left.

One thing happened that made the choice I made worthwhile. The boys all came to see Joe. I said, "This is what happen when I get it wrong."

Then a small croaking voice said, "Uncle is that you? I knew you would come."

I kissed Joe and started to cry. I was hugged not by Joe but by the boy who had not spoken to me personally in almost three days I think. It was Cullen. I made sure with Cullen's help that Joe would be safe just as Cullen had been looked after Joe reversed the roles. Joe got a bed, one of the roll up kind. He placed it on the other bed in the infirmary to stay with Joe. I got rid of the other boys to get a late lunch then showed Cullen what had happened. He almost collapsed. I was holding him when the doctor came to see Joe.

"Being awake is a good sign. You know what's happened to you Joe?"

No tears he just said "Yes."

The doctor took his temperature and gave him another injection.

"Just something to keep away the infection. Well it looks like my life is safe again."

I apologised to him for allowing my anger to control my emotions. So I did not know what I was talking about.

"Well Mr Trainer, no names. If you look after the other boys as you look after young Joe here then they will be secure for the rest of their lives." He gave me some liquid. "Give Joe one cup night and morning. Light food. He will have diarrhoea for a week or so but that will let the stitches heal. No baths but keep him clean, and Joe don't play with yourself. It all has been made right."

He closed his bag and said his nurse would call every morning to check upon him.

That night Joe died. He caught septicaemia. It was from the shears that had been used to circumcise him. Nothing could have been done because when the act took place he was already poisoned. His blood just could not fight the sickness. He had been given fresh blood but on top of the poison it just did not help. The Antibiotics worked for a while but he was too far-gone. This was part of the job I did not like and for 48 hours I questioned if I should have been there at all. Why did I just not call the police and make a run for it?

The morning of the second day I got a letter from the old man who wanted two young boys for companions. There was a photo of the boy's first day at a prestigious boarding school where he was the Governor. The boys had sent wonderful letters and the man had only thanks for allowing him to have the sweetest Grandchildren anyone could ever want. There was a cheque for some extra funds with which I could treat all the children. I smiled 1,000,000 Pound Sterling [US$1,600,000 / €1,100.000]. That was some treat.

Chapter 3

Joe was buried in a plot within the chateau. I regretted the man Joe had gone with but in the plot Joe was not the first to be buried. I vowed to try and insure that if I were to be part of whatever this was then there would be no more holes dug in the chateau.

I made a diary of all that happened up to now. I would fill it in each day.

I got a call from a man who was visiting from far away. He had made enquires some time back about the Ch-brothers. I boldly asked for references and all his personnel details because of a recent death of a boy. I got them and the full payment for the boys. He was a businessman who lived in Pinang. He was the director of a camp that looked after the Pandas. His identity was checked and the boys told. After a meeting the boys agreed to him becoming their sponsors in Pinang. His only requirements would be their friendship and some other gratitude's if needed. I did tell the boys that if they had problems to call. Hell knows if they did, how I was going to get the cave people to travel all that way.

I had a visit that night from Sam. I had not flagged any room or asked anything of anyone but he was just scared. He had a bad dream after all that went on so was looking for company. His face tear stained was shaking so he jumped in with me. We lay talking about things and after what had happen he started to tell me about the suffering he had gone through when on the street. It was not long before we were asleep in each other's arms. He knew he was safe with me and I knew I was safe for him. All through that night I woke every time he moved. I worked on a new saying that night 'The angel is safe with the devil in disguise.' I never took advantage of him but I saw him through different eyes now he was clean and smelled of all boys. When it was time to wake the next day I had a hand under his shirt. He had a smile on his face. What had I done? Nothing as far as I could remember but I hate to say if I had then he would have been like most of the others nothing but a willing partner.

I got a message that the man who had been the trainer was to go on trial at the end of the week. I hoped for his sake that things went well. I also met a Mr C., he was the accountant. I was beginning to get a silly feeling about all this cloak and dagger stuff. I had to sign for money transfers. The Bear. I was given a book. It was in my name. I had made almost 3,000,000 Pound Sterling [US$4,800,000 / €3,400,000] for a few days work and one death.

I started to look in on the boys while they were shown how to apply make up. They all had special contact lenses made of very colourful contact lenses. The more used to make up could look ravishing. Hold it. That word is just a word. I had fun helping Sam and Simon. I then watched each boy shave himself. My eyes should have been looking elsewhere but I had to make sure they never got cut. After cleaning off we all had a meal while we spoke of how they felt wearing make up. I did not know that a lot of small boys have the desires to do it. They even had a room with some girls clothing in. With make up and dresses you would find it hard to tell them apart.

I called upon Cullen for all the books so that I could sign them all at once.

"Uncle in case you did not know today is a free day."

I listened to what he said and was happy. That day the chateau was just like a child's playroom. The boys were all over. I even arranged a picnic in the gymnasium of all places. It was a great success. I heard the bell of the phone.

"Hello. The boys are being looked for. The old trainer will find new premises. You have three days."

So this would all be over for me in three days. It was the first time I had ever felt sorrow. I made arrangements for my departure.

The next few days thing went just as planned. I found places for Chiro and Tio after one night I had Chiro for the night. Nothing happened after all I am not like that. I kept the handkerchief after he had one. It was the first time he did in my company and the last. The four boys from Genoa did not need a trainer they needed to be boys once again. I could see the guy I had met being happy with the boys that were left. I heard that he was going to be released.

I now have to change the subject. Do any of you know or like horse jumping. I would go every Christmas to see the Horse of the Year show. I loved the delicate way they were able to bounce over and between the fences. Well I had been reading about the horses in Vienna. I forgot what they were called. I had my tea thanks to Cullen and asked him to sit. The contract for him had arrived and was there for him to sign. He had a sad look when he signed but he was happy to be going.

"Uncle what the man's name?"

I was in my chair at the desk so had to look. Now you remember the horses? Right get ready. "Cullen it's me!"

Cullen vaulted the desk and landed on top of me. The chair fell back and we were one.

We never said much but I had worked it all out. I could not go back to England. I would get a place abroad. I should have enough money. I filed the contract. That night the incredible happened. I collected some clothes for Cullen in a case then rather than flag him I took him to my room. Without worry I undressed. I then took my boy's clothes off. He looked different. Cullen passed me a red badge. We both understood the meaning. He found every sexual point in and around me. Using them to get the desired effect his hands twisted and turned my flesh. His lips changed shapes and sizes so we could kiss, lick and drip the ecstasy that he made me produce along the parts that became so sensitive with his actions. I climaxed over him then enjoyed massaging it into the fleshy parts of Cullen's young body. He let me squeeze some of the first clear liquid intermingled with white streaks from him. I did not believe what happened. We professed our love for each other stopping each time there was a noise feeling embarrassed that someone could have heard. I never regretted taken Cullen's virginity. He took mine. I got to know why a round bed was needed. We encircled the globe that night enjoying every position we could do to express our love. So it looks like I was one of those who had been caught.

The next morning we both found the chateau was empty of boys. There was a letter.

Hi there Uncle.

Well thanks for keeping the boys happy. We have had to relocate now but I did not want you to be disturbed last night. You looked very happy. The plane will be at the airport in four hours. Tell it where you need to go. Enough money has been placed in a Swiss bank account that will make it unnecessary for you to work again. Find a place for you and your friend then have some fun. Your local government officers are so boring. Well Uncle, just in case you find a place big enough for some extra people do let me know. Just call the cave. I am off now. The case fell apart because the three boys could not be found. I am sorry about Joe. Maybe we will meet again.

Prisoner 167338

I found everything was gone except some extra clothing for Cullen and documents showing he was my son enabling us to go where ever we wanted to. The chateau was naked but so were Cullen and I and I did not care.

The plane took us to our new home, you do not expect me to tell you where do you? The money I was given was vast. I remember being told I would be a millionaire in a year. I had been given three years pay for eight days work. I bought a place with nine rooms. Well you never know when they might be needed. My only wish of Cullen was that he dresses as I liked and was happy. There is a lot of land. I know that it would never contain a grave because I would if it happened always find a place in my heart for the boy who has never had love before. Cullen, well he would be my life. I hoped he would become his own man but I suppose the attraction of real love is too hard to let go.


I have just read that diary I made all those years ago. I am still as happy as I was when I stopped writing. I have a house full now and Cullen is now the one to help the boys. At night he comes to me. We are still so in love that we wonder sometimes if we could last forever but that's another story. "Cullen whose side you on for the football?" To you all, Love found with a boy is wonderful if allowed to grow in peace.

Part Two

Author's note

I am dyslexic and suffering cancer. I allow the computer to do all my work. While resting I find writing the best way to accomplish this. I am so grateful for all the letters I have received and quite overcome with the response to "The Arena." I was not expecting the mixed letters that I got. The feeling of Love and hate it generated was surprising. Well I have been told it should have been longer so I hope Arena 2 lives up to its starter.

I had been doing stories I wrote a long time ago but this will be the first new one in a long time.


I had many letters asking for the Arena to be extended. I did say that I hoped you did not expect me to tell you where the plane took Cullen and me. I have had a lot to think about so I will need your assurance that this story will go no further.

I found the plane okay, but only after I found a house near to Southern Spain. The house was a traditional building that showed its worth. Arrangements were made with the local officials to turn a blind eye providing they got some sort of remuneration for being not around while things were being arranged. I did meet the top people and I shook hands with a brown paper bag every time. The big boss of the boys' trading post had set up things, as I had become accustom to calling it. I know that no matter how much hate I had I did want the people younger than I to be safe.

The house was a well-hidden place, very much like the plantation houses of the 1800s. Cullen was still thrilled that I had taken him with me. I must be honest with you. The feelings I had for him were like a younger brother but in a way it was different. I was told the house was colonial. I would have said sergeant because I had seen enough of the colonel type people come for boys to please their needs, sexual and otherwise.

I was given some staff to assist me but instilled within them that it was the boys who made them money so keep that in mind. Nine boy's rooms an office then the bedroom with a round bed naturally. Six bathrooms. A dining room, followed by a large pool. The rest of the building was shaded so the boys who came would get fresh air. I sat in the study to review the rules. Being this was my place I would do things my way. The people who thought they were in control got a shock when I told them the good news. The answer was providing there were boys to trade and money made I could swing upside down on the chandelier for all they cared. Cullen had the main room while I began to get ready not knowing what would happen.

I think I can hear some people say, "Why the fuck did you just not get out of it?" Well there is a simple answer to that. The boys about to come had a choice, owner, not me, but maybe a sadistic person who would beat the boys so their bones of their bodies showed. Yes I hated what was going on. Yes I had a fumble with Franc and no matter how many times I said no or vomited I was drawn to this new kind of whatever it was. Sounds a pretty weak excuse I know. Cullen I bought. He was different. He never showed any feelings towards me except when he leaped across the table after being told he was not up for sale. I could feel the bile forming when I knew from the start that I had to find a way of training them. I did see that I had no den with which to inflict torture on the boys.

A man wanting to chat to the Cougar called me. What had these people got with animals? I assumed he wanted me. "I have two boys in the car. We will be with you in ten minutes."

I told Cullen the news. "Here we go again." A simple hug I am sure was needed but I could not face the look from Cullen with a feeling of something.

A tall man called. He had with him two boys. I was handed the books before a word was spoken. Hakia and Sim. They had been involved in a war between feuding rival factions. They had been originally taken to serve the winning leaders. Suddenly he had been gunned down and they were alone. After a conference the boys decided to give the house a try, knowing that here was much safer than the war torn streets where they were first brought up. The boys were 11 and dressed in the native costumes. Each had a sheet that had a hole in the middle. That's where your head went. For the first time I came across a problem, language. So I was the fool. The boys could speak English. They had learned at an early age not to because that would get you killed.

I got Cullen to get the boys a bath followed by a change of clothes. I had not seen the clothing cupboards yet but on a plan I found they were in a storeroom in the basement. I quickly read every book I could find. I saw a training manual. I looked in the mirror but could not believe that a former council worker would be getting boys to do the things I was repulsed at.

The boys all returned. Yes the conformity had begun. I arranged some food for us but even with eating implements on the table Hakia and Sim used their hands.

I asked Cullen the ultimate question. "I want you to show the boys what they have to do in every way."

By doing that I hoped that the boys would become the fastest items we could turnover. More money and the boys were away from the war. I had to sign the obligatory badges and found out what there true meaning was. The better the boy's actions the more badges could be removed. I still never understood why the boys would allow themselves to become commodities like this. I would never in my life get my head around that.

Three further boys arrived. Two black plus one albino child stood facing me. The black boys were from Gambia while the Albino was Dutch. Aman with his brother Eran, both 12 while the albino was called Jared. He was 12. They had been sent from another house that was full. I could not believe what these boys had gone through to be accepted by people who needed a thrill from them. Aman and his brother were traditional slaves who would do anything just to be wanted. Jared was a boy who would be seen as someone special.

Cullen had a busy afternoon. I could not face the steps that had to be taken for the imitation. I found a bin. I knew I had to get one because the readings of their files were so powerful. Cullen gave me a list of the clothing used.

"You have to understand, we are all here because this life is ten times better than what we had. Try not to think about what we do, just think about who we are."

Well there you have it. This boy who I bought was giving me a lecture on getting the boys ready for the future whomever to buy and molest them. I was going to be paid so this could happen.

I wrote a list of things I expected the boys to do. I was free to talk to them at any time. I never mentioned that this house would not punish them, because to even rise my hand or any object against them would cause me twice as much harm as them. All the boys had travelled a long way. I did get them to bed early after tea. They all slept well. I finished my diary. Yes I had started a new one to insure the boys that I would know any person who made a request for the angle for his life.

It was almost midnight when I got a call asking for a fully trained boy within two weeks. I read what was required. Just like a butchers as I may have said before, there was a list from a sad person eager to get their hands on someone who would make him scream in sexual delight.

I did try to shower but I think I saw the water and ran away because I did feel dirty about this work and becoming clean would never be something this job would allow. I found a message from Cullen saying that he was free if I became lonely. I could not hate myself any more now than I did. It was a new round bed so took some time to settle. In the dark I heard the door open. I knew this was an impending disaster. Maybe Cullen wanted company. I did not mind his company, but it was not him.

I held the sheet tight going through the diary in my head writing a list that contained one word. "Pyjamas." It was a hand on my arm that gave me the bad feeling. Tonight I began to wonder. Whoever, their legs sat it between. His feet were doing all the work that caused the impending bile to creep into my stomach. His soles caressed my organ while I was almost in tears because it was responding to the feather light touch. Each toe moved in a different way. Each ribbed detail of the organ had a toe that complied with it in some way. I know that my breathing was beginning to take separate breaths. I sat up but the sheet never fell. I tried to pull, but the feet carried on with the task they had started. For a moment there was a change. A tongue replaced the toes. Lips and tongue fought a battle to win the war. I knew what was going to happen. I knew I could not stop it. The call of sexual frenzy crescendo through my whole body till it escaped from my lips. The never-ending suction gave me the shock normally associated with electricity. The expert was swallowing all that I said I hated to happen.

Again a boy had exposed the internal feelings that if I thought about them I would vomit but when it was done this way I hated myself for the enjoyment. The boy reversed his position. I grabbed his hand. I became gentle realising that the strength I had forcing to hold his hand was not what I wanted. I was gentle with him. Maybe I was saying thank you.

The next morning I was showering when Cullen came in. So shorter time ago I would have shouted some kind of obscenity. Now I just carried on washing hoping that Cullen would not be in too much of a rush to leave. I realised what I had been thinking, I called Culled and demanded he find out who came to my room last night. It was lunchtime when he told me he had failed. All denied it.

I sat with them all explaining the badge system. I then told them about my mystery visitor during the night.

"Did he do a good job?" asked Jared.

I explained that I could only talk to the boy who did it. Aman and Eran both looked blank. Hakia and Sim the same. Cullen got angry and shouted. I explained that I was a trainer so whoever did it may need some help to get rid of his badges. Yeah that worked like a hedgehog crossing the road to see his flat mate.

I decided to show the boys how to use the oil. "I want you all to take your shoes off." Now I remember the toes all right so maybe my hands would get me the information. Now my suggestions always fail and this was again one of those times. They got use to the oil but I got no further with my investigation. I gave up. I did have a slight emergency Jared had hurt his wrist. It looked like a simple sprain but to be on the safe side I called the local doctor who I did not know. He was privileged to the information that the house was about. A swift bandage, the doctor got a quick thrill. He got to examine all the boys at great length that is except Cullen who must have had the words keep off printed on him.

I took in the final two boys for that stage. William and Russell were two boys who originally had come from New Zealand. They were 12 and 13. They had run away from the people who were looking after them. The government had arranged this. They had been physically abused so ran away which is where they go involved in the house of boys. The carers had taken a long vacation but never got to the destination. Now this is something that confused me. You get a boy who is beaten. He asked the wrong person for help and they are told what to do to get help. The adult is dealt with and the boy is trained to be subservient. Adults turn up who buy the boy only in some cases to beat him again. The boy is supposed to be happy. Being here the one thing different was that we were to teach the boys to give pleasure. The boys would also get something for being good at what they do. No beatings or punishments by the owner (What a thing to call them) or they would loose their heads in more than one-way.

I decided that I could not put off what had to be done. While Russell and William were getting a bath I spoke to the other boys explaining what might be expected from them. I had to listen when the boys told me that they had done so many things already to stay alive. The brothers from Gambia stayed with a man who let his friends use them. (I thought that interesting, to 'use' them.) Jared was called a weirdo because of his looks. He did not want to upset us but the only people who liked him were the people who would undress then touch his white skin. He found friends that way. The brothers from the war zones were proud of what they did.

"We got all the information for our friends just by letting some general touch us." William and Russell got to us and heard the story of the others.

"I had to do things with my brother and a lot of people watched. We did get a lot of money until we went off with some men who watched us. It could have been worse but we got away."

I got a record book for the doctor. Most had had the children's problem Jared had a scar on the right hand side near his hip I knew that was appendix. I listed all the ailments so was happy with that. I sent them off for lunch while I checked the rest. I was going to have to let the boys know I loved them all while training them and to smile while being abused.

After lunch Cullen called me. "Its one of the new boys. I think there is something wrong."

I called the doctor just in case but Russell was slumped over the table in his chair. I looked at him. He was sweating real badly. His speech was slurred and I could here he was asking for a doctor. "Help. First Aid." I carried him to the sick room, our infirmary. The doctor came. He was in with him for less than a minute.

"Don't let anyone go in there with him. I believe from what he told me he has Aids."

Now I do not panic as often as I did when this all started but I did not know what to do. I called for the people who brought him to the house. Nothing was said. They wrapped him in a blanket and left William was worried so I had to tell him. "Oh I knew that. He had that last year from a man we both knew. He put his in Russell. It never happened to me. After the last beating the man got sick so we ran away." There was no bin so the floor got covered. The doctor took blood tests from them all. By the end of the day the tests at that time were all negative.

All the boys looked at me believing that they were going to die. I got checks done every week for proof they were not ill but that was last time Aids showed its head in the home. It was frightening to experience that. I took boys in turn and started to train them. It was not enjoyable. To have a boy and undress him till he stood naked was quite easy. To get them to want to do what they read was very hard. I even thought that maybe two boys together would work but it failed. I did give each boy a book to read. This was what I was to train them in. I gave the boys plenty of time to learn then I said they could try it with me. I was pleased that they all said no. Cullen told them about the flags. I had to make some headway so dropped a flag every now and again.

The first night Hakia visited me. I did not do anything but because of the dark it helped him. He stood on the bed, feet either side of me. I saw him strip and wait to be coached. His body had just been oiled so when we got together we slipped and twisted together. I could tell he was drawing on what he had done before the house because his actions were nothing like the book described. He was the one who did all the work so when I touched his body he withdrew. I then told him to show me what he could do. I still hated this but it was funny watching him try his hardest to please. He used both his hand to excite me. With all his effort it never happened. I took him and he slipped under the covers with me. I could feel him shaking. I held him tight. I did without thinking try and tickle him. I kissed his nose. That was the point when his shyness went. He took over using his skills learned combined with the oil he made me explode. I was happy for him. He even knew how to wash after to ensure he was clean. That was his first and last appearance. The following day a schoolteacher also an escape from the feuding called me and over the phone money was transferred. Hakia and his brother Sim had a place to go.

Aman and Eran I never did get to know well because they had gone the next day as well. A farmer wanted a couple of boys to keep him company and heirs to his estate.

So after all that had gone only Cullen, Jared and William were the ones left. I had a child gone to somewhere and two lots of brothers hopefully safe. I thought a lot about what I was doing. I had to make my mind up. Money is not everything. That night Jarred paid a visit. He was very lonely. I was so sure that he was the quietest of the lot. I slipped back the sheet convinced that he just wanted a cuddle. How wrong can you be? This boy became naked as soon as the sheet was back. His cuddle involved all the kissing and touching I could need. I could say he was an expert if I understood more about what made him tick. His hands stroked me so I became hard and very close to finishing the trip he had started. I moved him away. I handled his pole that pointed to the ceiling. Jared knew how to kiss, touch, feel, and examine the human body. I was able to take the head from under his skin and manipulate it so that it was almost an inch higher than the skin itself. He was not cut but this albino had all the thing s going for him. I turned the light on and saw him in his glory. This boy did not make me sick. He was doing something inside of me and I could not control it. His lips went from mine to the organ wanting to be played. The gentleness soon had me in his power. His hand finished what his lips started. Several squirt shot from me. I had a small amount in my hand of his. He was not fulfilled. His staying power was unlimitless. Jared kept teasing and twisting till I had to say stop. Jared was a boy with no reason to be taught. He had his own way to make you happy but he was all self taught.

I was up the next morning and feeling very guilty. I had held Jared last night wanting all he could give me. I took it and begged for more until I could take no more. I saw Cullen and he did not know. I decided that today was going to be different. I got the three boys together I escorted them all to the pool. Without warning I stripped and jumped in inviting them to join me. Jared was the fist happily jumping in to keep me company. William followed with a little nudge from Jared. I took the bull by the horns. "Cullen can I undress you?" He walked forwards. He took his shirt off. I opened his trousers. With just his briefs on I looked at him and smiled. One hand was enough and he was naked. I had never seen him face first I had only remembered him lying on the bed in the infirmary. I lifted him in the water. We were like a family just the three boys and me. I held Cullen till he started to get hard. I could not do this anymore. No I could not sell the boys anymore I had to escape with them so that I had no more to do with the boy sellers.

We spent about an hour together and told them of my plan. They all agreed providing they would be free. Back in the office I cleared the bank account then called the main number saying that another boy could have Aids. They took this seriously telling me to get it checked out. I packed enough clothing for us to make an escape. The four of us set off at nightfall. We headed for the mountains. The trip was going to take a while so we had to keep off the main road. The going was tough so as soon as we saw a closed space we would stay for the night. We got lucky. There was a cave and even though the weather was fine it was best we hid out so as not to draw attention to ourselves. I had to make this seem like a camp out but no matter what the boys had agreed that they had gone through enough.

Well it was not bad as camp outs went but seeing we all ate from tin cans I doubt if the campers out there would say that this was true to the letter. We did leave the cave early. The summit was so far away that no matter how we walked we could not quite seem to make as much headway as I would have liked. I did try and take the quiet path but so many breaking branches from no trees just took the realism of an early escape out of our heads. Stop. No trees but I am hearing branches break. Something shot past my head and imbedded into the stump of a dead tree just waiting to be pulled. Another, William said, "That sounds like a gun." We doubled our efforts to move but the shots got closer. Two men were close behind us. I saw one so stopped. It took 30 minutes to get to us but there was the man called Cave from Italy and the guy that had been in prison.

"We meet again. I see you have three of my boys and I have come to collect them."

I tried to argue this with him and even showed the papers that allowed Cullen to travel as my son.

"Oh well I can grant you that but the other two are coming with me. I can get a good price for the albino." Cave walked towards me and pointed the gun at Cullen. I had to protect him.

The human head is a very soft object full of bone, sinew, blood and a brain that acts all on its own. You may ask how I knew this? Did I have a book that described it in detail in my rucksack? Did I have an early laptop and managed to get on line somehow and find a medical site to explain it all. The answer is simple. I was looking at one. Never threaten a son if his father is around. This plain old council worker had become a killer. I grabbed Cave's shotgun flipped it over then went to hold the metal ring around the triggers. I missed. I hit both triggers and both barrels blew poor Cave's head almost off his shoulders. The pieces went in all directions. When part of brain combined with bone and blood hit the guy giving the orders things changed.

"Take it easy there. All you had to do was explain. We can come to some sort of arrangement. I have found William's Uncle and there is a reward."

I could not give a damn but William did. "You guarantee that William will be safe and I will take the other two boys. I am heading for the harbour. If I see you again I will," I used every name for the police I could think of.

"I will have a car waiting with papers giving you the all clear. Jared is now yours."

As I turned to leave I heard, "We have now done each other a good turn do not let me see you again." I was flicking the bone fragments off my boot as we walked away. I threw the gun into a fast running stream. Jared was shaking. It was strange. We had taken so long to get up the mountain but it seemed like 10 seconds to get down. A lorry gave us a ride to the harbour. The limo was there.

"Hello sir, I have been told to take you to the airport. The jet is fuelled and waiting to take you wherever you want to go."

I thought hard as we drove. The boys looked so worried. The jet was there. On the plane I asked him to take off. I had taken the cell phone so made a few calls. I had made one friend.

After a long flight we landed in Florida. I told the captain that I was thinking of taking in Disney world. We parted company then got to a hotel. For one hour we washed and changed clothes. We then left everything behind. Thanks to Franc's new owner, sorry it's a bad word but okay for now, he had sorted out a few things. I told him that I had escaped with two boys who were going to go to a sadistic owner who had already killed one boy. After that he was only too willing to help.

I got a car then drove to JFK Airport. Long drive. We got tickets that were waiting for us with Jared's passport and flew out to Safe Haven. Now do not get greedy you cannot expect me to say where we went. Someone told me that if you make your own choice of safety and heaven then you would not be far wrong. If any clever people say "Its an Iceberg." Sorry you are wrong. One night we could be sleeping and a Titanic thing could hit us

Its beautiful, green, flowers and fresh fruit everywhere. A beautiful sandy place for a swim, it has everything. I had a suggestion that an island would be a good place to be. Well I will give you an idea. Being this story is from my imagination then close your eyes and think of the perfect place you could be. I then doubt if you are far wrong.

We lived in an old house while the house I wanted was built. I managed to transfer all the money I could get my hands on so many times that I almost lost where I put it. The off shore account is very, very healthy. I get the top rate of interest so could live on that for a year. I had a pool and tennis court while I had a few extra rooms in case I saw some people that needed my help.

Jared caused quite a stir. People could not take their eyes of an albino boy. I had to ask him to change. We did colour his hair. With a little effort I used Cullen's contact lenses and Jared had changed.

A meeting was arranged between Franc's new dad and I so that I could give him something in case anything happened. He was very happy to help and stayed having a great time with the people who liked the beach. His camera never stopped working and he thought my choice of living was so much better than most. He was still there when the house was finished. I had Aegean Turf laid all around. Very hardy and could handle all kinds of weather. I even got a letter from Franc and Sim with a suggestion that they could come with Dad sometime for a holiday.

While I was shopping I heard of a family who lived close to the town. They had an accident. Because they used bottled gas for the entire household cooking, one day it exploded and all but one member of the family were killed. A boy who was just 11 was on his own. His name was Nima. I decided to sponsor him. He lived with us for a short while before a friend of Franc's dad contacted me. He was a circuit judge and alone. He would love to get the boy in a safe environment so that schooling and better education would be possible. No fees were paid and the boy was collected. He is doing very well. I started to get asked from all over and that's when war commenced.

In one year I got a home for 17 boys and three girls. My name was passed around certain places and 'The prisoner,' was told. He managed to take some children before they got to me. I left the boys with a housekeeper and confronted him at the house in Italy. We had a big fight but Interpol got to hear about his set up and I was told to get out. I took William with me. He never got to a family member he had been abused both physically and mentally. I got him to Safe house. That was our own place of rest and recovery. The papers in New Zealand were plastered with William's picture. It took one month before an Aunt contacted me and a meeting was arranged. I never told her what had happened. We made up a story about him getting lost and loosing his memory. That seems to work. He showed the right emotions when told his parents were dead, but he knew that already. The woman, his aunt, was also his godparent so as in a lot of places have the obligation to take care of him. She had offered a reward but like a noble person I refused.

The police rousted the houses in Italy and Spain. 16 boys were there and two adults got what was coming to them. The Prisoner was one of them. I followed the trial listening to every detail that could be got. One adult got two years for transporting children without the right paperwork but 'The Prisoner' got 20 years. For child slavery and knowledge that this would cause abuse of a standard never known before a court to this day. I gave the judge a drink while we read the transcript together. Of course you did not know Franc and Sim's Dad was now a high court judge. He got the boys from me not 'The Prisoner.'

Well with all that taken care of I became a bad boy. I had the numbers of 'The Prisoner's,' bank accounts. I transferred everything to my off shore account. I brought the boys some gifts and went back to them. It was a strange feeling to see them running to me. The first thing I did was to turn Jared back into who he really was.

Now come the part that gets this whole thing in the right way; me a council officer, I looked after drains, become a prison visitor. I knew the rules but the first day I never followed them I was placed in a position to help a man inside. It was not the man who needed help it was the boys. I had, I have to admit become a child peddler. That was until a child who I vowed to protect was viciously attacked and killed by a man posing as a servant of good. The man in prison had many boys die while training them to like the abuse they took. I myself had on three or four occasions been tempted and had felt the things that the boys had been taught. Being sickened by it I tried to escape but became a murderer to protect children. The real criminals had been caught and would be in prison till most of the boys were adults and have back the control of their lives. There was one thing I did and that was to help and save some children who had fallen on bad times. I was now rich and living somewhere with Cullen who had been a battered child and Jared an albino who could command the highest money in a slave auction. I never would let that happen.

So presents aside I was home. I looked at my diary realising it was all over. I walked around my ground and the sun was falling.

Cullen brought me a drink. I looked at him. "Cullen this is scary for me but I have been thinking like this for almost three weeks. I do not know how or what to say in this circumstance. Forgive me if I get it wrong."

Cullen looked as scared as I was.

"Cullen I want you. I want your hair. I want your body. I want to feel like I felt when you saw me hugging Franc. I want to know that its you I have needed all my life."

I knelt up. My fingers were all over the place as I opened the buttons of his shirt. He did turn so I could take it off. "Cullen do not do this if you feel that you have to?"

Standing in his vest and trousers I looked at his striped belt. Touching the metal snakes that entwined together I pulled them apart. The popper at the top sprang open. I knelt up high so that I was almost the same height. Slipping my hands inside the trousers I pushed down. The zip opened on its own. My hands remained inside till I could feel the ankles. Cullen lifted each foot so the trousers could be removed. He did have half a smile standing in vest and red briefs but I was not sure I could last. I repeated, "Cullen do not do this if you feel you have to."

He took the vest off and my boy stood there in the red briefs that had a tent in front. Did you hear that? I have said it now, my boy. With a small pull the front came down. He was so stiff.

"Cullen does this mean?"

He took them off.

"Oh my loves, my trainer, ever since you came to the house and refused to beat me I have known. I prayed every night that you would flag me. I have wanted to be yours for all time. Now I give myself to you. Will you accept me being that I have been with another but all I have ever searched for is a man like you? I know and have read the men who do things with boys are weird but being that I want you am I the one who is weird?"

For the first time I became worried. Not because of what had been said but because I did not feel sick. I could see Cullen naked in the sunset. He was undressing me. I wanted this with all my heart. Is that love? Together we just sat while our hand examined each other's bodies. We both had the combinations with which to open the most powerful love any one person could give to another. The examinations we gave each other, I am sure found the locks that were easy to open. Just dial in L.O.V.E.

I was so erratic telling Cullen things that I would never believe would come out. "Cullen now I have the answer I want us to seal this tonight. I am sorry you are so young and I understand if this is confusing you. I could love you all the rest of my life. I would still love you if you went away, got married then had 10 children."

His look changed. "I could never want to go from you. Tomorrow is my birthday and I will be 13." Shit I had forgotten. "I want you to give me just what I need for my birthday."

I kissed him, "Cullen I want to fuck you but its all wrong my knowledge tells me that."

His kiss stopped for a moment. "Ever since we met you have been doing wrong and that never stopped you. Don't stop now."

We both fell into each other's arms crying tears of happiness. I had said a long time ago, who would want a man with two heads and the figure who never knew love till the grass and sunset had made him realise it. I did not need help I slipped as if ice into the warm hole of my love. We fell passionately with each other causing the sweat from our bodies and dew from the grass to mingle together and become one. When I exploded my love, Cullen sprayed what he had been storing for all his 13 years. We stayed for an hour then went into the house. We showered together then slept all night.

Jared called in the next morning. "I will give you both 10 from what I saw last night. I am glad you both have found each other. Maybe every now and then you can tell me what its like to be in love."

Well it was not long before Jared had a friend. We all never left where we had settled. Both Cullen and Jared had good schooling. Jared is a doctor while Cullen well he works from home. It was the only way we would have it.

We still help the odd child but our love is a starting block for all to use. We both hope that all lost children we help are as happy as us and all readers of our story can feel the same.

Be happy with us and if you shed a tear try and remember it is all done for love. I have asked Cullen to marry me but he laughed saying what could a few words do that we did not have already. Well the head of my beautiful boy had a point. My final point to this story is. I wont tell you my age now but that small piece of grass is still well used.

The End