Woman-boy Storiesconsensual and femdomAlthough the category 'Woman-boy Stories' has stories pertaining to consensual and non-consensual sexual acts between women and minor boys, we DO NOT condone such acts. This category is provided as unusual adult entertainment only. These stories are free for you to enjoy. However, the equipment and bandwidth costs for ASSTR are not cheap. Please help keep ASSTR running by making a donation (see website how to donate anonymously).
Updated 30 April 2017 |
Ah Paris (Laura's Vacation) by The Devil's Advocate
Mb Fb – non-cons Fdom anal – humil bond incest watersport toys "and a few other naughty
| 15,500 words (31 pages) Laurence thinks that being turned into Laura is the worst thing that could possibly happen to her. She is about to learn that this is not the case.
Alice by Dux
Ft – femdom mast
| 4,500 words (9 pages) I posted a few stories here in Dutch. Meanwhile I practized writing in English somewhere else on the net. I'm still not very confident and not satisfied either, after all english is just a second language for me, but decided nevertheless to give it a try. This story has nothing to do with my Dutch story. It's a whole new ballgame (pun intended). The story is not very original, but I will try to give it my own kind of twist.
Al's Summer Vacation by Diabolical
FMb –
oral anal mast –
humil bd spank toys chast –
| 40,000 words (80 pages) Al is subjected to incredible cruelties by his sister and her friends. He is turned into a slave girl by the name Alicia. Mostly femdom but some homosexual activities as well. A classic.
Bad Idea? How I Became My Family's Human Pet by Katie Dale
gb Fb – cons nosex – humil bond
| 18,500 words (37 pages) How a young boy gets tricked into becoming his big sister's spandex-clad, tamed 'lion' for Halloween
Belinda's Boy Scout Camp Out by Mich Boyle
Fb – cons piv mast oral – first
| 5,500 words (11 pages) Beautiful 23 year old Belinda Burton was a gorgeous model with a very private secret. One day driving past the old boy scout hall she decided to explore her secret desires in a very real way. The boys of the 69th boy scout troop never had it so good 3;
Belinda's Scoutskamp by Mich Boyle
Mb –
| 5,500 words (11 pages)
Dutch translation of Belinda's Boy Scout Camp Out
Billie The Magician's Assistant by Katie Dale & bc99
gb Fb – cons nosex –
| 32,000 words (64 pages) Billy agrees to be his sister Julie's scanty clothed assistant in a magic show. The female audience doesn't know Julie has real magic.
Boys' Detention Centre by Mich Boyle
bb – Fdom
reluc piv mast oral – first spank
| 9,750 words (19½ pages) Twelve year old, blonde and perfect, Shane Byrne is sentenced to three years in a boys prison but is held in a women's prison for his first night whilst awaiting transport to the boys' facility. He finds himself at the mercy of three sex starved female pedophile inmates whose wildest fantasies have just been realized. On transfer to the boys' detention center he finds that the female wardens are just as keen to have there way with the cutest boys in the prison 3;
Breathless by Adam Bookbinder
Fb – cons mast oral piv – first
| 17,000 words (34 pages) Breathless is an unashamedly graphic account of the seduction of an 11-year-old boy by a young woman. Living out her most decadent of erotic fantasies, she finds herself with a boy who, although virginal and inexperienced, is as eager to learn as she is to teach.
Brenda's Twin-boy Temptation by Mich Boyle
Fb – oral piv
| 4,000 words (8 pages) Brenda was a 29 year old school teacher with a secret passion for boys that she was trying desperatly to control – The 12 year old twins in her new class would be her biggest temptation ever 3;
Brenda's verleidelijke tweeling by Mich Boyle
Fb – oral piv
| 4,000 words (8 pages) Brenda was een vrouwelijke pedofiel met een voorkeur voor jonge, onschuldige knapen waar ze zo graag les aan gaf. Na enkele avontuurtjes in scholen waar ze steeds net op tijd wegging (wegvluchtte), krijgt ze een prachtige tweeling in haar klas.
Captive Breeding Program by Damnd1
t-machine – non-cons – milking chast humil edging cbt
| 9,000 words (18 pages) A teenager and his pet are captured by girls from his school and electro-milked relentlessly.
Captured by Boyscouts by Mich Boyle
Fb – cons piv mast oral
| 2,000 words (4 pages) The title says it all!
Carol's Callboy Adventure by Mich Boyle
Fb – oral piv – prost
| 2,700 words (5½ pages) Carol Newton was 36 and alone one saturday night when a chance reading of a newspaper classified Ad led her to realise her greatest and most secret fantasy 3; all it took was a phone call 3;
Caught by Diversasy
Mb Fb bb –
tdom reluc cons mast
oral anal – humil bond
bdsm spank chast enema toys
| 155,000 words (310 pages) Eleven, almost twelve year old David enjoys tying himself up. Today his hobby wll set him on a path that will take him unwillingly to places and force him into situtations far beyond anything he can imagine. But is he really unwilling?
Confessions of a Boy Slut by Mich Boyle
bb Ft Mt – cons oral anal mast piv – prost
| 10,000 words (20 pages) The (some say true) story of a boy slut – his adventures and seductions.
Cordova's Boys Home by Wild-bill
FMb – Fdom nosex –
humil spank
| 95,000 words (190 pages) A boy is sent to another reform school-like setting where bad boys are punished.
Daan de krantenjongen en Juf Els by StoTelAlex
Mb tb fb bb –
mast oral anal – incest Fdom spank bdsm Daan verdient wat bij met een krantenwijk. Bij het rondbrengen van de kranten stuit hij op onverwachte gebeurtenissen.
Digital World by Diversasy
Ft tt – Femdom cons mast
| 23,000 words (46 pages) Diversasy wrote: "I use these stories to try out different writing methods/plots/theme/characterizations and etc. so I don't know where it will go."
Doctor Thomas' Good Little Boys and Girls Club by Stroker
Mb Fb – coerc
mast oral anal – first spank voy exhib incest
| 25,500 words (51 pages) Christopher, a young boy of ten is taken by his mother to visit Dr. Thomas, an older pervert who runs a club which caters to adults who lust after young boys and girls. The children are taught to obey and perform sexually for and with the grown ups. In this first chapter Christopher is introduced to the good doctor, his young sadistic nurse. With his mother present and particpating the boy is striped, examined and abused by the three adults and admitted to the club for training.
Doomed by Dux
Ft – femdom
| 4,000 words (8 pages) An 'impossible' boy passes the line and needs to face the consequences.
Ft – slave nosex – humil chast
| 10,500 words (21 pages) Jason receives instructions from his mother about his role in a strictly segmented, authoritarian welfare state based on hard artificial intelligence and positive eugenics.
Helen's Hot Boy Lusts by Mich Boyle
Fb Mb – cons piv oral anal
| 6,000 words (12 pages) Mrs Henderson had fantasies of young boys that she had shared only with her husband, and kept very secret, until one day the twelve year old boy that she had hired to mow the lawn, caused her to throw caution to the wind and experience her special desires 3;
Homework by Gracchus
gt Mt
bg – non-cons oral anal piv –
| 17,000 words (34 pages) 13 year old Matt is tricked by a girl into having his hands tied 3; and once helpless, finds that he's a 'gift' from one of his classmates to another.
House Pet by Handgaglover
Fb – non-cons slave oral– Fetish ('hand over mouth') humil spank first
| 93,000 words (186 pages) A middle-aged housewife in the 1950's experiences the unpleasantness of a cheating husband and proceeds to become a little 3; crazy. She dominates her son with her hands over his mouth, ties him up, spanks him, humiliates him (with a little feminization) in private and in public, and brings a few female friends in to participate. Nothing too sexual yet, but there will be down the road
I Hate My Little Brother by Evil Bubble
gb[Mb and tb in next chapters] – cons oral – first
| 15,500 words (31 pages) Maturing fourteen year old Ashley Halder is disappointed that her brother, nine year old Riftlend Halder, is coming to live with her and her mother in their boy deprived little town. She unexpectedly begins to feel a growing attraction to her brother, which leads to sexual exploration.
Isle of Boys by Mich Boyle
Ft – cons mast oral piv – prost
| 12,000 words (24 pages) Janet Thomson has a special secret – She is wildly attracted to young boys and hears about a cruise to a tropical island where she can indulge her fantasies.
Jason Here by Jeremy Stone
FMt – cons mast –
humil spank
| 4,000 words (8 pages) A bright kid (thirteen-year-old Jason) tells his friend that he would like to know what it felt like to be spanked (and, therefore, loved). His wish comes true on his thirteenth birthday at the hands of his family, his teachers, and his friends.
Jenny and Johnny by DVNT
Fg Fb gb
mast oral anal – humil bond tort chast spank
| 26,000 words (52 pages) Slave-girl Jenny goes shopping with her mother/mistress in the mall. In a rather awkward situation she meets three boys. Mother knows how to handle the boys.
Johnny's Punishment by Diabolical
Fb Mb –
nc oral anal – bd
spank toys
| 39,000 words (78 pages) Johnny is subjected to incredible cruelties by his family and friends. Mostly femdom but considerable homosexual activities as well. A classic.
The Lady's Club by Zork2006
Ft – non-cons/coerc mast –
humil spank
tort cbt ws "nasty-stuff-eating"
| 31,500 words (63 pages) Tommy is caught by Deb while peeking into her bathroom and masturbating. Deb organizes a lady's club that will use and abuse Tommy in all sorts of nasty ways.
Linda's Lust for Boys by Mich Boyle
Ft Fb – cons mast oral piv – prost first
| 11,500 words (23 pages) The story of Linda – a beautiful 32-year-old woman with an addiction to boys – her adventures and seductions.
Lorraine's Little-Boy Lovers by Mich Boyle
Fb – cons mast piv – first
| 4,500 words (9 pages) The story of Lorraine Lawson – a 42yr old female pedophile on the hunt for beautiful young boys in her local park.
Meiden by Dux
Ft gt –
mast – humil castr
| 52,000 words (104 pages) Meiden wil een beschrijving geven van een femdom-gemeenschap. Een groeiende gemeenschap, want het is er goed toeven. Het verhaal zal worden verteld vanuit alle mogelijke gezichtshoeken. Man, vrouw, jongen, meisje, allen kunnen voor korte of langere tijd even de hoofdpersoon zijn. Van verschillende gezinnen, van nieuwelingen of ervarenen, van alle mogelijke mensen kan een belevenis aan de orde komen. Maar rode draad blijft die femdom-gemeenschap. Veel aandacht zal er daarbij zijn voor de ontdekkingstocht van jonge meisjes naar de geneugten van vrouwelijke dominantie. Waarmee en passant natuurlijk ook de schaamte die dit bij de jongens teweeg brengt aan de orde zal komen
t-machine – forced – milking humil
| 5,000 words (10 pages) A teenager gets a humiliating but erotic milking on his first day a new school.
Miriam's Dark Obsession by Stroker
Fb – cons mast oral piv
| 4,500 words (9 pages) A frustrated housewife with a long standing obsession with young boys, relives a memory of lust fulfilled. The plot thickens when she brings her perversion into her present day life 3
Mistress and Her Little Slaveboys by Tommy
Fb – Fdom mast anal oral – humil
spanking toys
| 27,500 words (55 pages) Lady Susan gets her first 10yo slaveboy, and soon gets a second one to care for. She trains them to become obedient slaves and sextoys.
Oma Leni by Flo
Ft tt – cons mast oral anal
| 3,750 words (7½ pages) Flo kann 50 Euro verdienen wenn er seine 75-jährige Nachbarin am Samstag Abend unterhält.
Pamela en Niels by Timmetje
bg – slave
piv –
mild tort
| 11,000 words (22 pages) Dit verhaal speelt zich af in een wereld waarin vrouwen en meisjes het voor het zeggen hebben en jongens en mannen minder rechten hebben dan honden of konijnen. We volgen het leven van een tweeling: Pamela en Niels. En we ontdekken dat, hoe verbazingwekkend dat ook mag lijken, Niels niet ongelukkig is met het leven dat hij leidt.
Sanctuary by The Devil's Advocate
Mb – reluc oral anal – enema humil feminisation
| 11,000 words (22 pages) 2015 Challenge story: This large town is located in the desert and looks run-down. It is best-known for a tumultuous history and its beautiful park. Also, rumor has it that the inhabitants are hiding something.
This Could Be Heaven Or This Could Be Hell by Jason Masters
fb – femdom
mast – spank
| 2,000 words (4 pages) A first-year high school boy is subjected to a humiliating prank by some older boys and the result for him could be Heaven or Hell, or both at the same time.
Turn for the Worse by Handgaglover
Fb – non-cons oral– Fetish ('hand over mouth') humil spank rape first forced-worship
| 49,000 words (98 pages) A lonely, thirteen-year-old boy finds himself wandering through life with an inattentive mother who became a self-absorbed party-goer after her divorce. Trouble begins for the boy when he wanders into the life of a tall, strong, muscular woman at a renaissance fair. After catching him snooping around her tent (i.e. changing room, for she plays a knight), things only get worse when she moves into his house the next day. His mom rented out the room next to his bedroom, and he becomes a helpless pawn in her dominant fantasies.
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