Scrub aka SimonArt and Jamie |
SummaryA young boy is raised by his uncle who used the boy for porno-photos and special clients. One night, they are robbed by a gang of boys and a girl, and with the stuff the robbers found start to blackmail the uncle and the boy finding a way to increase business.
Publ. 2000 (ANCGS); this site May 2009
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CharactersJamie (c. 12yo), Unk (25yo) and Art (15yo), Bert (12yo), Cathy (14yo) and Dennis (7yo)Category & Story codesSchool Boy storyMb bb bg – coerc oral anal – humil bond spank ws (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteThese are old stories and published as is. They were mostly written by one finger typing on software without such things as spell checks. The author is not that illiterate.Most of my stories are huge gothic tales which are unfinished. The reasons:
If you don’t enjoy reading it – don’t read it – the story will get worse so you better stop now!
Comments welcome through this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line. It will be forwarded to the author. Thanks for reading. |
Jamie had lived with his uncle since he was about seven. He hardly remembered the large house he used to live in with his parents. He knew they were dead but, even now, he didn't really know what that meant after all he was not quite thirteen. His uncle lived in a small house, which was all on its own far from the village where he went to school. He enjoyed most of the things that went on in school even though the other kids teased him for the clothes his uncle made him wear. It was not the shorts so much. Other boys wore shorts even if they were smaller kids than he was. He was the tallest in the class, after all. It may have been the actual materials that all his clothes were made from sateen, silk and nylon, or it may have been the general cut which the other boys called sissy. His uncle had told him that the man who made his clothes was a first rate childs' dress maker and, as a special favour, he was making up Jamie's clothes. His uncle, who he called Unk, got him to write thank you letters to the man. Jamie did not understand why he had to sign himself Jane but Unk said it was a joke. In the last letter Unk had written "Please make the next lot of Jane's clothes a little bit more boyish as she asked me to ask you. However I think they are fine as they are." Jamie had to sign the letter as usual. He had objected principally to the she but Unk had said it was a mistake but it would have to stay. Jamie long ago had learnt that he should never argue with the man. It resulted, if nothing worse, in a very sore bum and being nude for the evening. Ever since he had come to live with Unk he had slept in Unk's bed. He never was allowed to wear pyjamas. Every night there was the same sort of routine. As soon as Unk got home he would bath Jamie carefully. He told Jamie that it was very important that everywhere was absolutely clean. When Jamie first moved in with Unk, it used to hurt him when his foreskin was pulled back but now it didn't hurt quite so much. On the other hand the daily enemas had increased in volume and they still hurt just as much and they had when Unk started giving Jamie them. After his bath Jamie would be dried but he would just put on his flowery bedroom slippers "It would be a pity to put back on all those dirty clothes." Sometimes Jamie just did his school reading but Unk was a keen photographer and he would often have Jamie pose for him or any friends he had over. Jamie did not mind this until recently when he had started to grow hairs down there. He also did not like having to pose with other boys and girls especially as they were always doing things to him rather than the other way round. He didn't like the bossy women that also visited and had their photo taken doing things to him. Unk used to sell these photos and much of each weekend Jamie had to spend printing them in their darkroom. Unk had recently brought automatic printing equipment but it still took ages. Jamie had still to examine each photo to check them and they were really so humiliating. Unk also liked Jamie to answer the telephone and the people on the phone would quite often make nasty comments, but Jamie had been taught the hard way always to be polite. Jamie still went to bed very early (about 6.30) and much later Unk would climb in beside him. Jamie was always woken up and would sniff to see if he could smell alcohol on Unk's breath. If he had been drinking then Jamie knew that Unk would take much longer to satisfy himself before Jamie could get back to sleep. Jamie hated the feel of Unk's thing pushing into his still tight hole. Jamie also knew that if he as much as touched himself down there, or if he got a hard on, he would suffer. Recently it had become so much more difficult to avoid these things happening. He knew that Unk would know, when he was bathed, if he had been doing any naughty things so he tried never to wank off. However other boys used to do it to him in the changing room – and elsewhere. Unk never seemed to believe him when he said that it had happened that way and he had not done it to himself. Unk did not consider it an excuse anyhow. Last time he had said that some older boys had done things to him, Unk had invited them over and Jamie had been beaten in front of them for telling tales and lies, then they had been invited to make good his lies. A couple of months ago Unk had started a scout troop, Jamie was made to go to every meeting but Unk would not let him join the troop instead he had to wear his pretty clothes. Unk used him to teach the boys their knots and would just laugh when Jamie couldn't get loose afterwards. Part of the reason for the huge popularity of Unk's photos of Jamie was the boy's looks. He was tall for his age but very slender. He had long very blond straight hair and blue-green eyes. His lips were thick and very sensual. His prick which was naturally featured in many photos was very long and had just started to sprout hair. Recently he had undergone a much photographed and videoed circumcision. He had also been having to suffer weekly hair plucking sessions by Unk so the nascent hair remained a potential hazard. Unk, although not his father, had very similar looks and passed regularly as his pa. He was however only 25 and looked younger so that if one thought about it he could only have been an older brother. Unk kept his own blond hair long and tied back. He was not circumcised and liked having Jamie lick it clean. Unk didn't work, other than selling his photography and most of that was both developed by and posed by Jamie. He was putting this money into his account at the bank and living off the money Jamie got from his parents' life insurance etc. He wanted Jamie to be quite pennyless, when he would have come into that money. He had long term plans for the boy which Jamie would need to be persuaded to agree to. Unk knew that Jamie being a pauper might help Unk's arguments. It was quite interesting the more he beat the lad the more interesting the boy's backside became and the man now seldom used Jamie's mouth. He was worried that the boy's backside might lose its training but there were plenty of other men and boys who were prepared to avoid this happening. He also felt that a growing boy needed a variety of experiences. He put an advertisement into an Danish Contact Magazine: "English man needs advice and help in bringing up his nephew to be an obedient servant." He received plenty of novel advice – and visitors. One of his problems had been sorted out by the correspondents. At night when Unk finished using Jamie, the lad would want to use the lavatory and Unk would be woken up when the boy returned to bed. He didn't like the boy sleeping on the floor as, if Unk woke up randy as usual, the boy's body would be unpleasantly cold. The solution was easy put the boy, directly after the fun finished, into a baby's nappy – he could always be punished when he soiled it.
This story really starts as the beginning of the summer holidays. Unk had told the school that he might be leaving the area. In fact he, himself, intended to give the boy full time specialist education and he was worried about busy bodies. One night a group of four teen aged kids had decided to rob the place. They had kept a watch on it and knew everyone had gone to bed. Unk had had a particularly enjoyable evening and both were in the hands of Morpheus, out for the count, dead to the world or whatever. The 'visitors' saw them asleep in bed together and were able to spend their time collecting anything of value. They almost missed the jackpot. There was a virtually complete collection of the photos of Jamie. On the top of the pile were a series of Unk and Jamie together. Jamie had printed up this series a few days ago for Unk's own enjoyment rather than for sale. The leader of the gang, a fifteen year old, who was surprisingly imaginative for his age and education, took them – and the rest of the collection. Once they left the house they shared out the spoils but this lad Arthur, Art to his friends took virtually only the porno collection. Bert, his younger brother, who was just twelve, was surprised that his brother had taken so little and took for himself a much larger share of the other goodies. All the gang lived in the country equivalent of a squat. It was a disused farmer's cottage and it was inhabited by six kids from ten to eighteen, mostly boys. Two of the other robbers, Art's girl, Cathy (14 years old) and her young brother Dennis, who was nearly eleven, had another 'room' there. When Art and Bert got home and crept to the bed they shared, Art explained what he had in mind. To give it a technical word, it was blackmail. Young lads however sleep well and at about eleven o'clock the next morning, as usual, Cathy and Dennis came in with tea for both of them. Dennis was naked except for a large ribbon tied in a bow about his cock. Dennis was dirtier, by far, than the other three which was quite difficult. "Please tell Cathy to let me wash. She peed on me this morning for swearing and has forbidden me to clean myself up" he said to no one in particular. Art replied "We cannot come between brother and sister but you don't half pong." This however did not put the brothers off and almost before Dennis had time to breathe he was on the bed with Art's prick up his arse hole and Bert's in his mouth. Art and Bert meanwhile were busy kissing Cathy. When all other three kids had climaxed, poor Dennis was made to stand at the side of the room pulling on his already sore prick. He was not allowed to stop until he had exhausted himself with a series of dry cums. The kids then discussed the photos they had gained last night. All the kids knew Jamie as they, at least notionally went to the same school. Art was clearly the leader and at his suggestion they decided that they could live better at Unk's place than where they were. So about an hour later the doorbell of Unk's house rang and all four kids arrived. All bar Dennis looked reasonably presentable but he had not been allowed to clean up and was dressed only in his sister's dirty knickers, which were nearly transparent. When Unk opened the door, he was normally dressed while Jamie visible in the background was in reasonably decent football kit. It was very obvious that Unk was very worried indeed and was half expecting a call. He almost was pleased when he realised it was the robbers at least it wasn't the police. Art made it clear that the photos were in a safe place as was the address book and certain other things. It was obvious that Unk thought that he would give anything to keep them out of the hands of the authorities but I am sure he might well have questioned that thought within hours if not days. Art had everyone go upstairs and then told Dennis and Jamie to strip off. Unk started objecting to his nephew stripping but Art clearly enjoying himself said "We have all seen plenty of photos that you took of him and anyhow he is stripped regularly at school but, since you object to wearing more than him, you can undress as well." Unk stood his ground until Art added "We can, of course, send the photos to 3;" He got no further as Unk started to tear off his clothes "O.K. I know when I am beaten." Art then had Cathy and Jamie go round the house and collect all Unk's clothes. Art went through the pockets and amassed quite a sizeable sum of money. All the kids then supervised very carefully Unk taking all his clothes and building a bonfire in the farmyard. They even made the man light it himself! Once it was fully burning and it was obvious that there would be only rags left, they all went back indoors. Art had Cathy and Bert supervise Unk who was made to lick Dennis completely clean. It was no use Unk complaining as the only person, who could let him off, was Art and he was busy elsewhere. The little kids were enjoying the show very much. Art and Jamie were busy discussing various things. Jamie had had to make virtually all the contacts with the pornographic collectors and dealers for Unk, who enjoyed this extra humiliation of his nephew. Jamie therefore knew where all the addresses were hidden and what each persons special interests were. He wanted to co-operate with Art who he thought to be a saviour and who he wanted to thank. Art naturally had other ideas. Luckily for him, and for you Dearest Reader, none of the photographic and video equipment (other than the photos) had been taken the previous night. Jamie had seen enough photos taken to be reasonably skilled in taking them himself. Unk had been fond of embarrassing him by describing exactly what the punters would like about each shot. It had worked well then but Unk would soon come to regret it. There was a huge filling cabinet with the letters, or notes of 'phone calls, from each punter and a list of what had been sold to them. Unk had been in the habit of having Jamie talk to these men, and occasionally women, on the 'phone. Unk often listened in on the extension and he really enjoyed Jamie's acute shyness. However that did mean that Jamie 'knew' most of the men. Art then had Jamie and Unk photograph each of the people in the house – all nude except for Art, himself, whose photograph was from waist up but the only clothes that showed were his heavy leather belt. Unk was the subject of three shots which were designed to show off his strong male personality. Jamie who all the punters would know well from other photos was the subject of only one. Art enjoyed taking photos of his brother especially as he was in tears of acute embarrassment. All the photos of Cathy were with Dennis and involved them showing each other off. The amazing thing was that Art really had nothing on these two kids but they hardly objected to whatever he had in mind. Cathy regarded herself as his girl but realised she had to work hard if he was going to stay interested in her – she was quite happy to throw her brother in for good measure. Unk then had to, produce sets of all of these photos while Jamie had to use their word processor to produce a series of letters one for each punter. Most differed, one from the other, in detail stressing the exact interests of the particular man. Jamie did not like the other kids but he still regarded Art as his saviour. Thus the more the letters suggested future problems for the other kids the better. A typical letter was as follows: Dear ----, All these letters took time for Jamie to prepare. His uncle kept a large supply of stamps and the first two hundred were in the evening post. Once this work was underway and it was clear to Art that Jamie was enjoying himself, Art left him to it. Art checked the others, they were also having a good time except for Unk who was being taught to do as he was told. Art was then able to inspect the house. He was pleased to see that every door had a key in its lock. He realised that this had been for Unk's control of Jamie but it was going to be useful in other ways. He locked the door to the toilets, kitchen and bathroom as well as the exterior doors and the shutters on the ground floor windows. He carefully hid the keys. He had no intention of Unk, or the others, doing a bunk. He wanted certain specialised supplies urgently and from Unk's files he found addresses, mostly in a nearby town, where they could be obtained. One of the telephone calls ordered the following
He also arranged that everything other than the nappies would be well packed and told the shop that they would be picked up by a 'boy scout', and his sister, who were involved in bob-a-job week. The people at the shop were unhappy at kids coming into their specialised shop, so the material was to be picked up at a nearby chemist. It was paid for by one of Unk's many bits of plastic. He then got Dennis and Cathy and sent them to collect this stuff. He found a very small scout uniform from the troop that Unk ran. It was far too tight for Dennis but it would have to do. Art gave Cathy money for them both to take a bus there and for her to return but only for Dennis to come back part way. He would have to walk the last 5 miles [8 km]! Cathy was also told to make sure he had the two large containers of unwrapped and clearly labelled nappies to carry. Cathy was most amused. She had her own ideas and wanted to show how she too could bully her little brother. On the return journey she got on the bus's back seat with him. As the poor lad was sitting, holding the two huge plastic sacks, covered with pictures of happy nappy covered kids, she got out her nail file and shoved it through the material of his shorts centre front just below the elasticated waist and split them right down to the left leg hole. She was not satisfied and tore the other leg open and then made a triangular hole over his anus. To get off the bus, the poor boy had to go right along the crowded bus with only the two plastic containers to protect his modesty. He then had to walk back the last five miles [8 km]. When he eventually got back to the house, the other kids had a good laugh. Art kept the ruined shorts as he felt it might be fun to make the others use them. They would be particularly useful as even Unk could wear them in their torn state. While the two had been gone, Art had been busy he had found more catalogues which had interesting contents and, using Unk's plastic repeatedly, he ordered many items. These included clothes, medical supplies and instruments of corporal discipline. All were promised to be in the post and were expected to arrive the next morning. Bert was getting bored exploring Unk's body so Art gave him a series of lessons on the uses that an adult male's body could be put to. Unk was in the sort of state of mind that Art wanted him to be for the next thing that he was to do. He had to 'phone the families of the scouts going on the summer camp. It should be explained that this was not a normal boy scout troop but a troop of the Baden Powell Scouts, a break-away group that tried to keep everything in the scouts as it always had been including short trousered uniforms. There were 22 boys, other than Jamie, in the troop. They came from sixteen families so that sixteen successful calls had to be made. The families had been given a document some time before with specific details including naturally travelling instruction but Art decided to make certain changes. The kids would travel by train, as Unk would need to set up the camp. It would be in a rather different location from that previously planned and announced. The families had to be assured that there was nothing to worry about but these changes were purely for administrative reasons and would lead to a better camp. In fact Art did not want visitors (other than those he invited) nor did he want the boys' parents to see Unk as he would be 'dressed' and treated. Unk also had to explain that there could be no normal scout meetings before camp as he would be away but Jamie would open the hut so the other scouts could pay in money for camp and for 'safekeepings'. The parents could 'phone and Jamie would take messages – Unk would be phoning Jamie daily and could ring the family back if there was anything urgent. There was an answering machine attached to the phone and it was set up to record all these conversations. Art was sure that Unk had given up resisting but it would pay to be sure. He need not have worried. Jamie was still hard at work, having got the first batch of letters off. He was having to use the word processor and having to print more copies of the photos. Art let him have a break and had Unk prepare a meal. After they had eaten, Art had Jamie dress in his prettiest clothes and took him over to the squat. There were now just two youths living there and Art wanted to let them know what was going on. These two were much older than the other kids, who had been living there, and, in practice, ran it. Even Art was slightly afraid of them, though he would never have admitted it. The youths were Butch and Axe, who were lovers, and were eighteen and seventeen respectively. Butch ran a gang of young motor cyclists, the Black Devils, who were greatly feared by most of the community.
Art would always remember when they got to the squat, Butch and Axe had 'caught' a boy and girl of about fourteen. Apparently they had been on a park bench and the boy's hands had been inside the girl's knickers while they were kissing. Since everyone knew everyone else, Butch had been able by making suitable threats of exposure to bring them both to the squat. The girl was the first woman Art had seen naked and also the first woman he had fucked even if that was under the Butch's directions. Art had also been sucked off by the boy. He decided he much preferred the latter. The lover boy was then given a choice either he fucked the girl using a rubber and Butch, then Axe, would fuck her up the arse or both Butch and Art would both fuck the girl without a rubber – for starters. It was in vain that the girl pointed out she was a virgin. All that happened was Butch examined her and agreed that she was and then asked who was to take her virginity away! Naturally she chose her boy friend! Everyone watched as the boy did precisely that. He tried to be so very careful but he was also virginal and soon lost control. After the boy had climaxed and had, in fact, also caused the girl to climax for the first time in her life, they were allowed to rest. The boy then had to write and sign a note "I fucked my girlfriend, 3; 3; 3; 3;., today -/--/-- in front of witnesses" while she had to do the same. Her note read "I lost my virginity to 3;. 3; 3; as I asked him to have intercourse with me. I insisted that there were witnesses." Butch then fucked the boy and Axe the girl it would have been very difficult to say which had the rougher rider. Both recipients were in tears long before the boys had shot their two loads each. Art and Jamie had been just bystanders until, when Butch rolled off the lad, he told them to strip off and then to fuck the boy and girl's mouths. Art chose the boy and went to work with a will even though he got little co-operation from his victim. Jamie was turned off by the idea of having any sort of sex with a girl and he lost his erection. The girl had been through enough and just wanted out. She did her best but Jamie couldn't get the horn in the end he peed in her mouth and then over the two lovers. Poor Jamie was teased for his obvious failure to be turned on by a girl only by big tough boys like Butch. The boy and girl, might have imagined that their troubles were over but that was very far from the truth. Butch had the boy put his girlfriend's clothes and vice versa. Luckily they had been wearing jeans but still there was plenty to suggest they were not wearing their own clothes. Butch then gave the girl a lift as she thought to her home. In fact he drove the motor bike about five miles [8 km] at top speed in the wrong direction and Axe did likewise for the boy. They were told to report to the town square ("Remember we have those statements") at 11 o'clock the next morning. They were both told to wear their full school uniform. Butch also kept the things he had found in their pockets – a little money and their house keys.
We will leave this nice young couple for the time being. Once Butch and Axe returned, Art told them that the four of them had decided to move in with Jamie and Unk as guests for as long as they might decide to stay. He also said that there was going to be a scout camp which would be worth the gang visiting and maybe staying a while. Butch and Axe were not too unhappy to have the place to themselves as they expected that the boy and girl they had met would be spending some nights there entertaining many members of their gang. Art dressed Jamie in one of the large size nappies (only) that had been brought earlier that day – and made Jamie use it, front and back, before making his own way home. Dennis had only had to carry the things! Once Art got back – an hour before Jamie – he organised everyone for bed. Unk and Jamie would use on the rubber covered floor of the box room. Unk remained tied up and starkers. Cathy and Dennis shared the spare room while he and Bert had Unk's large double bed. No one was given permission to wash or use the toilet which distressed Unk in particular. While there was some fun and games eventually they all went to sleep and slept well. In the morning Art was woken by a knock at the front door. It was the first of the many packages that he had ordered the previous day. As soon as he could, he started unpacking the contents – helped by Bert as the others were still locked in their rooms. Then the 'phone started ringing from people who had got the letters that Jamie had written. The requests were very interesting to put it mildly. However there were a couple of calls that he had to consider very carefully. The first was from a young sounding man who claimed to be 23. He was, he said a private male nurse and when he was not busy he would be happy to help in the proposed training and photographic sessions. He said he had no objection to posing for the photos indeed it would be a giggle. He also said he would give Art 25 whenever he came over. The other was from a woman who wanted to help train Cathy and Dennis. She had been a governess for many years and she believed that little boys, in particular, should have sense beaten into them. Art talked a long time to her as he didn't want Cathy's control of her young brother interfered with but the woman said that not only did she understand but she would do her best to develop it. Both the nurse and the governess were invited over later that day but, so as to miss each other, the man would come to lunch and bring the food with him. The woman would come to supper also providing that meal. Most of the other calls were suggesting subjects or making orders. Art was sufficiently worldly wise to ask for money first 3; but some of the ideas were such that they could be started at once. Art was getting horny and got Bert to relieve his tensions. He then went to Unk who had to drink both Art and Bert's morning pee. At the same time he got Jamie up as he had the photographs and letters to finish as well as a backlog of orders. Jamie dared to ask "Do we have to continue sending out these awful photographs? I find it so embarrassing." I will give you one guess as to Art's reply. Jamie as always accepted the other's decision. With each filled orders Art included a letter that was sealed in a separate envelope so Jamie could not see what it said. It read Dear ----,Art then got Unk to feed the animals and the other odd jobs that needed doing round a small holding. Unk asked if he could wear something so Art kindly gave him the shorts that Dennis had used yesterday. Art sometime later glanced out of the window and saw that Unk peeing while feeding the animals. He stored the information up rather than do anything immediately. Art was very busy unpacking and altering the sitting room into a fair imitation of a medical examination room. Earlier than expected the male nurse arrived and was amused by what Art had already done. He however lent a hand and the scene was soon set for the, activities to start. Jamie's work took much longer but he was finished by lunch time. The nurse had brought along a good meal but he had special dishes for some of them. They all sat down as the nurse was introduced and as Art told him all the home truths about them. With the exception of Unk, who was still wearing the 'shorts' and Art who was dressed reasonably normally all the other kids were naked. The nurse entertained them with accounts of his past activities. Whilst he was a good talker this did nothing to relax the kids. Art brought up the fact that Unk had peed that morning without permission. The nurse's response was simple and direct "We must put the pee, or rather its equivalent back." Unk, who was having to eat a huge plate of mush, paled but said nothing. The shorts were then stripped off him and he was put onto a woman's examination table which Art had bought the previous day. Unk had to lie on his back with his legs in the stirrups where they were tied in. The stirrups were adjusted so that his knees were almost to the side of his waist. Unk was then invited to show the little kids how "you wank yourself when Jamie isn't around." Quite naturally he refused so his hands were tied to the sides of the table. The nurse, very much running the session, explained that there were three interesting ways into the body:-
First however Unk needed cleaning out. Unk wanted to shit himself anyway (as did the kids) but the nurse was having none of THAT. The nurse decided that the man could take a two and a half quart enema – five pints [2½ l] in all! The nurse mixed up a hot soapy solution and in spite of the protests of the man had each child give him a pint. Cathy gave the first pint while Jamie videoed the action. He concentrated on her fingering herself with her left hand rather than the right hand giving the enema. Unk was highly embarrassed and Art took some stills showing the action and the man's face in the background. It was then Dennis's turn but after the first push Cathy took the bulb away and gave the rest. Bert followed and Unk started complaining about the pain of his extended innards. Art's photos showed Bert's small but rock hard prick getting in the way of the action. Art then gave the next dose very slowly while the nurse took over the camera. Unk was in tears but had given up appealing for pity. The last pint was administered by Jamie who was clearly enjoying himself. Each moan of Unk caused a larger smile, if possible, from his nephew. Once all the liquid had been administered the nurse pushed in a special butt plug. It had a narrow tube through the centre so Unk could relieve the pressure from his insides but only very slowly. The mess went into a bucket. The kids also wished to be allowed to use the bucket and Art decided that they could – while being photoed and videoed! Once Unk had finished voiding, the nurse pointed out Unk should not enjoy what is to be done to him so we need to drain him. The nurse then put on a rubber glove and put a finger into Unk's anus and massaged his prostate. The man's cum was collected in a tea cup and by the end of the next half hour the cup was three quarters filled. Bert was the first to use the man's mouth and his thin stream of pee seemed to just go on and on. Jamie on the other hand had a much more forceful stream and it was not by accident that it spilled over to soak the whole of Unk's head. Jamie was enjoying himself. There was little the man could do to avoid the humiliation of it all. There was, of course, much worse to come but he was not sure what after all maybe they were just trying to frighten him. The nurse opened a sterile packet and took out a thin transparent plastic tube which he inserted into the man's penis. It went up a long way – in fact until it was in the bladder itself. On the exposed end he fitted a large funnel. Cathy squatted over the funnel and let her pee pour out into it while the nurse carefully kept it upright. Once Cathy got off they could all see the pee slowly emptying from the funnel into the man. It was several minutes before Dennis refilled the funnel. About half an hour later the nurse was able to pull off the now empty funnel and put a clip round the end of the tube so nothing leaked out. Art then had the job of peeing into Unk's arse. The problem was he was very erect. At the nurse's suggestion he fucked the man's arse first. He was successful both in fucking and peeing! The nurse was so impressed with the boy's performance that he repeated the action as nearly identically as possible after all as he said imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. The nurse then went to work quickly ignoring completely the moaning of Unk. He forced in another specialised butt plug. This had two tubes going through it both currently clipped closed outside. He explained that the longer one, about eighteen inches [45 cm] long, was the input tube while the much thicker one with the other end, which would be inside the man, like a miniature watering can spout, was the one used for output. The small holes in the end filtered out any large waste products although he added there were, unlikely to be many left in this case. The input tube fitted onto the catheter sticking out of the man's prick while the output tube went to a sort of gag which the nurse fixed over the man's mouth. The tube went about two or three inches [5-8 cm] into the back of the man's mouth (it was carefully adjusted) so Unk could not stop the flow with his tongue nor swallow the liquid without tasting it. There was a spare tube joining this just outside the gag, which the nurse explained would allow air, water or more or less anything else to be fed into the man's mouth. It had a simple valve so that nothing could flow back out! The only other part of the apparatus was a large dial which measured the quantity of liquid that had flowed from the man's arse to his mouth. This was over his chest and clearly viable to the watchers and to Unk himself. The nurse said that the treatment would finish when the dial showed that 12 litres (about 25 pints) had passed. He set it to zero making sure all the kids saw how he did it. It was already time for the nurse to leave but it was arranged that he would come back the next morning. Unk was wheeled into a bedroom and from time to time he was visited by the children who usually reduced the reading on the dial. Naturally it was Jamie who was the most frequent visitor / adjuster. Art was happy for this to go on – for the time being. His future plans were not going to be revealed yet.
The woman arrived right on the dot. It was quite clear that she was only really interested in Cathy and Dennis. She was however more than happy to have the other boys watching. Art was interested as this was a first for him as her had never worked with an adult woman before. The woman was severely dressed and could have been a school-marm. Art felt it necessary to point out to her that Cathy was a virgin and was to remain that way. While Dennis was also in that state. He then started to say "For a large sum of money 3;" The woman interrupted "I should hope they both were at their tender ages. They will remain so as far as I am concerned." She then asked Art if he minded if they went into a bedroom. Art agreed and they all trooped into the main bedroom. She then berated Cathy for letting her baby brother wander around nude and produced some nappies which Dennis was put into. He was then given a bottle of milk to drink but when he complained he was smacked and soon learnt that it was better to obey. The woman and Cathy were doing all sorts of naughty things together on the couch. It was obviously turning Cathy on and the kids found it interesting to watch. From time to time the woman would do things to Dennis like making him suck a large dummy. She increased these things when she found that it did not turn Cathy off but very much the reverse. After a while She and Cathy (now dressed howbeit in very child-like clothes that the woman had brought) took Dennis for a walk in a push-chair. He was still in nappies only and still with the dummy in his mouth. Worse the bottle of 'milk' was making it urgent for him to pee very soon. Eventually he gave in and the nappy had a gradually enlarging yellow stain on it. When they got back the woman took Art to one side and said "I know you are all intending to go to a scout camp shortly. Cathy would be a problem there as, if you want the scouts to let their hair down, many boys will find the presence of a girl off putting – at least initially. You also don't want her raped – I think. I would take them both for two weeks and I will guarantee that neither will have 'normal' sex during that time. I will pay you, when I collect them, 5,000 in cash." Art was taken a-back. It would solve a problem for him and give him more money than he had dreamed of. He was however fond of Cathy and asked her to come in. The woman repeated the proposal – leaving out any mention of the money at Art's suggestion. Cathy was keen on the idea and immediately started asking questions like "Will I be able to treat Dennis as 3;?" Art agreed but asked for a 150 advance the next day to seal the bargain. The woman produced at once the 150 from her handbag!! As soon as the woman had left, Unk was wheeled back in. Art had found that the dial had been turned back six times in all cancelling out about 10 litres [21 pints]. Also Jamie had peed in the side feeding tube twice while Bert and he, himself, had used it once. Art closed the output from the man's backside and took the mask/gag off his face. The man started spluttering something but Art slapped his face and told him to shut up and listen. Much to Art's surprise the man did just that. Art explained that if the man did what Art and the others told him life would remain tolerable (?) but if he played up then it would be very unpleasant indeed. As Art said this, he took the man's balls into his hand and tightened his fist until the man was all but screaming. The man agreed he would do exactly as he was told. The tea cup of now very slimy and smelly cum was produced and the man drank it all down without a murmur of protest. He had noticed the video being made by Jamie and all the others watching but when prompted he thanked Art profusely. Art realised that this was the time to push the advantage right home. The man had to sware solemnly to obey each of the kids in turn. Then each made him do something – kiss their arse or their cocks for example. Art then warned the man that, while he was going to be untied, he had so much liquid in him that if he tried to get up he could do himself a lot of harm. In fact only his right arm was undone. A mirror was arranged to allow him to see his body. He was given a safety razor. First he had to shave off the hair in a two inch [5 cm] circle round his left nipple. He did that then Art then told him to shave all the hair above and to the left of his cock. He demurred but another cuff and he got on with it. Art then turned off the tube between Unk's cock and balls. He then put the tube, which had gone into Unk's mouth, into the bucket. Art then quizzed the man. Each time he answered fully and appropriately some liquid was allowed to run out. The man soon got the idea. Art then thought it would be very photogenic to have the little ones cane Unk. Although by this time the man's backside had drained fully, he did exactly as he was told and went into the front room and leaned over the arm of the sofa. Art did not even bother to count the strokes as he thought that the kids would not be able to hit hard enough to hurt the man. Jamie started off and immediately proved this idea wrong, but Bert, Cathy and Dennis all easily hit hard enough to cause the man to cry out. Time was getting on and some normal shopping was needed. Art made Unk still quite naked get in the land-rover. He used a new pair of handcuffs to lock Unk's hands to the steering wheel Then put a very small towel loosely over the man's privates and had him drive Cathy into the town to do the shopping. (She enjoyed thoroughly doing the gear changes). She visited the squat and said that Art would like Butch and Axe to come over. While this was going on Art had Jamie develop the day's photographs – luckily Unk had invested in the best of automatic printing machinery so that little effort or time were needed. Art also used the 'phone to order much more equipment but calls were coming in as men were returning from work and reading the literature that had been sent out the previous day. Art was worried about the level of calls and feared even more the next day's post. He had yet to market the videos and photographs that had been made that day! Later they all sat down to a good meal provided by the woman with wine from Unk's large cellar. Even Unk was allowed to eat the remnants and drink the dregs when he had finished waiting at table still naturally nude. Butch was telling them about the fun he and Ace had had with the fourteen year olds and it was decided to take a whole video and a reel or two of slides both for sale and for insurance. Art was pleased that both Butch and Ace were very keen to become film stars in their own right. He could visualise that their leathers, chains and tattoos would make a useful addition to the appeal of the material. He offered to give them a cut of everything he sold in which they appeared 3; or the fourteen year olds. Butch also said that he was sure that something could be worked out with the gang. Any discussion of the money side would only concern Butch however. After the meal they looked at the videos and realised that they could be sold as they were – even if they looked a bit amateur. Butch knew someone who was trying to sell some hot equipment for copying videos and he would buy it for Art the next day. Art also decided to buy another video camera as he felt sometimes it would be better to have two on the go. Butch asked Art if he might fuck Unk and it was arranged that he would sleep with the man and Jamie would be put to sleep on the floor.
The next morning there was a huge amount of mail. They had Jamie deal with it while they had Unk giving them all breakfast in bed. This turned out in most cases to involve a lot of horseplay but Unk seemed to have learnt his lesson and did exactly as he was told even by the youngest. Once they had finished breakfast, Unk had as usual to feed the animals – this time he knew better than to pee – then he had to clean the house which included giving a tongue bath to some of the kids. Art had scarcely got out of bed when the nurse arrived. This time the basic set up of the previous day was used but with certain changes. Both Unk and Jamie were told to lie on the bed. Unk had a tough plastic tube threaded well up his arse then without disturbing it, Jamie had to mount his uncle. The tube from Unk's arse went to a gag in Jamie's mouth. An insert like that used up Unk's arse before went up Jamie. Its outset went to a gag in Unk's mouth while the input went over Unk's prick. There were two feeding tubes leading one to each gag and everyone started using them. This was scarcely completed when Axe And Butch arrived with the lovers in tow. The lovers were not taken into the bedroom but the bikers were and each had a good long pee into the feeding tubes – both chose to feed Jamie. Neither Unk nor Jamie were tied but they were warned not on any account to move and Jamie was warned to keep Unk's hole well plugged. The action that followed centred on the lovers. They were horrified when they saw the video cameras and even more so since one was hooked up to the television. They however realised they had no choice and did as they were told. Butch did not object when Art started giving the orders rather than him. He found it very amusing. The particularly nice thing was that since it was a small village, all the kids all went to the same school – other than Dennis and Bert who were still at the primary school and Cathy would went to a girl's school in the next village. This village only had a primary (mixed) school and a secondary boys' school. All the girls were picked up by bus and taken five miles [8 km] to the school there. The Grammar school kids had to go even further. Dennis and Bert would be joining the boys' school that autumn and the lovers might well be prefects with first form lads knowing all about them. Art was in fact much more imaginative and kinky than Butch and also had a better eye for what made a good camera shot. The nurse provided the girl with a course of 'the pill' so that in future it would not be necessary to use rubbers. This seemed to upset both of the lovers but the boy in particular was almost in tears. He felt himself guilty for all that was happening to his girl. Other than photos of oral and anal sex Art had them both caned by Dennis which not only made good camera copy but also a lot of interesting noise and marks. They were told that they did not have to report the next day but they would have to spend the whole of the day after that with them as they were going to Brighton for the day. The girl was told to come over in a party dress and the boy in his boys' brigade uniform but neither were to wear anything (E.G. underwear) that does not show. They were then allowed to go home as the kids wanted to deal with Unk and Jamie who were about 'ready.' Quite naturally Jamie's cock had not made a satisfactory plug. He therefore needed punishing. First they were both completely unplugged and allowed to shit. Then they were allowed to pee with their cocks being held by their 'partner.' They were taken into the sitting room where Jamie had again to mount his uncle (who was on all fours on the floor with his back horizontal. Jamie found it difficult as initially he could not get erect. He was then caned slowly until they both came. Jamie's cock got very hard once Art started to beat him. He rolled about on Unk's back but neither he nor Unk could actually come particularly as they were not allowed to handle their own, or each other's, privates. Eventually they were allowed to swap over. Unk was beaten with a small horse whip – as an adult he should have been so much tougher. Maybe he was but he had given Jamie's rump a lot of practice and the noise he made was either great acting or the kids were getting through. Anyhow Jamie shot almost at once but Unk took a long time – it seemed his mind was not on fucking his nephew.
The next day was much quieter Jamie had to do so much work that Unk had to help. They more or less caught up with the orders. Art was getting quite rich as all the orders were paid for in cash. It was necessary to buy more photographic supplies but these were paid by one of Unk's cheques or credit cards. Unk had signed all the (blank) cheques in the five cheque books that were in the house. Art even checked that there was sufficient money in Unk's account at the bank for the things he needed. At one point he had the man actually 'phone the bank to reorganise his accounts so that Art had even more money available. The deliveries each day were getting larger and larger and, if the delivery men but knew, stranger and stranger. The next day Butch and Axe arrived at 7.30 and the lovers by 8.30. The boy had arrived by 7.00 but the girl was late. As they had been warned every 5 minutes after 7.30 meant that they would get a cane stroke. This meant that the girl was to receive a full dozen from the boy. Nothing that Art does is however simple. Every stroke that the boy gave which was not 'hard enough' in Art's opinion was to be repeated together with one from Art. Also the girl was to give one to the boy subject to the same rules – in reverse. Before the punishment had finished, they had both received thirty hard strokes. Unk was then sent to feed the animals giving them food and drink for two days. He was given a short whipping using a special instrument that Art had bought which was designed to mark rather than to hurt although from the noise Unk made it also hurt! Jamie had not quit finished all his letters so he was also punished with the same whip. Art also gave him quite a few across the front of the thighs so they would show even when he was actually wearing shorts. A few strokes were low at the back so everyone would know he had been punished properly Art did not let his little brother off and Cathy asked if she could punish Dennis – she was given permission naturally and demonstrated that she knew what she was doing. After the punishments Butch, Axe and Art discussed the whippings and it was decided that Bert's whipping had been the severest and he had made the least fuss for his age. Art did feel very proud. They then all left. The lovers were made to wear each other's clothes. While Jamie wore a sexy outfit. Unk an all rubber get-up that looked as if was a normal football kit if the observer did not look properly. It would get very hot inside. Dennis and Bert were put into baby romper suits. Butch gave Art the insignia of the Red Devils to wear as an honorary member – Art was pleased. They all set off in the Landrover with Butch driving. After an hour they stopped and first Art and Jamie took Unk to a barber where his long hair was removed and he was left with a baby's curl only. The lovers were also taken to have hair cuts. The boy went to a lady's hairdresser and he had a very elaborate perm. The girl was worse off as she was taken to the same barbers as Unk and was given a 'short back and sides' but a ready short juvenile one. Back in the van you should have seen their faces when they saw each other. There was a good twenty minutes of tears from the boy as well as the girl. They boy tried to do the best thing and offered "To do whatever you want if you will let her go." The predictable response from Art was "You will but we won't." The next 'procedure' was just before they got into Brighton The bikers and Art inserted small balloon type gadgets into all the other boys' and Unk's anuses and inflated them. They became about the size and firmness of a tennis ball but their necks were skin coloured and small and hardly showed. The effect was to push the boy's bum cheeks well apart revealing the anus in a very indecent state. The lover girl had two inserted – one in her anus and one in her cunt. She looked very indecent and Art took a couple of photos straight away. Art also gave all the boys a double dose of 'Spanish Fly.' He explained that once they had peed they would have an erection that just would not go away and a strong itching in the centre of their pricks. "Even", he warned them " multiple cums will not help. Not that you will have a chance to rub them for some time! It will wear off – by tomorrow or the day after." Art then gave them each a couple of pints of salty water with a promise that if they did not drink it up they could drink his pee instead. They all drank the unpleasant liquid without a murmur. They then went to the nudist beach. Art and the bikers stayed clothed but the others had to strip off completely. It was particularly amusing when the lovers undressed as the seeming boy turned out to be a girl and vive versa. It was a sunny day but not over hot so there were very few other nudists on the beach (all old and unpleasant looking) but plenty of other people, adults and kids. Art also could pick out several men armed with cameras who were there obviously in response to his note. For the next half hour or so the kids had to collect stones – picking them up with straight knees and either facing the 'camera men' or with their arses to them as Art decided. After this Art decided they should each pee. They knew what the result would be but he had by then got them all sufficiently in the palm of his hand that one by one did as they were told as he called out their names so the watchers could hear. Naturally they had to face the cameras as they peed. When Art called Cathy's name out, she had Dennis lie on the ground and squatted over his middle facing both the cameras and his face. She told Dennis to keep his mouth open before she started to pee. The lovers were then ordered to stand up and kiss and cuddle until the boy succeeded to cum over her body. It was very photogenic and eventually successful. naturally they were warmed about wiping the mess off either of them. However, without doubt, Unk went through much worse on the beach that day than the others. The ridiculous shaving and his constant erection being exhibiting so very publicly were a mental torment which he thought that Art could not realise – I wonder. First one then another of the camera men came over and introduced themselves to Art. He said that he was going off for some time but most of the kids were staying and Butch would be there to see they did EXACTLY as they were told. None of the kids could leave the beach but they would be pleased to do whatever was required of them subject to that. Art then gave Jamie a very young girl's bikini and told him to put it on. he could hardly fit it on and when he had he just looked like a boy in girl's clothing. His prick was hard and struck up obscenely. Not that any of that worried Art. He told Jamie to take a quick dip to make himself look a little more decent. It didn't help but the bikini became translucent. He then took Jamie to a restaurant nearby. It was a reasonably posh place with long white table-cloths on the tables and red plush benches and chairs. It was early for lunch and the place was still nearly empty. They were shown to a corner table by the maitre de but just as Jamie was about to sit. The maitre de said "I am sorry we cannot have you in that wet costume sitting on our chairs." Jamie was shocked, just when he thought he was about to get some privacy by sitting down out of sight, this happens. However Art resourceful as ever said "Don't worry he will take the bottom part off. The top is not wet." Poor Jamie sort of squatted down behind the table and took the bottom off and sat down quickly. He was sitting in the corner of the room on a plush bench seat with a round table, cloth covered pulled well into his waist. If it wasn't the bikini top and Art's presence, he would have felt quite comfortable. They were not served but just watched the restaurant steadily filled up. When virtually every table was had people at it, a smartly dressed gentleman came up and said to Art "I am the owner of this place but this is my day off, I wonder if you would mind if I joined you as there is no other free place, and besides it isn't often we get two nice looking boys eating here especially not with one of them wearing a bikini." Art then said "The Bikini top is all that he is wearing. Move your arse right back into the corner so the man can see clearly." Poor Jamie had to do this and the man not only had a look but also had a good feel. Before Jamie could move away or do anything, a waiter came up with a large bottle of Lucozade for him, a glass of coke for Art and beer for the man. Jamie was very aware that the waiter had seen everything but being a good waiter his kept quiet. "I really think," the stranger went on," I know you. Aren't you the people who sent out some interesting photographs of yourselves recently. You must be Art who I spoke to on the phone yesterday." Jamie realised the whole scene was set up yet again by Art. He feared the worst or rather what his comparatively uninventive mind thought might be the worst. He was to learn that Art had many more ideas than he had and there the worst was quite awful. "I can see you are not wearing shorts but what about your feet," the man continued "I want to check BOTH of them." Poor Jamie he had to sit right at the back of the bench with his feet crossed in tailor fashion. Luckily for him the conversation had not been loud and no one other than the owner and waiter saw what was going on. "Disgusting to have an erection like that and so publicly" the man said "I think you should be punished." "He had a good caning only this morning" Art said "We need to do something else." The man's "Show me the marks" led to more embarrassing contortions by Jamie. He had least a "Yes. I agree those will do for now" from the man. The man asked the waiter for some strong mustard. While this was coming he told Jamie to lift up his backside. The owner then slipped off the plush cushion, from where the boy had been sitting, leaving a metal top to the seat. It was cold and very hard for Jamie's backside. Jamie however thought that it was not as bad a punishment as he was used to getting. The waiter brought in a large pot of mustard and over the next few minutes all the contents were spread over Jamie's crotch and buttocks. The man had even poked a mustard covered finger right up his hole. It took several minutes for the full heat from the paste to be absorbed by his sensitive areas. When they started to heat up, it was pure agony. All the owner said was "Much cheaper and more effective than itching powder." The man then left to wash his hands. On his return he paused at the door and turned on a switch. It was some time before Jamie realised what the man had done. He had simply turned on the heating which blew hot air from under the seat where he was seated. With the cushion on the bench, the customer would be unaware of the heat but since it had been removed the boy's backside was slowly baked. The boy started to pick up his serviette but was told to leave it alone "We do not want the linen covered with mustard." The boy had been drinking the yellow fuzzy drink, as Art kept on saying "Have another glassful" in a way that was more an order than anything else. Jamie had finished the bottle. Art saw this and said "We can't have you thirsty but we can hardly ask for another bottle. I know why don't you pee in the bottle and them you can drink that. It won't look so different." Jamie obviously tried to refuse but Art just said "If you prefer to drink ours 3;" Jamie took the hint and was soon on his third glass of pee – not that Art allowed him to stop alternately peeing and drinking. Obviously being at a restaurant they had a meal! While Art had steak, chips and beans followed by an ice-cream sundae, Jamie's meal was very different. A huge helping of a mess which he was told was shit. It was, in fact, a mixture of substances to distend the stomach and those simply to taste vile. Art was pleased, if surprised, that he eat it up with so few protests. He WAS making progress. All this took time. When their meal was eventually finished, the place had almost emptied. A few moments and they were the only customers there. Unknown to Jamie the outer door had been locked and those waiters, who were not interested, had departed. The time was ripe for the next part of the boy's training to start. It would be foolish to detail the next couple of hours but Jamie satisfied everyone there and got punished for his pains. The others, stuck out on the beach, would never believe that he had a even more unpleasant time than they had. When Art and Jamie returned to the nudist beach, Art let the others get dressed in the clothes in which they had arrived there. The lovers had to dress and undress several times before the photographers were happy that they had recorded the cross dressing adequately. The youngster and Unk went in the land rover to a quiet place and rested until it was time to go up to Devil's Dyke. They were all fed and watered well for once and in the early evening just as twilight approached they went to the car park. The large park, which had become a place for bikers to use by night, was quite often visited by police. However the small park is only known by a few. Once it has started to get dark, the few walkers etc., who use it on a fine weekend, leave. It then may remain deserted for several days – at least. This is a pity as it is a pleasant place with many wooden benches and fine views. This evening the place was to be used differently. The land rover was parked and Art took the others to the benches. The lovers, still cross dressed as far as they were wearing anything, were put on one seat with one of each of their ankles fixed with a short chain to the base of the bench. One was fixed to each end of the bench which allowed them just to touch hands – or to watch what was being done to the other. On another seat Cathy and Dennis, both naked, were similarly fixed. They was very near the land rover, where Art intended to sit, so he could see the punters did not go too far with them. Jamie and Unk, both completely denuded, were fixed to a pair of facing seats some six feet [1.8 m] apart by simply putting on each a set of handcuffs (behind their backs) which went round a wooden plank in their seat. Bert dressed only in a nappy was on a bench on his own but also in a position so Art could keep a brotherly eye on him. Butch and Axe wandered away to be on their own as they regarded this as Art's affair. The punters started arriving almost at once and they seemed to continue to arrive. When one had exhausted himself he would watch the rest of the action then in an hour or so would rejoin the fray himself. Art did not have to ask for money it was just given to him in gratitude for having set the thing up. He had to watch the youngsters as he was keen that Dennis, for example, should remain a virgin. However most of the action seemed to centre on Jamie and he had no worries there. The atmosphere was helped when the restaurant owner arrived with a lot of drink for everyone mostly wine but plenty of beer and soft drinks. At about three in the morning the action was cooling down and Art was enjoying himself and did not want it to finish. Unk had been pretty well ignored but Butch, who had returned and had been watching for a couple of hours, suggested a new activity to Art. He carefully collected a large bunch of stinging nettles. He was in his leathers and had motor cycle gloves with him so he didn't need to be all that careful. First he and Axe 'tickled' Unk's body everywhere with them then they used them to flog him hard. The cane strokes from the morning had coloured up nicely and the marks from the stings of the nettles together with the marks of the flogging itself really made one understand what a technicolour arse really could look like. This 'show' seemed to turn everyone back on and it was 6.30 before the last punter left. Sunday was really more of the same. They slept in the land rover until about 11.30 but were back on the nudist beach before midday. There were fewer photographers around but most of them were new faces. The others, Art thought, were exhausted from the previous night and had photographed every thing they wanted the previous day. Also the weather had taken a turn for the worse so they left for 'home' at about 5 pm. Art regarded it as a fantastic weekend AND he was more than 1 000 to the good. The bikers decided to let the lovers go. They had after all been punished enough for a quick fondle in the park. They were a bit worried about the youngsters' unusual haircuts. The bikers felt that the lovers would cope with the parental storm if they knew that they had nothing further to fear from the bikers or Art, who, anyhow, was bored with them. Art had other things to do and other kids to break in.
The next few days were largely concerned with Jamie running the mail order business and Unk running the house. Art however had another concern. It was the animals. This had been Unk's job. Art wanted to make use of them but he was not sure how to best exploit the many interesting possibilities. Since, you are in the dark, dear reader, I need to explain. Some four months before our story opened, one night there had been another break in. That time Unk was awake and caught the two people red handed – and he had a gun. Unfortunately for Unk, and the burglars, they, like Art, had seen some photographs lying around. They had tried to use this information to bargain "If we are arrested, we will tell the police what we have seen" type of thing. While Unk kept the gun on them, Jamie tied them up. They were two cousins the older Rich (really Richard), aged 15, and the other Sammy aged only 13 then but now 14. They had shiny blue black hair and black eyes. There skin was slightly olive and they looked as indeed they were of genuine Romany stock. They had left home, or more accurately their caravan after a big fight between their two sets of parents. The other gipsies didn't know where they were and almost certainly didn't care much. Rich's cock was long but rather thin with a very long foreskin which gave it extra apparent length. Sammy's had been no great size but was growing fast and might equal his cousin's one day. Unk was reasonably sure that they had been bedfellows as they had shared a bed in the family caravan since they were babies and had run away together when there had been a fight which had not concerned them directly. When Unk caught them, they were filthy as were the few clothes they had left. They said that they had been living on their wits for some months. Unk thought that likely but also thought that getting clean or new clothing obviously was not top of their priorities. In fact when Unk produced the gun, Sammy had peed in his pants but was not even aware of it. Unk was not a stupid man and was very well aware that sooner or later they would escape if he just kept them tied up. He then realised that in the barn there was an old pig sty onto which he had fixed a set of bars when a sow had been particularly difficult with its piglets. Theses bars could be padlocked and that would make a very good prison cell until he decided what to do and he could just see it from inside the house. It was in need of a good clean out as although the pigs had long gone the old straw was still there and it was filthy. He then looked at the two kids and decided that maybe it would teach them a lesson. If questioned he would not know if the lesson they were to learn was to keep themselves cleaner or if it was not to break into other people's homes. Well they had spent that night locked in the pig pen with their arms tied behind them but still dressed as fully as they had been when Unk discovered them. That night Unk decided that it was worth while using them for a bit of fun and as a chance from Jamie to learn how not always to be the passive partner. The last part had Jamie's very full agreement. The next day Unk started to make the situation more permanent. First their clothes, rags would have been a better term, were wet through and worse. Unk burnt them all leaving them naked. He fed them from the pig trough which was already in situ. At that stage he fed them on the same food and water that he and Jamie had. The complained about it – partly because of the flavours from the trough. It hadn't be cleaned since the pigs had left the sty. He steadily reduced the quality of food, he gave them until they stopped moaning. He also got straight jackets for them as the ropes were not suitable for a lengthy period as they were difficult to keep secure. They managed to tear the jackets on the odd nail that was around as they were trying to get free. In order to avoid this happening, he covered the straight jacket in plaster of Paris which set solid covering the whole of their upper bodies. He varnished the plaster so damp could not soften it. About a month later he had caught Sammy sucking on Rich's cock. While he liked watching this, it was without his authorisation. He beat them severely once they had finished the show. To insure they did not repeat the activity, he fixed a pole between their chests with one lying with his head facing the other's cock. This held them with their faces about two feet [60 cm] from their cousin's cock, within reach of piss but not their tongues. It was quite recently that he had started peeing into the trough in the morning an activity which had got him into trouble with Art as you will remember. The gipsy boys were getting quite useful sex partners but they didn't like doing anything even with Jamie let alone Unk, who they regarded as their mortal enemy. Unk had never used them for photography partly because of their filthy state but mostly he was worried about the obvious permanence of their bonds. Art had not been too interested in them as he knew the other kids from school etc and those kids were therefore much more fun to mess with. He had even ignored them in the first series of photos he had sent out! He now had to decide what to do with them. Undoubtedly their enforced stay as pigs had reduced their resistance and he had plenty of potential helpers, but he liked doing his own thing and taking over where Unk had left off was not exactly appealing. First of all he had Unk release them and bring them indoors. The door to the farmyard had to be kept wide open as the stench was overpowering. He then had Unk lick one of them more or less clean and Jamie had to do the same to the other – he objected volubly but Art's firm repeated command set him to work. The cousins were very turned on by this after all their enforced chastity and the lickers had to be stopped many times or they would have gone over the top. Art then sent everyone other than the cousins and himself out of the room. He talked to the cousins and discussed what exactly they wanted to happen to Unk. At first they just wanted to be allowed to leave but Art talked them into staying and taking their revenge on Unk and maybe Jamie who was after all a relation of Unk. The plaster of Paris was then chipped off very carefully by Unk. Surprisingly enough the jackets underneath while dirty and sweat (etc) stained were still serviceable. When the jackets were unlocked and taken off the lads, they were terrified as they were unable to control the movements of their arms. However Art gave them a hot bath. Luckily they were small enough to fit together in the bath as neither would have been happy to wait. They were given a proper, if huge, meal and packed off to the big double bed. Their limbs were under better control but that was hardly relevant as they were both in the land of Nod before the covers had been pulled up. Possibly more significantly they were out before they had relieved their sexual tensions. Unk was clearly very worried. If Art, or anyone else, wanted, he could be in all sorts of problems for holding the two gipsies prisoner; amongst other things. Also those two must hate him and if encouraged by Art 3; The morning came, as indeed it always does, and everyone woke up in their good time. Art's deep sleep had enabled his ever working brain to decide where to go from there. He let the animals sleep late and then sent everyone else shopping. Unk had to drive the land rover dressed in just a heavy rubber raincoat while the rest did the actual buying of the food. They then went to the scout hut and started sorting out the things for the camp. They were under strict instructions not to return for three hours. He brought Rich and Sammy breakfast in bed. He then said to them: "I know that Unk has given you a very hard time indeed. I am giving him as hard a time as I can and I hope you will join with me as I hope to continue for a very long time. I know I don't want the police called in and I hope you don't as it would spoil all our fun. Both Unk and Jamie can be treated exactly as we wish and THAT should in ways that will both hurt them physically and humiliate them. I hope you will enjoy what I have in mind and will help me in all this as it should both be good fun and good revenge." Art then continued in such a way that the kids forgot their own plans for revenge and were only too happy to join in with Art's schemes – whatever they might be. Art did not want to tell them too much but on the other hand he needed to know some things about the way they might be thinking. Art was too experienced for his years and within half an hour he had found out everything he needed to know about their mental make up but he also knew he had them exactly where he wanted and that he could get them to do just as he wanted. Even though Rich in particular could beat him up with one hand behind his back he knew he had added them to his stable. Though neither had ever seen a video they were turned on by the idea of making porno videos with Art. Even working as fast as he had the door bell rang almost before he was ready for it. A tall middle aged man was there. He looked every bit a doctor but that may have been because that was exactly what he was. He was a friend of the male nurse who had visited the place twice recently. After discussion with Art he had laid the meeting on. Art asked the doctor to come in and introduced him to the gipsy boys as my friend the doctor. The doctor explained that he had various interests and that Art had volunteered Unk, and maybe Jamie, to help him explore these interests. Unk had not been told but although the sessions would be extremely uncomfortable for him; if not painful or just shear agony, Art had said that he could guarantee that Unk would sign the required forms. The gipsy boys were embarrassed to be seen nude by a complete stranger but the man said that as a doctor he was used to seeing nude bodies. Neither he nor Art provided them with clothes so eventually they were able to ignore their own nudity. The doctor then went out to his car and brought in a lad who turned out to be his eighteen year old son. The boy, Dick by name, was dressed in a loose track suit. His hands were tucked in the back of the trousers over his bum. The boy was a very large lad about six foot two or three [1.88-1.90 m] and broad shouldered to match. It took a moment to see what was so odd about his face, but there was no sign of hair on it and it was consequentially as smooth as a ten year old's and looked as if it had never seen a razor. On the other hand his hair hung down over his shoulders but it was well cared for and held in position with a pink Alice Band. He had very strange pale blue green eyes which seemed full of sadness and he never smiled. On the track suit right-hand side breast was neatly embroidered a picture of a penis with the word Dick on it and underneath it 10.5 inches [27 cm] in brackets. When you saw this inscription, your eyes would naturally travel down to check its accuracy. Under the front of the trousers was a large bulge but it was unclear what it was exactly. The Doctor invited Sammy to explore saying "He won't bite or do anything to stop you." He then continued "The top pulls off as the cloth underneath the arms and at the sides stuck together with Velcro . The trousers pull off normally but start with the top." Dick was very clearly unhappy at the idea of a boy four years his junior stripping him but he didn't dare say anything to express his feelings. On the other hand Sammy was clearly enjoying the situation. Not being on the receiving end was a novel experience. Even before Unk got hold of him, he had always been bullied by Rich and the other young males in the extended family which made up the Gipsy encampment. Art asked the doctor if he could record the scene on video etc and the doctor thought it would be fun to do that. The top of Sammy's head came level with Dick's Adam's apple. Dick's track suit top pulled off easily revealing a well developed washboard chest quite as hairless as his face. His waist was very narrow. His father said with pride "I have been able to keep his waist to the same size as it was when his mother died just before his eleventh birthday. He knows that I will not buy him any more normal shorts or trousers until all those he had then are quite worn out. I do of course buy him special clothes from time to time." Sammy was not looking at the boy's waist however as straight in front of his eyes were the boy's nipples. They had been treated the left one was pulled out and a piece of twine was wrapped tightly round it making a little cone sticking out about three quarters of an inch [2 cm] from the surrounding skin. Sammy tweaked it several times and when the doctor suggested took it in his mouth and bit it! The other nipple had a metal clip rather like a small clothes peg struck on it and a string going down into the front of the trousers. This string was quite taut and pulled the nipple a couple of inches lower than the other. The trousers came of next and obviously both Rich and Sammy were intrigued as to what they would find. The boy wearing a completely transparent pair of plastic pants on top of a nappy which was clearly soiled both at front and back. The lads arms went under the nappy at the back. The cousins saw at the front a large bulge but didn't know how much of it was cock. Art said as Sammy paused "If you want to see the rest, you will have to unwrap it all." Dick spoke for the first time. "If you leave me alone I will suck you off or 3;" The doctor said "Don't be cheeky. I think he would like you to do that but I don't see why he should not strip you first." Rich interposed "Can't I do anything?" It was arranged that Dick lay on the settee and started sucking young Sammy while Rich took over stripping the older lad. Art was enjoying the show and not doing too much – other than making the video and taking the odd photograph. The plastic pants came off without any trouble. This revealed little more, other than a certain odour which caused Dick to blush – The heightened colour in his cheeks was even visible as he worked on Sammy's tool. The cotton nappy was more securely fastened that the boy's other clothes, but Rich found the nappy pins and undid them. At the back the lad's thumbs were tied together with twine. This went through the boy's legs and was tied tightly to his ball sack – pulling it right back between his legs. Round the base of the glans under the pulled back foreskin was another piece of twine, much thinner, this was the other end of the twine which they had seen tied to one of the lad's nipples. The doctor invited Rich to mount Dick which he did at once hiding the full details from everyone. Naturally at that age sex does not take long and within moments both Sammy and Rich had broken their long, enforced abstinence. However Dick was less lucky and was left stranded. The doctor then moved Dick from the settee to the examination table. A belt went over his waist and his wrists were strapped to the table's sides. The lad's feet were tied into the stirrups which were adjusted so the thighs lay almost on the table to the sides of the unfortunate lad and the calves went straight up in the air. It looked, and was, extremely uncomfortable more particularly as the lad was far too large for the table. The doctor then gave Art and the others a conducted tour of his son's body. The first thing they all noticed was that his whole body, like his face, was not only hairless but as smooth as if he had been a new born infant. The doctor explained that this was done by a mixture of treatments – including creams, electrolysis and physically plucking out the hair follicles. All the treatments, he said, were unpleasant and painful for the lad particularly as he often had friends, male and female, to help administer the treatments. However they were already virtually complete so the lad would never have much hair even if all the treatments finished at once. All hair he might have would be in the nature of fine short fuzz. However he intended to continue the treatments for some time. There was a open air paddling pool in a park near him where they allowed little kids to play around completely nude. The authorities seem to have defined little kids, in an odd court case, not involving his son, to be youngsters without pubic hair. The lad would spend hours playing around the pool and the doctor was amused by the number of strangers who would appear there with cameras. For the past two or three years Dick became extremely upset by this. It wasn't helped by the fact that embarrassment usually caused him to erect. He nearly always had red eyes from crying when eventually he was allowed to return home. The doctor then untied the lad's nipples (A very painful thing to do if the moans of the lad were anything to go by) and showed that they were much larger than was normal on a boy. "I have made him wear a bra on occasions," the man said, "but I prefer them to be either tied up or on show." The lad's anus was the next to be discussed. The doctor explained that it had proved difficult to keep it tight for a good fuck but able to be stretched to the sort of size he wished. "Women have quite large babies and their quims were able soon afterwards to be used by their husbands so I realized it must be possible." He then produced a large cone of a soft pliable rubber-like substance and started to insert it into the lad's rear. When the man finished with the first cone he replaced it with a larger second and then a third. The rim was eventually stretched to the size of the youth's thigh. Dick made quite a fuss but it didn't deter his father. "And if you ask Rich, he will tell you he had a good fuck, but from what you saw I know that you don't need to ask." The doctor continued his lecture "I have also stretched his bowels – the parts inside the anus and he can now hold, even without being plugged, huge quantities of water, or whatever, that I force up there. I think some of you saw the nurse use an enema on Unk and Jamie. It can be very uncomfortable. You can try later and see how much he can take. Every morning he goes out for a five mile [8 km] run as soon as he gets up with at least a three pint [1½ l] injection and woe betide him if he take too long or there is the slightest mark on his knickers. I usually add some interesting things to the liquid. You can try such things as:
"The other area which I am sure you are interested in is his cock. I know the inscription on his track suit intrigued you. The measurement is quite correct and it was measured soft and quite a few months ago. I have grown it ever since his mother died. Most of the ways I have used are rather painful but they seem to work. First there is the 'Bruising Method.' A bruise is blood which has got out of a vein or artery into the normal flesh, where it exerts pressure on everything nearby. In the cock this is more true than elsewhere as the blood can flow into the spongy tissue normally causing an erection. If you regularly bruise the penis it will get a build up of the escaped blood and eventually this will swell up the penis permanently. When this is done say six times a day the flesh never gets the opportunity to return to 'normal' so a somewhat expanded cock becomes normal. It seems difficult to bruise the penis evenly everywhere so I have invented an instrument. It is a guide for a wide heavy leather belt and it ensures that each stroke of the belt falls exactly where you want it. To cover Dick's penis when I started I needed 9 strokes but now that has increased to 17 as the penis has become so much bigger. You need to use the belt at least twice a day for any effect less than daily is a waste of time. I have found the ideal to be six times a day most days but never less than four times. The next method I use are certain drugs. I can get them for you. They are not difficult to get and are normally used for quite different purposes. The other way that I use is to have him regularly masturbate until he is about to climax and is as hard as he can get, then to let him recover without spilling his seed. The continuous violent erection for maybe four hours a day does its work. It is essential that the boy is never allowed to climax as this is counterproductive. Dick has only had two climaxes in his life and those were so he knows what he is missing, nowadays. "There are various other methods but they seems less effective. Comparative recently I have been widening the urethra, the tube inside the cock which carries pee, sperm etc. There are various metal devices. they are straight or curved rods: both solid sounds and hollow catheters which can be pushed very carefully into the slit at the top of the glans. You need to be very careful as a cut in the lining of the urethra could even be fatal. I know our friend, the nurse, is fond of using thin catheters but they come in all sorts of thickness. Dick here can now take a sound the thickness of a normal pencil. This has also helped to make his penis fatter. I usually use sounds rather than catheters as they avoid pee being spilt. In fact he has to sleep/with a sound right up as far as his bladder as he has wet the bed quite recently after we have done things to him and with these inserted, there is no danger of that happening. "You will see that his foreskin is very large even for the size of his cock. Initially it was very tight and to start with as I grew the cock, I did nothing to grow it. It hurt him a lot whenever he got hard but eventually it stretched from the constant pressure so then I decided to give it a helping hand. There is a standard instrument for dealing with tight foreskins. It is a sort of blunt scissors and you push both blades under the foreskin and open the blades until the required stretching is obtained. Often the patient is given a local and usually one or two treatments suffice. In his case I have used these instruments regularly (without anaesthetic of course) but I wanted not only to increase the foreskin's girth but, more importantly, its length. This is quite easy although not a common medical practice. First I punched two holes in it not too near the end as I didn't want to risk actually tearing it. I put into these holes plastic eyelets. He seemed to find this as painful as making the holes themselves. We then hung weights from the holes. The weights, small lead ones as used by fishermen, virtually never came off even when he went swimming (nude). As you can see they are now 3½ inches [9 cm] long and quite spectacular. "More interesting in many ways was the problem of his balls and the sack which holds them. Very early on I felt that these could become a show piece but they had to remain available for me or my friend to grab or to squeeze. Initially I tied a strip of material round the sack above the balls and hung weights from it. This did not look pretty and he could if he dared take it off at school (and whenever he was out of my sight) and replace it later. I had to do something much more effective. I really wanted the ball sack to be as long as the prick itself. The weights were indeed growing it but were unsightly and dangerous as he might catch them on something. "I went on holiday with him. We stayed with a colleague in France who was an expert in such matters. Besides being a surgeon, he is a physicist. He showed me the way he was treating his 'companion.' The boy was just into puberty but the ball sack was longer than most adults. "However I have spoken enough and since this is something Dick particularly hates he will describe it to you." Dick, tearfully and a number of times came to a complete stuttering halt, described the system, illustrating it on his own body. "First I had to lie on an operating table, they had not told me what was to be done. I was firmly strapped down on my back." He started. "The doctor gave me a series of injections which stopped me controlling the muscles in my lower body, but left me seeing and feeling exactly what they were doing. They were in no hurry and the operation took most of the day. They stopped several times for a bite to eat or to do things to the slave boy they had there. They cut carefully the back of my ball sack along the very sensitive ridge. The cut went about a third of the way round the whole sack. There was virtually no bleeding as there is just skin there. They used mirrors to make sure that I could see everything they did. I passed out several times and broke down in tears on numerous occasions but they waited for me to recover each time. "There are apparently a lot of tubes veins etc going from the body to the balls. They worked a silver band round these ligaments under the skin of the sack. This band was quite thin but about an inch an a half [4 cm] wide. (It has been replaced several times with wider bands. The one I have now is over three inches [7½ cm] wide). A heavy weight which was about the size of my balls was threaded onto the band behind my balls. The band was sealed and I was sewn up. The scar hardly shows as you can see. All three of my balls are constantly pulled together and downwards. However during the day it is usually bearable. The ball is made of silver round a soft iron core. In addition there are a number of ball bearings, made of a similar materials loose in my ball bag – they are normally at the bottom of it pulling it downwards. They stretch it down constantly as opposed to the big ball which is just pulling my balls down. I don't know which is heavier the large ball or the lot of little ones. The large one seems to hurt more. "Every night, that I am home, I have to lie with my cock and balls dangling down a hole in the centre of my half of the bed. The doctor turns a switch and an electric magnet is turned on. It pulls both my balls and the loose part of my sack towards the bottom of the hole. It hurts and the doctor is forever, increasing the current, but it always stays on all night. I have tried on many occasions to lift myself off the bed, after all I am not tied but while the current is on I simply cannot do it. Nor can I reach the switch. When I am due to get up, a time switch switches the current off automatically and the end of the pain wakes me but not the doctor. I have to get up carefully without disturbing him and start my chores. "There is another problem the iron cores of all these thing has become strongly magnetic – without the electric magnet even being switched on. Whenever I am sitting on a metal seat etc and get up I have a very painful tug at my balls. The doctor enjoys, I think, finding different things for me to sit on usually very publicly which have this effect. If it really large I may end up in tears." The doctor then summarised "Now, all this shows you what can be done. I gather there are two possible victims Unk and Jamie. When they return I will give them a suitable medical and you can then decide exactly what treatment is right for each of them. You can of course help but we will not tell them what the medical is for!" While they waited for the others to return, Dick was made to fix some handles to the floor in certain places that Art and the doctor decided on. After numerous whispered discussions, the gipsies were asked to prepare the sty for possible occupation. Art stressed it didn't need a clean out. The doctor suggested that a soaking with disinfectant and water would not only make the sty safe but it would increase the general level of smell, mess and overall unpleasantness. He added "The disinfectant I have here stings." This throw away line persuaded Art that disinfectant should be added to the water! The others returned having worked hard while at the scout hut. Everything needed for camp had been sorted into piles. They had also brought some food for lunch. They were surprised to meet the doctor but more so to meet Dick – so large, so naked and so smooth-skinned. They were getting used to Art's surprises. During the meal, the doctor gave a much shortened account of Dick's body training. Then everyone bar Dick, Unk and Jamie were given a sheet of paper to fill out:
PUT IN TWO NUMBERS BETWEEN O AND 10 eg 4/7 The doctor collected these forms in and produced the table on the next page. It would not surprise you that only his and Art's views were used but the others thought their forms were important. They were. The doctor and Art found out what would be most effective treatment to give them . The summary form the doctor produced was as follows:
You will notice that various words were added to explain the treatment and two entries were added 'weakening control.' The Gipsy boys wanted these things to do this so badly that they were added though they hadn't been done to Dick – yet. Everyone thought that to make them pee and shit like babies would be a lot of fun. The doctor said he knew many different treatments but he would need to find the best. It was not the right time to start work on the two as once under way, the treatments should be continued without a break. It would be better to start during or immediately after the scout camp. The doctor however was persuaded (?) to demonstrate some of the methods he might use. The gipsy boys were very unhappy when they thought they would miss the fun but Art invited them not only to come to the camp but also to live with them for as long as they might wish. Their state of mind changed completely then! If they knew everything that was in Art's mind however 3; The doctor decided to start growing Unk's foreskin at once as a break in that treatment would only slow the rate of growth down marginally. Jamie would need another treatment as he had no foreskin to be dealt with! Unk was tied down, spreadeagled on his back, on the floor to four of the handles that Dick had firmly fixed. Surprisingly his cock was half harm and the doctor soon completed that. He then firmly fitted a cock ring made of heavy rubber. He just rolled it onto the prick and didn't bother to try to get it over the man's scrotum. He put a hard backed chair over the man's stomach so the back of the chair was directly over the man's erstwhile privates. From his doctor's bag the man produced various items but did not describe their purposes until they were about to be used. First he picked up a sort of miniature quoit about an inch an a half [4 cm] in diameter. There were a whole pile of them in differing sizes – some smaller a few larger. It was made of a shiny black plastic. He passed it round and said "You need to be careful to select the right size. Too large and it will not go in properly, too small and it will fall out or at least not do anything useful. You see this catch watch what happens when I press it. If not stopped, it just springs back as if it were cut through and it becomes a cylinder. However if it is gripped, it becomes a strong spring. If you try to bend it into its original shape, you will see just how. I can use this other implement to close it. Nothing else will enable it to be bent up again when it is inside anything. Now I will pull Unk foreskin right back. You see this quoit will just nicely go over the crown and sit in the ridge behind. Now we will pull the foreskin forward again over it. It only looks a bit swollen but when I release the catch 3; What a noise! To do any good it has to hurt a bit." He waited until Unk quietened down. "You know I don't want hurt you but it just can't be avoided." he added with a huge grin which clearly bellied his words. "This is the best start to growing the foreskin but there is more." He picked up an implement of shiny metal. It had rings each end of similar size to the quoit and these were joined by about six adjustable rods. "As we are feeling kind today, we will shorten the rods" he continued. It took quite a lot of pulling and pushing until it was resting on the partly opened quoit, with all the metal underneath the man's foreskin. From the noises that Unk made you would conclude he was in great pain but his prick was rock hard. "An erection makes the job so much easier" the doctor remarked. The doctor them picked up a quoit similar to the earlier one but rather thinner. "This one has less spring to it. Otherwise it might tear the foreskin which would be a pity and rather spoil our fun." This slotted over the metal just inside the tip of the foreskin. When its spring was realised the tip of the foreskin was opened wide. The instrument had a devise to hold this quoit in position neither working itself down from the tight tip of the foreskin or slipping out all together. It took a long time for Unk to come to terms with all this but eventually he quietened down a little. The doctor then slowly lengthened the cylinder until he was happy that the man's foreskin was stretched fully in every direction. They then all paused for a cup of tea. They even feed one to Unk but didn't untie him. The doctor them rubbed a cream on the outer surface of Unk's foreskin "This is a bit of an irritant but it softens up the skin and will help it stretch." Inside the foreskin he poured an oil. "Unlike the other this is a very strong irritant and will work on the underside of the foreskin toughening it up so it is less likely to tear in subsequent treatments. It also will sting the crown but it will soak in and will help to grow it quite significantly. It does not reduce the crown's sensitivity like some other substances that I have used. This concluded Unk's treatment that day but a very scared Jamie was prepared for his turn. The doctor tied Jamie along side his uncle, so that Jamie's head was inches away from Unk tortured foreskin and Jamie's prick nearly as close to Unk eyes. The doctor produced a large set of different sounds and catheters. He showed the bigger ones to everyone making sure that Jamie did not realise that were the biggest. Unlike the American practice English instruments of this sort are always steel rather than disposable plastic. Jamie was erect as he usually was when he was naked and the centre of attention. This made it easy for the doctor to insert a catheter into the kid's urethra. There was the spurt of pee which indicates that the tube has reached the bladder. This terrified the lad even more so as he was unable to stop the flow. The doctor then clipped off the flow but nothing was explained to the kid. Any lad would worry more if he didn't know exactly what was going on; but the whole atmosphere was nightmarish. To add to the situation the doctor made comments like "I, or Art, will be in control of your peeing from now on." He put a valve and a tube on the end of the catheter. This enabled him to wash the boy's bladder out repeatedly. Jamie was out of his wits terror as he felt all sorts of pains from parts of himself, which he couldn't quite identify, but he knew were it was coming from inside him. When the doctor was finally happy with Jamie's progress, he measured carefully the bladder's capacity – before treatments over the next months (he hoped) would increase it. He then withdrew the tube and inserted a different type of catheter. This was inserted as before but it was shorter than the other and the 'outside' end was about ¾ of an inch [2 cm] inside the crown of the boy's penis. There was no way the boy could get it out and, without a special holder, no one else would be able to. While this catheter was inserted into the lad, he would have no control over his peeing and would wet whenever there was liquid in his bladder. The doctor hadn't quite finished. He put on rubber gloves and took out a sealed jam jar from his black bag. He then inserted a wide tube into the tip of Jamie's penis until it was about half an inch [1 cm] inside – as far as it would go. He then carefully took a very small wasp from the jam jar and forced it into the tube. Naturally it stung the boy in a very delicate area. Jamie hadn't seen the insect but all the onlookers knew exactly what had been done. The doctor withdrew the wide tube and the now dead insect. Jamie's urethra swelled up virtually blocking any flow. The boy, while still having little control, would just dribble pee until the catheter was withdrawn. The doctor then untied both of his victims and gave them a very complete but public medical. This naturally included the measurements that would be normally made but many others which were made for general entertainment. As it was getting late Unk and Jamie were put in the dirty strait-jackets, efficiently gagged and put to sleep in the sty. Art was impressed with the doctor's ideas and invited him to be the scout camp doctor. The man was pleased to accept. They would all go down in three days time to prepare the site – and have fun. The doctor took Art over to the squat so that Art could make plans with Butch for the Red Devils to visit, and stay at the Scout camp. When Art got back, he 'phoned the governess to ask if she could collect Cathy and Dennis the day before they left for camp. She was very pleased to have them for longer than she had expected. The doctor would drive himself down to the camp site. Everyone in the house slept well but that couldn't be said for those in the barn! The next day was comparatively quiet. The great surprise was in the morning's post. There was an answer to Unk's advertisement in the Danish magazine. The surprise was not that there was another answer but it was from someone they all knew – the headmaster of their school. The letter read:
Dear ???, For once in his young life Art was not sure what to do. He knew he wanted to exploit the situation but actually to blackmail his headmaster seemed to be bit a bit over the top even to his mind. He still regarded himself as being a pupil at the school even if he rarely went near it. He needed to discuss it all with someone responsible but everyone seemed unsuitable. Eventually he decided on the doctor. O.K. they hardly knew each other but the man HAD impressed him with his very different ideas. He rang up the man and explained the situation. The doctor said he would come over at once as "it could be fun." By the time the doctor got there (without Dick) Art had released Jamie to get as much of the photographic work done before the camp as practical but Unk was still in the sty being tormented by the gipsies. The doctor and Art went out to the doctor's car where they would be able to talk quite privately. First the doctor had Art describe the school and its headmaster. It is a very small country school for boys only. There is a girl's school in the next village and a grammar school for the brainy kids in the big town twenty miles away. These kids get picked up by bus each morning. There are just three forms one for the first two years up to about twelve or thirteen, the next for the next two years and the senior class for those over fourteen and a half. There is the headmaster who takes all forms for sports and the middle form otherwise. There is a very elderly woman who officially takes the juniors class but they mess her about as she does not know what they are getting up to. There is also a man, who is leaving, who took the top class . The headmaster said that no one has been appointed so far to teach them next year. In each class there are just over twenty kids covering the two years. An awful lot of the kids play miss school as it is a farming area but the head seems to understand that sometimes the farms have to come first. However a lot of us just don't go because we don't want to. The head canes us for anything. A very few kids get through a week without bending over at least once. We all think he likes doing it. He never has done anything about Jamie's clothes and very little about our bullying of him. Indeed he told the woman teacher not to wander round the bottom corridor at lunch or break. There are about six kids that come from outlying areas and live during term time at his place. Sometimes they go home at weekends sometimes not. They have never said anything about him except they admit that he DOES wack them a lot and he has them all sleep naked. He usually waits until they are naked for bed before he brings out the cane. This letter is a complete surprise as I didn't think 3; The doctor listened carefully and then said "I suppose the real question is what do you want to do about this letter. There are various options to be considered before we do anything:
"— We could just tear the letter up and forget all about it. This is the safest but dullest. It may be difficult never to mention anything about the letter even when he is wacking you! The discussion carried on with the doctor trying his best not to influence Art in any way. The end was Art asked the doctor if he could find out TACTFULLY if the headmaster could be brought into the group. It would have been very interesting to hear the various conversations that must have taken place between the two men. We however cannot sit by unobserved while delicate discussions go on. We are not flies on the wall. Suffice it to say the head was interested and the two of them made their own plans which in no way interfered with Art's but were rather in the caste of it would be interesting to see how we can support the lad to get the best fun for ourselves. There were longer term plans that they stared to formulate which have a much greater influence on all the main characters in our story- you will need to read on to learn about these plans which well might not have been formulated until days later at least. The more immediate effects were that the doctor took a small house in the village and he started to practice from there as a G.P. a couple of days a week as well as continuing his work in as nearby town. It naturally also became the school's doctor. The school was looking for a caretaker and a replacement for the female teacher. Two suitable candidates were found by the doctor. The rules for next term were also altered but again you will need to be patient. The doctor returned to adjust Unk and Jamie's stretchers and he was by no means over gentle. The tube inserted into Jamie was considerably thicker – and more painful. He promised to call the next day to adjust them again. He was there the next day when the woman came to collect Dennis and Cathy. It turned out that they knew each other quite well and the doctor said he would visit her the next day before going to the camp. The woman offered a lot more money to keep them and Art agreed but with provisos that he could visit for the next few months. The woman did not look on this as a drawback to the agreement as she realised it would help in Dennis's training. The woman had said she would like to spend a few hours there before taking Cathy and Dennis away. This was very acceptable to Art as he realised he would see someone else's way of working. The woman told Dennis to remove the few garments that he had been wearing. Dennis clearly was unhappy about being nude in the woman's presence so the woman told Cathy to strip him. Dennis knew better than to resist Cathy but he couldn't help himself. It didn't make any difference and in a very short while he was stark naked. The woman then had Cathy bath him in the tin bath in front of everyone. Then the woman had his sister dry him and powder him with very strong smelling talc. Dennis was getting very embarrassed but this became much worse as the woman produced a cotton nappy and put it on Dennis. This was followed by a T-shirt with a big teddy bear on it. He was then put into thin plastic pants a put into a push chair. His right wrist was put into a pink knitted mitten and tied to the side of the stroller. His left thumb was put into his mouth with dire warnings should he take it out. On the front of the push chair were two needle-like projections which made him keep his knees wide apart showing off the nappy. While Dennis was trying quite unsuccessfully to come to terms with all this the woman gave him a baby's bottle to drink. The boy not unnaturally threw it down and it broke. The woman slapped his face – really hard and warned him "Do not dare to do that again!" She made no threats but he drank the next without a fuss. He had more obvious difficulties but had to drink two more bottles of warm milk (with certain additives the details of which only she knew). The thumb went back into the mouth without the woman actually saying anything but make her wishes clear by appropriate gestures. The lad was nearly ready a pink frilly baby bonnet disguised the boy's face but any hope that Dennis might have clung to was rapidly dispelled by fixing two balloons to the push chair well outside his reach. The one was blue and had a large Dennis crossed out. The other was pink and was inscribed Debbie. While this was going on, Bert having got permission rang up all the kids that he could reach promising them that there would be fun in the park shortly. He concentrated on the boys that were in his form (when he went to school) but suggested they got as many girls as possible to come also. He also got one of his friend to visit the squat and invite as many of the Red Devils to come. He made it clear that it was the woman's show and Dennis's farewell. He had my no means finished when Dennis was taken out on his push chair by the woman but he caught them up on his bike long before they got to the park. Art was not to be left out and, having checked with the woman, he and the doctor got Jamie onto an old push chair. They put him into plastic, quite transparent, pants. He had disposable nappies underneath – at least four layers! However the doctor carefully slit them in the front and pulled the boys prick and balls through. To stop them slipping back he tied a fluorescent green hanky round the base of the penis. He then kindly took out the tube inserting a little white powder in its place. This was the modern equivalent of Spanish Fly which would give Jamie an erection which would not go away for at least six hours. The erection pushed the plastic pants into a tent with the skin of the corona tight against the material making it glisten. The boy's foreskin was pulled right back and held there with a rubber band. the doctor carefully pushed a metal object about the size of a plover's egg into Jamie's anus and adjusted it to be resting against the boy's prostrate. The effect of the tube being withdrawn was not to stop the boy peeing but the muscles were so distended that he was in as little control as when he had the catheter in place. Soon the ever increasing pool of pee was on show as the nappies were unable to absorb the quantity. The doctor left on the straight jacket but put him into a woolly jumper to cover it. This was pale primrose and was covered with applique pictures of dolls and babies. The effect was that the straight jacket was completely hidden but he had put his arms under the jumper (for warmth?). The push chair was so much too small that when he had his feet on the footrest his knees were splayed out and were either side of his chin. To stop him moving some fishing gut was tied round his big toes not only tying them together but also to the foot rest. This gut was invisible to the casual observer. He couldn't stand up as the push chair would tip forward and, as he couldn't protect himself with his hands or whatever, he could hurt himself badly. While Dennis looked rather sweet, Jamie just looked crude. Art was well aware that Dennis would not have to keep on meeting his 'friends' who were in the park. But Jamie was to continue living in the village. TOT HIER Since Art did not want trouble before getting to the park, he put over Jamie's neck a placard. He naturally showed it to Jamie first. It read " I may only wank when told to." What Jamie did not know was the placard was put on him back to front and all that showed was "I must not be a big baby." The more important thing was that his lower regions were more or less covered. I could go into great detail about that afternoon in the park. There must have been a good thirty youngsters there mostly ten or eleven years old but also a good sprinkling of youths such as the Red Devils. The park itself was really a typical village green much used for cricket and courting. In one corner there was a "children's playground" with swings and things. There was some bushes behind the area. Put there presumably to break the wind as there were just open fields beyond. Quite near this playground were some poorly maintained toilets and a changing room – for the cricketers and any youngster who might change to play football – although very few bothered or had appropriate kit. When Dennis and his contingent arrived at the park there were few people there but by the time that Jamie arrived the majority of the other kids were around. Jamie was positioned with his back to the toilets so he could hear them flush. This had the expected result on the control he had over his pissing! The placard was removed and the doctor set the "egg" vibrating. He waited until the lad's cock was visibly throbbing and then used the radio controller to stop the egg. Long before he had turned it on and off half a dozen times, the boy was groaning with frustration and dribbling. The large crowd of kids were enjoying the show. The doctor then took him up to the heights again but this time did not stop the machine but instead grabbed the boy's nuts and squeezed firmly. The boy was in tears as his prick produced its load without the boy even being aware of it. The white liquid ran down onto the phosphorescent hanky leaving highly visible evidence that the boy had just climaxed. The doctor did not let the boy have time to recover before the man turned the egg back on. Half an hour later the boy was virtually unconscious and the pool was as large as the man thought feasible as he had completely drained the boy's balls. " I think the boy needs to lie down" the doctor commented. There were plenty of very willing helpers! The boy was wheeled over to the trees. " Out of the sun" the doctor said. He was then taken off the push chair and put on the ground. The man pulled down the plastic pants and cut a hole in the seat so he could recover the "egg." A chain was locked round hi waist and the other end round the base of a large tree. The boy wasn't going anywhere. The man took out some items from a bag and set them out carefully on the ground. They included several tubes of K.Y., a number of baby bottles some filled with milk in them others with what was designed to look like pee, a cane, some spare nappies and lastly an instrument to keep the mouth open. The doctor illustrated the way the last item was used. The man then left the trees and sat on a bench with his back to them a few yards away and appeared to read a book. The other boys were unaware of the remote video camera or the lead to the seat. They were aware of the good time that they could have – they made the most of it. While Jamie was suffering in this was Dennis was having a very different treatment. Although less painful, it was much more shaming. The woman decided with good reason the boy needed changing. The substances he had unwittingly swallowed had led him to lose control of his bowels as well as his bladder. Indeed the emissions of the two were of similar consistency differing only in colour. The boy had been taken into the appropriately called changing room – although the sort of changing normally done there was very different! All the girls and a few of the boys had also gone in there with the woman and her charge. The woman was fully prepared and the boy was soon lying on a rug, thumb in mouth and in nappies and pants only. The woman did not do the change herself but instructed the girls in the right way to do it. She had an uncanny knack in choosing the particular girls who would make Dennis feel particularly uncomfortable. The boy was also being fed bottles of "milk" so that no sooner was he changed than he needed to be changed again. The woman did not just have the girls change him but explained the importance of rubbing zinc ointment into the areas that might chafe and discussed fully which areas these might be. Several times the boy got a puppy hard from the things there were being done by the girls. The woman, while calling attention to the erection belittled it "Little kids often get have their wee wees get stiff like that. While it is naughty it doesn't ready matter. You can get rid of it by slapping it hard or just ignore it as you wish. Some girls might decorate it with lipstick or paint. It is just a chance for you to have fun with the baby. You must not encourage him to play with it but there is no harm in you doing whatever you wish with it. You can easily give him any number of climaxes. Since he is still too young to produce liquid, he can do it as often as you wish. He will end up rather sore but a little ointment will help." She continued her instruction watching the girls and a couple of the younger boys experiment with Dennis. However she had to get home and all too soon from the girl's viewpoint she took Dennis away. On the other side of the park the doctor saw her go but the treatment of young Jamie was in full swing and he was in no hurry. In fact he and Art had a talk and decided that Jamie could spend the night in the changing room so the older kids would not be too pushed for time – they could also contact their friends adult as well as teenaged. "After all" Art said "Jamie is off to camp tomorrow and will be largely out of circulation for most of the village males. Art had a lot of preparation to do anyhow and had little time to get at Jamie himself that evening. The next day everyone was up early. Even before Art had untied Unk, installed him in the driving seat of the minivan and collected a very battered Jamie, the doctor set out to visit the governess, Debbie and who or whatever else emerged. Dick had been locked into the boot of the car. There were quite sufficient air holes from the back seat. The boy would be very cramped before he was let out but that couldn't be helped. He was dressed in nappies and rubber pants so the boot wouldn't be dirtied. He got to the governess's home just as she and Cathy were getting up Debbie. He was in a large cot. It had pale blue soft wool blankets. Debbie was wide awake but was obviously scared to move. In fact the sides of the cot were quite high and the construction looked as if it would be in danger of toppling if Debbie stood on the bed which he would need to do if he were to get the latches undone. Anyhow he was lieing there when the three of them came in – The governess, Cathy and the doctor. The blankets were pulled back revealing two transparent plastic sheets. The boy was between them rolled up as the cot was far too small for him to stretch out. He was dressed in a woollen garment which covered him from neck to toe. It was pale pink with white rabbits embroidered onto it. It even covered his feet and hands. It zipped up the back with a catch which would have been virtually impossible for the kid to undo himself. He seemed pleased to be lifted out of the cot and placed on a table with a brightly coloured plastic top. The one piece garment was deftly taken off by the woman "You must learn to do all this for your brother." The boy was only wearing nappies and a pair of rubber pants. Once Cathy had pulled the pants off, it was obvious that the boy had not only peed in the nappies. It wasn't long before the six nappies were also removed and he was wiped clean. Cathy was given a pile of clothes for her to dress her little brother in. To the doctor they mostly seemed to be nappies but there were other things including a silk see through blouse, Mary Jane shoes, White short socks and a thin pale pink and pastel blue striped pair a shorts. While Cathy was busy, the woman took the doctor to meet her other "adopted" children. She explained that she was always watching out for a boy and girl, preferably brother and sister, where the girl could look after the hopefully older boy. She then went into a room shared indeed by a brother and sister, James and Susan. James was chronologically the older, he was 15 while Susan was just 14. The woman explained that they were her third cousins twice removed or something similar. She was their only living relative so she "inherited" them when their parents died in an accident three years ago. Susan was a good pupil and was enjoying trained her Big Bro. When they entered James was still tied spreadeagled to the double bed the kids shared. He was "dressed" in a nappy and Susan was teasing him for the big mound in its centre. He was slender but very tall "All but 6 foot" according to the woman. "I like to give Susan her fun in the morning." She continued. They went into another room, the door of which was locked and bolted. It contained two large cots each with boy naked tied on his back. "I have renamed then by deedpoll David and Jonathan Louvers although they are not related. David, the 14 year old, was caught by his parents with the 13 year old neighbour, Jonathan, naked in their sitting room. Both families are narrow minded and threw their sons out. I agreed to bring them up for a nominal sum and the families would never hear from the boys again. They have been here for two months now but are still not obeying my rules." The doctor was looking and two very different beautiful kids. David had obviously some Danish blood in him. He was what the Danes call dark blond haired, blue eyed, slim faced with an Alabaster type skin. His prick was quite long; indeed it looked very long indeed as it was hairless and still very thin and had erected as the boy saw the door opened. His companion was raven haired with a slight sheen to the hair. His eyes were blue black and his skin had a coppery tone. He obviously had Mediterranean ancestors. He could have passed as ten however as he was clearly not into puberty and still had a lot of puppy fat on him. His prick looked very small and would have been minute except for the long foreskin which added a little length. The doctor examined him and saw that only one ball had descended so far. "I will ask Cathy to get them up", the woman said, "She will enjoy it nearly as much as they will hate it! They are never unsupervised as their families would not approve." She paused in front of the door to the last room "I hope you won't disapprove of what you see but I will explain first. About 15 years ago I was living as a paying guest in a small village like this one. The family had a 14 year old girl, Julie, with whom I was very friendly in every sort of way. She would become under my tuition a first rate dominatrix and indeed she lives near here and comes over often. She is a trained Psychiatric nurse and works at a hospital-school. She is the ward sister for the group of wards for teenaged boys and I often help her out there. She has failed twice to become matron, we think because of her unconventional methods but she does not have any problems from the existing woman. "Anyhow she was very attractive and to cut a long story short her form teacher, who was on his first job was smitten and tried to rape her. The family wanted it hushed up and I agreed to handle it. The man was quite wealthy so I married him with an old fashioned marriage contract under which if we were divorced I got ALL his money. We moved – not too far away from Julie and he stayed a teacher for a bit. He did quite well as a teacher less so as a husband. Mind you he has never seen me nude let alone 3; Julie has however helped me by using Artificial Insemination by the Husband to have a kid. We had hoped for a girl but we got a boy now 12. In spite of him being a boy and having been actually called Julian, we call him Junior Julie. The two look very much alike as father and son should. JJ is still very much a baby looks the part and cries a lot. I have not potty trained the kid. He always messes the bed that he shares with "Daddy." "Daddy had to teach in very tough boys' secondary schools – I insisted. I also had him run the scouts etc. Gradually I actually got him encouraging the scouts to mess around together and even had him fucking the more feminine lads. He hated it but suitable records enabled me to increase my hold over him. Then seven years ago I worked in a boys' home which sent the boys to his school. The kids at the home were socially maladjusted that is fighters or sissies. Most evenings the man would coach a lad from his school at the home. My boys would have quite a bit of fun before the kid was allowed to leave. "I have recently been more successful so he has 'retired' and is 'helping' me bring up the kids. Mind you he cannot do anything without the girls' agreement. Julie spends many weekends with us." Anyhow they went into the room Daddy and JJ were lying on the single rubber sheet which was messy from JJ presumably but Daddy could do nothing other than continue to lie in the mess. His hands were tied round his neck and his feet either end of a three foot bar. JJ was untied except for a necklace tied to Daddy's balls – a similar necklace which held his cock against Daddy's face. The boy could put his prick into his father's mouth either to pee or to be sucked. Indeed he was encouraged to do so. The man's cock was tied against his body so only his balls were able to go into the boy's mouth. The boy was well treated provided he bullied his father sexually, psychologically, emotionally and physically! The boy was learning fast and was bisexual which helped. In fact when Julie came over the boy would fuck her in front of his father. The man had no relief other than a three monthly prostate massage. This gave him no sexual outlet but kept everything in working order. However the boy at least twice a day fucked his father and had the man sucking him another two times. In fact as soon as the doctor had seen the sleeping arrangement the couple were untied and the boy fucked the man. This did not take very long but he took longer to cum when being sucked. The doctor was interested that the boy's cock was not cleaned between the two although it was quite necessary. Once the boy had his morning pee – still in the man's mouth he was allowed to go. The man was then prepared a rubber ring was fixed over his prick behind the balls. Attached to this was a wide leather collar which buckled tightly round his balls stretching the skin to a shiny polished state. The man was quite hairless as his whole body had been treated to insure that he would NEVER have hair again below the neck. Two rods were also attached to the ring. These were about two foot long but had telescopic extensions so they could extended to double that length. At the other end of the rods was a handcuff which was fitted over the man's wrist. Thus he could use his hands for most normal purposes almost normally. On the other hand his lower body was completely banned to him. there was also a metal rod between his hands which would keep them two feet apart but there was a hinge in its centre which rendered it apparently useless. A similar, but rather longer hinged rod connected his ankles. The woman explained that a small devise like a television remote control would make either of the two hinges rigid or fix the telescopic rods at any extension. Moreover this "controller" worked for about a quarter of a mile even through walls! The man was then dressed. First he laid on the bed on his back. A large enema filled the woman said with some of the kids' pee from the last couple of days. once this had gone into him a soap butt plug was inserted. "It will dissolve in about three hours" the woman said. A cloth nappy was then put onto the man. However once it was on normally the man's prick and balls were pulled though a small hole appropriately positioned. The man was then put into a quite transparent pair of plastic pants. After breakfast, it was decided that the girls should have a tennis match. However the girls were not the main interest even though they dressed to turn on any male. Three boys were dressed in full baby costume and put into prams each with a large bottle of eveil booking liquid to drink. They were propably better off than the other males. Other than Daddy these, stark naked, had their cock and balls pulled through the holes in the fence surrounding the tennis court and tied there. They were facing the court and the onlookers with everything on display. The girls enjoyed themselves hitting quite hard paractice serves at them. Luckily for the lads they lost accuracy as they tried to hit the ball as hard as they could. The man was however a ball boy and with the bars rigid he staggered to do the job. When he delayed the game there were a pile of canes available which were usually applied to his legs as his arse was covered. His shame was extended when the soap had disolved enough for the contents of his rearto come out. The two adults talked quitely while watching the show. The woman said she hoped he would not object but she had invited Julie over as she had a proposal to put to the doctor. Eventually the woman arrived. She had a boy with her. He was naked but had a sort of set of leather bands. A figure eight was fixed round his legs just below his knees. This held them together on the outside part of each band there was a smaller loop these help his wrists as immobile as his legs. The boy was stood up. He had to half crouch and this stuck out his arse attractively. The nurse explained that he was in her wing of the hospital for training and had complained that some bigger boys had done things while he was strapped in bed. The nurse had decided that until the inquiry had been conducted the boy should not be left alone in the dormitory; not that, she thought, any evidence would be forthcoming.
The End? |