FuntailsYellow |
SummaryA vignette of love between a man and a boy on a stormy day.
Publ. 2001 (Nifty); this site July 2016
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CharactersSteve (34yo), Peter (11yo)Category & Story codesConsensual Man-Boy story
Mb – cons oral anal
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now. If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteComments welcome. Even if you're reading this in an archive years from now, I'd love to hear what you think. Mail the author at funtails(at)hotmail(dot)com or through this feedback form with Funtails: Yellow in the subject line. |
What is he doing? thought Steve. Through his windscreen wipers' flashing motion he barely made out the boy in the hooded raincoat as he passed him. It had to be a boy. Who else would be jumping in a sidewalk puddle during the worst kind of Indiana lightning storm? Good thing this is a quiet block, Steve thought as he made the right turn at Oak street He'd be in trouble if there was heavy traffic. His garage had long since become a storeroom, so Steve had to park on the driveway. He got out in the rain, pulling his briefcase over his head in a cartoonish attempt to stay dry. Rushing into the house, he saw that the boy had also turned onto Oak, still happily splashing in the puddles. Crazy kid, he thought as the sky went white with a flash of lightning. Five minutes later he had stripped out of his wet clothes and, wearing his bathrobe, he tossed his shoes into the dryer. The doorbell rang. That kid's been run over and the driver wants to use my phone, thought Steve, alarmed though he knew no such thing. He opened the front door and indeed found the boy in the yellow raincoat; dripping water all over his doorstep. Even when the lightning flashed Steve could not make out the face under the hood, but with the sharp explosion of thunder, Steve yanked the kid inside. "Jesus, kid! What're you doing out there?" The boy didn't answer. He just looked around the hallway, turned to Steve and pulled the hood back. Steve finally recognized his visitor. Reddish brown hair fell, wet, onto the boy's forehead. A pleased grin spread across his lightly freckled face as he looked up at Steve. A drop of water slipped off the end of his small, but perfect, nose onto his pink lips and he licked it off. "Peter!" said Steve "Hi Steve," said Peter. "What're you doing here?" "I had nothing to do" "But what about Florida?" "I left early. Dad was busy." "But still. That's a storm out there. Don't you know what lightning can-" Peter had tucked his hands under his armpits and he struggled to control his chattering teeth. Steve said, "Christ, you must be frozen." "Like a Popsicle," said Peter through his gritted smile. It was an old joke of theirs and Steve had to smile through his anger. "I'll go get some towels. Strip out of those wet clothes." As Steve moved past the boy, however, Peter grabbed his waist and hugged him. Steve first tried to push him aside, intent on the towels in the hall closet, but as soon as the wet, squirming boy held him tight, Steve reciprocated. With one hand he pressed the young face into his chest and with the other stroked the boy's back as Peter clung to Steve's left side. Peter said, "I'm glad I came back early. Florida was boring without you." "Well, I'm glad you're back," said Steve bending low to kiss the boy's wet head. "Now stop humping my leg, you horny little puppy." Peter sprang back, covering his mouth as he laughed with childish delight. His eyes were gleefully bright at having been found out at his mischief. Steve rushed off and grabbed four towels from the closet. When he got back, Peter had not moved. "Peter! I said to take those things off. You'll die of pneumonia." "I want you to take them off." "Christ, kid. This isn't some game." Peter still didn't budge. He only smiled and slowly rocked on his planted feet. "Dammit," said Steve, dropping the towels in front of Peter and kneeling. He grabbed the zipper on the bright yellow raincoat and yanked it halfway down. The raincoat opened, revealing smooth, tanned skin. Again, Peter's eyes had gone bright. Steve looked up at them, quickly comprehending. "You little." "Do you like my tan?" asked Peter. "I spent hours on the beach." Steve stared, admiring the bare chest and stomach before him. He imagined this boy dancing the four blocks to his house wearing nothing but this yellow raincoat- "You're not. totally. naked under there are you?" he asked. Peter arched one eyebrow and smiled. "What do you think?" "Oh my God, you are." "Come on, unwrap me," urged the boy. "I'm really freezing here." "Oh, right. Sorry." Steve reached forward and took the zipper again. He pulled it all the way down and the raincoat parted before him, revealing hairless legs and a smooth, stiff dick. Steve pushed the raincoat off Peter's shoulders and it fell to the carpet. He stared at the boy, taking in the beauty he had not seen for a week. "Finish the job Steve. I'm sure I look ridiculous in just these boots." The boy was right. The sight of him wearing nothing but bright yellow rain boots was totally comical. And totally stimulating. Steve was rock hard. He took one leg at a time and eased each boot off Peter's small feet. Water ran down the flawless legs, reminding Steve to get the towels. He started with Peter's shoulders, wrapping him in the warm towel and rubbing vigorously. Tossing the wet cloth aside, he took a second one to the boy's hair, gently but firmly toweling it dry. The third towel finished the job on the thin legs and the last one served as a makeshift robe. "Better?" Steve asked. "Yeah." Steve held the boy close and looked into his eyes. "Welcome back, kid." He kissed the boy's moist lips and then pulled back. Peter had closed his eyes, to savor it. Steve kissed him again, harder. Peter returned the kiss, grabbing Steve's head and pulling them together. Steve stroked the firm boybutt through the soft towel. Peter's lips tasted like rain. In fact, as Steve broke the kiss and breathed in, it seemed that the rain had permeated every fiber of the boy. His skin was still damp as Steve slipped the towel off him. It was not hard for Peter to undress Steve; just a pull on the waistband of the robe and Steve was as naked as his young lover. Steve backed Peter slowly over to the couch, slipping his hands firmly all over Peter's smooth, cool body. As the boy lay back in the couch, Steve nuzzled his neck, nibbled his ear and stroked his tousled storm-slick hair. Peter whispered into his ear, "Are you gonna suck me?" "Like a Popsicle!" roared Steve and, laughing, made his way down the boy's chest. It rose and fell with deep breaths, music to Steve's mind. The brightest flash of lightning yet interrupted the breathsong. The lights went out and Steve made to rise. Peter stopped him, placing his small hands on the man's head. "It'll be OK," Peter said. "It's just the storm." Wordlessly, Steve continued to trace his lips towards the boy's charged dick. He was in no rush, and in the almost continuous lightning he saw flashes of the boy's expression. Peter's eyes were closed, his tongue just poking through his lips as he groaned, unheard under the thunder. Steve's cheek brushed the stiff dick and he ignored it, kissing his way down the boy's left leg. He skipped over to the right soon after and worked his way back up. When he got to it, he licked the tight nutsack, sucking the balls one after the other. Peter was gripping his head tight now with need, fingertips pressing into Steve's flesh. Steve relented and took the boydick between his lips, sucking on the swollen head. He spread the boy's legs, hooking one over the back of the couch, to get at the tasty, little dick. Steve worked his tongue all over the dickhead as he sucked, licking and swiping. Fingers pushed his head lower as Peter's urge grew. Taking it all in to his mouth, Steve began an up and down motion on the boy's eager dick. He would pull back along the shaft till his lips reached the shaft and then slurp the entire penis back into his mouth, only to repeat the process. With the lightning and thunder barely registering in his brain, Steve worked the boy's penis. He took a brief pause from the blowjob to suck three fingers into his mouth and then went right back down on Peter's boydick as he slipped the fingers to the boy's backdoor. The first finger went in with a bit of effort and Peter's body stiffened in excitement. Steve wriggled the finger around inside the boy's ring and Peter jerked about in Steve's mouth. Realizing the boy was close to cumming, Steve backed off and moved up the boy's body. He brought his stiff cock to Peter's waiting mouth. "Get me ready." A bright flash of lightning illuminated the scene as Peter reached out with his tongue and licked along Steve's thick shaft. By the time the next flash came, Peter had taken the knob of the cock into his mouth, the intrusion of the flesh failing to remove the lust filled smile. Steve continued to get only glimpses of the boy sucking on his cock, but he felt every slurp and lick and suck as the kid worked his head onto and off of the shaft. Peter could not get it all, but he managed to do wonders with the half he could fit in his mouth. Hips moving, Steve helped the boy get as much cock as he could take. He stroked the boy's hair, gently encouraging his eager, sucking mouth while urging him on with his pleasured cries. "Jesus. Ohhh yeeaaaaahh. Ohhh God. Suck me, suck me so I can put this cock in your tight ass." Steve knew the boy's ass was tight and that a festival of bliss awaited him there, but the sucking and licking and the sweet, lightning-viewed image of Peter's cute face taking his stiff cock were too much. Fuckit, he thought. I can screw him later. Right now I just want to feed him a week's worth of cum and see him try to swallow it all. He sped up his fucking of the boy's mouth, but Peter sensed Steve's change of mind and stopped sucking, releasing the cockhead from his mouth. "Oh no you don't," said Peter. "I've been waiting a week for you to fuck me and now you're gonna." Losing a great blowjob and the chance to cum all over a cute boy's face was hard, but Steve was being offered an equally great treat. He did not hesitate and moved back between Peter's legs. Even here he tastes like rain, thought Steve as he licked across the boy's puckered opening. After a few licks, Steve started to explore with his tongue, burrowing deeper and deeper into the boy's moist passage. When he had gone as far as he could, nose firmly pressed against tender boy balls, Steve let up. He rose and positioned himself at the entrance to the boy's pleasure hole. Leaning down, he kissed the boy, wrapping his arms around Peter's thin torso. Lightning blazed through the windows as Steve's cockhead made contact with the small opening and he could swear all the electricity in the air was coursing through his organ at that moment. He felt the familiar stiffening of Peter's body under him as he pushed forward. The boy was ready for him, no doubt, but it would still be slow going. Which was great for them both. Each half a centimeter gain by Steve's thick cock along the boy's chute caused a tremor in Peter's stiff body, reducing him temporarily to boyjello. Soon he was fully in and Steve continued to kiss the quivering boy. His fingers ran through the damp hair on Peter's head and the fine ones along his legs. It was a full five minutes before Steve actually started fucking the boy; slow movements at first, giving them both time to revel in the experience. Rumbling thunder pushed them faster, and Steve found it difficult to maintain the kisses under his steady rocking. He preferred to kiss as he made love, but the need within him was too great and the warm, tight hole he was in gave his cock no reason to slow down. Regretful, he raised his torso, looking down into the boy's shining eyes as he sped up. Faster and faster he lanced into the tight grip of the boybutt. Peter's eyes stayed bright and alert. He seemed conscious of every thrust as a unique moment and groaned at each entry; sighed with each withdrawal. Steve expressed his enthusiasm less delicately. "Ohhhh yeeaah. Sweet Christ! Oh God, oh yessss." The boy's dick was stiff between them as Steve rubbed over it in his thrusts. Peter's cries grew higher pitched in Steve's ear and he sped up, racing to arrive at the same time as the boy. Thunder boomed right on top of them and Steve pushed on, feeling as if his entire life was just his cock sliding in and out of the boy's moist, warm fuck tunnel. The boy touched orgasm, the alertness never leaving his eyes. Steve was not so lucky. As he came, his eyes lost focus, every bit of his mind used up in taking in the sensations as he came. "Oh Jesus Christ! Oh yess.yes. yes, yes yes yesyesyes. Yyeeeeeeeaaas! Oh LORD, Yes!" Steve could not tell the lightning from the bursting sensations in his mind. He stiffened and shook as he shot over and over into the boy's churning hole. In between spurts, Peter's happy face swam into view, smiling the smile of the righteously mischievous. Steve collapsed to feel the boy shuddering under him as the last of Peter's orgasm flowed through his small body. They recovered, Steve timing his breaths to Peter's deep ones. The cold of the storm had prevented them from sweating and Steve felt that was just fine. He caressed the smooth skin of the boy under him sprinkling kisses all over the young face until he panted his tongue firmly into the boy's mouth and gave him a long deep one. After a while the thunder receded as the storm moved on. They lay in the dark listening to each other. Peter lay spooned against Steve's naked body. The now dry raincoat made a yellow blanket over them. Peter said, "You know, for a perverted child molester who gets his kicks fucking little boys, you sure call out for God a lot." Steve grazed his nose along the back of Peter's head. His cock had been hard again for the last few minutes and lay snugly in the cleft of the boy's welcoming ass. "That's cuz he sent me a piece of heaven, my boy." The End |
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