PZA Boy Stories


Taken on the Plains


The story is about four teenage boys living in the mid 1840-50's on the mid western plains with their homesteading families. The Native Americans or Indians are angry at the settlers coming onto their lands and destroying their way of life. In retaliation, the Indians attach settlements, looting, burning and kidnapping. The four boys are taken captive and will be brought to the Indians' camp, where their fate will be decided. Along the way the boys suffer from the forced march, torture and abuse at the hands of the war party. Once they arrive at the camp they will be tortured and abused by the entire camp. Their fate could be a life of slavery, sold to other tribes, adopted as indians, or suffer death, which will not be pleasant.
Publ. Oct 2011-...
Under construction, Jan 2017; 33,500 words (67 pages)


Jacob (12yo) and Jonathan (11yo), Cole (15yo) and Eli (14yo), and the Indians (17-20yo)

Category & Story codes

Non-Consensual Man-Boy story/torture
Mb tb Non-Cons oral anal – torture interr bond spank ws
WARNING: Extreme story


This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

The theme explored in this story is FANTASY. Just as one can enjoy violent videogames or movies without committing or condoning violence in real life, a person can enjoy violent fantasies of abuse without promoting abuse in real life.

By scrolling down on this page and reading the story I declare that

  • I am of legal age of majority in my area ,
  • I like to read fictional stories where boys are kidnapped, raped, tortured, etc.
  • I understand the difference between fiction and real life,
  • I do not condone these actions in real life.
  • I agree that anyone who attempts to do in real life all or any of the things depicted in this story needs to be turned over to the local cops for the harshest penalties the law allows
If this type of material offends you (why are you here?) then

Disclaimer II

The theme explored in this story is FANTASY. Just as one can enjoy violent videogames or movies without committing or condoning violence in real life, a person can enjoy "politically incorrect" fantasies without promoting racism in real life. Author and publisher do not SERIOUSLY believe in the violent nature of native Americans ("Indians"), or condone hatred or violence in any way. There's a big difference between using racial epithets in an obviously erotic context, versus attacking native Americans in a way that is literal and hateful.

Author's note

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author through this feedback form with Cowra: Taken on the Plains in the subject line.

Chapter One

The boy stumbled along praying he wouldn't fall again. The pain from being dragged along the hard ground with its rocks, gravel and sharp brush had ripped at his skin and caused cuts and abrasions. Twelve year old Jacob was naked, with his hands tied tightly behind his back. A heavy, coarse rope was tied around his neck, leaving a painful red ring. The rope was held by a Plains Indian, who was leading a war party. Behind Jacob were three more boys; also naked and tied. A second rope around Jacob's neck was attached to the boy behind him, eleven year old Jonathan then to Elijah, fourteen and finally to the neck of Cole, four months shy of sixteen.

Dust covered their bodies and sweat created intricate river-like lines down their chests and backs, into the crack of their ass and dripping off the head of their penises and balls. Their feet were filthy and hurt from walking barefoot for the last three days. Their wrists, criss-crossed behind their backs, were rubbed raw from the rope. The only time their feet were untied was when they were waking; otherwise ankles were attached by ropes to stakes driven into the ground or tree roots. The boys would be staked out spread eagle at night, while the war party rested before starting their journey again at dawn.

While the forced march during the day was very difficult for the four naked and tied boys; the nights were worse. They would be given some water and very little to eat. The boys would be forced to kneel down, their ankles would be crossed one over the other and tied; their legs pulled apart so their sex hung down in the open. Then hard wooden bit-gags would be forced into their mouths and tied tightly behind their heads. Once the Indians had finished their food, they would pick up pebbles and small rocks and flick them at the boys, usually trying to hit their penis or ball sack. As the night wore on, the rocks got bigger and the Indians would throw hard at their intended target, laughing when one of the boys squealed in pain or started to cry. When they tired of this game, the war party made up of ten young braves, would draw straws to decide who got to have more fun with the captives that night. Three braves were especially cruel and the white boys learned quickly after two nights who they were and what they were capable of doing to their young bodies. Jacob's rectum had a slow trickle of blood running down his legs for almost a full day after suffering a night of sex and torture by the biggest brave; Bly, who dick grew to nine inches [23 cm] when erect. Akando and Lakota were the other two who like to torture and hurt the boys when given the chance. Only their fear of Eyota, the leader kept them from going further in their games of torment. Jacob watched the braves play their games and while tears rolled down his cheeks, thought back three days ago when his life suddenly and horribly changed.

Oldest of three, Jacob worked in the fields with his father, tending to their farm. His mother, Ann and his two younger brothers, Eli and Jordan; four and six years of age, stayed at the cabin; tending to animals and meals. Jacob's neighbors had one son, Jonathan who was tied behind Jacob during their forced march. Jacob and Jonathan, barefoot and wearing thread bare pants and nothing else had been walking to the pond to swim when set upon by the Indians. Both boys were fast runners but were no match for Mustang ponies and skilled riders. They were quickly overtaken, stripped and tied. Pieces of their pants were shoved into their mouths and strips of pant leg were used to complete the harshly bound gags. The boys struggled and kicked at their captors, which resulted in being whipped on their backs, ass and upper legs by thin rawhide straps until they lay still on the ground, writhing in pain, screaming into their gags. The leader, Eyota told two of the braves to pick the boys up and get them ready to move. Grinning with hate, the two braves rolled the boys onto their backs, causing more pain on the red welts and thin cuts oozing blood and grabbed the boys by the cock and balls, pulling them to their feet. If it weren't for the gags, their screams would have been heard a mile away. A rope was tied harshly around Jacob's balls and pulled under and between his legs then tied just as cruelly to the penis head of Jonathan. The lead rope was taken up by an Indian and with a quick jerk of the rope and a stinging crack of the rawhide on Jacob's back, the boys started back towards the farmsteads.

As they neared Jacob's cabin, both boys were pushed down onto their stomachs and their ankles crossed and tied. The rope connecting their balls together remained in place while two short lengths of rope were tied around their necks down to their hands and yanked tight, pulling their arms half way up their backs. Another groups of Indians joined the ones that had captured the boys, and they numbered close to twenty. Jacob knew that these savages were going to attack the farms, and Jonathan and he could do nothing to warn or help his people. Jacob watched in horror as three Indian creep quietly closer to his father, then attached; bringing him down with a series of blows from clubs, finishing him with knives. Other Indians had run up to the cabin and dragged his mother and two brothers out of the cabin. They ripped the clothes off of them and raped his mother repeatedly then left her on the ground near death. His little brothers screamed and tried to help, but were held by several women of the tribe, who gagged the little boys and then carried them off. It was the last Jacob would ever see of his brothers.

The Indians ransacked the cabin, taking food and other easily carried items and set the cabin on fire. Jacob and Jonathan were untied at the ankles and pulled to their feet. The ropes around their balls and penis remained. The rope tied around their necks dug into their skin, forced tighter by the pressure of their hands pulling down on the rope. They were forced to follow behind a group of Indians and when Jacob lagged behind, a vicious yank of the rope around his balls hastened his pace. The Indians split off, Jacob and Jonathan staying with ten warriors. The group walked for several hours before stopping. Both boys fell to their knees, sweat pouring off their bodies. The gags were removed, and they were given some water to drink. Jonathan started asking for them to be let go, which resulted in a backhand to the side of his face and six hard lashes from the raw hide whip on his back and ass.

The gags were retied and the ball leash on Jacob was given a hard yank signaling the march was resuming. After a few more hours of walking, the sun was setting and the Indians stopped to make camp for the night. The boys were forced onto their knees and their ankles tied, they were allowed to sit back on their haunches. Three Indians left camp and returned later with several small game which they cooked over a small fire. They ate their fill, but gave none to the boys. Several of the warriors were having an animated discussion with Eyota, looking back at the boys many times and gesturing. Jacob and Jonathan shook with fear, thinking the warriors wanted to hurt or kill them. But the argument was about the warriors wanting to fuck the boys and force them to suck their cocks. Eyota had been against it, but saw his men were getting agitated and decided to let them have their fun for one night and told them so. The four youngest braves; ages seventeen to twenty were the horniest and wanted the white boys for sex slaves. They drew straws for the right to be the first to fuck and torture Jacob and Jonathan that night.

The winners, Lakota and Kiowa, both eighteen drew long straws and won the right to have the boys first. Lakota went to Jacob, looked down at him and slapped him across the face. He then untied the rope from Jacob's balls, released his ankles and pulled him to his feet. Lakota then pulled Jacob away from the camp, towards a clump of trees. Jacob tried to resist, but only got him a punch to the side of his head and a kick to his balls. Jacob thought he would die right there. Lakota brought Jacob to a fallen tree and shoved him down onto it, stomach first. Lakota grabbed Jacob's left ankle and wound several loops of rope around the ankle and tied it off to a branch. He then stretched out Jacob's right leg, tying the ankle off on another branch. Jacob's head hung down and his legs pulled painfully apart, exposing his ass to Lakota's throbbing seven inch [18 cm] penis. Lakota lunged at Jacob, ramming his dick in and out of the young boy's anus. Jacob screamed and bucked against the ropes but couldn't stop the assault on his ass. Lakota grabbed a handful of hair on Jacob's head and pulled back, while using the other hand to push down on Jacob's back. After many hard, excruciating thrusts, Lakota came in Jacob's ass. Pulling out his softening dick, he hopped over the fallen tree and stood in front of Jacob. Jacob looked in horror at the shit and blood covered penis of Lakota and cried as his gag was removed and Lakota grabbed his hair again to pull his head up so the Indian could ram his dick into Jacob's mouth.

Jacob was forced to suck on Lakota's dick, taking several hard bursts of cum down his throat and covering his face. He prayed Lakota was finished, but his prayers weren't answered.

Lakota cut a switch from a sapling tree and swung it several times behind Jacob so he could hear the swishing sound, but not see it. Suddenly an overwhelming pain lashed across his back, then ass and then legs. Jacob let out a blood curdling scream and yelled for mercy. Lakota did not understand English, but knew the boy was begging for him to stop the whipping. Lakota laughed and brought the switch down onto Jacob's back ten more times which raised ugly welts and blood to seep from some of the lashes. Lakota then whipped Jacob's ass and legs making Jacob scream until finally no sound came out of Jacob's mouth, he had passed out. Lakota laughed and pissed on the cuts, bringing Jacob around and enticing moans and tears from Jacob. Lakota untied Jacob's ankles and pulled him to his feet. Jacob swayed and would have fallen if Lakota had not kept a grip on Jacob's hair, keeping him upright. Jacob was brought back to the camp and shoved down onto the ground. Several braves pointed and laughed at the welts and cuts and the bruised ass of Jacob. Eyota said something to Lakota, who grabbed Jacob by his neck, pushing him back to where he and Jonathan had been kept. Lakota shoved the gag into Jacob's mouth and tied it tight. He then forced Jacob to sit down on the ground. Lakota pounded two stakes far apart and stretched Jacob's legs tying them off tightly. Lakota untied the rope around Jacob's neck and then his hands, pushing Jacob onto his back, making Jacob groan in pain. Two more stakes were pounded into the ground and Lakota pulled Jacob's arms up and spread wide, tied off at the stakes. Jacob was in a painful spread-eagle and would remain that way for the night. While Jacob lay bound to the stakes, he could hear Jonathans screams in the distance. Jacob wished he was dead.

Chapter Two

Jonathan thought he was dying; hanging upside down and tied to a branch, his legs pulled so far apart he was afraid his body would split in two. The cord that was severely wrapped around his ankles cut into his flesh and a trickle of blood ran down his legs and onto his chest. His arms were spread out, tied to tree trunks; his body taunt and straining against his bindings. Sweat dripped off his head, mixing with his blood on the ground. The Indian brave, Kiowa was lashing him alternately with a whip and a thorn bush, creating bloody lines all over his body. A three inch [7½ cm] thick piece of wood had been worked in and out of his tight hole hitting his prostate, giving the boy an unwanted erection. Pre- cum leaked out his penis dripping onto his face. The Indian youth had raped him twice and forced Jonathan to suck him off. His face and hair had dried cum mixing with his own blood and sweat. Eyota yelled at the young brave to cut the boy down and tie him up for the night. There was more torture he wanted the boy to feel but obeyed Eyota. Jonathan was soon lying next to Jacob, stretched tightly and crying. Soon exhaustion overcame pain and both boys fell into a restless sleep.

Morning came quickly and the boys again had their hands bound behind their backs, pulled up to their shoulders and held there by a rope that was tied around their necks. They were given a little food and some water, and then a rope was tied to their balls, connecting them together. A lead was thrown around Jacob's neck and the war party continued their journey. Jonathan looked at Jacob's back and butt and thought he must look like that too, covered in purple welts and whip marks. Both boys wondered where they were headed and what was going to happen to them.

After last night, they knew it would probably get worse. The braves in the war party took turns beating the boys with a thin raw hide cord or a willow branch, laughing at their yelps. The sun beat down on them relentlessly, and their shaggy hair was soon plastered to their face and heads by sweat. The group stopped and did not continue on their march, puzzling the boys. Two of the braves yelled at the boys, and when they didn't respond, strode over to them; striking them with the whips and forcing them down onto their knees. The two prisoners saw the braves watching to the south, and they looked and saw a group off in the distance. Jacob hoped it was the army come to rescue them and strained to see the riders. Jonathan, although younger than Jacob; knew it had to be more Indians, otherwise this group would have put distance between them.

As the second group got closer, the braves in the first party started whooping and dancing, gesturing at their two boys and laughing. Jacob and Jonathan saw it was the other group of Indians that had split off yesterday. To their horror; two white boys were being lead, naked and bound like them. The new boys were brought to Jonathan and the lead rope was tied to his neck. Elijah, known to friends as Eli, and Cole looked worse than the two younger boys. Blood was dried and caked on their chest and backs from whipping and knife slices. Their nipples were pierced with thick pine needles and both penises were cruelly wrapped in rawhide. Wooden gags were shoved into their mouth and tied behind their heads. Eyota ordered the braves to begin their trek once more.

The four youths were struck with whips and thin branches for the rest of the forced march. By nightfall the boys were close to delusional. Forced once again to their knees, ankles crossed and tied, they waited for what was sure to be another night of torture and pain. Eli and Jonathan were taken to a tree, untied and then had their wrists tied in front. A second rope was tied between their wrists and thrown over a branch. The Indians pulled on the ropes until the boys were on tip-toe and then swinging freely, feeling the strain of their weight on their shoulders and arms. Another rope was tied around their balls and then to the other boy, pulled so taunt their bodies bent at the waist toward each other, extending their scrotums. The boys moaned loudly; each twitch sending jolts of pain though their bodies. Jonathan, the youngest, cried softly. He was so scared, wishing he was back at home with his family.

Cole and Jacob were brought to an ant hill and staked out. One of the braves had found a bee hive with honey, and had used smoke to force the bees away from their nest. The honey combs were brought over and the honey was dripped onto the boy's bodies, covering them with the sticky sweet goo. The ants smelled the honey and swarmed the two boys, attacking them with agonizing bites until the honey was gone and they were covered in painful welts. The Indians left them staked out for the night.

Eli and Jonathan swayed back and forth in the breeze, their arms dumb, and their balls swollen and blue. One of the braves had pulled the pine needles out of Eli's nipples and a thin line of blood had dried on his chest. Six older warriors had fucked each boy, their rectums red and distended. They were left hanging from the trees for the night. In the morning the boys were released allowed to clean themselves and then tied again for the journey.

Their trek continued across the plains at a steady pace. Once in a while, for fun, the Indians would put their ponies into a trot, forcing the boys to run until one finally fell, which caused the other three to fall. The braves would laugh, get down and playfully hit the boys with whips or their bows. The boys would be pulled to their feet and the march would start again.

After a few more hours of walking in the sun, the unforgiving rays burning the backsides of the captives, the Indian warriors made camp again in a small wooden cove near a flowing stream. The four boys were made to kneel again and their ankles tied tightly. The braves went about their business setting up camp, each one efficiently handling their task. One by one, a boy was untied and brought to the stream where he was allowed to clean himself and drink as much water as he wanted. He was then taken to a tree and had his hands pulled behind and around the trunk and tied. His ankles, knees and chest also tied. Their sunburned backs and butts suffered from the harsh bark of the tree. Any movement caused painful jolts and whimpers. They weren't gagged this time. Each boy was given some food and then water, the Indians forcing the boys to drink more than they wanted. They all knew something was going to happen, and it wasn't going to be fun for them.

With their legs spread and tied, their balls hung down freely, with their cocks lying on top. The Indians gathered at the fire pit and it appeared they were making wagers of some kind. Four braves lined up in front of each boy, about thirty feet [10 m] away and had a bow and one arrow. The boys, thinking there were about to be killed, started crying and pleading for help. They struggled against their ropes, trying to break free. Eyota went to each boy and slapped them several times, then astounding them by speaking English, telling them to be quiet. Cole, the oldest asked him if they were going to be killed, Eyota laughed and shook his head no, saying "We have contest, no move or you get hurt."

Cole looked at the other boys and said "I think they're gonna shot arrows at us, close your eyes and don't even twitch a muscle." The four braves lifted their bows, aimed at the boys and released the arrows. Four quick thuds were heard and each boy let out a scream. The Indians laughed and pointed at the boys, the arrows between their knees imbedded in the tree. Four more braves took their turn, also hitting the tree between their knees, but this time a little closer to their balls. After another round, the arrows were inches from their ball sacs and Eli had the closest arrow to his nuts, which caused him to piss in fright, leaving him standing in a puddle of his own urine.

The game lasted a little while longer, arrows decorating the trees all around the boys, but none striking them. All four captives glistened with sweat, droplets rolling down their taut bodies and dripping off their cocks. Jacob and Jonathan were untied from the trees. Their hands forced behind their backs and tied. They were forced to kneel; Jacob in front of Eli and Jonathan in front of Cole. They heads were pushed towards the groin of the other two. Neither youngster knew what was expected of them, the braves slapped their backs and pushed their faces into the penis and balls of Eli and Cole.

One Indian pantomimed an oval with his mouth and then made a licking motion with his tongue. Realizing what they were supposed to do, Jacob and Jonathan pulled back in horror. Two braves, angry at the boy's reluctance, brutally struck the two with whips until, Jonathan stuck his tongue out and started to lick Cole's penis. Jacob started licking Eli. Cole and Eli never felt anything like this. While shocked that two little kids were licking their peckers, the feeling was great.

Jacob and Jonathan continued to lick Cole and Eli, their saliva coating the expanding organs of the older boys. Cole was six and half inches [16½ cm] fully erected, Eli just over five inches [13 cm]. The Indians forced Jacob and Jonathan to sallow the dicks of the two older boys, and pulling on their hair, forced their mouths back and forth until the kneeling boys understood what they were being forced to do. Eli, who only wanked a few times and never had a blowjob, was getting close to blowing. He couldn't understand why he was feeling such pleasure from another boy, but Jacob's sucking and rolling his tongue around his dick was amazing to him.

As he got closer to orgasm, Eli tried to buck his hips driving his hardened dick into the mouth of Jacob. Then with a scream, Eli erupted into the Jacob's mouth, spewing a load of cum. Jacob tried to pull back, but a brave forced his head back into the Eli's crotch, choking Jacob. Jacob gagged and tried to sallow, but Eli kept blasting shot after shot; the excess forced out of Jacob's nose and dribbling from the corners of his mouth. Finished, Eli sank in his bonds, his dick deflating in Jacob's mouth.

Jonathan was having the same problem with Cole, only Cole was able to hold back, prolonging the sucking and licking by the boy. Cole, the oldest had received blowjobs from a couple of whores in town, but mostly from his friend Joshua; who had also been captured by Indians, but taken by a different group. Cole had returned the favor to Josh and the two spent lots of time together learning each other's body. Now Cole was ready to cum and started humping like crazy, as much as the tight ropes would allow. With a massive shutter, Cole let loose the biggest load of cum he'd ever had. Jonathan, only eleven; couldn't handle the huge amount being forced into his mouth and pulled back, Cole's jizz now coating his face and chest. Jonathan sat back on his legs and cried.

Cole and Eli were released from the trees and dragged to the center of the camp. They were forced down on their stomachs and then each boy was tied to four stakes. Jonathan and Jacob, their hands still tied behind their backs, were made to knell back to back and their upper arms tied to the other boy. Rope was wrapped around their chests and their ankles tied to the other boy. For the next several hours Cole and Eli were fucked repeatedly by each brave in the war party, they Jacob or Jonathan was forced to such the shit, blood and semen off the Indians cocks. They remained tied in those positions for night until the next morning.

The boys groaned in pain from being tied on their knees or stomach for hours. Cole was released and brought to the stream and allowed to clean himself. While disdainful of these white boys who would eventually become slaves or die a horrible death; the braves couldn't help but look at the naked body of each boy. Cole was fifteen years old and five foot six inches [1.68 m]. He weighed about one hundred and thirty pounds [60 kg], blue-eyed with light brown shaggy hair. He had a well developed body from years of hard work on the farm and tight six-pack abs. Light fuzz covered his legs and arms. Some of the braves had erotic thoughts of the suffering Cole would endure at the main camp.

Eli at fourteen was five foot three inches [1.60 m] and weighed close to one hundred and twenty pounds [55 kg]. Green eyes and blond hair, he too was well built from years of farm work. A round firm butt with strong legs; he was a handsome young teen. One of the braves hoped to win him by gambling with the other braves. He thought he would get a good price for the boy if he sold him to the French fur trappers they traded with. He knew some were very sadistic and loved torturing young boys.

The war party was close to their village, and the boys were getting even more afraid than before. The Indians were in an excited state, whooping and singing. Eyota ordered everyone to stop and had the captives kneel down. Each boy was brought to the river and was washed by a brave, then given water to drink. The boy was brought back to the group; the wooden bit gags were forced into their mouth and tied. A rope was tied around their necks, connecting them together. A stick was tied across their upper arms and a second stick was tied vertically from the first stick down their back, to their butt where another rope was tied at the base of the stick and tied off on their balls. This setup forced the boys to stand straight up. Eyota ordered the group to head towards the village, sending one brave ahead to announce their arrival and success in battle.

As they neared the village, several warriors on horses, women and children on foot came out to greet them yelling and singing praises. The captured boys; naked and tied, were spit on and hit with reed whips and sticks. Women came up to the boys and slapped the boy's dicks and balls with the whips, laughing as the prisoners. The T-cross tied to their back kept them from bending over to protect themselves from the whippings. They were paraded around the village and brought before a large hut where several older men emerged. The boys were forced to their knees and listened as several warriors told stories of their raids and the capture of the four youth. Many Indians spoke, some pointing at the boys and yelling.

The four boys couldn't understand what everyone was talking about, but Cole had a pretty good idea some wanted to kill them. While he was wrong, Cole didn't know that was the discussion, only it had to do with what would happen to what prisoner. Because this was a serious matter that required much debate amongst the elders and the warriors who captured the boys, the Chief of the tribe order all four to be tied standing up to the poles in the center compound. The T-crosses were removed and with their hands tied still behind their backs each boy was brought to a pole and placed up against it. Rope was tied around their upper arms and pole pulling them taunt. Two stakes were driven into the ground by each boy and their legs pulled painfully apart, their ankles tightly bound to the stakes. Indian children and teens were allowed to molest the boys as long as blood was not drawn. Soon each boy was covered in spit, the front of their body's red from constant whipping. All four were crying, drool running down and dripping off their chins from the cruel gags. It didn't help that the women had tied one pound rocks hanging from their balls. Little kids would approach a boy, lift the rock and then let it drop, giggling when the captive screamed through his gag. Eventually the Indians were told to leave the boys alone, their misery evident to the elders.

Chapter Three

The four boys were basically left alone; each boy tied naked to a pole, each wondering what was to become of them. Their bodies covered in sweat, dirt and the spit of many angry Indians. Would they suffer even more? All four knew the answer to that question; however the older two boys, Eli and Cole realized it was going to get much worse, but didn't speak about it, just looking at each other and the two younger boys with sad eyes.

An older Indian approached them and looked at each boy, who in turn warily watched him. He was a big man, at least six feet [1.80 m] tall, and heavily muscled. A large, evil looking knife hung by his side, his right hand gripping the handle. Jonathan wondered if he was here to kill them, taking the knife and cutting their throats or plunging it into their guts. The brave was one of the leaders of the tribe, and had no such intentions. He had decided that these boys were too valuable to be killed. The older two could be used as trade with the fur trappers and outlaws they battered with for goods and supplies. The younger two would mostly likely be kept as slaves, or adopted into a family as a replacement or addition. Great Eagle as he was called would not share that information with the captives, let them suffer and worry.

Great Eagle looked at the boys and spoke to them in English; he had learned it from other captives and traders that entered their camps over many years.

"You four belong to our tribe. You were taken to avenge the pillaging of our lands, the death of our warriors and the rape of our women."

"You will be tortured for many days and nights, if you survive your ordeals with honor, we will decide your fate after your days of suffering. When you are not being tortured, you will be kept tied. Even then you will feel pain." Great Eagle looked at them once more and walked away.

The boys looked at each other; the younger two had tears in their eyes. Cole and Eli were just as scared as Jacob and Jonathan, but didn't cry. Cole had heard from older settlers what the savages (as the old men called them) did to white prisoners. Cole remembered everything he had heard, even though he had tried to forget. Many times he had woke up, a nightmare causing him to shake in fear in his bed. And now those nightmares were coming true. He looked at the other boys; naked, filthy and sweaty, their bodies bruised from the abuse they had received the last few days at the hands of the war party and now the entire tribe.

Cole's head lowered to his chest as best it could; rope had been wrapped around each of the boy's necks, restricting their movement. Their hands and arms tied cruelly behind the pole, the harsh hemp pulling their arms agonizingly tight. More rope was tied around their waists to the pole and behind to their hands, crossed at the wrists and held fast. Rope circled their upper legs, knees and ankles, all pulled as tight the as the Indians could make them. Their bare feet standing on crushed stones and dirt, adding even more distress to their battered bodies. Cole's whole body was aching from the strict bondage; he didn't know how the other three boys could handle the pain without crying out.

Eli was thinking the same thoughts as Cole. In addition to being so harshly bound; the women had tied heavy rocks from a thick cord around their balls, pulling them downward. Any movement from the boys or torment from an Indian brought a new bolt of agony to each captive. Four young Indian boys; about the same age as the white boys, walked into the circle of the four poles; each carrying two bowls.

Setting down the bowls on the ground, three waited as one left and then returned shortly with a large animal-skin pouch. He opened it and removed several sharp cactus needles, handing several to each boy. The boy also took out four rounded pieces of wood with leather bindings on each end. Each Indian boy was given one. The captives pulled at their binding unable to move, the weighted rocks swinging back and forth, eliciting groans from the boys and drawing giggles from the Indian boys.

The young braves picked up one of the bowls and removed small pieces of cooked buffalo and brought to each boys mouth. Hunger overcame suspicion and the white boys took the meat from the fingers of the braves. The meat was quickly devoured by the famished boys. Each brave stuck his fingers in a captive's mouth and was rewarded with the white boys sucking the juice off their fingers. Their small loincloths, the only garment the young braves were wearing, swiftly tented from their erections. Not wanting to be the only ones with hard and pulsating cocks; the braves reached down and slowly stroked and fondled the captive's penises. Moans and grunts where soon heard from eight naked or almost naked teenage boys.

The braves pulled off their loincloths exposing their hard-ons. Their placed their cocks against the cock of the captive they had feed and grabbing both, started to stroke them together. The Indian boys, free to move, pumped their hips as they became more aroused. The boy prisoners couldn't move from the harsh bondage; but were equally hard and excited. Soon all eight boys were pumping shot after shot of cum. However; the Indians were shooting their creamy juice onto the stomachs, chests and cocks of the white boys. They pulled and lifted the captive's cocks so they were cumming on themselves too. The result being the captives were covered in their own and Indian cum.

Laughing, the young braves put their loincloths back on, picked up the other bowl that was on the ground and let the prisoners drink the water from the bowl. The braves then pushed the wooden dowels into the mouth of a tied boy and pulled tight on the rope bindings, tying the ends off behind each boys head. Painful whimpers were all the prisoners could manage with the dowel wedged between their teeth. The braves then tied cord around the still hard cocks of the prisoners, forcing them to maintain their erections. The braves then left, leaving the boys covered in drying cum, intense erections and now drool running down the sides of their mouths, onto their sweating chests.

Cole, Eli, Jacob and Jonathan stood against their pole, tightly bound, humiliated in their nakedness and embarrassed from the forced ejaculation and maintained erections. Cole, out of all four was worried the most. The braves had left the sharp cactus needles on the ground in front of each boy. He already knew the pain those needles inflicted. There they left there to torment the boys, or was someone going to use them on them?

Cole for now could only wonder as a gentle breeze dried the cum on their bodies, and as drooled rolled down their chests onto their cocks. Unfortunately all four would soon learn soon enough the pain the needles inflicted.

A short time later; or what seemed like a short time to the whites, four older and fearsome looking warriors walked into the circle of the four boys. Each one walked in front of a boy and stood there, staring at the lad. Jonathan and Jacob the two youngest, looked at the men, and peed down their legs. Because their cocks had been tied off, they were still hard and peeing caused more anguish. Tears rolled down their faces, mixing with the droll and cum on their chest and bellies. The warriors pointed and laughed, enjoying the shame the boys felt. Long sharp knives were produced, causing another round of grunts and whimpers. Disgusted with the display of what the warriors considered to cowardly; they slapped and backhanded the young boys, yelling at them to act as men. Of course neither boy understood what was being said, adding to their fright.

Cole and Eli looked on, angry they could not do anything to help except grunt loudly at the braves. The two men standing in front of these two laughed, and then drew their own knives. Placing the sharp edge of the knife under breasts of the two older boys, their slowly drew their knives across the naked chest of Cole and Eli, drawing a thin line of blood, but not doing any real damage. The pain of the sharp edged knife did its entended action; gagged grunts and moans of pain from the older two. All four braves picked up the cactus needles and with their knives sharpened a point on each needle. Then each warrior rubbed the chests of the boys, getting the nipples hard.

They squeezed a nipple on each boy slowly pushed the tip of the needle through the nub of a nipple. Garbled screams echoed through the camp as the warriors pushed the needle through one nipple then the other. Small trickles of blood slowly ran down the heaving chests of each boy as their gasped for breath and tried to ease the fierce pain that radiated through them. Unable to take gulps of air into their gagged mouths, the boy's nostrils flared, trying to take in oxygen and calm down. Now all four boys were crying, tears rolling down their cheeks, forming little clean rivers through their dirt smeared faces. Thin string was wrapped around the needles, connecting the nipples; a small pouch with several stones was tied to the string. Then with each boy watching, anticipating more pain, the warriors lifted the pouching as high as the string restricted them, pulling on the nipples hard; the warriors let each pouch drop. Another wave of hot pain coursed through the boys. Jonathan; the youngest boy, fainted and urinated on himself again. Jacob cried and looked at his friend, trying to call out and comfort him.

Four young teen boys; naked, tightly bound to a pole softly moaned as each of them were lost in their thoughts about what would happen next. The trickle of blood from their bruised nipples had dried on their chests and bellies. Mixed in with the cum, sweat and tears; they made a pitiful sight. The four had lost all feeling in their hands and legs, held upright only by the taut rope, wrapped around them. They cock and balls throbbed from the restriction of the cords binding them harshly. Their teeth and mouths throbbed from the stress of the dowel agonizingly tied behind their heads. Would any of the Indians return to torture them even more? They rightly deduced they were in for a long and painful night. As they fitfully dozed, the Indians prepared two structures for the boys.

Two upright poles driven into the ground had thin, but sturdy poles attached horizontally across the top and bottom of the uprights. Two boys would suffer more tortures through the night, while the other two watched, helpless.

A group of braves, men and teenagers; entered the circle, whooping and yelling, startling the captives. The boys shook and pain coursed through their bodies and their nipples stretched from the pouch swaying and bouncing. Their balls burned with renewed agony as the heavy rocks pulled on the cords wrapped around the base of their scrotums. The braves danced around the boys, whipping them with branches and reeds; slapping their bodies and spitting on their faces. Soon all four boys were crying again, red welt glowing from neck to knee, faces dripping with spit. Tied so severely to the pole that they could not move, the boys endured another round of heartrending sorrow at the hands of their captors.

Great Eagle called a halt to the torments, and pointed to Cole and Jonathan, the oldest and youngest. Several braves ran to each boy, causing them to scream into their gags, fearing they were about to be killed. This was not the case, however. The Indians quickly untied the two boys. But because they had been immobilized for several hours, once they were free of their bonds, the boys fell forward; unable to get any feeling or movement in their arms or legs. They lay on the ground, in pain as they were whipped and beaten on their backs and legs. Screams were muffled by the gags still tied to their mouths. A brave cut the cords holding the dowels in place and yanked the gag from the boys. Another wave of pain washed over them. The Indians continued to beat them until them until Cole started to struggle to get up and protect Jonathan. Then the Indians let out a great cheer and stopped the beating.

Cole lay on top of Jonathan, both panting and exhausted. Cole's actions had pleased the Indians; they wanted to see if the teen was brave enough to protect the younger boy. Once Cole had crawled on top of Jonathan, several Indians whooped louder than the others. They had made bets on whether the boy would help the other. Cole whispered in Jonathan's ear to try and stand up along side of him; the Indians would take that as a sign of courage. Together the two boys got to their knees; they shakily stood up, using the other one for support. The Indians cheered again, approving of the captives actions. Several members of the tribe rushed to the boys, yelling and whooping; hitting them with thin branches, leather whips and spitting on them. The boys tried to push the Indians away but were too exhausted from the ordeals and lack of sleep.

The Indians laughed and pulled at the boy's hair and their cock and balls. Some of the younger Indian boys tried to pull the cord connected to the needles skewered through their nipples. The woman of the tribe beat the young braves with sticks and whips, yelling not to touch the cords. The boys ran away, laughing and throwing small stones at the two white boys and even a couple of the older women. Cole and Jonathan clung to each other; spit dripping off their face and body. Both captives ached from the new whipping and sucked in air, praying that this was the end of their torment for the night. Their wish was not answered as six braves grabbed the boys and dragged them to the torture frames. Neither boy had the energy to resist.

Cole and Jonathan were brought to their respective frame. Somehow the Indians had correctly measured the height of the two boys and had tied off the horizontal poles at the correct distances from arms to feet. Thick rope was wrapped several times around both wrists of the boys and tied mercilessly hard. The other end of the ropes where pulled through V notched at the top of the upright pole and two braves at each rope started pulling. The result being each boy was raised several feet off the ground; arms pulled to their limits. Both teens screamed in pain, fearing their arms would be pulled from their sockets. However; the braves having done this many times before with other captives, knew when to stop and tie off the rope.

To relieve the pressure from their arms being brutally tied and pulled to each pole, all they had to do was place their bare feet on the lower pole and stand on it. But when they did, they reacted with more screaming and raising their legs up, knees bent. This resulted in more stress on their arms and wrists. The Indians had wrapped the bottom pole with thorns vines. The sharp thorns dug into the soles of the bare foot boys, resulting in small punctures and acute pain. Cole and Jonathan kept their feet off the bottom pole as long as they could, then when they could no longer hold their legs up from exhaustion; the boys placed their feet on the thorns, screaming in pain. Jonathan passed out from the agony, his feet resting on the pole, blood dripping onto the ground.

Cole tried to move the thorn vines with his toes, attempting to create a little opening to rest his feet. The Indians watched in fascination, placing bets on the boy. No one tied to the frame had ever thought of pushing the thorns aside. After many attempts, Cole was able to place his toes on the pole and get some relief. Several of the braves cheered, having won the wager. Cole yelled at Jonathan, bringing the boy out of his stupor and telling him to push the vines with his feet so he too could rest his legs.

Jonathan tried for several minutes and was also able to clear some space to rest his feet. The Indians cheered again, laughing and clapping. Several braves approached the boys and whipped them with leather cords, thin wiry branches and slapped them all over their bodies. The tired to avoid the whippings; raising their legs, and kicking at the braves. The Indians enjoyed the action, pleased the boys were showing courage and resourcefulness.

Great Eagle ordered the thorn vines removed and the feet of the boys removed from the poles. He instructed the braves to spread eagle the legs of the boys and place the back of the foot to be placed against the pole. He had the ankles tied off tightly so they could not move; the legs taking some of the pressure from the outstretched arms of the teens. Great Eagle commanded a tomahawk be tied to the balls of the captives and hung between their legs. They were not gagged so the other two could hear their moaning.

Eli and Jacob could see their friends stretched spread eagle on the frame, camp fires lighting the area for the night. These boys remained bound restrictively against the poles, unable to move or talk, still gagged with the cruel wooden dowels. After the night of torture, the four boys were left alone by the tribe. The boys were lost in their shared misery; covered in sweat, blood and spit. They wondered what new horrors daylight would bring.

Chapter Four

Restless and miserable, each boy was left to his thoughts; unsure what was to become of them. Cole and Jonathan had the worst of it, stretched on the frame, arms burning in pain and almost numb. While their feet did rest on the poles; but it was more painful because of the narrow width of the pole, the middle bottom of theirs soles ached from the pressure and the puncture wounds from the thorns. And if that wasn't enough, even a slight breeze caused the tomahawk that was tied harshly to their balls to sway back and forth, shooting bolts of pain through-out their bodies.

Eli and Jacob fared no better. The ropes were harsh and restrictive; each movement by them caused the rope to chafe and burn their skin. The rocks and stones dug into their bare feet; it felt like a thousand pins being slowly pushed into their flesh. Their jaws ached from the wooden gags in their mouths, their teeth throbbing. By now the boys had cried themselves out, tied to the pole they slept in fits; awakening when another burst of pain hit them in waves. Finally after many hours, the boys passed out; oblivious to it all.

As morning light slowly brightened the circle that the boys were in, the Indian camp started to stir. Old women started fires, and children fetched wood and water. Younger braves went about their chores and the older ones walked around talking to each other, laughing and accepting food from the women. The prisoners were ignored, as if they didn't exist. Cole slowly woke up, his head leaning forward, resting on his chest. As he raised his head, pain radiated from his neck, caused by the uncomfortable position. Becoming more aware of his surroundings, his body screamed in pain; he was able to wiggle his fingers and toes, but only slightly and with a slow response. He started to shiver, his body cold from the night and now morning coolness. He looked over to Jonathan, the youngest of them, and his heart ached for him. Jonathan was black and blue, his body covered in welts and whip marks. He was still alive Cole could tell from the slight movements of the boy. Jonathan was still unconscious, hanging from his ropes.

Cole looked away from Jonathan and his gaze drifted to Eli and Jacob. These boys too were either unconscious or sleeping. Cole could see their chests rising and lowering, so he knew they were still alive. Cole looked at his friend Eli; his naked body tied to the pole, and remembered the two of them swimming buck naked in the river, lying on the ground sunning themselves and experimenting on each other. The thoughts of him and Eli wanking each other off and sucking each other caused Cole's dick to start getting hard. Cole was horrified; tied naked and spread eagled, what would the Indians do to him if they say his cock hard and sticking up. Cole looked away from Eli and thought of things the Indians might do to all of them. But the rope tied around his balls and dick and the tomahawk hanging, kept him hard.

Cole tried to shake, but in doing so only caused more pain and a groan escaped his lips from behind the gag. To his horror, a young brave about his age heard him and was walking straight to him, a smile on his face. The Indian boy stopped in front of Cole and said something to him and laughed. Then the braves arm reared back and swung forward, slapping Cole's erection with such force, Cole bucked and screamed, his knees buckling and his eyes rolling back into his head.

The young brave laughed again and grabbed a hold of Cole's cock and started stroking it. Through his pain Cole was also lost in the pleasure of being jerked and pushed his pelvis at the brave in rhythm with the stroking. Cole was moaning, his head thrown back, eyes closed. Suddenly a new sensation caused him to pull hard on his bindings; the brave had taken Cole's dick in his mouth and was sucking him. Many warriors believed that a man's sperm also contained his power, just like his heart and blood and would swallow their prisoner's sperm, taking their power and believing they became stronger.

Cole mewed and groaned the feelings of pleasure, temporarily over whelming the previous pain. As Cole climaxed and shot his load into the boy's mouth, his body went rigid; his muscles highlighted his body, as the brave ran his hands all over Cole. Then the brave pulled off Cole, his cock flopping down, semi-hard. Cole sagged as much as the ropes allowed. The brave laughed and walked away.

Cole slowly recovered, raising his head and looking around. Jonathan had woke up from Cole's grunts and moans; and was horrified and amazed at what he had seen. His cock was also hard and pointing straight out. However, no braves came over to do the same thing to him. Jonathan was confused by his feelings; he was thankful to be left alone, but disappointed no brave had given him pleasure. Cole and Jonathan looked at each other, then other to Eli and Jacob. While those two had not seen what had happened to Cole, like most boys, they too had early morning erections. Cole was worrying again, what would happen to all of them once the Indians saw four boys' hard dicks.

Several teen-age braves were walking towards the boys talking and laughing, when one stopped and pointed to the tied boys. The group of braves stopped, looked and started hooting and yelling; pointing in the direction of the captives. One of the braves, who appeared to be the leader, spoke to the two youngest of the group and they ran off. The braves separated and two or three stood in front of each of the white boys, glaring and yelling. Of course they were understood, but had they know the language, they would be far from happy.

"Look at the small dicks on all of you, why are you hard? Does seeing us make you feel like a women?" one brave yelled.

"They are happy to see us, they want to give themselves to us, the white boys are ready to please us." Laughed another Indian teen.

"They offer themselves to us, true white whores." Said another.

"Then fellow warriors, we shall take their seed and take much power, but first they shall suffer pain; we need to see how strong these white boys are." The leader of the group spoke.

All the young braves started whooping and jumping around, some of them slapping the boys across the face, others spitting on them. Their dismay deepened when the two young braves returned with long switches and passed them out to all the others.

The Indian boys lined up, one behind the other and started a slow dance, circling around the poles and frames of the tied boys.

The captives could only watch in trepidation and wonder; awed at how graceful the dance was, but frightened as to what would happen. As the braves danced around them, they would swish the thin supple branch in the air and swing it at a boy, always missing. Wearing small loincloths, the braves rock hard bodies glistened with sweat from the dancing. Once in a while one the tied boys would catch a glimpse of an Indian cock as the front flap would fly upwards. The braves were also getting aroused, their cocks thickening and lengthening. The result was the four captives remaining hard, precum shinning off the tip of their engorged cocks.

As the dance progressed the switches started to find their mark. A brave would strike a chest, another hitting the upper legs, a third the lower legs. The boys stretched out on the frame would receive many more strikes as their arms were also exposed. Soon each boy was covered with thin red lines across most of their bodies; the only place not touched was their cock and balls. Why hadn't the Indians hit them there the four thought to themselves. Stilled gagged by the wooden dowels, the boys couldn't talk to each other, and only grunts and groans escaped from their lips.

Soon however, the slashing increased in intensity and frequency. The captives were now screaming into their gags, red welts seeping blood. Their cocks remained rock hard. Tears rolled done their faces, dripping onto their chests. The young Indian braves appeared to be in a trance, running at them at top speed and striking them as hard as they could. The captives squirmed and fought the unyielding ropes as much as they could, unable to avoid the brutal sting of the switch. And still their cocks defied the pain and remained hard.

Unexpectedly the leader of the group yelled out, and all dancing and torture stopped. The braves stood there, covered in sweat and breathing hard. Their stomachs undulating, pectorals taut. Naked legs muscular, arms pumped up and solid. A pronounced bugle plainly visible under the small flap of the loin cloth. The captives could not help but stare at the braves, testosterone firing off hormonal urges in all of them, whites and natives.

The leader ordered the braves into equal groups in front of each captive. Three Indians stood in front of one white boy. Unable to know what was about to happen, the four boys grunted into their gags, trying to ask what was happening or begging to be left along. Of course what they said was garbled and neither side understood the other.

Unknown to the boys; a contest had been formed. Each brave would suck the cock of a captive, trying to get the boy to cum. They had a minute each to manipulate the prisoner then another brave would take his place. Of course they had no time pieces, so a brave counted out loud. Who ever got the boy to cum got his power, therefore each brave was careful not to arouse their victim too much the first few times, hoping they would be victorious in later rounds.

This was not a painful form of torture, but almost as cruel. The prisoners were being stimulated in a pleasurable way at first, but soon it became unbearable. The manipulations of the braves tongues and mouths were driving the boys to moan, and push their hips forward, begging for release.

But the Indian boys did not want to lose the contest to another brave, so it dragged on, the various forms of stimulation each brave used causing more waves of lust and overwhelming desire to cum increasing until each captive was covered in sweat, his body jerking in spasms each time his cock felt a new mouth enveloping his dick.

The braves knew the white boys were close now, and slowed their ministrations of each boy, but doing enough to keep them hard and begging for release. Jonathan, the youngest captive was the first to lose, so to speak. One of the youngest braves was working his tongue and mouth for all he was worth. He could feel Jonathan's quivering cock start to vibrate and knew the boy was about to blow. Sucking for all he was worth, the brave was rewarded by a gush of adolescent milky sperm. The brave jumped and whooped, opening his mouth to show the others he had won. He quickly swallowed, as the others descended on him, pounding his back in congratulations. Jonathan sagged on the frame, his body spent, close to passing out. He had never felt such amazing pleasure and at the same time being so frustrated and helpless.

Seeing the boy pass his power to a brave, the others increased their actions, driving the remaining three captives into frenzy. Screaming into their gags, it seemed that Jacob, Eli and Cole all cummed at the same time, amazing organisms exploding out of each boy; huge amounts of cum filling the victors mouths. The braves surrounded the lucky winners, shouting and shaking them, the braves grinning, lips covered by the white boy's essence of manhood.

The four captive's nostrils flared, trying to breathe as deeply as they could. Their bodies spent, the only reason they did not collapse in a heap was the restrictive bondage holding them fast to either their pole or their frame. Their cocks wilted some residual cum leaking out of the glans, a milky string hanging.

Two braves saw this and ran to the boys, licking the cock heads and sucking out what was left. While not getting a full load, they were happy they had stolen the captives remaining power. The leader yelled to the two braves to stop. The prisoners would be producing more power for all to have in the remaining days of torture. The four white were left alone for a brief time.

For an hour or two, the boys were left along. The sweat dried off their bodies, but the welts and red lines remained vivid all over. Great Eagle entered the torture circle with several older braves and the teens that had performed the torture earlier. Speaking to the teen braves, he ordered the prisoners to be untied.

The white boys, who had heard Great Eagle speaking, watched as they were untied and wondered what was happening. As if reading their minds Great Eagle spoke to them,

"You will be brought to the river and allowed to wash and drink as much water as you like. You will be fed and then allowed to sleep for the day."

As each both was released, they fell forward, they legs and arms unless right now. Several teens rubbed the white boy's limps, reviving their circulation. They boys were pulled to a sitting position and they legs spread open.

Jonathan whimpered, thinking they were about to be tortured again. But all the braves were doing was tying rope around each ankle connecting the two in a short hobble. The boys could walk in a slow shuffle, but they could not run. They were pulled to their feet and a loose rope was thrown over their heads and around their necks, acting as a lead. The prisoners were led to the river, the leash around their necks were removed and the braves pointed to the water.

The four boys looked at each other and hobbled by the ropes, carefully entered the water. Feeling the cool refreshing water helped the four whites. They drank their fill then started to wash their bodies, trying to rid themselves of the accumulated filth and horror of the last few days. Each boy took turns washing the others back, being careful of the stripes caused by the whips. They talked in small whispers, trying to figure a way to escape and stealing quick glances around the Indian camp.

While keeping up a brave front, and whispering hope to the others, Cole rightly knew escape was almost hopeless. The Indian camp was huge; there must be hundreds of natives in the area. The four boys were naked and had no weapons, and were almost always tied up and being watched. No, the only way to get away from these people was to be rescued. And Cole knew that was remote, if not impossible. Cole also knew that there were few options for them, none good. He had heard from the men in town older prisoners would usually be killed after a prolonged torture. Being almost sixteen, he was close. Eli might suffer the same fate or be sold to other tribes or white traders. Jacob and Jonathan would probably be adopted into a family or they too could be sold. Cole didn't share his thoughts with the others.

When the boys had drunk as much water they could hold and were as clean as they could get under the circumstances, the braves yelled and gestured to the boys to get out of the water. The four slowly walked back onto dry land, their bodies glistening from the water reflecting the warm sun. Feeling somewhat better, their bodies showed the signs of captivity. Red sore rings around wrists and ankles, and of course the numerous whip and welt marks all over their bodies.

The boys were brought to an area and told to sit. Unable to understand, the Indians pushed the boys into a sitting position. Some of the Indian woman brought a salve and applied it to the rope burns and some of the cuts on the boy's backs, chest and legs. Somehow they were able to keep from getting aroused as the women worked the greasy substance on their bodies.

Older women brought food and more water to the boys, placing the bowls in front of them. The braves pantomimed eating and pushed the bowls closer to the four whites. Cole was the first to reach in and removed cooked meat and smelled it. Tasting it, he realized how starved he was and began to eat quickly, telling the others it was good and to eat. Soon all four boys were filling their stomachs.

Great Eagle stood off to the side and watched. He quietly spoke to a few braves and they left to do his bidding. Great Eagle approached the boys and again spoke to them;

"After you have had your fill, you will be allowed to sleep the rest of the day. No one will bother you."

Great Eagle turned and left. What he didn't tell them as how long they would be sleeping.

The four boys continued to eat and drink, their bellies filling up. Cole suggested they stop, he was unsure if they should stuff themselves, while not knowing if they would be fed again, he was afraid if they ate too much they could get sick, or the Indians had some other ideas after they had eaten too much.

All four boys stopped and acted if they could eat no more. The braves sent a runner to inform Great Eagle the boys were done eating. He gave his instructions. The young braves grabbed the arms of the captives and pulled them up. They gestured to the boys to follow the older youth and started walking. The boys were brought to a small teepee and pushed inside. On the dirt floor were several buffalo hides being used as a carpet. The boys were pushed down onto the hides and the Indians left. Their feet still tied in hobbles, their hands remained free.

Looking at each other, they whispered among themselves, wondering what the Indians were up to. Eli wanted to untie their feet and make a break for it once it got dark. Cole said that's probably what the Indians wanted them to do so they could recapture them and really make them suffer. Jacob thought it was a good idea to escape and asked Cole if he had a better one. Cole said he didn't but what was there plan? They hadn't thought it out. They were naked, far away from where they use to live and without weapons or food. Cole continued,

"They know this area better than anyone, it's where they live. We would be exposed to the elements, we don't have horses and we don't know which way is home." Cole concluded.

"We have to do something. We just can't let them do whatever they want to us." Eli countered.

"How can we fight back? We've been tortured and starved. This was our first meal in days. I'm sure we aren't getting another meal for days. We don't have the strength or the numbers to fight them." Cole insisted.

Jacob and Jonathan sat there, their knees pulled up to their chests, arms wrapped around their legs. Cole looked at the younger two boys and asked,

"So, what do you guys think? We're all in this together. We have to stick together; we can't break off and go our separate ways."

Jacob sat for a few minutes and thought then spoke,

"I want to get away so bad too, I hate being naked, tied up and tortured. I know it will get worse. But I think Cole is right, there's so many of them and we don't where we are. It makes me want to cry, but I don't think we should to escape. "

Jonathan looked at them all, tears welling up in his eyes,

"I want to go home, I'm so afraid. But Jacob is my friend and you guys are now too. I know I won't last long running away. So I'll follow whatever Jacob says, and he said no to escaping. I do too."

With the discussion closed the four boys laid down and drifted off to sleep. Cole stayed awake the longest, wondering if he made the right choice. He was sure the Indians were expecting some kind of break out. And once the chase was on the Indians would toy with them for a while then bring them back to camp. Then, the real suffering would being.

Cole was right, the Indians had expected the captives to try and make a run for it. Young braves were placed in strategic locations to watch the teepee. When the captives never looked outside or even tried to run, the leader of the braves sent word to Great Eagle the prisoners were staying put.

Great Eagle took the news quietly and was thoughtful. He had reasoned to himself the white boys might not attempt an escape, two were very young and none knew the area very well, probably not at all. They were actually smart staying put; correctly reasoning that after being caught and brought back their suffering would have increased unmercifully.

Great Eagle decided on another test. He had one of his war chiefs dress in full battle regalia. Then the chief would run into the tent, whooping and yelling at the four. The chief would dance around, lunging at the boys, and whoever reacted and was the most frightened would be the night's entertainment.

Spotted Owl dressed in his warrior finery was impressive. He stopped outside the flap and waited, he didn't hear any of the captives talking, just slight snoring and occasional grunts.

Pulling back the flap, Spotted Owl let out a blood curdling scream and ran into the teepee. All four boys jumped up from their sleep, confused and terrified. Unable to run due to their hobbled feet, they tried to push backwards, away from this ghostly apparition. Poor Jacob, twelve years old, soon to be thirteen in four months, couldn't hold back his horror and pissed all over himself. The others were too frightened to react and would have done the same if not frozen solid in terror.

Spotted owl whooped and laughed, pointing at the humiliated boy; calling other warriors into the teepee. Looking down at the puddle of urine on the ground and covering the boy, the warriors howled in laughter. The tactic had worked, the camp would have its entertainment for the night. Jacob was grabbed and pulled up. His hands were pulled behind his back and tied with course rope. His feet remained hobbled and a noose was pulled tight around his neck. A harsh tug caught Jacob off guard and he stumbled and fell. The Indians holding the noose yanked had, dragging Jacob several feet on his stomach.

Jacob coughed and started to choke, his wind pipe closing. The pulling stopped and another Indian grabbed him by his hair and pulled him to his feet. Slapping Jacob several times across the face, he was led out of the teepee. Jacob was crying, a thin line of blood sliding down his chin from the cut on his lip from being slapped. Shuffling as fast as the hobble would allow, Jacob was pulled around the camp, warriors repeating the tale of his humiliation over and over. Jacob endured little children throwing stones at him, old ladies hitting him with switches and teenagers spitting on him.

After what seemed like hours, Jacob was brought to the circle again. Rope was wrapped around his chest and biceps and cinched tight. More rope went around his waist to his wrists behind his back and from his wrists pulled tight through the crack of his ass and tied off around his balls. Another rope was tied behind his back to the other ropes securing his arms and he was pulled up and off the ground by at least three feet. His feet were untied and his legs spread wide. Additional rope was tied around each ankle and pulled down and to the side, stretching the boy's legs and body into a upside down Y. Jacob's body was exposed from all directions for a night of abuse. The boy hung there, unable to move, sweat starting to form all over his small but muscular body. Jacob called out to his friends, but didn't get a response. He hung his head and cried, waiting for the night to come.

The other three boys had watched terrified as Jacob was tied and led out of the teepee. The remaining warriors had then turned their attention to the three remaining captives. One of the warriors sent a teen brave to fetch more rope. He returned shortly after with two other boys, carrying the bindings the warriors wanted. Cole was dragged out side, pushed and shoved to a small hill near the torture circle. From the hill Cole would be able to see all the activities the Indians planned that night.

Cole was forced to lie on his back. Four wooden staked were driven into the ground and each arm was grabbed by a warrior, his wrists tied separately then pulled to the stakes and tied off. Cole thought his arms would be pulled from his shoulders, the pain was so bad. But that wasn't the end. His feet were untied and wet rawhide was tied around each ankle. Then warriors then grabbed a leg and pulled as hard as they could stretching Cole to the breaking point, his screams echoing across the camp. The leather rawhide was tied off to the stakes. Cole knew this wasn't the end. Once the leather rawhide started to dry, it would shrink, pulled his body even tighter in the spread eagle position he was in. Cole knew he was in for a long painful night. Wet rawhide had also been wrapped around his balls and pulled down to a stake pounded into the middle of his legs, he knew his balls were going to be pulled downward all night long, increasing the pain.

Eli was trussed him in a hogtie, his arms behind his back, rope encircling his chest, biceps and waist. His ankles were cross and tied and his legs pulled back, wrists and ankle tied together. More rope held his upper legs to this shins. A rope was secured around his neck and his head pulled backward. The rope was tie in such a way that it would not choke Eli; the Indians did not want a dead captive. Eli was brought outside close to Cole. A final rope was added to his wrists and ankles and Eli was pulled off the ground, slowly spinning. A heavy rock was tied to his balls and left to hang, pulling down hard.

Jonathan the youngest, huddled in the teepee, watching the Indians tie his friends. Two braves sat cross-legged watching the boy, but did nothing. Jonathan sat there, his body sweating in fear, a tear running down his face periodically. At last the two warriors stood up and took Jonathan by his arms, dragging him outside. Jonathan was thankful in a way for being carried, he didn't think his legs would work from fright. Outside the teepee, Jonathan saw his friends tied in agonizing positions. He knew he would probably suffer some similar fate.

The boy, barely eleven years old; was pushed to his knees and then his arms pulled behind his back. His wrists were crossed and tied. His elbows pulled as close as possible until the boy grunted in pain and tied off. Jonathan was pushed face forward and unable to protect himself, fell face first onto the hard ground. His feet were retied tightly together and more rope was wrapped below and above his knees, his legs tied firmly. A long pole was then laid on his back and more rope was tied from his arms and feet to the pole. One more rope was tied around his neck and then to the pole. The front end of the pole was tied to a stake about a foot [30 cm] off the ground and the back end of the pole was tied to a stake about three feet [90 cm] off the ground. Jonathan sagged downward, hanging from the ropes, his head lower than his feet. A further rope was tied to the tip of his cock and pulled up and behind him to the pole, Jonathan groaned in pain. The three boys would be left in their respective torture positions throughout the night.

Jacob looked up and could see his three friends tied in horrible positions and cried. He felt bad for all of them, but tonight he would suffer more than the other three. As the day grew into dusk, small fires where lit around and under Jacob. As the heat from the fires heated large rocks in the fire pits; Jacob's naked body poured out sweat, the drops sizzling as they hit the hot rocks. The Indians, experts at torture, kept the heat from the fire the same, causing a lot of discomfort for the boy, but not doing any real damage. All Jacob could do was hang there in his ropes, wondering what else they could possible to do him. He and the others would soon find out.

Chapter Five

The four boys were in their own turmoil. While each was concerned for the others, they naturally thought to themselves they were in the worse predicament. But in truth, Jacob was the one that was the one that would suffer the most tonight. He was the evening's entertainment. Jacob hung from the ropes over the small fires. His body was covered in a sheen of sweat, droplets running down his chest, back and legs and dripping onto the hot rocks. The drops sizzled and popped, giving Jacob the impression he was being slowly cooked.

Several young boys and girls sat cross legged nearby, pointing and laughing at each of the four boys. Once in a while one of the Indian boys would throw a small rock at Jacob, trying to hit the tip of his cock as it lay flaccid over his tangling balls. The heat from the fires had caused Jacob's sac to warm and soften, hanging low. Several young braves were impressed by the size of his cock and balls, given the age of the white boy. More than one Indian girl (and woman) dreamed about him, using him to produce more braves for the tribe. A few of the Indian boys had a similar dream about him.

As the day wore on, Cole felt the leather cords starting to stretch his body even tighter. The same effect was taking its toll on Cole's balls. The leather wrapped around his sac was becoming more restrictive and the cord shortened, pulling his balls further from his body. Cole moaned from the pain radiating from his arms and legs, but mostly from the throbbing aching of his balls. The soft pink sac was tight and turning blue.

The sun beat down on Cole; his body getting sun burned and also covered him in sweat. Before tying him on his back; the Indians had placed various sized stones on the ground where Cole was to be staked out. Now lying on the stones, Cole whole body was in pain from the sharp points of the rocks. A tear slowly slide down his cheek, his whole body racked in pain and half crazed from thirst. As if on cue, a young Indian girl approached carrying a jug. Cole watched as she approached him and knell by his head. She looked at him up and down, a slight smile on her face. Cole felt his cheeks getting red and warm. She spoke to him in her language then put a hand under his head and lifted it. With the other hand she placed the jug to his lips and poured cool water into his mouth. Allowing small sips, she did this several times. Cole tried to thank her, but his voice only croaked. Then to his relief, she poured water on the leather cord stretching his balls, the pressure immediately lessened. Unknown to Cole, the leather cord would dry even tighter and pull on his balls harder than before. The cords around his legs were untouched and still pulled sharply on his legs. Cole moaned and twisted his body, causing another round of agony as the rocks and stones dug into his back.

The girl got up and went to Eli. Of course he was in a hanging hog tied and suffering considerably. The sun beat down on his back all day, and while he did burn some, luckily he had developed a good tan from working long hours in the fields for his family, this helped him somewhat. It was the harsh ropes that dug into his body, his weight causing the rope to dig into his flesh. The girl poured water into a bowl and placed it under Eli's mouth so he could lap it up like a dog, humiliating him even more. Before she left and went to Jonathan, she picked up the rock tied to his balls and let it drop.

Eli grunted and the rock stopped suddenly at the end of the rope and pulled on his balls. Not satisfied, the girl did this several more times until Eli was screaming, and tears flowed from his clamped eyes. She left Eli slowly spinning, his balls swollen and purple.

Jonathan had heard his two friends; one moaning the other screaming but could not turn or lift his head to see what was happening. His body was at an angle, head lower than his feet, his body tied hanging from a pole. His arms and wrists ached from the restraining ropes and his feet felt numb from being tied so tight. The rope holding his head up dug into his neck, but did not choke him. The worst pain was his cock head being tied and pulled backwards and up towards the pole. Any movement sent sharp waves of pain through his groin.

The girl knelt before Jonathan, making clucking noises, as if she was concerned for the young boy. She poured water into the bowl again and help it under Jonathan's mouth for him to drink his fill. She poured the remaining water over Jonathan's head and strangely over his ass. The water slide down the crack and rolled over his balls, dripping off his penis to the ground. Jonathan felt his cock stirring and when he shifted his weight, it caused waves of pain to his body all over. Then he felt the cord pulling on his cock head loosen! The girl was untying it. Jonathan hoped she would untie the cord from around his cock, but his relief was shot lived. Giving the cord a brutal yank, she pulled the cord even tighter and then tied it to the pole. Jonathan's penis felt like it was being pulled off and his body bent trying to compensate for the new jolts. All three boys cried for several minutes until their own pain slowly subsided. It would not be the last of their ordeals for the night.

The three boys were left alone for the time being. It was getting on into the afternoon and soon the night's fun would begin. Jacob hung from the poles, his upper body immobile from the unforgiving rope encircling him. His groin felt on fire, his legs having been pulled so far apart and tied off. The heat from the small flames kept him hot and sweating. And the smoke slowly rising to the skies made him dizzy. Jacob had seen the girl giving water to the other three and hoped and waited for some. But the girl walked passed him, not even looking at him. Jacob let his head drop down to his chest, demoralized. The sweat poured off his body, his body glistening in the sun light.

Having given up hope of getting any cooling water, Jacob was surprised when he heard two young braves coming close. Both appeared to be about fourteen years old and had a jug of water with them. Laughing and pushing each other they stopped in front of Jacob and chattered to each other and at times to Jacob. Of course Jacob didn't understand a word. He wondered if they were telling him what was going to happen tonight or if they were just teasing him. That is exactly what the two teens were doing.

"Do you know what we have planned for you tonight, you white dog?"

"You will suffer greatly for the wrong doing done to us by your families and the soldiers who came to our lands and forced us to move." Both boys spit at Jacob.

"My father was hurt badly by your men; he cannot support our family and is shamed to ask for food and help." Hissed the shorter Indian teen.

"My brother, only sixteen seasons, was taken and killed by fur trappers who ambushed him. He was watching our horses and hadn't done anything to them. But they tortured him for two days and then killed him!" The older teen yelled.

Jacob could see their anger rising and was afraid they would lash out and hurt him. He struggled in his bonds, causing his body to jerk with waves of pain. Jacob raised his head up and let it fall back and he moaned loudly. The two teenage Indians watched Jacob squirm and fight against the ropes, then sag and softly cry. The braves looked at each other. They knew they could not do anything to this boy hanging from the poles.

"We mustn't do anything to this one, he must be well enough for tonight. But he should pay for all the terrible things down to our village." The older one said.

"Yes, but let's just give him the water like Great Eagle instructed and leave." The second one agreed.

Because Jacob was pulled up so high, the young braves could not reach Jacob's mouth by standing in front of him. The older teen knelt down and had the other climb on his back, the younger boy's leg straddling the front of him. With the lighter and younger boy on his shoulders, he walked forward until in front of Jacob and the younger Indian brought the jug to Jacob's lips and allowed the boy to drink his fill.

Then the older boy knelt and the younger one hopped off. The boys were about to leave when the older one turned back and walked to the front of Jacob. Taking hold of Jacob's balls, the Indian gave them several savage twists and then pulled the boy's balls downward. Jacob let out such a loud scream, several men came running to see what had happened. At first the boys denied anything, but the men looking at Jacob knew the boy had been attacked by one of the two teens. Great Eagle appeared and demanded the truth or both would suffer. The older one shamed that he had lied; knew it would be worse for being too afraid to admit his actions and lying; fessed up to his attack on the white boy.

"It was I, Great Eagle; I grabbed his balls and twisted them until he screamed. I was angry about my brother's death." Running Deer exclaimed head down in shame.

"It is good you admit your wrong doing, and I too grieve for your brother. But you were told not to touch this boy, you lied and you had to be threatened to tell the truth. Both shameful acts."

"Seize him, strip him and tie him to the frame for two days. He shall be whipped in the morning and at night. He is to be given only water. On the third morning he shall be released and will run the gauntlet. He will then be washed and fed." Great Eagle proclaimed.

"Further, he will remain naked and tied to the pole where he will remain during the trials of these four white boys."

Running Deer was grabbed by two large braves and had his breech cloth cut from his slim hips. His hands were tied behind his back and pulled up to the middle of his back, held up high by a rope tied around his neck. His feet were hobbled and he was pulled around the village, his misdeeds told to all.

Running Deer tried to keep from crying, the fourteen year old deeply shamed by his actions. He was one of Great Eagle's favorites and now had brought shame on the chief. His long black hair glistened in the sun, his body muscular and without fat from years of training and care by his family and the whole village. Now his beautiful body was naked, on display from all, his arms painfully tied behind him his uncut cock and balls exposed and swaying back and forth as he shuffled around the village, his tale being told by the older and respected warriors. Old women spit at him and he was hit with switches and butt end of spears. Little children threw rocks and him and laughed. Running Deer was totally humiliated. He vowed to suffer his punishments in silence and take all of it proudly.

The boy was led around the village and then to the frame. He was untied, given some water to drink and had course rope wrapped around each wrist and ankle. Running Deer stood silent as several braves pulled the ropes connected to his wrists toward the top of the frame. His arms were soon spread wide, his muscles silently screaming from the pressure of his body pulling his arms downward. His feet swung free until the braves secured a pole under his feet. His legs were also pulled wide apart and tied off to the bottom of the poles, his bare feet only just resting on the cross pole.

Running Deer was stretched tight in an X position, held fast and immoveable by his bindings. His friend, Little Elk, who had been with him was standing nearby, his head hung in shame. He wished he could help Running Deer, but knew any action would result in the same fate for him. He gazed at his friend, already moaning from the ropes pulling at his four limbs and the sun beating down on him. He prayed to the gods to keep his friend safe and make it through his ordeal.

Little Elk approached Running Deer and looking up at him said;

"When it is dark, I will bring you something to eat. I cannot bear to see you suffer."

Running Deer said nothing, only looked at his friend, then slowly raised his eyes and looked beyond the comely youth. Standing a short distance away and behind Little Elk stood Soaring Hawk, one of the tribe's elders. He was glaring at the boy having heard him tell Running Deer how he would sneak back and feed him.

"You youth of today have no respect for your elders or tradition. You violate our orders and ignore our wisdom." Soaring Hawk hissed at the boys.

Pointing a finger at Little Elk, Soaring Hawk questioned the boy;

"So you too desire to be punished? Strapped to the frame also?"

"No Soaring Hawk, I do not. I only felt pain for my friend and wished to help him. The white man has hurt us so much; I did not think it would be bad to help a brother."

"That is your problem, you act without thinking. This is not a punishment for hurting the white boy; it is for disobeying an elder and a chief."

"Until you two learn the difference, you will never be warriors."

"Lakota and Kiowa seize the boy and have a cross planted in the ground near the frame."

"Little Elk, you too will learn to obey. And while on the cross you will suffer the same as Running Deer."

The two braves, along with other, erected a wooden pole with a cross beam across it. Little Elk was stripped and his wrists bound heavily to the outer edges of the cross beam, forcing his arms wide and up, his body extended, his feet barely touching the ground with his toes. His ankles were tied off and more rope wrapped around his feet binding him to the bottom of the pole. More rope was wrapped around his knees, above and below; then tied off. Little Elk was bound tight, his arms bearing the weight of his body, which swayed slightly from the pain and the breeze that blew down from the hills.

"You will not be whipped; instead your nipples shall be pierced with pine needles in the morning and then lit by fire in the evening. It shall be done again on the second day. On the third day you shall be released."

"Any further punishment shall be decided by the council of elders later that third day." Soaring Hawk stated to Little Elk, then turned and walked away.

Little Elk hung from the cross, his head leaning down and on his chest, he wondered if he could survive the two days without food or begging to be released. He decided he would ask to be gagged if it became too much to bear. He would not humiliate himself or Running Deer by asking for mercy. Little Elk flexed his fingers, relieved he was able to move them on command. The two braves that tied him were skilled at such things Little Elk thought; he would show them he was brave and capable of suffering for the village.

Jacob was in awe, the two young teenage braves must have done something really bad to be tortured like the four boys taken captive and now at the mercy of the entire tribe. He looked at their naked bodies and felt a stirring in his groin he had only felt when he was with his good friend Jonathan. His cock became semi-hard and the head peeked out from the foreskin. Tied such as he was, Jacob could do nothing to ease his growing arousal and discomfort.

The three others were able to see one or the other teenage Indians tied up. Cole and Jonathan could see Running Deer when Cole lifted his head for brief moments and Eli when he slowly twisted around to glimpse the boy on the frame and then he was out of sight until his slow rotation gave him another peek. Jonathan could raise his head a little and see Little Elk crucified on the cross. Six naked, finely muscled and apprehensive boys became lost in their own thoughts of further pain and humiliation at the hands of their enemies of four, and family and friends of two.

Soaring Hawk and Great Eagle walked together talking quietly. They were dismayed that two young boys of their tribe would disobey them and disrupt the activities planned for the night. Several women had begged the two elders to release the young braves, or at least reduce their punishment. The men became angry and chased the women off with switches, telling them to tend to their cooking and chores.

The two teenagers were learning the skills necessary to become fine warriors, but still lacked maturity and self-control. They needed to be made an example of and the two decided nothing would change. The white captives would suffer many tortures and cruelties until sold, adopted into the tribe or finished off. The Indian boys would be released after their punishments. Then they would be banished to work for the women, naked as the day they were born until one of the elders decided they were worthy of becoming warriors for the tribe.

Meanwhile, the cord tied around Cole's balls pulled even tighter and downward as it dried in the afternoon sun. Cole moaned and his groaning became louder as the cord tightened around his ball sac and the length shortened, pulling excruciatingly downward. If it continued, Cole felt sure his balls would be yanked off and he would bleed to death, agonizingly slow. Cole pulled against the ropes around his wrists and ankles, hoping to loosen the stakes driven into the ground or maybe even feel the knots tying him spread eagled on the hard rocks. The only result was another wave of agony coursing through his body, the Indians had mastered the art of torture and the ropes held fast, the wooden stakes unmovable. Cole let out a scream of frustration and pain, his shoulders and hips racked with trembling misery.

Eli was in as bad a state as Cole. The rope was cutting into his skin and blood was seeping from his hands and feet, were most of his weight centered on the point where the rope was wrapped around his wrists and ankles and hung from the pole. Eli could barely wiggle his fingers and toes, some blood still able to circulate through them. The noose around his neck cut a red welt all the way around, but he was still able to breathe. Eli was unable to stop his slow spin and was getting nauseous. He felt like vomiting, but knew nothing would come up, not having eaten in two days. On top of all this he thought the Indians were trying to slowly roast him, basking in the hot sun. Eli began to softly cry, thinking of his family and friends he would never see again. Mercifully Eli passed out as he twisted in the hot sunlight and warm breeze.

Jonathan was no better off than the other two. The pain from hanging downwards on the pole caused the blood to flow downward, giving him a headache. He too was able to wiggle his fingers and toes, but barely. Jolts of knife-life tingling racked his young body. The cord around his cock head sent a jolt of pain through his abdomen. Whenever he moved, his whole body shuddered. Whimpering became louder and longer. He too wondered if he would die hanging from the pole or would the Indians have even worse tortures in mind. The very thought of either caused Jonathan to shake uncontrollably, which in turn sent more stabbing pains coursing wildly through every nerve ending.

Great Eagle walked among the three white boys tied up in their painful tortures. He could see they were in great distress and close to the breaking point. This was good. He wanted them to feel the hurt, pain and hopelessness his people felt at the hands of the white man.

It did not matter to him they were still boys; Indians boys their age were learning to become warriors. Cole and Eli would already have been on raiding parties. The other two would be tending to horses, and learning to use the weapons of their tribe and ancestors. They would suffer for several more days, their torture getting worse each day. They display of grief was contemptible to Indians. Captured warriors died with dignity, suffering unspeakable horrors. The white man had no such courage, and these boys were proving it to the village.

Great Eagle would have the three captives released from their current situation and tied to three poles in order to watch the events of tonight. The boy hanging from the cross beam of the 3 poled frame would suffer tonight. He was one of the younger ones, but that could not be helped. Great Eagle hoped the boy would suffer in a dignified manner, the braves sought to take his courage and make it theirs.

Jacob hung from the rope holding high off the ground, with his legs spread wide, and held in place by the ropes pulling them out to the side and down, his body was exposed. A tomahawk was tied around his ball sac and hung down, pulling on his nuts. The sweat from the sun and the fires matted his hair down and dripped into his eyes, stinging them. Shaking his head sent beads of sweat flying in all directions and giving his body another wave of pain. Jacob looked on as two braves came towards him and cut the ropes binding his legs to the outer poles. They removed the rope wrapped around his ankles and let his legs hang down free. Jacob hissed in relief, his legs sending electrifying bolts through his lower extremities. With his legs free, his toes pointed downward. The braves built new fires directly under his feet, and Jacob felt his soles getting warm, then hot.

In order to get any degree of comfort, Jacob would have to raise his legs up from the hips and bend them at the knees, sapping him of any strength he had left. He would lower his legs again until he couldn't stand the heat. Then when it became too for the boy, he let his legs drop down. Soon he became too tired and was unable to lift his legs. His soles felt like they were roasting. Likely for him, the Indians allowed the fires to die now and Jacob's feet were burning anymore. Jacob noticed the sun was low in the sky now and more and more Indians form the village were gathering in the circle. He knew he was the main attraction tonight, and he was angered that they were there to watch him be brutalized.

"How can you sit there and watch a small boy be tortured and killed and think it is fun!?" Jacob screamed at the gathering crowd.

The Indians of course did not understand him and laughed at his anger. Jacob struggled and kicked out at them, useless attacks as none were near him, but the Indians approved of his bravado and laughed and clapped. Great Eagle of course understood English and admired the small boy. Perhaps if he survived, he would adopt him and turn him into a fine and fearless warrior.

The two teenaged Indian boys, tied to their frame and cross watched the white boy yell and try to fight. They were determined to show as much courage as this white boy was. At least he was showing bravery now. The two tied Indians, nude and securely tied knew the tortures that lay ahead would test the boy and his limits.

Great Eagle ordered the three other captives to be released from their current bondage and brought to the circle. There he would have them tied to their poles again and watch the night's activity. They too would suffer, but not to the extent the young boy hanging from his ropes would. They would have their own turn.

Cole lay there in misery. Pain radiated continually through his body. He had heard Jacob yelling at the Indians and was ashamed at his lack of courage. He gritted his teeth and held in his screams. He bit his tongue so hard at one point, blood leaked down the corner of his mouth and onto the hard ground.

Both Eli and Jonathan passed in and out of consciousness and were quiet. Cole heard several braves approaching and lifted his head to watch them. Two braves went to each both and began to untie them. Cole groaned loudly and his cord pulling down on his ball sac was cut and unwound from the base of his sac. Blood flowed quickly back to his sac and he felt as if a hot poker had run him through. He was untied from the stakes and pulled to a sitting position. His freedom was short lived and his hands were tied behind his back. He was given some water to drink and allowed to sit there while the other two boys were untied.

Eli was lowered to the ground with a thud. The ropes connecting his hands and feet were cut, and his legs pushed down. Having been hogtied and hanging so long, his legs were locked in the bent position and both braves had to push his legs down. All the ropes but the ones keeping his hands behind his back were removed. Eli buried his face into the ground and screamed, his legs protesting being pushed down. He too was given water and allowed to sit.

Jonathan was released from the pole last. The cord around his cock head was cut and removed, leaving a deep cut and red ring completely around the tip of the mushroom head. When it retracted into the foreskin, Jonathan felt a thousand needles were stabbing him in the nuts. His hands too remained tied behind his back.

The three boys were hoisted up and a brave took each arm of a boy, half dragging half carrying his charge into the circle. The boys looked at Jacob, kicking and screaming at the Indians and joined in.

"Let us go, we've done nothing to you. Why do you treat us this way? We haven't done anything to you or your people. This isn't right, our families and friends are looking for us and you will pay dearly."

All three shouted various statements and epithets of similar manner and course language. The tribe laughed and clapped even more, happy that the boys were acting like warriors, even for ones so young. Perhaps they would be worthy of being tortured and signing their death songs. Or perhaps the younger ones would be adopted. Maybe if the two older boys proved worthy for their bravery they too would be adopted into the tribe.

The boys were each brought to a pole, their hands untied and raised above their heads. Their arms were pulled up and behind the pole and tied off to the top of the pole. Rope was wrapped around their chests and waists, pulled tight and holding them in place. Their feet where then pulled behind the pole and their legs bent at the knees. Their ankles were tied together and another rope was tied between their feet and pulled up, keeping their legs off the ground. More rope was wrapped around their upper thighs and tied around the pole too. The boys were now held in place, hanging from the poles and able to watch Jacob's torture.

As the three looked on; the Indians gathered in front of each boy and struck them with switches, branches and leather whips. Their bodies were soon covered in welts and dripping with spit. They cock and balls received extra attention from the teenage boys of the tribe, angered that their friends hung from a cross and frame, shamed by the tribe. They would seek their revenge on all four.

Suddenly, a piercing scream rolled through the circle, stopping everyone and everything in its tracks. All eyes turned to the source. Jacob hung from his rope, his legs kicking wildly at the two braves in fornt of him. They dodged his kicks and laughed hardly. With everyone's attention now riveted on the boy, they saw the reason for his wrenching screams. Two large pine needles had pierced each nipple, pushed through the nub by each brave and another two needles had skewered his ball sac. The braves then lit the end of each needle and watched as they slowly burnt down towards the boys flesh. Thin trickles of blood seeped from each entry and exit point of the nipples and blood dripped from Jacob's ball sac. Jacob kicked and bounced, trying desperately to dislodge the needles or at least extinguish the small flame at the end of each needle. The fires under the boy were stoked and the flames reached higher. Jacob's screams grew louder and longer. The night's entertainment had begun.

Chapter Six

The five naked and tied boys; three white and two Indian stared at Jacob has he kicked and screamed trying unsuccessfully to dislodge the needles skewering his nipples and balls. Never before, not even after being captured by the Indians had Jacob felt such pain. The sap from the burning needle's dripped hot onto his chest and ran down his ball sac. The heat from the flames stoked by the braves made his feet and legs feel as if they were actually on fire. Jacob would raise his legs as high as he could, only to have them drop back down once the strain became too much.

Cole, Eli and Jonathan screamed and cursed at all the Indians, fighting the unyielding ropes that held them fast to the poles. Twisting and pulling only caused the boys to develop severe rope burns on their wrists and ankles. The boys continued to curse the Indians, making threats and spitting at all that came near them. Great Eagle, who understood what the boys were yelling, grew tired of the insults hurled at his tribe. His people; not understanding English, laughed and taunted the boys. The younger boys would charge at the three whites, throwing pebbles at them, and then running away laughing when the prisoners screamed and spit at them.

Great Eagle ordered the boys to stop tormenting the whites and instructed the older ones to gag the boys with rope wrapped around their mouths and tied to the pole. This would keep them quiet and force them to watch the night's activities. After being gagged, the prisoners continued to thrash about and grunt insults, but eventually quieted down; exhausted from their struggle against their cruel bindings. With their heads tied against the pole, they would be forced to watch Jacob being tortured. Great Eagle had approached the boys and told them if they did not watch or tried to close their eyes; he would have their eye lids propped open with pine needles or if they persisted, have their eye lids cut off.

Horrified and certain the Chief would do such a horrible thing; Cole grunted and nodded as best he could. The others followed Cole's example, they did not want to test this man's anger. Great Eagle was satisfied the three would be reasonably quiet and obedient; but ordered three older men to tie a string around each boys ball sac and hang a tomahawk from the string. Once done, any movement would tighten the string and the battle ax would cause more stress on their delicate parts.

As the flames died down under Jacob, he didn't have to keep raising his legs. With his legs hanging down and free; Jacob slowly twisted above the fire pits; his body drenched in sweat and shining in the glow of the torches that lit the torture circle. His sweat ran down his chest and legs, dripping off his cute boy toes; sizzling on the hot rocks. Jacob looked down to his chest, checking the progress of the burning needles; he had tried to blow the flames out, that only caused the flames to flare and burn hotter. Jacob prayed for a miracle to save him, crying as the heat from the burning spines got closer to his nipples and the skin on his sac. As soon as the flames touched his skin and Jacob started to scream; Great Eagle order the flames extinguished and the needles pulled out. Another wave of pain overcame Jacob as he kicked and bounced, hanging from the single rope. Jacob then passed out.

Four older braves, well schooled in the torture of prisoners; grabbed Jacob's ankles and pulled his feet back, raising the lower legs up and behind the upper leg and tying the ankles to the boy's thighs. Adding more rope to the bend in his knees, they pulled Jacob's legs apart; exposing his cock and balls. The ropes were tied off to the poles, leaving Jacob exposed and unable to move now.

While his cock and balls were vulnerable, so was his anus. As Jacob slowly regained consciousness, a new pain wracked his body. With his legs bent and tied up, then pulled apart, the strain intensified in his groin. One of his torturers approached him, grabbed and pulled down hard on his ball sac, making Jacob scream. The man then started to wrap wet rawhide around the sac, and separated the balls in an intricate weave pattern. Once the rawhide started to dry, it would shrink and tighten, just as it had done to Cole. Jacob moaned at the pressure he was feeling from the ropes and the rawhide. The fires below him were stoked and the flames rose; Jacob thought he was being slowly roasted to death, his head hanging down.

Running Deer and Little Elk hung from their frame and cross, watching the slow torture of the white boy. They heard the other three whites yelling before they had been gagged and guessed this young boy hanging from the pole was named Jacob. They were confused as to such a name as it had no meaning in their native language. Running Deer wondered if the name meant anything to do with courage, as this boy had shown bravery while the elders plied their torture. This Jacob boy had cried some, but Running Deer knew even he and Little Elk would have done the same and maybe some of the other boys in the village would have shamed themselves.

The pain of being tied spread eagle on the frame was nothing compared to the pain Running Deer was sure this Jacob was feeling. The boy would soon be put through more tortures tonight and probably allowed to rest in the morning. Running Deer had no illusions he would be allowed to rest. He would hang naked and tied tight on this frame for three days and would suffer a whipping this night and in the morning. It was nothing compared to what these four white boys would receive. He only wished he and Little Elk could partake of the captives torture and not be subject to it.

As if on cue, Running Deer heard the whistle of leather in the air, then the crack of his striking his bare back. At first he felt nothing, then in split second; the searing pain of the lash from the leather whip across his should to his hip, his mouth wide open, his vocal cords holding the scream, then releasing it, a shuddering screech echoing across the circle. Running Deer's whole body went rigid and then sagged from the unexpected strike. He thought they would have approached him first and told him he was to start his punishment now. The element of surprise had worked well. His body vibrated from the pain of the leather cord and tears welled in his eyes.

Running Deer heard the whistle of leather again, and felt the whip strike the opposite shoulder crossing his back and down to the other hip. Again his mouth opened, this time his scream instantly released. His back felt on fire, his shoulders burning from being tied in an X on the frame. Running Deer thought his shoulders would dislodge soon, the pain so severe. Several more lashes cracked across his lower back and ass; vivid red stripes that would last for days. Blood seeped from some of the wounds that had been struck in the same spot several times. The blood slowly slid down his back and legs. Running Deer had not felt the last six blows; he had passed out, sagging downward, his body pulling on the ropes binding him to the torture frame.

Little Elk was faring slightly better. His hands numb from supporting his weight on the cross. The course rope wrapped several times around his wrists had rubbed them raw and blood oozed between the cinched ropes. His ankles and knees were bound tight, rope wound several times around and in a figure eight pattern. His legs were also tied off to the pole as well as his feet; forcing him to stand with his heels off the ground.

The boy was sweating heavily, straining from the burden of his weight, his head lying on his chest. Little Elk heard footsteps approaching him and little by little raised his head. Two warriors were walking towards him, carrying more rope. They each started to wrap his biceps with the rope, pulling his arms up against the cross beam. Tied off this way, it relived some of the pressure on his wrists. More rope was wrapped around at the point between shoulder and arm, securing him to the cross. A final rope was wrapped around his waist, and between his groin, holding him in place. Little Elk could breathe a bit easier, but his feet were almost off the ground, the tips of his toes only barely resting on the ground. He felt a bowl pushed against his lips and opening his eyes, saw a young boy holding it, filled with water. Little Elk opened his mouth and the boy slowly poured the water into the captive's mouth, some slipping down his chest, cooling him.

Too quickly the water was gone and so was the young brave. Little Elk looked around the circle, his friends laughing and enjoying the night; he and Running Deer tied excruciatingly to their respective frame and cross. Little Elk looked across to the three white boys hanging from their torture poles. All three appeared to be asleep or maybe passed out, eyes closed. With their heads tied to the pole and gagged, the white boys would be forced to watch the night's activities. Great Eagle ordered three teenage braves to wake up the prisoners. The boys grabbed switches and whips, and commenced to striking the chest and belly of each boy. Startled, they trashed and screamed into their gags. The young braves scolded the white boys, telling them to watch or else. Of course the captives didn't understand, but got the idea they should not sleep right now.

Jacob hung from his rope on the tri-pole. His body was soaked in sweat, his inner legs burning from the tension of the ropes and the heat from the flames. His hand and arms locked behind his back, his upper body wrapped by thick rope. By now his extremities had lost most feeling, and when he moved, either by a jolt of pain or being pushed by an Indian, he felt a thousand needles sticking their sharp points into him all at once. A breeze picked up; fanning the fires, causing smoke to rise and choke him. The breeze also made his body sway; the sting of the imaginary needles coursing all through him. Jacob cried and cursed, determined not to let the Indians beat him.

Of course this is what the village wanted to see. The fact it was a young boy didn't matter. They enjoyed the torture of a captive, white or an enemy tribe. To have four was a bonus. Several of the older braves had wanted to perform a ritual torture on the boys, which would have eventually ended in their deaths. Great Eagle and Soaring Hawk had refused this request. These four boys would not be killed, nor would they be maimed in any way. A favorite torture was to slowly cut off ears, lips and nose. Then break fingers and toes, later to be cut off too. They would be cut and sliced, minor injuries that would bleed, but not mortally wound. No, these boys would suffer many tortures, but that was all.

Soaring Hawk would later station guards to keep an eye on all six boys, to protect the whites from overzealous braves, and to stop the friends of the two Indian boys from helping them. Soaring Hawk instructed Eyota; a young, but well respected brave to have his braves watch over the six. No one would dare to go against the elders; but with Eyota and his friends guarding the captives, they were fairly well safe from vengeance seeking villagers.

The fires under Jacob were doused by buckets of water, sending steam and smoke up and choking Jacob. His legs were freed and allowed to fall free, hanging loose. Of course being tied with his legs bent so long; Jacob let out a long wail of pain from the blood rushing through the legs. He kicked and swung, trying to relieve this latest agony. Two braves rubbed his legs from feet right up to his inner crotch, soothing the pain and returning circulation. Of course the sensual rubbing and touching had an unwanted side effect for Jacob. His penis received unwanted spasms of pleasure and started to thicken, then growing to a full, painfully hard erection.

Of course this is what the braves wanted to happen. Using a rawhide string, Jacob's balls and cock were tied off at their base; his balls separated by the same weave pattern used on others to keep him erect and unable to cum. Jacob's cock stood straight out, bouncing in front of him, the foreskin pulled back, exposing the purple head of his penis. The villagers took delight in seeing the boy's latest degradation, laughing at him and throwing pebbles at him, pleased when Jacob swung his legs at them, yelling curses and insults they did not understand.

Several young people were lined up, holding sharpened sticks, waiting to begin the next torture of Jacob. Once the beating of the drums started, they would let out a war whoop and charged at the boy, throwing their spear at him. The point was not sharp enough to puncture, but could leave a mark or even draw blood if thrown hard enough by the older teens. Jacob looked out at the crowd and saw maybe twenty-five or thirty boys and a few girls holding their spears and yelling war chants. The child warrior would run towards Jacob and throw his spear at Jacob from a marked location; allowing for the spear to slow in flight and not puncture Jacob.

Many of the young ones missed the intended target; Jacob's belly, chest or balls, their spears falling harmlessly to the ground. Jacob, emboldened by this, actually laughed and jeered at the villagers. Enraged, the villagers called for the teens to start their turn. Soaring Hawk told them to wait, they would be the last ones, and the boy would suffer for his foolish behavior. At last the young ones had their turn and now the teenage braves, about twelve or so were ready. Dancing around a bon fire, whooping and yelling; they were an impressive sight. Wearing only loin clothes and war paint, their bodies gleamed in the fire light, hard muscle, slim waists and dark hair wildly swinging about arousing many a female and more than a few males. The teenage braves danced, their bare feet pounding the ground, sweating and bouncing about; an occasional semi-hard penis or bare ass cheek visible as they twirled around the fire; the loin cloth flap flying up and exposing the boy in all his glory.

The teenage braves turned their attention to Jacob; hanging from the tri-poles, his body completely exposed to them. The first brave let out a startling whoop and charged Jacob.

Of course Jacob was not expecting this and shuddered in fright, peeing on his legs a little; his urine running down his legs and dripping off his toes onto the still hot rocks. The boy's piss steamed and hissed on the still hot rocks, sending an acrid smell to Jacob's nostrils. His eyes widen as he saw a teen warrior running at him, his spear-like stick raised above his head, ready to be thrown at the helpless white boy.

Letting the spear fly, it sailed through the air on his course, striking Jacob square in his abdomen. Jacob shrieked, the pointed stick hitting his belly and piercing his skin slightly, though hard enough to draw a small trickle of blood. One by one the warriors, hooted, whooped and yelled; then ran towards Jacob. The poor boy tried to swing back and forth from the rope; his legs kicking wildly until he was too tired to move and hung there, gently swaying back and forth.

Some of the sticks thrown sailed harmlessly by him. Three glanced off an arm and both legs. But six spears found their mark; striking the boy in the chest, upper legs and one just above his erect cock. This one caused Jacob to scream until his mouth stayed open, but no sound came from it. Little trickles of blood ran down his body, drying on his legs. Jacob would not bleed that much, just enough to look gruesome. The wound above his cock had caused the most stress to the boy and he hung there, his head resting on his chest, legs slightly open, toes pointed downward. Jacob's cock was still hard and sticking straight out, the rawhide doing its job.

Great Eagle ordered water thrown on the boy to revive him. The water soaked firewood was removed from under Jacob and new dry wood was piled under him. Small fires were lit beneath him; again causing the boy to sweat and think once more he was to be roasted. Jacob had been hanging from the tri-pole now for many hours; his hands and arms almost without any feeling. The ropes around his arms and chest somehow seemed tighter and burrowed into his naked flesh. Jacob hung from the rope; swaying in the breeze, he had been determined to fight them all, but now just wanted to be free from these tortures and be allowed to sleep for a week.

The villagers took a break from the night's activities and went about setting food out and taking care of the elders of the tribe. Running Deer and Little Elk were given bowls of water to drink; their bodies also covered in sweat from the strain of their bondage to the frame and cross. The Indian captives were horrified and ashamed at their treatment by the other young of the tribe. Their cock and balls were pulled and yanked, causing them to have erections all night. Their nipples were twisted, their asses slapped and beaten with bare hands and paddles.

Two small pieces of wood were clamped on their nipples and tied unbearably tight. Running Deer and Little Elk howled in pain from this latest indignity. While Little Elk would not feel the next humiliation as Running Deer, he was still embarrassed to see his friend suffer another shameful punishment. Running Deer heard a few voices whisper behind him then felt his ass cheeks being squeezed and pulled apart. His eyes popped wide and his mouth opened in a silent scream as a dried corn cob was roughly shoved into his anus, deep into his bowels. Rope was tied around his waist and then between his legs, through the crack of his ass, tying the corn cob tight in his butt.

The sensation was awful and yet strangely pleasurable as the boy tried to dislodge the object imbedded in him. His cock grew rigid and leaked fluid, a steady dripping onto the ground. Running Deer's head was hanging backwards; sensuous moans escaping his lips, his body shaking from sexual frustration. Running Deer despaired; this was the first night of three; would he and Little Elk be able to endure more tortures? He was determined to do so; the shame of failing while the white boys should make it was an overwhelming incentive.

Cole, Eli and Jonathan hung from their wrists; their ankles behind the pole crossed and tied; pulled up behind them. All three were still gagged and hadn't been given any water to drink in hours. Cole was very concerned about the youngest; Jonathan. The eleven year old had been silent now for the last hour. Cole had watched the boy as best he could; being that their heads were tied to the pole and the rope wound several times around their mouths to silence him as well as the others. Cole could see Jonathan's chest rise slowly once in a while, so the boy was still breathing, if just scarcely.

Cole had tried to get the attention of a brave whenever one walked by close enough; it only earned him a punch to his stomach or a slap across his face. Tears of frustration gleamed in his eyes and he grunted and pulled at his bindings; only causing further tremors to rack his body and rub his wrists raw from his struggles. About to give him, he saw several Indians approaching the three. Some carried bowls of what he hoped was water. Cole vowed he would not say or act angry if only they gave water to Jonathan and Eli. He hoped he would get water too, but would bargain his away for the younger boys.

Great Eagle appeared and gave a series of orders. The boy's feet were untied and lowered. The pain from being tied for hours that way had locked them in that position. The braves none too sympathetically pulled the captives legs down to the ground in front of their poles. All three screamed in pain as the blood rushed back to their legs. Their ankles and knees were retied to the pole. At least they were now standing on their feet Cole thought, thankful their legs would bear the weight, not their arms.

As if on cue, their arms were untied, with the same resulting pain and then retied behind their backs, around the pole. The ropes remained around their chests and waists, securing the boys tightly to each pole. Finally their gags were removed and they were given water to drink and a small amount of cooked meat. Jonathan appeared a little better, staying awake and carefully watching the Indians. The Indians walked away, leaving the three boys and Great Eagle to look at each other.

"You will remain tied to the poles tonight and the next day. Do not yell or curse at my people, you will only be punished more harshly. Do not expect to be released to do your piss or shit. You will do it here and stand in it. Once tonight's torture is over, another one of you will be selected within a day. "

"Perhaps if you are all courageous you will be made slaves and not killed. We shall see what happens.' Great Eagle stated to all three, then turned and left the boys to contemplate their chances at survival.

Jonathan lowered his head and tried hard not to cry.

"I'm a kid, I don't want to die, why are they doing this to us?"

Cole looked over at the other two; Eli was trying hard not to cry, Jonathan kept his head down, tears dripping onto his feet. Cole was older but also afraid they would be horribly tortured and then murdered. Cole struggled in his bonds, but they were too tight and there was too much rope tying him tight to the pole, just like the other two boys. Cole looked over at the two Indian boys, also naked and tied to a torture frame and cross. They really didn't have it any better than them, though he figured at least they won't be hurt bad or have something worse happen to them.

Cole was half right, the Indian boys would not be put to death, but there fait could be just as bad. The tribe was humiliated by the actions of the two teenage braves. while they might be allowed back into the tribe, there was also the chance the two could be sold to fur traders for goods and guns; or worse sold off as slaves to other tribes. If the teen braves knew of those possible scenarios'; they probably would chose death. Life among the fur traders would be mostly torture and sex. Life with other tribes was slave labor, torture and other humiliations.

As Jacob hung from the tri-poles, the smoke from the small fires drifted upwards, making him cough and have trouble breathing. The heat kept his covered in sweat and his body felt so hot from the warmth of the flames.

'I'm being cooked alive.' Jacob thought, 'They probably eat me too, the savages.'

Jacob groaned, he was having trouble staying awake; the smoke making him dizzy and he developed a head ache. The boy hoped he would lose consciousness and he wouldn't feel any more pain. Jacob tried to put out the flames by peeing on them, and succeeded in lowering one fire pits fire. An Indian brave watching let out a war whoop and laughed; applauding the white boy for his skills trying to survive. Several other Indians came over and listened as the brave told the tale of Jacob's latest action. The braves laughed and talked animatedly amongst themselves; gesturing and laughing.

Three braves walked over to Jacob, talking rapidly to him, smiling and laughing. They slapped his ass in what they deemed a friendly act, then lifted their breech clothes and peed on the small fires, putting them out. The air reeked of hot piss and wood smoke, but at least he wasn't cooking under the flames anymore. One brave produced coils of rope. He tied Jacob's ankles in a figure 8 pattern, and then tied additional coils of rope below and above his knees and then his thighs. Jacob was strictly bound, hanging about three feet [90 cm] off the ground. Another brave wound rope around a heavy boulder then tied the loose end between Jacob's ankles. Holding the boulder higher, the brave grinned at Jacob, and then let the boulder drop. The weight of the large rock jerked brutally on his ankles and body; Jacob letting out a blood curdling scream from the pain.

Jacob spun slowly around, his body stretched from hanging by his arms and hands, and the boulder tied to his feet. The braves let Jacob hang for a while, moans and an occasional sob escaping Jacob's lips. His three fellow captives watched in sorrow, unable to help, but keeping quiet not wanting to suffer anymore, knowing their turn would be soon enough.

The braves untied the boulder from Jacob's feet. Jacob hissed from the release of the pressure. Only male tribal members were present now. Jacob watched tentatively as two older braves untied the rope connected to his arms and hands and lowered him to the ground. Two others bent his knees behind him so that as he was lowered, he was now kneeling on the ground. The rope from the top of the tri-poles was untied from his wrists and biceps. His legs were untied, and just as quickly spread wide.

A thin, but sturdy pole was laid across the back of his ankles then tied tight to each one. The rope that held him in mid air was tied to the middle of the pole. The two braves that lowered him started pulling back on the rope to raise him again, this time upside down. Not worried about hurting the boy, his legs were pulled up, and he fell face forward onto the hard packed earth, turning his head to the left in time to avoid a full slam to his face on the hard ground. Jacob was raised up about three feet [90 cm] or so off the ground. His longish hair falling straight down; feeling the blood rushing to his head. His hands and arms were still tied behind him; he would be unable to defend himself.

The braves started yelling and hooting at the boy, circling him slowly. Jacob tried to watch them all, twisting his body, trying to gauge what was about to happen. Suddenly he felt the sting of a whip striking his back, then several more strikes on his legs and ass. Jacob screamed; the strikes of many whips increasing in number and pain. His chest, belly the front of his legs were whipped too. Jacob sobbed from the pain, yelling and screaming for them to stop. Several lashes to his cock and balls took his breath away, he hung upside down, and mouth open, but no sound escaped his lips.

Younger boys ran up to him striking him with thin branches. Then they all backed off, circling him and chanting. The group closed in on him and just as suddenly as he felt the lash of the whip, he felt the braves unleashing streams of urine all other his body. Jacob was soon drenched in piss from his legs down his body; front and back to his face. Urine dripped off his lips and nose. Humiliated, the boy hung there, upside down and cried. But the final act was about to start; each brave took his turn sticking his hard cock into Jacob's mouth, forcing the boy to suck them until they cummed in his mouth or onto his face. Others forced corn cobs in his ass; twisting, pulling and pushing the object in and out.

After what seemed like hours to Jacob; he was left to hang there. His young body covered in lash marks from the whips; but also covered in cum. His chest and belly covered; his face coated with drying cum, his nostrils filled, and his hair thick with it. Four men lowered Jacob, untied him completely and dragged him to the river where they washed him and let him drink as much water as he wanted.

Jacob was pulled from the river and to his dismay; his hands were tied behind his back again. His feet were tied off in a hobble, allowing only small steps. He was escorted to a small teepee and brought inside it. A rope was wound around his neck several times and tied off. The other end of the rope was tied to a peg hammered into the ground. His hands and feet remained tied. Jacob was allowed to lie down on several soft animal skins and he immediately feel asleep. The three white boys and two Indians remained tied to their poles and frames. Shivering in the cold night air. Their turns yet to come.

Chapter Seven

At a military fort many miles from the Indian camp and plans had been finalized for an expedition to locate and rescue the captive boys. A large contingent of cavalry was assembled and were heading out of the fort towards the plains were many Indian villages were situated; close to water and hunting grounds. This was being closely watched by a small group of scouts from the Indian tribe that had taken the boys. The scouts had been in the area, looking for other areas to attack, but watching the army. When the extra activity of the cavalry was seen; two braves were sent back to the camp to advise the elders. It would take a few days for the braves to reach camp. If anything else occurred; other braves would be sent back. This way, the village would have up to date information on the status of the army and would have time to decide how to take action.

The three white boys, naked and tied to their poles slept in restlessly; the reason of course being tied tightly and forced to stand up. Cole awoke and watched the camp as the sun rose over the hills. His body was covered in goose bumps; shivering in the cool morning air. Soon the sun would be overhead on all of them; the captives and the two punished Indians. Soon they would be sweating from the heat of the summer day.

Cole had seen the two Indian scouts ride into camp just at sunrise, and run to Great Eagle's teepee. There was a lot of activity after that; young boys running to different teepee's waking its occupants. Then there was the gathering of the elders. Cole couldn't hear them and even if he did, he would not have understood them but he could tell from the gesturing and loud voices, something had happened and it was not good as far as the Indians were concerned.

A group of teenage braves made their way over to the circle were the five boys were tied. The two oldest boys held a thin switch in their hands. Walking behind the two Indian boys that were tied, they reared back and lashed the two across their backs and ass several times. The two captive Indians awoke with a start from the sudden pain, howling. Running Deer was given a dozen lashes and Little Elk was given eight. Then both boys were cut down from the frame and cross. Having been tied immobile for two days, the boys bodies weren't functioning and they fell to the ground, lying there moaning. The group of braves rubbed the boys muscles, none too gently; to get their blood circulating and worked their arms and legs.

Groaning in pain, the two boys slowly got to their feet swaying and lurching about. The others laughed at them and then grabbed them both. Their hands were tied behind their backs and a rope placed around their necks, connecting them together. The eldest teen brave spoke to the two, telling them they would be taken down to the river to wash and drink. They would walk past a group of braves who would hit and try to trip them as they were lead to the river. The leader took the rope and using it as a leash lead the boys away from the white captives.

Naked, dirty and tired, Running Deer and Little Elk stumbled along, their backs hit with sticks and whips as they were pulled through the village down to the river. Untied, they were allowed to wash themselves and drink water until full. Feeling a bit refreshed, they returned to the group of braves on the bank of the river and had their hands retied behind their backs.

The boys were escorted to the circle of elders and pushed to their knees. Both boys felt the shame of kneeling in front of these men, naked and tied. They waited to hear their final punishment from Great Eagle.

"You two have brought shame on this village. You acted without thinking and disobeyed your elders."

"Many words have been spoken at the council as to your fate. Some want banishment, others want you sold, still others think you should be made slaves."

Great Eagle glared at the two, judging their reactions. Both boys shook with fear, but remain straight, even on their knees, not bending in defeat nor crying in shame. He continued,

"Running Deer you will run the gauntlet two times, after that you will be freed. You will then work with the women, gathering wood and watching over the horses."

"Little Elk, you will run the gauntlet once, and then you too will work with the women."

"The council will decide when you will return to us as warriors. Do not fail in any of your tasks, or you will be whipped and banished." Great Eagle declared. The other council members nodded in agreement.

Great Elk turned to the young braves, who had brought the two boys to the council and said,

"Take these two to the center of the village. Tie their hands and hobble them. Then secure a rope around their necks to a single pole and leave them there until tonight's gauntlet."

With several whoops and laughter; the boys grabbed the two and pulled them along to the center of the camp. A large wooden pole stood tall in the center of the bare ground. Running Deer and Little Elk had their hands crossed behind them and tied. Rope was wound around their chest and arms and their elbows pulled together and tied off. Rope was wound several times around each ankle with about a foot of rope between them; hobbling them. They could walk, but not run. Finally a rope was tied around their necks and to the pole. They would have to be careful they did tangle themselves as no one would help them if they did. A large bowl of water was placed on the ground, far enough that they would have to strain to drink from it.

Throughout the day the boys would be tormented by young children. Hit with sticks, small pebbles would be thrown at them, and they would be poked with the points of arrows in their most private areas. They could not strike back or kick at the children and many times they fell, trying to avoid being struck. The older women would shoo their tormentors away, only to have them come back and harass them even more. It would be a long day for the two teens.

While the two Indian boys suffered; Cole, Eli and Jonathan remained tied to their poles. A group of men approached the three and circled them. Jonathan shook and tears ran down his face, he no longer cared if he looked brave or not. He wanted them to let them go or end it now.

The circle parted allowing Great Eagle and Soaring Hawk to walk up to the three white boys. Cole and Eli watched as the two walked up to them and stopped. They looked at each boy and then Great Eagle spoke to all three, but looked only at Cole.

"You have come to the end of this test. You will be released and allowed to wash, drink and eat. Then we will let you rest until the next test."

"If you are brave and endure, you may survive to become slaves."

Unknown to the boys; none of them would be killed. They were too valuable to the tribe. Maybe Eli could be made a slave; he was still young enough to be broken. Jacob and Jonathan were young enough that several men had expressed a desire to adopt one or both and train them to become warriors for the tribe. Only Cole was the one they would probably sell or trade. He was thought to be too old to become an Indian warrior or an obedient slave. But he was worth enough to sell to the fur traders from the north, let them do what they wanted with him.

The three boys were untied; and like Running Deer and Little Elk, they fell to the ground. Their bodies in pain, the blood slowly worked its wonders and the feeling came back to their muscles. Kneeling, then standing the boys wobbled and held onto each other waiting for instructions from their captors.

Soon enough, a rope was looped around each of their necks and they were lead to the river. While they were untied, the boys would remain leashed to each other, making it difficult for any of them to try and escape in separate directions. Entering the cool water the boys drank and washed themselves and each other's backs. Cole cringed looking at the welts and whip marks on the backs and rear ends of the other two. He figured he too looked the same. After being allowed to scrub the grime off and just float in the water, the boys were ordered out of the river.

The three boys were given some cooked meat and actually allowed to eat as much as they wanted, and they could drink as much water as they liked. Once they were satisfied, the boys looked at themselves and the warriors, unsure what to do or what was next, they found out soon enough. A brave got behind each boy and bound their elbows and wrists behind their backs. Their feet remained untied. Still roped together around their necks; the boys were lead to the teepee were Jacob was. They were lead inside and pushed down on their knees, the rope connecting them together removed. Their ankles were tied together and a rope was tied around their necks separately and then to a peg also pounded into the ground. Then none to gently they were pushed onto their belly. Nothing was said to them. The boys lay there for a moment then moved around, trying to get comfortable.

Cole looked at Jacob; he was bruised and covered in black and blue welts, others bright purple and yellow, but he was breathing normally. Cole shuffled closer to Jacob and nudged him, hoping to wake him softly. Cole nudged him again and Jacob's eyes fluttered open, startled then in wide eyed surprise, seeing Cole lying next to him.

"Cole! You are alive." Lifting his head he saw the other two next to Cole. "And Jonathan and Eli too!"

"I thought you guys were goners. Ohhh, I'm so happy you are here. I am so afraid of what they are gonna do to us." Jacob said in a trembling voice.

"Me too Jacob, but they gave us water and let us wash, then brought us here. The chief said we had to do another test and if we passed, we would probably be made slaves." Cole whispered.

"I don't want to be a slave Cole, I don't want to be naked any more or tied up or beaten. I want to go home now." Jacob whimpered, his lips trembling as tears rolled down his face.

"I don't either, but we can't do anything right now, we're all tied up and there's Indians all around us. I just hope someone is looking for us and we get rescued."

Cole's eyes watered, but he fought back the tears; Jacob stopped crying after a while. All four boys exhausted from their ordeal slept through the day, the discomfort of being tied easily giving way to exhaustion.

Less than one hundred miles [150 km] away, a large exploratory force of Calvary, scouts, officials and some civilians headed out of the Army fort with the purpose of locating the four boys and freeing them. The plan was to locate the tribe or tribes that had the boys and pay a ransom to free the captives. This type of bartering had worked in the past, and the officials were hopeful in the boys were still alive they could be freed. If the Indians refused to cooperate, the large contingent of Calvary could use force to rescue them.

The Indian scouts from the tribe had seen the large force leaving the fort and had sent two more braves back to warn them of the danger that would be on them within three or four days at the most. The remaining braves would parallel the Calvary and send back scouts as needed to keep their elders advised. Given enough time the white captives could be sold to another tribe, the fur trappers from the north or hidden and kept. Or there were two other alternatives; one of those was to accept a ransom for each boy.

While the four boys slept, the Calvary headed out on their mission and the Indians elders sat and talked about the latest news from the scouts; Running Deer and Little Elk were having a miserable day. As soon as the rope around their necks had been tied to the pole and the adults left them in the circle, the tormenting had begun. Several of their so called friends had immediately started harassing them, hitting them with switches, poking at them with sharpened sticks and chasing them around the circle. While both were mad at their friends and yelled curses at them; both knew if it was the other way around, they would be in the group tormenting them. And so their humiliation continued into the afternoon. They would be tripped and fall down, only to be kicked at and have dirt and small stones thrown at them. The younger children had taken piles of garbage and mounds of dung to the circle and were throwing handfuls at the two luckless teens. Older women would come by once in a while and shoo their tormentors away.

Then the women would order some of the ones too slow to run away to fetch water and pour it over the boys to clean them. Running Deer and Little Elk would sit or kneel for a while, allowed to rest until the cycle was repeated many more times throughout the day.

Both young braves looked at each other forlornly; knowing the very worse would happen tonight. Their arms ached from the unyielding ropes pulling their arms severely behind them. The noose around their necks chaffed in the heat of the day. Moving around trying to escape the switches and sticks was hampered by the restrictive hobble that bound their feet.

Running Deer had tried rubbing one of his ankle against a larger rock it the hope he could fray the rope enough so that he could break free and run as fast as he could through the gauntlet. He only succeeded in rubbing skin off his ankle and causing it to bleed. Of course one of the women had seen the injury; slapped him several time on his head and yelling at him, then once she was done berating him had tended to his wound. She smiled at him and petted him like a favored grandson, brushing his hair out of his face and softly whispering soothing words to him. The old woman gave Running Deer cool water to drink and feed him some cooked meat. She washed his face and smiled at him. Running Deer smiled back and thanked her, bowing his head.

The old woman had lost most of her family to tribal wars and bad luck. Her two sons had married and had children, but both had been killed in battle. Their wives married other braves and ignored her now, taking care of their new husbands families. The grandchildren were less fortunate, two passing away from sickness and the other two taken in raids by other tribes. Running Deer was at the age of her oldest grandson, one of the two taken in a raid. She hoped by showing him kindness he would become her grandson and take care of her when she no longer could herself. She knew his family may shun him from the humiliation and shame he cast on all of them. If he was shunned, she would offer him shelter and love. The old lady kissed the top of Running Deer's head and smiled at Little Elk, then got up and left to prepare for tonight. She would heal their wounds and comfort them after their ordeal was completed later tonight.

Running Deer and Little Elk kneeled next to each other, sitting back on their heels. Sweat had formed on their bodies and little beads ran down their chests and backs. The coils of rope around their necks chafed in the sweltering sun. Their feet had been tied with about a foot of rope connecting each ankle. The boys could hobble but not run or walk fast. The gauntlet would be a long one; the village was large and everyone who could swing a stick, whip or bow would line up for a chance to strike the boys as they tried to get to the end of the line without falling. If one did fall, they would be beaten without pause; their only hope was someone helping them get back on their feet. Of course the person helping them would also be struck too.

"Running Deer, I don't know if I can make the run without falling. Who will help me get back up? You are tied like I am; none of our friends will help us." Little Elk whimpered.

"You think you have it bad? I must run the gauntlet two times; you have to only once." Running Deer sneered at Little Elk.

"By the end of my second run, my body while be covered in bruises and bleeding. I can't fall down or I am doomed. Unless that kindly grandmother takes pity on me and helps. I don't think anyone would dare to strike her." Running Deer said.

"I am sorry brother; I know you have it worse than me. But I tried only to help you and I too now suffer harshly for helping a friend." Little Elk said sadly.

Running Deer felt some shame after hearing Little Elk say that. It was true, only he was being punished and Little Elk had risked the same fate by trying to comfort him; only to be caught and tied to a cross and made to suffer along with him. Little Elk was a true friend and he was treating him badly. Running Deer lowered his head in dishonor; then looked over to Little Elk and smiled at him.

"You are a true friend Little Elk, only you came to my aid and suffered greatly for it. I love you like a brother and will do anything to help you. We will face these tortures together and show our courage. The tribe will sing our praises and we will be warriors again." Running Deer said with a convincing tone.

They looked at each other and smiled; squeezing closer to each other, arms, hips and legs touching. A flush of heat from their bodies erupted; their cocks becoming semi-hard; the tip of their penis slightly protruding from the foreskin. Both boys blushed and looked away from each other; willing their manhood to remain soft and not humiliate them with full erections. Running Deer thought of the times when the two would go hunting and end up lying down on the soft grass after a swim; their bodies naked and glistening in the sun light. The two would fondle each other to climax. Running Deer felt himself harden and blushed. Little Elk smiled at him and nudged him, giggling. Running Deer turned his thoughts to his gauntlet tonight and the pain that would be inflicted on him. He became soft again quickly.

While the two Indian boys knelt in the hot sun and sweated; the four white boys lay inside the hot teepee and sweated too. Even though out of the direct sun; the inside sweltered. The boys could do little but lie there; tied as they were. By now all four were awake and quietly talking. The sweat ran down their bodies, pooling beneath them. Unable to move; their discomfort increased but they were much happier in the teepee then being outside and strung up like a deer carcass.

"Cole, what are they gonna do to us?" Jonathan the youngest boy asked.

"I don't know, the older Indian said we had another test to do, but didn't say what it was." Cole replied.

"Maybe they are going make us run that gauntlet thing like those two Indian kids have to." Eli said.

"Yea, it could be that; but I'm sure we will have to do more. Just be brave guys and show them you are brave; they seem to respect that and are really impressed." Cole told everyone.

"I hope they unite us; we've been tied up for days. My whole body hurts. I wish they would like us go, but it's like we are already slaves or something." Jacob said.

"I know, but when they captured us they tore our clothes off us and ripped them to shreds. Then they tied us up really tight. How are we gonna escape if we are still naked and tied up?" Eli said with some unease.

Cole laid on the buffalo hides, pondering the question. How would they escape from their captors?

He had thought about it and the only way was for one of them to get untied and then somehow untie the rest. They would have to steal whatever clothing they could find and definitely something to wear on their feet. Cole thought stealing just Indian moccasins were better than nothing, if they had to choose right away. They needed to protect their feet more to gain any distance from the Indians. After all they had seen each other naked for days now. Maybe some old blankets could be taken also; for warmth at night and cut into something like a loincloth.

They would have to take rope too, and grab some knives and whatever food and water they found. Cole lay pondering all this. It was getting complicated, so many things to think about and plan how to do it. He wasn't even sure they could do it and get away. They'd be on foot, the Indians on horses. Could the younger boys keep up with the two older boys? They were all in good shape, strong and athletic. But the last few days had drained them, could Jonathan and Jacob keep pace with Eli and himself?

As the day wore on; the four boys slept and talked quietly, formulating their ideas into a plan on how to escape. Some ideas were rejected outright; one being that each would draw a straw and the loser causing a diversion while the other three escaped. Cole rejected it outright; flatly stating whoever lost and stayed behind would suffer horribly and no doubt be killed. Cole said the plans had to include all four going it together and either being successful in escaping or going down together.

The boys agreed with Cole. They knew they could never leave one of their own behind to suffer horrendous torture to avenge the Indians embarrassment of letting mere boys escape from them. Cole had been watching how the Indians went about their daily lives. Since the tribe was really one big family, their shared food, property and anything else willingly and easily. The tribe's tools, weapons, food and water were left about for anyone to use or consume. While none of these things were left near the captives; the boys could easily get to them, steal as much as they could and escape.

Cole and Eli considered themselves pretty good thieves; having played games on neighbors and friends, stealing things and leaving them at strange places for others to find. The boys were well known for their games and were generally left alone because the goods were always returned and the boys so cheerful and happy admitting to their jokes. They were beloved by all, and kept the small community laughing at their tricks.

Since the Indians did not trust the older white boys, it would be up to Jonathan or Jacob to somehow get untied and untie the others. One or both of them would have to gain the trust of the tribe's elders and they would have to do it quickly and with sincerity to fool the tribe. If they were caught; well Cole did not want to think of what could happen. It was decided all the boys would smile and act docile towards the tribe members. They hoped to fool them into thinking they were beaten and would submit willingly to their masters. The Indians might still be leery of the older boys, but the younger ones might be given more freedom. Cole hoped that an Indian woman would somehow try to help the younger boys, especially an older woman that was without a family. Cole knew enough about Indian tribes that they all looked after each other and adopted other Indians informally into their families. This helped keep the village going and they all survived.

Some of the older woman had been coming by and looking into the teepee, even bringing water for the boys to drink. While they were kind and petted the two younger boys, they were reluctant to show attention to Cole and Eli, the older boys. Cole figured they didn't have much of a chance being adopted into an Indian family. Not that he wanted that for any of them. They all wanted to be let go and returned to their homes; if in fact there were homes to go back to. The raids had been brutal. While he hadn't seen his family killed; he was afraid they had been captured, suffering like they were.

The air seemed to be getting cooler and the light had gotten lower inside. Cole knew that it was late afternoon and getting close to tonight's newest tortures. Would the two Indian boys be first or would the four of them be the ones? Several women entered the teepee talking and gesturing to each other, carrying bowls of food and water. There were other bowls too, but the captives didn't know what was inside of them.

The women divided up and going to each boy, sat them up and started washing them.

"Jeepers, their gonna wash everything Cole, this is so embarrassing." Jonathan squeaked.

The woman had untied their feet and roughly pulled the boys legs apart, exposing their cock and balls. This didn't faze the women at all; nudity was a common sight in all villages. Most children ran naked until ten or twelve years old, depending on that tribe's custom. Of course white people were more prudish about their bodies and covered them all the time. Water was lightly poured over the boys and the women cleaned them, running their hands all over the boys. Of course they all got hard, which the women laughed and giggled. They pulled at their hardened cocks; making the boys blush and yelp. Not having cum for a few days; Cole and Eli were in more distress than Jacob and Jonathan. The women seemed to sense this and playing tormented the older boys until they were moaning with pleasure and leaking. Then the women stopped and left the boys in a fit, begging for relief.

Moments later, they were hand feed and given water to drink. Their feet remained untied, and the ropes around their necks removed. Only their hands remained tied behind their backs. The women left, to be replaced by several warriors who stood guard outside the teepee. Cole's heart sank a little; their efforts to escape were going to be harder than they thought.

Running Deer and Little Elk were also being attended to. Several young braves, most of them the same age as the two captive Indians and also their friends had been told to release the Indian boys from the pole and bring them to the river to clean themselves and drink. The boys were left hobbled and it took some time while they shuffled across the village, still bound tightly. At the water's edge; a cousin of Running Deer whispered in his ear;

"I have a cutting stone; I will cut and rub the rope near the knots. When you run the gauntlet, pull hard against the ropes, it will snap and you will be able to run faster." Runs like a Wolf said quietly.

"Runs like a Wolf, thank you, but don't do it, I don't want you to suffer as I did. Maybe ever worse." Running Deer said.

"You are my cousin, it is not right if I do not help you. Besides, they won't look at the rope and will think it was weak. They will be proud of you and you will be a warrior again."

"Will you do the same for Little Elk?" Running Deer asked.

"I don't think I should. If both of you break free of your ropes around your feet, I am sure the Elders will suspect something. Besides, Little Elk only runs the gauntlet once. You must run it two times. And he is not my cousin." Runs like a Wolf said coldly.

"You are right cousin, I am grateful to you. I will repay you, I promise."

"Don't worry, I will think of some repayment." Runs like a Wolf smiled, looking down at Running Deer's cock, which was thickening.

Runs like a Deer smiled; his cock also getting semi-hard. He dove under the water and worked quickly, slicing and pulling on the rope to make it appear it snapped apart from Running Deer's excursions. Runs like a Wolf couldn't resist himself; reaching up and fondling his cousin until the boy's cock was hard and Running Deer was bending his knee's, enjoying the manipulation of his cock and balls by his older cousin. Runs like a Wolf came up for air and smiled at Running Deer, then grabbed the captive's arm and pulled him from the water.

"Be careful walking; you don't want the rope to break until you have started the gauntlet. If you break it before that, they will tie a new rope around your feet and I won't be able to help you then." Runs like a Wolf admonished.

Running Deer and Little Elk were lead to a teepee where several women were waiting for them. The women had been instructed to clean, groom and oil the two teenage braves. They would be presented to the Elders before the gauntlet, so it was required the boys be clean and gleaming from the oil coating their bodies. The ropes around their upper bodies were removed, the better to show them off. Only their hands and feet would be tied. Their hair would be brushed and combed; then tied in one pony tail behind them. Colorful markings would be painted on their chests, back and legs. While it was a harsh punishment for the boys, it was entertainment for the village. The two teens would be required to put on a good show, even if it was too painful. They mustn't falter or appear weak. Running the gauntlet once was extremely painful; but twice down such a long line was brutal.

The elders expected some kind of act like Runs like a Wolf had done. They would ignore it, if Running Deer put on a good show and did not complete the act until he had run the first gauntlet completely. It was all part of the show. As long as both provided a good show for the village and did not embarrass themselves; they would work a short time with the women and then be allowed to return to the braves; first as servants then working their way back to the warriors.

As the sun set; large fires for roasting and cooking foods were lit. Other smaller piles of wood for later were readied about the camp. The four white boys were taken by the braves from the teepee and escorted to the center of the village where four poles were in line with each other and fires lit the area. The boys walked through a long line of shouting and laughing Indians. They were lightly struck with switches and bows; none of the strikes causing any damage or causing the boys any distress. In fact, most of the villagers were in a happy mood; laughing and poking at the boys, some even patting them on the should or head as they walked by.

Once in the center; the white boys were placed back against a pole and then tied tightly to it. Rope wrapped form their necks to the feet, severely holding them in place. They were still naked and exposed to all. Several young girls approached the boys giggling and holding jars of oil and fat. Soon Jacob, Jonathan, Eli and Cole were covered in oil and their cock and balls greased with the fat. They glistened in the glow of the fires.

"Cole, why did they cover our peckers and balls with fat?" Jonathan asked nervously.

"We'll soon find out soon enough boys, but I bet it's to attract flies and bugs," Cole answered.

"I don't understand why do that?" Jacob said.

"Wait until the flies and bugs smell the fat and then see what happens to all of us; we ain't gonna like it." Eli said quietly.

Soon enough; the boys were squirming and groaning. They all knew now why they had been coated with the fat. The insects were driving them crazy from the biting and tickling movement of the bugs. Several groups of Indians had sat down near the boys; watching them struggle in the tight ropes and laughing uncontrollably from the boy's moans grunts and pleas. It was great entertainment for all.

As the night darkened and the tribe had its fill of food and lightly tormenting the four white boys; Running Deer and Little Elk would soon be brought out and the night's main activity would begin.

Chapter Eight

The four boys twisted and pulled at their ropes; but they knew there was no way they would be able to escape the tight bindings. Covered in oil and fat, their sweat dripping off them; it was an invitation to the flying night creatures that had picked up the musky scent of four naked boys. Young boys and girls from the tribe tormented them with sharpened sticks, hand-made whips and thistle branches. The more bold ones played with the boy's genitals; stroking, slapping and tickling them. This of course caused all of them to become aroused and soon four erect penises of varying sizes bounced and twitched from the ministrations from the group of Indian youth.

Bugs landing on their exposed skin, biting and sucking; their cocks and balls manipulated to the point they were moaning and even begging for relief, the young prisoners were in agony and ecstasy. Precum leaked from all four. The younger braves would swipe their fingers across the engorged head leaking the clear fluid and either wipe the liquid across the lips of the boy or force the finger into the boys' mouth, making him lick the finger clean. Eli had bitten the finger of one of the braves and regretted it immediately. He had been slapped, punched and whipped with stinging thorn branches, drawing drops of blood. An elder that was keeping an eye on everyone to make sure the boys weren't damaged too severely put a stop to Eli's torment quickly.

The boys torment continued for another hour, and then they were left alone. Ignored. The white youth looked at one another, dark thoughts creeping into their minds. Jonathan, the youngest started crying. He figured this must be the end for all of them. Why else would they be tormented and then left alone. The Indians were planning their demise. That had to be it Jonathan said out loud to the others.

"They're deciding how we are gonna be killed," Jonathan wailed, tears streaking down his face.

"Shut up Jon, no they ain't. Look over at the two Indian boys that were tied to the poles. They was cleaned and brought to those teepees. That's were all of them are now," Jacob said to the others.

"Jacob's right guys, they're all around that teepee," Cole agreed.

"Something gonna happen with those two kids I bet,"

"Do you think they are bringing them over here and tie them to poles like us?" Eli asked.

"I don't think so. Look at all those little kids making a double line over there. I bet they have to run down that line. Probably be whipped and such," Cole surmised.

"I heard about that from my family, prisoners have to run down this line and are hit with stuff and if they fall they keep getting wacked until they get up again," Eli added.

"Do you guys think we will have to do that too?" Jonathan asked no one in particular.

"Don't know, maybe," Cole said. Everyone stopped talking, lost in their thoughts again. The biting bugs brought them back to reality, their moans and fidgeting starting over once more.

Running Deer and Little Elk sat in the teepee, waiting and nervous. Several older men entered the tent-like structure and approached the boys. Sternly looking at them they grabbed an arm and yanked the boys to their feet. Holding them in place they checked the ropes binding the boy's hands behind their backs and the rope hobbling their feet. About a foot of rope was between each tied ankle. The two young braves could walk but not run. Satisfied the ropes were strong and would hold, the two boys were taken out into the compound. The man checking Running Deer's hobble missed the cut in the rope around the boy's ankle. With enough force tugging at it, the hobble would break. Running Deer thanked the gods it was missed. Runs like a Wolf had sliced the rope and now it was up to him to break the hobble and run as fast as he could through the gauntlet.

The boys were pulled to the end of a long line of villagers. It seemed all the men, women and children of the tribe were lined up waiting for them. Everyone had something in their hands to strike the two boys as they shuffled as fast as they could done a seemingly endless line of laughing, screaming tribesmen intent on having fun at the expense of the young boys bodies. Running Deer stood there with Little Elk, shaking and held upright by a warrior brave painfully squeezing each arm. Both boys were embarrassed standing there naked, tied and exposed for all to see.

Little Elk was dragged to the line first. He would only run through once. Running Deer would follow behind Little Elk and then have to run back again. If he was able to break his hobble, he could run down the gauntlet as fast as possible. He was allowed to bounce off, push back and kick at his tormentors. Running Deer had thought it out, he would snap the rope during his second pass, and being the tribe's fastest runner, race past by his tormentors and thereby satisfying the tribe. He would be congratulated and win admiration from tribe for his power and speed. If his trickery got found out however, he and his cousin would suffer.

Little Elk was sent to the front of the line; the Tribe's Elder signaled and Little Elk started off, shuffling as fast as his bound feet allowed. Men and women laughed and swung switches and thin sticks at his back and butt as he scuffled by. The younger tribe members however swung at his front and back, striking hard and raising red welts across his body. Of course his private parts were main targets and Little Elk tried hard not to scream out. Surprisingly no one tried to trip him, all of them knowing he was being punished for helping a friend. He was allowed some latitude. Little Elk's body was covered in whip marks from his shoulders down to the back of his lower legs. His skin felt as if it was on fire. About to fall his knees, he spied the end of the line. With a loud war whoop, Little Elk renewed his vigor and walk/ran as fast as he could. As he crossed the end of the gauntlet he fell to his knees; his body covered in sweat, panting from the excursion. He was greeted with cheers and slaps on the back; making him howl and causing the tribe to laugh even louder. He was given water and the rope cut from his ankles. He was surprised and worried when his hands were left tied behind his back. He was forced to kneel and watch Running Deer face his gauntlet now.

Running Deer was not so gently pushed to the start of the line. While the tribe had been somewhat easy on Little Elk because he had helped a friend and never complained or gave up; it would not be so easy on Running Deer.

He had brought shame on himself and his family and well as his friend. He had to finish the run or he would suffer even more. There was no laughter now, just angry shouts and the sound of switches whistling through the air. In many ways Running Elk was close to being a man. But he was still only fourteen years of age; still a boy in many ways. Running Elk tried not to show how frightened he was but his body shook uncontrollably. Several older members of the tribe saw this and understood his fear, but they would not go easy on him. A strong hand shoved him and he stumbled and almost fell. Running Elk, one of the best athlete's of all the boys held his footing as started off. Sticks, switches and whips rained down all over his body. There was no reprieve like Little Elk got. Running Deer was getting the full treatment. Young boys tried to trip him, but he avoided falling. If he had fallen, no one would help him get up. He was nearing the end of the first run. His body was marked with heavy swelling, cuts, welts and seeping blood. He was breathing heavy and tears ran down his face.

He wouldn't be allowed to rest. The was spun around and forced to start his second run. Running Deer yanked hard at his feet, trying to break the hobble around his ankles. He was shoved again and had to start shuffling as fast as he could. Running Deer knew he could not break the rope unless he stopped and pulled hard. He would have endure painful blows from standing still, but if he broke the rope he hoped that would shock the tribe and temporarily stop his beating, allowing him to run as fast as he could to the end of the line. Taking a big gulp of breath he stopped and started yanking on his bound feet. The people laid in on him, striking him without mercy. His body screamed from the pain. But the gods took pity on him and the rope snapped! Free of his hobble, Running Deer broke into a run. What he had hoped would happen did. The tribe was stunned. As he ran past them all they could do was look on his disbelief. Running Deer crossed the line and finished without being struck again. He turned, and chest heaving let out a loud victorious war yelp.

Several older braves joined in, proud of Running Deer's feat. He was given water and pounded on the back, receiving many congratulations. He too had his hands kept tied behind his back and was worried, not understanding. Little Elk was escorted to him and the two smiled at each other, knowing their physical punishments were over. They became frightened when a rope was tied loosely around each neck and they were pulled a long by several teenage boys and girls to the river. They were then picked up and tossed into the water and quickly joined by the others.

They were carefully washed and allowed to drink water. Then brought out of the river and hands still tied were escorted to a teepee. The boys were pulled inside by four boys and girls. They were helped by the four to lie down on soft animal skins and watched as bowls of food and ointments were brought in. A girl and a boy rubbed the ointments on their bruises and feed them by hand. The boys rubbed oil all over Running Deer and Little Elks bodies. Then the girls and boys covered themselves in oil. All six teens glistened in the camp fire light. A girl and a boy began to caress the bodies of the two captives. Then lightly kissing them all over. Running Deer and Little Elk were aroused and their cocks hardened as the two boys licked, then sucked their penises.

The two girls kissed the boys lips and nipples, rubbing them all over. With their hands still tied, the two boys were unable to do anything but lie there and moan, greatly enjoying the sensations. The scene would continue all night, the four boy's cumming several times, the girls enjoying the boys.

The four white captives seemed to have been forgotten. They remained tied to the poles all night long. The younger two certain the end was near. As much as Cole tried to encourage them, Jacob and Jon cried until over come from exhaustion, fell asleep. Cole and Eli soon drifted off, waking many times during the night from their uncomfortable position.

"What if the boys are right and this is the end? Why have we been left alone?" Cole mussed.

"Well I hope its quick, I don't want to be tortured and suffer like I heard happens to a lot white men," Eli whispered.

"But we're just kids. Would they really torture and kill us? Me and Jon ain't even sprouted curlies yet," Jacob signed his voice cracking.

None of the teens said anything after that. Cole looked at the two youngest boys, worried about them. He knew how horrible it could be for him and Eli, but why hurt two little guys? Maybe he could barter his life for Jon and Jacob. Quiet over took the camp and the small fires in front of the boys went out. Slowly the day brightened. Camp life gradually became more active. The white boys shivered in the morning coolest. Their cocks sticking straight out from piss hard-on's. Knowing they wouldn't be untied, they pissed right there, the puddle of warm urine running between the toes of their bare feet. And tightly tied to the poles as they were, there was nothing they could do about it. The rope wrapped around their balls and cocks kept them hard.

The morning's activities around the village continued, and still the whites were ignored. Cooking fires were started, and the smells of food drifted by the boys. Their mouths watered and stomachs grumbled; hungry teenagers that hadn't eaten for a day. The boys could see into the camp area and watched as the natives daily lives unfolded. Cole wondered if they could have been friends instead of enemies, when he thought about it, the settlers and the Indians seemed so much alike.

Several older braves started towards them, each carrying a bowl. When the small party got closer, Cole could see the bowls contained food and water. The men were covered in war paint and glistened from scented oils. They looked fearsome and majestic at the same time. Cole couldn't help but be impressed. All the people in this tribe took great care in keeping themselves and their families clean and fed. They had warm shelters to live in and everyone seemed to have some type of job or chore to do. Then went about their work laughing and enjoying each other. Cole was envious. His family and neighbors weren't like this at all. Their clothes and bodies smelled and they complained bitterly about work and chores. He couldn't believe that he was wishing he lived with the Indians instead of the white people.

Cole watched as the men walked to each boy and waited while another elder stood in front of each boy. The other three captives involuntarily winced as the elder braves got closer to them. Cole was relaxed. He told the others he was sure they weren't here to hurt them, only to give them water and food this time.

Great Eagle, who had accompanied the group, spoke to the four white boys.

"You will be fed and given food. Once you have eaten and drank, we will release you and bring you to the river to wash. Do not try anything foolish."

Without a further word, Great Eagle turned and left followed by a small contingent of elders. The older men entered a large tee-pee and sat around a small fire. A couple of pipes of tobacco were lighted and passed around to each man. Once all had a turn, Great Eagle spoke to them all.

"The time has come to decide the feat of these four white boys. They have shown courage under many of the tortures inflicted on them. Even the young ones have been brave. We shall decide here the fate of each one,"

Great Eagle spoke with ease and elegance to the tribal leaders. They would pass the pipes around again and ponder what would be done to the four. None would speak until they had given it some thought and all comments would be listened to and discussed. While this was occurring, the boys were being fed slowly and given water to drink. They remained tied to the poles, fed by the hand of an elder. Some of the older women had gathered nearby and were commenting, sometimes loudly at the men. The men would turn and angrily yell at the old women. Of course the boys did not know what the two groups were talking about; not understanding the Indians language.

It would have amused them to know that the women were berating the men for the way they fed the boys, exclaiming they would be better at it as all men were basically sloppy. The men were retorting back at the women that they should be doing their chores instead of clucking like chickens at the men. Of course most of these older women were without families and were hoping the four young white boys would be spared and the women could adopt them as their own. Then they would have someone to take care of them.

This was being discussed by the Tribal elders. Normally the older two boys would be tortured to death or traded to other tribes. Maybe even sold to slave traders. But the older women had complained they needed a man or a boy to care for them. The Tribes families had their own to care for and some felt the women were a burden. Having a white slave would make it easier for all.

Jacob and Jon might have it easier, being the youngest. They could be adopted into a family and learn to become warriors. Cole and Eli had a more questionable future. Boys of their age were treated as men, and most captive men were tortured and killed during a long ceremony. But this time it was different. The Elders knew the white men were looking for the boys and may be near their camp in days. The Elders had to decide what to do with the four white boys.


While the talks among the elders continued, sometimes heated; the four boys were brought back to the teepee they were being held in. Their arms were still tied behind their backs, wrists rubbed raw from the harsh hemp rope. They were forced to sit down on the ground, which was covered by buffalo hides. The boy's feet were crossed at the ankles and tied tight, all of them grunting as the rope was wrapped around several times and knotted forcefully. The braves left the teepee and secured the flap. Cole rolled to the opening and peered though a small slit; he saw that they were being guarded by two teenagers in the front of the hut. As they were tied securely, there was no chance of them escaping anyway.

The women hung by the outskirts of the circle of elders, berating them as only women can. They wanted to be heard and they wanted the two younger boys to be adopted by widowed women who had no family to care for them. They reminded the elders they had done it before and the white boys had become honored members of the tribe. Men and women argued for hours into the night, before they decided to rest and then resume again in the morning.

Little Deer and Running Elk lay inside their own teepee exhausted from the orgy they had been part of. Even with their hands tied they still had the use of their mouths, feet and penises. The boys and girls had sucked, fucked and played with each other all night. The two boys had allowed the girls to tie their hands behind their backs like Little Deer and Running Elk and made the four young males suck each other several times that night. They allowed the boys to kiss and lick them, but not fuck them. That was reserved for the young braves. The girls forced the boys to have sex with each other many times that night. In the wee hours of the morning the two girls left the four boys in the teepee; covered in sweat and semen; the boys lying intertwined on the hides. The young women talked and giggled with the other teen girls about their fun with the young males and the sizes of their manhood.

The four white boys slowly awoke from their first relatively quiet night's sleep in a while. The sounds of the day grew louder as more of the tribe rose and went about their morning chores. Cooking fires were built up from the embers of last night and water was carried from the river. Cole's stomach grumbled and he realized they hadn't been feed in over a day. He quietly called out to the other's waking them. With some difficulty the boys got themselves in a sitting position. They found the most comfortable posture was leaning their backs against a pole with their legs straight out. Of course they were exposed to each other to see, but by now they were accustomed to being naked and weren't embarrassed by it.

Cole told the boys "Today is probably when their gonna decide what to do with us."

"How do you figure that Cole?" Eli asked.

"The men have been talking a long time, and arguing with the old ladies, I just figure that's gonna happen. Maybe today at least by tomorrow."

"What are they going to do to us? Are we getting killed?" Jon asked, his voice shaking, lower lip trembling. He was trying hard not to cry.

"I don't think they'll kill us, I think we're gonna be slaves or something, maybe sold. I heard about this happening from traders that use to pass through our farm."

"Slaves? You mean were gonna be slaves to Indians? Jacob whispered

"Maybe, I don't know." Cole said, looking down at his feet.

What Cole didn't say was he and Eli might end up being tortured and killed because they were older than Jon and Jacob. Those two could be either made slaves or adopted and turned into Indians. He didn't want to have to answer a hundred questions the boys would ask if he told them that.

Done talking, the boys were lost in their thoughts. Each one hoping for the best, but expecting the worst. Their bodies still ached and bore the marks of their ordeals from the past week.

The flap was pulled open and two older braves entered with knives showing; the four boys all sucked in their breath and squirmed towards each other, huddling together for whatever protection they muster. They men broke into grins and then laughter and they held the flap opened and four elderly women entered carrying food and water. The apparent leader of the group spoke sharply at the men ordering them to cut the ropes off the white boys.

As the braves advanced on the boys, grabbing Jon first to release him; he let out a wail and thrashed about fearing he was about to be killed.

"Stop it Jon, they ain't gonna kill ya, they are gonna un-tie you." Eli yelled.

Lifting the boy's legs, the brave cut the rope binding his ankles then flipped him over, giving him a hard cracking slap on his butt and then cutting the ropes from his wrists. The other three boys were also untied and left sitting on their butts bewildered by what just happened.

The older brave pointed a knife that them and told them in his langue not to try and escape and not to give the old women any trouble. The two men left, leaving the boys with the four older squaws'. Suddenly self conscious, the boys covered their private parts which made the women break out in laughter. The women went about their business, cleaning and applying their suave to the boy's wrists and other injuries. Then they started to feed and give water to the boys. Finally able to use their hands, the boys dug into the large amount of food and feasted until they were almost sick.

The women chuckled and ran their fingers through the boy's hair; rubbing their backs and sizing them up for what they hoped would be them adopting them into their village.

During the same morning, four braves from the scouting party that had been sent out to track the Army patrol had returned with news. The young warriors entered the camp riding their horses at a fast clip. Their bodies covered in sweat and grime from the hard journey handed the reins to Running Deer and Little Elk; who were now nothing better than slaves for the tribe. The leader of the party, Kiowa barked several orders to the group and surrounding braves; who quickly ran to handle Kiowa's orders.

Great Eagle came out of his teepee and approached Kiowa. The two spoke in hushed tones. Great Eagle sent young boys to gather the elders at the meeting enclosure and ordered food and drink for the scout party. Kiowa walked by Great Eagle's side; talking and then answering Great Eagle's questions. Men and women watched the two; looking for some sign of what Kiowa had discovered. The crowd grew larger and they followed the two men to the meeting place.

Naked, without their ornaments Running Deer and Little Elk gave the party water and then walked the horses to one of the nearby streams. They would clean, feed and water the horses then attend to the braves as needed. The boys were still be punished for their miss-deeds with the white prisoners. They would be taunted, hit and generally treated like white slaves for about a month. Then they would be given the right to earn their way back into the good graces of the tribe. Until then they would remain naked and subject to whatever indignities the tribe bestowed on them; from the youngest to the oldest.

The four white boys were left in the teepee, still naked and their hands and feet once again bound. They weren't subject to any abuse this night however. Several women guarded the opening, shooing away the younger tribesmen who wanted to see the white-eyes and play with them. The old women didn't want them hurt or abused anymore. The two smaller ones would be adopted by two women of the tribe who had lost their family members. Jacob and Jonathan had seen their families killed by the raiding party; while horrified and angry, they knew that none of the other settlers would want them. Extra mouths to feed were an even bigger hardship. Though they wouldn't admit; they secretly hoped they would be adopted by the tribe. They had seen how the members related to each other; like one big family.

While the youngsters in similar age to themselves where punished when they did wrong, the elders treated them with respect and taught them how to hunt and fish, how to use a bow and arrow, how to make a spear among so many other wonderful things. They had lots of friends to play and work with and their days seemed wonderful to Jacob and Jon, filled with laughter and adventures. Jacob remembered the hard backbreaking work of the farm and the meager food supplies. The teacher they had; when there was one at the schoolhouse, was always cruel and hit the children for the slightest infraction. His parents didn't care whether it was right or wrong; if he complained he got a second beating.

Here in the Indian camp; boys were instructed and shown what they had done wrong. Sure, they were hit with switches; but it never drew blood and it all seemed like play; with the boys being chased around the camp while elders laughed and encouraged them. Even the two boys who had been tied up like them had been given a chance to explain and took their punishment. Jacob said several silent prayers that night before falling into his first restful sleep in weeks. Elijah and Cole weren't as hopeful or optimistic as the younger boys. They knew their age was against them. There was a small hope they would escape death and even being sold; but in their minds it was chance that was slim to none. Maybe if they were allowed to speak and plead for their lives, they just might be granted a reprieve. The camp was electric with much talk and speculation of what Kiowa had seen and reported and what would happen to the four white boys.


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