Bill aka StoryguyGrand Tour, 1928 |
SummaryAinsley Montgomery, an English gentleman in his twenties, introduces the American William Taylor into the European boy love world.Nederlandse vertaling: Een Grand Tour in 1928 .
Publ. Mar-Aug 2007 (Nifty & ASSGM); this site Aug 2007
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CharactersMonty & William, both in their 20s, many boy-prostitutes (11-14yo)Category & Story codesConsensual Man-Boy story/brothelMb Mt tb MM – oral anal mast rim – prost spank ws interr (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteLike it? Write to me at bil47_new(at) or use this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line. |
Chapter 1William had been traveling around Britain for two weeks, visiting sites recommended by acquaintances who had toured Europe before, staying at a different hotel or inn for only one or two nights before moving on. It had been interesting to see the historic castles of Wales, quaint villages in the Lake District, and the dramatic scenery of the Scottish Highlands. But he was impatient to experience the most important goal of his trip 3; the secret reason he had insisted on traveling without companions – his obsession to live out a taboo desire that none of his family and friends back in America could ever know about.Walking around the streets of Edinburgh the previous night had been a total disappointment 3; only a few come-ons from rather dispirited 'ladies of the night', whose dubious charms held no interest for him at all. He had his hopes set on London, where he would again set about discretely trying to live out his fantasy. Or perhaps it wouldn't happen until he got to Paris 3; or Rome 3; or Madrid. Or wherever he was going. His traveling itinerary was flexible, constrained only by the already-booked ocean liner passage back to America in a little over four weeks. He would somehow figure out a way to make his fantasy a reality. The first-class car of the train from Edinburgh to London was practically empty when he boarded. He wondered at first if he would have an entire six-person compartment to himself. But just before the conductor called out the departure, a young man entered, shutting the compartment door behind him. He was quite well-dressed, carrying an expensive-looking leather valise, and looking every bit the stereotypical upper-crust dandy. With a boyish face, slight build, and standing only about 5'6" [1.65 m], the man might have passed for a teenager, but for his jaunty mustache. William guessed the man's age to be no more than his own – 22. William nodded to him, with a shy smile. "Hello there!" said the young man, flashing a friendly grin as he took a seat on the finely-upholstered bench across from William. "Ainsley Montgomery, at your service 3; call me Monty," he said, leaning forward and holding out his hand. "William Taylor," he replied, shaking it. "Pleased to meet you." "Ah! A Yank is it? Let me guess 3; just out of university and on the Grand Tour before settling down to a life of drudgery behind a desk?" "Why, yes!" said William with a hearty chuckle. "That would describe it exactly!" They immediately fell into an easy conversation, moved along expertly by the gregarious and charming Brit. William described his recent graduation from Princeton and the job that awaited at the prominent Philadelphia brokerage where his father was a senior partner. Monty had graduated from Oxford two years prior and was basically devoting his life to just having fun, shuttling from his family's estate in the Lowlands of Scotland to their town home in the fashionable Kensington neighborhood of London, and traveling to the Continent whenever the mood struck. "Theoretically speaking, I'm a writer," said Monty. "But I've got a nasty case of writer's block." He winked at William and smiled. "I say 3; will you join me in a refreshment? I've a bottle of whiskey from my uncle's distillery in Glenmorangie, up in the Highlands. He makes just enough to give away to friends and associates, and I love to show it off." William agreed, and Monty pulled his leather travel bag down from the rack, removed a hard-sided case, and extracted a bottle and two small glasses. "Cheers!" he said touching the rim of his glass to the one held by William. "Cheers!" William sipped. Delicious! Smooth, yet complex. They continued to talk, and every so often Monty would top off the glasses with more scotch. As the conversation flowed, Monty showed a truly amazing talent for pulling all manner of information from William. Even when the questions were quite personal, the American didn't hesitate to be candid with the outgoing British stranger. Monty, after all, was more than generous in sharing similar information about himself. When they began exchanging information about their boyhood sexual experiences, William blushed with embarrassment. He had never before talked about these things, but found the revelation to be utterly exhilarating. Monty, on the other hand, seemed perfectly at ease in detailing his early adventures 3; making his boarding school days sound like a non-stop orgy of boy-on-boy sexuality. William, his inhibitions loosened by the drink and prodded along by Monty, described the few incidents of his own youth. These same memories flooded his thoughts nearly every time he masturbated, and it excited him to finally speak of them out loud. He told Monty about his sexual initiation at Boy Scout camp when he was 13, with boys showing off their erections, fondling each other, and engaging in circle-jerks. It was there that William had learned about masturbation and spurting his semen for the first time. He told of more intimate activities with another boy at camp, with whom William snuck off into the woods to masturbate each other's cocks and cautiously experiment with oral sex. And then William revealed his deepest erotic secret, about the wonderful time his 12-year-old cousin from California had visited for a week when William was 14. They had shared his bedroom, and before the first night was over had shared his bed. The cousin had been just as interested in sexual exploration as William, and each night the two boys had engaged in every sex act they could imagine, totally excited and totally lacking in shame. These were things he'd never again experienced with a boy 3; or indeed anyone of either sex or any age. He had been celibate ever since 3; uninterested in girls and women 3; afraid to seek out sex with men or boys. He had never even spoken about these things until the words poured out, there in the train compartment. "Ah, such wonderful memories!" said Monty, getting up to pour another round of whiskey. "I hope you don't take offense from this next question 3; but have you ever wished you could do those same things with a lad, now that you are grown? Do you long to feel a naked boy's body and take him to your bed?" William was speechless for a few moments, and he could feel the blood rushing to his face. This was the reason he had come alone to Europe, eager to discover if boy-sex was actually available in England, where Oscar Wilde had his notorious liaisons 3; or on the Continent, as bawdy rumors hinted. He stumbled to get the words out. "Well, I would 3; I mean, perhaps I've 3; that is, sometimes 3;." The look of embarrassed desire on his face and in his voice told Monty all he needed to know. "Yes; just as I thought! No need to be ashamed, old chum. I'm a boylover myself! Have been ever since school days. Say; I've got some extraordinary pictures of boys that I know you'll enjoy. Want to take a look?" William cautiously nodded his assent and watched as Monty walked over to the door of the compartment, pulled down the shade to block the window to the passageway, and turned the lock. Then he retrieved a small leather portfolio from his luggage, unzipped it, and pulled out a stack of 20 or so picture postcards. These were postcards that could never have been sent through the mail. Monty sat down next to William on the wide bench seat, their legs almost touching. William accepted the stack of sepia-tone photos from Monty, and his hands began to tremble as he looked through the pictures. Each was unlike any photograph he had ever seen 3; boys, alone or in pairs, all on the cusp of puberty at around the ages of 12 through 14. They were posed in front of scenery meant to invoke ancient Greece or Rome, and some wore abbreviated togas or crowns of laurel leaves to add to the classical conceit. Every one of the boys displayed a stiff cock, lasciviously exhibited. Some of the lone figures were masturbating themselves. Those in pairs were either fondling each other, or one was on his knees giving oral pleasure to the other's stiff boy-cock. William was hypnotized by the pictures as he slowly flipped through the collection, lingering on the erotic scenes. His chest was so tight that he could barely breath. His penis stiffened, trapped in his pants, requiring him to embarrassingly reach down to adjust it, and he shuddered with pleasure at the touch. Then he felt Monty's knee pressing against his own, and William glanced over to see that the Brit's hand was massaging his own crotch. "I can tell that you fancy the pictures. I got them in Germany," said Monty, breaking the silence. "It's a paradise there for men such as you and me, men who truly appreciate the beauty of boys. I do hope you intend to visit Berlin in your travels. I can recommend some excellent boy-brothels, and a marvelous nightclub that has the most amazing shows. It's all quite posh and is never bothered by the authorities. Quite affordable too. The Huns are still digging out from their economic mess, and a couple of your Yank dollars will buy an eager lad to take back to your hotel room for the night. Take a look at this picture. Just imagine what it would be like to bugger that adorable round bum, while you're wanking his stiff willy and he's begging for more!" William was dazed with lust. "Yes," he said, almost in a whisper. "That would be wonderful." Monty unbuttoned his tweed trousers, pulled them and his undershorts a few inches down his thighs, and hiked up his shirt, exposing his stiff cock. "Let's you and I have a wank as we look at the pictures. What say? You needn't be shy." William looked down at the young Brit's lap and stared, feeling a combination of lust and embarrassed surprise, as Monty caressed an erection that matched the youthfulness of his face and his slight build. It stood no more than 5 inches [12½ cm], gracefully slender, the pubes shaved bald. His genitals would look just right on a youth of 14 or 15, and William was fascinated as Monty slowly stroked the beautiful circumcised cock. "Go on; take yours out too," said Monty. "I know you'd like to." Barely thinking, as if compelled by Monty's instruction, William complied. He pushed down his trousers and undershorts, freeing his rigid erection. His hand glided up and down along the 6-inch [15 cm] shaft, centering attention on flared ridge of his circumcised cockhead. "I frequently look at these pictures while I wank," said Monty in a smooth, casual tone, as if it were a perfectly ordinary occurrence to masturbate on a train, looking at this kind of utterly-taboo pornography. The stack of pictures was between them on the upholstered bench, and Monty picked up one in his left hand, holding it up so that they could both see it as they stroked 3; like young schoolboys who had just discovered masturbation and were ogling pictures of movie starlets in a magazine. "A pretty lad, don't you think?" asked Monty. "Just entering his puberty. Look at that perky little cock!" "Yes!" replied William breathlessly, as he stroked his penis. "Cute face 3; sexy bottom 3; slender body. Reminds me of my cousin!" He glanced over into Monty's face, and they both smiled. William had been completely seduced by Monty's care-free decadence. "Wouldn't you love to suck him," asked Monty; "just as you did in boyhood?" "Yes," murmured William wistfully; "suck his boner 3; caress his smooth ass as I kneel in front of him 3;." "You and I are cut from the same cloth, Billy!" said the Brit, as he set the picture down, shuffled through the pile, and picked up one showing a close-up of a youth's face as he sucked a barely-pubescent erection. William hadn't been called "Billy" since 3; well, since he was about 14. Hearing it propelled his masturbatory excitement along even farther. He groaned with lust and shivered slightly, totally aroused by the picture of a handsome German boy sucking a hairless cock into his mouth. Monty held up the picture for only about 10 or 15 seconds before replacing it with another 3; then another. The succession of steamy boy-sex images jolted a part of William's brain that seemed to have a direct connection to his straining cock. He began to masturbate more urgently, switching from the rhythmic stroke of his full hand to a rapid and jerky brushing with the ring of his thumb and forefinger across the exquisitely-sensitive ridge of his cock-head. The muscles in his legs tensed 3; little gasps emanated from his mouth 3; he was getting close. Monty, meanwhile, was observing William far more closely than the pictures 3; watching his fingers fly across the crimson phallus, watching his face scrunching with pleasure, listening to the sounds of his lust. But just before William's orgasm washed over him, the voice of the conductor passing by in the walkway sounded just outside the compartment. "Newcastle! Next stop is Newcastle-Upon-Tyne!" William practically levitated off the seat, utterly startled out of his erotic reverie. He pulled up and fastened his clothing in mere seconds, his previously blushing face now pale with fright. "Gosh! I certainly got carried away!" he muttered, looking quite sheepish. But Monty remained exposed, his legs spread lasciviously, slowly running his fingertips along his still-rigid cock, as much for William's view as for his own pleasure. "Carried away? No; I'd say you did exactly what you wanted to do, obeying the dictates of your heart and mind 3; not the nonsensical rules of a repressed society," said Monty in a serious tone. "And we won't be pulling into Newcastle station for another 5 minutes. No need to rush," he added with a grin. William thought for a moment, and then opened his trousers again. His penis had gone almost soft in his momentary panic, but Monty casually reached over and wrapped his hand around it, eliciting a quiet gasp from William and a startled expression. As his cock stiffened beneath Monty's stroking fingers, William relaxed and impulsively reached over to take Monty's erection in his hand. It was his first sexual act with another person since he was 14. The American uttered a quiet moan of pleasure, totally aroused. After two or three minutes of mutual masturbation, Monty pulled away and said "Better make ourselves decent, eh?" The men quickly fixed their clothing, and Monty unlocked the door and raised its window-shade just as the train was slowing down. "Say; here's a thought," said Monty before the train came to a stop in the station. "How about this evening you come by my house in Kensington? I can arrange for a couple of young rent-boys, and we can have a time of it. What do you say?" "Rent-boys?" William asked, wondering if this meant what he thought. His heart was thumping anew in his chest as he imagined the implications. "You know 3; lads who take money for a romp in bed. I know a very reputable gent who runs a service that sends out randy young boys. I'm rather partial to slender, blond-haired 14-year-olds myself. Does that sound like something that might interest you?" "Y-yes! Very much!" William was dizzy at the prospect, and giddy at the way life sometimes played out so perfectly. Only an hour before, he had been contemplating how in the world he might pick up a boy in the streets of London 3; and now it was being offered up to him on a silver platter. "Tell you what," said Monty; "come on directly to my place and spend the night. Nobody's there but the servants, and they're absolutely discrete. We'll ring up your hotel and tell them you'll be a day late. What say?" William agreed instantly, placing himself in the hands of the decadent young gentleman. A middle-aged married couple entered the compartment at the station, squelching the subject for the remainder of the journey. But William's thoughts barely strayed from fantasies of what would occur that evening. It was 7:00 p.m. when the train pulled into the Paddington Station in London. Luggage was loaded into a cab, and not long thereafter the two men were at the entrance of what appeared to be a rural manor-house, but set right in the middle of London. It was far larger than any house in William's wealthy suburban Philadelphia neighborhood. They were met at the door of the richly-decorated mansion by a dour older man who looked as if he played the role of an English butler in a stage play. "I say, Winslow. You're looking awfully chipper this evening," said Monty with good-natured sarcasm. "This is Mr 3; uh, Smith. He'll be staying the night. Prepare the bedroom that connects to mine, will you?" "Of course, sir," the butler replied earnestly, but without emotion. They came into the house, and Monty led them to a comfortable library. "Make yourself at home, old boy, while I make the call." He opened an address book and dialed a number as William looked on. "Hello? Sykes? This is Monty, up in Kensington 3;. Yes, I've been out of town for a few weeks 3;. Thanks; nice to be back. Say, I realize this is awfully short notice, but could you possibly send over a couple of your lovely lads tonight, say at around 10:00 3;. Yes, two lads. I've a friend over, and we'll make it a jolly little foursome, so the boys should be able to play nicely together. You know the kind I like, don't you? 3; Yes; that's right. And my friend likes his a bit younger 3; not yet making spunk but getting rather close, if you follow me." Monty looked over at William and winked. "Do you, now? 3; Are they really? 3; Splendid! 3; Yes; we'll take both of them, by all means! 3; Let me ask my friend." Monty put his hand over the phone's mouthpiece. "Should we get them for the whole night or just a couple of hours?" he asked William. "You can always boot him out of your bed if you don't fancy him, and he'll spend the night in the servants' quarters." "I think all night sound great!" said William with a grin, as it sank in that he would once again be sleeping with a boy. Monty returned to the phone. "The whole night it is. You remember the address on Earls Terrace, don't you? 3; Right. Have them at the servants' entrance at 10:00 tonight, and let my butler know when you'll be picking them up in the morning. Oh, and Sykes, remember that they must be freshly-bathed 3;. Yes, I know you always do; just making sure 3;. Right-o!" Monty hung up and rubbed his palms together in glee. "Are you ready for this, Billy old chum? We shall have two blond lads, 12 years old. No hair; no spunk when they cum. And – this is so wonderful – they're identical twins! Couldn't be more perfectly erotic, eh?" William was almost incapable of speech, but he managed to mumble his appreciation and anticipation. Monty went to the writing desk, took an envelope, and placed into it a 5-pound banknote from his billfold. That was almost $25! [Note: Equivalent to $300 in today's dollars.] Then he pulled on a fabric swath that hung along the wall. In a minute, the butler was at the door. "Winslow; there will be two lads brought to the back entrance at 10 o'clock. See that the man bringing them gets this envelope, will you? And bring the urchins straight away to the lounge adjacent to my bedroom." "Of course, sir," he replied, with only a slightly-raised eyebrow expressing what William took to be disdain. "Will you and Mr. Smith be dining tonight, sir?" "Yes. We'll take a light meal in the family dining room. Have Mrs. O'Leary prepare something that goes with a nice Bordeaux. And draw baths for Mr. Smith and me after we dine." "Of course, sir." And he left the room as discretely as he had arrived. "Let me split the cost with you," said William, hoping for the sake of his traveling budget that the offer would be turned down. "Nonsense, old chap; my treat. Mr. Sykes charges a pretty penny, to be sure 3; perhaps 20 times as much as you would spend to get a suck from a lad in an alleyway near Piccadilly Circus 3; but I'm well-fixed, and the quality of his boys is worth every farthing. Two hours later 3; William climbed out of the bathtub, drying off with a large fluffy towel. His penis was achingly erect, and it took willpower to refrain from jacking it to blessed relief. As he had shaved his face while sitting in the tub, he'd briefly considered going at his pubic hair to achieve the bald look displayed by Monty, but quickly rejected the thought. He put on the robe than had been laid out for him and wandered a short way down the hall to a lounge that connected to both Monty's and William's bedrooms, plushly furnished and decorated, with only a few of the lamps tuned on. Monty had just finished lighting some candles to add a warm glow. He too wore only a robe. "I say, Billy old boy! You look good enough to eat! But I think you'd rather let one our rent boys take care of that, eh?" "Well, Monty, I must confess that the thought of being with a boy has gotten me awfully excited." Monty chuckled. "I confess that I'm excited too!" He untied the sash of his robe and pulled it apart. His youthful-looking erection stood straight up from its freshly-shaved base. William again gazed at it in fascination, never having seen any other person's stiff penis since his boyhood, and never a man's. He moved closer. William's hands parted his own robe, giving Monty a similar view of his straining cock. "Remember where we left off on the train?" murmured the Brit, as he took William's erection in his hand, stroked it gently, and then moved close to rub it against his own cock. In a moment, they were locked in a passionate hug, boners sliding together, hands roaming freely, breathless with lust. "Are you ready to caress a boy's beautiful stiff penis again?" Monty murmured sensuously in William's ear, his words flowing like honey. "Do you remember what it's like to have a boy's delicate hand sliding along your phallus 3; his warm, wet mouth enveloping it 3; his tongue licking at your cock-head?" "Yes!" whispered William dreamily, simultaneously answering the questions and vocalizing the warm lust he felt. He began stroking Monty's erection, slowly at first, then more intensely, caught up in the excitement of the moment. But the handsome Brit gently pulled his hand away. "Let's save it for the boys, shall we?" said the host. "Yes 3; sorry!" Just then, there was a knock at the door. "Enter!" called out Monty, as he tied the sash of his robe. "Splendid timing!" he murmured happily to William. Two boys with straw-colored hair came through the door. The butler remained outside and closed the door behind them. They were dressed in respectable middle-class clothes, so new-looking you'd think the boys had changed at a clothing store on the way over 3; short pants that ended several inches above the knee, unblemished leather shoes, knee-socks, and sleeveless argyle sweaters over crisp white shirts. They stood about 5 feet [1.50 m] tall, nicely proportioned, and their faces were utterly beautiful. The two were virtually identical, except that one boy had his hair parted on the side and combed back, while the other's came down straight, covering his forehead. The one with the part spoke up immediately with a self-confident, informal attitude that bordered on cheeky. "How-dya-do, sirs. My name's Jack and this here's me brother Bert." He spoke with a lower-class London accent, in a pleasingly boyish high-pitched voice with no sign of an adolescent voice-change. "Mr. Sykes wasn't lyin' when he said you was right-proper upper-crust gents! We've been to some posh digs before, but this one takes the cake 3; don't it, Bert?" The other boy was just as talkative. "Blimey; I'll say! It's bloody crackin' alright!" he said as his eyes darted around the richly furnished room. "And you gents are younger and a lot better lookin' than the usual customers." "Are we now?" said Monty with a chuckle. "And how long have you two been turning tricks?" "We've been with Mr. Sykes for only about three weeks," Jack replied. "But we've been around the block a few times. A couple years back, the older lads in the neighborhood showed us the ropes, and started hittin' us up all the time for a bugger or a suck. Even some of the married family-type blokes on our street was after us for a bonk!" Bert joined in: "Then we wised up and set about selling what we was givin' away 3; started bringing home some coin to help out our Mum. Did some street trade at first, down around Piccadilly, but that's kinda scary-like at night, and some of them lousy sods don't pay up after you give 'em a good suck. A young bloke who was also turnin' tricks told us about a bawdy-house for gents who have a taste for boys 3; Mr. Hammond's place on Cleveland Street, in West End. Made some nice coin workin' there, and learned how to give right good service to gentlemen like yourselves." "Yeah; it was a posh joint! Fixed up like the bloody Savoy Hotel," added Jack. "Mr. Hammond liked to work us as a pair, doin' the gents that wanted a three-way. But every Saturday night he put on a to-do 3; a blinkin' orgy it was 3; with the parlor full-up with customers, and a dozen of us boys runnin' around completely starkers, gettin' felt up and snogged by the gents, and gents shaggin' lads right there in front of everyone." "Then about a month ago," Bert chimed in, "the place gets raided by the coppers, and Mr. Hammond gets hauled off to the nick. That's when we took up with Mr. Sykes. He treats us right nice 3; pays good coin 3; dresses us in these nice duds. And we get to work in nice digs like you got here." "So do you enjoy having fun with gents?" asked William. "Oh yes, sir!" answered Bert. "Well 3; 'cept when I get one who likes to give a spanking! I was with a fat old sod a couple nights ago who took me over his knee, and 3;." "Hush, Bert!" said his brother in a scolding voice. Turning back to the men, Jack said: "Mr. Sykes says we're to do whatever you gents want. We'll show you a good time any which way you like." "That's the spirit, lad!" said Monty. "Well, then, let's see what you two look like naked. There will be a tip of 5 shillings apiece if we are pleased with you at the end. And the tip will be our little secret 3; no need to tell Mr. Sykes or your Mum." The boys' eyes lit up. Each lad got only two shillings (a tenth of a pound) from the night's work, to spend as he liked. Their unmarried mother had already received a one-pound note – what a skilled tradesman earned for a ten-hour workday – when Mr. Sykes' driver had picked the boys up from their apartment to get them ready for the job. Sykes kept the rest of the fee for himself. "Five bob each! On top of the other!" said Jack. "Thank you, sirs!" chimed in Bert. "No need for 'sir'. Call me Monty, lads 3; and this is Billy. Now off with those clothes," said Monty, as he poured two glasses of scotch whiskey from a crystal decanter, handed one to William, and they sat down together on a comfortable sofa to watch the show. The boys didn't waste any time, helping each other to quickly shed their clothing, giggling all the while and playfully groping each other's crotches even before their undershorts came off. And then they stood unselfconsciously naked, showing themselves to the men who sat only 5 feet [1.50 m] away. Their bodies were slender but not at all undernourished 3; solid shoulders and a hint of baby-fat. Their milky-white skin was unmarred by blemishes, arms and legs adorned with only the lightest of peach-fuzz. And they definitely knew how to look sexy, clasping their hands behind their heads, shifting from one hip to the other in a provocative motion that pushed their crotches forward invitingly. Their pouting lips and knowingly-erotic eyes radiated sensuality. Their genitals were as identical as their faces 3; and just as beautiful, in their own way. The soft penises were about the length and girth of William's thumb, pointing downward, and had short foreskins that revealed half of the cock-heads. Their balls were about half the size of an adult's, in a soft sack that dangled down a half-inch below the penis tip. "Feel each other up, lads," said Monty. "Get your cocks nice and stiff, and show us what you've got." William could barely breathe as the two naked brothers began manipulating each other's foreskin back and forth as they stood hip-to-hip, quickly stiffening their shapely penises to a nearly 4 inches [10 cm] and completely revealing the rosy-hued glans. "Marvelous!" said Monty. "Now stand right here so we can give you a feel 3; with that sexy pose you were doing, with your hands clasped behind your heads 3; yes; like that!" The two cute young boys were now only a foot away from the men 3; Jack directly in front of Monty, Bert in front of William. William gazed at the perfection of the beautiful boy's body, almost afraid to touch it. After a long moment of looking, he reached out, bringing his hand up beneath the silky ball-sack to fondle it gently 3; then moving up to feel the rigid boner. He could barely breath as his fingertips explored the gracefully proportioned shaft of the sex-flesh, crowned with a slightly- flared head that demanded to be sucked. His free hand slid around to caress Bert's slender rounded butt 3; firm, but baby-soft 3; and his fingers sought the cleft between the cheeks, seeking the tender anal flesh. William pulled the boy even closer, laying his cheek on the warm taut belly. As he inhaled the deliciously subtle boy-scent, William's brain was flooded with desire 3; to kiss the boy's mouth, to suck his flawless erection, to fuck the tight hole that his fingers were stroking. He was so happy 3; so grateful to finally be living what had been his secret obsession for so many years 3; that his eyes moistened with emotion. "Go on, then, man 3; give the boy a suck," said Monty. "You won't be satisfied until you do." William looked over to see Jack sitting sideways across Monty's lap, arms wrapped around the man's neck, as the lad's penis and balls were being fondled. Then his gaze shifted up to Bert's beautiful face. "Would you, Billy? Please?" asked the boy in a charmingly innocent voice. "I'd love a good suck!" "Oh, yes!" breathed William. His heart seemed to be pounding in his ears as he slid off the sofa and knelt on the carpeted floor 3; his hands caressing the boy's thighs and butt 3; his face only inches from the beautiful boyish erection. Leaning forward, his lips sought the soft dangling scrotum, capturing one of the nearly-adolescent balls inside the sack, rolling it on his tongue. He inhaled deeply, intoxicated by the boy-musk that mixed with the scent of bath soap. Then his tongue-tip traced a line from the base of the penis shaft to the tip of the slender cock-head. He moistened his lips and slid them down, ever so slowly, over the glans and half-way down the shaft 3; his tongue flicking all around the boy's pleasure-flesh. His mind was flooded with sensory stimulation, with erotic excitement, and with memories of doing this same thing to his camp friend and his young cousin, eight and more years before. This was ecstasy, and he knew that he would always be addicted to it. William felt Bert's hands stroke through his hair, caressing softly 3; but also directing. With the slightest of pressure, the boy dictated the pace and depth of the man's sucking mouth 3; having William take the length of the shaft in long strokes, further encouraged by the boy's gently thrusting hips 3; then directing him to concentrate for a time only on the foreskin and glans, working on them with his lips and tongue. Time ceased to exist, as he lived only to pleasure this young boy's exquisite penis 3; tirelessly sucking up and down, again and again. Bert's high-pitched voice whimpered with erotic sighs and moans of pleasure. Some of it was intentionally manufactured by the boy-prostitute as part of his professional act, but mostly it was honestly earned. In any event, it provided William's brain with the perfect erotic enhancement, driving him induce even more sounds of lust from the boy. William's hands could feel the muscles tensing in the boy's thighs and butt cheeks, and Bert's thrusting hips became more insistent. William knew intuitively that Bert's orgasm was building, and he intensified his oral efforts, sucking and licking and slurping at the perfect boy-cock that filled his mouth. "Oh! Oh! Yes! Uh! Ah! Ahhhhh!" The rising crescendo of pleasure- noise announced the cumming, as the boy squealed loudly with pure delight, and a spasm ran through his body 3; his erection vibrating as the climax surged through him. Bert pulled his penis from William's mouth, unable to take any more stimulation after his dry orgasm. William watched as the spit-slick rod, deep red in color, throbbed and pulsed, inches away from his face. "Bravo! You gave the lad a jolly good cum!" said Monty in a cheery voice. William looked over to see the man lying back on the plush cushions, and the boy kneeling between his spread legs. Jack's mouth was riding the man's stiff 5-inch [12½ cm] cock, taking it to the hilt in steady rhythmic sucks, as he toyed gently with the man's balls. "That's enough for now, Jacky," Monty said, and casually pushed the boy's face away from his cock. "Time for you lads to show us your skills at a bit of two-on-one. You and your brother work on Billy, whilst I watch," said Monty to Jack. "And then you can switch over to me 3;. Does that sound like a plan, Billy old chap?" "Certainly!" said William, as he rose up from his knees and settled back on the sofa. Bert hopped up beside him, kneeling on the sofa and facing William. Jack took the same spot on the other side. William didn't know what to expect, but the twins just grinned at each other and went to work. They started with his ears 3; nibbling and tickling with lips and tongue, whispering sexy words as they each reached a hand down to stroke and fondle William's body. "You've got a right crackin' cock, Billy; just the way I like 'em," murmured Jack as he sensuously rotated his hand around William's cock-head. "I fancy taking it up me bum tonight. You gonna give me a good fuck 3; nice and hard?" The boy's tongue-tip dipped into William's ear. "Oh, yesss 3;." moaned William. "But not before I give your knob a good suck," whispered Bert in the other ear. "I'm gonna lick and suck everyplace on your body," he said, giving feathery kisses to the man's ear and neck and face. "Would you like to snog with us, Billy?" whispered Jack, his hot breath flowing into the man's ear. "Yes 3;" he groaned again, not actually knowing what "snog" meant, but ready for anything the boys proposed. In a flash, both boys' tongues were attacking William's mouth. He happily joined them, wrapping his arms around the twins' torsos, his hands grabbing their perfect ass-cheeks. As three tongues were weaving and sliding together in sloppy erotic chaos, Monty looked on from his seat right next to them, at the end of the sofa, leaning back as he slowly masturbated himself, enjoying the erotic show. After a few minutes of three-way tongue wrestling, the boys moved south 3; making a double trail of licks and sucks and kisses down William's neck to his shoulders and then his chest, teasing William's nipples to hard nubs and sucking them like hungry babies. They kept going lower, sliding their bodies down and flicking their tongues on William's engorged cock-head. Then Bert took the glans in his mouth and moved his lips sensuously up and down the shaft 3; then lifted off to be instantly replaced by his brother. Jack used a different technique, twisting his head back and forth as his lips and tongue polished the top inch of the erection 3; only to be replaced again by Bert. Whichever boy wasn't sucking William's rigid penis was licking at his balls. They were clearly experienced in double-teaming a man's cock, as the trade-offs seems expertly choreographed. William moaned out loud from the intense stimulation, tensing his muscles, pushing his crotch up, eyes closed, feeling sexual pleasure unlike anything he had ever experienced. Sitting a couple feet away, Monty sighed with vicarious arousal as he watch Jack and Bert working on William's cock and balls. He reached over to caress Jack's butt, which was sticking up invitingly as the boy leaned down to cock-suck. Jack lifted his ass even higher at the man's touch. The boy winked his asshole open for a few seconds, inviting closer attention. Monty licked two of his fingers, loaded a glob of spit on them, and probed them gently into Jack's anal flesh. The boy's pliant hole flexed open again, and both fingers twisted gently into the circle of muscle. A satisfied groan emanated from Jack's throat, muffled by 6 inches [15 cm] of man-cock sliding into his throat. "I say, Billy old chum," said Monty, after he had finger-fucked the lad's ass for a minute. "What say we get a bit creative. Have you ever had a boy's tongue pleasuring your arsehole?" "Wh-why, no!" said William, who indeed had never imagined such a thing. "But it sounds quite extraordinary!" he added, instantly desiring this new taboo thrill. "There's nothing quite like it, old boy!" the Brit replied, standing up behind Jack. "So 3; Master Bertie 3; be a good lad and give Billy's hole a good rimming while you're down there 3; and I shall give Master Jack's bum a jolly-good fucking." "Right-o, Monty!" chirped Bert. "Me brother loves getting a good fuck, and I'm right talented with me tongue!" Bert and Jack each lifted up a leg, pushing them back toward William's chest, as Jack returned to giving a talented and varied fellatio, holding William's ball-sack in his hand for good measure and squeezing gently. Bert fully exposed the man's tender anal flesh, spreading the butt-cheeks apart, and then burrowed in with his face to eagerly lap all around William's hole. Thousands of anal nerve-endings exploded with hyper- stimulation, and William practically shouted from the sudden surge of lust. Then Bert began an even more intense probing of the virgin hole, extending the tip of his tongue as far as it could go, in a steady rhythmic series of pushes in and slight retreats, fucking his tongue into the musty secret place. All the while, Jack was sucking William's cock, as the man squirmed and gasped from the all-out assault of sexual stimulation. As this was going on, Monty took a small bottle of lubricant from the side-table and slathered some on his erection, wiping off the extra on a hand towel. Jack's ass was at just the right level for him to plow into it, but another urge made him pause. Looking down at Bert's rim-job, and then as Jack's clean, pink anus, Monty leaned down and ran his tongue along the tender rosebud of flesh. A shudder of pleasure ran through both the man and the boy simultaneously. As Jack winked the muscle open again, Monty pressed his tongue into the musk of the tight love-channel, as his hands fondled the boy's soft butt cheeks. Then he stood upright, and aimed his 5-inch [12½ cm] cock at the inviting hole. Pushing forward, he sank his slender cock all the way to the hilt with four quick thrusts into Jack's snug but yielding rectum. And then he began a steady fuck rhythm, holding onto Jack's slender hips as he drove his slender cock with full-length strokes, leaving only his cock-head inside when he pulled back, and then plunging to the hilt each time. They settled into a smooth easy flow of fucking, sucking, and rimming, as if this four-way sexual ensemble were nature's most perfect combination. "What a photograph this would make, Billy!" said Monty after a while, his voice breathless. "And wouldn't it be something to add more boys and chaps to the mix 3; another boy to rim my arse as I fuck 3; another chap to plow young Bertie's bum. When you get to Berlin, old boy 3; that's where you'll find such an orgy available on any night. How does that sound, Billy?" "Incredible!" groaned William. "Oh, God! So incredible!" he added in a voice that sounded in pain. His body tensed even more, and he attempted to buck his hips into Jack's mouth, while not losing the glorious anal licking by Bert. His hands went to both boys' heads as a powerful force welled up inside him. "Yes! Yes! Suck me 3; Lick me 3; More! 3; Oh, God; MORE!" Like a man being electrocuted, William's body spasmed out of control as the most intense orgasm of his entire life shot through him, spurting cum like a fire hose into Jack's sucking, swallowing mouth. The boy couldn't manage all of hot semen, and it trickled down his chin in a rivulet. As William was being wracked by his violent climax, Monty speeded up the tempo and intensity of his piston strokes, pounding hard and fast into Jack's backside. Feeling his orgasm rise up, he groaned in a guttural tone and then grunted forcefully with each shot of spunk that shot from his straining cock. Monty stopped his thrusts, embedded all the way inside Jack's rectum, and felt the boy's anus clenching and unclenching rhythmically around his quivering cock. As the bodies disengaged, Monty reached for the hand-towel and tossed it to William, then walked over to a side table and wet a wash-cloth in a basin of warm water, using it to clean off his softening penis. "So, lads 3; do you ever suck each other at the same time?" he asked the boys, who stood together awaiting their instructions. "You mean do a 69-er?" said Jack. "Bloody right we do! Been doin' it since our boners was small as your baby finger." The wide sofa on which William had been sitting was the perfect venue for a mutual suck. Jack lay on his back and Bert climbed on top of him, facing the other direction. The men sat on each end, and each had a boy's thighs draped across his lap, so they watch the action close-up and caress the boys' bodies as Jack and Bert went at it. Bert went down on his brother's stiffy, and Jack directed Bert's cock into his mouth with his fingers. The two had done this act for their own amusement hundreds of times before, and their mouths set to work enthusiastically, taking each other's 4-inch [10 cm] erections to the hilt at each slurping stroke, knowing just how to most efficiently bring about a pre-pubescent dry orgasm. Monty's and William's hands wandered over the boys' bodies 3; Monty feeling Jack's luscious thighs and fondling the sexy lad's half-size balls and silky scrotum 3;. William paying special attention to Bert's adorable upraised ass. William licked his middle finger and ran it along the tender flesh of Bert's inviting anus, bring a muffled squeal of delight from the boy, even as he continued to energetically suck his brother's cute young cock. "Do you think you'd like to rim it, Billy?" asked Monty. "It's well scrubbed, in case you're concerned, and I can assure you that rimming a young boy is sexy as the dickens!" William thought for a moment, then slid around so he was kneeling between Bert's legs. He spread the tender, round ass-cheeks, leaned down, and ran his tongue across the pink anal pucker. A thrill ran through the American. He liked it! William licked more excitedly, running his tongue all around the tender skin. Then he pressed his tongue tip against puckered hole, just as Bert flexed the muscle open, and it slid into the taboo orifice. An hour ago, William would never have dreamed of doing such a thing, but there he was, eating out a 12-year-old boy's sexy asshole. It wasn't long before the boys' slender young bodies were squirming with the rising tension of orgasm, and almost simultaneously their muscles stiffened as sexual climaxes washed over them. William's tongue felt the vibrating spasms of Bert anal muscle, and he burrowed into the hole even more aggressively. The boys hopped up, grinning broadly. Their reddened, spit-slick dicks were still fully erect, ready for more fun. "I'm feeling a bit left out," said Monty in a mock-pitiful voice. "I think I deserve to have Bertie and Jacky work on me together now 3;. Is that alright with you, Billy? We shan't leave you stranded for long, and you should feel free to dip your wick into a wiggling bum if you wish 3;. come on, then, lads. Come here and give me your best two-on-one. Get me hard again." The two practically jumped on Monty as he sat on the sofa and spread his arms to embrace them. Duplicating their previous pleasuring of William, the twins lavished kisses, licks and nibbles on Monty's ears 3; his neck 3; his mouth. Then they moved down, licking at his armpits, sucking at his nipples, tonguing his navel. And then double-teaming his cock, sucking it to erection once again. "Bertie, lad 3; stand up here and pop your cock in my mouth. And Jacky 3; give me the full treatment down there." William gazed upon the pornographic display he stroked his cock hard again, his lust stoked by the sex-show unfolding before him. Bert had stood up on the sofa, his feet straddling Monty's hips, his hands resting on the sofa's back. He brought his crotch forward at just the right level to slide his boy-boner into the man's waiting mouth. Monty sucked it in, holding Bert's irresistible butt with both hands, guiding the boy's hips forward and back in a smooth mouth-fucking rhythm. Monty took the entire boy-sized erection with ease, and his slurping noises and guttural vocalizations of pleasure filled the room. Meanwhile, Jack energetically worked his mouth on Monty's bald 5-inch [12½ cm] cock and his shaved balls. William could stay out of the action for only a few minutes before being compelled by his lust to join in. He got up off the sofa, knelt down beside Jack, and began running one hand over the boy's butt. His other hand slid underneath to fondle Jack's penis, finding it still gloriously stiff. He pondered which of the appealing alternatives should get his full attention. Should he fuck the boy's inviting ass, as Monty had done in the similar circumstance? Or should he position himself underneath the boy to suck his boner? His salivating mouth answered the question for him 3; he was hungry for boy-cock 3; increasingly single-minded with the thought of having a 12-year-old's beautiful erection sliding between his lips again. He got a thick cushion, positioned it just right, and slid his body under Jack's so that the kneeling boy's cock was directed right into the American's mouth. Once again, the two men and two boys were an integrated machine of four-way sex. Each of them was awash in lust and pleasure as the mass-sucking went on and on. The boys orgasmed first, their immature penises primed for almost-limitless dry orgasms. William gloried in the sensation of the stiff boy-cock spasming with pleasure in his mouth. Monty wanted to save his second load, so he pulled Jack's mouth off his erection. The four of them stood up and Monty poured four shot glasses of scotch whiskey. "Cheers lads!" he said, and downed his drink in a gulp. The boys went at theirs with gusto too, but both coughed a bit as the hot fluid went down. "Crackin', Monty!" said Jack with a grin. "Yeah," Bert agreed. "So, Billy," said Monty as he set down his glass; "should we pair off and each take one of these fine young chaps to bed. There's plenty more fun to be had tonight, but I fancy some private time with just me and a lad. Hope you don't mind." "Not at all! I think that would be great!" replied the American. "Which would you like for your bed tonight? Your pick." "Gosh! They're both utterly charming 3;" He smiled at the boys, and they at him. He had a feeling that Monty preferred Jack. "I think I'll take Bert." Bert beamed. "Right-o!" he said in a happy voice, as he hugged William and lifted his head up to receive a kiss. "Suits me marvelously!" said Monty, holding out his arms for Jack, who looked equally pleased. "Here," he said to William as he handed him the decanter of scotch. "I've another in my bedroom." The men led the boys in separate directions, to bedrooms that connected to the lounge on opposite sides of the room. "I'm so glad you picked me, Billy. I really like you!" said Bert in his most sincere and innocent voice as the bedroom door closed. He'd used similar lines with many customers, but this time he actually meant it. William blushed slightly. "Well, I like you too. I like you VERY much!" Impulsively, he reached around the boy's back and underneath his legs, picking him up. Bert wrapped his arms around William's neck, and they kissed 3; softly at first, then with increasing passion, as William walked them over to the bed. Setting him down gently, William stood by the bedside watching as Bert moved his naked body sensuously on the soft sheet, stretching like a cat, as his hands roaming over his chest and thighs and crotch. He was well-experienced in the business of pleasing men, and fully aware of how to make himself alluring to a boy-fancying customer. "I want to do everything with you tonight, Billy," the boy cooed, as he rolled on his side, pulling a leg forward, running his hand along his rump, exposing the pink rosebud anus. "We shall do everything you've ever dreamed of, and I'll be the best boy you ever had." "Yes!" sighed William with quiet excitement as he stared at Bert's erotic ass. "Everything!" A small bottle of lubricant sat on the bedside table, and William reached for it. "Please fuck me, Billy!" said the boy, observing the man's intention. "Fuck me good!" He rolled onto his belly, bent his knees to raise up his beautiful round butt, and hugged a pillow to his chest. He was a vision of voluptuous boyhood sexuality, his eyes gazing dreamily at William as his tongue licked across his lips. "This is so great!" William mumbled to himself, as he smoothed oil onto his cock and positioned himself behind the waiting boy. His hand briefly fondled the flawless ass cheeks, and then he positioned his cock-head at the entrance to paradise. "Give it to me, Billy! Push it in me! I want your beautiful cock inside me!" Bert's words and boyish pleading voice were well-practiced, designed to inflame his customer's desire. And at the instant William's cock-head pushed forward, the boy flexed open to accept it, allowing the slippery boner to ease into the tunnel of warm flesh. William felt as though he were living in a dream, his consciousness totally focused on the erotic sensations. He was sexually penetrating another person for the first time 3; losing his virginity at age 22. It was so incredibly wonderful for his cock to push into Bert's tight but yielding anus, his hips knowing intuitively how to thrust into the boy, listening to Bert sigh and coo with satisfaction as he pushed his ass up and back. William's 6 inches [15 cm] were all the way inside the boy in a few slow thrusts, and he paused there, savoring every bit of the experience. He felt the boy's anal muscle clenching and unclenching around his cock, and the sensation impelled him to pull back and thrust again 3; this time sinking to the hilt in one thrust. "Oh, yes!" moaned Bert. "Fuck your boy. Fuck your boy's arse!" The American thrust again, harder. And then again, faster. In a rutting daze, the man's hips worked like pistons, picking up speed as the urgency of his sex-drive impelled him. Even if William's brain had wanted to take it slow, his body would have overruled. As he fucked the boy, he reached around to stroke Bert's stiff penis, running the foreskin back and forth over the glans of the rigid boy-boner. Nothing else existed in William's world except his single-minded raw lust 3; the imperative to spurt his seed deep inside the boy's ass 3; the pleasure of jacking the lad's rigid 4-inch [10 cm] dick 3; the warmth and softness of the small body beneath him. The grunts and moans and sighs from both the boy and the man blended in a harmony more compelling than any music William had ever heard 3; reaching a crescendo as Bert's orgasm caused his anal muscles to spasm around the powerfully-thrusting cock, driving William over the edge into indescribable ecstacy. As hot semen pulsed from his cock, William stroke to push even deeper into the boy's ass. Bert pushed back just as hard, anxious to take it. Finally the man collapsed onto the boy, pulling them both onto their sides, spooning tightly as William's cock remained buried in Bert's rectum. He kissed the boy's shoulders and neck, inhaling the boy-scent of his skin and soft clean hair, as his hand flowed over Bert's soft body and still-erect penis. When William's shrinking cock finally slipped out of the hole, the boy turned around in the man's arms, then rolled on top of the man. Their mouths joined in a long, languid union of tongues 3; their previous urgency giving way to the timeless bliss of afterglow. But as the man ran his hands languidly over the boy's back and ass and thighs, feeling the pull of sleep, Bert was refreshed and ready to continue the sex-party. "What do you fancy now, Billy?" said Bert, with a grin. "Gosh, Bertie! After what we just did, I don't think anything else I'll ever do could compare! I've had two orgasms tonight and I feel exhausted." "Crikey! We're just gettin' started, Billy!" said Bert with a giggle. "Bet I can give you another cum that'll top that last one!" "Alright, then," said William, chuckling. "I put myself in your hands. What shall you offer me as I lay here that will get me off again?" "You're in my hands, are you? Well, how about I put some of this here oil on your knob and balls and arse, and get you nice an stiff again." He reached for the bottle of lube at the bedside. "And while I'm wankin' ya, I slip me finger up your arsehole and wiggle it a bit." His fingertip slid across William's anus in a feathery touch. "And then I oil up me bonner and give your arse a fuck. Does that sound like a plan?" "Yes 3;. YES! It sounds perfect!" William hugged and kissed Bert, and then the boy went to work. The next morning 3; William woke as a stream of light hit his eyes. "Breakfast is almost ready, Billy," said Monty as he finished opening the draperies. Monty was completely naked as he walked over to William's bed, his genitals even more boyish-looking in repose. William's first reaction on waking was to blindly reach his arm over to the other side of the bed, feeling for the boy who had gone to sleep in his arms. "The lads left two hours ago," said Monty. "Winslow retrieved your lad without waking you. He's good at that. But I made sure I was up to give them their extra shillings for a tip. How did it go with Bertie? I gather he pleased you." For a moment, William's mind flashed back to the incredible sensation of laying on his back with his legs pulled back, his oiled cock being skillfully masturbated, and the boy's slender 4-inch [10 cm] erection fucking his ass for what seemed an eternity of blissful and totally-novel sexual pleasure. "It was wonderful Monty. Absolutely wonderful. I don't know how to thank you for giving me this opportunity." "Well, perhaps you'll let me slip under the covers with you. I'm getting a bit of a chill standing here starkers." "Oh; certainly!" said William, pulling back the top sheet, partially revealing his own naked body 3; and his firm erection. "And how was your time with Jack?" he asked as Monty settled in, facing him. "Jacky pleased me quite well. He was quite skilled, and what little he didn't know, he learned rather precociously." The last comment caught William's attention. "What did you two do after we parted ways?" "Oh, the usual 3; and some things that you might perhaps find to be not so usual. I've a few odd kinks," he said with sly grin. "But that'll be between Jacky and me 3; at least for now." He winked, and then moved a little closer to William on the bed. William startled slightly as he felt Monty's fingers wrap around his cock. Then he relaxed and smiled. "Over breakfast we shall plan out the rest of your Grand Tour. While you are here in the city, we must visit some of my favorite discrete spots. Maybe bring some boys here to the house again. Then we'll send you off to Berlin 3; Venice 3; Morocco. Ah, it shall be such fun for you to experience the most perfect boys, Billy, before you must get back to America, marry some debutante, and breed a litter of brats." His hand began masturbating the American's cock more firmly. "What say I remedy this stiffness of yours?" said Monty as he pushed the bed sheet aside. "I'd love a taste of cream before breakfast!" "Yes 3;" sighed William, as Monty flipped around in the 69 position with his own stiffening cock temptingly close to William's face. Yes; thought William. This Grand Tour is turning out perfectly.
Chapter 2As Monty flipped around into the 69 position, his stiffening cock was temptingly close to William's face. Thoughts of the previous night's erotic marathon with the 12-year-old rent-boys faded from William's brain as he felt the man's mouth envelop his cock.William stared at Monty's surprisingly youthful-looking erection as it pumped to full erection before his eyes. It looked so much like a young teenager's cock 3; shaved of pubic hair, gracefully slender, and only 5 inches [12½ cm] in length. William's hand gently fondled the circumcised penis, feeling it pulse with lust. "Suck it, Billy," urged the upper-class Brit, removing his mouth from William's 6-inch [15 cm] boner for only a moment and then devouring it again. That was all the encouragement the American needed to wrap his lips around the delicate glans and tongue it 3; then slide his mouth down the shaft, as a shiver of erotic excitement surged through him. As he sucked, his mind sifted through its store of erotic memories 3; of the 12, 13, 14-year-old boys on whom he had secret crushes 3; the times in high school when he'd maneuvered to join the freshman boys in the shower room after athletics, stealing glances at their crotches 3; of a particular 14-year-old boy-god whose beautifully formed penis and balls, devoid of hair, had been the pinnacle of youthful eroticism for William. He often fantasized sucking that boy's dick, imagining himself on his knees, in the showers, using his mouth to stiffen that adolescent cock to erection and bring it to a spurting orgasm. And now those fantasies were playing out during his energetic mutual blow-job with Monty. William's mouth slid aggressively up and down his British friend's beautiful erection, taking it to the entrance of his throat, slathering his tongue all around the shaft and glans. He was so hungry to suck cock 3; a pleasure so often imagined and so long denied. It felt utterly perfect to be doing this, filling him with incredible joy and satisfaction, as though 69ing with a youthful cock in his mouth was all he ever wanted to do. And then, suddenly and unexpectedly, Monty pulled away and flipped his body back around, face-to-face with William and smiling. "Slow down, old boy! Makes for a better cum if we stretch it out a bit, don't you think? You would have had me shooting my spunk in another 30 seconds." He snuggled his body close to William's, rubbing their hard cocks together and stroking his hand along the American's butt. "You said on the train yesterday that you'd not had a sexual encounter since you were 14 years old? Amazing! I'd never have thought that a man who hadn't sucked a knob in eight years could pick it up again so skillfully. You're as good a cocksucker than a first-rate London rent boy!" Monty brought his mouth to William's lips, and within seconds their tongues were snaking together sensuously, as their erections rubbed against each other. "Monty," said William when the kiss broke. "I've had such incredible experiences in the short time since we met 3; and I suspect I still have so much to learn. Tell me 3; which sexual act arouses you the most? What brings you the greatest pleasure?" "Ha! Now there's a difficult question!" He gave William a quick peck on the lips. "It's like asking a glutton to name his favorite sweet. I should tell you that I am a sexual omnivore, and there are few erotic sensations I do not relish. I will bed a man of 60 years if he has maintained a satisfactory physique and an adventurous spirit. And I've taken a six-year-old-boy in a Moroccan brothel, where a lad of that age is considered a perfectly appropriate practitioner of the sexual trade. I've even had a girl on occasion, for a bit of variety 3; though I'm quite picky in this and insist on only a child on the cusp of puberty, whose chest is just beginning to bud." Monty reached down and stroked William's cock lightly. "But I'd say that my greatest pleasures come from reliving some of the wonderfully deviant fun I experienced at public school 3; what you Yanks would call private boarding school. 'Bullying, buggery, and beatings' and all that. Rather intimidating for a newly- arrived schoolboy; but quickly accommodated, and even enjoyed by the youngster in a perverse way. And by the time the lad is a senior prefect himself, dishing out the spankings to young boys and getting his cock serviced by them afterwards, it is utter bliss." The Brit increased the intensity of his cock-stroking and whispered in William's ear. "Were you ever spanked on your bare bum, by an adult or older lad 3; with your cock throbbing stiff despite the burning pain delivered by the hand or paddle? Or have you ever done the opposite 3; ordering a young lad to drop his trousers and underclothes 3; exposing his lovely boyish penis 3; taking him across your lap and warming his bum 3; then giving him a good fuck, or having him suck you off?" William was so aroused 3; both by the whispered words and the masturbating hand 3; that he was practically gasping for breath. "Yes 3;. but it was long ago," he said, as his mind filled with memories of the bare-bottom spankings he'd received occasionally from his father as a boy. Indeed, thoughts of being spanked, and of spanking another boy, had been an exciting subject for his pre-erotic fantasies in the years before puberty turned his thoughts to more explicitly sexual topics. "But I never figured that I might ever actually 3;." His words were cut short when Monty's began kissing him again; sloppy wet tongue-lappings that William returned with equal enthusiasm. Monty rolled on top of him, thrusting his cock against William's, and pinning William's hands to the bed like an older boy bullying a younger one. He looked down at the young man beneath him, smiling devilishly as their crotches rubbed together sensuously. William was enjoying it totally 3; being held down, being humped like a helpless girl. He felt his orgasm rising up, ready to give blessed relief to his achingly-stiff cock. But then Monty suddenly stopped, slid off, and seated himself cross-legged beside William, his face animated with excitement. "I know the perfect brothel that we can visit tonight, Billy! You shall have your pick of an older lad who will play the role of senior prefect, or a younger boy who will be the misbehaving first-year boy for you to punish." Monty closed his eyes and licked his tongue hungrily across his lips. "But let's have a good cum now, and then get on to breakfast. He flipped his body around yet again and wrapped his lips around William's straining cock. As the American began sucking as well, they both knew that they'd be tasting each other's semen very shortly. Later than night 3;. Monty and William had spent the day sightseeing around London, so he would be able to report to the people back home about all the tourist spots 3; the British Museum, the Houses of Parliament, and the Tower Bridge. For dinner, they ate at Monty's private club, chatting it up with his upper-class friends. Then it was on to the Palladium Theatre for the vaudeville show of singers, comedy skits, dancers, jugglers, and a trained-dog act. As they left the theater at 11:00, Monty guided William around the corner to the broad thoroughfare of Regent Street, and they headed toward the lively action of Piccadilly Circus – London's version of New York City's Times Square. Along the way, they received solicitations from several provocatively-dressed and gaudily-made-up whores, as well as from pimps quietly offering women or girls in nearby rooms. Monty casual dismissed them all as they continued walking. A couple blocks before they reached the neon-lit bustle of Piccadilly, Monty said: "Do you wish to see where the street-boys work? We shan't buy what they're selling of course 3; we've a proper brothel to patronize. But you might find it interesting." "Street boys selling sex? Yes! I'd like to see that very much!" "Jolly good! Follow me, then," said Monty. "And put your billfold in your front trouser pocket and keep a hand on it." They turned down a narrow side street that wasn't nearly so well lit as the Regent Street, lined on both sides with small shops that had been closed for hours. The shops became progressively less prosperous-looking the farther away they walked from Regent Street. Two blocks along, they turned down a narrow ally, completely unlit. Lining both sides were darkened warehouse buildings. It seemed at first as if the long alley was equally deserted. But as they walked along, and William's eyes adjusted to the darkness, it took on a Dickensian atmosphere of furtive human activity. Narrow walkways between buildings, only four or five feet wide, branched off from the alley, and boys of various ages loitered in doorways and just inside the walkways. In a dark doorway, a boy talked in hushed tones with a potential customer, who kept his back turned to Monty and William so that his face wasn't visible. Ten yards down a walkway, a boy was on his knees, sucking a man whose hands held the lad's head while his hips bucked forward. Yet another boy was leading a man away to a nearby tenement, where a few shillings secured a dingy room for an hour of sex. [NOTE: One shilling ("bob") in 1928 has a value of $4 today. One pound ("quid") is 20 shillings – $80 in today's money.] "Evening, gents!" said a shabbily-dressed boy, stepping out from the pitch-dark of a doorway. "I'm your lad tonight. I'll take one of ya, or both together; and I'll show ya a right good time. Whattaya say?" His hand rubbed his crotch as he tried to project an air of self-confidence and seductiveness. "Not this time, sonny," said Monty. The boy shrugged and stepped back into the blackness of the doorway. They walked a little farther along. "Hey!" (sounding more like "oy") grunted a toughened youth in his mid-teens, as he emerged from a doorway. His crooked nose suggested a propensity for brawling, adding to the menacing look. He surveyed the two young men 3; especially Monty 3; and said "You're lookin' for rough-trade." It was a statement, not a question. A riding crop that dangled from his hand suddenly slapped against his thick canvas trousers. "I'll warm your bum right-fine, just like you was in school again, and give you a good fuck to boot." Monty chuckled at the boy's cheekiness and his familiarity with upper-class fetishes. "I certainly believe you would! But not tonight, I'm afraid." "Suit yourselves," said the boy, dismissively. The men walked away. "Psst! Over here!" The voice came from the shadows at the entrance of a narrow walkway between buildings. A boy with a none-too-bright look on his face stood with his trousers at his ankles. His shirt covered his crotch, but his hand was underneath, obviously playing with his penis. "Look what I got for ya, gents," said the young teen. Pulling up his shirt, he revealed a prodigiously-sized cock 3; 8 inches [20 cm] at least, and thick 3; incongruous on his young body. He smiled, showing crooked and yellowed teeth. "Wanna suck it?" he asked, stroking his pole slowly. "Ya fancy taking it up your bum? I'll go in nice and slow-like." "Good God, lad! You're hung like a horse!" said Monty with a chuckle. "How about six-pence [half a shilling] for my friend and me to give it a feel?" "One bob for a feel. Two if you want me to shoot the spunk." "Jolly good!" said Monty, as he pulled a two-shilling florin from his pocket and tossed the silver coin to the boy, who caught it with the hand that had been stroking his cock. Both men took turns feeling up the whopper, hot and pulsing with erotic potency, and the full balls that hung beneath. "Go on, Billy. Give him a good, brisk wank. We shall see how much and how far he shoots." "Alright, Monty. Here goes!" As he ran his hand up and down the thick shaft, his other hand caressing the boy's tight butt. William stood off to one side, mindful of not getting semen on his clothing. The boy's breath quickened and his buttocks tensed as William began stroking even more quickly and firmly. In less than a minute the boy was gasping as a shot of cum spurted from the over-sized cock, followed quickly by two more. "Ah 3; nice one!" sighed the boy. "My second of the night. Reckon I'm good for two more before I'm done 3; one for each of you gents. D'ya fancy going with me to a room?" "Thanks, lad, but no," replied Monty. "We'll be off now. Ta!" Farther down the alley, a minute or so later, two boys sauntered out of a walkway, smiling broadly. One had hair that was dyed an unnatural shade of blond, the other a garish shade of red. Both wore lipstick, rouge, and eye makeup in an amateurish imitation of the whores in Piccadilly Circus. Though they were wearing ordinary trousers, their shirts appeared to be cast-off women's blouses. The blond moved in to embrace William as if they were long-time lovers, and his hand began to massage the man's crotch. "You got a nice knob there, mister," the boy cooed seductively. "You want a hot sissy-boy tonight? I'll be your sexy girlfriend and let you fuck my nice tight arse-cunt." The boy's other hand was wandering quickly over William's chest and ass. His face inclined up, with flaming-red lips pursed, inviting a kiss. William, amused at the boy's audacity, was removing his hand from his pocket to impulsively embrace the feminine boy. Suddenly, Monty's angry voice startled him. "Back off, you pick-pocketing lout!" called Monty, as he pushed away the red-headed boy. William likewise backed away from the blond, feeling foolish for not realizing immediately that the boy was after his wallet. The two boys went running down the walkway into the darkness. "Bloody little thieves!" said Monty. But he was smiling, and he winked as if it were all good sport. "Still have your billfold, Billy?" The American nodded in the affirmative and breathed a sigh. "Those were the homeliest sissy-boy whores I've yet seen!" said Monty with a chuckle. "There's a boy-brothel up in Cambridge where the lads are dressed up as girls 3; French maids, flappers, school girls 3; all of them nicely made up and coiffed. They are pretty things and quite feminine, but all-boy where it matters!" Then a bit farther on, as they neared the end of the alley 3;. "Beg pardon, sirs. Would you take me tonight, please?" "How old are you, lad?" asked Monty, surveying a small boy who moved out of the shadows and stood before them, dirty and shabbily-dressed, but with an angelic face. "Er 3; I'm 12, sir." William and Monty both stifled a laugh. The cute little ragamuffin was clearly no more than 8. "I'm kinda small-like for me age 3; ya know? But I can take care of ya as good as any bloke in the alley. I've a tight bum-hole, but it'll take a nice big knob, easy as you please. And you can both bonk me 3; one right after the other. And I can suck you off like you ain't never had before 3; take it all the way down me gullet, I can 3; and swallow every drop of your spunk too." "How much do you charge, boy?" asked Monty toying with the boy. "Two for the price o' one, I'll give ya." He looked from Monty to William and back again, deciding what amount to offer up. "Ten bob, and that includes the room," he said boldly. "Bollocks!" said Monty with a laugh. "You're working in the wrong place, lad, with those prices. Ten shillings, indeed!" The boy looked insulted for a moment, but then said: "Five bob?" "Come on, Billy; let's go." "Two, and I'll suck you both here in the alleyway," said the boy, sounding a bit anxious. "No lad; sorry," said Monty, as he started walking away. The boy grabbed at William's arm. "One shilling for a hand-job?" He was even more anxious. "And you can diddle me knob whilst I do ya!" He pulled open his grimy, tattered trousers to display his immature little penis and small round scrotum. "Please?" There was just enough ambient light for William to see a small tear rolling down the boy's dirty face. William took out his billfold, onto which he'd been holding tightly, and handed the boy a one-pound note. "Blimey! A quid? You gents want me for the whole night, then? Bloody hell! You can have me for a two days straight for a quid 3; and I'll do all your friends and cousins too." The small boy looked around furtively before folding up the banknote and putting it inside his shoe. Then he began unbuttoning William's trousers. "How 'bout I give you a suck now 3; just for starters?" "No, boy," said the American. "The only thing I want is for you to run along home. And tomorrow, take the money and buy yourself some decent clothing and some food. And a visit to the public bath-house would be in order too. Understand?" "Yes, sir! Thank you, sir!" "Billy, you're either soft in the heart or in the head!" said Monty. And then, turning to the boy, he said: "Lad, you're cute enough to work in brothel and get out of this alley. Can you read?" The boy nodded. Monty removed his address book from his jacket pocket, extracted a small pencil from a slot in the binding, and wrote on the little pad of note paper. "Go to this address tomorrow afternoon, after you get cleaned up. Ask for Mr. Marlow, and tell him Monty sent you. It's all written on the note. Get along now!" The boy scampered away without looking back. "Do you think he'll do it?" asked William. "I'll find out soon enough," said Monty. I get around to Marlow's place whenever I'm in London, to have a taste of the young pretty ones. I'll be looking for our little scamp next time I'm there. Come on, now; let's get out of here. My favorite sporting-house awaits. The proprietor has quite an imagination in dressing the lads up and giving them a bit of a sexy back-story. Here we go." They made their way back out onto the bustling street and through the milling crowd of bar patrons who were exiting the pubs of Piccadilly Circus at the mandatory closing-time of 11:25 p.m. At Sherwood Street, they walked past a tobacconist shop on the corner, and Monty said: "It's in back and upstairs from the shop here. We get in around the side." They turned down the side street and walked almost to the end of the building before coming to an unmarked door. Monty gave it three soft raps, followed by two more, and a peep-slot slid open 3; just like a speak-easy back in the States. The door opened and they entered a small foyer facing another door. The man who'd let them in was a middle-aged tough, who looked every bit the low-level gangster that he indeed was. "Evening sirs," he said in a deep, gravelly voice. "Good to see you again, Mr. M." "Likewise Jake!" Monty said as he palmed a folded 1-pound note into the bouncer's hand. "And give my regards to your employer next time you see him." "I'll do that, sir. Thank you kindly, sir!" the tough-looking man said humbly. He took a key from his pocket and turned it in the deadbolt lock on the inner door, then opened it for them. "In you go now." They entered a comfortably-furnished room that could have been the lounge area of a small hotel, with a record playing quietly on a victrola and a half-dozen seated boys 3; a pair of them chatting, two more playing cards, and the other two looking at comic books. They were dressed in a varied assortment of clothing, but all were freshly scrubbed and looking very sexy. A plump man in his early-30s jumped to his feet and began fussing over the two customers. "Welcome! Come in! So wonderful to see you, Your Lordship!" William looked over at Monty and raised his eyebrows. Lordship? Monty's face made a mock-embarrassed expression. "Now, Hastings; no need for honorifics. 'Monty' will do. May I introduce my American friend, Billy." The proprietor bowed formally. "Billy, this is Mr. Hastings," Monty continued. "He manages the finest boy-brothel in the British Isles." The effeminate Hastings gushed briefly with false modesty, and then got down to business. "As you can see, we've a couple of your favorites currently available, Monty." The young aristocrat acknowledged two of the boys with a nod of his head for one and a wink for the other. "And some other fine lads besides," Monty said. "What say you give us the full preview of your boys." "Of course! Boys; line up, please." The six boys formed a random line, looking like characters from a play in their costumes. Hastings introduced each with a story that the boy would be ready and willing to act out in fantasy role-playing while entertaining a client in a room upstairs. "This is your 13-year-old nephew, Ronny," said Hastings, putting his hand on the shoulder of a cute boy dressed in well-tailored velvet sailor suit, of the kind that was popular for upper-class boys. "He has just arrived at your country-house to visit for a fortnight, all by himself." "Evening, Uncle!" said the boy cheerfully. His hand slid down to his crotch, rubbed it. With a mischievous gleam in his eye, he said: "I've been practicing wanking, just like you taught me last visit. Would you teach me some new things tonight?" The men chuckled at the set-up line and then moved to the next boy. "This is Toby, your 14-year-old stable boy," said the proprietor of the handsome young adolescent dressed in plain (but clean and tight-fitting) work clothes. "I'm all done with me chores, sir," said the lad. "If there's anything else you want me to do, just let me know." He gave a wink and a knowing smile, as his fingers undid the top button of his trousers and shifted his hips to push his crotch forward. William felt his cock stiffening in his pants. He'd take either boy in a heartbeat, and there were still four more to go. Hastings introduced the next one. "David is 16, and he is a prefect at your School," said Hastings of a teenager wearing the upper-classman's traditional black suit with a tail-coat. "It's time to face your discipline," he said sternly, "and you'll get more than just a bum-warming when I get you up to my room. My knob needs a good sucking from a schoolboy down on his knees. Might even give your bum-hole a good fucking, if I fancy it." His fingers toyed with the plump teenage cock that was outlined through the tight material of his trousers. The next in line was an adorably-cute young lad in a school uniform of short gray pants (two sizes too small), matching gray jacket, knee-socks, a white shirt, and tie. "Jeremy is a 12-year-old First Former at your school," said Hastings, using the grade level that is the American 7th grade. "He was caught sneaking from his dormitory room after lights-out, and needs to be disciplined." "Sorry sir! It shan't happen again, sir!" he said in a lovely soprano voice. "Are you going to spank me, sir?" He rotated his hips so that his curvaceous butt was in profile, pressing against the skin-tight pants, and he slid his hand over it sensuously. "And here's Mick, a 15-year-old messenger-boy who's just delivered a telegram to your house." "How d'ya do, sir. I'm just off me shift now, and I've some time to spare. D'ya have any special jobs for me to do?" The handsome teenager was dressed in the quasi-military uniform of the Royal Post Telegraph Office, snugly tailored to accentuate the bulge at his crotch. "You'll find I'm right versatile-like in carrying out me jobs. I'll make sure you're well-satisfied with me work." He hitched up his trousers and his hands slid back to massage his butt, and then forward to fondle his crotch. There was a smart-aleck look in his eye, suggesting that he was more proficient as a "top" than a "bottom" 3; his assertion of versatility notwithstanding. They came to the final boy. By now, William was almost melting from the heat of pure desire that each of the lads had ignited. "Liam is 11, and he's the new helper-boy in the kitchen. He has broken a valuable serving dish from your family china, and the butler has brought him to you to impose appropriate discipline." The lad's adorable face was convincingly contrite (after having been casually impassive while the other boys where being shown). "I'm so sorry, sir," he said mournfully. "I know you'll be giving me a spanking, upstairs in your room, and I'm ready to take it." He was unfastening his knickerbocker knee-pants as he spoke. He turned around, looking back over his shoulder at William, as his pants slid down just enough to reveal a beautiful round bottom with flawless white skin. William's breathing stopped for a long moment as he looked at the perfectly-shaped ass. "I'll do anything to make up for my mistake, sir 3; anything at all," the boy said in a sweet voice, pushing out his sexy bum a little more and running his tongue ostentatiously along his lips. "I'll take this one," said William, immediately and without hesitation. "And I shall take Mick," chimed in Monty at he clapped William on the back. The other boys muttered their disappointment. They received no money if they were not chosen by a customer. "Put both on my tab, Hastings, if you please," said Monty. "Of course, sir." "Show us to our rooms, lads," said Monty. "Number 12 for you, Liam," said Hastings. "And you'll be in 22," he told Mick. They went through a door on the opposite side of the room from where they'd entered. Then up a staircase to a hallway that was well-lit and nicely decorated. Paintings hung on the walls, all of them featuring nude boys 3; some of them quite pornographic originals, the likes of which William had never seen 3;. others were copies of Renaissance masterpieces, such as Caravaggio's charming Amor Vincit Omnia. [Author's Note: Do a search for it on Google Images!] Each door along the hallway was closed, and each had a small colored disk, either red or green, hanging from a hook in the door's center. Monty and his boy continued up the staircase to the next floor. "I'll see you in an hour, Billy," said Monty as they parted ways. "OK. See you then." Liam led him down the hallway. The disk on the first door was red, and as William passed he heard the muffled sounds of sex coming from within 3; a man moaning with pleasure. ("That's so good! Oh God, yes!") They continued past a door with a green disc. The next door was marked with red, and from inside came the sound of a leather strap striking bare buttocks, accompanied by the whimpering of a man and the indistinguishable words of a boy whose voice was part-way through its adolescent change. Skipping the 'green' door that was next, Liam entered the last room on the hallway, turning its green disc around and rehanging it on the door to show its red side. The room was nicely but simply furnished 3; a double bed 3; a table beside it holding a wash basin and towel, and a small bottle of lubricant 3; a sturdy chair with no arms 3; a dresser holding clean sheets 3; and a padded bench, about the size of a piano bench. On a table beside the bench there was an arrangement of disciplinary tools: a small wooden paddle, a riding crop, a slender wooden switch of the kind an old-fashioned schoolmaster would wield, and two different leather straps attached to wooden handles. One strap was 3 inches [7.5 cm] wide and thick, like the razor strop in a barber shop; the other was of thinner leather and narrow, more like a belt. There was an electric tension in the air as William surveyed the tools and the boy tried not to think about the least appealing part of his job. But he knew that his willingness to take a whipping was what always got him picked by a customer each night, trading a sore bottom for very good money in his pocket. "So you broke a valuable dish?" said William, continuing the fantasy scenario that had been started downstairs. "Yes, sir. But I'll never do such a thing again 3; and I'll do anything to make amends." "Anything, you say?" said Monty. He sat down in the chair and motioned the boy to stand in front of him. The man's thoughts were flooded by memories of the spankings received in his youth, administered by his stern father. "I'll have to take you across my knee, and spank with your pants down," he said, echoing his father's words. "Don't resist me, or I'll make it worse." And as his father had always done, he held the boy's wrists, drawing him closer. "Yes, sir," replied the boy meekly. Though he looked frightened, he was quite pleased at the prospect of getting a bare-handed spanking rather than a paddling or strapping or switching. He didn't mind a spanking, so long as it didn't last too long. William's face was flushed with excitement and his breathing unsteady as he contemplated playing out the fantasy with this completely subservient boy. "You are my servant, and I shall do whatever I like with you. Is that understood?" "Yes, sir. I'll do anything to make up for my clumsiness, sir. Anything you want 3; anything at all," he repeated. "Take off your shirt." Liam complied. His chest was smooth and unmuscled, the light-tan nipples stiffened in tiny nubs. His shoulders were sturdy, and his belly taut. A perfect example of beautiful boyhood, standing 4'9" [1.45 m] and weighing 80 pounds [36 kg]. "Now put your hands behind your head, with fingers entwined," said William, his heart starting to thump with excitement. The lad did as instructed, standing a foot away from William, clad only in trousers. "I'm going to take down your pants now," said William; "and you won't resist." "I'll not resist, sir," said Liam meekly, as he bit at his lip for theatrical effect. The man's fingers undid the top button, then the next. He felt bare skin beneath 3; the boy wore no underclothes. The hairless base of the boy's immature penis came into view as William undid the third button. William eased the pants down Liam's hips, fully exposing the beautifully-proportioned soft penis, nearly three inches [7.5 cm] long, pointing downward. His boyish balls, in a soft, loose sack, hung only as low as the tip of his foreskin. William reached out, and his fingertips caressed the exquisite penis. The foreskin slid back at his touch, revealing a delicately-shaped glans. William eased the foreskin back and forth over the reddened cock-head, and the soft organ came awake, lengthening slightly, its girth thickening. When the man took his hand away, the pre-pubescent dick was pointing straight out, and it continued to arc upward to full erection with each beat of the boy's heart. As the 11-year-old's penis grew before his eyes to plump little shaft of 3.5 inches [8.5 cm], William felt his mouth salivating 3; longing to taste the delicious-looking morsel. But that could wait; there would be plenty of time to suck it. His hand slid down to the soft youthful scrotum 3; sparrow's eggs in a satin bag. Then up, across Liam's belly and chest, teasing his nipples, to his exposed armpits. Liam flinched slightly as the man felt the smooth, ticklish flesh. Then both hands reached around the boy's slender body and slid down his back to his gracefully-curved bottom. A shiver ran though William's body as he caressed the smooth firmness. He felt light-headed 3; hypnotized. William finally remembered to breath, and said "Lay across my knee, boy." The naked boy, his erection still full, started to bend down. "Wait a moment," said William, and he stood up. At first Liam though he was going to get the paddle, but instead William quickly removed his own clothing, revealing his erect 6-inch [15 cm] cock. He sat down again and motioned to the boy to him. Liam bent at the waist over William's left leg, his stiff penis pressing against the man's inner thigh. Liam's hipbone pressed against the man's straining boner. William's left hand caressed the warm skin of the boy's bare back and shoulders, while his right hand briefly fondled the round buttocks. Then he brought his hand up. "SMACK!" His open palm slapped the boy's upraised bottom, then paused for a few moments while his hand lightly rubbed the soft flesh. Liam's slender body flinched slightly at the spank, his boy-boner thrusting against William's thigh, accompanied by a sharp intake of breath and a low sigh that could as easily have been pleasure as pain. "SMACK!" Again he paused to caress the sexy rump. This was how he had imagined himself being spanked 3; how he had imagined spanking another boy 3; in the fantasies that had excited him a dozen years ago, when he had been Liam's age. "SMACK!" 3; "SMACK!" 3; "SMACK!" William spaced them a few seconds apart so he could savor all of the sensations 3; the tensing of the boy's gluteus muscles 3; the feel of his small erection grinding erotically into William's bare leg 3; the little gasps and whimpers that escaped Liam's mouth, sounding partly plaintive, but also of pre-pubescent sexual joy. Liam's mind was concentrating, as it always did when receiving discipline from a customer, on pleasurable thoughts. He imagined eating favorite treats, bought with the money he earned 3; and the excitement of having his little boner sucked by a customer or by another boy 3; and the deep, warm pleasure of a man's lubed cock fucking his well-accustomed anus. "SMACK!" 3; "SMACK!" 3; "SMACK!" The boy's moans and gasps became louder and more pitiful with each strike, just as the customers wanted and expected. "SMACK!" 3; "SMACK!" 3; "SMACK!" 3; "SMACK!" "Please, sir! No more!" the boy cried out after a dozen good whacks 3; his signal to the customer of his desire to move along to the next phase of the game. But William kept going for a few more, thoroughly aroused to be living out his fantasy, as the smooth skin of the tight buttocks reddened and heated. "I'll do anything you want, sir! You can have your way with me!" (That typically got the customers moving in the right direction.) William's hand paused. He had given the boy 20 sound swats. He was breathing hard and totally aroused. "Do you know how to suck a man's cock, boy?" he asked 3; knowing full well that the lad was a professional, but signaling his desire to continue the master/servant fantasy. "Y-yes, sir," said the boy in a timid voice. "The butler has me do him sometimes, sir. I suck on his knob, and then he slides it inside me bum." William drew the boy up to his feet so he was standing once again between the man's legs. He ran a hand over Liam's radiant ass cheeks while the fingertips of his other hand toyed with the foreskin of the lad's fully-stiff cock. "You'll give me the same service 3; if you please me well, I'll not spank you any more." "Yes, sir! Thank you, sir! I'll suck your knob better than you've ever got before! And you can give me rump a right-good fuck. You'll see 3; I'll be the best servant you've ever had!" William was loving the game, and he hugged the 11-year-old close. "Give me a kiss," he demanded, and Liam wrapped his arms around the man's neck, bringing his lips gently to William's, eagerly sucking the man's tongue as it snaked into his mouth. Willaim drew the boy onto his lap again, this time sitting with his legs dangling to the side, snuggling the boy's slender naked body as they kissed with increasing passion. "Will you take me to bed, sir?" the boy whispered in William's ear when the kiss broke. "I'll use my mouth and tongue all over your body." "Yes; that'll be good." William picked him up in his arms, like he would a small child, kissing the boy's neck and inhaling his fresh-scrubbed boy-scent, and set him down beside the bed. "Lay yourself down, master. I'll make you feel right-good." William reclined on the bed, his legs spread, his head and shoulders propped on two pillows. Liam knelt beside him, his hand gently stroking William's erection, and his mouth sucking and licking his nipples 3; first one, then the other. Then his mouth kissed and licked its way to the man's ear, teasing, licking, nibbling. Then down William's neck, across his shoulder, lightly nuzzling his armpit, to his fingers 3; sucking each one. The boy's mouth traveled methodically over the man's body 3; down his legs to his toes, then up at last to William's rigid cock, which had been kept strainingly erect by occasional strokes of Liam's hand. Liam lifted the cock-shaft away from William's belly and slowly slid his wet lips onto the glans, swirling his tongue around it as it entered his mouth. The man groaned and brought his hands to the boy's head, running his fingers through the shaggy light-brown hair, and pushing Liam's mouth farther down. "Suck it, boy. Take it all the way." As if a switch had been flicked, Liam's mouth instantly plunged all the way down the 6-inch [15 cm] stalk, taking the flared cock-head into his throat without effort and massaging it with his throat muscles. He raised his mouth up about an inch, and slid it down again to the hilt 3; and repeated this motion in a quick rhythm, making William's cockhead slide back and forth inside the young lad's tight slippery throat. The boy's left hand massaged the man's balls, kneading them gently, as his right hand roamed over William's belly and chest. "Oh, GOD! That's incredible!" cried William, as his hips thrust up to drive his cock even deeper. The boy worked this magic with his throat for a full minute before rising up again to work on the glans with his lips and tongue. As he pleasured the cock-head with a variety of vigorous techniques, his right hand jacked the spit-slick lower shaft. As Liam's blow-job was driving the astounded American into a frenzy of lust, the hand that had been fondling William's balls slid back toward his anus. The boy's finger carefully touched the sensitive flesh, ready to retreat in a moment if the man appeared to object. But instead 3; "Ahhh! Yes! Play with my hole!" The boy's mouth slid off the cock with a wet plop, as he pushed the man's legs thighs away and immediately sank his mouth onto the exposed pucker and attacked it aggressively. "AARRRGGGHHH!!!" growled the man as he clutched at the bedcovers. The boy's tongue was corkscrewing into his tight anus, probing hard and attempting to invade the clenched muscle. Just as William felt he couldn't take any more of the hyper- stimulation, the boy's mouth shifted back to the cock 3; taking it in long rhythmic full-length strokes of his mouth. Meanwhile, Liam's finger returned to the asshole, now lubed with spit, slowly invading much deeper than his tongue had been able. The boy put all of his energy into the blow-job, knowing that the customer would be gushing momentarily. And as his probing finger began massaging the special place inside William's rectum, the volcano of cum exploded, filling the boy's mouth as he swallowed and continued sucking. The orgasm continued on and on 3; longer than any William had ever experienced 3; overwhelming all of his senses with pure ecstatic pleasure. As the monstrous orgasm subsided, the man's penis slowly softened in the boy's mouth. The last of the semen-flow was suckled with a gentleness that was the exact opposite the blow-job's previous intensity. William was in shock from the glorious experience, his mind and body floating on a cloud, wracked by an occasional gentle tremor, like the rumble of far-away thunder after a violent storm has passed. Liam thought his customer might drift off to sleep for the duration of his hour, and he released the deflated cock and softly moved up to snuggle his body against William's. The man took the small boy in his arms and kissed him gently. "You have been a loyal servant, lad, and I'll give you a reward," said William with a wink. He rolled onto his side, scanning his eyes over Liam's body as he lay on his back 3; then running his hand over the boy. He had fantasized about doing this so often in the 10 years since it had been his younger cousin lying naked in his bed. The man's energy seemed to revive almost immediately, as he caressed Liam's hair, his shoulders and arms, his boyish chest, his smooth slender hip and thigh. William's fingers were drawn to the boy's penis, and he was instantly consumed with the desire to masturbate it to stiffness. The beautiful little organ responded quickly, plumping up to a proud boy-boner and showing its rosy glans. "I want to suck you, boy." "I should like that very much, sir!" The boy scrambled up to his knees, before William had a chance to go down on him, and playfully pushed the man onto his back. Without a word, he straddled William's chest and leaned forward, resting his hands on the headboard of the bed. He moved his crotch close to the man's face, as William adjusted himself on the pillows so that the stiff penis could slide right into his mouth 3; gliding through his pursed lips and along his tongue. As he began to suck the tender morsel, William's hands cupped the tender buttocks 3; still warm from the spanking 3; encouraging Liam to rock his hips forward and back, fucking his boyish erection gently into the man's hungry mouth. William loved the sensation of sucking the boy 3; the taste, the texture, the rigid pulsing stiffness of the finger-sized organ of warm sex-flesh. After several minutes, the boy's hips started thrusting faster, and William could feel the muscles in Liam's bum tensing with pleasure. The slurping sounds of the man's mouth were joined by the boy's vocalized pleasure 3; gentle cooing at first, growing in intensity to high-pitched moans and cries. Then, suddenly 3; "Ah! 3; AH! 3; OH!! 3; EEEEEEEE!!!" The lovely sound of a boy in the throes of a dry orgasm echoed in the room 3; unrestrained and perhaps a little exaggerated. The orgasm was fully authentic, however, rushing through the boy's body and making his little cock vibrate in the man's mouth. Liam pulled his still-erect penis back and slid down into William's embrace. As they kissed, the boy snuck a glance at the clock on the dresser against the wall. Still 20 minutes left in the customer's hour. The boy reached down and began massaging William's soft dick. "Shall I get you hard again, sir? I'll give it good strokin' with that oil, and you can slide it into me bum for a nice fuck." The boy knew how to please a man, and knew that well-pleased customers often gave a nice tip at the end of the session. "Yes, boy. Get it stiff." William relished the idea of another orgasm with the sexy boy, and he was quickly becoming erect in Liam's stroking hand. The oil, generously applied from the bottle on the bedside table, doubled the sensations of pleasure as boy expertly masturbated the man's circumcised cock. Liam quickly ran through a full repertoire of techniques 3; one-handed and double-handed 3; alternating fast strokes with slow 3; pumping the full length of the shaft, and then twisting his palm around the cock-head as if polishing it. William's body was on fire with lust after just a few minutes of this assault. And then the slender young boy straddled the man's hips, his hand still stroking the straining cock, and positioned himself. Liam held the erect penis upright and slid his bottom back against it. The stiff man-cock made contact just as the boy flexed open the muscle of his tight anus, pushing back into the thick boner and rocking his hips 3; allowing William's cock to penetrate an inch deeper each time the boy's pushed back some more. In just a few moments, the entire erection was embedded in Liam's ass, and he was grinding his hips while his anal muscle clenched and unclench around the shaft. And then his hips rose up, allowing several inches of boner to escape, and then sank back down smoothly 3; only to rise up again as he began a slow, rhythmic ride of William's straining penis. "My God! That's so good, boy!" moaned the man. "AH! That's incredible! Oh, yes!" As Liam flexed his legs to raise and lower his ass on William's cock, the rest of his beautiful body was also engaged in an blazingly erotic sex-dance for the benefit of the man's eyes. The boy's hands moved across his chest and belly and stiff penis. His face displayed sexual pleasure that he didn't need to fake. The moans from his throat and sighs from his lips added the final touch to a vision of total eroticism. At first William lay passively, hands propped behind his head, allowing Liam free reign to work his magic. Then the urge to feel the boy's beautiful body became too powerful, and William's hand began to caress every part of the boy he could reach 3; chest, arms, belly, thighs. Then he began masturbating adorable boy-boner 3; running the foreskin back and forth with his thumb and two fingers, and fondling the eggs in the soft scrotum with his other hand. The pleasure sounds from Liam's mouth grew increasingly emphatic, and the movement of his hips speeded. William's fingers wanked the stiff little penis faster, eager to make Liam cum before his own orgasm spurted into the boy's ass. And in this he succeeded as the boy's entire body soon shook with pleasure, and his anal muscle spasmed around the man's oiled phallus. William pulled the boy to his chest, and for the first time began to move his own hips 3; thrusting his cock forcefully into Liam's hot bowel 3; and was rewarded in 30 seconds with a surging, overwhelming cum. The two clung to each other, exhausted. And then they kissed. Meanwhile, in a room upstairs 3; Monty lay on the bed, holding his legs back, splayed apart, his reddened buttocks lifted up. The 15-year-old boy stood to the side of the bed, wearing only an undershirt and messenger-boy's cap, his 6-inch [15 cm] penis fully erect. In his hand was a punishment strap - an 18-inch [45 cm] length of soft thin leather, 1-inch-wide [2.5 cm], attached to a wooden handle. "Keep going," said Monty in a half-pleading. "Don't hold back!" The man let go of his legs but kept them pulled back, and he began toying with his erection with one hand as he gripped his balls with the other. "SLAP!" The leather hit his left ass cheek with a sharp crack. With a sharp intake of breath, Monty began masturbating more intensely. "SLAP!" The end of the strap laid across his right buttock. "Oh, yes!" the man moaned. "SLAP!" The tip of the strap landed right on his hyper-sensitive anal flesh. Monty gasped as the lightening-strike of delicious pleasure-pain shot through him. His hand was jacking his cock in jerky urgent strokes, and he squeezed his balls even more tightly. The boy was stroking his cock too 3; even as he raised his other hand to bring down the strap again.
Chapter 3"Guten Tag! Zwei Fahrkarten nach Berlin, bitte; Kategorie first-class," said Monty in English-accented German, buying two tickets for seats on the train to Berlin for himself and William.As they walked toward the train platforms of the Hamburg Station, a porter trailed along behind them, pushing a cart that held two big steamer-trunks and several smaller pieces of luggage. A young man from a wealthy American family, on his 'grand tour' of Europe after college graduation, did not travel light. Nor did an English aristocrat taking a jaunt over to the Continent. "I'm so glad you are with me, Monty," said the 22-year-old American as they walked. "I don't speak a word of German." "I hardly speak it myself," said the 24-year-old Ainsley 'Monty' Montgomery. "But I took a German class as a schoolboy, so I can get by on a simple level. In Berlin, some of the chaps will speak English quite well, but it's always helpful to know some of the essential words of the native tongue. Let's see, there's 'Strichjunge' – that's a boy-prostitute. The young ones are called 'doll-boys', just like that, in English. 'Steifer' means a hard cock. 'Arschficken' – that's an easy one: arse-fucking. And there's 'einen blasen' for a blow-job." Monty went on like this for a while, not caring what the porter might think, until they entered a compartment in the train's first-class car, where the presence of fellow passengers required decorum. The German lesson turned to pleasantries such as "guten Tag" and "auf wiedersehen", foods on restaurant menus, and varieties of beer. The two had arrived in Hamburg after taking the overnight ferry from Harwich, England. It was William's first time on the Continent, while Monty had visited numerous times since the end of the Great War, ten years before. He was especially fond of Berlin and had visited often, by himself or with like-minded friends, in the five years since he advanced from his exclusive boarding school to Oxford University and began to travel abroad without family oversight. The train ride from Hamburg to Berlin took several hours, and by late afternoon they were checking into an elegant hotel in the Friedrichstadt neighborhood of central Berlin. It wasn't the absolute poshest lodging in the city, but it was the finest one that unashamedly catered to the well-heeled sex tourists who flocked into the city from throughout Europe and America. "Guten Abend," said Monty as he approached the front desk. "Eine Suite reserviert für Herr Montgomery und Herr Taylor." "Ah, yes! Welcome very much, Herr Montgomery," replied the desk-clerk is accented English. "I recall you from your staying here on the previous times. We have available now our finest two-bedroom suite for you, just as you have requested in your telegram. You will sign, please, the guest register." The desk-clerk then slapped the brass counter-bell and summoned a bellhop by name from the group of uniformed teenagers and young men standing off to the side of the lobby. The bellhop was a lad of 16, with impossibly blond hair and blue-grey eyes. His sturdy build, ruddy face, and strong-looking hands marked him as a country boy. But he was dressed in a smartly-tailored red uniform, with three rows of shiny brass buttons on his short form-fitting jacket, and the traditional round bellhop's hat. His very snug trousers emphasized his tight round buttocks and a generously sized bulge in front. He came up to the desk, stood at rigid attention, and clicked his heels together in a distinctly military manner. "Hans, you will show the guests to Room 823," said the clerk in English, handing over the key as he inconspicuously pulled at his left earlobe with thumb and forefinger. The bellhop's eyes lit up when he saw the desk-clerk's signal. It meant that Hans could take his time returning to the lobby if the guests wished for some 'extra services' from the boy. The opportunity of earning a generous extra tip made a bellhop's job at this hotel especially desirable. "Jawohl, Herr Empfangschef!" he said formally. Turning to Monty and William and taking their hand-luggage (the heavier items would be brought by a porter), he said in English: "Please to come this way, gentlemans." In front of the elevators, there was a man in a formal suit, seated at a mahogany desk. Monty stopped and greeted him by name. The man stood up and clicked his heels, just as the bellhop had done. "It is an honor to have you visiting with us again, Herr Montgomery," said the man, with a warm smile. "Billy, this is Max, the hotel's concierge," said Monty to his traveling companion, as the concierge clicked his heels again. "He's quite adept at arranging every sort of entertainment to be had in Berlin 3; isn't that so, Max?" "Ah, jawohl! Already I have ordered a reservation for you both tonight at your favorite cabaret on Alexandrienstrasse. This is acceptable to you, yes?" "Excellent! You know me so well, Max!" said Monty. "Say; could we borrow your picture book for a time? Billy and I would like to study it in the room to make the selection of our bed-warmers for tonight." "I am so sorry, Herr Montgomery, but another guest is just now using the book. I will have a boy bring it up to you upon its return." "That will be excellent, Max. And make us dinner reservations for 8:30 at the place next door, will you?" Monty casually passed a folded one-pound banknote to the concierge, a respectable sum in 1920s Germany. "Yes, sir! Of course! Thank you sir!" he said fawningly. "I will do all in my power to make your stay totally enjoyable, as always!" They entered the elevator, and the bellhop said "der Achte" (the 8th) to the operator. William murmured to Monty: "Picture book? Bed-warmers?" Monty chuckled. "You'll see, old boy. As I've been telling you, you can get absolutely anything in Berlin 3; especially with a good middleman like Max!" When they arrived at the suite – two bedrooms and baths on opposite sides of a small livingroom Hans bustled around, turning on lights, opening the shades and windows, tuning the fancy radio console to a station playing smooth big-band jazz. "I would be most happy, my sirs," said the bellhop softly, "to perform any other services that you might desire." He affected a sensuous look in his eyes, ran his tongue-tip quickly across his upper lip, and subtly brushed his hand across his tight crotch to emphasize the point. "I am most versatile and willing in all manner of service," he added hopefully. "Alright, then," said Monty with a grin. "You're a sturdy-looking chap. Let's see what you look like under the uniform. Strip naked and show us your charms." The Brit reached into his pocket and flipped a six-pence coin into the air, which Hans caught on the fly. "If you will please forgive the ungrateful thought, my sir, but I must share half with the Empfangschef 3; the desk-clerk 3; so perhaps 3;." His voice trailed off, but his intent was clear. Monty gave him a wink and launched another six-pence, and Hans smiled happily as he began unbuttoning the fancy jacket. The two men sat down in the living-room's two comfortable chairs, with Hans standing a few feet in front of them doing a sensuous strip-tease. He wore only an undershirt beneath the jacket, and in another moment he was bare-chested. Looking at the men with that same sultry expression, Hans moved his hands up and down along his torso, teasing his nipples stiff, stroking the thin soft tufts of blond hair at his armpits. He had a fantastic build for a 16-year-old 3; solid arms, broad shoulders, a slender and defined abdomen, and a hairless chest that was beginning to show developed pectoral muscles 3; and he clearly enjoyed posing under the men's lustful gaze. Before long, he was completely naked, proudly showing off a plump man-sized penis and full balls. Above his cock was a neat patch of light-brown pubes. Soft blond peach-fuzz hair graced his strong legs. He skinned back the foreskin on his cock to reveal a broad, dark-red cockhead, and began stroking his dick to stiffness as Monty and William looked on approvingly. The penis quickly pulsed to a full erection 3; over 7 inches [17.5 cm] of prime teenage meat that was simultaneously graceful and hyper-masculine. When he let go of it, the fully-erect phallus it continued pulsing with each of his heartbeats, trying to become even harder and point even higher. Hans looked over at the two men, smiling. "Very nice! Stroke it some more. Show us how sexy you are when you pleasure yourself," said Monty. Turning in profile view to the men, Hans began to stroke his cock again, slowly and rhythmically. He flexed his biceps, abs, and glute muscles, showing off like a body-builder as he masturbated. His face displayed an exaggerated lust as he played the role of a wanton teenage slut. When he looked over at the men through half-lidded eyes, his tongue danced around the outside of his mouth in a wordless offer to get on his knees and suck the two men's cocks. "He IS a sexy one, isn't he!" said Monty excitedly, as he bounced up from his chair and moved next to the naked youth, running his hands over Hans's torso and strong arms, caressing his tight round butt, and fondling the boy's full balls. The man and boy were of equal height – about 5'6" [1.70 m] – but Hans was more sturdy by far than the delicately-build Englishman. Monty pulled the boy's hand away from the rigid boner, and replaced it with his own. He leaned forward to kiss Hans on the mouth, cupping the lad's firm butt cheek with his hand and he stroked the boy's plump cock. The bellhop stood passively with his hands at his sides, but he responded warmly to the man's kisses, meeting Monty's tongue with his own. "Mmmm 3; that was splendid!" sighed Monty breathlessly as the sloppy kiss broke. "You would like I to suck now the penis of you two gentlemans? I do you both the same time, if it pleases. Even two penis in the mouth together!" "What I'd really like," said Monty, "is that gorgeous cock of yours fucking my bum. Do you like to arschficken with that glorious cock of yours?" He gave Hans's cock a squeeze. "Ja! I like much to give the ass-fuck!" said Hans with a grin. "I have much cream in the balls," he said, juggling the fat dangling orbs with his fingers. "Plenty of the cream for two good fucks. If you like, I give to both of you gentlemans your best fucks of all. My cock slide in your arse hard and deep and long time, like the sharp plow goes through good soft soil!" "Jolly good!" said Monty, smooching Hans's mouth in a quick kiss, as both men laughed at the analogy that emphasized the bellhop's farm-boy roots. "Come on, then, Billy! Come share this scrumptious hunk of Kraut with me. He's built like a bull! We can do a three-way, like we did back in London." He glanced over at his American friend expectantly. "That's ok, Monty; you go ahead," said William. "I think I prefer them a bit younger, so I'll save up for the action tonight. But I'll gladly watch you two go at it!" He rubbed his crotch lasciviously to emphasize the point. "We'll give you a good show, then," said Monty. "My mouth is watering for a taste of that fat cock before I take it up my bum. A perfect way get our Berlin adventure off to a smashing fine start, eh what?" And he dropped down and immediately wrapped his lips around the beautiful teenage erection, pulling his undershorts and trousers down to his knees even as he suckled at the German boy's boner. William unbuttoned his trousers and massaged himself to erection as he watched the Brit voraciously devour every inch of the teenage cock, attacking it like a starving man given a heaping plate of food. Monty's own penis strained with total stiffness, without being touched. Then, after a few minutes of deep- throating the boy's stiff cock, Monty stood up and hugged the bellhop, pressing their bodies together. "God, but you're strong!" he marveled, as his hands wandering greedily all over the boy's strong body, from his shoulders to his firm, muscular buttocks. "My bum is itching to be fucked." Monty stripped nude and got a small bottle of lubricant from his satchel. He slathered it generously on the boy's cock, and some around and into his anus. Then he knelt on the plush arm-chair with his knees resting on the front edge and his hands gripping the top of the backrest. "Fuck me, Hans! Fuck me good." "Jawohl! I do it good for you 3; I fuck the long time, and stay fucking to when you tell me then to shoot the cream." The boy stood behind Monty's upraised ass and directed his plump boner with his hand, rubbing it teasingly up and down along the man's anal flesh. William watched from a few feet away, in side view, as the boy's cock-head then pushed forward. Monty flexed the muscle open, and the fat glans popped in, to the accompaniment of a low murmured "oh, yes!" from Monty. The Brit's head was arched back, his eyes closed, and his mouth hanging open. As Hans's hips pushed forward in slow, gentle nudges, his phallus invaded a little deeper with each stroke. "You enjoy for the boy to give a fuck with strength; yes?" said Hans in a knowing voice, as he demonstrated the point by grasping Monty's hip bones firmly and thrusting forward firmly, penetrating two more inches at once. "Oh, my word! YES!" gasped Monty in a slightly effeminate voice, as the entry of the man-sized cock into his rectum caused a warm erotic surge of pleasure. "You want I to be the bull giving a fuck to the heifer, eh? You want it like this; yes?" He thrust hard again to punctuate the words. "Yes! Give it to me hard! Shove it in me!" "Ja, my little heifer." He thrust forward to the hilt. And as he pulled his cock back 3; SLAP! He spanked Monty's butt-cheek, hard and loud. "Englanders, they like to take the spanking." It was a statement, not a question. Monty's only answer was to lift his ass higher. SLAP! "I give you the fuck and the spanking like you need," said the boy confidently. SLAP! As Monty moaned in ecstacy, the teenager's hips began an easy rhythmic cadence that he would be able to keep up almost indefinitely. His 7-inch [17.5 cm] cock plunged full-length with each stroke, reaming the man's ass expertly. Monty whimpered and sighed with pleasure, loving the feeling of being totally submissive to such a masculine young peasant 3; having this strong German farm boy dominating him 3; owning him sexually 3; completely filling his rectum with thick, warm cock. The man moved his ass up and back to meet each thrust, his consciousness becoming ever more focused on the swirling nirvana of his raw lust. The lad kept his hands busy as he fucked 3; sliding across Monty's back and shoulders and flanks 3; putting his fingers in Brit's mouth to be sucked 3;. reaching around to pinch the man's nipples firmly 3; reaching down to give Monty's erection a few strokes 3; squeezing the man's balls in his strong hand, and then squeezing them a little harder. All the while, Hans's cock was thrusting with mechanical precision as Monty took it ecstatically, craving it like a bitch in heat. Hans glanced over at William and winked. "Damn!" said William, as he continued to gently massage his own stiff penis. "What a show!" A half-hour later 3; Hans dressed quickly and left the room with a big grin on his face, and an extra two shillings in his pocket. A few minutes later there was a knock at the door. William opened it to admit the porter with luggage and another teenage bellhop carrying a loose-leaf binder of photos. The deliveries had been tactfully delayed until Hans had reported back to the desk-clerk in the lobby. Monty, wearing only a robe, sat down next to William on the sofa to look at the album. Each page was devoted to a different young boy or teenager, each with a typed description in German, English, and French, and three photos: the boy's face in close-up, a full-body shot of him clothed, and a full-body nude. "There are separate books for men, and others besides for girls and women. If you might like to have a young girl as your bed-warmer tonight, I can call down to Max and 3;." "Not on your life!" said William with a chuckle, as he paged slowly through the album. "This is the answer to half a lifetime's worth of secret craving, and I intend to feast on nothing but boys for the remainder of my travels this summer." "That's the spirit, old chap!" replied the Brit, as he looked over William's shoulder at the turning pages. "Look at this one here," he said, pointing to a pretty youngster dressed in traditional lederhosen in the clothed picture 3; and beautifully pre-pubescent in the nude shot. "Isn't he just your type? It even appears he has a circumcised penis!" "I think you're right!" said the American, focusing on the 3-by-5 inch [7.5x12½ cm] nude picture. Then he began reading the description aloud: Johann; 12 years in age; light-brown hair; green eyes; 150 cm (4 feet and 11 inches) of height; 40 kg (88 pounds) of weight; penis with the erection of 8 cm (3.2 inches); does not produce semen at the climax; speaks some English, French, and Dutch." He looked over at Monty. "Just about perfect, and rather like that young cousin from my youth. Yes; I'll take him! Now it's your turn to pick." He handed the book over. "First remove your boy's page from the album. That's how we convey our choices to Max. And that way the page won't remain in the book when the next customer is looking through it tonight." Monty leafed through the pictures, seeing a few that he had enjoyed in previous stays at this hotel. When he got to the end, he flipped back to an earlier one. "Take a peek at this one. It says his name is Rudi; age 14; blond hair; blue eyes; he's 5'7" [1.72 m] and 110 pounds [50 kg]; shoots his spunk, and his willy stands up 5.3 inches [13.5 cm] when it's stiff." William looked at the nude picture approvingly. He too had been tempted by the lanky blond boy. He appeared to have recently gone through his growth spurt 3; both in height and genitals. His hairless penis, relatively long for a boy his age, pointed downward, in front of three-quarter-size testicles in a low dangling sack 3; a perfect vision of 14-year-old boy-beauty. As Monty phoned down to Max to send up a bellhop to retrieve the book and report their selections, William removed his stylish tuxedo from the hanger section of his steamer trunk, draped it across a chair, and wandered into his bathroom to run hot water in the tub. Later 3; Monty and William, both of them dressed to the nines, left the restaurant a little after 10:00, ready to resume their pursuit of sexual adventure. "We have a half-hour until the show starts, and it's less than half a mile from here to the club," said Monty. "Shall we walk it instead of a cab?" "Certainly," said William. "Good. This way I can show you one of the places where the rent-boys offer themselves up. Remember when I showed you that dark alley in London, not far from Piccadilly Circus, where the boys lurk in the shadows? Well, in Berlin it can be out in the open. Come on; it's just down this way." In a few blocks, they came to the entrance of a covered shopping arcade called the Linden-Passage. It was a well-lit block of upscale shops that was restricted to pedestrians only and was protected from the elements by an arched roof made with panels of amber-tinted glass. The shops had all been closed for several hours, and the only business being conducted was that of boys selling themselves 3; dozens of them, ranging in age from 10 to 18. Most appeared to be in the 13 - 14 range, and they all seemed to be friendly and eager to be chosen. The prospective customers, strolling along slowly and inspecting the wares, wore tuxedos or business suits, and ranged in age from William's and Monty's youth to distinguished-looking gentlemen in their 70s. William overheard a number of them speaking to boys in English or French, while perhaps half appeared to be native Germans. There was no hint of furtiveness or embarrassment in this commerce. In fact, there was even a uniformed policeman walking casually along the block, bantering with the boys, interested only in keeping everything orderly. "The first time I came here," said Monty, "was 1923, when Germany was in the worst of its economic times 3; the hyper-inflation and all that 3; a trillion marks to the American dollar. They say there were at least 200 boys on this block every night back then 3; it certainly seemed like that many when I was here. And any one of them would be yours to play with back in your hotel room for a single English penny. Can you imagine?" They walked down the middle of the arcade, politely brushing off the solicitations of the boys, but enjoying the view. Many of the boys let their penises show briefly through unbuttoned flies, and some turned around and lowered their knickerbockers to flash a quick view of their cute boyish bums, in an effort to attract a man who looked their way. Monty and William just smiled their approval and kept walking. "I've noticed that they tend to be prettier and better-dressed than the London street-boys," said William. "There are half a dozen here who are as pleasing to the eye as any boys I've ever seen." "Yes; it's a better class of boys here in Linden-Passage. The ragamuffins are more likely to congregate at the Tiergarten Park, giving blow jobs in the shadows, like their London counterparts. But these are typically well-scrubbed middle class lads, sent out by their families to earn some money. There may even be sons of Russian aristocrats among them! Quite of few of those unfortunate people settled in Germany after fleeing from the Reds when their Civil War ended in 1921 3; some of them getting out with little more than the clothing on their backs." Monty sighed 3; but then gave a little chuckle. "One time, two years or so ago, I was in a splendidly posh boy-brothel just off the Potsdamer Platz and had a jolly threesome with two brothers, perhaps 13 and 15 years in age and utterly beautiful. I was told by the brothel-keeper that they were the sons of some Russian duke or baron. They couldn't speak a word of English, and spoke no better German than I, but they were eager to please and had wonderfully tender bums, elegant cocks, and expert fellating technique. I have no reason to doubt their reported pedigree, as they looked and acted completely refined." "Perhaps we can visit that brothel while we're here," said William hopefully, envisioning himself in bed with two well-born boy-whores. "Yes! That would be brilliant! I was there three months ago, and they still had an assortment of exotic foreign boys 3; even Chinamen and black Africans, if you can imagine! We shall ask Max to make arrangements for a visit tomorrow." A few more blocks brought them to a neon-lit area of nightclubs, strip-tease theaters, and mainstream brothels. They stopped at an inconspicuous entrance that was marked only by a small polished-brass plaque that said "Kabarett der Jungen" - Cabaret of Boys. A liveried doorman greeted them, and welcomed them inside. A smiling maître d', dressed in a formal tail-coat, checked their names against his reservation list. "The cover charge is 15 Reichsmarks," said the maître d' in perfect English. "For your convenience, we also accept 15 British shillings or three and one-half U.S. dollars." As they paid in Reichsmarks, the man asked: "shall I describe our arrangements, or have you been with us before?" "My friend has been here," said William; "but I have not. Perhaps a quick summary." William had heard a gloriously-detailed description of the cabaret, in full erotic detail, but it didn't hurt to get it from the source. "Very well. The cover charge that you have paid allows you unlimited champaign. Other beverages are of course available, but at additional charge. A personal waiter is assigned to each customer, and the waiter serves no other customer. Our waiters are very affectionate and provide very exceptional service." The man winked knowingly. "But if you have a special request for him, may I suggest that a small gratuity would be appreciated. If you are not satisfied with your waiter for any reason, I would be most happy to make a new assignment." The maître d' escorted them through a door from which music could be heard. There, at the entrance to the performance space, were nine waiters holding small round trays, each with a single champaign glass. All of them were young boys of 10 to 13 years, smiling hopefully at the two men, just as the hustlers had in the Linden-Passage. Each boy wore the same provocative and revealing attire: a faux tuxedo shirt 3; with pleats, winged collar, and purple bow-tie 3; but constructed more like bib, in that it covered only their chests, necks, and upper stomachs. The garment left the arms, shoulders, and back completely bare. There was a purple cummerbund around each boy's waist; below it, the lad's genitals and buttocks were totally exposed. They wore black-tinted silk stockings, held up at mid-thigh by elastic garters of the same purple color as the tie and cummerbund, and fancy high-heeled shoes on their feet. All were small in stature and slender, because the main job of a waiter in this establishment was to sit on his customer's lap. "Let's see," said the maître d', surveying his available boys. "Willi here speaks very good English," pointing to an adorable little 10-year-old, his body still soft with pre-adolescence, whose completely immature penis stuck almost straight out above a round ball-sack. "So does Kurt," motioning to a boy whose attractiveness went well beyond 'cute' and whose lean body and developing genitals appeared on the cusp of puberty. "And Dieter, there speaks it; and also 3;." "Kurt will be fine," said William, cutting the man short. "How old are you, boy? "I am 12 years, sir! Thank you, sir!" said the lad in a cheerful soprano voice, flashing a big smile. "I fancy this lad here," said Monty, walking up to a ravishingly sexy 13-year-old blond, and taking his hand to draw him from the group. He was definitely Monty's type, looking rather like the lad the man had chosen from the album back in the hotel room. The Brit was scanning the lad up and down; especially down! The boy had gained an edge for selection by discretely coaxing his penis into a beautiful erection of nearly 5 inches [12½ cm] as soon as Monty and William had entered. Having a little line of light-brown hairs sprouting at the base of his cock, like a scraggly mustache above a teenager's upper lip, was an attraction to Monty as well. "Wie heißt du, Junge?" said Monty, asking his name. "Ich heiße Lukas, mein Herr [my name is Lukas, sir]." "Splendid name! Sprechst du Englisch, Lukas?" "Ja; ein bißchen [yes; a little]." He leaned close to Monty and stood on tip-toes to whisper in the man's ear. "Kiss 3; jack-off 3; suck 3; fuck!" Then he looked the man in the eye with a mischievous grin and nodded his head. "You shall be my waiter, then," said Monty, reaching out to give the boy's boner a gentle squeeze. The boys led the way, carrying their trays at shoulder height. Monty and William couldn't help but stare at their exposed buttocks, bouncing and swaying provocatively due to walking in high-heels. As they entered the club's main room, William saw that it was cleverly designed so that the customers (mostly men, but some curious or decadent women as well) could not see those at other tables. Seating was in high-backed, semi-circular banquettes, arranged in three terraced tiers. The small stage at the front was fully visible to all, as were the practically-naked waiters who occasionally scurried about in the room. Each banquette could comfortably hold four people, so there was room to spare when Monty and William sat down. The two waiters hurried away as soon as the men were seated, but quickly returned, each bringing a bottle of champaign in an ice bucket on a stand. As Kurt poured a glass of champaign, he did not put it on the table or hand it to William. Instead, he slipped himself smoothly onto William's lap, with his legs dangling over the American's right thigh. Kurt raised the glass to the man's lips. "Drink, my handsome master. Drink it all, and I pour another," said the grinning boy. William's hands were draw to the boy's soft skin 3; the left hand encircling Kurt's waist, the right sliding up along the silken flesh of the lad's inner thigh 3; and he emptied the glass in a few swallows as the boy tipped the glass. Kurt jumped up and poured another glass, but this time set it on the small round table before snuggling once again on William's lap. The man's hand resumed it's exploration of the boy's thigh, and in moments William's fingertips were feeling up Kurt's sexy boyish penis and the two sparrow's eggs that dangled within the soft scrotal sack. The German lad spread his legs to be petted, and purred like a contented cat. William shuddered with excited lust as he fondled the willing boy on his lap, sighing as Kurt's penis stiffened completely beneath the man's stroking fingers. The short foreskin pulled back easily to fully reveal the glans – a beautiful reddish acorn of sex-flesh. "Do you shoot spunk yet, boy?" asked William, whispering into Kurt's ear. "Is that the same as to say 'making the cum'?" asked the youngster, not totally sure of his English proficiency. "Yes; that's it." "No, sir 3; but I think that my cock will be making it soon. It makes the so-good feeling when you touch me like this 3; and when I touch myself. And my cock can have the orgasm many times. You like to make a boy have his orgasm; yes?" Kurt's voice was angelic and innocent-sounding, but he arched his body, raising his cock up, eager to be brought to his first dry orgasm of the night. "Oh, God 3; yes!" murmured William, burying his face in Kurt's soft blond hair as he continued masturbating the boy's foreskin up and down and caressing his body with the other hand. Everything else around him faded to the background as he lovingly fondled and snuggling with the beautiful 12-year-old sitting on his lap. 'I could do this forever' he thought to himself. William was brought back to reality by the dimming of the house lights and the spot-lit illumination of the small stage. He glanced at Monty, whose lascivious hands were all over the boy on his own lap. "We arrived with excellent timing, old boy," said Monty, as he reached for his glass of champaign and raised it in a toast. "Here's to the beauty of boys!" he said. "To the beauty of boys!" said William in reply, "and to their incredible sexiness." The music of the five-piece band switched to a more up-tempo number as the master of ceremonies walked out onto the stage from behind a curtain at its rear. He was a youth of 16 years, whose look was a perfect example of the decadent androgyny that was stylish among Berlin's cabaret performers in the late 20s and early 30s. His dark hair was slicked back with pomade, and he wore eye make-up that was heavy on mascara, as well as vibrant lipstick and plenty of rouge. His only garment, besides shiny black high-heeled boots that came up to his thighs, was a black leather bustier with a codpiece at the crotch. The MC's 'androgynous dominatrix' look was complemented by what he held in his hands 3; the right hand held a riding crop, and the left held a leather dog-leash. Trotting along beside him on hands and knees was a completely naked 10-year-old boy, a dog collar around his neck, to which the leash was attached. The boy had long floppy dog ears, made of flannel cloth and attached to a head-band, that dangled over his actual ears. His nose had a big black spot of stage make-up to approximate the look of a dog's nose. And to complete the costume, the young lad sported a cloth tail attached to an unseen butt-plug that was held securely inside his tight rectum.