Chapter 1 The Beginning
The teddy bear only vaguely resembled that one first created by Rose Mitchom at the behest of her husband, Morris, just after the turn of the last century. Nor did this particular bear ever receive, on President Theodore Roosevelt's personal stationary, permission to be called 'Teddy.' But nonetheless, it was so appealingly cute, that Mr. Banks could not resist. Anything for his now motherless 2 year old son Theodore. (NOT nick-named 'Teddy' but Theo). And truth be told, Mr. Banks could have used some special loving attention himself at that moment, as he felt so desperately crushed even now, remembering his wife's untimely passage only four long months before. But with an astonishing deliberate force of his will, he put aside his own anguish, and with an almost perfect moment of unselfishness, concentrated on his son's well being. And that included at the moment, buying this special bear. And thus a remarkable series of events was put into motion.
It was nearly nine years later, however, when the second part of this event really started 'motioning.' The boy now was an amazingly cute, precocious, and inquisitive 11 year old. His father had happily remarried several years ago, and now the normally cheerful boy had a loving mother. Who every-once-in-while wondered how come that the boy's old teddy bear never seemed to need washing in spite of it being dragged around constantly in the manner of Linus van Pelt of Snoopy fame and his 'security' blanket. Nor did the bear ever seem to be in need of repair, unlike many of the boy's other manhandled toys. But nobody seemed to get overly concerned by trivialities. Life was good after all.
And so it wasn't until the boy's eleventh birthday before the true nature of this particular Teddy Bear begin to be revealed. At first it was merely a strange sort of light and shadow which seemed to fleetingly show up in connection with the bear, as if there was some unseen light coming from some unseen direction that shown itself onto the bear.
But it was three days later before the specter allowed itself enough duration that something was mentioned.
"Theo, are you playing with your flashlight again?" his step-mom inquired, glimpsing into his room.
"No Mama, that light just happens."
"You mean you know about this strange light and didn't tell us?" His step mom was even more concerned as Theo even confirmed the strange occurrence. "George, could you come here please."
Mr. Banks, George to his wife, noted the peculiar strain in his wife's voice and quickly responded. As he entered his boy's bedroom, he inquired: "What's the matter hon?"
"Have you seen any strange light shining on Theo's Teddy Bear recently?"
In fact he though he had just the other day, but decided that his tired eyes had played tricks. But now he too was suddenly mystified, and not a little concerned.
Theo during this time was trying to tell his Mama something. "Mama, please! Won't you listen? Nothing's the matter. Teddy promised. There's no problem. Teddy's just becoming me!"
Now Theo had both his parent's unrivaled attention. What a strange thing for Theo to say. Sure the boy had frequently been seen talking to his Teddy, but this was just normal kid's fantasy. Wasn't it? But both were thinking of the strange light and this placed a certain poignancy and fear into their hearts. "Teddy's becoming you?" they both exclaimed.
"Yeah Mama, Teddy said that it was almost time for me to go on an exciting adventure and he knew how sad you'd both be, so that he said he'd replace me so you wouldn't be sad anymore."
What a strange and frightening story, Mr. Banks thought. Of course, if it weren't for that strange light he 'thought' he'd seen, he would have dismissed the story totally out of hand. But now?
Mrs. Banks, of a more inquisitive bent, asked her son: "Theo, you know that a stuffed bear can't become you, don't you?"
Theo was suddenly upset. He KNEW what his bear had been telling him, but he was also certain that he didn't want to upset his Mama. Or even his Dad. So he replied: "I guess not."
"Good. Maybe you shouldn't keep Teddy with you tonight." His Dad stated.
A sudden disquiet overcame Theo, but he was a genuinely obedient boy and generally of a submissive bent, so he decided to give in. After all it was only for one night. But he knew that his bear had promised that both his Dad and he would be rewarded. His Dad for that moment of nearly perfect altruism, and Theo for his genuinely giving nature that he had in part learned from his Dad, but also in part had learned from taking his Teddy's 'advice' when needed.
Of course unknown to either Theo or anyone else for that matter, Theo's Teddy was a sophisticated simulacrum of a quite advanced civilization. And probably of even more import, what they believed to be a 'reward' may differ not just slightly from what the typical human might appreciate.
Of course locking up of Teddy that night was to no avail. When his Mama roused Theo from bed that next morning, she had no realization that it was indeed Teddy in the guise of her son. But so thorough was the mimicking of this advanced piece of futuristic technology, this bear was able to replace Theo days at a time, with no one being the wiser. And because both parents had decided to dispose of the bear the very next morning, each parent had assumed that it was the other who had done just that. Neither one could have suspected, nor believed, that their beloved Theo was now not only on a planet 232.1 light years distant from 'earth,' he was also in an alternate universe. And he was presently undergoing a memory 'upgrade.' After all, if Theo was to get his 'reward,' eventually becoming a very important personage within the royal household, he first needed to learn their language.
Chapter 2 Visit to Parnia
Theo knew that he should be VERY scared, but his Teddy assured him that everything would be OK. He could remember their last conversation.
"Theo, you will wake up in a different place. A lot of things will seem really strange but don't get upset. The people there are just like you, well almost, and they are very friendly."
Theo of course, faced with the reality of his momentous 'adventure' was having second thoughts. After all he was only 11. "But I'm scared. Do I hav'ta go?"
"Of course not. Only if you want to. But once there you have to stay at least three days. You will meet nice people and especially the boy you will be given to."
"Given to?"
"Yes. An extensive test was done on your mind. Your likes and dislikes, desires and dispositions, and personality traits have been very carefully studied. You will be very happy there once you are trained and become accustomed to the place. This is a reward. They want to make you happy. They have also determined that you could never be really happy if you stay here."
Theo really WANTED to go. He was just trying to overcome a bout of 'scaredness' and realizing he would REALLY miss here.
"But I'm still scared. And I will miss my parents and friends so much."
"That's why you can come back in three days if you want. You CAN stay longer. And any time you want to go back there you can do that too. They only want you to be happy."
Theo had always trusted his Teddy in the past. He had never given him bad advice that he could remember. So he trusted him now.
"OK Teddy, what do I do?"
"Just relax and fall asleep. You will wake up on Parnia. That is what the people there call their planet. It means 'dirt' or 'earth'."
Theo, very smart for his tender years, even though few observed this due to his quiet and quite submissive nature, suddenly asked: "But how if they talk different and I can't understand what they say?"
"Not to worry. When you awake, someone will put this globe thing on your head and soon you will be able to understand what everybody is saying."
A day later, Theo was so excited about everything and about meeting so many nice people, that he was almost too busy to be homesick. Of course things were so strange. There were even SLAVES here. But he couldn't understand why these slaves seemed so
3; so
3; so happy.
That big guy that everyone said was the king had a slave-boy who couldn't have been much older than Theo himself. He even got to talk to this boy.
"But I don't understand. Slavery is bad. How come you have to be a slave?"
"I just AM a slave. I've never wondered why. I was just meant to be one ever since I could remember. And I got real lucky because our ruler, before he actually became the ruler, decided that we were good for each other."
Now Theo was really stumped. "I don't understand. You can't be much older than me. How old is your
3;" Theo had trouble saying 'master.' It sounded so bad.
But the boy, whose name was Kit, laughed. "I'm almost 40 years old. It's just my master likes me to stay young looking. They have drugs here that can do that. I will always look much like this 'til I die."
"And you don't mind?"
"Course not. I am very happy being my master's slave. I am totally cared for and never have to worry about ANYTHING! Besides, I also LIKE being a slave. It's hard to explain."
3; But how about doing stuff? How if you wanted to do something that your master didn't like. What then?"
"You don't understand. You get 'training.' And after the 'training' you only want to please your master. And anyways, my master loves me and always tries to make sure I'm happy."
"But what if you do something wrong? What then?"
"Well I haven't had that happen for years and years. At least not by accident."
Now Theo was confused again. "I don't understand again. You mean you never do anything bad?"
"But why should I? I only want to make my master happy. It was only the first year or so when I first became a new slave, when I sometimes did things by accident. But I am a good learner. Of course sometimes I do things deliberate so my master punishes me."
"Now I know you're nuts. Why would you deliberately want to get punished?"
"Well, to make the sex better!"
"To make the sex better."
"Of course. Why do you think that the prince wants you for his slave? He's almost 16 and for his 16th birthday, the king will give him his slave-boy. You must be somebody real special for the king to believe that you'd be perfect for his favorite son."
Suddenly, Theo started to panic. That older boy, the prince, had been so nice. Of course, he wondered just why the older teen had been touching him so much. That was bad. (Theo was trying his best to ignore the fact that it also felt SO good).
"Sorry Theo, maybe I shouldn't have said anything about the sex stuff until you got more used to the idea of being the prince's slave-boy. But I guess I sort of thought you had an idea. Your world must be really strange."
Theo was thinking: "My world was strange?"
After dinner that night, eating with the entire royal family, king, queen, and all six kids, Theo kept looking over at Jett, the oldest boy who wanted him for his slave-boy. He couldn't quite stop himself from looking at the bigger boy. Somehow he felt drawn to him. And that was so wrong. He decided to go back home. Tomorrow was the third day.
That evening he was invited by Jett to go for a trip around their 'estate.' It was surely BIG. They were on horses – the very first time he'd even been on one – and after an hour they had not even gotten back yet.
"Hay Jett, how come everything looks so much like earth? I mean my earth."
"This entire planet was terra-formed about 200 years ago. Most of the plants and animals, you see, are from my earth, which is an alternate version of yours. Only a very few animals and plants have been genetically grown to help with the terra-forming process."
"What's terry-forming?"
The discussion when on in that fashion for awhile. Theo was intelligent enough to begin understanding also about alternate universes. Finally Jett broached the subject of sex. He looked over at his boy, and felt a strong yearning. Just like his father's. Well almost. Unlike his other brothers and sisters, he was his father's 96% clone. (And being a clone, except for the youngest, Jeremy, they were only his siblings by marriage. All but Jeremy were produced by his 'uncles' to keep up appearances of the royal family. His father only wanted sex with HIS slave-boy). For important reasons, they needed to keep the line relatively pure. Only those few differences which wouldn't really matter were allowed to be different. Thus he was a little shorter than his father, and his sexual tastes were slightly different. Though he still had a yearning for boys. The differences were more in what he wanted to do with his future slave.
When the subject of sex was brought up later by Jett, Theo, was all ears. "Kit told me earlier that you didn't understand about how sex is viewed here. I guess your planet is quite different. Sex between a man and a boy here is not that uncommon. As long as both enjoy each other, it's not considered wrong."
Theo didn't know what to think or how to answer. This idea was so different that what he'd learned. And he was so embarrassed about this topic to begin with. So he did what he normally did. He changed the subject.
"Jett, how come you're a clone?" He learned about all clones reading science fiction. Only it was for real here.
Jett stopped at the huge horse barn (he insisted in calling it a stable), where a small boy took the horses away. Theo though the kid rather cute. Jett led them to a big rock where they watched the beautiful sunset. Although the stars at night were all different, with that strange dark spot in the middle of the sky, the sun looked so much the same. Just the color was a tiny bit off. Jett said it was the air that caused the color to be different. Theo decided to think on that later.
"Theo," when the new colony decided to set up a new government, they realized that democracy, after a while, just didn't work anymore. And it gets too expensive too. So they decided they would pick a type of government that was a combination of working most efficiently, and being good for the country."
Theo HAD to interrupt. "But that's not right. Democracy is the best. We know that from school."
"Well, not when the people elected get too rich from special groups that 'buy' their votes, and when the regular people get too complacent to fix things."
Theo was not especially convinced but the whole thing was more complicated then he could figure out. "So that doesn't explain the clone part."
"Well, they decided that they wanted a benevolent dictatorship, with only a separate court system."
Jett spent a while explaining that.
"But Jett, you STILL didn't get to the clone part."
"Well, they did find someone eventually whom they could trust to be a dictator and still not let the power corrupt him. Someone who would still look after the interest of the people no matter how powerful he got. But they wondered then how could they trust his SON who would become the next ruler?"
Theo needed no more prompting. "OH! Hay, that's neat. Now I also understand about the 4% thing that don't matter."
Then Theo, being the type of kid he was, suddenly asked: "How come you want a boy for sex?"
That took another long explanation and it helped that Theo understood about being gay. "But Jett, my Mama and Dad always said it was wrong."
"Well Theo, what do you think?"
"I don't know. Yesterday I would have said it was bad, but now I don't know." And in almost a non sequitor added: "And you have such different religions here."
It was only much later that night, as he was snuggled up to his boy Theo – big promise of NO sex stuff – before Jett understood that Theo's comment about religion WAS germane to the previous topic. He also realized that they might have to include a few changes in the boy's understanding of right and wrong during his 'training' to insure he'd no longer be troubled by such an insignificant thing as believing boy-boy sex was somehow wrong. It was how the two people cared for and loved each other that decided the morality of their relationship. Everyone knew that.
Chapter 3 Second Visit
Mr. Banks was really worried about his boy. For a few days after the Teddy Bear incident everything was fine. Then all of a sudden, Theo was adamant about getting his bear back.
Theo, on the other hand felt REALLY guilty because for the first time he could remember he had lied to his parents. It was about the bear. He said he found it in the trash and hid it in his room. Of course it reverted back after Theo took his own place at home. But he couldn't tell his parents that though. During the next few weeks things settled back to almost normal. No more strange lights or anything so both his parents just assumed that the strange phenomena were something never to be explained and they let it drop. It was about three weeks later, however, before the bear could persuade the boy to go back to Parnia.
"Look, Jett needs you! He had his heart set on you being his slave boy."
"But that sex stuff is all wrong. (Theo was actually more worried about his LIKING "all that sex stuff." He tried not to think about it much, but he had started to wonder if he were gay himself. And even more disquieting, he did feel some kind of inexplicable attraction to the older teen).
"Tell you what," his Teddy argued, "go back just once more for three more days. If you still feel that way then, all this sex and slave stuff will be forgotten. You can then just go back for adventure visits."
Now this really appealed to the boy who had so thoroughly enjoyed his first visit.
"OK Teddy. I'll go back."
Another thing that helped Theo make this decision was losing his best friend. Mark – his best friend – said his Dad suddenly got this job offer making mega-bucks but they had to move back to the big city. Theo cried off and on for a couple hours that night after Mark's family had moved away. Internet IM-ing and e-mail just wasn't the same. Even when his Dad said they'd get a camera set up so that the two boys could see each other as they talked. (And Theo also refused to admit to himself that he was also attracted to his friend in more than a 'best friend' way).
Two days later, Jett was able to convince Theo that just a short 'training' session, and he would finally understand about this sex thing. Theo so wanted to please his new friend, he acquiesced. It was quite similar to the language learning thing, only this time the helmet thing they put on his head was quite a lot more elaborate and he was put to sleep for the session. Jett said that it also involved some injection to make his brain cells retained information faster. Or something like that.
Theo was just as happy that the shot (which wasn't by a needle) was painless. Three hours, and a slight headache later, he really DID understand. Wow! It was so clear now. He told Jett how grateful he was.
"Wow. I didn't really understand before. I guess I am pretty much a kid yet. But that 'training' computer really did work! I just never really thought too much about WHY we believed that gay stuff was so bad. Or what made something 'bad' to begin with." Theo smiled, and somehow could now even admit to himself that maybe he really WAS gay.
What Theo did not quite grasp, was that also during that 'training' session, his normal scruples or inhibitions about letting Jett 'do things to him' were also done away with. That night Theo got a first lesson in boy-boy sex. (Or more accurately, teen-boy sex).
When in bed with Jett that night, this time when Jett started rubbing high on his thighs, Theo had not a single thought about the 'wrongness' of the act. He just let himself enjoy. For some reason he did not fully understand he simply liked just laying back and let Jett do 'stuff' to him. He so WANTED him to do these things. And there was this very strange feeling that Theo cold not quite define. It was MORE than just the sensual pleasure of Jett's caressing hand. That was nice, even real nice. But when Jett's hand finally made its way to his genitals, wow! Theo had a fleeting thought that somehow this was not right, but just as fast, it was gone, and he decided to just enjoy. All thoughts of home and his parents, and his friends faded into the background as Jett, and his fantastic touching, made Theo feel SO good.
"You're OK with this, aren't you boy?"
"Please don't stop! Please."
"I just wanted you to know that I am enjoying molesting you as much as you seem to enjoy being molested."
This thought surprised Theo. No wonder everyone said it was so bad for a man (or a teen) to molest a boy. The boy would never want it to stop! He sure didn't!
"Please Jett, keep on molesting me."
"Sure boy, we have just started. You are in for a real education tonight."
Jett realized that several more 'training' sessions would be needed for Theo to become more comfortable with all he wanted to do to his boy, but he was patient. Especially if he knew beforehand what was to happen to his penis and testicles. Just the easy sex stuff tonight. Not even anal penetration yet. He also realized that his Dad had chosen well. The boy was a natural. It took barely three hours to 'convert' him. Most boys couldn't be 'converted' at all, let alone in three hours. The boy was not only naturally gay, he was also a total submissive. The next 'training' sessions should go just as well. Too bad the boy had no experience in being physically tortured. That would be the only difficult thing to 'train' him for. Other than never being able to use his penis again for anything more than urinating. Of course that won't happen until the boy has his main focus of orgasm moved from his testicles to inside his butt hole. But tonight was just going to be pure fun for them both.
Jett then leaned over the much smaller boy and watched him for a moment. Although not quite 16, Jett was well developed for his age both in musculature and in the genital department. At 5 foot 11 [1.80 m], and 165 pounds [75 kg], (converted from Parnia measurements) his lean frame would fool most people. But with almost no body fat his strength and athleticism (especially with not carrying around excess weight) allowed him to out perform most of his peers in sports requiring both strength and agility, even though they may have been 20 or 30 pounds [10-15 kg] heavier. To Theo, though until now he tried not to admit it, Jett was 'perfect.' Theo was very drawn to Jett's dark skin tone and even duskier private parts. On the last visit, Jett tried to explain away his attraction to this friendly teen, but now he was merely content to accept it without worry. The teen's penis and testicles held Theo almost mesmerized. Wow were they not only BIG, they were PERFECT in form and color. In actuality they were merely normal for a 16 year, but Theo was comparing them to himself and some of his younger friends. Jett's penis was perhaps 5 inches [15 cm] long when semi-erect and when his glans peeked out of his foreskin, it was a few shades darker than the mellow brown color of its shaft. His testicles, pendulous and of average size, were about the same color as his glans. Soon Theo would discover that Jett's beautiful butt-hole was also about the same shade of brown.
Theo on the other hand was a very typical dirty blond. Whereas much of Jett's sex parts were dark in hue, Theo's were more fleshy pink. His 3 inch [7½ cm] stiff penis (wow, it must have suddenly gotten bigger recently) sprung upward from a hairless groin. His small testicles were just starting to 'drop' and enlarge and now formed a large bump. Jett found his little boy package quite arousing. He was quite thankful that he lived in a society with advanced enough medical science that he will be able to keep his 'teddy' – his pet name for Theo – very close to how he looks right now for probably most of his life. When Jett pushed his face closer to his boy's groin for a more intimate inspection, he decided that before too long, and probably tonight, he was going to not only investigate Theo's genitals with his tongue, but also his beautiful rosebud. Theo's quite slender body, (Jett refrained from calling it skinny since to him it was quite beautiful), the boy's butt cheeks dimpled inward enough so that his anal opening was freely visible even with his legs closed. And it was SO inviting. Jett knew that he would have his erect penis visiting the silky interior of his boy's rectum very soon. Yes definitely, he decided. And he was going start his boy's 'anal training' this very night.
As soon as Theo entered Jett's inner bedroom (he meant to ask why there were two different rooms, and also where a couple of the extra doors led to) Jett almost ripped his clothes off, literally threw him on the huge bed, and jumped naked on top. He was never kissed like that before and Theo wasn't too sure he liked this until Jett's forced his tongue into his small mouth and something in the area of his groin said it was OK after all. Theo then moaned in pure pleasure as Jett took his 3 inch [7½ cm] stiffy between his thumb and finger and started to move his fingers up and down. He couldn't remember ever having feelings like this before, especially the intensity of feelings he was getting from his groin region. Theo was unaware that while getting his 'training' session, Jett also had the family doctor start the first of the boy's 'treatments' too.
"Ever masturbate boy?" Jett asked.
In his miasma of pleasure Theo barely was able to respond. "I'm too little to do that yet." Theo thought for sure he should react differently to the suggestion, but the thought just wouldn't come. He quickly forgot even that thought as he felt something surge in his loins he had definitely NEVER felt before – ever!
While Jett kept fondling Theo's small penis and testicles, he also again sucked on Theo's small pink tongue savoring the fresh taste of that piece of flesh. Then once again he kissed the young and very confused boy hard on his sweet red lips.
"Theo I love you so much, you are a beautiful boy," Jett whispered.
Now Theo raised his body and looked down at the small prone boy on his bed. He again leaned over the lad he sucked first on one very small pink nipple and then on the other. He then gave one a little nibble and Theo jumped and said "ouch" at the sudden sharp sensation. Theo meantime took Theo's other nipple it in his teeth and held it tight.
"Ouch," Theo cried again and said: "That hurt!"
Jett decided to delay any more 'pain' stuff for now. He rose from off the boy and looked down at him.
"Theo, you are lovely; I am going to have such fun with you tonight." He poked out his long tongue and licked Theo's belly button. Then he kissed it, sucked at it and licked it once more. He placed his open mouth hard against the boy's tummy, covering the belly button completely. His tongue poked and probed that little hole as Jett enjoyed the wonders of such smooth flesh. Now he continued licking down Theo's hairless tummy towards his private parts. His tongue for the first time came into contact with Theo's small slender but quite stiff penis. He licked it tentatively as his body pinned the boy to the mattress so that he was unable to move. He licked around and over the boy's penis, and Theo moaned heavily at the new sensation. Then he took the boy's entire package into his mouth. He closed his mouth on these little jewels and began to suck hard at them. Then as Theo's moaning climbed the register, he again held the base of the small penis between two fingers and now sucked hard on the very small cock head causing Theo to squeal and yelp. He tickled the boy around the base of his cock and then began to rub the sensitive end of the boy's penis. All of this attention had the desired affect. Theo continued to lie on his back but was now frozen rigid. The boy's genitals had never in his life been subjected to this type of treatment. Gradually a strange feeling started percolating through his body. It centered on his penis and before too long this feeling had transformed itself into the most incredible sensations he had ever known. His breath started coming in gasps. Suddenly the boy started arching his back and was pushing upwards. Jett knew he was about to give the little boy his first orgasm. Theo started to move his head from side to side. His dirty blond hair spreading out around his head. His skinny ribs rose and fell as his panted. His knees moved in and out with his stroke of the man's tongue on his penis, Suddenly Theo's body jerked straight up. "AAAAAAHHH" he screamed as his legs waved wildly. His feet drummed on the bed once, twice, three times, as his first orgasm hit him. Then just as suddenly it was over.
But Jett was just starting. He put his head between the boy's legs and started slowly licking his groin, sucking gently on both tiny testicles. "Ohhh, Ohh" the child moaned as Jett continued to 'molested' him. Theo took the rigid little penis in his mouth again sucking it like a lollipop till he felt start to pulse. He intermittently stroked and sucked Theo's nipples some more. "AHHHH" Theo purred, as the intense good feeling started getting better and better again. Theo moved back to the moaning child's penis, alternatively masturbating and fellating him, pausing whenever he felt the boy was getting close to his second orgasm. "OH, OH, OH, OH" little Theo gasped, lost in an ocean of pleasure. No one had ever made him feel this good before. Grabbing the now rock hard penis and stroking it vigorously up and down, Theo's body jerked up and down as the second orgasm in his short life swept through him. "AHHHHHH!" he screamed. "Ahhh! Ahhhhh."
Jett smiled not only because he was in the first stages of 'winning' his boy over, but he genuinely wanted him to enjoy the pleasure of boy-boy sex.
Finally Theo looked up and spoke his first recognizable words for a while: "Please don't stop now!"
Jett didn't. But this time he wet his middle finger and pushed it deep in the boys rectum, right before the boy was achieving his next orgasm. At this invasion, the boy yelped. He had NEVER had someone touch him there like that. His momentary thoughts were so mixed, that he was even at war with himself whether he liked it or not. But then the finger touched something and he went wild. Jett also knew that Theo's reaction was even greater than it would ordinarily have been since the boy's 'treatment.'
After his boy recovered sufficiently Jett pulled him onto his chest and started just rubbing his hand over the boy's back and butt, as they lay front to front. The boy just accepted the great feeling and almost fell to sleep. But Jett had other plans. Jett grabbed a hold of his boy, and manipulated him so that Theo's face fell onto Jett's groin.
With no prompting, Theo started licking Jett's penis and pulled his hands around to get purchase also on his testicles. Theo, more naturally un-self-centered than the average boy his age, suddenly got the thought that his new 'best' friend, whom he was beginning to really care for, had given him the best feelings of his life, and although just a bit scared, decided to try to return the favor. He even got the nerve to open his mouth as wide as possible and took in the first few inches of Jett's substantial penis.
Jett then turned them both onto their sides, grabbed hold of Theo's freehand – the other one was holding the base of his penis – and guided it to his own anal sphincter. When Theo realized what Jett wanted, he hesitated.
He was going to say something, but just then Jett took hold of his head with HIS other hand and held the boy well onto his now steel shafted penis. The boy tried not to gag as the penis hit the back of his throat. But Jett's will was obvious. Theo overcame his first thoughts of repugnance and allowed Jett to maneuver his digit into the very entrance of his back passage. The entire situation had Theo all again so aroused – a feeling that he didn't quite understand since before this night he had never quite experienced these kinds of intense physical feelings – that he abandoned himself to his feelings and stuck his two fingers into Jett's butt as far as he could. At the same time he continued to do with his penis what he remembered Jett doing to his. Soon Jett started to moan and buck himself shoving himself into his boy. Jett's pulsing penis erupted and Theo was shocked at the output. He knew that this would happen but never understood how much of that stuff could erupt nor the violence with which it could do just that. He even tried to swallow some of it heedless of any previous thoughts on the matter.
Later that night, after Jett had pleasured himself on his boy a couple more times, they both lay languidly in each other's arms. Theo suddenly started giggling, acting more like the 11 year old that he was.
"I guess that this means I'm gay."
"Who needs labels boy. Just enjoy."
"Don't worry I did! But I think I also enjoyed doing all that stuff to you as much, and not just because I wanted to give you pleasure yourself. Does that make sense?"
"Of course. And I'm glad that you can like both parts."
Theo, however, as he thought about everything, was having a little trouble understanding just why he had reacted the way he did.
"Jett, I so enjoyed cuddling with you on previous nights, but I never felt quite like tonight. This was completely more. I mean I never realized that we could have sex this way. I mean I've heard of older guys using kids for sex stuff, but never realized that it was so great for the kid also."
Jett was wondering exactly what to say. Sure many boys can have dry orgasms like Theo experienced, but his had also been 'enhanced.' By that first of many 'treatments.' And he really didn't want to start lying to his boy. What he did do was to delay things a bit.
"'Teddy,' let's just enjoy for now. We'll talk all about this later. And there is something pretty big I need to mention but not right now. OK?"
They agreed to talk about a LOT of things but 'later.'
It was the next morning and for the first time since the boys had met Theo was really angry. Their 'talk' had not gone so well.
"But how could you have done that to me?"
"Look 'Teddy,' you must understand
Theo interrupted: "NO, I don't understand. How could have done that? And my name is NOT 'Teddy.' It's Theo."
"Look, why don't you talk with Kit. Or even father. Maybe they can help you understand. We are doing this for your benefit too. You were MEANT to be my slave-boy. You will come to enjoy it."
"Yeah, like brain washing me some more? You just do a 'training' session and suddenly I will want to be your slave?"
Jett realized that this was partly true. But it wasn't even close to the entire story. Only because of Theo's basic nature, personality, and sexual inclinations, would these 'training' sessions be so efficacious.
"Look Theo, it's not that simple. That 'treatment' could only have made you do what you already wanted – at least to some extent. It just intensified the feelings you already have. And forced your mind to reason your own thoughts out."
Theo was still mad, but at the same time did not want to be. He still cared for Jett, cared very much. It was just that
"Look, talk to Kit. He's gone through everything himself. Ask him if he isn't happy being my father's slave."
Theo was ready to seriously object when a tiny stray thought came to him. Now was his own mind playing traitor? Or worse, was it because of that first 'training' session? But he suddenly felt an almost sex type thrill thinking about being forced to be Jett's slave.
"Did you do this to me?"
"Do what Theo?"
"Make me feel sort of good sexy thinking about being your slave boy? I never had a thought like that before."
"You did just now? That's great. And it's like I've been trying to say. You are MADE to be my slave."
"But if so, then why the brainwashing?"
"That just makes things go much faster and easier. It makes you understand yourself and the way you are."
Theo was more confused than ever. He decided to go back to his original question that Jett STILL never answered.
"How about all this boy-boy sex stuff? Where I come from it is really bad. Most people think that people who do that are sick or even worse. But now you've made me think different."
"Yes. We did. Because we made your mind think about it all logically. Your own society has been brain washing you your whole life."
They talked most the rest of the morning and even with Jett's father, the king – Theo was having trouble believing that he was talking to a 'king.' He seemed just like a regular nice person.
Theo felt somewhat better about things later that day, but he decided also not to come back to this world after he returned home this evening until he could really sort his thoughts out. And his feelings for Jett. And a lot of other things he suddenly started thinking about.
Chapter 4 The Kidnapping
Theo returned to earth, showing up in his own bedroom. And of course, as soon as he got back he had another argument with HIS Teddy.
"But don't you see?" said Teddy, "You were MEANT to be Jett's slave boy. And if you never agree to stay there, then what happens to me? I WANTED to be a real boy! I was promised!"
Now Theo was REALLY dumbfounded. His Teddy had NEVER acted like this. And now he was talking nonsense.
"You said you could be anyone you wanted. Just be some OTHER boy."
"But I want to be YOU! I'm a manufactured being and it takes YEARS before we can get to the point of really thinking for ourselves. And I'd be too scared to be someone NEW. I was made especially to mimic you. Please! Go back and be Jett's slave boy so I can be you here."
The argument only ended that night because Theo's parents – it felt a little funny to Theo somehow having parents so totally run his life again – said to stop watching that video and go to sleep. He had school in the morning. (The video was playing to help mask the 'conversation' between himself and Teddy).
And wow! How could have he forgotten that he was starting at his new school that very next day. His very first day in Junior High School. He quick sent Mark an e-mail, and went to bed. But it took a while before his thoughts could be put in enough order so that he COULD sleep. He had decided that he would NOT go back to Parnia. He realized that he did not want to be someone's slave. Friend, yes! Lover, yes! (Sex partner, yes). But slave? Why was that even necessary? And now he was even wondering how come he had even THOUGHT about it. But then he finally realized that he stopped himself from thinking about it because, one, he never thought about it as a really serious possibility, and two, he wanted so much to have a glorious adventure. And he did. But what Jett was talking about was just crazy.
And another thought just came to him. He realized that he was thinking so much more into things that he had ever done before. He was wondering if this was some weird but nice side effect of his 'training' session.
It was three weeks later in school when Theo had his very first 'problem' at school – ever! There was some dumb discussion in class – he thought it was dumb – about whether 'creationism' should be taught alongside evolution. And he wondered if he was the same Theo of several months ago when he just had enough of everybody's 'mush-thinking.'
He even raised his hand to speak. "Sir. I don't understand something here." Wow, he had never volunteered like this before.
"What is it, Mr. …ah, Mr. ah." (The teacher had to look at his seating chart. He did not know this boy's name. He realized that this kid had mostly just stayed quiet in the back of the room). "Yes. Mr. Banks, what exactly don't you understand?"
3;" (And suddenly Theo's normal super-shy personality tried to grip him. But he fought back). "I always thought we didn't teach any one religion in public school."
"Religion? Mr. Banks, we are discussing whether we should allow the other side to give their views. Should the theory of evolution be regarded as the only possible way out planet and life got here? We are talking about science."
"But that's dumb. It's really religion. You have to BELIEVE it. Because nothing can ever get any thing that could even start to prove it."
Even this unwanted opinion didn't get Theodore Banks into too much trouble. It was what he said two weeks later that got him sent home. This happened in what the school called 'current affairs and issues' class. In reality it was another attempt by the school board to indoctrinate the kids in their brand of 'truth.'
"Well," said their teacher Ms. Thompson, "who can tell me about the new amendment just added to our state constitution?"
One girl answered: "A law so real bad people can't destroy marriage."
Another student opined: "Yeah. My dad said they are perverts."
Theo was getting livid. He found his 'enlightened' understanding of gay stuff as acquired on Parnia made nothing else make any real sense. Unfortunately he blurted it out before he could think first.
Thinking of Jett whom he was really missing, Theo said perhaps a bit too loud; "But Ms. Thompson, we just want the same thing everybody else has – the right to marry the person we fall in love with. How does that hurt marriage?"
In some schools, say in some of the larger cities or more liberal areas of the country, Theo might have survived this outburst. But not here.
The upshot was that Theo spent the next couple of weeks living in a very strained household. And only because his parents truly cared for him, Theo was finally able to convince them that he used the word 'we' not thinking. He surely wasn't THAT way. But to have voiced this opinion at all was still making his life pretty miserable. And Theo himself was wondering if he could ever be really happy again. The attempt to survive at his school was a fool's errand. The general school body, and especially the teachers, were just too filled with their private notion of 'being good people' to ever tolerate, let alone condone, any free thinking. And Theo's parents even decided that they had better find him a different school. But Theo found himself so miserable especially since his own parents would hardly even speak to him, that he couldn't get interested even in perhaps a trip back to Parnia even if just for the adventure.
"No Teddy, I said no! They are just like the people here. Wanting to brainwash me to do what THEY want."
"But, it's for your own good. You can be happy there. It's why I made you say that stuff in class those few times."
Teddy realized that he said something he shouldn't have. Theo wasn't the only one to talk themselves into big trouble.
"What do you mean Teddy? How could you have done that even?"
Theo finally got it out of Teddy. "I wanted you to go back to Parnia. So I got you to give your opinion when it would make you realize that you can't be happy living here."
Theo did realize that to have voiced those remarks really was not like his usual self. "But nobody can do that?"
"I can. I can project my will a bit especially since we are so close. I was the kid sitting next to you."
That was the bombshell that got Theo finally believing his Teddy. And especially when Teddy made himself look just like the boy who DID sit next to him.
So that had Theo even more miserable, and now he wasn't talking to his Teddy either.
And that was when Teddy decided to take drastic action.
Teddy 'communicated' back to Parnia and Theo was kidnapped – literally – the very next day.
Theo gradually came awake as a couple guys he'd never seen before were strapping him into the 'training' chair. He fought as they fitted that big helmet thing on his head. And now something new. A needle, connecting to a bag of some milky liquid, was inserted into a vein in his arm. He was so strapped down that he could only yell to no avail. But he was too small to adequately resist. Then he saw Jett.
"Please Jett, don't let them do this to me."
"Theo. I really care for you. And I only want what is best for you. And given your inclinations and personality that is as my slave. You will thank me for this later. You'll see."
It was quite a number of hours later before Theo awoke. He was now in a soft bed – one that he instantly recognized. And he felt like he had gone through a war. But at the same time felt pretty good. And suddenly he realized that what Jett said was so right. Well maybe not quite that slave thing, but he sure realized that being away from Jett for so long was just plain stupid. Jett cared for him. And he felt so horny he NEEDED Jett right now. And he could not believe how the idea of allowing Jett 'to do sex things to him' so aroused him even more.
The next two days he spent at least half in Jett's bed. And wow! Were they sure filled with all kinds of sex stuff. Whatever Jett wanted to do. It was the second night when Jett put these cuff things on his wrists and ankles and Theo thought his little penis would burst he suddenly got so horny.
During that first night Jett had persuaded Theo to allow this butt thing to be inserted into him so that they could soon have real sex. Theo really liked the feeling of what Jett had called special 'stretching plug.' By the second night that 'stretching plug' (in conjunction with that last 'treatment') had done its thing and, though a bit scared at first, Theo finally realized after it happened, that Jett using his butt was the best sex he'd ever had.
"Ok my 'teddy' it's time to do something new."
Theo was so aroused he was up for anything as long as it was for Jett.
"What do you want?"
"Well, you know that plug thing was put in you to help get you opened up. So
Theo was still a little scared. "But I don't think I'm ready for that yet. I'm still too little." Meaning his butt hole was too small.
"But it's better when you're tight. It's the way it should be." Jett was thinking of Theo's past 'treatments' which were not only helping to make his future slave so very horny, but to make sure that it was using his butt hole and rectum for anal sex would be what so satisfied him. And of course to make sure that Theo's butt hole was just the perfect size and exerted the perfect pressure on his own penis to give himself his own best satisfaction.
But Jett noticed that his 'teddy' still seemed reluctant. He would change that. He was sure that Theo's last 'training' session had so enhanced Theo's 'needs' that he was ready for the next stage. He went over to a cabinet, opened the ornately carved wood relief depicting a sex scene involving a satyr and small boy, and took out possibly it's most innocent looking items.
"Here, let's put these things on you."
They were a simple set of leather cuffs with good padding and woven metal reinforcements.
Theo was both scared and aroused just looking at them. For a moment there was a small battle waged in his mind but arousal won. He put out his wrists and Jett quickly put the cuffs around each of them. There was a feint 'snick' sound as the ends met.
Theo looked at the right cuff intently and with his other hand pulled on it.
"How does it come off?"
"Just touch the little spot there," pointing to a slight indentation on the otherwise smooth outer surface, "with this rod, and it falls open." Jett demonstrated. And then persuaded his 'teddy' to have cuffs put on his ankles too. Jett then connected used light chains to connect the boy's leg cuffs and then his wrists.
Theo walked around with the cuffs and shackles a bit and got so horny just thinking about the possibilities that his now slim but 3½ inch [9 cm] penis – just when did it get that big? – stood out in iron firmness. (Even his testicles seemed bigger). Theo was so horny he started pulling on his own boner.
His hand was slapped away – and not too gently – by Jett. That's MY property boy. It looks like we need to do something about this."
Instead of being annoyed, Theo was even more aroused by Jett's actions and let himself be guided over to the big bed. Whereupon Jett picked up his future slave-boy bodily and tossed him onto the top of the bed. He released the small chains and quickly stretched each of his boy's slim arms toward their respective corners and attached the cuffs to straps already attached to the reinforced bed post. The metal end of the strap immediately anchored itself by just touching the cuff. But Jett was not finished. He went back to the cabinet and fetched a waist belt plus two more straps. As he fastened the belt around a now quite passive Theo, he smiled, thinking: "Yes indeed. This is the right boy."
Theo moaned quite loudly as Jett pulled the now fastened straps from Theo's belt to the bottom end of the bed.
"Pull them tighter Jett." Theo was obviously now a VERY willing participant. And it seemed the tighter he stretched out his boy, the more his eyes seemed to glaze over in arousal. And Jett himself sensed that his own arousal was hitting an all time peak as he looked down at his nearly helpless slave boy. (He was already thinking of Theo as his slave). The slim body of this small, slender, 11 year old boy, with his arms pulled so taught, thrilled him immensely. Now for the last two straps. He attached them to the boy's ankle cuffs and these in turn to rings attached to the corner posts a several feet above the wrists strap anchors. As he pulled them the boy's legs were forced up and back, pulling his small butt off the bed and exposing his beautiful rosebud – with training plug now exposed. He then pulled straps to the boy's waist belt even tighter. Theo moaned again as his body was stretched quite taught.
"Don't hurt me, please Jett." Theo now knew fully what Jett had in mind.
"Boy, it's supposed to hurt at least at first. That's part of the thrill."
Theo got scared again but realized that he was now totally helpless. And that very helplessness seemed to get him now so turned on, he ignored his brain when it tried to inform him that this could REALLY HURT.
Jett touched the control at the bottom of the 'stretcher' plug which immediately shrunk in width and was easily removed.
Theo felt a bit disappointed as the wonderful feeling of fullness left his rectum. He was really getting to like the feel of that thing. Jett, however, immediately stuck into the boy's now open hole a couple fingers. He knew that the boy's hole was clean enough since he attended to it during their 'shower' earlier. He was also determined that he would soon introduce his slave to the 'penetrating bidet.' But that was in the near future. Now he enjoyed the feel of his slave's satiny interior. And speaking of which, Theo was now moving about as much as possible given his trussed up situation. Then Jett hit that certain spot and his boy moaned and started thrashing. And to think that the boy's 'treatments' weren't even finished yet. Several more were needed to get his boy's prostate and sphincters to their greatest enhancement.
After several minutes of getting his boy to the brink of his dry orgasm and backing off, he decided not to 'torture' him any longer. (Or himself). As he prepared to mount his boy annually for the first time he was wondering if the boy's 'treatments' had progressed enough so that the boy's most intense orgasmic feeling would be in his rectum rather than his testicles. But his own arousal finally dispelled these thoughts as he abandoned himself to the moment.
Jett then pushed the brown glans of his penis up to the very slightly stretched out striations of flesh surrounding the boy's butt hole. He pushed in and Theo yelled out in pain. (Jett was appreciative of the fact that his boy's 'treatments' had obviated the need for a lubricant).
"Shit it hurts! Get it out! Please!" Theo was thrashing about as much as possible considering his predicament.
But Jett knew that exactly what his slave's butt hole was for – anal penetration by his master's penis. He pushed with greater force and his penis opened the boy even further, embedding his hugely stiff member halfway inside the velvety interior. The feeling was indescribable as the boy's tight sphincters pulsed around his engorged cock.
"Aaaahhhhhh!" The boy screamed. He started crying in earnest. But as Jett stopped, however, the pain subsided drastically. Theo even thought that strangely the pain had intensified his sex feelings.
"OK boy. You will really enjoy this!" Jett rammed his entire penis home. All seven inches [18 cm] were now imbedded into his boy's tight bottom and the silken interior of his rectum. The boy screamed again at the painful intrusion. "Damn that hurt!" Theo didn't actually think that in words. But the pain in his butt hole was now his entire reality. Then he felt relieved as Jett started removing his big penis from his small tight hole. But relief was only transitory as Jett began to slam back in. But then something happened and Theo thought his body had broken. The feeling was amazing as a sudden tingling, that exploded into a groin and rectum filling pleasure zones crashed into his 'pain.' This was the best physical thing he had ever felt. He rode the high silently begging Jett to push into him again. Jett obliged with an ever increasing tempo.
After a mind-altering several minutes, Theo had the most intense orgasm of his young life. And strangely it not only involved a radiating pleasure from his groin, but his entire butt hole seemed aflame. Passionate intensity of pleasure spread out now from his butt hole and rectum and totally consumed him. And as his tightening spasming sphincters clamped down on Jett's penis, Jett too went over the edge. His own spasms of pleasure pushed out huge quantities of cum into his boy's rectum. Pulse after pulse wracked his groin and outward. He had never before come this intensely or for this duration. Even after his own genital enhancement he did not achieve this peak. After the twentieth pulse, the intensity, threatening to render him unconscious, finally abated. He collapsed onto his beautiful slave-boy.
The remainder of the night was occasionally interrupted by additional sexual episodes as Jett put his boy into varying bondage positions. Theo said his favorite was when Jett sort of fitted that bag thing over his tight fetal position, encasing him entirely into a tight ball – a VERY tight ball as Jett kept increasing the tension on the outer straps. Of course one necessary part was left exposed. And again Jett made great use of it. A couple of times.
In the morning, as they were lying in each other's arms (OK 11 o'clock is still morning), they started enthusiastically describing their mutual experiences and what they liked.
"I can't believe it, but it happened Jett. But every time you pushed into my butt hole it really hurt, but it seemed later, very soon later, that that even made the sex feeling better. Isn't that weird?"
"No boy, it shows how you are made. I keep saying that you are meant to be my special slave boy. You'll see. And it makes it so much better when the two people care for each other so much." And Jett was also thinking about all that torture stuff he was eventually going to do to his boy. Just thinking about it got him so aroused. "No boy. Just let things happen. You will soon want even more."
Theo thought what Jett said was strange. "More what? Pain? But in the miasma of remembered pleasure Theo dismissed the thought as unimportant. Later Theo remembered something that Jett had alluded to the previous day.
"Jett, you mentioned those 'treatments' I'm getting. It this what helped make our sex so great?"
"Well, yes. While you were having that extra 'training' session, you were also getting another 'treatment' so that you could enjoy our sex together even more. Did you now notice how even your butt and rectum were getting that intense feeling of pleasure?"
Jett and his boy discussed what was happening in this regard. Of course Jett never mentioned to his 'teddy' what was eventually going to happen to his penis and testicles. No sense in bothering the boy with that just yet. After a couple more 'training' sessions he would be so much more receptive and accommodating.
Chapter 5 The Final Stage
Theo was so enjoying this stay with his very special friend so much that he was thinking of not going back tomorrow. Jett had been introducing him to a whole 'nother life. One in which he realized he could be his 'real' self. Until now, he had never really understood how so close two people could be. It went way, way, past being best friends. He was discovering emotions, and intensities of emotions, he never knew existed. And not only was the sex-stuff sooooo great, Jett, he realized, genuinely loved him. And Theo was so happy that he could now give himself to Jett the way Jett wanted. (Although even with the 'stretcher' plug, his butt was still a little sore from last night. But Jett promised that very soon, with a couple more 'treatments,' his own 'sore-gasms' would soon become even more intense and pleasurable (he was amazed thinking that this were possible). Theo had joked after the fifth time Jett used his butt last night that he had a 'sore-gasm' because his butt was now so sore. He knew his parents would never have approved but he knew that they could never REALLY understand. He wished they too could be given the 'training' sessions he himself had had so they too could understand how good and beautiful boy-boy sex can be between two people who truly cared for each other. Jett promised that Theo would begetting another 'training' session soon and promised that after that it would be possible for their relationship to get to the next higher level. Theo couldn't see how it could get any better but he trusted his now 'much-more-than-best' friend.
That afternoon Jett took Theo into the nearby town for the first time. He had him wear special clothes for the occasion, even if the clothes were sort of skimpy. He was amazed. Even though the place seemed so 'primitive' looking with just regular houses and stores, and entertainment places, that could have been on his own world, there were great differences. Like everything was so pretty and clean. And nobody seemed to be in a hurry. And there were no regular cars! At least not in the town. Jett said they weren't allowed. Of course they had these 'transport plate-things' all over and you could go everywhere almost instantly. And even though he couldn't understand a lot of the stuff he saw, there was so much that was so normal. Like the restaurant they went to. The food was fantastic and they wouldn't let us pay for anything.
And that was another thing. I told Jett that everyone was so friendly and treated us like royalty. He laughed and said that we were. (I sort of forgot for a while that Jett WAS a prince).
"But Jett, I'm not anyone special."
"Of course you are. You are destined to become the Prince's royal companion."
"But that's not for sure yet and even if, it's a long ways off. And I was just wondering. How come everyone keeps calling me your 'Pro-ab-consort' and I don't even know what that means?" (Theo was wondering about all of this. It seemed that somehow it just was assumed by everyone that this would happen. But he was wondering how come nobody ever asked him what HE wanted! Of course the more he came to know Jett, the more he wanted to be with him. But forever? What about home? Well he decided to worry about that later).
Jett did not want to lie. But he knew that Theo's 'language' lesson left out a few words. And 'Pro-ab-consort' was one of them. It meant that Theo was his affianced slave partner. And he was very hesitant to let Theo know what plans he had for him now that he was certain that Theo was the one he wanted as his permanent personal slave-boy. He had hoped that he did not have to explain until after Theo's next 'training' sessions. But he was also surprised at how amazingly fast he himself was coming to love this amazing boy. He definitely did NOT want to hurt him. (Sex torture sessions notwithstanding). Just to make him his slave. But the boy's 'training' and 'treatments' were necessary so that his boy would not only welcome his future role, but thrive in it.
Jett leaned over the table and whispered into the boy's ear. "I promise my special 'teddy' – I will explain everything on your next visit. I promise."
The rest of the day left quite a kaleidoscope of impressions and experiences whirling around Theo's brain. He was so excited that it even delayed their intimate sex-session for almost 20 minutes as Theo asked question after question. Finally Jett ended the questions by pulling his boy into his body and crushing their lips together. He also wiggled a couple fingers into his boy's butt hole at the same time. Theo's response was totally predictable. His arousal was sudden and intense. And he simply went entirely passive, allowing Jett to do as he wanted. And Jett was marveling that just after the first few 'treatments' his boy was so intensely aroused. Jett decided that he would proceed to the next level. He brought out leather straps and quickly stretched out his boy spread-eagled on his bed. He connected soft cuffs to the boy's ankles and wrists, attached the straps, and anchored them to four corner post.
Theo stayed passive throughout but studied what Jett was doing with avid interest. "Wow, that makes me feel so sexy! Pull them tighter."
Jett obliged, and then for the next hour Jett 'tortured' his boy by bringing him to orgasm after orgasm. Of course interspersed with teasing the boy to the brink on many occasions, and just leaving him there. Theo was moaning, then shouting, then thrashing around in 'agony.' But he never pleaded for any stop to what his lover was doing. Even the few times Jett had lightly slapped him with the loose ends of the four straps holding the boy at his mercy, he didn't seem to mind.
Theo was in another realm that he had not known existed. He never though that he could have ever gotten more aroused. And he sure LIKED the way he was totally at Jett's 'mercy.' Even the slaps of those straps felt 'good.' Then Jett said that it was his turn to do something new to pleasure his partner. They had showered together right before their sex that evening, and had thoroughly cleaned out each other's butts holes on that 'tube-toilet' gizmo. Jett had called it a very special type of bidet. That tube thing went right into his butt and he was washed out thoroughly. And it went so fast. A good thing too since he thought his intestines were getting entirely too full. Jett claimed that it was buffered so that it was not uncomfortable. Just felt strange as it filled him up. In fact, as he got used to it, it felt kind of neat.
And so Theo had not shown too much reluctance when Jett 'ordered' him to lick his brown puckering hole. After all Jett had done the same to him. Of course Jett's butt hole was so much darker and bigger. And Theo was fascinated by those pucker folds radiating out at the entrance. But what so drew Theo on was the strange allure of finding what was beyond that last tight ring of flesh at the center. Jett almost sat on top of his boy and lowered himself onto the boy's face.
Theo, bound as he was, had no choice but to receive Jett's hole. Theo was so sexually aroused and with only a moment of reluctance he finally decided that for Jett he would do almost anything. After all, hadn't Jett done the same to him just last night?
Theo suddenly discovered that he was so turned on licking the brown pucker of his lover's butt hole, that he got carried away and pushed his tongue as deeply inside as he could. Suddenly he felt Jett engulf with his mouth his own genitals, penis and testicles to their root. He momentarily lost focus as he came to another intense orgasm. He was wondering lately that the intensity of feeling seemed to have moved a lot, away from his genitals, and into his butt. Well that wasn't quite accurate as he thought about it more. The orgasm in his testicles was probably just as intense, but since that last 'treatment' the feeling in his butt hole was even better. And now he wanted to reciprocate. When he was finally able to speak again he pleaded with his lover.
"Jett, untie me so you can use my butt hole. I know how much you love that."
Jett complied and just as he got his boy's butt hole arranged in the right position Theo asked: "Hay, do you have anything else that can even scrunch me even tighter?"
Jett smiled as he complied. He brought out a sort of body suit that tightly bound his boy's limbs to his body and the only movement allowed practically was that he could be bent at the waist for obvious reasons. Even the boy's head was encased just leaving an opening for his mouth and nose. The next couple hours consisted of Jett's using both his boy's 'holes' for his own pleasure. And except for pleading for Jett to pull the straps tighter around his 'suit,' his boy remained totally passive throughout.
Later Jett decided that he boy was definitely ready for both his next 'training' session, and also his next 'treatment.' He had been quite ecstatic when Theo asked if he could stay past the three days.
And the entire processing of his new slave-boy was going better and faster than he had ever hoped for. Well his father, along with his own sex-slave Kit, HAD mentioned that this particular simulacrum – in the guise of a Teddy Bear, had functioned perfectly, and been quite accurate in its assessment of this particular boy, and his father. (The father's character was frequently reflected in the son). Only one in a thousand of these simulacra, however, even find a possible slave candidate, and even then only one of them in a hundred winds up discovering someone of this boy's potential. Too bad that his own civilization, in its ignorance, had centuries before, eliminated this particular inclination from its own gene pool. Their society had changed quite a lot since then and now such relationships were thought normal even if a bit 'different.' But of course, they had to seek elsewhere for their slave candidates. Theo had been surprised to learn that Kit too had come from his earth.
The next and final stage of Theo's 'training' and 'treatments' were at hand. Theo was so excited he could barely function. Of course Jett also finally explained to his boy exactly what a 'Pro-ab-consort' was. This happened after the first set of the final 'treatments' and 'training.'
Theo didn't mind this time when the attendant strapped him into the special monitoring chair, and put that big helmet thing on his head. He was even slightly thrilled and was even surprised to experience a sexual component to that thrill. They even had two different bags of liquid going into two different veins.
Jett came up to his boy and explained. "Don't get worried if you start feeling very tired and achy after the first part of this session. It will last pretty long and then a special monitor will be brought in to see what the last set of changes will be needed. There will be a short wait as preparations are made. Then the last session should be over pretty quickly."
Theo was anxious but not upset. Or even scared. He totally trusted his Jett.
When the short period between the 'training' sessions came, Theo took quite a while to figure out what was going on. But he finally came fully awake and his heart surged when he saw his special Jett coming over to his bed.
"How's my special 'teddy' doing?"
Theo felt a huge complex of emotions wash over him as he thought about what Jett had asked. And he NOW fully understood exactly why his Jett had been SO right. He felt he had not quite REALLY understood things until now.
"Jett. Thank you so much for choosing me. And now I understand everything. It is now so clear." Theo was so amazingly happy that he thought he was about to burst.
"So perhaps you won't mind becoming my slave-boy." Jett was pretty sure that his boy was now 'HIS.'
3;, I mean master. I now realize that I was ALWAYS your slave. I just ever understood it right." And it felt so right calling Jett his master. He so WANTED to please his master in every way possible. He felt so happy now realizing that he would be Jett's slave forever. It brought him so much joy. (And made him so, SO aroused too).
Jett could see the total submission on the part of his new slave-boy. He was thrilled. Now only one last important measure.
"Of course boy you know that a slave must obey his master in all things."
Theo felt a thrill surge through him at the very idea of being forced to obey his master. As if it would take much 'force.' He laughed at the idea. And again felt an immense sexual arousal of so giving himself totally to his master. Even the idea of being punished felt so right. And so arousing. Maybe he'd have to 'accidentally' disobey his master to experience it. Then he remembered what Kit had mentioned to him quite some time ago. It now almost seemed a lifetime ago when Kit said: "Of course sometimes I do things deliberate so my master punishes me."
Theo looked up at his master and smiled: "And master you can do any sex stuff to me you want." And even had the thought, and added: "Maybe even a few swipes with a strap would be stimulating."
Of course, unknown to his slave-boy, Jett was thinking of a bit more than 'a few swipes with a strap.'
"Ok boy, let me help you get ready for your final training session."
His boy eagerly complied.
That had been two days ago. His boy had experienced a 'rough ride' in the last 'training' session, as the doctor explained.
"Nothing to worry about my Prince. I was just explaining. Your boy will recover soon and be everything you want and need him to be. I assure you. And he himself will thrive."
His father and father's slave Kit were also in the hospital room with him trying to give him reassurances everything will be OK.
"Look son. You can't expect that what you want of your boy to have been easy for him to accept. Especially since he wasn't a 'natural' in this one regard. But he is now doing well and will be with you in our estate in no time. The formal ceremony will be very soon."
Kit added: "Don't worry boy. Your 'teddy' will recover fine. And those last 'treatments' will keep him exactly as the boy you see now his whole life. The doctor has assured us that the treatments were completely successful. Even with his genitals."
Jett, though still a bit anxious, was finally comforted. His boy had a bad period of a couple hours during the last 'training' session and the doctors fought to keep the unconscious but thrashing boy comfortable. Of course he had to admit that he knew of no other slave personally on whom this last 'training' session had been imposed. Only some slaves he'd heard about.
The next day, Theo was resting in Jett's big bed. A few additional refinements had been installed. And Jett was also anxious to introduce his new slave to his final 'stage.' And show him the special 'room' that had also been so meticulously prepared through a 'secret' door in his very bedroom. It was also soundproofed of course.
Theo was rousing. Jett wondered how he would respond when he saw his genitals. And tried to feel them. Or not see them – well sort of.
Chapter 6 Change and Permanence
Theo smiled as he saw his master's face.
"Master. I feel tired."
"Never mind that now boy. You are doing well. And your last 'training' and 'treatment' sessions are done with. Otherwise how do you feel?"
Theo tried to find the right word. "Happy" came to mind. "So very happy," he said. And thinking about his strong emotions swirling in him added: "Thank you master for making me your slave-boy. I want to please you any way I can." And he smiled even bigger. "Your 'teddy' awaits your command, master."
Jett was so pleased when he heard his boy use his special name for him. This Theodore was HIS 'teddy.' For life.
"Now remember boy, I'm your master. Do you trust me?"
"Certainly master."
"Good. Then right now I have something I need you to see."
But before Jett could continue his boy reached to his neck and felt the metal collar around his neck. It was relatively light in material, and formed a circle around his neck, tight enough that in rested on the bottom of his neck rather than his shoulders. Its cross section was oval in shape, and about ½ by ¼ inch [12 x 6 mm] (converted from Parnia measure).
"Wow, I really feel like a slave now." After tugging at it and feeling it with both hands, his slave boy then asked: "Does it come off?"
"No boy. That particular piece is permanently in place. Of course it can be made invisible to all but the most exacting scrutiny if and when needed."
"It feels,
3; I'm not sure how to express it. It sort of feels so right."
"There's one additional thing done to you that I need to show you. This has been done to make you into my perfect sex-slave boy."
Theo was more puzzled than concerned. "Any thing you have done Master, I would agree to."
"Good boy. I want you to look between your legs."
The boy uncovered himself, looked down at his groin, and looked up and said: "Wow! What was done to me?"
He also at the same time felt an amazing all encompassing arousal coming from his groin. Of course his penis was totally unable to do anything!
"May I touch it master?"
"This time I give you permission. You can even try to masturbate yourself to climax." And with a snicker added: "If you can."
The boy looked down at his now totally encased genitals. They appeared the same but his penis was obviously un-engorged. It looked so small and weird jutting out that way. Its now not quite 2 inches [5 cm] were straining with quite an intensity at its confines. Theo touched it and felt its rigid metallic covering. And then reached under and felt his testicles similarly encased. The covering, metallic in nature, extended over his penis and testicles in one continuous package.
"Wow, it feels weird, master. How come you did this to me?" The boy looked up at his master in more genuine curiosity rather than in dismay.
"You will soon discover. Try to masturbate boy." Jett was smiling with nefarious intent.
Theo tried. And couldn't. As he tried he was driven so insanely aroused but could find no relief.
"Master," a genuinely frustrated boy complained, "how can I have an orgasm?" He was used to his 'new orgasm' sex feelings and still wanted to experience them.
"What else are you feeling boy?"
Theo realized that not only was the feeling coming from his groin, but possibly with even greater intensity it was emanating from his butt hole.
Jett explained: "You see boy. Now only I can satisfy your arousal. You can only come to orgasm when I put my penis into your butt."
Theo experienced a swirl of conflicting emotions at that pronouncement. He eventually smiled.
"Just as it should be master. Exactly as it should be. Thank you master. But wow do I NEED to come!"
"I will certainly oblige you boy. But in my own time and in my own way. I now possess you entirely. Those genitals belong to me! Together with your cute butt, butt hole, and all your sex parts. I decide what's done with them, when it's done, and how it's done." Jett was thinking about that special adjacent room as he spoke.
They both smiled as they caressed each other. Jett then picked up his boy to carry him into the next room. There were a number of items there that had to be installed on his boy. His 'teddy.'
"There's something I need to show you boy. It's through here."
Theo had never been through that door before. It was one of the 'mystery doors.' When he was carried inside all he saw was a moderately lit room, with a wall of beautifully hand worked wood cabinets, and across from it a wall of drawers, again all of beautifully carved wood.
In the middle of the floor was a simple rigid rectangular frame with a series of rings across the top, sides and floor beams. The top was easily 5 feet [1½ m] above his head. The room now seemed bigger as he reckoned and the ceiling relatively high. The only other item was a weirdly shaped padded table about 8 feet [2½ m] long and 6 feet [2 m] wide. In the table were several small holes that went right through plus a large divot sort of cut out of one end and a depression near the other end.
Now Theo was not unintelligent. When recognizing the nature and almost certain use for such 'furniture' he quaked in sudden fear. Turning toward his master he shakily inquired: "You're planning to do things to me?"
The inflection of his words formed a question. And the use of the phrase 'do things to me' covered a multitude of possibly painful scenarios.
Jett chuckled to himself at his boy's understatement. "Yes boy. To give me such pleasure by my torturing you, will be one of your important functions as my slave."
In spite of his rushing fear Theo merely replied: "Yes master. Is it going hurt a lot?"
"Not too excessively this first time my boy. This is sort of a breaking you in type session. By the end of the month, however, the pain inflicted during our sessions will no doubt be much more severe."
Theo started trembling at his fate, both immediate and future. But he knew he had to submit. It was his duty as his master's slave.
Theo never said another word as his master fitted cuffs around his wrists and ankles, led him to the large frame and attached him to it. Theo moaned and started quietly crying as his wrists cuffs were attached to strange cables put in place to the far corners of the top beam. They then automatically pulled his arms outward in a 'Y' and proceeded to lift him about a foot [30 cm] off the floor. Cables were likewise attached from the bottom corners of the frame to his ankle cuffs. Theo yelled as his master touched a control and his body was stretched taught.
Jett was quite sexually aroused anticipating the torture of his boy. He also intended to have sex with his boy between after the later stages of his torture. His own naked body was starting to tremble at the thought of what he was about to do to his slave boy.
"You are allowed to scream boy. Just being suspended like this can cause great discomfort after a while."
"Shit," Theo was thinking, "if this is merely 'discomfort' I DON'T want to feel the 'pain' part." But strangely he felt a weird sense of arousal despite the fear of his imminent future. He was already trembling at the pain. But he also wondered why he felt so thrilled at the same time.
Theo watched as his master retrieved several items from one of the drawers. The function of the leather paddle, and the many thronged leather whip-thing were pretty obvious. Soon Theo learned that the whip-like thing Jett called a flogger. His master said it was the lightest one he had.
Jett laid those things at the base of the frame for now and held the final item, obvious again as to what it was for.
"From this time onward boy, some sort of a butt plug will always be locked into your butt. Some will need to be held in by a waist belt and straps that will extend through your cute butt crack. This one, however, can be made to expand thus holding itself in. Only when I am evacuating your bowels, or when I wish to introduce something else into your butt, will your plug ever be removed.
In spite of his position, Theo's master had no trouble inserting the relatively innocuous plug into his rectum. The feeling its insertion gave him had Theo wildly aroused in spite of my now increasing 'discomfort.' Theo also learned that he'd never need to be lubed. His master claimed his butt now was 'self-lubing.' And then my master touched a remote control. First the plug expanded so much that he couldn't help but yell a bit. The feeling was not just the pain but also such a feeling of tight fullness that he was feeling even further aroused. Another touch and instantly both his bottom and his penis and testicles, behind their permanent sheath, had him so stimulated he could barely think on anything else. Even his pain was blotted to insignificance. The plug was not only both vibrating and gyrating, there was also a feeling of direct stimulation to what his master claimed was his now quite healthy and enhanced prostate.
Jett hear his boy's exclamation. "Aaaaahhh! Hahhh!" And something that possibly resembled the words: "Holy shit!" were extracted from his boy's mouth.
Jett smiled. His boy tonight was possibly going to have more orgasmic experiences than even his master. But Jett decided that his shouts of both pleasure and pain were going to be significant enough that he decided to plug his mouth. He brought out one of his favorites. It was quite extreme in spite of its simplicity. The plug he forced into his slave's mouth was semi-rigid and filled it to the extreme. But also part of the interior of the gag was a rigid oval flap that hugged the inside of his lips. The second part of the gag, seated itself into the interior portion but fitted over the exterior of the boy's mouth and even extended around his chin. Two sets of straps secured it tightly in place. Extending from the center of the gag was a metal spur ending with a large ring. As Jett turned the ring clockwise, the flanges of the gag both inside and outside the boy's lips tightened so that these lips were now held tightly by the gag itself. The severely increased groaning and moaning of his gesticulating boy were severely muffled. The look in his eyes as Jett inserted the gag and especially when he turned the ring were priceless. Hitting a control, the increased tension now stretching his boy stopped almost all future possibility of added gesticulation on his part. But it did solicit additional muffled screams.
Jett touched another control and brought his sexual stimulation to a higher level. His slave's response was delightful to see. His eyes bespoke a mixture of disbelief and pleasure.
Then Jett started to methodically flog his boy's body. Talk about sexual stimulation! He had all he could do to refrain from taking out his boy's plug and replacing it with the one jutting out so stiffly in front of him. As the master delivered blow after blow to his slave's back, thighs, legs and arms, the muffled screams were delightful to hear. Harder and harder he swung until he was giving the flogger about half his strength. His boy's body was eventually covered in wheals of shimmering stripes. The makeup of the flogger and the placement of the blows still insured that his boy would remain uncut.
Jett was tiring after 15 minutes of non-stop effort and moved to his boy's front to see how he was suffering. Tears were streaming down his face and his now heaving breaths ended in grunting moans. The slave finally took notice of his master as he touched the unmarred areas of the slave's front torso. Jett knew what was to come next and by the noises from his slave's now strained vocal chords seemed to be begging and pleading for mercy. Jett had none.
As Jett lifted the flogger to attack his boy's front the boy started shaking his head. As the first stroke hit his upper chest the boy screamed anew. Jett spread his half-strength blows over his slave's chest, shoulders, abdomen, and legs, continuing until he could see an almost 'saturation' effect. Eventually Theo's brain automatically began to blot out the pain from his upper conscious mind. Jett rested them both for several minutes, allowing his slave's brain to 'catch' up with his pain. Then Jett started with the paddle on his boy's so far untouched butt cheeks. A very different kind of pain. About twenty swats to each cheek later, Jett decided that they were almost finished.
Theo's master's own need was soaring. He needed his own penis up his slave's butt in the worst way. And he was certain his slave needed this too. For the finale, Jett selected a slim and supple cane from the far cabinet and only gave his boy six swats. But this again was an entirely different and deeper, more long lasting pain. He was also careful not to cross swats as he did not want his boy's skin broken. As the first two landed across the boy's now red butt cheeks, a very high pitched, but muffled wail came from his mouth. His head was flung back and his crying increased. The next two blows were across the back of each thigh, and the final two across the soles of his feet. Even with the limited access to those so very tender boy soles, his screams hit a new crescendo and pitch. Jett then quickly released his boy, lay his almost inert but trembling body across the padded table, pulled his butt plug, hit the control for his penis and testicle stimulator to maximum, and shoved his own 'sexual stimulating device' into his boy's butt.
Theo was rammed without mercy. As his master quickly soared toward his own forceful orgasm, he could hear the subtle changes of both Theo's moans and his trembling. Eventually, as Jett hit the start of his own extraordinarily intense orgasm, his penis also spasmed its fluids into his boy's now clenching butt hole. Never had he felt an orgasm so intense and long lasting. He seemed lifted to another existence were all was pleasure and all else was blotted out – except for a tendril of thought being pleased to know that his boy too was in his own orgasmic pleasure world. As Jett eventually collapsed on top of his boy he was amazed to realize that his slave's body was still contorting under him in his slave's own continuing orgasm.
When Jett was finally able to move again, he carried his now nearly unconscious boy to the awaiting hot tub with swirling jets of water. There were also chemicals in there which would instantly sooth all but the deepest of his boy's hurts from the cane. Of course considering the intensity and length of his boy's own orgasm, perhaps those chemicals were not immediately needed.
Finally, after taking out his slave's gag, and relieving him of all but his slave collar, Jett climbed into the tub with his precious boy tight to his chest.
About 15 minutes later Theo started to stir. The first thing he said was: "Master, please tell me I did good."
"Yes you did boy. You did your master proud."
The boy started shedding a few tears. The situation was pregnant with strong emotion.
"You are the best slave-boy I could ever imagine."
"Thank you master." Then Theo's lips curled at the corners. He added: "I'd hate to think that so much exquisite pain and torture was not put to good use. Especially since it was mine."
At that moment Jett felt a love for his slave boy unequalled to any he had felt in his entire previous life.
"You can be assured boy that I thoroughly enjoyed our session together. And my subsequent orgasm was totally unparalleled."
Theo enthused: "I could feel your ramming into me and I wanted it to continue forever. I wanted so much to continue pleasing you that I was filled with such emotion I could barely contain it. And then I got so 'orgasmy' myself I could almost think of nothing else. It was utterly mind boggling."
"Was your sex as good as mine, my boy?"
"It had to be better I bet." Then Theo paused and seemed to feel around his body with his hands. "I don't hurt almost at all." He looked up puzzled. His master explained.
That evening, and again that night, and again that morning, Jett thought their sex was again unrivaled. Of course he could not resist one additional period of torture. This time he simply spread eagled his boy on the bed and stuck a few thin needles here and there. The first ones were through his tender nipples and his cries were so loud Jett was glad his chambers were sound-proofed. But it was the one through the rim of his boy's butt hole that brought the most exquisite scream. And the ones later, through a couple of his fingers, had his eyes rolling, and Theo begging his master to stop. Of course his master didn't. And of course the sex following the torture was magnificent for both of them.
As the two lay drowsily intertwined in their post, post, post, orgasmic glow, both master and slave spoke of their future together both immediate and long range. Of course there was no need to even mention their commitment to each other; that spanned all time and all space (and even alternate universes).
After a short hunger stimulating horse ride about the royal estate, Jett and his slave boy joined the rest his royal family at the dinner table that noon. The king and queen were there together with four of their six children. The two youngest were being entertained by the royal 'nanny.' Also Kit, the king's slave, and Sir Harold Bundoff, the queen's current consort, were at this formal occasion. (And one remote servo sending bit-streams to the press).
Theo had on sandals, his collar, and a breech clout. (And of course his genital encasement). The breech clout was a concession to the formality of the occasion. Jett was 16 this day, and was to be declared officially the first in line of succession. And also his slave was to be 'officially' presented to him by the king.
Theo and Jett considered this to be their formal 'wedding' of persons and souls. They were both crying in each other's arms by its end. Later, little Jeremy, age 7, asked his 'father' how come he wasn't getting a slave like Jett. Each child had a different biological 'father' only one of which was the king himself. Besides Jett, a 96% clone of his father, only Jeremy had his half compliment of genes from the king. (Via artificial insemination). Thus the king doted on the cute boy. "Jeremy, we shall see." The king understood that there were quite a number of still functioning "Teddies" on Theo's home world.
The other four kids had different fathers as was custom. The queen's current consort had only sired the youngest.
At the conclusion of the short ceremony, Theo considered this day the best in his short life. And he looked forward to his future, unimaginable a few short months ago. The mixture of finally being who he was and the love of his master made Theodore Banks, ('Teddy' to his master on intimate occasions) amazingly happy and content.
Theo thought he owed it to his parents to visit them on occasion. So a couple of weeks later he finally went back on a three day visit.
Transit to and from his 'old' earth was becoming commonplace. The transport grid in the royal household was one terminal, and his original Teddy the other. Thus when Theo arrived he wondered just where his Teddy was. He was not immediately visible. But before he could find him his mother stuck her head into his bedroom where he had alighted.
"Hello Theo honey," his Mom remarked. Theo turned around as his Mom came into his bedroom. She was putting away some laundry. She added: "But I thought you were outside with your friends?"
Friends? He had friends again? And his Mom was smiling again at him? "Teddy!" he mentally shouted.
When Theo went out into the living room looking for his Teddy, his Dad was there. Must be in the evening he thought. His Dad smiled! Theo was quite surprised (and happy) at his parents' apparent changed attitude towards him. He finally started getting a perhaps reason why when his father remarked: "That Marcie keeps calling. Can't she IM you or something?"
Theo was a bit surprised. Theo was thinking furiously. Marcie!? Calling ME!? Marcie from my old school, Marcie? Though he didn't exactly have a new one yet."
Theo was almost unable to answer: "Thanks for letting me know Dad, I'll give her a call. You know it would be nice to have my own regular cell."
Theo's Mom intervened: "You know our answer to that. That track phone is Ok for now and to be used in emergencies only. You can take the other phone into your room if you need privacy."
Wow! What the heck was happening now? He had to find Teddy.
"Teddy, where are you?" Theo shouted in his mind real loud. He heard something in his bedroom. He went back to his room and found someone climbing in his window. Wow. He'd never seen himself before like that. Cute he thought before he realized he was looking at himself. Then Teddy, right before his eyes, morphed back into his Teddy form. He then settled atop the bed looking all innocent. Theo tossed the phone onto his desk and bounced onto the bed.
Teddy (no longer in the guise of Theo) answered the unasked question. "I was just outside your window."
Theo was perplexed by his parent's behavior toward him just now.
"OK Teddy. What's going on?"
Teddy looked at me and said: "You can be nicer to me you know. I finally fixed everything for you. So how about thanking me."
"Fixed what?"
"The trouble you got in and everything. About people thinking you're gay and all."
"The trouble I got myself in? You caused it all. You said so yourself."
"Well, anyway I fixed it. And now don't you dare ruin things again."
Damn! Now even his Teddy Bear was giving him orders.
"How'd you fix things? And my parents? They're being nice to me again."
"Of course. I SAID I fixed things."
"But what did you do?"
"I just convinced everyone that Theo made that remark about marriage just to shake things up. Start some controversy. I finally convinced everyone, however, that I was, I mean Theo, you, were as straight as a John Wayne."
"John Wayne's dead. And you still didn't say how."
"Well, as I said. I convinced everyone that I was straight. And it didn't hurt that some guys caught Marcie and I making out in the back room of the library."
"Marcie again. You mean Marcie 'with the boobs' Templeton?"
"Exactly. And she's pretty snugly. She feels real good."
Theo was almost speechless. "But when you are me, aren't you supposed to be ME?"
3; What does that mean?"
"I'm GAY."
"OK, so I'm not an EXACT model. You should be happy."
And as Theo thought about it, he guessed that he was. Things at home were sure better. And also at school as he found out the next day. "Now if I could just keep Marcie from touching me." Theo thought. "Uck!"
"And how come I'm not as homesick as I thought I'd be?" Theo continued musing. And he missed his Master so much he could hardly stand it." Theo wound up going back the next day – a day early. "Teddy is doing a better job at being me back on earth anyway." Theo decided.
After talking with his master about everything that happened at his home – his old home – he was wondering. "I'm not even sure now why I was so glad to visit. My life isn't there anymore. And the more I think about things, the more I realize that you were right. And Teddy too. I could never really have been very happy there. And my parents now had the new improved version of me anyway. A boy who agreed with EVERYTHING they say. And liked girls too."
A very pleased Jett smiled and spoke: "What I've been saying all along boy. Now we need to make your collar visible again and you out of those clothes." He touched some control and Theo had his collar 'back.'
Those clothes had felt quite peculiar to Theo. And he now realized that he liked being almost naked. And his collar felt right too.
That night Theo gave his master his best torture session yet. (He was the 'torturee'). His master introduced him to this neat electrical contraption with wires, clamps, rods and things. And the sex afterwards was the best. Theo realized that that he was home. He was indeed his master's 'teddy.'
Meanwhile back on earth, the other Teddy was quite happy too. This Teddy wanted nothing more than to become a real person. And now he had his wish. (And his "new" parents were quite surprised when he now insisted that he wanted "Teddy" as his nick-name instead of Theo). He was also wondering if there was some boy or girl out there – he was an equal opportunity partner – who would like a 'tumble' with a real live Teddy Bear.
The Beginning