PZA Boy Stories


First Kid


Mike finds a kid asleep in his cabin. Not just any kid either.

Publ. July 2016
Finished 6,000 words (12 pages)


Lee (13yo), Mike (adult)

Category & Story codes

Consensual Man-Boy story
Mtcons [ref. to non-cons] oral anal – WARNING: violence/death (adults)


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at unicorn2012111(at)gmail(dot)com or through this feedback form with Cutter09 - First Kid in the subject line.


"Hold still, you little shit!"

"Let me go. Please, I'll be good," he was crying hysterically.

"I'll let you go, after I beat your head in. Now what are you doing in my house?"

"Your house? 3; You're not one of them?"

"One of who? Start talking, before I lose my temper."

"They kidnapped me."

Okay he had my attention.

"Who did?" I asked relaxing my grip on his arm.

"I don't know. I was blindfolded."

"Look kid you better start making some sense real fast. How did you get away? How many are there? And let's start with your name."

"Lee," he said beginning to calm down.

"Okay that's a start. How many and how did you get away?"

"There are four of them. Duke went to sleep before tying me back up."

"Good, you know their names," I said thinking we were making progress.

"No, just Duke's."

"How do you only know one's name, and not the other's?"

"Duke always 3; he had night duty."

"Night duty? How long have they had you?"

"I don't know. A week, maybe. I was blindfolded most of the time."

"So how do you know Duke had night duty?" If I catch this little shit in a lie, I'll know it's all bullshit.

"Night time animals sound different. You know like owls and stuff. And there was no light coming through the blindfold at night."

Okay that made sense.

"So Duke is asleep and you snuck out. When was this?"

"Last night, probably early this morning. I fell asleep too for a while, and I woke up, found I wasn't tied and snuck out."

"Okay kid. I believe you. Let's get you to town and someone there will get you home. I'm sorry you went through all that."

"No, They're out there looking for me. They're gonna kill me, and probably you too," he began crying again.

"Look, kid, when they found you gone, they probably high tailed it out of the state. Let's go before it starts getting dark."

"You don't understand. They have to kill me."

"What are you talking about? Why do they have to kill you?"

"Because 3; Shit 3; I guess I have to trust you. My name is Lee Jameson."

Why does that ring a bell? Jameson 3; Shit! President Jameson's son. I remember hearing something about it when I was in town, but I really don't give a shit about what goes on it the rest of the world.

He must have seen the light dawning on me. "Yes, I'm the president's son. If they don't kill me and bury me someplace no one will ever find, they will be hunted the rest of their lives."

"Do you know if they had any weapons?"

"Yeah, I think so. I heard the same noises I hear when my detail is cleaning a gun."


"What else do you know about them?"

"Uh 3; They didn't know who I was until after they had me a day or so."

"What? How did they not know? You have have Secret Service guys around you 24/7."

"Um 3; I kinda gave them the slip. I hate not being able to go anywhere or do anything by myself," he admitted.

"Yeah, and see where that got you," I said angrily. "So you left your security detail, and then what?"

"I was going to a video game store, when the next thing I know I had a bag over my head and I'm being driven somewhere. It was the next day at least when I heard them saying they really fucked up. That the whole army would be looking for them the rest of their lives, if they let me go as planned."

"They planned to let you go? Why kidnap someone and keep them for at least a day, then let them go? This doesn't add up Lee."

He started crying again. Shit I hate when kids cry.

"It's gonna be okay Lee. Please. Stop crying."

"They did things. They took pictures and videos. I couldn't stop them."

Shit he was hysterical again. At least now it made sense though. Snatch a kid, keep him blindfolded, take dirty pictures, let him go before you get caught.

I hugged him. Damn I hate when kids cry, I never know what to do. "Really, Lee, it's gonna be okay. I promise. I'll get you to safety, and then you can lead the authorities to where they kept you. They will do some forensic shit and catch the guys."

"That's just it. If they find the place, all those pictures and videos. I'm the president's son for god sake. Pictures like that 3; The things they made me do. I can't live with that. Everybody on the planet will see it. It will be on the internet forever."

"Yeah, I see what you mean," Poor kid. I can't imagine nude pictures of me circling the globe. I mean, I'm a grown man. I have a decent size eight incher [20 cm], and I wouldn't want the whole world to see it. This kid is only about thirteen, still concerned about his development, and the president's son. He sure doesn't need that.

"What else can you tell me about them? Can you describe them?"

Uh 3; Well, Duke was a big guy. Well over six feet 1.80 m], and fat, not too smart either. Another guy had a Mexican accent, he was the shortest except for 3; Uh 3; another one didn't like to bathe, I didn't like him. Him and the Mexican were pretty mean. The last one never talked much, but I got the feeling he was more or less the leader."

Lee stopped for a moment then blubbered "What am I going to do? Those pictures can't get out."

Shit. Poor kid really was concerned about his size. He's just a kid, no one would expect it to be big. They probably made him masturbate to get better pictures, that's not too bad, all boys jerk off.

"This place they kept you, can you describe it?"

"When I got out, I noticed it was bigger than this place, log walls but not run down. They had electricity too. I know because of the lighting."


"For the videos. I could feel the heat from the lights."

"Do you have any idea where it is?"

"No. It was dark when I left, I just ran. When the sun came up, I went toward it. I figured if I kept going straight, I would eventually hit something."

"Did you cross any water?"


Okay now I knew it was west and between here and the river. "Did you have to turn when you went toward the sun?"

"Uh 3; yeah a little left."

Okay west and north a little. I know where there are a few cabins up that way. But which one? For what they were doing, probably the most secluded. I had an idea which.

I went to my 'basement' and lit a lantern. I call it my basement it's basically a wooden room below the cabin. I dug it and put in a generator. Yes I have a few lights, I just don't use them much. I store my food and stuff down there to keep it from animals.

"Lee, I want you to go down and stay there till I get back. I'm gonna slide the table over the door, so you won't be able to open it. Not because I'm trying to trap you. It's just in case someone comes looking for you. They probably won't know the door is there."

"What are you gonna do?"

"Try to find them, before they find you."

"They have guns. Wait, I don't even know your name."


"Please be careful, Mike. I know these guys are bad," he sounded sincere.

"If you hear someone come in, blow out the lantern, and don't make a sound. If it's me I'll stomp on the door three times before I open it. Got that?

"Yes, sir."

"I'm not your dad, and I'm not in the military anymore. Just call me Mike not sir."

"Sure, Mike."

I led him down, then closed the trapdoor, sliding the table on top.

I looked around to see if there was any sign that Lee had been here. Closed the shutters on the windows, and stepped outside. I heard someone coming on the left side of the cabin, so I circled right.

Making my way around back I could hear his steps and continued around to the left side.

"Lee, baby. You in there? Come on out, you know I ain't gonna hurt you none."

Peeking around the wall I see a hulk of a man. I'm 6'1" [1.85 m] and he had a few inches on me. And probably a hundred pounds. This must be Duke.

"Lee 3; Baby 3;" He was saying as he opened the door.

I crept up behind him, grabbed his head, and snapped his neck. He dropped like a lead balloon. One down, three to go. I drug his fat ass to one of my toilet holes I have dug. I'd used this particular one a long time, it was pretty nasty. I rolled him into the shit pile and threw a few branches over him. I headed east toward the suspected cabin.

Living in these woods since I got out of the Marines three years ago made me quite familiar with them. When I first came out here, I did recon on the whole area. Call me paranoid if you want, but now it's coming in handy.

When I got to the cabin, I kept low and peeked in a few windows till I found them. Lee was right, there were three more, and one was Hispanic.

"Give him until morning to find the little bastard. If he's not back by then I'll kill him myself," one of them was saying.

"He's your fucking cousin. You brought him in. If we don't get that kid back, I'm killing both you mother fuckers," This was probably the one that Lee thought was the leader.

The Mexican just nodded his head and said "Puto."

"Boss, I'll do it. I swear. But what about the money? How will we get it if we don't have the kid?"

"When we find the kid, I'll send the note with instructions to the Washington Post. They're in the president's pocket anyway. Once we get the money we kill the kid and sell the pics and vids anyway. We'll probably make another couple of million off those alone."

"Too bad we gotta kill him. He's a little hottie. Maybe we could sell him too," Duke's cousin said, as he rubbed his crotch.

"Don't be stupid. He's famous. Nobody could be seen with him," Bossman said.

"Well, can we keep him an extra day? That kid gives the best head I've had in years," Cousin said, and Mexican nodded in agreement.

Bossman looked at him like he was nuts. "We'll see. But probably not. The sooner we get rid of him the better."

"We chure got lucky Boss. Instead of just selling a few peechurs we grabs el presidente's keed. Now we make mucho dinero."

I could only see a few handguns around, they probably each had one. But that was three more than I had. I circled to the other side, and found the room with the lights and cameras. They were pointed at a bed in the corner of the room. There were sheets on the walls to conceal the location of the video shoot.

Ropes were still tied to the bedposts. It was obvious that Lee had been spread eagle on that bed.

I made it back home and stomped on the trapdoor three times then let Lee out.

"What happened?"

"I found them. They're armed like you said. I can't get to those pictures with them there, and they're not leaving till morning. Do you like pork and beans, cause that's about all I got. I might have some soup too. Which would you like?"

"I never get pork and beans at home."

We sat with our dinner, me trying not to imagine what went on in front of those cameras, and Lee probably trying to forget.

"I thought I heard Duke just after you left me down there," Lee said, breaking the thick silence.

"Yeah, you did," I told him.

"Did he see you?"

"No, he never saw me. I think he had some kind of pain in his neck, and left unexpectedly."

Lee thought for a moment then said "I heard a loud thud too."

"Yeah, that was when the pain hit his neck," I reported.

Lee nodded. "He's not coming back 3; is he?"

"Don't think so," I answered. Lee nodded again.

"Why was he calling you baby?" I had to ask.

"He called me that when 3; he 3; when he was on night duty."

I just nodded, my imagination taking me places.

"Where's your bathroom?"

"Kid, this ain't the Hilton. Go outside and pick a tree."

"You mean, you don't even have a shower?"

"Yeah, I got a shower of sorts," I said pointing to the corner where my makeshift shower was. It did have a spray head, and it was fed by a barrel on the roof. I capture rainwater in it and use that to bathe, though not as often as I should probably.

"That? There's not even a curtain."

"Hey. I wasn't exactly expecting company. Take it or leave it."

"Do you have any toilet paper?" he asked indignantly?

I do, but he pissed me off. "What, there aren't enough leaves out there for your little ass?"

He marched out, and returned in a few minutes. He noticed I wasn't going anywhere or even turning my head, so he started to take off his clothes. He got to his tighty whities, and I still wasn't turning away. He defiantly whipped them off. He stood naked in front of me as if to say "There. Happy?"

I looked at him from head to toe. I must say, it was pretty. Of course I hadn't been around any naked people in three years, and never around naked kids, so I'm probably not a good judge. He was almost hairless. Except for a small patch above his little cock. I doubt that he was really little, I just haven't seen any boy cocks. It would probably be about four and a half inches [11 cm] when hard. For his age, that was at least average I thought.

When he didn't receive any reaction from me he stomped over to the shower. When he turned I saw his cute little butt. Nice shape, slightly paler than the rest of him. I could feel my own cock stir in my pants.

He just stood in the corner looking around for a few minutes. He had no clue how to operate it. I walked over to him "Is there a problem?"

"Yeah, how do you work this thing?" he said.

I looked down at his now hard dick. It had appeal, I admit.

"Turn that lever up, then pull this chain. Don't waste the water. Only hold the chain long enough to get you wet. Then soap yourself. Then pull the chain again to rinse," I said, eyeing his cock. He saw me looking, and his dick jumped a bit.

I turned back toward my chair and heard the chain rattle. Then "Holy shit!"

Laughing a little I sat down. "That's fucking cold!"

"This ain't the Hilton," I repeated. "And is that anyway for the president's son to talk?"

I noticed his dick had some immediate shrinkage. Cold water will do that to you.

"Fuck you. You could've warned me," he accused.

"But that wouldn't be any fun," I laughed.

I watched him bathe. I don't know why. I couldn't take my eyes off of him.

As he finished washing, I took a towel from the shelf and warmed it on the stove. When he was rinsed, I wrapped the towel around him, and started to dry him off. It was the most natural thing, somehow. He stood and let me dry him, even his dick, which had risen again.

When I finished drying him, he sat down, wrapped only in the towel. I undressed for my own shower. He watched me as intently as I had watched him. My cock rose to it's full eight inches [20 cm], which I did nothing to hide. Somehow it didn't deflate any when the cold water hit me. Maybe because I was looking directly at him, and his cock was standing up between the gap in the towel.

When I finished, I stood in front of him, my cock mere inches from his face "Why did Duke call you baby?"

Lee took a minute, then the dam burst. "He liked to call me that while he fucked me. He started the first day, even before they knew who I was. It happened after we first got to the cabin. They had the cameras already set up. They made me strip, then the boss went first. He made me suck him. I fought at first, but he slapped me around, warned me not to bite him or he would kill me. When he shot his load in my mouth, he told me to open my mouth and show the camera. Then the Mexican man put his dick in my mouth. He grabbed my head and pushed his dick down my throat. I gagged but he didn't care. He just fucked my mouth for about ten minutes and then shoved it hard while pulling my head tight against him and squirted in my throat. The the other guy. His dick tasted dirty. I hated it. He wanted me to do all the work, too. I forced myself to suck it, though I nearly puked. Duke didn't want a blow job.

"Duke, greased his cock and they tied me face down on the bed. Duke got on my back and I could feel his dick at my hole. He pushed hard and it went in. It hurt like hell, and I screamed. He said 'It's okay baby. It only hurts a little at first. I knew they were filming me getting fucked in the ass by Duke. He barely made it all the way in before he suddenly jerked a little and collapsed on me.

"Later, they made me jerk off for the camera. Then three of them got blow jobs again. Duke waited till they put me to bed. Then he fucked me again. He kept calling me baby while he fucked me. He told me to call him Daddy. The next day all of them fucked me. One after the other, with the camera going the whole time. They called it my gangbang party. Then they wanted beer, and the boss guy went to get it. That's when they found out who I am.

"After that things changed. They didn't touch me the rest of that day. I could hear them saying things like «Man we really fucked up,» «What are gonna do?» Duke came in that night and slept with me again. He fucked me, but at least this time he played with my dick too, while he did it. He said «You like it don't you baby?»

"They started treating me better. They fed me and let me go to the bathroom. Duke always had to stay with me. He was pretty stupid, and the others bossed him around.

"Sometime that day the boss guy decided that they would blackmail my dad into giving them five million dollars. He was going to send a picture of me, obviously nude, and tell Dad that if he didn't pay, they would spread the pictures around. That he could have me and the pictures for the money.

"The next day, every once in awhile one of them would come in and get a blow job. But the others never fucked me again. Only Duke, at night. He even began to untie me first. Then he would fuck me and say «Do you like it when I play with your dick?» or «You like my cock in you?» Afterward he would tie me up again and go to sleep beside me.

"Then they decided to keep me around a while till things calmed down a bit. They wanted to keep playing with me, while they could, before collecting the money and killing me.

"The next day the boss guy handed me a dildo. It was about the same size as the bosses dick, maybe a little thicker though. Not as big as your's is. But bigger that the others. He set up the camera and told me to fuck myself with it. He had me pose all kinds of ways with that dildo, made me keep fucking myself with it until, at one point, I shot a load all over myself. He thought that was great. «The little bastard likes it in the ass! Look at that load! This is worth a fortune. The president's son cum's from ass fucking.»"

Lee cried for another minute, "I couldn't help it. I hadn't cum in days. Then all that sucking and the fucking at night. It felt so good. I guess I did like it. That night, Duke fucked me again. He kept asking «Is it good? Are you gonna cum on my cock?» I probably would have it he could have kept going a little longer."

"Please Mike, you've got to help me get those videos back. My life is ruined if people find out I like getting fucked. Dad's career too."

I didn't care much for his father. It's his fault I have this limp now. He has no respect for the military. Hell most of his bodyguards are ex-military. Still though, that's not Lee's fault. I had already decided to take care of it.

"Lee, just because you had an orgasm while doing that doesn't mean that you're gay. You have what's called a prostate gland. All men have them. When it gets stimulated you will cum. A doctor can do it during a physical exam even. Do you know what a clitoris is? It's kinda like that. It's our happy spot."

Lee grinned when I said that. Then he got sad again. "But Mike, I did like it. I liked it a lot. I got to where I was looking forward to Duke getting into bed with me because I knew he would fuck me. It was like an itch that I couldn't scratch by myself. One day I was sucking the Mexican. Someone was rubbing my butt, probably Duke, he liked my butt. He kept teasing my hole with a finger, not really putting it in, but teasing it. I couldn't take it anymore. I took the Mexican's cock out of my mouth long enough to say "Dildo," I sucked three cocks and I shot twice while they fucked me with that dildo. I definitely like it. But the world doesn't need to know that."

I could tell he was very worried about this. Who wouldn't be.

"I'm gonna help you I promise. But we can't do anything til morning. I'll take care of them and then the videos. You take the bunk, I'll sleep in my chair. Get some rest, you're gonna need it."

Lee lay down on the bunk, and I turned out the lantern. I sat in my chair planning my strategy for the next day.

"Mike?" came Lee's voice in the dark.


"Remember that itch I told you about?"

"Yeah," I said smiling.

"It's back. Do you think 3; I mean, would you 3;"

Music to my ears. Even in the dark, I could find the Vasoline I use for my self abuse.

I had never had sex with a guy, but I know the mechanics of it. I found Lee already awaiting me. Knees up by his chest, ass willingly in the air. Neither of us needed foreplay. I lined up and the head popped in pretty easy.

"Ugh 3; Go slow at first. You're way bigger than they are," Lee said.

I could tell, the last couple of inches were more than he was used to. He took it without complaint though. In fact, he seem pretty grateful to get it. He wrapped his legs around me and thrust his ass at my burrowing cock.

"Oh god that's good. I love your cock," Lee said just before cumming on it.

As I got close to my own release, he said "I'm gonna cum again," he did too, just as I unloaded inside him. I collapsed on top of him and he whispered "That's how it should always be."

I agree. It was incredible.

At first light I woke Lee and told him my plan. He wasn't happy because it involved letting them find him. I assured him I would be close by, and they wouldn't kill him till they got their money anyway. Their plan included having him in hand, before they sent the note. I know that for that note to be effective, it would have to include a picture of him holding a newspaper with today's headline.

I left Lee, and made my way to their headquarters. My timing was right, they were just leaving as I approached.

"José, you go that way to the river. Look along the shore a mile or so in each direction. If you see any evidence of him crossing meet us back here. I think he went this way though. I'm taking this dipshit with me so he can kill his cousin if we find him."

"Jew got it boss," José responded.

They took off in different directions and I went in the cabin. Lee was right, it was bigger and nicer than mine. Looking around, I found the computer. I had to determine whether they had sent any pictures or videos anywhere. They hadn't. I found folders marked 'boys and girls', 'boys', 'girls'. There had to be thirty kids in various sex scenes in these folders. This is one group of guys I wasn't going to feel bad about killing.

I found Lee's file. I only glanced through it quickly. I saw enough to know everything he told me was true.

I erased everything, then formated the hard drive. In a closet I found hundreds of discs with names or contents listed on the covers. Boxes of prints, even VHS tapes. I would take care of this later.

In another closet I found sex toys, whips, chains, the whole works. Another thing to take care of later.

I headed toward the river and saw José. I circled behind him and when he started toward the cabin, grabbed his mouth from behind to muffle the scream I knew was gonna come when my knife entered his kidney, then slid around front to his belly button and up. "Lee says hello," I told him. He only twitched for a minute before I let him drop.

I assumed the others would stumble around in the woods a while before finding my place. I was right. I arrived just as they were dragging Lee out. "You've been a bad boy, Lee. I might even have to hurt you before sending your corpse back to your dad," The boss laughed. I didn't think it funny though.

I followed them back to their place. Lee struggled with them along the way "Let me go you son of a bitch."

Boss man slapped him and said "You know we can't do that until we get paid for taking care of you for the last few days," Then to the dirtybird, "Go into town and buy a newspaper. Take your time. Me and Lee are gonna make another movie."

I followed dirtybird a few yards from the house, before he got the same treatment his cousin got. His neck snapped much easier than Duke's.

I took his gun from him, and went back to the cabin.

I didn't even try to be quiet as I entered. Bossman was tying a naked Lee to the bed. "That you José? Bring me the big dildo, Lee's gonna love it," he yelled over his shoulder.

I stuck the gun to the back of his head. "José's a little indisposed," Bossman froze. "Untie him," he did as he was told. Lee jumped up and stood behind me.

"Strip," he hesitated, I cocked the pistol, he stripped.

"Tie him up tight, Lee," I instructed. When he was tied face up to the bed, I went to the 'toy' closet and got the big dildo.

Bossman wasn't thrilled to see it. "You're not a Secret Service man."

"Nope. I'm in Lee's service. I understand you like making kids use dildos. I saw some of your videos. I didn't see one boy or girl asked to be fucked with a dildo. In fact, none of them seem to want to be in your movies. I don't like it when kids are forced into sex acts they are not inclined to participate in.

"My friend also told me you made him cum with a dildo. Is that right?"

"Yes. Yeah he liked it. Didn't you Lee? Tell him you liked it," Bossman said squirming.

"Oh, he told me he liked it. He liked it so much, that he wants to return the favor. He wants you to see how good it feels to cum with a dildo. Of course this one is a little bigger than the one he had. It's probably about fourteen inches [35 cm] long. Maybe ten inches [25 cm] around. But he's just a boy, and you're a grown man, so maybe this is the right size for you."

"You can't do this. You're a cop. I have rights," Bossman yelled at me.

"Who said I was a cop? I didn't say I was a cop. You're gonna get the same rights as you gave Lee."

I asked Lee "Did he use any lube on the dildo?"

Lee nodded yes. "Damn, I was hoping you would say no."

I gave Bossman a smile. "Looks like you have the right to lube."

Bossman didn't seem to like that toy going in his ass. Although Lee seemed to enjoy putting it there. Once the head popped in, Bossman's screams annoyed me, so I gagged him.

I let Lee feed him a couple of inches before I told him to leave the room. The last ten inches [25 cm] went in rather abruptly, I think, to be enjoyable. Bossman passed out. Too bad really. I would have liked him to be awake when I stuck a confession note to his chest with a kitchen knife.

Picking a few pictures from the stockpile in the closet, I threw them on the bed next to the deceased Bossman, Then took all the other stuff outside. I dragged in José and Cousin, Duke was going to have to wait. The computer and cameras went into the pile outside. I took the memory cards from the cameras, just to be sure.

"Does your dad have a private cell phone?" I asked Lee.


I gave him Bossman's cell phone. "Text your dad. Mention something that only you and him will know. Then add these numbers," I said giving him longitude and latitude to where Lee could be picked up.

"It's best if I'm not around when they show up," I said as I led him to a clearing nearby. "You wait here. Your dad will be here soon."

"What? Where are you going? You saved my life. You deserve a reward."

"Just tell your dad to treat the Military better. That's all I need."

I was watching the pile of porn and electronics burn, when I saw Marine One fly over. A couple of minutes later it flew over again. I couldn't see in the windows, but I assumed Lee was looking down at the fire and me. I waved him a farewell.


I was in town for my weekly supply run, when three black SUVs pulled up. One guy got out of each, and flashed me their gun holsters. One said "Get in," Not please, just 'get in'.

If they were Maffia, I was dead either way. If not Maffia, I was in for a long jail term. I got in. "What's this about?" I asked, as if I didn't know.

"Shut up," The same guy said.

I leaned back and closed my eyes. What the fuck do I care what they have in mind.

I wake up as they pushed me out. We were in a garage, but I couldn't tell where. I was shoved into an elevator, and taken to the top floor. We exited and two guys were standing beside a door. They opened it and I stepped through.

It was obviously a large suite in an expensive hotel. I stood waiting then a door to my left opened, and President Jameson walked in.


"I assume you are Mike," he said

"Yes, sir," Why was I suddenly standing at attention. I wasn't in the Marines anymore.

"Relax. My son recently went through an ordeal, as you know."

I nodded but kept silent.

"He told me quite a story too. You see, my son and I are very close. He told me everything. He also said I needed to treat the military better. After what you did, I have to agree."

I smiled but stayed silent.

"Four dead men with dildos in their asses is a little difficult to keep quiet. But that has been taken care of. Those men got what they deserved.

"However the question is, what to do about you. Like I said, my son told me everything. You know things that happened, that he would prefer no one to know. You also know him in a manner that no one, well, nobody living thanks to you, does.

"He convinced me to trust you. He actually wanted you for his security team. I'm afraid that isn't possible. Although he did learn not to slip away anymore."

He pushed a button on the desk and few seconds later Lee came through the same door he had come from.

"Mike!" He said running and jumping into my arms. "I've missed you so."

"I've missed you too," I said. It was only then that I knew how much that was true. I actually had tears in my eyes. Not good for a Marine.

"You put dildos in the other guy's asses too. That was funny."

"Lee!" His father and I admonished simultaneously. Then smiled at each other.

"What? It was funny," Lee defended.

"Go get your friend," his father said shaking his head.

Lee ran off and returned with another boy about his age, and a man of about forty.

"Mike, this is Bobby. He's my best friend. And this is his father Mr. Goldthorpe. He owns United World Tech Incorporated."

"Pleased to meet you Mike," Goldthorpe said.

I shook his hand. "Same here sir."

"I'll get right to it. President Jameson assures me that you can be trusted. Lee also speaks very highly of you. After seeing your service record, I had to agree that you are more than qualified for the job."

"Job?" I'm sure I looked pretty stupid right then.

"I'm a very busy man, and Bobby hates to travel with me all the time. I need someone I can trust to be with him 24/7. He doesn't like my bodyguards and the last one he had, hit him."

I looked at Bobby. He is a cutie. Brown hair, big brown eyes, dimples. How could someone hit this angel? I put my arm around his shoulder and drew him protectively closer.

Bobby smiled up at me, then nodded at his dad.

"If you want the job it's your's," Goldthorpe said.

I looked at Lee. He nodded at me, and winked.

"Okay. I'll take it," I agreed.

"Great. Can you start today? Lee Is coming with us for the rest of the week. We're going to Miami."

Lee was giving me a rather lecherous grin.

"Sure. Why not. I don't have anything pending."

"Yea!!" Both boys shouted.

Lee hugged me again, and whispered in my ear, "Bobby gets that itch too,"

The End

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