PZA Boy Stories

Mister Red

My Cousin's Boy


Thirteen-year-old Billy is caught masturbating with another boy and his parents send him away to an older gay relative 3;
Publ. Feb 2009
Finished 4,500 words (9 pages)


Billy (13yo) and the narrator (40yo)

Category & Story codes

Consensual story/bdsm
Mb – reluc mast oral analbond


This is an adult erotic gay story. If such stories offend you or if it is illegal to read such stories where you're located, please go away now. If you can't tell the difference between reality and fantasy, go away quickly and get some help. However, this is not a slam-bang hard sex story! It is about the sexual tension of a young hetero teenage boy being undressed and embarrassed in front of (and along with) his hetero father. So it includes intergenerational and family themes along with nudity, humiliation, voyeurism and masturbation. You've been warned.

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author redbeardedsf(at)yahoo(dot)com or through this feedback form, please mention Mister Red and the story title in the subject line.

I was surprised to get a phone call from my cousin Trixie. I was at her wedding to her second husband six years earlier at which time I learned that she was marrying a bible-thumping rightwinger who didn't approve of having homosexuals in his home. Actually, he didn't approve of homosexuals even existing. So I got a once-a-year Christmas card from Trixie and I sent her a Christmas card in return. One year she wrote on her card how beautiful my cards were and she felt awful that she had to rip them up into the garbage before her husband got home. So clearly I was persona non grata in Trixie's home.

But now she was on the phone sounding hysterical and said, "Please, I'm putting Billy on a bus to Los Angeles. You have to let him stay with you for the summer." Huh? I wasn't even permitted in their very very christian home, but she wanted to send her young son to stay with me?

It was tough to get anything clear out of Trixie. But eventually I pieced together that her bible-thumping husband had walked in on Billy who was with a school buddy, pants down 'doing queer things together.'

"Queer things? What were they doing? Given his age he's probably just experimenting. It doesn't mean that 3;"

She started sobbing. Her husband had taken the baby and left the house the day before and he would not come back and would not let her see her baby until Billy was gone from the house. "Please, summer vacation just started. If you could take Billy for the summer just till Jon cools down about this."

I paused a long time and said, "Does Jon know you intend to send the boy to stay with me?" I had visions of this shotgun-toting redneck blowing my brains out for cohabiting with his stepson.

"Jon was the one who suggested it."

I then offered to arrange for a plane ticket. But Trixie insisted that she already had the bus schedule and she would call to tell me what time the boy would arrive the next day. One last question I had that Trixie answered. Billy had just had his thirteenth birthday.

I mixed myself a drink and lit a joint. I'm a 40-year-old leather topman who likes to party and play with hot guys down in my basement dungeon. Having a kid at my house would sure cramp my style. And what would it be like for the boy? I'm sure his dad had drilled into his brain how evil homosexuals were. Was it possible the boy was gay? Or, as I thought, was he just curious and messing around with a classmate, and would therefore be horrified to be alone with a gay man?

I was at the bus depot the next afternoon. The boy had been through an overnight bus ride and he was limping from the confined space. At first site, I was stunned. He was simply beautiful. He had shaggy dirty-blond hair, a trim athletic body, and a face that could've been in commercials. He was one seriously cute teen boy.

Of course there was a complication upon his arrival. His suitcase was missing. They would have to investigate whether it was unloaded at a previous stop on the route. If they couldn't locate it the bus company's liability was limited to fifty dollars. This on top of everything else seemed more than the boy could take. I did my best to calm him and told him I'd take him shopping for clothes the next day. He whimpered that his parents didn't have much money for new clothes. I assured him it would be my pleasure to buy him things.

On the way to the parking structure, I stood behind the boy on the escalator. I found myself looking at his butt – so round and yet his hips were so slim. My eyes moved up his back. His t-shirt was baggy but the light in front of us made the cotton transluscent and showed off his slim waist that spread out to a serious set of shoulders. I tried to mentally slap myself to get these thoughts out of my head. But then I thought to myself, Why shouldn't I expect to see him naked at some point? It could happen naturally around the house. Or I could arrange for some circumstance. After all, he'd be staying for a few months, inconveniencing me. A hot gay guy like me gets to see a lot of hunky naked bodies, but would never get to see a cute thirteen-year-old boy taking off his underpants. I vowed that was the one thing I'd make happen.

He was in low spirits and he had good reason to be. I learned that in addition to losing all his clothes, he also had a treasured plaque from little league where he had been chosen most valuable player. In chatting him up, I tried to be upbeat about his visit to LA and tried to ignore the reason he had been sent here. He just sulked in the car even as I offered him trips to the beach and to amusement parks.

Back at the house he said he wasn't hungry. But he was hungry enough for cookies and milk. After he'd devoured five cookies he finally exploded the silence and said to me, "Look, I'm not like you. No offense, but I'm not. We were just 3; ummmmmm fooling around 3; we were 3; ummmmm, curious."

Softly I said, "That's what I kinda suspected. In fact that's what I told your mom over the phone."

Then his face lit up. "Then will you tell my stepdad? If you tell him I'm not a queer – ummmm, no offense, I mean gay – if you tell him I'm not gay then he'll believe me and let me come home."

"Well, first, I don't know that your stepdad would be willing to talk to me. He hasn't been for the last six years. And second 3; well, Billy 3;" I paused as I thought how to say this. "I don't know for sure that you're not like me 3; I mean, not homosexual."

"But I should know and I'm telling you, right?"

I shook my head. "Calm down and listen, Billy. When I was your age I had hidden away my feelings. I bet I could've passed a lie detector saying that I didn't have sexy thoughts about guys – even though I sure did have those sexy thoughts."

His voice grew small. "Then if I can't take a lie detector, how can I prove it to you?"

From what the boy described he hadn't gotten any restful sleep on the bus. But he was too jittery and his mind was racing so that I couldn't see how he could get to sleep. I crushed up just one-quarter of a sleeping pill into his next glass of milk. Then I led him to my den that's next to my bedroom and he stretched out on the futon while I got a blanket and some pillows for him.

When I returned he was sleeping soundly. I took off his sneakers and his white ankle socks. Then I sniffed his t-shirt. The boy had been wearing the same clothes since the previous day. I peeled the t-shirt off him and he still was sound asleep. So I opened his tan walking shorts, unzipped them, and pushed them down his smooth legs. Wow, what a sight. His body was fat-free and the skin was flawless. Since he had no clothes to change into, I would have to put his stuff into the washing machine. As my fingers gently grasped the waistband of the boy's white briefs, I felt my cock throb in my pants. I peeled down his briefs and revealed Billy in all his perfect nakedness. He was facing away from me and I had an unobstructed view of those beautifully round cheeks. When I pulled the briefs off his feet, one of his legs rolled back and then he was lying on his back. His small erection was pointing up toward his chin and I couldn't tell whether he had some fuzz at the base or if it was just shadow.

With all the wild sex I was used to having, here was a sight I'd never seen. I had to reach down and touch myself through the front of my pants. Then I reached down into my pants and started to rub my very stiff penis as I sniffed the boy's dirty briefs. It wasn't just the sight of the boy. It was also the circumstance. This cute kid who was star of his town's little league was stripped bare naked and erect and was being ogled by a big hairy gay man who had a sex dungeon in his basement. Not that I would dream of doing anything with the boy. Or would I?

Just as I shot my wad messing up the front of my pants, the phone rang. I was catching my breath, pushing down my pants and boxers and using the boy's briefs to wipe up the mess I'd made. The call was from Jon, Trixie's husband and Billy's stepfather.

As he spoke I toyed with my dick. For some reason hearing his voice over the phone added to the crazy eroticism of the moment. First he was apologetic to me in a back-handed way. "Some folks believe you can cure the gay outa a guy, but I don't believe that. I believe once a homo always a homo. I know you're a good guy, Trixie always told me how generous you've been to the family. But I just can't have the pollution of homosexuality around my family."

"But you're willing to have your thirteen-year-old stepson live with a homosexual?"

"That's different. Y'see, the boy's a homo himself. So what harm can there be for him learning your homo ways." What did he mean by that? Was that an invitation to teach his cute stepson about gay sex?

"Look, Jon, every book on adolescent development will tell you that boys experiment at this age and that doesn't mean they're homosexual, just that they're curious."

He paused then said, "Idunno, that's just the sorta thing a homo would say. Besides, I seen all sortsa pansy sorta behavior in the boy. Look, I didn't call to debate this with you. The reason I called you is because I don't want you to think I'm a freeloader pawning the boy off on you. I plan to send you a good-size check every month for his food and what-not."

"A check every month? Trixie said the boy would be staying here for the summer."

"Wellllll," Jon drawled. "Thing is I have my own son. He's four now and he looks up to his big brother, Billy. I can't risk having the boy living here and corrupting that little fella."

I started to say something but Jon cut me off. "Listen, I understand if you can't keep Billy. But if you can't then maybe you can help find a gay place to send him. My minister has a place where they try to cure homos. I don't believe in it, but if you can't keep the boy maybe I'm best sending him there."

A chill ran up my spine at the thought of that sweet boy going to a place like Jon had described. I took one last stab and asked, "Listen if I make a determination that the boy isn't gay and I call and tell you that 3;"

"Not that I don't trust you," he said in a way that sounded like he didn't trust me. "Listen, it's knowing about you that makes me know a guy can be a homo and also be successful and rich and happy – as long as he lives out there in lala land with the other homos. So why don't you just teach Billy to be gay."

I looked in on Billy again, still naked, exposed, erect. I pulled the blanket over to cover him. After talking to his stepdad all I wanted to do was hold Billy in my arms and protect him.


Billy slept about 14 hours till the next morning. I was already at the kitchen table sipping my coffee when he stumbled in, the blanket from the futon wrapped around him. "My clothes? ummm 3; errrrr 3; where's my clothes?"

"Calm down and have some breakfast. I'm making eggs and toast. Your clothes are in the dryer. I washed them last night since you don't have anything else to wear." He looked like he wanted to ask something else, so I jumped in and said, "Billy, if you're concerned about it, yes I took your clothes off. I couldn't quite put them in the laundry with you still wearing them. And I know you know I'm gay. But, after all, it's not a big deal, Billy."

"It's not?"

I brought him a plate of eggs and he started eating voraciously. I sat and said, "Billy, you're just a small boy. Now you're a very cute boy, no doubt about that. But, Billy, I get to be naked with big powerful men who work out at the gym. I get to see some incredible muscles and bodies of real men who have big hairy tackle between thier legs. So it's not a big deal for me to take down your briefs. OK?"

That was one of the biggest lies I've ever told in my life. It was indeed a big deal to take down the boy's briefs. As he sat and ate I saw that his legs were scissoring in and out. I knew that was a sign that a boy felt like jerking off. I coyly said, "Your stepdad called last night."

That got his attention. "Billy, I've been thinking of how to tell whether or not you have gay feelings. Do you trust me, Billy? Will you play along with a little game?"

He swallowed, then nodded his head. Of course the boy had no reason to trust me, but he was in a corner and had nowhere else to turn. I went to the laundry room and brought back his clothes, nice and crisply clean. I knew I should've sent the boy to shower but I didn't want him to have a chance to jerk off. He dressed, pulling up his briefs under the blanket. Then, I guess he believed me about it not being a big deal to see him undressed, because he let the blanket drop to pull on his shorts and t-shirt.

I made him pinky swear that he would tell me the entire truth of what happened and that he would go along with what I asked him to do. To make him feel better I told him a story about myself and a buddy who played strip poker together and how I had ended up winning and got to lay on top of my friend both of us naked and rub my penis on him till I shot. Then I added that the particular friend turned out to be totally straight, married to a beautiful woman, and had three kids. "OK, Billy, so you and your friend Mike were in your bedroom together. Come to my bedroom and we're going to pretend."

He was struggling with the front of his t-shirt, trying to hide his erection. I stood up, aware that my hard dick was pointing down the leg of my shorts. I made no attempt to hide it knowing the boy would surely see.

We were both stretched out on the bed. The boy was keeping his distance from me, but that would soon change. "So, Billy, you both had your shoes off. Was this pretty much how you and Mike were dressed? Both in shorts and t-shirt?" He nodded. "OK, don't leave out any detail. How did you both end up with your pants down."

He stammered a bit and finally said that Mike had made a muscle with his bicep and dared Billy to compare. Soon they both pulled off their t-shirts to see who had more muscles. "Now, hold on, Billy. You and me are going to play out just what happened between you and Mike." I pulled off my t-shirt and nodded to him to pull off his. In a light tone I made a joke about how my body must look very different from Mike's. I work out at the gym, have broad shoulders, a great chest and loads of dark hair all over my body. As I stretched out again I made sure that my erection in my shorts was clearly visible to the boy. He rolled on his tummy trying to hide his erection.

"So then what?" Billy told me how he and his friend had felt each other's arms and chests. I reached out to touch Billy and he pulled away like I had burned him. "Now come on, Billy. We're playing out exactly what you and Mike did."

My hands felt his smooth flesh, caressed his arms and rubbed up and down over his flat nipples. His small soft hands brushed through my hairy chest, squeezed my arms and shoulders, and were driving me wild with electric feelings.

"OK, Billy, so what happened next with you and Mike?"

He was almost shaking with nerves. "Go on, I'm not gonna think you're bad or anything for what you tell me. Anything you did is OK with me, Billy."

Those words seemed to calm down the boy and make him smile at me. He seemed proud as he said, "Well, ummmm 3; I had better muscles and a harder tummy than Mike did. So then he said, let's compare wieners 3; ummmm, that's what my friends call them, wieners. I didn't want to. He said I was chicken. He said I was just scared cuz mine must be so small."

"And then?"

He blushed and said, "Then we both took down our shorts."

I opened my shorts and pushed them down my legs. I don't usually wear briefs, but I had purposely chosen them today. I knew that my big cock was tenting out and leaving a wet spot on the white underpants. Billy tried to casually put a hand in front of the tent in his white underpants.

"I bet you both had stiffies when you were in your briefs, huh, Billy?"

He nodded his head and said, "But Mike doesn't look anything like you. I mean 3; ummmm 3; down there he's more like 3;" He looked down at his own crotch, his voice petering out.

"But we're just pretending. We're playing this out as a little game, right Billy?" I paused and then asked, "Billy, have you ever seen a big hairy one all naked?"

He shook his head no. I smiled and spoke softly, "It's OK, Billy. All boys your age are curious to see. If your stepdad wasn't so uptight he should've just casually let you see his sometime."

His eyes on the tent in my briefs he said, "Then on one-two-three we both pulled down our briefs at the same time."

I nodded to him and he said, "One-two-three." We both pulled down our underpants and were both naked facing each other on my bed. He was still staring at my dick and he softly said, "Wow!"

I chuckled and said, "I bet that's not what you said when you first saw Mike's wiener."

"Me and Mike, both our wieners looked about the same size. So he said we should hold them up against each other to see who was longer."

I moved closer to the boy. I positioned myself so that my penis was against his. He said, "But we can see yours is longer 3;" I told him shhhhhhh. Then I wrapped my hand around both dicks together and squeezed. That was all it took. His body began convulsing and he was gasping. My hand was flooded with his cream. Before he could stop cumming, I rolled him on his back and started jerking off my cock using the boy's spunk as lubricant. In a matter of seconds I splashed a load of cream all over his chest and onto his face.

He squirmed and said, "Euuuuu, lemme wash off."

Suddenly I became stern and snapped, "Stay where you are, boy." Then I licked some cum off his smooth chest and he arched his back like he was going to fly through the roof. I looked down at his dick, still totally stiff. I looked at his face. Then I rubbed my finger in some of the spunk that was on his chin and brought the finger to his mouth. He turned his head but I said, "Clean off my finger, boy." He did as he was told. I kept scooping up cum and he kept licking it off my finger. When he finished, I caressed his face and said, "You're such a good boy. You make me so happy." He rubbed his face against my chest like he was a puppy and he had a look of pure bliss. I knew then that I had tapped into something very primal in the boy.

I pulled him to me and held him in my arms. My hand was stroking down his back all the way to his smooth round butt. "Well, Billy, it seems like you shot your load pretty fast when I pressed your dick against mine. And it seems you still have a very stiff boner after licking up all that spunk and laying here naked with a gay man."

He looked up at me and I couldn't read his expression. "Do you want to do one more test to see whether or not you have gay feelings?" He nodded eagerly. I was playing this by ear now. I hadn't expected him to react so well to this and wasn't exactly sure what my next step would be. I took out a black leather blindfold from the bed table and put it on Billy. I had to adjust the strap in the back to fit him. Then I stood him up, pulled his arms behind his back, and wrapped a towel around his wrists to simulate handcuffs.

Then I led him down the stairs into my basement. Blindfolded, he couldn't see the frame or the leather table or the sling – and I'm sure he wouldn't have understood their uses anyway. I led the boy to the sling and lifted him up into it. Letting the towel drop to the floor I strapped his wrists behind his head. Then I strapped his ankles in a way that spread his legs wide apart. I playfully fingered behind his balls, then tickled at his anus. He moaned in the sluttiest way.

I touched his body all over as I explained, "There's some boys like you who want to be taken by a man. You don't just wanna be with a guy sexually. You want a real man to do things to you, boy, to make you do things." The noises he was making were indeterminate. Was he groaning because he was turned on, or was it because he was scared and nervous? "When we're alone together you will cal me Sir or Master. Do you understand, boy?" He stammered, "Y-y-y-yes, Sir," and a thrill of excitement went through me.

I left him like that tied up while I put on leather chaps, boots, a harness and a leather hat. Then I stood over him and pulled off his blindfold. His mouth fell open as he looked at me. But he closed his mouth tight as I rubbed my thick cockhead on his lips, then said, "You're going to take this in your mouth, boy." He whimpered, "Y-y-y-yes, Sir." But this time when he closed his lips it was around my cockhead.

I knew he wouldn't be able to take all of it that first day, even as I rocked and moved a little more into his mouth. So I stroked my cock from the base and whispered, "I'm masturbating into your mouth, boy. And your master is gonna feed you." He seemed to go wild at that point. But was it the wild reaction of a queer sex slut? Or the wild reaction of a straight boy who was being forced? He swallowed obediently when I fed him my load.

We showered together and I taught him how to wash his master in the shower. He bowed his head and nodded when I told him that would be one of his duties. I took him out to buy clothes and I made all the choices. He whimpered at one point that the boys didn't wear their clothes so tight back in Oklahoma. I told him he would get a spanking for that remark. He quietly mumbled, "Sir, yes sir."

There was never any further talk about him returning to his original home. His mom and stepdad sent me adoption papers a few months later and I made the boy legally mine. This legality didn't really matter. The boy had already started calling me Dad within a few weeks of his arrival and he knew that he was totally mine.

I'm proud of my Billy. He made friends quickly at his new school and he's now star of his eighth grade baseball team. Just this afternoon he brought a bunch of boys back to the house, still in their team unifoms. Since we have the biggest stretch of land behind the house the boys like to play ball here. I called Billy up to my den and had him bend forward over my desk. He does look appealing in his tight uniform. I pulled his pants down in the back and just tugged his white briefs below his round smooth cheeks. As I shoved my thick penis into the boy I could look out the window and watch all his school buddies in the back yard. What could be better than having a young sextoy? Maybe having more than one!

What prompted me to sit down to write this was a call I got from my cousin Trixie just after I left a load up Billy's ass. She wanted to know how Billy was doing, but she didn't want to talk to him. She said she had an unusual request. It involved Billy's friend – the boy he had been caught messing around with. It seems the parents of that other boy wanted to send their son to visit Billy. Then Trixie suggested, "Or maybe you could see your way clear to having this other boy move out there with you and Billy. To tell you the truth, cousin, this other kid is straight out tellin' his parents that he's gay."

In spite of my recent orgasm my penis sprang up fully stiff in my pants.

The End

Feedback, comments, thoughts, suggestions are welcome through this feedback form, please mention Mister Red and the story title in the subject line. Flames ignored.