ParrafanThe Young Seducers |
SummaryTwo twelve year old boys discover the pleasure of sex.
Publ. Jul-Aug 2000 (ASSGM); this site Feb 2013
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CharactersPaul and Adrian (12yo)Category & Story codesBoy-Friends and Man-Boy storybb Mb – cons mast anal oral – first ws (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now. If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteAll the usual warnings apply to this writing. Don't read it if some government/parent/school thinks you're too young. All of the events described herein are imaginary, except where they're real. [I lost contact with Parrafan. His e-mail address is inactive since 2011, Celadon] |
Chapter 1Paul and Adrian had been sleeping over at each other's houses for donkey's ages, since they were about eight years old. They were inseparable, in school and out. They both played for the same footy team on the weekend, their two families even went to the same church on Saturdays. This year, their last year in primary school, their parent agreed that the two boys could share each other's holidays. When Paul's family went to Iluka for a fortnight at Christmas, Adrian would accompany them; in return Paul would travel with Adrian's family to Noosa. "Too much beach, Paul," his mum complained, but her protests were quickly drowned out by her son's pleading. Adrian's mum had no such qualms – she was glad to have two weeks respite from her boy. Having Paul for ten days at Noosa was no burden because her son's friend exerted a good influence on her own willful offspring. The boys were about the same size, but with different features. Paul was a natural blond, light of limb and fair of skin, almost too delicate to be a boy. Adrian was more solidly built, taking more after his father than his mother. He had attempted to bleach his brown hair blond, to resemble his friend's, but it had turned yellow instead, and no torture on earth would have made him admit the reason behind his amateur hairstyling. When they were staying at each other's houses, they shared the same bedroom. Both mothers had learned, through bitter experience, not to disturb them when they were ensconced in their room. At Paul's house, Adrian slept on a pull-out sofa bed; at Adrian's the two camped in double bunks that Adrian's parents had bought for that very purpose. When they were younger, they had even bathed together, but now that they were a bit too old for baths, one followed the other into the shower. The boys were thus frequently naked in front of each other, either when showering, or getting dressed in the morning, or going for a swim in the dam on Paul's family's property. This familiarity had never bred contempt between the two boys. Each of them seemed to know just what the other would do in any situation, a prescience which had allowed their friendship to suffer only the occasional hiccup, quickly resolved. Nor were the two boys backward about sex. When they were younger, and taking an evening bath together, they often touched each other's dicks, making them stiffen. If one of them needed to piss, he simply got out of the bath and pissed in the bowl of the commode, turning around so the other could get a look while he did it. That was at Adrian's house. At Paul's house, the toilet was in a room by itself so if the need to piss arose, whichever boy it was would just lie back in the tub and piss straight up in the air. If both needed to piss, they would have a pissing contest to see who could piss higher, further, faster than the other. As often as not, most of the urine would end up on each other. Bedtime was another time for intimacy, although the boys would never have described it in such terms. If one boy had his back to the other, he stood a good chance of being pantsed. In winter, when long pyjamas were necessary at Paul's farm, either boy would often tie a knot in the leg of the pants of the other so that his friend would fall over half naked on the floor when he tried to dress. This particular trick was always greeted with hilarity. When the two boys rode the farm bikes to the dam for a swim, bathing suits were not thought to be necessary, as there were no 'dumb girls' around. Just a towel to dry off afterwards. On such occasions, they shucked off their shorts and T-shirts in the shade of a big ghost gum next to the dam. Paul's mother always nagged him about wearing sunscreen, but he didn't like to because Adrian didn't need to wear it, with his darker complexion. Adrian was Paul's mother's chief ally in this matter, and always promised that he would ensure that Paul put it on. Paul couldn't understand why his friend sided with his mother on this issue, but he tolerated it because Adrian sometimes offered to apply the cream to Paul's back, which felt good. The last weekend before their trip to Iluka (the last weekend of the school year, their last weekend as primary school students), the two boys rode their bikes out to the dam for a swim. They dropped the bikes in the shade of the big old gum and quickly stripped off. Adrian took the bottle of sunscreen out of the pocket of his backpack and told Paul to turn around while he lathered him up. His friend grimaced, but he was secretly glad of the opportunity to feel the other boy's hand on his back and sides. Adrian squirted a Z pattern down Paul's back, making out that he was Zorro, and began to smooth the lotion into Paul's pale skin. Paul quickly became erect, squirming under Adrian's ministrations. "I spilt some down to your butt, Pauly, want me to rub it in?" Adrian asked innocently. "Yeah, might as well," Paul replied, his excitement only barely concealed. Adrian rubbed the cream into the skinny cheeks of Paul's arse, and also found that the physical sensation of touching his friend's bum was making his dick stiffen as well. Just as his hand was cruising close to the cleft between Paul's cheeks, Paul spun around. "Okay, I can do the rest now," he said as he grabbed for the bottle of screen from his friend. At that moment, both boys stole a glance at each other's cocks, and simultaneously realized that they were both as horny as rabbits. They both giggled at the sight, and Paul said "Remember when we were little, and we used to have a bath together?" "Yeah. I wish I needed to do a piss now. We could have a contest like the olden days," Adrian replied, smiling. "Hey, you've got hair!" Paul yelled, pointing an accusing finger at Adrian's scrotum. "Have not!" the other boy retorted automatically. "Where?" he asked, when he realized that it was not the sort of accusation his friend would make idly. "Right there, on your sack. Maybe you can't see it because your prick's in the way. Look, I'll show you," Paul offered. Without awaiting a reply, he knelt in front of his friend. He grasped Adrian's stiff cock in one hand, pulling it gently to one side, and ran the fingers of his other hand over the wrinkly bag of skin. "They're only faint, they haven't gone black yet, you can hardly see them, but they're definitely there," he asserted. "Let me sit down and have a closer look," Adrian answered, letting his knees buckle, slowly falling onto the sprawl of clothing the two boys had left scattered under their shade tree. "Show me where you saw them." Paul was grateful for another chance to hold his friend's hard tool and fondle the fleshy bag below it. He held Adrian's genitals more boldly now that he had tacit encouragement to do so, searching the folds of skin for more evidence of puberty. "Look, here's one," Paul exclaimed, lightly pinching a section of Adrian's scrotum for him to see. "And here's another one, just under your cock. And another!" Adrian gazed in wonder, both at the clear signs of his impending adulthood, and the immense feelings of pleasure that his friend's hand was imparting. He wanted to do the same to his friend, to give him the same feeling, when Paul, as if reading his mind, said "I wonder if I've got any yet?" "Yours would probably be harder to see, I bet, because your hair's so fine and light coloured," Adrian advised knowingly. He was obviously elected as the instant expert on pubic hair between the two of them, even though it was Paul's sharp eyesight that made the first discovery. "Lie down here and I'll try to find them, if you got any yet." Paul readily complied, stretching himself out on the towel. Adrian squatted alongside him, and began to look for pubic hairs around Paul's genitals. He took hold of Paul's stiff cock in the same manner that Paul had done to him, carefully manoeuvring the pole of flesh while searching for the tell-tall signs of incipient adolescence. "Found any yet?" Paul asked, leaning back on his elbows while his playmate wrestled with his turgid dick and balls. "Nope. Maybe I should look a bit closer," Adrian suggested. He swung his body around so that he straddled Paul's legs. While getting into a comfortable position, his hair brushed against the prone boy's cock. Paul shuddered at the stimulation and gave a small moan. "What? Did that feel good, Pauly?" Adrian chuckled when he had lifted his head up. "Want me to do it again?" he queried, and lowered his head to Paul's midsection. He shook his head, his long bleached locks fluttering over Paul's rigid penis and scrotum. Paul groaned with pleasure. "Now you grab mine," Adrian urged, kneeling astride his recumbent friend. Paul lay back down to free his elbows, then reached up and stroked Adrian's cock. "Yeah, like that, rub it up and down, mmm." Adrian closed his eyes as he revelled in the sensations his friend was engendering in him. "Let me play with yours too, Pauly." He shifted position so that the two of them could masturbate each other comfortably, and they continued to rub and caress and frig each other's dicks until they both groaned in their dry orgasms. *** There was no shyness between them when they had their shower at Paul's home that afternoon, nor when they later changed into their pyjamas ready for bed. Their sex play seemed to be just a natural extension of their close friendship, not a cause for embarrassment. After they had settled in their respective beds, the room in darkness, Adrian broke the silence. "That was fun, what we did today," he ventured. "Yeah, great," Paul quickly answered. "Are you sleepy?" Adrian asked quietly. "No, why?" Paul replied, sensing that Adrian had some plan in mind. Adrian was the more daring of the two, and often came up with ideas for adventurous escapades, which they would plot together, lying in the dark. "Do you want to get into my bed for a while?" Adrian asked, keeping his voice level, even though his excitement was building at the prospect of what they might do together, and also at the prospect of rejection. He had a pretty good idea, however, of what Paul would say. The two boys used to share the same bed on sleepovers when they were much younger, but had not done so for some three years now. Paul immediately knew what Adrian had in mind, and said "Okay" right away. He slid out from under the covers, into the cool air of the darkened bedroom, and listened for any sounds on the other die of the door, but his parents had apparently turned in already. Adrian had pulled his own covers back to admit his friend, who crawled onto the wide bed. "We have to make sure I'm back in my own bed by morning," Paul whispered. He did not think that even his mother would be naive enough to believe any excuse he might come up with if she found them together in the one bed. "What do you want to do?" Paul asked eagerly when he slipped under the covers of Adrian's bed, keeping his voice low. "You pull your duds down, and I'll pull mine down," Adrian whispered. "Okay," the smaller boy quickly complied, pushing his pyjama bottoms down to his knees. "Is yours hard?" Adrian whispered. "Yes," came the soft reply. "Mine's been hard all day. Specially 'cause I knew we'd do this together tonight," the older boy whispered. "Can I feel it?" Paul ventured gingerly. "Sure, gimme your hand." Paul put his hand out into the darkness in front of Adrian's face, and the older boy took it and guided it under the blankets towards his throbbing dick. He gently placed his young friend's hand onto his aching cock, then put both hands behind his head. His young playmate caressed the fleshy prong, running his fingers up and down the sides of Adrian's tool. "Mmmm, that feels good. Feel it all over, Pauly," he whispered. Paul did just that, stroking every inch of the short, curved blood-engorged dagger of juvenile flesh. "Now play with my balls, Pauly," Adrian urged. Paul didn't need a second invitation; he juggled the two orbs in their fleshy pouch, flicked them around and pushed them upwards towards Adrian's cock before letting them slide back down again. Adrian lay back revelling in the sensations, which were heightened because he was not using his own hands to elicit them. He wondered if Paul would play some games later where he was tied up. For now, he was thrilled to be touched intimately. "Mmmm, yesss, feels great Pauly, now feel my crack, my butt crack, run your hand over my bum and between my cheeks, yes," Adrian whispered, lifting his leg so that his friend could easily reach through and feel his bottom. Paul was initially surprised at this unexpected turn of events, but he remembered the feelings that he received earlier in the day when Adrian had spilt the sunscreen down his buttcrack and then wiped it around. He tickled his way past his friend's scrotum and rubbed the fleshy cheeks of Adrian's bum. Adrian started to hump his hips forward in response to Paul's groping of his bottom. Paul grasped each cheek in turn, then gingerly tested the space between the cheeks with his fingertips. Did Adrian really want him to put his fingers there? The thought excited him as much as anything he had done so far. He found the very top of the crevasse with his middle finger, and slowly drew his finger downwards between the two cheeks. Adrian stopped his humping movements and tried to relax him bum to allow free access for the approaching finger. Paul noticed his friend's response, keeping his finger trailing down the slightly sweaty groove, until his fingertip detected a change in the skin surface that it was touching. He had reached his friend's anus and was touching it! Adrian stretched out with pleasure from the exquisite feelings Paul's finger was giving him. "Mmm, great, Pauly, that feels really, mmm, great, ohh, yess. Now suck on my nipple, Pauly, go on, suck on it." Paul was surprised, but was so caught up in the sexual thrill of what he was doing he quickly complied with Adrian's request. He felt around Adrian's chest with his free hand until he found his friend's large nipple, then settled his lips on it. Adrian shuddered as Paul started to lick the bumpy swelling of flesh, ripples of pleasure coursing through his body. Paul swirled his tongue all around Adrian's nipple, and the older boy responded by pushing his chest out, wrapping his arms around his young friend's neck and urging him on. "Put it in!" he whispered urgently. "What?" came the whispered reply. "Put it in, go on," Adrian urged, pushing his loins up towards Paul's arm, which was still lodged between Adrian's thighs. Paul's middle finger had continued to tease Adrian's puckered arsehole, circling around it and poking gently at it. "What? Put what in?" Paul questioned, starting to worry that his friend was going crazy. He was too naive to realize what Adrian wanted, but Adrian soon spelled it out for him. "Your finger! Stick it right in!" Adrian whispered urgently. "Push it up my arse! Go on!." Paul was shocked at this request. He was on a steep learning curve of surprise, starting with today's sex by the dam, continuing with the antics that Adrian had suggested in the bed they now shared. He felt that he had already gone further than he expected to, and knew that he was at a crossroads. If he went ahead with what his friend asked, there would be no turning back. If he wanted to stop now, he knew his friend would understand. He sensed that a brave new frontier of sensuality stretched out in front of him, waiting for his choice. He could go forth into that frontier, or pull back on the brink and forever wonder what might have been. All these thoughts ran through his mind in a few seconds. The time for decision had arrived. He centred his middle finger on his friend's anus and began, slowly, to push. Adrian moaned softly as his friend's finger penetrated his most private place. Paul was still sucking on Adrian's nipple as he pushed his finger deeper up his friend's backside. He could feel the hot, clutching channel give way under the relentless pressure he was applying. He could feel his finger probing its way into Adrian's warm shit. Adrian clenched his rectal muscle, stopping Paul from pulling his finger out. "Suck on my cock, Pauly, go on, suck on it," Adrian urged. He was on a cloud of sexual ecstasy, and he felt that nothing could be denied him, no sensation, no taboo. Having crossed the Rubicon of his friend's arse, Paul could refuse his friend nothing more. He took his mouth off Adrian's swollen nipple, and licked his way down the boy's chest and tummy. With his finger still jammed up Adrian's butthole, he nuzzled Adrian's cock with his cheek, back and forth, then opened his mouth and took in the hot, stiff organ. Adrian sighed with passion, then jerked his hips upwards and orgasmed into his friend's mouth. It was his first ever ejaculation, and he initially felt horrified that he had pissed in the other boy's mouth. Then the realization dawned on him that he had come to adolescence at last. He started pumping jerkily into Paul's mouth as a few more spurts of semen shot out of his straining prick. Paul also thought that his friend had wee'd in his mouth, but it didn't taste like wee (not that he had ever tasted it), nor did it feel like it. Adrian's hands were on the back of his head, so he couldn't pull off even if he wanted to. The liquid tasted fanny, but not unpleasant. Maybe it was sperm, he thought. He knew that Adrian would have told him, his best friend, as soon as he started having any wet dreams. Knowing Adrian, he wouldn't have been able to keep that a secret for more than ten minutes, especially not from him. So this must be his first time, Paul reasoned. The thought rocked him. My best friend had his first ejaculation in my mouth, while I was sucking his stiffie. There was only one thing to do. He took his mouth off the hot little organ and slid up the bed to lie face to face with Adrian. "That was neat, Adrian," he whispered. "I bet it was your first one." "Yeah, Pauly, I owe you one. It felt like my dick was gonna explode." "Now you do me," Paul asked. "Okay," Adrian replied, scurrying down under the sheets towards Paul's tummy. His friend's rigid tool was easy to find, and he settled his mouth on it straight away. Paul's stomach spasmed as soon as he felt the hot wet mouth of his friend surround his stiff willie, but he quickly got used to the sensation of having a mouth sucking on his tool. Adrian slurped all around the hard rod of flesh, as Paul jerked his hips forward in the same way that Adrian had done. A few minutes of stimulation were enough to bring the smaller boy to a dry orgasm. "You didn't blow off. That's okay. It'll happen before you know it," Adrian reassured Paul in whispered tones. Paul nodded in the dark, then crept back to his own bed, wondering when he too would begin to ejaculate, and what other things he would do with Adrian in the coming weeks. *** The next morning, Adrian woke to find Paul's bed empty. He draped a towel over his shoulders and wandered to the door of the bathroom, clad only in pyjama shorts. He was just about to knock, not wanting to barge in on either of Paul's parents if they were in there, when Paul's mum peered around the corner from the kitchen. "Just go straight in, Adrian, it's only Paul in there. If he's in the shower, jump in with him, save water," she called out cheerfully. Adrian was a bit embarrassed that the whole household could hear that the two boys were showering together, but it was par for the course at Paul's house. He turned the doorhandle and let himself into the bathroom. Paul was already there, in the shower stall, adjusting the water temperature. "Your mum told me to come in," Adrian reassured his friend. As he hadn't seen Paul wake up, he didn't know whether his friend felt guilty about their antics of the previous night. His worries were quickly resolved when Paul pulled the shower curtain back with one hand to let him in. Paul's other hand was on his hard dick. Adrian smiled and shed his shorts onto the floor. He stepped into the shower recess, under the cascade of warm water, and boldly felt for Paul's erection, pulling his friend's hand away so that he could play with the stiff little tool. "Let me do that for you Pauly. You do mine," he whispered. The two boys began to caress each other's penises as the water splashed down onto their heads and torsos. "We can't take too long," Paul gasped. "Mum will crack." "We don't need long. Why don't we go to the dam for a swim before we all go camping?" Adrian asked. "You can ask your Mum, she'll let us." The family usually started out on their annual holiday trek after lunch, to avoid the early rush hour traffic. Paul's dad often wanted Paul and Adrian to help pack the car, but it was too early for that yet. Paul's mum though it was a good idea, it would get the two boys out from underfoot. As the two boys were leaving the bathroom, Adrian took a small jar of Vaseline from the medicine cabinet. "We might need this," he grinned at his friend. Paul wasn't sure what Adrian meant, but he suspected it had to do with sex. The two boys dressed quickly and headed off to the dam, taking their towels and backpacks. On the way to the dam, Paul steered his bike close to Adrian's. "What's that stuff for?" he asked. "You'll see when we get there," Adrian replied, smiling back mysteriously. When they arrived at their shady tree and dropped the bikes, the two boys unburdened themselves of their backpacks and looked at each other. Since their foray into sex yesterday, the act of undressing now held a new meaning for them. Adrian broke the ice. "Did you like what we did in bed last night?" he asked, taking his shirt off. "Yeah, Adrian, I liked it a lot. What's the stuff in that jar for? You said you'd tell me when we got out here." "Aren't you gonna get undressed?" Adrian asked, avoiding the question with a question of his own. "When you get your gear off; I'll show you what it's for." He removed his shorts and undies, then kicked off his shoes and sat on his towel to remove his socks. Paul was doing likewise, only more slowly. Adrian realized that he would have to take a lead in matters sexual with his less mature friend. Adrian had been nude for about two minutes before Paul had gotten down to his undies. "Have you gone shy on me, Pauly?" he asked the other boy. "There's no-one here but us." Paul smiled a crooked grin at his friend. "Want me to take them off for you?" Adrian softly inquired. Paul responded with a slight nod of the head. "Okay, then," Adrian declared, as he stepped onto Paul's outspread towel and dropped to his knees in front of the smaller boy. He placed the jar of Vaseline on the ground next to the towel, then straightened up and took the hem of Paul's underwear in his fingertips. He drew the garment down Paul's thighs very slowly, down to his ankles. Paul's cock was stiffly upright, but Paul remained silent, like a shy virgin on her wedding night. Adrian somehow understood that he was to do all the talking, all the planning, all the action. He licked the stiff prick in front of him a few times, then pulled Paul's body down onto the towel, making him get onto all fours. "Just kneel there a minute Pauly, I'm going to demonstrate what we do with the Vaseline." He unscrewed the small plastic jar and dug two fingers into the greasy jelly, scooping out about a tablespoonful of the contents. With his unused hand, he rubbed Paul's bottom, both cheeks, until it was warm. He then spread the goo along the crack of Paul's anus, smearing a little on his own hard dick as well. Adrian then bent over and spoke very close to Paul's ear. "We use Vaseline for fucking, Pauly. I'm going to give you a fuck. Just stay right there on your knees, and relax your butt." Paul whimpered softly when he heard that his arse was going to be fucked. He had a fairly good idea of what was going to happen. Their school had hosted a visit from a local policeman who gave a talk to the class about child safety, and the well-meaning officer had gone into excessively graphic detail when describing some of the things that dirty old men did to little boys and girls in public toilets. The talk was quite a hit: three families immediately withdrew their children from the school in protest, and one teenage pregnancy was directly attributed to experimentation following the talk. So Paul knew the mechanics of what was to happen – Adrian was going to stick his stiff cock into his anus and pump it in and out until he blew off. Paul was nervous and excited and worried all at the same time. He quivered slightly as Adrian rubbed his upturned crack with that gooey stuff from the jar. Adrian then reached around and caressed Paul's hard tool a few times, rubbing it with the Vaseline until it was covered in the warm gel. With his free hand Adrian grasped his own cock at its base and rubbed the hot head up and down Paul's anal crack. He positioned it at the puckered entrance to Paul's arse, then whispered to Paul again. "Ready, Pauly? I'm going to fuck it into you now. Relax and let me put my cock up your bum." Adrian continued to play with Paul's prick as he eased his greasy cockhead through Paul's anal ring. Paul was moaning, a low repetitive sound like a cow lowing, partly fear and partly sexual anticipation. Adrian pushed forward until his hips touched both cheeks of Paul's bottom. His hard little tool was fully implanted within his friend's rectum. He started to urge his own butt forward to go in deeper, making little grunting noises as he did so. "Unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, UNH, UNH," Adrian grunted as he drove his burning hot cock in and out of his friend's arsehole. It was the best feeling he had ever felt, he thought. He let Paul's cock go for a moment so that he could stroke his playmate's back and flanks. Paul sounded as though he was crying, a bit like a small animal in pain. He was also turned on by the sensations, especially when Adrian started to rub his back and bottom. "I think I'm gunna blow, Pauly, oh, oh, OH," Adrian exclaimed as he squirted his semen up into Paul's rectum. As he did so, he collapsed onto Paul's back, and, reaching around and underneath his mate's waist with both hands, pulled on his friend's cock, which started to spurt its own juices out onto the towel. Paul's body quivered and jerked as it experienced its first wet orgasm. His knees buckled under the weight of his boy lover, and the two fell forward together onto the towel. Adrian lay on top of Paul, his stiff dick still half wedged up the tight arsehole of the boy lying under him. He stroked Paul's hair and kissed his neck, whispering soft words of comfort as the two boys calmed down after their mutual passion. *** The two boys had swum in the dam in a reflective mood after their sex, taking the opportunity to quietly think over the passion that had transpired between them. Adrian got out of the water first, strolling over to lay on his towel. His dick had softened in the water, but now it was starting to harden again as he thought over what he would say to Paul. He lay on his back on the towel, legs apart, penis pointing to the sky. He called his friend to come out of the water so they could talk. Paul waded slowly to the edge of the dam, pensive. He climbed out of the water and carefully stepped over to his own towel. It was Paul who broke the silence. "Where did you learn so much about sex?" he asked his friend. "Promise you won't tell anyone?" Adrian replied with a wicked grin. "What do you mean, tell anybody? Who would I tell?" Paul returned, intrigued now. "Just promise. You have to promise. I had to promise, so you have to as well," Adrian urged. "Okay, alright already, I promise I'll never tell anyone. Jeez!" Paul said, beginning to become exasperated with his friend's demand for secrecy. "Okay. You remember a few weeks ago when you went down to Victoria for your nanna's funeral? You were down there for about a week." "Sure. What about it?" "Well, you remember that our Art teacher, Mrs Crayon, was sick for a few days, and we had that substitute teacher, Mr Brush. I think he came a few days before you left." "Yeah, I remember him. A few kids said he was gay, but I didn't think so." Adrian grinned again. "Well, I heard he was gay, too, so, since you weren't here, I thought I'd, you know, try and find out." "Try and find out what?" the innocent Paul asked. "Try and find out if he was gay, you nut!" Adrian replied. "I don't know why I did it. I was just bored, I guess. You weren't here, and I guess I was feeling, um, horny, you know." Adrian touched his hard cock idly as he spoke. "So what happened? Tell me every filthy detail!" Paul asked. "Okay, I'll tell. But don't forget your promise. Here's how it happened. The first day you were away, we had Art last period before lunch. I hung around in the Art room after everyone had gone, and volunteered to help Tony (that's Mr Brush), clean up the mess. It was a hot day, so I took my shirt off because I was all sweaty from sweeping the floor. I saw him looking at me a few times, so I thought the stories about him might be true. Whenever I looked at him, and saw him looking at me with no shirt on, I smiled. A couple of times during the sweeping, I swept the floor near where he was standing, and when I did I made sure I touched him as I passed, you know, just with my butt or my arm or something. Anyway, he didn't do anything, so the next day, it was a Friday, I went round to the Art room straight after school to talk to him. I told him all this bullshit about how much I liked Art, how much I wanted to be a painter, how I hated all that football and fighting that boys like, you know, pretending to be a bit of a pansy. He asked me if I'd like to look at an Art book that he had. He said it was a book of pictures of sculptures. I said sure, I'd love to. I was standing alongside his desk when he pulled the book out of the bottom drawer, you know, the locked one, and opened it up. When he showed me the first picture, I acted all gushy, saying how much I loved it. The book was full of pictures of nude men and boys, you know, those Greek sculptures, but some modern stuff too. He smiled when I admired the first picture, and he relaxed a bit. I think he was nervous about showing me pictures of naked men. Then I made my move. He was sitting in his chair, pushed a bit back from the desk, so I started to talk about the pictures, and started turning the pages, and leaned in closer, and sat in his lap! You know, just like a little kid trying to get a closer view. I could feel him shaking! He didn't know what to do with his hands, I had my really short school shorts on, not the baggy ones. I just kept on talking, so he didn't get a chance to tell me to get off him. Eventually he put his hands carefully on each side of my legs, to keep me balanced. I wriggled around a bit, and I could feel he was getting a stiffie. We finished the book and I got up, thanked him for showing it to me, and said I'd like to look at more if he had them, at his home on the weekend. He looked frightened but he said yes, and he told me where he lived. I said I'd come around in t! he morning. The next day, when I got ready to go see him, I put some of me dad's after shave on. I wore my school shorts again and that loose singlet Uncle Brad brought me back from Bali. Tony lived in a block of flats, and I got there about ten o'clock. It was pretty dark inside his flat because he had the curtains drawn to keep out the hot sun. He had set up a little reading lamp at a table with a few books and magazines, all ready to look at. He sat down at the table, there was only one chair – I think he planned it that way – so I sat in his lap straight away. We began to look at the pictures, and he put his hands on my legs straight away. The pictures were all naked men and boys again, but they weren't statues this time, they were live people, models, I think. I wanted to try to get him to touch me more, so I said my back was itchy. He offered to scratch it, and started to scratch it through the singlet, so I took it off. All I had on now was my shorts. As he scratched my back, I leaned right forward and made some noises like I enjoyed it, you know, sort of humming. It felt pretty good. When he finished, I leaned right back against his chest and said that he could scratch my tummy too. He did! I squirmed around in his lap as he stroked my gut and chest, and I could feel his dick getting hard underneath my bum. He asked me what I thought about the pictures, and I said they all looked very handsome. Then he asked me did it worry me that the pictures were of naked people, and I said, "No, we were all born that way, it's natural, and Art should be natural, not fake." I was just making up this bullshit and saying whatever came into my head to see what he would do, to make him do something. Then he asked if I wanted to see some more exciting pictures, but I had to promise not to tell anyone because the pictures were very special, and he could get in trouble for showing them to me. So I said that I would never say anything to get him into trouble because I liked him so much, and I promised not to tell anyone. I already knew that I would tell you, so I had my fingers crossed. He smiled a bit nervously and pulled another magazine out from under the pile on the table. It was pictures of men having sex with each other! You could see everything! Most of them had really big cocks, and in some pictures you can even see them squirting their sperm out! I told Tony the pictures were great as we looked through the book, and when we finished it he asked me what I thought of it. I said the pictures made me feel horny. He smiled and let his arm sort of rest in my lap. My dick was stiff, too, by then and he kind of rubbed his arm around a bit in my lap so it pushed my dick around inside my shorts, and it felt really exciting. I thought Tony might do something then, but instead he asked me if I wanted to see a very special book, and I smiled at him and said that I did. The bottom magazine on the pile was the one he picked out. It had a boy on the cover, wearing speedos and lying on a beach. I couldn't read the title of it, it was in German or Dutch or something, but Tony told me it meant Young Boys in Love. The magazine must have been his favourite, because it had a plastic cover on it to keep it from getting wrecked. When he opened it up I was really surprised, because it showed boys our age having sex with men. They were doing all sorts of things, sucking cocks, fucking, kissing, licking each other. The boys in the pictures had smiles on their faces as they were being rooted by these men. Tony asked me what I thought of the pictures and I said they made me want to do what the boys in the book were doing. Then Tony hugged me and said did I want to have sex with him now. I said sure I did. We took the magazine with us to his bedroom, and he stripped off. You should have seen the size of his horn! It was almost as big as my arm. I let him take my shorts off and my undies, and he hugged me again. I could feel his huge cock press against my guts, it was like a baseball bat! He led me to the bed and we got on it. He lay on his back, he could see me staring at his giant prick, and he said if it looked a bit too frightening, maybe I might just like to play with it. I said yeah, I was relieved, I didn't want that thing shoved up my arse. So I sat next to him and played with the massive cock. I rubbed it up and down a bit, then Tony showed me a picture from the magazine of a boy sucking a man's dick, so I nodded and licked his knob. It was too big to get in my mouth, it was as big as an apple, hot and slippery and red, so I licked it all around as I rubbed his shaft up and down with both hands. After about a minute, he groaned and squirted sperm all over the bed. It went everywhere! The next picture he showed me was a boy having sex with a young man, a teenager. The older one was kneeling on all fours and the younger one was kneeling behind him, fucking him. Tony said it was called 'doggy style', and asked if I wanted to do it to him. I said I'd never done it before, and he said he'd show me what to do. I said that I'd never blown off before, and he said it didn't matter, it would still feel good for both of us. So that's when he got the Vaseline off his dressing table and showed me how to put it around his arse and on my dick. He got on his hands and knees and I knelt behind him and stuck my little hardie up his arse. It felt really great, hot and slippery. I thought there would be shit everywhere, but the Vaseline makes it all clean. I fucked him for a few minutes just like I fucked you just now, but then I didn't blow off, Tony did, though, again. Then he wiped the greasy stuff off my dick and sucked me off for a while, then gave me another hug and s! aid it was time I went home before anyone got suspicious. I went back to his place the next day and we did some more sex stuff. On Monday we even did it in the Art room, you know that little storeroom at the back. On Tuesday we did it again at school, and I finally got his knob into my mouth. I tasted his juice, it was salty. We tried to get his stiffie up my bum but it was just too big, I couldn't relax enough. I let him finger my arse though, and he got two fingers up my shithole while he sucked my dick. Mrs Crayon came back on Wednesday, so I never saw him again. So now you know. Chapter 2"Who's that?" Adrian whispered to Paul as a rather modest looking sedan rolled to a stop outside the front door of the farmhouse. The two boys had been helping Paul's dad pack the station waggon for the trip to Iluka. "Oh hell. That's my shitty little cousin Luke. Just because his old man shot through with some bimbo secretary, my mum thinks she has to invite Luke whenever we go on a holiday. Most of the time his mum, my Auntie Jean, says no, but it looks like Mum finally wore her down. He's a real pain in the neck." "He's hot is what he is," Adrian replied, licking his lips. "Hot? Whattaya mean?" "You know! Sexy! Well, have a look at him you dope," Adrian remonstrated with his naive friend. Both boys checked out the ten year old who had alighted from his mother's car. Adrian thought he looked a bit like a young David Gallagher on that TV show. Paul thought he looked like a pest. "What about him?" Paul whispered back. "All I see is a bloody nuisance. He always wants to hang around when he comes here," Paul complained. "He can hang around me anytime," Adrian enthused. "Would he like to 3; um 3; do stuff 3; you know," Adrian drifted off. "Stuff? Whattaya mean? You know what, I think you're sex mad," replied the grumbling Paul. "All I know is that he'll hang around us like a bad smell the whole time and we'll never be able to do anything." "Hmm, I wish 3; " returned Adrian, an idea beginning to fester in his mind.
The family expected to arrived at Iluka just before lunchtime the day after they had set out. An overnight stop at Coffs Harbour had been uneventful, everyone being too tired from the trip. The five of them only just fitted comfortably into the car, and more than once Mrs Smith was grateful for the presence of Paul's friend Adrian acting as a cushion between Paul and his cousin Luke. For most of the trip, Adrian was a real as well as a figurative cushion – he sat in the middle of the back seat between the warring cousins. Oh, well, she thought, once they get to Iluka, and get out onto the beach and make their own friends, they won't have to endure each other's company so much. Adrian readily accepted his role as peacemaker between his friend and his friend's cousin. He didn't have many cousins of his own, only a younger brother, so he was used to being a bit cautious about interfamilial relations. He liked it when Luke rested his head on his shoulder after falling asleep. Mrs Smith had turned around to survey the unnaturally quiet scene, and smiled to see her 10 year old nephew's head resting on her son's friend's shoulder. The three children were only two years apart in age, but miles apart in warmth. Previous visits from Luke had required constant refereeing on her part. It was good to have a 'normal' kid along on this trip, to put some perspective on her own two warring boys. Adrian wasn't sleepy. He had slept soundly the night before, and enjoyed the sights as the car ate up the miles between the farm and the holiday destination. When Luke's head began to droop, he let him rest it on his shoulder. Luke wasn't a lot like his cousin. He had his cousin's skinny build, but that was the limit of their similarity. Paul seemed to take great pleasure in despising every single thing his cousin did or said or supported. When Luke suggested (earlier in the morning when they woke up at the motel in Coffs Harbour) that it was a bit warm, and he only needed a singlet, Paul insisted that it wasn't, and declared that he needed a heavy jumper. Which was how Adrian came to be looking down the front of that very singlet as the car swept along the highway. Luke's head lolled back on Adrian's shoulder, giving him an eyeful of the ten year old's small nipples. The singlet was loose at the top, and Adrian could see the small swelling of Luke's left nip puckered up from the cold that he refused to admit. Adrian began to be aroused by the sight, made especially erotic because it was secret. He wriggled in the seat to get more comfortable, and to ease the pressure on his hardening dick. Disturbed by the movement of his human cushion, Luke stirred in his sleep. He stretched out in the confined space of the back seat, and as he did so his hand fell into Adrian's lap. The older boy did not immediately push it away, enjoying the feeling of the younger's bony hand against the thin material of his shorts. He reached across Luke's chest with his arm, pretending to wipe a smudge off the window. In doing so, his forearm brushed aga! inst the youngster's pointy nipples. He moaned softly in his sleep, fingers flexing in Adrian's lap as though he were dreaming. Adrian wondered whether Luke would notice if he touched his tits. He decided he probably would. To test his theory out, he flexed the seatbelt, examining the strength of it in case an emergency should arise. As he did so, the backs of his fingers ran over Luke's stiff little left nipple. That felt a lot better than running my arm over it, he thought. He ran his hand up and down the seatbelt several times, each time grazing his knuckles on the boy's little tittie.
When they arrived at their motel, Murphy's Law was well and truly in effect. It was raining cats and dogs, and Paul's father retreated to the cocktail lounge for a drink to revive himself after the long haul of driving. Paul's mum asked if the three kids could be a bit considerate and let the adults have half an hour to themselves, and just stay in the motel room while the grown-ups had a few drinkies. Adrian assured her that he would keep the peace, and Paul's mum left, relieved. When she was gone, the three looked at each other expectantly. Their holiday had begun, but not the way they had expected. "Let's play hide and seek," Luke suggested to the two boys. "Yeah, brainwave, where are we gunna hide a in motel room?" his cousin retorted sarcastically. "What about blind man's bluff?" Adrian interposed. "It's fun, and you don't need much room. Unfamiliar surroundings like this are ideal." "Um, okay. How do you play?" Paul said warily. Luke also listened in for the explanation, that way he didn't have to admit that he didn't know how to play either. "Simple. One person starts off as the blind man, and the others find a place in the room and stand still. The blind man has to catch them, and when he does, he has to identify them." "How do you make the blind man blind?" Luke asked sensibly. "Easy. Just tie a hankie or something around their eyes," Adrian replied. "Yuk! Not one of his snotty hankies, I hope," Paul sneered, nodding towards his cousin. "I'll go first and I'll use my own clean hankie," Adrian suggested. "That way you'll get the hang of it." He pulled a clean handkerchief out of his travelling bag and tied it around his eyes, as he had explained. He planned to catch Luke first, and cop a feel while he was doing it. He was pretty confident that he could tell the cousins apart by their size and smell. "All right, you two have got ten seconds to find a place to stand, or sit, or lie. No need to hide under beds or anything, it'll be hard enough to find you anyway. You can be in either room. After I count to ten, you can still move around, but remember, when you move you'll probably make a noise, so it'll probably be better if you stop still. As soon as I catch you, you have to stay where you are so that I can try to identify you," Adrian said. "Let's turn out the lights, and pull the blinds, to make it more exciting," Luke suggested. He knew his cousin was not too keen on the dark. "Okay, I'm all set. The lights are out, my blindfold is on, I'll count to ten and then I'm going to come looking!" Adrian exclaimed. There was an edge of excitement in his voice, and he could feel his tool start to roll over and take notice, in anticipation. "Three, two, one! Ready or not, here comes the blind man!." Adrian put both of his arms out, in the manner of a sleepwalker, and began cautiously stepping his way around the motel room. The main hazards to be navigated were the two beds and the dining table. In the second bedroom (which the boys would be using later) there was a double bunk and a dressing table. Adrian suspected that Paul would hide in there, and that Luke would stay in the main room. He was right. Adrian had not been altogether honest about the way that he tied the blindfold. He had made it so that he could see half a metre [2 ft] of floor in front of him, figuring that a little extra help in a strange room wouldn't go astray. He could hear Luke breathing hard, over by the window. He gingerly stepped around the bed, then carefully avoided the luggage rack and the chairs. When he got to within a metre of the younger boy, Luke started to giggle, but Adrian didn't let on that he heard it. When his hands touched him, he said "Gotcha! You have to stop still now, whoever you are, while I try to guess who you are." Adrian began his blind man's examination by running his hands down Luke's sides. Anyone who knew what the two cousins had been wearing would have guessed his identity straight away, but Adrian thought Luke might let him draw the game out a little, for his own purposes. He stroked Luke's legs, then his thighs (he was wearing cutoff jeans) and finally his shorts. He let his hands wander over the little tyke's narrow waist and arms. He turned the boy around and played his fingertips all up the child's spine, then rubbed his bottom a few times. Standing behind him, he positioned Luke's arms out from his sides like an aeroplane, then ran his hands up Luke's stomach to his small pointy nipples. Luke giggled again when Adrian touched his nipples through the thin material of the singlet, but he didn't protest. Thus emboldened, Adrian tugged at the hem of Luke's singlet until it was freed from the shorts. He ran his hands upwards until his fingers came into contact with Luke's tight little nips, which were hard and warm. He lingered on them for a few seconds, his fingertips giving Luke goosebumps on his sensitive aureolae, then let the singlet fall back into place. Keeping the game going a bit longer, he felt the boy's face, then stepped away from ! him, pronouncing "I know who I caught – it's Paul!" Luke giggled out loud this time, delighted with the game and with his success at fooling Adrian. Adrian of course had reasons of his own for deliberately getting it wrong and letting Luke win. In particular, he was hoping that Luke might enjoy being blindfolded, because it gave rise to interesting possibilities about other mild forms of bondage which Adrian wanted to explore 3; with Luke. Paul came rushing in from the other room in time to hear Luke declare "I won, so I get to go next." Before Paul could protest, Luke had taken the handkerchief out of Adrian's grasp and begun to tie it around his own head. "It'll be much harder for me, because you're both older. I'll have to search very carefully. Okay, I can't see, start hiding. Ten, nine 3; . When he finished the count, he began to move around like a sleepwalker, as Adrian had done. His only goal now was to make sure he caught the right boy. He was fairly certain that Adrian had known whom he had caught, and that he had known precisely what he was doing when he felt him up. He had been looking for an opportunity to find out more about older boys' bodies for some months now, but was repelled by the thought of asking his cousin. Adrian provided the perfect specimen, and besides, he was a bit of a spunkrat, too, in Luke's opinion. Luke guessed that Adrian and Paul would swap rooms (some boys are so obvious!), so he proceeded to sleepwalk to the small bedroom off the main room. Adrian had not even attempted to conceal himself, except that he stayed away from the doorway so that Paul could not see him in the dim light. If his prediction was right, Luke would come looking for more. Luke ignored his cousin crouched underneath the dining table, and made straight for the small bedroom. He looked first behind the door, and immediately touched a body. He whispered "I've caught you, now you have to stay still while I identify you." The excited boy ran his hands up Adrian's bare legs, as he had done to him, and made his intentions plain by pulling Adrian's tee shirt out of his shorts and running his hands up under it, feeling all over the older boy's chest. Luke turned Adrian around, and made a few cursory passes over his bare back under the shirt, but the main game still awaited. Besides his tee shirt, Adrian wore a pair of loose running shorts over a pair of briefs. The only part of him below the neck that Luke was yet to investigate was the shorts. He trembled a little as the boy lightly ran his hands all around the flimsy material. His dick was definitely showing signs of interest, stiffening up underneath his clothing and poking out a bit in the front. Luke brushed the front of the shorts with his fingers, then walked around behind Adrian to give his buttocks a squeeze. Completing the circuit he stood in front of Adrian again. This time he gingerly put his hand on the small, hard bulge in the front of Adrian's shorts and squeezed gently. Adrian drew in a sharp breath, but was determined to play the game out, so he said nothing. Luke surprised him then by his next daring move. He grasped the hem at the bottom of Adrian's shorts, and began to tug on the light garment. He pulled them down very slowly, as if to give Adrian the opportunity to protest, if he wished. He did not. The sensation of his shorts being pulled slowly down and off his bottom and over his thighs made Adrian's cock stand up straight and proud inside his underwear. In fact his erect dick was now the only thing stopping the downward progress of his shorts, as the elastic waist was temporarily caught by his protruding jocks. Sensing that he did not have much more time, Luke pulled the shorts down to Adrian's knees and let them fall to his ankles. Adrian's long baggy tee shirt now covered his underwear, so Luke lifted it up with his left hand and reached for the older boy's stiffy with his right. He felt around the shaft, then the knob, then the small scrotum with its two occupants below. Both children were breathing heavily now, running out of time before Paul got tired of waiting, or the adults returned. Luke reached inside Adrian's undies and took hold of the shaft of his prick, which instantly spurted out in a glorious orgasm, all over the inside of his underwear. Both children cried out, one in surprise, the other in sexual release. Adrian quickly pulled his shorts up as Paul came rushing into the room. Luke interposed herself between Adrian and Paul and declared "I knew it was Adrian – I win, I win," and trotted off laughing into the next room to turn on the lights and open the curtain. The rain had stopped.
Ever since Adrian had told him about how he seduced the substitute art teacher, Paul had developed a sort of erotic itch that needed scratching, one that couldn't be scratched by his friend. So when his folks returned from the bar to hunt the kids out of the motel room, he didn't go with Adrian and Luke. Luke wanted to check out the beach, and Adrian had eagerly volunteered to take him. A little too eager, Paul thought, but dismissed the jealous notion right away. "I think I'll just go down the main street, check out the town, mum," Paul said in an offhand way. He left the two other boys changing into their swimsuits in the bedroom and headed out the door. Paul's mum had of course given Paul 'the talk' about avoiding certain types of men, those who wore raincoats when it wasn't raining, those who hung around the boys' toilets, those who offered young boys lollies behind the bushes, and so on. She had also suggested that some professions attracted certain types of men, and that Paul was always to be careful when in the company of male nurses, airline stewards, hairdressers and men who worked in menswear shops. Well, Iluka didn't have an airport, it wasn't even big enough for a hospital, and Paul didn't need a haircut, but there was a menswear and boyswear shop in the main street, one of the few that hadn't been driven broke by Kmart. Paul headed straight for it. The shop was dark inside, and cool. Rows of clothing stood awaiting custom, and Paul walked slowly up and down the aisles as though he was pricing the various blazers, slacks and sportscoats. In fact, he was trawling for a catch. Within a few minutes, the catch fell into the net. A young sales assistant, wearing a badge declaring his name to be "Bret," saw the young unaccompanied boy walking between the aisles and minced over to make sure the youth wasn't shoplifting. "Can I help the young sir today?" he lisped. Paul thought that he had hooked the right fish – now to reel him in. "Oh, yes, thank you. We're on holidays here, you see, and I've left some of my clothes at home, so my mother sent me down to get some more. I've got money," he added, reaching for his back pocket. "Oh that's quite alright," Bret gushed, "we won't be needing any money until young sir has made a purchase." Just as well, Paul thought, because all that was in his back pocket was his comb. "What was young sir wanting today?" the helpful Bret effused. "Oh well, mother though that I might need a swimsuit, and some underwear, and a pair of shorts," Paul replied, trying to make his voice sound a little like Bret's, without descending into parody. He sensed – correctly – that Bret responded favourably to a certain tone of voice, and it was essential to his plan that Bret be co-operative. "Well, would young sir like to come this way to the underclothes section," Bret invited. "Oh, yes, thank you. Mother always told me to be very obedient of all adults. Whatever you say." Bret smiled and led Paul to the boyswear section. Judging by the quiet, there wasn't another soul in the shop, it seemed, just the two of them, largely screened off from the rest of the empty store by the racks of clothing in the boyswear division, which appeared to be Bret's domain. "Now, there are a number of styles of underwear, and a size to fit any boy, so if young sir could give me an indication of his preference 3;?" Bret enquired, with an upturned eyebrow that nearly had Paul laughing out loud. "Oh, please, my name is Paul, no need to call me sir, and I think I like that style there," Paul answered, pointing to the briefest speedo-style underwear he could see. "But I don't know what size I take. Mother always looks after that kind of thing. Perhaps you could measure me." With that, Paul unsnapped the clasp of his shorts and dropped them to his ankles and stepped out of them. The only reaction from Bret was a small sharp intake of breath as he fumbled for his tape measure. Paul realised that he had to convince this dopey clerk that he was there for the taking, or he wouldn' t be taken at all. He pulled his shirt over his head and dropped it on top of his shorts. He stood now only in his underwear and sandals. "I'll just measure young sir's 3; uh 3; Paul's waist, to see what 3; uh 3; size would be appropriate," Bret stammered, starting to become a bit breathless at the sight of this young almost-naked boy before him. He had dreamed about this moment since commencing at the clothing store, but even his wildest dreams had not included a boy like Paul. He trembled as he draped the tape measure around the boy's waist, and it seemed to him that every time his hand moved in front of the boy's crotch it somehow pushed outwards to touch him. "Oh, you have such a gentle touch, Bret, not like my ballet teacher at school," Paul effused. He thought that he'd better turn up the heat so he introduced his imaginary private schooling into the conversation, to stimulate Bret into action. Paul pirouetted while Bret measured his waistline with the tape an unnecessary number of times, occasionally brushing against Paul's burgeoning bulge as he did so. Bret was sweating with sexual tension now, desperate for relief, wondering if this was really happening, trembling with a mixture of fear and longing, hoping that this boy was as naive as he appeared to be. Paul on the other hand was wondering how to keep control of the situation, keep this effeminate shop assistant on the hook long enough to get what he wanted. He decided to go for the bullseye. "Do you also have the swimsuits in this section? Maybe I should try one of those on while I'm here?" Paul asked in his sweetest voice. "Mother always told me to be as helpful to adults as I possibly can, and surely it would be helpful if I just stripped off and tried a pair of bathers on right now." Bret gave an impression of a beached fish, his mouth opening and closing, as Paul skinned his underwear down to his ankles and stepped out of them. His hairless tool, now newly released from its confinement, began its inexorable pumping to a full size erection (for a twelve year old). Paul brazenly stood before Bret with his hands behind his head, waiting for the bathing suit to be fitted. "Oh don't worry about my penis going stiff, Bret," Paul reassured the reddening shop assistant. "It's always doing that. Why, at the boarding school, my dormitory master assures me it's quite normal for a boy my age. He even showed me a way to make it go down again, if it gets too uncomfortable. He inserts his own stiff cock in my bottom and pushes it in and out or a few minutes, and before long, the fluid comes out." Of course Paul had never been to boarding school, but he hoped Bret would believe this guff he was feeding him. "Uh 3; f 3; fluid?" Bret gasped in disbelief. "Oh yes, you know, the fluid. My dormitory master explained it all to me. When a boy gets a stiffy, someone has to pump the fluid out of him by sticking their cock up his bum, or else it will become terribly painful. My dormitory master usually does it for me, but sometimes he asks one of the bigger boys in the dorm to do it in his place, if he's busy with another boy. He told me the fluid must be pumped out promptly, or it may harm me. I go to him every night to get it pumped out. But since I've been on holidays, I've had no-one to pump it out for me. Perhaps you could help. Mother told me that I should be on the lookout for a helpful person." With that, Paul stepped towards the wall of the boyswear section and placed both of his hands upon it in the 'frisk' position, with his bare legs apart and his tight little bare butt sticking out invitingly. "You 3; you want me to 3; to stick my 3; uh 3; cock up your bottom and 3; uh 3; pump the fluid out for you?" Bret stammered, now totally beyond anything he could have dreamed up in his nightly fantasies. "Oh, yes, please, Bret, if it's no bother could you stick your cock up my arse and pump the fluid out for me please?" Paul wiggled his butt again in Bret's direction. The poor shop assistant was completely captivated, as if in a hypnotic trance. He unsnapped the clasp and zipper of his slacks, allowing it to fall to his shins. Waddling over to the boy, he gingerly clasped the slim naked waist, pointing his rigid pink rod at the boy's crack, and whispered "Do 3; do you want me t 3; to 3; fuck you 3; uh 3; Paul?" "Mmm, yes please Bret," Paul replied, turning his head towards the nervous clerk, "give me a good pumping, I need it badly, I've been a bit tense lately, and I'm sure a good screw will set me right, just like at school. Plough my butt, stick it in deep, help me get rid of this nasty fluid," Paul urged. It wouldn't have mattered if the shop was full of nuns, Bret couldn't have held back any longer. He gripped the boy by the waist and centered his painfully hard rod on the boy's crack. A loud groan escaped from his throat as he drove his turgid member up into the boy's rectum. He raised the boy up onto his tiptoes with his first thrust, and his subsequent thrusts took the boy's toes off the floor. Five or six grunts later he was seeing stars as his seed rushed through his urethra into the boy's arse. Paul was so turned on by his success in seducing the young man that he decorated the wall of the boyswear section with four or five spurts of his own semen before Bret lowered him to the floor. The sales assistant could only gasp, leaning against a desk, as Paul got dressed and strode, smiling, to the shop's entrance. "Wait till I tell Adrian," Paul thought to himself, a smirk plastered on his face.
Stay tuned for more adventures of The Young Seducers. Will Adrian get into Luke's knickers? Has Paul's appetite been sated? Who shot Mr Burns? Yes, I'm just toying with you. There will be more if you encourage me. There were no further chapters published, thus this is 3; the End 3; |
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