MaiocxxA Five Little Boy Slaves StoryDanny's Education |
SummaryA young boy who has been raised as a free child is 'educated' at his father's wish by being enslaved. He comes to know fully what slavery means and his master, for the first time, fully understands his own life as a former slave.
Publ. Oct-Dec 2011
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CharactersDanny (10yo); Timo and Jenny, his parents; Marcus, his Master; and Michael, Marcus's personal servant; Billy, Tyler and Sean (10yo) Danny's classmates; Luke Hays, an upper school student; Emma Thompson, Danny's former teacher; Bill Scott, Billy's father; Evan Carouthers, a neighborCategory & Story codesBoy-Slave storyMb – slave mast oral – humil spank bond (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteIt features three characters from Patrick's epic story, 'I Bought Five Little Boy Slaves' and the author is very much in his debt for him permitting the 'borrowing' of three of his 'boys'. The action follows that of I Bought Five Little Boy Slaves - The Aftermath .Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at maiocxx(at)yahoo(dot)com or through this feedback form with Maiocxx - Danny's Education in the subject line. |
PrologueWith the passing of my father, the six of us could, at last, move on. It had been several years since I had spun off the computer engineering business to Jan and Chris and they were doing very well. Chris's genius was hugely responsible for their success; so much so that they had moved out of the original 'castle' and built a spanking new facility some miles away.Sebastian, flush with his success as an author, had moved on to the 'big city' to capitalize on his skills. So Timo, alone, was left of the five 3; later six 3; boy slaves my father had rescued. He had always been the one I was closest to, so even after I had also abandoned the 'castle' for more pleasant quarters, we remained best friends. Michael, my life-slave, and I had a new house near the one where we had originally been enslaved and about two blocks from Timo's home and restaurant. I had registered Michael as a Trustee Slave so that he could be out in the community serving my needs without being under my direct control. That still gave him very few protections under the law, but did afford him a bit more freedom. Yes, he was my slave, but in our cozy home, we were also lovers. That one of us was slave and the other was free meant nothing. Michael was the most loving, compassionate, exciting being on earth. I continued as the CEO of the investment group, serving many of my father's former clients. In addition, Michael and I had developed a sideline business 3; breaking and training young slaveboys. We had had several groups, both from court action and one or two 'indentured' by their parents. But, we were about to take on the hardest one yet.
Chapter 1The naked little ten-year-old boy knelt crying on the floor in front of his father. "Daddy!" he wailed. "Why are you doing this to me? You keep saying I'm a good boy! Why are you punishing me? What did I dooooooo? I don't want to be a slave!""I'm not punishing you, son," replied his father gently. "But I want you to know and understand what the life of a slave is. That's the life that Uncle Marcus and Uncle Sebastian and Uncle Chris and I experienced. Then, and only then, can you fully value the freedom that is being taken away from you and that you may some day regain." Danny didn't begin to understand what his father was talking about. All he knew was that he was going to be a slave and he was frightened to death. The older boys at his school had all sorts of lurid tales about slaves and the life they led. Some of the stories were even true. All he knew was that his parents had abandoned him and even Uncle Marcus, who had been his 'buddy' from the time he was very little, no longer loved him. "You must give up the idea you are a free boy," admonished his father. "You are a slave. And you won't be able to do some of the things you like to. If you work real hard and become a good slave, I'm sure your master will treat you well and even may free you some day. But that will be a long time off." He didn't want his son to know that the longest time he could be a slave was five years. Even though this was an indenture 3; a 'contractual enslavement' 3; the rules and term limits applied. "The man you have loved and called 'Uncle Marcus' is now your master and you must always call him that. And you must do whatever he tells you. He is not your 'uncle' any more and he will hurt you sometimes. But remember he loves you very much. Just as your mother and I do." The boy continued to sob for a few minutes but then quieted down and merely knelt there shaking. I approached him. "Put your forehead on the floor and your ass up in the air." Danny glanced up at me with a mixture of hurt and fright in his blue eyes. After a moment's hesitation he complied and I looked hungrily at the virgin pink ass before me. Sighing, I gave the boy a cut across it with my short whip. Danny screamed! And it was all his father could do to keep from crying. The boy started to rise but I shook my whip at him and he speedily went back to his 'ass-up' posture. There was now a bright red welt across it. "That is what you can expect if you do not behave, and do not do what I tell you AT ONCE!" I thundered at the weeping boy. Turning to my servant Michael, I told him, "Take this miserable slave to the pen and chain him. We'll brand him later today." "Yes, Master, at once," replied Michael as he dragged the crying boy from the room. Timo stood looking at me, white faced, tears running down his cheeks. "I know we were convicted of a crime, but I guess I never really understood what my dad must have felt when they took me away. It's awful, even though I know he'll be safe with you and you'll treat him well. Will you really brand him?" "No, but he'll think I did. I wouldn't spoil that perfect skin for any reason. But, you do know I'll have to hurt him from time to time. I may have to beat him in order to break his spirit." "I know, but I know you'll do it so that he won't really be harmed and you'll do it out of love. And out of our friendship." "Yes I will, Timo." I thought for a minute. "You know I think maybe I know what Father must have felt when suddenly I and other boys that he had known and loved for years 3; had played with, had cheered them on at football 3; were lying frightened and bawling in the slave pen. And he would have to be a cruel, strict master to them. Danny is unlike any other slave I have ever had. I've watched him grow from a baby. I don't have Father's penchant for sadism, thank God, but it is still heart-wrenching to think I must beat this little boy." We 3; two friends 3; just stood looking at each other for a while, trying to screw up our resolve. "I think I'd better be going," Timo finally told me. "I'm afraid Jenny isn't feeling too well about this." "I can understand that. Yes, he's no longer her baby and he won't be the same when it's over. Please give her my love and my promise that all will be well," I bade him goodbye. After he left, I gathered a few slave things and went down to the pen to examine my new acquisition. Michael had chained him to one of the rings in the floor by his left ankle. He lay on the cold, hard stones, weeping softly. When he heard me enter he sat up and moved as far from me as his chain would allow, his face a mask of pure terror. I had watched Danny grow from the time he was a babe in his mother's arms and every time I saw him he was more beautiful. Like his father, he was a short and slim little guy with a dash of freckles splashed across his now, tear-stained face, his blonde hair a gift from his mother. His chest was nicely filled out with two dark nipples and his tummy had lost most of his baby fat. His legs, stretched out before him, were smooth and well-muscled. He flinched when I touched him as I unlocked the chain and pulled him to his feet. "Put your hands behind you!" I put the slave cuffs on his slender wrists and clicked them together. His ankle cuffs and collar followed. As I fastened his collar about that small neck, I could feel him shaking. Turning him about I marveled at his full, pink ass which now had a welt across it. Maybe I had been a little too severe. His boy parts, although still small, were nicely formed and it was all I could do to keep my hands off them. It would be much later in the year before I would caress those jewels. But he was beautiful. And I almost gasped. "Michael," I called. "Yes Master," he answered, striding into the room. "Please prepare the branding iron." "At once, Master." He left and returned with an electric brazier and a small branding iron. Setting it on the floor, he plugged it in and we watched as the iron began to glow. Danny stood there shaking so badly, I thought he might fall over. But then he stiffened. His school-mates had told him that slaves were branded and he would show this master-who-used-to-be-his-friend that he was brave and he wouldn't cry or beg for mercy. Pinning his legs between mine, I had Michael hold him so that his rump was ready for the hot iron. I made sure he saw me pick up the iron and move it toward his left thigh. When it was close enough for him to feel the heat, I took the ice cube that Michael handed me and pressed it to his flesh. At the same time I touched the iron to a piece of leather that Michael had also brought me. The ice did the trick! Danny let out a scream that could be heard in the next county. And went on seemingly forever. When the odor of the burning leather 3; which he thought was his own flesh burning 3; reached him, he gagged once, emptied his stomach onto me and the floor and passed out. While he was out, I carefully drew the head of a fox on his thigh, using a marker that was a substitute for branding cattle. It was readily absorbed into the skin and would never fade or wash off. I gently picked him up, cradled him in my arms and laid him on the pallet in the corner. I'm afraid a few tears fell on him. We had decided to keep him restrained at night for the first few days, so his hands were cuffed behind him. I had considered putting a butt plug in his virgin ass, but I just could not visit that humiliation on him. Leaving Michael to watch over him, I hugged my servant goodnight and withdrew to the room that he and I shared as lovers. And cried! Could I really do this to this little boy I loved so much? Early the next morning, I told my servant, "Clean him up and bring him to me after breakfast." Michael left to do my bidding and I shortly heard Danny's yelps as the cold water descended upon him. Out of his hearing, Michael told me, "By God, Master! I had forgotten how cold that water is!" But shortly, my new slave knelt before me with his forehead touching the floor 3; having been forced into that position by Michael 3; shivering violently. Whether from cold or terror I knew not. He started to rise and Michael pushed him roughly down again and laid a stroke across his lower back with his short whip. He yelped but did not try to rise again and I left him in that position for some time. Finally I spoke to him, "Danny, you are now my slave! I own you! When you greet me or any other free person this is the position you must take. It's called your 'position of respect' and shows that you are no longer a free boy. You must remain in your 'position' until I tell you to rise. And you may not speak until I tell you." I gave him time to absorb that. "Now rise, but do not speak." He stood, but started to say, "Please may I 3; 3;" Michael's whip elicited another yelp, but he shut up. "You must call me 'Master' and must call Michael 'Sir' And you must obey either one of us instantly and without question. I have the right to beat you bloody, if I wish to. But neither Michael nor I will punish you unless you misbehave." Danny was looking more and more distressed, trying mightily not to cry. I marveled; I cried almost constantly the first hours as my father's slave. This was one tough little boy! Good! I like them that way. "You will work hard and learn to be a good slave. Michael will be in charge of you and tell you what you must do each day. If you do well, you will be praised. If you do not, you will feel Michael's whip. At the end of each day, you will receive two strokes from me for each one he has given you. You have already earned two strokes from Michael today." "Now! You may speak and ask questions." "Please, Unc 3; Master, can I go home?" he sniffed. "You are home! Your home is here now." "Can I have some clothes to wear? I'm cold!" "No. Slave boys don't need clothes. You will get used to being cold." I made a note to raise the temperature a small amount; I didn't want him being sick. "I'm hungry!" "You will have plenty of slave gruel to eat. It doesn't taste very good, but it will keep you strong and healthy. You can have some when we are finished here." "When can I see Mom and Dad again?" "Not for a very long time." "How long will I be a slave?" "Some boys remain slaves for the rest of their lives," I avoided his question. He began to shake again and the tears started to flow. I glanced at Michael; his expression was unreadable but I knew what must be going through his head. "If you work hard and obey, you might 3; just might 3; be free again some day. But not for a long time." I didn't want to crush his hope completely. "Did you look at your mark?" I asked him. He looked down at his thigh, saw the indelible mark I had drawn, and collapsed in a wailing heap. That ruse had been quite successful. But it was the only time I ever deliberately deceived him. "Put him to work," I instructed Michael. He scooped Danny up and half carried him from the room. Poor Danny never did get his gruel that morning. By the end of that first day, Danny had earned a total of twelve whip strokes from me. Michael had drilled into his head that when I whipped him, he was required to stand and grasp his ankles. Under no circumstances was he ever to break that pose until after the whipping was over and he was told to go. I didn't pull my strokes and at the end of twelve, he was howling and dripping snot and tears onto the floor. He now sported twelve more angry, red welts on his ass and upper legs and I knew they hurt. I had Michael apply some healing lotion before he locked him up for the night. That night Michael comforted me in our shared bed. I had purposely left the camera and mic on in the slave pen and we could hear and see him lying on his blankets 3; his buns too sore to touch 3; crying his little heart out. By morning his pillow was soaked. The first week was pure hell… for both Danny and me. The kid had guts and he was not going to easily yield to slave discipline. We forced him to do a few chores but he was defiant and determined. He had to be physically forced into his position and even chaining him at night in the slave pen and forcing him to sleep on the cold, hard stones with only a thin blanket didn't break him. By the end of the week his pink ass was a mass of welts. And no amount of strokes from either my or Michael's whip seemed to have any corrective effect; they just made him cry. Saturday night after we had restrained him and locked him up, I sobbed to Michael, "This isn't going to work! He's not going to accept it. I should never have agreed to this." Marcus," he assured me, "he's no worse after one week than other boys we have had. It's just that you feel so bad having to hurt him because you love him so. Don't loose hope; he'll come around." Truthfully, without Michael's strength and comfort every night, I simply could not have gone on. Was I prepared for another week of pain? Finally, Tuesday morning, he appeared before me in his position. Evidently his ass simply hurt too much for him to continue his defiance. He sat there with tears in his eyes as I told him, "Danny, look at me." The look of sorrow on that face almost did me in. "You may speak." He began to cry in earnest. "Please don't beat me!" he sobbed. "I don't understand! Why do you beat me? It hurts! You used to love me and now you don't! Why? What did I do?" "I punish you because you won't do what we ask. You disobey! Didn't your father or mother punish you if you didn't obey them? "Yes," he sobbed, "but 3;" "You don't behave as a slave should. You don't even try! Do you think I enjoy beating you? Is that what you think?" "No!" he cried. "Then behave as a slave should. Do the things we tell you to. You are not a free boy any more. You are a slave and I am your master. And Michael is your boss, too. Don't make us beat you. It hurts us, too, you know, when we must punish you." At that last statement, he looked startled. He thought for a while and then sighed. "Master, I will do what you say. I don't know why you and my mom and dad hate me. I don't know what I've done to be made a slave like this. But please don't beat me any more. I will be your slave." Michael and I both heaved a sigh of relief. "See what you can do for his welts." I instructed my servant. "When you've done your best, please bring him to me. I'll be in my office." I sat at my desk and tried to get myself under control. It had been the worst week of my life… even worse than my first week as Father's slave. Dare I hope that Danny would respond positively from now on? Michael brought him in and withdrew. Danny immediately went to his position. His pink ass looked marginally better. "Danny, please rise and come here." I took him in my arms trying to be careful not to aggravate his sores. He put his head down on my chest and just cried. "I don't know what I've done to make you hate me. Please tell me!" "You have done nothing wrong, Danny and I don't hate you. Your father wants you to know what his life as a slave was like and I have agreed to be your master. I love you, Danny… please don't ever think otherwise. I don't want to have to beat you and neither does Michael. But you must do what we tell you. If you try, you'll find out that being a slave isn't very difficult. It can even be pleasant. Will you try?" "Do you really love me, Master?" "Yes, Danny, with all my heart. But I promised your dad I would train you." He thought for a moment and then said through his tears, "I will be your slave. I don't understand why Dad did this to me, but I'll try. I want to make him proud of me. And I want to make Uncle Marcus proud, too." Actually, after that, he yielded to our discipline rather quickly. With one crisis behind us another burst upon our extended family. Jan and Chris had rescued a little boy from a notorious boy brothel, adopted him and devoted untold hours and all their love to providing a warm, loving family where Jasper 3; that was his name 3; could at last have a 'normal' childhood and gradually throw off the abuse he had received. And now calamity visited them . Danny's decision to become my slave removed some of the immediate stress from Michael and me, but there was little in the way of concrete help I could give Jan and Chris. For I had a new slaveboy who needed and deserved most of my attention. For the next few weeks, he was mostly dry-eyed during the day, but he did weep in his pen at night. As he gradually overcame the shock of his enslavement the look of sadness on his face was replaced by one of determination. We kept him constantly busy. He didn't mind the hard work; he had had chores to do at home before he came to me. But the things that made him the saddest were not being able to be with his friends 3; especially three boys who had been his schoolmates 3; and not being able to go to school. Lack of clothes bothered him at first but he soon got over that, just as he soon got over the nights in the slave pen. He wasn't happy, but he had decided to make the best of an unpleasant situation. It was cold, dark and lonely there although we had provided him with a sleeping pad and blankets. But he hated it just the same. Rarely did he receive more than two strokes from me at day's end and he usually admitted they were deserved. I was quite confident Michael wasn't shielding him; we had had slave boys before and he knew and completely agreed that strict discipline was needed to 'break' a young boy. Early on, Thursday was designated 'spanking night'. After supper I would take him into my study, lay him across my lap, and give him twenty or more hand spanks on those delicious boy buns. I would rub and knead them before each stroke to enhance the feeling. Yeah, it enhanced my feeling, too! They were so smooth and soft! By the last stroke he was always crying and his little ass was bright red. After letting him cry for a bit, I always took him in my arms, told him what a fine slave he was and comforted him. I made sure to tell him that I loved him. In time, he came to look forward to his spankings; he would gladly endure the pain just to be held and loved. And gradually, he began to smile again. Not a lot, but we could tell he was beginning to accept his role and wanted to please us. He was used to his new home and ready to step out in the wider world as a slave. The fine early autumn weather would not cause him too much discomfort. When I told him one evening we were going out for a walk the next day, at first he was genuinely pleased. I guess he was having 'cabin fever'. "What kind of clothes will I wear?" he asked "None," I replied. His look of horror was simply unique. "But I'm naked!," he gasped. "I can't go out like this. People will see me." "You can and you will," I assured him. He stood wide-eyed as I explained the rules to him. "You must always walk several paces behind me unless I have you on a lead. If I stop to talk to someone, you must go to your 'position' and stay there until I release you." I could tell by his look that he could handle that but going out nude was another matter. I could see him thinking maybe going out wasn't such a good idea after all. "But, Master!" he wailed. "I want no more arguments from you, slaveboy, unless you wish to feel my whip! Now, go to bed!" By this stage in his training he was used to locking himself into the pen each night and we were no longer restraining him. I had known he would ask about clothes and I wanted him to mull his nude state over all night. By morning he was a mess. Hurling himself at my feet he sobbed, "Please, Master! Don't make me go outside this way. It's not right. Please don't do this to meeeeeeee!" "Who told you it's not right?" "Mom!" "Your mom isn't here, Danny. I'm your master and I will be the one who decides what is right. Do you understand that?" He nodded morosely. He knew it would really happen; he was going to be naked in public for all the world to see no matter what his mother thought. I beckoned him to me, grasped him by his arms and looked into those sad, blue eyes. "Danny, children are the most beautiful creatures that God has created, especially little boys. And you are surely one of His most beautiful." "Really?" "Yes. You have a very beautiful body. You have no reason to be ashamed to show it." "But I thought 3;" "Look at how you have grown in the short time you have been here. Your arm and leg muscles are simply stunning." Truly he had one of the most beautiful pairs of boy-legs I had ever seen. And I never tired of rubbing them. "Your tummy has lost its little boy fat and it's nice and flat. And your chest is filling out." I loved to rub his chest and tweak his prominent nipples, causing him an immediate erection. "It's time to share that body with the outside world. It wouldn't be fair if I kept you here where only Michael and I could see how lovely you are." He wasn't convinced, but he would submit without further fuss. After lunch as we were getting ready to leave, I told him, "When you are walking along, you must keep your hands clasped behind you." "But everyone will see my thingy!" "You mean your penis and balls? Well they are part of you and they're quite beautiful too." As we went out the door, he covered himself. "Hands behind your back," I reminded him. I had chosen a route in our neighborhood where we wouldn't meet many people and where my walking a slave was quite normal. But the first person we encountered, his hands went right back to covering his boy parts. "Hands behind your back or I will cuff you!" After the second 'cover up' I cuffed him. His hands behind his neck which was uncomfortable and only emphasized his nudity more. The only remaining problem was that it was very awkward 3; well-nigh impossible 3; for him to assume and rise from his 'position' without the use of his hands. After a scraped chin and knees, he gave in. "Master, please uncuff me. I promise I'll be good!" I decided to give him one more chance. He was fine for the rest of the afternoon, having earned two deferred punishment strokes. About halfway around my chosen route, we ran into Eloise Gurney. I knew she would be there; she always comes out to admire my boys. "Oh, Marcus!" she gushed. "You have a new slave! And isn't he pretty! May he stand up?" I obliged her. It wouldn't do to offend the 'grand dame' of the neighborhood. "Marcus, you have simply outdone yourself this time. He is absolutely the most precious thing!" Danny turned a bright shade of pink 3; all over. "I must give him a hug." "Certainly," I replied. This was turning out just like I wanted it, just as if I had planned it. She advanced toward Danny and he started to retreat. "Stop, slave boy!" I ordered him. "She has my permission and a slave may not deny a free person who has his master's permission. He surrendered to the inevitable and was soon completely lost in Eloise's more than ample bosom. When she at last let go of him, he emerged red-faced and well kissed. "Goodbye, you sweet thing. Don't keep him all to yourself, Marcus. This one is meant to be shared!" And she ambled off. Noting the look of disgust on his face, I asked, "Now was that so bad?" "Aw, she just wanted to feel my, my, my penis." "I guess if you didn't behave, I could give you to her," I teased him. Panic stopped Danny in his tracks. "You wouldn't, would you?" "No." He heaved a great sigh of relief. Then, "Master, you were just messin' with me." "Don't be too sure of yourself," I replied. But then he giggled and I laughed and we continued on. We met several more neighbors who complimented me on my slave's behavior and one stranger who declared I must be coddling this young criminal; he was too clean and didn't have near enough welts on his ass. He even offered to beat my slave for me. Danny didn't even break a sweat as I told the oaf to be off. He knew I would never let anyone hurt him. It had been a pretty intense afternoon, so I held Danny's hand as we headed home. Our last encounter was with an old friend, Evan Carouthers. Retired from service in the Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders Regiment, he was a fixture around our neighborhood and had actually been a good friend of my father. "Good day to you, Marcus," he greeted me. "Tis a while since I seen ye." "Good day to you, Mr. Carouthers. This is my new slave, Danny." "When I seed you walkin' along hand-in-hand, I relect your father doin' the same with you a times. Just like ye was father and son. He said twern't possible, but I insisted. And the joke were on him; ye were father and son." "That 'joke' caused both of us a lot of pain and sorrow until it was all sorted out," I replied. "Sure and it did. Mike wasn't fit to talk to for a spell. But there weren't no one more happy when you and the others was freed. I never did believe that fairy-tale about you bein' criminals." Turning to Danny, he said, "Well, stand up, boy and let me see ya." I nodded and Danny rose proudly. "Aye, you're a good looker! Be a teenager soon, will ye?" "Yes, sir. Thank you sir. I'm almost eleven." "But he's not your'n. Doesn't favor ye." "No, he's not. You remember Timo?" "Aye! The little one who could cook. Mike would send some of his wares over for me and the missus, ever so often." "Well, Danny is Timo's son." "Aye. He be short and dark like his pa. But where came all those golden curls?" "From his mom. I may decide to shave his head one day." Danny's look of shock and dismay was classic. "Nay, laddie. Keep them! They give him character. Make him special." How special he could not have known. "All right if you say so," I told him. "How came ye by him?" I explained my agreement with Timo and I could tell the old fellow was impressed. "Tis a good thing you're doin' Marcus. Most kids today could benefit from a time under a good master. Tis a pity more don't before the law nabs them." "Yer a good lookin' lad, Danny. And fortunate to have Marcus for yer master. Be a good slave, ya hear." "I will sir. And you're right. Master is the very best and I love him very much." "Master, you really wouldn't shave my head, would you?" he asked after Mr. Carouthers had left us. "No. That's one thing your mother made me promise." I replied. He was quiet the rest of the way home and for the rest of the evening. The wheels were grinding in that lovely head. He took his punishment stripes without complaint, kissed me and went to his pen. When I appeared for breakfast the next morning, he was in his 'position' by my chair. "He's been that way for more than an hour," Michael told me. "You may rise and speak," I greeted Danny. He did and handed me the whip he had been concealing under his body. "Master, I have been a brat. 'Specially yesterday when we were getting ready to go out. Please whip me until the blood comes." He was wound tighter than a clock-spring. I was shocked. I had never whipped him that hard and would never willingly whip him that hard. Mark that beautiful skin? Not on your life! But I could see he was absolutely serious. I gestured for Michael to leave us. "Danny, come sit in my lap." He hesitated, but then complied. I massaged his shoulders for a bit until I felt him loosen up. "Yesterday was one of the toughest days you've had, wasn't it?" He nodded. "And on balance, you did very well. Yes, you made a few mistakes. But they were just that, mistakes. I told you early on that your mistakes would always be forgiven. You learned some important things about being a slave 3; about being a person 3; yesterday. Tell me what possible good would come from my beating you bloody." "I might feel better." "No you wouldn't. Your ass would just be very sore." "Danny, I love you! I could not do that to you. You have done nothing to deserve that. You took your stripes last evening and that is the end of it. You need to forgive yourself. Just as I have forgiven you." He sat for a while as I continue to massage those tight back muscles. Then suddenly all the rigidity drained and he relaxed completely. He was ready for the day's adventures. "Master, my dad said you were no longer my Uncle Marcus. But I think there is a lot of Uncle Marcus still there." Lord, I had been found out! Trips outside became the norm several times a week. Danny soon lost his body embarrassment and walked proudly with me. Like most young, developing boys he was secretly quite proud of his body and ready to show it to anyone who wanted to look. But, thus far, I had avoided any place where we might encounter some of his school mates or other children who had known him. That was the next big test. I chose the route carefully so we would pass his former school just as it was letting out for the day. He quickly saw my plan and tried to hurry me along; I just dawdled, much to his discomfort. And so, we arrived at the appointed place at the proper hour. I told him to stand up straight and be prepared to properly greet his former classmates. His look of fright and distress was extreme. Lower school was just breaking. A few of the eager students passed us by without so much as a glance. Then came three little girls from his year. "Look! It's Danny!" "And he's bare naked!" they shrieked. Danny edged behind me and I just moved aside. I think he was wishing for the ground to open up and swallow him. "Look, he's got a stiffie." "What's that?" "Haven't you ever seen what a boy has between his legs? My brother lets me touch his and he says it feels good." "That young lady's parents need to take her and the brother in hand," I thought. "Goodbye, naked Danny!" they chorused. It had not even occurred to any of them to question why he was naked or who I was. A trio of boys from Danny's year emerged, stopped dead in their tracks, squealed and dashed over to us bombarding Danny with questions. "Danny! Where have you been? Mrs. Thompson thought you had moved away? Why don't you have clothes on? Why are you here? What's happened?" Embarrassed to tears, my slave stood with his head down. "Answer them, Danny," I prodded my reluctant companion. I was intensely interested to see how he would explain his situation to his peers. Danny squared his shoulders, wiped away his tears with his arm and replied softly, "I'm a slave." "A slave! But why? Did you do something bad? Did your parents die? Why are you a slave and why are you here like this?" I gently prodded him again. "My father wanted me to know what it was like to be a slave. You know he was a slave when he was my age and he wanted me to really, really know what he went through." "Couldn't he just tell you? He came and talked to our class!" I broke in, "No, it's not the same. I can tell you from experience. Unless you really are a slave, you simply can't know what it means to be one." "You're one of 'them'!" gasped one of the boys whom I later learned was named Billy. Since the publication of Sebastian's book and the subsequent film, we all had become quite famous. "Yes," I replied, "I'm the one named Marcus." "But why are you naked, Danny?" Seeing he was not going to get any further help from me, Danny replied, "Master says slaves don't need clothes. I never wear clothes." "What about when it gets cold?" Danny looked up at me for help, but I just shook my head. "No, never." Our climate is rather mild but I knew there would be times he could not go outside. I certainly did not intend to have him frostbitten. I knew which part of him would be most vulnerable. "But this man isn't your father!" "No, he's my master." "Master?" "Yes, my father sold me to him." There hadn't been any money involved, but he knew there was a contract and assumed I had paid for him. "Does he beat you?" "Only when I don't behave and afterward he takes the hurt away. I love Master very much and he loves me." "How can you love someone who beats you and makes you go outside naked?" scoffed one of the boys. "Tyler, you don't understand. Master doesn't beat me unless I deserve it. Unless I've not behaved." "Yeah? What does he beat you with?" I could see where this was headed and almost intervened. "He uses a short whip," he said in a whisper, tears starting to well up again. "Does it hurt?" "Yes, lots! But afterward he takes me in his arms and holds me and makes the hurt go away." "Gosh!" sprang from three mouths in unison. "But worse than the beating," Danny continued, "is that I know I've disappointed Master. That I let him down. But he always forgives me and tells me I will do better." Sean, the smallest of the three, then weighed in with this question, "Did he brand you?" "No, but I thought he did and I was very, very scared. He just marked me, see," and he showed them the fox head on his thigh. All three of them touched it and Tyler offered his opinion, "Cool!" "Good!" I thought. "He had figured that out! " I tried to relax, waiting for the question I knew would come. "How long will you be a slave," Billy wanted to know. "I don't know," replied Danny. "Master says not to think about that. Just be the best slave I can be." "Some boys are slaves all their lives," I interjected. Danny seemed to momentarily wilt from that statement, but then he straightened. "I will be the very best slave I can be as long as Master needs me." He was obviously thinking of Michael. I could tell the boys were not quite willing to buy all this. They stood quietly watching Danny for a while and glancing at me every so often. Finally, Billy broke the impasse. He walked over to Danny and reached out his hands. Danny backed up and I had to nudge him forward again. "I don't care what you've done! I don't care that you're a slave. You are my friend! And I will always be your friend." He hesitated, looking at me. "Slaves can't have friends," protested Tyler. "Certainly they can." I assured him. Billy swept my weeping and thoroughly surprised slave into a big hug and the other two joined him an instant later. When they broke at last, the expression on Danny's face? It was pure joy surrounded by courage. "And you will always be my friends, too!" As they were leaving, from across the playground, Billy declared, "I hope you'll come and see us. We miss you!" "Yeah," agreed Tyler, "we get into a lot more trouble when you're not here. Bye!" Danny looked up at me, waiting my judgment. "You were magnificent!" I told him. "I'm proud of you!" He grinned. It was the first time I had seen his pixie grin since that evening that seemed so long ago. Actually it was only a few short months. But my reverie was short-lived. Upper school was out and a pair of swaggering jocks bore down upon us. "Well look at the little slaveboy, out with his keeper," observed one of them. "What did he do? His dick too small?" I didn't like those remarks and I was ready to step in, but I waited. "What dick? You mean that tiny worm?" "Yeah! Maybe we should cut the fucking thing off. Slaves don't need one. They piss out their asses." Danny was almost cowed, but stood his ground. He knew he couldn't defend himself physically. I had made sure he knew from the start that he could never strike a free person. But the exchange had gone far enough. Too far and I was about to step in when a big, blonde kid came running over. I braced for the worst, hoping I could handle three of them. But to my surprise, he pushed them roughly away and snarled, "Get out of here, you apes. Let the kid alone. If ya' want a fight, I'll give you one. Just remember what happened the last time." They scattered like frightened rabbits. "Sorry you had to meet two of our most outstanding students. Unfortunately they aren't equipped with either manners or smarts. I'm Luke Hays, by the way. Are you OK kid?" Luke Hays was quickly becoming a legend. Honor student being courted by all the outstanding universities both for his intellect and sports prowess. "Yes Sir! Thank you Sir!" Danny knew all about Luke's reputation. "I know he's a slave, Sir," Luke said turning to me, "but 3;" "I need to protect him," I finished the sentence for him. "This has been a difficult day for him, the first time he's been out among kids his age. He's done very well and I am most pleased." I went on to tell Luke the story. I wasn't quite sadistic enough to make Danny go through it again. When I finished I nodded to Danny. "I'm proud to be Master's slave. He's good to me and I try to be the best I can." "Well," said Luke, "my first opinion was, 'That sucks!' But it doesn't really! I mean, I see what you're trying to do and I'm very impressed. Those two snots could use some of your, what do they call it now, 'tough love'? But I would never wish them on you; they'd give you screaming fits." "Well, I'm late for practice and coach'll be sore. Say, that's where I've seen you before. You were on the lower school team." Danny beamed at first. But then his face fell. "But now I'm a slave," he sighed. "Hey, kiddo! Not to worry! You'll be back!" "Master says I might be a slave for life." Luke understood what was at play here and simply said, "I don't think so. At least I hope not. Take good care of him, Sir. He's a keeper!" And, giving me a snappy salute, he trotted off. "Wow! Luke Hays remembered me." But a bigger 'wow' was bearing down on us and Danny dropped into his 'position'. Emma Thompson had been Danny's teacher since kindergarten. In our schools, the teacher moves right up the years (grades) with the students until they enter upper school. She was widely known as the toughest, most exacting teacher in all the land. And her students loved her. "What are you doing to this poor boy?" she demanded. "Danny, get up!" "Ma'am, he will get up when I tell him to. He is my slave." "What? You had better have a good explanation." I felt a bit like a first-year boy who had been rude on the first day of school, as I stuttered through Danny's story. And Danny knelt there in abject misery. When I had finished, she fixed me with a glare that could have melted stone. "Well, I DO NOT agree with what you and his father have cooked up. It's abominable! One of the very best students I have ever had and you have turned him into a chattel?" "Danny, get up and greet your teacher," was the best I could do. "Please, Ma'am. Don't be angry with Master. He's good to me and I'm OK. I miss you and the rest of the class but Master is teaching me good. I love him very, very much and he loves me, too. Just like my mom and dad." Her glare softened a bit. "Well, he looks to be in good shape," she offered, perusing his naked form as Danny blushed. "Do you work hard?" "Yes Ma'am." "Does he punish you?" "Yes Ma'am, but only when I deserve it." "Well a good switching now and then never hurt a boy." "No Ma'am and he always takes me in his arms and makes the hurt go away. But worse than the beating, is that I know I've disappointed Master. That I let him down. But he always forgives me and tells me I will do better." She fixed me with that stare again. But then it softened and she said, "You're Marcus Shay, aren't you?" I nodded. "I remember your story and how the six of you were shamefully treated. I guess I can see what the boy's father is trying to do. But it's a bit harsh, don't you think?" I had to agree with her, but I had given my word. I told her that and she understood. "I may have misjudged you, Mr. Shay. I shall think about it." But, her focus was Danny. "Is he getting any schooling?" "No Ma'am, I answered. "That's something I wanted to discuss with you." And I explained how Mr. Martin had given me lessons when I was still a slave. She responded immediately. "That's a splendid idea. I'll start sending work home tomorrow. He can do the lessons each day and send them back the next day. I'll get Thad Cochran to deliver and pick up." It wasn't until much later that I learned she spent many unpaid hours crafting lessons just for Danny. "Thank you for bringing him by, Mr. Shay. It does my heart good just to see him again. Danny, I surely wish you were in school again. Those three ruffian friends of yours will drive me to an early grave. I used to be able to count on you to talk them out of their most harebrained mischief." "You don't suppose you could take on three others?" she asked me wistfully. "No, I guess not. May I?" she held out her arms. "Any time." I replied and Danny just melted into her arms. As we continued homeward, I held his hand and we marched along together. Passing an ice-cream shop, I stopped suddenly. Thinking I was going to get some for myself, he dropped into his position. I pulled him back up. "This was a very hard day for you wasn't it?" "Yes Master, but being with you made it OK. Even when those two upper school boys threatened me, I knew you wouldn't let them hurt me." "What did you think of your three friends?" "I was afraid they might not want to be with me any more. That they might make fun of me like the three girls did. But they didn't and I was ashamed I thought so badly of them. I think they are pretty special." "Well, I think you're pretty special, too, Danny. How about some ice-cream?" His jaw dropped. "Ice-cream! ICE-CREAM! FOR ME?" He had had nothing but slave gruel since the first day. "Yes, but only one dip." I would have to go in and get him some. The proprietor would not serve slaves. Since I couldn't leave him unsupervised, that posed a dilemma; I had not brought along any security fittings. He solved the problem, "Just cuff my hands together around the railing. I can still get in my 'position', I think!" He was not going to pass up this opportunity. I did as he suggested, but it left him kind of hanging by his wrists. I could tell it hurt. I quickly got the menu, read the flavors to him and emerged with two cones of some flavor called 'Moose Droppings'. I didn't like the name, but he did. I released him and we walked back home, each of us munching away. "Thank you for the very best day yet," he told me with his mouth full of ice-cream.
It was several weeks later when we went to the food store. Usually, we stopped by the pet department for a fresh supply of slave ration. But, today we had not. As usual, Danny had his hands full with our packages and was standing beyond the wicket, waiting for me to finish paying. Suddenly a little boy 3; five years old or so 3; darted forward, grabbed Danny's prick and pulled it hard. With his hands both full of packages, Danny could do little more than yelp as his attacker scampered away. Right into my arms! I picked the brat up and shook him. "You filthy coward. Don't you ever do that to my slave again!" He began to howl and yell, "HELP! THIS MAN IS TRYING TO HURT ME!" A woman rushed frantically up to me shouting, "Put my son down, you pervert! Put him down at once before I have you arrested!" "If anyone is going to be arrested, it will be you and your brat. On a charge of interfering with my slave and touching him without my permission," I told her, describing what he had done to Danny. Both the cashier and the store manager corroborated my story. I set the child down and he fled to his mother, still howling. "Don't you dare go away," I told them. I quickly went to Danny and took the packages away and set them on the ground so I could examine him. Except for the fact that his prick was now rather red and sore, he appeared to be OK. "Good boy," I told him, "just stand there quietly." He signaled that he wanted to ask me something and I nodded permission. "Why did he do that? It really hurt and I almost dropped our packages." "I suspect he's been raised to believe slaves are scum and he can do anything he wants to them and won't be punished for it. My guess is that's the way he treats his family's slaves." Danny started to tear up, "I'm not scum am I?" "You most certainly are not. You're the number one best slave in all our land." That made him smile a bit. "Leave your packages where they are for a bit. We're not quite ready to leave yet." I walked back to confront the fuming woman. "Madam, you have two choices. I can call a constable and swear out changes. Or, you can have your son go and apologize to my slave." It didn't take her long to decide and she pushed the thoroughly frightened tyke toward Danny. I took the boy's hand and led him to my slave. The boy stared down at his feet, but managed to sniff, "I'm sorry mister slave! I hope I didn't hurt you." Danny dropped to his knees, wrapped the little boy in his arms. "My name is Danny, Little Sir, And I'm OK and I forgive you." The little guy stared at Danny with his mouth open. "You mean you won't punish me?" "No Little Sir. I'd like to be your friend." And, giving him a hug, Danny sent him back to his mother. "Mama! He likes me! He wants to be my friend!" Mama grabbed him by one arm and stormed out of the store. Danny, still on his knees, watched her departure and then stood up. As he did, everyone in the store, customers and staff, began to applaud. When he realized they were honoring him, he turned bright red. The store manager held out his arms and Danny, at my nod, surrendered to them. "Young slave," the manager told him, "you have shown more courage and good behavior than most of the free children who come into my store." Turning to me, he said, "I hope you are properly proud of him." "Every day!" I replied. As we gathered our packages again, several customers came by and patted him on the head. He was very quiet during our walk home. That evening before he went to bed, he came into my study, and assumed his position. I released him at once because I knew we needed to talk about what had happened. "Master, I still don't understand why the little boy did that to me. You would never do that to a slave. I don't think Billy would do that." "That's because he's not been raised properly," I replied. "His mother probably whips him at home when he does things to their slaves. It's likely his way to get her attention." "You said some people believe slaves are scum. Why do they think that?" "Danny, I wish I could tell you all slaveholders treat their slaves well. But they don't. They think of them as animals, something not human, rather than as persons. And they beat and abuse them. Actually animals are sometimes treated better than slaves. It's sad and disgusting." "Is that what your father did to you and the others?" "No Danny. He punished us, yes. Sometimes brutally. But he never thought we were anything else than young boys. He owned us, but we were as human as he was. He did try to turn one of us into a pet like a dog. And that was a terrible tragedy that he only realized when the boy took his own life. He was bitterly ashamed of that for the rest of his life. But loved us and would have given his life to keep us safe." "Even though I'm your slave, you would do that for me, wouldn't you?" "In a heartbeat, Danny, in a heartbeat." And I took him in my arms and he snuggled down, at peace with the world once more. But a little innocence was lost. And I could tell he didn't fully comprehend what I had tried to tell him about the sad and painful life many young slaves led. Michael and I discussed it after Danny went to bed. "He still believes all slaves are treated like you treat him," observed Michael. "Yes, and I'm not sure how to get the lesson across." "I know it will be hard for you, Marcus, but I believe you will have to be a little cruel to him. Just like Master Mike was cruel to me." "How can I be cruel to him? He's Timo's son and I love him!" "Do you remember how Master Mike treated me when I first came to him?" "Yes, but I'm not my father! I can't beat him; I just can't!" "But you can make him work so hard he is ready to drop. I think that will get the message across." I looked at my slave/lover thoughtfully. Then I sighed. "I guess we must." The next three days, we both drove Danny unmercifully. The first day, he was on his hands and knees scrubbing floors until they shown. Then scrubbing them again when we found fault with the first job. Each repeat earned him several strokes of the cane on his ass. Dusting the same room time and time again with more cane strokes. More strokes if he appeared to flag a bit. We kept him in his 'position' for hours, refusing to allow him to speak. And then just ignored him. He wanted to ask, "Why?" But every time he tried, he got another stroke of the cane. The looks of shock and fright in his eyes nearly drove me wild. That day, we didn't feed him at all. I took away all of his bedclothes except for one thin blanket and he was forced to sleep on the cold stone floor once more. And no warm shower in the morning, either. Just a trickle of ice-cold water. The second day was a repeat of the first, only outside. It had turned cold and rainy. More grueling work and more welts on his ass. When we finally allowed him back into the house, his lips were blue and he was shivering violently. He was exhausted and starving. So I gave him a small bowl of his ration and sent him to bed. Throughout all this Michael's support was all that kept me going. It was a hard time for him, too, as he remembered that bad time he had had at first in Father's house. Just before we turned in, he came to me. "Marcus, come and listen!" The mic in the slave pen was on and we could hear Danny crying, obviously praying. "Help me please, Jesus! I've done something really, really bad but I don't know what. Now they both hate me! I'm being punished, but I don't know why! What did I doooooooo?" "Can you take one more day," I asked Michael. He nodded, but I could see the tears in his eyes. Could I take one more day? Finally, just before supper on the third day, he 'broke'. Throwing himself at my feet he wrapped his arms around my legs and shrieked, "MASTER! PLEASE LET ME SPEAK. PLEASE TELL ME WHAT I'VE DONE WRONG! I CAN'T STAND IT ANY MORE! PLEASE, I BEG YOU!" I picked him up and gathered him into my arms. Holding him close, I just let him cry on my shoulder. I could see Michael, standing in the background crying unashamedly. When his cries had subsided to occasional sobs, I told him gently, "Danny, it's over. You haven't done anything wrong. We're not angry with you." "Then why have you treated me so bad?" he wailed. "It was a lesson you had to learn. We'll talk about it in the morning. How do you feel?" "Hungry! And so tired I can hardly stand up." "You may have as much food as you want, tonight. Your bed things are back and you may sleep as long as you wish. Don't worry about your chores." When I kissed him, he began to cry again. "Oh Master, I thought you hated me and I wanted to die!" "I'll never hate you, Danny." He was almost asleep in my arms, so I carried him down to the pen and laid him gently on his bed and covered him. Looking down at the sleeping boy, I thought, "How could I have been so cruel?" He appeared about mid-morning in my office kneeling in front of my desk. I got up and moved to an easy chair and invited him into my lap. "It was a pretty tough three days, wasn't it?" He nodded. "You remember I told you that many masters are cruel to their slaves and work them very hard?" He nodded again. "Did you believe me when I told you that?" "Yes, but I didn't think you meant that hard." "Suppose I was one of them and you had to work that hard every day. And were treated like Michael and I treated you?" "I don't think I could stand it," he replied. "You wouldn't have a choice." "I think I would die!" "No, you're tough. You would survive. But it wouldn't be very pleasant, would it?" He shook his head. "And just imagine having to live like that for the rest of your life. And what you just went through is nothing compared to what some slave boys must endure." "That's the kind of life many young slave boys have. Those who are sold to the mines even have a much harder life and many of them live only a few months." "I didn't know, Master. But why would anyone treat them that way?" "Because many of us are greedy and stupid. We've been brought up to think of slaves as animals. Not human any more, just animals. To be used and discarded. My father punished us very hard, but he never thought of us as anything but human 3; boys who were caught up in a terrible mess and it was up to him to keep us safe." "But you don't think I'm an animal," he protested. "And Michael doesn't. And Billy doesn't." "That's right. Just now I'm your master. But I'm still your 'Uncle Marcus' and I love you just as much. And Michael loves you like a brother." "And Billy is your friend. I don't know what he's been taught at home, but when he saw you that day after school, being your friend was much more important than the fact you were a slave. You were his best friend, period. Nothing else was important." "Danny, there are lots of people who think you 3; and every other slave 3; are animals. But there are lots, too, who think you are a young boy who has just had an unfortunate thing happen to him. Your dad and I met some of both kinds when we were slaves." He was quiet most of the rest of the day, working on the exercises Mrs. Thompson had sent home for him. It was just about suppertime when Michael came to us while I was reviewing his work. "Master, we are out of slave ration," he informed us. "Does that mean I won't have anything to eat again?" Danny asked, his voice quavering. "What do you think?" "I guess not," he replied somewhat distressed. "Well, there is an alternative," I suggested. He looked at me, thoroughly puzzled. "You could eat with Michael and me." His jaw dropped and his eyes grew as big as saucers. "Y-Y-Y-You mean real food? Sitting at table with you guys?" "Guess so." I replied. Once again, he dissolved into tears with his arms around my neck. Whatever became of slave discipline, I wondered. Michael had prepared a pot-roast, pretty much simple fare. But to Danny, it was a feast 3; Christmas, New Years and Easter all rolled into one. He sat there with a dreamy look on his face as I told him, "From now on, we will eat as a family, except when I entertain guests and you are expected to serve. No more slave ration, but you must admit it kept you healthy." Turning to Michael, I continued, "I guess we'll have to eat 'healthy' for his sake, won't we?" "Master" answered my servant, "I got some help from Master Timo. He sent me lots of recipes and told me where I could find others on the Internet." "I guess we'll survive," I chuckled. "They may not be quite as good as what you've been serving. Oh well!" "Master, you've been eating them for two months." I looked at him in surprise. And then threw back my head and laughed. "You are one sneaky servant!" "Thank you Master. I count that as a complement!" Danny had watched this exchange with interest. After Michael had excused himself, he asked, "Master, you and Michael really love each other, don't you? He's more than just your slave, isn't he?" "This kid doesn't miss much, does he? "Yes, Danny. Michael is my slave, but we are lovers." "Do the two of you do stuff?" he wanted to know. "You mean, 'Do we have sex?', right? The answer is yes. That's what lovers do." "It must be cool, having a lover," he said, wistfully. "You will," I promised him. "Just be content to have a 'best friend' like Billy." He nodded, but I could tell he was a little 'down'. "Tell you what. Tomorrow afternoon we'll walk over to the park and give the football a workout." That perked him up. He gave me an extra tight hug and hurried off to chores and to bed. It was bright spring day and we soon arrived at the park where I indicated we should sit a bit before playing. "I have another surprise for you," I told Danny. "Starting next Monday, you'll be going to school in the afternoon." "Really! I'll get to see all my classmates again. Whoopee!" "But I'll be naked, won't I?" he then asked, somewhat downcast. I sighed. "No, Mrs. Thompson insisted you be clothed. She doesn't want the class disrupted. So I got you some shirt and short sets. They identify you as a slave; that's the law. But, I think you should look pretty spiffy in them. You'll still be barefoot, however." While we were talking, I had noticed a car pull up and park. A man and a young boy got out, but I didn't pay much attention to them until the boy uttered an earth-shattering shriek. "DANNY!" We both looked up to find Billy bearing down upon us. Danny immediately went to his position and Billy stopped short. "Please, sir. Can he play with me?" "Danny, please rise and greet your friend." He rose and said, "Hello, Sir." Billy stood frozen. He didn't understand. "That's the way a well-trained slave greets a free person." I explained. "Oh," replied Billy. "Danny, slave discipline is off. Go and have some fun with Billy." The two of them came together in a hug with shouts of joy and danced around in a circle. Then, taking the football, they ran off to play. One naked; one not. The man had arrived by this time and he introduced himself. "I'm Bill Scott, Billy's dad." "Well, I'm Marcus Shay, Danny's master," I replied and we shook hands. "When Billy told me last week that his best friend had suddenly reappeared, I couldn't have been happier for him. Billy's mother died when he was three and we've both missed her terribly. I guess I haven't been much of a father to him. He's very self-centered and gets into a lot of mischief. But, Danny has been a great influence on him. He'd been doing much better in school and didn't get into near the trouble he once did." "When he just up and vanished; well, you can imagine what a blow that was to Billy. But Billy tells me that Danny is a slave and you're his master. If I'm not being too forward, will you tell me what happened?" "Sure!" I replied and went on to tell him about my agreement with Timo. "Sounds like a pretty tough row for him to hoe. Maybe I should have done that with Billy. He might not have been such a terror." "Bill, last week I saw a fine young man greet a sad little boy and assure him that he would always be his best friend. Nothing else mattered. And you can't begin to imagine how much that meant to Danny. Not many boys Billy's age could have done that. So you don't have to apologize at all. You've raised an outstanding boy under trying circumstances." "Thank you Marcus. It's nice of you to say so. Billy tells me you're one of the 'six'." "Yes and so was Danny's father, Timo. He was my best friend from the time we were in kindergarten. He and I went through a lot together as my father's slaves. And from the time Danny was a toddler, I promised him I would train Danny as a slave if that was what he wanted. He wants Danny to know what it was like as a slave. Of course, I can't be the strict, cruel master my father sometimes was. I love the little guy too much. I will never again take a boy whom I know and love for training. It's just too hard!" "Quite an interesting situation, I should think," Bill replied. "I admire you! And, by the way, Billy thinks you're pretty cool." We both laughed. And I had made a new friend. "Billy's been pestering me all week to let him visit you. I told him I wasn't sure that was proper. But, this morning I gave in. Your servant told me where the two of you had gone and Billy nearly had fits on the way here. I hope our presence didn't upset any plans." "Not at all. And Billy would be more than welcome to visit. Just call before you come. Some days Danny's training might interfere with him having a guest." Just then the two boys came racing across the field toward us. "Dad! Danny's coming back to school next week! Isn't that wizard?" "Yes, he'll be there in the afternoon. I'll drop him after lunch and pick him up when school breaks for the day." "Well, say Marcus, I finish work just in time to pick Billy up at school. Would it be helpful if I pick Danny up for you and dropped him on our way home?" "That would be great! So long as he is under the control of a free person, the law is fulfilled. Thank you very much for offering." "Come on, son. We've got some things we have to do. It's been nice getting to know you, Marcus." We shook hands, the boys hugged, and Billy and his dad left. We sat on the bench for a while; I could tell Danny was deep in thought. Finally, I asked him, "You're a little scared about Monday, aren't you?" "Yes, Master. Billy and Tyler and Shawn will be glad to see me. But, I don't know about the others." "You'll do fine!" I told him. "With a friend like Billy, how could you not." He smiled up at me with those deep blue eyes full of hope and wonder.
I went with him that first day to make sure he was not overwhelmed by their questions. He was magnificent! In straightforward terms, he told them why he was a slave and what that meant. Who I was. And about his life in my household. He answered their questions honestly and not once did I have to intervene or supplement what he told them. By the end of that afternoon, he was just another one of the students in Emma Thompson's class. They all realized he lived by a different, much more strict, set of rules than they did, but so what? The arrangement Bill Scott had offered worked quite well as he delivered Danny home about three-thirty every school-day. That gave Danny time for his afternoon chores before dinner. After dinner, he worked on his homework before bedtime. I had equipped a small room next to the one Michael and I occupied as a 'study room' for him, with desk, bookshelves and even a small computer. It served another purpose, too. It was the only place he could go when he just wanted to be alone. Both Michael and I pledged to always respect his privacy when he chose to close the door. Occasionally, Bill Scott's job caused him to have to work late and I picked the two up and brought them home. On those days he and Billy did their homework together until his dad could come for him. The giggles and squeals emanating from behind the closed door to Danny's 'Den', as we called it, might lead one to suspect the 'homework' may not have been exactly what Mrs. Thompson had assigned. But it was time to move on to another phase of his training. One evening he had finished his schoolwork and he appeared for his nightly 'accounting'. That day he had earned no strokes of the whip 3; he rarely did anymore 3; and his reward was sitting in my lap watching some TV. Shortly, I kissed him good-night and sent him down to his pen. He was back in a flash. From his 'position', he told me, "Master, it's empty. Where are my sleeping things? They're all gone! All my blankets?" "I guess you'll just have to sleep on those cold, hard stones," I told him. His look of astonishment shortly gave way to his cute 'you're-just-messin-with-me-again' expression. "I guess so," he replied, unconvincingly. "There is an alternative," I told him. "Yes, Master?" He fully expected to be told his new bed was his 'den'. "You could sleep with me." His jaw fell practically to the floor. "You may rise, little slave." He stood up. Hesitated for just a second and then threw himself into my arms. "Oh Master, I never thought! I never dreamed! Thank you, thank you!" Not exactly good slave discipline, but I wasn't going to object. "Go and take a good shower. I don't want a dirty boy in my bed. Then crawl in and wait for me." Giving me a tight hug, he scampered off to do my bidding. Michael had been observing the scene and he walked across the room and we embraced. We had discussed this move earlier in the afternoon I knew we would miss our times together but he understood the need to educate Danny in this aspect of his slave behavior and was quite willing to help. It would only be short time until the three of us would occupy my bed. "I know how hard it will be for you to have that delightful little boy to play with," he teased me. "Yes, I'll make the sacrifice," I told him with mock resignation and we both laughed. Danny was waiting for me. Sliding in beside him, I could feel his warm body quivering with excitement. I hugged him to me and luxuriated in the feel of him next to me. I had forgotten how good it was to have a little one in my bed. "Are you feeling OK with this?" I asked him. "Oh yes!" he sighed. "I've dreamed about being in bed with you as long as I can remember. I didn't think it would ever happen! It always felt so good when you took me in your lap. I 'specially liked it when you felt my little ass, but I didn't know how to tell you. I was afraid to." I knew he loved me and we had hugged from the time he was an infant. But, I never knew he felt that strongly. I wrapped my arms around that little naked body and we were both asleep in seconds. The next morning, it was all I could do to disentangle him from around my neck and send him off to his morning chores. And for the next several nights he simply cuddled against me. I wanted him to get used to me lying next to him before we went further. The third night, I crawled in naked, too. If he was concerned, he didn't mention it. His naked skin, so soft and flawless, felt simply fabulous pressed against mine. The next night I had about decided to move on, when he surprised me by taking the initiative. "Please, Master," he inquired, "could we shower together?" I certainly wasn't going to miss that opportunity. Washing that soft, slippery body was something I had dreamed about for years. As I ran my hands over his chest, he sprang an immediate hard-on. So did I. "Ha ha, I have a stiffie," he cooed. Reaching around behind himself, he observed, "And you do, too." For a few minutes I stood with him in my arms, just letting the warm water play over us. I had never been more happy and content than at that moment. I got towels and dried us both off; he stood there with his eyes shut in sort of a stupor. Then, I gathered him in my arms and carried him gently to our bed. "Thank you, Master, for such a wonderful shower. Can we shower together every night?" "Yes, if you're good!" "I will do my best to be PERFECT!" he assured me. The next night, after our shared shower, we lay in bed, spooned together and he asked me, "Master, why do I get a stiffie when you wash me?" "That's the way a boy's body reacts when you're made to feel good." And I began to rub and caress his soft chest, paying particular attention to his nipples. "Do you like it when I rub you like I'm doing?" "Oh, yes! And I have a stiffie right now, too." "It's called a hard-on or an erection," I told him. "Does it feel good?" "Yes!" he breathed. "Well, tomorrow night, I'll make you feel even better." "Do I have to wait?" he asked, plaintively. "Yes, it's time for sleep and you have a busy day tomorrow." His anticipation and excitement were clearly displayed all throughout the next day. And, that night he wanted to hurry up our shower, so I dried him and sent him off to wait. I made sure there was a towel and a tube of KY on the bedside table and then crawled in beside him. He was shivering violently and I felt his heart racing, so I took him in my arms until he quieted down a bit. "I want you to lie on top of me face up," I instructed him. He did as I asked and I managed to get my own hard-on nestled in his little ass-crack. But he began to shake again. "Are you g-g-g-going to hurt me?" "No, Danny. I'm going to make you feel really good. Better than you have ever felt before. Now just relax." And I began to rub and stroke his chest and stomach. He gave a little gasp when I stroked his nipples and his little pole stood straight up. "Put your arms around my neck and keep them there until I tell you." Wrapping my legs around his, I drew them gently apart, leaving him open and vulnerable. Well, this is it," I thought. You've wanted to do this for years," I admitted to myself as I reached down and took his prick in my hand. He gave a strangled squeak and almost pulled his hands down. "Keep them up there," I warned him. I began to work his foreskin up and down with one hand and played with his little balls with the other. His breath came in little gasps punctuated with gentle moans. Lubricating my hand with a bit of jelly, I began to work his prick that way. He was soon straining upward pumping his rigid member into my fist. All at once he gave a loud shriek and arched his body up, slamming his prick into my hand as I gently squeezed his marbles. I could feel his prick pulsing through his first-ever orgasm. It was dry, of course, but at his age he could still have the 'good feeling'. It was some minutes until he caught his breath and settled down on top of me once more. "Oh, Master! What was it? It felt sooooooo good." "It's called an orgasm. Did you like it?" "Yes, yes, yes, yes! I never felt anything like it before. Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!" "Good! Now sit on my chest and you can make me feel good, too." He sat up and straddled my chest and reached for my pole. I showed him how to stroke me. What he lacked in experience he more than made up with enthusiasm and I soon pumped my load all over both of us. He could probably have gone on, but I was done for the night. So, I mopped us off and we rolled into each others arms and went to sleep. Imagine being wakened the next morning with a small, soft hand playing with your cock and balls. For several nights we just stroked each other to climax before our showers, and then slept like the dead. He had now experienced pleasurable sex but it was time to show him something that wasn't pleasurable, at least for a young boy his age. I told him we should have separate showers and then get into bed as I wanted to show him some more about sex. "Do you know what the word 'fuck' means?" I asked him. "Yeah, it's when a man puts his seed into a woman so they can start a baby. Billy told me that." "That's right, but two men or a man and a boy can fuck, too." "I don't understand, Master, how could they do that?" "One of them forces his prick up the others ass-hole." "What's it feel like?" "I don't know. That's something Michael and I have never done although I can tell you how it feels to have it done to you." "If a man does it with a boy, doesn't that hurt?" "Yes. It hurts a lot! I can tell you, 'cause I had it done to me almost every night when I was a slave. It's called 'rape' and it's the most terrible thing one person can do to another." The look of horror on Danny's face was frightening. "While I was still his slave, Father raped me almost every night. I was his slave; I had no choice I got used to it after a while and just concentrated on making it fun for him." "But why would he do that?" Danny asked, starting to tremble. "Do you remember my telling you that some slave owners liked to torture little boys?" "Y-y-y-yes!" he sniffed. "They're called sadists, and that's just one way they can hurt their young slaves." Danny was quiet for a while and then asked softly, "Was your father a sadist?" "At times, yes. He raped us and beat us without mercy. But, at other times, he was gentle and loving. We all knew he loved us, and would keep us safe. His dark moods were the price we had to pay." "Gosh! Dad tried to explain what it was like before he brought me to you, but I was too little to understand." "Suppose I wanted to rape you." "But you wouldn't, would you Master? I mean, you're not a sadist! Are you?" He was starting to sniff a bit. "Maybe it's time for you to know what it feels like. What your dad and I had to go through." "You wouldn't!" he bawled. "Roll over and put this pillow under your belly so your ass sticks up," I directed him. He did as I told him and began to sob, "Please! No! Please don't do that to me!" In answer, I coated my finger with jelly and thrust it up his tight little hole, wiggling it a bit so it would hurt a little. He screamed at the top of his voice! "IT HURTS! PLEASE STOP! I'LL DO WHATEVER YOU WANT, JUST DON'T RAPE ME!" I removed my finger and snarled, "OK, slave. I won't do it tonight. But one of these days you must prove you're my obedient sex toy! Now, go to sleep!" He spent the rest of the night as far away from me as he could. Neither of us slept very much and several times I awoke to hear him crying. All the next day I could tell he was very upset with me. He wouldn't look at me or talk unless I ordered him to. He treated Michael the same way. I found out later he thought Michael would be next in line to rape him. "What did you do to him?" my lover wanted to know. "Just what we agreed," I answered. "Well, I think you frightened him terribly." "I know. I'm afraid I came on a bit too strong. I'll have to make it up to him tonight." After supper, he finally broke down; from his position he implored me, "Please, Master?" I answered, "Go and get ready." I wanted him to suffer a bit longer. "How can you be so cruel?" I asked myself. "Don't look at me that way!" I told Michael. "I'm going to fix it!" When I entered our room, he was 'ready'. Lying over a pillow with his virgin ass in the air. Shaking like a leaf in a high wind. Crying his little eyes out. Looking down at him, I couldn't keep the pretense up any longer. I rolled him over and took him in my arms. He clung to me just bawled. "Danny," I told him gently, "I would never do that to you. Or any other slave boy. I just wanted you to know what your dad went through." I continued to hold him until he stopped crying. "Oh Master! I was so afraid! I didn't think! I know you would never hurt me like that. I'm sorry for being such a baby!" "And I'm sorry for frightening you so badly." "But," he began. "Let's not talk about it any more tonight," I whispered to him. I held him close and he snuggled down into my arms once again. He was still pretty shook up… and so was I… but sleep finally took both of us. His expression the next day was one of relief, tinged with shame and both Michael and I hugged him numerous times. That night in bed I explained, "Your dad and I wanted you to know what it was like. Father did that to both of us when we were his slaves. "Didn't it hurt?" he asked. "Yes. More for your Dad, since he was smaller." "Did you tell your father that it hurt?" "No. And after a while I was stretched enough so I didn't mind it. In fact I got to enjoy it because Father stroked me while he was doing it. He wanted me to enjoy our sex times together. But, for your dad it always hurt! A lot!" "Did he ask your father not to do it?" "No, we would have been punished if we had. We were slaves and had no choice." "But I asked you not to do it. Are you going to punish me?" "No, Danny. You were right to hate what you thought I was going to do to you. It's called rape and is the most degrading thing one person can do to another. 'Specially when a man rapes a little boy." "Did your father do it to you lots?" "Almost every night." "I don't think I like your father very much," Danny began to cry. "Why was he so cruel to you and Dad?" "Sometimes he was cruel and hurt us. He was sometimes a sadist… a person who likes to hurt other people. But other times he was kind and gentle and loving. More than anything he wanted to keep us safe. And he was very, very sad that we had been made slaves." "Then, maybe he wasn't so bad after all." "No Danny, he wasn't. Except for him, your dad and I might have died in the mines like Uncle Sebastian almost did. And then there would not have been a wonderful little boy named Danny." That seemed to reassure him and we were both soon asleep. The next day he was his normal sunny self, but we needed to move on. As we lay together after showers, I told him, "You were a very brave boy the other night and you deserve a reward. Roll over on your back and spread your legs apart. Now close your eyes." I lifted his smooth, sexy legs over my shoulders and slid up until I could reach his groin. Taking his prick into my mouth, I proceeded to suck him off. He felt pleasure like he never had before and I was pleased to have been his first. It was some minutes before he returned to Earth. The next night he wanted to do me, "Please, Master, teach me how to suck you. I want to make you feel good that way too." He could barely get the head of my prick into his mouth, but tried to go down on it, almost choking himself. I showed him how to use his tongue to stimulate me and he was a quick learner. So quick that I shortly had to warn him, "Better pull off, Danny. I'm going to squirt!" His answer was to just keep going and I couldn't hold back any longer. He took every drop, swallowing bravely and then sat there and grinned at me. "You taste nice," he assured me. "Danny," I told him, "that was a very loving thing for you to do. But, you must understand something. What we do in bed is for us alone to know. You must never tell anyone about it." "I understand, Master. It's private; just between you and me. But I really, really like it and I hope we can do it forever." Even though we slept together every night, that didn't mean we had sex every night. One day we had worked in the yard long and hard and after showers and supper he was really dragging. "I think you should put your homework aside tonight," I told him. "Just go to bed before you collapse." "But aren't we going to?" he asked, yawning. "Go to bed, slave!" I ordered him. "I'll be in later." Five minutes later I looked in on him and he was sound asleep in our shared bed. Since he obviously would not likely need my services that night, Michael and I repaired to the room he was temporarily using. And did what lovers are supposed to do. Afterward, we lay together and he asked, "How is he as a bed partner?" "Well, I don't think he'll replace you," I joked. "That's a comfort!." my lover replied. "Seriously, do you think he'll soon be ready to take on the two of us?" "You mean I'll have to share him?" "Why should you have all the fun?" And we both burst out laughing like schoolboys. We lay in each others arms for a few more minutes and then I said, "I should get back to him, I guess. I don't want him to think something's happened." "But it has!" Michael teased. "I meant something bad!" "Well! I'm glad I'm not too bad." he continued. "I really should go to him," I said, trying to be serious. "Alas! I am forsaken for the charms of a callow youth!" he intoned. "You've been reading too much 'Sir Walter Scott'" I told him. "And some others, too," he assured me. I thumped him and left. When I entered our room, the sight that greeted me literally took my breath away. Danny had thrown off his blankets and lay on his back sound asleep. With his arms thrown casually over his head, he looked like he was posing. Oh my! I thought. He's gorgeous! So beautiful! So innocent, and yet so sexy! I stood watching his chest rise and fall and drinking in every bit of that body. He looked like an angel 3; no, better than that. Suddenly, his breath quickened and his prick 3; flaccid until now 3; stood straight up. As I watched fascinated, it began to throb and soon several globs of his boy cream flowed out and down onto his hairless groin. He's having a wet dream! I marveled. He gave a great sigh and two sleepy eyes looked up at me. He smiled and whispered, "Master, I dreamed you covered me with chocolate and were licking it off. And then, the good feeling came." "It's called wet dream, Danny. Sometimes your whole body reacts to a dream and you have an orgasm without ever touching. It's perfectly normal." He thought for a moment and then raised his arms to me. "Are you going to come in?" I needed no further invitation. Sliding in next to him, I pulled him on top of me. He laid his head on my chest and was 'out' once more in a few seconds. How wonderful he felt with his naked body pressed against mine. Why do I need blankets when I have a sweet little boy to keep me warm?" But I pulled them up anyway. Two nights later, Michael joined us in bed and Danny had the opportunity to show him what he had learned. "He's quite a little stud, isn't he?" my lover confided to me the next day. And the three of us mostly slept together from that time on: two horny young adults with a small, naked little boy-stud between us. His energy was astounding and he told Michael that he tasted good, too but not as good as Master. He certainly had his fill of protein.
Later that spring, Danny celebrated his eleventh birthday. It seemed impossible that he had been with me for almost two years. When I asked him what he might like as a birthday present, he thought for a minute. "Please, Master, could I have Billy here for a sleepover?" I looked at Michael and he shrugged his shoulders, so I replied, "Sure. Why not?" Bank Holiday was coming up and that would afford us a three-day weekend, so I scheduled it for the Friday before. I haven't seen a little boy quite so happy in a long time. Friday afternoon rolled around and the two of them arrived home from school breathless. As soon as they were settled a bit, Billy asked if he could dress 3; or undress, if you prefer 3; just like Danny. I was a bit surprised as he usually seemed quite modest. Well, why not? He was Danny's guest and if he wanted to be naked like his host, so what! The two of them appeared moments later and immediately went into positions of respect. A bit flustered, I told them, "You may both rise." They stood in front of me and I got my first good look at Danny's friend, sans clothes. Where Danny was small and slim and wiry like his father, Billy was a good head taller and built like an ox. Muscles in all the right places, well developed chest and a set of boy parts that were extraordinary for an eleven-year-old. "Control yourself, Marcus," I told myself. "He's a free boy and not for you to play with." He insisted to be allowed to help Danny with his afternoon and evening chores so they would have more time together. The two of them served Michael and me at dinner before taking their places and cleaned up afterward. Well, if I ever needed an additional server for entertaining, I knew who to contact. And, indeed, I did hire him several times when I entertained groups of clients, paid him a fair wage 3; which he insisted on sharing with Danny 3; and he was quite satisfactory. He got to stay overnight with Danny afterward and that was a treat for both boys. They slept 3; if you could term it that 3; in the bunk beds in Danny's Den. Strangely, the top one never seemed to be used much. The only problem was how to dress them for serving. Danny would have been quite agreeable to serve naked, but Billy was not. I compromised by buying them each a very short silk tunic 3; dark blue trimmed in silver 3; with skimpy matching coverings for their genitals. They really looked great and very sexy in them. One evening I added Bill Scott to the guest list and he and Billy were both pleased. But, back to the sleepover! After chores were done, they decided to wrestle. It was interesting, even stimulating, watching two naked boys grappling on the mat in front of the fireplace. There was a bit of 'grab ass' and hands sometimes wandered between the partner's thighs, but nothing too overt that I could see. With Billy's weight advantage, he could have easily beaten Danny, but seemed content to let his opponent try to roll him over on his back. Finally, Danny managed the feat and sat on Billy's chest with his very hard prick waving inches from Billy's nose. And they both giggled. I thought things had maybe gone as far as they should, but before I could intervene, Danny announced they wanted to go to bed. I should have read the signs but I didn't. Michael had moved two bunk beds into Danny's study room for the boys to use. But Billy suddenly looked at me pleading, "I hoped that we might get to sleep with you and Michael." "Please, Master! Please!" added Danny. My head really was out of it or I would have put an end to it right there. The thought of that sexy young body next to mine drove me onward and I succumbed. "Michael, you better take Danny with you and I'll take Billy with me." He started to protest, but I waved him silent. When I slid in next to him, the feel of Billy's naked body plastered against mine almost undid me. "Why did you ask to sleep with me?" I asked. "Well, Danny says you sleep like this all the time." Alarm bells started to go off in my head. What had Danny told him? "And he says you have lots of fun." Red lights, alarm bells and sirens. And, before I could even react, he grabbed my hand and placed it right on his package. I snatched my hand back. "Billy! No!" "But Danny says you make him feel real good and he makes you feel real good, too." "Billy, I can't!" I croaked. "Why? Don't you like me? Danny says I'm really sexy!" My god! He must have told him everything! "I can't!" I repeated. "You're a free boy and I'm a grown man!" "But you do it with Danny!" "Yes, but it's different; he's a slave," I tried to explain. "Why is that different?" That was the same question I had asked Father after he acknowledged me as his son and I had no better answer. "It just is! Now, roll over and go to sleep." The two of us spent a restless night. I tried to stay away from that inviting body and several times I thought I heard him crying." Things were very tense the next morning and I hurried both of them through breakfast. Billy looked heartbroken and Danny knew something very bad had happened. "I'm going to take Billy home right now," I told him. "Danny, you are to wait in the slave pen in your position." Michael spoke up, "Master, may I 3;?" "No, you may not!" I snapped at him. I was furious at myself for what had almost happened. Not a word was spoken on the ride to Billy's house. He jumped out of the car and ran into the house without even saying goodbye. I didn't wait to see his father either; I wasn't prepared to deal with him, just yet. I had a very disobedient slave to deal with. Collecting a few items from our storage, I marched down to the slave room with Michael hovering over me. At the doorway, I turned to him, "Micheal, will you please go away and leave us alone!" He jumped as if struck and hurried away. Danny had his forehead on the cold, stone floor. "Get up!" I ordered him. He cringed in front of me with his head down. "Well, are you going to tell me or do I have to beat it out of you!" I said angrily. He sobbed for a few minutes and then managed to get it out. "I told Billy about the fun we have in bed and he wanted to have some, too. And, and, and he and I have some fun together, too." I sighed. I should have seen this coming! "Danny, I don't mind you having sex with Billy. That's what boys your age do. But I am very hurt and disappointed that you told someone about us after I had told you never to do that." He began to cry in earnest. "I know, Master. And I am so sorry. Billy said best friends shouldn't have secrets from each other." "That's wrong. Danny. He should not have told you that. But the fact remains, you deliberately disobeyed me. Do you have any idea how much trouble Billy could have gotten us into?" "Of course he doesn't, you dolt!" I told myself, "He's just a kid!" "If I had allowed Billy to have sex with me and he told someone 3; even his father 3; about it, I could spend many years in prison." "But you and I 3;" "You're a slave," I interrupted. "Slaves are expected to have sex with their masters. Billy's a free boy and it would be highly illegal." I expected him to ask why, but he was too shocked. He began to cry harder. "I'm sorry, Master. I didn't think. I'm sorry I disobeyed. You should beat me. Please beat me. Beat me until I'm bloody!" "No, Danny. I won't beat you. Your father would never forgive me. But I am going to punish you severely. You will not be sleeping with either me or Michael. Now turn around and put your hands behind your back." I forced his hands together and cuffed them. "Now face me again." Tears were running down his cheeks and I could tell he was scared to death. I showed him the next item. "This is called a cock cage. It's used on boys who can't control themselves. It will prevent you from getting a hard-on. You will probably hate it." I slipped the cage over his penis and fastened the straps around the base and around his balls. Then, I tweaked his nipples and got the usual reaction. As his prick tried to get hard, it pressed against the wires. "Ow! It hurts! Please, Master, take it off!" "It will stay on until I think you have learned your lesson. Now, get down on your knees." I cuffed his ankles together and fastened them to his cuffed hands with a short chain, long enough to permit him to shuffle about on his knees, but not stand up. "You will remain here in chains until I think you have learned your lesson. Michael will bring you a pan of water and another of gruel. Since your hands are restrained, you will have to lap it up like a dog. There's a bucket in the corner where you can relieve yourself. Don't pee on the floor or I will make you clean it up with your mouth." The look of horror and despair on his face almost made me loose it. I hadn't felt that badly about how I treated a slave since the day Father had made me whip Timo. I blindfolded him, turned out the light and closed and locked the door, leaving Danny alone in his torment. I could hear him wailing, "Please Master! Please don't leave me here like this! Please! Please let me out!" I found Michael at the top of the stairs in tears. "I'm sorry I was so sharp with you, but I had to stay focused or I simply couldn't have done it. I know you're unhappy and so am I but I've got to convince him of the seriousness of his mistake. Any other slave I would have beaten, but I just can't do that to him." "I know, Master, and I'm sorry I tried to interfere." I took him in my arms. "Michael, I need you to tell me when you think I've done wrong. That's one small reason I love you so." Just then, the phone rang. It was Bill Scott. I have never since had a more sad and disturbing conversation. When it was over, I sighed and sadly told Michael, "I'm afraid we've lost a good friend. He says I'm a pervert for ever letting Billy into my bed. And Danny has lost his best friend." "Oh Master," he said, "that's worse than any punishment you could have given him. Oh, I feel so sorry for him." "So do I. And now I've got to go tell him." I had about decided to release him, but when I stood in the darkened pen over my cowering slave and told him what Billy's father had decided, his agonized shriek did me in. I fled, leaving him bawling hysterically on the floor of the pen. The next little time remains a blur. Somehow Michael managed to get me into bed and I fell into a nightmare-ridden sleep. In my dream, I saw Father hang me on the rack and beat me like he had done that first terrible day. Only it wasn't me; it was Danny. Gradually, I became aware someone was calling me and shaking my shoulder. "Please Master, get awake!" I snapped awake. "Is there something wrong with Danny?" "No Master, he's all right. But there is someone here to see you. Master Scott is in the living room. He asked me to tell you that he regrets what he said to you on the phone and hopes you might agree to talk with him." "Of course, I'll talk to him. Please tell him I'll be with him in a minute." I put on clean shirt and trousers and stopped for a minute in my office where the monitor for the slave pen camera was located. Danny lay on the floor, still sobbing. When I entered the living room, Bill rose and came toward me hands outstretched. Taking my hands he told me, "Marcus, I have done you a great wrong. I acted in haste and I am ashamed of myself. You are not a pervert, just a kind and brave man who has suffered much and was simply trying to show a spoiled child a comforting time. That you refused him when you realized what he had in mind, speaks volumes about your integrity." I was amazed and happy for his words. "Thank you Bill. I was so sad when I thought I would lose you as a friend and that Danny would lose his best friend." "I guess 3; no, I know 3; I've overindulged Billy since his mother died. He gets everything he wants and that's not been good for him. He's a spoiled brat and he's gotten very good at wheedling, convincing others to give him most anything. Your little slave has shown him that it's possible to have a good life without being spoiled, but so far it hasn't sunk in." "Billy told me what happened between him and Danny and I was angry. When I told him he could no longer associate with you, it just about broke his heart. I suddenly realized how Danny must feel. I think it would have destroyed them both." "You may be right, Bill. But Danny's pretty tough. He would have been sad for a long time, though." "I haven't decided how I will punish Billy, yet. At the very least, I want him to apologize to both of you and ask your forgiveness. I want him to understand thoroughly what he did to his friend and to you. I'd be happy for your suggestions. He's out in the car." I thought for a minute. Then I said, "Come with me," and I took him into my office and showed him the monitor. "I told him he would have to stay there like that until I was convinced he had learned his lesson. Maybe for days or weeks. Why don't we let Billy share his torment?" "I think that might work," Bill said thoughtfully. "Give him a chance to see how hard it is to be a slave, too." "Michael," I called. "Do we have another set of restraints?" "I'm sure we do, Master. I'll get them right away." "And bring a cock cage, a long strap and two ball gags, too," I added. A shaking boy shortly stood in front of me. His father had told him he was going to be harshly punished and he was terrified. "In a few minutes, you are going to share Danny's punishment," I told him harshly. "He is being punished for disobeying me. And you're being punished for bullying him until he did disobey me." He hung his head and tears started to flow. "Take all your clothes off," I told him. "Do as he says," admonished his father! Billy stripped down to his briefs and hesitated. "But Dad. I'll be naked!" "All of them, Billy. Do as you're told!" Getting no reprieve from his father, Billy slipped off his briefs and stood in front of us just as God made him. I marveled again at the sheer beauty of his body. Despite his fright, he had a hard-on. "Put your hands in front of you." And I cuffed them together. I showed him the cock cage. "This is probably going to be very uncomfortable for you, but you will wear it anyway." Dealing with his hard-on and getting him soft again and into it was a major task. He whimpered as I handled his boy parts and stuffed them into the device. "You will not be allowed to talk to Danny and to make sure you don't I'm going to gag you. Open your mouth wide." He accepted the ball without further complaint and I buckled the strap behind his head. I nodded to his father who told him. "Go with him and do exactly what he says." I grasped Billy by his bicep and led him downstairs to the pen. I knew Bill would be watching on the monitor. Just outside the doorway, I blindfolded and told my captive, "Wait here and don't move a muscle." Entering the pen, I went over to where Danny lay, still sobbing. I removed his blindfold and told him, "Well, I have some good news and some not-so-good news. You're not going to lose your best friend after all. Mr. Scott has changed his mind." He stopped sobbing and looked up at me with something resembling hope. "But Billy is going to share your punishment and the two of you will suffer here together. Maybe for a long time." The look of hope faded to despair again and I retied his blindfold. "You are not allowed to talk to each other and I'm going to gag you so you can't." He gave a sigh of submission as I applied the ball-gag to him. I released his hands and the chain that fastened them to his cuffed ankles. "Now on your knees until I tell you to move. Keep your hands in front of you." Retrieving Billy, I led him over to my slave, forced him to his knees and placed the two of them back to back. Pulling his arms behind him and around Danny, I cuffed his hands together, Repeating the process with Danny, their naked bodies were now pressed tightly together. The feel of his partner's naked skin against him caused each of them to get an erection. Or try to, as the cock cages painfully did their duty. They both yelled into their gags. Finally, I cuffed their ankles together and to each other, fastened the long strap about their waists and fastened their ankles to it, leaving enough slack so they could get up on their knees, but not stand .They were now tied together in three places and would have to sit or lie together back-to-back. It would be a long and very uncomfortable time. I turned out the lights and closed and locked the door, leaving them to their shared misery. Back up in the office, I told Bill, "Being that close to each other but not being able to touch or talk to each other will be especially hard on them." I knew that to be a fact as Timo and I had suffered a similar punishment when we were slaves. One time we had criticized my father for his treatment of Julian. He had put each of us into a tight hogtie, gagged and blindfolded us and tied us together by our balls. He left us that way all night. But, I had decided against that treatment for them. Enough was enough. Bill looked somewhat askance and I sought to allay his fears. "It's completely dark down there, but the camera is infrared so we can see them. Whenever I've had a slave in restraint, Michael or I watch twenty-four hours a day. A day or so in the dark will break any boy, trust me." "Ok! I just didn't think you were going to be quite this cruel." "Bill, which is the greater cruelty: letting them continue to behave badly or trying to set them on the right path again. When I've trained other slaves, I've usually had to brand them and beat them into submission. It doesn't give me pleasure, but it's sometimes necessary. I'm confident our boys will emerge from their time of torment with a different attitude. One we and they can be proud of. Since both of them were gagged, every three hours or so, one of us went down to them and removed their gags long enough to give them a drink of water and a sip of high-protein drink. I didn't want them dehydrated; but I wanted them to be very hungry. As needed, we held the bucket for them so they could pee and shit. The sight of them sitting together on it was quite amusing. I invited Bill to stay over with us and he accepted. The three of us set a schedule so there would always be one of us monitoring. Bill and I spent that evening and the next day mostly in discussion. I told him about my time as a slave and he told me about his and Billy's life. By Sunday night the boys were filthy, but there would be no shower, warm or cold, for the duration of their confinement. They had struggled in their bonds all Saturday night and Sunday during the day, but, by Sunday night they were exhausted. That night they simply lay on their sides and whimpered in their sleep. Early Monday morning both Bill and I felt they had had enough. I was sure our little victims would have agreed, too. "Release them, let them have a hot shower and feed them a good breakfast and put them to bed separately." I instructed Michael. "Be careful when you remove their cock cages; their pricks are probably pretty sore. Bill and I are going to get a little sleep; we've been up all night watching them. Once they're awake again, have them wait quietly in the living room. They can hold each other but they are not to talk. If they do, cuff them and put the gags back in. We'll see them just before lunch." When I woke, it was nearly lunch time and I quickly dressed and went to the living room, arriving just as Bill entered, too. Billy and Danny were sitting quietly on the floor. As soon as they saw me, they went to their positions. I was pleased to see they were not gagged "You may sit up and talk," I told them. "How did you enjoy your time together?" "It was horrible! It hurt bad! It was cold and I was afraid!" replied Danny. "At first I thought you had stopped loving me!" "It was awful. I was so scared I almost peed myself," added Billy. "What was the worst thing?" "That thing on my parts," admitted Billy. "Every time I felt Danny move, my prick tried to get hard and that hurt!" "What about you, Danny?" "I knew Billy was very scared! But I couldn't tell him not to be afraid. That you wouldn't do anything harmful to us." Billy started to cry, "And I couldn't tell Danny how sorry I was for getting him into trouble. I'm ashamed. I'm a spoiled brat, just like Dad says I am. I talked Billy into doing something you had told him not to do and he got in trouble for it. You were right to punish me. It was my fault. I promise not to do that ever again, but maybe he won't want me for a friend!" "Billy!" gasped Danny, starting to cry as well. "Don't ever think that! That day! Outside the school! You and Tyler and Shawn could just have decided you didn't want me 3; a slave 3; for a friend. But you didn't! I will remember that always." "Billy, if you are really his best friend," I told them, "you should never ask him to disobey me. And Danny, if you are really Billy's best friend, you should always say 'No!' if he does. Best friends always try to protect each other from harm and you didn't do that." "I know, Master. I was wrong and I'm very sorry. I don't deserve to have a master like you." "Understand," I told them, "it's ok for you to have sex with each other when you're together and as long as it doesn't interfere with your schoolwork or Danny's chores. Just make sure you do it in private." I noticed Bill frowning. "Come on Bill! You were a boy, too. I'll bet you had a friend, right?" He looked at me and then gave an embarrassed chuckle. "Yes, I had a boyfriend; looked just like your, Danny. We played around with each other every chance we got. At least until we got interested in girls. If you and Danny fool around, Billy, it's ok. And you don't ever have to tell me about it." "And you don't have to tell me, Danny," I told him. "Or your mom and dad either. What you do is between you and should not be shared with anyone else. The same thing; what you and I do together is our private time." They nodded; the lesson was learned. "Are either of you really sore from the cock-cages?" They both nodded. "Michael, please bring some of that healing lotion and put it on their boy parts." Michael could barely suppress his mirth, but he did as I asked. "I sure don't want to ever wear one of those again," asserted Billy. "Well, some masters make their slaves wear one all the time." "You wouldn't do that to Danny, would you?" "Well I could castrate him instead." "You mean cut his balls off?" I nodded. Danny sat frozen to the spot, but Billy launched himself at my feet, threw his arms about them and howled, "No! Please! Don't do that to him! Please! Nooooooooo!" I shook my head and Danny relaxed. Then I picked his sobbing friend up and held him in front of me. "Billy, I never would do that to Danny or any other slave boy. It's barbaric and cruel, but not unlawful." "What do you mean?" "Billy you're a free boy. That means the law protects you from harm or abuse, even by your dad. If I had had sex with you that would have been considered serious abuse." "But why? You didn't make me. I wanted to have sex with you." "It would still have been abuse and I could go to prison for a long time." "But you have sex with Danny!" "Yes, and it is lawful because he is a slave." I saw both Bill and Danny listening intently and I didn't want to get it wrong. "A slave under our laws has almost no rights. His master can do whatever he wants with him. Beat him. Starve him. Make him work until he drops or is injured. Make him have all kinds of painful sex. Castrate him. Or even have him put down." "You mean killed? Like a sick dog or cat?" "Yes." "But why?" "Some masters are like that. But most masters are kind to their slaves and want only what is best for them. That's the kind of master I am. I love Danny very much and I know he loves me just as much. He is like a son to me. And his real father is my best friend. He is my slave because his father wanted him to know what the life of a slave is like." "We were both slaves at one time and we know what it's like. Our master was very strict and we were punished often. But he loved us very much and finally, we were freed." "Will Danny be freed?" "Yes, but don't ask me when." "Thank you Mr. Shay. You're the best! If I had to be a slave, I'd want you for my master." Turning to Danny, he said, "Now I know why you're so proud and happy. He loves you as much as Dad loves me." After lunch, Bill and his son headed home. Billy was perhaps sadder, but hopefully wiser. Danny was very quiet the rest of the day. He did his chores, worked on his schoolwork but was too tired for any games or fun. Immediately after he finished cleaning up from supper, he kissed me and headed for the stairs to the pen. "Where are you going?" I asked him. "You said I couldn't sleep with you any more." "Don't you want to?" "Yes, Master, but you said 3;" "Danny, come here. It's over. You made a very bad mistake and I had to punish you very hard. But you took your punishment. Bravely!" I lifted him into my lap but I knew he would soon fall asleep. "What were you thinking down there in the dark? What did you feel?" "It was awful! At first, I was afraid you didn't love me any more! I was afraid you might leave me there to die. But then when you brought Billy in, I knew better. You would never really hurt me 3; or Billy. I was so sad I couldn't even see or touch him or talk to him, but I knew that was part of the punishment. It wasn't much fun and I never, never want to do it again." "I know you have already forgiven me. But I still feel really, really bad when I think that I could have been the reason you were sent to prison. Oh, Master, I feel so bad about it," he cried. "Just remember I'll always love you," I told him. "Nothing can ever change that." "And I love you sooooooo much!" he said almost asleep. I scooped the sleeping child up, carried him into our room and laid him gently on the bed. Slipping off my clothes, I slid in behind him and pulled the covers over us. Pulling him against me, I wrapped my arms around him and was asleep myself in minutes. About a week later, I announced that we would have guests for dinner the next evening. I had already clued Michael in on what I had planned and he was well prepared with one of his best specialties. Danny hurried in from school and made sure the table was properly set and ready. He asked if he was to wear anything to serve and I said, "Of course not. I want my guests to see your neat little body." He made a face, but accepted it without a fuss. I had timed it so he would be in the kitchen when my guests arrived and were seated. He came out of the kitchen with our appetizers, took one look at the guests, uttered a yelp and swiftly retreated. "That's my mom out there! She'll see me naked!" he told Michael in some distress. "Too bad, little one," he answered. "I'm sure she has seen you naked before. Now get your little ass out there and serve the appetizers." And we all heard the crack of the short whip across his ass, followed by his yelp. He reentered the dining room, bright red from head to foot with the welt showing plainly on his little butt. Timo and Jenny were in incredulous. "What's the matter, slave?" I asked. "Is there something wrong with my guests?" "Y-y-y-you didn't tell me M-m-m-mom and D-d-d-dad were going to be here, Master," he stammered." "What difference would that have made? You'd still have to serve just as you are!" He gave me the dirtiest look, served the appetizers and retreated again. "Oh, he looks marvelous!" Jenny told me. "Are we allowed to greet him?" "Jenny," I replied, "you're here to see me on a business matter. Remember, you're not supposed to have contact with him and I'm bending the law rather badly just by having you here." Seeing her look of dismay, I whispered, "I'll give you some time after dinner. I think he's come along so well, he's earned a chance to see you both." The rest of the meal proceeded smoothly enough, although the server appeared a bit nervous and kept glancing at his mom. Mom, for her part could hardly contain herself; I doubt if she had any idea what she was eating. "Why don't we have dessert in the living room?" I asked my guests. So we all adjourned to the living room where Danny served us dessert followed by coffee. When he had poured for everyone, I told him, "Take the pitcher back to the kitchen and then come back here." "Yes, Master." He was back shortly and went to his position. "Please rise and greet my guests," I told him. He hesitated for a moment and then rose. "Welcome to our house, Sir," he told his dad, bowing low. "Welcome to our house, Ma'am." I could see that Jenny was near to bursting, "Danny, I think 'mom' and 'dad' will do nicely and slave discipline is off," I said. His jaw dropped and his eyes grew big. And then he jumped into Jenny's waiting arms. "Oh, Danny! How are you! Look at how you've grown! Oh, how I've missed you! Has it been really hard? Has it been terrible for you?" "Mom, I'm fine. Master loves me to death. He teaches me lots of things and I'm going to school again. And I can see my friends again. It's been hard sometimes, but I want to be the very best slave I can be. And Master tells me I'm the best!" came out in a rush. "But I miss you so much," she continued. "I know you're not my little boy any more, but I miss your hugs." "Mom!" he groaned with embarrassment. I spoke up, "Why don't I leave you alone for an hour. So he can bring you up to date." And I took my coffee and went into the office. I knew it would be an emotional time for them. About forty-five minutes later, Timo joined me. "I thought I'd let Jenny have a few minutes alone with him. She has really missed him." "Good idea, Timo." "Marcus, you have wrought a miracle," said his father. "He looks really great! Even with that welt on his little ass." "You should have seen his ass the first couple of weeks he was here. They were absolutely the very worst weeks of my life. He was determined he would never be a slave. He was sure everyone who had ever loved him had abandoned him and he was being punished for some monstrous crime, but he was not going to give in. Believe me, I know the feeling! I remember! Father would have beaten him unmercifully, but I just could not do that to him." "But once he decided that maybe, just maybe, we still loved him and maybe, just maybe, he wasn't being punished 3; well, I think he's quite content with his lot and willing to do whatever it takes to become free again. He's ready for whatever new trial I throw at him and very, very proud to be my slave." "You can't possibly know how much we both appreciate what you've done," Timo went on. "I won't ask how much longer. I know you'll tell us when you're ready." Then he looked directly at me with a shitty grin on his face. "Well, you finally got into his pants." That pissed me off! "Timo! I have to train him!" Timo chuckled. "Don't be angry, Marcus. I was just teasing. I know how much you like boys Danny's age and I admire you for waiting until he was enslaved. There's no one else Jenny and I would rather teach him about sex, 'cause we know you'll be gentle with him. He didn't tell us what you do, by the way. He just said he sleeps with you. Just promise me one thing." "What's that?" "Please don't fuck him." "Timo! I have not done that to him and I never will! I would never do that to any young slave! I know how much it hurts and so do you. He and I have talked about it so he knows what it is. And he knows that a boy can be raped. And that's what it would be, RAPE." All right, he had pushed my button. He always was good at that. But he walked over to me and hugged me. "He mentioned he has a 'best friend', a free boy," Timo continued. "Yes, and the day he met him in the schoolyard and Billy just accepted him and declared he would always be his friend, no matter what; that it didn't matter he was slave, I think that was a huge lesson for him. After that day, he was actually proud and happy to be here." "Well, he said you punished both of them real hard. But he didn't say what he was punished for or how you punished him. May I know?" "He was punished for deliberately disobeying me," I explained. "And his friend, Billy Scott, was punished for bullying him to disobey me." "Sounds serious. What did you do to them?" "Timo, do you remember the time we criticized my father for his treatment of Julian?" "Oh, yeah! I remember it well. Every time you wiggled, I thought my balls were going to be ripped off. I hope you didn't do that to them." "No, but I tied them back to back and left them in the dark that way for almost two days." And I explained exactly what we had done to them. "You would have been proud of him 3; how well he took it. And I believe it got the message across to both of them. Most of the time, he's almost perfect. He forgets sometimes and he gets a cut of my or Michael's whip 3; like tonight ay dinner." "But I'll tell you, it hasn't been easy. I love the little guy too much." "I know that, Marcus. And you've been a true friend by being willing to take this on. We can never thank you enough. So, have your fun with him while you can." I winced.
I was in my office a few mornings later when I received a call from John Knox, my friend at the Slave Authority. "Marcus I need your help. We've just received two boys, ages five and six, who have lost their parents in a horrible traffic mishap. An uncle in North America has agreed to adopt them but it will take about two weeks before he can come to get them. As you know, under the act, they must serve two years enslaved before he can adopt and free them. I've had them for three days with one of my staff members, but she is at wits end trying to care for them. I don't want to put them into our program since they will soon be going with their uncle." "I know you are training another boy just now, but could you perhaps see your way clear to take them for two weeks? Perhaps you could get them a bit settled and do some minimal training in slave discipline and behavior?" My first reaction was to decline, but then I asked myself, "How would Danny react to them? Suppose I put him in charge of them?" The more I considered it, the more I liked the idea, so I told him yes and arranged to have the two brought to us the next afternoon. A few phone calls later, everything was in place. When I told Michael, he was enthusiastic about it, too. I didn't tell Danny until the next morning. "Come sit in my lap," I directed him. His face wore his 'what-new-trial-do-you-have-for-me' expression. But, then he grinned that pixie smile of his; he could tell something was up. "Do you remember how sad you were the first few days with me?" He nodded. "There are two little boys coming to stay with us for a short time who are even sadder. Their parents were killed a few days ago in a traffic accident. You have lost your parents for a time, but one day you will return to them. An uncle in North America wants to adopt them, but right now they need a friend to love and care for them for a short time. I'd like you to be that friend and help them over this terrible time in their young lives." He looked at me with surprise. "But Master! They're free boys and I'm a slave. How can I care for them?" "No they are not free boys any more as the law dealing with orphans says they must serve two years as slaves before they can be adopted. They will go to live with their uncle but they will be his slaves for that time." "Well that sucks! They lose everything and are slave because of it." "I know it sounds that way, but being slave and knowing they have a goal to work toward will help them to put the past 3; even such a sad past 3; behind them." "Ooops! I could see his next question that I had stumbled into. "Well, what's my goal? When will I be freed?" "Are you so unhappy here with Michael and me?" He sighed. "No, I'm proud to be your slave. And I am happy with you, but I miss Mom and Dad." "Danny, I promise you that I will free you very soon." "I'm sorry, Master. I shouldn't have asked." "Yes you should have and I understand, Danny. And I love you for asking." "Ok what do I have to do with them?" "I want you to be like their master. The will need to learn the basics of slave discipline and behavior. They need to accept their new status and be ready for their uncle. I want you to be their best friend, too, and show them that being slave is OK. You'll have to discipline them, but with words and love. If they misbehave, I will use the cane, but you will feel it too, one for one. They will need lots of hugs and you may, too. And hugs and kisses is as far as you may go as I feel they are a little young for anything else." "What about my chores?" "No reason you can't get them to help. It will keep them busy. They will have to sleep in the pen, but we'll have normal meals. They can help serve and you three can eat before or after." "What about my schoolwork?" "I talked to Mrs. Thompson and she thinks this is a wonderful opportunity to show how special you really are. She says your math is really good and you will soon catch up. And you can practice your spelling and writing by keeping a journal 3; a day by day writing about how you are doing with your young charges and what you think of the experience. Pretty tall order, don't you think?" "Oh, and Billy will have to be absent while they are here. I don't think it would be a good idea to introduce another person into their lives, just now. You can explain why to Billy and I'm sure he'll understand." "Yeah! But I will make you and Michael both proud! And Billy, too! I will take good care of them just like you do to me and get them ready for their new life!" I could tell he was excited and intrigued. "You always make me proud, Danny. They'll be here this afternoon." "Please, Master. I would like to go to my 'den' and think." I gave him a quick hug and he scampered off. Two sad and frightened young boys 3; Frankie, age six and Johnnie, age five 3; came to us that afternoon. As they stood there in our living room, I have never seen two more distraught and terrified young kids in my life. Tear-stained faces and red eyes from crying and shaking violently, they had not eaten since the accident three days ago, not washed and had had virtually no sleep. They looked so tiny and frail compared to our Danny, I wasn't sure they were going to survive long enough to go with their uncle and he would have a herculean task unless we could help them over this first hurdle. Danny, after a moment of shock, dropped to his knees and held out his arms to them. Somehow, they recognized a kindred spirit and fled to him, clinging to him and crying their little hearts out. I saw him look up at me, tears starting to run down his cheeks. "Please, Master, I think a long, warm shower might be a first good step. And if Michael Sir could have some soup or his wonderful stew for supper 3;?" I nodded and he picked up Johnnie and took Frankie by the hand and gently led them out. He would later write in his journal 3; which he freely shared with me 3; about the fight to get them out of their filthy clothes and under the warm, soothing water. And his delight at how they responded to it. Just before supper time, two clean, sweet-smelling little boys were ushered into my presence, visibly less upset and ready to meet me. Danny bowed low 3; he didn't go to his position and that was OK 3; and announced, "Master, may I introduce Frankie and Johnnie Helton?" "Hello, boys!" I answered. "I'm very pleased that you have come to stay with us for a few days. I am Danny's Master and he'll explain what that means to you and you must always call me 'Master'. This is Michael, who is my helper and you must always call him Sir." I could see them trying to sort it all out and that was good; it gave them something to occupy their minds. "Danny is going to be the one who will care for you," I continued. "You must listen to him and learn what he has to teach you. It won't be very hard and you can help him with his chores, too. You will have good food to eat and a warm, safe place to sleep." "You won't need clothes until your uncle comes for you; as Danny may have told you, he doesn't wear clothes. You are both very nice looking boys and Michael and I will enjoy seeing you. We like to give hugs and are never too busy to give one if you want it." "Danny, when you are ready, you may serve dinner." The trio shortly reappeared in the dining room, set the table with Danny directing them and then proceeded to serve. It was a bit rocky at first, but what could you expect. Afterward, Michael stayed out of the kitchen so three boys could eat 3; they practically inhaled the stew, Danny reported 3; and then they helped him clean up. Our two new boys were drooping with fatigue by this time, so Danny took them off to bed. "Master, I think it would be better if I stayed with them for a few nights. It's rather dark and gloomy down there." I agreed and sent them off. It was dark and gloomy down there but that was part of the drill to help them accept their slave status. Michael and I listened in on the monitor. "I know it's not very nice down here," Danny told them. "But here is where you will sleep. It will be warm and safe and I will be right here with you." The two of them accepted good-night kisses, snuggled down beside him and were soon asleep. He knew we were listening as he called softly, "Good night, Master. Good night Michael, Sir. I love you both." Poor Michael and me! We would have to sleep without our animated bed-warmer! We talked late into the night. I was utterly flabbergasted at the way Danny had stepped up to this challenge. "I must call his mom and dad tomorrow and tell them about it." "You need to talk to Sir Scott and Billy, too," Michael reminded me. It took a few days, but Frankie and Johnnie soon were part of the family, although at first they tried almost too hard. Yes, they had their sad times when tears flowed and it was all Danny could do to comfort them. But never once did he fail to hold and love them when they needed it. He sometimes needed my love and comfort afterward, but that was enough. I knew we had made major strides when I had to punish them at the start of their second week for doing a sloppy job on the dishes. Danny had written in his journal that he had told them about punishment if they misbehaved and that he would be punished if they were. So one evening, just before bed-time, they were in the family room, in their positions. Two little asses and one not-so-little pointed upward. "One," he reported, "for being sloppy. And don't be too gentle. And a second for being disrespectful to Michael Sir." Well, I had better oblige him so I planted two cane strokes on each little boy's pink ass and four on the other ass present. Frankie and Johnnie yelled but never broke their position. Danny just hissed and then helped Michael with the lotion. Spanking night confused them, however. They couldn't understand why Danny wanted to have his butt tanned. With some reluctance, they agreed to try it the second week. So I had three boys to comfort and love. They were quite a lap-full. I knew were were 'home free' when they both gave me loving kisses and then giggled at each others red behinds. Their uncle arrived at last and they greeted him with perfect slave decorum 3; before mobbing him with tears and hugs. The next day they were gone. To a new and better life we all hoped. Danny was a sad to see them go, but that was offset when I invited Bill Scott and Billy to dinner that evening. The two boys retired to the 'den' while Michael and I sat with Bill and told him about Danny's exercise in leadership. He didn't seem surprised and said he appreciated what Danny had done but would not have expected anything less. "When has he ever failed to accept your challenges?" he asked us. The answer was never! That night, after Bill and Billy had left, Michael and I pleasured our little stud until, completely exhausted, he begged us to please stop. The next morning he asked me to review his journal before he turned it in to Mrs. Thompson that afternoon. It was very well done and I invited him into my lap. "First I want to tell you that you were just amazing with Frankie and Johnnie." He beamed up at me. "But you're amazing every day!" I could see his pride leaking from him like a sieve. "Your journal is very good. I'm sure Mrs. Thompson might ask you to read it to the class. Your Uncle Sebastian would be proud of you." "Really, Master! But he's a big-time author with lots of books." "And do you know how he started?" I asked him. "He kept a journal about our lives as my father's slaves. I know your dad read some of it to you to help you get ready to come to me. What did you think of it?" "Well I didn't understand all of it and it sure made me sad to hear how you were treated." "But in the end, most of us lived to be free persons." "Yeah, that was neat. But I cried through some of it and I think Dad did too. 'Specially when Nico and Julian killed themselves." "Danny, I have two questions for you. You may want to think about them and add a bit more to your journal. First, what did you learn by taking care of Frankie and Johnnie?" "Lots of things, Master! But I guess the most important was how good I felt helping two sad little boys. It was awesome! And I was frightened when I thought about something else 3; that I was all they had and I had better not fail them. It was sometimes hard to keep from being sad with them and you helped me. I've lost my dad and mom for a while but they lost theirs forever. I'm just glad I could take away some of their hurt and fright." "What was your most important tool?" "That's easy! Hugs! Did you know their father had said they were too big for hugs? Well, they weren't and they really liked hugging me too." "Anything else you would like to share?" I asked. "Yeah. They thought the caning was unfair." "They thought they shouldn't have been punished?" I asked, puzzled. "No. They thought I should not have been punished for something they had done." "What did you tell them?" "I said that was the deal; I was in charge of them and if they screwed up it was my fault. I told them what you always tell me 3; they were forgiven and I loved them and they would do better. After that, they decided to try spanking night just to show you that they agreed they should have been punished. They even went to Michael and apologized without my asking them to. Pretty neat kids, doncha think? I hope their uncle treats them fair." "From what Mr. Knox told me and the way he behaved with them, I think they're going to a good home." "Do you think I'll ever see them again?" "I wouldn't be surprised." He turned to face me and was quiet for a moment. "Master, thank you for giving me Frankie and Johnnie. Taking care of them is the best thing I have ever done!" "Do we really have that much more to teach him or is it just that you don't want to part with him?" Michael asked one morning. Any other slave I would have beaten severely for his impertinence, but not my Michael. Besides, he was likely right. I had come to love Danny deeply and was probably putting off the inevitable 3; releasing him and returning him to his parents. Maybe we could share him? No, not really. But suddenly fate intervened and his freedom had to be put off for some months. Of all the things that happened during his time with me, this one event stands out from all the others. It nearly cost him his life and me my sanity, but it was the thing that also confirmed that Danny was truly my slave and ready for freedom again.