PZA Boy Stories

Oskar M

Down and Dirty with Danny


A new boy in the village disturbs the life of a horny teen.

Publ. Mar 2017
Finished 4,750 words (9½ pages)


Danny (7yo), Narrator (15yo)

Category & Story codes

Consensual Boy story
tb – cons oral anal – best


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

You can send comments using this feedback form with Oskar M: Down and Dirty with Danny in the subject line.


The turbulent child appeared in the landscape of our village at the beginning of the summer. His name was Danny. He was seven-years-old. The boy, much like many others, was small and skinny, with dirty fingernails and scabs on his knees. A mop of brown hair atop his little head became a jumbled mess at the slightest gust of wind. Above his dainty nose, green eyes twinkled whenever anyone made the mistake of being friendly with him, thereupon having to endure the squeak of his voice recounting many improbable adventures.

The brat had come to spend the summer at his grandmother's. For some unexplained reason, he chose to harass me and my friends instead of playing with other kids his age. In the company of Matteo and Thomas, I took a cunning pleasure in rejecting the little pest. All three of us were fifteen and had no patience for the brazen child. Our routine was already established. Every day, we congregated on the other side of the tracks next to the abandoned mine. It was the ideal spot to chat, smoke Camels and share a stolen bottle of hard liquor.

Upon discovering our hideaway, Danny clung to us like a leech. Although too young to even hope of making friends with us, he showed up at our meetings on a daily basis. This annoyed Matteo the most. One afternoon, the feisty Italian snapped. He leaned down and barked in front of the kid's nose.

"What the hell are you doing here? Fuck off! Go away!"

"No!" Danny resisted, raising his chin. "I can do whatever I want 3;"

"What don't you understand in FUCK OFF?"

Lashing out at Danny proved futile. In spite of our aversion for him, the little boy persisted in frequenting us. He showed up after lunch. At first, he stayed out of the way, a bit behind, laughing at our vulgar jokes. But when we ignored him for too long, he tried to grab our attention by multiplying silly antics. It varied according to his mood. He mooned us or inserted a finger into his asshole and then licked it, which gave rise to a complaint of repulsion from Thomas, "Urgh, you're so gross, Danny."

Everything about the personality of the little visitor irritated us, especially his insolence. After long hours tolerating his stupidities, we all cracked. We pushed him around and gave him a few good whacks.

"You're not nice!" Danny raged and fled, returning the next day, determined and believing he belonged to our nonexistent brotherhood.

His resilience confounded me. Despite the slaps, the kicks and the insults, the kid never shed a tear and reappeared. I couldn't find a rationale as to why he wanted to spend time with us. After all, we were not particularly interesting. The perception I had of our trio was the same as the adults of the area. We were just three gangly teenagers, clumsy and retarded. Matteo only yacked about the exploits of the Ferrari Formula 1 team. Thomas dreamed aloud of every way that would allow him to get out the village. As for me, I didn't care about anything and regularly succumbed to procrastination.

After weeks of confrontation with the seven-year-old boy, things gradually settled down. Unable to get rid of the parasite, we got used to his presence. Danny became a sort of mascot, a distracting clown. Two mouthfuls of alcohol were enough to get him drunk. Like us, he invented an imaginary girlfriend who did lewd things, "Thhere's this girrrrl, shee suckked my dick a'undred times!"

We laughed hearing the youngster doing a pretty good impression of our teenage bravado. We teased him, telling him to repeat 'dirty words' and asking him to provide the definition – 'whore', 'jerking off'', 'blowjob'. The game generated hilarious results although Danny often knew most of the sexual acts that were put in his mouth.

As days passed, a curious fascination for this unwanted and unrelated kid brother took hold of me. I began to think he was cute. My raging hormones leaned towards something else since Danny wore almost no clothes. The boy always cavorted around barefoot, clad only in a filthy pair of beige shorts. My gaze often lingered on his smooth legs, his tanned chest or the nape of his neck. The physical attraction that I tried to suppress only grew stronger and started to invade my conscious thoughts, as well as tent the front of my jeans.

The terrible child reminded me quickly why I hated him. As soon as he lost control of his temper – for instance when we didn't give him a cigarette – he became unbearable. The little demon pounded us with punches, shouted at the top of his lungs and spat in our faces. On those occasions, Matteo sneaked behind him. He slipped a swift hand into the kid's shorts and squeezed his balls to cool him off.

"Yo! Calm down! Easy!"

Danny bent over from the pain. His arms flailed. He tried to pivot and kick Matteo again and again, screaming, "Leggo my nuts, you homo!"

Thankfully, after a few good twists of his testicles, the monster that possessed him went away. At once, Danny ceased to act like a crazy psycho. We could all go back to doing nothing.


At nightfall, because it was on my way, I was always the one escorting Danny to his grandma's place. She lived in a dreary apartment above the butcher shop. Danny said goodbye and went inside. His wrinkled grandmother came out to express her gratitude. "That's very sweet of you," she said or "It warms my heart to know that there are still good young people out there 3;"

Sometimes, we talked a while. The old widow mostly defended her grandson, "Danny does not have many friends, you know. He's a bit wild but he's a good boy."

From the many brief conversations and through the veiled words, I began to piece together the story of his short life. The kid had been thrown in the system, dragged from one temporary home to another. He was dyslexic, lagging behind at school and ate like a bird. Eventually, his grandma disclosed the final bit of information to complete the puzzle.

"I probably shouldn't say this," she sighed, "but Danny was taken away from his parents. The two of 'em used to beat him and made dirty things with him. They even filmed what they were doing 3;"

It had never occurred to me that Danny could have been abused. The confidence explained his volatile behavior. If this information disconcerted me, it did not make the boy suddenly endearing to my heart. I had too much fun teasing him with my friends and opted to keep this to myself. Together, we started to devise a series of tests. Contests aimed at confirming Danny's temerity, but above all to entertain us. The naive child undertook our challenges, probably considering it a form of acceptance. He brought back the stuff that we asked him to steal at the grocery store. He swallowed a squirmy earthworm without any repugnance. He rolled in the nettles.

Matteo came up with the idea of bringing the gullible kid into Mr. Rockford's garden shed, where his Mastiff dog was chained to the wall. There, he invited Danny to prove that he was not a wimp. All three of us encircled the boy, chuckling as he hesitated to perform the task that Matteo had conceived.

"So you're a coward, uh?" Thomas said.

"What are you waiting for?" Matteo insisted, knowing that the nutty kid would capitulate and humiliate himself for our great joy.

"I'm not a chicken! I'll do it!" Danny proclaimed, ducking his head under the belly of the large beast. His hand grasped the furry bulge of the dog. The sudden groping woke the canine's organ and a veiny purplish tube expanded from the animal's groin. Danny wrapped his fingers around it. He smiled wickedly at us. The next moment his mouth dove on it.

"Oh man, he's really doing it!" Thomas roared.

I watched the spectacle silently, turned on and disgusted at the same time by the sight of Danny's red lips sucking the dog's erection. Mr. Rockford's hound started to hop on its hind legs, visibly happy to get this unexpected reward. When its doggy dick was fully erect, Danny hurried the pace, sliding his mouth on the inflated flesh, his cheeks bulging. The animal groaned and let out a slew of high-pitched squeals. Beside me, Matteo was jubilant.

"You hear how much the pooch loves it, Danny? Yeah, suck his dick faster, give him a good blowjob!"

The crude scene troubled me for many reasons. Danny was on his knees, leaning forward in a submissive position. His shorts hugged the curve of his buttocks as he devoted himself to accomplishing his assignment. After a moment, the Mastiff decided to put its front legs on the fragile shoulders of the little boy. The beast in heat humped with frantic lunges. Danny absorbed the slimy cock right down to the knot that had taken shape at the base.

Thomas and Matteo laughed hysterically seeing his little mouth being assaulted and the dog's balls bouncing on his chin. The Mastiff out of breath wept loudly, struggling to keep up with its own fervor. Danny endured the savage stabbing of his mouth then backed off suddenly. The dog's ugly penis released from the grip of his lips was already blasting dollops of seed. I figured Danny would come out from under the filthy animal at this point, having done the deed. But the little freak stayed there, eyes shut. "It's squirting!" he cheered as the many creamy spurts landed all over his face.


Perhaps because the boy accepted to participate in our pranks, he wiped out the last bit of respect for him that my good side had salvaged. Following the dog blowjob, all my masturbatory sessions were fueled by the images of the shameless rascal. Pulling on my hard prick, I imagined the dirty things that his mom and dad had done to make him lose any sense of decency. In the nasty film of my teenage fantasies, the character of Danny was vivid because I saw him up close every day. Sometimes I included myself in the action even though I didn't like the image I projected. At fifteen, my body had grown too fast. There were no muscles of my arms and legs. A curtain of greasy dark hair cascaded down my forehead and my face was angular. There was only one thing I thought was fine on me, but it was hidden in my underwear.

From then on, I hooked up with Matteo and Thomas with lustful thoughts polluting my mind. I ogled discreetly at our tag along to capture images for later. I couldn't wait to escort him back home and be close to him.

One evening, his grandma was not at the apartment. Danny unlocked the door using his latch-key. I descended the stairwell as usual but after a minute, my feet brought me back to the door. No one saw me. I entered like a thief, thinking the opportunity to prank him was optimal or something. Being alone with the object of my desires hardened my penis in my jeans. I tiptoed on the worn-out carpet, excited by my spying.

That evening, a sweltering summer heat permeated the air. Danny was in the bathroom taking off his shorts and underpants. He turned on the shower and stepped under the spray, whistling some kiddy tune. Through the half-open door, I could see him naked for the first time. His body was so skinny and so very hairless. My eyes went up along his thin legs to his butt, two small globes, strikingly white in comparison with the rest of his skin bronzed by the sun. Danny noticed I had come in and didn't give it a second thought.

"It's hot, isn't it? You can take a shower with me," he proposed, "if you want to."

"Uh? Yeah, sure 3; okay 3; Why not," I mumbled mostly to myself, starting to remove my clothes nervously. As much as I was attracted to the kid, a part of me still held me back. It was to be the last time.

When I climbed into the tub, the biggest hard-on of my life preceded me, seven inches [18 cm] of rigid meat. Danny did not say anything about it. Behind him, I lathered up in silence. It amazed me to observe how trivial it was for him to be naked with someone twice his age. Looking at the nude kid I found he radiated the asexual beauty that is often attributed to an angel, a symbol of purity that assuredly no one would dare use to describe him. Out of the blue, Danny turned around and pulled me into a hug. "It's you I like the most," he declared, as if there was a contest between me and my friends to win his favor. I smiled as he looked up quietly, waiting for a response, his spontaneous little boner poking my thigh.

"Me too, yeah, I like you a lot." I lied.

"Your dick is hard, uh," he peeped. "Do you want me to put it in my mouth like I did with the dog?" he added candidly.

"Uh 3; well," I pretended to hesitate and said quickly, "yeah, sure!"

Danny knelt down with a wide grin. He grabbed my hard-on with both hands. It looked enormous in front of his little rodent face. The next second, my breathing accelerated as he shoved the whole thing between his wet lips. Everything happened fast but the kid's boldness failed to shock me. His unpredictability had become predictable. I just stared at my cock getting sucked by his petite mouth, concealing my glee. Already my temperature was rising. Danny got into it, bobbing his head fast and steady. His enthusiastic slurping made my knees weak. He held my cock in his tiny fist and went all the way down on it, cramming the meat to the entrance of his throat. Seeing him, I mused he had surely sucked his father's prick many times. His ease to take my full length was spectacular. He had me on the edge in no time.

"Wait Danny, Orh!" I let out a groan of panic and gently pushed his forehead away.

All the dirty things I wanted to do to him sent me in a state of frenzy. I knelt down and put him back on his feet. My lust was soaring madly. I could have eaten him up.

He giggled when I gobbled up his smooth little sac. I rolled the tiny balls in my mouth and hastily moved to his cute pecker. Carried away by the euphoria of the moment, I sucked the stiff little thing like a vacuum. Danny put a hand on my shoulder to keep his balance. I took it to turn him on his feet. His cute ass was right in front of my nose. I spread his buns, exposing an almost invisible pink hole that I licked greedily with the tip of my tongue. "It tickles," Danny said, "but don't stop!"

I pursued, sweeping my tongue on his anus, listening to his giggles. When I regained control of my lust and got up, I gently sandwiched my erection between his cheeks. His bottom was the part of him that excited me the most. Catching my breath, I slid my throbbing penis back and forth into the silky valley, wondering if his dad had done more than teach him how to suck a dick. Every time the head of my cock touched the tiny pucker, a shiver went up my spine. Seeing that the boy was not scandalized, I began to apply a bit of pressure. The ring loosened with each attempt, seemingly welcoming me. Yet, I could not conceive that I could enter such a tight orifice. Since I'd grown too fast, my dick was already quite thick and I remembered that, at his age, even a suppository felt like a cucumber.

"You wanna stick it in my butt?" Danny guessed my intention, bending over slightly.

"Yeah, we can try 3;" I replied.

Voices in my head resounded excitedly Do it! He wants to! Yes, do it quick dummy! I bent my legs and pushed harder against his anus, to no avail. With some soap, the small hole accepted the intrusion of the swollen head. As the crown finally passed the barrier of the sphincter, Danny uttered a plaintive moan, accompanied by mine. Like a caveman, I pushed half of my cock in him and began to pump.

"Argghh! Slowly!" he protested.

"Orh, your butt is so hot, Danny," I whispered in his ear, "I won't do it for long, I promise 3; orrhhh 3; it feels so good inside you 3;"

Bucking my hips, I slammed four inches [10 cm] into his ass again and again. With each thrust, Danny climbed on his toes, rubbing his stiffy with two fingers. His incessant moaning started to resonate in the bathroom, "Annngh! Annngh! Annnghh!"

I hooked my arm around his delicate chest to keep him prisoner of my primal passion, giving it to him with measured strokes. Glimpsing at his butt hole sent my horny brain into overload. The small donut of flesh was blushing and stretched around my cock. I knew I wouldn't be able to hold off long. My balls were already heavy as melons. Hoping to avoid the inevitable, I closed my eyes and tried to calm the storm, still thrusting at a steady rhythm. For a moment, I savored the tightness. Of course, being a teenager of fifteen, I concentrated only on my own pleasure. When Danny suddenly trembled in my arms, it startled me. The voice in my head said he's cumming! 3; while you're boning him in the butt!

"Oh shit!" I shouted over his joyful yelps. "Oh shiiiit!"

His twitching asshole clenched and unclenched my cock. The pressure was such that I thought it would chop it off. I withdrew and climaxed right away. It was a beautiful thing. For a minute, the hissing jets of cum exploding from my dick drew straight white lines on Danny's tanned back.


The ending of our first intimate encounter had certainly been abrupt. This, combined with the fact my libido was practically inexhaustible, kindled the desire to do it again with Danny. I found I could easily take advantage of his precocious skills. Almost no efforts were required to manipulate the credulous little boy. From the start, I realized that all I had to do was preserve a false friendship between us. I played hide and seek with him, other childish games, and said inane things like, "We're good buddies now, aren't we?"

Danny ate it all up. After being rejected, my turnaround elated him. But in order for me to reach my goal, a certain sequence of events had to align. The hardest part was finding excuses to ditch Thomas and Matteo for an hour. As soon as I succeeded in being alone with Danny and my folks were out, my dick got hard.

"I'm bored. Do you want to come to my house?" I asked him.

"Okay," he chuckled, knowing what I had in mind, flashing a naughty smile

The speed at which the lil' horndog got aroused impressed me. Then again, he was hyperactive. In my room, I took off his shorts and white briefs then caressed his skinny body for a minute. His tiny penis sprung up. The foreskin retracted completely under the crown of the head. I sat him on the bed and went down on him, slobbering over his smooth genitals. Then I flipped him on his stomach for a butt licking, something he enjoyed a lot. By then, he was fully sexed up and my cock was leaking like a faucet. It was at that time that I suggested, "Let's do it in your butt. I want to see how it feels again."

"You really like my butt!" Danny said, raising his bottom up obediently. "Do it but don't push it all the way in 3;"

"Okay," I agreed, lubing up and mounting him from behind.

Danny clutched the bed sheets. I sank my cock carefully into his little asshole until his squeals became shrill. He could take about five inches. Holding his slim hips, I started to sodomize him with the typical boorishness of a teenager; urgently and disgracefully. Danny winced and squealed the whole time but it usually didn't last long. The pleasure of pumping his adorable behind made me overheat quickly. Just thinking that I was going to bust my nuts inside him did the trick. I groaned feeling my cock swell and shoot into his bowel. Already, my brain was craving the next fix.

At other times, if no private spot inside was available; I dragged Danny into the woods surrounding the village for a quick blowjob. Despite being only seven-years-old, the boy could suck cock like a whore. His little mouth engulfed my entire erection until the tip of his nose plunged in my pubes. My eyes scanned the trees, afraid someone would come by. On his knees, Danny kept on sucking. Once in a while, he paused and looked up, grinning.

"Do you like it?" he demanded with his raspy voice.

"Yes, suck it some more Danny, it feels really good!" I encouraged him.

As I approached my orgasm, I put my hand behind his head to force him to swallow. Danny breathed through his nostrils while I flooded his throat. He gulped down my load and didn't object to the rough treatment.

This was set to occur a lot the entire month my folks were off work. I couldn't use the house and prepared to settle for oral sex even though I preferred anal. Much to my happiness, I got a lucky break early on, a lengthy period during which Danny's grandmother visited her ailing sister every weekend. We did it on his bed. Sometimes, Danny proposed it. We both stripped completely naked. Danny climbed on the mattress. He grabbed himself under the knees, giggling and flaunting his butt. I used his grandma's hand lotion to lubricate my cock. It smelled of old people but I was too horny to care.

On top of my little partner, I grabbed his ankles and folded his supple body in two. The initial penetration caused him discomfort. But when he slipped his hands under my armpits to cling to my torso, I knew he was ready. He grimaced as I buried my cock into his rectum increasingly deeper.

"Does it hurt?"

"No, urgghh, urgghh!" he grunted.

Within minutes, his tiny hole loosened up to accommodate the thicker part of my shaft. In this position, I could pin him down and lodge my dick to the hilt in his upturned butt. His fingernails scratched the skin of my back as he held on to me. I undulated on top of him, pulling back and driving my cock inside his butt. The movement of my hips hastened until I was bouncing on him, fucking him hard and without respite.

"Is this how your daddy did it, uh? Did he put his penis in your butt fast like this?"

"Yesss, anngh, Danny whined, shaken by my violent plowing."

"You like it, uh?"

"Yes, I like it when you do it fast!"

The noise of my balls beating against his buttocks fed my lust. It seemed to me that I would never get tired of ramming my cock in and out of his tight little hole. After long minutes reaping the delights of his small ass, the need for relief triumphed. I pulled out and aimed at his sweaty face. Danny shut his eyes and grinned. My pulsing cock bombarded a dozen gobs of jizz. Watching myself ejaculate on his face brought me a perverse gratification, even more when I put my penis in his mouth after stuffing it in his behind. After we were all done and cleaned up, I tucked him under the covers like he was my kid brother and went away.

Even though I was convinced Danny enjoyed sex, back on the streets outside, a dark cloud followed me around. Guilt and confusion reared their ugly heads. The voices in my head turned on me. They made me feel dirty, telling me I was a scumbag. I questioned myself on who was more depraved out of the two of us, me, boning a seven-year-old kid, or him consenting to give me his butt just if I asked him?

Whatever anxiety I experienced vanished the next morning. My orgasms were too intense for me to consider stopping. If doubts plagued me, I reasoned that Danny was surely gay, that there are kids who were born to have dicks up their asses. Reassured by my teenage logic, I continued to spend time with my young fuck friend every weekend.

We usually played simulated soccer for hours in his room. We used a pair of socks rolled into a ball and cardboard boxes for the goals. I didn't mind the immature game. Despite my lust, his giggles made me feel careless and free. And I knew, at the end of the evening, he'd want to fool around, he would say yes when I'd ask him to do it in his pooper.

Every time, the anal sex was a bit more brutal and lasted longer. Regardless of the kid's squeals, I didn't hold back and pounded his butt. Once my groove was in full swing, it was relentless. My balls hurt from slapping against his skinny buns. I nailed him with all of my teenage vigor, relishing every minute of it. Whenever Danny got a dry cum, his body stiffened a second, he cooed and then shivered. Groaning, on the verge of losing my mind from the pleasure, I had to pull out and cum on his face.


At the end of the summer, the turbulent child disappeared from the landscape of our village. My buddies were relieved to get rid of the annoying brat. I acted like I didn't care either but went looking for him all over. Unable to locate the boy, I hurried to his grandma's place. The old lady welcomed me with bubbly eyes. She told me that they had found an adoptive family, "really nice folks". Upon hearing the news, I smiled in an exaggerated manner, feigning to be glad. Walking away, already the void inside me was swallowing everything like a black hole.

For many years, I lived with the regret of never having had the chance to say goodbye to Danny. Later, guilt resurfaced more often than not. It became a burden as I got older and moral oppression infiltrated my soul. Sometimes, small things of daily life reminded me of that summer, an odor or a song. Whenever guys at work talked about their first time, it was the worst. They all boasted and praised that special girl. I had to coward away, knowing I could never tell anyone how I had lost my virginity. My souvenirs were definitely not proper material for casual chit-chats around the water cooler.

I could understand how people carrying a secret went mad. How you feel all alone in the universe. How it gnaws at you.

Decades later, at a reunion with my old buddies Matteo and Thomas, the itch to confess got the best of me and made me admit everything. We were in a bar. Perhaps, alcohol had something to do with it.

"Hey, you remember little Danny when we were young, that summer, in the village?" I interrupted the ongoing conversation, "Well, he was a real slut! He loved taking it in the butt!"

Thomas and Matteo broke down laughing. They looked at me as if I was the king of fools. I learned that I had not been the only one to get into Danny's little ass. They had also fucked him repeatedly, sometimes both together. For long minutes, I nursed my beer and glared at them. They had not invited me, the bastards 3;

The End

Send feedback to the author through this feedback form with Oskar M: Down and Dirty with Danny in the subject line.

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