Shakey PsycheIndecent Proposal |
SummaryA man shortly out of prison finds a family in need and makes an opportunity for himself with their young son.
Publ. Sep 2007 (Lolita bondage); this site Jan 2009
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CharactersJimmy (8/9yo) and an adult manCategory & Story codesOther Boy story/Non-consensualMb – nc/reluc anal oral – first bdsm cbt spank (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteThank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author using this feedback form with the title of the story or the author's name in the subject line. |
It happened right after my release from prison. I was in for three years for raping some old bitch. When DNA evidence was starting to be used, they figured out that I didn't do it at all. I was released with an apology and a check for ten million dollars to cover my 'pain and suffering', as long as I kept my mouth shut about it, that is. I more than kept my mouth shut about it; I left the state, never to go back. During my incarceration, my parents were no help at all, either. They turned their backs on me the instant the jury convicted me. Now that I was out and a free man, I had no interest in seeing neither of them nor the rest of my stuck up family. So, I told 'em to piss off and headed westward to Cali. I was in Phoenix eating breakfast at a diner, when I overheard a conversation going on in a booth beside me. The wife was close to tears, talking about how bad their finances were, due to their little problem. The husband was angry at the future prospects as well. "Amanda needs her treatments, Jim, but there's no way we can afford them any longer," she was beseeching her husband, wanting him to give her a way out of the situation. "I know that, Sandy, but I don't see anything to help us. You're working two jobs and so am I. The only thing we can do is get a third mortgage on the house and pray they'll approve us for it." "You know as well as I do, that they won't do it," she was now drying her eyes with the napkin. I took the chance to look. They had a boy with them; nine or ten years old, light brown hair, brown eyes, freckles on his high cheekbones, slight build, and as cute as he could be. He was fidgeting with his meal as his parents discussed the hopeless situation. It had been a loooooooong three years in that prison, and I was looking for some tail. It would have been nice to be a young girl, but the boy was good enough. I waited for my opportunity and got it a few minutes later as the husband got up to take a leak. I waited a second, folded my towel and followed him into the toilet. He was just zipping up as I walked in. We nodded to each other and I took my chance. "Heard you and your wife talking," I began. "Sorry. Didn't mean to be loud." "No prob. In fact, that was why I was here. I might be able to solve your problem." "Oh?" he asked, turning back to me after washing his hands. "Yeah," I said, leading him along. "How?" "Well, how far into the hole are you?" He hung his head down. "A quarter million and getting worse every day." "Only a quarter mil?" "Well, I had an inheritance at the beginning of all this, but it went quick; too quick. So, what can you do?" He asked this as he was scanning my clothing. I wasn't exactly dressed to impress. I never have been into the 'suit and tie' thing. Used to drive my parents nuts. Anyway, I smiled back at the guy and told him my idea. "I have some money just burning a hole in my pocket. You have a commodity I like and I have money you need. It's as simple as that." Raising an eyebrow, he started getting the idea, but not totally yet. "How much money?" "Half a mil." His eyes shot open. "A half a million dollars for my wife? You that hard up?" I smiled and shook my head. His eyes got even wider, and then narrowed. "Then wha 3;" It hit him. "No way, you fucking sicko." He balled up his fist and swung. I was ready. One of the things that three years in prison taught me, was always watch for the unexpected. I deflected the swing and swung my arm under his to pull it up and back. I could have broken it in a millisecond, but I didn't. But I did land a punch to his diaphragm, knocking the wind from his lungs. Still holding onto his arm, I forced him to the ground, face down. I switched hands with his arm and put my hand to the back of his neck. I knelt down real low to speak to his ear so he would hear me. My short, scruffy beard scratched rim of his outer ear. "Listen asshole, all you had to do, was tell me, 'no' and there would have been nothing to worry about. I would have gone on my way quietly, but now you've pissed me off. I have half a mind not only to break your arm, but take the kid permanently and there would be nothing you could do about it." "Please don't. I 3; I'm sorry." He was speaking to the tile on the floor, but I still heard it. "You fucking pussy," I swore at him. I let him up by tossing his arm back to him and he scrambled to get away from me. I looked at him cowering on the other wall, edging up it to stand back up. I looked at him with contempt. "I was going to play straight with you, fuckhead, but you blew your chance getting out of this mess you got yourself in. Enjoy watching your kid die." I threw him a look and walked out of the room. I headed back to my seat and finished my meal. I knew the mouse wouldn't say anything, so I wasn't worried. Besides, it would be my word against his. He walked out and saw me sitting there. He sat down with his wife and whispered to her. I finished eating, paid, and left the diner. I walked along the curb and was headed back to the hotel. A voice behind me made me stop and turn; it was the mouse. He ran up to me as I waited. "What do you want?" I asked, putting as much contempt as I could muster into my voice. "You still want what you asked for in there?" I nodded. "One mil., then." "HA!" I sarcastically shot at him. "He ain't worth that much, fuckhead. Have fun." I turned and continued on my way. "Wait 3;" he said, weakly from behind me. I stopped and turned again. "Half a mil., then." "Alright, fuckhead, here's how it goes down. That hotel over there behind me. See it?" He nodded. "Room 125. You bring him there this afternoon not a second past three. You pick him up Monday morning at eight." "All weekend? Jesus Christ, man. You could be in fucking New York by then." "You're a fucking idiot, you know that? What the fuck am I gonna do with a sniveling brat of a pussy? Huh? I don't want to keep the brat, fuckhead. I can buy one for under thirty if I wanted to keep one. "And to pay half a mil for a kid, I can't exactly make anything by selling him. This make sense to you, fuckhead?" He nodded. "Good. Now, you get fifty thou. now and the rest when I am done with him. And if I even smell a cop within a mile of here, the kid dies faster than you can believe. Got it all, fuckhead? Can you remember all that?" He nodded again. "What if you skip out on the rest that you owe me for this?" he asked, worried about offending me I suppose. "You shoot straight with me, and you'll get your money, fuckhead. You're just gonna have to trust me, though. But be there on time, or you can forget it all. Got it?" He nodded a third time. "Good. Three o'clock, room 125." I turned and left him standing there, bewildered. He went back to the restaurant and to his wife and kid. I smiled at the impending future weekend. I paid the hotel in cash again for the weekend, getting three changes of sheets. I didn't want the maids coming in at a bad time. I got into my new convertible and headed off to a 'local shop of horrors'. At the S&M shop, I picked up a ball gag, lube, two different sized (6" [15 cm] and 8" [20 cm]) dildos, buttplug, nipple clamps, and a leather flogger. I left, thinking about this evening and about the boy. I smiled and then visited the local hardware store. You'd never believe the amount of fun objects are at hardware stores. I bought some brown thistle rope, some string a little thicker than kite string, and a rug beater. I got some things to clean the room and some plastic to cover the mattress with. I headed towards the hotel to set things up. I stripped one bed and wrapped it in the plastic wrap. This would prevent any blood or cum from getting on the mattress. I could always throw the sheets and pillows away. The bed was then remade. I took the ropes and tied four nooses and tied the loose ends to the four corners of the bed. The dildos, plug, gag, lube, clamps, rug beater, and flogger were put in the nightstand in between the two beds. It was just after two when I finished the preparations. I waited for the two by going over in my head what I had planned for the boy. I couldn't hide the hard-on raging in my pants after a while, but I kept it under control.
At just before three o'clock, a knock at the door stirred me from my bed. I looked through the eyehole, and it was the pussy and his kid. I smiled and opened the door. I ushered the two inside. The pussy knelt down to look his son in the eye. "Now, Jimmy, this is the man I was telling you about. You'll stay with him for the weekend and I will pick you up on Monday morning. Okay?" Little Jimmy nodded, but obviously scared. The man looked up at me and stood back up at the same time. He had a look on his face I recognized right off; betrayal. He had something up his sleeve and I knew it. "Now, I have your word that you won't take him?" "As I told you, I don't want a permanent kid around me. I also told you that if I smelled a cop around here that you would get him back in pieces. Remember?" He nodded. "No cops; I promise," he said, extending his hand. I looked at him; sure enough, he had something planned. He needed the money, so he was going to go through with this thing this weekend, but afterward, I wasn't so sure. I shook his hand and gave him his initial money. He took it and with a backward glance to his son, he left. "Fucking pussy," I said under my breath as the door closed. I latched the door closed and walked back to the boy. The boy turned and looked up towards me. The boy was understandably scared. I smiled down at him and sat on the bed to look at him in the eye. "You know why you're here?" He nodded; yeah, right. "Then why?" "Dad said that I was going to spend the weekend with you," he so innocently put it. "Doing what, though?" "He just said to stay with you. That's all." I smiled. The fucking pussy didn't have the guts to warn him about me and what the boy was going to be doing. I extended my hands to him and he walked to me. I took his hands in mine. "You're here for me to enjoy. Do you know why?" He shook his head; so innocent, but not for long. "Two reasons. One, because your parents need the money, and I am paying a lot of money for you to be here." "How much money?" "Half a million dollars," I said. Why lie to him? The kid's eyes almost shot out of their sockets. "To pay for your sister's treatments. The second reason, is because it's been a long time since I fucked anyone and you're it. Do you know what I mean by 'fucked'?" He shook his head. And since there was no reason to lie to the boy, I told him straight out. "I'm gonna put my dick in your mouth and your asshole. Several times, too." Again, his eyes shot out of their sockets and he tried to get away from me. I grabbed onto his hands tighter as he tried to squirm away from me. "Don't bother trying to get away from me, kid. I am older, bigger, and faster than you. Not to mention the door is locked. There's no way out of this for you, so accept it right now." He didn't want to, but he settled down a little. "Is it gonna hurt?" I nodded. "Then please don't do it." "Don't bother, kid. It's too late. Unlike your pussy of a father, I won't lie to you; it's gonna hurt and hurt a lot. But I don't care. When Monday morning comes along, you're not gonna be able to move from the pain of it all. Every part of your body is gonna hurt when I get done with you. "I paid a lot of money for you, and I am gonna get my money's worth. You can cry all you want, but it's not gonna change a thing. So get over it right now." I knew I was wasting my breath, but I figured he deserved to hear what was about to happen to him. Unlike in prison, that is. I reached for his shirt and he stopped me by holding on to it. "You can do this the easy way or the hard way, kid." I glared at him, but he didn't release the shirt. I slapped him hard across the face. "This is the hard way, kid. Now let go of the shirt right now." He let go of it, albeit reluctantly. I pulled it over his head and off his body. I took a second to drink in his youthful frame. Not a blemish to mar it. That would change drastically soon enough. "Take your shoes and socks off, kid," I told him. He shook his head, no, and I slapped him again. Reeling from it, he reached down and took them off, shaking. When he was finished, I motioned for him to come to me. Warily, he walked towards me. I reached out to unbutton his pants. He reached to my hands to stop me again. "So, you've chosen the hard way. Fine." I grabbed him by the waist and picked him and threw him face down on the bed with the ropes on it. Before he could turn over, I straddled him quickly. He yelled and I hit the back of his head hard to quiet him down. He tried to kick me, and connected to my back a few times, but the hits had no real strength. I pulled his left arm out and slipped the noose over it. I pulled the rope tight to cinch it down around his wrist. The right wrist was next. "Please mister 3; ," he pleaded, but I didn't say a word in answer. While I was there, I decided to gag him. I opened the drawer to the nightstand and pulled the ball gag out. I yanked his head up by his hair and he squealed like a little school girl in surprise. His mouth was opened just enough to fit the ball inside it. I buckled it behind his head, securely quieting any further protests from him. I climbed off him, now that he was secure and quiet, and yanked the bedcovers and top sheet out from under him. The pillows were thrown to the side as well. I walked to the door and checked the eyehole. No one was there. I even checked out the window through the blinds; no one. I smiled and returned to the boy. I stood at the foot of the bed, admiring the view. He was still kicking his panted legs, trying in vain to reach me, but I liked it. I took a step forward and knelt down on the bed. To make sure he didn't kick me any, I straddled his legs as I reached under him for his fly. A quick twist and pull and they were opened. He was still squirming, but it was useless, of course. I grabbed the sides of both his pants and underpants and yanked hard downward. A nice, round butt stared up at me; smooth as silk. I slid down his legs and pulled the clothing with me until they were off him. Now he was kicking more; I assumed it was to try and either get to me or cover himself. I reached out, grabbed his left leg, and pulled it towards the noose on that side. A quick pull and it was secure. He pulled the right one up as far as he could get it, trying in utter vain to keep it away from me. That lasted about a second or two. I went around and tightened all four ropes, stretching him out fully. With all four limbs safely tucked away, it was time to play with my expensive toy. I climbed on the bed and eased my way up his body slowly. My hands traced every inch of his perfectly smooth body as I moved snake-like over him. I stretched out my body to lie on his back. My mouth was right beside his ear. "As I said before, unlike your father," I whispered to him, "I didn't lie to you, kid. I told it to you straight. I also gave you the choice of making this easier on you. You didn't want to, so I'm going to fuck you as hard as I can. I'm going to make you pay for that with your whole body. This could have been easy on you, but now, it's not." He whimpered into his gag as I rolled off him to the side between the beds. I stood up and undressed slowly and dramatically to make sure he saw all of me. As I lowered my pants, my ten-incher [25 cm] sprang out for his viewing terror. That would be the last thing he was going to see for a while. I took the hotel towel and simply laid it over his head. It was loose enough to allow him to breathe, but not see out of it. I went to the nightstand and pulled everything out of it. The lube, butt plug, dildos, and nipple clamps were put on top of the nightstand within easy reach of the bed. The flogger was put on the bed to the boy's left and the rug beater was put on his right. I took the string and walked down to the foot of the bed. I unwound the string that I thought would be enough for my purposes. In the middle of the length of it, I circled it around to form a lasso of sorts. I snaked my free hand up under his butt and snared his small nuts. I pulled them painfully down, eliciting a whimper from my toy, and fit the lasso around the base of them. A couple of loops around the balls to make sure they were mine and the string was tied off. I pulled the free ends of the string downward to the foot of the bed. Now, the problem was tying it off. There was nowhere to do it. I didn't want to tie them off to the wheels under the bed, so I looked around. I saw an old footstool and grabbed it. It was small enough to fit under the bed. It actually fit very snugly. I tied the string off to it as tight as I could without doing any permanent damage to the boy, but it was enough to make him very uncomfortable; painful when I eventually fuck him. I walked along side him to his right and in between the beds. His body was perfectly smooth all over. He squirmed under my touch, anticipating what was coming, or at least he thought so. The reason I like the rug beater, is that it makes almost no sound, but hurts like fucking hell when comes in contact with human skin. I picked it up and brought it down horizontally across both cheeks of his ass. He screamed in pain as the red circle began showing on his white skin. But I was just getting started. I brought the leathered loop down again, just above the first strike and he screamed. Another hit just south, accompanied by its scream. One more swipe on just his left cheek followed by one on his right. Both elicited screams by the boytoy. I moved south along each of his thighs, hitting them as I went. A quick four back to each buttock brings more screams from him. I laid the beater down on the bed where I picked it up from. I could wait no longer from him, now. I had to have him. Taking the lube, I moved to the foot of the bed again and crawled up on top of his prone, sweat-drenched body. I lowered myself down to his ear. "That was for choosing the hard way, kid. Now, the real pain starts." He moaned as I put some lube in my hand. I might be a sadistic fuck, but I'm not a totally complete bastard. I wiped the lube along his crack and he clenched his cheeks closed, hoping that would help. I smiled. "Still taking the hard way, huh? Fine with me." I sat back and lined my thick cock to his chaste backside. As I touched, he clenched even tighter. I smiled at the attempt to keep me out. Seeing where I needed to go, I placed my cock at his entrance. "Last chance to make it easy on yourself," I warned him. He didn't even try to relax, not that I blame him. "Okay 3;" I pushed forward and his body went even tighter, if that was possible. But no matter; I had been patient enough. With a massive shove forward, I breeched his barrier and he screamed like nothing else. Thankfully for the ball gag to lessen the sound, or a few Chinamen would have been able to hear him. The head of my cock was the only thing across the threshold, but it was larger than anything he could have imagined, I'm sure. He fought to push me out, but it was less than a futile attempt. Using one hand to keep his ass steady and the other to continue to guide my cock into him, I inched my way inside his warm body. I smiled. "Now I remember this feeling," I said to myself. Once I was about three inches [7½ cm] inside him, I lowered my body back down to lie on his prone one. He was still fighting to get me off and out of him. When I was totally lying down on top of him, I whispered into his ear again. "This could have been easier if you had cooperated better, kid, but as it is, you haven't 3;," I said and shoved my hips downward as hard as I could, sending shards of pain through his virgin hole. Another scream erupted from his throat. "Ah 3; sweet music." I didn't let him get used to this part of me too long, and viciously shoved another two inches [5 cm] inside him. I don't know how he found the strength to scream, but he did again. One more shove, and I was fully embedded inside his body. He was taking all ten inches [25 cm] of me, but not happily. I waited a second and then began sliding my cock back out of him to fuck him properly. Once about eight inches [20 cm] had been removed, I slammed it back inside. He shrieked yet again. Two more times had me shooting my stuff inside him. Cum, blood and shit coated my cock as I slid it back out of him. I raised my torso off the boy and pulled out, looking at the mixture. I smiled and sat back, watching sobs wrack his small frame. I reared back and slapped his right asscheek hard. "Oh, stop crying you fucking pussy-boy. We only just got started. We still got all weekend to have fun." He whimpered again at that and I got up to wash off. With a clean cock, I walked back in the room and lay down on the other bed to watch the news a little. The boy was still sobbing at his lost virginity and, I'm sure, his sore asscheeks. After a few minutes of boring shit on the tube, I turned back to my toy. I looked down between his legs. There was now some dried blood and cum on his balls, which were now a different shade of purple. Some of the same mixture was also on both of his asscheeks. Not to let this opportunity slip by me, I decided to see if I could help the kid. "You're bleeding a little and you got some of my jizm down here. You want me to clean you up a little?" The boy nodded, but barely. I shrugged and went to the bathroom. I got a washcloth and the bottle of rubbing alcohol and carried them back inside the room to my young charge. This was going to hurt like hell and I smiled at the future crying he was going to be making. I poured some alcohol onto the cloth and wiped his cheeks off of the blend of dried juices. He hissed through the gag and began humping the bed at the pain of the alcohol penetrating his torn skin. Still I continued wiping him off with it, though. His torn asshole and the flayed skin of the ass around it stung like hell from the liquid, but he was clean and ready for round two. Some lube was squirted into my hand and I wiped his crack with it, preparing him for me again. As I took my place between his legs, he groaned at the prospect of getting fucked yet again. But this time, as my cock touched his shredded sphincter, he didn't tighten up. "You are learning. Took you long enough." Nothing was going to prevent any of this and he was beginning to realize it. His hole was a bit more giving this time as I once again forced my way inside him. He cried as I tore into him again, but it didn't stop anything. I was wanting him to feel the pain again, so I thrust as hard as I could in my position, impaling him fully onto my cock. He screamed anew as much as the gag will allow. "I love making music," I said as I lay on top of him again. This time, though, I slipped my arms under his pits and curled them back over his shoulders. I quickly pulled almost all the way out of him and savagely shoved it all the way back inside. Another scream. I grit my teeth as I seethed into his covered ear. "I 3; am going (uh) 3; to (uh) 3; fuck you 3; as hard (uh) 3; and as 3; much as (uh) 3; I can, you 3; little 3; fucking (uh) 3; pussy," told him, punctuating each time with a painful downward thrust of my hips. He cried each time I did it. Each savage thrust was a release of frustration for those three years in prison that I didn't deserve. Each one was a payback for the bitch that sent me there. And each one made me forget the trauma I was put through. I was making sure he felt all of me with each powerful thrust, and he did. Not only was his ass getting tortured, but his balls were being yanked on by the string with every downward thrust. So, I was hurting both sides of him with minimal effort. I sliced into him for a lot longer this time until I filled his cavity again. I pulled out as a spurt of cum shot up and landed on his back. I didn't bother cleaning it off him. I got myself cleaned off, though, and as I walked back inside the room, I noticed the time. I was starving. I got dressed and headed to the local McDonald's. Knowing that the kid was hungry, I got my food to go and came back to the room. I sat down and ate the meal with him next to me, not getting a damn thing. I know it was a cheap thing to do, but I didn't care. He was here for my pleasure, not the other way around. I finished eating and got a wild hair up my ass about doing some damage to the kid again. I picked up the rug beater and began pummeling his buttocks and legs until he was a deep red again. A quick undress and I was inside his ass for a third time. He moaned in desperation, but didn't fight it again. This time, though, I shot my full load all over his butt and lower back. "You smell like a cheap whore, kid. Guess I'm gonna have to clean you off again." He screamed and began shaking his head, emphatically, no. Another scream erupted as the alcohol laden cloth swiped his whipped buttocks. He cried and whimpered and groaned throughout the whole cleaning, but at least he smelled better. I was getting tired, now, so to put him to bed, I decided on a little bit more torture was warranted. I shoved the butt plug inside his anus, which he did not like, for some reason or other. As I untied the ropes from the bed frame, he probably thought that it was over for the night, but I just flipped him onto his back and retied the ropes. I pulled the string holding his nuts a little tighter, putting some pain into that area now, not just something uncomfortable. He fidgeted as I tightened. "Don't know what you're complaining about, kid. It ain't like you use them for anything, anyhow." I snorted at my own stupid joke and went to the nightstand. I rubbed his right nipple till it got hard and then released the clamp onto the small tit. He squealed, squirmed, and flopped around for several minutes until he settled down enough for me to add the second one. Repeating the process, he had the same reaction. As it was getting later in the evening, I had to quiet him down before heading to sleep. I lashed his chest with the flogger real hard, causing several horizontal lines to appear across it. Another scream from him. "That was a way of getting your attention, toy. If you continue to make noise, I will continue to use this on you." He didn't listen, so I brought it down across his torso again, eliciting another gagged scream from him. I did it again, getting the same reaction. The fourth one landed south across his exposed little dickie and purple nuts. A real scream from that one. "Stop the noise and I will stop the whipping; that simple, kid," I said. With a great deal of effort, I'm sure, he settled down and stopped the whining. I smiled at him as I took the towel off his head and lay down for the night in the other bed. He would let out a whimper occasionally, but pretty much stayed quiet.
The next morning, I woke up with a hard-on that wouldn't quit. Thankfully, I had a 'willing' hole to fuck. I untied the rope to his ankles from the bed and retied his knees to his elbows. The ropes that were still on his ankles were retied to the side of the bed. The effect spread his legs wider than before, giving me a real good look at his hole. The string to his useless nuts was retied to his big toes. I reached down and ripped the butt plug out, causing him to painfully wake up. Now the fucking can begin again. I lined the head of my ten inch [25 cm] cock up to his seeping hole and began feeding it to him once again. He groaned and whimpered again, probably realizing that the whole thing was not some nightmare. He kept shaking his head as my cock penetrated further into his depths. "Open your eyes, kid," I told him as I leaned over his tied frame. He shook his head, no, and I slapped his face hard. "That's 'yes', brat. Now open your goddamn eyes or I swear I'll beat you till you're fucking black and blue." He opened his eyes and looked up at me. "Better. Now, look down at what's going inside your ass." He looked down and his eyes bugged out of their sockets at the enormity of it. I smiled again and continued to feed it to him. Once I was about half way inside, I slammed the rest of it home. He reared back and howled into the gag that was still in his mouth. I do love that sound. "Damn that feels good. You know, kid, I might change my mind and keep you forever. It's obvious that your parents don't give a shit about you or you wouldn't be here. They only want your sister." I began fucking him hard as I talked to him, continuing to tell him that his parents didn't give a fuck. He shook his head back at me, but I didn't care at this point. I fucked him as hard as I could, not minding the pain I was putting to his asshole or his nuts. Just as I was about to cum, I reached down and squeezed one of the nipple clamps, sending shards of pain through his chest and his ass clenched from it. I released my load inside him again and collapsed on top of his ravaged body. "Mmmm, that felt good. Nothin' better than a nice, tight hole to fuck first thing in the morning." I rose off his body and slipped out of his asshole, which was bleeding again. I untied his knees from his elbows and his balls from his big toes. When his legs were free, they just plopped down to the bed. I smiled and released the ropes tying his wrists to the bed from the bed's frame. He groaned in pain as I took the nipple clamps from his chest. I was expecting some reaction from him, but he just lay there, exhausted, I'm sure. Getting an inspiration, I turned him over. I took the ropes that were still on his wrists, and tied his arms behind his back by securing each rope to the opposite elbow. I saw the damage I had inflicted the night before and his ass region was heavily laden with angry red lines and some bruising. He'd recover. "I'm taking a shower. You can either lay here or join me; your choice." I wasn't worried about him running away, as the door was secured tightly and he couldn't reach the locks with his arms tied the way they were. And the ball gag in his mouth prevented him from using that also. I swatted his ass hard and went to the bathroom. "Ah," I gasped as the warm water struck my body. I sat down in the tub and just let the water run all over me. It had been a long time since I was able to enjoy this simple pleasure. Usually, I had to watch out for the rapes in the shower. As I lay there, I looked to my left and saw the outline of the boy against the shower curtain. I parted it and he was looking, pleadingly, at me. "You want in?" I asked him and he nodded. I opened the curtain further to allow my fuck toy inside. He cooed as I did when he stood under the jet stream of the water. I just watched him rinse his body off in the water. After a few minutes, he looked like he was trying to sit down, but was unsure of how to do it with his hands tied behind his back, so I helped him down. "If you won't yell or scream, I'll take that gag out of your mouth, kid. But if you do, it goes back in and I'll beat every single inch of your body till I get tired of it." He nodded that he understood and I removed the gag. I threw it out of the tub once it was off. He flexed his jaw a few times, getting used to the freedom from it. Then the sobbing came, and it took some time before it was over. I didn't care; I just let him cry it out. Once it was done, he turned back to look at me with puppy-dog eyes. "Why?" was all he asked. "Why am I doing this?" He nodded simply. "Simple. It's been a long fucking time since I had anything to fuck and I saw you. Your parents need the money, and I needed something tight to fuck, so a trade was made. "But now, I think it's time for you to learn to take a man's cock down your throat, kid," I said, looking at him. I could see the quarrel inside him. He didn't like the idea of my cock going into his mouth, but to piss me off was not a good idea. Resigning to the inevitable, kneeling, he turned around to face my direction. I smiled and pointed to my hardening cock. Taking a deep breath, he lowered his head to my crotch, but stopped; not knowing what to do next. "Use your tongue first to lick it like a lollipop," I instructed. He nodded and began doing as I told him. After several passes of his tongue, I told him to swallow the head and make his way downward. He regretfully nodded. As he couldn't use his hands, I reached down and pointed my cock skyward. He closed his eyes, opened his mouth and lowered it onto my cock's head. My blood-filled cock packed his mouth. I felt his teeth just behind the head and I slapped his face. "No teeth, or you leave here without them, kid," I told him. He gulped and nodded. He then moved closer to me by inching forward on his knees. With the closer position, he was able to get more of me inside his oral cavity. When the tip hit the back of his throat, he gagged, though. He tried a half-dozen times, gagging each time and getting more and more frustrated after each failure. I think he figured another punishment was coming if he didn't do it soon. "Oh, fuck it," I said and grabbed the back of his head by his wet, brown hair. Not giving a damn, I pulled his head down hard on my cock and shoving the first third of it down his gullet. It was tight, that was for sure. He tried to fight me by pulling his head back, but I wasn't letting go of his hair. He gagged, sputtered, and gasped as he tried to rid the foreign object spreading his throat muscles to the max. I pulled him off me to let him get some air, and then shoved his face back down on me hard again. I got almost half of my cock into him this time. Even though water was falling, I could tell he was crying from the oral rape. But, that was his problem, not mine. I tried to jam more of me inside him, but it couldn't happen right away, so I pulled out a little and force-fed it back again. Two more pumps and I let him catch his breath again. As I pulled it out, he choked in some air and cried fully. I let him have it for now, and when it slowed to a whimper, I pulled his head downward. He knew what was coming of course, and pulled in as much air as possible before my cock went into his mouth. Gagging again as it hit his reflex, I pushed passed it and made more of my rod invade his gullet. I repeated it again and again until I erupted. I pulled out just as the first load shot out of my dick. He took it full in the face. I stroked my cock to get all of my jizm out and all over his young face. When I opened my eyes again, he was looking up at me, pleadingly. "What?" I asked him. "Can you please not do that again?" he asked, sniveling. Angrily, I grabbed him by his hair and yanked his head back to force him to look fully into my eyes. He yelped in surprise. "I will do what I want and when I want with you, pussy. You're mine until Monday morning; that's two days from now. Got that?!" "Yes sir," he said, nodding as best as he could. His eyes also told me something; he was scared shitless. He was mine. "Good. Just for that, you're not gonna get any breakfast. And if you whine about that or anything else, you can kiss lunch good-bye also. Got it?" He nodded again. "Good. Now, clean yourself off." I finished the shower as he rinsed the cum off his face. I turned off the water and climbed out. He trailed along behind me. After drying myself off, I did the same to the kid. I grabbed the ball gag and headed back into the room with my toy shuffling along behind me. I saw the bed sheets; they were ruined and I would have to take them with me when I left the hotel. "Face down on the bed, kid," I told him. Grudgingly, he walked passed me and laid his body prone on the soiled sheets. I removed the nooses from his ankles and slipped them over his head to rest around his neck. Each one was tied to the sides of the headboard, tight, but not too tight. He still had plenty of space in his airway to breathe. The ball gag was reinserted in his mouth and tied to the back of his head. The string that was still around his nuts was retied to the footstool that was fit under the foot of the bed. I uncoiled some more of the string from the spool and tied his big toes together as they hung above his buttocks. I left two ends of that string hanging. One of them went to be tied to his arms that was tied across his back. The other was tied to the string holding his nuts prisoner. I sat down next to him after trussing him up and getting dressed to leave. "Here's the deal, kid. I'm heading to get something to eat and will be gone for a while. If you move around, the nooses tied to your neck will tighten and will not loosen at all. So, I suggest you lie as still as possible. I'd hate to come back to find a corpse." I put my shoes on and left the room. The cleaning lady was pushing her cart down the walkway as I was leaving. "Leave this room alone, please," I told her in Spanish, "Naked pussy inside." I gave her two twenties. She smiled and nodded and went on her way. At least I didn't lie about it.
I had a full breakfast at the same diner that I had met the pussy and his family. He wasn't there, but I didn't expect him to be. After something satisfying to eat, I left for a drive around the city of Phoenix. It was a nice day, that was for sure, and a great day to be free. I took in some sites and a movie as well. I got something for lunch and a to-go bag for the kid. He had to be starving to death, after nothing to eat since yesterday afternoon. I parked and got out of the car. I got a feeling that everything was fine and went to the door. Opened it, and the kid was just where I left him. I latched the door closed and sat the food down on the bed I slept in. I released the nooses around his neck and the string leading from his toes to his arms. The ropes tying his hands and arms behind his back were next to fall. I sat back down on 'my' bed as he sat up gently. His feet turned in for him to sit with the bottoms touching and the heels close to his crotch. He sat there, wondering what to do next. I smiled. "Go ahead and take the gag off," I told him. He reached back and undid the buckle. The gag was spit out and he lowered it into his lap with his hands. He looked at me, shyly, wondering about the next move. "No, you cannot untie your nuts or your toes. Now, have something to eat." I handed him the doggy bag and he ate ravenously. I flipped the channels on the tube while he ate. He belched as he finished and I laughed at him. He actually smiled back as he wiped his mouth off. I was now in the mood for more tail. His smile faltered as I got off the bed and moved to the stained one. "Undress me," I told him. Nervously, he reached over and unbuttoned my shirt. I kicked off my shoes and pulled my socks off with my toes while he was doing that. I leaned back to give him access to my belt and pant's fly. With further shaking hands, he loosened it up and I lifted my butt up for my pants to be lowered. I kicked them off my legs and onto the floor. I pulled myself up and onto the bed farther. I righted myself to lie down properly on the bed. He shyly turned to look at me. "Now, suck me, kid," I told him. Regretfully, he lowered his head to begin his job again. I smiled as he licked the stalk, making it grow to its full length. His smooth hands worked the base and I instructed him how to gently massage my hairy balls. I eased up into a sitting position and motioned for him to lie lengthwise between my legs. As his nuts were still being held prisoner by the string to his big toes, they were being pulled by his feet when he stretched them downward. "You know what to do now," I told him and he nodded. He didn't want to, I could tell, but he opened his mouth to vacuum me inside it. "Much better, kid, much better. You know, you're getting to be a real good cocksucker. I may have to tell your pussy of a father about you on Monday." He didn't stop. I think by now, he was used to me talking to him while he was either blowing me or I was fucking his brains out. My cock hit his gag reflex again, but he knew better than to stop and it slipped passed it with much less resistance. As all ten inches [25 cm] disappeared down his throat, I reached over to the nightstand and picked up the eight inch [20 cm] dildo and slicked it up with the lube. The thing was perfect for my needs as it had a handle on the end of it. Not interrupting what he was doing, I sat up into a kneeling position. The dildo was placed at the entrance to his backdoor and I waited. "I'm going to shove this inside you, kid. And if you scream or bite down, I will make you wish you'd never been born. Got it?" Nervously, he looked up at me with those puppy-dog eyes and nodded. I pushed forward, making more of my cock slide down his gullet and took aim. The head of the fake cock was put right up to his sphincter. With a quick jab forward, I impaled him on the head of it. He gagged and I looked down. His eyes were closed and tears were running down his cheeks, but not a word further escaped and nothing but his lips and throat were encasing my cock. "Impressive, kid," I told him. From there, I sat up and hovered over him, with my left hand in the small of his back, supporting my weight. With my right hand minding the dildo, I began working his asshole, until all eight inches [20 cm] were inside his ass. The whole time, he never forgot about sucking on my cock. "Now, this is going to fuck your ass until you make me cum, kid. The longer to take, the sorer your ass is going to get. I suggest you get busy." As I began to pull the rubber cock out of him, he reached his hand up to begin massaging my balls again. His head began picking up the pace also. I savagely thrust the cock back into his asshole, eliciting a groan from him, but nothing more. He knew better now. Within a few deliberate twisting pumps, I began really fucking the kid with all eight inches [20 cm]. His throat was doing a number on my own ten inches [25 cm] as well. Throughout the whole time, I didn't move an inch below my waist; I just let him do it all. The kid was getting good, that was for sure, but I didn't let myself cum for over an hour's time. By the time I felt it building up inside my loins, his ass was raw from the constant slamming of the rubber dick. Finally, though, I groaned and shot my full load down the kid's throat. He choked a little on it, but otherwise took it all. With one final, harsh thrust downward of the dildo, I was spent. Drenched in sweat, I rolled away and collapsed beside him. After a few deep breaths, I looked back to him. His body wracked under the throws of his weeping. I reached up and untied his toes and down to free his nuts. I then turned around to lie alongside him as he lamented. When it was over, he turned to face me. "What?" All he did was bury his head in my chest and start crying again. To say that I wasn't touched, I would be lying. I didn't know what to do about this, so I just put my arm around him and held him to me. When I thought he had cried it out of his system, I pulled away to look down at him in the eye. "You up for a shower?" I asked, smiling a little. He smiled back while wiping his eyes and nodded. I got up and headed in that direction. A second later told me he wasn't with me. I turned and looked; he was in the space between the beds, standing at the foot of them, looking at me and the door. I thought about racing to him, but stopped. I wanted to see what he would do. "Your choice, kid," I said, making him jump. It took him another second of thinking, but he turned and walked over to me. He stood before me, shyly, looking up at me, covering his loins. We walked into the bathroom and stepped into the shower together after the water was warm enough again. This time, he took a proper shower with me watching from my sitting position. Minus the lines and bruises I had given him, he really did have a cute body. When he was finished, I pulled him towards me to lie on top of me. "Why does it feel good?" he suddenly asked. "Why does what feel good?" "When you put your 3; thing 3; in me; why does it feel good?" he asked again, sitting up to look me square in the eye. I took a deep breath and answered. "Well, it just feels good when you fuck someone. Having something warm and wet wrapped around your cock feels good; like nothing else." "Oh," was all he said. Without any prompting from me, he slid down and began sucking on my cock again. He didn't lick it, he just pointed it at his mouth and inhaled it. I was a little astonished, but not completely. It happens in prison; guys get used to it all eventually. I was out before that happened to me, thankfully. Anyway, he sucked me to full erection in no time. I had thought I was done for the night, but when he went to work on me, things changed. When my cock was sticking straight up, he pulled his mouth off me and turned around in the tub. He knelt down and sat on his legs. He lowered his body to lay his torso on his thighs while he reached back to pull his asscheeks apart. "Stick your 3; thing in me 3; if you want," he said quietly to the tub's surface. I smiled. "Not here," I said, sliding a finger in and out of his offering. We toweled off quickly and headed back into the bedroom. I was the one to take the bed first, this time. I rolled over to lie on my back. He sat next to me and took my cock in his hands again and licked me back to full staff. Once there, I nodded to him. He began straddling me, facing towards me, but I turned him around to face towards the TV. "Ride it, kid," I told him and he nodded; getting the picture. He reached down and pointed the pole he just stiffened at his pussy-hole. As it touched him, he took a deep breath, anticipating the next move. This time, I let him move at his own speed. The head began splitting his barrier again and he hissed at the painful intrusion. After all, I had just pummeled his ass with the dildo so badly, that he was probably sorer than he had ever been in his life. "Bear down like you gotta shit," I suggested and he nodded again. I saw his butt move as his stomach muscles tightened. His asshole loosened up considerably and my cock slid in much easier. Without any prompting from me again, he made sure he was all the way down to my hairy groin in only two strokes. He waited for a minute to get used to it all again. I raised my legs up to be bent at the knees, placing him between them. He used my legs and knees as something to hold on to as he rode my cock. Slowly, he pushed up with his hands on my knees and his own knees helping. He was all the way to the phallus of the cock and began his descent. Soon enough, he built up a steady rhythm of riding my shaft. I looked down between his legs and saw his own cock begin to grow. Now that shocked me, but it would wait till later. It felt great letting him do all the work now while I just reaped the benefits. I took a lot longer to cum this time, due to all the fucking I had been doing over the past twenty-four hours. It took over an hour later of him tirelessly fucking himself on my cock before I exploded. We had to stop twice for me to lube his ass before we could continue to completion. Once I came, he flopped down onto the bed between my legs, exhausted and sore as hell. I told him to lie back on my chest and stomach. When he did, his little dick lay pointing straight up, towards his chest. I wasn't planning on doing this, but the kid deserved it, after all. I lubed up my hands and reached down to stroke his stiffy. He began groaning, in pleasure, this time, as soon as I started. I pinched his nipples a couple of times, stimulating different areas of his body simultaneously. As he built towards his climax, I could tell he was getting scared, but didn't want to stop me, from fear of retribution. Unable to stop the inevitable, he reared his head, arched his back, and came tremendously. He eased down from it and back down on my torso. "How'd that feel, kid?" I asked him once he was coherent enough. "That felt great!" was his exclamation. I chuckled. "Now you know why I want to fuck you so badly," I said and he nodded. I moved out from under him and got the ropes. As soon as I sat back down he turned and looked at me. "You don't have to; I'm not going to leave," he said, a little afraid of what I would do at the suggestion. "I know," was all I told him. I cut a length of rope from the remainder of hemp rope and tied the ends together. I looped it around on itself a couple of times to make a triple-thick circle. I put two nooses in the middle of it and slipped his wrists through the loops that the nooses had made. I cinched them tight, capturing his wrists. I tied the free ends to the posts of the bed's headboard. He was flipped over to lie on his stomach and I replaced the ball gag. I didn't need to do that, as I knew he wouldn't scream or shout, but I just wanted to. From there, I pulled his legs downward hard until the ropes on his wrists were tight. His legs were spread out and the nooses replaced, stretching him taut enough to be in some discomfort all night. The rug beater was applied to his ass a couple of times, getting him to bellow a little before I turned in for the night. I smiled to myself as I listened to him groan some while falling asleep.
The next morning, I woke with a straining hard-on. As this was going to be my final day with the kid, I was going to make the best of it. Some lube and quickly acquiring a position between his legs, I fed my full length to his reddened asshole. He was awake the moment the head of the cock passed his sphincter barrier. Once I was fully inside him, I laid down and took the ball gag out of his mouth. "'morning, kid," I said. He nodded back. I pulled out and pushed back inside him, not hard but also not as soft as I could have. He groaned lightly as I resubmitted my cock to his entrails. Two more gliding strokes and he said something under me that I didn't catch. I asked him to repeat it. "Harder 3; ?" I reared back in shock. "You want it harder, kid?" I asked, stunned like hell. He nodded softly and meekly. "Well, okay 3;" I pulled back out and slammed it home as hard as I could. He hissed, but he didn't plead or ask to stop it. I looked up to see his hands clench into fists, but I gave him what he asked for. I slammed into him again and again as hard as possible. When I looked down to see his face, tears were streaming down it again, but he still didn't plead or beg for me to stop my onslaught. I tore into him as brutally as I could, without remorse until I shot my cum inside his young ass for the umpteenth time. Something surprising happened when I did; he came as well. His body shook and he groaned in the unmistakable signs of someone going through an orgasm. While my cock was still inside his ass, I looked down at him. "You're starting to enjoy getting fucked, aren't you?" I asked. He shrugged, not knowing just how to answer that one. I had seen it a couple of times in prison, also. Guys get raped at the beginning and don't know how to handle the brutality of having a guys shove their cocks up their asses. At the beginning, they hate it, but soon enough, they get to like the feeling of it all. Eventually, they begin to beg for someone to do it to them. I was just shocked that it happened to the kid, here. I ran my hands down his side, stopping momentarily to tickle his underarms. He giggled and I rolled off him. I untied him and we hit the showers again. This time, as I was standing, letting the water rinse the soap from my body, I felt his mouth lick my weakened cock to life. I opened my eyes to see him smiling up at me with those puppy-dog eyes of his. I smiled back at him and let him do his work on me. Soon enough, his whole mouth engulfed my stiffened rod and I felt him push hard adequately to get the head down his throat. With another breath, he sank his mouth down the rest of it until his nose was buried in my wet pubes. I reached down and pulled on his thick head of hair while he glided his throat along my length. I ran my hand down his back and slipped a finger inside his asshole. After hooking my finger inside him, I pulled upward. He groaned under me, but otherwise made no other indication I was doing anything to him. After a few times of this, he pulled his mouth off my cock and looked up at me again, looking like he wanted to ask me something. "What is it?" "Can you get that thing you put in me and do it again?" At first, I didn't know what he meant, then it dawned on me. The dildo. I had an inspiration. "Can I trust you to go get it and bring it here?" He nodded. "You know what would happen if you run, don't you?" Another nod. So, I motioned for him to go get it. He got out and I heard him leave the room with wet feet. A second or two later, he walked back inside, carrying the fake cock like it was a talisman or something. I motioned for him to resume his previous position and he stepped in the shower to do so. But then another idea hit me and I stopped him as he was about to engulf my cock. "Turn around," I simply said. He looked at me, questioningly, but did as he was told. I pushed him down to his knees and I sank down right after him. I put my knees inside his legs. Then I lined my cock up to his backdoor again, and shoved it inside as hard as I could. He hissed and groaned again, but didn't do anything to stop me. I took the dildo from him and put the tip of it to his lips. "Open," was all I said. He got the idea and opened his mouth. I shoved the dildo down his gullet in one move. He choked and sort of hitched his chest as it entered him, but then accepted it. I leaned down to him to whisper in his ear. "Make me cum like you did last time, and I will take this out of your mouth, kid." He nodded and clenched his buttcheeks closed fairly tight. It felt good. With one hand, I reached under him to wrap my arm across his stomach. The other began to move the dildo back and forth along his throat muscles. He began moving his body in time with the action from the dildo and it slid his ass all along my cock's girth. The effect was divine. The kid did his best to take me over the edge, but having just came out in the room, it was going to be a while before it happened again. But he was into it for the long haul, having no other option. Just to be a nice guy and help the kid out, I began moving my hips in time with him. Still with all that work from both of us, it took a while before I spent my balls' juices into him again. I reached down his body and felt his cock and it was hard as well. Well, the kid did deserve something in payment for his hard work, so I stroked his little plaything. It didn't take but a few strokes and he clenched his body tight and groaned through a climax of his own. Even through those few strokes, he was still trying to glide his butt along my weakened cock to help it out. "I think it's time we finished this shower for real and get something to eat." He nodded and we did just that. As he had a few slap marks and a few bruises that would be easily seen, he had to stay in the room. I tied him up into a hogtie with his nuts tied to his big toes again and left him sucking on the smaller dildo.
I got some brunch, as it was too late for breakfast, and headed back to the room. Just as I arrived, so was the cleaning lady again. She smiled and nodded as I gave her another forty dollars. I entered to see him face down on the bed, humping it to try and get himself off. As he was humping, the string that was tied to his nuts pulled them upward, to cause some pain to them, but it didn't stop anything. I sat and watched from the other bed after locking the room closed again. It was very entertaining to watch him work. Although I enjoyed just watching, I wanted a little piece of the action. I grabbed the rug beater and brought it down hard across his right buttcheek. He groaned, but continued what he was doing. I hit him again with it, but he kept right on humping the bed. I did a total of ten hits to his right side before moving to his left and administering the same amount to that side. As the tenth one hit, he shuddered and brought himself off. I smiled and untied him from his hogtie. I gave him the food I got for him and he ate ravenously again. I knew that I had only a few more hours of useful time with the kid, so I had to make it count. While he ate his food, I made preparations for his final hours with me. And they were not going to be fun; for him that is. I reached up and took the light that was mounted to the ceiling down. It was one of those that was mounted flush against the surface. I took the wires and just put some electrical tape over the ends to keep them from touching either each other or the support bar which was metal. I took one of the nooses and tied it loosely to the bar in the ceiling. The looped rope was put through the noose and I motioned for him to come to me. He finished his meal and willingly walked over to me where I had put the stepstool under the ropes. After stepping up on the stool, I put the blindfold and ball gag on him. Next, I put his hands through the two loops made by the noose and pulled the noose tight, securing his wrists in the rope. I reached up and pulled the rope down on the other side of the bar, pulling his arms upward over him with his head on top of his arms. I made sure that his ass was at the proper height for fucking and I tied off the rope to the ceiling. He was on his toes on the stool at this time, but I took it out from under him after that, effectively hanging him by his wrists. I took each ankle and tied them to the wheels under each bed. The bar normally used for hanging clothes was tied to each ankle as well, making sure he couldn't pull either bed towards him. I rubbed each nipple and applied the clamps to each one, eliciting a loud groan apiece. His dick was actually sticking straight out in anticipation. It deflated somewhat when I lashed his chest with the flogger. He groaned and I hit him again with it. As I got to ten lashes, he was crying again. Twenty made him scream. I moved the flogger up and down his chest, abdomen, and groin. His whole front was riddled with horizontal red lines, but I didn't stop. Ten more lashes to his front and I stopped. I moved around behind him and began again with his back and butt. After another thirty, I stopped with the flogger, but moved to the rug beater again for twenty across his butt and legs. The last one with that struck his bare groin, sending a renewed, muffled scream into the room. The bottle of alcohol was retrieved from the bathroom and foregoing the washrag, I just poured it down his body without it. He jerked and twisted and screamed the whole time the liquid assaulted his sensitive skin. I recapped the alcohol and lined up behind him. With every ounce of viciousness I could muster, I speared his young ass again. I wrapped my arms around his middle and squeezed the clamps on each of his nipples in turn with one hand while holding him in place with the other. I laid into his tender ass as hard as possible for the next half hour or so and flushed his innards with my jizm. I rested for a while and then took another turn with him. The flogger and beater were used again, putting more marks all over his youthful flesh. Another hour-long shagging and I was spent. Knowing I was leaving in the morning, I needed this time to wipe the room down and change the sheets. I didn't need to leave any evidence behind.
I got some supper and headed back to the room. He was groaning as I entered, but I didn't really care. Another severe whipping later and I fucked his ass one final time. Before nodding off, I got an inspiration. I took a plastic coat hanger and fit the hooked side into his asshole. Next, some rope was tied to the strap of the ball gag and then strung down to the end of the hanger. I used a trucker's hitch and pulled until he squirmed at the pain from abusing his asshole again. I tied off the hitch and hit the sack.
The next morning, I slapped his chest hard a couple of times with the beater then put a hundred dollar bill under each of the nipple clamps. I laid a note on the dresser that read "I KNEW YOU WOULD FUCK ME AS BAD AS I FUCKED THE KID." I dressed and said good-bye to the kid. I put my toys into my bag and left the room with the soiled sheets. After throwing everything into the car, I left the hotel, but not the city. I drove around the block and parked the car in a parking lot of a grocery store. I moseyed back to the grassy area on the other side of the hotel and waited. I didn't have long to wait. The kid's pussy of a father showed up around eight o'clock with a small contingent of policemen. He knocked on the door, but didn't go inside. Finally, one of the cops kicked the door in and they rushed the room. "OH MY GOD!" was the cry from the father as he viewed his son being strung from floor to ceiling. I smiled as I knew he was going to betray me. Knowing that they would never see me through the grass, I eased myself away and headed back to the car. I got on the highway and finished my journey to California. The incident didn't make the news, which didn't surprise me in the least. There are days that I think back on the kid and how he's doing, but pretty much, I just remember the fun of the weekend and smile to myself. The End |