PZA Boy Stories

Bill aka Storyguy

Balkan Boy


In the 17th century, a sensitive 12-year-old peasant boy discovers the pleasures of sex with an old farmer for whom he does chores... and then seduces his own father.
Publ. 2002 (Nifty & ASSGM); this site Feb 2009
Finished 10,000 words (20 pages)


Luka (12yo)

Category & Story codes

Consensual Man-Boy story
Mbcons oral anal


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

This is a spin-off of a story titled The Sultan's Favorite Boy , which you can also read in this archive. Like Sultan, this story takes place 400 years ago in the Balkan area of Southeastern Europe, a time when the region was part of the powerful Ottoman Empire ruled by the Muslim Turks. For several centuries, the Sultan's troops came through the Christian areas of the Balkans every 5 years or so and collected a most unusual tax 3; a tax paid with Christian boys, aged 9 through 14. History tells us that 20% of the boys of the Balkans were taken away in this manner for lifetime service in an elite unit of the Ottoman Army called the Janissaries.

The main character in this story was named Lech in Sultan (but changed almost as soon as we met him to the Arabic 'Latif'). I've since learned that Lech is not a Balkan name, so I changed it to the more authentic 'Luka'.

Please note that this first episode describes a sexual relationship between a young boy and an old man, as well as an episode of father/son incest. If that doesn't appeal, skip this one and stay tuned for Part 2. Later parts will feature Luka's relationships with a variety of boys, teens, and young men.

Like it? Write to me at bil47_new(at)yahoo.com or use this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line.


Part 1

Luka was different from other boys in the valley. The Slavic peasants in these Bosnian mountains expected physical toughness and hearty comradeship in their youth, but Luka was gentle, quiet, and sensitive. Though not especially handsome, he possessed a delicate cuteness that some (mostly women) found appealing. Among the boys in this part of the valley, Luka had often been teased about being a 'sissy-boy'.

Now, at age 12, Luka was at the threshold of the transformation from boy to adolescent. In recent months he had shot up several inches in height, but his body was as slender, smooth, and pale as an aspen tree 3; his chest and hips as narrow as his taut waist. Though not yet pubescent, his penis had grown over this period from a childish little nub to a handsome finger of hooded flesh 3; one that rose up a dozen times a day to a plump 3-inch [7½ cm] erection. The balls that hung below it now dangled lower, two orbs the size of robin's eggs. But other than the straight blond hair on his head – trimmed in a bowl-cut that covered his ears and forehead – not a hair had yet sprouted on his scrawny body. And though still mostly naive and innocent, Luka's thoughts were increasingly invaded by ill-defined feelngs of sexual desire.

The old people of the village said that Luka took after his papa, Milos. The father was only 28 years old, having married in his teens – like so many in the valley – when his courting had resulted in pregnancy. And he was gentle and loving, still not hardened by the difficulties of life. Luka certainly didn't take after his mother, a sturdy and blunt-spoken peasant woman who dominated her hen-pecked husband. In a way, his mother and father had reversed the normal parental roles. His mother was often gruff and scornful of Luka's softness, while Papa was the one who would always give him a tender hug 3; always the one to wipe his tears when bullying brought him home crying 3; the one who made a nightly ritual of kissing the boy's eyelids before he drifted off to sleep.

Luka was the oldest child in the family, with a brood of younger brothers and sisters that had grown to four by the time Luka reached the age of 12. Like most in the valley, the family was poor 3; living on what grew in their small garden plot; and the berries, nuts, and wild plants that they all gathered; and whatever small game they could bring in by setting traps and snares. So when an old farmer by the name of Nikola asked if the lad would like a paying job tending dairy cows for a few hours each day, the boy's parents accepted enthusiastically. The salary was not money, which wasn't generally used in the valley's primitive economy, but rather a portion of the milk, which the boy would take home to his family.

People in the valley called Nikola 'the old hermit' because he had no family and usually kept to himself on his small farm a mile [1½ km] outside the village. He was a life-long bachelor who was now more than 50 years old 3; nearing the end of a man's life-span in this place and time. He walked with the aid of a cane, and every one of his teeth had fallen out or been yanked when they decayed. And as he had grown older, the rheumatism in his hands had made it increasingly difficult to milk his cows, so he had depended on a helper hired from among the village youths.

Luka found him to be a kind and patient man, always ready with a word of praise or pat on the shoulder when the job was done well. The old man had four dairy cows – a sign of relative affluence in the valley. The milk (which Luka delivered fresh to the village's only little store), and the calves that were born each year, gave Nikola good barter for everything he needed and even some money for a few indulgences besides. Nikola's 22-year-old nephew helped the old man, coming by every two weeks or so to attend to heavy tasks and repairs. But the nephew had his own farm 12 miles [19 km] down-valley 3; and a growing family.

Luka quickly learned to care for the cows 3; milking, feeding, cleaning dirty straw from the barn, sometimes churning butter. He loved the sensual feel of milking 3; squeezing and pulling the stiff tubes of warm flesh in his hands, feeling the udders pulse as they squirted fluid into a bucket. This activity sometimes made his boyish penis stand up hard, giving him a special feeling of warm comfort. But then, Luka's cock went stiff frequently, often for no reason whatsoever. The boy didn't know it, but Nikola's eyes often strayed to Luka's crotch, intently curious to see if his pants were being pushed out by an erection.

There was a calf in the barn who wasn't quite old enough to be sold, and as Luka sat milking each morning and afternoon, he would often watch it suckling greedily at its mother's teat. A thought entered the boy's head 3; one that sprang from innocent curiosity and as the exciting urge emanating from his stiff penis. He opened his pants, freed his cock, and stood facing the calf. To the calf's eye, the rigid penis looked just like an inverted udder.

"Here boy 3; suck it," Luka said with a giggle. "I know you want to 3;"

Several months before, a 14-year-old named Radovan – a brutish youth from a neighboring village – had accosted Luka in the meadow while the younger boy was picking flowers. Dropping his trousers to reveal a stiff 5-inch [12½ cm] cock, Radovan had said "lick it sissy-boy 3; suck my cock 3; you know you want it." At first Luka had stared in fascination at the adolescent phallus, pulsing erect in front of his face. But then he became fearful 3; he jumped up and ran home, in embarrassment. Part of him wished he had stayed, and ever since, his mind often returned to the strangely compelling act that Radovan had demanded. What would it have been like to take a stiff penis into his mouth? What was it like to have someone suck yours? The erotic images had often gnawed at his brain when he fondled his cock as he drifted off to sleep at night.

He walked over to the young calf and proffered his stiff 3-inch [7½ cm] boner. The calf's big tongue slurped it in, and Luka felt a strong surge of pleasure. Then his fat little cock was totally enveloped in the calf's sucking mouth, and it felt unbelievably good! The warm, wet mouth.. the rough tongue 3; the incredible suction. But almost immediately Luka felt the sensation become TOO intense 3; almost painfully so. He pushed the calf's face away and his stubby penis escaped with a wet "pop". A shudder ran through his body, while his heart pounded. It had been an exciting thrill, but one he did not plan to repeat. As he was pulling up his pants, the boy was startled to see Nikola standing at the barn door, staring at him. Luka blushed deeply and started to stammer out an explanation. But the old man shushed him, smiled, winked, and then walked off.

Later that day, Luka was finishing up the afternoon milking when Nikola asked him: "Boy 3; can you handle an ax?"

"I think so, sir; though my father has always done the chopping in our house."

"My nephew won't be coming around for a few more days, and I am out of wood for my cooking fire. Chop me up enough to last and I'll give you a special treat."

Luka set about chopping. He'd done it a few times at home, when his father went farther up the valley to trap game and stayed away overnight. In a half-hour's time, he had several days worth of well-split wood piled just outside the farmhouse door.

"Well done lad! Here's your treat." The man opened a small cloth sack that contained a few lumps of sugar candy, the size of hickory nuts. In the year 1616, sugar from the New World was an expensive delicacy. Luka had never tasted the magical sweetness before, though he had heard tales about it. As he sucked on the candy, it tasted even better than he had ever imagined.

"Thank you, sir! Oh, thank you!" exclaimed the boy as he rolled the nugget on his tongue. "Anytime you want me to do an extra job, just let me know. I'll do ANYTHING for another piece of the candy!"

The old man smiled. "Maybe tomorrow, lad."


In the morning, as he set the two buckets of milk down just outside the man's one-room farmhouse, Luka peered in through the door and said hopefully "All done! Do you have any extra jobs for me?"

"Come in, boy, and let's talk," said the old hermit. "Sit down. You know, of course, that you're not the first boy I've hired to do this job." Luka nodded. "Well, some of my helpers have done a certain job for me to earn a piece of the sugar candy 3; No; not really a job. More like a special game. One that some boys enjoy, but others do not care for. I think you may have the right inclination for this game, but there are certain conditions 3;"

The man got the sack of candy from the cupboard and set it on the table. Luka's mouth immediately began to water.

"I will do it, sir 3; no matter what it is!" Luka blurted out.

"Not so fast, boy. As I was saying, there are conditions. The first is that you are free to stop the game at any time, and I will bear no ill feelings if that is your choice. You'll still have your milking job and I'll admire you none the less. Do you understand?"

Luka nodded his head as his mind churned in an effort to guess what this game might be.

"And the other condition is that this must always be a secret between the two of us. Can you keep a secret?"

"Yes sir! I swear it!"

"Very well, lad. In the first part of the game, I will remove your clothes and you will stand with your hands by your sides while I touch your body 3; including the private parts. Alright?"

"Sir?" said the boy, with a puzzled look on his face.

"If you don't want to play the game 3;" The man reached to take away the bag.

"Oh, it's not that! I still want to! But isn't that a child's game? I guess it surprised me that an old person would play it too." Luka thought back to the times a few years ago when he and a girl playmate had secretly gotten naked and touched each other.

"Oh, you'd be surprised what games old people enjoy 3; but they keep such things a secret. Remember?" He removed a nugget of candy and set it beside the sack.

Luka could almost taste its sweetness. "Yes sir 3; a secret. I'll tell nobody."

The man smiled toothlessly and slipped the crudely-woven linen shirt over Luka's head and studied him for a minute. The boy's chest was skinny and boyish 3; his shoulders boney and delicate-looking. Nikola ran his hands over Luka's torso, sighing at the baby-smoothness of the skin, feeling the almost-invisible nipples rising to tiny buds beneath his fingertips. Then his fingers went to the rope that held up the boy's pants. When the knot was untied, the rope and loose pants fell to the floor in a heap. As Luka stepped out of them, he was completely naked. He never wore an undergarment (though he wore two pairs of pants when the winter weather was bitter). Standing nude before Nikola, he willed himself not to cover his genitals, and he could almost feel the man's eyes scanning his body. Despite his embarrassment – or perhaps because of it – Luka's penis immediately began to pulse upward in an arc, quickly pointing straight up in rigid erection. The foreskin was stretched taut, with the piss-slit barely peaking out. The sight seemed to delight the old man.

Nikola's boney fingers toyed with the pre-adolescent boner and fondled the balls that hung in a dangling sack of the softest skin.

"You are a handsome lad 3; VERY handsome! And your young cock 3; it's 3; wonderful 3;" The last word was like a rapturous sigh as the old man's fingertips lightly brushed up and down along the shaft 3; then pressed more firmly to slide the boy's foreskin languidly back and forth over the purple cock-head. Luka shuddered with pleasure. The sensation was far more intense than the feelings his own inexperienced fingers generated, and he closed his eyes as pleasure washed over him. Luka didn't even notice when the man knelt down in front of him, but his eyes popped open with a start when the man's fingers were replaced by his lips.

"Oh! 3; Oh my! 3; Oh, YES!" he moaned, as his cock glided through Nikola's wet lips and between his soft slippery gums, where it was artfully teased by the old man's flicking tongue. The boy had no way of knowing that a blow job administered by a toothless man produced a significantly higher level of sensory ecstacy than could be accomplished by a man or boy who needed to shield his teeth. All he knew was that this was the most exciting feeling he had ever experienced 3; and far more erotic than the brief encounter with the calf. He was made breathless by these utterly incredible sensations. His eyes closed again, and a shudder ran through his body. As his hands came to Nikola's head, Luka's hips automatically pushed forward against the man's face. Following the inner demands of his body's craving, Luka began fucking his boyish cock rhythmically between the fleshy warm gums, moaning with pleasure.

The old man was moaning too 3; glorying in the sensation of a plump, stiff boy-cock in his mouth. Oh God; it was so good! This was the height of eroticism for him. An exquisite boyish penis, barely longer than a finger, incredibly stiff 3; and the lad's totally hairless crotch 3; and the pleasure-noises echoing in his ears. Nikola held his mouth still as the boy thrust with his hips. The man was in heaven. It had been too long since he'd last sucked a boy 3; The last two helpers hadn't been interested in playing the 'game' with a wrinkled old man. But now he had little Luka. Beautiful, delicate, innocent 3; but seemingly eager for the sexual pleasure that the old man so much enjoyed giving.

How this lad reminded him of Josip! Ah, his dearest Josip 3; the only true love of his long life. Nikola had been a 25-year-old bachelor farmer when he had taken in the 13-year-old orphan boy. Rumors (all of them essentially true) had spread through the village about sodomite goings-on between the two. But he and the boy were truly in love 3; sharing every carnal pleasure as equals rather than man and catamite. Josip was his life-partner, and he had refused to feel shame for the way that he and Josip lived. But then the sultan's tax collectors had come 3; only 8 months after he had found happiness in his lover's arms. And for the next 25 years he had searched unsuccessfully for another to take Josip's place in his heart and his bed. And now this boy 3; No doubt Luka be taken away too, when the soldiers came around next year to again collect the boy-tax.

Nikola jerked his mind back to the present, where his tongue and lips and mouth had continued to stimulate the boy, independent of his wandering thoughts 3;. His own cock was stirring in his britches, though it was far from erect. His penis, which in his younger years had been so quick to harden, was now a sleepy snake that needed extra motivation to 'make the horn'. He unfastened his trousers and began to stroke.

When Nikola had masturbated his penis to a reasonable semblance of erection, he popped his mouth off the boy's spit-slick cock and stood up.

"Oh, Mr. Nikola! That was 3; it was so 3;" He was at a loss for words, but a big smile spread across his face as his hand came down to touch his glistening 3-inch [7½ cm] boner, and his whole body glowing with pleasure.

"That was only a start, boy. In a while I'll take you the rest of the way. Tell me 3; have you ever made yourself cum?" A blank look on the boy's face caused Nikola to add: "You know 3; the extraordinary tickle of pleasure that spreads from your cock when you jack it with your hand?" Luka thought for a moment and shook his head from side to side. "Well then, when I take you over the top, you'll have a thrill like you've never dreamed of before. But first I want you to take a turn with your mouth on my horn, and earn that piece of candy. Would you do that for me, boy?"

Luka nodded his agreement. The excitement had made his voice catch in his throat. Nikola pushed his pants the rest of the way down his legs, stepped out of them, and tucked the bottom of his shirt up under itself to fully expose his crotch. His cock was only half-stiff and starting to droop, but it was still manly in appearance. The man jerked himself firm again, in brisk strokes, as he gazed at the naked boy.

Luka knelt down at the man's feet and brought his face slowly toward the well-shaped cock that stuck straight out. A nest of soft grey hair decorated the base. Nikola took the penis between his fingers, pulled the skin all the way back, and inclined the exposed cock-head up to Luka's mouth.

Luka took a deep breath. This was so like the time with the 14-year-old Radovan 3; yet so different! All the nights he had tried to conjure in his mind the feeling of a stiff penis in his mouth, and now he would find out. As the boy let the soft warm flesh slide through his lips, any uncertainty totally disappeared. A shiver of pleasure ran through his body. Yes! He liked it. He liked it a LOT! Luka began to use his tongue in an approximation of the way Nikola had pleasured him only minutes before. At the man's direction, the boy circled his thumb and forefinger tightly at the base of the shaft, causing the penis to pump up to a full erection as Luka sucked vigorously on the top 2 inches [5 cm]. The fat cock filled the boy's mouth as his lips worked up and down the shaft, and the old man moaned with satisfaction.

"Oh yes, boy 3; like that 3; that's good! Uhh; oh, yes! Suck hard on it as you lick 3; Ohhhh, God! 3; Yes!"

Luka had been nearly clueless when he began sucking, but he seemed to have an innate knack for cocksucking, and his skill-level doubled and re-doubled by the minute. He LOVED it 3; he loved having a man's cock in his mouth almost as much as he had enjoyed having his own penis sucked. He inhaled deeply. Old Nikola had bathed that morning in preparation for the encounter, (a most infrequent ritual in the boy's own household)and Luka loved the soapy scent mixing with a hint of masculine musk. Sealing his lips tightly below the flared cock-head, his tongue danced wildly around the sensitive flesh.

As the boy's head resumed bobbing and twisting on the old man's erection, Nikola was increasingly amazed at Luka's technique and enthusiasm and stamina. But after 10 minutes, it was clear that the boy was tiring. Alas, it took more that this to bring the old man to orgasm. And anyway, Nikola was eager to have Luka's beautiful little cock back in his mouth.

"Rise up boy," he said, pulling him under his arms. "My God, but you do that well! Now it's my turn to suck you again."

Luka breamed with pride as he rose to his feet 3; and all the more so when he looked into the man's loving eyes.

"You like sucking a cock," said Nikola gently, and with true empathy. It was a statement of fact, rather than a question.

A blush colored Luka's cheeks, but his grin provided the affirmation. The boy's erection had not subsided even a little, and when Nikola wrapped his lips around it, the old man went to work in earnest. He wanted the boy's orgasm – his first ever – to be truly memorable. Fondling Luka's small ball-sack with one hand, and stroking his baby-smooth ass and slender thigh with the other, Nikola used all the oral skills he had acquired in almost 40 years of cocksucking. And then his hand went back to his own penis, still lubricated by the boy's spit, and he began to masturbate himself in gloriously pleasurable strokes.

Again his thoughts drifted back in time, through memories of other sexual experiences during his long life 3; the erotic explorations of his youth 3; the glorious nights with Josip. He had been discrete in his activities here in the village after Josip had been taken by the Janissaries. He partnered with the occasional boy whose attentions (and silence) he purchased 3; just as he was doing now. But he had only let himself be truly free in expressing his lustful desires on the occasions when he trekked 15 miles [24 km] down to the valley's mouth – to a rowdy tavern in the bustling crossroads town. He was known to the regulars at the place 3; They knew him as the cocksucking sodomite who would expertly service any man in the place. Whenever he arrived, after hiking hours from his home, the word quietly spread among the mix of regulars and anonymous travelers, as Nikola stood drinking a beer and surveying the faces that stared over at him. When he'd drained his beer, he'd head to the area out back of the tavern where a path had been worn by men going into the shrubs and trees to piss out their beer. For the rest of the night he would spend most his time on his knees in the shadows, sucking one man after another, and sometimes taking a cock up his ass. On cold winter nights, he'd pay for a room upstairs from the tavern, and a line of boisterous men would form in the hall. None had ever offered to reciprocate sexually, and he hadn't expected it. When he took a break from sucking, though, someone would always buy him a beer, which served to dilute the accumulated loads of semen sloshing in his belly. So many years 3; so many cocks 3; so many men who only wanted to shoot their cum and then get back to the tavern. How many had he sucked that one night 3; back 10 years ago? Had he really given 37 blowjobs in one night? When the last of his teeth had come out, he found that he could make even the drunkest man cum almost at will, and his submissive promiscuity had flowered.

Such reminiscence was pleasant, but Nikola's attention kept being pulled into the pleasures of the present. The youngster was already well-primed, and it didn't take much oral fucking between the old man's gums (enhanced by his talented tongue and lips) before Luka's legs were trembling and his high-pitched moans of youthful lust became virtual shouts. Someone standing outside the isolated farmhouse would swear that a boy was being tortured within, from the tone of his voice. But the sound was like the voices of angels to old Nikola's ears as his mouth glided along the warm stiff flesh that glided along his tongue.

"Oh 3; oh 3; AHH! 3; yes 3; oh 3; I can't 3; I can't bear it! 3; It's so 3; oh 3; yes 3; I'm gonna 3; uh, uh, uh 3; OH! 3; YES!! 3; AHHHH!!!

The orgasmic blast to Luka's nervous system almost made his knees collapse, and he held on tight to the back of Nikola's head. Then he staggered back a few feet, his boner popping from the old man's sucking mouth, and he bumped against the wall behind him. Nikola stayed on his knees and kept pumping at his stiff penis, his eyes fixed on the boy's body and the glistening dark-red penis. Luka now stared back, never having watched the culmination of masturbation before. The man's hand went faster and faster 3; his breathing grew ragged 3; and his face scrunched with pleasure.

"Here it comes boy 3; It's gonna shoot! Watch!"

And a spurt of thick white cum shot up two inches [5 cm], followed by a generous flow of white gunk that pooled on the man's hand. It was his first orgasm in over a week, and old age had not dimmed its appeal.

"That's man juice, lad. 'Seed' they sometimes call it. I'll wager you'll be shooting it from your own cock before too long 3; Now get yourself that piece of candy. You certainly deserve it!"

They both dressed in silence as the boy's mouth smacked on the treat he was eating. As Nikola put the rest of the candy back in the cupboard, it was Luka who spoke first.

"When shall we play the game again, sir?" he asked eagerly.

Nikola chuckled. "Ah, you young ones. You're probably ready for another go right now, aren't you?" Luka looked a bit embarrassed, but didn't answer. "Well, that's alright. A boy can climax half a dozen times a day and not be sated. But I'm an old man and my cock needs to rest up a good long while before it's truly ready again. About a week, I find 3; So here's my proposal: You should know that I mightily enjoy having your young cock in my mouth, and I'll give you a suck anytime you ask, but I'll pay with a candy only when I want you to suck me in return. Understood?" Luka nodded. "And I'm totally serious about taking your handsome prick in my mouth, lad 3; anytime you ask. Just say 'I need it.' I'll know what you're talking about and get on my knees for you."

"Mr. Nikola?" said Luka after a long pause.

"Yes, boy?"

"I, uh 3; Mr. Nikola, I need it." The sheepish grin warmed the old man's heart, and he dropped to his knees and began untying the rope that held the boy's pants up 3;

In the days that followed, Luka repeatedly availed himself of the old man's offer. His new-found sexuality burst into full bloom as he asked for blow jobs at least twice a day. Sometimes it was 20 minutes of drawn-out oral stimulation, sometimes just a quickie, but always intensely erotic. He also experimented when he was alone, discovering the best ways of using his own hands to draw forth the thrill of orgasm.

While he enjoyed enormously being sucked to the peak of sexual climax, Luka was impatient to again have a cock in his mouth. Sometimes he fantasized about fellating the old man, but more often his mind conjured up images of Radovan and other older boys of the village and surrounding area. And then there were the persistent thoughts about his own father! He knew that such thoughts were taboo, but he could not keep his brain from composing intensely erotic scenarios of himself with his young papa.

But Luka kept his cocksucking urges to himself. He was too shy and inexperienced to approach anyone about this secret desire, so he just decided to wait until the old man asked for it 3; or perhaps until young Radovan approached him again in the meadow.


The old man's nephew – a handsome and sturdy peasant farmer by the name Gregor – came several days later, arriving in the early morning when Luka was just beginning the day's first milking. When he was introduced to Gregor, the boy liked the young man immediately. He was good-natured and melted the boy's initial shyness with his humor and knack for conversation. Gregor made a point of saying how pleased he was that such a clever and dedicated boy was helping his beloved Uncle Nikola. The young man set about his tasks – chopping wood, repaired fencing, and fixing a broken chair – as Luka tended to his milking.

Taking a break from his own tasks, Gregor pitched in to help Luka with cleaning out the barn. The summer sun was beginning to warm the barn with humid heat, and Gregor took off his shirt and set to work with a pitchfork, tossing out the dirty straw and scattering new bedding. Luka took off his own shirt in imitation, but found it difficult to concentrate on the chore 3; he was totally distracted by the sight of the man's flexing muscles. But if Gregor was unhappy about the boy just standing there staring at him, he didn't show it.

"There, lad; we're all done! What say we take a dip in Uncle's stream. Have you seen the place where I dammed up a small pond?"

Luka said that he had not. He had worked for Nikola only a week and had not really explored the old man's meadow. They walked a hundred yards from the barn, Gregor draping his arm over the boy's shoulder as they talked. The swimming hole was small and shallow compared to the one the village boys used, but the pool of water looked invitingly cool and clear.

Both of them slipped off their trousers, and Gregor began wading into the water. Even more than before, Luka couldn't keep from staring at the man 3; he was so handsome and muscular! Gregor had only gone a few paces and turned around to urge the lad to join him. He was amused to see the naked 12-year-old standing on the stream-bank with a dreamy look on his face and a rigid erection pointing straight up from his hairless crotch. And he also noticed how Luka's eyes were focused on Gregor's manly cock and full ball-sack, set in a bush of dirty-blond pubic hair.

"You've a sturdy horn for a lad so young. Coming of age nicely, I see."

Luka felt his cheeks blush warm, but for some reason he was willing 3; even EAGER to show off his aroused young body to this handsome man. Luka seductively slid his fingers up along his thighs 3; across his straining cock 3; then around his hips to his ass cheeks. His crotch pushed forward a bit, inviting the man's inspection, and Luka smiled with a captivating mixture of shyness and eroticism. Without even thinking, he was giving every indication of trying to seduce this man. His actions were automatic and without guile 3; his body taking actions that his consciousness had not directed. All the boy knew was that Gregor's staring eyes made him feel warm inside 3; made him feel incredibly sexy 3; and made his stiff penis pulse even more with youthful lust.

Gregor waded over to stand right in front of Luka. "Ah, I remember what it was like to be your age and have my cock always making the horn 3;. just like it had a mind of its own. I'll bet you'd like to see mine get stiff too. Eh, boy? Want to see it?" Luka's eyes lit up and he nodded his head. Gregor took the thick tube of flesh in his hand and slid the foreskin back and forth over the broad cockhead. After only a few strokes, the organ was pumping full 3; standing up more than 7 inches [18 cm]. Luka's eyes almost popped from his head with the intensity of his gaze.

"Oh, Mr. Gregor! You're so 3; so 3;" His voice trailed off. He knew it would be unwise to speak the words that had almost escaped from his lips 3; that he found the man indescribably handsome and desirable 3; that his rod was the most wonderful thing he had ever seen. But the man could read the unspoken thoughts with ease, and he stepped even closer.

"Want to feel me up a bit? Go ahead, lad 3; touch it." Gregor put his hands behind his neck and flexed the powerful muscles of his biceps and chest and abdomen. Luka reached out and touched, almost swooning from the excitement. His mind burned with a strange intensity that he had never before felt 3; the first time his sexual feelings had mixed with the emotion of puppy-love. His trembling fingers wrapped around the vein-ridged pole, a phallus so thick that the boy's thumb and fingers didn't meet 3; feeling its heat and smoothness and incredible pulsing stiffness. Looking into the man's dark blue eyes, Luka was in a kind of trance.

As their eyes remained locked, the boy was wishing that this moment would never end. But it ended all too soon as Gregor gave him a wink and lifted him up like a sack of grain. Luka thought for a moment that the man would embrace him – oh, that would be so wonderful! – but instead he waded a few steps into the pond and tossed the boy in the water. Then Gregor flopped into the water himself. With the initial shock of immersion in the cold mountain-stream water, and the surprise of having been dunked, Luka was disoriented. He jumped up sputtering and looking around. The water was only chest-deep at the deepest point, but Gregor was nowhere to be found. Then the man sprang up from beneath the surface, having swum underwater around back of the boy.

The tall young man grabbed Luka from behind as if they were wrestling. But his moves were more gentle, more deliberate, and the front of his body pressed against the boy's back. Gregor's arms reached around Luka's chest and hugged him.

The boy could feel the large, firm erection pressing against the small of his back, and it excited him incredibly. The feeling of being held – controlled – by such a powerful man made his heart pound in his chest. But he wanted more 3; he wanted to embrace the man 3; to gaze at his face. Luka's skinny wet body twisted around in the man's arms, and in a moment they were face to face. Luka looked up lovingly into Gregor's eyes, and he knew in his heart that there was a connection between the two of them. But just when Luka thought that he would melt into the man's embrace, Gregor again converted the tender moment into roughhousing play, and wrestled the boy into the water.

They began splashing and swimming, and soon Luka had almost forgotten the intense feeling (could it have been 3; love?) that had burned within him.

"I must get to work lad, and then get back home," said Gregor at last. "And you must make the milk delivery to the village. Let's go."

They brushed water from their bodies with their hands and used their shirts to dry off a bit more. Neither was sexually aroused anymore, though Luka kept sneaking glances at the man's crotch 3; still impressive, even when flaccid and shrunken by the cool water.

Walking back, Gregor again rested a powerful arm on Luka's shoulder as they exchanged small-talk. But in the back of Luka's mind were the thoughts: 'Does he love me too? Can I tell him how I feel?' The boy was too shy to speak these things, but he had never felt such an exhilarating feeling before.

Gregor greeted his uncle and went back to fixing the chair in the old man's farmhouse. Luka picked up the two buckets of milk, reluctantly said good-bye to the two men, and started walking to the village. As he made his way to the tiny general store, it was if he walked on a cloud 3; his mind filled with exciting fantasies.

After completing the task, Luka told his mother that he was going back to Nikola's farm. He wanted to see the nephew again 3; watch him work and help out if he could. She gave him her permission, and off he went.

When Luka got back to the farm, he saw nobody outside. Gregor must still be working on the chair. He peeked in the door – the old man had told him not to bother knocking – and stopped in his tracks at what he saw. Gregor was naked 3; leaning back against the table 3; and Nikola was kneeling in front of him. There was that massive cock again. The boy was viewing it from the side, and he was mesmerized by the sight of the young man's ample erection disappearing completely each time the Nikola's mouth slid down the shaft.

'How could such a big cock fit entirely within the old man's mouth?' he thought. But as he watched, transfixed, he also thought 'That should be ME kneeling there! I'd do that for Gregor 3; I love him! It should be ME!'

And almost without conscious thought, Luka's hands loosened his pants and went straight to his boyish penis. His fingers elicited the now-familiar pleasure feelings 3; sensations that had been unknown to him only a few days before. And his mouth watered as he fantasized the virile man-cock sliding between his lips.

"Ah 3; Uncle!" moaned Gregor. "Stop for a while! I'm about to shoot my load! If you keep going, you won't get what you really want. I need to get home 3; won't have time for a second cum. Get up there on the table and I'll give you a good fuck, just the way you like it."

They still had not noticed the boy behind the half-open door as Nikola quickly climbed onto the table-top, with his scrawny legs dangling over the edge. When Nikola lifted his legs back to expose his hole, Gregor pulled the old man's ass a couple inches over the table's edge. Then the young man reached over to a slab of butter on a plate on the table and dug his fingers into the pale yellow mound. He smoothed most of it on his raging hard-on, then slathered some on Nikola's ass and slid two fingers into the flexing hole. He grasped his uncle's leg behind the knee with one hand and positioned his slippery cock with other. And as Gregor's hips pushed forward, his straining penis slowly disappeared from view.

"Ohhhhh 3; yessssss! Give it to me! Fuck me good, Nephew! Oh, please 3; Fuck me!"

Gregor's thick 7-inch [18 cm] cock pushed into Nikola's ass hole in smooth thrusts, sinking an inch deeper with each thrust. As Nikola whimpered with urgent hunger, his burly nephew settled into a steady fuck-rhythm 3; one that he could maintain almost indefinitely without cumming 3; the same rhythm that he used with his pretty wife, bringing her to orgasm after crashing orgasm if he chose.

And there was Luka on the stoop, mesmerized by the sexual tableau. Not only masturbating his pre-pubescent erection, but now probing his ass with the fingers of his left hand. And his mind burned with the thought: 'I'll do that for you too, Gregor. Make love to me instead 3; fuck me 3; I'll give you my body!'

But the words were unspoken. He only watched 3; masturbating faster and faster 3; now fisting his cock, running his hand up and down firmly and quickly 3; feeling the magic sensations rise up in this crotch. And when the wave of dry orgasm crested and washed over him, his erection throbbed in this hand and his anus clenched around the finger embedded within. All the while, the pornographic image was burning into his brain 3; of an old man being fucked in the ass by a virile young peasant farmer, both of them grunting and moaning like rutting animals.

But in the throes of orgasm, Luka could not keep quiet either, and he cried out with pleasure and staggered against the door, swinging it open the rest of the way.

Gregor whipped his head around. He clutched at his chest as if his heart had stopped. And then his face turned angry. "Jesus! You scared the stuffing out of me, you little snoop." He had instantly disengaged himself from his uncle's ass and now muttered as he quickly pulled on his trousers and gathered up the rest of his things.

"Goodby, Uncle. Fare you well until I return in two weeks time," he said. And as he went past Luka: "Out of my way, you snooping pipsqueak," and stormed out of the cottage with his shirt in his hand and his face crimson with a combination of anger and embarrassment.

"But 3; but 3;" blubbered Luka as he watched Gregor stomp off down the path. Then he turned to the old man. "Mr. Nikola 3; I didn't mean to 3;"

"Don't worry, boy," said the man in a gentle voice, as he finished getting dressed. "My nephew is a good man, but you startled him at a sensitive moment. Young married men with pretty wives rarely want it known that they take pleasures with another man 3; though it is a common enough event."

"He was making love to you, wasn't he? Does he 3; love you, Mr. Nikola? And you him?"

"Love? Well 3; perhaps in a way. I'm not ashamed to tell you that I love to take his cock in my mouth and my nether-hole 3; and he is a virile and masculine man who loves the feeling of a good cum. We have played the game since he was not much older than you. He could find pleasure with many a partner more desirable than I 3; Perhaps he just chooses to do a favor for his old uncle."

Luka thought for a few moments, and then said: "This morning 3; when I was with him 3; I felt the strangest feelings toward Mr. Gregor 3; warm, tingling feelings. I 3; I think I love him!"

"Hmmm 3;" said Nikola, stroking his chin and resisting a smile. "Perhaps I can talk to him and tell him what a good lad you are. Perhaps you would like for me to try to arrange for you to play the special game with Gregor; yes?" Luka grinned and bobbed his head. "You saw him fucking me," continued the old man; "would you wish him to take you thus?"

"The boy blushed. "Y..y..yes, sir," he said quietly. Then more loudly: "I have never done this thing, but I could almost feel that it was me that he was penetrating 3; I think that I want it very much."

"Ah, my boy 3; You and I are more alike than you can imagine. I had my first fuck when I was your age, and I too knew that I wanted it from the first. Yes; I will try to arrange things next time Gregor comes around." Unstated was the old man's other thought 3; 'And wouldn't it be a joy to join in for a glorious three-way with Gregor and the boy!'

"Thank you Mr. Nikola! Thank you!"

The old man clapped the boy on the shoulder and said: "Run along now 3; Unless 3; unless you would fancy a suck on your handsome cock. Eh, lad?" There was a look of horny desire in the man's eyes. Having Luka's young cock in his mouth would be the perfect thing right now.

"No thank-you, Mr. Nikola. I think I'll wait for Mr. Gregor to return." And with that, Luka set off back to his home in the village 3; his mind filled with thoughts of the burly and virile peasant.

Old Nikola stared at the lad from his doorway. "Damn!" he mumbled to himself.

As the days went by, Luka did his chores around the farm with dedication, but he never once asked for a blow-job 3; and the old man, though tempted, never brought up the subject. However, each day – sometimes several times a day – Luka slipped off to a private spot in the woods where he could practice the newly-discovered art of masturbation, perfecting the motions that unfailingly produced the special feeling. And often as he masturbated, he slid a spit-slick finger or even two inside his ass hole, his mind filled with fantasies of being fucked by Gregor.

Nikola's desire finally became so intense that he finally said "Shall we play the game, lad? For a piece of candy?"

Luka looked up into the man's eyes. He saw longing in them, combined with a certain weary sadness. And when he answered, he could barely believe the words coming out of his own mouth. "I'll play the game, sir; and you need not give me a candy. I'll do it because it would please me." And he stepped forward and hugged Nikola. The old man's heart flooded with joy and he kissed the boy's forehead.

"You suck me first, lad, and then I'll take care of you."

When they had both stripped nude, the man leaned back against the sturdy table in his one-room home, spreading his legs as Luka knelt on the floor, his face mere inches from Nikola's penis. Taking the soft tube of flesh in his hand, Luka ran the foreskin back and forth, feeling the organ slowly stir from its flaccid state. At the same time, he fondled the man's balls 3; sometimes lightly tickling the soft skin with his fingertips, and then squeezing the balls gently in his small palm. As the man's cock stiffened in his hand, Luka slid his hold down to the base of the 6-inch [15 cm] erection and kept stroking as he took the cockhead in his mouth, sealing his lips around it to create a suction. His tongue went to work, moving aggressively in random flicks and swirls, feeling the cock becoming even more firm. All the while, his hand moved in smooth up-and-down strokes along the lower shaft, sliding the skin on the increasingly-tumescent penis.

"Ah, yes! That's good 3; Do me lad 3; Suck it!" Nikola thought his cock hadn't been this stiff in years!

Luka ran his wet lips and tongue rapidly up and down on the top of the cock, just above his stroking hand, eager to make the man's semen flow. And his instincts were perfect. He seemed to know just how to combine a sucking mouth with a jacking hand to drive the old man's lust steadily higher 3; closer 3; ever nearer sweet climax.

"Yes! 3; Yes!! 3; Oh, God, YES!!!" moaned the man as his legs trembled. "I'm almost there! 3; Keep going! 3; So close! 3; Uh 3; AH 3; AHHHHH!!!"

A spurt of hot cum shot onto Luka's tongue as his hand continued to pump, followed by another spurt, and then a flow from the slit. It tasted a little strange, but not unpleasant, and Luka swallowed it down. Nikola stopped the boy's hand and bade the lad to suck him ever-so-gently as he floated down from the sexual high.

"Oh, my beautiful boy 3; You have made me so happy!" gushed the man as Luka stood up. "And now I shall gratefully return the favor" he said, reaching out to fondle the boy's stiff penis. Luka smiled. No sense saving himself for Gregor, thought Luka; not when he felt so ready for a good orgasm. But before Nikola sank to his knees, the old man asked – almost shyly – "Could I kiss you, boy?"

Luka nodded and allowed the old man to take him in an embrace. Some boys would have been repelled by the elderly man 3; his time-worn face, his frail body, the toothless mouth. But Luka looked beyond these to the aura of love that flowed from Nikola's heart. As the boy closed his eyes, their lips touched 3; then pressed together 3; then opened as their tongues merged. Though Luka had kissed his father's lips all his life, he had never touched tongues like this with any person. But like his natural talent for cocksucking, Luka seemed to know exactly how to enjoy this intimate exchange. The deep passionate kiss went on and on, as Nikola fondled the boy's erection, until finally the man broke off and led Luka over to the narrow bed. He positioned the boy on his back, with his legs dangling over the edge and spread. He leaned over him, kissing him once more on the lips, then began kissing his way down the lad's neck 3; to his chest 3; to his belly 3; until he reached the rigid finger of erotic flesh.

The blow job that the toothless man performed was the best yet for the boy 3; varied in speed and intensity 3; an expert's assortment of tongue and mouth and head movements 3; the touching and stroking of hands to the boy's pleasure spots.

The man's mouth worshiped the lad's ball-sack too 3; rolling the small eggs on his tongue and sucking at the velvet skin. And just when Luka didn't think it could get more wonderful, Nikola pushed back the boy's legs and brought his mouth down to the pink pucker of anal flesh. The man's tongue flicked at the sensitive spot, bristling with pleasure nerves, and then pushed the tip of his tongue against the clenched hole.

"OH! 3; OH YES!! 3; It's so GOOD!!!" moaned Luka as Nikola rimmed his virgin hole with aggressive licks and tongue-thrusts.

And when Nikola's mouth finally returned to Luka's rigid little cock, the old man substituted two fingers inside the boy's hole. He had placed a saucer of olive oil beneath the bed in anticipation of this very seduction, and used it to lubricate his probing fingers. As his mouth rode the pudgy 3-inch [7½ cm] cock toward imminent climax, Nikola finger-fucked back and forth inside the hole, as Luka flexed it open in delirious pleasure.

As the man felt the boyish erection spasming against his tongue, his fingers gently massaged the little nub inside Luka's rectum. The stimulation pushed the boy's pleasure to a height he had never experienced, and his high-pitched voice almost screamed with ecstacy as a spurt of thin semen jetted into Nikola's mouth.

When Luka's first adolescent orgasm had at last subsided, both participants were exhausted 3; but both supremely satisfied. And when Luka bade farewell, two milk buckets in his hands as the afternoon sun sank, the man told him: "I'm so proud of you, Luka. You've made me a very happy man."


When Luka arrived the next morning, he didn't see Nikola puttering around as usual. He stuck his head into the house and was surprised to see the man still asleep in the narrow bed. But when he went to rouse him 3;

Luka ran to the village as fast as his he could, and his father came with a few others to confirm that the old man was indeed dead. A look of serenity was frozen on Nikola's face as the blanket was drawn up to cover it.

"What should I do, Papa?" asked the boy.

"Milk the cows as usual. They need it regardless. We'll get word to his nephew down-valley."

And that very afternoon, Gregor came with a borrowed cart to haul off the best of the old man's possessions, along with all the cows. A group of villages looked on and some helped him with the loading. Luka watched silently until the end, when he called out to Gregor. The young man looked over at him, nodded, gave him a tight smile, but said nothing as he headed down the rutted road.

"Papa?" asked Luka; "we will no longer have the milk. What will we do now?"

"Well, boy, you shall just help me all the more with my trapping. And since you no longer are tied to the milking, maybe you can join me in some overnight journeys up-valley. Would you like that?"

"Yes, Papa! I would!"

And so it was that father and son – 28-year-old Milos and 12-year-old Luka Milosevich (meaning 'son of Milos') – bundled traps and snares and supplies onto bundles strapped to their backs and set out for the upper reaches of the valley where game was more plentiful.

After carefully setting all the traps over a wide area, the two built a fire as the sun began to set and the mountain air became chilly. As night fell, they laid out blankets and settled in, lying side-by-side, only a foot [30 cm] apart.

"Goodnight, my son. You did well in our work today, and I've no doubt that we'll have a good haul when we check the traps tomorrow. Give your Papa a hug."

Luka's arms wrapped around his father and held him close. Milos embraced the boy in return and kissed his eyelids, as was their ritual. The boy hugged tighter. Feelings of physical desire started welling up within Luka – taboo feelings that grew from his incestuous masturbation fantasies – and a shiver ran through the boy as his penis instantly stiffened.

"Are you cold, son?"

"Could I hold you a little longer, Papa? Could we snuggle together?"

Milos didn't answer 3; except to press his body close to the boy he loved so dearly.

"Papa? Remember when I was young, and on cold nights you let me come to your bed? Back when Marija and Andrej where babies, and before Nadja and Dmitri were born?" The parents' bed had been small, but the nights were sometimes bitter cold.

"Yes 3; and while your brother and sister lay atop Mama, you would lie on my chest and keep us both warm. I remember well."

Luka hugged Milos all the tighter, and slid his body atop his father's, just like he had years before 3; legs straddling the man's hips 3; lying chest to chest, crotch to crotch. His lips brushed Milos' cheek.

"I love you, Papa," he said, kissing his father on the lips. "I love you so much 3; Daddy," he whispered, getting a warm feeling from calling his father by the childish term. "Is this ok, Daddy? Is it ok for us to hug this way?"

Milos was fighting a battle within himself to keep from being aroused by the boy's actions. It was a battle he was losing.

"Yes, my love," he murmured, as his arms wrapped around Luka's back. His cock was now rigid too, and his hips rose up against the boy's warm body. He knew it was wrong, but he was helpless to stop himself. His hands slid down 3; grasping Luka's slender round ass and grinding their crotches together.

"Oh, my son 3; Maybe we shouldn't 3;" But even as his words were trying to stop the activity, his body was moving forward with the urgency of lust.

"Oh, Daddy! 3; I want it! I want YOU!" And then in a sexy whisper in his father's ear: "Please let us do this 3; Please, Daddy?" And without waiting for a verbal reply, Luka kissed his father's lips, slipping his tongue into his daddy's mouth. Milos returned the kiss with breathless uncontrollable lust. His hands slid inside the waist of Luka's loose trousers, urgently seeking to caress the soft skin of his ass cheeks.

The kiss broke, and he gasped "let's undress, my son 3; quickly." And they peeled off their clothing and returned to each other's arms 3; their lips and tongues locked 3; their warm erections sliding together, their sensuous movements driving their mutual passion to ever-greater intensity.

Milos couldn't keep his hands off his son's soft, slender ass. He kneaded it and stroked it lovingly, then let his fingers creep inside the crack.

"Oh Daddy! Yes! Put your fingers inside me!" Luka gasped. And then he whispered: "Would you 3; Oh, please Daddy; fuck me! Please?"

The words were like fresh fuel on the fire of the man's lust. This was the realization of his most secret and potent fantasy, to fuck young Luka. He now assumed that the boy was experienced in this activity 3; that he had been fucked by other boys. And why not; Milos was not a stranger to boy-sex, having fucked and been fucked by other boys in the care-free days of his youth, before he began courting.

"Get the jar of grease that we use on the traps. Quickly boy; spread it on my cock, and I'll give you your wish," said Milos.

Luka reached for the jar inside the pack that lay a few feet away from them. He opened it and dug into the lard with his fingers. Kneeling astride his father's thighs, he smoothed it onto the straining erection a slender shaft of less than 6 inches [15 cm], with a slightly flared head. Then Luka brought his fingers to his ass and smeared the rest of the grease up into it.

"Ride me, boy. Sit astride my cock and ride it."

Luka's remarkable erotic instincts did not fail him. Without having even imagined the sexual position that his father requested, the boy knew exactly what to do. He held the stiff penis with one hand and eased his ass down onto it. At first it would not penetrate the clenched hole. But intuition led him instantly to relax the muscle and push out. As he pressed his body down, the greased phallus entered him.

"Oh, God! 3; Oh yes! 3; So tight and warm 3; It's so good!" Milos brought his hands to Luka's hips, but did not force him down. Instead he caressed the boy's flanks, feeling the leg muscles flex and tremble. The man's right hand went to Luka's boyish cock, and he began to masturbate the foreskin smoothly along the boy's cock-head, as his left hand wandered over every part of his son's body that was within reach.

Luka eased his ass lower, in 1-inch [2½ cm] increments, opening himself to the slippery hot flesh of his father's arrow-shaped cock.

"Daddy! 3; it's so 3; ah! 3; oh 3; Daddy, I love you!" And with one last firm downward thrust, Luka was completely impaled on the slender pole. As Milos continued to manipulate his son's boner, Luka raised his hips up and lowering them down again. In less than a minute, he was causing the stiff penis to glide up and down inside his ass in a steady rhythm, taking it all the way to the hilt time after time. "It feels so good, Daddy 3; It's everything I dreamed it would be."

Milos was awash with pleasure, and his hips rose up to meet each downward motion of Luka's body. Moans and grunts – in both tenor and treble voices – filled the forest clearing as their bodies moved in harmony, both of them striving urgently for the release of orgasm.

"Oh 3; oh my lover 3; keep going!" pleaded Milos.

"Yes Daddy 3; fuck me 3; I want it so much 3; I love having you inside me."

With wild abandon, the father and son rutted in shameless lust as their lovemaking reached a crescendo. Luka threw his head back, eyes closed, his ass glowing with incredible sensual fullness.

"Oh Daddy 3; I'm almost there 3; it's so close 3; oh 3; oh 3; YES!!"

And beneath his father's stroking fingers, little spurts of clear boy-cum shot up. Spasms wracked the lad's body as his mind exploded with lightning bolts of pleasure. He collapsed onto his father's chest, and his mouth kissed his father's lips and tongue with desperate hunger.

With Luka's anal muscles clenching rhythmically around his cock, Milos held his son's ass tightly in his hands and bucked his hips in uncontrolled abandon. His straining cock pistoned inside Luka's tight ass with an incredible urgency to achieve relief.

"Yes! 3; Yes!! 3; Oh, God! YES!!" The man's orgasm peaked and then crashed violently through his entire body. A flood of hot cum spurted into the boy's bowels.

Luka hugged his father fiercely, his ass gripping his daddy's throbbing cock.

No words were spoken. None were necessary. Their beating hearts and tender kisses said it all as they both floated on a cloud of utter satisfaction.

The End

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