PZA Boy Stories

Sam the Ham

Battle Boys


Alec is chosen to be on a family-friendly reality show kids and families. Once the camera stop rolling boys keep having fun.

Publ. Mar 2017
Under construction, Mar 2017; 4,500 words (9 pages)


Alex (15yo), Max (14yo), Isaac (13yo), Kevin (12yo), Sam (14yo)

Category & Story codes

Consensual story
tt tb – cons only mast (yet)


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

This work is of pure fiction and any resemblance of the characters and settings to real life persons, events, circumstances, etc. is purely coincidental. The following story is completely fictional. It describes sexual acts between young boys so if you don't like that sort of thing, don't read it!

You can send comments using this feedback form with Sam the Ham: Battle Boys in the subject line. Also if anyone's interested in role-playing feel free to contact me. samtheham(at)yandex(dot)com



Alec walked into the carpeted lobby his mom trailing behind him. There was a woman sitting at a folding table. He recognized her as someone who had done some of the screenings before so they were at the right place. The big sign out front had been a big hint. A moment later, he darted forward, leaving his mom behind, to stand at the desk. The woman who had been reading something was startled by the sudden appearance.

"Oh, hello," she said. "I'm guessing you are Alec?"

"Yes, I am." He put on his best smile.

The woman filed through some paperwork and turned her attention towards his mom. "Here's the contact information. If he has a cell phone it should work in most places. During filming you can always contact us through those numbers. Will make sure he calls home every night."

His mother hesitated and took the piece of paper reluctantly. She stared at it for a very long time. "Alec, are you absolutely sure about this?"

He resisted the urge to sigh. "Yes, mom I will be fine, it's going to be a lot of fun."

"He will be monitored constantly," the woman chimed in. "It is very safe. If you have more questions we can talk, but perhaps Alec would like to meet the other boys. They're waiting inside."

Alec turned towards his mother wanting permission. He had really just wanted to go into the hotel himself. His mother wouldn't have allowed that though. It was annoying that even at fifteen his parents didn't seem to trust him.

"Well, be sure to call," his mother said, releasing him with her words.

Alec smiled and gave her a hug and a kiss which was completely for her benefit before turning towards the door and adjusting his backpack one more time. He walked into the room and let the door closed behind him without a backward glance.

The room was fairly barren. There were a few chairs and tables spread around along with five others. Two boys, one with a Mohawk and another with dreadlocks, he tagged as the weird hair pair. They were talking by one of the large windows and only gave a cursory glance upon his entrance. The other one was just looking at his phones He had darker hair and skin. Not so much black but he was probably Hispanic. The boy with the dreadlocks was black he was sure. Everyone else was Caucasian including himself. A cute bunch he thought including himself in that analysis.

He decided to try to start a conversation with the one who was on the phone. They had been randomly assigned to a team but he didn't want anyone to feel like the odd man out. Upon approaching, the boy did look up which was promising. His hair had something in it that made it shine and sort of mesh together. Maybe gel or mousse? He wasn't really sure. Would he be considered weird for not having weird hair?

"Hi! I'm Alec."

The boy looked up from his phone again. Hesitating for a second before venturing, "I am Kevin."

Alec smiled. "Nice to meet you Kevin, what are you doing there?"

Kevin tilted the phone so he could see. It was some videogame he didn't recognize. A scantily clad woman with a sword was paused on the screen.

"Dragon Queen, it's a basic platform."

"Never played it. Is it any good?"

"It was free, it's pretty much what I paid for. I'm guessing you're the fifteen-year-old?"

Alec nodded. Each team was made up of four boys from ages twelve to fifteen. "How old are you?"

"Twelve," Kevin smiled.

"All right, have you met our other teammates?"

Kevin shook his head. "I just got here a few minutes ago."

"Let's go introduce ourselves then," Alec suggested. Just as he glanced towards the duo he noticed they were wandering over to them.

"Hey, I'm Max. He's Isaiah." Max nodded, his dreadlocks shifting in a cascade of movement, then he gestured towards Isaiah.

"I prefer Isaac," the Mohawk boy piped in.

"Hi, I'm Alec and this is Kevin. I guess where the Blue team."

"Blue team? No man they're down the hall," Max said with a straight face.

For a brief second Alec was worried he might've wandered into the wrong room before remembering the woman who had greeted him. He smiled and Max mirrored him.

Before any of them could say anything more, a man walked into the room. "Hello I'm Martin the manager for Battle Boys. Would you all mind taking a seat?"

Everybody shuffled around finding different places to sit. Martin waited until everyone was seated. "Well, I know you all had the opportunity to read the information sent and asked questions, but I just want to make sure everything was clear especially since no parents are around."

There was a long moment of silence before Max raised his hand. "Okay, this is like a competition reality show right? Like when we're not doing stuff for the show cameras are going to be around? How much?"

Martin nodded. "Well, yes. Since there isn't any voting off for anything basically if you don't see a cameraman around, it doesn't mean you are not recorded."

Alec smiled to himself. By no stretch of the imagination was he a fan of reality shows. He had seen a few here and there if only in clips. He didn't want anyone filming him when he was sleeping. Besides he was pretty sure Max was thinking about something else. He didn't want a camera around either when he was masturbating. There were no other questions after that, so Martin smiled and clapped his hands together.

"Well then, you are the blue team. We'll be giving you shirts and shorts when you get to your quarters. We're trying to keep electronic devices down to a minimum so try not to flash your phones or anything else you might not want cameras recording."

Martin suggested that they all introduce themselves again and say something interesting about themselves. Alec couldn't help but remember back when he had been in elementary school and they had a new student. Martin pointed to Max to start.

Max must've had similar memories because he stood up unprompted. "Hey, I'm Max. I'm fourteen and I competed in three different contests." He shrugged and sat back down.

Alec stood up next. "I'm Alec, fifteen. I play football since I can remember. I float around on defense."

After he sat down neither Isaac nor Kevin stood up. Martin finally picked Isaac. Alec was hoping he would say something about his Mohawk but he was disappointed.

"I'm Isaac. I'm thirteen and last year my appendix exploded. It's the most interesting thing about me."

Condemned Kevin stood up quietly his shoulders hunched. "I'm Kevin. I'm twelve. I like to play soccer." He sat down quickly.

Martin nodded. "Well if you follow me I'll show you to your quarters."

They got up and followed Martin. The man led them down the hallway and into another. There was a large staircase, the type that three or four people walk up or down without a problem. On either side of the first floor there was a sign above the doorway reading Orange Team and on the other side Green Team. They walked up the stairs and like downstairs there were two also, this time with Red Team and Blue Team.

Martin stopped before he opened the door. "In each room there is a key to the door. Try to keep your phones and everything inside the room. We're going to do a small filming right now though. When you go into here you'll each pick out a room, it's all yours. Just try to act excited."

Martin waited several more seconds before flinging the door open. The five of them then stormed inside. The place had clearly once been a resort but the hallways were fairly narrow. Isaac jumped into the air and bounced off the wall letting everyone else chart through. Alec barely noticed the cameraman at the end of the hallway before darting into one of the rooms. Max was already there though, looking around. The room was essentially a hotel room with a queen-size bed, several pieces of furniture and a doorway that looked like it led to a bathroom.

"My room!" Max shouted.

Another voice called out claiming another room and Alec darted out of the room to the hallway and into another and shouted. "My room!"

"Oh, this is so awesome!" Another voice called out. "You guys have to see this."

Alec darted out of the room and finished up the hallway. The hallway terminated into a larger room. It looked like there had once been two rooms on either side of the hallway. The walls had been taken down and replaced it with a wraparound couch, a thick carpet and a pinball machine. That was just the tip of the iceberg out. There was a smaller table that was covered in different board games, a dartboard and an air hockey table.

In the back of Alec's mind he understood that these were all products probably given by various sponsors. He actually could remember the last time he had played a board game but he tried to look enthusiastic as the rest of his teammates joined him.

"That was great guys," Martin said walking down the hallway and clapping. "Okay, let's do it again but this time try to look a little scared like you're not sure what's going to happen."

They did it several more times. Alec had never realized that a reality show required so many takes. Okay on some level he had always known they were fake to one or another. He knew it would require some acting, but four different takes just to enter a room? By the time Martin left, he collapsed onto his bed. This was going to be a long two and half weeks. At least there was $40,000 at the end of it.

Chapter 1

After about twenty minutes of rest, they were out the door for footage to fill the opening of the show. Alec and the other boys got dressed in the appropriate clothing: blue T-shirts and shorts. They also had a pair of sweatpants but were told to wear shorts. They had been told to come down when they were ready and changed but consciously they all waited until everyone was ready to go and descended as a group. They were shown out of the building and lined up in a row with the other teams. For about five minutes they were shuffled around as they tried to frame the shot. They were asked to squish together as Martin walked back and forth trying to figure out how much distance he should maintain between them.

Finally Martin turned around. "All right boys, here's what we want you to do. We want you smile but not too much like you're forcing it, try to look like you're having a good time. When I say welcome to Battle Boys I want you all to cheer. Raise your arms in the air and stuff like that but don't jump around. Blue team Red team I want you guys looking over at the entry there. Orange and Green team you look over at the sign. Whatever you do, never look directly at the camera unless we say otherwise. Everyone understand?"

There was a litany of yes and understands from everyone and Martin gave them a double thumbs-up before turning around.

"I'm really beginning to hate him."

Alec squashed a laugh glanced over to his right. It was an Asian boy in a red shirt. Alec couldn't guess his age and he looked to be on the other side. "Don't let him overhear that."

"He had us come into our room six different times. It's kind of hard to be enthusiastic for a low-budget hotel room."

"Six, we only had to do it four times. I guess were just natural on camera."

The boy snorted and then somebody started counting down. As the number one was shouted, Martin started talking. "Hello I'm your host Morten Tecumseh and this is Battle Boys!"

They all cheered and then somebody shouted cut. They fell silent and somebody came up to Martin to talk to him.

"You want to place bets on how many times were going to do this?" the Asian boy asked.

Alec smiled genuinely. "I didn't bring any money with me."

"We can bet dessert. I'm Sam by the way."

"Alec. I'll say three or less."

"So if we go over three I win double dessert. I think my epilepsy medicine is starting to wear off."


"Okay boys were going to do it one more time," Martin announced.

He did it again but this time when Martin shouted Battle Boys, Sam let out a cough sneeze that almost sounded genuine. Alec would have been duped if it wasn't for the subtle smile when Sam apologized. The third time was far less convincing. The fourth and fifth times went off without a hitch. After that they finally went on to the next segment.

Martin leaned down like he was being confidential with the audience but he still spoke loudly enough that they heard most of what he was saying. "Battle Boys is the new exciting reality show where we pit four teams against each other with competitions both academic and athletic. The team that wins will take away $40,000 and the Winners' Cup. Now before the battle begins let us show you around a bit and meet some of our contestants!"

Someone yelled cut and Alec looked over at Sam. "You cheated."

Sam shrugged. "You didn't say I couldn't ruin a few takes. So does this mean you're not gonna give me your dessert?"

Alec considered it for second. "I will, but I'm going to spit on it first."

Sam smiled. "I've eaten termites, can't be worse."

"Termites? Really? What did they taste like and why?"

"Boy Scout camping thing. The taste kinda like wood."

"All right everybody," Martin shouted. "Red team, please follow this cameraman Blue team you follow this one Orange and Green you can go back to your rooms until you're needed."

"Talk to you later Alex," Sam said as he followed the rest of his group.

"It's Alec!" he called out as they were led away from the building.

The blue team slid off to a large oak tree where a director's chair was already set up. They were asked to say to one side as Kevin was pulled over and sat down in the chair. He was far enough away that they could hear what he was saying.

"So what's with talking to the enemy?" Max said settling up to Alec.

Alec shrugged. "We were just talking."

"I know. Besides it's not like there's going to be much backstabbing like some shows."

"Do you watch reality shows?" Isaac asked.

Max shrugged. "Not really. I tried to look up the type of reality shows that this company produce. You know, to see if I could get an edge but they're kind all over the place."

"They're easy to make. At least that's what I've read," Alec said joining the conversation.

"40,000$ isn't that much compared to some reality shows," Isaac added. "Usually it's like a million or something."

"I read this article on a website a while back about this old reality show called Kid Nation. The winners of that didn't get much either."

"It's age discrimination!" Alec announced.

"Alec you're next," the cameraman called out.

Alec walked over passing Kevin on the way and sat in the chair. The cameraman did some adjusting to the camera before speaking. "Okay I'm just going to ask you some questions. Try not to give one or two word answers. If it's a short answer try to reword the question in your reply."

"All right," Alec paused for a second. "I will try."

The cameraman didn't find it funny or didn't understand the joke. "All right, why did you sign up for the show and how do you feel about it so far?"

Alec had been asked that question a couple times and he went into his usual answer. "I mostly thought it would be fun. I like the idea being on a team and doing challenges. I'm really excited to get started."

"That's a good answer. What do you think of your teammates?"

Alec shrugged. "They seem okay I haven't had much time to interact with them."

"Are you worried about being away from your parents for a while?"

Alec considered. "No, I'm not really worried about being away from my parents."

"Why don't you tell us a little about yourself?"

"Well, I've been playing football for a really long time. Started with flag football and continued on. I don't have any siblings. I guess I'm somewhat popular. I think I'm gonna miss my friends a bit."

"All right, that was the last question. Isaac you're up."

Alec went back over to his teammates and found out that Kevin had been asked the same questions. They talked a little and when Max was done they were sent inside. Half an hour later they were summoned down for dinner. The cafeteria had four tables each color-coded with four chairs at each. The food looked very much like the cafeteria food at school which was not very appetizing. They talked for a little but it was all small talk. Eventually Alec tried to go for something more. "So Isaac you said your appendix exploded, what was that like?"

Isaac was shoving food halfway to his mouth. "It was very painful. I was in the hospital for months."

"I thought having your appendix out was sort of common?" Max asked.

"It is, but mine exploded. I had a really bad stomach ache for a few days and then it went away and I got really sick again. See when you have an inflamed appendix it means it's infected and when it explodes all that junk gets throughout your whole body."

"Doesn't sound like fun," Kevin observed.

"Worst time of my life," Isaac said. "I did get to play a lot of video games in the hospital. That was kind of fun."

"They have video games at the hospital?" Kevin asked again.

"Sometimes. They're mostly supplied by the security called um Child's Play I think."

"Oh, I've heard of them," Alec chimed in. "One of my friends got in trouble for bad grades and had to give away his Xbox One to them."

"That would suck," Isaac said. "They didn't have any of the newer systems when I was there though. Would've been nice to play."

The conversation drifted back to video games. It seemed Max didn't play very many games while Isaac and Kevin seem to be more of the gamer type. Alec was content to listen to the conversation only occasionally chiming in. When he was done with his tray he went to put it back and got his dessert. It was one of those little ice cream dishes and a small cup. He didn't bother opening it but carried it over to the red team and dropped in front of Sam.

"Just so you know I liked it," Alec said before turning around and returning to his table.

He couldn't help but look over at the Red team before leaving. On his way back to the table, he examined the other teams casually. Alec didn't care about somebody's race. He wasn't blind to it though. It seemed like every team had two or three members who were not white though. Given how much paperwork to fill out was needed before going on to the show he guessed that was intentional. He remembered Sam telling him about epilepsy. Maybe that had been a joke. It struck him as odd that on his team there was someone whose appendix exploded. He wondered about the other teams and if they had a special teammate.

After dinner they rolled down the screen and they showed a movie. As the movie played they brought in a cameraman and filmed some stuff but Alec noticed he was only there for a few minutes. After the movie, someone told them they would start filming early in the morning so they should all get their sleep.

Alec wasn't particularly tired and it seemed neither his teammates were either because they just hung out in the main room for a while before one by one drifting off to their bedrooms.

Alec closed the door as he entered his bedroom and rolled onto the large bed. He laid there a moment just reviewing the details of the day. It had been exceedingly strange. Nothing particularly weird had happened except for the filming. On some level he still didn't realize he was going to be on a TV show even though there had been cameras and he'd been interviewed. He remembered how excited he had been when he found out he had been picked and now it felt sort of weird.

Letting out a long breath Alec realized he should shower, but he had something more important to do first. Kicking off his shoes he sat up and pulled off his socks and then his shirt. Undoing his shorts, he pulled them off followed by his underwear. He always liked to be naked when he masturbated. He shifted around a little trying to get comfortable and looked down at his penis. He had a layer of pubic care around it and the first thing he did was run his fingers through it.

His mind raced through the options for his fantasies. He could pick friends from school, someone he and messed around with but the images that were first in line were his teammates. Kevin the youngest was certainly cute. He doubted Kevin had started puberty so he would still be nice and smooth. He could picture him squirming around on the bed, the feelings still probably all new to him. The boy had a cute face that would surely look nice all scrunched up just before he climaxed. He seemed like he would be fun in bed.

Then there was Max. Max was almost as tall as he was and he had always heard black boys were bigger down there, but then again he had also heard that was a myth. As his erection slowly began to grow, he imagined what Max looked like naked. How he would enjoy the big mouthful of cock in his mouth or his butt. Alec could see himself bent over the edge of the bed with Max standing behind him, sliding into him. Alec wasn't too experienced with butt stuff. He wanted be more experienced though. Max would probably be good for that. Alec for some reason had the opinion he would be gentle. He also probably had some hair to and would get a butt full of jizz.

As his erection became fully hard, he wrapped his fingers around it and slowly started to stroke. His foreskin peeled back on the downstroke to cover his tip again on the up. It was Isaac's turn, the last member of his team. His mind had a strange block there. Isaac the boy who had been in the hospital seemed to have some sort of wall around him. The Mohawk was certainly cute in another way. So for some reason Alec remembered more the first time he entered the room bouncing off the wall. Maybe he was a good actor, he seemed the best at acting out. Still, there was something weird about him. He couldn't put his finger on it. He seemed to be cute in a way. He had nice thin lips that Alec wanted to kiss.

His mind shifted to Sam. He felt Sam would either be a really good friend or a really terrible one. It had been kind of funny how he always had a comeback ready. Alec sort of liked that. How would he be in the bed? His mind conjured the image of them hugging each other and kissing rolling around, their erections pressed against each other. He pictured Sam kissing down his neck then sucking on his nipples. He imagined them both climaxing together spewing cum onto their stomachs and then still going at it, their bodies sliding against each other using the cum as lubricant.

Alec spread his legs; his feet slowly rising off the bed. He continued pulling on himself harder. He had a fleeting thought of how many contestants were doing this. Sixteen boys each in their own room. He couldn't be the only one. Were any of them fantasizing about their teammates?

He felt his climax approaching. The strange sensation that vaguely felt like he needed to pee. He pulled his legs in close as he jerked faster. Pursing his lips together he tried to hold back all still going as fast as he could. Those brief seconds right before the climax. He wanted to extend those. The great feeling just before release. Then, it happened. Warm cum shot out from his dick. It landed on his stomach almost his chest. At least the first shot. The second and third were much smaller mostly dribbling out onto his hand. He felt the cum slide over his fingers as he jerked a few more times, his erection going soft. His feet slowly descended touching the bedding again and he laid there for a long moment enjoying the sensation of the warm afterglow.

After a moment he looked up at his hand seeing the white cum all over his fingers. Without much thought he brought it to his mouth slowly cleaning it off. When he had been lucky enough to suck off a friend he had always swallowed. With his hand clean, he looked down at his chest. For some reason the cum that was there was not as appetizing so he left it as he rolled out of bed and made his way to the shower.

Turning on the water he looked down to see the cum wash away. He knew he was gay. He had attempted to hide that fact for a while but there it was pointless. His friends knew he liked to suck and he lost one pal over it. It wasn't that everyone knew. Not all of his teammates knew and his parents certainly didn't. Still he was more than happy with himself. He liked to give more than receive. His mind unclouded by sex, he did the math and realized the chances of another gay boy on the game show were slim to none. Maybe bisexual or curious or would just want to get off, but he doubted he would find a boyfriend. Well he didn't need a boyfriend to be happy

Send feedback to the author through this feedback form with Sam the Ham: Battle Boys in the subject line.

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