Chapter 1 Introductions
Greetings, my name is Jordan and I am an average middle-aged guy. I am single, being a gay man I have never had any interest in finding a companion of the female sex- obviously, and haven't found that special, wonderful Mr. Right for myself either. I work from home as a writer for a computer magazine. I do some freelance work and have two published sci-fi novels under my belt. So I am not wanting for money and working in your pajamas all day is great.
Sometimes I have to travel to an electronics show or to some unveiling of a new computer, and occasionally I need to go to the city to meet with my publisher or my magazine's editor. But basically I am a home body, I love the virtual lifestyle. Computers, wireless internet, web access from my cell phone, mp3 player, DVR digital cable – I've got it all.
Well I do now that is. About four years ago my biological clock started ticking, yes gay guys have them too. The desire to have a kid became very strong. But with no way to have one naturally and my only lesbian friend having no interest in being a surrogate mother (considering she already has a teenager of her own from artificial insemination, and I have to admit that I really didn't want her to be a mother for me either). I had only one option open to me. Well two, but kidnapping is illegal! So I adopted a little one from the state's orphanage system. It was great I was able to do most of the work online, even got to pick out the little boy I was interested in right on the web site, just like shopping the Sears catalog.
It took about a year for all the paperwork and the legal stuff, but with the assistance of a politician friend in the state house I was able to bring home my new little son, Tyler.
Tyler then was a small kid, not the runt of the litter by no means, but a little small for his nine years. He had a mop of floppy strawberry blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and peaches and cream skin. He has nice full lips that at times seemed a little too red for a little boy, but they fit his face and him perfectly.
He's been my son for the past three years now, he goes to the local public school, and my lesbian friend is involved in his life as Aunt DJ and her sixteen year old daughter we think of her as Tyler's cousin. Yes we might not be related by blood, but we are a family none the less.
Tyler was a normal little boy. No real emotional baggage some kids in the system can have. He wasn't a crack whore's baby, and no developmental issues. Just an unfortunate kid who ended up in the system because his young, single mother gave him up as a toddler when she could no longer afford to care for him. The best thing really, for Tyler that is. In the orphans' home he was popular and the kid is smart too, if he'd been given up as a baby he would have been snatched up quickly but being an older child he kinda sat on the shelf for about six years. But that's all behind him now. It worked out great for me too; I wanted a kid who could talk, walk and go potty by himself. So now he's got a home, a dad and I've got a son.
Like I said I brought him home three years ago, he's twelve now, still with that same mop of long hair and bright blue eyes. He's got a computer hooked up to the network, a 21 inch [53 cm] flat screen and the newest gaming system all in his room. And like most kids his age he's also go his own cell phone, mp3, and DVD player.
He's got a few really good best friends, Justin, Josh and Travis, and is still popular with the kids at school, and he's grown up too. He's got a tight little body but he's now the right size for a boy his age, must be all the pizza the kid can put away! But outside of the musketeers, as we call Justin , Josh and Travis, he's doesn't really have what could be called best friends. I have never heard him talk about any girls he thought were cute; and at least on the house phone no girl has ever called here looking for him, but I know that he gets text messages from a lot of the kids at school, but from his reactions I know there are no romantic conversations beaming between phones.
For the first few weeks after the end of school he'll keep to a regular routine most days. He'll go play with Justin, Josh or Travis or two or all three for a few hours here and there. Down to the park on their skateboards to do whatever is it pre-teen boys do at the park these days. But he's always home when I tell him to be and has never gotten into any real trouble. Its okay with me, we live in a relatively safe mid size city and a nice neighborhood, he shows good judgment, and he's got his cell with him all time. It's no fun for him to be home with me during the day as I write my articles in the morning and work on my third novel in the afternoon. Working from home is still working after all.
So that's the background of my little family. Tyler is my son and I love him with all my heart just as if he was my biological offspring. DJ and her daughter Karla love him and he loves them too. My parents live across the state and they dote over him as his grandparents like you wouldn't believe. So he has a normal life, full and happy.
Chapter 2 Curious Tyler Gets Caught
It's now the middle of July. I'm not a prude and when Tyler has asked me about things I am honest with him and explain it all to him until I know he understands and is satisfied. He knows about sex and I know he masturbates as any normal twelve year old boy will do.
Being a computer columnist I get a lot of software sent to me for free to test and review. On the wireless network's main server unit I have a master program installed to track the websites he goes to and to log his IM conversations. I don't want Tyler chatting with the wrong kind of person, someone dangerous. I am his father and I want to keep him safe.
Now I think I need to fill you in about me a little before I continue with Tyler's situation.
I like rougher sex; basically I am what's called a dom, a Master. I have been into tying up other men and tormenting and torturing and having sex with them for years, since my teenage years. I meet them through various web sites and after chatting with them and a few phone calls I either set up a place to meet them or they come here to serve me. I have lots of toys and restraints, all safely locked in a basement side-room out of the reach of Tyler's little fingers. He knows the room is locked but oddly enough has never asked me about what's inside that basement room. During my little bondage sessions Tyler spends the time at a friend's house, Aunt DJ's or for longer times he gets to visit his grandparents and get utterly spoiled by them!
So there you have it; back to the main story.
I had noticed that over the past couple weeks Tyler had been spending a little more time in his room alone and was logging more online time then he normally did. I had asked him after the first couple days if he and he friends had had a fight, or maybe he wasn't feeling well. I got a "no" and a "I'm fine, Dad" answer to each question. I didn't think much about it again until I noticed that he was in his room almost all weekend and Saturday he didn't even change out of his pajamas.
Something was on the kid's mind.
So I decided to look into things. I opened up the web monitoring program I had and it showed me all the web sites Tyler was visiting the past week. As soon as I opened it I noticed that he was on web site he really probably shouldn't have been, but I was familiar with the site so I decided to keep an eye on that and look at some of the others he'd been visiting.
My eyes almost popped out of my head. He was searching for and finding sex and bondage sites. Nothing illegal, and to my surprise mostly gay sites, but a few he had spent some long times looking at were also femdom sites. I guess the boy is trying to figure out which team he wants to play on. There were also some PG to R rated sites about and with boys tied up, boys his age either from movies or done by some of those 3D artists types.
Then as I was looking at one of the sites he had visited earlier that night up popped a notification from the software that he had opened a messaging program and asked if I would like to monitor the conversation. I clicked yes, and bam, I was silently and unknown to Tyler watching the conversation he was having live.
In a nutshell it went basically like this.
Strawberry Boy (that's Tyler): Hello
Mstr4boy: It's- Hello, Sir. boy
Strawberry Boy: Sorry, Sir. Hello, Sir.
Mstr4boy: That's better. What are you looking for?
Strawberry Boy: Not really sure, I am curious about all this.
Mstr4boy: Sir!
Strawberry Boy: Sorry, Sir.
Mstr4boy: So you're a newbie are you boy?
Strawberry Boy: Yeah, Sir I am.
Mstr4Boy: So you have no experience?
Strawberry Boy: uhm, No Sir I don't, sorry.
Mstr4boy: That's nothing to be sorry about, boy. I can train you, its better that you have no experience so I can train you the way I WANT too.
Strawberry Boy: understood, Sir
Mstr4Boy: what are you curious about?
Strawberry Boy: well getting tied up and having sex, Sir
Mstr4boy: what do you fantasize about happening to you boy?
Strawberry Boy: being made into a slave, being tied up Sir
Mstr4Boy: Have you ever been tied up?
Strawberry Boy: Yes Sir
This was news to me!
Mstr4boy: Who tied you up boy?
Strawberry Boy: My friend Justin once and I have tied my ankles before a few times, Sir
Mstr4boy: What were you wearing when your friend tied you?
Strawberry Boy: Just my underwear, Sir
Mstr4Boy: what happened then?
Strawberry boy: nothing really, he tickled me and slapped my face once, but that scared him so he didn't do that again.
Mstr4Boy; what was he wearing?
Strawberry Boy: Jeans, sneakers and a tee, Sir
Mstr4Boy: When was the last time you played with your cock boy?
Strawberry Boy: uhm, I'm playing with it now, Sir
Mstr4Boy: Don't you dare cum! You're bad for playing without my permission so you're not allowed to cum for a week now, boy!
Strawberry Boy: a whole week?
Mstr4Boy: Want me to make it two?
Strawberry Boy: no, Sir
Mstr4Boy: good boy
I watched them chat for a few more minutes, this guy seemed to be on the level, not a predator, but a real master. Now he had no idea that he was chatting with a little boy, the chat site was on an adult only site, my Tyler must have lied about his age to get a membership
Not once did the Master ask to meet Tyler, I guess he was like me, wanted to get to know the sub first, build up the trust. After about fifteen minutes later the conversation ended.
I got an idea. I opened a membership at the same web site as a Master and searched for my Strawberry Boy. He had lied! He used my birthday in his membership details! The little sneak!
I looked over his profile, no photo, thank goodness. But it also listed his likes, dislikes and what he is curious about.
He listed, being tied up as a 'like'.
He was curious about: handcuffs, sucking, being sucked, cages, Shibari – that Japanese style rope bondage, serving and slavery, gags and blindfolds.
Well anyone who read that profile would know they were dealing with an absolute beginner with no experience at all.
I sent the boy a message.
Hello Strawberry, you sound tasty! I might just have what you are looking for. Give you good way to get started and teach you properly to serve a man. Get back to me boy, and be naked and kneeling when you write back, otherwise don't bother, slave.
Laying it on a little thick I know, but I wanted to explore just how far he was willing to go. I clicked send.
Five minutes later I got a reply from Strawberry Boy
Yes, Sir I am very interested! I am naked and kneeling as you said I should be. I see in your profile that we live in the same city maybe we can meet sometime?
--Strawberry Boy
Okay he didn't have the lingo down, but what worried me more was that he actually wanted to meet a complete stranger! Way too dangerous for me to allow. I needed to nip this in the bud.
I sent a message back.
Strawberry boy,
Never be too eager to meet someone from the web, boy. First we need to chat and get to know each other and see where it all leads. That you have no real experience shows. I will keep chatting with you only if you promise to do things slowly.
I watched the monitoring software some more, he opened the message but didn't write back right away. I guess he figured it wasn't worth it or he got scared at the tone of my second message.
He jumped from that web site to another, I followed. He opened a picture file of a 3D boy all tied up and naked and on his knees performing oral sex on an adult male. I looked at the post, the virtual boy's name was Dakota, and I have to admit, even though I have never been attracted to sex with boys, this picture I found very erotic. He left it open for sometime.
Then he went offline.
I didn't know what to think or to do. I sat and thought for a while in my office, I left the monitoring software open just in case.
About twenty minutes later he jumped back online and onto that Master and slave meeting up website and replied to my message
Dear Sir,
I am sorry I will wait and I do want to talk with you more, please?
--Strawberry Boy
I quickly replied.
Good boy
He went offline again.
Just then the phone rang. It was DJ.
Now to say DJ was a diesel dyke would be a bit too much, but she was tough and could be scary no doubt. However she did wear a dress from time to time and held a great position with a local corporation and always looked professional.
She was a normal woman and quite kind when she wanted to be. She had recently broken up with a girlfriend yet again. She went through women like I change my socks.
We made small talk. Bitched about work to each other, I asked how Karla was doing, she told me. Then she asked me about Tyler.
I don't know what happened, but I let it all spill out. All of it. The monitoring of his internet activity, the chat with the other guy and the messages I sent him and he sent back to me.
A little more about DJ here: succinctly she's a Mistress, one of the things that we have in common which makes us close friends.
She was silent for a while, I stayed quiet too.
"Holy Fuck! Tyler, no – fucking – way," was her response.
"What should I do?" I asked.
What she said surprised me.
"Go for it. Give the little pisher what he wants." From DJ pisher was a term of endearment.
"What! Are you fucking kidding me?" I shouted.
"Look, Jordan. The boy is pushing things; he's already looking to meet someone about this. He's way too curious; you've got to do this for his own safety."
"But he's twelve and my son!"
"Yes, he's your son, you need to protect him and dare I say teach him. And don't worry about his age; just treat him like a newbie. You've done newbies before. If he consents, then move forward. You know how to do it safely and sanely."
3;" was all I could stammer out.
"Fuck it then, just bring him over here for a weekend. We'll give him what he needs."
"Yeah right,
3;wait, what
"Oh yeah didn't I mention, Karla is my novice, I've been training her for about a year now to be a great mistress just like her mom."
My brain almost exploded.
"What the hell? I need to wrap my head in duct tape to keep it from exploding. I just find out tonight my son thinks he's s slave and wants to be tied up and now you're telling me that Karla is training to be a mistress like you?"
"That's what I said, dude."
I sat in silence for a moment. She let me digest all this new information.
"If I do this, won't that like totally warp him."
"If he sneaks off to meet someone else and he's not responsible like we are, that will really warp him, or do I need to say it? Something worse might happen to him, Jordan."
"Jordan, find your balls and do this! It's for his own safety and your piece of mind, Trust me."
"I'll sleep on it."
"You do that, but keep an eye on his internet usage tonight. If you need to intervene you do it. Promise me, he's my nephew you know."
"Yeah I will, I promise."
We said our goodbyes and I sat back in my chair for a moment.
After the complete fog around my brain lifted a little bit and I could remember my own name again, I got up and got myself a drink. A hard drink, then another and then one more just to be safe.
By the time I got back into my office Tyler was back on his computer, looking at another virtual picture of this Dakota, one where the boy was in a cage. He was on that picture for several minutes.
"I think I know what he's doing." I thought to myself
I went to his bedroom. I had never entered without knocking first, not a single time since he moved in three years ago. I wanted him to know he had a place that is just his, all his own.
I turned the knob, pushed open the door and flew in.
There he was.
Completely naked on his bed, eyes closed, mouth open panting slightly, hair all kerfuffled, his right hand pumping away on his cock, and to top it all off he had tied his ankles together with a little piece of rope he had gotten somewhere. The virtual boy's picture remained on the computer screen.
He didn't hear me, all lost in his preteen self pleasuring.
I cleared my throat.
He literally did a full body leap.
"Dad! Oh my God!" he shouted.
He tired to stand up forgetting he had self bound his ankles together and fell over off his bed and on to the floor. Well more like crashed bodily into it. It must have hurt like hell.
He covered himself as best he could.
His whole body was deep crimson.
He started to cry.
"Dad, Oh my God. I am so sorry, you should have knocked."
His apology continued but I just kneeled down and put my hand on his shoulder and looked him in the eyes.
"Tyler, don't apologize. It's natural what you're doing. Well tying your ankles isn't so natural for a lot of boys, but it's all okay."
"What? Really? I mean, huh?"
"Tyler, all boys play with themselves, cause it feels good. When I was your age I couldn't keep my hands off myself. And for you, tying your ankles feels good right?"
"Uhm, y
3;yeah it does, dad. Sorry I guess I'm just a freak." He was still crying.
"No way. Tyler you are certainly not a freak. You're my son. Got that, My son. And I love you. Just because not everyone does it doesn't make you a freak or different."
"Oh man, what, what am I going to do, this is so embarrassing you finding me like this."
"Well Tyler, you've really done nothing wrong, but didn't that guy Master for Boy tell you not to cum, for what was it – a week?"
His face turned to shock and he went deathly white.
"Ug, uhm, h
3;how d
3;do you know that?"
"Well Strawberry Boy, you've put yourself out there and guess what you've been found. You see I am what's called a Master, I liked doing to submissives, to slaveboys, the things you seem to want to learn more about. You might say I am a Master of Slaves."
Being the smart boy his is his eyes went so wide, wider then I thought was possible for a human being. His mouth just dropped but no sound came out.
I nodded my head and smiled to confirm his insight.
He gurgled from deep in his throat.
3; my own father! I came on to my own father!"
"No you came on to a master. Someone you thought could help you fulfill your desires. That's natural too, son."
I could see from the expression on his face he had no clue what to say. His brain must have been filled with a million thoughts and a thousand emotions.
"So I'm guess I'm so grounded like for life! Oh man, I'm so screwed."
"Well, Tyler, what happens next is up to you." I helped him sit up. "I'm giving you a choice." I helped him stand up and to sit back down on his bed.
"Shhh." I made him lie down on his back. "Do you have any more of this rope?"
"Uhm yeah, under the bed."
You gotta love an honest child.
I reached down and found the ropes and pulled out a couple pieces I thought would work.
"Tyler put your hands together like this." And I showed him how I wanted him to place the inside of his wrists together.
He did.
I tied his wrists together in way that was tight but not unsafe. Then I checked his ankles, he hadn't really tied them all that well so I removed the ropes and retied them. This time I spread them to the corners of his footboard and tied each ankle in place there. From the waist down he was spread eagle as much as his bed would allow.
"Son, I'm gunna give you a choice. I want you to think about this seriously, as seriously as you can. You want to explore these thoughts and desires you have. I have experience with this stuff. I will teach you right, right here at home and safely."
"I don't understand, dad."
"Tyler, I am giving you the chance to become a slaveboy. My slaveboy."
"Now no more talking, right now you're my little prisoner." I tickled his ribs to relax him a little bit. "Tonight you will sleep like a slaveboy so you can get a taste of what it is you're asking for. And in the morning you will tell me if you want to continue with your training."
He was silent for a moment.
"And what if I decide I don't want to?"
"Then we don't and we forget about this and sleeping tied up will be your punishment. Case closed."
I took another piece of the rope and raised his hands over his head and tied them off to the headboard. "We can't have you touching yourself overnight, little slave."
He moaned his disappointment.
I leaned over and kissed him on the forehead and went to the door and turned off the light.
"Uhm dad?"
"Yeah, Tyler?"
"Can I have the sheet pulled up?"
"No son, slaves don't get to cover up their naked bodies. Its on display at all times for the pleasure and enjoyment of their master. Besides it's the middle of summer you won't get cold."
"Oh, okay," was all he said.
I closed the door and left him in the pitch black of his bedroom, naked, bound and sexually unsatisfied.
I went to my computer and remotely accessed his computer and added in a password feature, one that he couldn't get around. He would need permission from me from now one to access his computer. Whatever he decided I need to protect him from himself online. Then I remotely shut it down from my terminal.
I had another drink then went to bed myself.
Chapter 3 Decision Time
I didn't sleep much thinking about my son who I had just tied up to his bed and gave him a choice to make. The choice of becoming a slaveboy, or not.
After a very long night the sun started to come up. I went to make some coffee and get some toast. Both of which filled the house with their wonderful smells.
I ate and then took my coffee and headed off to my boy's room. I paused at the door for a moment. Once opened our relationship could change for ever. I took a deep breath and remembered DJ's words from last night, "
3;for his own safety
3;" I opened the door.
Tyler was wide awake and looked at me the moment the door opened.
"Morning, son"
"I think you mean morning, slaveboy, dad."
I smiled and he smiled back.
"Are you sure Tyler?"
"Yes I am sure. Yes I want to do this, please."
"Okay, you are now my slaveboy."
The kid beamed a smile from ear to ear.
I went over to the bed, kissed him on the forehead again. "Know his Tyler. You are first and foremost my son and I love you with all my heart, nothing will ever change that. Understand?"
"Yes Dad."
"Did you get much sleep?"
"Not really, I was too nervous and it was hard to sleep tied like this."
"Well the nervousness will go away, but being tied up won't so I'm gunna leave you like this for a few more hours. I need to get some things prepped for you. And it will give you time to get used to it and to get some more rest."
"How long are you gunna leave me like this?"
"Sorry, dad. How long are you gunna leave me like this, sir?"
"Sorry kiddo, slaves just have to grin and bear it."
"Oh, okay."
"You've got a lot to learn, Tyler."
"I guess so," then realizing he forgot, he quickly added, "sir."
"Don't worry just do as I tell you, and always do your best. We'll talk about the basics later on so you won't make simple mistakes."
I went down to the little playroom and got what I needed to introduce my boy to being a slave. A collar, and a set of lockable wrist and ankle cuffs, and a gag.
I set all these down on the coffee table in the living room and thought.
"What the fuck am I doing
3;?" I asked myself
DJ's words from last night keep popping up. "If he meets someone not as responsible as we are
3;.that will warp him
3;.for his own safety
"But for crying out load, he's a child." I said in conflict with myself.
3;you just treat him like a newbie
3;you know how to do that
3;" DJ's words again.
It was like the old cartoon gag with the angel and the devil whispering their advice into each ear.
I took another deep breath and stood up gathering my resolve.
I went to get my son, my slaveboy.
I untied him and told him to go to the living room.
He went over to his dresser drawer and opened it up. He reached in and grabbed a pair of shorts.
"What are you doing, Tyler?"
"Putting on some shorts."
"You told me to go to the living room."
"Yes I did, but did I mention anything about putting on shorts?"
"Uhm, no."
"No what?"
"No, Sir."
"Do you remember what I told you last night about a slave's body?"
"Uhm, you mean about how it's supposed to be on display for his master?"
"Yep, that's it."
"Yeah guess I forgot about that."
"Tyler, you're a slaveboy now. You only wear clothes when I say so. And the first thing you need to learn as a slave is to do as you're told too. I told you go to the living room, I said nothing about putting on clothes."
"Oh, okay, I understand now, sorry, Sir."
He walked out of his room, nervous as hell. By the time he reached to living room he was bright red again from embarrassment. His eyes caught the leather objects on the table.
"Oh cool" he whispered.
I sat down on the couch and pointed to the spot in front of me. He got the message and came over to stand in font of me.
"Give me your hand." I ordered.
I put on and locked the leather restraint around his wrist. I repeated the order and the procedure with his other hand.
"Foot" I ordered and patted my knee to show him I wanted him to raise his barefoot up for me to put on the ankle cuffs. I locked one around each slim ankle.
Then I stood up with the collar in my hand.
"Ok, Tyler, this is important. You have one last chance to change your mind. I won't be mad at you no matter what choice you make. But once I put this on you there's no backing out. You're my slave. This collar marks you as a slave and makes you my property. Do you understand, son?"
"Yes, dad."
Good he said dad and not sir, he was beginning to see the difference and how important all these steps are.
"So what's your decision, Tyler?"
"Sir, please put the collar on me. I want to be a slaveboy. Please, Sir."
I did as he wanted and clicked the lock in place.
He closed his eyes as the metal snapped shut, took a very deep breath and smiled the smile of a content twelve year old boy.
"You are now my slaveboy," I instructed him.
"Yes Sir, thank you Sir."
I reached behind him and picked up the gag, the smallest one I have and ordered him to open up.
He obeyed.
I slipped the gag in and clinched it tight behind his head.
I sat back down on the couch.
"Come here boy, and lay with your head in my lap."
He obeyed again.
Here was my strawberry blonde haired, blue eyed boy, naked as a jay-bird lying with his head in my lap. His eyes looking up into mine with lust, fear, a son's love, and a willingness to submit I have seen so many times before in true subs. With one hand I stroked his hair as the other rested on his chest.
His heart was beating a mile a minute. He was nervous, excited, embarrassed and scared. His reactions to all this actually put me at ease, if he wasn't all those things I would have been really worried.
"Tyler, these are the things you need to know and do from this point forward. We will add more rules for you as we train you more. Are you ready, boy?"
With the gag in his mouth he was smart enough to know I didn't want him to talk so he simply nodded "Yes".
"Good Boy, then let's being our journey together!"
After while of me just petting my little slaveboy son he noticeably relaxed.
"Getting used to being naked, slaveboy?" I asked.
He nodded yes.
"Feeling less nervous?"
He nodded again.
"Good, it's time to show you something. Stand up and put your wrists behind your back, honey."
He slid off the couch and stood in the posture as ordered to do.
"Stand tall, be proud, you're my slaveboy and I won't have you slouching, boy." I gave his ass a little love slap it get my point across.
I take a little padlock out of my pocket and thread it through a ring on each of this wrist restraints and with a click his arms are secured behind him.
"A slave follows his master two steps behind and I want you slightly off to the left of me understand?"
He nodded yes. He cock was beginning to swell up.
I look down at his growing excitement.
"Rookie mistake, slave. You should not be hard." I take hold of it and give it a tug.
"You're excited by all this aren't you, Tyler?"
You'd think I just asked him if he wanted pizza and ice cream for breakfast he nods so vigorously.
"Well we'll have to take care of this, try to get it soft little one." I smile to reassure him. Of course he probably has no clue what taking care of this means, but that will be corrected in about fifteen minutes.
"Come on, my slaveboy. Follow me."
I take him to the door of the playroom, parading him through the house completely naked, hands bound and mouth gagged. I made sure we walked by a few windows along the way, just for good measure.
As he stands in front of the door he is still hard and his cock is bobbing up and down with his excited heartbeat. He is visibly shaking with nervousness and his own excitement.
"You have seen this door many times haven't you, Tyler?"
He nods yes.
"But you have never seen what's in this room have you?"
He shook his head no.
"Take a deep breath and get ready to enter: the playroom, our playroom." I unlock the door and open it open.
The light entering from the outside does not do the room justice. But just the little bit of what he can see must totally excite and frighten him at the same time.
"Enter the room, slave." I tell him and let him go first.
I follow behind and flick on the lights and close and lock the door.
His eyes are wide and darting around the room looking at everything in here. His head turns from place to place looking at the various displays of leather, metal and wood all designed to play with, torment and torture a male slave.
From the central bondage table to the spanking bench off to the side, the sling hanging in the corner and the slave's puppy cage in the other corner. It's the usual cliché of bondage rooms. Lots of ropes, leather and chains. I won't bore you with the details. The only thing different from most dungeon rooms is mine is painted navy blue and not dark gray or black.
I look at my little boy, the son I love with all my heart, my newly minted slaveboy. He is damn sexy, how come I have never noticed his developing body before?
His cock is sticking up at a forty-five degree angle from his lithe body.
"Is this what you had in mind?" I ask after giving him a few minutes to look around at all the devices hanging on the walls or lying on shelves and tables. Devices to be used to bring a slave pleasure and pain, often at the same time.
He simply nods his head slowly as he continues to look around.
"Good. First things first we need to get you soft, but with you all worked up like that," I point to his rigid cock, "I don't think that will be happening anytime soon if we leave it alone."
I take hold of a D-ring in his slave collar and lead him over to a small low table.
"Stand here and don't move."
I clear the table of its implements of torture.
I take a leather blindfold off the wall and go back to my son, "Trust me, Tyler?"
He nods yes.
"Close your eyes." And I put the leather over his eyes. "Can you see anything; any light peaking through?"
He shakes his head no.
I take up a bottle of lube and lather up my right hand and then his cock.
He takes in a deep breath at my touch and immediately begins moaning.
"I hope you enjoy this, slaveboy – as it will be the last time you get to cum for quite some time."
I begin stroking his hard four-inch (10cm) cock gently. The lube makes it so easy, there is no friction. Just a little a pressure and back and forth motion.
I can see he loves this.
"Just think, Tyler, your daddy is jerking you off." I tease.
He goes bright red right down to his toes but keeps moaning and starts to follow my hand with his hips.
"Stand still, slave."
He stops moving.
I increase my pressure around his cock.
It's such a great feeling to have a hard and fleshy rod in my hand. There's something so special about a hard cock, it's hard as steel inside but still soft on the outside. The skin feels like soft velvet over steel as I glide from base to tip over and over.
He is moaning and groaning constantly now and there is some drool escaping the edges of his mouth. He is lost in the masturbation.
"Ever have Justin wank your cock when he's tied you up?" I ask.
He slowly shakes no.
"Are you sure, boy? Slaves don't lie." I give his cock a hard squeeze and yank.
He grunts at the jerk of my hand but still shakes his head no.
"So the only hand to have touched this cock before now is your own?"
He nods yes.
"Another rule: Slaves never touch their cock without permission of their master. Do you understand." I am working away at his cock the whole time.
He nods yes.
"I own your body, it's mine all of it, even this thing," I give it a good yank again. "Isn't that right, slave?"
He nods yes.
"So I decide when and if you cum, isn't that so?" I let go of his cock.
He moans in frustration at that. He must have been close to shooting. Poor little lamb.
"Isn't that right, boy?" I flick his cockhead with my fingers.
He nods yes.
"But you want to cum don't you?"
He rapidly nods yes and moans.
I add more lube to my hand and grab his cock once again.
"You do know that once I allow you to cum here you won't cum again until I say so. It could be tomorrow, next week, or months from now."
He shakes his head yes slowly.
"You still want to cum quickly though don't you?"
Rapid nods yes.
"Too bad." And I stop.
A loud moan of frustration escapes his throat.
I watch the metronome of his cock bobbing in time with his heartbeat. Up and down ever so slightly.
He's panting with excitement and frustration.
I have seen this many times edging a slave.
I add more lube to my hand and take hold of his cock after a couple of minutes.
He moans again at the returning pleasure.
I begin to pump his little cock harder and faster.
He's grunting in time with my hand.
My hand slides up and down in a flash. The lube is making obscene wet slapping sounds as I work him and his cock into a sexual frenzy.
I can see his whole body being to tense up.
It's time.
I squeeze harder and go faster.
His back arches.
Harder and rubbing the over the top of his piss slit with my fingers.
He lifts up onto the balls of his feet then on to his toes.
Harder. Tip to base and back.
He throws his head back and screams into his gag.
The first shot totally misses the table and lands on the floor.
The second follows and barely hits the far side of the table.
He's still screaming.
He's still cumming.
Three, four five and six wads of cum exit his piss slit and hit the table top.
My experiment has paid off. I wanted to see how much he cums and get totally get as much spunk out if him as possible before I lock his little guy away from the world.
He stops shooting and a string of cum hangs from the end of his cock. He lowers himself fully back onto his feet.
How can a boy with no crotch hair shoot so damn much?
He is breathing deeply just like he's run a mile.
"Stay put."
He just nods.
I go over and grab a washcloth wetting it under the playroom's sink and return to my post climax slaveboy.
The water is cold as I clean up the cum from his cock and rub his cock and balls with it.
The shock of the cold water does two things. It brings my son back to reality from his cum high and quickly deflates his hard cock back to its flaccid two inch (5cm) size.
"Just keep breathing, Tyler."
I go over to the cabinet and locate a nice cock cage for him. This will serve as a temporary chastity device until I can order him one of his own. This one might actually be too big but it's the smallest I have.
"Think about schoolwork or something. I don't want you getting hard right now."
I take his cock and balls and slip the plastic base cockring around his prepubescent package, it fits around it snuggly. I turn it around to get the connection points all lined up.
Experience has taught me that I have to do this quickly.
I take his cock and insert it into the cage and get the securing pins inserted and through the proper holes and click a lock on the central post locking the unit together and securing the cage to my son's body.
"You know, Tyler, about a hundred or so years ago most little boys had devices on their penises to stop them from getting hard. Some were quite nasty with spikes and pins made to hurt the boy if he got hard. And as we both know little boys always get hard. See their parents thought it was evil of the child to get hard and tried to prevent a hard cock so he wouldn't be tempted to play with himself overnight. Doesn't sounds like much fun does it?"
'No' he shakes.
"But for you, you are a slave now. No longer a free boy and I control you and just like those parents a hundred years ago, I don't want you hard either and I certainly don't want you playing with yourself. See your cum belongs to me too and I won't have you wasting what rightfully belongs to me by playing with your little boy cock."
Chapter 5 Slow and Safe
I slowly remove his blindfold and he learns that the light assaulting his eyes takes some getting used too. He lowers his head and blinks his eyes as they readjust to the bright room lights.
Then I take out his gag and he exercises his jaw working out the kinks.
"Welcome back, Tyler."
"Hi." He smiles and giggles.
"What how was that?" I ask.
"That was awesome!" he practically shouts.
"I bet it was. But look down." I point to his crotch.
"Yeah, what exactly is this thing?"
"That's a chastity cage, it's locked on you and won't be coming off any time soon."
"Okay and I guess I won't be either."
I laugh. "Yeah, you got that right, kiddo," I ruffle his hair. Something he hates but can do nothing about with his hands bound behind him.
"Uhm, sir. How long will this thing be locked on me?"
"Until I say so."
"O-okay, I guess."
"Tyler, let me ask you this. Should a slave have any say over what his master does to him? Think about this carefully."
I could see him searching for the proper answer.
"Uhm, I guess not, sir." He answers quietly.
"Well in a perfect world maybe not. But here things are different. Do you know what a safe word is?"
"Yeah I read about that online. It's like a word that I can say to make something stop, right?"
"Yes it is, there are also slow words, a word you say when things get too intense but you don't need it to stop – just to slow down a little. See the difference?"
"Good. Your safe word is going to be 'red'. Say it for me."
"And your slow word is 'yellow'. Say that too."
"Yellow. Hey, it's just like a traffic light."
"Now you've got it.
"If I really, really like something can I say 'green'?" he asked half-seriously.
I laugh, "You are certainly your father's son!"
"Yeah, but I'm adopted." He teases.
"But you're still my son, ain't ya?" I bop the end of his nose with my finger.
"Yes, daddy!" he teases back in his best little boy voice.
"Good, and no matter what. No matter what we do here or where this road leads us I will always love you forever and ever."
I grab him and give him a good hug.
"Hey no fair, I can't hug you back like this." He protests.
"I know," and I bend over to kiss him, right on the lips.
"Whoa, that felt great." He says as I pull away.
"What this?" and I lean in and kiss him again, harder this time.
He opens his lips and I push my tongue onto his parting lips and feel his teeth. He opens more and I go inside his mouth finding his tongue with mine.
He moans and melts into my arms.
We play tongue hockey for a moment then I pull away but hold onto his shoulders steadying him.
He opens his eyes and gives me a wide smile. "That
3; was
3; awesome." He whispers.
"I'm very proud of you, you know?"
"Proud of me. Why?"
"You have the courage take a leap into something scary. To give up control. To understand who and what you are, to allow your true nature out. Most people hide themselves away. Not you."
He just smiles.
"Where do we go from here, sir?" he asks.
"Hmm, let me see," and I scan the room for ideas of what to introduce him to next.
"Want me to, uhm, you know, to suck your dick for you, sir?" he asks shyly.
"Are you ready for that?"
"Uhm, yeah, I mean it's what a slaveboy has to do, right?"
"Yes, it is one of the main duties of a slave, but not the only one."
"But I kinda want too. Is that weird?"
"No it's not. If you enjoy it there is nothing weird about it even if other people might think so."
"You will have your chance soon enough, but not right now."
"Aww." He groans in disappointment.
"Come on over here."
"Yes, sir."
I take him to the spanking bench and help him lay his chest down on to the narrow support. I lift his legs up bending them at the knee and resting his shin on the padded shelves make for that purpose. Then I undo and place his arms, bending at the elbow, and put his wrist at the end of the armrest leaving his hands dangling over the edge.
"One of the things I really enjoy doing to a slave is spanking him. There is pain administered for punishment and pain administered just for the enjoyment of a master."
"I don't understand, sir." He says.
I begin to take the first of the many leather straps and tighten them around his body.
"Tyler, pleasure for a slave can come from the pain given to him by his master. Your job is to find a way to make the pain work for you."
His right arm is secured.
"When you do something bad or disobey or fail at a task I give you, you will be punished. Punishment is not for your enjoyment. And usually I don't enjoy it either. But it is a teaching aid in a slave's training. Understand?"
"Yeah, I mean, yes sir."
His left arm is now secured in place.
"But there is something called a sadist, people who like to inflict pain on another person. They, get off' on it. I am a sadist. Someone who craves pain be given to him is called a masochist, you hopefully are and very likely are a masochist. Either way you will get pain from me. Hopefully you will learn to enjoy it over time and be able to turn it into pleasure."
"I don't get it, why would anyone like being hurt? Sir."
"Everyone's body and their desires are different. We are all built differently."
"I get that, sir. But still don't get why people would like to be hurt."
"You like being tied up, right?"
"Oh yes, Sir."
I complete securing his left leg tight in four places to the bench.
"Because it makes me feel all tingly and excited, sir."
"But why would anyone want to be tied up?" I push him into thinking about it.
He takes a moment.
"Oh, I see. I like being tied up because of how it makes me feel. You like tying me up because of how it makes you feel doing it to me, right?"
"Yes, now can you see how someone might like to give pain while someone else might like to be given pain?"
His right leg is tight to the bondage furniture.
"Yeah I guess that makes sense, sir."
"There ya go, kiddo."
"So your gunna kinda experiment on me to see if I am one of those mas-i-kissed people?"
"Yeah, that and for my own enjoyment. But we do need to discover if you really enjoy pain and how much you can take right now."
"How much I can take, sir?'
"Yes, over time how much pain you can endure will change and grow. Its kinda like you get used to a certain level and then the next time that level doesn't hurt as much so I need to give you more."
I tighten the straps over his back in two places.
"Is your cock trying to get hard?"
"Yeah it is, sir."
"Nice and tight in that little cage?"
"Oh yeah, sir. But I get it."
"Get what?"
"I get why this thing is on me, sir."
"Good boy."
I rub his back and the tender flesh of his ass cheeks. They are perfect. So creamy white and smooth. The perfect roundness, no fat, no sag, sublime.
"Do you remember your slow and safe words?"
"Yes Sir; 'yellow' for slow and 'red' for safe."
"Good, you can beg me to stop, and scream in pain all you want. But I won't stop until I am ready or until you say one of those two words."
"Yes, sir."
"Are you ready?"
"For what exactly."
"I am going to spank you with this," and I show him the leather paddle. It's about the length of my forearm. Rectangular in shape with a handgrip handle. Down the center is a series of holes to allow air through so as to not cushion the blows.
"Whoa," is all he says.
"Yeah." And I go around to his backside and take up my position.
I swing it through the air getting the feel and balance and allowing him to hear it just intensifies his fear and anticipation. From his angle and the bench in the way, he can't turn his head in any direction to be able to see me, or the paddle that's about to pound away at his ass.
I take position and swing back.
I hesitate. 'What the fuck am I doing here. I have my own young son strapped down tight and am about to paddle him for my own pleasure.' I think.
I don't know how long I wait in that position, but I hear a little voice.
"Dad, please do this. Spank me, please." Tyler begs.
I let go of my arm and swish and: Smack!
The loud clap of leather against skin echoes around the room.
It takes a second, but then
"ARRRRRGHHHH!" Tyler screams in pain and shock.
I let his scream die down and wait to see if he says either word. But besides his heavy breathing and little groans he's silent.
I swing back and a swing a solid hit to both cheeks.
"AWWRRRGGGHHH!" he shouts again.
Two red paddle shaped marks appear on his smooth skin.
I wait to hear any verbal response.
Swing three and; Slap. Full to his left ass cheek.
Another loud scream.
Swing four; Slap! Full on his right cheek. Just to balance out.
I wait, both to let the pain sweep into his body and to see if he's going to say anything.
Again I guess I wait too long because all I hear other than Tyler's crying is him softly say, "Green."
"You're sure?" I ask.
"Yes, sir."
Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!
Four hard hits in a row, no waiting in between no chance to let him say anything.
He's screaming and writhing in his bondage through all four and is crying quite hard now.
No communications from him.
I rub his ass with my hand. Over the welts and feel the heat his ass radiates.
I swing back and deliver a full force hit to both ass cheeks.
He strains against the straps holding him down and throws his head back and lets out a blood curtailing scream of pain and anguish.
I wait just a few seconds after his scream dies. No words come from him.
I swing back once more and let go on him. His whole body lurches forward with the force of the impact. He clenches his hands into tight fists. His feet fly around in circles trying to make the pain flow out of his body through his toes. His head flies back so far it looks like his neck might break, his mouth is open but no sound comes out.
Then a split second later a croak, then a gurgle, a quite high-pitched squeal; and then as the pain flows from his ass to the rest of his body a scream exits.
A mighty scream, high pitched and so loud. My ears are ringing when it finally fades away.
His head drops and hangs freely, his hands relax and his whole body goes limp.
'Oh my, God. He's passed out,' I think.
I drop the paddle to the floor and quickly go around the front of him and gently take his head in my hands.
He's not passed out, just totally worn out exhausted from his ordeal.
I look him in the eye and as he regains his senses he weakly smiles at me.
"I guess we know I am one of those massy-kissts people." He slurs out. Just talking right now is a major effort for him.
"I guess so, pumpkin." And I kiss him on the lips – just a simple closed mouth kiss.
I gently lower his head and start to unstrap him from the bench.
"Sir, can I stay like this for a few minutes?" he asks.
But I want to get him up and moving around to make sure he's okay.
"No, Tyler, time to get up now."
Chapter 7 A Slaveboy Learns New Things About Himself
I get him up and onto his feet. He's weak but standing on his own.
I hold him close to me.
"Hey, kiddo. Look at me."
He lifts his head up.
I smile, "You did so great."
"Thank you, sir."
"Are you okay?"
"Yes, sir. That was so painful, it hurt so much. But it was also so great at the same time."
"You're a natural. I can't believe you asked for more."
"Yeah, that kinda surprised me too." He giggled.
I hug him tight and he hugs me back. I have no idea how long we stay like that, me just enjoying his warm naked flesh against me. Him just holding on to his father and master. His mind racing away processing all these new feelings and discoveries about himself.
"Hungry?" I whisper.
"Yeah, kinda."
I break our embrace and lead him over to the cage and shuffle him inside on his hands and knees. He turns over and looks at me questioningly.
"You get to wait here while I make some lunch for us."
"Yes, sir."
"Give me your hands and feet." I order.
He scoots over so his ankles are at the open cage door. He winces at the pain of sitting on his freshly paddled ass. But doesn't complain.
I lock his ankle restraints together and then do the same to his outstretched wrists.
"Try laying on your side." I advise him.
He lies down and gets into a fetal position as I close and lock the cage door.
I turn down the lights to low and unlock the door and exit, being sure to make a lot of noise as I relock the door. Just so he knows his a prisoner. He likes being bound after all, might as well give him the full experience.
Once in the kitchen I realize I have nothing to make in the house, I was planning on going to the grocery today but plans have changed. I pick up the phone and order a pizza from the little family pizzeria in town. I add on some garlic knots and a couple of Cokes and dessert. About forty-five minutes the guy tells me.
'Good,' I think 'that will give Tyler a decent amount of cage time to relax and think about things.
I decide to call up DJ and fill her in on the proceedings since last night.
"Holy fuck, Jordan. Good for you, man. Nice to see you took my advice."
"Yeah, thanks for the push Deej"
"I can't believe he actually asked for more." She comments.
"That one surprised me, but I think it surprised him even more."
"He's no longer an innocent. But he's still a newbie, just remember that, hon," she advises.
"Yeah I know. This is going to be very different for me. It's a strange mix of giving Tyler what I now know he needs, getting my own pleasure from it and him and still loving him dearly as my son."
"Yeah it will be a challenge. Are you going to give up taking other slaves while you train him?"
"I think that's best." I answer.
"I need to devote myself to teaching Tyler right now, I can't be distracted."
"What about your trip to the summer electronics show next month?" she asks.
"Oh shit, I totally forgot about that. I can't take him with me. I can't leave him alone in the hotel while I'm at the show and I don't want him alone in New York."
"A break in his training and discipline might not be good so soon." She says.
"I suppose not. Just from what I have seen he needs to be a slave full-time. It's not something I think he will he able to turn off and on like a game."
"So what do I do? I can't send him to my parents like I was planning."
"Why not?"
"Cause they have a pool and I'm sure there will be marks on his body when he arrives. Plus if he's away from the action, so to speak, he might get moody and try things on his own. Can you just imagine my mother catching him like that, and then there's matter of the cock cage locked on him."
"You locked him up already?"
"Yes I did."
"Men, always thinking about cock, getting it off or locking it up. Whatever."
"You're just jealous, Deej."
"Hell no I'm not, I don't know how you guys walk around with those things."
"So any ideas on what to do with Tyler next month?"
"You can always send him over here. He's hasn't spent time with his aunt for a while."
"Ha, you just want to play with him now that he's a slaveboy."
"Yup. But I also love the kid. Plus there's no worries if he's got marks on him from the whip or paddle when he shows up, or interesting bulges behind his shorts from a locked tight cock."
"And what about Karla?"
"What about her? I can teach both of them. Tyler how to be a slave and Karla how to be a better mistress."
"And Tyler will be her study aid." I say matter of factly.
"You have a problem with that?"
"I guess not, not really, no."
"And you won't need to pack anything for him other than his toothbrush, I have a feeling he won't be wearing much while he's our guest."
"Haha! I'll bet he won't, just don't be too hard on him. He's still my son!" I tease.
"And he's still my adopted nephew and Karla's dear cousin."
"Alright you've convinced me."
"Good then it's all settled. Tyler will spend the week here with us learning new things."
"Ok, but just remember to give him back when I get home."
We say our good-byes and I sit back to think about what I have just done.
'I don't really know for sure that Tyler is gay, I think he is. But then again he's probably too young to know himself, so this thing could be beneficial to him in a number of ways.'
'Question is, do I give him the choice or do I just deliver him into DJ's and Karla's domme hands?'
Just then the doorbell rings – it's the pizza dude with our lunch.
Chapter 9 Time to Get Some Information
Tyler finished up the last slice of pizza while still sitting in the cage. I was sitting on a chair in front of the cage door enjoying the meal with him. We didn't talk about anything specific, just a little chit-chat, mostly the boy just ate. Must have been starving.
I hand him a napkin and he wipes his face takes a last drink of soda and sits to let it all digest. He is sitting on his side putting his weight on his hip and thigh, not his sore ass.
"Sir," he hesitantly starts, "Am I, you know kinda screwed up, because, you know, I liked what you just did to me, I mean really liked it? I mean isn't it weird that I liked being hit and hit so hard?"
"Tyler, simple answer is absolutely not. You're not weird in the slightest, and you're by no means screwed up." How could I easily explain this to him, "Tyler, some people like really spicy food, right?"
"But you don't, right."
"Are they weird for liking something so spicy that for you it would burn your mouth and cause you pain?"
"Uhm, no."
"But they enjoy it, don't they?"
"I guess so, if they didn't they wouldn't eat it I guess."
"Right. So you see what's right for them isn't right for you. So what's right for you isn't right for someone else. It doesn't mean someone is weird or screwed up, we are all just built differently."
"Okay, I see. Uhm, thanks for explaining it to me." He flashed me one of his trademark make my heart melt smiles.
"You're welcome, kiddo." I reach in and ruffle his strawberry blonde hair.
"So now what?" he asked.
"You want to continue?"
"Yes!" his face lit up with excitement.
"First I want you to crawl out of the cage and over to that chair." I pointed to a ladder back bondage chair.
He placed his hands on the floor and exited the cage on his palms and knees. His sore ass wiggling as he crawls over to the chair. I take a good look at his bubble butt, there are certainly going to be some black and blue marks on his ass for at least a week. 'The kid can take some pain,' I think.
He reaches the chair and stops facing it still on his hands and knees.
"Up and sit down on the chair, slave."
"How?" he looks at the chair.
The bondage chair has no seat, just two supports for the back of his thighs to rest on. No support for his ass at all. The leg supports are angled in such as way as to force his knees apart at a wide angle. This gives me complete access to his cock and balls, even though they are caged up, and by reaching under him I can gain access to his asshole too.
"You slide your thighs on these and sit all the way back with your back tight against the rungs there. Then put your arms behind the chair back." I offer instructions for the novice slave.
He crawls up into place with some hesitation and work and some confusion – but eventually he gets it. And slides his hands behind the chair. I quickly snap a pair of metal handcuffs around his little wrists securing him to the chair.
Standing in front of him I quickly take a handfull of his long hair in my hand and pull his head up to look me in the face. "Slave when I tell you to do something I expect it to be done quickly, do you understand."
My sudden change of tone shocks him and he gets a very scared look on his face. I remain stern looking him directly in his bright blue eyes.
"Well, slave I asked you a question."
3; yes, Master."
"Good boy." I smile.
I then continue to secure the boy to the chair, tight. I start with his thighs just below his crotch, then just above his knees. Then I move to his calves and shins just below his knees and of course his ankles. I tie off his biceps to the back of the chair and even add a little rope around his forearms keeping them in place around the back. Then I tie his stomach and chest and even his neck to the chair back.
Each time I pull the ropes tight he lets out a little grunt as his skin is pulled tight and his body secured to the black bondage chair.
"Now, slaveboy Tyler, time for you to give me some answers. You will tell me the complete truth, you will hold back nothing." I instruct him. "Do you understand, slave?"
"Yes. Master." He almost whispers.
I take a riding crop from the wall and hold it out in front of him. I lightly slap each thigh just below where it's tied to the chair. He lets out two little yelps. It can of course get a lot harder and more painful. Many a time I sent a slave home with a crop shaped bruise on various parts of their body.
"That, slave, is just a taste of the sting you can expect to feel if I even think you are lying or holding back."
"I understand, sir."
"Question one, how long have you had these desires to be tied up and played with sexually?"
He hesitates a moment and looks down at the floor.
"Answer me, slave!" I lightly slap his face to get his attention, not for the pain of it.
He looks up at me, I can see he's shocked by the slap to the face.
He gulps. "I don't know how long for sure, but for quite a while now, Sir." He says quietly.
I just go on to my next question.
"How many times have you tied yourself up and played with your cock like you where doing when I found you last night?"
"Almost all the time, everyday." He quickly answers. He's getting into the interrogation now I think.
"Have you ever had sex of any kind with anyone before?"
"Justin and I have jerked off together a few times, that's all."
"Did he tie you up when you jerked off?"
"Only one time."
"Have you tasted cum?"
He turned bright red. "Yes, sir."
"Who's cum was it?"
"Mine and Justin's, sir."
"Did you like the taste?"
He went deep crimson from nose to toes. "I liked Justin's better than mine."
"How long have you been surfing the web looking for bondage?"
"About three months, sir."
"Tell me what turns you on the most."
"Uhm, being tied up, being gagged, ah, blindfolded maybe, I have put a finger in my butt and kinda liked that as I played with myself, I tried playing with my nipples too a few times and that made my penis really hard, I think boys in a slave collar are really cute looking."
"Like that character I saw on your screen, Dakota?"
"Yeah, like him."
"Out of all the things you have learned about online what do you think you want to try?"
"Uhm, I don't know really. But uhm, maybe ah, something called watersports and puppy training maybe, after the paddling I think I'd like to try being uhm whipped."
"Do you want to be a slaveboy?"
I could see the expression on his face change to one of being very serious. He raised his head up and looked me directly in the eyes, no embarrassment evident on him at all.
"Yes, sir, I do." He answered confidentially.
"Tyler, I will ask you once a week or so for a while, just to see if you want to continue, once you say yes we will continue until the next time I ask you. You will not be released from service until I ask and you say- no you don't want to continue. You have your slow and safe words but you will remain my slaveboy until the question is asked and you answer me with a no. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Sir."
"Tyler I am telling you this as your dad. Answer me as my son, okay."
"Yeah, dad I do, I get it okay."
I untie him completely and help him stand up from the devious chair. I even remove his collar. Except for the cage on his preteen cock he is completely naked, but not bound in anyway. I don't want him to feel any duress.
"Tyler, do you want to continue as my slaveboy until I give you this choice again? Remember once you decide it's final until the next time I ask."
Tyler stood bolt upright, hands at his side and answered, "Yes, sir, I am your slaveboy!" he proudly announced.
I took him in my arms and hugged him tight, the feeling of his warm naked flesh in my arms and against my hands was a serious turn on but I was hugging my son, the boy who had just given himself to me willingly as my newest slave.
I whispered in his ear, "I love you, son."
He whispered back as he returned my tight hug, "I love you too, dad, thanks for doing this to and for me."
I squeezed him a little tighter.
Chapter 10 Next Steps
After a few more moments in our father son embrace I release the naked twelve-year-old from my grip and he takes a step back from me.
"First lessons, slave. I am going to teach you some positions you need to know, when I call out their number you will assume them immediately without question, no matter what you are doing or who is present. Position one is standing as you are now, with your legs apart a little wider than your shoulders and your hands behind your head, fingers interlocked. Get in position now."
He snaps into that stance I have just described. I walk around him for inspection.
"Stand up straight, slave, you're my property, be proud of that and take pride in your naked body!" I encourage him. He jiggles into position.
"Chest out, stomach in, slave!"
I can actually see the pride on his face as he does as ordered.
"This is Position One, you will assume this stance every time I call it out. Do you understand?"
"Yes, sir."
"Good boy. And you will hold it until I release you. Now position two is this. Listen first then assume it when I tell you. You will go down to your knees, but not resting your butt on your heels you will be upright on your knees with your hands behind your back and your head bowed looking at a spot on the floor about three feet [90 cm] in front of you. Your knees are to be apart about shoulder width with the tops of your feet flat on the floor. Understand, slave?"
"Yes, sir."
"Slave, Position Two!"
He drops to his knees and assumes the kneeling position as I have just described.
He is totally submissive and completely adorable.
I again walk around him for inspection.
"Clasp your right wrist in your left hand, slave. Straighten your legs and feet, boy. Back straight."
He makes the adjustments.
"This is called Position Two, slave."
"Yes, sir."
I give him a few minutes in this stance to learn it.
"Position three is one of total submission. You will lay flat on your stomach, chest, chin and nose on the floor. Hands behind you in the small of your back, ankles crossed right over left. Understand?"
"Uhm, sir what is the small of my back?" he asked.
I put my hand in the small of his back and rub his smooth skin. It's just above where his hands are now. "Right here, slave."
"Thank you, sir."
"Slave," he jerks to move into the new position but I make him wait before I continue. "Position three!"
He lowers himself into position and gets it right the first time.
I slap his ass a bit to renew the pain. "Slave you were anticipating my order there, slaves do not do that, they wait to do as they are told when they are told. That slap was your punishment for that breach."
I let him rest like this for a few minutes.
"Last position is called Slave Rest. You will stand upright, back straight but not at military attention, you will look straight ahead with your hands clasped behind you somewhat causally. You will use this when we are out together or if someone is visiting who we don't want to know about our special relationship. Do you understand this stance, slave?"
"Yes, sir."
"Slave, assume the Slave Rest position."
He scrambles to his feet and stands as instructed. It's a required slave position but he does it causally, for an outside observer he looks just like any quiet kid standing there unassuming.
"Very good, slave. Now we will drill these, you will assume them as quickly, quietly and smoothly as possible until I am satisfied you do them without even thinking. Let's begin."
"Slave, position two!"
He snaps into action, a second or two to remember the stance and then he assumes it. He just gets it right and I shout, "Position one!"
He bounds up and gets into the stance. I let him breathe a moment. "Position three!" he drops to the floor. "Position one!" he jumps up.
For the next hour I randomly shout out the four positions he has just learned and he jumps to them over and over. He is getting tired and sweaty but never once says a word or uses his slow or safe word.
Walk around him slowly as I continue to call out positions over and over making him go from one to another over and over and over. He's getting quite a little work out and he's breathing hard.
Once I am satisfied he has learned them well enough for the first day I shout, "Slave Rest!"
He assumes the position, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he breathes with exhaustion.
I slowly walk around him but remain silent.
"Very well done, slave. Other slaves twice your age don't do as well their first time with these drills." I compliment him as I stand in front of him.
Tyler smiles, he's proud of himself, as he should be.
I am proud of him.
Chapter 11 Some More New rules for Tyler
"Slave, there are some more rules you will obey," I tell him as he remains motionless in his slave rest position. "First is you will only wear what I tell you when I tell you. Once you put on something consider it locked on and not to be removed until I tell you too. This could mean totally naked or only a pair of shorts if we have company, or if one of your friends is visiting. Second is you will always be barefoot, slaves have no rights to wear shoes or socks at any time.
"You will have no right to privacy as my slave. You will not close the bathroom door for any reason, or your bedroom door.
"You are not allowed to watch TV, touch the remote control, or use any computer, video game or cell phone without permission directly from me and then for only the use I allow. You are not allowed to answer the phone or the door. You will not sit on any furniture without permission, this includes the furniture in your own bedroom. You will use the floor when allowed to sit down. You are not allowed out of the house unless I say or you ask first.
"You must ask permission to use the bathroom, or to get a drink or a snack. You will always have some sort of collar on marking you as my slave.
"All people to you are either Sir or Ma'am, no matter their age or relationship, this even includes your friends. And you will from this point on call me master.
"If for some reason I take your collar off I will tell you you are released for a period of time then none of these rules apply until I re-collar you, with two exceptions. First is you will remain barefoot, and second the chastity cage stays on no matter what until I take it off. Do you understand these new rules, boy?"
"Yes, sir uhm, I mean master."
"Violation of any of these rules will result in punishment, a real punishment for you slave. Something you won't enjoy."
"Yes, master, I understand the need for me being punished."
"So you accept these rules and the consequences of not following them?"
"Yes, master."
"Good boy," and I ruffle his hair.
Again he smiles.
"Do you have anything to say to me or ask me, Tyler?"
"No, master, it's all very clear, thank you."
Chapter 12 Redecorating
"Slave Tyler, come with me." I say as I walk toward the dungeon's door.
He comes right along side of me as we walk back into the main part of the house, his locked up cock bobbing and wagging as he shuffles along side of me.
We go to his room.
"Slave, I want this room cleaned up, start with the floor. I want all the clothes neatly folded or hung in your closet. Now get to work."
He drops to the floor on his knees and begins the process of straightening up. I have always considered myself lucky that Tyler is a neat kid, but is he still a boy and even neat boys can get lazy and let standards fall. He begins to fold and stack his clothes on the floor. A few he tosses to the side without folding.
"What's wrong with those?" I ask.
"They need to be washed, master." He answers as he continues to work.
"Okay, you keep working I'll be right back."
"Yes, master."
I leave him and go back to the garage. I want to grab a few tools and things. I pick up a hammer, a couple screwdrivers, two empty boxes, a roll of duct tape and a box of screws.
I return to his room and all the folded clothes are on his bed and he's hanging up a few other things in this closet.
"Wow there is actually carpet on the floor!" I tease.
He giggles. "Yeah sorry for being so messy, master."
I put my supplies on the bed as he works, but he sneaks looks at the objects as he takes his clothes and puts them in his dresser drawer.
"Tyler, we are going make your room into a slave's room. I will allow your computer to remain for now, but if you touch it without permission I will remove it and you will be punished, besides I have added a security program so you can't access it anyway without me granting you access. Same with the TV no touching."
"Yes master, I understand."
"Okay, put all your socks into this box." I order him.
He does so without saying a word.
"Put all your underwear on top of your socks."
Again he silently obeys.
"Fold the lid closed and tape it shut." I order him, he obeys.
"Now take the box and put it next to the garbage cans in the garage."
"We're throwing them all out, master?"
"You won't be needing them anymore, slave. You have a problem with that?"
"Uhm, no I guess not, master."
He takes the box and takes it to the garage and returns a minute later.
"Next put all but one pair of sneakers and your flip flops in this box."
He does. "Now close and tape up the lid. Take that marker there and write 'shoes' on the top and then take it to the basement."
He breathes a sigh of relief that they are not being thrown out. Boys shoes are too expensive to just toss away after all.
He returns from the basement.
"Next take all the clothes out of your top drawer, empty it out."
He does so quickly.
"Now choose two pairs of shorts, one pair of jeans, one tee shirt and one collared shirt and place them in the top drawer along with your flip flops."
He takes a few minutes to decide what he wants to place inside, I allow him the time to make his mind up. I am sure he has figured out that this will be the extent of his wardrobe he's allowed to wear and he wants to get it right.
Once he has made his choice I tell him to close the drawer and put all the other clothes away either in his closet or the other drawers. Then I tell him to put the remaining pair of shoes on the floor of his closet, and close the door.
I take the screwdriver and the screws and go over to his dresser. From the side I begin to screw in so the screw goes through the side panel and into the drawer front, sealing it closed.
Tyler's eyes go wide at this action but he remains quiet. I see excitement on his face mixed with the realization that this is real. I finish off the screws on the right side and do the same on the left side. Now only his top drawer will open without tools, sealing all his clothes in his dresser away from him.
"Come over here and help me with this," I tell him as I stand next to his bedroom door. "Tyler you hold the door while I work the hinges."
I had decided to just remove the bedroom door rather then making him keep it open at all times. I work by removing the lower hinge pin and then the top and he holds the door from falling over.
"I guess this is really real now, isn't it?" he asks.
"Yes it is, Tyler. You have to know and understand this is not a game. It's a lifestyle we have both chosen. I love you dearly, son, but you are also now a slave so things will change because of that."
"Yeah I get that, dad, master, but actually doing all this just makes it all, uhm, so much more
3; real I guess."
"Yes it does, how does that make you feel?"
"It's cool!" he shouts, "Uhm, master," he quickly adds.
Together we carry the old bedroom door to the garage and carefully store it away.
"Tyler, I need to run down to Heckman's Hardware for a few other things. You will get the vacuum and clean your room from bottom top, I want it dusted, the TV and computer screens cleaned and even the inside of the windows washed. You know where all the supplies are. If you finish before I get back you are to assume position two in the center of the floor until I get back."
"Yes, master."
I make a quick run to the hardware store to get what I want for Tyler's room. A metal lock hasp and a new padlock. I get back to the house in about twenty minutes.
Back in my boy's bedroom his he washing the windows, a spray-bottle in one hand and paper towels on the other.
"Looks good, boy, I don't think this room has been this clean since we moved in."
"Thank you, master." He replies as he continues to work.
I open the bag with my purchases and set to work installing the hasp and lock on the closet door and doorframe. It takes only a few minutes as Tyler watches as he works dusting his desk, computer and other shelves.
I open the closet door, it's a rather large walk-in style closet so there is lots of floor space. "Tyler I want you to go through your stuff in your room and what you really don't need to stay out I want you to put in here, you have ten minutes to decide or I will put it all in here. Choose well, son."
"Yes, master.
He quickly begins darting around his room grabbing some old stuffed animals, books he's read, some collectibles that he likes but are really clutter in his room and neatly places them all on the floor on his closet. Then he takes his PSP and the TV remote and puts them in the floor as well. Then he looks around the room then back at me.
"Well done." I take a couple things out, some of his favorite collectibles and tell him to put them back on the shelf. He smiles at me allowing him to keep these items on display.
"Okay now take your pillowcases off and the fitted sheet and top sheet from your bed fold them up and put them in here too."
He quickly sets to work. As anyone knows fitted sheets are impossible to fold properly but he does his best and stacks them neatly on the floor next to his other possessions.
I close the door and flip the hasp closed.
I hand Tyler the lock.
"Slave, lock the door." I order.
Without hesitation he slips it in place and clicks it shut. He lets out a deep breath.
"Well done, slaveboy. How does it feel now?" I ask.
"Kinda weird, master, but good weird."
Consider your top dresser drawer locked too, only I am allowed to tell you to go in there from now on."
He nods.
I grab him and pull him too me and hug him tight, he nestles his face into my shoulder and hugs me tight. I kiss his cheek he tilts his head toward me and he kisses me on the lips, just a peck. I return the kiss and this time he opens his mouth, just a bit.
I kiss again and his mouth opens wider, I fish my tongue in and he tentatively pushes his against mine. He has stopped being my son at this moment and is my slave, my lover. I grab the back of his head and pull him into my face as our lips press tighter and tighter together and our tongues wrestle back and forth, swirling around each other. He moans and his body begins to go slightly limp as his passions over take him.
I begin to move him over to his stripped down bed and together I get us both lying on our side with our head on the pillows. He begins to grope me as I do his naked body. Our mouths never parting.
I find his locked cock and can feel its swelling in the cage, must be really uncomfortable. I stroke the skin as best I can and wiggle his balls and get him harder. He finds my crotch and is rubbing it with his hand. Then he locates my fly and slowly opens it up and reaches inside. He fishes around my underwear and finds my swelling cock and begins to stroke it inside my jeans. Our tongues never leave each other. He is panting with passion and his body is covered with a fine sheen of sweat from the heat he's in.
He continues to stroke me harder and harder.
I let him go to town.
I find one of his little pink nipples and pinch it lightly between my fingertips. He whines at the new pain and the pleasure its sending directly to his encased cock.
I am so close to cumming from the action of his soft little hand inside my pants.
I suck his tongue into my mouth and hold it there as I feel him wiggle from the sensations shooting through his inexperienced body from my mouth, my fingers on his nipple and his hand on my cock.
Poor kid probably doesn't even know his own name right now.
I squeeze his nipple harder slowly increasing the pain and pleasure as I get closer and closer to shooting all over his hand.
Then it happens, my body stiffens and I cream his hand, my underwear and jeans. It's a warm wet sticky mess in there. He freezes and breaks our kiss.
"Oh man, master I am so sorry I didn't realize what would happen!"
"What did you think was gunna happen with you playing with my cock?"
"I don't know. What do I do now?" he asks. He honestly has no clue what to do next.
"Well generally when a slave makes a mess he's responsible for cleaning it up."
"You mean?"
"Yes, you think you're ready for that?" I ask.
"I'll try master." He replies
I stand up and undo my jeans and let them fall to my hips. Tyler is holding his cummy hand in front of him as he decides what to do.
"Why don't you start by cleaning off your hand, cum is better warm."
He starts to slowly bring his palm to his face. His eyes screwed shut for the first lick.
After he pulls the first tongueful of cum into his mouth and swallows he opens his eyes and smiles and sets to work licking and sucking his hand clean of my spunk. You'd think he hand was covered in chocolate frosting not his father's cum!
He inserts each finger in turn and swirls his tongue around and around and slowly withdraws it- his lips getting every last drop off.
Then he puts his face into my crotch and begins to lick the fabric of my undies replacing the wetness of my cum with the wetness from his mouth.
Once he's satisfied the outside is clean he lowers my undies and sets to work licking my cock clean. Slowly at first at the tip. Then up the top and back down along the side then back up the other side.
Then he gets brave and sucks my cock into his mouth.
He can get about half of it inside his young mouth and believe me it feels great, his tongue gently wipes me clean all around.
His looks up at me and actually giggles as he licks over my piss slit. He loves this, doing something just a couple days ago he considered naughty.
Then he sets to work licking my hairy balls clean of rapidly cooling cum. Swipe after swipe of his warm wetness attacks my sack. Once I get him trained he is going to be a great cocksucker I can already tell.
He takes a look from a few inches back and sees a little cum here and there around my crotch and he licks that clean too.
He looks up at me and smiles; a little dribble of cum on the side of his mouth.
I pick it up with a fingertip and feed it too him, he sucks my finger clean and dry.
"So?" I ask.
3; was
3; awesome!" he beams.
"Yes it was, thank you, slave."
"You are so welcome, master!"
I step out of my jeans and underwear and hand them to Tyler.
"Take these and your dirty clothes and wash them, and then meet me in the living room."
"Yes, master." And his naked body bounds out of the room and toward the laundry.
I go to my bedroom and toss on a pair of shorts and socks.
Chapter 13 Tyler's Comes out
Back in the living room I flip on the TV and begin to watch some of my mindless afternoon sitcom rerun and yes, I admit it- cartoons. A few minutes later my naked slaveboy son comes bounding in on barefeet; the washer doing its thing on our clothes.
"Come over here, boy and stand beside me facing the TV," he does "Position two!" and he drops to his knees.
After a few minutes on his knees, time enough for me to look over his newly forming bruises I say, "You may relax, sit back on your legs and you can hold your arms anyway comfortable, and you can also watch some TV with me."
He slumps back against the couch leaning against my leg.
We just sit there watching TV; a little escapism from the intensity of the pain of the morning and the passion of this afternoon. I glance over to Tyler once and a while and can see he's thinking, processing all that has happened to him in the past day. I know the experience for him is all very new, but he's looked at pictures, read stories and even experimented with his friend.
"I think I smell smoke, Tyler." I saw joking.
"What master, smoke?" he doesn't get the joke and is startled.
"From you, you're thinking about something hard, aren't you?"
"Oh, yeah," he giggles, "I guess so, master."
"What are you thinking about it?" I prod.
"All this."
3; "
"How much I like it so far, all the feelings I am trying to figure out, stuff like that."
"Are you enjoying yourself so far?"
"Yeah, I mean uhm, yes master, I am."
"Tyler, I saw the stories and pictures you had on your computer," he turns bright red again at being caught. "Do you find yourself more attracted to the stories and pictures of those involving all boys or the ones with boys and girls?"
"Well, in all of them I kinda, uhm, put myself in the place, I mean I kinda, uhm want to be the boy being, uhm the slave, being ah, tied up."
"Okay, we've discovered already that you are what's called a submissive, a slave and a masochist, what about the dominant, do you think more about males or females?"
"Uhm, well, I think, uhm, kinda, the guys, master."
"Okay, that's fine Tyler, you do know that don't you?"
"Yes, I do, I mean I know you're gay and my friends know and we don't care. But I didn't really know what I was at first. Until I started finding those sites and saw how, uhm my body reacted when I was looking at 'em."
"What are your thoughts about the female dominants?"
"Uhm, well, the thing is there I am, like I said, the boy in those, so its kinda like I wouldn't have a choice since I am, kinda uhm, the slave there so I'd have to do what they said anyway, right?"
"Yes that's true. But you don't get excited in the same way in those fantasies?"
"Uhm no not really, I get, uhm, turned on by the, ah, bondage and being made to do things, but no I don't. I kinda get more, uhm harder so to say, and excited when I think about other boys or guys doing things to me. Does that mean
3; that does mean I'm, ah, gay, right dad?"
"Tyler, I think so. You okay with that?"
"Yeah, I am, I mean I can't be what I'm not right?"
"Very mature thing to say, son."
"Well I kinda had a good teacher, dad." And he smiled up at me.
"Have I told you lately that I love you?"
"Yeah, just now back on the bed!" he teases.
We both laugh our asses off at that.
After we settle down I relax now that that bridge has been crossed. Tyler will feel so much better now that he's discovered himself. He will be comfortable in his own skin and with his own feelings now more than ever before.
Chapter 14 Tyler's First Test
We watch another pointless but entertaining show more or less in silence and just as the credits roll the door bell rings.
Tyler begins to get up to dart off to his room.
"Stay put, slave. I didn't give you permission to move." I need to get him back into the right mind set. Besides he can't be seen from the front door where is he, so I'll just send whoever it is away and all will be fine.
I go to the door and open it and am shocked to see DJ and Karla!
"Uhm, whoa, hello there, what the heck are you guys doing here?" I ask surprised.
"Well I told Karla all about our newest little slaveboy and she got so excited she insisted we come over to congratulate him."
"Isn't this a little soon?" I ask somewhat irritated.
"Don't worry we don't have anything planned just a quick hello and to tell him we love him and can rely on us for support and help when he needs it." DJ says.
"Guys, he's just come out to me, okay, don't do anything to upset him and do not mention his possible visit to you later on, got it."
"Your wish
3; " DJ replies. Karla stays silent.
3; ?" I am instant on getting a promise to listen to my conditions.
"Yes, no problem, Uncle Jordan."
"Tyler, come on over here." I call to him from the door.
He stands up and instantly sees his Aunt DJ and cousin Karla and freezes. He whole body turns bright red then deep, deep crimson. He instinctively covers his genitals with his hands.
"Slave, hands at your side you never hide yourself." I order.
He slowly moves his hands but otherwise doesn't move a muscle.
DJ and Karla don't make a move or say anything, they just innocently smile and I am sure privately salivate over my naked son in front of them.
"Slaveboy I said come here, move your feet!" I order.
Tyler finally clicks into action and his slave brain takes over and he follows orders without hesitation.
"Your aunt and cousin have just stopped by to say hello and see how you are doing and to tell you something. Say hello to them and thank them for coming and remember your rules."
3; yes master. Hello and thank for you coming to visit aunt, I mean ma'ams."
"You're very welcome, Tyler," DJ says and smiles. "You look very handsome, doesn't he Karla?"
"Yes you do, Tyler, thank you for having us over."
"You're welcome Kar
3; uhm ma'am."
"Tyler show them to the living room, please." I order.
"Yes, master. Ma'ams this way please."
Damn he's doing so well, where did all this polite formality come from, he must have self taught himself a little from reading those stories.
I follow the slaveboy and our guests into the living room. DJ and Karla take a seat on the couch I was just on and I sit on the chair across from them, and flip off the TV. Tyler is just kind of standing in the middle of things not knowing what to do. We haven't covered this yet of course.
"Jordan and Tyler we do apologize for coming over so soon, but we just had to welcome Tyler to our, uhm shall we say, our little group?"
Tyler's face instantly went from deer-in-the-headlights scared to utter confusion.
"Tyler, son come over here and sit beside me just like you were before and we will explain." I call him to me and take his hand as he sits on the floor next to me. He folds his legs in such a way that his caged cock is out of sight of the two women in the room.
"Why don't you explain what you mean to Tyler, DJ." I say.
"Tyler," she looks directly at him and flashes the most gentle and loving smile I have ever seen her use. "No matter what, you are my nephew, you know that right, and I love you dearly."
3;yes ma'am." He whispers.
"Tyler, I'll just come out and say it, I am like your dad, only where he is a master I am called a mistress. So you understand?" she sounded a little patronizing there.
"Yes, ma'am I do." He said quietly.
"You don't have to talk down to him, he knows a lot more than you might think." I tell the girls.
"Sorry Tyler, like you this is kinda new for me too." She apologizes.
"It's okay." He smiles.
"See like you and your dad, Karla is also being trained by me, but where you are a submissive or slave, she is like me, a dominate and I am training her to be a good mistress."
3; I had no idea, ma'am."
"Well, and no offence Tyler, but you weren't suppose to know. But now that you have discovered who and what you are, you can know, and you can be part of that aspect of our lives."
"Uhm, I guess so, yes ma'am, if my master allows that is," he turns to look at me, "right?"
"That's right Tyler, and I do allow, if you want too, that is."
Karla chimes in, "No one here will ever make you do anything dangerous, harmful or something you really don't want to, Tyler, okay. I kinda know what you are going through right now. See to be a good mistress one has to learn what it feels like to be a slave first so for the beginning of my training I was a slave just like you." She smiled.
"Really?" Tyler asked.
"Yes really, Tyler. It's not fair to do something to a slave unless you know what it feels like first." I say.
"I guess so, yeah that makes sense, master." He nods.
"I understand that you just came out, Tyler." DJ asks.
"Deej, don't
3; " I interrupt.
She waves her hand in an attempt to silence me.
"Uhm, yeah I did." Tyler says.
"How does it feel, honey?" she asks.
"Actually, kinda good."
"Great!" she smiles, "I am so happy for you and so very proud of you, Tyler."
Tyler straightened himself up a little at the praise and beamed a big smile to the room.
"Thank you, ma'am." He said proudly.
"Tyler would it be okay if Karla and I had a good look at you?" DJ asked.
Tyler looked up at me for an answer or order of what to do next.
"It's up to you, kiddo." I told him.
He nodded and smiled.
"Slave, position one!" I ordered.
He instantly stood up on his feet, legs apart and hands behind his head on full display.
DJ and her student Karla stood up and walked over to Tyler and slowly circled him as he stood rock still and silent.
"I see a little paddling here?" DJ pointed out.
"Yes, that was from this morning." I say.
"And how did he take it?" Karla asked.
"He loved it actually." I informed her.
Tyler blushed but remained still.
"He seems already well trained, Uncle Jordan." Karla said.
"We had some practice time earlier."
"I see," DJ says.
"Slave, how do you feel right now?" DJ asked.
"Ma'a, proud to be my master's slaveboy, ma'am."
"Good answer, slaveboy." DJ replied.
"Jordan can you release him from his pose please."
"Slave rest, boy."
He snapped into the more relaxed and casual pose.
"Nice," Karla said.
"Well we should be going, sorry for interrupting your afternoon, Jordan and Tyler." DJ said to both of us.
She then went up to Tyler and took him into a big and tight hug. "You do know we are all so proud of you and love you very much, don't you Tyler?" she asked as she held him tight.
"Yes, ma'am I do, thank you." He returned her embrace.
Once she let go Karla took my naked boy and hugged him to her and whispered something into his ear out of my sight and earshot. Tyler just froze and stood still in the embrace and never replied openly to whatever she said.
I saw both of them to the door. Each took another glance at the slaveboy standing in the middle of my living room.
Once back to him I took his hands in mine and looked him in the face. "You ok, Tyler?"
"Yes, master. That was just so unexpected, that's all. I had no idea about them."
"And how do you feel know that you know?"
"It's cool master, kinda uhm makes me feel less like a freak, you know."
"You are never a freak, but yes I understand what you are saying, see there are a lot more people into this life than you thought, huh?"
"Yes, master."
"Tyler, what did Karla say to you when she left."
"She whispered to me, 'you have no idea what I want to do to you, little slaveboy'."
"Does that scare you?"
"Yeah a little, but kinda, uhm in a good way."
"You are a natural little slaveboy aren't you?"
"Yes, master!" he practically shouted.
"Alright my little slaveboy go put the wet wash in the dryer."
I sat back down and flipped on the TV and my slaveboy took off to do his chore.
Chapter 15 Celebrations
After the last cartoon of the afternoon ended I flipped off the television, stood up from the couch and headed to my master, never thought of that before, The Master bath, my en suite bathroom. I left Tyler on the floor with the TV off. I wanted to give him a little test; he wasn't told to move or do anything and I wanted to see if he understood to just stay put.
In the bathroom I cleaned up a bit, shaved, showered and took care of things, I even brushed my teeth again. I was going to take Tyler out for dinner to celebrate both his decision to become a slave and that fact that he had just announced and accepted his homosexuality.
He is a big fan of those chain style restaurants, the kinds that serve steak and those silly but good onion appetizers, or the standard Italian or All-American Burger type fare. But tonight I would take him to a family run place, and when I say family I mean a gay and lesbian place.
After about an hour getting myself ready and dressed I returned to the living room. Tyler was still sitting on the floor and drawing little circles in the carpeting with his finger.
"Bored there, boy?"
He looked up at me unaware that I had returned to the room. "Yes, master a little."
"Well you did very good not moving, that was the right thing to do, little slave."
"Thank you, master, seemed like the thing to do, you didn't tell me to follow you or anything so I figured I'd just stay here." He laid out his logic for me. Of course he was right in his choice even if he wasn't sure about it when he made it.
I smiled, just briefly and then went stern again.
"Slave, position one!"
Tyler scrambled to his feet and snapped to attention hands behind his head. I think I could see a small smile across his lips as he thought he was about to have more slaveboy fun.
"Slave Tyler, in recognition of your decision to accept your position in life as a slave and your bravery in accepting who and what you are I, your master have decided to take you out to celebrate!"
A huge smile played across his face. He loved going out to eat; he also like shopping too, the perfect little gay boy.
"Wipe that smile off your face boy, get back into proper position!" I ordered.
He went somber once again. I slapped his sore ass just once.
"Slaves don't break position for any reason. Now listen to me carefully, boy. You will go to your bedroom put on the pair of jeans and the shirt with a collar, you will comb your hair and be back here in position one in the next five minutes. Go!"
And he tore off out of the living room as fast as his barefeet could carry him.
I picked up my cell phone and hit the auto dial for the restaurant.
"Good afternoon Partners, may I help you?" the voice on the phone answered.
"Hi, Bruce, its Jordan you have a table for two?"
"Hi Jordan, for you, sure, when would you like it for?"
"In about twenty minutes, is that okay?"
"Not a problem. You have a got hot, last minute date?" he teased.
"Something like that, I am bringing my son with me. Its kind of a celebration for us; he's out."
"Oh, I see, well I'll see you get a good table and everything is just right, sir."
"Thanks, Bruce see you shortly." And I hung up.
Nice to have connections. Bruce was the owner and a great guy, we played once, but he discovered he wasn't into my lifestyle but we remained friends after.
Tyler returned to the living room a moment later and snapped into position one and stared straight ahead.
I looked him over. Wow he really is adorable. His cute little feet poking out from the bottom of his jeans, the collar around his neck under the collar of his polo shirt. The determined look on his face to hold position and make me proud of him. All mixed with the relaxed nature that he has accepted his new life and his self-discovery.
"Slave, relax."
He dropped his hands and smiled.
I went over to him and removed his collar, "You are not released but I want to replace your collar with something a little more subtle, follow me."
"Yes, master."
I took him to the play room and quickly selected a chain dog choker style collar and slipped the chain through the loop and slid it over his head and down around his neck.
"Car, boy," I ordered. "You will open my door for me and close it after and you will get in the passenger seat."
He performed flawlessly and I pulled the car out of the drive.
"When we are out in public, Tyler, around people who wouldn't understand our relationship you will call me dad or sir, but never master. You will stand to my right about a step behind me. You will address others as sir or ma'am however unless they give you permission to do otherwise. You can talk, but always in a quiet voice. Understand?"
"Yes, master."
"Good boy."
"Uhm, master, can I ask a question?"
"Uhm where we're going
3; well, uhm, I don't have shoes on."
"I know that."
"Oh, okay, sorry master."
"You have to learn to trust me on things like that, if I thought you needed footware I would have told you to bring something, right."
"Uhm, ah, yes Master, I didn't think of that."
"That's why I am the master, slave."
"Yes master," and he giggled. It was nice to see him relax.
I pulled the car into the lot and waited.
Tyler looked at me. "Oh, man, sorry master!"
He jumped out of the car and ran around to my side and opened my door.
"Thank you, slave." And flashed him a smile. "Let's go eat!"
He made a quick survey of the parking lot and saw no one around and replied, "Yes, master! I'm starving."
As we walked up to the front door he took his place to my side and right behind me.
"Partners, a steak house," I heard him whisper to himself as he read the sign.
"I think you'll like it, Tyler."
"Yes, dad," he said as we entered and he saw Bruce standing at the host podium.
"Jordan, welcome!" he greeted me, "and who is this handsome young lad?"
"Bruce this is my son, Tyler. Tyler this is Bruce, the owner of this restaurant and a friend of mine."
"Nice to meet you, Tyler." Bruce said as he put out his hand to my son.
"And you too, sir." Tyler replied as he took his hand.
"Oh, so polite, and he's just so adorable!" Bruce swooned a bit.
"Eyes back in your head, Bruce." I teased.
He smiled and showed us to our table.
Tyler took a seat in toward the back of the booth, I guess to hide his feet from the other guests in the place but unwittingly putting himself on display to the entire dinning room.
Tonight it was mostly men, but there were a couple of tables with female couples.
"How does this work, dad, do I get to order or what?" he asked as he looked over the menu. "I mean the rule about asking if I can have a snack or drink, right?"
"Normally, no you don't, I will order for you, but tonight is special we are celebrating, so you can order what you like this time."
"Celebrating, what are we celebrating?" he asked clueless.
"You! You silly, boy. We are celebrating the decision you made today and your acceptance of who you are!"
"Wow, really? I never thought that was something to celebrate."
"Well it is, so you just pick what you want and enjoy yourself, okay, buddy?"
"Yes, mas
3; I mean yes, dad!"
After he looked over the menu for a few more minutes he set it down and looked around the restaurant.
"I seem to be drawing a lot of attention, dad. You think they are worried about me not having shoes on?"
"No, trust me no one here cares about that, actually most of them probably love seeing a cutie like you barefoot, but I think they are just cruising you, and fantasizing just a little, the dirty old men!"
"Oh cool, really? You think they think I'm cute?"
"Yes, and you are."
He didn't say a word but turned bright red at the compliment. I wasn't about to tell him that most of them would also notice the chain around his neck.
"Know what you want to order, kiddo?"
Just then Bruce showed up with a tray with three glasses on it.
"Jordan, with your permission," Bruce asked.
"Of course." I waved my approval.
He set a glass in front of Tyler and me and then one for himself, but he remained standing.
Then in a loud voice he announced to the whole restaurant, "May I have your attention please, tonight we have a special guest, Tyler here has just joined our family, please join me in a toast and in welcoming him to our community!"
Everyone raised their glasses of whatever it was they had to Tyler and took a drink then set them down and clapped. There were calls of welcome and well done from around the room.
Tyler sat there totally dumbfounded and still. He didn't know what to make of this.
"Tyler, raise your glass and take a drink." I told him.
He did, a large gulp. His eyes went wide in shock.
3; that's wine!" he announced rather loudly. Some the nearer tables giggled at his surprise.
"Of course, you don't toast something this important with Pepsi." I told him.
3; but it's wine!" is all he could say.
"No one here cares you're underage, Tyler, but don't get used to it that's the only glass you'll get tonight."
He took another tentative sip and set it back down. The room went back to their dinners and Bruce asked if we were ready to order our dinners.
Tyler ordered the prime rib and I got a New York strip. Tyler did get a soda but I had another glass of wine.
The dinner went normally, we chatted about nothing special, just a father and son enjoying some time together. Every so often Tyler would lean over to me and whisper that one or another of the patrons was checking him out. I think he loved it, all these men paying attention to him and he knowing what they really wanted. During dinner I took glances around the dinning room and noticed the others obviously talking about me and my son. Some noticed the little chain collar around his neck and adding that up with his barefeet knew exactly what the situation was. Others just thought he was cute and remembered their youth, oblivious to the true nature of the boy they where admiring.
By the end of dinner he was completely relaxed, I'm sure the wine helped a bit. But he was also sinking into this new life quiet easily.
We ordered dessert and I had coffee. Tyler was sitting back in the booth with his left leg folded up under his right not even thinking about being barefoot anymore.
As we finished up a middle-aged man came over to our table.
"Congratulations, young man, and welcome." He shook Tyler's hand.
"Thank you, sir." Tyler returned.
"I wish I had had the courage to do what you have done at your age." The man complimented.
Tyler smiled not quite sure how to reply.
"You must be very proud of him, Jordan." He turned to me.
"I am, Dylan, thank you. Good to see you again." I said genuinely.
"Yes been a while, loved your last novel, by the way."
"Thank you." I warmly said.
"We'll I don't want to spoil your evening, I just want to personally congratulate Tyler and let him know he's welcome in our community."
"Thank you, Dylan." I say.
"Thank you, sir." Tyler said.
Dylan returned to his table and I think I saw Tyler checking out his ass.
"Hey, boy, the only ass I want you looking at like that is mine." I whisper to him.
"Yes, sir, sorry sir." He could tell I was teasing and so was he.
Bruce came back over to our table to see how everything was and if we needed anything else. I told him just the bill for our meal.
"Oh, no, this is on the house," he announced. "Only fitting for such a special event."
"Come on, you're running a business here, let me pay for it, we had rather expensive food." I argue.
"I won't hear of it, if you want to repay me though just bring yourself and Tyler back often." He countered.
"Done." I say, "Tyler?" I prod my boy.
"Yes, I like this place, thank you, sir for the meal!" his eyes lit up.
I don't think Tyler has ever been the center of attention for so long or by so many people or so positively before in his life. He was enjoying every single moment of it and took every cruise and compliment as it was intended. He was eating it up.
Back out I the car he asked me, "Master, was that normal?"
"All the attention, it kinda felt like I was on display a little bit."
"Well you are a very handsome boy, you're going to draw attention. You must have noticed other boys and men checking you out before this."
"Well not really, I guess I wasn't really looking before."
"Well I have seen it when we have been out shopping or something."
"You did! You never said."
"Nope, I took a secret pride that my boy was attracting so much attention and envy. Made me feel lucky. And I am lucky – I have you!"
"Wait you got a little thrill outta all those guys checking me out back there, didn't you?"
"Yes I did. But they can't have you no matter how much they want you because you're all mine and I wouldn't have it any other way."
"Thank you, master."
We returned home and once in the garage I told Tyler to strip immediately and fold his clothes and put them back in his room. He returned to the living room completely naked, I replaced his chain collar with the lockable black leather one and ordered him into position two.
He dropped to his knees in front of me with his head bowed. I sat down on the couch and flipped on the TV. I would enjoy the rest of my evening watching TV and my slave on his knees. He never once faltered or spoke, just remained on his knees. Swaying slightly side to side as he transferred his weight from one knee to another but other than that he remained still for over two hours.
I flipped off the TV; it was an eventful day I was worn out.
"Slave, position three."
Tyler laid down on the floor with his hands behind his back and ankles crossed.
I popped into my bedroom quick and returned with some ropes.
I bound his ankles together, still crossed, and then his wrists. And connected his hands to his feet- loosely.
I flipped off the lights, "Good night, slave." I said as I walked to my bed.
3;good night, master?" I heard him call out. Questioning if I was really going to leave him bound on the floor like that overnight.
Short answer is, yes, yes I am.
Chapter 16 The Next Day
I woke up in my own time. Flipped on the TV and found something mindless to watch for the moment. I went over to the computer and fired up my email, I had a lot of emails to page through; many of them concerning my upcoming trip to the summer electronics show. Notes from my editor of things he wants me to cover. Others are from manufacturers about their new products. Some invites to manufacturer's parties there; confirmation from the hotel, airline and car rental company. All the usual crap that goes into one of these business trips. Took me about twenty minutes to sort through them all, print out the ones I needed, reply to others. I also had to send off my most recent article to my editor, gotta buy all the new toys for Tyler some how, right?
I padded into my bathroom and started filling the tub; it's one of those whirlpool things. I had it added when I remodeled the master bath, put in that in-floor heating too, feels so nice under my barefeet, especially in the winter. Plus I had the added benefit of not having to share a bathroom with a growing teenaged boy. But now that that boy is also my slave
3; well things are different.
I filled the tub with nice warm water. I sat on the side of the tub as it filled, day dreaming. I let my thoughts go to my little son naked, cock locked and tied up on the floor of the living room. "What the fuck am I doing?" I kept coming back to. If that was some twenty year old subbie slaveboy I'd have no issues, hell he'd probably be in the cage all tied up and cold. But this was my son, my way underage son.
So why if it's so wrong is my cock so damn rock-hard right now?
The tub finished filling. Lost in my thoughts I almost let it overfill but I caught it before it started pouring into the overflow drain.
I put on a tee shirt and my boxers and with that I padded down to the living room and the sight of my naked and bound, and totally gorgeous son, lying there in the morning sun.
He was awake and craned his neck back to look at me. He stayed silent.
I knelt down beside him. And placed my hand in the small of his back just below his bound wrists.
"You are simply beautiful you know that, Tyler?"
He smiled up at me, "Thank you, master."
"Did you get any rest?"
"Not really, I think I dosed off for bit here and there but I was awake all night mostly."
I reached under his tummy, feeling the warmth of his skin as I did, I went slowly, sliding to his crotch.
"And how's this little thing doing? Is it hard?" I asked him.
"Yes, master, it is, kinda hurts and feel like my balls are burning."
"You have to pee, don't ya?"
"Like crazy, sir!"
"The ball burning is the skin trying to be pulled through the cock ring because of your cock swelling and filling up the cage, it pushes the cage out and your balls try to go with it. I can add a little gel there for you next time and they will slip and not pull so hard. should get rid of the burning feeling.
"Thank you, master." He winked.
I grabbed his cock cage and gave it a little shake. The cage was too big for him but his morning piss hardon almost filled the plastic bars full.
"What do you think of this being locked up so far, my little slaveboy?"
"Not sure, but so far it's not too terrible, I guess, master."
"Well we'll see what you think about it in a few months."
3; mm
3; months?"
"Yeah I think you'll be in this for a while. Problem, slave?"
3; no, master, no problem."
I went down to his little barefeet, gave them a quick tickle on each sole, which made my tired boy giggle and his whole body flinch, and then started untying them. I gently lifted one ankle and moved it to the side and then did the same with the other, to let him know his legs where now free. Then I went to his wrists and untied them and placed each to the side of his body.
He didn't move.
"All righty, good slaveboy, for waiting. I want you to get up and go to my bathroom, sit down on the toilet to pee, then get in the tub and turn on the whirlpool, relax and get cleaned up. Then go to bed and take a nap."
He pushed himself up on his hands and a huge smile came over his face. "Really I, I get to use your tub, dad, uhm Master?"
I have never allowed him to use the whirlpool before. "Yes, my slaveson, you do. But, don't screw this up or there will be punishment, if you're good you just might get to use it again. I will come wake you up from your nap when I am ready for you. Understand, slave?"
"Oh yes, sir, thank you sir!" he bounced up.
He bounded off to the bath. I headed to my office to work.
About five minutes later a naked son was standing half-scared and half-nervous at my office door. He knew he wasn't supposed to interrupt me when I was working unless it was an emergency and that was when he was my son, now that he's also my slaveboy I'm sure it made things even harder for him. This must be important.
"What is it, boy?" I asked without looking away from my computer screen.
"Uhm, I am so sorry, Master, but, uhm can this get wet?" he asked in almost a whisper.
"Can what get wet, slave. Be specific." I was being a little more harsh than I really needed to be with him. He was in slaveboy mode so I stayed in full master mode.
"Uhm, this, my chastity cage and the lock, master, can it get wet, like in the tub?"
"Slave do you think I would have told you get in the tub and left it on you if it couldn't?" I demanded.
"Uhm, no I guess not, master. Sorry I didn't think."
"Good boy, slaves aren't supposed to think, they just do as they are told. Understand?"
"Yes, master. Sorry master!"
"Come here." I ordered as I pointed to a spot right next to my chair. He wasted no time in coming over and stood with his hands behind his back.
"Turn around, bend over and grab your ankles with our hands, and remain silent."
He did as told.
I picked up an old wooden ruler from my desk and gave his up-turned ass five good swats with it. He stayed quiet and took in a deep breath with each swat.
"Slave, position one!"
He quickly snapped into position.
"That was for interrupting me in my work, now go take your bath and nap. Go on now."
And he darted out of the room as quick as his barefeet could carry him, the lock on his cock cage jiggling against the device the whole way to the master bath.
Finally I can get back to work. Kids!
Chapter 17 After His Nap
I just stood in the doorway and watched my boy sleep. He was totally exposed since his bed was stripped, and dead to the world. I guess he really didn't get any sleep last night, he was out like a light. He will learn to sleep bound, his training has already started he just doesn't know he will be bound each and every night.
He's so sweet, certainly. So beautiful, absolutely. So innocent, yeah not so much.
I felt myself getting hard yet again as I watch him, his smooth tight chest rising and falling with each intake and exhale of air. His soft pink nipples punctuating his smooth skin. His strawberry blonde hair flopping across his face, simply a vision. And he was all mine.
By now I was fully dressed, jeans, sneakers, polo style knit shirt. I like imposing the feeling of total nakedness on my slave by myself being fully dressed. Makes them so much more aware of all of their exposed flesh.
To be honest I really didn't know what do with my little sleeping slave. Tie him up and torture him, make him do chores all day, or what? He was new to this, only his second day as a slave, and this wasn't some weekend visiting boy, we had all summer and beyond. No need to rush.
I admired my son in all his glory for a few minutes more. He may not be the actual product of my loins, but there is no doubt in my mind that he is my true son.
Just then the phone rang and Tyler woke with a start. Those first few microseconds where you don't know where you are or what's happening. Then he realized he was naked and what was going on. I walked over to the phone and answered it. He himself being forbidden to do so without permission now.
3; Yes he's here. Yeah, just woke up from a nap
3; yeah he said he isn't feeling all that great," I lied, "not really up for visitors today I think. Okay, Justin I'll ask him to call you when he's able to have visitors. Bye-bye." I hung up.
Tyler was still on his bed and looked at me all questioning.
"That was Justin, he wanted to come over."
"Oh, okay, master, uhm, what
3;? How come you told him I was sick?"
"Well that's a good question, since you and Justin have jerked off together and he's tied you up maybe I should have let him come over and see you naked."
He shook and turned bright red from head to toe. It was so damn cute.
"But since this is second day as a slave I thought I'd give you a break, besides I want you all to myself for a while.
As much fun as it would be to allow Justin to come over and see my boy naked and cock locked I really wouldn't do that to Tyler, not yet anyway. But in the back of my mind, since I know that Justin has actually tied my boy up; I think he would rather like to see Tyler as a slave, just maybe. That will come in time possibly, right now Tyler is my boy, my slave and on day two I am not going to share him.
"So, slave, what should we do today?"
He just sat up on his bed with his legs crossed and stared at me blankly. "Well, thoughts?" I pushed.
"You're really asking me, master?" he snapped out of his silence.
"Yes, slave."
"Sorry master, I though it was one of those questions that didn't need a answer."
"You mean, rhetorical?"
"Yes, master. As a slave I didn't think I would have any say in what we did."
"You've really put a lot of thought into this haven't you? Just how long have you been visiting those web sites and, shall we call it- researching on slaves?"
"Uhm, yes I have read a lot master, I've been looking at those sites for, uhm, I hate to admit it but almost since you put a computer in my room."
"That long, really? Guess I should have paid closer attention. Why did you start to soon, and so young, Tyler?"
"Uhm, well, back when I was, ah, in the home, some of the other boys, the older ones talked about sex a lot, and they uhm, kinda had some of the younger boys as their, well, they used them I think."
"For sex?" I pushed, we had never really talked about Tyler's time in the orphanage all that much since he came home with me all those years ago.
"Uhm, yeah, sex, mostly the little ones would uhm, you know suck the older boys, but I once heard an older boy, a mean one, brag about actually fucking one of the kid's ass a lot."
"So these younger boys where kinda like sex slaves to these older boys."
"Yeah, but they really didn't have a choice like you gave me, they uhm, had to do it cause, if they didn't they got beat up."
"Tyler, son look at me, did anything like that happen to you there?"
He looked at me with tears just starting to swell in his eyes, "Yeah, one night one of the older boys came to my bed and took my wrist and dragged me out of in the middle of the night to his room. But on the way there one of the adults found us and he got in trouble for being out after lights out and I was sent back to my dorm."
"He didn't try to take you again?"
"Uhm, no, that next day, uhm, well you came to the home and picked me out." He smiled so sweetly and so lovingly I just had to grab him and hug him tight as the emotions over came the boy.
As I held him I asked, "But I couldn't take you home that first day, how come he didn't try again?" I wanted him to get past this emotion and be open with me.
He took a deep breath and let it out. "Once a kid is picked out for adoption they move him to another part of the home, so he couldn't get to me again."
"Were you scared that night, the night he came to take you?"
"Yes, very scared, but I was also kinda excited. I don't know why, but I didn't struggle, or call out or cry; I just went with him."
"You know why now don't you?" I wanted him to put it all together so he knew he was normal, that nothing was wrong with the feelings he was processing from then and now.
He pushed back from my embrace, "Oh my God! I didn't fight cause of what I am, right? That's what you mean. I mean if I'm a slave now, I must have been one then too, right? I've kinda been one all my life, haven't I?"
"I think so, son. There are lots of people who are natural born submissive or slaves, almost none of them gets to be happy being what they are. You are one of the very few lucky ones, kiddo."
"Yeah I guess I am," he laughed through his tears and smiled and leaned back into my embrace. "When you came to get me I thought I was the luckiest little boy in the world, I had a real home and a real dad. I guess I am really, really lucky you found me. I love you so much!" and he hugged me so tight it took my breath away.
I croaked out as best I could with a naked boy squeezing the life outta me, "I think we kinda found each other kiddo! And I love you too." And hugged him back, but not as hard.
Chapter 18 Tyler and I Recover
After several more minutes of hugs and emotion and lots of deep breaths, he began to wriggle out of my grasp. Which was a good thing since I was then able to breathe again too.
He looked up at me with his adorable blue eyes; his hair all matted from sleeping in it wet from the bath and being pressed against me. His face was a mess.
"You okay, duckling?"
"Yeah, I'm good, master. You haven't called me duckling since I was like ten years old."
"Yeah I know, why did I ever stop that?" I teased.
"Because I grew up into a big boy." He teased right back.
"You're still my little boy, maybe I should bring that nickname back, that is when I'm not calling you slave."
"And I have no say in that, do I?"
"None at all. Great isn't it?"
"The best." He smiled up at me, the tears all dried now.
"Go wash your face and comb your hair. Then you can make us some lunch and we can get our day started, all be it pretty late."
"Yes, master." And he bounded off the bed and out into the bathroom to wash his face.
As I walked out into the hall after him he stuck his head out of the bathroom door, which he remembered to leave wide open, and asked, "Master, may I go to the bathroom?"
"Not right now, slave, wash up and get your cute ass into the kitchen, I'm hungry."
He whined a bit, how cute, but simply replied. "Yes, master.
Chapter 19 Measuring the slaveboy
After our lunch, which was simple cold sandwiches, chips and soda for me, milk for him; the boy cleaned up and washed the dishes. I watched his hips sway sexily from side to side as he ran the dish sponge over them and dry them with the towel before putting them in the rack.
I honestly don't think he has any clue to just how sexy he is and what his body does to all who see it. Which of course makes him all the more adorable.
He turns when he is done with this simple chore and looks at me waiting for instructions.
"Good boy, slave, slave rest position."
He snaps into place, in position but casual. His cock, balls, and cage all bounce around for a moment.
"That cock cage is too big for you, isn't it, slave?"
"Yes, master."
"An ill-fitting chastity cage can cause damage, and allows for the chance you might pull out and get free."
"I would never try to get this off without permission, master."
"I know you wouldn't try to get out, but a young boy's hormones might get the best of his manners and try to sneak it off. But I'm more worried that it might just fall off on its own since it's made for an adult and not a twelve year old. Your balls get smaller from a cool breeze and slip right out of the cock ring."
"How do we fix it then?"
"We get you a new one, a much smaller one, one that fits. Let's go to the dungeon room and get you measured then we'll order you something that fits, real tight."
"Not sure I like that sound of that, master."
"No choice, slave."
"I know, I know."
In the dungeon room I had him stand under the area with the hooks in the rafters in the center of the room, his barefeet on a rough wooden pallet.
I strap on and lock a leather wrist restraint on each arm and then raise his hands over his head and attach them to some conveniently places chains hanging from the hooks. I leave his feet flat on the wood.
I pick out heavy blindfold from the wall and hold it up to his head. We are face to face.
"No, master."
"Good." And slip the blindfold over his head, tighten it in place and click the little pad lock shut. He jumped at the metallic snap, don't think he was expecting to be locked into a blindfold.
"Still have to pee?" I ask.
"Yes, master I do."
I grab a little bucket and hold it under his caged cock, "Let it go slave, pee now or hold it longer."
He strains and pushed and finally his pee shyness is overcome and it starts to dribble out and then a stream starts. When he is done he lets out a little sigh. "Thank you, master."
"You're welcome, if you were one of my older slaves you'd recycle this right way you know."
"Gross," he said but I think I saw his cock twitch at the thought of it.
I'm sure he's read a story or two with piss play.
I take the key to his cock cage and unlock it. He starts to breathe heavier now.
"If you get hard you will be punished, boy. You do not have permission to grow a single millimeter."
"Yes, master. I will try."
"You will do it or you will suffer, there is no try."
"Yes master, sorry master."
"Concentrate on something else, slave. And remain silent you may not talk again until I say you may."
I go and get my measuring tape, surprisingly it has come in handy over the years with various slaveboys. Some think they are bigger than they are and I can humiliate them by measuring right on the spot. Also helps to get the perfect fit for the proper restraints from my collection – to fit their bodies.
I start by taking measurements around his waist; from his hipbone to his knees, and his thighs at the level of the bottom his cock and balls. From his belly button down over his cock and back through his ass crack back up to his hip.
He started to get hard with all the touching and my breath across his skin and more importantly his cock and balls. He knew he was disobeying, I could see the boy struggle to stay soft, but his young body was betraying him. Just as I had hoped and knew it would.
I quickly got a measurement of his cock while it was still mostly flaccid. I'll deduct a bit on the measurement to account for its swelling.
I stand up and make a quick note of all my measurements.
"Slave, I will be right back, this little cock of yours will be soft by time I get back if you know what's good for you!"
He just nodded, but I saw his cock jump at the threat. Poor kid.
I quickly went to the kitchen and got a cup filled with ice and water and got back to my slave in a flash.
He still had half a chubby happening. I simply stood in front of him, lowered the cup and raised it so his cock was quickly submerged in the ice cold water. Never has the cold shock of ice water failed to shrink a slave's cock yet.
Tyler screamed and took steps back as far as his bound arms would allow him pulling himself out of the water.
"Back where you were slave!" I ordered. He meekly returned to his position.
I added another dunk into the ice as punishment.
This time he didn't scream but he did take a huge gasp of air in. I just held the ice there for about thirty more seconds.
I took it off. His cock would be cold for a bit, it had pulled back like a frightened turtle into its shell. I got the cage half of the chastity and slipped his now tiny cold cock into it and relocked him.
"Slave you started to get hard, punishment is due."
He simply nodded. I think he was hoping for another spanking, but he enjoys that too much so it's not really punishment is it?
I went over to the wall and picked out a nice penis gag, one not too big but big enough. It also has a hasp on it to lock onto the slave, this one in the front over the mouth plate.
"Open your mouth, boy."
"Drink" I gave him a drink of water from the cup his cock was just in, then shoved an ice cube into his mouth. "Chew it."
He did and in went the gag. "Now for your punishment for disobeying and allowing my property, the cock on your body to get hard, you will remain blindfolded and gagged."
I am planning on leaving the gag in just till bedtime, then feed him quick, but I think the blindfold will be on till tomorrow.
I then went over to the wall again and picked out a pair of padded leather kneepads and puppy mitts.
"I bet you're wondering how you're going to get around not being able to see aren't you? Well don't worry master will take care of you."
I strap on the kneepads then release his wrists from the chains and lock on the hand mitts. All for his protection.
"Get down on all fours, slave." Once he's down I get a chain dog leash, yes the kind from a pet store, and clip it to his collar.
"I led, you follow, pay attention to the tugs on your collar, and stay close. Nod if you understand."
He does so slowly, I can tell he's very nervous about this new activity.
"Come." And I lead him forward toward the door. He scrambles. "Whoa, slave way too fast, take it slow, let the leash guide you, don't anticipate its movement. Lets try this again." And I gently tug on the leash and slowly lead him from the room back into the house.
Once back in the house I decide to go to my office. I lead him over in front of my desk, the whole trip which would normally take twenty seconds take us about ten minutes. He is so cute I just wish I had his ass trained so I could put in a tail butt plug and complete the picture.
I let go of the leash, the boy feels and hears it fall to the floor and freezes. "Good boy," I praise him, it really has an instinct for this kind of thing. "Lay down on your right side, slowly. Now draw your knees to your tummy a little and slide back until it say stop."
I get him in place just under my desk and pull up my chair and sit. I have a bit more work to do, about an hour's worth.
"Comfy, slaveboy?" I ask sincerely.
He nods his head yes.
"Good boy, just relax and stay still."
I kick off my shoes and pull off my socks and slip my barefeet on top of my naked slaveboy. One for his chest and tummy and with the other I find his locked cock and balls and plant my toes right against his ball sack. He flinches a little but stays still.
For the next hour or so I simply type away. I was chatting mostly with DJ online. Also I place my order for his new chastity belt and a separate chastity cage. I will get two for him, one so he will be in a full waist and crotch covering contraption hiding his cock and balls away, second and a clear cage so he can see it but not touch it. I found the smallest cock cage I could order and enter the measurements into the web site for his custom waist belt. I'm sure the small measurements will raise an eyebrow or two at the company and it will take about a week to make, the cock cage will be shipped next day so I can switch him into something more his size quickly.
I also find something on another site that will simply be the cutest thing for him, something to kind mark him as my boy all the time. I'll tell you about it when it arrives and I show it to him for the first time.
This whole time I molest my naked slave son with my toes. DJ of course got the full story on what has being going on since their visit yesterday including the little puppyboy training currently happening. She talked about some of her ideas for training him when he visits her and Karla. She even had interesting ideas for transporting him there.
I think Tyler is in for the best time of his young life and quite the experience for a novice slaveboy.
Am I doing the right thing by sending him there?
Chapter 20 Training the Slave's Ass
After I wrap things up with the chastity device order and chatting with DJ, she had to go and get some training done with Karla, they actually had a slavegirl in their dungeon bound and waiting to suffer at their hands, I decided it was time to introduce my boy to his first enema session.
I gently tug on the leash to alert him to get up and follow me "Come on, boy let's go."
He slowly gets up on to all fours and I lead him from my office through the house and into my master bath. I leave him I the middle of the room on the tile floor. "Stay still, now."
I dart back to the dungeon and grab an enema bag hose and nozzle, lube and small butt plug and get back to my blind, gagged and naked twelve year old son in my bathroom. Just saying that makes me hard as a rock, still trying to figure that one out myself.
"Now, slave Tyler, you must have read about enemas and butt plugs in all your online research haven't you?"
The puppyboy nodded.
"Good because its time for you to experience what it's like first hand. I am going to give you a series of enemas and get your insides good and clean and then plug your ass up with a butt plug. I will start will small enemas and we will do more and more until you get and hold a full bag inside you for at least five minutes, then once you're good and clean inside I will slip in a plug which will stay in you till I remove it."
He nodded again but remained totally silent as ordered.
"Nervous, Tyler?" he nodded slowly.
"Excited, duckling?" he nodded a little more enthusiastically this time.
I filled the bag about a quarter of the way with nice warm water, screwed the hose and nozzle on and lube up the slave's asshole and gently push the slim nozzle inside his virgin ass.
I open the clamp and water slowly enters my boy. "Just breathe deep and slow and relax your tummy." I offer him advice.
I let it flow into him slowly. After about seven minutes the bag is empty. "When you feel like you can't hold it any longer I want you too tap your right hand on the floor."
About thirty seconds later he taps his hand and get him up and take him to the toilet, sit him down and say, "Okay, slave, release."
A flood of water exits him, he farts and a few plops of scat also exit him. He turns bright red behind his gag and blindfold. His legs jiggle, his toes wiggle, and his arms cross over his tummy as the cramps hit him and he tries to force out all the water inside him.
After a couple more minutes I lift him off the toilet, wipe his butt for him and flush. Then place him back down on all fours and refill the bag half full this time, and I add a little bit of liquid soap to the mix. Just as slowly and gently as before I refill my boy's intestines with warm soapy water. This time he holds it for almost two minutes before tapping his hand.
We repeat the toilet process and I place him on the floor for his third. Half bag again just as before.
We repeat the half bag four more times, the poor boy is so brave I can tell it is taking a lot, literally and figuratively, out of him, and he's sweating each time as the bag empties its last drop into him.
After the half bags I go right to the full bag.
After the first full bag is into him he begins to moan and whimper a little bit as the cramps overcome his slim form. His tummy is all distended from the extra fluids inside his bowels. It's the cliché old joke; he looks preggers.
He only manages to hold the full bag for about forty-five seconds before he urgently taps his right hand over and over. I quickly get him to the toilet, a bit of the water exits him early and runs down his legs and onto my floor. I won't punish him for that, the enema is taking care of punishment right now.
He instantly lets go and it sounds like a waterfall into the bowl. Tyler visible relaxes at the bulk of the enema quickly shoots out of his young ass and his tummy flattens out. I let him sit for about two minutes then without warning I lift him up and get him back on all fours on the floor for his next enema. I have refilled the bag while he was emptying out. I don't even wipe his ass this time. I roughly replace the nozzle and let the water flow into him full force.
I don't know why I've decided to be so rough this time. But the boy is a natural masochist with spanking I guess I am testing him with other forms of pain and humiliation.
I squeeze the bag to get every last drop into him. He's whimpering and moaning and he is now drooling around the gag strapped into his mouth.
He urgently taps his hand.
"No, slave just hold it, breathe deep and relax, you'll release this one when I decide not before.
The boy is swaying side to side and front to back as he tries to find a comfortable position to hold himself to stop the cramps and pressure. His back is slick with boy sweat as he suffers under the internal need to force out all that warm soapy water.
I keep track of the time after two minutes I lift him up, getting another moan as the water shifts position inside him and lead him to the toilet and sit him down.
"Release!" I order him. Like he needs to be told.
He lets it all out as well as a deep sigh of relief.
When I hear no more water exiting into the bowl I lift him and repeat the procedure.
Three minutes this time, then four and half and finally after two more full bag enemas he gets to just over five before I let him release it all. I let him recover longer on the toilet this time so I know he's good and empty of all the water inside him.
Then I gently lift him up and tell him to bend over and grab his ankles, I wipe his ass with toilet paper and a wet wipe and then apply a bit of lube to his ass and pick up the plug.
"As I insert the plug into you it will help if you push back with your ass like your going to the bathroom, I will go slow and steady, it will hurt just before it seats into you, that will pass quickly. This is the smallest base plug I have and after about thirty minutes it won't be so uncomfortable any more."
I lube up the plug really well and put the tip at the entrance to the slaveboy's ass. "Here we go, kiddo."
I start pushing in. slowly, gently but steady. A little yelp escapes Tyler as the tip just enters him. Overall the plug is only about twice the diameter of the enema nozzle, it's a very slim plug, almost like a really big finger, but to a young boy it probably feels like a tree stump entering his ass.
About half way there and he's breathing deeply and quickly as the widest part starts to enter and open him up.
A little moan again comes from him as the widest part slips trough his ass lips and then pop, its in and seated and almost locked in by his tight ass. I give a little tug backwards, on the base. Tyler's body pulls back with the plug, yes its seated in there good and tight, its gunna be just as much fun pulling it out of him as it was going him.
"Slave, position one!"
He quickly stands up with legs spread and mitted hands behind his head.
I go around the front of him and look at the cock cage; his little boy penis is swelled to the cage's capacity. Yeah he loves every minute of this.
"You okay, Tyler?" I ask as I stroke his cheek with a couple of fingers.
He nods and leans into my touch.
"You did really well, duckling, I'm very proud of you, I know that was a hard thing to take all those enemas, but you'll get used to them."
I think I actually heard him gulp like a cartoon character at that piece of news.