Treacle TowerStuck in the Park |
SummaryBy accident Max gets his head stuck in the park railings. Jamie decides to take advantage of the situation.
Publ. Apr 2017
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CharactersMax (narrator) and Jamie (both 13yo)Category & Story codesTie-up & Boyfriend storytt – non-cons(light) mast – bond humil (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now. If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteA fairly common trait that turns up in many TV shows, films and occasionally the news – a young kid ends up with his head stuck somewhere it shouldn't be, typically between railings, bannisters or occasionally other weird places. Much of the focus on these real-life setups is to get them out of it and quickly, but there's a chance for some fun and a relationship boost as well if you're lucky. Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at treacletower(at)hotmail(dot)co.uk or through this feedback form with Treacle Tower: Stuck in the Park in the subject line. |
School can be a confusing time for some kids. Not me, I always knew where I needed to be and I was there bang on time for every lesson with everything I needed. Methodical Max some teachers called me, a nickname I hated. Fortunately none of the kids called me that, to them I was just good old Max. I wasn't one of those kids with millions of friends. I wasn't a full-blown loner (or loser come to that) but I wouldn't say I was one of the 'cool' kids either. I was obscure enough to fly under the radar of the posh kids but just above the bullies of the year so I had it pretty good. I had people I could hang out with, people I could trust and I was happy with my own me-time when I wanted to be alone. All this I could pick and choose. There was a boy in our class called Jamie. He and I had no shared interests at all, in fact the only things we had in common was we were both male, went to the same school and were in the same classes. He pretty much kept himself to himself and while he would talk to anybody who spoke to him, Jamie was otherwise fairly shy from what I could gather. I had found out from somebody else that they suspected Jamie had a crush on me and that he might be gay. That in itself didn't particularly bother me and I considered it fairly flattering actually to be admired! It tended to explain why he was a loner – that's the sort of thing that in a school is like a lamb to the slaughter if it gets out. On a personal level, I adored biking and the whole being independence thing. I loved my eighteen gear mountain bike decked out in her beautiful blue and black decor. I had had her for my 13th birthday, my parents bought her for me initially and I paid them back out of my paper round money. If all went well she would be totally mine by the end of the year. I must admit I'd spent a considerable amount of time looking after her like she was a pet of mine. All she needed on occasion was a spot of WD-40 and some elbow grease. Every weekend I wheeled out some polish and wiped her down to keep her looking pristine and in excellent condition. The bike came with me on my paper round and most weekends I would often go off on it and rack up the miles racing through streets, woods and anywhere I could get my two wheels on. I harbour desires to be a professional biker when I grow up. Anyway one day I was returning from a long run through the local woods and I entered the park. I'm not entirely sure what happened next, perhaps I was too fast coming down the path but I think I skidded, the wheels of the bike went one way and I went the other. Fortunately I was able to regain control for a few seconds and bought the bike to a stop. Unfortunately it was at the top of a bump in the path and I couldn't touch the ground with either of my feet. Gravity took over and I fell to one side. Sod's Law dictates that you fall on the worst possible side and that's what happened with me. I was next to the railings on the outskirt of the park and I fell towards them. Fortunately I missed hitting them straight on and fell in front of them, however I was tangled up in the bike as I fell and I leaned back to allow myself to kick the bike free. I felt something brushing past my ears and when I turned my head to the side I suddenly realised what had happened – my head was stuck between the railings and it was my ears trapping me in place! My head was outside the park but the rest of me was in it. It's true what you see on the TV you know, bloody hard to get yourself out of this setup. I was able to gently rotate myself to face the ground and stand up as best I could. I didn't have any issues breathing or whatever but the next problem I had was my mobile phone was in my rucksack and it was out of my reach. I laid myself as close to the ground as I could and tried to hook it with my foot – no success. Panic was beginning to set in. I didn't really have a lot of choice at that point, I'd just have to either somehow cut my ears off or wait for somebody to find me and hope they didn't laugh too much before releasing me. I rotated myself to lie facing up again as it was easier for me to 'rest' this way. I debated whether it was worth trying to attract attention by making as much noise as I could but the risks with that was who might find me. Ultimately I thought I would be fine until sunset, a good few hours away yet and there were some houses in my eyesight so it wasn't like I was in the middle of nowhere. I could see my bike lying off to the right of me lying there where it had fallen. Shame inanimate objects can't love you back as I had visions of it coming to life and ripping the bars apart to get me free. A nice dream and a great story but this is reality and my bike isn't a Transformer. It was the best part of another hour and a half before a saviour came to rescue me. It was only bloody Jamie from school. Turns out he lives in one of those houses just across the road from the park where I was stuck. He had returned home on his bike – some cheap clapped out piece of junk that looked like it had seen better days – and spotted me. I watched him put his bike away and come closer he to see my setup. "Oh," he exclaimed. "Max. What happened here?" continued Jamie as he peered through the railings at my bike. "Jamie, thank goodness! Get me out. Please," I asked, trying to look sympathetically at Jamie as best I can. "I will," responded Jamie. "Back shortly." I watched him turn and rack back across the road, before returning a moment or so later. I was half expecting him to come back with a hacksaw or something, but you can imagine my face when I saw he had nothing of the sort. "How's this going to get me out?" I asked Jamie as he threw a bag of stuff over the fence, it just missed landing on my stomach. There was nothing that I could see that looked like it could cut railings. "It will. Eventually. But not yet. Never look a gift horse in the mouth," responded Jamie cryptically, before hauling himself up and over the railings to land on the inside of the park. This was pretty much discouraged but then so was pulling the railings apart. "What's in your bag?" I asked, hoping for Jamie to pull a collapsible hacksaw out of it. Straining my neck to see what he was doing, I was shocked to see Jamie pull out two pairs of handcuffs. "What you gonna do with those?" I exclaimed, looking slightly shocked. "What do you think? They're handcuffs. I'm going to cuff some hands with them," responded Jamie. Without any further warning he straddled my chest and began to reach for my arms. I wasn't really in any position to defend properly and all I was doing was delaying the inevitable. Jamie soon had one of my arms pinned and I could only listen as I heard the ratchet sound of the restraint being fastened around my wrist. My arm was pulled up towards the railings and the other handcuff end was attached to them. Jamie did the same with my other arm and with relative ease had secured me to the railings by both wrists. They were only a bar or two apart. "What the fuck?" I shouted, as I tried to tug at the restraints. Meanwhile Jamie was ignoring my protests and had slid down my body. I felt him pulling my shoes and socks off, followed by the sound of his sliding my tracksuit bottoms down my legs and could only watch as they were all bundled into a carrier bag hung from the top of the railings. My self-made policy of wearing only old clothes while biking was coming back to haunt me. When I was younger I was a bit accident prone with my previous bike and tended to get loose clothing stuck in the chains or snag them on fences and what not, to the point where they'd rip if I hadn't noticed their being stuck in the chain. Unless of course it jammed them up and threw me off the bike. But anyway I now deliberately wear old clothes (with spares in my backpack) that are on the verge of dropping apart so if they get damaged, no great loss. Jamie probably took one look at what I was wearing and decided to take advantage of these tatty old rags by ripping them off me. By chaining my wrists to the railings it stopped me trying to keep some clothes on. My T-Shirt, the oldest one I had that still fitted me, had been patched up by me once before and it was probably going to fall apart again soon. But I didn't expect it to be at the hands of Jamie as he took hold of the shirt and probably intended to push it up over my head and trap it behind my head. Instead the sound of ripping fabric filled the air and Jamie knelt there holding half a shirt. Shrugging his shoulders he added the two halves to the rest of the clothes in the carrier bag. Lying here now only in my underpants, I realised I was now totally dependent on Jamie both to get my head out and unlock the handcuffs, I thought it better to just let him do whatever with me. It didn't take much to work out he wanted me starkers, and soon my underwear joined the rest of my clothes suspended teasingly above my head. The only defence I had left was to attempt to kick Jamie as I lay face up on the muddy part of the ground but he was out of my reach. "I like you," said Jamie, putting himself next to me. "I more than like you." "I'm not gay," I replied, writhing around on the ground. "Gay? Who said anything about being gay?" retorted Jamie. "But I thought," I started, before Jamie cut me off. "Yeah well you thought wrong," he snapped, before clambering up onto my legs so he was sitting directly behind my dick. "Sorry. Um, any chance of getting me out?" "Like I said I will. But not now. I want some fun first." His gaze fell on my dick. "Hello Mr Max's dick. Can I touch it?" "Leave it alone," I ordered. "Tell you what," said Jamie, gently taking hold of my member. "I'll just hold it. If you can keep it small for a while I'll let you go." He didn't wait for an answer as I felt his warm-blooded hand on my dick. I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate on keeping my dick as tiny as possible. Unfortunately it was a real struggle to keep control of my member. My natural tendency was to try and pull my arms down, which wasn't possible as Jamie had chained me to the railings, and so I found the entire situation – lying here naked chained to the railings with another kid's hand on my nuts – strangely erotic. So I couldn't help becoming aroused and there was nothing I could do about it. Jamie spotted my erection – indeed with his hand on it he could hardly not feel it – and began to stroke it. Because I was highly charged from finding the situation quite 'hot' so they say, it took next to no time to bring me to full erection and very close to climax. All the time as Jamie manipulated and worked me I contined to not only fight my natural want to cum, but I also continued to try and tug at my handcuffs hoping beyond hope really they would break and I could stop Jamie getting me off. The inevitable ultimately happened though – the handcuffs remained locked but I couldn't put nature off any longer. It was primarily my own fault for over sexualising the situation but Jamie finished me off as I cum onto my stomach. It wasn't a major cum, I normally spent time building the pressure up for a decent sized load. This was more of a dribble. "Come on mate," I pleaded. "Get me head out. What do you want? Money? Food? Blowjob?" "I can get your head out," replied Jamie. "But only when I'm ready." "Please?" "No." Jamie held up a pair of keys and waved them in my face. "I can swallow these handcuff keys now and you'll be stuck there until I poop them back out again. Is that what you want, to literally run your nose through my shit?" "No," I said quietly. "Let's have some fun," said Jamie changing the subject. "You'll like this." Reaching into his bag of tricks he pulled out a bottle of ready mixed squash. Tipping the bottle up, he dabbed some of the squash onto his fingers and then proceeded to rub it gently on my armpits. "What's this for?" I asked, not quite sure what was going on. "You'll see," continued Jamie, dabbing more squash onto my pits. He then left the bottle of opened squash next to me and rolled off to head towards a tree. While he was gone, I heard a buzzing noise approach and swing around my ears, followed by something landing on my body not far from where Jamie had just been dabbing me. I looked up as best I could through the bars and it soon occurred to me why Jamie had put orange squash on me – it's sweetness attracts wasps! "Oh shit," I exclaimed. My arms were trapped, I couldn't defend my pits and the bars stopped me using my head. The only thing I had left to do was thrash around on the ground like an idiot trying to avoid the wasp that was seemingly magnetically attracted to me. Eventually Jamie returned to see the bait had been taken by nature. While I was distracted by what he was doing, the wasp had other ideas and landed on my armpit. All I could do was freeze in terror and hope not to get stung. I wasn't allergic to wasp stings, thank goodness, but it was really horrible. Especially when I spotted a second wasp coming for me. Jamie clearly had other things to do, as he ignored all my pleas, whimpers and quiet sobbing. I felt more activity on my stomach and lower body and looked up again, not quite sure what to expect. My heart skipped a beat as I spotted a freaking big garden spider now sitting on my cum-drenched stomach. Small spiders don't normally bother me, its when their leg span gets over a certain size I'm uncomfortable around them. Here, I had no defence. I could have fainted when it began to move. The tragic thing was Jamie just knelt there next to me with a big grin on his face enjoying my torment and humiliation. Even more so when he spotted a worm in the soil and plonked it on my head. The spider's natural tendency was to try and walk off of me but Jamie kept putting it back a few times before the creature eventually stopped wandering around. Finally Jamie completed the ordeal by stradding my legs and putting a couple of smaller spiders on the soles of my feet. They crawled around and around, not enough to make me laugh but left me feeling even more uncomfortable than I already was. My attention was immediately drawn back again to the wasps flying around and walking on my armpits. Everything else I could cope with, but that was too much. Aware that I was distracted, Jamie stood up and spun himself round, immediately whipping his phone out of his jacket pocket and quickly snapped a photo of the naked and bound me with wasps on my pits, a spider on my stomach and a worm on my forehead. I was mortified and felt myself going bright red. "Well I'm happy," said Jamie after what felt to me like hours of watching me trying helplessly to defend myself from wasps. "Let's get you out." That was music to my ears. It can't have been more than a few minutes, surely? "Get the bugs off me first," I asked. "Please." Soon enough the worm and the spiders were easily removed from my torso but the wasps were persistant little bastards, only finally leaving me alone when Jamie moved the bottle of squash away and wiped my pits down. As Jamie returned the creatures to their natural habitats, I could only wait with baited anticipation as to how my head would come free from the bars. Hacksaw? Chainsaw? Bite the bars out? I didn't care, as long as I kept my ears. In the end it was so easy to get me out I'm frankly ashamed to not have spotted it before. All Jamie did was climb over the fence and hold my head up while I pulled myself up to about 22.5 degrees from flat, then he pushed me forward. My head came back through the railings with no fuss, no mess and no pain. In hindsight it was the same hole I'd either fell through or made first time round. Its true when they say panic stops you thinking logically. I was extrememly grateful to finally be free of the railings but I was still handcuffed to them, and it made perfect sense as to why Jamie had secured me like that – it was so easy to get out he probably thought I'd spot it and make a run so handcuffing me cut that avenue off. I could only watch as Jamie came back into the park and put the handcuff keys on my stomach while he cleaned up after himself. I was then compelled to watch as he tied the keyring securely to the end of some twine, before then grabbing the free end with his hand and proceeding to throw the keys off into the distance. I followed their journey as far as I could before I lost track of them. Jamie went off to find them again and check where they'd landed. He seemed happy at this and didn't make any effort to rearrange the twine. Returning to me, he put the empty end of twine on my stomach and proceeded to throw his bag of tricks over the fence. "Right, I'm out of here," said Jamie, throwing his bag of tricks over the fence. "You can get yourself out of your chains. Just pull this in. In fact I'll be nice and make sure you can't drop it." He tied the twine to my left wrist just below the handcuffs and fed it through my left hand and then left me holding the end in my right hand. With that Jamie showed me a clean pair of heels as he clambered over the fence, grabbed his bag and ran away, leaving the naked muddy me still chained to the railings. Realising where I was, I proceeded to pull the keys in. I didn't have a clue how long it was and it seemed to go on and on forever. The only saving grace here was that it didn't appear to snag on anything as I reeled it in. It was quite clever really as it allowed me to get out and Jamie to be long gone when I did get out. After a few minutes I was overjoyed to see the keys bouncing along the ground towards me. My hand was hurting from the constant moving of it I had to do to pull the twine in but it had to be done unless I wanted to live here for the rest of my life. The idea of being in charge of myself like this made me really horny and I soon realised my dick was fully erect. The more I pulled the key in, the more my hand hurt but the hornier I became. I wondered if it was actually possible to get so horny that I cum without anybody working my member. Eventually the key came into reach of my hand. I had it. Fighting my way through the pain in my aching right hand and my throbbing dick, I attempted to open the handcuffs on my left wrist. It was horrible, it was fiddly and it bloody hurt. But eventually I was half free. I couldn't wait any longer. Normally I wanked right handed but now I was so desperate for relief I put my left hand down and proceeded to wank myself off. I had done it left handed before so it wasn't totally new. I was so cowing horny it didn't take much to get myself off. Complete with vocal assistance I cum with some considerable force and amount onto my stomach for the second time today, shaking and thrashing around as I did so. As I came down from my high, I released my other hand from the handcuffs and soon enough I was totally free from the railings. I took the handcuffs from the railings and put them in my backpack, from which I retrieved a spare T-Shirt and collected the rest of my clothes from the carrier bag. Rubbing my throbbing hand, I quickly dressed myself and hot footed it out of there on the bike with my stuff. The day's adventure at the hands of Jamie I couldn't stop thinking about. In fact while I was cleaning the bike down that evening, the idea of having been tied up like that dominated my thoughts. I knew I had to befriend Jamie – hopefully it was just him who had seen me naked and all he'd done was take a picture – least it wasn't on YouTube. *** Jamie found me at school a couple of days later. He apologised to me for being, what he said, 'bloody horrible'. "You got that picture you took?" I asked, concerned about how far it was going to spread. "Yes, but nobody's seen it. Only me. I'll send it you and then delete it. What's your number?" I told him and my phone beeped a few seconds later. Opening the attachment, there it was, a picture of me chained to the park railings in my birthday suit with a worm on my head. Actually it looked more like a turd but nevertheless. A fairly embarrassing picture that would pretty much crucify me if it ever got out amongst my peers. Jamie felt such remorse about what he'd done he couldn't do enough to try and make it up with me. If I was the nasty type I could have played this to my advantage. But I didn't. It wouldn't have been right. After all, it was my own fault I became stuck in the railings, not his. But in the end we sorted it all out with each other. Which is code for "I forgave Jamie", we bonded and we moved on with our lives. However the whole being tied up in the park thing I just couldn't get out of my head. I'd come to love the idea so much it continued to dominate my thoughts. I had to have it done to me again. So that's what Jamie and I arranged. This time without my head in the railings. In fact I got such a kick out of it we did it sixteen days on the trot. Jamie made it more and more difficult with every day we did this for me to get out of the handcuffs. He did things like constantly increased the length of the twine, wrapped it round things, deliberately snagged it, tied my thumbs down, my fingers together, increased the gap between my cuffed hands and blindfolded me. Every variable he tweaked in our 'game' pushed my buttons more and more. This was like a drug, it was highly addictive. I was in a constant state of arousal and was milked by Jamie for cum every day we did this in the park. And I absolutely bloody loved it, being under Jamie's thumb. As 'payment' for tying me up in the park and wanking me off, I took it upon myself to sort out Jamie's bike. It was actually a semi-decent bike that just needed some attention. It looked cheap and crap primarily because it was dirty and ill-maintained. As I said previously, nothing a spot of WD-40 and elbow grease couldn't fix. It would never be as good as mine but I did the absolute best I could with it. Jamie was grateful for the effort I put in and we later went off on bike races together in a field somewhere. Our park game may have started this but the real fun was only just beginning. Jamie had all sorts of ideas buried away in his head that were just waiting for an outlet. One included sticking my head somewhere other than park railings. But that's another story for another day. The End |
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