Cutter09Cold Hands, Warm Heart, Hard Dick |
SummaryJimmy gets a job helping a neighbor
Publ. May 2017
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CharactersJimmy (13yo) and his adult friendCategory & Story codesConsensual Man-Boy storyMt – cons mast oral anal (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now. If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
I've never had much luck with women. I do manual labor in a plant, I haven't inherited anything, so no money. No money, not particularly good looking, means no women. So when I did a really stupid thing at work, and got my hands caught in some machinery, I didn't have a wife or girlfriend to care for me. I guess I could've called my mother, but she'd have to be sober enough to answer the phone, and she probably couldn't stay that way long enough to be of any help. Being a bachelor, living in a small travel trailer on the bad side of town, I am not too particular about my living quarters. Ok. I admit it. I'm a bit of a slob. It's not like I have someone else to please. Anyway, I messed up my hands pretty good. Fortunately the company's insurance covered my medical bills, and I will get workman's comp to help pay my expenses while I'm recovering. Doc said six weeks minimum in the hard casts, then physical therapy for god knows how long. Mrs. Jenkins, in the trailer next to mine, saw me getting out of a taxi upon my release from the hospital. "What the hell happened to you?" she asked, through the cigarette hanging from her lips. I explained my plight, and she seemed genuinely sympathetic. She helped me unlock my door and led me in. "Jesus, this place is a pig sty. Have you ever heard of house cleaning?" As I said, I live alone and am a bit of a slob. Ok, I'm a fucking pig. She finally left when her cigarette burned down, and she didn't have another. A couple of hours later, I'm trying to decide how to open a can of soup, with nothing but my left thumb in an operable condition. All my fingers and my right thumb are sticking straight out, separated like a woman waiting for her nails to dry. Only my left thumb has any freedom of movement. There's a knock at the door, so I just yell "Come in." Jimmy Jenkins enters with some plastic containers. "My mom said to bring this to you." She had sent food for a couple of days. "Your mom's a saint. I can't get this fucking 3; I mean, this darn can open." Jimmy's just a kid, about fourteen. Kinda cute in a teen boy way. I had seen him around of course, since they moved here a couple of years before. "It's ok, I've heard the 'F' word before," he chuckled. Unlike his mother, he was too polite to say anything about the clutter. He found the last clean plate in the cupboard and dished out the food. We chatted while I ate, and he struck me as a fine young man. He was already saving for his first car by cutting lawns and menial tasks to earn money 3; "I'm going to get me a mustang when I have enough saved," he told me. I was impressed because it would be at least two more years before he could even drive. But at least he had goals. That's more than I could say at his age. "You know, I could use some help around here. I can't do anything as you can see." I held up my hands in illustration. The fork dangling from the grasp my left thumb barely had on it. We came to an agreement. He was going to help with meals and stuff, and check on me several times throughout the day to see if I needed anything, Later, I started to go to bed. You really have no idea how much you use your fingers, until you can't. It took me ten minutes just to get my clothes off. My trailer is just a one bedroom set up. At one end is the living room, which is open to the dining room (a table and two chairs), which is open to the small kitchen. There is a fold away door leading to the 'Master Suite', which is tiny bathroom on one side, closet and storage on the other side of a passage way. Then the bedroom, which is basically just the bed and a built in dresser. I got up the next morning, and went to pee. I was able to aim, and flush. Then I tried to figure out how to shower without getting my casts wet. It has a hand held sprayer wand, so it thought I could at least spray myself some to get the stink off. I pulled the wand out of its clasp to see If I could hold it with my thumb. Then, like the idiot I am, I turned on the water. Of course my thumb alone couldn't hold on to it when the water pressure hit. Water went everywhere. I turned it off as quick as I could but not before I was soaked and the floor and the walls. Well, you get the picture. So I turned to get a towel, and slipped on the wet floor. Of course I can't stop myself from falling since my fucking hands don't work. Next thing I know, I'm looking up at Jimmy. He was patting my face and calling out to me. Somehow he had managed to get me to my bed. "What the fu 3;" "Oh, thank god. I was afraid you weren't going to wake up. I was just about to get my mom. Don't worry. I would have covered you first." "Cover me?" I asked still a bit confused. I looked down and I'm naked. Then I remember the whole bathroom scene. I hadn't bothered to get dressed, since I was only going to pee. I started to sit up and my head throbbed. "I found you on the bathroom floor. You must have hit your head when you fell," Jimmy said. "How did I get to bed?" "I sort of dragged you in here. Getting you up on the bed was kinda hard though." I pictured that in my head. I'm not a small person. Six feet [1.80 m], one hundred eighty pounds [80 kg]. He's not a big kid either. Even for his age, he's a little on the small side. I envisioned him dragging my naked body in, then struggling to get my upper body on the bed, then picking up my legs one at a time and swinging them up. During all of this, my cock and balls would be on full display, and flopping all over the place. I suddenly was embarrassed by the whole ordeal. If not for me, then for the poor kid. "I'm sorry you had to do that. But thanks for your help. That goes way above and beyond what should be expected of a kid." He seemed a little miffed at my referring to him as a kid. "How's your head?" he asked. "I think it declared war. Can you get me some Tylenol from the bathroom cabinet?" While he was gone, I took the opportunity to pull the blanket over my midsection. On returning, he noticed right away. "You didn't have to do that. I've already seen it." "Well, I feel funny laying here naked in front of you." "Why? I mean. you're paying me to help you. It's obvious you need help in the shower. I'll probably see it a lot more till you can do it yourself. Besides. It's not the first one I've seen. I even have one of my own," he laughed. "Smart ass. Ok, you're right. I just didn't think about that when I offered the job. I just meant meals and stuff. I see now that there really isn't much I can do. So, if you don't mind the added duties, I guess it will have to be a full time job for a while." "No problem. I hate mowing grass anyway," Jimmy smiled. "Are you hungry?" "Yeah a little." Jimmy disappeared into the kitchen I heard him banging around in there, and soon he came back. "Your breakfast is served, Sir." He bowed with a flourish. "Smart ass," I groused pulling myself out of bed. Jimmy placed his arm around my waist and started to lead me to the dining table. "Wait. Maybe I should get dressed." "I don't mind you being naked," jimmy aid. "But what if your mom comes looking for you?" " Oh. yeah. I guess you're right." I grabbed my robe off the hook by the door. My spread fingers barely passing through the sleeve. "You don't have any bacon, but I found a can of Spam. I fried it and some scrambled eggs. I hope that's ok." "It's a hell of a lot better than I could have done. Thanks." It was actually pretty good. Jimmy poured me some coffee too. He was trying really hard, I'll give him that. "So what grade are you in?" I asked just to make conversation. Just finished seventh last week. When school starts in the fall, I'll be in eighth." "So you're thirteen?" "Fourteen in a couple of weeks," he stated proudly. "Fourteen. Wow. You better hurry up and get married before you're too old to attract any attention." Jimmy blushed a little, but knew I was joking. "Well if fourteen is too old, That makes you a dinosaur." "Smart ass." We continued to chat, as I watched him clean the kitchen. He did things I hadn't done in a long time. Like wipe off the stovetop, and fridge. I had a second cup of coffee while he did the dishes. When he finished, he said, "Let's get you cleaned up now." "I don't know how we're gonna do that. I only have that small shower, no tub to sit in. I can't get these damn casts wet. I guess I'll just have to stink until they come off." Jimmy went to the bathroom and looked around. "I'll be right back," he said and dashed out the door. He came back with that sticky cellophane wrap women use to cover dishes of food. "I borrowed this from my mom." He stood me up and took off my robe. Then he wrapped my arms from elbow to fingertips with the cellophane. "There. That should keep them dry enough." Jimmy started the shower and led me into the bathroom. "Hold your hands out of the way, while I get you wet." I did as commanded, and Jimmy took the spray head and hosed me down. Since we couldn't close the shower curtain, water was splashing off me and all over everywhere.I turned so he could wet my backside too. I felt a little self conscious about a boy having to bathe me. As I turned back around, I could see that Jimmy was almost as wet as me. "Will your mom be mad when you come home all wet?" He looked down at his wet clothes, "Uh 3; Maybe 3;" Then he pulled his tee shirt off, and took off his jeans. I was a bit surprised, but he didn't seem fazed in the least. He grabbed a washcloth, and started on my chest, lathering me up. He did my arms down to the elbows, the turned me around. My back and butt were next, then my legs. I have to admit, that the sensual situation wasn't lost on me. Jimmy told me to turn around again. He started at my feet, and worked his way up the front of my legs. The further up he went, the more my cock rose. I was at full staff of eight and a half inches [21 cm] by the time he got to my midsection. "Jesus. You have a big one." "Uh 3; Thanks. Sorry about this." "Hey. I told you I've seen one before. I have one too. Course mine doesn't get that big," he laughed. He didn't hesitate to soap the area, even dipping under my nuts. All the attention had my cock straining. Having his hand washing my raging cock had held my attention. I finally happened a glance at his tight white briefs. I could see a tent pointing at the waistband. Actually pulling it away from his body some. Jimmy began rinsing the soap from my body. Again water splattering everywhere. By the time I was rinsed, so was Jimmy. His briefs becoming almost transparent. I could easily see the flesh color beneath, and the unmistakeable outline of his dick.The slit was clearly visible pushing at the fabric. He used a towel to clean up the water on the floor, then spread it out for me to step out onto. "There are more towels in that drawer over there," I said, pointing across the passageway. He found the clean, yet unfolded towels stuffed in there the way I'm prone to do. Jimmy dried me off, again handling my cock, much to my cock's excitement. I was straining for release by this point, and from the looks of Jimmy's briefs, so was he. He held out my robe for me to slide into then led me back to the dining table. "Want more coffee?" he asked. "Sure." Hoping it would take my mind off my cock and the embarrassing situation. He stood beside me as he poured it. His straining briefs less than two feet from my face. The entire length was visible, right down to his nut sack which looked well developed. I think he was looking at mine too, because he overfilled the cup. "I think there is a blow dryer in one of the drawers in the bedroom. It might help dry your clothes," I suggested. "Good idea." He left the room, and I heard him rummaging around in the drawers. "Found it!" he called out. He plugged it in by the kitchen sink. "It was under your dirty magazines in the bottom drawer." "Shit. Sorry. Seems you will be discovering all my secrets before long." I laughed, Jimmy pulled off his briefs, and held them up to blow them dry. I was now looking at a beautiful naked boy. His cock still stood upright, wagging back and forth with his moving the blow dryer. I could now see a patch of hair just above his dick, only slightly darker than the sandy hair on his head. His legs were lean and muscular, reaching up to the nicest looking butt I have ever laid eyes on. It has been too long since I have had any sexual release. Four days in the hospital, now another at home. This kid was looking way too hot for his own good. And with my hands this way, it might be months before I find any relief. "Uh 3;Jimmy 3;" I said staring at him. "What? You've seen one before, haven't you?" "Smart ass. Yes, I've seen one. I even have one of my own, only not that small." He laughed and threw his undies at me. He picked them up and finished drying them, then slipped them back on. He spent the rest of the cay cleaning my trailer. Sweeping, mopping the bedroom and bath, and picking up stuff. All while wearing just his undies. "I found six more dirty magazines under your bed." "What can I say, I'm a man. I have needs," I defended. He looked at my rising cock, "So I see." For dinner, Jimmy reheated the food his mother had sent over. He stayed around and watched tv with me until about ten. Then he helped me to bed. When he removed my robe, my cock began to rise again. "That thing sure has a mind of it's own," he commented. "You're in no position to be throwing stones," I said looking at the tent in his briefs. "Maybe you should get dressed before going home." "No. I bet mom would love to see how I spent my time here." "Uh 3; Jimmy 3;" "Just kidding. She will never know about anything here." *** The next morning, Jimmy woke me up, And helped me to the toilet. We had to wait a few minutes for my morning wood to subside, so Jimmy started the shower. After wrapping my hands again, I stepped into the shower. When I turned back around, Jimmy was taking off his clothes. "No need to get them wet again," he said and removed his briefs as well. My cock liked the scenery and began to rise. "Ah, he remembers me. Nice to see you too, big fella," he said giving it a pat. Jimmy proceeded to bathe me. When he got to my cock he lathered his hand and washed my ball sack without a washcloth. He soaped up his hand again and grabbed my cock. "We have to get this clean too," he said as he stroked it a bit longer than necessary. "Uhn. Jimmy 3; Oh 3; you better stop." I said backing away from his grasp. He rinsed me off, then grabbed a towel and dried himself. His dick saluting me the whole time. He tied the towel around his waist, and got a towel for me. After drying me and unwrapping my hands, he led me to the table. "Don't you think we should get dressed, your mom might come looking for you." "It's Monday. She's at work." "Oh. uh ok." He started my breakfast, when the coffee was ready, he poured me a cup. Standing beside me again, and his towel dropped off. Again, I'm looking right at it. He served me, and began cleaning again. He didn't bother to dress. Climbing up on a chair, he dusted shelves, and took things to the sink to wash. Rearranging things, up and down in front of me. Driving me nuts. I couldn't take my eyes off him or his dick, but his ass was to die for. God, what a marvelous sight. He caught me looking. "You're staring at my butt," he accused. "Sorry, I've never had a naked maid before." "What a coincidence. I've never had a naked boss before." "Smart ass." When he took my plate to the sink, he said "You may want to move back to the bedroom. I need to mop in here." Reluctantly, I let him lead me back to bed. Jimmy came in a few minutes later, sipping a bottle of water. He sat on the edge of the bed beside me. As he drank, I snuck a peek at his dick. It was rising, which caused mine to rise too. "Jesus, how big is that thing?" "Usually eight and half inches [21 cm]. Right now it feels closer to nine [23 cm]." He reached over and picked it up off my belly. "It sure looks like nine to me," he said slowly stroking it. "Ah, sweet Jesus. Jimmy 3; Maybe you shouldn't 3;" "You hired me to take care of your needs. And yesterday, you said you are a man with needs. It's my job to take care of this." I didn't argue. Who would, with a beautiful kid stroking your neglected cock. His hand slid up and down its length a couple of times. Then he leaned over my leg, placing his weight on his elbow between my legs. This put him close enough to really examine my genitals, which he seemed delighted to do. "Have you done this before?" I asked. "Of course I have. Just not to anyone else. I've been wanting to for a couple of years though." His hand felt great on me, but he was driving me crazy at how slowly he stroked. I wasn't complaining though. I was so hard a cat couldn't scratch it. And Jimmy just kept up the slow strokes, and studying my junk. A drop of precum rose to the slit, Jimmy noticed and glanced at my face. Then as if in slow motion, and never taking his eyes from mine, he leaned in and licked the drop from my slit. "Oh 3; fuck," I moaned. "Did you like that?" he asked. "Smart ass. What do you think?" He ran his tongue all around my fat knob. "Shit. Are you sure you've never done that?" "In junior high school, you don't just go up to a guy and say, 'Can I play with your dick?' Now do you?" Jimmy said as his tongue lapped out at my cock again. "No I suppose not." "Have you ever done anything with a guy?" Jimmy asked. I decided to tell the truth. "When I was in high school. I was failing algebra for the second time. I just didn't understand all that shit. So I stayed after school for tutoring. I had heard rumors about the teacher, so I rubbed my dick, and got it hard. The next time he looked at me, I made sure he could see it in my jeans. Then I walked up to his desk and asked a question. He pointed out the answer in the book, and I leaned over like I was interested in that shit, only I rubbed my hard dick on his elbow. He pushed back against it, so I raised up and unzipped my pants. He took one look at it and led me to the supply closet behind the desk. He gave me my first ever blow job. Damn good one too. He also gave me my second and third blow job. By the end of the semester. I passed algebra, and I still don't know anything about that shit." Jimmy laughed as he continued to toy with my cock. He was staring at the head as if mesmerized by it. "So, you don't mind if a guy sucks you?" he asked. I didn't answer, and after a moment, he leaned down and took the knob into his mouth. "Oh 3; Shit, that feels good," I said as he bobbed up and down on it a little. Then he slid his mouth further down, checking to see how much he could take. He made it to where his hand gripped the base of it before gagging, and backing off. I could tell this was all exploratory for him, so I just let him learn. He moved his mouth up and down a few more times, then tried to take more again. I felt his throat open to my invading knob, but not willingly. Jimmy was a real trooper though, and determined. He tried repeatedly, eventually taking about six inches [15 cm] in. For his size, that was a lot. Deciding to explore further, Jimmy pulled off my cock and went below to experience my nuts. Licking all around the sack, then taking one at a time into his mouth. Once he had satisfied his curiosity there, Jimmy raised up and looked at me. His eyes sparkled and he gave me a radiant smile. Then he stuck his tongue out and picked a hair off it. He giggled a bit then swooped down on my cock again. All the while he played with my cock, his was throbbing in his lap. He was enjoying his first sexual experience, almost as much as I was. He got serious about the sucking, and picked up the pace. Wrapping his free hand around his own dick. I couldn't believe how good this inexperienced kid was. In no time he had me ready to burst. "Jimmy 3; I'm gonna cum," I warned. It only served to spur him on. I exploded my pent up load into his appreciating mouth. His cock erupted too, sending a quick spurt up his chest. I kept squirting, and he swallowed repeatedly, only to have more replace it. When he was satisfied that he had drained my cock, he pulled off of it. "Thanks for letting me do that," he said wistfully. "I should be thanking you. You're a natural." "Yeah. I kinda thought I was," he admitted. He took another sip of his water, then said, "You might as well stay here, I still have to mop the kitchen." When he returned, he sat 'indian' style beside me on the bed. I noticed he had cleaned the cum off his chest and belly. His dick was soft between his legs. "I appreciate all your hard work, Jimmy." "Well, I appreciate you letting me 3; you know, try things," he said with a grin. I held up my hands. "I'm kinda defenceless to prevent it." "Really? Good to know," he smiled, reaching for my cock again. As it slowly responded to his ministrations, I asked, "Why me?" "Like I said. I've been wanting to for a couple of years. I've just been scared to. I've had chances. Like guys at the mall restroom will wave their dicks at me. And Mr. Mortimer, you know the guy with the big double wide trailer by the playground. He offered me ten dollars to show him my dick. But he's pretty creepy. You've always been nice to me, like that time I crashed my bike into your trailer because the handle bars were loose. You didn't even yell at me. You were more worried that I was hurt than you were about the dent on your trailer. And you tightened the handle bars for me. And last Halloween, you pretended not to know me when you gave me handfuls of candy." "Well, you were a pretty scary looking vampire," I defended. "See! You did know it was me. So when I found you on the bathroom floor, you obviously weren't trying to lure me in. Then while I was trying to get you on your bed, and your dick was 3; well it was so nice and big. And even when I got undressed in front of you, you didn't try anything. I even got naked for you, and you still resisted. I knew you were just trying not to do anything to hurt me, even though you were very horny. You would never make the first move, so I had to." "Smart ass. I'm glad you did, though." "Really? You're not just trying to be nice?" "Oh hell no. That was the most enjoyable blow job I ever had," I answered honestly. "And you're helpless to stop me from doing it again. I think I'm going to like this job," he said wickedly. He crawled between my legs and lay on his belly. As he began to work my cock again I asked, "Damn, Jimmy, where have you been all my life?" He removed my cock from his mouth long enough to say, "Well, for most of it, I wasn't born yet." "Smart ass." Around six, he left to check in with his mom. I used the time to go to the toilet, there are some things I don't intend to let him do for me. He returned around seven thirty. He was carrying a Tupperware container of food, and an overnight bag. "I told my mom how totally helpless you are, so she said I could stay with you in case you need help at night." "Uh, okay." We ate and watched some tv. Then he led me to bed. As I slid under the covers, Jimmy removed his shirt. I watched as he followed with his jeans and underwear. By the time he crawled in bed beside me, I was as hard as a rock. He lay his head on my chest, and slid his hand under the cover to grasp my erection. "Mmm. Nice," he said, throwing the cover down to gaze at it. After a minute, he climbed up and sat on my stomach. "I noticed most of your magazines have a common theme." "Oh?" "Yeah. I think some of the titles were, Anal Fever and Anal is best oh and Annaly Yours." Jimmy said as he backed into my cock. "Uh. Jimmy, there are things you 3;" "I know. I'm ready." He grasped my cock and lined it up with his pucker. He pushed back on it, but his hole didn't give. "Your cock head is bigger than my mom's vibrater." He pushed harder, and it suddenly broke through his tight muscle. "Holy shit!" he groaned, and lay on my chest. As determined as ever, he began rocking back and forth a bit. As the pain eased, he raised up and became more insistent, pushing back harder, taking more of my cock. I could see his deflated cock and balls resting on my stomach. Soon he was gliding three or four inches [8-10 cm] back and forth on me, his chute gobbling up more and more of my cock. The feeling was so intense, I closed my eyes to enjoy the sensations. "Ahh," he moaned after a minute. I looked at him and found he was sitting on me with my cock completely buried in his butt. He raised and lowered himself a few times, and his dick got harder in front of him. "That's even better than I had imagined." He placed his hands on my chest and leaned forward, sliding about three quarters off my cock. "Fuck me. Please," he pleaded. I placed my feet flat on the bed, and my bandaged hands on his hips. I thrust up at him, sending my cock all the way into his butt, until my balls hit his butt cheeks. "OH GOD ! YES ! Just like that." I obeyed his wishes and started pounding up into him. He pick up my rhythm, pushing back to meet my thrusts. Each time I hit bottom, he moaned in pleasure. This boy was a born fuck toy. "So good. I love it 3; Please keep fucking me." His dick erupted all over me, his tunnel gripped me tighter, and I blew my load deep inside him. Jimmy collapsed on me, both of us breathing hard. Neither of us spoke, as my cock eventually softened inside him. When it slithered out, Jimmy groaned in protest. He place his hand on my chest, and rested his chin on it. His eyes were glowing at me as he said, "Am I wrong, or was that like 3; amazing?" "You're not wrong. That was pretty fucking amazing. I may never go back to women." "Oh? Switching to men?" he asked. "No, Just one little smart ass." "Mmm, okay by me," he said laying his head down and hugging me. Sleeping had been difficult with my hands the way they were. But with Jimmy snuggled under my arm, it came easily. We woke early, and stood side by side at the toilet. When our flow finally started, Jimmy asked, "Do you want breakfast first, or boypussy?" "How about coffee, so I can be awake enough to enjoy the boy." His smile was immediate. We sat and had coffee together. I noticed his overnight bag still by the door. "What's in the bag?" "I had to bring clothes so Mom wouldn't be suspicious. And I brought more lube, in case I was successful in seducing you." "You could seduce a dead monk," I laughed. "You're not even close to dead, but you might be before I'm finished with you," jimmy said. He had always been such a sweet kid. You would never guess that underneath it all, was an extremely sexual person. "Why the big change in personality?" I asked out of curiosity. "With just Mom and me at home, I have to be careful about things like walking around naked, even in my room. And sometimes she has boyfriends over, and I hear them, I get so horny I have to beat off. Of course my mom thinks I'm still a baby, so I can't be open in front of her. I guess I've just been sort of held down, now that I have a chance to try things, I'm unchained." "You don't think I'm taking advantage of you?" "No. I'm the one taking advantage of a poor helpless invalid," Jimmy laughed. "So hurry and finish your coffee. I want some more dick." I had never rolled around in bed with a teenager. I can highly recommend it. He is such a loving partner too. And when it came time for the actual event, he was just as anxious as I, maybe more so. This time he wanted it doggy style. Having a fetish for butts, this was a gift. I could actually see that beautiful ass as my cock plowed it. A sight I will never tire of. "Oh Jesus. You have a big dick," Jimmy said as I hit bottom the first time. "I love it." "You're just used to your mommy's little vibrater." I said accusingly. "I only used it yesterday to open me up for you. I've never had anything in there til then." I had assumed he played with her toy regularly. It turned me on even more to know he had done that just so I could fuck him. After a few minutes of pounding him, Jimmy collapsed onto the bed. I followed him down resting my weight on his back. I slowly drew my cock in and out, I kissed his neck and whispered in his ear, " Is that what you need? My big cock in your pussy?" "Mmm, yes. Please keep fucking me," he moaned. "Turn over," I said pulling my cock from him. He turned and faced me. "You want to be my girl, then I'm going to fuck you like a girl." I entered his butt again, and he brought his knees up. "Oh God! Make me your girl. Fuck me like a you would a little girl." "Your little pussy is so tight. Daddy's owns this pussy now. Say it." "It's your pussy. Anytime you want it." I could feel his ass tighten, "Cum on daddy's big dick like a good girl." Jimmy exploded between our bellies. That pushed me over the edge too. We cleaned up and ate, then later when were were watching tv, Jimmy just leaned over and started sucking my cock. When I was hard enough, he climbed on my lap and inserted my cock in his butt. He rode me slowly at first, leaned in and kiss my lips as he picked up speed. The kid is insatiable. Which suited me just fine. We made a list of groceries we would need, and when his mom got home he went to ask her to take him. While he was gone, I lay down for a much needed rest. Jimmy woke me after he put the groceries away. He stood by the bed and undressed. When he took off his jeans, I saw that he was wearing pink thong panties. "Where'd my little girl get such pretty panties?" I asked him. "They were mixed in with my clothes about six months ago. I guess she has forgotten about them by now." "Mmm nice. You know, I've always wanted to eat a little girl." I said as he crawled into bed. He straddled my chest, and I licked his hard dick over the panties before pulling them down and swallowing it. It was the first time for me to suck dick, and I found I really liked sucking his. "My little girl has a big clit to suck. Do you like Daddy to suck your clit?" "Oh 3;God yes. Suck it Daddy. Make me cum." I sucked him down to the root. His cock just touching the entrance to my throat. All too soon he squirted his cum straight down my gullet. I barely got to taste it as he withdrew his dick. "Oh man. I don't know which I like better. Cumming in your mouth or cumming on your cock. No, definitely I like cumming on your cock better. I get to cum, and I get to feel you in me and take your cum where it belongs. Inside me," Jimmy said as he lay down on my chest. He made us a quick dinner, and we snuggled in front of the tv. I found it intensely pleasant having a boy in my arms. Sharing the closeness of another human being. This was a first for me, having been single, and never being close to my mother. For the first time in my life, I got a glimpse of what it must be like to be in love. In bed later, we snuggled more, then Jimmy slid his hand down to my cock. "I love playing with this big thing. It's like it draws me to it. I just have to have it in my hand or mouth or ass, all the time." "If I wasn't so completely helpless, I would have to fight you off. But since I am, I guess you can abuse me as you see fit," I chuckled. He saw fit to climb on and ride me like a rodeo star bull rider. *** The next day I got a call from my employer's insurance company. Mr. Cohen was interested in making a settlement. "Settlement?" I asked. "Yes. We're willing to pay you fifty thousand to make this disappear." "Fifty thousand?" I was dumbfounded. I had no idea this was even a possibility. "Well. If you think fifty thousand is 3;" "Ok, a hundred thousand, and you agree not to sue." I suddenly flashed on those tv commercials with lawyers wanting to represent injured parties. "Mr. Cohen, I have yet to decide how I will proceed in this matter. Good day to you sir." And I hung up. I got out my old phone book and found one that wasn't advertised on tv, but his ad mentioned workplace injuries. Mark Levinstein seemed a decent kind of guy on the phone, even asked how I was doing after my injury. I told him I had to hire live in help because I was unable to do anything on my own. I told him of my conversation with Cohen, and how he seemed anxious to settle. He asked if I knew the manufacturer of the machine that crushed my hands. I told him the name of the company. By the end of our conversation, he seemed quite confident that I had a good case. He said not to sign anything the insurance company wanted me to sign, until he did some research. "What was that all about," Jimmy asked. "I'm not sure yet, but maybe these fucked up hands might be a good thing after all." "To me they are. Look what I got out of it," he smiled and tugged my cock. What's a man to do, but give a boy what he wants, so I did. I didn't hear from Levinstein for a couple of days, but I did receive a few more calls from Cohen. Then I received a letter of termination from my employer. It seems they were firing me for not showing up for work. I called Levinstein back and told him about the letter. "I've been looking into your case. Do you know the extent of your injuries?" he asked. "Not really. I know my fingers are broken and in a cast. All they said was to take my painkillers and come back in six weeks to get the casts off." "That's why they are anxious for you to sign the settlement. Once you get those casts off, you will discover how damaged your hands really are. They terminated your employment to pressure you into signing. They figure without a job, you'll take whatever money you can get." "So how damaged are they?" I asked. "The little finger and ring finger of your left hand, and the little finger of your right hand will never bend again. Your left middle finger and right ring and middle fingers will only have partial movement. Your index finger and thumbs of both hands, should be okay after some rehab and therapy." "Shit. How am I supposed to work like that?" "Exactly. That's where I come in at. You see, the manufacturer of the machine that crushed your hand was ordered by the court to replace the feeder covers on all their machines, because of previous accidents and lawsuits. Instead they only sent out guard plates and expected the companies using the machines to install the plates. Your company chose to ignore the danger, and did not even install the guard plates." "What does all that mean?" I asked, still confused. "It means that both companies were negligent and liable. It means I'll be filing a major suit against both parties on your behalf." "What will that cost me?" "Normally it would be thirty per cent. But in this case, I'm so sure of it, I'm lowering my fee. If we take it to trial, twenty five per cent. If we settle out of court, fifteen per cent." "How much are we suing for?" "Fifty million." "I must have misunderstood you." "Fifty million from each company." I was stunned. I couldn't speak. "I doubt we will get that much, but it's what we're asking for. If we get anywhere near that much It will surprise me." Jimmy stayed with me the whole time I was healing, thank god. Besides the great sex, I know I couldn't have managed without him. *** When it came time to have the casts removed, I was waiting in one of those little examination rooms that they stick you in. After an hour, a young P.A. comes in, carrying what I assume is my file. Without a word he begins cutting of the cast on my left hand. As my mangled fingers come into view, he starts shaking his head and looking at me funny. "What?" I asked. "Hey. It's your hand and none of my business," he said with a shrug of his shoulders. "What are you talking about?" "If my hand was fucked up this bad, I would sure want to talk about it." "I don't get what you're saying." "I just wondered why you don't want to talk about it," he explained. "Who said I don't want to talk about it?" I asked still confused. "There's a note in your file. It says 'Don't talk to patient about his injuries' I assume it means you don't want to talk about it." "That's in my file?" "Yeah 3;well it's on a sticky note stuck inside. Signed by Weisman himself." "Who is Weisman?" "Dr. Weisman. He's chief of staff." "Do you have a cell phone I could borrow?" I called Levinstein. He asked if I could get a picture of it and text it to him. I asked the P.A. whose name is Richard Thicke (Dick Thicke can you believe), to show the note to me. He took several photos of it for me, which I texted to Levinstein. We later learned that Weisman is the brother in law of the president of the company I worked for. Levinstein went after the hospital and Weisman too. He said they were complicit, whatever that means. Anyway, he said another fifty million lawsuit couldn't hurt. The hospital was the first to cave in. They offered ten million to make it go away. Levinstein held out for fifteen million. The manufacturer of the machine settled for twenty five, and my employer was stuck for thirty five. It took around six months to collect, but Levinstein got a little over eleven million for his work, and I got the rest. I bought Jimmy's mom a small house near my new house. For his sixteenth birthday, Jimmy got the car he was saving for. I got Jimmy most afternoons, and weekends. The End |
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