GreenfrogPainful Training and Disciplineedited by Maiocxx |
SummaryA group of boys is kidnapped, deported to North Africa to a slave training academy. They are sorted, trained for various types of slavery and then sold off. The story unfolds through the eyes of a slave boy called Franco. Thus hopefully we shall have personal emotional feelings of an individual involved as well as seeing the suffering, treatment and actions of others.
Publ. May 2011-...
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CharactersFranco (11yo)Category & Story codesNon Consensual Man-Boy story/SlaveryMb – non-consensual slave oral – torture mutilation castr (Explanation) |
DisclaimerThis story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.The theme explored in this story is FANTASY. Just as one can enjoy violent videogames or movies without committing or condoning violence in real life, a person can enjoy violent fantasies of abuse without promoting abuse in real life.
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Author's noteThank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author through this feedback form, please with Greenfrog - Painful Training and Discipline in the subject line. |
Part One1 – KidnappedFranco stirred as the alarm clock rang at six-thirty. Grudgingly he got his skinny, smooth, soft, succulent body out of bed. A quick yawn and stretch; then he slipped into his faded blue jeans, blue tee-shirt, and blue trainers, and jumped on his blue bike.Away he went to the news-agent to start his morning paper route as he did every morning. Had done for eighteen months now. Really, at only eleven years of age, it was not legal for him to be doing a newspaper route. Well, the family was personal friends with the folk who owned the shop, and it was a quiet, peaceful district. Yes, surely it would be safe. No one would know. What could possibly go wrong in such a quiet country district? As the last delivery place came into view 3; an isolated farm house 3; it was noticeable at the bottom of the drive was parked a Green Mercedes Benz Sprinter 312D van. The engine was quietly ticking over, but no one was to be seen. Franco, observed it, but was not alarmed. As the lad cycled back down the drive, his way was now restricted by the van in the centre of the drive, thus preventing his easy exit. Franco noticed it had unusual number plates. As the boy slowed down to pass the vehicle, three men rushed out from the bushes and grabbed hold of him. There was no option but to fall from his machine. The lad shouted and screamed as he was pushed to the ground. The three big, powerful men immediately overpowered the lithe, slender lad. Before he knew what was happening his arms were twisted behind his back and handcuffed together. At the same time, his kicking legs were restrained and securely shackled. It was easy to insert a penis gag into his mouth as Franco was shouting and screaming so much. He was quickly bundled into the back of the vehicle by two of the men, while the third threw the bicycle over into the bushes. Bending the lads' knees, his ankles and wrists were fastened together. Hogtied, he soon gave up the struggle of escaping. Two men up front and the third in the back with their young victim, the van soon sped away. The boy's face was screwed up with terror, fear and fright. Mercifully he was laid on a mattress in the rear of the van. His clothes were quickly cut from his young, slender, tender boy's body and stuffed into a plastic bag, along with his socks and trainers. He whimpered as the tears slowly trickled down his cheeks. The journey seemed to take eternities! Who were these men? Why had they abducted him? Where was the journey taking him? What would become of him? Would he ever see his mum and dad again? What does anyone do with a young boy? With these and many other thoughts the fearful, fretting child passively lay there awaiting the inevitable outcome. After a while, the guard in the back with the hapless victim produced a heavy chain, looped it around the young, tender throat of the lad, and padlocked it. Franco stared at the stranger. YES! He had seen him before. In the playing fields where they play football. This person had often been one of the spectators. He spoke roughly with a foreign accent, "You like being trussed up like that boy?" "No, Sir. Please release me, Sir. I promise I will be a good boy and obey you and not give you any trouble. Please don't hurt me, Sir, I beg you!" "Right, I will release you apart from the chain around your neck. I will take the rest of the stuff off you, so you can move about a bit." "Thank you very much, Sir. I promise I will behave myself, so as not to incur your wrath." He was then given food and drink and told, "If you want to urinate, use the bottle. If you need to defecate, you will have to do it in a plastic tub and we will dispose of it later." Eventually the vehicle slowed, stopped, reversed and the engine was turned off. There were sounds of an automatic electric steel shutter doors closing. THE BACK DOORS OF THE VAN WERE OPENED.
– 2 –Franco turned and strained to see what was outside the vehicle.The guard spoke sternly to the lad, "UP! get out the van!" There in the loading bay was the 'picture frame', of the dark green Mercedes Benz, Sprinter 312D. The interior of the van appeared black. There in the centre of this pleasant picturesque setting was the exciting, exquisite, splendid, stunning, spectacle of a pure white, soft, smooth, skinny, slender, succulent, short, sleek eleven-year-old nude boy. He stood in all his naked glory at the edge of the rear end of the vehicle. His tender body moved gently as his muscles trembled and quaked as he pondered what to do or move. The guard raised his hand and took hold of the boys arm. He softly said to the child, "Come on Son, behave and be meek, submissive and obedient and it will make life easier for yourself. Obstinacy will only incur pain and suffering for yourself. Let me help you out of the back here. Come on, and join the other boys who arrived earlier during the day." Franco jumped down onto the cold concrete floor; still being held by his arm. His voice quaked as he said, "Sir! haven't I see you before?" There was a soft chuckle with the reply. "Yes, of course, my colleagues and I often watched you and your friends playing football and also were in the swimming pool the same time as you when we were scouting for talent. We did not wish to end up with any old rubbish. Had to make sure we were going to catch something of the highest quality that would earn us a considerably large amount of money. You will make a lot of money for each member of the team!" The guards fingers sunk into the soft tender slender flesh of the skinny lads arm. The hand let go of the arm and slid smoothly softly and gently across the back and shoulder blades and came to rest on the nape of the neck, and gently applied a little pressure. The two walked sedately along a corridor, through a set of steel security doors, another corridor, yet more security doors. After they had passed through several sets of security doors, they eventually entered a large room. The guard said, "This is the holding room where there is sorting and categorizing of the various commodities and items." As they entered, Franco noticed right in front of him; a well built naked youth. An official looking person was holding the boy's arm with one hand, while the other hand was squeezing, pommeling, pushing, pumping and pulling various muscles of the captive victim. Suddenly! He broke free by giving a vicious bite to the man's arm, and making a dash for the open door. No one else in the room made the slightest move or sound as he charged off down the corridor. Apart, that is, from another youth who likewise was big and strong and who shouted encouragement and success to the escapee. There was shouting and banging as the body thudded against the set of security doors which were, indeed, well and truly secure. Like a frightened wild animal he rushed back into the holding room, and ran round and round and round while his friend continued to shout encouragement. All in vain! The security door closed and locked. Eventually, like a rat in a trap, he tired and slowed down, panting and puffing. The guard, still rubbing his bitten arm, went over to him and took hold of him again. Even so, nothing was said. However, several strong burly men now took hold of the pathetic victim. One took hold of his right arm, another of the left. Both arms were severely and painfully twisted around behind the boy's back. The youth was now leaning backwards in a painful vice-like grip. He rose to his toes to try and alleviate his agony. Another guard took hold of a good fistful of hair and bent the head further back. The shouting and screams were awful. The person who had been bitten, approached the front of the 'trapped, tormented, wild animal'. The official holding the hair, used his other hand to press forcefully on the boy's cheeks in order to open the mouth. This was quite easy as the boy was both extremely frightened, and panting for breath. The mouth now wide open, strong heavy duty rubber wedges were forced into the mouth along the gums to keep the jaws open to their maximum capacity. This was painful enough just on its own. The facial expression was of pain, panic, and fear, in the extreme. Although firmly held, he was now positioned in an upright posture. The bitten guard now spoke to the hapless victim. "So you would dare to bite me would you?" He then turned to address all the slave boys in the room. "Learn a lesson all of you for your own good. No bad behavior, lack of discipline, or the least defect in conduct of absolute submissive obedience will be tolerated. Watch, all of you, take notice, and learn for your own good." With that, and with no further ado, he produced a pair of dentist's pliers and yanked out every single incisor. {All the front teeth.} Just left the molars. Blood just poured, or gushed, out of the youth's mouth. It flowed down his pure white chest, snow-colored abdomen and milky legs, as if he were covered by a cloak. It even dripped off the end of his penis. The youth wriggled, writhed, shook and trembled in agonizing pain and shock. The rubber wedges were removed from his mouth. A wad of gauze was forced into the mouth and his mouth was forced closed and pressure applied. Medical attention was brought in, but the body was not cleansed from its bloody mess 3; Indeed, even after he was moved on, several days later, his body was still covered in dried blood. Hands were then laid on the other youth who had shouted encouragement. He too was held in exactly the same posture. Another officer then addressed every one. "Slaves are not allowed to speak without express permission from either their own personal master, or, as in the case, a guard or an official. What happens if they do? Well watch and see!" As before the mouth was secured in the open position. A pair of pliers took hold of the tongue and pulled it full force from the orifice. Then the lips and cheeks were pulled back as far as possible and cold water was poured gently so that the cold fluid gently trickled down around the mouth. Then a red hot, very fine needle was pushed and forced through the extended tongue. As soon as it was through, cold water was copiously applied. Dare not burn or mark the tender young skin on the face or around the mouth as this damage would detract from the value of the creature. Once the metal was cold, the boy's wrists were put into handcuffs behind his back. hands then taken from face. He rolled, writhed, twisted in the epitome of agony as he was not able to bring his tongue back into his mouth for comfort. Then he was, left alone in the centre of the room for everyone to enjoy his agony and learn the lessons of breaking rules. The other boy was now brought back and placed near him. A spectacle of warning for any other potential trouble-maker. Then both victims were placed on separate tables with their wrists and ankles fastened tightly behind their back. The officials laughed, taunted, and tormented the hapless slave boys.
– 3 –Franco was terrified. He held on to the guard who was still standing next to him. "Please Sir!" He said, "Will this happen to me? What will become of me, Sir?"Franco looked up into the guard's face, his eyes filled with tears. He whimpered, "What do you think will happen to me?" "I can't honestly answer that, Son. However, I can give you a few simple guide lines. In theory, if you are a submissive obedient boy, you will escape a lot of unnecessary pain and anguish. Just do as you are told at all times. Keep your mouth shut, and do your best to please your new master or mistress." "There are different types of slave boys. Some are sex slaves, or pleasure slaves. A beautiful creature like you could easily end up like that. You are pleasant to the eye and petite. I would anticipate if that is your destiny you will be castrated and starved in order to keep you in such prime condition for as long as possible." "Alternatively you could be a Gentleman's Personal Body Slave. Your daily duties would be washing and dressing your master, and probably giving him sexual gratification should he desire it. He may require you to suck his penis, or he may wish to insert his penis up your rectum. Who can say?" "Some slaves, like those we have just seen punished and disciplined, who are heavier and more well built than you; although the same age. They most likely will be slave ponies, hauling carts, with either people or commodities about. Many of these bigger lads end up in quarries working, or slaving away in mines, enduring very harsh conditions and extremely hard work. No way will that be your destiny; you're physically not big enough for that type of hard work." "Some pretty little things like you are transformed by the skill of Professor Iratsi into pets. Dogs, cats, or something unusual. Tomorrow 3; incidentally, if you are interested to know where you are, you are in the basement of the Moroccan Embassy 3;. tomorrow Rimalez Soruep, and his assistant Prince Jacques will arrive here from Morocco. They will purchase most, if not all, you boys and you will be deported to the Rimalez Soruep Slave Training Academy. There the final decision of your fate will be decided. No problem in dispatching and transporting you all, of course; because of diplomatic immunity there is never any checking of cargo or personnel." "Now, what brought me on to that diversion was talking about Professor Iratsi and his work. The Professor made a custom built green frog from a little child for Rimalez Soruep. Every part of its skin is bright green. Its legs were fastened into a frame for several years in order that he always sits on his haunches and HOPS along, just like a frog, on all fours. Brilliant masterpiece of medical engineering." "He does a large amount of mutation work. For example, should you be required to be transformed into a lady's pet lap-dog slave! Then both your thumbs and each of your fingers would be amputated. Legs cut off just below the knees." "Other things he does, in certain circumstances if required, is to rupture the eardrum to cause permanent deafness, severing the vocal chords or removing part of the tongue. If tattooing is wanted or branding he will do that for the customer. Some customers want their slaves bodies decorated with rings or pins. Needless to say he does all that. Such as nipple pins or rings. Various rings in the septum of the nose, or ears." With that there was movement and action in the room. The two boys who had just received the barbaric treatment were made to stand at attention in the centre of the inspection area. The youth who had had his front teeth pulled out, still had a sodded gauze wad in his mouth, although it did not seem to be dripping fresh blood any more. Its mouth was opened, a spray was used in the mouth and a new clean sterilized gauze gag inserted. Poor lad! He did look so pale and ill. The silence was then shattered by a piercing, shrill, scream, as the other youth had the needle withdrawn from his tongue. He, too, had his mouth and tongue treated. Both youngsters were the epitome of abject misery. They stood there, limp, grimacing and unpleasant specimens of suffering humanity. The two youths, limp and naked, were now completely free from any sort of restraint. They seemed to have lost all their fire and rebellion through the traumatic torture they had just endured. Franco watched as several different people gathered around the pathetic victims. All eyes were filled with wonder and transfixed at the thought of what would happen next. Not that unusual actually, for every single boy in the room was meticulously inspected, measured, texture of skin, hair, and colorings were documented in minute detail. Attention was again drawn to the two centre figures. Inspectors were taking particular delight in rubbing their hands all over the new slave boys. Yes, even the bloodied body as well. Their various muscles in limbs and torso were felt and manipulated. They were ordered to flex each limb in turn so that their delectable, desirable, beauty could be manifested to their best interest. It was very apparent that these two youngsters were very similar both in stature, build, physique and personality. There was a little discussion amongst the men. They had injured, or damaged these two fine specimens of youth. However, this would not cause them to loose any cash they decided, for they would sell these to Rimalez Soruep as a pair of yoked potential working pony slave boys. A large wooden yoke was brought in. It was highly polished mahogany inlaid with brass. It was opened and firmly secured around the boys' necks. The lads arms were then brought around behind their backs. Their wrists were cuffed and chained. Arms crossed behind each individuals back, and then chained securely, but not tightly to the rear of the yoke. Again there was an outburst of laughter and ridicule from all the staff. The men jeered, poked them and spat on them. They were made to kneel and several of the cruel, mocking gang ejected their spermatozoa over their faces and bodies. When this was completed, without any attempt to clean them they were again raised to their feet. Again the question was put to all the other slave boys there. "Does anyone else want this treatment? Anybody wish to speak without permission or attempt to show any sign of resistance?" There was no reply or token of response. A nice whipping cane was produced. It was demonstrated to all as it was flashed through the air with a loud whistle. Anybody want to feel this?" Again, no response apart from trembling fear and quaking. Turning to the two agonizing tortured wrecks, the question was asked, "You two boys want to experience how this feels as well as what you have already endured?" They shook their heads negatively as much as possible. "I desperately want to use it on a little child like one of you. PLEASE, one of you at least give me an excuse to lash your tender flesh with it!" With that he turned to the two yoked young slave boys. The gauze wad was removed from the mouth. "Open your mouth and keep it open. Soon as you close it I am going to lash your buttocks until they are raw with this cane! The mandible dropped open immediately. The raw, damaged gums were visible for all to view. A little blood still oozed from the wounds. The new slave pony boy was obviously still in constant pain. Mercifully, he did manage to keep his mouth open. The blood and spittle just gently flowed out of his mouth, across the lovely highly polished yoke and dribbled down to his body and floor. The guard then turned his attention to the other new potential pony slave boy. "Poke your tongue out. Keep it out until you are given permission to retract it, or you will be thrashed unmercifully." Again, an enlarged, damaged tongue was in full display for all to see. The blood still trickled slightly from the wounds it had endured. Now, all the other boys had to line up in single file. Each slave boy was ordered to insert his tongue into the gaping mouth from whence the teeth had been forcibly yanked. Then they had to kiss and lick the protruding damaged tongue of the other sufferer. Any slackness or shirking would result in a severe thrashing. When all this was completed, the men discussed and agreed that, yes, these two would be sold as a working pair. Professor Iratsi would be requested to castrate the youth who had had the needle through his tongue. He would be a working eunuch 3; or as a pony, he would be a gelding. The other would of course work equally as hard. However his sperm could be sold, and he could be used as breeding stock. Also if he worked hard he could have the privilege from time to time of serving his neutered mate! This was agreed upon. Then each single boy was given food and drink. Their hands were fastened in special gloves whereby they were not able to use their fingers or hands in any way. Each boy was then put in a steel cage, with just enough room to stretch out and turn over. Franco turned to the guard who had shown him some little kindness. "You will be all right Son! Just try and relax and do as you are told with passive submission and total obedience." Another person fitted the stiff gloves carefully and gently on to the small tender fingers and hands. Franco just calmly stood still awaiting to be escorted to his cage and be put in. As he waited, the guard who he was with started to gently move is hands over the soft, tender, delicate young boy's body. The slender but shapely white legs were caressed and massaged. This started at the bottom of the legs and gently and slowly moved up to the thighs and buttocks. Then the scrotum and penis itself were felt and tickled. Abdomen, lumbar, chest, shoulders back and front, then neck and head and last, but not least, his arms. Tears slowly trickled down his cheeks. The official carefully licked them away and then started to kiss profoundly and lick carefully, completely over every part and item. Nothing was missed. After a while one of his arms was taken hold of and Franco was quickly and quietly taken over to one of the steel cages. He was helped to climb in and the door was closed and then locked. The cages were constructed of bars so it was possible to see the other captives around about, above and by the side. It was possible to touch each other, but as already mentioned, the hands could not be used to touch or feel. The lights were dimmed. Apart from the sound of whimpering, sobbing and crying there was no other sound. Two guards could vaguely be seen in the subdued light. The inmates did their best to sleep or doze until the morning. Left alone with their anxious thoughts, they did their best!
– 4 –Franco looked out at the other cages and occupants as the lights came on in the morning. There was hustle and bustle and movement. Large eyes peered out between the bars of the cages. Faces filled with fear, tears, foreboding, amazement and wonder. Some of the lads had put their arms through the bars so that they could rest the undersides of their arms on the bodies in the next cages in order to derive a little comfort by feeling some one else nearby. A few had pushed a leg through into the adjacent cage.Now, however, all limbs were back in their correct cages and each slave was intent on gazing in front of them to see what was happening. Was there any clue they could detect that would let them know what they could expect in the ensuing hours. Some of the youngsters had peed in their cages, their bodies were wet and stank of urine. A few had defecated and were thus in a very filthy state. They feared they would be beaten or flogged for this. However, not a single word or comment was passed concerning it. Two cage doors were opened. There was cursing and shouting! A guard reached down and grabbed the cringing slave in each cage by the hair and yanked it out. Both cages in question had accommodated one of the two bigger lads who were so cruelly and barbarically treated the previous day. The two youths stood stoically in all their dirt and filth of the previous day. They stood there 3; their bodies still covered in their congealed blood, mucus and sperm. Sad pathetic spectacles. Without any further ado, they were replaced in their beautifully ornate mahogany and brass-inlaid yoke. They were instructed to open their mouths. This they painfully did. They were inspected and treated medically. Their arms were again crossed behind their backs and secured in that position by chains to the yoke. Then all the other slave boys were got out of their cages and lined up. In single file each lad had to go up to the yoked pony slave boys. As yesterday, they had to insert their tongues into the mouth of the toothless youth. Then lick and kiss the tongue of his yoked pony slave. Once this had been completed, all, with the exception of the two yoked youths, were instructed to go and take a shower and use the toilets. When this was completed, things did start to move and shape up a bit. Each individual slave boy was fitted with a thick, sturdy, strong stainless steel collar around his neck. The collar had four rings on the four points of the compass. Matching heavy stainless steel handcuffs were affixed to their wrists, and shackles to their ankles. Franco looked helplessly and hopelessly at the guard who had showed him a little kindness. "They wont hurt you Son, Don't resist or attempt to shirk and shy away." A large, long, but very shallow, highly-polished wooden trough was laid down the centre of the room. A door opened and in came some other naked boys. Their whole demeanor and deportment manifested that these were slave boys who had been slaves for many years. Possibly and probably all their lives. They pulled in a trolley or small cart. Well, there were two young lads in yokes who pulled the trolley in. They were yoked together by a highly polished wooden yoke. It looked very pretty like yew. From the front of the cart was a long steel pole. This protruded up and through the yoke between the heads of the two pony boys. This pole or shaft entered a large "0" shape and was slack. Thus allowing some movement of the creatures to raise, or lower their bodies as the need may arise. They could easily stand fully erect, or lean forward without hindrance from the shaft. A cross-member on the end prevented the shaft from slipping backwards and away from the yoke. About a third of the way back from the rear of their bodies 3;two thirds away from the trolley 3; there was a very strong, sturdy cross-member of the bar. The animals handcuffed wrists were fastened by chains to this bar; thus they had a handle to pull along with. They were both fitted with bridle, bit and blinkers, highly polished and ornate. Two other nude slave boys were also yoked together in similar fashion at the rear of the wagon. However their yoke was secured to the vehicle by a chain from each end of their yoke. They were pushing the load. What was noticeable was that they were indeed pushing with the palms of their hands, but their thumbs and fingers had been amputated. All four of these tragic creatures had no expressions on their pale wan faces. They did not look at anyone or anything. Just vacantly at the floor by their feet in front of them. They halted by the side of the trough. Two other little boys had ladles in their hands. Like the others they were in their birthday suits, but that was obviously quite normal and natural for them and no one took any notice of it in the least. In the cart was a substance like gruel or porridge. They were ordered to ladle it out into the trough evenly. Once this was completed, all the new trainees were ordered to get down on their knees and eat it up. This, of course, was made the more difficult as their hands were securely fastened behind their backs. They were harshly informed any boy slack in eating would be whipped. Not only that, there would be no further food or nourishment apart from liquids until they arrived in the slave training academy in Morocco or Tunisia. The two yoked lads were not instructed to join the scrabbling hungry bodies trying to gorge on what they could get into their mouths. Several were already being lashed with the canes for being slack and not working hard enough in getting sufficient food. When they eventually finished, the two lads who had been ladling out the food came around and licked every face clean of the new slave boys. Any boy who flinched or drew back from them received a very severe lash from the cane. When this was completed, every single slave boy had to fill his mouth to maximum capacity and then go to the yoked pair of pony boys and feed them mouth to mouth like a bird feeds its young via regurgitation. The two yoked slave boy ponies were made to kneel. Likewise the remaining slave boys were forced to kneel facing them in single file. The slave boys who had ladled out the food just previously now approached with spoons in one hand and cane in the other! First the slave boy filled his mouth solid with remaining food from the trough. Then he went to the first kneeling slave boy in the row. The lad's head was tilted backwards. A gentle lash with the cane as a warning of what could be expected if there was the slightest infringement of what was required. The slave boy's mouth was opened. Two or three spoonfuls of the stuff in the trough were spooned up and inserted into the gaping mouth. Then, a couple of gentle taps with the cane across the chest as a further warning and threat. The slave then leaned forward and placed his closed lips at the entrance of the open mouth of the slave. Then as the kneeling slave cringed and shuddered at the thought of what would next happen, it did! The contents of the standing slave's mouth was transferred into the other lad's mouth. It was a job to get it all in as it had already had food prior to this transfer. The boy administering the food took hold of the kneeling youth's arm and raised him to his feet. He then pointed to the kneeling pair of yoked pony boys. Then the cane came across the buttocks, but not too hard. A stern warning and reminder and order all in one! The pair of yoked pony boys' faces were filled with shock and terror as commands and orders were given. The guards started to lash both beasts quite hard. They squirmed and reeled, rocked and rolled, as the cane fiercely came across the soft undersides of their arms which were twisted behind their backs and chained to the yoke. Likewise their buttocks and backs of their legs came in for some rough treatment. "Down! Kneel!" came the stern command to the trembling, quaking, pony slave boys. He continued, "You animals are going to be fed. Any food or drink spilt will be classified as your fault. Your deliberate rebellion against authority. Wilful disobedience. For that you will be unmercifully punished. The slave boy feeding you will administer the beating. If management feels he has not done it sufficiently he will be severely whipped on the whipping post. Franco watched, as the little lad in front of him; who was first in the que to administer feeding set off. His sweet little legs seemed to dance and skip along. Franco lost sight of how the first boy got on because, suddenly, a fist full of his hair was taken hold of, and his head tipped backwards. His mouth was pulled open. Fingers were inserted into his mouth. They probed around for some unknown reason. Franco looked into the eyes of the slave boy in charge of this duty of feeding. He observed there was no expression of feeling or compassion as the youngster administered his task. Franco thought to himself, what if he wanted to cough? What about if too much food was put in his mouth and he felt he had to spit it out or choke?The first spoonful of the insipid muck was pushed into his mouth. Should he voluntarily move it with his tongue into his cheek? Before he had time to think about it, two more spoonfuls were shoveled in. He felt that it was impossible to take anymore: when suddenly he was aware of the slave boys face bearing down on him with bulging cheeks. Franco's mouth was dutifully open. The oncoming one firmly closed tight.The pursed lips entered softly and smoothly into Franco's mouth. It gave him a strange warm pleasant feeling that he had never experienced before. The food was soon spewed into his mouth to maximum holding capacity. The slave boy took hold of Franco's arm, and raised him to his feet. The first lad was on his way back and was placed at the end of the queue. How had he managed? Was anything spilled? If the first lad had done it successfully, what would happen if Franco made a mess of it? He comforted himself with the thought that if it did end in catastrophe, it would be the pony slave boy who would be in trouble, not him. Franco carefully and cautiously approached the terrified youth he had to feed. The boy feeding the other slave boy pony passed him quickly full of confidence.The other team had already done three trips without trouble. Franco arrived at the kneeling boys in front of him. Their heads were tilted slightly backwards. There was a little food around the lips, but not much. He looked down upon the cringing youth in front of him. He was bigger than Franco. He admired the larger frame, developed muscles, and good looking lad. He had a sense of power and dominion over a bigger, stronger more developed boy and he enjoyed the feeling of dominance and power over the heap of misery in front of him. Having felt that, he realised he had a job to do. He could muck it up. Yes! but if he did he would have the joy and pleasure of punishing the hapless victim. This likewise was a delightful thought of exercising power and discipline. For a moment the thought of deliberately causing a problem seemed a good idea. Then he remembered, if management thought his beating of the slave pony boy was not good enough, he would be placed on the whipping post. The pony boy's eyes were full of tears. The eyes were full of fear and complete with the frown on his brow, it was as if he knew what Franco was thinking and was pleading for mercy. Franco did his best to smile as he came closer and into contact. No, he would not be cruel and unkind. Franco's white, skinny, bony chest came into contact with the yoked boys muscular chest. Despite it being caked in filth from yesterday: it was soft, smooth, cozy and warm. The sensation of these mixed feelings and emotions almost caused Franco to lose his concentration and self composure. He thoroughly enjoyed the comfort of the two bodies rubbing against each other. However, he was not able to get an angle for the mouths together. What had the others done. He was not able to ask so he had to think fast. Although Franco had shackles on his ankles, they were not chained. Thus he put one leg past the side of the pony boy's body to get a better angle for the mouths to come together. Contact! It worked marvellously. The sensation of the mouths together, of Franco's tongue going into the other lad's mouth. The two tongues going in and out of each others mouths. The simulating sensation of the moist lips together, plus the warmth and smoothness of the bodies gently rubbing together and moving over each other, Franco found almost to much to cope with. He had never experienced such ecstasy and excitement in his life before. As he eventually pulled away from the lad, a small portion of food was seen to fall to the floor. Franco was immediately seized by the guards. His wrists were released and a cane was placed into his hand. He was then ordered to beat the slave pony boy without mercy. If it was not satisfactory he himself would be put on the whipping post. Franco found he thoroughly enjoyed and relished the task. To see such a lamentable sight before him from a boy who would be able to give him a severe beating up and punishment in a fight with one hand behind his back. Wonderful, marvellous, thrilling. Great fun and excitement thought Franco. Franco was really delighted with himself and well pleased as he walked back to the end of his row. His arms were soon taken hold of and put behind his back and locked again behind him to his neck collar. The lad stood there feeling quite happy and pleased with his admirable job of work. Franco looked at the pile of weeping misery in a heap before him: The two slave pony boys had over balanced and now lay in a crumpled heap. Two guards took hold of either end of the yoke and raised the poor lads to their feet. The youths were turned around so that their flailed backs could be observed by all. Obviously, the one whom Franco had greatly delighted in lambasting was far worse and more severe than the other. Franco felt quite gratified and proud of his accomplishment. It sent a strange warm sensation through his frame. At the same time he noticed a pleasant tingling sensation in his penis: ah! it had started to enlarge! It was becoming engorged with blood as it stiffened and hardened. This was intensified when the lads were turned around again to face the other boys. One of the officials addressed all in sundry. "Be warned, you can expect far worse than this for the slightest infringement of any rule. The simple rule is this: As a common slave 3; which each one of you now are 3; your philosophy and thinking should be thus. Master, I own your right to every service I can pay. I am Your possession, body, soul, mind, will and body. Your private property! Remember that and put it into practice at all times." Then to the joy, pleasure and delight of Franco, some of the guards moved towards the two terrified slave pony boys. Their nipples were pulled, pinched and twisted. Their scrotum's likewise were smacked and punched. The guards were obviously very much enjoying themselves being so cruel as the defenseless victims screamed, cried, writhed and wriggled about. They were slapped hard on their already sore buttocks.They were punched in the face and around their bodies. The two gibbering wrecks eventually just slunk to the floor. By now, all the feeding was completed. The four slave pony boys with the feeding cart were instructed to move out. They quickly and quietly complied. There was no effort involved. Franco could have quite easily have done it all on his own. It was just a staged show of power, subjection, dominance and submission. Franco admired the beauty of the pony boys movements as their naked limbs moved so gracefully with their nude bodies. Their leather livery was an addition to their stunning beauty. The front one bowed his head in unison in his yoke as he took up the strain of their load. The back pair likewise flexing their leg muscles to keep the slack in the chain from their yoke to the back of the wagon. They were gone. The feeding trough, and all signs of feeding were gone. The guard who had attempted to show Franco a little kindness came to him. He cupped the little lad's face in his hands. He smiled into his face, then gently tickled the child's scrotum and massaged the enlarge penis. "OoooH Sir, that's lovely!" he said in sheer delight and ecstasy. The guard then said. "I wish you well Son, this is where we part. Remember you're a slave boy now. However, I was also at your age, but I have done all right for myself. Hope you do. The VIP's have arrived now. I have to check all the vehicles are ready and in order to convey your lot to the airport for transportation. You remember you came here in a dark green Mercedes Benz Sprinter 312D. Well, I have seven identical vehicles to check and prepare. Got to make sure we have the country's flags flying and emblems clearly visible in order to claim diplomatic immunity so we are not stopped by police or checked by customs. After the VIP's have had a look at you all and a price has been agreed, you will be crated up in your individual crates and shipped out. You may well be in the van I am driving, but it will be impossible for us to have any contact with each other. I have done my best for you. You are on your own now." With that he leaned forward and kissed Franco on his forehead. Franco replied, "Thank you Sir." Everyone then, just stood and waited. Some low trestle tables were placed in the centre of the room with some steps at one end. Franco wondered whatever that would be used for? Large wooden crates were brought in and stacked.Eventually the VIP's entered the room. A heavily built stocky man with eyes flashing everywhere was obviously THE most important man of the community. He looked hard. His eyes, like the eyes of Stalin, were not the eyes of a human being, but that of an animal, like a tiger. The very sight of him filled people with terror and submission. His deportment manifested that he was not a man to be trifled with or upset. He was introduced as Rimalez Soruep, owner and Master of the Rimalez Soruep Slave Training Academy. Next a good looking, obviously very intelligent and clever fellow, Professor Iratsi. There was also a much younger, pleasant looking young man: this was the "Right Hand Man" of the proprietor, Prince Jacques. Every slave then looked on in amazement at the fourth body. Was it animal, or was it human? Its naked body was a brilliant emerald green. Whereas in one sense it was obviously human, on the other hand it looked and moved just like a frog! The VIP's did not have much to say for themselves. No warm greetings to or from the Embassy staff. However, Franco did hear the boss say that he was pleased with some of the creatures and those responsible for scouting them out and acquiring them would indeed receive a good bonus. The VIP's positioned themselves by the side of the low trestle tables. All the new slaves were lined up in single file at the end by the steps. Apart for the two bruised and battered pony boys who were still yoked together. Indeed, they were the first to be helped up onto the table. They were directed to stand in front of these inspecting visitors, prospective purchasers.They were meticulously inspected every aspect and detail from the waist down. Rimalez Soruep complained that the two boys were in such a filthy state, he complained that this would damage their skin quality and texture and condition. If he bought them, the first thing he would have to do is thoroughly clean them, then he would have the extra expense of having to give medication to their skin. YES, he was willing to buy and train them as a hard working pair of beasts. However, he would deduct a certain amount of their worth on the grounds of damaged goods through filth. There was no reply as the three men felt the strength and stamina in the sturdy limbs. Although the veins could be seen under the skin, there was no sign of varicose veins. They had to stand on one leg, then the other. Up on their toes. Twist each leg to one position, then another. Thus, each individual muscle in each limb was examined. Franco liked the bit when they had to bend fully forward. Of course with their arms still securely fastened behind their backs, this was exceedingly difficult. However a couple of the guards steadied them by holding and guiding the yokes into the required position. Yes this happened to each and every single slave boy. However the very little skinny boy who was in front of Franco, when it was his turn, he walked to the centre. He very slowly turned around and around positioning and flaunting his delightful, delectable, skinny, soft, smooth, silky little white legs. Everyone seemed happy, pleased and well satisfied. Suddenly! The green frog jumped up onto the table. In the crouched position he suddenly leaped at the little boy. The little one shouted and screamed in a panic attack! He fell backwards on the table with a resounding thud! Mercifully his manacled wrists did not damage his back. The green frog slid his lithe green body over the little child. His slobbering jaws found their way to the slave boys throat and started to bite, chew and suck. He licked his way down past the testicles and then sunk his teeth into the fair frail little leg muscles. Teeth marks could be clearly seen in the painfully thin and scanty calf muscles. The green frog was snorting as the saliva drooled out of his mouth. The little white slimy slender white legs flailed in desperation and terror. Prince Jacques came to the rescue and said, "Master Rimalez Soruep has not bought it yet. If your a good green frog, no doubt he will buy it for you and you can enjoy it to the full tomorrow." With these words he scared and restrained it, but he did. He lifted the green frog back down on to the floor. The inspection continued in an uneventful manner. After this each slave had their hands and arms released. Phew! What a relief was felt by each slave. Especially the pony boys. Oh! They have had their yoke removed as well now. No slave has any type of restraint attached now. Now from the waist up every boy is intricately, specifically, intimately inspected in meticulous detail. The guards delighted in afflicting some more pain and torment when they could. Franco's attention was diverted to another lad who was having his arm twisted so badly and violently by the guard, he was crying and begging for mercy. "Please Sir, I beg of you, do not break my arm, as this will cause you to lose money as it will depreciate my value if you try and sell a slave with a broken arm!" The boy was squirming and sweating profusely in pain as he was standing on tip toe and leaning backwards against the guards bear chest trying to gain some relief from the pain he was forced to endure and hopefully save his am from being broken. Eventually all this came to an end. A sum of money was agreed and paid, plus bonuses. Each individual slave was prepared for transportation. Caged, crated, loaded into the dark green Mercedes Benz Sprinter 312D vans. AWAY THEY ALL WENT SAFELY TO THE SLAVE TRAINING ACADEMY!
Part TwoAll the slave boys arrived safe and secure without incident at the Rimalez Soruep Slave Training Academy. They were all carefully and considerately unpacked.The two youths who had already been declared suitable for training as pony boys were still stinking, filthy and dirty. They were absolutely thrilled when the order was given that each and every slave was to go and enjoy a good shower. It was a communal shower so everyone was to ensure that every body was perfectly and immaculately clean and spotless. The warning was given that each carcass would be fully inspected with the most intricate care. The least fault with any would result in very severe punishment, as there could be no excuse for such flagrant disobedience. The whole group of slaves were informed that after their ablutions they would all be given an hour or so free time to chat and do what they wanted. This would be followed by a good meal and drink. After this holiday, they would start their tutorials in earnest. That is selecting, cataloging, and being deposited in the relevant departments for discipline and training. All went very well. Indeed there was even the sound of laughter and fun in the shower unit. Likewise in the recreation period and during the meal. Strangely enough, they ate off plates sitting at tables, not from a trough like on the previous day in the Moroccan Embassy. Perhaps being a slave may not be so bad as they feared after all! However, after they had finished their repast the reality of the rude awakening came fast and harshly upon them all. A guard fired a blank shot from a pistol that made every one jump. He then ordered all the naked boys to stand up against the wall. Any lad daring to move or speak without permission would be whipped without mercy. The very little lad cringed up against Franco. The two youths who had already been selected for pony training were told to stand together. A leather collar was fitted to every slave boy's neck. The child was then told to lie face down on the floor. They were then hog tied. Hands and feet fettered together. Ankles brought up to their wrists behind their backs. Ball gags were inserted into each mouth and firmly secured. When all this was done, the helpless nude bodies were all lying passive and quiet and calm. Then a phone call was made to the office. All then waited for the coming of Rimalez Soruep and his Green Frog, Prince Jacques and Professor Iratsi. Eventually they arrived. The Green Frog was straining on the end of a leash. He wore a very ornamental collar with gold coloured chain. He looked for the lovely little child next to Franco. He had been promised that he could have it as a plaything, a nice little toy. He remembered that, and he wanted it NOW! Thus, he was on his chain because it was not convenient to let him have it just yet. The order was given to have the little thing selected to the examination table first. After it was officially examined and registered it was to be taken and put into the Green Frog's cage where it could wait until Green Frog himself would be shut up with it for the night. Each slave boy already had a file started. These files were numbered. Then each slave had that reference number tattooed behind each ear. In most cases this was an utter waste of time. However it could be useful in breeding and also against theft, or if there should be an escape. NOT that there ever was one. One by one, each head was firmly and unceremoniously twisted around and held firmly in position while the ear was pulled forward and flat on the side of the head. There was no anesthetic as the needle started to do its work. Painful yes, but not agony. Not like the poor brutes who would be selected to have their eardrums ruptured. That really was agony. However, no form of pain relief was offered or given. Although general anesthetic was given for amputations of fingers, thumbs, and removal of the legs from the knees. After surgery was completed they just had to endure the agony. Likewise with severing the vocal chords and castrations. Franco feared for the little lad as he was roughly picked up and just dumped on the examination table. He whimpered a bit. A cane lashed down on his slim, silky soft, tender smooth arms. The little one started to wail aloud. A few fists were worked into him, but that did not produce the desired effect. Then he was yanked over onto his side. A good thump in the abdomen which winded him did have the desired effect. The young slave struggled against his restraints in a vain effort to regain his breath. "Once more and you will be whipped. Be warned!" snarled Rimalez Soruep. The instruction was given to completely release the child. Franco wanted to warn the boy to lie still and be passive and pliant for his own safety and good. Mercifully he was not able to because of the gag in his mouth; plus if he had, he knew he would have been whipped. Well, the new slave was exhausted after being punched and caned and had enough sense to lie still and quiet, although he was shaking and sobbing. "I think," said Prince Jacques, "this creature would make a delightful little attendant slave for a girl's bedroom." "Yes." replied Professor Iratsi. "Let the Green Frog enjoy the creature for a few days as it has been promised to him. Then I will remove its penis and testicles completely. We shall need to find out if it can sing or not, or if it has any talents or is gifted in any way first. If it has not got a singing voice, then I recommend its vocal cords be cut out. Have to let it keep its hearing, though, so it can hear and understand what a little girl may require it to do when she is the animal's mistress. I think it will look quite pretty and sweet dressed in girlie clothes. Have to let it keep its tongue, because when the mistress is a little older, she may require this eunuch to lick and suck her vagina. I don't think it needs any other modifications myself." Everyone agreed. Franco felt sorry for the wretch, but at the same time wondered what his fate would be! The youngster lay face down on the table spread eagle, just like an X. He was fully aware that several pairs of hands were upon him: mauling, massaging, prodding,pinching, pulling, tickling, twisting, fondling, stroking, smoothing,squeezing, slapping, scratching, stretching, and various other things in various places and ways. Pressure was applied to each joint and limbs positioned and postured at various angles. Each muscle was singled out for specific attention. Franco was amazed that the slender stick-like, or twig-like, arms could cope with such treatment. It was bad enough to watch the snow white legs 3; what they had to endure. The skin all over the little one was so healthy that it shone white and reflected the light that fell upon it. Then the terrified individual was turned onto its back: The same thing occurred all over again. His foreskin was pulled back as far as possible. Knees brought up onto his chest. Buttocks pulled apart. Feet raised. Something cold entered his rectum. Some cold fluid was being pumped up the anal orifice. Little one squealed in horror and attempted to bring his feet back down. The attendants became impatient. "Let the frog have the thing now! That may teach it to be quiet and more disciplined, what do you say?" shouted Prince Jacques. "All right!" agreed Rimalez Soruep, "Put the runt on the floor and release Green Frog." This was duly done, however, the lubricant that had been inserted was now beginning to work its way out, complete with feces. This did not deter the Green Frog that violently seized the lad. He yanked at the legs and arms. Eventually he calmed a little and settled by holding one arm very tightly. Frog drooled and dribbled over it. Then started to bite it up and down. Then the arm was bent round behind the back and twisted forcefully. The slave boy writhed in agony. He pleaded and begged the frog not to break his arm. The arm was then released and both legs were taken hold of. Quick as a flash, they were maneuvered and manipulated into a figure-four; with pressure applied. Would those adorable, beautiful white sticks be able to cope with the pressure, or the boy with the pain? Professor Iratsi thought things were beginning to get out-of-hand. He mentioned that if too much damage was done, then it may cause irrevocable damage to the goods, plus there would be the time, trouble and expense of attempting to undo some of the damage caused. Rimalez Soruep replied that a promise to the Frog had been given. Prince Jacques soon came up with a good compromise. Give the Green Frog the next boy up in size as well and see if that would take the pressure of the present victim. Franco was immediately released from all his bonds and gag. As he was frog-marched to the Frog by two guards, the Frog had spread the youngsters legs wide apart. With his penis fully erect he was preparing to insert it in the anus of the slave boy. Franco's approach was either not noticed or ignored. He stood with his feet astride the head of the young slave boy about to be raped. In a very calm and gentle manner Franco leaned forward and stretched his two arms out to the frog. Beckoning with his hands he softly addressed the Frog. "Hello little Green Frog! Come and see me and let's be friends." Despite the frog's penis being fully erect and about to penetrate, he stopped short as if he had been hit with something. It glared at Franco with an expression of bewilderment. Franco continued, "Haven't you got a cuddle for me?" Fog rocked on his haunches. Then he made one great leap at Franco. Every one, both staff and slave spectators, just could not believe what they were seeing or hearing. Franco immediately braced himself for the impact. He put one leg astride behind the other. SMACK! The two bodies met with full force chest to chest. Franco clasped his arms around the frog's body and held him tight. Green Frog likewise clung like a limpet to Franco's body, with both its arms and legs. Franco clung on, supporting the whole weight. His leg and arm muscles were clearly seen to be very taught under this extra weight and stress put on them. Likewise the blood vessels stood out proud in his tender, slender, slight build. Indeed it was a magnificent spectacle. Shortly, as Franco began to gasp for breath, his legs began to buckle and his knees to sag. He gently lowered himself and the frog onto the floor, still very much entwined. Once safely down they just stayed in their embrace. Franco spoke soft kindly, words into the frog's ears. The other little slave boy was absolutely oblivious as to what was happening. He was too traumatized from the rough, fierce, violent handling and abuse he had just endured. His whole frame just shook and trembled, punctuated by deep sobs, moans and cries. Professor Iratsi gave the order for it to be moved away, cleaned up, refreshed, and then to immobilize its hands with stiff gloves. Then collared, chained, and to be caged until the next day. Fluid was to be available for it in a dispenser. These drinking dispensers were made to look like an adult's penis and testicles. Thus each time a slave took liquid it was very similar to sucking an adult's penis. This was considered good and profitable psychologically. Franco and the Frog just seemed to enjoy hugging each other. Frog did not give any indication that his new little toy had been removed and was packed away for the remainder of this day. Observers noticed that the Frog became relaxed and soothed. Yes, indeed, tears trickled down his cheeks. After a while he released his grip on Franco and Franco gradually relinquished his hold on the Frog. The Frog regained his composure and sidled away to Rimalez Soruep and settled calmly and quietly at his side. He kept his eye on Franco and watched intently as the guards seized Franco by his arms and roughly yanked him to his feet. There was constant eye contact between Franco and the Frog. Frog watched as the slave boy's long, tender, soft, smooth,arms were pulled around behind his back and placed in handcuffs. That lovely mouth which had just been uttering such loving, gentle, tender, thoughtful and kind words, was wrenched open and a ball gag forced in and secured. Franco was pushed onto the floor. His ankles were then shackled together and his legs raised in order to secure wrists and ankles together. Then a heavy leather collar was fitted around his neck. A strong hand then grasped each limb firmly and tightly and Franco was carried back to his place and dumped on the floor.
– 2.1 –Franco lay quietly and passively where the guards had placed him. He frequently had eye contact with Green Frog who just continually gazed at him. Then was heard the harsh voice of Prince Jacques, aide and right-hand-man to Rimalez Soruep. "Bring that new pair of slave pony boys over here! Lets examine them and see what modifications and decorations they will need."The two slave boys were released from all their restraints and brought across to the examination table. As they were being roughly handled and prepared for exhibition, the Green Frog left his station next to his master and stated to crawl and hop towards Franco. Franco's heart missed a beat. Would he be cruelly beaten up and violated as the little lad before him was? Incidentally, what Professor Iratsi did in order to train and make the Green Frog was this. When Frog was a small sprig of a child, most of the day he was safely secured in a yoke around his neck. Then there were two short chains that were attached, NOT to the wrists, but to the infant's ankles. This stunted their growth and development. However, there were times when the limbs were released and the legs had exercise and physical therapy. Thus they could still be used for crawling and hopping, but their natural posture and position was to be bent at the knees, not straight like a normal fully physically developed leg. Franco was dividing his attention between the approach of the Green Frog, and also the disturbance being made as the two slave pony boys were loosed from their shackles, yoke and handcuffs and being forcefully brought to the inspection table by four burly guards who had twisted their arms around and up their backs as if they were intent on breaking the limbs. Both youths gasped in their gross discomfort and pain. The slave who had had the needle pushed through his tongue had his tongue hanging out of his mouth because it was still sore and painful. Prince Jacques walked up to the lad smiling. Then he gave the slave pony boy a hard viscous slap up under his jaw. Thus forcing him to bite his sore tongue very hard. He screamed out in agony. "Silence!" shouted Prince Jacques. His friend was close behind. As he gasped for breath the gaping gums were visible for all to see. "UP!" Ordered Prince Jacques. Both lads quickly and quietly stood in their places on the inspection table. By that time the Frog had arrived at the bound body of Franco. Frog put his face up to the face of Franco and started to lick the child's face all over. He then proceeded to lick and kiss the trusted up body. He moved back to the head and started to stroke it smoothly and gently. There seemed such a sweet natural rapport between the two slaves. Franco was in no position to reciprocate any form of intimacy or appreciation. Green Frog went back to his place. After a few minutes the he returned. This time it seemed more passionate and determined in its movements and behavior. Its penis was erect and very hard. It climbed up on top of Franco from the front. All its weight pressed down on the four limbs of Franco. Green Frog shook and moved violently and ruthlessly. Then it moaned and groaned before rolling off of Franco's body on onto the floor. Yes, it had ejaculated. The slave boy's face was completely covered in sperm! The onlookers laughed and cheered. The Frog looking well pleased with itself and satisfied, returned to the side of its master. Rimalez Soruep ruffled his hair and petted him. Now all eyes were focused on the paired slave pony boys. The two nude lads stood there for all to see 3; shivering, trembling and quaking with fear and terror. So far these two were portrayed as an example to all others what to expect if full cooperation, submission and obedience was not manifested. Rimalez Soruep started to examine their legs. He smiled with pleasure and satisfaction, as he pressed, punched, pulled and pummeled each individual leg muscle. He then commented to Prince Jacques and Professor Iratsi, "This creature is a good animal. This one, you say is called Mouthy? Indeed aptly named because it had so much to say for itself it had to have a needle pushed through its tongue?" The traumatized, disorientated youth, then was so foolish as to utter, "If it please you Sir! If you will excuse me Sirs! If you will graciously give me permission to speak please, Sir? My name is Troy." Rimalez Soruep is noted to be as kind, patient, considerate and compassionate as his mentor, Iosif Dzhugasshvili, {Joseph Stalin.} A fist impacted itself in the lad's mouth like a bolt of lightning! He was instantly smashed from the examination table to his back on the floor. Before he realized he was on the ground he was being kicked all over his body limbs and head. Automatically he coiled himself into the fetal posture for protection. "Who do you think you are? Who gave you permission to lie here for a rest?" Shouted Rimalez Soruep. A discussion ensued as to what to do concerning this pair of animals. It was agreed that both of them should have all their teeth removed as soon as possible. Likewise, both should have vocal chords severed. Mouthy was to have his penis and testicles removed as soon as Professor Iratsi could accommodate that. Mouthy would also have a large swastika tattooed over each pectoral muscle. Each nipple would be perfectly the centre piece for each swastika. This would be enhanced by having a gold ring inserted in and through each nipple. Mouthy would also have the front end of his tongue amputated. Prince Jacques commentated that this pair was as good as sold. He would confirm the sale, then both of these two slave boys could be branded on each thigh with the company's trading crest. Plus, also under each crest could be tattooed their respective names, 'Mouthy' and 'Fighter'. This was agreed and instructions were put into effect immediately. Hands ran up and down the white, soft, smooth sensual thighs as the places for tattoos and branding were to take place. "Well!" continued Professor Iratsi. "No trouble for me to rupture the ear drums, do the tattooing and branding now. Plus, also a bit of body piercing on those gorgeous large round brown nipples. I will take a couple of slaves and fetch the equipment." With that he ran his hands over the boys' pectoral muscles. Then taking hold of each nipple he pulled and twisted them as if he was milking a cow. He smiled warmly at the lad's face grimaced and twisted in pain. "I think," said Professor Iratsi, "If we are going to sell these two as a yoked working pair of slave boy ponies this unruly brute should be made and placed in subjection to the other creature, we will call Fighter." All agreed to this thoughtful suggestion. Prince Jacques suggested it should be given a practice run for all to see. He then suggested all the filth and muck should be cleansed from the face of Franco. Franco was pleased about that. He was by the doors that opened into the yard. When the doors were opened he was glad for the cool air on his face and body. Franco watched intently, as the instruction and order was given to get and prepare the Brouette for the slave Mouthy to work. A Brouette is an old French carriage. As in England some people of high society were conveyed in a Sedan Chair, an enclosed chair that was carried by two men. This French carriage was like this only it had a pair wheels at the rear so it could be hauled by one person. If you like, a wheel barrow that was pulled rather than being pushed. When the Hanson carriage came into use, the very first models had a design weakness. The wheel axle, like on the brouette, was at the very rear, thus the weight fell on the back of the horses. It needed to be balanced. Thus here, a lot of the weight of the brouette would be on the person in the shafts. Thus he had to lift and pull. The later Hanson Cabs had the axle moved forward, so there was no weight of the carriage on the back of the horse. Franco watched as the brouette was brought to the doors of the yard. A guard stood there with his arms full of leather tackle for the pony slave boy. The order was shouted, "Bring that cretin of an animal out here!" Franco had a good view of the proceedings. Over the other side of the yard Franco observed a dark green Mercedes Benz Sprinter 211D. Franco wondered what that would be used for here. Perhaps for the delivery of slaves to further distances away.
With that the brouette was brought to the open door. Professor Iratsi had departed to get his equipment. Mouthy was brought out to the vehicle. His whole body was a mass of welts, cuts, bumps, bruises, marks and scratches. The guards were amused by the damage his poor body had sustained. The order was given that all slaves were to be released from their bonds. They were all in need of some exercise. Each slave boy would wear only a stainless steel collar. However a chain would link ALL the slave boys together so that they could, or would, jog around the courtyard in single file together. With that a heavy boot pressed down upon Franco's slender body. "Not this one. Got a little job for him," chuckled Prince Jacques. "Nor Fighter; he can run in the brouette after this one has finished." Mouthy was stood in the shafts of the brouette. At this juncture, not harnessed to it. Franco was placed immediately in front of Mouthy. They were face to face, their noses almost touching. Prince Jacques pointed the two faces at each other. Franco stared into the bruised, battered and bloodied face with its split and bleeding lips: eyes so swollen and puffed up that Franco wondered if the pony slave boy could actually see him! "Do you recognize this little squirt?" Prince Jacques asked the shaking trembling youth in the shafts. "This is the runt that fed you and your friend earlier, who not only enjoyed having the supremacy and authority over you, but also, thoroughly enjoyed lambasting and thrashing you yoked slave boys! Well, it could now be pay back time for you. It is possible that you could get your own back by giving him a severe thrashing, if not a sound whipping on the X frame. You would like that I am sure. Wouldn't you?" However there was neither sound nor response from the quaking slave. Perhaps he did not hear, comprehend, care, or was just too frightened to make any utterance. Prince Jacques continued his lecture to the terrified youth. "In a moment you are to be fastened into this brouette. You will then jog around this exercise yard for several laps. Not only is this strenuous, but the situation will be exacerbated by the fact you have to also lift the front of this wagon. Thus you have part of the weight of the carriage to lift as well as to pull. Now, this little friend of yours here who has already fed you and beaten you, will have the job now of ensuring you keep running without slackening your pace. Obviously we shall be watching you both. He will have a riding crop to beat you with. If we think he has been to lenient, soft, kind or gentle with you 3; that is, has not beaten you sufficiently 3; then he will be spread eagled on the X frame and you can beat him as much as you like to get your own back on his back!" Franco became a little concerned now, how that the tables might well be turned on him! For the moment he was distracted, as all the remaining slave boys were paraded nude into the yard, and shouted at to stand in a line, one behind each other. The distance between each naked youth was determined by each slave lad stretching one arm in front of him very rigidly and straight. The finger tips were to just touch the skin on the back of the one in front. When this was completed, they stood at attention very rigidly. Guards walked up and down the queue ensuring the distance was correct and no one moved a muscle or spoke a word. A few whacks were administered by guards with riding crops at the slightest infringement of these orders. Several whacks were heard followed by screams, cries of pain and whimpering. Anyone daring to comfort themselves by holding where they were struck; instantly felt another sharp cutting pain from the riding crop. Franco continued watching, aghast, as steel collars were fitted to the necks of each succulent, soft, smooth swan-like neck. Chains were fixed from the one collar to the next. He was surprised by what followed . Two older slave boys were brought into the exercise yard. Franco thought they were about eighteen or twenty years of age. Both were stunning examples of the perfection of the beauty of humanity. One was linked, or fastened to the front of the line and the other at the rear. The former was to be the pace-maker as the column of slaves ran around the yard and the other was to act as ballast or brake to ensure the column stayed in a uniform line and those further back did not go too fast and thereby endanger a fall by any. They likewise were warned, threatened, and assured of severe punishment if they as much as broke line, went too fast or slow. Any boy who stumbled and went down would assuredly be given a most severe thrashing on the X frame. Instructions were given that no one dare move until Prince Jacques gave the order. However, liquid refreshment would now be administered by other slaves. The slaves who had brought the food around earlier came into the yard from a different direction. The pair of yoked pony slave boys pulling and the pushing slave boys at the rear who had had their fingers and thumbs amputated. Several other quite young slave boys filled their mouths with water and came up to each of the new slave boys in training and offered their mouth full of water. Some lads accepted the chance for water, others declined the overture of refreshment. Indeed some of the youngsters received several mouthfuls. Some of these harnessed new lads peed there in the yard and a couple defecated. Nothing was said. Franco wondered if this filth and muck would be stepped into. No, it wasn't. After the administration of water these same slave boys cleaned and cleared all the mess away without any person saying a word. Prince Jacques gave the order for them to start jogging around the perimeter of the exercise yard. Around they went at a sensible, steady pace. As they passed by again, Franco could not help noticing the swinging chains and the penises jumping up and down like a conductor's' music baton in an orchestra. Their lovely cylindrical legs where items of exceptional and supreme beauty in their own right. They varied in size and shape. Some were long, sleek and slender, yet shapely. While others 3; Like Mouthy and Fighter 3; were indeed shapely, but strong, succulent, sound, sturdy limbs; built for hard work and strenuous labour. Their muscles flexed and relaxed so beautifully and inspirationally as they quietly and smoothly jogged past. The light glistened and danced off the shinny, sweet, sweaty limbs. Prince Jacques turned again to Franco and Mouthy still standing in the shafts. Fighter had been placed next to the brouette. He too would later be secured in the shafts for a trial run after Mouthy was done. Prince Jacques spoke firmly to Mouthy. "I am going to try and make things easier for you. However, I shall only tell you once, and will not repeat myself. Do you understand?" Mouthy gently nodded his head in an affirmative manner. However he did not utter any noise. "I addressed YOU slave!" Prince Jacques shouted as he gave him the back of his hand very forcefully across the lad's already damaged mouth. A tremulous voice replied,"YES Sir! Very sorry Master." With that Mouthy prostrated himself at the feet of Prince Jacques, and lamented. "Please Great Master, don't beat me any more. I can't take no more. I beg of you, beseech and implore you. No more! I will be a good obedient submissive slave boy for you, or whoever owns me. But! Please don't punish me any more, I just can't take it. I beg of you for mercy and grace. Why be so cruel to us poor boys who have done nothing to you? You have stolen us away for no reason at all from all our families and friends. Surely we should be shown some kindness, gentleness, compassion and consideration. You would not like it if you were treated as you treat us. Especially as none of us have done anything wrong. All that we want to do is to go back home!" The slave boy took hold of Prince Jacques feet and sobbed, quaked, shook and trembled as he wet Prince Jacques feet with his bloody mucus and tears. Prince Jacques just kicked the youth further in the face and head; then about his body as he shouted, "Get up! Get up! Get back in those shafts so that I can fasten you in there." A couple of the guards grabbed hold of the poor slave boy's arms and lifted him to his feet. Professor Iratsi was coming back. He was empty handed, but he had an entourage of several youthful slaves bringing his equipment. Franco gazed admiringly at the slave boys in attendance to Professor Iratsi. Not only was each lad the epitome of the personification of youthful beauty; but they were also adorned with items to enhance their beauty. Franco could not help to be transfixed by them as he heard the Professor say. "What! That animal not run around the courtyard yet? Get a move on will you? I will start to work on some of the other slaves now, and deal with some of his requirements later. Huh! Fighter just stood here idly? Lets have him fastened now and I will do his branding and tattooing while we wait for the others. Slaves! Prepare all my equipment; NOW!" Franco was wondering if he would one day be decked and arrayed with such beautiful ornaments. Some wore very lovely, pretty collars, bejeweled with rows of beads and chains. Some had nipple rings: from which hung ribbons and metal symbols. Some, Franco noticed had had their scrotum's completely emptied, but not removed. In the pouches of empty skin that hung down between their legs: rings had been inserted through the empty sac. From these hung long colourful ribbons or strings of beads, or feathers. All of course in a great array of diverse colour. Harnessing in of Mouthy at last commenced. – 2.2 –Harnessing in of Mouthy at last commenced. Franco watched with amazement as several of these delightful ornamented slave boys came forward with various items in their hands. Two slave boys were carrying a beautifully highly-polished yoke between them. They themselves looked highly polished. Sun tanned to a lovely bronze colour and completely anointed with olive oil, they glistened and shone in the light. One lad had gold rings inserted through his nipples. From these hung and dangled beautiful tassels of green silk thread. Between his legs, was a shriveled scrotum. ALL of its contents had long been removed. This empty sac, likewise had been penetrated with a gold ring. A long tail-like tassel hung down to just above the ankles of a mass of green hangings. Franco observed that the hair had been youths hair completely shaved apart from a section over the centre of the scull and nape, resembling that of a horse mane. This again had been died the same colour green. The same colour as the green Mercedes Benz sprinter vans that he had been abducted in. Through the septum of his nose was again a gold ring. The other eunuch slave boy working with him was also gorgeously arrayed. Franco observed the beautiful designs of the tattoos on the limbs and torso. Across their left pectoral muscles above the heart was a number and name of the slave owner 3; in this instance: Rimalez Soruep Slave Training Academy. Some of the other slave boys had either a name; or job specialty tattooed as well 3; such as: Penis Sucker, Anal Licker, Kisser, Testicle Tickler, Fondler. Several had either tattooed or branded on their face, chest, or thighs, Slave For Life. Some of the collars worn were very beautifully ornate. Studded with various polished stones in assorted colours. Then a lace work of chain male hanging from it down onto the chest. He pondered the thought if this would happen to him! The voice of Prince Jacques barked away again at the limp, lethargic youth in the shafts. "Scum! You are to have your first training lesson. These slaves here will fix you in the shafts. Should you offer the least resistance, you will be flogged mercilessly on the X frame for an object lesson for all." He then grabbed Franco and thrust him forward so that the front of their naked bodies were pressed hard against each other. He continued to shout, "For the duration of this lesson, THIS is your lord and master. As already said, he will discipline you and beat you as he seems fit. If we are not satisfied you will both be beaten on the X frame, but you will have the opportunity to thrash him on the frame first! Do you understand?" Troy nodded a reluctant affirmative. Franco was thrust back out of the way. With a movement from Prince Jacques's hand the attendant slave boys started to work as the pony slave boy stood passively and submissively in the shafts like a zombie. The two sleek, soft, smooth, slender slave boys opened the yoke; positioned it around the pony slave boy's neck and locked it in place. A chain from either end was fastened to a point where the shafts left the body of the brouette. Each slave boy then took hold of a wrist and placed it on a shaft. Each hand was placed onto the shaft. There it laid! "GRIP!" shouted Franco, waiving a riding crop fiercely and threateningly at the bemused youth being fastened in place for work. Mouthy did as he was ordered. A ring was secured firmly around each wrist. This was then attached to a very short steel chain to the handle end of the shaft. Another slave boy stepped forward and gently fondled the pony boy's testicles and massaged the penis at the same time. Troy's penis slowly, but surely started to enlarge. For a brief moment, there was a slight relief from his bondage as he, not endured, but enjoyed the pleasant tingling sensation in his reproductive organ. The masseur gave a cruel grin, and said. "Enjoy it Scum, this is all going to be removed tomorrow and you will be a eunuch!" He then laughed and continued. "Make the most of these fleeting moments." The slave then shouted at him, "SCUM: KNEEL!" With great difficulty, Mouthy, the slave pony boy, struggled to get down on his knees. He looked,as best he could, up at this new, unexpected tormentor. This young slave was definitely no eunuch! Right there at the end of the kneeling creature's nose was a long erect penis waving at him. Then the order. "Open your mouth and suck tenderly and gently. If you dare to slobber or spill any of my seed, you will be severely thrashed without mercy. I will eject my fluid into your mouth. You WILL swallow every drop without the least hesitation. NOW!" Troy slowly dropped his mandible. The large organ was soon inserted into the orifice; forced on and over his swollen sore tongue. "Tongue hurting is it? Said the other youth. "Don't worry about that. The front half of that is going to be amputated as well, when your vocal chords are severed." This brought much laughter from the staff members round about. Mouthy had his face smoothed, stroked, pulled and punched: plus also his hair ruffled and played with. There was a gentle push and pull thrusting motion. A change in the breathing pattern to gasping and puffing. Suddenly there was a violent thrusting and his mouth was filled with a disgusting warm, salty fluid. He wanted to spit it out or choke. Mercifully the pony boy slave managed to struggle and swallow it without vomiting or spilling any of the muck. A gag, or rather a bit, was inserted roughly in the animal's mouth. Tears rolled down his cheeks and a trickle of blood oozed from the mouth. Reins were attached and allowed to hang down. A bridle of sturdy leather was fixed on his head. This had blinkers attached which greatly reduced his vision. Indeed the aperture could be adjusted to allow either total darkness or a percentage of light for visibility. At the time of fixing the items to the slave pony boy, he was placed in total absolute darkness. Green Frog had been placed in the brouette, not simply because Rimalez Soruep thought his darling pet might enjoy a little ride around. The reason was, to add some extra weight and difficulty to the new pony slave boy. It was said of Rimalez Soruep, that like his mentor, Joseph Stalin, (Iosif Dzhugasshivili) that he ALMOST gave the impression he may have a slight sense of humour ! ! Run around the compound time came at last. It was thought that Green Frog might like a little ride. He was encouraged to get up into the brouette, which he did quite eagerly. The reins were placed into the hands of Franco. Franco was instructed to lead the animal quietly and gently around the compound for a couple of laps. Then the pace was to be increased to a trot, then finally a fast run, canter and gallop to finish with. As the slave pony boy took the strain, every single muscle in each arm, leg, and chest stood out as if they were made of steel. Such a vivid, glorious torso to behold. Truly magnificent, wonderful, a joy to behold. Troy gasped, grunted and groaned as Franco pulled on the reins in front. "Ah! Oh yes," said Franco to himself. "I suppose I should open the aperture on his blinkers a bit so he can see something of where he will be trotting." This done, they slowly moved forward. Indeed there was a great deal of stress, straining and sighing as a regular stride was got into. From time to time the pony slave would slip, slide, slack, slow down or the like. Sharp strike from the riding crop would enable better concentration on the subject in hand. Franco noticed as they passed where the staff were standing, there were some fresh visitors. Looked like a family with two or three girls aged about nine, ten and eleven. They were no longer watching the painful, strenuous efforts of the barouette with the creature hauling for all it was worth and ready to drop. They were looking at some of the other slave boys! Then the little girls were obviously pointing at him, and turned and spoke to their parents. As they approached next time, they were ordered to stop. Rimalez Soruep gave the order that the pony boy known as Mouthy was to be released, refreshed then prepared for branding, tattooing, and ear drums to be punctured. While this was being done, the other slave pony boy, Fighter, was to be put in the barouette, and he was to be branded and tattooed after Mouthy. Franco was surprised that he was then relieved of his duties, and another slave boy was appointed to beat and run around with Fighter. Franco was ordered to stand at attention before the new visitors with the little girls. A moment later he was instructed to get into a steel cage. It was very small and cramped. The door was locked. The three girls peered at him through the bars. Franco was completely bewildered by what was happening and why the children kept peering at him and then poked and prodded him through the bars. Suddenly all this stopped when Professor Iratsi announced that he was now fully prepared to commence his work of branding and tattooing.
Mouthy was presented for all to see. Before them was a barrel. It opened like a book. In the top was a hole. The barrel itself was opened into two halves; perpendicular. Mouthy was made to squat inside with his head up through the whole. The barrel was then closed, fitting comfortably around the neck. The rest of the body of course wascompletely encased in the barrel. Without further ado; Professor Iratsi produced a sterilized envelope. From the packet he withdrew a sterilized needle. With his one hand he took hold of the boys head and tilted it as much as he could. Then he lunched the needle, that had quite a broad end, into the poor slave boys' ear. The extreme agony of having the ear drum punctured, defies description. The slave pony screamed hysterically as a result of the agony he was now enduring. That one ear now completely destroyed. Professor Iratsi now repeated the action in the other ear. The victim was now about ninety six per cent completely deaf. This condition would remain for the rest of his life. This now completed, the barrel was opened and the slave boy immediately seized by guards, without even being able to put his hands to his painful head. A yoke was now fitted around his neck. He was dragged over to the 'X' frame and firmly secured by neck 3; via his nice new collar 3; wrist and ankles. The four limb attachments were adjusted mechanically so that the boy's body was fully stretched on the apparatus. Indeed, Franco was expecting the lads arms and legs to be pulled out of their sockets. The nails on the feet and hands were checked for blood supply. Professor Iratsi communed with Rimalez Soruep to check the exact locations for branding and tattooing. They then checked with Prince Rimalez that the correct ensign and symbols of the company purchasing this pair of animals were all present and correct. Yes, everything needful was present and correct. "Right, lets get this job underway." said the professor. There is a great art in branding. The white hot iron must burn through the skin and fat of the body, but must not be allowed to go so far as to burn or damage the muscle tissue. No doubt where you are: you heard the terrified youth scream in bitter anguish, pain and agony. As he screamed and attempted in vain to writhe in his extreme agony. The smell of burning human tissue filled the air. As cool and calmly as you like the branding iron was put back in the fire for a few minutes, Then reapplied to the other long clean bright white thigh. No sedative or pain relief was applied. Next, the tattoos were applied. Across the forehead: Slave For Life; underneath that, the creatures name, MOUTHY. Underneath the insignia, branded across the centre of each thigh, again tattooed: MOUTHY. Across the left pectoral muscle was tattooed: EUNUCH/DRONE PONY SLAVE. Under that was tattooed his serial and ownership identity number. Without any break 3; really that was not needed as the slave was now delirious with pain 3; his arms were brought down and fastened rigidly next to his body. Then across his upper arm was tattooed the name of the company that now owned him complete with their motif. "Now he can have a few days rest before he is castrated and made an eunuch, plus have his vocal chords severed." The poor creature was now unconscious from agony and stress. Orders were given that he was to be made comfortable and safely housed in his cage or crate. By this time, the other lad, Fighter was brought in to be rough handled and mistreated with similar treatment. Franco was surprised that attention was now focused on him. He was made to stand completely naked and bear in front of these girls. He was to be paraded and displayed to this family for their approval.
– 2.3 –Franco was peering through the bars of his cage and pondering what his future might be. Why were these three little girls so excited by his naked body cramped in this cage. Why did they keep laughing and giggling at him? Why were they so keen to poke and prod him? Why were they touching his soft smooth skin through the bars? Why did they pull his hair? Why did they keep looking at his penis and testicles? Perhaps, no doubt, they were not used to seeing naked boys in their birthday suits?Two of the most beautiful, well trained, delightful, submissive, adorable, youthful slaves came to the cage and unlocked it. Why all the superlatives you ask? Well as they are home bred slaves from the Rimalez Soruep Slave Training Academy they would be perfect through the selective breeding programme, plus, if they were not perfect par excellent, they would have been disposed of a long time ago. The cage door was opened and one of the lads leaned into the cage and took hold of Franco's arm and gently pulled him out. The little girls looked on and danced and jigged about in great excitement and a large amount of hilarity. The slave that had released him, now addressed him. "You are to be inspected for a private sale as opposed to going for public auction. Although there is absolutely no possibility of me being sold, I am to be examined in order to show you how to conduct yourself and exhibit your body to the Master's best advantage for a good sale. After I have been inspected you will be. If you fail to show the same exemplary conduct as I do, then be warned you are in for a very painful and hard time. You have been warned, and you are going to be shown how to show yourself off to the best advantage. Failure to comply will be disastrous for you." Poor Franco was absolutely terrified. The two attendant slave boys stood one on each side of the frightened youth. They quickly rubbed their soft, smooth hands over his body to remove any dirt and dust. One lad took hold of Franco's penis and testicles. His immediate response was to protect himself and shield the organs with his hands. "Make sure that is the very last time you ever do that. You will get a lambasting for that from your new master or mistress. I suppose Mistresses is the correct word, because the prospective purchaser requires a slave boy for the girls bedroom. Do you have any idea what that means or entails?" "No!" groaned and gasped Franco. "Get a move on there." Snapped Prince Jacques. The two attendant slave boys completely ignored the order and proceeded with their duties as they had been taught by those in high command. NOT that Prince Jacques was not in that realm. The slave boy continued. "Your duties will be to keep the bedrooms immaculately clean and tidy. Wash and dress each of the girls. Do every single little thing they command you. Be subject to them in all things. They WILL be spiteful and cruel to you. They will dress you in girls clothes, or keep you naked." "When they go to parties, you will be taken a long as their pet, or toy, or plaything. You will be grossly humiliated and tormented. However, that will be nothing compared with the way that you will be painfully trained by them. They have bought boys here before. Some of them have been wickedly and shamefully tortured, tormented and treated. You will most likely have to lick their virginas both morning and evening. The taste left in your mouth is beyond description. To say that it leaves a very bitter taste in your mouth for hours is to put it very mildly." "If you are purchased by this family you WILL be castrated and made into a eunuch. Right! Now you know, lets get this inspection over and done with. Watch us carefully. Stand feet slightly astride. As you are approached, put your hands behind your head. Elbows back. Stomach in: chest out. Lets go for it!" The other slave lad then addressed Franco. "Listen, I am going to inspect him as a potential customer. Watch everything that I do. However, in particular watch and take notice of his reactions. Shortly YOU will be inspected. For the most trivial mistake you make, you will be severely punished. WATCH!" Franco's eyes nearly popped out of his head as he then saw the reaction of the first slave boy, as the second, and smaller slave lad approached him. As the inspecting slave got close, the inspected slave stood at attention. Then he put his hands behind his head. Elbows back and chest out, with abdomen sucked in. As the inspecting slave put out his hand and placed it on the pectoral muscles of the chest of the other youth, he pushed his head back as far as possible and arched his back. The chest was examined intrinsically and nipples both pinched and twisted. However, the slave did not flinch in the least, nor show any reaction, or respond a bit. He was completely resigned, submissive and docile. However, as Franco quite rightly assumed, as far as the slave was concerned this was just every day conduct that he was happy to endure every day of his life. This was just part of the usual daily routine. Concentration was rudely and abruptly distracted by the hysterical screams of 'Fighter' the pony slave boy who was not going to be castrated. He was the second slave boy to pull the brouette around the yard. The Green Frog beamed out with great pleasure from his seat; he thoroughly enjoyed being hauled about by another boy who was, as it were, now in subjection to him. The aroma of burning human tissue filled the air. There was an euphoric atmosphere as every one seemed to be so happy and enjoying themselves as in a carnival. Well, NO, not the slaves of course! All the joy and frivolity was at their painful expense! ! The emblem of the company purchasing him was emblazoned on his beautiful, well developed, strong, muscular white thighs. Under this was tattooed in bold Old German Script:
This was also tattooed across his left pectoral muscle on his chest. Plus also his registration number. Again in the centre of his forehead was tattooed the same inscription. He writhed and wriggled against his restraints in vain. He would have to get used to both pain, humiliation and handling. Indeed, as this particular slave boy is such an exquisite specimen of beauty, his spermatozoa would be in great demand. He would be required to ejaculate several times each day, into straws for artificial insemination. In time he would become accustomed to it while being yoked for haulage or plowing in a field with his yoked eunuch partner. To be stopped in the middle of the field or on the road. His penis released from its cock cage. Washed and wiped with antiseptic. Then, while still attached, have his testicles fondled and penis massaged to obtain an erection. Then to be wanked or tossed off to obtain the semen required. This of course would be ejaculated into a sterile container. Then sealed and dispatched for a very high price to various customers around the world. Franco watched with amazement at the cruelty and brutality being dealt out. He watched as various other boy slaves were rough handled. Gradually they were all moved off and placed in steel cages. Franco was now the only slave boy left standing. He was indeed alone. The family with the obnoxious little girls approached him. He thought hard. What had the two slave boys demonstrate to him and tell him? Must remember!
Franco trembled with fear as the family drew near. He stood firmly and rigidly to attention. He was filled with fear, terror and trepidation."When do I put my hands behind my head?" He thought. Other thoughts rushed through his mind. "When do I arch my back? Do I draw my abdomen in now or later?" All the other slaves were completely gone. There was no one he could look to for help or guidance. Franco had already forgotten the hand gestures and signals that he was meant to remember and respond to. Franco did recall the stern and solemn warning that there would be very serious and severe reprisals for the least error, mistake or transgression. At some stage he was to 'Present Himself'. That was to be down on his knees with ankles back behind his buttocks. Bend backwards with head strained back towards his ankles. Shoulders back, abdomen in, chest fully extended out and up. He may well have got on better if he were able to understand their language. He did not know a single word of Arabic. This very serious problem would be completely ignored by whoever bought him. He would be 'educated' or taught through pain, punishment, discipline and down right brutal barbaric cruelty.
– 2.3 –The obnoxious, silly, sneering, sniggering girls filled with glee and hilarity bounced towards the terrified slave boy. Franco, put his hands behind his head. Feet slightly apart, shoulders and elbows back as far as possible; abdomen in and chest out. He had to fight against his natural reactions as six little girlie hands suddenly made contact with his trembling body and started to smooth, touch and explore every part, nook and cranny of his anatomy.The soft smooth hands slid speedily over Franco's slender frame. However, suddenly there was an excruciating pain in his groin as his scrotum was squeezed unmercifully and his short little penis was stretched to almost breaking point. The slave boy instinctively brought his slender twig like arms down to protect himself. The children's father punched the lad in his face that sent him reeling backwards to the ground. Franco automatically went into the fetal position to comfort and protect himself. There was much shouting and anger being expressed. The slave boy's arm was suddenly grasped tightly and firmly, and he was yanked roughly to his feet. Blood trickled from the slave boys' nose and mouth. His milk white chest was soon speckled red and white. There was an aggressive altercation between the prospective buyer and Prince Jacques. Soon the henchmen of Rimalez Soruep gathered around. The buyer realized he had made a very serious mistake. He became anxious and uneasy. He pulled out a wad of notes from his wallet and purchased Franco there and then for a grossly inflated price. The new owner decided to save face and requested that Professor Iratsi castrate the youth and make it a gelding before he took custody of his daughters' new play thing and toy: Bedroom slave for the girls bedroom. This was agreed upon. Franco was taken away. Thoroughly washed, cleaned and groomed. NOT fed because next day he was going to be operated on. His naked body thrust into a steel cage of solid bars. His hands were placed into heavy duty "gloves" which did not allow any movement of fingers or thumbs nor of the wrist. The individual digits were spread out separately, like the webbed foot of a duck. Eventually Franco cried himself to sleep. He slept fretfully and intermittently until the dungeon door opened and several naked slave boys came in, under the authority of Professor Iratsi. The Consultant Surgeon spoke kindly and with a friendly manner to the terrified, traumatized, slave boy. "We have come to take you now Son. Now, you are a good wholesome boy of whom any father would be proud.There would be hope you would mature into a healthy, good looking, fine strapping lad. Although quite slender, you would develop into a fine handsome young man. However, all that is to be destroyed very shortly, because you will never turn into a man. Shortly, you will no longer even be a boy. Indeed, no longer male." "You are going to be taken into my operating theatre, where I am going to open up your scrotum and remove your testicles. Everything inside will be removed. Once all that has been removed, I shall continue up to your bladder in your lower abdomen and remove your prostate as you will no longer have any need of it. You will then be a eunuch." "I shall also do the same surgery on your friend 'Mouthy' that came in with you. As he is now a slave pony boy, he will be classified not as a eunuch, but a gelding. But whatever the word, the result is the same." "YES! it will be very painful. The other slave has more surgery to be done than you, so he will have to endure more pain than you, if that's any comfort." " Having said that, you upset your new master yesterday, so you can guarantee that he and your three new mistresses will have it in for you and take their spite out on you Boy. Hope you like being called boy? Make the most of it for the short time you have left of being a boy. You were shown how to conduct yourself as a slave being inspected. You knew you should be submissive, compliant and obedient. Master lost his temper and struck you. Rimalez Soruep will not tolerate his property being damaged before a purchase is completed. Master had to pay over twice your market value in compensation." "Thus your new owners have already started off with a bitter grudge against you. You can guarantee their training and discipline of you is going to be very hard, brutal, painful. barbaric, unjust and needlessly more painful and severe than it needs to be. To have one girl as a mistress is bad enough, but to have three ! ! !" " Right Boy! Out of the cage. You have to be thoroughly cleaned all over before we go into the theatre. I likewise must scrub up and make sure everything is sterilized." With that, one of the slave boys unlocked the cage door. Two of the others leaned in and took hold of one foot each of Franco. Then unceremoniously he was dragged out onto the dungeon floor. The accompanying slaves took off his gloves and took him into an anti-room and thoroughly washed and cleansed him all over. Not one single word was spoken by anyone. He was then lead along a corridor to the operating theatre. They waited in absolute silence until the door was opened from within.
As the doors opened. The slave boys standing with Franco left the lad to stand alone. Several people were standing waiting for him all gowned up in sterilized surgical white. He was greeted with the words, "Come on in lad. We have just finished making your friend Mouthy into a gelding. He and Fighter have been purchased by the same master as you. However they will be working and serving in haulage and land work, whereas you are to be a pretty little slave eunuch for the girls bedroom. You will have three mistresses to play with you, plague you and punish you.. Now come and stand up against this upturned "Y" frame." Franco would have run, but how, and where. He reluctantly, fearfully, submissively obeyed. He was instructed to place his back up to the apparatus, and spread his legs as wide as possible onto the two branches of the arms of the "Y" frame. As he did so, so his ankles were locked onto the frame. His arms were placed by his sides and firmly attached to the frame. Then a padded belt around his chest and another around his abdomen. A padded collar was then attached around his neck and shoulders. He wondered why the collar was steel around his neck with metal plates jutting out over his shoulders but the padding against his skin. He soon found out. Suddenly he found himself upside down and his body weight on his shoulders and ankles. He now fully understood why it was called a "Y" frame. His head was drawn back off the end of the frame and mouth secured open. Thus he was facing the ground. Any fluid entering his mouth would automatically flow out and away to the earth, without causing any risk to the slave boys lungs and respiratory system. As Franco was being positioned and securely fastened firmly to the "Y" frame, Professor Consultant Surgeon Iratsi came across to the slave and started to explain the intricacies of what he was about to perform and the consequences and results. "I know I have already told you that in a few short minutes you will no longer be a male nor a boy: just an insignificant dehumanized eunuch. You know this. However, while you are being prepared for my scapulae, tweezers and swabs and needle,you may be interested to know what is about to happen to you in order to prepare you to be a girls bedroom slave and toy." "Before I start the castration, you will have a catheter inserted, just in case there are any problems and there should be a swelling blocking the urethra. Any mistakes or delays would cost us money. We have no intention of doing that. Indeed your Master has had to pay far more than what you are worth; as you have been already told. He is very angry about the fact." "Shortly you will feel the cold blade of the scapulae after antiseptic fluid has been applied to all parts of your groin. Your sac, or scrotum, will be sliced open from the base of your penis around to the back. This will expose its contents." "This is predominately the testes. This is made up of a mass of very minute tubes. Thousands of them. These tubes come together near the centre of the testicle and meet, in their connection, by a much coiled tube called the epididymis. This is also all connected with the vas deferens, which enters the abdomen and passes the base of the bladder. This duct, after joining a reservoir known as the seminal versicle, opens to the duct from the other side of the body into the urethra, where it passes through the prostate gland. Owing to the convulsions, or bends, of these ducts leading from the testicles to the urethra and their indirect route, the passage from testicle to urethra is over twenty feet, or six meters long!" "In addition to producing spermatozoa, the testicles also form the hormone testosterone which is responsible for the development of male characteristics. There is also the vas deferens here to be removed. Sperm are propelled from the epididymus through this tube to reach the ejaculatory duct. Incidentally: 4.5 million spermatozoa are produced per gram of testicle each day! You will no longer have any need of the dartos muscle which enables the scrotum to change its shape, so I will remove that at the same time. Likewise the spermatic cord can be cut out. The fascia or fibrous tissue is of no use to you, so I will remove all of that along with the tunica vaginalis. Androgens: that make male sex hormones such as testosterone will be a thing of the past as far as you are concerned BOY! {Ha Ha Ha.}" All preparations were completed. A loud ear piercing, shrill, scream came from the slave lad as he felt the agonizing pain of the cold blade of the knife on his soft smooth tender skin of his scrotum. He tried to wriggle and writhe and strain against his restraints: but all in vain.
Part Three
The excruciating agony of the pain that Franco was now in, caused him to pass out. This was indeed a great mercy for the slave boy. He went delirious and distracted. By the time the youth came to his full senses and personal awareness, he was safely and comfortably in a medical bed in the medical unit of the Professor Iratsi surgical unit in the Rimalez Soruep Slave Training Academy. |
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