BbillingsAri's Awakening |
SummaryA teacher gives his student a less on the six ways to know if you're gay.
Publ. Jan 2012
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CharactersBob Watson (30yo) and Ari Mellow (13yo)Category & Story codesConsensual Man-Boy story/LoveMb – Mdom cons oral mast – first (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteSorry, since September 2012 I haven't heard from BBillings, and his e-mail address is no longer active. |
As the bell rang, teacher Bob Watson yelled a final reminder about the night's homework at his 8th grade algebra class as they left, knowing that it wouldn't make one bit of difference. As long as he made the effort, his boss couldn't get on his back about his student's performance. Or lack thereof. He had made it through another difficult day, and 'Mr. Watson' always took a good 15 minutes or so to cool off after school. Teaching was difficult, especially with hormonally charged teenagers, most of whom acted more wild than students two years younger, and dressed like students three years older. Of course, when it wasn't only their hormones that were acting up, that made it even more difficult. Keeping the class working hard until the bell was something that Mr. Watson always liked to do. He had a group of three or four kids who actually were quite hard working, all boys, and part of the joy of the afternoon was watching them bend over to pack up their supplies. Such nice little asses. One of those students, a little Jewish boy named Ari, was hanging back a little bit, moving suspiciously slowly. Ari was one of Bob's favorites, and not only because he was always well behaved in class. He was a little chubby, with ill-fitting clothing that hugged his body across his hips and chest, but sagged on his legs and arms. He had the budding little man-boobs that some boys seemed to develop that wouldn't seem out of place on one of the sixth grade girls, and from time to time you could see tender little nipples stiffening up through the fibers of his shirt. His face was what Bob considered to be stereotypically Jewish: pale white skin with rosy little cheeks, tousled black curly hair, and dark pools of eyes. As his friends left the classroom into the raucous hallways, Ari, instead of walking out, walked slowly towards his teacher's desk. It was not just unusual for 8th graders to speak with their teacher after class voluntarily, it was downright unheard of. Making a final couple of adjustments to the papers on his desk, his teacher decided to broach the silence without looking up. "Mr. Mellow," the teacher started, "What can I do for you today?" Ari stutter-stepped forward, looking up and down at the walls and decorations all over his teacher's desk and wall, but he found what he was looking for. Staring at the rainbow covered bumper sticker on the back wall behind Mr. Watson's desk, the one that said Love knows no Gender in bright pink writing on a rainbow-striped background, he shrugged his shoulders and said That's yours right? Indeed it was. A simple sticker that the school's administrators provided to teachers which were supposed to put up on their walls if they felt comfortable enough to be a little more helpful to gay and lesbian students. Students knew about it, faculty knew about it, but few, if any students had ever approached any teacher about it before. In fact, this was the first such instance that Bob had ever heard of, although these things were supposed to be confidential by nature. Turning to glance at it to make sure they were talking about the same thing, the teacher focused his attention on the young boy, who quickly averted his eyes. "Yeah," he said. "Do you want to talk about something?" "I just 3; yes," Ari said. He was still looking down at his feet. He hadn't looked up since approaching the desk, and Bob figured that the only reason his eyes were open at all was to make sure he didn't crash into something as he came up. Embarrassment was plain in his body language, and it was just as much so when he spoke. "You won't mind? You won't tell?" "Of course I won't mind, and I certainly won't tell anyone about this Ari," his teacher said, walking across the room to close the door, ensuring privacy. Ari didn't move. Bob wasn't supposed to be alone with students behind closed doors, but this was something he had only dreamed about until this day. A budding little teen boy, one of his 'ass-ter school boys' who he dreamed about nightly, who wanted to voluntarily share details of his sex life? How much better could it possibly get? Returning to his desk and sitting down to hopefully mask any signs of his own arousal, Bob tucked himself underneath the lip of the desk, and waited. It took Ari a moment to collect his thoughts, but he sat down on the chair next to his teacher's desk and then finally looking up, he unleashed it all in a torrent. He spoke very quickly, barely pausing for breath. "You know Brian, right? In your third hour class? Well, we're friends and all, and the other day, I went over to his house, and his parents weren't home. He pulled out a video, and I didn't know what to think, but it was, you know, a 3; porn movie. Well, we both were turned on, so we kind of just started to take it out and wank it a little bit. Our 3; you know, our cocks. We just touched ourselves, not each other, but 3;" Pausing to catch his breath, he tucked his hands into his pockets, and Bob's attention was momentarily drawn to a smallish bulge forming in Ari's crotch as he relived the moment. "Well, he was really into the movie. It was an Asian girl giving head, you know, a blow job. I wasn't really watching that 3; I was staring at him. Brian, not even the dude in the movie. I wanted to touch it, his dick I mean, and I don't know. I never really had those kinds of 3; well, what I mean to say is 3; am I gay?" Wow. Bob didn't really know how much any of these kids knew about sex, but he didn't really figure on cute, innocent little Ari coming into his classroom to talk about watching porn with skinny little Brian, a boy who looked like puberty was a year or two away. The bulge in Ari's pants was starting to grow a little more, and the boy was tenting his pants with his hands to try and hide his emerging boner, but he was doing a rather piss-poor job of it, and it was pretty plain to see for someone who knew what they were looking for. A similar bulge was forming in Bob's pants as he tried to imagine little Ari and Brian jacking off together. That was the primary reason he had become a teacher; screw the 'love of educating children' – Bob loved the children. Well, to be completely honest, he would have loved to make love to the children, but as far as lusty little teen boys went, he was still very much a virgin. And he desperately wanted to change that. "Lots of boys your age do things like that," Bob started, not really knowing what to say. It might be true. He had never had the opportunity himself, but if he had, he knew that he would have been feeling exactly the way Ari had described. "I mean, did you want to touch it so you could compare size?" This was by far the hottest thing that ever happened to him at work, except maybe when he got to substitute in a gym class and saw the boys running around the locker room in their undies. The beginning of puberty was a beautiful time. "No, not that," Ari continued. "I mean, well, mine's a lot bigger than his. It's kind of small still, but bigger than his. And I've got hair. He doesn't yet." Mentally undressing him in his head, Bob was able to add more details to his mind's eye, and his boner started really materializing underneath the desk. He opened his bottom desk drawer without pulling his chair back, of course, and found a small ruler. "Show me," his teacher demanded. "When it's hard? Hmm 3; It's about like this," Ari said, having to remove his hands from his pants. He indicated about four inches [10 cm], and the tenting of his pants said he was telling the truth. "Brian's is probably only like about here," indicating a little more than three inches [7½ cm], "and it's really thin, you know?" "Hmm 3; you're coming along into puberty pretty well," his teacher mused. "How big is it when you're soft?" A scant two inches [5 cm], according to the hand-held ruler. "So still plenty of growing to be done. So tell me, when you were jacking off, what did it feel like to do that with another guy?" "It was 3; hot. I mean, I didn't know we were going to be looking at porn at all, and that's hot as hell by itself, and then he just taps me on the shoulder, stands up, and I did too, and then we both unzipped our pants, and whipped them out, you know, through the zipper hole. I had never seen his dick before. He kind of had this 'wow' look on his face when he saw mine, and I probably had one for his too. We just kind of laid back down on the bed and wanked ourselves like I said." "Did you cum?" his teacher inquired. "Well yeah, we both did. He did first, and was just like a dribble, which is what mine usually is, but when I came, it 3; well, it just jumped out about an inch [2½ cm] from the tip." "You must have been really turned on," his teacher said, touching himself below the desk now. "Did you clean up?" "I had to borrow one of his socks, and he used the other," the boy said. "After that I just rode back home." "And the whole time he had his penis out, you just wanted to touch it?" his teacher probed. "Oh yeah," the boy said convincingly. You could see the event replaying itself before his eyes, and his left hand kind of reached out involuntarily while his right cupped his private parts through his pants. "I had to actually sit on my hand to keep it from reaching out. I've never wanted to do something like that before." "Hmmm 3;" the teacher started. He needed to make sure the boy felt comfortable with him so he'd come back again soon, and Bob figured that he'd pushed far enough for the first day. He got the feeling that asking too many more questions might be pushing the issue. Now it was time to give some advice. But what kind of advice do you give in this situation? "Alright Mr. Mellow, I have a solution for you," he started, making it up as he went along. There was no other way to handle it. "The next time this happens, I want you to suggest that you both take your clothes completely off, shirts, pants, everything, and see how that makes you feel. You can only see so much of him with his dick hanging out of his pants, I want you to look over his entire body." The boy nodded, hands still in his crotch, and he leaned forward to try covering it even more when he caught his teacher's glance in that direction. "Also, I want you to touch him, but not in a sexual way. You know, just brush your hand against his chest or something, but like an accident." "What will that do?" Ari asked quizzically. "Two things," his teacher replied. "First, it will help you know if you really want to, you know, have sex with a guy like that." Wow, this was uncomfortable, and yet, so invigorating. "And second, it might make him want to touch you too." The boy's face lit up in a smile. "Thank you Mr. Watson," he said, rushing to get his things together. "I have to make the bus, but you're a great help." "Hey Ari," Bob said, using the boy's first name, which he never did in class. It had a definite effect. "Come back here again right after, and we can talk some more, huh?" He nodded with a sense of pride, and in strapping on his backpack, forgot completely about his erection. Bob knew he needed to stop that, so calling 'Mr. Mellow', after him and clearing his throat, the boy got the picture, and standing right there in front of his teacher, reached down into his pants and tucked his erection up against his body before leaving, his rosy cheeks getting even more color. It wouldn't do for the boy to show off like that in the hallways; he'd be teased for the rest of his life.
The next day, Brian acted completely normally in his third hour class, but Mr. Watson couldn't help but see him differently. So this little boy watches porn, and not only that, but he's jacking off with his friends at home. He never would have thought either about this skinny little kid, who wouldn't have looked out of place in a fifth grade classroom, even though he was older than many of the others in this school with his September birthday. It made him wonder about some of the other boys in the class as well. Another of his favorites, little Jeremy, with his blue eyes and spiked haircut, asked a question, and Bob absolutely spaced out completely, wondering what secrets this little boy had, and whether or not he had pubes yet. It took him a couple of reminders to get him back in and focused on his teaching after that, and he was almost embarrassed to say that this was far from his only mishap. But what Bob was really looking forward to was his eighth period class, the algebra class that Ari was a part of. The boy was much more enthusiastic this class, raising his hand and offering solutions, for once; very out of the ordinary for the usually quiet, reserved child who liked to sit in back and pretend that he wasn't there. He almost looked crestfallen when Bob referred to him as 'Mr. Mellow' again, though this was well practiced and rehearsed by his teacher. Use a professional name in a professional setting, and a personal name in a personal setting, and it helped them realize which was which. And with Ari, that was becoming particularly important. The class came and went without a hitch, and to Bob's dismay, Ari was one of the first children to leave his room when the bell rang. Taking a quick look over the homework pile he had collected, though, Ari's tiny little handwriting stood out on the top of the pile. At the very bottom of the page, carefully written, were six little words that had Bob ready to dance. "It's happening today. See you tomorrow."
The next day came and went just as the previous had, and Mr. Watson was thrilled to have had the opportunity to eat lunch alone that afternoon, silently close the door on an empty classroom, and jack off underneath his desk to relieve just a little of the sexual tension in the air. Ari was coming to talk with him again, and today he would learn of the boy's newest sexual exploits, hopefully in extreme detail. Eighth period Algebra was by far the most difficult class that Bob had ever taught, and the bell ringing at the end of class called out to him, signaling his arousal almost immediately. He quickly turned to hide himself at the front of the class when it happened, pretending to give urgent attention to erasing the whiteboard, while he allowed all of his students to shuffle out the door in haste. It was Friday after all, and the weekend beckoned them. Working just thirty seconds or so on the whiteboard, Bob turned, and to his delight, Ari was dragging his half-packed satchel over to the chair, madly stuffing in the last of his papers as he sat down. "So?" his teacher asked, not yet turning around, but looking over his shoulder at the boy, and saw him gesture with his elbows to the door. "Can we 3;?" he trailed off gesturing, and Bob nodded, spinning around his desk the opposite way. "Not all the way, quite yet," he said, reaching the door and leaving it still a good halfway open, as was proper procedure for being alone with students; his boss was still in the building, and would be coming by any minute. "If you have time to stay, though, we'll be able to get really private in about ten minutes." This seemed to mostly satisfy the boy, but Bob could see that he was unwilling to take any chance, since the first thing he pulled out was the day's worksheet. He politely asked a question on the third from last problem, and after Bob answered half-heartedly, Neither of them actually gave a shit about learning math at a time like this. Bob suggested the boy bring his stuff to his locker while he checked to make sure that all the adults had left for the day. Ari quickly agreed and rushed off to dump whatever he didn't need. As Bob went to the door of his classroom, he saw a large group of all of the other teachers walking down the hall, leaving. "Hey, you wanna come grab a beer?" Mr. Richardson, Bob's boss, called out. "We're going to that little pub down the road if you want to join us." "Meh," Bob called back noncommitedly. "I've got a lot of paperwork, I think I'll just stick it out here so I can enjoy the weekend." "All right," Richardson called back, used to Bob's rejection. He rarely, if ever, joined the other teachers on their little forays. "Your loss." "Have a good time," Bob replied, and turned back into his room. Not a minute later, Ari once again joined him. "It's OK, Ari, shut the door." The boy willingly complied. "Turn that first light off while you're at it," Bob said, as the light nearest the door flickered, and then fell. Mood lighting, or the closest thing to it, and it would hopefully signal to the cleaning crew that he was still in, but didn't want to be disturbed. The boy shuffled over quickly to take his seat, holding a significantly emptier backpack directly in front of his crotch; another way to hopefully hide his arousal, Bob thought, though he was unable to see any signs of it yet. "So yeah," the boy started in that way that was so familiar to teenage conversation. "We, ah, we did it again." "And by 'it' you mean 3;" "Well," he said, rosy cheeks starting to come to life. "We did pretty much the same thing as last time. I mean, it was a white guy and two black chicks this time, and they were doing a lot more than just giving BJs, but you know. We both were wanking again." "So I don't suppose you took my advice?" his teacher probed, feeling like he was dragging out the details today, and judging by the boy's expression, there was something good to be found by plumbing the depths of this situation. "No, no, I did," he said quickly, not wanting to disappoint. "Well, I didn't actually say that we should get naked, but I told him that I didn't want my shirt to get dirty when I came, and he kind of agreed, and that worked, so did taking off my pants and all first. So yeah, we were totally naked, and I did the other thing you said too." "Touching him?" "Oh yeah. He fastforwarded through what we saw last time, and these new guys started with their clothes on, so I reached across him for the remote, felt him right on his chest going across him and back, and he shivered." "In a good way?" "Well, how do you know?" the boy said, and Bob had to remind himself that this was the boy's first real sexual encounter, and he probably had no idea what to think. "Did he 3;" How do you describe this? "Did he, uh, well, sigh or groan or anything? Because that's usually good. If he pulled away, or pushed your hands or something, that's bad, for sure. If he asked what you were doing, or if he said 'no', then that could go either way." Fortunately for his rambling teacher, Ari interrupted. "Wait, if he said 'no', that means 'no' doesn't it? That's what Ms. McKey says in Bio." "Well, yes and no," Bob said, "It's way more complicated than that. Forget it, what did he do when you touched him?" Ari thought for a moment, put his hand up to his chest, and said, "well, he just kind of felt right where I touched him, and he, well, he didn't make any noise, but I think he kind of liked it." Ari was pressing and moving his hand around in a small gesture to mimic Brian's reaction, and Bob recognized it. It was a great sign for Ari, he just didn't know how to respond to it with his inexperience. "Well did you like it?" Bob asked, remembering that the boy had initially come to him not sure of whether he was gay or not. "Touching him, I mean." "Yeah, he was really soft, you know. I think it's kind of like how a girl would feel, though." "That's true. Of course, if you are gay, you'll eventually have to deal with touching a harder, hairier guy like me. Do you think you'd like that as much?" Here goes nothing, Bob thought. "I don't know," Ari said, "I'd probably have to try it." Bob took that as an invitation, and pulling at the knot of his tie, he slipped that garment off of his head, and unbuttoned the top three buttons of his shirt as he talked. "All right, well, it's certainly worth trying," he said, fluffing out his shirt and rolling over to the boy, taking Ari's thick, soft, and lightly hairy forearm in both of his hands. "Go ahead." The boy didn't respond right away, and Bob was worried that he had gone too far with the child, but after a moment's hesitation, Ari's hand snaked over Bob's undershirt, and felt his shoulder and what little chest was exposed from his tanktop's sleeveless covering. "No, no," Bob corrected, reaching inside to lift a corner of the shirt. "Underneath." It took the boy only a second to adjust, and standing up, he caressed his teacher's more muscled, thickly hairy chest. His hand started groping then, and moving down, twisted lightly and pulled on the man's nipple. The boy was straddling Bob's left leg, now, and staring down at his teacher and his open shirt, he smiled in an embarrassed way. "It's really hairy, Mr. Watson. Maybe too hairy, but 3; it's nice too." "Well, that's one sign that you're gay," his teacher said, enjoying the feeling and the view. A small pulsing could be seen in the boy's too-tight jeans which was resolving itself into a fully erect cock right before his eyes. Bob was already fully hard, but he hoped, for now at least, that his loose black trousers and their extra rolls of cloth in that area at least partially obscured the boy's view. He wasn't sure how far to take this, but with one small success under his belt, or in this case, under his shirt, Bob felt confident, and with the way the boy was standing 3; "So one point for gay," Bob said, counting on his fingers, "since you say you like feeling my chest, and since you liked feeling Brian's. And then another," a second finger joined the first, "because you like looking at Brian's dick and you want to touch it. Want to try for another?" The boy nodded. "OK," Bob said. "Gay people really like to play with their butts. Maybe it has something to do with the way they, you know, have sex," Bob looked up to gauge Ari's reaction, and he saw a nod, indicating that he knew all about anal sex. "So let's see," Bob said, and he reached his left hand up, and felt up the back of Ari's left thigh with his right hand, and then drew along his ass crack, the indentation clear thanks to his extra-tight pants. Ari's eyes closed and his head rocked back as he enjoyed the sensation, and the pulsing of his rock-hard cock started throbbing faster and faster through the front of his pants. Bob's too started to throb in time with the quickening beat of his heart, and he could see that despite his best efforts, it would be only a matter of time before the boy noticed his teacher was just as turned on as he was. Bob's fingers reached the back hem of the boy's jeans, and he pushed in, really defining the crack of the boy's ass, and he could feel the fabric of the boy's boxers through the denim as they crawled further into his crack. "How does this feel?" Bob asked, seeing the answer in the boy's glazed, half closed eyes. He groaned, and Bob's hand reared back and fell against the cheek he had been caressing. The jeans did a good job of muffling the thwack that would have accompanied the light slap that had landed in the optimum location for sound-to-pain ratio, and Ari's eyes shot open at the act. Again, Bob worried that he may have gone a little too far, but again, Ari looked down on him with appreciation. "Three?" the teacher asked simply, referring to his earlier idea, and the boy smiled, let out a short laugh and said, "Yes, definitely three. How many are there anyways?" Doing a quick mental calculation, Bob came up with the figure. "Six, I think. Yes, I think six." "And how many can you help me with?" Ari asked, still smiling, and never once stopping from petting his teacher's hairy chest. Bob cleared his throat, and Ari remembered that embarrassing moment from the day previous. Looking down at his teacher's crotch, clearly startled by something, whether the size, or simply the fact that it was just there, Ari said "All six?" "If you'd like to," Bob said, "but that's up to you." "OK, well I know I want to try number four for sure," Ari said, and as he started speaking, Bob had pulled the boy's hand out his shirt, stood up, and before the boy could add on to the statement, Bob leaned over, grasped the back of the boy's head, and locked lips with him in a fiercely aggressive kiss. Ari's lips were dry, but his mouth was wet enough, and Bob could tell that he had never been kissed before. Ari wasn't quite sure what he was supposed to be doing, but Bob wouldn't let him away, and as Bob's lips opened and closed around his, Ari eventually slipped his upper lip in between his teachers, and fell into a nice rhythm. Bob's tongue started rubbing against Ari's mouth, and the boy took the signal, opening his own mouth and protruding his hard, pointy tongue. Bob let the boy lead on this, and Ari took up the offense, driving hard, tickling his tongue against his teachers, and at the same time, he reached his hand down and cupped Bob's cock. As they finally came up for air, Ari gasped, his hand still on his teacher's crotch, and he bent down, one hand on his knee as if he had just run a half mile in gym class, then breathing hard, forced himself up to standing again, and held up four fingers, wiggling them in the air, and then slowly unfolded his thumb. He was ready for the fifth trial. "You'll get better at that," Bob said, repositioning Ari's hand to make it more comfortable. He almost couldn't believe this was happening, but he was so happy it was. "You will need to learn how to come up for air, though," his teacher added, laughing, and swiped away some excess saliva off of his lips with one hand. Ari laughed, too, still breathing hard, and Bob pulled him close again. "So you said that with Brian, you just really wanted to touch him?" Ari nodded. Bob had undone his belt a moment earlier, and now worked the slightly complicated double-button system on his dress trousers. They dropped to the floor, and Bob was almost naked, standing there in his dress shirt and his boxers, nearly bursting out of those as well. He reached over and undid the top button on Ari's jeans. The boy made no move to stop him, though Bob knew that the time for stopping had long since passed. "So touch mine," he said. "Grab my cock. It might be a little bigger than you're used to, but I think you'll like it." Ari first reached inside and tried to slide his teacher's dick out the small hole in front, but he wasn't able to undo the button since his adrenaline was pumping so hard, so he reluctantly released the man's rod and yanked down the boxers to reveal his most private area. Bob's cock flopped out as the elastic waistband passed by, jiggling it up and down. "Dang, Mr. Watson," Ari said, finally getting to see a life-sized adult erection. His eyes flickered up one last time, and Bob felt like he could get lost in those jet-black pools. "Dang." It wasn't the biggest dick around, and in fact, Bob was fairly sure that it was small for an adult, probably around five inches [12½ cm] long, but thicker than any two of Ari's fingers, and his reaction said that he and Brian must have been watching porn on a small-screen TV. Bob's balls sagged down, hanging loosely, and dangling back and forth at the slightest movement. Ari couldn't take his eyes off of it. The enraptured boy handled it gingerly now that it was outside and visible, and carefully stroked it back and forth. Bob wasted little time himself. The boy was still fully clothed, and it didn't take much for him to decide to change that right away. Undoing the buttons on the boy's bowling shirt, he let it lie loose, hanging off the boy's shoulders, rather than removing it completely and having to lose contact with the boy's hands on his manhood. A soft, flabby stomach greeted him, but Bob wasn't the kind of guy to care about those kinds of things, having a few extra pounds draped around his midsection as well. Ari's robust man-titties were another thing, and he gripped and groped them feverishly, producing two hard nipples and a field of goosebumps in no time. Ari starting moaning with the new attention he was receiving, and started lifting himself up on his tippy-toes as a way of encouraging his teacher to explore more, so he did. Groping the boy's crotch with one hand while undoing his pants with the other was a tricky thing, especially working around the boy's outstretched arms, but Bob found a way to make it work. He'd put up with almost anything at this point, and his own cock was aching for release now despite the unpracticed hands that gave only light stimulation. Bob could just imagine what Ari was feeling, a little virgin boy being given the education of a lifetime here in his classroom. Ari, like most children his age had a penchant for wearing clothes that didn't quite fit them right, and today he had managed to choose pants that were very tight fitting around his hips, making it very difficult for Bob to remove them. With great effort, Bob was able to work the zipper down around the boy's hard cock, and as he dropped the boy's pants down around his ankles, Ari started shuffling his feet to remove his shoes. As he did so, his hard-on managed to crawl it's way out of his boxers, a perfect little four inch [10 cm] spear no thicker than Bob's middle finger. Immediately, Bob grabbed on and gave it a few strokes while his pet stepped out of his pants, and started removing his own boxers with one hand, the other still stroking and fondling Bob's much larger member. It was difficult to tell why this was so awkward, but for some reason, the combination of the height difference between them, Ari's inexperience, and the way they were both half dressed made it very difficult. Half smiling, Bob looked down on the boy, whose eyes were staring beyond him now, the deep, dark pools of his pupils expanding and dilating. They stroked each other softly and smoothly, but to Bob, it was clear that even in this dangerous environment,where anyone could walk in at any time, they were both far too dressed for this. "Ari," he said, prompting the boy by letting go of the little throbbing rod in front of him, and Ari followed suit. They both quickly removed the remainder of their clothes, dropping them on the floor, and as soon as Bob was out of his shoes and shirts, he grabbed Ari by the ass, lifting him in the air a little as their height difference allowed, kissing him aggressively, backing him up to a wall along the side of the classroom with a high counter, and bending his legs slightly, he lifted the boy up and sat him on a bare spot. With the boy raised up, his lips were right in line with Bob's, and his tongue could probe deeply into his teacher's mouth. Ari used his tongue liberally, tracing his teacher's teeth, and Bob used his own tongue to tickle lightly on the underside of the boy's. They spent just a moment like this, but the ecstasy of the moment made it feel long lasting. Finally, though, Bob turned his attention to the boy's succulent little ramrod, and bending down ever so slightly, thanks to the raised table the boy was seated on, he proceeded to coax the liquid love out of the little man. Ari's description of himself a few days earlier had painted a beautiful, and accurate picture of the area Bob was working. Just fifteen thick black strands of pubic hair were strewn across the soft, fleshy void that would, in a year or two, be completely covered in them. Bob counted each as he went, using his ring finger and pinky like chopsticks to gather them up, straighten them, and then put them off to the side while he worked his mouth over the boy's cock. A thin, clear blob of precum had already started working it's way out of the tip of Ari's bone-white stalk, and his pink-tipped cock head had been glistening when his teacher had first slid his mouth over it. The salty taste of the fluid filled his teacher's mouth, and while it was far from delicious, the smooth, thick texture of the boy's sauce was inviting, and Bob used his tongue to lap up what he could, while spreading some of the rest out over the underside of the boy's thin four-inches [10 cm], around his urethra, like butter on toast. Moaning as his teacher's tongue made it's first warm, wet contact with his most private of parts, Ari shivered, and laid his hands on Bob's head, giving only slight pressure. Bob assumed he had seen this in the pornos he had enjoyed, and assumed the boy didn't realize that he was giving his teacher the request to go deeper, even though his lips were already enveloping the whole of the tiny cock. Bob used his tongue like a paintbrush along the shaft, working his way slowly up and down the underside, the way that he liked it when his previous girlfriend had sucked him off, and then starting winding his way around the base, tasting every square inch of flesh the boy could give him, even giving specific attention to the pubic flesh along the child's hip bones, and on the scrotum, the tight wrinkled skin needing more care than the other parts to bend to his will. Ari's cock quivered under the attention, and in just a few tongue-stroke's time, Bob felt the boy's hands clasp into fists around his hair, and a gentle tugging. He pulled back just in time to watch the single squirt fly from his boy-child's member and splash casually across his cheek. Ari let out a deep breath, and gave a soft, but hearty laugh then. "I suppose that was five," he said in between breaths. "No, my boy," Bob replied. "That was four and a half." Ari cocked his head to the side and searched his teacher's face for some indication of what that meant, but quickly came to realize what his teacher was asking of him, and leaped off the counter and knelt down, in between his teacher's legs, closed his eyes, and started fucking his teacher's cock with his mouth. Ari's hands crawled up his teacher's hairy thighs, grasping for an appropriate grip, and he opened his mouth as wide as he could to accommodate the relatively huge girth that the man's cock presented. It was huge for him, but he managed to do it perfectly, without touching his teeth, and the teen's lips started closing in on their target as he rocked back and forth. Ari didn't bother with his tongue, he was using his throat to help him stimulate the sensitive areas, and from time to time, a soft gurgling escaped his throat as his teacher's five inches [12½ cm] clogged his airways. The boy was fast and furious with his rocking, and it took very little time for his teacher to reach down and start masturbating himself along the base of his lollipop, beyond the reach of Ari's young mouth for now, being careful not to interrupt the child as he worked out his own rhythm. Within moments, Bob found himself steadying the boy with a hand on his shoulders and using him for balance as he shot his load. He pulled away just in the nick of time. His first spurt hit the child on the forehead and bounced back to lie on his own stomach, but the quick adjustment in between allowed the second and third shots to fill Ari's mouth with his honey. The boy pulled away from his teacher's rod, gasped for air, coughed, and swallowed twice as the last of Bob's load trickled out, spilling out the tip of his dick and splattering along the floor as his cock, soaking wet with saliva and man-juice, begged for a short break between stimulations. Bob let Ari recover for only a moment before picking his pants up from around his ankles. He deftly started stringing his belt through the loops as the pants sagged on his ass and started casting around for the shirt to go with it. "Now that's five," Bob said matching the child's hearty laugh with one of his own. Ari's voice hadn't yet recovered completely, and it sounded a bit husky and deep for him, although granted, he was abusing his throat by gagging down a full-sized cock. "That was excellent," he said, leaning back. "What about number six?" Bob looked down on the boy and smiled. "Don't you worry about number six right this second," he replied as he latched the button on his trousers, motioning for the boy to do the same. "I need a moment before I'm ready to show you how that works." He buttoned his shirt and adjusted his tie as he spoke, and Ari started fiddling with his clothing as well. "I thought you might like a private lesson at my house, though." "Mr. Watson, will you fuck my ass?" Ari asked, of course knowing what the sixth task would be. "Why yes, Ari," he said gleefully, examining the beautiful naked child in front of him. "I will fuck your ass, but it's strictly educational, you know." The End |
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