PZA Boy Stories


Camp Wanafuk


I was afraid of summer camp as a kid. This one is a silly exaggeration of my childhood fears. Ronald is a very innocent kid and becomes the target the older camper's cruelty, but he does a lot of growing up throughout the ordeal.
Publ. 1995; this site Nov 2008
Finished 16,000 words (32 pages).


Ron (10yo), the other Cabin 12 boys Robby (11yo), Richie (11yo), Gary (8yo), Jerry (12yo), Jake (13yo); and Brent (12yo)

Category & Story codes

Consensual Man-Boy story/..
bb tbcons reluc oral anal mast – humil best spank cbt ws


This is a work of FICTION for ADULTS only. Do NOT read this if you are under 18 or if you are not an adult according to the laws of your State or Country. Do NOT read this if you are easily offended or if you are not interested in fantasies involving young boys. This file contains sexually EXPLICIT material.

The author does not condone any of the acts in this file. This story was not written to advocate sexual activity with minors. Agatha Christie wrote about murderers all her life. She was not a criminal. Please support free speech and stop censorship.

Author's note

Feel free to distribute this story or archive it at your favorite site without altering its content.

You can send comments to debonair(at)hushmail(dot)com or using this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line. Flames are ignored.


"It has always seemed to me that the two loveliest words in the English language are - summer afternoon." - H.J.

Chapter 1

Ron was a typical shy puny boy. Even though, he was ten like the other boys in his class, he looked much younger.

If there was only one thing he was sure about, it was that he didn't like crowds. Especially a crowd of boys his age. It seemed whenever he was part of a group, they would gang up on him and tease him as if he was the pig from Lord of the Flies.

'Ronald McDonald' they called him. He was an easy target after all, barely seventy pounds [30 kg], short and timid.

Understandably, the boy threatened his mother every time she mentioned summer camp around the month of June. He guaranteed her, he would run away, never come back. But this year, he had no other choice. His folks were going to Europe. 'The trip of a lifetime 3; free!' they said. 'And we are not gonna spoil it because you act like a baby 3; the fresh air will do you good 3; maybe it's gonna finally make a SOCIAL being out of you'

Ron considered for days the alternatives, but there weren't any. His best friend also went to summer camp. 'Surely none of your uncles and aunts will have the burden of a child for a month 3;' his parents had barked when he asked to live with them.

The dreaded morning arrived too quickly for Ron. He stared at his trembling body in the mirror, hoping to find a way to look older and more mature. 'Damn,' he whispered. He looked even more childish with the crew cut he had gotten the day before. All that was left on his scalp was half an inch [12 mm] of blond hair. He still had freckles around his upturned nose and his ears were detached from his head like the wings of a plane. 'Ahem,' he sighed, utterly depressed.

As he dressed up, thoughts raced in his mind, everything he had heard from the boys at school about camp. The skinny dipping, pissing contests, farting contests, eating in groups, doing sports in groups, sleeping in groups. Argggggghhhhh!

The bus trip was torture. Most of the kids knew each other and they chatted away, filling the vehicle with their soprano voices. He was probably the only new boy.

"Hi, my name is Brent," declared the boy next to him.

Ron paused to make sure he was talking to him and then responded.

"Hi. mine is Rona 3; Ron."

"It's my first time at Camp Wanafuk. How about you?" asked the brown-haired boy.

"Me too."

"Hope it's as good as the one I went last year. One big orgy every night!"

Ron smiled, wondering what he meant and trying to be as outgoing as he could be for his new friend. He looked about twelve-years-old and less 'crazy' than the other kids. His brown hair was cut according to the latest trend. His blue eyes were perfect. For a second, Ron felt jealous, like he always did around pretty boys.

They talked about everything and nothing for an hour and finally the bus stopped.

"Welcome to Camp Wanafuk!" yelled a man as the kids gathered their bags.

Ron had been there for two minutes but already he hated it. The corny camp with an Indian theme was making him sick to his stomach.

He stretched on the grass while the monitors separated the one hundred boys in smaller groups of six. The list was already done and he sighed when he realized Brent wasn't with him. Instead, he soon was surrounded by five strangers.

Robby and Richie, brothers who were eleven. They were tanned from head to toes with curly short brown hair. Gary, only eight, a young tyke with sparkling eyes. Jerry, twelve, a blond boy with braces. And the oldest of the gang, Jake, who was thirteen, a tall dark teen with a strong chin and silky black hair. They all knew each other from the year before which made Ron uncomfortable.

By the time they had visited the camp grounds and organized their clothes in the drawers on the side of their bunk beds, the whole gang was starving. They ate overcooked spaghetti at their designated table in the big dining hall, awkwardly examining each other to see what had changed on their bodies during the last year. The boys made an effort to include the new kid in the conversation but the bashful boy was a pain in the ass. He only answered with 'yes' and 'no' until finally they gave up on him.

The first campfire was uneventful and all the boys retreated to their private cabin. It was a special characteristic of Camp Wanafuk for boys. Nineteen small wooden cabins scattered in the forest. Actually, more like sheds with three bunk beds in them, a couch and a coffee table in the middle.

Since there wasn't enough monitors for all the groups, they named the oldest boy in each cabin as the 'general'. Some sort of leader the younger boys had to obey if they didn't want to end up punished by the older monitors. The rumours were that the punishment was a caning but no kids went out of their way to find out if it was true.

Curfew was at ten o'clock, but evidently few boys observed that rule as it was apparent from the giggles emanating from the cabins well beyond midnight. With the windows closed by a wooden flap, no one knew what was happening inside unless they were two feet [60 cm] away listening to the noises. It provided a perfect intimacy for the boys to become true friends.

Ron removed his t-shirt, shorts and socks like the other boys, but they didn't seem ready for bed yet. They all pranced around in their underwear, making jokes and pushing each other.

"Gather 'round girls!" said Jake. "We're gonna play a game."

Ron sat on the floor and scanned the room. Gary, the little kid was playing with his toes. Next to him, Jerry the twelve-year-old had a huge bulge in his underwear and he could see a hairless ball poking out at the hem of Robby's old underpants.

"Okay troop. We're gonna wrestle one on one until we find a loser 3; and he's gonna be yellow!" shouted the black-haired leader.

'Yellow?', thought Ron. 'What the hell is he talking about?' He looked at the thirteen-year-old, admiring his athletic body. The white cotton of his undies was hugging his firm behind nicely and in front he could tell he had a patch of hair over his obviously quite big boydick. 'Gee, this guy takes the job of general seriously! He looks normal, but he is nuts!'

In seconds, the coffee table was moved and the two eleven-year-old brothers were on the floor, wrestling. During the manly struggle, a testicle or a limp uncircumcised dick often escaped the confinement of their underwear as they kept grabbing the skimpy piece of clothing.

Ron marvelled at the agility of the two brothers. They were flying in the air, spinning on the floor and making firm holds. From where he was sitting, it looked like a game of twister gone mad. The white soles of their feet flashed in the heap of golden brown flesh.

Robby won the fight and sat on the floor with his sad brother. The next couple was Jerry and Gary. The older boy twisted the kid like it was pretzel dough and even pulled down his Alf underwear. The crowd laughed hysterically as Gary slipped his undies back up over his white little butt. As expected, Jerry won.

The musky smell of the young males floated in the night air, tingling in Ronald's nose who was not used to the robust odour.

He was to face the biggest boy in his first match-up. Solemnly, he prayed it wouldn't last long so that he wouldn't get hurt. Jake tackled him and pinned him on the ground. The young teenager wasn't playing fair. He squeezed Ron's balls and pinched him into submission which he got easily.

Ron decided to lay on the floor and wait until it was over. He yelped when he felt the boy's stiffening prick part his buttocks. Geez, he was being humped in front of everybody!

"Are you gonna fuck him or fight him 3;" chuckled Jerry.

With that, the tall muscular boy pushed Ron's shoulders on the floor and declared himself the winner. The three losers were to wrestle again until the ultimate loser was found. Richie beat Gary and the title of loser of the cabin was to be decided between Ron and eight-year-old Gary.

'This is gonna be easy' thought Ron. He soon realized, his small stature was the equivalent of the eight-year-old. The little kid with a missing tooth bit his way through the wrestling match and won over the older boy.

Ron collapsed on the floor with the weight of the humiliation. A eight-year-old had beat him! The gap-toothed boy put his feet on Ronald's back and raised his skinny arms like the wrestlers he'd seen on the WWF. He cherished his victory a moment and sat down.

"Do you know what we do to losers at Camp Wanafuk?" asked Jake.

"N N N No" stammered Ron.

"Well, you're gonna find out now," he smiled wickedly. "Hands behind your back LOSER."

Ron felt tears welling up in his eyes. The bigger boys pushed him and the crowd cheered: "Yellow! Yel-low! Yel-low!"

Within seconds, his little hands were tied securely to the post of one of the bunk beds. The rough cord was stinging his delicate wrists. He was now the prisoner of this vulgar group.

Jake knelt in front of him and eased two fingers in the waistband of his white undies.

"Hey what are you doing?" peeped Ronald.

Jake just smiled and with a quick tug pulled down the boy's briefs to his ankles. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH," howled the five sweaty boys, pointing at his naked body and rolling on the floor.

Ron cried and bowed his head to look at his little uncut pecker, hanging limp between his legs. He tried to free his hands from the tight bound in order to cover his boyhood, but to no avail.

Jake opened a can of paint and rubbed the yellow substance on Ron's small organ with a Kleenex. He squirmed and squealed with every brush of the tissue making his small boydick turn yellow, the audience cooed and giggled.

"Ah. Well done. All yellow," grinned the general.


In bed that night, Ron sobbed softly. He wondered what would happen if he told the monitors. They'd probably laugh at him too. Maybe he could ask to be transferred to another cabin?

Just as he was about to drift into sleep, he heard soft whispers coming from under his bed.

"Wow 3; it's huge!"

"It's six inches [15 cm], I measured it."

Ron moved his body slightly and peeked under his mattress at the scene unfolding in the bunk below him. The two twin brothers had their heads under Jake's sheets. He could discern the shape of the teenager's hard-on from the glow of a flashlight pointed towards it.

"You're awake Ronald!?" said Jake. "Come look at my boner boy."

"No N N no I don't want to," whispered Ron.

"Come on peewee 3; If you don't look at it now, I'm gonna climb over there in the night and stick it in your butt!"

Ron was so terrified, he almost peed in his briefs. He paused a second to catch his breath and lowered his underfed body to the cold floor. If one quick glance was gonna make the general happy, might as well do it, perhaps start to blend in with the boisterous crowd.

"Get a good sniff," insisted Jake.

The two brothers giggled and watched Ron slip under the covers. God, it was like his father's dick! The large shaft was standing straight up like a tower. The glans was swollen and purple. Just below it the scars of a late circumcision were visible. Ron looked lower and gasped when he saw the big balls and the small bush of dark hair.

He wasn't aware that his backside was vulnerable and yelped when Richie pulled down his briefs again. With a disgusted smirk on his face, he pulled them up.

"Better get used to having your underwear down 3;" laughed Jake.


There weren't any showers at Camp Wanafuk, which meant that around five o'clock, when the activities were over, all the boys washed up in the lake. It was quite an unusual sight for Ronald, one hundred boys stripping to the buff on the shore and running in the water.

He kicked off his running shoes, took off his t-shirt and removed his shorts shyly. He remembered his wee-wee was still yellow and made sure to hide it with his left hand when he wriggled out of his underpants.

He glanced at the small beach covered with piles of clothing and realized he was the last boy in the water. Swiftly, he ran in the lake. The water was surprisingly warm. The hot summer sun had done a good job.

He walked until the water was up to his shoulders and stayed there. Amidst this large group of noisy brats, he found a sanctuary. The warm water surrounding him had a calming effect on his raw nerves.

'Hey it's not that bad' he thought. The kids weren't paying attention to him and he liked it. For a half hour, he watched the boys around him. They were climbing on each other or diving from a wooden platform, their genitals flailing madly. You could count the ribs on most of them. The boys with the biggest dicks stayed longer on the docks, exhibiting their family heritage and burgeoning musculature before diving gracefully.

Ron reached down in the water to scrub the yellow paint off his dick and found it hard and sticking straight out. Even the foreskin was peeled off from his dickhead. All these glistening bodies and the unbashful exuberance of the boys around him had an effect on Ron he didn't understand. Seems he wasn't alone. The lifeguard sitting atop the watchtower also had a hard-on in his Speedo. Another monitor was obviously enjoying what he was seeing too.

As he rubbed the paint away from his three inch [7½ cm] boner, strange pleasurable feelings increased. Always better, always more acute. He looked in the clear water at the yellow cloud around his hard peter and without warning a cry of ecstasy escaped his mouth as his small body convulsed with immature orgasm.

"Look, this one just got off!" exclaimed a boy to his friend. "He's probably a faggot!"

Ronald swam away from them, his face red like a beet.


Jake approached Ron as he trotted out of the lake towards his clothes. Jerry was escorting him, refusing to lose a moment with his thirteen-year-old mentor. They crossed the small boy's path and stood in front of him naked like the day they were born.

"Looks like you're playing too much with your thing! It's all red!" laughed Jake.

"The paint wouldn't come off," replied Ron with little confidence.

"Come here," said Jake gripping the boy's skinny arm. He was gonna show him a prank he'd been taught by Wally when he was eight.

Good old Wally. He remembered him clearly. He was the general in his cabin back then. The boy was merciless and now he used most of his tactics on the younger kids. It was like a never-ending circle. Boys teaching boys how to have 3; fun.

Even though Wally was a master torturer, he was fond of him. Hell, he was the boy who made him come for the first time. A Friday night. Just as he was gonna slip into dreamland, he had felt the warmth of the teenager's body against his back under the sheets.

He pretended to sleep and Wally's hand slowly caressed his inner thigh. Laying on his side like that, he couldn't see the face of the stranger behind him but it sure felt good. The hand quickly found his hairless genitals and began fondling his miniature balls, kneading them. His boydick was hard in a flash and the sweet fingers moved to it, stroking it tenderly.

This was a brand new sensation for Jake. He had never played with his peepee like that. The tip of it was tingling, and shivers travelled his spine as the older boy kissed the back of his neck. The stranger's cock was throbbing against his buttocks, big, hard and hot.

The fingers moved faster on his small shaft and Jake couldn't help but moan with delight. Then, the teenager's dick slid in his buttcrack until the knob was resting in his warm anus. Whenever, Jake reached a new plateau of excitement and muffled yelps escaped his mouth, the big swollen knob slipped into his butthole, stretching it slightly.

He wanted to tell the intruder it hurt, but he was supposed to be asleep! The fingers concentrated on his circumcised head, gradually rubbing it faster. After ten minutes, the older boy's dickhead was completely in his ass. Jake bit his lips. He couldn't believe so much pleasure could be contained in his small weenie. He also couldn't believe having something in your ass could feel so good.

Suddenly, an electric jolt raced in his tiny penis, again and again. His legs shook uncontrollably and his whole body jerked wildly. The tight anal ring of his asshole strangled the teenager's knob triggering a flood of hot cream in his rectum.

When the teenager left his bed, he peered at him in the darkness. It was the general, the one he looked up too. He didn't know he had experienced his first orgasm, but he sure knew from now on Wally would be his model.


The nude threesome disappeared in the woods. Jake knew the right spot to take Ron. Behind the big oak tree was a cave that was famous for boy-sex encounters. You could always find the sticky remnants of previous adventures on the leaves of the forest floor.

Jake entered the barely lit cave and pressed his fingers on the marks carved in the wall. The markings on the rock were precious to him. Each '1' meant that a boy had been buttfucked here. Two of these marks were for him. When he was eleven, two older cabin mates had brought him here and used his asshole every possible way. He couldn't believe there was at least two hundred '1' on the wall now.

He felt like telling Ronald the meaning of the marks, but there would be time later for that.

"I've got a surprise for you Ronald," he smiled. "Get on your knees in front of me."

The ten-year-old innocent child complied, convinced that it would be better for him if he obeyed the general. After all, a caning by the big monitors didn't sound very appealing to his tender buns.

Jake was ecstatic. All this power was great! He had complete control over the lad. Damn he was gonna come to camp until he was twenty! Blood rushed to his penis. Slowly it rose in front of the kid's nose without even a slight tug. He wrapped his finger around it and it grew even bigger and harder.

Ron's bulging eyes added to his excitement. Gripping his rod, he began to masturbate madly. His hand flew on his cock making his big testicles jiggle.

"Uhmmm. Keep staring at the eye of my dick boy. Uhhhh uhhhh," he groaned. "The surprise is coming!"

Jerry guessed what the teenager's plan was. He gripped his half-erect prick and started to jack-off too. It wouldn't be as big a surprise but nonetheless, he was gonna be general next year and he needed the practice.

"Oh yeah. Here it comes 3; here it comes," cried Jake, moving his fist rapidly around the glans.

He bucked his hips and a powerful jet of sperm exploded from his pisshole directly on the boy's nose. As Ron watched, bewildered and paralysed, Jake held his cock, pointing it at the freckled-face target.

The hot semen spurted out again and again, splashing Ronald's face on his forehead and his rosy cheeks. Jerry climaxed soon after and mixed his boyjuice with the one of the older boy. His young cock released a first viscous load on Ron's lips and continued three more times.

The two boys squeezed every last drop of cream and laughed at the result. The gooey substance was dripping from the kid's chin.

"Argghh that's gross!" cried Ron.

"Lick your lips Ronald 3; come on, taste my cum," said Jake.

Ron did as he was told and swallowed the white stuff. It tasted salty, not that bad. Still, he made a grimace knowing it came from a guy's penis.

"Never seen that before uh?" asked Jake. "You're gonna drink buckets of it this summer!"

The two older boys scrubbed away the semen with their hands and made the ten-year-old suck their fingers.

The gang walked out of the cave and Jake explained to Ron what the mysterious liquid was on their way to the lake. They all needed to wash up again.

Chapter 2

That night, Ron only ate half of his plate of meat loaf. It tasted 3; different. The evening's entertainment was pathetic. No doubt about it, he was homesick. But at the same time, he didn't wanna leave. He was learning all these new sex things and his curious mind wanted to know more.

When curfew came around, Ron was shaking. The previous day's humiliating events flashed in his head. When the black-haired general shouted: "Gather 'round girls, we're gonna play a game," he almost fainted.

The scantily clad troop dropped to the floor for what he imagined would be another round of wrestling. But this time, Jake sat with them and they made a circle on the wooden floor.

Ron looked at the underwear of the boys. Gary was wearing Jurassic Park undies with a big T-Rex on his small bulge. The two brown-haired twin brothers had identical white regular briefs. They were obviously circumcised, their dickheads were visible through the thin fabric. Jerry had a sexy red bikini brief. He was stiff again. He's always stiff Ron thought. And finally Jake was wearing blue briefs, sporting his ever present enormous lump.

"It's truth or dare tonight," said Jake. "Starting with 3; Robby."

The curly eleven-year-old sucked his bottom lip, "hmmm 3; Truth!"

"Okay," said Jake. "Remember, you cannot lie! 3; I want you to tell us if your brother ever fucked you in the ass 3; if so, how many times?"

Robby blushed immediately and looked at his brother for the proper answer.

"Don't tell him!" whispered Richie.

"Nah ah. NO cheating," barked Jake. "Come on 3; say it, say it!"

"SAY-IT, SAY-IT, SAY-IT" chanted the rest of the crowd, except for Richie.

Robby, bowed his head and spilled his guts. "Yes he did it! At least fifty times 3; in the bath, in our room, at school in the toilets 3;"

"Ahhhhhhh," laughed the crowd. Even Ronald joined in and pointed his little finger at the embarrassed boy.

"But but I fucked him too!" insisted Robby triumphantly.

"Good for you," said Jake. "Now. Gary, truth or dare?"

"Dare!" peeped the gap-toothed little imp.

"Hmmm let's see 3;" pondered Jake. He was only a little child. "Okay. You're gonna get naked, run outside until you find a kid and hump his leg like a dog for thirty seconds."

Gary smiled. This was easy. He pulled down his underwear and headed out the door. He didn't have to go far. An unsuspecting boy was going back to his cabin after a pee. He wrapped his little arms around his waist and humped his leg wildly, barking 'ruff' 'ruff' from time to time.

When he came back to the cabin, the crowd roared with laughter. The small child was grinning from ear to ear, overwhelmed by his exploit. His little dick, not bigger than a man's pinkie, was hard like a rock. Jake yanked it a few times and patted his back. "Good job Gary!"

"Truth or dare Richie?"


"I've got a good one for you," smiled Jake. "Since you didn't want your brother to talk 3; you're gonna lick his asshole! C'mon Robby, put your butt in his face!"

Robby, quite exhilarated with the idea of humiliating his brother quickly got on his feet and dropped his briefs. "Come on bro 3; do as you're told, eat my ass good!" He pushed his rear end back and let out a loud fart. The loony bunch laughed and rolled on the floor.

Richie thrust his nose between the white globes and took a quick lick at Robby's buttcrack, starting from his twin's scrotum all the way to the pink hole.

"We wanna see!" giggled Gary.

"Yeah. Spread his cheeks and stick your tongue in him!" added Jerry.

Almost crying, the eleven-year-old boy grabbed his brother's firm buns and parted them wide open. The crowd gathered around him and watched as he slowly slicked the smooth skin in between with saliva. His tongue moved to the puckered butthole and tickled the slight bumps around the tight anus. He paused a moment and pushed his slimy probe inside his brother.

"Gross! That's the poop chute!" yelled Gary as Richie tongue-fucked his twin's rectal opening.

"Hmmmm," moaned Robby. "This is great 3; it's like I have a worm wiggling in my asshole!"

Richie was doing a terrific job of rimming his opening, expanding the ring as he drove his tongue deeper and deeper. "Ooo that feels good!" he cooed looking down in front at his steely erection jutting.

Jake enjoyed the scene thoroughly. From time to time, Richie looked at him to know if his dare was over, but Jake never ordered him to stop. The teenager was in a trance. He fantasized he was between the two brothers, fucking Robby up the ass while Richie ate his shithole. After five minutes, he sadly separated the two boys.

"Truth or dare Jerry?"

"D D Dare" stammered the twelve-year-old hoping to be spared because of his closeness with the general.

"You're gonna show these young ones how to suck a dick 3; I know you are very good at it."

Jerry bowed his head and watched from the corner of his eyes the teenage master remove his briefs and sit on the couch, his proudly erect six inch [15 cm] cock resting against his belly for all to see. He spread his legs and the blond twelve-year-old boy knelt between them.

Closing his eyes, Jake felt the lips and tongue of his partner move over him, marvellously sucking his hard nipples. Quickly, the boy-slave kissed his way down his chest and started to work on his crotch, licking his ball-bag and sucking each nugget in his warm mouth.

He then began to stimulate his pulsating cock by flicking the head with his tongue, then taking the organ up to where it was comfortable, slowly withdrawing on the upstroke and fast on the stroke down. Encircling the rim of the head with his tongue and vibrating it against the sensitive underside of the glans.

"See, he's not using his teeth for this," said Jake. "He curls his lips over his braces 3; that's the way to do it."

The crowd watched silently the lesson. Jake stood up and forced Jerry to sit on his heels. He grabbed the back of his head and gently pushed his glorious tool further inside the boy's mouth.

"See now, Jerry is gonna deep-throat me!"

The young kids stared astonished as the long penis slowly disappeared inside Jerry's mouth. Two more inches [5 cm] to go. Only one. Touchdown! The entire cock was inside the boy.

Jake moved his hips back slightly and began to fuck the mouth of his friend, shoving his cock down his throat and pulling his nose in his pubes. Gradually speeding up until his big balls bounced off the kid's chin and he was choking him with his engorged organ.

Jerry opened his mouth wider and Jake almost exploded at the sight of the silvery teeth around his slimy pillar.

"Uhhhh I'm gonna shoot my wad Jerry! Uhhhhh!"

He plunged inside the boy five more times and rammed his prick to the hilt inside Jerry's throat. He grabbed the boy's ear to hold his head there. The burning fluid raced along the length of his cock and erupted down Jerry's throat. His butt tensed up with every jolt of his renewed orgasm.

Jerry moaned in distress, feeling the organ swell even more. It gushed torrents of cum inside his oesophagus like it would never stop. Jake unclogged the boy's throat and Jerry swallowed the abundant load greedily. Still, it leaked from his lips down on his chin. When Jake had finished unloading his seed, Jerry swirled his tongue around the rubbery knob to lick it clean.

Jake put back on his underwear and glanced at the startled group. He loved to play with their little minds, defile them, dominate them, and teach them dirty things like he was taught when he was their age.

Ron had been quiet for the a while. He was praying the infamous general would forget him. How stupid of him.

"Dare or dare Ronald?"

"Isn't it your turn Jake?" asked the ten-year-old.

"I don't play 3; I'm the boss here," snapped Jake. "Stay here while I fetch 3; a friend."

The tall boy ran out the door leaving the group baffled. He came back shortly after with Tiger. Tiger was the camp dog. Named that way because he was kinda orange and black. He was a very happy dog. For reasons everyone knew about, he always got an erection whenever a boy came on the porch to pat him.

"Get naked Ronald! 3; if you suck him good enough, he won't try to mount you!"

"Nooo. That's not fair," he squirmed utterly frightened.

Seeing that the boy didn't execute his will, Jake grabbed Ron's left arm while Jerry took care of his underwear. He twisted the skinny limb and Ron yelled. He twisted harder inflicting more pain to the ten-year-old until he screamed he would do it.

Naked and teary-eyed, Ron then crawled towards the excited dog. The beast's prick was poking out of his sheath of hair. No larger than Jake's prick, but unlike the thirteen-year-old's, it didn't have a helmet at the end.

The crowd giggled despite the boy's terror. Just a boy and a dog to their eyes. A terrified boy tentatively working his way underneath the animal.

Ron sniffed Tiger's groin and the smell of dog pee stung his little nose. Gathering all the courage in his small heart, he gripped the hairy base. Tiger yelped and his dog cock grew two more inches [5 cm] from the sweet touch of the boy's little fingers. Plenty of boys had played with his member. He knew if he didn't budge, the young humans would make him feel good.

"Suck it! c'mon take it in your mouth!" sang the two brothers in unison.

Ron stuck out his tongue and licked the veiny organ. It tasted yucky. Right away, the thought of having this thing in his mouth had him sobbing again. He closed his eyes and moved his mouth on the dog's penis. Tiger instinctively humped the warm cavern and pushed his weapon further inside the boy's mouth, yelping when the pointy teeth brushed his sensitive prick.

Disgusted by his dirty deed, Ron immediately started to slide his lips at a fast pace on the large piece of flesh.

'I'm sucking a dog's penis! I'm sucking a dog's penis!' The words bounced in his little head. It was like in a bad dream. Except in his dreams, he was sucking a human dick.

From time to time, he took a breather. Not long though. He wasn't an experienced cocksucker but he knew he needed to stimulate the animal's penis fast for this dare to be over. Tiger growled every time he stopped. When he continued, his dog cries of pleasure returned.

After five minutes, Ron wanted to end his deed. Shaking from the humiliation, he thrust his little mouth on the prick, sucking and licking the big member, sometimes gagging on the chunk of flesh so hard and alive.

The crowd was stroking the mutt's fur and looking under his belly at the ten-year-old sucking away, his lips stretched around the mouthful.

Ron blew always harder and faster, as if his life depended on it. He didn't expect the outburst of cum and his eyes almost popped out when the thick jet of dog sperm shot directly in his throat. He backed away.

"On no you're not! Eat it! Eat it all!!" barked Jake.

The teenager pushed his head on the dog's spurting tool. Globs of semen shot out of the end of the dog's prick into Ron's mouth, faster than he could swallow. His face turned blue and Jake allowed him to breath. Tiger continued ejaculating, releasing hot jism all over the grimacing mug of the boy.

For the second time in only eight hours, his face was covered with cum, making it look like he had on a mime's white make-up.


Later, Ron wept in his bed. He couldn't understand why Jake was always meaner to him. That boy had a stone for a heart. But what was scaring him the most was that he was starting to like it!

The moon shone on his bunk through the opened window. He could see clearly the tent over in the middle of the white sheets. Darn dickie! Hard again. He slid his hand under his underwear and began stroking his small penis with his thumb and forefinger.

The images of Richie eating his brother's bumhole and Jerry deep-throating Jake's six-inch [15 cm] prick sprung in his mind. He worked his boydick faster, faster. Ooooo the delicious feeling was there, mounting in his tiny joystick.

Totally overtaken by his pleasure, he didn't notice his bunk was creaking. 'Shit!' He stopped. But the sound continued. This time across the room. Then under him. Over there, over here. All the boys were jacking-off.

Soon the cabin was filled with grunts, beds creaking, and moans of delight, squeals, giggles and heavy breathing. An unstoppable crescendo of erotic noises. Beautiful music of the six boys masturbating, seeking relief.

The wails and cries of boyish orgasm echoed in the room and the boys of cabin 12 went to sleep with a smile on their lips.


Shortly after dinner, Ron didn't feel like playing baseball. He wasn't any good at sports, his frame was too small and he threw like a girl. Hopelessly bored, he trailed off to the cabin for an afternoon nap.

The giggles of boys invading the cabin woke him up. His heart raced. Unconsciously, he felt like it would be better for him if he pretended to sleep. At the same time he struggled to control his breathing, he lay stiff in his bunk, squinting to see who was part of the group.

They were five. Most of them he didn't know, but he recognized Jerry with the braces and Brent, the boy he had met on the bus. He still looked wonderful. His young hunky chest was bared and his blue eyes were shining like the eyes of a cat in darkness.

They obviously had not seen him for they began to talk loud.

"Mine has grown an inch [2½ cm]!" bawled a boy.

"Hey, I'm gonna beat you again this year 3;" said a twelve-year-old black kid.

Silently, Ron watched them unzip their shorts and pulled them down with their underpants to their ankles. In a matter of seconds, five flaccid hairless boydicks were exposed to his sleepy eyes.

The boys examined themselves shyly, searching for the biggest penis. Brent had a hefty set of balls but his young circumcised cock was shorter than the one of the black boy. This other kid had a slim long dick but you could tell he was cheating, he was half-erect. Jerry had a large shaft yet he couldn't compete with the black kid.

"Looks like I win again!" said the black boy.

"Not fair Rodney!" denounced Jerry. "Mine may be shorter now 3; but when it's hard I betcha it's bigger than yours!"

"Don't cry," said Rodney. "Let's do it again, this time, with a boner 3; I'm game!"

The boys agreed and they began to beat their meat. Each one making a fist around his erect peter to massage it roughly.

Ron couldn't believe his eyes. He was witnessing his first circle jerk. The boy's round bums were beautiful, all white and contrasting against the golden colour of their legs and backs, the firm flesh contracting with every muscle spasm.

In front, their fists were flying on the vibrant flesh. One lad had his tongue sticking out. Another one was grunting. The black boy was groaning: "OHHH ohhh OHHH Ohhh." Jerry was smiling and gorgeous Brent's head was tossed back on his shoulders.

"Let's see now!" said Jerry.

The group cross-examined themselves. Rodney's cock was still the biggest. Seven inches [18 cm] for a twelve-year-old! Definitely a Camp Wanafuk record. Jerry didn't even come close with five inches [12½ cm]. Brent tied him.

"I can't stop man!" smiled Brent. "I gotta get off!"

"Me too," seconded Jerry. "Okay. The last guy who comes eats everything!"

With that, they all continued to jack-off, attacking their young penises with a vengeance. They all knew their camp mates could unload and nobody wanted to be the poor fellow who would have to do the clean up.

Their grunts were animalistic as they strangled their pricks. They rubbed fast their swollen red knob, giving a wild ride to their dangling testicles. Some of the frenzied boys bucked their hips like they were fucking something invisible, grimacing from the intensity of the friction.

Their slim bodies jerked madly with the urgency of their journey, the ultimate goal seconds away. Every one of them looked at their crotch as if saying 'C'mon fuckin' prick, shoot!'

Brent's cries of pleasure rung out first. His lovely pulsating cock released a gigantic gush of semen, splashing the legs of the boy in front of him. A younger kid orgasmed second and shot his timid offering in the middle of the circle.

Rodney convulsed third and the white cream flew out of his brown knob into the air. The three boys milked their dicks again and again, siphoning the sperm out of their scrotum and onto the pine floor.

"It's between Jerry and Sam," observed Brent.

"Go go go!" the three relieved boys chanted.

Jerry jacked his glans so hard, the whole crown was crimson red. All his efforts were in vain though. Sam shot his seed straight ahead leaving him all alone with his hard dick in his hand. He came anyway, adding four more ounces of boyjuice to the puddles already there on the floor.

"Fuck man," he whined. "If I had known I would have lost the contest, I wouldn't have suggested it in the first place!"

It was quite a mess. Sperm everywhere. He knelt and began to slurp the musky substance while the boys squeezed the last drops of it out of their softening dicks. It glistened on his braces when he smiled at the crowd, trying to look as if he didn't mind.

Sam, an avid sperm drinker joined him, lapping away and grinning. When they all scurried out the door, Ron jumped to his feet. There wasn't any traces left of what had happened minutes before.

Chapter 3

The images of the boys masturbating so openly were burned in Ronald's mind. In fact, they were the fuel to a lot of his sessions of onanism in the days to follow. Especially since cute and friendly Brent had been part of the group.

For many evenings, the usual games were not played in cabin 12. The monitors had come up with the brilliant idea of showing flicks in the camp church. The young tribe feasted on all of them. How long can a boy go without visual stimulation?

The corny choice was a treat: Benji, Bad News Bears, E.T., Never-ending Story 1 and 2, Treasure Island.

Sure enough, a lot of the mischievous brats found ways to make sexual innuendos and lewd remarks during many scenes of this wholesome package. The boys would also take turns sitting in the back rows to watch nudy pictures and jack-off under the cover of darkness.

So of course, when the cinema shows stopped, Ron went back to his old frightened self. He dreaded the general's games.

"It's gonna be a blast tonight! 3; We'll separate the men from the little boys!" snickered Jake.

The tall teen scanned the floor where the underwear-clad kids were sitting like Indians in front of him. With a quick forward thrust, he threw his hand at the crowd. A wooden clothespin was displayed proudly in the middle of his palm.

"Okay 3; This is the plan. One by one, you're gonna sit on the coffee table and snap this baby to your ball-bag for thirty seconds 3; If you fail, you get the cabin 12 punishment."

"Ooooouch!" cooed Jerry, fully aware of how painful it was.

"Do it Jerry!" said Jake.

The blond twelve-year-old jumped up. His butt landed on the table with a thump. He spread his legs and pulled out his ball-sack from the hem of his briefs. The heavy purse, still hairless, hung down from the gravity.

Jake clamped the clothespin to the loose skin and looked at his watch to time the boy. Ten seconds 3; fifteen seconds 3; The dull pain was radiating in Jerry's loins. Twenty seconds 3; He hissed and bit his lips. "Is it time Jake?" Twenty-five seconds 3; "Is it 3; Is it now?"

"Yup. You did it 3; thirty seconds!"

Jerry removed the painful device. The skin was crushed and red where the clothespin had been placed. Meanwhile, Jake sat Gary and took out himself his little balls. The eight-year-old squirmed on the table. Jerry knelt in front of the child and clamped the clothespin on his tender skin.

Gary yelped and stared intensely between his short legs. "Aoooooo," he moaned. His little toes cramped up from the atrocious torture and soon tears poured out of his little eyes. Every agonizing second seemed like an hour.

"Thirty seconds!" cheered Jake. "That's very good!"

Gary leaped up and removed the clothespin. These were the nicest words he'd heard in years. He rubbed the pain away from the afflicted area, fidgeting on his barefeet.

"Your turn Ronald!" barked the stern thirteen-year-old. "I know you'll fail 3; you're such a spud."

Teary-eyed and trembling, Ron pulled out his smooth nuts. When the clothespin's jaws bit his skin, he yelled and threw it on the floor. "Argghh! it hurts!" he wept.

"You're such a weasel!" said Robby.

"Yeah. Even little Gary did the thirty seconds 3;" added his brother.

"You'll have to be punished for your cowardliness now Ronald," grinned Jake. "Grab him!"

Ron diverted towards the door but the ten tiny hands gripped him and pushed him on the couch. He felt his underpants slide down his legs. Once again, he was naked and helpless. The feverish gang began to grope his privates roughly and punch him as he swirled on the couch, kicking and crying. He could hear them laugh around him.

"Get the rope!"

"Are we gonna fuck him?"

"Let's put a baseball bat in his ass!"

Despite his efforts, his hands were tied behind his back. The cord burned his fragile wrists. Jake closed his legs and tied them too. He was like a calf at a rodeo.

"Uhhh Leave me alone pleaaaaaaaasssse," he begged.

The strong general of the troop raised his skinny body off the sofa and bent him over with a karate chop to his stomach. His little butt was sticking out at the audience now, round and pale.

He shivered awaiting the humiliating rite he was gonna be forced to submit to. His face buried in the cushion, he tried to listen to the dim noises behind him. Whispers, chuckles and all of sudden 3;


"AOWWWWW!" he screamed.

He'd been hit with something! The pain stung his bottom and the sound from the blow resonated in his ears. He turned his face to find out the source of such suffering, just in time to see Jake handing a large paddle to Robby. The next boy was obviously itching to have a go with the wooden board, he swung it in the air like a sword, his eyes aimed at the fleshy target he was presenting.


"AOWWWWWWWWW!" he screamed again, this time with an hint of terror.

The thick paddle was about five inches [12½ cm] wide but not too heavy, a perfect instrument of chastisement. The next boy, Jerry used it with the brutality of a Viking on his bare-ass.


He whimpered in the cushion and pleaded them to stop, but the gleeful boys just laughed at his misery and urged Richie to deliver the next blow.


His knees sagged from the powerful strokes. His whole behind was like a mass of raw nerves.


Even little Gary managed to extirpate a yelp out of him. 'That was it' he thought. All the boys had taken a turn at hitting his rump. He imagined already his soothing hands rubbing his throbbing buns. Then 3;



Two blows even harder than the ones he'd already received brought him back to reality. He recognized the signature of Jake's forceful vigour. They were all going at it again, hollering and cheering each other to give the hit that would make him yell loud enough to wake the whole state.

For what seemed like forever to Ron, they spanked his sore butt with two atrocious strokes, sometimes taking a few steps before they brought down the wooden plank. All over his small behind, the angry red marks of the cruel paddling were appearing like magic.

The clamour of the crowd faded a little after Gary finished his business then intensified again for the third round. It was like they were possessed. The punishment continued this time with three agonizing blows from every boy.

On the verge of passing out, Ron just sobbed in the cushion, the constant pain a humiliating reminder of his position. They were gonna turn his buttocks into ground beef he thought and he couldn't do anything to stop them even if he tried. He just lay there, yelping with every stinging whack.

After his ordeal, he didn't look at them and climbed on his bunk. The brothers giggled seeing his butt red all over and glowing. He stretched on his tummy and went to sleep.


"You wanna go on the lake? 3; . I'll paddle."

"I dunno," shuddered Ron upon hearing the 'P' word.

"C'mon, I won't eat you!" smiled Brent, " 3; unless you want me to?"

Ron couldn't resist that boyish grin. He climbed in the rowboat with the hunkiest boy at camp, staring at the bulge in his green Bermuda-style swimming trunks. The vivid memory of how his penis looked rushed back to his mind. He could tell what every bump was hiding.

Brent's eyes travelled along the slender legs of the ten-year-old and stopped at his waist, admiring the sexy red Speedo on his loins. He had loved the kid at first site on the bus. He could tell he wasn't like the other boys. They acted friendly but he knew better, he wasn't dumb. He knew they wanted to hang out with him because he was a babe-magnet. His handsome face, trendy haircut and deep blue eyes like Elijah Wood's had girls stumbling at his feet constantly in the school corridors.

Sure, he enjoyed the attention at first but it soon turned into a nightmare when he discovered he liked boys more, young boys. Many nights, he cried in his pillow, unable to face the role of the school queer. Yet, he couldn't turn off his attraction, he had no way of controlling his impulses.

Sometimes, he went to the batting cage and hit baseballs as hard as he could to unleash his rage. The rage that took over his body every time he recalled the first time. It seemed to him it was that day that all his problems began, that he became what he is.

He had just ran half a mile [800 m] in the rain with his cousin Billy. As they removed their damp clothes, the eight-year-old had asked him casually: "Ever suck a dick Brent? 3; I wonder how it would taste?"

That afternoon, they had explored their wet bodies, caressed every centimetre, touched every spot that felt good and finally sucked each other's dicks until they were red and raw. From that day on, he had an insatiable cock-crave.

The half-naked boy sitting in front of him on the bench was arousing him fiercely. He was still pasty white like the day he met him on the bus. Oh god. He wanted the boy to suck him. He longed to rub his dickhead on his freckled-face, on the blond fleece of tiny pins that was his hair. At the same time, he kept thinking of a place to take him, to play with his small body.

"How come you're so white Ron?" he inquired. "Haven't you been outside playing over the last week?"

"Uh? Well, sometimes 3; but mostly I stay in the cabin. The kids are mean to me."

"I won't be mean to ya 3;"

Ron smiled, a wide grin illuminating his small mug. The boat bumped the shore and Brent jumped out.

"My arms are dead! I have to rest for a while," he exclaimed.

He walked in the forest with Ron tagging along. The old abandoned house was still there, sagging on one side.

"They say this place is haunted by a killer 3;"

"Uh?" peeped Ronald with inquisitive eyes.

"Yup. In 1956, Weird Willy strangled a camper, but they didn't have enough evidence to convict him. The angry town's folks reunited and saw to it that justice was done. They came to his house and chopped him to death with an axe. True story. I swear."

Ron puffed out his chest trying to look brave. "Let's go in."

Brent smiled in his head. He could see the terror in the boy's eyes. It was nice to see the ole tale still worked. Moments from now, the kid would be cuddling him like a toddler.

They entered the house plastered with cobwebs. Brent made ghost noises and tickled the small boy until they collapsed on the floor in each other's arms, giggling.

"I think you have a bone in your swim suit Ron 3;"

"You too!" blushed the blond boy.

Brent took the hand of the nervous ten-year-old and dragged him up the stairs. There were three rooms on the second floor. He walked over to the one with a bed and jumped on it. Resting his head against the wall, he called the child over with open arms.

Ron paused a second. The old bed was stinking. Everything was happening so fast. He longed to be cradled in Brent's arms but at the same time he knew it wasn't right to be hugged by a guy, to enter forbidden territories.

He squirmed his way to the older boy and he pulled him over on his tall body. Ronald could feel the warmth of Brent's belly under his back, his calm breathing on his neck and his hard cock jammed in his buttcrack.

Brent cuddled the boy and kissed his rosy cheek. The nice feeling was there again. The one where you don't have a care in the world and all that counts is the present moment. He nibbled the boy's ear and whispered: "I love you." Ron moaned softly, reassuring him. He ran his hand on his undeveloped torso, down to his red Speedo where he caressed the kid's pouch.

With both hands, he slid the skin-tight swimsuit down to the child's knees, lowering it gently and listening to his heartbeat to see if he was scared. The kid's deflated penis was right there, waiting for his hand to pleasure it. He caressed tenderly the hairless genitals to wake the tiny organ and it grew between his fingers like a flower coming out of the snow to greet the sun at springtime.

Ron sighed with pleasure. He looked down at the luscious fingers of the twelve-year-old massaging his balls, stroking his dick and playing with his foreskin. He was gonna explode! When his penis had expanded to maximum capacity, the hand began to masturbate him amorously. Then faster and faster, squeezing his small three-inch [7½ cm] tube.

His toes curled up as Brent brought his pleasure up a notch by pinching his nipples with his free hand or kneading his ball-sack meanwhile maintaining the same rhythm on his penis. A river of surprise was flowing through his body, good sensations he never really had considered before.

He was beginning to jerk on Brent's body and the boy stopped stroking him. Brent wanted to build up his pleasure, to give him the most powerful orgasm of his young life. Rolling the child to his side, he slid his Speedo the rest of the way and threw it on the floor before removing his own bathing suit.

His young five-inch [12½ cm] penis was hard like granite, oozing pre-cum from its swollen tip. Without missing a beat, he spread Ron's legs wide and leaned to touch with his tongue the tiny cockhead of his small pecker. Ron moaned, bug-eyed from the anticipation of his first blowjob.

Brent swallowed the entire length until his upper lip brushed against the smooth skin of his pubes. He swirled his tongue on the upstroke sending the young boy on the edge.

"Ohhhhh that's so good!" cried Ronald. He now realized how the dog must have felt when he blew him.

Brent bobbed his head on the hard boycock, sucking like a vacuum and leaving a trail of spit as his lips moved up and down. The boy was bucking his hips to meet his hungry mouth.

Beads of sweat broke out over their bodies. The young lad was like putty in the hands of a professional cocksucker like Brent, the older male's pumping action bringing him on the brink of release. Methodically, he paused to lick his balls and perineum before he continued sucking again. The twelve-year-old could read him like a map. It was like he was totally in synch with Ron's blooming climax.

The undeniable signs of pleasure were clearly visible on the ten-year-old. His feet pointing, his fingers clenching the sheets and his eyes glazed.

Brent put the child's right leg over his shoulder and inserted a wet finger in his tiny asshole before resuming his work. Ron tensed up at first but soon let the waves of delight of the anal stimulation combine with the ones of Brent's lips on his penis. He could feel the digit move around the skin of his anus and slither inside his rectum to rub his small prostate.

It was time now. Brent finger-fucked him madly and sucked the tip of his dick, pulling out all the tricks, using his tongue to rub the underside of the glans.

"OOOhhhhh Ohhhhhh OHhhhhhhhh Ohhhh," cried Ron like a siren.

Brent felt the boy's rod grow stiffer and he peaked, twitching all over. Gurgles rose from his throat. He came long and hard, bouncing on the bed with every spasm of his ass muscles. His face grimaced with each jolt of his dry orgasm, as if he was having a seizure.

Both boys were drained. Brent lay his back on the bed and Ron rested his blond head on his flat chest. Gently, he played with the older boy's stiff tool. His stubby fingers caressed the turgid flesh. The gentle touch of an angel. His way of thanking him for the best experience of his life.

Already, his own dick was getting hard and poking Brent's thigh. He looked up at the boy's face and without saying a word, he knew what Brent needed. He gripped the beautiful boy's cock and lowered his lips over it.

The sweet pre-cum juice tasted much better than the dog's fluid. Brent pushed the back of his shaved head forcing half of his dick inside his mouth. He didn't mind. He wanted to pleasure his new friend as much as he had for him.

Trying to remember how Brent had done it, he moved his tongue all around the swollen head. Brent moaned and caressed his little ass to show him he was doing right. He wrapped his lips around the shaft and sucked firmly, taking more and more of the penis in his mouth every time he bobbed his head.

He sucked steadily and the big cockhead hit the back of his throat. But he wanted more! He released the base of Brent's penis and let the tip invade his passage until his lower lip connected with the boy's ball-sack. He had it all.

Brent shuddered. He couldn't believe the object of his affection was taking his entire prick in the depth of his mouth. Ron pulled back and smiled from the exploit he had accomplished without gagging. He engulfed the five inches [12½ cm] between his slippery lips a few more minutes and then worked the engorged head, twirling his tongue on the crown, sucking air to ensure a strong suction on the sensitive knob.

"Ohhhhhh I'm gonna come Ron!" Brent cried. "Do that again!"

Ron sucked the tip faster and faster. Brent writhed on the bed. He knew it was his time to go to heaven. Gripping the base of the cock to stroke it firmly, Ron sucked faster than never before. The organ was like metal in his tiny hands.

Brent groaned and Ron felt the pulses of his dick in his hand as it spurted two quick loads of cream on his tongue. He held the cock in his mouth as best as he could while the boy trashed on the mattress. His mouth was full with his jism. He emptied it with one gulp and felt the slimy semen run down his throat.

No sooner had he swallowed that the spasming cock shot more tasty cum in his small cavity. Ron ate everything his friend had to offer, not letting one drop get away. They cuddled together for the next hour, beaming, in a warm embrace.


One afternoon, Ron was lonely. The kids kept pinching his ass and his high-pitched cries made everyone laugh at him. He went looking for Brent. Ever since they had been intimate, he was like his shadow, following him around everywhere. After an hour, he determined his search would be fruitless. So as usual, he vanished to cabin 12 for his daily nap.

As he pushed the door ajar, he saw Richie sleeping naked on his bunk. 'Ooops'. For a second, he thought he was shagging the mattress because he was moving slowly. Hey! there was somebody with him, actually, underneath him! 'How unusual?' he thought.

It was the boy's brother, Robby, moaning softly as Richie hovered over him. 'Yikes! They were doing it!'

"I'm inside completely Robby!" he heard.

"Uhhh 3; fuck me quick before somebody comes."

"Nobody's gonna come 3; I'M gonna come!"

Ron watched silently through the slit. He could see Richie's four inch [10 cm] cock lodged to the root in his brother's ass. Robby spread his legs giving him a perfect view of the anal coitus that was about to begin. The boy wiggled his ass and the hard weapon began sliding slowly in and out, the anal ring contracting with every languorous movement.

"Uhhh harder! harder Rich!"

The curly boy surely wasn't gonna disappoint his twin. He grabbed his shoulders and shoved himself inside his rectum. The bed bumped against the wall. *BANG* *BANG* *BANG*

"Like that? You like it like that eh?" he smiled wickedly.

"Ohh yessss," Robby moaned.

Ron closed his eyes to make sure he wasn't dreaming. When he opened them up, the heap of tanned bodies was still there, Richie supporting himself on his hands and toes as if he was doing push-ups on top of his brother.

The two eleven-year-olds had obviously done this many times before. There wasn't any innocence in their gestures. Robby was pushing his ass up to meet his brother's thrust, ensuring a deep penetration in his bowels. Richie was burying his nails in the tender flesh of his twin, biting his neck and growling like a wolf.

Ron saw the lubrication they had used leak out of Robby's brownhole as Richie plowed the red opening at an incredible pace, his balls slapping loudly against the firm buns. The flesh of the young boy's ass was quivering with every contact of his brother's hips.

"Ohhhh that's it! I'm gonnnnnaaa cummmm," cried Robby.

The bed was now hitting rhythmically the wall and Ron wondered if it would fall over to expose these two naughty rascals.

It looked to him like Richie was an accomplished buttfucker. Of course, he wasn't aware that Richie knew the proper angle to fuck his brother's ass. The curb in his cock was perfect to rub his little prostate and make him melt in ecstasy.

"Ohh yeah! Ohhh fuck me! Ohh fuck me!"

Mouth agape, Robby drowned in the pleasure of the anal onslaught. His erect penis was getting massaged on the mattress and the familiar tingling grew in his cockhead. A few more jabs were all he needed.

He screamed with delight. The sweet pain was worth every second of the thundering orgasm washing over him. His body jerked on the bed with less and less intensity until he lay motionless.

Richie had noticed his brother's climax. He could always tell when he came. Even though, there was nothing coming out of his penis, he knew that when he opened his mouth wide and stopped breathing, he was coming.

The loose sphincter was not stimulating enough for his young cock. He asked his brother to close his legs and hold them tight. The boy obliged since he wanted his brother to get off now that he had been happy.

When Robby moved his legs together, his anus clamped on Richie's shaft. He could buttfuck him now, hard and fast until he reached paradise. With the efforts of a titan he continued pistonning his brother's rectum.

"Come in my ass! Argghh c'mon! come NOW!"

Richie bounced on the boy a few more minutes and reached the pre-orgasm period. He had to fuck quickly now. Real fast and steady for the pleasure to flow. The bed banged furiously. Richie groaned and collapsed on his brother as his penis shot blanks up his fanny. His little white butt tensed up and the pleasure subsided.

They remained like that for the next moment, their chest heaving. When they got up to recover their clothes, Ron ran away. The grunts echoed in his head. Feeling a little scared and indisposed, he went looking for a friendly face to clean up his mind, but he never found one.

Chapter 4

Halfway through summer camp, the rumours leaked from other cabins. It was said that there was wild orgies in cabins 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 13 and everything above that number where the older boys were located.

Numerous personal accomplishments were also mentioned along with the general gossip. It was said that, apparently, that in cabin 8, a ten-year-old would sing 'Like a Virgin' dressed like Madonna for a couple of quarters. The obscene spectacle was staged on his cot and included the intromission of various oblong objects in his ass.

In cabin 1, an eleven-year-old repeated the feat of self-sucking every night for anybody who was interested. In cabin 3, a seven year-old could take as much as eight inches [20 cm] of boymeat in his butt without flinching and in cabin 8, the older mates had discovered that they had amidst the group an eight-year-old who enjoyed getting spanked for hours.

Somehow, Ronald felt better knowing that he wasn't the only one suffering from the inane pranks and cruel games. That feeling was coupled with the lighter atmosphere in his own cabin.

All the boys were more open and friendly as time flew by. A certain intimacy developed amongst them. They were running around pretty much naked all the time, especially the twin brothers who were accustomed to spending vacations at a nudist resort. They often fondled themselves openly singing: 'A spring! a spring! a wonderful thing 3; everyone knows it's Slinky!'

It seemed Jake had loosened up on Ron. He guessed he had gotten used to having a sissy under his command. The evening's games were replaced by lessons on how to masturbate properly. The youngest boy, Gary, was often used to show new techniques since it was so funny to watch him squeal and jerk when he climaxed. The fact that he could come as much as ten times in three hours eventually turned him into the ideal practice dummy.

They also attempted self-sucking. The only boy who was supple enough to succeed was Jerry but even then he only managed to put the tip of his five-inch [12½ cm] cock between his lips.

In desperation, they began to suck each other off. Ron squirmed a little at first. He didn't mind having Brent's penis every day in his mouth but these were the brutal torturers who had humiliated him so many times before.

The first public blowjob he gave was to Jerry. He remembered long after the intense stares all around him as he bobbed his head on the thick shaft. There were even three boys from other cabins he didn't know which made him nervous.

Later, it was his duty every night to suck Jake and Jerry at the same time, jumping from one erection to the other. Meanwhile, Gary would suck the twin brothers across the room.

The twins were always turned on. They often brought Ron back at the cabin during the day for a quick fellatio. He liked to suck their dicks. They couldn't ejaculate yet and afterwards they would both suck on his little peter until he reached a bumpy climax. The double stimulation by the brothers was paradise. While one would work his tiny prick, the other one nibbled his balls or licked his asshole.

Sometimes, he feared they would rape him. He had seen then have anal intercourse again and he knew from the way the boys at camp talked around him that a virgin anus like he had was a delicacy. But they didn't.

As promised by the general, sperm became a major part of his nutrition. He lost count of how many times, Brent, Jake and Jerry shot their voluminous load down his throat. By then, he figured he had drunk as much as a gallon [4 liter].

All in all, everything was going great. He never imagined boy-sex could be so exciting and pleasurable. But this newfound happiness was dampened.

One night, while he peed behind the cabin, Jake approached and looked at him as he relieved himself. Ron didn't care. After all, the older boy had seen his dick before. He shook the last drops and smiled.

"Get on your knees 3; and open your mouth," shouted Jake.

Ron thought it was odd for the black-haired teenager to ask for a Blowjob outside. He knelt with his underwear still down and made a perfect 'O' with his mouth. Jake took out his limp prick and shoved it in his mouth.

Instinctively, Ron's lips clamped up on the cockhead and began sucking the rubbery flesh. Jake grinned wickedly, he had the blond boy were he wanted. He grabbed his head and started pissing in his mouth. The hot urine filled his little cavity.

"C'mon drink up!" he laughed.

Ron felt all the progress he had gained with his tormentor fade away in a second. He was back to square one. But this time, he wasn't gonna give him the pleasure of humiliating him again. He smiled and drank the bitter liquid as if he enjoyed it.

Jake was bewildered. He pulled out his cock and splashed the boy's freckled-face with his urine.

"In my mouth!" defied Ronald.

Jake guided the yellow stream in the boy's mouth and watched him swallow. It didn't overflow. He couldn't believe the ten-year-old was thirty for this.

When the last drops spilled out of his piss slit, Ron said "Thanks," and strolled away. The puny boy had become a true Wanafuk camper.


With every passing day, Brent loved even more little Ronald. They met in the privacy of the thick forest for quick blow jobs, a strange communion, a short encounter to remind them of their unquenchable desires for each other. But what Brent enjoyed the most was going to the abandoned haunted house and caress the ten-year-old's baby soft skin, suck his toes, tickle him and get high from his boyish giggles.

Summer camp was almost over and Brent decided to increase their visits to Weird Willy's house. The boy complied happily. One particular day, they sneaked away from the touch football game and hurried to the abandoned place.

They jumped out of the rowboat already naked and ran to their secret hideaway where they twirled on the dirty bed, hugging passionately. Ron moved over the tall boy and assumed their regular 69 position, taking his stiff circumcised prick in his mouth. At the other end, Brent parted his firm buttocks and darted his tongue at his pink boyhole.

Brent loved to rim his hole. After two weeks of this, it was loose enough for two of his fingers to enter and stimulate his prostate. He licked his way down to his little balls and sucked on them, one at a time then both together. By the time he had finished, Ron's three inch [7½ cm] dick was rock hard with the foreskin totally rolled back behind his crown.

He took the little boy's penis between his lips and Ron moaned, a barely audible 'hmmmmmmmmmmm' muffled by the five inches [12½ cm] of meat inside his throat.

They sucked in unison, listening to the slurping noises in order to achieve a perfectly identical rhythm. When they did, it was like magic. It's as if each boy was sucking his own cock, feeling the same pleasure.

Usually they stayed together like that for hours, pausing a while in between orgasms before going at it again. But suddenly, Ron rolled off his older partner. Brent raised his head.

"Tired?" he asked.

"No 3; I just wanna try something else 3; uh 3;"

"Anything you want."

"Well 3; you know when you put your fingers in my bottom 3; it feels really nice 3; I wonder if you could stick your dick in my butt! 3; but I'm scared 3; I've seen Robby and Rich do it and it looks painful 3;"

"Not if you do it right," frowned Brent. "See. My dick is already covered with your spit 3; and I'll lick your asshole again 3; it's gonna go in easy."

Ron hesitated and sheepishly said: "Okay."

"I promise I won't hurt you," Brent smiled. "Lay on your back and bring your legs to your chest 3; that way I'll be able to see your face and make sure everything's swell."

Ron's heart began to pound. Even though his lover promised it wouldn't hurt, he knew it would. That big thing sticking out between his legs was larger than any finger. He anxiously imagined how it would feel as it invaded his guts, the hardness and heat filling him. Once, he had shoved GI-Joe's head in there. The horrendous pain was still crystal clear in his mind.

He did as Brent explained, shivering from fright and excitement. With his feet in the air, the twelve-year-old had complete access to his tiny shithole. Brent licked his 'outie', stopped a second to taste his erect thingy and went down to slick his butthole with saliva.

"You'll have to relax or else it won't go in Ron 3; Do like you wanna take a dump 3; that's it."

Ron practiced relaxing his sphincters as Brent spit in his puckered hole and spread the lubricant all around his anal ring. The tall boy moved forward and hoisted his short legs on his shoulders. His hard-on was aimed directly at the entrance of his little ass. He shuddered.

Brent pushed his straining cock in the virgin anus and met the resistance of the little muscle. "Ohhh relax Ron 3;" The tensed boy gasped for air and let the big intruder enter him. The big knob enlarged his butthole slowly and popped in his rectum.

"Oooooooo it hurts!" he grimaced. "Uhhh Don't stop! I want it!"

Brent forced his cock inside the young boy, one centimetre at a time, and watched him clench his teeth and bury his fingers in the underside of his thighs. It was without a doubt, the tightest hole he'd ever penetrated.

Slowly, he mounted the boy, plunging his hard organ inside of him. The narrow rectum was hot like a furnace. He pushed more and his balls touched the mounds of the boy's butt. His cock was in to the hilt. They were one now. He paused a few seconds to let the kid get used to having his anus dilated.

"Uhhhh," moaned Ron. "Uhhh Okay 3; I'm ready 3; Uhhh, you can fuck me."

Brent kissed his neck and cheeks and gently withdrew his penis out of the tight hole. The skin was strangling his shaft. His five-inch [12½ cm] prick felt so big inside such a little opening. When two inches [5 cm] had come out, he pushed his cock back in completely, fast this time. Ron yelped.

He repeated the process again and again, gradually taking out more of his aching cock before shoving it inside the boy's ass. An incredible lust took over his body, the urge to pump hard and fast that little ass, to deflower painfully the virgin boy. But his love for Ron was stronger. He could already hear his wails of pain and didn't wanna hurt him more.

"Ohhhhh it's goooood!" moaned Ron feeling the stirrings of sexual pleasure grow in his groin. "Fuck me harder!" he screamed remembering Robby's words. Blood rushed to his little dick giving it back the hardness it had lost. He crossed his feet behind Brent's neck and the boyhunk hoisted himself over him, driving his big cock almost at ninety degrees in his asshole.

Brent slammed his full length a couple of times in Ron and looked to see if he was ok. He smiled. The boy was opening himself more and more to him. He gripped his undeveloped shoulders and began sodomizing him steadily, ramming his cock home. Their grunts filled the house with every wonderful stroke.

Ron's breath grew short. The weight of bigger boy bouncing on him was squashing him in the mattress. He felt totally possessed by his lover. The long slippery cock plowed deep into him, rubbing his prostate and tickling the nerve endings of his anus.

"Fuck me!" he yelled with his boyish voice. "Yesss faster!"

Brent thrust his cock in the moist tunnel as commanded. Beads of sweat flew out from his pores onto the young boy. Ron's small body shook like a puppet with every assault of his hard weapon until he screamed to stop and take a break.

Brent didn't welcome the interlude but still he kissed the boy and pulled out his penis. Ronald's hole was red and quivering.

"Maybe you can sit on it and take as much you want?" he suggested.

The small boy straddled his chest and played with his nipples a moment, assessing the soreness of his gaping butthole. They kissed for five minutes, swirling their tongues in each other's mouths.

"I'm ready again," he giggled.

All that was necessary was a slight lift of his behind to find Brent's cockhead. He positioned the big organ in front of his opening with his fingers and slowly lowered his bony ass on it.

Moaning and cooing, he impaled himself on the slimy pillar until he had the full length of his partner's prick inside. "Ohhhhhh," moaned Brent in return, feeling the clenching asshole slide down on his pole.

Ron paused a second, his eyes closed, enjoying the bliss of their union. He raised his butt and slammed it down. Then a little faster, moving his ass a little higher, then higher, then harder. Before, he even was aware of it, he was bouncing on his lover.

His little hairless dick was pointing ahead. He wrapped his fingers around it and began to masturbate wildly with Brent's cock embedded inside his butt.

Brent grinned at the boy. He was going nuts, fucking his dick a one hundred miles, bouncing on it as if he was horse-riding, wailing and stroking his tiny penis. All their energy was concentrated in the middle of their bodies. Ron's sweaty face was flushed and his whole body was twitching. He looked like he was gonna literally explode into pieces of vibrant boy flesh.

Waves of pleasure wracked their bodies, their impending orgasm just seconds away. Brent felt the familiar sensations in his over-stimulated penis and grabbed the boy's legs behind the knees. Ron's cries were making him crazy. He shook his head left and right feeling the pleasure about to peak.

As Ron halted abruptly to savour his pre-pubescent climax, Brent raised his hips and buried his cock deep inside of him for his own relief.

They came together. The ten-year-old's high-pitched cries spewed from his opened mouth. It sounded like he was pleading. His body jerked, his penis pulsed to shoot the seed that wasn't there and his tight nut-sack shrivelled. Soon, he collapsed on the twelve-year-old in the afterglow of the most intense jolts of his life.

Brent's penis was erupting in his bowels, spraying the walls of his insides with burning boycum. He could feel the creamy semen race inside the tube lodged in his anus. It spurted again and again, filling his guts.

With one last convulsion, Brent's orgasm faded away. He caressed the boy's spine with tender brushes of the tips of his fingers. They stayed locked together for a while without saying a word, letting their penises soften slowly, their minds floating aimlessly away from the frenzy.

The bell indicating suppertime echoed across the lake.

"Shit! We're late!" jumped Brent.

Chapter 5

The collective buzz shrouding the summer campers was amazing. It seemed a majority of them had lost interest in the regular activities. Hiking, sailing, canoeing was out. The quest for viperine snakes slithering in the muddy waters of the forest streams was replaced by the exploration of similar looking wiggly things 3; in their shorts. Much more fun to play with.

Some played nude volleyball on the beach. The monitors didn't mind of course. Boys will be boys. The skin of the athletic kids turned a nice golden brown from the hours of playing in the sun. They were the favourites of the older teenagers understandably.

Ron wasn't immune to the sexual energy surrounding him. He surprised himself by befriending a boy his age he didn't even know. The brown-haired ten-year-old was even more bashful than him! Something he had a hard time believing.

He coaxed the boy into a little boy-sex. They found themselves in his cabin, hiding under the sheets of his bed. There, they undressed and touched their privates, laughing nervously. Ron had to do all the first moves which was highly unusual for him. He put the boy's small erect pecker in his mouth and sucked on it. The reluctant kid moaned.

For the rest of the afternoon, they sucked each other off several times, never coming out from under the white tent for air. The little boy did a good job on Ron's penis. He didn't feel his little pointy teeth once on his sensitive glans and concluded the boy's alleged shyness and innocence was a fraud.

Back in cabin 12, the pranks and games continued. Jake and his sidekick Jerry used his sneakers has a receptacle for their loads of sperm. When he wasn't looking, they tossed off in them. Ron resigned himself to walking barefeet all the time.

The most humiliating was when he was dragged to another cabin by the general, usually a cabin with older boys. In front of the strangers, he had to drop his shorts and masturbate until he came. The threats of another paddling had him making all sort of crazy stuff to please Jake. The teenagers would laugh at him and point his tiny cock, calling it a pencil.

Thank god he had Brent. His lover was his life force helping him making it through all the madness. Then again, he couldn't deny he enjoyed some of the sex-play. Sucking on big cocks wasn't that bad and sometimes they'd suck his.


Ron slept like a log the last week of camp. He was exhausted all the time. His days were filled with catching frogs, having sex with Brent and doing gang blowjobs in the evening.

He didn't even budge when Jake and the two brothers kidnapped his body from the upper bunk in the middle of the night. It was little Gary's screeching that did the trick. He opened his eyes in the darkness to find blurred silhouettes giggling around him.

"He's awake!" whispered someone.

Ron just had time to see the three naked boys around him that Jake jumped his bones and clamped his large hand on his mouth.

"Don't scream," he ordered. "You think you're big now uh? drinking piss without crying uh? we'll see about that eh eh."

Small hands began to work on him, pulling down his underwear and spreading his legs. He trashed and kicked in a futile attempt to discourage his tormentors. Gary was complaining loudly across the room. He struggled to escape from underneath the muscular thirteen-year-old and that's when he saw Gary. He was bent over the couch and Jerry was ramming his young hairless cock in his small virgin butt.

Ron pitied the kid for getting deflowered in such a revolting way. He wished that Brent could have gotten to him first and make him experience all the sensuality he was capable of. For a second, he forgot he was gonna get assraped too, the strong hands of Jake were caressing his ribs and kneading his buttocks almost lovingly.

The big boy laid forward on him and Ron cried. He could feel the big hard cock rubbing against his tender bottom. A glob of cold lotion was smeared in his anus and he yelped as the rough fingers poked inside of him time and time again.

"You're so little Ronnie 3; I bet my dick is gonna come out of your mouth when I fuck you!" laughed Jake.

Ron tensed up awaiting the painful intrusion. The older boy was teasing him, rubbing the head of his penis in his buttcrack or pushing it slightly in his puckered opening. With a savage grunt, Jake surprised him and forced half of his cock inside his butthole. He yelled in terror. The massive penis was much larger and thicker than Brent's.

"Make him beg for his mommy!" exclaimed Richie.

"Give it to him!" seconded his twin.

Ron bit the bed sheets as he felt the big organ slip up him. His small sphincter was forced open with every horrible thrust. Two inches [5 cm], three [7½], four [10], five [12½ cm] and then the wiry pubic hair of Jake tickled his smooth skin indicating he had the full length inside of him. The hot hard piece of flesh was filling him. He sobbed loudly, feeling stuffed like a thanksgiving turkey.

Jake raised his narrow hips and began buggering him. "Oh fuck! 3; oh yeah!" he moaned as he shoved himself into the tight hole. His six inches [15 cm] slid slowly at first, held back by the resistance of Ron's clenching asshole, then moved faster as the hand lotion diminished the friction.

Jerry cried in ecstasy on the other side of the cabin and Ronald saw him pull out his cock from the eight-year-old. Ropes of thick semen flew from the tip of his penis all over the kid's back. Robby threw him aside to take his place. He pushed the small boy on the couch and rammed his young penis in his backside.

Ron was panting from all the aggressiveness surrounding him. Jake was shoving his pole frantically all the way inside of him making the bed squeak rhythmically. "Pleassee stop 3; aoowoww," he pleaded, but the teenager ignored his begging. He even plowed faster in his butthole, sending his big missile deep in his entrails.

"You like my big cock uh? I know you love that 3; we're all gonna fuck you boy! You won't be able to walk straight for two days!"

With jerky hip thrust, he pushed his cock inside the little boy's butt, each time grunting "Uhhh 3; Uhh 3; Uhhh take that! 3; uhhh" then he gripped his shoulders for ten minutes of savage power fucking.

Gradually, Ron felt the big organ move faster and faster and faster until he couldn't even tell if the penis was out or inside his rectum. Jake bucked his hips madly against his butt and groaned loudly. Torrents of sperm squirted out of his huge member in his bowels. Along with the pain was now the feeling of the warm liquid exploding in his intestines.

Jake pulled out of him his penis with a pop and the slimy spunk poured out of his violated hole down on his thighs. He didn't have time to regain his composure that Richie pinned his helpless body to the mattress. His hard hairless penis probed his wet hole.

"Noooo please!" he pleaded again, terrorized by the realization that the four older boys were gonna pork him for real. His adorable behind was only for Brent to enjoy!

"Shut up! or I'll fuck you harder!" snapped Richie.

His penis was much smaller but still it hurt as it penetrated his sore boyhole. The eleven-year-old humped him a while and turned him on his flanks to fuck him sideways. With Richie's arm wrapped around his skinny chest to hold him steady, he could feel the steely erection burst deep up his ass.

His loosened hole was slippery from Jake's load allowing the engorged little organ of his rapist to slide easily in and out of him. The bed banged against the wall like it did when he was fucking his brother. A loud *BANG* of wood on wood which meant that Richie's boycock was in to the hilt.

Whenever he started to feel comfortable with the anal assaults, Rich buttfucked him with more passion. All he could do was cry and whine like Gary. They were getting fucked good by the twins and there was no way of escaping.

Richie moaned happily and his body jerked against Ron's as he came hard. Soon after, the groans of his brother resonated. He was climaxing inside Gary, moving the tip of his penis back and forth in his tight anus to intensify his pleasure.

"Watch the pros now kids!" said Jake in the wake of his renewed arousal. He grabbed Gary's shoulders and placed his six inch [15 cm] cock in front of the tiny orifice. The small child yelled in terror.

"Stop screaming little bastard!" Jake barked. He shook the kid's body like a rag doll and shoved his cock in his small butt. "Ooooo it's like a vise grip!" he cooed.

Meanwhile, Jerry gripped Ron's ankles and pulled him to the edge of the bed. "Nooo don't do it pleasse," begged the ten year old. Feeling no shame at all, Jerry bent him over the bed and entered his ass. He screamed again. The thick shaft hurt much more than Richie's little pecker, not as much as Jake though.

Since Jerry had came earlier, Ron knew he was in for a ride and that's what he got. A long vigorous buttbanging. His pathetic cries mixed with the grunts of the gangly boy. He could feel Jerry's balls bounce on his firm buns as he took the five inches [12½ cm] of meat deep in his rectum.

Jake was having difficulties with Gary. The little boy's ass couldn't handle such a large appendage. It wouldn't slide smoothly. Gary panicked and began to push away his aggressor which irritated Jake. He spun the small kid and spanked him before applying an abundant amount of hand lotion on his big cock and Gary's butthole. Then, he drove his six-inch [15 cm] pole into him and it went deep like he liked.

"Ohhh stop squirming Gary 3; you're gonna like this 3;"

The need to sleep caught up with Ron. He almost dozed off from the repetitive motion of Jerry's prick, moving back and forth inside of him at the same constant pace. Robby noticed it and pushed his erect boydick in his face, urging him to suck it. For what seemed like forever he pleasured the two boys, whimpering from time to time, taking their young penises deep inside of him at both ends.

The incessant wails of Gary, getting the fuck of his life from Jake, was the only thing keeping Ronald awake. The dark general had stretched the eight-year-old's tiny hole and was pumping his white butt mightily, grunting from his pleasure. There was nothing he enjoyed more than parting the cheeks of a boy to watch his long cock disappear completely in his rectal opening.

Ron felt the hips of Jerry bumping frantically against his ass. The stiff penis hurried out of his bowels suddenly and shot a musky load in his gaping asshole. The boy's juice pulsed out again and again all over his little buttocks and oozed down his legs.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhh yeah, 3; we must do this every night!" blurted Jerry.

Jake took Gary in his strong arms, walked a couple of steps, and impaled him on his rigid member. Standing up in the middle of the cabin with the young child on his cock, he growled loudly as if calling the troop to watch his grotesque show.

Gary's limp body bounced on the thirteen-year-old's phallus. His small frame rose in the air until Jake released his grip and dropped it on his slimy pillar. It didn't take long for him to reach an orgasm and flood the small boy's rectum with his hot seed. "Ohh yeah baby, I'm cumming inside you," Jake moaned. He held the kid tight against his smooth torso and pumped his jism in him with frantic convulsions.

For a moment, the stillness of the summer night resurfaced while everyone laid down, their chest heaving, catching their breath. The two brothers were the only ones left with unsatisfied penises. They agreed to leave little Gary alone since the boy was sobbing on the couch, evaluating the damages to his abused hole with tentative brushes of his short fingers.

Robby crawled on top of Ron, half-asleep on the bunk and slipped his hard-on between his asscheeks. It was the fourth cock invading Ron. He almost didn't even feel it move in and out of his slippery boyhole. Too tired to complain, he let the older boy fuck him, muttering "nooo noooo" from time to time to show he didn't approve.

The other brother not content with watching, joined the couple. He slammed his lotion-covered prick in his twin's ass forming a human sandwich of pre-pubescent boys. Robby, who was caught in between, moaned softly from the double stimulation. His brother's pelvic thrusts in his ass generated more intensity to his own.

Ron was crushed under the two bodies. Robby and Richie were humping away and giggling. Jake laughed and encouraged the two horny eleven-year-olds. "Look at that!" he exclaimed. "I gotta try this once!" From where he was sitting, he could see three sets of balls jiggling madly one over the other.

The tanned boys traded position and Richie took his brother's cock up his ass while he fucked Ron. Their six legs intertwined with the growing frenzy of their lovemaking. An orgy of erotic noises emanated from the trio. Both the brothers pumped harder and faster, reaching for the sweet relief.

"UHHH UHHHH UHHHHH!" cried Richie, almost screaming. The stiff cock in his rectum rubbed his prostate one too many time and triggered an earthshaking orgasm that sent his little immature body out of control. Robby continued plowing his butt, feeling the anus strangle his penis with every peak of his twin's climax. His scrotum tightened suddenly and he came too, moaning loudly as his body jerked over the pile of flesh.

The ones who weren't already sleeping drifted slowly away where they were laying. Outside, the first rays of the new day's sun were shining over the lake.


The day following the gang-bang Ron pranced in the cabin like nothing ever happened. He was used to the camp life now. His mind was kinda numb from the weeks of silly abuse.

It wasn't the same for little Gary. The gap-toothed kid walked different, mainly from the soreness of his butthole but also because something had changed inside of him. He felt 3; bigger, more mature.

Jake and Jerry's cocks had hurt like hell but he had actually enjoyed Robby's dick in his bottom. A perfect fit, and it had felt good sliding in and out of his shit chute.

He too had grown a lot that summer, but he was still the cabin 12 little boy. With the same undies bearing the letters G - A - R - Y on the waistband, carefully put there with a black marker by his mother. Still the same little rascal who giggled madly when you tickled his tummy.

The last Sunday came too fast for Ronald. He strolled on the camp grounds and watched the boys play one final game of baseball. There was so much more boy-sex he wanted to experience, but now it was over.

The big yellow school bus arrived around one o'clock. He sat with Brent on the way back and they held hands, sometimes, when nobody was looking. Brent lived in the suburbs, a two-hour drive from his house! He feared he would never see him again. His handsome face was almost glowing in the sweet summer sun. He squeezed his fingers tightly with every sigh of his wounded little heart.

The bus stopped for gas and Brent fucked him one last time, in the public washrooms, bent over the toilet bowl. A quick encounter, but a passionate one where he was showered with wet kisses.

Back in the unwelcoming city, they hugged sadly.

"I'll see you next year Ron?"

"Yeah," he grinned.

They glanced at each other all the way to their parent's cars. Ron jumped in the back seat and asked his folks to close the radio. He couldn't wait to tell them how much fun he'd had at Camp Wanafuk. ;-)

The End