Huntinup and ErastesThe Island of the Boys |
SummaryTJ visits a very special nudist island resort, where every guest gets three pleasure boys for his whole stay. "Just as we are always naked, there's no restrictions whatsoever on consensual sex here on the island either. It takes precedence over everything else. Anywhere, any time; and so long as its one of us boys, ALL sex is consensual. No one is going to turn you down at any time," TJ's pleasure boy explained to him.
Publ. Aug 2013
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CharactersTJ (21yo), Aaron (12yo), Bryce (Aaron's father), Trevor;Island boys: Marc (14yo), Ryan (15yo), Joey (15yo), Tommy (12yo), Jean Pierre (12yo) Category & Story codesConsensual Man-Boy story/loveMb – cons mast oral anal – prost (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteThe original 12 chapters were written by Huntinup, but he never finished the story. I have edited and modified his chapters, so they are more inline with my style, and then I finished the story for him. I hope you enjoy it.Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at ErastesTouch(at)aol(dot)com or through this feedback form with Erastes – The Island of the Boys in the subject line. PS The unfinished original story is still on this site: The Island of the Boys by Huntinup |
Chapter 1Tyler Justin McCune climbed the boarding ramp to the small yacht moored along the quay. It was still early Saturday morning, around nine, and waiting at the top of the ramp was a white-uniformed man in his early twenties with a gold badge bearing the title, 'Purser.' When he reached him, Tyler handed the man a check for $15,000. "Welcome aboard, sir," the young officer stated, as he accepted the check with one hand and shook with the other. "Please go below with the others and we'll be casting off very soon." Below, waiting in the salon, Tyler saw three other individuals standing about, trying to look relaxed, but clearly excited and a bit nervous as well. One was quite a good-looking man of about thirty-five who was accompanied by a young boy, apparently his son. The boy appeared to be twelve or thirteen and both were clad in white shorts, white sneakers, and colorful 'Hawaiian' shirts. The boy was blond and quite attractive, while his father was slender and strikingly handsome, although not exactly macho in any way. The other man appeared to be in his mid-twenties, slender and well built, although merely average looking otherwise. Tyler smiled, as he nodded to the others, and then extended his hand to the twenty-something man, perhaps because he was nearer his age. Tyler had just recently turned 21 and this little weeklong getaway was a birthday gift he was giving himself. "Tyler McCune, but everyone calls me TJ," he introduced himself. "Uhhh 3; Trevor 3; I'm told we don't use last names here," the man replied, as he shook TJ's hand somewhat uncertainly. "Ohhh 3;" TJ responded, as he forced an embarrassed smile, while withdrawing his hand. "I'm Bryce and this is my son, Aaron," the older gentleman stated, as he approached and took the initiative of introducing himself and his beautiful, sweet-faced boy. "Bryce, Aaron, nice to meet you," TJ offered, as he shook hands with both father and son. "You brought your SON along?" Tyler acted surprised as he said this, so the other man smiled and patted the boy on the shoulder. "Yes, I'm gay and my son thinks he may be too, so we plan to find out for sure this week," he explained. TJ's eyes widened in surprise. "Cool," he managed to reply, as he smiled at the boy. "I'm gay too and being gay is cool." "Either of you ever been to the island before?" Trevor asked the other men nervously. They both shook their heads. "Seems as if they're casting off," Trevor noted. "They tell me it's a two-hour junket to the resort." "And that we should stay here, below deck, because they're very secretive about it's location," Bryce added. "As well they should be," Trevor added, as he eyed the pair. The others immediately took note that Trevor's speech betrayed just a trace of refined British accent. "I must say, you two make a decidedly 3; um 3; unusual couple," Trevor added. "Yes, well, I had to pay a little extra to get them to allow me to bring, Aaron, but once I explained the situation to them, well 3;" Bryce explained, as he placed his arm lovingly around the boy's slender shoulders and hugged him warmly. "So, Aaron, are you looking forward to your holiday?" Trevor asked, while taking a decided interest in the boy. "Yes, sir," Aaron responded politely. "All except maybe the being naked part." "Oh, you'll get used to it, so don't worry," TJ told the boy. "I've vacationed in nudist resorts before and they're really quite 3; fun," Aaron appeared so sweet and innocent that TJ thought it best to choose his words carefully. "That's what my dad said too," Aaron confirmed, as he looked warmly toward his father. "We're moving," TJ announced, as he smiled and began to sit down, even as the others remained standing. "Nice boat," Aaron said, as he made his way over to sit on the couch next to TJ. "I've never been on one this big before." "My dad had one bigger than this," TJ told the boy. "I used to spend a lot of time on it with him, because I love the water." "I see. What does your dad do?" Trevor asked, as he came and sat down on a chair opposite them. "He was a travel agent," TJ explained. "Maybe you've heard of his firm, Florida South?" "Uhhh 3; no, can't say as I have," Trevor replied. "I just flew into Jamaica this morning. I'm from England, Brighton – Sussex originally." "How did you happen to find out about the resort?" Bryce wondered, as he sat down in a chair next to Trevor's. "Well 3; it's kind of an underground thing 3; you know, word of mouth and the Internet after that," Trevor told them. "A friend came over last year." "Is it true that there are just BOYS on the island 3; nude boys?" Aaron asked, with his beautiful blue eyes the size of saucers. "Nigel says there is just the owner and a small staff of adults," Trevor told them. "Otherwise, it's just boys, boys about your age I guess, between 12 and 16 years old, and there are approximately three of them for every guest on the island." "Nice odds," TJ smiled. "You seem rather young to be able to afford such a vacation as this," Bryce suggested. "I take it your father's paying for it?" TJ laughed. "Over his dead body." "I beg your pardon?" Trevor stated, as he raised both of his English eyebrows. "My father would NEVER pay for a week at a gay resort in the first place," Trevor explained. "And, as I said 3; well 3; he died last month." "Ohhh, dear 3; sorry to hear that, mate," Trevor responded. He seemed genuinely touched by TJ's loss. "So I take it you've come into some money then," Bryce nodded, knowingly. "Not really. Income 3; unearned income 3; although enough to keep me COMFORTABLE for the moment, but I'm no millionaire or anything." "I see," Trevor stated, as he eyed TJ carefully. "I'm taking a year off from school," TJ continued. "When I go back, I'll be a senior at the University of Miami." "What are you majoring in?" Aaron wanted to know. "Boys," TJ teased, as he winked at him. "No, really computers. I'm into special effects, animation, programming, the whole nine yards." "My mom's into computers too," Aaron told him. "She does Web site design." "His mother and I are divorced," Bryce explained. "Aaron and I are doing a little male bonding until school starts this fall." "Bonding?" Trevor asked skeptically. "Nothing sexual," Bryce answered quickly. "Aaron came to know of my um 3; lifestyle 3; as the result of a rather messy divorce last year and now he tells me he finds other boys 3; well, attractive, so 3;" "From what I hear, every boy on the island is 3; incredibly attractive," TJ told Aaron. "You may need a label on your forehead saying I am NOT staff,' so no one bothers you." "We've discussed that," Bryce agreed, as he smiled at his beautiful young son. "I guess Aaron kind of wants to just, you know 3; blend in 3; so to speak." "Have you ever, um 3; how should I put this 3; been with 3; uhhh 3; a boy your age before?" Trevor asked, gently. Aaron blushed, but didn't respond, so his father answered for him. "Uhhh 3; no. I'm sure this will be Aaron's FIRST sexual experience 3;" Bryce answered, as he nodded toward Aaron. "It's why I wanted it to be on Calisto, where I could be near but 3; well, not TOO near, if you understand what I mean. He's twelve, well thirteen next month, and it's a very delicate age for a young boy sexually." "That it is," Trevor agreed solemnly "I had my first sexual experience at thirteen," TJ told Aaron. "It was with 3; it was very beautiful and it's something I'll remember the rest of my life, so I'm sure it will be the same for you." TJ decided not to go into the obscene details in front of the boy's father, because he didn't want to embarrass either of them. "And how old are you now, sixteen 3; eighteen?" Bryce asked. "Twenty-one," TJ answered, with a smile. He was forever being carded wherever he went. He'd been told, as recently as a week ago, that he couldn't be more than fifteen. His answer also seemed to surprise both men. "Cool," Aaron whispered, as he reached out and touched the back of TJ's hand on the couch. "I think Aaron's taking a liking to you," Trevor observed. "Maybe the two of you would like to be alone for a little while?" "Uh 3; I don't think so," Bryce announced, protectively. "Although I must say that I wouldn't mind if you'd sort of 3; well look out for Aaron while we're on Calisto 3;" "Daaadddd 3;" Aaron sighed. "I don't mean baby-sit him 3; just 3; kind of be there for him if he needs you 3; well to talk to him 3; and maybe make it easier for him if you can," Bryce suggested. "I think you should anticipate a sexual involvement between them," Trevor told the boy's father, quite frankly. Bryce immediately took a deep breath. It was suddenly getting harder for him to picture his little boy involved in any sort of sex play. "I, um 3; suppose 3; not that I'm encouraging anything like that you understand, but 3; we wouldn't be going to Calisto if we expected him to remain a virgin," Bryce offered. "You can be my big brother," Aaron added, as he patted TJ's hand. "I'd enjoy that," TJ agreed, as he gripped the boy's palm. "And you can tell me all about the sex stuff, ok?" Aaron added with a tinge of excitement. "Dad hasn't gotten past the birds and the bees, well 3; and the condoms." "I understand the boys and the guests are so carefully screened that condoms are unnecessary," Trevor reminded them. "Yes, they're giving us a second blood test before we even get off the boat," Bryce reminded them. "They have a blood lab here on board, in fact." "And the boys on the island are screened once a week," Trevor added. "Can't be too careful these days." * * * * * Two hours is a long time to be cooped up in a small room just making small talk. Even with two reasonably attractive men and an incredibly beautiful young boy, it was all TJ could do to keep from KISSING him right there in front of his father and the slightly stodgy Englishman. Even the mandatory blood tests helped little in passing the time, but two hours was just long enough for Aaron to begin to feel comfortable being with the three of them and a little less nervous about landing on Calisto, completely naked. That included being confronted by dozens of equally naked young boys, whom he'd heard were so beautiful that it was IMPOSSIBLE to choose a favorite. Even though they weren't supposed to look out the windows, TJ couldn't resist a sneak peek as they neared the pristine, beach-lined, resort isle. He felt the boat slow somewhat and then the salon door opened. The same man who had met them at the top of the gangway returned with the results of their blood tests, but this time he was naked. "Gentlemen, you'll be happy to know your blood work turned out negative," the purser told them, "and we'll be docking in just a few minutes." TJ noticed that Aaron was trying his best NOT to stare at the man's seven or eight inch [18 – 20 cm] cock, because it was a truly incredible piece of meat. He and the other adults, however, made no pretense about being unimpressed and TJ found himself wondering how big it would be when erect. TJ was doing all he could just to keep from getting hard while thinking about it, but it was even MORE difficult keeping his cock under control whenever he thought about being naked with Aaron on the island for a week. TJ's attention was jerked away from those thoughts when the purser opened a small compartment in the bulkhead and removed four shopping bags. "As you gentlemen know, Calisto is a nude island," he began, as he turned toward them again. "No one on the island is permitted to bring along or wear any form of clothing except for sandals, which will be given to you when you step ashore." Aaron squirmed a bit nervously on the couch next to TJ. "So if you'll be so kind to removed your clothes and place them in these bags, they'll be waiting for you in seven days when you return to the boat," the purser continued. "You need only bring sunglasses and toiletries, because everything else will be provided for your use by your host, Mr. Nichols." "How many guests will be on the island this week?" Trevor asked, as he stood up and pulled his T-shirt over his head, exposing his taunt, well-defined chest and abdomen. "Approximately thirty," the nameless purser told them, while watching with interest as their youngest guest started to get naked. TJ tried not to stare, but Aaron was nothing short of spectacular. The more naked he got, the more beautiful he became. It was all TJ could do to concentrate on his own undressing, and although he wouldn't really be embarrassed by it, he tried to avoid getting hard. "Your son is breathtaking," Trevor noted, as he slipped out of his bikini briefs, becoming the first one naked. Bryce smiled nervously, as he removed his shorts. "Thank you," Aaron told him, as he turned his back to modestly slip out of his white cotton briefs. Once he saw Aaron totally naked, TJ lost it. The boy had the cutest, smoothest, blemish free little boy-butt he'd ever seen, which caused his cock to instantly get hard. He cautiously glanced over and eyed Trevor's seven-inch [18 cm] appendage and noticed the man had incredible self-control. Then, Aaron shyly turned back toward them and it became evident that his self-control was not so incredible. His COCK, on the other hand, WAS. The boy not only had a hard-on, but the stiff little fucker jutted up almost six inches [15 cm] from it's hairless base at the junction of his thin, naked loins. An instant later, TJ noted where the boy came by his sizable hard cock, because his father was a good eight inches [20 cm], even soft. "We'll be docking in just a moment, gentlemen, so here's a small complementary packet of sunscreen," the purser advised them. "I suggest you apply it to one another before you go out and thank you for your cooperation." He handed each of them a foil pouch of Coppertone, before leaving with their clothes. Aaron looked at the small packet then up at the others nervously, as he watched his dad helping to spread the lotion over Trevor's back. "Here, you can do me," Aaron stated, as he offered his packet to TJ. "And then I'll do you." Both boys stood, as did their cocks, so they could do this. TJ's solid, thick, seven inches [18 cm] pointed straight up at the ceiling and seemed get even harder as he deftly applied the whitish lotion to Aaron's exquisitely beautiful little boy-body. The stuff reminded him of cum and Aaron's smooth, soft, naked skin reminded him of silk. His real thrill, however, came when he felt Aaron's delicate fingers on his own naked flesh. TJ was totally lost in the sensation when Aaron nearly jolted him unconscious, when he went so far to apply sunscreen to his soaring hard cock. Concerned, TJ looked up and around, to see if the other two men were watching, and they were, so now their cocks were as hard as his. "I understand NO one ever gets off the boat without an erection," Trevor teased, as he smiled at the two boys, before he eyed his own and Bryce's impressive organs. "Or gets back ON the boat WITH one," he joked. "Don't be nervous, son, everyone you're going to see and meet this whole week is also going to be naked 3; and quite likely sexually aroused as well," Bryce started to hug the boy as he had before, but then restrained himself. Touching his son's beautiful, seductive, naked boy-body was apparently a threshold he had yet to cross in his so-called 'male bonding' experience with Aaron. "Your father's right," TJ told Aaron. "And you have 3; god, you're 3; unbelievably beautiful in every way, so you have NOTHING 3; nothing at all to be ashamed of or embarrassed about." Aaron smiled and eyed TJ's impressive hard cock. "Thanks 3; oh 3; and 3; you have 3; um 3; a nice cock too," he told him. "How come you shave your pubes?" "So I can look more like you," TJ told him with a grin. "How do you think I'm able to keep passing for a teenager all the time?" "Gentlemen, right this way," the purser invited, as he returned abruptly. "Watch your step and enjoy your stay on Calisto."
Chapter 2The sun was devastating as they left the cabin and stepped on deck. The purser had been quite right about advising them to get greased up before going out. On deck, they saw the captain, a couple of crewmen and, of course, the purser and all were young and quite naked. The first mate, probably about his own age, TJ guessed, got an instant hard-on when he saw Aaron. Single file, they headed for the gangway leading down to the concrete pier, where they discovered four open vehicles sitting in a row, with colorful awnings to ward off the sun. Also lined up ON the pier were several of the island's fabled naked boys and two older staff members. It took TJ and the others only a couple minutes to see that the word of mouth about Calisto was not just accurate, but if anything, somewhat understated. The boys were all so beautiful, from head to toe, so much so that even the word 'breathtaking' failed to come close to doing them justice. "Welcome to Calisto, gentlemen," one of the staff began, as he stepped forward. "My name is Evan and I'm the director of guest relations here on the island. In the future, if you want anything, anything at all, just see me. My job is to make your stay with us as pleasurable as possible." Evan wasn't hard, but his cock was a good eight inches [20 cm] and he alone could make the stay worthwhile, TJ decided. He appeared to be about 25, his face was slender and attractive and his body had a wiry, almost athletic quality about it. He wasn't huge, only average in height and build, but nonetheless a stunning male specimen. "Now, if you gentlemen will follow me, I'll introduce you to the boys," he continued. Evan then led them from the ramp to his entourage of beautiful, naked boyhood. The boys went from merely attractive to absolutely STUNNING, AND ranged in age from one who looked no older than Aaron to a couple who looked to be almost as old as TJ. "Boys, this is Tyler 3;" "TJ," TJ corrected. "Ohhh 3; sorry 3; TJ." Evan smiled warmly. "TJ, this is Marc." "Hi, Marc," TJ greeted the lithesome, young boy of about 14. "Hi, I'll be your pleasure boy for the week," Marc stated, as he extended his hand to shake TJ's. The boy didn't have a spectacular cock, but it was hard and had just a wisp of light brown pubic hair. His face was lovely, boyish, warm and friendly, but his naked boy-body was to die for. It was obvious that every boy on the island worked out regularly. "Right this way and we'll buzz over to your cottage," Marc added. "And now we have Ryan." Evan continued, as he introduced the boys. "Ryan, this is Trevor." "Hi, nice to meet you," Ryan said, as he shook hands with the twenty-something Englishman. "I'll be your pleasure boy, so anything you wish me to do for or TO you, just ask," Ryan was lighter in complexion than Marc and about fifteen years old. He also sported an impressive six or seven inch [15-18 cm] hard cock. "You're very beautiful," Trevor greeted the boy, first shaking hands then hugging him warmly. "I'm looking forward to being with you." Trevor then followed the naked teenager toward the nearby vehicles. "And you must be Bryce and Aaron." Evan greeted the last two remaining guests. "You requested separate quarters and I believe we've assigned you two to nearby cottages and separate boys. Bryce, your boy is Joey here." "Hi, Joey," Bryce stated, as he extended his hand to the naked young boy. Joey was one of the older boys, probably fifteen or sixteen, with a magnificent, hard, throbbing cock nearly matching Bryce's in size and girth. His face was lean and slender, his hair and skin were darker than most of the others and he appeared to be Caribbean with perhaps some French blood. "And Aaron, we've selected Tommy for you," Evan added, as he introduced the two boys. "Tommy's twelve also, so we thought the two of you might enjoy each other more if you were about the same age." "Hi, Tommy," Aaron greeted his pleasure boy. Aaron also forced a smile and nervously shook hands with the naked pre-teen. Tommy's cock was big and hard, but not quite as big as Aaron's, whose cock seemed to be getting bigger and harder by the minute. "You're very beautiful," Tommy greeted Aaron, apparently somewhat surprised. "So are you," Aaron awkwardly returned the compliment. Evan then ushered them toward their transportation, an electric golf cart, since Tommy was still considered a bit young to drive one of the larger open cars. "The boys will drive you to your cottages, where they'll explain a little about our lifestyle here on Calisto and then avail themselves to your wishes," Evan explained, as the men and boys seated themselves in the four vehicles. "We'll be having a luau on the beach tonight, just after dark, with music and entertainment that I'm sure you will find most 3; arousing." Evan smiled knowingly after saying this, as he glanced at each of the guests' faces. "Your island and its inhabitants are very beautiful," Bryce told Evan, since he was the last to get into his vehicle. "I'm looking forward to a very exciting week." "Gentlemen, thank you for coming to Calisto and I hope you make use of ALL the facilities here on the island, and please, if you want anything 3; or anyone 3; please let me or one of my staff know and we'll do our best to see to your pleasure. Also get to know the other guests and thank you for selecting Calisto. Please enjoy your stay with us." Evan bid them goodbye, as each conveyance moved off on its own down the beach road toward the guest cottages about a mile away. Now, each of them was moving off with his pleasure boy. TJ was totally entranced by it all. He'd been expecting a lot, but this was the most beautiful, the most incredible, the most seductive place he'd ever seen in his life. The white sand beach seemed to go on forever, broken only occasionally by some rocks and trees. On the opposite side of the road there was a carefully cultivated jungle park with tall pines, palms and dozens of other trees and plants he didn't recognize. Beyond that were a few hills topped by what appeared to be a single, extinct volcano, which was now covered with dense green growth and nicely accented by a few winding roads and paths to its summit. Except for the guest cottages near the beach that they passed, there were very few buildings on the island, just a few service structures, a small power plant, what appeared to be a gift shop and an attractive dining hall. "Where is everyone? It looks deserted," TJ asked Marc, his private pleasure boy for the week. "Not too many go to the beach at this time of day, because the sun can be treacherous and a sunburn can really ruin a great time," Marc explained. "The interior of the island is more popular during the day, so most are using the hiking trails, the bike paths, the waterfalls, the lagoons and the lounge, but some just like to relax on the deck near their cottage," Marc then slowed, as he turned off the beach road, and TJ watched as Trevor's vehicle went on. The car Bryce was in, however, followed them, and not far behind him was the tiny golf cart Aaron was in did too. "Where will Bryce and Aaron be staying?" TJ asked. "You will be in the Carribe Hut, which overlooks Orchid Falls and the lagoon," Marc told him. "They will be across the lagoon in the Lust Lodge and the Ecstasy Pagoda, but I'm not sure which one the boy will occupy." "The park is beautiful beyond belief," TJ sighed, as he gazed about at its verdant coolness. "Is that the lagoon?" TJ gasped after he saw it, because the lagoon was like something out of a dream. It was some fifty feet [15 m] across, fed by a lovely, cascading waterfall that poured down over an irregular stairway of rocks from a height of more than a hundred feet [30 m] above. "Yes, the falls is lots of fun to climb and slide down," Marc noted. "Over there, to the right, is a fiberglass slide we've installed that comes down from the top." "Ohhh, wow, Aaron will LOVE this," TJ sighed, as he tried to take it all in. "Is that our cottage?" "Yes," Marc told him, as he pulled up near the steps that led to the deck, which encircled the modern structure. "And over there is Lust and Ecstasy," he stated, while pointing across the lagoon. "I take it you have a special interest in the boy?" "You noticed," TJ quipped, as he smiled and got out of the vehicle. "It was hard not to," Marc told him. "He's incredibly beautiful." "His father asked me to kind of watch out for him this week," TJ explained, as he and Marc climbed the wooden steps to the deck. "I think Aaron kind of resents his father doing so, but 3;" "Since you're younger 3;" Marc added, finishing his thought. "You're not jealous, I hope?" TJ inquired, as Marc opened the sliding glass door and led him inside. "Oh, of course not," Marc quickly told him. "Tommy, Aaron's pleasure boy, is a good friend of mine. I could even arrange for them both to sleep with us tonight, if you'd like." "That would be nice, but I think I need to talk with Aaron about it first," TJ announced, as he smiled and looked around. The place was luxurious, without being ostentatious. The carpet was a soft peach, the bed was huge, there was a sunken spa, a small wet bar, and in the bathroom, a round, glass-enclosed, free-standing shower at least big enough for five or six. Separate sliding glass doors exited the other side of the bedroom and from the spacious bathroom out onto the broad deck. The bedroom had a big-screen HDTV, s DVD player and, as TJ noticed, a long shelf laden with dozens of gay porno DVDs, which featured everything from boys to bears. "I take it you're especially fond of young boys?" Marc guessed, by TJ's interest in the left end of the shelf where the naked little boys were abundant. "Especially when they're as beautiful as you," TJ replied, while smiling back at the boy. "There's a refrigerator near the bar that is well stocked with drinks and snacks," Marc informed him, as he gave TJ a quick tour. "And in the bathroom, the medicine cabinet is stocked with various drugs and compounds designed to enhance sexual performance." "You're kidding! Does anyone really need pills to make them horny around THIS place?" TJ laughed, while going in and inspecting the stash. "Not aphrodisiacs so much, but various herbal items mostly," Marc explained. "This one most of us boys take every day. It's called Erectomax," Marc then opened the bottle and offered one of the tiny pink capsules to TJ. "One a day keeps the droopies away," he explained, with a smirk. TJ laughed and put it back. "Like I need THAT," he quipped. "You will by tomorrow or maybe even as early as tonight," Marc noted. "Oh?" TJ mumbled, as he looked at his beautiful, naked, young pleasure boy in surprise. "Yes, you see 3; I doubt you've noticed it yet, but the sex around this place is nearly non-stop once the guests get settled in and become comfortable in their surroundings," Marc explained patiently. At the same time, he led TJ from the bathroom and out onto the deck, which overlooked the waterfall and lagoon. It was a breathtakingly beautiful view and across the lagoon, TJ could also see Aaron and Tommy out on their deck, also admiring the view. "I see your friend is in Ecstasy," Marc pointed out, which caused TJ to laugh. "Or soon WILL be," he joked. "Tommy's sweet, and even though he's young, he is also surprisingly experienced. Your friend is in good hands, because Tommy's very gentle, very loving and very horny," Marc added with a laugh, as he waved at the boys. "And you? Are you very horny too?" TJ wondered, smiling down at the young fourteen-year-old boy, as they both leaned against the railing and watched Tommy and Aaron across the lagoon. "I'm fourteen. I'm ALWAYS HORNY," Marc returned, as he smiled and put his arm around TJ's naked waist. "It must be a little 3; draining 3; so much sex, day after day, week after week 3;" TJ mused, as he dared to touch the boy for the first time by taking his hand in his own. "In the medicine cabinet, the blue bottle 3; it's a Ginseng extract I think," Marc told him. "It does marvelous things for your sexual stamina." "Oh, how marvelous!" TJ quipped. "I often routinely cum ten or twenty times a day 3; not much toward the end, but 3;" Marc explained, as TJ cut him off. "My GOD!" TJ gasped in disbelief. "Are you serious?" "Welcome to Orgasmville," Marc smiled. "Would you like me to give you the key to the city?" "Uhhh 3; here 3; now?" TJ looked about a little nervously, as Marc leaned into him and kissed the nipple on his right pec. "Just as we are always naked, there's no restrictions whatsoever on consensual sex here on the island either," Marc explained. "It takes precedence over everything else. Anywhere, any time, and as long as it's with one of us boys, ALL sex is consensual. No one is going to turn you down at any time." "WOW" TJ gasped, as Marc sucked his tit a bit harder. "And in most cases, the guests are also willing to indulge one another pretty much on the same basis 3; although it's always good to ASK first," Marc admitted. "Would you like to go inside or enjoy me out here?" "Uhhh 3; the uhhh 3; the spa looked inviting," TJ decided, when he realized Aaron and Tommy were watching them, so he decided not to put on a sex show right off the bat. "It is very inviting and quite sexual as well," Marc replied. Marc then led the way inside and slid the door closed behind them, as TJ inspected the four-person watery pleasure pit back in the bedroom. "I keep wanting to pause to take off my clothes," TJ joked, while laughing self-consciously, because being naked 24-7 was going to take some getting used to. "Ohhh, yeah. The water's nice," he sighed, as he carefully stepped down into the surprisingly deep liquid warmth. "With everything and everyone on the island aimed at indulging in all forms of sexual pleasure, and as MUCH of it as possible, it's such a relief to always be ready 3; never have to worry about getting naked or getting your clothes wet, dirty or lost," Marc explained, as they settled into one of the underwater seats together. "This is going to take some getting used to," TJ admitted, as he rested his arm lovingly around the boy's shoulders. "Tell me, how'd you come to be here? You're so young 3;" "I was recruited," Marc answered. "Mr. Nichols actually has an underground talent agency that does nothing but search for beautiful, horny, teenage boys." "Really?" TJ mused, as he studied the boy's lovely face carefully. "Where are you from originally?" "California," Marc told him. "I ran away from home when I was eleven and spent a year on the streets, until one of Mr. Nichols' friends found me. He cleaned me up, toned me up, straightened me up and then brought me here." "Incredible," TJ whispered, as he leaned over and kissed the boy lovingly on the forehead. "Do most of the boys have similar stories?" "Some do, but some of their stories are far worse than mine," Marc answered, as he turned his head so he could kiss TJ softly on the lips for the first time. "Some were former drug addicts, street prostitutes, kiddy-porn boys 3; and some even come from surprisingly normal homes – but they're just horny fuckers in it for sex and money. Once they see this place, they never want to leave." "I can see why," TJ smiled, as he felt Marc's hand gently close around his cock, underwater. "Mmmm 3; nice." TJ then moved his right arm from behind Marc, found the boy's cock and began stroking it gently. "How many times today?" TJ asked, to satisfy his curiosity. "Twice! My previous guest left this morning after sucking me off a couple times," Marc told him. "The Blue-boys will see me through." "Blue-boys?" TJ wondered, while squirming, because Marc's stroking fist on his cock was starting to get to him. "The pills I told you about," Marc replied, as he sped up the pace a bit on TJ's cock. "Does it feel good?" "Yes 3;" TJ sighed. "Very lovely 3; you have an incredibly nice touch," he complimented the boy. "From plenty of practice. Fifty-two different cocks a year," Marc smiled, just before their lips touched softly. "Feels lovely," TJ gushed, as he felt his balls tightening up. "Would you like me to suck it?" Marc asked softly. "Just keep doing what you're doing for now. I can't believe how good it feels," TJ moaned. "Better than most head jobs." "You have a great cock 3;" Marc told him. "Bigger than most 3; wider 3; heavier." "And hornier," TJ sighed, as he felt his cum gaining momentum. At the rate Marc was going, it wouldn't be long. "Getting close?" Marc asked. "Yes 3; ohhh god, yes 3;" TJ breathed out, while trembling in the naked young boy's grip. "I want you to cum too." "Whenever you're ready," Marc promised, his jacking fist now churning the water in the spa as TJ was doing the same to him. "I'm ready 3; Oh god, I'm ready," TJ gasped. "Marc, just a little faster. Oh, god, it feels so good. Oh, yes. I'm cumming." "Yes, shoot it for me," Marc urged, as he continued stroking TJ until his seed burst forth as the result of a tremendous orgasm. "Whoa! It's fucking incredible!" TJ cried out, as powerful spasms of naked sexual pleasure continued to jolt him again and again. "Fuckin' incredible!" "You kind of made me shoot a little more than usual too," Marc confessed. They now watched as their sperm floated in the swirling water, intermingling and seemingly making love right before their eyes. "Kind of fun to watch it, ain't it. They'll probably get together and make a baby," TJ joked, which caused Marc to laugh. "Man, if that was so then it would have happened a LONG time ago and this place would be fuckin' CRAWLIN' with naked little babies and toddlers," Marc acknowledged, with a chuckle. "Been a lot of cum shot here in the spa?" TJ guessed. "Probably every single day in the whole two years the resort's been open," Marc laughed. "Wanna shoot some more?" "Soon, but not now," TJ replied. "I wonder what Aaron's doing with HIS boy now?"
Chapter 3As TJ stared across the lagoon, he could see that Aaron was receiving his very first kiss from another boy. They were hardly touching, but it wasn't just the contact from their lips that had Aaron so excited. It was the entire idea and thrill of naked sexual pleasure that coursed through his slender frame, as if a thousand volts of electricity had just jolted his body. "Wow, I think I like boys," Aaron whispered to Tommy. Tommy looked down at both their hard, throbbing, five and six inch [12.5 – 15 cm] cocks and smiled. "I think we BOTH do," he teased. "Does that mean we're supposed to go inside and 3; and like DO something to each other?" Aaron asked uneasily. "You're still a virgin, aren't you?" Tommy asked softly. Aaron remained silent for several seconds, blushing, as he considered how he wanted to answer this question. "Yes," he finally admitted, shyly. "I think that's the reason my dad brought me here, so I could have my first sexual experiences with a boy my own age 3; like you." "No one has ever touched you before?" Tommy asked, while trying to hide his surprise. Aaron was so incredibly beautiful that the idea of no one ever doing something with him seemed impossible. "No 3;" Aaron admitted. "Do you want to 3; touch me?" "Of course 3; you're so incredibly beautiful 3; more beautiful than any other boy on the island 3; and there's over a hundred of them here," Tommy told him, frankly. "Look 3; they went back inside 3; TJ and his boy," Aaron observed, as he gazed over Tommy's shoulder and scanned the cottage on the opposite side of the lagoon. "Marc," Tommy gave him a name. "Marc is wonderful 3; and very sexual 3; very talented 3; and extremely beautiful, but 3; not 3; when compared to YOU." "You and Marc have 3; fucked 3;?" Aaron wondered, while acting as if he was almost afraid to say the word. "Yes," Tommy told him. "You have to understand, I've been here just a few months and I'm the second youngest boy on the island 3; um 3; WORKING boy I mean 3; so I've been 3; ah 3; SAMPLED by just about every boy here." "Sucked 3; fucked 3; jacked off 3;?" Aaron questioned. "Yes," Tommy answered to all three. "I've taken on the biggest and the best." "Doesn't it hurt to get fucked?" Aaron worried. "Not if the other boy knows what he's doing and does it carefully," Tommy told him. "I'll show you if you like." "I don't think so," Aaron quickly responded. "No offense, but I'm not sure if I want to have another boy's cock up my ass 3; even yours." Aaron immediately looked down and admired both their erections, which were almost identical. "Have you ever cummed?" Tommy asked, changing the subject. "No 3; I've tried, but nothing yet," Aaron confessed. Have you?" "Not yet either," Tommy replied. "I'm what they call prepubescent." "Me too," Aaron smiled, suddenly feeling very loving toward the other boy. Daringly, Aaron reached out and put his arm around Tommy's tiny, naked waist, as the two of them gazed down into the placid water below their deck. Tommy turned, melted into Aaron's arms and kissed him, as their cocks pressed up tightly next to one another. It was a long kiss and Tommy pressed his tongue between Aaron's lips, so he could taste him. Aaron almost fainted when that happened. What he'd intended as a mere gesture of warmth and friendship, Tommy had interpreted as something more. "Man!" Aaron gasped, breathlessly, as their lips parted, but not the rest of their thin, naked boy-bodies. "Are you okay? Did I do something wrong?" Tommy asked, anxiously. "No 3; I 3; I just wasn't 3; expecting that. Wow!" Aaron exclaimed, as he struggled to collect himself. "Man, this sex stuff is powerful shit." "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to move so fast," Tommy apologized, concerned. Tommy also realized, at nearly the same time, that Aaron was making no move to release him. If anything, he thought he felt some movement of Aaron's cock against his own, as they pressed between them. "No, it's not you're fault 3; I'm just so damned fuckin' 3; VIRGINAL, I guess," Aaron admitted, as he blamed himself for being so skittish. "I've hardly even SEEN another naked boy my own age, except in the showers at school, but that only happened a couple of times. Even then, I never saw another boy with a hard-on until today," he sighed. "And TODAY, I ain't seen nothing ELSE 3; god, it seems like I've been hard myself ever since I set foot on this island." "I'm sorry. We don't have any clothes here, so we can't get dressed," Tommy stated, while grinding his cock against Aaron's thin, naked groin just a little. "Whoa! Shit that felt so good. Do it again," Aaron giggled. He'd felt sexual feelings before, but never anything quite like that. Tommy did it again and kissed him too. He felt Aaron tremble in his arms, just before he gently pressed his own cock against his pleasure boy. "It's a beautiful feeling, isn't it?" Tommy observed. "Ohhh, wow, yeah," Aaron gasped. "God, what a feeling." Aaron closed his eyes, as he began to enjoy Tommy's sweet, invasive tongue and incredibly hot kisses. He then tried to kiss Tommy back and even dared to use his tongue, so he could taste Tommy too. The two very naked young boys stood alone, softly moaning on the deck of the Ecstasy Pagoda, while behind them the waterfall tumbled with a soft murmur into the greenish-blue lagoon. Between them, they pressed their hard, throbbing, young boy-cocks tightly together, while giving themselves, and one another, instant, tingling sexual pleasure. Aaron wasn't sure what was happening to him, but he didn't care. It felt too good to stop, too good to even THINK about stopping and too good to even think at ALL. "Ohhh god, this feeling 3;" Aaron moaned softly between Tommy's lips. "I'm feeling it too," Tommy whispered back. "Feels like 3; like 3; ohhh, god, feels like 3;" but Aaron couldn't figure out what to say next. He couldn't think of any words that would be able to describe how good it felt. The feeling 3; the aching in his cock, deep in his thin, naked loins, was becoming more intense and totally unlike anything he'd ever felt in his life. "Yes, yes, yes, Aaron. Feel it. Enjoy the feeling 3; concentrate on how good it feels," Tommy whispered back, as their hard, young boy-cocks began moving against each other more firmly, with more force and increasingly aching sexual pleasure. "Feels 3; good 3; too good 3; Ohhh god 3; too good 3;" Aaron gasped. His sexual pleasure was beginning to well up within him and he wasn't sure what was happening to him, but it was the most beautiful, most indescribable feeling he'd ever felt. He wanted it to continue and never end, but he knew that wouldn't happen. "Do it, Aaron. Just keep doin' it," Tommy groaned. Their sexual movements became more intense with every passing moment, until suddenly he realized that Aaron probably hadn't yet enjoyed his first orgasm. At first, Tommy found this hard to believe, but with each passing moment he became more convinced of this fact. "Feel your cock, Aaron. Concentrate on how good it feels. Enjoy how good it's makin' ya feel, man. Do it! Keep doin' it! Harder and faster, Aaron, cuz it just keeps feeling better and better and better." "Ohhh, god, Tommy 3; I can't believe 3; I can't believe the feeling. Oh god, I feel like 3; like I'm gonna break into a zillion pieces 3; I'm gonna 3; ohhh god, it's sooo 3; ohhh God, Tommy, I'm 3; I'm 3;" "Cumming," Tommy told him, even as his own cock suddenly felt the same pulsating, sexual spasms Aaron was now feeling for the very first time in his life. "I'm feeling it too 3; loving how good it feels. Oh god, it feels so good. I want to feel it forever and ever." Tommy continued moaning, as his orgasm devastated him completely. "Ohhh god, Tommy. I'm cumming too. It's great and feels so good. It's like I'm floating or maybe flying. It's totally wonderful 3; it's 3;" Once more, words failed him as his whole naked little boy-body convulsed in the grip of the most powerful, most intense sensations of screaming sexual pleasure in the world – his world at least. "We just orgasmed," Tommy hissed. He continued to hold Aaron in his arms and kissed him softly, as he felt Aaron's erection still hard between them, as well as his own cock's endless hardness. "Ohhh god, yes 3;" Aaron sighed, as he leaned against Tommy's thin, naked shoulder. "Your first?" Tommy asked, needlessly. Aaron couldn't answer. He could only nod, as tears of exquisite, sexual pleasure and happiness streamed down his face. His slender, naked, little boy-body still trembled, still quivered and pulsated, as it ached all over in the swirling aftermath of his first sweet taste of naked boy-sex. Then, he felt Tommy start to release him. "No 3; please hold me," he urged, as he gripped Tommy's thin, naked body ever more tightly. "Ohhh god. I can't believe what just happened to me." "Now you know why we exist 3; what we do here," Tommy whispered softly in his ear, as he shared in Aaron's first moments of sexual awakening. It was so sweet and intimate, so deeply touching that it made him cry too. "I feel like such a stupid ass for crying like this," Aaron admitted, as he gradually pulled away. He then wiped his face, as his pulsating young boy-cock started to go soft. "I cried my first time, too, and just now, " Tommy confessed, as he wiped his own eyes. "Why?" Aaron had to ask. "Because I remembered the feeling. It was only a few months ago when it first happened to me too," Tommy confirmed. They continued to hold each other, with their hands resting on one another's slim, slightly bony hips. Their lips were just inches apart and their foreheads often touched, as they shared this wonderful experience. "Now you know why your father thought it was so important to bring you here," Tommy announced. Aaron merely nodded in response. Suddenly, there was a great deal about his father that he understood as never before. The key had been inside him, in his cock and in the powerful feelings of naked sexual pleasure that Tommy had managed to so gently unleash within him. It was a moment he never wanted to end. "I love you," he whispered in Tommy's ear. Tommy sobbed. He'd heard those words before 3; almost every day in fact, but usually in the midst of some form of the lovemaking he did for a living. Yet until now, he'd always had the feeling that no one ever really meant it, but this seemed different. "I love you, too," he repeated, almost automatically for Aaron's benefit, but strangely this time he wasn't too sure that he didn't really MEAN it. Chapter 4Bryce stood alone on the deck overlooking the small stream that separated the Lust Lodge from his son's identical cottage, which stood about fifty yards away. His pleasure boy, Joey, was inside fixing him a drink. He watched intently for some sight of Aaron or Tommy, but he'd seen them go inside and had not seen them since. He chided himself for wishing it, but he couldn't resist the thought of somehow being able to watch the two boys. He would have loved to be able to watch how his virginal young son handled himself for the first time, one-on-one, with a naked young boy his own age. Beyond Aaron's cottage, on the far side of the lagoon, he could see TJ's cottage as well. He could see TJ and his boy, out on the balcony that overlooked the waterfall. They were talking, taking in the view, both naked of course, but barely touching. "Sorry we couldn't arrange for a cottage allowing you to see into his window," Joey joked, as he came out with Bryce's whiskey and soda. "Damn, I was rather hoping for closed circuit TV," Bryce laughed, as the naked fifteen-year old boy leaned against the rail beside him, with their hips touching. "Actually, I suppose it could be arranged," Joey told him, seriously. "Ohhh no!!!! 3; God no!!!! Aaron would never forgive me," Bryce moaned as he quickly withdrew the idea. "God, I guess Evan wasn't just shittin' when he said anything I wished for I could have." "Your wish is my command," Joey smiled up at him, with his impish, little boy face and tiny nose inviting a kiss, so Bryce obliged him. "Where are all the other boys? Someone said there were over a hundred here on the island," Bryce wondered, while suddenly changing the subject. "Working, resting, fucking 3;" Joey told him lightly. "Each boy here has his duties and specialties 3; beside sex I mean. Some entertain, take care of the cottages, fix food or do other necessary tasks, but many of them tend the plants and keep down the undergrowth. Eventually, you'll most likely meet about all of them, maybe even fuck a good many of them 3; or engage is some other sexual pleasure with them before you leave." "You boys 3; you know 3; make love to one another too?" Bryce asked out of curiosity. "Often," Joey told him. "Sometimes three, four 3; a whole fuckin' orgy 3; two or three guests as well 3; you noticed how big the beds are 3; but sometimes it even spills out onto the floor. There was a party with TEN here just last week." "God, you're makin' me hard just thinkin' about it," Bryce admitted, as he looked down at his cock, so Joey reached over and stroked it for him. "I can't imagine how you boys can possibly HANDLE so much sex. I mean, god, I know you're young 3; fuckin' horny teenagers, but 3; man, even teenage boys have their limits." "Trade secrets," Joey giggled. He also smiled up at Bryce, while clinging lightly to him and still fondling the man's hardened cock, even as he rubbed his own against Bryce's hip. "Drugs?" Bryce guessed. "We prefer to call them supplements," Joey smiled. "Check out the medicine cabinet sometime, because you'll need them before long." "Oh, really?" Bryce laughed. He was enjoying his beautiful, naked, young pleasure boy as much for his impish personality, as well as for the sexual pleasure he was already receiving from the boy's talented hand. "So you think over thirty is over the hill?" Bryce pressed. "Not really, but sometimes the older guests need a little help keeping up, since the average guest enjoys around 15.3 orgasms a day. Do you think you can handle that without a little assistance?" Joey asked in return. "Shiiit 3; are you serious?" Bryce laughed in disbelief." "Horny fathers who bring their virgin sons along usually come closer to 22 or 23," Joey joked. "You're totally serious, aren't you?" Bryce suddenly realized. "No, I'm just kidding 3; at least about the virgin son thing I mean 3; but, yes 3; count on twelve to twenty cums a day," Joey assured him. "We boys often have more than that servicing various other guests. One of the boys in the show tonight 3; Donovan 3; you'll love him 3; he has SEVEN on stage doing his thing." "My GOD!" Bryce laughed. "And his act's only about fifteen minutes long," Joey told him. "Of course, there are a couple of cums in his encore, as well as one or two during the grand finale." "The grand finale?" Bryce asked, in amusement. This place was getting more and more outrageous all the time. "Don't ask," Joey told him, as he rubbed his cock against Bryce's hip and thigh more forcefully. "I'm afraid to," Bryce told him. "God, your hand is nice." "So's my lips 3; my mouth, my tongue, my ass 3; I'm a VERY nice boy," Joey smiled, while kissing him softly on the shoulder. Bryce reached out and put his arm around the seductive young teenager, as he leaned down and kissed him gently. "God, I wish I could see through walls," Bryce groaned, without thinking. "Ya wanna sneak over for a peek? There are no blinds on any of the windows here on the island," Joey told him. Bryce smiled down at the boy. "It's tempting," he admitted. "But then, so are you 3; and this temptation is stronger than 3; THAT one," he added, as he nodded toward his son's sexual pleasure pagoda. "How can I give you pleasure?" Joey asked softly. "You are," Bryce told him, while kissing him once more and enjoying the slow, stroking motion of Joey's incredibly talented hand on his soaring hard cock. "You're huge," Joey stated, reporting the obvious. "It's okay if you don't want to take it all up your ass. I won't insist" Bryce assured him, after he misunderstood the boy's admiration of his enormous hard cock for trepidation. "Oh 3; no 3; I've taken as much as ten inches [25.5 cm] once," Joey told him. "If you wish to fuck me, we really ought to go inside on the bed though, where it's softer and more comfortable." "I had ten inches [25.5 cm] once 3; it's quite a challenge," Bryce admitted, as he and Joey turned and headed inside. Sex any time, any place was fine, but nothing beat the built-in comfort of a soft bed. Together, they lie down naked on top of the single, white cotton blanket, on their sides. They were facing one another and their hard, pulsating cocks were throbbing between them, while holding one another's faces and kissing hotly. Gradually, Bryce felt Joey's lips begin to move down over his chin, his chest and toward his looming hard cock. Bryce had more in mind, because he wanted to fuck the boy, but if that's what Joey wanted 3; who was he to object? "Go for it, kid," he invited. An instant later Joey was all over his cock, kissing, sucking, teasing and licking it, as if he was some kind of hungry animal. "Ohhh god, kid, you're one hot little cocksucker 3; ohhh man, what a set of lips," Bryce moaned, because knew an experienced boy-slut when he felt one and Joey was among the best he'd ever felt. "Ohhh god, you must have sucked a few thousand cocks in your lifetime, I think." Joey lifted his lips from Bryce's soaring monster temporarily and smiled. "Two thousand, five-hundred and sixty-nine 3; counting yours," he told his sexual master, before he returned to servicing his cock. "Ohhh, man, you're good too 3; GREAT in fact!" Bryce complimented the boy. "Ohhh man, great tongue action there and 3; oh my god, you're deep-throating me too!" Joey knew what the man liked and willing gave it to him. He took all but about an inch and then held it there, as he allowed his throat muscles do their thing on Bryce's enormous, hard cockhead. "Ohhh god. Ohhh shit, boy 3; god, where the fuck did you learn to do THAT number? Ohhh man, I almost shot!" Bryce cried out in sheer euphoria, since he'd never in his life felt such a sensation. "Why didn't you?" Joey wondered, as he lifted his lips from Bryce's cock long enough to ask. "It's tempting, boy, but I'm savin' my first load for that cute, fuckin' ASS of yours," he told him. "If your butt's half as talented as your throat 3;" With that Joey simply shifted position, so he could straddle Bryce's straining, naked body and guided the man's cock to his rectal orifice, before he slowly proceeded to let it pop inside. "How's this?" he asked, while smiling at the startled man, but Bryce merely rested his hands on Joey's slender, boyish thighs. "Ohhh fuckkk 3;" Bryce moaned, as he watched his massive hard cock slowly disappear into the boy. "Don't move," Joey winced. "Eight inches [20 cm] ain't ten [25.5 cm], but it's still no fuckin' walk in the park either. Let me get used to you for a few seconds before you start movin'." "God, you're beautiful," Bryce suddenly gasped, as he watched his naked, pleasure boy struggle to accommodate his powerful hard cock. "The most beautiful boy I've ever fucked." "Okay, you can start now 3; but easy 3;" Joey sighed. "No, let me 3; you just lie there and enjoy my ass," Bryce had only just started when Joey changed his mind and decided to take control of the man's cock, rather than vice-versa. "Do it to me," Bryce told the lad. "Enjoy my cock." At first, Joey hardly moved 3; or at least it appeared that way, but eventually he began a nice, steady rhythm. "God, you're good," Bryce sighed, as he suddenly viewed his naked young pleasure boy with ever-greater respect, because Joey was doing stuff to his cock unlike anything he'd ever felt before. "Ohhh man. It feels like you're fuckin' SUCKIN' me." "I am," Joey agreed, "but I'm usin' my ass to do it." He smiled down at the man and then leaned forward so he could kiss him passionately on the lips, while allowing the eight-inch [20 cm] cock within him to all but slip free. Then he would quickly rock back again and reclaim every last inch. "Ohhh god 3; I can't fuckin' believe you just did that! They must have one hell of a sex-school down here to train you boys!" Bryce gasped, while finding it incredible that a fifteen-year-old boy could be so sexually adept. "Just the school of hard fucks," Joey giggled. He was starting to enjoy this as much as Bryce was and his pleasure- wracked face reflected it. "Ohhh baby. Yes, give it to me," Joey moaned. "Nice cock. Ohhh god yes, fuckin' nice cock, man. Yeah, feel it, feel what I'm fuckin' doin' to your cock, man. Ahhh god, yes. Feels good, but just let me know when you're ready, because I can jet any time." "You kiddin'? I could fuck you like this all day AND all night," Bryce told the boy. Despite what Joey had requested, Bryce found himself wantonly fucking his hips and cock up into the boy's cunt-like ass! Joey didn't complain at all though. It wasn't his place to complain. His ass, his cock, his whole naked boy-body belonged to Bryce for the next week. Besides, at the moment Joey was feeling as much powerful, naked, sexual pleasure as Bryce, and the man's powerful, upward strokes only added to the incredible grip of sexual feelings he was enjoying. "Do it, man. Fuck me, man. Ohhh god, yesss, fuck me," Joey urged. Feels so fuckin' good, man. Ohhh yeah, man." It couldn't go on much longer. The pace would have killed both of them if it did. He knew they'd be lucky to withstand the pleasure for more than another minute or two. "Let's do it, boy," Bryce suggested, as he felt his orgasm coming upon him. "Fuck it boy. Ohhh god. Fuck it. I'm gonna cum." "Ohhh yeah, I feel it!" Joey moaned. His comment was followed by a gurgling, eerie cry of stupendous sexual pleasure, as he wildly started pumping the cum from Bryce's cock and spurting his own cum all over Bryce's heaving chest and neck. Joey convulsed again and again atop the man's cock, as he arched his back and stared straight up at the ceiling, while ejaculating all over the place in an act of naked sexual union unlike anything either of them had felt before. As the throes of his climax began to subside, Bryce drew the boy down on top of him, so he could kiss him, as he finished making love to him. He could feel his cockhead still just inside Joey's clinging, clutching, sucking ass, as it drained the last few drops from his shaft, before he heard it emerge with a loud 'pop.' "God, you're one hot young stud," Bryce told the boy, as they kissed. "Any boy that can take a cock like mine and do what you just did to it 3; and make me cum that hard 3; for that long 3; ohhh man, I wish I'd brought a suitcase so I could pack you up and haul you home for future reference." "Ohhh, god, I love older men. They fuck sooo fuckin' good," Joey sighed, as he felt his asshole contract in protest over the absence of the massive hard cock that had just given him such incredible sexual pleasure. "Man, your ass 3; god, you really take a lot out of a guy," Bryce sighed as he held tightly the naked young fifteen-year-old, while feeling the boy's cock, still incredibly hard, against his abdomen. "And after all that, you're still fuckin' HARD?" "I'm always hard 3; we all are 3; all the boys 3; very seldom do you see one of us without a boner," Joey told him. "That's unreal!" Bryce exclaimed, in disbelief. "You might as well know 3; in the bathroom 3; in the medicine cabinet 3; there's a bottle of pink pills. If you take one a day you'll be hard all the time too," Joey stated, as he divulged one of the island's secrets to sex excess. "What if I take two?" Bryce joked with the boy. "Then you'll fuckin' go out of your mind," Joey laughed. "You could end up with a PERMANENT erection." "Sounds good to me," Bryce quipped, as he joined in on the joke. "Painful perhaps, but fun." "The blue pills 3; we call them Blue-boys 3; they'll extend your sexual potency by about five to one," Joey confessed. "You'd better take one before your third orgasm each day or the hardest cock in the world ain't gonna be worth shit to anybody." "Are there side effects?" Bryce asked. "You may get a sort of aching feeling in your groin after about ten orgasms," Joey told him truthfully. "Most of us have gotten used to it though 3; goes with he job 3; but for the guests, however, one week's not really long enough to let your body get used to so much sex. "You shittin' me? I can really cum ten or twelve times a day if I take those fuckers?" Bryce asked, as he smiled broadly at the thought. "Easily 3; twenty if you're really horny 3; or I am," Joey laughed. "Don't tell me 3; that was your twentieth today, no doubt," Bryce joked. "Fifth 3; errrr 3; I think 3; yeah 3; one 3; two 3; three 3; yeah, the fifth," Joey confirmed, as he literally counted them out on his fingers. "And you shot 3; quarts!" Bryce laughed. "Yeah, it kind of tapers off after eight or ten 3; then it kind of gets watery after twelve, but still quite adequate for pleasure purposes," Joey confirmed, as they rolled apart and stared up at the beams supporting the low, pyramid-shaped roof overhead. They continued to lay in silence, somewhat exhausted after the extreme physical exertion of their orgasms. Even tired, Bryce felt happier than he'd ever felt in his entire life. "Still thinking about your son?" Joey wondered, since he wasn't used to so much silence. Bryce smiled and turned his head, so he could kiss the boy's lips. "What son?" he teased. Chapter 5Trevor had requested a beachfront cottage, which were located another hundred yards down the road from where he saw TJ, Bryce and Aaron turn off and head into the jungle. Trevor's cottage was one of about ten located along the edge of the white sand beach, which was about one hundred feet [30 m] wide. The cottages were widely spaced beneath large palm trees, which generously shaded them from the sun and provided a picturesque backdrop to what was a fantasy setting. Ryan pulled the open car to a stop in front of the third one. "We call this one Sexsation," he smiled, as he pointed to the sign over the door. The cottages on the beach appeared to be older, possibly a little smaller and more rustic, but at the same time more authentically Caribbean than some they'd passed earlier. "Cute," Trevor noted, as he followed his devastatingly cute pleasure boy up the two or three wooden steps to the front porch and then inside. "And this is Biff and Buff," Ryan announced, as he introduced Trevor to two beautiful, naked boys inside. "They're brothers. Biff is 14 and Buff is 15." "My god, when they said three-to-one, they weren't shittin'," Trevor gasped, as he met and shook hands with the two delicious-looking boys. "Well, the boys aren't yours exclusively, but they'll be in and out from time to time. They're with housekeeping, but they only have three cottages, so they have lots of free time on their hands 3; and you know what happens when horny, teenage boys have too much time on their hands 3;?" "No! What?" Trevor laughed. "Suppose you boys SHOW me." He was only half joking, but the three naked boys took him at his word. He'd barely gotten through the front door, when in about half a second later, Trevor was flat on his back on the bed with all three of them crawling nakedly all over him, kissing and sucking on his face, body and cock. They were literally devouring him sexually, like he had never been devoured before. "Ohhh shit, it's started already!" Trevor gasped, as he pulled the boys to him, so he could touch, fondle and caress each of them, while doing a little devouring himself. "Twenty-something studs like you get industrial-strength sex," Ryan told him gleefully, as their romp became more wildly erotic. "We sometimes even have to call in reinforcements, if the guests get too rowdy." "Yeah, we had six of us on this one guy a couple weeks ago 3; all fuckin' afternoon, 'til dinner." Biff boasted, as he watched his older brother wildly sucking away on Trevor's soaring hard cock. "Maybe we can work on BREAKING that record this week," Trevor laughed, as his powerful, naked body responded wildly to what the boys were doing to him. "The house limit is ten," Ryan told him, "but nobody's ever been able to stand more than eight." "In one bed?" Trevor asked in disbelief, since the four of them were almost more than the king-size bed could handle. "No, on the beach," Ryan clarified. Buff surrendered Trevor's cock to his little brother to work on for a while, so he could add his own two-cents worth. "We went after the poor guy like a bunch of hungry dogs," Buff joked. "Took him to dinner on a stretcher," Ryan laughed. "Ohhh, they did not!" Buff scoffed, contradicting his sexual colleague. "He wasn't walkin' any too good though 3; I don't know HOW many cocks he took up the ass that afternoon, but 3;" "FIVE 3; and mine was one of them," Ryan confirmed, before he went back to sucking on Trevor's tits. "Ohhh god, boy, easy there. I've got really sensitive tits, man. I can cum with just you guys doin' my tits," Trevor warned. "Really?" Ryan giggled, just before he and Buff suddenly went to work on them both, which made Trevor squirm with aching sexual pleasure. "Ohhh god, boys. Ohhh god 3; yesss," Trevor moaned. "Suck me, boys, suck my cock. Keep doin' it to me. Ohhh god, that's nice. You're gonna fuckin' make me cum 3;" Biff tasted his cum 3; several spurts of it in fact, but he didn't let up and drained the man dry, even as his brother and Ryan ravaged the man's tits. It was an old strategy they were employing that the boys called the 'Welcome Cum'. It was designed to give the young twinks who could stand it, such as Trevor, more sex than they could stand, right off the bat. It was intended to be more sex in one massive, devastating dose than they'd ever endured in their entire life. "Ohhh god, yes. Ohhh fuck, yesss 3; that was good, so good. I can't believe how good that felt. You're drainin' me. Ohhh god, that was nice and felt great," Trevor sighed. Trevor expected the boys to release him from his sexual pleasure, but instead, they just kept on sucking. His cock went soft, but still they sucked on it until it got hard again, and then they sucked it some more. "Ohhh shit, boys, too much, ohhh god, you don't know when to QUIT!" Trevor gasped. He didn't yet realize that what he was feeling was, in fact, a well-honed act. It was a plan to leave him so sexually devastated that he'd be out of it for nearly the rest of the afternoon. "Don't move," Ryan ordered, while lifting his lips momentarily from Trevor's already painfully raw nipple. "You ain't felt NOTHING yet!" "Trade ya?" Biff offered, as he and his brother traded places again. "Hang on, man." Buff advised Trevor, as he sucked down on his tortured, hard cock with a vengeance even surpassing the efforts of his little brother. "Ohhh crap 3;" Trevor howled in naked sexual pleasure, as he felt himself being once more propelled toward orgasm. This was the first time in his life that he'd ever had back-to-back orgasms. Buff was the best there was, as he worked tongue, lips, throat and every part of his mouth, as he wildly ravaging Trevor's cock. "Ohhh god, boys. I can't stand it! I can't take it any longer! Ohhh god, stop 3; no, don't stop! Suck it. Ohhh god 3; the pleasure 3; the feeling. Ohhh man, oh god, I can't believe I'm feeling this, I can't believe what you're doing to my cock, what you boys are doing to my WHOLE body. This is sooooo fuckin' hot, sooo fucking beautiful and I think I'm gonna fuckin' cum again." "Next." Buff suddenly called out, as he and Ryan suddenly changed spots and started a third round. "Ohhh my god 3; oh my god 3;" Trevor moaned, as he suddenly realized this could go on and on and on. Trevor knew in the back of his mind that he could end it, if he really insisted 3; if he really wanted to 3; but after all of the boasting he had done before this left him with little choice now but to endure. He wanted to enjoy it all, if he could. Besides, he really didn't want it to end 3; not yet anyway. It was as if he had entered a sexual marathon, so he wanted to push himself beyond anything he'd ever done before, just to see what his sexual limits really were. If worst came to worst, there was always the stretcher. If Buff and Biff had given his cock a horrendous workout, it was nothing compared to what his pleasure boy, Ryan, was unleashing upon it now. In an instant, the boy showed why HE was a pleasure boy and the other two boys made beds and cleaned toilets. Ryan didn't even so much as give his cock time to get soft again before once more urging him on toward yet a THIRD rendezvous with aching orgasmic pleasure. "Ohhh shit 3; I've never DONE or FELT anything like this before," Trevor gasped. "I've never even done a REPEAT, much less a THREEPEAT!" Trevor felt what he was in for and frankly it scared him as much as it excited him. Ryan was working his cock up with incredible speed and power, so the feeling was becoming much more intense than any sexual pleasure he'd ever felt before in his life. He knew he still faced at least ONE more excruciating blast of ejaculating pleasure, as he waited for it to happen. "It's what you came here for, isn't it?" Buff chided him, in between painful nips on his tit. "Ohhh god, yes. Boys, do it to me. Give me the most incredible sexual pleasure I've ever felt. Ohhh god, make me cum again," Trevor begged in sweltering sexual pleasure. "It's killin' me, but I want it. I want more. I wanna fuckin' cum sooo fuckin' bad 3;" This time, however, it wouldn't be so easy. Back-to-back orgasms were one thing, but three in a row was something that no untrained male body could do without enduring incredible, excruciating, extended, sexual stimulation of the most intense kind. This time, there would be no quick relief or no powerful, pounding orgasm to help relieve the pressure. This time the torture seemed to go on and on and on. Trevor lost track of time, as well as place. He lost track of everything except the straining, twisting, aching pleasure the boys were giving him. "Ohhh god, make me cum," Trevor pleaded. " Please do it to me, boys. Make me cum. I can't stand it any longer. I've gotta cum. Do it to me. Ryan, please suck me off. Fuckin' make it happen. This feeling 3; it 3; it can't go on 3;" Trevor was alternating between moments of excruciating pain and exquisite pleasure to the point that the sensations were flip-flopping within him with every beat of his heart. It was merging into a pleasure that was painful, on the one hand, and a pain that was pleasurable, on the other. The fine line between them grew blurry, as his heaving, thrusting, trembling, straining naked body was wracked with such powerful feelings that it threatened to drive him insane. At this point, Ryan did something to him, something to his cock, which he sucked in some special way that set him off. It triggered something within Trevor that seemed to set off something else, which ignited a sort of chain reaction within his aching, quaking groin. What he felt was too powerful to be called an orgasm, because it was more like a nuclear detonation. There was a modest spurt of watery cum, but mostly there was just excruciating, horrendous, devastating pleasure, which was so incredibly strong that it made him SCREAM! It was a sound heard all up and down the beach and caused the other guests to look up from their own sexual pleasure and smile, as they recalled their own sexual initiation into the club. Finally, the boys let up and Ryan crawled atop Trevor. The other two clung hotly to his sides and their lips were all over his own, as they attempted to stifle his screams, while at the same time soothing his body. "Easy 3; easy, man. It's ok, but it's over now. You're gonna be alright," Ryan whispered softly between his lips. "I 3; I know 3; thanks 3; ohhh god 3;" Trevor whimpered, as tears were running from his eyes. Trevor knew it was over, but he also knew he'd never be all right again. He'd pushed the limits of his body and survived, but he knew he could never do it again. He would never again allow himself to come that close to sexual insanity. He couldn't speak, couldn't think and could hardly even breathe. Ryan was no lightweight, but he gently eased the boy off of him. Now, at least he could die of naked sexual pleasure, rather than from asphyxiation. It might have been hours or possibly just mere minutes, although he had no way of knowing. No one on Calisto wore a watch, because no one cared about anything as trivial as time. All they knew was when the sun rose, it was dawn and breakfast time. When the stomach growled again and the sun was high in the sky, it was lunchtime, and then when the sun eventually setting at dusk, it time to eat again. They ate three meals a day, but were allowed all of the cock and cum they wanted in between. It was a life unmatched anywhere else on earth. That's when Trevor's stomach began to growl, but it was already well past noon and their lunchtime, so Ryan fed him his cock instead. It was more than enough to satisfy Trevor. Chapter 6TJ dipped his toe in the lagoon. He'd expected the water to be much cooler than it was, but it was mid-August and NOTHING was very cool in the Caribbean during August. "How deep is it?" he asked Marc, who was sitting along the edge on one of the moss-covered rock, while dangling his feet in the water. "About six feet [1.80 m] where you are, but deeper the farther out you go. You can dive, but just aim for the center of the lagoon," he advised. "Cool," TJ cooed, as he smiled. TJ then arched his slender naked body as he leaped into the lagoon with a graceful swish. He came up on the far side and stood waist deep in the water, with his feet resting on the rocky, graveled bottom. "Beautiful!" Marc called out from the opposite side. He made no effort to join TJ though and simply set poised on the rock, looking beautiful sitting where he was, completely by himself. "Hi!" a voice exclaimed, which startled both boys. TJ looked around quickly, trying to locate the speaker. Finally, several feet above him, he spied Aaron waving at him from the deck of the Ecstasy Pagoda. "Come on in. The water's fine!" TJ offered, as he invited his young friend down by using the oldest cliché in the book. "We'll be right there!" Aaron called back, and for a moment TJ thought Aaron was going to try to dive in from the balcony, but fortunately he didn't do that. Despite the coolness of the water, TJ quickly began to get hard from merely seeing the boy and just hearing his voice. While he watched Aaron and the cute young boy with him make their way down from Ecstasy to the shallow end of the lagoon, TJ swam over to the waterfall and basked in its turbulence. Aaron didn't dive in as TJ had and just inched his way in a few feet, before falling forward into a sort of modified doggy paddle. TJ found this as amusing as it was endearing to watch. "Wheee 3; this is GREAT!" Aaron laughed, as he joined TJ at the base of the falls. "Feels good, doesn't it?" TJ asked, as he reached out and put his arm around the boy. As soon as he did, he dragged him under the cascading falls with him. "Fuckin' cocksucker!" Aaron sputtered, as he came out from under it again, and then he pushed TJ's head under the surface in revenge. TJ stayed down for a while and then came up under Aaron, so he could pick the young boy's naked little body up, clear out of the water, before he tossed him several feet out into the middle of the lagoon. Aaron squealed with delight and felt almost as if he was having another orgasm. This was the first time in his life that he'd ever swum naked and he loved it. "Felt like I was FLYING!" he cried out, as he swam back toward TJ, while hoping the boy would do it to him again. Suddenly, TJ felt another boy beside him, before he was suddenly upended into the water. That's when he realized that Aaron's naked little pleasure boy had almost done to him what he'd just done to Aaron. "FUCK!" he cried, as he came up to the surface again, since he'd been caught completely off guard. "Here? Now?" Aaron's pleasure boy teased, with a laugh, before he squirmed away like a slick little eel when TJ tried to grab him. It only took TJ a few minutes to realize that the boy was not only surprisingly strong for a kid so young, but he was also no stranger to pretty rough horseplay in the water. The boy was also very quick, agile and a superb swimmer, so TJ guessed he was also used to being manhandled, both physically and sexually. "Hi. I'm Tommy," the boy belatedly introduced himself, as TJ called a truce. "I'm Aaron's pleasure boy for the week." "Yeah, he taught me how to have an orgasm a little while ago," Aaron proclaimed proudly. "It was really cool 3; or 3; or hot 3; I'm not sure which." "HOT!" Tommy yelled, as he contributed his verdict. Then, the boys laughed and played below the falls. "Felt really good!" Aaron told TJ, as they waded toward the edge. "What did you do?" TJ asked breathlessly. "Did you suck each other off?" "Oh, no, nothing like that," Aaron giggled, embarrassed. "It wasn't much, just a little mild lovemaking 3; kissing 3; cock rubbing 3; mutual masturbation," Tommy explained. "So how do you like sex then, now that you've had a little taste of what this hard little fucker can do for you," TJ asked as he grabbed Aaron's cock and led him out of the water and onto a nearby mossy boulder. "It's unbelievable," Aaron said, grinning from ear to ear. "I never dreamed anything could feel so good." "I don't suppose either one of you shot any cum 3;" TJ stated, as he smiled down at the two, nubile little boys. "We're too young," Tommy told him, as he lazed back on the shallow bottom nearby, so the water covered all but his slender, arching cock. "You two are probably the only boys on the island who haven't shot your first load of cum yet," TJ observed, as he continued smiling at them. "There's Jean Pierre too," Tommy told them. "Who's that?" TJ asked. "He's Mr. Nichols' private pleasure boy," Tommy informed them. "He's about thirteen and doesn't come off the hill very often, but we're still good friends." "Is he cute?" TJ asked, as he winked at Tommy and flirted with the little boy-nymph outrageously. "The cutest boy on the island," Tommy told him flat out. "You ever fuck him?" TJ probed. "No 3; we made love once 3; but he fucked me. He's incredibly beautiful too," Tommy sighed a bit dreamily. "More than you?" TJ teased, which caused Tommy to splash him in response. TJ jumped back down into the water and chased little Tommy back toward the falls, before giving up the pursuit. Tommy might be no match for him on dry land but, but in the water he swam like a dolphin. Tiredly, TJ waded back to where Aaron sat on the rock, with his feet dangling in the water. "Too much for me," TJ sighed, while resting his arms on Aaron's naked knees and panted. "He's lots of fun," Aaron laughed. "So are YOU I'm told," TJ teased, as he smiled up at the boy and eyed his sprouting young boy-cock. "Who told you that?" Aaron demanded. "Ohhh, word gets around. You've been here barely four hours and already you've got a reputation as the cutest little virgin boy on the island," TJ teased, and this prompted Aaron to laugh. "Probably the ONLY little virgin boy the island!" he confessed. This caused TJ to laugh with him, until his laughter faded in a smile, and then contorted into the look of one tempted almost beyond the limits of endurance. There was a lengthy silence in the wake of their laughter, as boy and man came face to cock with their aching wants and wishes. Almost imperceptibly, Aaron nodded, eyeing both TJ and his own cock pulsating just inches from TJ's lips. Seeing this, TJ moved closer, until he was between the boy's legs and softly kissed the head of his beautiful penis. Then, he began to nibble at it with his lips, as his hands slipped up and around Aaron's slender, naked butt. Slowly and sweetly, TJ's lips sunk down over the young boy's six plus [15 cm] cock and he felt him tremble and shudder in naked sexual pleasure. "Ohhh yes 3;" Aaron moaned, as TJ's lips returned to his cockhead and elicited such an incredible feeling. "You ok?" TJ asked, as he lifted his lips from the boy's cock and gazed up into the face of sweet ecstasy. Aaron nodded once more, since he was afraid to trust his voice. Then, he watched as TJ sucked his dick back into his mouth. Once again, he moaned in deep, sexual pleasure. "Uhhh 3; Mmmm 3; ohhh yeah!" he sighed. TJ sucked lovingly on the boy's cock, but was careful not to attack it. He didn't to rush this, because he remembered the first time he'd ever received a blowjob. He wanted it to be just as beautiful and just as pleasurable for Aaron as his first time had been. "Ohhh, maaannn 3;" Aaron moaned, as his hard, throbbing, young boy-cock responded. "Another first?" TJ asked, as he lifted his lips from Aaron's cock long enough to note. "Yesss 3;" Aaron hissed, as he lay back with his head all but hanging off the back curvature of the rock, while his slender, naked, little boy-body arched and draped over the hard surface, like a sacrifice on an altar. TJ intensified his sucking and hungrily accepted the boy's sacrifice of his naked, young boy-body to his lips. TJ could not recall a more exquisitely erotic sight in his entire life. He was giving one of the most beautiful, certainly the most virginal little boy on the island, his very first cocksucking and it was an experience neither of them would soon forget. "Ohhh, god, I can't believe this is happening to me," Aaron sighed, as he surrendered himself totally to TJ's cocksucking lips. He'd heard boys talk about blowjobs before, but he would never have imagined it could feel so good. Until just a couple of hours ago, he could never have imagined SEX would feel so good, but this was sex beyond sex. This was pleasure far beyond what he and Tommy had shared. He felt those same wonderful feelings welling up inside him again, but this time he knew what it was. This time there was no fear or uncertainty, it was just pure pleasure – naked, aching, swirling and sweeping sexual pleasure, which was twice as powerful as before. TJ began to suck harder and his lips were now sweeping up and down over the little boy's amazing young cock with incredible speed and precision. He also lifted an arm and let his hand begin to fondle and massage his young partner's scrotum, because TJ knew that would only heighten the experience for him. Although TJ knew it was unlikely, more than anything he wanted to taste the boy's virginal load of cum. Lovingly, he unleashed every cocksucking skill he possessed on Aaron's outstanding penis, as he swirled it with his tongue, sucked it with his throat and tortured it with his lips. Up and down, faster and faster, tighter and tighter, feeling it pulsate and then it began to throb in his mouth. "Ohhh god, TJ, suck me man, suck my cock, suck me off and keep suckin' like that," Aaron pleaded, as he urged TJ on. "Ohhh yes. You're makin' it feel sooo good, man. Ahhh god. Sooo good. Gonna suck me off and make my whole naked body feel good 3; Ohhh yeah. Suck it, man, suck iiittt," Aaron heaved and thrust his hips, as he squirmed nakedly on the rock. No longer was he a passive receiver, but an active seeker of the kind of aching sexual pleasure only TJ could give him. TJ sensed the pressure building up inside of the boy and felt the devastating tremors pulsing through his slender frame, as the sexual pleasure he was giving Aaron's cock grew more intense. It was more difficult to control, yet more achingly beautiful, as he gripped the boy's hips and did his best to control the boy's involuntary pleasure spasms. TJ's head was now swooping up and down over Aaron's cock, so fast that it was almost a blur. TJ had sucked many cocks in his life, but this one was the youngest, the liveliest and the sweetest. "Make me feel it, TJ, make me feel it again," Aaron moaned. "I wanna feel it again, the feeling just like me and Tommy did. I wanna feel it inside me, feel it in my cock, ohhh yeah, that's it, TJ, it's feeling better and better, man. You're makin' it feel better and better and better, and 3; ohhh god, my cock, man. You're gonna make me do it. You're gonna make me feel it again." Suddenly, TJ stopped. He felt Aaron's whole naked body go stiff and then convulse. He held the boy's cock in suspended animation and felt it pulsate, before it grow even harder and throbbed 3; once, twice, three, four, five times. There was no cum, only pleasure. It was just a boy enjoying pleasure from his cock. "Ohhh, ohhh fuck 3;" Aaron grunted, as he forced his cock deeper and deeper into TJ's gulping throat. He knew, of course, that there was nothing to gulp, but that didn't matter to Aaron. His orgasm was squeezing him like a sponge that was determined to wring out all it could from his naked, young boy's body. It was taking every last ounce of sexual pleasure, whether he could cum yet or not. "TJ, keep sucking me. You're making me cum," Aaron groaned. "Keep sucking on my cock. Ohhh god. Yesss!" TJ did as requested. There might have been just a hint of pre-cum, but there was no liquid pleasure. There was no sweet, sometimes salty, taste of a young boy's first sexual offering, but TJ continued to suck him until he was soft again and then let the sweet, young penis slip from his lips, as he reached out and tugged on Aaron's limp arms. Slowly, he pulled the boy upright once more and then lifted him down into the water, so he could wrap him up in his powerful, naked arms. "Ohhh god, I love you," Aaron murmured, while sobbing against TJ's powerful, naked chest. "That was the most beautiful feeling and the most wonderful thing anyone has ever done for me 3; to me 3; ohhh god, TJ, I love you sooo much." TJ understood Aaron's words were merely the love generated by intense sexual afterglow, but that didn't make the words any less sweet or any less powerful aphrodisiac. He lifted the boy into his arms and let the water support them, as he felt Aaron's legs wrap around his own incredibly slender waist. His own cock pressed between the boy's ass cheeks, and although being tempted to indulge in the ultimate sexual experience, he resisted. There would be time enough for that later, seeing Aaron had barely endured his first blowjob. There was in no way he was ready for anything more. "How was it?" Tommy asked, as he quietly surfaced, after swimming underwater most of the way across the lagoon. "Beautiful," Aaron sighed, as his naked, little boy-body continued to cling lovingly to TJ's. "I cummed, but didn't squirt anything, but it was still beautiful. More beautiful than anything I've ever felt before." "Maybe even MORE beautiful BECAUSE you didn't cum," TJ suggested, as he finally lowered the boy down and into the water between himself and Tommy. "What do ya mean?" Tommy asked. "Shooting your cum isn't all that important," TJ told the two pre-pubescent boys. "It's the feeling, the love, the pleasure 3; holding, touching, sucking and fucking 3; Shooting cum is only a messy way of ending it all." "Cool," Tommy smiled. "I've never thought of it like that before." "I've even heard boys claim that it felt better BEFORE they started shooting cum," TJ offered. "And if you don't shoot in the first place, then you don't have to worry about runnin' out of cum, either." "Yeah 3;" Aaron agreed, as he smiled and the three of them climbed out of the water and settled into the long grass next to the rock where Aaron had just surrendered his virgin cock to TJ. Once more, a disquieting silence fell over the three of them, as they contemplated each other's naked body and the incredible, romantic beauty of their private Eden. "You didn't cum," Aaron announced, after he'd finally found the courage to point this fact out. "No," TJ confirmed, as he eyed his huge, hard cock, which arched out nakedly stiff over his powerful, hairless loins. He flexed it a couple times, making it jump and bob seductively to amuse the boys. It was obscenely huge, long, thick, pink and incredibly hard, but TJ said nothing else. He knew Aaron was trying to decide if he should suck him off or pass the honor over to Tommy. Tommy was being discreetly quiet, since he sensed the moment of surrender was passing upon Aaron. Slowly and gently, Aaron reached out and touched TJ's cock with his fingers, which felt like fluttering, little butterflies to TJ. He even thought for a moment he might cum just from this sweet and innocent contact. "If you want, it's yours," TJ whispered softly. He neither wanted to encourage nor pressure Aaron into doing anything and decided it must be his choice. A few seconds later, he felt the boy lean forward and kiss his penis tenderly, before rocking back gently, so he could let his tongue trace over his lips and savor the taste. Slowly, he began to decide if he liked the flavor or found it revolting. "It's okay and I won't cum in your mouth," TJ offered, while trying to ease the fears he knew the boy must be feeling. Aaron smiled and looked up at him uneasily, before returning his attention back to the massive hard cock that he still held tenderly in his small hand. After a brief delay, he opened his lips and took most of TJ's cockhead between them, but only for a few seconds, as he once more pulled off and checked out the taste again. Then, after deciding there wasn't much of a taste to it, he sucked in a little more, until he had all of TJ's circumcised cockhead this time. He then held it there briefly, while he tried to get used to the texture and feel of it in his mouth. Aaron also realized that although it was hard, TJ's cock seemed soft as well, because the outer skin was somewhat pliant beneath his lips. Even though it took him a few moments to get over the idea that he currently had a man's cock in his mouth, he was also somewhat surprised that he wasn't experiencing a wave of revulsion. It was ONLY a guy's cock, so he sucked in a little more, and then a little more, as he inched his way down the magnificent, stiff shaft, a quarter inch or so at a time. "Ohhh god, Aaron 3; You're doing great," TJ sighed lovingly, as Aaron gave his sweet, virgin lips to him too. "You're doin' really good," Tommy gently encouraged him, as he intently watched the length Aaron was taking in. "Just watch your teeth and don't try to take it all, just as much you can handle without gagging." "It feels nice," TJ whispered. "Really nice." Slowly, Aaron became a little bolder and began to retreat, until just the head was between his lips. Then, he slipped his mouth back down over it, but he was also using his tongue, because he remembered TJ had done that to him. "Ohhh yeah, babe. Ohhh yeah. You're doing great 3;" TJ moaned, as he began feeling real sexual pleasure now. His cock was so hot that he wasn't sure how many of Aaron's long, leisurely strokes he could stand for much longer. "Suck it, Aaron, suck his cock. Suck him off, man. Do it to him and make him feel good, man. Make him fuckin' FEEL it," Tommy urged, since he seemed to be enjoying this as much as TJ was, possibly even MORE than Aaron. "Ohhh sweet, sooo sweet, sooo fuckin' sweeet!" TJ gasped, as he threw back his head back and savored the feeling. Aaron felt his fears slowly slip away and they were replaced by his joy in the realization that he was, for the first time, GIVING pleasure now, not just soaking up the kindness of others. He knew if he wanted to be a real player this week, then he'd need to get past his virginal fears and attitudes. He had to free himself from his protected past, so he began to suck the cock back into his mouth, only a little faster this time. It was big, but it wasn't impossible. In fact, it was easier than he'd expected, once he got used to it. "Yes, yes! Go for it, boy! Suck my cock," TJ encouraged the novice. "Yes, ohhh god, yes. Aaron, that feels good 3; sooo beautiful 3; sooo sexy 3; sooo erotic. Aaron, you're makin' it feel sooo good, boy. Ohhh yeah, sooo good. Ohhh god, yeah, you're really doin' it to me good. I can feel the feeling getting stronger and stronger, Aaron," TJ warmly continued to encourage Aaron, but it wasn't merely a matter of helping Aaron shed his virginity. This time, it was mostly for his own growing pleasure. "Get ready, Aaron, I think he's getting close," Tommy sensed correctly and warned his new friend. Tommy had been in the sexual pleasure business long enough to sense when an orgasm was about to hit. "Yes, yes, yes, Aaron, do it to me. I'll tell you before I shoot. I'll pull you off before it happens," TJ promised. Aaron suddenly shook his head and pulled off. "No, I want it 3; I want to taste your cum," he insisted. TJ blinked in surprised. There was also a look of surprise on Tommy's face as well. "Are you sure?" TJ whispered softly. Aaron nodded forcefully now, as he continued to lavish incredible sexual sensations upon the hard, throbbing, man-cock in his mouth. TJ merely shrugged, as a smile began to creep across his face. "Okay, kid, if you say so," TJ conceded. "Just don't say I didn't warn ya." Aaron sucked harder and harder now and was looking forward to TJ's orgasm. He wanted more than anything to taste TJ's cum for the first time and see what it was like. "Ohhh god, Aaron. I'm close, baby. I'm fuckin' close, man, I'm gonna cum. Ohhh god, Aaron, you're gonna make me cum, boy. Ohhh yeah, hang on 3; hang on, ohhh yeah, here it 3; it 3; cums!" TJ cried out, as his orgasm rocked his cock and caused his entire body to shudder in pleasure, with surprising intensity. Suddenly, Aaron accepted his first load, but he had to pull off when he started gagging and hurriedly spit it out. There was just too much for him to swallow and he started to choke, so he instinctively expelled it from his mouth. Once he did, there was still enough left for him to savor, so he eagerly swirled his tongue around his cheeks and lips, as he toyed with its texture and taste. It was a little strange, both bitter and salty at the same time, so he knew it would take some getting used to. Dutifully, however, he managed to hold onto TJ's cock and managed to jack it off, once he stopped sucking on it. He then watched in total amazement, and possibly relief, as another glob of cum blasted into the air and landed between TJ's navel and tits. It was followed by another and then another, with each blast becoming only slightly smaller than the one before it. "Ohhh god. Look at it fuckin' spurt," Aaron cried in surprise and awe. "Oh, yeah 3; Another spurt and another 3; Keep it squirtin' man. It's fuckin' amazing." Aaron behaved like a little boy with a new toy, which was exactly what he was. He had never so much as seen or touched another stiff cock before, let alone watched it do anything as amazing as this, but now he had actually caused it to happen and never wanted to let go. "That was incredible! Man, what a great cock you have," Aaron cried out in amazement, as he inflicted a seemingly unending stream of naked sexual pleasure on TJ's cock. "Man, this is sooo hot. I love suckin' and jackin' 3; Now, I can't wait to do you too, Tommy." Chapter 7"Hi, Aaron," someone said from behind him. Aaron wheeled around and looked up, startled by the voice. He was surprised to see that it was his father, because his voice somehow sounded different. "Err 3; uhhh 3; hi," Aaron greeted the naked stud staring down at him. "I see you're enjoying yourself," Bryce smiled, as he sat down on a nearby rock next to his son, TJ and Tommy. TJ opened one eye and gazed tiredly up at the father of the boy who'd just sucked him off. "Hey, man, what's up?" TJ asked in greeting. "Apparently we ALL are," Bryce laughed, referring to their erect penises, with his own eight-inch [20 cm] monster not being the least of them. "How'd he do?" TJ propped himself up on one elbow and looked at Bryce. Since the man was smiling, he felt it was safe to answer. "Your son has the makings of a first-class cocksucker," he told Aaron's father, quite honestly. "Hmmmm 3; so it would seem," Bryce observed. "Son, wipe your mouth. You got cum drooling out of the corner." "Oh," Aaron responded, as he quickly heeded his father's advice, more than a little embarrassed by his dad's observation. "He did REALLY good," Tommy added, as he critiqued his newfound friend's sexual performance. "Yes, I was watching," Bryce smiled proudly. "You 3; you were?" Aaron gasped in dismay, since he was unsure whether to share in his father's pride or shrink away from it. "Sorry, I just couldn't resist, since I was already heading down here to see how you were doing," Bryce apologized. "He's got a couple orgasms under his belt 3; well, he ain't got no belt but 3;" Tommy laughed. "TJ just sucked him off BIG TIME!" "Did he cum yet?" Bryce inquired. "No, sorry," TJ smiled, "but he's sure been tryin' hard." "Did you give him his first orgasm then?" Bryce asked, while hoping he wasn't prying too much. "No, I think Tommy here was responsible for that," TJ answered, as he smiled up at Aaron's naked young pleasure boy. "At least that's what I heard." "Yeah, it was fantastic," Aaron confirmed, as he smiled warmly over at Tommy. "It was unbelievable." "Thanks," Bryce offered, as he patted Tommy on the back. "I'm sure it was a very beautiful experience for you both." "We were up there on the deck, kissing, and 3; it just sort of 3; you know 3; happened," Aaron added, as he imparted a few more meager details. "You had any orgasms yet?" Aaron asked, which startled his father briefly, because of his unusual and uncharacteristic boldness. "Uhhh 3; well 3; yes, of course. Joey and I 3;" Bryce began. "He fucked me HARD," Joey confirmed, since he'd just happened to wander in on the tail end of the conversation. "Your dad's quite the STUD!" "Like 3; up 3; you know 3; up the 3; ass?" Aaron stammered. He was staring up at his father in awe, bordering on disbelief. Even though the man was, even now, completely naked and hugely hard, it was still difficult for Aaron to picture his dad involved in such an obscene act of sexual pleasure. "Yes, of course, but I'm gonna get him back later," Joey told them. "I'm gonna fuck him so hard that you're gonna hear it from one end of the island to the other when we cum." Bryce laughed, although he would have preferred that Joey had been a little more discreet regarding their planned sexual activities. "I'm 3; uhhh 3; looking forward to it," he admitted, because what ELSE could he really say? "Hey, way coool. Can I watch?" Aaron cried out, excitedly. "Ulp 3; uh, Aaron, I 3;" Bryce stammered, stunned by his son's bare-naked request, as he looked about hopefully, thinking the others might jump in with their support. "Yeah, man, maybe you can pick up a few pointers," Tommy suggested, with no small amount of excitement in his own voice. "Yeah, sure. I love havin' an audience when I put this fucker to work," Joey quickly offered, as he invited the others, before glancing down at his sexual master for the week. "When can I fuck you?" "Well 3; I 3;" Bryce didn't finish. He hadn't anticipated doing any such act with an audience in the first place, let alone considering Aaron might be watching as well. Not only that, but then there was the fact that Joey seemingly wanted to schedule a time to do it right here and now. Well, to put it mildly, it left him very much at a loss for words. "Well, why not now 3; it looks like you're both more than horny enough," TJ suggested with a laugh, since he didn't realize the spot they had just put Aaron's dad in. He then winked at Bryce in amusement. "Why not show the boy what ya got?" "Ohhh 3; now 3; guys 3; I'm not sure this is the time OR the place to 3;" Bryce began. "Oh, come on, Dad. I wanna see ya get FUCKED," Aaron teased. "Aaron!" Bryce exclaimed, stung by his son's blunt request. The totally uninhibited sexual atmosphere on the island had both spurred on and created his sudden embarrassment, as the reality of this place suddenly came crashing down on him. "Yeah, come on, man. Lay on your back and I'll pop this fucker in ya, so we can really blast off for the STARS!" Joey offered, as he put his arms around Bryce from behind and urged him down. "But 3; but 3; we don't have any lubricant or 3;" Bryce started to object. "Hey, man, don't fuckin' worry about that. I got a tongue, don't I? I've also got lots and lots of spit, man. I'll have you all lubed up in no time," Joey countered, as he eased Bryce down on his back in the soft grass. "Sounds like you're gonna see a rim job too," TJ teased, as he winked at Aaron, whose beautiful blue eyes were getting bigger and bigger by the second. "What's that?" Aaron asked innocently. "Just watch," Tommy told him, as Joey lifted the man's legs and bent to the task. "Ohhh, my god 3;" Aaron blurted out, as he was getting an advanced class in sex education. "Ohhh, yeah. Go for it, man," TJ laughed, thoroughly enjoying the moment. "Man, he's fuckin' kissin' his ASS!" Aaron cried gleefully, much to his father's further embarrassment. "We're well-trained in the art," Tommy laughed, knowingly. "Remind me to have you demonstrate for me sometime," TJ smiled over at him. "Have Marc do it to you. He's even better at it than I am," Tommy replied, while looking around and wondering where Marc had disappeared. "Ohhh, man. This is wild 3; embarrassing but 3; totally wild!" Bryce exclaimed, since he didn't know whether to just lay back and enjoy it or to turn beet red. "Mmmm 3; ya like that, do you?" Joey asked, having fun with him. It wasn't often he got to be a father-fucker, especially in front of the man's son. "Ohhh, man. He's drivin' me fuckin' CRAZY!" Bryce announced, as he shuddered when his cock pulsated against his slender abdomen. "God, you've got quite a fuckin' TONGUE in your mouth." "WOW!" Aaron gasped, as he gawked at his father and the boy giving him such obvious sexual pleasure. "Does it really feel that good?" Bryce was gradually starting to get past the point of embarrassment, so he answered. "Oh yeah 3;" he confirmed for his son's benefit. "Ohhh god, yeah. Ohhh FUCK, Joey! You'd better DO it or I'm gonna cum without ya." Joey was nothing, if not fast. In about two seconds flat he was in and in another two seconds he was in Bryce's ass, up to the hilt, which was no small task for his sizable seven-inch [18 cm], wickedly curved boy-cock. "Ohhh yeah 3; oh yeahhh 3;" Joey sighed, as he enjoyed the insertion. Bryce had been fucked more than a few times, but he'd never been taken so quickly, so expertly or so painlessly. Joey had a really marvelous cock, which was perfectly suited for such naked sexual pleasure, and it was obvious the boy knew how to use it. "Ohhh FUCKKK!" Aaron squealed. He was reacting in unconcealed wonderment at the sexual sight before him. There, in front of his bulging blue eyes, his dad was taking a huge cock up his ass and was apparently enjoying it. Never in his life could he have imagined such a sight. "My feeling exactly," Bryce agreed, as he looked over at his son. He was actually starting to enjoy the look of awe and dismay on the boy's pretty face. "Ohhh god, Joey. You're good 3; Ohhh yeah. Real good. Sooo fuckin' GOOD!" "So I've been told," the boy stated, as he smiled down at his partner and rammed his cock in him, yet again. "You've got a pretty hot ass yourself," he added, as much for Aaron's benefit as that of the boy's father. "So I've been told," Bryce quipped, as he repeated his pleasure boy's assertion. "Feels like you've done this before." "Ohhh, yeah. I'm the number one ass-fucker on the whole fuckin' island," Joey gloated, as he drove himself faster and faster, while jolting the man beneath him with the incredible power of his thrusts. "And the number one bullshitter too," Tommy laughed, while cutting his friend down to size, even though he was enjoying the fucking exhibition as much as any of the others. "He IS good though." "Damn 3; fuckin' 3; right 3; I'm 3; GOOD!" Joey proclaimed as he emphasized each word with a devastating thrust of his cock. "Right, Mr. Bryce?" "Yes, MR. Joey, you're good, no doubt about that," Bryce added, as he forced a smile. The boy might be good, but Bryce had to admit there was still a certain amount of discomfort mixed in with the incredible pleasure his pleasure boy was giving him. "Aaron, if you'd like to lie on the grass next to your father," TJ offered, "then I'd be happy to show you what a rim job feels like." "You're not going to shove your cock up there, are you?" Aaron replied, looking scared. "Nope, just my tongue, if you want to see what it feels like," TJ promised. "You can lie in a spot where you can watch what Joey and your dad are doing, as I do it to you." Without saying a word, Aaron quickly leaned back on the grass and lifted his legs, as he offered TJ his virgin pucker. He was eagerly looking forward to seeing what a tongue felt like as it lapped and darted into his previously unexplored cavern. As TJ bent forward and stuck out his tongue, Bryce looked over with pride as he watched his son receive his initial rim job. He almost burst out laughing when he heard his son gasp and then moan, as TJ tongue came into contact with his hole and began to explore it. In fact, Aaron was almost cooing as TJ continued his effort, while he continued to watch his father getting fucked by Joey. Aaron didn't know which he was enjoying more, being rimmed or watching what was happening to his father, but he finally settled on the idea that being rimmed was a lot better, especially when Tommy sat down beside him and began jacking his cock, while TJ continued to lathe his backdoor. "Just let me know when you feel like cumming and we'll both go crazy," Joey advised Bryce, thus breaking his concentration from watching his son. Joey assured Bryce that he could expertly hold his orgasm in check, as he waited for Bryce to near ejaculation. "Hell, no, I'm fuckin' ENJOYIN' this, so don't stop!" Aaron objected, as he shook himself from his own sexual haze. "You guys are really fuckin' HOT!" "Thanks 3; I think," Bryce replied, while forcing a smile in his son's direction. "But you're putting on a pretty good show yourself." "I didn't think something like this would feel so incredible," Aaron gasped back, "but it sure as hell does." Actually, the sight of his naked little boy being rimmed and being masturbated at the same time was all the added stimulus that it took. "Ohhh yeah, Joey. I'm going to cum," Bryce admitted. "Go for it, man. I'm gonna blow any second now, so fuck my ass and fuck me hard." As Bryce screamed out in naked sexual pleasure, his cock erupted with several enormous blasts of white globules, as his cum jettisoned over his head, before the rest of it landed on his chest like small, liquid cannonballs. "Ohhh, wow. Did you she that?" Aaron cried out in excitement, as he saw his dad ejaculate. "Ohhh, man, look how he fuckin' shot his cum!" Aaron barely finished his comment when his own orgasm hit him and caused him to see stars. His body was on fire and seemed to tingle more than before, but maybe that was to be expected, since two people were bringing him pleasure this time. One was jacking his cock, while the other was penetrating his hole with his tongue, so this orgasm was even more mind blowing than before. About that same time, Joey cried out as his own orgasm blasted from his balls and his cum blasted deep into Bryce's sucking ass. He locked it down and concentrated on his own pleasure, as he spurted again and again and felt incredible jolts of pure naked ecstasy with every blast. "Hey, look," Tommy yelled, to get everyone's attention. "Aaron shot a little bit." In truth, Aaron's first 'load' was probably more pre-cum than anything else, but despite this fact, the boy had just gotten off with one hell of an orgasm. Aaron's chest was now puffing out with pride, as everyone congratulated him on his milestone. It was the first time in his life that he'd ever felt the pleasure of doing it all, while coupled with seeing his dad shooting his cum too. It was nearly overwhelming. Bryce wasn't sure if his recent orgasm or merely seeing his son's naked sexual pleasure that was more devastatingly enjoyable for him sexually. Perhaps it was a bit of both, but all he knew was that nothing in his life could have prepared him for this glorious orgasm or the excruciating ecstasy he felt about sharing this incredible moment of sexual pleasure with his son. "Ohhh shit 3; that was awesome," TJ sighed, as both father and son gradually calmed down. "HOTTT!" Tommy cried, because this was NOT just a run-of-the-mill day in the country, even on Calisto. "Man, did you see all the cum we shot?" Aaron cried excitedly, as he wiped a few drops from his dad's chest. "I hate to burst your bubble, man, but I think that yours was all pre-cum," TJ stated, as he broke the bad news to Aaron. "I was watching and you didn't really ejaculate during your orgasm." "I didn't?" Aaron grumbled, and he slumped back when TJ shook his head. "Nice try though and it's a great start." he said, while patting Aaron on the back. "Man, but what a fuckin' incredible show!" TJ eyed the other two, as Joey slowly pulled his still-hard cock from Bryce's ass. "Maaannn, I gotta get me some of them pills," Bryce sighed, as he gaped at Joey's incredibly curved hardness, despite what that cock had just done to him. "What did I tell ya?" Joey laughed. "I took one an hour or so ago and I've been hard ever since 3; even swimming" TJ confirmed, as he stroked himself a couple times. "Even after the virgin boy here sucked me off." "Well, boy, I hope you enjoyed the show as much as I did," Bryce noted, as he sat halfway up and came face to face with his beautiful young son. "I didn't expect things to move along quite this fast, but 3;" "Hey, it's a way of life here on Calisto," Joey told him. "The sex here is long, hard and heavy 3; and you wouldn't believe some of the things I've seen 3; and DONE," he laughed. "I can't WAIT to get fucked now too," Aaron announced, as his father winced in dismay at the boy's sexual enthusiasm. "My son the slut," Bryce sighed in despair. "One minute he's a virgin and the next he's a stud." "Man, anyone want to fuck me NOW?" Aaron asked, since he was unable to control his own excitement over what he'd just seen "NO!" They all cried at once, which caused Aaron to shrink back in dismay. "Aaron 3; well, I think 3; uh, I think this is something you and Tommy should discuss in private," Bryce told his young son, solemnly. "He's pretty big, but I think you can handle him, just DON'T go offering your pretty little butt to just any cock on the island. You may be a slut, but you're not a WHORE 3; not yet, anyway," he joked. "Oh 3;" Aaron sighed, as he looked first at his dad and then over at Tommy, who was beside him. "Tonight maybe?" he asked his friend and pleasure boy. "Can I watch?" Bryce asked, while trying not to grin. "Huh?" Aaron choked. "Well you just watched me get fucked," Bryce pointed out. "But it will be my first time and 3;" Aaron rambled, while looking more than a little concerned. "I'm just kidding," Bryce laughed. "I just wanted you to see how it feels to be put on the spot like that." "Uhhh 3; would you two mind doing it by the window though," TJ teased, " 3; and leave lots of lights on." "Sure," Tommy smiled. "Which window?" "They're just kidding too," Bryce told his son. "Aren't you boys?" He placed extra emphasis on the last part to let them know, at least by his tone, that even on Calisto there remained at least a modicum of privacy, especially for virgin boys. "Ehhh 3; right," TJ reluctantly agreed. He didn't care much about this idea himself, since he really would like to see it happen, but if the man insisted 3; "Hey, anyone up to climbin' the falls?" Aaron asked, as he suddenly decided to change the subject. "I can't wait to try the fuckin' SLIDE!" Chapter 8Jean Pierre Devaux was posed seductively, sprawled out across the chaise, as he watched Alex work out on his Soloflex. Alex Nichols was in his early thirties, had powerful resolve, a powerful body and powerful sexual needs. The man was quite handsome, with a strong mind and body to match. His powerful eight-inch [20 cm] cock jutted up just as strongly as he bench-pressed 250 pounds with ease, although physically he didn't have the traditional muscle-bound look of a weightlifter. Jean Pierre gazed down at his own, slender, boyish, naked young body, as he admired and compared it to that of his master. His own cock was a modest five inches [12.5 cm] – not bad for a boy of twelve, he decided, but his body showed only modest signs of approaching puberty. He had good genes. His shoulders were broad, his waist and hips quite slender, and his legs shapely and lean. Alex told him that one day he'd have a perfect physique, but Jean Pierre wasn't into bodybuilding. Jean Pierre swam a little, but for the most part his major form of exercise was sex, and when Alex didn't have him flat on his back, there were a hundred other naked boys on Calisto more than willing to fill in. Jean Pierre's sexual appetite was practically insatiable, thanks to Alex's pills, so he was always ready, naked, and waiting whenever another naked male body came anywhere within sight. Like the rest of his naked, young boy-body, Jean Pierre eyes were perfect too – large, brown, and beautiful, with perfect 20/20 vision. Even though he liked to think of Alex as his 'master' and himself as the man's 'sex-slave,' it was just a romantic illusion. He, like the hundred or so other boys on the island, was merely an employee and Alex was their employer. Every month, a sizable sum was deposited into a Swiss bank account in their names, so by the time he turned twenty Jean Pierre would be a millionaire. Alex didn't 'own' any of them and they were free to leave whenever they wanted, but none had ever left. In the two years since the resort had opened, not one boy had ever even expressed a desire to go, although a few had become too old to remain on Calisto. Jean Pierre briefly wondered if any of the boys on the island had even considered the possibility, because he hadn't. He never wanted to leave, although he knew that one day he'd have to. Except for half a dozen or so supervisory staff, no boy on the island was more than sixteen-years old. Before his seventeenth birthday, an island boy was 'promoted' to a position in one of Alex's far-flung companies around the world, usually starting out in the role of a recruiter for one of the dozen or so talent agencies looking for new boys like himself – boys of great physical beauty, charm and sexual endowment. "Shower with me?" Alex asked, as he finished his daily workout. "Yes, master," Jean Pierre smiled. He obediently rose from his couch and followed Alex to the large, round, glass-enclosed shower area, which was right off the bedroom. It was just like the ones in the newest guest quarters, which were just built a few months ago near the lagoon, except that in this case half of it was cantilevered over the edge of 'The Nest,' as Alex's hilltop home had come to be called, while the other half bordered the bedroom area. Jean Pierre slid the curved glass door shut and immediately the whole enclosure was engulfed with an overall soft, warm mist coming from above, as well as from the sides and below. It was like showering in the rain. Looking outside, Jean Pierre could view the entire resort complex, some eight hundred feet [250 m] below. Several hundred more feet overhead, towering above them, was Mt. Calisto, the dormant volcano from which the island took its name. "Rub my back. Please?" Alex asked, but it was not an order. Alex didn't give orders – he expressed desires. Jean Pierre soaped up his 'master's' back, while letting his slender fingers to linger and probe between the man's tight, muscular buns. He made sure the soap lubricated them, as he pressed deep inside. "Nice," Alex sighed in pleasure. "Would you like an orgasm?" Jean Pierre asked softly. Jean Pierre's voice was sweetened by his lingering French accent. His father had been French and his mother was American, so he'd grown up bilingual. "Yes," Alex moaned in pleasure, as he enjoyed the feeling that Jean Pierre's middle finger was giving his prostate. Without releasing his digital penetration of his master's hot, tight ass, Jean Pierre knelt before him and slipped his lips masterfully over the man's enormous, hard cock. Mostly, he was just able to suck on the head, but from time to time he took an incredible amount of it into his mouth, as it went halfway down his throat in a move his friend Marc had taught him. That particular lunge never ceased to drive Alex crazy with pleasure. "Ohhh 3; ahhh god. Yes, Jean Pierre. Ohhh yesss 3;" Alex moaned, as his naked little slave-boy worked oral magic on his cock. Jean Pierre did it to him again 3; and again 3; and again 3; deeper each time and with ever greater speed. He could feel the man's cock throb and pulsate between his lips. He'd sucked that cock THOUSANDS of times and taken the man's cum like the hungry boy he was. He'd heard his master moan and scream with naked sexual pleasure thousands of times and every time it gave him almost as much pleasure as when he shuddered through his own orgasms. "Ohhh yeah, go for it, Jean Pierre. Ohhh yeah, that's nice, boy. Suck me. Ahhh yeah, babe, it feels sooo good 3; sooo fuckin' good. Yeah, son, suck me off 3;" Alex mumbled, over and over. Alex used words like 'son,' 'boy,' 'babe,' and 'kid' interchangeably, as terms of endearment. They were easier to say than 'Jean Pierre,' although somehow not quite as erotic. Jean Pierre knew he was in the home stretch now, so he sucked faster, while probing deeper with his finger, as he tormented every nerve in the man's sexual extremities and goaded him into orgasmic pleasure. Any moment now, he would be rewarded with the man's cum and Alex loved cum. It was his favorite food and he devoured it voraciously. He was addicted to it and couldn't live without it, so he sucked hungrily for it. "Get ready, Jean Pierre, I'm gonna cum," Alex told him softly, quietly and tenderly as he fucked the boy's face with his massive man-cock. "Ohhh god, boy, yesss. Do it to me boy, I'm gonna cum. Ohhh god, Jean Pierre, that feels sooo good. Yeah, here it comes, Jean Pierre, ahhh!" Alex moaned in excruciating orgasmic pleasure, as Jean Pierre drained the last few drops from his hard, throbbing, ejaculating cock. "Thank you, master," Jean Pierre said, as he rose off the man's still-hard cock and moved into his warm, wet and loving embrace. He then kissed him long, hard and deep. "I love you," Alex whispered between his lips. "I worship you, master," Jean Pierre whispered back. "I worship your cock, your lips, your naked body and everything about you." Alex was still shuddering in the last, lingering wave of orgasmic delight when he heard Jean Pierre's words. "Do you think we're clean yet?" he joked. "Yes, Master," Jean Pierre whispered back, since he didn't have much of a sense of humor. "Water off," Alex ordered the voice-activated shower, which caused it to cease immediately. Together, they stepped out onto the large, terry shower mat where they gently dried one another off. Then, the phone softly summoned them with a pleasant musical tone. "Get that, will you, luv?" Alex requested. "Yes, master," Jean Pierre replied, as he padded nakedly to the bedside phone. "Hello," he answered. "Jean Pierre? It's me, Marc." "It's for me," Jean Pierre called to his master. He then stretched out seductively across the velvety, white softness of the thick, tufted comforter. He was always conscious of his incredible physical beauty, as well as the eyes of his master, which were watching him. "Hi," Jean Pierre greeted his best friend from down below. "You busy?" Marc asked anxiously. "No, we just finished," Jean Pierre told him, in a soft, sexy voice not much above a whisper. "What'd you do? Never mind 3; I pretty well know," Marc laughed. "I sucked him off," Jean Pierre told him anyway. "Nice load?" Marc asked needlessly. "Always," Jean Pierre replied. "Wish it could have been YOURS." "Me too," Marc laughed. "Hey, I found something you might like." "Your cock?" Jean Pierre teased. He did have a sense of humor, but it was exceedingly dry. "I knew if you kept looking 3;" "It's a cock alright, but not mine," Marc laughed. "One of the guys that came over on the boat today brought his fuckin' SON with him." "That's unusual," Jean Pierre stated, as he greeted the news. "And he's adorable!" Marc added. "Twelve, longish blond hair, incredibly cute face, a body to die for and he's a virgin 3; well 3; almost a virgin 3; in some ways at least." "Some ways?" Jean Pierre asked, with growing interest as he gently stroked his cock. "Tommy gave him his first orgasm and one of the other guests sucked him off and rimmed him, and he's learning how to suck too, but 3;" Marc answered, as he recited Aaron's sexual history. "He's never been fucked?" Jean Pierre guessed. "I know how you like virgin boys," Marc reminded him. "I want to meet him," Jean Pierre told him. "I can bring him up, although I may have to hurry before Tommy pops his cherry," Marc laughed. "You'll love him. He's sooo sweet 3; sooo sexy 3; sooo fuckin' HORNY 3;" "Wait a minute," Jean Pierre said, as he covered the phone. "Are you going down below today?" he called out to Alex, who was across the huge bedroom brushing his hair. "Yes. I've got to go down to scout for a couple of new cottage sites," he told Jean Pierre. "Do you wanna come?" "No, I think I'll stay here," Jean Pierre replied. "Ok, bring him up whenever you can. I'll be alone," he told Marc softly. "What shall I tell him?" Marc asked. "His name is Aaron." "Tell him I want to fuck him," Jean Pierre was nothing, if not to the point. "I'll tell him 3; fuck, I'll think of something," Marc countered. Marc wasn't about to tell Aaron he was taking him up to The Nest to get fucked. "I'll be waiting with a hard-on," Jean Pierre said, smiling in delightful anticipation. "Duh," Marc laughed. "Bye," he hung up the phone. "Someone called?" TJ asked, as he slipped up behind his naked pleasure boy. He then slipped his arms around his chest and kissed him warmly on the side of the neck. "I didn't hear the phone." "Just a friend," Marc told him. "This is my cottage every week, so it's kind of like I live here." "Ohhh 3;" TJ mumbled. As he turned Marc around, their cocks pressed tightly against their thin, naked loins. "Ohhh man, that feels good. God, I can't get over what those pink things do to me. Man, I never had such a hard cock 3;" TJ rambled. "You'll get used to it," Marc replied, while reaching behind him for the phone and pressing a small, hidden button. It was one of two buttons, so he hoped he hit the right one. The one on the left was a simple call for reinforcements and signaled for another boy to join them. The other one the boys called the 'panic button' and it signaled for EVERY boy 3; those within range at least 3; to join them along with any adult staff available. It was rarely used and Marc had never had the need, but it meant a guest was either out of control or there was some other kind of emergency, such as a heart attack or fire – which required the most urgent need for immediate help. Each boy on the island wore a communicator hidden in his right ear, sort of like the tiniest of hearing aids. Attached to their scalp and hidden by their hair was a thin, flexible wire, which served as the antenna for the device. Few guests ever knew these things existed, but through them every boy on the island was connected and could be contacted. A tiny microphone was also hidden in each boy's hair, so pressing the left button on the phone activated it, but it deactivated itself after five minutes to conserve battery power. "You sure there's not some kind of stimulant in those little pink thingies? It seems like I can't even LOOK at you without wanting to cum," TJ stated, since he wanted to make love to the boy. "God, you're horny," Marc smiled. "I don't know if I can handle such a horny, insatiable stud." "Probably not," TJ laughed, as their cocks did battle between them. "I wish I could fuck you and suck you at the same time" Marc sighed, as the two clung to and aroused each other. Marc's sigh and his words were code, which meant he needed TWO boys to help him out. Before long, one of them tapped once on the sliding glass door and then slid it open, which startled TJ with this unexpected intrusion. He immediately released Marc and instinctively felt like a bad little boy that was caught doing something naughty. "Hi, Eric," Marc greeted his friend, who must have been just outside, since he'd arrived so fast. "TJ! It looks like we're not the only ones around here with hard cocks." "Eric," TJ nodded in dismay. Eric was about thirteen or fourteen with just a wisp of hair around the base of his six-inch [15 cm] boy-cock. He was slender, lightly muscled and strikingly cute, with dark hair and blue eyes, while his cock stood almost vertical. "I saw you two startin' to get it on." Eric stated, as he joined them and put his arms around both man and boy. TJ looked about and noticed they were almost completely surrounded by glass, so anyone within a hundred yards of the place could see them if the lights were on. From inside, the effect was like living outdoors, minus the heat and humidity, but from the outside it was like fucking in a fishbowl. As much as he resented the interruption, TJ liked what he saw and was starting to decide that every boy on the island was a living, breathing Adonis. "The island if FULL of peeping toms," Marc joked, as he welcomed Eric's kisses and cock into their tight embrace. "Hey, don't start the orgy without me," another boy called out, as he slid open the door and slipped nakedly inside. "Craig, so nice of you to drop by," Marc joked. "I was in the neighborhood and thought you guys might need my services." Craig smiled, as he insinuated his seven inches [18 cm] amongst the other boys' cocks. "Craig, Eric, this is TJ and we were just about to shoot some cum," Marc told them. "TJ, I'm sorry to do this to you, man, but I gotta go run an errand. I'm sure my friends here can make you cum as well as I can though." "What?" TJ blurted out. He was gawking at Marc, in dismay, over this sudden turn of events. This sudden switch in plans was leaving him in the hands of total strangers, just when he was starting to become attached to Marc's personal brand of sex appeal. "Where ya goin', man?" TJ wanted to know. "I'll be back soon," Marc told him, while deliberately ignoring his question. He then slipped away and left Eric and Craig hungrily nibbling on TJ's slender, naked body. Once outside, Marc made a running dive straight into the lagoon and swam rapidly to the other side, where he climbed out of the water. Within seconds he was nimbly climbing the sloping trunk of a palm tree, as it arched up near the balcony of the Ecstasy Pagoda. Effortlessly, he hopped onto the deck and peered inside. He could see Tommy and Aaron lying naked on the bed, kissing one another, so he sighed in relief. Apparently, he'd arrived in time. He slid open the sliding door and hurried silently inside. Chapter 9Aaron momentarily lost his voice, once they entered The Nest. It didn't matter much though, because he couldn't think of anything to say anyway. Marc wasn't sure, but he thought maybe BOTH Aaron and Jean Pierre might have been a bit awestruck by one another's incredible sexual beauty, but in any case, the silence made him nervous. "We came as soon as we could," Tommy told Jean Pierre, as he broke the silence. "Would you two please wait outside? I'd like to see Aaron alone," Jean Pierre asked, however it wasn't really a request and seemed more like a command. Marc hesitated and Tommy looked at both boys in surprise. "Please," Jean Pierre added, with a bit more firmness in his voice. "Ohhh 3; uhhh 3; sure 3; we'll be 3; be right 3;" Marc stammered uncertainly. This is NOT what he'd expected and not what he'd gone to so much trouble to set up. It was definitely not what he liked, either for his own or Aaron's sake. "Outside 3;" Tommy added, finishing Marc's muddled thought. "Thank you," Jean Pierre said, a bit coldly. Jean Pierre was not moving an inch from his seductive pose amid the velvet pillows on the enormous bed. He watched as Marc and Tommy left and followed them with his eyes, but he also listened for the door to close. Then, he pressed a small button on a remote control unit lying on the bed and Aaron heard the door lock. When it happened, there was merely a subtle "click," but to Aaron it sounded like a loud "CLANG." He quickly looked down at himself, as he stood there naked and hard, but he also felt himself trembling slightly. Slowly, his gaze returned to the boy on the bed, because he could hardly stand to take his eyes off Jean Pierre for more than a few seconds. Studying him more closely now, the boy was even more incredibly beautiful in every way than just the overpowering first impression he'd made when Aaron had first entered his bedchamber. "Please, come here and sit down," Jean Pierre said, as he motioned for Aaron to come to him. "Thanks," Aaron managed to utter, quite softly. "Your father brought you here?" Jean Pierre asked, but in a voice that was almost as soft as Aaron's. "No, Marc and Tommy brought me 3; ohhh, you mean to the island. Yeah, dad 3;" Aaron replied, but he felt a little stupid about having confused what Jean Pierre had meant. "Your father must be a very loving 3; very unusual man," Jean Pierre observed. As Jean Pierre was saying that, Aaron sat down timidly on the edge of the soft, white velvet bedspread. Jean Pierre had the sweetest, most beautiful face Aaron had ever seen, with brown hair, large, dark eyes, a soft, creamy complexion, a tiny nose, firm, but sensuous, lips and high arched eyebrows. No wonder he was considered the top boy on the island. "Yes, I love him very much," Aaron answered, as he began to relax, just slightly. "And he must love you very much to bring you here 3; to enjoy the many pleasures of Calisto," Jean Pierre suggested. "Yes," Aaron nodded. Jean Pierre was nothing like he'd expected. Physically, he was even MORE exquisitely beautiful than he'd anticipated and very easily the most beautiful boy on the island, but he seemed not at all like a young boy, but rather like some kind of young PRINCE. "They said you were beautiful," Jean Pierre told him. "They were right." "Thank you," Aaron responded, as he tried to accept the compliment at face value. "They said the same about you." "And that you've just recently enjoyed your first orgasm?" Jean Pierre questioned his sources. "Yes," Aaron replied, while not sure at all where the boy was leading him. "And sucked your first cock?" Jean Pierre continued the inquisition. "And got my cock SUCKED for the first time too. That was really cool," Aaron added, to save time and move the conversation along a bit. "You have a beautiful cock 3; very beautiful," Jean Pierre told him. Aaron smiled shyly and stared down at his sizable sexual appendage, as it pulsated somewhat before him. "Don't you think MY cock is beautiful too?" Jean Pierre asked, since he apparently expected Aaron to return the compliment. "Ohhh 3; uhhh 3; yes 3; of course 3; very beautiful," Aaron replied to the not so subtle hint. Actually Jean Pierre's hypnotically bobbing cock had been the reason he'd momentarily lost track of the conversation. "Would you like to suck it?" Jean Pierre asked. Aaron wasn't sure if that was a question or an invitation. "Sure," he replied, but Jean Pierre just stared at him. "Well, what are you waiting for then?" Jean Pierre finally offered, somewhat rudely. Aaron blinked, as his eyes grew wider. It HAD been an invitation. He'd only sucked one cock in his whole life and that happened just that afternoon. With TJ, it seemed so natural and such a loving thing to do, especially after TJ had sucked him off. Now, however, it seemed like he was being used, even ORDERED to service the pulsating naked cock before him. "Would you like to suck on mine too?" Aaron asked, without thinking. Jean Pierre seemed a bit startled by the question, but did his best to hide it. "Come up here and lie down with me," he told Aaron. "We can suck each other." That seemed like a good idea to Aaron, because that way they'd at least be on equal ground. He was already growing tired of feeling like some kind of royal subject for this boy and didn't like the idea that he was being ordered to do something. This way, however, they'd be doing the same thing at the same time. As he began to make his way closer to Jean Pierre, Aaron noticed the bed and comforter were much softer than he'd expected and it was like crawling across a cloud. In fact, he realized Jean Pierre reminded him of an angel on a cloud – a soft, pink, pretty cloud. Almost without his realizing it, the bed had kind of rolled the two of them together and he was in Jean Pierre's warm, naked embrace and kissing him. Just twenty-four hours before, Aaron would have freaked out about kissing a boy 3; any boy, even one as beautiful as Jean Pierre. Now, albeit gradually, he was warming to the idea, gradually opening up and eventually starting to kiss as much as he was being kissed. He felt Jean Pierre's hands, fingers, legs and lips seemingly all over him at the same time. The other two boys had warned him that Jean Pierre was an incredible boy lover in every way and they weren't lying. Aaron felt Jean Pierre's fingers close around his cock and felt them begin to work their magic. He reached out for Jean Pierre's impressive boy-cock as well and had barely touched it before he felt Jean Pierre suddenly slid lower and sucked down on him. A second later, he felt Jean Pierre's cock between his lips and then halfway down his throat. He tried desperately not to gag, even though it wasn't easy, but he did his best. Jean Pierre had sucked hundreds, maybe THOUSANDS of cocks like his, but Aaron had sucked exactly ONE, and not very well at that. The difference definitely showed. With barely a dozen strokes of his lovely, sweet, talented lips going up and down over Aaron's straining hard cock, Jean Pierre had him teetering on the brink of orgasm. He also felt Jean Pierre begin to fuck his face and it was not something he'd ever felt before. It was also not something he'd ever tried himself, nor something he was prepared for, but it was especially not something he particularly liked. Still, he did his best to comply, while hoping the boy would cum quickly, but NOT in his mouth. Then, suddenly and without warning, he heard Jean Pierre grunt softly and then grow totally rigid in his naked embrace. A few seconds later, he tasted Jean Pierre's cum, spurting straight down his throat. He had to swallow, because there would be no spitting it out over the expensive white velvet comforter. Moreover, he really didn't have time to think about it in any case, because a second later he was blasting his OWN cum straight down Jean Pierre's throat, as the boy sucked him greedily. It gave him an incredible sexual rush, almost like some kind of drug high, even though Aaron had never been high in his life, not even a beer buzz. After this happened, they both remained motionless, while they savored their mutual sexual pleasure as their orgasms passed and they glided back to earth. Thanks to Calisto's little pink miracle pills, neither of their cocks got even slightly soft, as they let them slip from the other's lips. Aaron then felt Jean Pierre guiding him back up into his arms, except this time it was a closer, hotter, much more sexual embrace than before. They'd just shared their most personal, most private essence and they'd never be the same again. "You have much to learn," Jean Pierre told him softly, as they kissed once more and tasted their own cum on the other's lips. "I'm almost a virgin, remember?" Aaron reminded him. Aaron was also wondering if Jean Pierre would respond to his ironically amusing remark in any way or just let it pass. Tommy and Marc had mentioned to him on the way up that Jean Pierre didn't have much of a sense of humor, so Aaron had no idea about how Jean Pierre was going to react. "Yes, as you've proven to my satisfaction completely." Jean Pierre stated, dryly. Jean Pierre made no effort to flatter him or even be polite, so Aaron decided he'd return the attitude. "And you really SUCK 3; good," he told him, pausing between the last two words for effect. Aaron decided that even though he might be no match for Jean Pierre sexually, he could definitely match wits with him ANY day. However, if Jean Pierre was offended, he gave no indication of it. "When you've recovered a little, I want to fuck you," Jean Pierre told him, point-blank. "I'm recovered. How about you?" Aaron replied, trumping Jean Pierre's last remark. Aaron knew all he'd have to do was lie back and open up, as he'd seen his dad do when Joey had mounted him. Jean Pierre, though, would have to perform, but not only that, he'd also have to successfully shoot another load of cum in less than a few minutes. Even for a Calisto boy with all of his pills, that was no easy challenge. This time, Jean Pierre seemed a little startled by his reply. "Very well, assume the position," he suddenly ordered. "What position?" Aaron asked, in genuine uncertainty. He'd seen his dad get fucked while lying flat on his back, but he'd heard about doing it 'doggie style' too, so he guessed there were probably also a couple of other fuckin' positions that he knew absolutely nothing about. Aaron figured he'd just let his host decide how they were going to do this and Jean Pierre smiled for the first time, although it was actually sort of a sneer. "Hell, I don't care, just pick one," he countered, as he seemed to loosen up a bit. Since Aaron really only knew ONE position, he rolled over on his back and drew up his legs. Seeing this, Jean Pierre reached over to the nightstand and picked up a plastic thingy that looked to Aaron like a turkey baster, although it was, in fact, a little smaller. It was a six-inch [15 cm] tube, about a half-inch [1 cm] in diameter, but with a small, squeezable bulb on the end. Aaron felt it slide with remarkable ease up his rectum and then he felt a kind of warm feeling as the lubricant oozed out. Once that happened, Jean Pierre quickly removed it and expertly guided his much larger boy-cock deep into Aaron in its place. Aaron winced slightly, but didn't cry out, because it took only a second. Now, he was no longer a virgin – he was being fucked. Unlike before, when Jean Pierre had sucked him, this time he didn't seem to be in any rush. The other boys had once again been correct when they told Aaron that Jean Pierre really knew how to use his cock, because it was all but painless. What discomfort Aaron DID feel was easily surpassed by the incredible sensations of aching sexual pleasure he was feeling, as Jean Pierre used his throbbing, hard boy-cock to make love to him. "You are incredibly pleasurable," Jean Pierre complimented Aaron, as he continued to fuck him. Unlike before, what they were currently doing didn't seem quite so impersonal. It was more like lovemaking than fucking, although Aaron knew there was nothing like a feeling of love between them. It was almost as if they were two young sex gods dueling it out and apparently, but through no effort on his part, he was at least holding his own this time. "You fuck good," Aaron stated, returning the compliment, although much less eloquently. Jean Pierre's cock, while riding in and out of him, was exciting a kind of pleasure spot inside his core. With each thrust and retreat, it was driving him crazy with sexual pleasure. "The best piece of ass I've had in a long time," Jean Pierre announced, while proving he could be just as crude as Aaron. "Coming from YOU, I'm flattered," Aaron told him, implying that Jean Pierre was very much the island's chief slut. "Are you nearing orgasm?" Jean Pierre asked, while ignoring Aaron's remark. "Gettin' there," Aaron told him, after realizing he was, in fact, well on his way to a second orgasm in almost as many minutes. "God you're tight!" Jean Pierre gasped, as his pleasure grew more demanding by the second. "Enjoy me," Aaron gasped, as he did a little enjoying himself. "Cum with me," Jean Pierre pleaded. "I'm close," Aaron moaned, as he began to frantically jack his cock. "Me too 3;" Jean Pierre gasped. "Ohhh, god, I'm gonna cum." "Do it," Aaron agreed. "NOW?" Jean Pierre challenged. "NOW!" Aaron cried out, even as he felt Jean Pierre's first spurt land inside him. Jean Pierre let out several enormous cries of pleasure, as he felt himself ejaculate at least five massive globs of cum. "Ohhh god, I'm cumming again. Cumming hard 3;" Aaron proclaimed, as he orgasmed for the fourth or fifth time that day. "Don't hold back. Let it flow. Shoot your cum, man. Feel what my cock is doing to your fucking ass," Jean Pierre urged. "I'm fuckin' your ass. You're not a virgin any longer." Meanwhile, the boys outside were dying to know what was happening in the other room. |