PZA Boy Stories

Billy the Kid

My Worst Day

and three short stories


A tiny 15 year old boy, who looks like a 12 year old, is been bullied by a school gang. A man sees them hitting him, will he help the poor boy? Or has he better ideas?
Followed by three short stories:
  1. Stripped by Teens (2,000 words / 4 pages)
    Freshman kids take revenge on a 17 year old bully.
  2. Fight Club (2,500 words / 5 pages)
    Five boys form a fight club, but they do more than fighting.
  3. Getting Jimmy (4,000 words / 8 pages)
    School nerd Jimmy and his brother are raped by a gang of 15 year old boys.
Publ. 2001? (ANCGS); this site Dec 2011
Finished? 13,500 + 8,500 words (27 + 17 pages)


Jared (15yo) and the bullies Danny (17yo) and his gang, and an adult man

Category & Story codes

Non Consensual Man-Boy story/rape
Mt ttnon-cons anal oral violence spank humil bond


This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

The theme explored in this story is FANTASY. Just as one can enjoy violent videogames or movies without committing or condoning violence in real life, a person can enjoy violent fantasies of abuse without promoting abuse in real life.

By scrolling down on this page and reading the story I declare that

  • I am of legal age of majority in my area ,
  • I like to read fictional stories where boys are kidnapped, raped, tortured, etc.
  • I understand the difference between fiction and real life,
  • I do not condone these actions in real life.
  • I agree that anyone who attempts to do in real life all or any of the things depicted in this story needs to be turned over to the local cops for the harshest penalties the law allows
If this type of material offends you (why are you here?) then

Orphan story

This is an orphan story, that means that the author's e-mail address is no longer active and there is no other way to contact the author. Are you the author, please contact me.

Author's note

The usual diclaimers apply. This is a work of fiction. If this offends you don't read it!

Chapter 1

The day started normal enough. I woke up, showered, went to get dressed 3; DAMN! No clean underwear! "MOM! There is no underwear!"

"Wear a pair of your brother's 3;"

That was how the day started. "Wear a pair of your brother's." Now let me explain. My name is Jared and I'm 15 years old. My brother is 10. Sadly I am very small for my age and have yet to really start to develope. I'm about 5 feet 2 inches [1.55 m] tall and weigh very little. I have a very thin frame and have yet to really grow any body hair (except for a few strands under my arms, that I am secretly proud of). I have brown hair and big blue eyes, that make me look a lot younger than I am. The worst part of all 3; I still have a pretty small penis. Soft it measures about one and a half inches [4 cm], and hard 3; well 3; only about four [10 cm]. I KNOW! Can you believe that! I am almost a sophomore in high school and have no hair and a four inch [10 cm] dick! This would not bother me as much if I hadn't cought a glimpse of my friend changing, and saw that he had a lot of hair and a much bigger dick. This really bothers me, I am able to avoid people seeing me because in gym I change off in a corner and we don't have to shower or anything, so I am pretty safe. No one has seen me naked, and I planned on keeping it that way 3; until that day 3; Wait I am getting ahead of myself.

I should explain the reason that my Mom said to wear my brother's undies. He is only 10 but much bigger than most kids his age, so his underwear is only about a size too small for me. I was already running late, so I decided that it wouldn't be that big of a deal, because I didn't have gym that day, so no one would ever know 3; If I only knew then what I know now 3;

When I went into my brother's drawer there was only one pair left. A pair of Scooby Doo briefs. Yes, that was all. I was really running late now so I grabed them and went to get dressed. They were really tight 3; I mean REALLY tight! They were white with blue trim and a picture of Scooby Doo on the front 3; and across the ass was big cartoon letters that said 'Scooby'. I was so embarassed, but I was about to miss the bus, so I put on a pair of jeans and a blue T-shirt and left for school 3; I really wish I would have stayed home that day.

Nothing really went wrong until about third period. I really had to pee, but the only bathroom was where the older boys usually hang out to smoke, but I really had to go so I figured "fuck it!"

When I got to the bathroom there was no one there so I walked up to the urinal and unzipped my pants 3; thats when I heard the laughter.

"OH my GOD!" "Look at those undies!"

It was the voice of Danny James. He was a junior who had been held back a year so he was like seventeen, and he was a bullie. A BIG ONE! Because he was older and hated athority, he attracted a small group of boys who liked to hang out with him. They thought he was cool, they did anything he said. I guess he was like the leader of some weird gang of High School burn outs. Danny was about six foot [1.80 m] and 185 pounds [85 kg]. Tall, lean, and strong. He hated school and I think the only reason he still went was to make other kids suffer. He constanly beat-up, humiliated and embarassed anyone he didn't like 3; which was most of the other students. He had a very clean cut face, almost innocent looking, with dirty blond messy hair, and green eyes. And he saw my underwear!

I looked up just as Danny was walking in the boys room followed by three of his 'crew'. Jim, a junior varsity wrestler, very good looking, brown blue, six pack. Also Terry, a tall kind of dorkey (but attractive) senior, and Steve. Steve was only a freshman, but looked about 16. Average height, slim but muscular, blond hair, blue eyes, and gorgeous! If you haven't figured out by now, I like boys. Or at least I think I do. All I know is that I liked Steve. He was so HOT! What was he hanging around these guys for?

They had seen my underwear! I totaly forgot I had them on until that laugh. I quickly zipped up my jeans and tried to leave. I was stopped.

"Where are you off to in such a hurry?" Danny asked.

"uh 3; I'm late for class 3;" I said.

"What about his underwear?" asked Steve.

My face started turning red. I can't believe someone 3; especially Danny saw! I was so mortified. I had to get out of there, but they were blocking the door.

"Yeah, what about his undies?" Terry questioned.

"You have to see them, oh my god 3; they were like under-roos or something!"

"Why don't you show us 3;" Jim yelled

All three "YEAH!"

"Yeah, come on I need a good laugh!" said Terry

Thats when I decided to bolt! I was small and pretty quick. I got past Jim and Terry, but Steve and Danny grabbed me right as I thought I was free. They spun me around to face the other two as I was about to scream, I didn't even see Jims fist. It came out of no where and landed right in my stomach, knocking all the wind out of me.

"If you yell, I will beat the shit out of you!" growled Danny

They took me to the back of the bathroom, I was gasping and weasing trying to catch my breath. I was so afraid. The worst part was that I never got to pee, and being punched in the gut doesn't really help that I learned. I wasn't just afraid of them seeing my brother's underwear on me (although that was a lot) but Danny was known to hurt people really bad. Last year this one kid tried to talk back to him in class. There was a teacher so Danny could do nothing 3; about three days later that same kid was found in the woods behind his house with a broken arm, three bruesed ribs, a broken nose, and a spraned ankle. Rumer also has it that he was naked. That of coarse is only a rumer 3; Everyone knows it was Danny, but the kid was to afraid to tell, and just said that he was jumped from behind. That kid moved away, and since then, no one fucks with Danny.

"Come on, I want to see his undies!" said Jim

"Yeah, get on with it!" yelled Terry

At this point we were in the back and Steve and Danny still held me. I was starting to catch my breath, and was trying to figure out how to get free. Just then I was let go, and kind of wobbled a bit.

"Okay, kid. You have two choices." said Danny

"Either you lower your pants and let them see 3; or we lower them for you."

I was freaking out. I couldn't imagine letting them see me almost naked! "Well?" sneered Jim. So I slowly lifted my hands to the front of my jeans 3; and ran! I know, very stupid move. I got about 2 feet [60 cm] when I felt eight hands on me. This time there was no escape. They threw me against the wall, and hit me about three times in my gut. I doubled over 3; but they grabed me and stood me up. I could barely breath and had never been more terrified in my life.

"Now that was really stupid!" yelled Danny "Hold him!"

Jim and Terry each grabbed an arm while I felt Danny and Steve's hands start to go where no one else but me ever had 3; Danny grabbed the waistband of my jeans while Steve took my shirt and pulled it behind my head. I was helpless. My knees were still wobbely, but they held me up. Then the worst happened, I felt the top button come undone. I started to struggle, but they just tightened their grip on my arms 3; then I felt the zipper 3; I tried to scream, but Jim covered my mouth with his free hand 3; then I heard the laughter as Scoobies face started to come into view 3; hand still over my mouth, arms pinned to the wall, shirt above my head leaving no cover 3; tears well in my eyes 3; then I feel it, the jeans start to get pulled down 3; over my hips 3; under my crotch 3; over my thighs 3; past my knees 3; full tears now as my once unseen area comes into full view. I feel the pants around my ankles and I finally open my eyes.

Jim holds both arms behind my back as the others get a better look. They start to laugh and point, and yell how cute they are.

"I love your little briefs, did Mommy pay for those?"

"Nice panties!"

"What are you, like nine?"

I started to struggle and heard 3;

"Wait, look on the back!"

Jim spun me around and put me in a head lock so I was bent over with my ass sticking up as the others stared at the big 'Scooby!' on the back. I was really starting to struggle now. Just them I felt the first slap. I didn't know who it was, but someone slaped me through my little brother's underwear! Then another, and another! OH MY GOD! They are spanking me through my briefs! And HARD! One after another my ass was slapped, pinched, poked, squeezed 3; the whole time Jim tightens the head lock so I could barely breath, my ass was stinging! I was fully crying now, and wanted to beg them to stop, but Jim's forarm was covering my mouth.

"Those undies are HOT!" Terry yelled, followed by laughter.

"Yeah! I wish the whole school could see!"

"I'll bet his ass is red!"

Just them I realize two things. I still had to pee, and that was making my dick get a semi. Before I could even think of these things, I felt a hand on the back of my underwear and 3; YANK! Someone had pulled them up into a VERY painful wedgie.

"Look at his ass!"

"It's so red!"

"HA! it looks like a sun burn!"

I had to pee so bad, and the wedgie was crushing the already too tight underwear into my balls! OUCH! Just then Jim let go. I fell to the groung panting, I didn't realize how tight the head lock was until I dropped to the floor. I was still crying, my undies were way up my ass, my pants were around my ankles 3; the only good thing was that the semi went away. Or at least I thought it was a good thing 3;

"Dude! His face is as red as his ass!"

"And look at that! Does he even have a dick?!"

I already told you my dick was small 3; but with these underwear on it looked even smaller! And with the wedgie pulling the front tighter, it looked like I had nothing down there at all. They all started to laugh when Danny said "I don't know, why don't we find out?" and started reaching for the front of my shorts.

NO! No one has ever seen me naked 3;. as his hand got to the front waist band the bell rang. THANK GOD! They all looked at each other.

"Okay, you got lucky this time."

Then Danny leaned in close and said "We'll see you again real soon, oh yeah, if you tell anyone I'll kick your ass so bad your mother won't even recognize you."

They all laughed and turned to go. Then Steve stopped and said "Danny, why don't you give him a taste of what will happen if he tells?"

I was now wiping tears from my eyes and starting to get up when Danny said "Okay" and turned around 3; I didn't even get a chance to brace myself, he was too quick 3; his foot came out of no where and landed directly on my balls! I again fell to the floor weasing and clutching my crotch.

"See you soon 3;" Said Danny as they walked out of the bathroom "Real soon 3;"

Just as I was thinking "tell anyone?" And go through that again? Or worse? Being found naked in the woods beaten like the last kid. Never! 3; Just then my teacher walked in and saw me on the floor with my pants around my knees and me doubled over in pain.

"Who did this to you?"

"Forget about it." I said as I started to pull up my pants.

"It was Danny wasn't it?"

"NO!" I yelled

He didn't believe me. He called Danny to the office and had him suspended for a week. I was terrified. He was going to think I told. He was going to take me to the woods, beat me up, and strip me! At the end of that day, I would be wishing that was all they did 3;

Chapter 2

The school day finally ended. I was so terrified, Danny was sent home but his friends were still around 3; some where. All I had to do was go to my locker and get out of there FAST! I knew I was safe in school with all the people around, but I needed to get home 3; and I walked to school! So I had to get going. When I opened my locker a note fell out.

"You're dead!" Was all the note said.

I was starting to panick, I looked around and saw none of them 3; so I left. In retrospect I really should have tried to get a ride, or call my mother to come get me, but I just decided that the quicker I left the better 3;

I was about two blocks from my house when I heard the footsteps behind me. I turned around just in time to see Danny, Jim, Terry, and Steve running at me! They were still a good half a block behind me, so I ran 3; I run pretty fast, but my backpack was slowing me down. My house was too far to make it, so I cut down a side street that ends in a dead end.

I know what your thinking 3; stupid move. But at the end of the street there is an abandoned house, and behind that is a huge wooded area that I know like the back of my hand. If I could get there I would be sure to lose them 3; if I could get there 3; I'm running 3;. I hear them getting closer 3; the abandoned house 3; I run around the back 3; up the fence 3; almost there 3;

"Got him!"

I feel an arm slide around my waist as I'm almost over the top of the fence 3; I hold on for a moment 3; another hand 3; and another 3; pulling 3; finally I fall to the ground 3; they got me.

Now, I am really scared, I have never been beaten up before 3; unless you count that morning, but I had a feeling this would be much worse 3; I was right.

"How's it going? You little fucker?!"

"Get him up!" Danny yelled as I was dragged to my feet.

"Hold him still!"

They held me. They held me tight. Danny was irate, he was yelling and out of breath. I tried to plead 3;

"I didn't say anything! Mr. Johnson came in the bathroom 3; I told him it wasn't you 3;"

"Shut the fuck up!" Jim yelled.

"Yeah! You little liar!" replied Terry.

"Your so dead, you little fuck!" Yelled Steve.

"Hold his arms!" Danny screamed as he approached.

Jim and Terry each held one of my arms as Steve watched and Danny walked towards me. The look of anger on his face scared me a lot. I just hoped they would make it quick, and pleaded with God not to let them strip me like they did to that other kid 3; If I only knew 3;

"You deserve everything your going to get you little shit!" Danny yelled as his fist was coming at me 3; the first hit landed on my shoulder, I managed to move my head just in time 3; I wasn't as lucky the second time as his left fist nailed me in my stomach 3;I started to buckle forward as much as my restraints would allow as a fist connected with my left cheek 3; then my right 3; then two quick jabs to my chest and ribs 3; a back hand across my mouth 3; another square in my eye 3; another to the stomach 3; and another 3; and another 3; I couldn't breath 3; I was dizzy 3; another to the ribs 3; and the face 3; again 3; again 3; again 3; then he stopped.

I was barely concious. I couldn't breath. I could feel blood trickeling down my face from either my nose (which I was pretty sure was NOT broken) or my mouth 3; it was over 3; I made it! 3; or at least thats what I thought 3;

"Have you had enough?" Asked Danny.

"Y 3; es 3;" I replied.

"Well that sure does suck for you then don't it 3; anyone else want a peice?" He asked.

"Hell yeah!"

"I want some!"

"Me too 3; teach that little fucker a lesson 3;"

Danny stepped aside to watch as Steve stepped up. I was ready to die. How much more could I take? 3; I was about to find out 3; and to think I thought Steve was HOT!

"I've been waiting all day for this you little shit!" Steve said as his foot landed directly in my abdomen. "Don't let him fall yet!" Steve yelled to the others.

"Don't worry we won't!" replied Jim

Then the object of so many of my fantasies started swinging 3; The first landed to the side of my nose (still pretty sure it was not broken) starting a fresh flow of blood 3;a left to the mouth 3; a right to the ribs 3; and a left 3; and then another right 3; he was pounding on my ribs! Over and over 3; then he stopped 3; he just stopped.

"Who's turn now?" he asked "Mine!" Terry said as he let go of my arm.

I started to fall as Steve quickly took his place and held me up 3; Terry was a little easier 3; a few hits to the face 3; a few to the body 3; one to the nose (still not broken) 3; and then he was done 3; Just one to go 3; I can make it 3; as Terry switched out with Jim 3;

Jim was strong 3; REALLY strong 3; so he only hit me a few times 3; and broke my nose 3;

The arms that were holding me let go and I fell to the ground. I was no longer bleeding that bad, and the pain was so severe everywhere that I couldn't concentrate on just one place 3; it was over 3; I made it and never passed out!

Thats when the first foot came crashing to my ribs 3;. and another 3;. and another 3; I covered my face 3;. they were kicking me every where 3; just when I thought I was finally going to pass out I heard a voice 3;

"Hey! what are you kids doing?"

It was an adult! THANK GOD! I looked up to see a man standing at the back door to the house. He looked around thirty and was wearing a suit. It turned out he was a realator taking pictures of the house. He was preping it to be sold 3; but who cares, I'm saved!

"I said, what are you kids doing?" He asked again.

"Teaching this little faggot a lesson! Whats it to you!" Danny screamed

There was a long pause. Danny looked ready to fight him too, when he noticed the video camera the man was holding.

"What the fuck! Were you taping us!?" Danny asked.

"Yup 3; I sure was." He replied. LONG PAUSE.

He was video taping? Instead of saving me! Thanks a lot!

"So, what are you going to do, turn us in?" asked Jim

They all looked ready to fight him for that tape.

"Depends 3;" said the man.

"On what?"

"On you guys."

"What do you mean?"

"Well I thought you might want to come on inside and watch your little movie so far 3; and then have some real fun with him 3;"

WHAT! This was an adult! He was supposed to save me! Real fun? What did he mean by that? 3; I wish I had never found out 3;

Chapter 3

I was dragged literally, to my feel and across the back yard towards the house. They were all laughing. As we got closer I realized the man was actually in his mid 20's and had a big smile on his face 3; I knew this was my only chance. Once inside the house who knows what they would do to me? I managed to get one arm free and while I was working frantically on the other, two things happened at the same time 3; Jim, who was behind me, took a low hard upper cut from behind and punched me square in the nuts, as Steve's fist simaltaneously hit me in the stomach 3; I passed out 3;

"Where are we going?" I heard through a haze.

"Upstairs to the bedroom, I have some stuff that might help 3;"

I was starting to come to. We were walking, or they were dragging me rather, up the stairs in the house. I guess I was only out for a bit. But I knew there was no escape now. I was so afraid at what they would do to me 3; I mean what else was there?

We entered the room in the back, it was the master bedroom and was rather large. There was a mattress on the floor, a small TV, VCR, and a bag with stuff in it 3; I would find out later that this was where the guy, who was married, brought all of his 'male' companions. He was gay! This didn't seem to bother the guys any.

They threw me on the mattress and seemed to just forget about me for a while, while they watched the tape. I could only see part of it from where I laid, but DAMN! They really beat the shit out of me! I could see myself getting pummelled 3; I was so afraid of what would come next 3;

Thats when thay started to tell the stranger about that morning in the bathroom 3; WHAT! 3; I was so embarrassed 3; every thing! 3; even about my underwear!

"I so wish you could have seen them! They were so funny!" Steve told the man.

"Well, there right there. Why don't we all get a look?" I heard the man say.

"Oh yeah! I forgot! He hasn't had a chance to change yet!" yelled Danny.

And with that I was lifted to my feet 3; PLEASE GOD NO! 3; I was starting to get a little strength back enough to struggle a bit. That's when this man, this man who should have saved me walked over and slapped me accross the face!

"Shut the fuck up! What do you think you can do?" He asked. "Hold him a minute I think I have some stuff to make this a little more fun 3;" He said as he crossed the room to that bag.

He started to pull stuff from his bag while Jim set up the video camera on the tripod in the corner 3; They were going to vidoe tape me! 3; The man pulled out some stuff that I did not recognize and some stuff I did 3; rope, duck tape, scissors, hand cuffs 3; HAND CUFFS! They were all laughing and holding me tight enough for me to only struggle and moan 3; the man told Jim to start recording as he walked over with the rope 3;

The room had high vaulted ceilings with beams running accross it 3; he slung one of the ends of rope over the beam above me 3; and TIED MY HANDS TO EACH SIDE! He had oviously done this before, because there was just enough rope to reach 3; for a normal person, but I was short so it left me on my tip toes 3; I tried to fight it but in the end they won out and there I was 3; arms raised above my head 3; five guys standing around me to do who knows what 3; and a video camera aimed right at me, with the TV facing me, so I could watch!

I could see myself hanging there, my face starting to bruise, and the end of my shirt was just starting to peak over the waistband of my jeans and I could see the blue waistband of the underwear starting to show a bit 3; THE UNDERWEAR! All this because my brother hasn't grown out of his under-roos faze 3;

"So what now?" Asked Danny.

"Lets see those briefs 3;" said the man.

I started to cry 3; because as embarassing as this was, something told me they weren't going to stop at just the underwear this time 3;

Chapter 4

So here I am. Barely standing on tip toes, my hands raised and tied over my head, pretty badly beat up, and staring at myself on a TV screen as five guys stand around figuring out what they are going to do to me. The man anxious to see my underwear and the other four waiting to cause me more pain and humiliation than they have already caused 3; all because I had to wear a pair of my brother's Scooby Doo underwear!

I stare at the screen, my faced bruising and blood drying from my broken nose. The end of my shirt raised just enough to see the blue waistband of my underwear peeking out from under my jeans 3;

"Come on, I want to see those briefs 3;" said the man as he walks slowly towards me with the scissors.

"In a minute" says Danny "Make sure the tape is rolling."

The man walks over to the VCR and double checks that it is recording 3; it is. They all start discussing the best way to handle me. With this video in existence they are pretty sure I won't turn them in 3; and their right. But the man suggests something to Danny out of earshot, and pulls a Polaroid out of his little back of tricks, and they all laugh.

"Now the whole school can see those undies." said Danny "If you tell that is 3;"

"I pro 3; omise 3; I wo 3; n't" I whisper, although it hurts "Well, just in case." he says as he snaps a picture. "Don't worry, that was one of many."

"Don't worry" says the man "I have about five more rolls of film."

They all chuckle. "Okay then. 3; on with the show!" screams Steve.

The man walks toward me, scissors in hand. He stops right in front of me, and lightly drags them down my chest, stomach, the exposed area just above my waistband 3; and then gently over my crotch! At this I twitch and try to move away 3; no one has EVER touched me there! But the ropes are too short and all I really do is cause myself pain as the ropes dig into my wrists 3; they all laugh. The man thinks this is funny, and starts to push me a little and make me cringe as I kind of sway and try to keep the weight on my toes.

"Hold these a second" the man says to Terry, as he hands them the scissors, "I've always wanted a punching bag 3; and hell, you guys got to have a little fun."

"He's all yours," laughs Danny, "That little fuck got me suspended!"

"Yeah, and we have all the time in the world 3;" says the man as he takes a step back.

I start to beg and plead with him not to hit me 3; as the first fist makes contact. He hit me in the ribs, not real hard, but enough to knock some of the wind out of me.

"Don't worry, I wont hurt that pretty little face of yours 3; anymore than it already is," he says as his fist connects with my chest. "At least not yet 3;"

He starts to take a boxer stance and jab, and punch me all over my chest, ribs and stomach. I could barely breath. I don't know what hurt worse 3; the pain from the punches, or my wrists, now being rubbed almost raw by the ropes. Tears stream down my face, I can't even get enough air to scream or beg at all. As he works up a sweat, he invites the others to join in 3;

As they circle around me, I really start to freak out. I am now balling and gasping for air. Trying to plead with them to stop, but all that comes out is grunting sounds. Danny is slightly off to my left, Terry to my right. I can no longer see Jim and Steve, as they have gone around in back of me. They start taunting me, laughing and pointing. I am about to try to speak again as the fists start to fly, I try to tense my whole body at once. They hit me all over, I am fully swinging from my wrists now. My chest 3;. My ribs 3; My back 3; My kidneys 3; My legs even. They never hit me in the face, and only once in the balls. Thankfully he was aiming for my thigh, so he didn't hit me directly in the nuts, just a graze.

"Woo, that was fun." Says Danny slightly out of breath as they all stop hitting me.

I can barely stand on my toes but my wrists are now fully raw and one is starting to bleed a bit, so I try to stand 3; Try. I look down, and there are like ten pictures laying on the floor. I didn't even notice the man taking pictures of the beating 3; but I guess it didn't matter, because they got it all on tape. I know this, because they re-wound it and made me watch. I looked like a rag doll being pummeled. And as they re-set the camera with a new tape, I look at the TV and see that my jeans have come down almost a full inch and the waistband of my underwear is now fully visible. You can even see a little bit of the white under the blue waistband 3; FUCK! I though, as I knew what was next 3;

Chapter 5

As the man gets the scissors I start to panic. The pain was really bad, and I knew there was surely to be more, but these guys were actually going to strip me! I tried to plead, I tried to beg 3;

"Please! I'll do anything 3; just please don't take off my pants!" I said thru tears.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to take off your pants 3;" said the man " 3; I'm going to cut them off." He said as they all laughed. "And that part about you doing anything 3; don't worry, by the end of today you will have done almost everything 3;" He laughed as he approached me.

What did he mean by that? Wait, if cuts off my pants what will I wear home!? Oh my god! I can't be left naked that that other kid! These thoughts were all running thru my head as the man told the others to take off my shoes and hold my legs. I now realized that I really had no choice. They were going to take my pants and there was nothing I could do about it 3; except scream and try to kick! The kicking was stopped right away, as Terry and Steve held my legs. For the second time in my young life, I was about to be stripped down to my underwear 3; My brother's underwear!

My screams were also cut short by a quick, light jab to my crotch by Terry. Prompting Danny to walk over with the duct tape and cover my mouth. Gagged, beaten, tied up, video taped, photographed 3; could it get any worse? Why do I ask stupid questions 3;

Terry and Steve held my legs tight after removing my shoes and the man knelt down beside them. I could feel the cold of the scissors just above my sock and had to unfortunately look at the TV to see what was happening. I watched on the screen as the man slowly started to cut up the left leg of my jeans 3; I started to cry again, as the scissors worked their way to the waistband of my jeans. He didn't cut all the way, just leaving a tiny bit left at the waist to hold them up. The same for the other leg 3;. I was so mortified. My jeans would be useless after this and the whole room full of already laughing boys were about to see me in nothing but a tight pair of Scooby Doo under roos.

"Okay, time for the unvailing!" Yelled Danny as they all took up position. "Make sure you don't cover the camera 3;"

They all stood around me, and I felt their fingers on the waist band of my jeans 3; Oh God, I just wanted to die.

All at once they pulled 3; RIP! The last bit of waistband left by the man was easily stripped away by the ten hungry hands 3; and there I was. Standing there in my briefs. I looked at the TV and wished I had worn a longer shirt, as this one was pulled almost up to my belly button in the position I was in. I look at myself and just cried. Socks, undies, tee shirt. That's all 3;

"Get that stupid shirt off!" yelled Steve "It's too small anyway."

With that, I wasn't even given the humanity of the scissors. They all just grabbed a piece of my shirt and started ripping it from my body. I was being pulled every witch way, causing the pain in my wrists to intensify until it was finally off. It was almost completely torn from my body except for the neck band, which Danny grabbed from behind and pulled, choking me until it finally gave way.

They were all in full hysterical laughter now, pointing at my underwear. The man almost crying from laughing went over and grabbed the video recorder and walked over and took close-ups of me. I watched on the TV as he zoomed in on my brother's briefs. He shot me from every angle. The front, the back, even the side, showing the small lump where my penis was. He then started to film me in close-up everywhere. Starting with my armpits (they all got a good laugh at the few hairs that, until then, I was so secretly proud of). He then worked his way all over my body. They all laughed and made fun of the lack of hair, and started joking about when I was going to hit puberty 3; I was so embarrassed that not just my face, but my whole body started turning red!

"Yeah! He is so shy!" yelled Terry. "He's turning red!" he continued as they all laughed harder.

"My God guys, he doesn't have almost ANY hair!" Steve said as he approached me.

"He's as smooth as a baby's butt!" laughed Jim, "I'll bet he doesn't even have any hair on his nuts!"

"There's only one way to find out!" yelled the man as he held the camera.

Steve was reaching for the waistband on my underwear when Danny yelled for him to wait a second, and picked up the Polaroid. Now this would have bothered me more, but I was a pair of socks and a SMALL pair of underwear away from being totally naked in front of a room full of people and a video camera. So I didn't mind him taking pictures of me as long as it delayed the inevitable 3;

Danny took about four pictures, when the camera ran out of film. Steve took this opportunity to start to rub his hands up and down my chest and stomach. OH MY GOD! I have been stripped, beaten and humiliated beyond what I could have ever imagined, but now the one man 3; actually the only PERSON I have ever found attractive is now rubbing his hands on me!

Don't ask me how, but this started that familiar feeling down below 3; NO! Please God! Please don't let me get hard 3; PLEASE!

"I just can't believe how smooth he is," said Steve as he continued rubbing. "What are you, like 15?" he asked.

I shook my head yes.

"Well, damn! You don't look a day over twelve!" he said as they all joined in laughing.

But through all this, he never stopped rubbing me! I knew if he didn't stop soon, I was so going to get hard. As it was I was starting to sport a semi.

"I had more hair on my nuts at your age than you have on your entire body!" He laughed as his hand kept rubbing closer and closer to my waistband. "And I'm only a year older than you!" he said as his hand brushed the waistband of my shorts, causing my dick to twitch just slightly.

"The film is almost ready." said Danny, "after a few more undie shots, we can see if he's totally hairless!" They all laughed.

"Yeah, well I'm about to find out right now!" yelled Steve as he slid his hands inside the front of my briefs!

Before I even knew what happened Steve's hand went where only mine had been before 3; OH MY GOD! First he slid his hand down to my bare pubic area where hair would eventually be. But then the most shocking of all 3; he touched my dick! Just his finger tips at first, but then he slid them over my dick and cupped my balls, running his finger over them inspecting them for hair 3; he got a lot more than he expected.

"OH MY GOD! This fucker has boner!"

It felt like an eternity, but it took my dick about .02 seconds to get fully hard from the moment his finger tips first touched it. I did everything I could do to make it go down, new tears streamed down my cheeks as he quickly removed his hand from my underwear 3; underwear that was now tenting the front of Scooby's head!

"Quick get over here with the camera!" he yelled, as Danny ran over with the Polaroid, and the man with the video.

"I knew it! He's a fag!" said the man 3; who was also gay!

"This is too funny!" howled Danny as he snapped pictures from every angle, making sure you could see my face so you could tell it was me. And the man taped all the close ups.

Looking at the TV I could see my tenting briefs, why not, he was in so close they took up the whole screen! Thank god for small miracles, with all the laughing and pointing, and picture taking my hard on lasted only about a minute. But it felt like an hour 3;

"So 3;" asked Danny, "is he smooth all over?"

"Yeah, did he at least have ANY on his nuts?" asked Terry.

"I'll bet money that he doesn't," said Jim.

"I'm not telling," laughed Steve, "you're just going to have to find out for yourselves!"

"That's just what I was thinking," said the man as he put the camera back on the tripod.

This couldn't be happening to me 3; and because of the duct tape over my mouth I couldn't even protest 3; They slowly approached me with grins on their face 3; Danny walked right in front of me 3; I froze as he put his hand out and pulled out the waistband just far enough for him to see down inside 3;

"Aw, it's so tiny 3;" said Danny in a baby voice. "Don't worry, you'll get to see what a real one looks like before the night is over 3;"

I didn't even have time to think about what that last comment meant, because a split second after he said it he yanked down the front of my briefs for the whole room to see 3;

Chapter 6

So this it what my day had come down to. Standing on my now sore tip toes, hands tied above my head, nothing on except a pair of socks and a now helpless pair of tight Scooby Doo under roos pulled down just past my hairless balls, and my underdeveloped dick on display for the whole room to see 3;

"Dude 3; it's so small!" Terry yelled through laughter.

"Hey, wait 3;" said Danny as he crouched down in front of me. "He does have a little peach fuzz 3;" he snickered as he rubbed his hands over the area right above my dick.

Oh God, I thought, not more rubbing. Thank god I was at this point way to embarrassed to even think of getting hard 3; No one had ever seen me naked before, ever! I looked at the TV as the man zoomed in on my privates, and they looked so small! They had tucked my already too tight waistband under my nuts causing them to stick up, and out more, as they all stared, pointed and laughed. Danny started taking pictures of me standing there exposed, again making sure to get my face in most of the shots, to ensure that anyone who saw them would know it was me, and know exactly what I have down below. The man kept video taping, shooting close ups everywhere! I just stood there with tears rolling down my face, trying to breath thru my nose since they had put duct tape over my mouth, and hoped that this whole ordeal was almost over. I mean I have been beaten, humiliated, stripped, tied up, my clothes are torn and ruined 3; what else could they possibly do to me? 3; Little did I know, that this was barely the beginning, and they had plenty more in store for me 3;

"Lets get him hard again 3; I want to get some pictures of that boner!" yelled Danny.

"Yeah!" they all screamed as they came closer.

The next thing I knew, they were all touching me. EVERYWHERE! Hands rubbing my dick, my chest, my back, even my underarms! The man went behind me and pulled down the back of my underwear and was rubbing my butt!

"What a great ass!" He yelled, as they all came around to see.

"Damn! Even his butt is tiny!" said Jim as he touched, rubbed, and smacked it.

There were hands all over me, but thank God I was to embarrassed and crying to get hard. I hated all these people, so there hands touching me, made me sick 3; That is except Steve, but I couldn't even see him 3; was that him rubbing my ass?

"He won't get hard 3;" said Terry.

"Yeah, I don't know why. He got hard so fast last time 3;" replied Steve.

"That's because he had his boyfriend touching him!" Laughed Danny.

"Fuck off!" Yelled Steve and joined in the laughter.

"Hey, maybe that's it 3; I have an idea," said the man as he too Steve and the rest aside.

They were a few feet away talking, but I couldn't hear whet they were saying. That's when they all started laughing and came back over to me. They all stopped a few feet short except Steve, who walked behind me. They all watched, but were in front of the TV so I could not see what was happening. The man picked up my shoe and started to take out the lace 3; why was he doing that? That's when I felt Steve's breath on the back of my neck 3;

"That was it wasn't it?" Steve whispered in my ear. "You only like it when I touch you 3;"

His breath was blowing in my ear as he started to whisper things to me. "You want me don't you?" he whispered, and gently blew on my neck 3; I was shaking my head no, but he kept going 3; "Yeah you do 3;" and with that I felt his body lean flat against mine 3; he was blowing on my neck, and reached around with both hands and put them on my chest 3; Oh my God! I could feel the front of his jeans brushing up against my bare ass 3; his hands started to gently rub up and down my chest and stomach 3; ooohhh it felt so good 3; NO! I thought, but it was too late, I could feel that tingle down below 3; please don't let me get hard again 3; hands moving lower 3; NO 3; breath on my neck 3; PLEASE 3; his crotch thru his jeans, pressed harder against my ass 3; please stop, I thought 3; hands lower 3; lower 3; at the waist, just below my belly button 3; lower 3; jeans against my ass 3; lower 3; finger tip at the base of my penis 3; breath in my ear 3; hand rubbing my thigh, very close to my balls 3; jeans 3; hands 3; breath 3; his hand touches my dick fully, just as his other hand cups my balls 3; dick now very hard 3; his crotch rubbing my ass 3; his hand stroking my penis 3; his other hand gently massaging my balls 3; his jeans in my ass 3; is he hard? I though as I completely forgot where I was 3; I had never felt anything like this before 3; pure pleasure 3; from the man of my dreams 3; dick, now harder than it has ever been in my young life 3;

"HA! I told you it was Steve!" yelled Danny.

I was quickly jolted back to reality, they were all laughing and pointing and my now hard dick. I already felt it going down, when the man walked over and said "Not this time ya don't," and wrapped my shoelace around the base of my cock and under my balls. He wrapped it around several times and pulled it so tight! Fuck! That hurt 3; then he tied the lace, leaving it that way!

"That will keep him nice and hard!" laughed the man as they all joined in. "I have a few Viagra pills 3; but I want to save them for later."

They told me the lace around my dick would keep me hard 3; they were right. I had the hardest dick I have ever had and now it won't go down 3; and it hurt!

"Before we cut him down and have some real fun 3; I have one more thing to do 3;" said the man.

"This should be fun!" yelled Danny, as he already had been told what the man was doing.

The man walked over to his bag and pulled out what looked like a 3; a 3; a dick! It was a small (thank God) piece of rubber about four inches [10 cm] long, not really thick, and it was red! He pulled out a tube and put, what looked like gel all over the red piece of rubber 3; what was that for?! I found out soon enough 3;

"Guys spread his cheeks!" he said "Danny, get the duct tape." as he walked over to me.

Now the next few minutes were kind of a blur. Terry and Jim walked behind me, and Steve got the video camera and also walked behind 3; I was forced to watch the TV screen to see what was happening 3; up close!

I felt Jim and Terry's hands on my ass 3; Oh God NO! 3; they spread my cheeks wide 3; I saw on the screen, the man moving the red thing (I found out later that is was a small dildo) closer to my ass 3; Oh my God he's going to put that thing in my hole!

"Okay boys, hold him tight!" said the man as the tip touched the outside of my ass hole.

I tried to squirm, fuck my wrists! I frantically thrashed around, causing new blood to come from my wrists 3; but in the end, with Danny's help 3; they held me in place 3;

"Stick it in!" yelled Danny.

"Yeah!" yelled Steve.

"Show that faggot!" yelled Jim.

"Okay, here goes!" said the man as he started to push 3;

I couldn't watch the screen anymore 3; I closed my eyes. FUCK! The pain was extreme as he started to push 3; he got just the tip in 3; I tried to clench 3; I tried to squirm 3; but they held me tighter.

Without warning the man shoved all of it in my ass 3; OUCH! FUCK! Oh my god! The pain, was unlike anything else I had ever felt 3; I thought I was going to pass out 3; and for some reason, my dick got even harder than it was 3; the shoelace was tied so tight that it hurt 3; now pain was everywhere 3;. I actually found myself wishing they would just beat me more 3; but this was too much 3; tears streamed down my face and I wished I could scream, but the duct tape held my mouth shout 3; I was hoping they would take it out of my ass, when I heard 3;

"Damn! If this hurts so bad, I can't wait until we get something bigger in there!" said the man, they all laughed.

"Bring me the duct tape 3;"

Duct tape? Why would they need that 3; that's when I felt my legs being spread wider 3; the end of the tape was stuck to my crotch, just behind my balls 3; then they unrolled the tape by pulling it up behind me, into the crack of my ass, and cut off and pressed down right at the top of my crack! They taped that thing inside me!

They, then pulled my underwear back up over my ass, and had to stretch it over my hard dick 3; then just stood back and stared, laughed, pointed, poked, and prodded me 3;

"That tape ought to keep that in for a while" Danny said as they laughed.

"Now lets cut him down and have some more fun 3;"

The man started to walk towards me with a knife 3; he cut the ropes and I fell to the ground so fast I didn't even realize I was down. Falling caused the dildo to move inside me and the pain was unbelievable 3; what did he say? 3; stick something bigger up there? I didn't think any thing bigger would fit 3; I found out later I was wrong 3; more fun with me? What else were they planning to do? 3;

"I have to take a piss," said Danny.

"Me too." said Jim.

"I second that" replied Steve.

"Me too 3;" said the man, " 3; why don't we all go 3; and take him with us, this way we can show him what a real dick looks like."

"Yeah," said Terry, "But he might get a little wet 3;" he said as they all broke out laughing

What did he mean by that 3; I had a feeling, as I was dragged to the bathroom, that I was going to get a lot more than just seeing what a 'real' dick looked like 3; I was right 3;

I am now being literally dragged to the bathroom, trying so hard not to move because every time I do the dildo moves within me, and causes such extreme pain. They are dragging me forward drooping every couple of feet to ensure that my too hard dick gets rubbed through the underwear by the carpet. I feel the cold bathroom floor under my knees and fear what was coming next.

The bathroom is big, with a large tub, and a lot of room between it and the toilet, and the sink. I am trying not to cry and so wished the erection would go away, because it is starting to hurt. The dildo feels odd, but I am starting to get used to it, I still hoped they would take it out soon, and remove the shoe lace.

"I have an idea," said the man as he walked out of the room.

"We're going to have so much fun with you, you little faggot," Danny whispered in my ear.

The man walked back in the room with a pair of handcuffs and the video camera they had left in the other room.

"Here put his arms behind his back" he said as Steve held my arms and the man slipped on the handcuffs.

To my happy surprise they were padded and felt better than the rope. I laid on the cold bathroom floor fearing what might come next as I heard the video camera turn on.

"Who's first?" asked the man, and Danny stepped forward. Then without warning Danny grabbed me by the hair with one hand and the elbow with the other and dragged me over to the toilet. He got me on my knees with my chest up against the cold rim of the toilet and ripped the duct tape off my mouth.

"Please, please 3; I won't tell anyone 3;" I tried to say.

"Of coarse you won't, fucker! But we never did get to finish with you today in the bathroom!" He snarled.

"Please, just let me 3;"

Before I could even finish, the hand holding the back of my hair shoved forward, dunking my face and most of my head in the toilet. The cold water felt surprisingly good on my bruised face, but as he held me I realized I couldn't breath! I started to struggle, but his hand just held me tighter. My own hands were handcuffed behind me, and every time I tried to move the lower part of my body, the dildo just went deeper. I really thought I was going to die on a strange bathroom floor, in my brother's underwear, with a dildo taped up my ass, and an erection from hell. Just as I could take it no longer, he pulled my head out of the water. As I surfaced I could hear the others clapping and hollering. I tried again to plead, but was quickly dunked under again. Two or three times he did this, holding me under just a bit longer each time. On the last time I heard the water in the tub turn on. Why were they turning on that water 3; OH MY GOD! They really were planning on drowning me!

"Dude, I really do have to pee," said Terry.

"What's stopping you?" asked Danny

There was a long silence, except for the running water in the tub. I was panting and so out of breath I didn't even connect those last two remarks. Just then I feel a hand on each of my ankles 3;

"Yeah, do it guys!" shouts Danny as my feet are lifted in the air.

If my chest wasn't against the toilet I would have hit my face as Jim and Steve lifted me up by my ankles and dangled me helplessly above the toilet water.

"There you go Terry," said Steve, as they all started to laugh and the man got in position with the camera.

I could feel the top of my hair hitting the water as I was suspended above it, and started to realize what they were going to do. As Terry walked towards the toilet they dunked me under and held me for a bit. As I was pulled up I saw an upside down Terry in front of me starting to undo his belt.

"Please don't! Plea 3;" I tried as they dunked me again hitting my head lightly on the bottom of the bowl.

As my eyes cleared after being brought up again I saw that Terry was now undoing the top button of his fly. I didn't say anything more at this point, as I knew it would do no good. He unzipped his jeans allowing me a flash of white from his briefs, then opened it allowing a full few of his package. He then hooked his thumbs inside the waist band and started to lower his briefs. He did it slowly so I could take it all in. Inch by inch I saw first his pubes (causing a bit of jealousy because he had so much hair down there) Then his dick. I don't know what I expected, but it was much smaller than I would have thought. I mean it was like twice the size of mine but not huge.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Yeah, come on do it!" yelled Steve.

I was still looking at all his pubes when he let his piss fly. He started high, aiming at my chest, and slowly moving the stream down. I closed my eyes, I was so mortified! It was so warm, and making me sick. I started to gag as his stream moved to my chin causing it to run over my closed lips. I then realized I could only breath thru my nose 3; but then the pee started to run up my nose, so I had to hold my breath. I held it as long as I could, but had to take a breath, so I opened my mouth 3; Terry knew just what he was doing, having obviously done this before, and aimed right for my mouth. I started to choke and spit, they all started to laugh as I started gagging and coughing, causing myself to inhale piss through my nose and my mouth. I was drowning and suffocating with his piss, as he moved the stream all over my face. My eyes were closed, but through all the coughing some must have gotten in because they were starting to sting. They all just kept laughing.

It seemed like an eternity, but Terry finally finished, shook it off , and zipped back up.

"Who's next?" asked Steve as they dunked me in the now piss filled toilet. What? I really didn't think they were all going to do it! Danny stepped up. I saw him ready himself through one half open stinging eye, saw that he was wearing plaid boxers and didn't have as much hair as Terry, but still a good amount. Again I was shocked at the size of his dick, I thought it would be much bigger, and even more shocked that it appeared smaller than Terry's. I guess I just assumed that being the leader, he would be the biggest. He did his business much in the same way, but I chocked less this time. When Jim stepped up was amazed at the amount of hair he had. Much more than either of the other two and was even more surprised to see that his soft dick was bigger than Terry's, who by now had the biggest. He pissed right in my eye as I was staring and caused it to sting sooooooooo badly I thought I had been poked. Then the man stepped up, I guess they were saving Steve for last, his dick was about the same size as Danny's but a bit thicker, his pee lasted the shortest 3; Thank God!

Then Steve stepped up. As a joke they dunked me and flushed the toilet so that my eyes would be "nice and clear" for my "boyfriend". They even got Steve to go slow almost doing a strip tease for my amusement. Let me tell you, as much as I wanted to see Steve naked, and have for a very long time, I was not amused. He lifted his shirt a little higher than the others. and started to undo his jeans.

"Don't worry, he'll give you a real show later" laughed Danny. He undid the button and started to slowly undo his fly. I could see that he was wearing gray underwear, and they were pretty tight. I would find out later that they were boxerbriefs. The one good thing, is I had no fear of getting hard, because the shoelace was already keeping me hard, VERY hard. Then he started to lower them. REALLY slowly, as they were lowered I could see that he had the least amount of hair out of all of them except the man, and I then remembered that he was also a freshman, and just under a year older than me. And as they lowered further I saw that his dick, although still larger than mine, wasn't that much bigger. Actually he was only a hair longer and only a smidge thicker, that actually made me feel better for a moment, and shockingly find him even more attractive 3; that is until he peed. He actually started at my bellybutton and moved downward from there. Over my chest, neck, chin, he paused at my mouth, then moved in circles all over my face. I was so humiliated. I actually would have taken more of a beating over this. This was painful and degrading, I wanted to curl up and die.

He finally finished shook off, and zipped his pants back up. They dunked and flushed one more time and were about to lower me when the man stopped them. He came over to me, lifted the waistband of my undies, and removed the shoestring 3; It felt so good to have it off. He pulled my underwear back over my softening dick and whispered something to Danny, then Jim, who were now the two holding me upside down over the toilet. Then without warning they basically flung me across the room and tossed me into the now full tub. They did manage to do it in such a way that I took most of it on the shoulder, instead of head first, it still hurt like a bitch.

They all started laughing when I hit the water. I wasn't sure why until about a second later when I realized the water was ice cold. What I had not been aware of, was while I was been pissed on and nearly drowned in the toilet, the man had gone down stairs to the kitchen and got a bag of ice he keeps in the freezer. I guess for the guys he brings back there. The tub was filled with cold water, with a bag of ice thrown in.

"How does that feel, you little shit!" Laughed Danny

At first I was flailing around until I realized, with my arms behind my back I kept going under the water. I managed to get onto my back, and finally struggled into a sitting position. They filled the water pretty deep, so even sitting, it came above my bellybutton. Then the pain started to set in 3; I was now sitting on the dildo, and pressing it so much further into my ass. I steadied myself, and slowly the pain deep inside started to go away a little. But OH MY GOD, the water was soooooooo cold! They all kneeled down beside the tub laughing. I couldn't believe how cold this water was, I looked and saw ice cube floating all around me, how much ice did he use?

That was when Danny grabbed my shoulders and pulled me backwards, dunking my head below the water. This was almost worse than the toilet because I was facing up, and had to try a lot harder to keep water from going up my nose. He then lifted my shoulders, bringing me above the water again, just long enough for him to spit in my face and then dunk me again. For the second time tonight I was afraid they were going to drown me. Then he held me up long enough for me to catch my breath, I was freezing, and shivering. I looked up and saw the man standing on the toilet and video taping every movement. Then Danny told me to hold my breath and dunked me again. This time while I was under the water, I felt hands at the top of my underwear and pulling them out. Not down for a nice change, just out and away from my body. Then I felt the first, then the second, third 3; ice cube being shoved inside! I couldn't count how many, but they put as many as the underwear would allow then let go of my briefs and lifted me back into a sitting position.

They just laughed and taunted me, while I sat there shivering. Then Terry asked how my dick felt, and I realized I couldn't tell, it had gone numb 3; and my balls too! They laughed a bit longer, then dunked me again, and again, and again 3; the tape on my crotch was coming loose, but the underwear still held the dildo in, because of the cold water I knew I had to pee, but could only feel it on the inside, because my dick was now totally numb. I don't know how long I was in the water before the man told them to stand me up so I didn't freeze to death, and to take out whatever ice was left in my undies.

When they stood me up I could barely stand on my own, I actually fell back in once before I found my balance. Then Jim pulled down the front of my briefs and let the remaining cubes fall. I was so cold, and was shivering and shacking worse than I have in my whole life. That's when I heard them laughing again 3;

"Look at his dick!" Danny laughed "Damn! I thought it was small before" said Steve

As they all busted up, I looked down to see that the cold water and ice had shriveled my penis up so small it looked like a small mushroom head poking out. There was almost no shaft just head, and since it wasn't that thick to begin with even I thought it looked ridiculous. I was so embarrassed, I looked like I had a six year olds dick and I was so cold. I just closed my eyes and tried not to cry. Then I heard a new and louder thunder of laughter. I opened my eyes to see them all laughing and pointing at my crotch.

Because of the long time in the ice water and the cubes down my pants I could feel almost nothing below my waist. I looked down and saw a yellow stream of piss coming out of my dick. I couldn't believe it. I didn't feel anything, yet there I was peeing! When it stopped they lifted me out of the tub and pulled my drenched, cold and almost see thru underwear back up and half walked and half dragged me back to the bedroom. I hoped that they were finally done and would let me go now. I mean, I couldn't think of what else they could possibly do to me! I didn't have to wait long to find out 3;

Chapter 8

They dragged me back into the bedroom and put the camera back on the tripod. My dick started to tingle a bit, as the feeling was slowly coming back into my private area and lower body, I was still shivering. The man went behind me lowered the back of my underwear and without warning yanked out the dildo. It felt so good to be out, and it oddly made my dick twitch a bit as it was removed.

"We won't be needing that anymore." He said as they all smiled

He pulled my undies back up and I remembered them saying something about putting something bigger up there. I started to panic. What would they put up there? I had to ask 3;

"Why don't you tell him what we are going to do next." said the man to Danny, as they all started to laugh.

"Okay." smiled Danny "We are now going to take turns hitting you until you ask, no, until you beg us to fuck you," he said as they all started to laugh harder at the expression on my face. "We are going to start at your chest, and work our way down. If you haven't begged us by the time were done, we will start on your face."

OH MY GOD! They were actually planning on putting their things up my butt! And wanted me to beg for it! The camera was positioned as first Jim came behind me to hold me still. Then they lined up in front of me and one by one asked me to beg them to fuck me! Each time I said no, or said nothing at all, they each got one hit starting with my chest. I couldn't do that! I couldn't beg them to rape me! As the line started over they moved down to my stomach. Each taking their best shot when I refused. By Steve, who was last in line I could hardly breath. It now took two people to hold me up 3; What was next? My balls?

"Okay, wait!" I said through shallow breaths as Danny had gotten in position. "Please don't hit me there." I begged.

"Okay, well it's really simple," he smirked "Just beg us to fuck you."

"Please, I can't do that."

Before I could even start another sentence he punched me square in my crotch. Because of positioning my dick took most of the blow, but it still hurt bad. I tried to bend over but I was held still. Then Terry got in position.

"Okay 3; please 3; stop, you can fuck me! 3; Just please don't hit me again 3;" I sobbed.

"We said you have to beg, you fuck!" he said as he swung low and hard, this time hitting me square in the nuts and almost causing me to pass out.

They all just laughed. I broke. They waited for me to catch my breath, then asked again. I couldn't believe it. I found myself actually saying the words. I knew they would do it anyway, and couldn't take three more hits to the nuts, and then the face again 3;. I did it. I begged them to fuck me.

My handcuffs were removed and I was pushed onto the mattress as they huddled and spoke in hushed tones. I laid there exhausted. I hurt everywhere and my balls were throbbing from the last hit. They had officially broke me. I had been beaten, stripped, humiliated, and pissed on. I couldn't take much more. The camera was put in position as it was announced that Danny should be the one to take my virginity. They would rape me in the order of Danny, Terry, Jim, The man, and then last would be Steve. I was told I had to ask each and every one to fuck me before they would, and that I knew what would happen if I didn't.

To 'get me in the mood' they each one by one stood at the foot of the mattress and stripped down to their underwear. As promised they made Steve go last and give me a strip tease. To no ones shock but my own, I actually got hard when he finally removed his pants and stood before me in a very tight pair of gray boxerbriefs. I was so humiliated 3; again.

They put a bottle of lube and some condoms next to the mattress and all got into position. I looked up to see that the front of Danny's boxer shorts were tenting out in front of him as Terry and Jim kneeled on either side of me. Steve did the honors of removing the whole reason for this mess I was now in 3; my brother's underwear. For the first time today, I was completely naked. And the first time ever in front of other people. I started to cry, but held back as much as possible.

First I was made to asked Danny to fuck me, then had to remove his boxers for him. Then I was told I had to put the condom on him too. I didn't know how, and they had to show me. Then they made me take it in my mouth to get it wet, when I refused he said that he would just stick it in dry then. I had no choice. I put it in my mouth and the man made sure to get a close up of that. His dick got much bigger than it was in the bathroom and I could not believe how much bigger his was hard, than mine was when hard. I could only get about half of it in my mouth and started to gag. He kept forcing it in until he realized there was no use and told me I could stop.

Terry and Jim then forced me on my back. They were on either side of me and stretched my arms out pinning them between their knees. Steve then kneeled down at my head and lifted my legs up high, almost pinning my knees to my chest. My heart was racing so fast, I was terrified and kept waiting for someone to stop this. Hoping I would wake up and it would all have just been a dream. There was no such luck as I now felt something wet dripping down my crack and realized Danny was pouring lube onto my butt. I couldn't look up because of the position I was in, but could see that the man was making sure he had the right camera angle as I felt Danny's hands spread my cheeks and something touch the outside of my still virgin hole 3; I realized it was the head of his dick, and had never been so scared in my life 3;

Chapter 9

As the head of Danny's dick pushed its way up inside I realized it didn't hurt as bad as I would have thought. It kind of felt like the dildo before. Then without warning he shoved the rest all the way in fast and hard 3; I have never screamed louder in my life, and could hear all the laughter just before I passed out.

When I came to I realized that he had not moved an inch. He just kept it in there until I was lucid again. When he was sure I was, he tore into me. Literally. I was screaming and trying to struggle, but was just held tighter, I felt like my insides were being ripped apart. The pain was unbearable, I screamed and cried until my throat was raw and painful. I still screamed but nothing came out of my mouth. It was like slow motion, I felt all wet down there and didn't know if it was the lube or blood. I passed out again at that thought, but this time Danny just kept going. I awoke to him moaning and almost yelling as his rhythm got weird and realized he was having an orgasm 3; in my ass! It still freaked me out even though he was wearing a condom. He stayed inside me motionless for a few moments and then pulled out. It felt like all of my insides went with it. I just cried 3;

They cleaned me up with a towel, and I could see that there was some blood, but not a lot, and then they got in position for the next guy.

Terry was not as big as Danny when he was hard, so it was a little easier to take. He repeated the whole process and made me remove his briefs, put on the condom and suck his dick. He didn't last as long as Danny but it was still way to long for me. Then it was Jim. Hard his dick was so thick, that I could not take it in my mouth past the head, and when he entered me he actually had to stop for more lube. I blacked out once when he finally was inside me, then pissed on myself right before he came. They didn't even let me wipe myself off, but made me lay there in my own piss while the man took his turn and Danny videotaped.

By the time it was Steve's turn, the pain was not as bad. Still pretty bad but not like when Jim did it. They made me take off Steve's boxerbriefs 3; with my teeth. That took a while and eventually let me use my hands. By the time I was able to pull them off he was hard as a rock and has a drop of pre cum on the head. I was made to lick that off, then told I had to suck his dick without a condom. This was not as bad as I thought it would be. Steve had by far the smallest dick and I was able to get it almost all the way in my mouth. I actually didn't mind it much at all, as the rest could see by my tiny boner. Then I was held down and he fucked me. It wasn't so bad at first because of the size, but sensing this, he started to fuck me hard, harder than any other did. He obviously could tell his did not hurt as much as the others, so he started pounding it in. It started to hurt more and more. But to make sure I felt the pain that the others caused, he reached back and punched me in my face. Then just fucked harder.

The others though that was so funny that they decided to hit me too. So while Steve raped me, they all took turns punching me in my sides and ribs until he came. He was so turned on by watching me get pounded that he came harder than anyone else. His whole body just shook and collapsed on top of me. Then he whispered in my ear 3; "you liked that didn't you faggot?" Then backhanded me across my face.

The next twenty minutes were kind of a blur. I remember them getting me up and showering me off. They put my underwear back on and gave me a pill. I thought it was aspirin. They then took out a marker and wrote some stuff on my chest, and then on my back. I was so out of it I couldn't figure out what they were doing. Then before I knew it I felt a breeze and realized I must have passed out, because we were now out side. My hands had again been tied behind me. This time with rope or string of some kind and they were carrying me 3; FUCK! Where were they taking me? They put me in the back of the man's SUV and all piled in.

"Are you taking me home now?" I asked groggily.

"Hell, no!" Laughed Danny "The night is still young for you my friend," he said as they all laughed.

I must have passed out again because next I remember being carried again. This time we were in sort of a wooded area. Then I realized I was still in only a pair of briefs! They did put my socks back on though.

"Look, its working," said Steve, as they all looked down at my crotch.

"I told you it would," said the man.

I didn't have to look down to realize I had an erection. I could feel it straining against my underwear. The pill they had given me was Viagra. I was then put down in this clearing, and told that the man was not a real estate agent after all and that he would be leaving town. So if I told anyone about what happened he would come back and find me. Plus a cleverly edited version of the video and all those photo's would be spread around school. They said to tell them I was kidnapped and I didn't see who it was, and they would leave me alone from now on.

Then Danny got a big kick out of telling me that this was a heavy party area for the local college kids and a local sex spot for the fags in the area, so I would be found shortly. They all just laughed. Then Steve put a piece of duct tape over my mouth, kissed me over the tape and said thanks for the fuck 3; and then kneed me in my balls HARD.

"Well, we don't want you following us now do we?" Danny laughed as I fell to the ground.

"Oh and one other thing," he said, "this is for getting me suspended!" he snarled as he kicked me in my gut.

Then before I knew what had happened, they were gone. I was left laying on the ground in the middle of nowhere with my hands tied behind my back, a piece of duct tape over my mouth, and wearing nothing but a pair of socks and a tight and still slightly wet pair of Scooby Doo underwear 3; oh yeah, and my dick was hard as a rock from the Viagra! Oh my God! They said someone would find me soon, and I hoped so. They were right. Someone did find me, actually a bunch of someone's 3;

The End?


Stripped by Teens

Freshman kids take revenge on a 17 year old bully.

The narrator (17yo) and the kids (13-14yo)
tt non-cons oral – violence humil bond

Okay, so there I was. My arms stretched out above me, tied to the monkey bars at the local park. I'm standing there in only my tight white Fruit of the Lumes, which don't really conceal much now that they have been dowsed with water. I look down and can see that the front are practically see thru 3; you can see some of the color of my penis and a dark area where my pubes are right thru the wet undies. There is a peice of duct tape covering my mouth so I can't scream and my pants are pushed down around my ankles. That was so I couldn't kick my attackers. It's was about two in the morning and I was starting to get cold, my dick had shriveled up from the breeze that it looked so small in those tight wet underwear. Oh yeah, I guess I should tell you how I ended up in that strange position on that fateful Friday night 3;

It was Friday night and I was just walking home from a party through the local park a few blocks from my house. It was around midnight and I was a little buzzed from the beer I had been drinking and out of nowhere I get jumped by these four guys. It was pretty easy for them to take me down, considering I never saw them coming and I was a bit drunk.

I was pinned on my back, with one person sitting on my knees, two holding my arms flat above my head and one sitting on my chest 3; That was when I realized that they weren't guys they were kids! They were about thirteen and fourteen years old and were freshman at the High School where I was a senior.. The kid on my chest finally spoke 3;

"So now we get to see how you like it!"

"Like what," I said.

"Getting beat up and stripped the way you have done to us!"

That was when I started to recognize them, they were all kids that me and my friends messed with over the last year. They were some of the freshman boys that we picked on. And at some point over the last year we had pansed them all 3; one kid (the one on my chest) we stripped in the locker room and made fun of his small hairless little prick, and then while everyone was laughing we pushed him out into the hall naked and locked the door.

But they were just little freshmen dorks, what could they possibly do to me? They knew I could royally kick their asses and that was why they held me down so tight. But when I got up, they were going to be dead!

"Look you little fucker! If you let me up now, I won't hurt you that bad," I said, and they all started laughing.

"Yeah? Well I'm not letting you up. Not until you feel some of the pain and humiliation you have caused us!"

"Oh yeah, what the fuck are you little wimps going to do?" I asked.

That was when my first shock of the night came. He reached back, and then punched me in the face! That little fucker actually punched me in my face! He wasn't that strong, so it didn't really hurt much, but I couldn't believe he hit me!

That was when I started to struggle hard, I almost got up, but in the end they held me tighter. That's when they knew they had me. Then the boy on my chest sat up a little and tugged at my shirt, pulling it free from my waistband.

"Lets get his shirt off first, it will make it easier." he said, as my shirt was lifted over my head and then off. "Now time for some pay back! Hold him tight boys!" he yelled

He then got up off me and was looking down on me, while there were still two of them pinning my arms down and one sitting on my knees.

"This is for that day in the locker room you fuck!" he yelled.

That was when he just started kicking me. Over and over in my stomach and ribs, when he stopped the one on my knees punched me in the stomach a few times, not really hurting me, and the other two gave me a few good hits to the head and face. Thank god they were all small and weak, or I would have really been fucked up, but they did start to wear me down, and each hit hurt a little more than the ones before them.

That's when they got the rope out of one of their bags, and tied my wrists together. Then they swung the rope over the top of the monkey bars and dragged me to my feet. They stayed away from my legs, because they were the only free part of me to fight with. I kicked and struggled as much as I could, but eventually they had me tied pretty good. There was a slight breeze that was making me well aware of my shirt being off, and was starting to make me feel like they had a lot more planned for me 3;

So there I was strung up and shirtless trying to figure out what they were going to do. First they came up behind me so I couldn't kick and put a piece of duct tape over my mouth. Then they came around front to look at there catch. I was a very good looking 17 year old, I stood about 5 foot eleven inches [1.80 m] and had a very fit and trim frame of 170 pounds [77 kg]. I had only a bit of hair under my arms and a thin happy trail going from my belly button and disappearing down into my slightly baggy jeans. The waist band of my white briefs was showing just enough and my tiny nipples were hard from the breeze.

"This is going to be fun," said one of them as they approached.

They all started walking towards me, I didn't know what to do, so I kicked out one of my legs to try to fend them off. But they were just a little bit quicker than me, and two of them grabbed my extended leg, leaving me only balanced on one. Then out of nowhere one of them punched me in my balls! They let my leg drop and wind was still knocked out of me they saw their chance to get in close and took it 3; I was quickly surrounded and could barely breath 3;

"I know a way that will keep him from kicking," said one of them.

That's when they all started laughing. Before I even knew what hit me, they tore at my jeans! It happened so fast, I barely knew what happened. I felt the button of my jeans pop, and the zipper ripped and before I knew it, my jeans were around my ankles and I was now naked except for my underwear!

"Just a few more things before we go," said one of them.

They then pulled out a camera and started taking pictures of me tied that way in my underwear 3; Then they pulled down my briefs! They snapped another bunch of photos of my naked dick, and then pulled back up my briefs. Then one of the kids took out this huge jug of water and poured it all over the front, back and sides of my briefs!

Apparently this was not giving them the desired effects, because my legs were then lifted and the water was poured directly over my crotch, making my underwear cling to me and become almost see thru. I couldn't figure out why they didn't just pull them down and leave, until I realized that the water was making me colder and my dick was shriveling up pretty quick 3; They took a few more photo's and got ready to leave 3;

"If you ever tell a sole what happened here tonight, we will make sure everyone at school sees these pictures. And if you ever fuck with anyone of us again you won't be so lucky next time!" one of them yelled.

So as they were going to leave, they all circled around me for a few more shots. I was hit repeatedly in the stomach, ribs, chest, and a few times in the face. As they turned to walk away, the main kid, who we stripped that day in the locker room turned around and kicked me in my balls! Then just turned and walked away 3;

I was in that position for about a half hour before I heard something behind me. I turned as much as I could, and saw that it was the kid who we stripped and who kicked me in the balls a little while before. He walked right up to me, and whispered in my ear.

"I have been thinking of this day ever since you stripped me in the locker room," he whispered. "You have no idea how good it feels to see you this way, but ya know what?" he asked. "I think the reason you are so mean and like to pants other kids and make fun of there dicks, is because that is the only way you can see other naked boys."

I was starting to get worried again.

"I think your a big old fag, and secretly love the idea of stripping other boys," he said as he reached around and started to rub his hand up and down my stomach, getting a little closer to the waistband of my still damp underwear each time. "I think you like boys," as his hand slid over my briefs. "I think you jacked off thinking about me later that day," he said as he rubbed his hand directly over my dick, "I'm right aren't I?"

Sadly he was right. I did like boys, and I actually jacked off over him about ten times. Seeing him naked and helpless, watching my friends strip him and peel his tight underwear off. And he knew it too, my hard dick was all the answer he needed 3;

He then went around front and peeled the wet briefs down, revealing my hard dick.

"I thought so," he said as he fell to his knees and took me in his mouth.

He sucked my dick for only about 2 or 3 minutes before I came. I had fantasized about boys for a very long time, but had never actually been with one. I had been with three girls before but had never gotten a blow job, this was the first time.

"You want to suck mine too don't you?" he asked, and I nodded my head.

"Well, hopefully someday you will get that chance," he said as he pulled up my briefs and walked away.

I was tied there for about three hours until the parks grounds keeper showed up and found me at about six in the morning. He tried to conceal his laughter as he let me down, I begged him not to tell any one as I pulled up my jeans. He said he wouldn't.

I had to walk home shirtless because they took that with them, and lied to my folks about where I had been 3; I finally saw that kid again over the summer at the public pool. I got him to meet me around the back of the building and got to repay the favor. I didn't beat him up, but I did strip him 3; willingly. I was happy to see he had 'grown' a bit since that day in the locker room 3; I sucked my first dick that day, and got my second blow job. We got together almost everyday over that summer, until I went off to college 3; I never saw him again.


Fight Club

Five boys form a fight club, but they do more than fighting.

Narrator (15yo), Justin, the twins Shane and Michael, and Jacob
ttcons & non-cons oral anal – violence ws

Okay, so me and a few friends of mine saw the movie Fight Club and really thought it was cool. Actually I think more than just myself got off on it. Watching those hot sweaty guys just beat the shit out of each other. So we decided to start our own fight club.

We all liked a good fight and enjoyed the idea of it. So on one weekend a month for about three months we got together in my friend Justin's basement and fought. Much like the movie there were no rules, anything went, but we tried to keep the face hitting to a minimum because of having to explain it to our parent's. Their was myself, 15 with a good body, blond hair, blue eyes, looked a bit younger than I was. Then their was Justin, he was the tallest at 6 feet [1.80 m], but was rather skinny, still had a decent body and was very cute. Then there was Shane and Michael, they were identical twins and really hot! Both had amazing bodies and perfect features, dirty blond hair, green eyes, lips to die for, and great cheek bones. They were just simply beautiful. Sadly they could not fight on the same day though because of the whole parent thing, so they took turns. The last was Jacob, he was the smallest out of the five, but was on the swim team so he was very strong and very fast, he was about 5' 6" [1.68 m] about 130 [60 kg], lean with blue eyes and dark hair. So that was our fight club.

We got together once a month and just beat each other senseless. I know I wasn't the only one that got hard watching the other fights, and would jack off thinking about my friends beating each other up. But after about the third time, it started to get a little boring. We tried to avoid faces, but all had our fair share of black eyes and bloody noses. Once I got kicked in the balls so hard they had to stop the fight, but all in all it was just fighting.

So on the fourth meeting, Justin suggested we make it a bit more challenging. Like whoever lost had to do something like a dare. We kicked around ideas, but it was Michael who said that it should be something big, like something we would never normally do, so we will fight harder not to lose.

"What? Like sucking the winners dick or something?" laughed Shane.

But it wasn't really a joke. That was something that none of us would have ever considered doing, especially with all our friends watching!! We all agreed that that was HUGE and should now be the losers punishment, but no one wanted to be first 3; so we drew names out of a hat for the first ever 'loser sucks winner' match 3;

It was me and Jacob that got pulled. We both looked at each other, and the group said that we had one chance to pull out, and call it off. But we both agreed that a deal was a deal and we should do it 3; So we fought. Actually we fought harder than we ever have before. Neither one of us wanted to be the first one to have to go thru with it.

The fight lasted almost twenty minutes. I did well, but like I said before, Jacob was small, strong, and quick. I held him off for a while, we hit kicked and wrestled around desperately not wanting to lose, but a quick left to my gut, a hard right to my left eye and a well placed elbow to by balls pretty much ended the fight. He had a small bloody nose and the beginnings of a nice shiner, but he won.

After I was given a few minutes to catch my breath I stood up and asked what we were supposed to do know, hopeing that they would tell me it was okay and that I didn't have to do it 3; no such luck. Justin and the twins sat around us on the floor and I slowly got down on my knees. I was so humiliated. Jacob stood in front of me and I reached up and undid the top button on his jeans, slowly lowered the zipper and pulled his jeans down to his ankles. He was wearing a tight pair of white briefs (Fruit of the Loom) that now had a nice tent pole sticking out. I looked over at my friends and could not tell about the twins, but Justin had the beginnings of a bulge in his jeans too. Then I realized in horror that I too had a hard dick in my jeans, I glanced down and saw that in the position I was in, there was no way to hide it. The front of my jeans were pushed to the limit.

I realized, as I reached up to his waistband, that you could hear a pin drop in the room. I grabbed a hold of the waist band and slowly lowered his briefs 3; His dick was a perfectly shaped hard 6 inches [15 cm] (about a good inch [3 cm] or so longer than mine) He wasn't that thick though, and I had more pubic hair, but it was nice. So I just took a breath, swallowed my pride and put it in my mouth 3; not bad. Actually I kind of enjoyed it. I started to suck on it, and run my lips up and down.

The entire thing lasted only about a minute before he came (turned out it was both of our first sexual experiment). He started to cum in my mouth and not really knowing what to do, I swallowed it 3; again, not bad. The other three boys just sat there with jaws dropped and didn't know what to do. Then they just applauded and cheered, I was so embarrassed, and as I looked down I saw a huge wet spot in front of my jeans 3;

"Who's next?" asked Justin.

And so started our new fight club. 'Loser sucks dick' fights lasted about three more months before it got boring again, and so started 'loser gets fucked', then it became 'winners choice'. Before long, Fight Club pretty much just ended with a free for all. In the coarse of that year, I had fucked, been fucked, and sucked every one of them. It even started to spread over to sleep overs, and after school fun. But we all still wanted more 3;

We all still wanted the thrill of fighting hard, and watching a good fight. But it had become all very boring. The truth was, we really like the violence, and loved the sexual exploration. We had all kind of become bullies at school. We would pick fights for no reason, and beat up on littler kids just for fun. One day in woods near the park by Justin's house, the twins and I spotted a freshman from school. He saw us and started to run away, and without saying a word to each other, we all started to chase after him.

We caught up with him a few yards down the way, and we just held him there for a few seconds, while he begged us to let him go. We had all turned sixteen that year and this kid was only like 13 or 14, he was pretty small, about 5' 6" or 7" [1.70 m], couldn't have been more than 120 [55 kg], and he was terrified 3; as he should have been.

We just started pounding on this kid. I mean we really beat the shit out of him. I don't know what took over us, the twins were holding his arms as I just wailed on him, then I would hold him while they took turns hitting, kicking, and punching him.

We were like animals, we didn't know him, and he wasn't one of us, so we didn't hold back as we would with each other. As one of the twins was holding him (because he could no longer stand on his own) his shirt rode up a bit showing the smooth skin of his stomach, and about a half inch of the waistband of his underwear, and as I punched him hard in that patch of exposed stomach I realized I was harder than I had been in my life. As I kneed him in his crotch my dick actually hurt, it was so hard.

I looked over at Shane who was about to take a swing and saw a huge bulge in the front of his jeans, and when it was my turn to hold him, I looked at Michael's crotch, he happened to be wearing sweat pants, and not only was he hard but there was a small wet spot where the head of his dick was. At that point we all just kind of stopped what we were doing for a minute and didn't say a word. It was obvious that we were all turned on.

The kid was barely contious and I let him fall to the ground. We all just kind of stood there and stared at him. He was moaning and rolled over on his back looking up at us. He was trying to speak but could only make moaning noises. I'm not sure what it was, but at that moment I had never been more turned on in my life, and I could tell that the same went for the twins. I looked down and saw that his shirt had been ripped in several places, his face was pretty bad, and his lip was cut open. I could now see the full waistband of his underwear, as his slightly baggy jeans had ridden down a good inch. I was fixated on that waistband, I was so turned on and the sight of his underwear was driving me crazy, and I didn't know why.

I don't know how long I stood there staring at the waistband of his undies before I noticed that Shane had one of his legs in the air and was untying his sneaker, before I knew what was happening I had reached down and was taking off his other shoe. He was trying to beg us to stop and struggle, but all the fight was knocked out of him, and so he had no choice but to lay there and pray we would leave him be. It was not his lucky day 3;

First his shoes came off, then his socks. Michael then went up to him and grabbed a torn piece of his shirt and ripped it clean off of him. We stood there for a second and just stared at this beaten boy, laying shirtless on the ground in front of us. With the exception of some bruises starting to form, his skin was perfect. Smooth, hairless, and white. One of his arms was lifted and we could see he didn't even have any armpit hair.

"You seem to be so fixated by his underwear, why don't you do the honors." Shane said to me.

Gladly. I reached down and slid my hand over the waistband of his skivvies, actually thinking I might cum right there in my jeans. He was trying to say no as I reached for the button of his jeans. I was harder than I thought I could ever be as I slowly lowered the zipper. I looked up and was even more turned on as I saw Shane standing behind Michael and watched as he reached around and started to play with the bulge in the front of Michael's sweat pants.

In all the time we have been together, fighting and sexually, we had never seen the twins so much as look at each other, let alone touch. I suddenly felt sad that Justin and Jacob weren't here to share in this experience, but soon turned my attention back to the boy.

As I lowered the zipper further I saw that the boy had on a tight pair of red briefs. The waistband and stitching were white. Now I had always had a thing for underwear on guys, I guess you could call it a fetish, but his briefs looked so good at that moment it was all I could do not to devour them. As I kneeled there the twins each grabbed a pant leg and pulled the boys jeans off, leaving him lying there beaten and embarrassed in nothing but his briefs, I looked up and saw that he was starting to cry 3; and that turned us on more.

Now the next 15 minutes or so, are kind of a blur. I can't tell you what took over the three of us, but we just attacked this poor kid. Michael kneeled at his head with his knees on either side, and held his legs pinned to his chest while Shane and I tore at the back of those tight little briefs. We saw that he did actually have a small sprout of pubic hair at the base of his still underdeveloped dick, and tight little hairless balls. Michael had taken his dick out and was rubbing it on the kids face as Shane entered his tight little virgin ass, the kid tried to scream, but could not get enough air because of his position, so it came out more like a whimper. Because of his position Michael couldn't really get his dick in the kids mouth but rubbed it all over his lips and face while his brother fucked him. Shane didn't take long before he came, five minutes at most before he had an orgasm that shook his whole body and then Michael came shortly after shooting all over his face. I took Shane's place at the rear tearing into his ass, I did not last as long as Shane because as I entered I looked up and saw that Michael was washing the cum off of the kids face with his piss, and seeing this caused Shane to stand up and rain down piss too, this was too much for me, I came before they were even done pissing. The orgasm rocked my whole body and I just fell to the ground panting.

When the twins were done pissing on the boy, we got dressed and went to leave. Shane told the kid if he told anyone who did this we would kill him, and he must have believed us because he never told anyone. He told the police that he never saw who did it.

As we were walking away Shane accented his point by kicking him one last time in the balls 3; hard. The kid finally passed out and we were out of there.

We went to Justin's and told he and Jacob about our day. They were very upset that they missed it, but we all knew that we had found our new Fight Club. We decided that the next weekend we were going to go out, a few towns over for safety reasons and find a new victim to play with 3; we even said that Justin and Jacob can pick the fight 3;

Billy the Kid added here "To be continued" but I never found a second part.


Getting Jimmy

School nerd Jimmy and his brother are raped by a gang of 15 year old boys.

Jimmy (14yo), his older brother Shane, and the gang Johnny 1, Johnny 2, Steve, Tim, and Bill (all 15yo)
tt non-cons oral anal – violence humil bond ws

The five kids waited in the woods for Jimmy to show up. They had watched him for a long time and knew that this was the way he walked home. It was a shortcut that was rarely used and they knew once they had him they would be safe from people hearing him scream. They had waited for this moment for almost a year. Jimmy had made the 15 year old's life hell, he was only 14 but was one of those smart kids that started school early and was always one of the teacher's pet. Through their freshman year Jimmy had sniched, not let them cheat off his papers, got Tim thrown off the football team etc. Actually Jimmy did none of this on purpose it was just bad luck for him. The fact that they sat here waiting for him was because they could never get him alone and they made them even madder. They tried to kick his ass on several occasions, but twice they were stopped by teachers (and had detention for a week) and once were stopped by his older brother, a Junior and varsity quarter back. The longer they had to wait the angrier they got, they would sit in John's basement and talk about how bad they wanted to kick his ass, it almost became an obsession until they could think of nothing else and plotted over the coarse of the last few months on what they were going to do to him when they caught him finally alone.

The boys were Johnny 1, and Johnny 2, Steve, Tim, and Bill. They were all young white spoiled kids, perfect in everyway. They were athletes because they were expected to be, they got in a lot of trouble and had formed a bond with each other at an early age. They had everything they ever wanted except Jimmy. They wanted him bad.

Unlike his older brother who is about 5 10" [1.78 m] a solid 170 [77 kg] blond hair blue eyes, Jimmy stood only about 5 8" [1.73 m] and couldn't have been more than 145 [65 kg]. He had dark hair and was small and scrawny, he was the smart kid not the jock. He was a nerd but not ugly, quite but not shy, and everyone loved him. That made the boys even madder. They were rich, he was poor, they had everything, he had nothing 3; they didn't even know why they wanted to hurt him so bad, but they did and today would be there chance. Almost showtime

"Did you bring the stuff?" asked Johnny 1.

"Yup all here 3; this is going to be great!" said Tim.

Tim was so excited that he actually had an erection, actually they all did. As the months went on they moved on from thoughts of just kicking his ass to more perverse things. They were 15 year old boys just reaching puberty and they were so close with one another that as they started to get hair in unknown places they would share it with each other. This turned to them showing each other and that progressed to talks of masturbation, which then progressed to jacking off with each other. As there sexual desires grew they started talking about Jimmy and what they wanted to do to him. Wondered how a blow job felt and such 3; this is why they were excited, they were going to kick his ass and humiliate him, but they were also going to get a chance to explore their hormones a bit. They all separately had thoughts that made them wonder if they were gay, but each alone came to the conclusion that if it was being done to someone else that it was okay. The truth was they were all gay, and each of them knew it, but at 15 you tell yourself what you have to, to get by.

They heard footsteps a little way down the path and got ready. Then they stopped as they heard voices.

"Shit! He's with his brother!" whispered Steve.

"Fuck! What do we do now?" asked Tim.

"Fuck it, I have an idea 3; you guys get Jimmy," Johnny 1 told Steve and Tim, "we'll take Shane."

Johnny 1 and 2 were bigger than Tim and Steve, and Bill was the biggest. They knew they could take Shane down 3; but they would have to be quick.

As the voices grew louder they readied themselves. This was it. They saw Jimmy first, he didn't even know what hit him Tim and Steve and him tackled and on the ground so fast that he didn't even think to scream, and when he did a quick Jab in his gut by Steve knocked the wind out of him. They held him down and watched as the two Johnny's and Bill went after Shane.

Shane was quicker and stronger than Jimmy and was able to get a few good punches in, he got Johnny 1 in the face and Johnny 2 in the chest, he was reaching back to hit Bill when a well placed uppercut from behind landed squarely in his balls. He collapsed on the ground and they were on him in a second. Fists and kicks flew, Jimmy watched as his brother was pummeled. When the dust settled Shane lay in fetal position on the ground moaning. He had been kicked and puched in the balls, hit several times in the face, and punched repeatedly in the stomach and ribs.

"Quick, get the rope," yelled Johnny 1.

Bill went over to the bag and got the rope that was intended for Jimmy and quickly bound Shane's wrists together. Shane was then dragged into the clearing they had set up and the rope was thrown over a tree branch as the two Johnny's hoisted him up. They pulled the rope until Shane was on his feet with his hands raised above his head, and then secured the rope to the base of the tree. Before even a beat passed Steve pulled out the roll of duct tape also intended for Jimmy and placed it over Shane's mouth wrapping it several times around his head effectively gagging him 3; Then they dragged Jimmy over.

He was crying and trying to ask them what they were doing to his brother.

"Actually this was all intended for you, your brother was just a bonus," said Tim as he punched Jimmy in the stomach.

Jimmy collapsed to the ground in a heap. They kicked him twice to make sure he stayed there as they approached Shane.

"Okay, here's the deal," Johnny 1 said to the bound boy, "we have a bone to pick with your brother, but we will probably have some fun with you too." They all laughed.

Shane just stared back at the boys and saw his brother on the ground. He was wearing baggy jeans and a tee shirt that was a little to small. Because his hands were stretched above his head the shirt rode up to above his belly button. His jeans rode a little lower than normal because of the struggle and a good two inches [5 cm] of his boxerbriefs were peaking out above his jeans.

"Oh look guys, his jeans are falling down," Steve said with a smeark. "We should help him with that."

With that, Bill walked over to Shane and barely tugged on the bound jocks jeans and they fell to his ankles. Shane turned red. Because of his tee shirt being pulled so high, his new FTL purple boxerbriefs were in full view, and they were tight. This was the first time he had worn them so they were even tighter than normal. They all pointed and laughed at his purple undies and all noticed to bulge. It wasn't really big, but not small either, but because the new underwear was so tight, it was very prominent. Shane was mortified.

"Nice underwear, did Mommy buy you those?" Tim said as they all laughed. "We'll get back to you in a minute 3; don't go anywhere."

They all laughed again as they turned their attention to the reason they were all here 3; Jimmy.

Jimmy was still on the ground panting and trying to catch his breath. He had watched as they pulled his brother's pants down and was very afraid. He didn't know what they were going to do, but he knew they hated him and wanted to do something like this for a long time. He was scared, he tried to get to his feet to run away, but as he was trying they surrounded him.

He felt lots of hands on him as he was dragged to his feet. The Johnny's each had an arm and were holding him tight. Before he could say a word Steve's fist landed in his gut, followed by Tim's, then Bill's, then Tim's again. He couldn't breath and was let go, but before he could drop he was pushed to another who held him. He couldn't even tell who was hitting him at this point. The boys had circled him and were pushing him back and forth between them and trading punches. He was hit in the eye, then pushed to another and was kneed in the groin, then to another and another.

Shane was tugging furiously at the ropes as he watched them beat the hell out of his brother. He couldn't scream because of the gag, and couldn't even kick out because his leans were securing his ankles 3; all he could do was watch.

Finally Jimmy was aloud to fall to the ground. He was out of breath and everything hurt. He could taste blood in his mouth and hated to think what his face looked like. He was rolled onto his back and felt his legs lifting in the air, he was dazed but knew they were taking off his shoes 3; he didn't know why. Then he felt one of his socks being taken off, then the other. Before he could figure out why they were doing this he felt a tug at his tee shirt, he looked down just in time to see ten sets of hands all take a piece of his shirt and pull.

His shirt was off him and in pieces as he finally realized what they were doing 3; they were stripping him!

He tried to sit up but was pushed back down, he tried to roll over but was kicked back onto his back, he looked up and saw a tear rolling down his brothers face as he felt a hand at the button of his jeans 3; he had never been undressed in front of anyone 3; ever. This was his worst fear, he reached down to try to stop them but his hands were grabbed and held firmly in place above his head, exposing his hairless armpits 3; he was a late bloomer and had yet to even start puberty, that is why he was so scared. His dick hadn't even started to grow, let alone any hair 3; he was embarrassed and scared as he felt the button on his jeans pop and the zipper being slowly lowered.

Jimmy lay on the ground beaten, with his hand held securely above his head and felt the zipper on his jeans being slowly lowered. He didn't know what to do. He was so afraid and even more embarrassed that he was about to be seen in his underwear. At 14 patiently waiting for puberty to finally hit, there can be nothing worse.

He prayed they would stop, but felt the zipper reach the end, then felt his legs being lifted, and a cool breeze on his upper thighs, then his knees, and then felt as the last of his jeans were pulled away. He looked up at all the faces looking down as if it was in slow motion. They were laughing and pointing down at his crotch.

"Oh how cute! Look guys, he's wearing tighty whities!" laughed Tim.

"Wow, I know those are little boy briefs but, who knew he would be such a little boy!" Johnny 1 said making reference to the small bulge in the front of his briefs.

Jimmy began to cry as they all made small dick jokes, and was even more upset when the two Johnny's held his jeans over him, each holding the end of a pant leg and played tug of war until he saw his jeans rip in half over his almost naked body, leaving him knowing that he wasn't going to get his jeans back when all this was over. They threw what was left of the jeans up into a tree.

"Come on guys, lets see what this fucker has 3; if anything," Bill said laughing as he reached for the front of his briefs.

Jimmy tried to scream as he felt the front of his undies being tugged down. The rest was a blur as he was made fun of for his small dick and lack of hair. His only solice came when his briefs were snapped roughly back into place, leaving him the dignity to keep his underwear on 3; at least for now.

"Okay, time for some fun," said Johnny 1 as they lifted Jimmy to his feet and brought him over in front of his brother.

"We were going to make you suck all of our dicks," Steve said to a shocked Jimmy, "but we didn't know who should go first, because we all want a good blow, and your first might not be that good."

"Soooo, we have decided that you get to take a practice run on your brother Shane here," Johnny 2 finished to laughter and a shocked look on a now struggling Shane's face.

"NO! Please, you can't make me do that," Jimmy cried as they held his stuggling and underwear clad body.

"We can and we will!" yelled Bill, "and to make sure you do it, we are going to alternate between whipping your brother with my belt, and punching him in his balls until you do it," he said as he took off his belt.

"And you better make it good, because you have to do it until he comes!" laughed Johnny 1.

Jimmy didn't know what to do. Shane couldn't say anything because of the gag. Jimmy was forced to his knees inches in front of his brothers crotch, still covered by his boxerbriefs. He felt hands pushing the back of his head until his face was smothered in Shane's underwear.

"No!" yelled Jimmy.

"Okay, you heard him boys," said Bill as he arched his belt back and let out three good hits on Shane's back.

"Please don't make me do this," cried Jimmy as he watched his brother try to scream through the duct tape.

"Okay Johnny, your turn," Steve said as Johnny grouched down and punched Shane directly in his nut. The sound that Shane made through his gag was enough to make Jimmy cave.

"Okay! I'll do it, just please stop!

With that, Jimmy's face was forced into his brother's crotch again. He was made to stick his tongue out and lick the bulge of his brother's crotch so everyone could see. All five were so turned on that they didn't even realize that some of them were openly rubbing their now hard dicks through there pants.

"Okay enough of this," said Johnny 2 as he stepped behind Shane and with a quick tug pulled Shane's underwear down to his ankles. "Start sucking."

This was the worst moment in Jimmy's life. He was sick to his stomach as he took his brother's soft dick into his mouth and started to suck on it. Shane knew he would have to try to cum before they would let him stop, so he closed his eyes and tried to picture something else.

Jimmy was surprised that within a few moment his brothers dick started to get hard. He worked it with his tongue the best he could and sucked as hard as he could just wanting this to be over. His jaw hurt and he couldn't believe this was happening.

After awhile the boys were getting so into it that they wanted him to come so they could have there turn. Just then Johnny 1 had an idea. He walked behind Shane, licked his finger, and without warning shoved it right up Shane's ass.

Shane yelled through his gag at the pain and shock, and at the same time he realized someone had forcefully shoved a finger in his ass, was the same time he realized he was cumming. He looked down and saw his brother gagging on his dick and come, but saw that two sets of hands were holding Jimmy's head on his cock as he watched his cum start to drip out the sides of his mouth. He tried to stop cumming but then Johnny 1 pulled his finger out of his ass and that started a whole new load of cum being shot into Jimmy's mouth.

They finally let Jimmy off of Shane's now spent dick and he fell to the ground choking and spitting out whatever he had yet to swallow. He hoped this would end soon, but looked up in time to see the boys starting to undress. He watched as they all stripped down to their underwear, They were all in boxerbriefs, two white, two black and saw that Bill had on a pair of red ones. He actually thought to himself that he needed to get his Mom to buy him some of those. That thought was quickly thwarted as the boys approached. He looked up at his brother and saw that sometime during the assault on his mouth that his brother's shirt had been ripped off and his jeans and underwear had been pulled off and were in pieces up in the same tree as his now ruined jeans. His brother was now fully naked and he could finally see that his dick was about two sizes bigger than his, and he had a nice patch of hair above his dick. Shane looked back at him with tears in his eyes knowing that he was about to watch his younger brother raped and could do nothing about it.

For about the next hour, Jimmy was made to suck each one of the boys until they came in his mouth. He was getting better at it and his jaw hurt less and less. He was shocked to see that for all the fuss made about his dick. None of the boys were as big as he imagined, Bill was the only one that came close to the size of his brother and even that was by at least a good inch. As the last one came in his mouth, he thought this would finally be over.

"Nice mouth, I knew he was a fag!" laughed Johnny 1.

"Okay time for the real show!" said Steve

With that Jimmy was thrown on his stomach confused, he started to struggle but was met with a kick to the ribs, and stomach. Out of breath and starting to panic he felt a hand at the back of his briefs 3; RIP! Is all he heard as he felt a breeze on his now bare ass. They were ripping his underwear off! He felt anther hand and another tug as his naked dick touched the ground and he realized in shame that his briefs were now gone. He was officially naked in front of others for the first time. He didn't even have time to process that as he felt something wet and cold on his ass. He tried to look around and saw a bottle of something being poured over his ass. Before he could figure out that it was some kind of lube 3;

PAIN! Oh my God! The pain was extreme as he felt something slide into his ass. Deeper and deeper until he felt Bill's pubes on his crack and realized he was being raped!

The pain was unlike anything he had ever felt, and as he scrambled to try to get up, get away from this invasion, all four of the others held him down tight. Someone was even sitting on him to hold him still. He opened his mouth to scream and was meat with the tattered remains of his underwear being stuffed in his mouth. All he could do was lay there and try to take it. It seemed like it went on forever, when in reality a 15 year old's orgasm only takes minutes.

As Bill's dick was removed he felt sick, he felt a lot of wetness around his ass and wasn't sure if it was his cum or blood. The thought sickened him more as he felt another dick slide into him. Everytime he thought he was going to pass out he was met with a slap to the face. They each took their turn raping him. Johnny 1 and Bill took a second turn and Steve made him suck his dick again.

He heard muffled moans and looked over to see the other two working on his brother. He was shocked to see Johnny 2 on his knees infront of him, and he was sucking his brother's dick! Tim stood behind Shane and finger raped him while rubbing his other hand all over his brother's tone swimmers body. What was more shocking was to see the look on his brother's face, not pain, not shock, but actually looked like he was enjoying the assault as his whole body shook with an orgasm. And he was even more shocked to see that Johnny didn't take his mouth off his dick! He swallowed his brothers cum!

As the rape came to a final end he realized that all the boys had come twice and so had his brother. He was rolled in a daze onto his back as he felt something wet and cool on his naked dick. He looked up in surprise as he saw the same bottle used on his ass being poured over his dick. He had never been touched there, except by himself and was embarrassed to see that all five of the boys were rubbing him on his crotch, then his too skinny stomach and chest, all over his body. As he realized he was getting hard he tried to sit up, he didn't want the embarrassment of getting a boner in front of them. But they just held him down and kept going. His underdeveloped dick grew within moments to its full 4 inches [10 cm] as he was brought to orgasm. His body shook and as he lay there embarrassed, raped, and beaten. He was a mess, he was covered in cum and dirt from the ground and he still didn't know if he was bleeding or just feeling the others cum in his ass. He looked up to see the boys getting dressed.

"Look guys, hes a mess!" laughed Johnny 1, "we should at least help him get cleaned up."

They all laughed as they stood over Jimmy in a circle. They shared knowing glances as they all took their dicks out and started to piss all over him. He was sick, he tried to get up but was held down by there feet. He felt the warm liquid cover his whole body, and felt that there was special attention paid to his dick. At least they didn't pee on his face, that was the only good thing he could take away from this day.

And then as quickly as they appeared hours earlier in the woods, they were gone. It took him awhile to get his brother down from the tree and they had to wait till dark to walk home naked. Shane begged Jimmy not to tell anyone what happened today, as Jimmy cried. In the end he promised. They told their parents that they were mugged, and no one ever knew of Jimmy's rape. It took almost that entire summer for Shane to get revenge on the five boys. But he did. And it was good, but that is another story. Jimmy went away to a private school later that year and never saw the boys again.

The End