UnknownwriterJimmy Makes a Match |
SummaryA boy with an interest in old fashioned punishments, the weirder the better, works out a way to make them happen at both his grandparent's living history museum and local prep school.
Publ. Jan 2014
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CharactersJim Peterson (13yo), Peter Robinson (12yo), various other schoolboys, locals, and touristsCategory & Story codesOther Boy storyt (solo) bt tt – cons – bond clothing age-regression diapers. (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now. If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteI lost contact with Unknownwriter (his e-mail gives an error message), but, he has sent me 31 stories, so I can continue for quite some time publishing his stories with one or two per month. Unknownwriter, if you read this, send me the new e-mail address, and to be sure it is you, mention your old e-mail in your message. |
Chapter OneJim Peterson was a fairly normal thirteen year old boy, from a fairly normal family who liked to do fairly normal things. He very rarely if ever got into trouble so it was mystery to everyone, including himself, just where his interest in old fashioned punishments came from. It wasn't like his parents had any special thoughts on the subject one way or the other, but nonetheless it was something that always fascinated Jim, almost to the point of obsession. Like any good nurturing parents should, his helped him with his interests where they could, buying him books, and then a computer so he could research, even taking him places that would help with him with the various projects he wanted to try out, but they always called the line on actually becoming involved in anything their son did, even when he could make a reason argument why they should so it was left up to Jim himself to carry out his 'real life experiences' on his own. However it wouldn't be until his thirteenth summer that he would get to live out not just one, but nearly all of the things he'd read about happening to boys his age, and to think it was all because his parents didn't get on with their parents.
Jim's grandparents were, it has to be said somewhat odd, and difficult to get on with, so much so that their children – Jim's parents really didn't bother to try but they did offer Jim the chance to spend time with them, honestly thinking that he wouldn't so they were totally surprised when Jim jumped at the chance. The reason why Jim wanted to spend time with his grandparents, all came down to the last time he'd been there, a year earlier, and what he'd got up to on that occasion, which was about the only time he'd been naughty in his entire life. The Peterson grandparents lived on the outskirts of Frogsmoor, a small town that was, it has to be said, somewhat backwards. Sure it had all the modern conveniences of Internet and even cable TV but everything like that was hidden away from public view so they could pretend to be continuing to live back in some bygone days, and it was this aspect that really appealed to young Jim, as it gave the perfect backdrop for his highly complex scenarios to be played out, many of which were fuelled directly or indirectly but 'true' accounts he'd read about on the Internet. And yes, Jim was bright enough, even at that age to realise that not everything on the world wide web was true, but that didn't really matter, as long as it sounded probably. In Frogsmoor, everything seemed possible. The prime object of Jim's interest on this occasion, was the local Primary school, St Christopher's, which in keeping with the rest of Frogsmoor was run along the traditional lines, at least as much as it could in the current climate so it maintained a strict uniform policy which Jim's modern school did not, and it was this uniform that attracted the young lad's attention as he though the pupils looked really smart in it, leaving him to wish that he could try it on, the problem was how? The answer came on the last day of his visit to his grandparents which turned out to be rather a wet weekend. His parents weren't due for another few hours, and with his grandparents busy with other things – they tended to let Jim do what he wanted within their large house which they were in the process of turning into a living museum that would come in very handy a year later, but at that time just kept them out of their grandson's way, allowing him to sneak off into the schools grounds unnoticed. Despite the rain, the pupils attending the school still had to head out onto the playing fields for regular out of hours Saturday morning sports practice, giving Jim the perfect chance to make his move. Wet and slightly shivering in his light weight clothing, Jim made his way down the street backing onto the rear of the large impressive red brick Victorian building that housed St Christopher's, to a spot where the way was low enough for him to be able to scramble over it and into the grounds. Soon Jim found himself in some bushes opposite a small side door that lead, his research told him, directly into a corridor down which he could get to some back stairs that would lead him up to a little used clothing store he'd spotted on a tour of the school he'd pestered his grandparent into taking him on, a few days earlier. After making sure the coast was clear, Jim dashed out of hiding, along the path and quietly opened the door, creeping inside. When the door closed behind him he was surrounded in a silence that was different to his own school that he found it hard to deal with, but which did allow him to creep up the stairs along the corridor until he found himself outside the storeroom. Jim's heart pounded inside his shirt as he tried the door. Great it wasn't locked. Swiftly he turned the handle, opened the door, and went inside, again closing the door behind himself. Looking around in the dim light, Jim quickly saw what he'd been looking for. Racks of the St Christopher's uniform all hanging on neat rows of hangers, while socks, ties and even underpants, were held on shelves to one side with Rows of shoes along the floor on one side. Everything in fact, that he needed to turn himself into a 'nice' little boy the school had a habit of turning out. Carefully Jim selected the items he would need, holding each and every one of them up against himself to select the size that would fit him best, which wasn't all that hard for although he'd left his own junior school over a year previously he really hadn't grown that much since then, so clothes meant for someone of eleven or even ten, would still fit him, as he was about to prove. In less than fifteen minutes Jim had everything he wanted, and with trembling fingers was removing his own clothes so he could start putting on the uniform he'd admire and which he'd come to associate with 'good' boys. Never one to do things in half measures as he'd prove the following year, Jim went the whole hog and stated from the bottom up, with the schools approved underwear, which was simple plain, briefs. Trunks or boxers weren't allowed, and as Jim wanted to follow all the rules, he slipped the tight fitting briefs up his legs until they were fitting very snuggly around his middle. Next came long sleeved button fronted shirt, in a very light grey, that had to be fastened all the way to the neck or else the red and black diagonally stripped tie that went with it just wouldn't sit right around the collar. Mind you it took Jim several attempts before he could get the tie to look right anyway, as he just wasn't used to having to do it, and couldn't get the knot right, his own school having done away with neck wear long before he enrolled there. Trousers were next, but Jim hadn't gone for the ones worn by nearly all of the older boys in the junior school but had instead selected a pair that he couldn't imagine any boy wanting to wear, yet he'd seen them doing so, as a punishment during his tour. The teacher showing his grandparents having explained that whenever the older boys were caught doing something which they should have grown out of, then they were "put back" into the infants uniform of short trousers, to remind them they should have grown out of whatever it was they were doing. It being that very punishment that Jim was now trying to recreate, which is why it was the grey school shorts that he pulled up his legs, fastening the double catch around his waist only after making sure to tuck the shirt tails in, and doing up the fly zip. Sitting down for the next part, Jim pulled on a pair of long grey socks that had the school colours of red and black around the top, these only showing if the tops of the socks were folded over in the correct way, so Jim made sure to do that before he turned his attention to shoes. Once more modern trainers weren't allowed at St Christopher, but while plain black lace ups were allowed and included in the store room, Jim had once more selected the youngest looking pair he could find which, in this case was a pair of brown leather T-bar shoes to put on his feet. There were now only two more things Jim needed to put on, the first of these was a navy blue blazer that he fastened all three buttons so it wouldn't flap about and would show the schools crest on the breast pocket and finally, the regulation school cap finished the look as it was pulled tight on the teenager's head to complete the look. All through his dressing Jim purposely hadn't glanced at the full length mirror on the wall behind him leaving that until he was fully ready and sure enough when he did look at it, he was pleased to see that he really did look like any other pupil at the school, albeit an older one being punished by having to wear little boy shorts. Now all he had to do was get out of there. Picking up his own clothing, Jim rolled his jeans, sweat shirt and trainers up, and placed them in one of the school bags that were lying around before he left the store room. Completely confident in the way he looked, Jim's plan wasn't to sneak out of the school but to boldly walk right out of the main gates, and through the streets to his grandparents house, where if he couldn't get in without being spotted, he'd swap the clothes he was wearing for those he was carrying. Naturally he intended to keep the uniform, for future times he could be 'punished' by wearing them. Opening the store room door, Jim once more listened in case any one was around as he guessed the store room to be out-of-bounds to even legitimate pupils of the school. He didn't hear anything so he stepped out into the corridor, closed the door behind him and headed for the stairs, and the door to the outside world that lay beyond them. Once outside, Jim kept his head slightly bowed under the bow of the school cap, as he confidently went around the side of the building, turning onto the path that led down towards the main gate. Then it happened. Just as Jim was approaching the gate, who should turn in but not just two of the longest serving teachers, but the head and nearly the entire senior year who'd been on a cross country run around the local streets. The crowd completely filled the gate, totally blocking Jim's escape route, not that he made any attempt to escape, as that just wasn't in his nature. Instead he just stood there. "Why aren't you at sports young man?" one of the teachers asked to which Jim obviously had no real answer that wouldn't give himself away, not that it mattered by then, as the game was already up, for the school was small enough that the teachers knew every pupil and, of course, they didn't know Jim. Taken into the headmaster's office, Jim soon spilt the beans of what he'd done, leaving nothing out, which actually amused the staff, and did defuse the situation somewhat as it became clear he wasn't acting out of malice. One even commented just how smart Jim looked in the uniform before pointing out what he was doing was technically theft, in taking the uniform. So it was that Jim's grandparents were called, who soon turned up all embarrassed, offering on the spot to pay for the clothes Jim had taken before asking what other older clothes the school had that they could use in their museum. The negotiations continued while Jim was taken into a side room to change back into his own clothes. It only being right at the end, as he was about to leave that the spark that would ignite his imagination, and which would dominate his next visit to his grandparents was sewn in his head. The headmaster said, purely in jest, that if Jim was soon keen on being dressed like a little boy, then perhaps the next time he was staying with his grandparents that's how they should treat him. Not just dressing him like a little boy, but treating him like one all the time too, sending him to school as one, perhaps even to cubs too. Then he'd see that it wasn't all fun. The adults had laughed at the very idea of a teenager – as Jim would then be – being treated like that, knowing that it would never happen. Jim though, had other ideas and was already making plans as to just how it could happen, as if the adults weren't going to do it to him, then he'd just have to do it to himself. Chapter TwoIt took Jim weeks to prepare everything for his trip to his grandparents for that summer, and that didn't include the time he'd taken convincing his parents that he'd be okay with the two older relatives for that length of time, especially as they'd be busy with their museum. But that's what Jimmy was counting on, that he'd be left up to his own devices, and what devices he had planned, thanks to many a late night spent on the Internet. The trip to Frogsmoor was uneventful, his parents not talking much, no doubt worried about how quickly they could get away without appearing rude, but as it happened they would be at least pausing for tea, Jim needed to make sure of that for his plan to work. It was a long car ride, but eventually they all arrived outside the large detached house on the outskirts of Frogsmoor where clearly the grandparents had been on lookout for no sooner had the car entered the long drive than the side door opened, inviting them through what had once been the servants entrance but was now the family one, so the larger one could be used for the museum visitors. A pot of tea and assorted cakes and biscuits were already laid out on the kitchen table making it impossible for Jim's parents to make the quick exit they'd expected. His dad tried to excuse himself by taking the case Jim had needlessly packed up to the boy's new room, but Jim had promised to move it later, which he did, taking it straight back to the car, where he hid it deep in the boot, knowing that he wouldn't be needing it for some time. He wouldn't be needing the jeans he was wearing either but they wouldn't be so easy to get rid off. Tension was never too far away from the surface during the light snack, with the only safe subject being Jim himself, which wasn't the thirteen year old's perfect idea of fun, but if it kept things civil then he could put up with it as after all it would be far from the most humiliating thing that was going to happen to him, even if it was the only one he couldn't actually control. As everyone got up from the table, with his parents ready to leave and his grandparents ready to see them go, Jim played out the first part of his plan. Having spent the previous five minutes lining everything up, as he stood he made a calculated sweep with his arm that sent his large cup of untouched strawberry milk, along with the topping from the stickiest bun he'd been able to find, into his lap. "Oh no!" he exclaimed while simultaneously pressing down on the mess so it came embedded in the denim in a way that would make it difficult to wash, which is something his mum pointed out just as Jim knew she would. "I'll go to me room and get ready for bed," suggested Jim apparently off the cuff, "Then you can take the jeans home to wash them." He didn't wait for an answer, just did as he'd said, heading up to the small box room he'd requested even though it didn't have any of the mod cons of the room he was originally going to be given, and quickly removed his jeans. Underneath instead of boxers he was wearing an old pair of soccer shorts that he'd just about convinced his parents were the current in thing for teenage boys to sleep in, just for this moment. That done, he trotted back downstairs with the wet jeans over his arm, giving them straight to his mum, who then played directly into his hands by using them as an excuse to leave, which she did with her husband, taking not just the jeans but all of Jim's clothes with them. Jim having nothing to wear but the shirt and shorts he was wearing. Just as he'd planned. Not that any one would notice until some hours later when his parents got home, and phoned his grandparents, but which time it was too late to do anything about it. "We don't have anything you can wear," his grandmother told him the next morning at breakfast. "What about things from the museum," suggested Jim, trying not to seem too keen, as he sat there wearing the same soccer shorts and shirt from the night before. "Those things are pretty old fashioned, not really the thing for a modern boy." his grandfather said. "Oh I wouldn't mind," Jim shrugged before changing the subject slightly, "But I could go into Frogsmoor and buy some other things with my holiday money, so I've got a choice." And so it was settled, granddad would run Jim into town where the boy could pick up things he needed from one of the stores there, only Jim didn't go into the usual chain stores that many his age would have and instead, headed right through the high street and out the other side, into one of the back streets where he knew there was a more old fashioned shop, that sold the sort of children's clothes that he was after. The moment he stepped through the door a woman around the age of his grandmother, approached him no doubt expecting trouble as she wasn't used to seeing older children in her shop, especially ones who were actually looking around without making jokes or derogatory comments about their stock. Quickly Jim politely said hello, introducing himself with a reference to the advanced order he'd put through on the shop's surprisingly modern website. "Ah yes Master Peterson," the shop woman went into professional mode, "We have everything you wanted, although some of it hasn't arrived yet, as we had to special order as we didn't know you size." Jim said that was okay, before repeating the line he'd mentioned in his on line order about it being for a 'living history' project that he needed so many retro styled clothes and that an authentic fit would be critical which is why he then submitted to being measured there and then in the middle of the store. Once the lady had finished taking note of his neck, chest, waist, leg and arm details, with only one comment about him being smaller than she'd been expecting, she announced, much to Jim's pleasure that they already had something that would fit him, in the range for eight to ten year olds. Trying to hold back his smile about that, Jim asked if he could look for himself, which the lady was only too pleased to let him do only watching for a moment as he went directly over to the underwear section and started to pick out underpants in suitably childish styles for what he had in mind, followed by both ankle and knee socks, and even plain white vests, of the sort that even most modern eight year olds wouldn't wear. Taking his time, returning a few times to the cash register, to place his purchases down Jim soon lost himself amongst the racks of clothes, picking out various items along the way, careful to select things age appropriate for an eight or nine year old which naturally meant no long trousers, not even in the pyjamas he found. By the time Jim was finished the sales woman had returned with the first of the special items he'd pre-ordered, as he was well aware of the size of his feet if not anything else so the shoes were bound to feet. Not that it particularly mattered as far as the basic plimsolls and house slippers went. but it mattered a bit more for the t-bar shoes. "Is there somewhere I can change?" he asked, even though he knew there was. In the small changing room, with just a half height curtain separating him from the rest of the shop or even outside yet all the same he quickly removed the few items he was wearing leaving the baggy shorts, and shirt on the side along with his trainers, so he could start the transformation that would last the entire length of his holiday, as he turned himself from a teenager into a nice little boy. First he picked out a pack of briefs which he opened, selecting a bright red pair that he slid up his legs until they fitted snugly around his waist, covering up his modesty but only just. The material thick enough to stop anyone from seeing through them, and strong enough to hold his excitement in place, yet at the same time more than tight enough to outline and frame both his private parts and buttocks in a way that should have made him as a teenager embarrassed but, instead, made him shiver with excitement. Trousers were next, or rather shorts. A nicely cut pair of jean shorts Jim had picked out as they wouldn't look so surprising to his grandparents as boys his age did sometimes wear cut down jeans in the hot weather. Of course the shorts he now pulled up his long lean legs had never actually been full length jeans, and were professionally hemmed around what remained of the leg, which wasn't all that much as they left nearly all of Jim's thighs exposed. To complete the experience of having as much of his legs exposed as possible, Jim picked out some ankle socks to put on, making sure to pull them up as much as he could so he wouldn't look scruffy before he slipped his feet into the plain white plimsolls, that he was pleased to find were a perfect fit. The look was completed with a plain red t-shirt with short sleeves, that only just came down to Jim's waist in a way that would show his belly to anyone should he have to reach up or put his hands in the air. This was a calculated move on his part to make some excuse for him being taller than the average eight or nine year old, so it would look like he'd just had an early growth spurt and was growing out of his clothes. "You look delightful!" was the shop assistant's opinion when he pulled back the curtain and stepped back into the main shop. "I wish more young men your age would dress like that." she added, getting a surprising nod from the boy standing in front of her. "Come and look in the mirror." She actually reached out to take Jim's hand so she could lead him back through the clothes wracks to where a full length mirror had been fitted to the back wall, which she stood him in front of. "So what do you think?" Jim couldn't believe what he was seeing. There in front of him stood a sweet little boy looking even younger than he could ever imagine it was possible for a thirteen year old to look, with all of his long pale legs on show. "Perfect!" he said, meaning it too, before he had one last serious bit to do, "I'll be back when the other things come in if that's okay with you." "Certainly. I'll see you then Master Jim." the lady said, slipping into the old fashioned style of talking that she barely used at all any more. "Yes, I'll see you." Jim started for the door, but stopped, just before he opened, as he made one final change, "Oh I've left my old clothes in the changing room, can you get rid of them for me as I won't be needing them anymore." Chapter ThreeThe first test of Jim's new look amongst his own peers was to take place in the family museum of all places where, at least he would be on home turf should anything go wrong. Just as he'd predicted his own grandparents either hadn't noticed the more juvenile way he was dressed, or they didn't think anything about it, whichever it was, that played right into Jim's hands as if they didn't care then why should anyone else. At least that's what he hoped. Naturally being the grandson of the owners of the museum Jimmy could have just gained entry through one of the many back doors joining the museum to the living quarters he was staying in, but instead, he decided that the only way to play this would be to do it just as if he didn't live there, so that's what he did. Sneaking out of the side door, Jimmy paused to check his appearance was that of the little kid on holiday he was pretending to be, in his little denim shorts, plimsolls, red t-shirt, and just to complete the casual look, a cap worn at a slightly jaunty angle. Then, when everything was as it should be – or as he thought it should be – he headed around to the front and in through the museum's main entrance, picking up a 'work pack' as he did so. This pack was something his grandparents had put together for 'educational visits, from schools and other youth groups. In it the children would note down things of interest about the various exhibits as they walked around, the hope being that when they'd finished they'd return to their school to prepare a project along those lines. Tucking the provided clip board under his arm Jim wondered into the still slightly musty smelling museum, looking at things as if he was interested while all the time keeping his eye out for the one group who had pre-booked their visit and sure enough, he soon came across them in one of the side rooms. It was a class made up of boys from St Christopher's Prep, who had been given extra schooling due to poor grade so were trying to catch up. All this Jim had learnt from his grandfather the previous day, along with the exciting news that they often didn't have teachers with them, just senior boys who acted as prefects. This was something Jim's grandfather was proud of as it meant his teaching aids were working, but for Jim it meant something else. The chance to join in. "Excuse me," he walked up to the largest boy there, who stood slightly behind the younger boys, watching over them, just as Jim always imagined a prefect would do. "Yes, what is it? Why aren't you in uniform? Oh wait you're not one of mine are you?" Quickly the prefect did a head count of the uniforms confirming that he had all he should have, before returning his attention back to the extra one. "how can I help you kid?" "I was just wondering," Jim enquired in his best, little kid voice, "If I could tag along with your group?" "And why would you want to do that, on a beautiful day like today. Haven't you got some mates you could be playing with instead of being in here with, this!" The prefect, gestured around him as the barely filled shelves on items of total disinterest to anyone, let along schoolboys. The sleeves of his black v-neck jumper riding up slightly as he did so. "I'm not aloud to play out, I'm being punished." Lied Jim. "Aren't we all." sighed the prefect, who himself couldn't have been more than twelve or thirteen. "I see you've got one of those questionnaires to do as well." "Yes, I've got to fill it in before I can go, so can I do it with you." "Oh I don't do that. It's just for the little kids I'm looking after." Several of the younger boys complained about being called little, even though they were all shorter than both the prefect and even Jim, but the prefect just gave the decanters a clip around the back of the head, before he continued talking. "I guess that would be okay, seeing as you're here anyway, but you'd better behave yourself, and do what I say, just like this lot have to." "Oh I will, I promise." confirmed Jim, "I'm in enough trouble already." "Been a naughty little boy have you," the prefect laughed once more gesturing around but this time at his young charges, "Well welcome to the club. This lot all know what happens to them if they get out of line, don't you kids?" There was some more nudging and pointing amongst the smaller lads but none of them said anything, although a couple did nod as they looked up in something like awe at the blond haired prefect, in his smart uniform who wasn't finished talking yet. "They know that if they mess about I'm not beyond bending them over and giving them a quick whack on the bum." A faint mumble of 'you're not allowed to do that' from the back of the group was quickly hushed up be some of the more regular visitors in the summer school, leaving Jim to suspect that he really had hit the jackpot this time. "My name is Jimmy!" he announced using a version of his real name that he hadn't actually used since he'd been in kindergarten but which suited his new persona much better. "I'm Robinson, Peter Robinson." the Prefect replied, followed by a couple of the more forward amongst the class group, although Peter prevented them from all doing it. "This lot think they're all too big for a spanking, but they're not and no boy is until they're at nearly twelve like me. How old are you Jimmy?" "I'm 3;" suddenly Jim wasn't sure what to say, as there was something in Peter's eye, that made him wonder if he was being tested but thankfully he didn't need to actually answer as one of the little kids who , by now, were surrounding him, pointed out that he had to be a little kid to still be wearing shorts. "Especially such short shorts," another added to giggles from all around. "So what are you?" again asked Peter once he'd got quiet around himself once more, "Ten? Nine? Cos you're quite tall if you are that age aren't you?" It was true, despite dressing younger, Jim could do nothing about the fact he was the same height, if not a little taller than the prefect, and that meant he was half a head taller than the next boy. However, this is where his meticulous planning would pay off, as he'd expected this challenge and had something ready. Something that was really quite close to the truth, but for one obvious omission. "I'm being punished." he said, "By being made to wear little kid's clothes and behave like a little kid." "So how old are you really?" Peter asked what all the others were wondering. "I'm thirteen!" admitted Jim to gasps from all around. There were, obviously a lot of questions to follow that, and Jim did his best to answer most of them as honestly as he could while, obviously leaving out the fact that there was no one telling him to do this, and that he was doing it to himself. He also left if vague about where in the village he was living, although more or less everything else he said was the truth, about staying with relatives and that he was living like a nine year old while he was there. He concluded by telling the group: "But you've got to treat me like a little kid or else my punishment will continue when I get home." "Well boys," Peter calmed his class into silence, "It looks like we have a real naughty boy in our midst, so it will be up to us to make sure he makes it back to the straight and narrow, so are we ready to accept Jimmy here as a little kid and treat him like one?" The small boys all agreed that they were without fault, although one of them, with a really checky grin, did ask if that meant that Peter would spank Jimmy!" "He has asked to be treated like any of my little boys so if he doesn't behave then I won't hesitate to spank him, naturally." the eleven year old prefect said, his chest puffing out inside his regulation school pullover as he took control. "Right then, enough of that, let's get on with the tour shall we?" The group moved off with all the younger boys being extra careful to keep up with the prefect as he lead them from exhibit to exhibit, pointing out the bits and pieces that they needed for their assignments before moving on to the next room. Upon entering each room, Peter would take the time to count out the small heads, to ensure he had the correct number, plus one extra, before beginning his instructions however, as they came to the last room on the second floor, the count didn't add up. "Where's Jimmy?" Peter asked, "Has anyone seen Jimmy?" Several opinions were voiced, but the main body of feeling that was no one had seen him since the Victorian School room so it was there that Peter – followed by his pupils – returned first and sure enough there was Jimmy, sitting down on one of the wooden flip top desks, apparently day dreaming. "JIMMY, get over here now boy!" Peter yelled the moment he saw him. Acting as if he hadn't been waiting for the group to missing – and half worried that even if they did they'd just carry on without him – Jim jumped to his feet as if surprised, before slowly walking over to where the smartly dressed prefect was waiting for him. "What do you think you're doing wondering away from the group? Go and stand in the corner with your hands on your head while I decide what to do with you." There was some muffled giggling from the smaller boys, as Jim did as he was told, before Peter's orders sent the lads back into their own projects. The youngsters scattering themselves around the school room to finish off what they were doing. The group worked in silence apart from the occasions when Peter helped out one of his charges with something they didn't understand, the eleven year old proving to be rather patient with the youngsters, proving to Jim once more that he'd made the right choice in picking t his group to test out his new life style. It was nearly half an hour later, when the last of the youngsters had finished his work, and the books were put aside as they all waited to see what would happen next. It wasn't going to disappoint any of them, especially Jim, who after all hadn't picked this particular room to stage his rebellion by accident. "Give me one of your plimsolls Jimmy," asked Peter, "And then put your hands back on top of your head." A shudder ran through the little boys as they gathered around for what they knew was going to happen next. Jimmy also knew, as depictions of it were all around him, but unseen by anyone else, he was smiling, as he toed off the plain canvas shoe he was wearing, and handed it over. Slowly, Peter walked over, took the shoe before reaching out and taking hold of the back waistband of Jim's denim shorts, in a way that pulled them even tighter around the other boy's buttocks before he stepped to one side and without warning slammed the bottom of the plimsoll into Jim's left buttock, lighting up the flesh beneath the tightly stretched fabric. THWACK! THWACK! "Are you going to leave the group again Jimmy?" THWACK! THWACK! By the forth stroke Jim was squeezing his eyes tightly closed, as he attempted to take his punishment like someone who was used to it, and not to show himself up in front of the other, younger boys. But Peter had done this long enough to know how to get passed that, and raising the old fashioned footwear up, he bought it down, not onto Jim's buttocks but so the rubber sole bit deep into the boy's lower left thigh, which certainly got Jim's attention, as he let out a high pitched shriek and jumped on the spot. "You get extra for moving." Peter pointed out as he crossed to the other side, to repeat the same on Jim's right thigh. This time though Jim was half expecting it and managed to hold himself at least mostly together. "That's better!" Jim was then rewarded for keeping to the accept behaviour of the spanked little boy by three more hard slaps on his right buttock followed by the same on his left side. "Right, that will do for now. Put your living room back on, and your hands back on your head, and remember, next time I'll take your little shorts down and spank you on your bare bottom like really little boys are punished. Right." Jim nodded, returning to the corner as quickly as he could so no one would seem him smile at the success of his plan. At the same time, Peter turned to the assembled younger boys: "I hope you all watched closely because this could happen to any of you if you misbehave like Jimmy here. You'll all end up back in little boy shorts in infants getting your bums spanked bare." This idea didn't go down well with the seven, eight and nine year old who made up the group, all of whom immediately straightened themselves up and paid attention to the rest of the lesson they were then given which was, not surprisingly about Victorian school punishments, especially as they had a real life example standing right in front of them. The lesson didn't last that long though as the mini bus was due to collect the schoolboys within an hour and they still had to complete the rest of the tour, which they did at some speed with Jim walking a little bit stiff leggedly with the bright red marks visible on his thighs, bringing up the rear. Something he knew his grandparents would notice and, probably realise where the marks were from. He could only hope they wouldn't say anything. It was just the group were filing out of the museum to catch the bus, with the younger boys sent ahead to fight over whatever they felt were the best seats, that Peter next spoke to Jim; "I hope you enjoyed your visit with us?" Jim said he had, without lying and with rather more of a smile than he expected. "Of course, if you want to be really know what it's like to be a little kid at my school you should join us one day for proper lessons in a proper uniform and everything." And with that Peter just walked off after his young charges, leaving the undercover teenager with more ideas than he knew what to do with. Chapter FourJim woke up nice and early as he had a lot of things to do before the main event of the day which would take place, once more in his grandparents museum. So once out of bed, after a side trip to the bathroom, Jim laid out the clothes he would be wearing, smiling as he saw them on his bed, even if he still felt the slight pang of disappointment as they weren't quite right. Still it was as close to the St Christopher's uniform he'd been able to find, without looking suspicious. Out of the plain blue and white pyjamas, with the legs cut off at the mid thigh, he now slept in, Jim picked up the plain red briefs first and stepped into them before pulling he matching vest over his head, which he carefully tucked into the underpants just like a small boy would. A dress shirt followed, long sleeves with a heavily starched collar and cuffs, that he buttoned all the way up, before tieing the tie around his neck, in a small neat knot before he moved onto the main event. The shorts. Alas, this is where the disappointment was, as the shorts weren't nearly as short as he would have liked but all the same they were shorts, so that was something, and they did look smart, as he now proved, once they were pulled up, his shirt tucked in, and then the snap and zip were fastened. Being modern shorts, they came do to around Jim's knees, and were rather baggy, but they'd have to do, at least until Jim could get hold of something better, for which he had plans to do later. Finishing dressing, the thirteen year old pulled on a pair of long grey socks, that he pulled all the way up to his knee before folding them down again, so the doubled over elastic would hold them in place, before he slipped his feet into a pair black laced shoes, that he'd spent most of the previous night polishing up, under his grandfather's instructions until they nearly glowed in the morning light. The entire ensemble was then topped off, not with a matching blazer and cap, that would have been Jim's ideal choice, but instead, the next best thing, a plain, grey V-neck pull over, that came down neatly to his waist, showing off his shorts, while the arms displayed the cuffs of his shirt, and the neck displayed that he was wearing a tie. Moving to the mirror, Jim smiled at his own younger looking reflection before picking up the steel comb which with the help of some of his grandfather's hair oil, he flattened out, his blond hair, before arranging it in a suitable schoolboy style until his look was complete, and no one would give him too looks on the bus into town. Downstairs he found his grandmother in the kitchen, who gave an approving look, "You look nice dear," she said, oddly without once questioning just why her grandson would be dressed in a way that would have been a touch out of date when she'd been a child. But then, working in and around the museum, such things as people in costume weren't all that unusual. Still, Jim took it as a good sign as his grandmother continued, "Thank you for taking my books back and like I promised, here's some money for the bus, and for anything you want to buy for yourself." Jim said 'thank you' in his best polite voice, wishing he had a satchel to putt the books in, but instead just tucked them under his arm, as he set off. There was a cold wind blowing, around the young boy's bare knees as he stood at the deserted remote bus stop, yet that wasn't why Jim was nervous when he finally got on the bus as he had the distinct feeling everyone was staring at him, yet they really weren't, they just seemed to look right through him in the way adults often did with little kids, which made him feel better, and relaxed. Arriving in the centre of the small town, Jim took a few minutes to figure out where the library was, his confidence growing that he could pull this off, even as he reached the library, and headed up to the counter. It took a few moments for the assistant to spot Jim waiting at the counter, "Have you got your library card?" she asked, already scanning the books across the counter. Jim handing over the electronic card, that beeped up his grandmother's details, causing some concern over the librarian's face, until Jim explained, that he was just returning some books and then would be borrowing some more on the list his grandmother had given him. The first part of that being true, although the list was actually one Jim himself had put together, having pre-booked the books over the internet. With the books returned, Jim moved around the library to one of the free terminals, where he entered the details he'd got off the internet, and was given directions to where he could find the books in question. These raised another librarian's eyebrows, until once more, Jim explained, adding in that his grandparents ran the museum, while implying the books on childhood punishments centred around humiliation, were for their research, rather than his own. Leaving the library, Jim couldn't help smiling as he overheard the two librarians saying what a nice young boy he was, helping out his grandmother like he was, and so smartly dressed too. Both these comments giving him the confidence he would need for the next part of his day, shopping. The list of things Jim wanted to buy was short but they couldn't be done in the smaller shops around the back, where he'd bought the clothes he was now wearing, but rather in the major shopping precinct were he'd be more likely to meet people who would wonder why he was dressed the way he was. The first and most expensive items on the list were in the local DIY store which was probably the last place you'd expect to see a neatly dressed young school boy which would explain why Jim hadn't been in there for more than a few seconds when someone came up and asked "Can I help you, son?" Jim looked up from studying the store directory to see a young man, or possibly a late teenager looking back down at him in a way that would have made him feel like a little kid, even if he hadn't been dressed as one, for the assistant was a good food taller than he was, and broad with it. Trying to keep his cool, Jim pulled the list he'd written from the pocket of his school shorts, and read out the top item: "I need a set of small timer padlocks." "Timer padlocks?" questioned the assistant. "Yes," Jim explained, "the sort that can be locked and a timer set so they won't open until the time has run out." "Oh right, yes I think we've got some of those but we don't normally sell them to children." This question Jim was prepared for as he knew about the restrictions about selling such things to teenagers, but he hoped his little boy act would be enough to get around that, and sure enough it was. He just explained that he was on an errand for his grandparents as part of his punishment, that he had to buy the looks that would stop him from getting to his things for the length of his punishment. The assistant not only believed him but found it funny enough to tell some of his work mates while Jim just had to stand there blushing slightly, and hiding his smile that his ruse had worked without knowing that it was about to take an extra twist. "Hello again!" said the cheery voice from Jim's side, making him jump so much that he dropped one of his books, but before he could pick it up again, someone else had. "Still being punished I see!" Peter Robinson smiled glancing down at the shorts the older boy was wearing. "Yes, yes I am." stammered Jim, adding that he'd been to the library and shopping. "Wow, you've been busy, but you must be thirsty, come on let's have a drink." Before Jim could say any more Peter walked towards a near by burger joint, taking with him Jim's library book leaving the other boy no option but to follow him inside, and over to where a couple of other boys were already sitting. Both wearing slightly matching clothes of dark trousers, and horizontal striped shirts, the smaller of the two being in a light blue, while the taller, blond boy was in a near black. "Hi guys," Peter said, slipping into a seat next to them but the lads didn't answer him as they were too busy staring at Jim. "Who's this?" they asked. "This is Jimmy, he's new in town." "Really? A new kid." the dark haired boy asked, "How old is he?" "How old does he look?" "Ten?" was offered back before his friend butted in. "He doesn't look our age, he looks younger." "Yeah he does especially dressed like that. Why's he wearing school uniform during the holidays anyway?" Peter smiled: "Oh there's a reason for that, isn't there Jimmy that's to do with his age." "His age? How come?" the two lads looked at Peter, expectantly. "Well, that's because Jimmy isn't as young as he looks. In fact he's not your age, he's not even my age, he's actually thirteen." "Thirteen. What you mean a teenager? He can't be." The two small boys laughed at the idea which oddly made Jim feel better as it meant his disguise was at least working, although that did nothing to prevent him blushing a little as the truth was exposed, for once the laughter subsided, the lads started to ask questions, forcing Peter in explaining everything, or at least as much as he knew, about how Jimmy was a teenager being punished for unspecified events, by being forced to dress and behave like a much younger boy. "Wow, and you're stuck like this for the entire holidays!" enquired the blond lad, who was Peter's younger brother. Nick. "Yes," confirmed Jim, "I've got no other clothes to wear but these." "And you can only do things little kids do? No computer games, nothing like that." "Exactly." Jim nodded, pleased the three boys had not only latched onto the idea he'd come up with but that they didn't see anything odd about it, but were totally accepting of it. In fact they even gave him a help with one of his plans when Nick asked if he'd have to go to school while he was being punished, like he and Jack – the boy beside him – were having to do. For the time being Jim could only say that this was being looked into, and then he had to make his excuses for real as he had a bus to catch, as he had some chores to do that afternoon that he wouldn't be able to get out of, although just how literally he meant that, the three boys who were now part of his plan weren't to know. Chapter FiveJim was woken up the following day extra early by his grandmother who reminded him that he'd promised to help out in the museum that morning, by giving tours in the schoolroom section explaining the new exhibits they'd got in, as well as helping out behind the scenes. This former was the reason Jim had used for his school boy uniform but it was the later that was the real reason he was actually going through with it, as he'd found something lurking in a backroom that he was dying to try out for himself. Given that he would be working in a schoolroom it felt natural that he'd be dressed as a schoolboy, even if it wasn't a Victorian one, but as he'd pointed out, the shorts, v-neck, knee socks and black shoes looked much more like what people would expect a schoolboy to be wearing, and anyway, he already had the clothes so that would be easiest. None the less, and even though he'd dressed himself neatly before his grandmother insisted on making tiny, and mostly pointless adjustments to his clothes, before he was allowed to walk around to the museum to begin his days' work. The morning went off perfectly. Jim was well prepared for the talk he was to give as the various parties came into the school room, and given his own interest in the subject he was more than able to answer any question, even the awkward ones, that came his way. He even made a nice side line in tips, that would go a long way to help fund the various things he needed in order to carry out his summer long plans to humiliate himself as a little boy. However it was the afternoon that was going to be Jim's best part of the day, and he wasn't even working then, although he was going to be on duty in one way. After popping back to his grandmother's kitchen for a lunch more suited to his clothing than to his true age, Jim returned to the museum while it was still closed for the break, but instead of heading into the main building this time, he took a slight short cut, along a short path towards a side room, that wasn't officially part of the tour but which would be for this afternoon only. The room had originally been a small dance studio, so one wall was covered with a huge mirror that ran from one wall to the other, and from floor to ceiling. The central section though wasn't just reflective, but was one way glass, meaning those on the other side could watch the dancing without their appearance disturbing the dancers. Of course Jim wasn't there for the dancing, although he had already sweated in the room installing the one item of furniture the room contained and which looked very much out of place. Directly in the centre of the room, was an old fashioned school desk, that had a hard looking wooded seat with a high back rest, and a cross bar to rest the feet on, plus a large hinged wooded lid that had the usual groove for pencils, and an empty inkwell in the corner. There were also several out of place looking leather straps in various places, plus hooks in the side of the raised lid of what was known as the 'Swearing Desk'. There was one other things in the room and that was a large sign that Jim himself had set out using his grandfather's computer so that it would match all the others in the museum. On it he explained the history and the use of the 'Swearing Chair' which was, as the name suggested, to punish pupils at an older version of St. Christopher's Prep who were caught swearing not only at school but at their teachers, who would be forced to sit in it for hours at an end, as was demonstrated. Or would soon be demonstrated once Jim was in place. After checking his uniform was still in pristine condition, Jim sat himself on the surprisingly high chair, which left his feet dangling a few inches from the floor with the heels of his polished shoes coming to rest just below the lowest cross beam on the chair where a strap had been fixed. Bending down at a slightly awkward angle, Jim fastened this strap around his ankles so his feet were kept pulled back to the chair. He then repeated this with a second strap that was attached to the front of the chair seat, that went around the tops of his socks, below his knees while a third one, fastened to the underside of the seat itself and then threaded up through holes came around the tops of his legs, above his knees but below the hem of his shorts. With his legs now immobile, Jim found it difficult to turn in the seat, but he needed to in order to pull all the straps that were on the thick back rest that ran up his back to just below the top of his head. The lowest of these came around his waist where it acted like a large belt, pulling the middle of his body as far back in the seat as it would go, until he was pressed up tight against the back board, with his legs now stretched across the chair seat. A second strap went under his arms and around his chest were it too was buckled as tight as Jim could get it, so that he was pulled into the chair back even if this did ruffle the lines of his uniform somewhat. The highest strap fixed to the back board was also the shortest and yet the thickest. It was between three and two inches high, and wrapped around Jim's neck from both sides to form a strong tough collar, before a thinner strap was used to hold him in place. This too held him back fast to the backboard, but due to its size also ensured that he couldn't look anywhere else but straight on as he couldn't turn his head, which did make the final parts of what he was going to do all the more difficult. Unable to properly see what he was doing, Jim reached as far forward as the straps around his body would allow, until he could get his hands into the opened desk, where he'd left the major part of the old fashioned punishment for swearing. The dummy. Written up in detail of the sign with a diagram to explain that although it looked like an enlarged version of a baby's dummy, this one was made for punishment rather than to comfort a toddler so the rubber bulb was larger than usual, large enough to keep the person wearing it absolutely silent, while at the same time totally unable to spit it out without help as it would expand inside their mouth. Jim had tried this one the first time he'd found it – after washing it naturally – but found that putting it back in when his head was already secured was tricky to say the least, making him regret the hadn't put it in before he'd strapped himself down, but then that wasn't how it would have been done for real, and as always he wanted to be as realistic as he could be in the punishments he inflicted on himself. Unable to move his head, it wasn't easy for Jim to get his mouth open far enough to get the dummy in, but eventually he was able to force his jaws far enough open so that the large rubber bulb went past his teeth and deep into his mouth where it was clearly going to be staying for some time. Silenced and with his body all but immobile it was time for Jim to take care of the final part of his body that he could still move. His hands. Once more Jim reached out with his hands but not to find something inside the desk but rather so they would become stuck there. His wrists fitting perfectly into felt lined holes that had been cut into the front panel of the desk, where they rested. Beside the fingers of his right hand was the end of a short length of string that was the only non original feature of the desk, placed there by Jim himself for the very reason he was about to use it. Tugging sharply on it, he slammed the lid shut. The sound of the heavy wooden lid coming down echoed around the small dance studio but it didn't drown out the sounds that followed it as no sooner was the lid down then the two hooks on the side swung into place, slotting tightly into the holes created by two of the timed padlocks Jim had purchased at the DIY store. Locked that would automatically open, to free the boy, but not for another three hours, in the meantime he was stuck there with his hands inside the desk, out of mischief. When everything was set Jim behaved just like any boy would do if he found himself in such a humiliating position, instinctively trying to protest, while heaving and straining in an effort to free himself.A totally pointless effort as it turned out. "Mmmf!, Mump, mmm!" was all he could gurgle into the punishment dummy that filled his mouth, while there was literally no actual movement he could actually perform, with his hands stuck in the desk, his feet hanging off the floor and his entire body strapped to chair so heavy he'd had to use lifting equipment in order to put it in its current position. For a little while, after he gave up trying to escape, reassured that he couldn't, Jim just sat quietly just staring at the reflection of himself in the mirrored wall. There in front of him sat a typical little school boy, sitting at his desk, all helplessly being punished. There was no clock in the dance studio so Jim had no idea how much time passed as he couldn't see the dials on the timed padlocks given the way his head was stuck in place. However, after what seemed like a long time, he could head voices faintly through the wall that connected the dance studio to the main building meaning that the museum was once more open, and visitors were starting to tour around the various exhibits of which he was now one. Jim was unable to hear exactly what was being said when people looked through the one way glass at him, but he hoped that they thought he looked as good as he felt, even if he wouldn't be surprised if they thought he was a dummy rather than a real boy, as after all how many boys would actually volunteer to do what he was doing now. Not many. But it the hours Jim was going to be sitting trapped in that chair, would give him time to think about the new plan he was putting together to make himself an actual pupil at the modern St. Christopher's. Chapter SixLittle Jimmy Peterson's first day of term was a Tuesday. Not for the first time he got up a little nervously, but by the time he'd been in the bathroom and returned to his room to see his uniform all laid out ready, he was once more excited about what he was going to do. Dressing carefully as he always did, to ensure his uniform remained in pristine condition, before he combed his hair into neat flat format, and headed downstairs where his grandmother was ready to inspect him. This she did carefully fussing over him as if it was really his first day at school and not – as she thought – a re-enactment of such things, before she pronounced that he was, indeed a 'neat little boy', and they sat down to eat. Jim found his stomach churning slightly at what was about to happen, just in case someone said something that undermined all the plans he'd carefully put in place to make this happen, up to and including the one thing he felt the most guilty about, the forging of his grandparents signature on the St Christopher's summer school enrolment papers. He'd toyed with the idea of getting them signed officially but couldn't risk them noticing the inaccurate birthday that was on the forms, stating that he was ten. The short trousers school boy actually jumped in his seat when the doorbell rang, but he had to let his grandmother answer it, or else it would look out of place, yet all the same he was nervous all the time his grandmother was gone and still so when she returned to the kitchen bring with her, Peter Robinson, resplendent in his full prefect's uniform. "Peter's come to help you on your first day, isn't that kind of him, the elderly women said, barely waiting for an answer, "Now run along you two, as I've got things to be getting on with." Sighing with relief that there was going to be no longer chatting and therefore no un-masking of his great scheme, Jim barely kissed his grandmother on the cheek before he was outside with Peter. "So you're actually going to do this then are you." Peter said when they were on the front doorstep, waiting while Jim put on the polished black shoes. "It's not going to be easy you know, the kids in the class you're joining can be a right pain, and I should know one of them is my brother. especially with you in that get up." Of course Jim knew all of this to be true, and was pretty much counting on it to make his experience all that he hoped it would be but he said nothing to Peter, as they both stepped out into the bright sunshine and the two boys set out for school. Getting closer to St Christopher's Jim started to the first hint of what he was letting himself in for, as three boys appeared on the other side of the road clearly going the same way, who were instantly taken with the way Jim was dressed. "Hey, look at that big kid in shorts with Robinson." laughed the first, "They told us one was starting today but I didn't think he'd look that young, just cos he was wearing shorts." "Yeah, like he should be in kindergarten," added another "Is he going to be in our class for any lessons, cos we could give him hell if he was." And so it continued, as they got closer and closer to the gates, with more boys appearing and walking with them, so that there was actually a small group surrounding Jim and Peter by the time they went through the gates and into the playground, but this was soon dispersed by the prefect, as he took Jim through to see the head teacher. Standing in front of the large desk, in short trousers, Jim never felt so much like a little boy in his life, even when he'd actually been a small kid. It was so intimidating that he automatically took up the stance with his feet together and his arms by his sides, while the stern looking women looked him up and down. "Well, you certainly look the part, although that's more a senior boys uniform than that of a 3;" she paused to read the letter in front of her 3; "than a ten year old would have worn but I guess it's near enough for the purpose of your punishment. Now it says here that you are to be treated like any other boy of your ten even though you aren't, so you'll attend classes as normal and do everything that the other little boys do, and just to make sure that you do I've assigned Robinson here to look after you, as suggested in the letter." Through the speech Jim successfully managed to keep his straight face, playing the role of the reluctantly punished teenager, even though he had himself written the letter the headmistress was quoting, although hiding a smile when Peter was put in charge of him, was rather difficult for him, and impossible for the prefect, who was standing just behind him. The interview over, Peter led Jim out of the office into a series of passageway leading them deeper into the school past empty classrooms, to those that were used by those boys unlucky enough to be sent to the summer lessons although their day was about to get a boast, when the new boy entered their lives. Entering his first junior school classroom in a little over two years, Jim was surprised to find all the children sitting in neat rows, in near silence, until that is, Jim was position front and centre, when they burst into howls of uncontrolled laughter. For a few minutes the teacher allowed the class to have their fun as the instructions had been clear to allow that to happen as it was all part of the punishment Jim was apparently undergoing Eventually though, it was Peter who bought the class under control, in his prefect's role, pointing Jim to an empty desk that was, of course, right at the front of the class, in the middle so everyone could see him, and his bare legs, as they stuck out from under the desk. After giving a little speech that was, mostly the same as the one the head had given, Peter left the class to their work, and although sitting at the front Jim couldn't be sure of the looks he was getting he was well aware of the titters and giggles that constantly went around the room yet other than that the lesson continued as if he wasn't there. The first break of the day, came as a disappointment to Jim, as, like all new boys he wasn't allowed out but had to stay in the classroom, on his own, to finish his work. The odd thing being that although he was older and therefore used to work more advanced than what he'd been doing he'd actually struggled with some of the questions, so had fallen behind. Still it would be lunch time soon and no doubt things would get underway then. After another lesson in which Jim did rather better, he was told no one was allowed to remain in the building during lunch so he would have to sit outside, and sure enough, just as he'd hoped, no sooner was he out of the door then he was surrounded by the other kids wanting to know what it was like for a big boy to be treated like a little kid again. Surprisingly though these enquires didn't come from his new peers, but from the younger kids, although it wasn't long before they were shoed away, by those in the top class of the juniors. "Nice to see the new boy all neat and tidy in his uniform." commented Nick Robinson, as if they'd never met before. "Yeah his shoes are all nice and shiny." added Jack, sitting on Jim's other side, "A bit like his knees really." A ripple of giggles went around the playground at this and the other jokes that went back and forth amongst the little group, although all of them were good natured and there was no sign of anything beyond some light hearted banter, but this could have been down to the ever present shadow of a prefect hanging over them, as Peter Robinson kept a careful watch on what was happening, as much to prevent his little brother from getting into trouble as to save Jim any problems. All the same it soon became clear that Jim's knees being on show was the main interest of the group as the boys couldn't seem to stop themselves from grabbing them whenever they got the chance. By the time the end of lunch bell went, Jim was rather enjoying the attention he was getting, which was a problem as it was making him stiffen up inside the little boy briefs he was wearing, yet with his little group of admires around him there was no way he was going to be able to sneak off to take care of that so had to walk a little hunched over so it would be less obvious as he headed towards his next class where he was to continue to be the centre of attention, thanks once more to Peter Robinson. "Ah there you are new boy." Peter announced as Jim entered and headed for the empty desk, "No, don't sit down yet, let's have a look at you. Turn around so we can all have a good look, there's a good chap." Jim turned slowly, acutely aware of all the young faces that were now staring at him, whilst still having to bend forward as much as he dared to hide the bulge that was still in his underpants. "Stand up straight, boy." snapped Peter in his best prefect's voice. No longer able to avoid it, Jim pulled himself upright, hopefully that the tightness of the briefs coupled with the looseness of the shorts would help hide what was obvious to himself, and thankfully it did to all those in front of him. That wasn't the case, for Peter though who standing slightly to one side, got to see Jim in profile which made the protuberance in the other boy's shorts with ease. "You may sit down now," Peter told him, adding with a half smile, "But keep your hands on the desk were we can see them." There was more sniggering to this as all the boys knew what it meant, which was easily confirmed when Jim's face went bright red. Chapter SevenLittle Jimmy Peterson had been a part time pupil at St Christopher's for nearly week before his time there coincided with sports lesson, in which he duly took in a pair of plain white shorts and having slipped out of the rest of his uniform, but for his vest and briefs, changed with all the other pupils before taking part in the various activities. However the lesson was a disappointment for Jimmy as to his surprise he found himself wearing much the same as everyone else in the class, and that just didn't sit right with him so he did something about it. The following week, as the time approached for the same lesson Jimmy started to get a little nervous as he wondered if the clothes he'd bought for the occasion might be taking it a little too far. He'd checked the uniform code and sure enough leotards were mentioned, without mentioning which gender they were for. In fact they were even recommended for those with an interest in gymnastics, so, in theory Jim could get away with it. Anyway, if any one asked he'd just use his line about his being 'punished' again. He was the last to arrive for gym class, which suited him just fine, but did mean Peter Robinson got to shout at him as he rushed through the door, entering just as all the others were heading out into the gym for the start of the lesson. With the demand that he should hurry up ringing in his ears, Jim heading into the changing room, and quickly pulled off his v-neck jumper, shirt, tie, shorts, shoes and socks until he was just in his vest and pants. This was the moment of truth, as he did have another plan, that of attempting to take the class in just his underwear but he had a suspicion this wouldn't be allowed and he'd be forced to wear some shorts from lost property, which would ruin everything as while that could be humiliating, it might not be. So rather than risk another dull lesson without people making fun of him, Jim removed the leotard from his bag. Purposely Jim hadn't removed the leotard he'd bought from the little old fashioned store in the back streets of the town, so it would be as much of a surprise as it could be when he first put it on. Up until that point he only had the faintest idea what it would look like and then only the top half as every other boy he'd seen wearing one, would have shorts on over the top, whereas he wasn't going to do that. Ripping open the packaging, Jim was left with what looked like an impossibly small piece of red material that didn't look anywhere near big enough to cover the smallest toddler, let alone someone of his size. Again checking the label, which did indeed say it was intended for ten and eleven year olds, Jim knew it would fit, it was just a matter of working out how. Eventually, the method became clear and sheepishly the teenager stepped into the leg holes, before pulling the stretchy material up his legs until it reached his middle. There he had to pause in order to tuck his privates into the pouch at the front, before he could wriggle it further up his body so he'd be able to get his arms in the holes. It taking a few more squirms and tugs before the leotard went into place. Bright red, the leotard was a snug fit on him apart from around the neck area where it seemed a little baggy, as if it wasn't sitting correctly, which it turned out it wasn't. With one arm first bent double behind itself and then around and over the opposite shoulder, Jim found there was a small zip running up the top six inches of so of the back of the leotard. However no matter how much he contorted himself he was unable to move the zip past the halfway point, which did help matters a little so he left it there. Turning to the mirror Jim was pleased with what he saw. The leotards redness contrasted nicely with his more pale skin, outlining itself. There were no sleeves, which made his arms look even more slender, and younger, which obviously was a good thing as far as Jim was concerned anyway. Re-arranging the leotard, proved an interesting experience as the elastic neatly sewn into the seems, tended to snap back into place, keeping everything as it should be. The leotard did indeed fit him so there was no worries there, and while it was hugging his body almost all over – the exception being around the neck area – it didn't feel at all uncomfortable, or even tight anyway, as the material was soft yet supportive at the same time. Slowly turning in front of the mirror, Jim actually like the way his body looked, the leotard pulling itself in tight around the small of his back seemed to emphasis his buttocks in a way that he found both childish and exciting. Exciting enough to give him a thrill. "Jimmy get out here now!" The shout from the gym pulled Jim from his thoughts, telling him that it was time for him to meet the rest of his adopted class for the first time, clad only in the revealing leotard, that left his entire legs bare. Briefly he considered hiding or just leaving but, no, he'd come this far so he might as well finish it off, so slipping his feet into the plimsolls he usually wore he left his clothes in the changing room and headed towards the gym. The moment Jim entered he was met with smirks of laughter as the class saw what he was wearing, making Jim both excited and embarrassed at the same time, which was just what he wanted, as he stood motionless and completely at the mercy of the class, that was already lined up ready for whatever games they were about to play. A loud whistle blast bought the laughter to an end, as Peter restored order: "Remember that Jimmy is being punished, so unless you all want to wear what he's wearing I suggest you keep quiet." Spotting that one line was shorter than the other, Jim headed towards it, without at first realising that it was the line for the junior boys, but then he did get interrupted halfway there. "He's not wearing it properly." shouted the first boy in the line, "Won't he get in trouble?" "Yes he will," Peter confirmed, even though he didn't really know this for a fact, all the same he came over, standing beside Jim for a second before he went around behind him, found the tiny zip in the back of the leotard, and pulled it all the way to the top. "There that's better, we wouldn't want you getting in any more trouble would we?" Jim didn't answer for as he'd felt the top of the leotard fitting snugly around his chest, shoulders and neck, as the zip was fastened, he'd become more aware of the cloth pulling tighter all over his body, especially around his crotch, until it was perfectly stretched all over his small frame, outlining him completely. It wasn't until Jim continued his walk to the back of the line, however that he realised that he probably wouldn't be able to reach around far enough behind himself to unzip the leotard, just as he couldn't do it up, so he would be imprisoned inside the leotard unless, or until someone helped him out of it. This though, instead of scaring him as it would have done most boys his age, excited him even more, even as the games started. Feeling self conscious now for reasons that he hoped wouldn't be obvious, Jim tried to apply himself to the game, but his lack of concentration meant he couldn't really do anything, until he was lagging behind even the youngest boys in the summer school despite him actually being the eldest one there. Throughout the game the entire class certainly did look at him in a funny way, the entire time. The younger ones giggling whenever he had to chase the ball and especially when he had to bend over to pick a ball up, so much so that they seemed to be deliberately throwing balls to him that he could never have caught just to see what he'd do. All of this made Jim feel more and more exposed, even though he'd previously worn much less than he currently was in gym lessons both at this school and his real one, there was something about the way the leotard clung to him that made him feel more naked than he actually was. This was none more true than between his legs, where he was at first pleased the leotard clearly had extra padding to prevent anything being seen through it, but this also meant that there was virtually nothing to show he was a boy at all down there, just a couple of minor bumps in the otherwise smooth crotch area. Naturally in a group of young boys, this was soon noted, with many comment about it being whispered, around Jim as he moved here and there in the gym. Other than that though the leotard was fairly comfortable to wear, apart from the other thing those around him liked to comment on. This being that from time to time, Jim would be forced to re-position the rear of it, to prevent it from riding up the crack of his bottom. The boy pulling the bottom of the leotard back into place by hooking his index fingers into each side of the material, and pulling it down over his buttocks. At first self-consciously but then, just by automatically, as to ignore it soon became too uncomfortable to leave alone. Eventually the class came to an end and along with the rest of the class, a slightly sweaty Jim crept back to the changing room, where he went to the corner where he'd left his clothes, half expecting another round of cat calls, but there was nothing as the other boys set about changing back into their uniforms for their next lesson. Left to his own devices Jim tried in vain to reach the handle of the little zip on the leotard, but just couldn't get his arm around far enough to do so. The leotard had a very close fitting neck opening so clearly there was no way he was going to be able to get it off, without help, yet all the same he struggled pathetically for a minute or tow, before this aching arms couldn't take it anymore and he gave up. Right at that moment Peter Robinson entered the changing room, to usher the boys out which gave Jim the chance he needed to so the strangely clad boy plucked up his courage and asked: "Can you un-zip me please!" "What?" the prefect said at first before he caught on to what the problem was, "Oh sure, come over here." Not moving from the doorway, Peter had Jim walk once more through the class ranks, until he was stood a foot or so way with is back turned to the prefect who was, naturally dressed in his full uniform, in stark contrast to Jim's bare limbs. Clearly not in a hurry, Peter took his time, making Jim feel even more exposed, before after nearly a minute Peter placed a hand on top of Jim's left shoulder, and gently ran his other hand across the boy's back until he found the little zip handle. This alone made Jim feel a little weird as it totally exposed just who had the power between the two of them, just as Peter's next action did. The zip came down slowly, allowing Jim to relax as the leotard released it's grip on his upper body, however no sooner was the zip all the way down than Jim was sent on his way in a way that couldn't have made him feel any smaller, or younger, than he wanted, as Peter sent him on his way with a none too gentle slap on his barely covered buttocks, that echoed around the n early empty changing room, until it was drowned out by the giggles of the few boys who still remained. A blush crept into Jim's face, but that wasn't the only reaction his body gave as the crotch of the leotard became tighter, from the inside, forcing Jim to scurry back to the corner, and dress with his back to the room to hide just how much he had enjoyed everything. Peeling down the top of the leotard, until his chest was bare, before he pulled on his shirt, allowing the tails to cover himself as the leotard came off and his briefs went on. The extra tight small boy underwear being more than enough to hold himself in check, until he could finish dressing. "I hope you've learned your lesson Jimmy," Peter said to him as he left. "As you wouldn't want to have to wear something as embarrassing as that leotard again, now would you, as next time you could get stuck in it." Jim didn't answer, as the mere thought of something like that happening was causing issues in his briefs again. Chapter EightJim looked at his bedroom and sighed. SUre, he nearly had everything he wanted, with the special schools and especially his new school uniform but it wasn't everything he wanted as despite the claim that it had short trousers, they were too long, reaching down to his knees, in total contrast to the old fashioned junior school uniform that had started his entire interest in the subject during his previous visit. His grandparents actually had that uniform somewhere in the museum's store room but they just wouldn't talk about that incident and so far Jim had been unable to find it, no matter how much he tried looking. This left him with only one option and that was to repeat the things that had started all this and to find one at St. Christopher's only this time there would be no risk of getting caught by accident, as he'd set himself up to make sure that he did. So far he'd set the groundwork making sure that Peter Robinson and the other prefects in charge had seen him look and touching various items of the primary school uniform, which had worked to such an extent as to get a letter sent home to his guardians. Of course, his Grandparents had never seen the letter, instead Jim had answered on their behalf, explaining about how he was being punished by humiliation and if he were to do the same thing again then perhaps they should give him what he wants, to see if they could put him off the notion complete and return him to acting his own again. A few more letters were sent between the school supervisors and Jim's 'grandparents', until it was decided that the next time the boy tried something he would be caught, and forced to dressed and treated as an infant pupil in every way, and perhaps – the letters from Jim's grandmother constantly pointed out – he could be punished in the only way that some infants reacted to, by being put over someone's knee to get a red bottom. The school initially weren't too keen on this latter point, for obvious reason, but as was pointed out, if no adult could do it then perhaps one of the prefects could instead, as that would only ad to the boy's humiliation to be spanked by a little kid, by someone his own age. His 'grandparents' would even continue the punishment at home, keeping him dressed and behaving as an infant for as long as it took to bring him back into line. It took nearly a week for all the consents and instructions to be made and approved by all concerned, including Peter Robinson, who asked how long this was to continue, which was the only thing that had never been mentioned, but then, his teachers assured him, it might never need to be done in the first place as the idea of a thirteen year old boy, actually wanting to be dressed and treated as a little kid, was something they couldn't think would ever happen. Peter though, knew that it would be sooner rather than later. Jim had made sure that his side trips into the clothes store always happened on the same day so that laying a trap for him would be as easy as possible, and sure enough the week after the final patch of letters had been passed to the school giving his grandparents consent, he was picking through the hamper of clothing when there was a voice behind him. "Well hello Jimmy, fancy seeing you here." It was, just as Jim had hoped left to the head prefect to lay in wait for him, and Peter Robinson couldn't have looked more smug if he'd tried as he delivered the rest of his speech. "It seems the warnings you were given about messing with the little kids stuff haven't be listened, so if you want to play with their things then that's what's going to happen. You are to not only dress like a little boy but become one in every shape and form, or else you will be expelled, so which is it to be?" For Jim there was only one answer to that, of course, but as much as he wanted to just go on right out and agree he had to hold back a little as he didn't want to appear to be too keen, yet on the other hand he couldn't be too shy about it either, or else Peter and the rest of the school might not have carried out what they saw as a punishment in the way, Jim wanted them too. In the end Jim just stood there for nearly an entire minute before he slowly nodded. Peter smiled. "Very well then, in that case, it is time to dress you like a nice little boy, so if you will take off your uniform we'll get started. And I mean all of your uniform too." Jim hadn't been expecting this turn of events. Sure he'd known he'd have to change clothes but he thought it would have been done somewhere else but in the clothing store, even though the location did make sort of sense. Quickly, without the reluctance that probably should have been shown, the thirteen year old removed the uniform he was wearing, until he was standing there without any clothes on at all, his hands covering his modesty as subtly as he could, as that was one part of his body that was refusing to play along with the act. "Here, put these on." Peter handed over a strange pair of what were obviously underpants, yet they didn't look like any that Jim had seen before. Childish in the extreme, the were an even brighter blue than the briefs Jimmy had been wearing previously but that was as far as the similarity went for they were both thicker and thinner than those, in different places. The sides, which would eventually go over his hips, were see through, made of some sort of mesh, but the front, back and the part that would run between his legs, were much more heavily padded, whilst also being coated in some sort of plastic. "They're pull up pants," Peter explained, "We use them on the little kids when they can't control themselves down there." He nodded towards the other boy's groin, making Jim blush, even if he meant a different sort of lack of control to the one the teenager was currently displaying. "Come on put them on." Shrugging to himself, Jim stepped into the pull-ups before ensuring they lived up to their name by pulling them up his legs until they were fitted very snuggly around his middle, where the extra padding made for an interesting sensation between his legs and across his privates, not that he had long to ponder that before he was being handed the next item to wear. The shirt was short sleeved, slightly grey, with a starched collar that was soon buttoned up tightly around Jim's neck while the tie that went with it came on a string of elastic, that Peter passed over his head, and tucked under the collar himself, until the fake knot was in the centre and the two red tails ran down the front of the shirt, hiding the buttons. The shorts came next but although by this time Jim was used to wearing shorts at school the previous ones he'd had on were nothing like those he was now about to wear for although they looked pretty much the same there were some very obvious differences. The first of these was the lack of anything on them. There were no pockets on the side or the rear, and there wasn't even a fly. Nothing but grey material. However the main difference was the amount of grey material, or rather the lack of it. The previous shorts Jim had worn had come down most of the way to his knees, even when he was seated, but these ones, in keeping with the infant school theme they belonged to, barely covered any of his legs at all, leaving nearly all of his thighs bare and exposed something Jim was to become very aware of, as he bent over to pull on the long grey socks, and buckle the brown t-bar sandals on his feet. The rear of the shorts riding so far up, as he bent, that he felt as if his rear was totally on display, even more than it had been when he'd worn the leotard. The look was finished off by the two items Jim had most missed about the uniform he'd been able to get hold off himself, a baby blue blazer with the schools' crest on the pocket, and a matching cap for his head. "You look very smart there Jimmy, but don't think that just wearing the little kid's uniform is your punishment," Peter explained, totally unaware that Jim knew very well what was coming next, "You've been caught steeling so you are going to be punished like any naughty little boy would be in a similar situation, with a spanking. Come with me." It was a short walk from the clothing store to the prefects room, where Jim was to stand in the centre of the room while Peter moved around to the desk to give the formal lecture. "You have been caught steeling and you know that is against the rules, and that breaking the rules results in a spanking, don't you!" "Yes!" Jim admitted, leaving out that he'd made up the rules in the first place. Peter didn't say anything just went to the side of the room where a large wooden chair had been positioned. This the younger boy moved into the centre of the room, where he sat down on it. "Now it is time for your punishment. Come here." As soon as Jim was within reach, Peter took hold of his wrist, pulling the older, but not larger boy towards him, and down over his lap for the second time. "You have to learn that taking things which aren't yours just isn't on." explained Peter as he pushed up the back of Jim's blazer, "Your stinging bottom will remind you of this." The prefect's hand had already started to fall back down towards the tightly stretched rear of the junior school shorts, as he'd finished speaking, so that it landed with a loud smack right as he finished talking. Jim squirmed as smack after smack rained down on his short trousered bottom.He squeaked and squirmed just like a little boy should when he was being spanked, until tears were forming in his eyes, at which point Peter stopped. "There, that should teach you a lesson for now, anyway. You can go and stand in the corner with your hands on your head, until it's time for class." It wasn't a long wait as break had only just started when Jim had sneaked into the clothing store, so it wasn't long at all until he was walking down the corridor returning to the class room he'd left a short while earlier. Only no longer was he dressed like a ten or eleven year old, but more like a little kid of six or seven, with a stinging bottom under the pull ups which hadn't offered any protection at all for the spanking he'd just had. Pausing at the classroom door to ensure his uniform was as smart as it could be, Jim braced himself before he pushed it open and entered to almost complete silence. The class had been prepared for what was about to happened but that didn't stop the gasps, giggles and snickers that started as soon as they saw just what an older boy looked like in the old style infant's uniform. "This is little Jimmy," explained Peter, "be sure to treat him as you would any little boy his age or you'll end up in the same situation." It didn't go unnoticed that while he spoke, Peter was looking directly at his brother. "Now get on with your lesson." Jim said nothing, just took the little plastic seat at the front of the group he was directed too, where he tried to concentrate on the lessons even while squirming on his still sore bottom until the class was over. The odd things was that this wasn't what Jim was thinking about, as his mind was already on yet another way to humiliate himself. Something that had to do with the new sort of underwear he had on. The pull ups. Chapter NineEvery since he'd worn the pull ups for that day of 'punishment' at St Christopher's Jimmy became more and more fascinated with them. Well not so much with what were little more than padded underpants, but with what they represented. Nappies. Until, just like every other urge he'd had to wear non-age appropriate clothing, he had to act upon it. He only had access to the pull ups but they would do for a while, until they wouldn't do any more but, once more the school would come to his aid for as he rightly suspected if there was one pair of pull ups that would fit him then there would be more. It didn't take much investigating for the teenager to work out that there were those in the kindergarten class he was being placed in as part of his 'punishment' who still wore not just the pull ups but actual nappies, and given he was in that class anyway, it no doubt didn't seem all that unusual for him to be hanging around when those kids needed changing. At first Jim just watched but soon he was offering to help, only to be told that, under his new personality he was too young and that only the prefects, like Peter Robinson were authorised to change the nappies of the little kids. Still, even from a distance Jim was able to observe enough to know what he had to do, and that he needed some real nappies and some plastic pants, if he was going to do this right. Despite his previous entrapment steeling from the clothing store, Jim still had as free run of the school as anyone else, so he could come and go through the school's small nursery just as he could any other room, so a small detour there, one day, didn't seem that odd, even if he was carrying a bag big enough to hid two of the largest nappies he could find and a matching set of plastic pants. That night Jim behaved normally, spending time with his grandparents, who by now, were more than used to seeing their grandson's long bare legs, before he left at the usual time to go to bed. Quickly he went to the bathroom to do what had to be done, brush his teeth and then return to his room, where he waited for a few minutes to make sure no one else was upstairs before he retrieved his school bag. Sure he was alone, Jim laid out his new items on the bed. Laying the nappies one on top of the other on his bed, unfolding them as he'd seen done so many times in the nursery. Then, naked, he climbed back onto his bed feeling the same thrill of anticipation he always did when he was about to try something new, as his bare bottom fitted down onto the soft nappy. This thrill continued to increase as Jim pulled the nappy up between his legs, and around his left side where he attached the two parts together with the strong tape, before repeating the procedure with the other side of the nappy, until the entire thing was nice and snug around his middle. Only then did he reach for the plastic pants. Lowering them slowly, he placed first one foot and then the other through the leg holes before gradually starting to pull them up which wasn't easy as the leg holes and waist would prove to be rather tight on someone of his size, making getting them to cover up the nappy all the more difficult, to get everything tucked in. When it was finally all done, Jim couldn't have been happier with the result. They soft padded cloth hugged him, way more than any clothing had before, or at least in a very different way while his bottom looked not unlike a bit white mushroom inside the soft vinyl of the plastic pants. For a long time, Jim just admired himself in the nappies, feeling intensely young and even babyish in them, that he couldn't believe he hadn't thought about them before, despite having read about so called diaper punishment before. Eventually though, as it was late, he did fall asleep, only to wake a short while later with a new question about getting caught, and how would he explain that. Yet how could he get them back without being noticed. In the morning Jim examined the problem, quickly realising that he couldn't put either the nappies or the plastic pants back where he'd found them as they'd both obviously been worn, yet he couldn't put them in the cleaning basket as they weren't dirty in the usual sense, where clean nappies would be a great giveaway. Yet if clean they were a giveaway did that mean they'd have to be wet, and if so then how? Would water do? Jim didn't think so, which only left one option and one that Jim wasn't overly against. He'd have to use them for the reason they would normally be worn. He'd have to wet them himself. Then rinse them out and return them. It was the following night that Jim put his new plan into action, doing the same as he had before, waiting until he was alone upstairs before taping himself into the nappies and pulling the plastic pants on over the them. He then, once more admired his babyish look, with his marshmallow bum, and the puffiness of the nappies, before getting into bed and hoping for the best. Unfortunately the best wasn't good enough, and ten years of toilet training just wouldn't allow the thirteen year old to wet his bed, so when he awoke in the morning he realised he'd have to help the situation along. The next night he drank a ridiculous amount of liquid before going to bed, and even tried to convince himself that he wasn't a teenager any more but a small baby who wet his nappies, which seemed stupid at the time but at least one of those things had to work for the next morning he woke up to the sensation of having slightly damp nappies on. A little surprised at how quickly it had worked, Jim quickly got out of bed, picked up a plastic bag and headed to the bathroom to change. However his grandmother was already there, meaning Jim would have to wait which as it always did, instantly gave him the instant need to use the bathroom even more. Not wanting to risk being in the corridor when his grandmother came out of the bathroom, Jim returned to his room, before he realised that this gave him the perfect chance to use the nappies for their full purpose, only it turned out not to be as easy as that. With all that toilet training behind him, he just couldn't go when he was still wearing something, and even though there was no one there he just felt odd about it. Yet all the same, the inability to go was giving him a big ache in his groin until suddenly a small spurt escaped followed instantly by what felt like a dam bursting. For what felt like ages, Jim flooded the nappy from front to back with warm urine, until he was sure he was going to make a terrible mess, but that's where the tightness of the plastic pants finally paid off, for while they dug into him around his waist and upper thighs, they were also water tight, meaning he didn't leak, not even the slightest bit. With the weird sensation of wearing wet nappies exiting him, Jim kept to his regular schedule making his bed, and getting out his clothes for the day, while all the time feeling his own urine, moving about between his legs, as the nappies struggled to soak it all up. IT was nearly half an hour later before Jim could finally get into the bathroom and change out of the nappy he was wearing, and into the shower, where he not only washed himself but everything that he'd got wet as well, before finally getting dressed for school with the now dry nappy and plastic pants in his school bag, ready to be returned, hopefully before anyone missed them. However even after he'd returned the nappies Jim was already thinking of other ways in which he could continued as he'd started, by getting his own nappies even if that meant a trip into town. Chapter TenOn the way into town Jim could hardly contain his excitement, although he had to given that his grandparents were with him at least for the journey. They soon parted way though, with Jim heading directly to the large medical store where he was a bit surprised by all the different brands and styles of larger sized nappies that were on offer. This lead to Jim taking longer than he'd anticipated, while he looked for the most babyish ones he could find, so they'd be in keeping with his plan. He also decided against the brand names, as they were often made to be less embarrassing to the wearer which of course, wasn't what Jim wanted at all, so he went with a generic brand. Then came the question of size. After reading all the details he could find, Jim found that some that would fit him tightly, but then changed his mind when he discovered that a bigger size would not only hold more, but be much more noticeable, so it was those that he eventually choose. Heading to the check out with the nappies made Jim a lot more nervous than he'd been when buying anything else, as not only was this a mainstream store, but he could see his grandparents already waiting for him outside. Thankfully there wasn't much of a queue at the checkout, but that didn't stop the women running it to give him a second look when she saw what he was buying. She didn't say anything however, even though Jim had an answer ready, but that didn't stop her from giving him a look that was a cross between pity and understanding. This did nothing to help the blush that was creeping into Jim's face, by the time he left the store. Back in the car Jim felt a little better although not that much as he noticed his grandparents exchanging looks between them, as to why he had just a large bag from the medical supply store, but of course they weren't the sort to ask so Jim had nothing to worry about there. At least not until they pulled up outside another store, a large out of town supermarket. Dutifully Jim followed his grandparents inside the large store, thinking they were just going to pick up a few things for dinner, but instead he was lead directly to the baby section, where he suddenly found himself with the words that if he needed to pick anything up he should do it now, and some money pressed into his hand. At first Jim wasn't sure what was going on, until he saw what he was standing next to, at which point he remembered some of the key points from his online research into nappies, which he had totally forgotten in his haste at the medical store. Soon though he had selected some baby oil and baby powder which he placed into a basket. A quick tally up of the change, led him to the sale section where he was able to add to his collection with a dummy and baby bottle, along with a bib that he thought would help with his image of a someone being embarrassed by being made to dress and act like a baby. He also paused by the baby clothes which would have really suited his needs but were, of course, all much, much too small. Thankfully the checkout at the large store was a lot less formal than in the medical store and no one noticed, what he was buying, or even cared, which was a lesson well learned. As soon as he got home Jim ran to his room with his new items. Ripping open the bag of nappies as soon as he was inside the room sent some of them flying around but that didn't mater as Jim soon had them picked up to rub his hand over the smooth plastic backing as he opened it up to spread it out on the bed ready for what would be coming next. The nappy was carefully positioned on top of the bed with the tabs located ready for their job at hand, before the young teenager removed his clothes, to sit down in the middle of the nappy. His excitement was hard and proud, as he bought the nappy up between his legs, only then remembering the baby oil and powder. That though would have to wait until next time as he was too far gone to go back now. Instead he pulled out the tapes as he fastened the nappy around himself. Doing this several times until he was happy that it was tight enough to do the job it was intended for. Once the nappy was on, Jim relaxed a bit enjoying the sensation of wearing a real nappy that was made for someone his size, that he couldn't wait to see in the mirror. Getting up to walk over, Jim examined himself from all angles, front back side and over and over again, until he was fully committed to the image that was before him. Convinced that he'd been right that although these nappies were made for someone his size and therefore bigger and more covering than those he'd previously worn, they still made him not only look like, but also to feel like a baby. Which only left him to wonder what people would think if they saw him wearing one. It was a question Jim continued to ponder as he set about cleaning up his room, tidying up the stray nappies that had got away from him, only to find they wouldn't fit back into their packaging so he had to find another home for them. This entailed him wondering around his room, which naturally caused him to pass his mirror several times, giving him even more times to see himself in what he was wearing. The more he saw himself then the more he liked it. Finally Jim decided it was time to go downstairs which he did slowly and carefully as after all he was a thirteen year old boy wearing a nappy, but as it turned out he needn't have worried as his grandparents had gone into the museum to check on things so he was totally alone giving him time to collect the other things he'd bought and have the drink he wanted. However, when Jim reached the kitchen and just as he was reaching up to take a glass down from the cupboard, he remembered the bottle he'd bought, and decided that he might as well use that. Washing the bottle out carefully as per the instructions, Jim wondered what to have before deciding on the thing that sounded the most childish which was milk. Clutching the bottle of milk, with the nipple screwed on tight, Jim returned to his bedroom where he lay down on his bed to drink the milk from the bottle. Instantly he was surprised by just how much sucking he had to do in order to get the milk out of the bottle, but once he worked out a method he found it strangely relaxing. So relaxing in fact, that after his stressful day that he soon found himself nodding off and eventually went to sleep.
Jim woke up a short while later, without noticing that his bedroom door was no longer closed, but by then he had other things to think about as he was requiring the toilet. He was on his feet and in the bathroom before the rustling sound as he turned to close the door reminded him of what he was wearing, and that he didn't need to go anywhere in order to use the toilet. Remembering his previous issues with going while wearing clothes, Jim decided that as he was there anyway, he might as well help things along, by running a tap to help things along. Sure enough in less than a minute he closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh of relief as wee began to flow into his nappy. The urine was warm as it filled the nappy, spreading itself out around his genitals, whilst swelling up the nappy until it started to bulge out as it absorbed everything he gave it in a way the little kid nappies hadn't been able to do. Reaching down to check for leaks, Jim was surprised by just how warm, almost hot, the nappy now was, as the wee started to flow around under him. The moist feeling surrounding and encompassing his groin, now spreading around the back of the nappy as it soaked up the overflow of his fluid. However no sooner did the flow stop than Jim was standing in the bath ready to take the nappy off, little realising that this isn't what always happened although he would do later on. However for the time being he just wasn't used to being as wet as that in that particular area so removed the nappy as soon as he could. Yet that wasn't the end of his nappy wearing. Not at all. Back in his room, Jim not only got out a second nappy but this time remembered the both the baby oil and the baby powder. Starting with the former he pored it into his hand before spreading it around his private parts. This he did for several minutes, as it just felt so good even though the oil was somewhat cold. The baby powder came next. Sprinkled liberally over himself, it not only covered the area the nappy would but also spread somewhat up onto his stomach and chest as well as down his legs. Only when that was done and rubbed in, did he finally pull the nappy up between his legs and start to fasten it or at least attempt to as his hands were so covered in the oil and powder that it wasn't that easy to get the tabs to stick to each other. Eventually he was able to not only get the tabs to hold the nappy closed but to do it so it was tight enough to feel ready for anything that could come its way. Which as it turned out wasn't to be all that long at all. No sooner than the nappy was on then Jim had the urge to wee again, which was odd as he never recalled having to go all that often before. All the same it wasn't about to waste it, nor was he going to go into the bathroom either but he was going to wet his nappy right where he was, just like a real wearer would do. Deciding to take it easy this time, especially as there wasn't the need to go as before, Jim allowed his bladder to relax slowly this time, until he could feel the warm wee flowing into his nappy. After a few seconds he closed off the internal valve so he could both saver the sensation but also to allow the nappy to soak up all the wee before he gave it some more to work on. A minute or so later and Jim was wetting himself again, only to once more stop, wait and then try again until he'd actually wet himself a total of three times into the same nappy before he didn't have any more to give it. And each and every time he did his nappy would get that little bit larger, both increasing it's weight and bulk, which in turn increased the pressure on his genitals, which – much to Jim's surprise – felt really, really good. When he was finally finished Jim turned to the mirror where the first thing he noticed was the 'wetness strip' built into the nappy had changed colour to indicate that he was as indeed wet. There was also a slight colour change in the rest of the nappy, that along with the increased bulkiness that caused him to waddle slightly rather made it all the more obvious in a way that should have been embarrassing but to, Jim naturally wasn't. With his head full of these thoughts, Jim absentmindedly sat down. Instantly the nappy made a whooshing sound as the urine it contained moved around to adjust to the new pressure of the boy and chair coming together. This alarmed Jim so much that he instantly stood up again, fearing the worst, but there was nothing. The chair remained completely dry, the nappy having done it's job perfectly. Slowly Jim sat down for a second time, enjoying the damp moist feeling of the urine travelling in and around his groin and buttocks, but not around the organ that had recently released it as that was managing to keep itself well out of the way, while remaining in a way that was keeping it close to exploding. Only it never got the chance as it was that moment that his grandparents returned with the news that they'd bought food for the three of them to eat together and that Jim should come downstairs for his before it got cold. Jim flew into a panic. He couldn't go downstairs in a wet nappy, but he still needed to know how much his wearing one would be noticed and this appeared to be the perfect chance to try that out. But it would have to be a fresh nappy, rather than one that already contained a lot of his pee, as eating when wearing his own pee, just didn't seem right somehow. It only took a few minutes for him to remove the wet nappy and place it inside the shopping bag, before getting out a third nappy, taping that on himself, in place of the wet one and then finding a pair of loose shorts to pull over the top of everything so that the nappy wouldn't be all that obvious. Jim attempted to act as normal as possible, trying to ignore the crinkle and crackle that suddenly seemed so loud underneath his clothing, much more so than when he'd just worn the nappy on it's own. Thankfully, although a little disappointed no one seemed to notice that his shorts were a little fuller than normal, although his grandmother did comment on how nice and clean he smelt, referring the distinct whiff of baby powder that was following the boy around, which made Jim blush with excitement and new ideas. Chapter ElevenFor the next few days Jim's routine was much the same. As soon as he was alone in his room he'd change out of whatever juvenile clothing he'd been wearing and into a nappy. He'd then spend the rest of the day, into the night wearing nothing else, either wondering around the empty house, or if his grandparents were home, just staying in his room. However it wasn't long before that started to get old, and he needed a new challenge. Such as wearing the nappy in front of everyone. Given that most of Jim's clothing was now short and or tight on him, to add to the illusion that he was younger than his actual age, they weren't very good at covering up the unusual underwear he was now sporting. The whiteness of the nappy was be visible either around the leg openings or high above his waist, appearing in the gap between his shorts and t-shirt, whenever he raised his arms. At first Jim had made do with an old pair of track suit trousers he'd found but while they covered the nappy well enough, they didn't really keep with his theme of younger clothing and, if anything they made him appear much too much like a normal thirteen year old. So clearly they wouldn't do. But what would. This left the boy with an obvious issue, as there were plenty of things that could make him look younger and which would go with the nappy theme, but, most of those even he would have trouble passing off as 'normal' clothing for someone his age. Plus there was the obvious problem of finding whatever it was in a size that would actual fit him. This cut out, or so he thought anyway, at lot of the things he had in mind, but there was one thing he had yet to try, but which he'd earlier dismissed for that very reason. However, since he'd seen shortalls in the baby section of the local store and wished they would be in his size, he'd seen a couple of girls wearing something very similar, that he now realised he could get away with. As long as they weren't too girlish, of course. And he knew the very place to look that wouldn't be as embarrassing as actually shopping in a girl's shop. A charity shop. The hunch played of really well when Jim, clad in his regular shorts and t-shirt combo without a nappy underneath, arrived at the biggest charity shop in the nearby town. He'd picked this one, not just because of it's size but because of how, unlike most of the others it didn't aim itself at his grandparents age range but rather his own. Or the female half of it anyway. Sure enough, a quick wonder through the store, into the "Young Miss" section he was able to find not one but two pairs of short overalls that would have suited his needs, but they were, both too big for him, which was just as well as they were a bit too girly for him anyway. Transferring over to the boys section was rather more disappointing as they had nothing in the way of shorts at all, however, Jim did find something that would do. It was a set of bib overalls in a light blue, and thin white strip that looked particularly juvenile, and ticked everyone of his boxes but for one. Unfortunately, that was the one about the length of the legs, as they were full length which wouldn't do, but then, why not just cut the legs off and make them shorts. It was something Jim had done before with his old clothes back home, so he could have shorts, but it hadn't really worked that well, at least to start with, until his mum had given him some lessons in how to do it properly. He only hoped he'd be able to remember everything she'd told him, as he didn't have much other choice. He just needed to find some hemming tape, that he could iron on. Once home, Jim fed his new overalls into the washing machine, so they'd be both clean and pliable for the upcoming job, giving him enough time to collect the iron from his grandmother, and set it up in his bed room ready. Once the outfit was clean, he collected them from the machine now wearing a suspiciously bulky pair of track suit trousers, that crinkled slightly as he bounded back up the stairs to his room. Once inside, the tracksuit trousers came off to show the nappy he was wearing below. Not that this remained on show for much longer before he was stepping into the long legged overalls, and adjusting the straps so they were neither too loose or too tight. Then came the tricky part. Using a thick black marker pen, Jim noted on the garment where he wanted to cut them about level with his thighs, leaving them a bit longer so that he'd have room to fold the hem up. Then he got undressed again, and with a sharp pair of scissors cut the legs off the overalls to make them into his first pair of shortalls. Using a few pins he'd borrowed from his grandmother, Jim gave the shortalls a rough hem line before he once more climbed back into them again. Instantly he couldn't believe just how light and airy they now were and, of course, how childish it was to have his knees exposed once more. However, he couldn't help but wonder that if the legs were even shorted, would he look even younger. This was something that Jim had to try out, so he was soon out of the shortalls once more, using the pen a second time to mark them higher up, at a point that was about half way between the new hem and the trunk. However, just to be sure he didn't cut them this time, just pinned them up so he could have a look. It looked great, just as with the two length of school shorts he'd worn at St Christopher's the shorter they were then the younger he looked. This led Jim to wonder how it would look if he took the legs right off, but in the end he decided that this was too much as it bought back to the original issue of his nappies showing if he was to sit down, so he kept with the second marks instead. Now it was time for the hard bit, to make sure the new hems on the shortalls looked realistic enough to pass for little kids clothes rather than something for older children that had been cut down. It took nearly an hour during which Jim worked slowly and steadily, while dressed in nothing but a nappy, that crinkled when he was bent over the ironing board, carefully folding, and refolding the hemming tape into the hem, before applying the iron to it. Checking it, and then doing some more. By the time it was all finished and the newly created shortalls had cooled down enough, Jim was tired but eager to try them on, unable to believe just how easy it had been to make them. In front of the mirror he examined himself from every angle, unable to miss not only how childish he looked, but also how cute too, with his bare, shoulders and chest, visible under the big, and his long slender legs coming out of the bottom. The nappy itself, wasn't all that visible and in fact most people would miss it completely, especially if they didn't know to look for it, but if you looked closely it was obviously there, rounding out the rear of the shortalls, and padding the crutch especially if the shortalls were pulled up tight. This was something Jim hadn't intended on doing, but now he had, he noticed that rather than muffle the sound of the nappy underneath it, they shortalls rubbing on the nappy actually increased the sounds made, with every step he took. And Jim rather liked that. Now dressed in a suitably baby fashioned it was time, for someone else to find out about his nappy wearing, and as always, Jim wasn't about to let that happen by accident. Instead he had carefully planned way to let his secret come out. Chapter TwelvePeter Robinson, stared at the message that had appeared on his private school email address, wondering just who it could have come from as no one outside school was meant to know this address, which was for the pupils to tell the perfect things in private that they couldn't face to face. The title of the message was simply "I thought you should know!" and nothing else. The body gave even less away, just a link and a password to access whatever was there. Of course Peter knew better than to follow links from people he didn't know, which is why he'd never done anything on the school's heavily monitored system, and was instead checking his messages from his own laptop, with all the security features set to their highest level. For a minute the mouse pointer hovered above the link as once more Peter ran through the reasons not to click it, but he just couldn't think of anything else to do either. He was at home more or less alone. Sure his parents were downstairs, but they didn't really care what he did as he was, after all a 'good boy' but while this meant Nick got to have free reign with his friend Jack, Peter had no such real friends. This was due to his being the oldest in the school, and the head prefect to boot. Yet he wouldn't have given up the position for anything as he rather liked getting to order people about, and was secretly dreading the following year when he'd move up to the senior school and would be reduced once more to being a small fish in a large pond. In the meantime though he could do what he wanted. He clicked the link. A page of thumbnail pictures filled the screen at first given Peter a dreadful feeling that he'd been set up for downloading porn, but as he peered in close to the very small images he was able to make out what looked like the trappings of a regular boy's bedroom. So feeling he was on safer ground, he randomly clicked one of the images to make it larger, and that's when he gasped. A few more pictures later and Peter wasn't sure what to think anymore. He recognised the main subject in all the pictures, but not the location or what was going on. After all, why was Jimmy Paterson wearing a nappy, and sucking on dummies and baby bottles. Was someone trying to embarrass the boy by taking his obvious interest in little kid's clothes that bit further. Working on the assumption that the pictures were faked, Peter examined them closely but despite his best effort could see no obvious way that Jimmy's head had been applied to a babies body, especially as he could see pretty much most of the body in question and that was clearly not that of a baby, and did indeed look a lot like Jimmy's long slender legs which he had, after all seen rather a lot of since the other boy had started at St. Christohpers. So, Peter now thought the pictures to be real, but in that case what was this about, and why was it being sent to him? Having no answer to either of these questions, Peter left the matter there. The following day a second message turned up: "So you saw the pictures then. Why not have another look." Peter did and sure enough there were no even more pictures, as along with the original ones of Jimmy in his nappy, were others with him wearing rubber pants over the top, and even wearing a pair of shortalls that made him, if anything look even more like a baby than just wearing the nappy had. NOw though, Peter knew he had to do more to find out something about what was going on, as after all, this was a lot more interesting than anything else he'd come across recently. It was time for a home visit. Knowing that he had to be careful not to give anything away to anyone about the real reason for his visit, Peter arranged to the home visit as casually as he could with Jimmy one day at school, setting a time and date when he could 'pop round' to see how everything was, outside of the formal environment of school' (as the official wording put it.) Jimmy, didn't seem all that bothered, and was a lot less reluctant than some of the other pupils to having their prefect see their home which made it all the easier for Peter. Strangely though when Peter arrived at the house built onto the side of the museum Jimmy wasn't actually there, having had to pop out for some reason his grandmother didn't actually know, as she just told the prefect to go up to her grandson's room and wait. Inside the formally neat, room that was oddly more suitable for a little kid than the teenager Peter knew Jimmy to be, but which was in keeping to the punishment Peter had been told Jimmy was undergoing, it didn't take the prefect long to find what he was looking for as, after all, he knew all the hiding places a boy could have. Not that it appeared anything was actually hidden. Everything was just in the closet that not only held all the juvenile clothing that Peter had already seen Jimmy wearing but a lot more besides. There they were, a large pack of store bought nappies, two different sets of plastic pants, a couple of baby bottles and even a dummy that was easily big enough for a teenager to use. Peter didn't get a chance to investigate any further as Jimmy was coming up the stairs, but the prefect was sure he wasn't finished yet, especially when Jimmy told him later that he was building something 'special' in the garage, which in itself wouldn't have meant anything if Peter hadn't taken a peak on his way out later that day. What he saw looked very much like a crib Chapter ThirteenIt was something Jim had been pondering for a while. Wearing the nappies during the day under his shortalls was great, but sleeping in a bad wearing them just didn't seem right. What he needed was not just some proper sleep wear, but the right thing to sleep in. But where can you u get a crib large enough for even a small thirteen year old, and for next to no money. The answer. You make one. There was enough spare wood laying around the museum to do the job the only draw back was that in order to glue it all together, he'd have to do it somewhere with decent ventilation, which meant the garage, at the back of the house. This opened onto a small track that no one used, but would mean Jim would be visible and, in the later stages at least, what he was doing would be obvious too. But then, that was all part of what he was doing, wasn't it. The first thing Jim did was to find a base for his new crib which turned out to be an old, but very solid table, with great big heavy legs, and a thick top. He then found an old padded mattress that would fit this almost perfectly, and set about looking for something to make the sides out of. The sides with their rails could have been the hardest thing to do but turned out to be easiest rummaging around in the left over parts from the conversion job that had turned the old house and out buildings into a museum Jim turned out some old sections of balcony railing. These were not only just the right length for the sides of the table, but also had small slender bars set close to each other that was perfect. There was enough of them to go all around, rather than just the front and back as Jim had first envisioned. Everything else Jim needed was already in the garage workshop thanks to his grandfather's habit of overhauling all the exhibits, including glue, screws, sand paper, and even some paint in a suitable baby blue colour. When everything was sorted out, Jim changed into his shortalls, with a nappy beneath obviously, and set to work. It was a long slow process with Jim occasionally having to ask his grandfather's advice about what he was doing – without telling him exactly of course – and doing something several times before he was happy with them. All the same, he was able to fix three sides of the table with the strong banister railing, screwing them through the bottom to the thick top of the table, and along the corners so they formed into a very sturdy looking three sided structure before he turned his attention to the tricker part of sliding front rail. The house had previous had sliding doors but these had been replaced for better fire resisting ones, that closed in a more solid fashioned. This left the tracks discarded, and free for use on a thirteen year old's crib. Jim attaching the tracks from two of them to the two front sides of his project and the runners to the fourth section of railing. Then, with admittedly a bit of a struggle he lifted the rail all the way up and dropped the runners into the track and, as if by magic he had a crib front that could be raised and lowered. A stop at the bottom ensuring it didn't hit the floor, while a simple couple of gate latches at the top, would hold it closed. At this point Jim climbed into the crib for the first time. Raising one knee up onto the baseboard and raising himself up, before turning around to pull the gate up after himself. Sitting down, he looked around at the bars that now surrounded himself, taking a couple of them in his hands and shaking them slightly, finding them much stronger than he'd dared hope which, was a great thing, adding to the illusion that he was trapped inside them. Satisfied with everything, Jim climbed out again, so he could finish up placing some strong hinges along the back to which he attached a fifth set of bars that could be flicked over the top of the crib, to form a secure top. He even added a few hasps around the top so that they could all be locked together, as if it were a real prison cage, before he took everything apart again, so he could start to paint it. During the entire two days that it took to build the crib, Jim only stopped the once, to go inside for the home visit from Peter Robinson, just as he'd planned, making sure to leave the garage open when he did so, allowing the prefect a clear view of what he was doing, if not the actual reason why. That though he would get to explain himself on the final day of the construction project when Peter returned. "Hey, what you doing?" the prefect asked, not expecting the straight answer back he was about to get for one moment. Acting as if it was nothing out of the ordinary, Jim said, as plainly and ordinarily as he could that he was making a crib for himself. "A crib? Why?" The questions were as obvious as they were expected, and Jim had the answers ready, stating that it was another part of his punishment, that if he still didn't behave when he was being treated as a little kid then he was going to be taken one stage further and made to live his life like a baby. There was a puzzled look on Peter's face as he was told his for he was starting have doubts about the truth of this, especially since Jim's grandmother hadn't mentioned it, and that he already knew from the images on his computer that Jim had already worn nappies. Plus, unless he was very much mistaken, the other boy was probably wearing nappies right now, at least judging by the way the rear of his shortalls jutted out. Not to mention the crinkling noise whenever he moved sounding very much like the little kids at school. Trained as a diplomat Peter didn't voice any of his suspicions, instead asking general questions about the construction of the crib instead, even offering to help as he was top of his woodworking class at school, before wishing the other boy good luck with everything, before he left, even though he now had more questions than he did answers to just what was going on with Jimmy Peterson. Chapter FourteenWith the construction of his crib Jim set about trying to find some age appropriate – or rather inappropriate – clothing to wear once he was inside it. True he'd been sleeping in a nappy for some time now, and could have just continued to do that, but ever since he'd got his shortalls he rather liked the idea of wearing a nappy underneath other clothing. Especially if that clothing made the nappy all that more obvious, or at least didn't totally hide it. The answer to the night clothing issue came to Jim during school or rather after school when walking through the mums coming to pick up the other kids, he overheard one saying that her baby was all ready for bed. Risking a peek into the car, Jim saw the child all tucked up tight in an all in one sleeper that even had feet built into it, which looked so childish that Jim knew he had to get himself a pair, but from here. Arriving home he made straight for the internet and did a quick search of the stores he knew to be nearby starting with the baby one to get the correct name of the footed pyjamas – which turned out to be called just that – before going to the previous stores he'd visited to see which if any stocked them in a size big enough for himself to wear. Alas, the old fashioned store didn't as it was summer and there was little call for them but, luck was in for Jim as the big department store in the nearby town did. Now all he had to do was get there. In the end Jim was able to get a lift into town fairly easily, arriving at the store in good time, however it was then that his search really began as it was a tricky matter to spot the footed sleepers amongst all the more usual, and seasonal clothing that was on offer. When he eventually found them, on a rack right at the back of the boy's department, Jim approached slowly, even though no one would be looking at him, as he studied the accompanying sizing chart with some disappointment that the sleepers stopped at age ten. Thankfully he checked the actual sizes and found them to be somewhat generous meaning that he would be able to fit into the largest ones without too much trouble. There were a few to choose from, but while the smallest were covered in babyish designs the older ones tended to be more grown up featuring footballs, or other bigger boy motifs so in the end Jim decided to go for a plain one that came in a nice shade of what he liked to call 'baby' blue, with white collars and cuffs. Now all he had to do was pay for them. The purchase went off without any issue, with the checkout girl stuffing the footed sleeper into a bag without even looking at it, inadvertently saving the thirteen from having to explain why he was buying such childish clothing although by the time he got home Jim was wishing she had said something as then he might have done something about the pyjama foot that had been hanging out of his bag all the way home. Once home Jim quickly changed out of his big boy clothes of short shorts and t-shirt and into a nappy that he taped onto himself, before he removed the sleeper which he put on. It went on like a pair of trousers up to the waist, although there was the added issue of having to push his feet through the ankles which were elasticated, before they could go down into the soles. Once up to the waist, it was then put in in a similar fashion to how the leotard had been worn, albeit with the zip at the front rather than around the back. The material was very soft, giving the boy slight goose bumps as it came up around his legs and then over his chest, shoulders and arms. His hands had to punch through the tight white bands around the wrists, but that was okay, and he quickly zipped the front up closed. All at once the young teenager was surprised at how much he enjoyed the feeling of being completely encased in the soft warm fleece material, that made him feel both warm and secure at the same time. Moving over to the mirror, Jim could see that there were improvements he could make to the sleeper to make it more of a punishment to be wearing it but one thing was for sure. He really looked like a little baby when he was wearing it especially as the light blue material despite its warmth was a little bit see through. Not enough to make out any details on his body, but it did clearly show the whiteness of his nappy in stark contrast to the darker tones of his actual skin. Walking about also made it plain what he was wearing. The footed bottoms did a slight slip slap on the floor, while at the same time tugging down the top part of the sleeper in a tug-of-war that had his nappy well and truly in the middle. As with the shortalls, this resulted in his nappy crinkling and rustling with every step he made so that even if people didn't see the nappy through the baby blue material, they couldn't possibly avoid not hearing it. Naturally the thought of getting 'caught' wearing a footed sleeper and nappy, rather appealed to Jim. So much so that the nappy wasn't the only thing visible through the sleeper, his erection sort of was too. Unfortunately that was as far as Jim's adventures went that day, as the need to take care of what was growing inside his nappy along with the need to finish the crib, ready for his first night in it, not to mention the adjustments he needed to make to the sleeper meant he had too much to do, and couldn't wear the sleeper while he did it. He could though wear the shortalls which his grandparents had yet to make any comment about. Chapter FifteenThe plan was simple. Jim, dressed in his new adjusted footed pyjamas was going to spend an entire night locked in the crib and thanks to the timed padlocks he was going to use there would be no way he would be able to get out once he was in for a full ten hours, no matter what happened, or what he needed to do in the meantime, so it would be just like he was being punished. For reasons of hygiene and to limited the chances of being disturbed during his adventure, Jim had to discount moving the crib up to his bedroom, so had left it right where he'd built it, in the garage To ensure he wouldn't bottle out at the last minute, and to heighten his own excitement, Jim had decided that he would go through the motions of going to bed as normal in his own room, then after his grandparents had turned in for the night would then sneak out to the crib already dressed. Earlier in the day, Jim got everything set up in the garage, placing a cover on the crib mattress, getting the locks set up, and placing several large baby bottles inside filled with milk, along with his largest dummy, ready for that evening. Then when everything was ready, he went back inside and enjoyed as normal an evening as he could, despite the excitement that was racing through him. That evening he stayed downstairs later than usual, so it would be easier for him to judge when his grandparents went to bed, only finally going to his room just as his grandfather was locking up for the night. Upstairs, Jim went about his normal bedtime routine but with one major omission, he didn't use the toilet although he did flush it as if he had, just not to raise suspicions. He then went to his room to get dressed. Normally when going to bed Jim would just wear a disposable nappy but that just wouldn't do for this evenings events, so instead of that he picked out not just the disposable but another large one, along with his trusty friends the plastic pants. Laying down on his bed, the thirteen year old oiled and powdered his body before taping himself into the disposable first, as normal before repeating the process all over again, with the second nappy, which was worn directly over the first. When both nappies were in place, Jim reached for the plastic pants, which he put on from the same position. Placing both his feet into the leg holes before pulling them up to his waist and wriggling them over the nappies, making sure as he did so that all of the nappies were covered by the plastic pants. Even going so far as to turn down the leg holes and the waist to be totally sure that there would be no leaks. Now it was time for the sleeper, for which Jim would have to get up off the bed which proved to be a bit of a challenge as the bulk nappies between his legs forced his legs rather far apart from each other, giving him the bow legged appearance of a toddler, just how he'd wanted to. It also proved making putting the sleeper on a touch tricker than usual. Unable to totally bend down now, due to the bulk around his middle, Jim had to feed his feet into the sleeper, whilst in a sort of crouch. This wasn't all that stable, so he was relieved to manage to do it without falling over, especially as he wasn't all that sure he'd be able to stand up if he had gone over. The rest of the sleeper went on as before, although there was a touch of a struggle to get the waist section up over the bloated bulk of the nappies, but that along with the mittens that were now attached by strings to the end of the sleeves flapping about were the only differences to before. Once the sleeper was done up, Jim felt all snug and comfortable as he had done before, even if everything did somewhat pull him in different directions whenever he walked, and he was about to do a fair bit of that. After standing still behind his closed bedroom door as he listened to the well rehearsed routine of his relatives going to bed, it was with some relief that Jim finally got the all clear of his grandparents going to bed, to allow him to begin his journey down to his first night of baby punishment. In the silence of the night time empty house the crinkling and rustling from the nappies seemed to Jim to be all but deafening as did the slip-slap of his padded feet on the floor, not to mention the creaking of the stairs as he crept down to the kitchen and the back door. Reaching up to release the spring loaded bolt at the top of the door put Jim at full stretched, but thankfully the matching bottom bolt he could work with his feet inside the sleeper so he didn't have to bend down again. Then it was just a matter of turning the knob on the lock and the door was open, allowing the pyjama clad lad to slip out into the night time. The back door closed behind him with a soft click as the clasp slipped into place, followed by two sharper snaps as the dead bolts locked themselves into place. Despite being as warm as toast inside his sleeper, Jim still shivered when this happened as with no way to open the bolts from the outside, it meant he was now trapped outside until his grandfather opened up in the morning. There was an attempted stirring in his heavily padded loins from this, but even though he did touch himself there, the padding of the double nappy was so thick that he could do nothing with it so would have to put up with his erection, as yet another thing to make his walking that little bit more difficult, as he headed towards the garage. Inside the garage Jim made sure to close and bolt the door from inside, before making his way over to the crib. After mentally checking everything was as he'd left it and that he hadn't forgotten anything, he climbed inside. This wasn't all that easy as not only couldn't he bend down but he couldn't raise his knees all that high either, so instead he had to turn around and sit on the mattress before spinning himself around, and swinging his legs up. Sitting with his legs splayed out as much as he could, Jim reached down and started pulling the side of the crib up until it clicked into place once it was level with the sides. Now it was time for the lid. Having taken the precaution of raising the top of the crib up from where it normally rested against the back rail, and leaving it propped up just a foot or so above the top of the crib, it was an easy matter for Jim to reach up with one hand to take the weight and then with the other to knock out the props that had been holding it. Then, with nothing else there, the lid came right down on top of the sides to form the end of the little cage that the boy had built for himself. Of course at this stage if Jim wanted to get out then all he had to do was to raise the roof once more, but he was about to put a stop to that with the timed padlocks. Set to their maximum of ten hours the locks wouldn't start counting down until they were closed, and that wasn't going to happen until the thickly padded boy they were about to trap had threaded them through the twin hasps screwed to either side of the top of the front rail, and the matching set on the lid. Which they soon were, sealing Jim inside until the morning. For the first time Jim lay down in the crib he'd made at night. It had plenty of room for him to stretch out in almost any direction even if he did come into contact with the bars surrounding him at the full most stretch just to remind him where he was. It was now time to put into action the additions Jim had added to the sleeper, in the mittens that, up until then had been flapping around his wrists. These were simple fingerless gloves, to which along with the string that held them to the sleeper, Jim had ironed on Velcro around the inside of the wrist opening. The other side of the Velcro was on the outside of the elastic cuffs of the sleeper, the idea being that once his hands were inside the mittens, the two strips of Velcro would attache themselves to each other, keeping the mittens in place, and it worked perfectly. His hands inside the mittens rendered his fingers individually useless with them only being able to work now as part of a single team against his thumb, meaning that although he could pick large things up he could do nothing with anything that he couldn't grip in the palm of his hand. Testing his grip, Jim picked up the first of the bottles he'd left at the end of the crib, successfully picking it up and aiming it towards his mouth where he was able to drink from the bottle without too much trouble. He then did the same with the second large bottle, until both were empty, at which point he reached for the other item he'd left in the crib, and picking up the dummy, pushing it up towards his mouth. Having previously made the bulb as large as possible, Jim had to open his mouth so far that his jaw cracked a bit before bulb would go in, but once it was, he knew that he wouldn't be able to remove it, without the full use of his hands, meaning he was successfully gagged for the night. When all was done, Jim lay down on the crib mattress listening to the few sounds that came in from the world beyond the garage door, not that there was much, as it was so quiet until he could no longer hold back the urge to break free. Gripping the bars in his mitten hands, Jim shook them but as he already knew it did no good. He tried reaching for the padlocks but they were so small he couldn't even get a hold of them, and nor could he see just how much time he had left, as the light was too dim and the angle all wrong to see the dial on the front. He tried calling out, even though there was no one to hear him, but he couldn't make any sound louder than a faint gurgle around the dummy in his mouth, so eventually he just stopped trying and instead lay there panting slightly inside the warm sleeper, until he started to relax into the role that he had devised for himself, that of a teenager being treated like a baby as some sort of punishment. Time slipped by slowly, or quickly Jim couldn't be sure, as he was in an enclosed room with no clock, so that only made him more aware of the pressure that was building up in his bladder as the water he'd drunk started to work it's way through him. However, rather than just let it out into his nappies as he normally would have been only too happy to do, on this occasion he kept to his role and fought an internal battle not to wet himself like a baby. It was a battle he was going to loose, and knew he was going to loose, but he tried. IN the end nature was not to be resisted and as the pressure on his bladder started to turn into a real ache, Jim's muscles gave way, and a flood of urine gushed out of him and into his nappy, until he could feel the warm liquid pouring into every fold of his skin, running in and all around the nappy until he was totally soaked. But there was more to come. More time passed as Jim lay there in his sleeper with the soaked nappies beneath. Occasionally he'd manage to drift off to sleep but other times he'd be wide awake, especially when he heard gurgling noises coming from his stomach, signally that he was about to fill his nappy with more than just liquid. Once more, the teenager played the role of the reluctant oversized baby. Desperately he tried to clench his buttocks closed and even to draw his knees up and together but it all made no difference as what was going to happen was going to happen and there was nothing he could do about it. Just as he'd planned. For the second time that night nature took its course and with a muffled sigh, Jim filled his nappy in a way that he'd never experienced before, and really wasn't sure he liked, especially as even after it was out of him, the substances he'd deposited in his nappy continued to move around, squelching in and around his bottom. However as much as Jim didn't enjoy laying around in a full nappy, being trapped in the crib did give him the chance to finalise the plans for his next adventure for which he was once more going to enlist the unwitting help from Peter Robinson. Chapter SixteenPeter Robinson read the email for the tenth time, still not sure the words were saying what they were saying. It seemed that not only was that new kid, Jimmy Peterson, being punished by being made to wear little kids clothes but it was all his own fault. Of course, Peter knew the first part of this about the punishment but not that it had been triggered by Jimmy stealing a junior uniform from Peter's school. Or that it had now gone further and that he was now stealing nappies. The email was a continuation from those that had provided picture evidence of Jimmy wearing a nappy, which Peter had himself confirmed when he'd popped around there only to find the boy apparently making a crib of all things. Since then, the email told him, Jimmy was sleeping in a crib as much as he could, and they had to do something about it, to put him off before things got any more out of control, and that's where Peter came in. The plan was simple. Clearly Jimmy enjoyed wearing and apparently using a nappy in private, but would he think the same if he were to be seen in public in one, by his peers as clearly that would be the worse thing that could happen to a newly teenage boy. Wouldn't it. The emails gave out details of how this could be done, via a sleepover at Peter's house, that Jimmy would be told was a fancy dress one, but only after he arrived so he wouldn't have a costume. Peter would then provide one, thanks to his 'just happening' to have a blanket footed sleeper that would fit the younger boy (Peter's clothes would all be too big, of course!). Peter of course didn't have any such thing, but thankfully the emails told him where he could get one, and also other things that could be used to embarrass the other boy out of his strange h habit such as a bit, dummy and other babyish items. Up until that point Peter had found it all a bit strange, but also slightly exciting, how there was also mention of things that he found much more interesting when it was suggested that perhaps, in order to push home the fact that a teenager dressing as a baby was wrong, they should get a big comedy looking paddle, so the baby could be punished. Peter had asked where they could get such a thing, certainly not locally, thinking that this would never work, but then the suggestion had come back that maybe they could get someone to make them one, and Peter was asked if he knew anyone who did woodwork. The eleven year old said that he did, and during his next lesson, asked if he could make one, for a 'fancy dress occasion' to which his teacher agreed, even providing some scrap wood and plans to make a 'real' paddle that would actually hurt. Once the wheels were in motion, Peter organised a shopping trip for himself, where he went directly to the store selling the one piece sleepers, not entirely believing even as he did so that such things were made in a size large enough for even someone as small as Jimmy Peterson to wear, but he was about to be proved wrong. It took Peter a few minutes to find them, but sure enough there they were, blanket sleepers for boys all the way up to size XL. There was a pair with footballs on them, and another with space ships but there was also a plain pair that had white around the cuffs and collar, and even bright white soles on the bottom of the feet, just to make them look even more juvenile, as if that were possible. For several minutes the tall, broad shouldered eleven year old school prefect just stood there looking at the childish nightwear, wondering just how anyone big enough to wear them could possibly have done so without dying of humiliation. A quick glance at the size guide showed that the two largest sizes should fit Jimmy, but the email had made it plain that he shouldn't but the pyjamas too big to make sure that the nappy Jimmy would be wearing underneath them would be not only visible through them but that the close fitting sleeper would rub up against the nappy announcing to everyone that it would be very obvious. Finished in the boys clothes department, Peter went straight from there into a baby department where he picked out the most childish looking bib he could, and the largest baby bottle, but not a dummy. The email had pre-warned him that those made for babies would be much to small for a teenage boy so that he should instead he went to a costume / comedy store where he was able to find an adult sized one that would do the job a lot better. Back at home, Peter had a few more alterations to make, the first of which was to use some glow in the dark fabric paint that he'd got at the costume store to add some more details to the otherwise plain pyjamas. Time progressed during which Peter was even busier than usual making additional things for Jimmy's costume, all of which were suggested by the emails he was getting. One of these involved Jimmy having his measurements taken under the guise of a standard school lesson, but while several of the other pupils had a tape passed around their waist, hips, chest, thighs, and so on, only Jimmy's were carefully noted down. The second thing, Peter did was to finish off the paddle, for which he was provided, via email, with a template that could be placed over the plan looking paddle, so that the work Jimmy could be drilled into it, so that there would be no doubt as to who the paddle was to be used on. In the meantime the measurements were then sent away to a supplier the school used for 'special' children, that Peter himself had never heard of but apparently the writer of the emails had, as they knew all the details, and what was needed to be given to them. They also knew how to pay for it so Peter wouldn't have to, and also so the school wouldn't find out about the order. However, just what this was for, Peter wouldn't find out until it arrived, the day before the plan was to be put into action. The package was plain brown box, inside of which were several belt type things, made from the same material as car seat belts. However these were much shorter and all attached to each other in what was clearly a larger version of a toddler's harness used by mothers to keep very young children under control. The child would have wear the harness over their shoulders and around their waist, will all the straps fastened at the back under a security flap so they couldn't be tampered with. A single strap came out of this for the care giver to hold onto, preventing the child from running away, and totally under control. Frustrating for a two year old, totally humiliating for a thirteen year old. As soon as he saw the harness Peter got excited, at the prospect of having total control over another boy, and he just couldn't wait to put the plan into action, on what he thought was a totally unsuspecting victim.
The night of the plan finally arrived with Peter arriving at Jimmy's house for the sleepover and as suggested in the email, the moment he did then Jimmy's grandparents left for the evening saying that they wanted to give the two boys some space to get to know each other and that it was good Jimmy was finally making friends his own age rather than the 'little kid he normally hung around with'. Peter, dressed up in his normal clothing clearly looked older than he was, while Jimmy looked younger in his by now regular shortalls, so it was no surprise really that Jimmy was told to do everything that Peter told him. NOt that there was any danger of him ever doing anything else, seeing that he knew exactly what Peter was carrying in the bag he had over his shoulder having himself written out the list of what it should contain along with the speech he was about to get. The moment they were alone, Peter went into the prepared speech, telling Jimmy that since he'd been acting so childish and immature by stealing nappies from the school that he was going to be punished in the same way. Doing his best to look surprised by this announcement, Jim was clearly a better actor than he thought as he was instantly threatened with the paddle that came out of the bag which already had his name drilled into it. The next thing out of the bag was the blanket sleeper, which was extracted by the shoulders slowly, with maximum dramatic flare by Peter who was naturally totally unaware that Jim already had one hanging up in his closet. All the same Jim said "I'm not going to wear that." The paddle was once more raised. "I have been told that I can use this on you if you don't co-operate." Peter said with more than a little glee as he was somewhat desperate to see just how well, or not the first paddle he'd ever made would work. "Okay," Jim sighed as if he was reluctantly giving in, "Let's get this over with then." "Good," Peter also sighed, albeit with some disappointment at not being able to use the paddle, yet, although there would be time later on he was sure of that. ""Here's what you're going to do. First you're going to go up to your room, take off all your clothes and put on one of the nappies that we know you've got up there and then wearing nothing else call me upstairs." "A nappy?" "Yes, a nappy, we know you've got them, and make sure you put it on properly because you're going to be wearing it all evening." Jim allowed himself to smile as he headed out of the door up to his room where his clothes were off, and a nappy laid out on his bed. However, before taping it closed he applied a liberal layer of baby oil to his private parts, before pouring a large helping of baby powder onto his now enlarged area before taping the nappy closed over everything. And then repeating the process twice more until he was wearing not one, not two but three nappies, just to make sure it would be very obvious what he was doing, and to help hide the erection he had. This latter thing being the reason he'd elected to put the nappy on himself rather than have Peter do it, which would have been the ultimate humiliation but, he just couldn't risk the other boy being freaked by how much he now enjoyed wearing nappies. Once the triple nappies were all fastened, Jim made sure he would smell like a baby by pouring some more baby oil on his legs, and sprinkling his upper body with some more of the sweat smelling powder. Then he called out that he was ready. Peter walked in holding the paddle in his hand as if expecting trouble but instead of that he just found the teenager standing there looking every bit like a big baby as he possibly could with a large mass of white around his loins, complete with little childish cartoons around the waist. For a moment Peter couldn't help but stare but soon he pulled himself together enough to continue with what he'd started. Jim sat on the end of his bed while Peter unzipped the sleeper, and rolled the legs down as good as he could to the padded feet. Jim's feet were then carefully placed inside them, slotted through the elasticated ankles, before the sleeper was slowly pulled up his legs, carefully so as not to get any of the excess powder on them. His hands offered out, were placed inside the arms of the sleeper as it was pulled up over his chest, onto his shoulders so the zip could be done up. "Hold your head up, so I can made sure you don't try to take this off." Peter said, pushing Jim's head back as he threaded the end of a small cable tie through the two small holes on either side of the collar, as well as through the eye of the zipper tab. This then pulled tight until there was no way the zip could be lowered again without cutters being used, ensuring that Jim was effectively stuck inside it, just as he'd planned. Standing back, Peter admired his handiwork, pleased with what he saw. The other boy, if you excused his height could have easily passed for a toddler, in an all in one sleeper that bulged out in the middle so there was absolutely no way you could miss that he was wearing a nappy underneath. But there was more. Returning to the bag, Peter pulled out the harness which had become slightly tangled so took a few minutes to get ready, during which time, Jim just stood there waiting. He even put his arms out when the time was right so the harness could be put on him. Two straps going over his shoulders, while four went around his torso. Two just under his arms and another two around his stomach all of them pulling in the sleeper even firmer around the thirteen year old's body as they were fully tightened and attached to the master buckle at the back, which itself was then locked and sealed under it's protective panel, so there would be no way Jim could remove it. "Right then., that's you done." Peter announced once everything was checked, "Let's get your downstairs again." Taking up the end of the leash attached to the back of the harness, Peter got Jim to walk in front of him, back towards the living room, though the silent house. Sure enough just as the emails had suggested the smaller size of the sleeper not only made the nappy worn beneath highly visible but audio too. Something helped by the tightness of the harness straps around his body, pulling in his waist all the more. The living room was in darkness when the two boys entered but not for long as no sooner were then in than the room exploded first in light and then howls as the two people who'd been hidden there, caught sight of just what Jim was now wearing. "Hey Peter, Is he wearing a nappy?" yelled Nick Robinson. "Of course, baby's always wear nappies don't they." Peter reached down, to gentle pat the well padded rear of harnessed boy, so it crackled even more. Then he raised the paddle up for the two younger boys to see, "Babies also need to be well behaved or else they get spanked." "It's got his name on it!" laughed Nick's mate Jack, "It says 'Jimmy'!" "Yes it does, and if either of you see little baby Jimmy being bad you should spank him at once, as he's much younger than you, and you need to show him what's right and wrong." "We can spank him?" questioned the two lads, moments apart. "Yes you can and he won't say anything about it because of this." The oversized dummy was produced. It was attached to a large loop of ribbon that was passed over Jim's head so he wouldn't be able to loose it. "Open your mouth!" Jim was told, and much to the younger boys surprise he did, allowing the oversize dummy bulb to be crammed into his mouth, until his cheeks bulged out slightly as did the inside of his nappy but of course no one could see that, or even suspect that being so humiliated could possible turn the teenager on quite as much as it actually did. The End |
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