PZA Boy Stories


Chase under the Blanket


Mike makes a young friend who turns into more.

Publ. Nov 2016
Finished 25,000 words (50 pages)


Mike (adult), Chase (13yo)

Category & Story codes

Consensual Man-Boy story
Mt tg Mgcons mast oral anal


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?


I was in line at the convenience store just a few blocks from where I live. There was a cute boy at the front of the line, trying to buy cigarettes. "You have to be eighteen to buy cigarettes," the clerk told him.

"Please. He's gonna be mad if I don't get them. He's in that truck right there," the kid said pointing outside.

When he turned, I saw a really cute kid of about thirteen. Sandy brown hair obviously well past needing a trim. Blue eyes that caught the light like prisms. Unblemished skin. That slight dusting of hair on his lip. Just gorgeous.

"Sorry kid. He'll have to come get them himself," the clerk said unrelenting.

I watched him leave and go to the door of the truck. It was obvious he was scared to death, as he spoke to the driver. The man got out, almost knocking the kid down with the door, grabbed the kid by the arm very tightly and drug him to the door of the store.

He jerked open the door and shoved the boy in, shouting "Sell him the god damn cigarettes, I'm right here asshole."

I caught the kid, to keep him from hitting the floor. The clerk was shocked and probably a bit scared. He handed the boy the cigs, and the boy left, forgetting to pay for them.

I set my case of Coke on the counter and told the clerk to add the cigs to my tab. He thanked me, and I left.

Coke is my number one habit. I keep in good shape and watch what I eat, but I just can't give up my Coke. I make myself walk to the store as punishment for being weak. It also burns off a few of the calories that I get from the Coke.

As I approached my apartment complex, I saw the boy sitting on the stairs to my second floor apartment. "You okay kid?"

"Yeah," he said not looking up.

"You don't sound okay."

"I'm fine thanks, mister."

"I saw what happened in the store. Is he always that mean to you?" I asked, assuming the man was his father.

He looked up at me then, seeming puzzled.

"I'm the one who caught you," I reminded him.

"Oh yeah. Sorry you had to see that. Thanks though," he said, then went back to staring at the concrete.

I took a few steps up then turned. "Want a drink?" I asked as if I were offering whiskey or something.

He looked up at me again, and I wiggled the case at him. He smiled and stood to follow me.

The complex is a bit run down, and the price reflects it. I don't require much, so don't feel the need to pay a lot. My apartment is a one bedroom, one bath, plain old apartment. I keep it neat and clean, but am not a nut about it.

"Straight up or on the rocks," I asked still eluding to the whiskey.

I got an angelic smile. "Ice please."

I handed him his coke, and sat beside him. He was quiet, and just sipped his drink. I looked closely at him wondered how anyone could treat him so poorly. He was beautiful, and seemed a sweet kid.

"So, what's a nice guy like you doing with a dump like him?" I said misquoting the old movie line.

Again with that smile. "You're funny."

"You're not so bad yourself kid. But what's your story?"

"He was always kinda mean, but got worse after mom left. Especially if he's been drinking. I just stay out of the way when he's drinking." Then he looked at me a moment and asked "Do you drink?"

"Nothing stronger than what's in your glass," I assured him. "I haven't seen you around here before."

"We moved in a couple of months ago. Across the courtyard on the other side of the building, apt 1204. I usually sit over there, but the sun is on that side, so I came to sit in the shade over here."

"Good move. That sun can be a demon this time of year. Well you're welcome to come enjoy the A.C. in here anytime. I keep it pretty cool."

"My dad doesn't let me turn it below eighty [27°C] during the day. Seventy five [24°C] at night, when he's home though," he said.

"I keep it around seventy [21°C]. I like it cool with a blanket over me. In bed, I even turn on the ceiling fan and pull the covers up to my neck. Guess I'm weird, huh."

"Sounds nice actually," he said. "Can I use your restroom?"

"Sure, It's just through 3;"

"I know. This apartment is just like ours," he stood, and I noticed the bulge in his too tight shorts. He was probably needing to pee for a while.

I heard the flush, and he returned. "Your place is a lot cleaner than ours, but exactly the same floor plan."

"You have just one bedroom?" I asked a bit suspiciously.

"Yeah. I sleep on the couch. Well, unless he has a girl over. Then I stay outside till she leaves."

"Why doesn't he just close the bedroom door?"

"It wouldn't do any good. He put his fist through it when he was drunk a while back."

"Really?" I asked in shock.

"Better the door than me," he laughed.

Poor kid. I felt sorry for him having to live like that.

"By the way, I'm Mike," I said holding out my hand to him.

"Chase," he replied accepting my hand. "Thanks for the Coke. I should be getting back."

"Any time Chase. Seriously, if things get bad, and you need to get away, you're welcome anytime," I repeated.


A couple of hours later, I was just fixing a Caesar salad with grilled chicken for my dinner, when there was a knock at the door.

"Hey Mike. Could I stay here for a while. Dad started drinking. He was already in a bad mood so I don't want to be there for a while."

"Sure, no problem," I said stepping aside to let him enter.

I returned to the kitchen and got out another chicken breast and more salad. I looked over at him and thought a growing boy needs more than salad. I was getting low on supplies and only had a can of soup, so I opened it too.

"Straight up or on the rocks?" I yelled from the kitchen.

"Rocks please," Chase laughed.

I set the food on the table, and told Chase "Come on before it gets cold."

"You didn't have to do that. I had a candy bar earlier," he said.

"Even more reason you're eating this. You can't live on candy, dumbass."

"Would you prefer me to be a smartass?" he asked.

"Actually, I would," I said ruffling his hair.

We ate and talked, laughing, and getting along well. For the life of me I couldn't comprehend someone mistreating such a wonderful boy.

"You got a girlfriend, Mike?" he asked.

"Been there, done that. Maybe try it again if the right one comes along. What about you, Chase. Any filly catch your eye?"

"Not really. Well, you're about the only person I've talked to since we moved here."

"Not to worry. Give yourself some time. Build up those wrist muscles while you wait."

He looked at me oddly "Wrist muscles?"

"You know," I said, making the universal sign for jerking off.

He blushed crimson. "I 3; I don't do that," he protested.

"Me either. None of us do," I said. Then added "Not more than a couple of times a day."

He smiled and nodded in admittance.

After dinner, we sat and watched tv. I pulled my favorite blanket off the back of the sofa, and covered up. I love this blanket. It was crocheted by my grandmother years ago. It's eight feet long and eight feet wide [2½x2½ m]. I think it is made of cinche or something, and I love it.

"There's another blanket on my bed if you want to get it. Or I'll share this one if you like," I told him.

He scooted over beside me, even though the blanket would have reached him easily. We slouched down and pulled the blanket up to our necks.

"You're right. This is nice," he said referring to what I had told him earlier.

After a few minutes he said "I love this blanket."

"Thanks. My grandmother made it for me when I was about your age."

"It's the best blanket in the world," he opined.

"I know. Right?"

About nine o'clock Chase asked "What time do you go to bed Mike?"

"Tomorrow's Sunday, so I don't have to be in bed early. Why?"

"Dad should pass out around midnight. I was hoping I could stay till then."

"You can stay as long as you like," I assured him.

"Thanks Mike," he said laying his head on my shoulder.

"Anytime," I said, patting his leg under the blanket. He left his head on my shoulder, and I left my hand on his thigh. It really wasn't a conscious choice. It was just a natural gesture. Had the blanket not been there, I might have been more aware of it.

We sat like this a long time, before I said "Would you like another Coke?"

"Sure, and I need to get rid of the last one," Chase said as we stood. I couldn't help but notice he had an erection. I went to the kitchen and he went to the restroom.

We got back under the blanket. Chase sort of leaned into me pulling my arm to him. The poor kid was starving for affection. His head was back against my shoulder, and my hand on his thigh. He had placed it back there, only this time he was turned toward me leaning on one hip, and my hand was actually between his thighs. The side of my little finger was pressed up against the seam, below the zipper, down the middle of his very tight shorts. I could feel the soft swell of his nut sack on the palm side of my little finger, and on top, what could only be his cock.

Suddenly, all my sensory perception was centered on my hand. I wanted to memorize each millimeter of contact. The feel of his soft skin on part of my hand and the cloth covered bulge on the other part.

After a minute, Chase lifted his upper leg to allow his growing cock some room. It snaked down the leg of his shorts. When he lowered his leg again, I could tell it was much longer than it had been and noticeably firmer too.

This was the most intimate contact I'd had with anyone for a very long time. And I knew that Chase received no affection at home. I wasn't about to break the spell.

I had placed the drinks on the side table. I took a sip of mine, and set it down. "Would you like some of yours?" I asked.

He only nodded. I picked it up and he leaned even closer to reach for it. His cock was across the back of my hand and very rigid.

He only then noticed the intimate contact and his condition. "I'm sorry Mike. I uh 3; I haven't you know."

"It's quite alright. I understand. Me too," I said. I was stone hard, and throbbing.

"I don't get much privacy on weekends. Week days are ok to 3; you know, when he's not home."

We sat quietly for a moment. I hadn't moved my hand, and Chase made no effort to move it. And there was no shrinkage on either of our parts.

He had laid his head back onto my shoulder. I thought he might have gone to sleep.



"You said 'Me too.' Did you mean 3; you're hard too?"

"Yes, Chase I did."


"Well, like you, I haven't had a chance to take care of it. I had an unexpected guest," he giggled at that. "And my guest is a beautiful boy who has his hard on pressed against my hand."

"You think I'm beautiful?"


"Do you want me to move?"

"Not at all."

After another quiet moment Conner asked "Can I feel yours?"

I nodded and then I felt his hand on my lap. I'm pretty well endowed with eight and a half thick inches [21 cm], which was pointing at the opposite hip. Chase placed his hand at my zipper. I felt him squeeze the lump he encountered there. His small hand moved and squeezed a little further up. And again and again till he reached the end of it near my hip bone.

He did this a few times, driving me insane. When he stopped, he half whispered "It's big."

We sat, both enjoying the closeness. His hand in my lap, mine between his legs. After a long time, he said "I should go. Thanks for letting me stay. I had a good time."

He left, and I was on the toilet, jerking off within seconds of the door closing behind him. My mind replaying my sensory recording of the the last couple of hours. I covered my belly with cum.


Sundays I spend doing laundry, cleaning, and grocery shopping. It was about noon when I left my apartment to go to the store. Walking along the courtyard to the parking lot, I was suddenly joined by Chase.

"Hi Mike."

"Hey Beautiful." It just jumped out like that.

He smiled really big. "Where're you going."

"Just to the grocery store. Want to ride along?"

"Sure, if I won't be in the way."

We got to my new Mustang, and Chase said "This is your car? I wondered who it belonged to. It's so neat."

"Thanks. Hop in."

I noticed he was wearing the same shorts and shirt he had on the night before. I could see the distinctive bulge where his jewels lay beneath the material. My mind instantly recalling the feel of that bulge against my hand.

We strolled up and down the aisles talking and picking up things along the way. I got more than I usually do, hoping I might have a visitor for dinner on occasion.

"What kind of ice cream do you like?" I asked Chase.

"My favorite is just plain old vanilla."

"A man of pure tastes, like myself," I complimented, and received another award winning smile.

"Can I come over later, Mike? Dad said he has a date tonight," Chase asked as we unloaded the groceries.

"I would be pleased to have your company." I couldn't imagine what kind of woman would sleep with that brute, but I wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth."

I made us grilled filets, baked potatoes, sauteed asparagus, and a salad. Chase arrived right on time and was pleased to see I had made an effort for him.

"Thanks Mike. You're so nice to me."

I thought for a minute he was going to cry, which of course would tear me up. I hate to see kids upset. I know they cry about stuff, but when it's emotional pain, it really bothers me.

We ate our steaks and chatted about school and stuff. He's a bright kid, and does well in school. I got the impression his father didn't care one way or the other about Chase's grades.

"Can we watch tv for a while? I know that woman is still there."

"Your wish is my command," I said bowing.

I picked up the remote and turned on the tv. Chase pulled the blanket off the back of the sofa covering himself and holding the blanket up beside him in offering.

I turned off the lights and we snuggled under the blanket in the cool room.

"I really like being here with you Mike. I mean, not just to get away from my dad."

I looked into his alluring eyes and said "I can't think of anyone I would rather spend time with."

His smile illuminated the room. "Honest?"


He pulled my arm to him again, trapping my hand in his crotch, then lay his head on my shoulder. We watched some inane movie in silence, mostly just relishing each other's company. My hand was quite happy in it's new home, I dare say, if Chase wanted to carry it around between his legs, my hand would have ripped itself from my arm to make it so.

At ten, Chase said he had to go. Neither of us bothered to hide our raging erections as we stood. I looked at his, he looked at mine.

"Uh 3; Bye Mike," he said and left.

My mind was in a turmoil. This kid was driving me nuts. I guess I need to try to get laid more often. But this kid captured me. His looks, his kind disposition, sweet personality. Not to mention his awful situation. I've always been a sucker for underdogs.

I undressed for my shower and was planning a major stroke session, when there was a knock at the door. I grabbed a towel and opened the door a crack.

I saw Chase standing there. "She's still there."

Opening the door I said, "What is she doing there this late?"

"When I went in, the bedroom door was open and they were 3; well, you know. He saw me and said 'Get the fuck out, Piss ant', so I left. Can I stay here a while longer?"

"Of course. I was just getting in the shower. Grab yourself a Coke from the fridge, and I'll be right out."

I had to forego my stroke session, so I finished my shower and put on a pair of boxers, and a tee shirt. I found Chase waiting for me under the blanket.

He snuggled up to me as soon as I sat down, of course taking my hand to his crotch, and laying his head on my shoulder. It wasn't long before his breathing indicated he was sleeping. I too drifted off with this angel beside me.


I awoke with the sunrise, and Chase was gone.

I didn't see Chase at all Monday. After work on Tuesday, I pulled into my parking space, in time to see Chase and his father over by his truck. His dad was yelling at Chase for some reason. I got out of my Mustang, just as dad grabbed Chase by the shirt and raised his other hand to smack the boy.

"HEY !"

"This ain't none of your concern mister," Chase's dad said.

"Did he steal something from you?" I asked as I walked toward him.


"If he stole from you, I want to help you beat the little thief."

Chase looked at me in shock.

"No, he didn't steal from me. Now fuck off."

This told me two things. One, he was drunk. And two, he was stupid. You see I present a rather imposing figure. I'm an ex Marine, six feet three inches [1.90 m], and weigh about two hundred pounds [90 kg]. And if I were to lay off the Cokes, I wouldn't have any excess weight. I'm basically pretty muscular.

"Oh, then he must have vandalized your vehicle."

"What? No," he said confused.

By now I was standing next to him. "Did he piss on your foot?"

"Are you crazy?"

"No, but I will be if you hit him. And you won't like me crazy."

He raised his hand again, and I grabbed it.

"Maybe you didn't understand me. If you hit this boy, ever, I will break this arm, and that will be the least of your injuries the hospital will have to repair."

I think he got the message. He released Chase.

While staring at the father I said "Kid, if this man ever hits you, come find me. I live in that building. I promise, it will be the last time he does it."

I walked away, and heard Chase's dad say "Do you know that guy?"

"No," Chase answered. Good boy.

I had barely made it into my apartment when Chase's familiar knock came. I opened the door, and instantly had a boy wrapped around me in a tight embrace. He is about a foot shorter than I, so his head was at my chest, his arms around my stomach.

"Thanks Mike. That was the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me."

If that were true, it is just too sad.

I peeled him off me, reluctantly. "Frozen pizza for dinner okay with you?"

We snuggled under the blanket after eating.


Wednesday, It was pouring rain all day and I didn't get much work done. I had a long talk with my mom about Chase, and by the end of the day I felt better.

Traffic was a nightmare on the way home, I sat in my car, waiting for a break in the rain, which never came. I dashed to my building, to find Chase waiting on the steps where I had first spoke to him. He was completely drenched.

"What the hell Chase?"

"She's there again. He told me to get lost."

What was that man's problem? Kicking a kid out in the rain for some cheap skank's pussy.

"Come on. Let's get you dry."

Letting us in, I told him "Go dry off and hang your clothes over the tub. I'll get us some dinner."

I had put on a pot roast in the crockpot that morning, so it was ready. I threw some rolls in the oven to go with it.

"I'm freezing. Can I get under the blanket?" Chase called from the living room.

"Sure," I yelled over my shoulder, as I dished out the food.

I handed him a plate of food "This will warm you up." Then I went to get out of my wet clothes. I put on boxers and a tee shirt of course, and sat at the table to eat. I could see Chase still shivering, so I just let him stay under the blanket to eat his dinner.

Taking his plate I asked "Would you like some more? There's plenty."

"No thanks, maybe later. Aren't you going to sit with me?"

"Yeah, just let me get these plates into the kitchen. Want some hot tea or anything?"

"No. I'm starting to warm up now."

I tidied up the kitchen a bit and then joined Chase on the sofa. Once under the blanket, Chase snuggled up to me and lay his head on my shoulder, and pulled my arm to him. Only this time, I encountered a very naked crotch. I could feel his youthful treasure against my hand. I was hard in a second. I didn't say anything as I felt him grow hard too. Without the confines of his shorts, his cock ran along my arm.

I resisted inspecting it with my fingers, though I wanted to dearly.

Chase whispered "Is this okay?"

"You know I enjoy being under the blanket with you," I answered.

"No. I meant this," he said and wiggled his hips, causing his cock to rub against my arm.

"If feels more than just okay. It feels positively delightful," I answered honestly.

He was quiet for a moment then whispered "Can 3; I uh 3; can I feel yours?"

I nodded.

"Without your boxers?" He clarified.

Much as my hand wanted to stay where it was, I needed it to peel down my boxers. Once they were at my ankles, I leaned back again. Chase's hand found my cock instantly. His fingers closed around it, and he moaned. He stroked it up and down, and caused me to moan.

"May I feel yours too?" I asked.

"Yeah," Chase said.

I tentatively reached for his cock. I had thought of male/male sex many times while masturbating, but never considered a young boy. I found this foray into the forbidden very exciting. Combined with Chase's amazing looks and personality, I was overwhelmed with curiosity, desire, and reservations.

Under the blanket, I went for his anxious cock. I could tell it was fairly thick and very rigid. Only a thin strip of newly developed hair tickled my hand as it examined the five inch [12 cm] spike.

We continued to slowly pleasure each other, until Chase said "You better move the blanket." I moved it from his crotch in time to see the most beautiful cock in the world erupt. His pale skin, big for his age dick, and obvious youth, made him absolutely stunning. His load spit up about a foot above it's origin, and landed on his smooth flat belly.

The thrill of knowing I gave this great kid pleasure, sent me over the edge as well. Chase watched as I delivered my payload all over both of us.

Chase retrieved the towel he had dried off with. It was on the floor next to my boxers. He cleaned me then himself.

"That was great," he said snuggling close again.

I couldn't believe I had just traded hand jobs with a thirteen year old boy. I had been through basic training and several tours in the Middle East, and had never had intimate contact with another male. Now in less than a week of meeting this kid, I'm stroking his dick like a pro.

If his piece of shit father ever found out, he'd have me in chains in a dungeon to rot. Not because he was worried about his son, just revenge for threatening him.

We sat under our blanket and held each other's dicks. It wasn't long before we were both ready to go again. I'm not sure who started it, but we found ourselves stroking each other again.

Chase suddenly stopped and pushed the blanket down. He pulled my hand away and moved my arm around his shoulders, and leaned down. Resting his head on my abs, he stroked my cock straight up and down. He studied the whole thing like it was a new toy. I guess it was actually. He was playing with it after all.

Soon he began stroking more purposefully, with an endgame in mind. It was clear he wanted me to cum, and I was more than ready to comply.

"You better move," I warned him. He was barely out of the line of fire when I erupted all over my stomach and chest.

He cleaned me up with the towel again, and I said "My turn."

I pushed him down on the sofa, and got on the floor on my knees. He lay back and let me play.

I ran my hand down his supremely beautiful body, stopping to tweak his dime size pink nipples. I wanted to lick his smooth flat tummy and let my tongue linger in his navel. His pale, childlike pubis, ended in the smattering of hair just at the base of his cock.

His cock was just over five inches [13 cm] long and an inch and a half [4 cm] wide. I'm sure it would grow to be quite a specimen. His balls fascinated me for some reason. Not a hair on his sack, but the balls were mature enough, obviously, to be productive. I fondled them and watched the sack tighten up at my touch. His legs were thin, yet muscular. I had to resist licking this adorable creature from head to foot, especially his balls and cock.

I grabbed his cock in my right hand and lifted it from his belly. My left hand rubbed lightly up and down his belly and chest, as I began my manipulations to his wonderful cock.

Chase closed his eyes and relaxed into his own world. I wanted to make this last, but I also wanted to make him cum. I needed to see him spurt his essence. I started slow and gained momentum. Chase grasped my left hand in both of his, and drew it to his chest, hugging my hand in a more emotional way than just the physical contact. He needed emotional love as well as sexual. He was starved for it.

I leaned down and kissed his belly. He clutched my hand tighter. I couldn't resist any longer and licked the sensitive area between his hip bone and his cock.

Chase began thrusting his hips slightly, moving with my stimulating hand. He was working toward his release, giving light moans as he thrust.

"Uh 3; Uh 3; Uh"

Then his belly tightened, he raised his head, squeezed my hand hard, and blew like Mount St. Helen. Explosively.

Chase collapsed back on the sofa, completely wrecked. His cum splattered his belly, and the last of it ran down my fingers. After letting him come down, I relinquished my hold on his cock.

I stood and went to the kitchen for a bottle of water. Reaching into the fridge for the water, I saw Chase's cum on my fingers. Again, I couldn't resist temptation, and licked it off my hand. I had tasted my own out of curiosity a long time ago, but his was much sweeter. Or maybe it was just because it was his. Either way, I hoped I would get to taste it again.

Chase was still comatose when I returned with the water. "Are you okay?" I asked.

"No. I'm great," he said smiling. "That was awesome."

"I'm glad you liked it. I did too."

Before he left, I gave Chase a spare key to my apartment. "I don't want you to be in a position that is dangerous to your health. Either from physical threat or weather or whatever. You come here anytime you need to."


Thursday, I arrived home to find Chase waiting for me.

"I hope you don't mind, I let myself in," he said from under the blanket.

"No, I don't mind. You're welcome anytime. Do you like Chinese?"

We sat at the table with our Chinese delivery. I showed him how to use chopsticks. He got a kick out of that. I loved hearing him laughing for a change. He has an adorable laugh.

"Can we watch a movie?" he asked as we finished.

We got under the blanket, and of course my hand was placed between his legs. I noticed two things pretty quickly. The first was he was still wearing the same shorts as before. The second was that he got hard as soon as my hand arrived at his crotch.

"Chase, how long have you been wearing those shorts?" I didn't want to embarrass him, but I hadn't seen him in anything else.

"I don't know. Awhile I guess. I don't have anything else that still fits."

I wouldn't say those shorts 'fit' him. They were very tight, and passed replacement time.

"Take them off."

"Okay," he said smiling.

He stood and peeled them off. He didn't have on underwear, and his beautiful cock sprang up stone hard.

"The shirt too," I instructed.

He removed the shirt and stood in front of me, as if for inspection. I would have liked to indulge him, but I had other things on my mind. I took his clothes and went to my bedroom and got my own laundry basket, and left.

The communal laundry room for the apartment complex was empty. I placed my things in the machine, and decided to check the pockets of his shorts before adding them. I found two pennies and the key to my apartment, in his front pocket.

It struck me, that this was all he had to hold dear to him. Two fucking pennies and my key. He didn't even have underwear. The shirt was some concert shirt, for a band he probably never heard of. The shorts were worn out, almost thread bare in the seat. His father probably got them at a thrift store.

Tears were in my eyes as I put them in the machine, and stuck quarters in the slots. His dad could spend money on cigarettes, booze, and broads, but not bother to buy his kids some clothes. I wanted to kill the bastard. Had he been standing there, I might not have resisted that temptation.

I finished the laundry before returning to the apartment. I didn't want to give Chase the impression that I got him naked so I could take advantage of him. Although I didn't think that would be a problem, he was too happy when I told him to get undressed.

I opened the apartment door and a naked Chase ran and jumped into my arms. "Where did you go?" Fortunately it was too hot for people to be hanging around outside, and no one saw him naked and in my apartment.

My left hand held the basket, I caught him with my right arm as his legs wrapped around me. My right hand held his bubble butt.

"To do laundry. That's what one does when one leaves with a laundry basket."

"I'm sorry. You told me to get naked, then just walked out with my clothes. I was scared."

It was the first time I saw him naked and not erect. He was just as beautiful.

"I'm sorry I scared you. But your clothes needed washing. Besides, if you greet me like that all the time, I just may keep you naked."

I got a big smile for that. "You like me naked?"

"I love you naked." Damn, did I just say that.

"Do you really?"

"Yes, I really do."

"Can we watch that movie now?"

"Okay. We have that ice cream, would you like some while we watch?"


We went into the kitchen, his now erect cock leading the way. I had trouble concentrating on something as simple as dishing out ice cream, while he paraded around nude and hard.

I carried the bowls of ice cream and he went to the sofa and got the blanket ready. I sat down and waited for him to cover us, but he didn't.

"If I'm naked, shouldn't you be too?" he questioned.

I sat the bowls on the side table, kicked off my shoes and socks. Then decided to make a show of it. I unbuttoned my shirt and peeled it off, and dropped it in his lap. I unsnapped my jeans, then took his hand and placed it on my stomach, slowly dragging it down to my zipper. He got the hint and unzipped me.

I was wearing white briefs, so I turned my back to him and dragged my jeans down, showing him my ass in my briefs. I was fully erect, but I made him wait to see it. Still facing away, I tugged the back of my briefs down to just below my butt cheeks. Then jerked them back up. I turned to face him with both hands covering my cock. I separated my hands, slowly running my fingers along the length accentuating the size and shape of my cock in the material. Then pulled the waistband away from my body, but not down. I leaned my groin toward him, and he grasped the waistband, and pulled it down, freeing my cock.

He grasped my cock in one hand and then wiggled his finger at me to lean down, so I did. I thought he was going to kiss me. Or maybe I hoped he would, instead he whispered in my ear.

"Our ice cream is melting."

The little shit was a bigger tease than I, in just one move. Talk about deflating my ego. I plopped down on the sofa beside him and reached for the bowls.

We ate the ice cream quickly before it melted completely, setting the bowls aside.

Chase said "Now I'm cold." And he climb into my lap, with one knee on either side of my legs, and tucked the blanket up around our necks.

"Hold me." Was all he needed to say and I wrapped my arms around him and drew him close. His chest to mine, his head on my shoulder. I could feel his hard cock at my belly, and realized that mine was at his rear door.

We stayed like this a torturous eternity. With him balancing on my cock like a flagpole sitter.

I couldn't take any more and finally said "Weren't we supposed to be watching a movie?"

"Were we? I don't remember that," he said, and wiggled his butt on my cock.

"Chase, you're driving me crazy," I told him as I pulled him off me.

"Is that bad? I want to make you happy, like you do me," he said looking at me sadly.

"You make me very happy. But you're not ready for what I'm thinking of right now."

"Can I 3; "

"Shh," I said as I laid him on the sofa. I pulled the blanket over my head and up to his neck. My hands slid down his body to his cock, lifting it from his belly and engulfing it in my mouth. I wish I could have seen the expression on his face as I pleasured him. But somehow keeping it under the blanket seemed right to me. I was giving him the affection and pleasure he deserved, giving myself the thrill of servicing this magnificent boy. I could feel his response as I brought him, never before felt, sensations. His undulating hips told me of his enjoyment. His moans expressing his delight. I didn't need to see, all the signs were there, all leading to his orgasmic release. In the dark cover of the blanket, my own senses were heightened, and I realized I wanted nothing more in life than to make this boy happy. His essence flowing into my mouth was all the encouragement I needed.

When he had calmed down, I crawled up his body and out from under the blanket. He wrapped himself around me like some kind of monkey. Legs around my waist, arms around my chest, face planted in my neck.

"I love you Mike," he whispered

"I love you too, Beautiful."


The next day at work, I called my mother. We had a long chat, and I felt better after it.

Opening my apartment door, brought new life to me, as Chase jumped into my arms again. It also brought new life to my cock. Chase was nude, and I had a hand on each glorious globe of his butt. I didn't hesitate to take him to the sofa, and immediately swallow his cock. This time I watched every nuance in his face as he went from surprise, to wonderment, to orgasm.

"I was right, I should just keep you naked," I said after I swallowed his cum."

"If you keep doing that, I won't mind never wearing clothes," Chase replied breathlessly.

"I bought you a gift, but I don't want to give it to you now," I told him.

"You bought me something? Really?"

The surprise in his voice that someone actually cared enough to give him something was sad. I have to do something about that.

"It's not much," I said and handed him the bag.

Inside were three pairs of shorts, and some underwear.

"I got the same color as your old ones so maybe your dad won't notice they're different. You can't go around in the same clothes everyday. I will wash them for you."

Chase started crying. It tore me up. "Baby, please don't cry. If you don't like them I will take them back."

"No! I love them. It's just 3; Well, 3; You do so much for me 3; "

"You do a lot for me too," I said, as I placed my fingers under his chin, drawing his face up for me to see those wonderful eyes.

He sniffled a bit then said "What? I don't do anything except mooch off of you. You feed me most days. You washed my clothes. You kept my dad from beating me. You even su 3;. Well, you know 3; I don't do anything for you."

"I enjoy every second I spend with you. You give me a reason to come home at night, just with the hope of seeing you."

"Really? You're not just saying that cause I'm a cry baby."

"No. I really mean it. I love every second with you."

"Why did you say you didn't want to give it to me?"

"Because I like you naked 3; now you have more clothes, I might not get to see you that way," I said with a lecherous grin.

He climbed into my lap, wiggled his ass against my aching to be released cock, and said "I'll be naked for you anytime you want. No matter how much clothes I have."

Then he kissed me on the lips. The best kiss I have ever had. More sensual and loving than I could imagine ever receiving from a woman. Then it changed into something else. Desire, want. I could feel it in him. He wanted me, and that is very attractive to me.

"Actually, I do have something for you too," he said as we broke the kiss.

"That kiss was more than enough, but what is it?"

"This," he answered, and wiggled his butt on my erection.

"I love you being naked for me. Thanks."

"No silly. This morning dad told me he was going to be gone till Sunday night. So I got on his computer after he left and did some research."

"Okay 3;?"

"I found out what I needed to do 3; And I got prepared," he said smiling at me.

"Prepared?" Okay call me thick, but I really had no clue.

He looked at me expectantly, and when I still didn't respond, he said "You know 3;" and wiggled his butt on me again.

Finally the lights went on in my head. "Oh 3; Jesus. Really? Are you sure you want 3;"

"I'm sure. You want to, don't you?" he asked kind of hurt.

"Well, yes, I do. But 3; I mean 3; It's gonna hurt, and I don't want to hurt you."

"I told you 3;. I prepared 3; I did what I needed to do, and we have all weekend."

It just hit me that he said his dad would be gone till Sunday night. This was only Friday afternoon. I will get to be with him for two whole days.

I smiled at him. "If you are really sure, but we will need some lu 3;"

"It's in the bedroom. I got olive oil from your kitchen," he said smiling.

"You really are prepared. Why?"

"I 3; Well, like I said, you do so much for me."

"You don't have to repay me this way. I did it because I wanted to. I will still help you, even without you doing that."

"I want to. I 3; I love you. I want you to 3; do it to me. For both of us."

Who could say no to that? Not me. Not to him. I believed he really did want me. He wasn't doing it out of obligation.

"Let me get a shower," I said putting his butt on the sofa.

I had barely got in when he joined me. God he is so beautiful. He should be the model for someone sculpting the epitome of a perfect boy. I couldn't concentrate on my shower. We were holding each other under the spray, our bodies rubbing together, I couldn't get close enough to him. I wanted to crawl inside and be a part of him forever.

"Please?" He said after a few minutes.

"Please what, baby?" I said as I held him to me.

"Please take me to bed," he answered hoarsely.

After drying off, we went to the bedroom. I pulled the covers back and Chase ran into the living room and returned with our blanket. "I love this blanket. I want it with us," I am glad he thought of it.

He did have the olive oil ready on the bedside table. I oiled my fingers in order to build up to the real thing. I was using one finger on him when he said "I really did prepare for this. I used two different size candles and even a shampoo bottle. Please don't make me wait any longer."

"A shampoo bottle?"

"You're pretty thick. It was the closest thing I had."

He really did prepare. He was even clean inside. You gotta love a kid like this. The more I thought about it, the more touched I was. He must have spent the whole day researching and preparing for his chance to please me.

I got between his legs and he raised his knees in offering. I lined up and added a little pressure. Chase opened his arms inviting me in, so I leaned down to him. His arms went around my neck, and his lips found mine, just as the head of my cock pushed past his muscle.

"Ummm," he moaned into my mouth. He didn't try to pull away or complain.

I continued deeper a little at a time, and he welcomed it all. Moaning into our embrace as I took him. When I had given it all to him, I broke the kiss.

"Are you okay, Baby?"

"Mm hmm."

I drew back all the way, then slid back in. I repeated this three or four times.

"Do you like it Mike? Am I good for you?"

"It's great. I've never felt anything better."

After a few more slow strokes, I picked up the pace some.

"Oh 3; man 3; Mike. That feels good. I didn't know I would like it so much."

So I picked up the pace some more. He locked lips with me again and began humping up to me my strokes. Suddenly his legs tightened around me and he let out a groan. His ass clenched me tighter, and I felt his cock pulse out his load between our bellies.

He relaxed after a minute. "Oh God. Mike. You made me cum."

"So I noticed," I said with a laugh.

"I didn't know that could happen," he said in shock. "Did you cum?"

"No. Do you want me to stop?"

"No. I want you to cum in me 3; I want to make you feel good too." And he started thrusting up at me.

I started slowly again, but quickly built up, and I was giving him very long and deep strokes.

"Oh 3; Mike 3; so good 3; so good."

I was getting close so I started to really pour it on.

"Oh God 3; I'm gonna cum again."

That did me in. When his ass tightened around me, I blew inside him.

He knew it too. He kissed me then buried his face in my neck.

He finally relaxed, collapsing on the bed. Arms and legs spread out like a dead frog. He lay motionless, as I brushed his hair from his face.

"Thank you, Baby. That was the most wonderful gift anyone has ever given me."

"Was it, Mike? Was I good for you?"

"Very. You made me very happy and proud."

His face lit up and he hugged and kissed me again.

"Do you think you can do it again?" he asked after a moment.

Music to my ears.

After round two, I realized we hadn't eaten. "What would you like for dinner?" I asked Chase.

"More of this," he said stroking my cock. Shit, I had created a monster.

"We have to eat, or we won't be able to do that much more."

"But I want to stay in bed with you."

What an angel.

"How about I order a pizza?"

He smiled and nodded real big.

We were fooling around on the sofa when the pizza came. We both went to the door and I cracked it open. Chase hid behind it.

"That'll be eighteen fifty," the probably seventeen year old said.

"Shit, forgot the money. Hold on a sec," I said

I grabbed my pants off the floor and fished around in my wallet. I pulled out twenty five dollars and turned back to the door. The door had slowly swung open and the kid was staring at my hard cock. I thought 'What the hell.' and just strolled casually back to the open door.

"I only have one more delivery to make. I can come back and take care of that for you," he said when I handed him the money.

Chase suddenly appeared from behind the door. "He's mine asshole, so back off ! "

The kid went ashen for a moment. Then looked us both up and down, smiled, nodded and walked away.

I had never seen Chase angry before.

We were laughing about it a minute later. "You were like a bulldog, I thought you were gonna bite his leg or something," I said to Chase.

"Did you see the look in his eyes when he saw us both naked and hard?"

"Yeah but it wasn't as funny as the look on his face when he thought you were gonna bite him."

We were laughing so hard we couldn't chew our pizza.

After round three, we cuddled under our blanket in front of the tv. I don't even know what was on. I was just into being with Chase.

"Do you love your dad?" I asked him

"Well, he's my dad."

"But do you love him?"

"I want to. But he doesn't like me very much. I try to be good, and not cause trouble or get in his way. Still, he just seems to hate me. Do all parents hate their kids?"

I picked him up and set him on the sofa. I went to the bathroom as quick as I could. Then I broke down crying. The bastard. His own son feels like he hates him. Chase has grown up carrying that weight on his shoulders.

I gathered myself together and went back to the living room. "Are you ready to go to bed?"

Chase pulled the blanket back to reveal his renewed erection.

"To sleep, Chase. To sleep," I said smiling.

"I don't have to sleep on the couch? I can sleep with you?"

I picked him up "I wouldn't have it any other way," I said with a kiss.

We had just settled in bed, with him spooned in front of me, when he jumped up and ran to the living room. I watched his beautiful ass disappear, then he returned, dragging our blanket. He spread it out on the bed then climbed back in. "Next to you, this is my favorite thing in the world," he said as he pulled it up to our necks. Then he scooted his ass back into me.


My phone woke us Saturday morning.

"Hi, Mom," I answered. Chase ducked under the blanket like he was afraid to be seen by my mother.

"Sure, we can do that. What time? No problem. Love you too, Mom."

I ducked my head under the blanket too. "She's gone. You can come out now." Then I changed my mind and went for his dick.

"Do you want to put it in me?" Chase asked.

"You took care of me yesterday. It's my turn to take care of you," I said and went back to sucking him.

I was totally content holding him in my arms beneath our warm blanket. I noticed the sun streaming through the window. "We have to get up little one."

"Why? I like it here with you."

"We're meeting my mother for dinner."

"We are? But it's not dinner time."

"No, but we have to get you something to wear. Her club doesn't allow shorts."

We arrived five minutes early, of course my mother was fifteen minutes early. She always is.

"Hi, Mom," I said giving her a kiss on the cheek. "This is Chase. Chase, this is my mother Elizabeth Cunningham."

Chase took her proffered hand, "Very nice to meet you, Mrs. Cunningham."

"Please, Mrs. Cunningham is much too formal. Call me 3; What should he call me dear?"

After a moment I said "How about Grandma?"

Chase laughed. "I don't think that would be okay with your mother, Mike. That would make her seem much older than she is."

"I like the way this boy thinks," mother said smiling at the compliment. "I would be honored if you would call me Grandma. I took the liberty of ordering you cocktails."

Chase looked frightened at that. "A Roy Rogers," I said.

He whispered "What's a Roy Rogers?"

"Just Coke with pomegranate syrup and a cherry," I explained.

He let out a sigh of relief. I guess he afraid I was going to get drunk like his dad. Mother did have a cocktail, and Chase seemed amazed that she only had one.

Chase was superb. His table manners, impeccable. Though he didn't know which fork to use, he waited to see what I used. Mother watched him like a hawk, though only I would know she was. She appraised every move, every syllable he spoke, even his rapport with me.

Between dinner and dessert, Mother said "So, Chase, what do you know about my son's job?"

"I know he does some kind of construction work, and he gets home very tired. But you know, he still manages to spend some time with me. That's really nice. He never says 'I'm too tired' or 'Maybe later'. That means a lot to me."

I could see Mom tearing up a bit. "Did Michael tell you to say that?"

"Who 3; oh Mike. Why? Doesn't he do construction?"

"Well, yes sort of, but I meant the rest of it 3; never mind. What else do you know about Mike?"

"Well, let's see 3; Uh. He's really strong, he can pick me up with one hand. He's a good cook. He's very protective of me. I like that. Oh, and he loves the blanket his grandmother made for him. I do too. Umm 3; "

The waiter served our dessert then, giving Chase a reprieve from Mom's interrogation. By the end of dinner, Chase had won her heart as well as mine.

She gave him a huge hug. "Michael, he is absolutely precious, and beautiful, and quite refreshing to talk to."

"You're preaching to the choir, Mom," I said giving her a knowing smile.

"That may well be, but you must bring him by the house sometime."

Driving home, Chase said "I like your mom."

"And she loved you."

"Do you really think so?"

"Yep. Did you see the way she hugged you. For her that was huge. She's not the demonstrative type."

We were in the shower later when I asked Chase "Would you do something for me?"

"Sure, Mike. Anything?"

"Will you put this beautiful piece of equipment in me," I said tugging on his cock.


So here's the thing. I'm a big guy. He's just a kid. I have a large cock. His is smaller, but not small. He was smart enough to prepare. I'm a dumbass that thought 'Oh, it won't hurt.' Wrong. I have a new respect for that kid. I plowed him for hours the day before and he took it without complaint. I wanted to cry like a baby. I didn't, because I didn't want him to know he was hurting me. And once we got going, I loved the hell out of it.


My phone woke us again on Sunday. "Hi, Mom. Really? Great. Does that mean I can't 3; Okay, I promise. But I really want 3; Yes ma'am. Yeah, he's uh right here. Yes. Hold on. Chase, my mother wants to speak to you."

Chase took the phone "Hi G.Mom. I don't know, it just sounded better that grandma. Yes, I would like that very much, but I don't know if I can. Hasn't told me what? Okay I'll ask him. What? Uh 3; yes, it kinda looks like Texas. It was nice talking to you, too. Bye."

"G.Mom?" I asked

"I just came up with it. She liked it though."

"What else did she say?

"She invited me over. I told her I didn't know if I could."

"What was that about Texas?"

Chase grinned "She asked me if you still have that birthmark on your butt. I told her it looks like Texas, she agreed."

"I don't have a birthmark on my butt," I argued.

Chase got up and grabbed the mirror off the dresser. He rolled me onto my side and held the mirror so that I could see my butt.

"Son of a bitch. I didn't know that was there. Why would she ask about that?"

"So that she would know if I had seen you naked, of course," Chase said as if it were obvious.

"Son of a bitch. She is a tricky one."

"Was it bad that I didn't deny seeing it?"

"No. I'm sure she knows about us."

Just then there was a knock at the door.

"Shit. He's here already," I said, scrambling for my clothes.

"My Dad!!?"

"No 3; A messenger from G.Mom."

"Shit, Mike. You scared me."

"Remind me to wash your mouth out with soap," I said kissing his forehead.

"If you do, I'll blow bubbles out of my butt. Course, now they would probably be big bubbles."

I laughed all the way to the door. The messenger handed me the package and I thanked him, shutting the door behind him. I opened the package and took out a stack of documents and a set of keys. I signed the documents in all the places marked with the sticky plastic arrows.

I looked at Chase who was standing in the bedroom door. "Why isn't your beautiful butt dressed?"

"Because I was hoping we were going back to bed."

"Nope. Got things to do."


I pulled the mustang into the driveway of a sprawling ranch style house.

"Does G.Mom live here?"


"Who does?"

"No one yet. Do you like it?

"It's great, but should we be here?"

"Come on. Let's look at the inside."

It is 4000 square feet [370 m2], three bedrooms, four baths, nicely furnished, with a pool.

"This isn't your mother's house?" Chase asked again.

"No, but she did decorate it. She picked this house out for me just before I got out of the Marines. Do you like it?"

"I love it. Why don't you live here?"

"I really didn't need anything like this. The apartment was fine for just me. Now I will show you where G.Mom lives. Hey, that name is really catchy."

Chase beamed at that.

Fifteen minutes later I parked on a hillside. "See that?" I said pointing into the distance.

"Yeah, what is that? A hotel?"

"No. That's where G.Mom lives."

"Jesus Christ. No wonder she could afford to buy you that house."

"I didn't say she bought that house. I said she picked it out. Here's my whole story in a nutshell.

"My grandfather on my father's side, owned, among other things, a construction company. My father died when I was very young, so my mother took over my grandfather's businesses when he retired."

"So you work for your mother now."

"Not exactly. You see, my sister is married to a real asshole, and my grandfather hated him. So do I. When my grandfather died, he left everything to me. All his businesses, that house, everything. My mother lives there along with my sister, her husband and their two daughters. I don't like my sister's husband, but I wasn't going to throw my mother out of her home because of him.

"So when I was due to get out of the marines, she picked out that other house for me. I didn't need anything like that till now, so I just lived in the apartment," I explained.

"You're telling me that you own that huge mansion, and that other beautiful house, you're rich, and your mother works for you, not the other way around. Yet you live in that dump of an apartment? Are you nuts?" He all but yelled.

"Some people would say so. But if I didn't live there, I never would have met you."

"That's true. Thank you for being nuts," he said and leaned in and kissed me. "So, rich man poor man, can you afford to buy me a burger? I'm starved, and my dad will be home soon."

I chuckled "Yes, I can afford a burger, as long as it's a cheap burger. But I have to tell you something else. Promise me you won't be angry with me."

"Okay 3; I promise."

"The things your father says and does to you is wrong. I couldn't stand to see you mistreated."

Chase interrupted "Thanks Mike, I see it now, that's why I like being with you. You make it easier to deal with the bad stuff."

"Please, let me finish. So I told my mother about you."

"Did you tell her we 3; you know 3; do stuff?

"No. But this is going to take all day if you keep interrupting me."

"Sorry, Mike."

"So I told my mom about you, and how bad your father treats you. We did some research, and your mother didn't just leave. She died four years ago. Your father was of course a suspect, but no one could prove anything."

Tears trickled down Chase's cheeks, but he didn't make a sound.

"I'm sorry I had to tell you that. Baby," I said taking him in my arms as best I could with the mustang's console between us.

When he was calmer, I continued. "I couldn't just stand by and watch him mistreat you, and maybe worse, so I did something that you may be mad at me about."

He looked at me questioningly. "A couple of our friends convinced your father that it would be better for his health if he signed custody over to me, and he was given a cash incentive to leave town."

"What? I don't understand."

"He signed over custody of you to me, and left town.

"He sold me?"

"No 3; he took the money to disappear."

"How much?"

"It doesn't matter."

"How much did I cost?"

"One hundred."

"He sold me for a hundred dollars?"

"One hundred thousand. He's never to contact you in any way, or else."

"One 3; A hundred 3; Thousand? You paid a hundred thousand for me?"

"It was G.Mom's idea to pay him off. I wanted to kill him real slowly."

"It may have been her idea, but it was your money," he said accusingly.

He sat quietly as we drove to the burger stand, then back to the apartment. I could see his mind working, as we ate in silence. Every once in awhile a tear would run down his cheek. It tore me up inside to think I had caused him this pain.

"Please, Baby. Talk to me."

"I don't feel like talking right now," Chase answered, then got up from the table. He took the blanket off the sofa, went to the bedroom and closed the door.

Now I was in tears. I called my mom. "Give him some space. He's a smart boy, he just needs to work through this."


Three hours later, Chase opened the bedroom door, and marched right out of the apartment. I say marched, because it wasn't his usual light step. It was determined, and strong. Even his expression was different.

I didn't know what to think and I followed him a few seconds later. Opening the front door, I saw him over the railing, marching across the courtyard. I assumed he was going to his apartment.

Should I follow him? Was he leaving me? Maybe I should beg his forgiveness. Mom said to give him space. She's usually right. I returned to the living room and sat down.

Thirty minutes later, Chase comes in carrying a shoebox. He turns to me and says "Burn everything left in that apartment." Then he slams the bedroom door behind him.

The tone of his voice, pure acid. The look on his face, I didn't recognize.

At six o'clock he comes out and hands me an envelope. "Will you take this to G.Mom?"


"Yes, now. Don't worry, I'm not going to do anything stupid."

Mom opened the note and read it.

Dear G.Mom.

Even though I didn't know about it at the time, I want to thank you for helping with my situation. You probably kept Mike from going to prison. He's pretty protective of me. You should have seen him stand up to my dad that day in the parking lot. Something I never had the courage to do.

I also want to thank you for Mike. I know he's the wonderful person he is because of you. I've never had many friends, actually none, but I could not ask for a better friend than Mike. He's kind and gentle and generous. He helped me when no one else would.

I've learned a lot from Mike. I learned you can love someone without hurting them. I learned that being nice does not mean you're weak. And I learned that I am not worthless, in fact, I'm pretty special to some people. So thank you for being his mother and raising the greatest guy I know.

I hope I didn't mess this up too much. I also hope you and I can be good friends some day. I know we both love Mike, so that should bring us closer together.


There were tears in her eyes when she finished reading. Handing it to me, she looked straight at me and said "If you ever hurt that angel, I'll disown you. And if you don't spend every day making him happy, I'll make you wish you had. Go home. Hug and kiss him every chance you get. You both need it."

I read the note. "Don't worry G.Mom. That's exactly what I plan to do."

When I returned to the apartment, Chase was waiting for me under the blanket.

"We have to talk," Chase said.

"Baby, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you or upset you."

"I'm not angry at you. I'm angry at myself. I tried so hard to get that monster to like me. Then he sells me to the highest bidder."

"It wasn't like that," I started.

"You know what I mean. Besides, you paid too much. You probably could have gotten me for ten thousand."

"I would have paid a million."

"Now I know you're crazy. I'm not worth ten thousand much less a million dollars."

"Actually, as of tomorrow, when the paperwork is filed, you'll be worth just north of four hundred million."

He was in total shock. His mouth agape, his eyes wide. I smiled and nodded at him.

"You have four hundred million dollars?"

"We have. You and I. And I promise to make you happy if it takes every dime."

"Oh Mike, you make me very happy," he hugged me and whispered in my ear "Did you know I'm naked under this blanket? Naked and prepared. So why don't you get naked too."

"I was hoping you would say that," I was stripped and under the blanket in seconds.

"Are you my dad now?" Chase asked.

"No, just your legal guardian."

"Good. I'd feel funny asking my dad to fuck me."

"Did you say the f word young man?" I asked in my best angry parent voice, as I slid my cock into him.

"If this is my punishment, I'll say it again. Please fuck me Mike."

There's something special about cuddling with him. He is so affectionate and open. Yet vulnerable. I want to squeeze him tight and protect him from the world. Our bodies entwine, and it's like the perfect union. Home. Nervana. Utopia. I can't describe it better.

After round two, I told him "We need to get some sleep. We have big day tomorrow."


"The mover's will be here first thing in the morning. Are you sure there isn't anything else in your old apartment that you want to keep? They have instructions to incinerate everything."

"Let it burn," he said coldly.


The mover's were right on time. They began packing stuff and I marked boxes that were to be delivered and what was to be burned with Chase's old stuff. I was only keeping some of my clothes and mementos from the Marines. The house was furnished and the kitchen fully equipped, so I wasn't keeping much.

At one point I heard Chase in the livingroom yell "No!" I ran in and he was taking our blanket from one of the guys. Chase folded it neatly and took it to the Mustang.

The stuff we were keeping was loaded last, so it could be removed and everything else burned.

When we arrived at the new house, my mother and sister were there.

"G.Mom!" Chase yelled as he ran and hugged her.

After a long embrace, Mom said "Chase this is Michael's sister Cynthia. I suppose you will have to come up with a name for her too," she laughed.

"Pleased to meet you. Uh 3; how about Tia. It's similar to the end of your name, and it means aunt in Spanish."

"I like it. It's almost as good as G.Mom. My daughter's have even started calling her that," Tia said with a smile.

"We made a few changes to your bedroom Chase. Tia will you show him," Mom said.

"My room?" Chase asked looking at me in confusion.

I nodded at him and gave my mother a hug. "Thanks for your help, G.Mom. I couldn't have managed without you," I told her while they were gone.

"Mike, you should see my room. It's got a desk and a computer. There's two Beatles posters, one signed by Paul and one signed by John," he gave my mother another hug. "Thanks G.Mom. You're the best. You too, Tia."

"We should run, and give you boys a chance to settle in. But I expect you for dinner tomorrow. Chase must meet the rest of the family," she said to me, raising an eyebrow.

I sighed and nodded. She knows I don't like my brother in law. She also knows that I will do anything for Chase. And after all her help, I couldn't say no.

After everyone had left, Chase sat in my lap. "Are you mad at me?"

"Of course not. Why would you say that?"

"Well, did I do something wrong?"

"No, Baby. Why do you ask?"

"I just 3; well, I thought I would be sleeping with you. But you put me in that room."

"You can sleep wherever you want. We all need our own space sometimes though. You may feel the need to get away from me sometimes, or you may not want to sleep with me forever."

"That will never happen. I like this too much," he said wiggling his ass on my now hard cock.

"We also have to keep up appearances. If you have friends over, you don't want them to know you sleep with me."

"I don't have any friends."

"Tell me. Why do you think you don't have friends?"

"Because I was ashamed and embarrassed. I was afraid they would see how he treats me, or worse, he would be mean to my friends."

"Are you ashamed or embarrassed by me?"

"No. I love you."

"Well there you go. Your life has changed. You can have friends now. You can invite them over and I promise not to hit them more than once each."

He laughed.

"When school starts, you will be in a new school, with a clean slate. The kids will discover just how special you are, like I did. You will make lots of friends, and go to parties, and have sleepovers, and have a normal life."

"Do you really think so?"

"I know it," I assured him.

"What happens on these sleepovers?" he asked with a devilish grin.

"That is up to you. But you should be careful, and not do anything that will come back and bite you in the ass."

"You wouldn't mind if I did things with somebody else?"

"Oh, Baby. Let me make this perfectly clear. I didn't help you so that you would be my very own sex slave. I did it because you are a wonderful person in a bad situation. I love all the things we do together, and I love having you in my bed. But what I want for you, is for you to have a happy, healthy life, without fear of being beaten. If you want to have sex with someone else, that is your business, just be safe. If you don't want sex with me anymore, that is fine too. I will still be here for you and love you and take care of you. Who knows, maybe someday you will meet a girl and there will be a bunch of rugrats running around here calling me G.Dad."

"Are you going to have girlfriends?" he asked a little worried.

"No. I promise no women as long as you live here with me. After you go away to college, maybe."

"How is that fair? I get to do things with others but you don't."

"The difference is, you are just starting your life. You need to experience different things to see what it is that you want from life. I am not going to hold you back from that for my own selfishness. I have had pussy. And I have had the best little boy ass in the world. I've done my experimenting, and I've made choices. You are my number one priority, not chasing pussy."

"You've been with girls? How many?"

"A few. Well, quite a few actually."

"What's it like?"

"Different than what we have. The basics are the same, but the smell is different. Fishier," I chuckled.

"Why didn't you ever marry?"

"Almost did once. Then I came to my senses. Glad I did too. She turned out to be a real shrew. The poor guy she married is totally whipped."

He was quiet for a minute then asked "But I can stay in your room if we don't have company, right?"

"Yes, but I don't think all your clothes will fit in the closet with mine."

"Very funny Mike. You know I don't have any clothes."

I put him off my lap and led him to his room. "Have you looked in here?" I said indicating his closet.


I opened the door to reveal a full closet of the latest styles for boys his age. "You can thank Tia for that. And over here in these drawers are socks underwear tee shirts etc. This is my favorite drawer. I picked these out for you," I showed him the drawer with a little more revealing underwear. Mesh, and sheer boxer briefs even a few thongs. "Shoes are on this shelf. This is empty right now but it's where you put jewelry and cufflinks, tie clips, that sort of thing."

"All 3; all this is mine?" he said with tears forming in his eyes.

"All yours. Anything you don't like we'll take back. Except the sexy undies. I would be embarrassed taking them back."

He was looking through all the clothes. "No. I love it all 3; Even the sexy undies. But I thought you like me naked," he smiled.

"Oh I definitely do. I just don't want your junk to get cold as I'm admiring it. I can still see it in these."

"Maybe I should try them on," he said as he unsnapped his shorts.

"No. Much as I would like to see it, we have errands to run. I'll take a rain check."

"Where are we going?" Chase asked as we drove.

"To get something every boy needs. Wheels."

We went to a bike shop, but they specialized in racing bikes, and Chase didn't want one of those. So we went to a sporting goods store and he found just the perfect bike for him. While he was looking at bikes I called a friend of mine.

I arranged for the bike to be delivered and then we were on the road again. "Now where are we going?" Chase asked when I got on the freeway headed away from our house.

"To get something else every boy needs."

We arrived at Stretch Kennels a few minutes later. Stretch is only five foot three [1.57 m]. So of course in our school days, we named him Stretch. A name he loved and adopted. He's also one of the best trainers around.

"So, Stretch, you got anything for us," I said after introductions were made.

"We'll see," he said, and led us to a field where about fifteen dogs were scampering about. He gave some command and they all immediately came to attention lined up in front of him. Never seen anything like it. They stood, not moving, heads held high.

"Chase I want you to walk down the line and let each of them smell your hand. Then stand over there," he indicated to a few feet from us. "If any of the dogs come up to you, I want you to sit on the ground."

Chase did as Stretch asked. When he had gone down the line, he stood where directed.

Stretch gave another command and the dogs dispersed. Two slowly walk up to Chase, so he sat down and put his hands on his knees. They circled him, investigating him it appeared. One, a beautiful German Shepard, move up behind Chase, then to his left side. He stuck his nose under Chase's hand and pushed it up onto his head. Chase petted him and stroked his back and sides. The dog put his paw on Chase's leg and then licked Chase's face. The other dog moved away then went to play with the others.

"Well, I'll be hanged." Stretch said.

"What?" I asked.

"That there is Diablo. Best young dog I ever worked with."

"Mike 3; I love this dog. I know it will be a problem 3; But could I please 3;" Chase started to say.

"I'll be honest with you Mike. That dog has never taken to anyone but me. I don't sell my dogs to just anybody. I have to know that the dog will respect and respond to a person. Diablo is a great dog, and that is the first time has shown anyone affection. If you want a dog, and a great dog at that. Diablo's yours."

We spent about an hour there with Stretch telling us more about the dog and talking to Chase about his care and basic commands.

"Here is a list of commands and what they mean. This column here is the verbal command, this column is what it means, and this column is the hand signal. For now, I want you to only use the commands on the top half of the page, above this line. I want you to come back when you can spend the entire day, and I will train you and Diablo together, on the other half. Now go over there and practice with him, while I cheat Mike out of some money."

I watched Chase with Diablo while Stretch did some paper work. Diablo was studying Chase. I could see it in his eyes. He was learning about Chase as much as vice versa.

"Mike, this dog is so smart. Watch," Chase said. He made a gesture with his hand and Diablo responded, then another and another.

"By the end of the week, that dog will be reading your mind, You won't have to say anything except to get his attention. And Mike, don't worry about your house. Diablo would bust a gut before doing anything on the floor inside."

Diablo took up most of the back seat as we drove home. "Mike, thank you. I promise to take care of him. I've never had a dog, and always wanted one. He's a great dog too. Did you see what he can do," Chase talked all the way home.

I pulled into the driveway, Chase and Diablo jumped out. Chase took Diablo to the far corner of the property and said something, then the other corner, then around back. I was making a cup of coffee when they came in.

"What was that all about?"

"Stretch said to show Diablo the property lines. He will guard every blade of grass inside the lines," Chase said as he dished up a huge bowl of food for the dog. Stretch had given us a fifty pound bag, and for what that dog cost, it should have been a truckload.

Chase sat on the floor with Diablo while he ate. I took my coffee into the living room.

Boy and dog entered later. Chase climbed onto my lap, and gave me a very sexy kiss. "Now what can I do to show my appreciation for buying me a dog," Chase asked while tapping his finger to his head as if in thought. Then he said "Aha. I got it," he took our blanket off the back of the sofa, and threw it over us. Then he ducked under and I felt his fingers at my zipper. He tugged my pants down and swallowed my cock. At least as much as he could.

I leaned back and watched the blanket bob up and down with his head. He was getting better at that, not that I complained before.


Chase got up early the next day and took Diablo for a walk around the neighborhood. I told him to be sure Diablo was on a leash, if he was leaving our yard, and he did. They returned in time for breakfast.

"Mike, this dog is smarter than most people I know," Chase said. I gave him a dirty look. "Not you of course. I mean 3; well he's real smart."

"Did you have any trouble controlling him on the leash? He's pretty strong."

"No. He just stayed right by my side. I ran, he was there, I stopped, he stopped. He never tugged on the leash at all. Can we take him to the park and play ball?"

"How about a picnic lunch in the park? But I need to run to the store first. Want to come or stay here?"

"Can we take Diablo?"

"Yes." It's like I had boy and dog Siamese twins.

At the store I left the windows down so Diablo wouldn't melt in the heat. He jumped to the front and watched us enter the store. Upon our return, I discovered that the Mustang is too small for a family with a big dog. Dog and passengers and groceries took up the entire space available, including the trunk.

Being a weekday, the park wasn't crowded. Chase threw a ball for Diablo to fetch which he did easily, no matter how far it was thrown. When we sat down to eat, Diablo lay beside us. He didn't beg or anything.

We heard some small yapping dogs, and I looked at Diablo to gage his reaction. He was already aware of them and watched to see if they posed any threat. They broke away from the old lady who had them on leashes. They headed straight for Diablo, yapping like mad. Diablo stood, and I thought I was about to be paying for a couple of dead mutts. He actually gathered their leashes, and pulled them away from us, holding them until the old lady approached.

"Your dog has my babies!" She yelled at me. "Do something 3; He's gonna hurt my babies."

Chase said "Lady, if he was going to hurt them they would already be dead," he gave Diablo a hand signal and Diablo drug the mutts up to the lady and offered her the leashes. She cautiously reached down and took them from his mouth.

She looked at Chase. "What a marvelous animal."

"Yes he is. He wouldn't hurt them unless they attacked us. Or if I told him to. You should consider getting one like him before yours hurts you," he said indicating to the two leashes that were now wound around her legs and the mutts were still yapping away.

"You're right, young man. They tripped me last year, and I broke a hip."

Chase set about untangling the dogs from her and I gave her Stretch's number. "He specializes in security dogs, but he may do service dogs too. If he doesn't, he can lead you in the right direction."

"Service dogs?" She looked at me oddly.

"Well, you aren't getting any younger. There are dogs trained as support and guide dogs. At least get one that could get help for you if you need it. These two, I'm sorry to say, are a menace to you."

On the way home Chase kept saying "My babies! My babies!" and laughing his head off.

We had a couple of hours before we were to get ready to go to G.Mom's for dinner. Chase was horny. What's a man to do? I took him to bed of course.

We were naked, under our blanket, and making out. Diablo lay on the floor next to the bed. When I first popped into Chase's ass, he let out a groan. Diablo was up in a second. I didn't really pay much attention, as you can imagine, I had other things on my mind. I started trusting, Conner wrapped his arms and legs around me. I thrusted harder and deeper, Chase moaned. The next thing I know, I had a dog face in mine. A very unhappy, large, well trained, killer dog, growling in my face. I froze. Chase laughed. Diablo growled more. Chase said something to him and he laid down.

Chase said "You better make me cum, or I'll tell Diablo."

I made him cum three times. Hell, I was afraid not to. Diablo watched every move I made. Afterward, Conner went to the bathroom, and Diablo followed.

He returned and lay down on me. "You've performed admirably, we've decided to let you live."

"You little shit. Send that dog out of here so I can spank your ass."

"You wouldn't do that, because you know I like it too much," Chase laughed. We cuddled and wrestled and cuddled some more.


My brother in law greeted us at the door. "Chase, this is Hank, Tia's husband," I introduced.

"Tia? Who the hell is Tia?" Hank responded.

"That's Chase's nickname for Cynthia," I explained.

"My nickname for her is slut. But, hey, to each his own," he laughed. Chase nor I thought it funny in the least.

"Come on in. Mi casa es su casa," Hank said stepping aside.

"Su casa?" Chase asked as we entered. I put my hand on his shoulder and gave it a squeeze.

Fortunately my nieces look like their mother. Emily, at twelve, is the oldest. Beautiful girl, just on the cusp of puberty. Her budding breasts noticeable under her light sundress. She's always quiet, and rather clumsy.

Beth is a year younger, bubbly, and precocious. She always seems to be doing something inappropriate.

The nieces latched onto Chase and dragged him outside. Diablo was right behind, keeping an eye on the two new possible threats.

"Where'd you pick up that mutt?" Hank asked

"That mutt costs more than you earned last year. And if I were you, I'd be very careful not to move too quickly around him," I warned him.

"As long as he doesn't shit on the floor, I'm fine," Hank said

"You're more likely to than he is," I remarked.

"Michael 3; Let's all get along, okay?" Mom intervened.

When dinner was served, Bertha, the rather large but wonderful cook, called the kids in too.

Emily sat down, and Hank yelled at her, "Idiot Em, you're in my seat again."

She moved over by Chase, and hung her head.

"I don't know about that one. I think maybe I should get a DNA test." Hank again being an asshole. I glanced at Cynthia who did not look happy.

Halfway through dinner Emily reached for her iced tea, and knocked it over.

"Stupid klutz. What is your malfunction?" her father quipped.

I was about to blow a gasket, when Chase did instead.

"Maybe if you would stop calling her stupid, she wouldn't do those things. Did you ever think of that, birdbrain?"

"Why you little 3;" Hank stood yelling at Chase.

Diablo let out a single warning bark.

"I wouldn't if I were you," Chase said calmly as he helped mop up the mess Emily had made.

"I'm not scared of your fucking puppy," Hank laughed.

"You should be," Chase replied.

I didn't see a signal, I only saw Diablo make eye contact with Chase. It took all of five seconds for Diablo to have Hank on the ground and stand on his chest. His teeth were bared, and I just know he wanted to rip Hank's face off.

The women seemed stuck between shock and laughter.

"N 3; N 3; Nice doggie 3; get him off me 3; good puppy," Hank begged.

"I think you owe Emily an apology," Chase said to my terrified brother in law.

"What? 3; I ain't apologizing."

"My fucking puppy will stay as long as I like. Let me get you some more tea Em," Chase said and left the room. Diablo remained on Hank. When Hank tried to move, Diablo snarled at him.

"Michael, do something," Cynthia said.

"Okay." And I picked up my fork and returned to my dinner.

Chase returned with a fresh glass of iced tea for Emily, and sat down. "G.Mom. I'm sorry to have disturbed your dinner, But that asshole needs to be taken down a peg or two. My father started out the same way. Talking mean. Wasn't long til he was hitting too. These girls don't deserve that treatment. Nobody does."

The nieces, Chase, and I, just quietly ate our dinner. Only Tia and G.Mom seemed concerned about Hank.

"When you apologize I'll call him off."

"Okay. I'm sorry."

"Not good enough. It's Emily that you should apologize to."

"I'm sorry Emily 3; I shouldn't have called you stupid."

"Diablo," Chase said quietly.

The dog retreated from his threatening posture, and went to lay beside Chase.

"What do you think of my mutt now?" I asked Hank.

"I don't have to listen 3;"

"Sit down Hank," G.Mom said sternly.

We finished our meal in silence. Afterward the girls took Chase and showed him around the house. Hank stormed off somewhere.

"Mother, I love you, but that man is horrid. I will not subject Chase to his abuse. I hope you will understand. You and the girls are welcome to come over anytime, but we won't be returning here," I said to her as we sat, uncomfortably pretending nothing was wrong.

"I know you're right, Michael. But what am I supposed to do. I can't throw my daughter and grandchildren out in the streets."

"Talk to Tia. Even Chase knows he's an ass. Surely she must be able see it." Again we fell silent.

An hour later Chase and the girls appeared and I couldn't wait to get out of there.

"Thanks for dinner, G.Mom," Chase said. She hugged him, and I saw him whisper in her ear. She drew away and looked at him in the eyes. He nodded, and turned away.

We hadn't driven a mile when my phone rang. "Hi G.Mom. Long time now see," I quipped. "Hold on a sec. Chase, she wants to talk to you."

"HI, G.Mom. Yes, I wouldn't have said it, if it wasn't. Both. Absolutely positive. Oh, by the way. I'm sorry I misbehaved during dinner. I just couldn't stand the way he was talking to her. I love you too, G.Mom. Bye."

"What was that all about?" I asked him.

"I suspect Hank will be getting a visit from the same 'friends' that visited my dad."

"Oh? Why is that?"

"Well, when we went outside, the girls started doing cartwheels. I thought it odd that they would do that while wearing dresses. I mean, they had to know they were showing me their panties.

"Then after what happened at dinner, they kept smiling at me. You know, kinda dreamily. Especially Emily. Like I was her hero or something."

"I think you were, too," I said smiling at him.

"So then, after they showed me around that huge house, Emily went to her room, and Beth took me to hers. I had seen them whispering between themselves during the tour, but I just figured it was girl stuff 3; She sat on the bed and said 'Want to see my pussy?', just like that."

"What? Really?"

"Yep. I really didn't want to. I hesitated and she said 'It's okay. Daddy says all boys want to see pussy.' I thought, she's right. What boy my age is going to turn down the chance to look at a pussy? I mean it would be suspicious if I didn't at least look. Right?"

"Yeah, go on. Then what happened?"

"She took off her panties and sat cross legged on the bed. Her pussy was right in front of me. So I'm looking, and she says 'You can touch it. Daddy likes to touch it.' I tried not to looked shocked, and I asked her 'Your dad touches your pussy?' sort of off handed like I really didn't care."

"That son of a bitch!" I pulled the car to the side of the road. "Are you absolutely sure?"

"Yeah, but you haven't heard the rest. She says 'He just rubs it. He told me he's gonna fuck it on my twelfth birthday, just like he did Em.' Can you believe that?"

"What else did she say?"

"She took my hand and placed it on her pussy. She said 'Emily doesn't think you will want her, but you can have me. I'll let you do it before Daddy does. He's mean. Go ahead, put your finger in it.' Just like that. So I slide my finger in and out of her a few times, and she says 'I bet you wish that was your thingy going in there. Take off your pants if you want to do it.' just that casually."

"You didn't, did you?" I asked in hope.

"Nah. I told her we might get caught. Maybe another time. Can we go home now? I need to wash my hands," he said sticking his finger up to my nose. I recognized the scent immediately.

When we got home, Chase went straight to the bathroom, and I called my mother.

"Mom, what do you plan to do about this? Yes, he told me. Of course I believe him. Well, he told me the whole story in detail, it sounded real to me. Ok, just a minute. Chase, come here a minute. Now tell her just what you told me."

"I can't say those words to G.Mom," he argued.

"She's a big girl, she can handle it."

Chase told his story to her exactly as he told me, hesitating slightly before saying pussy. Then apologizing for saying it.

"I think she believes me now," Chase said after their conversation.

We showered and sat in the livingroom, under our blanket. "Why are some people so mean? He fucked his twelve year old daughter," Chase remarked.

"Do you think I'm mean? I'm having sex with you, and you're only thirteen."

"First of all, I'm not your son. Secondly, I had to practically beg you to do it. Third, girls are different. Boys are looking for a place to put their loads even before they start making it. Girls want romance and flowers. Boys just want to get their rocks off. He robbed her of that first time. The time that should be all pretty and stuff for her. You know the Knight in shining armour and stuff. Instead, she got her mean, ignorant father. How messed up is that? How messed up is she going to be after that?"

"You are wise beyond your years, young man. But do you really think she is gonna be messed up?"

"I think she is already. Remember, Beth said Emily thought I wouldn't want her. Don't you think that is because, in her mind, she's been soiled by her dad?"

"You are remarkably perceptive."

We snuggled awhile longer, both of us getting extremely horny. "What's it like with a girl?" Chase asked.

"Different. Mechanically it's basically the same. But when you're with a girl, you're always asking yourself 'Am I doing this right? Does she like that? Is this the spot or not? Shit like that. With guys, we know what the other one is feeling, and usually there is no question when we like something. At least that's been my observation. Why do you ask?"

"Well, it's not everyday a kid my age gets pussy thrown at him."

"Does that mean you're interested in trying it?"

"Would you be mad if I did?"

"Not at all. I want you to experience everything life has to offer. Girls can be fun. With the right one, it can be great. So today, you considered it?"

"I mean, it was right in front of me, and I did get hard looking at it. I wondered what it would be like to slip my dick in it."

"You wanted to fuck my eleven year old niece?" I kidded him.

"Actually, I was looking at Beth's pussy, but I was thinking about Emily. I guess I can relate to how she feels about herself. Until you came along, I thought I was worthless. She needs someone to show her different, like you did for me."

"That's really nice of you."

Later, as I fucked him, I was watching his nice young cock bounce around while I slid in and out of his ass. The mental picture of that cock sliding into an even younger tight pussy really set me off. I pounded him harder than usual, and unloaded in record time.


The next day, we went back to see Stretch.

"So, how is man and beast getting along?" Stretch asked me.

"We're fine. Chase loves Diablo more than me, I think."

"You're a close second though, Mike," Chase said trying to appease me.

"It's your fault Stretch. Now I have a smart ass kid that I can't even spank or his dog will eat me."

"Has Diablo been minding you Chase?"

"Yeah. He's a great dog. Does everything I tell him. And like you said, sometimes he just knows what I want, like he reads my mind."

"Yep, that's Diablo. Best damn dog I ever saw. I actually hated selling him."

"I have to tell you though, I kinda went below the line on the command sheet," Chase admitted.

"Oh 3; And how did Diablo respond?" he asked worriedly.


"Well let's go out to the kennel and you can show me. Mike have a seat. There's beer and soda in that fridge over there."

I got myself a Coke, of course. I can't give the damn things up. Then looked outside. Stretch, Chase, and Diablo were there. Stretch had his arm in some sort of protective gear, and Diablo had his teeth sunk in Stretch's arm.

Chase gave him a command, and Diablo retreated to Chase's side. Then Chase said something, and Diablo did the same thing to Stretch as he did to Hank. Chase called him back, and he sat beside the boy as calm as you please.

Chase turned his back on Stretch, and the trainer pulled out a knife and started toward Chase. Diablo went seriously crazy, and attacked Stretch. Chase gave a command and Diablo retreated, and Stretch was a bit slow in getting up.

They came in and I noticed a bloody patch on Stretch's shirtsleeve. "Are you okay, Stretch?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Occupational hazard you might say. That dog is definitely Chase's. Diablo never showed that level of ferociousness even in training. He bit clean through my gear. And the boy was quick to see that he needed to call Diablo off, or I would have been dead meat."

"I didn't know you were going to pull out a knife, or I would have been quicker. This dog loves me," Chase offered, patting Diablo.

"Well, I had to find out if he was protective of you, or just following orders. That dog would have killed even me to protect you. That's saying a lot."

We headed home after a few more instructions from Stretch. "I thought we were going to be there all day, but you and Diablo didn't need it. So what would you like to do now?" I asked Chase.

He put his hand on my crotch. "I'm sure you can think of something fun for us to do."

I grinned at him "I just bet I can." Then I saw the Cadillac Dealership up ahead. "Actually since we have time, I need a new car, this one isn't big enough for us. Especially now that we have a dog, and I'll probably turn into a soccer mom when school starts."

"Soccer mom? I was hoping for more like a fucker dad," Chase quipped.

"Ha Ha. Very funny."

We looked at an Escalade on the showroom floor. A salesman ran to greet us. "Can I wrap that up for you?" he asked.

I asked Chase "What do you think?"

He turned to the salesman and said "Does it come in red?"

We drove out later with a red Escalade, Chase was quiet in the new car.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Nothing, this is a beautiful car, I just liked your Mustang."

"Well, when you get your license, maybe I'll buy you a new one. Or maybe by then you will like something else better."

He cheered up at that, and Diablo made himself at home in the back of the car.

We were under our blanket after dinner. Chase and I snuggled together, and Diablo with his head on Chase's leg. "That dog really does like you," I told him.

"No, he loves me," he replied.

"How do you know that?"

"He looks at me the same way you do," Chase said leaning in to kiss me.

"Oh 3; You're not too full of yourself, are you. Just because I get an erection every time I get close to you, doesn't mean I love you."

"No, but it lets me know you want to make love to me."

"And what about this?" I said grabbing his hard cock under the blanket."

"What? That? 3; That just means I'm a horny teenager."

"Oh, you little shit. Get rid of that dog, cause I'm gonna fuck you till you scream."

He climbed up on my lap, settling his but on my cock. "Mmmm. Promise? Of course, it wouldn't be the first time."


Chase's bike arrived first thing Thursday morning. He wanted to take Diablo for a walk so I said ok. Around noon I got a call from Tia.

"Michael, Hank is leaving me." She cried.

"Oh? What happened?"

"I don't know, I got a text from him saying he would be picking up his stuff tonight, and he wanted a divorce. A fucking text! He tells me he wants a divorce in a fucking text."

"Let me speak with Mom. Hi, Mom. Did the Ballachi brothers have have anything to do with this? Yeah I thought so. Okay tell her I'll be right over."

Cynthia was still crying when we arrived. Beth and Emily were excited to see Chase and Diablo again.

"That dress really looks great on you Em," Chase complimented my niece. She blushed and said "Thanks" while looking down.

Tia went to the bathroom to wash her face and try to calm down. "Tell me what happened," I asked Mom.

"The fool turned down the cash. He told the Ballachi brothers he could get a thousand times that much in a divorce," Mom explained.

"He doesn't know the only money she has is what I give her?"

"No. He's in for a surprise," Mom laughed.

The kids came in from outside plopped down on the sofa breathlessly.

"I can't believe how fast you run Em. You should try out for the Olympics or something," Chase again complimenting Emily.

"That reminds me. I need to ask something of you, Chase," Mom started.

Tia came in just then "Michael, could you take the girls with you? I don't want them here for what will probably be a bad scene."

We said our goodbyes and the two preteen girls came home with us. Chase took the girls to the back yard with Diablo. I watched them through the French doors as Chase demonstrated some of Diablo's training.

My phone went off, it was G.Mom again. "Is everything alright, Mom?"

"Yes. He isn't here yet. I wanted to ask a favor of you and Chase."

"Okay, what can I do for you."

"I want you to ask Chase to help me with Emily."

"Okay 3;?"

"I had a long talk with her yesterday. I needed to be sure about what happened. She broke down and told me everything. That he had started messing with her when she was ten, and forced her to have sex on her twelfth birthday. Just as Chase had said."

"I told you he was telling the truth. He's a good kid. He's worried about Emily too. He said she has very low self worth, just as he did. That's why he was paying her all those compliments."

"That is one smart kid. She said nobody will want her now, and she feels dirty and used and worthless," Mom went on.

"That's exactly what he told me about her," I agreed.

"I want you, to ask him, to help her."

"He is obviously trying to do just that," I pointed out.

"Yes, and she is eating it up. But she needs something more. She needs to know that she is still 3; desirable. That someone will still want her, even though this has happened."

"Maybe you should be a little clearer," I said confused.

"Look, Michael. She really likes Chase. He's her knight in shining armor after that episode at dinner. He not only stood up for her, he even went further by making sure she was taken care of. He help clean up the mess and brought her more tea. That gesture indicated his concern for her. He even called Hank a birdbrain, saying he was stupid, not Emily."

"It's funny you should say that. Chase said girls want a knight in shining armor and romance. He said that Hank stole that from Emily."

"Exactly. She needs to get that back, and I think Chase can do it for her."

"Just how far do you want Chase to take this?" I needed her to clarify still.

"Well, I know, that is, I assume you two 3; that you and he have 3; What I'm saying is I want Chase to take it as far as she will let him. That is, if he will, or can, or whatever. She needs to feel desirable. She needs to know that a man will want her. If it takes going all the way, so be it. It's not like she's a virgin or anything. I can't ask him to do that, but you can. You know how guys talk. That's a guy thing, not a G.Mom thing."

"Okay, Mom. I'll see if he'll do it."

After I hung up, I called Chase in. "I just got off the phone with G.Mom. She wants to know if you will, but only if you want to, seduce Emily."

"Huh? G.Mom wants me to have sex with Em?" he asked in shock.

"Only if you want to. Don't force her or anything. But make her feel desirable and wanted. If you go all the way, it's okay. You're her knight in shining armor, just as you said girls want."

"Okay. I'll do my best. I mean, only if you don't mind."

I kind of felt sorry for Emily. If he does his best, it's a done deal. I know from personal experience how convincing he can be.

We all piled into the car and went to the park. The kids played with Diablo and I just watched. Chase was in high gear with the compliments and casual touches. He even had Diablo paying her attention. I had never seen her so happy either. She ate it up.

We got burgers on the way home, and the decided to watch a movie. Beth lay on the sofa, and Emily and Chase sat on the end. I turned down the lights, just for better tv viewing of course. I watched them more that the tv though. It wasn't long before Beth was asleep. I picked her up and carried her to her room.

I returned quietly to the living room, I saw Chase and Em kissing. I could see his hand oh her leg, just below the hem of her sundress. I made some noise as I entered and they separated.

"I'm exhausted. That sun in the park drained my energy," I said putting my feet up in the recliner.

"Mike, Em's a little chilly. Could we use your blanket?" Chase asked.

"Sure," I said giving an exaggerated yawn.

Pretending sleep, I watched through slitted eyes as the seduction continued. Between kisses, Emily would glance in my direction to be sure I was asleep. I could see movement under the blanket, and assumed Chase was making progress.

It was only a few minutes later when Em looked over at me, then raised her hips off the sofa. I could tell she was removing her panties. Chase's hand was between her legs instantly. She lay her head on his shoulder, and closed her eyes.

Another minute later she reached into his lap. Chase raised his hips, unsnapped his jeans and slid them to his knees. Em's hand found his cock, and I heard her whisper "It's big, and hard."

Chase replied "You made it that way." Damn he is good.

After a few minutes of kissing and fumbling under the blanket on both their parts, Chase put his finger to his lips, indicating she should be quiet. He stood and pulled up his pants, but not before she could get a good look at his young cock. He took her hand and led her to his bedroom.

I was rock hard, watching the masterful teen seducer at work. I could only imagine what was going on in that bedroom, and I rubbed my cock through my jeans. It dawned on me that I hadn't heard the bedroom door close.

I crept to the door, and peeked around the door frame. Emily was lying on the bed, her dress gone. Chase was kissing her and then stood and removed his own clothes. He lay back beside her and began kissing her again. His hand worked its way to her pussy. She moaned when he made contact. He bent and took her budding nipple into his mouth, and she moaned again.

She took his cock into her hand and then raised up to look at it. "It's so big," she said again.

"Do you really think so?"

"I've only seen one other, and yours is bigger."

That was an interesting bit of information.

"I think it's bigger than usual right now. You're just so beautiful and sexy, you make me this way."

"Chase, I have to tell you something. I really like you, but 3; I'm not a virgin."


"You don't mind that 3; well someone else has 3; you know?"

"Emily, anyone who would mind enjoying a beautiful girl like you, because of something as silly as a hyman, is crazy. You're hot, sexy, and sweet. You've been driving me crazy since I first saw you."

"Beth said you played with her kitty."

"I did. I was wishing it was you at the time. She offered to let me do it to her, but I turned her down. It wouldn't be fair for me to make love to her, while thinking of her sister."

Emily's face lit up. She drew him in for a kiss. Then she whispered "Do you want to make love to me?"

"Absolutely," he said and rolled on top of her.

She reached down and guided his cock to her opening. It wasn't his first time to have sex, though it was his first time with a girl. He slid in slowly, letting her premature pussy adjust to his thick cock. She moaned as he took her deeper than ever before, finally resting his balls on her ass.

"Oh, Chase," she sighed out loud.

He moved in and out of her slowly, enjoying his first encounter with pussy. Each time he bottomed out in her she let out a slight "Mmm. Mmm." As he picked up the pace, she responded by raising her hips to meet his thrusts. Soon she was groaning and moaning like a porn star, only it wasn't fake. She was loving the shit out of Chase's cock. I was loving it too. I shot a load on the carpet by the door, and he was still pounding her. I heard her hit at least two orgasms before I saw his ass clench as he unloaded inside her.

It was only then that I thought "Shit! He could get her pregnant."

He remained on top of her while they caught their breath. Soon I heard her giggle and say "I can feel you getting hard again."

He kissed her and said "Should I pull out?"

"Don't you dare," she said and kissed him and began moving her hips. He took the hint and started thrusting slightly as his cock regained its firmness.

He was soon back in full on fuck mode. Em was beside herself. "Oh god. Chase you're so good 3; don't stop 3; so good." She was so loud, I was afraid she would wake Beth.

When he had shot his second wad in the preteen pussy, I left and went back to my recliner. A few minutes later, Chase came out and got a bottle of water. He stood in front of me nude. I stared at the cock that had just fucked a twelve year old. It was still thickish looking and rather red from all its exertion.

"She went to the bathroom. Did you watch?" he asked taking a sip of water.

"Yes. You performed admirably. I've decided to let you live," I said quoting him from the other day.

He stepped closer to me. "Want to taste your niece's pussy?"

I leaned in and took his cock into my mouth. He was right. I recognized the flavor, even though it's been awhile since I had tasted any.

"I'll send her to her room before Beth wakes up. I'll probably do her one or two more times though."

"Now you're a pussy hound?" I teased.

"I'll always love you though," he teased back

"We will have to talk later about something."



The next day I woke up with Beth jumping on me. "Get up uncle Mike," I had put her to bed the night before, and she had on a sundress. Now she wore only her panties.

"Emily and Chase are still asleep. Will you play with me?" she said as she settled her ass on my morning wood. Chase had taken my blanket with them to his room, so all that was between my cock and her pussy was a sheet and her panties. Not nearly enough to hide anything.

"Maybe it would be better if you woke them up," I said to the prepubescent girl riding my erection.

"I think they played all night. Now I want you to play with me like they did," she said as she slid back and forth on my cock.

"As appealing as that is, I don't think it's a good idea," I said pulling her off me.

She slid her hand under the sheet and grabbed my cock. "Yours is even bigger than Chase's."

"And just how do you know how big his is?" I thought maybe something happened that Chase neglected to tell me.

"I heard some noise last night and I saw 3; Well, I saw Chase's. It's pretty big, but yours is bigger." She almost told me she saw her sister getting fucked, but kept it to herself instead.

She stroked my cock, and huskily said "Come on uncle Mike. Play with me."

I removed her hand and said "This is not appropriate behavior for a young girl. You are a pretty girl, and you don't need to throw yourself at boys. Some young stud will sweep you off your feet one day."

"Can Chase do it if you won't? Daddy says boys like girls who will do it with them. I want Chase to like me as much as he likes Emily."

Oh shit. Both of these girls are messed up.

"I don't think Chase should do that," I told the little minx. So she crawled back on top of me, this time under the sheet. Only her panties separated our genitals. She lay on my chest and slid back and forth a few times.

"Don't you love me uncle Mike?" She asked sadly.

"Yes baby girl, I love you," I tried to reassure her.

She sat up straight on my cock, causing the sheet to fall away. I could see my bare cock appearing and disappearing between her legs, riding in the cleft her little pussy made in her panties.

I must have gone into brain lock or something, the next thing I noticed is her bare pussy settling down on my cock. I completely missed seeing her remove them.

"Good. I love you too uncle Mike," she said as she began sliding on my cock again.

I have to admit that seeing my cock sliding along that immature pussy was very exciting. I noticed it getting wet with her juices. She was enjoying riding my cock. I was in total brain lock at this point. I could only concentrate on watching the tip of my cock rub over her little clitoris as it emerged from under her.

I lost track of time, as she began to moan. I looked at her face, she was watching my cock too. Then she shuddered. "Oh uncle Mike. It feels really good." She was having an orgasm on my cock.

She collapsed on my chest, still rubbing back and forth on my very wet cock.

Then her hand slipped down between us and grasped my cock. "Now I'll make you feel good too," she said. She positioned my engorged cock at her opening.

I finally came to my senses. "No, little one. We shouldn't be doing this," I threw her off me. "Go get your clothes on, then wake up the others."

Jesus, I almost fucked my eleven year old niece. What the fuck is wrong with me? If Hank hadn't been molesting them, I swear I think Beth would have been doing the molesting. Of course she was only doing as he told her. But damn that girl almost got fucked.

I got dressed and met the kids in the living room. "Girls, will you take Diablo for a walk?"

As soon as they had left I turned to Chase, "Beth saw you fucking Emily last night."

"Shit. What should I do?"

"Stay away from her. She has her sights set on you now. She even tried to get me to fuck her this morning."

"You didn't. Did you?" he asked kind of hurt. Considering what he did all night, it was pretty hypocritical.

"No. And I hope you didn't get Emily pregnant last night."

"Shit. I didn't think about that."

"Most boys don't. That's why so many girls get pregnant."

"Why didn't you say something?" he asked accusingly.

"I think of her as being a little girl. It wasn't till after you blew a load in her that it came to mind. By the way, how do you think it went?"

"Pretty good actually. I fucked her four times. She probably had a dozen orgasms. I'm pretty good at this shit."

"I've always thought so. Braggart," I was very proud of him, really. Not many boys do that well their first time. "So now that you had your first taste of pussy, you probably don't want an old man like me."

"What? No. I love you Mike. I'm only doing this to help her. I wouldn't have done it if G.Mom hadn't asked," he said nearly crying.

I hugged him "I know baby. I love you too. It's very nice of you to sacrifice for Emily too."

"It wasn't that much of a sacrifice. It was kinda fun. But I prefer what we have. I mean, I love you not her and that makes a big difference."

"The problem is, you may have to do it again sometime."

"What? Why?"

"Because the idea is to let her know she is desirable. Until someone else desires her, I'm afraid you will have to reinforce that belief occasionally."

"I see what you mean," he said. Then with a grin he added "If I have to, I guess I can force myself to do her again."

"You don't have to be so happy about it."

When the others returned, I took them to Denny's for breakfast. I told them to go in and get us a table, because I needed to call G.Mom. Emily grabbed Chase's hand as the walked in.

"How did things go?" I asked her.

"Just about as expected. He came, they argued as he packed. She told him he wouldn't get a dime in the divorce. He said 'We'll see.' As he walked out. But he is in for a surprise."

"How's Tia?"

"Still pretty upset. She took a sleeping pill, and is still out. Could the girls stay with you another night?"

"Uh 3; I guess so," I said reluctantly.

"So, how is it going with Emily and Chase?" she asked.

"Uh 3; Mission accomplished," I reported.

"You mean he 3; He actually 3;"

"Four times. And she loved it."

"He really is a good boy," she said offhandedly.

"Now we have another problem," I went on to tell her what happened with Beth this morning. I told her I think Beth saw them, and is a bit jealous of the attention that Em is getting. I also told her what Beth said her father told her.

"Damn. He has really messed up those girls. You didn't 3;"

"No! Jesus Christ, Mom," I didn't tell her how close I came to it though.

"Good. You're too big for a young girl."

"Mom! You don't know how big I am."

"Well if you take after your father 3;"

That made me think about what I heard from Emily about Hank. "I hear Hank is smaller than Chase."

"That's funny, he's just a boy," she laughed.

"Well, he's a pretty good sized boy, and knows how to use it apparently. That's why Emily loved it so much."

"You don't think she actually 3;"

"About a dozen times."

"Really? Maybe Chase could spend the night here sometime."


"Just kidding. Kind of," she laughed. But I wondered.

"I'll stop by so they can pick up a change of clothes," I said as I hung up.

I entered the restaurant to find the kids at a table. Chase and Em sat beside each other on the padded bench side, and Beth across from them. I sat next to Beth. I could tell that Chase and Em were holding hands. I think their hands were in his lap though.

"It looks like you girls get to spend another night at our place."

Chase and Emily looked at each other and smiled.

"We need to stop and get you a change of clothes."

I have to say, Emily looked like she felt better. And she didn't fumble about as much. I would go so far as to say she seemed confident.

We got the Mom's house, and Tia was still sleeping. The girls went to get their clothes.

G.Mom went up to Chase and said "Thank you for your help with Emily." And she kissed him on his forehead. I couldn't believe my mother was thanking a thirteen year old boy for fucking her granddaughter. Life is strange.

"Glad I could help," he said.

"You're such a good boy. Isn't he Michael."

"Yeah. But what did you expect him to say? Maybe 'It was my pleasure' or something like that."

They both laughed at my pun.

"Did she have a good time?" G.Mom asked Chase.

"Uh 3; yeah I think so," he said blushing a little.

"Leave the boy alone. He fucked her good, Okay. Has Emily started her periods?" I said with more than a little jealousy showing.

"Oh, good question. No. Maybe I should take her to the doctor."

"Did you tell Tia what was going on?"

"Not yet. I was planning to tell her tonight while the girls are at your place," G.Mom replied.

"Okay. Make sure you tell her it was your idea for Chase to fuck her daughter. And be sure she understands why. I don't want this to come back and bite him on the ass."

"Don't worry Michael. Now what are we going to do about Beth?"

"I don't know. What do you think we should do?" I answered honestly.

G.Mom looked at Chase expectantly.

"What?" Chase asked.

"Chase, my dear boy. Could you help your G.Mom out?"

"You 3; You want me to do both of them?"

Even I was shocked at my mother. "Mom, you must be joking."

"It's not like it's his first time," she reasoned.

"What about Em? What she going to say if I fuck Beth? How will that help her? She's just beginning to feel better about herself. I can't turn my back on her now."

He is such a good boy. I thought I was going to cry. G.Mom actually had tears in her eyes.

"Well, if it happens, good. If not, we'll figure something else out," she said patting him on his cheek.

"Okay 3; I'll see what I can do. But I might need your help Mike," he gave in.

"Okay, I'll help. Just tell me what you need."

"I'll let you know when I figure it out."

Em and Beth came in wearing fresh sundresses, grinning from ear to ear. They kissed G.Mom good bye and we left.

We went to the park and the kids played with Diablo for hours. Then an early dinner at KFC, then home.

I sat in the living room, watching them in the back yard through the French doors. They all seemed to be getting along well, though Emily kept whispering to Chase then a little later she whispered to Beth. Back and forth between them she chatted as if carrying messages. All three seem to be blushing during exchanges.

At sunset I told them to come in. They all set on the sofa cross legged, and I notice two things. One, Chase had an erection. And two, neither girl was wearing panties, which explained number one. I pretended I didn't notice, and turned on the tv.

"Can we use your blanket, Mike?" Chase asked.

I was glad he was going to cover those two young pussies that were winking at me. "Sure Chase."

They covered up, and I could see fumbling going on, as Chase set between the two horny girls.

After a few minutes I told them "You should brush your teeth and get ready for bed kids."

When the girls left, Chase came to me and said "Go to bed and pretend to be asleep. Emily is coming in. Stay asleep until 3; well until it's too late."

"What are you talking about?"

"Emily asked me to do Beth. They talked at home and Beth thinks neither of us like her. So Em asked me if I would do it. I said what about her and she said she wants to try you, because Beth said you had a big one. I told Em she would have to sneak in and do it while you were asleep. Once it was started you wouldn't stop her."

"I can't do that," I complained.

"You said you would help, now you need to help."

"But I promised you I wouldn't be doing it with anyone but you."

He kissed me. "I know. But it's your nieces we're helping, and I will let you out of that promise for them."

The girls came in, all smiles again. After a few minutes, I looked at Chase and he nodded at me. "I'm going to bed. Try not to make too much noise. Okay kids?"

I wasn't sure how this was suppose to play out, but ten minutes later my door creaked open. I pretended to be asleep, and Emily came over and I could see her slip her dress over her head. I know she wasn't wearing panties, so she was naked when she drew the bedding back and slid in beside me.

She tentatively reached for my cock. It was soft, but didn't stay that way long, as she began to stroke it slowly. Once it was iron bar hard, she straddle my waist. I had my eyes closed, but I could feel her rubbing the head of my cock against her slit. I could feel her moisture coating my cock head.

Chase has a big cock for his age, but I'm noticeably bigger. Longer by a couple of inches and thicker too, especially the head. When she began applying pressure, I didn't think it was going to fit inside her. It suddenly popped in, and she let out a groan.

I thought about ending the ruse just then, but decided if she went no further and left, it would be embarrassing for both of us. She stayed there with just the head inside her for a moment, then I felt her trying to rock back and forth on it a bit. I was surprised it had gone in this far. I had seen her pussy earlier, and would have bet my cock wouldn't fit inside her tiny hole. I was even surprised that Chase had made it in.

Emily continued to work on getting me inside her preteen pussy, and was slowly making headway. I could feel moisture further down my shaft each time she rocked back on it. Little grunts escaped her on each stroke. Soon she was actually riding about half my cock. She suddenly said "Oh God!" and shuddered. I had given a twelve year old girl an orgasm. Well, she gave herself one on me.

"Emily! What are you doing?" I said pretending shock.

"Uh 3; Please don't be mad uncle Mike. Beth said she saw your thing and it was really big. I just wanted to see it for myself."

"You're doing a little more than looking. Innocent young girls shouldn't do this, especially with their uncle," I scolded.

"It's not my first time, it's okay. When I saw how big it was, I just had to feel it inside me. Please don't make me stop. It feels really good."

"It feels really good to me too. It's just so wrong for me to want you."

"Do you really? Do you want me? You don't care that I've done it before?"

"I would be crazy not to want you. You're pretty and sweet, and oh so tight."

She smiled and began moving again, fucking herself with half my cock. "I really like the way you feel in me, uncle Mike," she leaned down and kissed me. "Will you make love to me"

I rolled her over and slid in and out a few times. I had never been in a pussy as tight as hers. It wasn't as nice as Chase's ass, but damn close.

She shuddered through another orgasm. Now I know why Chase liked it so much. She's multiorgasmic, and it's great to watch her cum.

I rode her through her orgasm and then she said "More," I hadn't planned on stopping, so I continued to stroke into her. "I mean give me more of it. Deeper, please."

I know that Chase would have gone deeper than I was in her, but I'm a lot thicker, so I was trying to take it easy on her. When she began pulling my ass into her, I gave her a couple more inches.

She spasmed through another orgasm and I kept going. After her fourth one I could feel my own building. I began thrusting faster, and she raised her knees, wrapping her ankles around my ass. I was going for my own release, and she was screaming over and over as I pounded into her. She seemed to be on a continuous orgasmic roller coaster ride.

I unloaded inside her and collapsed. I was trying to regain my breath as I lay there, when I realized I was completely inside her. I had buried my entire eight and a half thick inches [21 cm] inside a twelve year old girl.

It must have happened when I started toward my orgasm. Her ankles on my ass had given me full access, and I took it. I raised up and looked down at her. She was motionless. I heard a noise behind me and turned my head to see a naked Chase and Beth standing in the doorway.

"It sounded like you were killing her in here," Chase explained. Then he added "Looks like we were right." They stepped over to the bed, and we all just looked down at my handy work.

Emily lay unconscious. My cock still buried in her. "Damn, you fucked her unconscious," Chase pointed out the obvious.

I noticed his dick was smeared with cum and blood. I knew he had taken Beth's cherry. His dick was still plump looking so it hadn't been that long. I glanced between Beth's legs and could see some red smear there too.

"She's still breathing. Should we let you finish killing her?" Smartass Chase said.

I retreated from her pussy, and it remained gaped open, my cum oozing out. Beth stared at my cock as it emerged. I said "If it did that to her, just think what that would have done to your virgin pussy."

Beth nodded in acknowledgement.

Em began to stir, opening her eyes and finding the three of us staring at her. "What?"

"Are you okay?" I asked concerned.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be, and what are you two doing in here?" She still had a glazed look in her eyes.

"Uncle Mike fucked you unconscious," Beth explained.

"He 3; Oh 3; Really?" It was coming back to her now. "Oh my god that was great. I remember now. I could feel you way up in my tummy."

I glanced down to where my cock lay on her. Still somewhat hard, the head was passed her belly button. Shit. I must have moved her organs out of the way to take it all.

"I'm sorry, I got carried away. I didn't mean to hurt you," I apologized.

"You didn't hurt me. I loved it. Want to do it again?"

"Maybe we should go," Chase said to Beth as he dragged her out the door.

"Did Chase do it to Beth?" Emily asked.

"Yeah, I think so. Probably going to do it again."

"Then it's only fair that you do it to me again." Emily said grabbing my cock.

"I'm not thirteen. It takes me a few minutes to recover. Are you sure you want to after what just happened?"

"Yes. You see, I asked Chase to do it to Beth, she was feeling lonely," she bowed her head and said "Me and Chase did it yesterday. She saw us and thought Chase liked me more than her. I didn't want her to feel bad, so I asked him to do it to her. He didn't want to hurt my feelings, so I said I wanted to do it with you. He wouldn't, until I came in here. Now I'm glad I did. It was great. I mean I liked it with Chase too. Much better that with my da 3; with the other guy I've been with."

"Em, I know about what your father did to you," I explained that the reason they were here was to give their mom some time to get over their father moving out. I told her G.Mom and I suggested he leave because of what he did to her and planned to do to her sister.

"Now I'm just as guilty as he is. I'm sorry I took advantage of you."

"Uncle Mike. I took advantage of you while you were sleeping. I really wanted to do it with you. He's been mean to me my whole life, then he made me do those things with him. I hated every second of it. I hated when he started touching me, then pretty soon he made me 3; well, put it in my mouth. Then on my birthday 3;" She broke down and started crying.

I took her into my arms. "It's okay. I understand. But I shouldn't have done it with you too."

"No uncle Mike. I wanted you to do it. I love you. I love Chase too. Shouldn't I be the one who decides who gets to fuck me. Dad did it without my permission. I chose to do it with you. And I hope you will do it again. Chase too."

"I would be lying if I said I didn't want to. You're a beautiful girl and I enjoyed doing it with you," I told her as she stroked my renewed erection.

I didn't bother with foreplay, she was soaked with my cum. Being multiorgasmic too, I didn't need to worry about her getting off. I rolled her over and slid into her tight passage. She moaned loudly. I tried to go easy on her, but she would have none of that, and spurred me on to plow her hard. This time she remained conscious as I emptied into her, after four huge orgasms of her own.


I made breakfast for everyone and all seemed to be in high spirits. Emily and Beth whispering between themselves, and Chase basking in his newfound stud hood.

After breakfast, the girls went to one of the bedrooms, to compare notes I'm sure. Chase came to me in the kitchen as I was loading the dishwasher.

"Can we take them home today? I want to be with you, and girls are a lot of work."

"You and Beth didn't get along last night?"

"Oh we got along real well. I fucked her four times. Well, three times in her pussy and once in her ass," he replied.

"Really? Was that your idea?"

"No. She asked me to. I think she is going to be a real slut someday. Actually, she is already. I had to peel her off me when you called us in to eat."

"I need to call G.Mom and check on things there. But I think we will be taking them home today."

"Good. My dick is sore, and I prefer my ass to be," he said giving me a kiss.

"How's Tia?" I asked mom.

"She's pretty good actually. When I told her what had been going on, her hurt turned to hate. She's mad because she didn't get to cut his balls off."

"Did you explain about Chase and the girls?"

"Yes. She wasn't too happy about it at first. I told her the whole story and how Emily was feeling. She understood then, she didn't like the idea of her daughter getting laid at twelve, but she knew it was the right thing."

"Daughters. Chase completed the second mission."

"Really? I ought to ask him to cure cancer or something. He gets the job done quickly. What about Emily? How did she take it?"

"Uh 3; Well 3; You see, Emily asked Chase to do her sister. So she didn't feel rejected or anything. But the trade off was 3; well 3; Em now has experience with a larger partner," I confessed.

"Michael! You didn't! You did, didn't you?"

"I had to. It was the only way Emily would not feel rejected and Beth got what she wanted. Boy did she get what she wanted."

"What?" she sounded lost.

"That girl is a born slut. She probably got an early start because of Hank, but it was coming anyway. Three times vaginally, once anally, at last count."

"Please tell me it was Chase, not you."

"Yes. But it was her idea."

When we arrived at the big house, the girls ran to see their mom. G.Mom gave Chase a big hug, and kissed his forehead. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but thank you Chase," she turned to me "I'm thanking the thirteen year old boy that fucked both of my preteen grand daughters. How crazy is this?"

"I helped," I declared.

"And you should be ashamed of yourself. A grown man taking advantage of a twelve year old girl."

"He gets a kiss and thank you, and I get a scolding. I can't win."

"Chase, you know you are welcome here anytime," she told the boy.

"Mother!! Leave him alone you horny old goat."

"Thanks G.Mom, but I'm trying to get out of the stud business."

We all had a good laugh at that.

A few minutes later the girls returned with their mother. They grabbed Chase and Diablo and went out back.

Tia said "Okay, you may have been right. I have never seen the girls so happy. Especially Em. She's a totally different girl in just a couple of days. They were delighted to hear their father was gone too."

"I didn't get a chance to tell you about Beth and Chase," Mom started.

"Oh god. He did her too?"

"Yeah. He's really good too, from what I hear." Thankfully she didn't tell Tia what I did to Em.

"Well, that would explain the perpetual smiles," Tia volunteered.

"Now that Hank is gone, I suppose you will be moving into the big house. It's yours after all," Tia said.

"Not right now. I don't think your daughters would give Chase a moment's rest."

"They're not the only ones," Tia said. "I haven't been laid in two years."

"About the time Hank started messing with Emily I would guess," I added.

"Don't remind me. I should kill the son of a bitch. What's the name of the two shady guys that do stuff like this for you, Mom?"

"The Ballachi brothers. They already know about Hank," Mom said.

Later that evening we were cuddling under the blanket. "I'm glad it's back to just you and me," Chase said. "I love being with you. I mean the girls are fun, and I guess if I ever want to have kids I could do it, but I prefer being here with you under the blanket."

"In two days, you had sex with a pair of sisters. Something every man fantasizes about. You had a girl who was multiorgasmic, and one was a virgin. Two more big time fantasies for guys. You also had sex with two preteen girls with no jail time looming over your head. And you rode them both bareback without worrying about pregnancies or disease. And you took a girls ass for the first time. Sounds to me like hitting a home run in the bottom of the ninth with bases loaded to win the seventh game of the world series."

"Yeah, just another day at the office for a superstud," he laughed.


I hadn't been to work in a while, and knew I needed to make some changes. I could just stay home and become a house frau, but I like to earn my keep.

With school starting soon I wanted to be at home when Chase was and at work when he was in school. My corporate office, which was the umbrella over the different companies I owned, was nearby and I could work whenever I wanted. I needed to find a position I could fill without displacing someone. I didn't like the idea of letting someone go just so I could take their place.

Most of my employees don't know me. On construction sites, I was just another grunt worker. In the office, my mother is known to be the boss. Only a few of the upper management know the real story.

I went in to see Mom a few days after dropping the girls off. She was delighted to see me. She had always thought I should take a leading role in the business anyway.

"Michael, you're eventually going to have take over running the business, so just work with me here in the office. Learn the way things run, and in a year or so, I can retire and spend some time with my three grandchildren."

I thought it interesting that she included Chase in her grandchildren.

"You're right as always G.Mom. When school starts, I'll begin working the same hours as school for Chase."

"Tell that angel he is our hero. Those girls are happier than we've ever seen them. But 3; uh 3; they may require a booster shot soon."

"What makes you say that?" I asked.

"To be honest 3; I've seen them rubbing themselves every time Chase's name comes up. Tia said something about Chase's dog at breakfast this morning, and both girls immediately dropped their hands in their laps and under their dresses. They're going to need servicing soon."

"They're spoiled."

"Yes, and it was Chase that spoiled them. It might've been better if he hadn't been so good."

I left her office feeling pretty good. I was going to have an office job, but I guess it really is about time. The changes in my life were working out well.

When I turned the corner of my street, the first thing I see is police cars and an ambulance in front of my house. By the time I got there, the ambulance pulls away from the curb and turns on it's siren.

I jumped out of my car and run to the door. A policeman stops me. "I live here," I yell at him. I entered and slid, almost falling. Looking down, I see a lot of blood on the marble floor.

A policeman asks "Are you Michael Cunningham?"

"Yes. What's happened? Where's Chase?"

"The boy's fine. Can't say as much about the other guy."

"What other guy? Where's Chase?" I pushed passed him and found Chase in the kitchen with two other officers. Sitting at the breakfast table drinking coffee.

"Michael!" Chase ran over hugging me.

"Mr. Cunningham? I'm officer Gains. Do you know Hank Littleman?"

"He's my soon to be ex brother in law. Why?"

"He broke in and this dog didn't like it too much."

I could almost see a grin on Diablo's face.

"He grabbed me and Diablo defended me," Chase explained.

"Most guard dogs will go for the hand holding a weapon. Or maybe for the throat, if they intend to kill. I think I would have preferred that," the officer said.

"So?" I said looking confused.

"Mr. Littleman, well, let's just say he's an even littler man now," Gains laughed.


"Diablo sorta ripped his groin off," Gains explained. "If it had been, you know, just removed, they may have been able to fix it. But he completely mauled and chewed the rod and tackle. It almost seems intentional. But he's just doing his job. I gotta get me a dog like that."

I know what Diablo is capable of. I also know he wouldn't do that without encouragement from Chase. I looked at Chase. He was grinning too.

After taking my statement too, the police cleared out. Gains had suggested we drop the assault charges, because Hank had suffered enough. I tended to agree, but said I wanted to press charges anyway so it would be on record that Hank had broken in and attacked Chase. I didn't feel like paying him in a lawsuit later.

"Want to tell me what happened?" I asked Chase.

"I was coming down the hall from the bedroom, Hank grabbed me by the throat and said something about if Cynthia couldn't pay him, you would have to. Diablo did what he is supposed to do. Once I was free, I might have said something to Diablo about Hank and his groin. I might have even asked Hank what he thought about my fucking puppy's choice of snack food. It's all kind of a blur now, though," Chase said smiling.

I called Mom and told her what happened. I didn't go into detail, just said that Hank attacked Chase, and Diablo did his job. I did say that they had to take Hank to the hospital though.

Two days later, I get a call from Tia. I said hello, and all I hear is hysterical laughter. Then, "Your 3; your dog 3; chewed 3; he chewed off his dick," she couldn't even get the sentence out she was laughing so hard.

"He 3; just called 3; Crying 3; like a 3; crying like a baby 3; He says 3; he only has a h 3; hole 3; left," I could hear G.Mom in the background laughing too. She says "He'll have to 3; sit down to pee 3;" And they hung up.

I pulled the blanket up around our shoulders. "Diablo is never allowed under the blanket with us. Especially if we're naked," I said to Chase.

The End

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