Scrub aka SimonDoug |
SummaryA boy of the English aristocracy finds him self reduce to a much younger lad and a slave to a group of East End lower class kids and loses titles, his freedom his pride to the lower classes – for good.
Publ. Jun 2000 (ANCGS); this site Jan 2009
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CharactersDoug (c. 12yo)Category & Story codesSchool Boy storyMb – nosex – humil (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteThese are old stories and published as is. They were mostly written by one finger typing on software without such things as spell checks. The author is not that illiterate.Most of my stories are huge gothic tales which are unfinished. The reasons:
If you don’t enjoy reading it – don’t read it – the story will get worse so you better stop now!
Comments welcome through this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line. It will be forwarded to the author. Thanks for reading. |
It was October 1950 and The Hon. Sir Douglas de Foornt____, or Doug as he hated being called, had just started at his very well known public school. He was no more popular there than he had been at the no less well known prep school that he had attended. The problem was he was spoilt but not by his parents. His father was busy with running a large estate and an equally large business empire while his mother spent most of her time staying with friends. They would have formally separated but for the publicity. Doug was spoilt by the family retainers, He knew exactly how to handle (bully) them. This was during the holidays, but the prep school was no more able to control him. At his public school he was suffering not only from the attentions of older boys but by the lack of attention of the masters – they never seemed to see what was going on! Four weeks out of the five that the term had been running, he had been forced to do his physical training lessons in the nude as his kit had disappeared each time just before the lesson. It was in its correct place at the end of the lesson but it WAS missing at the start of the lesson. This had eared him two canings so far for being a show-off. He hated anyone seeing him nude, particularly the boys, as his penis was still of childlike proportions. It had recently started getting little hair (of which he was very proud) but it was still very thin and when soft not at all long. When he was seen naked by others, it always seemed to get very hard. He thought that it was a sin to allow this to happen but really did not understand anything about these things. He always liked to look smart and in spite of clothes rationing his father seemed to be able to buy him whatever he wanted. However at the school it was very difficult to be well turned out. At weekends they did indeed look smart in grey flannel long trousered suits with their house crest on the breast pocket. However during the week they wore grey flannel trousers and a multi-coloured blazer (house colours) and a school cap (school colours) and these clashed! In addition all first formers under 5 foot 4 inches [1.60 m] wore SHORTS (!) and he was definitely well under that height. Indeed he was the shortest boy in the school by quite a long way. The prefect, for whom he fagged, also humiliated him. He made the boy wear knickers rather than shorts during the week. These were held up by elastic and had no zip. They were made of a much thinner flannel then the normal school shorts. The senior boy also forbade his wearing of underwear. There was another problem that did not help his self-esteem. Very very occasionally he would wet his bed. However, being so far away from home and everything else had caused him to do this twice in his first week. Matron, a devil in woman's clothing, had no time for sissy bed wetters. There were most years a couple at the start of the first term but never any by Christmas. She did not believe in complex medical treatment. It was simple they would be shamed into correct behaviour. They would sleep nude between very heavy rubber sheets. Every morning the dormitory prefect would inspect the bed. If it were wet the boy would clean it then, still naked, report to her room. She would never deal with these kids until the end of the medical parade, which followed breakfast. In Doug's case, she was sure that he was doing it on purpose so her treatment was steadily getting even tougher. He was not a happy kid. Anyhow this term the school had been collecting for an old bus for a large charity in the slums of London's East End. Nowadays it would be called a neighbourhood centre. This ran mother and toddler clubs, several boys' and girls' clubs (covering about 8 to 18 year olds), a legal advice centre, pre-natal and anti-natal clinics, an old people's friendship club and even a shelter for the local boys who were not able to live at home. There were also many other activities that were less visible to the general public. There had been a long history of association between the school and the charity that bore the school's name. Indeed many senior boys from the school helped there in the holidays. Predictably Doug's father had been by far the biggest contributor to the collection for the bus so when twelve of schoolboys were chosen to attend the presentation Doug had to be chosen even though many members of staff were unhappy about the idea. The presentation was aimed at the press and other adults and Doug got bored. He wandered off and some of the junior boys from the settlement started teasing him about his clothes (the posh ones), his stature, his accent and anything else that came to their evil minds. He got away from them and went downstairs to the yard where the bus was standing. The reasons for his next actions may be guessed but he, himself, genuinely did not know why he behaved as he had. He got into the bus, started the engine and drove it hard straight into a wall. Not only was the bus wrecked but a lot of damage was done to the building's structure. The press and police were on the spot and charges were brought before daddy's money could sort things out. The school did its best but the warden of the settlement was somewhat left of centre politically and had no intention of letting the idle rich get away with it. On the morning of the hearing the boy's father and the warden were waiting together in the courtroom for the case to come up. It was going to be delayed, they were told, until after lunch due to another case taking much longer than expected. They went across the road for a snack. The boy had been held in custody once he got to the court until the end of the hearing – at least. It turned out that the father had been an officer in the same regiment as the warden had been in during the war and even though they were drinking nothing stronger than coffee they decided to try to sort the matter out themselves. The father had had enough of Doug and wanted to be shot of him but without any sort of publicity. He considered that a good whipping would sort out most of the boy's problems but he didn't want to do anything which might come up in his divorce proceedings which he felt were imminent. He told the warden what Doug was costing him in school fees and everything else. The warden was sympathetic and made a suggestion "I would take charge of the boy and his education completely, if you would give that sort money to the settlement and provided neither you nor your wife will interfere in any way with how I train him." The wife had not even bothered to come to the court but a 'phone call got her agreement without even stating to her who the kind gentleman was. Back to court it proved easy to get the case held over subject to these arrangements being made to the approval of both parties – the warden and father- the boy was not even consulted on the matter. He was not even told the details of the agreement. His father had already paid for the repairs to the building and for a completely new and better bus. He hurried from the court room rather poorer but pleased to have washed hid hands of his unpleasant son. He had just heard of the bed-wetting from the representative of the school who was at the court but he hadn't passed the information on to the warden after all he didn't want the man to change his mind. A few minutes later the warden came out holding the boy's hand as you would a little kid's. The warden's rate of walking was not suitable for a kid however and the boy was having to go at a very difficult rate not quite a trot but faster than he could comfortably walk. They stopped at Joe's Eater for a mug of stewed tea. The boy clearly was not keen on drinking from a chipped enamel pint mug and even more so when he tasted the almost pure tannin taste but he clearly had no option. He also wanted to go to the lavatory but dreaded being made to use the toilet there if, indeed there was one as it would be filthy. They continued on to a back-street barber. The boy was given a pudding basin hair cut as was often given to six-year-olds in the poorer areas of London at that time. Then on again to a second hand clothes dealer. There, in the front of the shop overlooked by a large window into the street, he had to strip completely. The dealer examined the boy minutely. The boy was too scared to cry even though he felt his cock getting hard. He was unable to hear what the men were saying but the dealer folded up all of Doug's clothes and took them away. Doug suddenly knew he had to pee urgently. In spite of the horrible embarrassment of it he said to the warden "Please I have to go to the lavatory". The warden said, " There is no public toilet here you will have wait 'til we get back". "I can't," was the reply. A bit of quiet adult discussion and he was told to go out the back and pee down the drain. The warden came with him. 'Out the back' was a thin strip of path then a wire and a primary school asphalt playing area with a couple of hundred boys playing there during their lunch hour. The warden called over one kid of about nine. "This is the boy who wrecked our bus. He will be in the club tonight. Try to see that as many kids come as possible." By this time there was a thong on the other side of the fence. Doug was actually sniffling and crying like a six-year-old. Worse was to come when he saw the drain was next to the wire not against the house and he had to pee facing all these little kids 3; and he was hard as usual when he got embarrassed! It was made even worse if possible by the warden holding his right hand so he had to hold his prick left-handedly. The man also kept up a running commentary. The weeping lad eventually finished and came back to find a woman and her four year old child being attended to. The baby girl pointed to Doug "Big baby is not wearing any clothes. He has a stick on him." Once this couple had left the dealer produced some very old and torn clothing. "You said you wanted clothes for training and punishment. This is the best for those purposes that I can find. I am sorry I got it recently and haven't had a chance to wash it". Doug started quickly to dress – anything to cover himself. At least that is what he thought until he put on the clothing. There were plimsolls which were worn and missing laces but no socks to go with them. A football shirt which might have fitted a five year old and was badly torn leaving one of his nipples on show. The shorts however were worse. The dealer gave him four pairs to try on but his views were not even asked for. The men were looking for a pair of grey shorts, which were very tight and were so short that even his 'minuscule' thing would appear if he got an erection. The pair he ended up with had once been white and had been dyed unsuccessfully. They were held up by elastic that had largely come away from the shorts leaving gaps. They had belonged to a five-year-old and had been his punishment shorts. He had obviously been beaten so well in them that he had dirtied both front and back. It was then time to leave. Doug red eyed from crying was almost pulled along. They stopped for another mug of tea at a crowded diner. He started to understand from the comments, at least to some extent, about what he must look like. They then went back to the charity they hardly had time for the warden to speak to the other helpers and explain Doug's presence. At 5.30 the junior boys' club started they came in, registered and each paid their penny 'subscription.' Doug was waiting in the warden's office not knowing what was to happen but he was sure that it would not be a pleasant experience. At 6.00 the boys all came into the main club room for announcements. Doug could hear the warden talking about things he knew nothing of. There was club week, whatever that was. There was a swimming gala and so on. Then the warden started on items nearer to home. "You remember the bus we were given and the boy that wrecked it. The case came up in court today and the boy's father and I have had a long talk we have decided that the boy will have to make amends himself. While he is doing this, he will live with me and will do exactly as he is told. This is not only what I tell him to do but each one of you can help him learn his lesson by giving him orders – even stupid ones." The man then told Doug to come out. Now some of the kids he knew would have seen him nude near their school, so it didn't surprise him when a little kid, maybe seven or eight, said "I think he should be naked". No sooner said than he had to do a strip tease – standing on the table tennis table. He could hear comments like "He hasn't got much", "What a softie" or "He must be queer he is getting a hard on". The warden went on "First before I turn him over to you he needs to be punished. I have a cane, a tawse and a large plimsoll. I have to decide which to use tonight. Hands up those who think the cane will be best." The voting went on to determine how many strokes and how hard (there was no real contest 'as hard as you can' won overwhelmingly). He then received the punishment over a horse in the gym. He made quite a noise about it. There was a repeat performance for the young girls' club. He was then sent to bed. He was to sleep in a large dormitory in between the boys' and girls' sections. His wrists were tied to the bedsides "so you do not get into mischief". He had no idea where his clothes were. It was just 7 o'clock. If the idea was for him to go to sleep that was far from the possible as there were a string of visitors particularly after the older youth clubs started. At eleven the clubs closed and the other kids who were sleeping there came in. He wasn't left alone until the dawn started to lighten the room. He then had another problem he needed to use the toilet but he was still tied down. Eventually he had no alternative – he dared not wake the others up. He just peed. He was lying on his back without any covering and the stream rose in the air and then fell back to cover him. He was slightly hard and the first liquid went over his face. It then moved up and down his body. Until 7.00 a.m. he went through horrors as the stream slowly dried. However twice more he had to let go. Luckily the room was quite warm so he didn't freeze but it did dry it to a sticky mess more quickly. The next morning the other kids got up. They saw the mess he was in but just ignored him. He was able to see them more easily than on the previous night. They were all boys aged about 12 to 15 and all looked huge to him. They left and everything became quiet again. He had no idea of time passing. He wanted to clean up and stretch. Eventually the warden appeared and commented on his state. He did not untie the kid however but said that as soon as Doug learnt to be obedient the better it would be for him. The man produced yet another steaming hot pint mug of strong unsugared tea. He fed it to the boy who would have preferred something to eat as he had not eaten for over 24 hours. As if reading his thoughts the man said "You are overweight and you will be having liquids only for some time. A doctor will be here to examine you shortly." The doctor arrived and started examining the lad commenting on his condition. The warden said "I don't know how a boy can do such a thing all over himself. Did you ever do such a thing before in your life, boy ?" The adults had to tell the lad to talk louder when he whispered "yes". Eventually the warden had him shouting, through his tears, "I have wet the bed several times at school. I can't help it." It was much more successful than the warden or fake doctor had expected. The boy was next to have had an inspection but as he was being untied a girl of about 13 came in. She was the daughter of the doctor. Her father asked why she was there and she said that her headmaster had sent her with a letter to the warden and she had learnt that they were together. The doctor asked her if she would mind washing this disgusting bed wetter very properly before going back to school. It would be difficult to judge if her pleasure over the next half hour was greater than his discomfort. The adults having taken the kids to an old tin bath and filled it up with cold water left the girl to enjoy herself. The best part of an hour later she bought a still dripping, well scrubbed, red faced and red arsed boy to her father and hurried to get her school lunch. The examination continued verbally as well as physically. Doug found the questioning even worse than most things they did to his body. The warden and doctor appeared to be very concerned with his bed wetting and wanted to know if he also messed the bed YET. They were of the opinion that it would happen sooner or later. They were also interested in his masturbation habits – he didn't know what masturbation was but he understood what rubbing off was. However this was not a subject he could discuss with two strange adults!! He found his denials of doing such a thing got laughed at. There seemed however little else to do than to continue to deny doing it. Once a cane had appeared however, he said whatever he thought they wanted to hear even if it painted him in a black light. The warden and doctor decided that he better have regular enemas as prevention is as good as a cure. He was also to be treated as an eight year old. The warden was sure he could be enrolled in a nearby school in a class of eight year olds which had a very tough form mistress (she would need to know the truth but, the warden was sure would find it somewhat amusing). Doug was warned that any attempt to show off at the school would be severely treated. "You will come no higher than half way up the class order in any test" the warden said "The form mistress may have other ideas and accuse you of slacking but that is between her and you. She, and the class, will also need to be warned about you pissing, and maybe shitting, yourself" "Now there are several things wrong with your body if it is to pass as an eight year old's." the doctor said, "First we will remove those few hairs which you have down there. The most permanent way is electrolysis and there is a woman's beauty saloon where I will arrange for you to go. The treatment will hurt quite a lot but with women watching I am sure you can be a brave boy. Next You balls have dropped out of the body cavity where they were until you were about ten. I will return them and put a small stitch into your ball-sack so they cannot return. It will not show except to people who know it is there. Lastly I or the warden will regularly completely de-spunk you by prostrate massage. You will still get hard if boys or girls work hard to excite you but you will be unable to produce anything to show you are over eight." The next month continued in the way that the adults intended. Doug was completely isolated and any boy or girl who had tried to show him even the slightest kindness was warned off. If he were lucky he was allowed to use a street drain to pee down. He hated school where he was almost daily flogged under some flimsy excuse or other. Even his little classmates had learnt that they could bully him without risk! Worse was the club evenings when he was the butt of endless teasing followed by early bed but no sweet dreams. Then came his old school's half term and who should come to stay for the weekend at the settlement other than the boy he used to fag for. In fact he still learnt that he still had to fag for him while he was at the settlement! He was still wetting the bed and now also from time to time he wet his shorts. He did not know that some of the pills he was being given achieved this. After another medical (??), it was decided that he was not even eight and indeed not even of school age. He was put into nappies (diapers) and rubber pants and treated as a pet might be by the local kids. Initially he was put into tie-on boxing gloves but they were put onto the wrong hands. This meant that the bulk of the padding stopped him closing his fingers or using his thumb. After a while these were replaced with some specially constructed gloves which had a padlock incorporated in them so no one else could get them off for him. There were endless reasons for him to be nude in front of the other kids. He was made to model for an art class and a photographic class. He was a volunteer(!!) for first aid training of other kids – mostly girls. He had to do P.T., without the use of his hands, and he had no kit. He was made to be an opponent for boys practicing boxing movements – they were not meant to actually hit him but 3; Then the worst thing he could have dreamed up happened the anti-natal clinic decided to use him as a model. There were these very young mothers and an old hag of a nurse who was the instructress. She taught them to bathe him, to put him into nappies or do one of the hundred and one things that mothers have to do to babies. Once one of the mothers even had him suckling on her – for a giggle. He was slowly, but very steadily, being reduced in age in all sorts of ways. He was not too concerned with the changes to his diet. But he hated it when first all solid food was cut up for him and he had to eat everything with a spoon and fork. Then slowly the things that had to be cut up in the first place disappeared and he was getting more mashed and strained (and tasteless!) things. He was not aware of the various additives which these things contained. He was not in control of the quantity but had to eat whatever he was given and could never ask for more. Then he started being fed. Very often it was by the very young girls who considered him a sort of doll. They were not good at getting all the food in his mouth so he had to wear a bib. Then for Christmas he was given a high chair! Possibly most serious to his mental equilibrium was the changes to his name. Douglas had become Doug before our story started but it became successively Dougie, Baby Dougie, Baby Doggie, Puppy (for a short while) then Baby Daisy or just baby or Daisy. His bedtime became steadily more extended as he was put to rest before lunch then after lunch then both. The actual time he went to bed was also being bought forward. He still slept (?) in the dormitory however. Less a problem was his dress as he was already in rags and as he was given more feminine and childlike clothes their quality and condition actually improved. Since his intellectual level was quite inappropriate, this was an area for rectification. First he was given a pair of contact lenses. In stead of the normal lens they were etched so that he could just make out shapes and there was no way he could ,say, read. He was also taught to adjust his speech. Over time the following modifications were made
He was still being regularly desexed by prostate massage by the warden or some other person at his request.
One day as baby was getting near his eighteenth birthday and the whole operation was running smoothly, the warden got a 'phone call for Doug's father "Don't worry but I need to talk to you on a delicate matter as you can help me out." As you can imagine the warden had had a fright but he recovered quickly and they met in the West End where he was taken to an expensive restaurant. It turned out that the man wanted to get remarried but Doug stood in the way. "I need to disinherit him with his permission (!!) in order for the entailed property no longer to pass to him. It is important to me and I would give him, or you, a suitable sum now and an annuity which will mean neither he nor you will want for anything." As you will remember the warden was a stanch socialist but as so often happens the money got to him. The father said he hoped that the warden was breaking him in as one would a fractious horse. Eventually and gradually the warden told him what was being done and what had been achieved so far. The father was highly amused and his comment 'serves him right' summed his attitude up. They decided that the warden should adopt him privately and very simple procedure in those days. If the existing parents or guardian and the prospective adopter were agreed and the 'child' was over 15 then it was purely a formal hearing in court – The 'child' was not even present or informed by the court. More is the pity the procedure is no longer permitted. Within the week Baby was the 'son' of the warden. Within a month on the day after his eighteenth birthday Baby was married to the daughter of the 'doctor' in a very curious civil ceremony. Strangely enough the young woman wanted a real child with him as the actual father. However it was quite unthinkable that he should actually see her naked let alone have normal sex. At his birthday party a number of men and youths had indeed had every kind of sex with him. He was however always the passive partner – when his prick had shown a slight sign of lengthening it had been sprayed with an alcohol spray and frozen to its usual soft state. However the prostrate massages were continued. His wife learnt how give them and she then took over the chore. On several occasions the liquid was used in A.I.H. (Artificial Insemination by Husband) treatment. It was successful and the boy child was born before Baby's nineteenth birthday. Another idea the young woman had which gave her inordinate pleasure was she invited the Duke, Doug's father, to visit and stressed that since Baby was now no longer related to the Duke it would not be incest if 3; The Duke found the proposal by his son's wife intriguing and took advantage of the offer, and his son. He was normally only interested in women but in this case he fucked the boy as if Baby was an experienced prostitute. The woman called her son Douglas as the name was no longer needed by the father and any reaction by him when the name was called could be punished. The boy was bought up quite normally and soon left his father behind. Baby still needed nappies while the child was quite dry. The child was encouraged to treat his father as a doll and he was bathed, washed, fed and so on by the boy.
Today if you visit the family you will find great grandfather Baby surrounded by his family who all regard him as a baby even those who are themselves very young children.
The End |