ToolUserThe Bitch |
SummaryMorrie is forced to postpone his vacation to finish a job which has been delayed by an indecisive customer. However he arrives on site to discover that the customer has herself gone on vacation, leaving her spoiled and arrogant thirteen year old nephew in charge. Angry and humiliated at being forced to associate with unclean animals and menials, the boy abuses his position and bullies Morrie. But even the gentlest giant will only take so much, and Morrie remembers there's only one way to deal with a bully 3;
Publ. Sep 2008;
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CharactersSanjay (13yo) and MorrieCategory & Story codesNon-consensual story/rapeMt t-dog – nc oral anal – first spank humil best bond interr (Explanation) |
DisclaimerThis story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.The theme explored in this story is FANTASY. Just as one can enjoy violent videogames or movies without committing or condoning violence in real life, a person can enjoy violent fantasies of abuse without promoting abuse in real life.
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Author's noteThe paragraphs you see at the top of stories give no protection whatsoever. The bigots have already decided that if you think differently from them, you're a Tool of Satan (or worse, a Free Thinker) and they'll hunt you down and then party round the bonfire while you burn. All of the characters in this story are fictional. No similarity to any person alive or dead is intended.Permission is granted to re-post and copy at will, and to store this story in any not-for-profit archive, provided all warnings are retained. The story codes for the whole story are: M/t oral anal nc rp spank viol humil beast bond (or to put it another way - violent man/teenboy sex with pretty much every kink except scat and blood, 'cos they turn me off.) No electrons were harmed in the making of this story. Hope you enjoy it.
Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author through this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line. |
Chapter 1Man, was she ever a bitch! Morrie clenched his fists on the steering wheel until he felt his knuckles crack. First she wanted all the cabinets in a U, with a breakfast bar at the end. Then she wanted an island counter. The refrigerator must be near the stove – no – near the door. And the counter tops: first tiled, then steel, now slate.And all of it done by yesterday, of course. He'd been putting units in and ripping them out again and a job that should have taken ten days was now a month over, and all because his chickenshit boss Larry still hoped to park his measley little pecker in her henhouse. "Yes, Ms. Chandra, No, Ms. Chandra, it's no trouble at all, Morrie will handle it, Ms. Chandra." It wouldn't have been so bad if Larry had come across with the overtime like he'd promised; Morrie had been eyeing the new VL500 supercam for a long time. But like most of Larry's big promises it "hadn't quite realized itself yet." Viciously Morrie shoved the gearshift down into second; the engine growled, protesting the weight of stone slabs stacked in the rear as the heavy van lumbered up the hill. It suited his mood. Ah well. His old video camera still worked, it's just he'd wanted to impress the guys with the latest toy this vacation. As the van cornered, Morrie put out his big hand to steady the black kitbag on the passenger seat. He was supposed to be on vacation right now: sucking beer down with his buddies on Mike's veranda before partying at club ChiChi and going home with some cute lil' bit of chicken. Morrie felt his cock harden at the memory of last year's vacation. Charlie, just nineteen. Skinny, shy as a nun and studying socio-economics, his eyes serious and a little frightened behind those big stupid glasses until Morrie had showed him how much fun sixteen stone of muscular, sweaty laborer could be. Morrie grinned at the memory of their last afternoon together. The hotel TV in the corner of the bedroom had been replaying footage shot in the club the night before. Morrie had been sprawled on the bed with Charlie whooping and riding Morrie's big cock; punching the air and doing silly disco moves in time to the music on the TV. Charlie's cute balls and hard little cock were bobbing in time to the beat as he bounced his narrow hips up and down, squeezing that fat cock with his tight little ass. Finally he'd gripped both hands in Morrie's chest hair and ridden him hard; Morrie bucking his hips counterpoint and the boy yelping "Oh! Oh! Fuck me! Fuck me!" each time Morrie rammed his thick meat home. The bed had shook as they fucked faster and harder to a finish that left them both gasping, sticky and exhausted with the neighbours hammering on the walls and yelling at them to keep it down – probably out of sheer jealousy. Morrie laughed out loud, his voice echoing in the van. "Hell of a performance, Charlie!" Damn! He'd rather be there than here, but here he was, grinding up the hill early on a Saturday morning instead of broadening little twinks' minds and asses. Still, he figured this a two day job, maybe a day and a half if he really humped it and slept in the van to save the travelling time. Yeah, come the middle of Sunday afternoon he was gonna be blasting down the freeway, headed for chicken town. Morrie pulled left and halted in front of the big white gates. As he popped the door the air tasted dry with the peppery scent of cedars. By lunchtime it was was going to be a furnace up here. Grumbling to himself, Morrie crunched across the gravel and thumbed the squawkbox. As always, Ms. Chandra's two dobermans began a thunderous barking the other side of the gate, but there was no other reply. "Quiet Brutus!" Morrie yelled. "Shaddup, Wolf!" It didn't quiet them of course – it never did. But the fearsome growls and snarls changed to yowps of excitement as the dogs scrabbled against the gate eager to have him scratch their ears and thump their flanks and tell them what good boys they were. He'd buzzed again, and a third time before he heard a tinny voice echo from the speaker. "Yes?" The voice sounded young; not one Morrie had ever heard before. "Maurice Carlton, Pinnacle Kitchens." "Oh! The big guy. My aunt, she told me about you. I have new instructions." The lock clunked and Morrie heard motors hum as the gates began to swing open. Brutus was the first through the gap, a huge coal black hound whose head came up to Morrie's waist, his tongue lolling between enormous fangs. A truly ferocious sight except for the stub of his tail wagging. The tan hound Wolf was right behind, bounding like he was made of rubber. When he'd first started coming up here, the dogs had been skittish and half crazy, but playing with them during his meal break – not to mention the longer sessions where Ms Chandra agonized over the placement of a light fitting or the exact shade of the flooring – had calmed the dogs down a lot. Damn, he was gonna miss these dogs when this job was finished. Morrie braced himself as Brutus jumped up, his huge front paws nearly at Morrie's shoulders as he tried to lick the man's face. "Down, ya idiot," Morrie said, heaving him off and rubbing his ears as Wolf circled round behind and bashed his legs. "And you too, yeah, good to see you too, hound." He reached down to thump the younger dog's flank, but Wolf yelped and moved away. "Hey! What ch'yu been doin', hey boy?" Morrie crouched, calling the younger dog to him. "Hey, boy! C'mon Wolf, here boy!" Wolf padded back while Brutus paced behind him and whined. "It's okay boy. Yeah, let me look. What you bin doin' hey?" Morrie scratched Wolf's head while he looked the dog over. Now that he was squatting, he could see a long ugly gash along the dog's ribs. It was only shallow, but should be seen to. "Oh, that trouble again, huh? Some folks just shouldn't have dogs." Although Brutus seemed physically okay, now Morrie was looking for it, he could see that the big dog wasn't acting right. Something had bent his world out of shape. He wanted to stay close to Morrie and, the first craziness of greeting over, now seemed quiet but kind of jumpy, too. Morrie stood up. "Don't you worry guys. We'll sort this out. Fine pair of goddamn' guard dogs you two are, ya big shy softies! Now go on – git! Away from the van. In!" Morrie pointed and the dogs loped back into the grounds. "New instructions!" he muttered to himself as he got back into the van. "I can't wait. I just can't bloody wait." Still, he thought, as he slammed the van door and re-started the engine. At least I won't have that fuckin' bitch squintin' over my shoulder and changin' her mind all the goddamn' time. And who knows? Maybe he's cute.
The sliding glass kitchen doors opened onto a brick laid patio, and three steps led down to the paved parking place. Morrie carefully reversed the van as close to the bottom of the steps as he could, shortening the distance he would have to carry the heavy slabs. He got out and was just unlocking the rear van doors when he heard a little cough behind him. He turned and looked up. The boy stood on the top step, clad in a dazzling white sports shirt and tiny white briefs that made his smooth coffee-milk skin seem much darker. His long, glossy, curly hair was held back from his face by a towelling sweatband. High cheekbones and a narrow pointed jaw gave him a classically pretty look, but his expression was sour and angry and he darted glances left and right as though muggers and assassins might jump out from behind the bushes at any minute. "Here. For you." He pushed a thick white envelope down towards Morrie, jiggling it impatiently. "You shall follow these instructions exactly. My aunt not tolerate any more shoddy work." "Yeah." Morrie tore open the envelope and frowned over Ms. Chandra's spiky, tangled scrawl. He scratched his head. "Well? You can read, yes?" Morrie looked up. "Yeah, and I hear real good too. You, you're 3; " he paused and squinted at the writing again. "Sanjay, right? Well, go back indoors and tell Ms. Chandra that if she's changed her mind again and wants the big dishwasher, it means new cabinets which means new tops." Sanjay shook his head. "I cannot. My aunt, she has gone off to the villa for weekend." "So get on the phone and tell her." "She say she wish time for alone and gives to me the emergency phone, but I do not call her for this – she shall be angry! That is the whole point why I am here." His lip curled. "That and to feeding her smelly beasts." "Then I'm gonna fix the kitchen the way she agreed before." "Oh? You can show the agreement?" Sanjay smirked, and Morrie found himself wishing he could grab both Ms. Chandra and his boss and bang their stupid heads together. Larry and his fuckin' handshake deals. Morrie sighed. So much for a quick finish. He'd be lucky if he didn't end up going back to the workshop again. "Shit. Well half the kitchen's the same anyway, so I might as well get on with that." Morrie was just turning back to the van when the boy spoke again. "Also you cannot park van on the yard. It has new pavings." "The paving's fine: the van won't crack it." "I am not caring. I do not wish that van parked in this place. You will move him." The paving had been new when this damn' kitchen project was first begun, and the van had been parked in that place every time without harm. But as Larry kept telling him: The customer is always right until we've got their money. And that bitch was trouble enough already. "Okay, sure." Give the little prick what he wants. Morrie strode away, feeling in his pocket for the keys. The paved yard wasn't THAT big, Morrie told himself as he settled into the driving seat. At most it would add a minute to a trip. Each and every goddamn' trip. "Jumped-up prissy little goddamn' prick," he muttered to himself. "End up just like his fuckin' aunt if someone don't teach him better." The engine started with a rumble, and for a moment, Morrie was tempted to just leave. Fuck 'em both. But Larry would chew his ass off, talking about "community reputation" and "honoring promises". Yeah, right. Larry the promise-keeper. That was worth a laugh in the bars. Morrie drove the van slowly back the way he'd come until the wheels crunched on gravel again. It was a stupid place to park, blocking the driveway like this, but hell. The customer was always fuckin' right. He killed the engine, set the parking brake with a good hard pull and climbed out. "Time to get humpin', get up a sweat, an' get this job sorted," he muttered as he swung the rear doors open. Morrie slid the first yard-square piece of slate towards himself, lifting it onto his shoulder with a soft grunt, and then crouched awkwardly to grab his toolbox with his free hand. The heavy slate pressed into his shoulder as he clumped across the yard, the sun already heating his back. He knew he would regret giving in to the kid before the afternoon was over. He turned the corner to find the boy standing in the doorway. Climbing the steps, Morrie realized that Sanjay was smaller than he'd thought, and younger too. Suddenly instead of looking up at a cocky sixteen or seventeen year old, he was looking down at a kid of maybe fourteen. Much more beautiful close up, Morrie decided: huge dark almond shaped eyes with lashes like black fans, and plum colored lips that even in their present sulky pout looked decidedly kissable. Morrie found himself wondering if the boy's skin was that same honey-dark color all over, or just the parts that saw the sun. Sanjay frowned up at him and then retreated into the kitchen.
The open-plan kitchen made up about a third of the large party room, the entire glass wall of which could be rolled open to allow access to the patio. A huge plasma screen hung on the opposite wall, currently imitating an aquarium. The dining suite was a blond angular Swedish style, and a studded white leather day bed arched its sleek modern curves in front of the window, displayed like sculpture next to a low chrome and glass coffee table. It hadn't impressed Morrie the first time. "Style-by-numbers fashion-supplement furnishing," he muttered. "If that chicken-brained bitch had the guts to buy stuff she actually liked maybe she wouldn't keep changing her mind every time some fuckin' swank mag does a new spread." He turned back to see Sanjay pulling himself up onto a high stool at the breakfast bar. The remains of a platter of sliced fruit and cheese, a half-used stick of butter and a French loaf suggested he'd interrupted the boy's breakfast. As Sanjay twisted round to push aside a fruit bowl and a couple of ornamental spice grinders, Morrie felt his eyes drawn to the curve of the boy's sleek little ass in those tight, tiny shorts. Sanjay turned back and leaned an elbow on the counter in theatrical nonchalance, staring insolently at Morrie. Despite the attitude he looked unbearably cute in his white tennis outfit. "You play tennis a lot?" Morrie dumped the toolbox and then carefully set the slab down flat by the window. "No I do not play tennis here. I do not wish to be outside." Sanjay glanced towards the open door and fidgeted on his stool. "This place, it is not good for me. To find the sun, I must go elsewhere. The beach is good." Morrie raised his eyebrows. "The beach, huh? Yeah, you sure have got a good tan." Sanjay spread his hand and looked down at it. "Yes, I am true Asian guy and I like to show." Morrie blinked, trying to banish the images of Sanjay in a skimpy speedo, glittering beads of water running down his gleaming, dark skin. "Well, I guess it helps you're a pre 3; handsome boy too." Sanjay grinned, his smile as dazzling as his shirt. "Huh. For sure I have luck at the beach. I swim, and the girls they smile to me. American girls so easy. The last time I am speaking with many girls and kiss." "Lucky guy." "No." Sanjay shook his head, very serious. "It is karma. The girls they come because I do not pollute myself. I do many proper things to keep pure. I do not eat the meat, and keep from the unclean thing." He fidgeted on the stool again, and suddenly burst out "It is too bad that my aunt she keeps filthy dogs! And now she says that I must be with them and touch their food! I do not touch meat or dog! "But my aunt she says it is all stupid old stuff and she will be modern. I say she is coconut! Brown outside but inside white!" Sanjay clenched his fist and banged it down on his knee. Morrie shrugged. "Well, I guess you do what you can. Your aunt's been workin' real hard, an' doin' real good too, I'd say." "Puh! This money from husband – he run the factory, you know? Kill animal! But she not care, marry this unclean man. You the same my mother. She say I must come here and learn from her sister; all the time she say this. I am here one month and I know she is too bad. She do many bad thing." "Well kid, you c'n stop worryin' about her makin' money off that run-down meat-packin' plant in the valley – went bust last year. Anyways, we all gotta start somewhere. I mean, I can build good and do all sorts of stuff now, but know how I started out? Plumbin'. Fixin' toilets on this crappy housin' project. But it done me good, getting my hands dirty – if ya see what I mean." "What?" Sanjay was staring at him, his lip curled in distaste. "You work in toilet?" "Yeah, a plumber, like I said." "Oh, you have much work to do, to climb up like me. But even Dalit can go up, with us in new India. You can study and not eat the meat." "Well, I kind of like eating meat," Morrie said, straight-faced. "Look it's real kind of you, kid, but I reckon I'll give the karma a miss for now, you know? I reckon we're only here the once and it's better to make this life a good 'un. No offence, okay? Morrie grinned disarmingly. "An' talking of the good times, I'm due on vacation soon as we can get this done. Goin' out to Pine Bay again." "I do not think I know this Pine Bay." "Well, I guess not. If you're lookin' for ladies, you ain't gonna have much luck round there. But the guys are real friendly, if you know what I mean." He winked at Sanjay who sat on the stool open mouthed. "You mean, you are the gay?" "Yeah." "But you are big man. Muscle, and hairy!" "What, you thought we all swished, and wore frilly shirts? Ain't so. I mean, you're the pretty one here, an' you got long hair too. But you like girls, you said?" "For sure I like girl! For man to want the dick is disgusting! So nasty!" "Oh, don't knock it till you've tried it, kid." "I will never do! Anytime in my mouth I bite! You are sick man! Now I learn why you not follow the path – too low. You must many time come again to learn the woman." "Oh, I'm comin' often enough. An' it sounds like you're doing my share of women for me." "Yes, I am only for women and girl. I would not fall so low that I go with a man, like animal or dog!" Morrie kept a smile plastered on his face. "Well," he said mildly, "I wanna get finished here quick as I can. Guess I'd better get humpin'."
Chapter 2Morrie stormed out of the kitchen and across the lanai, heading for the van."Fuckin' Holy Roller shit! He's lucky I didn't belt him one! I should've. It's always the same: "we welcome people of all different types". Yeah, right. Provided they're exactly like us and not faggots!" The dogs came bounding over, and Morrie stopped to scratch the tops of their heads and rub their hard, bristly coats. There was something very comforting about their solid, muscular dependability. "You're filthy hounds, you know that? You an' me, we're gonna come back over an' over, just like this." Brutus looked up at him, his ears pricked forward, pink tongue lolling. Morrie could swear he was laughing. "Yeah. I reckon you're right. Let's just cut the bullshit and get on with our jobs, hey? I guess I'd better get me a couple more slabs so's I can go back an' pollute his aura with my karmic animal shit." Morrie began unloading the van. The dogs of course crowded round to help: sticking their cold noses into his hands, panting hot breath in his ear whenever he bent down, pressing up against him and getting generally underfoot. "Hey, Sanjay!" Morrie pushed Brutus aside and yelled toward the house. "Come and control these bloody dogs before one of us has an accident." "I shall not!" The boy shouted back from inside the kitchen and Morrie heard Wolf growl. "I do not control the dogs for you!" "I just bet you don't, sweetheart," Morrie muttered to himself as the dogs grumbled. "What's he been doin' to you two, hey?" he patted the dogs and scratched their shoulders where their rough coats bristled. The dogs followed at his heels as he carried the next couple of slabs up, one balanced on either shoulder. At the sound of their claws on the paving Sanjay twisted round on his stool. His face paled. "Get away!" he shouted. The boy groped wildly on the counter behind himself, knocking over the fruit bowl. "Out of here, filthy animal!" he threw a spice mill at Wolf and the dog yelped. Brutus snarled. "Brutus, no!" Morrie raised his voice in a commanding bellow. "Wolf, Brutus! Heel!" "You! Throw that apple an' you're fucked, you stupid little bastard! They'll have you!" "You shut up! This not your house!" The boy was breathing fast, holding the apple high, and Morrie could see his upraised arm trembling. Morrie stood still, feeling the heavy slabs cutting into his shoulders and praying the boy would show some sense while he listened to the rumble of the dogs' growling. At last the boy lowered his arm and stepped back from the doorway. Morrie ordered the dogs to stay, and carried the slabs into the kitchen. Sanjay swooshed the door shut behind him. "I want you out this house!" "Yeah, gimme a minute." Morrie dumped the slabs and massaged his aching shoulders. "I want you go!" "What the hell are you talking about, kid?" "You anger the dogs, make them growl to me, bring them in the house. They are not allow in the house! Dirty animal!" "What the! – they're fine, them dogs. Fit, healthy and not a flea on 'em. 'Cept I was gonna mention 3;" Morrie broke off as comprehension dawned. Little shit! Fuckin' up them dogs, on account of a muddy paw mark or some damn' prinkin' thing! Sanjay was still shouting. "You so stupid! I am high caste. It is too bad my aunt make me feed dirty dogs. But if they come in the house, house unclean! If I touch them, I unclean! Understand now?" Morrie drew a deep breath. "Okay, okay. They're not coming in the house. I'll leash 'em or tie 'em up or something." "Oh, yes!" Sanjay was yelling. "You think you are big man! But you are not boss here. Dog think they boss here, but no. I top dog. I say. You go!" He pointed angrily towards the patio. "Look, kid. I'm not going anywhere." "I am not kid! I man!" "Then start fucking acting like one! I'm here to do a job and I'm gonna do it. You can either sit down, shut up and watch me do it, or fuck off – I don't care! Now get out of my way! Well?" he glared at the boy. Sanjay returned his glare for a moment and then moved back to his stool. He pulled himself up onto it and pushed his dishevelled hair back from his face, tucking it back under the sweatband with jerky, angry movements. An hour and a half later, Morrie clunked the last piece of slate down on the waist-high pile and leaned against it, gasping and wiping the sweat off his forehead with the furry back of his forearm. "Get us a glass of water, would you, kid?" The boy unfolded his arms and carefully picked an invisible piece of lint off his shorts, but otherwise didn't reply. "Y' damn' rude. Know that, kid? Fuh." Morrie wiped at his neck again. "I'll get it myself then." He heaved himself to his feet and stalked across the room towards the sink. He heard a clatter behind him and then the boy pushed past. Sanjay turned in front of Morrie, barring the way, his arms dramatically outstretched. "No. My aunt said you only use guest toilet there if you must," the boy pointed a slim, disdainful finger toward the corridor leading to the front of the house. "She said you may make dirty nothing else, nothing!" He flicked his fingers dismissively towards Morrie. "Get back!" Morrie grabbed the front of the boy's shirt and Sanjay gave a little gasp of outrage. Morrie dragged him close. "Listen to me, you little shit. I've had enough of your attitude. You're going to learn some fuckin' manners!" "Let go, labouring man!" The boy swung a wild punch; Morrie moved his head aside and grabbed his slim wrist, twisting it up behind his back. "Ow! Ow! You must take your hand off me!" "I'll show you what my fuckin' hand must do." Morrie frog-marched the kid across the kitchen towards the couch. "What you need is some fuckin' discipline and that's what I'm gonna give you." He grabbed the front of the boy's shirt in both hands and pulled. The thick material resisted for a moment, and then ripped from neck to hem. Sanjay's chest was smooth and only slightly muscled, his nipples flat like chocolate dimes. "You break my shirt!" the boy slipped an arm out of his ruined shirt and twisted away. "Yeah." Seeing the boy ready to run, Morrie grabbed at Sanjay's shorts and yanked downwards; tangling the boy's legs. "Come here you little shit!" He grabbed for Sanjay's arm, and as the boy twisted to stay out of reach, neatly hooked his feet from under him, tumbling him onto his side. Sanjay shrieked as he fell, and sprawled on the floor in a lovely tangle of torn white cotton. Hell the boy was cute! His slim waist showed the nice beginnings of a six-pack, and his crotch was bare except for a little tuft of straight wiry hair above his cock. Sanjay tried to scoot away, but Morrie grabbed his arm, getting more excited by the moment. The boy's smooth firm flesh felt good under his hands as he struggled, and Morrie enjoyed ripping the shirt's remaining arm so that he could pull it off completely. "You bastar'!" Sanjay yelled as he twisted on the floor. "You off me!" He jerked his arm in Morrie's grip. Morrie slid down off the couch and knelt, one big hand gripped round Sanjay's bicep to hold him down. He pulled off one sneaker and threw it aside. Sanjay tried to back-heel him, but his legs were still entangled in his shorts. "Let go!" Morrie caught the boy's foot and pulled that sneaker off too. "Reckon I'll leave them white socks on. They look damn' sexy. You're a good lookin' kid, sweetheart." He trailed his fingers up Sanjay's smooth thigh, cupping the sweet curve of his little ass. Morrie felt the boy twist: suddenly there was agonizing pain in his forearm. The little bastard had bitten him! "OW!" He slapped Sanjay hard across the head, knocking the boy's teeth away from his flesh. "You little shit! You're gonna be sorry you did that!" The boy hissed something and Morrie punched his lean stomach, hard. Sanjay gasped, curling into a fetal position. Morrie sat back on the couch and pulled the boy up onto his lap: face down over his knees. With the boy still winded, it was easy now to grab Sanjay's other wrist, and Morrie pulled the towelling sweatband off the boy's hair and used it to tie both slim brown wrists together. Morrie ran his hands over the boy. Beautiful smooth deep brown skin. Slim, spare, firm little buns that showed Sanjay sure did play a lot of tennis. Bent over Morrie's lap, this position spread the boy's ass enough that Morrie could clearly see the darker pinky brown of his tightly folded asshole. "Get your hands off me, chura!" Sanjay croaked. "I will report you for this! To my aunt, the police!" "You do that. And when you do it you're gonna be standing up because your ass burns so bad, because I'm gonna spank you like the spoiled little brat you are!" Morrie brought his hand down in a stinging, open slap. "Ow! You must not do this!" Sanjay said. "I will shout. Stop! Help! Help!" "Oh, go ahead and yell. None of your neighbors are close enough to hear." Morrie brought his broad hand down in a hard, meaty slap, and Sanjay yelled. "Ow! Stop this!" Morrie spanked him again. "Take that! And that! You little bitch! You and your! Fuckin'! Aunt!" He watched as his hand prints appeared: first one, then two, merging together as each slap overlaid the others. "Yeah, oh yeah!" Morrie grinned pulling the boy further onto his lap so that he could spank those inviting little brown buns harder. "Ow! Yow! Stop! Aoww!" Sanjay's asscheeks went first pink and then a deeper red as Morrie's big callused hand smacked them hard, and again. Morrie felt his cock swelling as the boy squirmed on his lap, wiggling his sexy little ass. "Yeah! Yeah! Sorry now, you ignorant little bastard? Well are you?" Morrie yelled. "Are you?! Tell! Me!" he bellowed, punctuating each word with a hard slap. "Nh! Nh! You hurt, my ass, but cannot, change me!" Sanjay gasped. "Better – aow – than you!" Morrie paused, flexing his stinging hand. "Better, are ya?" "Yes!" Sanjay hissed, twisting on his lap to glare over his shoulder. "Hit again, I will still be high and you be chura: dirt." "You ain't gonna apologize?" Sanjay snorted. "Does a man apologize to dog? I will never lower myself to you!" "Never is a big word, boy. I reckon you'll say sorry all right. More'n that – afore the afternoon's over I reckon you're gonna show me how sorry you are." He pushed the boy off his lap and Sanjay fell in a clumsy heap, glaring up at him. "How will I show this?" Sanjay sneered. "I will never say humble word to you." "Oh I reckon you'll do more'n that," Morrie said, "I reckon when you're really sorry you'll put that cute li'l mouth to better use than talkin'." Morrie stood up and stripped off his vest and pants, feeling his hard cock spring out and up. Sanjay's eyes went wide and he shook his head wildly, his hair flying out in a dark cloud. "I never do!" "Sure you do." Morrie grabbed the boy's arm and pulled him closer, but Sanjay bared his teeth. "You make big mistake." "Yeah, you're a fuckin' biter. I remember. Well if you don't wanna suck, fine. We can do other stuff 'til you fuckin' learn!" Twisting one hand into Sanjay's hair, and grabbing the boy's bound wrists with the other, Morrie pulled Sanjay up off the floor and half threw him over the broad arm of the couch. "Uhhh! What you do? What you do?" Sanjay's voice was shrill as he sprawled wide legged across the white leather arm. "Gonna do you a favor, kid. Teach you somethin' real important."
Chapter 3 |
Warningthis part contains violent non-consensual sex. If fantasy descriptions of that sort of thing upset or offend you, now is the time to hit the back/delete button. |
Morrie loved fucking boys. He loved the feel of a boy's hot, tight sheath massaging his tool, the little sounds the boy makes, the heat of his skin, and the scent of adrenaline: fear, musk and spunk. But best of all he loved the feel of dominating the boy; knowing that his cock was going up that little shitter because there was damn' all the boy could do about it. He knew Sanjay would be resisting, tensing, rejecting, fighting him. It wouldn't last – the kid would surrender. They all did: human nature. Morrie had gotten soused in a bar one time with this professor guy who laid it all out for him. For millions of years (the guy said) those boys that fought the adults died, while those that were smart enough to bend over, take it up their cute little butts and get one big guy to protect them against all the other big guys, lived. And those boys that learned to love it? They took over the fucking planet. Morrie had always figured it was just that boys were like dogs: they were happier when they knew who was boss. But whatever, it amounted to the same thing. Soon Sanjay'd be gritting his teeth and enduring it; later he'd be reluctantly compliant, and before you could say "cocksucker" he'd be loitering outside bars and in locker rooms, begging any guy with a big enough package to stretch his itchy little ring. And often those who fought the hardest turned the soonest because they're fighting Mother Nature, and she's the biggest bitch of them all. Sanjay was sprawled over the couch, watching him, a frown creasing his cute brows. "You will teach?" "Sure. Don't you worry kid. You'll get it." Morrie looked around and saw the butter on the breakfast bar. He grabbed it. "Right." One handed, Morrie squeezed open the stick of butter and smeared a generous pat onto Sanjay's ass. He saw Sanjay flinch when the cold grease contacted his skin, and the boy squealed. "What? What hell are you doing?" Sanjay yelled, trying to twist his head to see what was going on. "Bein' nice to ya." Morrie spread the butter along the boy's crack, watching the shine spread over those delicious taut brown buns. Such a cute, fuckable little ass. He stroked his hand over the boy's hot, spanked little cheeks, and felt Sanjay tense. Morrie spread Sanjay's taut little cheeks apart and then pushed a thick, nail-bitten finger against the boy's hole. He could feel Sanjay tensing, squeezing hard, and he grinned as he took a little more butter and then pushed again, harder. "Ow," Sanjay whimpered. "Ow, ow. You stop now, maybe we just forget. I not tell, promise." "Ahh, shit, Kid. You're so fuckable it'd be a goddamn' crime if I stopped now." Morrie grunted and pushed his finger further into the boy. "Ow! It is too big!" "Don't be stupid. It's only my finger. You've been shittin' bigger turds since you was five." Morrie pushed his finger further inside, feeling the boy clenching on it. "Two fingers, now 3;" "OW!" "Yeah, that's a bit more of a stretch." Morrie worked his two fingers in and out of the boy's greased hole. "Ow – you hurting, no!" Shit he was horny! The sight of the angry, helpless boy, his hands tied behind his back, shining dark curls tumbled in wild disarray and his lean dark body awkwardly twisted over the arm of the couch, his long dark legs (made to seem even longer by those sexy white kneesocks) spread wide against the pale leather – and best of all that neat, cute little ass presented in obscene display; bruised from the hard spanking and his hole gripping Morrie's fingers in tight promise of pleasure to come. "Yeah." Morrie's cock twitched at Sanjay's little whimper when he pulled his fingers out. Hastily the big man slathered his cock with grease, took a deep breath, and grabbed the boy's hips. "No, please! I not a queer, I don't do this." Morrie grinned, nestling the tip of his cock between the boy's slim asscheeks. "But you are a little bitch, ain't ya? And bitches always get fucked." "No! Ow! Off me! Not do!" Morrie pushed forward a little, enjoying the feel of the boy tensing his ass. "You're gonna get fucked, bitch. By me. Fucked hard and deep and long." He pushed again, looking down at the broad red head of his hard cock nestling against the tiny purple brown pucker of the slim teen's little ass. "It's gonna hurt you, kid. Reckon you're gonna scream like a girl. But that's okay: it don't bother me none." He pushed forward a little and felt Sanjay squeeze his ass tight shut against his cockhead. "In fact I kinda like it. I'm gonna stuff your tight ass full of hard mancock an' you c'n yell all you goddamn' want." Morrie leaned his weight into the boy, feeling the young boy's smooth, slick asshole start to stretch around the width of his fat cockhead. Sanjay shouted and desperately tried to buck his hips, kicking his legs wildly, but Morrie held him firm, his monstrous thick weapon lodged in the kid's bullseye. He increased the pressure. "Yeah! That's it, bitch!" he grunted. "Ahhh! Your boycunt's fuckin' incredible!" Sanjay screamed. "OW my ass! You rip it open! Ow! – please no! NOT!" Morrie paused a moment to get a better grip on the boy's hips and enjoy the sight of his thick cock forcing open the kid's hole. "Bit of a stretch, is it?" Morrie ran his hands over the velvet chocolate skin of the boy's back, feeling his narrow little waist, his taut, toned muscles. Morrie pushed again into the boy's tightly clenched ring; pulled out slightly and pushed again. "Yeah! So – fuckin'! Tight!" "It hurt," Sanjay moaned. "Aaaow! Oh please, no! Oh it hurt, you bastar'! You hurting me!" "Yeah! Yeah that's right, I am!" Morrie shoved his hips forward again, thrusting against the grip of the boy's tight clenched sphincter. "And you know why I'm hurtin ya, right?" "Dirty scum, you!" Morrie slapped his ass, and the boy screamed. "Watch ya mouth, kid! You gonna learn to be polite, boy." He shoved again into Sanjay's ass, hearing the boy moan in pain as he shoved his cockhead past the boy's tight ring. "I'm teachin' ya what happens when ya don't say sorry. I gave ya a choice: you could'a used your mouth properly – but no, you just wanna shoot it off. Well, now I'm gonna use your ass to shoot off, got it? "Your Daddy shoulda learned ya better, but he din't. So I'm your Daddy now. Got that?" He slapped Sanjay again, feeling his asshole spasm round his cock. "What you gonna call me? Say it!" "S 3; scum!" Sanjay choked through his gritted teeth. "Ohhhh, yeah. That's it, kid. Fight me. I like that. You gonna suck me?" "No! Ow! Never suck!" Grinning, Morrie shoved his cock deeper, feeling the tightness of the boy's desperately clenching assring slipping slowly further and further down the length of his cock with each brutal thrust. Man! The boy was tight all the way in, his spasming, twitching innards gripping Morrie's cock like a hot, velvet glove. "AIYAA!! AOUUU!" Sanjay screamed, twisting on the couch as the big man rammed his cock up his tight brown ass. "Hurting! Hurting!" he screamed. "That's it ya little cunt! Scream ya brains out, ya fuckin' little uppity bitch! Take it! Up ya! Ass!! "That's it, uh! Yeah! Uh!" finally he ground his hips against the boy's asscheeks, sheathed to the root in Sanjay's hot gut. "That's a good slut. Ready to fuck? Bet you wanna learn to be your Daddy's fucktoy now." "Nuuuah!" Sanjay moaned. "You want your Daddy to fuck you?" "No, no! No fuck! I don't!" Sanjay sobbed, trying to shift his hips on the sofa. "Hate you, bad man!" "Tell me, you stupid little cunt!" Morrie shoved again. "I'm gettin' real pissed. Tell me you want it or I'll really fuckin' hurt you!" he gripped a handful of the boy's red, tender ass and squeezed. Sanjay whimpered and thrashed, but it didn't seem to have any other effect. Morrie reached between the boy's legs and grabbed his balls, squeezing hard. Sanjay arched his back and screamed. Morrie felt the boy's ass clenching tight, and moaned in an agony of lust; he wanted to fuck the little bitch hard: now! Now! Now! But he mastered himself, and relaxed the pressure on the boy's balls after a single hard squeeze. "Yes, you do! You want me to fuck you!" Morrie rammed his cock a fraction further into the boy's tight clenched little shitter. "Tell me!" "OW! Hate you! Ow!" Morrie squeezed again, twisting the boy's nuts savagely. Sanjay screamed like a stuck pig and thrashed atop the couch. He tried to twist away, but Morrie's grip on his balls, and the tight-spasmed grip of his own ass around Morrie's cock prevented him. Morrie thrust into Sanjay's tight-clenched ring, enjoying the feel of the teen's muscles clamped around his cock. "You're a dirty little whore, ain't ya?" he snarled. "Gettin' me all excited with your 'No, no I shan't!' when all the time you're hot 'n' wet thinkin' 'bout my cock stuffin' your ass!" "AAAAiiiahh! " Sanjay screamed, wildly bucking his ass as Morrie continued to twist the boy's nuts. "Yeah! That's it boy!" Morrie yelled over Sanjay's screaming. "Ride your Daddy's cock with that cute li'l ass! Makin' me hurt ya an carryin' on like you don't like it, ya lyin' little bitch!" Morrie stopped squeezing, and waited for the boy's earsplitting shrieks to subside. "You gonna tell me the truth now?" Morrie flexed his fingers warningly around Sanjay's balls. "Oh, please," Sanjay babbled as Morrie thrust into his ass, "please! Ahuh! Ahuh! No! – please!" "Please what?" Morrie's rhythm was unrelenting. "P-please fuck ass, uh, ow it hurting." Morrie thrust hard into the boy's ring. "Fuck me what?" "Aah! Daddy! Please to fuck me, please Daddy!" "Yeah, that's right, kid. Tell your Daddy how much you want to be fucked." "Please Daddy, please fuck my ass, ow! I want you to be fucking me with your big hard cock, uh, uh, it hurts, it hurts!" he sobbed. "Yeah, Daddy's gonna teach you good. He's gonna teach you what your cute little ass is for; how to suck cock; how to make a man real happy. You want to make your Daddy happy, don't you?" "Aow! No, Daddy! Please not! I no like!" "Can you feel me in you, slutboy?" Morrie growled, thrusting in and out. "Feel me stretching your pretty ass wide? Well, can you?" Sanjay whimpered. "Ow! Yes, Daddy." "You like it, don't you?" Sanjay just moaned, and Morrie slipped a hand between the boy's smooth thighs and gripped his balls again. "I asked you a question, boy. Answer me!" He squeezed Sanjay's balls lightly and the boy yelped, his asshole twitching round the root of Morrie's dick. "You like my fat cock up your hole?" Morrie moved back a little, watching as his thick hard cock pulled the pink inner of the boy's tightly stretched assring into view. The boy whimpered, writhing on the broad arm of the couch, his twitching sending shivers of pleasure up Morrie's cock. Morrie squeezed again. "Aaow! Yes! Aaah! Yes, Daddy!" "You like being fucked? Tell me!" "I like it Daddy! I like being fucked," Sanjay sobbed. "I like feeling your so big hard cock up my ass!" "That's a good boy." Morrie pushed the boy's hips firmly against the couch and began to fuck him anew with sharp, hard jabs of his thick cock. Morrie could see the boy's agonized expression: his eyes were squeezed shut and his teeth gritted. He could feel the boy clenching his ass, gripping Morrie's cock. Every time he pulled his cock out an inch, two inches [2½, 5 cm] through the boy's tight ring of muscle, Sanjay yelped. Every time Morrie shoved home again, the boy whimpered and moaned; twisting on the couch. "Yeah, that's it boy. I c'n hear ya moanin', you little whore!" Morrie snarled as he thrust regularly into the boy, slapping his hairy thighs against Sanjay's smooth brown ass cheeks. "Oh, yeah! Uh! Uh!" "Argh! Ow! Oh please!" Sanjay sounded desperate. "Ow! Ow!" "Please, is it now?" Morrie grinned and thrust hard again. "That's it you little whore, scream with pleasure when I fuck you." "AHHH! AHHH!" Sanjay screamed as Morrie's fucking moved up into a brutal, stabbing rhythm. The couch squeaked and grated across the floor as the big man hunched close against the teenager, holding him down with sheer weight and using all his muscles to ram his cock again and again into the sobbing boy. "Take it, you little bitch," he snarled. "Squeeze your ass, boy! Yeah, like that. Work your Daddy's cock with your tight little boycunt." Morrie could feel the sweat running down his back as his hips thrust in a savage, pounding rhythm. He was now pulling out just a couple of inches and then ramming home again, battering his hips against the boy's dusky lean ass, the entire length of his hard fucktool squeezed by Sanjay's tight, hot, bowels. Slowly Sanjay's ass muscles tired under the prolonged assault and gradually Morrie was able to lengthen his stroke until he was pulling almost completely out and then smashing home again. He looked down, watching his glistening, big-veined hard cock squeezing into the boy's tightly stretched ring. The narrowness of Sanjay's hips made Morrie's cock look all the bigger and thicker by comparison, and the thought of quite how far up the boy's colon he was fucking urged him to be a bit harder and rougher. He accelerated the pace, pistoning into the boy's gleaming brown haunches, flesh slapping against sweaty flesh; Sanjay yelping and whimpering in time to the rhythmic fuck. Morrie grabbed the boy's slim ankle in one hand and lifted, twisting Sanjay sideways on the couch so he could spear his ass from a new angle. As he'd suspected, the mechanical stuffing and friction had combined to give the boy a hardon – not that a horny teen needed much excuse anyway. It jiggled slightly as Morrie kept up the pace, pumping in and out of the boy's tight hole. "Ow, ow, ow!" "Y' like it," he gasped. "No," Sanjay moaned. "You don't look." "Yeah, right." Morrie rammed his cock hard up the boy's little shitter. "Never happened – right, straight-boy? " Sanjay glared up at him. "I not – ow! – not the gay!" he said. "What – whatever." Morrie grinned down at the boy and changed the angle of his fucking slightly. "Sure are, nice. Tight fuck." Oooh, yeah. That was it. He knew he'd found the boy's joy-gland the minute his cock rubbed against it, and felt it in the boy's reaction. Oh fuck. He was gonna cum soon, he could feel it building, but first, if he could 3; Sanjay moaned, and Morrie could see the boy's dick was a little harder, jigging against the boy's flat, ridged stomach in time to Morrie's fucking. Morrie was close – he was trying not to look at the sexy little boy with his dick at full mast and his ass stuffed and stretched by that big hard cock. He closed his eyes, and bit his lip, concentrating on hitting the boy's joy-button on every thrust. Sanjay whimpered and gasped, and Morrie felt the teen's ass clenching rhythmically on his cock as he thrust in and out. He opened his eyes to see the boy's cock twitch and shoot a long string of pearly cum over his dark stomach and chest, and felt a second, tighter squeeze as the boy came hard, squirting over his own face. "Yeah, bitch, yeah!" he panted. "That's it! Cum for yer Daddy. Show him how much you like bein' fucked by his big hard cock, little pansy boy!" Morrie felt the boy buck and shiver against him as he continued to fuck his spasming asshole. Sanjay moaned. "No, I not! I not!" he sobbed. "Yeah, right!" Morrie gasped. "Sure, straight boy, cums if Daddy, fucks him! The thrill of Sanjay's humiliation tingled through Morrie's veins. He let go Sanjay's ankle, letting the boy roll onto his stomach so he was fucking him doggy-style, hard, like the little boy-bitch he was. His own cock felt iron hard and swollen fit to burst. "Unh! Unh! Yeah! Take it! Up your, Tight! Little! Ass!!" he gasped, fucking the boy as hard as he could. "Love it! You! Fuckin'! Loveit!" Reaching forward and down, he grabbed Sanjay's hair in both hands and began pulling, hard, making the little bitch scream and clamp down tight with his ass again as he thrust, thrust into that clenching, squeezing little ring, feeling the need boiling up in his dick. Hard, again, and yes 3; "Oh, fuck! Oh, you little whore 3;" Morrie came so hard it hurt, a huge pulse of cum that squirted deep into Sanjay's flinching gut. He was grinding his hips against the boy, trying to get every possible millimeter of hard man cock buried inside that sticky hot wetness as his cock throbbed and spurted. He whimpered from the toe-curling intensity of the pleasure, his eyes tight shut and his body shivering as he rocked to and fro, feeling Sanjay's hot gut squeezing his oversensitive cock as he sprayed the inside of the teen's colon with shuddering blasts of cum. Slowly, stickily, Morrie pulled his cock out of Sanjay's hole. The boy's neat ass sure looked different now: purple and fingermarked, his hole puffy and swollen, surrounded by a purple ring of bruising and leaking a thin trickle of cum down one smooth dark thigh; a thicker splash of cum across the arm marked where the boy had spurted again. Morrie staggered round to the other end of the couch and collapsed onto it, gasping, sprawling with his legs wide and his softening cock dripping a discolored greasy puddle onto the floor. Slowly his breathing eased. Morrie wiped his forehead with the back of his arm, feeling the cool leather sticky against his sweating back. Sanjay turned his head and glared at Morrie. His eyes were like chips of jet. "You will in prison long time for this." Morrie chuckled. "Pity it ain't you goin' ta the big house. You'd have a great time, ya little whore." "You shall be quiet!" "Cummin' just 'cause yer daddy fucks that cute li'l boy-pussy o' your'n. SURE yer straight." He grinned to himself and waited. Sometimes the best parts were when you got to fuck a boy's mind. "I 3; I will still tell." Morrie sighed. "Yeah. I bin thinkin' about that."
Chapter 4 |
Warningthis part contains violent non-consensual sex and beastiality. If fantasy descriptions of that sort of thing upset or offend you, now is the time to hit the back/delete button. |
Morrie adjusted the video camera on its tripod, twisting the locking bolt. He checked the video feed that led down to his laptop. One good thing about having the same old equipment was that he wasn't going to mess up because he'd forgotten some fiddlin' little switch somewhere. He could concentrate on the subject. He squinted through the viewfinder. Sanjay sure looked sexy, kneeling with his slim nakedness bent over the glass and chrome coffee table, duct tape gleaming silver against his smooth brown skin. The teen's long legs were spread and taped at knee and thigh to the rear legs of the table. His arms were stretched down on either side of the thick glass tabletop, pulled forward and bound to the front legs with further generous windings of the strong tape. Morrie liked the way the awkward position elongated the boy's adolescent muscles into the slimmest of suggestions beneath his silky chocolate skin. His back was stretched out, the knobs of his spine visible and his shoulder-blades too, except where his long, blue-black hair brushed against his skin. And his ass! Slim, lean cheeks stretched by the boy's kneeling position into a subtle curve that would haunt any boy-fucker's imagination. His asshole was no longer the neat virgin rosette Morrie had first seen, but a darkened eye, swollen and tender like an overripe fruit. Sanjay had stopped thrashing about, apparently finally accepting that he wasn't going to move the duct tape any time soon. He lifted his head from the glass top and looked round at Morrie. "Good for court this," the boy sneered. "You fuck my ass and they can see if I like." "Well, thanks for the invite, kid. But I thought we'd do something a bit different, y'know? You just wait there, okay?" Morrie rummaged in his toolbox, and then hummed a little tune to himself as he strolled out onto the lanai, a bunch of nylon safety ties in one hand, feeling the warm sun on his nakedness. Damn, but it was good havin' a private place like this! These rich bitches sure did all right for themselves. He whistled shrilly between his teeth, and the dogs came bounding out of the bushes, panting and jostling one another as they crowded close. Morrie knelt down and ruffled Brutus' ears while he hooked a couple of ties together and looped them through the dog's collar. "Now you just stay here boy. I'll come back after Wolf here has had his fun, 'kay?" He looped the ends over a convenient bit of shrubbery, and then turned his attention to Wolf, looping several ties together to make a leash. "There ya go, Wolf. You ready boy? Ready for fun?" "Come on then." Sanjay's head turned sharply as Wolf's claws clattered on the floor tiles. "No!" Sanjay shouted. "Dirty dog not allow in the house!" Wolf lunged forward, snarling, and was brought up short by the leash. Sanjay paled and he lay absolutely still for a moment. Then suddenly he was jerking his body, pulling futilely at his bonds. His skin shone with sweat and he babbled something incomprehensible as he struggled. Morrie paced into the room, Wolf snarling at his side and straining forward against the leash. "Guess the rules just changed, didn't they?" he looked down at Sanjay, but the boy was staring wide eyed at the big dog, whimpering and shaking; his sides heaving as though he'd just run a hundred meters [300 foot]. "Yeah," Morrie said softly. "I figure I'd let the dogs have a bit of payback for what you done to 'em, yeah?" "Paying? Not understand." Sanjay looked fearfully from the dog to Morrie and back again. "You will not let him bite! Please no bite!" "Bite? Nah." Morrie squatted down so that he was almost level with Sanjay and smiled into his eyes. "He ain't gonna bite – leastways not 'less you piss him off. "Nah. Wolf here's gonna fuck your tight little ass, he is." Morrie grinned at the shock on Sanjay's face. "No! He unclean and dirty dog! He cannot!" "Sure he can. Here Wolf! Show the kid what you got, hey boy?" Morrie pushed the dog's hips round so that he was sideways on to the coffee table. He saw Sanjay's gaze dart down to Wolf's crotch and then the boy turned his head away, blushing. "Yeah, he's a big dog, ain't ya Wolf? An' that's before he's even int'rested, y'know?" Morrie slid his hand down and began massaging Wolf's hairy sheath. The dog whined, restive, and Morrie saw Sanjay sneak another look. "Yeah, that's right boy. You take a good look." Morrie could feel Wolf firming under his hands, and to judge by the expression of horror on Sanjay's face the dog's cock was beginning to show. He grinned nastily. "This is what's gonna fuck you, boy." Morrie looked down. Sure enough, Wolf was showing two or three inches [7½ cm] of hard, dark red cock above the sheath already, and it grew as Morrie watched. The dog's cock was thick and ribbed all over with a network of tiny branching veins. It glistened and hardened as the dog grew more excited. "No," Sanjay moaned. "Dog so dirty to me. Please you will not!" "Yeah, sure we will. You're gonna show Wolf here a real good time, I reckon. You still got a nice tight little ass, kid, even after I stretched and lubed it a bit. Wolf's gonna like feelin' that squeezin' his hard cock." Morrie patted Wolf's head and ears reassuringly as he continued to rhythmically stroke the beast. "Please – he will hurt! You cannot think he can get in my ass!" "Big, ain't he? Don't you worry boy. All this hard doggy cock is gonna go right up your tight little boy cunt. He's gonna fuck you. Fuck you real hard and shoot his slime in your asspussy. "You're gonna be his bitch, boy. I'm gonna video you gettin' fucked by a big, horny, hairy mutt 'n' mail it out to a couple of my pals. After that, you wanna talk to the cops, suddenly you're gonna be real famous round the beach an' your school an' back in your home town too." "No 3;" Sanjay moaned. "It is not good! I cannot, cannot." "Oh yes you can, faggot boy. You better hope he likes fucking you, 'cos I ain't gonna be holdin' him. You mess him about, piss him off, an' he's gonna take a chunk outta you." "He is so big! Hurt me!" "Yeah. Reckon it's only fair. You was hurtin' him, now he's gonna hurt you right back 'n' real hard. You get this, boy. You think you're so fuckin' high an' mighty? Well not now you ain't. You're gonna service this dog like the lowest kind of fuckin' whore. You're gonna think about pleasurin' him because you need him t' have a good time. You don't wanna think about what it's gonna be like if he don't like what you're doin'." Morrie led Wolf round to the other end of the table. "Here boy!" he said to Wolf. "Here! Sniff this!" He guided Wolf's muzzle towards Sanjay's smooth, gleaming little brown cheeks. Wolf sniffed, and licked, his pink tongue in vivid contrast to Sanjay's dark flesh. Sanjay whimpered, squirming at the sensation. "Relax, slut. You're gonna get your ass stuffed soon enough." Morrie stroked the boy's ass and spread his hole open so the dog could lick it. "Hey Wolf, what can you taste hey? Good, is it?" Wolf was getting more excited. His cock was fully hard now, jigging up and down as the big dog enthusiastically licked Morrie's cum out of Sanjay's hole. "Hey, but you're a big boy ain't you Wolf? Gonna make Sanjay here real happy when you get all that up his ass. You fuck him hard, now. Y' hear me? Real hard 'n' nasty!" Suddenly Wolf began to clamber onto the coffee table. Morrie let him go and grabbed the video camera off the tripod, focusing it on the dog. His big cock was hard and shiny, as long as Morrie's hand and as thick around as the boy's wrist. The dog scrambled higher and Morrie saw that shiny flesh press against Sanjay's thigh. Sanjay squealed and flinched aside, hunching his head down and moaning as the hairy excited dog rubbed his hips against his ass; shivering every time the dog's thick red cock pressed against his skin. It took Wolf a couple of attempts, but finally Morrie saw the dog's big cock line up with Sanjay's bruised and tender asshole. He zoomed in for a close-up. Wolf's hips twitched, and Morrie saw the blunt head of the dog's cock push against the boy's swollen rosette. Sanjay squealed and tried to move away but Wolf moved a little closer and pushed again, urgently, his big thick cock pressing hard against Sanjay's glistening, bruised ring. "Aaaoh! Uh!" Sanjay squealed as the big dog forced his meat against the boy's tight-clenched, bruised little ring. "Please, no! So shame! He squealed again as the big dog thrust hard, the tip of his cock pushing the boy's ring open, his thick, red cock bending slightly as he pushed it into the boy. "Aaaugh-ungh-ungh! He hurting!" Sanjay gasped as Wolf pushed harder, and began humping in and out of his ass. "I 3; uh! 3; frighten, please 3; ow! 3; no!" Morrie switched focus. Sanjay was gritting his teeth, his head jerking as Wolf humped his ass, grunting and whimpering at each of the big Doberman's thrusts. "OW! OW! Hurting! OW!" Sanjay threw his head back and writhed on the table, desperately trying to find a way of accommodating the huge hard cock thrusting into his bowels. "Can you feel him, boy? Feel that hard dog cock fucking your ass?" "Ow! His claws! Uh!" Morrie grinned, fisting his dick. "Yeah. You're gonna be marked up pretty good, kid. Next time you're in the school shower, the claw marks on your back an' your hips'll tell everyone what you're into; what kind of dirty kinks get you hot. They'll know you been gettin' hard doggy cock up your ass. Can you feel him now, fuckin' you? Like it, dontcha?" Sanjay whimpered. "No," he moaned, "No, no." "Oh, you will. You'll soon learn to like gettin' your little ass stuffed." "Cannot! Cannot!" Sanjay wailed. "Bad forever!" Suddenly he was squealing and wriggling, whimpering, twisting and bucking his ass, desperately trying to eject his dog rapist's cock. "That's it, slut!" Morrie zoomed in on the new action. "Knew you'd get into it, ya horny little bitch!" "No," the boy was whimpering, "no, so dirty! Auh! Feeling him so hard in my ass! Auh! I cannot! Cannot!" He moaned as the big dog humped him harder, pushing further into him as his excitement grew, thrusting in to the root. The dog's cock was much harder now, and Sanjay whimpered as the thicker red bulge in the middle repeatedly stretched his shining little chocolate brown asshole even wider. "Yeah, good dog Wolf!" "Ow! Ow! Ouw!" Morrie stepped back for a long-shot. Sanjay was gritting his teeth, whimpering little squeaks of pain as the horny dog battered at his little ass. He grew more desperate, pulling at his bonds, trying to move aside as the big dog got in the rhythm of fucking him, but Wolf simply moved with him, gripping the boy round his hips as he stuffed his wide red dog cock up Sanjay's straining asshole. "Yeah, that's right! Take it up your ass, bitch!" Morrie watched greedily as the dog humped his slick red cock in and out of the boy; doggy-jizz squelched and bubbled down Sanjay's thighs as Wolf began thrusting faster and faster. "Fuck, yeah!" Morrie rubbed his big hard cock as he watched Wolf thrust his hairy hips, making the boy arch in pain as the dog found different way to force his hard red cock between those slim little brown cheeks. Wolf was panting heavily and shivering with pleasure, his pink tongue lolling between his teeth as he drooled, his hairy loins twitching as he enjoyed the tight slippery grip of the boy's ass round his monstrous cock. The dog shuffled closer, changing the angle of his attack; Sanjay squealed, trying to spread his legs wider as Wolf fucked him harder, faster, now growling softly in a menacing undertone the whole time. The dog's eyes were half-closed in pleasure and his tongue lolled, dripping foam onto the naked, struggling boy beneath him. "Uh! Aaah! Oh, he too big! Too big!" the boy sobbed as the huge dog pistoned savagely into his ass. "I cannot! I – AH! AAH!" "That's it, Wolf! Good boy! Fuck your bitch, Wolf!" Wolf was fucking hard now, his paws gripped tight around Sanjay's chest; jack-hammering his cock all the way into the kid's ass; panting like a steam engine, his cock drooling a continuous stream of slime which squelched out of the boy's tight-stretched pink assring with every thrust, running down his nuts and splattering onto the floor beneath him. Morrie watched the dog's hard red cock pistoning into Sanjay's slim ass over and over and over, watching the knot at the bottom of the dog's cock beginning to swell. "EEEEYAH! Eeee! Eeee!" Sanjay squealed as the knot at the base of the dog's cock began to stretch his ring open. His face turned crimson, twisting in agony as the big dog thrust against flesh still swollen and bruised from the boy's first fucking. "Please," Sanjay whimpered, "no, don't hurt – please, AI! Oh, it hurting my ass! So much! AAAAUGGHH!" Morrie focused his camera, first zooming in on the boy's twisted, tear stained face, and then on Wolf's hips as the dog PUSHED his hard knot into the boy's ring. Sanjay put back his head and screamed shrilly, but the dog hung on, hips twitching, oblivious to everything except pumping his cum into that warm hole. "AAAIIIEEE OWWW! I hurting! I feel him hot, in my ass, squirt-squirt! " Sanjay sobbed. "Nooo, no, oh no!" The boy calmed a little as the dog scrambled off, still connected, but turning with his back to the boy, his thick cock still pulsing regularly as he came in Sanjay's ass. Sanjay moaned, shifting his shiny little rear. His sides and back showed great raised red scratches where the dog's claws had scraped down him, scrabbling for purchase during the urgency of the fucking. "Feel him throbbin' in you, bitch? Yeah, you're his bitch now. You'll always know it, an' he'll know it too. "Nooo," the boy moaned. "So dirty, in my ass!" Morrie leaned closer. "You better get used to what just happened. 'Cos if he wants it again boy, you better give. Else he'll pull you down an' fuckin' TAKE it, an' you really don't want that, kiddo. See, fer a dog this here has been candles, dinner an' a goddamn' movie. You wanna find out about real rough K9, you just try tellin' him no." Sanjay sniffled. "He h-hurt me." "Yeah, well. You clamp your ass shut, 'course it's gonna hurt. An' he wouldn't 've scratched you up so bad if you hadn't been a stupid slut 'n' scared him." Sanjay gasped, and Morrie looked round to see Wolf's cock slipping out of the boy's ass, slick with doggy jizz. Wolf whined, and Morrie reached over and ruffled his ears. "Off you go then, boy. Good dog!"
Author's noteYeah, I know. Dogs don't behave this way. The sex cues are all wrong, and they're actually pretty easily scared off. But hey, this is a *fantasy*. It may help to think of them as a new breed: Canis Porno :o) TU |
Chapter 5 |
Warningthis part contains violent non-consensual sex and beastiality. If fantasy descriptions of that sort of thing upset or offend you, now is the time to hit the back/delete button. |
Morrie sauntered around to the front of the table. "Well, Wolf had a good time, you sure LOOK like you had a good time. There's only me left out of it all." Sanjay looked up at Morrie, and then down at Morrie's hard cock. "I no suck," he said. "Suck, lower than dog. I will not do, and you cannot make. Any time cock in my mouth, I bite." "I'm tellin' you, kid. You're GONNA suck my cock, an' swallow my stuff, too. I tell you somethin' else too, boy: you're gonna do it WILLIN'!" Sanjay shook his head. "Suck only for gay boy. You can fuck my ass, and take from me, but I do not give this! You cannot make. I promise I bite. If I not bite, I gay." "Y'know, that's the second time in an hour you've asked me to fuck your ass. Maybe you wanna think about that, little slut. "Now I don't want you thinkin' I didn't like your ass – you're a hot li'l guy an' later on I'm gonna use your backdoor plenty." Morrie leaned closer and leered. "But right this minute I'm savin' myself for you to give me somethin' special. You just made yourself a bet, little slut." "Huh! I think you wait long time that I shall give!" Morrie just chuckled and strolled out of the room, whistling.
Brutus was even happier to see Morrie than before. Morrie struggled to untangle the dog's leash from the planter as Brutus butted against him and kept trying to turn his head and lick Morrie's hand, his arm, anything in reach. "Hey, old guy. Did ya think I'd forgotten, hey? Daft mutt." Morrie liked having Brutus trotting at his side. The dog was hesitant about going onto the lanai, but all he needed was a bit of encouragement. Morrie could feel the Doberman trembling when they reached the opened glass section, and then heard him growl. He'd seen Sanjay. Sanjay was trembling. Morrie could see the boy's whole body shaking, and the boy kept licking his lips, over and over, his eyes enormous in his tiny face. "Reckon I just won our bet, yeah?" Morrie watched as Sanjay tore his gaze away from the big dog and stared up at him. Realization and horror blossomed in the boy's dark eyes. "No! I not do!" Brutus growled, and Morrie saw the boy's eyes flick to the big dog and back to meet his own. "Oh, I reckon you will. If I let Brutus go now, what d'you think would happen?" Brutus was pulling forward against his collar, growling, excited by the smell of blood and sex in the air. Sanjay was shaking, his gaze fixed on the big dog. Sanjay flinched. "No! No!" he pulled wildly against his restraints. "He is brute! Savage animal! He kill me!" Morrie made his face hard. "Yeah. He really does hate you, don't he? Makes me wonder exactly what you been doin' to him. Anyways, sure is convenient. Means you gotta think about makin' him happy, right?" "No, I cannot!" "Oh, I reckon you can – pleasure him with that cute li'l mouth of yours an' he'll be as sweet as pie." "Please!" Sanjay was shaking so hard he could hardly speak. "No, you c-cannot!" "Sure we can. You just gotta learn some sense an' use your pretty mouth." Morrie maneuvered Brutus closer. The Doberman still growled, and there were little flecks of foam about his jowls. "Right. C'mon, Brutus, that's a good boy." Morrie urged Brutus to put his front paws on the coffee table. Sanjay cowered back as far as his bound arms would allow, which wasn't far. The big dog loomed over him. The way the dog stood, with his muzzle pointing down at the boy, he reminded Morrie of some giant hairy statue. Except this statue growled, and foam dripped from his muzzle onto the boy's naked back. Sanjay stared at the dog's crotch like a rabbit before the stoat, too scared even to blink, trembling while Brutus growled a low rumble of threat. "Move slow." Morrie told Sanjay. "Move closer to him and rub your face against his sheath." "I, I cannot!" "You better. You got five seconds to start makin' him feel good, 'cause after that I'm lettin' him go." He stared down into Sanjay's eyes. "Every time you bin a smartass you made it worse on yourself. Now, you got one chance t' stop bein' a smartass and get smart. I bin square with you the whole way, boy. Every time I said somethin', I done it. You think on that." Sanjay dropped his gaze. "One," Morrie said. Sanjay whimpered. Moaning with shame and humiliation, he levered himself along the top of the coffee table and pressed his nose into the dog's crotch. "Well, don't just lie there, move your face – lick him!" Morrie watched as, with the greatest possible reluctance, Sanjay rubbed his lips against Brutus' hairy sheath. "Lick him, I said!" Sanjay shuddered but obeyed, licking the dog's hairy sheath and his balls with his neat little pink tongue. "That's it, yeah. Up a bit higher, see his cock's starting to come out. Lick that, you fuckin' little bitch." Watching the pretty little boy nuzzling and licking Brutus was getting Morrie hard. Just like Wolf, Brutus' cock was thick and dark red, blunt-ended like a salami. Not a thin little pencil, but a wide, hard muscular dog cock. It jutted up against his coal black, hairy belly, bobbing slightly as the frustrated dog jerked his hips. Horny and confused, the dog inched a little closer, its claws clattering on the glass top. Sanjay squealed and tried to shrink away, but Brutus growled. Morrie grinned. "I wouldn't do that, little whore. He wants your lips back on his cock, right now. Lick it!" he barked. "Go on, pretty bitch. Taste that dog cock." Brutus panted heavily and Morrie watched the boy's dark eyes follow the blunt tip of the hard dog cock. "He's real horny now. Remember what I said. You don't want to piss him off; you gotta be nice. Lick him. Now!" Slowly, ever so slowly, his nose wrinkled with disgust, the boy extended his tongue. He touched the pink tip tentatively against Brutus' glistening weapon, and froze, shaking. His cheeks flushed and Morrie saw a scalding blush of shame spread up over the boy's chest and face. "Ohh yeah. That's it, lick that dirty dog cock you little slut. Move that pretty tongue of yours. Do it!" "That's it, boy! Feel that hard dog cock with your tongue, you little whore." Sanjay gave an odd sort of gasping groan and licked along the length of Brutus' hard, red cock. "Lick more! Lick all of that dog's cock, yeah that's it." Morrie greedily watched the boy, his face burning with shame, licking up and down the considerable length of the dog's thick cock. The sight of that thick, veiny length of hard red dog meat lying across the boy's face as he licked the underside made Morrie's own cock throb and twitch in sympathy. "Yeah. You're a real sexy cock sucker, ain't ya? That's it, kiddo. Keep on lickin'." Brutus clattered his claws on the table top, excited by the attention. He whined. Morrie felt so fucking horny, watching the boy servicing that Doberman's meaty length. He loved the contrast of the boy's delicate pink tongue making little arcs and sweeps against that shiny red dog cock as he licked and nuzzled. "That's it, boy! Time for some serious K9 cock-worship. Feel how hard he is, boy? That's it – work your pretty lips along it." Already the dog's cock oozed a little cum from its tip, leaving a thin, shiny trail across the boy's dark face. "Yeah, boy. Do it. Lick the fuckin' cock that's gonna stuff your mouth. Do it!" Morrie grinned as he watched the frightened teenager trying to placate the hound; wiping his lips along that scary big cock. "You got it, you got him goin'. Now he wants you at suck him. Just lick, lick along to the tip, yeah." Morrie grabbed his throbbing, aching hardon and began to rub himself gently. "Just lick the head, yeah." Trembling, the boy obediently licked the tip, and retched. "Keep goin' boy, don't piss him off now. You gotta get used to the taste of his doggy juice. Lick him again, boy." Again Sanjay put out his pointed little sugar-pink tongue and touched the tip to the drooling end of the enormous, hard dog cock. He shuddered as his tongue touched the glistening mucus. "Yeah. Taste that dog-slime, bitch. Wipe it on your face." Sanjay froze, whimpering. "Please," he whined, "please no!" "Do it!" The boy moved his head, slowly, letting the tip slide across his dusky, silken cheek. The leaking trail of dog-cum glistened like a brand. He stared at that big cock, his huge dark eyes enormous in his pale face, his dark hair hanging down across his shoulder like a sheet of night. "You done wrong on these dogs an' now you're gonna fix that," Morrie said softly. "Dunno what you folks call it, but roun' here we call it payin' your dues. Sure you're scared. But you gotta do it. "Now you get t' business and suck dog cock." Sanjay moaned, but turned his head back to Brutus' cock, brushing his lips along the glistening crimson flesh. He licked the tip, then touched his lips tentatively to the end, like a kiss. Morrie heard him whimper, and then the boy opened his jaws wide and took the blunt end of the dog's cock inside his mouth. "Oh yeah, that's it. Now move your head and suck it ya little whore." Morrie watched the pretty boy's lips close around the dog's cock. He didn't miss the shudder of disgust that passed through the boy, nor the cute little mewling sound Sanjay made as he slid the tip of the dog's cock back and forth in his mouth. Morrie let go of Brutus and stood back, watching Sanjay servicing the big dog. The slim teen's face was screwed up in the most extreme expression of disgust. He gagged as he slowly took the dog's hard cock into his little mouth, its thickness stretching his jaws wide. Brutus bucked his hips from the sensation and growled deep in his throat. "He wants more, boy. Use your cute little tongue on his dick, real kind and kissy-like. Make him feel good." Sanjay whimpered, tentatively bobbing his head up and down. "More!" Morrie ordered. "Use your tongue!" Morrie watched the trembling boy moving his mouth up and down on Brutus' hard shaft. The dog's cock glistened as it slid between Sanjay's slim, stretched lips. The dog jerked his hips, pushing his huge hard cock into Sanjay's mouth. Sanjay struggled, choking, and tried to twist away, but his arms were at full stretch, still firmly bound to the coffee table. He had nowhere to go. "Glwb-nnn! NNNN!" The boy moaned as he struggled, his mouth full of hard dog cock. "Yeah, that's right boy!" Morrie snarled, fisting his cock. "Reckon that's one cock you ain't gonna fuckin' bite!" Brutus whined at all the stimulation and his hips twitched. Little jerks at first that just slid his hard cock a half inch [13 mm] or so back and forth, in and out between the boy's stretched lips. But quickly he learned what felt good, and Morrie watched in mounting excitement as the dog began to thrust hard into Sanjay's mouth. "Good boy, Brutus, good dog! Fuck your bitch's mouth! Yeah, good boy! Make him taste your puppies!" "Nnnn! Nnn!!" Sanjay moaned urgently as he struggled and tried to move back, but the silver duct tape still held his arms firmly. The big black hound moved further down the table, arching his back to drive his hard cock deeper into the helpless boy's mouth. Sanjay's eyes bugged as the big dog thrust into his throat; he squirmed, pulling at his bonds. "Ngf! Mwlll! Gllwp!" Sanjay gurgled and choked as Brutus thrust his throbbing veiny hardness into the boy's face. Saliva and dog jizz bubbled out of the corners of Sanjay's lips and trickled back along his jaw as the dog pumped his cock in and out of the struggling boy's mouth, thrusting rhythmically down his throat. "Yeah, let that dog use your throat, boy! Clamp down on his cock – you're driving him fuckin' crazy!" Morrie could see Sanjay was panicking, his eyes bugging out as the dog rammed his big cock down the boy's throat; yanking at his bonds and trying to scream. The vibrations from his screams were stimulating Brutus into a fucking frenzy; the big dog's hips jack-hammered, pounding his cock in and out of the boy's throat. Sanjay's head jerked in time to each of the dog's thrusts, his long hair thrashing back and forth as the big dog raped his mouth, forcing the entire length of his obscene, hard weapon down the choking boy's throat. Morrie fisted his own hard shaft, feeling his spunk rising as he watched the shape of the dog's cock ramming down the choking boy's throat. "Yeah, you bitch! You fuckin' bitch!" The big Doberman thrust wildly and then stopped, his thighs trembling. Sanjay's eyes went wide. "Nnnarrgl! Nnnn! Glkk!" Morrie groaned, his fist still flying. "That's it. Swallow, you little dog whore," he moaned, moving closer until he was right next to Brutus. "Taste that thick dog cum as you gulp it down." He watched the lad's throat muscles moving, swallowing and felt the thrill run from his balls to the tip of his cock. "Oh yeah," he gasped, feeling his own cum rise, "drink it, you little dog whore! – UHH! Oh FUCK 3; !" He spasmed, his cock spurting sticky ropes of cum across the boy's face, over his nose, his cheek, his shoulder, the pleasure clawing at him with each separate, aching shot as he watched the white streaks sliding down the boy's smooth skin. Brutus dismounted, pulling his long slimy cock out of Sanjay's face. The boy spluttered and retched, gasping for air and ignoring the stream of drool and dog cum which dripped off his narrow chin and puddled on the table top. Morrie leaned close. "So," he said. "You got smart, boy?" Sanjay nodded, his sides still heaving. "I, I, I, – yes," he gasped. "Fine. Reckon we c'n be a bit more civilized-like, then."
Author's noteYeah, I know. Dogs don't behave this way. The sex cues are all wrong, and they're actually pretty easily scared off. But hey, this is a *fantasy*. It may help to think of them as a new breed: Canis Porno :o) TU
Chapter 6Morrie leaned back in the leather swivel chair, listening to the soft "chuff" of pages slipping into the printer bin. The sound of the shower next door had finished a little while ago but he wasn't concerned about the boy doing anything stupid. Sanjay had gone very quiet after watching him upload both the movies, and had jumped at the offer of getting himself cleaned up. Meanwile Morrie had been spending his time productively.The more he'd thought about it the less it had seemed possible that this fancy place could be supported by the half-derelict packing plant in the valley. That thought, coupled with the things the boy had said had brought him here to Ms Chandra's study. Like the rest of the house it was modern, with carefully selected retro touches. He doubted that the refurbished green filing cabinets did anything beyond supporting the silver art deco fan and the house plants. The dark teak desk and the computer on it were all sleek modernity, but like everything else in the place were straight out of the catalogue. She'd password protected her account, but hadn't disabled the software support override. Stupid cow. A sound made him look over toward the door. Sanjay stood there, slim and naked, his hands folded shyly in front of his crotch. "Hi, kid. You're all cleaned up, yeah?" Sanjay shook his head. "I wash many time, but still taste and feel 3; " "Yeah, well. C'mon. Come closer, little dog whore." He beckoned and Sanjay shuffled nervously into the room. The red scratches down his chest, stomach and sides were now livid weals, and he walked like he could still feel a big cock stuffing his ass. "What – what you do?" "What am I doing? Printin' out some good stuff on your aunt. When you said she a bad lady you sure said a mouthful. Payments from overseas companies – an' a slew of flaky home grown ones – shunted round in her little nest o' business dealin's an' poppin' out the other end as meat deliveries, service payments an' consultancy stuff." The boy came and stood next to the chair, peering at the screen. "You tell?" Morrie laughed. "Hell no!" he said. "I just reckon she's gonna be real nice, sweet an' cooperative from now on. Just like you. You been a good boy an' done like I told you?" He reached out towards the boy and saw him flinch away from his touch. "Hey there. Now you stand still, kid." He stroked down the boy's back and cupped one little asscheek against his palm. "You scared o' me, boy?" Sanjay hesitated, and then nodded. "Yes," he said. "I scare." "So you gonna quit the backchat, yeah? Ah say, an' you do, right? You done that thing I told you?" "I do." "Show me." Sanjay turned slightly, and moved his hands away from his crotch, which now gleamed bare and brown in the afternoon light. He was looking down nervously at Morrie, his lower lip caught between his teeth. "Is okay?" "Better than okay." Morrie slipped his hand round, trailing his fingers over the ridge of the boy's hip, feeling his smooth silky skin, right to the base of his bare cock. "You done good, pretty boy. Real smooth an' sweet." Gently he stroked along the lad's pretty cock, feeling it swell and grow. "Now what was we sayin' before?" "I," the words seemed to stick in Sanjay's throat. He swallowed, and Morrie felt him shiver as he continued to stroke the boy's cock. "I 3; I am bitch to dog," he whispered. "And?" Morrie said, gently stroking Sanjay's hard cock. "What do you like?" "I like, I like 3;" Sanjay was shaking, his eyes screwed shut. "Say it boy!" "Cock!" Sanjay hunched a little, hanging his head. "I like the cock – ooh!" He shivered as Morrie continued his expert massage. "Oh! So nice!" With his free hand, Morrie tapped the boy warningly on his butt. "C'mon – keep talkin'. Don't wanna yell at ya. You gonna be a good boy now, ain'cha?" "Y-yes. Yes, Daddy," Sanjay whispered. "I like the cock. Like it, so hard in my ass, like it – oh! – in, in me very full, and fast 3;" he gasped as Morrie rubbed him harder. "Yeah, and 3;" "And the dog, on me. I feel him, big, hard. Hot animal, push in me, very rough, so much! I shame so much!" The boy whimpered as Morrie continued his massage, slowly, teasingly. "Hurt me! Ahh!" "But 3;" "Hurt good! And, and 3;" he writhed as Morrie stroked his bone-hard little prick, " 3;and I taste!" he wailed. "I – AHH!" He arched his back, standing on tiptoe as Morrie rubbed him – "In my mouth, hard, I 3; eeeeee! EEEEHHH!!" He squealed, his body arching like a dancer as he shot his cum across the desktop. "Oooooh! Oh, so bad," he moaned as Morrie stroked him gently, supporting him with his other hand. "No, no. You done good, kid," Morrie said calmly. "You said good stuff. Now," he reached up and took Sanjay's chin between thumb and forefinger. "Look at me. You gonna be a good boy?" he waited for Sanjay to nod. "Right then." Morrie swiveled the chair sideways and spread his legs. His cock jutted up stiffly, hard and aching. Slowly, Sanjay knelt down. He brushed his hair back over his shoulders and looked anxiously up at Morrie. "It very big," he said. "Oh yeah? Bigger than what?" Sanjay blushed. "Bigger than dog." "Size whore," Morrie said affectionately. "You want it up your ass?" Sanjay looked nervous, but answered demurely. "Yes, Daddy." "Well, that's just too bad. Ya cain't have it up yer cute li'l chute right now, 'cos you got other business. Ain't ya? Tell me." "Yes, Daddy." Sanjay looked up, and then down at Morrie's cock again. "I, I shall suck your cock." "Because 3; " "Because I gay boy cocksucker bitch." "That's right, boy." Morrie reached out and pulled the boy's head towards his crotch. "C'mon, pretty bitch. Use your tongue on my nuts, just like you did with them dogs." Morrie leaned back as Sanjay began to lap and nibble at his ballsac, his hands clasped obediently behind his back. "Oh, yeah. Oh, that's right. Along my cock now, just like before." Morrie stared down the length of his body to where the boy was working on his cock, licking along its hardness, working it with his soft little lips. Sanjay looked up, his face anxious. "That's right boy. Time to use your pretty mouth, just like you did on that big dog, you dirty little whore. That's it; open wide." Morrie could feel the boy's tongue on the sensitive tip of his cock, feel his breath, and then the sudden warmth of the boy's mouth. "Suck it," he moaned as Sanjay began to move his mouth up and down. "Feel that hard cock in your mouth, gay boy. You like sucking cock." "Nnnnn." Sanjay mumbled a protest, and Morrie grinned. "Oh, yeah. That's it, you little pansy. Moan as you suck your Daddy's cock. Go on!" "Mmmmmm." Morrie felt the vibrations shiver down his cock. The boy was hunched over, rhythmically sucking the top inch, maybe inch-and-a-half [2½-4 cm] of Morrie's cock, and moaning as he did so. "Mmmmmmm. Nnnnnnnn." Morrie could feel the ridges in the roof of Sanjay's mouth as the boy mouthed the sensitive head of his cock, his tongue squirming against the underside, smooth and slippery as a little eel. The vibrations of the boy's moans shivered down Morrie's cock. He reached out and pushed down on the back of the boy's head. "C'mon, more!" he said, enjoying the feel of the boy tensing up as more cock was pushed into his mouth. "Gonna use your mouth, boy, just like I used your ass." He could feel his cock lodge in the back of the boy's throat. Sanjay choked. "Nnnnnggg!" he said, trying to pull his head back. He pushed against Morrie's thighs, but was no match for the man's full-grown strength. "Nnnnng! Oahlg!" Morrie pulled down a little more, just to show who was boss, and then let the boy up for air. "That was real good, boy," he said as Sanjay spluttered. "I like the way you remembered the moanin'. But that pushin' ain't gonna do you no good. Just rile me up an' make me nasty." Sanjay coughed and wiped his lips with the back of his hand. "Sorry, Daddy," he croaked. "Yeah, well. Get back to it then, slutboy. DEEP this time." Morrie leaned back, watching Sanjay. The boy took hold of Morrie's cock, his fingers feeling cool and gentle. He stroked it and kissed it, making Morrie shiver with the feel of his soft breath. Morrie found himself watching the boy's slim lips, thinking about kissing them, the softness and the aftertaste of mint from his frantic brushing. He felt the boy's tongue as it caressed the tip of Morrie's cock, first rough, then smooth - Then down. The wet heat of the boy's mouth was as shocking as before; Morrie felt him tense and push further, felt the elastic squeeze of his throat muscles slipping down over the big head, down a little further, and then back up again. Sanjay coughed, dragging in a great wheeze of air, and wiped his lips with his wrist. "You doin' good, boy." Morrie stood up and pushed the chair back, towering over the boy who knelt before him. Sanjay looked nervous again as Morrie bumped the broad head of his big cock against the boy's lips, but obediently opened his mouth. "That's right." Morrie moved his cock gently back and forth in the boy's mouth, cradling his head in both big hands. "I'm gonna fuck your mouth an' your throat with this big cock. Gonna use you, boy, like the disgustin' dog-whore you are." He pushed further into Sanjay's mouth, feeling the boy tense. "Yeah. Remember when it was a dog's cock doin' this?" Sanjay mumbled something; Morrie could feel him shaking as he pushed his cock in and out of the boy's wet warmth. "You're a dirty little whore who pleasures ANIMALS, ain't ya? An' ya liked it! I saw ya!" Sanjay wailed; he tried to move his head, but Morrie gripped the boy's hair and thrust down his throat. Oh god! The feel of the boy's throat clenching around his hard cock as he fucked deep, his hairy groin banging against Sanjay's cute nose as the boy struggled, groaning and retching in his remorseless grip. He pulled back after a couple of dozen thrusts, letting the scarlet-faced boy drag in three, four enormous breaths and then spitted his gasping mouth again, forcing his hard cock down the teenager's throat. "Oh! Uh! Uh! You're a – natural, kid!" Morrie grunted as he face-fucked the boy. "A tight, hot, fuckin' throat, an' you love it, ya dirty little bitch! Love! It! Yeah!" He fucked the boy's throat hard for another few thrusts, and then allowed him another couple of gasping breaths before plunging back in again. He was getting close now; the boy's panic really turned him on and he thrust brutally into that sweet, hot mouth, thrilled as the boy struggled in earnest, drumming his fists uselessly against Morrie's hairy thighs, his screams muffled to rhythmic gutteral moans. Morrie clenched his fingers tighter in the boy's hair; it was coming, he could feel the urgent need rising, his cock twitching 3; "Ahh! You little slut!" he gasped, thrusting into the helpless boy's mouth. "Taste my cum, boy! UHHH! Yeah!" he crushed the boy'd head against his groin, feeling his cock swell and spurt a huge jet of cum down the boy's throat. The pleasure was indescribable and he moaned aloud as his cock pulsed again, squirting his seed into the boy. It was hard to pull back, but he did it, tensing as he heard Sanjay dragging in a gasping shriek of breath and then cumming hard again, gushing seed into the gasping, terrified boy's mouth and then thrusting hard down his throat again for the last few spasms of his incredible climax. "Bwleargh! UKK!" Sanjay choked, Morrie's cum dribbling out of his mouth round the man's big cock. "You suck on that, boy. Clean me up real good," Morrie said as he pulled back enough that the boy could breathe. "Don't you go wastin' my cum, now." Sanjay was too short of breath to answer, but Morrie felt the boy's tongue stir against his cock. "That's good. You done good, my li'l pansy dog-slut." Morrie stood patiently as the kid slobbered up and down his cock, licking the strings of cum off it and struggling to swallow them between gasps for air. "You a faggot cock-sucker now, boy?" "Yes, Daddy," Sanjay gasped.
The van hummed along the road between the thick stands of pines as though it too was happy to finally be on the way to Chicken Town. Morrie rested his arm on the sill, letting the wind caress his face. The radio was tuned to a light dance station and he tapped his fingers on the wheel in time to the beat. He glanced down at where Sanjay lay. The boy was curled up on the bench seat, his lean, firm warmth pressed against him. A studded black leather collar was clasped round the boy's slim throat, and the white tee-shirt – the only other thing he was wearing – read "Peewee Rodeo: wild animal rides." Morrie changed hands on the wheel, reaching down for the gearshift and felt the boy's fingers stroking the back of his arm. "You okay there, sport?" "Yes, I fine, Daddy." "Good. The guys'll be real surprised to see me so soon. Good job you done back there." "You think?" Morrie glanced down at the boy's eager, earnest face as he changed gear. "Sure. Without you helpin' I'd still be back there fixin' them cabinets 'stead of on vacation. You're a smart kid, real quick, an' good with tools." Morrie let go of the gearshift and slipped his arm companionably around the boy. Sanjay giggled. "One tool I am learning for sure." "Now, now. None o' that while I'm drivin', kid." Morrie stroked his hand down the boy's side, feeling his firm flesh beneath the thin cotton of the tee-shirt until his hand cupped Sanjay's ass. "How's your ass this mornin'?" "Hurt, a bit." "Yeah, I'll bet. That's what you get when you use it for makin' friends an' influencin' people." He'd woken in the early morning, aware that the boy was no longer beside him and hearing a disturbance downstairs. He'd padded down to the lower floor and flicked on the light to be confronted by the sight of Sanjay on all fours being roughly mounted by the big black dog. Yawning, he'd flicked off the light again and stumbled back to bed. Now he idly stroked the boy's ass cheek as the van hummed along the highway. "You put that ointment on your ass, like I told you?" "For sure Daddy. All up inside like you say." "That's good. Make you heal an' keep you a slick li'l slut." "You think my aunt, she is fix?" Morrie chuckled. "Don't you worry about her, son. If she's like any other chick, after Larry's finished with her she'll be in such a good mood she won't care if we'd trashed the place." Morrie's decision to ignore the latest instructions had worried Sanjay the whole time they'd been fixing up the kitchen. The boy had been good, and helpful: fetching and carrying; passing tools and fiddly little screws to Morrie as he reached into awkward little spaces. Even, wonder of wonders, talking to the dogs and trying to keep them out of the way. Yet every time they talked together, Sanjay would edge the conversation round to his aunt and what she would say when she came back.
"She will be most angry," Sanjay had said. "Maybe even to send me home. She can be 3;" he moved his hand up and down as though measuring a level, "like two people, loud and soft, but fast, yes?" "A bit of a temper, and changin' her mind a lot, you mean? Yeah, I had noticed. But I thought you wanted ta go home. What about all that New India stuff you was tellin' me about?" Sanjay had looked down, twining a strand of his dark hair around his finger. "Thought your Mom made ya come anyway. 'N what about your Dad? Didn't he say nothin'?" Sanjay shrugged. "C'mon, kid! Talk to me!" Morrie waited patiently through the long silence that followed. Finally, still looking down at the strand of hair he was winding and unwinding about his fingers, Sanjay said: "You want that I am going?" "Huh?" "My aunt, she say many times that Pinnacle Kitchen is local company. You are in the town. But then I think, maybe 3;" he paused, twisting his hands together and then looked up, a trace of the old fire in his eyes. "But maybe you are my Daddy when your dick up my butt only." "I ain't takin' shit from you anytime, kid. But I'm still listenin'." Sanjay looked down again, his hair like a curtain between them. "Maybe," he said softly, "maybe sometime listen not enough. My father, he all the time listen. My mother, she all the time talk and talk, and shout, and make and he do. My aunt, she same." Sanjay looked up. "I not want that all my life I listen only. My aunt, she go but say to me 'You must be strong and not let lazy work people cheat us'. I try. I try so hard for strong. But 3;" he'd gestured towards the newly replaced kitchen tops. "So you better phone her, yeah?" "I scare to do." "You do what yer Daddy tells ya. Got that number? Then go get it." Sanjay had returned carrying a cordless phone and a piece of paper torn from a notebook. He looked forlorn, standing there in his slim, sexy nakedness. "C'mon." Morrie sat down on the couch and patted the place next to him, but Sanjay perched on his lap. "Okay kid, dial." Sanjay frowned at the note, and angled it towards Morrie. "You can read?" He blushed, and Morrie laughed. "Yeah, you asked me before. Guess I'm not the only one has trouble with her handwriting, huh?" He turned the note towards himself. "Yeah, it's – holy shit!" The emergency number was all too familiar: his boss Larry's home phone. Morrie chuckled. "Well, I can sure see why she din't want you phonin' her all weekend. An' I reckon she's gonna come home in a right good mood. But still 3;" Morrie didn't know why he said it: maybe it was what the kid had been saying earlier, and likely the feel of those firm little ass cheeks pressing into Morrie's groin was a factor too, but suddenly Morrie knew the right thing to do. "Still, I ain't leavin' you here alone. You're comin' with me." "Yes Daddy! But the dogs 3;" "They're comin' too." Sanjay had looked decidedly less happy about that, and shifted uncomfortably on Morrie's lap. "I must?" "Yeah. When your Daddy says, what do you do?" "I do." "Good boy." From that point it had been straightforward. Morrie phoned his boss, and grinned when the answering machine clicked on. "Hey, Larry? Me here. Just wanted to give you the details about the job. We're 3;" Larry picked up. "Hey there! How's it going? Any problems?" "Nah, all sorted. Kitchen's done – and I mean finished. I ain't comin' back again 'less I'm paid up front, got that?" "Now see here 3;" "No. I've had it, Larry. When I get back from vacation either you pay up, or Pinnacle's gonna be lookin' for a new plumber, carpenter, electrician an' laborer." "Morrie, you can't 3;" "I sure can. You c'n also tell that bitch you're fuckin' that her cheap houseboy's goin' on vacation an' Pinnacle's gonna pick up the tab for lookin' after her dogs. 'Less she'd rather social workers and the SPCA of course." He'd held the phone away from his ear and winked at Sanjay, grinning while Larry shouted. "Take it easy, Larry. You c'n stiff her with whatever goddamn' bill you like, I ain't chargin' a dime for lookin' after 'em. In fact if she wants to sell 'em I'll take 'em as the whole of my fee. The kid's fine. He'll be back in a couple, three weeks or so. Meanwhile she c'n just enjoy herself. "Yeah? You wanna ring me, you got my cellphone number. I'm givin' the kid a ride to the coast if she wants to talk to him. See ya then. Yeah, you too." The phone had rung again not three minutes later. Sanjay had answered, and Morrie had seen him wince at the high pitched babble which came from the receiver. "'S okay. Give it here, boy." "Hey, Mizz Chandra, Morrie here." "Who is this? Pass me back to my nephew at once!" "Now, now, take it easy 3;" "I will not! I will NOT take it easy you idiot man, you will 3;" Morrie stuck two fingers into his mouth and whistled shrilly into the phone. "You shut the fuck up and listen, lady unless you wanna be talkin' to the police, immigration, an' especially the I 3; fuckin' R. S. "Yeah, thought that'd get your attention. Karma meat consultancy, Lotus packin', ring any bells? I could name a dozen more if'n you need 'em." "What are you 3;" "I'm talkin'. Shut up. I'm goin on vacation an' Sanjay's comin' with me. Oh sure, he'll have a great time." Morrie grinned at the feel of the naked boy squirming on his lap. "You just pay the bill like the sweetheart you are, an' I'll talk to ya when we get back. Yeah, you do that. Talk to Larry, an' don't do anythin' stupid. I'll talk to you when we get back." He'd hung up.
Morrie knew Wolf and Brutus would quickly calm down now their world had been put right and the pack sorted out. Sanjay was still very frightened of the dogs, and perhaps always would be, but hell, that'd just keep him tight and make for a better show when they fucked him. One thing was for sure, the kid was going to learn a hell of a lot more about rough mansex in the next couple weeks. Oh yeah. It looked to be a great vacation.
The End |