ChillunAndromeda Rising |
SummaryThe straight captain of a starship saves a little six-year old sex-slave from an enemy's ship. Can he resist the sexual advances of the experienced boy?My first multi chapter tale, loosely based on a popular television show whose protagonist I found very hot. The young character was also loosely based on myself, and my own feelings at that age.
Publ. 2007 (Perverts 'r' us); this site Jan 2009
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CharactersJimmy (6yo) and Dylan Hunt (adult)Category & Story codesConsensual Man-Boy story/loveMb – cons oral anal (Mdom implied) (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteThe usual disclaimers apply. No relationship to any characters real or imaginary, no copyright infringement intended, etc. This is a work of fiction.Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at bad45boyca(at)yahoo(dot)com or through this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line. |
ExplanationThe story is set in the universe of the Canadian/American television series Andromeda (2000-2005). For those who don't know this series (like me) some explanation.Captain Dylan Hunt: member of the Systems Commonwealth's High Guard. He and his ship the Andromeda Ascendant are frozen in time, to awake 300 years in the future where he discovers that the Commonwealth has fallen and the universe has fallen into chaos. Nietzscheans: a species of genetically engineered humans who quite religiously follow the works of Friedrich Nietzsche, Social Darwinism and Dawkinite genetic competitiveness. They claim to be physically perfect and are distinguished by bone blades protruding outwards from the wrist area. See and |
The small boy huddled under the overturned table in the mess room of the Nietzchean warship, hoping that the fearsome battle was finally over. Always before, the ship had won the engagements it entered, but this time, the boy thought they may not have. He heard people entering the mess and peeked out to see if his master had returned. He had not, the two men standing there were strangers, one, tall and fair, looked almost like a Nietzchean, and the other, with long black dreds and cafe au lait skin, was, but not of his Pride. He lay very still, hoping they wouldn't see him and closed his eyes. All of a sudden, a large hand grabbed him by the back of his tunic and lifted him up into the air. With a small squeak of fear, the boy opened his eyes, looking directly into the dark brown orbs of the stranger holding him up. "Well, what have we here?" a, soft cultured, voice issued from this magnificent man's mouth. The boy didn't reply, frozen with fear. "Tyr, stop scaring him, he's just a child," responded the almost Nietzchean fair man. "Not just a child, I think, most certainly a slave, seeing he's human," Tyr responded. "Well, we can't leave him here, bring him along, and get him to medical." Back on board Andromeda, Trance checked the boy out thoroughly, finding no sign of injury from the recent battle. Disturbed she sought out Dylan in private, not really wanting to share her discovery with the crew yet. "He won't tell me anything," she confided to Dylan, "not his name, where he's from, or how long he's been on board that ship. But I will tell you this, Dylan, he's been very badly abused." "How so?" inquired Dylan. "Well, it's obvious that he was used sexually, a lot. He shows signs of multiple penetrations and some scarring, but fortunately that's very minor. Although they didn't spare him from anything, they obviously didn't want him damaged, either. As to his mental state, I can only conjecture at this point. He is definitely traumatized, and trusts no one. I think it would be best if someone could try to reach him, at least until he can learn to trust again. I also think that it has to be you." "Me! Why?" "Because you're the Captain, for one. And because you're male, for another, and also you'd relate better to him than anyone else aboard." "Why not Harper?" Dylan asked. "Ha!" Trance replied, "He's too flaky for one, and he doesn't have anywhere near your sensitivity for another." "OK, OK, I surrender. Bring him to my quarters at the end of the watch and I'll see what I can do." When Dylan entered his quarters at the end of his watch, the small boy was seated on the floor at the foot of Dylan's bed. He immediately scrambled to his knees and prostrated himself, face to the floor, unmoving. Shocked by his subservient behavior, Dylan strode over and, picking the small boy up, said to him, "Don't do that to me!" "It is the way," the child replied, in a frightened voice. "Not here, it isn't, and you need never bow to anyone again, as long as I'm around." Dylan answered forcefully. A stab of pity went through Dylan's heart for the young boy, as he wondered what could have been done to this child, to frighten him so. "Do you have a name?" he asked. "Kluge," the boy replied, eyes on his feet. Appalled yet again, Dylan spoke, "Kluge is not a name, it's an insult. Did anyone ever call you anything else?" [The Nietzscheans use the term 'kluge' disparagingly to refer to genetically unmodified humans]. "I don't remember," the little boy whispered, barely audible. "Well, there are a lot of names you could have. Let's pick one." As he reeled off a string of names, the boy stopped him and said, "Jimmy, I like that one." "Done, from now on your name is Jimmy, Jimmy. Good choice, my best friend's name was Jimmy when I was small like you." "You were small like me?" the boy asked, eyes wide in disbelief. "Oh yeah, I grew a lot." "Did you ever!" Jimmy replied, looking up and down the length of this veritable giant beside him. "Give it time and you will too, Jimmy. Speaking of growing, are you hungry, Jimmy?" "Hunger is for the weak." Jimmy answered, as if reciting a lesson well learned. Flabbergasted at what this kid had been through in his short little life, Dylan said softly, "I guess that makes all of us weak Jimmy, because I don't know of any living being that doesn't require food, and I, for one, could use some right about now. What would you like?" "I eat what's available," Jimmy replied proudly. Knowing he wouldn't change this wounded bird instantly, Dylan gave up and ordered a selection of foods he thought the boy might like and proceeded to get him to take sustenance. He enjoyed watching the little kid try not to wolf down what was probably his first decent meal in a long, long time. After dinner, the boy struggled to keep his eyes from drooping, obviously exhausted from the rigorous day. "Well, I guess we had better get you to your quarters for some sleep," Dylan suggested. "NO!" Jimmy resisted stubbornly, "I sleep in the captain's quarters. It is my place. I have earned it." The young boy's hazel eyes were brimming with unshed tears. Wondering just what that meant, Dylan reluctantly agreed. Finding an old t-shirt for the boy to sleep in, Dylan turned to find him naked, having removed the tattered clothing he had arrived in. Jimmy was around six or seven years old, with curly brown hair and a light dusting of freckles across his nose. Although small in his frame, he was sturdily built, with fair skin. His nipples were a pale pink and slightly puffy, and he sported a not so small, uncircumcised penis, probably two to three inches [7½ cm] long. He was obviously used to being seen, as he showed no false modesty about standing naked in front of Dylan. "What's that for?" he asked, pointing at the t-shirt. "Um, I thought you would wear it to sleep in," Dylan answered. "Why?" Jimmy asked. "It's not cold in here?" "No, it isn't, I guess." Dylan didn't know what else to say, confronted by the child's honesty. The little boy lay down on the floor at the foot of the bed and rested his head on his hands, curled on his side. "What are you doing down there?" Dylan asked incredulous that this boy expected to sleep on the floor. "My old master had a mat for me, but I don't see one here," the boy looked as if he were going to be punished for something. "Look, Jimmy, I am not your master, and if you're going to sleep in my quarters, you'll sleep in the bed with me, is that clear?" Dylan replied, exasperated with himself for not understanding anything about this strange little creature that had invaded his life. He reached down and, picking Jimmy up in his arms, deposited the waif into his king-sized bed, tucking the covers up around the child's neck. His heart gave a lurch as he saw the boy's happiness at being allowed in the large bed. Dylan turned away, and began removing his own clothing, stripping down until he was as bare as the boy was. Secretly, he was relieved that the boy was not shy, as he preferred to sleep nude as well. Turning around, he walked to the other side of the bed, uncomfortably aware of Jimmy's eyes as the boy looked unashamedly at Dylan's naked body. He crawled under the covers and, reaching over, gave Jimmy a kiss on the forehead before dimming the lights. Turning on his side, facing the boy, he tried to will himself to sleep, unused to having a partner in his bed. Jimmy, in his short life, had received more kindness from this one man than he ever remembered, and all in just a few short hours. He couldn't believe that anyone would ever treat him so good. The young boy at that moment gave his heart and soul to Captain Dylan Hunt of the starship Andromeda. As the night wore on, Dylan and Jimmy gravitated towards each other, as is natural when two people share a bed, and Jimmy found himself clasped in the strong arms of Dylan, held spoon fashion as they slept. During the course of the night, Dylan's cock erected and insinuated itself between Jimmy's young thighs. Partially awakening, Jimmy absently reached down and caressed the swollen monster, his small hands rubbing the foreskin back over the head, exposing it and allowing Dylan's pre-cum to lubricate his palms. Unconsciously, Dylan thrust against the boy, easing the child's masturbation of his nine-inch [23 cm] wonder. Jimmy squeezed his thighs together, trapping the hot appendage as he continued rubbing its head with both hands. Dylan's cock leaped in the boy's hands, and spurted wad after wad of thick white cream into Jimmy's hands. The young boy lifted them to his mouth and licked off Dylan's offering, while continuing to hold the massive piece trapped between his legs. Dropping back into sleep he snuggled back into the hairy, muscular chest and arms holding him. Dylan, meanwhile had some of the most erotic dreams of his life.
Like most healthy men, Dylan generally woke with a morning erection. This time though, it was accompanied by the most incredible sensations, somewhat like a warm, wet velvet glove wrapped around its head. Lifting the sheet, he spied Jimmy, his rosebud mouth surrounding the knob, and sucking for all he was worth. Stunned, he pulled the boy off his dick, and as the kid's mouth slid off, it made almost a popping noise. Drawing Jimmy up alongside him, Dylan saw the boy's mouth was covered in pre-cum and spit. "I'm sorry master, did I hurt you with my teeth?" Jimmy asked fearfully. "Don't call me master, and, no you didn't, Jimmy. That's not why I stopped you. Young boys aren't supposed to do that to adults!" "But that's how I woke my master every morning. Don't you like it?" Jimmy asked, plaintively. "Whether I like it or not isn't the point, Jimmy. The point is, it's wrong," Dylan tried to explain to the precocious child. "But, why, if you like it, and I like it?" Jimmy responded. "Do you like it, Jimmy?" Dylan asked, curious. "Oh, yes, it's almost my favorite thing, next to being fucked," Jimmy answered innocently, his lovely hazel eyes staring into Dylan's light blue ones. Flummoxed, Dylan couldn't quite come up with a rejoinder. Obviously this kid had had experiences that were far beyond anything Dylan could conceive as being normal. "Um, well, these are things that most people don't do until they are grown, Jimmy, and it would probably be best if you didn't talk about them, except to me. At least for now, anyways. How often did you have to do these 3; things, when you were on the other ship?" "Well, I woke my master every morning that way, and sometimes some of the crew made me suck them, too, and I usually got fucked at least once a day, sometimes more, depending on whether my master lent me to someone else." Jimmy replied seriously. "And you enjoyed this?" Dylan queried, softly, holding back a burning rage at the animals who would treat a child so brutally. "Not at first. It hurt sometimes, until I got stretched enough to enjoy it. But then I really started to like it, as long as they didn't treat me rough." The boy's casual response to his abuse brought an up welling of pride in Dylan's heart for a young child strong enough to suffer this way and survive without turning into some kind of vegetable or catatonic. "Listen to me, Jimmy. You don't ever, ever have to do anything like that for me or anyone else as long as you live. Do you understand that? Your body is your own. No-one will ever take advantage of you again, as long as I'm around to stop it!" Dylan's voice quivered to suppress his anger and dismay. "But I like it, especially with someone like you. You're so big, and handsome, and kind to me." Jimmy replied, almost in tears, fearing this wonderful man would refuse to let him ever show his love for him again. "In the name of all that's Holy," Dylan replied, exasperated with the logic of this amazing kid. "How can I explain this to you? Men should do this with women, grown women, not six-year-old boys." "But I want to!" the boy wailed, tears leaking in earnest from his long-lashed eyes. He clung to Dylan's neck and shoulders, sobbing his little heart out. Dylan could not think of a single thing to say that would alter the boy's perceptions, so he decided to leave it alone for a while. Caressing the little boy's naked back, he lay there, comforting the child until his sobs diminished, wondering what the hell he had got involved in. Picking the boy up, Dylan carried him to the bathing area, and turning on the shower, adjusted it to a comfortable temperature. With Jimmy still clinging to him, he entered the stall, and stooping, set the child on his feet, squatting so they were at eye level. "Come on soldier, let's see if we can't get cleaned up and have breakfast. We'll sort things out later." Jimmy beamed at him through tear-flecked lashes and nodded, obviously happy to leave the subject of their conversation behind. Grabbing the soap, Dylan began washing the tiny body in front of him, lathering the soap in his big hands, and applying to the small boy in front of him. As he reached the boys thighs, he encountered a dried crustiness on the boy's legs, whitish and cracking. "What's this?" he asked. "Oh, that's from when you came between my legs last night." Jimmy replied innocently, "I tried to lick most of it off, but I guess some must have stuck." "I WHAT?" Dylan couldn't keep the shock from his voice or his face. "Well yah, you were pushing your thing between my legs, and I helped you with my hands. I tried to lick it all up but I was tired and I guess I missed some." Jimmy looked towards his feet, ashamed he hadn't fully cleaned up Dylan's cum. His old master would have spanked him for it. "You masturbated me last night while I was asleep?" Dylan croaked, realizing now why he had had such erotic dreams last night. "I just helped you. Your big thing was already stuck between my legs and I just played with your knob while you pushed." Jimmy whispered. Dylan groaned to himself. So much for his vaunted values! He was as guilty as the Nietzcheans for taking advantage of this sweet kid. Looking straight into Dylan's eyes, Jimmy said, "You have a beautiful cock. It's one of the nicest I've ever seen." "Well, thanks, I think." Dylan managed to stammer out, not sure what other response he could possibly make. "Do you think mine will ever get that big?" Jimmy asked. "I'm sure I don't know, Jimmy. Everybody is a little different that way. Although judging by the size yours is already, I suspect that won't be anything you have to worry about." Dylan tried to respond as matter-of-factly as he was able. "My old master said it was big for my size, too. He used to like to play with it, pulling on it and sometimes he even sucked it for me, but I wasn't to tell the crew that." While Dylan and the boy chatted, his hand had continued washing the boy's legs, and the object of their discussion had popped up, the pink head poking out of the sheath covering it. Jimmy's penis was about four inches [10 cm] long, erect, and his balls hung loosely in the sac below, promising a pretty nice package to come. Hastily, Dylan spun the boy around and began washing his back and shoulders, not wanting the boy to become any more aroused. "My old master said I had the most fuckable bum he'd ever seen. Do you think so, too?" The little boy thrust his buttocks towards Dylan, looking over his shoulder to judge the man's response. "It's a very nice little bum." Dylan replied, dryly. "But would you like to fuck it?" Jimmy persisted, using his small hands to spread the round little cheeks, thereby allowing Dylan a full view of what was, actually, a most fuckable ass. "Let's not talk about that just yet, OK, Jimmy?" "OK." he replied. "Now, let me wash you." Jimmy picked up the soap, rubbing it in his hands until he had a good lather, then without warning grabbed Dylan's cock in both hands and began stroking it up and down the length, and reaching under, gently fondled his ball sac with one of his slick, soapy hands. Shocked, Dylan reared back, hitting the opposite wall of the shower, which effectively limited him from further movement. Jimmy continued soaping Dylan's, by now half-erect genitals, while murmuring softly, "My old master used to love it when I washed him in the shower. He said it was easier for me to reach the awkward spots, especially the ones below his waist." Leaning forward, Jimmy slid a hand under Dylan's balls and began washing the crease between his buttocks, sensuously running his small hand along the crack of Dylan's ass. "You're hairy down there, I like that." Jimmy spoke as if to himself, while Dylan, seemingly unable to stop him, watched the young boy stroke and fondle his now ragingly erect sex. Suddenly, the spell broke, Jimmy looked up and said, "Stand up and turn around, I'll do the backs of your legs now." Without a word, Dylan stood and turned his face, and his aching hardon, to the wall. The two of them finished showering in relative silence, Jimmy somehow realizing it was best not to say anything, Dylan at a complete loss for words, stunned at how quickly he had responded to the eroticism of this unusual child.
Later that day, Dylan approached Trance and related most of the previous evening's events to her, leaving out the fact of his uncommon response to Jimmy's sexual overtures. Trance, usually a source of good advice, had really nothing to offer in the way of answers, only suggesting that it could take some time for the boy change his habits, and hypothesizing that since sexual desire is fixed at a very young age, Jimmy may never change. "Well, isn't that just great." Dylan remarked sardonically. "Remind me to thank you for saddling me with him, sometime." "You're still the best person for him on this ship, Dylan." Trance responded enigmatically. Dylan had to be content with that, as she would say no more. As he left Hydroponics, Tyr joined him, heading for Command. "And how is the newest member of Andromeda's crew settling in, Captain Hunt?" "Nothing is ever easy." replied Dylan. "Did your new cabin boy serve you well last night?" Dylan stopped dead, grabbing Tyr's arm, and spinning him about to face him. "What do you know about this Tyr?" he demanded. "Well, sir, I do know that it is quite common for Nietzchean warships to carry a few slaves for the comfort of the crew. Your own history tells us that cabin boys were often to be found on early sailing ships. My people have simply carried on that tradition." "They weren't sex slaves, Tyr." "Perhaps not, Dylan, but you know how little respect we have for kluges, except as marketable commodities. The crew of that ship would have seen the boy as little more than a sexual appliance, to be used as they saw fit, until it was time to trade in for another model." "Why didn't you mention any of this to me earlier, Tyr, if you knew what he was?" "I simply assumed you were probably aware of it, Captain. If you prefer, I can take the boy off your hands. I do get tired of solitary pleasure, and a nice young cabin boy would suit me well between ports." Dylan considered the idea seriously for a moment. It would solve his problems with Jimmy, and he knew Tyr would not mistreat the child – at least, not more so than he had been. The trouble was the boy would be thrown back into the same circumstances he had just been rescued from. Dylan could not, in good conscience, let the boy continue in a situation where he would receive no love, or real guidance, or be allowed to move beyond his current station. "I think, for the time being, Tyr, the boy is better off with me." "That is, of course, your prerogative as Captain. I'm sure he will be of good service to you." Tyr responded dryly. "Damn you, Tyr, I don't want him for sex, I want to help him get away from that. Maybe he can change." "I doubt that very much, Captain. The Nietzcheans are very good at conditioning, and the child was obviously young enough when they captured him for it to have taken very well indeed. My guess is that he will not change in any significant way. You are welcome to try, though." "And I will," muttered Dylan, partly to himself.
Dylan spent the better part of the day setting up a schedule for Jimmy, including schooling and arranging for his supervision while Dylan was involved in his duties. At the end of his watch, he took Jimmy on a tour of Andromeda, to familiarize the boy with the ship's layout, and to meet and introduce him to the rest of the crew. Jimmy was on his best behavior, polite and willing to exchange greetings with all of them, although he had a tendency to hide behind Dylan's right thigh until forced to step forward, especially when he met Tyr for the second time. The look he gave Tyr reinforced Dylan's decision to keep the boy with him, at least for the time being. For their part, the rest of the crew immediately fell in love with Jimmy. His age, and cute boyish looks brought out the maternal in both Trance and Becka, and even Harper responded with an attempt to make the child welcome. It was very rare any of them interacted with children, so he was definitely a novelty. Dylan had no worries that Jimmy would be well treated and cared for by his staff. All of them sat in the ship's mess that evening for dinner, and even Romy attended. They told Jimmy stories, and joked with him, even ordering special foods to tempt him with. He tried very hard to keep up, though most of it probably went over his head. Jimmy also stuck very close to Dylan, rarely getting more than a few feet away, as if someone might try to steal him. As they returned to their quarters, Dylan asked Jimmy if he had enjoyed himself. "Oh, yes, Dylan, it was the most fun I've ever had!" he responded enthusiastically, showing more animation than Dylan had yet seen. "Good, I'm glad to hear it, Jimmy. Tomorrow, you'll start school. It's time for you to get caught up with other kids your age, and I'll know where you are when I'm on duty." He squatted down to help Jimmy take off his clothes, and as he pulled Jimmy's t-shirt over his head, Jimmy leaned forward and put his arms around Dylan's neck. Looking into Dylan's eyes, Jimmy said, "I love you, Dylan," bent forward and kissed him on the mouth, not as a child, but a fully adult kiss. At the same time, he ground his naked young body into Dylan's chest, sporting yet another woody. "Whoa there, sailor." Dylan eased the boy back, somewhat overwhelmed by Jimmy's passion. "I just wanted to tell you, Dylan, in case you didn't know." Dylan's heart melted at the boy's artless confession and he hugged Jimmy close again. "I think I may love you too, sailor." Dylan whispered into the boy's curly hair. "Now, hop into bed, I'll be there in a while." With that, he gently smacked Jimmy on his bare butt and pushed him towards the bed. "Will you fuck me tonight, Dylan?" Jimmy asked, his head peeking out over the covers. "By the great jester's balls, No!" Dylan could not believe the audacity of the question. "But when, then? I want you to," Jimmy queried reasonably. "I truly don't know. Now please try and go to sleep. I have some work to do." Dylan didn't dare get into bed with Jimmy still awake. Lord knows what kind of trouble he could get in! He sat at his desk long into the night, mulling over the mess he found himself involved with. Dylan had always considered himself a heterosexual, enjoying the company and pleasures of women. Certainly he had fooled around with other boys during adolescence, who hadn't? But, his tastes definitely ran to the opposite sex. Why now, suddenly, was he so attracted to this obviously male child? Certainly, part of it was due to Jimmy's own undeniable charm, and adorable countenance, as well as his growing hero-worship of Dylan. As well, Jimmy's willingness and overt desire for himself counted towards it. If asked, Dylan would have vehemently denied having any attraction towards children of either sex, so why did he keep playing over and over the image of Jimmy's wet little mouth on his cock this morning? Even thinking of that feeling now had his big dick at full staff! As for fucking him, like Jimmy had requested tonight, the idea had his cock drooling, even though Dylan couldn't imagine getting all of his thick nine inches [23 cm] inside the boy. Absently, he wondered how big the Nietzchean Captain's cock was, and whether he had fully penetrated the child. "Stop it, you fucking perve!" Dylan chastised himself mentally. Leaving his quarters, he headed for the gymnasium, planning to shoot some hoops, wanting to quell his increasing weakness where Jimmy was concerned. Entering the gym, Dylan encountered Tyr, who was, as usual, lifting weights. "So, Dylan, Jimmy's got you on the run, has he?" "Shut up, Tyr." Dylan replied, annoyed that Tyr so easily read his own thoughts. He picked up the basketball and started shooting at the hoop, trying to distract himself. "I'm sorry, Captain, I meant no insolence, merely that the child has an undeniable charm. I would find him difficult to resist myself. You realize, of course, that anything you did with him would be far better than what he has experienced until now. In fact, since Jimmy already shows an emotional bond to you, you would probably being doing him a favor." "How do you figure that, Tyr? It sounds like a rationale for sex to me." "Dylan, the boy has already been as well used as it is possible for him to be used. If I know my compatriots, and I do, that boy has been fucked six ways from Sunday. They will not have spared him anything, believe me. We are not a kind people. At least with you, the boy would learn love and affection can also be part of the sexual experience. The child will not stop having sex, it is all he knows. You can make that experience a wonderful thing, rather than a duty." "But, he's so small!" Dylan blurted out, inadvertently. "Oh ho, so that's the problem, is it? Believe me Captain; I'm sure that little package would surprise you. As part of his training, he would have been subjected to some very large insertions. When we were designed, above average genital development was part of our DNA. The normal size of any Nietzchean male when erect is between ten and twelve inches [25-30 cm]. Why do you think our women love us so?" Tyr chuckled. "Now go, and show that little boy how much you are prepared to love him, something he desperately wants and needs. Certainly no one on this vessel would fault you for it. In fact, I believe they expect it of you. You do not want to disappoint your crew now, do you? I think they worship you as much as that child does." Defeated, Dylan returned the basketball to the equipment locker, and headed back to his quarters. Entering, he spied Jimmy, sprawled on his stomach, clutching Dylan's pillow to him as he slept. The covers had slipped down and his round little bum was exposed to the night air. Moving closer, Dylan marveled at the perfectly round spheroids, smooth and white, thrusting upwards. He could just see the beginnings of Jimmy's tiny pink rosebud winking at him. His cock sprang to attention at the thought of penetrating that tight orifice. With a sigh for his own dirty lustfulness, he stripped off his sweats and climbed into to bed with his fears. Easing in beside Jimmy, Dylan grabbed the other pillow, and stuffing it behind his head, pulled up the sheet and tried to fall asleep. Sometime in the middle of the night, Jimmy woke, and pushing aside Dylan's pillow, clambered onto Dylan's hairy stomach. Dylan's erection, which had hardly subsided all night, was pointing straight up, ending somewhere around his navel. Jimmy shifted around until he had captured it between his sturdy young thighs. This put his lips near Dylan's left nipple, which he kissed and proceeded to fall back asleep, comforted at last. Again, Dylan spent the night having erotic dreams, only this time, they involved Jimmy almost exclusively. In his dreams, he saw the little boy standing in front of him, exactly the right height to suck on him, his rosy lips surrounding Dylan's engorged cock while he held the boy's head in his large hands, directing Jimmy's efforts. In another, Jimmy laid spread-eagled on his stomach while Dylan shoved his cock in and out of the child's back passage, moaning in pleasure. He sucked on Jimmy's boy boner, marveling at the taste and feel of the child's sex, while his large fingers penetrated Jimmy's bum. Unable to take any more, Dylan came spontaneously, helped by Jimmy's thighs wrapped around his dick. He shot wad after wad onto Jimmy's bum, and finally, relaxed into a more restful sleep. In the morning as they walked to the showers, Dylan spied his guilty evidence dried on the boy's ass. "Well at least I only dreamed the rest" Dylan thought to himself, as he prepared to wash the evidence of his obsession away. Dylan spent the next few days trying his best to avoid situations where he and Jimmy were alone together, other than putting him to bed each night, when he made sure that Jimmy was asleep before he joined him. That didn't stop his brain though, every night he suffered from nocturnal emissions, and every morning he had to clean up the evidence of his lust, usually off Jimmy.
For his part, Jimmy became quieter and less animated as each day went by. He quit asking Dylan for sex; in fact, he quit speaking to Dylan almost altogether, except when addressed directly. He picked at his meals, and was distracted during his lessons. Finally, one afternoon in Harper's science lab, while Harper was showing the little boy one of his new 'toys', tears started leaking out of Jimmy's eyes, running down his cheeks and dripping off his chin. Harper, not as insensitive or as flaky as he led people to believe, scooped the child into his arms and hugged him to his chest. Jimmy exploded into full blown sobbing, clinging to Harper like he was his last hope. "Hey there, soldier, what's the trouble? You can tell old Harper, you know; I won't squawk about it, promise." He rubbed the boy's back, carrying Jimmy around and crooning to the distraught child, wondering what could have caused this sweet kid to be so upset. Jimmy had wooed his way into the whole crew's heart and Harper would be damned if he'd let anyone get away with hurting this child. Eventually, Jimmy calmed down enough to speak. "Come on, tell me what's up. You know I'm a genius, kid, I can fix anything that's broke in this whole universe, and if I can't, it ain't worth fixin', trust me." "Dylan 3; doesn't love 3; me." Jimmy gulped between breaths, his head lodged between Harper's shoulder and neck. "What're you talkin' about? Of course he does. We all do, an' don't you forget it, bucko." "No he doesn't," Jimmy insisted, "He won't touch me, and when I ask him to, he gets mad at me." "Well, I've seen him touch you, Jimmy. He holds your hand, and lets you sit right next to him, and carries you on his shoulders." Harper wasn't sure what Jimmy meant. "No, no, no, not like that, I mean at night, when we sleep. My old master touched me all the time, and I miss it so much." Harper was flabbergasted. Having grown up under Nietzchean domination, Harper hated them with a passion, Tyr being one of the few exceptions. "Did you like the way your old master touched you, Jimmy?" he asked quietly. "Uh huh," Jimmy answered, "and I want Dylan to touch me, too, and he won't!" In Harper's universe, child sex was much more common than at any other time in history. On Earth it was a way of survival, and since the fall of the Commonwealth, and the domination of the Nietzcheans through most of space, it had lost much of the stigma it formerly had. Harper himself, and most of his peers, had periodically sold themselves for food, medicine, drugs, or whatever they happened to need at the time. Although Harper had personally hated every minute of it, he knew of others who hadn't. Some people were just made that way, and Jimmy, obviously, was one of them. The trouble was, Dylan had come from an era where that sort of thing was considered deviant behavior, and he couldn't wrap his mind around the way things were now. He tried to explain this to Jimmy, but it's hard to explain a type of morality to a six-year-old whose hero didn't love him, as he saw it. "Well," Harper thought to himself, "I guess I'm going to have to explain the facts of life to our dear Captain." "You'll just have to trust me, Jimmy. I'll speak to Dylan and explain the problem to him. Understand that he's trying to protect you. I'm sure Dylan loves you very much, and doesn't realize how much it hurts you." With this Jimmy leaned back and through his teary eyes, beamed at Harper. "You promise, Harper?" "I promise, bucko. On my word as a conniving genius." Harper hugged the boy close, and plopped him back on the table. "Now let's talk about something really important, like what a clever guy I am."
Later that watch, Harper sought out Dylan in private. "Hey, Boss, how's it hangin'?" "It's hanging just fine, Harper." Dylan responded, wondering where the hell Harper came up with some of his colloquialisms. "Boss, you know I'm extremely unwilling to discuss personal type stuff with anyone, but, I've got this kind of problem, and I think you're the only one who can solve it for me." "Okay, Harper, what is it?" thinking, "what kind of harebrained idea has he come up with this time?" "What it is, Boss, is a six-year-old kid bawling his guts out in my lab, because the guy he hero worships, you, doesn't treat him right!" "Hold on, Let me finish." Harper continued, forestalling Dylan's attempt to interrupt. "I know your ways aren't our ways, but times have changed while you were sleepin' and I won't let you continue to hurt that sweet little kid any longer! He thinks you don't love him because you won't give him what he's been asking you for. Now, if you can't, then let me know, and I'll find someone who can, probably Tyr, who at least understands what the boy wants. It's not the best answer, but at least the kid will be somewhat satisfied, even if it isn't what he really needs. That being you." Dylan replied, incredulous, "Let me get this straight, Harper. Are you telling me I should just go on and have sex with a SIX-year-old BOY?" "Yep. He wants it, and I suspect, in spite of your attempts to deny it, so do you." "It's wrong, Harper, by any sane standard of morality. How could I face myself if I give in to that boy?" "In case you haven't noticed, Boss, we live in a pretty insane Universe. The way I see it, giving Jimmy the happiness he wants is saner than makin' yourself and him miserable, all for the sake of some three hundred-year-old notions that No One in this universe subscribes to. Maybe someday we can change things back to the way they were, but that doesn't fix Jimmy's trouble, or yours. So, give it up, Dylan. Let that kid have some joy. Lord knows we don't get much in life, and this is an easy one. He's happy, you're happy, or at least less of a bear than you have been, an' believe me, Boss, you have been. That's all I've got to say. If you can't, or won't satisfy Jimmy, say the word, and I'll find someone who can." With that, Harper turned and walked away, leaving Dylan resting his chin on his chest. All the rest of that day, Dylan brooded over his conversation with Harper, wondering how he landed himself in the middle of this crazy scenario. Everything he believed was turned upside down since his revival. A six-year-old, wanting to have sex with him, and his crew, encouraging it! "In all honesty I want it, too," Dylan conceded in his own secret heart. "I love that sweet kid, and I can't stand for him to be miserable. I guess, when in Rome 3;" to use one of Harper's more obscure colloquialisms. He'd deal with his own prejudices and problems when they arose. Now, the main issue was Jimmy's unhappiness and Dylan could and would deal with that! So the issue, at least partly resolved, Dylan put his energies towards the problems of the day.
That night, while undressing Jimmy for bed, Dylan broached the subject he had been avoiding for so long. "Jimmy, I know that I haven't been treating you very well lately, but you must understand that this is all new to me. Where I come from what you want was considered a crime. It's not that I don't love you; it's just that I've found it very hard to consider doing what you ask. I never meant to hurt you, or make you think I don't love you, it's just that it's difficult to change the way I've thought my whole life. Do you understand any of what I'm trying to say?" "Oh yes, Dylan, Harper explained it to me this afternoon. But, how can something that feels so good be wrong?" "Well," Dylan hesitated, yet again confounded by a child's logic. "I guess what makes it wrong is when one of the people involved is forced into something they don't want." "But I want it Dylan, don't you?" Jimmy asked seriously. "I guess I do Jimmy, I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since you came on board. What bothered me was that you were only asking for it in order to please me." "Oh no, Dylan, I truly like having sex, and I'd really like having it with you." That finally broke Dylan. Gathering Jimmy up in his arms, he crushed Jimmy to his chest and whispered into his ear, " I love you, Jimmy, you'll never know how much!" "Then I guess you'd better show me," the little imp responded gaily. Wriggling out of Dylan's arms, Jimmy scrambled onto the bed, saying, "Hurry up, Dylan, I've waited long enough!" Peeling his clothes off, and leaving them in a heap on the floor, Dylan joined his new love in bed. "I'm a little new to this, so you'd better show me how to get started, Jimmy." Jimmy scooted over next to Dylan, and reaching out lifted Dylan's semi-erect cock in his small hands. Expertly, he began to caress the length of it, encouraging it to reach full extension. The feeling of Jimmy's soft hands caressing his engorged cock recalled all those nights of dreaming for Dylan. The little boy bent over and slurped the end of Dylan's uncircumcised penis into his pink mouth, just managing to get the whole head in and started sucking for all he was worth. The boy's tongue caressed the purple cock head as he continued manipulating the rest with his two hands. Jimmy slipped his tongue between the foreskin and glans, reveling in the taste of Dylan's manhood, using his spit and the pre-cum oozing out to lubricate the head. In ecstasy, Dylan just lay there, watching Jimmy slobber over his knob, not entirely believing what a great little cocksucker he was. No woman had ever laved his prick like this six-year-old boy. That first morning had given him only a hint of what Jimmy was truly capable of. If he wasn't careful, Dylan was going to blow his wad any second now. Reaching down, Dylan gently disengaged Jimmy's mouth from the end of his dick, murmuring, "Hold on a minute, tiger, I'm too close." The little boy's face was flushed and covered in saliva and the lubricant oozing from Dylan's slit. Jimmy's own child's cocklet was stiff as a board, standing proudly out from his rounded little belly. Dragging him up the length of his hairy stomach till they were face to face, Dylan slipped his adult tongue into Jimmy's willing mouth. They kissed passionately, tasting each other for the first time. "The kid kisses as good as he sucks cock" was Dylan's thought. His large hand was holding down Jimmy's round butt, grinding his stiffie into Dylan's hairy chest, while his other hand roamed all over the boys back and legs, getting the feel of Jimmy's incredibly soft white skin. Jimmy pulled back from their kiss, looking down at Dylan's face with some concern, "Am I doing okay, Dylan?" Suddenly, Dylan was filled with shame for having caused this beautiful kid so much grief in the past days. Holding his small head between his two big hands, Dylan looked deep into Jimmy's eyes, "Jimmy, I am so sorry for the way I've treated you lately. Can you forgive me, please?" For a moment, Jimmy said nothing, then with a hint of a grin, he replied, "Only if you let me suck you some more." With a burst of laughter, Dylan slapped Jimmy's sweet ass, "Well you better get at it then, I need a LOT of forgiveness. This time, though, let me return the favor." So saying, Dylan turned Jimmy until they were in the sixty-nine position. With his neck propped on a pillow, Dylan was just able to reach Jimmy's cock while enabling the small boy to resume his enthusiastic sucking of Dylan's monster. With Jimmy's legs firmly wrapped around Dylan's head, he latched his hungry jaws onto the slimy knob he'd been dreaming of, while Dylan tentatively opened his mouth and engulfed the child's sex in his wet, dark, cavern, laving the stiff little cock and balls with his thick tongue. Using his hands, Dylan kneaded the perfect globes of Jimmy's buttocks, setting up a rhythm of alternate push-pull, sliding him back and forth on the end of his cock while forcing Jimmy's meat in and out of his own clinging lips. While he worshipped Dylan's spit slick glans with his mouth, Jimmy used his small hands to explore the remaining inches of thick meat, tenderly fondling the loose nut-sack and slipping his sly fingers into the crack off Dylan's ass to tickle his rosebud. That was all it took to smash Dylan's restraint. With a deep groan, he forced the boy deeper onto his fuck-stick and erupted into the tight wet mouth, shooting over and over down Jimmy's throat. Jimmy had his own dry orgasm right then, spasming under Dylan's hands while he tried to swallow as much cum as possible. They both collapsed into a sweaty heap, exhausted by the intensity of their mutual climax, but neither relinquishing the meat in their respective mouths. They lay stuck together for a time, until finally, Dylan maneuvered Jimmy around so he could cuddle the child in his arms. Jimmy grinned up at his hero, thrilled that his wishes had come true. Dylan, seeing the joy on the boy's face, smiled back and asked, "Was it all you hoped for, Jimmy?" "Uh humh," the tired little boy answered, "At least until you fuck me."
Dylan awoke to the delicious sensation of having his knob slobbered over. Unconsciously, he stretched his big arms over his head, thrusting his sex further into the wet appendage lodged onto his cock head. Lazily, Dylan allowed the worship of his sex to continue, not really registering exactly who was sucking him off so well. He marveled at the feel of the clinging little mouth and small hands caressing his tumescent cock. Tensing slightly, Dylan suddenly remembered the events of last night, and realized who was doing such a good job on his prick. With a slight sigh, he relaxed, and let Jimmy carry on. Truth was, Dylan absolutely loved being awakened this way, and would do nothing to discourage this part of Jimmy's training. Jimmy, meanwhile, was in heaven, finally being granted full access to this beautiful man's body! He worked as much of his mouth as he could over the swollen, heavy knob, licking Dylan's pre-cum as it drooled out of the big slit, washing the head and about an inch of the shaft with his wide open mouth. He had used his hands to slick Dylan's foreskin back, and was sliding them along the length of his cock, squeezing the base, and rolling his big balls around in their loose sac, trying to encourage even more lubricant from Dylan's fuck tube. Dylan brought his left arm down, and rested his hand on the back of Jimmy's head. Gently gripping the small boy's skull with his large hand, Dylan began working the child's mouth over his throbbing dick, forcing Jimmy to accept more of him. Jimmy's throat began to open, allowing more of Dylan's cock to penetrate him. Setting up a rhythm with his hand, Dylan fucked himself into Jimmy's willing mouth. Spit and pre-cum leaked out from the little boy's stretched lips, running down the shaft and lubricating Jimmy's hands as he worked them all over Dylan's rampaging hardon. His fat balls tightening, Dylan shoved Jimmy's mouth even further down the length of his meat and erupted into the kid's throat, feeling Jimmy's gag reflex working the end of his knob, heightening the fantastic sensations. After the first few spurts, Dylan pulled back and finished cumming in Jimmy's mouth, allowing him to take a breath. Jimmy also managed to swallow all of Dylan's cum, which was substantial. He generally shot five or six big wads and then leaked some more. Jimmy hung on, though, until all of the aftershocks were over. The sloppy face of Jimmy beamed up at Dylan, "Was it pretty good for you, too?" the cock-sure little six-year-old asked. Dylan roared with laughter, relieved that Jimmy hadn't seemed to mind being treated a little rough. When he could, He did ask, though. "Were you OK, soldier? I got a little carried away in the moment. I hope I didn't hurt you." "Naw, I was fine. I had lots worse before. Besides, I love you, that makes it fun." Touched by Jimmy's honest admission, Dylan slid the small boy up his chest, reveling in the feel of his smooth young skin against his own hairiness, and kissed him, saying, "I love you, too, soldier." They snuggled together for a few minutes, quietly touching and 'smoochin around' as Jimmy put it. All too soon, it was time to get up and start the watch.
With Dylan's schedule as Captain, and the intensity of the school/training program Dylan had set up for Jimmy, they spent very little of their days together. They always tried to meet for lunch though, so they could have a few minutes together during the day. In the commissary, Jimmy was being entertained by Harper while they waited for the rest of the bridge crew to arrive. Harper and Jimmy had taken to each other in a strange way, probably having to do with their mutual origins, but despite Harper's pretence of indifference, Dylan somehow knew that Harper would die for Jimmy, if it ever became necessary. It was good to know he had a backup if something should happen to him. Actually, everyone on board had pretty much fallen for Jimmy. His winning smile and basically happy demeanor had won over the crew completely. He could still be very prickly about certain things, especially when provoked, and was best left alone for awhile, until he had a chance to work things out in his own mind. Even Tyr, who had been observed laughing with the boy, and offered to guide his physical training, made a sincere attempt to befriend the child. Romy, Becka, and Trance doted on him, having brought out the mother in all of them, although how an android got maternal was beyond Dylan. Had he not put his foot down, hard, the women would have spoiled him to death. Even so, he knew that Jimmy got away with anything when the women were present, unless one of the men was there as well. He didn't mind too much, feeling that the boy had earned a little spoiling, but not enough to ruin him. Lunch was the usual raucous affair, everyone talking over each other, discussing ship's systems, current politics, the state of Andromeda and the fleet, Jimmy's education, Harper's newest brain wave, and Becka's wish to go skiing on a moon resort. Even Romy and Trance never missed a lunch, even though neither of them ate, as such. It was usually the high point of the day, and generally the only meal they all took together, achieving a social as well as practical goal. The evening meal was taken in either smaller groups or in your quarters, unless it was a special occasion. Dylan and Jimmy always dined together, usually with one or two of the officers, discussing the day's reports or planning the next day's business. Also, Dylan took the time to question Jimmy regarding his schooling, using his own knowledge to flesh out the boy's learning. Jimmy was a very smart child, a quick learner, and thirsty for education, which pleased Dylan. Everyone contributed, no matter how much or how little. He even approved of Tyr guiding Jimmy's physical education, knowing he would be trained by a master. At first Jimmy had been very hesitant about taking instruction from Tyr, having been under the influence of other Nietzcheans until very recently, but with Dylan's encouragement, the brave young boy had submitted himself to Tyr's supervision. It had worked out well though, Tyr having known he had to gain the boy's trust, before anything else, and having succeeded in doing so. Jimmy and Trance spent hours together in Trance's greenhouse, but what they said or did, neither spoke of. Actually, Dylan didn't want to know. Trance scared the pants off him with her uncanny abilities, and he suspected she was teaching what she could to Jimmy. Becka worked on his reflexes and future piloting skills and Harper entranced him with cybernetic fairy tales, instilling in the boy a solid working knowledge of theoretical math. Romy was, literally, the Encyclopedia Galactica to him. Her extensive database helped fill in the huge gaps in his basic education. That evening, Tyr had come to dinner, in order to discuss strategy for an upcoming engagement, and to have alternatives available. As dinner wound down, Jimmy's attention had waned. Instead, he worked on his homework, concentrating on the math problem in front of him. Dylan got up to get fresh beers for Tyr and himself, and as he returned to the table, he saw Tyr watching Jimmy through lowered eyelids. He had a huge bulge coursing down his leather-covered thigh and made no attempt to hide it from Dylan's gaze. Looking over at Jimmy, unaware of the sexual tension in the room, Dylan could see why Tyr was hard. With just an overhead spot lighting him, the fair skinned boy, in just a pair of shorts since his pre-dinner shower, had a halo of light around his dark chestnut hair that cascaded down around his shoulders and back, making Jimmy look like he was illuminated from within. Suddenly, Dylan wanted Tyr gone. Tyr looked up at him, reading his mind in that funny way Tyr sometimes had, and rose up, freeing his erection up even further as he stretched, panther like. "And a good night to you, Captain," he murmured on his way out. "To you too, Tyr." "Nothing like yours, I'm sure!" Dylan could almost swear he heard that in his head, not in his ears. Jimmy jumped up as soon as Tyr left, displaying his own boner sticking out the front of his boxers. "Did you see how big he was, Dylan?" the boy asked breathlessly. "It was hard not to," Dylan replied, slightly annoyed. "He's way too big for me," Jimmy continued, blithely, "I much prefer yours; I know I can make it fit." "Only a few of the older kids could take someone like him, and even they got hurt, sometimes." As a surge of lust swept through Dylan, the only words that truly registered were «I much prefer yours; I know I can make it fit.» Suddenly, Dylan just wanted to fuck this kid, to slide his big tube up his boy-pussy and pork him until he squealed like a pig. Scooping Jimmy up, Dylan thrust his tongue into Jimmy's mouth, hoping to bring the kid up to speed before Dylan got started, because he knew he wasn't waiting for anyone this time. He thrust a long finger up Jimmy's bum-hole and was gratified to find that the little boy had already lubed himself, obviously anticipating a fuck. Fucking into the kid's mouth with his own thick tongue, Dylan probed with a second finger up the boy's arse, trying to stretch his hole a little before he penetrated the six-year-old's ass. Jimmy hunched himself down on Dylan's thick fingers as he worked them into his hole, loving the feel of being filled and stretched by Dylan's hand. He ground himself onto his impaler, trying to get more inside as he sucked Dylan's tongue, encouraging him. Walking to the nearest armchair, Dylan lifted the child away from him, using the fingers in his ass to do so, and carefully turned him face-down on the leather chair-back. He continued to fuck his two fingers up the boy's bum while he freed his drooling cock with the other hand. Letting his pants drop around his ankles, Dylan rubbed the leaking pre-cum all over his plum-sized head until it was slick and shiny with lubricant. Withdrawing his two fingers, Dylan shoved the head of his cock up the boy's pink hole with no warning, having inserted the knob plus an inch or two [5 cm] before Jimmy had time to gasp. He allowed the boy a few seconds to accustom himself the invasion before pressing onwards, forcing more and more of himself up the kid's incredibly tight back passage. Soon he was more than halfway in and Jimmy had only groaned a little as each inch pierced him. "Come on, push, push back." Dylan encouraged the little boy to accept even more of his huge prick. With a mighty grunt, followed by a sigh, something seemed to relax in Jimmy, and Dylan's engorged meat slid in up to its hilt, buried in the boy's flesh. Dylan stared down at his thick cock meat buried in this little six-year-old's ass, his fuck tube completely encased by Jimmy's small body. All along the length of his cock, he could feel the hot, tight flesh holding him and squeezing the entire stretch. Very few women had been able to do that, so it was doubly exciting for Dylan. He began to work his cock in and out of Jimmy, sliding out about halfway and then slipping the full length back in, his balls slapping against Jimmy's split cheeks with every thrust. He couldn't seem to get enough of Jimmy, grinding himself into the small boy's perfect butt, fucking the kid with long, deep strokes that lifted the boy off the chair as he passively submitted to Dylan's use. His willingness to be used spurred Dylan's lust as he slid the sweat-soaked boy along his pole, masturbating himself into Jimmy's little fuck hole. He rolled Jimmy over onto his back, so he could watch Jimmy's face while he fucked him. The little boy flopped helplessly, skewered by Dylan's enormously swollen member. Spitting on his hand, Dylan began to masturbate Jimmy's erect cock, forcing the foreskin to retract and further exciting the abused child's body. He began using Jimmy's swollen cock like a joystick, forcing Jimmy to slide up and down Dylan's own fuck meat. Lost in a sexual haze, Dylan murmured softly as he raped the child, "You love getting fucked like this, you little fuck toy? Love that slick meat up your pussy, don't ya, pussy-boy? Like me to fuck ya all day long, could take it too, little cunt, couldn't ya?" He articulated his lust as he mindlessly thrust himself into Jimmy, who willingly accepted all Dylan had to give, humping his boy dick into Dylan's fist while he rode him. Reaching up the boy's chest, Dylan squeezed Jimmy's pale pink rosebud nipples in turn with his free hand. Jimmy began to orgasm, lurching around on Dylan's cock like a fish on the hook, while his immature body thrashed to a dry orgasm. The boy's involuntary jerking set off Dylan's own orgasm and he jammed the child as deeply as he could onto his cock while he jetted his cum into the child's intestines. The sudden pressure on Jimmy's bladder caused it to release and Jimmy's cock began peeing as Dylan ejaculated inside of him. The golden stream arched up onto Dylan's hairy belly and ran down onto his crotch. The sight and feel of it was too much for Dylan and he ground into Jimmy, releasing yet more cum into the small boy. He collapsed onto Jimmy, covering the still-impaled boy with his hairy, sweaty, and now piss-soaked belly, while they recovered their breath. Dylan had never cum so hard in his whole life, ever. With his still-hard cock up Jimmy's bum, Dylan picked the boy up and carried him to the shower, turning the water on to clean them. He leaned back, and supporting Jimmy with his muscular arms, rested his back against the wall. Seating Jimmy firmly upon his dick, Dylan began pissing up the hole he had so recently fucked. "Just thought I'd return the favor." he remarked while his hot load of piss filled the boy to bursting. A flood of warm fluid cascaded down from the small boy's tender asshole as his intestines released their load. Jimmy's mouth formed into a round little 'O' as this further invasion caused him to have a second orgasm. Dylan eased the little boy off his still-swollen tube steak after he subsided from his aftershock. Cradling the slightly woozy child in his arms, Dylan washed them clean and checked Jimmy for any damage. Fortunately, he came through it remarkably well, only tired, and a little sore. The six-year-old's arsehole was swollen and a little stretched, red from its recent hard use, making Dylan want to fuck him all over again. He knew though, that the boy needed a rest. As they lay curled together in bed, Dylan reflected on the sex, knowing he had never had better, or was likely to. Already, his tumescent cock was wedged between Jimmy's willing thighs, oozing pre-cum as it butted up against Jimmy's own erect cock and balls. Dylan pulled the boy closer to him as they settled down to sleep. "Nothing is ever easy!" he muttered.
The End |