PZA Boy Stories

Bill aka Storyguy

Just Like Old Times


A married man finds sexual satisfaction with a 13-year-old hustler, and a romance develops between them. Things get more interesting when the boy seduces the man's 10-year-old son.
Publ. 2005 (Nifty & ASSGM); this site Apr 2009
Finished 30,000 words (60 pages)


Bobby (13yo), Bill (38yo)

Category & Story codes

Boy-Prostitution story
Mt tb – cons oral anal – prost


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

Like it? Write to me at bil47_new(at)yahoo.com or use this feedback form, please mention Bill and the story title in the subject line.

Time: Late Summer, 1990

Dusk was turning to darkness as the man drove past the row house where he'd spent the first 13 years of his childhood. He didn't stop, though. He didn't know anyone who lived in the old neighborhood anymore. It had been 25 years since his father had gotten the job promotion that took the family to a new home, 400 miles [650 km] away. And it was only a year ago that the man had moved his own family back to this city of his birth.

The neighborhood was more run-down than when he'd left in 1965, but it hadn't become a dangerous slum 3; unlike so many other residential areas near the city's urban core.

As the tall trees of Swift Creek Park came into view, the man felt a sudden spike in the adrenalin that had been flowing through his body since he had set out from home, 20 minutes ago. His penis was stiffening, and he adjusted it in his khakis. His hand lingered, gently squeezing the hard 6-inch [15 cm] cock.

There was an almost-magical transition from the gritty streets of the working-class neighborhood to the green solitude of the large woodland park. He opened the windows of the Lexus sedan and breathed the warm, humid air of the summer evening. The scent was a sensory flashback to his childhood.

He turned onto Swift Creek Drive – the two-lane road that meandered through the middle of the park. Soon he passed a car pulled over to the side. A teenage boy was leaning in through the passenger-side window to talk to the driver. The man looked in his rear-view mirror and saw the boy get into the car.

"Yes 3; that's all there is to it 3; no need to be so anxious," the man assured himself as he squeezed his throbbing erection again.

What was it about being in this city that made the urge burn so strongly? All through his high school and college years, through his 20s and most of the way through his 30s, he had held the urges in check 3; confining them to the safety of his masturbation fantasies. But ever since he'd moved back here, settling with his wife and two young kids in an upscale suburb on the other side of town, the itch had become so strong that he began taking risks. Arranging encounters with anonymous men had been surprisingly easy. Answering ads in the 'personals' section of the alternative paper, and eventually placing ads himself, had tapped into a world of married bisexuals in search of discrete gay sex. He'd gotten together with 'suck-buddies' once or twice a month for nearly a year 3; but never more than once with the same man. Whenever he was asked "Can we do this again?" (and nearly all of his partners had asked), he declined. He had no desire for a relationship 3; just the sex.

The secretive meetings in cheap motel rooms had definitely been erotic 3; getting naked and wrestling around playfully on the bed 3; kissing, stroking, sucking 3; the thrill of having hot semen pulsing into his mouth 3; receiving oral sex that was indescribably better than his wife's reluctant efforts. But each time, the euphoria wore off quickly, because there was a disconnect between these encounters and his sexual cravings. In the masturbation fantasies, he wasn't with another man 3; he was with a boy.

His imagination kept returning to the boys who had shared his early-adolescent sex play, during the last six months or so before he moved away. His memories centered primarily on Bobby, his 13-year-old classmate and best friend 3; the boy with whom he'd gone the farthest in their mutual exploration of sexuality. But there others with whom he had shared sexual fun 3; like the cute 12-year-old twins who lived next door. And the sexy and self-confident 14-year-old who had been the original instigator of the wonderful sex games. In all, there had been a dozen or so neighborhood boys of similar ages that had been involved in the fun, to a greater or lesser degree.

Adventures of sexual discovery were burned into the man's memory. He could close his eyes and see himself with a group of his friends, getting together in the basement at Bobby's house while his parents were at work, playing strip poker games and feeling up each other's impossibly-stiff erections. And he could probably still find the secluded area of Swift Creek Park where neighborhood boys got together for circle jerks on summer nights 3; sometimes as many as 10 at a time, watching each other stroke and shoot. And then there were the private one-on-one times with Bobby 3; two naked 13-year-old bodies hugging each other atop a twin bed or on the soft ground of the forest floor 3; two throbbing boy-boners humping together urgently 3; mutual masturbation that climaxed in blissful orgasms and wild sprays of youthful semen 3; the hesitant experiments with the taboo thrill of cock sucking 3; the kisses they had shared, for the first time, on the night before his departure. Years later, as the man sank into the routines of middle-age, he realized that the exhilaration he had felt during those six months of innocent, uninhibited sexuality was more intensely satisfying than anything he had felt since.

That phase of his life had ended abruptly after his family's move. The new friends in his new home town never talked about sex between two boys 3; except in derogatory jokes about faggots. But he cheerfully joined in their obsession with girly magazines and their constant talk about trying to get some action from girls. He shared their desire to do sexual things with a girl, though he was too shy to pursue the matter. He knew, however, that he'd instantly get a reputation as a faggot if he so much as mentioned any of the homoerotic thoughts that churned in his imagination as he masturbated, alone in his room.

The man had never seriously considered the possibility that he would ever again do sexual things with a boy. But that changed in an instant when one of the suck-buddies had mentioned in passing about the pick-up scene in Swift Creek Park 3; and that you could sometimes pick up boys who traded sex for money. Since then, hardly an hour went by when his mind didn't stray into fantasies of what it might be like to pick up a young hustler, pay him some money, and 3;

As the car slowly rounded a bend on the dimly-lit park road, the man saw a figure standing along the sidewalk. Not under a street light, but not totally in the shadows either. Definitely a boy. What did he look like? How old was he? Was he looking to be picked up?

The man slowed down even more. The boy was looking at him, but there was a neutral expression on his face. He was wearing jeans and a tight tee-shirt. Slender; maybe 5'3" [1.60 m]; dark-haired 'Mediterranean' looks.

Could this be it? Should I just pull over beside him and stop? Was the boy supposed to make some sort of signal? The man's mind buzzed with excitement and apprehension. He realized that he knew nothing about how this process actually worked. Why hadn't he asked the suck-buddy for more details?

The man's heart was pounding in his chest. He wanted to stop, but what if the boy wasn't a hustler after all? With the car practically beside him, the boy stuck out his thumb as if hitchhiking. The man quickly stopped. The boy walked up to the window and looked in, but said nothing.

"Uh 3; you want a ride?" asked the man, unable to think of anything else to say.

"OK." The boy slid into the passenger seat. The man got a good look at him before the car's overhead light clicked off as the boy closed the door. He was pleasant-looking, with soulful dark eyes and long lashes, a sensuous mouth, and unblemished skin. How old 3; 12? 13? 14? He had scraggly black hair that hadn't seen a barber for a while. He might not be conventionally 'cute', but the man felt an instant and intense attraction.

"So 3; where you headed?" asked the man after long moments of uncomfortable silence. The car was still stopped at the curb.

"No place in particular, I guess," the boy replied quietly. "How about you?" He looked over at the man and gave a sly half-grin. His voice was at that awkward mid-way point between a youngster's soprano and an older lad's tenor.

"I'm just driving around." The man pulled away from the curb and started driving deeper into the park. "So 3; uh 3; I guess you're interested in making some money?"


"How about if we 3;"

"I'm not gay," blurted the boy suddenly, his voice cracking a bit. "I mean," he continued in a calmer voice; "just so you know up front. I have a girlfriend, ya know."

"I'm not gay either," said the man.

For an instant the boy's face made a smirk, as if to say 'yeah; right!' Then he assumed a serious expression and said "I don't suck or make out, and I don't take it in the ass. If you want any of that stuff, I'll just get out now."

"OK. That's cool." He would have loved to kiss the boy 3; those full lips were wonderfully erotic. And he always appreciated getting sucked. As for fucking, he had never tried it with a guy, either top or bottom. He'd always declined when one of his suck-buddies had raised the subject. "How much do you charge to 3; uh 3;"

"You want to suck me off?" asked the boy. The man nodded; that was exactly what he wanted. "If we do it around here it's $20, paid up front. If you want to take me someplace, it's more 3; depends where you want to go and for how long."

The man contemplated the idea of taking the boy to one of the motels where he met men for sex, but decided that the dangers of discovery were too great.

"Let's stay around here. Where should we go?"

"Turn off your headlights and hang a right into this picnic area. You can park behind the pavilion. Nobody'll see your car from the road."

As the man pulled off the main road and swung behind the big open-air pavilion, he heard the sound of a zipper. He glanced over and in the dim light saw the boy raising his hips to slide his jeans and underpants down his thighs a few inches.

"Wanna feel me up?"

The man turned off the ignition and reached over into the boy's lap. His fingers touched soft, warm flesh, and he stopped breathing for a long moment as he carefully explored the flaccid circumcised penis and silky ball-sack. Both seemed well along into pubescence.

"Oh, yeah!" sighed the man, as the boy's penis quickly rose up in response to his fondling, stiffening to a slender 5-inch [12½ cm] boner. His mouth watered as he twisted around in his seat so that he could suck the wonderful boy-cock, barely visible in the dim light of a half-moon.

"Let's get someplace more comfortable," said the boy. "Back seat? Outside?"

"Yeah; that would be good. How about outside so I can see better."

"I need the $20 now; OK?"

"Sure." The man pulled out the money and handed it over.

"Ya better turn off the overhead light. Ya don't want a light shining when we open the doors."

The man reached up and clicked the switch on the dome light, and then got out of the car.

The boy opened the door and swung his legs to the side. He slid off his shoes – untied, with the laces tucked in – and then removed his jeans and underpants completely. He put his shoes back on, stood up, and pulled his tee-shirt up over his head.

'He's beautiful!' thought the man, as he gazed at the boy's naked body in the glow of moonlight.

The boy walked around to the back of the car, carrying his clothing with him. He hopped up on short trunk lid and lay back against the back window with his legs spread and his head resting on one of his forearms. He slowly stroked his penis, keeping it totally rigid as he waited to be sucked. The man came around and paused, marveling at the vision of boyhood beauty. He could see every detail in this light.

'Damn!' thought the man. He looks just like Bobby! Not his face, but the body. The strong shoulders. The wiry muscles of his arms. The tiny stiff nipples set in almost invisible tan discs on his smooth chest. The tight waist, with only enough softness to keep him from looking undernourished. And, as the boy stopped stroking himself and brought both hands behind his head 3; oh, God, yes! 3; the most perfectly formed boy-cock, and a loose, compact scrotum with three-quarters-mature balls. There was a small, sparse fringe of dark hairs at the base of the penis, looking if they had sprouted only in the past couple months, but his body was otherwise hairless.

As he ran his hands over the boy's body, the man giddily realized that this lad was even sexier than any of the images his imagination had manufactured over the years. As his fingers lovingly fondled the ball-sack and stiff penis, he trembled with the anticipation of the boyish erection sliding through his lips and along his tongue. But first he continued his exploration down the gorgeous body, caressing the soft, slender thighs and the peach-fuzz-covered calves.

"Can I take off your shoes?"

"Yeah; for a while. But then I wanna put them back on, in case I need to make a run for the woods 3; You know; if the cops come back here."

The man decided not to dwell on the thought of the police finding them like this. Instead, he concentrated on the boy's bare feet as he removed the shoes (Air Jordans – very expensive!). The boy wore no socks, and the man began fondling the almost-delicate feet 3; smooth, graceful, not yet full-grow. As the man caressed one of the bare feet with both hands, the boy brought the other one up to the man's crotch and rubbed it back and forth against the firm erection inside his pants. The man undid his khakis, pulled his trousers and undershorts down to his knees, and groaned with lust as the boy's toes tickled the sensitive flesh of the circumcised cock-head and slid up and down the shaft.

"Let me show you something," said the boy, pulling his foot from the man's hands. He brought both bare feet together on either side of the man's cock, the soles pressing together and the erection sandwiched in between. "Go ahead 3; fuck my feet."

The man thrust his hips gently and was incredibly aroused by the electric pleasure as his cock slid between the warm, baby-soft skin on the arches of the sexy feet. He began a slow, rhythmic fucking, as his fingers caressed the tops of the feet and the slender toes. As he rocked his stiff penis back and forth, the man was almost overwhelmed by this new sexual thrill.

After a couple minutes, the boy put his feet down. "Too much of a strain to hold them like that. Wanna suck me now?"

"Yes!" sighed the man, as he placed the shoes back on the boy's feet.

And then he leaned forward. His fingers slid up along the satin skin of the boy's inner thighs, explored the soft scrotum and the boyish orbs within, and encircled the graceful 5-inch [12½ cm] erection, stroking it slowly and gently.

The man's head dipped down. He inhaled the scent of the boy's crotch – an intoxicating combination of soap-smell, sweat, and subtle musk. His tongue flicked out to tease the slender cock-head, then drew a wet line down the shaft. Lifting the boy's balls, he licked and nibbled at the silky ball-sack and explored each robin's-egg ball with his lips. Then he licked his way back up the rigid penis to the slender crown and let it glide between his wet lips. Time stood still for him; everything else ceased to exist as his lips and tongue began to worship the rigid cock with a reverence that approached religious fervor. His fantasies of what it would be like to suck a young boy's stiff penis hadn't even come close to the equaling the ecstatic pleasure of actually doing it. He sucked Bobby's erection a few times, 25 years ago, but back then he'd had little appreciation for the total sensual delight of sucking a hard boy-cock.

The man moaned in grateful, hungry whimpers as his mouth moved up and down along the entire length of the slender shaft, easily taking it into the entrance of his throat with each down-stroke. The man did everything he could think of to bring increasing pleasure to the boy, twisting his head from side to side as he sucked, letting the boy's cock-head graze the roof of his mouth, burrowing the tip of his tongue into the piss-slit.

The boy brought his hands to the man's head, sliding his fingers through the hair, subtly guiding the tempo of the man's sucking. The boy's hips began to twitch, making little upward thrusts each time the man's mouth slid down to the base of the rigid erection.

The man reached down between the boy's splayed legs and cupped the boy's butt cheeks in his hands 3; the youngster's ass was so smooth, rounded, slender. The boy's hips responded by thrusting a little harder, and the man felt the ass muscles flex with each thrust. The lad made no sounds, other than quick deep breaths, as the tension began to build inside him. When he brought his legs up onto the man's shoulders, he began to hump his crotch into the man's mouth, and his hands held tighter to the man's head.

The man thought for a moment about sliding a spit-slick finger into the boy's rectum, rubbing the prostate and sending the kid into orgasmic nirvana. He'd learned the technique months ago, and each man he'd used it on had been delighted with the explosive result. But he realized the boy would likely be squeamish about a customer penetrating his anus, so he discarded the notion. He continued to fondle and squeeze the sexy butt cheeks, feeling the tension in them, feeling each urgent thrust.

The boy was now fucking the man's face intensely, groping for the release of orgasm. The slender erection churned wildly into the man's mouth. The man wouldn't have been able to take it if he were sucking a thick man-cock. But now, with this boy, it was perfect 3; it was heaven.

The boy was close 3; so close. The man suctioned hard with his cheeks and the boyish boner raced in and out of his wet lips. He squeezed hard on the boy's butt-flesh as he felt the boy's muscles go rigid. And for the first time the boy vocalized his pleasure, as the wave of sexual climax crashed through him.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! AHHHHH!" Not loudly, but music to the man's ears.

A spurt of cum shot hard into the man's mouth, as if from a gun. It was followed quickly by two more. There wasn't as much volume as with a man, but the velocity was astounding. The man slowed his sucking as spasms shuddered through the boy's body, and he savored the taste of the sweet boy-cum.

"Enough! It's too intense! Stop sucking," begged the boy. He caught his breath for a moment and hopped off the car. "Jesus! 3; Fuckin' shit, dude! That was a good one!" He reached for his shirt and slid it on.

"Glad you liked it."

The man's pants where still around his knees. His cock was still rigid, even though he hadn't touched it the whole time he was sucking. He started to masturbate.

"Could you 3; uh 3; would you stay naked for a while, so I can look at you while I get off?" The man knew that sounded queer and hoped the boy wouldn't take offense.

"No prob," said the boy, pulling the shirt off again. "For that matter, I'll give you a hand-job if you like. I won't suck you, though."

"Sure!" said the man, and he waited to see how the boy would want to do it.

"Strip," said the boy, in a firm voice. The man's arousal was heightened by the hint of dominance/submission play, and he hastened to pull off his polo shirt, his khakis, and his boxers. He stood nude before the boy, knowing that his body was in excellent condition for a 38-year-old. He put his hands behind his head and flexed. The boy's eyes scanned up and down, for several long moments. "You do weights or something?"

"Yes; running too."

The boy, still naked except for shoes, reached out to touch the man. His hands slid along the flexing biceps and then onto the man's muscled chest. The boy's fingers explored the stiff, manly nipples and soft chest hair 3; then trailed down the torso to the man's crotch. Finger tips lifted the full balls as if weighing them, then traced over the veined surface of the man's erection. Finally his hand squeezed it lightly, assessing its girth.

"Nice one," murmured the boy, as he began stroking the thick 6-inch [15 cm] cock and toyed with the flared cock-head, causing a drop to form at the slit. Then he moved around behind the man, still holding the boner in his right hand, and wrapped his arms around the man's mid-section. His left hand took hold of the man's balls. The man felt his knees go weak as the boy began masturbating in firm strokes and gently squeezing his balls.

"Lean against the car," the boy directed. "You know, like when the cops say 'assume the position'."

The man didn't care for the little joke about the police, but he complied instantly, placing his hands on the car's trunk with his ass raised up as if waiting to be spanked.

"Bend your knees some more, and get your ass a little lower," instructed the boy. When the man hunched down, the lad's crotch pushed up against the man's ass. The man could feel the soft penis pressing against him, and he loved the sensations of the skin-on-skin contact. His desire was growing stronger with each stroke of the boy's fist, and he thrust his hips back in time with the masturbation.

Then he realized that the boy's penis was stiffening as it humped the man's butt, first sliding along the bottom behind the man's balls, then up along the cleft of the cheeks. The virility of the boy's cock, with its ability to regain a full erection only minutes after orgasm, amazed the man.

"Want me to fuck you?" asked the boy, as his rigid boner nudged the man's anus.

"Yes!" answered the man without hesitation, to his own surprise. "Yes; fuck me!" Though he'd never been fucked, the man had plenty of experience with fingers (his own and other men's) in his asshole. He'd even bought a dildo-shaped vibrator and used it on himself for a while, before discarding it for fear of his wife discovering it.

The boy stopped masturbating the man's cock, and the man heard him spitting. A few moments later, the boy's hand was in front of the man's face. "Spit," said the boy. The hand went away, then returned. "More spit." This time, the saliva-covered fingers went to the man's anus, probing roughly into the circle of muscle.

"Here goes," said the boy, and he positioned his cock-head at the anal entrance. The man flexed open just as the boy thrust forward forcefully, and the slender spit-slick boner penetrated almost to the hilt.

The man winced at the sudden discomfort, but as the boy's stiff penis began sliding in and out, a warm pleasure spread out from his tight hole and stoked his lust. He reached down and began masturbating himself, as the boy wrapped his arms around the man's chest and began thrusting vigorously. The man pushed his ass back every time the boy's crotch thrust forward.

"Oh, God! Fuck me! Oh, yes! Oh! Oh, God! Do it!" urged the man in pleading tones, as he stroked himself harder. His entire body was churning with pleasure as he desperately jacked his penis, rushing himself to orgasm, with no patience to slow down and make it last. His cock was ready to burst, and he was compulsively driven to make it achieve that goal. The boy's fuck-strokes were similarly without moderation, plowing fast and hard into the man's tight, hot ass.

The man was the first to cum, crying out with shameless ecstasy. "Oh, shit! Yes! Here it cums! Oh! OH! YESSSS!!!"

As the boy continued to fuck him, the man let fly a rope of semen that splattered the license plate of his car. His anal muscle clenched spasmodically around the boy-cock that was thrusting into him wildly. The man's body and mind were ablaze with pure animal lust as his orgasm seemed to go on and on, spurred by the hard shaft churning in his rectum.

The man only became aware that the boy had orgasmed when the thrusting stopped. There were no shouts or groans 3; only the sound of ragged breathing and the thudding of a rapid heartbeat as the boy's chest pressed tightly against the man's back. The youthful erection slipped out of the asshole, and both man and boy sighed, simultaneously.

Maybe it was his imagination, but the man thought he could feel the boy's lips pressing lightly against him 3; a soft kiss between his shoulder blades. But when the man reached up to hold the boy's hands in his own, the boy pulled back, suddenly in a hurry to end the encounter.

The man stood up and turned around. The boy had picked up the man's boxers off the ground and was using them to clean himself off, then tossed them to the man.

"That was cool!" said the boy as he pulled on his white briefs. "I've never fucked a grown-up before 3; just a couple buddies in the neighborhood." He had a wistful look on his face that suddenly turned flustered. "And my girlfriend, too, of course."

The man resisted the urge to smile. He understood all too well the boy's insecurities about sexuality.

As the man dressed, he took out his wallet and pulled out another $20 bill, handing it to the boy.

"You don't need to do that," said the boy.

"It's a gift, just because I like you."

"In that case, sure. Thanks!" He took the bill and stuffed it in his pocket.

"By the way, my name is Bill," said the man, holding out his hand to shake.

"I'm Bobby," said the boy, taking the hand and pressing it.

The man felt a warm glow. "Bobby, huh? It's a nice name."

"I guess."

"How old are you, Bobby 3; if you don't mind me asking."


The man couldn't help but smile. This was so perfect!

"Where do you want me to drop you off," asked Bill as he opened the car door.

"I'll just walk," said Bobby.

"Can we do this again?"

"Sure. Just drive along the park road in the evening when the weather's nice. Maybe I'll be out here lookin' for work. Just be sure and have the money 3; OK?" He winked and smiled. Then he turned and walked off through the picnic area, and in an instant he was swallowed by the darkness.

"Feels like old times," the man murmured to himself as he started the car. He glowed with a feeling of exhilaration and total satisfaction, unlike anything he'd known since he was 13 years old himself. "Yeah; just like old times."

Chapter 2

The man pressed the remote control to open the garage door and drove in. Turning off the engine, he remained seated behind the wheel of his car, as if in a daze. He was still euphoric, floating in the afterglow of his amazing sexual encounter with the 13-year-old hustler in Swift Creek Park. It had been a half hour since he and the boy had parted, but the man's body tingled as if the orgasm has surged through him only a minute ago.

"Bobby 3;" he murmured to himself, feeling a gnawing desire to be back with the boy. "Will I ever see him again?" he thought. "Will I get my lips back around that beautiful young cock? And when he fucked me 3; Jesus, it felt so incredible!"

He sighed deeply as he sat in the garage, parked next to his wife's mini-van. He had told her that he was going to the gym, so he reached for the gym bag and got out the water bottle. He poured some water in his hand and mussed up his hair, then neatened it back up a little with his fingers. Another deep breath, and then into the house.

"Hi, honey. I'm back," he called out cheerfully as he entered the door from the garage into the spacious kitchen. The wall clock showed 10:20 p.m.

"Hi, dear. I'm upstairs."

The man went up to his bedroom and found his wife reading to his 10-year-old son and 7-year-old daughter atop the king-size bed. It was their nightly ritual 3; a chapter from a classic novel, such as Jules Verne or Robert Louis Stevenson. He dropped off his gym bag and kissed the youngsters goodnight.

"I'll be down in the study, working. Got a big meeting tomorrow on the Williams account. Don't wait up for me," he told his wife, giving her a quick kiss on the lips.

The man knew he should have felt guilty, but he didn't. The passion in his marriage had cooled over the years to the point where he and his wife were hardly more than cordial roommates. In the past year, his sexual urges had turned strongly toward annonymous encounters with other men. And now that he had tasted the forbidden fruit of sex with a boy 3;

He went down downstairs to the wood-paneled office and locked the door behind him. He turned on the small TV that sat beside his desk, with the sound most of the way down, and scanned through the channels. He stopped on Nickelodeon, the kid's channel. There were two very cute young-teen boys doing some sort of comedy sketch. The man turned off the sound completely and let his mind imagine the boys stripping nude and engaging in the kind of activities that you can't do on television.

He stood up, got the hidden key, and unlocked the bottom desk drawer. He took out the bottle of sexual lubricant and scanned through the small collection of porn video tapes. He picked out Petite Oral Asians, which featured delicate young Thai women servicing handsome caucasian men. The drawer also contained a stash of porn magazines (both straight and gay) and girlie magazines with small-breasted women, but he left those undisturbed. Instead he pulled out the issue of BOP that he had recently purchased. It was a fan magazine for teenybopper girls, filled with pin-up pictures of boy celebrities. Looking out from the cover was 12-year-old Jonathan Taylor Thomas, the kid from the new TV show Home Improvement. JTT (as the magazine called him) was wearing bib overalls, but no shirt. A peace-symbol medallion was around his neck. The man's eyes scanned down from the lad's cute face and silky hair to the tiny nipples on his smooth tanned chest. He closed his eyes and envisioned himself kissing and fondling the young TV star. Lost in his fantasy, he unzipped his trousers and reached for his hardening cock. Jonathan's face transformed into Bobby's, and as the fantasy got more intensely sexual he began to stroke his erection urgently.

"No 3; make it last," he murmured to himself as he stopped masturbating.

He pushed the video tape into the slot below the TV screen, and removed his trousers and undershorts completely. As he poured lube in his hand and slathered it onto his stiff penis, he gazed at a young Asian woman with a distinctly boyish body and short-cropped hair, on her knees, expertly sucking the cock of a well hung stud. His lubed hand glided up and down slowly as his eyes shifted back and forth between the sexual action on the TV and the pictures of irresistibly cute boys in the magazine.

"Suck me, Bobby 3;" he groaned quietly as his hand swirled along the hard slippery penis. "Oh, Bobby 3; that feels so good."

Over the next days, the man was preoccupied 3; no; obsessed 3; with thoughts of the 13-year-old hustler. He was like an addict in need of a fix, craving the intensity of the sexual high that this youngster offered 3; sex that was every bit as exciting as his boyhood experiences when the man was 13 3; sexual pleasure more satisfying than any he'd had in the 25 years since.

He understood that patronizing a boy-prostitute was morally wrong and quite risky, and his rational mind tried to resist the urge. But after a week, he gave in to his desires (as he knew he would) and drove into the city as dusk fell. This time he wanted to be in a motel room with the boy, and he stopped at one of the places where he had been meeting other men for occasional discrete sexual encounters. He went in the office, paid cash, and got a key. Thank God the room was around back, where it wouldn't be so obvious when he got out of the car with the boy.

Then he drove to the park, turning onto to Swift Creek Drive where he'd picked up Bobby the time before. But this time there was no sign of the boy. The man drove past an older teenager standing near a street light, but he didn't stop.

Five slow circuits up and down the road 3; and still no Bobby. God, he was so horny! His cock was throbbing. He took a side road to the parking area for a hiking trail and saw a half-dozen cars parked there. It was reputed to be a popular night-time cruising spot for men to meet each other for sex. He drove into the parking lot and pulled into a space. Sitting in his car, he tried to decide what to do. If he took a walk into the woods, he would probably encounter a decent-looking man he could suck off, and who would suck him in return 3; maybe several hot men doing a group thing. A week ago, that prospect would have had considerable appeal to the man 3; but not now. Now he only wanted Bobby. The man drove off again, back onto Swift Creek Drive, looking for the boy who dominated his thoughts.

He returned to the motel room alone. Grabbing a towel from the bathroom, he pulled down the covers of the bed. After taking the small bottle of lube out of his pocket, he stripped off his clothes. Face-down on the bed, with the towel beneath his crotch, he poured a generous amount of lube on both hands. As he raised his ass up, his right hand went to his cock and started stroking. The fingers of his left hand went to his anus 3; rubbing the outside 3; then one finger sliding in 3; then two.

"Oh, Bobby! Fuck me! Yes 3; fuck me good!"

Two days went by, and he again set out 3; again paying for a motel room first. It was 9:15 when he turned onto Swift Creek Drive. As he neared the picnic area, he saw a figure up ahead in the half-shadows near a street light. Was it 3;? Yes! Bobby! The man pulled to a stop next to the boy and lowered the window.

"Hi Bobby! Remember me?"

The guarded expression on the boy's face suddenly brightened. "Hey! It's the dude with the Lexus 3; and the muscles. We got together last week. You're Billy, right?"

"Yes, that's right." Actually, he'd been 'Bill' for 25 years now, but being called 'Billy' again gave him a warm glow of pleasure. And he beamed like a giddy child that Bobby had remembered his name.

"Lookin' for some fun tonight, Billy?"

The man felt so excited he could barely breathe, and at first the words caught in his throat. "Y-yes 3; Sure! Hop in, Bobby."

The boy opened the door, and the man feasted his eyes as the overhead light shone on the boy. Thick dark hair, in need of a trim. Hauntingly romantic eyes, with long dark lashes. A full, sensual mouth. His tight tee-shirt hugged his slender torso, and he wore Levi jeans cut off at mid-thigh.

"Wanna do the picnic area again?" asked the boy. "Same as before 3; $20, up front, and I don't make out, suck cock, or take it in the ass."

"I'd like to go to a motel," said the man. "You know the Regency, out on Route 30?"

"Yeah; that's cool. I've had guys take me there before. But I charge more for motels, 'cause it always goes a lot longer 3; 30 bucks."

A longer session with Bobby 3; that was exactly what the man wanted. He took the money from his wallet and handed it to the boy. As he pulled the car away from the curb, he reached over and put his hand on the boy's bare knee. The hand slid slowly up the boy's leg, caressing the soft inner thigh as Bobby spread his legs wider.

"Hey, Billy 3; Ya know how they got the porno channel on the TVs at that motel? Can we watch it? I really like watching the chicks with big titties."

"Uh 3; no; I don't think so. I'd have to go back to the office to pay the extra money, and it would be 3;"

"Oh, pleeeeeeeze!" purred Bobby playfully as he snuggled closer and turned toward the man, revealing a flirtatious manner that had been completely absent in their previous meeting. His hand began rubbing Bill's crotch as he whispered right next to the man's ear. "I'll let you feel me up all you like 3;" The man felt the zipper of his khakis being lowered and a hand slipping through the fly of his boxers, wrapping around his stiffening cock. "I'll let you lick and suck the sexiest parts of my body 3;" The boy's breath was hot in the man's ear, and his tongue flicked out to tease it. His thumb was circling the crown of the man's now-rigid erection, sensuously spreading pre-cum around the flared glans. "We can take a shower together 3;" The boy's urban-white accent made the word sound like 'share'. "And you can soap me up all over." The tongue flicked again around the inside of the man's ear.

The man was in sweet, lust-driven agony. In this state he would have given the boy anything he wanted. "Oh, yesss! 3; I mean, uh 3; sure; we can get the porn channel at the motel."

The boy sat back in his seat, grinning with satisfaction 3; his demeanor returning to the quiet masculinity that he usually projected. As if to reward the man's acquiescence, however, the boy undid the four metal buttons on his Levi's and pulled his cut-offs and underpants down to his knees, revealing his soft penis and silky ball-sack. "Go ahead," he said; "feel me up all you like."

As they pulled into the motel parking lot, the man considered whether to stop in front of the office to quickly pay the $10 charge to unblock the porn channel. But the idea of the boy waiting there in his car made him very nervous, so he drove around back, next to the room.

"Let's wait until this guy gets in his car and pulls away before we get out," said the man. The other guest was a good 75 feet [25 m] away. "OK," said the man, getting out of the car nervously. "Get in the room quickly, and I'll go to the office."

"Don't be so paranoid, Billy," teased the boy. "People do this all the time around here. Nobody blinks an eye."

But the man couldn't help feeling paranoid. His heart was thumping when he walked into the motel office and paid his money. He avoided making eye-contact with the bored middle-aged desk clerk 3; who couldn't have cared less. This motel was clean and well-kept, but like others in the area it depended for its profit margin on guests pursuing sexual encounters, whether amateur or professional.

The man hurried back to the room and let himself in. Bobby was sitting on the edge of the bed, watching the TV. He'd already tuned it to the now-unblocked channel that had two women with artificially-large tits, going at it pseudo-lesbian style. The man considered huge breasts to be repulsive. Besides, his mind was totally focused on his desire to see and feel Bobby's sexy naked body as soon as possible.

"How about if we take a shower first?" asked Bill.

"That's cool," replied the boy, his face brightening with interest. "We don't have a shower at home 3; just a grungy ol' fashion bathtub. I like takin' showers."

They both began undressing. The boy kept an eye on the TV, but kept glancing back at the man. The man's full attention was on the boy. He felt a rush of erotic electricity as the boy peeled off his tee-shirt and stood in just his white briefs – pricy Calvin Kleins that fit to perfection.

"Stop for a minute," the man said. "God! You look great in those underpants! I didn't think boys your age 3; err, you know 3; wore that kind anymore." He hoped his remark hadn't insulted the boy.

"They don't," replied Bobby, in a matter-of-fact tone. "I haven't worn 'em since I was about 8 years old. I just wear 'em while I'm workin'. I was with a customer one time, and the guy hands me some tighties-whities and tells me to put 'em on, 'cause he gets off on seeing me in them. He wouldn't let me keep 'em after we were done, so I went to the department store the next day and bought these Calvins. I figured out pretty quick that all you guys get a charge seeing a kid in tighties 3; am I right?"

"Well, uh 3; yeah. At least I like seeing YOU in them," said the man. "Put your hands behind your head and flex your muscles 3; Yes, just like that!" The man was swept away by the vision of boyhood beauty in front of him. The boy's sturdy broad shoulders, pec muscles already starting to develop, narrow waist, and richly-tan skin were sexy enough. But the addition of snug, snowy-white briefs, with a barely-pubescent soft penis pushing at the front 3; He felt light-headed!

Bobby was checking out the man's physique too. "You're better lookin' than the other guys who pick me up, ya know." The man smiled modestly at hearing this. He was fastidious about keeping his weight down and working out at the gym. The boy added "I'm gonna have muscles like you when I get older."

The man moved next to Bobby and ran his hand over the boy's chest, toying briefly with the tiny stiff nipples. "You look great already, Bobby," said the man. "And I think you'll have a fantastic body in a couple more years. Your build is a natural for it." As his right hand moved down to fondle the boy's penis and balls through the soft cotton of the underpants, his left hand caressed the perfection of the boy's slender rounded ass. "Just get lots of exercise, and don't eat too much junk." What he was thinking, though, was "you're already perfect 3; don't ever change!"

The man sat down on the bed and pulled the boy close, facing him. Bobby still had his hands behind his neck, proudly flexed the wiry adolescent muscles of his arms and chest. The man continued running his hands over the boy's body, and one hand slid across the soft hairless skin of a boy's armpit.

"Tickles!" said Bobby with a giggle. "But it feels kinda nice too," he added

The man brought his face to the armpit and inhaled. Hmmm 3; the subtle musk of boy-smell was an absolutely intoxicating scent. The man licked at the armpit, making the boy convulse with happy laughter and bring his arms tightly down to his sides.

"Let me take down your underpants," said the man.

The boy shrugged. "Sure," he said, as he stood between the spread legs of the seated man.

The crotch of the boy's underpants was now poking out farther, pushed by his stiffening penis. The man slid his fingers beneath the elastic band. He lowered the material slowly, first at the back, then in the front. God! This was so erotic! He wanted the moment to last forever. Lowering more in back, he uncovered the boy's cute butt completely and caressed it briefly. Then the front was pulled down to reveal the sparse collection of recently-sprouted hairs at the base of Bobby's penis. The man feasted his eyes as he lowered the waistband, millimeter by millimeter, to expose the beautiful boyish shaft. The narrow circumcised head bounced up, and Bobby's freed penis continued to pulse toward full erection. It was all the man could do to keep his mouth from devouring it immediately. 'Patience,' he told himself. He lowered the underpants the rest of the way, exposing the soft, loose ball-sack 3; dangling, but still compact. When the briefs were at his ankles, Bobby stepped out of them.

The boy's entire body was a rich all-over tan – slightly less so in areas that would be covered by shorts or a bathing suit. His 'olive' skin tone, as well as the dark hair and eyes, suggested a Mediterranean ancestry. (Italian? Greek? French?)

"Let's go take that shower," said the man.

As the boy walked ahead toward the bathroom, the man picked up the white briefs and held them to his nose, inhaling deeply 3; then put them down and followed the boy.

"I gotta take a leak," said the boy.

The man hadn't watched a 13-year old peeing in 25 years, and he stared with rapt attention as the boy lifted the seat and took hold of his penis. Bobby looked up at the man's hungry eyes and paused.

"You into water sports?"

"Water sports?" the man replied, confused by the seemingly incongruous question. "I was on the swim team in college, and I still do laps at the 3;"

"Never mind," said the boy, as he let a stream of pale-yellow urine flow.

"Oh!! You mean 3;" The man blushed at his own naivete, as he suddenly remembered the erotic meaning of the term.

Bobby stopped the flow of pee with his fingers. "Yeah. If you were into that stuff, I wouldn't let my piss go to waste. A few of the guys who bring me to a motel get off on drinkin' my piss and even havin' me hose it all over them while they lie in the tub. Weird, huh?"

"Yeah! Weird!" said the man. But as he watched the boy resume peeing, he felt the sudden, intense desire to get on his knees and beg for the stream to be directed into his open mouth. And the image of himself lying naked in the bathtub flashed through his mind 3; with the boy's warm urine splattering on his chest, across his belly, drilling against his cock. He'd never do that sort of thing 3; would he?

The man took his own penis in his fingers and began to empty his half-full bladder. He cris-crossed streams of pee with the boy's 3; just like he'd done with his buddies back when he was a kid 3; and Bobby grinned with amusement.

The bathroom was small and basic, but adequately supplied with towels and soap 3; even a hair dryer mounted on the wall. The man turned on the shower, adjusted the temperature, and stepped in. The naked boy followed immediately, positioning himself closer to the showerhead, his back to the man, and letting the warm water stream onto his face and hair. The man gently pulled the boy a step back from the shower's flow and poured half the contents of the miniature bottle of shampoo onto his hand. He worked the rich suds into the boy's dark, shaggy hair 3; it felt so sensuous to run his fingers through the foamy strands. He directed the boy to step forward, and the shower spray rinsed off the shampoo. After the warm water splashed over both their bodies for another minute the man began to lather the soap in his hands and wash the boy's arms and shoulders.

"Want me to turn around?" asked the boy.

"No; stay facing that way, and I'll soap you up really good." The man's half-hard erection rose up fully as his hands began to roam over the boy's wet body.

The man soaped the boy's chest, working his slippery fingertips against the small nipples. Then down to his belly to his penis and hairless three-quarter-size balls dangling below. As the man worked the soap suds around the Bobby's genitals, the boy-cock stiffened beneath his fingers, rising up 5 inches [12½ cm]. The boy purred with pleasure as the man masturbated the slender boner up and down with quick firm strokes, while the bar of soap in his other hand moved all around the boy's crotch. The warm water rained against their heads and shoulders, flowing down to wash away the suds as the man kept working up more to lubricate his jacking fist.

Bobby's body pressed back against the man's erection, his back arching with the tension of sexual pleasure. The boy would have orgasmed before long, but the man stopped. There were better uses for that first load of cum than a quick trip down the bathtub drain.

"Lift up your arms, Bobby." The boy complied, and the man sudsed his armpits and sides 3; then worked his way around to the boy's back 3; then down to his firm, perfect ass. As the man massaged the soap onto the slender butt cheeks, the boy pressed his hands up against the tile wall and leaned his upper-body forward. The man reached around with one hand to take hold of the boy's rigid penis, slowly and gently rubbing the narrow glans with his thumb and forefinger. The fingers of the other hand fingers worked their way sensuously along, and then inside, the cleft 3; slowly moving toward the boy's anus.

The boy's breathing became ragged, accompanied by little gasps that were high-pitched like a young boy's, rather than the lower register that Bobby tried to maintain in his speech. He bent his legs a bit and spread them apart slightly. His ass tilted up as the man's soapy fingertips began to rub in a slow circular motion around the puckered anal flesh. The muscle relaxed, and the middle finger pressed into the hole slightly. The boy's body shuddered as he softly groaned with pleasure. The finger slid in more as the man increased the stimulation of the boy's cock-head.

But then boy's body tensed 3; the anal muscle clenched tight, and he abruptly straightened his body upright.

The man pulled his hand way as if he'd been burnt. "I'm sorry 3; I didn't mean to 3;"

"No 3; it's OK," murmured the boy. Then he looked back over his shoulder, erotic hunger showing on his face and in his sultry dark eyes. "Please 3; keep going. Do that some more."

"You're sure?"

The boy nodded, and inclined his ass back to receive more anal attention.

"Turn around and face me," directed the man.

The boy complied, turning his back to the shower as the man got down on his knees. The boy's skin glistened with a sheen of water, highlighting every angle and curve on his sleek young body. His penis stood up fully erect, ready for more pleasuring.

The man fondled Bobby's ball-sack for a few moments 3; then lowered his mouth to take in the boyish erection, lips gliding along the barely-pubescent shaft, tongue dancing around the delicate glans. Yes! This was what the man had been dreaming about for more than a week 3; and it was fantastic! His mouth savored the cute boner as if it were the most wonderful delicacy he had ever tasted. His lips slid down the boy's throbbing penis to the hilt, the cock-head poking the entrance of his throat, but without the slightest discomfort. As warm water trickled down the man's face, his lips and tongue ran up and down the full length of the sexy boy-cock in eager, hungry sucks.

Then the man's hand slid between the boy's legs, the middle finger tracing a line along the little ridge of skin that runs from the scrotum to the anus. The fingertip paused at the entrance, rubbing lightly, back and forth, against the nerve-laden flesh. The muscle clenched tight for a moment, then relaxed as the finger pressed gently. All the while, the man's mouth was working up and down the boy's hard penis, feeding the boy's lust and stoking his mounting tension. The finger began to move with a very subtle fucking action, no deeper than the knuckle, sometimes twisting from side to side. Again the little high-pitched moans emanated from the boy's throat, like the cooing of a dove, mixing with the more lascivious moans and slurping sounds of the man's cock-sucking.

Sliding deeper into the boy's rectum, the finger felt for the prostate. When the man's middle finger was fully embedded in the boy's asshole, he began to massage the magic spot, and Bobby's legs immediately began to quiver. The man re-doubled his oral pleasuring of the boy's cock, aggressively sucking at the glans and tonguing the piss-slit, then reverting to rapid up-and-down plunges along the entire shaft. The quivering of the boy's body quickly progressed to intense shaking 3; the cooing became throaty grunts. A little more massaging of the secret place, and BLAM!! The boy's cock exploded in violent orgasm, spraying cum forcefully into the man's throat, pulse after pulse, as his anus clenched desperately around the man's finger. Bobby's legs would have collapsed beneath him, had not the man held him up with his left arm, as the boy grasped for the hand-hold bar along the tile wall.

"Stop! Too much!" cried Bobby suddenly, pulling back as the man continued to lightly tongue and suck the quivering boy-cock.

"Shit! 3; That was so awesome!" gasped the boy. "I never had a man finger me like that before. It was 3; wow!"

The man, still on his knees, looked up and smiled at the boy. Water danced across his face as he savored the taste of sweet boy-cum on his tongue. He reached over and switched the shower's flow to the bath faucet, and pulled the shower curtain aside.

"Sit on the side of the tub," he told the boy, as he reached for the soap again. "Lift a foot up for me to wash," he said, working up a lather of soap again. The man was fascinated with Bobby's sexy, slender feet and washed each one lovingly, working his fingers between the boy's toes. Unlike many other boys his age, Bobby's feet hadn't raced ahead of the rest of his body in growth. His 5' 3" [1.60 m] frame stood on feet not much larger than those of the man's own 10-year-old son.

When the soap on the Bobby's feet was rinsed off under the faucet, the boy stepped out of the tub and grabbed a towel. The man returned the flow to the shower-head and quickly washed his own body, keeping the curtain part-open to watch the boy dry off. Bobby was examining the electric hair drier as the man got out and toweled off.

"Want me to dry your hair?" he asked the boy.

"Sure. Never used one of these before."

The man – 8 inches [20 cm] taller than Bobby – stood behind the boy, using his fingers to style the boy's thick, unruly mane into a swept-back look.

"Cool!" said the boy when the man had finished. "Looks good that way."

Bobby sauntered back into the room, towel over his shoulder, and flopped naked onto the bed. He propped up some pillows against the headboard and sank back into them, hands behind his head, legs stretched out, watching the man emerge from the bathroom.

"Whatcha wanna do next, Billy?" asked the boy. He lifted his hips a few inches off the mattress, blatantly offering up his sexy body.

"In the car you were talking about me 3; umm 3; you know 3; licking your body." Even though it had been the boy's suggestion, the man was still a bit embarrassed to say the words. "I'd like to do that."

"Can I watch TV while you do?" asked the boy.

"Sure 3; That's OK." He would have preferred it if Bobby would give him his full attention, but if watching the porn on TV made the boy more horny, that would be fine.

The man sat down beside Bobby and ran his hand along the boy's smooth leg. God, he looks cute, thought the man 3; lying there naked, showing off his incredible young body. The man glanced over at the TV and saw a man and a woman energetically humping on a bed 3; either actually fucking or perhaps just pretending to. These motel porn channels showed 'Single-X' action, rather than XXX.

The man's hand glided up to the boy's penis, exploring it in its flacid state. He was tempted to suck it again. The first time he'd been with Bobby, the boy had achieved another erection within a few minutes after cumming. No 3; save that for later, he thought to himself, and his mouth moved instead to tongue and suck the tiny hard nipples on Bobby's lightly-muscled chest. Then he moved down, kissing the soft skin, dipping his tongue into the boy's belly-button and eliciting a giggle. Sliding own farther, his lips kissed a line along the softness of the boy's lower belly, down to the few dozen dark hairs at the base of the penis.

Nuzzling the penis and balls with his nose and lips, the man breathed the aroma of the Bobby's freshly-washed genitals. He reverently kissed the soft boy-dick and youthful balls, then kissed and licked his way down the satin-smooth inner thighs.

The man stroked both his hands along the boy's thin, sturdy legs 3; so smooth and sexy. He caressed the fine, peach-fuzz hair that decorated the slender calves. And then the feet.

He hadn't gotten nearly enough of Bobby's sexy feet in the shower. He moved around so he was kneeling on the floor, leaning across the bottom of the bed, holding the boy's right foot in his hands, admiring its delicate beauty. He brought the big toe to his lips. Mmmm 3; He sucked it and tongued it like he had done with the boy's cock, savoring the taste and texture. His lips and tongue moved on to the other toes, and he sucked them one at a time. The eroticism of the act made his body surge with excitement, and his cock stiffened as he sucked. The man rubbed his boner against the bed as he kissed and licked all over the clean, soft foot. When his tongue glided over the silky skin of the foot's arch, it raised a giggle from the boy but no objections. He moved over to the other foot and repeated the ritual, his body surging with a lust that centered in his throbbing cock.

When he had finished worshiping Bobby's feet, the man considered whether he would fulfill the other kinky act that had filled his recent masturbation fantasies 3; another first time of doing something that he had only dreamed about before. His mouth moved slowly back up the legs, kissing and licking as he went. He parted the boy's legs a bit and knelt between them, caressing the boy's thighs with his fingers and lips. Then he pushed the thighs back, spreading the ass cheeks apart, exposing the rosebud of anal flesh. His mouth moved closer to it. The taboo of what he was about to do made him pause, hovering above the boy's clenched hole. He stared at the flawless skin of the boy's ass cheeks and the clean pink anal pucker for nearly a minute.

"Go on, Billy; lick it," said the boy. "It's awesome when guys lick me there."

That did it. The motivation to please the boy was every bit as strong in the man as his desire to explore his deepest fantasies. His tongue lapped across the anal skin several times 3; at first lightly, then in broad strokes like an eager puppy. Then he used the tip of his tongue to circle around the incredibly sensitive and delicate flesh, exploring every minute wrinkle of the boy's most private place. The freshly-cleaned taste and scent combined with just a hint of earthiness as the man cork-screwed his tongue firmly against the muscle.

The boy gasped and squirmed with pleasure. He hooked his arms around the backs of his knees and drew them to his chest, displaying his asshole completely for the man's oral attentions. And when Bobby flexed the hole open, the man's tongue plunged in 3; twisting and burrowing 3; eager to live out his fantasy to the fullest 3; and just as eager to bring pleasure to the squirming, moaning boy.

After a few minutes of energetic rimming, the man moved up to the boy's ball-sack. The hairless skin was like silk, and he took each marble into his mouth to suck and lick it 3; then mouthed the whole scrotum as his nose nudged against the boy's soft penis.

Moving up to take the flaccid dick into his mouth, he marveled at how very different was the texture and sensation than sucking a stiff erection 3; but every bit as erotic. And as he sucked, the boy's penis slowly thickened and lengthened, responding to the stimulation of the man's lips and tongue. It was such a thrill for the man to feel the soft organ pulsing to stiffness in his mouth, and he serviced the reviving boner with a fervent intensity.

The man would have gladly kept sucking until the boy orgasmed again, but there was something else the man wanted 3; something he desired even more than savoring Bobby's semen on his tongue. He let the cock slide from his mouth.

"Fuck me, Bobby," he said in a needy voice. "I want you to fuck me good." The man remembered the incredible thrill from their first encounter 3; the sensation of a stiff cock sliding into his ass for the first time in his life. And now, his anus was twitching in anticipation, hungry to take the boy's boner again.

"Sure, Billy. You want to do it doggie or face-to-face?"

"I want us to face each other, with you on top of me." The man wanted to see the boy, study his face, at every moment of the act.

"Switch places with me, and spread your legs," instructed the boy.

The man retrieved the bottle of lube from his pants pocket, and handed it to the boy. Then he got on his back, reclining on the pillows, and pulled his legs apart and back. His own cock was totally stiff, throbbing in anticipation. The boy knelt in position and slathered lube onto his boner, then applied a liberal coating around the man's asshole.

"Ready?" asked the boy, kneeling above the man's up-raised ass, positioning his slender erection at the entrance of the man's hole.

"Oh, YES!"

The boy-cock made contact with the man's anal flesh, rubbed around it for a few seconds, then pushed forward. As the narrow cock-head pushed forward, the man winced with the discomfort of initial entry to his tight, nearly-virgin anus. Then he flexed the muscle open, and the 5-inch [12½ cm] shaft began to slide in with ease, sending a warm rush of intense sexual pleasure through the man's body. The boy kept pushing, not stopping until he was all the way in. Then he paused, making eye-contact with the man, silently asking whether to proceed.

"Yeah, Bobby 3; do it!"

The boy complied immediately, pulling his cock back and then plunging quickly and firmly to the hilt.

"Oh, yes!" the man grunted.

With his torso upright, and his hands resting against the backs of the man's legs, Bobby began to move his hips in a mechanical rhythm of fuck strokes. With the moderate pace that he was setting, the vigor of his youth, and the fact that he'd cum only a little while before, the boy would be able to make the fucking last a nice long time.

The bottle of lube was on the bed beside them, and the man grabbed it. Pouring a generous amount on his right hand, he began to stroke himself in a slow, wonderful masturbation, gently squeezing his balls with his left hand.

"Oh, God! This is ecstasy!" thought the man as he floated on a cloud of total pleasure, moaning with overwhelming lust. He had never felt such erotic intensity before 3; the 13-year-old boy's slippery boner gliding back and forth through his clenching anus; the cock-head brushing past his prostate 3; his hands carefully coaxing the maximum sexual stimulation from his cock and balls, constantly hovering near the edge of orgasm 3; and the sight of beautiful Bobby – the wiry muscles of the boy's sturdy young body flexing athletically with each thrust; his face glowing with adolescent lust; the self-confident smile of satisfaction; the little facial twitches that showed his pleasure.

On and on it went 3; pleasure coursing through his body 3; growing in intensity. The man lost track of time, riding the wave of continuous near-orgasm, oblivious to everything else. He shamelessly vocalized his lust in uncontrolled moans and grunts and mindless obscene babbling. This was sexual Nirvana, and his brain wanted it to last forever. But his body craved the release of orgasm and demanded that his stroking hand go into overdrive, desperate to make himself cum.

"Oh! Oh, God! Yes! I'm cumming 3; Fuck me! 3; Oh, Bobby, fuck me hard! Shoot your cum in me."

The massive wave of sexual tension that had been building inside of him crashed with a savage intensity, rocking the man's body with spasm after spasm of orgasmic ecstasy 3; cum spurting high up on his chest 3; his anus clenching rhythmically around the youthful cock that was now fucking hard and fast.

Bobby brought the weight of his body down on the man, his shoulders pressing down the backs of the man's legs, as he raced toward his own orgasm. The boy's soft, high-pitched moans mixed with the man's much-louder vocalizations of pleasure. The man's hands grasped the boy's flexing ass cheeks, pulling him in deeper with each rapid thrust.

When the boy finally orgasmed, his body collapsed onto the man, panting for breath. In the sudden stillness, the man brought his legs down, spread wide, and he wrapped his arms around the boy's back, hugging him lovingly. Bobby didn't object, and he rested his face on the man's shoulder as he lay with his cock still twitching and dripping cum in the man's rectum. Each of them could feel both their hearts thumping powerfully as they lay chest-to-chest.

The man's face nuzzled the top of Bobby's head, smelling his fragrant hair, wishing the moment would never end. His mind was filled with tender romantic feelings for the boy, and he longed to voice the words: 'I love you'. But after only a minute in the blissful embrace, Bobby hopped up and stretched his lean body.

"Man! That was a good one, Billy!" he said in a cheerful voice that showed none of the deep emotion that the man felt. He picked up the towel he'd used after his shower and wiped off his chest, which was sticky with the man's cum, then used it to clean off his dick and began to dress.

"Yes. It was totally 3; wonderful," sighed the man as he lay on the bed, feasting his eyes on the beautiful boy pulling on his white briefs.

As they drove out of the parking lot, the man tried to think of something that would extend his time with Bobby a little longer.

"Want to get something to eat?" he asked the boy. "There's a Hooters restaurant right over there on the other side of the highway. We could get some wings or something."

The boy considered for a moment and then nodded his head. "Sure; I'm in no hurry. Buffalo wings would be good. I like 'em real spicy 3; how 'bout you?"

"Absolutely," said the man. "As spicy as you like."

The parking lot was nearly full, even though it was after 10:00. As they walked in the door of the noisy establishment, they were greeted by a young woman dressed in the restaurant chain's signature uniform of tight shorts and a skimpy halter top. Bobby's eyes lit up at the sight of the sexy-looking, scantily-dressed young women who were employed by the place.

"Hi!" said the man to the hostess. "I was wondering if you could get us a table with your hottest waitress. It's my son's 14th birthday today, and I'm taking him out for a special treat."

Bobby was taken aback for an instant by this statement, but then he chimed in, "Dad! You're always trying to embarrass me! Besides 3;" he said, turning to the hostess, "all the ladies here are really great-looking."

The girl grinned. "Well aren't you the sweetest thing!" she said, with a hint of a southern accent. Come on this way, I'll get you a table in Debbie's section."

Sure enough, Debbie was the sexiest waitress in the place, with a pretty face, firm full breasts spilling out of the halter top, taut belly, and shapely legs and hips displayed by the hot-pants. The man ordered a platter of spicy chicken wings, a bottle of mirco-brew beer for himself, and a non-alcoholic beer for his 'son'. After the food was delivered and the beer poured into glasses, the man looked around to see that nobody was watching, and switched the beer glasses.

"Gee! Thanks!" whispered the boy with a conspiratorial grin.

As they ate and drank, they talked quietly. With background music blaring and the loud conversations of other patrons, nobody could overhear what they said. They spoke first about Bobby's neighborhood, where the man spent his first 13 years, before his family had moved far away. Though the boy wouldn't say exactly where he lived, the man deduced that it was within 2 or 3 blocks from the row house where he himself had grown up. Bobby apparently lived alone with his mother. There was no mention of a father.

The boy was not particularly impressed that the man had grown up in his neighborhood, but he was definitely interested when the man mentioned that his current home was in Webster Heights – a suburb well known for its big and expensive houses.

"I'm gonna live out there when I grow up," said the boy confidently. "I already got $450 saved."

"Wow! That's a lot," said the man. "Have you been 3; uh 3; working this job for very long?"

"Just since around March; so it's 3;" he counted on his fingers, "five months."

"Any other boys you know do it?"

"I run into kids in the park that are workin', but I don't really know any of them. It's not cool to hang around too close to someone else's spot when your both tryin' to get picked up by a customer. The only kid I actually know who does this is a guy in my class at school named Travis. He's been doin' it longer than me, and he got me started."

The man wanted to hear more. "So your friend Travis 3;".

"He's not really my friend 3; just a guy I know in the neighborhood. Some of the guys at school say he's gay, so I don't want to hang out with him much in public. Maybe he's Bi, or somethin' 3; he's always hanging out with the popular girls, but he actually likes sucking my cock and having me fuck him. I guess you'd say he's good lookin' 3; blond hair and stuff."

"So how did you get started working?" asked the man.

"Well, Travis and me started doin', you know, sex stuff together, around last winter. He was the one who taught me how to jack off 3; showed me all the rest of the stuff too. Anyhow, he told me about how he made money from men that picked him up. Then one time he said this customer would pay to watch Travis doing sex with another kid, and he asked if I'd do it for 20 bucks. I'd already been doing plenty of sex with Travis by then, so I said 'what the hell; sure'. Went to this guy's house, and Travis and me fooled around naked while the guy watched and jacked himself off. Ended up with the guy asking if he could suck us both off too, and he was really good at it 3; I mean REALLY good. He even gave us some extra money as a tip. Getting paid to get my cock sucked was nice, so I decided to do it on my own."

The man's lust was smouldering. "So do you and Travis still do any of these 3-way jobs together?" It must have shown on his face how turned on he was by the prospect, because the boy gave him a sly grin.

"I figured maybe you'd be interested," said the boy. "Yeah; a few times. It's sixty bucks for the two of us, and it's gotta be in a motel or your house. Travis doesn't do sex outdoors."

Just then, the waitress approached the table with the check, followed by the hostess holding a Polaroid camera, and the conversation ended abruptly.

"How about a souvenir picture of the birthday boy and Debbie?" the hostess bubbled.

A few minutes later, as the man and boy walked back to the car, Bobby was clutching a picture of the waitress snuggling up with her arm around him, leaning forward so her tits were displayed to maximum effect. The boy was only the slightest bit tipsy from the beer 3; it certainly wasn't his first experience with alcohol.

As they got in the car, the man said "I'll have the house to myself in the middle of next week 3; Wednesday and Thursday. Do you think you and Travis could 3; you know 3;"

"Sure," said the boy. "Wednesday should be fine. Your house, huh? Cool! Meet us at that picnic pavilion at the park at 3; oh, 9:00. Webster Heights! Travis'll be psyched."

In another 10 minutes they were approaching the neighborhood.

"Where should I let you out?" ask the man.

"Same place you picked me up."

In a few minutes more, the man pulled the car to the curb in the deserted part of the park."

"I really liked the wings and beer 3; 'Dad'. You're pretty cool," said the boy, grinning broadly. And before he opened the door, he slid closer, leaned over with his hand resting on the man's knee, and kissed him softly on the cheek. "Thanks," he said softly, then bounced out of the car and disappeared into the night.

The man's face glowed warm at the spot where it had been kissed, and he brought his hand up to touch his cheek.

"Bobby 3;" he murmured. "Hmmm 3; and Travis too."

Chapter 3

(Time: Late summer, 1990)

When the man kissed his wife good-bye on Wednesday morning, he tried to avoid thinking that by nightfall he'd be entertaining two naked 13-year-old boys in the king-size bed upstairs.

"I hope your mom's operation goes well tomorrow. Give my best to your folks," he said as he set off for work. "I'll call this evening. Have a good flight."

"Good-bye, Bill," said the smiling woman.

"Good-bye, Daddy!" called his 7-year-old daughter as the car backed out the driveway.

His 10-year-old son waved and said "See you on Friday, Dad".

As he drove off, he felt a pang of guilt. He really shouldn't be doing this. What if his wife found out? What if his kids did? But as thoughts of Bobby filtered back into his consciousness, the guilt was promptly squelched 3; overwhelmed by his erotic urges. It had been five days since his last encounter with the self-confident young hustler, and he was as impatient and excited as a little kid awaiting Christmas. The man's imagination was going wild with fantasies about mind-blowing three-way sex with young boys. Everything had been going perfectly 3; his wife and kids would be 400 miles [650 km] away 3; Bobby and this other kid named Travis were scheduled to meet him in the park at 9:00 3; he had even stopped masturbating, so he would be fully primed.

That evening, as the sun went down, he called his wife at her parents' house, then showered and shaved, and picked out clothing that might appeal to the boys 3; a torso-hugging polo shirt with the logo of his college varsity swim team, some designer jeans, and square-toed western boots. Then he set out for the city and the large woodland park that bordered Bobby's neighborhood. Arriving at the designated spot, he switched off his headlights, turned onto the side road, and parked behind the big open-air picnic pavilion. In the last little remnant of the day's light he saw two boys, sitting atop one of the tables. The man got out of the car and walked toward them. He could make out the features of the boys better 3; Bobby with his dark hair and tan skin 3; and a blond kid, about the same age, who was cute beyond belief. This was going to be a great night!

"Hi Bobby!" called the man, as he walked up to the picnic table. "And you must be Travis."

"Hey!" said Bobby with a smile and a little wave.

"So I finally get to meet the guy I've been hearing so much about," said Travis in a slightly effeminate voice. "I can see why Bobby has a crush on you."

"Travis!! I never said 3;" howled Bobby. He punched Travis, hard, in his upper arm. "You asshole! I oughta 3;"

"Don't hit me!" squealed Travis, giggling as he cringed. "I'll shut up! I promise! Don't hit me again!"

"It's OK, Bobby," said the man. "I can tell he just trying to yank your chain."

"Yeah; he's good at that," mumbled the dark-haired boy as he stood up.

"So, are you guys ready to go?" Both boys nodded. "Then hop in. You ever been in a jacuzzi hot tub? I've got one on the back patio."

"Awesome!" said the boys, almost in unison, as they climbed into the big Lexus sedan.

As they drove the 20 minutes to the man's house in the suburbs, Bobby fooled with the radio, looking for edgy rock music. He also let his hand wander along the man's leg, and up to his crotch. The man did the same to him, though they didn't get into seriously overt sexual play. Travis, in the back seat, was a regular chatterbox. He kept up a running conversation about a wide assortment of subjects, such as popular culture a la People Magazine; the music of boy bands and pop divas; and a childishly simplistic take on politics.

As they pulled into the man's driveway, the boys were clearly impressed with the upscale neighborhood.

"Wow! Your house is huge!" said Travis.

"Yeah; really!" Bobby chimed in.

The man pushed the automatic garage door opener and drove in. Nobody would see them getting out of the car. Entering the kitchen from the garage, the man went to the refrigerator.

"Get you guys something to drink? A soda? Beer? Wine cooler?"

"Beer for me," said Bobby.

"What kinda coolers you got?" asked the blond-haired boy, sidling up beside the man and snatching a Bartles and Jaymes from the rack on the door.

The man got beers for himself and Bobby.

"Let's go in the living room and get comfortable," said the man. "Pick out a CD if you like."

Bobby raced ahead through the tastefully-decorated room and made a beeline for the hi-tech stereo. The boy scanned through the racks of CDs, rejecting the 'oldies' from the 70s and early 80s.

"You got the new George Thorogood 3; that should be OK," he said, and in a moment the strains of raucous guitar and wailing sax filled the living room. Bobby and Travis were standing in the center of the room, taking swigs of their drinks and moving their hips to the music as the man looked on. He was charmed as always by Bobby's cheerful self-confidence and handsome looks, and aroused by the sexiness of the Travis's gorgeous face and slender body. Bobby drank the last of his beer and put down the bottle.

"Want us to get undressed, Billy?"

Before getting the obvious reply, Bobby began stripping off his clothes, followed immediately by Travis doing the same. The tee shirts slid over their heads and jeans down their legs. Bobby, wearing only snug white briefs, had solid shoulders and a wiry torso just starting to show some muscle definition. Travis wore red bikini-style briefs, and had a more androgynous body 3; rail-thin and with delicate features 3; but it was clear from the bulge in those briefs that he had a decent-sized dick for a 13-year-old. As the man sat back on the sofa to watch, rubbing his hardening cock through his jeans, the two boys were dancing around playing air-guitar in their underpants. The man wondered if they had ever watched the scene in the Tom Cruise movie Risky Business.

Then Bobby began a strip-tease, slowly lowering his underpants as he watched the man's reaction. The man was totally mesmerized, eagerly watching as the boy's meager batch of pubic hairs came into view, then 3; slowly and teasingly 3; the beautiful penis and balls. He slid the briefs down the rest of the way and kicked them off. Travis stayed off to the side, letting the dark-haired boy have center stage. Bobby was dancing in front of the man in a bump-and-grind that made his hardening cock bounce and sway erotically. Then he turned around and rubbed his hands sensuously around his smooth slender ass. When he turned back around to face the man, his circumcised dick was all the way hard, the 5-inch [12½ cm] boner pointing up toward the ceiling. He glowed with pride at the lustful hunger in the man's eyes.

Now it was Travis's turn to strip, and he came up withing 2 feet [60 cm] of the man and moved in slow, sexy motions as he ran his hands all over his torso and ass and thighs 3; then pulled down the front of his skimpy briefs just enough for the man to see he was completely hairless. He turned his back to the man and pulled down the waistband in back to reveal his perfect little round butt, then teasingly slid the waistband back up. Turning back to face the man and standing very close, Travis thrust his crotch forward.

"Pull down my underpants, Billy," he said in a sultry voice.

'Oh, God. Yes!' thought the man, as he reached out to lower the boy-panties, revealing a stunningly erotic 4-inch [10 cm] soft penis. The cock-head was only half-hidden by its sheath of foreskin. Plump adolescent balls hung in a dangling sack. And as the man fondled it, the penis lengthened and thickened 3; quickly pulsing to a beautiful boy-boner 3; perhaps a half-inch [12 mm] longer than Bobby's, and a bit thicker. It was totally hairless, and the foreskin receded behind the nicely flared, pale-purple cock-head. The impressive boner was unexpected on the slender boyish body, and the man dipped his head down to give it a good suck. But Travis danced away, still teasing, and kicked his briefs across the room.

Now the two boys were back together, totally naked, standing face-to-face 3; boner-to-boner. Each boy held his erection at its base, and brought it forward until the cock-heads touched.

"Ever seen guys do a sword-fight with boners?" Bobby asked the man, as his erection slid against Travis's, directed by his fingers.

"Not since I was your age," replied the man, rubbing his own hard cock and thinking about how much this scene was just like old times with his buddies, back when he was a 13-year-old. Watching the two boys engage in sex play seemed even more erotic than when he had first witnessed such scenes 25 years before.

Then Travis leaned forward and whispered in Bobby's ear. Bobby grinned and whispered something back. Then all of a sudden 3;

"Attack!!" shouted the naked boys as they ran over to the sofa and jumped on the seated man, wrestling with him as they pulled his clothing off. The man didn't resist, of course, and in two minutes he was as naked as Bobby and Travis. The man happily wrestled with the two squirming boys on top of him. He could easily have tossed their light bodies off of him, but he craved the delightful feeling of their bare skin 3; their wonderfully stiff boy-cocks 3; rubbing against him.

"Let's do a 3-way sword-fight," suggested Bobby.

They all stood in a tight circle, left arms around each others' shoulders, right hands on their dicks, and brought their erections together in the center. The three cock-heads slipped and slid together, lubricated by a flow of pre-cum emerging from the man's throbbing penis.

"How 'bout if I suck you guys?" asked Travis, with a sincere, eager look on his face.

"God, yes!" said the man.

The boy dropped to his knees, reached out, and took a hard cock in each hand 3; Bobby's slender and smooth 5-incher [12½ cm], and the man's plump, veined 6 inches [15 cm]. The man and dark-haired boy still stood hip-to-hip, with arms around each other's shoulder, and Travis brought the erections as close together as he could. He began tonguing the two cock-heads, both at once. Then he stretched his lips extra-wide and took both into his mouth, his tongue slathering all around them.

Travis couldn't take both boners more than an inch [2½ cm] or so into his mouth, so he began alternating between the two 3; sucking the man's cock aggressively for 30 seconds while he jacked Bobby's 3; then switching to suck Bobby's cock for 30 3; then back. And then he stayed on the larger cock, as Bobby moved around behind the man. As Travis's head bobbed up and down on the man's erection, taking it expertly and effortless to the hilt, time after time, Bobby wrapped his arms around the man's torso.

The man was justifiably proud of his well-defined pecs and abs, the product of years of regular work-outs at the gym, and Bobby caressed him eagerly and admiringly. The boy ran his fingers through the soft brown chest hair, toyed for a while with the man's nipples, then slid one hand across the man's hard belly and down to cup his balls. Bobby was 8 inches [20 cm] shorter than the man, and his face rested against the man's upper back, while his stiff boy-cock rubbed between the man's inner thighs.

"That's so good! Suck me deep! Oh, yeah; like that! Pinch my nipples harder!" The man's head was thrown back and his face contorted with pleasure that coursed throughout his body. He was at the center of a boy-sandwich 3; a wild sex-fantasy come true. But it only got better.

Travis's hand reached between the man's legs and his fingers moved up to the man's butt, massaging the ass cheeks, and working their way into the crack to tickle his asshole.

Travis's finger left for a second, then returned, spit-laden, to insinuate itself into the anal pucker.

"Oh, God! That's incredible!" moaned the man, and his hips involuntarily thrust forward, driving his cock forcefully into the boy's throat. The boy hungrily devoured every centimeter of thick cock meat.

Bobby's tongue was now licking the man's back 3; his fingers pinching the nipple with incredibly exquisite pleasure-pain 3; his other hand squeezing tighter on the man's balls.

Travis's mouth was moving up and down 3; twisting side-to-side 3; as his finger probed deeper, finding the magic spot in the man's rectum and rubbing it gently.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh, Jesus, yes! I'm gonna 3; AGHHHH!"

The pent-up sperm in the man's balls exploded into Travis's mouth. Blasts of hot semen pulsed from the spasming cock, dripping down the boy's chin as he swallowed again and again. The boy's finger continued the prostate massage as the man's anus clenched rhythmically, overwhelming the man's body with almost unbearable raw pleasure.

"Enough! 3; Oh, Jesus 3; I can't take any more!" howled the man, as his body was blasted with hyper-stimulation. The boys backed off, leaving the man stunned 3; his nipples and balls deliciously throbbing 3; his cock and asshole still spasming with residual mini-orgasms.

"Let's do the hot tub," said Bobby, and he grabbed the man's hand to pull him toward the door to the back yard.

"Can we get another drink, Billy?" asked Travis.

"Sure. Help yourself," said the man, regaining consciousness and smiling, as he watched the two naked 13-year-olds run into the kitchen, their boners swaying and bobbing. The new tingle that ran through the man's body suggested that his sexual energy would be recharging faster than usual, reviving itself quickly for another round of lust. "Jesus! 3; and we're just getting started," he murmured to himself, glad that he'd saved up his sperm for almost a week.

Out on the back deck, in the warm summer air, the fiberglass spa was bathed in subtle lighting. Fencing and tall shrubs shielded it from the view of neighboring houses. The man clicked a switch that turned on a dozen quiet water jets, as the three of them climbed from the surrounding wood deck into the 100-degree [38°C] water. Leaning back against smooth built-in seats, all three said "ahhhh!" as they sank shoulder-deep into the water.

"Wow! This feels great!" said Bobby in a loud joyous voice, taking a long pull on his bottle of beer. He was quickly shushed by the man. With a neighboring house less than 60 [18 m] feet away, he didn't want to raise any suspicions.

As they relaxed in the water, their feet were all together in the center of the 6-foot [1.8 m] diameter tub. What began as inadvertent contact quickly developed into a 3-way underwater game of 'footsie' 3; three pairs of feet rubbing against each other 3; then sliding along legs 3; inevitably seeking out crotches. The man stretched his legs out so his feet were fondling each boy's stiff cock. The boys, in turn, each had a foot rubbing against the man's penis.

"You guys are getting me hard again!" said the man quietly, a smile of satisfaction glowing on his face. "How about if we have some more fun?"

"Wanna suck me?" asked Travis, letting his body float up so his beautiful boner rose above the surface of the water.

"I want to suck both of you." The man arranged the two boys side-by-side, arms around each other's shoulder, sitting up on the side of the tub. Kneeling in the water before them, the man felt up both warm, wet erections and the dangling ball-sacks. They were so beautiful 3; Bobby with the very beginnings of pubic hair 3; Travis with nearly invisible blond peach-fuzz 3; each possessing an utterly gorgeous example of young-adolescent genitals. The man kissed Bobby's cock-head, then Travis's 3; then back to Bobby's to let the slender glans slide between his lips, running his tongue all around the head, then down the shaft all the way to the base. Then the same treatment for Travis's slight thicker cock 3; with the added novelty of a foreskin with which his lips and tongue could play.

Back and forth he went 3; a minute sucking Bobby's delicious cock 3; a minute on Travis's delightful boner 3; then back to Bobby. Whichever boy wasn't in his mouth was getting jacked by his hand. He was like a kid with free reign of a candy store, grabbing and gobbling up every succulent treasure in view. He marveled that sucking a 13-year-old was so much more erotic than sucking a man 3; and sucking two at once was absolute heaven! His mouth was working up and down the shafts, his tongue slathering every bit of cock-flesh 3; giving special attention to each smooth, hot glans 3; toying with each piss-slits 3; one hand fondling a ball-sack while the other masturbated a cock.

And the boys were loving it! Bobby and Travis were squirming with sexual pleasure, leg muscles tensing, hugging each other tighter. Each had a hand on the man's head, gently encouraging the rhythmic bobbing of his head.

"I'm gettin' close!" gasped Travis.

"Oh, yeah! Me too!" said Bobby.

The man pulled his mouth away and began jacking both of the boy-boners 3; one in each fist 3; fast and firmly. The boys were groaning with extreme lust (too loudly, but the man was temporarily oblivious to what the neighbors might hear). Up and down his hands raced 3; sliding Travis's foreskin with his fist, and running his thumb and forefinger in a circle back and forth across the ridge of Bobby's circumcised cock-head.

"Oh! 3; Oh! 3; I'm cummin'!" gasped Bobby, as the man opened his mouth just above his masturbating hand to catch the spurt of cum. And while Bobby's sperm was still gushing, Travis crashed over the edge into orgasm.

"Oh, God! 3; Here it cums!" he yelped, as his first shot hit the man's face. The man quickly moved his mouth to catch the rest 3; a second helping of delicious boy-semen.

The man's hands kneaded both cocks, gently milking the last of their cum, and moving his mouth from one penis to the other to lick it from each piss-slit as it oozed out.

"Awesome!" groaned Bobby.

"Man! You're a great cocksucker!" said Travis.

The man flinched momentarily. Cocksucker. It had always been the ultimate insult. Cocksucker. He ran the word over in his brain. Yes; that's what he was. The boy had meant it as a compliment, and it was true. In spite of being married for 15 years, his greatest sexual pleasure came from cocksucking 3; from servicing a warm, stiff erection with his mouth 3; most especially, from worshiping the hot boner of a horny 13-year-old.

"Let's go inside, guys," said the man, his mind finally registering that the neighbors may have gotten an earful. "Want to watch some porn? I got some good videos."

"Sure!" they both said in unison.

Grabbing towels that the man had left by the door, they headed inside. Up in the master bedroom, the man had prepared in advance for the next round of action. Earlier in the evening he'd fetched his porn videos from their hiding place and lined them up next to the 36-inch [90 cm] TV. The covers were stripped off the king-size bed, leaving only a satin bottom sheet. Six pillows sat atop. The lights were dimmed, and a bottle of lube sat on the bedside table.

"Pick out a tape and load it in the VCR," said the man.

The boys perused the collection and immediately got into a dispute. Bobby wanted hetero porn; Travis wanted gay.

"I guess I'll have to settle it," said the man. "We'll go with the Bi tape that I just got today."

The man and boys propped up the pillows against the headboard and settled back to watch the all-sex, no-plot video featuring a diverse cast who appeared three at a time 3; some scenes with two men and a woman; others with two women and a man. It wasn't long before the boys and man were massaging their cocks 3; all of them getting hard and horny again.

Travis turned his attention away from the screen and began running his hands over the man's muscular chest and arms. He rose to his knees, facing the man, and whispered in his ear, "You have such an incredible body!" He brought his lips to the man's mouth and gave him a sloppy tongue kiss while reaching down to stroke the man's cock. The man felt a surge of erotic energy at the boy's blatant seduction, and he returned the kiss, pulling Travis onto his lap, and they began making out in earnest.

"I'm so hot for you!" said the boy breathlessly when the kiss broke. "I'll bet you want to fuck me, don't you?" he said in a sultry feminine voice as he wrapped his arms more tightly around the man's neck. On the screen, one actor was licking the actress's slit while a second actor fucked the first from behind. "I'll bet you wanna do that 3; pump your handsome cock into my boy-pussy." He reached down and gave the man's erection several more firm strokes, as his tongue snaked back in the man's mouth. Then he slid off the man's lap and positioned himself face-down, with his knees tucked under, showing off his round butt to the man. He reached back and pulled his ass cheeks apart to reveal his pink anal pucker, making the muscle flex open.

The man turned to Bobby, sitting beside him and silently raised his eyebrows. The boy just shrugged, with a somewhat embarrassed grin, at the wantonness of his friend.

"I think I'd like to watch Bobby fuck you first," the man told Travis.

"Cool! Come on, Bobby. Get my ass all lubed me up for Billy with your cum."

"Sure thing, Trav. You know I always like to fuck you," replied the dark-haired lad, as he reached over and gave the other boy's upraised ass a gentle slap.

Travis grabbed one of the thick pillows and clutched it to his chest, kneeling with his legs splayed wide. Bobby reached over to the bedside table and grabbed the bottle of lube, applying a generous coating to his boner.

"Oh, Bobby. Fuck me good," said the boy with a hungry urgency as he looked back over his shoulder.

Bobby got into position behind Travis, stroking his cock in one hand and fingering the boy's asshole with the other. The man knelt beside the boys, feasting his eyes on the unfolding scene, gazing close up as Bobby's erection came into contact with Travis's twitching anus.

"Give it to me!" pleaded the effeminate blond boy, as Bobby's cock-head rubbed against the sensitive flesh and then pushed forward, being swallowed by the hole.

The man was breathless as he watched, his face less than two feet [60 cm] away, as the 5-inch [12½ cm] boner slid into the boy's fuck-hole. Travis was well-accustomed to being fucked 3; by men as well as boys 3; and he moaned with exquisite lust as his rectum was slowly filled. The forward progress of Bobby's lubed cock didn't stop until it was in all the way.

"Oh baby! Yes! Fuck me hard!" said the bottom-boy, and Bobby did just as he asked. He pulled back, and then plunged forward 3; fast and firmly 3; raising a whimper of submissive pleasure from Travis. Then Bobby started to fuck in a steady, medium-tempo rhythm of fuck strokes 3; holding Travis's hip bones and pulling the ass toward him each time he thrust his hips forward.

The man was the ultimate voyeur 3; watching the ultimate pornographic display. He ran his hands over both boys' bodies, reaching in to fondle Bobby's balls as they swung back and forth, and reaching around with his other hand to play with Travis's stiff penis.

Then the man positioned himself on his back, sliding underneath Travis's body, with his face underneath Travis's up-raised crotch so he could watch the erotic scene in extreme close-up. As Travis's dangling balls bounced against the man's chin 3; and Bobby's balls against his forehead 3; the man's eyes were only two or three inches [5-7½ cm] from the lubed cock fucking into the Travis's asshole. He watched as the anal flesh protruded slightly with each out-stroke, like pursed lips sucking during a blow-job. And he felt an incredible excitement each time the cock plunged back in the hole, right in front of his eyes.

Meanwhile, Travis was in an ideal 69 position above the man, and he sank his mouth on the man's cock. He began sucking the man, but was careful not to work so intensely that the man orgasmed. Travis wanted the man's cock to be ready to fuck him after Bobby was through.

The man began sucking Travis's balls, while his fingertips grazed the shaft of Bobby's erection as it emerged from Travis's hole and then plunged back. He formed his thumb and forefinger in a circle around the churning, slippery boy-cock, just outside Travis's anus, and applied pressure around the thrusting boner. It was like a second anal muscle, clenching on Bobby's cock, and the boy began to thrust harder, aroused intensely by the new sensation.

The man and both boys were thrashing with pleasure, as Bobby fucked hard and fast, and Travis continued to suck the man's erection. The man had an incredible view as Bobby's ball-sack pulled up tight and then disgorged its load of cum into the other boy's innards, to the sound of lust-drenched grunts and moans.

Several more hard thrusts, and then Bobby slid his out his throbbing, dripping boner. The man, still sucking Travis's balls, gazed at the dilated asshole 3; reddened and puffy from the workout, the muscle still spasming with pleasure. A drop of cum seeped out to drip onto the man's forehead.

Travis's mouth popped off the man's boner. "Oh, Billy," he said. "Come around and fuck me. I gotta have a cock inside me again!"

The man extricated himself from under the boy and rolled him over on his back, pushing Travis's legs back to the boy's chest. There would be no need to go slow 3; his cock was lubricated with saliva, and Travis's well-fucked ass was slick with lube and cum.

"Oh yeah! Fuck me!" pleaded the boy, as the man positioned his erection and pushed forward. The boy's dilated asshole accepted him with ease, and Travis purred with delight as the man's thick cock sank into his rectum. With Travis's legs resting on the man's shoulders, he began to pump in and out, gasping with pleasure as he fucked an ass for the first time in his life. In all the many times fucking his wife 3; and before that, other women 3; he'd never tried the tighter hole; and he's always declined the offers by the men with whom he'd been trading blow-jobs over the past year.

Looking down on Travis's beautiful delicate face, the man was aroused even more intensely by the sight of the boy's own sexual pleasure 3; his face twisting as each cock-thrust sent a new rush of ecstatic stimulation through the boy's body. Travis began to jack his boner, rapidly running the foreskin up and down over his cock-head, desperate to cum while he was being fucked.

Travis was moaning his encouragement to be fucked harder and faster when the man felt Bobby hands on his thrusting ass 3; squeezing his balls 3; grasping a handful of ass-cheek and kneading it firmly 3; then rubbing a spit-slick finger against the flesh around his asshole. The man began bucking his hips, driving his cock relentlessly into the blond boy's tight ass. The room echoed with their raucous sex-noises.

The orgasms came rapidly. First was Travis, his sperm shooting up onto his chest. The boy's anus was spasming all around the fast-thrusting boner, and this helped send the man into a convulsion of orgasmic bliss 3; his whole body short-circuiting, overloaded with sexual electricity. When he collapsed on top of Travis, their mouths joined, tongues merging, and they slid together on the puddles of semen across the boy's chest and belly.

All three were exhausted from the work-out, and relaxed on the bed watching the video some more, hardly talking. Finally, the man proposed a shower, and they trooped into the large master-bath, where the lavish shower stall easily held three. The scene got boisterous, as their wet bodies wrestled playfully and they groped each other's dicks and asses.

"Watch out! I gotta pee!" announced Travis, and he unleashed his flow on the other two, splattering against their legs and crotches and bellies, as surprised shouts and laughter echoed in the bathroom. Bobby and the man retaliated by aiming their penises at Travis and sending out dual streams of yellow in his direction.

"Oh yeah!" said the blond-haired boy. "All over me!" He sank to his knees in the middle of the shower stall as hot piss from the two dicks hosed his face and hair and into his open mouth. The blissful look on the boy's face made the man jealous to be in his place, but he hid his desire.

In only a minute, the interlude of pee-play was over, and they were washing up 3; then out of the shower and drying off.

"Time to get you guys back. It's almost 11:15," said the man, looking at the bedside alarm clock. "I have work tomorrow. You have a curfew?"

"Midnight during the summer," said Travis.

"My Mom works the 3-to-11 at the hospital downtown," said Bobby. "She gets home about 11:30. As long as I'm there when she gets home, she's happy. And if I'm late 3; well she's a little pissed, but she gets over it."

The drive home was relatively quiet 3; music on the radio 3; an occasional comment about the fun they'd had. When they got back to the park, the man said goodnight to Travis, but asked if Bobby could stay for a minute. Travis gave Bobby a wink as he exited the back door and walked off into the darkness.

"Bobby 3; I was wondering. I had a great time doing the 3-way tonight, but I'd really like to 3; I mean, I want to be with you again 3; just you and me. Can I take you to my house again tomorrow night, just the two of us?"

The boy smiled brightly. "I thought maybe you'd like Travis better. He does those things that I keep telling everybody I won't do, and 3; like 3; you know 3;"

"Travis is fun, but I think you're fantastic, Bobby. I'm happy just being with you and doing the stuff you like. And I'll always respect your limits."

The boy's face glowed with happiness, and he tried to say something, but the words weren't coming out. Instead, he leaned over close to the man, reached a hand behind the man's neck, and planted his warm, full lips on the man's mouth. The surprised man pulled the boy into his arms and returned the kiss, wet lips sliding together. Bobby didn't extend his tongue, and neither did the man, but for a full minute they shared a warm, loving (though not lustful) kiss. When they separated, Bobby's eyes were moist.

"I 3; I really like you Billy! See you here tomorrow night at 9:00. OK?"

"Absolutely!" said the man.

And with that, the boy bounced out of the car and started walking quickly away. He turned and waved 3; then disappeared into the night.

The man dabbed at his eyes with the back of his hand.

"I love you too, Bobby."

Chapter 4

It was Thursday evening 3; the last night before his wife and kids came back from their short trip out-of-town. As the man made the now-familiar drive from the suburbs to the city, his mind focused on the erotic adventures he would have with the sexy 13-year-old hustler.

Bobby was waiting at the arranged spot in the park – a deserted picnic pavilion off the road – and began walking toward him. The man hopped out of the car, meeting the boy half-way.

"Hi Bobby! Shall we go back to my place again tonight?"

"Sure. Your house is awesome, Billy." The boy hugged the man, with his face pressed tightly to the man's chest. The man was surprised and delighted by the gesture, and he hugged Bobby in return, arms encircling the boy's shoulders and back. The man nuzzled the lad's dark hair, breathing in the arousing boy-scent.

Bobby loosened his grip a bit and looked up into the man's face. "I'm glad it's just the two of us this time. I got kinda jealous when you and Travis were doin' sex stuff together last night."

"I'm glad too," the man replied, with a warm smile.

As they walked toward the car, the man pulled out his wallet. The boy-prostitute had required payment of his fee in advance at their three previous encounters.

"I don't want to do it for money tonight, Billy," said the boy, as he pushed away the hand holding a 20 and a 10. "I want it to be like we were 3; I don't know 3; not doin' it for money."

"Are you sure, Bobby?"

"Yeah 3; but don't expect it to be free next time," he said with a big smile and a wink, as he opened the passenger door of the expensive sedan.

During the 20-minute drive to the man's upscale neighborhood, Bobby snuggled close to the man. The man kept his right arm around the boy's shoulder most of the time, squeezing affectionately, as Bobby's hand caressed the man's thigh. Rock music played on the radio, not too loud, and there was only minimal conversation.

They pulled into the garage and entered the house through the inside door.

"A beer?" asked the man, opening the refrigerator and offering a bottle.

"Sure," replied the boy, and he took several swallows right away.

As he had the night before, Bobby picked out a CD for the living room stereo 3; this time a softer selection – Cowboy Junkies Trinity Session – and they sat down close together on the sofa. As the man put his arm around Bobby, the boy rested his head against the man's shoulder. They sat silently for a while, listening to the spare, evocative music. The boy seemed deep in thought.

"Billy," the boy said at last, in a serious tone. "I need to tell you something."

"Sure. Go right ahead."

"You know how I said I don't do gay stuff, like making out and sucking and 3; you know 3; taking a cock in my ass."

"Yes 3; and I'm OK with that," said the man.

"Well, it's not true. I've done those things 3; Done all that stuff with Travis a bunch of times. And sometimes I do blow-jobs for customers, when they really want it and pay me extra." His eyes looked away from the man's face, as if in shame.

Then his eyes turned back to meet the man's, and the words started flowing quickly. "I don't want people thinking I'm gay. And I don't want to think I'm gay either. I don't look like it or act like it, right? 3; you know, like Travis gets all sissy-acting sometimes, or those men you see downtown who want to tell the whole fuckin' world how gay they are 3; my friends call them 'flaming fags' and make fun of them. I want to be straight, Billy. I had a girlfriend during school, ya know 3; and we would make out together, and it was nice. But I also like to 3; you know 3; I like to do stuff with guys. It feels so good, and I daydream about it all the time 3; I'll see a certain kinda guy and think about doing sex with him, and I get an incredible boner and need to find a place to jack off 3; But I'm not gay! You understand what I'm saying?"

"I know exactly what you're saying, Bobby. I'm in the same situation. I guess you know I'm married." The boy nodded. " 3; and I like having sex with women just fine. But ever since I was your age, I've known that sex between guys was wonderful. And ever since I met you 3; well, I'm totally certain there's something very special and totally-right about the way you and I make each other feel good."

The boy smiled, for the first time in the conversation. "Yeah! That's for sure!"

"As for whether you're gay or straight 3; well, I think most guys are bisexual. I know I am. And it all comes down to how you want to live your life 3; you can emphasize your straight side like I did, but still have sex with guys. Or you can emphasize your gay side and be like those 'flamers' you were talking about, but maybe fool around with women sometimes. You have lots of time to decide. For a guy your age, it makes sense not to label yourself. But it's really good if you can find someone you trust 3; who you can talk to about anything and everything. And maybe that person will be somebody you can even fall in love with."

Bobby wrapped his arms around the man's chest and hugged him tightly, saying nothing.

The man continued, "I hope, Bobby, that you'll feel like you can trust me."

Bobby looked up at the man. His eyes glistened with moisture. "I do, Billy," he said in a hoarse near-whisper. Then he climbed onto the man's lap, straddling his hips, and wrapped his arms around the man's neck. "I trust you."

The man embraced the boy lovingly, and they hugged, without saying another word. Bobby's face pressed against the man's neck and shoulder, breathing the man's scent, trying not to cry. The man buried his face in the boy's hair.

"I was thinking about you all day today; every minute," said Bobby, bringing his face up to look into the man's eyes. His hands moved along the man's strong arms. "You're exactly what I want to be when I grow up 3; and I feel really good when I'm with you." He leaned forward and kissed the man's lips 3; gently at first 3; then more firmly 3; then snaking his tongue into the man's mouth. The man responded with joyful pleasure, wrapping his arms tightly around the boy. His hands worked their way up under the boy's shirt, roaming over the warm, smooth skin of his back, feeling the wiry youthful muscles just beneath the surface. He was amazed at how good a kisser the boy was 3; sultry, playful, inventive 3; sometimes aggressive, other times passive 3; but most of all, utterly sexy!

"Want to get in the hot tub?" asked the man when their long kiss finally broke. "I can't wait to rub against your naked body in the warm water."

"Yeah," sighed the boy, leaning forward to kiss the man again before climbing off his lap.

Walking across the floor to the back patio, they left a trail of clothing along the way. By the time they got to the tub, they were both naked 3; the man's cock half-hard 3; the boy with a raging boner pointing toward the dark sky. They climbed into the 100-degree [38°C] water, with the jets of bubbles swirling around them, and settled back into the built-in seats across from each other. Bobby stretched a leg out and rubbed his foot against the man's well-developed chest, feeling the soft hairs with his toes. The man brought his hands to the foot and fondled it.

"You get off on my feet, don't you?" said the boy.

"Yes; that's right 3; do you mind?"

"Are you kidding?!" Bobby lifted his slender foot out of the water and touched it to the man's mouth. "It feels awesome when you suck my toes," he said, with a sly grin.

The man lost no time accepting the invitation, holding the size-7 foot [EUR size 40; UK size 6½] in his hands and sliding his lips over the big toe. Sucking and licking it like it was a fat little cock, the man felt a surge of sexual excitement. His lust rose even further when the boy's other foot slid up to the man's crotch and began rubbing against his erection. Bobby spread his toes apart, and the man sucked each one 3; moving gradually down the line until he was fellating the little toe. Then he licked the whole foot in broad strokes of his tongue. When he was done, he looked at the boy and smiled.

"Nice!" said Bobby, as his foot finally sank back in the water.

"Yeah!" sighed the man.

"Wanna make out some more?" suggested the boy. And without waiting for a reply, he waded over and straddled the man's lap, just as they'd been on the sofa, but this time totally naked.

The two bodies fit together like pieces of a puzzle 3; their erections rubbing together sensuously under water 3; arms wrapped around each other, drawing their bodies even closer. Bobby kissed the man's shoulder, his mouth and tongue tasting the masculine essence. The boy's lips kissed their way up the man's neck, to his earlobe, to his jaw-line. A line of gentle kisses brought Bobby to the man's lips, and again they became lost in the explorations of their tongues and lips 3; kissing deeply, hungrily. The more intensely they kissed, the more urgent became the wet rubbing-together of their tensing bodies. The erotic atmosphere was thick and pungent, and the man's whole being throbbed with desire for the boy. When their mouths finally separated, they were both breathless, flushed, supremely aroused.

"You feel so wonderful," sighed the boy against the man's ear, so quietly it was almost inaudible 3; an escaped thought rather than an intentional statement.

The man kissed the boy's thick hair, and his hands began massaging Bobby's slender round ass cheeks. As his fingers stroked the exquisitely-soft skin, they worked their way into the crack. Bobby's torso leaned into the man's chest and he thrust his ass up and back, inviting the man's continued probing. The man's fingertip began rubbing a deliciously-erotic circle around Bobby's anal pucker. The boy flexed his anus open, and the finger slid in, knuckle-deep.

"Oh, Christ! It feels so good when you play with my asshole!" said the boy with giddy, unrestrained lust. When Bobby realized what he'd done, he covered his mouth with his hand, knowing that his words had been loud enough to carry to the closest neighboring house, and perhaps other homes as well, in the quiet night air.

"Maybe we should go inside," said the man, smiling. "It wouldn't be good to get a bunch of cum in the hot-tub." Bobby was relieved that the man wasn't angry, and they kissed again before climbing out.

They dried off at the back door and came inside, towels wrapped around their waists. The CD was still playing the quirky mellow music, and the boy went to pick up his almost-empty beer bottle 3; finishing it with a swallow. Bobby looked at the pictures on the wall above the stereo 3; photographs of a 7-year-old girl and 10-year-old boy.

"Those are your kids," said the boy. It was a statement rather than a question.

"Yes," the man replied. "My wife and kids are out of town for a couple days."

"How long ago were the pictures taken?" asked the boy.

"Just before last Christmas."

"What's the boy's name? He kind of 3; you know 3; cute."

"Steve. We've always called him Stevie. He's 10."

"Can I see his room?"

"Sure," said the man, and they walked up the stairs, passing the master bedroom.

As they entered the son's room, Bobby looked around with wide eyes 3; and more than a little jealousy. Steve had a fairly large room, with two twin beds (one of them unmade and disheveled), an assortment of expensive sports equipment, an Apple computer, a small TV, model airplanes hanging from the ceiling, and thousands of Lego pieces 3; some assembled as vehicles or buildings or space ships, others in big plastic bins. Bobby explored every nook. It was a dream-room to his eyes. He even started looking through Steve's dresser, and the man didn't object. Bobby pulled out a pair of underpants 3; white, with Star Wars pictures on them.

"Can I put these on?" he asked, as he dropped the towel and stood naked.

"Sure; why not," said the man indulgently, as he watched the boy pull on underpants that were a size too small 3; and all the more sexy because of it. Bobby's penis and balls were prominently outlined by the soft white material, and his incredibly cute butt was perfectly displayed 3; decorated by little pictures of starships and droids.

The boy went over to the unmade bed and sat down on it, running his hand along the soft cotton sheets with his hand. He stopped and looked up at the man. "He wets the bed at night, doesn't he." (His accent made the last words sound like "dud-nee".)

"Yes. How did you know?"

"The plastic cover underneath the sheet. I had the same thing until I stopped wetting my bed 3; about a year ago."

"He's getting a lot better lately. Dry most nights."

"Do you ever get him up in the middle of the night to take him to pee?" asked Bobby.

"Why, yes 3; Just before I go to sleep." The man's mind veered to thoughts of rousing Steve at 12:30 in the morning, walking him across the hall, wearing only his underpants, to empty his bladder.

"Do you 3; like 3; stand behind him and hold his dick while he pees?"

The man was so surprised that he couldn't even speak for a moment. It was as if Bobby could read his thoughts 3; as if the boy had been there watching the man helping his half-asleep son pee in the middle of the night 3; holding his immature penis while the urine flowed into the toilet. The man had always struggled to supress a forbidden urge each time he touched his son's penis. He was less successful, however, at supressing the fantasies his imagination sometimes generated.

"Yes 3; I do that," said the man at last.

"Seems like you do the same thing for Stevie that my Dad did for me when I was younger. I really liked to have him do it."

"I don't think Steve ever really wakes up all the way. He's a really sound sleeper," said the man.

"Billy, do you 3; did you ever 3;"

"Did I ever what?" asked the man, his curiosity fully engaged.

"If Steve is dry when you come in at night, do you ever suck his dick as a reward?"

The man's mouth dropped open. "Of course not!" he said emphatically, reflexively disavowing the taboo sexual scenarios that sometimes materialized in his head when he masturbated. Then he reached out and touched the boy's arm. "Sorry. I didn't mean to sound angry 3; it's just that I don't do sexual things with Stevie." But once again, the boy had seemed to enter the man's most private thoughts. Then it occurred to him. "Does your father 3;"

"Yeah; when I was young. He would come into my room at night and check to see if I was dry. And if was, he'd give me a special reward when we finished going to the bathroom. He would play with my dick and bring the special feeling. I think it was almost like I was cumming, but no sperm came out of my boner back then. Sometimes he used his fingers to give me the special feeling, but other times he used his mouth. I guess that was a bad thing for him to do, huh?"

The man thought for a moment. "Did he force you to do it?" The boy shook his head from side to side. "Did he do anything you didn't want?" asked the man. Bobby shook his head again. "Did it make you uncomfortable?" This time, the boy laughed out loud.

"No way! It felt amazing!" said Bobby.

"Well 3; I don't think fathers and sons should do those things 3; but I wouldn't call it 'bad'."

"Mom came in and found him sucking my dick one time, when I was 9. She kicked Dad out of the house. I haven't seen him since 3; not even a letter or a phone call."

"Oh, Bobby," said the man, sitting down next to the boy and putting his arm around his shoulder. "I'm so sorry."

"I really missed him, Billy. Mom kept telling me that doing sex with him was incredibly bad. I felt so guilty, because I liked what he did 3; so maybe it was my fault. And if I played with my dick and made it get stiff, I felt so dirty that I tried to not ever touch myself down there. Last year I started fooling around with Travis 3; he showed me how to shoot cum, and how to do all sorts of stuff. I decided that Mom was talking bullshit, and I don't feel guilty or dirty about it at all anymore."

There was an interval of silence. The man could think of nothing to say 3; only to wrap his arms around the boy and hold him tight.

"Billy?" said the boy at last. "Could we do something? A game, kinda?"

"I guess so. What?"

"Would you 3; pretend you were my Dad 3; and you were, like, coming to my room at night?"

The man looked into Bobby's hopeful face, and he knew he couldn't refuse 3; he had no desire to refuse anyway. "Sure," said the man, feeling a growing buzz of excitement in his brain.

Bobby explained the details of the nightly ritual 3; and all about the 'special reward' when he had been dry.

"I understand, Bobby. You get in Steve's bed, and I'll turn out the light, then come back in and be your dad?"

"Yeah 3; And, uh, could you put on pajama pants? Dad always wore them. No shirt, though."


As Bobby pulled the covers over his body, the man leaned down and kissed his cheek. "Good night, son," he said softly. Then he clicked off the light and walked quickly back to his own bedroom, turning off other lights as he went. His heart was racing. Even though they were ostensibly playing out Bobby's daddy/son scenario, if conformed so closely to the man's own fantasies it was incredible. He put on a pair of soft cotton pajama pants and headed back to the room. Entering in the dark, he made his way to the bed. The covers were still pulled over the boy, who lay on his back, silent and still. Just like when he checked on Stevie at night, the man slipped his hand beneath the covers 3; down to the front of the boy's underpants 3; feeling with his fingers 3; feeling dryness 3; feeling the penis beneath the material.

"Good boy 3; totally dry," he murmured softly. "I'm so proud of you, Bobby," he said, as he pulled back the covers and lifted Bobby to a standing position. "Let's go to the bathroom so you can pee."

"OK, Daddy," said Bobby in a sleepy-sounding little-boy voice, as the two walked together in near-darkness to the bathroom across the hall.

The man felt a surge of emotion at hearing the boy call him 'Daddy', and his penis began to stiffen beneath the loose material of the pajama pants.

The man stood behind Bobby, his bare chest against the boy's back, spooning the lad's body with his own. A dim night-light lit the scene. His fingers slid between the waistband and Bobby's warm skin, and he eased the snug underpants just enough to free the boy's penis. The man's left arm wrapped around Bobby's chest while his right hand went to the warm soft penis, holding it with his thumb and two fingers.

"Let go of your pee 3; Bobby." It was so similar to his ritual with his own son that he almost called the boy 'Stevie'.

The flow of urine cascaded down into the toilet, as the man felt the slight vibration of the penis shaft in his fingertips. His face nuzzled the top of the boy's head, and he inhaled the rich boy-smell. His left hand was exploring now, toying with the tiny hard nipples on Bobby's chest 3; gliding along the taut waist 3; sliding down to play with the boy's loose ball-sack. The penis was becoming stiff by the time the flow stopped.

"All done, Daddy," said Bobby in a boyish high-pitched voice as he looked back over his shoulder and smiled.

"Do you want Daddy to give you the special reward now?"

"Oh yes, Daddy 3; please. I've already got a stiffy. Feel it."

Bobby took the man's hand and brought it to his crotch, pressing it against the erection.

"You feel so good, Stevie 3; er, I mean, Bobby," said the man, embarrassed at having used the wrong name.

"It's OK," whispered the boy. "You call me Stevie. We already did my game for a while, and it was great! Now we should do your game. Want to pretend that I'm Stevie? And you can do anything you've ever thought about in your daydreams? I'll do whatever you like. Really 3; anything." Then kissed the man's chest, and his lips sucked at a nipple. His hand pressed against the pajama pants to stroke the man's cock.

The man, already aroused, felt a surge of excitement unlike anything he'd ever known. He would never actually have sex with Stevie (would he?), but maybe if he could role-play the whole thing with Bobby 3; He lifted Bobby's chin with his hand, leaned down, and kissed his lips, pressing gently, sliding on the boy's warm mouth in warm, wet eroticism. Bobby's arms wrapped around the man's neck and he kissed the man deeply.

"I love you, Stevie," said the man, his voice almost cracking with emotion and erotic tension.

"I love you too, Daddy," said the boy, softly.

"I'm going to take down your underpants and suck your penis, Stevie," murmured the man, as he sank to his knees. It was so arousing to say those words, to imagine it was his own son standing there in the near-darkness.

"Yes 3; I want you to, Daddy."

The man pulled the briefs down, fully revealing the boy's erection and soft ball-sack.

"Oh, Stevie 3; Your penis is so beautiful!"

"Suck it, Daddy," murmured the boy. "Suck my stiffy and make it feel good."

The man's whole body trembled as his lips enveloped the slender erection, sliding all the way down the shaft as his tongue lovingly slathered around it. His lips moved back up again, then quickly down. The man and boy both groaned with pleasure as the man's mouth began to move with the erotic rhythm of sucking.

Bobby's fingers entwined in the man's hair, riding his head as it bobbed up and down. The man's mouth slid along the entire length of the erection again and again, hungry for the incredible pleasure of cock-sucking a boy 3; thrilled by the fantasy that he was sucking his 10-year-old son. His hands cupped the boy's slender ass, and he kneaded the butt-flesh, encouraging the boy to thrust his hips. The man sucked with all the intensity he could muster, eager to feel the erection in the throes of orgasm, hungry to taste the boy's spurting cum.

"Play with my bottom-hole, Daddy," moaned the boy in a needy voice.

The man's finger made a detour to pick up a glob of saliva and then slid between the boy's ass cheeks. As it pressed against clenched pucker, the muscle flexed open to accept the finger. All the while, the man's lips and tongue were working the boy's boner with machine-like intensity, urging the semen to spurt out. When the man's spit-slick finger started fucking in and out of Bobby's hole, the boy was in ecstasy.

"Yes! Oh yes, Daddy! Oh, it's so good! I'm gonna 3; oh yeah 3; I'm gonna get the feeling! Here it comes! Aggghhhhh!"

A burst of boy-cum pulsed into the man's mouth, quickly followed by two more, shot by the throbbing erection that the man continued to suck. The boy's anal muscle spasmed around the man's finger, opening and closing to match the pulses of the boy's cock.

"That was so great!" said Bobby when the man's mouth and finger disengaged.

The man stood up, savoring the taste of Bobby's sweet cock-juice on his tongue, and hugged the boy. "Thank you, Bobby. That was quite a game!" They smiled at each other and kissed briefly, the boy tasting his own cum in the man's mouth

"I want to get you off," said Bobby. "I wanna give you as good a cum as you just gave me. You want me to pretend I'm Stevie some more?"

"No. I want you to be Bobby and me to be Bill. I want us to make love in my bed 3; and not have to pretend anything."

"Make love," said the boy, almost to himself, shaping the words in his mouth and his mind. "I'd like that!" he said with a warm smile.

The man lifted the naked boy into his arms, holding him like a groom carrying his bride across the threshold. Bobby wrapped his arms around the man's neck and said, softly, "Let's make love!"

When they got to the master bedroom, the man lay Bobby down on the king-size bed, lit four candles, and turned off the lights. Standing beside the bed, he pulled off his pajama pants as he watched the boy stretch his body languidly on the satin sheet. Then Bobby held out his arms, and the man fell into his embrace. They kissed deeply, lovingly 3; their bodies moving together in fluid sensuality. The boy was on his back, legs spread. The man lay on top, his undulating body rubbing against the boy's soft skin.

Then the man rolled both their bodies over, so now Bobby atop, and the man's hands wandered all over the boy's shoulders and back and ass. Bobby's mouth showered kisses on the man's face, and the boy's smooth body squirmed against the man's muscular hairy chest, his powerful thighs, and his thick 6-inch [15 cm] phallus.

"Suck me, Bobby," said the man, softly but firmly. "Get my cock ready to make love to your ass."

"Yes sir!" exclaimed the boy, as he happily slithered down the man's body 3; kissing and nibbling as he went, until he was lying between the man's spread legs. Bobby held the stiff penis in his hand and jacked it lightly, feeling its warmth, its pulse, the pattern of its veins. Then his mouth came down, and he licked the cock-head like it was an ice cream cone 3; with long strokes of his tongue. The boy's tongue moved down, toying with the shaft of the erection that he still held in his hand. When his flicking tongue reached the base of the hard cock, Bobby kissed and nibbled and sucked at the ball-sack 3; taking each orb into his mouth to be sucked as he resumed his slow, gently masturbation stroke of the erection.

The man moaned with erotic contentment 3; being pleasured so well by the boy he loved. And when Bobby pushed apart the man's ass cheeks, and his tongue plunged onto the puckered hole, the man almost shouted out in surprise and lust. The boy's tongue rimmed with energetic fervor, setting off bursts of pleasure in the clusters of sensitive anal nerves.

"Oh, Bobby! That's incredible!"

The boy's face poked up, beaming with pride. His mouth returned to the hole for more of the same 3; slathering around the pink flesh and corkscrewing into the circle of muscle for another two minutes. Then the boy's mouth reversed its journey, returning to the man's ball-sack, licking along the penis shaft, toying with the widely-flared ridge. At last, Bobby's mouth sank down onto the man's cock, enveloping the cock-head and pleasuring it with his tongue 3; then sliding down to deliver increasingly rapid up-and-down sucks that had the man squirming with lust and clutching at the sheets. Bobby couldn't take the erection all the way into his throat (though not for lack of trying), but his lips and tongue worked the top 4 inches [10 cm] of the thick boner to perfection.

"You want to fuck me now?" asked Bobby, when his mouth popped off the man's hard dick. "If you want to lay back, I'll ride you."

The boy looked so eager and sincere, and the man's heart swelled with affection. "That would be fantastic," he said.

Bobby reached over to the bedside table and grabbed the bottle of lube. He slathered some on the man's cock, then reached back and lubed his own hole. Straddling the man's hips, he took the erection in his hand and pulled it back a bit, then positioned his ass above it, his torso hovering over the man's chest. Bobby lowered his body on the thick boner. First there was a strained look of tension on his face, as the cock-head penetrated the anal circle. Then he released his breath and smiled again, as the slippery penis shaft slowly filled his rectum. When the erection was all the way in, Bobby raised his body upright and wiggled his hips from side to side, clenching and relaxing his ass muscle with an effort that could be seen in the flexing muscles of his slender abdomen,

The man ran his hands lightly over the boy's flanks, gazing at Bobby's face, his body, his delightfully youthful soft penis and three-quarter-size balls.

"That feel good?"

"Unbelievably good, Bobby."

"I love you, Bill!"

"I love you too!"

With that, the boy began flexing his thighs to raise and lower his ass on the man's totally-stiff cock. The man's hands now wandered all over the boy's body, touching him everywhere, feeling the boy's muscles work as Bobby rode the man's erection. When the man fondled the boy's penis, it sprang to life, swelling beneath the man's stroking fingers to its full 5 inches [12½ cm]. As Bobby moved his body up and down in a sensuous rhythm, the man poured lube on his hand and began jacking the slender boy-cock with firm and quick strokes.

"Ahhhh!!!" moaned the boy as he leaned back, his hands resting on the man's knees. "It's so good!"

"Oh yeah, baby 3; ride my cock! You're doing great!"

And with increasing urgency and athleticism, the two lovers strove toward their goal 3; each working on the other's body to attain the other's climax. Vocalizations of raw animal lust filled the bedroom as orange candle-light played off their sweating bodies. Closer and closer, until 3;

"Ohhh!! I'm cumming again!" screamed Bobby, as a fine spray of cum sprinkled the man's chest. Anal spasms massaged the man's cock as the boy's body stopped moving, overwhelmed by orgasm.

The man pulled the boy down into his embrace, and Bobby wrapped his arms beneath the man and hugged tightly to his chest. They kissed 3; deeply and passionately 3; as the man grabbed the boy's ass cheeks and began thrusting his own hips, plunging his cock in and out of the boy's asshole.

Another minute of grunting, rutting exertion sent the man over the top, and his pent-up cum exploded into the boy's bowels 3; pulse after pulse pumping from the cock as it continued to slam into Bobby's ass. They were both lost in the ecstasy of total orgasm 3; nerve-endings discharging in pleasure-pulses all over their bodies, their minds overwhelmed by physical sensation, their muscles working and tongues entwining without conscious thought.

Finally it was over, and they lay still, gasping for breath, hearts hammering against each other.

"I love you so much!"

"Oh, yes 3; I love you too!"

For the next half-hour, they sprawled on the bed in each other's arms, exchanging gentle kisses, languidly hugging and petting each other.

"It's time to get you home."

"I know 3; I just wish I could stay like this forever."

"Oh, Bobby 3; I wish we could too!"

They reluctantly got up. They went downstairs to collect their clothing and quickly dressed. There wasn't any talking until they got to the car.

"I wish we didn't have to be a secret," said the boy.

"No way around it, I'm afraid."

"A couple years ago, Mom signed me up in this organization called Big Buddies, for kids whose father isn't around. The guy they matched me up with was a total dork 3; we just played catch and talked about how I was doin' at school. I wish YOU were my Big Buddy!"

"I don't think people get to pick. But maybe 3;" He paused for a moment, as the gears in his brain turned. "Bobby; how much money do you make in a week, usually?"

"I dunno. I don't usually do more than one customer a day, and I don't do it every day. I guess $150 is my best take in a week."

"How about if you stop working, and I give $150 for an allowance every week?"

The boy's eyes lit up. "And we could still get together, you and me?"

"That's what I had in mind. Your mom 3; obviously, she can't know about us. You said she works the 3-to-11 shift?"

"Yeah, that's during the week. And she's working on the weekends too, when they only have two shifts for her job. On Saturday and Sunday she does all-day, 8-to-8. She says it pays really good, and she needs the money for my school tuition 3; I go to Saint Pius 3; and she's also savin' up to buy a house for us."

"So you're on your own, pretty much all weekend and every night?"

"Except Mondays and Tuesdays. That's Mom's days off."

"I think we can work things out just fine, Bobby. I'll give you my office phone number, and we can arrange our meetings whenever it's good for both of us."

Bobby snuggled up against the man, his head resting on the man's shoulder and a look of utter bliss on his face. "I love you so much!" he murmured, as he leaned over to kiss the man's cheek.

Chapter 5

It had been three weeks since he'd made Bobby his 'kept boy'. And now, at 11:00 a.m. on a Saturday morning, he and Bobby were driving into the man's prosperous suburban neighborhood, on their way to Bobby's first meeting with the man's wife and children. This might work out really well, thought the man, or could just as easily be a terrible, disastrous mistake.

The man parked the car in the driveway, and he and Bobby came in the front door.

"Honey, I'd like you to meet Bobby Watson 3; Bobby, this is my wife, Mrs. Richfield."

"Pleased to meet you, ma'am," said the boy politely. Looking around the living room as if for the first time, he added, "Gosh, Mrs. Richfield! You sure have a nice house. I can tell you have really good taste."

The woman smiled warmly. "Well aren't you sweet! Thank you, Bobby. Now where is Steve? He's been wanting to meet you 3; Oh, here he is now 3; Steve; this is Bobby."

"Hi," said the 10-year-old, acting a bit shy. The 4'11" [1.50 m] blond boy had inherited a slender athletic build from his father and drop-dead good looks from his mother.

Bobby couldn't keep his eyes off the boy. "Hi Steve. I hear you like Legos. Me too!" Actually, Bobby had never had a Lego set in his life.

"You do?" said the younger boy excitedly. "Wanna come up to my room and see what I made?"

"If that's OK with your folks."

"Sure; go have fun," said the woman.

As they hurried upstairs, the woman said "I'm so glad you decided to get into volunteer work, Bill. I feel so sorry for that boy 3; his mother being an alcoholic and on welfare. In spite of it all, he seems bright and cheerful. It was good that Social Services got him into a program like Big Buddies."

"I think he'll turn out well. I've been talking with him about preparing for the future, and he's surprisingly enthusiastic about entrepreneurship."

"Isn't that wonderful!" his wife replied. "Well, it's time for me to take Sue to ballet practice. We'll be going out shopping for some school clothes afterwards. You boys have fun this afternoon."

"We will. Good-bye dear."

After his wife and daughter were gone, the man fixed himself a pot of coffee and sat in the kitchen, wondering how things were going upstairs. After 15 minutes, he figured it was time to check. He made his way up the staircase and down the carpeted hall to Steve's room. The door was closed, and there was quiet talking inside. He walked silently up to the door and put his ear up close.

"You got a nice one!" It was Steve's high-pitched voice. "Your boner is even larger than Richard's. He's 12 and has the biggest one of all the guys I hang out with."

"Yours is nice too. Almost as fat as mine." It was a slightly deeper voice, half way through its change from soprano to tenor.

"You can feel me up if you like," said Steve.

"Man! Your boner is so stiff! Does it feel good when I stroke it like that?"

"Gosh, yeah! It's awesome! Can I feel you up too?"

"Sure; go ahead," said Bobby.

There was an interval of silence, interrupted only by giggles and little moans of pleasure. The man's penis pumped to erection, and he rubbed it through his pants. 'What have I started?' he thought to himself, still wrestling with uncertainty about involving his son.

"So tell me again about this game that you and your friends play," said Bobby.

"It's called Naked Dare, and we do all kinds of crazy stuff. Wanna play?"

"Sure. What do I do?"

The man was slowly pulling down his zipper and freeing his cock.

"When we're all naked, we take turns daring each other to do stuff," said Steve. "And it gets really naughty!" The man began to stroke himself slowly.

"OK; you can dare me first," said Bobby.

"Kiss the top of my boner!" said Steve, giggling with boyish excitement.

The man struggled to keep from moaning out loud, as a surge of lust rushed through his body. While he was determined not to become sexually involved with his son, the man was undeniably aroused by his son's sexuality and was all-too-willing to be a voyeur. As he quietly stroked his achingly-stiff cock, the man worried about the intensity of his incest fantasies, even as he willingly indulged them.

"OK!" replied the older boy with a big grin. Though Bobby was fully experienced in the ways of male sexuality, he had never fooled around with a younger boy, and he found it an incredible turn-on to be playing innocent sex games with this stunningly cute 10-year-old.

Bobby sank to his knees in front of the blond boy, examining the lad's pre-pubescent erection up close. Stevie had a nice one 3; 3 inches [7½ cm] long, with a shaft that was fairly plump for a boy his age. The slender circumcised cock-head glowed light purple, and his marble-size balls were in a loose rounded sack. Bobby brought his mouth to the tip of the erect penis and gently touched his lips to the piss-slit. Then he let his lips slide down farther, taking the glans into his mouth and running his tongue around it several times.

"Oh, gosh! What are you doing? That's so awesome!" Stevie's high-pitched voice was breathless with the wonder of sexual discovery.

"You liked that, huh?"

"Gosh, yeah! 3; Now it's your turn to dare me."

"OK. I dare you to 3; lick my balls."

Again the younger boy giggled, and he got on his knees to fulfill the challenge. Holding Bobby's slender 5-inch [12½ cm] erection in one hand, and scooping the soft, dangling ball-sack with the other, Stevie ran his tongue along the hairless silky skin. Inspired by the way Bobby had gone beyond the minimum required by the previous dare, Stevie licked again 3; and then took one of the young-adolescent balls completely into his mouth and teased it with his tongue before releasing it and standing up.

"Mmmm 3; that was real good," praised Bobby. "What are you gonna dare me now?"

"This'll really gross you out. Stick your finger in my bottom-hole and sniff it! I dare ya!" The youngster grinned with devilish delight.

"Get on your hands and knees on the bed," said Bobby. "Let's see how gross your asshole is," kidded Bobby.

Stevie scrambled into position, dipping his chest down, raising up his butt, and giving it a sexy wiggle. Bobby put his finger to his mouth and loaded it with a glob of saliva, then stroked it across the anal opening. The fingertip drew a circle several times around the pink flesh, and the digit slowly pushed two inches [5 cm] into the tightly clenched muscle. Stevie's body shivered 3; it certainly felt better than when he had used this dare with his neighborhood pals!

"Oh! 3; Oh, Bobby!" moaned the 10-year-old, looking back over his shoulder as the older boy gently fucked his wet finger back and forth in the virgin asshole.

When Bobby removed his finger, he brought it to his nose. "Smells great!" he said with a grin. "I dare you to do the same thing to me. But this time use some of that suntan lotion on your finger."

Stevie leaned over and retrieved the bottle of lotion from the bedside table, squirting some onto his finger.

"Put some on my bottom-hole too," said Bobby, as he lay down on his back and brought his legs back to his shoulders.

The younger boy was eager to try this new thrill. He smeared lotion around Bobby's anus, and then pressed his finger into the hole. The older boy flexed his muscle open, and it was as if the digit were sucked in. With a child's curiosity and enthusiasm, Stevie experimented with finger-fucking the older boy's ass 3; fast, slow 3; shallow, deep 3; twisting, straight in-and-out.

"That's so cool! Does it feel good?" asked Stevie, as his finger continued to probe and thrust, and his other hand rubbed Bobby's smooth round butt cheeks.

"Yeah 3; really nice!"

When Stevie finally stopped, he performed the ritual sniff. "Smells like sunburn stuff!" he said. "My turn to make the next dare. Let me think 3; I got it; I dare you to get in front of the open window, standing on the chair, and play with your boner. And do it for a full minute!"

Bobby shrugged at the grinning boy. "They're YOUR neighbors. You sure you want me to do that?"


"OK; here goes." Bobby moved the chair to the window and opened the shade all the way. He climbed up and gave his erection a few masturbation strokes. "You keepin' time on this?"

"Oh yeah," said Stevie, glancing at his wristwatch. He had been paying too much attention to Bobby's stiff penis.

Bobby looked out the window and realized how unlikely it was that anyone in the neighboring house would see him. Less likely still that someone outside would look up to the second-floor side window in that minute. He began to masturbate, making a circle with his forefinger and thumb, stroking up and down briskly along the top couple inches of his erection. Stevie watched, mesmerized by the sight of Bobby pleasuring himself, and he absent-mindedly fondled his own erection.

"Hasn't it been a minute yet?" Bobby asked.

"Sorry! Time!" announced Stevie, looking back at his wristwatch.

"I've got a good pay-back dare for you," said Bobby. "I dare ya to go downstairs, completely naked, and get into the hot tub."

"No way! What if Dad sees me?"

"You made me stand where a neighbor could see me. And I'll bet your dad has seen you naked before."

"Well 3; yeah 3; but 3;"

"And people go in hot tubs when they're naked all the time. I got a cousin in California, and when I went out to visit, everyone was naked in the hot tub 3; on the beach too 3; even grown-ups."

"Really ? Well, OK 3; But you gotta do it too."

"Sure; I'll do it!" said Bobby with a grin.

"How about we wear towels when we're going through the house."

"That wasn't the dare, but 3; yeah, OK. But we take them off as soon as we get out to the back patio."

Hearing this, the man quickly fastened his pants and scampered quietly down the carpeted hall, scooting into the master bedroom just in time. He listened and heard Stevie's door open. As casually as he could manage, the man walked out of his own bedroom and intersected the boys in the hallway, clad only in their towels. Bobby carried a small boom-box in one hand.

"Oh! Hi Dad 3; heh-heh. We're going to the hot tub." Stevie blushed and fidgeted a little.

"Sounds like fun," said the man.

"We're gonna swim California style 3; that OK?" asked Bobby.

The blood seemed to drain from Stevie's face. But the man said, "Oh, you mean naked? Sure; that's no problem." He glanced at Stevie, who had his mouth hanging open. "I remember when I was on the swimming team and we were at swim meet at UCLA 3; that's a college in California 3; and a bunch of us guys sat around naked in a hot tub overlooking the Pacific Ocean." He winked at the boys and smiled. Bobby gave Stevie a look that said 'what did I tell you!'

"But you probably shouldn't tell your moms. They sometimes get all embarrassed about the fun things that guys do 3; OK?"

"Right Dad! And 3; thanks!" Stevie felt an exhilarating freedom and headed off down the hall.

"OK, Mr. Richfield. I won't tell my mom," said Bobby with a sly grin. And as they headed for the stairs with Stevie in the lead, Bobby let his towel drop to expose his beautiful ass 3; looking back over his shoulder to wink at the man.

The man smiled and watched the two sexy boy as they turned the corner out of sight. He took a deep breath as an erotic shiver ran through his body. For a moment, he thought how much fun it would be to get in the tub with them, naked and horny. "No; this is just boy-fun," he murmured to himself; "don't do something you'll regret."

But as he went back into his bedroom, the man's voyeuristic impulses again rose up inside him. He brought out the video camera and tripod, and set them up in the open bathroom window that overlooked the hot tub, turned the camera on, and set it for full telephoto, just as the two boys were easing their naked bodies into the tub. Then the man walked downstairs to the back door. "Hey guys!" he called out. "How about if I go down to the market to get some snacks and sodas, and then get you some burgers and fries at Burger King?" The boys eagerly shouted out their approval and specific requests. "OK," said the man; "I'll be gone for about a half-hour, and Mom won't be back until about 4:00. Don't drown!" The boys both laughed and waved good-bye. The man knew they'd be listening for the sound of the car going out the driveway, so he didn't waste any time leaving.

As soon as he heard the garage door opening, Stevie climbed out of the pool and crossed quickly into the house to verify that they were alone, then returned to the tub. Bobby had started the tape player in the boom-box to hide their voices from nosy neighbors.

"He's gone now," said Stevie. "So what should we do next?"

"Want to rub our boners together?" asked Bobby, as they sat side-by-side in the warm water.


The boys stood up, and their stiff penises rose just above the surface of the water. Stevie leaned his shoulders back and his crotch forward, inclining his erection forward with his fingers and wiggling his hips from side to side when the cock-head touched Bobby's. He had played "sword fight" with his buddies before, and thought it was great fun. It was a new twist for him, though, when Bobby reached around and grabbed the younger boy's ass cheeks and pulled their bodies together.

"You hold my butt too, and we can hump each other," said Bobby.


Their slippery nude bodies began to rub together sensuously, the two boy-cocks slowly grinding against each other between their smooth bellies.

"Mmmm! That feels great!" purred Stevie, as his arms wrapped around Bobby's waist, and his hips began pushing forward more urgently, as if they had a mind of their own. Bobby embraced his young friend around his upper back and hugged him tightly, synching his own hip thrusts with the excited rhythm of Stevie's. The water churned around them as they humped together joyously.

Then Bobby gently pushed the blond-haired boy against the side of the tub. "Want me to make you feel REALLY good?" he asked.

"Of course!"

"Lie on the deck beside the tub, and let your legs hang into the water. I'll suck your boner with my mouth."

Stevie scrambled up, laid out a towel to lie on, and positioned himself on his back, with his bottom on the tub's edge and his legs spread. He was eager to feel the older boy's lips and tongue on his erection again. Bobby dipped his head down and captured the 3-inch [7½ cm] boner in his mouth, his tongue licking the cock-head in delicious circles.

"Oh, YEAH!" squealed the 10-year-old as his whole body wiggled with pleasure.

And when Bobby's lips began sliding up and down the plump little shaft, Stevie felt a level of sexual pleasure he'd never before experienced. Bobby tickled the lad's ball-sack with his fingers and then slid both hands under Stevie's butt.

Stevie lifted his legs over the older boy's shoulder, and his toes curled and straightened rhythmically. His hands instinctively went to Bobby's head, fingers entwining in the thick dark hair, pulling Bobby's mouth to meet the upward thrust of the youngster's hips. Bobby redoubled his efforts, wanting to make sure that the boy's first blow-job would be one he always remembered fondly. His tongue worked overtime on the Stevie's sensitive little cock-head, and his lips sucked and slurped along the entire length of the compact cock-shaft.

"Oh! Oh, Bobby! It feels so 3; so 3; Oh! Yes! It's so good! I'm gonna 3; I'm 3; I 3; Ohhhhh!!!"

With his head rolling back, eyes shut tight, and his lungs incapable of exhaling, Stevie's body was wracked by his first-ever orgasm. His boner spasmed inside Bobby's mouth as jolts of pleasure rushed through his young body.

Bobby continued sucking as the younger boy's dry orgasm raged, and Stevie moaned like a wounded soldier. When Bobby's head rose up, he grinned at the youngster.

"You liked that, huh?"

"Gosh, Bobby! It was unbelievable!" Stevie grinned ear-to-ear, and his slender chest rose and fell with quick, deep breaths. "Want me to do that to you now? I'll do anything you want."

"Let's try something else," said the 13-year-old. "Want to learn a new way to feel good?"


"Then let's go back to your room 3; Do you know if there's any vaseline in the house?"

"Yeah; I think so. How come?"

"I'll show ya. Come on."

When the boys got back to Stevie's room, Bobby had explained what he wanted.

"You sure it won't hurt?" asked the younger boy.

"Like I said; it'll probably hurt a little when it first goes in, but then it feels good. OK?"

"Well 3; OK," said Stevie, and he lay face-down on his bed with one pillow doubled over under his hips and another clutched to his chest.

Bobby dipped his finger in the jar of vaseline and brought out a big glob. Spreading the boy's slender butt cheeks with one hand, he brought his lube-laden finger to Stevie's tight little hole and smeared it with the cool, sticky goo. "Remember what I told ya about pushin' out while I push in? Try it now." As Bobby's finger pushed against the virgin asshole, the circle of muscle opened to it, and the digit eased in. Slowly, the finger fucked in and out, making the passage slippery.

"Feels good, huh?"

"Yeah!" said Stevie, breathlessly excited.

"I'm gonna do it with my boner now 3; OK?"

Stevie looked back over his shoulder and nodded his acceptance.

Bobby reached into the jar and spread vaseline on his penis, which was still rigidly hard.

"I'll take it slow, but tell me if you need me to stop."

"OK, Bobby," said the youngster in a timid, trusting voice.

The older boy knelt between Stevie's skinny legs and spread them further apart. Supporting his upper body with one arm, he aimed his boner at the boy's puckered anus and pushed his hips forward.

As Bobby's cock-head penetrated into the delicate hole, the circle of muscle clamped tight while the intruding rod kept pushing forward.

"OW! OW! Stop!" cried the boy.

Bobby pulled back. "Sorry Stevie. Wanna try again?"

"OK 3; I guess."

The older boy repositioned his cock. "Here it comes. Open up for me."

Stevie flexed open again, and felt a burning sensation as the young teenager's slender cock entered him 3; a half-inch [1 cm] 3; an inch [2½ cm] 3; two inches [5 cm]. The 10-year-old winced in pain and his anal muscle tried to squeeze closed again, but the erection was already well inside him. He gritted his teeth, buried his face in the pillow, and said nothing.

Bobby felt only exquisite pleasure as his erection slid into the wonderfully tight clenching orifice, and his lust drove him forward. When all 5 inches [12½ cm] were inside Stevie's rectum, Bobby paused and took a deep breath.

"You OK, pal?"

"Yeah," gasped the youngster, looking back at his older friend and trying to smile. "I think so."

"OK. Here goes." And Bobby drew back, until only his cock-head remained in the tight hole, then glided forward again 3; a little faster this time. Stevie winced again, but this time it wasn't as bad. The tempo of fuck strokes gradually increased. In two minutes, Bobby was fucking the young boy's ass at cruising-speed, and Stevie was finally discovering why Bobby had said it would feel good to be fucked. In fact, Stevie's penis was stiff again, and it pulsed with pleasure every time Bobby plunged into him and thrust the 10-year-old's crotch into the pillow. And the burning in his ring of anal muscles was now a warm glow, tingling with delightful sensations as the rigid cock-shaft slid back and forth within it. Stevie was clamping down the muscle again, but this time it was for the pleasurable feeling it brought 3; and the way Bobby enjoyed it.

"Oh Stevie! That feels so good!"

"Keep goin', Bobby! Oh gosh; keep goin'!"

With thrust after thrust, Bobby's cock plowed into Stevie's tight little asshole. The narrow bed rocked and squeaked with the force of their fucking, and vocalizations of boyish pleasure filled the room.

"Oh Stevie! I'm gonna cum," shouted Bobby at last. He was now thrusting as hard and as fast as he could.

Stevie was getting close too 3; breathing raggedly as he felt the pleasure peeking inside him, focused in 3-inch [7½ cm] boner and his wonderfully slippery anus.

With both boys crying out in ecstasy, oblivious to everything else, the flood of orgasm washed over each almost simultaneously. Cum spurted hard into Stevie's rectum, lubricating the thrusts even more.

Bobby's hips kept moving, slowing as the gradually-diminishing lightning bolts of pleasure continued to flow through him. Dribbles of cum were squeezed out of his cock by the tight asshole, which spasmed rhythmically as the 10-year-old's dry orgasm continued to shake his body.

Bobby finally pulled out of the tender, puffy-red anus, and his body collapsed beside his young partner. Stevie turned on his side to face him, and they fell into a tender hug. Bobby's lips came to Stevie's mouth. The younger boy's eyes opened wide with surprise, and then he pressed back. The two pairs of lips slid together, tentatively at first, then becoming braver. As they lay together in the after-glow of sexual climax, Bobby taught Stevie how to kiss 3; with neither boy having to say a word.

Then 3;

"Hey boys! Are you upstairs? I've got your lunch," the man called from the foot of the stairs.

"Oh, gosh!" whispered Stevie as he stumbled out of bed. "OK, Dad. We'll be right down!"

They giggled as they quickly pulled on their clothing, and they paused for another kiss before opening the door.

The rosy-cheeked boys greeted the man and dove into the double cheeseburgers and fries. The man caught Bobby's eye, and the boy winked and gave a thumbs-up sign, shielded from Stevie's view.

When the food was gone, the boys went off together again, with Stevie showing his new friend all the cool places on the abandoned farm not far from the neighborhood. When they finally returned, Stevie's mother and sister were back. After a bit of polite conversation, the man announced that it was time for Bobby to go home.

Early the next morning, in a place far away 3;

"Ahhh 3; It's so nice laying here on the beach," thinks Stevie to himself. "The sand is so soft 3; almost like a cloud 3; and the sun feels wonderful against my skin." The 10-year-old looks down at his body as he stretches like a contented cat on the deserted Caribbean strand. He is proud of his sturdy, slender build. His eyes focus on his pre-pubescent penis 3; it has grown in the past year 3; isn't just a little peanut anymore. He remembers how he displayed his boner to the group of older kids in the neighborhood 3; the 11- and 12-year-olds 3; and they had let him join their Secret Club and play those exciting games.

Stevie is puzzled for a moment. "Why am I naked on the beach?" But then it seems perfectly normal. Someone had told him that people go around naked on the beach in lots of places 3; what was that boy's name? 3; oh yeah, Bobby.

Stevie looks to his right. There, lying next to him in the sand, is Bobby 3; smiling back at him and totally naked as well. The younger boy is glad to see his new friend, and his eyes scan Bobby's finely-muscled bronze body. Stevie looks closely at the hairs sprouting above the older boy's handsome penis. And as he watches, urine begins to flow from Bobby's dick, rising up in a fountain that splashes down onto his belly. Stevie is jealous 3; it looks like so much fun.

"You do it too!" says the older boy.

"But's it's naughty 3;"

"Oh, come on. You know how good it feels. There's nobody else around, and you can rinse off in the water afterwards."

Stevie smiles and looks down at his crotch, and without touching his penis he releases his bladder. The pee started flowing 3; just a little at first, then an arch 2 feet [60 m] high. His body shudders with pleasure from the wonderful feeling of letting go of his pee 3; and the exciting sensation of it splashing back onto him, flowing around his genitals and belly and legs, so nice and warm. And then he and Bobby are peeing on each other, their naked bodies hugging tightly as the hot liquid squirts onto them.

In the blink of an eye, Stevie is floating on his back in the blue Caribbean water, warm as the hot tub. He can see his penis rising just above the surface 3; now fully erect. Bobby is floating beside him, and they smile at each other. And here come the guys from the Secret Club, and they're all naked too. And each of them has a really stiff boner, just like when they play Naked Dare. "I can teach them some new things!" thinks Stevie.

Stevie's subconscious mind continued to invent exciting scenarios as he lay asleep in his bed, curled up on his side. Warm urine flowed through the front of his saturated underpants onto the sheet. A plastic mattress cover had stopped the moisture's penetration, causing it to spread out in a 2-foot-[60 cm]-diameter halo of wetness around Stevie's crotch.

Downstairs in the study, the man was wiping cum and lube from his hands as the videotape was rewinding. "Too bad I didn't get to see the fucking," he mused to himself. All in all, though, it had been an excellent day. He had brazenly brought his young lover to the house, and the ruse about being Bobby's mentor in the Big Buddies program had continued to work like a charm. Tomorrow, when he and Bobby met in the small apartment he'd rented, they would again play out the man's incestuous fantasies in an exciting role-playing scenario. By now that Bobby had actually met Stevie 3; and, better yet, made love to him! 3; the role-playing was going to be more realistic than ever. He was so glad he had let Bobby talk him into it.

The man locked the tape in the bottom desk drawer and looked at his watch 3; 1:25 a.m. "Better to go check on Stevie," thought the man, as he set out to perform the nightly ritual of taking his son to the bathroom to pee. "He's been dry the last five nights 3; maybe he's finally growing out of it."

Going upstairs, he glanced at the master bedroom 3; its door closed and the light off. His wife was always asleep by midnight. Going into Stevie's room, lit only by a dim night-light, he pulled back the covers. He detected the smell of urine before he touched its wetness. Sitting on the bedside, he put his hand on the front of Stevie's underpants, like he always did. They were soaked. Hmmmm 3; and the boy had an erection!

"Hey, Steve. Wake up, Son. Stevie; sit up."

The boy's eyes barely opened. "Daddy?" he said in a blurry voice. "I had an accident, Daddy." He sounded sad, ashamed, but most of all sleepy.

The man had been called "Dad" by his son for two years now, and hearing the word "Daddy" warmed his heart. "It's OK, Sport. I'll get you cleaned up and you can sleep in the other bed." The groggy boy dragged himself up, standing on wobbly legs facing his seated father. "There you go; now rest your hands on my shoulders."

The man pulled down the urine-soaked white briefs, and stared at the boy's stiff penis 3; so beautiful!

"I was having a dream," said Stevie.

"Oh yeah? What about?"

"Bobby was in it, and we were 3;" His voice trailed off, as he awakened enough to realize that the subject was not one he could discuss with his father. "I 3; I forget," which was becoming increasing true with each passing moment.

"Stay here, and I'll go get a wet washcloth," said the man. "Don't want you getting a rash again."

The man stripped the sheets from the bed and took them, along with the wet underpants, to the laundry hamper in the bathroom. He turned on the warm water, wet a soft washcloth, and picked up a hand-towel to dry the boy afterwards.

When he returned, Stevie was sitting on the other twin bed, his hands cupped around his crotch.

"Stand up, Sport, so I can clean you off."

"Dad 3; I've got 3;" said the boy in an hesitant voice as he stood up. "I've got a 3; you know 3;"

The man sat on the bed facing him, gently pulled the boy's hands away, and began wiping with the cloth. "An erection, huh? You don't have to be embarrassed about that. All boys get them. Older guys too, for that matter. I bet you and your friends call it a 'boner'; right?" Stevie nodded his head as the man continued to wash around the plump little penis and the soft round ball-sack. "You're getting more grown-up all the time, Sport, and you have a very handsome penis. You'll find that an erection is one of the great things about being a guy."

The man began to wipe the boy's inner thighs, with the rigidly erect boy-cock only 12 inches [30 cm] from his face. "It won't be too long until it becomes mature 3; maybe two years or so. You know how we were talking a couple months ago about how babies are made 3; the sperm that's produced in a man's testicles and comes out of his penis?" The boy nodded again. "Well, when your penis becomes mature, you'll be able to make the sperm come out by stroking your penis in your hand a certain way, and it'll feel really good. I bet it already feels good when you play with it, huh?"

The man's mouth might have been talking sex education, but his mind was filled with taboo thoughts of lust. He could just lean forward a little and take the delectable boy-cock into his mouth. He'd give the boy an exciting dry orgasm 3; Stevie would love it 3;

"Dad? Do you like my boner?"

The man blushed. He had been staring at the erection. He started washing again, his hands shaking slightly, as he drew the cloth across Stevie's hips and butt cheeks. "Like I said, son, you have a handsome penis, and I'm really proud of how you're growing 3;"

"You can play with it," said Stevie, now fully-awake and smiling. "You wanna feel it up?" With a seductive smile, he put his hands behind his head and wiggled his hips, like a parody of a stripper. The rigid 10-year-old boner waved right in front of the man's mouth.

In the 4 seconds that the man sat there, speechless and paralyzed, his brain buzzed with a dozen conflicting messages. "Suck him! He's begging you for it!" "No; it's wrong!" "He'd suck me too 3; Maybe I could even fuck his beautiful little ass." "No! He's your son! He's too young!" "We could have a 3-way with Bobby 3; maybe even a 4-way with Travis!"

The chaos in his brain ceased in a heart-beat, as he looked up into his son's beautiful eyes. He tried his best to manufacture an amused look on his face. "What a naughty little boy you are!" he said in a comic voice, and swatted Stevie playfully on the butt 3; causing Stevie to bring his hands back to protect his bottom from another spank.

Stevie giggled. But he stood there, still proudly displaying his erection.

"Seriously, though, son. I guess you're starting to discover how good your penis can feel. It's totally OK to play with it by yourself, in private. And it's perfectly normal for boys who are maturing to get together with friends and explore those feelings with each other 3; just be sure nobody is bullied into doing something they don't really want. But it's wrong for a man to do sexual things with a boy." (He felt like such a hypocrite!) "And that goes double for a father and his son. Understand?" The boy nodded. "Now get some clean underpants on and go back to sleep."

"Dad? Can I go to bed naked?" Stevie was idly diddling his erection with his fingertips.

"Sure, son. It's OK to sleep naked whenever you want."

Stevie leaned down and gave his father a hug around the neck. "Thanks, Dad 3; I love you!"

"I love you too, Sport." The boy slid under the covers, and the man kissed him on the cheek. "Good night, son."

As he walked down the hall, he stopped outside the door of his own bedroom and leaned back against the wall, closing his eyes, feeling his heart racing. He'd come very close to doing something he'd regret.

Then his thoughts turned Bobby and their get-together at the apartment-hideaway the next afternoon. Images of Bobby's naked body replaced Stevie's in his mind, and a smile spread across his face. His heart stop beating its anxious rhythm and began warming with a mellow glow. His relationship with Bobby had bloomed so quickly, so completely, and each of their encounters was full of wonderfully exciting variety. The boy had a definite knack for the inventive role-playing in which they indulged when they met for sex 3; and not just acting out their incest fantasies (Bobby's for his father; the man's for Stevie). As they lay in each other's arms, their bodies recharging for yet another round of intensely-satisfying love-making, they would create the next fantasy scenario together. They had indulged in numerous variations of the master-slave game 3; Bobby and the man switching between the roles of Master or Slave with each playing. And there was Bobby's favorite: two macho studs – bikers, Marines, hardened inmates – each greedily satisfying his primal lust. Or the man's favorite: two inexperienced boys helping each other discover the wonders of sex. This last one took on a special poignancy when the man had confirmed, as he had suspected, that Bobby's father was the man's childhood friend of the same name 3; the sharer of first pleasures, 25 years before.

Life could be deliciously ironic sometimes, with twists and turns doubling back upon themselves. When he was in Bobby's arms, the man could be a 13-year-old boy again 3; with his first Bobby. Yes; just like old times.

The End