PZA Boy Stories

Randy Craig

Boys of Bamtene


In a small Asian country, a new member of the ruling party takes power and through mischance, removes virtually all laws governing sexual relationships. This story follows the deeds and misdeeds of some of the residents as well as visitors to this small nation- the entrepreneurs, politicians and the boys. Especially the boys. Will the opposition party regain some control of the situation?

Publ. Mar 2017
Finished 23,000 words (46 pages)


(Part 1) Davis (31yo), Casi (7yo), Jerry (30yo) and Josh (10yo);
(Part 2) Yancy (17yo) and Luca (12yo)

Category & Story codes

Prostitution boy story
Mb MF Mtcons oral anal prost spank toy


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

this story is a work of erotic fiction. No real persons or places are portrayed in this story. The author condemns any real sexual acts against minors or violence in general. Do not read if you are under the age of 21.

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author through this feedback form with Randy Craig: Boys of Bamtene in the subject line.


News release – Jaranga City, Bamtene

In a shocking revelation that has rocked this small country, King Guan Yee has reportedly been identified in a pirated video performing unspeakable acts with two young boys. This reporter was provided a copy of the disturbing film by an unidentified source. The film, over one hour in length, clearly shows a man with a striking resemblance to His Majesty apparently willingly and with great vigor performing what appears to be oral sexual activities followed by an even more based and unspeakable sexual activity. This reporter will refrain from naming the second sexual act but the man in the film with the boys appeared to be hugely enjoying the experience. This reporter has never viewed such a vile and sickening film.

It is fully expected by everyone I interviewed that King Guan Yee will step down to quell the speculation engulfing his government. Sexual acts with minors under ten is punishable by prison sentences in Bamtene.

Larry Hugely reporting.

News release – Party for a Free Bamtene

As the major Opposition Party in the Country of Bamtene, we fully renounce the deplorable acts of King Guan Yee. We are saddened he would abuse young boys for his own apparent sick enjoyment. We demand King Guan Yee step down immediately and accept whatever punishment our court of law deems fit. We share our countrymen's abject horror at these allegations and will throw our full weight into assisting in an orderly transfer of power. If he does not willingly abdicate the throne we demand his arrest.

News Release – Office of King Guan Yee

His Highness has requested that the following proclamation be immediately broadcast to all citizens of Bamtene-

In the two years since I have ascended to the throne, following my beloved father's death, I have worked hard to bring new liberties to our cherished nation. Being thrust into the throne at the age of twenty five has been a humbling experience. There are holes in our laws I am working diligently to fill as well as review some of our antiquated and restrictive legal framework. Civil liberties are a cherished tradition in our beautiful land. We can all agree that our government should not dictate our personal matters, our relationships with one another or whom we choose to marry.

I hearby decree the removal of all laws regarding restrictions on marriage and removal of all laws unfairly dictating an arbitrary age of consent. The only exception, in order to offer protections to our fairer sex; the age of consent with females shall remain at age 12.

The activities within the home or elsewhere are no business of an overreaching meddling government. I know all citizens of Bamtene know the best interests of our youth and you, the citizens should be liberated from restrictive old fashioned views. Our youth are to be cherished as we see fit. We are not puppets to imperialistic westerners who feel they need to force their version of family values on helpless small countries around the globe. We will not allow outside tyranny to destroy our very souls!

This proclamation has nothing to do with the vile and untruthful allegations being promoted by the equally vile "Party for a Free Bamtene." If they actually believe in freedom they will embrace my Proclamation.

This proclamation is effective retroactively to the date I ascended the throne to assure fairness to all.

His Royal Highness King Guan Yee

Four years later 3;

Part 1
The Tourists

The two friends eyed their first view of the lavish Bamtene Villa nervously. They had travelled half way around the world to spend a week at the swank resort. They had both lied to their co-workers and in the case of the taller man, his wife and three kids. "Daddy's got to go on a long business trip!" he had gushed, hugging is seven year old son as he wondered to himself if he was going to get the chance to fuck a boy as cute and precocious as little Jack.

His wife, Mary, holding baby James, glowed at the show of fatherly affection. Three year old Denny threw himself up for a share of goodbye hugs as well. "My," Mary murmured as she playfully touched the fly on his slacks. "You are so eager lately! We have enough time for, you know!" She blushed so prettily, Davis her hunky husband could hardly say no. Besides he would have a long trip to recharge the batteries.

Mary adored Davis. At 31 he kept himself fit by working out hours every day. She prided herself in how handsome and well hung he was. None of her girlfriend's husbands even came close. She knew she was a lucky young wife.

Her thoughts drifted back to their quick romance. Already seven years ago? She had been a senior in High School and so flattered when the handsome 20 something had made an initial pass at her at a chance meeting. It had been a flurry of notes, text messages and only a few days later she, the 'good girl' accepting his invitation to his 'pad' for dinner.

Her virginity had disappeared before the dinner he had cooked, and many 'meetings' had followed. Scarcely a month later the dreaded pee test had confirmed her worst teenage fears. Pregnant. Davis had initially not taken the news well. Angry at her for being careless he had stormed out and left her crying. He had, however agreed to accompany her for the first ultrasound. His demeanor changed completely when he saw the fuzzy picture of the boy, yes it was a boy in her belly! Begging her to come over he had fixed a beautiful meal. There with the candles and flowers she once again fell under his handsome spell. This time they ate the dinner before fucking.

He proposed that night, and in the glow of the candlelight she felt more in love than ever with this big virile man. Less than four months later, with her belly starting to bulge with their son they were married.

"Let's have ourselves a whole baseball team," he whispered in her ear at the altar.

Now he was off on another business trip. She didn't mind that much. He was such a doting father and loving husband when he was home. And yes, their 'baseball team' already had three members!

While her experience with men was limited she knew from her friends 'girl talk' that Davis was a randy man. While the girls complained their men had lost interest or made love rarely, Mary was rewarded with Davis' affections once or twice a day when he was home. He really liked to get off in the morning and usually in the evening as well. Especially since he had started working out. Maybe the exercise built up his testosterone level, she often wondered. Lately since the boys were bigger she noticed that their daddy/son wrestling bouts got him worked up as well. Exercise definitely must be it she had decided.

She loved watching him strip when they were getting ready to make love. At 6'4" [1.93 m] and 230 pounds [105 kg] of fitness he was easy on the eye. His trim blonde hair and chiseled looks were highlighted by his laughing blue eyes. His well-toned abs gave way to her favorite part, his rock hard 10 inch [25 cm] fat cock. It was a true 10 inches too. She had measured it long ago.

He fucked like he ran his life and how he worked out. He always thrust in hard and turned their fuck sessions into an energetic marathon. He was in a sweaty slippery heat when he finally groaned and shot his load deep inside his wife.

"Damn! No time for a shower!" he grinned as he started redressing. "Gotta go!"

His pretty wife and three adorable boys waved happily as he ran to the car. She dreamily rubbed her belly. Was it her imagination or did her maternal instincts already tell her Davis would be a daddy again soon. He so loved the boys!

Davis hugged his boys, hard and then his pretty wife Mary. He loved that her pussy was wet with his freshly deposited load of cum, some of which might be impregnating her at this very minute.

He didn't look back once he got in the car. No sir he had plans this week, big plans! A new experience, different than any he had tried before. He was traveling to the country of Bamtene with only one goal. To fuck a boy. A very young boy.

He didn't feel any guilt. It wasn't like he was going behind Mary's back chasing skirts after all. He only did that on real business trips. And when she was pregnant. It wouldn't be fair to her to have her fulfill her wifely duties when she was pregnant would it? He had first decided that after their wedding and honeymoon. What a honeymoon it had been!

If there was any rewards or gold medals for the most fucking and sex on a honeymoon Davis and Mary would have been contenders. "Honeymoons are for one thing only, lots of sex!" Davis had told his teen bride as they left the ceremony and, balloons trailing behind, drove off in Davis' Lexus. The suite he had booked was beautiful, the view breathtaking, the Viagra Davis gotten from a buddy very effective. 28 times. That's how many times he fucked her in that whirlwind week of room service meals and sleepless nights. Davis kept count for future bragging rights back at the office. For Mary is was just one big swirl of sex.

It was on their return after that first full week of marriage that Davis, out of consideration for his young and pregnant bride decided he should look elsewhere to relieve his sexual needs, at least temporarily. He was actually amazed at himself that he would be so caring and considerate.

The gym turned out to be an easy place to put that consideration to use. As he worked out a group of young college age guys were hanging out in the corner as they usually did. One, slimmer than the others caught his eye. It was like a lightbulb went off in his brain. Guys! he thought. That would be even less than cheating. He fingered the week old wedding band idly.

It didn't take much to pick up the young man. He knew he was eye candy to guys too. He approached the group. "Say, nice sweater! It really goes good with your eyes." The preppie blushed and his friends elbowed him. A few minutes later he joined Davis at the weights. Davis didn't beat around the bush. "You got a place?" he asked huskily.

Davis texted Mary that he would be working late while the drove in silence to the young man's small apartment. His roommate looked up surprised as the two came in. "Strip!" Davis said. He was as always pretty quick to get past the preliminaries.

Davis was pleasantly surprised at how turned on he was as the young man's body emerged from his nicely tailored clothes. His cock hardened more than usual as the slim torso emerged. The jackpot was as his shapely ass slipped out of his silk underwear.

"Damn!" they both said together as the younger man eyed the biggest cock he had ever seen and Davis the first man hole.

"Please be gentle," the college wimp bleated futilely, his own small cock rock hard with anticipation.

Davis ignored him, focusing solely on the tight looking hole. Using the gay's own lube he slipped the skinny legs over his shoulder and in a steady thrust slid his ramrod past the tight sphincter muscle and into the tightest love chute he had ever experienced. "Damn, you are one fine fuck," he grunted as he thrust in and out of the tight ass.

They met twice more before Davis asked, "Got a younger brother?" The gay didn't but a friend of his did, a mop headed 16 year old, that the gay and brother pushed towards him at the gym, as if making a sacrificial offering. All four trouped off to the gays apartment, partly to make sure the teen didn't bolt and partly because, well it could be a pretty hot scene.

The teen cried when Davis entered him, the biggest turn on yet. The combination of the youthful tight ass, the brother and gay friend holding him in place and the teen's piteous sobbing made Davis feel like the king bull stud. He fucked him hard and with long, deep thrusts, finally cumming deep in the teen's bowels.

He never saw him again.

A week later he met Jerry. It was Jerry who approached him, at his usual workout station. Davis could hardly have been less impressed when the 30ish overweight and semi-balding man came over. "I got something to show you," he stage whispered exposing crooked teeth.

"I bet," Davis said dismissively. He was used to getting hit on and this guy had nothing, I mean nothing Davis was interested in. Or so he thought. On a whim he agreed to take a break. Grabbing a towel, he mopped his brow and, getting a water bottle sat down in a corner of the gym, looking disinterestedly at the man who introduced himself as Jerry.

"I saw you with the young gays," he stage whispered. "Did you fuck that younger one? Damn, he was fucking cute!"

Davis, never one to pass up on a bragging opportunity, shrugged, and grinned.

What Jerry did next shocked Davis to the core. Getting his IPad out he flipped to a page. It showed a boy. A young boy, not much older that Jack. The boy was naked and grinning. Jack gave a lurch. He felt the hair on the back of his next stand up. So did his cock.

"Holy Shit!" Davis couldn't think of anything else to say.

When Jerry saw the man was staring at the screen and not a) Running away or b) yelling for the police he relaxed a bit and flipped to another photo. Then another. And another, this one of a boy sucking a black cock. The next one showed the same boy and cock but this time it was partially in the boy's rectum.

Jerry knew he had Davis on the hook now as the big man stared silently.

Suddenly Jerry shut off the device. "Too risky here," he said hoarsely. "You want to see more meet up sometime?"

Davis found himself agreeing as he left the gym in a daze.

That night as he was absentmindedly fucking his wife, he wondered to himself, What was going on? Why boys? He caught a glimpse of Jack's photo on the bedstead and with renewed vigor finished filling Mary's pussy with a big load of man juice.

They met often after that, and Davis looked at Jerry's entire collection of illegal boy porn. Some were stills and others movies. Most obviously foreign with unrecognizable words being shouted. Jerry never made any move on Davis or made any suggestions and seemed content to just let the man enjoy his photos.

Davis was the one who broached adding to the collection. He couldn't believe the excitement he felt discretely photographing young Jack. Mary was out on a girl's night and he easily got Jack prancing and preening. First in dinosaur undies. Then his Little League uniform followed by only his baseball cap. Davis' remote cam clicked furiously as they tried on outfit after outfit. Pretending he needed a shower Davis got a real hot one of little Jack's head right next to his flaccid cock. His best film was, after filling little Jack with too much soda he stripped down to his undies for a tickling contest. Of course the giggling Jack burst and peed his whitie tighties translucent, exposing his little jewels.

His hands were shaking as they uploaded the pics to Jerry's account. The comments came back almost instantaneously.


"Made me cum a bucketload!"

"Let me fuck his hot ass!"

Davis felt proud his boy could turn on so many guys.

Only then did Jerry reveal his real motive.

"Bamtene." Jerry said

"Huh?" Davis responded absently. He was still thinking of the last comment from a man claiming to be a black gangster who was offering to kidnap Jack for the weekend. Rape him with three friends and return him unharmed. Interesting but perhaps a little too risky. Mary might not take it well. The offer to film the event made it appealing though 3;

"Bamtene," Jerry repeated. "It is the latest mecca for boylovers. All legal as can be."

That had Davis' attention.

That night he furiously searched the net for anything about Bamtene. The laws were indeed pretty clear. There were none. He mused to himself that it was surprising he hadn't heard of it before, but, after all he was a monogamous, straight married man, so where would he of all people have heard of the place.

A recent news article caught his eye –

"Trade War Erupts in Southeast Asia"

The countries of Bamtene and Thailand are locked in a fierce trade war as Thailand lashes out at the smaller country over what it sees as unfair trade practices.

"Bamtene is costing Thailand millions of tourist dollars from its unfair changes to its age of consent," Thailand's minister of tourism Bi Boi Cheep declared in a press release. He further stated Thailand was ready to reciprocate with its own statutory changes. "We are prepared to legalize all forms sexual contact, including child prostitution if that is what it takes to fight off this unfair attack on one of our most valuable industries."

Another article, by a reporter named Larry Hugely covered this-

"King Guan Yee declares Saturdays Family Day"

In the latest of press releases from the office of Bamtene's King Guan Yee, his Highness has declared Saturdays 'Family Day'.

"Too many of Bamtene's fine citizens are getting to caught up in our inspiring new economy," the King declared in the latest of his increasingly odd declarations. "I hereby encourage all Bamteeners to think family first on Saturday. I encourage you to enjoy family values and family members. Think of the youth in your immediate family who have not yet enjoyed the pleasures of the flesh, the nephews, nieces that have been neglected. This Saturday think of a lonely family member or friend in need. Think too, of the help you will be doing the economy every time another young lad is readied for the burgeoning tourist trade."

"Don't leave those girls sad and lonely. Impregnation is strongly encouraged at an early age to help produce more members of our new young working class."

Additionally the King, in an apparent attempt to fend off some of the mounting criticism offered additional civil regulatory changes. All regulations governing youth were revoked including rules governing driving and voting as well as an age limit for joining the military.

"This really is about civil liberties, not something the sexually frustrated 'Party for a Free Bamtene' makes it out to be," the King's office added. "The Party is made up of dried up hags who aren't getting any at home," he added.

The King's office released a photo with the King as an example of good Public Displays of Affection. In the photo, which will not accompany this article, the King is posing with two very naked young boys, one of which he is kissing along with a plump bellied teen girl. The other photo released was of an extremely attractive youth in a sailor uniform, apparently as an example of the new military possibilities of Bamtene youth.

Sally Blue, spokesperson for the Party for a Free Bamtene, retorted angrily at the King's latest proclamations. "The King is a sick pervert. Our country is becoming overrun with likeminded men and even a few women whose only interest is their sick pleasures. Our children are being abused and it is getting worse. Some of these ghastly sex tourists actually enjoy hurting our lovely children and new vile sex acts are popping up all over the country. The boy in the sailor uniform is a prime example. We don't even have a military, in case anyone forgot! This photo is a screen shot of a scene of the new movie Russian Army Studs Conquer the Sailor Boys. It was filmed in the King's own Castle and dungeon. The rape scenes of the grotesquely huge Russian men raping our boys brought tears to my eyes."

When pressed about her own personal life MS Blue, aged 51 got defensive. "I am quite happy being single," she declared.

By the end of the evening he had researched everything he could about this small country. Flights, recommended resorts, blog advice (make sure to find a place that lets you pick your own boy playmate was the top recommendation) and more. As he fucked his wife that night his mind was far, far away in the land of Bamtene boys.

Jerry's lines the next few days were annoyingly predictable. "I couldn't possibly afford to go myself," he hinted. Davis knew his game now so there were no more surprises. He didn't even pay much attention as he re-hashed how he had seduced his 13 year old nephew Devin. "Best fuck of my life," he bragged on. And of course the predictable re-run about how his sister had found them out and disowned him from the family. "I can't see how I was the only one to realize what a sissy fag he was in the first place," he groused. Davis hardly listened.

"We leave in two weeks," was all he said.

The flights were uneventful as Davis was used to flying. Jerry, helping himself to the alcohol at Davis' expense was loudly obnoxious most of the way. "What have I gotten myself into," Davis groused to himself. What was he, a good family man doing flying half way around the world with an admitted rapist of all things? He was in a sour mood as they passed through the Seoul terminal and boarded their short flight to Bamtene.

Then, suddenly they were there. Their destination. Bamtene Villa.

Davis' lousy mood slowly dissipated as he looked around the fine resort. He had stayed in nice places before, nicer in fact. The difference was everywhere he looked there were boys. Boys helping in the yards, boys carrying luggage. Boys. They all had yellow and purple tops with a neat BV emblazoned on them. Too tight and only covering their upper chests. The purple bottoms with yellow trim too were of the much, much too small variety. Most were lithe, Asian boys with light brown skin, dark hair and dancing brown eyes. Some had more western features with a few freckled towheads mixed in.

A handsome man in a matching outfit greeted them in the main foyer. "Welcome! My name is Kenneth and I am the front desk manager. Welcome to Bamtene Villas!" The man proffered his hand to the new arrivals. His handshake was firm and his demeanor friendly.

Shuffling his paperwork he looked up again. "Davis and Jerry, I see you are booked into our two bedroom suite. Before you go to your room, let me go over a few items. Meals can be in our dining hall or in room service," he was now working off his well-used script. We serve a hearty brunch and dinners, two meals a day. Your package includes one Personal Room Assistant of your choosing for each of you. Your boy will stay with you for your entire stay, including meals. If you choose to trade in your PRA there will be an additional room charge, unless it is due to lack of cooperation on the boy's part."

"Any damages," he paused meaningfully before continuing, "any damages to the PRA will be an additional substantial charge. We do not encourage injury here at Bamtene Villa."

He brightened after this guest warning. "We are well equipped here at Bamtene Villas. A wide selection of toys, lubricants, restraints and collars are available at the front desk 24/7. We are here to help you enjoy your stay to the fullest!"

With that, he indicated the two men should follow him to the next room.

Davis' heart skipped a beat. In the room were twelve boys, all under the age of ten. He knew that at some point he would be seeing boys and picking one to be his fucktoy but it was so sudden! One minute they were listening to a rehearsed welcome speech and the next, in a room of boys. Beautiful boys, some looked as young as Jack.

Kenneth beamed. He could always recognize first time visitors by the way they gawked at the selection room. "Choose your Personal Room Assistant and then to can get settled in."

Jerry looked around the room, a little bleary eyes, still half tanked from drinking the flight away. "Sheeit, I wanna fuckem all," he slurred.

"Turn around boys," Kenneth barked, "these gentlemen want to see what you look like."

The boys shuffling did a slow pirouette. A couple giggled and the taller one grinned.

Davis eyed them critically as if looking over a closet of suits before an important meeting. All were handsome boys with classical Bamtene looks. Two were a bit more pudgy while the rest had wiry thinness.

"How old?" Davis asked cooly.

Kenneth viewed the boys. Indicting the tallest, "Josh is 10. The others," he pointed as he spoke, "are 9, 8, and these two are 7. That is the youngest we hire here at the Villa."

"Experience?" Davis was curious

"All have a variety of experience," Kenneth laughed."Josh has worked here on and off for years and has learned some great skills. Some of the youngest 3; pretty limited."

"How limited?"

Kenneth addressed the boys. "You two on the end are new here. You both know how to suck a cock?" The boys nodded and grinned glad they knew what the man was talking about. "How about your boy bottom?" Both shuffled looking embarrassed.

"See," Kenneth said, "They have at least some experience, probably not much but some."

Jerry stumbled forward a bit. "I want him," he said indicating Josh. "I bet he has some tricks all right. I'll find out right after I rape his ass," he slurred.

Kenneth had his customer service smile pasted on. "Fine choice," he said.

Davis walked up to the boys. They looked at him, some fearfully. He was by far the biggest man most had ever seen. Davis started feeling the boys, their torsos, with one hand while the other felt a rump. It was like he was reading braille. Slowly working along he felt their little jewels and looked at each adorable face.

Finally he squatted near one of the youngest. "What's your name?"

"Casi." The boy was shaking a bit.

Davis eyed him critically. The seven year old was adorable. Long lashes topped his pretty eyes. His thin, lithe body was perfect, with a couple of small ass cheeks smaller than Davis' cupped hands. His cock surged to attention just looking at the lad.

"Him," he said indicating Casi.

Back in the lobby, with Josh and Casi following, several teen boys in BV-shirts grabbed their luggage.

"Suite 16," Kenneth instructed. "Call the front desk if you need anything," he smiled.

Off they went, Jerry mesmerized by the tight fitting outfits the boys were all wearing. A left, a right and they were at the suite. Davis gave the grinning boys a nice tip, and they were off.

"You take the room on the left," Davis barked to Jerry. He was getting tired of his travel partner.

Jerry weaved to the room, giving Josh a sharp slap on the rear as they went.


"Get ready to suck my big fat cock," Jerry slurred. Davis could hear him fumbling around, getting settled in.

Davis could hear Jerry slap Josh a few more times before there was a zipping sound, followed by a wet slurping. Jerry grunted. "Suck it whore boy!"

In his room Davis settled into the easy chair, and gave a relaxing stretch. It felt good to get off the planes! And away from Jerry. He gave an annoyed glance towards Jerry's room. He was grunting like a pig. There was still the sound of an occasional slap, and "ow" from the boy.

Davis, for his part, seemed in no hurry.

"Suck?" Casi asked the big man. It was the one thing the boy remembered from their limited orientation. "Always offer to suck your customer," the instructor had advised.

Davis shook his head and grinned at the nervous boy. He poured himself a drink from the bar and almost offered a sip to Casi. No, he thought, Can't be corrupting such a young boy. He went into the changing room, shucked his outer travel wear and replaced them with a comfortable muscle shirt tee and baggy shorts.

The boy sucked in his breath when he saw the man. He had never seen a muscled man before. In fact the only man he had seen naked was his uncle Ivan who, in a clumsy fashion had taken his virginity just last week. In the darkened room he had hardly seen him anyway. Ivan would probably come up to this man's chest. He hadn't been all that surprised when he had heard his drunk uncle fumbling around in his room. There had been plenty of family talk about that it was time for Casi to start being a family bread winner. "That kid is so cute his will be a friggin gold mine," his uncle had blared at the dinner table. "Want more of the rice pachi?" his mother had demurred, thinking of the new shoes she could shop for at the mall.

Jerry grunted again from his room. "I'm gonna cum a gallon, bitch boy!"

Davis rolled his eyes and Casi grinned at him. He had been so scared when the big man had picked him. It had been his first line up, and hadn't been expecting to get picked at all let alone by a man as big as a tree. The other boys had told him it was sometimes days before being picked up. Of course it was somewhat of a disgrace to not be picked at all. It wasn't easy being a Bamtene Boy.

The boy was still scared but, so far the man hadn't even touched him. Come to think of it he had hardly thrown a glance his direction.

Fumbling around in the luggage, Davis retrieved his IPod and traveling speaker set. Leisurely sipping his drink he set up his music and, with a flick it started blaring a rock tune. Casi smiled. He loved music and recognized the tune. Soon his lithe body started to move with the rhythm. Davis grinned at the imp. Casi smiled and danced around. He was starting to enjoy himself.

From the other room, a gentle snoring sound blended with the music. Davis frowned, thinking of Jerry. He was really regretting bringing him along. His frown only deepened when Josh poked his head out to see what was going on. He looked sullen, a couple of deep bruises already discoloring his handsome chest.

"Asshole," Davis muttered.

Looking at Casi, though, Josh and Jerry were quickly forgotten. The kid was so adorable! He was so going to enjoy his hot little bod. Poetically he thought of a fine dinner. Some time spent preparing the feast only made it better. Thank God he had changed to his comfortable shorts or his rock hard cock would be uncomfortably rubbing his jeans. It did pay off to plan ahead.

The boy was now dancing to the thumping musical beat. Davis rumpled his hair affectionately and Casi grinned up to him. The big man formed an "O" with his hands around the boy's waist. They went almost all the way around! Davis laughed and Casi, more relaxed, laughed with him.

Next Davis pulled the boy over and slipped his tight shirt off. Still bobbing with the beat, he rubbed oil all over the boy's torso until the brown boy glistened. He relaxed in the easy chair watching the shiny boy dance. While one part of his brain was enjoying the dancing almost naked boy, the other was thinking of only one thing. How to get his big fat cock inside this little whore boy. While his outside demeanor was calm, inside his brain was working though his plan as if it were one of his legal briefs. One step at a time. Unrealistic stories were all over the net about hung studs fucking a tight ass. He knew better. It was going to be very difficult to actually get his oversized sausage into this small boy. He had a whole luggage bag to tricks to help out though.

The boy was truly enjoying himself now. The man wants me to dance, he decided. Dance he did.

Davis was digging in the luggage again. "Try this on," he said. It was Jack's Little League outfit. Well, what boy doesn't want to play dress up? Casi posed and looked so impish as he donned the different clothes. The dinosaur undies. A pair of trainers. Davis even took a few photos with his phone.

With the boy now relaxed, Davis next experimented with his weight. He weighed less than Jack and he could easily hoist him. He playfully tried lifting him with one arm. No problem! He worked out with weights heavier. He oiled the boy one more time and Casi giggled as he was rubbed all over.

The next implement was a rubber douche. Davis calmly filled it with nice warm water, checking the temperature to make sure it was not too hot. The boy looked quizzical when the man indicated for him to lie face down but with no hesitation he bounced over and lay out prone. Davis carefully oiled the tip before he inserted it in Casi's ass so the boy barely felt anything as the liquid slowly filled him. It was so hot looking that Davis filled him with two loads, distending the little boy's tummy.

"Isn't that a funny feeling?"

The boy looked up and smiled poking at his stomach. Deftly Davis hoisted him and set him on the toilet so he could expel the liquid. One more round and he had the cleanest little boy butt you ever saw.

Another item fished from the bag. A small syringe of oils he squeezed up the now cleansed poop chute. A few tablespoons, far more than he had ever used before. The next item was a restraint. He had it special made in a smaller size that strapped the boys hands tightly to his chest. Casi looked a bit alarmed as Davis strapped the devise on and inserted each arm into their loop, but Davis laughed. "It is part of the game, try dancing now!"

Dance he did. With the music still playing he did a funny shimmy, with his hands strapped tight. He lost his balance twice and Davis, grinning at the sight helped him back up.

Davis was getting impatient now. He had been rock hard for an hour and his cock was starting to call the shots. So far he had hidden the monster from Casi. He was sure it would not help calm the boy if he saw something the size of his own arm come out of the man's shorts.

"Time to rest a bit on my lap," Davis said soothingly.

The boy cocked his head and trotted over. He was ready for a break, even though he was enjoying himself.

The restraint was a bit awkward but vital to Davis' plan. Is only chance of success was to keep the boy from being able to thrash and push back.

With one easy swing the big man hoisted the now naked and oiled boy to his lap facing away from him. With a subtle move he slipped his shorts off of his throbbing member as Casi, relaxing against his chest looked the opposite direction. It was time.

With a gentle hoist with one arm, the restraint giving a nice arm hold, the other hand slipped his bulbous cockhead under the boy. With a deft slight twisting motion Davis forced his cock with one hand while the other was pushing Casi's torso down. Hard.

Davis grunted with exertion.

Casi screamed with the shock and the pain. He was no longer having fun or enjoying himself.

The scream was enough to penetrate two drunken slumbers. One was Jerry's causing him to stumble in to see what was going on.

The other was Alfredo the security man on duty who was supposed to be watching the room monitors. "Room 16 again," he muttered, making a note. Earlier he had made a note of Josh's bruises. "Room 16 add charge for damaged PRA." He looked at the video screen showing the struggling Casi impaled on Davis' huge cock and shook his head. "Freak," he muttered. It was a hot scene on the monitor though. He buzzed his friend Ralph, who was in charge of procurement for the 'Villa' to come and watch the show.

Davis was concentrating all his attention on signs of progress, tuning out the boys shrieking. Good! The initial thrust had gotten his cockhead past Casi's anal ring. That was all that mattered at the moment. He had been afraid they wouldn't get this far the first time.

Gravity. It was a fine thing. The weight alone of the trussed boy, unable to get his hands free to push back, was slowly helping the impaling monster slide in further. It was slow going, a millimeter at a time. It was a good thing Davis was such a patient man. True, Casi's legs were flailing freely but they were in front of the chair and there was nothing for them to push against.

Davis purposely relaxed himself. He had to steel himself to keep from cumming. He had never had to try so hard in his life! This was the tightest fuck hole he had ever tried and somehow, instinctively he knew it would not be the last.

Half way in. Five inches [12 cm] on his cock, almost four inches [10 cm] in diameter was inside the boy.

It was a success! That had been his goal for his first fuck with Casi. Half way in. Still slowly, with the help of the crying and thrashing Casi, his cock continued its course inside the boys guts.

Another inch! With a sigh he let go. Grunting and thrusting hard he spewed his thick load deep inside the little boys ass.

"Aah!" That was all he could think to say.

Casi, sniffling loudly felt the pressure in his guts slowly subside. He had been afraid the man was splitting him in two it had hurt so bad.

Davis grabbed something from the bag. As his softening cock retreated from the boy's ass he slipped a black rubber bulb shaped item in where his cock had been. The boy groaned as the uncomfortable implement expanded in his stretched asshole. He had thought it would be over!

"We must not lose hard won progress," Davis beamed cheerfully. The boy sobbed softly now.

"This is called a butt-plug," he explained to the little student. "It will continue to stretch that little ass between fucks. It will help you so much!"

Casi was crying brokenheartedly now. He had thought that the man was so nice! He thought the man just wanted to watch him dance.

"See," Davis explained, "I didn't really get to fuck you that time, you are so tight. With this I can really start fucking you by thrusting in and out."

He hoisted the boy and put him on the bed. "Rest for a bit," he purred. It will be over an hour before I am recharged. Oh, the plug stays in. If you need to go to the bathroom, let me know but when you are done, we douche and put in the next size larger. By the time my week with you is over you will be able to reach your bottom and put your whole hand in easily! Isn't that great?"

It was two full hours before, Davis now fully recharged popped the butt-plug (size 1) out of the slumbering boy and much more easily slipped his cockhead in. The boy was still trussed but he chose a more traditional position, slipping the boys legs up over his shoulder and impaling him while they faced each other. He wanted to see the boy's face as he awoke to the new intrusion, the tears of pain and the look of despair on the little whore boy.

This was more of a fuck. He had taken the first of his supply of Viagra so he was rock hard and would be for as long as he wanted. Still his cock did not penetrate fully. The plug had helped on the first anal section but not further in.

With gentle thrusting followed by not so gentle thrusting his big ball sac finally slapped the little rump. "Aaah!" This was more like it! He slid his cock almost out (little Casi had his hopes up for a moment) and added more lube. He was nothing if not considerate. Now, he was able to fuck! He was finding the restraint handy too. He hadn't considered the physics of boy-fucking. His heavy weight thrusting slid Casi back and forth, causing him to lose part of each pumping motion. By holding the boy by the restraint with one hand he was able to get much more efficient thrusts. Live and learn. He wasn't a professional, after all. As he settled into a comfortable rhythm he was able to feel the tightness of the boy's ass more clearly. Beautiful! His fat cock was sliding almost all the way in each time now.

Casi was enjoying the fuck slightly less than Davis. The monster cock felt like it was ripping his insides, and the pain almost made him black out. On top of that this time the big man was on top of him almost suffocating him with his weight. The restraint was chaffing his wrists and torso, the friction of the fuck was grinding his back on the bed. His head lolled back and forth. He thought he was being killed.

"Whew this is hard work, let's take a break," Davis huffed 20 minutes later. Casi, surprised he was still alive nodded his head weakly. Davis wrapped one huge arm around his torso, and still impaled lifted the boy, settling with a huff in the chair. Casi was back where he started the first fuck, sitting helplessly atop the man's rigid pole. This time though he was bottomed out and could feel the scratchy hairs rubbing his rump.

Davis relaxed, still hard as a rock and sipped his drink. Regaining a second wind, they moved back to the bed and Davis, reinvigorated finished the fuck with a triumphant spasm. Cum shot deep into the boys guts. Retreating with a groan, he slipped his rubbery hose from the boy and popped the butt-plug (size 2) in. A little harness held it in place. No need to lose ground!

A small crowd was around the security monitor for this fuck. Ralph, in charge of procurement had just 'procured' young Casi the day before. "Holy Shit!" he breathed. He had some new ideas to try on his own.

Davis rolled over, deeply satisfied. He checked his daytimer, and compared against his 'goals' section. He was running a bit behind on total fucks, but shrugged. He was after all new at this and these were just personal goals, not legal requirements. He showered quickly whistling as he washed and soaped off. So refreshing! Totally naked he slipped into bed. It was 2am and the boy was asleep. He pulled the trussed boy to his chest, his flaccid cock against the boy's plugged ass. It felt like a warm teddy bear in bed with him. Thinking through his well thought out 'plan', he decided to make a few minor modifications. First he thoroughly enjoyed the boy's smell. It was a pleasant aroma of boy, his own sweat, oil and cum. He was smelling better and better so change number 1. No need for the boy to bathe.

Change 2 to the play by play plan. The restraint. It was handier than he had thought it would be so it would stay on. Besides it was more of a turn on that he thought it would be watching him stumble around in it. He could walk, but lost his balance a lot.

The butt-plugs were working well. He would switch to size 3 in the morning and possibly be up to size 5, his largest by tomorrow night. It was good to have a plan!

Casi awoke groggily trying to get his bearings. He felt a "plop" as something was pulled from his ass. "Ouch!" he bleated. Plop as something larger started to slide rather easily back in.

"Morning sunshine," Davis huffed as he started to fuck the sleepy boy. "I always start the day with a refreshing fuck."

"Want me to suck?"

Davis laughed. "Thanks for the offer but I am a get-it-in-the-hole type of guy, and your hot ass is all I want!"

The boy seemed a bit resigned that was going to be the answer and lolled off a bit as his head jerked back and forth with each thrust. The man was certainly randy and aggressive this morning!

"Oh," the boy moaned. The man had forgotten the boy hadn't even had a chance to pee and his full bladder was causing him even more discomfort than ever. "Oh." he groaned again. "Gotta pee, gotta go bad."

Davis was not about to let the boy interrupt a morning fuck. "Hold it you little whore, you aren't a little baby." Actually he had been one pretty recently but the boy doubted if it would make a difference to point this out. The boy groaned with discomfort. The engorged cock inside him, the chaffing restraint the endless rubbing on his back and finally the building pressure of his bladder. There was only one of the discomforts he could control. The rhythmic slamming of the man's cock soon matched an equally rhythmic spurting of piss for the boy's tiny penis.

"You fucking baby, can't hold your piss!" The boy did hold most of it and the part that squirted out ran down and mixed pleasantly with the oil around the boy's ass. Some ran over the boys little belly. As the smell wafted up it increased the eroticism for Davis. Grunting and thrusting hard he shot another load into the boy.

"Shit! That was so hot! You knew just when to piss a bit to add to the fuck." Davis took his hand and wiped the dribbled mess on the boy. His chest and face were soon slickened by the cum/piss mixture. "Great idea!" He slipped in butt plug #3.

The sun was streaming in the windows now. Josh poked his head in having been awakened by the sound of sex. "Morning" Davis said cheerfully.

He looked at Josh's bruises, and frowned. Jerry! He was being such an asshole getting his rocks off hurting the poor boy.

"You OK," he asked, seemingly oblivious to Casi who probably couldn't be classified as OK in anyone's book.

Josh nodded. "I will be fine."

"He fuck you?"

"No, I sucked him off and he has been asleep ever since."

Davis stretched, and suddenly realized he was hungry. Famished actually. "Hey boys let's get something to eat!" Josh looked pleased and Casi just groaned.

The big man had an idea. "Mind wearing this to breakfast? It is my boy's baseball uniform."

Josh seemed pleased and eagerly dressed in the bright purple and white pants, shirt and cap. It was a bit too small for the 10 year old but not bad. Davis took out his phone and took a pic. "I can show my boy Jack a photo of some of the boys I met on this trip. He will like that." Snap.

For the disheveled Casi he slipped on the dinosaur briefs. The butt plug protruded but he shrugged.

Davis waited impatiently as the trussed boy waddled over to finish peeing. For himself, being a bit of a show-off he donned some tight bicycle racing shorts he had brought. Planning, planning, very essential for a successful trip he thought. His abs were bare and fit body exposed. His elephantine cock clearly outlined in his bike shorts. He didn't mind advertising.

Off the trio went, Josh leading the way as he knew the grounds. Casi could hardly waddle with his restraint on and the #3 plug strapped in. It chaffed uncomfortably as he walked.

Staff stared at the trio. Guests stared at Davis, mainly. Davis smirked. Most of them resembled Jerry only older. Has beens. Somehow trying to recapture their youth. He strutted bit, his muscled body swaying.

Breakfast was good and Davis wolfed his food down. Glancing around he noticed Casi wasn't eating. Of course! His wrists were restrained! Kindly he reached over and hand fed the boy. Casi had hoped to be untied but ate hungrily. The waiter boi was thoughtful enough to provide a straw for his orange juice. He didn't sit down but kind of hunched over, the plug protruding.

"What is that for?" Josh was curious.

"Stretching, constant stretching. If I didn't use that I might hurt the poor boy."

Casi groaned in discomfort in response.

"My er, member, if you will excuse my language, is pretty big and could do permanent damage."

Casi groaned again. He felt permanently damaged.

Davis held up Josh's arm. "Believe it or not it is about the same size as your arm. Make a fist." He slipped his shorts down and compared the size. "See about the same."

Davis seemed oblivious to the small crowd around their table. "Let's try something," he brightened at the thought of another addition to his daytimer. It felt good to be spontaneous sometimes!

"I hope this isn't a health code violation 3;"

The small crowd collectively shook their heads.

Davis bent Casi over the table butt up. Before popping the plug out he had Josh butter his tightly balled fist.

"Now as soon as I pull the plug try sliding you hand in," he instructed.

Josh doing as he was told was amazed to see his hand disappear into the boys ass!

Casi groaned. So much for a break over breakfast!

Davis looked around. There were several other small PRA's. "Want to try?" Several did much to Casi's dismay.

"Well this is making me horny as hell," Davis announced, as he popped the plug back in and redid the strap.

Casi groaned again. He couldn't take too much more of this. Davis left a nice tip at the table as an apology for making a bit of a buttery mess. It was time for an invigorating mid-morning fuck. He did have a schedule to at least try to keep.

The two boys and Davis wandered back to the room leisurely. For Casi it was more of a waddle, actually. Staff and even some customers greeted Josh. It was obvious he was one of the better known PRA boys. "Nice uniform," several complimented. No one knew Casi as he was to new so he was ignored, butt-plug and all. Davis got plenty of appreciative stares, both from customers and boys which pleased him.

Back at room 16, they ran into Jerry, yawning and taking a morning piss.

"Good afternoon," Davis said snarkily."

Jerry just yawned. "Must have been the jet lag."

"Try the jet booze," Davis snipped. He wished he hadn't brought the asshole.

Bleary eyed Jerry finally took in the trio. "What the hell! That boy is in Jack's baseball uniform!"

"He needed something decent to wear to breakfast," Davis said icily, ignoring that Casi was in a too small pair of briefs.

Jerry shook himself awake and growled at Josh, "com'ere boy, I am gonna rape your ass good."

He cuffed Josh and led him into the other room.

Davis didn't like what he heard. "Slap!"


Zip. "Ahh, suck my big fat cock, Ahh."

Pretty soon a grunting sound. "Drink my cum, bitch!" Davis grinned. Josh knew how to handle the bastard.

"Time for more fun," Davis quipped to Casi as he shucked off his shorts. The boy groaned.

This time, after shucking the boy's underwear, (well Jack's underwear) he decided on a straight fuck. Using the bed edge as a prop, he placed the boy face down with his cute ass poking up, legs hanging down over the side. A familiar plop of the plug out, plop of his cock-head in and his mid-morning fuck began. This was easier on him, no holding the restraint, no slippery sliding boy. A nice leisurely fuck.

Nice for Davis, anyway not so much for Casi. When the big man fucked at a more relaxed pace it meant one thing – stamina. This was a truly long fuck for little Casi. Finally, grunting like a bull he came. "Whew!" he was a bit tired after all that exertion.

The men watching the security camera were all open mouthed as Davis pulled his schlong out and inserted butt-plus size 4. Ralph with procurement was especially impressed. His roommate Uli, a husky German lad was watching too. "That restraint is hot, and shit, those butt plugs are stretching the hell out of that little ass," he breathed. "Think his ass will ever recover?" Ralph laughed. "Not anytime soon! Giving you ideas?"

"Hell yes," Uli said rubbing his crotch.

Ralph sighed and checked his watch. He had to get back to work. Glancing at the monitor he shrugged. They were both laying down for a bit of a siesta anyway.

Ralph hurried down the stairs to the service entrance. He could hear the babble of voices as he did every day at this time. It got louder as he got closer.

"Morning ladies!" He smiled a fixed smile as he did every day. About twenty women, a few men, each with a young boy were waiting for him.

"I will be selecting only four boys this morning." A collective groan went through the crowd. "I will pull each boy I think is a possibility into the exam room and then decide who we hire today. I know we are very choosy but we pay well. You all know that part." He grinned. Bamtene Villa paid among the best in the nation.

The clamoring increased as the women and men tried to foist their boys towards him. He eyed the lot critically. The Villa was very specific that they didn't hire under the age of seven, for example. A few of the boys were obviously younger. He sent them off right away. "Come back next year," he said cheerfully. The moms, argued back, "He is just small for his age, really!"

Ralph grinned and waved them off. Not over nine for new hires either. That eliminated a few more. He eyed the remainder critically. One, especially pretty he pointedly ignored. He had big eyes with gorgeous lashes and a finely shaped face. Around six or seven.

Of the others he pointed to one fine looking lad. "Come with me." They disappeared back behind the gate and into a room. "Strip."

The boy did not hesitate and shucked his clothes. "Hm." Ralph felt his chest, looked at his teeth and peered closely at his face for blemishes. Finding none he moved downslope, arms torso and finally his midriff. Ralph sighed. As a boy-lover he did enjoy this part. Fingering the boy's tiny penis he gave in a sniff and lick. The little scrotum sac was far from the dropping stage with little pea sized balls. Next he oiled a finger and felt up into the boy's ass. The boy was tight but not over tight.

"How long have you been fucked," he asked gruffly.

The boy answered in a squeaky voice. "Three months." A very standard Bamtene answer.

He had the boy remain naked in the room as he fetched the next boy. He worked methodically until he had selected four good candidates, all the time ignoring the cutest kid, off to the side.

"Well, that's it for this morning folks," he said cheerfully. He indicated the parents of the lucky four. I want you to proceed to the office to sign the two week contract. Your boys will be back to you in exactly 15 days. One day for training and two weeks each as Personal Room Assistants."

With that the remainder of the boys and parents dispersed, grumbling their disappointment.

All except one. The one with the cute kid.

"Excuse me," the boy's mom said politely. "Why not my boy. He is really a nice boy, don't you think he is handsome Mr. Ralph?"

Ralph tried to look annoyed and glanced at his watch. "I have boys that need to get to training, he said brusquely.

She persevered as he had hoped she would. "Sir? Why not look again please?"

Ralph, glanced at the cutie his cock stirring. "I can tell he has no experience," he said gruffly.

The woman burst into tears. "Please sir, give him a chance! I am a single mom and he has had no man around to, you know 3; you are right he has no experience. He really is so unaware of Bamtene ways maybe I should just take him home," she sobbed brokenly.

"Now, now, don't cry." Ralph put his arms around the poor woman. "Maybe I could personally help you out." His cock was hard as a rock now. "My roommate and I sometimes take on a boy to train, and we don't have any project at the moment."

"Really?" the woman brightened.

"First, are you sure he is seven?" Head nods, "Just last week."

"Are you sure you want him turned into a moneymaking slut boy?" Nods more vigorously. "I could really use the money 3;"

"Hmm," Ralph seemed to ponder. "It will be a challenge but I think my roommate and I can turn your boy into a total slutty whore in, 3; hmmm, two weeks."

"Oh thank you sir! He is a good boy. Just has never 3;" Ralph patted her arm. "Don't worry, by this afternoon he will be well fucked and on his way."

The woman hugged her startled boy goodbye and said, "See you in two weeks sweetie!"

Ralph waited only until the woman was out or sight and hissed, "Do as I say or I will rip your balls off!" grabbing his cell phone he rang his roommate. "Got a two week freebie," he gloated. "I have four trainees to drop off and then I will be up to the room. Let's truss him like the kinky bastard in number 16 did and start opening him wide open." He yanked the boy's arm to follow him. "Enjoy your last few minutes as a virgin. One of our guests gave us some fresh new ideas." Grinning he propelled the little cutie along the hall.


A few days later Kenneth the Villa manager looked up from his paperwork. He was surprised to see Davis, dressed in a leisure suit. It gave him a start as he had just been going over the extra room charges and room 16 had a lot of those. Jerry his roommate had run up quite the bar tab in addition to room service and about anything else he could think of. Then there were those PRA damage charges.

"May I help you?" Kenneth asked politely. "Is everything satisfactory?"

"Yes, yes just fine." Davis looked up from the newspaper had had been skim reading while awaiting the manager. The headlines read 'Bamtene readies for National Elections in Six Months'.

"I am actually inquiring for and associate of mine and a future trip." Davis seemed a bit uncomfortable with the subject and shifted a bit nervously.

Ah, the associate and future trip line Kenneth thought. "What did this associate have in mind?"

"Well," Davis said, "he has a young son and wondered if it would be appropriate to bring him along, kind of a father-son trip."

"Well," Kenneth answered carefully, "we do offer a father son package. It would just depend on what you might have in mind."

Davis missed the reference to himself. "The boy is seven, and very handsome." He flipped to a photo of Jack on his phone.

"Hmm, very nice. I wish I had boys that looked like him to work here. He would be very popular. Very popular indeed."

Kenneth handed Davis a promotional brochure. "See we have several options. One is for the son to be used right in the daily PRA line up, while the father is busy with his meetings. This keeps the boys very occupied and out from underfoot. A father simply brings his boy down in the morning. We even provide the BV-uniform and he awaits in the selection room with the other boys."

"Wow," Davis breathed, "and then the boy is with a guest?"

"Yes, sometimes it works out better than others. The problem is the guest boys, being like the pic you showed can be excessively popular. The last one ended up being shared by three guests since they couldn't decide amongst themselves. The er, result was less than positive on the father's marital status."

"And the other option?"

"Well due to issues our guests have reported once they get home, you know divorce, arrest and the like, we developed a second father son option." Kenneth beamed with pride at the Villa's initiative.

"This one," he continued, "is the doctor visit. A father is supplied with a mild laxative to give his boy. The boy, uncomfortable and having to keep going to the bathroom, lets his daddy know he is ill. Concerned, the father takes the boy to our little infirmary. Here is a photo of our set up."

The color shots showed a fine well equipped doctor's exam room. "You can see from this that this option is much more expensive, but has caused our clientele much less post trip backlash." He beamed again at Davis mid sales pitch.

"What happens in the doctor's office?" Davis' face was a bit red and sweaty.

"Oh at that point the father helps write the script. Generally the visit will start with a standard exam, blood pressure, eyes, ears, mouth. The boy will strip and gets a full frontal exam. As the problem lies in the rectal area next is usually several warm water enemas. As the doctor's concern for the boy's anal condition mounts he straps the boy to the exam table, a privacy liner can be put over the boy's mid rif and the real exam begins. An inflatable anal expander is a fine next option followed by as many fucks as the father orders ahead of time. Daily follow-ups can be made as well."

Davis' mouth was a little dry. "Does the father 3;"

"Oh yes, our doctor encourages the parent to participate in the treatment process. The good doctor explains ahead of time that this is an uncomfortable but necessary treatment for 'bottom syndrome.' The nice thing about this process is even if two or three hours are spent in daily treatments it still leaves plenty of time for father-son activities like jet skiing and horseback riding. Here are the brochures for those activities."

"How about the pain for the boy 3;"

"This is a doctor's office," Kenneth explained, glossing over it was anything even close to a medical facility, "medications can decrease, or even increase the discomfort a boy will feel."

Davis made a note on the brochure. "Plus or minus pain" it read. "I certainly have had some uncomfortable and even painful clinic visits," he mused. "I suppose it is just part of growing up to have some issues that need a doctor's attention. Oh," Davis glanced sideways, changing the subject, "one other thing, when we check out, it's about my traveling partner Jerry 3;"


Later, while fucking Casi he was still distracted by the brochure. He fucked the boy a bit harder and came in just a few minutes. Casi didn't mind the big man ramming him anymore. His hole was nicely stretched and it didn't hurt. In its place was a little tingling sensation that actually felt good. Could he be turning into the fucktoi his family hoped he would? It didn't seem as scary a thought as a week ago.

Davis checked his daytimer. Hmm he was definitely not going to match his honeymoon in total fucks, he was too far behind at this point to even try to catch up, but all in all he was not disappointed. 17 times with Casi and once with Kenneth the manager. That guy just couldn't quit checking out his package so he decided to make a delivery. It helped with his negotiations with the horny man anyway.

Later that evening in his daily text to Mary he included – bad news another business trip – good news Jack can come along

Then suddenly, just like that the trip was over. Davis and Jerry were in the lobby, Jerry looking rumpled and hung over and Davis in his crisp business suit. Josh and Casi were standing at respectful attention in their BV emblazoned shirts. Davis handed each an envelope with their names and the words "tips, thanks for a great week" written on it.

"Thanks mister," they both said in unison.

Davis turned to Kenneth. "OK, now the bill." He looked over the column and, feigning anger, circled part.

"I will pay this. The room PRA charges for both of us and meals. This part," he indicated the circled portion, "Jerry is responsible for."

Jerry gave a lurch, his head swiveling. "WHAT?"

"I," Davis said primly, "am not responsible for your excessive bar tab, the INJURIES you have instilled on poor, poor Josh, and what are these other charges? Nipple piercings? Underwear service?"

Casi looked at poor, poor Josh in surprise. He had a few almost fully healed bruises but hadn't been fucked once? He, on the other hand had been opened so wide a truck could drive in or so it felt.

Josh for his part had teared up nicely, and did look the part of the helpless little lamb.

Jerry began to wheedle. "Please old buddy, just spot me this little bit and I will pay you back when we cross the pond."

"Little bit?" Davis was in full lawyer mode now. "Since when is $3,528.64 a little bit?" He did omit that the rest of the bill totaled over 20k and Jerry didn't think it was a good time to point this out. "Kenneth," Davis continued, "What are the penalties for theft of services in Bamtene?"

"Well the criminal code is quite strict in this regard. While civil codes regarding sexual liaisons was famously changed by our King the remainder has stayed as it always was. Generally theft of services brings prison time of a minimum of one year per thousand dollars, often much more."

Jerry turned pale and pleaded, "Why are you doing this to me, why?"

"I am not the one exhibiting criminal behavior," Davis said piously. "I personally just don't know how felons like you think and act. I am not a suspicious person mind you but it did cross my mind, how is Jerry planning to support himself when we get back to the good ole USA?"

Gesturing grandly he snatched Jerrys Ipad, "may I? Hmm I even seem to remember your unlock code from when you showed me those filthy pictures. Ahh, here we are!"

Flipping through the new photo section, just past the ones of Jack were a whole series of Davis and Casi. None of them were PG rated.

"Was your new career in say, blackmail going to start soon?"

Davis hugged the boys good bye just as the police arrived. "You're going the big house for a long, long time asshole," they snarled at him. No Miranda rights here, Davis shrugged. "Hope to see you boys next trip!"

Davis peered at Jerry who seemed in shock. "You should get ahold of your sister. I bet she could help you out."

With that he waved goodbye to Kenneth, Josh and Casi. It was going to be a long flight home. He could hardly wait to see Mary and the boys again.

Part 2
The Sailor and the Boy

News Release Jaranga City, Bamtene

In a surprising twist the upcoming election in Bamtene is heating up. Normally King Guan Yee is unopposed and the Bamtene election a formality to keep the monarch as head of state. Times have changed and the King's controversial moves four years ago that upended the age of consent laws, have especially riled some of the citizenry. The changes have deeply divided this usually passive nation.

Sally Blue, former spokesperson for the Party for a Free Bamtene is now an official candidate for the presidential election. In the Bamtene constitution if by chance Ms Blue were to prevail this would result in a power sharing arrangement as the hereditary rule of the King is not subject to vote.

Asked to comment, His Highness King Guan Yee would only reply, "She is just a frigid bitch. Even her ex-husband wouldn't vote for her."

Ms Blue had more to say. "This election is about the future of our beautiful country," she declared. "Our King has allowed the absolute destruction of our family values. Our children are being abused every day by rich perverts, like the King himself. The cities are being overrun by lawlessness and crime is soaring. Criminals are ruthlessly exploiting these new laws. Murder rates, kidnappings and drug running is rampant. Rampant I say! Let's retake our country! If elected I promise to work with the King and find solutions to these very real problems."

What these so called compromise positions might be Ms Blue refused to say. "Next year a bright new future is in store for Bamtene," she enthused.

Larry Hugely reporting

Far off the coast of Bamtene, a small freighter was making its way through a moderate gale at a sedate pace of 12 knots. She was the M/V Southern Wind, a rather grand name for such a modest ship. The 230 foot vessel had left the port of Seattle a week earlier with only a small load of cargo, mainly containers of grains and lumber. Three cargo booms graced the amidships while the aft cabin housed the ships officers, wheelhouse and mess hall. A smaller forward cabin or forecastle provided the remaining crew their bunks and a rather fine lounge area. Rust streaked and a bit worn she was nonetheless a sturdy and seaworthy vessel.

In an upper bunk that a young sailor shared with a shipmate a groaning sound was emitting at regular intervals.

"Yancy, quit the fuck with your jerking off," the older man hollered. "Keep it down or pull your pud somewhere else!"

"I wasn't 3;," Yancy stammered, embarrassed.

"Save it for confessionals you little sick fuck!" The older man was pissed. "If'n ya ain't jacking off my name isn't James Beardsley!" His name was, in fact James Beardsley.

Yancy, embarrassed ceased his self-fulfillment mission and his cock withered, unsatisfied.

The problem was, Yancy did feel like a dirty pervert. His whole life had changed over sex and he, well hadn't even had any real sex yet. Yes, the 17 year old sailor was a blue balled virgin. The young man rolled over and tried to sleep. The little encounter with James had brought back a flood of embarrassing memories.

Just last year he had been a Junior in the Mydoth, Wisconsin High School. Academically at the lower end of the spectrum, he seemed to excel in almost nothing. His lanky body didn't do well in sports, or so he had thought. He had actually never tried out for anything. With an exceptionally hawkish nose dominating his facial landscape, crooked teeth and a rather alarming case of acne, he was, he decided every time he looked in the mirror, quite ugly. He tried to tame his thatch of straw colored hair, but it always stuck out at odd angles from under his baseball cap.

He had almost asked a girl out once. Her name was Stacy and Yancy had mainly been interested in her because, he surmised incorrectly she might be just homely enough to go to the freshman dance with him. His heart was beating fast as he approached her in the hallway, just as Clyde the thick skulled linebacker for the Mydoth Lions sidled up to her. "Ya ready for tonight, Stac?"

He smirked at Yancy when she nodded her head vigorously.

"Listen Donkey Dick," Clyde sidled up to Yancy and said in a leering whisper. "You keep that big freak show of a cock away from my Stacy."

Yancy turned three shades of bright red. He was humiliated once again. The boys all teased him mercilessly about his oversized penis.

Clyde continued, gloating. "Stacy might be ugly as you but she is one hot twat! She let me fuck her on our first date last month and I have fucked her almost every day since. Tonight she is getting a little surprise party. Four of my football buddies are going to join in. Aww too bad you can't be there too!"

Yancy stumbled away from the smug teen. "Damn, he would never get to first base and here that son-of-a-bitch Clyde was balling her!" The lanky teen was in tears of frustration as he went through the motions of school that day.

Clyde was neither smug nor gloating at the hastily held wedding two months later. His face, however was healing nicely with only minor bruising still showing. His new father in law and brothers in law stood at their respective places, glaring fiercely. The Mydoth School Board held a hearing on changes to its abstinence only school policy, and after a lengthy, heated discussion it was decided no changes should be made.

The teen sighed as he traversed the flat and familiar landscape on his way home after the brief ceremony. Going home was never anything to look forward to. His mother barely noticed him when he was there. She was an addict. She wasn't hooked on drugs, sex or alcohol. She was completely and totally addicted to a new craze sweeping the country, Facebook. Her life was totally caught up in her little laptop, so much so the "real world" barely registered with her any more.

"Hi mom," he said automatically as he entered the dumpy duplex.

"That you, Yanc?" She sounded distracted as usual. "Oh you have to see this clip of Mrs. Howsers Yorkie going crazy for its new toy! Oh, there are some great wedding shots of Clyde and Stacy getting married today, they look so young! Of course it is all over Facebook that that tramp Stacy is pregnant and Clyde was forced to marry her, poor boy. Oh there should be leftovers in the fridge."

"Yes, mom." Yancy shuffled through the cluttered room to the kitchen and prepared to cook some eggs. There hadn't been leftovers for years, and he was used to fending for himself. They were down to four eggs and some stale peanut butter in the fridge. He sighed. He would need to use some of his money from his part time job at the farm next door to get some groceries tomorrow.

It was two weeks later that his situation took a dramatic turn. It started off so innocently. He was hanging out with his buddy Lars. The son of the local preacher, Lars was kind of a screw off and liked to do almost anything but work. Homework was way down the list below work. Thus his dad rode him pretty hard, with no apparent results.

Lars was moaning as usual about how bored he was, and Yancy was paying little attention, also as usual. Lars looked up suddenly, "Yanc, I gotta show ya something!" He got up, moving faster than Yancy had seen him move before, towards the family's barn.

He led the way in flipping on the dull light. Inside the stalls were the family's animals, two cows, several pigs and three sheep. Lars headed for the sheep. "Don't tell no one but this is so much better than jacking off all the time, I come out here all the time," he said in a conspiratorial whisper. "It's how I practice for when I do get me a girl," the boy rationalized.

Yancy watched, a little horrified and a little intrigued as his buddy sidled up to the closer ewe and zipped down his pants. "Ya see, her hole is right there, he pointed.

It was then that all hell broke loose. Lars' father, with his booming man of the cloth voice strode in booming, "WHAT is going on here!"

Lars turned, looking horrified. "It was his idea!" he said pointing at Yancy, and hastily zipping up his pants.

"You no good perverted bastard," he boomed, "how dare you try to corrupt my son! Don't you EVER show your face here again, and yes your mother will hear of THIS!"

Yancy knew it would do no good to try to reason with the man and fled the barn, heart pounding. "Shit, that was so wrong, and he really hadn't gotten aroused by the damn sheep in the first place, damn that idiot Lars!" His head was swirling as he headed home.

He should have known better than to think that was the end of it. "Yanc, is that you?" his mother rasped from the broken couch. "I got this call from Lars' dad and it gave me the idea for the funniest post!" She beamed as she showed Yancy her computer. "Yancy gets a date!" was the caption with a photo of Yancy and a photo of a generic sheep posted together.

"Mother!" Yancy was horrified.

"It has 23 shares already!" Yancy glanced to see it shared with his school principal, history teacher and the president of the PTA.

It got worse from there. On Monday a school assembly was called. The principal got up red faced, and stammered, "due to reports of animal, er, um, well, it's illegal in the State of Wisconsin to er 3;"

"It's caus Yancy's a Sheep Shucker!" Several boys were hollering now "Yancy the Sheep Shucker, Yancy the Sheep Shucker!"

Yancy sat there red faced. The chanting was reverberating in his ears but something odd happened. It was like his body was suddenly floating above the room, and he was an outsider looking over the situation, his life. Pragmatically Yancy knew there and then without bitterness or rancor his life here in Mydoth was over. If he stayed here he could be a fifty year old virgin bachelor, known as 'the pervert', or leave. Now.

Calmly, and even smiling a little, he arose in the midst of the chaos, went over and waved goodbye to his friend Lars and headed out the door. As the din faded his step became jaunty and his head cleared. It was time to strike out on his own.

He had some money. A few thousand bucks saved up. He was cool headed enough to take his records with him, driver's license, birth certificate, and passport. He wrote his mother a nice note, lying and saying he loved her. He loaded up a few clothes and was off.

Off, just like that. Driving toward I-90 and headed west was the greatest feeling the 17 year old had ever felt. He yelled at the top of his lungs, and sang an off key tune. He felt alive for the first time in his life.

The little car didn't hold up but that didn't matter too much. In Boise he caught a bus and looked at the destination after it had already departed – Seattle, Washington. He looked out the window, wide eyed as the bus rolled through the mountains and descended towards the sea.

It was 1 am when the bus rolled into the Seattle terminal and discharged its sleepy occupants. Disheveled and feeling a bit grimy, Yancy spent the night at the bus station, pretending he was waiting another bus. As the morning sun streaked through the dirty windows, the teen eagerly set out to explore. It was the biggest city he had ever seen with towering buildings and massive ship wharfs.

Within a few hours he was able to book a room at the seedy Seattle Chief Motel for four hundred dollars a week. It wasn't much, a tiny bathroom, a broken TV and a rumpled bed, but it would be a great base for the boy as he organized his job search, and went apartment hunting. Exploring the neighborhood, amongst the bars and pawn shops was one place that caught Yancy's eye, an Adult Bookstore. Screwing up his courage he went into the dimly lit store and there, on shelve surrounded by dildos and sex toys was a stack of used magazines. Quickly selecting two copies of Hustler he paid the wheezing old man at the resister and headed to his room.

Grinning to himself he looked around the dumpy room. It was his own room, with privacy for the first time in his life to do whatever he wanted to do. Quickly stripping he thumbed through the worn pages. It was the photos of the couples that made his cock rock hard. Stroking eagerly he looked at the glistening cocks of the male models and the wet pussies as the posed and fucked through the pages. His eyes were riveted to the hard fit bodies of the men and the hairless women. Grunting and sweating he came hard shooting his teen cum. As soon as he did, still panting he would revisit the pics and, stroking his now flaccid cock, work himself hard again.

It was almost a relief to see that the male models had big cocks too. All his teenhood he had felt a bit of a freak, having the largest equipment of his classmates, by far. These guys, though were well endowed, and although he couldn't tell exactly by the photos, some seemed to have as large as his own nine and a half incher.

This was how the teen spent his week. During the day he would walk the streets looking for work and filling out job applications. He didn't get discouraged by the shaking of the heads and lack of positions. He had known it would take a bit to find something. He was too young for most jobs and without even a High School diploma, the applications he did get to fill out were a little blank. Later in the afternoon though, he would return to his room, strip and hand on his fat cock, wank his rod over and over again.

He had a couple of acceptance offers by the end of the week. McDonalds was hiring and a gas station said he could take a night shift. He wanted something more though. The excitement he felt from his new life needed something more fulfilling than some menial job. His funds were nearly depleted and discouragement was starting to seep in when he turned into a nondescript office. Barely glancing at the small sign above the door titled 'Seaman's Dispatch' he walked in.

"Job openings?" He had asked that question a hundred times already.

The balding man glanced at his disapprovingly and looked over his sheet. "Got a passport?"

Yancy nodded.

"Can you pass a UA?"

Yancy looked uncomprehending so the man, rolling his eyes barked, "a piss test, drug screen, its mandatory."

The teen nodded again. "OK, fill this application, go to the bathroom and pee in this cup and come back tomorrow at 10 am." With that the man turned away and didn't glance back.

The boy was not overly hopeful as the next day, he reentered the dusty room. He had decided that by tomorrow he would accept the McDonalds position. At least it would get him by for now.

The man looked up at him scowling. "You don't look too promising but 3; 3;what the fuck is it now days? Thirty two applications and you are the only one to pass the drug test and have valid paperwork! Terminal 4, the Southern Wind. Report there by this afternoon if you decide to take the job. Oh, they are transferring to some country named Bamtene. Never heard of the place!"

Yancy stared. "I got a job??"

"Sign here." The man had done his part and had nothing else to say.

"A job on a boat?" the boy tried again.

"What did you think you were applying for, summer camp?" The old geezer guffawed at his own joke. He looked at his watch. "I would hustle down there. They are getting ready to pull out."

Yancy left the dusty office in a state of shock. His head reeling he hurriedly threw his few belongings, and his new favorite magazines back in the ratty duffel and, minutes later was on a bus towards the Wharf area. On the way he sent a quick text to his old friend Lars. "Headed to sea. Life is great! No hard feelings, buddy! Can you tell my mom I think I am headed to somewhere in Asia."

That was it. He couldn't think of anything else he should do.

With heart pounding he located the Southern Wind, by far the smallest ship in the terminal area. There was an obvious bustle on board with cranes whirring and men in hardhats busily moving around. Asking twice he was finally directed towards the ships office.

"Yancy Briggs, reporting to duty sir!" He really didn't know what he was supposed to say.

A larger towering man of about fifty glanced at him reprovingly. "What the hell did they send us this time?" He seemed to ask the question to no one in particular. Efficiently handing him a stack of paperwork and a pen he said, "I am first mate Gary Latham, your boss. I see a lot of guys come and almost as many go. Learn your work, clean up after yourself and maybe a little clean living and you will do fine. Most don't."

He handed the teen a stack of items. "Ships coveralls, a hardhat, towels. Keep track of these or you get charged. Any questions?"

Yancy's heart was still hammering, heck yes he had questions! Where were they going, what was his job? Instead he mumbled, "Do you have a cook or do we need to bring food?"

The big man threw back his head and laughed a hearty laugh. "Welcome aboard Mr. Briggs! There are a few things we need to fill you in on!"

He was pretty much left on his own that afternoon. Another deckhand showed him his bunk and, yes where the messhall was. He was given his work schedule – his first shift was in the morning. He spent the afternoon getting to know his way around the ship. After a he had never even seen a boat before let alone work on one!

There was a busy, friendly banter as he walked around. He got used to being called 'kid' right away. At the dining table that evening the talk was lively. He learned the crew had 16 seamen and four company personnel. The ship had recently been chartered long term and was relocating to Falca City, the main port for the country of Bamtene. "It's a booming economy there," the first mate said loudly.

The ship left that evening, at 10 pm. Yancy felt the sea breeze and a shiver of excitement as he watched the lighted skyline of Seattle slowly disappear. He was going to sea! He knew from the gentle ribbing he had gotten that evening that his first test, in the eyes of the other crew would be when they hit the open ocean. "Bet the kid chucks his dinner!" There was a certain level of expectation as the older hands knew there was a gale blowing in the Pacific.

He awoke early for his shift. The freighter was rolling in the deep swells, and pitching with a wicked cross chop. Yancy did indeed feel a bit queasy as he headed down to the rocking mess hall, but he sure wasn't going to show it. "Could I have some extra hash browns and eggs?" He forced the greasy food into his slowly rebelling stomach.

I crewman clapped him on the back. "We may make a sailor out of you yet!" Yancy made sure no one was around when he puked the food back up awhile later.

He quickly learned his job, working hard to figure out what was expected. He enjoyed the work and the looks of grudging approval from the older hands. "Thought ya would want to run back to mama by now," a gruff 2nd mate rasped. "The life at sea, ya either love it or hate it."

Yancy loved it. He had never even thought of such work before that chance encounter in the Seattle office but he knew instinctively this was the life for him.

It was in the bathroom he got a complement he really hadn't expected. He was taking a piss, and hadn't noticed the man in the urinal next to him. "Hellova package, kid." The man was glancing at his cock approvingly. Yancy blushed. Looking at the sailors tool, sending its own stream, he did note that yes, his cock was half again longer and twice the girth.

"You will have fun with that gun," the man grinned, "from what I hear Bamtene has a lot to offer a horny fucker."

And that was the only real problem he ran into on the little ship. After a week on his own in the seedy Seattle motel room, his hormones were raging. He was horny constantly and missed his jack off sessions.

After his run in with James Beardsley, though he tried to keep himself in check, jerking off only at night, quietly. Very quietly.

Yancy perched eagerly on the forward rail as Falca City slowly came into view. It was late in the afternoon and in the short tropical twilight the waterfront had a rambling almost sinister look.

Once tied to the wharf, the captain summoned the crew. "Welcome to our new base of operations," the big man boomed. "I am going to send most of you ashore tonight, except the night watch. It is going to take most of the week to set up our local office and sort out our sailing schedule which will be mainly between Jakarta and here. Have fun out there! A word of warning though. Our agent has let me know that crime rates are pretty bad here with gangs targeting foreigners."

With that Yancy and most of the crew disembarked in their new port city. After the mellow rolling and gentle rumble of the ship, the hustle and bustle was jarring. Trucks honked, whistles blew and shouting emitted from the street din. Quickly separated from his shipmates the teen headed inland a few blocks. It was no different there. Music blared from bars trying to attract the evening crowd, and the stench of sewer and greasy food made a malodourous sickly smell. He ducked into a relatively quiet café to sit and collect his thoughts. A man zipped up to him almost instantly. "Boy to fuck, girl to fuck, which one Yankee?" Yancy fled immediately.

The next place he ducked into was a small nightclub. Four young boys, around nine or ten were on the stage. As the act was just starting they were fully dressed. With the music starting the boys grinned and started dancing to the music. "Strip, strip!" The smattering of guys in the audience started to yell and clap. Yancy relaxed a bit. This was interesting, alright. Grinning, the boys, one by one took off their shirts, and twirling them tossed them aside. Handsome brown torsos were exposed. Yancy gulped a bit. He hadn't been expecting that!

Next the boys twirling and gyrating to the lousy techno-rock, slipped off their pants, easily tossing the loose fitting garments to the side. Shit! Yancy's cock was getting rock hard, and his knee high cargo pants were badly tented. The teen was getting embarrassed. The dancing boys were clad only in tight fitting briefs now and their subtle ass cheeks were nicely highlighted.

"Take it off!" A drunken man in a seat near the stage was grabbing at the nearest boy. Instead of being offended the boy just grinned.

"I give you blowjob?" the man waved the boy over and proffering a couple of twenty dollar bills, pulled down his pants, exposing his semi erect penis.

Yancy was flabbergasted, both wanting to flee and wanting to watch. He compromised, deciding to watch just a few minutes.

The man seemed oblivious to the fact he was in a public place and noisily told the boy what he wanted. His cock was smallish, around 5 inches [12 cm] and surrounded by a wild thick bush of black hair. "Suck this monster if you can," the man bragged, catching the boy by the hair and forcing his head down on his now erect member. The boy slurped away expertly, his head bobbing up and down.

Yancy watched, his mouth open, and wide eyed.

He started suddenly when one of the boys put his hand on his knee. With huge brown eyes staring at him the boy asked "blow job, mister?" The boys hand had migrated to his bulging, and now leaking cock. Yancy fled the room. It was too much for the inexperienced mid-western teen to take in all at once.

Back out on the ever busier street a hustler approached him. Waving his hand at several teen girls is skimpy attire he asked, "choose a girl only fifty dollar American." He tried to lead Yancy towards the girls but he shook the man off and kept going. The nightclubs were rocking now, with the steady thump, thump of the bass. The signs got cruder – Boys Balls, read one simply and another, BDSM Den. Yancy shivered and hurried on.

Suddenly, without warning, the teen was hit on the back of the head. Stumbling and flailing against his unseen assailant he hit the ground. Tumbling on top of him, three burly men kicked him cursing angrily. "Don't hurt him too bad," the apparent leader barked, "if we kill him now we can't get a cent in ransom for him."

Yancy tensed. He knew he was in trouble and had to get his wits about him. He felt them binding his wrists. Using an old mid-west trick he bridged them wide and locked his wrists. After cinching the rope the one husky man kicked Yancy again, making the teen cry out. Again and again the man kicked and punched him. "I said enough," the man growled again.

They yanked Yancy to his feet, and he stumbled along. The men were busy plotting his fate as they drug the injured boy along. "He looks American, maybe we can get a lot of dough for him," the one said gleefully. "I'd rather just kill him now," the other argued.

Yancy saw his chance as they were passing some dark warehouses. Slipping his hand free, he quickly untied the knot and sprinted down the black alley.

"Hey," the leader shouted, "you assholes are letting him get away! Catch him you bastards!"

Despite his injuries the teen was able to sprint hard, pain shooting through his body. He clutched his side, a broken rib?

Suddenly a high pitched voice stage whispered, "Over here!" Yancy glance towards the voice, a small hand grabbed him and he was pulled through a small door. Slam! The door closed and he stood in the darkness with his rescuer as the men ran around in the street looking for him.

"If I catch him he is so dead!" The voices slowly faded away as they searched fruitlessly.

Yancy sat in the darkness for over an hour, breathing quietly. Finally, his rescuer whispered, "I think we can leave now. You OK?"

The teen groaned a bit and felt himself over. Nothing seemed broken. "I think I am bruised up but nothing is broken." Silently the two slipped out of the warehouse. Yancy was tense. His rescuer, a boy of about twelve, patted his had reassuringly, "I know my way around here. We can go a different route and get back downtown."

When the lights of the city started to illuminate their way again, Yancy was able to see the boy for the first time. Dark hair capped a freckled olive skinned face with bright laughing eyes. A thin frame was clothed in short pants and a tee shirt.

"Name's Luca," the boy said proffering his hand.

"Yancy, ouch!" the teen cringed as he held out his hand.

"Gosh, I think you need to see a doctor!" The boy was all business as he guided the sailor through the streets. They were soon at an emergency clinic. Yancy let the boy take the lead as he spoke in both English and Bamtenese to the attendant and then the nurse.

While waiting Yancy was able to call on his cell phone to the ship. The captain listened to his report of the attack and in a concerned voice made sure Yancy was OK now. "If you check out fine at the clinic take a few days off to recuperate." He gave Yancy the name of a hotel the company would book a room for him and wished him well.

Finally, the doctor was able to see him. The boy followed along making sure the doctor checked every injury. When the doctor had Yancy strip down to his shorts, Yancy glanced at the doctor and the boy, embarrassed, before shucking the majority of his clothing. The doctor prodded here and there as Yancy stood stiffly in the cool exam room. When he glanced towards the boy he saw an admiring look on the pug nosed face. He glanced away his cock stiffening slightly.

The doctor, hemming and muttering to himself, finally concluded that nothing was broken. He had a lot of nasty bruises but other than that would be fine in a few days.

The morning sun was streaking the horizon as Luca guided Yancy to the hotel. Checking in, Yancy realized how tired he was. "The boy must be too," he thought. It had been a long night.

"Luca, crash here for a bit if you want, you must be tired. I just want to get some sleep, but want to let you know how grateful I am for," he gulped as the realization of the close call set in, "saving my life!"

The boy grinned his impish grin at him and accepted his awkward hug. "Sure, mister, if you don't mind. I am a bit beat." Yancy wasn't sure if it was his imagination or not but damned if the boy didn't seem to keep looking at his cock from time to time. It always bulged out, even when flaccid. It embarrassed him how full and bulging his pants were. He thought back to the doctor's visit. Cripes the boy had seen him in just his briefs, and in just those his cock had been jutting out, stretching and tenting the thin material.

Yancy felt his tender side, and grimaced at bit. His bruised muscles were starting to stiffen up and it was sending a dull throbbing sensation down his side and back. He went to pull up his shirt and saw stars.

"Need help?" Luca was sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Sure if you don't mind."

The boy slipped his shirt off being extra careful with his bruised side.

"Thanks!" Yancy felt a little self-conscious undressing in front of the boy, but Luca seemed oblivious to him so he carefully shucked his cargo pants and crawled under the thin blanket. "Ahh, it feels good to lay down!" He grinned at the boy and started dozing off. It barely registered with him as Luca quietly undressed and curled up with the big sailor. "Hmm," Yancy said drowsily as he felt the lithe warm body curl up against his.

It was some hours later, with the sun now high in the sky that Yancy started to awaken. He had been having the best dream. His body had been slickly wet and a mysterious lover had appeared. He groaned lustfully at the vision in his dream, knowing it was going to be a wet orgasmic dream. He knew his cock was raging rock hard and would spurt pretty soon. He awoke slowly to a wet slurping sound. Shit, he had forgotten about the kid! He couldn't be jerking off with the boy here! Shit! '

It was then he saw the blanket bobbing on its own. The boy's legs were clearly visible, splayed out behind him. Yancy froze, not knowing what to do. He felt the boy's tongue licking his shaft, darting around and wetly slurping. His tender cock head was getting the most attention with the little tongue delicately flicking in and around his piss hole. He felt little hands kneading his big balls, around they went softly squeezing and then massaging them more aggressively.

He didn't want the boy to stop. He felt his moral fiber being ripped as what was happening was so wrong from all he had been taught. But it felt so good, better than anything the seventeen year old had ever felt. He felt the rumble of an approaching orgasm. The boy as if sensing the approaching end of his fun, left the huge cock for a minute and shimmying up alongside the lanky teen, kissed him. Yancy was surprised all over again and as the boy kissed him lightly again he felt his resistance waning and kissed him back. His first kiss!

Luca's tongue was in constant motion flicking his lips, tongue and moving down to his nipples. Yancy's body awakened with the erotic sensation of his sensitive nipples hardening. His inhibitions finally gone he responded with inexperienced but passionate ardor. His injuries temporarily forgotten, he kissed the boy back, clumsily but with a fire he didn't know he had. His tongue probed to boy's mouth deeply while his hands felt up and down the boy's back, finally settling on the small butt and firm posterior. Reaching under the boy's loose shorts he felt the rock hard little penis as well as the pea sized hairless balls.

Yancy couldn't stop. He rolled over on top of the boy's small torso and took his time exploring the lithe frame. Deeply kissing the boy before suckling his own little titties he soon had Luca in his own euphoric cloud. Up and down his tongue and hands flicked as no part of the small body went unexplored.

Finally it was Luca's turn again. Flipping over on Yancy's firm chest, his feet towards the teen's head, Luca went back to his prize, the huge throbbing cock.

Yancy was busy too. The upturned butt was fully exposed and the teen wasted no time probing and exploring the tight ass cheeks. His hands had found the boy's little jewels and with some saliva as lubricant, was rubbing the little rock hard two inch stick of a cock.

As Luca worked up and down the throbbing member, his little butt bounced as well with the motion. The teen, in a pre-orgasmic frenzy, worked his hands into the winking hole in front of him and then, his tongue, as if it had a mind of its own, started licking the ever slickened anal passage.

Yancy's hands kept busy with the boy cock. Rubbing the hairless scrotum and penis, he felt a vibration start to build. A little squirt of jism shot out and then three more. They landed on the teen's belly. With that Yancy could take no more, with a groan he shot his load into Luca's willing mouth. As his orgasm subsided, he turned the boy around, still on his belly and gave him a thankful hug. His legs still twitching from the power of the orgasm he dove his tongue into Luca's mouth, kissing him passionately. He tasted his own cum in the boy's mouth and slowly he licked the subtle mouth clean of jism, swallowing it down himself.

Hugging the boy lightly he slowly relaxed his grip. The boy grinned. "You ok?"

Yancy grinned back. "Better than ok!"

The teen must have dozed off again because when he awoke, the sun still high but drifting towards the west, the boy was no longer in bed, but sitting at the hotel's provided rickety desk on a chair. His legs didn't quite reach the floor so they were waving back and forth slow motion. Luca was studiously reading some sort of book.

The teen watched him unobtrusively for a few minutes before saying, "hiya handsome! What are you doing?"

The boy glanced over and smiled. "Oh just catching up on work." He quickly closed the book and hopped over. "How are you feeling? How's the arm and side?"

Yancy felt himself and declared, "Better but still stiff and sore." He hesitated a moment as his instilled inhibitions tried to make a comeback, "I hope you don't think that's how I usually act. I am sorry and will make it up to you. Really."


"Ya, what would you think would make it up to you?"

The boy stared at him quizzically, pretending to ponder the situation. "What I have really been wondering is if we can get that wonderful huge cock of yours into my butt."

Yancy burst out laughing. "That is not what I was expecting!"

Luca sidled up to him, looking at the teen with big brown eyes. "We will never know if we don't try will we?"

Already his hand was feeling up the older boy's hairy balls. With each sac the size of the boy's hand he was able to kneed and fondle each. Yancy groaned as his body started to react once again to the subtle boy. Sensing the teen's inexperience Luca whispered, "Just lay back and relax. I can get this started for us."

Luca wanted this cock, and he wanted it bad. It was ironic he thought, now that he was considered too old to be desirable by the Bamtene sex trade, that his own sex drive would kick in. Ever since he had started producing his own sperm six months back, new urges had developed. Where once he had hated sex and all that had happened to him, now his own body was sprouting, developing and he noticed hard, beefy bodies on men. He had been transfixed by Yancy's body since the rescue, the husky well-built torso, developing muscular frame and his package, had he ever noticed his bulging package.

With Yancy spread out on his back, Luca went to work. Licking and sucking the big sausage the boy soon had him hard again. Using spit and an ample amount of saliva he slickened the big rod. Sucking in his breath and trying to relax his sphincter muscles he pushed against the bulbous cock head. Push as he might, nothing happened. It would not start in.

Luca was determined. He knew that he would be stretched to his limit, in spite of his many fuckings it would hurt, but the desire in him drove him on. Starting over, using even more saliva lube he soon took a deep breath and concentrated on relaxing his tensed butt muscles. This time as he pushed, the big head, as big around as the boy's arm, started in.

Yancy groaned with the intensity of the feeling. Now that they were started he knew what to do. He reached around the boy's little waist and pulled the boy down on his cock. Firmly. And more firmly. Hard now. He was thrusting his cock up and pulling down at the same time. When his cock had slowly traveled half way in, he forcefully grabbed the boy's midriff and still impaled in him, flipped him over and pressed him against the beds corner. Now he had the position to use his weight as leverage. His cock found home and slid in the last five inches.

The boy felt the cock slide in. It was a bad feeling and a good feeling at the same time. As Yancy found his rhythm and started fucking him the good feeling took over.

"Oof," Luca gasped, "get a, oof, pillow and put under, oof, me." The boy was directing Yancy on what to do between thrusts, making the teen grin. The boy knew what he wanted and Yancy was already getting used to him taking control. Still impaled in the boy, he paused, grabbed a pillow and positioned it before starting to thrust again.

"Now fuck me harder," the boy gasped. "I am not gonna break!"

Yancy's body responded to the boy's urging and soon, with an intensity he didn't know he had, he increased his tempo. His hairy balls were slapping Luca's ass in a wet "slap, slap," while both the boy and teen were grunting hoarsely.

The lanky seaman felt under the boy, and rubbing his little cock felt it harden to the near explosion point. He squeezed the boy's little balls, hard and Luca squeaked, then shot his little load into the soft pillow.

The teen felt his cock engorge to is pre-ejaculation throbbing size then the dam burst. Grunting he sent rope after rope of jizz deep into into the boy.

Both were gasping and wheezing like that had run a hundred yard dash. As Yancy slowly withdrew from the boy he could see the gaping stretched hole and the pools of fresh cum in a lakelike deposit inside.

"You ok?" Yancy asked worriedly. He did think he had gotten carried away in spite of the boy's urgings.

Luca grinned his precocious freckled grin. "Heck ya!"

"Your, er, butt 3; it's kinda stretched."

"It will slowly get back to where it started, what did you expect after you shoved your baseball bat in there," he teased.

Slowly the two got their wind back and, breathing normally, Luca said, "I am famished!"

The two, still naked, both burst out laughing, but Yancy felt his belly rumbling to. He realized he hadn't eaten since yesterday. Stiffly he got up and slipped his clothes back on. Luca slipped his shorts and shirt on as well.

Immediately a large wet area developed on the boy's posterior but Luca didn't seem to mind.

Walking down the street, it felt much safer and friendlier to Yancy. The street hustlers weren't out yet and it was a more sedate scene. They found a corner café and sat down. It was a lovely tropical afternoon and Yancy felt fine. He chatted happily with the boy, realizing this too was a first for him. He had never talked so openly with anyone before in his life, including Lars. Luca listened as he described growing up in the dusty Midwestern town, the little league, the school teachers he liked and disliked. Luca shook his head at his descriptions of his few dating attempts, asking why it was so awkward sounding.

The teen blurted at one point that it was really difficult being so ugly. Luca, resting his chin on his hands looked at his face critically before replying, "you have the most interesting face I have ever seen." The older boy blushed at this unexpected complement.

Yancy asked the boy about how he grew up and noticed his face darkened and he had a bitter look.

"It is very different here, very different. Especially since the pervert King took over."

Yancy leaned in listening intently.

The boy continued, "our land has always had a lot of sexual freedoms. It's how our ancestors lived and taught us. Most had sexual experiences at an early age, both boys and girls. Young arranged marriages were common as well as polygamy and other multiple partner marriages. It was just the way it was. But our King changed all that." He explained to Yancy how the King suddenly threw out all the laws just to protect himself. "Then foreigners moved in and took advantage of the laws and started exploiting boys," he gulped, "like me."

The teen was entranced by the story and urged him to continue. "My family too was mesmerized by the money and what it could get them. It was my Uncle really. See, us kids are all mixed blood, I am sure you see that in me. Our mother was in the business of entertaining visitors and so our father must have been European. Freckles, tallness and lighter skin kind of make me think that. I have one older sister, she is fourteen and two younger brothers nine and eight."

"My Uncle," he continued, "took over us kids when the money started flowing. He started pimping me out at eight. I was so scared at first. He just took me to a shabby walk up boarding house, not telling me what was going on. A group of drunken men were there, and they haggled with my Uncle about a price. Finally they all got angry and threw some money on the table and told my Uncle to get out. They stripped me, and I was crying because I had no idea what they wanted. I got slapped and told to shut up." He shrugged, "Only two of them were sober enough to fuck me."

"I learned quickly after that, how to please men, and how to hide from my Uncle. He started losing interest in selling me about a year ago, when," he gulped, "my brother was old enough. Now he has my brother out every night instead of me. I am worried my little brother and even my sister will fall prey to him."

He was quiet for a bit, lost in thought. He looked around before continuing to make sure no one was eavesdropping the conversation. "That's why I am working for the Freedom Party. The election next year could change everything." He had to explain to the dumbfounded Yancy how the King had accidentally also allowed the vote for youths. He showed him his phone and the twitter #DumpThePervert that he had trending. "If we mobilize enough younger voters we can make a difference."

Yancy looked admiringly at the twelve year old. He was so self-assured, so worldly. The teen tried to think of what worthwhile thing he had done at that age and came up blank.

As if reading his thoughts the boy asked what he wanted to do with himself. "I love my new work as a seaman," Yancy said with pride. "The company wants to get established here and I want to learn the trade, maybe work up to captain someday, other than that," he mused, "I want to be the parent to my kids that my parents weren't." He surprised himself admitting this.

The boy grinned at him. "Right now I can't decide between going someplace else for desert or going back to your room and feasting on more of your delicious cock!"

The compromised and got some snacks to go before heading back towards the hotel. On the way they ran into a couple of Luca's friends, who jabbered with him in Bantenese. Mid conversation he pointed at Yancy, made an exaggerated size reference with his hands about two feet long and they all burst into peals of laughter. The teen blushed, embarrassed as he knew, especially with the following bow legged walk the boy made for a few steps what they were talking about.

As they were leaving one of the boys tapped Yancy getting his attention. "Don't hurt our friend," he said in a low voice. "He thinks you're different than the others, me, I think men are all the same."

The duo walked for awhile in silence, each deep in their own thoughts. Luca as usual had an idea though. "Yancy, I hope you don't think I am a sex crazed maniac but I really, really want you to fuck me again tonight." He grinned. "I just can't stop thinking about getting you cock back in me!"

Yancy, caught by surprise stammered that it sounded like a good plan.

"Tomorrow, though," the boy pronounced "I will be too sore in to morning so we will do something else."

The older teen was used to Luca taking charge and nodded his head.

It was a tired duo that drifted off to sleep later that night. It had taken all of Luca's considerable skill to coax Yancy's cock back into action. He had suckled his hairy balls, and playfully sucked the semi flaccid shaft as it ever so slowly arose to the boy's demands. More and more rapidly his tongue flicked and worked the shaft, even licking and flicking the teen's piss hole. Yancy groaned as he re-charged, the feeling of power re-filling him and his desire for the boy taking charge.

He in turn was a bit more skillful this time as he finally was able to start inserting his cock into the boy. Starting with the boy on is back, he lubed himself with some lube that they had picked up and putting a pillow under the boy's ass was able to line up for another go at his cute boy hole. Grunting loudly he slowly slid into the tight fuckhole, kissing Luca as he did. The boy kissed back, urging him on and wiggling his ass for a better angle.

Yancy was in no hurry. Sliding all the way in he paused, flicking the boy's sensitive nipples and kissing his mouth, head and neck. The boy responded by kicking his legs, trying to get him to start the fuck. Yancy just teased him back, flicking his own rigid cock, fiddling with the boy's little balls, all the time stalled in the boy's hole, his cock bottomed out, and his hairy balls leaning against the boy's ass cheeks.

"Fuck me," the boy pleaded, tears of frustration welling in his eyes, "fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!"

Yancy grinned, continuing to tease and fondle. He had good control as his cock had been discharged only hours before so he didn't have the urgency of before. He worked the boy's titties to a hardness they had never felt before and the boy groaned and writhed. The big teen worked his cock back out and ever so slowly reinserted it into the boy. He stopped once again to play and tease the titties, chest and mouth of the near frantic boy.

Only then after what seemed like an hour of sexual horseplay with the boy did he concentrate on fucking him. As he increased his thrusts the boy gasped with pleasure and urged him on, kicking him in the back with his feet.

He was crying now, "Fuck me, come on stud, fuck me hard!"

Yancy was in full swing now and pretty much nothing could have distracted him from the boy's love chute. Pounding away he finally, gasping and grunting, shot his final load of the day deep into Luca. Feeling the boy's stomach, he felt the slick pool that the boy had shot out at some point in their fuck session. With a sigh and a shudder of deep satisfaction they curled up together naked. Luca could feel Yancy's huge flaccid cock nestled up against his wet, sticky ass cheeks as he contentedly drifted off to sleep.

The boys slept a deep, deep sleep that comes after gut wrenching all out sex. In the morning, remembering Luca would be too sore to fuck, Yancy slipped out of bed and started to shower. A few minutes later the younger boy joined him, and the spent a fine soaping and sudsing each other. Drying off, Luca idly flicked and twirled the teen's pubic hairs. "Did you know a Bamtenese tradition is for both men and women to shave their pubic areas, "he asked innocently.

Yancy laughed. "Ok bossy boy," he said teasingly, "you want me shaved do you?"

The younger boy nodded his big eyes solemnly.

"Ok, I will fetch my razor, just don't cut me you little scamp!"

Luca took a washcloth of hot water and rubbed the big cock and hairy balls. With the small disposable safety razor he carefully started trimming back the blondish furry mound.

Yancy's cock stiffened with the attention and feeling of vulnerability. The teen giggled nervously as he helped hold the hardening member out of harms way. Slowly and surely the curly hairs disappeared. Luca was getting aroused too and his little hard cock, about the size around as Yancy's pinky finger was pointing straight out from his belly. Next to go were the more sparse hairs on the huge ball sac. Luca stuck his tongue out as he concentrated on the job at hand. As a grand finale he took some of their lube oil and oiled the hairless sac. Satisfied he stepped back to admire his work. Even Yancy had to admit he was pleased with the results.

They spent the next hour playing with each others cocks, licking, rubbing and sucking before their first orgasm of the day.

The next morning was a bit more bittersweet. Yancy had to report back to the ship as they were leaving to Jakarta that day. He fucked Luca gently at first before increasing his tempo. Finally, bellowing like a bull he dumped a thick load into the panting Luca. They kissed goodbye, exchanging numbers so they could text while the ship was out.

The crew was glad to see Yancy and thumped him on the back as he retold the story of his narrow escape from the would be kidnappers. The first mate shook his bad hand making Yancy wince. All in all once they were away from the dock the teen was glad to be back at sea, feeling the cool fresh air and the gentle rocking of the ship as it headed out.

Off hours, Yancy texted Luca when they were within cell service, telling him about work and that he missed him. In Jakarta, on an impulse, he bought a fine looking suit and tie he thought would fit Luca as well as some chocolates and treats.

Luca was at the dock waiting as the ship pulled in. Yancy, spotting the little face on the wharf, sprang about the deck a little more sprightly and grinned and waved at the little figure. They had already agreed via text to rent a room again, as this time the ship was in port for a few more days. The boy was delighted with the suit. "This will really help when I go to the negotiation meetings!" Yancy shook his head. He had never met a twelve year old like Luca.

Things progressed quickly after that. By Yancy's second trip to Jakarta, Luca had texted – Just changed my status to in a relationship. You need to do the same.

Yancy texted-sorry, no profile to change but it makes me HAPPY you did that!

By the following trip Luca, meeting him at the dock as usual, said "I have an apartment to show you. It's cheaper than getting the room." Off they went, hand in hand. Yancy, by this time was very used to Luca telling him what to do.

By that evening they were fucking in their very own place, a nice efficiency with a small kitchen and two bedrooms.

Yancy did make one decision on his own though. One night after one of their fucking and sucking sessions, he asked the boy what his astrological sign was. Luca cocked his head questioningly, his mouth still dripping cum, "Pisces," he said.

Coming back after the next trip, Yancy proudly showed the boy the tattoo he had gotten in Jakarta. It was the Pisces sign of two fish intertwined in a beautiful colorful array. He had gotten it on his chest, with the upper fishes tail looping invitingly up and over his left nipple. Luca was in tears when he saw it, which for some reason made Yancy hornier than usual. While he fucked Luca a few minutes later, with the boy face up so he could see the beautiful tattoo, he felt proud; proud of his boy, proud of his new tattoo that helped make him a full-fledged sailor and proud of even their little apartment with its ratty furnishings and small back yard.

The ships crew too, got used to seeing Luca around. He was well liked by the officers and crew alike and was soon a regular one the ship while in port. In the evenings, when the two were not in some sexual position or another the two could be found studiously poring over their separate books. Yancy was studying for his second mates license which he would be eligible for on his eighteenth birthday and Luca was studying the civil law code. The boy worked hard and the teen admired his tenacity and dedication. The boy would be a lawyer some day at this rate.

It was some months later, when the ship was pulling in that even from the first glance Yancy could tell something was wrong. Luca's face was tear streaked and his eyes swollen.

Yancy bounded down the gangplank as soon as he could. "What's wrong?"

Luca just sobbed as they headed to the apartment. "It's my sister," he said brokenly. Yancy tensed. He knew the boy and his sister, despite her being older, were very close.

"My Uncle finally did what I was afraid of and started whoring her out too," he sniffed. "Last week he had he gang-banged by a group of guys and I think, she thinks 3;"

Yancy held the boy, "pregnant?" he guessed.

Luca nodded sobbing again.

It was Yancy's turn to be decisive. "She needs to stay with us and get her away from your uncle," Yancy thought of the spare bedroom. "Yes, she can stay with us for now."

The boy hugged his man tight. "Thank you, thank you, actually I already told her to come over tonight."

Yancy grinned. So much for beating that boy to anything!

Both boys were busy in the kitchen fixing dinner when Marcella arrived. Yancy had met her as well as his solemn younger brothers on several occasions. Marcella or Marci for short was much the same build as her brother, same brown eyes and freckled cheeks. They hugged each other affectionately. "Thanks, bro," she said quietly.

At least physically she seemed fine. The two siblings chatted happily over the Thai Chicken and rice dinner. Afterward they all snuggled up on the couch and watched a movie. Yancy kept feeling Luca's hand on his crotch, giving him in the end a raging hard on. Once or twice he was almost sure the hand was Marci's.

Yancy liked the young girl as well and felt bad she was having to be forced by the brute of and Uncle into such a life. His hand brushed her nipple and he felt it harden.

After the movie he stretched indicating he was ready for bed. He was unsure of himself though as the boys usually slept naked and spent most of their time in the apartment in just shorts. He went into the bedroom, stripped and got into bed. If Luca wanted to visit with his sister, that was fine with him.

Soon, he heard light footsteps come into the room. Yancy stretched, anticipating, his cock leaking and rock hard as usual. It wasn't until he reached over that he realized it was Marci, not Luca in bed with him. As he felt the naked breasts against his chest and her thighs slip up against his raging hard-on he groaned a little, shaking his head. "I, um, thought you were your um, brother."

Marci put her finger over his lips and pulled close to him. Deftly, before he fully realized she was in bed with him she slipped his massive cock into her wet slippery pussy. Yancy groaned as new feelings washed over him and then the animal inside of him took over and he hefted himself over her and started fucking the willing girl. It was a different feeling, unlike Luca's willing hole. He felt her breasts as he fucked her. They felt good. Bucking and grunting he shot his cum inside her, remembering her brother had said she was impregnated already.

Later when Luca joined them, Yancy was ready. If the siblings were going to pull this on him he was going to enjoy it. "Not so fast," he told the boy as he tried to slip quietly in. "I came off the ship ready to fuck you and I still need to." Luca hugged his man tight and got himself ready to be impaled. "Oh thank you for not leaving me out!" It was an enthusiastic coupling that bounced Marci around as well. When Yancy finally, with a big grunt and bellowing groan shot his second load of the night, Luca cried and hugged him, panting from exertion.

A week later, after fucking them both a couple times a day a tired Yancy got ready to head back to sea. He and Luca had a quiet moment.

"Why did you do it," Yancy asked quizzically. "I mean I know your sis was in trouble but you know the sex part." Luca cocked his head, looking older than his twelve years.

The teen continued where he had left off. "I can read you like a book anymore, love. You want me to have everything from life, you a family and 3; I know you love Marci more than you would admit. Fuck her, but save some juice for me too!"

Yancy hugged the boy tight. He could see the serious boy had thought it through and was trying to provide for the loves of his life.

"You two keep the bed warm for me while I am gone. Remember though Marci may be the icing but you are my cake. Don't forget that."


News Release – Jaranga City, Bamtene

In a tumultuous finish to a historic campaign, the country of Bamtene has a new President. Opposition leader Sally Blue was overwhelmingly elected in a vote driven mainly by youthful voters. While King Guan Yee immediately called for a recount, with the preliminary results showing a 71% to 29% split it seems doubtful that the results would change.

If the results are certified, a coalition government between King Yee and Ms Blue will be formed as the King has hereditary standing. As the Party for a Free Bamtene also swept the parliament, the shift in power is pretty clear towards the reform party.

The President Elect was quite gracious in her acceptance speech, giving ample credit to her Party organizers. "The youth of this great country brought this change," she declared. "Once they realized the King had perhaps accidentally given them the right to vote, they worked hard to see this new direction for Bamtene."

She specifically credited one of her most influential organizers thirteen year old Luca Briggs. In spite of being newly married, Mr. Briggs is working to clarify the new civil code, one of the incoming administrations highest priorities. Leaked drafts show that the age of consent will go back to the age of ten, and prostitution will be banned under the age of sixteen.

Larry Hugely reporting

Larry finished typing the draft of the report and sighed. He moved slightly to give the boy sucking his cock a better angle. He sighed again and asked the boy, "So when is your tenth birthday?"


Yancy couldn't quit talking on the drive from the airport as he acted the part of tour guide for his buddy Lars. He just had to show him the ship of course, and mention once again his new promotion to Second Mate. "I am already studying for First," he said as the whirlwind tour continued.

Lars had been the only one Yancy had told about his marriage. "No one there would understand," he had emailed his buddy. "It is very different here. VERY. Please come and visit sometime. Maybe after the baby is born."

So it had been quite the entourage that had greeted "Yancy's friend," as they called him. Along with Yancy and Luca had been Marci and baby Lance of course as well as Luca's now ten year old brother Jaz and Marci's friend Kimi who just couldn't wait to meet Yancy's friend. Everyone talked at once of course, all pointing at their favorite spot, eatery, landmark or old school.

Lars glanced at his friend appraisingly several times during the tour. Yancy, he noticed right away had changed. Gone was the hangdog teen that he had hung around with, almost out of pity. Instead, a self assured young man has emerged. Tanned and buff from working in the tropical sun, his physique had certainly improved. Gone was the teen acne as well. The biggest change though was demeanor. He laughed easily, and had an air of confidence.

When they got home, Lars looking a bit overwhelmed, admired the tidy abode. "Oh we still have some to do to it but it is coming along," Yancy said modestly. "Of course with the next one on the way," he patted Marci's belly, "we may need to reorganize a bit more."

"So," Lars hesitated before charging ahead, "I guess I don't quite understand who you married. You mentioned Luca but Marci 3;"

Yancy laughed easily. "I told you it is different here. I will just let you settle in this week before you get all Midwestern judgmental on me. It's funny though, at first we hadn't thought it was our baby but you can't argue with matching green eyes!"

"Hey," Luca quipped, "I am studying to be a lawyer, how am I to know anything about pregnancy? I had thought she was pregnant before she moved in. We are all happily married now though, and have a beautiful baby."

"And another in the oven," Yancy grinned finishing Luca's sentence. "Say," the now eighteen year old teen said as he led the husky boy to the guest room. "You can take this room."

Jaz and Kimi had followed them in. "My," Kimi said sincerely, "you are a very handsome American. I would really like to help welcome you." Jaz had slipped out of his shirt and pants and was clad only in his little underwear. Kimi was gently helping Lars out of his shirt and tugging at his belt.

Yancy smiled at his friend. "You really don't mind, do you if they give you a real Bamtene welcome?"

The teen relaxed at the table holding the baby while Marci cooked. In the guest room he could hear his buddy losing his virginity and homophobia rather quickly. "Sweetie, you may want to turn the soup to simmer, it might be awhile before the come in for dinner."


On the opposite end of the country, a small nine year old boy named Jack was talking on the phone to his mother.

"Was your day ok, sweetie?" Mary had a concerned tone. She had been worried about sending Jack on this trip with her husband, Davis. There had been something in his look lately, something almost cruel. Mary didn't want to be suspicious. Maybe it was the result of having another baby and immediately getting pregnant again. She was going to have to talk to Davis about that too.

Jack, at the other end of the phone was talking excitedly. "Today we went jet skiing and tomorrow we are riding horses!"

Mary felt relief. Maybe she was imagining things.

Jack wasn't about to stop talking. "We are staying at this nice little place near a lake. Everyone is SO nice! Oh, when we first got here daddy went to another hotel but it was all closed down. Daddy was so mad! He yelled at the watchman that he had paid a lot of money and had doctors' appointments and everything!"

Davis was pacing the hotel room like a caged animal. He was so horned up he just had to fuck. His blood was boiling that that little cunt-boi was still yammering to his sow titted mommy. He went out the door, slamming it angrily went out to get some fresh air. As soon as he was off the phone he would fuck that little cock tease and fuck him good!

Mary tensed as she heard the door slam in the background of the phone conversation. She instantly recognized the anger and sexual frustration in the slam. "Jack, honey? I am going to have to call someone to check on you." "Hello? Bamtene police? I need a welfare check on my son 3;"

The End

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