PZA Boy Stories

Justin Davis

Hedgewick Academy


Fourteen year old Jimmy Swensen is out of control and his father sent to a very special school, where some of the discipline measures are quite harsh, but no permanent physical damage. However, mentally that may be a different matter. After one year, his father will get back a totally different boy.
Publ. Jan-Mar 2004 (ASSGM); this site May 2010
Finished 26,500 words (53 pages)


Jimmy Swenson (14yo), Ralph (14yo), Headmaster David Killby (41yo)

Category & Story codes

School Boy story
Mt Mb ttMdom nc mast oral analtort bdsm spank cbt chast humil


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Orphan story

This is an orphan story, that means that the author's e-mail address is no longer active and there is no other way to contact the author. Are you the author, please contact me.

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the collector through this feedback form with Justin Davis - Hedgewick Academy in the subject line.


Chapter One

Forty one-year-old David Killby, owner and headmaster of Hedgewick Academy, sat behind his big oak desk and listened intently to the well-dressed gentleman with the meticulously styled, cropped, blonde hair. David's muscular build, his close-cropped hair black hair, and his dark brown eyes were in total contrast to the lanky build and blue eyes of the gentleman to whom he was listening.

"Anyway, I guess that is about it." John Swenson said, as he completed his detailing of events related to his son Jimmy that brought him to Hedgewick in the first place.

"Tell me, Mr. Swenson, how did you find out about Hedgewick? David Killby asked.

"Well, Mr. Killby, I found out from a friend of mine who knows someone who sent his son to your school." John Swenson replied.

"What exactly did he tell you?" David Killby asked.

"Uh, not all that much really. He just said that his friend sent his fourteen year old son to you who was totally out of control and he came back home a perfect gentleman."

"I see. Well, Mr. Swenson, there are several things I must inform you about before we go any further. First of all, your son would be here for one full year. Secondly, Once he is here you or your wife may not have any contact with him whatsoever."

"Uh, my wife won't be a problem. She died in an automobile accident when Jimmy was ten."

"Fine. Also, I must tell you that our school is quite expensive. Our tuition is ten thousand a month. Will that be a problem?"

"No Mr. Killby. I am very well off financially, and to be honest, I would pay twice that to get something done about Jimmy."

"Well, from what you have told me I can understand why."

"Yes, Mr. Killby. Catching Jimmy in the act of trying to sodomize his nine-year-old brother was the last straw."

"Why didn't you turn him over to the juvenile authorities?"

"Heavens no, Mr. Killby! A man in my position can't have his name dragged through that kind of thing. And furthermore, I won't put little Tommy through that either. I have made sure my body guards have kept an eye on Jimmy and have kept the two separated, although Tommy hates his older brother now so it hasn't been much of a problem."

"I see. Well, Mr. Swenson, these photographs of Jimmy will give us enough to go on. Would you like to pay Jimmy's tuition by the month?"

"I will write you the check for the entire amount right now, Mr. Killby."

"That will be fine. However, before you do, let me explain one more thing. Some of the discipline measures we use here at Hedgewick are quite harsh. I can tell you that Jimmy will suffer no permanent physical damage from any of those measures. However, mentally that may be a different matter. I do promise that a year from now you will get back a totally different boy."

"That sounds good to me, Mr. Killby."

"Fine. Then take a good look at your son this evening. It is the last you will see of him for a year."

"You mean you don't want me to bring him here?"

"No, Mr. Swenson. We'll pick him up. How does he usually go to school?"

"Well, when he does, he walks. The junior high is only four blocks down the street."

"I see. Well, make sure that he at least starts out for school in the morning then. In fact, it would be better if you had your driver drop him off. We'll take care of things from there."

"Fine, Mr. Killby. I will make sure that is done."

"Good enough, Mr. Swenson. Now if you will be so kind as to write out the check I will make the arrangements."

"Certainly, Mr. Killby," John Swenson replied, and pulled his checkbook out of his pocket and began writing the check that would pay Jimmy's tuition in full.

It is doubtful that Mr. Swenson would have written out the check had he known the full truth about Hedgewick Academy. While it is true that no boy had ever been killed, it was equally true that many of them had wished they had been in the four years the academy had been in existence, and it was an existence that was a very closely guarded secret. Certainly none of the boys ever said anything once they had completed their year, for all were quite certain they would be killed if they did, and they were correct in that assumption.


The next morning, fourteen year old Jimmy Swenson smirked as he got out of the Lincoln Town Car in front of Adams Junior High and brushed his long blonde hair from his face. Jimmy had no intention of doing anything but staying inside the school building long enough to score some pot and then head to the park for a smoke.

The gold ring in his left ear sparkled in the sunlight as he headed up the sidewalk toward the front door of the school along with other students, dressed typically in his usual Docker shorts, Abercrombie tee shirt, and Nike trainers.

Sure enough, took Jimmy less than ten minutes to score some pot and hastily he headed out one of the side doors of the school building and toward the park which was two blocks down the street.

Once there, Jimmy seated himself upon one of the benches in a remote part of the park, pulled a lighter out of his pocket, lit up the joint, and then inhaled deeply.

"Oh man, that is good shit!" Jimmy exclaimed, and then coughed.

After a few puffs, and as his body began get that mellow feeling, Jimmy laid down upon the bench and looked at the clouds as he smoked the rest of the joint.

"Oh wow!" He said, to no one in particular, as he began to notice all the great shapes and faces that the clouds made

In fact, Jimmy was so enraptured with the display that he didn't notice the two burly men approaching the bench upon which he lay. Suddenly, something was over his face. Something like a cloth and it had a horrible odor. Then, things went black and Jimmy felt as if he was falling into a bottomless pit.


"Mmmmmm!!!! Ohhhhhh!" Jimmy moaned, as awaked from his deep sleep.

"What the fuck!" He then exclaimed, as he sat up on the steel bench upon which his body had lain and glanced around the small room with four bare concrete walls.

Still groggy, Jimmy staggered toward the steel door opposite the steel bench and as his eyes focused he noticed there was no handle or knob on the door.

"Hey! Let me outta here!" Jimmy hollered.

"This isn't funny! Someone better let me the fuck outta here!" He yelled, and began pounding on door with his fist.

"I'm gonna kick someone's ass. I mean it. Let me the fuck out!" Jimmy screamed, continuing to pound on the door.

Suddenly, there was a clicking sound as if someone was unlocking the door. Then, it swung open so rapidly Jimmy didn't have time to react.

"Ooofffff!" He exclaimed, as he was knocked to the concrete floor by the impact of the door.

It took a few seconds, but Jimmy finally caught his breath then rolled over and looked up, his eyes focusing on one of the largest black men he had ever seen standing in the open doorway grinning at him.

"Who the fuck are you?" Jimmy asked.

"Me? Why I is dee Welcome Wagon, you white mother fucker!" the black man replied, his smile gone and his face now very stern.

In response, Jimmy quickly got up off of the floor and tried to dash past the man through the open doorway.

"Ummppffff!" Jimmy exclaimed, as the black man's fist punched him in his stomach, causing him to fall upon the floor with all the wind knocked out of him.

"Try that again mother fucker and I will beat yo ass until you can't walk!" the black man warned.

"Now get yo ass up off dat floor and come with me!" He then commanded.

"I, uh, can't. I can't!" Jimmy pleaded, trying to get his breath back.

"I said get your ass up now!" The black man demanded, and Jimmy in the butt with the toe of his boot.

"Ow! Oh god!" Jimmy wailed, then struggled to get up.

"Next one's gonna be harder mother fucker. Yo better get yo ass up!" The black man warned.

Jimmy got up off the floor, still bent over from the blow to his stomach and hurting terribly in his left butt cheek. Then the next thing Jimmy knew, the black man grabbed his tee shirt and picked him up by it like his 120 pounds [55 kg] was nothing and he was face to face with him.

"Now just so we understands each other mother fucker. You gonna do exactly as I say or yo ass is gonna wish you were dead. Now get yo ass down that hallway!" the black man said, and then flung Jimmy through the open doorway and onto the hall floor where he landed with a thud.

Fearful that he would get kicked or punched again, Jimmy, still holding his stomach, got up off of the floor unsteadily, and still half hunched over, headed down the small hallway toward an open doorway at the other end.

It was when Jimmy went through the open doorway and into the room that he came to a screeching halt just inside the doorway. The room was filled with all manner of strange equipment and it countertops along the side wall that had strange items laid out upon them, the purpose of which Jimmy could only imagine. If that weren't enough to give Jimmy pause, the two sinister-looking, muscular men, dressed only in black leather pants and boots, were enough to send chills up Jimmy's spine.

"Fellas, dis here is Jimmy. He's the new boy. You introduce yourself to him real nice now!" the black man who was standing behind Jimmy said.

Jimmy turned around and was greeted with the door slamming closed in his faced. Then, he instantly got very scared as he heard the door being locked from the outside. Slowly, he turned back around and looked at the two men who now had smiles on their faces and were walking slowly toward him.

As the two men approached him, Jimmy's natural instinct was to run. However, the twenty by twenty-foot [6x6 m] room didn't lend itself to that. Yet, Jimmy bolted away from the two anyway.

For a few seconds at least, Jimmy managed to evade the two, that is until one of the men caught him and picked him up and tucked him under his arm like he was a small baby.

Then, Jimmy cursed, kicked, and flailed in an effort to defend himself as the two men began to rip off his clothes. However, it was for naught. Within a minute, Jimmy was completely naked and struggling to breath as one of the men held him up with one of his huge armsaround his neck while the other made adjustments to some kind of metal frame.

All kinds of filthy words spewed from Jimmy's mouth as his hands were locked into the shackles on the frame and he was hoisted up until his feet were a foot [30 cm] off the floor and he flailed his legs and cursed some more, that is until the spreader bar was roughly attached to his ankles.

"You are gonna wish you had been more cooperative kid." one of the men then said.

"Fuck you, you queer assholes!" Jimmy shot back.

Of course, that was not the thing to have said.

"Whack!" Went the lather strap across Jimmy's buttocks and he screamed, for he had failed to notice the other man who was behind him pick up a leather strap off one of the counters.

As the man expertly wielded the strap all over Jimmy's legs, buttocks, and back, Jimmy screamed and bawled so much that slobber was running out of his mouth. Then, as the other man began to expertly whip the front part of his body with a similar strap, while the other worked on his back side, Jimmy screamed and bawled until all he could do was make croaking sounds as the blows fell on his cock and balls. Mercifully, the two eventually stopped and Jimmy hung there sobbing, almost every inch of his cute teen body now covered with red welt marks.

Then, after the frame was lowered so that his feet touched the floor. Jimmy moaned in humiliation as the two men began to shave all the hair from his groin.

"Oh no! Don't do that. Please don't do that!" Jimmy begged.

However, no matter how he pleaded Jimmy was as slick as the day he was born. Every bit of hair on his body, including his blonde locks was shaved off.

"Don't he look cute," one of the men commented, prompting the other to chuckle.

"Yeah, sweet," his friend remarked, and both laughed heartily.

"Oh god! What's that?" Jimmy exclaimed, at the object one of the men had retrieved from one of the counters.

"This, punk, is what is called a chastity tube," the man replied, holding up a black plastic tube, about six-inches [15 cm] or so in length, which had a pencil-sized hole in one end and an adjustable ring at the other end.

Still sniffling, and still smarting from the beating he had just received, Jimmy watched helplessly as the man first took hold of his three-inch [7½ cm], flaccid, circumcised penis, inserted it into the tube and then adjusted the metal band around the base of his cock and balls. Once he had pulled the band snug, the man then attached a small metal lock to the device and snapped it shut, effectively making Jimmy's penis totally inaccessible to him or anyone else.

"That should do it," the man remarked and yanked the plastic tube.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!" Jimmy cried out as the ring around his balls pulled on them.

"Yep. No wanking gonna take place for a long time," his friend said, and both laughed heartily.

Jimmy looked down and immediately realized that what the man said was true. Although his balls hung free, his cock was completely covered with the plastic tube that the lock held firmly in place to the band around his balls. In short, Jimmy realized that he couldn't get the thing off no matter how hard he tried, that is not without ripping his balls off.

Once they undid the spreader bar from Jimmy's ankles and unshackled his hands from the metal frame, the two men grabbed hold of Jimmy's arms and took him to his cell where they promptly opened the door, threw him into, then locked the door behind them.

Jimmy picked himself up off of the floor and went and sat down upon the stainless steel bunk. As he did so, he noticed a large white bucket had been placed in his cell, the purpose of which was obvious from the roll of toilet paper that sat along side of it.

Still smarting considerably from the beating that just had been administered to him, Jimmy lay down upon the steel bunk, curled himself into a ball, and then cried himself to sleep thinking of how nice it would be to be home.

Chapter Two

Unknown to Jimmy, the plastic chastity tube that encased his penis had small, sharp, metal pins that protruded from the tip on the inside. Naturally, his penis began to harden toward its usual piss-hard state while he slept. Slowly, Jimmy's penis began to lengthen and fill up the plastic tube.

"Eeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!" Jimmy screamed, and he jumped up off of the metal bunk, as the head of his penis came into contact with the metal pins.

Forgetting for the moment that the tube was firmly secured by the band around his balls, Jimmy yanked at it in an attempt pull it off.

"Eeeeeiiiiii!" He screamed again, from the pain in his balls.

"Help! Help! Ahhhhhhhhhh!" Jimmy screamed, but of course that did no good.

The tender head of Jimmy's penis felt like it was on fire, and almost in a state of hysteria, Jimmy ran around the cell like he was stepping on hot coals screaming and crying. Finally, he had sense enough to run to the bucket in order to empty his bladder. After what seemed like an eternity, his penis began to soften enough so that it began to retract itself inside the tube and the head was no longer in contact with the metal pins.

"Oh god! Oh god!" Jimmy exclaimed, as he panted heavily and walked over and sat back down upon the metal bunk, having gotten almost instant relief from most of the pain.

It was then, that a flap on the bottom of the cell door was opened and a metal tray with a metal bowl and a plastic spoon on it was pushed under the door. Jimmy got up off of the metal bunk and went over and picked the tray up off of the floor.

To Jimmy, the bowl appeared to be full of what looked like oatmeal. So, he carried the tray over to the metal bunk and sat down with the tray on his lap, picked up the spoon, scooped some of the contents of the bowl up with it, and then took a tentative taste.

It was oatmeal sure enough, but it wasn't like any Jimmy had ever had before. It had an awful bitter taste to it. Yet, Jimmy was so hungry he didn't care, since he hadn't eaten anything since breakfast the previous morning. So, he ate the contents of the bowl greedily, and once he had finished placed the tray containing the empty bowl and spoon on the floor by his bunk. Then, he let out a huge sigh and thought about how nice it would be if he had had breakfast at home.

It was while Jimmy was thinking of home that the lock on the door clicked and the door to his cell opened, revealing the form of the huge black man that had taken him to that awful room some seven hours before.

"From now on, when yo finish yo food yo place the tray up against the door. Someone will get it. Understood mother fucker?" The man said.

"Uh, yeah." Jimmy replied.

"That's yes sir, mother fucker!" the man bellowed.

"Uh, y-yes sir!" Jimmy replied.

"Now, get your mother fucking azz off that bunk and give me de god damn tray, I ain't got all day." the black man said.

Jimmy did as he was told and picked the tray up off of the floor and held it out for the man who took it from him and turned to leave.

"By the way, you enjoy your breakfast?" The black man asked.

"Yes sir." Jimmy replied, too scared to say that he didn't.

"Good. I is glad. Twenty-five boys cummed into that oatmeal before I broughts it to yah."

Instantly, all the oatmeal Jimmy had just eaten began to travel up and out of his stomach. Quickly, he ran to the bucket and began to puke his guts out.

The sound of the black man's laughter filled the room as he left, and closed and locked the door behind him.

After he had finished vomiting, Jimmy went and lay upon the metal bunk and sobbed, wondering what kind of evil place this was he was in and why no one seemed to care that he had been kidnapped and brought to such a place. It wasn't long before the lock in the cell door clicked again and the door opened, revealing the two muscular men who had whipped Jimmy the day before.

"Stay away from me!" Jimmy said, jumping up from the metal buck and baking up against the wall.

"I hear someone wasted their breakfast," the one with the dark green eyes said as they came closer to Jimmy. "Yeah, too bad," his blue-eyed partner replied.

"I mean it stay away from me!" Jimmy said and made a futile attempt to dart away from the two.

Naturally, because of the small confines of the cell, there wasn't anywhere for Jimmy to run and the two men grabbed him by both his arms and drug him out of the cell and down the hall to the punishment room, Jimmy hollering and cursing the whole way.

Once they had Jimmy in the middle of the punishment room they released him and he stood there breathing heavily and wondering what the two were going to do to him this time.

"Bend over and grab your ankles!" The blue-eyed man commanded.

In response, Jimmy just stood looking at the man defiantly.

"I said bend over and grab your mother fucking ankles!" The man shouted, causing Jimmy to jump.

Scared that he might be hung up and whipped again, Jimmy bent over and grabbed his ankles. Once he did so, the blue-eyed man grabbed the top part of Jimmy's body between his legs. Jimmy squirmed and tried to get away but the man was so strong and his legs so muscular he couldn't.

"Let me go! Let me go! Leave me alone you queer!" Jimmy hollered, as he felt the man's hands spread his butt cheeks.

"Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!" Jimmy screamed, as the first blow from the thin, plastic, foot-long [30 cm], swizzle stick like object landed precisely on his tender rosebud.

The bulbous end of the device was designed not to rip or tear but to bruise. Soon, the room was filled with Jimmy's shrieks as the man flailed at his tender ass lips with the plastic object, making sure that he left no part of them untouched.

Then, the blue-eyed man released him and it was all over as quickly as it had begun. Jimmy fell to the floor sobbing.

"Now, let that be a lesson to you. No one is allowed to waste food around here," the blue-eyed man said, looking down at Jimmy.

"But, it had cum in it!" Jimmy wailed through his sobs.

"You mean this stuff?" The other man asked, holding a glass beaker in his hand half-full of milky liquid.

Jimmy looked up at the man and his stomach curdled at the sight of the beaker containing the white goo.

"Drink it!" The man demanded, holding the beaker out for Jimmy to take.

"No! No way!" Jimmy responded in horror.

"One last chance you little shit. Drink it!" The man demanded.

"I won't, I won't!" Jimmy replied.

Because Jimmy's eyes had been so intently focused on the beaker and the demand that he drink what he knew it contained, he didn't see the other man retrieve the electric cattle prod off one of the counters.

"Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!" Jimmy screamed and rolled on the floor as he got zapped with the cattle prod.

"Eiiiiiiiiiiii" He screamed again, as another jolt from the cattle prod zapped his body.

"Stop it! You're killing me!" Jimmy shrieked.

Never in his life had Jimmy felt such pain. His whole body felt like it was on fire each time the cattle prod zapped him.

Again and again Jimmy got zapped as he rolled on the floor and tried to get away. He even got up on his hands and knees and tried frantically to crawl away, only to have the thing zap him on his balls.

"I'll do it! I'll do it!" Jimmy shrieked rolling over and over on the floor holding his balls.

Jimmy took the beaker and moved it toward his mouth and he gagged as the unmistakable bleach-like smell hit his nose.

"Anything that comes up or spills you're gonna lick up!" The green-eyed man warned.

"Please, I can't. It's awful!" Jimmy pleaded.

"I think he needs another zap!" The green-eyed man said.

"No!" Jimmy hollered, and put the beaker to his lips and started drinking down the white goop.

Once, twice, three times, gagged and his stomach heaved as he drank the stuff.

"That's a good boy, drink it all!" The green-eyed man said and smiled, while his buddy grinned from ear to ear. "You ought to be real proud kid. Every guy here, us included, jerked off into that beaker," the green-eyed man said. "Yeah, even old Eddie the janitor, who almost never takes a bath, shot a load in there for you," the blue-eyed man added.

For Jimmy, that was all it took. Up and out of his stomach came all of the goop he had drunk and he wretched and spewed it all back out all over the floor.

Moments later, tears flowed down Jimmy's cheeks, like twin rivers, as he crawled on the floor licking up what he had spewed all over the floor while the two men roared with laughter at every gag and heave Jimmy made.

Chapter Three

An hour later, Jimmy again lay on the metal bunk in his cell and sobbed as he thought of home and the horrible place he was in and how cruel and evil everyone seemed to be. His penis hurt, his butt hole felt like it had been bashed with a hammer, his body still ached from the whipping he had received the day before, and his tummy was full of cum. Never in his wildest nightmares had Jimmy dreamed that such horrible things would ever happen to him.

Late that afternoon, Jimmy was awakened by the sound of the metal flap opening in the bottom of his cell door and the tray being shoved through it. Jimmy walked over to the tray that had a large bowl and a metal spoon on it and picked up the tray and looked into the bowl. It was obviously stew. However, it had cum floating all in it.

Jimmy's stomach heaved at the sight and he set the tray back down by the door. He would starve rather than eat the stuff he decided and he went back to the bare metal bunk and curled up into a ball and began to cry again.

Soon, the metal flap at the bottom of the door opened and the tray was removed. That was followed by the clicking of the tumblers as the cell door was unlocked and then swung open.

"Well, now. Yo seems to have trouble remembrin dee rules." The black man said as he entered the cell.

"Leave me alone!" Jimmy screamed and jumped up off of the metal bunk.

As before, Jimmy tried to escape the man's grasp but it was futile. A blow to his stomach from the black man's big fist knocked him to the floor gasping for breath. Then, Jimmy hollered and cursed as the man grabbed him by one of his feet and dragged him down the hall to the punishment room.

"Jimmy here seems to have trouble eatin cuz a little cum is in his food." The black made said as he pulled Jimmy into the punishment room.

Immediately, Jimmy was confronted again with the sight of the two muscular men who this time they were dressed only in their leather boots. Even in his predicament, Jimmy couldn't help but stare in amazement at the two men's hairy groins. Both men had almost identical circumcised cocks and a huge set of balls. They were the largest adult genitalia Jimmy had ever seen.

The door slammed behind Jimmy and he began to whimper as the two men headed toward him smiling.

Jimmy hollered and cursed and protested as he was strung up in the metal frame again and the spreader bar was attached to his ankles. Then, when the chastity tube was removed and Jimmy began to experience his first serious penis and ball whipping his shrieks echoed off of the walls of the room.

"Have you decided you like to eat cum now?" The green-eyed man asked, once his buddy had stopped the whipping.

"No!" Jimmy replied between sobs.

Whap! Whap! Whap! Went the leather strap right across the head of Jimmy's penis causing Jimmy to shriek again in pain.

"You sure you wouldn't like some cum?" The green-eyed man asked, once his buddy stopped the blows.

"No. I can't! It's awful!" Jimmy wailed through his sobs.

The green-eyed man nodded to his buddy who set the leather strap down upon the counter and picked up a sinister looking crop that had a multitude of glass-like filaments hanging from one end.

"One last chance kid. Let me hear you say you wanna eat some cum." The green-eyed man said.

"No! I don't want do that again!" Jimmy hollered.

If Jimmy had thought the leather strap had hurt his penis and balls he was mistaken. As the blue-eyed man began to whip them with the crop Jimmy felt as if his cock and balls were being stung by a thousand bees and sliced apart by a thousand knives all at the same time. He began to scream so hard that he started turning purple.

Mercifully, the blows stopped and Jimmy hung there sobbing.

"Let me hear you say it kid. I wanna suck your cocks and eat your cum loads." The green-eyed man said.

"No! I ain't no fag!" Jimmy shouted defiantly.

It was the wrong thing to say, for as the blows fell they were more intense and concentrated on the head of Jimmy's penis. Jimmy bawled like a calf, and slobber ran from his mouth, as the crop did its awful work.

"Say it kid. Say you want to suck our cocks and drink our cum!" The green-eyed man yelled above Jimmy's screams.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Jimmy cried.

The blows stopped.

"Yes what?" The green-eyed man asked.

"Yes. I want to suck your cocks." Jimmy said between sobs.

"What else?" The man asked.

"Oh God! Please no more! I wanna eat your cum." Jimmy replied.

"I think he's confused about what he wants to do. Maybe a little more will clear his mind up. He doesn't even realize he's supposed to say sir!" The green-eyed man said.

"Oh no! Please no more! I wanna suck your cocks and drink your cum, sir! Please don't hit me any more, sir!" Jimmy shrieked at the top of his lungs.

For someone who had never sucked a cock or taken a cum load down his throat Jimmy didn't too badly over the next hour.

Oh, Jimmy cried and gagged a lot. It was difficult at first sucking the two men's huge cocks and even worse trying to breathe as he got fucked down his throat. Spit and slobber flew everywhere. However, by the time Jimmy was drinking down each of their cum loads in turn he had learned to give a fairly acceptable blow job.


The next morning, Jimmy again danced around the cell and shrieked as he awoke with a piss-hard and the metal pins stuck the head of his cock. Then, he howled when he took a shit, because his hole was so bruised and sore. There seemed no end to his misery.

For five more days Jimmy ate the cum laden food shoved through his door. For five more days Jimmy was hauled to the punishment room where he licked the sweaty armpits and boots of his two tormentors, willingly ate their assholes, sucked their cocks, and swallowed their cum loads.

"May I lick your boots, sir?" he would ask.

"Please let me suck your cock, sir." He would plead.

"Please, let me lick your hairy hole, sir." He would beg.

Anything to prevent any more pain he did.

His spirit broken, Jimmy had let his mind go off into some other universe when he was with the two men. It wasn't really him doing all those disgusting things. It was somebody else. The real Jimmy would never do them.

Jimmy jumped, as he usually did now, when he heard the tumblers in the lock on his cell door click. Needless to say, Jimmy was surprised when a kid with a bald head, not much older than himself, entered the room carrying a tray. The kid was dressed in nothing but a red G-string and a pair of leather sandals and Jimmy couldn't help but take note that the pouch of the garment the guy wore seemed way too small for its apparent contents.

"My name's Ralph," the boy carrying the tray said, and then flashed a smile that showed his perfect white teeth.

Momentarily, Jimmy was distracted by the sound of the door being locked again.

"Yeah, it's locked again," the kid with the tray commented. "You must be hungry, here!" The boy then said, holding out the tray he was carrying toward Jimmy.

Jimmy looked at the tray then back up at the boy named Ralph and noted he had gold rings in both of his ear lobes. More astonishing than that, however, was that he also had a gold ring through each of his nipples.

Jimmy knew about ear rings, in fact he had one that he occasionally wore himself, but he was surprised to see someone about his age with their nipples pierced, although he knew some older guys did that.

"Uh, thanks!" Jimmy responded, as he reached out and took the tray from the kid named Ralph.

Jimmy looked at the fried chicken and French fries that covered the plate then back up at Ralph.

"It's okay. No cum in any of it," Ralph reassured him.

"How did you know I 3;"

"We've all gone through it." Ralph replied interrupting Jimmy.

"What is this place? Did you get kidnapped too?" Jimmy asked.

"Well, this place, as you call it, is Hedgewick Academy, and yes all of us got here the same way." Ralph replied.

"But, why doesn't someone come looking for me?" Jimmy asked.

"You're here same reason as the rest of us, your folks put you here." Ralph replied.

"My dad? No way!" Jimmy exclaimed.

"I'm afraid so. Hey, you better eat your food before it gets cold. Besides, I can't stay that long anyway. You'll find out all that stuff when you meet Headmaster Killby." Ralph replied.

"Headmaster Killby?"

"Yeah, the guy that runs the place." Ralph responded.

"I'll be back in a minute to get the tray and clean you up a bit." Ralph said, and then turned and walked back toward the cell door.

Jimmy watched the boy named Ralph walk toward the cell door, and as he did so, noticed that except for the small red string, which disappeared between the kid's butt crack, he might as well have been naked on his backside.

Ralph knocked on the cell door and it unlocked and he turned back and smiled at Jimmy. Then, he went out the door and it closed behind him. As the cell door was locked again Jimmy turned his attention to the chicken and fries and began to eat greedily. It was the first food he had had in days that hadn't been laced with cum.

Chapter Four

By the time Jimmy had finished his food and had set his tray aside on the metal bunk, the tumblers in the lock clicked again and the cell door opened.

"I brought some stuff to clean you up a bit," Ralph said, as he re-entered Jimmy's cell carrying a rectangular metal tray loaded with various items. "First thing we need to do is get that thing off of you for now," he added as he picked up a small key off of the tray he had carried into the cell and then sat down upon the metal bunk.

"Hey!" Jimmy exclaimed, as Ralph reached out and took hold of the chastity tube.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, silly. You need to be cleaned up there so you don't get an infection. You don't want to lose your peter do you?" Ralph asked.

Jimmy sat still while Ralph unlocked the lock that held the chastity tube in place and then spread the band around his balls and pulled the horrible device off of his prick.

"Oh god!" Jimmy exclaimed, as he saw the head of his penis.

"Geez! You must have gotten a piss-hard every morning and whipped a lot with the crop for it to look like that." Ralph commented.

Indeed, the tip of the head of Jimmy's penis was a pitiful sight. It was dotted with little red spots of clotted blood were the pins had pricked it. The rest of the head and shaft was covered with red welts, as were his balls, where the crop had done its awful work.

"This will help heal it and keep it from getting infected," Ralph said, as he picked up a tube of something off of the tray, squirted some of its contents onto a piece of gauze, and then took hold of Jimmy's penis with his hand and began to apply the cream to the head of Jimmy's penis.

"Oh geez!" Jimmy exclaimed, not only at the fact that the cream soothed the head of his penis but also at the sensation it gave him.

In response, Ralph giggled, because even as badly as it looked he could feel Jimmy's penis twitch in his hand as he applied the cream.

"Lie down on the bunk and I'll put some of this lotion on you. It'll help the marks heal," Ralph said, once he had finished applying the soothing salve to the head of Jimmy's penis and laid the gauze pad back upon the tray.

Jimmy lay back upon the metal bunk and watched as Ralph picked up a plastic bottle from the tray and then squirted some of the white cream-like contents on the front side of his body.

"Oh, that stuff's cold!" Jimmy remarked, prompting Ralph to laugh.

"Yeah, it is supposed to feel that way. Now relax while I rub it in."

Jimmy had never had another boy touch him in his life. However, Ralph's hands felt so good as they rubbed the cream over his body that he lay there and enjoyed it. Almost instantly the welts felt better as Ralph rubbed in the cream

"Oh shit!" Jimmy exclaimed, as Ralph squirted some of the cream on his dick and balls and began to massage it in with his hands.

"This will make it feel better," Ralph said, as he rubbed the lotion in.

"Oh god!" Jimmy moaned, at the sensations that started flowing through his cock.

"You're getting hard," Ralph commented, then giggled.

"I know," Jimmy responded, not really believing he was letting another guy do this to him.

"Now turn over and I'll do your backside." Ralph instructed.

Jimmy turned over upon the metal bunk and lay face down, pressing his hardening penis against the metal bunk as he did so.

Jimmy couldn't help but moan as Ralph used his hands to apply the soothing lotion all over his backside. Then, as Ralph began to work the stuff into his butt crack he yelped.

"They gave you an ass hole whipping didn't they?" Ralph asked.

"Mmm! Uh! Yeah three times," Jimmy replied, shuddering a little at the thought of how badly it had hurt.

"I brought some stuff for that just in case."

Jimmy turned his head and watched as Ralph set the bottle of lotion back upon the tray and picked up a tube of something and squirt and ample amount on his fingers.

"This is gonna be cold at first but soon you won't feel anything," Ralph said, and moved his fingers back toward Jimmy's butt crack. "Spread your butt cheeks for me."

Jimmy reached back and pulled his butt cheeks apart.

"Ouch! Fuck!" Jimmy exclaimed as Ralph's fingers made contact with his sore hole.

However, as Ralph had said he soon felt no pain at all down there.

"Okay, that's it. You can turn over now," Ralph said, when he had finished applying the stuff to Jimmy's sore hole.

"Uh, I can't." Jimmy replied.

"Look, I know you gotta hard on, silly," Ralph responded, then giggled. "I'm not gonna bite you. That is, not unless you want me to," he added, then smiled.

Jimmy rolled over, and true enough, his cock was rock hard and at its full six and one half inches [16½ cm].

"Oh, nice one!" Ralph remarked, causing Jimmy to blush.

"You're are interested in my dick." Jimmy commented.

"Yeah, I like um. Especially in my butt," Ralph replied, and then winked.

"You mean, you ah 3;?"

"Suck cock? Get fucked?" Ralph asked, interrupting what Jimmy was trying to ask. "Yeah, I suck cock, and you do too, now," he added.

"Well, not cause I want to."

"That's not the way Ray and Bruce tell it," Ralph replied, then laughed.

"Ray and Bruce?"

"Yeah, the two guys who've been doing stuff to you all week. Ray is the one with the green eyes and Bruce is the one with the blue eyes."

"Do I have to put that damn thing back on?" Jimmy then asked, pointing to the chastity tube.

"Not just now. They'll decide about that when you get your nips and your ears pierced."

"Oh shit!" Jimmy exclaimed.

"Hey, it doesn't really hurt that much. Besides all us kids here are that way."

"Why don't you wear one of those things?" Jimmy then asked, pointing again at the chastity tube.

"Oh, they don't have to worry about me. I really only like to get off when I get fucked," Ralph responded matter of factly.

"Get fucked!" Jimmy exclaimed.

"Sure, everyone around here gets fucked by somebody," Ralph replied, shrugging his shoulders.

"No one is gonna fuck me for damn sure!" Jimmy exclaimed.

"Listen shithead, what you've been through is nothing compared to what can happen to you. I've seen guys begged to be fucked. In fact, by the time that Ray and Bruce got through with Charles he was begging to be fucked by everyone in the place. They turned him into a total slut after they worked on him for five hours straight. He didn't even get his voice back for over a week he had screamed so much. He's been fucked so much by everyone the last six months no one wants to even fuck him anymore. It's pitiful how he begs. "

"What kind of crazy, insane, fucking place is this?" Jimmy shouted in frustration.

"Well, you got some of it right," Ralph responded, then chuckled. "It's a fucking place true enough," he added, then chuckled some more.

"Well, I ain't doin it!" Jimmy said.

"Yeah you will. The only question is whose gonna get your cherry," Ralph responded, shaking his head. "Don't worry though. It'll be awhile. You haven't even met Headmaster Killby yet. He'll decide when you get fucked and who gets to do it. It's usually a pretty good show, too," Ralph added.

"Show?" Jimmy said.

"Yeah. Everyone gets to watch."

"That's sick!" Jimmy exclaimed in response.

"Well, actually it's quite hot. Usually, all the guys get it on with each other cause they get so horny watching and we can have sex with anyone without permission for a whole week when a new guys looses his cherry."

"I'm surrounded by fucking fags!" Jimmy exclaimed.

"I wouldn't use that term around here if I were you. Besides, fags suck cock. Right?"

"Yeah." Jimmy responded.

"How many times you sucked Ray and Bruce the last five days?" Ralph asked, then grinned.

"Yeah, I guess you got a point," Jimmy responded glumly.

"Look, I gotta go. I've probably told you too much anyway. Do what you're told when you're told and don't ever think you won't do something. Remember that. If you refuse to do anything or don't follow the rules the punishment just gets worse and more horrible. I think they're gonna move you in a little while," Ralph said, as he picked up the tray and then turned and walked toward the cell door.

Jimmy watched as Ralph walked toward the cell door. As he looked at the boy's bare buttocks he wondered how many guys had put their dick between them. Then, he shuddered at the thought of that happening to him.

Chapter Five

It wasn't but about thirty minutes after Ralph had left that the tumblers on the cell door lock clicked and the door opened revealing the big black man that Jimmy hadn't seen in awhile in the doorway.

"Come on boy. We ain't got all day. Dey is waitin for you," the black man said.

By this time, Jimmy knew better than to resist so he sighed and rose up off of the bunk and walked toward the door, wishing they had given him a little longer before he had to suck cock again.

"You azz just follow me," the black man said.

Jimmy followed the man down the hall toward the punishment room and began to cry as he did so.

"I haven't done anything wrong," Jimmy whined.

"No one says you did," the black man said, not turning around. "Now get on in there," he added, standing aside so Jimmy could step through the doorway.

As usual, the two men, who Jimmy now knew as Ray and Bruce, were standing there waiting for him dressed in their leather pants and boots. Immediately, Jimmy wondered if that meant he wasn't gonna have to do all those disgusting things this time.

"Come over here and stand underneath the frame," Ray, the green-eyed one said.

"Oh please, I haven't done anything wrong. Don't beat me again!" Jimmy begged.

"Get your ass over here or we are gonna whip your balls and cock again!" The man named Bruce replied.

Jimmy went over and stood underneath the frame while the two took his arms and shackled them to the top bar. Then, he began to whimper as the frame was raised and the spreader bar was attached to his ankles.

"This is just so you don't wiggle so much while we do what we got to do," Ray commented as the attached the spreader bar.

The first thing that the man named Bruce pierced was both of Jimmy's ear lobes, and Jimmy yelped a little as the large needle was poked through each one. Yet, there was no pain as the man named Ray inserted the gold rings through each ear lobe.

Then, Jimmy hollered much louder, as each of his nipples was pierced, but there too, there was no pain as the gold rings were inserted. Thinking that he had successfully endured it all Jimmy was startled when Ray picked up a gold ring, somewhat different than the other four, from the same tray where he had retrieved the others.

"What's that for?" Jimmy asked.

"It's for your dick," Ray replied, then smiled.

"Oh shit no!" Jimmy exclaimed and began to squirm as much as he could, for he had seen pictures of guys with their penis pierced.

"Hold still you little shit or you are gonna make me miss," Bruce said, as he moved the needle toward the slit of the head of Jimmy's penis.

Jimmy stared in horror as the needle moved toward its target. Then, he screamed loudly as the needle passed through the meatus of his penis and the piercing was done.

"There now, all done," Ray commented after he had inserted the gold PA ring.

"Not quite." Bruce commented.

Jimmy cut his eyes toward the man named Bruce and stared at the sinister looking object he held in his hand.

"Wha-what's that?" Jimmy asked nervously.

"This, my cutie, is what is known as a butt plug. A special one just for your butt," Bruce replied, and smiled.

"No! No!" Jimmy hollered, and started writhing in his restraints and crying almost hysterically as Bruce lubed up the butt plug.

There was no way that thing would fit in his butt, it was huge!

" Don't! Please no!" Jimmy wailed as he felt his butt cheeks being spread. "I can't! It's too big! It'll kill me! It's too b 3;!"

Jimmy stopped mid-sentence, his mouth flying open wide like the entrance to some cave. Then he howled at the ceiling, as what felt like the head of a baseball bat bored into his virgin rectum.

"Push like you are taking a crap you stupid little shit or it's gonna rip yah up!" Ray hollered.

Willing to do anything to stop the terrible pain, Jimmy did as he was told and the thing slid into him and his ass lips snapped shut around the narrow base of the fat, sinister, missile.

"Oh God! Oh God! It's hurts!" Jimmy wailed, his stomach heaving and his breath coming in gasps.

"You'll get used to it!" Bruce said, and swatted Jimmy on the butt cheeks with his hand and laughed.

Jimmy was still crying when they lowered him from the frame, and he didn't put up any resistance at all as the wide leather belt, with a manacle on each side, was put around his waist. Once done, Jimmy's wrists were effectively manacled to his sides. He couldn't feed himself, couldn't scratch his nose, and most of all, couldn't remove the butt plug, not to mention wank himself, which he hadn't even thought about the whole time he had been there.

"Where are you taking me?" Jimmy asked, noticing that the two men weren't escorting him back to his usual cell.

"This kid just doesn't know how to say sir does he?" Ray said.

"Yeah, maybe we need to go back and whip his cock a little," Bruce remarked.

The two pulled him around and headed back in the direction of the punishment room.

"Sir! Please sir! Oh God! Sir! Sir! Sir!" Jimmy began to shout at the top of his lungs.

"That's better," Bruce said, and nodded to his buddy.

The two pulled Jimmy around again and headed toward their destination that was a cell door not unlike the one that Jimmy had become used to. However, once Bruce unlocked the door and opened it, it was immediately apparent things were not the same.

On the far wall, there was a double bed. Not a metal bunk. It was a real bed frame with real sheets. To the left side was a toilet. Not a plastic bucket, but a real toilet, and a shower stall, and a lavatory. The room also had a table and some chairs. To Jimmy It looked like paradise.

"Welcome to your new digs kid. You're gonna earn um!" Ray said, and then the two men shoved him into the room and slammed the door shut behind them, then locked it.

Jimmy started crying when he looked at the double bed with sheets. He wished he could reach out and touch them, but with his hands manacled to his sides, there was no way. Instead, he bent over and ran his face across them, thinking how nice it would be to be home and have clean sheets every night. There were so many things he had taken for granted.

The tumblers on the door lock clicked, the door opened, and it was Ralph, carrying a tray again laden with food and some other items. The door was closed behind him and locked again once he entered.

"Okay, time to eat. I hope you're hungry," Ralph said as he entered with the tray containing food and other items.

"How am I gonna eat?" Jimmy asked, motioning his head toward his waist and his manacled hands.

"I'm gonna feed you, silly."

"Feed me?"

"Yeah, feed you and a lot more for awhile."

"Why?" Jimmy asked.

"Well, smart ass, suppose you need to take a shit. How you gonna do it with that thing up your butt?"

"Yeah," Jimmy replied, suddenly remembering that it felt like he had a log up his butt.

"Get up and bend over and let me take a look."

Jimmy got up off of the bed, stood up, and bent over, exposing his plugged hole.

"Oh wow! You got the black one."

"Uh, what's that mean?" Jimmy asked.

"Well, it's good news and bad news."

"Wadda mean?" Jimmy asked.

"Well, it means your butt is gonna get pretty loose after awhile. That's the good part. The bad part is that its already been decided you are gonna lose your cherry to a big dick," Ralph said, causing Jimmy to moan. "I can only think of three people here that have a dick big enough that you gotta have that thing in your butt to keep from getting ripped apart."

"Oh my God! Who?"

"Well, there's Darrel, he's the black dude you've had a run in with before. Then, there's Headmaster Killby, and Richard," Ralph replied.

"What about Ray and Bruce?" Jimmy asked, thinking about how much trouble he had had handling their nine-inch [23 cm] cocks.

"Too small."

"Oh my god!" Jimmy exclaimed.

"Yeah, take Richard, for example."


"Yeah, he's been here about a year. He's eighteen. Been on the 'mones for almost all that time."

"Mones?" Jimmy asked.

"Hormones, silly. You don't think I would normally be packing this much at my age do yah?" Ralph asked, pointing to the stuffed pouch of his G-string.


"You'll eventually get the shots every other day like we all do. Not bad really. No one leaves here with the same size dick and balls they came in with."

"How big is Richard?" Jimmy asked.

Ralph held up his two hands indicating a cock about a foot [30 cm] long.

"Oh my god!" Jimmy exclaimed, horrified at the thought of something that big being put in his butt.

Then, Ralph let out a squeal startling Jimmy.

"What is it?" Jimmy said, having jumped at the squeal.

"Oh my God! I just noticed. They gave you a PA."

"Huh?" Jimmy said.

"The ring in your dick stupid. It's called a PA, actually a Prince Albert. It's named after some British guy or somethin'."


"You don't need to take a shit before you eat do yah?" Ralph asked.

"Uh, not right now."

"Okay, just let me know. That way I can take the butt plug out for yah and put it back in when you're done."

"So, you gonna wipe my butt, too?" Jimmy asked sarcastically, causing Ralph to sigh.

"Yeah, that and a lot more I guess."

"Why?" Jimmy asked.

"Cause, it's my job. I've been assigned to you."

"Assigned to me?"

"Never mind! Look at all this good stuff you got to eat. You got chicken friend steak, mashed potatoes, pie, the whole fucking works! How you gonna eat it if I don't help yah smart ass?" Ralph asked.

"I'm sorry." Jimmy replied.

"Hey, no big deal. I'll feed you first, then, I've got some stuff to putt on your piercings. You don't wanna get those infected."

"Fine!" Jimmy replied, the sighed, not caring for the moment that things just seemed to be getting even more weird as time went on.

Chapter Six

Jimmy felt stupid because it was almost like he was a little baby having Ralph feed him. Yet, it was better than going hungry and there was certainly no way he could feed himself with his hands cuffed to the leather belt.

Naturally, even more humiliating was taking a shit. In order to do so, Ralph had to pull out the butt plug, wait for him to finish, wipe his ass for him, then re-insert the butt plug back up his hole.

"Oh fuck! Ouch!" Jimmy exclaimed, and let out a huge grunt as Ralph pushed the thing back up his butt.

"Geez! You sure got a tight butt. I'd think it would be looser than that after three days." Ralph remarked.

"Fuck! It still hurts damn it."

"Yeah, you'll get used to it after awhile though. Actually, if they'd let me, I'd have one in my butt all the time."

"Geez! Why?" Jimmy asked.

"I like feelin my butt stuffed all the time," Ralph replied.

"Not me! That's sick!" Jimmy remarked.

"Well, whatever. Lay down on the bed over there and let me put the medicine on your piercings again."

Like he had, twice before, Jimmy did okay until Ralph started applying the ointment to the head of his penis. Then, as before, he popped a hard almost immediately.

"Someone's got a boner again," Ralph remarked, then giggled.

"Oh shit!" Jimmy exclaimed as the tingly feelings began to grow.

"There, that should be enough."

"Oh god! Please jerk on it for me. Wank me!" Jimmy begged.

"I can't do that," Ralph replied, as he put the cap back on the tube of ointment, causing Jimmy to groan in response.

"No one will know," Jimmy said.

"You didn't notice the camera did you," Ralph replied, looking up toward the ceiling.

Jimmy followed Ralph's gaze and there was no mistaking the camera mounted on the ceiling.

"Oh God! I need to cum so bad!" Jimmy groaned.

"Bad enough you'd let some guy suck you off?"

"Oh shit yes!" Jimmy replied, prompting Ralph to laugh.

"My, my. And this from the guy who says all that is fag shit," Ralph remarked. "I don't care."

"Yeah, you're getting there. I knew it wouldn't be long."

"Gettin where?" Jimmy asked.

"Getting to where you wanna cum so bad you don't care about how you get off."


"Well, that ought to make your meeting with Headmaster Killby in a little while very interesting," Ralph remarked.

"Why's that?" Jimmy asked.

"You'll find out. Okay, I gotta go now. See yah later."

As he usually did when he departed, Ralph took the empty food tray with him and Jimmy was once again alone in his new cell, but not for very long. The cell door unlocked and it was the black man Darrel who entered.

"Okay, get yo azz up and let's go!" He said, motioning his head toward the open door way.

"Yes sir!" Jimmy replied, and for the first time in his life looked at an adult man's crotch and wondered how big a dick the bulge in the black man's jeans indicated.

It was difficult for Jimmy to walk with the butt plug up his butt so he naturally lagged a little behind Darrel as the two of them went down the hall toward the punishment room. Jimmy winced at the screams coming through the door and was very glad it wasn't him.

"No! Please No! Don't do it! Don't do it! Not my penis! No! No!" A young boy's voice screamed.

Then, there was a horrible blood-curdling scream followed by a terrible almost continuous sobbing that sent chills up and down Jimmy's spine.

"Oh God!" Jimmy murmured under his breath.

"Hey, dats what happens when you don't keep it clean," Darrel said, stopping and turning around and looking at Jimmy who was standing by the punishment room door.

"They cut his dick off?" Jimmy exclaimed, prompting Darrel to chuckle evilly.

"No, day just cut off his foreskin. Little fucker wouldn't keep his dick head clean enough," Darrel replied, making sniping motions with two of his fingers.

"Oh fuck!" Jimmy exclaimed, and quickly caught up to the black man who began to laugh.

The two wound down another hall, all with doors much like the door to his cell, and came to a stop outside a rather large wooden door that had a sign on it that said "Private."

Darrel knocked on the door.

"Enter!" a voice on the other side of the door said.

Darrel opened the door and ushered Jimmy into the room. Jimmy was not prepared for what he saw.

Sitting behind a big wooden desk was a rather large man with a very muscular build. He had dark close-cropped black hair and the darkest brown eyes Jimmy had ever seen. From what Jimmy could see of him, the man seemed to be dressed all in black. As if that wasn't strange enough, what sat in the man's lap certainly was.

Jimmy suspected the bald-headed naked boy, with gold ear rings and nip rings, that was sitting in the man's lap and leaning back against his chest was about eleven or twelve years old. The boy's head was laid back upon the man's shoulder and his eyes were closed and his mouth was halfway open.

Even more odd was the fact that the man was manipulating the boy's hard prick with his fingers. A tiny groan issued forth from the boy's mouth and Jimmy's penis twitched at the thought of how good that must feel.

"Headmaster Killby, this is Jimmy," Darrel said.

"Ah yes, Jimmy Swenson. You can leave us alone for a little while Darrel. Oh, please tell Ray and Bruce to get things ready. I don't think it's going to be much longer," Headmaster Killby said.

Jimmy watched Darrel depart the room and close the door behind him. Then, he looked back toward the man behind the desk.

"Well, Jimmy. I guess it's time to start your real training."

"Yes, sir!" Jimmy replied, shuffling his feet and feeling very uncomfortable standing before the man naked as he was.

The naked boy sitting in the man's lap gasped, his eyes flew open wide, and he raised up a bit off the man's chest.

"Oh please, I gotta go, sir!" The boy said in a desperate tone.

"Not yet, my pet. You wouldn't want Bruce to whip your penis again would you?" Headmaster Killby replied.

The boy moaned, then, his eyes rolled back in his head as he again laid his head back upon the man's shoulder.

"You see, Jason here is learning the first lesson very well. He's really getting quite good at it," Headmaster Killby remarked.

"Oh please. I can't anymore!" The boy pleaded, again opening his eyes, raising up a bit, and then looking up at Headmaster Killby with a pleading look in his face.

"Just ten more minutes love. We've been at it just twenty minutes now," Headmaster Killby replied.

Jimmy's mouth dropped halfway open in response to what the man had said. He couldn't imagine holding off from cumming even for ten seconds it had been so long since he had touched himself. In fact, his dick was already half-hard just watching the obscene spectacle.

"You seem surprised, Jimmy," Headmaster Killby commented.

"Yes sir."

"Well, cum training is really not hard once you put your mind to it. I'm sure you will be good at it in no time."

There was an even louder moan from the boy in Headmaster Killby's lap and Jimmy watched as a blob of clear pre-cum oozed from the slit of the boy's penis. As it did so, Headmaster Killby began to smear the sticky stuff all over the circumcised head of the boy named Jason's penis and then began to manipulate the head with his fingers as if he was rolling a marble in them.

"Uh! Oh God, please don't do that, sir! I can't stand that!" The boy cried out desperately, rearing up off the man's chest again.

"Nonsense, my pet. You can do anything if you put your mind to it. Now lay back like a good boy and concentrate," Headmaster Killby replied, continuing his manipulation of the circumcised head of the boy's prick.

The boy bit his lower lip, closed his eyes, and lay his head back again, his eyebrows furrowed and the strain showing in his face.

"You see, Jason here hasn't been allowed to touch himself for ten days. He wants to cum so bad he's about to go insane. Yet, he knows he must ask for permission. You see, Jimmy, it is really 3;"

Headmaster Killby's voice, explaining the vagaries of cum control, trailed off in Jimmy's mind and went unheard as his attention became more focused on the boy named Jason sitting in the man's lap.

Jimmy watched as Jason's nostrils began to flare with every breath he took. Then, there was another moan from him and an even bigger glob of pre-cum oozed from the head of his prick. As before, Headmaster Killby smeared it over the head of the Jason's prick and continued manipulating just the head with his fingers, causing an even louder groan to issue forth from the boy.

"Hold on, my pet. Just seven minutes more," Headmaster Killby urged, smearing another droplet of pre-cum, that now seemed to be constantly oozing from the boy's prick, over the head of his penis and continuing his manipulations.

In response, there was a low, almost primitive, moan from the boy that came from deep down within him somewhere. It wasn't like the others. Then, his tummy began to heave and he began to pant.

"Just awhile longer, love," Headmaster Killby said.

Jimmy watched as the boy's muscles grew taunt and the veins in his neck began to stand out from the strain. Then, the boy's mouth opened slightly and he began to emit gurgling noises while his body began to tremble slightly as though he had a mild chill.

Suddenly, the lad's eyes and mouth flew wide open and his facial expression changed to a look of horror.

"Uhhhhhhhh 3; Ohhhhhhhhhhh 3; Noooooooo 3; Ahhhhhhhh!" He cried out, in a rising crescendo, as his body heaved up off of the man's chest.

Immediately, cum pellets began to shoot from his prick, landing on his stomach and chest, and as they did so, he fell back upon the man's chest whimpering.

"Oh no! Oh no!" He began to sob, as the spurts continued to shoot out and land on his tummy.

Jimmy never thought it possible that anyone would cry while he was having an orgasm. Yet, here he was witnessing it. Of course, what the boy named Jason knew, and what Jimmy didn't know, was what was now going to happen to him since he didn't been given permission to cum.

Sadly, even though Jason was overwhelmed with the pleasure of his orgasmic release, he was also thinking at the same time of the pain that was going to come as a result of it.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Jason began to intone, his balls now emptied of his youthful load.

Jimmy watched as Headmaster Killby reached over and pressed a white button mounted on his desk. Soon, the door opened and it was Darell that entered.

"Take Jason here to the punishment room," Headmaster Killby said.

"Oh no! Please no! Don't! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" The kid bawled and tried to hold on to Headmaster Killby.

"Get off me!" Headmaster Killby said, and pushed the boy named Jason off of him onto the floor.

"No! No!" The boy screamed, and tried to scramble away from Darrel as he approached.

It did no good. Quickly, Darrel grabbed him by one of his feet and pulled him across the floor toward the door, then through the doorway, closing the door behind them both. Even through the closed door Jimmy could still hear the boy's pleas for mercy until they faded away.

"Stupid little fuck! Only five minutes more and he would have been home free!" Headmaster Killby said as he wiped off the few cum splotches that had landed on his shirt.

Jimmy instantly hated the man because of his insensitivity.

"Well now, what to do with you, Jimmy Swenson," Headmaster Killby asked, as he sat back down in his chair.

Jimmy just stood there blinking, not daring to say anything.

"First, I think I better have a closer look at you," the man said, and got up from his chair.

Jimmy shuffled his feet nervously as he watched the tall man approach him then stand just inches from him.

"Yes, quite a lovely penis for one so young," Headmaster Killby commented, as he took Jimmy's penis in his fingers and began to inspect it. "Nice PA ring, too," he added and began to flick it with his fingers.

"Oh God!" Jimmy moaned at the tingly sensations that resulted.

"I suspect it will be quite large by the time you leave here," Headmaster Killby remarked as his traced a circle just under the head of Jimmy's penis.

"Oh!" Jimmy exclaimed.

"How long has it been since you've wanked, Jimmy?" Headmaster Killby asked, continuing to trace his finger around the head.

"Mmmmmm! Uh, Oh God! Two weeks, sir!" Jimmy replied.

"Delightful!" Headmaster Killby replied, and released Jimmy's penis. "Now bend over for me please," he then said.

Jimmy did as he was told.

"Ah yes, I see the butt plug is firmly in place," Headmaster Killby commented, then pressed on it with his fingers.

"Uh!" Jimmy grunted in response to the pressure on the butt plug.

"Yes, that should do nicely!" "You may stand up now," he added, then began to walk back toward his desk chair.

"Well, Jimmy Swenson, I promised your dad that you would be returned in a year intact, not that most parents care about that. I think your time with us, will be fruitful."

"Sir?" Jimmy replied.

"Just a sec," Headmaster Killby said, and reached over and pressed the white button on his desk again.

Soon, the door opened and a tall blonde-haired man Jimmy had never seen before entered the room.

"Yes sir?" The man said.

"Charles, please send Ralph here immediately."

"Yes sir!' The man named Charles replied, then turned and left out of the room, closing the door behind him.

"I can see by the expression on your face that you know Ralph."

"Yes sir." Jimmy replied.

"Good, very good. Do you like Ralph?"

"Yes sir. He's okay," Jimmy replied, prompting Headmaster Killby to chuckle.

"Oh, he's more than okay. In fact, my little stud muffin, you're going to find out real soon."


"Patience my boy. Like I said, you'll find out soon," Headmaster Killby replied, and began chuckling again.

Chapter Seven

"Well, I can see Ralph has taken good care of you. Your piercings seem to be healing nicely," Headmaster Killby commented.

"Yes sir."

"And the butt plug. Is that suitable?"

"It's kinda uncomfortable sir."

"Yes, I can imagine. Well, we can't have you ripped open. You'll just have to live with it for now."

"Yes sir." Jimmy replied, suddenly feeling very uncomfortable again and shifting his feet.

"I'm glad that you find Ralph acceptable. I've assigned him to be your mentor and partner while the both of you are here. In fact, for awhile the two of you will be inseparable," Headmaster Killby said, then chuckled.

"Sir?" Jimmy replied.

"In due time, my boy. In due time."

Then, there was a knock at the door.

"Enter!" Headmaster Killby said.

"Ralph, sir." The blonde headed man said, and Ralph entered the room.

"Ralph, I'm sure you know Jimmy here."

"Yes, Headmaster Killby."

"I understand, from looking at the tapes, that Jimmy here wanted you to wank him this morning?" Headmaster Killby asked.

"Uh, yes, Headmaster Killby."

"Well, why don't you show Jimmy here what you can really do."


"Get at it boy!" Headmaster Killby replied in a gruff voice.

Jimmy watched as Ralph walked over and stood in front of him, then got down on his knees, reached out his hand, took hold of his penis, and then put it in his mouth.

"Oh god!" Jimmy exclaimed, for the gooey sensations started immediately.

"Well, no time like the present to begin your cum training, Jimmy Swenson. Since it's your first lesson, let's say we go for ten minutes this time. Remember, you aren't to cum until you are given permission."

"But sir! Oh my God!" Jimmy replied, for never in his young life had anything felt as good on his dick as Ralph's mouth.

"It's all mind over matter boy."

"Oh God! Mmmmmmmmm!" Jimmy exclaimed, as Ralph began to use his tongue on the head of his now rock hard penis and suck on it had the same time.

"Use your hand, too, Ralph," Headmaster Killby instructed.

As instructed, Ralph grabbed hold of Jimmy's cock with his hand and began to wank it while he bobbed his mouth up and down on it.

"Shit! Ah!" Jimmy exclaimed, as the gooey sensations increased in intensity.

"Use your tongue a little more Ralph. I know you're good at that. Let's not leave Jimmy disappointed."

Ralph began to flick at the PA ring with his tongue as he sucked and bobbed his head on Jimmy's hard meat.

"Oh no! I can't! Oh fuck!" Jimmy said, and began to pant.

"Hold on boy. You've got seven minutes to go!"

"I can't sir. Oh God!" Jimmy replied.

"Nonsense. You can do it!"

"No sir, I can't. It's been too long. Oh!" Jimmy responded with an air of desperation in his voice.

Shock waves began to course through Jimmy's balls and groin and his knees began to buckle as he felt his hot cum load rise like lava from his balls and head up the shaft of his penis.

"Oh God I can't! I'm gonna go! Like right now!" Jimmy hollered.

"Ummmmmpppppffffff!" Ralph exclaimed, as the first blast from Jimmy's cock almost blew his head off.

From then on, there was nothing Ralph could do but grab Jimmy's butt cheeks and hold on for the ride and swallow as blast after blast of hot teen goo flooded his mouth.

Finally, after Jimmy was drained dry, Ralph released Jimmy's cock from his mouth. As he did so, Jimmy looked down and wondered why tears were forming in Ralph's eyes, since the guy had implied he would suck him off once before.

"Ralph, you know what must happen don't you?" Headmaster Killby asked.

Ralph nodded his head that he did.

"I see you are confused again, Jimmy," Headmaster Killby said looking at Jimmy, whose penis was beginning to go flaccid but still gleamed with Ralph's spit juices.

"Yes sir!" Jimmy responded, so glad to have cum that he really didn't care what the man was talking about.

"You came without permission and that's not allowed. Normally, the penalty for that is a cock whipping like Jason is getting right now. However, since this was your first time, I should think a good work over with the paddle should do." Headmaster Killby said.

"Oh please sir. It had been so long," Jimmy pleaded.

Minutes later, his wrists released from the manacles on the leather belt, Jimmy watched as Ray and Bruce hauled Ralph's naked body up in the metal frame. It was the first time Jimmy had seen Ralph without his G-string and he had to admit the guy's penis and balls were very impressive for his small size. In fact, they were every bit as big as his own were.

"Here!" Ray said, handing Jimmy the sinister looking wooden paddle with holes bored in it.

"Me? I'm the one that should be punished not him," Jimmy replied in an astonished tone.

"Shut the fuck up and do as you're told. Remember, kid, you don't do a good job and you take his place," Bruce said.

Jimmy went back around behind where Ralph hung in the metal frame and stood there looking at Ralph's bare behind. Suddenly, he had another pang of conscience.

"Really, I can't do this."

"You don't have a choice shit head. It's either do it or we are gonna whip your cock and balls until you pass out," Ray replied.

Jimmy thought of the terrible pain and took a swing at Ralph's bare butt with the paddle.

"Smack!" the paddle went as it hit Ralph's butt cheeks, but there was only a grunt from Ralph.

"Hit him harder! Whip that ass!" Bruce demanded.

Jimmy hit Ralph's butt cheeks again with paddle. The blow was much harder this time and Ralph yelped in response.

"Harder, fucker!" Ray demanded.

Jimmy swung the paddle with all his might and the sound of it striking Ralph's butt cheeks reverberated off the walls of the punishment room.

"Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!" Ralph shrieked in response.

For what seemed like an eternity to him, Jimmy wielded the paddle on Ralph's bare bottom. Ralph began to bawl like a baby and shriek with each blow of the paddle.

First, Ralph's butt began to turn red. Then, it began to turn purple. Ralph's screams of pain became so terrible and so loud that tears began to run down Jimmy's cheeks and he began to flinch each time the paddle struck a blow.

"That's enough!" Bruce eventually said, and took the paddle away from Jimmy.

Relieved, Jimmy watched as they began to lower a sobbing Ralph so that he's feet once again touched the floor. Strangely, Ralph's penis was rock hard and a stream of pre-cum ran from its head. Jimmy stared at the strange sight and shook his head in disbelief.

Before the two boys left the punishment room the leather belt was removed from around Jimmy's waist. Then, both naked teens were handcuffed together and led back to Jimmy's cell.

"I'm sorry!" Jimmy said later, as the two of them sat on the edge of the bed.

"They're probably gonna move us tomorrow. We're going into the general population with the rest of the guys that are here. Man, I hate that," Ralph replied.

"Why?" Jimmy asked.

"Well, for one thing everyone is gonna make fun of me and you. You just might as well get ready for it."


"Cause they've paired us up," Ralph said raising his right wrist that was handcuffed to Jimmy's left wrist. Everyone gets teased when they first get paired up," he added.

"Paired up?"

"Yeah, we're kinda like boy friend and girl friend now. We do everything together now. We are gonna share the same dorm room, go to the same classes, the whole bit."

"I ain't nobody's girl friend."

"I know that stupid."

"Mmm! My butt's sore!" Ralph said, and lay back upon the bed, pulling Jimmy with him because they were cuffed together.

"Uh, I wanna ask yah something," Jimmy said.

"Yeah, what?"

"Uh, why did your dick get hard while I was whippin yah?"

"Oh, that always happens. I don't know. Just does. Sometimes I cum when they whip me."

"That's weird."

"Speaking of cum. You almost drowned me today."

"Yeah, it had been a long time."

"Well, I didn't mind. You taste good."

"Taste good?"

"Yeah, your cum, silly. It tastes good."


"I knew you weren't gonna be able to hold off. It was worth the whipping to have you blow your load in my mouth."

"Geez! You're such a fag!"

"Hey, I'll do it again for you if you want."

"You must be outta your mind! I ain't gettin whipped or whippin you again."

"It's okay. No ones gonna know."

"What about the camera stupid?" Jimmy said, pointing upward toward the camera.

"The red light is off. They're not watchin."


"So, you want me to?"

"Uh, yeah I guess."


Over the course of the next thirty minutes Jimmy moaned and groaned more than he ever had in his life. Ralph's mouth went places on his body where no one had ever been. His nips, his neck, between his thighs, underneath his balls, Jimmy wiggled on the bed like a baby seal as Ralph's moist mouth slowly moved over his body like some snail, leaving a trail of spit behind where ever it had been. Jimmy got so hot that he begged Ralph to start sucking and every time Jimmy tried to reach for his own cock to get relief Ralph brushed his hand away.

"Do me, too, and I'll let yah cum!" Ralph said, positioning himself on his side.

Willingly, for the first time in his life, Jimmy took a penis into his mouth. He didn't have to, he wasn't being forced to, but he wanted to. Then, as he came again into Ralph's eager mouth, Jimmy was rewarded with Ralph's own flow of hot, teen, sperm, which Jimmy gulped down as if it were manta from the only person who had showed him any kindness in a long time.

Headmaster Killby sat naked in his desk chair and looked at the screen of the monitor and smiled at the naked and cuffed duo and nodded his head approvingly, his eleven-inch [28 cm] cock rock hard at what he saw.

"You ready now, Danny?" He asked, turning his head and looking at the naked boy standing next to his chair.

"Uh huh! Oh yes!" The naked little imp of a thirteen-year-old standing beside him said, his four-inch [10 cm] penis hard up against his belly having watched the duo on the screen.

"Well, come on up here then, boy!"

The diminutive lad climbed up eagerly into the man's lap, as if he were Santa Claus. Then, he raised his butt up, took hold of the man's huge missile, gasped as he inserted the head into his asshole, and then moaned loudly as he began to rock his butt back and forth and lower himself upon the impressive tool, wanking his prick as he did so.

Chapter Eight

Ralph hadn't been wrong about he and Jimmy being teased, for more reasons than one.

The next morning, when Darrel had unlocked the cell door and entered with the uniforms the two would be expected to wear Jimmy groaned as he looked through his stuff.

"This is just so fucking queer!" Jimmy had exclaimed, as he examined the black leather bikini with the hole in the front.

"Actually, it's gonna look kind of cute."

"And what's this for?" Jimmy had asked holding up the long gold chain.

"Don't worry. I'll show you."

Ralph had helped Jimmy to get into his outfit and then stood back to take a look.

"Damn you look fine!"

Indeed, Jimmy did look different. His cock protruded through the hole in the front of the black leather bikini and the bottom end of the gold chain, which was in the shape of a Y, was clipped to the PA ring in the head of his cock while the two upper ends were clipped to his nip rings. Because of the length of the chain Jimmy's cock was pulled upward almost against his groin so that it didn't hang down in its flaccid state. As for the black boots he wore, well, they were comfortable.

As for Ralph, well his leather bikini had a solid front but it was covered with metal studs in the pouch area that emphasized his prominent bulge rather well. The black boots just added to his appearance.

"This is so fucking weird!" Jimmy had exclaimed once he was in his uniform.

"You think that's weird. Walk around the cell a little."

Jimmy started walking around the room as Ralph had asked.

"Oh shit!" Jimmy had exclaimed, his cock getting hard.

"Yeah." Ralph replied, and giggled.

What Jimmy had discovered was that every step he took made the chain tug slightly at both his nipples and the PA ring. Naturally, as he walked he was being stimulated in both places at the same time.

"I can't go around like this!" Jimmy said, looking down at his now hard cock.

"You'll get used to it and that won't happen, but, you are gonna look funny for awhile," Ralph had replied, and promptly fell over on the bed laughing.

Needless to say, as Darrel led the two down the hall of the dorm heads stuck out of the open doorways and catcalls and whistles abounded. Ralph loved it and just wiggled his butt more as he walked. He didn't care. Jimmy was his man and he wanted everyone to see whom he had been paired up with. Jimmy, on the other hand, blushed a dark red as he paraded down the hall with a hard on toward their room.

Jimmy bitched and groused about their room after Darrel left. Of course he didn't dare say anything in front of him.

"This is worse than before. There's only one fucking bed and it's a single!" Jimmy had exclaimed.

"Well, we can snuggle!" Ralph had said, and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Oh God! You're such a queer!"

"Uh, excuse me. Queers suck cock. Right?"

"Would you get off of that! So I sucked your fucking cock. I woulda done anything to get off again."

"Ah, Mr. Macho just does it if he wants to get off."

Ralph pointed out the good points about the room. There was a desk and shelves for their things and they had a view out the window at the courtyard. Jimmy wasn't impressed.

"Where the fuck is the crapper? " Jimmy had asked.

"That's down the hall, and the showers, too."

"Oh God! I wanna go back to the cell."

"Uh, no you don't, and I don't either."

Later that morning, as they attended their first class, Jimmy was just humiliated further by the goings on.

"Well, Mr. Swenson and Mr. Alexander. So glad you could join us!" The blonde-headed man dressed in a black shirt and black slacks said, as the two handcuffed boys entered through the doorway.

Jimmy hastily took a seat on one of the benches just inside the doorway, and having no choice because the two were cuffed together Ralph followed behind.

"Oh no, no! Please, come to the front. Let me introduce you to the rest of the class," the man said, prompting snickers and titters from the assembled boys.

"What is this shit? Who is this stupid fucker?" Jimmy asked, leaning over and whispering to Ralph.

"Shut up, fuck head. You want your balls squeezed until they bleed? It's Master Davis, come on," Ralph whispered back, getting up from the bench tugging Jimmy along with him by their cuffed wrists.

Jimmy followed Ralph to the front of the room and stood before the man.

"Turn around, you two, let's let the others have a good look at you," the man said.

Both Ralph and Jimmy did as they were instructed.

For the first time, Jimmy got a good look at the other boys his age and older. There were short ones, tall ones, pudgy ones, thin ones, an entire mix, none of them dressed like he and Ralph. Most, were dressed in thong bikinis of various colors. However, all had bald heads, earrings, nips rings, and not a visible hair on their bodies but their eyebrows. Jimmy recognized only one of them. The boy Jason he had seen in Headmaster Killby's office.

"Gentleman, let me introduce you to our new couple. As you can see, they are inseparable," Master Davis said, referring to the boy's cuffed condition.

The response from the group of boys was a mix of both tittering and snickers.

"Everyone knows Ralph," Master Davis said, motioning to Ralph.

The group of boys burst into laughter.

"Yeah, the queen of the South!" one said.

"Oh yeah baby!" another commented, prompting Jimmy to glance at Ralph with a look of disgust in his eyes.

"And, of course, this is Jimmy. Doesn't he look fine in his Novice uniform?" Master Davis asked, and then flicked at he chain with his fingers, causing Jimmy's cock to bounce up and down tugging on his nips as it did so and causing him to moan at the tingly feelings that immediately started.

The boys burst into laughter in response.

"That will be all for now gentlemen. Please take a seat on the front bench over there. I want the two of you to especially pay attention to today's lesson. Most of all you, Jimmy," Master Davis said, prompting the whole class to laugh again.

Jimmy followed Ralph over to a vacant space on the front bench to the right that the man had indicated and sat down.

"Now, before our tardy duo arrived, I was trying to explain the benefits of controlling your orgasms."

Jimmy looked at Ralph and Ralph shook his head, indicating it wasn't in order to talk or ask questions.

"Jason, tell us why you got a penis and ball whipping the last time?" Master Davis asked.

Immediately, the boy named Jason that Jimmy recognized jumped up from the bench upon which he was sitting and stood up.

"Because I was stupid sir! I wasn't using my mind. I started thinking about how good it felt and not other things sir!" Jason said, and then sat back down.

"Yes, and had you, the orgasm you would have ultimately had would have been much greater and more profound."

Again, Jimmy looked over at Ralph and Ralph shook his head.

"Ah, I see you are wondering what is going on Mr. Swenson. Well, I will use you as an example of the other extreme. Both of you please come here!" Master Davis said.

Jimmy looked at Ralph, and from the expression on his face, and the look in his eyes, he could tell he had better do what the man said.

Jimmy and Ralph got up and walked to the front of the room again.

"Please stand and face the group."

The two did as they were told.

"Now, as you can all see, Jimmy's cock is flaccid. However, he has no control over that. Notice please!" The man said, and began to flick the gold chain with his fingers.

"Uh!" Jimmy exclaimed, and instantly his cock began to inflate.

"Tell me, Mr. Alexander. When you were in Headmaster Killby's office how long was Mr. Swenson able to refrain from cumming?" The man asked.

"Uh, about three or four minutes sir!" Ralph replied.

At that, the whole group of boys burst into laughter.

"Okay, alright, that's enough," the man said, holding up his hand at the class.

Jimmy looked down and realized his cock was about half as hard as it could be.

"Now, for Mr. Swenson's edification here, and for those of you who may have forgotten, let me explain again about the penis," Master Davis said, and reached out and took hold of Jimmy's organ.

Jimmy groaned and shuffled his feet at the touch.

"Keep still, my boy, or I'll see that you get the cock and ball whipping of your life."

"Yes sir!" Jimmy responded.

"Now, what we see here is a rather admirable penis, cock as it were. Notice how the circumcision is very well done," the man said, tracing his fingers around the scar.

"Uh, Oh god!" Jimmy exclaimed as a result of the man's touch.

"Almost a prefect head, too, I might add," Master Davis said, rubbing his fingers around the head.

"Oh Shit!" Jimmy exclaimed even louder, prompting the whole group of boys to burst out in laugher.

It wasn't minutes, only seconds, before Jimmy's cock was rock hard as a result of the man's attention to it

"Well! What have we here!" Master Davis exclaimed, causing the whole group to burst into laughter at his mock curiosity at Jimmy's now rock hard cock.

"Notice, class, how the underside is bowed up. This is what is known in some circles as perfect fucking cock."

"Oh fuck!" Jimmy exclaimed, as the man called Master Davis ran his fingers on the underside of his cock.

"Yes, I'm afraid, as of yet, no control over this fine piece of meat. Any of you want to get extra fuck points for helping Jimmy here with his second attempt at cum control? It has got to been ten minutes, no less."

"I will sir!" Ralph replied.

"Mr. Alexander, my dear dear Ralph, you just keep hoping don't you?" Master Davis replied.

"Yes sir! Hoping sir!" Ralph replied.

"Very well, my boy. You may try. You know what the punishment is if you fail don't you?" Master Davis asked.

"Yes sir, I know. You know I know, sir."

"Very well, my boy. Go ahead, and good luck," Master Davis replied.

Ralph moved himself around in front of Jimmy then kneeled down, took hold of Jimmy's cock, unclipped the chain from the PA ring, and then began to work his tongue over the head.

"Oh my God!" Jimmy groaned, prompting titters and snickers from the class.

"Gentlemen please. Let's not have any distractions," Master Davis said, raising his hand at the class.

"Mmmmmmmmm!" Jimmy moaned, as Ralph began to suck just the head of his dick.

Although Ralph's mouth felt wonderful on his dick, something was different. Ralph wasn't doing it with the same intensity or the same way he had done it either in Mr. Killby's office or the cell. He looked down at Ralph with a puzzled expression and when their eyes met Ralph winked at him.

"Oh shit!" Jimmy exclaimed, as the tingly feelings began to intensify.

"Seven minutes Mr. Swenson," Master Davis said. "Ralph, you aren't doing it with your usual vigor. Let's see that mouth of yours at work boy!" Master Davis commanded.

Immediately, Ralph began to run his tongue over the head of Jimmy's penis while he sucked and began to bob his head slowly up and down on Jimmy's cock.

"Oh Fuck!" Jimmy exclaimed, prompting more snickers and giggles from the class.

Jimmy could feel the cum begin to boil in his balls and quickly he tried to think of something else besides how good Ralph's mouth felt on his cock. He thought about airplane crashes, he thought about the death of his mom. Anything and everything bad he could think of he thought about except how good Ralph's mouth felt on his dick.

"Five minutes. Halfway there. Come, Ralph, don't be so bashful. We all know what you're capable of. Deep throat that thing! " Master Davis said.

"Oh no!" Jimmy exclaimed, as Ralph buried his nose in his pubes.

There was no way! His cock was now going in and out of Ralph's throat.

"Mind over matter, Mr. Swenson!" Master Davis said.

"Oh, sir. I can't!" Jimmy exclaimed.

"Nonsense boy! You're not trying!" Master. Davis replied.

"Oh! Mmmmmmmm!" Jimmy exclaimed as the gooey feelings intensified.

"Four minutes," Master Davis said.

Nothing Jimmy thought about seemed to be helping anymore. Now, the gooey feelings were just getting stronger. He was gonna blow his load and there was no way he could stop it. Then, he thought about Ralph. In his mind, Jimmy thought about Ralph being tortured to death by Ray and Bruce. They were slashing at him with knives and he was bleeding all over the place and screaming. In spite of his thoughts, Jimmy's tummy began to heave with every breath and his body began to tremble slightly.

"Three minutes!" Master Davis intoned.

Ralph was screaming and begging Jimmy to help him. He was dying. He couldn't let Ralph die. In his mind, Jimmy grabbed an ax and started to attack the two men. He hacked off one of Ray's arms. He began to case Bruce around the punishment room trying to get at him with the ax.

"Uh! Ah!" Jimmy exclaimed, the reality of the gooey feelings taking over again.

"Two minutes!" Master Davis called out.

In his mind, Jimmy hacked the two men to pieces. Blood was everywhere. He took Ralph down from the frame and held him. It was no good. It was too late. Ralph was dead!

"One minute to go!" Master Davis said.

"Oh! Uh!" Jimmy exclaimed, his body beginning to tremble more and his muscles etched from the strain of trying not to cum.

"You can do it!" some kid hollered from the back of the room.

"Hang on!" another said.

"Unnnhh!" Jimmy exclaimed as he began to feel the cum starting to boil up and rise from his balls.

Jimmy's knees began to buckle and his head bent backward, his whole body now covered with a sheen of sweat.

"Thirty seconds!" Master Davis announced.

"I can do it!" Jimmy screamed at himself in his mind, even though he could tell his cum load was about to rise upward. Quickly he clinched his ass muscles, as tight as he could with the butt plug up his butt, and began to focus on squeezing the butt plug to death with his ass muscles. It bought him just enough seconds.

"Time's up!" Master Davis said.

"Please sir! I gotta cum!" Jimmy hollered.

"Please do, Mr. Swenson!" Master Davis replied.

Jimmy grabbed hold of Ralph's head and began to fuck his face like a mad man.

"Ohhhhhhhhh 3; Ahhhhhhhhhh 3; Yessssssss!" Jimmy hollered in a crescendo, and promptly blew his load down Ralph's throat to a chorus of hoots and whistles from the other boys.

Chapter Nine

Master Davis was no fool. He knew that after Ralph had sucked Jimmy dry there would be no way to get the class to focus their attention again. In fact, there wasn't a flaccid cock in the room, including his own. It was almost lunchtime anyway so he dismissed the class early. Knowing, of course, that most would pair up with their roommates and get off a load before lunch. No permission was needed after any sexual demonstration to get off a load. However, Jimmy and Ralph had to remain behind for awhile while Master Davis lectured Jimmy about cum control, which was something that he didn't really want to hear.

Finally, Master Davis dismissed the two and by the time they were walking down the hallway of the dorm back toward their room the hallway was filled with the sounds of sex coming from the different rooms as they passed the open doorways. None of the rooms had a door that could be closed to insure privacy.

"Oh God!" Jimmy exclaimed, at the slurping, moaning and fucking sounds that came through the open doorways.

"I told you that after something like that happens in class no body needs permission," Ralph remarked.

Jimmy glanced through one doorway where a young voice was pleading to be fucked harder. It was the kid Jason he recognized from Headmaster Killby's office and he had his feet pinned clear back to his ears by a larger kid who was plowing his butt with hard thrusts of his hips.

"Oh Geez!" Jimmy said, in a disgusted tone and looked straight ahead so that he couldn't see into any of the rooms they passed.

"Yeah. Jason is becoming a pig bottom almost as bad as Charles," Ralph commented.

"I can't imagine anyone liking to get fucked," Jimmy remarked.

"Don't knock if you ain't tried it," Ralph replied, prompting Jimmy to roll his eyes.

When the two boys returned to their room they discovered that the various toilet items, towels, etc., that they would need had been delivered and placed upon the shelves.

"What's this stuff?" Jimmy asked holding up one of several big tubes of something and looking at it.

"Oh, that's lube," Ralph responded, and giggled.

"Oh!" Jimmy replied and set the tube back down.


Over the course of the next week Jimmy got used to being cuffed together with Ralph and doing everything together. Even though Jimmy found it strange at first he got to where he didn't mind the fact that they had to help each other get dressed, shower, shit, eat and all the other things their cuffed condition demanded. At least Jimmy was glad he could take the butt plug out and put it back in by himself, although Ralph had no choice but to be there at his side when he did.

"Oh shit!" Ralph said softly to Jimmy as they entered Master Davis' classroom the next day.

"What?" Jimmy said.

Ralph motioned his head toward a kid who was about eleven or twelve that was kneeling on the floor on the right side of the room with his hands tied behind his back and his feet tied together.

"What's up?" Jimmy asked.

"He must have fucked up sucking somebody off," Ralph commented.

"So, what's that mean?" Jimmy asked.

"Sssh!" Ralph replied, and sat down in a vacant spot on one of the benches big enough to accommodate he and Jimmy.

All the boys stood up again when Master Davis entered the room.

"You may be seated gentlemen," he said, once he was in front of the classroom, then waited for the boys to be seated again.

"I'm sure by now all of you have noticed Danny Jones over there," Master Davis said, motioning his head toward the bound boy. "Well, it seems that Mr. Jones didn't do so well this morning when he was called to Headmaster Killby's office again. In fact, although Mr. Jones seems to enjoy taking it up the butt he is rather sloppy about using his mouth. At first, Headmaster Killby was going to have Bruce and Ray deal with him. However, not having anything in particular planned for this morning I suggested that you gentleman could occupy Mr. Jones much better," Master Davis informed the group.

There was great tittering and snickers from the group in response to Master Davis' remarks.

Jimmy looked over at the kid and noticed that tears were running down his cheeks and not only felt sorry for him but immediately wondered what was in store for him.

"Okay gentlemen, so we won't have a rush to be first, let's start with the youngest first and work our way up. Richard will be joining us soon, and as the oldest, he will be last. Mr. Alexander, for obvious reasons you and Mr. Swenson will have to go together behind Mr. Brown," Master Davis said, prompting mixed snickers and laughter from the boys. "And by the way, feel free, if you so choose, to pleasure your roommate while you wait your turn," Mr. Davis added.

Immediately, all the boys, Ralph included, started stripping off their thongs, all with the exception of Jimmy of course. He didn't need to since his dick protruded from the one he wore.

Jimmy watched as some kid, who couldn't have been more than eleven, his three-inch [7½ cm] dink already hard, walked over toward where the boy was bound, stood in front of him, then offered his prick for the sucking.

By the time the fourth kid was fucking the boy's face it was obvious that the boys doing the face fucking were old enough to blow a load because what cum the kid named Danny couldn't swallow was running out the sides of his mouth.

Eventually, by the time it was Jimmy and Ralph's turn, most of the boys in the room were either fondling or sucking each other while they awaited their turn at Danny's mouth. Needless to say, Jimmy's cock was rock hard as the handcuffed duo headed toward the kid who must have sucked off twelve or so guys already.

"Fuck him down the throat. You'll go quicker that way," Ralph said in aside as they approached the kid.

"You go first." Jimmy replied, feeling somewhat sorry for the kid who now had cum streaks running from the corners of his mouth.

Jimmy watched as Ralph offered the kid his cock and then began to face fuck him slowly. It was only a matter of seconds before Ralph's cock was rock hard and going in and out of the boy's hapless boy's mouth. .

"Fuck me!" Ralph whispered to Jimmy as he began to slowly plow the kid's mouth.

"What?" Jimmy asked.

"It's okay. Put your dick in my butt. Just go in slow," Ralph replied

"You can't be serious," Jimmy replied.

"Please! Just do it," Ralph said without missing a stroke into the kid's mouth.

If was difficult because of being cuffed together, but lined up behind Ralph, unhooked the chain from the PA ring, took his already hard cock in his hand and probed around in Ralph's crack for his hole.

"That's it!" Ralph said, once he felt the head of Jimmy's cock touch his rosebud.

Jimmy pushed his hips forward slowly.

"Uh! Yes!" Ralph responded.

Jimmy thought he would lose his mind over what happened during the next minutes.

Having never fucked anything but his hand or Ralph's mouth, Jimmy wasn't prepared for how good the head of his cock felt when it got into Ralph's butt. Then, when the rocking motions of Ralph's hips began to push his cock deeper and deeper into Ralph as he fucked the kid's mouth in front of him, Jimmy became a confirmed ass fucker on the spot.

Eventually, when Ralph hollered and started blowing his load down the kid's throat Jimmy was only seconds behind filling Ralph's insides with his own copious load of teen fuck sauce as Ralph's ass muscles milked his cock like a milking machine.

An hour later, while Danny was still on his knees in the classroom taking the remaining cocks down his throat, Jimmy was once again fucking Ralph's butt as they lay side by side on the bed in their dorm room. Never mind that others were walking by and glancing into their room. Jimmy could have cared less.

If Ralph wanted something in his butt all the time, he got it. Over the next three days, Jimmy put his dick in Ralph's butt at every opportunity. He had totally forgotten about being bashful. However, what he had forgotten was that everyone gets fucked at Hedgewick.

"Did the milk taste funny to you tonight?" Jimmy asked, later one evening as the two lay beside each other going to sleep.

"Nah, mine seemed okay," Ralph responded.

"Well, mine didn't. I feel kinda sick at my stomach," Jimmy replied.

"Oh shit!" Ralph said.

"What?" Jimmy asked.

"It's time," Ralph replied.

"What's gonna happen? Oh my God! Shit! We gotta go to the toilet. I think I'm gonna throw up," Jimmy said, and got out of the bed pulling Ralph with him by their cuffed wrists.

Jimmy didn't make it far. His legs collapsed under him and he passed out on the floor of the door room pulling Ralph down with him.

Ralph got up on his knees and reached out his hand and rubbed Jimmy's face affectionately.

"I wish it could be me, Jimmy, I really do," he said softly. "It can be me forever afterward, if you want," he added, stroking Jimmy's face with his hand again, then looking up at the form of Darrel standing in the doorway holding the key to the handcuffs. "You understand don't you Darrel?"

"Yes, Missa Ralph, I do. I hopes this is the one," the black man said, then smiled.

Chapter Ten

The first thing Jimmy became aware of as he regained consciousness was that he couldn't move his hands, nor could he move his legs it seemed. Then, as the fog in his brain began to lift, he became aware of the fact that his head seemed to be lower than the rest of his body. Indeed, that was the case.

As Jimmy became more lucid he realized that he was lying face down upon a leather-covered bench that was inclined downward so that his butt stuck up into the air. His wrists were manacled to a metal bar above his head and his thighs were spread wide apart and strapped to the large metal legs of the device all the boys called the 'fucking bench'. In short, Jimmy might as well have been on all fours with his head down and his butt up in the air. Needless to say, the crack of his ass was open and exposed and showed the end of the butt plug that was shoved up it.

"Hey! What the fuck is goin on?" Jimmy exclaimed, shaking his head in order to try and clear his brain some more.

It was when Jimmy heard the titters and snickers to his remarks that he realized there were other guys were around. As his vision cleared more, he recognized that he was in the front of the classroom, but, he couldn't see the benches or the boys upon them very well because he was butt first to them. However, he was able to turn his head to either side far enough to look around behind him and his fears were confirmed. The boys were assembled and watching him and from what he could see of them Ralph was no where around.

Jimmy struggled to get up, but restrained as he was it did no good. It was then that his mind became lucid enough that he became totally aware of his predicament.

"Hey! Somebody get me the fuck outta this thing!" Jimmy hollered, prompting laughter from the assembled boys.

Of course none of them, for reasons Ralph had explained long ago, was about to lend a hand.

"Good morning gentlemen!" Master Davis said as he entered the room, prompting all the boys to rise from their benches. "You may be seated!" he then said, once he stood before the group of boys.

Jimmy turned his head and looked at Master Davis who was smiling down at him.

"Ah, Mr. Swenson! So nice of you to join us this morning, and so eager as well it seems!" Master Davis said, prompting laughter from assembled group.

"Well, class. This is the day you've waited for for weeks. Who wants to tell me what the lesson is for today?" Headmaster Davis asked.

"I will sir!" Jason said, rising from the bench upon which he was seated.

"Very well. Please do," Headmaster Davis replied.

"Virgin Butt Fucking, sir!" Jason replied.

"Yes, quite correct. You may be seated," Master Davis responded.

"Oh shit! Fuck no!" Jimmy hollered, tugging at his restraints and prompting the entire class to laugh again.

"Ah, the dawn breaks like thunder for Mr. Swenson, it seems!" Master Davis replied.

Again there was laughter from the assembled boys.

"Now class. Please notice that Mr. Swenson's butt is still quite occupied," Headmaster Davis continued, pointing at the end of the black butt plug which was clearly visible since the position Jimmy was in exposed his asshole for all to see.

Titters of laughter went through the room in response.

"That is a condition that we shall remedy immediately," Master Davis said, then reached down, grabbed hold of the end of the butt plug, and swiftly pulled it out.

"Ah! Ow!" Jimmy hollered in response.

"Ah yes. What a lovely little nest we have here," Master Davis said, referring to Jimmy's still open hole. "Who wants to tell me want we need to do next?" he then asked the group of boys.

"I will sir!" One of the older boys said, standing up from the bench upon which he sat.

"Very well, Mr. Johnson, go ahead."

"Lubrication sir. Lot's of lubrication," the boy responded.

"And pray tell why, Mr. Johnson?" Master Davis asked.

"Well, he's a virgin sir. It makes it slide in easier, sir!" The boy replied.

"Anything else?" Master Davis asked.

"Well, yes sir," the boy replied.

"Please tell Mr. Swenson and the rest of us," Master Davis said.

"Well, he's gonna need it sir. Really bad sir!" The boy said.

"And why is that, Mr. Johnson?" Master Davis asked.

"Well, this is Richard's last week, sir. I figure he's gonna fuck him really hard," the boy replied.

"Ah, correct you are, Mr. Johnson. And, since you've been down that road with Richard more than once I'm sure you're an ardent advocate of plenty of lube," Master Davis responded, again prompting laughter from the crowd of boys.

"No! Fuck no! Please, I don't wanna be fucked!" Jimmy hollered struggling at his restraints.

"Well of course you don't, my boy. The first time is always a bitch. But, take it from me, you'll be taking it up the butt and loving it in no time at all. One of the things we pride ourselves on here at Hedgewick, Mr. Swenson. Now, if you will kindly refrain from protesting for the moment, Mr. Swenson. You are disrupting the class. There will be plenty of time for your howls and protests in a few minutes," Master Davis said, prompting the class to roar with laughter.

Master Davis then picked up a tube of lube off of a nearby table and held it out.

"Since you are such an advocate of plenty of lube, would you like to do the honors Mr. Johnson?" Master Davis asked.

"Yes sir!" the boy responded.

Jimmy watched as the boy took the tube of lube from Master Davis, popped open the cap, and then squirted a liberal amount of the stuff on the three fingers of his right hand and began to walk around behind him.

"Don't! Stay away from my butt! I'll kill you!" Jimmy protested.

"Notice, class, how Mr. Swenson has suddenly become obsessed with his butt," Master Davis said, prompting even louder howls of laughter from the class.

"Oh God! Shit! Fuck!" Jimmy hollered, and then began to squirm in his restraints as the boy stuck his fingers in his still somewhat open hole and started working the lube in with his fingers.

"Ah, Richard, how nice to see you. Right on time as well," Headmaster Davis said, prompting Jimmy to turn his head as far as he could to see the infamous Richard.

The guy named Richard walking up the center aisle of the room was a tall, lanky, Latino teen dressed only in black leather slacks and boots. It was obvious his hair was beginning to grow back out, although it was still very short. Equally obvious, however, was the fact that the bulge in the front of his leather pants was huge.

"No way! Fuck no! Let me go! Let me go!" Jimmy wailed and struggled even harder at his restraints.

"Please, Mr. Swenson. Let's try to hold down your enthusiasm," Master Davis commented.

Again, the room was filled with laughter.

"Of course, everyone knows Richard, here. Sadly, some of you, haven't had the pleasure of getting to know the best part of him," Master Davis said, prompting mixed reactions and mummers from the group. "As some of you know, Richard is quite capable. I shall leave it to him to do the rest of our little demonstration, and by the way, Danny, come over here and sit with me," Master Davis added.

Jimmy watched as the older teen took off his boots then shucked off his leather pants exposing the absolute largest flaccid cock and biggest set of balls he had ever seen. Then, as Richard took the tube of lube from the boy who was working his fingers in and out of his butt and began to lube up his Latino meat, Jimmy's eyes widened in disbelief, for the slicker and harder Richard's cock got the more it seemed to grow.

Finally, Jimmy began to cry and plead and beg to God, and anything else he could, when the Latino walked around behind him, his gleaming, thick, brown, almost foot-long [30 cm] missile bobbing from side to side as walked.

"Please, please don't fuck me!" Jimmy bawled. "Please don't fuck me! You'll kill me!" Richard blubbered like a little kid.

"I ain't gonna kill yah, dude. I'm just gonna fuck yah till your tongue hangs out," Richard replied then laughed sadistically.

For Jimmy, that was all it took. The reality that he was indeed doing to get fucked by what looked to him like 'the dick of death' sent him over the edge and he began to cry hysterically.

Of course, as Ralph had said they would, all of the boys found the whole spectacle very hot and the sucking and slurping sounds and moans filled the room, not the least of which were Danny's, who was now sliding up and down on Headmaster Davis' ten-inch [25 cm] stalk and wanking his prick at the same time.

"I'm gonna fuck you now!" Richard said as grabbed hold of his huge cock and lined it up with Jimmy's exposed hole.

"Please, don't do it!" Jimmy sobbed. "Oh no! Ah!" he then cried out as he felt the massive head of Richard's cock touch his ass lips.

Then, Richard hunched his hips forward and the massive head of his dark Latino meat popped into Jimmy's hole.

At first, there was a loud grunt from Jimmy, as if all of the wind had been knocked out of him. Then, his eyes flew open wide along with his mouth. And, when he caught his breath, he began to bawl like a calf.

Fortunately, for Jimmy, his hole was still expanded enough from the butt plug that the massive head of Richard's cock didn't rip him apart. However, it still felt like the end of a baseball bat had just been jammed into his butt.

"Take it out! Take it! You're killing me!" Jimmy bawled.

"Hang on dude. You're fixin to get the fuck of your life," Richard replied, then snickered.

In response, Jimmy squealed like he hadn't done since he was a little kid, causing some tittering from the boys who were not yet occupied having sex with someone.

"Owwwwwwwww! Uhhhhhhhh! Owwwwwwww!" Jimmy wailed, as Richard began to fuck him and work more and more of the almost foot-long [30 cm] Latino sausage into his butt.

"Oh shit, I love tight ass!" Richard exclaimed as he fucked away.

Jimmy began to howl at the ceiling as the huge cock began to work its way deeper and deeper into him with each thrust. Soon, it felt as if his entire insides were being re-arranged by some brown python that was invading them.

"Stop! Stop! No more! It's too big!" Jimmy screamed.

But, it did no good.

Over Jimmy's sobbing protests more and more of the huge fuck stalk bored into his insides until he felt Richard's pubes on his butt. Then, Richard began to long-dick him, smiling as he did so, for Richard knew this was the part that always drove anyone he fucked wild. Even Headmaster Killby howled at the ceiling when Richard fucked him this way because every inward thrust would bang his prostate and send shock waves all through his body.

"Oh God! Ohhhhhhhhh! Ohhhhhhh!" Jimmy began to holler, in time with the thrusts.

Soon, Jimmy's mind became overwhelmed with a mixture of both pleasure and pain and his cock begin to inflate, his eyes began to glaze over, and his vocal cries were as if they weren't his own.

"Yes! Oh shit! God yes!" he heard himself holler.

Then, something strange happened. Suddenly, Ralph's face was only inches from his own.

"Remember what I said about not knocking it until you've tired it?" Ralph asked.

It couldn't be Ralph. But it was!

"Shit! Oh! Fuck! God! Yes!" Jimmy said in time to the thrusts up his butt.

"Your gonna love this!" Ralph said, and then disappeared.

Jimmy couldn't see, but Ralph winked at Richard and then got down under Jimmy, took hold of Jimmy's hard cock with his hand, and began to suck Jimmy off.

"Oh my fucking God!" Jimmy screamed at the top of his lungs.

Tingly feelings in his ass, tingly feelings in his dick, Jimmy's whole body began to tingle from head to toe. His mind was blown to shreds by it all.

"Fuck me! Fuck me! Suck me! Suck me! Oh yes! God yes!" he chanted as Richard's groin pounded his butt cheeks.

It was one hell of a fuck, and Richard, who hadn't had his dick in someone's butt for over a week, wanted it to go on forever. Yet, he could feel the cum began to boil in his balls and begin its journey up his huge shaft.

"Oh baby! Here it comes, dude! Hot load of Chicano sperm on the way, man! Gonna shoot clear up to your tummy!" Richard hollered, and began to rabbit Jimmy's butt.

"Oh shit!" Jimmy hollered and began to grunt loudly with each rapid slam of Richard's groin on his butt cheeks.

Then, as Richard cried out and Jimmy felt the hot river of cum began to splash off the walls of his insides his whole world exploded in one bright flash and he came, flooding Ralph's mouth again and again with powerful blasts of his own white goo.


"I'm sorry for what I said the other day," Jimmy said, later that night when he and Ralph were in bed.

"About what?"

"You know, about fags and all," Jimmy replied.

"Hey, forget it. You wanna fuck me?" Ralph asked.

"No!" Jimmy replied.

"No?" Ralph said in an astonished tone.

"No, I want you to fuck me," Jimmy replied, and rolled over and presented his backside.

In response, Ralph giggled, then snuggled up closer to Jimmy and began to nibble his ear.

Chapter Eleven

Over the course of the next month, Jimmy and Ralph became inseparable. Unlike the other boys who frequently hopped from one partner to another when they were allowed to have sex, the two of them preferred each other.

For Ralph, it was a dream come true, since the hormone shots Jimmy was given had made his cock grow two-inches [5 cm] in length and one-half an inch [1½ cm] in width in just one month.

As for Jimmy, it was a journey into the world of gay sex, at Ralph's hands, that made him wonder why the hell he hadn't being doing all that stuff sooner and why he had ever thought badly about it in the first place. In short, the two became lovers in the truest since of the word, not that things were totally perfect, however.

Ray and Bruce took great pleasure one day in stringing the two up side by side and giving them a cock and ball whipping because the two had just gone after it in Master Davis' class. It had been a lecture on anal orgasm and both of them had gotten so hot that Ralph had pulled Jimmy down on top of him and they had begun to fuck like rabbits in heat on the floor of the classroom.

Then, there was Ralph's little weirdness, where he would get himself into trouble intentionally so that he would get whipped. It seemed there was more than one way Ralph needed to get off and Jimmy came to accept it.

Things took a dramatic turn in the relationship between Jimmy and Ralph when one day Jimmy came back from the toilet and found Ralph sitting upon their bed crying.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Jimmy asked, figuring Ralph hadn't been able to get whipped again or some such weird thing.

"They're sending me to the farm," Ralph said.

"The farm?"

"Yes, it's miles away from here. They raise stuff there for Hedgewick and other stuff goes on there, too." Ralph replied.

"What the fuck does that mean?" Jimmy asked.

"It means, I'm probably not going to see you again," Ralph replied.

"No way!" Jimmy exclaimed.

"Yeah. Tomorrow they send me," Ralph replied.


"They say I'm too weird. You know how I am," Ralph said.

"I'll go with you," Jimmy replied.

"You can't. You ain't weird enough," Ralph responded.

Jimmy and Ralph made love all night that night and when Jimmy awoke the next morning Ralph was gone. Jimmy was devastated, and for the next week he moped around the place and got barked at often by Master Davis for not paying attention in class. Naturally, Jimmy assumed when he was summoned to Headmaster Killby's office that he was in very bad trouble.

"Enter!" Headmaster Killby's voice said on the other side of the closed door, after Jimmy had knocked.

Jimmy entered Headmaster Killby's office and closed the door behind him and was momentarily taken aback by what he saw. Headmaster Killby was seated behind his desk and Jimmy could see the back of some kid's head bobbing up and down behind the desk. Although the kid's upper torso hid Headmaster Killby's genitals it was obvious that the he was giving Headmaster Killby a blow job.

"You wanted to see me sir?" Jimmy asked, standing in front of Headmaster Killby's desk.

"Uh, yes." Headmaster Killby replied, and shifted himself in his desk chair.

Jimmy felt his cock twitch at the obscene sight of the boy's head bobbing up and down and shuffled his feet a little at the thought of how good it would feel if it were his cock.

"Danny, dear. It would be a shame to have all the boys fuck their cocks down your throat again. Use a little more of your lips and tongue like you should," Headmaster Killby admonished.

Jimmy watched the back of the boy's head begin to move a little differently and as the slurping sounds immediately became louder his cock twitched again.

"Now, as I was about to say. I have some rather interesting news for you and I figured you'd want to be the first to know," Headmaster Killby said.

"What's that, sir?" Jimmy asked.

"Well, it seems your little brother got into some very bad trouble. He got caught with a whole bunch of pills and pot in his locker at school. Your dad is sending him here," Headmaster Killby replied.

"Really, sir?"

"Yes, uh, pardon me. Look at me Danny dear," Headmaster Killby said.

Jimmy watched as the boy stopped his sucking and raised his head and looked up Headmaster Killby.

"Danny, my pet, you and I both know you aren't doing as good a job as you can. I want you take all of it down your throat. I want your nose in my pubes on every downward move of your head. It all needs to be lubed with your spit, sweetheart." Headmaster Killby said.

Jimmy watched as the back of the kid's head went back to bobbing then went way down. Immediately, the kid's head came back up and he began coughing. As he did so, his head turned and Jimmy could tell that it was indeed the kid named Danny that they had all face fucked in the classroom.

"Get back to work Danny, dear," Headmaster Killby said, his now exposed eleven-inch [28 cm] cock and pubes gleaming from the boy's spit and snot.

"But, it's just so big!" Danny wailed, looking up at Headmaster Killby and coughing some more.

"Danny, sweetheart. If you don't do what I ask, I won't let you do what you like the most and I will have Ray and Bruce give you another cock and ball whipping," Headmaster Killby replied.

Quickly, Danny took hold of the giant fuck stick with his hand and begin to bob his head up and down again, slowly working his way downward toward Headmaster Killby's pubes.

"Now, as I was saying, your brother will be arriving soon. I've decided that I'm going to let you introduce him to our little ways here. You won't mind that will you?" Headmaster Killby asked to the accompaniment of Danny's muffled gagging sounds each time his nose hit the man's pubes and the bulk of the massive fuck stick went down his esophagus.

"No sir, not at all," Jimmy replied.

"I didn't think you would," Headmaster Killby said, then chuckled. "By the way, I see the hormone shots are working very well," he added.

Jimmy had been so engrossed in the spectacle of the kid sucking Headmaster Killby off that he hadn't noticed his cock was rock hard and was being held up at and angle by the gold chain attached to his PA ring and nip rings.

"Uh, yes sir!" Jimmy replied.

"I imagine it makes the chain a little tighter?" Headmaster Killby asked.

"Uh, yes sir!" Jimmy responded.

"Uh, excuse me again just a moment," Headmaster Killby said.

"Okay, Danny dear. That's enough. I don't want to cum too soon. You have my permission to do what you like best now," Headmaster Killby then said.

Jimmy watched as the kid named Danny took his mouth off of Headmaster Killby's cock, stood up, shucked off his blue thong bikini, and then escalated himself up onto Headmaster Killby's lap. Once there, he repositioned himself so that his back was to Headmaster Killby and his feet rested on his thighs. Since he was facing Jimmy, Jimmy could see the kid's four-inch [10 cm] circumcised peter was rock hard. Then, as Danny raised up his butt and took hold of Headmaster Killby's cock Jimmy realized what was about to happen.

Jimmy's cock twitched again, and he couldn't help but emit a low moan, when the boy popped the massive head of Headmaster Killby's spit-slick missile into his butt, gasped, and then started rocking his hips and groaning as he lowered himself upon the huge fuck stick. As he did so, the boy continually repositioned his feet so that by the time his butt was sitting on Headmaster Killby's pubes, and he had all eleven inches [28 cm] of cock up his rectum, his legs were draped over the sides of Headmaster Killby's legs. Then, he laid his body back upon Headmaster Killby's and began to slowly rock his hips, letting out a loud contented sigh as he did so.

"That's it my, lovely, lovley boy. You have it all in you now. Go slow and enjoy it. I know how much you love it, my pet," Headmaster Killby said, then began to stroke the boy's neck gently with his hand.

Jimmy couldn't help but moan again at the obscene sight, knowing how good it would feel to have his cock up someone' s butt himself.

"Look at him, Jimmy. Eleven inches [28 cm] of meat up him and he is in ecstasy. Such a beautiful sight," Headmaster Killby said.

"Uh, yes sir," Jimmy replied, wishing it was his cock up the boy's butt.

"Well, Jimmy, as I was saying. I'm putting you in charge of your little brother after Ray and Bruce break him in. Darrel will let you know when it's time," Headmaster Killby said, as Danny continued to rock his hips and purr.

"Yes sir, that'll be fine sir!" Jimmy replied, his attention now focused back on the topic of conversation.

"In fact, if you do well enough I may send both of you to the farm to join Ralph," Headmaster Killby said.

"Ralph, sir?" Jimmy asked.

There was an another loud sigh from Danny as Headmaster Killby began to stroke his left nipple ring with the fingers of his left hand.

"Yes, I know you miss him," Headmaster Killby said.

"Yes, sir. Very much sir!" Jimmy replied.

"Yes, I know. He misses you very much also," Headmaster Killby said.

This time, there was a loud gasp, and then a very loud groan from Danny as Headmaster Killby began to fondle the head of his penis with the fingers of his right hand while he continued to play with Danny's left nipple with the fingers of his left.

"How do you know that, sir?" Jimmy asked.

"In due time, my boy, in due time. We can talk about that another time. Let's just say I know Ralph rather well. He has special needs like Danny here. You do have special needs don't you Danny, my love?" Headmaster Killby said.

In response to Headmaster Killby's question Danny opened his eyes, then looked up at him and smiled.

"Uh huh. Oh yes!" Danny replied, shaking his head yes, then he groaned loudly and closed his eyes again as Headmaster Killby begin to twirl the head of his penis in his fingers like a marble.

"Well, as I said, we can talk about this another time. As you can see, Danny and I have some unfinished business to take care of. I'll send for you again once your brother has been here for a few weeks. You may go back to the dorm now," Headmaster Killby said.

"Uh, yes sir!" Jimmy replied.

"Oh yes!" Danny exclaimed, as Headmaster Killby grabbed hold of his tiny hips with his hands and began to move him up and down on his cock and nibble his right ear at the same time.

"Oh god!" Jimmy groaned under his breath, and quickly turned and headed toward the office door.

The fact that by the time Jimmy had closed the office door behind him Danny's groans and purring had turned to squeals of delight, as Headmaster Killby worked him up and down on his cock, didn't help Jimmy's excited condition at all. Quickly, he headed for the dorm, his rock hard cock dripping, and was glad that he didn't run into anyone in the hall on the way. Once there, he headed straight for the shower room in hopes of taking a shower in order to calm down.

As he entered the showroom, Jimmy encountered little Jason who had just gotten back from getting a butt hole whipping at the hands of Ray and Bruce. Jason was under one of the showerheads spreading his butt cheeks with his hands and attempting to let the warm spray soothe his aching butt hole.

"Oh shit!" Jason exclaimed, as Jimmy entered the room and he noticed Jimmy's hard cock and the sudden look of lust in his eyes. Then, when Jimmy unsnapped the chain from his PA ring and started toward him, Jason squealed like a little schoolgirl and tried to get away. Yet it was a futile gesture. Being over twice Jason's size Jimmy easily overpowered him.

In a matter of moments, Jason was rolled into a ball on the shower room floor, his feet pinned clear back to his ears and howling at the ceiling, as Jimmy mercilessly plowed his thick nine-inch [23 cm] cock in an out of his bruised and still sore butt hole.

Chapter Twelve

Jimmy got punished the next day for having sex in a public area without permission. Yet, because he was in a good mood, having just blown another load up little Danny's rectum, and because Jimmy was going to be working with Ray and Bruce on his little brother Bobby, Headmaster Killby just instructed the two men to paddle Jimmy's butt.

Although Jimmy howled and bawled as the two whipped his butt, and although it was a bluish red color when they finished, Jimmy considered it worth the pain to have had his cock up someone's butt again.

It was about two weeks later that Darrel showed up at the door to Jimmy's room and informed him that he could see his brother. On the way to Bobby's cell Darrel filled Jimmy in on what had gone on the last couple of weeks and Jimmy couldn't help but cringe a little. After all, it was his brother and evidentially he had put up even more of a fight than Jimmy had. However, Darrel assured him that Bobby was now very cooperative, Darrel having dumped a load down Bobby's throat himself.

Neither brother was really prepared for what they saw when Darrel unlocked the door to Bobby's cell and Jimmy entered.

"Jimmy!" Bobby exclaimed, raising his head from the bunk where he lay curled up in a fetal position.

"My God!" Jimmy exclaimed under his breath when he saw his little brother.

Every inch of Bobby's body, from the bottoms of his feet to the top of his head, was covered with red welts, some newer than others. As was the case with Jimmy and all the other boys, Bobby's body was totally devoid of hair except for his eyebrows. Jimmy took note of the gold rings in Bobby's ears and nips as he walked toward the bunk where his eleven-year-old brother lay.

"Why are you dressed like that?" Bobby asked, in a weak voice, as his brother walked toward him.

"It's my uniform. You look like shit!" Jimmy replied.

"Oh, Jimmy! They made me do horrible things," his brother said as he sat up upon the buck.

"Yeah, well, we've all been through it," Jimmy responded.

"It was awful," Bobby said.

"Really bad, huh?" Jimmy asked.

"Oh, the nasty things they made me do. It was terrible!" Bobby responded.

"Well, get used to it," Jimmy replied, then snickered.

"Jimmy, you aren't the same. You sound mean," Bobby said.

"Well, little bro. You're the reason I'm in here in the first place," Jimmy replied.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have told on yah," his brother replied and sniffed.

"Well, I got some good news and bad news for yah, bro. The good news is that you're getting out of this cell tomorrow. The bad news is that your ass is mine!" Jimmy replied.

"What do yah mean?" Bobby asked, his voice quivering.

"I mean, bro, that I'm in charge of you from now on. You gotta do everything I say," Jimmy replied.

"Oh god! Bobby moaned in response, then lay back upon the bunk and curled up into a fetal position again.

"So, how'd you like sucking cock?" Jimmy asked.

"It was awful," his brother blubbered.

"Bet you liked all that cum you had to swallow, huh?" Jimmy asked.

"Oh God! It was awful! They made me lick up any that I puked up!" Bobby wailed.

"Bet you really had a good time eating Bruce and Ray's ass didn't yah?" Jimmy asked.

Bobby didn't answer his brother's question but instead began to sob.

"Well, tell yah what, bro. I'm gonna go easy on you for now," Jimmy said, reaching down and unhooking the gold chain from his PA ring. "You can just suck me off for right now," Jimmy added.

"Oh no! Not you too?" his brother wailed.

"Yep, me too. Now get at it!" Jimmy replied.

"Please don't make me do that. I hate it!" Bobby blubbered in response.

"Okay, you don't have to. That's cool. I'll just tell Ray and Bruce you wouldn't do it," Jimmy replied, and turned to leave.

At Jimmy's words Bobby became hysterical.

"No! No!" Bobby shrieked," and scrambled up off of the bunk, grabbed hold of Jimmy's legs stopping him in his tracks, then fell to his knees in front of Jimmy with his mouth open.

Moments later, Jimmy was smiling down at his little brother as he bobbed his head on his hard cock. As he watched, Jimmy couldn't help but think how nice it was going to be when he blew his load. After all, he had been saving up for this moment for two, long, weeks.

Over the next three weeks, Bobby's life was a living hell at Jimmy's hands.

Not satisfied to have Ray, Bruce, or himself, insert the butt plug up Bobby's ass, Jimmy made Bobby do it himself. Oh, Bobby had protested, true enough.

"Oh God! It's too big! I can't put that thing in my butt!" Bobby had wailed. But, about four jolts from the cattle prod later he had changed his mind.

"I'll do it! Oh fuck! Oh God! I'll do it!" Bobby had screamed, then grabbed the discarded butt plug up off of the floor, moved the tip toward his butt hole, and then paused wide-eyed with the prospect of where it was going to go.

"Put the fucker in your ass!" Jimmy had demanded.

Bobby slowly pushed the tip of the butt plug up against his asshole and pushed. He gasped, then yelped, as it parted his ass lips and began to stretch him as it tried to gain entry.

"Ouch! Oh! I can't. It's too big! It won't go!" Bobby had said, his voice quivering.

"Hey, no problem. You just need a little help," Jimmy had said, and moved the tip of the cattle prod toward his brother's genitals.

In response, Bobby had squealed with fright, then shoved the entire butt plug up his ass in one swift motion. Instantly, he had started howling and rolling around on the floor and crying in pain, his tiny ass now jammed full of the thickest butt plug that Hedgewick had on hand. Ironically, it was the same one Jimmy had had in his butt for weeks.

Although the butt plug up his butt made Bobby walk funny, having the studded black dog collar around his neck and being led around on a leash by Jimmy was even more humiliating. Yet, over the three-week period there were many things more humiliating.

Not only was Bobby the youngest boy at Hedgewick, being only eleven, but he was also the only boy who was purposely kept naked all the time. As a result, the fact that Bobby's sexual development hadn't caught up yet with the rest of his physical development was quite obvious. In short, he still had a kiddy dink, the absence of what few pubes he had begun to develop only making it worse.

Granted, none of the boys were allowed to have pubes. However, all of them had been getting the hormone shots for some time, and even in the last three weeks Danny and Jason's peters had grown to a respectable five inches [12½ cm] when hard.

Naturally, boys being what they are, they made all kinds of disparaging comments about Bobby's genitals and the oldest boys made it a point to walk around naked in the dorm, their man-sized cocks and balls flopping as they walked, just to make Bobby feel even more inferior. In fact, Bobby was given the nickname "Baby Dick," and that's what all the boys called him when they wanted to be mean.

Even more mortifying for Bobby, was the day Master Davis was giving a talk on male anatomy and called Bobby and Jimmy to come to the front of the room and serve as specimens for his discussion. Naturally, there was much snickering among the boys as Jimmy had led Bobby to the front of the room by the leash.

"Okay, gentleman. Here we have to two different examples of male anatomy," Master Davis said, once Jimmy and Bobby were standing in front of the class.

"No joke," some boy said from the back of the room, causing laughter among the boys.

"Here you see a fine piece of meat," Master Davis said, pointing to Jimmy's cock, which was now right at five inches [12½ cm] in its flaccid condition. "Who, can tell me what this is?" he then asked, pointing at Bobby's button of a penis.

"A baby dick sir!" one of the boys responded, causing the class to laugh.

"Yes, I'm afraid so. Notice how small it is, and look at the tiny balls. Why, they're not much bigger than marbles," Master Davis remarked.

Tears formed in Bobby's eyes and began to run down his cheeks as Master Davis continued on explaining how inferior his penis was to his older brother's. Yet, it only got worse.

At the end of the demonstration, Bobby had to jerk off in front of the class along with Jimmy. Naturally, as the two stood side by side and masturbated the disparity between them became even more apparent.

On the one hand you had Jimmy, his hand wrapped around his now almost ten-inch [25 cm] cock, making long strokes of his meat. On the other, you had Bobby working his hard, three-inch [7½ cm] pecker, with two of his fingers. Naturally, as each of them came the disparity was again apparent.

Jimmy hollered and blew his load, shooting thick, white, ropes of cum that splattered upon some of the boys in the front row. Bobby, however, yelped and shot about three tiny droplets of cum, most of which fell to the floor at his feet. The rude and sarcastic remarks that followed only made him hang his head in shame.

Even more humiliating for Bobby, however, had been the shower duty he had had to do for the last two weeks. It had been Jimmy's idea, and Headmaster Killby had given his approval. Essentially, every morning Bobby's mouth was fair game.

Every morning before breakfast, Jimmy would lead Bobby to the entrance of the shower room where he would get down on his knees. Any boy that wanted to, and sometimes there were as many as fifteen or more, could then get off a load by getting a blow job from Bobby.

At first, Bobby hadn't been very cooperative or enthusiastic about it and the boys had complained to Jimmy about his teeth hurting their cocks. However, two butt-hole whippings later Bobby was sucking cock like a pro.

"May I suck you off today, please sir?" Bobby would ask as each boy came to the door of the shower room.

Finally, after all the boys had finished showering and had headed for breakfast, Bobby was allowed to clean himself up and wait for Jimmy to return and lead him to class, his only breakfast being the cum he had in his tummy each morning.

Chapter Thirteen

After almost two months, Jimmy became both bored and disgusted with the whole business involving his little brother. The fact that Bobby had sucked so much cock that he now readily dropped to his knees enthusiastically anytime someone grabbed their dick and shook it at him disgusted Jimmy. Leading him around by the chain had also became as boring as had working him over with help from Bruce and Ray. It just wasn't fun anymore to punish Bobby, and in fact, the last three times he had paddled him Bobby had gotten a hard on and shot off. So, when Darrel told Jimmy that Headmaster Killby wanted to see him Jimmy figured he was in trouble for sure.

Jimmy walked down the hall to Headmaster Killby's office and paused before he knocked at the door, wondering what obscene thing he would be witness to this time. Then, he knocked.

"Enter!" the familiar voice said, and Jimmy opened the door.

Jimmy was surprised when he entered the office and Headmaster Killby was sitting alone at his desk writing something. Jimmy closed the door behind him and walked over to the desk and stood in front of it.

"You wanted to see me, sir?" Jimmy asked.

Headmaster Killby stopped what he was doing and looked up at Jimmy.

"Yes, Mr. Swenson. I'm afraid I have some bad news for you," Headmaster Killby said.

"Uh, what's that sir?"

"Well, I hate to tell you, but your dad has been killed in a plane crash. His corporate jet crashed just miles from the Denver airport."

"Oh shit!" Jimmy exclaimed.

"Yes. I'm afraid it causes quite a problem for us. His lawyer showed up here this morning to take you and your brother home. That's how I found out about it. I told him both of you were on a field trip and you would be back later this afternoon. I wanted to talk to you first."

"About what, sir?" Jimmy asked.

"Well, I had planned, after a time, to send you and your brother to the farm so that you could be with Ralph for awhile. Now, it looks as though I'll have to send both you and your brother back home," Headmaster Killby said.

"I don't want to go back home, sir. I want to be with Ralph," Jimmy replied.

"But, the funeral and all. I mean, your dad's dead."

"Fuck him!" Jimmy replied.

"Well, surely your little brother wants to go home. At his age he needs someone to care for him and look after him," Headmaster Killby responded.

"I doubt it sir. He'll be miserable," Jimmy replied.

"Miserable? Why would he be miserable?" Headmaster Killby asked.

"He won't have cock to suck, sir," Jimmy replied, prompting Headmaster Killby to burst out laughing.

"Yes, I understand he's really become quite fond of that and getting whipped. Reminds me a little of Ralph," Headmaster Killby replied.

"Uh, yes sir, kinda," Jimmy replied.

"You love Ralph don't you, Jimmy?"

"Uh, yes sir," Jimmy replied, somewhat startled that Headmaster Killby had used his first name.

Headmaster Killby sighed.

"Yes, I was afraid that was the case. I guess it's all my fault. I was hoping that Ralph would be little more than a fuck toy for you before he left. He loves you very much also," Headmaster Killby said.

"Uh, how do you know that, sir?

"Jimmy, Ralph fell in love with you the first moment he saw you. I let Ralph be the first one to see every boy that's come to Hedgewick. You were the first one that he came to me raving about," Headmaster Killby replied.

"Uh, why did you do that, sir? I mean what's so special about Ralph to you?" Jimmy replied.

"Well, I would have thought you would have figured it out by now, Jimmy. Ralph is my son."

"Your son!" Jimmy exclaimed, prompting Headmaster Killby to chuckle.

"Yes, Jimmy. Ralph is my son. It was a moment of weirdness on my part when I was drunk, one of only two heterosexual affairs in my life. Yet, I'm sure you will agree with me that the result was wonderful," Headmaster Killby said.

"Yes," Jimmy replied, still shocked by the revelation.

"Jimmy, the lawyer told me that you and your brother are going to be very wealthy. Your father had set up a trust fund for the both of you and when each of you turns eighteen you will both inherit a great deal of money. He suspects probably on the order of 150 million or more each," Headmaster Killby said.

"I don't care about the money, sir. I just want to be with Ralph," Jimmy replied.

"Jimmy, with that kind of money you can live anywhere in the world you want and be with anyone you want," Headmaster Killby said.

"I don't care. I want to be with Ralph," Jimmy replied, prompting Headmaster Killby to sigh again.

"Jimmy, did Ralph tell you the real reason I sent him to the farm?"

"Uh, he said because he was getting too weird," Jimmy replied, prompting Headmaster Killby to laugh.

"Well, he is a little weird at times. No, I sent him to take charge of the operations there," Headmaster Killby replied.

"Ralph?" Jimmy replied.

"How old do you think Ralph is, Jimmy?"

"Uh, I don't know. Same age as me I guess."

"He turned twenty-one last year."


"Yes, and he doesn't look a day over fifteen. We suspect it may have something to do with the long-term use of the hormone shots. Ralph only got them until he was twelve. He didn't want his cock to get any bigger than it had already. As you know yourself, the shots do keep making your cock and balls grow. It sometimes happens with young boys and girls that they treat for a condition called "Dwarfism." In those instances it's not unusual that an eight year old boy might sometimes develop the cock and balls of a grown man," Headmaster Killby said.

"So, if my little brother got the shots how quick could he get a dick my size?" Jimmy asked.

"Well, Danny and Jason are a year older and their cocks have grown two inches [5 cm] in two months. Of course if he received a higher dose it might grow faster. We haven't really experimented with that yet," Headmaster Killby replied.

"I want him to have the shots, sir" Jimmy replied.

"That shouldn't be a problem," Headmaster Killby replied.

"Now, how soon can I go be with Ralph?" Jimmy asked.

"Well, you and your brother are going to have go with the lawyer and there will be a funeral and all kinds of legal stuff I'm sure. However, it shouldn't be a problem to get the proper kind of legal papers that would place you both in my custody, especially if the two of you insist that you want to come back here. No one has to know that you'll be going to the farm instead," Headmaster Killby replied,

"Cool, you can get the papers drawn up and I'll sign um after we go home for the funeral, and we'll cry and carry on like we should and then come back here. You can work out all the details, sir." Jimmy replied.

"Fine, Jimmy. I'll do that. We're getting ready to shut down Hedgewick in another year anyway and myself, Ray and Bruce, and Danny and Jason will all be moving out to the farm anyway," Headmaster Killby replied.

"Danny and Jason?" Jim replied.

"Yes, both Danny and Jason are orphans. In fact, Ray and Bruce found Danny living in a cardboard box next to a city dump and Jason was living in an abandoned building surrounded by crack addicts. Neither one of them have anybody. Hedgewick is the only place they've had discipline or anyone that cared about them," Headmaster Killby replied.

"Yes, sir. I could understand that with Danny," Jimmy replied.

"Oh?" Headmaster Killby responded.

"Yes, sir. I noticed how much Danny loves your dick up his butt and how much you love him for it. It reminded me of me and Ralph," Jimmy replied, prompting a chuckle from Headmaster Killby.

"Yeah, I guess it's kinda obvious. I do love him and he loves me. In fact, in a couple of days I'm going to move him into my private quarters," Headmaster Killby said.

"You want me to tell my little brother everything?"

"Yes, and we'll need to get you guys some clothes. We can't very well have you meeting the lawyer like that," Headmaster Killby replied, in reference to Jimmy's outfit.

"No, or my brother naked, either," Jimmy replied, prompting both he and Headmaster Killby to laugh.

Chapter Fourteen

Jimmy and Ralph sat on the back patio of the ranch house, each stretched out comfortably in a lounge chair and each sipping on a Margarita that Ralph had just prepared. The two were dressed in their customary jeans and sport shirt and trainers. It had been over a year since Hedgewick had been closed and almost two years since the two had been re-united.

"I just fucking love the sunsets here," Ralph remarked.

"Yeah, they are kinda nice, I like fucking after sunset better though," Jimmy replied, then snickered.

"Oh, geez! Is that all you ever think about?" Ralph replied and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, and you love it!" Jimmy responded.

Suddenly, there was a loud familiar squeal from inside the back part of the ranch house.

"Uh oh! Sounds like Jason's gonna get it again," Ralph said, then laughed.

Soon, there was another squeal, and Jason shot out the back door of the ranch house naked with an equally naked Bobby in hot pursuit.

It was a funny to see Jason running all over the yard with Bobby close behind, Bobby's now considerable cock and balls flopping around as he did so.

"Don't you just love it?" Ralph asked, then chuckled and took a sip from his drink.

"Yeah, four and a half feet [1.35 m] tall, and a dick as big as mine. Jason's such a put on!" Jimmy replied.

"Yeah, it's part of the game with him," Ralph remarked.

There was another squeal from Jason, when Ralph almost caught him, then he turned and ran toward the barn with Bobby in hot pursuit.

"Where's your dad and Danny?" Jimmy asked.

"They went on the four wheeler up the trail to the hill to watch the sunset," Ralph replied.

"I know how that's gonna turn out," Jimmy replied.

"Yeah, me too," Ralph said, prompting them both to laugh.

"Dad's got a big surprise party for you tomorrow, you know. I wasn't supposed to tell yah but I figured you had figured it out," Ralph said.

"Yeah, I saw the message from the caterer," Jimmy replied.

"A lot of the old Hedgewick crowd will be coming. Ray and Bruce, Richard, you remember Richard, and some others," Ralph said.

"Oh yeah. I remember Richard, my first time to get fucked!" Jimmy replied, prompting Ralph to laugh.

"You aren't ever gonna let me live that down, are you?" Ralph said.

"No, you could have picked someone with a smaller dick," Jimmy replied.

"Hey, it's kinda like learning to swim. Best way sometimes is to get thrown in," Ralph replied.

"Yeah, right!" Jimmy said and rolled his eyes.

"What are we gonna do after you get control of all your money tomorrow?" Ralph asked.

"I don't know. What do you wanna do?" Jimmy asked.

"Let's buy an island somewhere, just me and you. We can run around naked all the time, fuck on the sand, get dark all over, never be cold like the winters here," Ralph replied.

"Uh, what about your dad?" Jimmy asked.

"He's happy here with Danny. He's making money off of the hormone stuff on the underground market and Danny loves it here. He's a regular big-dicked cowboy now," Ralph replied.

"Yeah, but he's like you. A pig bottom!" Jimmy said.

"Yup! Although dad likes to bottom for him every now and then," Ralph replied.

"Yeah, I've can tell by the howls!" Jimmy said, prompting them both to laugh.

"What about Jason and Bobby?" Jimmy asked.

"Well, I figure they could come along if they want. Hell, Jason gets all his money in four more years and they can live with us until then. Somehow, I think your brother is gonna want to do the same thing as you," Ralph replied.

"Wadda yah mean?" Jimmy asked.

Ralph rolled his eyes and took a sip from his drink then spoke.

"Bobby idolizes you. He would crawl over broken glass if you asked him to suck your cock. He would hang for hours and let you paddle him. And, he's as good a top as you are," Ralph replied.

"How do you know?" Jimmy asked.

"Uh, well, about two months ago, when all you guys were gone to town, Bobby and I got it on. Geez! It was like you in miniature fucking my ass with that big cock of yours. It was like a little terrier with a huge dick fucking a German Shepherd. I lost my mind and came in like nothing flat," Ralph replied.

Squealing sounds echoed down from the barn as Ralph completed what he had to say.

"Why are you just now telling me?" Jimmy asked.

"Well, we had a long talk afterwards. He loves you Jimmy. In spite of all the shit you subjected him too at Hedgewick when he got there. He adores you," Ralph replied.

"Why?" Jimmy asked.

Ralph chuckled, took a sip from his drink, and then spoke.

"I think Jason is answering that question right now," Ralph said, referring to the howls of pleasure that were echoing down from the barn as Bobby plowed Jason's butt with his now huge dick.

"We'll do it. A special place for the four of us. I'm gonna want one thing from you though," Jimmy replied.

"What?" Ralph asked.

"I want you to start the injections again," Jimmy said.

"Why?" Ralph asked.

"Cause I love you, and cause I want you up my butt like it is when I'm up yours. You know, we've got identical everything, that is except for cocks," Jimmy replied.

"But, I never wanted one that big," Ralph responded.

"Yeah, I know. But, I want you to," Jimmy replied.

The two looked at each other for a moment, then Jimmy reached out his hand and Ralph grabbed it, pulled it to his mouth, and kissed it. Then, they both took a sip from their drinks and looked again at the sunset that was changing from oranges to various colors of purple, Jason's howls of pleasure echoing toward them from the barn.

The End