StoTelAlexThe Best Halloween Outfit Ever |
SummaryA man returns to his home-town, relives a childhood memory and continues the tradition.
Publ. Oct 2013
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CharactersBoy (10yo) and mr. ChesterfieldCategory & Story codesConsensual Man-Boy storyMb – cons mast oral (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteThank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author through this feedback form with StoTelAlex - The Best Halloween Outfit Ever in the subject line. |
As kid I always loved Halloween. It was my favorite Holiday. I guess that goes for most kids. This was the only time of the year we were allowed to accept candy from strangers, and which kid doesn't love getting candy from every adult they meet? In the street I lived one house was loved by the kids in particular. It was an old mansion which was the perfect Halloween house. The old man who lived there only had the most necessary maintenance done. On the outside the paint was chipping here and there and the windows weren't that clean on the upper floors. The perfect picture of a scary, 'haunted' house. But that it looked like the perfect Halloween house wasn't what made it so loved by the kids. The old man never had kids of his own and, therefor, he was extra generous on this holiday. He always had the best candy of the street. One day, when I was about ten, I passed the house and, as I looked, the old man had just come back from his shopping. He was struggling to get his shopping bags up the steps of the porch. I quickly walked up to him and picked up a bag. "Thank you, young man. I didn't know there were still decent kids around." "Glad to help, Sir." As I put the bag on the floor in the kitchen I noticed a big load of chocolate bars. The new variety! "But 3; how 3; those are not for sale yet! How did you get them?" The man looked. "Oh, those. Well, can you keep a secret?" Of course I could! "The reason I have this wonderful candy every year is that I'm the owner of the factory." I couldn't believe it. This man was the owner of the biggest candy factory in the state? And he lived in my street! "You're Mr. Chesterfield? THE Mr. Chesterfield? From Chesterfield Candy Company?" "Yes," he said. "Here, because of your help." I was the first to taste that special chocolate bar. All my friends had to wait till Monday when they would be sold in the stores. But I already had one. "Why don't you try it and tell me if you like it." I took a bite and felt the chocolate go down my throat. It tasted great. The man looked at me and started laughing. "Looks like you are really enjoying it." "Yes, I do," I said as I licked my fingers. "Want another? I have enough." "I would but my parents don't want me to accept candy gifts from strangers." The old man started to look at me in a strange way. As if he was judging me. "And if you work for it?" "Then it's no gift!" I cheered. "Right." "What do you want me to do?" "I have an old trunk on the second floor. In it are some old clothes. Why don't you try some on and we'll hold a try-out inside the house to see how the trick-or-treating will go this year." "Yeah!" I screamed and ran up the stairs. I quickly recovered the trunk. I looked inside but there were all old adult clothes. There was nothing that would suit me. Then I looked around and saw that the furniture was covered with white sheets against the dust. I pulled one off a table and, after a little modification, I had the perfect ghost costume. I quickly dashed down the stairs again and walked up to the door of the living room. I knocked on the door and waited. A few moments later the old man opened the door with a bowl filled with the chocolate in his arms. "Trick or treat!" I said in my most ghost-like voice. "Wow! What a great costume! I didn't know I had that." "Actually it's 3;" "From the table?" the old man asked with a sparkle in his eye. He asked me to go and find another costume. He then closed the door again. I thought about it and instead of getting something that was much too big, I decided to do something completely different. I stripped completely naked and then draped the sheet around me in such a way that it looked a tunic from ancient Rome or Greece. Then I knocked o the door again. "That was quick," Mr. Chesterfield said, as he opened the door. When he saw me I could see he had to swallow something. He never expected to see me like this. I had draped the tunic over my left shoulder with my right one exposed. The fabric was crossed over my chest. My right nipple was showing completely. Then I saw Mr. Chesterfield looking aside and saw him noticing the pile of clothes. He also noticed that on top of it were my tighty-whities. I saw him come to the conclusion I was wearing nothing underneath. "I also know a third costume to have a try-out in. Want to have another go?" "Eh 3; OK." And Mr. Chesterfield closed the door again. But not before I had noticed a big bulge starting to form in the front of his pants. I quickly got changed and then knocked on the door. "Trick or treat!" As Mr. Chesterfield opened the door he got the shock of his life. I stood there completely in the nude. "Where's your costume?" "This is it. I'm Adam, from Adam & Eve." He couldn't stop staring at my body. I started to blush and was wondering what would happen. Would he get mad at me? But then I got my answer. "How about I teach you a trick AND give you a treat?" "Wow! Great! What kind of trick?" I asked as I excepted the third piece of chocolate. "Come on in and I'll show you." I followed Mr. Chesterfield and he sat down in one of the chairs near the dining table. He sat there with his legs wide and beckoned me to come closer and stand in between. He then positioned me so my right side was facing him. He then slowly started to stroke my body. He was very gentile and I loved the soft touch of his hands on my skin. Then his left hand rested on my bum and his right hand focused its attention on my family jewels. His fingertips played with my balls for a while and then his fingers moved to my now throbbing stiffy. He took it between his thumb and index finger and started to rub my foreskin over the very sensitive knob. It felt wonderful. I had never experienced something like it. I couldn't control my breathing any more. It was getting heavy. And then, all of a sudden, I felt a wonderful warm feeling building up in my body. It started in the center of my belly and radiated through the rest. When my whole body experienced the feeling I lost all control over my muscles. I shook and shivered all over. It lasted for 30 seconds but to me it seemed like an eternity. And I didn't want it to stop. Finally, it did stop and, by then, all the strength had gone from my body. I was hanging in the old man's arms like a rag doll. I looked up to the kind, smiling face and thanked him. "You're welcome, my precious boy," he answered. He took me in his lap and let me recuperate. All the time I sat there I could feel his member pressing against my ass cheeks. When I felt I had regained enough of my strength I decided that now it was my time. "Sir, I know a trick as well," I told him. "Can I show you?" "Yes, please do. I always love to learn new tricks," he said. I slid off his lap and knelt between his legs. I unbuttoned his pants and pulled out the big, hard dick and his balls. When I weight them in my hands they felt really heavy. And they were bigger than I had seen any balls on someone before. After inspecting his eggs for a while I bent forward and slid my mouth over the big adult member. At least, that's what I tried. It was thicker than I ever had experienced and it took me several tries before I managed to take the whole head in my mouth. But, finally, I succeeded and started to move my head up and down. Apparently the costumes I had showed him had aroused him very much. It only took six times for my mouth to go up and down before he moaned and I felt the first string of cum down my throat. After the first there where nine other big loads before his dick changed from shooting to oozing. It was too much for me and the last few loads filled my mouth so much that it flooded out of the corners of my mouth. But I kept licking his oozing dick until that, too, stopped. Mr. Chesterfield was sitting there, leaning back in the chair, catching his breath. I stood up and climbed onto his lap. As he noticed he put his arms around me and pulled me close. He started to lick the cum from my lips and face and then kissed me. "That was wonderful," he said, "Where did you learn such a neat trick?" "My cousin taught me last summer. He told me what to do and then he introduced me to some guys at his school who wanted me to show the trick as well." "Some classmates?" "No, they were a few grades above my cousin. But I didn't mind, I loved the taste of their candy." I put my arms around the man and whispered in his ear: "But none of them had such great candy as you gave me just now. It was the best I ever tasted. Today and in the past." The man kissed me and thanked me. We sat there for a while, just relaxing in each others arms and kissing and loving each other. *** All of this has happened almost twenty years ago. After that, I visited the man several times and not only on Halloween. Unfortunately after I went to university I lost contact with the man. I was planning on coming back after my studies, but I got a job in a different town and am now the CEO of a holding company. A few months back my company took over the Chesterfield Candy Company. It was no longer from Mr. Chesterfield. They had bought him out several years ago. Now that my company bought it I got curious to how the old man was doing. So I jumped into my car one weekend and headed to the old town. I drove to our old street. Who knows, I thought, maybe the man still lives there. But as I got to the house there was a for sale sign in the front garden. I called the number and got a friendly woman on the line. "Hello." "Good afternoon. I'm here in front of 28 Jefferson Blvd. and I see you have it for sale." "Yes, that's correct. It's a lovely house with lots of potential, isn't it?" "Yes, it is. Wasn't this the residence of the famous Mr. Chesterfield? What ever happened to him?" "He got bought out of his company and for far too little if you ask me. His money has run out. He's in debt and the bank has order the sale of the house." "Do you know where he is now?" "He's in the Salvation Army Home, I believe." "Thank you." I made an appointment to see the place and then left for the home to see my old friend. When I found him he was ashamed and cried. I took him to a small room and then asked him to tell the story. As I had thought I hadn't been the only boy he taught tricks to. And another one of those boys had decided to blackmail Mr. Chesterfield. This came out and the board forced Mr. Chesterfield to retire. They gave him some money but it was not that much. I now knew what to do. That year Mr. Chesterfield was handing out candy again. He was now living with me. In his old house. Mr. Chesterfield never had problems with blackmail again. I had made sure of that. One day I came home and saw a boy knocking on the living room door. As I looked at the costume I recognized the sheet. It was now altered into a tunic. I also saw the pile of clothes with the underwear on top. I took the side door into the living room without both of them seeing me and sat down in a chair facing the door. I watched history repeating. Only difference was that now there wasn't just one man to teach the boy some very neat tricks 3; The End |
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