PZA Boy Stories

Gary Cutter

Doctor Dick


The story of Doctor Maddox aided and abetted by his evil little buddy, Billy.
Publ. Apr 2009
Finished 12,000 words (24 pages)


Billy (14yo), Philip (15yo) and Doctor Richard Maddox

Category & Story codes

Other Man-Boy story
Mt tt tbcons/drugged anal oral


This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

Author's note

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at GCutter66(at)gmail(dot)com or through this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line.

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to ASSTR. Keep ASSTR free and keep ASSTR alive.


Chapter 1

Richard Maddox bade good night to what was hopefully his last patients of the day and ushered the young mother and small child from his surgery.

"Damn and blast," he cursed under his breath. The waiting room was empty the last time he'd looked but now there was a boy or maybe a youth sitting in the corner. He went out to see his receptionist.

"Where'd he come from," he demanded trying to keep the annoyance from his voice. It was nearing eight in the evening and it had been a long day, grizzling babies, moaning pensioners and the usual trail of workshy malingerers. He was upto his teeth with it. He looked at the kid in the mirror, early teens he reckoned and rather nice. Pity he was on duty. As the youngest qualified doctor at the surgery he tended to finish up with the late shifts and the routine was likely to continue until a still more junior doctor was appointed.

"I'm sorry, Doctor Maddox," the girl looked annoyed. "He slunk in before I could lock the door."

"Alright, I'll see him. What's his name?"

"Billy Jones, aged fourteen. From the Care Home," her voice dropped as she mentioned the boy's residence.

Richard nodded. He knew the Home but it was unusual to see them in his Surgery certainly that late in the evening. The local Care Home was a small unit as far as they go with around a dozen kids in various straights with the law. Some even from broken homes but being contained at the Court's behest. Some slightly criminal and some not, mostly pretty decent kids as he recalled. He held the view that there were few essentially bad kids around but lots of bad parents and that was an end to it.

"OK, lock up and go, I'll deal with Mr Jones and finish up," he told the girl.

"Thank you Doctor."

"Come in Mr Jones," he called over and the boy got to his feet. Definitely a Care Home boy Maddox saw. A dirty t-shirt, rather ragged jeans and filthy trainers but a well set up lad. Fair hair which could use a good barbering, a pleasantly freckled face and sunburned arms with the faintest misting of fair hair. "Tasty' to use one word or tasty to a person of young Doctor Richard Maddox's persuasion. "Sit down," he ordered as he closed his Surgery door after giving Molly a wave as she locked the outer door. He was alone with young Billy, was it going to be his lucky night or not. More to the point DARE he make his lucky night. "Be bold," he muttered to himself. He'd envisiged this scenario a few times but never thought it would happen.

"Sorry, Doctor?" the boy turned around.

"Nothing, Mr Jones 3; Billy." He looked at the kid sitting opposite. Yeah, very attractive and would probably look better after a good shower. "What is your problem?"

"Back ache. I've been walking around like I've broken my back," the boy put on a pained expression. Richard nearly laughed but held back, patients didn't like being laughed at and young patients rarely came to the Surgery unless they had a need.

"Take your t-shirt off and reverse in the seat. Lay your arms on the backrest."

The boy did as he was told and turned around on the chair resting his arms across the wooden back. Richard admired the boy's suntan and the smoothness of the his skin. Perfecto. As he ran his fingers up the boy's vertebrae he could see that Billy had what apeared to be blue briefs down inside his jeans. "Mmmm 3;" the boy wriggled a bit as cold fingers ran over his spine from neck down to the start of his jeans.

"I'm going to have to ask you to remove your jeans and lay on the examination table." Richard spoke having made his decision. there would be no going back after this point.

"OK," Billy stood and as teenagers do rather self conciously dropped his jeans after removing his trainers and let himself be guided to the plastic covered table which raised and lowered or could be wheeled about. Richard had already draped a sheet over it so that the chill wouldn't startle the boy or make him clammy as plastic often did.

"On your front, please."

Billy lay on his belly unaware of Richard studying the fleshy blue clad mounds of boy flesh nearly within his grasp. So near and yet so far. Richard continued his examination pressing here and there and getting no response. There certainly didn't seem to be anything amiss, the kid was as healthy as a young horse.

"Where exactly is the pain?"

"Just here," Billy reached behind him and pointed to the small of his back.

"OK," I'm just going to pull your briefs down a little. Don't get alarmed."

"OK," Billy snuggled his face into the pillow and just gasped a little as Richard folded the briefs down a fold or two until he could see the beginnings of the boy's crack and the paler skin where speedos or whatever had protected the tender bottom from sunburn. Richard felt right down to the tailbone and felt the boy's body tremble. Billy was nervous or quite possibly getting aroused. Boy's of this age were funny creatures and could go in any direction.

"Secretonin," he announced. "This is a new drug on the market and can be taken as a tablet or as an injection."

"What for?" Billy turned his head trying to look at the doctor.

"For inflamation of the discs," Richard lied. Secretonin was in fact a new drug on trial as an instant knockout drop and came from the same family as the so called date rape drug. It was supposed to aid in very minor surgery and put the recipient into a trance-like condition where they felt no pain and were guaranteed to have no recollection of the sometimes quite painful surgery.

"Whatever you say, Doc," Billy giggled. Richard had unconciously laid his hand on the boy's thigh just under the hem of his underwear.

"Sorry," Richard mumbled. "Pill or jab, it takes about five minutes to kick in so we can sit and see how you react."

"How much does it cost?"

"It's a free treatment," Richard smiled reassuringly. "Tablet or jab."

"Oh, tablet," Billy grinned. "I don't like being stuck with things."

"Understandable," Richard went to his drugs safe and took two tablets from the lockup. Two according to the leaflet would render the taker 'out of it' for approximately one hour. Richard was a bag of nerves now and this was very definitely his last chance to back down. His ultimate safeguard was that he could do nothing and let the boy just sleep it off but he knew that wouldn't happen. "Just swallow them down and don't crunch," he handed the pills and a glass of water across to Billy who promptly swallowed them.

Richard went and cranked down the examination table to knee height as Billy sat in the chair gazing into space. Richard also made sure the curtains were chink free and the front door was securely locked, he didn't need any spectators to this particular treatment.

"Alright, Billy," he rested his hands on the boy's warm shoulder.

"Mmmmm 3;" Billy murmured and rose like a zombie as the doctor half helped him and half guided him to the now low laying bed. Billy stretched out and closed his eyes. Richard gave it another two full minutes and spoke right alongside Billy's ear.

"Billy, wake up." There was no reaction, Billy's breath was slow and steady, Richard also noticed that the boy's package inside his briefs was semi stiff and seemed awkwardly curled. This was the acid test. He bent in and kissed Billy on the lips and got absolutely no reaction. Next he tugged the boy's briefs up and out allowing the meaty young penis to spring clear and then continue to thicken and harden. The boy was a healthy fourteen, his pubic bush was a darker shade than his head hair and his meaty cock had to be a man sized sixer or as near as made no difference. Richard's hand grasped the hot flesh and he felt it thicken in his hand. The boy just lay there perfectly at ease, perfectly relaxed and silent. Dr Richard Maddox took his next step to damnation, he put his hand under Billy's back raising him enough to tug the blue briefs down and off over the kid's feet. Billy Jones was now comatose and fully naked. Richard knelt by the side of the unconcious boy and lifted the fully erect penis and slipped his mouth over the bulging glans.

Billy jerked and moaned, Richard froze but relaxed as Billy seemed to relax even further. There was one final stage, leaving the boy's slippery cock twitching and jerking he managed to roll his victim over so that the boy's legs drooped over the edge of the low table leaving his pure white bottom totally exposed and vunerable. He took up the KY that he used for anal inspections and rubbed it into Billy's crack. Locating the boy's pucker he worked his finger in just as if he was doing a prostate check but he didn't bother with rubber gloves, he knew perfectly well from Billy's medical records that he was disease free. Billy jerked and moaned again but Richard pressed on, he'd gone too far to back off now. He massaged the yielding and rubbery ring until he felt it relax and finally shed his own trousers. His seven inches [18 cm] of young male cock stood out and swung heavily as he gave it a slow wank. As soon as he saw the first clear bubble of pre cum ooze from the tip he knelt on the table inside Billy's splayed legs. The fourteen year old gave a little moan but that was all.

Still wearing his shirt and tie Richard slowly lowered himself and guided his rampant seven [15] between the boy's firm buttocks. He located the oily sphincter and gently pushed against resistance opening up the boy's tight little pucker like a hot knife going into butter. Billy spasmed and groaned out loud but as Richard froze in a panic as boy's body tensed and he gave a gusty sigh before relaxing completely. Richard relaxed from his momentory panic and slowly worked his way into Billy's delightful warmth and tighness feeling the boy's body accept him as his seven inches of swollen flesh stretched and filled Billy's sweet bottom. Billy arse was so tight and so hot that Richard nearly passed out. He'd had sex with a couple of eighteen year olds at his medical college but never with someone as young as fourteen. Jeez, the boy was still at school, he was a minor and well below the age of consent 3; for anything.

At last his belly pressed against Billy's smooth alabaster cheeks and he began to move in and out. He wasn't going to last but he held off as long as he could before he twitched and jerked discharging a mighty flood of thick man cream up into the teenager's gut. Billy moaned and clamped on him but Richard didn't notice or didn't care. He'd shot his bolt and worked his way in and out of the messy and spunk filled nest until he felt himself begin to limpen. Looking up at the clock he hurriedly wiped himself off and then mopped out between Billy's cheeks and stepped back. He hooked Billy's briefs over his feet and then went for the final, the very final act. He took the boy's drooling cock into his mouth and stroking the boy's furry ballbag felt it tighten under his kissing and licking. Billy was about to pop and he took the boy deep into his throat as he felt the thick boy cock swell in his mouth and then the first blast of teeny cum hit the back of his throat. Richard swallowed and gobbled as Billy released a massive cum leaving him with boy spunk smeared on his jaw and lips. Once again he wiped his face off and then Billy's cock. After managing to get the boy's briefs back up again he hurriedly clambered back into his trousers and tidied up.

Mission acomplished and ten minutes inside the allocated time. The only evidence would be Billy's anus, rectum and colon flooded with man juice but that could always be blamed as a side effect of the drug 3; hopefully. Anyway, the dirty deed was done and it was time to lock up and go home.

"Billy," he shook the boy's shoulder and got no response. "Oh, Billy," he leant in and softly kissed the boy on his lips. He sat back behind his desk and waited. Five minutes later Billy seemed to come awake as if from a deep sleep. He actually sat up, stretched his arms out and yawned. He grinned at the doctor and swung his legs off the bed.

"I feel groggy," Billy tugged at his briefs and looked puzzled but only for a moment. A wide grin spread across his face.

"You feel better?" Richard asked.

"I feel squishy," Billy said still with a smile on his face.

"Must be an after effect of the drug," Richard spouted his prepared line.

"Could be down to you giving me babies," Billy laughed out loud.

"What, I nev 3;"

"Don't deny it, you rapist." Billy smile had disapeared. "I've got enough of your DNA up my bum to keep the Old Bill in samples for the rest of the year."

Richard sat there silent. The absolute stupidity of it all, he'd just written off his career for a bit of fourteen year old boy tail.

"Where do you live?" Billy asked. After a silence he asked again.

"Around the corner, two streets away."

"Excellent," Billy grinned. "You live alone?"


"Well 3;" Billy seemed to think for a while. "First of all those pills are crap, you should try four next time."

Richard just looked at the boy in deep shock, he was so nice and probably the last boy he'd be bedding for a while.

"I'm going to the toilet and then you're taking me out for a meal and then we're going to your flat and I'm going to shag you rotten," Billy sat back and picked up his jeans. "Fair enough?"

"I don't thi 3;"

"I asked if it was fair enough," Billy grinned again. "You can fuck me again after I've done you a couple of times."

"Fair enough," Richard finally managed to get out. "I'm really sorry 3;"

"Can it," Billy laughed. "Get that drug dosage sorted out and I could feed a couple of sweet kids around here, maybe thirteen years olds 3; assuming I get a go."


"You heard," Billy grinned and lifting onto his toes gave Richard a quick kiss on the lips. We're gonna make a good team, Dr Maddox."

Richard Maddox closed his eyes as Billy shot into the toilet. What the hell had he let himself in for. Mind you looking on the bright side he should be in for some good sex tonight. Billy certainly knew what he was doing.

In the toilet Billy grinned as he aborted the doctor's offerings. Jeez, those tablets had put him into a dream state but not enough knock him right out. Just one of those crushed up in one of the smaller boy's late night cocoa should leave the kid or kids at his mercy. The future was looking good and he had a good night's sex to look forward to as a bonus. Wicked!

Chapter 2

Dr Richard Maddox looked at Billy Jones as he sat in the surgery looking reasonably neat and tidy for a change.

"So what can I do for you today, Billy?"

"It's my back, Doc," Billy grinned.

"Might I suggest a bit of deep heat maybe around seven this evening 3; at my flat."

"Sounds good, Doc," Billy grinned and stood. "Wanna quickie?" He made a wanking motion with one clenched fist.

"Bugger off, Billy," the Doctor grabbed the boy and planted a swift kiss on his responsive lips. "Tonight. One for one and all for one."

"Gotcha," Billy made for the door making sure to give a little wiggle of his bottom on the way. The Musketeer motto was Richard's way of saying that if he topped young Billy then he expected the youngster's meaty cock in return and Billy was meaty, a mansized cock on a slender fourteen year old boy with a bottom to shed blood over. The best of all worlds as far as Richard Maddox was concerned. Richard was aware that as a doctor he was treading on thin ice with Billy but once he got a taste for the boy there was no going back. Anyway, he liked Billy and Billy seemed to like him so where was the harm?

Back in the flat he had a surprise for the Billy. Before they hit the bed and got down to it he opened his brief case and showed off a sample pack from a famous drug company. "Secrotonin B in liquid form," he announced.

"Date rape plus," Billy took one of the small vials and peered at it. "You just drink it."

"Or if you were naughty slip it into someone's drink. It's odourless and colourless and with a firmer guarantee. One dose, one hour, two doses two hours and so on. But, and it's a big but, it's not recommended for children under ten."

"That's alright," Billy laughed. "I don't fancy any children under ten, quite a few under sixteen though."

"I don't know what's up with you Billy, you've got the looks, the body, charm enough and you want to play around with this stuff."

"My dick's to big," Billy grumbled. "They run a mile especially the little sweeties, the elevens and twelves. They don't mind a play but as soon as I get serious, they're out of the door." He caressed the small glass vial. "I'd like to fuck that Goth queen silly, that new one, Rambart or something like that."

"Philip Rambert you mean?" I was around to give him a check up the other day. "Coughed well," Richard remembered the rather insipid and definitely languid boy that he'd checked out the other afternoon. The kid was a muppet but had a nice body and seemed to have all his bits in working order. Richard had a room allocated in the Care Home where he did on site medical checks for the Home's operators who were scared witless at taking on any kid who was ill, appeared to be ill or might possibly become ill.

"You fancy him," Billy studied the Doctor and grinned. "I saw him in the showers and he's pretty well hung, got a nice arse as well."

"Want me to call him back for a further check," Richard smiled feeling the lure of the chase. "One Emo boy laying there senseless 3;"

"Well, I don't know if he's just girly or gay but I wouldn't mind a crack at his tasty little honeypot and that's for sure," Billy sat on the bed and started to take his trainers off. And that was it, Operation Philip was under way or the Humbling of the Snooty Goth as Billy called it.

Richard phoned the Care Home the following day and told them that he had to re-examine young fifteen year old Mr Rambert. The problem was that he'd have to make it a late call, maybe after their evening meal and that he would need the use of his own room. This was the rather scruffy room that he had inherited from their last Medical Offixcer. The boys normally attended surgery if anything was wrong with them but he did do an occasional show for Sex Ed lectures (a joke believe it) and unbelievably in this day and age cleanliness and body lice checks. They were happy enough and gave the usual warning that the place would be on lockdown after eight and the staff would be down to the night man. Richard knew that, it was all part and parcel of his and Billy's plan. He arranged to be there for just after seven and that was that.

He had the sparsely furnished room ready for seven thirty when he'd arranged for Rambert to appear, there wasn't an examination table but there was a single bed which was even better. Richard had his pep talk ready and his vial prepared, Billy, by the way was lurking outside the door that led into the garden. Richard drew the curtains and waited.

Promptly at seven thirty there was a rap on the door and Philip Rambert drifted in, as Goths do he sauntered in and looked at Richard expectantly as he sat behind his scruffy desk.

"Good evening Philip or can I call you Phil?"

"I prefer Philip," the boy mumbled and stood fumbling with what appeared to be half a mile of chrome chains draped around his slender hips. Well, that set the tone.

"I have to do your examination again just to carry out some further checks 3; absolutely nothing to worry about but a bit more in depth this time."

"I do what I'm told," the Goth scowled clearly not very happy at being kept from his dreary music or possibly the TV.

"OK. let's do it," Richard gave him the kindly but stern doctor look. "Strip down to your underwear please."

Philip gave a long suffering sigh and started to remove his all black outfit, Richard supposed it went with his dyed black hair and what looked suspiciously like lipstick and eyeliner. A shame as he had a good body, very pale as befits a Goth who vomit at the thought of sunbathing Richard believed. A nice firm body with smooth and umblemished skin Richard noted as he circled the boy like a hungy wolf. Nice arse as Billy had said and very bulky in the pouch but he'd get to that in a moment. Dark brown titties stood out against his pale skin and he even had the traces of a baby six pack, not quite the limp queen Billy had put across.

Richard gave him the Secrotin in a drop of fruit juice passing it off as a routine tincture to combat acne and such and the boy swallowed it immediately and without question. Two minutes later he was sitting on the cheap wooden chair looking likely to fall off at any moment. "You feel alright," Philip?"

"I feel sleepy," Philip whispered and swayed on the seat.

"Lie down for a while, it might be the heat." Richard helped him to the bed and lay him out, his eyes closed almost instantly and the doctor stood there counting off the seconds on his watch. As the boy's breathing became regular he opened the back door and silently motioned Billy to enter and then locked up. They were safe and secure. The doctor knew the nightman had orders not to disturb any examinations and would be with the kids watching the evening television.

"Had he gone?" Billy asked.

"Just about," Richard peeled Philip's eyelids back and no one was home. "Beautiful," he whispered and bent down to nuzzled at the boy's cotton clad lump. Warm and thick, big and juicy, he felt the heat and savoured the boy smell emanating from Philip's crotch. "We've got an hour," He looked at Billy. "We need to be quick. You go first, I'll amuse myself."

They paired to tug Phil's briefs down and out of the way exposing his fully naked body. Not bad, his penis was probably a little smaller than Billy's but that was no surprise but it was hardening as Billy tickled his victim's balls and then rolled Philip over so that his pert bottom was uppermost. Billy tore his clothing off and stood there naked with his own big cock swinging and even sporting a bead of cum. Richaed smiled and handed him the KY as Billy punched the air in triumph before kneeling on the bed between Philip's outspread legs. "Jeez, that's so nice," Billy lapped up Philip's crack from top to bottom and gave the soft flesh a little nip with his teeth, he then smeared the KY on his own cock, nothing for Philip, Richard noted, Billy just wanted inside the defenceless and slightly older boy.

"Hurry up," Richard hissed looking at his watch.

Billy grinned and moved in guiding his gleaming erection between the Goth's cheeks and pushed. Philip didn't make a sound as Billy smirked and holding onto the supine boys shoulders began to move in and out. Richard assumed from the faces Billy was pulling he was expressing his satisfaction. "So tight," he whispered. "Gotta be a virgin 3;" He began to root in deep and hard, He was clearly trying to express his mastery over his victim as he hammered into the soft and defenceless body. "Yes, yes, yes 3;" he chanted and Richard saw his smooth little bottom clench as he ejaculated. "Jeez 3;" he moaned and slowly moved in on his own mess and finally withdrew still connected by one solitary streamer of cum.

"Yeuchy," Billy giggled and broke the slippery thread with his finger and wiped it off on Philip's snowy flank.

"Clean yourself off," the doctor whispered and rolled their victim over, Philip Rambert was as hard as a steel bar and it had grown to a decent length and size. Richard grinned at Billy, he knew the boy's tastes and Billy wasn't finished with the young Goth yet. Richard positioned the drugged boy flat onto his back and pulled a pillow under his hips elevating his middle. Knees back to the chest and Philip's puffy and slightly red pucker was totally exposed as his stiff cock jerked up and down on his belly. Richard steadied himself against Philip's cum drenched pucker and pushed in feeling the tightness grip him and the ease of movement as he began to fuck hard and fast on Billy's spunky lube. Billy didn't waste any time either, he knelt by the side of the bed and licked the twitching penis once or twice before taking the hot flesh into his mouth.

As Richard fucked his heart out into the slippery but still tight and totally exposed boy cunt Billy grasped Philip's cock and sucked at it taking it right down into his throat. He could feel the warm hardness, the taste or oozing and grinned as he glanced up to see Richard's hairy lower belly inches away from his face.

The hapless and unconcious Philip had a double event, he gave the slightest of moans probably no more than if having a wet dream as he exploded in Billy's mouth and the boy sucked and slobbered at the thick creamy boy cum slipping down his throat. He gobbled and drank deep as Richard groaned and tensed himself as his cock jerked and throbbed in the Goth's sweet little arse.

This time he was better prepared. after wiping himself off he wiped Philip dry and removed a rubber bulb with a pipe attached from his bag and gently slid the black rubber pipe into Philips anus squeezing the bulb as he did so.

"What the fuck's that," Billy stood straightening out his clothes and looking nervously at the clock.

"Suction pump," Richard said shortly. "I don't want him walking around squishy and wondering where it came from ."

"Gotcha 3; removes the evidence as well." Billy giggled as the implement made a disgusting slurpy noise. "He had a nice cock, I wouldn't mind more of that."

"Chat him up later," Richard suggested. "He's got to have a subconcious memory of this even if he won't admit it to himself 3; it's worth a try."

"Right," Billy grinned as Richard removed the probe, wrapped it in a towel and returned it to his doctor's bag. A little more drying off and Philip's briefs were pulled back on and he was replaced on the bed.

"Go," Richard ordered Billy. "We have to meet soon and sort out something better than this but we have a good team."

"We have," Billy grinned and headed for the garden. All the others would be watching the goggle box and he would join them using the main garden door.

The doctor locked the door behind him and settled in his chair and awaited Philip's recovery. This was the dodgy bit.

Five minutes later Philip came to life rubbing his eyes and looked around bemused. "What happened?" He looked down at his almost naked form in alarm and covered his groin.

"You fell asleep," Richard stood and looked down at the boy. "You were worn out but I managed all the tests not that you were much help," he frowned down at his late fuck trying to look stern. In fact, Philip without his black clothing looked rather sweet and quite vunerable. He'd like to do more with the boy but how to manage that was quite another matter.

"Sorry," Philip mumbled reaching for his trousers as they were passed across.

"Are you taking any drugs?" Richard asked putting the boy into a defensive mode.

"Bit of pot here and there but everyone smokes pot now and then."

"Not everyone," Richard smiled. "Maybe why you slept so well. Anyway all done now, you can go and I'll be in touch."

"OK. Good night," the Goth walked to the door and Richard wondered if he had a sore arse. Surely after two rather rough fucks he must feel something but Philip just disapeared without saying anything further. Richard packed the remainder of his gear and called a farewell into the TV Room getting a grin from Billy and a few words and waves from the other's. The night had been a success but there had to be better ways and less dangerous ways. He had the drugs and he had Billy, he had to be able to sort something better out.

It was about eleven, the Home's official bedtime that Billy left the bathroom and returned to his room. The night man had done the ritual headcount and had retired to his office and portable television. After some moments of consideration Billy naked other than his y-fronts and a t-shirt wandered down the corridor. It was so stupid and sailing into danger but he had to see Philip. Jeez, he'd fucked Gothboi and drank his spunk, they had a link even if Philip didn't know it. The dark haired fifteen year old had a nice cock as well, Billy licked his lips at the thought.

He knocked gently on Philip's door and peered in. The boy was already in bed reading a music paper. He looked a bit surprised to see Billy but hooked his finger in an invitation to enter.

"How did the medical go?" Billy asked in a rather put on concerned voice. "I hope it was OK."

"Nice of you to ask," Philip smiled and Billy returned the smile. The boy was quite attractive when he dropped the deadpan Gothic stare. "Got a sore bum though."

"What?" Billy nearly fainted.

"Well, I'll tell you," Philip patted the bed for Billy to move closer. "I slept through most of the bloody checkup, I went out like a light so I expect he did that prostate thing whilst I was dead meat."

"Prostate?" Billy looked dumb always the best defence in a Council Care Home.

"You know," Philip spoke impatiently. "When a doctor shoves his finger up your bum he's ckecking out your prostate and if he was a bit rough 3; sore bum."

"I didn't know that was for a prostrate," Bill fumbled the word still acting silly.

"Check it for me," Philip rolled onto his belly.

"Check what?" Billy felt like he was slipping down a tunnel with Alice, he'd be getting invited to a Brown Hatter's Tea Party next.

"Just check it out, pleeeease," Philp whined and wriggled his bottom under the bedding.

"If anyone comes in, I'm a dead man," Billy groaned.

"Turn the light off," Philip whispered. "No one will come in, you can see what you want with the bedside lamp."

"OK," Billy gulped. "This was an offer he couldn't refuse, the chance to handle Philip's sweet bottom in the privacy of a bedroom. The problem was he could feel his penis lengthening and thickening.

"Looks like you might enjoy it," the boy in the bed giggled nervously.

"Shurrup," Billy turned the overhead light off just leaving enough light to see with the low wattage reading lamp. He slowly pulled the bedding down surprised to see that Philip slept commando and that pure white bottom. Jeez, he was as hard as a rock. "Looks fine to me,"

"No, you need to look properly, Philip reached behind and pulled his cheek's apart with his hands exposing a puckered ring the same light brown as his nipples and aureoles. "Rub a bit of stuff on it," Philip reached under his pillow and produced a tube of E45.

"You're pulling my pisser," Billy croaked.

"Go on, Billy. You know you want to." One of Philip's hands tugged the light cord darkening the room and the other shot out and rested on Billy's bare thigh. "Come on, Billy. Get 'em off."

That was it, Billy scrambled about removing his underwear and clambered onto the bed and took a scoop of E45 applying it to Philip's slightly bruised and puffy ring. He gave a little push and his finger entered the tightness and heat he remembered from earlier in the evening.

"I knew you fancied me, Bill," Philip parted his legs and reaching back grasped Billy's warm stiffness. "I was right," he exclaimed in satisfaction as he felt Billy move between his legs. "Go for it, Bill," his voice broke as Bily lowered his hips slipping quite easily into the previously abused bottom.

"Yessss 3;" Billy hissed as he felt Philip's heat and slick tightness grasp him. The Goth relaxed and then clamped a little as he felt Billy begin to fill him, he didn't know why but as Billy looking dead sexy in his scruffy underwear entered the room he knew he had to have the boy in bed and now this. Billy the Kid was big and Philip groaned as he felt his gut filling with hot and virile fourteen year old flesh. Billy was also grinning, this was better than shagging sleepers, Philip was pushing back and squirming on him and he began to get into it big time. This one would remain secret, Doctor Richard Maddox would be cut out of the loop with the sulky Goth boy. Philip was his and his alone.

"Nice," Philip clamped on the boy's big cock settling into his gut. He didn't know what made Billy come in for a room visit but it had worked out well. He smiled into his pillow as he felt the hot cock begin to move in his bottom. Wonderful.

"I'm fucking you after this. Billy boy." he threatened.

"Sounds good," Billy grinned and kissed the side of Philip's smooth neck. It was going to be a long and very pleasant night.

Chapter 3

Billy Jones sat on a low stone wall to the rear of the Care Home he was quartered in. It was a long Bank Holiday weekend and the boys would be free of school for the next week as well as the week they'd just had off. He liked Easter, it was an early break in the school year and they got the shortened week off either side of the actual Holy Days. It was the Saturday afternoon and the place was as dead as a doornail and he and his pal sitting alongside were thinking fuckery. Well, buggery to be exact.

"There's only two staff on this weekend," Philip Rambert commented. "Loads of time for getting together."

"Loads of time for me to shag you, you mean, Phil my son."

"Piss off," the fifteen year old Goth laughed. "You like it as well."

"With you I do," Billy admitted. They'd shared a bed for the first time just over two weeks ago but had slowed down a little lately after a few comments from the Head of the Home. The head wasn't particularly concerned about them sharing a bed or even having sex together what he didn't want was them setting a trend. This particular Care Home was boys only and a small group of boys at that. The Care Service had spent years living down a rather unsavoury reputation and weeding out pedos of both sexes the last thing they wanted was for older boys in the groups to start taking advantage of the younger. Boys of fourteen and fifteen were natural predators, he knew that but the higher officials in the service seemed to have lost the plot. In the end he'd pulled Billy and Phil into his office and told them straight. He didn't care what they got upto in private but privacy was the keyword, they had to hide their goings on from the smaller boys especially the ones who were ripening, by that he meant the twelves and thirteens.

Needless to say this was like a red rag to a bull, the head's choice of the word 'ripening' wasn't all that smart, it got Billy thinking and anything he thought or did the slightly older Goth was right behind. The one thing Billy had managed to do and that was to keep his relationship with Phil secret from his older lover, Doctor Richard Maddox.

"Nice afternoon for just lounging around sunbathing," Billy looked onto the large garden. The Care Home was a large Victorian house with an acre or so of overgrown garden which the Council couldn't afford to maintain, the younger boys loved it.

"Sunbathing gives you skin cancer," Phil declared and dropped off the wall and lay out on the grass.

"They say fucking gives you babies but it doesn't," Billy laughed and lay out with his friend. "I haven't had one yet."

"Not through want of trying."

"Bitch," Billy rolled over and grabbed Phil slipping his hands under his friends t-shirt tickling and nipping at the smooth skin.

"Billy, Billy 3; Philip." A boyish voice called from the treeline and then a blond boy appeared at the run. "Davey's cut himself 3;"

"Tell him to go up the Main House," Phil called back. "The duty guy will stick a plaster on it."

"No," the young boy who Billy recognised as a twelve year old called Freddy bleated. "He's bleeding bad 3;"

"Come on," Billy got to his feet and leaving his t-shirt on the grass walked over to the agitated boy tailed by a grumbling Phil.

The followed Freddy though some undergrowth and the remnant of an old orchard to find a group of boys gathered around one sitting on the ground. The kid had baggy board shorts on and high on his outside thigh there was a very nasty looking graze and centred in that was a cut oozing blood.

"That's no big deal," Phil knelt to look and have a prod at the extremely sore looking area of flesh. "How did you manage that?" He asked the tearful boy sitting clutching his leg. Billy noted the bedside manner lacked a certain charm but that was Phil.

"I slid down here," the boy explained, 'And there was some broken glass 3;"

"The wound seems clear of glass," Billy also knelt and felt the boy's leg. He prised the cut apart a little causing the blood to flow and then allowed it to close. The boy was nice, sallow skinned, dark haired and twelve possibly thirteen Billy guessed. He wasn't familiar with the youngsters as his bunch of pals were all fourteens and fifteens. He held under the boy's leg exposing the wound to the light, so bloody smooth, the kid's skin was like silk but slightly sweaty to the touch. He looked up to see Phil studying him with a small smile.

"We should take him back and clean him up," Phil went into doctor mode. "A tight bandage or maybe plaster. All we have to do is keep the wound closed so that the edges bond.

"What about germs?" Billy asked.

"Some of that sulpha stuff the doc uses should sort the germoids out," Phil grinned. "OK lads, we'll look after young Davey here," he helped the boy to his feet.

"Great stuff," the others immediately lost interest in their wounded comarade and ran off yelling and screaming ready for more mischief .

Billy and Phil helped the limping boy back, Billy checked and there was no one in the office which didn't surprise him. The two duty men were probably sitting outside the pub across the road keeping an eye out for callers or for boys trying to leave. "Come on," he led around to the First Aid room which was also Dr Maddox's surgery and opened up.

"You gotta key?" Little David looked surprised.

"I'm the cleaner," Billy smiled and let them in. Maddox had told the carers that there were no dangerous drugs kept on the premises and very few slightly frightening drugs so Billy was safe and he did keep the place spotless, of course, being a permanent cleaner also excused him kitchen duties.

"Sit on the bed," Phil ordered the boy and busied himself preparing a bowl of hot water and some cotton wool. "I love playing doctors," he grinned at the boy on the bed. "Where is Doctor Crippen by the way?" He asked Billy.

"Visiting friends up in Oxford for the weekend, old medical pals."

"Excellent," Phil rubbed his hands. If you remember him as Philip from the last story things had changed. Billy called him Phil and soon so did everyone else. He'd also toned down on the Goth gig, he actually had grey shorts on today exposing skin. He was changing and most of it was due to Billy's influence.

He sat on the edge of the bed and patted the wet cotton wool on the wound until the dirt and gravel was removed and the raw meat was exposed. The cut was only about two inches [5 cm] long and hardly the end of the world, in fact the graze was probably causing Davey more pain than the cut itself.

"You should take those shorts off," Billy hovered in the background.

"What for?" Davey frowned slightly.

"Because they're getting wet and they're in the way," Billy explained. Without waiting for the kid to object even further he tugged at the long shorts removing them in spite of little Davey's grumbles. This had the effect of switching on the older boys: One younger child, one gloomy first aid room and privacy. Billy tossed the shorts to the end of the bed and patted the wound dry with some tissues, he also took the opportunity to stroke inside Davey's smooth inner thigh as if calming him. The kid was wearing Superman decorated briefs of all things and Billy couldn't help but notice the kid's small bulge. He made a point of stroking where the scrotum was clearly nestled.

"Oy, Doctor Billy," Davey giggled. Billy grinned at Phil, was the kid ready for a little game?

"With injured men we should strip them off and give them a proper medical checkup," Phil looked up at Billy. "Make sure all their bits and pieces work."

"They work," Davey grumbled and began to blush. He must have realised that he was in with two older boys and the building was deserted apart from some in their rooms dozing or down in the TV room. "But you can check if you want," he lay back with a big grin on his flushed face.

"Let the air get to his leg for a bit," Billy looked at Phil. "Time for a taste test." Phil nodded agreement.

"What's that?" Davey seemed less confident but it was too late. Suddenly Billy's lips were down on his pink nips and Phil's dry lips were nuzzling at his crotch as the older boy gently eased the briefs downwards. "Oooh," he squealed but it was too late, Phil's mouth had swallowed what had been exposed and a moment later Davey was attacked again and Billy's lips were on his. He was being assaulted by a tongue in his mouth and a mouth around his cock licking and lapping at his pride and joy. Now this was the way to spend a boring Satuday afternoon. He gasped as he felt hands slip under and clasp his tiny cheeks and then Phil pulled him up really beginiing to suck and slobber on the jerking and very hard root. Davey had died and gone to heaven, as Billy moved up Davey sealed his fate. He reached out and grabbed Billy's lump and it was huge and very hard. "Horny Billy," he giggled as he felt Phil jiggle his balls and then a finger slipped into his crack and fiddled with his pucker. "No 3; no 3;" He squirmed and wriggled but it was no good with the older boys. Phil's saliva coated finger pushed into his bottom and after a few minutes it was good.

Billy grinned down at Phil. This was good, they'd struck oil with young Davey. The boy was squirming away impaled on Phil's finger in his tiny bottom and held in place by Phil's mouth on his cock. In addition he had Billy at his mouth and now Billy had moved close enough for him to try and adventure. He tugged the zip of Billy's jeans down and Billy unclipped the waistband.

"Aaaaah 3;" Billy groaned as he felt a warm hand grab him through his y-fronts and then he felt his hardness exposed to the air.

"So big," Davey marvelled as he held the solid six [15] erection in his hand and felt the warmth and hardness. Gods, Billy was damn big even for a fourteen year old, he was a monster. Davey turned his head as he felt Billy move and there it was inches away from his mouth. He grinned up and strained to lift his head to take an experimental lap giggling as Billy groaned his pleasure. Davey moaned his disappointment as the finger fucking ended but it started again almost immediately. This time the finger was oiled and slipped in quite easily and right upto the knuckle. His cock was so hard and he felt 'that thing' happening. The burning and the pumping and two or three cloudy squirts of milky boy juice shot into Phil's eager swallowing. Poor Davey wanted to call out but his mouth was full of cock as Billy moved in just intruding his slippery glans and Davey flathanded the boy's belly making sure he didn't go too far.

"Nearly, Davey 3; keep sucking," Billy moaned and grabbing the smaller boy's head held it firmly as he moved slowly into the warmth and wetness. Phil had now got two fingers into the little lad and was finger fucking with a will. Davey's mind was in a turmoil. Was all this right or wrong, the one fact was he liked it. He liked being sucked off, he liked Billy's cock in his mouth and he loved those fingers.

"Ohhh 3;" Davey half yelled and then his mouth was filled with sweet boy cum, he swallowed, he had no choice but he managed to get his head free to catch Billy's later squirts all over his face and neck.

"Billy 3;" he cried out reproachfully but Billy was on him licking him clean and inflicting a spunk flavoured kiss. Davey gave up and lay there in a giggling mass as he was lapped clean and the fingers kept on and on until they finally slipped free. Phil looked as the boy's gaping pucker closed and looked at Billy 3; no probs with this one. Both Billy and Phil washed the half grumpy and half giggly boy clean and then powdered his wound and applied a tight bandage.

"Maybe put a plaster on tomorrow but settle for the bandage today." Billy advised. "So, who's your wank buddy?"

"Haven't got one," Davey blushed a little again.

"Liar," Phil wrapped his arm around the still naked boy. "Who is it, we'll keep it secret."


"He's only twelve, can he cum?"

"Of course he can," Davey grinned. "I'm only twelve and I can cum."

"So you can," Phil licked his lips which drew another grin from the boy. "You know what I'd like to do 3;"


Phil drew the boy to him and whispered in his ear. Davey's eyes shot wide open and he went bright red. He jumped up and grabbed his briefs and shorts and stood by the locked door.

"You and me and Billy and Freddy on a nice sunny afternoon," Phil perservered. "And we have a top secret room at the top of the house."

"Have you?" Davey looked interested. "Do I and Freddy get a go?"

"Wouldn't have it any other way," Phil grinned. "Cold drinks and hot sex."

"I'll talk to Freddy," Davey grinned at last and waited for the pair to tidy up. After the boy had returned to his friends Billy asked what Phil had said to the boy although he had a pretty good idea.

"I asked if I could make sweet love to him," Phil grinned. "And he didn't tell me to piss off."

"Well done, my man," Billy laughed. "He needs some work on his blow jobs but he's a tryer."

"Can't ask for any more than that. Wanna check out the room?"

"I wanna check you out," Billy got to his feet and the pair went into the house. I think I've said the Care Home, officially The Putney Common Care Home was a relic from the Victorians. Built when the middle classes had big familes and even servants. There was what they called the basement which had windows level with the ground and this held the kitchens, offices, the First Aid room and a small classroom. The rear rooms opened out onto the garden. What they called the ground floor was above street level and held the bedrooms of the smaller boys, any really small ones, under tens that is shared rooms and the whole floor shared a large bathroom and toilets. The fourteens and fifteens had the floor above that and had what the kids had with the addition of a rather tatty lounge. But above that was a further floor which was supposedly boarded off and in total disuse.

It went without saying that the kids had managed to loosen the cheap barrier and ran riot up there. Phil and Billy had gone one better, they had found a room and made it their den. They had mattresses, some other odds and ends of furniture and more importantly had found a key. It was theirs and the other boys on their level were made aware of that. The other fourteens and fifteens had a good idea what went on in that room but minded their own business always a wise move in Care Homes. Anyway, the bulk of the boys were thirteen and under and wouldn't dare trespass across the older boy's level.

Billy felt in his pocket and fingered his blue tube, one thing Dr Maddox always left available in his cupboard was a tube of KY purely for Billy's use. He'd have a use this afternoon, it was bloody hot and after watching little Davey squirming around on the bed downstairs he was on top line again. He also like Phil in him, the Goth or the ex Goth was good now he was returning to the human fold, big enough where it counted and very loving as a bonus.

As they managed to push by the barrier to the top floor that was merley covering the doorway he grabbed Phil around the waist and fondled his pal's meaty chunk. "I want that."

"I know, Lover Boy," Phil whispered and their lips met in a gum numbing kiss. The rushed up the stairs and quickly unlocked their room. It was beautifully sunlit with the afternoon sun making the room pretty much like a furnace. Ripping their clothes of they were down on the mattress and at each other in seconds. "Me first?" Phil looked down at his partner spead beneath him and grinned.

"Please," Billy raised his knees to his chest. This was the bit he liked looking at Phil's KY slick hardness approaching him and then the feeling of hot cock opening him up and filling his gut. "Fuck me," he mumbled.

Phil swiped a dollop of the clear gel onto his cock's end and rubbed it in with his precum until his glans was gleaming and ready, he'd been on the verge of pronging young Davey but hadn't dared do so early in the game. This was different, Billy was his lover and Billy wanted him. He positioned and pushed into Billy's tight little arse being rewarded with Billy's sigh of satisfaction and then came the shagging and the kissing.

Down in the garden Freddy nodded at Davey. "OK but we gotta get a fuck as well."

"No probs," Davey grinned. "They both like their chickens."

Which one do you want?" Freddy giggled.

Chapter 4

Billy and Phil caught up with Davey after breakfast where he was kicking a ball about in the cleared section of garden close to the house.

"Hey, Davey. How's the leg," Billy called.

"Great," Davey grinned. "The bandage came off when I had a shower this morning but one of the lads had a big plaster and here we go 3;" He span around and displayed a big blue kitchen plaster like a medal.

"I'll get you another couple of big ones, flesh coloured ones," Billy promised. "But you need to keep it clean until it scabs which means it needs air. If you're just sitting around reading or watching TV you don't need the plaster, let nature take it's course."

"OK," Davey hovered for a few moments and then sat on the grass. "What we were talking about yesterday 3;" he looked suggestively at Billy's groin.

"You and Freddy?" Phil spoke for the first time.


"Right after we clean up after lunch. Just follow us when we split."

"Another thing?" Davey looked nervous. "Freddy says he don't want to know unless he gets a slice."

"Slice of what?" Billy grinned, he had a damn good idea what was coming.

"Freddy says that if anyone bums him he gets to do them," Billy was crimson. "Goes for me too."

Phil looked at Billy and smiled. "Tell your pal that you and he have a deal. You alright with Billy and I'll look after Freddy?"

"Yeah, fine," Davey got to his feet and still red faced shot off into the shrubbery doubtless to track down his wanking buddy, Freddy, who had yet to even talk to them.

"You reckon they're been at it?" Billy stretched out on the grass.

"I bet they've tried at least," Phil lay out alongside his lover. "But today they get the real thing."

"Damn right," Billy grinned thinking of Davey's tight little virgin bottom. If the diminutive Freddy had been there before it didn't really count. Davey was a virgin as far as Billy's big cock was concerned. He'd have to take his time and be careful but he had that sense Davey was ready for it, the great aventure. He certainly knew he was.

"I just hope we don't drop ourselves in the shit," Philip said gloomily.

"Treat 'em nice and they'll come back for more. Another thing if they can't handle it, don't force them 3; use your charm. Let them have a go at you."

"You're an expert?"

"Just sensible," Billy grinned. "They just wanna get up the ladder a bit. As soon as they find it's pretty straight forward and good fun they'll be at the other kids."

"And so the corruption spreads," Phil smiled slightly.

"That's life, pal," Billy got to his feet. "Let's walk and for fuck's sake cheer up and bear in mind you're not corrupting anyone, they're already bloody corrupt. You're just taking them to the next level so you're doing them a favour really."

"Whatever you say, Billy boy." This time Phil did laugh, he was back on form.

They went back indoors and to the top of the house, they needed to get ready. Neither of them had an orgy in mind but two pairings, the little ones would be nervous enough as it was. A bit of privacy however lame was better than the four of them rolling around in the middle of a bare room. They had found a set of curtains on wheels like they had in hospitals and placed this between the two mattresses, they'd also raided the bedding store below and liberated some pillows and duvets, they were ready to go.

"Anyone else going to be up here this afternoon?" Billy asked.

"I wouldn't have thought so," Phil stood back and surveyed the makeshift beds. "The little ones will be running around the jungle and the older one's watching the films on the box." he looked out of the grime encrusted windows. "I'm bloody sure they have gropey parties down the bottom of that garden."

"They probably do," Billy laughed. "I'm going to have a shower and then it'll be time for Sunday din."

"Then time for Sunday sex," Phil smiled and held his mate. "Things are so much better since I tied up with you, Billy."

"Don't get all soppy," Billy pushed him away. "Things will get better and betterer believe me Flip."

"Don't call me Flip," Phil squealed. "And betterer isn't a word."

"It is where I come from," Billy opened the door quietly and peered out. "Let's go, I wanna ogle you in the showers."

At Sunday lunch the boys nattered away and the Duty Housemaster reminded them that no one was to leave the Home unless they already had approval. He was quite laid back about it as these boys weren't criminals but more the lost and unwanted. Some had been found living rough on the streets and refused to say where they belonged. Others like Billy had kept running away from home until their families gave up on them and others arrived via the Courts for any number or reasons but none of them criminal. This Care Home was classed as a 'green' Home which meant it was considered safe for kids right down to ten years old. Everyone looked out for everyone else and the Council was quite proud of it.

Sunday lunch was one of the week's events. An older lady with two female assistants prepared the meal and on a limited budget they worked wonders. There would be a 'tea' around four but that was very much of a help yourself thing and then a light meal normally salad or something similar around the seven o'clock mark. There were three carers on duty until eight but they tended to take turns at supervising the boys on the basis of one on duty and two watching points from the pub across the road. That was a very unofficial routine but it had been in operation for as long as Billy could remember and it suited him well. It left loads of freedom or freedom enough for he and Phil to entertain their little twelve year old friends. The problem was that all through lunch he kept getting hard. He knew he was going to score with the delicious dark skinned Davey , he also knew he had to treat the boy with kid gloves, Davey was twelve not one of the rough, ready and probably experienced fourteen or fifteen year olds.

Dinner over at last the boys who were on the roster to clean up did so whilst the others milled about deciding how they were going to spend the afternoon. Billy, Phil and then Freddy sat in their favourite spot outside the First Aid room, they had to wair for Davey who was involved in the cleanup.

"How's Freddy?" Billy asked looking at the blond kid, he was very sweet and he envied Phil but then again Davey was sweeter and Davey was already half way there in a manner of speaking. Freddy was the boy who had raised the alarm when Davey had cut himself and he grinned back at Billy.

"Dying to see this pervo's room of yours," he looked at the older boys in turn.

"It's just a room," Phil replied defensively.

"No chains, straps, spanking machines?"

"What are you, some sort of a nut?" Phil's voice rose.

"Davey said you tied him up and tickled him so bad he had to submit to being finger probed just like the aliens do," Freddy whispered excitedly.

"Really?" Billy grinned widely.

"Yeah," Freddy gave Billy a dark look. "And he said you made him milk you."

"I didn't make him but that's one way of putting it," Billy retorted.

"And you milked him until he squirted," Freddy' eyes fixed on Phil.

"Errr 3;"

"Never mind," Freddy grinned. "You can do me this afternoon 3; I cum more than him."

"Good," Phil smiled wanly. The afternoon was going to be a bit of an adventure. But Freddy had one last bit of information.

"I was in his room last night and we did that finger fucking thingy, it was great 3; we did each other for yonks."

"Wow," Billy giggled. If this kid kept up his smut talk he was going to cum in his briefs.

"Here he is," Freddy laughed and stood up to wave. "Over here, Davey."

"OK, lads," Phil waited until the four of them were out of range of any eavesdroppers. "We go to our floors and then you come up onto ours and we'll take you upto the third."

"What if any of your lot ask us what we're doing up on your floor?" Freddy looked nervous.

"They won't as we'll be looking out for you."

"Mmm mmm."

"Let's go." Phil and Billy stood up and led off into the main building trailed by the younger boys. They managed the two flights of stairs without being challenged and Billy held the flimsy and vandalised partition back to allow them entry to the upper floor.

"Sssh 3;" Davey whispered to Freddy.

"No matter," Phil spoke normally. "Come on my sweeties."

"Balls," Freddy sneered but followed the older boys as they went to the room.Once in they looked around, looked from the window at the garden below and finally faced their partners. "Now what," Freddy smiled at Phil. "We start?"

"We start," Phil laughed and wrapping his arms around the fair haired Freddy bearing the kicking and squealing boy to one of the beds. Billy grabbed Davey's hand and drew the dark boy down onto the other.

"It started with a kiss," Billy crooned and it did." He glued his lips to Davey's and it was alright. Davey clung to him as they made themselves comfortable. Billy took the lead and removed the smaller boy's clothing but Davey wasn't idle, he delved into the front of Billy's trousers. He'd had a brief taste of Billy's hot cock yesterday and he was determined to go the whole way today.

"Mmm 3; I like this," Davey groaned as his last item of clothing was removed and he felt himself pinned to the bed. Then the lip attack, Billy didn't mess around he went straight down onto Davey's dark skinned cock peeling the forekin back and exposing the dark red end. With his sweetmeat in his mouth he allowed Davey to fuck his face and wrap his skinny legs around his neck. It was just what Billy was expecting and wanted, licking his index finger he rubbed it on Davey's tight little nut brown sphincer and pushed feeling the flesh part and the heat encompass his finger as it moved in deeper and then started to move to and fro. "Aaaah 3;" Davey squirmed and writhed as he felt his back end being opened up and relaxed, he'd played at this with Freddy last night and it was getting easier and easier.

Billy took his time, he remembered the first time he'd been cocked and it had hurt but he'd got over it when his lover applied more lube. Lube was the key as was relaxation and as he fed two fingers into Davey's tight little arse he grinned at the boy's moans. They weren't moans of pain but of pleasure, Billy knew the difference and he knew when one of his little pals were ready for a bit of medical attention. Doctor Billy's Meat Injection he called it and as he slowly withdrew his fingers from Davey's well stretched pucker he looked down to see the gaping hole close.

"Ah, ah, ah 3;" Freddy's quavering treble sounded through the curtain and Davey clung to Billy as he felt the older boy's slippery cum drooling glans rub up against his pucker.

"Don't hurt me, Billy," Davey took a second look at Billy's hardness. God, it was so big. But Billy was on his endgame he mashed his lips down onto Davey's and pushed. The preparation had been done well. Davey's slick pucker admitted his hot cock and once an inch or so was inside Davey the dark haired boy seemed to relax. He smiled at Billy and held Billy's hips. "Go on then' he whispered and pushed out. He'd had the instructions and it was time to put them to the test. Davey groaned as he felt Billy move inside him and sink deeper and deeper and then it started 3; the fuck.

"Oh, yes 3;" Billy sighed as he moved in and out of the deliciously tight boy beneath him, Davey was the best, he was so tight and even willing, he was now pushing onto Billy's thrusts and Billy went faster. He was going to do a quick cum but he also wanted Davey's smaller cock, then he could have seconds. He had the feeling that Davy was't going to object.

The original plan was that he would swop around with Phil and take Freddy but there was something about Davey 3; he'd keep his own boy, maybe a doggy next time.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Davey grunted on each thrust clinging to his lover like a limpet. He'd always liked Billy but he never thought he'd finish up like this pinned to the makeshift bed by six inches of hot cock slipping in and out of his belly. This was a bit more than 'liking' this was love, or was it lust. No matter the best was yet to cum.

"Davey, Davey, Daveeee 3;" Billy wailed and let go. With one final ramming thrust he slid Davey up the bed and clinging to him he felt his cock jerk and spray his cum deep inside the smaller boy wrapped around his sex. Davey had taken it all without complaint and now he was laying there with his eye's closed as the creamy boy juice splattered and surged into his little boy fanny. He felt Billy's hot lips on his throat and then Billy's lips at his ear. "You go next."

Davey grinned feeling the squishyness inside and Billy's monstrous cock softening. Now this he was going to enjoy.

They lay there awhile in the arm and dusty room listening to the pair the other side of the curtain and when they heard Phil cry out and Freddy wail they knew it was over. It was time for the second round. Davey was eager, even before Billy had wiped himself off he was all over the larger boy. "Come on, come on," he hissed rubbing his hard pecker against Billy's hip.

"Come from the front," Billy tried to contain his laughter. He lay on his back and manhandled the smaller boy into position. Fadvey's foreskin had disappeared and his darkred glans shone in the dusty light as his cock jerked and twitched as if eager for the ultimate 3; a young lad's first fuck. "Settle down 3;" Billy held his finger to his lips and guided Davey's stiff meat downwards. The boy wasn't big, maybe between three and four inches but at least this way he'd get it all in and not have to fight against a cushion of flesh. This way gave immediate entry and no barriers at all. "Take your time, Rugrat."

"That goes for you too, Freddy," Phil's voice came through the curtain. Billy grinned but Davey didn't, with his face screwed up in concentration he placed his shiny head at Billy's gateway and slowly but very firmly puushed. Billy's pucker fought back for just a moment but it had been relaxed more than somewhat over the last week or so and opened up to grip Davey's hot cock.

The small dark skinned boy sighed with satisfaction as he began to sheath in Billy's hot flesh. "Gonna fuck you to death," he whispered and glued his lips to Billy's.

Billy smirked 3; just what he wanted to hear.

Chapter 5

"It's so bloody hot," Phil groaned as he and and Billy collapsed on a doorstep and watched across the road as the bulk of the Street Market went about their business. Brown, black, yellow , any colour and breed of human you could imagine were in Northcote Road Market on a Saturday afternoon. The old street markets fought against the big stores but they seemed to survive even if their gear was less than perfect. No plastic shrink wrappings here, if you wanted to buy you bought it straight from the stall and you'd better have your own bag.

"We should have stayed in the Home and sat in the bloody showers all afternoon," Billy mumbled. "Who's bright idea was it to come down to this hell hole anyway."

"Yours," Phil grinned.

"Can we get in?" Phil and Billy looked up to see a tall youth and a boy who was shorter and possibly younger looking down at them.

"Yeah, sorry," Billy pulled himself to his feet and got out of the way.

"'I've seen you around here before, come in and have a chilly," the shorter boy suddenly spoke. "It's a damn sight cooler inside."

Billy and Phil looked at each other and both shrugged. Where was the harm, these kids weren't much older than themselves and a Christan offer was an offer. "Come in," the older one backed up his pal flashing his smaller mate a smile and Billy had a sudden premonition. The door had a brass plate on it but he didn't have a chance to read it before being hustled up the stairs. He felt like he'd been press ganged for some odd reason, it had all happened so quickly. The older boy led the way and the younger and smaller brought up the rear.

"You're from the Care Home up the hill?" The older spoke over his shoulder as he unlocked a door at the head of the stairs.

"That we are' Billy agreed.

"Our Boss knows your Boss," the smaller boy spoke and Billy just had time to read the nameplate on the interior door. It read "Cope Associates" and under that in smaller print "Office and Studio".

"Yeah," Billy replied with a certain degree of disinterest, he was so hot he was cooking but as soon as the door opened he felt the coolness. He saw on a brief inspection that the windows were open but the light curtains were drawn leaving the space in a pleasant shade. He also saw that this was indeed an office on entering and then a partition with an open door suggested a much larger space. A huge roll of thick light blue paper hanging from a fitting and some tripods bare of equipment were visible which Billy assumed indicated a studio of sorts. However the two hosts led them upto the next floor which was pretty much the same in layout but furnished as a flat.

"Sit down, make yourself at home," The taller one spoke again. "I'm Dominic or Dom and this here is my half brother Jim or Jimbo. The smaller boy grinned at them and gave a half hearted wave. "Sort us some drinks out, Jimmy boy."

Jim scuttled away and Billy blatantly ogled, the lanky older boy was nice but Jimmy was delicious. He always liked smaller boys even if they were a bit older and he suspected Jim was the other side of his fifteenth birthday to what he was. He looked at Dom and caught him giving Phil the eye, it must have been serendipity, four boys and two instant partnerships but then again he could be getting ahead of himself. Jim returned with four cans and he'd removed his grubby shirt displaying a well formed and nicely sunburned torso. He was dark as was his half brother so they both took a tan well. He and Phil were the exact opposite. Neither courted the sun and he was the basic Anglo pink and Phil slightly sallow.

"So, what you doing down in the Northcote Road Market? ' Dom asked raising his can in a toast.

"Just mooching around," Phil spoke and actually smiled. Billy grinned. The only time Phil managed a smile he was after something or someone. "It can get boring up the hill with the younger kids running riot over the weekends."

"How many in there now." Jim asked.

"Fourteen or fifteen," Billy moved up on the sofa as Jim sat alongside.

"Mmmm." Jim raised his can to Billy's and clanked them together. "Happy days," he murmured.

Billy smiled politely back. The air was thick with it, boy hormones, sex drive 3; I don't suppose you can actually smell them but you can sense them and Billy knew the short dark haired boy alongside was radiating sex and Phil had actually moved over onto the smaller two seater sofa taking Dom with him and was muttering away quietly. Music was coming from a radio and he leant back and relaxed, this was nice and the chilled Pepsi was hitting all the right buttons. "Jeez, I'm so hot and sweaty' he muttered.

"Yummy," Jim replied.

"What?" Billy looked up and giggled. "I don't believe you said that," his voice dropped to a whisper.

"Believe it," Jim's hand dropped onto Billy's jean clad leg an squeezed gently.

"Jesus," Billy looked to his friend Phil for an assist but Phil was wandering around with Dom looking at an assortment of framed photos on the walls. "What is this place?" Billy looked at Jim and saw the heat in the boy's eyes. Jim wanted him, no doubt about it, he felt the desire from the kid like a farmyard animal on heat 3; and why not?

"It's a Photographic Studio," Jim stretched his legs and spoke quite confidently. The Boss and his boyfriend are away for two weeks and Dom and I have moved in to look after the place."

"Oh," Billy gulped, he'd picked up on the reference to a boss and a boyfriend but of more concern was the fact that Jim's leg was pressing against his and the other two had disappeared. "What sort of photographs?"

"Mainly catalogue models strutting their stuff with the seasonal offers, weddings, christenings and all that crap. Pete, the bossman also does what you'd call boy pinup stuff as well.

"I didn't know boys did pinup," Billy should have noticed when they came in, all the framed photos were of boys mainly in swimming gear and shorts disporting themselves on various beaches and in assorted woodlands. Nothing over the top but all boys ranging from their early teens upto seventeen or even eighteen. "No nudes?" He asked hopefully.

"A couple over here but artistic ones," Jim took him to a corner of the room where a group of pictures were displayed under a little spotlamp. These were light and shadow poses. The delicate curve of a bottom, a belly and the merest suggestion of pubics and even a penis in one of them. He peered at the cockshot and saw that it's shadow was quite long and the model had fuzzy belly hair. No child but probably a young teen.

"Nice," he licked his lips.

"That's Dom, nice innit?" Jim grinned. and suddenly Billy felt a hand rest lightly on his bottom and then gently squeeze.

"Get in the queue," he muttered the standard downer you used when you got groped in the home.

"I'm in the front of the queue," Jim giggled and moved to Billy's rear wrapping his arms around Billy's waist and squeezing them together. Billy had heard of bold but this was fucking ridiculous all the same he wriggled his bottom onto Jim's groin not wanting to appeal too hard to get.

"I'm gonna show Phil some stuff on the laptop," Dom's voice came from around the corner. "Can you host Billy, Jim?"

"I think so," Jim called back. "We'll probably be in the Coco room."

"Excellent," Dom laughed and Billy heard Phil's little giggle in the background.

"You should have that shower and cool down," Jim spoke from Billy's rear and started to unbutton Billy's old school shirt. Seconds later his hands were running over Billy's smooth belly and then upto playing with his nipples. Billy just sighed contentedly and let Jim go, there had to be more. "This sorta thing's better in a shower," Jim breathed hotly on Billy's neck and then nuzzled at the damp skin. "You are so fuckin' nice."

"And so are you," Billy squirmed and managed to turn around in Jim's arms. They were both short stuff but just about equal in height and their lips met almost casually as they traded spit and the tongue tango began.

"Let's have that shower, we'll use up here, it's bigger." Jim grabbed Billy's hand and literaly dragged him to the bathroom and then it began, first of all the smelly trainers and socks and then the good stuff. Shorts and a ceremonial peeling down of the briefs. Jim's eyes lit up when he saw Billy's big cock pop out and jerk as if hungry. Mind you he was no slouch himself and his was only slightly smaller than Billy's outsized cock. They stepped under the warm water and Jim adjusted it to a tepid flow and the soaping and the groping started. There was giggling and wriggling as both tried for an advantage over the other but once they tacitally agreed in whispers that they were basically versatile they calmed down. Billy even turned around and let Jim inside him but once the boy started to pump he expelled him and said it was on a bed or not at all. Jim agreed. They left the shower still damp and Jim paused for a moment holding his finger in the air. "Listen 3;"

Billy stood there and grinned. He could hear the slap of damp flesh against flesh and little murmurs, the older boys were occupied. "Come on," he grabbed Jim's hand and this time he was doing the dragging.

Jim took them downstairs to what appeared to be a studio with a big double bed in it. There was painting and decorating going on but the bedspace was clear. Billy looked around curiously but Jim had him on the bed and they were back to wrestling and groping. Once Jim managed to get the willing enough Billy on the bed he parted the the boy's legs and ducked his head. At the first feel of a tongue at his crack Billy gave up, this was new and he liked it. He shoved his bum up as Jim's busy organ squirmed and lapped at his crack. Opening his legs wide Billy pushed up again to get the full slippery assault in spades. Jim had clearly done this before and he pressed Billy's cheeks apart and lapped and sucked at the exposed pucker until Billy was pushing himself up into a crouch with his big dick swinging freely.

It was finger time, Jim guessed this boy was well versed in sex with other boys and even men but he wasn't taking any chances. He pressed a lube coated finger against Billy's tight little pucker and pushed home. The gasp and then the sighs of pleasure confirmed his suspicion, Billy boy was well used and was even pushing back onto the single finger. More fingers or more cock," Billy groaned pushing back hard.

"You asked for it," Jim chucked and swiped some of the lube on his already drooling cock and slipped his glans up against Billy's hole.

"Yesssss 3;." Billy wriggled his arse and dropped his head.

"Yesssss 3;" Jim groaned as he felt the fair haired boy push back against him as he pierced the rubbery pucker and entered tightness and warmth. "Oh, boy," he groaned as he held Billy's hips and gently began to move to and fro sinking deeper and deeper into totally willing flesh. Jim grinned, the boy from the Care Home was almost a pro, he timed his shoves back to meet Jim's thrusts. Now this was what they used to call rock and roll. The movement began to get easier and more fluid as they moved in and out and at last his belly slapped against Billy's bottom and he bottomed out (love that phrase by the way). "Yes, yes, yes," he grunted as he began to ram and thrust bearing Billy down onto the bed. Billy didn't give up in his search for more cock, he pushed himself up as if trying to swallow Jim whole. In spite of the coolness and shade they both had sweat flying off them as Jim's savage fuck gained momentum. Jim was normally a cool fuck, he took his time and enjoyed it but this time the blond kid was fighting back shoving his sweet little white arse onto the thrusts from Jim's dark skinned cock and apparently enjoying every minute.

The climax, the cum was a monster even by Jim's standards. He felt his cock jerk and then throb inside Billy's sweet boy fanny and it seemed to go on forever. When he slipped free his cum coated penis was followed by a squirt of second hand cum which he hurriedly mopped from between Billy's slippery cheeks with a handtowel.

"Gimme that towel," Billy grumped. Jim lay there with a big grin on his face as Billy's made a beeline for the bathroom with the towel tightly clamped between his cheeks, the boy's run was a cross between a fifty metre sprint and a duck's waddle. Ten minutes later he was back with a relieved grin on his face. "You on viagra?" He demanded. "You rapist, my bum's sore."

"Sorry, sorry," Jim held his hand out. "Lie with me."

"Shag with you," Billy smiled tiredly and flopped onto the bed. "Make me feel better," he waggled his dick at Jim and the darker boy got the message. He wanted Billy to have a good fuck as he was attracted to the boy and wanted to see more of him so cuming was out of the question. He wrapped his thumb and forefinger around the neck of Billy's scrotum imprisoning the boy's testicles and began to kiss and suck the boy's already hard cock. Maiking sure he kept the nuts in the base of the smooth sac he gave Billy the slowest, longest and most sensual blow job young Billy had ever experienced. Billy was moaning and thrashing around and trying to get free but Jim kept a vice like grip on the family jewels making sure the blond couldn't prematurely pop.

When he felt Billy had as much as he could take of the delicious torture he sooothed the boy and went for some kissing, it was nearly time for Billy to prove what he was made of.

"You can come in from the front, Big Dick but take your time. That thing of yours is a bit on the big side.."

"Really?" Billy glowed. He knew he had a big dick but it was nice to be told by someone other than Phil. Richard Maddox just took it like it was nothing. "Slack ol' queen," Billy thought. The more and more he mixed with boys of roughly his own age the less he wanted to do with the hairy arsed young doctor. Richard could go and trap himself another toy boy as far as Billy was concerned.

"How do you want it?" Billy knelt upright between Jim's splayed legs. "A nice quick rape and pillage or a nice and slow romantic thingy."

"Down the middle, Mouthy," Jim grinned up and raised his knees. He was trusting the younger Billy not to go nuts but then again as a clearly experienced boy he wasn't going to do that. Billy didn't, first off he smoothed some lube onto Jim's pucker and intruded his finger, just getting a grin in response he sliped his finger free and took up position close in. He leant in to kiss the darker boy spread beneath him and at the same time slid his oiled and weeping erection to it's target. "Slowly," Jim whispered.

God, this kid was a monster, Jim nearly cried out as he felt Billy's six inches which felt more like eight push against his pucker and open him up. Once the bulbous glans was inside him it was alright and no more than being done by Peter or Karl but the first bit was the hardest. He groaned and grabbed Billy's lithe body as the boond began to move to and fro sinking deeper and deeper into the tight and delicious warmth. "Sooooo fuckin' tight 3;" Billy whispered as he opened up Jim and held the boy tightly working his hips to and fro sinking into Jim's well stretched bottom. If he had any idea how much Jim took in the course of the week he wouldn't have made that remark but he didn't and in any case, Jim was tight, he just had a body made for cocking and cock play. He was a very versatile all rounder but , of course, all this was unknown to Billy.

"Faster. Bill," Jim muttered and held his partner tighter. He could get to like this blond and even the rather limp Goth in the next room, he determined to see them again like next wekend. He knew exactly how the Home worked as he'd done a week in there a year ago during one of his mother's booze or drug spells. He just wished for the year to pass and he'd be sixteen and free like Karl and Dom, free to do what he liked. "Fuck me," he growled at Billy and bared his teeth.

Billy was over the moon, this one he liked, the kid was like an older version of Davey or how he imagined Davey to be in two or three years but Jim was short and Davey looked like he could sprout. Maybe Davey would grow into a Dominic, now that would be nice. He groaned, Billy had reached his climax. The spikey haired blond hammered away and then for the last time rammed in deep making Jim cry out and then let go.

Jim looked up into Billy's green eyes and smiled. God, the good looking kid must have been saving it up as he felt four distinct throbs or squirts inside him and then the instant easing as Billy's erection gained extra lube. "You monster," he whispered.

"I aim to please," Billy smiled feeling quite pleased with himself.

"Can we come in?"

"Do," Jim looked at Dominic and Philip standing at the door. "We just finished."

"We know, we were watching," Dom with his arm around Phil's shoulder guided him into the room. They were borth wearing damp towels and were carrying two Pepsis apiece. Both of them handed a can to the boys on the bed and then clambered on themselves. Dom on Billy's side and Phil alongside Jim.

"What time's your evening meal?" Jim asked. "Around seven?"

"About that," Phil replied.

"Good we have the rest of the afternoon," Jim grinned and slowly and deliberately tugged at Phil's towel displaying the Goth boy's flaccis cock laid out on his belly. "Poor thing's dead," Jim giggled giving the soft flesh a poke..

"Not quite," Phil smiled and lay back. "It just needs a bit of attention."

"I can handle that," Jim looked across at Dom and then at the long haired boy with the creamy skin. Nice, but then variety on a Saturday afternoon is nice.

The End

For my regular readers of "The Prince Coco Project", this final Chapter fits inbetween 'Coco 7B and Coco 8'.
