PZA Boy Stories


Worldwide Boy Gladiators

Continuation of Istari's Worldwide Boy Gladiators

First 42 chapters 2007-2010; BoyMaster's continuation from Oct 2015- 3;
Under construction, Oct 2015;
3,000 words (6 pages) total 219,000 words (438 pages)


Chris (13yo), Josh (11yo) and eight other boy gladiators (10-14yo), several other boys.

Category & Story codes

Boy-Slave story/future
Mtb Mdom Fdom anal oral chast bd cbt electr enema humil sad spank tort toys


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Note by Istari

I'd like to thank BoyMaster for taking over the management and development of this story. For several years now I've been looking for a writer whose narrative style and subject-matter are compatible with the universe I created for WorldWide Boy Gladiators. After exchanging notes and many private chats, in became simply a matter of course that BoyMaster should be the one.

Thanks to his vision, this epic and sadly long-abandoned story has been given new energy and new life, and we encourage any and all interested creatives to take part.

October 2015

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author(s) through this feedback form with BoyMaster - Worldwide Boy Gladiators in the subject line.

Chapter 43

As he watched the Security Team start to lead Josh off, William Durand smiled as he watched the boy's ass wiggle as he struggled to keep up with the men.

Durand returned to the office and sat back down behind his desk.

"So you really going to turn him into The Raptor?" Lara Tomlinson asked.

"Maybe, I was just getting him calmed down so Security could take him back to the hot box."

"It's a great idea, having The Raptor should give the ratings a huge boost."

"I'll think about it and let you know tomorrow afternoon." Durand leaned back in his chair, as his slave-boy, Trevor came over and seductively leaned against Durand's side.

Durand reached up and grasping Trevor's neck, pulled the boy's head down to his groin, "Suck."

Lara suddenly felt uncomfortable, as she watched the slave-boy unzip her bosses zipper and pulled out the large cock, which was quickly swallowed into the teen mouth.

"Is there anything else that we need to talk about Sir?"

"No, My Dear. Can you close the door on your way out?"

"Yes, Sir."

Lara quickly got up and left the room, as Durand grabbed Trevor's head and started to deep throat the boy.

Later that night, Durand sat and watched the news, with Trevor sitting on his cock and slowly riding it, Durand reached down and stroked Trevor's lower belly. When his fingers reached Trevor's small cock and balls, Durand pinched the tiny cock-head, causing Trevor to yelp.

"Tell me boy, did you like seeing that gladiator this evening?"

"Yes Master."

"Would you like to get fucked by him?"

"It would be fun. I never been fucked by a boy before."

"Clean me up."

Trevor stood up, turned around and knelt, licking his Master's cock clean.

Durand stood up and walked into Trevor's playroom.

"Come here boy."

Trevor hurried over and stood next to the fucking table.

"Lay down."

Trevor laid on the table, as Durand adjusted the straps to what he hoped would close to Josh's size.

"When the gladiator get here, I want you to take him into the shower and clean him up. You can get him hard when you clean his cock, but don't let him cum."

Durand went back to the chair and sat down, followed dutifully followed by Trevor.

"Slow suck me."

Trevor knelt and gently took his Master's cock into his mouth and let it sit on his tongue as it started to grow.

Durand picked up the phone, "Tell security to bring that little shit back up to my suite 3; I don't care what he said, I'm the one who pays your check 3; tell them to leave him kneeling in the hallway with only a set of handcuffs on."


While Josh was being roughly dragged out of the hot box and dropped into the ice bath, his brother Chris woke up suddenly. He would have been screaming, but he was unable to open his jaws. He reached his hands up to his mouth, expecting to find stitches, but was pleasantly surprised when he found none. He could still feel the wires that held his mouth shut though.

Chris turned and sat on the edge of his cot and held his face and started to sob.

Everything was so messed up. He was supposed to take care of his little brother, but he couldn't even stay out of trouble himself. Now he had his mouth wired shut for talking back and when he had gotten back to the dorm, he found out that Josh had not just hit another boy in the face, but had escaped. His life sucked big time.

Alexei looked across and saw his partner sitting on his cot and heard the sobs. Alexei slowly got up and knelt in front of Chris and took the teen's uncaged cock into his mouth and started to lick it.

Chris had been so caught up in his misery, that he wasn't aware of the mouth around his cock, until it started to grow.

He also hadn't realized that his trainer, Jason, had taken the cage off before locking him back in the cell.

Chris started to protest, but Alexei stood up and started to force Chris to lie back on the cot. The two boys lay down on the cot and Alexei started to lick and kiss Chris' body, working his way back down to his cock.

Alexei wanted to pay Chris back for all the times Chris had helped him out. Even though what they were doing was causing his cock to get hard and the cock cage to hurt, Alexei wanted Chris to have at least a night of enjoyment.

Unknown to either boy, the hidden cameras in the cell, recorded every last detail as well as the sounds the boys made.


Josh was roughly led down the hallway towards a large double door.


Josh knelt and waited as the guards took off all the chains and left him just wearing a set of handcuffs that kept his wrists pinned behind back

"Wait here, don't even think about moving or you'll wish you were back in the box. Understand?"

"Yes Sir."

"Eyes straight ahead."

Josh looked at the huge doors, studying every detail of them, from the white paint to the golden doorknobs. Josh was wondering if they were really gold or just looked like it.

The door on the right opened and Josh saw Trevor, the boy from the office come out and look at him.

Trevor leaned over and using his fingers, lifted Josh's chin up.

"I need to get you cleaned up. Come on."

Josh rose and followed the older boy through the doors.

As Trevor washed Josh's body, he felt a stirring in his gut that he hadn't felt in years. Reaching down, he felt his small dick sticking straight out. He couldn't remember the last time he had actually gotten a hard-on.

Josh was also enjoying the shower, as Trevor's experienced hands lathered him up and then rubbed over his body after the soap had been rinsed off. Even the three enemas were enjoyable.

Finally, Trevor led Josh out of the shower and gently dried the young Gladiator off.

The final thing that was done was a small enema of warm oil. When Josh started to ask about it, Trevor smiled.

"Lubes you up for when you get fucked."

Trevor placed his hand on the back of Josh's neck and led him through the suite into the playroom/dungeon where Trevor spent most of his time.

"So there's my little Raptor. Have a seat here and watch the video."

Durand patted his lap.

Durand was sitting in a large recliner, wearing only a bathrobe.

Josh hesitantly went over to Durand and climbed up on the lap, as he sat down on it, felt Durand pull the robe apart. Josh settled back on the man's lap and tried to relax and watch the video.

Josh definitely didn't relax when he saw what the man was watching, the video feed from his brother's cell

At the moment, Chris was shoving his cock in and out of Alexei's ass.

"Looks like your brother likes fucking his cellmate. Shame they're both going to be punished for it."

Durand started to caress Josh's body, gently examining each muscle and valley of the fit preteen. Josh slowly started to relax as he felt the practiced hands play with his body.

"Trevor, show the boy how well you suck a cock."

Josh watched as Trevor crawled over to his groin and started to lick his young balls.

Josh felt his cock go into the teen's mouth and slowly he felt an orgasm building.

After a while, as the orgasm started to get nearer, Josh started to panic.

"What wrong boy?"

"Sir, I'm going to have an orgasm."

"Trevor, stop sucking and show the boy your ass!"

Trevor quickly turned around and stuck his ass up in the air.

"OK Boy, I want you to fuck Trevor's ass for me. Trevor turn around, I want to see your face while you get fucked!"

Josh got down in back of Trevor's ass. He looked at Durand and when he saw that the man was serious, Josh started to rub his cock up and down the teen's ass.

In a few minutes, when his cock was as hard as he could ever remember, Josh looked back at Durand.

"You better have that cock in his ass in 30 seconds, or both of you are going to be sorry."

Josh grabbed his 7 inch [18 cm] cock and lined it up with the asshole and started to push it in.

Slowly, he felt the tight ass open as his monster cock pushed in. Trevor's grunts and moans urging the preteen on.

Once he was all the way in, Josh waited a few seconds and enjoyed the feeling of the asshole holding him tightly in place by the base of the monster and the insides of the ass pressing against the rest of his cock.

Josh now was starting to understand why people liked to fuck others up the ass.

"You're not here to enjoy having your cock up his ass. Fuck him!"

Josh needed no more encouragement as he started to pull his cock out until he felt the cockhead at the ass-ring, then he started to push back into the ass.

It didn't take long, only four strokes, Josh's body went completely stiff and he felt the most powerful orgasm he ever had.

When the orgasm died out, Josh slumped over Trevor's body and couldn't move for a few minutes.

As Josh came around, he heard Durand's voice.

"You enjoy fucking him Boy?"

"Yes Sir."

"Good, now you know what it feels like for the people who are fucking you."

Durand stood up and walked over to a set of stocks.

"Both of you assholes get over here."

Josh and Trevor both hurried over to the stocks. Durand pointed at Josh.

"Boy, you know how these work?"

"Yes Sir. The head and hands go through the holes and the top is lowered down, locking them in place."

"Lock Trevor in them, then gag and blindfold him."

Josh locked Trevor into the stocks, buckled a ball-gag into his mouth and placed a blindfold over the teen's eyes.

Durand, walked over and checked Josh's work and after a slap to Trevor's ass, turned to Josh.

"Not bad."

Durand leaned down and started to kiss Josh on the lips.

When Josh started to turn his head away, Durand slapped him hard on the cheek.

"Never turn away when someone kisses you. You just open your fucking mouth and stick your tongue out."

Durand bent down and started to kiss Josh again, this time Josh opened up and let the man explore his preteen mouth with his tongue.

As they were kissing, Durand maneuvered Josh over to a table.

"Lay back." Josh laid back on the table and watched as Durand attached cuffs to his wrists and ankles and secured him on his back with his feet in the air and ass open and vulnerable. Durand then buckled a large ball-gag into Josh's mouth.

Durand reached down under the table and pulled out a flogger.

As soon as Josh saw the flogger, he started struggling, trying desperately to escape.

"Ah, you don't like getting whipped? Too bad!"

Durand drew the flogger back and started to whip Josh with it, hitting him everywhere except the face.

Finally, out of breath, Durand stopped.

"Now, it's time to see what your ass feels like."

Durand breathing hard started to rub his cock up and down Josh's ass-crack until it was nice and hard. Then Durand lined the cock up with Josh's asshole and started to push in.

Josh gritted his teeth and started to push out like he was taking a shit, just like he was told to do. It hurt, but Josh knew that he was going to survive.

Durand kept shoving his cock in and out of Josh's ass, building up to a climax. Durand knew it was going to be great.

As he watched, Josh started to get concerned about the man fucking him.

Durand's face was red and still getting darker and his breathing was heavy.

As Josh felt Durand's cock explode inside his ass, he saw the man's eyes roll back and the man collapsed on top of him.

After a minute, Josh tried to hear if Durand was still breathing, he wasn't. The face that lay aginst his face started to turn dark.

Josh tried to call out, but the gag kept him silent.

And that's how they found them the next day. Trevor locked in the stocks, Josh chained and pinned under the dead Durand.


To say the plane taxiing from the runway was eye-catching would be an understatement. It's paint scheme was black. A set of painted gold handcuffs adorned the tail and gold chains seemed to be draped over the fuselage. Along the top of the windows "Safe Slave Cuffs and Cages" was written in yellow letters.

The plane, a privately owned 737, taxied over to the VIP area and turned so that the plane blocked anyone's view of the passengers getting off.

Bobby Durand, the nephew and heir of William Durand had landed. The plane was his and was a flying billboard for his company.

Bobby was a self made billionaire. He made his money by seeing the slave trade before it was even a reality.

As soon as he heard about the upcoming votes about enslaving and indenturing people, he started to invest in trucking companies. Refurbishing the trucks to be able to transport slaves.

After cornering the market in ground transportation, Bobby started buying up air and ground shipping and from there he went into restraints, cages, and other tools and toys of the slave trade.

When his uncle, William started up XB, Bobby was the first investor, and was at last check, the number two stockholder in the company.

He was now arriving at Gladiator Island, after a trip to Moscow on behalf of his uncle. The trip dealt with a cheating scandal that had been exposed involving the flagship show of XB1, The World Wide Boy Gladiators. It seems that one of the trainers had been having his gladiator perform at a sub par level on various events, essentially shaving points on the scores.

Bobby had met with the authorities and received the info and he was here to brief his uncle.

Plus the trip would allow Bobby to relax and watch the boys participate in their futile attempts to succeed in a no win situation.

Bobby was the target demographic for XB1, he loved seeing boys in turmoil, as slaves, gladiators and just chained up and getting whipped.

In fact the biggest difference between the uncle and nephew, was that the uncle could be considered a nice guy compared to his nephew, in their attitudes towards the treatment of slaves.

Mitchell Harwell, the island's Chief of Security, drove the golf cart up to the bottom of the stairs that were being rolled up to the front door of the plane. Mitchell would have been glad to be anywhere but here. He hated being the bearer of bad news.

Bobby started down the stairs, followed by two sets of naked twins. The younger set (about 12yo) in a set of golden cuffs and chains, the older (about 14 yo) set in a set of platinum. Each boy carrying at least five bags.

"Mr. Durand?" Harwell extended his hand.

"Call me Bobby."

"I'm Mitchell Harwell, Chief of Security."

"Good to meet you."

"I'm afraid I have some bad news."


"It seems that your uncle had a massive heart attack last night."

"Uncle Billy's dead?"

"I'm afraid so."

"What happened?"

"He was engaged in ah 3; there was 3;"

"Let me guess, he was fucking a boy."


"Well good for him, that is the way he wanted to go."

"Actually, it was one of the Gladiators."

"Well, at least he died happy. I supposed that everyone is sitting around trying to figure out what to do."

"Yes Sir."

"Let's go up to his mansion and then get all the people together."

"Yes Sir. If you'll get in I'll take you there."

"OK, how do you get there from here, if you're on foot?"

"Just follow the trail we will be going on."

Bobby pointed to the four boys that were still holding the luggage.

"Follow the cart. And make sure you don't drop anything."

Bobby got into the golf-cart, and Harwell started to drive off, followed by the four boys, who started to jog behind the cart.

The meeting that happened that day was long and by the end of it, a lot of things had been decided and World Wide Boy Gladiators would start a new phase.


Among the decisions made were the following.
  • The number of Gladiators would be increased to 16
  • There would be a group of 64 Reserve Gladiators
  • Every Gladiator had to be able to have a wet orgasm
  • As a result of this Gladiators 01 (Miles), 03 (Ian) and 05 (Daniel) were Disqualified
  • Trainers would have new Gladiators every week
  • The weekly punishments would now be a demotion to Reserve Gladiator status
  • All Gladiators demoted would be replaced by the top rated Reserve Gladiator
  • Any Gladiator that was Disqualified would be immediately enslaved
  • Gladiator 08 (Ilya) was Disqualified for cheating, his trainer was enslaved and would compete in World Wide Teen Gladiators and if he survived, would be auctioned off
  • Gladiator 02 (Josh) was enslaved for trying to escape
  • Bobby would purchase all enslaved Gladiators (01, 02, 03 and 08) (04 will be put up for auction along with William Durand's slave Trevor)
  • Boy 01 (Miles) would become a Color Commentator
  • WWBG would go into hiatus until next season, so that the Gladiators and the Reserve Gladiators were recruited

Send feedback to the author through this feedback form with BoyMaster - Worldwide Boy Gladiators in the subject line.

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