UnknownwriterGoing Back |
SummaryWorking on a fake school project about how life was back in the old days leads Andy covers up his true interests in age-regression, until a new family move into the big house nearby, bringing with them, someone who sees through the deception to add some ideas of his own.
Publ. Dec 2013
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CharactersAndy Edwards (12-14yo), Scott Philips (12yo), Colby (16yo)Category & Story codesOther Boy storyt (solo) bt tt – cons – bond spank clothing age-regression diapers (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteI lost contact with Unknownwriter (his e-mail gives an error message), but in early 2013 he has sent me 31 stories, so I can continue for quite some time publishing his stories with one or two per month.Unknownwriter, if you read this, send me the new e-mail address, and to be sure it is you, mention your old e-mail in your message. |
Chapter OneAndy Edwards sat on his bike watching the removal men moving the furniture into the old house at the end of his street with mixed emotions. On the one hand it would be nice to have another family on their quiet road, especially as he already knew the Philips had a son around his age, but, there was also the matter of the memories that house held for Andy, and the way it had changed his life, just two years earlier. Back then the house had been owned by an eccentric couple who lived their lives very firmly in the past, as did their son. They had a good side though, often taking in orphans, runaways and other stray children which they would 'knock into shape' before returning them to the world as 'nice' people. At least that's what they said, and for the most part Andy had no reason to doubt them, as there were indeed often children to be seen behind the high iron gates, all of whom did look to be very well behaved as they were marched around by the owner's young son, acting as a sort of drill sergeant. That though was as near as Andy got to the house until the summer he turned twelve. Every year the family in the big house held a fund raising sale during which they would sell off anything they no longer needed and would invite all the locals to attend, supplying them with free food and drink along the way. Andy had never wanted to go before, having always been a little weary of the large house, with the scary inhabitants but this year he was intrigued by rumours he'd heard about the way the house was run, for reasons he couldn't quite understand. What none of the neighbours knew at that time was that this was to be the last year the present owners would stay in their house, as their son was due to be sent to boarding school that following September, and they would, shortly after down size to a small property somewhere hot and sunny. Naturally, in the meantime, they'd been cutting back on the kids they took in, until it was just emergency cases, so there would no longer be needing the large stock piles of clothing they had built up. Andy's parents arrived early only to find things weren't even ready yet, so being good neighbours they volunteered to help out, which is how Andy ended up laying out clothes on the tables set up around the driveway of the house he had long admired from afar. The clothes themselves were for all ages although were often in childish designs, and patterns, going right down to toddlers and babies, although Andy refused to unpack the one box he came across that was filled with neat rows of nearly folded cloth nappies, and plastic pants. His mum though sighed when she saw them, causing her to go into another repeat of when Andy had been small enough to wear such things which naturally embarrassed her twelve year old son, especially when he saw just how many of the plastic pants came complete with lace and / or ruffles, while the rest were just in babyish prints, despite being seemingly much too large for actual babies to wear. The nappy may not have held any interested for the young Andy, but there was something that did. And that was the rumour that had circulated around his school that the boys at the home weren't allowed to wear trousers, apart from that is, the owner's son, who was also allowed to order the other boys around, even if they were older than he was. This last bit Andy could easily believe just by looking at the other boy, who was, it seemed also keeping a very close eye on him despite having been told, more than once to go and get changed for the sale himself. Truth be told Andy found the lad intimidating, despite them both being around the same age, but then the other boy was so much more confident and seemingly grown up than he was, acting most of the time like an adult which is just how Andy's parents had treated him when they'd arrived. The interesting thing was, that Andy wasn't scared of the boy. Intimidated, for sure, but that didn't scare him as it wasn't the same as he felt when he was intimidated by the older boys at school. Those lanky, spotty mid to late teenagers, Andy was scared off – although he'd never show it – but not the boy who was now watching him. But then, the entire idea of what it would be like to be a resident in the home, and started to excite Andy in recent months in ways he had yet to understand. Putting these thoughts aside, Andy picked up another box, which he opened only to find it filled to the brim with pair after pair of white shape-less shorts, of the exact sort he'd often seen the younger members of the home wearing. These shorts were so unlike the ones Andy himself wore for gym in that they were not only actually short but they had neither pockets nor, a fly. Made from some sort of cheep material that rustled at any movement, the could become translucent when went, and were also seemed to be wore tight enough to fully show off whatever the wearer was, or wasn't wearing beneath them. They were also what Andy had come to see for himself, as he longed to wear a pair himself and be ordered around in them. "Oh no one is going to want those old things," Andy's mum's words, shocked him out of his thoughts, "Go and put them back inside will you Andy." Andy did as he was told, picking up the box and taking it over to the large garage where he'd only fetched it a few minutes earlier. However, once he was inside, the temptation became too much for him, and after looking around to make sure no one was coming, he pulled the box back open again. His heart was racing although he wasn't sure why, other than he wanted to get another look at those simply, plain shorts and perhaps even try a pair on, just once, to see what it was like. He checked at the small window, seeing that everyone was busy, before he returned to the box, and before he could talk himself out of it unbuttoned his jeans, before pushing both them and his boxer shorts down to his ankles before pulling a pair of the shorts up in their place. The fit wasn't quite as tight as he'd been expecting, but once on they more than proved his initial thoughts that they just couldn't be worn with boxers, especially as his current boxers were longer in the leg than the shorts were. Quite a bit longer as it happened. He only wished he had a mirror to look at himself in to see if looked as good, in them as all the other boys had. Suddenly, and just as he was starting to get feelings inside the shorts, Andy heard someone crunching along the gravel path towards the garage, so he did the first thing that came to him, grabbing his boxers and jeans and putting them both on, right over the top of the shorts. Andy just made it to the door before his mum walked in on him. "What kept you?" she asked, "The sales around ready to get going." Her son didn't answer her, just walked passed her in a way that caused her to cast her eyes down over him as she thought she head something odd about his clothing, only to dismiss it as, after all jeans and a t-shirt didn't make that nylon rubbing sound. The sale got underway a short time later, but Andy was too distracted to continue helping out behind the various stalls so after he'd asked his mum the same question about pricing one too many times, she dismissed him from helping out, leaving him to wonder around from stall to stall. Still walking that little bit funny and occasional having to pick at the rear of his jeans in a way that should have been uncomfortable but wasn't. As with most boys of his age, Andy was used to wearing clothes that varied from slightly baggy to very baggy, so the sensation of having something tight, like the plain white shorts, on was totally new, and he liked it. More than liked it in fact. He loved it. Thinking about wearing the shorts had been one thing but this was something else, even the way the shorts rode up the crack between his buttocks, felt good. It was like he was getting a wedgie only without any of the pain that standard welcome for first years at his school had come with. And then there was the way the shorts seemed to cradle and caress his private parts. Moving away from the yard sale, Andy found himself at the house's garden play set, and was unable to resist trying out the various slides and swings, even giggling to himself like he was a little boy again. Andy was swinging from the hand loops when the voice stopped him. "Hey you kid. What are you doing?" Dropping to his feet Andy turned to see the owner's son coming towards him. He was now dressed in a neatly pressed suit of dark trousers and white shirt with a face that was far from happy. "I asked you what you were doing?" "Playing!" Andy shrugged, as if it was obvious. "No I don't mean that," the boy stopped directly in front of him, "I mean what are you doing with those." Looking down, Andy saw the boys finger was pointing at his middle where his usually over long t-shirt had ridden up, and his jeans and boxers and slid down slightly while he'd been swinging from the hand rungs. Between them was the very obvious white, nylon waistband. Any excuse he could have come up with died in his throat, as the boy took things one stage further, as if he wanted to make sure Andy couldn't deny it any more, he just reached out and in a swift, practised motion yanked down both Andy's jeans and his boxer shorts leaving him standing there, very obviously in the plain white shorts. "Did you steel those P.E, shorts?" the lad accused him. Once more Andy tried to come up with something but it wasn't like he could claim he wasn't wearing them, or, for that matter where he'd got them, as the house was the only place he'd ever seen them, and probably the only place where they still existed. He could, however, put the boy right on one point, he wasn't trying to steel them, he was just borrowing them. "Borrowing them," the lad answer, "Did you ask if you could borrow them, or did you just take them? If you didn't then that's the same as stealing. Borrowing without asking is stealing." There was no answer for that of course, even though the phrasing wasn't something Andy would have expected from a boy his own age, but then he wasn't expecting what happened next either. The suited boy turned to sit down on the rail supporting the sides of the monkey bars, reaching as he did for Andy's wrists which he tugged on. Andy, with his jeans still around his ankles, couldn't move his feet so started to fall, only for the boy to catch him and guide him down onto him. Or rather over his knees, with his tightly clad bottom pointing up in the air. WHAP! The first spank landed on the seat of the stolen shorts before Andy was even away he was in the cliched spanking position, but that realisation soon came clearer to him once the other boy got to worked. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! Before long he had tears in the twelve year old eyes, as his rear heated up more and more under the well delivered spanking. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! The tears in his eyes started to trail down his face, as Andy was quickly taken past the breaking point, until he was pleading just how sorry he was. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! The spanking was over nearly as quickly as it had begun, much sooner than most of the spankings the smartly dressed boy had delivered in his time, surrounded by wayward youngsters, but then Andy wasn't as used to the hard life as those kids had been, before they arrived at the house whose tough regime would soon turn their lives around. A couple of slaps to the insides of his thighs got Andy up onto his feet, where he was then walked over to the corner of the climbing frame, shuffling along with his jeans and boxers around his ankles, where he was told to stand with his nose pressed into the corner, with the strict instruction not to rub. An instruction Andy broke within seconds. SMACK! A hand sliced across the backs of both Andy's thighs, forcing him to stop attempting to rub away the stinging in his buttocks, and to replace his hands back on top of his head. Andy wasn't sure just how long he stood there, in the little kids' playground, with his trousers around his ankles, and it wasn't until he got home that he realised that the redness of his spanked bottom, clearly showed through the thin shorts he had on, but he didn't dare move until the other boy told him and it was only then that he was allowed to pull his jeans back up. The event didn't end there though, for although his parents were never informed about what happened, they probably wondered what was in the parcel Andy was given when they were leaving the sale once it was all done and dusted. Andy wondered too but thankfully he had the presence of mind not to open it until he was at home, which was just as well given just how excited he became to discover the collection of short nylon shorts and other similar clothing the parcel contained. Chapter TwoHaving finished watching the removal men after only a short time Andy Edwards headed home, where after stopping for a snack in the kitchen headed up stairs to his room to do his homework just like he did every school night. Now fourteen, Andy's room was actually two adjoining rooms. The first was just like every other teenage boys' room, but the other certainly wasn't. It was called, officially, a "history Project" but in reality it was the room Andy spent most of his time and where he also did his homework, and not just due it having a desk that had once belonged to the only boy to have ever have spanked him. Andy never actually saw the boy again, as he was soon gone to boarding school and never returned to the street they both shared. Soon after his parent put up the for sale sign that had only recently been taken down, after nearly a full year of the house being on the market. In the meantime, the house had slowly been stripped of it's fixtures and fittings, with the furniture being some of the first to go, leaving the space clear for the builders to move in and finally modernize the place. Seeing as they were good neighbour and always willing to lend a hand the Edwards had been offered first refusal over most things that came out of the house, but at first they'd been reluctant to take on any of the hefty, old fashioned furniture until that is Andy had bought up the subject of his school "history project." There actually was a real project and it was as Andy said, based upon the idea of how boys Andy's aged had lived in days gone by. However it was intended to be a simple written piece, perhaps with some real life memories from older members of the boy's family, rather than the re-enactment Andy turned it into. Unable to explain his real plan, Andy just talked his parents into accepting all the furniture from the old house, explaining that they could always sell on what they didn't actually use, which turned out to be rather profitable in a way that made his dad seriously happy, while his mum was more than happy with the dressing table that ended up in her room. Mind you that was nothing to what Andy thought about the old desk, bed, chest of drawers and wardrobe that ended up being moved into the smaller of the two rooms he occupied. When it was all done, Andy ended up with a room that looked, he thought, just like one from the days when boys routinely wore the sort of shapeless white nylon shorts that he would often slip into when he was alone in his bedroom. Not that they'd ever felt right in his modern looking room, but they sure did in that new, old room. But there was something that would look even better and that was the next thing he went after. A school uniform, with shorts. The time was approaching to by Andy a new uniform for his fourth year at his current school, and Andy had been slowing changing the clothes he wore at home, until his parents had become more used to seeing him in shorts than they did in long trousers, and there were other changes too. A recent, if not dramatic growth spurt had caused him to the shops for new clothes part way through the new bedroom project, and he'd been successful in convincing his mother that boxer shorts were no longer the in thing, and that boys his age were once more wearing briefs. This didn't have the slightest bit of truth in it, a fact more or less borne out by how hard the pair of them had had to search to find briefs in a teenage size but they had and Andy had grown to love the tightness of them around him, so much that he'd gone out a secretly bought some more on his own that were slightly smaller so they'd be even tighter on him. Now he hoped to do the same with school trousers. "Can I get some shorts for school," he'd asked, trying to keep his voice as even as possible as they were on their way to the outfitters, "For the summer when, you know, it's too hot for long trousers." "Shorts! Really are you allowed to have them?" his mother had asked, as Andy had guessed she was, and he was prepared for it, producing the school usually strict guidelines which indeed, did allow for the wearing of shorts during hot weather, as long as they were 'appropriate." A description that was perfect for what Andy had in mind as he wasn't after any old pair of shorts but fully lined, proper grey school shorts that could be worn with grey knee socks, just like all the smart looking boys who hah featured in the actual History Project he'd handed in at the end of the previous term. The boy's ploy worked, and with his mother's approval, Andy duly purchased, a single pair of school shorts as well as the two pairs of long trousers that he would actual wear to school. The short were even the shortest ones he could find, finishing more than four inches above the knees, that would make the long knee socks with the school's blue colouring around the top look even smarter. He even managed to get a new blue blazer, with the school crest on the breast pocket, even though next to no one still actually wore one at school but he would have to go back to the store later on his own to get the matching cap as his mother would never believe anyone would be seen dead in one of those, which they wouldn't. Andy included. At least not yet. Of course Andy had no intention of wearing the shorts to school, at least not until the charity idea came to him, but he did have every intention of wearing the uniform, at home, alone in his room, which is what he did, every day when he came back from school. Dropping the coat he wore to school, in his modern bedroom, Andy would remove the designer scruffy uniform he'd worn during the day, allowing the oversized trousers, large knotted tie, perpetually un-tucked shirt to fall to the floor where they would retain the ruffled look all his mates clothes had, before he paid a visit to the bathroom, where a quick shower would remove the gel from his short cut hair, that he would now comb into the neatest style he could manage. Then wearing just the briefs he now habitably wore under his normal clothes – unless it was a gym day, in which case he'd wear his baggy shorts over them, under his trousers – he'd head back in time into his other bedroom. Going to the chest of drawers, Andy removed the pair of long grey socks, that he'd pull on, up to his knees before folding down the tops so the blue bands were clearly shown. A new, freshly iron shirt would follow, his mum having yet to realise that she was ironing more shirts of two different sizes, not that the larger ones ever looked like they had actually been ironed whenever she saw them. The smaller ones, did however, as Andy took great care to ensure they remain pristine until he could wear them, even insisting that they had starch added when they were washed so they would retrain the stiffness in the colour, as he tied the blue and white stripped school tie into a neat little knot around his neck, carefully tucking it in all the way around. The shorts came next. Each time Andy pulled them on he couldn't believe how good the white lining felt against the skin of his legs or how snug they would feel around his rear and groin as he first fastened the waist clip – after tucking in his shirt first, naturally, and then run up the zip over his already excited self. Once the shorts were on, Andy would move from the chest of drawers to this wardrobe which only contained two things, his blazer and his shoes. The latter of which were officially his 'Sunday Best' shoes, mainly as he wasn't expected to wear them for anything but the best of occasions, as they were rear leather lace up shoes, rather than the trainers ever teenager on the planet wore. The shiny polished shoes on his feet, tied up tightly Andy reached in to take the blazer out of the cupboard, and slipped it on where it fitted him just as perfectly as it had done that first time in the shop. He could even still do the buttons up which he always did when he checked himself in the mirror which is what he was going to do just as soon as he had the little cap on his head. Turning finally to the mirror Andy knew just what to expect given that he did this every day of the week, but it still gave him a trill to see before what no longer appeared to be the modern school boy he'd been when he'd been in his other bedroom, but now a boy from the 1950s, a boy who looked rather younger than his modern equivalent. This was how Andy wished he could dress all the time deep down but he knew he could never get away with it without questions being asked. Question for which he still didn't really have any answers, other than he liked it, and, perhaps, oddly wished someone was forcing him to do this as if he was being punished for something by being made to wear little boys clothes. In his head that is exactly what had happened, meaning he was under orders to put on his shorts as soon as he got home and wear them for as long as he could, and not just for doing his homework either. The first time he'd worn the shorts in front of his parents, Andy had nearly bottled out of it twice before he'd slipped into the living room, and sat down in front of the TV, only too well aware of just how far his bare knee stuck up in the air. He wasn't wearing either the cap or the blazer, as the former was still a secret and anyway, neither of those items should be worn inside, but he was wearing everything else, including a V-neck jumper like the one he'd had at junior school even though it wasn't on the approved list for his current school. All the same it had been a tense few minutes for Andy while his parent exchanged looks, before his mum finally said, simply, "You look smart!" and the matter was dropped, allowing Andy free range to wear his school shorts when ever he wanted in the house as if he'd been told to. So over the following months it became usual for Andy to wear his shorts as soon as he got home, and he grew more and more comfortable doing so even if, at first, he would be careful not to be seen by anyone other than his parents, it wasn't long before he was equally at home in the garden, and even answering the door just as long as he knew who was there before hand. For the most part Andy's life in short trousers wasn't all that eventful, as he'd just sit as his desk in the full uniform, to do his homework with a dedication that would have made his teachers proud, if Andy could have ever have admitted to what he was doing, but of course he didn't. His teachers may have appreciated it, but his mates certainly wouldn't have which is why he always told them he did his homework over breakfast like everyone else, although his teachers may have wondered why Andy always did better in his homework than he did in actual class. His homework always being so much better written, laid out and, most importantly correct. Then Andy had an idea about how he could wear his private school uniform to school. Chapter ThreeIt felt really weird going out of the house for the first time in his previously private school uniform, but it was now or never, and he may never have a chance to actually wear it at school ever again. He just had to hope that the story he was going to use would hold enough water for him to get away with it as it had taken a lot of work – and some slight of hand – to bring it about but in the end the school had readily agreed to have the 'costume day' for charity. The first part of the trip to school went without event but then that could be due to Andy not actually seeing anyone. However, he knew only too well that this would change once he got down to the bus stop and sure enough right there were all the familiar faces, with whom he rode the bus every morning. On the plus side they were also wearing different clothes than they would have normally done to school. The only trouble was, they were wearing normal non-school clothes, wile Andy was doing anything but. The laughter, was loud but mostly good natured when the boys saw Andy for the first time. By the time he'd actually reached the bus stop, they'd surrounded him, which allowed him to rattle of the story he'd prepared, that he it was all part of the charity sponsorship, and that his grandparents were giving him the money if he'd gone to school like they had done in the old days. "Aren't you're knees cold?" asked one, thankfully cutting off another question about just where he'd been able to find the old style clothing. "Not really." Andy answered honestly, to that question at least. For some reason even though nearly all of his thighs and his knees were exposed to the elements, they somehow managed to retain the heat generated by the long socks. It was weird, and he couldn't explain it, but it worked. "Those shorts really are short though ain't they, I mean they don't even come down to your knees like real shorts do." Said another without any irony in his words. "That's how they were in the old days." Explained Andy. "Yeah so you said, in that talk you did in English! Going on about all that weird stuff they got up to in the old days." Andy smiled at the memory of his A+ rated presentation on previous school practises, including of course, the uniforms. In fact, he'd been tempted to wear his uniform for that as well, but had bottled out in the end, and just relied on photos taken from the school archive. "They make you look like a little first year." Stated one of the boys who, oddly enough was in the first year and who Andy didn't think had ever spoken before. Even now he was hanging at the back of the group, wearing simple jeans and a blue/green t-shirt. "Too right it does." Laughed one of the others. "Makes you look like a really little kid." Suppressing a smile at what he knew was the truth, Andy instead, repeated how he was going to make the most money for the charity and probably win the price for doing so." Thankfully any further discussion was halted by the bus turning up, and for a moment Andy hesitated as the doors opened in front of him, allowing his school mates to push past him, with their passes out to show the driver. It not being until Andy felt himself being pushed forward from behind by two hands placed firmly on his bottom, which was then given a soft slap, of just enough force to get him onto the bus. The smaller boy in the striped top following him on, just as the doors closed. The nearer the bus came to the school the more nervous Andy started to feel about what he was doing. Given the sudden motion of the bus as he'd boarded he'd taken a seat nearer the front than usual but he could still hear the laughter coming from his mates at the back that he rightly thought to be directed at him and in particular his juvenile attire. However, once the bus pulled up outside the school, no sooner had Andy stood up than he was moved forward out of the buss, onto the street, and then swept into the playground in one mass of teen and pre-teen boyhood. It only being once they were inside that the group opened up, and the strange sight of bare knees became visible to all. In the ten minutes from arrival until the bell rang, Andy found himself explaining what he was doing for charity over and over again, even though he could hear it being whispered back and forth amongst those around him, as more and more were called over to have a look at his retro interpretation of the uniform code even though it was a non-uniform day. Something everyone else was taking advantage off, leaving Andy as the only one in any sort of uniform, but not the only one in shorts as several of the younger boys also wore them. Theirs though, came down to, and slightly passed their knees, whereas Andy's of course, did no such thing. Once the bell had rung the boys filed slowly forward heading directly for the assembly hall which is how the school started every day. Andy did likewise of course, strangely compelled to walk with his head tall, and his back straight as if somehow the shorts he was wearing was improving his posture as he joined his own year group. Then laughter started again, especially when someone said "Do a twirl little boy!" to which Andy complied, spinning on the soles of his highly polished Sunday shoes, to allow them to take in every detail of how he was dressed. Even detail of which they then commented on, from the whiteness of his upper thighs, to the previously un-noticed long socks with the school colours around the top, the tightly buttoned blazer, the way his school tie was fastened in a small knot, and to the top of his tightly buttoned shirt, the cap on his head, and of course the shortness of the shorts themselves. Over and over through the laughter Andy heard the words "You look like a little kid!" which made him smile, and get a tingle in the thankfully tight underwear he had on. Then the pushing started. It was good natured at first. The suggestion following on from comments about how young he looked, and that he looked like a first year. That was followed by the suggestion that he should go and stand with the eleven year olds at the front of the hall. This Andy laughed at, but the teenagers were no longer joking, and he found himself pushed and prodded right down through the years until that's where he ended up amongst the youngest boys in the room. Suddenly, as if in a dream – a dream he'd actually had more than once – Andy found himself standing head and shoulders among eleven and twelve year olds, who giggled and sniggered at the way he looked, like only small boys could at the teenager now standing amongst them, yet looking younger than they did. When the headmaster started to speak the entire assembled school became quiet in an instant, at least on the surface it did. For while the usual notices were read out, about what was coming up in the near future, Andy continued to find himself being prodded and shoved by the first years who clearly had decided that he was somehow there for that reason, especially as Andy never once complained. The first lesson came around fast enough, given Andy the chance to excuse himself from amongst the younger boys and return to his own year group, although by the time he'd managed it, the classroom was all ready filling with the premium back seats having been taken leaving Andy with no choice but to take the ones in the front putting him right in the eye line of the teacher so it was no real surprise that it wasn't long before Andy heard his name being called out followed by the instruction to take his cap off in the classroom, followed by a comment about just how long it had been since the teacher had had to say that. "Still at least you look smart, unlike the rest of this rabble." The teacher added, causing even more laughter to be aimed not just at him but at Andy too, which the teacher played up to. "You know, perhaps I should have a word with the headmaster about bring this uniform back in, what do you say to that Edwards?" Forgetting where he was, and thinking just about that, Andy agreed readily. "Of course," the teacher continued, "It would only be for the younger boys not for any of you lot." This seemed to calm down some of the more dangerous looks that were being aimed at Andy's back, allowing the class to get underway although Andy still found himself being called out to work on the blackboard more and more often, which is something he got used to rather quickly. The rest of the morning passed off in a similar manner and Andy though that things might go okay for the rest off the day until, when he attempted to line up in the lunch queue with the other fourth years, he found himself once more pushed back through the line until he ended up at the end of the first years, making sure that he would be the last to be served his food, but as with everything else that had happened he just took it as it seemed right even to him, that that was the position a boy in short trousers should be. After all, he was still taller and bigger than the boys in front of him, yet he never attempted to regain his rightful position. Nor did he run away, or tell them not to tease him as, on some level he seemed to enjoy it. There wasn't much of a selection left by the time Andy got to the serving counter, and nor where there many places left to seat. True there were spaces at the far side of the dinning room where the upper years had already finished, but Andy wouldn't have dared sit there even if he'd been dressed normally. There were however, no spaces in his age group which just left the end of one of the first year tables, where he ended up sitting next to the boy in the striped t-shirt from the bus stop. The younger boys around him were chatty, which surprised Andy, as normally they wouldn't have dared speak to an older boy, but then he was hardly dressed like one. Not that all the conversation was actually about him, as the boys had more than enough things to talk about amongst themselves, allowing Andy to eat his dinner pretty much in peace even though the occasional question did come his way, included amongst them being the ones that he'd previously managed to avoid, such as where he'd got his clothes. These Andy answered honestly, causing gasps from his young audiences as none of them had been aware that school shorts were actual made, in larger sizes. Consequently, by the time Andy had cleared his plate he was feeling pretty good about himself, hanging back with his new friends even when his own year left the hall until it was just them left, as the conversation moved on to the uniform he was wearing and how first years in the old days would have all worn something like it. This too caused the boys to gasp, and shift worryingly in their seats, opening the door for Andy to pretty much give his entire presentation from English class, only this time with the added visualisation of the clothes he was wearing, and expanded to include all the rules and regulations the younger boys would be expected to follow until they reached an age were it was deemed fit for them to be able to cover their legs in long trousers. By the time Andy had run out of things to say, having answered all the questions boys could think off, it was nearly time for the afternoon lessons to begin, yet when Andy stood up to clear his tray away, he got to hear two loud smacks, followed by a sharp stinging pain in his legs. The boy in the stripped top, had aimed a couple of slaps to the backs of his bare legs. "Little boys should ask to be excused from the table." He said, to laughs from all his friends and a strange smile from the appropriately punished boy. Andy was still smiling as he moved from the bustling corridors of the lower school back into the senior part of the school. Following the events in the lunch room he had become somewhat turned on, leading to a distinct bulge in the front of his trousers, that his shorts did nothing to hide, unlike the more volumes trousers that every other boy his age wore. Not for the first time, Andy pondered on how boys his age in shorts would have managed that particular problem in times gone past, leading him to the realisation that while he was certainly not the only fourteen year old with erection problems, he was without doubt the only one in short school trousers and that just made the problem more of a problem. If Andy had been thinking straight he would have taken a detour into the school toilets to take care of the problem but he wasn't as for some reason the idea of being late for a lesson worried him so he headed straight for the next classroom, although he did attempt to cover himself by fastening his blazer, and leaning forward. "Ah Edwards, glad you could join us." The teacher said, to him as he slipped in the door, just as the register was being called, making it just in time for his own name to be read out. "No don't sit down just yet, let me have a look and see if you are as smart as the staff room gossip say you are. Come up to the front." With no choice in the matter Andy did so, hoping he could keep his back to the class, who were becoming increasingly noisy, at his appearance, and especially the still visible red outline of the small hand, on the back of his thighs. When he finished going through his charity speech again, and taken another donation from the teacher, Andy was told that he did indeed look smart, before being told to turn around so the class could have a look at him. He did this slowly still bending forwards as far as he dared to try and reduce the bugle that was still in his underwear. "Stand up straight boy!" At the words, Andy quickly snapped his back rigid, which only emphasised the other rigid part of his body pushing out one of his shorts in a way that couldn't be missed. It wasn't missed either, as whispers quickly spread around the class, that Andy only became aware off when he was finally told to sit down. After the lesson Andy knew he had to take care of the bulge before it made a stain on his shorts that some might think meant he'd wet himself, but which others would recognise for what it was. Pre-cum. There was only one place where a teenager could get privacy for that, but when Andy started to head towards the upper school toilets he was quickly turned back, for being "too young" to use them, leaving him to once more head back into the lower school where he once more came across the boy in the stripped top just as he was washing his hands, having finished doing what had to be done. "Those clothes really suit you." The buzz cropped boy said, totally out of the blue. Andy thanked him, but the other boy wasn't finished yet. "There aren't many fourth years with the guts to wear shorts like that. At least not if they didn't want to anyway." "They're okay!" the teenager shrugged. "Still, I know no one in my year would want to wear them to school, like you suggested they should." Andy turned sharply from the dryer, "That's not what I said. I just said that's how boys did in the old days." "That might have been what you said, but it's not what's going around and trust me, they're not happy about it." It took a few minutes for Andy to work out just what the boy was implying but when he did he took the hint and made to make a sharp exit only to run straight into a group of first years who happened to be right outside the toilet door. In a matter of seconds Andy found himself back inside the junior toilets, surrounded by a group of none too happy eleven year olds who were all looking at his dark blue blazer, tightly buttoned shirt and tie, which if neater than usual didn't look that unseal, but then they also looked down at the short grey school shorts, with the long grey socks pulled right the way up with their matching dark blue rims around the top. They were all repeating that they wouldn't be seen dead in anything quite that juvenile, and that if that indeed happened then they were going to be holding Andy solely responsible for it and that something had to be done about it. The group was getting nowhere, until the stripped shirt boy spoke up. "Why don't we punish him now?" Several of the boys agreed, but others wanted to know more details about just how they were expected to do that, aware, even if they didn't say anything about it, that Andy was still a head taller than all of them, even if he did look much younger. "It's like he was saying at lunch," the boy explained, "In the old days the little boys in shorts were always kept in line by the ones who wore the long trousers." "What's that supposed to mean Scott?" Someone else answered it for him. "He means that cos we've got jeans on, we get to boss him about cos he's only got shorts on." "Exactly," Scott confirmed, explaining further that how they should therefore dish out the same punishment that they would have in the old days. "You mean we get to beat him up?" "No. Well no exactly but we do get to spank him." "Spank him?" the words were whispered back and further amongst the crowd as they mulled over the option and opportunity they were being offered, to get one over on an older boy. Something that appealed to everyone of them nearly as much as it appealed to Andy himself, which is why he wasn't exactly protesting what was being suggested either. Not that anyone seemed to notice that fact. Thankfully. "So what do you think?" Scott asked, "Shall we spank him like the naughty little boy that he is?" There was a moments silence before it was wholeheartedly agreed that that was just what they were going to do. Only none of them seemed to have much of an idea of just how to do it. Well Andy had a fair idea but it was hardly his place to say anything without giving away that he wasn't entirely opposed to what was happening. Thankfully Scott, told him to bend over. What followed wasn't entirely organised, as the first years didn't take turns to spank the older boy, as they were all a touch too excited for that. Instead they just got in whatever blows they could whenever they could as they crowded around the bent over teenager, and the target he was offering them. Slap! Spank! Slap! Slap! Spank! Slap! The gang of first years settled into an unintentional rhythm before too long as they continued to strike out at the seat of the grey school short trousers in a way that probably wouldn't have hurt Andy if there hadn't been quite so many of them offering a seemingly unrelenting number of smacks, that started to build up on each other, despite the double thickness of the shorts and their built in lining. Slap! Spank! Slap! Spank! Slap! Eventually the impromptu spanking came to end when the bell once more rang to signal the start of the next lesson. This seemingly restoring order almost instantly as several of the first years left, more worried about being late than the enjoyment they were having, until there was no one left in the toilet but Andy and Scott. Neither of which was saying anything, not even when Andy finally stood up to give his rear a rub, as he moved over to the sinks to wash the tears from his eyes. The final lesson of the day went without issue, or at least any that Andy was aware off, as he was far too busy attempting to maintain a comfortable position, on the hard chair. He tried lifting one buttock at a time to relieve the pressure, but that only increased the pressure on the other side, was soon classed as a failure. It was with relief that he was able to get up from that chair and head back towards the bus stop, even though that mean he had to endure, once more the laughter from the older boys and the sniggers from the younger ones, some of whom made smacking noises with their hands as he walked passed but at least did nothing more. They also didn't seem to be spreading around what they'd done, for a reason that Andy was about to find out. "I told them they'd be in deep trouble if it got out what happened." Scott whispered to him, when they stood waiting for the bus to come and pick them up "And that all your fourth year mates would beat them up." "Thanks!" Andy said more than a little relieved. "So are you going to be wearing shorts to school again tomorrow Andy?" "No," he replied, not realising that Scott had used his name, something he'd never actually been told. "It was only for the charity thing today." Scott shrugged saying that it was a shame, and then repeating just how much he thought the uniform, and especially the shorts and cap had suited Andy. It being at this point that Andy realised he hadn't put his cap back on since assembly. He checked his pocket to make sure it was still there, at which point Scott suggested that he should put it back on to complete his look, or else, some people might not want to pay up their sponsorship. Adding that this also included all the first years, who were going to sponsor him as a way to make up for what had happened. "Hope it didn't hurt too much?" Scott asked once they were safely on board, and seated, once more away from Andy more rowdy age mates. "It was okay. Stung a little but not so bad." Admitted Andy, even so he had chosen to stand up rather than to sit on the course bus seats, this though had more to do with the way they scratch the back of his legs, than anything else. Or so he told Scott anyway. At the bus stop, Andy was still ignored by his peers, but at least Scott gave him a cheerful parting, that left Andy feeling overall rather good about what had happened, despite the bits of humiliation he'd gone through it had felt every bit as good as he'd imagined it would do to wear shorts to school, if not better. It was just a shame he wouldn't be able to do so anymore. Still at least he could continue to wear them at home where no one would take a second glance as his bare legs, his parents and close neighbours being totally used to it by now. It was just a shame that other boys wouldn't except that as easily as those adults had and like Scott had. Chapter FourAndy sat on the hard wooden chair, pulled in tight under the desk in the sparser of his two bedrooms. His long mostly bare legs were tucked out of the way under the seat. His elbows resting on the far edges of the worn timber desktop, either side of a comic that would have been familiar to his grandfather, but which, all the same was making the fourteen year old titter to himself, just as it would have done all those years ago, to younger boys. His attention so intent upon the out of date action, that he hadn't heard neither the guests arrive or his mum calling him until she was right in the doorway it only being then that he looked up. "Andy, the Phillips are here." "The who?" asked Andy never having heard the name before, as he stretched out his long limbs in the chair, arching his back, against the seat, in a way that un-tucked the front of the red and white striped vest-styled t-shirt he wore although he tucked it straight back in again. "The Philips. They bought the old house remember, and now they've popped round to introduce themselves." Mrs. Edwards looked around the room, marvelling to herself at just how tidy Andy kept this room, but at least this was starting to spill over into his 'proper' room, which was also more tidy then it used to be before her son had started his current project of old style living. Catching on at last, Andy said he'd be down stairs in a minute, once he'd changed into something more fitting making a first impression, but before he'd even had the change to push the chair back from under the desk his mother told him that he didn't have to, as she had already told the Philips all about his project and how proud they were of him for going into it with such enthusiasm and that it was a shame the school hadn't let him wear the nice grey shorts as he'd wanted. "And it turns out," Andy's mum continued, "That their eldest son also wears little boy clothes too, although he has too cos of his accident." Naturally Andy asked "What accident?" which led to a quick recount of how Eric Philips had suffered a blow to the head at the age of three, that had prevented his brain from getting any older, even though his body had continued to grow at the usual rate so although he was the size of a normal teenager, he still behaved like a toddler, thought he was a toddler and for all intents and purposes was a toddler. "In what way?" "Well, from what Mrs. Philips says, Eric still isn't potty trained so he wears nappies a lot of the time, he sleeps in a cot, and eats in a high chair, just like any other toddler would plus, of course, he wears the same clothes a toddler would, only bigger of course." "they make the toddler clothes bigger?" "Not in shops no, the Philips have to buy them in but you can ask Scott about all that in a moment." "Scott? Who's Scott?" "He's the Philip's son. No not the toddler one, he's their younger son, but he looks after his brother a lot of the time, so given that you're interested in all that sort of thing I thought you two would rather talk to each other than listen to your dad go on about Neighbour Watch." Andy laughed at his mum's joke, even though he had heard more than enough of his dad's opinions on how the community should be run, but the laughter died in his throat when the one part of his mum's plan she had yet to mention, became apparent. Instead of him coming down, Scott Philips had been asked up to his room, and was standing right behind the somewhat full frame of his mum. "Hi! You must be Andy?" said the twelve year old even though he must have recognised Andy just as Andy had recognised him, as he'd not only been going to same school since the start of term, having started before he'd in fully, but had spoken to Andy before. Neither of the boys said very much for the next few minutes, while they waited for Mrs. Edwards to make her excuses and return to the adults downstairs. Scott remained standing where he was in the doorway, with his hands folded behind the back of his blue and green shirt, the same one he'd been wearing when Andy had been spanked in the school toilets by a group of first year boys. "So," Scott eventually said, "Does your mum make you wear that stuff or what?" "No, I decided to, it's all part of my project on what it was like to be a boy in the olden days." Andy repeated the excuse he'd used so many times that he was nearly coming to believe if, except of course there was no project, even though he had knocked up some just so he could show his parents how it was going. "You know they make you look like a little kid though, don't you. I mean those shorts are really, really tiny." "I know," Andy looked down at how the entire length of this thighs were left bare by the white shorts that fitted him almost like a second skin, with hems that only extended a inch or so onto his legs. Less if he was sitting down, as he now was, of course. "Still I like your room," Scott added looking back and forth through the doorway from the regular room to the more sparsely decorated one with the heavy old fashioned furniture. "Do you spend all your time in here?" "Most of it yet. It's the only way to understand how kids lived in the old days, if you live it yourself." It was another of Andy's well worn, excuses for the extremes he'd gone to. "So you sleep in here too?" Scott nodded towards the basic looking bed metal framed bed with the stiff looking blanket and high starched sheets. "Sometimes so I know what it was like 3;" "Yeah you said," Scott butted in, adding, "Like with the shorts you wore to school then, which I guess wasn't for charity." "It was!" Andy opened his desk bringing out the sponsorship form with the thank you letter from the charity that had received the money he'd collected which it turned out was one that provided help to Scott's mentally handicapped brother, providing him with equipment and support. "You're welcome!" Andy replied when Scott thanked him for doing so, even though the older boy hadn't known that's what he was doing, but all the same the act of kindness – albeit used to hide the real reason Andy wanted to wear shorts to school – broke the ice between the two boys. "So what do you do in here then, I see you don't have a TV or a radio or anything?" "I only do things that they used to do in the old days." Andy said proudly. "Like what?" "I'll show you." Andy slid his long bare legs out from under the desk, stood up, moving over to the wardrobe which he opened, to pull out a selection of board games, and a large if incomplete construction set, with examples of the things he'd made from it. Scott was impressed, "Wow, you certainly don't do things by halves do you? After all I think Eric could do some of this stuff, don't you find it boring?" "Not really, it's kind of relaxing. What does Eric do all day?" "Not much really. Mostly he's in his play pen during the day, although he hope to have the outside run set up before too long so he can run around without getting into trouble." Andy didn't hear much of the second part of that, as he'd fixated on the first part, "He has a play pen? Isn't he big enough to just climb out." "It's not one meant for real toddlers, it's scaled up to be big enough for him so he can't climb out, just like his high chair, crib and everything else. Still even if it wasn't we'd have had to find a way to fix his harness to it, so he'd be safe." "Oh right," Andy nodded, wanting to ask more questions but not sure if he should or not in the end though it was Scott who changed the subject asking if Andy had anything they could eat, as he hadn't eaten since lunch time. "I've got some biscuits and some squash but only one cup." Andy admitted, fetching them from the cupboard , pouring a dash of the orange concentrate into the bottom of the plastic cup before dashing out into his other bedroom to top it up with water from the jug beside his bed. However as he returned he failed to realise that Scott was still standing in the doorway, and the two of them collided, with Scott's shirt taking the brunt of the squash. "I'll get a cloth." Andy said at once, turning tail to head to the bathroom to do just that. The clean up wasn't perfect, although by the time they had finished at least Andy's room no longer bore any trace of the liquid that had been sprayed across it even if the same couldn't be said for Scott's shirt. "Oh great, now it looks like I've wet myself," Scott said, when at least he was forced to give up removing what was now a dark blue stain from the front of his shirt, and jeans, "Dad's going to tease me about wanting one of Eric's nappies again." "Again?" Andy couldn't help but snigger, "Why have you wet yourself before?" "No I haven't, at least not without the help of a naughty little kid, which I'd expect from Eric as he can't help it but not from you, given that you like to live in the past and all that." "What's that got to do with it?" "Well, weren't kids back then better behaved, after all that's what my grandparents are always telling me." "Yeah I guess although that's only cos of what would happen if they didn't!" "Which was?" Scott asked, a little too quickly, "I mean what would have happened to one back then if he'd spilt his drink all over someone else like you just did." "They have got a spanking, probably with a slipper or the back of a hairbrush." The answer had blurted out before Andy had had a chance to stop it, as the one part of his experiment that he'd never been able to reproduce, at least not on his own as his parent's didn't believe in it, his school wasn't allowed, and it wasn't something he could ask any one else to do, which is why he found Scott's lack of surprise or shock at the announcement somewhat surprising. "Yes, that's what I figured would happen as it's the only way to keep naughty little kids in check some times at least that's what Dad says." "Really?" It was now Andy who was surprised, "You're parent's think that?" "Think it yes, but they don't really do it unless Eric's being very bad, and then it's the only way to get through to him these days." "They spank him?" Scott looked Andy straight in the eye, "We all do, when we have to." "You?" Andy wasn't sure he was understanding this right, "You spank you brother? But he's older than you?" "Only chronologically, but like your mum told you, basically he's a two or three year old, who just happens to be in the body of a teenager, which means I'm in charge of him, and he has to do what I say, or else I'll punish him." "You punish him?" "Yeah but I've never used a hairbrush on him but I don't think we've got one that would work?" "We do." Once more Andy spoke before realising it, causing one of Scott's eyebrows to raise as it became obvious Andy had thought of this before which was confirmed when the older boy went to fetch the item in question, and in the process, allowed Scott the first real view of his rear in the very tight, and short little shorts. The brush that was handed over to Scott a few minutes later was made of quite heavy wood with a seven inch long handle, leading to an almost four inch square business end, planted with stiff black bristles that were intended to remove dirt and hairs from clothing rather than styling of actual hair. Not that either of the boys in that room were thinking of that particular use by this time. "This thing sure looks like it would hurt." Scott weighted it in his hand, before spinning it over to bring down the flat side of the head against the palm of his other hand were indeed it stung ever bit as much as he'd expected. "It's meant to hurt, and anyway how else am I going to find out what it's like." Scott looked up from the reddened patch on his left hand, "But you already do don't you, after what happened at school when you wore those shorts?" "Yeah but that was only hands, now I need to know what that feels like?" "So you want me to spank you, is that it?" Scott didn't need the clarification on that point as that much was fairly obviously already, but he did want it on the next point he wanted to put across, "But if I do it then I'm going to do it properly." "Good, that's how it has to be done or else it won't be real, but don't worry I won't tell my parents and I'll make sure no one sees the marks, or anything." "Just make sure you do," After issue a somewhat standard version of a schoolboy threats about what would happen if Andy did tell Scott asked another question: "So how many whacks with this thing do I give you then?" It was a question Andy wasn't actually prepared for, as although he had tried out the brush on himself, he'd only been able to do it a couple of times in any way that felt real, and those had stung pretty bad, so he'd stopped. On the other hand, if he was being punished for real then he wouldn't be able to just stop when he'd had enough and needed to take care of the erection being spanked gave him, so he just told Scott that it was up to him to decide. Scott thought about this for a second, before nodding. He then turned his back on Andy to have a look around the room to find the best place to do what he'd been asked. Quickly discounting the chair Andy had been sitting on when he'd entered the room, he eventually chose to sit on the edge of the bed, about half way down one side. "Okay this will do, get across my lap, and put our hands on the floor in front, with your head down as far as possible, and your feet flat on the other side." Quivering slightly, Andy did as he was told, positioning himself until his middle rested right on the middle of his young neighbour's legs, which naturally caused the seat of his already tight shorts to tighten even more, until they became like a second buttock skin, making them into such a perfect target that Scott couldn't resist bring the hard back of the brush right down on top of them with a resounding crack. "Ow!" exclaimed Andy for the first but certainly not the last time. There was no more hesitation after that first blow had landed, as there was little more than a second or two between each of the successive blows that Scott landed on the rear of Andy's shorts. The brush coming down again and again, spanking each of the clearly marked out buttocks in turn. "Ow, Ow, Ouch, Ow, Ouch!" came from Andy's mouth as thoughts of pretending it didn't hurt were quickly pushed from his mind, just as tears started to appear in the corners of his eyes for what appear to be little more than a warm up. After only a couple of minutes had pasted Scott really started to get into what he was doing and after taking a very short break to slightly adjust Andy's position over his knee, he tightened his grip on the brush handle and applied himself with renewed vigour to the bottom he'd been presented with. This time though, he didn't circulate the blows around Andy's bottom but concentrated them on a single spot in the centre of each of the twin globes, whacking them six times each in quick succession in a way that he knew would make Andy howl, and it did. Andy, for his part couldn't believe just how much this stung. It was nothing like the warm glow he'd felt when he'd done it to himself, this actual hurt so much that tears were actually running down his face, and yet, he'd asked for this, so he couldn't really do anything about it. He certainly couldn't ask Scott to stop as, that would ruin the experiment the other boy apparently thought he was carrying out. So he just had to wait it out. The rhythm of the whacks continued for over another five minutes, during which Scott more than lived up to his promise to spank Andy soundly, leaving no part of the older boy's bottom untouched as the brush cracked down hard all over the seat of the little white shorts, and every so often, just beyond them until Scott decided enough was enough and ended with a flurry of blows, landing the brush six times in one place, four in another, then five again back in the original point of contact, until Andy was weeping loudly enough for tears to drip down onto the carpet. "Stand up! We're nearly done." "You've, you've not finished." Andy spoke slowly, as he climbed off the other boy's lap. His voice coming in small pants, as he fought to control himself from breaking down any further. "No not yet. I always finish spanking Eric one way, so that's what I'm going to do to you too, so I want you to bend over the side of the bed, with your arms stretched out across the other side and your head down between them." "But my bottom really hurts already?" "Nonsense, you're a big boy you can take more than that or do you want me to continue on your bare bum?" Andy didn't want that for nearly as many reasons as the thought of it happening excited him, still he wasn't about to admit that, so instead he just did as he was told. "All the way over, with your head flat on the bed, like I said." Scott instructed him. In fact he did it so readily that Scott decided to push his luck, and told him to take his shorts down anyway. "No please not on my bare bum!" Andy protested to no avail. "Just do it!" Scott said, or I'll make it forty whacks instead of the twenty I was going to give you." The number sounded so large that Andy figured he had no choice, even though he was about to loose what little protection his bottom had, not that the thin, tightly stretched shorts were much protection of course, but he was about to be without them. All the time maintaining his bent over position, Andy's hands came back to hook themselves into the waist band of his shorts and then to pull them down, or rather to peel them down as they really were too tight for him to do anything else, especially in that position. This did allow the cool air to get to his already well reddened bottom but that was comfort to what was to follow although there was a fair bit more relief for Andy in not having his private parts to tightly encased any more. Scott didn't resume the spanking as quickly as he'd started it as he was somewhat startled and surprised by just how red Andy's bottom was already. There were even a few shiny areas on it that would soon be going into such a deep red that they would be going purple before too long. Contrarily to what he'd told Andy before he'd started spanking him, this was actually the first time he'd spanked another boy, at least properly. With Eric, it would take much less to get him back into line, and on those occasions Scott always felt a little guilty about doing it as, after all Eric mostly didn't know what he was doing was wrong, or why he should be punished for it. But with Andy it was clearly different as he'd not only more or less asked to be spanked but Scott was really enjoying spanking him. So much so that he'd had to change position to the one they were in now, as he'd been scared the older boy would have felt the erection that was – now he was standing – safely concealed by the bagginess of his jeans and the over hang of his t-shirt. Eventually Scott back to work, tightening his new grip on the brush handle, now as low down as possible, before he raised it up over his head,, took aim, and brought it down as hard as he could right in the middle of one of the previously spotted tender spots. Andy gave a howl in a pitch so high, that he sounded more and more like the little kid he was pretending to be. From there on Scott beat Andy's bare bottom slowly and methodically. Two whacks to one cheek followed by two to the other, until he'd used up the full twenty he'd allowed himself. Each one was delivered nice and hard, and sharp, to get the most reaction that would turn Andy's rear into one big red bruise, and yet, despite the continued howling, each and every time the wood struck his bottom he managed to remain in place, even though the knuckles of his hands went almost totally white as his fists held on for dear life until it was all over. "How was that?" Scott asked when the crying had reduced to mere sniffles, even though Andy had yet to make any effort at all to get up from where the spanking had left him collapsed over the side of his bed causing Scott to ask if he was okay. "I'm all right! I think." "Good well you're bum certainly looks like it's been spanked I can tell you, so you might have some trouble sitting down for a bit, but then that's what you wanted to find out about, wasn't it?" "Yeah, I guess." Andy agreed his hands feeling down to his knees where his shorts were entangled into a sort of rope that was holding his legs together. At this point Scott thought it would be best if he excused himself, so telling Andy that he'd best be getting back to his parents, he left the boy's bedrooms, however, before he returned to the adults, he made a very brief stop in the landing toilet, where it only took a couple of flicks of his wrist, and a mental image of a well spanked teenager's bottom, for him to take care of his erection. Meanwhile, up in his room, Andy was doing much the same thing, only more slowly as any rapid movement caused his sore buttocks to rub together, but all the same it wasn't long before there was another stain he would need to clean out of his carpet before his mum saw it. For the time being though, he knew he too would have to make an appearance downstairs, but when he tried to pull his shorts up he found that they were not only so tight as to make his bottom sorer but that they didn't actually cover all the redness either, as some of the Scott's spanking had extended down onto the backs of this thighs, which were visible below the hem of the shorts. In the end, Andy had to reluctantly, put the short shorts away, and for a moment considered putting on his baggiest tracksuit but then realised that Scott's parents would no doubt be expecting him to wear shorts, so instead, he instead he got out his grey school shorts and slipped them on instead. They didn't really go with the casual t-shirt he had on, so he swapped that over for school shirt, and given he'd gone that far already, soon ended up putting on most of the uniform he'd worn for his 'charity' event, albeit minus the cap and blazer which would have been overkill inside the house. Still he did put on his Sunday best shoes to finish the job, then, after carefully checking everything was just-so – and no redness showed on his legs – Andy headed downstairs, determined to make a good impression even though he had no idea just how he was going to be sitting down any time soon. Chapter FiveThe knocking at the door grew louder as Andy got closer, "All right I'm coming!" he yelled, reaching to open the door. "Hey kid is your Dad in?" asked the youth on the other side, giving Andy's outfit the once over. "No!" the teenager snapped, as he did the same thing back, noting that the youth holding the package probably wasn't all that much older than himself, so the use of 'kid' particularly annoyed him, even though he knew that he looked like one in the short white shorts, worn on this occasion with a yellow vest with blue piping. "I've got a parcel here." The youth hefted the item from one arm to the other, so he could reach into his bomber jacket to pull out a piece of paper and a pen, "I need someone to sign for it." Andy hadn't been told to expect anything so he asked where it was from but instead of answering the youth just turned the parcel around so the shorter boy could read the label. "Big Kids!" Andy repeated, as if that somehow would tell him more information. "Where's that?" "No idea." The youth shrugged. "I just deliver what I'm told to." It was an odd answer, but Andy didn't realise as he'd noticed something else. The parcel wasn't addressed to his father but to him. "Hey that's me!" he pointed out, running his finger under his own name. "Well in that case you can sign for it I guess, although I'm meant to get an adult or maybe a teenager to sign for it, but if it's for you, it should be okay." "But I'm 3;" Andy was about to state his real age, when he thought better of it, as the youth looked a bit familiar, so maybe he'd gone, or perhaps still went to the same school. In any case Andy couldn't risk how he dressed at home getting back to his peers, so instead he just signed his name as illegibly as possible, handed the form back to the youth and took the parcel. It was only when Andy had got the parcel inside that he wondered if he'd just agreed to pay for the contents of the box, but as no money had changed hands, and the youth hadn't asked for any, how could he have done so. All the same, Andy went to the window, to see if the delivery van was still there, only there wasn't one, and there never had been. Instead, the youth was slowly driving off in a fairly ordinary, if large estate car which didn't appear to have any more parcels in it. At least none Andy could see. That struck Andy as odd, but soon his attention was drawn back to the parcel, which he took upstairs to his room, opened, pulling the items out one by one, and laying them on his bed. For several minutes Andy stared at the items that had apparently been delivered to him, in error at yet which excited him slightly especially the last one. Of themselves the items wouldn't have been all that remarkable if it wasn't for their size. But the packaging on the nappies, the plastic pants and the single item of clothing, all stated they were to fit someone of around Andy's size, even if the recommended age was slightly lower than his fourteen years, it was clear he could wear them. "Weird!" Andy mumbled to himself, picking up the red baby's dummy with the yellow face plate, which was also of a size larger than any baby would need. In fact only the tub of baby powder was of a small size. Picking up the largest of the shrink wrapped items, Andy read the notice on the front, and felt a shiver go through his body. "Shortalls." It said, the name pretty much explaining itself although the text did some of that too although it wasn't too clear to see from the way they'd been folded, but clearly they weren't like any overalls Andy had seen before as they clearly weren't for working, which is why they weren't made from denim, and were coved in little cartoon characters. Before he knew what he was doing, Andy opened the packaging and took the shortalls out, laying them on his bed so he could get a good look at what appeared to be a regular pair of elasticated shorts in a thin light blue material, if it wasn't for the bid attached to the front that buttoned to shoulder straps that went over the back, where they crossed over before coming down to the waist of the shorts at the back. They looked, it had to be said, extremely childish, and Andy fell instantly in love with them. He had to try them on. Carefully Andy unfolded the shortalls, unbuttoning the shoulder straps, before opening them out so he could step into them before he pulled them up to his waist, over the top of the shorts he was already wearing. Then, after a bit of fishing about, he managed to reach around behind him in order to pull the straps up over his shoulders, and to reattach them to the bib on his chest. This made his vest ride up slightly which wasn't too comfortable but it was good enough for him to walk to the mirror and have a look at himself. Standing there, examining himself from all angles in the full length mirror, Andy loved just how much more juvenile and childish he now looked, not to mention how cute. But something just wasn't right. It took a minute for Andy to work it out, but it was the clothes he was wearing underneath that didn't look right. Sure the bib covered most of the vest, but still parts of it peeked out from either side, and it just looked wrong. That was one thing. The other was the white shorts. They couldn't actually be seen, but that didn't stop them from being rather uncomfortable, under the shortalls, which it turned out were not only elasticated around the waist but around the top of the thighs too. It was no good. Andy was going to have to take his 'normal' clothes off. A short time later Andy was once more looking at himself in the mirror this time without his vest and shorts. The result was halfway to being a success. Having no shirt under the bib and braces looked great, and no shorts mean nothing was uncomfortable, but now there was another problem. Without anything underneath, the shortalls were a little baggy, but more important than that, the thin material wasn't anywhere near strong enough to keep a fourteen year old erection from being very, very obvious indeed. Clearly with a tent large enough for a touring circus to set up a semi-permanent home poking out the front of the shortalls – which Andy noted had no fly – there was no way Andy was going to be able to wear the shortalls, in front of anyone. But there had to be something to be done about and there was. It was clearly printed on the label. "Designed to be worn over a nappy." Andy's heart skipped a beat. The thought was intriguing, even if it wasn't one he'd ever had before as although he enjoyed looking like a pre-teen, pubertal boy, or even a junior school pupil, he'd never thought about dressing like an infant or toddler. At least not until that moment anyway. "It can't hurt!" he reasoned to himself, picking up the package of 'youth' nappies, and reading the instructions which, not surprisingly were for how to put a nappy on someone else, rather than yourself. Still it didn't look that tricky. Opening the nappy package, Andy studied one for a moment, locating the trio of tapes on each side, and the wetness indicator that marked the front, before holding them up to the front of the shortalls. His erection got harder. For the second time Andy then took the shortalls off, allowing his excitement to wave in the air, while he opened the nappy out on the bed, as per the instructions, before turning around and sitting on it. Spreading his legs, Andy reached down to pull the front part up over his erection before he remembered the warning about nappy rash. Of course he was fourteen so wasn't going to wet himself like a baby but all the same, the warning was there for a reason so before he did anything else he took the tub of baby powder and sprinkled slightly too much of it over his private parts although he didn't bother with doing the same to his bottom as well, there just wasn't any point. With the white, slightly sickly smelling powder covering his middle section, Andy resumed putting the nappy on. First bring the central part up between his legs, and resting it on top of his private parts as he brought out the side parts from underneath him. Then when everything was in place, he worked on fastening the nappy in place, working on one side at a time. Getting the front and back parts to meet up over his hip, before peeling backing off the tapes and fastening them down. When everything was done, Andy slid himself to the edge of the bed, tentatively placed his feet on the floor and then stood up. The sensation was strange to say the least even to a teenager who was used to wearing rather tight shorts. The nappy however felt completely different as it was more heavily padded, especially in the middle part that ran between his legs. This formed a warm, soft feeling around his privates but, Andy was pleased to notice, managed to make his erection less obvious but he wasn't done yet, as now he had to put the shortalls back on again. It proved a little tricky to get the shortalls up over the nappy due to the added bulk they added to the part of Andy's body that they covered. However, once he'd got them on the reason for the elastic around the leg openings as well as the waist became obvious, as both fitted very neatly around the contours of the nappy, ensuring that it was completely encased. Returning to the mirror Andy continued to fiddle with his new outfit, until he got it right which meant adjusting the shoulder straps via the clasps at the back, until they were nice and taut. This pulled the shortalls nice and snug, especially around Andy's groin, which felt really good even if it did lead to them rubbing against his nappy making the rustling and crinkling sounds, whenever he took a step. Andy was still wearing the shortalls when his parents got home, which must have surprised them, as he was in the living room when they walked in, but then they were used to seeing their son wearing odd clothing, even though the very short overalls had to be one of the oddest. "Well what have we got here!" Mr. Edwards said to his very juvenile son but Andy just shrugged like he did to everything else his parents said about his choice of clothes. "You look like you did back when you were five years old." Andy smiled this time, even though he was a little surprised by just how young his father had stated his look, wondering just how low that would go if they knew what he was wearing underneath the overalls. However any further conversation was halted when the doorbell rang. "Oh that'll be for you Andy!" Mr. Edwards said, nodding towards the door. Then adding when Andy just looked at him, "Well are you going to get it or not." Very cautiously Andy approached the door, as after all he was wearing an ever more childish clothing than normal, not to mention the nappy underneath, and there was that faint smell of baby powder that he was surprised his mother hadn't noticed. But then they were used to it, but what about the person who was at the door. And just how did his dad know the caller was for him. "Hi Andy!" smiled Scott Philips when the door was opened for him, "I saw your parents drive up and asked them if I could invite you over, hope it's okay with you." "Yeah, I guess." Andy shrugged as much as he could under the tight shoulder straps of his shortalls. "Great. Shall we go to your room then?" Andy went up the stairs first, which caused Scott to smile once more as although he couldn't see the nappy the older boy was wearing, he sure could hear it, crackling and rustling every time Andy raised his foot up to the next step. The smile soon turning into a giggle that had Andy turning around to give him a funny look as if Scott was the one dressed like a a toddler in kindergarten. Scott though knew better than to say anything until the two of them were well out of earshot of the adults downstairs, it only being once they were in Andy's room that he mentioned just how young Andy looked in the shortalls, that had been intended for his disabled brother to wear. "They were delivered to me." Andy defensibly said, showing the other boy the packaging that was still on his bed. "Must have been a mistake with the delivery guy, which is odd cos he often brings stuff to us." Scott left it there, but only while he examined the other items from the shipment, another of which had been opened. "Hey are you wearing a nappy too?" Andy didn't answer at first, but he did blush, confirming that it was true, although he did add that the instructions on the shortalls had told him to wear one. "Hey, it's okay, I'm used to teenagers in nappies remember. My brother still wears them. So to me it's normal to see a teenager dressed like a little baby." The blush deepened. Scott continued, "Still if it makes you happy and helps with your 'research' then who cares." "Oh yeah, it's for my research," Andy repeated grabbing the get out he'd been offered, and then expanding on it, totally unaware that he was talking himself into much more than he could have ever imagined. "I'm doing a bit about what it's like to be a really little kid now." "Yeah, I thought as much. Shame there's no babies around here or you could see what happens with them." "I guess." Andy wasn't the slightest bit interested in that, and didn't hide it well. "Although, I guess with Eric being the way he is, that must be much the same given that we have to treat him like a baby." This sounded more interesting to Andy, picking up his hopes as Scott continued. "Unfortunately, mum and dad are taking Eric away to try a new school for days so he won't be there but I could show you all his stuff, which is what I was going to ask you anyway." "You were?" "Yeah, like I said, everyone is going away, but Eric's school don't want me to go, so I'm stuck at home." Andy picked the most interesting point of this out. "On you own?" "Yeah, well mostly, my cousin Ervin will check on my but I know my mum would be happier if you were there too, especially as you're 3; apparently 3; older." The final part of Scott's sentence was said with a sideways look across the way Andy was dressed that, after an initial awkward silence made both boys laugh something they were still doing when Andy went downstairs again to ask his parents if it was okay. Which is was, leaving the scene set for the adventures that would give Andy everything he'd ever dreamed off, and so much more besides. Chapter SixThe phone call had been brief and to the point. "Are you coming over?" and yet it left Andy Edwards with a dilemma as to what he should wear or more precisely should he wear a nappy. In the end though he decided against it as, after all, he knew Scott would have plenty of them so if he wanted one he could just get one while he was there. Only that wasn't to be exactly how things worked out. Having decided to wear his white short shorts with the stripped vest, that was his favourite little boy get up, Andy put a small selection of other clothing into a bag and then after telling his parents he was going, he headed towards the big house for the first time since that day he'd been caught steeling shots, and had been soundly spanked for it. "Okay then, here's what we're going to do," Scott told him once he'd arrived and they were sitting in the back kitchen of the large house. A house they had totally to themselves for the next few days, "I'm going to show you everything that I do to help look after Eric, but before I do that you need to read this and sign it." The piece of paper Andy was handed looked very much like a formal contract but the wording wasn't as it said: "I, Andrew Edwards, agree that I will be treated like a small boy and/or a toddler for the duration of my stay. I will obey Scott Philips at all times, and do whatever he wants. If I do not then Scott Philips is well within his rights to punish me in a suitable fashion." Naturally after he'd read it through, Andy asked what it was for, to which Scott replied it was what his had had insisted on just to make sure everyone knew what was going on. Once signed three copies would be made, one each for Andy and Scott, and a further one each for their parents. Which is just what happened, although as Andy put two copies into his backpack, he knew neither of them would be going to his house. "Right then, let's get started then shall we. I've run you a bath upstairs, and once you've done that then we'll get you dressed." Andy looked down at the clothes he was wearing, but decided against saying anything preferring instead to see where the days events would take him instead. He even left his backpack in the kitchen as Scott suggested, believing the other boy would unpack it for him, which wasn't going to happen. Up in the bathroom, a steaming hot bubble bath was indeed waiting for Andy, so he slipped off his shoes, socks, and vest and was just about to take his shorts down when Scott appeared in the door. "I've come for your clothes. All of them." The younger boy sad adding when Andy hesitated, "Don't be sure, little kids aren't shy and anyway, it's not like I've not seen it all before." Andy shrugged, as after all it wasn't as if he was easily embarrassed anyway, not with the clothing he chose to wore, although he still did turn his back slightly to the door before slipping down his shorts and underwear, and handing them over to the younger boy, who then backed out of the bathroom leaving him to take the bath in peace. Used to mostly taking showers, Andy found the hot water to be incredibly soothing, so much so that he came close to nodding off to sleep a couple of times as he lounged in the tub. Eventually though, he managed to raise himself out and after drying himself on one of the provided large fluffy towels he used a second one to wrap around his waist before he went in search of whatever clothes he was going to wear now. There was nothing in the bathroom, of course, so Andy ventured out onto the landing, looking in the first bedroom, which he soon worked out was Scott's as it looked like the bedroom of any twelve year old boy, only without that boy actually being in there as Scott was in the next room which was going to be Andy's for the next few days. Scott was sitting in a rocking chair, which moved slowly backwards and forwards, but that wasn't the oddest thing about the room by a long way. "Welcome to Eric's room." He said gesturing around, "There's no better way to learn about something than to experience it for yourself is there, but then you already know that don't you, Andy from your own projects." It was all Andy could do to nod, as he looked around him at the crib, the highchair, the big flat padded table with straps hanging above it. The big bouncing rocking horse, and even a swing hanging from the ceiling. It was all painted in a baby blue colour and wouldn't have looked so off were it not for two things. The first being that all these items of baby furniture was much bigger than usual, having been built to accommodate Scott's teenaged brother, while the second was all the padded leather straps that were attached to everything for the obvious purpose of holding someone down. "Do you use all this stuff on Eric?" Andy's mouth hung open as he looked around. "Of course, I didn't get it in just for you and for asking such a stupid question I think you should loose your voice for a bit." Oddly Andy didn't say anything to challenge this although he did give Scott a look that had the same effect. "You've heard the saying little kids should be seen and not heard, right? Well that's what we try to do with Eric as he didn't really say too much although when he did, it tended to be embarrassing so it was often better if he didn't speak at all, so that same rule applies with you. Got it." Andy did so Scott suggested that they get started, so if you'd climb up onto the big table and lay down on your back." It wasn't easy with the towel wrapped around his middle especially as there was little in the way of either footholds or ways to grip onto the heavily padded top. Meaning the only option left to Andy was to turn his back on the table and then to hoist himself up until he was sat on the end. This left his feet nearly a foot of the ground, but did mean he could then lie down, easily until his head rested on the slightly raised part intended for just that purpose. It was surprisingly comfortable, if a touch cold on the plastic after his hot bath, leading to Andy relaxing once more although this soon changed when Scott came over and started fiddling the leather straps at the side. Opening them up around Andy's wrist. "What are those for?" the teenager asked. The answer was both swift and a stung. SMACK! The small hand print became almost instantly visible on the inside of Andy's thigh as Scott slapped him as a reminder that both he was to remain silent, and that he was to do what he was told, as it was for his own safety as things could go wrong if he wriggled about. Assuming this to mean that he could fall off, Andy reluctantly agreed, allowing his right wrist to be placed in the centre of the padded restraints which was then tightened, just enough to ensure he'd be unable to get his hand out again. This was then repeated with his left wrist, before a larger strap was pulled over his chest, and that to was buckled closed, pinning him to the table. But that wasn't all as Scott next picked up Andy's feet from where they'd been dangling over the end of the table, and placed each ankle into similar padded cuffs to his wrists. Only these cuffs hung down from the ceiling, and left his legs sticking out from the end of the table, with enough space between them for Scott to walk which is what he did. "Right then, we're going to start with some basic stuff first to get you into the role!" Scott announced, bending down to open up the cupboard under the padded table, to remove a few items. Then he removed one from Andy. The only one Andy still had. The towel around his middle. "Remember," Scott reminded him before Andy had the chance to complain, "Little kids aren't shy like teenagers are, and there's something else they don't have either." There was no verbal conclusion as to what that might be, but it soon became clear, as did Scott's previous warning for Andy to keep still although it was the light buzzing noise that made him lift his head, but by then it was already too late. Scott was using the battery trimmer to remove his already slightly sparse patch of pubic hair. "Toddlers don't have any of these nasty hairs," explained Scott as he went carefully about his work, running the trimmer across the top of Andy's private parts and then down either side, not once but twice. The first to trim down the longer strands to stubble and then, after adjustments to the trimmer, to completely remove the remainder of the hairs. Hairs that had been softened up especially for this process but the chemicals he'd added to the bath water. Not that he told Andy about that, although he did explain that although Eric was old enough to have pubic hair – and more that Andy – they kept it shaved off, so as not to cause rashes when he was in a nappy. "There that's better isn't it. As smooth as a baby's bum as they say," Scott laughed as his own joke. Andy didn't so Scott just continued with his next job which was to press a button. Up in the ceiling a motor came to life and Andy's legs started to raise as the cuffs around his ankles were pulled up towards the ceiling, as well as slightly backwards until he could see his feet up high above his head. Of course as he was strapped down to the table the main part of Andy's body wasn't going anywhere, and indeed the motors stopped just as his bottom started to lift off the table, leaving his upper body with a slight bend that would give Scott full access to everything he needed to get to. "If you were a baby sized baby," Scott continued to teach as he went on, "Then I'd have just lifted your legs up myself but as you're a teenage sized baby I can't do that, so we had this lift put in to help. Good isn't it? Andy wasn't so sure about that, as although it wasn't an entirely uncomfortable position, he did feel more than a little vulnerable in the position he now found himself in especially when the next things Scott took out of the cupboard happened to be a big jar of Vaseline and a thermometer. "Don't pucker up as that will only make it worse." Scott was clearly looking at a part of Andy that even Andy hadn't seen as clearly as the other boy could see it, and while he was doing it, he was dipping the end of the rectal thermometer into the jar of lubricant before pressing it against that same part of Andy. Laying, strapped down with his legs in the air, in a way that spread his buttocks apart Andy could do nothing to prevent the invasion of his back passage, other than turn his head to the side and close his eyes. All the same he could feel the thin tub sliding into his bottom, and was fully aware of it being there, for the next five minutes, before it was removed again. A sensation he was also, only too aware off. After informing Andy that his temperature was normal, Scott adding on how Eric had to have regular medical checks like that, as he wasn't mature enough to tell anyone when there was something actually wrong with him. Then it was time for Andy to get dressed. Moving to the side, Scott opened some more doors bring out an array of items including but not limited too, baby oil, baby powder, some wipes and of course nappies of which Andy was then offered to choice which he preferred. "I don't know." He sighed. "I haven't worn them since I was a baby." "Well that's not true now is it, you were wearing them the other day under your shortalls, weren't you?" "But 3;" Andy started to protest and then stopped when Scott reminded him that he'd lived his entire life with an older brother in nappies, so knew what the extra padding was around Andy's middle the first time he saw it. And if that wasn't enough there was the smell of the baby powder, and the crinkling sound that only nappies made when Andy walked. "Funny thing is, we'd ordered a pair of shortalls just like the ones you were wearing for Eric, but they never arrived." "Oh!" was all Andy could say to that, as it was already pretty clear that Scott knew the truth already so there was nothing he could say to make things any better, or perhaps he could to make them worse. So he said nothing and just allowed Scott to ask repeat his question about which nappies Andy wanted to wear. Recognising one of those behind offered to him as the same as he'd worn under the shortalls, Andy pointed to those, as best he could given that his hands were strapped down to the changing table. "Okay, good choice, now ask me to put them on you politely." "What?" Andy asked, before the slaps landed again, not to his inner thighs but directly across his upturned bottom this time. "Ask me to put you in nappies and treat you like a little baby boy. Go on do it." Andy looked at the younger boy realising he was still wearing the same blue and green t-shirt and jeans that he'd always worn, without realising just what an odd time it was to be noticing something like that. Then, even as he was still thinking about that, he actually asked another boy to put nappies on him. Once the request was made, Scott went to work like the pro he was, opening up the chosen nappy, which he then slid under Andy's raised rear on the changing table. Then, with it still there, he picked up the baby powder, and sprinkled a generous amount all over the older boy's now hairless privates, before pulling hitting the switch that lowered Andy's legs down far enough for the nappy to be pulled up and taped closed, tightly around his middle. "There now tell me what little boys do in their nappies?" For a moment Andy was confused as he hadn't actually done anything in nappies for a very long time, but it didn't take much to work out just what Scott was referring to. "They wee!" he said, automatically using the more juvenile term. "What else?" "They 3;" again Andy had a good idea what Scott had in mind he just couldn't bring himself to say it. "Remember you're not a big boy anymore so you've lost the right to do big boy things, like use the toilet, so you're going to be in nappies all the time you're here, so what do you think you're going to have to do before too long. And there's only one place you're going to be able to do it." "Poo!" exclaimed Andy. "Yes, that's right you're going to have to poo in your nappy but first let's get you some lunch shall we." Andy's feet were lowered all the way down, but before the straps were removed from around his wrists, Scott produced two mittens that he fitted over each of Andy's hands before buckling them around his wrists in a complicated way that meant the straps were tucked in, and hardly visible. These Scott explained, would ensure Andy only had the function of a toddler, as with his fingers bent over inside the mittens there would be no way he could grip anything, especially if it was small, or delicate, thus rendering him more baby like. Finally Andy was released from the changing table and with Scott's help slid himself down to stand on his own feet where he was allowed to stand on his own for only a few seconds before Scott took him by the elbow in order to steer him over to where the high chair had been set up. The highchair, wasn't really all that high, at least not for someone the size of a teenager so Andy was able to sit down in the seat without any help, however, Scott did need to push him all the way back as his hands couldn't get a grip with the mittens on. Once he was all the way back in the surprisingly deep seat, Andy's feet rose off the ground dangling in mid air, while a straps came down over his shoulders to click into the more expected waist strap that ensured he stayed right at the back of the seat. There were two more parts of the high chair that Scott had removed until Andy was seated. The first was the foot rest as he wasn't sure what height this should be set at until he knew where Andy's feet would come. Now he slipped it into place, locking the catches so it wouldn't move, before he fitted the simple leather straps around the teenager's ankles to prevent him from kicking. The final piece was the foot tray itself which slid over the sides of the seat, locking itself into place, though the back of the chair. This also ensured Andy would remain at the rear of the chair as there wasn't much room for him to move about. Something that stopped being an option even more when his arms were pulled down each side of the seat, and strapped into the restraints that were waiting for them. "Eric likes to play with his food so we have to feed him." Scott explained, lying only slightly, as he took out three little jars of baby food, and a couple of bottle of milk, although for the time being he kept the later items hidden from Andy's view. A large bib, complete with the most childish cartoon characters surrounding the words, "Big Baby", was put over Andy's bare chest, and fastened with Velcro behind his neck. At which point Scott announced Andy was ready for his lunch. For the next half an hour, Andy had little choice but to sit in the high chair he was strapped into and allow himself to be fed by a slightly younger boy from the little jars. The food coming spoonful after little plastic spoonful, complete with little airplane or train noises, depending on which version of the baby feeding methods Scott choice to use. Not that Scott proved to be all that good a shot with the food as more than a little managed to become smeared over Andy's face, in a way that could only have been deliberate. When all the baby food was gone, Scott picked up the first of the two bottles, and before Andy could do anything about it pushed the rubber teat into the other boys mouth, where Andy found himself sucking on it as a seemingly natural reaction even though he had to work rather harder than he expected in order to get the milk out, yet when he finished the first bottle the second one instantly replaced it. Once both bottles were empty Scott announced that it was time for Andy to take his afternoon nap, which if nothing else meant Andy would be able to get out of the high chair, but only so he could walk over to the metal crib where one side was already lowered allowing him to climb in and lay down on the plastic covered mattress, where he was surprised to find he could actually stretch right the way out. "You make yourself comfortable Baby Andy, because you'll be spending a lot of time in this crib." Scott said as he lifted the side of the crib up until it locked into place. Oddly this didn't both Andy as he'd previously wondered what it would be like to sleep in a crib again, only he'd thought he'd never have the chance as all those he'd previous seen had been, understandably much too small for a teenager – even a small teenager like himself – to lay down in. However he was much less sure about it, when Scott swung another set of bars, over the top of the crib, and locked them into place, totally encase Andy within what was, basically a steel cage. "Have a good sleep and remember the better you behave then the more big boy things you'll be allowed to do. Understand?" Andy nodded, still looking up at the bars which now surrounded him, even as Scott quickly tidied up both the high chair and the changing table, before he left the room. Closing the door behind him. The room – or nursery as Scott called it – didn't go completely dark as it was, after all still the middle of the day, which allowed Andy to look around himself, and even to see if the bars of the crib were every bit as strong as they looked which, indeed they were. Not only that but with the mittens on he couldn't even get hold of them with any sort of grip. Nor, for that matter could he do anything about the smooth white, crinkling nappy he was wearing and he certainly couldn't take the mittens off, even if he used his teeth as there was just nothing to get any purchase on. No, clearly he was stuck right where he was, being a teenaged baby, and just as Scott had said the sooner he came to accept that then the better it was going to be. Eventually Andy put his head down on the mattress in an attempt to sleep but still the minutes passed like hours, even though he had no real idea what the actual time was as there was no clock in the nursery that he could see. And then he realised he needed to have a wee. Really, really badly. Chapter SevenWhen Scott returned he was wearing a smooth white plastic apron over his t-shirt and jeans which he didn't explain as he opened up the side of the crib, to allow Andy to climb carefully out. It was only when he was standing beside the oversized cot that Andy suddenly felt a finger sliding down the back of his nappy. Naturally, he jumped. "Hold still," Scott reprimanded him with a slight slap to his bare thigh, "I'm just checking if you've wet yourself or not and it seems 3;" "I haven't." snapped Andy, even though this wasn't entirely the truth, as he was fairly sure he had, but as the nappy still felt dry, he was really hoping that was just a dream he'd had during the moments when he'd drifted off to sleep, totally unaware that Scott already knew that he hadn't been due to the way the front of the nappy had changed colour. Although, he choose, at this time to say nothing. "Okay then, in that case," Scott removed the apron he'd been wearing, "let me show you around." For the next few minutes, Andy was given first a guided tour of the room that he was going to be staying in that night, where he took particular interest in all the childish clothes that were in his size, and which he wish he'd be able to put on at some time, even though he was, by now, somewhat comfortable in just the nappy he was wearing. Once Andy had been shown everything in the nursery, Scott led him out into the hall and across to the bathroom which was locked, much to Andy's surprise. "This is out of bounds to Eric as he tends to make a mess every time he gets in there, so it also is to you." Scott explained, "Is that clear?" Andy confirmed that it was rather enjoying the way the younger boy was telling him what to do, which in turn caused him to harden up slightly within his nappy, something which even the extra padding could do little to hide as it bulged out that little bit more. The tour continued, moving down stairs, to take in several other places that were also out of bounds to the teenaged baby, including most obviously the kitchen and the other toilets which were also locked. "You're not allowed to wonder around on your own," Scott told him when they reached utility room, "So we have this." Reaching up Scott took down a set of straps made out of the same material as car seat belts, in a dark blue. But for a yellow flap that covered over the part where they all fixed into each other. "It's a safety harness." He said, before demonstrating how it worked. "These two go over your head," Andy had to duck slightly to allow the shorter boy to be able to reach over the top of his body and drape the harness across his shoulders, with the yellow part at the back. "I think I'm going to have to adjust it slightly, as Eric's a bit bigger than you, so holds still, and lift your arms up would you." Andy did as he was asked, allowing Scott to bring the upper band of straps around his chest, and, after opening up the yellow access panel, to click them into the buckle. They were, as he'd predicted, slightly loose, but that was what the adjustments were for, and it wasn't long before the straps were fitting Andy's teenage frame quite snugly, and yet not uncomfortably so. A lower set of straps came out of the lower part of the buckle, to circle around Andy's waist. These two needed tightening, to make them fit him correctly, as did the final strap, the one Andy couldn't quite work out where it went as it hung down from the front of his body. It only being when Scott gave his inner thighs a slight slap, so he'd spread his legs that he realised it was a crotch strap, and that it went right between his legs, before being attached, very snugly buckle attached to the rear waistband. Naturally as this was tightened, Andy could feel it squashing his nappy even tighter to his body, as well as trapping his private parts into the bargain although it wasn't until the rear panel was closed with a worrying click of a lock, that he realised that with the harness on, there was no way he could take the nappy off. "Right then," Scott announced, once he'd rechecked all the straps and was satisfied the harness was firmly in place. "Time for you to get some fresh air." Andy's mouth fell open almost as wide as Scott opened the back door, as he looked out towards the yard at the back of the big house. It was covered in a nice neat layer of grass but small sand pit next to a single post in the middle to which a fine chain dangled down. "I can't go out there like this?" he protested but once more he got his legs slapped for questioning what was happening. All the same, Scott did then put his mind to rest somewhat, by pointing out the high hedges that surrounded the yard, totally screening it of from whatever was on the other side. Slowly, Andy stepped outside, it wasn't of course the first time he'd been out in the open in clothing that most boys his age would have found humiliating, so once he realised that there were no breaks in the hedge other than for a single gate, he felt a little more confident, until that is he heard another click, behind him, and turned to find out that the dangling chain had been locked onto the harness he was wearing, well out of his reach behind his back. "You play like a good little boy, and I'll be back to check on you later." And with that Scott was gone, leaving Andy there, in the yard, wearing a nappy. For a moment Andy considered trying to get the harness off, but he soon realised that even if his hands hadn't been in the mittens he still wouldn't have been able to do so, as all the fastenings were well out of his reach in the middle of his back. Not only that, but they were covered over by the yellow trap door, that itself was locked with what felt like a small padlock. Once he'd accepted that he was stuck where he was, Andy tested out what he could and couldn't do. His range was limited of course, by the twenty feet of chain that came out from the pole, so that was as far as he could go in any direction around it. Naturally leaving the yard, or going back into the house, was totally out of the question. In fact all he could reach was the sand pit, so that's where he headed. Sitting carefully on the side, where it didn't take him long before he was picking up the plastic cups and moulds laying there. An hour quickly passed during which Andy constructed a number of weird looking buildings, tunnels and was now most of the way through a somewhat elaborate castle complex when it suddenly hit him that he needed to go to the toilet. At first he fought it, but that was pointless as he hadn't gone since early that morning, and it wasn't long before the cramping started, as the initial urge became an overpowering need. As a fourteen year old the thought of messing himself was repugnant, but he was, after all wearing nappies and that was what they were for, wasn't it. Plus, with the harness on it wasn't like he had an choice in the matter. It felt strange to be outside in the sunshine trying to go to the toilet, especially as he was still wearing something, even if that wasn't all that much, but it was something Andy felt he had to do. So staying on his knees in the sand, Andy slid his knees further apart, held his breath, and pushed down with his stomach muscles. For a moment nothing happened, but then he felt himself start to open up as a large solid log started to slide out of him until it hit the obstacle of the nappy tightly fastened around his rear, reinforced by the tight crotch strap. The lump of poo was stopped in its tracks, unable to go any further out, held tight in a position that wouldn't allow Andy's anus to close again, until it started to bend, and spread out in any direction it could go. The first was followed by a second, that wasn't quite as solid as the first, so spread itself easier, and this in turn was followed by a third that also caused urine to spurt from Andy's penis, as his nappy filled up with more and more mushy, mess. If it had been Andy's goal this weekend to feel as much like a little kid as he could, then he wasn't going to get any closer than he now was, wearing nothing but a nappy, toddler harness and a leash, kneeling in a baby's sandpit. And that was the moment he first met Colby Robinson. Andy hadn't even heard the gate leading out of the yard opening, and clearly Colby wasn't expecting to see him there, as the sixteen year old odd job boy, just stopped dead in his tracks looking at him. Still it didn't take him long to realise what was happening. "You must be the kid that wants to find out what it's like to be disabled and treated like a baby!" Naturally Andy just wanted to run away and hide, as he was fairly sure the tall muscular youth standing in front of him, wearing a pair of baggy board shorts, with a t-shirt slung over a broad muscular shoulder, probably went to the same school he did but of course, he had no choice but to stay where he was given he was tethered to the pole behind him. "Hi!" Andy said, attempting to sound as normal as possible, and completely failing as the youth took a step forward and started to sniff the air, before wrinkling his nose. "Smells like you've certainly got into the part." Colby said before stepping forward again, and surprised Andy by reaching down to pat the rear of the bulging nappy with a large hand. "Yep you've poo'ed your nappy alright, and wet it too, I think. Do you want me to get Scott so he can change you." The words were delivered without any of the disgust Andy would have expected but then this wasn't the first time Colby had found himself in this situation, as he'd quickly become accustomed to the sight of the mentally handicapped Eric Philips, doing what he had to do whenever he had to do it so going through the same events with someone else wasn't that big a deal, even if that person was doing because they clearly wanted to. So it was that in a few minutes after Colby had been up to the house, and fetched him, Scott Philips returned to the garden carrying a bag over his shoulder that was clearly filled with baby supplies as well as a vinyl covered changing matt. Without a word he unfolded the mat on the grass beside the sand pit, and set out the supplies around it, before he called Andy over saying that it was either done there and then, or it would have to wait until Andy went to bed. As much as Andy didn't want to be changed in the back yard, he didn't want to have to wear a messy nappy until late in the evening either, so he walked over to his new friend, and turned his back so the crotch strap of the harness could be removed, although the remainder of the restraints remained on, as did the leash chaining him to the central pole, so he couldn't go anywhere else. The changing mat crinkled as he lad down on it, but that wasn't all that happened as the mess in his nappy also moved around as his weight came to rest on it. Scott didn't appear to notice though as he was already setting to work, pulling the tabs off the sides of the nappy, until that is he had to ask Andy to raise his hips up so the nappy could be pulled from beneath him. "Wow look at all of that." The twelve year old laughed, "Big babies really make a big mess don't there! Lift your legs up to your chest so I can get it all." Andy did as he was told, and continued to do so as he was asked to spread his knees wider and wider while Scott set to work with a set of package of large wipes. The entire process taking several minutes, until everything was clear at the back, and Scott could move onto the front, where he took hold of the other boy's penis, without a second thought, to see it as a handle to shift his genitals from side to side, as the cleaning moved onto those areas until finally another nappy was lifted out of the bag and placed under the teenager's rear, and fastened closed. "There, all done." Scott allowed Andy to put his legs down, while he packed up all the used items into a bin liner for disposal. A job he handed over to Colby who, had been standing by all the while watching, while a healthy fourteen year old boy had had a nappy changed right in front of him. Andy who hadn't been aware of the older boy watching him, blushed even brighter than he'd been from being changed out in the open, but that was all he could do as it wasn't long before crotch strap of the harness was fixed back into place across his new, clean nappy and he was once more left to play in the sandpit while the other two boys returned to the house. A short while later Colby returned to the garden, and Andy – who had by now recovered from his previous humiliation – tried to explain more about what he was doing, and why, running out once more the school project cover story that he'd always used but adding to it how his 'research' had to be kept a secret until he was ready to publish it. Thankfully, although Colby didn't believe any of this for a moment, it was literally more than his job was worth to tell anyone what went on in the Philip's house with Eric as despite all the other teenager's problems he rather liked him. That said, he couldn't help but comment on just how much Andy appeared to suit the role of a big baby. It was those thoughts that were still in Andy's head when, it came time for his next feed for which, he got to eat in the kitchen with the other two boys, but unlike them he was once more sat in a highchair, although he didn't have to climb up into it himself this time, as Colby took hold of him under the arms and lifted him into it, sitting him there, while Scott buckled him in with the attached crotch and waist straps, and slid the plastic table into place to ensure he stayed there. The food was then served, after a bib had been placed around Andy's neck, typical growing boy stuff for Scott and Colby, while Andy was faced with some baby food which at least he was able to just about feed himself with, via a large handles spoon that his mittens could just about grip even if one of the others did occasionally have to hold the bowl still for him. Naturally he couldn't hold a regular glass either, but he could the big sippy-cup he was given, even if it was tricky to pull the liquid from with in it. When the meal was over it was time for Colby to go home and for Andy to complain he was starting to get a strange itching sensation inside his nappy. "Sounds like the big baby is getting a bit of nappy rash," Scott explained, filling out his thoughts on hoe Andy's skin probably wasn't as used to what it had been through as Eric was, so they would have to be extra careful and, just to be on the safe side, Andy should have a shower. Up in the bathroom, Andy was told to wait while the tub was filled with lukewarm water. He was then helped out of the harness, the nappy and at long last the mittens before told to step into the water, and to stand still while he went through the experience of being washed by another boy for the first time. Scott was clearly an expect at washing teenagers, as he didn't leave a single part of Andy's body out, other than the parts that had been covered by the nappy itself. Those he saved for later, asking Andy to kneel up so he could wash his "wee-wee". A command that made the teenager blush but he still followed the instructions, as a rag was soaped up in baby soap, and rubbed around and about his groin in a way that quickly caused him to become erect. Not that Scott paid that the slightest bit of attention, and just worked around it. Once the washing was complete, the soap was rinsed off and Scott dried his charge before getting out a tube of ointment that he applied to Andy's private parts, to prevent both any further nappy rash, or any itching from where his pubic hair had been shaved off a few hours earlier. Clean and dry, but still naked, Andy was lead back across the hall with the bathroom door being locked behind him, and up onto the changing table, where after being strapped in, he was once more tapped tightly into another white nappy before being informed that it was time for him to go to bed as it had been a long day with a lot more planned for the following one, before he returned to being a big boy once more. Released from the changing table Andy started to move over to the crib, but Scott stopped him, telling him that he had to put his pyjamas on first, only what he held up was nothing like any pyjamas Andy had ever seen before. It was a full body suit made of soft blue rubber, and complete with built in mittens and feet, with rubber bands at the ankles, wrists, waist to ensure it was a good fit, as did the stretchy neck into which the rear zip could be folded underneath. Very obviously it was designed so that once he was inside the wearer wouldn't be able to get out without help. "You don't have to wear it if you don't want to." Scott offered, "As Eric only wears this when he'll be in bed for a long time as a punishment, but if you want to we can do it just like we would with him, okay!" It looked very, very odd, but Andy couldn't help but wonder what it felt like, so agreed, just as Scott really knew he would. Scott told Andy to sit on the edge of the changing table once more while he unzipped the sleep suit, down the back, which opened up to allow Andy to slide his feet into the leg parts as if he was putting on a wet suit. It took some work but between the pair of them they were able to work Andy's feet down to the bottom of the suit, and into the ends. This then allowed the rest to be worked up his body until his lower body was totally encased in the blue rubber. Next, Scott held up the top part, pulling the neck opening as wide apart as he could, so that Andy could duck down and push his head through it until it slipped over his face and hair and down around his neck leaving just his arms and back uncovered. The arms, Scott explained, where the hardest part to get in, as they had to be done both at the same time, or else there wasn't enough give in the suit for the second one to be inserted. This in itself wasn't all that easy, as Andy had to bring both his hands up inside the front of the suit, bending them at the wrist until he could feed his fingers into the arm holes. Then with Scott holding each arm out straight from his body, Andy had to use his fingers in a soft of pulsing motion, in order to work them slowly down the sleeves, a short way until it seemed they would go no further. They two boys paused at this moment. Clearly Andy was slightly bigger than Eric had been the last time he'd worn his all night dry suit, so it wasn't going to be as easy for him to put it on – or take it off but Andy didn't think about this yet – unless he did it in one fluid motion, flexing both his arms from the shoulders in order to more or less force them in and out as if he was stretching after a long sleep. A count of three was devised and on the last number, Andy pushed with all his might against the suit until, with a snap his arms flew forwards and his hands made it all the way down to the wrist part. They didn't go through the wristbands though, as that still took a bit more work on his part, but it wasn't long before he was finally fully encased in the suit, allowing Scott to fasten the back. Naturally as the zip ran up his back, the suit became even tighter around his body, as did the collar when the zip reached that part, as the zip also prevented that from stretching open any more. That wasn't the only adjustments Scott did either, as even though the suit couldn't be removed in it's current form he still fiddled with the seals around Andy's wrists and ankles, tightening them until it would be impossible for the teenager to get his hands or feet through them especially as Andy's hands were once more encased in the mitten fastened to the ends of the sleeves. "Okay, that's you done. You can get in the crib now, and lay down on your back, while I'll get you your bed time drink." By the time Scott was back from the kitchen with a large baby bottle of orange juice, Andy was laying on the rug that had been placed on the crib's mattress sweating slightly from the troubles he'd had climbing up into the crib whilst wearing a tight, all in one rubber suit. Sitting on the side of the mattress himself, Scott inverted the bottle he was holding and held it over Andy's head with the nipple aimed towards his mouth. Almost by reflex the teenager parted his lips and started to suck on it, continuing to do so until the bottle was completely empty. "Blimey that was quick!" Scott was genuinely surprised offering another one, but with a warning that if Andy had it then he'd be bound to wet himself during the night, even if he didn't intend to. Andy agreed anyway. "I was thinking," Scott said when he returned with not one but two bottles this time, "that your nappy might not be able to cope with all this liquid especially if your going to be in the crib until tomorrow." "Won't the suit help?" "Yeah it will, but only if you don't move about too much, as the seals aren't as good as they could be." "I'll try not to move." Andy offered, while eyeing the bottles that he was sure would be able to quench the thirst that had suddenly come on since he'd eaten the baby food for tea. "Well," Scott said slowly, as if the thought had just occurred to him, "There is something we could do about that." "What?" At first the twelve year old didn't answer, he just reached down, into the bottom of the crib, to move the sides of the blanket Andy was laying on to revel the leather straps that ran across the crib's mattress in line with Andy's ankles, thighs, waist, chest and neck. Then, with his other hand he reached under the crib to show Andy the padded leather restraints, that clearly matched the straps, and together could be used to hold someone very firmly in place upon the mattress. "Do you want to try these?" Scott offered. Andy did, but was surprised to find that not all that many of the separate pieces of restraints were needed, as the suit he was wearing was clearly compatible with the straps running across the mattress. All Scott had to do was get his feet spread far enough apart so the strapping around his ankles came into contact with the uncovered mattress strap and the two became looked together. The same was also true for the waist one, but for his thighs, Scott had to insert a strap around each one and then attach that to the mattress strap. The same for this wrists, and in a similar way for his neck as well, although that was less of a strap and more of a wide padded collar that would not only prevent him from raising his head more than a fraction of an inch from the mattress but also prevent him from turning his head to either side. Once all the straps were in place, and Andy was rendered pretty much helpless, Scott helped him to suck on both the bottles he'd bought up, although even as Andy was working his way through the third one, his bladder was already releasing a stream of hot urine into his nappy. "Right then nearly done." Scott announced once the final bottle was drained, pulling a large dummy with clear rubber straps out of the pocket of his jeans, which he pushed into Andy's mouth before the older boy to make any protests about it. The straps attached to it were meant to go around behind Andy's head, one above and one below his ears but with his head strapped down as tightly as it was, that clearly wasn't going to happen although Scott did manage to get one of them in place, but in the end there really weren't going to be needed, as once he started to squeeze the bulb on the outside of the dummy, the rubber part inside Andy's mouth started to inflate until it pressed down against his tongue filling his mouth almost completely, and yet he was still able to breath around it, thanks to the clever design. He just wasn't able to make the slightest sound. And that was how fourteen year old Andy Edwards spend his first night as a baby totally encased in an almost leak proof rubber suit, with a nappy underneath that was already soaked through before the light was switched off. His body rendered helpless by hospital restraints, that prevented any movement and with an inflated dummy in his mouth he had no chance of spitting out. If that wasn't enough then the cot he was in, not only had the sides raised and locked into place, but the lid was closed down with a padlock so there was no way he was going to go anywhere until the twelve year old boy, who was the only other person in the house, came to release him. Yet, despite all of this, the one thing that Andy was more frustrated about than anything else, was that, with his hands strapped in mittens by his sides, there was no way he was going to be doing anything about the steel hard erection he had and which, even in his laid out position, he could just make out was pushing up the front of the rubber suit. The End |