PZA Boy Stories


Short Stories

Some short stories about boys in different situations


  1. How I met Joey (2,100 words / 4½ pages)
    After he ran into some bullies, a boy gains a valuable friend.
  2. Sophie's Toy (1,800 words / 3¾ pages)
    Sophie traps a boy whose hormones are raging. She turns the unfortunate situation for the boy into a good one for herself.
Publ. Jul 2015
Finished 4,000 words (8 pages)



Category & Story codes

Various Boy story
Mb Fb cons mast oral


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author through this feedback form with StoTelAlex - Short Stories in the subject line.

1. How I met Joey

After he ran into some bullies, a boy gains a valuable friend

2,100 words (4½ pages)
Joey (12yo) and a man
Mb - cons mast

I'm living in an apartment building just on the outskirts of town. In the basements each apartment has its own storage unit.

One day I was putting something away in my unit when I heard some noise in the corridor outside. I couldn't make out what it was so I kept quiet and tried to listen more carefully.

"So you like this, don't you, you fagot?"

"Here, try some of this."

I was so surprised by what I heard. I thought this was a higher class neighborhood. I didn't expect language like that. By the time I got over my initial surprise I opened the door and looked outside. At the end I could just see a foot leaving the doorway. When I turned my head to the other side of the corridor I saw a young boy crouched in a corner. I walked up to him and as I approached him I noticed he was soaked. Then the stench hit me. He was soaked in pee.

The sobbing boy just lay there.

"Hey, come on," I said, "Can you get up?"

The boy looked at me with a scared look but when he noticed I wasn't one of the guys who molested him, he calmed down and stood up.

"What's your name?"


"Do you live nearby?" I asked, wondering if he would be able to go home by himself.

Joey gave an address on the other side of the park. That was a poorer neighborhood. The park was a green buffer so to speak. So to get home he had to cross the park again, with the risk of running into those nasty boys again.

"Come," I said, as I extended my hand to him. "You can clean up at my place before you go home."

"Thank you."

"How old are you, by the way?"


At my apartment the corridor had tiles instead of carpet, so the wet marks Joey left on the floor could easily be cleaned up. I led him straight to the bathroom.

"Okay. Why don't you get undressed and put your clothes in here," I said as I hold out a plastic hamper.

Joey was a bit reluctant first, but soon his dirty clothes were in the hamper, except for his briefs. He was a bit reluctant to take them off in front of me.

"Come on. The sooner you take it off, the sooner you can take a shower."

Joey took them off and as he put them with the other clothes he immediately covered his boy-parts with his hands. I chuckled about his awkwardness and led him step into the shower stall. Since it was a complicated shower I explained to him how everything worked. While Joey took his shower I put the clothes in the washer. It would take an hour for the cycle to finish and then another half hour in the dryer.

As the washer was doing it's job I decided to check in on Joey to see if everything was going fine. When I stepped into the bathroom I heard his soft voice coming from the shower.

"Oh, yes, Sir 3; Oh, yes, fuck yeah, jerk it 3; Yeah, play with it."

By the silhouette it was clear to see that Joey's hand was making a very well-known movement in a certain place. I was wondering. Should I do it or not? I decided I would. I stripped down and as silent as I could I slid the door open. Carefully I stepped up behind Joey and in one movement wrapped my left arm around his chest while I used my right hand to cover his mouth. Just as I expected the boy started to panic.

"Ssshh," I whispered in his ear, "Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

Slowly Joey started to calm down. As he did I kept whispering nice words into his ear. At the same time my hand moved down from his mouth to his toy that was hanging between his legs. Due to the shock of being grabbed it had gone from fully erect to a semi. I took his foreskin between my fingers and started to rub the head of his cute boy-dick.

Joey clearly loved this action. He turned half-around and turned his mouth towards my face. His lips were beckoning for a kiss. And who can deny a cute boy something like that in such a position? So I gave him what he asked for and as we kissed I could feel the beautiful soft touch of his lips on mine. He kissed me in a wonderful way. So innocent, yet so full of passion.

That he was really getting into the action was also clear by what my right hand was now feeling. While my left arm was still holding Joey close to my body, the fingers of my right hand were now playing with his whole package. And I could clearly feel the difference to a few minutes ago. Where his small boy testes had been first hanging low due to the warm water, now they were pulled up much tighter to his body.

Not only his sac had reacted. Joey's wonderful boy-member had changed into a hot sexy 5in (13cm) hard-on. My fingers were working their magic on the boy's raging dick as he was getting hornier and hornier. I could feel his hands roaming over my body. At first just my chest, but soon his young fingers had found my sac with the heavy balls and then moved over to my pulsating rod.

Joey's roaming hands gave me the confidence to take it all the way. My hands moved up a gear and soon I had a moaning boy in my arms. When his climax hit Joey gave a big and long moan. He shot a load that I hadn't expected. I thought, due to his age and ball size, he wouldn't shoot more then a thimble worth of cum 3; if he would shoot at all. But instead he shot so much it could fill a whole shot-glass.

I was so surprised and in awe of Joey's accomplishment that I forgot about the rest for a while. But then I was soon back in reality because Joey had not slowed down on my own dick. With in a few seconds after my new friend's climax I had my own orgasm and shot my load all over the young boy's chest and belly.

The power of the orgasms had taken their toll on both of us. I quickly sat down against the wall and let Joey sit against me. It was wonderful to feel his wet hair against my face. I was really so happy at that moment. It was Joey who spoke first again.

"That was so awesome. Thank you, Sir," he said.

"Thank you, too, Joey. It was great," I told him, "Can I ask you something personal?"

"Eh 3; okay."

"This wasn't your first wet orgasm, was it?"

"You mean in the shower?" Joey asked as he started to blush.

"No, 'wet' means that you shoot your stuff out of your dick when you come."

"Oh, sorry, I didn't know."

"Don't worry. No need to apologize."

"Last time was when I jerked off yesterday."

"So this load was just from one day? Impressive."

"Thanks," Joey said, blushing even more over the compliment.

We rinsed off and after we had dried each other off, we stayed naked while Joey's clothes were being washed and dried. When it was time for him to go I asked him if he wanted to come back next week. He was delighted to do so. But I also gave him an assignment. He was allowed to play with himself, but he was not allowed to come until our next meeting. I knew it would be hard for him to comply, but I asked it of him anyway.

"I don't know why you want me to do so, but I'll do my best," Joey replied.

We kissed in the hallway and then he went back home.

That next Saturday Joey was clinging my doorbell early in the morning. As I opened the door and let him in I could see by his face that he had some problems.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked.

"Yes, my balls are starting to hurt. I don't know why. They were fine yesterday."

Joey really looked worried. But I already thought I knew what was going on. I had given Joey a bad case of 'blue balls' by giving him the assignment.

"Come over to the bedroom. We'll have a look," I said as I guided Joey down the corridor.

"Now take your clothes off and lie down on the bed. I'll have a look at those painful balls of yours."

As Joey laid down on his back with his legs slightly spread I could see his sac was very swollen. I carefully weighed the sac in my hand. Just as I thought. His balls were big and heavy. Ready for some release.

"When was the last time you shot a load?"

"Tuesday morning," Joey said with a red face, "I just reached the orgasm before I noticed. Sorry."

"No, don't worry. It's probably for the best. Otherwise your balls would have hurt sooner and even more if you had waited till now."

"Why? What's wrong with them?"

"Let me help you," I said.

I shifted my attention from the sac to Joey's member. On my first touch it already sprung to life. As I rubbed his foreskin up and down a few times Joey already 'got into trouble'.

"Oh, shit. I'm sorry, Sir, but I can't hold it any more."

"Don't hold it, Joey. Let it go."

I hadn't said it or Joey gave the biggest moan I had ever heard a boy his age give. As he did, Joey shot his boy-cum through the air. All the build up semen was released. Joey's young genitals could rival the fountain at Washington Square Park. What a cum Joey had built up. By the time the pressure in his balls finally got down, his entire hip section and my hand and wrist were covered in boy-semen.

By now Joey had fainted from the intensity of the orgasm. But I didn't want him to loose out on the spectacle. So before I cleaned him up with my tongue, I took some nice pics to show him later. Luckily I did because by the time Joey woke up again I had already licked up most of the sweet nectar.

"Hi, cutey. How do you feel now?"

"Much better. Thank you 3; Wow, that was awesome! What a feeling!"

"Just promise me you never let this happen again. When your balls hurt like this, give them some relief, okay?"

"Okay," Joey said.

He looked at his groin and then at my face.

"You licked it?"

"Yes, it tastes great."

"Can I taste yours?"

Joey caught me a bit by surprise but finally I came to and said yes. As soon as I did he jumped at me and pulled out my member. I was just wearing some night trousers so all he had to do was pull down the elastic band. He hooked it behind my sac and then started to work on my dick with his young mouth just as passionate as he worked on my lips the other day. I knew I couldn't stop him so all I did was give him some directions. After fifteen minutes of the most pleasurable oral action I had received in years I came in the boy's mouth. Unfortunately for him it was a bit more then he could handle. After swallowing the first shots he started to struggle and I pulled back from his mouth. The last couple of shots hit him right in the face and that, together with all the rest of sperm that oozed out of my dick, covered his angelic face with a white glaze.

Then he surprised me. Joey didn't want me to clean him up. He wanted to do it himself. I saw his tongue sticking out and licking the direct area around his mouth. Then he started to use his fingers to scrape of the rest and lick it all up. It was such a hot sight.

"Mmmmhh. Yummy. I think I could get used to this."

Oh no. I had turned this young boy into an addict. Well, as long as I got to be his personal dealer and keep an eye on his addiction it wouldn't be too bad, would it? When he left I told him he was welcome any time. Well, I guess he took that to heart, because from then on we had a very strong, special, intense friendship.

2. Sophie's Toy

Sophie traps a boy whose hormones are raging. She turns the unfortunate situation for the boy into a good one for herself.

1800 words (4 pages)
Greg (c. 12yo) and Sophie (adult)
Fb " Fdom cons mast oral – oral

Sophie was sitting down at the breakfast table. Naked, with just her bathrobe on, she enjoyed her morning coffee while reading the paper. Suddenly her eye caught a small article.

FOURTH VICTIM OF MOLESTOR Last night at 22:00 a woman of 24 years was harassed by a young boy of around 12. The woman was walking back home through the Edison Park when the boy came walking next to her. Suddenly the boy grabbed her in an indecent way and ran away. The police has linked this accident to three previous reports of harassment in the same park. On the basis of the descriptions from the victims the police has composed the included portrait.

Sophie looked at the drawing. It was printed rather small. Because of the poor quality of the printing it was not a very clear picture. She already knew a lot of boys that slightly resembled the boy depicted.

The more Sophie thought about the story, the more her fantasy started to work. She had always had a soft spot for young boys. Especially the ones that were on the brink of puberty. It sounded to her this was such a case. His hormones were playing up but he didn't knew how to deal with that. She would love to give the boy some lessons.

Then it hit her. She cooked up a plan. The Edison Park was just behind her apartment building. She lived on the fourth floor and had a good view on the park. From her bedroom window she could see several boys playing. Some of them even, with a bit of imagination, could be the boy they were looking for. That night she would go jogging. Who knows, maybe she would get lucky 3;

That evening, just after half past nine, Sophie left her building and started jogging through the park. She had put on some earphones as if she would be distracted by music, but she hadn't plugged them in any device. It was just a decoy to give the boy a false sense of security. After running through the park for about half an hour Sophie noticed a figure behind a bush. This could be it, she thought. As she passed the shrubbery the figure emerged and started to follow her. Suddenly the chaser picked up speed and as he ran next to her he made his move.

But the boy hadn't expected Sophie's reflexes. Before he knew what was happening the boy was pushed against a tree, with his hands behind his back.

"You're mine now, boy."

Panic overcame the boy when he felt his hands being tied. And as Sophie dragged him towards her building he kept struggling to get free. Finally Sophie succeeded to bring the boy into her apartment. Once there she pushed him into a chair at the dining table.

"This is you, isn't it?" Sophie shouted at him as she threw the paper on the table in front of him.

With a very scared look on his face the boy looked up. Tears were forming in his eyes.

"Please, what are you going to do? Please, no police, please."

"Stand up!" Sophie yelled at the boy, as she pulled him to his feet and pushed him against the wall. "What's your name?"


"I'm Sophie."

And while Sophie held Greg in place with one arm, she used her free hand to unbutton his trousers and a few seconds later the boy's pants and boxers were down around his ankles. What was revealed was a very nice, soft 2in [5 cm] boy-member, resting on a cute sac with heavy balls. Sophie then pushed Greg back into the chair.

"So, and now you're going to answer my questions."

"What questions?"

"Well, first, what are you doing out so late? Aren't your parents worried?"

"I was bored. My mum is dead and my dad works late. He never comes home before 11pm."

"So who's looking after you after school?"

"I can take care of myself."

"Yeah, I've noticed," Sophie said sarcastically as she pointed at the paper.

"What are you going to do? You're not going to tell, are you?"

"Where do you live?"

"Why do you need to know?"

"I'm asking the questions here, boy," Sophie said.

It was clear she was getting annoyed.

"I live at 8d."

So the boy lived straight above her, three floors above.

"Okay, I won't tell. Instead I'll punish you myself."

Sophie quickly pulled the boy to his feet, sat down and pulled the boy over her lap. She now had a good view on that beautiful virgin ass.

"How many women did you hassle?"


"That's right. And you will get five spankings for each woman."

Immediately, before Greg could protest, the boy felt a stinging pain on his butt. Sophie however loved to give out this type of punishment. She loved the feeling when her bare, flat hand hit the boy's roundings. After the twentieth hit Sophie let Greg stand up again. His eyes were running with tears and his buttocks were a bright shade of red.

"So from now on now more harassing women, right?"

"No ma'am, I won't."

"Good. Then I have another condition you have to fulfill to get my silence."

Greg immediately got worried. What was she going to ask of him?

"Your father comes home late every day, right?"


"Around 11pm?"

"Yeah, around that time."

"And when are you coming home from school?"

"Mostly around two."

"Good. Starting tomorrow you will come here, directly from school."


"Yes. You'll come here and do your homework. And when you're done I'll check it. And depending on how well you did it will be good or bad for you. Do you get my drift?"

"I think so."

"Good. See you tomorrow."

Greg was ordered to get dressed again and then sent home before his dad got there. The next day Greg rang Sophie's door bell on time. She let him in and as soon as the front door was closed Greg was ordered to strip again. Completely naked he was ordered to sit at the dining table. Sophie picked up the boy's diary and looked what his homework was.

"Good," Sophie said, "you'll be doing this. You've got two hours to do it. If you're finished earlier you call me and I'll check your answers."

Greg saw how serious Sophie was and started at his assignments right away. After one and a half hour Greg was done and let Sophie check his work. She found several mistakes.

"Good, this is how we're going to do this: For each mistake you'll get one spanking. Then we'll check the percentage of mistakes you made. If this is more then 40% you'll be punished even more and rather severely. If you do better, you'll get rewarded. I've made two lists. So you can see what you'll be in for."

Sophie handed two written lists to Greg. As he saw them he also noticed the purpose. She wanted to stimulate him in an unorthodox way to get good grades.

"Can you find yourself in these lists?"

Greg nodded as he smiled at Sophie.

The list for his homework stated:

100-90% answers correct: 15 minutes playtime in bed
90-80% answers correct: blowjob
80-70% answers correct: handjob
70-60% answers correct: French kissing
60-50% answers correct: nothing
50-40% answers correct: 1 minute of spanking
40-30% answers correct: 2 minutes of spanking
<30-% answers correct: 1 minute of spanking + a kick in the balls

The other list was for the grades he would receive.

A+ : French kissing + 50 minutes playtime in bed
A : French kissing + 25 minutes playtime in bed
A- : French kissing + 10 minutes playtime in bed
B+ : French kissing + blowjob
B : French kissing + handjob
B- : French kissing + rubbing of genitals
C+ : French kissing
C : nothing
C- : nothing
D+ : ½ minute of spanking
D : 1 minute of spanking
D- : 2 minutes of spanking
E+ : 1 minute of spanking + a kick in the balls
E : 2 kicks in the balls
E- : 1 squeezing of the balls
F+ : 1 kick in the balls + 1 squeezing of the balls
F : 2 kicks of the balls + 1 squeezing of the balls

Greg was looking a bit worried. He had made eight mistakes, so he would receive eight hits on his buttocks. Then Sophie calculated that those 8 mistakes were only 25% of the entire work. Therefor, after the spanking, Greg would receive a handjob. Greg really looked forward to that. No one other than himself had ever touched him there.

But then Sophie did something Greg hadn't expected. Before she would commence the punishment she stripped down to her birthday suit. Greg was completely shocked. But that was short-lived. Sophie didn't want to waste time, so she immediately took Greg over her lap and gave his nice round cheeks a good firm beating. Immediately after Greg stood there rubbing his sensitive red buns. But then came the nice part.

Sophie stood behind Greg and placed one arm over his chest. Greg felt her breasts pressing against the top of his shoulders. Her other hand went down and took the semi-erect member in her fingers. After fondling it for a few seconds it started to come to life and soon Greg's 4in [10cm] hard-on was pointing upwards. Because of all the excitement of a naked woman and his hormones it took Sophie only a couple of minutes to bring her victim to a climax.

From that day on Greg's grades went up and his homework was showing fewer and fewer mistakes. Most of the time Greg was getting a good time from Sophie. There was one time Greg got the worst punishment from the list. Because he had cheated on his history test Greg had received an F. Sophie decided that if Greg would have a grade that needed punishment, it would be done prior to the homework. That way his young genitals could rest a little before the reward/punishment for the quality of his homework was inflicted. So after Greg had suffered the ordeal of two kicks and a hard squeeze, his tortured balls got a chance to recuperate before another punishment/reward.

Greg endured what Sophie gave him. Most of it was reward instead of punishment anyway. But most of all, he endured it because he loved the attention he was getting. And he knew it was to stimulate him to do good. Finally someone who really cared for him and would look after him. No wonder Sophie had such a nice time when Greg came home with another A. It was love from both sides.

The End

Send feedback to the author through this feedback form with StoTelAlex - Short Stories in the subject line.