Barrett RobinsonBeggar |
SummaryA man helps a beggar boy with food, sleep and sex.
Publ. 1992 (Angelina25); this site Oct 2010
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CharactersJoey (13yo) and the narratorCategory & Story codesConsensual Man-Boy storyMt – cons oral anal – first (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Orphan storyThis is an orphan story. I found the story on an obscure website without any contact information for the author or even the webmaster. Are you the author, please contact me. |
It was the middle of December and very cold and blustery. I had just come home from a long day at the office and was just starting dinner when I heard noise outside my window. The garbage rack was just outside my window, and it was pretty obvious that someone was rummaging through it. My first thought was 'Those god damned drunkards'. The town drunks were always searching through our dumpsters for aluminum cans, newspapers, and bottles so that they could turn them in for cash in order to buy more alcohol. Naturally I peeked out the window to see which one of them it was. I saw nobody. Now my curiosity was stirred. So I threw on a winter jacket and went outside. Again I heard noise, but saw nobody. Finally I put my head into the hole in the side, turned on the flashlight and much to my surprise was a boy, around the age of 15. When I reached inside to try and help him out, he bit my hand. Hell, if he was going to treat me this way, I was not about to try and help him. So I went back inside. All the time I was cooking dinner, I heard the boy rummaging through the dumpster even more. My caring side of my personality took over once again. The meal I had just fixed, I put on a plate, opened the window and set it outside. I announced aloud to the beggar that this food was for him and to come out of there and eat a decent meal. With that I closed the window and went back to the kitchen to fix my own dinner. While I was eating I heard some rustling just outside my window. I knew that the boy was eating the nice meal I set outside for him. So I waited for about 20 minutes before I went to the window. There on my window sill was the empty plate. It made me feel good that he ate it all. The next night while watching television, I heard a knock on my window. When I opened the curtain, there was that same small boy cowering in the snow. I knew he wanted food, so I went to the kitchen and fixed him a ham steak with corn. No sooner than I put it outside, he woofed it all down and ran away. The next night was absolutely a nightmare. The wind chill factor had the temperature down to 40 below zero [-40°C]. And it was snowing hard. Again came the knock on my window. Shocked as hell to see that same little boy outside with nothing more on than shirt, pants and a blue jean jacket. He was freezing and his skin was pale. I opened the window and told him to get inside. He didn't speak, but it was obvious he wouldn't come in and that he just wanted his food. So I reached out quickly and just yanked him inside and shut the window. Immediately he kicked me in the shins. There in front of me stood a dark, oily haired kid with gorgeous and sad blue eyes. He was probably about 5'6" [1.68 m] and around 125 pounds [57 kg]. He was absolutely good looking, at least if he was cleaned up a bit. His clothes reeked of garbage, and were filthy. After about five minutes of a staring contest I finally spoke. "Listen. You are cold, dirty and smelly. If you want any food, you will have to clean up. I know a nice warm bath would feel great, so why don't you go into the bathroom, get out of those wet and cold clothes, toss them out in the hall and take a nice warm bath. I will put your clothes in the washer and fix you some dinner." With that, he gave me a real nasty look. Only after I reminded him that I was not going to feed him until he did what I said, did he take action. He went into the bathroom, started up the water and a few minutes later he threw all his clothes out in the hall. I snatched them up and threw them in the laundry. All that was in his pockets was 25 cents and a small pocket knife. Once I started up the washer I went back into the kitchen to fix dinner. About 10 minutes later I heard the bathroom door open. He poked his head out and just looked at me. He wanted some clothes. I went into my bedroom and brought him my bathrobe. Within a few minutes he came out. He immediately plopped down on the sofa and watched television while I prepared his food. As soon as I put the plate in front of him, the food was gone. This kid was HUNGRY! After he has eaten all that I gave him, he fell asleep on the couch. I finished his laundry, and stacked it beside the sofa. I later turned in myself and when I awoke, found him gone. The next night was even worse than the night before. Again came the knock on my window. And again there he stood dirtier than before. He didn't hesitate when I opened the window. He flew right in, threw his clothes off and ran to the bathroom and took a bath. It was truly astonishing. So once again, I fixed him a meal. This time a steak. After his bath, he again ate like he hadn't eaten in weeks. No manners whatsoever. Again he fell asleep on the couch. The next morning when I awoke, I was shocked to still find him asleep on the couch. The expression on his face told me he was happy and warm. But I had to go to work. I couldn't just leave him here as I was afraid that he would steal anything he could get his hands on. So I called in sick to work. About two hours later, he awoke. I fixed him breakfast and he ate it all very quickly. While he ate I just watched him and looked him over. He was doing the same to me while he ate! This kid was pretty good looking. Through the bathrobe I could see that he had a nice looking set of legs and a smooth semi-muscular chest. He was tremendously good looking. Thoughts raced through my mind about always wanting to do it with a boy about this age. But feelings of remorse and worry wiped those thoughts out rather quick. Why was he rummaging through garbage, where were his parents, etc. After he finished eating he went back to sleep. I went into my bedroom and also went back to sleep. I hadn't been asleep for more than 30 minutes before I awoke. There not three feet from me was this boy just standing there. Again I tried to converse with him. No response. Finally he made some kind of response 3; he inched closer to the bed. I immediately read his mind and offered him to sleep in the bed. He darted right under the sheets and just smiled at me. Again I dosed off. When I awoke this time, the boy was nestled up real close to me. I could feel him trembling 3; but it was just that he was still cold. So I put my arm around him and drew him in close. That made him even happier. After about 10 minutes he stopped shivering. About 10 A.M. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower and shave. No sooner than I had stepped out of the shower and put my underpants on, the boy came in and pointed to the bath tub. I understood and told him to take his bath. I stood in front of the mirror and continued shaving. He started the water up, but just stood there looking at me. I couldn't figure this one out. Finally I realized that he wanted me to leave before he stripped down. With a puzzled look, I told him, "You think you have something that I ain't got?" Wow, I got a smirk from him. He understood and removed the robe and climbed into the bath tub. I continued shaving. I kept taking glances in his direction. He had not one hair on his body! Yet he appeared to be around 15 or 16 years of age. His chest was well defined, nice nipples, and I about died when I caught a look at his young cock. It was pretty inviting 3; large sack, and reasonably sized for his age. I returned to my shaving. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that he was staring at me. His eyes wandered up and down my body. I turned to look at him with a puzzled look. He just stared at me. Finally I asked him what was wrong. He continued staring. Finally he said his first words to me. "Would you wash me?" I almost laughed, but realized that he probably had never taken a bath for months, maybe even years. So I wiped the shaving cream off of my face and knelt down next to the bath tub. I lathered up his back, arms, chest and legs. All the time, he just stared at me. While rubbing my hands all across his smooth young body, I realized that this kid was not a starved kid and wondered why in hell would he be digging through garbage for his dinner. I didn't bother asking him, I just kept bathing him. After rinsing him off I went to get a towel. When I came back and offered him the towel he refused. This kid was very puzzling to say the least. Finally I knelt down next to the tub and asked, "Do you have any parents?" He stared again for another couple of minutes, but finally answered, "Not any more". To me that wasn't an answer, and he knew it. So he volunteered some more. "I ran away from home last year." Now we were getting someplace. Finally I prodded the whole story out of him. His name was Joey. He was only 13 years old. His parents lived in Los Angeles and they always were fighting. It ended up that his mom shot his dad. His mom never cared for him since he was the result of his mom being raped in an alley after work one night. So after the whole affair back in California, he hitchhiked all the way to Ohio. He liked Columbus, Ohio because so many people threw good stuff into the garbage. He had a little home in an abandoned warehouse about a mile from my apartment. After he finished telling me all this, he hugged me. I gave him a good hug and smiled. This kid had been through a lot in the past year. No wonder he was more mature than most people his age. That explained the lack of pubic hair. Joey just sat in the tub and just looked at me. He knew how I felt. But what he did next literally shocked me. "Let me see your cock," Joey muttered. "What? What for?" I asked. "I want to see how big it is." Now this was turning into a rather interesting day. I still had no intentions of having sex with this young boy, but I knew at that age I was rather curious about sex myself. So to satisfy his curiosity, I took off my underpants. "Take a bath with me?" Joey asked. What the heck? I thought to myself, and climbed into the bath tub with him. Joey grabbed the bar of soap and lathered up my back, rinsed it off, lathered up my arms, rinsed them off, lathered up my legs and rinsed them off. I was surprised that I was not get sexually excited from his gentle massaging. Then he lathered up my chest and rinsed it off. It felt nice but now I was getting worried that this boy was even more mature than I had imagined. But for now, he proved me wrong. "Your turn," Joey stated. So I again lathered him up and washed him. He really enjoyed it. When I finished he stood up and turned around. Oh boy, his cock was not one foot away from my face. "Pretty big for my age ain't it?" Joey declared. He sat down facing me. I had to be honest, it was, so I replied, "Yes, pretty gifted for your age". "Yeah, that's what other people have said, but I only wish I could get it up!" Joey said coolly. Joey again took the bar of soap and worked up a lather in his hands. I had no idea what he was about to do. Without warning he started lathering my cock. He was so gentle in handling my penis. He caressed it as if it was a pet. As he scrubbed I fought to control my sex drive. But my cock betrayed me as it came to a raging hard-on. His small hands massaging my most private member felt awesome. And he knew exactly what he was doing. Within minutes I felt as if I was going to cum. But just before the breaking point, he stopped and rinsed it off. "Do it to me," Joey demanded. I hesitated at going along with this foreplay, but my sexual desire tempted me even more. I grabbed the bar of soap and created a nice lather. I reached over taking his limp cock into my hands and massaged it. I rubbed the head in circular motions, stroked the stem, very gently rubbed and squeezed his balls. But no matter what I tried, he wouldn't get an erection. He was right, he still hadn't matured that far. "See what I mean, I can't have sex," Joey exclaimed. Now I was determined to give Joey his first ejaculation. I moved forward and laid him back in the tub. Joey was getting nervous. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Dad always stuck his penis up my butt," Joey said nervously. "Please don't do it to me." "I wasn't going to do anything like that to you Joey. Just relax," I assured him. I leaned over and gave Joey a full kiss on the mouth. He liked that, so I did it again this time giving him my tongue. He liked that even more. So I kept kissing him, and finally started kissing his ears and down his neck. Joey giggled, and complained that it tickled. So I started to kiss his chest and nipples. Those giggles started to turn into 'Ooohhh'. This was making Joey feel real good. He liked it. So I kept it up until I thought that it was enough and moved on down to his stomach area. His cock was still limp as could be. After a thorough workout with my lips all over his body, he still was not excited. So this time while I kissed his body, and massaged his cock. Whooah 3; I started to feel his sack tighten and his cock started to get semi-hard, but it would not get fully erected. But Joey was feeling great pleasure. His breathing became erratic. So while I was getting a reaction I decided to go for it. I wrapped my fingers around his cock and sank my lips over the head. Joey yelped. Within minutes his cock was harder than any cock I have felt before. His sack has his balls packed against his body. I knew he was about to experience his first ejaculation. I returned to his cock with my mouth. My tongue swirling and sliding around his cock head. All the time massaging his tight balls with my hand. I speed the tempo up and Joey started moaning. Joey grabbed my head and pushed it down onto his cock. He loved this! I kept up the pace then finally slowed down when his moaning got even louder. As my lips moved even slower up and down his nice shaft, Joey became quieter, but his body got very tense. I knew it was about to happen. So now I made sure my lips only made a feathery touch type pass over his cock, my tongue rolling across the head. Suddenly his body became absolute tense, every muscle stretched, and as he let out his final yelp, I felt his cock expand and his juices fill my mouth. Joey truly filled my mouth with his cum. Joey's body collapsed, but I kept sucking. Within only minutes his body was tense again and he shot is second load. He begged for one more time. So not to disappoint him, I continued rolling my tongue around his cock. It took longer this time. Joey was in ecstasy. His moaning was tremendous this time, his body extremely tight, and his balls were very withdrawn inside his body. But after he came, he collapsed in sheer exhaustion. I laid down beside him in the tub, and refilled the tub with warm water. He cuddled up beside me and dozed off for a few minutes. When he awoke, he said "God, I wish I could have done that years ago," and smiled at me. No sooner than the last word had left his mouth, his mouth was over my limp cock. His small hand squeezing my balls while the other stroked with his lips up and down my cock. It took very little time to get a raging hard-on. He sucked up and down the sides of my cock, licked the tip of my cock, and then took it all in his mouth. Joey had troubles at first and gagged, but after a few minutes he was taking it all in. I could feel the tip of my cock down his throat. It was wonderful. He had a great touch too 3; a feathery light sucking action. Those lips very lightly sliding up and down the shaft. "Swirl your tongue around the head," I told Joey. He obeyed. He was catching on, and fast! I was about to shoot. Joey kept squeezing my balls as he sucked, and it was beginning to ache because my sack was so tight. Joey went wild, he wanted to taste my cum. He sucked faster and lighter. Finally I came, filling his young mouth with my cum. I shot wad after wad before finally relaxing, but Joey wanted more. He kept sucking harder and faster. The tingling feeling returned, but Joey was not hurting me. His teeth rubbing against the side of my cock. I wanted to cum one more time for him, so I concentrated all sensation on the tip of my cock. Joey's tongue returned to the swirling motion, now exploring the creases of the head of my cock. He squeezed my balls, not allowing them to withdraw inside me. Joey was getting tired. So I grabbed the back of his head and told him to stop. And I took the effort away by fucking his mouth. I raised and lowered my pelvis, thrusting my cock deep down his throat. Joey lightened up his lips, and once again to the feathery touch. I felt the cum rising and finally shot another round of cum down his throat. When all was done, Joey looked up at me, smiled (with cum dripping from his chin) and once again rinsed my body of our cum. After we both got cleaned up, Joey cuddled up beside me on the couch in the living room. He fell asleep in my arms. When he awoke we started talking. One thing led to another. He mentioned how is dad fucked his ass, and how forceful and painful it was. But he wanted me to fuck his ass. "I feel different about you. I know you will be gentle and not do it in anger. Fuck me please!" I didn't want to for fear of bringing back flashbacks of what his father had done to him. Joey would not take no for an answer. He stood up and stripped down. He climbed up on my lap and said, "If you won't fuck me, then let me do the work." With that comment Joey spread his legs wide apart, stroked my cock till it was hard, and started to sit down on my cock. I felt the tip of my cock enter his tight asshole. The heat was tremendous. Joey stopped, every so often trying to take more up his ass. Each step further down he went, the more painful the expression showed on his face. Finally Joey decided the heck with the slow torture as he sat down hard on my cock. My cock rammed right up his ass and within a split second, my cock was all the way inside his young rectum. Joey wrapped his arms around me and cried while my cock was deep inside him. Joey was in tremendous pain. I held him for several minutes. Joey gradually became more relaxed and you could tell the pain was subsiding. He then started moving his asshole up and down my shaft. The painful expression turned to pleasure. By now it was all pleasure to me. His asshole gripped my cock as if it didn't want to let it go. As Joey slid his asshole up my cock, he tightened his butt, and as he descended he relaxed. His asshole was literally sucking on my cock. It felt better than the blow job he had given me earlier. And the ecstasy lasted even longer. Joey's asshole begged him for more. He sank down on my cock harder and harder, asking for more. Wanting more he motions sped up. His asshole was now used to my cock and I could feel the grip loosening up, as the sensation went from tightness to a light massaging. Joey sped up even more, now a constant heat building up from the friction. Joey was moaning, I was moaning. I started stroking his cock. Both of us working up a sweat. Suddenly, Joey's cock erupted his cum up onto my chest and stomach. Watching his cock spew out the white juice, I shot my load up his ass, some streaming back down the stem of my cock. After our orgasms had subsided, Joey stood up, his now semi-hard cock dangling in front of him with cum dripping from the tip. Joey bent over and licked his cum off of my chest. After we had cleaned up, Joey once again cuddled up with me on the couch while we watched MASH. He fell asleep in my arms. That night Joey slept with me in my bed, using my lap as his pillow. I awoke in the middle of the night, in the middle of a wet dream, and there was Joey sucking away on my cock. It didn't take long to cum, and once it was over, he again cuddled up beside me. In the morning I awoke with no signs of Joey anywhere. His clothes were gone, but there was a note on the kitchen table. "Thanks for showing me about sex, and making my first experience the best it could be. I have to leave as I want to remember you the way I do. I love you and will never forget what you have done for me."
I never heard or saw Joey for years. Just the other day I was at Buckeye Boys Ranch to repair their computer. (This is a place for troubled teenage boys). There hiding in the corner, pitiful a looking boy you will ever see was Joey. He just stared at me while I worked. He wouldn't talk and wouldn't even acknowledge my existence. Later I found out from one of the counselors that Joey gets raped several times a day 3; in the showers, at night in bed, and sometimes the older boys tries to fuck his ass at the lunch table. Joey's body is even more hot-looking than before and I feel really bad for what has happened to him. The only comforting thought I have is that I may have meant more to him than anyone else in his life. I only wish I could get him back. Not to fuck him, or have sex, but just as someone to look over him. He needs help, and no one at the ranch will help him. I no longer see him as a sexual release but as a person, one that I feel deeply for and who I want to help. The End |