PZA Boy Stories


Little Brother Bobby


Three brothers are left alone while their parents go on a week long cruise. The older two brothers hatch a plan to get their younger brother to be their slave.

Publ. Sep 2014 Under construction, Sep 2014; 1,500 words (3 pages)


Michael (16yo), Jimmy (13yo) and Bobby (10yo)

Category & Story codes

Consensual BDSM story
tbcons – bond cbt


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

The following story is a work of fiction. None of it has happened, all of the characters are fictional. I do not condone child violence, sex, torture, or abuse of any kind. This is all just pure fantasy. I do not wish any of this to happen to any minor of any age. If you like my story and want me to continue, please an email to daremenow2010(at)hotmail(dot)com or through this feedback form with Daremenow - Little Brother Bobby in the subject line./p>


Chapter 1: The Bet

Bobby was sitting on the couch with his brother, Michael. Their middle brother, Jimmy, was out playing soccer with some friends. Their parents had left a few hours ago on a week-long cruise. The two brothers watching a show which showed a kid of about 12 or 13 getting nailed in the balls with a baseball. The kid collapses and curls up in pain. 10 year old Bobby laughs at this. Michael looks over at him.

"You've never been hit in the balls, have you Bobby?"

"No, but I bet I could handle it better than that kid, he's such a wimp for falling down and screaming!"

"You do realize that kid is older and bigger than you are right? And you are small for your age"

"Yeah, but I could still take it better than he could," Bobby says, trying to act tough, even though he looks like an 8-year old.

"Well, how about we make a bet then," Michael says, looking at his scrawny little brother.

"What kind of bet do you have in mind?"

"How about this? I get one chance to kick you in the balls. If you can stay standing, then you win. If you fall to the floor, then I win. How does that sound?" Michael watches Bobby tense up as he says this.

"So what does the winner get? I don't have any money"

"You don't need money. How about the loser becomes the winner's slave for the rest of the week while mom and dad are gone? Oh and that includes being a slave to Jimmy too! What do you think?"

Bobby sort of stammers. "Um what do you mean by slave?"

"Well, you would have to do whatever me or Jimmy says. You would be doing our chores, cook our food, pretty much anything we want you to. And we would get to do anything we want to you, any time we want." Michael watches Bobby's eyes grow big at the explanation.

"What do you mean you would get to do anything you want to me?"

"It wouldn't be anything too bad, maybe some wedgies, swirlies, make you stay naked the whole time, not much. But remember, if you win, you get to make me do all of this. So, how about it bro, is it a deal?" Michael holds out his hand. Bobby grabs it and says "Deal. Let's get this over with so I can prove to you I'm not a wimp! Hope you're ready to be my servant all week!"

"Ok bro, we're going to do this my way. First, do you want me to blindfold you so you can't see what's coming? You might flinch and try to avoid the kick if you can see it coming, and it won't count unless I get full contact."

"Fine, you can blindfold me," Bobby says, getting a little nervous at the thought of not being able to see what's coming.

"Ok, first things first. I want you to take your shorts off. I want a clear shot of what I'm aiming at. Don't worry, you can leave your underwear on, for now," Michael says with an evil laugh.

"Fine, at least this is all you'll get to see of me," Bobby tries to sound tough as he drops his shorts, revealing his Spongebob cartoon briefs.

"Oh my God, you still wear cartoon undies, I can't believe it. You're still a baby! And look, the even have poop stains!"

"No I'm not. Can we just get this over with so you can start being my slave when you lose?"

"Ok, let me grab something to blindfold you with." Michael leaves the room and comes back a few minutes later with a black shirt and ties it around his little brothers head. "Can you see anything Bobby?"

"Not a thing, I'm kinda scared now. Can we just get this over with?"

"Ok, but I want you to put your hands behind your back. I'm going to tie them so you won't be able to cover up when I count to three. I don't think you want me to accidentally kick your hands, do you?"

"Not really." Bobby feels really vulnerable now. After Michael ties his hands behind his back, he goes over to make sure the secret video camera he set up earlier is on and presses the record button.

"Ok Bobby. I want you to spread your legs. Wider. Come on, I need something to aim at, there you go. Are you ready for this?"

"I guess. Let's just get it done ok?" Bobby's voice is really trembling at this point.

"Ok. On the count of three. One 3; Two 3; Three!"

The next thing Bobby hears is a high pitched scream as he falls to the floor and immediately curls up into a ball, trying to break the rope holding his hands behind his back, with no luck. He now realizes the scream he heard was his!

"Ha ha, I knew you couldn't stay standing little brother! You are an even bigger wimp than I thought you were! You are in for the worst week of your life slave boy!" Michael rolls Bobby over onto his back and spreads his legs. "By the way, this is for snitching on me and getting me grounded last week." And with that, Michael kicks Bobby square in the balls one last time, and Bobby falls gratefully into unconsciousness.

Chapter 2: Awakening

As Bobby comes to, he still feels a terrible pain in his groin. He realizes his hands are now untied, and he slowly massages balls, they are still hurting him really bad, so he rubs as gently as he can. He doesn't realize Michael is watching him.

"Get your hands away from there, slave boy," Michael says, enjoying the look on Bobby's face when he realizes he is being watched.

"But it hurts so bad."

"I don't care. Now stand up so I can get a good look at my slave boy." Michael helps Bobby to his feet, and can't help feel just a little sorry for him as he watches Bobby limp across the room.

"Ok little brother, before we get started, I have a few rules for you. One: You will always call me and Jimmy 'sir' or 'master'. Two: You will not speak unless we ask you a question. If you want to speak, you must say 'Your slave boy wishes to speak, Master.' Three: You will not masturbate or touch yourself without permission. Do you know how to masturbate?"

"Yes sir," Bobby answers as he blushes.

"Does anything come out when you orgasm?"

"No sir," Bobby says, blushing even more deeply.

"Good. Now, rule number four: If you need to use the bathroom, you must say 'Your slave boy has to go potty' and we will decide if you can go. And five: You are to follow any orders we give you without hesitation. If you break any of these rules, you will be punished. And believe me, you don't want to know what kind of punishments I can come up with. Is all of this clear slave boy?"

"Yes, master," Bobby says, trembling, wondering what he has gotten himself into.

"Ok, first thing first, strip naked."

No one has seen Bobby naked in years, and then that was his mother the last time she ever gave him a bath. He slowly removes his shirt, and finally his underwear. His hands immediately go to his hairless crotch, trying to cover himself up as best he can.

"Put your hands behind your back. You are never allowed to cover yourself up. Consider clothes off limits all week. I want a really good look at you."

Michael takes ahold of Bobby's little 1" [2½ cm] soft dick, and feels it start to come to life. "Is this all I have to work with? I bet 5 year olds have bigger dicks than this. And what are these?" With that, he grabs Bobby's balls and starts rolling them around between his fingers. "I'm surprised I actually kicked your balls, such a small target!" He notices Bobby's dick is fully erect now, barely 2" [5 cm] hard. "Looks like you are enjoying this, slave boy."

A tear slowly comes to Bobby's eyes as the humiliation starts to be too much for him. He just wants the week to be over already, but unfortunately for him, it's just beginning. Michael starts rubbing his hands up and down Bobby's body, making them both shiver. He pinches the kids nipples, making him jerk and give a whimper.

"Ok, slave boy, turn around, bend over and grab your ankles. I want to see you little hole."

Bobby slowly complies, fearing what punishment would come his way if he dared not follow orders. Michael spreads the 10-year olds cheeks and spreads them apart as far as he can. "Boy, you really need to learn to clean yourself better, I should stick my finger up there and then make you lick it clean. Then maybe you would start wiping better." Michael enjoys the look of disgust and horror on Bobby's face.

"Don't worry, I won't do that to you yet, and besides, you might get a lot dirtier than that. You might be lucky if I let you shower at all this week. Just depends on how well you listen!"

Bobby just stares at the ground as Michael says this. He notices his dick is still rock hard.

"Ok slave boy, for your first night, we'll take it easy. I want you to go clean your bedroom, and I want it spotless. Nothing on the floor, no clothes, no toys, I mean nothing. In fact, I want you to take all of your clothes, clean and dirty to the basement. You can leave the ones in your closet, I can lock that door. Don't plan on any clothes at all this week. Hope we don't have to go anywhere! You have two hours, and you will be punished if it's not done. And trust me, those ball kicks you got will feel like heaven compared to what will happen if your room is not clean."

Bobby slowly goes up to his room, trying not to think of what is to become of him this week.


Send feedback if you want me to continue. Use this feedback form with Daremenow - Little Brother Bobby in the subject line. ou can also email me at daremenow2010(at)hotmail(dot)com

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