PZA Boy Stories


Wiener Boy


Thirteen-year-old Kevin get picked on by his two fifteen year old friends. But then he gets his revenge. Do you think it would be fun to be naked and tied up by a horny thirteen year old?
Publ. 2003 (Nifty); this site Feb 2012
Finished 21,500 (43 pages)


Kevin (13yo), Jordan (15yo) and Andy (15yo); from chapter 7 also Dylan (13yo)

Category & Story codes

Non-Consensual Teen-Boy story/light
tt – coerc mast oralhumil first bond


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

Warning: This story describes sexual acts involving 15 and 13 year old boys. Read no further if stories like this offend you.

LizardGuy wrote me in December 2010: "I'm pretty much done with the lizardguy stories and name. I still want people to enjoy them, if they find them. But I'm sort of tired of them, so I'm not interested in communicating with readers about them anymore. Maybe I'll write some new stories using a different name." Shortly after that, he had closed down his e-mail address.


Chapter 1

So, how should I begin? I guess the best way to start is to introduce you to Kevin's wiener 3;

Kevin's Wiener

Thirteen year old Kevin Pearson handed two cold cans of soda to his friends, Jordan and Andy. Well, they were sort of his friends. Jordan and Andy were both 15 and in tenth grade. Kevin was two years younger and only in eighth grade. Jordan and Andy were the only cool kids around Kevin's age that lived in the neighborhood. The only kid who was Kevin's age was the nerd across the street who seemed to always be practicing his violin. Kevin definitely wasn't a nerd. He was just a normal (and cute) thirteen year old kid.

The only problem with hanging out with Jordan and Andy was that they teased him and liked to boss him around sometimes. But they did lots of cool stuff with him too, so he was willing to put up with their occasional abuse.

Jordan grabbed the soda from Kevin, opened it, and took a sip.

"What took you so long, squirt?"

"I had to pee."

"I can't believe you stopped to take a piss while me and Andy were in here dying of thirst."

"I know why he took so long. His dick's so small that it takes him five minutes to find it before he can start pissing."

"I bet he doesn't even have a dick."

"And if he does, it's probably less than an inch [2½ cm] long. You'd have to use a microscope to see it."

Kevin usually tried to ignore them when they started teasing him like this. But sometimes he couldn't stop himself from reacting.

"Shut up, Andy, it's a lot longer than an inch [2½ cm]."

"How big is it then? 8 inches [20 cm]?"

"No. But it's longer than an inch."

"OK, then prove it."

"No way. I'm not gonna show you my wiener."

An idea suddenly popped into Jordan's head. He thought Kevin was a pretty cool kid, but it was fun to torment him once in a while.

"What do you think, Andy? Maybe we should have a dick inspection and see if he's telling the truth."

Andy knew what Jordan was thinking. They were best friends and could just about read each others minds. Andy pounced on Kevin, wrestled him to the ground, and pinned his arms so he couldn't fight back.

"Oww! Let me go Andy!"

Jordan grabbed the waistband of Kevin's shorts and started to pull them down. Kevin tried to kick him away.

"Stop kicking, Kev!"

Jordan sat on Kevin's legs. The thirteen year old struggled to get free for a few seconds before giving up. With Kevin under their control, Jordan knew he could pull down the kid's pants whenever he was ready.

"Are you ready for your dick inspection, Kevvy?"

"Come on guys. Let me go. This isn't funny."

"Maybe we should let him go, Jordan."

"NOT!" Andy and Jordan said in unison.

Jordan grabbed the waistband of Kevin's shorts and underwear and pulled them down past his knees exposing the thirteen year old's flaccid cock and balls. Both Andy and Jordan liked girls, but that didn't mean they weren't curious about what was going on inside Kevin's pants.

Kevin Pearson was in the very early stages of puberty. His genitals were just starting to transition from a little boy peepee to a teenage cock – from something that could only pee to something that could piss and shoot cum. About two months earlier he noticed that a few pubic hairs were sprouting above his dick. Since then he watched with curiosity as more and more hairs slowly started to grow in. He now had a very sparse bush of light pubes above his wiener.

"Look, Jordan. Little Kevvy's starting to grow pubes."

"When he first noticed them he probably ran to his mom and said, 'Mommy! Mommy! There's something wrong with me. Hairs are growing above my little wiener'."

"Shut up, Jordan! I did not!"

Jordan and Andy could tell that Kevin was starting to get a little uncomfortable with this. It was fun teasing him once in a while, but they knew when to stop. Andy got off him and unpinned his arms.

"You know we're just kidding around with you, Kev. It's cool that you're starting to get pubes."

This made Kevin feel better, but he was still a little embarrassed by what they did to him.

"Yeah, well, you didn't have to pull my pants down. You guys suck."

Jordan was still staring at Kevin's cock and balls as Kevin pulled his underwear and shorts up.

Kevin Plays With His Wiener

That night Kevin was lying in bed thinking about his changing body. He was wearing only his underwear, because that's what he typically wore to bed. Kevin knew a lot about puberty from his sex education class at school. They taught him all about the stuff that happens to boys during puberty – they start growing pubic hair, their voices change, their genitals start to grow larger, their bodies begin to produce sperms, and eventually they're able to ejaculate.

Kevin pulled down his underwear and looked at his developing cock and balls. The streetlight outside the naked boy's bedroom window provided enough light for him to see. He ran his hand over his sparse pubic bush. I wonder when I'll be able to shoot cum, he thought.

They didn't say much at all about masturbation in his sex ed class. They just said something like "it's a healthy alternative to risky sexual behaviors." They also said that it's normal and most boys experiment with masturbation after their bodies are mature enough. Kevin really had no idea how to jerk off, but on this night he decided to give it a try. I guess all I have to do is play with my wiener.

Kevin Pearson started his very first jerk off session by touching his hairless ballsac. The fleshy pouch felt silky and smooth. He felt the two eggs inside the pouch and rolled them between his fingers. His fingers felt the thin tubes connecting his balls to the inside of his body. He knew from his sex ed class that the balls made sperms and the sperms traveled through those tubes. What he didn't know was that the balls he was playing with recently started producing an army of little tadpole-like Kevin-sperms. The boy's genitals were ripening.

Next, he turned his attention to his 2½-inch [6½ cm] long limp dick. He knew that the first step to jerking off was to make his wiener hard. This part would be easy – sometimes he got boners during the day and lots of times he had a boner when he woke up in the morning. With the index finger of his right hand, Kevin gently rubbed all the different parts of his dick. He found that it felt the best when he ran his finger up and down the underside of his cock shaft. In fact, it felt really good. His rhythmic stroking soon caused blood to flow into the soft tube. It's starting to get hard. I'm getting a boner.

As Kevin continued rubbing his dick, it grew to its maximum length. The kid's blood-engorged cock was now 3½ inches [9 cm] long. He changed his technique slightly. Now he used his index and middle fingers to rub the underside while using his thumb to rub the topside. Each time his fingers reached the top of his shaft, they brushed against the rim of his cockhead. He fell into a slow, steady rhythm. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. I think it's working. It's starting to feel good.

A strange sensation started to develop in his cock. His 3½ inch [9 cm] spike felt horny, tingly, and hard. It never felt quite like this before. He spread his legs further apart and slightly increased the pace of his stroking. Kevin Pearson was moments away from his first orgasm. He stared with wonder at his throbbing cock, amazed that it could ever feel this good. What was going to happen next?

As the pleasure grew even more intense, he instinctively wrapped his fist around his shaft and rapidly stroked up and down – the classic teenage jerk-off technique. Soon, the pleasure became overwhelming. He was starting to orgasm! His hips were thrusting forwards and backwards in a fucking motion. At the peak of his first orgasm, a thin, clear liquid weakly squirted out of his hard pubescent cock. Actually, it dribbled out more than shot out. The kid's developing body was just barely mature enough to produce semen. If he would have tried jerking off a few weeks earlier, nothing at all would have come out. I did it! I jerked off! I shot cum! That felt soooo awesome!

Now he understood why all teenage boys masturbate.

As he lay on his back recovering, Kevin's very first load of cum was drying on his belly. Some of it got in his pubes and some of it formed a small pool in his belly button. He put his hand in the sex juice that just squirted out of his dick, looked at it closely, and smelled it. He never saw cum before, but he learned in his sex ed class that it was supposed to be thick, white, and creamy. His cum was watery and clear. Maybe it'll get thicker when I get older.

And now it was time for him to learn about an unfortunate side-effect of jerking off – cum is messy. Even though not much shot out, he had a sticky, gooey mess to clean up. Luckily, he had a box of tissues in his room. He grabbed a tissue, wiped the cum off his hand, and sopped the rest of it up off his belly.

Kevin's wiener slowly returned to its normal 2½ inch [6½ cm] size. His whole body felt relaxed. He pulled his white Fruit of the Loom briefs back on and was soon fast asleep.

Jordan's Fantasy

At fifteen years old, Jordan was a veteran at jerking off. He did it hundreds of times in his teenage life. At the exact same moment that Kevin shot cum for the first time, Jordan was lying in his own bed with his hand inside his boxers. He wasn't really jerking – he was just idly playing with his dick. He had a boner.

He was thinking about what he and Andy did to Kevin earlier that day. It was obvious that Kevin was just starting puberty. Jordan thought back to the time when he first noticed that he was growing pubes. How long was it between getting his first pubes and jerking off for the first time? He couldn't exactly remember. But the first time he shot cum would be a day he'd remember for the rest of his life. On that day he came home from school, went to his bedroom, and got naked. He was in eighth grade – just like Kevin. He started to awkwardly play with his dick and eventually he shot cum on his bed sheets. I wonder if Kevin jerks off yet?

Jordan wasn't gay. He liked to think about girls while he was jerking off. But for some reason he was curious about Kevin. He imagined Kevin coming home from school, going to his bedroom, and getting naked – just like his own first time. He had a clear picture in his mind of the sparsely-pubed dick that he saw earlier that day. In his imagination Jordan envisioned Kevin sitting alone in his bedroom playing with his dick. He watched Kevin's dick grow from a limp little worm into a hard spike. I wonder how big his dick gets when it's hard?

Thinking about this was giving Jordan a major hard-on. His hand was still inside his boxers. Me and Andy were really mean to him today. But that was real funny giving him a dick inspection. It was sorta cool seeing his dick too. I had no idea he had pubes. We pick on him a lot, but he's lucky we let him hang around with us at all. I bet sometimes he thinks about how he can get revenge on us for all of the stuff we do to him.

At this point a strange fantasy slowly began to creep into Jordan's mind. How could he get revenge on me? Maybe he gets me alone in his room and tries to sneak-attack me. No, I'm a lot stronger than the little squirt. I'd overpower him in a second. Maybe he tricks me into letting him tie me up. He would tie me up with some rope so I couldn't get loose. Then he could do whatever he wanted to me.

For some reason the thought of being at Kevin's mercy was making Jordan feel horny. He still had his hand in his boxers fondling his balls and his aroused, rock-hard dick. I'd be laying on my back on his bed all tied up. And then he'd get naked and sit on my chest. His dick would be right in front of my face and I couldn't do anything about it. Then he'd start rubbing his dick and balls all over my face and start making fun of me.

Jordan felt a drop of precum as his hand brushed over the tip of his dick. I can't believe I'm getting off thinking about this. If Andy knew about this, he'd think I was such a homo.

Jordan's mind wandered back to the image of Kevin's cock and balls in his face. Maybe then he'd start to jerk off inches away from my face. His dick would get hard and he'd start hitting my face with his boner. He'd be saying stuff like, 'Now you're gonna pay for being so mean to me. I'm gonna rub my wiener in your face as long as I want.' He's such a dork – he always calls dicks 'wieners'.

Jordan's dick was starting to feel really really good. He was getting pretty close to cumming. He'd just keep jerking his dick right in front of my face. I'd be looking right at his piss slit wondering if cum was gonna shoot out. I wonder if he can cum yet? I bet he can. He'd keep stroking and stroking his boner until 3; Cummmmmm.

A stream of hot cum suddenly gushed out of Jordan's cock. It squirted all over the inside of his boxers and on his hand. He usually never jerked off in his boxers like that, but this time the orgasm sort of snuck up on him. It was a gooey mess. Aww man. What a mess. I got cum all over the place. This really sucks.

He got some tissues and wiped the cum off his hand. He took off his boxers. There was sex slime all over his softening dick and in his pubes. He wiped off the cum using his boxers and put on a fresh pair. Overnight, the moist splotches of cum on his boxers dried and transformed into crusty yellowish stains. In the morning he buried the cummy pair of boxers in the hamper.

Chapter 2

15 year old best friends Jordan and Andy gave thirteen year old Kevin a dick inspection and discovered that he was starting to grow pubes. That night Kevin jerked off for the very first time. And that same night Jordan jerked off to a fantasy of Kevin tying him up and rubbing his dick in his face to get revenge for all the mean stuff Jordan and Andy did to him.

Here's what happened the next day 3;

Jordan's Game

The next day Andy, Jordan, and Kevin were in Kevin's bedroom playing video games.

At exactly 4:00 PM Andy said, "I gotta do my fucking papers."

Andy had a newspaper route. He loved the money, but delivering papers every day was a pain. On Monday through Saturday he delivered papers from 4:00 PM to about 4:45 PM. On Sunday he delivered them in the morning.

"I know you guys'll miss me, but I'll be back soon," he said sarcastically.

Andy left, leaving Jordan and Kevin alone. Jordan was nervous. He sort of wanted to make his fantasy from the previous night turn into a reality, but he didn't know how to initiate it. And he only had about 45 minutes until Andy would return.

"Hey, Kev. Does it bother you when me and Andy pick on you all the time?"

Kevin was only half-listening to Jordan. Most of his attention was focused on the video game he was playing.

"Sometimes. But you guys are cool most of the time."

"Yeah, but I bet you get real mad at us sometimes. Don't you?"

"Yeah. Sometimes."

"How would you like to get some revenge on me?"

Kevin was confused.

"What do you mean?"

"What if I said you could boss me around when Andy's not here? You could do whatever you want to me and I wouldn't beat you up or anything."

Kevin thought that this was some kind of trick. He fell for their tricks before and he wasn't going to fall for another one.

"Why would you let me boss you around?"

"I don't know 3; Sometimes I feel bad for all the mean stuff me and Andy do to you. If I let you boss me around a little, you could get even."

Actually, that was a lie. The real reason was that the thought of Kevin bossing him around made Jordan's dick hard. He didn't exactly know why – it just did.

Kevin was still a little suspicious and confused.

"What kind of stuff could I do to you?"

Jordan paused. He didn't know how Kevin would react to this.

"You could make me do anything you want. And you could do stuff to me too 3; You could even make me get naked and stuff like that."

Kevin was so shocked by what Jordan said that he stopped playing the video game. This was sounding like it could be fun.

"So I could tell you to get naked and you'd just listen to me and do it?"

"Yeah. And you can do other stuff to me too. Anything. But you can't tell Andy about it. Cause if you do, then I really would beat you up."

Kevin wanted to test Jordan to find out if he was being serious or just joking.

"OK. Then get naked right now. I want you to take all your clothes off. Even your underwear."

Jordan's plan was working! Kevin was interested in playing his game.

Kevin watched with amazement as Jordan took off his shirt, kicked off his shoes, and pulled off his socks. He was wearing only his jeans and boxers. He unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned his jeans, and pulled down his zipper. Kevin couldn't believe this was happening. He was making Jordan take off all his clothes! Jordan pulled down his jeans. Now he was standing in front of Kevin wearing nothing but his boxers.

"I can't believe you're really doing this. Now you have to take off your boxers too."

Kevin was really excited about this. He had no idea what Jordan's wiener would look like. He guessed that it would be hairier and bigger than his. Jordan dropped his boxers to the floor. Kevin stared with curiosity at his older friend's cock. It WAS hairier and bigger than his. He noticed that Jordan's cock was longer and fatter than his, and his balls were bigger too. Kevin also noticed that Jordan's dick was growing.

"You're getting a boner."

Being 'forced' to get naked by a younger kid was making Jordan's dick hard. Jordan spent his entire teenage life hiding his boners from people. And now he was standing in front of Kevin with a fully exposed 5-inch [12½ cm] hard-on. He was sort of embarrassed by this, but that was the point. Being humiliated was what was making him horny. Kevin wasn't sure what to do next.

"Now what should I make you do?"

"Anything you want."

What Jordan really wanted was to make his fantasy from the previous night come true. He wanted Kevin to tie him up, get naked, sit on his chest, and rub his wiener in his face. But Kevin had a different idea.

"I want you to play with your wiener. I wanna watch you jerk off."

The previous night Kevin jerked himself off and shot cum for the very first time. He wanted to see how Jordan did it. He wanted to see if Jordan could shoot more cum than him and he wanted to see what Jordan's cum looked like. When Kevin jerked himself off, the cum hardly shot out at all. Also, it was clear and thin – not white and creamy. It was the cum of a boy who was just starting puberty.

"You want me to jerk off right here?"

"Yeah. You have to do it. You have to do everything I tell you to do."

"OK, but you better get me a tissue so I have something to clean up with after I shoot."

Kevin pulled a tissue out of the box on his nightstand and handed it to Jordan. Jordan sat on Kevin's bed, leaned against the headboard, and laid the tissue next to him. He grabbed his dick with his left hand and started jerking it.

"Wait! Before you start I have some questions for you."

Jordan stopped jerking.

"OK. You're the boss. Ask me whatever you want."

"How often do you jerk off?"

Jordan felt embarrassed talking about his jerk-off habits, but he decided to answer all of Kevin's questions truthfully. This was part of the game.

"Uhhh 3; I do it almost every day."

"How old were you when you did it for the first time?"

"When I was your age. I was in eighth grade."

"I have a secret to tell you."


"I jerked off for the first time last night."

"Really? Wow! That's cool."

"Not much squirted out, but it felt awesome."

"Yeah. That's why I do it almost every day."

Now Jordan had the answer to the question he was wondering about the previous night. Could Kevin shoot cum yet? The answer was yes!

Kevin had another question for Jordan.

"What do you think about when you do it?"

"I think about naked girls. I think about playing with their tits and stuff and them doing things to me."

Jordan chose not to reveal that the last time he jerked off he fantasized about Kevin. Kevin had some more questions, but he knew they had to hurry before Andy got back.

"OK. I want you to start playing with your wiener now. And do it just the way you always do it."

Jordan grabbed his fat, meaty cock in his left hand and started to slowly jerk it. With his right hand he played with his balls. The familiar sensation of self-induced sexual pleasure filled Jordan's cock. He looked over at Kevin. The thirteen year old had his full attention focused on what Jordan was doing to his aroused teenage sex organ. Jordan was really getting off on being 'forced' to put on a show for the younger kid. Kevin was enjoying it too – his wiener was starting to get hard inside his jeans.

"This is so awesome. You're really jerking off. Tell me when you're gonna cum."

Jordan started stroking his hard rod a little faster. Kevin could tell that Jordan was feeling really good by the expression on his face. Jordan's right hand wandered down to rub the patch of skin between the bottom of his balls and his asshole. Sometimes when he was really horny, Jordan would rub his asshole while jerking off. But he thought that that was way too perverted to do with Kevin watching.

A drop of precum oozed out of Jordan's piss slit. Kevin noticed it.

"I think you're starting to cum."

"No. That's just precum."

"Cool. I heard about precum before, but none came out when I jerked off last night."

"You'll get precum when you're a little older. You can use it for lube. Like this 3;"

Jordan touched the drop of dick slime with his index finger and swirled it all over his cockhead.

"It feels good when I do that."

Jordan continued stroking his hard dick. He knew he was going to cum soon. His cock was throbbing with pleasure and he had a craving for the sensation of cum shooting out of his dick. His hand moved up and down his cock shaft at an even faster rate.

"I'm gonna cum, Kev."


Kevin couldn't wait to see it. He didn't have to wait long – Jordan started to orgasm. A thick stream of teenage spunk forcefully shot out of Jordan's cock. He was leaning back against Kevin's headboard, so it landed on his chest and dribbled down towards his belly. A few additional less forceful squirts landed on his stomach.

"Awesome! You can shoot a lot more than me."

After he stopped shooting, Jordan milked out the cum that was still in his cock shaft. Those last few drops of milky goo oozed out of his piss slit. His cockhead was covered with a gooey combination of cum and precum.

"Soon you'll be able to shoot more. And remember, don't tell anyone that I let you watch me."

"I won't."

Jordan grabbed the tissue and started cleaning up the mess. He had to hurry before Andy got back. It would totally suck if Andy found out he jerked off in front of Kevin.

"You can do more stuff to me tomorrow when Andy goes to do his papers 3; It can even be something crazy like tying me up and rubbing your wiener in my face. Stuff like that."

"No way! You'd never let me do that to you."

"You can do whatever you want, just as long as you don't tell anyone. So think up some good stuff. OK?"


Jordan had no idea what he was getting himself into.

Chapter 3

When Andy (15 yo) left to do his paper route, his best friend Jordan (15 yo) told Kevin (13 yo) that he could get revenge on Jordan for all of the mean stuff Jordan and Andy did to him over the years. Kevin made Jordan get naked and jerk off in front of him. Jordan told Kevin to think up some more stuff they could do.

Here's what happened the next day 3;

"Wiener Boy"

The next day Andy, Jordan, and Kevin were at Kevin's house watching TV. A commercial came on.

"Hey, Kevvy, did you grow any new pubes lately? When we had your dick inspection I think I counted seven pubes. How many did you count, Jordan?"

"I think it was more like five."

"Shut up, guys."

It was so much fun getting Kevin riled up. Jordan thought of something really funny.

"I bet the first thing he does when he wakes up in the morning is count his pubes."

Andy laughed and imitated Kevin.

"One, two, three, four, five. I still have only five pubes."

"Then in a notebook he writes down the date and how many pubes he has."

"And then he plots the data on a graph and shows it to his mom."

Jordan and Andy were laughing hard. Kevin would have thought it was funny too if it wasn't about him.

"Very funny, guys. I'm not even listening to you."

Andy looked over at the clock. 4:00 PM.

"I gotta do my fucking papers."

Andy left. Jordan and Kevin were alone.

Jordan waited in nervous anticipation for what was going to happen next. Kevin knew exactly what he was going to do to Jordan. As soon as he knew Andy was gone for sure, he put his plan into action.

"Come up to my room. Now it's MY turn to boss YOU around."

Jordan's dick was growing hard inside his boxers as they walked towards Kevin's bedroom. They entered the bedroom and Kevin closed the door behind them.

"What are you gonna do to me?"

"You'll find out. First, get naked just like yesterday."

Jordan stripped off all his clothes, pretending that Kevin was in charge. He already had a full boner. What was Kevin going to do to him?

Kevin opened his closet door and brought out some pieces of rope that he hid in there earlier that day.

"I'm gonna tie you up."

Cool! Jordan liked that idea. He should like it – it was the idea he gave Kevin the previous day. In Jordan's original fantasy Kevin tied him up. And now it was going to happen for real!

"I was practicing tying knots. I can tie you up real good. Lay down on my bed."

The naked teen followed Kevin's order. Kevin grabbed Jordan's left wrist and tied it to the bedpost. He tied his right wrist to the other bedpost. Next was his left ankle. As Kevin moved Jordan's right ankle to the fourth post, Jordan's thighs spread wide apart, fully exposing his fat, fully erect cock and sagging ballsac.

"Now try to get loose. I bet you can't."

Jordan tried to free himself. There was no way he could get free – even if he really wanted to. He was surprised at how good a job Kevin did of tying him up.

"I can't get loose. Where'd you learn to tie knots so good?"

"From my cub scout book."

Kevin used to be a cub scout. He remembered that there was a chapter on knot-tying in his cub scout manual. Those were the knots he was practicing earlier that day.

"Now you're my prisoner and I can do whatever I want to you."

Kevin took off his shirt. He was getting naked! Jordan's sexual fantasy was coming true. Kevin was standing next to the bed wearing only his white underpants.

"You and Andy like to make fun of my wiener. Now you're gonna get a close-up look at it."

Kevin pulled down his underwear. The kid's cock and balls were just as Jordan remembered them two days earlier when he and Andy gave Kevin his dick inspection. Between Kevin's legs dangled the 2½ inch [6½ cm] limp dick of a thirteen year old kid in the early stages of puberty.

Kevin climbed up onto the bed next to the helplessly bound teen. Jordan stared at the dick and ballsac hanging from the region below Kevin's belly button. Jordan's dick was rock-hard but Kevin's wiener was still soft. Kevin straddled Jordan's head, lowered his butt, and sat down on Jordan's chest. Jordan felt the soft pressure of the kid's two plump, naked ass cheeks resting on his chest.

"Now my wiener's right in front of your face and you can't do anything about it."

Kevin was right – there was no way for Jordan to get the kid's cock and balls away from his face. Kevin was in control. Kevin looked back and saw Jordan's hard-on.

"You have a boner. I bet you have a boner because I'm naked. You must like looking at my wiener. You like my wiener, don't you, Jordan?"


"I bet you do. I'm gonna call you Wiener Boy for now on. I'm gonna call you Wiener Boy because you like wieners."

Jordan sort of liked this new nickname. Wiener Boy. It was degrading. He liked it as long as nobody except Kevin called him it.

"You can call me Wiener Boy if you want. But only when we're alone, OK?"

"OK. I think Wiener Boy wants to get a closer look at my wiener."

Jordan already had a close, detailed look – it was inches away from his face. He noticed that Kevin's ball pouch didn't have any hair on it at all. It looked silky smooth and had a slightly wrinkly texture. Jordan could clearly see the round shape of the two eggs inside the kid's sac. Then there was his dick. It was a 2½ inch [6½ cm] long fat worm with a helmeted head. Kevin grabbed with his fingers and wiggled it.

"Here's my wiener, Wiener Boy."

He tapped the tip of it on Jordan's chin.

"Get your dick off my face, Kevin."

"No. Your name's Wiener Boy and you like wieners. Here, have a closer look."

Kevin leaned forward and rubbed his dick all over Jordan's face. The friction from rubbing his cock on something was make Kevin feel horny. He was getting a boner. Jordan watched it grow and grow until it reached its maximum length of 3½ inches [9 cm]. Three and a half inches of horny boy meat.

"Now I have a boner too. What do you like better, Wiener Boy: soft wieners or hard wieners?"

"I don't like any wieners. I like girls."

"If you don't like wieners, then why's your name Wiener Boy?"

Kevin was having fun taunting Jordan like this. It felt good to get revenge on someone who picked on him so much in the past. And playing this sex game was exciting – it made his dick hard.

"What does my wiener smell like, Wiener Boy?"

Kevin lowered his balls onto Jordan's face. They rested right below Jordan's nose. As Jordan drew air into his nostrils, he smelled the distinctive aroma of thirteen year old kid genitals – a slightly sweaty smell caused by being enclosed in warm underwear all day. It was Kevin's cock smell.

"It smells gross. Get your dick out of my face."

"No. I'm gonna keep my wiener in your face as long as I want."

Kevin remembered what Jordan and Andy were teasing him about right before Andy left.

"You guys were making fun of my pubes today. You said I only have five hairs. I have more than five, don't I?"

Jordan looked at the area above Kevin's dick. The kid certainly had more than five pubic hairs, but his 'bush' was still very sparse. Kevin got an idea.

"Wait here. I'll be right back."

As if Jordan had a choice. In a few seconds Kevin returned with a pair of scissors.

"I'm gonna cut off all your pubes. Then I'll have more than you."

Jordan wasn't expecting this. He imagined how ridiculous he'd look with no pubic hair. The game suddenly became more serious than he anticipated.

"No, Kev. Don't do that."

"You said I could do anything I wanted to."

"Yeah, but 3;"

"Don't worry. They'll grow back."

Kevin started pruning. Soon Jordan's fluffy bush of pubic hair was nothing more than a very short fuzzy carpet. Kevin even cut off all of the hairs that were growing on Jordan's ball sac. Jordan looked between his legs. It DID look ridiculous. He looked like a little kid. Luckily, Jordan didn't have to take showers in gym class. It would be several weeks before his pubic hair grew back to normal.

Kevin looked over at the clock on his night stand.

"We better stop – Andy'll be back soon."

"Oh my God, you're right. Hurry up and untie me."

A few minutes later they were dressed. And soon after that Andy returned, having no idea about what happened while he was gone. The three guys continued watching TV. After a commercial came on, Kevin turned to Andy.

"Hey Andy, do you have more than five pubes?"

"Of course. Only little squirts like you have five."

Then Kevin turned to Jordan.

"Hey Jordan, I bet I have more pubes than you do."

Chapter 4

When Andy (15 yo) left to do his paper route, Kevin (13 yo) tied up Jordan (15 yo) and rubbed his wiener in his face. Then Kevin cut off all of Jordan's pubic hair with a scissors.

Here's what happened the next day 3;

Does Kevvy Play With His Wiener?

The next day Jordan, Kevin, and Andy were hanging out at Jordan's house.

Kevin went to use the bathroom and came back a few minutes later.

"What took you so long? We thought you fell in the toilet."

"He was probably in there playing with himself."

"I was not."

Kevin prepared himself for another round of teasing. He could tell when Andy and Jordan were in the mood to tease him.

"Hey, Kevvy, did your daddy talk to you about the birds and the bees yet? Did he ask you if you play with yourself?"

"I don't think his dick's big enough to jerk off."

"Yeah, you need at least 2 inches [5 cm] to do it."

"Shut up, Andy. You know my wiener's bigger than 2 inches."

Andy assumed that Kevin's boner was longer than 2 inches, but Jordan knew exactly how big Kevin's dick got when it was hard. The previous afternoon Kevin was rubbing his boner right in Jordan's face.

"Kevvy, did you ever hear of the word 'masturbate'?"


"Then prove it. Tell us what it means."

"No. I'm not gonna tell you. If you and Jordan don't know what it means, you'll have to look it up in the dictionary."

"He's being a little smart ass today."

"Come on, Kevvy. Tell us what 'masturbation' means."

"It's playing with your wiener. Now leave me alone."

"Do you play with your wiener, Kevvy?"

"If you guys don't stop it, I'm going home."

Kevin thought that Andy and Jordan were being more annoying than usual.

"What are you gonna do when you get home, Kevvy?"

"Are you gonna get naked and play with your wiener?"

"What do you think about when you jerk off, Kevvy?"

"I bet he thinks about the boys in his class being naked."

"I think little Kevvy might be a homo."

"I'm not a homo, Andy."

In a way Andy really was curious about whether or not Kevin jerked off yet. And if he did, what did he fantasize about?

"Then prove it. Tell us what you think about when you jerk off."

"Maybe he fantasizes about you, Andy."

"Dude, don't say that. That's just too disturbing."

Kevin was getting tired of this. He really WAS thinking about going home.

"Come on guys, let's just watch TV."

"Kevvy, what boy in your class do you like to fantasize about the most?"

Finally, Kevin had enough.

"That's it. I'm leaving."

He got up and started walking out of the room.

"Come on, Kev. You know we're just kidding."

"Yeah, come back Kev."

"I'm sick of you guys."

He left 3;

Kevin's Revenge

3; but he came back the next day because Andy and Jordan were his friends. They weren't mean to him all the time. Mostly it was fun hanging out with them.

They were watching TV at Kevin's house as the clock slowly approached 4:00 PM.

"I gotta do my fucking papers."

Andy left.

"Come up to my room, Wiener Boy."

Jordan was filled with horny excitement. As they walked to Kevin's bedroom, his dick was already starting to get hard. He was hoping that Kevin thought up some good new ideas. They entered Kevin's bedroom and shut the door.

"OK, Wiener Boy, show me your wiener. Get naked."

Jordan followed Kevin's order. In a few seconds all of his clothes were in a heap on the floor.

"Oh my God! What happened to your pubes?"

"Shut up, Kevin. You know what happened to them."

Jordan's erect dick was sticking almost straight up in the air.

"You already have a boner."

"Uh 3; yeah."

Jordan was eagerly anticipating Kevin's next order. What was Kevin going to do to him this time?

"Today I'm gonna make you jerk off."

Jordan was disappointed. He already jerked off for Kevin the first time they played this game. He was hoping for something more adventurous.

"Don't you want me to do something else? I already jerked off for you a few days ago."

"Yeah. But this'll be different. Yesterday, you guys called me a homo. So today I'm gonna prove that you're the homo."

Jordan had no idea where all this was leading.

"Today you're gonna jerk off while fantasizing about Andy."


Jordan wasn't expecting anything like this. The only time he ever jerked off thinking about a guy was recently when he fantasized about Kevin bossing him around. He never fantasized about Andy before. Sometimes he wondered about stuff like what Andy's dick looked like and how often he jerked off and how he jerked off, but he never masturbated while thinking about his best friend.

"I don't think I can do that, Kev. That's really gay."

"You gotta do it. You gotta do everything I say. I'm the boss when Andy's not around. Remember?"

Of course Jordan remembered. He's the one who got himself into this mess.

"OK, I'll try it. But if you ever tell anyone about this, you're dead."

All he needed was for people to think he had homo fantasies.

"I'll never tell. Now start playing with your wiener. And tell me everything that you're thinking about."

Jordan sat on Kevin's bed and started off this unusual jerk-off session by rubbing his balls with his right hand. Fantasies like this were all new to him. He was a straight boy – except for this strange fetish he had of being submissive to Kevin. He didn't know how to begin.

"Ummm 3; How do you want me to start?"

"Pretend that you're gonna sleep over at Andy's house tonight. Tell me all about the sex stuff you're gonna do with each other."

While thinking about what to say, Jordan started to slowly stroke the underside of his 5 inch [12½ cm] shaft.

"Well 3; I guess me and Andy are in his bedroom. And Andy says, 'Let's get naked'."

"No, that's boring. Why don't you reach over and put your hand in Andy's pants."

"OK. I reach over and put my hand inside Andy's boxers."

"Tell me what you feel inside his underwear."

"I feel his pubes. And I guess I feel his dick in there, too."

"Is his wiener soft or hard?"

"It's soft."

"Make Andy's wiener get hard."

This was a really strange experience for Jordan. He knew that thinking about this stuff was totally gay, but there was something about it that excited him. He hated to admit it to himself, but fantasizing about Andy was making him feel a little horny. He continued slowly stroking his hard dick.

"I start feeling Andy's dick. Touching it all over."

"Feel his balls, too."

"I put my hand on his ballsac."

"Tell me what it feels like."

"It's soft and squishy. And I feel his balls in there."

"Now, keep playing with his wiener so it gets hard."

Jordan had a good imagination. He was visualizing in his mind what Andy's cock and balls might look like. Since he and Andy were about the same age, he guessed that Andy's dick looked a lot like his own. He also imagined what he would be feeling inside Andy's pants. He thought that it would feel soft, warm, and hairy. In his mind he was playing with his best friend's dick. It was slowly transforming into something HARD, warm, and hairy.

"I'm rubbing Andy's dick. It's making him horny and he's getting a boner."

"You can feel his wiener getting big and hard. And now he puts his hand in your pants. Tell me what his hand is doing to your wiener."

"Andy has his hand right on my dick. He's playing with it and it's hard."

This fantasy was causing Jordan to get very aroused. He found this fact to be both disturbing and exciting. Disturbing, because he wasn't supposed to have gay fantasies about his best friend. And exciting, because it was unlike any other sexual fantasy he ever had before.

"Now I want you and Andy to take each others clothes off. Get naked."

"I take off Andy's shoes, socks, and shirt – and he takes off mine. Then I pull his sweatpants off, and he takes mine off. Now we're just wearing our boxers."

"Now take your boxers off so you can see each others hard wieners."

"I pull Andy's boxers off and his dick pops out. Then he pulls mine down. Now we're both totally naked."

"Tell me what his boner looks like."

"His boner looks just like mine. It's pointing straight up in the air."

"How big is it?"

"It's about 5 inches [12½ cm] long."

Jordan wasn't the only one who was getting horny from this fantasy. There was a hard 3½ inch [9 cm] long wiener hiding inside Kevin's pants. He felt like playing with it.

"I'm gonna get naked and jerk off too."

Jordan watched as Kevin took off his clothes piece by piece. Soon the kid was wearing nothing but his white Fruit of the Loom briefs with a little bulge in front in the shape of a boner. Kevin grabbed the waistband and pulled them down, exposing his plump, erect wiener. Kevin sat on the bed next to his naked friend and mimicked Jordan's rhythmic jerking motion. Jordan saw Kevin's boner before, but he never saw him jerk it off. In fact, the only person he ever saw jerking off before was himself.

"Keep telling me about Andy. You're both naked in Andy's bedroom 3;"

"We're both naked and we're both looking at each others boners."

"Now play with Andy's wiener. Make him shoot cum."

Jordan's dick was feeling really good now – he had been leisurely stroking it for several minutes. Also, he couldn't keep his eyes off Kevin playing with his own little erect cock. And the thought of cum shooting out of Andy's dick was making him feel even more horny. He knew it wouldn't be long before he'd have to shoot his load.

"I reach over and grab Andy's boner and start jerking him."

"Tell me what Andy's feeling in his wiener."

Jordan tried to imagine what Andy would be feeling. He associated Andy's pleasure with what he was currently feeling in his own throbbing cock.

"Andy's feeling really horny and his boner's totally hard. I keep rubbing up and down his boner. He's just laying back on his bed enjoying the awesome feeling in his dick."

"Does he have any precum yet?"

"Yeah. I'm making his dick feel real good. And it starts oozing precum."

Jordan was embarrassed by how much he was getting turned on by this fantasy. He had a vivid image in his mind of his best friend laying on his back with his legs spread wide apart. He was jerking Andy's fat and horny boner. He was making Andy's cock feel sooooo good. In fact, it felt so good that Andy had a big drop of slimy precum on the tip of his dick.

"And now Andy says to you, 'Keep playing with my wiener, Jordan. Make it shoot cum'."

"Yeah. I'm gonna make him cum. He's gonna shoot a huge load out of his dick 3; Uhh 3; Kev, I'm gonna have to cum soon."

Kevin's wiener was feeling tingly too.

"Yeah, me too. My wiener feels like it's gonna explode. I'm gonna make it cum now."

Kevin started to stroke faster. The fleshy spike between his legs was filling up with horny pleasure. His little wiener felt better and better and BETTER 3;

"I'm gonna cum."

Suddenly, a small stream of clear kid-cum weakly squirted out of Kevin's dick and landed on the bedspread. Seeing this sent Jordan over the edge – he started to orgasm with the image of Andy's cock shooting cum in his mind. A stream of thick teen-cum forcefully shot out of Jordan's dick and landed right on Kevin's left thigh. As a few additional arcs of cum streamed out of Jordan's cock, the goo from his first squirt ran down the tender skin of Kevin's inner thigh right next to the kid's ballsac.

"Gross! You shot your cum on me."

As Jordan's orgasm subsided he looked at the trail of semen running down Kevin's thigh.

"Sorry. I didn't think it would shoot that far."

"You got it all over my bed too."

"Don't freak out, Kev. I'll clean it up."

Fifteen year old boys are used to cleaning up cummy messes. Jordan grabbed some tissues and wiped the sticky cum off of Kevin's thigh. Then he sopped up the pools of cum he shot on the bed. He didn't have to clean up Kevin's cum. The kid's watery ejaculation already seeped into the fabric of the bed sheet and was nothing more than a wet spot.

"We better get dressed before your boyfriend Andy gets back."

"Shut up, Kev. You made me say all that stuff about Andy. I'm not a homo."

But Jordan couldn't deny the fact that he just jerked off while fantasizing about his best friend. He wasn't gay. He was straight. He liked girls 3; And he occasionally had some fun playing this sex game with Kevin 3; And he just got horny while fantasizing about Andy 3; He had to think about this. It was all very confusing. He was supposed to like girls – only girls.

While Jordan went downstairs to watch TV, Kevin lingered in his bedroom. Once Jordan left, Kevin reached under his bed and pressed the stop button on his tape recorder.

Chapter 5

Andy (15 yo) and Jordan (15 yo) teased Kevin (13 yo) about jerking off and being a homo. When Andy left to do his paper route, Kevin got revenge by making Jordan jerk off while fantasizing about Andy. Kevin taped Jordan's fantasy.

Here's what happened the next day 3;

The Tape

The next day Jordan, Kevin, and Andy were hanging out at Kevin's house watching TV. About half an hour before 4:00 PM Kevin leaned over towards Jordan and whispered in his ear without Andy noticing.

"After Andy leaves, I'm gonna make you suck on my wiener."

Jordan was stunned by what he just heard. This is going too far. There's no way I'm gonna suck on his dick.

Jordan imagined himself pulling down Kevin's pants. He could form a clear picture in his mind of Kevin's cock, balls, and pubes. From experience he knew exactly what was hiding inside the kid's pants. Kevin's little boner would be jutting out and he'd say, "Put my wiener in your mouth, Wiener Boy. Suck on it."

Jordan tried to force this disturbing image out of his mind. He decided that he wasn't going to do it and he wasn't even going to think about it anymore. There was no way he was going to suck on another guy's dick. He tried to concentrate on the TV show 3;

3;but the image slowly seeped into his mind again. Jordan was getting horny. As Andy sat watching TV next to his best friend, he had no idea that Jordan's dick was starting to inflate. How would he react if he knew that Jordan was thinking about pulling Kevin's pants down and sucking on Kevvy's little boner?

Once again, Jordan forced the image out of his mind. He's not gonna make me do it. And I'm gonna tell him that we're not playing the Wiener Boy game anymore.

At 4:00 PM the television show ended.

"I gotta do my fucking papers."

Andy left.

"Come up to my room, Wiener Boy."

"Look, Kev. I've been thinking. I don't think we should do this anymore."

"But you gotta do it. You gotta do everything I say when Andy's not around."

"No I don't. I'm not gonna do it anymore, you little jerk-off."

"Come up to my room, Jordan."


"Just for a sec. I wanna show you something."

Jordan's curiosity got the better of him. What did Kevin want to show him? They entered Kevin's room and Kevin pulled out his tape recorder.

Earlier that day Kevin tediously edited the tape he made of Jordan's fantasy about Andy. He made a new tape that contained only the parts where Jordan was talking. Then he made a second copy of the edited tape, just in case something happened to the first copy.

"I have a tape for you to hear."

Kevin pushed the play button. Jordan's heart nearly stopped as he heard his own voice say:

"Me and Andy are sitting on his bed. I reach over and put my hand inside Andy's boxers. I feel his pubes. I feel his dick in there, too. I start feeling Andy's dick. Touching it all over. I put my hand on his ballsac. It's soft and squishy. And I feel his balls in there. I'm rubbing Andy's dick. It's making him horny and he's getting a boner. Andy has his hand right on my dick. He's playing with it and it's hard. I take off Andy's shoes, socks, and shirt – and he takes off mine. Then I pull his sweatpants off, and he takes mine off. Now we're just wearing our boxers. I pull Andy's boxers off and his dick pops out. Then he pulls mine down. Now we're both totally naked. His boner looks just like mine. It's pointing straight up in the air. It's about 5 inches [12½ cm] long. We're both naked and we're both looking at each others boners. I reach over and grab Andy's boner and start jerking him. Andy's feeling real horny and his boner's totally hard. I keep rubbing up and down his boner. He's just laying back on his bed enjoying the awesome feeling in his dick. I'm making his dick feel really good. And it starts oozing precum. I'm gonna make him cum. He's gonna shoot a huge load out of his dick."

The sound was a little muffled, but you could hear all of the words and you could definitely tell that it was Jordan talking. The monologue ended and Kevin turned off the tape recorder. Jordan was almost in a state of panic.

"I can't believe you taped me, you little shit. If anyone hears this, I'm dead. We gotta erase it."

"Nope. Now you gotta be Wiener Boy for me – forever. If you don't, I'll let Andy listen to it."

Now Jordan knew what Kevin was up to. He was being blackmailed. Jordan was angry that he fell into Kevin's trap.

"Come on, Kevin, give me the tape."

"No way. I want you to be Wiener Boy."

Jordan knew how to solve this problem. He wasn't going to be blackmailed by a little twerp like Kevin. He pushed the younger, weaker kid out of the way and took the tape out of the tape recorder – problem solved.

"Ha! Now what are you gonna do, Kevvy?"

Jordan was using his teasing tone of voice. The same tone that he and Andy used when they were teasing Kevin.

"Ha! Now what are you gonna do, Wiener Boy? I have another copy of the tape," Kevin said mockingly.

"You're lying."

"No I'm not. I knew you'd try to take it, so I made a copy."

Jordan could tell that Kevin was telling the truth. He knew he was defeated. All he could do now was beg.

"Come on, Kev. Give me the other tape 3; Please."


"I'll give you some money. I'll give you $5."


"How about $10?"

Kevin didn't want money. He just wanted them to continue playing their secret sex game. It was fun and it made him horny. And best of all, he got to boss Jordan around.

"I don't want any money. I won't let anyone hear it as long as you play the Wiener Boy game with me whenever I want."

Jordan knew that there was no way out of this. Now Kevin was the one in control. It wasn't just for pretend anymore. Jordan was Wiener Boy and Kevin was his boss. He was essentially a slave to an eighth grader – a horny eighth grader. A horny eighth grader who wanted his dick sucked.

Kevin could see that Jordan was giving in. He knew he won.

"OK, Wiener Boy. It's time to suck on my wiener. Pull down my pants."

It was happening just as Jordan imagined it when they were watching TV a few minutes earlier. He unbuckled Kevin's belt, unzipped the kid's jeans, and pulled them down. Just like the day before Kevin was wearing a pair of white briefs with the words 'Fruit of the Loom' repeated around the waistband. And just like the day before, Jordan could see a boner-shaped lump in the horny kid's underwear.

"Now pull down my underwear."

Jordan grabbed the waistband of Kevin's briefs and pulled them down. The wiener that Kevin wanted him to suck was fully erect and sticking up at an angle. Jordan could see purplish veins running up the length of the fleshy shaft. The plump 3½ inch [9 cm] piece of horny kid-meat was capped with a cockhead which had a slightly redder hue than the rest of his dick. I can't believe I have to suck on his dick. But what choice do I have? If he lets anyone hear that tape, I'm dead.

"Now put it in your mouth and suck on it."

Jordan stared at Kevin's aroused sex organ. He opened his mouth. Kevin's heart was beating fast – Jordan was going to suck on his wiener! Jordan leaned forward and slipped the blood-engorged kid-cock in his mouth. He pressed his lips against Kevin's swollen rod. The surface of Kevin's cock felt warm and soft – the inside was hard and stiff. Jordan rhythmically moved his head forwards and backwards. It reminding him of sucking on a thumb or a popsicle. But it wasn't a thumb or a popsicle – it was Kevin's dick.

The moist, rhythmic friction sent waves of pleasure through Kevin's cock.

"Whoa! That feels gooood. Keep sucking on it."

While he was sucking, Jordan stared at Kevin's small patch of pubic hair and his innie belly button. Every time he moved his head backwards, his lips passed over the rim of Kevin's cockhead. He knew that he must be making Kevin's dick feel real good. Suddenly, a horrible thought entered Jordan's mind: If I keep sucking, he's gonna cum. His slimy cum will shoot right in my mouth. Gross!

Jordan stopped sucking and took Kevin's dick out of his mouth.

"Hey! Why'd you stop?"

Kevin's saliva-covered wiener wanted more.

"I thought you were gonna cum in my mouth."

Kevin wanted Jordan to suck on his wiener until he shot cum in his mouth. That would feel good. But he agreed that it would also be sort of gross. Cum is slimy and gooey and probably tastes horrible. He didn't want Jordan to throw up or anything – especially in his bedroom.

"I'll tell you when I feel like cumming. Then you can stop sucking. OK?"

"Yeah, I guess that'd be OK."

"I wanna try something different. Lay down on my bed."

Jordan did as he was told. Kevin climbed up on the bed too and sat on Jordan's chest.

"Now open your mouth."

Once again Jordan followed Kevin's order. Kevin leaned forward and slipped his boner back inside Jordan's warm, moist mouth. Jordan pressed his lips together and resumed sucking on the stiff rod. The pleasure started again. It felt so good having his hard cock between Jordan's sucking lips.

Kevin instinctively began fucking Jordan's mouth. He was moving his pelvis up and down, which resulted in his boner sliding in and out of Jordan's mouth. When he thrust downward, his butt cheeks clenched together and his ballsac bounced against Jordan's chin. When he moved upward, his butt cheeks relaxed and parted slightly. Up and down, in and out, up and down, in and out. It was pure pleasure.

Kevin wanted to continue, but he felt like cumming more and more. He promised Jordan that he wouldn't shoot cum in his mouth. He stopped the fucking motion and sat up on Jordan's chest.

"I gotta cum."

Kevin started jerking his horny wiener using Jordan's saliva as lube. Jordan watched the kid jerking like crazy just inches away from his face. He could feel Kevin's naked butt moving around on his chest. Kevin's cock couldn't contain any more pleasure and he started to orgasm. Sex juice squirted out of his boner and splashed right on Jordan's face. Jordan sat up pushing the naked kid off his chest. Kevin's watery dick snot ran down his face and dripped into his mouth.

"Ewww, gross!!! You squirted it right in my mouth!"

"No I didn't. It went in when you sat up 3; What does it taste like?"

Actually, it didn't taste as bad as Jordan thought it would. But cum was in his mouth! Kevin's cum was in his mouth!

"I don't know. I'm not gonna throw up or anything, but it's still gross."

"It feels good when you suck on my wiener. I'm gonna make you do it all the time."

As Kevin got dressed, Jordan reflected on his situation. I can't believe I got myself into this mess. Now I'm gonna be sucking on that little twerp's dick whenever he feels horny. I'm gonna be fucking Wiener Boy for the rest of my life.

Chapter 6

Kevin (13 yo) used the tape he made of Jordan (15 yo) fantasizing about Andy (15 yo) to blackmail Jordan. He made Jordan suck on his wiener. He didn't cum in Jordan's mouth, but he squirted on Jordan's face and some of it got in Jordan's mouth.

Here's what happened the next day 3;


The next day Jordan, Andy, and Kevin were downstairs at Jordan's house watching Seinfeld on TV and drinking sodas. Kevin got up to use the bathroom.

"Hey, where are you going?" Andy asked.

"I gotta pee."

The commercial ended and the show came back on. Kevin sat back down on the couch.

"I thought you had to take a piss," Andy said.

"This part's really funny. I'll go when it's over."

"You better not piss on my couch like Poppy," Jordan said.

Andy and Kevin laughed at the joke, recognizing the reference to the Seinfeld episode where Poppy pisses on Jerry's couch.

The show ended and Kevin got up to use the bathroom.

"Hey, Kevvy, where are you going?"

"To the bathroom."

"Please don't leave us, Kevvy. It's torture when you're not around."

Jordan grabbed Kevin and stopped him from leaving.

"Let me go, Jordan. I gotta pee."

"You're not gonna piss your pants like a baby, are you?"


Actually, he did have to go pretty bad. It wasn't an emergency yet, but it was starting to get uncomfortable.

"OK. Fine. I'll go later."

As soon as Jordan let his guard down, Kevin tried to push him out of the way and run past him. It worked! But Andy stopped him before he could reach the stairs.

"Come on guys. I really gotta go."

"Say 'Please let me go take a piss'."

"Please let me go take a piss."

"What do you think, Jordan? Should we let him go?"

"I don't think so. What did he ever do for us?"

"Yeah, you're right. I guess he's just gonna have to hold it in."

Kevin was starting to get mad. He hated when Jordan and Andy acted like jerks.

"If you guys don't let me go, I'm gonna take my wiener out and pee all over you."

"That wouldn't be smart, Kevvy."

"Yeah. If you try that, we'll take off all your clothes and lock you out of the house naked."

Andy picked up Kevin's can of Coke. It felt like it was still about a third full.

"If you drink the rest of your Coke, we'll let you go."

Kevin was suspicious. He fell for their tricks lots of times in the past and didn't want to fall for another one.

"How do I know you're not lying?"

"Come on, Kevvy. Trust us."

"Have we ever lied to you before?"

"Yeah. About a thousand times."

"All you have to do is finish your Coke and then you can go take a piss."

Kevin took the can of soda.

"You guys better not be lying."

He finished the soda. Now it was getting serious. He had to go REALLY bad. He ran towards the stairs. Jordan stopped him. Kevin tried to fight his way through the blockade. With Jordan and Andy blocking the exit, there was no way he could escape.

"I'm serious guys. I gotta go. Now!"

A little squirt of urine snuck out of Kevin's dick. The yellow fluid was quickly absorbed into the cotton material of his underwear. He put his hands on his crotch trying to not let any more come out. At least for the moment he was successful. Jordan and Andy thought this was hilarious.

"Hey Kevvy, do you want another Coke?"

"If you drink another Coke, we'll let you go."

Kevin couldn't hold it in any longer. He gave up the struggle and started pissing in his pants. A dark, wet spot appeared on the front of his jeans.

"Oh my God! He pissed his pants!"

Kevin was really mad now. He hated them.

"You guys suck!"

He ran toward the stairs and blasted past Jordan and Andy, knocking them away.

"Now he's gonna run home to his mommy."

"He'll say, 'Mommy, mommy, I peed in my pants'."

"'Change my underwear for me, mommy'."

They didn't see Kevin anymore that day 3;

Kevin's Revenge

3; but they did see him the next day. In fact, all three of them were hanging out at his house playing video games. Andy kept his eye on the clock. 4:00 PM arrived.

"I gotta do my fucking papers."

Andy left.

"Come up to my room, Wiener Boy."

Jordan obeyed Kevin's command. He knew that Kevin would want to get revenge for what he and Andy did to him the previous day. It was probably the meanest thing they ever did to him. Kevin closed his bedroom door after they entered.

"Now, get naked and lay on my bed."

"What are you gonna do to me?"

"You'll find out. Just get naked and lay down."

Once again, Jordan obeyed. Kevin was the boss when Andy wasn't around. As Jordan slipped off his boxers, Kevin saw that he had a boner.

"You have a boner again. You said you didn't want us to do this anymore, but I think you like being Wiener Boy."

Jordan didn't really know what to think. The rational part of him knew that this was going way too far, but his dick seemed to disagree. He found this fact to be disturbing and confusing. He wasn't supposed to get boners from being bossed around by Kevin. He wasn't gay – he was straight. In any case, since Kevin was blackmailing him with the Andy fantasy tape, he knew there really wasn't anything he could do about it. Kevin was in control and he had to follow all of the horny kid's orders.

Kevin opened his closet and brought out the rope he used before to tie up Jordan. He securely tied both of Jordan's hands to two bedposts. Jordan was anxiously waiting for what was going to happen next. It could be anything. Kevin entered his closet again and emerged holding something in his hand.

"This is the underwear I was wearing yesterday when you and Andy made me pee. You guys were really mean and now you're gonna pay for what you did."

Jordan became even more anxious. Kevin was really mad yesterday – madder than Jordan ever saw him before. And now he was at the kid's mercy.

"I'm sorry, Kev. We went too far. We won't do anything like that again. I promise."

"Yeah, right. You guys always say that."

Jordan looked at the big yellow stain on the front of the white Fruit of the Loom briefs. What was Kevin going to do?

"Do you know what I'm gonna do with this underwear?"


"I'm gonna rub it in your face."

"Come on, Kev. Don't do that. That's really gross."

Jordan was serious when he said that. The last thing he wanted was Kevin's piss-stained underwear in his face.

"It was gross making me pee in my pants too. This is your punishment."

As Kevin approached him with the stained underwear, Jordan turned his head away trying to avoid the pissy briefs. It was no use. He was totally helpless with his arms tied. Kevin pressed the piss stain right in Jordan's face. Jordan tried to hold his breath, but eventually he had to breathe in. He couldn't avoid smelling the bitter, pissy odor. After a few seconds, Kevin pulled the underwear away.

"Now it's time for the second part of your punishment. I'm gonna make you wear my underwear."

Jordan was glad to have Kevin's undies out of his face. Wearing them was sort of disgusting too, but at least he wouldn't have them in his face anymore.

Kevin maneuvered Jordan's two feet through the waistband and the two leg openings of the briefs. Then he pulled the underwear up towards Jordan's crotch. The teen's fat cock was still fully erect.

"Lift your butt off the bed."

As Jordan lifted his butt up, Kevin pulled the briefs the rest of the way up. Kevin's underwear was about two sizes too small for Jordan, but they weren't uncomfortably small. Jordan's hard cock strained against the stained cotton material. The tubular shape of his sex organ was clearly evident. Kevin grabbed two more pieces of rope and tied Jordan's legs to the remaining two bedposts. He was now tied spread-eagle on the bed wearing nothing but a small pair of white (and yellow) briefs. For some reason, Jordan found this situation strangely erotic. The small underwear was really showing off his big boner. And the stain on the underwear made him feel dirty.

"I'm gonna make you wear these underwear for the rest of the day."

Jordan didn't think this was such a big deal. They were just small pee-stained underwear. It wouldn't kill him.

"And now for the last part of your punishment."

There was more!

Next, Kevin did something that Jordan wasn't expecting at all. He reached out and touched Jordan's dick through the underwear. Kevin was touching his boner! This was the first time anyone ever touched Jordan's boner except himself.

"I'm gonna make you shoot cum in the underwear too."

A hundred emotions were simultaneously racing through Jordan's confused teenaged mind. He was being blackmailed by a little kid. This was humiliating and arousing at the same time. He could live with wearing pee-stained underwear. But the thought of spending the rest of the day wearing gooey, cummy underwear was really disgusting. Part of him wanted Kevin to make his dick feel good – to make him cum. But he shouldn't let Kevin make him cum. That would be gay, and he wasn't gay.

Kevin started to rub Jordan's erect piece of meat through the briefs.

"Am I making your wiener feel good, Wiener Boy?"

"No. I'm not a homo. I'll wear your underwear for the rest of the day. Just let me go."

"Nope. I'm gonna make you cum first."

And Kevin was doing a pretty good job at that. He was rubbing Jordan's underwear-covered balls and up and down his shaft. All the bound teen could do was to helplessly watch Kevin's caressing hand and experience the pleasure it was producing in his cock. Should he try to fight it and not let himself cum? Or should he just relax and enjoy it? He decided to fight it.

"Come on Wiener Boy, shoot cum in your undies. Then you can run home to your mommy and say, 'Mommy, mommy, my wiener got hard and I shot cum in my underwear. What should I do? What should I do?'."

"You might as well give up now, Kev. You're not gonna make me cum."

"We'll see. Your wiener's hard and I know I'm making it feel good."

Jordan's dick was feeling really good. Kevin was rhythmically stroking up and down the length of his hard cock. Up and down. Endless methodic stroking. Up and down. Up and down. It felt soooooo good, but he wasn't going to let Kevin win. Jordan tried to think of algebra and fat old men – anything to get his mind off his dick. It didn't work. Kevin saw a small wet spot appear on the underwear right where the tip of Jordan's dick was.

"There's a wet spot on your undies. That's precum, isn't it? That means you're gonna cum soon."

Jordan knew Kevin was right. If Kevin kept playing with his dick, he was going to cum. Kevin was going to win again. But then the stroking suddenly stopped.

"I just got a great idea."

Kevin started taking off his clothes. In a few seconds the kid was naked. Jordan saw the familiar sight of Kevin's 3½ inch [9 cm] boner.

"I'm gonna jerk off and cum right after you do. I'm gonna squirt it right on your underwear. Then you'll have to wear my cum too."

Kevin sat between Jordan's spread legs and started jerking himself. Jordan's own cock was throbbing inside the tight briefs. He watched Kevin's hand playing with his small, erect wiener. He also noticed the look of pleasure on Kevin's face. It was obvious that the kid liked jerking off. Kevin stopped jerking. He wanted to shoot, but first he was going to make Jordan cum. He started rubbing Jordan's cum stick again.

"Come on, Wiener Boy. It'll feel real good when it squirts out."

Jordan knew he wouldn't last more than a minute longer. He was going to shoot a huge load right in Kevin's briefs. As Kevin continued stroking, Jordan's dick felt better and better and better. Eventually, he couldn't take it anymore and started to thrust his hips up and down, trying to fuck Kevin's stroking hand. Kevin knew that Jordan's dick was going to squirt very soon.

"Ha! I told you I was gonna make you cum."

Jordan's cock exploded inside the underwear. Cum started to seep through the cotton material of the briefs where the tip of Jordan's dick was. There was a wet cum spot on the material, but there was even more gooey cum inside the underwear.

"Now it's my turn to cum."

Kevin started playing with his boner. In less than a minute a pleasant orgasmic sensation filled his body. Just as he promised, Kevin squirted his thin stream of cum on Jordan's crotch – right on top of Jordan's own wet cum stain. The kid's watery cum quickly soaked into the underwear. Kevin untied Jordan.

"Now stand up. I wanna look at the cum inside your undies."

As Kevin pulled the waistband of Jordan's briefs forward, the distinctive aroma of fresh teenage cum filled the air. Kevin looked inside at the gooey, creamy mess.

"Ewww! That's gross! You're gonna have cum in your undies for the rest of the day."

"Come on, Kev. Let me clean up."

"Nope. This is what you get for being so mean to me."

Jordan pulled his boxers up over the cummy undies and then put on his jeans. It felt squishy and gross. Eventually, Andy came back and the three boys continued playing video games. Andy smelled a faint familiar odor, but he couldn't quite put his finger on exactly what it was. He never figured out that it was the odor of cum – his best friend's cum.

Chapter 7

Jordan (15 yo) and Andy (15 yo) wouldn't let Kevin (13 yo) go to the bathroom when he had to pee real bad. He peed in his pants! The next day he got back at Jordan by making him smell his pee-stained underwear. He also made Jordan wear the underwear and cum in them.

Here's what happened the next day 3;

Kevin's Cousin

Jordan, Andy, Kevin, and Dylan were at Andy's house watching TV.

Who's Dylan?

Dylan is Kevin's favorite cousin. He was staying at Kevin's house for three days. They were the same age and Kevin thought that he was real cool. Dylan was a really cute kid and got good grades in school. If he wasn't always getting in trouble, his teachers would have loved having him as a student. I guess the best way to describe Dylan is as being a cute and mischievous thirteen year old boy.

Oh 3; I almost forgot. He can also be described as being a horny kid. He figured out how to jerk off and shoot cum about three months before Kevin did. Since that first time, he's made it a habit of taking out his boy toy and playing with it until it squirts about once a day.

With Dylan visiting, Andy and Jordan now had two little squirts to tease. A commercial came on and Andy glanced over at Kevin's cousin.

"Hey, Dylan. Are you gonna sleep with Kevvy in his bed tonight?"

"No. I brought a sleeping bag."

As usual, Jordan was able to effortlessly pick up where Andy left off.

"Maybe they'll both sleep in Dylan's sleeping bag."

"What do you think, Kevvy? Do you want you and your little friend Dylan to be bed buddies tonight?"

"Shut up, Andy. I'm sleeping in my bed and Dylan's sleeping on the floor in his sleeping bag."

About a minute later Jordan thought of something funny.

"Hey Dylan, did you know that Kevin sleeps naked? He tells me and Andy about it almost every day."

"Shut up, Jordan. I do not. Don't listen to him, Dylan. I don't sleep naked."

Andy thought that this was hilarious.

"I think they'll both be sleeping naked in Dylan's sleeping bag tonight."

Dylan was getting really annoyed and his impulsive nature bubbled to the surface.

"Fuck you, Andy. At least me and Kevin don't suck each others dicks every day like you and Jordan do."

Jordan and Andy weren't used to being attacked like that. They definitely weren't going to let a little eighth grade twerp get away with saying something like that.

"You're gonna pay for that, smart ass."

Jordan was sitting next to Dylan on the couch. He knocked Dylan over, sat on top him, and used his knees to pin the smaller kid's arms. Jordan started to annoyingly slap his hands in Dylan's face. Dylan struggled to get free, but he couldn't overpower a kid two years older than himself. Kevin tried to help his cousin, but Andy held him back.

"I'll let you up if you say that you wanna suck on Kevin's dick."

"No way! Let me go, butt wipe."

Now Jordan was really getting mad. He was going to make this kid say it, if he had to kill him. He rolled Dylan over onto his stomach and twisted the kid's arm behind his back.

"Oww! Get off me!"

"First you have to say that you wanna suck on Kevin's dick."

"No. I'm not gonna say it."

Jordan twisted Dylan's arm even harder. Dylan had to give up. It hurt too much.

"OK, OK, I'll say it. I wanna suck on Kevin's dick. Now let me go!"

Jordan released Dylan's aching arm and let him get up. Dylan's initial impulse was to jump on Jordan and start pummeling him, but he wisely chose not to. Jordan would have easily won that fight. Meanwhile, Andy turned his attention to Kevin.

"Did you hear that, Kevvy? Dylan wants to suck on your dick."

"Just ignore them, Dylan. Let's go home. These guys are jerks."

As the two cousins left, Jordan yelled after them.

"I hope you little homos have fun sucking each other tonight."

Only two people in the world knew that two days earlier Jordan had Kevin's boner in his mouth.

While walking back to Kevin's house, Dylan was still angry at Andy and especially at Jordan.

"How can you stand hanging around those guys?"

"Sometimes they're a pain, but they're usually cool."

Kevin was dying to tell Dylan about the Wiener Boy game, but he promised Jordan that he wouldn't tell anyone. Well, technically he promised that he wouldn't tell Andy. Would it hurt to tell Dylan? Dylan would keep it a secret, wouldn't he?

"Uhh, Dylan?"


"I have something weird to tell you about Jordan 3;"

Two Thirteen Year Old Boners

The next day all four boys were hanging out at Jordan's house. Now there were three people in the world who knew that Jordan had Kevin's boner in his mouth. Kevin told Dylan everything. And now Dylan couldn't wait until 4:00 PM. The magical time finally arrived.

"I gotta do my fucking papers."

Andy left.

Dylan looked over at Jordan with an impish smile on his face.

"Let's go up to your bedroom, Wiener Boy."

Jordan's heart nearly stopped. Dylan knew. Kevin told him their secret.

"Kevin, you promised not to tell anyone."

"Don't worry. Dylan won't tell."

"Yeah. I won't tell anyone 3; as long as you do everything we tell you to do."

Jordan was feeling sort of nervous as they walked up to his bedroom. Kevin was expecting the game to be more fun than usual with Dylan playing. And Dylan couldn't wait to start giving Jordan orders. He was looking forward to getting revenge on Jordan for what he did to him the previous day.

As they entered the bedroom, Jordan realized that his dick was starting to get hard. Now two younger boys were going to boss him around. And he'd have to follow all of their orders. He was dreading what they were going to make him do, but for some reason his dick didn't seem to mind.

"What should we make him do, Dylan? I'll let you decide."

"First, let's make him get naked. Take off your clothes, Wiener Boy."

Jordan felt as if he was a sex toy whose sole purpose was to entertain these two horny kids. Dylan smiled as he watched Jordan strip to his boxers. Jordan grabbed the waistband of his boxers and pulled them down. Both Kevin and Dylan stared at the teen's 5 inch [12½ cm], erect dick. It was rock hard and pointing almost straight up in the air.

"He has a boner."

"Yeah. He always gets a boner when we play this game."

"OK, Wiener Boy. Now I want you to say 'I wanna suck on Kevin's dick'."

That's exactly what Jordan forced Dylan to say the previous day. On that day Jordan was in control. But now the younger teen was the boss. As humiliating as it was, Jordan had to say it.

"I wanna suck on Kevin's dick."

"You're good at following orders. Now say 'I wanna suck on Dylan's dick'."

"I wanna suck on Dylan's dick."

"You must really like dicks. Now pull down my pants."

Jordan got down on his knees and looked at the crotch of Dylan's jeans. He knew that the kid's cock and balls were hiding in there. Jordan reached out and unbuckled Dylan's belt. Then he unbuttoned the kid's jeans and pulled down the zipper. He noticed that Dylan was wearing grey Hanes underwear. He also noticed a vertical, tubular lump behind the cotton material. Dylan had a boner.

"Pull my pants all the way down."

Dylan kicked his shoes off and Jordan pulled down Dylan's jeans. Dylan was now wearing only socks, a shirt, and his grey Hanes boxerbriefs.

"Take off your pants too, Kev."

Kevin happily took off his shoes and jeans. Like Dylan, he was now wearing only socks, a shirt, and his undies. Dylan and Jordan both glanced over at Kevin's crotch. It was obvious that Kevin also had a boner inside his briefs.

"You thought you were so tough yesterday trying to break my arm. You're not so tough today. Now you're gonna pay for what you did. Kiss me right here 3;"

Jordan watched Dylan point to the small bulge in his boxerbriefs. This was so humiliating. Jordan leaned forward and planted a kiss right on Dylan's underwear-covered boner.

"I wish Andy was here to see this. Then he'd see what a wimpy friend he has – getting bossed around by eighth graders. Let's get naked, Kev."


The two thirteen year olds took off the rest of their clothes. Both Jordan and Kevin were watching with curiosity as Dylan pulled down his underwear,. Kevin never saw his cousin naked before. Actually, that's not exactly true. When they were little kids, they sometimes took baths together. But they never saw each other naked recently. It looked like Dylan was a little more developed than Kevin. He had a little more pubic hair and his 4 inch [10 cm] boner was about half an inch [1 cm] longer than Kevin's.

"You said you wanted to suck on our dicks. Now you're gonna do it, Wiener Boy. Let's get on the bed, Kev."

The two naked cousins jumped on Jordan's bed. They lay down on their backs and spread their legs apart. Two boners were jutting out from two horny, pubescent crotches.

"Lick my balls, Wiener Boy."

Jordan looked at Dylan's crotch. It was warm in the room, so the kid's ballsac was sagging – just like it gets after he takes a warm shower. The skin was loose and Jordan could clearly see the two balls inside the pouch. As Jordan got closer, he noticed a network of faint red veins on the skin covering Dylan's ballsac. He stuck his tongue out and licked the fleshy pouch.

"Keep licking my balls. And lick my dick too."

Jordan slid his tongue up the length of Dylan's stiff rod. That felt good! Dylan's legs spread wider apart.

"Do it again."

Jordan licked the plump 4 inch [10 cm] piece of meat again. Kevin was eagerly waiting for his turn as he watched Jordan tonguing his cousin's hard dick. He wanted his wiener to feel good too.

"Let me have a turn."

Jordan turned his attention to Kevin's inflated 3½ inch piece of meat. The kid's dick tingled with pleasure as Jordan repeatedly slid his tongue up the underside of his shaft. Now Dylan was growing impatient. He liked watching his favorite cousin's cock getting licked, but he wanted it to be his turn again. It felt good when Jordan was licking his boner and he though it would feel even better if Jordan sucked on it.

"It's my turn now, Kev. I want him to suck on mine. Suck on my dick, Wiener Boy."

Jordan looked at the stiff rod poking out from between Dylan's legs. Dylan wanted him to suck on it and he had to do it. He was wondering just how far into puberty Dylan was.

"Dylan, can you cum yet?"


Jordan didn't want Dylan's dick slime shooting in his mouth. He accidentally tasted some of Kevin's cum a few days earlier. It didn't taste horrible, but it was sort of disgusting. And Dylan looked like he was a little further into puberty than Kevin. He could probably shoot more cum than his cousin and it would probably be thicker.

"I'll suck on it, but you have to tell me when you're gonna cum. I don't want you to shoot it in my mouth."

"Don't worry – I'll tell you. Now, put my dick in your mouth."

Dylan smiled mischievously as the older teen positioned his head between the kid's legs. Jordan opened his mouth and slipped the tip of Dylan's cock into his mouth. He pressed his lips around the kid's shaft right below the rim of his cockhead and swirled his tongue over the surface of the mushroom-shaped head, feeling the texture of Dylan's piss slit.

Jordan allowed the rest of Dylan's 4 inch [10 cm] cock to enter his warm, moist mouth. He used his tongue to massage the underside of the kid's cock shaft. Dylan let out a quiet sigh. Jordan's probing tongue was making the kid's dick feel real good. Before long, Dylan's cock was throbbing with pleasure. His dick never felt anything like this before. Suddenly, Jordan stopped sucking.

"Are you gonna cum soon?"

"No. Keep sucking it."

Dylan was lying. He knew that if Jordan started sucking on his cock again, he wouldn't be able to last long before shooting his cum. Kevin wanted a turn.

"Come on, Dylan. Let me have a turn."

"OK. But then he has to suck on mine again."

Jordan turned his attention from the 4-incher [10 cm] to the 3½-incher [9 cm]. Kevin's legs were spread wide apart and his dick was craving pleasure. Jordan put the piece of meat in his mouth and started sucking. A pleasurable smile appeared on Kevin's face. His wiener was very, very happy.

"See, Dylan. I told you it would feel good if we made him suck on our wieners."

Dylan started to taunt Jordan.

"Jordan likes sucking on dicks. A big tough tenth grader sucking on two eighth graders' dicks. We can make you suck us as much as we want and you can't do anything about it."

Part of Jordan was annoyed with Dylan and wanted to hit him. And another part of Jordan liked being humiliated by the younger kid. It was making his dick hard.

And speaking of hard dicks, Jordan's sucking and licking was bringing Kevin close to the point of orgasm.

"Jordan, you better stop. I'm soon gonna cum."

Jordan quickly released Kevin's saliva-covered wiener from his sucking mouth.

"Now it's my turn again. Suck on my wiener, Wiener Boy."

Jordan's mouth was soon filled with another horny kid-cock. He was Wiener Boy and he had to make their cocks feel good. Suck 3;suck 3;suck 3; Dylan's boner felt like cumming. His young body never felt so much sexual pleasure. He started to orgasm. Jordan felt the cock in his mouth throb. Cum started squirting out of Dylan's dick. Jordan's mouth was being filled with slimy kid-cum. He immediately took the squirting dick out of his mouth.

"Gross! You shot in my mouth!"

"Sorry. It was an accident."

"Yeah, right."

Jordan knew Dylan did it on purpose.

"Kevin told me when some of his cum got in your mouth you said it didn't taste bad."

Jordan swallowed all of Dylan's sex juice right after he took the kids boner out of his mouth. The cummy flavor still lingered in his mouth. It tasted bitter and a little like chlorine. But other than that, it wasn't going to make him throw up or anything.

"Yeah, well, it's still gross."

Kevin's boner still needed some attention. Dylan got to cum and he didn't.

"I wanna cum too."

"You heard him, Wiener Boy. My cousin wants to cum. Suck on his dick until he cums in your mouth."

Jordan looked at the cum spout poking out from between Kevin's legs. He had to follow their orders. He had to suck on Kevin's dick until it squirted in his mouth. He put the fleshy rod in his mouth and started sucking it and licking it – licking it and sucking it – trying to make it cum. It was working. Kevin's dick was about to explode with pleasure. Soon the boner in Jordan's mouth started squirting its sex juice. For the second time that afternoon Jordan swallowed a mouthful of fresh thirteen year old boy dick slime.

Jordan's job was done. He sucked off both Kevin and his cousin. And now his own boner was screaming for attention.

"I'm gonna cum now too, OK?"

Kevin looked over at the clock.

"Oh my God! Andy's gonna be back soon."

Kevin was right. They had to hurry. The three boys scrambled to get dressed. Jordan pulled his boxers up over his raging hard-on. He would have to take care of it later.

Two minutes after they got dressed Andy returned. That was too close – they almost got caught. Dylan, Kevin, and Andy hung out at Jordan's house for about two more hours. Andy never realized that his best friend's breath smelled like cum.

As soon as Dylan, Kevin, and Andy went home, Jordan went to his room and got naked. He jerked off thinking about Dylan and Kevin standing next to each other with their hard dicks pointing out at him. They forced him to get down on his knees in front of them. He alternated between licking Kevin's dick, then Dylan's dick, then Kevin's dick, then Dylan's dick 3;

Chapter 8

Jordan (15 yo) and Andy (15 yo) teased Kevin (13 yo) and his cousin Dylan (13 yo). Dylan talked back to them and they forced him to say "I wanna suck on Kevin's dick". Kevin told Dylan about the Wiener Boy game he plays with Jordan. The next day Dylan and Kevin made Jordan suck on their boners until they shot their cum in his mouth.

Here's what happened the next day 3;

The Telephone Call

The next morning at around 9:00 AM the telephone at Jordan's house rang. Jordan's mom answered it. From his bedroom Jordan heard her yelling:

"Jordan. Telephone."

Maybe it was Andy.

"I'll get it back here, mom."

He picked up the phone in his parent's bedroom and his mom hung up the phone in the kitchen.


"Hello, Wiener Boy. Can you come out and play today?"

It was Kevin's voice. Jordan could hear Dylan snickering in the background.

"I don't know, Kev. I think I'm just gonna hang around here for a while."

"No. Come over to my house. Me and my parents are going to the dentist and Dylan needs someone to play with while we're gone."

Jordan wasn't sure if he wanted to be alone with Dylan. He was a lot more unpredictable than Kevin. Who knows what Dylan would do to him if they were alone. Jordan's dick was starting to get hard.

"How long are you and your parents gonna be gone?"

"I don't know. More than an hour. Maybe two hours."

More than an hour of being bossed around by Dylan. He hated Dylan – the kid was a smartass. He wished that he and Andy could spend an hour with Dylan to teach the kid the consequences of an eighth grader talking back to tenth graders. But he knew that if he was alone with Dylan he'd become Wiener Boy. He'd be under the kid's control. He'd have to lick the eighth grader's dick and who knows what else. Jordan's cock was now fully erect.

"OK. I'll come over."

"He's coming over."

Jordan heard Dylan say "Cool" in the background.

"Me and my parents are leaving in a few minutes, so you better leave right now."

Jordan's mom saw her son heading toward the door.

"Where are you going so early?"

"I'm going over to Kevin's house for a while. I'll be back in an hour or two."

Jordan's mom knew that her son and his friend Andy sometimes teased Kevin.

"OK. But be nice to Kevin. I don't want you picking on him just because he's younger than you."

"I won't, mom."

Alone with Dylan (Part 1)

When Jordan arrived at Kevin's house, he knew that Kevin and his parents were gone. The family car wasn't there. He knocked on the door. Dylan's head appeared in Kevin's bedroom window.

"Come on in. The door's unlocked. We're gonna have a lot of fun today."

Jordan let himself in and walked upstairs to Kevin's bedroom. When he entered, he saw that Dylan was already butt-naked. Dylan pointed to his fully erect boner.

"Suck on it, Wiener Boy."

Jordan obediently got down on his knees in front of the thirteen year old and slipped the hard piece of meat into his mouth. He sucked on it and swirled his tongue all over the hard kid-dick. The pleasant sensation was just as Dylan remembered it from the previous day. He liked having his cock in someone's mouth. It felt good. Today was Dylan's last day visiting Kevin. He hoped that he'd be able to find someone back home to suck on his dick. There were a few kids that he thought might do it.

Dylan felt like he was going to cum pretty soon.

"Stop sucking. I don't wanna cum yet."

Jordan released Dylan's cock from his mouth. The kid's saliva-covered boner was throbbing happily. It would be squirting cum in a little while, but not quite yet.

"Get naked, Wiener Boy."

Jordan stripped. He threw his boxers on the floor next to his other clothes. Dylan reached in Kevin's closet and pulled out four pieces of rope – the same rope that Kevin used to tie Jordan up several days earlier.

"I'm gonna tie you up. Lay down on Kevin's bed."

Jordan didn't know if this was such a good idea. Dylan was a lot more unpredictable than Kevin. If he let Dylan tie him up, he'd be totally defenseless. He had no idea what perverted schemes were floating around in Dylan's mind. Did he really want to put himself in this situation?

"Hurry up, Wiener Boy. I don't have all day."

The naked teen got on the bed and lay down on his back. He was going to do it. He was going to give Dylan total control. Dylan grabbed Jordan's right wrist and tied it to the bedpost.

"Kevin showed me how to make good knots last night."

And apparently Kevin was a very good teacher. There was no way Jordan could free his right arm 3; or his left arm 3; or his right leg 3; or his left leg. He was lying spread-eagle on his back with an erect cock. He was totally helpless. Dylan had an impish smile on his face. He knew he was in control now. The naked kid climbed up on the bed and sat down on Jordan's chest.

"I still remember what you did to me two days ago. You and Andy think you're so tough. But you're not so tough now, are you Wiener Boy?"

"I don't know."

"Well, let's find out."

Dylan started slapping his hands on Jordan's face. It didn't hurt at all – it was just very annoying. Jordan felt like getting loose and hitting Dylan. But he couldn't. And Dylan knew that.

"I can make you do anything I want. Kiss my balls."

Dylan leaned forward and wiggled his ballsac by tapping it repeatedly with his index finger. Jordan stared at the dangling balls that were right in front of his face. Dylan lowered himself and rested his bag of balls right on Jordan's lips. Jordan puckered his lips and kissed the smooth pouch. Dylan giggled impishly.

"See. I told you. Poor Wiener Boy has do everything that a little eighth grader tells him to do. What do you think I'm gonna make you do next?"

"I don't know."

Jordan didn't know. This kid was crazy – naked, crazy, and horny.

"Hmmm. Let's see 3;"

Dylan looked down at his boner. He felt horny and wanted to cum. He tapped his cock head on Jordan's lips.

"Kiss my dick."

Jordan kissed the kid's plump, 4-inch [10 cm] boner.

"Now stick out your tongue."

Jordan did as he was told and Dylan rubbed his dick across the slippery, wet surface.

"I wanna cum. I'm gonna make you do stuff to my dick until I have to cum. And then I'm gonna shoot it all over your face."

Jordan stared at the piss slit on the tip if Dylan's stiff dick. He knew that in a few minutes slimy cum was going to be shooting out of it right at him.

"Put it in your mouth."

Jordan slipped the horny rod into his mouth and started sucking. After a while Dylan pulled his saliva-covered boner out of the sucking mouth and rubbed it on Jordan's face.

"You like sucking on my dick, don't you?"


"Then maybe you'll like my balls better. Suck on my balls, Wiener Boy."

Jordan opened his mouth and Dylan lowered his ballsac into the warm, moist opening. Jordan sucked on the round, flesh-covered eggs. As Jordan continued sucking on the kid's balls, Dylan started jerking himself off.

"This feels gooood. I'm gonna cum all over you."

Dylan was getting closer and closer to the point of orgasm.

"Get ready, Wiener Boy. I'm soon gonna cum."

All Jordan could do was to continue sucking Dylan's balls and wait for the kid's horny boner to shoot. Dylan started jerking faster and Jordan knew that he was going to cum very soon. Suddenly, Dylan raised himself up, sat his naked butt on Jordan's chest, and pointed his dick right at Jordan's face. He jerked his dick a few more times and then let out a quiet moan. Dylan's kid-cum squirted out of his boner and landed right on Jordan's face. The older teen's face was covered with Dylan's dick snot.

"That felt good. My cum shot all over your face."

Dylan giggled. He thought that this was funny.

"That's gross, Dylan. Wipe it off."

"Say 'please'."


"OK. I'll wipe it off with my dick."

Dylan grabbed his softening cock in his hand and rubbed it in the cummy goo on Jordan's face. The underside of his dick was coated with cum.

"Open your mouth, Wiener Boy. I have some cum for you."

"No, Dylan. That's gross."

"Open your mouth, Jordan. You have to do everything I say."

Jordan opened his mouth. Dylan stuck his cum-covered dick inside Jordan's mouth. Jordan tasted the familiar flavor of thirteen year old boy cum.

"Suck the cum off my dick."

Jordan cleaned Dylan's cummy boner. Dylan's dick was starting to grow again. He wiped his hardening cock through another pool of cum on Jordan's face.

"Lick my dick, Wiener Boy."

Jordan stuck out his tongue and licked the cum-flavored popsicle clean. Dylan's boner was once again fully erect. He was still horny.

"Come on, Dylan. Untie me now."

"Nope. Kevin and his parents won't be back for a long time. We're gonna have a lot more fun."

Dylan sat on the bed and thought about what he could do to Jordan next. Suddenly, a mischievous grin formed on his face.

Chapter 9

Kevin (13 yo) and his parents went to the dentist. Jordan (15 yo) went to Kevin's house to play the Wiener Boy game with Kevin's cousin Dylan (13 yo). Dylan made Jordan suck him for a while and then tied him up. Dylan shot cum on Jordan's face and made him lick cum off his dick.

When we last left Dylan and Jordan, Jordan was tied up and Dylan just thought of more things to do to Jordan 3;

Alone with Dylan (Part 2)

Dylan continued the Wiener Boy game by doing one of his favorite things: humiliating Jordan by making him say embarrassing stuff. He loved taunting Jordan. It was fun.

"I think Wiener Boy likes my dick. Say 'I'm in love with Dylan's dick'."

Jordan glanced at the 4-inch [10 cm] boner poking out from between the thirteen year old kid's legs.

"I'm in love with Dylan's dick."

"What would Andy think if he knew you liked my dick so much? And what if he knew you liked my cum too. Say 'Dylan's cum tastes good'."

Jordan could still taste the flavor of Dylan's cum in his mouth.

"Dylan's cum tastes good."

Dylan giggled.

"This is so awesome. I can make you say anything. Say 'I wanna kiss Dylan's butt'."

"I wanna kiss Dylan's butt."

Dylan giggled again.

"Do you really wanna kiss my butt, Wiener Boy?"


"Then why'd you say you want to? Since you said it, I'm gonna make you do it for real."

How humiliating! Jordan couldn't think of anything more humiliating than kissing this kid's ass. Dylan turned around so his naked butt was facing Jordan. He turned his head around to look at his captive.

"Get ready to kiss some butt, Wiener Boy."

Jordan stared helplessly as the two fleshy globes moved toward him. Soon the kid's ass was right in his face. Dylan started wiggling his butt around. Jordan had no choice but to withstand the humiliation.

"Maybe we should call you Butt Boy instead of Wiener Boy."

Dylan laughed at his cruel joke.

"Kiss it, Wiener Boy 3; I mean Butt Boy."

Jordan kissed Dylan's left ass cheek. He couldn't believe he just kissed someone's ass! A thirteen year old kid's ass!

"Now kiss the other cheek."

Jordan puckered his lips and kissed the other milky white mound.

"You must really like my butt. I think Butt Boy's in love."

Jordan didn't find Dylan to be amusing at all. But for some reason he was finding this to be incredibly arousing. His cock was totally hard and he had a strong urge to grab it and start jerking it. But with his arms tied, he couldn't.

Dylan's devious mind was hard at work thinking about what to make Jordan do next. In a few seconds Dylan's patented mischievous smile reappeared on his face. Jordan felt like hitting Dylan in the face to make his smile disappear.

"Since you like butts so much, maybe you wanna see my butthole."

Dylan got on his knees again and pointed his butt towards Jordan. But this time he spread his buttcheeks apart exposing his pink puckered asshole. Jordan never actually saw a butthole before. He simultaneously found it fascinating and disgusting.

"That's really gross, Dylan."

"I thought you liked butts, Butt Boy."

It WAS gross, but there was also something strangely erotic about it. It was the most private part of Dylan's body – the part that was always hidden. Jordan couldn't help but to stare at it.

"Do you like looking at my butthole, Butt Boy?"


"Say 'I think I'm falling in love with Dylan's butthole'."

How humiliating.

"I think I'm falling in love with Dylan's butthole."

Dylan giggled. It was funny making Jordan say stuff like that.

"Say 'I wanna lick Dylan's butthole'."

"No way. I'm not saying that."

This annoyed Dylan. He wanted Jordan to do EVERYTHING he told him to do.

"Come on, Butt Boy. You gotta do everything I say. Now say 'I wanna lick Dylan's butthole'."

"No. I'm not gonna say it. That's gross."

Now Dylan was really annoyed.

"Since you won't say it, I'm gonna make you do it for real."

"No way, Dylan. I don't care what you do to me. I'm not gonna lick your butthole."

Dylan was frustrated. One way or another he was going to make Jordan lick his asshole. But how? He looked between Jordan's legs and saw the teen's boner. This gave him an idea.

"I bet I can make you do it."

Dylan sat down on the bed next to Jordan's inflated cock.

"Why do you have a boner, Butt Boy?"

"I don't know."

"Do you want me to touch it?"


Jordan's brain didn't want Dylan to touch his dick. That was gay. But his cock wanted to be touched.

"Well, I'm gonna touch it anyway."

Dylan reached his hand out and started gently stroking up and down Jordan's horny rod. There's nothing Jordan liked better than jerking himself off. Like all horny fifteen year old boys he loved jerking and cumming. And he now realized that being jerked by someone else felt even better than when he did it to himself.

"Do you want me to lick it?"


"Are you sure?"

What would it feel like to have his dick licked? Jordan licked and sucked both Dylan and Kevin's cocks. And he could tell that they loved it.

"Uhhhh 3; I guess you can lick it if you want."

Dylan leaned over and stuck out his tongue. When he got about two inches [5 cm] away from Jordan's boner he started licking the air. The wet, pink tongue was so close to Jordan's dick. Jordan badly wanted to feel the slimy friction of Dylan's tongue on his cock. But it didn't happen. Dylan sat back up. He was only teasing Jordan.

"I'm not gonna lick your dick, Butt Boy. Only homos like you lick dicks."

Jordan couldn't believe he fell for the kid's trick. Dylan resumed jerking Jordan. Jordan's cock became very, very hard. The veins on the erect piece of meat were starting to bulge.

"It feels good when I jerk your dick, doesn't it?"


"Stop lying, Butt Boy."

Dylan kept stroking and stroking and stroking and Jordan's dick felt better and better and better. Soon, his cock started to get juicy – a drop of precum oozed out of his piss slit. Dylan noticed it. That's what he was waiting for. He took his hand off Jordan's cock. The pleasure stopped.

"You want me to jerk you some more, don't you?"


"I know you do. I'll make you a deal. I'll keep jerking you until you cum if you lick my butthole."

Jordan suddenly figured out what Dylan's plan was. The kid was going to keep teasing his cock and wouldn't let him cum until he gave in and licked his hole. It wasn't going to work. He would never let Dylan win. There was no way he was going to lick Dylan's asshole.

Dylan got back down on his knees and pointed his butt at Jordan. He spread his buttcheeks apart so Jordan could have another look at his butthole.

"All you gotta do is lick it once and then I'll jerk you until you cum."

"I'm not gonna do it, Dylan. I don't care what you do to me."

Dylan knew he was eventually going to win. He knew how good it felt to cum and he knew Jordan would eventually give in. The sexual pleasure in Jordan's cock subsided a little since Dylan stopped stimulating it. But it was still hard and filled with horniness.

Dylan put the tip of his finger in the precum on Jordan's piss slit and swirled it around Jordan's cock head. Then he slid his slimy fingertip down the underside of Jordan's dick – and then up the underside of his dick – and then back down the underside of his dick. Jordan's cock tingled with pleasure – until Dylan took his hand away.

"You want me to keep rubbing your dick, don't you?"

Jordan didn't answer. The answer was obviously 'yes'.

Dylan sat right next to Jordan's face, grabbed his own dick in his fist, and started jerking himself.

"Ahhh, this feels so good. I'll do it to you too. But first you know what you gotta do."

"I'm not gonna do it, Dylan. You might as well give up."

Dylan returned his attention to Jordan's boner. He ran a single finger up and down the length of Jordan's fat cock. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. It was driving the bound teen crazy. A few more strokes and he was going to cum. Dylan stopped.

"Come on, Dylan. Stop doing that."

Dylan pointed his butt at Jordan again and spread his cheeks apart.

"If you lick it, I'll let you cum next time."

Jordan looked at the hole. He wanted to cum bad – REAL bad. And all he had to do was lick Dylan's asshole. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad. It didn't look dirty or anything.

"No. I'm not gonna do it."

"OK. It's your choice."

Dylan resumed stimulating the horny 5 inch [12½ cm] dick. It leaked more precum. Dylan stopped. Now this was getting serious. Jordan had to cum and he had to cum NOW. Once again the kid's asshole appeared before him. Just one lick. It would be easy.

"OK. I'll do it. But if you tell anyone, I'll kill you."


Dylan won. He positioned his butt right in front of Jordan's face. Jordan looked inside the crack. He got a detailed look at the hole that he was about to lick. It was just a little pink hole hidden between the kid's two plump butt cheeks.

"Hurry up, Butt Boy. Lick it."

Jordan stuck out his tongue. He tentatively moved it inside Dylan's ass crack. His tongue made contact with the crack right below the hole. Jordan closed his eyes and quickly slid his tongue up and over the kid's hot asshole. Gross!

"There. I did it. Now you gotta let me cum."

"Nope. Sorry. I changed my mind."

Come on, Dylan. That's not fair. You promised. You gotta let me cum."

"I'll let you cum if you lick it again. I really mean it this time."

Jordan didn't trust this kid at all. He was probably lying again – but maybe he wasn't. Dylan pointed his butt at Jordan again and started wiggling it to taunt his bound captive.

"Lick my butthole again, Butt Boy."

"OK. But if you don't let me cum after I do it, I'll kill you. And I really mean it."

In the end it didn't matter. Suddenly, the bedroom door opened and Kevin walked in. He saw his cousin wiggling his butt right in Jordan's face.

"What are you guys doing?!? You better get dressed – my parents are downstairs."

Dylan wanted to torment Jordan some more, but now his fun was over. The two cousin's untied Jordan's legs and then they untied his arms. As soon as his arms were free, Jordan immediately started jerking himself off. It didn't take long. In a few seconds he shot a huge load of cum all over Kevin's bed.

"Gross! Why'd you cum on my bed?"

"Cause your fucking cousin wouldn't let me shoot."

"Well, you gotta clean it up before you leave."

This gave Dylan an idea.

"Kev, I have a great idea. Let's make him lick it up."

"We don't have time, Dylan. My mom or dad could come in any second."

Jordan was grateful that Kevin saved him from that humiliation. His stomach turned at the thought of licking up a huge load of his own cum. Instead, he quickly wiped up the gooey mess using some tissues. Then Dylan and Jordan got dressed and Jordan rode his bike home.

A few hours later Dylan's parents picked him up at Kevin's house and drove him home.

Chapter 10

Kevin (13 yo) and his parents went to the dentist. Jordan (15 yo) went to Kevin's house to play the Wiener Boy game with Kevin's cousin Dylan (13 yo). Dylan tied up Jordan and played with his boner, but wouldn't let him cum.

Kevin's Feeling Horny Again

The next day Andy, Jordan, and Kevin were hanging out in Andy's bedroom. Andy looked over at the clock. 4:00 PM.

"I gotta do my fucking papers."

Andy left.

Kevin was feeling horny.

"Pull down my pants and suck on my wiener. I wanna cum."

Jordan knelt down in front of Kevin and unbuttoned and pulled down the thirteen year old kid's jeans. Then he grabbed the waistband of Kevin's tighty whities and pulled them down. There it was – the familiar sight of Kevin's horny little boner. Jordan slipped the hard piece of meat into his mouth and started sucking on it. Suck 3; suck 3; suck 3;

Suddenly the bedroom door opened and Andy walked in! CAUGHT! Jordan's heart nearly stopped. He immediately took Kevin's boner out of his mouth. Andy couldn't believe what he just saw.

"Jordan! What are you doing?!? You were sucking his dick!!!"

Jordan never felt so embarrassed in his entire life. There was nothing he could say. So he simply ran past Andy out of the bedroom and then ran home. All that he could think about was that he just lost his best friend. Andy would think he was gay and would never want to hang out with him again.

Why did Jordan do it?

Kevin told Andy everything. He even let him listen to the tape. It was all so strange. Why would Jordan do something like this? He wasn't gay, was he?

But in some way Andy did understand. As Kevin was telling him all of the details, Andy's dick started to grow inside his pants. Why? He never had a sexual fantasy about either Kevin or Jordan. Yet there was something erotic about it all. It gave him a boner.

And then there was the tape. Jordan was saying stuff about putting his hand in Andy's pants and touching his dick. And then he talked about jerking Andy until he shot cum. Did Jordan really want to do that to him? Would he let Jordan do that to him?

He wanted to talk to Jordan. He needed to understand. But Jordan didn't want to talk. How could he face his best friend? Kevin probably told him everything.

As the days passed, Jordan refused to talk to Andy on the phone. Twice Andy came to his house, but Jordan wouldn't come out of his bedroom. Jordan was too embarrassed to face his best friend. He didn't even understand why Andy would want to talk to him anymore?

Jordan missed hanging out with Andy. Maybe he could send him an e-mail explaining some things. One night he typed a message and pressed the 'send' button:

"i know you hate me and you must think i'm a homo. but i'm not gay. you have to believe me. i like girls. if i had a girlfriend, i wouldn't have done any of that stuff. i think i just wanted to experiment or something. i hope you understand."

What a lame e-mail. After he sent it, Jordan wished he could have taken it back 3; until he got Andy's reply:

"dude, i think i understand. i got to talk to you. come to my house right after school tomorrow. i still want to be friends."

At Andy's House

Jordan nervously walked to Andy's house and knocked on the door. He knew that Andy was in there alone waiting for him. The door opened.

"Jordan. I didn't think you were gonna show. Come in."

For about the millionth time in his life, Jordan walked into his best friend's house.

"You must think I'm the world's biggest homo."

"Dude, when I walked in my room and saw you sucking Kevin I thought, 'What the fuck's going on?' I thought you must have lost your mind or something. And then after Kevin told me the whole story, I was like, 'OK. Maybe you're just a horny guy and wanted to try something totally crazy'. Am I right?"

"Yeah. It's not like I'm in love with Kevin and his dickhead cousin."

"Here's a test: Would you rather suck Kevin's dick or play with a hot girl's tits?"

"I'd definitely go with the tits. No question."

"There. That proves it. You're not a homo. And I'm not a homo either, but I'll admit I was getting boned up when Kevin was telling me about the stuff you guys did. And then he played me that tape 3;"

"I'm gonna fucking kill him. I can't believe he let you listen to it. You gotta believe me, Andy – he made me say that shit."

"Dude. Calm down. It sounded so fake. You could tell he edited all the different sentences together."

"Yeah. It's not like I had a homo fantasy about you and he taped me. He told me to say most of what was on there."

"But still, dude. I'm not a homo, but listening to that got me boned up too. And then he was telling me what it felt like to have his dick sucked. I can't believe that little twerp got sucked before me. I mean, I always fantasize about girls sucking my dick and he's there telling me what it feels like."

"I never got sucked either, but I could tell that it feels totally awesome. Kevin and Dylan begged me to do it to them cause they liked it so much. I tried to make that dickhead Dylan suck me, but he wouldn't do it."

Andy paused nervously.

"Well, I was thinking 3; I'll do it to you if you do it to me."

Jordan never thought in a million years that Andy would say something like that.

"Dude, you're joking, aren't you?"

"I know it's gay. And I know you think I'm a homo. But you already did it to Kevin and I really wanna know what it feels like. I've been thinking a lot about it. And I figure if we never tell anyone, then we'll be the only ones who know."

"So you're saying that if I suck on yours you'll suck on mine?"


"And we keep sucking until the other guy cums?"

"Yeah. I guess so. You tasted their cum, right?"


"Was it like totally gross, or what?"

"Well, I wouldn't order it at a restaurant. But I didn't throw up or anything."

"Then lets do it. The rules are: we suck each other until the other guy cums and we never tell anyone. OK?"

"OK 3; Dude, this is so crazy. You're sure you wanna do this?"

"Yeah. And we better do it now before I change my mind."

"OK, then let's do it. Who goes first?"

"I don't know. I guess we should flip a coin or something."

They went up to Andy's bedroom. Andy grabbed a coin out of a container that he keeps his change in.

"You call it in the air. The winner gets sucked first."

Andy flipped the coin.


The coin landed on the floor. They both anxiously looked at the coin to see which side was facing up. Tails – Andy won.

"Tails! I win."

"Dude, you suck."

"No – you suck!"

"Very funny."

"So what do I do? Get naked or just take my dick out?"

"It's your choice, I guess."

"I think it'll feel better if I'm naked."

Jordan watched his best friend strip in front of him. First his shirt. Then his shoes. Then his socks. Then his jeans. He only had his boxers on. He hesitated before pulling them off.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?"

"It was your idea. You decide."

"Let's do it."

Jordan was glad Andy didn't back out. He had a major boner in his pants and he really wanted to do this. Andy pulled down his boxers. It was obvious that Andy was feeling just as horny as Jordan was – his boner was pointing up in the air at a 45 degree angle.

Jordan looked at the piece of meat that was soon going to be in his mouth. It looked like Andy's dick was a little bigger than his own. His was about 5 inches [12½ cm] long and Andy's looked like it was maybe 5½ inches [14 cm]. Jordan wanted to start before Andy had a chance to change his mind.

"What do you wanna do? Stand there, sit down on your bed, or lay on your bed?"

"How did you do it to Kevin?"

"All different ways."

"I guess I'll sit on my bed."

Andy sat down on the edge of his bed. His balls were dangling over the edge and his feet were separated wide apart. His hard cock was sticking up from between his spread thighs. There was lots of hair above his dick and some hair was growing on his ballsac. It looked just like a typical fifteen year old teenager's crotch.

Jordan knelt down right in front of his best friend. Andy's fat, veiny, blood-engorged cock was right in front of his face.

"First I'll just lick it for a while, OK?"


Jordan stuck out his tongue and slid it over the underside of Andy's shaft. Andy felt like a jolt of electricity just flowed through his dick.

"Dude, that felt awesome. I can't believe we're doing this. This is so gay."

Jordan licked it again. And again. And again. As Jordan continued licking, the pleasure in Andy's cock increased little by little. He soon had a raging hard-on. His cockhead was swollen and had a purplish color.

"My dick's feeling real good. I'm so glad we decided to do this."

"Now I'll suck on it. Are you ready?"

"Yeah. I'm gonna try not to shoot for as long as I can. Then when I cum it'll feel better."

"OK. I'm gonna keep sucking on it until you shoot."

Jordan parted his lips and slid Andy's hot and horny rod inside his mouth. He pressed his lips around Andy's shaft and started moving them up and down the length of Andy's cock. Andy never felt anything like this before in his entire life.

"Fuck, dude. This feels so fucking awesome."

Jordan knew that Andy was trying not to cum so he decided to play a game – he wanted to see how fast he could make the dick in his mouth shoot cum. While Jordan was sucking, he was also rubbing his tongue against Andy's cock – trying to urge the cum out of it.

Meanwhile, Andy was in a state of sexual ecstasy. It didn't take long for his cock to become juicy. When Jordan tasted the flavor of precum, he knew it would only be a few more seconds before Andy's cock exploded in his mouth. Jordan was right – Andy was trying to hold back the best he could, but it just felt too good. He soon gave up. He had to shoot.

"Dude, I can't take it any more. I'm gonna shoot."

And he did. Spurt after spurt of hot cum shot out of his cock. Jordan's mouth was filled with his friend's gooey sex juice. He discovered that Andy could shoot a lot more cum than either Kevin or Dylan. And it was thicker and creamier too. It was teen cum instead of kid cum. Jordan swallowed Andy's load in one big gulp.

Andy collapsed backwards on his bed. He just had one of the most amazing orgasms of his life and he needed some time to recover. His dick slowly started to soften.

"You can't imagine how awesome that felt."

"Maybe not, but I'll be finding out soon."

"Yeah. I guess it's your turn now."

Andy wasn't too excited about sucking a guy's dick, but he had to do it. His best friend just did it to him and he had to return the favor. Jordan was already starting to strip off his clothes.

"I'm gonna sit on the bed just like you did."

Jordan sat in the exact same position that Andy was in while he was being sucked – thighs spread apart – balls dangling over the edge of the bed – hard cock jutting up in the air eagerly waiting for the sucking to start.

Andy knelt down in front of Jordan. The stuff Jordan did to him felt really good, so he decided to do the exact same thing to Jordan. He stuck his tongue out and licked Jordan's dick for a while and then put the fleshy pole in his mouth. He sucked on it and tried to imitate the tongue thing Jordan did to him. He sucked and licked 3; Sucked and licked 3; Andy's technique was working – Jordan's dick was soon throbbing with pleasure. He felt the first waves of a massive orgasm approaching.

"Dude, I'm soon gonna cum."

Andy closed his eyes and waited for the cum. The cum came. Just like Andy, Jordan's body expelled a huge load of teen cream. Andy thought the thick spermy fluid tasted horrible. He released the satisfied cock from his mouth, quickly grabbed a tissue off his night stand, and spit Jordan's sex goo into it.

"That shit tastes fucking nasty."

He spit again into the tissue, trying to get the bitter flavor out of his mouth. He had Jordan's sperms in his mouth! Yuck!!! Jordan was a little amused by Andy's violent reaction.

"Dude, it's not that bad. You're not gonna barf are you?"

"I don't think so."

"Are you still glad we did it?"

"Yeah. But I'm not sure if I'll wanna do it again."

They got dressed and spent the rest of the day doing typical things that teenage best friends do together.


And that's the end of the Wiener Boy story.

So, what happened to Jordan, Andy, and Kevin?

Jordan and Kevin never played the Wiener Boy game again. Also, that was the first and only time Jordan and Andy ever sucked each other. Soon after that they both found girlfriends. And their girlfriends eventually became familiar with the flavor of their boyfriend's cum.

The little kid named Kevvy soon had a growth spurt and transformed into a hot teen named Kevin. In fact, he developed into a hot teen who also happened to be gay.

A few weeks after Jordan got caught sucking Kevin, a cool kid Kevin's age named Kyle moved into the neighborhood. Kevin and Kyle soon became best friends.

Kevin eventually found out that Kyle was gay too. You'll be happy to hear that Jordan wasn't the last guy to suck on Kevin Pearson's wiener.

The End