PZA Boy Stories


Dog Boy


Fourteen year old Andy, spends the summer at his Uncle's new Dog Kennel development, in theory studying for upcoming exams, whilst in reality, trying out some of the more outlandish equipment being installed.
Publ. Apr 2013
Finished 20,500 words (41 pages)


Andy White (14), Jake Hammond (11)

Category & Story codes

Other Boy story
t(solo) btcons mast – toys bond spank machine


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author through this feedback form with Unknownwriter – Dog Boy in the subject line.

Chapter One

The events that would lead to fourteen year old Andy White, ending up as the puppy slave of his little cousin Jake, all began when he agreed to look after his uncle's kennels during a building programme.

Eric Hammond's kennel business was doing so well that it had outgrown the premises that had been built around his home a short way outside the main town. With a full booking sheet right through to Christmas and beyond, he'd been able to convince the local bank manager – also a customer as it happened – to loan him enough money to not only buy an old farm half a mile away, but to convert the out buildings that came with the small cottage into a state of the art kennel and dog breading centre.

The work was going to be carried out over the summer which, naturally was also his busiest time, so Eric himself wouldn't be able to be on site at the new place, but someone would have to be. His wife, though would also be busy grooming the dogs already in their care and their son Jake, at eleven was too young to be out there on his own. Andy though, wasn't, and as he wouldn't have to do much more than keep an eye on the place, he could – he explained to his parents – use the time to catch up on his school work ready for when he returned in September. Surprisingly Andy's parents agreed, although that was mainly due to the chaos that their own house was in, thanks to the arrival of Andy's sister, and her two toddlers, following yet another break up with the kid's father.

It was a hot sunny day when Andy first arrived at his uncle's place where work was already underway on the new buildings. His uncle was naturally busy so it fell to Jake to show the teenager around, his voice twanged with noticeably jealousy as he showed his cousin, the cottage Andy was going to stay in all by himself. Admittedly, it didn't have any mod cons, other than a microwave and fridge, with which Andy could store and heat up his meals for the duration. Other than that though there was nothing else in the way of modern items, meaning Andy would have little choice but to do the work he had bought with him.

The tour continued slowly. Jake pointing out what the various out buildings were going to be turned into other the next few weeks. A perimeter fence had already been constructed, as had a few of the wire link cages, here and there, but other than that, none of the main rooms were complete so they all looked the same, no matter if they were going to be. Not that Jake knew what this was in most cases, and most became titled 'Another Room' in his guide book. The only exceptions being the 'Breeder Room' which just made him giggle every time he said it, even though Andy didn't know why, or what was just so funny about it. Still, he hadn't known why his uncle had got so excited about the exercise machine, that he was having installed in one of the rooms either.


The tour end in the one building other than the cottage that the builders weren't going to be working in. This was scheduled for demolition, nearer the end of the job, but for now was being used to store all the various equipment the new premises were going to be needing and which Uncle Eric, was already starting to buy in. There, lining the floor, or staked onto shelves, were all the things you would expect to find in a kennel, from collapsible wire mess travelling cases, right down to steel bowls, collars, leads, and a large assortment of dog toys.

"Dad wants us to sort this lot out at some point." Jake explained, "Or rather he wants YOU to sort it out."

Andy missed the sarcasm in his cousin's voice as he wasn't really listening as just before Jake had started to speak he'd spotted something sticking out of the side of one of the boxes that had taken his eye and was now reaching for it.

There was a short length of black web-like material, similar, although smaller, to what they make seat belts out of, protruding from one of the bags. This is what had caught Andy's eye and which he was soon pulling from the box it was in only to discover that it was tangled in with a lot of similar items. Some of these were fastened to each other, while other ended in some sort of fastening made from either metal or plastic. While other had a slide part way down their length that could clearly be used to make the strap either longer or shorter.

"They're harnesses." Jake explained, when Andy asked him, "For when the dogs are too lively to be controlled just be a lead and collar."

Andy just nodded, continuing to untangle the straps, while at the same time, trying to work out just how they would go, even going so far as to drape them over his own shoulders, to see if that would help, although all this got him was mockery from his cousin.

"They're for dogs, not people." Jake laughed, adding, "And anyway, that set would be too little for you, though they'd probably fit you sister's brats."

The thought of the rather rambunctious toddlers restrained in straps rather than running wild all over his house, made the teenager smile and for a moment the two cousins bonded before another thought came into Andy's head.

"You get bigger dogs here too though don't you. Don't you have straps for them too."

"Sure." Jake nodded, nudging a set that had fallen on the floor, "Those ones."

Dropping the set he was holding Andy picked up the one that had been indicated, noticing instantly that they were in fact bigger and when he held them up to himself, Jake noticed and said just what Andy himself had been thinking. "They'd probably fit you."

It was the perfect excuse the older boy needed. Putting his arms through the gaps he imagined were for the dogs front legs, and then pulling the rest of the harness on like it was a jacket, with the buckles in front, over his chest, where it was an easy enough job just to clip the two parts together.

"You were right. It does fit me." He told his cousin and, sure enough, the dog harness fitted, sort off. It was a big loose, and hung slackly over Andy's shoulders and around his chest, but clearly worked, in a way.

"Sort of!" Jake agreed, nodding his slightly shaggy head of hair sun bleached hair from the amount of time he spent walking his parents guests around the nearby fields. "But it hasn't got the lead part attached to it."

"Oh right. Where does that go then?"

"Hang on." Jake went over to the box and rummaged through to find what he was looking for, then he returned to Andy, where he spent a few minutes looking for a point where he could attach it, but unable to find one until he happened to glance around to Andy's chest.

"You've got it on back to front." He announced, flicking at the steel ring that was hanging from the buckle in the centre of Andy's shirt.

Recognising his mistake, Andy squeezed the clasp to free the harness from his body, and slipped it down his arms where Jake caught it, and turned it around the other way.

"It needs to go on this way." The younger boy explained, "put your arms in first. Both of them."

Turning around to face his cousin, Andy held his arms out, slipping them both into the same holes they'd been in before, but the other way around, so the wider, thicker piece of webbing, he had initially taken to be the back of the harness was now at the front. This he could now see was intended to go over the dog's chest and give support which it was soon doing to him, once the straps were pulled up over his arms with the loose parts of the clasp now behind him.

"That's better." Jake announced, moving around behind the bigger boy, so he could take the two parts of the buckle and click them together to hold the harness in place. Then all he had to do was attach the lead to the rings there and the job was done. "Walk forwards!"

Andy did as he was told, but was only able to take two steps before Jake gave a tug on the lead he was holding, and he was stopped in his tracks.

"Yeah, that's it, alright!" the younger boy beamed at his success but Andy was having other thoughts. He was feeling the self same excitement that he'd had when he'd been strapped to the cross in the school hall. Of course, it wasn't quite the same as his arms and feet were still able to move, but all the same, he was getting the start of an erection that caused him to shiver slightly despite the warmth in the storage room.

Embarrassed to be reacting the way he was, Andy decided the best course of action would be to take the harness off again, but when he reached behind himself to operate the clasp, he found he couldn't quite reach it. However, he soon discovered that he didn't actually need to do that as the motion of twisting caused the straps to slide off his shoulders, and from there down to the floor.

"Crap!" sighed Jake, "They need to be done up tighter so they don't come off. Put them on again."

He knew he should have said no and changed the subject but Andy couldn't help himself. He was intrigued to find out what the straps would feel like when they were on properly so once more he held his arms out, and allowed Jake to slide the webbing up his arms and over his shoulders. However this time the twelve year old didn't fasten then clasps straight away, instead he waited until he'd finished making all the adjustments that were needed to make the harness fit his cousin perfectly, just as he would have done if Andy had been an actually dog.

It took over five minutes for all the bar sliders to be moved back and forth in order to get all the straps to the perfect length as, after all, they were designed for a slightly different body shape than that of the fourteen year old boy, they were being put on. Yet when it was all done and once more Jake fastened the clasps closed, Andy had the strangest sensation of the harness pulling taut against his chest and torso.

"Right, try and get out of them now?" Jake said taking a step back.

The first attempt was the one that had worked inadvertently last time, a shrug of the shoulders but, that just didn't work this time as the straps were now too tightly held into Andy's neck to have the chance to slide over his arms.

With that having clearly failed Andy went back to his original plan, reaching back with his arm for the buckle, but although he could just about feel it with his fingertips he just couldn't get the right angle on it in order to release it. Trying with his other arm was even less successful, so clearly that wasn't going to work.

Having given up the two obvious ways, Andy then tried to simply pull the harness down but as with the shrugging method there just wasn't enough give in the shoulders for that to work. No matter how much he wriggled about he just couldn't get his arms through, there just wasn't enough room.

The next attempt involved Andy trying to get the harness to go up over his head, but, again he just couldn't get his arms through enough so that the straps going around his chest and waist, would move past his shoulders.

There were no more attempts after that as it was now clear to both the boys that not only was the harness escape proof for a dog, but they were exactly the same thing for a human too. In other words Andy was stuck in the harness until someone released him. And he wasn't the only one who had noticed.

"Looks like you can't get it off." A small smile crept across Jake's face as he said, "Just like you were one of the dogs in the kennels."

Andy didn't say anything as there didn't see any point, plus it was clear that there was more to come, which there certainly was a few seconds later.

"That's what that harness is used for you know. Making sure the dogs don't go places they aren't meant to, to start with anyway. Later we use one of the shock collars but, that has to be set up with a perimeter and everything."

"A what?"

Jake sighed, "A perimeter. It's a line of little posts put around the yard which have a signal on them that can send a signal to the collar the dog is wearing. Then, if the dog tries to go past the perimeter he gets a shock, until he learns not to try to escape."

"To train them?"

"Yeah, of course, so they learn to do what they're told, but without anyone being there, like with this thing." Jake gave a pull on the leash that was still attached to the middle of the harness Andy wore, causing the teenager to take a step backwards at which, quite naturally, Andy complained.

"Ain't no use complaining, not while you've got that thing on anyway." The blond youngster laughed. "You've got to do what I want, cos, well, you can't do nothing else."

A lump formed in Andy's throat, "Like a slave."

"Yeah, I guess so," Jake's smile grew wider, "after all that's what dad says dogs are really, as they have to do everything that we say, and get punished if they don't."

"Oh! Really, SO what's this harness for then. If it were on a dog!"

"A guard dog, I think. Yeah, they'd be in that and then have a long leash on them so they could move around the ground they were looking after, but not able to do anything else."

Another question popped into Andy's head. "Couldn't anyone just release them though."

"Yeah right," scoffed the other boy, "Like to see you get a harness off a guard dog that didn't know you, and still have all your fingers at the end."

"What about the other end though. The end you've got. Couldn't someone just unclip that from whatever it was clicked to?"

"Oh right, no they couldn't. Hang on." Jake started looking around the store room for a few moments, searching through the box the harnesses had come out off until he found what he was looking for. Then holding the small item in his hand he started to have another look around the storeroom until he spotted a metal bracket bolted into the wall that had once supported a sturdy shelf that was no longer there.

"If you use this thing, like this," he explained, clipping the item through a bolt hole in the end of the bracket and then clipping the leash to that, before sliding a cover over the top, "Then no one other than you can get it off. Try it."

Going over Andy saw that the device was more or less a small combination padlock, which covered the end of the leash, completely covering the spring clip. This made it impossible to even see, let alone operate the clip to detach the leash without first sliding the cover back. Something which the combination prevented.

"That'll stop anyone from releasing the guard dog and, of course, stop the dog from going places he ain't meant to. Go on try walking away from it."

Andy did so even before Jake had finished speaking, managing to take nearly a dozen steps, and almost to reach the opposite wall before the leash tightened up and the tension in the harness stopped him cold. Not put off, Andy then spent the next couple of minutes pulling with all his might against what was holding him, but none of it moved an inch beyond where he had initially got to. Meanwhile Jake looked on, clearly amused by what he was watching.

"Tell you what." The youngster said after a short time. "there's half an hour before dad's coming to pick me up, so why don't you see if you can get out before then."

And with that Jake was gone, leaving Andy standing there, wearing a dog harness via which he was leashed to the wall in the out building.

Suddenly alone, and with a gauntlet thrown down by the younger boy, Andy felt like it was his duty to try and escape, even though he didn't really want to. Once more he reached with his arm as far as he could behind him, he made an attempt to grab the clasp that held the harness so snugly on his upper body. He was slightly surprised that he could actual reach this, but, as he was soon to discover, this made no real difference as he just couldn't work the clasp with one had. It needed two, one to hold it and the other to work it, and of course, he couldn't put both his arms behind his back at once. At least not standing up.

Sitting down, proved no different and certainly no easier. Nor was laying down, either on his side, with his back to the wall, or face down. His fingers could only wrestle with the clasp they couldn't actually make any difference to it so clearly that wasn't going to be how he was going to free himself.

Standing once more, Andy made a study of the harness as he could see it, before making his next move. This was to first strain and then shrug his shoulders, before doing both at once, but nothing he did would cause the shoulder straps to come of his shoulders. It wasn't even close.

Squirming and wriggling, likewise, proved no rest bite from the harness so Andy turned his attention to the leash itself, think that even if he couldn't get the harness off, then getting un-tethered from the wall would be something. Only it wasn't. He couldn't reach the place where the leash attached to the middle of his back, and the combination lock, made releasing himself from the wall, an impossible dream. He was stuck.

After nearly twenty minutes of trying, to get free Andy had to admit defeat, and once he did that a feeling of helplessness swept over him, making him realise that he had as little control over what he or where he went as the dogs up at the kennels.

It was an overwhelming feeling, and not one that Andy would forget in a hurry, and yet at the same time, he wasn't saddened by it, or even frightened, as he probably should have been. Instead he was excited, as was shown by the lump that had come into his trousers, during his struggles to escape, and which was to remain there until he was released and able to slip into the toilet to take care of things.

Chapter Two

The following day, Andy returned to the store room to collect something he'd seen and now wanted to try out on his own, away from the prying eyes of his little cousin who, he now knew, couldn't keep a secret having blurted out the entire harness story over dinner the night before. Thankfully, Mr and Mrs. Hammond had found it amusing, although when it had been suggested that perhaps Jake had better watch out or he'd find himself looked in one of the kennels in retaliation, the lump in Andy's trousers had made a swift return, along with the plan to do just that. Not to Jake, but to himself.

The kennel's hadn't yet been installed into the new block but there was the next best thing in the collapsible, lightweight dog creates, that had been in the store room along with the harnesses. However, unlike the harness which Andy knew he couldn't operate on his own, the portable kennel he clearly could especially if he used one of the combination padlocks.

The only 'problem' that Andy face was that, if he could just let himself out any time then there wouldn't be the same sense of being trapped and helpless that he was looking for and which he hadn't been able to get from any of his previous self bondage games. This though is where the timed lamp came in, that had been doing the job of looking after the empty building before he'd got there.

Set to come on and off, on a timer, the lamp had been given the impression that the building was occupied, and was something no one had told Andy about on his first night there, when he'd been awoke by the lamp coming on suddenly and then going off again. It was a trick Jake had pulled but now he could put it to use, as if it was dark, he couldn't see the combination in order to work the padlock so would be stuck until the light came back on again. Perfect.

The cage itself was nearly three foot long and a touch under two feet wide, and two feet high [90x50x60 cm]. Made of thin wire strands running up and down, that were banded along the side to prevent them from being bent apart. One end opened up to allow access and had a simple latch that passed inside another one fixed to the corner of the cage and which was normally held closed by a metal pin. Simply exchanging that pin for the padlock would turn the cage into a prison.

Up in his bedroom at the top of the old cottage, Andy took his time setting things up, placing the cage in the middle of the floor at the end of his bed, in front of the small table upon which the lamp would set up, so that the light would come down, directly onto the cage, at the end where the door was so he could see what he was doing. It was already dark, but just to make sure, Andy had drawn the curtains so that, once the lamp went out, it would be pitch black in the room.

Dressed as if for sports – which this was, sort off – in an old pair of black shorts and red t-shirt, Andy got down on his hands and knees and crawled into the cage for the first time.

Inside it was surprisingly roomy, even though he could neither sit up, or lay down and was left in a sort of half crouch. Turning around, proved to be easier than he'd expected to, although it did take a couple of attempts before he perfected the sort of three-point turn that was needed to bring him back, face to face with the door. It was at this point that he realised that if he'd backed into the cage then he wouldn't have had this problem.

Slowly, Andy closed the door to the cage having previously picked up the combination lock in readiness. Then when the door was closed he worked the locking bar of the lock through the latch from the inside and, after a brief paused snapped it shut.

A shudder went through the boy's body as the lock closed with a satisfying click followed a few moments later by another one as the lamp was turned off for the first time plunging him into total darkness for the first time.

It took a few minutes for Andy's eyes to adjust to what little light was managing to penetrate his self made prison and while this was just about enough to make out the major objects in his room it wasn't, anywhere close to being enough to see smaller details, like, for instance the dials on the combination lock. Sure he could make out the place where the numbers should be, but as they were small white digits on a black background he couldn't actually see the numbers themselves.

Locked in, Andy did what he thought any prisoner would do and started to test the sides and top of the cage to see if he could escape. Of course, he didn't really want to risk actually damaging the cage unless his uncle noticed and asked questions, so he daren't use his full strength but even so, given the lightweight nature of the cage, it appeared to be surprisingly strong and secure. Not as good as the proper cages up at the kennels of course, but sure keep enough for what it was, and more than enough to give the teenager the sense of being helplessly locked in that he was looking for.

When the lamp came back on just half an hour after first going off, Andy didn't really notice and was certainly in no mood to work the combination lock as he was more than a little preoccupied kneeling on the padded floor of the cage, with his shoulders and head, hunched down, by the roof, making sure that he was looking directly between his legs, spread as wide as the cage would allow, and at the rock hard erection that his right hand was stroking with all it's might.

The lamp staying lit for just long enough for him to ejaculate, although by then Andy's eyes were screwed close to avoid getting any of his own cum, in his face as he was totally unable to move his head out of the way.

It was another half an hour, before the lamp came back on again, and Andy was able to successfully work the combination lock and free himself from the cage, by which time he was not only thinking about doing the entire thing again, but had ideas about how to not only make the experience last longer, but to prevent himself from doing the one thing that had made everything so worth while.

For most of the following day, Andy started to search for a more sturdy cage, one which he couldn't damage and it wasn't long before he found it. Not inside the storeroom, but outside it. This cage was a lot more sturdy that the collapsible one, as it was made of solid metal bars, just a few inches apart, just like a real prison as it was intended to be used on a more permanent basis, for outside animals. It was also slightly larger at four feet long, by two-and-a-half feet wide and tall [120x75x75 cm]. It was also a lot heavier. So heavy in fact that Andy couldn't move it by himself and had to ask for help from the workmen who were on site that day installing the high tech, exercise room. Of course he didn't tell them just why he wanted the big metal cage, moved into the cleared out former garage of the cottage, but then they never asked either.

As before Andy was going to use the combination lock – albeit a bigger one – in order to hold the door of the cage closed, only this time without the timed lamp. The timing on the lamp was just too brief, and Andy wanted something that could make his imprisonment last long which is why the garage was the perfect place for it as it only had one window and that was high up on the side. Totally useless in the evening, as it was on the wrong side, but which flooded the garage with the sun's rays at first light. Sunrise, would then be, when Andy would escape. Some eight hours after it became too dark to read the combination lock.

With his imprisonment going to last for this long Andy knew he would have to take some extra steps to ensure that he would have some comfort. The cage floor was little more than a metal sheet that was not only hard to the touch, but cold too. Thankfully the storeroom already had a ready supply of thin foam mattress that were designed to fit into some of the other kennels, pens and cages, so the teenager used a few of those to ensure that he wouldn't suffer from cold sores.

The storeroom also offered up the solution to problem that afflicts many a teenage boy. How was he going to stop himself from masturbating the moment he was in the cage. The harness had given him the hint, in that if he couldn't reach, then he couldn't do anything with it. Of course, he couldn't move his erection to the middle of his back, but he could his hands, and that's where the stockroom came in, or to be more precise, the lockable dog collars.

They were a line his uncle had tried, rather unsuccessfully to sell previous but which he hoped his new, more upmarket operation would held move. Designed for the more expensive breads of dog, the collars looked pretty much like any other, including as they did a plate for the owner's details and a D ring for a leash to be attached. They were made from high grade leather that had two metal cord stitch into either side, that made them near impossible to cut off. Plus, as a final security measure, the normal buckle had been replaced with one that featured a tiny, and yet very strong, padlock that went through it.

Andy had liberated two of these special collars in the smallest sizes he could, for his wrists, and then, as an after thought one of the larger ones for his neck as, after all, that was where it was meant to be worn so he may as well.

It was already starting to get dark when Andy made the final preparations in the garage that night. He was already wearing the three collars, and had been since shortly after the workmen had left the site an hour or so earlier. They hadn't shown that much then as he'd been dressed but once he was in the garage that soon changed as he pulled off his regular clothes until he was once more wearing nothing other than the skimpy orange Speedo he'd been in when the interest in being helpless had started.

If the Speedo had been skimpy back in Easter, now, several months later it was even more so. After several days working out in and around the kennels Andy's tan was coming on nicely. At least it was on his upper body, and up to the middle of his thighs. The bit in between was normally covered by his shorts, yet the Speedo didn't come anywhere close to covering as much of him so there was a good bit of almost brilliant white flesh on show both around Andy waist, up his thighs, and even onto his hips and buttocks that made the already skimpy item of clothing appear even more risqué.

Crouching down in front of the cage, Andy learnt from his previous mistake, and turned his back on the low level prison so he could reverse himself into it until he was facing the doorway. This he then closed behind himself, slide the latch into place, before reaching his hands between the bars to thread the combination lock into place, sealing himself into the cage until the morning sunlight meant he could work the small numbers and free himself.

There was, just one more thing to do, and that involved fastening his hands behind his back so he wouldn't be tempted to masturbate the tent that was already trying to push out the front of the too tight Speedo. The D rings built into the collar-cuffs he was wearing were perfect for this as they could easily be joined together with a padlock, the key to which Andy had purposely left outside the cage, having already checked that he would be able to work the combination lock.

It didn't prove to be all that easy to do, as in order to get the D rings close enough together to be locked, meant Andy could barely move his hands at all, and had to work just with the tips of his fingers. Eventually thought, after several failed attempts, he worked out that if he got the lock onto one D ring with his wrists apart and then, leaving the lock open, put his arms behind his back, it was then easier, to thread it through the other, before giving it a little twist so it would close. Then, to lock it, he just had to brace it against his forearms, and use his fingers to push up at the base, until it gave that last solid click and he was trapped.

By the time everything was done, Andy found he was already starting to sweat – the garage had little to no ventilation – and yet it was worth it as he was finally locked inside of a cage he knew he couldn't break out of, in an embarrassingly, skimpy Speedo that was too small for him, even if he didn't have an erection – which he did – with his wrists bound behind his back totally unable to do anything about the erection.

The teenager lay still for only a few minutes before he attempted to reach around his body with this bound hands to touch his erection, but he just couldn't reach and wouldn't be able to for several hours. In fact he wouldn't be able to do anything for several hours.

Trying out a variety of positions, in the cramped cage, the only one that was close to comfortable, was to lay on his side with his legs curled up, not that this last thing was an option, as he couldn't have stretched out even if he'd wanted to, the cage just wasn't long enough to allow it. This did mean though that he had to lay on one of his arms in a way that tended to stem the blood flew so much that pins and needles soon started up. Yet, even despite this Andy managed to drift off to sleep, at least for short periods.

The dreams that invaded the caged boy's head were, not overly surprisingly of his being trapped in way or another, most often as a poor slave boy in some sort of fantasy slave world where boys his age could, and would be locked into caged, and / or chained for long periods of time.

Andy away from a scene in which he was being led chained in his Speedo by the three twelve year old Roman soldiers , through the local comp by cramp in his legs bought on by them having to have been bent for so long.

It was now totally dark, making it impossible for Andy to know what the time was, but that was of little concern compared to the need to stretch his thighs and knees out. Yet, when he tried, his knees would hit the side of the cage, or his heels would collide with the back wall. At best all he could do was to push his head into one corner to give himself a couple of extra inches, and stretch one leg, before moving to the other corner and doing the same with the other leg. Yet it was enough and the day's excretions once more sent him back to sleep.

The dream world the fourteen year old ended up in this time was no longer based upon previous events to do with the passion play, but on newer things and he was once more wearing the dog harness, only instead of webbing it was now made of back leather, and the previous simple leash, had transformed into a set of reigns that were being held be someone he couldn't see.

"You can't go to the toilet unless you're a good boy!" said a voice that didn't sound too dissimilar to Jake's only it was rather meaner, and certainly more forceful.

"But I need to." Replied Andy's dream image.

The reigns were given a sharp pull, knocking him from his feet, "Don't speak unless I say you can or I'll gag you."

At that both the dream and real life teenage boy groaned. The latter from the effects of the fall on his nearly naked body, and the former, self consciously noting just what a good idea a gag would have been, had he thought about it at the time.

This time when Andy woke up, he found his mouth was dry and that his bladder was aching. The first of these he'd thought he'd pre-empted by having a large drink of water before getting into the cage, but this, he now realised was causing the latter. And the more he thought about it then the worse it became. So bad that his erection even subsided slightly.

There was nothing for it, he was going to have to urinate, as he certainly wasn't going to be able to hold on until morning, especially as he had no idea just how long a wait that could be. But how?

Moving around the cage once more, Andy sought out the best place to let his bladder go which turned out to be by getting up his knees, and the shuffling over to the back of the cage and pressing his middle up against the bars. By using his bound hands behind his back, after a fair bit of wriggling and wiggling, he was able to work down the Speedo just enough so that his penis came out. Then, supported by the waist elastic, now pulled tight around the top of his nuts, he was able to keep his penis pushed out between the bars, as he let go a good strong steam of urine out onto the garage floor.

Finished, Andy used his hips to clean of the last of the drops from his organ before discovering that he couldn't pull his Speedo back up again. Well he could, just not without trapping his once more hardening penis at a painful angle so for the duration of his bondage session, the teenager had to leave himself exposed with his erection flapping, around in front of his body as if he needed the reminder that he couldn't masturbate.

For an un determinable time, Andy lay back on his side, drifting in and out of sleep, before turning over onto his other side, and then repeating. Sleep came and went, as did the time, but he was never quite sure of how long for, or even if he was actually asleep a lot of the time. Of course, the snippets of dreams he continued to have gave him something of a clue that he was actually sleeping, but it wasn't as if he was getting all that much rest from the experience.

The rest of the time, he just concentrated on breathing and ignoring any discomfort he felt as he waited for the sun to signal his freedom.

It was at six fifteen am that Andy was finally able to make out the small numbers on the large combination padlock, and yet it still took him another twenty minutes before that lock popped open, as he could only operate the lock with his back to it, and therefore couldn't actually see what he was doing. He consequently had to stop a few times to turn around, so he could see what the numbers the dials were on, and then work out how far he had to move them before they lined up in the correct sequence and the lock popped open.

Once the lock fell to the floor, the cage door opened on its own and Andy was able to work his way out into the open on his knees. He tried to stand up, but his leg muscles were just to cramped and with his hands behind his back, he was unable to pull himself up that way so in the end had to be content with crawling over to the side where the keys for the collars and padlocks was.

Removing the padlock from between his wrists was, thankfully a lot easier than locking it had been and it wasn't long before Andy was finally able to remove his hands from behind his back and give his arms the long await stretching they needed. Then he gave himself the one other thing he'd been waiting to do.

And then he did it again.

The double masturbation, sapped what little strength Andy had left in his body, so much that even though he was able to get to his feet, it was more of a stagger than a walk that took him back into the house, and via a proper toilet break, towards the nice comfortable bed where he was to stay until just before lunch time.

Chapter Three

"I know how it works," Jake Hammond explained to his cousin, as they looked over the almost finished, exercise machine, "Dad told me about it when he ordered it."

"Well that's just as well cos these don't make any sense at all." Andy put down the heavy ring binder that passed as an instruction book for the new kennel's latest bit of equipment, which, as far as he could tell looked just like the rotary washing line his mum had back at home.

"It's easy really, all you do is attach one, or more, of the dogs you want to exercise to one of the arms sticking out, and then set the computer for how much exercise they need and it does all the rest."

"Doesn't that sort of put you out of a job then?" Asked Andy.

"Well it would have if dad was going to use it right but he just wants it to show off more than anything not to train the worst of the mutts we get here."

Andy looked up, "This thing can train them too?"

"Sure, only one at a time, but it's got all the extras to do it."

Andy looked up at the simply looking pole coming out of the centre of a walking platform, and the way it branched out into eight different arms, in the most simplistic of ways. "Extras? Like what?"

"Here, give me the book and I'll show you."

A few minutes of thumbing back and forth through the pages, and Jake was able to find what he was looking for. "Right here, see that box thing sitting next to the walkway here, that's what does the training, along with the computer."

"How's that then?" Andy peered in but couldn't make out any detail in the badly photocopied pages.

"Well, from what I read on line, it does it in two ways, either by rewarding the mutt if it does what it's meant to, or punishing it if it doesn't."

"That box thing does that?"

"Sure, it ain't all that different from the old ways they used to train dogs by hand. If it does right then an arm comes out from this end of the box," Jake pointed to what would appear to be the front of the box, "and gives the mutt a treat."

"And if it doesn't."

"IF it doesn't then an arm comes out of the other end, and gives it 3; a 3; what was it again 3; " Jake thumbed through the book a little more, "Oh, right, there it is 3; encouragement. The mutt is given encouragement to do better."

"Encouragement? What's that mean?"

"What do you think it means? The machine gives the mutt a slap on it's arse, that's what?"

A strange tingle started to form inside Andy's belly, "Shit! I bet they don't like that?"

"Of course they don't, and thy aren't meant to either. That's the point, isn't it and why they get to wear the special harness so they don't have no choice."

"A harness? Like the ones we found in the store room?"

"Not really. These are real heavy duty ones, made of leather, that go around the mutt's stomach, with a built in collar that makes sure they keep their head up, and makes sure that they can't move out of the way of the 'encouragement', as it's got fastening points both on the middle of it's back, and on it's head."

"Shit! NO wonder your dad didn't want that, it sounds horrible." Andy said, despite thinking pretty much the opposite.

"Dad wasn't keen on the head harness, or the bits to go in the mutt's mouth either, but that didn't stop all that stuff from coming with the machine anyway."

If Andy had been a dog at this point his ears would have sprung up on end at that statement, as it was he had to make do with asking for clarification. "What? You mean they sent all that stuff anyway. That box thing, the harness and the rest."

"Yep. Dad's going to send it back though, when he gets around to it which is a shame as some of the mutts we get around here could do with a go being taught how to behave, but that's dad for you. Still, I said that now he's paid for it, he might as well have in installed, anyway."

"I guess." Andy agreed half-heartedly, his mind already somewhere else.


It was another two days before the exercise machine was running properly, and Mr. Hammond wasn't happy as, somewhere along the line the central European men who had installed it, had gone back to using their original drawings and, along side the simplistic walk around version of the exercise machine was the 'encouragement' black box, all wired up and ready to go. "I can't have that there, what will people think?" He had blustered when he'd first seen it.

"Oh it's okay Uncle Eric, no one will know what it's really for. They'll just think its some safety device or something."

The words Andy had thought out over the previous 48 hours, had the desired effect, as although Mr. Hammond, still went to call someone to get the box removed, he accepted that this couldn't be done until the workers were back in the country to fit out the breading room, which would still be before the new kennel block was too open. He also accepted the slight discount that their apparent mistake, gave him and went back to looking after the part of the business that was already up and running leaving his nephew to continue with his plan.

It was, of course, Andy, who had told the men to install the box and to show him how it all worked which, it turned out wasn't all the difficult as it was, after all, just an extension of the main programme to run the exercise machine only now, instead of the terminal being fixed to the wall, it could be placed on top of the box itself.

The system itself was pretty much automated, and all the operator had to do was enter the approximate height and weight of the dog, and then the computer would work out the training programme for it. The handbook even stated that it was so easy a child could do it. Which was just as well as that's just what the teenager intended to do. Only he was going to be playing both roles, that of the trainer and the trainee.

Going through the box of 'attachments' that had come with the exercise machine, Andy had found the harness Jake had described, or three of them anyway, all in different sizes to fit any bread of dog from the smallest terrier right up to the largest hound, and all full adjustable so that one of them would fit, he hoped, a fourteen year old boy.

The head harness though, clearly wasn't going to fit him, as they had long parts at the front that fit over the dog's snout to prevent them from opening their mouths far enough to bark. However, after a little playing around, Andy found that these too were adjustable. So adjustable in fact, that they could be taken right the way off, by unbuckling the sides. This naturally left the buckles free, allowing Andy to fix something else in place instead of the snout cage. And he knew just the thing, having seen it, when it had arrived in the stock room a few days earlier.

The medium rubber ball, came with a short strap that ran through it's centre, to allow it to be fixed into a variety of handles so that, elderly dog owners wouldn't have to keep bending down, in order to play with their pets, or, to a selection of anchoring devices, that would allow the dog many hours of fun on it's own. It was made by the same company that made the exercise machine – and just about everything else Mr. Hammond had ordered to fit out the new kennel – so it was no surprise that the strap was exactly the same as the ones that made up the harness.

Now all Andy had to do was wait for a chance to try it all out.


It was Sunday morning when Andy White, emerged from his cottage, and strode over to the building that housed the exercise machine. The workers weren't due back for another few days, and unlike other weekends Andy had cried off going home to his own family so he could 'study'. This also being the reason he'd used to get privacy from the Hammonds too, although to be sure of that he had made sure to 'accidentally' pick up his uncle's set of keys to the new kennel so that, once he was locked inside, no one else would be able to get in.

The exercise room had no windows, so the dogs being trained wouldn't get distracted, so no one would be able to look in which, of course, was just what Andy didn't want to happen either as he set about making himself in a slave boy, who was being forced to work for a living, albeit in a somewhat unusual way.

Locking the exercise room's door from the inside, for extra protection, Andy booted up the built in system before following the check list printed into the back of the ring binder, to ensure that the entire system was running correctly. Then, when he was satisfied that it was, he entered his own weight and height – having to do the latter twice as he forgot that he'd be on all fours rather than standing on two legs – but didn't press ENTER as he had to get himself ready first.

Slowly, the teenager removed the jeans, t-shirt, socks and shoes he'd worn to cross the yard, leaving himself in nothing but the skimpy orange slip, that had become his normal attire when ever he played these sorts of games. This time, though he decided to go one step further, and removed from his body even that small covering.

Standing naked in the exercise room, Andy's erection stood up hard and proud, from his small nest of pubic hair as he went about getting himself into the specially adapted harness that would attach him to, and leave him at the mercy of, the exercise machine.

The harness itself came in two parts. One of the head and the other for the body. Andy started with the latter as per the instructions. This consisted pretty much of just four bites of leather. A two inch [5 cm] wide collar, and belt which had a fastening at the back to attached it to the exercise machine, just like the one on the top of the head harness. There were also a pair of one inch wide straps that connected to two, down the small of the back, and up the chest. Of these the collar went on first.

As Jake had stated the collar was designed to ensure the dog who was wearing it, kept their head up in the air and as, Andy already knew this was also true when a teenaged boy put it on. The leather was soft and pliable, to ensure a good fit around Andy's throat and neck but once on, and buckled tight, there was no give at all, up or down, meaning Andy was left holding his head high, whether he wanted to or not.

Unable to look down, or turn his neck to see behind him, made it rather difficult for Andy to fasten the belt around his waist, until he ended up doing it pretty much all by the sense of touch alone. Holding the straps around himself with one hand, and then using the other to thread the end into the buckle before pulling it tight.

Once that was done, it was just a matter of making slight adjustments to the front and back strap, mainly to ensure the waist belt wouldn't slip, before Andy could move on to the head harness.

The head harness, after it's adjustments, was now made up of just two straps, both of which could be fastened separately and were only joined together on either side, just in front of, and just below where Andy's ears would be. One strap running from the collar under his chin, up and over the top of his head – where the second of the two connections to the exercise machine was – while the other ran from the ball around the sides of his head, and fastened behind his next, both to itself and to the back of the collar.

Holding up the harness in front of his face, Andy opened his mouth as wide as he could while simultaneously squeezing the ball down in size, so it would fit inside. Of course, once he had pushed it behind his teeth he had to release his hold on it, at which point it promptly expanded back to it's original size, completely filling his mouth, and holding his tongue firmly down into his lower jaw. Even without the head harness fastened, it was fairly obvious that he wouldn't be able to talk. Not that this stopped him from fastening the harness of course.

After talking a few minutes to get used to the ball being lodged in his mouth, Andy carefully position the top of the harness, right on the crown of his head, before, buckling it under his chin. Then, he reached around behind his own head, pulled the side straps attached to the gag, as tight as he could – this though made little difference to the position of the ball in his mouth – and buckled that one too. Finally, after a few failed attempts, he managed to clip both straps of the head harness to his collar, one at the front, under his chin, and the other at the back, rendering it even more difficult for him to move his head.

Andy took another couple of minutes to get used to the way the leather harness felt around his standing body, before he went over to the exercise machine and got down on all fours directly in front of the 'encouragement' box.

Two thick cords hung down from the single arm that was directly above the boy's head and these would attach him to the machine. At the moment both of them had quite a bit of slack in them, which made them that much easier to clip them onto the rings in the harness. One on top of his head, and the other in the small of his back.

Again, there was another pause, while Andy checked, and then double checked, not only that everything was how it should be but that he was also able to complete the task he was about to set himself. Thankfully, the walkway of the exercise machine, was padded, so it wouldn't be too harsh on his knees and hands, so, with that in mind, he raised up one arm, felt with his fingers across to the keypad controls, found the biggest key in the bottom corner, and hit ENTER.

For a moment nothing happened as the computer made it's calculations, but then there came a slight buzzing sound from the central turntable as the machine warmed itself up followed by a click as it went into the next stage. A stage that gave Andy the first of what was to be several shocks.

Slowly, but steadily, the machine pulled in the slack from the two cables running down from the arm, until they pulled tight on Andy's head and back, at which point they were locked off, becoming instantly not only taunt but stiff, with only the slightest amount of give in them to allow for the normal motion of a dog exercising. Not that Andy had any time to get used to the position he was now forced into before 3;


The sound came from the speaker built into the side of the big black box and made Andy jump. Or, at least, it would have, had he actually been able to jump. As it was, he didn't even have time to think about that, for as soon as the word had been processed, the computer started the machine's main arm turning, and locked to it, as he was, Andy had no option but to start out on the first of what was going to be quite a few circuits around the walkway.

It took a few circuits before Andy got into his stride as he wasn't, after all, used to walking around on his hands and knees especially now that he couldn't raise his middle up and use his feet due to the way he was fastened to the machine. Still, the machine appeared to make allowances for this, and the pace was fairly slow allowing him to drift off into a world where he was no longer locked into a private room walking in circles but, out in the open land, of some long ago place, as a true slave boy, harnessed into some back breaking work or other.


The computer controlled voice no longer made Andy jump as it always said the word whenever his rotational movements took him around, passed the big black box that was controlling everything that happened to him. Then it didn't.


This could have been an instruction or information as even though Andy did react to it, he had little choice as the mechanical arm above his head, also stopped moving, so he was held in the one spot back directly in front of the big black box once more.

For a around a minute nothing seemed to be happening during which Andy started to relax a little, and concentrate on getting his breath back – which wasn't easy with a large ball in his mouth. He thought that such a rest must be built into the programme but he had forgotten about the rewards and punishment scheme that Jake Hammond had told him about.

Behind Andy, a small side door opened in the black box, from which protruded a straight arm. At the end of this arm was a six inch long, and two inch wide [15x5 cm] section of leather that matched the straps around the boy's body.

The first Andy knew of this was when the arm clicked into place, once it was full extended, but although the collar prevented him from turning around to see what was happening, he was soon to find out.


The arm bent in half at an elbow joint, near the hole it had emerged from. This sent the strip of leather mounted on the end flying around in a wide arch until it connected, rather sharply with Andy's rear end.

It struck him right in across the middle of the teenager's cheeks with a sound that echoed both around the closed in room and right through his body.

Other than for a few play swots here and there while growing up Andy had never been spanked before, and certainly not by anything as stinging as the slither of leather that had sliced across his rear, making it burn and sting at the same time.


The machine started up once more, forcing Andy to once more continue to crawl around in the fixed circle despite the hot burning pain coming from his rear. No wonder his Uncle hadn't wanted to use it, he thought to himself, while reasoning that, perhaps it wouldn't have hurt a real canine so much given they had fur over their rears while, Andy obviously didn't.


The machine's barking order made Andy shudder as he knew what to expect this time, not only because it had happened before but, as he'd circled around he'd been able to see just what it was that had made his rear so sore, and what, no doubt, was going to do the same again.


There was no pause this time, as the arm was already out and ready for action, just a second hot sheering pain that went right through Andy's body, and which would have easily made him cry out, had he not so successfully gagged himself. As it was, the only outward sign of what had happened, over than the colour of his bottom, was, the tears that appeared at the corners of his eyes and trickled down the sides of his face as he was once more forced to walk forwards again.


This time Andy didn't wait for the machine to make him move, as he was on the go moments before the arm above his head started to turn, even though he did have to wait for it before he could make any real progress. His bare hands more or less clawing at the soft, sponge like material that made up the walkway as he urgency to get away from the machine.

It worked just as Jake had told him it would. If he kept up the pace and made good time then he wouldn't be punished but be rewarded instead, and sure enough, when the next STOP command came, the arm with the rubber paddle stayed where it was although it didn't retreat into the body of the machine as Andy hoped, just stayed there, waiting, while another arm came out of the front of the machine.

The second, front arm, didn't have a punishment device on the end, but a short flat plate onto which, a dog treat would have been, had Andy, or anyone else, loaded the machine with anything. But then, seeing as the only creature currently occupying the machine, had his mouth totally gagged, that probably wasn't such a bad thing.

It didn't last though.


During the following few circuits, Andy became aware of two things. The first being that the former painful ache in his rear, was calming down to more of a sting, and the second being that he had an erection.

He couldn't look down due to the collar, so he couldn't see what was happening, but from pure sense alone he knew his erection was not only back – it had vanished during the earlier spankings – but now it was harder than it had been before, and was not only flapping around, bouncing between his thighs, as he shuffled around the walkway, but that, it was also leaking a clear liquid that was leaving traces of itself all down his thighs. Naturally, this slowed him down.



Andy's head attempted to toss itself back as the leather sliced into his rear, but he couldn't move, or do anything other than to take his punishment for not walking as fast as the computer had worked out that he should. Yet, this time his erection didn't go away.


He tried to keep up the pace but he couldn't. His bottom was sore, hurting even, and his erection was, if anything, worse than it had been before, leaking its pre-cum all over the walkway, which being water proof – for obvious reason – became slightly slippy as he continued to circle the central post.

His right hand buckled under him, as it made contact with a large puddle of slimy liquid, sending it right out to the side, and yet, due to the fastenings on his head and the small of his back, Andy didn't fall down, in fact he didn't even stop moving, the machine continuing to turn as if it had decided that it could no longer wait for him to keep his speed up, and was forcing on. Not that even this was enough to save him from another application of the leather shard.



This time, as the leather sliced across the centre of Andy's bottom, his body gave a reaction that he hadn't even thought possibly let alone had been expecting. He ejaculated.

A jumble of emotions filled Andy's head, but his lower body knew exactly what it was doing. The moment the leather had pressed into his buttocks, forcing his hips to buck as much as the restraints would allow, and send a jet of hot teenager semen out of his erection to splash across the walkway beneath him. Some of it even splashing up around his wrists and hands as he crouched there on all fours, trying to make sense of all the conflicting emotions that were now flooding his body from all sides.


The command came, while the last of Andy's cream was still dripping from the end of his only slightly softened erection, but, he had no choice to resume his circuits around the exercise machine, despite nearly all of the energy having been drained from him along with his seed.

This though, was to be the last time the machine got to run's its programme, for each time Andy started to approach the black box he slowed down as much as he could, allowing the machine to take the weight of his head, so that he could raise his right arm up from the walkway, and, at the appropriate time, reach for the control box.

The first three times, his blind pecking at the computer keyboard, missed the ENTER button that would cancel the sequence. It was only on the four attempt that the machine was closed down and then, only because it was pulling him to a stop for yet another paddling, that it didn't get to deliver.

It was a full twenty minutes from the time the machine stopped until Andy, now dressed but walking a little funny, emerged from the building and headed back to his cottage. In all nearly two hours had passed since he'd gone in that room, and become a slave, and now he knew just what it was like to be a real working slave, punished for not doing what he was told and, despite the soreness he still felt in his rear, and elsewhere, he'd enjoyed it.

More than enjoyed it. Andy had loved it, and was already planning on doing it all over again.

Chapter Four

"We used to have to do it by hand, but now dad's got the new breeder machine, so we don't have to."

Andy's eyes opened wide, stopped in his tracks by the thought, his mind totally taken from the TV show, he'd come up to the main house to watch, "You did it by hand. To the dogs."

"Well, not really by hand, there were tools that dad used, but he had to use them or else the dogs wouldn't get pregnant."


"Anyway, like I said we don't do that no more. Not now there's the machine. All we do now is strap the dogs into it and the machine does the rest."

Suddenly Andy's head cleared of disturbing images, as his ears picked up something a lot more interesting. "You strap them in? How? In a harness?"

"They'd move around too much in a harness." Jake sneered, as if that were obvious to everyone, instead of just someone who'd been bought up around kennels. "We use an I-frame."

"What's that then?"

Jake sighed. "Well it's a frame, made of metal, in the shape of a big letter 'I'."

"And how does that work then?"

"Jeez, why don't you just go and have a look, at it, you live there after all."

"Not allowed, am I, Uncle Eric, doesn't want me – or you – going into the breeder room, in case we contaminate it." Andy repeated the very words the two of them had been told just as soon as the Eastern European workers had completed the second of the specialist rooms that were to be the new kennel's main selling point.

"Like he'd ever know." Scoffed, "And anyway what harm could it do just to have a look, eh!"

"Yeah I guess." Andy nodded, as they continued watching the TV until he thought enough time had passed, before he repeated his question. "So how does this I-frame thing work then."

"You should have a look at it."

"Just tell me?"

"Okay, but the show's back on soon."

"Get on with it then."

Jake sighed again, "Well it's shaped like a bit letter 'I' like I said, with a long central part that can be moved up and down to get it right length of whatever size of dog is using it. At the end of each of the top and bottom bits there's leather, padded cuffs, that go around the dog's legs so that they can't move them, or run away."

Andy was disappointed by the description, as he couldn't picture the device, "Is that it?"

"Course not, there's the pre-programmable computer that controls the machine, and the machine itself that's hidden behind the frame so the dog can't see it when it comes in." It was Jake's turn to pause before he added, as an apparent afterthought, "Oh, there's also the bit that sticks up from the central frame."

"What's that for then?"

"It's got a big collar fixed to the top that holds the dog's head still so they can't see what's going on. Now shut up, cos the adverts are over and I want to watch this."

True to his word the fourteen year old didn't say anything else, not only for the duration of the television programme but for the rest of the evening either. In fact, he was so quiet his Aunt and Uncle became so worried about him, being all alone up at the new kennels that they insisted that, for once, he spent the night in the main house. An offer he found he couldn't refuse, no matter how desperately he wanted to get back to his cottage and that, new, secret room, that was now all he could think about.


It was a slightly frustrated Andy White, who finally managed to leave his Uncle's house mid morning the following day, following a breakfast that he was fairly sure was designed to fill him up for the entire week, and which ensured that Jake had to do all the early chores himself, something the younger boy had strangely not complained about.

It was nearing lunch time when Andy, and a packed lunch, returned to the cottage where he was staying. Not that he stayed there all that long, as it was now Sunday, and that meant, with the Easter Europeans gone, that no one would be working on the site until the following Monday, which gave him the perfect opportunity to have a sneak peak at the breeding room, and that I-frame thing, his cousin had told him about.

Andy took the long route to the newest room, ensuring for himself that everything else was how it should be, even though he knew Jake had been sent up here to do the morning checks, while he'd been fighting his way through an entire sty's worth of sausages, and bacon.

The breeding room was the furthest room, in the newly refurbish block, at the other end to the exercise room, and most of everything else that Andy had seen, which is partly why he'd never paid it any attention before. That and he just didn't like the sound of it. Now though, following Jake's words he was more than a little intrigued. Not in the breeding aspect, of course, but the way the dogs were to be restrained despite what had happened in the exercise room, the previous week.

It had taken nearly a full twenty four hours for continual stinging in his bottom, to go down, before Andy had even dared go into the exercise room, but since then, he'd not only gone in there, but had repeated the entire process of being harnessed up and automatically exercised, nearly every night once the kennels were deserted. Of course, he'd disabled the spanking part of the machine the second time he'd used it, but, then realised, that without it, it took away a lot of the motivation, so had reinstalled it, albeit, on a much lower setting than it had been that first time. Now though he was looking for something different to try and he was about to find it, in the breading room.

The breading room was smaller than Andy had expected it to be but then, he realised, there really wasn't any need for it to be any bigger than it was, given it's purpose. This did make the I-frame seem even more impressive though.

The I-frame sat, not as Andy had expected in the middle of the room, but towards the back of the room, where it was bolted to a slightly raised platform, in front of, what could have been a chimney breast outcrop in the wall, had the former barn, had any chimneys at any point in its life.

It was just how Jake had describe it. Made of strong, almost flat metal, with a long straight section running up the middle, through which it was bolted to the floor. This ended, at the bottom with a short cross beam, of the same metal, that poked out on either side, to where an adjustable Velcro cuff was fitted to a hinge device that would allow it to turn in any, and all direction.

The top of the I-frame was slightly different as although it too had the same cross beam, with swivel cuffs, it also had a post fitted just down from the top that stuck straight up in the air and which also ended in an adjustable cuff, although this one was not only much larger, to go around a dog's neck, but was as wide as the one in the exercise room, so prevent the dog from being able to turn his head.

At various points along the centre of the I-frame, at each junction, and on each of the various limbs, there was a turn screw that could be tightened to hold the frame in whatever dimensions it was adjusted to, as each part could be extended and/or shortened to fit almost any size of dog, from the smallest right up to the largest great Dane, or perhaps even larger.

For well over ten minutes Andy just stood in the doorway staring at the I-frame, almost unable to believe what he was seeing, which was, he had to admit, so much better than any of the designs he had drawn up inside his head from the way, Jake had described it. This, despite being so very simple, was just too good to believe. Yet, by the time Andy had got over his initial shock enough to actually move into the room, and examine the I-frame more closely, he then spent a further twenty minutes, looking it over, and checking how all the various parts worked. Including, of course, measuring it against his own boyish frame.

The first time it was, surprisingly by accident. Andy was reaching across to make yet another adjustment to the top right of the I-frame, and in doing so, found his head, almost absentmindedly, resting on the neck support, which, he discovered, was rather comfortable even though he was well aware the frame wasn't designed for a human.

Sitting back, beside the frame, Andy pondered the most obvious difference between his own body, and that of a dog. These were the same differences that had made the exercise machine a challenge to use. That being that his legs and arms, were, in proportion, so much longer than a dog's were.

He'd already discovered, on the other machine, that the standard human 'all fours' just didn't match up with that of a real four legged creature, and that the only way to really emulate a canine posture wasn't to be on his hands and feet, but his knees and elbows. It had been slower on the exercise machine, for which his bottom had suffered that first time, but there, the machine itself had prevented him from going any higher up, so he had got used to it.

Now, a little over a week later, it seemed more normal, to him to be like that. The problem was, the I-frame clearly wasn't designed for any part of the dog to be flat on the ground as Andy's shins and forearms would be. Yet, the cuffs wouldn't right going around his knees and elbows, either, which was why he was testing out just how far it could be adjusted it.

It took nearly an hour from the first moment he'd entered the breading room, before the fourteen year old, had made enough adjustments to the I-frame so it would fit him, most of which had taken place at the top end of the frame.

The lower part, couldn't really be extended all that much, as it was up tight to the chimney breast but Andy found that he didn't need to do much there, as the upper bar of the 'I' could be extended out nearly a couple of feet from the neck support, which was more than enough to allow for his forearms, and elbows to rest on the floor. This did mean the neck rest had to be a little lower than he would have liked, as, with his legs bent under him, his back would have to run in a downward sloop towards his head but that didn't seem to matter, all that much.

Feeling more than a little satisfied with what he'd done, Andy's mind turned towards the obvious next step. That of actually trying it out for real.

At the mere sight of the I-frame he'd become hard inside his trousers. A situation that didn't seem in any hurry to go away, as he'd fiddled and played with the frame. His erection had even throbbed whenever, he'd placed a wrist, ankle, or especially his neck, against one of the Velcro fastening straps. Naturally, it had been that, more than anything else, which had probably sealed his fate.

Panting slightly, Andy got up from the floor, and locked the breading room door, just as he always did whenever he used the exercise room, and for the same reason too. He was going to get undressed.

Having visited his Uncle he was wearing the best clothes he had with him, and couldn't risk getting them dirt. At least that's what he told himself was the reason he was now pulling off his shirt, trousers, shoes and socks.

Standing in the room in nothing but his regular boxer shorts, Andy suddenly realised he had another problem. He hadn't thought to bring his 'Jesus' underwear with him, yet he knew just how damp, and sticky his boxers would get. With the Speedo that didn't matter as they were made to get wet, but with the boxers, that was horrid. Of course, he could have just worn them until he was finished, and then taken them off before he put his trousers back on, but instead, Andy decided to do something he'd often thought about, but as yet had never done. To play naked.

The teenager's erection slapped up into his belly the moment he pulled his boxers down, but other than to clean off the excess clear liquid from the end, Andy did his best to ignore it as he set about his plan, and the all important safety checks.

Since becoming almost stuck on the endless cycle of exercise and spanking in the other room Andy had made sure something like that wasn't going to happen again. In the exercise room, he'd rigged it up so it was much easier to override the programme than it had been the first time, and now he was looking at doing the same thing, in the breading room even though there was no automated system to worry about this time. Or there shouldn't have been anyway.

Carefully, Andy checked all the cuffs, which, unlike the exercise hardness didn't have any catches or latches, but were just ordinary Velcro that, as he tested, could be pulled apart easily. Well easily by anyone with opposable thumbs anyway. For a dog it would have been a very different matter but then, Andy wasn't a dog, so he didn't have to worry about that.

Satisfied everything was as safe as it could be, Andy started to put himself into the I-frame.

Standing against the chimney breast, the teenager slowly sunk to the floor, until he was kneeling across the bottom bar of the I-frame. From there it was a relatively easy process to move his ankles towards the ends of the cross bar, and, once he'd twisted the hinged fastening around to the side, to pull the straps up and over, each in turn, and then to fasten the Velcro down so it gripped. He even tucked in the ends of the straps so they wouldn't flap about.

Slowly he lowered his upper body down. Guiding his head towards the upright bar and the collar that was awaiting him there. The top of the support bar, and the bottom of the collar were both padded, so there were no sharp points to press into his neck, as he lifted the strap around the back of his head, where the two parts were intended to fasten together.

This would have been a simple matter had someone else being locking a dog into the frame, but proved a little tricky for the teenager to do it to himself, as not only couldn't he see what he was doing, as it was all behind his head, but as the collar tighten, the broadness of it, forced his head to remain looking straight ahead giving him even less options. Still, eventually he managed it which only left his wrists.

If his neck had been tricky then his wrists were something else. Even though the top cross bar was now a foot or more in front of his face, due to the collar Andy couldn't really see what he was doing and had to do it all by the sense of touch. This was fine for his left hand where he could use his right to attach the Velcro, but for the right hand, left all alone, this was something else altogether.

It took some time, but eventually, Andy managed to somehow flip the right hand strap over his wrist, in such a way that the Velcro managed to make enough contact to stick to itself. It wasn't overly tight, as all the of the straps had some slack between them and the I-frame but it was more than enough to give Andy an idea of what it was like to fastened, helplessly into the I-frame, and to savour that feeling.

The first thing that occurred to the teenager was the one thing that most fourteen year old boys are endlessly worrying about. Their dignity. With his hands, and more importantly, his legs fixed, exactly two and a half feet [75 cm] apart, there was no way to keep his privates from being, private, as he couldn't close his legs, not even his thighs, leaving him, clearly vulnerable from behind. Not that there was anything behind him except for a wall, but that didn't really matter especially as his erection was as hard as it was ever going to get, and leaking like never before especially whenever, Andy made any attempt to struggle.

By now the teenager had worked out that it wasn't really the idea of being a slave that excited him, but the feeling of being restrained, and controlled against his will, so even though there was no one else, and nothing, in the locked room with him, he was still able to keep his excitement levels high, as he pulled and pushed against the straps that held him down on his knees and elbows, with his head stuck looking forward, while a small pool formed beneath him, dripping down from his erection.

And Andy would have been more than content for it all to stay like that, but then came the click.

It was a soft noise at first, sounding not unlike a computer's hard drive coming out of sleep mode so Andy, even if he had heard it, probably would have ignored it. Yet the series of clicks that followed, couldn't be ignored, as they weren't just sounds, but heralded actions as well. The sound being made as the five cuffs that held him, tightening up.

The ankles were the first to feel the Velcro straps grow suddenly taunt as the slack between the boy and the I-frame suddenly vanished, and his leg was pulled down flat onto the bar.

The collar would have prevented Andy from turning around to see what was going on, even if that too hadn't then tightened itself. His head pulled down, tight to the support bar.

Realising at this point what was happening, Andy's right hand fumbled with the Velcro that only loosely held it, but before he could get his fingers between the fastenings, all the slack vanished from beneath his limb, and his hand was stuck down, flat on the floor.

And there was worse to come as Andy was about to find out what was really hidden inside the fake chimney breast.

The teenager was still pulling, completely aimlessly, at the straps that held him, when he heard the his of hydraulics starting up behind him.

"What now?" he groaned, but although he couldn't turn his head, he found nonetheless that he could see, sort of, what was happening. Thanks to the overly polished surface of the wall he was now facing.

Staring hard at the slightly disjointed image being displayed before him, Andy could just make out that the wall across the front of what he had taken to be a chimney breast had opened and something, completely bizarre was now emerging from inside the wall.

It looked at first like something from a cheap horror movie, all moving parts, covered in dodgy fake fur, but, despite his distorted view, the more analytical parts of Andy's brain was able to work out what it most resembled. A dog.

It was so strange that Andy, laughed out loud, having no idea what was about to happen until the first time the automated part of the breading machine, came into contact with his body.

No doubt as some sort of warning, had Andy been a real dog, the first contact was made by a gentle brushing of on either flank, but two long bending, fur covered arms, that had been made to resemble a dog's forepaws.

The boy's body shivered as the fake forepaws moved passed his hips and thighs, and started to move down his sides where, once they'd reach a position just behind his arms, they started to curl inwards, until the formed a semi tight grip around his chest.

Any laughter that remained in the boy's body was then snatched away from him as the main body as the machine came down to rest on his back.

It wasn't overly heavy, at least to begin with, but as the forepaws tightened their grip, it became more so, until Andy felt like he was being embraced in a doggy bear hug.

Andy was just about getting used to that when something rather more serious happened.

At first something brushed against his testicles as they swung between his forcibly open thighs, which came as something of a shock, but wasn't all that bad. Then, though the same item moved upwards, to brush first across and then between Andy's buttocks.

"Oh shit!" the teenager gasped as he realised what was about to happen. At the same time he clenched his buttocks together, but his thighs were spread too widely apart to make this an effective defence to what was about to happen.

The item was both pointed, and incredibly hard, yet at the same time it was also very, very slippery, so with when the especially designed hydraulic machine began to emulate the power of a large dog's hide quarters there was little Andy could to prevent it from entering him.

It felt like a red hot poker was being pushed into his body. He gasped, at the sensation and yet, without knowing why, also, pushed back against it, rather than pulling away, as if this would, somehow, push it back out. It didn't work.

The machine's timing was programmed to perfection. It lunged, and before Andy knew what had hit him, he had a full two inches of prosthetic penis up inside his once virginal rear end.

Tears came to Andy's eyes, which thanks to the way his head was supported, he couldn't clear, but which soon dripped down onto the main section of the I-frame beneath him, as waves of the strangest sensations flooded his body from his upturned, bottom.

The breeding machine was, understandably, programmed not to hurt the dogs it was being used on, yet Andy could feel the penetrating item jerking around inside him, even as he attempted to tighten his anal muscles around it, all to no avail. The pressure just slowly increased and increased until in a succession of short jerks, it moved further inside the boy.

In a few seconds, most of the prosthetic penis was buried inside Andy's rear end, and the boy was starting to think that the worst was over. He was even starting to relax for even though it had hurt at first, since then, that wasn't what had been making him cry. That had come from the full realisation of what was happening to him, and that, trapped as he was, he was totally unable to stop it. Not that he was sure he actually wanted it to stop, as deep down, he found himself enjoying it and even lunged back against the protrusion, a few times, which, was about to prove a life saver.

Unlike Jake, Andy didn't know that much about how a canine penis differs from a human one, so when a lunge pushed the last of the fake shaft into his body, leaving his rear brushing against a lump at the base, Andy assumed this was the end of the activity, rather than the knot that would soon be locking him to the machine.

Fortunately for the teenager, the knot wasn't fully expanded yet, but that was of little consolation, as the machine began the job of getting it inside him, by way of what felt very much like a jack hammer, pounding at his trapped, uplifted rear.

Once more Andy had little option left to him but to push back against the intruder that was attempting to get into him, via the back door, but this just aided it on inside him.

With great difficulty, the teenage anus tried to open up wide enough to swallow the slowly swelling ball until once it was pushed to it's utmost limit, and accompanied by a single powerful thrust from the machine, that whacked loudly against the boy's buttocks, the machine's carefully designed, imitation, canine erection went in all the way.

"Shit!" Andy gasped, his voice and breath all but having left his body from what had happened. Yet it wasn't over yet.

The machine had grown still, remaining so for a few seconds to allow the person beneath it to become used to have the knot now on the inside of their body in such a way that made Andy's anus continue to clench with erratic and involuntary spasms around it. Then the fucking started.

At first the steady in and out motion wasn't too made, and, at times Andy even found them highly pleasurable on the outward strokes, as the intruding prosthetic agitated sensations deep within his twitching rectum that he'd never known before. Andy even caught himself thinking that getting fucked wasn't so bad after all. That was until he became of the knot swelling up inside him.

The thrusting in his rear grow faster and harder, shoving the entire length of the fake organ back and forth, and causing the knot to grow larger and larger as it attempted to seal the opening to the boy's rear.

To Andy it felt like he was having a balloon blown up inside his rear, and there was nothing he could do to stop it. The knot just got bigger and bigger until his rectum was stretched so tightly, that he had cause to be worry about being hurt. Yet even during this Andy was also experiencing feelings that were a long way from pain and discomfort. Then he felt a flood inside him.

For a moment Andy wondered if he'd burst something, as a momentary looseness suddenly released the incredible tightness he'd previously felt, which in some ways made all the uncomfortable ness he'd previously felt go away leaving him with nothing but the spasms that were started to tear through his body for the next few minutes. Between these spasms he could feel the penis jerking erratically, as the hot wetness continued to pour into him, flooding him from the inside until he felt like he had little option, or choice but to empty himself any way he could.

Despite all that was going on Andy still heard the half dozen splashes hitting the metal frame he was fixed to, and felt the counter splashes on his bare thighs, as his own semen ejaculated from his body onto the ground and yet, even though they'd both now spilt their seed the encounter wasn't over.

It took another ten minutes before the computer programme controlling the mating, decided that the machine had been tied to Andy for long enough. During this time the machine made no effort to remove itself from between the boy's buttocks and Andy, could do nothing but wait, for the knot trapped within him to deflate enough so it could be removed.

The machine disengaged with a hiss of hydraulics, followed by a loud 'plop' as the prosthetic was removed from the boy's body, leaving Andy feeling strangely both open and empty, and a series of clicks as the straps once more loosened up around his limbs.

It was another ten minutes before Andy's shaky fingers were able to pry loose the Velcro holding him to the I-frame, and check if he had, indeed been damaged in a place that he wouldn't want people to look, and in a way that he could never explain.

Thankfully, if rather surprisingly, Andy could find no damage had been done to his rear. It was sore, and would remain so for a few days, but there was no blood or anything else to be worried about so despite everything that had happened he would look completely normal, even if he no longer felt that way, on the inside.

One thing he was sure of, as he set about cleaning up the mess he'd made and returning the I-frame to it's previous dimensions, and that was, he'd should never have listened to anything Jake had said, and will, in future stay well clear of the breading room. He even vowed never to even think about it, or what had happened inside that room, ever again even if this meant thinking up other ways to entertain himself.

It never once occurred to the recently machine fucked teenager to wonder, how a newly installed, and never used, advanced dog breeding system had not only turned itself on but had been set for his something his size, or had been loaded with the substance that was now sloshing around inside him.

Chapter Five

The new kennel complex was nearing completion before Andy got a new idea of something to try the only question was, just where was he going to try it out. The kennels themselves would have been the most obvious as, after all, he was thinking about making himself into a human dog, but, given the facility was due to open soon, it had become a hive of activity and he no longer had the privacy that he once had. Ironically, this was also the reason why he would be returning home soon, as he could no longer 'study' as he had been doing between his bondage sessions. In other words, time wasn't on his side, so it was down to the final weekend, before he went home, that he had to put his plan into action.

Andy didn't sleep well the night before his final adventure was going to start, so consequently was up earlier than usual but still he skipped breakfast, and putting on an old pair of shirts and shirt, he picked up the bag he'd packed the night before, and headed out into the woods that bordered the kennels and the farm it neighboured.

The spot he had in mind was one Jake had told him about, where the youngster had previously taken the dogs when he was meant to be taking them for a walk. Only Jake wouldn't do much walking as he'd just tie the pooches up, and then sit around reading a magazine, or listening to music until it was time to go back again.

The clearing was just as it had been described. Small, very well hidden, and yet picturesque all the same. It even had a small stream running through the side of it, where Jake would drag the dogs, before setting off back home so they would be suitably muddy, as if they'd been tramping through fields all day, instead of just laying beside the old metal fence, that Jake tied them too. Other than that there was little else there, apart from the large smooth topped fallen tree which Jake used to sit on to wait until he could go home once more.

Arriving at the clearing, Andy had a good look around, for signs that anyone had been there, but, as he expected there was nothing but a few wrappers of Jake's favourite sodas and snacks, all of which had become well weathered since they'd been deposited, as the building work had cut through the previous access route to the clearing.

Satisfied that everything was as it should be, Andy got down to having his very own brand of fun.

Unpacking the bag he'd bought with him, Andy laid out all the items in the order he would be needing them, so as not to confuse the nine different collars he would be using, especially as all of them were, other than size, identical, being double straps with a small padlock over the buckle, and a large D ring on the other side. These were joined by five short lengths of chain and a long extra strength threaded leather leash.

The final item out of the bag was the largest plastic beaker Andy had been able to find. The previous night he'd put all the keys to the locks inside this, before filling it with water and then putting, the lid on it, and then laying it in the small freezer compartment of the cottage's fridge. Now it was a single solid block, that would take, he assumed nearly all day to melt. When it did, and only then, would he be able to get the keys and free himself from what he was about to do.

Picking up the long strong leash, Andy clips the end to the very top of the dilapidated fence, for which he has to go right up onto the tips of his toes, meaning that once he was stuck on all fours, like a dog, there would be no chance of his removing it. The leash was nearly twenty feet [6 m] long, so even hitched to the fence he would still be able to move most of the way around the clearing, getting to the stream, and into or out of the shade, should he need to. Now it was time to get ready. The first thing Andy did to turn himself into a dog was to shed his human clothing. Removing both the shorts and the shirt, and then his shoes and socks, all of which he put into the bag he'd bought with him. The bag he then hid deep inside one of the bushes on the far side of the clearing, well beyond the reach of the leash he was soon to be on.

Returning to the centre of the clearing, beneath the fence post, Andy picked up the first of the collars. These were a matching set of four of the smaller ones, which were to go around his ankles and wrists. The teenager putting them on slowly, and carefully, as he knew he would be wearing them for several hours and didn't want to leave any marks if he could help it. The collars were, made for comfort though, so although the outside were lean in their shiny leather, the internal edges were well padded, which not only made them comfortable, but a snugger fit as well. This made it most important that Andy got them into just the right spot before he locked them closed, as once the lock was in place, they couldn't be moved, not even slightly, around his wrists, so the D rings had to be in the correct position the first time. On the inside of his ankles, or wrists, facing the other one.

Once the first four collars were in place Andy set about putting on another four which were a little more tricky to place. The largest set went around the middle of his thighs, with the D rings pointing backwards, rather than inward, while the smaller set, went around his upper arms, as close to the top as he could get them, with the D rings in the more traditional inward pointing way.

The final collar went in the most traditional of places, around Andy's next. It too was locked into place, with the D ring at the back, just under the bottom of his hair line where the leash would soon lock the boy into the clearing until the ice melted. Before then though, Andy took one last, long stretch before he locked all his limbs into the dog like posture they would be forced to maintain until he could free himself.

The leash was the first to be attached. The catch was a simple spring loaded clip, as once everything else was in place, Andy wouldn't be able to reach it anyway. Nonetheless, a shudder going through him naked body as it snapped shut, causing his penis to swing from side to side, spraying out slightly, the pre-cum that was it was producing, onto the grass beneath him.

Kneeling up, Andy took up the first of the chains, and with a small padlock on either end, locked it between his ankles, preventing his feet from going more than six inches from each other.

The ankle cuffs, had a second set of D rings on them, was now at the back of Andy's heels, facing upward as he knelt down, and to these the teenager attached a second and third chain. These weren't to connect his legs to each other but to ensure that he remained kneeling, so each one lead up from his ankle to the collars around his thighs, and once locked in place, meant he could even get his legs into a proper right ankle, let alone straighten them.

His once long, slightly lanky teenage legs now turned into something like a dog's hind quarters, Andy set about making sure his arms didn't get out of hand. The first thing being to ensure that they couldn't reach up past his own body to, for example, detach him from the collar and this is what the upper arm collars were for. A short chain connecting these together, did the job perfectly as once it was on, Andy not only couldn't split his arms to reach around his back, but he couldn't raise his arms over his own head, as the chain wouldn't go over past his chin, let alone actually pass over his head.

The final chain, was the easiest one, and the somewhat most traditional, as it just connected the two collars he was wearing as cuffs to each other. Once that was done, Andy was finished turning himself, as much as he could, into a dog for the first time.

In the preparation for this adventure Andy had tried out most of what he was now wearing at once stage or another, in the kennels, as he worked through the various items on display in the now fitted out shop, to find out what fitted best, and what did the best job but this was the first time he'd tried it all on at once, and the first time he'd worn any of it while completely naked.

A shiver ran up and down his spine, as the boy made his first attempts to test out his bondage. It wasn't easy, as he just wasn't used to moving like that. The chains connecting his ankles and wrists were probably a little too short, which made even crawling somewhat tricky, as it limited the length of the pace he could take, while the ankle-to-thigh chains, also prevented him from stretching out, ensuring that for the early stages Andy had to teach himself to walk all over again, while concentrating on every step.

Moving to the very end of the leash's length, Andy is satisfied to find just how far he can get. Not near enough to his clothes or to leave the clearing of course, but he can still make it to the stream – from which he takes a short drink, head down into the water just like a dog would. The water trickling from the sides of his mouth until he shook it off with a wild shake of the head. This shake reverberating right down his body, until he realises that, if he had a tail, it would have been wagging. As it was, all he had was his penis wagging between his legs, shaking off it's own excess fluid.

Returning to the post, Andy checks the beaker, but the ice has barely even started to melt, even though he had to have been a dog for nearly an hour already.

His knees are scuffed, with a mixture of green from the grass and some brown from the mud at the river side, making Andy wonder if he shouldn't have used a pair of pads like the flooring contractors had used. He didn't have any, so it hadn't really been an option, so all he could do was to lay down, to take the weight from his knees for a bit.

Laying down, turned into something of an operation, as he simply couldn't lower himself down, due to the way his arms and legs were chained so, unable to put out an arm to control his roll over, Andy had little option but to flop himself onto his side. It was only after he'd made a thankfully soft landing, that he wondered if he'd be able to get back up onto all fours again.

After spending the next fifteen minutes proving that he could, Andy was finally able to lay on his side relaxing on his side in the sun, while he waited for the ice to melt. All the time savouring the position he'd put himself in. Until, with thoughts of how he could recreate either, or both, the exercise and / or breading machine at home, the teenager slowly drifted off to sleep.

Andy didn't know just how long he slept for, as when he woke he had other things very much on his mind, when his eyes popped open to the sound of footsteps walking slowly both towards and around him.

"Who's a bad doggie then?" said a familiar voice laced with an undertone, Andy didn't like the sound off.

Bringing his hands to his face, the teenager was just about able to rub the sleep from his eyes, enough so they could focus on the small blond figure of Jake Hammond smiling down at him, as he stood there, his arms folded over his chest.

"I see you've been busy." The youngster said, bending down to pick up the beaker containing the ice and keys which he tips up. The sides of the beaker had warmed enough to melt the outside of the ice to the frozen block slides out, and comes crashing down onto the sun baked ground in front of the sleeping boy-dog where it shatters into dozens of pieces.

"No. Don't!" Andy cried out, reaching for the keys that now lay amongst the remains of the ice, before being forced to snatch his arm back again, due to the chains connecting his limbs, making it impossible for him to reach more than a few inches.

Jake, of course, had no limits on his movements, so it was simply a matter for the smaller boy to bend down, snatch up all the keys and then to put them into the pocket of the light tan cargo trousers he was wearing, where their dampness soon discoloured the cloth although that was nothing to the damp spot on the grass between Andy's legs, and which Jake soon bought to his attention.

"You've been enjoying yourself, haven't you?" he laughed, nudging the sticky grass with the end of his trainer causing Andy to find his voice.

"It's the first time."

Jake laughed, "Yeah, right it is!"

"It is!"

"We both know it isn't." the younger boy stated matter-of-factly. "In fact I've got the videos to prove it."

Andy's head snapped around, "Videos!"

"Yeah." The blond boy smiled, "I guess I must have 'forgotten' to pass on my dad's message about the CCTV cameras coming on line early cos he though the Eastern Europeans were nicking stuff."

Suddenly Andy started to feel a bit ill as he could guess what was coming next.

"It was my job to go through the digital files to see if anything 'unusual' was going on, and it sure as heck was." Jake laughed.

"You saw 3; ?" gasped the kneeling teenager, unable to complete his own sentence.

"Oh yeah, I saw alright. I saw you trying on collars, and not just around your neck either, and I saw putting on the harness in the exercise room, and then using the machine, which is why I knew you wouldn't be able to resist trying out the harness in the breading room either, once I told you about it."

At first Andy wasn't going to say anything to this, right up until the point when the penny dropped. "The breading machine. That was you."

"Oh yeah." Jake beamed so much that his entire face almost lit up, "It took ages to get all the programming done right and to get enough stuff to fill it up, but it was worth it for the look on your face when it fucked you."

"Shit!" was all Andy could say to that.

"Exactly! In fact that's pretty much what I said when I watched it back on video too."

"Video? It's on video?"

"Yep. Everything that has happened in the new block is on video but don't worry I've got all the more interesting bits tucked away somewhere safe so no one is going to find out about what you've been up to." Suddenly Jake's expression went dark, "Well they won't, if you don't piss me off, anyway."

"What? What does that mean?" Andy asked.

"You'll see, but first, I've got a little surprise for you. Well several surprises, but you'll like this one."

Turning his back on where the teenager remained, Jake went over to where he'd previous dropped the small bag he'd bought with him, on the other side of the fallen log where he'd spent many an hour sitting watching the dogs play and think of the things he'd like to do to them, some of which he would now be able to do.

Reaching into the bag Jake soon pulled out a familiar set of straps which he held up for the teenager to see. "Bet you'd love to wear this again, wouldn't you." He laughed shaking the harness out, as he walked back towards him.

"I 3; I 3;" Andy started to say but the words ran out, as Jake reminded him that he watched him playing in them, since that time in the stock room, including the time, in the new shop, where Andy had nearly got himself stuck in them.

Eventually Andy did come up with an objection, citing the way his hands and arms were chained together, as a reason the harness wouldn't be able to be put on him. However, Jake had a way around that, unfastening, not the chains, but parts of the harness, effectively removing the shoulder straps, so instead of having to go up Andy's arms, the harness could just be passed under his stomach, and chest, before being pulled around onto his back.

It took over ten minutes for the harness to be fitted in this new way, with most of the time taken up by Jake rethreading the shoulder straps back into position, so that by the time he had it all done up, it felt to Andy, just as it had done the first time he'd put it on. Totally inescapable which made what the youngster did next all the more scary.

Taking a leather lead from his pocket, Jake attached it to the single D ring, in the middle of Andy's back, not with the usual spring fastening, but with a combination padlock that Andy had never seen before. "There," he said as he tested it, "that will stop you from running away, you bad dog."

"Bad dog!" Jake repeated.

"Oh yes you've been a naughty little dog," Jake said sternly, "and you know what happens to naughty little dogs, don't you Andy?"

Andy didn't answer, as Jake reached down to unclip the long leash from his collar, only to use the one now locked to his back, to pull him to heel. "Come with me."

Tightly strapped into the dog harness, and with his ankles, upper arms, and ankles chained to each other, not to mention with his ankles chained to his thighs, Andy had little option but to comply, even though he couldn't move as fast as Jake clearly thought he could, forcing the smaller boy to slow down slightly as he lead his strange looking naked, boy-dog around the parameter of the clearing until they arrived back at the fallen log.

"Okay, I think you deserve a rest. Get up on the tree."

It was an easy matter for Andy to get his hands up onto the log which was about two and a half feet [75 cm] off the ground, but when he attempted to get his knees up, he just didn't have enough leverage, so was forced to ask Jake to help him.

The smaller boy, climbed up himself onto the log and then, standing on it, he pulled on the leash, until he managed to just about lift Andy's middle section into the air, giving the older boy just enough relief from his own body weight, so that he could get his knees off the ground, and up towards the top of the log. That though was as far as they got.

It may have been an accident, but just as Andy was getting all four of his limbs onto the log, Jake kicked at his right arm, sending it crashing down over the far side of the log. Naturally, given it was chained to his left arm that had to follow, leaving the teenager with nothing to support his upper body which came crashing down onto the moss covered top of the log. His knees, having nothing to grip on their own, then slipped down the other side until he was stuck there with neither his hands, nor his knees capable of reaching the ground. His entire body weighting, resting on his chest and stomach, across the top of the log.

"Ouch! Shit! Get me down." Andy, not surprisingly started to complain.

"Shut up. Or I'll give you something to complain about." Snarled the eleven year old as he jumped down and returned to his bag, from which he removed a sharp looking knife.

On seeing the blade Andy was instantly quiet even though the other boy didn't come back towards him, but instead, headed over to the base of a nearby tree where, he used it to cut off sapling around three feet [1 m] long, and then set about cutting off all the smaller leaves from it, until it was just a bare looking stick. It being at this point that Andy worked out what it was for.

"You can't use that, 3; on me!"

"Sure I can. " Jake laughed moving to the left side of the trapped boy-dog, raising his right arm, and bringing the makeshift whip down across both of Andy's buttocks.

"Oww!" the teenager cried out as red line instantly appeared across his rear.

Jake continued to laugh, raising the whip up a second time: "See, told you I could us it."

The whip landed again, and again. Once on Andy's right buttock, then on the left one, before going back across the pair of them, until there's a very neat set of red lines all over the teenager's rear.

By the time this is over, Andy is no longer shouting for it to stop, but has already broken down into sobs and cries, as his rear appears to burn from the sapling being applied to it. The sting this created being a lot more than the one the exercise machine had given him, as it was a lot more concentrated and therefore felt a lot sharper.

"There, that should teach you what will happen when you don't do what you're told. Isn't that right little puppy."

There was a moment's pause before Andy realised he was expected to answer. "Yes, anything. Like what?"

"Good. We'll have to see how good you are fetching, but first I've got another present for you."

Jake goes back to the bag he bought with him, and removes the strangest looking thing, Andy had ever seen. At three foot [1 m] long, it was roughly the same length as the whip that had just caused his bum to burn, but that was about the only thing it had in common with that slender stick, as this new item was not only fatter, but it was hairy too. Well more furry than hairy, but there was a lot of hair that appeared to be glued onto a flexible shaft that took up most of the items length. Yet it was the other end that was the most interesting.

The base of the item, was around six inches [15 cm] long, and an inch-and-a-half [4 cm] at the widest part of the bulb shape it was formed into and which Jake was covering with some sort of grease from a small tube.

"Good job you went on the breading machine first, or else I wouldn't think this would have gone in." the lad laughed, and, once more the penny dropped in the teenager's head of not only what the item was, but where that bulb was going to go.

"Do you like your tail?" the lad laughed, "Don't worry cos I've made it so that it won't come out as easily as it goes on. Hold still now."

Andy didn't really have much choice, given that he was still stuck bent over the fallen log, but even so he did what he could to avoid the plug that was now approaching his rear, but he is too vulnerable a position, and with the plug all greased up, with a determined youngster behind it, there was nothing to stop it from being pushed into his rear in one hard shove.

A cry came from Andy lips as the widest part of the plug entered him, even though it was actually somewhat smaller than the prosthetic organ that the breading machine had pushed inside him, at least when the plug was inside him, his anus was able to relax around the narrow dimensions of the shaft of what became his tail.

"Great stuff. Now you look like a real dog. Let's see how it goes when you walk around."

If it was tricky getting Andy over the log then getting him off it was a lot more trouble not least of which was down to the soreness in his rear from the whipping, and the highly unusual sensation of having something not just inside his bottom, but sticking out of it.

"Right then, Let's see how good a dog you are." Jake tossed a small stick across the clearing before turning back to Andy. "Well go fetch it then, doggy."

Andy starts to crawl forward, but now has the added complications of any movement he takes, aggravating the sore red lines on his rear, as well as making the plug in his rear move around, which makes his progress across the grass rather slow towards the stick.

Arriving at the place where the branch lies on the ground, Andy makes to pick it up in his hands but a sound from behind him of the switch being sliced through the air, tell him this isn't what is expected, so instead he bends down and picks up the branch in his mouth, before turning around and making his way back to where Jake is waiting for him.

"Good dog." The younger boy says, patting the teenager's hair, "A little slow, but I guess you'll improve with training like all dogs."

The End

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