PZA Boy Stories

Charles Baudot

Andrew My Love


A man gets some special powers for helping an alien and uses these powers to seduce a young boy.
Publ. 1990; this site Jun 2012
Finished 19,000 words (38 pages)


Charles (adult) and Andrew (13yo)

Category & Story codes

Fantasy Man-Boy story
Mt ttcons mast oral anal – mind-control


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Orphan story

This is an orphan story, it is found on various sites, most without author's name and titled 'Andy' or 'Andrew'. The e-mail address of Charles Baudot is no longer active and there is no other way to contact the author. Are you the author, please contact me.

The email account that you tried to reach does not exist.  Please
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In some of his stories, Charles Baudot gave his home address and telephone number in Richmond, Va. He doesn't live on that address anymore. The present story is set in Richmond, Va.

Chapter 1

I don't really know how to begin this tale. Some would think me to be a kook or someone that has escaped from 'Westbrook' (the local home of the substance abused) here in the city.

One weekend on a Saturday, I had nothing to do and I had what was know as 'Cabin Fever'. I had to get out of the house. All my friends were either out of town or doing something meaningful. Damn, that played on my mind heavy that day.

I decided, rather than lie here in the bed all Saturday and play with myself, I would get up and take a walk to my old haunts in the woods nearby my house.

When I was a little fart, I lived not more than a mile from where I am now. I used to go down into the woods and play in the creek, make paths, etc. All the things us kids would do in the woods.

I grew up and went to school, joined the service for six years, got out went to work 3; 'Cabin Fever' 3; Go away! My thoughts quickly changed. I got up and dressed and went down to the woods that I played in as a child.

Progress had taken a part of them. But there were some of the old woods remaining. I found an old path I remembered and began to walk into the woods totally relaxed and my thoughts away from the big cruel world. I didn't think I would see them, but something told me to look in certain places. There they were. Some of the old marks and carvings in the trees or on the rocks in the creek. I had put them there some 35 years ago.

As I progressed through the woods, I planned my route. I was going to find the path back in the direction of my house now and take it home. Even after 35+ years, it seemed as if I was just yesterday. It all came reeling back to me, every step of the way. I guess you don't forget everything.

I sat down for a moment to rest against a tree. I guess I must have been there a couple of hours, because I was stiff as a board from sitting on the cool ground. My right hand was aching a little, too. I looked at my watch and 3; 'SHIT' 3; it was damn near 5:00 PM. I like to sleep and all that, but this is bullshit.

I completed my journey anyway, but a little disappointed with myself for not making the most efficient use of my time 3; I had just gotten up. Why did I go back to sleep in the woods?

When I got back in the house, I noticed the answering machine light was blinking. I pushed the button to hear the message.

"Charles?," the voice said, "We are going to the mall for dinner at 7 3; call us if you get in before 3; This is Frankie and it's about 4:30 now."

Well now, at least there was something to do. I called Frankie back to find out what he needed. He and his friend were going out to the mall to eat a little dinner and maybe take in a 99th run movie at the $1.00 Cinema. (Yes, they exist). Frankie asked if I would like to come along with them.

I jumped at the chance. Ran into the shower for a quick one and headed out to meet Frankie and friend. One thing led to another that evening and we wound up staying up at a late night restaurant drinking coffee until 2: A.M. Damn I was tired when I got home.

This time sleep seemed natural to me. It smelled like a good idea. I went into my bedroom, got naked, and crawled under the light cover. Sleep came upon me quickly. It was as if I had taken Sodium Penathal or something. 10 sheep, 9 sheep, 8 sheep 3; Buzzzzzzzzzz.

You ask yourself. "What is all this B/S? What does it have to do with anything?" Well, my friends. I had to set the tone of this story. For what I am about to tell you is exactly what happened to me after I got to sleep. I don't know. I can't tell you first hand. That's correct. You heard me. First hand. Read on, my friends, read on.

When I was in the woods and fell asleep against the tree, my hands relaxed and fell to my side. They came to rest on some clumps of Pine needles there on the ground. Under the clump under my right hand there had been an 'entity' of some kind.

Let's back up a little here to my bedroom slumber. I dreamed. An awful dream of destruction and persecution. It went on forever. I couldn't figure where I was. The scenery was not familiar to me. I was trying to relate it to symbols that represent my religious training from years back 3; I don't know. The dream continued. The story line seemed to change from one to the next.

"This is crap." I said to myself in the dream.

"Wake up, you dumb ass!" An unknown voice said. In the dream, I turned to see my own body. My thoughts were of that sight.

"POOOOF!" A flash of bright red light, and I bolted upright in the bed.

"Damn it," I said, "what the hell did I eat at the restaurant?"

"Nothing to give you bad dreams, Charles." A voice said.

Shit. It was happening again. I just wasn't fully awake from this experience. I was drifting back into slumber. Starting that dumb dream over again, or getting back into it.

"Wake up, dumb ass!" The same voice said.

What the hell is this? My words, my voice, and again, my body there, before me. I had read of Out Of Body Travel, but I did not create the correct atmosphere for this nor did I practice any of the mind setting procedures for this type of thing. No. No. It was not happening to me.

Well it wasn't. The voice sounded again.

"Charles." It said.

"Listen to the sound of my voice, relax 3; relax 3; relax 3;"

Somehow I thought I should fear it. I had all kinds of thoughts. You know, all the childhood Boogie Man stuff? But the more I heard the 'relax', the more I did. There was peace and contentment. I was relaxed.

The voice said, "I am Oidar from a world known to your people as Palades." The voice continued. "My people are a peace loving race. However, something happened to our world. There were changes. Things were happening to our atmosphere and our soil. Many of my kind were dying of unknown causes. We banded together to find a solution 3; There was none. Our world had been taken over by one of our fellow scientist. In his quest to perpetuate our race, he experimented with himself. He mutated into something that was contrary to our way of life. His power grew and grew, and the common, ordinary beings. as myself, were forced to flee and take shelter from his evil power."

"Well," I said. "Oidar? 3; Oidar, uh yes 3; why did you seek me to tell all of this you have so far? What does it have to do with me?"

I couldn't quite grasp this and I guess Oidar sensed it. I thought that if I ever come out of this, I was going to give Frankie hell about putting something in my coffee. Damn this was weird. The voice and my image continued.

"You are my vehicle," Oidar said. "My atomic structure is similar to your silicon. However, I can change my molecular structure and virtually penetrate anything or anyone I desire. In the changed state, I require energy from my host to survive. Once in my host, I become a clone of another cell so as not to be attack by the host immune system."

I said, "What means vehicle?"

"My friends and I have come to this planet to seek materials that are non-existent in my world," Oidar continued. "We have found them and we need a vehicle to get them to a central storage place as soon as possible. We will arrange getting it back to our world."

"What's the time frame and what is central for you?" I said.

"We must have it all together by your mid July," Oidar said.

I had vacation coming to me then. That would work out fine.

"And besides, Charles, there will be a reward for helping us," said Oidar.

"I'm not in the storage or courier business, so please keep the reward. Put it to good use for your cause," I said.

"Oh no, no!" said Oidar. "Our culture does not allow us to do that. When I entered your body there in the woods, I examined your structure, your Neuron firing pattern, and the energy stored in your conscious and subconscious mind. I know your every want and fantasy."

"Bullshit," I said. "We have doctors that have studied for hundreds of years to do that very thing. Not one has been able to get into the mind such as describe 3; Ha!"

"Bullshit 3; good term." Oidar said. "You must realize, Charles, that our world is far, far, more advanced than yours. I have in mind something you will enjoy for the rest of your life as you know it on Earth. Think about it. What have you done with your life here tonight with your friends? What about those quick brushes against the younger humans?"

Damn, he had been in my mind. Nobody knows that the closest thing I get to realizing my fantasy is to get a discreet feel of the butt on a young man that I wish could be naked here on my bed getting a back rub from me.

I am very coy with this. I go to a mall or some function like a flea market and observe the people around me. If I spot an easy target, I discretely brush against him with my palm turned outward. As I brush against him I position my hand so that I can feel a majority of contour of his butt and the deepness of the crevasse. I can't get it out of my mind for a while. Anyway, I may say "excuse me," but in most cases I don't call attention to it, and just forge on past 3; never looking back. With my good peripheral vision, I see the reaction. Sometimes it's bland and sometimes it's one of surprise. I never let on to them I did that on purpose.

One time I almost laughed out loud at one reaction. I was a flea market and I passed by this one young man and touched his butt. Just by our respective positions at the time of contact, amplified the feel ten fold. He jumped about two feet it seemed. It must have felt like a big goose. I've never seen such a sensitive hiney. I felt a big laugh building up in me. In my peripheral vision, I could see him watching me everywhere I went for a long time. I couldn't even glance his way because I would break into a laugh 3; I just know I would.

"Charles, Charles, come back to me Charles." A voice said.

"Uh what?" I said.

Oidar said, "How would you like to contact those that you choose to brush against? Or better yet, find them at any time you need? Talk to them? Bathe and sleep with them? Help them discover themselves when the time is right?"

"Sounds like a Science Fiction movie," I said.

"No, no, quite the contrary," said Oidar. "This will be our gift to you for helping us. If you are going for the feel, you may as well have the pleasure of completing your fantasy and making it real."

"There are laws we live by here." I said. "I could not possibly do all of that and get by with it. They would put me under the jail. I am 40+ years old and you know the rest."

"Yes, only if you were detected," said Oidar. "You will have the ability in your body to manufacture a cell that is a duplicate of me except that its mind is your mind, its control is your control. When you brush against your 'target', if you will, you can release this cell. It will penetrate the outer clothing and eventually gain entrance to his body and mind. There you will gain instant contact. When the time is right, engage in conversation or however you want to handle it. You can be here at home. Your minds will have grown together. Every thought and every sensation will be brought to you. Your eyes are his eyes, his mind is his mind under the guidance of yours. For now, get some rest. Tomorrow, I will awaken you and prepare you with the details of our venture."

I slept long and hard" it was about noon when I woke. I didn't hear anything from Oidar. It must have been a dream I had during the night. I might as well get up. I stretched and strained pulled on my front end a little and checked my anal temperature with the thermometer. Ninety-seven point four degrees [36.3°C]. Normal enough for me. I usually run a little lower than the 'normal'. I am not running a fever, so things must be ok.

Getting up wasn't all that hard. I got dressed and drove out to the local greasy spoon restaurant to get something to eat.

"More coffee?" A voice said.

I turned around to look in the direction of the voice and there was no one near. I guess I was hearing the waitress asking another customer. I went back to concentrating on my own cup of coffee.

"More coffee? How much of that can you drink?" The voice said.

This time I was getting pissed, but what could I do. There was no one around. I would look a little silly talking to myself and swinging my arms in the air at nothing.

Then the voice again. What the hell?

"Hello, Charles. I am Oidar. I trust you slept well." It said. "Don't answer out loud now, but do you remember your dreams of a few hours ago 3; just think the answer."

It was all real. I had taken on an entity and I was living with it in my body. The whole story came back to me. As soon as I got dressed and my mind on other things, I had put it out of my mind. It was so ridiculous and quite frankly, I had forgotten most of it. Oidar contacted me just now in the restaurant and related the situation to me again. Now I have committed it to memory. Sure feels strange running your life with second hand information. I like to, at least, do the research. It was a relief though, that I wasn't from Kooksville Funny Farm. I thought of an answer and got a response. Time went by and Oidar left me alone until I started my vacation in mid July.

"Hello Charles." Oidar said. "It is time to gather my material and go to the central location."

"Let's go!" I said with pure excitement. "Where is it, where are we going, and do we need a big truck or something? 3; Something doesn't figure. If time is the utmost, how come you were in the woods there sitting around? What if I didn't walk by? You would have been stuck there."

"Remember my race's power, Charles. I could have latched on to your neighborhood cat and come up to you for a pet and tidbit and jump off to you like a flea. But I knew of you basically from the time I landed there in the woods. Your vibrations were like a beacon. You just didn't happen into the woods. It was planned."

Shit! I hate to be used and manipulated. I could have gone all day without Oidar saying that. Under the circumstances, I may have done the same thing.

"We have chosen our central location near a town known to you as Lynchburg. Do you know it?" He said.

"Lynchburg, Virginia, Lynchburg, Tennessee, Lynchburg what?" I said.

"Hold on, Charles, I am calculating," said Oidar. "Lynchburg, Virginia. you know about Lynchburg?"

"Where is the material you need and I need to know its size. I can't carry everything in my car." I said.

"We have it ready in a clearing near here in Buckingham. You know Buckingham?" he said.

I was still a little miffed at being used like that, but I did agree to help and it wasn't all bad. After all, if it promoted a little peace and tranquility here and there, maybe this world would be a better place.

We made the trip to Buckingham, which was on the way to Lynchburg, and picked up the necessary items. The items were ten trash bags full of a slate. Slate is an element indigenous to this area. It's all over the place. It's not rare here.

Lynchburg was another two hour relaxing drive West. I didn't know the city well, but I figured that Oidar had it down pat. He directed me to a rural route towards Bedford, Va., just outside of Lynchburg.

"Here," he said.

'Here' was a field near a farm building. I pulled off the road and found a path that farm machinery went on, and went on to a clearing. I got out and unloaded the slate.

I had a lot of time to think on the way here. What were they going to do with this little amount of slate? I guess I would find out later.

And I did. I began to hear sounds of other cars and trucks arrive. The driver of each vehicle got out and unloaded their respective cargo. It varied from my slate to sugar. As I met each person there, I was told a similar story as mine. These guys were from all parts of the state with different wants and different needs.

Oidar spoke to me.

"Get all your friends here to form a big circle over there in the clearing."

We did that. And when the circle was complete, the ground began to shake a little and then there was a blinding flash of light. After our eyes adjusted to the shock of quick light to dark, there before us was an image of a Monarch of some kind 3; complete with Mace and Crown. He was speaking, but the words formed in our mind.

He said. "I wish to thank each and everyone here tonight. All of the materials you collected for us will go to combat our maniacal ruler's evil ways. They will go together to form a highly potent compound that will reverse the evil one's mutations and bring our world back to peace and tranquility. We will see to it that nothing like this ever happens again. Each of you were promised a reward. It is against our basic law to ask for help and not reward our host. Each reward has been decided for you by the entity you carried in your body. I am the combination of all entities here tonight. Now I must ask one more task of you. Go back and get the materials, and place them on the spot you are standing now, return to your respective vehicles and get out of this immediate area for your own safety. Each one of you now has his reward 3; good luck in your future endeavors and thank you again."

Out of pure respect for this experience, we all left the area in awe. None of us were speaking much to each other because of our emotional state. We just left the farm to return to our respective homes, but not before I looked back towards the farm one more time to observe my first 'UFO'.

It was beautiful. Just like the one in Spielberg's Close Encounters of The Third Kind. Lights, noise, the whole works. And in an instant, there was another large flash of light, and the craft vanished.

Chapter 2

Vacation for me was nearly ending and 'cabin fever' was creeping in again. I called my friend Frankie and asked him to dinner at the mall joints and possibly take in a movie or something. He didn't have a problem with that, so we went. I hadn't thought of Oidar too much after the incident. I would think from time to time if my part in it helped any at all, not much more than that.

Frankie and I got to the mall about the same time and I began to scout out possible 'targets' to catch a quick feel of their hiney. This was nothing new to me at all, I do this every chance I get. And then it hit me. I remembered that Oidar got into my mind to reveal my inner most secrets. Had the part about the reward been true also?

No time like the present to check it out. Where was a target? Ah 3; there 3; yes, there. Move up. Slowly 3; Palms out 3; Slowly 3; CONTACT!

He was a cute little bugger. About 5 feet [1.50 m] tall, blond, tight-muscled little ass, and not a mark on his handsome face. He had very smooth, tanned skin and looked to me about thirteen. The 'contact' was eventful. My fingers formed around the most perfect set of cheeks I had ever seen. My middle finger was positioned firmly in the crevasse. He was 'loose,' he was wearing boxers.

'Loose,' as opposed to 'tight.' That is to say, my finger had no trouble going deep into the crevasse. He said "excuse me" to me. Me 3; Ha. As if it was his fault for bumping into me. If he had only known. I told him that it was no problem and went on about having dinner. Otherwise he didn't even notice the split second feel he received from me. Something else I should mention here. The hand I used was tingling just as it did when Oidar entered me.

My emotional state at that time was riding high. I could not get over the feel. I didn't connect, at first, this tingling sensation with Oidar. But later as the evening past, I begin to think more and more about it.

The evening with friend Frankie and I went well. Nothing special about it, but well. We stayed out until about 3:00 A.M. or so, seeing a $1.00 movie and drinking coffee, etc, with other friends we met later. I got home about 15 minutes later tired again as usual. First thing I did was take off my clothes and flop out on the bed. Hardly had time to roll under the sheet before I was asleep.

I guess I started to dream. I had the sensation of a weight on me. I opened my eyes. I had pajamas on. I knew better than that. I don't wear pajamas! I sat bolt upright in the bed. What bed? What the hell is this? Maybe I'll try to observe and relax. I thought about Oidar's reward. How will I communicate with my private cell? Do I call it by a name or just say 'hey cell'?

"Cell will do, sir." A voice inside my head retorted.

Oh shit, here we go again. Here goes. I said, "Cell! Are you like Oidar?

"No!" Cell said. "I am you, and I am I, within a host."

"What the hell does that mean, Cell?" I said.

"Just that I am you by thought and word, and I am I, within the host. I am a part of the host's structure too." Cell said.

Sounds good to me. I guess I wouldn't want to be chased by those antibodies.

"How do I get to you when I want to, Cell?" I said. "Are you dormant until I call you? Or what?"

"I am like a resident program in a computer." Cell said. "When you call me, I activate. If you instruct me to do so, I will send messages to you when our friend here is in a position to be communicated with privately. Remember, I am a part of you. You are in control."

I could see myself driving down the road and I get a flash of an image and run off the road. I needed to think about this a while. I didn't want any surprises. I needed to set some standards for what I wanted to do. For example find out his name, etc. Or connect to his mind, think as he thinks, see as he sees. I had a thousand questions.

I fell back to sleep just thinking about it. I had to put this new found experience to the test, so when I got up in the daylight and got that first cup of coffee, I began to write down a series of procedures.

  1. Connect with his eyes to observe his environment. (Friends/family,etc.)

  2. Connect with his other senses. (Learn particular sensitivities.. Ticklish?)

  3. Connect with his mind. (Make him believe his ideas were original.) (ex: Undressing in front of the mirror.)

  4. Connect and communicate when ready.

Maybe I would come up with more later. Try these for now. I went into the living room and sat down in my comfortable chair and relaxed.

"Cell," I said, "connect eyes."

In an instant, I was looking at unfamiliar territory. Pictures on a wall in a strange (to me) house. I began to see through my 'connected' other people. Some were older and some were younger. I assumed them to be family members. Next, I connected with his other senses, just to observe. I found out a lot that way. I found out that his name was Andrew and he liked most things scientific in nature. All you have to do is listen. You learn a lot.

Andrew went out to join some neighborhood friends in some sandlot softball. You know how that can be. Dirty and dusty 3; Hmmmm, smells like a bath. after the play time. They must have played for three hours it seemed. I could feel Andrew getting tired. I could see the others were too. They decided to go to the local Burger Doodle for some nourishment. 'They' say that if you can't keep up, take a lot of notes. I took a lot of notes about Andrew and the social interchange with his friends. Some of them were just as delectable as Andrew. I had to figure a way to get to them also, later.

It was about 4:30 P. M. and the group broke up to go to their respective homes I had connected with Andrew's mind sometime earlier, but I didn't peruse it until now. I didn't know how to make a request of him without him hearing me. Cell interjected with "Just think it." Seemed reasonable to me, so I did.

"Bath, 3;bath," I thought.

And it was if by magic, Andrew went into his house, up to his room and prepared for a bath. This is the moment I had been waiting for all day. Damn, this gift really works.

Andrew started with his shirt and tee shirt, then his shoes and socks. I was a getting hard on already just thinking about it. Andrew passed by a mirror over his dresser and I saw that he had a small tan line showing above his pants. I couldn't wait. I was getting a little tense myself. Next Andrew took his long pants off, walked over to his bedroom door and carefully peeked out to be sure the hall was clear. He probably didn't want to be seen in just his underpants. Heaven forbid his mother or older sister see him 3; My, my, my, such modesty.

From the bedroom, Andrew darted for the bathroom, went in, and quickly closed the door and removed his underpants. He was completely naked. I could feel it, see it, hear it, and smell it, as I sat there in the comfort of my own home and took it all in.

Andrew was not at that age to where he paid attention to his attributes. Not once did it dawn on him to touch himself and give his member a little tug. Andrew reached over and started to draw the water for his bath.

I thought, "Look in the mirror at yourself."

Andrew did it. There in the mirror I could see through his eyes his full front view. He had a cute front end. The ball sack was almost at that break over point and his shaft was about as round as a small test tube in a toy chemistry set and about four inches [10 cm] long, just hanging out there. Best of all, he was hairless. I had him reach back and run his hands along his little cute butt. I had him stand up on his little brother's potty chair, turn around so that his hiney would be in full view of the mirror. I then had him turn his head around to look over his shoulder and eye the reflection of his hiney in the mirror.

My senses told me that he was tingling all over his body. I believe he was feeling the juices flowing into his lower body and becoming sensitized in his front end. Andrew still did not connect the two things he did in the mirror with these feeling, at least consciously. But, never fear 3; HINEY MAN is here. It will come in good time to him, this connection, with my help.

I sort of left him alone after that for a while. I just let him take the bath as simply as possible. Only I gave him some gentle hints to accidentally come across his anus and feel the sensation of a small finger (or object) on or in it. After that I disconnected. I was getting a hard on that wouldn't quit. I went into my bedroom and spread the sheet back, placed a towel on the bed, put a anal stimulator in my rectum, got a handful of hand cream, and proceeded to stroke my dick hard. When I felt the boiling stream of my reproductive fluids building up in my groin, I turned over and gyrated my hips holding my hand steady with the fingers wrapped tightly around my dick. I continued to pump my fist until I had released all of the pent up tensions and my dick went soft. I had thought of Andrew there with me all this time. And the anal stimulator was his virgin front end stuck in my wanting rectum.

Chapter 3

It was about a month later that I even thought about Cell. The episode of last month had me obsessed with one thought and it was draining me. I had to slow down, it was on my mind constantly and I couldn't do my job at work efficiently.

Not only did I come up with the procedures, I composed a few ground rules for me to follow.

  1. Do not over stimulate your subject.

  2. Observe as much as you can so you can find out more about your subject.

  3. Be sure that 'when; you open the voice channel that the time is right.

  4. Establish a rapport with him so he gets used to you.

  5. Do nothing to make him feel that he is going crazy and tell others about what is happening.

I think that if I follow these rules, I will build beautiful relationships that will last a long, long, time.

Well the weekend was here again and it must have been a full moon. Cabin Fever set in. I went out as I usually do on Friday night and stayed out late into the morning. When I got home, I was on such a coffee high that I was zooming.

"Cell?" I said. "Are you there?"

"Yes." came the answer.

"Question!" I said. "If I wanted to go into another subject to do the same thing with him as I do with Andrew, how do I do that. I touched some hiney tonight at the mall, but nothing happened. I'm glad that it didn't, because I am not through with Andrew yet. Do I have to get you out of Andrew so I can put you in another boy? Because, if that is true, it may take a long time for me to get Andrew to meet me. Would I have to get Andrew and the other boy together somehow? They may not know each other or they are from opposite parts of the city."

I hate these long winded questions.

"I am Cell," He continued. "You have the ability to create clones of me and identify them as Cell-1, Cell-2, etc. You must keep track of what Cell went where. They respond to their name as I do. Just, for example, say 'Cell-1 awake', and go do your touch of the subject. Simple."

Yes it was simple enough, even for me. I subscribe to the K.I.S.S. Method. That is, KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID 3;

Now that I had some of the nagging questions out of the way, I got naked and went to bed. It was time to find Andrew. I said,

"Cell, connect with Andrew."

"Done." Was the reply.

I wish Cell didn't sound like a computer.

The image of my room blacked out. Andrew was asleep. I could hear the rhythmic pounding of his heart and the slowness of his breathing. So genteel, so refreshing, so and innocent it sounded. I consulted Cell to find out if I could make him dream of a situation. Plant a seed, if you will. There was a method and I employed it.

I had him dream one of those dreams where you suddenly find yourself naked in a familiar place. Everybody has had those dreams. Anyway, I just happen along in his dream, saw him like that, and offered him my coat. I gave him the most puzzled look on his face as I could. In this dream, I led him over to a public phone so that he could call his parents to come get him. The coins were in my coat pocket. The number on the phone was mine at my house. I had him get a good look at it. I released him from the dream and thought, "Wake up Andrew."

I sensed Andrew stir and open his eyes. I had him get up and go to his desk, turn the light on, and visualize the telephone number he had seen, write it down on a piece of paper, and return to bed and back to sleep. Me too. I had Cell remain on guard for any changes. As the dawn turned into a bright morning, Andrew awoke naturally. And thanks to Cell, so did I.

Andrew went into the bathroom and drained his bladder and washed his face. He went back into his room and got out of his pajamas to chance into his regular clothes. He was still wearing his boxers under his pajamas. I would have to put a stop to that. I had always thought of boxer shorts like the ones you have to wear in military boot camps. But these were not the usual kind. These looked as if they actually fit and wouldn't bunch up and wrap themselves around your dick or stick up your ass. The kid looked good in them.

I laid there in my bed watching Andrew for the better part of the morning. It was a typical day for a thirteen year old kid. All the usual things like feeding the family pets, normal interchanges with relatives, a little of this and that. About 11:00 A.M., Andrew's friend James came by for a visit. It seemed that James and some of his family were going out to Overhill Lake and wanted to ask Andrew along. It just so happened that Andrew's parents were in a good mood and let him go with James.

"Perfect." I thought to myself.

"Perfect," said Andrew.

Damn, I had to watch that. I'm still connected to him, but I was so elated over the situation that I reacted. Overhill Lake has a bath house for people to change out of their wet clothes and into dry ones, or vice versa. I was hoping that there would be an opportunity to go in there when it was in use by other kids.

"Let's go, James." Andrew said. "Let me go upstairs and get my bathing suit and towel and stuff."

"Ok," said James. "We can change into our suits out at the lake."

That was fine with me. These boys' mind run in the right track. Ahhh yes, this was going to be a fun day.

The ride to the lake was nothing to rave about. In fact I drifted off to sleep for those few minutes. When they arrived, Cell woke me up. James' parents paid the admission for Andrew and James. They went straight to the bath house to change.

The area was full of kids and adults in various stages of dress/undress. I had to get Andrew to observe the scene without it being so obvious that he was. There were all shapes and sizes in there. But, closer to home, there was James, his older brother Scott (by two years) and his father. I wasn't interested in his father though, he was about forty. Not in my league. I was more interested in James and his brother. What did they look like naked?

Andrew started to get undressed and so did James and his family. I had Andrew carefully observe. Somehow, the modesty that Andrew had shown yesterday, was not there. I wonder if the fact that he was a 'boy' and everyone there in the bath house was one too? Andrew just undressed and changed into his racing type bathing suit carefully observing James and his brother, Scott.

James was slightly darker than Andrew. His heritage is Sioux (an American Indian tribe in this area hundreds of years ago). The family name was Birdsong. How did I know that? That's an old Indian name around here. I must have been further into Andrew's mind than I thought. His facial features were very striking. He had high cheekbones and bedroom black eyes. His body was smooth and hairless. His front end was about the same as Andrew's. Cool air must have hit James, because his member had withdrawn into itself and made it look shorter than it really was. James turned in modesty to pull up his bathing suit. When he did, I was watching through Andrew's eyes. James had a different shape hiney than Andrew, but just as nice. It was not as firm as Andrew's and it was heart shaped.

James's brother, Scott was fifteen years old. He would be a BMOC here shortly. At fifteen, you can get a drivers permit (learners) here in this state. A full permit can be had at sixteen. Before you know it, he would be sixteen and would be driving all the pussy he could get, around town. Careful observation by me (with the help of Andrew) revealed that Scott was built on the same order as James and a little taller, but he was developing hair around his member and his hiney was a little more round and muscular. I could see that Scott was going to be a teaser to someone in the near future. His shaft was just out there loose and it was 5 inches [12½ cm] long at least. I wondered what that would be like hard. Its diameter was a little bigger than James or Andrew. Just the right handful. By fifteen, I am sure, Scott had discovered himself by now..and I wasn't there to help him at the time. DAMN!

Andrew, James, Scott and the father finished dressing and headed for the water. I disconnected at this point, because I had seen all I wanted to see for the time being. My time to shine was later tonight. Andrew would be ready for another bath at bed time.

I made it a point later that evening to get home and connect with Andrew to plan my strategy. I found him sitting at his desk in his room working on a model of a big Navy ship. I watched every move. Andrew had to open the desk drawer up for something to go on the model. It was a typical kid's desk drawer full of items. Items. The only word to describe it. One item in particular, I noticed through his eyes, was a plastic medicine dropper. I had him take that out and put it aside for later, and then watched him work on his model more.

It was around 8:00 P.M., and Andrew was getting a little tired because, the day had been big for him with all the swimming, etc. As he moved in his chair, I got a whiff of something 3; and it wasn't model glue either. Smells like bath time to me. Well I guess it did to Andrew too. He got up to take his clothes off and get in the tub. Only one thing different here. Andrew was carrying the plastic medicine dropper with him. Andrew drew his bath water, tested it for temperature, and got into the tub and taking a washcloth, a bar of soap, and his new bath tub toy, the plastic medicine dropper.

The water was fine and refreshing. I could feel the therapeutic effects on Andrew immediately. His muscles relaxed and his pores opened. He took the soap and washcloth and began to wash his chest and neck. Next he began to wash his lower body. Andrew brushed past his front end with the washcloth and soap. Andrew jumped. His front end was relaxed and extended. Not shriveled up. He must have touched a nerve down there, but it felt good to him. Andrew rubbed it again. It tingled and began to move. It was beginning to reposition itself vertically and become harder to the touch. Andrew rubbed across his hardened member again and it felt good to him. Much easier to wash, anyway. Andrew stood up in the tub and looked at his new excited member as if he had never seen it before. He just took it for granted that he had one and that all boys and men have them. He didn't understand why it was in the hardened condition. In fact, he never thought much about it at all. Kids thoughts at that age tend to wander about and he got back to the project at hand. That was to finish washing.

Andrew took the soap and cloth across his hiney and the back of his legs. He first soaped his butt and legs and scrubbed them with the washcloth. Somehow, his fingers slipped off the soap and his hand went a little into the crevasse of his butt and brushed by his little rectum. Andrew jumped again. He had done more than brushed by his hole. His little finger accidentally went into it about 1/8th of an inch [3 mm]. Andrew didn't think much about that, it just tickled, and he laughed about it, but when he sat down in the water again to rinse off Andrew noticed, and I noticed, that his front end was throbbing with every beat of his heart, and was rock solid.

There is something to be said about anal stimulation at such an early age. It is so innocent and beautiful, that when a young lad discovers himself, that it's the first point of discovery. The connection between thinking about ones' rear end or touching of one's hiney hole and the rising of the front end is quickly made. However, I think, the reason the anus is so revered, and people talk about it as something taboo, is because it is clouded in mystery. You can't see it. It's behind you. And it is covered by the skin and muscle of your butt.

Andrew slid down a little in the tub where his head was just above water and he was resting on his back. He brought his knees up to the fetal position. There, floating in the water was the medicine dropper. Andrew took it in his hands to examine it. He didn't know why he had brought that into the tub with him, but I was going to help him find out.

The medicine dropper was a graduated 1/8th inch [3 mm] opaque plastic cylinder about three inches long rounded over at one end to form a 1/16th inch [1½ mm] hole and a rubber squeeze bulb was at the other end. Andrew drifted off into thought and filled the dropper up with bath water and squirted it out again several times. Suddenly his left hand fell back into the water and began to naturally form around his left butt cheek. The fingers of the hand naturally rested in the crevasse. And the middle one came to rest against Andrew's anus.

While Andrew was lost in thought with the medicine dropper, his front end had relaxed and become soft. When his finger touched his anus, Andrew's front end began to spring to life and got hard again. Something clicked. Andrew took the medicine dropper down into the water and guided it carefully into his anal cavity.

I could feel it along with Andrew. Andrew had not ever had anything in his ass before like that. At least not to his knowledge. It tickled, but yet it felt pleasant at the same time. Andrew pushed the dropper gently until he felt a slight pressure inside him. The tip of the dropper had found the inner wall of Andrew's anal cavity and he stopped pushing. It seemed that was as far as he was going with it tonight. He let it stay in for a while longer and observed that his front end was saluting him. He could feel his member throb. It was a very pleasant feeling. Andrew removed the dropper. It felt the same going out as going in. He was getting that look, the one you get when you stay in water too long. Andrew got out of the tub, dried off, bent over and put the dropper into his hiney again. This time he wrapped a large towel around him and went into his room and closed the door.

I disconnected at this point. I couldn't stand it any longer. I went into my room, got naked and prepared myself for another jack-off session.

Chapter 4

I had fallen to sleep afterwards. When I woke, my body was stiff and cold. I got up to take a shower. Damn, it was ten O'clock. How long had I been there in the bed? I got dressed and went out again to the local watering hole for a beer and conversation. I took a 'Ann Landers' Pole some time ago where the questions asked about your lifestyle. That is if you were an early riser, or you stayed up at night, and other related questions. Your response would determine whether you were a 'Morning Glory' or an 'Owl.' I qualified for the 'Owl' position. No question about it. Thank goodness, too. I would have a hard time keeping up with Andrew.

I returned home around 2:00 A.M. still wired from the beer and the long rest in the middle of the evening, that I was wide awake. Well if I had to be up, everybody was going to be up. "Cell, connect!," I said, getting into a comfortable position.

It happened as it did Friday night. The room went blank as before. Andrew was asleep. I searched Andrew's mind for any residual thoughts of the bath time experience. There was one. I captured it and expanded on it. It was the medicine dropper in his rectum. It seemed to be the most memorable to him. It was the pleasure it gave him. I can't wait until Andrew discovers the connection between the anal stimulation and his front end rising to salute. I must help him along with that, but only naturally.

I began to enter Andrew into the dream state. I had him dream about being back in that familiar place again, but this time he had all his clothes on. In his dream, he walked down a hallway of a familiar building in town. He passed many doorways, seven in all, each with a number on it. The first one was 2, the second one was 3, and the third one was 3. The numbers made no sense to him. Andrew to looked in each. Inside were people varying in ages and different degrees of dress/undress. His ultimate goal was to get to the end of the hall.The numbers on the doors taken in sequence, resulted in my home phone number. When Andrew got to the end of the hall, I was there in the last room, the one with the '0' on it. The last digit in my phone number. And I was naked. This made no sense at all to him. Most dreams don't at the time, they are just full of symbols.

I brought Andrew out of the dream and back to normal. I could sense some agitation in his pajamas. It was his front end moving around to a state of semi-hardness. More or less just extending itself. Andrew awoke briefly, reached down to re-adjust his member to a more comfortable position, and went back to sleep and began to dream again. This time on his own.

I watched his dream with amusement. It was more or less a recount of that day's activities. His mind was releasing the tensions of the day. It was Mother Nature's way of keeping the balance between sanity and insanity. There was a slight modification though, I was in it. That day's ride to Overhill Lake was featured. In front of James' parents car was a taxi cab. On the back of the cab was an advertising sign. Printed on it were the words "Hello Andrew! 3;233-3170." Their car passed the cab in the other lane. When it was up even with the cab, Andrew looked to the right. The driver of the cab was me.

Andrew's dream ended at that point. I had Andrew wake up then. I had him go over to his desk, turn on the lamp, and write the number of his dreams down on a piece of paper. Afterwards, he cut the light out and went back to bed, but not before he took the new bath tub toy, that wonderful feeling medicine dropper, out of his desk drawer.

Andrew had worked up quite a sweat tossing and turning in his dream state. His whole body was moist. He took the dropper in his right hand, turned on his left side and moved it down below the waistband at the back of his pajamas and underpants. Probing carefully, he easily found his anus and gently inserted the plastic tube of the medicine dropper. It was such a pleasurable feeling, that he was back to sleep in minutes. I had nothing to do with this at all. I was quite surprised that Andrew had done this on his own.

Again, Andrew's member was getting hard. I sat back to monitor his body and his dream state. He went into several nonsense dream. But one, was a naked dream. Andrew was naked again in his dream. He was in the same building and same hallway. When he got to room 0, I was there, naked. I asked him to join me in the room and to come closer. He did. I touched his little member and gave it a gentle rub and it squirted at me. Yes, it was Andrew's Life Force. It was his first ejaculation. And when Andrew woke up the next morning, the front of his pajama bottoms was damp and his shorts were stuck to his body. Andrew felt down there. It was a sticky mess. Andrew has had his first nocturnal emission.

Chapter 5

I had connected with Andrew many times after that. Just observing and helping him to understand what was going on. But it wasn't the same as actual physical contact. I needed to talk to him via the connection, and then talk to him face to face. How was I going to let him hear my voice in his head without going into shock. I needed him to call me on the phone. For many nights, I had put my phone number in front of him. He had even written it down. Before I make the two-way path to Andrew's hearing, I had better prepare him.

Every connect session I had with Andrew put him further and further towards wanting to know more about his sexuality. To whom was he going, to answer the questions that were filling his head. 'Big Boy' talk at school was confusing. He had heard them talk amongst themselves about beating off and what that did to you. Some said it would make your dick fall off, some said they never did it, some would tell you all sorts of wild stories. Of course, you not wanting to seem like an uneducated olf, would take it all in as if you have experienced it for years. Andrew did not know what to believe. His father was not always at home for him and he was too embarrassed to ask his mother. Asking at school would be disastrous to his reputation. The same with his P/E Coach.

One Saturday night at bath time, I connected to Andrew. It was time to help him over the edge. He took his clothes off in his room and made a mad dash to the bathroom taking the medicine dropper with him. He drew the water for the tub, but he didn't draw as much as usual. It was just enough to cover his legs, etc., but would leave his front end free in the breeze.

Andrew got into the tub and settled down into the warm water. He slithered down until the only thing above water was his head and his hardening, cute, four inch [10 cm] by one-half inch [4 cm], penis. He reached for the soap and began to lather his body all over. He took the soap and went along the crack of his hiney and brought it back up across his hardened member. This felt good to him. Andrew applied more soap to his member and then stopped. He took the medicine dropper and inserted it into his anus. His cute little penis was quite stiff.

Andrew could not stand it any longer. His little penis was begging to be touched. He had an a feeling in his body that he had never had before. Every muscle was tense. Every nerve was on fire. Andrew liked this feeling without question. He took his member between his thumb and forefinger of his right hand. He gently began to stroke this new shaped hard member of his. First up and the down. This didn't seem to do much for him, so he clenched the rest of his fingers around his member and gently stroked up and down. He did this for about three minutes, and as if by magic, all of the pent up energy concentrated itself in Andrew's penis and testicles. The more he stroked, the better it felt.

I thought that Andrew was going to pass out from all the activity. His head was turning from side to side, his eyes were rolled back into his head with the ecstasy of the moment, and he was moving his member in rhythmic, up and down, fashion to meet the demands of his right hand. Suddenly all of the concentrated energies released. A rush of sperm shot out of Andrew's four inch [10 cm] member into the air and onto his abdomen. It looked to me about two thimbles full. The excitement was over. All the pent up energy had been released and Andrew's' body fell limp there, in the water.

Andrew was drained. He had many questions now about his sexuality. He had only heard the big boys talk about this. And what was that word 3; fuck? Yes, fuck, that was it. For a few minutes, Andrew lay there day dreaming and not moving, trying to gather strength to wash off the soap and other mess off his body. He took his index finger and playfully scribed my telephone number in the soap on his chest. Then he washed the whole thing off, got out, dried off and went back into his bedroom to prepare for bed.

It was time to make a two-way path to Andrew's hearing, soon. Andrew remained in the bath towel. He did not get a pair of pajamas out to put on right away. I let him lie there naked on his bed for a while thinking about what he had done. Later he got out a pair of pajamas and put them on. But this time, he didn't put any underpants on underneath. That was a start, no underpants. Next step, no pajamas. He jumped in bed and got under the cover and enjoyed his new found freedom. Something seemed different to him. There was no pressure from the elastic of his underpants, he had none on.

With the mental connection to Andrew, I had him keep my telephone number with him. Everywhere he went, every dream and every activity in the dreams, My number was in front of him. One day he would call me, just for the hell of it, to see what the number represented.

One night, Andrew was dreaming a controlled 'naked' dream where he was in the same familiar building and hall way. There was a telephone in the hallway that had not been there before. Andrew came to my room '0' and wanted help. I gave him a quarter for the phone. Andrew went over to the phone, dropped in the quarter, and noticed the legend on the front of the phone. "FOR HELP, DIAL (804) 233-3170."

Andrew dialed the number. There was an electronic ringing sound in the receiver of the phone. On the second ring an answering machine picked up with a message designed for Andrew.

"Do you want to know the why and how of you?" the message said. "Do you want to know how beautiful nakedness can be? Charles can help. Charles can help."

And then the dream ended.

Chapter 6

It was 8:00 A.M. when Andrew woke. Damn early for me on a weekend. He was good at remembering his dreams, for Andrew went to the phone in his room and called 233-3170. I disconnected from him. I wanted everything to be as natural as possible.

I answered the phone with a very sleepy, "Hello?"

"Hello?" A timid voice said on the other end.

"Hello," I said again. "May I help you?"

"Are you Charles?" came the reply. "May I ask you some questions?"

"Surely," I said.

"My name is Andrew," he began. " I got your number in my dreams. I need to figure out why."

"Well," I said. "They say great minds think alike, so you must be like me."

"How old are you, Andrew?" I asked. "And, I am going to get personal here, do you find yourself interested in your body.

"I am 13." Andrew said. "And yes, that's why I am calling. How did you know?"

"Because I was young like you once." I said. "Can we meet somewhere and talk about your problem?"

"How about Chesterfield Mall?" Came the reply.

"Fine," I said. "Where in the mall, what time, and how will I know you?"

The response was so quick, I couldn't believe it. We agreed to meet at the Food Court tables in front of the Chinese take-out place about 11:00 A.M.

"I think you have been in my dreams many times, I will find you." Andrew said.

Smart kid, that was. I was hoping for such a response. I thought 11:00 would never get here The time from the call to eleven A.M. dragged on and on.

I was at the mall by 10:30 A.M. I wanted to secure a seat close to the Chinese take-out place so Andrew would have no trouble finding me. I made a quick connection to ensure that he was going to be there. It turned out that Andrew lived close by and he could ride his bicycle over. He had no second thoughts about meeting me and he was right on time. I noticed Andrew looking around, not sure in which direction to go. I did a slight control of his mind and got him to look to his left. I would be sitting at a table and I would be dressed in a blue shirt.

Andrew looked to his left and came over to my table. "Are you Charles?" He said.

"Yes, and you must be Andrew?" I said. "Sit down and let's talk. What did you say about getting my number from a dream? I don't understand."

"Every night for many nights," he began, "I have had a dream that I 3; I 3; was walking in this building and you were in it. There was this long hall way with funny room numbers on the rooms leading off the hall. There were seven of them and the first number was a '2' and the last was a '0'. And you were in room '0' uhh 3; uhh.

I knew what he was hesitating about. He couldn't say the word naked out loud.

"Anyway," he continued, "you gave me a quarter for the phone and I dialed the number for help that was placed on the phone. And then I woke up.

"I see. Can I ask you this? In your dream, did either of us have any clothes on?" I asked. I had to set him at ease.

"No, we were naked." Andrew said. "I wasn't sure how to say it to you."

"That's ok Andrew," I said, "it's just us guys here, don't worry about it."

We must have talked for two hours about all the dreams and the and the episode where he had the nocturnal emission (As if I didn't know all about it). He didn't know why his front end was leaking and making a mess in his pajamas. Oh, Andrew had a thousand questions and I had a thousand answers. We agreed that Andrew needed a 'back rub' to relax him and answer his questions.

"Tell you what, Andrew," I said, "how did you get up here?"

"My bicycle," said Andrew.

"Ok 3; I'll follow you home in my car and meet you down the corner from your house. Then we can take off to my house and I can give you that back rub you need." I said.

The trip to my house was filled with small talk about what school he went to and his friends and what they were like, etc, and also learned his last name. It was Thomas. I had gone to school with a family by the name of Thomas. I wonder if that was related to any of them. Could have been. I didn't let on that I knew the name.

"Just a few more blocks to go, Andrew," I said. "We'll be home in a few more minutes."

He seemed to be relaxed about the whole thing. Surely his Mother had told him about getting in a car with strangers. I guess I was such a part of his dreams, that he trusted me. Don't get me wrong. I CAN be trusted. I would not do anything to Andrew or any little friend against his will. It has to be a spontaneous and natural progression. And this was. Andrew wants to know, and I am the teacher.

We arrived at my home and I got out some refreshments and chips to make Andrew feel at home. I showed him around the house and all the technical equipment I had for various projects. One item was a video camera. Andrew had never seen himself on T.V. before, so I recorded him talking into the camera and played it back to him. He was excited.

"Do you make tapes a lot," he asked, "or do you go out to the store and rent them?"

"A little of both," I said. "If there is something on T.V. I want to see but can't because I won't be here, I record it. Otherwise, I rent a video or two.

"I heard some boys at school talk about something called 'fuck tapes'," he said. "What are they?"

Damn, I was getting a hard on already.

"That is an awful harsh name for such a beautiful act, Andrew. Fuck tapes, as you say are films or tapes with two people acting out a scene with no clothes on. Usually they get together and enjoy the heat of the moment. Some have men and women, some have two men and some have two women. It's fun to watch."

When I said that 'they get together', I graphically put my hands together and interlocked the fingers to express the scene.

"Do you have any of those?" he asked.

"Yes," I said.

I could hardly contain myself. "Can I watch some of them," Andrew asked.

"I thought you wanted a back rub," I said.

"That too. I've never seen one," He said. "PLEEEEESE"

"Which kind do you want?" I replied. "I have some of each."

"Ohhhh uh how about the two men one?"

This was too good to be true. I had nothing to do with Andrew's selection. But he seemed to be comfortable with it. I selected one I received from out of town. It didn't have much story, but it had a lot of action. I placed the tape into my VCR and pushed "PLAY." Andrew sat back and relaxed in the chair across from the T.V.

"Now Andrew," I said, "when this tape is playing, you and I are going to experience a few changes in our body, it's only natural. Do you understand?"

"Like what?" he said.

"You are going to experience a swelling in your front end and you will want to release the tension. We are both men here, so feel free to unbuckle your belt and open your fly if it gets to be a bother. Ok?"

"Ok," was the reply.

The tape leader got through the play heads and the film began. A little scenario was acted out on the screen and the actors began to get naked to explore each other. I saw Andrew's eyes get wide. I also looked at the front of his pants. There was a slight agitation there. Andrew was responding to the story on the screen.

After a short while, Andrew unbuckled his belt and zipped down his fly, and I heard him give a sigh of relief. I did the same. After the scene was over, I asked him if he wanted the back rub now. Also I asked if he would mind if I taped it. He was all for it. So I set up the camera in the bedroom and prepared my bed.

I had to show a little control, so I asked Andrew to make a statement to the effect that he was being taped at his own request 3;etc. I felt better having this just in case anything went wrong.

"Ok, Andrew, sit up here and give me your shirt and t-shirt, shoes and sox. Lie back and turn over on your stomach. Just relax." I said.

I pretended to be concerned for his privacy and put a big beach towel over his lower body. I then asked it he would remove his pants. It was no trouble. Andrew freely lowered them so I could take them off. He was there in my bed with just his underpants on.

"Just hold tight," I said. "I going in the other room for some of the rubbing creams."

I went into the bathroom and got some of the Ponds Hand cream and alcohol and a rubber finger cot. I returned to the bedroom with all the material and set the camera to "RECORD."

"First, Andrew," I said, I am going to put some alcohol on your back and rub it in with my fingers like this." I demonstrated that. "Then I am going to spread this cream all over your back and rub it in. Then I am going to do the same to your legs. ok?"

"That's ok, Charles." Andrew said.

"Fine." I said.

I began to rub the alcohol and the cream into Andrew's back. Slowly inching my way down to his butt area. When I got there, I said,

"Andrew, your underpants are hindering me. May I remove them if I keep the towel in place?"

There was a slight hesitation. Andrew had never shown his butt to anyone hardly, let alone a new friend, as I was. I am sure someone along the way had seen it, like his father, mother and sister or younger brother.

"Your butt's going to be underneath the towel, so what the heck." I told him. To preserve his confidence in me, I carefully removed his underpants, making sure to keep the towel over his little hiney.

"In order to give you the proper back rub, Andrew," I said, "I must touch you back here on your butt. Is that ok?"

"Ok," he said.

I put some more of the hand cream in my hands, put the finger cot on my little finger, right hand, reached under the towel across his butt and began to rub Andrew's hiney. Here I was, for real, actually touching it, rubbing it, and holding it in my hands.

I rubbed it with great care. Bunching up the muscles and smoothing them out, rubbing the cream all over and down into the crevasse. I was careful not to go across Andrew's sensitive anus until just the right moment 3; NOW. I positioned my little finger for a small insertion and discreetly placed it about 1/4" [5 mm] into his rectum. Andrew rared up. When he did, it forced my little finger about 1/4" [5 mm] further into his cute little hiney hole.

"Hey!" Andrew exclaimed.

"Oooops, sorry," I said, "I'm having a hard time working under this towel. I need to remove that also. It would be a great help to me. You've never had anything up in your little hole there, Andrew?"

"No I haven't." Andrew said. "It just tickled a little. I wasn't ready for that. Go ahead and take the towel off. We've come this far."

I knew Andrew had lied about not having anything up his ass, but it didn't matter. I went over to the camera and refocused the lens to just concentrate on his butt. Then I removed the towel.

"Hold it," he said. "I have to make an adjustment."

Andrew raised up and reached down to straighten his little semi-hard front end. I was getting so excited I didn't know what to do next. I have never seen Andrew naked, face to face before, only through Cell. It was not the same. Cell was good, but now I have hands on experience, so to speak. And, oh yes, the camera was recording everything.

"Oh, I know what you are doing," I said, "just take your time and be comfortable."

"How do you know?" Andrew said.

"I was a kid like you once and I've been through the same thing." I said. How do you feel about your position now? That is, being naked as a Jaybird in the house of someone you've known for a few hours."

"Well I called you, remember?" Andrew said. " It feels a little strange, but I am beginning to like it. You seem to be better than any doctor would be and I can't ask my mother and father or my friends."

"Why not?" I asked. "Certainly your parents would tell you what is happening to you. They went through it. Your father like you and your mother like any girl out there. If it wasn't for them knowing anything, you wouldn't have been born. As for your friends, I guess they are going through the same thing and don't know either, but they wouldn't admit it to you."

"I am their kid and all," he began, "but I don't want to think there is a problem with me. They might send me to a doctor or something. I would be embarrassed to tell them I do things to my body in the front while I'm naked and that some white liquid comes out of my front end after a while. They would think I am a little weird. My friends would only laugh at me. I've heard the older boys at school talk about these things and I'm not sure they know what is happening either."

In my heart, I knew he was right. The laughing from his friends would be the ultimate insult. I was glad he made the right choice and called me to help him out.

"I think you made the right choice to call me." I said. "I don't think you are weird. Everything that is happening now is completely natural. Every boy goes through it. It is a fact of nature. However, take my word for it, your parents would understand. But now that you have me, there is no need to involve them. It's easier on everybody that way. Do you have any problem with that? If so I'll stop this right now and we'll forget it."

"No, no I want to do this." Andrew said with excitement. "I have no problem with this at all. As long as you promise not to hurt me and tell me the truth always."

"Would it make you feel more comfortable if I got like you?" I said. "Would you like to see me just as naked as you? We are both the same here. We are both boys."

"Yeah, that would be neat." Andrew said.

I was the fastest stripper in the west. I had my clothes off in seconds. Just as naked as Andrew, I continued to rub his back, butt and the back of his legs. Making it a point to gently spread his legs and rub the crotch area adding to his excitement and the hardness of our respective front ends. Each time I went across Andrew's little hiney hole I warned him. Each time, I progressively put my little finger further and further into the hole. Andrew jumped less and less until he finally accepted my finger in and out of his little hiney hole as if it belonged there. I completed his back part and it was time to turn him over and rub his front.

"Time to do your front, Andrew." I said. "Just turn over where you are and we'll begin."

"My front is sticking up," he said. "I'm a little embarrassed about it."

"Don't worry," I reassured him, "so is mine."

I repositioned the camera to get this view and asked Andrew to put his head on the pillow and close his eyes to relax. I started rubbing his chest and across his little boy nipples. They seemed to be sensitive and pointed. When I rubbed one, I noticed Andrew squirm and his front end got more and more tense. Next, I went down to the abdomen area and down the side, down the front of the legs. I was saving the best for last. I was going to rub Andrew's stiff little rod until he released all his pent up energy and I needed his complete attention.

I finished rubbing Andrew's chest, abdomen and legs. I worked my way back up his legs and aimed for the ultimate target. Since his eyes were shut, I told Andrew everything I was doing. I took the finger cot off my right hand and put it on my left hand middle finger. I put more cream in my hands, rubbed it in a little and gently stroked Andrew's now stiff 4" [10 cm] shaft, lightly closing my fingers around it to make a fist like. I gave it even strokes, up and down, up and down, up and down. Andrew helped me by meeting my strokes with up and down pelvic action. On one particular up stroke, I slipped my hand between his crotch and under his little hiney and laid my hand, palm up, there. I searched for his hiney hole with my middle finger and place it directly on it. Andrew's pelvic action helped me to insert that finger just inside the walls of the hole further stimulating the senses and helping Andrew to obtain his goal. By this time, he was on cloud nine. Every nerve of his body was screaming and he responded accordingly. Andrew's breathing was getting heavy and fast. I could tell that he was just about ready to send his Life Force up through his little shaft and out through the outlet. I had just finished thinking that, when I felt his legs close around my left hand and his hiney hole clamp my finger tightly. His 4" [10 cm] by ½" [1½ cm] shaft pulsed in my right hand. I stroked it one more time upwards. Andrew's Life Force rushed out of his penis in three powerful spurts. The first one landed up around his neck and the others landed further down his chest and abdomen. It was all over. Andrew let out a sigh of relief and fell limp. He had fallen to sleep.

It never dawned on me to touch myself. I had a raging hard on and pent up energy too, but no way to release it with both hands busy on Andrew. Damn, I was hurting and he was asleep. I took the alcohol and a washcloth and cleaned his chest and rubbed fresh lotion on it. I looked at his shaft and it had gone soft. Refocusing the camera to take in the whole bed and putting it in "STANDBY," I climbed up in the bed naked with Andrew, pulled the top sheet up over us, and fell asleep too.

Chapter 7

Andrew and I laid there about an hour. I felt him stir and woke up.

"Hello, have a good nap?" I said.

Andrew, without a word turned over to lay his chest across my chest and his head on my shoulder. He began to whimper. Tears rolled out of his eyes. I brought my arms around him hugged him and kissed him to help ease his pain,

"Ok, ok, son. It's ok. Take it easy." I said. "What's the matter, my friend?"

"I 3; I've never done anything like this before." Came the reply. "You are a new friend, and now you're not going to like me anymore because I made a mess on your bed."

It wasn't making sense his reasoning, but I told him that I do this type of thing too, and a mess can be cleaned up. We talked a little more and Andrew calmed down, quickly. His tears gave way to smiles, and my penis was beginning to straighten out again. I wanted to lie there naked with Andrew on my chest, hugging him forever.

"Andrew," I said, "did I hear you use the word FUCK today?"

"Yeah?" He said.

"Do you know what that means?" I asked.

"Not really." Andrew said. "I've heard the older boys at school talk and make gestures similar to what we just did, but I really don't know for sure."

"Would you like to find out?" I asked.

"Is it as fun as what we just did?" He asked.

The answer was an instant "YES"!

I had the remote control for the camera and a small medicine dropper in the drawer of the night stand next to my bed and I got that out. Andrew's hiney was still slick from the hand cream. I instructed him to relax, lay on his side for a minute, and I would guide him all the way. I took the medicine dropper and inserted it into his little anus as far as it would go without hurting him. I could feel his little shaft getting hard again, and breathing showing excitement in its' rhythm. I reached for the hand cream and finger cot again and turned over on my side to plaster my ass with the cream all over and into the crevasse. I then reached down for Andrew's shaft to check the hardness, stroked it gently, and placed the finger cot on it. The fit was perfect. Andrew's shaft filled the finger cot nicely.

"What is that?" Andrew asked.

"It's protection for both of us." I said. "Trust me."

I aimed the remote control at the camera and pushed "RECORD" and turned over on my stomach, adjusted my member to a comfortable position and began to instruct Andrew again.

"Now Andrew," I said, "I want you to lie face down directly on top of me so that you are in line with me. Put your head on my shoulder and lay your front end in the crack of my hiney."

Andrew did as he was told. He didn't horse around at all. I reached under myself with my right hand and clamped my fingers around my now stiff penis. I reached back and found Andrew's little hard shaft with the rubber finger cot on it and guided it further into my slippery crevasse. I adjusted myself so that my anus was in position to receive his little shaft. Then I guided it in as far as it would go. I have had fingers and various objects up my ass, but never a wiggling, alive, warm, full of energy thirteen year old, 4" [10 cm] long by ½" [1½ cm] across, cute, wonderful, little shaft.

I instructed Andrew to move his hips up and down to force his shaft in and out of my anus. As he did, I moved my hips synchronizing his every move. My nerves were singing. My shaft was sliding in and out of my clenched fist and I could feel the pent up energy wanting to get out of my penis. It didn't take long before Andrew was breathing heavy again. I could feel the tenseness of his shaft in my anus. He was pumping as hard as he could. The crescendo was rising in his loins, and I took a chance to connect with his senses for the moment.

"Boom!" 3; I couldn't stand it. Andrew couldn't stand it. The energy was too great. I sensed his Life Force flowing out of his glands and into his little shaft. I felt the same thing happening in my own body. With one more powerful down stroke, Andrew released his Life Force into my ass held back by the protective finger cot. I released my Life Force at the same time, into my fist and onto the sheets.

We lay there for some time without moving. Andrew's breathing had eased with one sigh of relief. Andrew was asleep again there on top of me with his softening little shaft still stuck in my rectum. I reached back and pulled the top sheet over us, put the camera in "STANDBY" and fell back to sleep for about another hour. I was completely relaxed and at peace with myself. Full of emotion and love for Andrew, knowing he now had some love and compassion for me. This was going to turn into a beautiful relationship 3;ANDREW, I LOVE YOU.

Chapter 8

Andrew stirred and woke me up. He was still on top of me. I looked at the clock and most of the afternoon had gone. Holy shit, it was after 6:00 O'Clock.

"Andrew, are you awake?" I said. "Andrew?"

"Huh, what, yeah, I'm awake," he said.

"Does anyone know where you are? I asked. "What time are you expected back home for dinner or something? It's a little after 6:00 P.M. Your parents may be worried about you. After all, your bike is there and you are not."

"Yeah, I guess you are right," he said. "They weren't there when I left, but I can call them from here."

"You still have to explain where you were," I said.

"Well I did go to the mall," he said..."I could say I walked if there is any question and that I went to a movie and fell asleep there 3;Sound ok?"

"Sounds ok to me, I said, but I don't want you to get in the habit of lying to your parents. They love you too and it would hurt them if they found you out. You can't tell them about this, obviously, but don't be sneaky. I don't think you were raised that way. Ok?"

It made sense to Andrew. He made the call and I let the subject drop. I went into the bathroom and started the water for a shower. Both Andrew and I needed one badly. We both had the hand cream, Life Force, and sweat all over us. To save time and water, Andrew and I showered together. When we finished, we dried off and put our clothes back on. We left the house, got in the car and headed for Andrew's house. I hope he doesn't get in trouble for being so late.

I stopped at the corner near Andrew's house, extended my hand to shake his, and said, "Thanks Andrew. I enjoyed this afternoon and I hope you did too. Take care of yourself and call me any time. Maybe we can do this again sometime 3; I love you, Andrew."

"OK!' He said with glee, "I'd like that very much 3; and I love you too, Charles 3; I'll call you.

Andrew got out of the car and I watched him go down the street to his house. I went back home after that, got naked again, put the tape I had just made of this afternoon's activities into the VCR, pushed "REWIND & PLAY," put some hand cream in my right hand, placed it around my now stiff member, and pumped my fist hard, while watching the tape, over, and over, and over, again.

Chapter 9

Andrew and I had many 'back rub' sessions at my house. I was filling up a six hour videotape of our activities. We did other things too. You know, brotherly things. Things an older brother would do for his younger one. The zoo or science museum, etc.

Andrew gradually had me accepted into his family. He was a crafty little bugger, where I was pictured as a fill-in to them when his dad was out of town on business. His dad didn't mind either, because he was so wrapped up in his work. Andrew's mother was a nice lady too. She had a nursing job at the local hospital with all the stress they put nurses under. Andrew's little brother was at the baby sitters house in the neighborhood. That left Andrew home alone quite a bit. School hadn't started up for the year yet, and his family welcomed someone to help keep Andrew out of trouble. Although thirteen year old kids don't actually need a baby sitter, mothers' being mothers', feel a bit more secure knowing their son's time is spent wisely.

I had said many times, that I was going to connect to Andrew's hearing for a two-way path, so tonight, I was going to try. It needed to be done. For Andrew had many friends like James Birdsong and others that I wanted to see naked. There was the possibility that some of them would like to be taught by Andrew what "FUCK" meant. Maybe I could get Andrew to play doctor and patient with his friends. I know, I know, you are saying that is juvenile, but what the hey? It's a start. We all started that way sometime in our life.

It was Friday night again, so I went out to relax. I was going to see Andrew Saturday, to go to the science museum. So I got home early to get some rest. I wasn't quite sure how to approach Andrew with a voice out of the air. I could use the 'Conscience' thing 3; no, or I could use the 'Guardian Angel' bit 3; no 3; I know, The 'Imaginary playmate' thing. Yes, that would work. Cell helped me to disguise my voice and I was ready to try.

"Ok Cell, connect two-way hearing," I said.

"Done," said Cell.

I could hear the gentle hum of the air conditioner at Andrew's house. I could hear him breathing in that angelic pattern. I hated to wake him up.

"Andrew 3; Andrew 3; ANDREW!" I said audibly. "Wake up!"

He shot bolt upright in his bed.

"What? 3; What?" Andrew said.

It seemed so real to him.

I had him lower his pajamas to below his knees and pull them the rest of the way off. He was lying there in just his t-shirt.

"Andrew, I need help." I said in my fake voice.

He quickly put on his pajamas again.

"Who are you? Where are you? DADDY, MAMA! There's somebody in here!" Andrew said with fear.

He was really scared. Andrew's parents came rushing in to his room to console him. Andrew's dad had a .45 pistol. His mother took him to her breast and soothed the hair on his head. Andrew's dad searched the house and Andrew's mother calmed him down with the "It's just a dream."

That was awful cruel to Andrew to do this. I would have to be satisfied with the mind control and observations. How could I get out of this. He wasn't crazy, and I didn't want him thinking so. I resolved myself to using this talent only in the case of an emergency.

"Don't do that again, please Andrew." I made him hear. "You are not going crazy. You were too young to remember, but you had an imaginary playmate when you were small. When you learned the ABC's and went to school I was put in the back of your mind. Now I need to get out from you and go on to other worlds. So help me, please. You have Charles now. I am not needed. Release me Andrew.

"How?" He said.

"It is as simple as saying "GO! I do not have an imaginary playmate." I said in the fake voice.

This was silly as shit, but I had to get out of this situation. It would have driven him over the edge. He would have told someone that he was hearing voices somewhere along the way and would have had more attention than he wanted, or I wanted. Andrew did as he was told and I did not make the two-way connection again to his hearing. They say, "live and learn." 3; I did.

Saturday came and I picked up Andrew at his house and took off for the science museum. Afterwards, we stopped by the park to feed the critters and talk a little bit about our future relationship when he started back in school. I stressed that his schoolwork was important and not to burden himself with his new found knowledge. I would see him from time to time on weekends. I did not tell him that I could connect to him at any time to help him with his schoolwork and other projects. Andrew agreed with that and promised not to let me down. We ran out of tidbits for the animals and started to head back home. I was a little tired and had not thought of taking on Andrew this evening, but it was a suggestion from him, that made me change my mind. Andrew did not want to go to his home tonight. Not being one to pry, I carefully danced around the situation, only to find out that he felt uncomfortable at home because his parents were not exactly getting along.

Andrew asked me if I would mind if he stayed at my house tonight. I thought about it for a minute or two and said that I wouldn't mind. However we had to stop at the grocery store to get a few supplies, and the video store to get a couple of tapes we would both enjoy. Also, he had to call his mother and tell her he was going to stay over with me. That was a must.

Andrew liked adventure stories, but we hardly had gotten into them before he asked to see the other "FUCK" tapes I had. We both got naked to watch them. Also, he hadn't seen the tape I had been making of our sessions together and he wanted to see that too.

I moved the T.V. into the bed room again and put on the tape. We both climbed into my bed naked, both with raging hard, stiff, members. I got out the hand cream to smooth on Andrew's butt and stiff 4 inch [10 cm] shaft. An idea crossed my mind. Since I have seen this tape many times, I would sit Andrew up on me, and I would get underneath him. My member was too big for Andrew's little hiney hole, so I had him lie back onto my chest with his butt level to my shaft. I started the tape and gently put his buns around my shaft. I just laid it in the deep crevasse and had him slide slightly up and down along the length of my shaft. When he did that, the tip of my penis brushed across his little anus. I reached around his abdomen and took his shining little member in the fingers of my right hand. As he moved up and down on me, his little penis moved in and out of my fingers. In essence, Andrew was acting out the scene on the tape.

It didn't take long for things to happen. My prick was screaming to have the Life Force let out. I could feel Andrew's getting ready to fly too. I didn't dare connect to him. I remember the last time I did that. It damn near took me out. Just a few more strokes. I felt Andrew's buns tighten around my wanting member. That was it. I tightened my grip on his little shaft. One 3;two..three. Our respective shafts exploded with me shooting my hot Life Force into his crack, and Andrew's shooting into the air onto his abdomen and chest. Perfect timing. A scene had ended on the tape too.

We laid there for a while to get our wind and talked a bit about what we had just done. Andrew was still hot for more of tape, so we got up and took a shower together and went back to the bed to watch more of the tape. We snuggled up together for warmth and pulled the sheet up over us so we wouldn't take a chill. I put my finger into Andrew's little hiney hole and cradled his little limp shaft and testicles in my hand to keep them warm. I had seen the tape so many times that I knew every step in it. Andrew reacted differently. I could feel his shaft vary in hardness from scene to scene. The tape was a little over 5 hours long. Afterwards, we talked a little more. This time, the conversation centered around his friends.

I am a big brother to Andrew and wouldn't destroy that relationship for anything, but I have seen, through Andrew's eyes, his friend James. I was interested in whether Andrew had told his friend about any of this. I didn't connect to him all the time, so I don't know. I didn't need too many people knowing of our special relationship.

"Andrew," I said. "Do you think any of your friends take an interest in their body as you do? Have they ever told you about messing up their pajamas in the middle of the night or anything like that?"

"Yes, My friend, James and I talked about it one day," he said.

"And what did you tell him?" I said.

"I was a little embarrassed at first, but I said that Mr. Nichols in science class said, at our age, our body is changing quickly. Things happen that we can't explain just yet, so accept them. Nothing is wrong with you. I didn't tell him about what we do. He would have quit being my friend for sure Anyway we talked about our front ends getting stiff when we touched it, or our rear end..and sometimes, just thinking about getting naked."

"Do you think he touches himself in the bath tub like you said you do?" I asked.

"I've never asked him about it," he replied, "but I would guess so."

"Have you ever seen him naked?" I asked.

I knew the answer to this one.

"Yeah, all this summer at Overhill Lake. In the bath house," came the reply.

"What does he look like naked?" I asked.

It was hard for Andrew to answer that, because to him, they were so much alike.

"I don't know," he said. His front end is about as long as mine and his rear end is a little different shape.

"Have you ever been naked together privately, like in the bath tub together?" I said.

"No," Andrew replied, "why?

"Just wondering," I said. "If he is your best friend, you might want to help him out learning about himself as I did with you. You can't keep all this knowledge locked up inside you. Help your fellow man. You both have seen each other naked, so there no problem there.

"I guess not," he said. "I don't want him to think I am weird or something. How do I get him to do it?"

"Just tell him the truth." I said. "Tell him the only way he is going to learn, is with practice. Take him into your confidence and tell him the things you have discovered about yourself on your own, not with me, and what a pleasure it is. Start to take your clothes off and ask him to follow. He's not a blabber mouth is he?"

"Naw, James and I share secrets about each other," he said. "We talk about this all the time.

"Fine," I said.

I let the subject drop. I had planted the idea seed. Soon James and Andrew would be naked together in the tub. Naked together in bed. Their fingers, sometimes laden with hand cream, exploring every facet of their respective bodies. And through Andrew's senses, I can experience it too.

I was getting a little hungry, so Andrew and I put some clothes on, and went into the kitchen to fix something to eat. Afterwards we went up to Friendly's for ice cream and talked about everything else but sex.

From there, we went back home, got naked again, and went to bed. I put Andrew on my left and had him turn his butt into me. I rested my semi-hard shaft deep into his buns to keep it warm, and reached around his abdomen to cradle his cute little 4" [10 cm] by ½" [1½ cm] front end, testicles and all, in my right hand. I put my left arm under his shoulders and pulled him close, to hug him and kiss him. We fell into a long and blissful sleep, entwined as one.

Good night Andrew, I LOVE YOU!

Chapter 10

It was September and Andrew went back to school into the seventh grade along with his other friends. I connected to him from time to time just to see how things were going for him. One day I happen to connect while Andrew was in P/E class. The period was almost over and the coach had sent the boys into the showers. Andrew (and I) observed his friend James and some other boys in various stages of undress. Some of the boys were shy and hid behind locker doors to put on their street clothes and some were bold and paraded around in the shower with their little shafts hanging out, pretending to pee on each other. Typical boy stuff. A little fun never hurt anyone. However, I enjoyed it immensely. I had Andrew take a few mental notes for later. These guys had potential.

One Thursday afternoon after work, I went home and connected with Andrew. He was in his room with his friend James, working on another Navy ship model. James opened the desk drawer to get some more glue when he saw the medicine dropper.

"What's this for, Andrew?" James said.

It was time. My seed had sprouted. Andrew recounted all the things he and James had done over the summer and especially the part where James mentioned the fact that he woke up some mornings with a sticky mess in his pajamas.

James seemed to be interested. This was new, something to explore. Then Andrew said, "I read in a book somewhere that sticky stuff is called sperm. It comes out of our front ends without us making it do it. Our bodies start making the stuff when we get about our age and it has to be released from time to time. Just like you have to pee every so often. It's a man type thing. Girls don't have to do this."

Well he didn't give me away to James, but the part of reading it in a book was actually first hand knowledge gained by Andrew, with my help. I was getting excited watching this scene.

"Making it do it? What do ya mean?" James said.

"You know, making it. Andrew said. "Pull on your front end for a while until it gets stiff, then rub it until it squirts out some white stuff. Your front end has been stiff before, hasn't it?"

"Yea," James said, "but I don't know why."

"Your body is trying to tell you something. It wants the build up of your sperm to be released. If you can't do it when it's needed, it sometimes does it for you." Andrew said. "You get in the habit of doing it for yourself and it won't happen in the middle of the night."

Damn. He sounded like a college professor telling James all that crap.

"Have you been doing it Andrew?" James said, "how do you get your front end to get stiff when you want it to? Show me. PLEASE Andrew."

"Are you sure, James?" Andrew said." You're not just saying that, are you. Didn't your brother tell you anything about this?"

"No." James said. He was taking extra long showers and I heard him moaning once, but when I asked him what he was doing, all he would say was that I'd find out soon enough. Sometime he would walk to his room with the towel around him and his front end was out like a tent pole. I asked him about it and he just laughed at me."

"You won't tell anybody I did this will you, James? Promise me now." Andrew said.

"No, No, Andrew, I won't tell. I promise 3; Please," James pleaded.

I was getting a raging hard on. I wished I could have been there in Andrew's room, personally. Andrew was a kid after my own heart. He was becoming the teacher as I was to him. In this case, to his friend James.

"Ok, James," Andrew said, I want you to copy everything I do."

Andrew walked over to his bedroom door and closed it. Then he went into another draw of his desk and found another medicine dropper. (How did that get there?)


"Ready Andrew." James said.

Andrew unbuckled his pants and took them off. Next went his shoes and sox. James mimicked every move. Next went the top shirt and tee shirt. That left both James and Andrew in just their underpants.

Andrew was showing signs of excitement. His little front end was starting to stand up in his pants. I had him look down at James' jockey style shorts. There too, was the outline of a cute, almost duplicate of Andrew's little 4" [10 cm] by ½" [1½ cm] shaft.

"Hold it," Andrew said.

He went over to his dresser drawer and took out a jar of Ponds Cold Cream and went back over to James. Next he lowered his underpants and put them on the chair. James followed suit. Next he took some cold cream and spread it on his butt and down into the crevasse. Then he did his front end and gave the jar to James to do the same thing.

It was a happy scene. Both boys giggled about it. Andrew gave James a medicine dropper, and took his, put it in a strategic place along his crevasse and shoved it into his rectum. James had a little problem, because he couldn't hit his little hiney hole at first. (practice makes perfect James). When he found it, James jumped a little. It was a strange feeling. It tickled, but felt pleasing. He was still giggling over the feeling when Andrew called his attention to their respective front ends. Their cute little 4" [10 cm] by ½" [1½ cm] shafts were sticking straight out and sensitive to the touch.

"James, I want you to put your fingers around your front end, like this," Andrew demonstrated, "and gently push your body back and forth so that your front end goes in and out of your fingers. Do this for a little while. In a few minutes, you'll feel good all over. Keep doing it until the sperm comes out and the good feeling goes away."

James was a do-er not a talker. He and Andrew were in concert together, gently stroking their respective shafts and pumping their fists, with the medicine dropper in their rectum. What a feeling? I was tuned to Andrew's every nerve and could just imagine what this action was doing to James. The crescendo was building up in Andrew, James, I'm sure, and myself. I quickly got my pants and underpants off, dashed for the cold cream and the anal stimulator, put cream around my member, put the anal stimulator in my rectum and joined the concert with Andrew and James. It wasn't a moment too soon. James began to breathe hard and his body stiffened. Andrew was doing the same thing. I heard through Andrew's ears, James grunt and then sigh. Andrew and I were right behind him. We had released the tensions of the day into our slippery palms.

"What do you think now, James?" Andrew asked. "Did I answer your questions?"

"Yeah, it was fun." James said. "At first I was a little nervous standing here naked in front of you, but you did the same thing as I did. Where did you see that book you were talking about. Did it tell you all about this. What does the thing you put in your hiney have to do with it?"

James had a million questions about what they had just done. Andrew answered them as best he knew how without giving it away that he had experience with me. The book he explained was at the doctor's office lying on the doctor's desk. He told James he was looking at it when the doctor went out of the room for a minute. That was a harmless lie.

"Not all of it," Andrew said. "Most of this I found out on my own. One night, I was washing in the bath tub and I accidentally touch my hiney hole with my finger tip. It felt so good, that I did it more and more. Each time I took a bath, I tried different things and discovered that my front end gets hard too. So there must be a lot of nerves down there that help it to do that. Each time I did this, it felt a little better. One night I touch my hard front and it felt good too, so I started to pull on it. The rest is history. I just improved on it with the cold cream."

That was enough to convince James. He and Andrew had many sessions after that. One thing led to another and each discovered the pleasures of exploring the others hiney hole. Andrew's had stretched to accommodate my middle finger. James was not quite ready for Andrew's stiff penis yet. It was time, however for James to learn the pleasures of putting his little rod in something besides their hands or Andrew's crevasse. In one of our sessions, Andrew had asked me to give him some of my finger cots. I pretended not to know what he wanted it for. I just gave them to him.

One Saturday, I hadn't heard from Andrew, so I connected to find out where he was. It seemed that James' parents were going to some type of afternoon social gathering across town that would leave James at home with his friend Andrew. His brother Scott was somewhere at a school sports function. Andrew had come prepared. In a blue gym bag, he had all the paraphernalia for a good, down home, stroke session. No sooner than James' parents left the driveway, the boys were naked and jumping in the bed.

"James," Andrew said, "I want to do something a little different today. Lay on top of me face down. See how it feels."

It felt good to Andrew and to James too. Their respective shafts began to rise to a salute. Andrew placed a bath towel under himself and put hand cream on James' hard shaft and then on his own. He then put some in their crevices. He put a finger cot on James' shaft with ease. Of course he had to explain that the finger cot was some protection to the both of them. That it was like drinking after someone else from the same glass type of thing. You didn't want them to get germs did you?

From then on, it was a duplication of Andrew and my experiences. James mounted Andrew, as per direction, found his wanting hiney hole and inserted his tingling shaft, with ease, into Andrew's anal cavity as far as it would go, until he moaned. Then they stretched out to a more comfortable position and James began to pump Andrew's sensitive butt hole in perfect rhythm. James' shaft was a perfect fit for andrew's cute little hiney hole. Without measuring it, I would have thought James' shaft was the same size as Andrew's, but evidently, it was slightly smaller from the feel of it in Andrew's rectum. Andrew reached back with his right hand and located James' rectum. He prepared a middle finger with a finger cot, and inserted it into James' little, cute, sensitive, hiney hole. Andrew worked it in and out of in perfect synchronization with the pumps he was getting from his best thirteen year old friend, always and forever, James Birdsong. Suddenly it was over. James' Life Force had rushed out of his little penis and filled the end of the finger cot. Andrew released his Life Force all over the towel at the same instant.

Andrew and James had many friends that were just as curious as they were about their body. They had made a pledge to one another, sealed with sperm, to help all their friends to understand the changes that were occurring. They worked vehemently, yet discreetly together, on this project.

I was alerted by Cell each time Andrew and James got together either in bed or on their project. I didn't have to invoke "Cell One" to get into the other boys. I always had a front row seat with Andrew.

My relationship with Andrew continued until he was mid way through his fifteenth year, I had seen many changes in Andrew over the years from the time I had met him. He had grown body hair on his chest, under the arms, in his genital area and in his crevasse. Cute, blond, and rabbit's fur soft. Just barely perceptible. He had grown more muscular. Some of the attractive baby fat had smoothed out and hardened. His voice had deepened also. Andrew was turning into a handsome young man. His 'boy' days would be leaving him soon. I had a tough decision to make. It was time to let Andrew grow naturally and discover some things on his own about the female gender. They have wants and needs as much as males do. I had to be fair to the boy. I didn't want him to grow up without experiencing the differences of life. Through my previous connection to him, I had planted the curiosity about the little girls, so it wasn't foreign to him.

On our last session of the weekend together, I explained to Andrew my feelings about our relationship. He was a smart boy, and didn't seem to get hurt by the suggestions to seek other pleasures. I would like to see him from time to time, though, to check on his progress. He realized it made sense to do this. He and James had been doing this type of thing, too with each other, and other boys for a long time. He figured that James would grow tired of it soon also.

"Charles," Andrew said, "can I do it with you one more time before I have to go home?"

"No problem," I said.

My anus was hurting. Andrew's little shaft was not so little any more. It had grown proportionally over the last two years. But just having to have known him and to develop a relationship with him, made all the pain worth it.

With the final thrust by Andrew into my aching anus I called for Cell to return to me. I didn't need to connect to Andrew directly any more. I would give Cell a much deserved rest and head out to the mall next week to find another boy like Andrew.

We laid there in my bed, for what seemed an eternity, in a deep emotional state. I hugged Andrew tightly and kissed him passionately. He returned with the same amount of passion. We said our final goodbye's, showered, got dressed and headed for his home.


The End

A short, first time effort, story of fantasy.
September 1, 1990