PZA Boy Stories

Gary Cutter

The Prince Coco Project


A series relating to a professional photographer who is obsessed with 3D Sims. As a hobby he decides to replicate his favourite 3D Series with real life boys 3; you can imagine the rest.
Publ. Feb 2009-... (Nifty); this site Mar 2009-...
Under construction, Mar 2009; 23,000 words (46 pages)


Karl (15yo), Simon (14yo), Jim (14yo) and Peter (23yo)

Category & Story codes

Consensual Man-Boy story/photographing
Mtcons anal oralinterr


This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

Author's note

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boy's point of view 3; get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank 3; that's them.

All my stories (and parts thereof) are given SOLELY to Nifty for distribution. If you wish to use anything of mine please ask me, it's only common courtesy. (PZA has the author's full permision to publish).

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at GCutter66(at)gmail(dot)com or through this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line.

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to ASSTR. Keep ASSTR free and keep ASSTR alive.

By the way: The Prince Coco Project was inspired by a set of 3D renders by the artist SH-1.


Chapter 1

The front door bell rang at four o'clock and without even checking the viewpanel I pressed the 'talk' and 'admit' button at the same time and got just what I was expecting. "Karl," a muffled voice spoke and immediately after that I heard the side door slam and the clatter of feet on the stairs. I always knew when young Karl was on his way up, he sounded like a steeplechaser at full gallop.

"Hi di hi, Boss 3; Peter, I mean," he grinned as he burst into my office and flopped down inrto my little sofa.

"Don't keep calling me Boss, Karl," I smiled at him and gave him the once over. He'd clearly just finished working by his dirty hands and slightly disheveled appearance. Situation normal, he'd finished his part time job on a street stall in the local market and usually invaded me at about the same time four afternoons a week. I say invaded as Karl did nothing less than enthusiastically. Well, I tell a lie there, he made love gently and he was a lazy and slightly passively inclined lover. We fitted well together and we had done so for around three months now. Me at my peak or prime of twenty three and he at an eager and very willing to learn fifteen. Pedo, pedo, I hear everyone shriek but let's face it, the age difference wasn't all that great and by the laws of our country he was less than a year away from the age of consent. I wouldn't be telling tales and I doubt that he would either.

To set the scene a bit. I ran a photographic studio above a Pakistani general store which was situated in a South London street market. Karl helped out on one of the vegetable stalls weekends and when on holiday. We'd bumped into each other at the Hole in the Wall which was the local tea shop and got chatting after a while. We'd clicked straight away and he was exotic enough to interest me on the photographic side as well as the physical, it went without saying that an Eurasian which I assumed him to be would interested me sexually as well especially as he was handsome enough to be noticeable. At least to me he was. Karl was boyishly good looking with a hint of 'pretty', European features, a coffee coloured skin and I found out in time that his father came from Guyana which was in South America but his mother was English and he was born in this country. I suppose in the old days we would call him a half cast but nowadays the correct term is a person of mixed race I understand. He wasn't concerned about it, kids of mixed parentage were ten a penny in this part of town. As I say we clicked, he came up to my studio, he showed an interest in doing some posing for a small fee and on our second meeting we went to bed and made love to each other. As I've said he preferred to bottom but performed as a top without any problem and sometimes I wondered if calling him a bottom was just my way of kidding myself.

"Tea or a can or do you want a shower?"

"A can and then a shower," he grinned. "Got any clean briefs?"

"Usual place," I laughed as I went into the small kitchen to get him his can. He was turning into a bit of a lodger by now, he hadn't overnighted yet but it would come and after that he'd start weekending with me. I probably forgot to mention that I could forecast the future and I felt that I could with Karl, we were so right for each other that the dream had to come true. To make things even better as far as I was concerned he had a totally dysfunctional family who seemed to drive him mad, he just preferred the peace and quiet of my place and he'd also got himself a small entry into the modelling world. He'd met some of the other boys and being as he was they relaxed around him and said things to him they wouldn't say to me. I'm sure you know what I mean by that. Fourteens and fifteens liked to gossip and they liked to talk dirty but that was amongst themselves, to them I was the Boss.

"How's your day been?" He asked idly as he sat and relaxed supping his beer and I know before you all start bleating he was under age to drink beer, what the hell!

"Not too bad, I had little Gary Kutter in with his chaperone this morning, I did a couple of hours of briefs and swimwear."

"Lots of flashes?" He grinned.

"He does flash a bit," I laughed. "Quite deliberately once his chaperone has got her face stuck in a magazine."

"Bloody sure half the kids you get up here are sluts."

"They're not sluts, just teasers. Touch one and they'de scream their heads off."

"Unlike moi?" He smirked.

"Unlike you," I agreed. "Mind you, you're not an eleven year old."

"Tue," he took another sup of his can. "Hey 3;"

"Mmm 3;"

"I got to talking to that kid you fancy on the other stall, the blond kid."

"Ah, Simon."

"That's the one. He's fourteen, he lives local and he's doing the same as me, just three or four afternoons a week."

"He's nice," I let him get on with it. I'd shown an interest in one or two of the other stall boys and Karl being Karl had to get in there and chat one of them up. Very usefull, it was back to my crystal ball again 3; it was exactly what I'd expected him to do.

"He knows you," Karl went on. "Or he knows your Studio. He was quite interested when I told him I'd done a bit of posing for you."

"I hope you were careful."

"I was," Karl grinned. "Told him you were a nice guy, paid well and were very proper 3; no touchy feely is what I mean."

"Good." I relaxed a bit. As I said Karl was enthusiastic but I was a little scared of his mouth taking charge.

"Remember our deal?"

"What deal was that?"

"The deal whereby I trap you a decent model or a bit more and I get a bit of the action."

"Oh, the deal where you offered yourself as a sort of procurer of underage meat?"

"That's the one," he laughed.

"I remember it," I sat down and took a sip of my own drink. "The deal still stands and 3;" I kicked a box I had under my desk across the polished floor in his direction.

"What's this?"

"Open it and have a look."

He did just that, he opened the top of the box and started to pull out the items within laying them on the sofa in a straight line. The more he unpacked the more he smiled and eventually put the makeshift golden crown on his head. "King Coco," he announced.

"Prince Coco," I corrected him. "Not bad is it?"

"Great," he grinned." And the bracelets, the belt, the cock ring and anklets 3; you're really serious about this caper?"

"I am, all I want is a nice smaller boy to partner you with, a nice honky boy."

I suppose I've got to the stage in my story where I have to stop recording our chat and explain what's going on.

Some time ago I'd given up on viewing boy or youth porn, so many 'boys' were beefy, lard arses, so many on offer were donkey's years old and many of the films were virtually antique. I just gave up but I did get interested in 3D Poser Art. Now these were fresh and what you got was what a particular artist produced. A lot liked harmful or bondage style stuff which I found a big turnoff but others managed little comics and boy on boy escapades which really got me going. They didn't excite me in a sexual way but in an artistic way and one artist (one of many) I followed had produced stuff that I admired. Naturally or oddly enough, depending on your point of view, I decided to try and replicate some of his stuff with real live boys.

A particular unfinished set I liked was of a young prince who could have been a young pharaoh, a young sultan or anyone along those lines. He was nude other than golden adornments and was preparing or being prepared for bed, needless to say his manservant was a European type boy slave. The usual thing, a white boy being abused or used by a boy or man of colour, the small series was unfinished but I was well on my way to starting my 'homage'. I had my 'prince.' I had the adornments and I had my second studio rigged with backdrops as some sort of an eastern palace or bedroom. It had all taken time and money but I had time on my hand and money to spare 3; lucky me.

Karl was the first step and fortunately apart from being my future star he may even become my future live in lover, he was fifteen and a half after all and it seemed he was determined to leave home at sixteen.

"Try them on when you've had a shower and you're nice and wet and naked." I suggested.

"'That'll get you going," he laughed.

"Indeedy 3; tell me about the blond kid."

"I've told you," he emptied his can and I rushed to get another to keep him talking. "Fourteen, mildly interested in modelling but not a thousand percent excited."

"Fair enough, you keep on it him."

"You fancy his body in bed," he grinned clearly reading me like a book.

"Him and you," I smiled and he smiled back . I had him, he fancied Simon as well although he was feigning disinterest. Dirty boy Karl fancied the younger blond Simon. Perfecto, I do like it when a plan falls into place. "Drop a few hints about my Coco project, nice gentle hints but don't forget you can always tempt him with a few fivers maybe a tenner if he's willing to let himself go. I can always use good models for the clothing catalogues."

"I was going to chat him up anway," he looked at me straightfaced for once. "He is bloody tasty and I just get that feeling 3; you know, that gaydar thingy you told me about."

"Just don't read his body language wrong, some kids act a bit girly and that's just the way they are. Make friends with him first, bring him over and show him the modelling pictures, the studio setup and whatnot 3; no pressure, nothing like that and at the end of it show him some of the rather risky stuff you've done without flashing the nudes."

"Yeah, I'll give it some thought," he drained his second can. "OK for a shower now?"

"Yeah, I'd like to take a few shots of you wet and shiny with the gold on 3; OK?"

"Fine with me," he cackled. "As long as we can relax after."

"We can," I laughed. Relax was his codeword for a lazy session up in my bedroom and after a day's work that was exactly what the doctor ordered.

He settled for the shower on the first floor level where the two studios were, I had another one upstairs in my flat but for some reason this one was bigger. I got my digital camera and watched him undress, something that I didn't get to see with my boy models, the chaperones saw to that. He really was something once his body came clear of it's wraps. Dressed he was just a South London street oik of dubious parentage but as he shed his clothing his true beauty began to shine through. OK, maybe purple prose and a bit poetic but I was nearly in love or at least half in love and the more I saw him naked the more I became besotted. The question in my mind was, was it just his body and his bedroom performance and it was a question I needed to resolve before he reached sixteen and I went out on a limb and offered him by body and bed full time. His face was regular enough with a cutest snub nose and a diabolical skinhead Number One which is the one where the hair is down to an eighth of an inch, his body though, that was the thing. Slim and trim without being skinny and he held his coffee coloured form like a model born. Dressed he was a mouthy street market boy, naked he was a young God. His darker brown nipples surrounded by the same dark brown aureoles were so munchable I had trouble keeping my hands to myself. As he stepped into the shower he left the sliding door open and soaped his belly and neat black pubic bush so that he appeared to be covered in cream. HIs long penis and it was long for a boy of his age was fully extended and bloated as he handled it with soapy hands bringing it slowly to a state of erection. He peeled his foreskin back washing his glans carefully and that was another thing I liked, other than when he came in from work he was a clean boy and liked to keep himself clean.

"Happy?" He scrubbed between his cheeks with a soapy sponge and let the water run cleaning the thick soapy mix from his body.

"Yeah," I replied settling my camera down and moving in. I reached out and grasped his semi erection feeling the wet flesh harden in my grasp. "Don't dry off," I gave his member a gentle squeeze and stepped back. He stood there giving me his sexy grin and gave a pelvic jerk making his erection jerk and then bob, he was so sexy it was mindblowing and he was all mine at least for the moment.

"Step out and let's put the gold on," I opened the box on the bathroom floor and what I intended to do was to take him into my 'eastern' studio, that was the one where the smaller boy's didn't go. In fact I'm sure in the future it was going to be my porn den as more and more of the chaperones now sent their older charges up whilst they raked around the market and the adjoining shopping centre. I knew that some of the older boys, the fourteens and fifteens were 'game' and maybe one of the thirteen year olds but then again I had my secret weapon and he was standing in front of me. Why take the risk of chatting up a young teen when Karl could do it in reasonable safety.

We draped the chain belt around his slender waist and slipped the cock ring around his still hard penis. Next the ankle and wrist bracelets and finally the crown. He looked marvelous and I shuffled him into the studio and stood him by the imitation window with a minaret painted on what was supposed to be the outside.

"Look regal, Karl 3; I only want to do three or four to see how you come out, you know, the gold against your brown."

"Shiny brown," he grinned.

"At present."

I tool my photos, two full frontal a couple from the side and then just the one of his deliciously tight boy's bottom. The watery gleam made him too much to resist. I was thinking of a fine oil spray when I put my camera down and clasped him from behind pulling his very willing naked body onto my clothed one. I could feel my hardness within my khakis press against his bottom and I expect he could as well as he wriggled his bum against me.

"About time," he growled taking my hand and guiding it down onto his surprisingly hard cock. "Thassss nice," he slurred as I slowly wanked him and he pushed back into my groin. "We've never done it on this bed."

"There's a first time for everything, my love," I guided him down and he placed the crown out of the way but kept the rest of the stuff on as he wrestled with me kissing and helping me to undress. "Would you do sex with Simon?" I asked off the top of my head.

"Damn right, if I got half the chance," he giggled as he tugged my briefs down allowing my own hardness to jerk free. "We could do him in a sandwich."

"Don't count your chickens before 3;"

"I know, I know but he is nice and I'm bloody sure he's up for a game."

"A game's not sex," I tried to remind him but his lips were on mine and he was dragging me onto himself as he lay himself out flat on the bed.

"True, oh Wise one," he giggled and then stared up at me. "Suck me, Pete 3; you know you want to."

"Of course," I gave him a final kiss on the lips and started on his neck and then down to his dark skinned nips. It was an established routine by now and once his nipples were slippery and hard I traced my tongue down his sternum and onto his flat belly lingering at his navel brushing his now fully erect penis with my cheek.

"Do me, do me," Peter," he pleaded making thrusts upwards until I turned my head and grasping his stiff dark brown shaft caressed his ripe glans with my tongue. I squeezed his dark red knob and a bead of boy cum bubbled out to be eagerly lapped away. A few more oozed from his slit and I took just his swollen knob inside my mouth. Once he started moaning and trying to pump into my mouth I started running my lips up and down his meaty shaft taking his weeping glans right into the back of my throat. I knew he liked this and I knew exactly what he wanted next. I slid my hand under his bottom and as he parted his legs in anticipation I pushed my finger against his still damp and now slightly sweaty boy boy fanny. "Aaaaaah 3;" he gasped and arched his back thrusting deep into my mouth as I sucked away at his pride and joy and worked my finger in and out of his slick bum. He was easy, he wasn't a virgin by a long shot but I know he still liked the finger fucking before the real thing. Maybe he'd want to fuck me before he went home but he was flighty, sometimes he did, other times not. "Oh, yeah," he gave a quivering moan and raised his knees either side of my head as I sucked away and fed my second finger into his clinging sphincter. He was mine now and thrashing around on the bed as my head bobbed faster and my fingers probed deeper. "Peter 3;" He wailed and I felt his hard cock seem to swell and then the familar throb as his first shot slid right down my throat. His second spunky load filled my mouth and as I swallowed and gobbed at his thick creamy boy cum he let go another and then another which splattered onto my face and dribbled down his shaft as I mouthed at the eruption. "Aaaaaah 3;." he flopped back on the bed still with my fingers deep inside his gut.

I nuzzled at his still hard cock lapping and wiping the beads and splashes of milkly goo from his belly and his curly black pubics.

"OK?" I glanced up his belly and gave an extra jab up into his bottom.

"Brill as ever," he looked at me with glazed eyes. "Finish me off, Petey."

I gave him a couple of final laps and wiped his belly and now soft noodle with a handtowel getting myself onto my knees. As I've said, we were used to each other and he raised his knees to his chest in the position he liked. He gazed at me with a slight smile on his face as I moved in. Holding my hips he seemed to hold his breath as I positioned my aching and needy penis at his button and gently pushed. He opened up slowly and I felt his heat grip me as he moaned and then forced himself to relax as I entered him and savoured his tightness and warmth as I lodged in him and held steady.

"Get's bigger every time," he groaned and then smiled wrapping his legs around me and pulled my face down to his. We were off and it was good with Karl, it was always good with Karl. He clung to me like one of these funny monkeys you see at the zoo, his legs bore down onto my back and his arms kept my face down on his as I started to move in and out finally seating in deeply and pushing home so that my pubes were mashed under his smooth scrotum. "Yeah," he sighed with satisfaction as I filled him and started to slowly move in and out.

I took it nice and easy, nice and slow as he liked it, I relished his warmth and the feel of his flesh surrounding me and squeezing, almost milking me. He had the knack of squeezing when I thrust in and rleaxing as I withdrew, then repeating the process over and over 3; to cut to the chase, he was a good fuck. I enjoyed him and he seemed to enjoy me. I had a fleeting though of him and blonde Simon doing it on this very bed with me watching but that may never happen. For the moment I was going to cum and it was going to be a good one, I could feel it in my nuts. I began to speed up and as he wimpered and whined I let go a massive load up into his tight arse and he wriggled and pulled me in as tightly as he could. It was over and we kissed again with all passion spent as I moved slowly in his spunk filled hole. We were done and I knew exactly what would come next.

"I'm bloody starving," he muttered as I slipped free in a flood of cum caught by the handy towel. I grinned down at him as he let me wipe his cum smeared bum and pat around his oozing hole, he was always hungry after sex and for once, so was I.

"Cod and chips?"

"And a gherkin for being a good wife," he giggled.

"You've got it," I went next door allowing him to escape to the bathroom and me to phone the chippy for a delivery. I often thought that if anyone was spying on me they must have worked out by now that the only time I ordered a delivery was when Karl was on the scene, all the other times I went down and ate in the cafe. Thankfully, it seemed there were no sex spies about although I knew in a market street everyone minded everyone else's business. I was sure comments had been passed by some about the time Karl spent up in my studio but I didn't care, he was nearly sixteen and he was macho and smart enough to tough it out . Karl was no shrinking violet and for that matter neither was I.

Stall holders and their ilk, what used to be called the working classes expected people who were artists from film stars through the list to photographers to be a little odd if not downright screaming queens so I expect I'd been packaged, sorted and categorised long before Karl came onto my scene. Everone I knew in the street, the stall holders shopkeepers and even the idlers all passed the time of day with me quite easily and I even joined them in a drink in The Market Arms now and then. I had found when I started work that the working classes to use that horrible phrase again took prostution both male and female in their stride, they obviously went through the motions if there was an outrageous case or something in the papers but generally they couldn't care less. One of the great British attributes was not caring less about anything, how the mighty are fallen as our forebears would say. Then again, 'live and let live' is a good motto and it's a great shame more pople don't abide by it.

"I'll send Jimmy up 3; ten minutes OK?" The guy in the chippy checked.

"Fine, tell him to buzz and come up," I replied. Jimmy was alright. Yet another thirteen or fourteen year old kid who looked as if he should be on the game as most of them did around the Northcote Road Market area. I heard Karl back in the shower and tidied myself up, it wouldn't do to welcome my supper with my khakis around my ankles but from what I'd seen and heard of young Jim he probably wouldn't say anything.

The food rolled up ten minutes later and naturally enough as I was paying Jimmy. Karl wandered in naked other than the damp towel around his waist. I was bloody sure he did it deliberately, he was probably doing one of those territory things like in the Naked Ape (remember that one). One thing was for sure all the other street lads would know that Karl was wandering around my place in the bollocky buff, Jimmy would see to that. As I said, I'm sure it was deliberate and Jimmy just gave him a sweet if knowing smile.

I didn't say anything, it was all water off a duck's back to Karl and I had marriage in mind anyway. The street had to know sooner or later and they probably suspected we were at it anyway.

We sat down at my office desk and ate our supper. The local fish and chip shop was beginning to get pricey but at least the stuff was good, well worth the extra cost. Karl was sucking at his gherkin in an obscene manner but I ignored him, he was only trying to wind me up. The one thing you learn when you have young teenagers around the place was that the decorum level tends to takea nosedive.

"What time do you have to get home, Ugly?" I asked and sipped a can of Coke this time around.

"Whenever," he shrugged.

"We should try and sort out a plan to get Simon on line."

"A plan?" he laughed. "It's easy, I'll chat him up. I'm bloody sure he fancies me anyway, he's easy meat."

"Yeah, Karl," I tried to explain. "He may fancy you and you may get to play sticky fingers in a corner somewhere but 3; can you get him up here, naked and doing some sex with you. Him being the manservant to your Prince Coco."

"That'll be harder," he admitted with a cheeky grin. "Can I bribe him?"

"Offer him the usual modelling rates, he can do underwear and swimwear. He's good enough to do a series like I plan for you."

"Yeah 3; plan," he sniffed. "You've been saying that forever."

"It takes time, I need to check what the others do but I've already got punters lined up. A mob down in Lewes want discs but they want over a hundred pictures per disk."

"A hundred pictures? All of the same boy?"

"Right. Not just any old kids kids Good lookers with good bodies can get fan clubs. If this mob take the discs from me they'll pay me outright and I mean big bucks of which we can arrange you a slice."

"Fifty-fifty," he said immediately.

"Sounds good," I laughed. "Or if I market them myself you'd get a lesser amount initially but you'd get a slice of every 3; and that is every disc sold."

"Won't people recognise me?"

"Depends how many pervos buy pinup picture discs of fifteen year old boys bearing in mind a lot of the buyers will be in Europe and the States."

"Not many in the Northcote Road then," he laughed.

"Don't bank on it."

"Yeah, it needs thinking about," he resumed eating and tried to look thoughtful. It was an act, he was thinking money more than thoughtful. As for me I was taking my time, he was my first model or first 'private' model, I didn't count the kiddies that did the catalogue stuff. Karl was the first horse in my studio's stable but I wasn't about to tell him that. I had a master plan but it was a long term one and I had all the time in the world. The only gamble was that I thought he was beautiful, I needed other people who thought the same to buy him. Pick a dummy and you could spend a lot of money and have a lot of pictures no one wanted to buy. My catalogue paid my wages and my weddings and christenings were bonuses. A couple of discs of Karl, Simon or even Jimmy would provide me with something to do and bring in extra revenue. If and it was a big if, the boys got romantic in front of the camera and I'm not even talking porn here, that would be a bonus on top of a bonus. "I'm gonna go for Simon anyway, just one thing though."

"What's that ?"

"I want to bring Simon up here, show him the biz and then take it from there maybe play around and take some pictures of him, you know, facials 3; tempt him, get him interested. Neither of you work Wednesdays do you?"

"Only for an hour or so, it's early closing and the market shuts down."

"Well, tomorrow's Wednesday and I've got nothing planned in the afternoon. If you grab a camera and start buggering around he's going to get suspicious. It's better if you ask me to do the business. Bring him up tomorrow, strike whilst the irons hot 3; whilst you've got the urge."

"And you'd disappear if I can get going on the other, the dirty," he grinned. "If he's in the mood I'll know."

"You've got it but it'll cost you."

"It always does," he laughed. "Wanna go upstairs and watch some TV or something?"

"Something," I started to clear the debris from the meal off the table. "Yeah, "something" sounded nice.

I turned off all the lights and locked the studio rooms up and climbed the stairs, Karl had rushed ahead after scooping up his clothing and was flopped out full length on my sofa which was a much bigger edition of the one downstairs, this one folded out into a bed although I'd never had cause to use it. He was watching my television, making himself at home as usual. I lifted his legs and swung them out claiming my portion of the seat. He promptly swung his legs back up onto my lap and fiddled with his groin.

"You'll catch a cold walking around with a damp towel on," I lifted one of his feet and sucked on his big toe just to get him going. I sensually sucked his flesh running one hand up and down his smooth calf.

"Take it off then," he rasped.

I didn't take it off although I flipped one corner up and snaked my hand inside cupping his smooth scrotum and as he sighed happily I squeezed his nuts gently feeling the tighness of his scrotum. Another shuffle closed and still sucking his big toe and giving the others a little lick I reached and felt his hardness poking straight up onto his flat belly. Grasping his thick boy's cock I squeezed and manipulated it until I felt it really harden up and when he closed his eyes I left his foot and stretched out on the sofa with him. That was it, we were lips to lips again and this time he was in a more active mode. The one thing about Karl was he followed a routine. He liked to be drained and then fucked and maybe fucked again. Every now ant then he wanted a go and tonight was one of those. I felt his arms encircle me, hug me and then his hands were on my arse claping my bottom through the thin material.

"You in the mood?" I whispered.

"Yeah," he whispered back. "I'll pretend you're Simon."

"And I'll pretend you're Jimmy."

"Ho, ho," he grinned. "Ugly Jimmy."

"No he's not," I slid from the sofa and taking his hand pulled him up. As he stood his towel fell free and he stood there for a moment in his coffee coloured glory before I towed him away to my bedroom.

"I'll give you a tip," he spoke as I lay him on the bed. "Order a late meal from the chippy one night and ask for Jimmy to deliver it on his way home, he finishes at eight."

"You reckon?" I asked as I peeled my shirt off and he lay there looking at me.

"I know," he declared confidently. He tapped the side of his nose in the old market man's gesture. "I know all about Jimmy, he does it for peanuts."

"I better get a couple of bags in then," I laughed as I dropped my khakis and stood for a moment in my briefs with my own erection plainly visible.

"Get "em off, Petey 3; me first," he grinned and slowly wanked his extremely hard organ, as I watched I saw a smear glisten at his pee slit, he was ready for his treat. A remarkable recovery rate but he was a horny fifteen year old after all. He reached under my pillow searching for the lube and found it in it's usual parking slot. "Come to Momma." God, he was such a wally but I did love him. Well, I loved his body and I loved sex with him so that was most of the ground covered.

I peeled my briefs off and with my own hardness waving in the breeze I lay down alongside him and he was on me. No more Mr Passive. He snuffled and munched at my neck like a trainee vampire but all the while he was lifting my legs and getting himself into position. Finally he raised himself onto his knees and looked down at me with a slight smile on his face. "Ready for my love pole, Simon my blond haired beauty."

"Shut up, you wally, you'll have to do with me" I laughed and guided his hot cock down to my pucker. I hadn't got any lube on me but he'd smeared some onto his 'love pole' as he put it and with a trickle of precum both he and I were ready.

"Yesssss 3;" He hissed as he found the spot and slowly but firmly pushed into my body. It was nice, he was nice, he was so hot and so hard as only a boy of his age can be. He slowly worked his way in and as I felt him settle into my gut I clamped onto him and held him firmly with my legs as he started to move to and fro. "Wicked 3;" he grinned and started to move faster. I felt almost envious of Simon but that was a maybe, this was a happening and I heard myself groan as he hit the spot and kept going with a peculiar corkscrew movement he'd picked up somewhere.

"Harder, Karl, you fuck like a girl."

That got him going. He started to go frantic slapping and ramming into me pushing me up the bed and I closed my eyes. I liked this, he could do it all night if he liked. Unfortunately, like all youngsters he couldn't pace himself. Once he went into the sort of rape and pillage mode (minus the pillage) he lost it. Sweat was flying from him and he hammered away until I felt his boyhood swell and then the familiar pumping or throbbing as his sticky semen shot up inside me. A few more slower thrusts and he collapsed on me lazily kissing and his stiffness started to soften in my bottom.

"That was a good one," he whispered.

"It's always good with you, Prince Poofy."

"Thank you," he grinned back to his normal self and slid free and lay on his side cuddling me.

"So, we're set for tomorrow?"


"Just confirming tomorrow, Dimbo," I gave him a quick kiss on his nose. "If and that's a big if. You get Simon up here tomorrow I'll follow your lead. Maybe do a couple of portraits and let him see himself on the big monitor."

"Show him a few of my more decent ones as well?" He grinned.

"That's the plan," I confirmed.

"I'm out with a couple of other pals as well as Simon, up West to catch a film tomorrow night," he blithely broke my heart. That was the trouble with boys of his age, many parents have found the same thing. A teenager will do what he wants to do and he wanted to go on his weekly jaunt up the West End of London and catch a film. My life revolved around boys and teenagers, taking their pictures, even short films but obviously he had other priorities than being my love slave. There you go, life sucks. Mind you I could always the chippy to get Jimmy to do one of his late evening deliveries. Maybe a quick check was in order as I didn't want to go behind Karl's back, there were far too many nosey bastards around for me to get away with it anyway. Of course, I didn't mind sharing him but with one of his mates or a youngster but not with another man. Another old cliche coming up: I wanted my cake and to eat it too 3; how's about that one.

"Perhaps, I should check out this late delivery of Jimmy's."

"Do it," he grinned. "Trust me and don't forget. One for all and all for one." He rolled onto his belly. "Put in a good word for me," he opened his legs and craned his head to lok up at me. "I've gotta make a move in an hour or so."

"Great," I kissed his smooth brown bottom and slipped my fingers into his crack. Nice. A bit hot and sweaty, he clamped on me as my finger brushed then pressed against his pucker.

"Aaaaah," he gave a gentle and satisfied little sigh as one finger parted his tight little ring and explored his internal heat and tightness. Time for another round it seemed.

Chapter 2

After Karl left me to make his way home I had some thoughts regarding my Prince Coco Project as I called it. Little Jimmy would make a far better manservant that the rather skinny and lanky Simon. That didn't mean to say I didn't want to dally with Simon, take some pictures and then take his body and eventually get him with Karl in some meaty dirties but that was way into the future. Prince Coco and the solo pinup type CDs were the priority and from what I'd seen of Jimmy he'd fit the bill. He was younger than Karl, shorter 3; more fitting the actual images I was trying to ape than Simon. Simon was a project all on his own, getting him and Karl to perform for my pleasure and maybe profit was for the future. I'd let Karl lead on that one but tell him I was going for him and Jimmy as the main stars of my little project. The hard bit would be getting Karl to shave his head and get rid of his pubics but that was another one for the future and doubtless it would cost me in cold cash. Karl was pretty willing but a total shave was a step beyond willing. Jimmy could keep his hair but I'd like him smooth down below to look younger, anyway two smoothies who looked a lot younger than they actually were in one or more compromising situations got the dribble glands going.

I slept well and scurried over to Karl's stall to give him the brief on my changed plans. He got slightly uptight when he realised Simon had lost his starring role but I calmed him down assuring him that he could press on with his personal seduction and I'd help out any way I could. I still fancied Simon for a model and I think on that front and with Karl around one thing would lead to another.

Jimmy was my problem and later I'd eat in the chippy and suss out the lie of the land for a late evening delivery and take it from there. Directly after my lunch I needed to be on station for Karl bringing Simon up and later on when they were up in the West End on their picture run I'd have Jimmy to tackle if all went well. For the time being I gave my pal in Lewes a bell and told him that I had three models I thought good enough for three solo CDs and what he suggested was that I send pictures of Jimmy and Simon down to him for a second opinion, he'd already gone bananas for Karl and wanted me to take him down for a weekend of photography with his own boys. The problem was that Karl had this fixation about not properly overnighting until he was sixteen, maybe he was a nervous nellie or just playing safe. Who knows? I wasn't going to hassle him, I'd rather collect some good karma by helping him out with Simon and then with Jimmy. Virtue has it's own reward or so they say and getting inside Karl's body was my usual little prize.

I had an early lunch in the chippy which served meals as well as takeaways, Jimmy had just come in and was serving table and gave me a cheerful grin as he laid the plate and cutlery on the table. "How goes it, Mr Cope?"

"Fine, Jimmy. Peter's the name, or Pete," I told him.

"Tea, coffee, cold drink?"

"Tea in five minutes, please."

In a litttle while he served me a mug of tea and as it was quiet as far as the table trade was concerned he sat opposite with a can of something. "Gonna be a hot day," he remarked.

"Yeah," I looked at him. "I was going to ask something 3;"

"Go on then," he laughed.

"Can you drop me off a supper around eight, or whenever you finish?"

"Yeah, no probs 3; that will be around half seven though."

"Even better."

"The usual, cod and chips."

"No, I'll splash out. Rock and chips. Add a supper for yourself if you fancy earting with me. I'll give you a tour of the studio."

"Mmm 3;" he gave me a calculating look as if making a decision and I realised I was moving on him a little fast. "Karl must be away tonight." I suppose I could have taken offence at what was a rather presumptious remark but I didn't. I was finding him more and more attractive, in fact, I was getting the hots 3; Karl would be most amused. "Yeah, why not?" He seemed to make a decision. "You can show me around but after we've ate, there's nothing worse than cold fish and chips."

"Agreed," I grinned. "And Karl is up the West End chasing up some film he and his pals want to see."

"Figures," he said dryly and stood to return to his duties. "Seven thirty and Frank will add two suppers to your bill."

I just nodded and sipped my tea. I'd scored 3; well, nearly.

I wandered back to the studio passing the stalls where Simon and Karl both seemed to be winding down, they were handing their cash satchels over to older men so I suppose that indicated the end of their shift. I needed to get in gear for their visit remembering that Karl was leading and I was doing the follow up bit, the cheerful corruptor's assistant. One dark, one fair and similar sized, they'd make a good pair in front of the camera but little Jimmy would make a much better manservant in my project, he was shorter and more boyish than Simon. I'd convinced myself and maybe a bit of a lust for Jimmy helped.

Round about one o'clcock the buzzer went and I looked in the little screen to see Karl and Simon pulling faces upto the camera so I buzzed them up and waited for the clatter of horses coming up. Two boys? They sounded like a herd of elephants but Karl burst in as usual followed by the more reserved Simon and I got them sat down and produced their lifeline, Cokes.

"Brill pix," Simon's eyes were all over the place. "You do weddings as well?"

"Weddings, christenings, family pets 3; anything that turns a few coins."

"He's loaded," Karl scoffed. "Petey boy works 24/7."

"I might be here 24/7, I don't actually work all that time."

"That's for sure," Karl gave a rather dirty snigger and Simon grinned. Trust Karl to lower the tone. "I told Simon about our hundred to a disc venture," he grinned obviously expecting me to react. I took a moment before I cottoned on to what he was talking about.

"Oh, yeah," I tried to organise my thoughts. I looked at Simon who was craning his head trying to see a gaggle of boys in underwear. "Have a look around, Simon."

"Cheers," he stood and still sipping his drink wandered around the office studying my framed stuff. It was all 'safe' and mostly a selection of my boy catalogue models, a couple of weddings and some animals in cute poses (yeuch). "You're bloody good," he grinned and I grinned back. Natch, who doesn't like compliments?

"Jeez, get a room," Karl laughed.

"Depends who with," Simon came back quicker than quick. Karl looked at me and pulled a face. "Karl said you had a proposition?" He returned to his seat. I'd got hold of the wrong end of the stick with this kid, he may have been nervous but he was putting up a good front, mind you, he was gaining courage from Karl I suppose. I doubt he would have been so brave on his own.

"Flash up the computer and put Darren's Holiday on, Karl."

Karl went over and did the business and the screen appeared covered in pictures of one of my old favourites. As an aside and going by registartion plates on the cars the model in question was probably around thirty now but around the thirteen mark at the time of the pictures, the collection was that old. I waved Simon over and he almost leapt up to scan the monitor as Karl scrolled down.

"Now Florian," I ordered. Florian was very popular and marketed by my pal down in Lewes and most of this particular CD were of him in underwear sprawling around a studio and then on a bed.

"Jeez, that's a lot of pictures," Simon muttered. "Nice though," he ogled Florian who was very much into sly smiles and slightly titillating or provocative poses. Simon looked at me and blushed slightly.

I rested my hand on Karl's shoulder and felt the warmth of his firm flesh. "These CDs obviously earn the model posing fees and then earn the Studio money when they sell the finished products."

"And he wants you to join the stable," Karl had to jump the gun.

"Stable?" Simon looked puzzled.

"What he means is that I've decided to produce my own discs with Karl as my first model and I was after recruiting you and little Jim from the chippy as a number three. The first disc for the three of you a mix of swimwear, underwear and sportswear using Studio One and Two. Then later maybe some doubles and certainly outdoor stuff."

"What sort of money we talking about?" Simon asked going straight for the throat.

"As agreed," I looked at him. "Based on ten pound [€11/$14] an hour 3; I'll make an offer, it depends."

"Sounds confusing," Simon smiled although a little nervously still but it was early days. "What now 3; we've got to make a move in an hour or so," he looked at Karl for confirmation.

"I'd like to do a few of you in panties and maybe a couple with you and Karl doing some chummy ones."

"How chummy?"

"Don't worry," Karl laughed. "Pete doesn't do porn 3; at least I don't think he does."

"That's for me to know and you to find out," I laughed. That would give them something to think about.

"OK, I'll have a go," Simon suddenly announced and I smiled encouragingly. The first hurdle was over now it was all down to Karl rather than myself.

"Karl, if you act as dresser and find Simon some nice briefs of a nice pair or speedos, you can do your couple with just your shirt off."

"H'OK, Boss," he went into the first studio tailed by Simon and I heard them giggling as Karl got things sorted out. I gave them a bit of time as I did want the pictures but I wanted Karl to progress his little plot for what it was worth.

"Gerroff," Simon squealed and I assumed the undressing had begun. I picked up my working camera and checked it out and walked to the door.

In the Studio Simon was lounging in a pair of bright red speedos clearly made for a boy much smaller, given that he was showing bulky, far bulkier than I expected and Karl was standing there with a smug grin on his face. I think my junior partner had got his flash and from the giggling maybe a feel front or back. Simon was looking a bit flushed but I got him sat on a tall kitchen stool and gave him time to relax.

"'Open your legs, Simon. Show us the assets."

He opened his legs and tried to decide where to put his hands. In the end we got there and I snapped a couple of rubbish poses and then moved on for some closeups. He was a fuckin' vision and that's not to put Karl down. They were both beauties in their own way. I had called Simon lanky but he wasn't, he just wasn't as well built as my little tough guy, Karl. His skin was flawless, not a scar, mole or birthmark to be seen. His longish blond hair was in no particular style, just scruffy and I was determined to get him to a barber before any quality shots 3; just for a tidy you understand.

"Turn around and lean on the stool 3; a couple of bottom shots." I ordered.

"Cheeky," he giggled but turned and assumed the position. To the right Karl rolled his eyes up demonstrating lust I imagine.

"Relax your bum, you look like you're trying to keep Karl out."

"I am," he giggled again but his cheeks filled out as he relaxed his pose.

"Thanks for that," Karl growled as he wandered around keeping out of the way.

"You know you want it," Simon retorted cheekily and Karl flashed me a smile. Things were looking up. Then again, the blond boy had a beautiful bum, a real ten year old's bottom on a fourteen year old's body and his front dangly bit, that was something for later and I think Karl was going to get to it before the day was out.

"How old's Jimmy by the way, anyone know?"

"Fourteen," Simon spoke. "He's in my class at school."

"Peter fancies him," Karl had to say it. I flashed him a murderous look but he blithely smiled back and Simon laughed.

"He's easy," he said rather surprisingly."

I didn't have to say anything, Karl jumped in as usual. "How do you know, Sy?"

"I know lot's," Simon grinned and turned around when I told him.

"Shirt off and jeans if you want," I looked at Karl and he smiled back. What would he do. I might have known, he tugged his shirt off and promptly dropped his jeans standing there in his skimpies which I seemed to recognise as part of my posing gear collection. He moved into Simon and draped an arm around the blond's shoulder. Simon tried to pull away but he had no chance, Karl was a strong little bugger and Simon gave in smirking at Karl who was the slightly shorter boy.

"Just a couple, strike some poses," I asked and yet again Karl took the lead. He wrapped his arms around Simon and backed the taller boy to the camera placing one hand on each cheek. I heard Simon mutter something and Karl chuckled. "Turn it around, kids," They did and the pose was exactly the same only the skin colour differed. Simon's hands were firmly clasping Karl's tight buttocks. "OK, that'll do."

I pretended not to perv them as they parted but I did to be rewarded by the sight of two teenagers in tight briefs and both semi erect at the very least. The belly to belly pose had done the trick. "Use the other room if you want to," I spoke to Karl as Simon just looked plain embarassed.

Karl looked at me, looked at Simon and then took his pal's hand. "Come on," he croaked. It was one of those nubs, a crux or whatever you call it but Simon hestiated for only a moment and then allowed himself to be dragged into the other studio, I left them to it. Boys will be boys after all and Karl and I had a pact. What he got, I got as seconds and vice versa 3; I couldn't wait.

I sat in the office and plugged the camera into my PC and had a look at them on my 19 inch monitor. Just to be flash I had the next size up but couldn't get used to it. The 19 was just right. Anyway, in glorious technicolour they weren't bad. In fact, they were bloody good and from the shape and outline Simon was no midget in the meat department. He must have been around the same size as Karl penis-wise and I wondered how they were getting on but that was Karl's problem right now. There's been no hollering and shrieking so things must be alright.

I relaxed with a cup of tea going through the pictures. A couple of duff ones but in the main good enough to post down to Lewes for an opinion although I'd made my mind up. If he was willing, blond Simon was my second star. It just left Jimmy and if things went well I might get a sighting of him tonight. If not there were other boys around but I had the hots for young Jim, that was the main thing. I know he was a mini lout but he was so cuddly I got hard thinking about what he'd be like naked or even semi naked.

"Daydreaming," Karl observed as he came into the office fully dressed with Simon looking rather sheepish following on.

"Alright lads?"

"Yeah, I sucked him dry," Karl grinned.

"Aw 3; Jesus" Simon wailed and went bright red.

"Well, I did," Karl insisted. "Wanna Coke?"

"How were the pictures?" Simon asked nervously keeping clear water between him and Karl. I had a mental giggle, Karl had said it all, he'd scored and unless Simon had a change of heart things would progress from here on.

"Fine. Well, better than that 3; good," I moved over and clicked the mouse, the screensaver faded and the thumbnails appeared. "You know how to enlarge?"

"Yeah," Simon plonked himself down on the swivel and Karl looked over his shoulder.

"Christ, you look so suckable," Karl babbled and squeezed Simon's shoulder.

"Shurrup," Simon giggled. "You done that already," he flashed me a glance over his shoulder and quickly turned back to the screen.

"Here you and Simon have something to eat and a drink later," I handed Karl a score.

"Nah," Karl tried to hand it back. "I got paid on the stall anyway."

"Keep it. I want a yes or no from both you and Simon on my CD project before the end of the week."

"I'm OK, you know that." Karl grinned.

"I'll have a go," Simon looked at me again. "I'm pretty tasty," he grinned.

"You are," I agreed which got me an old fashioned look or that's what they used to call it. No doubt Karl would put him in the picture later. Karl was clearly pressing his own agenda but trying to keep me in the picture as well to get all complicated over a straight seduction. "I've got Jim coming up with a late supper around half seven and I'm going to ask him to be the third star."

"Really?" Simon smiled.

"Why not, he's a local boy and then I'll have three models with totally different looks 3; dead handy for going out into the country for outside shots. Even going down to Lewes to meet my mates and have a look at his set up."

"Great," Simon grinned. Karl didn't say anything, he just nodded, he'd heard it all before.

"Come on, Sweetnuts," Karl finally stood. "We need to make a move."

"Shurrup," Simon snarled but failed to blush this time. He got to his feet and wished me luck with Jim which I could take whichever way I wished and after a rowdy farewell they were on their way. I did get a promise to do some more solos on the coming Saturday and I was done. It was tidy up time, a time to zip the pictures and EMail them to Lewes and maybe have an afternoon nap. I had a quiet week and an even quieter weekend so I could press on with my pet projects 3; first in my sights was Jim's evening call. I was on my own there so it was a matter of fingers crossed and just hoping he was as free and easy as Karl had said.

I flopped out up in my flat and dozed for a couple of hours getting up just after six and having a nice shower. Downstairs in the office I opened my EMails to find some enquiries, an itinery for further calalogue work which I'd been waiting for and last but not least a message from Lewes. "Karl as always dishy. Simon perfecto 3; try some nudes'. I smiled, all was well and I was on my way. Two CDs more or less confirmed or endorsed would be a better word and now for Jim, Jimbo or Jimmy 3; I'd have to ask him which he preferred.

The evening was warm and I opened the casement windows to let a breeze through the place. The market was running late and I sat there just watching the activity below. I saw Jim come out of the chippy with a carrier bag and ducked back in before he saw me. I didn't want to seem too keen and I wondered if Karl had done as asked, I'd completely forgotten to ask him. I realise I've got this bit arse about face but what I had done was to ask Karl to mention posing to Jim, just gently, nothing heavy. Still, no matter, the buzzer sounded off and I did my usual once I heard Jim's feet on the stairs I switched the system off 3; no interruptions tonight, thank you very much.

He came into the office seeming completely at ease and just stood there with a slight smile on his face. "Where we eating, Peter?" I thought that was a pretty dumb question as I'd laid a cloth and cutlery on my office table after putting everything else on the floor but I've got to come straight and admit I fancied his body not his brain.

"Here'll do. We can eat from the wrapping, it saves washing up."

"I'll vote for that," he got out the two packets and a large sized Pepsi instead of Cokes but no matter, I preferred Pepsi anyway. "Rock for you and cod for me," he handed my packet over and we sat to eat. We ate in companionable silence for a while and he ate like a wolf as a matter of complete disinterest. It wasn't until we both sat back with bloated bellies that he spoke again. "Karl said you might have a proposition for me." He gave a slight smile but seemed willing enough.

"Yeah, I have." For once I was a bit flustered, Karl could have said anything, I wouldn't have put it past him to tell the kid I fancied his arse.

"Posing," Karl said," he prompted at me and smiled seeming to sense my nervousness. "And whatnot."


"Yeah," he laughed. "Whatever goes with the modelling."

Now I was completely lost. What had that idiot Karl said and what hadn't he? Jim seemed to find the situation amusing but then again it was the end of his day and he didn't seem too worried about being alone with me, as I've said, he seemed totally self confident for a bloody fourteen year old schoolkid.

I went for the speech. "I want three models to do a lot of solo posing for me of the pinup type. I need around a hundred pictures at least and have two of my main line models already, Karl and Simon. Are you interested? Oh, yeah. I do pay modelling fees." There you go, it all sounded a bit lame but I'd managed to get it out.

"Yeah, that's what Karl said roughly," he took a sip at his Pepsi. "He said you had some typical stuff on your computer 3;"

"I have. In fact I did some of Karl and Simon lunchtime just as Simon's debut sorta thing."

"Nudes?" He asked casually standing behind me as I flashed up the computer.

"Not for these discs," I answered just as casually and patted the swivel for him to sit down which he did.

"Don't you do nudes? I thought all photographers did nudes."

"I only do them privately." I answered a bit shortly but he wouldn't let go.

"Bet you've done some of Karl."

"I bet I have," I laughed and pulling up one of the dining chairs sat alongside him and showed him Karl's master file and these were all decent, basically catalogue shots with a few light and shadow efforts. I then showed him the ones of Simon and then Simon and Karl mucking around.

"Dirty girls," he giggled. "They've got hardons or nearly hardons," he focussed on the final shot and he was right.

"Boys will be boys," I answered tritely and moved in closer until our knees were touching.

"Yeah," he croaked. "What about Karly in his birthday suit?"

I got the memory stick out which was Karl's personal stuff and did the click bit opening up the first file. "Karl Art," I whispered watching him closely albeit from the side for any reaction.

"Wow," he ogled as I enlarged each small picture and then showed him how to do it.

"You can enlage them if you get the picture full size and then click the plus on the bottom row there," I pointed out what I was talking about. Naturally enough he did a couple of blowups and these were full frontals. He seemed entranced by Karl's equipment, it seemed Karl had another fan and boded well for my Prince Coco scenario.

"He's big for a fifteen year old," he muttered. "He's nearly hard in that one 3; betcha got some of Karly really, really hard," he gave me a sideways glance.

"I might have," I seized the chance. "Mind you if I showed you he'd want to see some sort of return."

"What? Me nude?" He giggled and opened his legs slightly easing himself and I suppose it was then I knew I was on a winner. God, kids do like to see themselves on the silver screen or monitors nowadays.

"Yeah, why not. If you work with Karl and Simon you're bound to see them in the bollocky buff sooner or later."

"Well, we're all mates sorta thing," he grinned. "Come on show me Karl with a stiffy and you can take a couple of me for fun."

An offer I couldn't refuse and I went to the final file. No studio here or even the 'exotic' studio, these were Karl in my bed. I clicked File Five and let him loose.

"There's loads," he squealed and started rooting through them until he found a couple he liked. "He's wanking," he hissed. "Who's bed is he in?" He asked.


"Should have known," he laughed quite happy that in a mere half an hour or so we'd gone from more or less strangers to sharing nudes and porny nudes of another boy just like that. "Hey 3;"


"Is that what I think it is?" He enlarged the picture in question and then again. "Dirty bugger ," he peered at the picture. "He's cum all over his belly 3; in your bed as well," he cackled.

"Yeah 3; one of those nights," I sighed trying to sound casual and failing miserably.

"Good pictures," he stretched back moving the swivel and glancing down I could see the bulge in his faded jeans. "You said the posing was sorta solo. No teaming up in pairs or anything ."

"Oh yeah but the singles first and the pairs later, when you get to know each other better."

"Could be fun," he grinned and gave just the slighest of pelvic thrusts to make sure that I saw his package. I had him now and there was no hurry.

"Well, if you like Karl and you like Simon, the sky's the limit."

"Well, I like you as well," he faced me and gave me a broad smile. "You gotta get on with the govenor after all."

"You don't have to." I gave him a last chance.

"What if I want to?" He murmured.

"How long can you stay?"

"At last," he laughed gleefully and spun the swivel full circle and returned to face me. His hardness wasn't all that obvious but it was there, the heavy material of his jeans must have kept it in check. "You inviting me to stay?"

"Yeah, I am."

"I could stay the night," he said coyly like a little girl. "Unless you're expecting Karl back."

"Karl doesn't overnight here 3; yet."

"He over-afternoons though," he giggled again. "You haven't answered the question 3; you want to play around or get married for a night."

"I'd like to get married for the night but how much will it cost me?" There you go, I'd finally got around to being blunt at long last.

"Won't cost you anything," he grinned and stood with his jean clad groin level with my eyes. "I only charge wankers and if you're going to put me onto Karl and Simon that makes you family just about."

"Good," I reached around and clasped his jean clad bottom pulling his groin to my face. I could feel the heat from his crotch and the hardness within.

"Fancy a drink?" I know, he was underage but this was the UK in the twenty first century and all the stall kids liked the odd drink here and there, it made them feel grownup. At least the 'market boys' as they were known collectively didn't run in a pack like feral kids on some of the sink estates, they worked, they eared some money and they spent it on silly things as kids do.

"Something stronger than Pepsi," he grinned and pressed himself into my face as I nuzzled at him.



I grabbed my camera and took him upstairs, as far as I was concerned he was primed and ready for action. The chat had been a bit cumbersone but we'd got there in the end. "Do you know a Denis Wheeler, I think he's fourteen or fifteen?"

"A blond kid," he said. "He's thirteen as it happens and in the class below Simon and myself. Why?"

"His dad phoned up and put him up for the evening cleaning job I advertised. Light work, blah, blah. Two hours a night and all the usual." I led Jim into my kitchen and sorted him out a drink just to relax you understand.

"Didn't know you were advertising," Jim remarked.

"Yeah, I got pissed off running around with a hoover and dusters at the end of each day. I advertised and this Wheeler guy phoned up and fronted up his son."

"Wheeler runs the newsagent right down the other end of the Northcote so Denis won't have far to come. I dunno how long he'll last with you though."

"Why's that?"

"Cos he's a bloody dish that's why. He's fucking gorgeous and half my class have been trying to get inside his knickers. I think he has a buddy, a close buddy if you know what I mean."

"Ah," I smiled down at him as he sat at the kitchen table. "Something to ogle but not to touch maybe."

"You're right there," he grinned and took a long swig at the blue bottle. "Love this stuff 3; it relaxes me."

"Good," I stood behind him and placing my hands on his shoulders bent over and brushed my lips across his smooth cheek. To my delight he turned his head slightly and as I kissed him lightly on the lips, he responded with a feather light kiss. We were on our way.

"Nice," he whispered and I felt his hand slip up the inside of my leg and cup my balls. "Nicer," he giggled.

"Come on, lets see what you've got ," I waggled the camera and then uncapped a bottle for him to take to my bedroom.

"A hardon is what I've got," he laughed and clutching his bottle followed me. Once again his self confidence struck me, he just wasn't worried. he seemed eager to be getting on with it. A true professional I thought considering the rigmarole I went through with Karl. Mind you, Karl was worth the long chase, Karl was my lover, Jim was just a bit of an adventure and Jim like the others had his own agenda. It was beginning to look like they all wanted each other in varying degrees and my place was where it was going to happen. I was beginning to feel like a Fagin or maybe an Eminence Gris behind the scenes manipulating everyone. The trouble was with this lot I wasn't too sure who was manipulating or using who or is it whom?. Come to think of it, I didn't really care, I liked boys around me and now I had them.

I had long term projects in mind and if their first CDs were popular 3; Well, Jo in Lewes had said that he'd had Anthony and his younger brother for two years now and they were both going strong. In fact, Anthony, the oldest of the bunch now acted as an assistant full time, he drove, he recruited and he took pictures 3; and reading between the lines he seemed to be Jo's regular boyfriend.

"How do you want me to do it?" Jim grinned quite happily and peered through the curtains onto the market below. "Those stalls leave a right mess," he commented.

"Maybe a couple of you in your underwear by the window, a couple in the bed with underwear again and then a bit of a striptease and then we'll play it by ear."

"We'll snuggle you mean," he grinned and putting the bottle down started to tug his shirt off. "Woops, gotta make a phone call."

"Go on," I pointed to the phone by the bed. "I'll leave you to it."

"No matter." He sat on the edge of the bed and made his call. It was so easy. He told his mother he was staying overnight with a pal called Sam and that was it. No questions from the other end and no hassle. Just one curt message and he put the phone down, a pretty weird family even by today's standards but at least he'd set their minds at rest. "All done," he exclaimed brightly and tugged his trainers and socks of. "Ta da, da da," he made a trumpeting noise and slowly peeled his jeans down and stood bare legged and then tugged his shirt off. He was indeed gorgeous, slim and nicely tanned and all boy. I noticed the bulge in his briefs, I could hardly miss it and he was a big little lad, exceptionally big I should add and when he did a one eighty I nearly went into instant dribble at the sight of his tight little bottom contained within the the thin cotton briefs. "You like?" He assumed a muscle man pose.

"Very much," I smiled. "Look sensual for me."

"How do I do that, waggle it?"

"No 3; sensual, not sexy. Look smouldering, look like you've just had it or just going to have it."

"Just going to have it," he smiled and then did the look and he was damn good.

"Hands flat on belly, fingers splayed and just touching. Shoulders slumped, a little smile and push your hips out 3; sorta "take me I'm yours" pose."

"OK," he did it and threw is a smouldering or sultry look,he was a quick learner and a photographer's dream. From there we went onto the bed and I did a few of him hooking the waistband of his briefs down displaying his dark fuzz and then a gradual removal. I was right about his boyhood, a year younger than Karl but he was his equal in size which made him physically larger than the much taller Simon. This little boy was almost manlike where it counter. His scrotum was hairless but his pubics were in a tight nest and almost black against his hair which was a mid brown tending towards the dark which went with his skin colouring which I suppose I'd call sallow although that never sounds very nice. Nice to look at but not nice to say, odd word.

I took a couple of him laying there nude and got him to turn over and took a couple of his beautiful bum and then lost it. I put my camera down and knelt on the bed and kissed his flawless bottom. "Boootiful."

"About time," he rolled over. "You're kissing the wrong bit 3; for the moment," he made a little pelvic thrust and I held his warm hardness and nuzzled at his smoothy scrotum and then took his quite meaty eggs into my mouth gently letting them slip from one side to the other. "That's better," he sighed. "Get undressed, I wanna see what Karl's so hot about." I let that go although the comment gave my ego a bit of a boost.

"It's nearly dark," I said drawing the curtains and dimming the lights. "Music?"

"Go on," he grinned and did a sexy squirm on the bed. "Romance me."

I put on a Dido CD which I normally consider music to commit suicide by but I like it and he sighed and stretched out on the bed like a cat 3; a schooly pussy with a very big dick for his age and size. I quickly shed my clothing and fully naked knelt on the bed by him and slowly lay with him taking his warm body into my arms. "Romantic," I whispered and kissed him on the lips this time fully and passionately. He returned it with animalistic passion forcing his flickering tongue into my mouth and rubbing his hardness against mine as we moved belly to belly.

"Now this is romantic," he husked as he wrapped his thin legs around me and humped his boyhood against my groin. We must have both been on heat as we were both as hard as rocks and I could feel the smear of precum as we dry shagged against each other. "You've got a nice arse," he muttered less than romantically as he handled my buttocks binding us in together even more tightly.

"Mmmm 3;" I didn't bother answering him I just rolled him onto his side and shuffled him around in the bed so that we were nose to tail. Getting comfortable I suckled on his belly and took a couple of quick swipes of his jerking hardness with my tongue. He grasped mine and matched me step for step and when I sank my mouth over his twitching cock he swallowed my glans and sucked on it like a lolly.

He wasn't as good at a blow as Karl but Karl knew me and he knew what I liked, at least Jim was trying and I gave him my best shot taking him right down my throat until my nose was in his crisp pubes. He moaned and pumped away still sucking me and getting more and more of my cock down his throat. I think he was trying to deepthroat but I let him get on with it, I was more interested in tasting his boy spunk for the very first time and then taking his tight little bum. I was pretty certain he'd want a go at me later but I didn't care, if I could handle Karl I could handle Jim.

"Try it this way," Jim finally struggled free and manhandled me to laying flat on the bed with my head on the pillows. I went with it just to see what he had in mind. He knelt astride my chest and poked his fully engorged erection at my face with it's swollen glans gleaming. He gave my own hardness a few rubs with his bottom and I realised what he had in mind. "Got any starters?"

I handed the tube from under the pillow and as he fed his cock into my mouth he uncapped the blue tube and I felt him reach under himself very obviously annointing his ring. He continued to fuck my face and then reached back giving the end of my jerking cock a swift swipe with the clear gel, after that he moved faster in my mouth and went for his climax. I suppose the style was a little different to Karl's but the end result was the same.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Jim chanted as he moved faster. I jiggled his ballsac and it was tight and hard upto his groin. "I'm cuming 3;" he wailed and my mouth was suddenly full of his sweet slime. He gasped and pulled free before he choked me and another splat squirted across my face as I brought his jerking cock down to my lips and greedily sucked the remainder of his tasty boy juice. He fell on me as I then clasped his smooth and slightly sweaty buttocks. "Whew 3; that was wicked," he said and bent to kiss me as he did his bottom moved down and brushed against my pre-oiled hardon. "Hold it steady," he muttered.

I did as he asked although I thought he might call it off half way but he didn't. He located his ring on my glans and screwing his eyes shut dropped suddenly. This time I gasped as I felt his tight ring on my cock's end and then it was around me as he took me in, in a sudden jerk.

"Jesus," he moaned but didn't give up. As I held his hips steady he began to move up and down absorbing more and more of me as he lowered his body. He was determined and I saw tears at the corner of his eyes but he wouldn't give up as my big dick filled his tiny hole. "Yeah 3;" he sighed and grinned down at me. "Your turn," he squeezed on me with a manic grin and I started to fuck upwards into his delicious heat and tightness. We got there in the end and his soft bottom settled on my groin and crushed into my pubics but he had said it was my turn. Keeping deep inside him I rolled us onto our sides making him yelp and then rolled again so that he was under me and I was now pinning him to the bed with my swollen and very hard cock.

"That's better," I ducked my head to kiss and we maintained the tongue on tongue as I started to move inside his hot gut.

"Yeah, yeah," he started again. "Harder, Pete."

I still kept it slow but pulled out most of my length before sliding it back into the hilt and he went mad, squirming and tugging on my body to keep me in. Amazingly enough he'd gained an instant hardon himself and was wanking furiously as I rammed and shafted into his soft pussy.

"Oooh, love that big cock," he slurred and stared into my eyes. "Fuck me hard, Pete. Fuck me senseless." Great, apart from a blinding fuck he was a dirty talker as well 3; ah well, it takes all sorts and I was happy to obey. I absolutely hammered the arse off him and he loved it. His legs clamped around me and his arms went around my neck as I shagged my heart out.

In the end I was sliding in and out of his battered boy pussy like a well oiled steel piston and when I cum it was a better than average let's put it that way. As I jerked and throbbed inside him he moaned and crushed me with his legs as I voided an enormous spunk deep into his gut. Right at the endgame I was drawing it out of him and my cum finished as a mess between my pubics and his tautly stretched ring. As I slipped free I watched as his gaping hole slowly closed. I slipped his legs off my back but kept them bent so that his knees were up and his feet flat on the bed. He gently ruffled my hair as I removed his hand from his cock and took it into my mouth again.

It took time and in the end he was knackered but before he gave me a satisfied grin he'd cum again a few warm splashes into my mouth but he was happy with himself.

"Dirty boy," he smiled as I kissed him trickling his own juices into his mouth. "I taste nice," he giggled.


We covered up and slept after that. I had a lot to report to Karl and hoped he had some progress to report to me. As an afterthought, Saturday should be fun as well.

Chapter 3

I was awake at the crack of dawn which was routine for me. The market boys started getting the stalls out from their various hideaways around seven and then they set up for trade by eight. God knows why as no one shopped until ten o'clcock at the earliest but I think it was some sort of tradition or habit. Bloody annoying but the one consolation was that there was no market on a Sunday and you could have a good lie in. Unfortunately, this wasn't a Sunday so I crept from bed leaving Jimmy snoozing away and looked out of the window down onto the early morning activity. Karl was more or less opposite doing his stuff and Simon was a couple of stalls down.

I returned to bed after quickly cleaning my teeth and having a pee, I had no intention of getting up just yet and probably not for a couple of hours, I snuggled upto Jimmy and thought of our night together. Our first session had been a bit frantic and rough to be blunt but the second around two in the morning had been nice and laid back. Good sex and we both made it last, Jimmy was a natural which is an odd thing to say but for a kid he was a damn good bottom and a good top as well, a very versatile boy. I kissed him on the neck under his scruffy hair and snuggled my early morning stiffy up into his crack.

"I'm full up," he giggled into the pillow.

"Didn't know you were awake," I whispered reaching around him feeling for it, sure enough his spike was spikey, he had an early morning glory as well as I had.

"Jeez, the noise they make," he grouched and slipped from the bed. He made a dash for the bathroom but was back in five minutes and immediately jumped back in and cuddled upto me. "You gonna put in a good word to Karl and Simon for me."

"Of course."

"Tell 'em 3; sorta diplomatically that I'd like to get it on with them both. You know just drop some heavy hints."

"Well, I will with Karl because we're close and I'll let him tell Sy."

"Fair enough," he looked at me and grinned. "Perhaps you, me and your boy Karl. I'll go in the middle."

"Seven thirty tonight," I agreed without even thinking. "If I can't get Karl I'll be here."

"Great. I got up and washed my bits earlier," he blushed a bit and lay on his back. "If you're interested that is."

"Yeah." I leant over and kissed him. He'd also used and abused my toothbrush, I could smell the mint of the Macleans. He grabbed my neck holding me in and we more or less took up where we'd finished up around two in the morning. He was a healthy boy and I was a randy young man so we were soon right back into it again.

Two slow and lazy joinings later we managed to totter from the bed into the shower. It was good fun and we went for wheaties, boiled eggs and toast, nothing fancy but enough to keep the body ticking over. After that Jimmy decided he had to go home for a courtesy call as far as I could determine and then he'd go and do his stint in the chippy. I confirmed that our meeting with Karl was a runner for the evening and he agreed with a smirk. I wasn't too sure how Karl was going to react but shortly after Jimmy left I peered through the blinds and there they were in deep conversation on Karl's stall. They parted after a short while so it seemed Jimmy had jumped the gun and he'd done his own organising. I had to shoot down for food later so I decided to let it go for awhile, I could check out Karl later.

For the moment I downloaded Jimmy's pictures into a zip and EMailed them down to Jo at Lewes and fortunately I got an instant response by phone.

Jo was over the moon and apparently so was Lorenzo, Jimmy had struck a chord, a bell, a nerve. Anyway, he'd struck something and I reckon it was the pictures of him rolling around on my bed that did the trick. Jo thoroughly approved of my choice of three as superstars or my stable to be more down to earth and that was it. I was off and running. I sat there and drafted out a running order. for each disc. All decent, all clothed although minimally say thirty in the studio, another thirty with different kit, thirty in the 'Eastern' studio and then maybe ten with a companion. A slight variation from Jo's which tended to be fifty and fifty and which could get a bit boring. I could, of course, do some in the kitchen and lounge just for the sake of variety. I spent some time sorting out a running order and once I was done it was set in stone. All three the same and the sooner started the better. I needed to get to the cash machine and get some dosh sorted out. I had no business on other than replying to mail and then I realised I had the boy from down the road was due for his interview mid afternoon 3; bloody good job I remembered with all the other boys coming online to grab a phrase. I must remember this one was definitely 'no gropey' otherwise I could be in trouble. Still a cool cat can look at a queen can't he? No suggestion there that Denis was anything more than a schooly trying to earn a few bob on the side but one never knew one's luck.

I popped over and saw Karl and Simon and made sure they were alright for twelve thirty the following day for the big shoot. Karl told me once Simon had gone to serve someone that he'd 'nearly scored' with Simon the previous night whatever that meant and that he would be up to meet with Jimmy and myself later on in the day. After that I popped in the fish and chip shop and paid for the evening meals to be delivered and then went a bit down the road for luch in a small restaurant which amazingly enough did English meals. A bit of a one off with all the Kebab, Chinky and Curry joints around 3; probably one of a dying breed I suppose. After that it was back to the flat and studio to await Denis Wheeler my prospective part time cleaner.

He arrived promptly at two and I fell in love. I mean it, he was a bloody vision and I could appreciate Jimmy's remarks. This kid was eye candy with a capital EK. I nearly fell over my own drool as he walked nervously into the office and I sat him down by by my desk. He was fair haired, nearly blond I suppose you'd say, regular features but so handsome, verging on pretty but all boy all the same. He was quite tall and about the same as Simon (I have a hell of a job with people's heights). In fact, he and Simon could have been brothers but Simon was butcher even if a girl from what Karl had said. Denis was dressed for school meaning that he didn't have shorts and t-shirts on like the others, he had a white school shirt with dark trousers although the shirt was open halfway down his chest giving a tantalising display of smooth skin. Nothing to show crotchwise but he did have loose trousers on and not everyone walked around half hard all the time like my sex muppets.

"I hear you're thirteen, Denis?"

"Fourteen next week. Who told you I was thirteen?"

"Your dad did," I smiled trying to make him feel at ease as he was clearly uncomfortable. Maybe he thought I was going to jump his bones and the thought had crossed my mind. "The job 3;" I pressed on. "Evening cleaning, just hoovering and dusting, the staircase, this office, the studio there and that one there," I pointed out the open studio and the closed 'Eastern'. "The kitchen and the bathroom. Two hours a night and maybe a clean upstairs Saturday morning but that's an optional if you want an extra score."

"Uh, uh."

"Five nights a week at four pounds a night plus Saturday morning for the extra twenty if you want it. You could displace Saturday to Sunday if you have things to do, you only live down the road after all. Interested?"

"Yeah," he nodded shyly.

"I'll show you around," I gave him a quick tour of the two studios and showed him the kitchen and bathroom, I didn't bother with the flat upstairs as that was on a suck it and see basis. I'd see how he settled down first. If he was a piss taker I'd soon get rid him although it would hurt, he was so damned gorgeous I couldn't stop looking at him. "I'd pay you Friday or leave it on my desk if I'm not here."

"Right," he was eyeballing the panty shots of some of the catalogue boys.

"Your way into modelling," I grinned.

"Dunno about that," he blushed a bit.

"Two hours may not seem a lot and you might struggle for the first couple of days but it's an easy one. For starters the place doesn't get all that dirty, the kitchen is rarely used down here and I make sure the models don't throw crap around."

"Yeah, fine," he laughed. "I'd like to give it a go."

"What time?" I asked. "Five, six or later but it must be in the evening."

"Five," he answered after thinking about it. "What if you're not here?"

"Easy," I handed him a key. "First run tonight? You can decided it you want to do the Saturday bonus bit later on."

"I'll do it," he eagerly grabbed the extra work. "Tomorrow?"

"OK, all fixed," I stood to see him off. "I'll see you tonight and show you where all the stuff is and I'll look forward to seeing my workshop level a bit tidier tomorrow."

"You will," he agreed with a grin and he was off. Excellent, I had a cleaner and a dishy one at that.

I looked at my computer and wondered for a moment. I knew kids used computers a lot at school but I'd never had a schooly running around my studio or office unattended before. I didn't use a password now as I'd deleted it for Karl and even my catalogue boys if they wished to view themselves but perhaps it was time I did 3; then again! If Denis wanted to peep at my boys posing why not? It might give him a few ideas, naked flesh and all that baloney. Of course, nothing personal or even 'naughty' was on the computer, that sort of stuff was on memory sticks. He was nice and I'd quite happily take him on as a number four on the pinup front at least.

I could see why Jimmy said he had admirers at school and I wondered idly who his mate was, the one Jimmy had mentioned. I'd find out, everything comes to he who waits of so they say. It doesn't seem to work with the local buses but there you go.

I did some paperwork and paid some bills. I had a good cash flow at the moment so didn't begrudge that little task. A small investment on the three boys in my 'stable' and I'd be off and running. I did a bit of costing and decided to press on full speed. I had Karl and Jimmy up for supper although Karl would be up first but I knew how to amuse him. Better still, I could start on his disc, his first CD, the sooner started the sooner finished I suppose. I also had my cleaner Denis due so I'd better keep it all decent and above board for the evening or at least until he had gone.

I looked at the computer and wondered how much he knew about them and if he'd be a snoop. Well, of course he would, he was a bloody teenager but I'd set a trap. First of all I needed to chat to Jimmy, I didn't want to make a complete cockup.

As these things happen Denis and Karl arrived at the same time and I let Karl make coffee in the kitchen and repeated what I wanted doing to Denis and showed him where the cleaning gear was stashed.

"Karl is doing some modelling tonight but just run the hoover around, ignore us. Have you decided on a time Saturday?"

"Yeah, a bit of a problem there, Mr Cope. My dad wants me to do some stuff in the morning but I could come around a bit later, midday say."

"Yeah, fine Denis. Say twelve thirty," I looked at him and this time he was even sweeter, he had a grubby t-shirt on and cut off jeans pretty much the same as Karl, he looked even tastier than he had earlier. Karl and he clearly knew each other so there was no embarassment when Karl (being a Christian) brought out three mugs of coffee when I'd intended only two. We sat around my desk and chatted about the market and trade down on the street which was always safe especially with Karl's outlook on some of his customers. They're really love to hear what he had to say behind their backs. In the end Denis got going and Karl gave me the old raised eyebrows.

"You want to do a block of stuff in underwear until Denis's gone," I kept my voice down.

"God, he's a dish," he grinned. "I've only seen him a few times but close up he's a darling," he made a lewd wanking motion with his hand. "Suck and fuck as you say, Mr Cope," he added mockingly.

"Indeed," I laughed. "Come on, pick some knickers a size too small but nothing too outrageous.' I raised my voice as the hoover had started up. "Fifteen playing around with the tall stool and fifteen rolling around on the paper and for God's sake smile and look sexy."

"Gotcha, Boss," he grinned. "Missed a bit," he called over to Denis which put the boy in a panic until I told him to ignore Karl. Denis must have been trying to prove something as he was whizzing around like a bloody tornado but it sure saved me a job 3; and he was good to look at.

"Hoi, you're supposed to be taking pictures of me. Bossman." Woops, Karl was ready. "Get on with your work and stop peeping," he yelled to Denis who red faced started pushing the hoover around like a maniac again. Well, it was a start and I wondered how Denis was going to react tomorrow when I had three of the boys up here. One of them had to say something out of order.

I concentrated on Karl, I couldn't sit and watch Denis for two hours much as I may have liked. Karl had selected well, he had bright yellow briefs and they were indeed too small but they outlined his fat cock and his tight bottom to perfection, the canary yellow tighties set off his natural brown skin as a bonus. He started to run through poses that we'd done in the past. Rolling around on the backing paper wasn't one we'd done before but he took to it well and all the time I could feel Denis' eyes on us. I finally took Karl into the 'eastern' studio just for a final ten on the bed, ten pictures that is.

"A couple on the bed and a couple by the window," I resited the tripod.

"What do you reckon?" He whispered pointing through the wall, I guess he meant Denis.

"Slowly, slowly, catchee monkey."


"An old empire saying, I laughed. "Think about it 3; here.' I beckoned him closer. "Drop some very vague hints, give him a bit of the slut, don't overdo it but plant some seeds in is mind."

"I know where I'd rather plant some seeds," he whispered back and kissed me on the cheek. I hoped he was referring to me but suspect it was the supposed virginal Denis.

"Work," I waved him onto the bed for the last couple. "And don't get bloody a hardon."

He managed to squash his thickening boyhood and I got some nice rear enders, both relaxed and clenched. A good basis for his very own CD, all I had now were the other two Saturday but I could do Karl in the bathroom and kitchen then. We came out and Denis was busy in the bathroom, the kitchen was as tidy as I needed it and I saw that he'd wiped off the surfaces and washed the mugs so he knew what it was all about, he was on his last lap. The job had taken him the best part of an hour and a half but he was paid for two and he'd had a coffee on 'my' time.

"Get some Cokes and sit in the office, I'll give Denis a shout, he's just about done."

"Shall I change?"

"No, I want to see how he acts with you sporting a half hardon."

"Shurrup," he giggled but the evil thoughts were there and I could see he was concentrating on keeping it down. As he padded to the kitchen and got some drinks I called Denis in to join us.

"Almost done, Denis or is it Den?"

"I don't mind, Mr Cope. Most of them call me Den."

"I'll call you Den and you call me Peter or Pete, all the others do. Sit down and have a Coke before you finish off."

"Cheers," he sat and I could see he was trying hard not to ogle Karl but Karl was sitting there in his yellow briefs well 'lumped up' as he would call it and I had trouble keeping my eyes of his slender brown body myself.

"I might have a couple of others up here tomorrow," I decided to warn him. "Mates of yours maybe, can you handle that?"

"Yeah," he finally grinned at Karl not me I noted. "I'll be upstairs anyway, who are they?"

"Simon on the stalls and Jimmy who works in the chippy."

"Ah, I know them."

"One thing, Denis. I don't want you gossiping about who works for me and who doesn't. You OK with that."

"Yeah," my dad said I had to keep my mouth shut about what I saw in here."

"Did he?" I was a bit taken aback. God knows what Wheeler Senior thought I was upto.

"He probably thinks we're doing porn," Karl supplied as only he would. Denis flushed but laughed a little.

"I like the briefs," he said to Karl which was exactly the wrong thing to say. My Karl was an exhibitionist and he loved his body even more than I did. He immediately struck a Charles Atlas pose (remember him) and then turned around repeating the performance flashing his tight little arse in the abbreviated garment.

"Wow, you're muscular," Denis almost drooled at my petite cabbage, that's spoken with a French accent and means my Karl by the way.

"You wait until you see the three of us tomorrow," Karl grinned. "We might give you something to look at in the flesh," he dropped his words at the end and Denis went as red as a tomato.

"Lay off, Karl. You're embarassing Den."

"Sorry," Karl sat down. "Sorry, Denis."

"No probs," Denis excused himself to finish off and I could feel a change in the air. Karl had tried a little flirt but I don't think Denis was ready for that yet. He would be given time of that I was sure but not right now. Maybe with three of them milling around tomorrow he might come out of his shell a bit but we'd have to wait for that one. I said goodnight to him shortly after that and on his way home he'd probably pass young Jimmy, I wondered if they'd chat but sod it, if they traded gossip so be it.

"I'd like to try you and Jimmy in a sort of rehearsal for the Prince Coco Project later on if you've got time.

"Yeah?" He grinned. "Jimmy all over me and me nudey."

"Yes, I'd like to see how he handles it when I ask him to suck your dick."

"That should be a laugh," he grinned. "Pity I can't stay the night."

"Pity he can't either," I laughed. "Still, if we play it cool tomorrow we can split up after the picture taking and do stuff," I glanced at him. "Fancy your own bed with your mate Simon?"

"Very much," he giggled. "We nearly did it the other night but we couldn't find anywhere private enough. He's hot for me 3; and I'm bloody hot for his pure white arse. Grrrr!"

"So be it," I laughed.

"What's Jimmy like, is he a goer?"

"Like a rabbit, both ways."

"Excellent." Karl almost purred and I couldn't help but notice the big brown one was growing. Prince Coco could be fun for my two stars at least.

It was shortly after that that Jimmy rolled up with the supper and I laid the cloth on my desk so that we could eat civilised. I was going to take them up into he flat but once up there nothing would get done. Well, nothing photographically. The dry run on Coco was just that. I wanted Karl to get used to acting a part rather than standing around like a lump and I wanted Jimmy to get used to Karl. As easy as that. I didn't forsee any problems but this was my first time with a pair of boys and I needed to get clear in my head what I was after. I mentioned it to Jimmy over the meal and he was happy enough, then again I didn't mention the fact that I was hoping he'd get his lips around Karl.

The meal was a bit of a laugh as both boys ate like they were starving, poor Jimmy seemed fixated on Karl who remained in his tight briefs all of which boded well for my little experiment. After the meal and after they cleared up I showed Jimmy the Coco 3D Sims for the first time, Karl had already seen them more than once and sat alongside watching Jimmy for reactions I would guess. Jimmy was most impressed and did a giggle when I explained he had to play the servant boy.

"The difference is that I'll extend the weird brushing scene or rather I'll replace it with you oiling Karl."

"Oiling." They both squealed like a pair of mice.

"A fine soluble oil and only on the final shoot, the kosher job." I looked at them both like a schoolmaster. "For the final shoot I want no pubics and Karl bald." There I'd said it 3; now for the shit.

"Bald," Karl squawked.

"You'll look sexy," Jimmy giggled. "Anyway, you've only got bristle now 3; it'll regrow in a couple of days."

"I'll get Derek that young barber to come up here to do it in private," I tempted him.

"Get Derek to do the pubics as well," he laughed seeming to have got over his shock.

"I'll ask." I grinned. "Not for a couple for weeks yet and if you do look sexy some 'baldies' on your CD might go down well."

"Mmmm 3; I suppose. You paying for this?"


"OK, whenever."

"Excellent." I smiled. That was a major hurdle over. "This evening I'd like Karl to wear his gold gear and the servant take it off 3; do some poses as if oiling and then I'd like to see the servant tend the Prince on the bed."

"Just like that?" Jimmy looked uncertain.

"Just like that," Karl grinned and headed for my 'eastern' studio formerly Studio Two. Jimmy followed him in and watched entranced as Karl peeled off his skimpies and began to adorn himself with the gold belt, bangles and cock ring. Finally as he fitted the crown Karl stood back and stuck a pose. "How do I look, Jimbo?"

"Bloody tasty," Jimmy burst out. "You'll look brill with a shiny head, the one on your shoulders that is," he stared very obviously at Karl's expended penis with it's dark red end doing a little peep.

"I'm not really interested in picture taking at this stage," I held my camera all the same. "But I'll take a few just to see what we get 3; wanna get your stuff off Jimmy and do this thing in shorts."

"Can I put it all on?" Jimmy seemed eager to do a full dress rehearsal. He fingered the posing pouch, the basic shorts and the baggy embroadered tabard or waistcoat.

"Yeah, go for it." I stepped back and rigged a tripod, I was more interested in how they would perform on the bed but I knew it would be OK, these two were made for each other.

Well, undressing the Prince Coco went well enough but as soon as Jimmy started to simulate speading oil on the boy prince's body everything went haywire. Prince Coco sprung an instant stiffy and from the state of Jimmy's shorts so did he and they both got the giggles which is fatal when posing. We took another Coke break whilst they calmed down and then I went for Coco laying on the bed deflated a bit by now and servant boy Jimmy disrobing down to pouch and kneeling at the prince's feet. The last picture of the 3D Series had been of the servant licking the Prince's burgeoning erection 3; from here on it was whatever script I wished to write.

"Shall I lick it?" Jimmy knelt between Karl's splayed legs. I got a beautiful shot of his little bottom bisected by the thin strap of the pouch and the knobs of his spine right upto his shoulder blades. I moved around with a handheld and got another cracker of his face inches away and his tongue protuding just about licking Karl's awakening dick.

"Get it nice and shiny," I croaked feeling myself as hard as a pipe as I moved around.

"Yeah 3;" Karl whispered as Jimmy's mouth descended on to his now upright shaft. Jimmy made a job of it, tickling and teasing Karl's swollen glans until it gleamed and starined as if it was about to burst.

"I can taste it," Jimmy murmured sexily. "A bit of precum," he ducked his head swallowing a goodly chunk of Karl's cock in one swoop.

"That's it, pictures done." I sat the camera down and leaning over hooked the elastic of Jimmy's pouch withdrawing it in one swift movement allowing his own jerking cock to spring free.

"Yeah," Karl grinned at me and began to move around on the bed under Jimmy. Karl was smart, he knew if he spun rather than Jimmy, Jimmy's tight little arse would still be facing towards me. I might have said earlier, Karl was a Christian, he liked to help others and I was his boyfriend after all.

"Oooh 3; Karly cock," Jimmy reached out and pulled Karl's hips up taking my boyfriend into his mouth as Karl in his turn raised his own head taking Jimmy's twitching meat in. They slurped and bodies tensed as they set to on a very sloppy and noisy sixty nine. These were kids, no finess just a need for their partner's slippery meat and maybe a little bit of one upmanship. Each trying to outdo each other in the suckery stakes. Karl was the first to go, groaning and thrusting I saw him erupt into Jimmy's mouth, at least, I saw the evidence as Jimmy gobbled and swallowed and then Karl's slippery hardness popped free and sprayed a streamer of meaty boy spunk over Jimmy's face.

Jimmy closed his eyes and redoubled his efforts into Karl's sucking until he too came a lesser although still a decent spray of thickening boy juice which Karl half swallowed and half allowed to spurt onto his jaw and throat. I may have forgotten to mention Karl liked it messy and he revelled in wiping his face and neck into Jimmy's belly as the younger boy rolled about half blinded with spunk and giggling like a hysteric. In the end I wiped their squirming bodies clean and took a few licks until they both grabbed me and tugged me onto the bed stripping me and attacking me with their sweet lips.

Glorious sexual confusion as Jimmy sucked and lapped at my balls and Karl did his usual excellent work on my stiff dick. I'd been so hard watching them perform that my cum was copious and swiftly splattered them both and they then crawled over me kissing and wriggling. The sensation of two boys that age willingly and without any shame romping about a bed is incredible. Two out of three of my 'stars', all I needed now was the yummy Simon and I'd get to see him naked at least tomorrow. Maybe even in a threeway, better still in a fourway of split doubles. Whichever way it cut I had my Karl and we even had another project other than Prince Coco 3; we had Denis.

It was a god evening but both the boys had to go home and I spent another solo night. The sooner I could get Karl to overnight the better but I had to respect what he wanted and for whatever reason, that's what being a boyfriend is all about, respecting each other's point of view 3; even if you didn't happen to agree with it. Mind you, I had Jimmy and he was footloose and fancy free, he was a player to be kind and to be unkind he was a slut. There you go I said it and I promised myself not to put any of my boys down, Jimmy wouldn't mind, he probably had a name for me which I wouldn't like.

I was expecting the boys around twelve thirty and by chance Denis for his Saturday cleaning so I had the morning free. On the dot of nine I went around the barbers on Battersea Rise where I usually had my trims and whatnots. I peered through the window before I went in and was lucky, young Derek Clark was by himself. Derek was the junior of three but I'd anticipated him getting lumbered with the opening up and I'd been right. Oh, yeah. Derek was 'subtely' gay which is my way of describing someone who isn't 'blatantly' gay. Derek was nineteen, he was queer but he didn't advertise and I suspect the only people who knew were his boyfriend and a few more.

"You're early, Peter," he greeted me by Christian name which shows that we weren't complete strangers.

"Hi, Del. Just a quick trim please."

I let him get started before he started to talk about football or whatever barbers drivel on about.

"Fancy a private job around my studio, Del?"

"What sort of job?" He asked cautiously.

"To shave a skinhead or near skinhead boy bald 3; and polish him up."

"You're serious?" He laughed.

"Yeah. No urgency. I just want to know I can get it done maybe one afternoon and a price of course."

"To spoil my lunch break, a score?" He looked at me in the mirror.

"It could be around five in the evening."

"No probs, still a score."

"I might have a bonus for you but this one's upto you."

"Go on," he buggered around with his clippers.

"The same boy and a pal will need their pubics shaving as well."

"What?" he nearly clipped my ear off. "What did you say?"

"I said I have a fourteen and a fifteen year old pair of boys need their pubics removing," I grinned into the glass.

"Jeez," he bent to whisper in my ear. "What happens if they perk up when I'm shaving them."

"Perhaps you'd like to deflate them, I'm sure they wouldn't mind but don't charge me."

"You gotta deal," he laughed.

"If you feel like popping around for a cuppa over your lunchbreak come around. I'll be working with them from twelve thirty."

"I'll be there, I'll bring my sandwiches," he laughed and brushed me off. He waved my offer of a fiver away and I left him to it. Another part of the Prince Coco Project fitted into it's place.

After that I sat in my office trying to get my head together. I had three models who I needed to use constructively as well as the cleaner all of whom I was paying. I'd invited the hairdresser Derek around which on reflection I shouldn't have done but then again, I rather fancied him anyway. At least he could stay out the night provided he wasn't too involved with the boyfriend. Jeez, the sooner Karl was sixteen and we got married the better.

Denis was the first to arrive and let himself in, I showed him around the flat and told him aboput the boys and that there was the chance of him coming across them naked or half naked and he didn't seem too concerned. If I didn't know better I'd say he was looking forward to a bit of ogling but that might have been my imagination. Karl, Jimmy and Simon all rolled up together and after settling them down I decided to do another run on Karl and then we'd split and I'd risk Karl taking Jimmy and I'd do Simon. I was trusting Karl, he was bright enough and he knew exactly what I wanted. If he took a load of rubbish I could always rescue the situation. I got them briefs, swimwear and whanot sorted out and told them to change every twenty shots for variety. I also showed them Karl's excellent session so they could see what I wanted in content and quality. The hardest thing was for them to relax and act natural 3; to look sexy but not slutty if you know what I mean.

No sooner had I got going with Karl than the barber boi turned up so I did a rapid rethink and started on Simon allowing Karl to take Jimmy next door into the other studio with Derek to show him the Coco set up.

"Try the crown on and some gold, give him a show," I instructed Karl.

The boys carted Derek off next door although he seemed a bit reluctant at first but then from the giggles I suspected they were getting on all right. Simon posed well for a novice and it was pretty obvious Denis who seemed to be torn between cleaning and ogling the circus was going to take most of the day on his task. I flashed a couple of good old 'dirty looks' and he got the message in the end.

"'Wanna do cold drinks from the upstairs fridge for one thirty? Just us, Derek has to go back to work."

"OK," he grinned reluctantly dragging himself and the hoover up the stairs.

I was doing well with Simon although he like myself had an ear cocked in the direction of the second studio although it was all quiet. I didn't want to be nosey and burst in to see what was going on, although I suspected my muppets were probably seducing the willing young barber. However, the small problem was resolved by Derek coming out followed by my two stars. Derek was looking a bit pleased with himself so I guess the lads had served him well. He gave me a grin and sat out of the way to admire Simon as I finished up. I'd have to chat to him later to find out what happened although Karl would tell me all, he always did.

"What time do you finish, Derek?"

"Around five," he'd unwrapped his sandwiches and was working his way through them although watching everything that was going on. I'd go back to Karl to finish his series and then intended to do Jimmy and that would be the lot for the day.

"Pop up later if you like.' I looked at him and winked. "I expect a boy or two will be here 3; I'll be here anyway."

"I'll be here," Jimmy grinned.

"Simon and me as well," Karl volunteered.

"Ah, well, an offer I can't refuse," Derek scrunged up his wrappers and stood. "Got to go, the old boys will be moaning. "I'll pop around just after five then?"

"You're welcome," I nodded. "Slam the door on your way out. I don't want anyone wandering in." This remark, by the way, wasn't as silly as it might sound. This was a busy market street, there were enough youngsters wandering around just hell bent on mischief, a carelessly left open door was a standing invitation for the lightfingered little buggers. Ali Baba and his Fourty Thieves had nothing on the kids who frequented the Northcote Road Market. I had thought of putting a second entry door at the top of the stairs but that was a thought for the future.

"Drinks," Denis shouted down the stairs from the flat. "Shall I bring them down?"

"Yeah, please, we're in the second studio." I gave Karl the nod and we went onto our 'film set' and spread outselves around. I could smell the faintest trace of man and probably boy juices on the air which answered my question regarding the barber and the kids. The Barber and the Boys, it sounded a good title for a photoset, I'd have to remember it for future reference. Maybe the shaving off performance could be turned into an event all of it's own. My mind wandered as Denis came in with the cans. Hey, hey 3; he must have found it warm doing his cleaning upstairs as he was down to his cut off jeans and looked even more delicious. I noticed everyone's eyes trained on him as if they were radar guided. He offered the cans around and sat on the bed alongside Karl and Simon. Jimmy and myself perched on the small chaise longue. I'd picked this thing up in an antique shop and wasn't the most comfortable of seating but was brilliant for posing.

A pity I still had Jimmy to complete the day's work, a rough and tumble on the big bed with the four of them in speedos and shorts would be worth having, especially if they got down to naked but there was small chance of that with Denis around.

"So, are you OK with all these half naked boys jumping around, Denis." OK, a pretty stupid question to ask but I was more wrapped up ogling his smooth boyish body, also bear in mind, I hadn't actually seen Simon in the raw 3; that pleasure had been reserved for Karl, my boyfriend and part time Deputy Dawg.

"Yeah," Denis spoke without engaging his brain first. "I can handle naked boys OK."

Naturally enough this classic brought gales of laughter from the three lads and a paint blistering blush from Denis and needless to say (again) Karl wrapped his arm around the boy's shoulders until he calmed down and a rueful grin appeared.

"Really?" Karl pressed the point.

"You know what I mean," Denis giggled and I noticed he didn't try and pull himself clear of Karl's loose embrace. Mind you, I was getting really pervy, I was watching this bunch like a hawk. I knew my three stars wer alright on the sex front and I could say what I liked with them and basically do what I liked. With Denis, I (and they) had to be careful, he would join in sooner or later or that's what Jimmy had said, I just didn't want to take things too fast.

"You'll have to do some nice ones of Denis," he's got a good face," Karl spoke out of the blue. "Good legs as well," he risked a quick stroke of Denis' bare upper leg and Denis flinched a little but just a little.

Surprisingly Denis just shrugged, at least he hadn't said bollocks or sod off.

"I was thinking of doing a small series of stills of Derek the barber sorting you out," I spoke Jimmy sitting alongside. "Doing the actual shaving."

"Sounds good," Jimmy giggled and flashed a glance at Karl. I saw Karl give him a quick wink which more or less confirmed my suspicions of their earlier activities but I was watching Denis, his ears were flapping like a baby Dumbo. He wanted to know, he was a normal nosey teenager but did he want some of the action that's what I wanted to know. I'd have to put one of the hounds onto him and Jimmy was the nearest in age.

"How's the cleaning coming on?" I asked Denis trying to keep him in the centre of things.

"Kitchen and barthroom done and the little passages, I'm in the sitting room or lounge now hoovering and dusting 3; just leaves the bedrooms."

"Don't worry too much about the bedrooms," I said desperately thinking of a plan how to get him on line. I think the best way was to let his own curiosity lead him and designate Jimmy his mentor or whatever, Karl and Simon obviously had other things on their minds by the way they were performing. They were going to be begging their own space from me shortly more specifically a bedroom.

"Jimmy, we'd better get your set finished and then we can relax a bit."

"OK." he hopped on the stool and we were off again. Half way through Karl and Simon who were lurking about watching slipped away and I heard them go upstairs. I hoped they might do some work on Denis but I suspected they might lock themselves in the spare bedroom, the point was I had to finish Jimmy. I polished off with a change of costume which gave me a chance to see him in his birthday suit again and a chance ro drop a few hints.

"You'd go well with Denis but that's assuming I can get him to pose." I stood behind him and wrapped my arms around his boyish body and stroked his belly as he raked around in the clothing looking for a different coloured briefs.

"Don't get me going," he croaked and straightened up pulling away. "He'll pose," he said confidently. "There's a boy who wants to get in on the action. He's been walking around with a hardon all bloody afternoon."

"I hadn't noticed."

"You're too busy watching your boyfriend," he giggled.

"Maybe," I laughed. "You need to soften a bit before you get into those. I gave his engored penis a final squeeze as he stretched the briefs trying to get them on."

I finished the session with a rather bulky Jimmy but that was all to the good. We went upstairs and sat in the lounge as Denis flitted around with a duster and a can of polish, mind you he'd done a good job and I told him he could finish up and go banking that he might want to hang around 3; the old nosiness factor and I was right. He said he had no need to rush and that he'd 'hang' with the others which passed me by until I realised he was talking what he imagined was American.

"Snuggle with Jimmy," I grinned. "I'll make coffee." In fact, I wanted to see what Karl and Simon were upto but after a crafty listen at their door I had a pretty good idea. The little grunts and subdued squeals gave the game away. Out of fuckery I gave a tap on the door and called out that I was making coffee if they were interested.

I suppose it was half an hour later that the boys emerged from their bedroom and did a juvenile scamper to the bathroom, if Denis didn't know what they'd been upto he must have been a complete moron and he wasn't that. Jimmy made a few what you'd call a bit near the mark remarks and Denis gave his boyish laugh. Oh, yeah 3; he knew what was going on all right and seemed to be a lot more relaxed, perhaps Jimmy was good for him and Jimmy was the nearest to him in age. I felt like an old man on the outside looking in but I did stand a good chance with the young barber later on in the day.

I got my final surprise of the night or rarther my penultimate surprise when Karl and Simon got dressed after rtheir shower and announced they were going around Simon's for the evening. I felt a bit put out, even annoyed but there's no stopping teenagers when they get a case of the lusts and they clearly wanted to carry on with their sex games. The only thing that cheered me up was that Karl blatantly kissed me in front of everyone and told me not to fret, it was unfinished business. Denis initially looked shocked and then pretended that he hadn't seen anything. I went to see them off downstairs and to pay them for their posing and returned to the flat. As I came in Jimmy and Denis parted like a startled pair of lovebirds, was Denis cracking I wondered but I had to lay the law down hard and fast, things were getting a bit out of hand with the barber, the boy's not so secret bedroom session and Karl's kiss was the last straw.

"I'm trusting you, Denis," I eyeballed him and held his gaze.

"You can," he smiled slightly and made a zipping motion across his lips. "I don't gossip." He looked on the verge of saying something else but didn't.

"He's safe," Jimmy backed him up.

"Good," I kept my eyes on Denis who returned my gaze confidently. "This place is a little haven for you boys and no one wants it blabbed about."

"I don't blab," Denis replied shortly. "But 3;"

"He wants to try some posing," Jimmy butted in. "I told him he'd have to ask you first."

"Ask me." I put Denis to the test.

"I'd like to do some stuff with Jimmy if you'd like to take the pictures. We don't want paying, you can have them for your personal collection." He reddened a little but held firm.

I grinned. That one was Jimmy inspired and maybe even instigated. Denis wasn't that bold but Jimmy was and his game was pretty obvious. He wanted Denis in the all together and then he wanted the boy fullstop but that suited me fine.

"How far do you want to go, Denis?" I asked gently.

"That's upto Jimmy and yourself of course," he stood and walked out to the toilet.

"He fancies you as well, dummy," Jimmy jumped over and sat by me. "He said he fancies getting some action and he fancies older rather than younger meaning you."

"You sure?"

"Twenty four carat, Jimmy grinned. "He's got a wank buddy, he's bound to bring him around sooner or later."

"Right," I pushed him away as I heard the toilet flush. We were in business and it was earlier than I'd thought, we still had an hour and a half before Derek the barber would show his face. "Do you want to stay with me tonight, I might have Derek the barber stopping over assuming he hasn't got anything fixed.

"Using me as bait?" He giggled.

"I'm using me as well," I laughed as Denis sat down again looking at us both in puzzlement. "No probs, Den. Another matter."

"Oh," he smiled with some relief.

"Yes, by the way," Jimmy said. "I can stay, I might even ask Denis to deliver an early morning Sunday paper."

"He's got a key," I laughed and Denis looked thoughtful. There was more going on in that boy's head than met the eye and I'd just given him the perfect opportunity to break in on myself and Jimmy, maybe even Derek if he overnighted.

"I've got to go home around half five," Denis looked at me and then at Jimmy. "I'd love to stay but I promised."

"You've got to keep your promises," I smiled. "Why don't you go down to my second studio, Jimmy can sort you out some gear, a shirt as well. We can have an hour just as an experimental run."

"Great," Jimmy jumped to his feet. "Come on, Den. It's now or never."

"Right, you're on," Denis giggled and quickly followed his admirer or maybe the one he admired. I didn't know which was which but it looked like I was going to see a bit more of Denis' beautiful body and if he ran true to form he'd be exposing all after another couple of sessions.

I followed them down a little later having given them time to get clothing sorted out and found them both inspecting Studio Two with Jimmy expaining what was what. Denis now had on simulated leather trousers and a similar windcheater type of jacket, I recall it went adrift on one of my catalogue shots and had to be returned in due course but he looked nice in it. He was barechested and from the tightness of the trousers I suspected he was without briefs which was a bit daring. Jimmy was still in his briefs but looking bulkier all the while, he clearly found Denis to be a bit of a turn on which was hardly surprising 3; he was.

"OK," I sited the tripod and clipped the camera on. "Den, you freestand by the window and try a Marlon Brado, look butch. You, Jimmy, drape yourself on his shoulder looking like you're in love or something."

"He is," Denis grinned and struck a pose with the jacket open right down to the bottom button exposing most of his smooth belly and chest. Jimmy did his bit resting his head on Denis' chest gazing adoringly upwards.

"Put your hand on his thig, Jim 3; not on his dick though."

That got the giggles but they were such a sexy pair.

"Lay on the bed, Den. You Jim undo his jacket and just brush his belly with your lips."

More giggles but they got there in the end and once Denis jacket was open Jimmy went to town. The brushing of the lips caper went straight out of the window as he lapped at Denis' navel, kissed the wet spot and then suckled on one coral pink nipple. Denis was lost, he was also getting hard and when Jimmy's hand rested lightly on his lump he didn't even flinch, in fact he grabbed Jimmy and that was it. It turned into a wrestling match and both of them just got harder and harder.

"OK. OK." I called them to order. "Times running out, let's try something a bit daring 3; right?"

"Right," they both exclaimed excitedly.

"Denis lay there with just the top button of the leathers undone, the waistband button," I clarified making it clear what I wanted. "Jimmy get your hand inside and gradually push the zip down."

"That's all," Jimmy grinned.

"That's upto Den," I replied and left them to it. They assumed the position and I moved the camera close in. Jimmy's hand snaked in and moved around at the base of Denis' smooth belly and as the zip opened so did the front of the clothing. I saw it at last and that was a perfectly formed pale skinned boy cock in all it's stiff glory as Jimmy exposed it to the studio light and the eye of my camera.

"Perfecto," Jimmy breathed and without any prompting or shame ducked his head and kissed the exposed glans.

Denis moaned and turned away as Jimmy fumbled around opening the trousers wider extracting the five inches [12½ cm] of rampant boy meat. "Noooo 3;" Denis gasped but made no effort to break free, he just fixed his gaze on the far wall and let us get on with it.

"Go on, Peter," Jimmy whispered and pointed to Denis' swollen meat. I didn't hestitate, I knelt on the edge of the bed and lifting the boy's hot hardness with my finger swallowed it on one and began to suck. Jimmy knelt up on the bed and forcing Denis head around kissed him forcefully on the lips. A moment later Denis' arms encircled Jimmy's neck binding them together.

This kid was so hot, I got my hands inside the trousers shucking then down and clasped his soft fleshy little buttocks as I sucked and Jimmy kissed. It couldn't last, Denis fucked into my mouth and gave a strangled squawk into Jimmy's kisses and blasted off. My mouth was filled with creamy boy spunk and he did do a lot but a split second later Jimmy was down and I went up. Denis' eyes were closed and his chest heaving as Jimmy finished sucking him dry and I kissed transferring the taste of cum to his sweet lips.

That was more or less it, we played around but didn't go any further than that, we'd shown Denis what we could do for him, now it was his turn to repay our confidence and trust. One thing before he left to return home and that was he gave us a promise. We were guaranteed an early Sunday morning visit with a paper or without around nine o'clock. When he went we both kissed him goodbye and this time there was no coyness, no blushing just a big grin and a boyish: "See ya."

Will the young barber turn up at closing time? Will Denis honour his promise to call Sunday morning? All this and more in Chapter 4.

"Jo's Boys" 3; Adult/Youth Section 3; 6 May 07 3; The saga of Jo at Lewes with his boyfriend Anthony. Also pretty much a 'studio'; story.