Cutter09The Hart Legacy |
SummaryIsaac goes to visit his strange grandfather, only to discover his grandfather is not nearly as strange as Isaac himself.
Publ. Oct 2016
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CharactersIsaac (13yo), Ian (13yo), Grandpa (adult), various boys and girlsCategory & Story codesScience Fiction storyMt tt tg – cons oral anal – tdom mind-control incest (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now. If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteThank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at unicorn2012111(at)gmail(dot)com or through this feedback form with Cutter09: The Hart Legacy in the subject line. |
Chapter 1My grandpa is strange. Even Mom thinks so, and he's her dad. It got worse recently when he insisted I come for a visit. Mom and Dad are a little concerned because they're afraid to be cut out of his will. You see, my grandpa is rich. I don't know how rich, but very rich. He hasn't really done anything bad as far as I know, heck we hardly ever see him. He sends gifts at Christmas, a card on birthdays, but that's it. That's why they're worried about the will. So when he insisted I come for a visit, they were anxious for me to go. He lives in a small town in the middle of nowhere. I didn't want to go, mostly because I was suppose to leave the day before my thirteenth birthday. Who wants to be away from their friends on their birthday? He wanted me to stay a week, so I wouldn't even have a party till over a week after my birthday. "I don't want to go stay with some creepy old man on my birthday." I know this sounded bad for me to say about my grandpa, but I really didn't know him. Only the things my parents said about him. The few memories I have of him were just of him staring at me a lot. That's creepy. "Well, he's not getting any younger, and all that money is going somewhere. Just be nice to him. If he likes you who knows what he will leave you," My dad said, then he added "I know you had your eye on that new bike, and I promise we'll give you a big party when you come back." My grandpa sent his private helicopter for me. Even Mom didn't know he had one. On the way I was thinking, Dad didn't actually promise to buy me that new bike. He just said he knew I wanted it. I think I got screwed. Oh well, maybe I can talk grandpa into buying it for me. We landed on the lawn of a house that reminded me of Buckingham Palace or something you might see in the British countryside. Huge. I am definitely going to ask for that bike. I was led to a 'Parlor' as the butler called it. Well excuse me, mr. la dee da butler. This guy walked like he had a wooden plank up his butt, his back was so straight. He did ask me if I would like a beverage. It took me a second to figure it out, but I asked for a coke. So I'm standing there looking at some books on a shelf when I hear a noise behind me. I turn and this guy comes in and walks over to a bar, and starts pouring himself a drink. "So, Isaac. Tomorrow you'll be thirteen." "Yeah. So. Do I know you?" "You probably don't remember me. I'm your grandfather." "Yeah, right. My grandpa is like seventy. You can't be much older than my mom." "You're right, in that I don't look my age, but I am your grandfather. Which is precisely why I brought you here today. Do you think you would recognize your mother at, say, high school age?" "Yeah, probably." He reached into a drawer and pulled out a picture. It was definitely my mom, and him. He hadn't aged hardly at all. I was stunned, so I tried to be polite, which I hadn't been so far. "I hope I age as well as you have." "You might. That is yet to be determined. But again, precisely why you're here." Okay, my parents were right. Grandpa is a little strange. "Yes, I am," he said. "You are what?" I asked. "A little strange. That is what you were thinking, isn't it?" "Uh 3; No sir." "Good answer. We'll get back to that later. Come, sit beside me. I have much to tell you." I sat beside him rather cautiously, ready to jump and run if necessary. "My boy, your are at the precipice of a great time in your life. You will notice changes in your body and the way you think about things." Oh god. He brought me here for 'The Talk'. Should I tell him we studied all that in health class. "I'm not just talking about growing hair on your dick. Although that is true too." What's with this guy? I edged a little away from him on the sofa. "Maybe I should just show you something," he pushed a button on a console next to him, then a nice looking lady came in. "Undress," he said. She took off her shoes and started to unbutton her blouse. She had my attention instantly. She took off the blouse and reached for the zipper on her skirt. Once that was gone she reached behind herself to undo her bra. "Stop," he commanded. She was standing in front of us in a frilly bra and panty set. I could almost see her privates. "You may go. Take your clothes with you." "Wow. How much did you pay her to do that?" I asked him. "I didn't pay her anything. Well, not for that. She is one of the maids, I pay her to clean." "She did it just because you told her to?" "I didn't even have to tell her. I could have just thought it, and she would have done it. I only spoke for your benefit. In a few minutes, she won't even know she did it." Dad was right, he's nuts. He thinks he's Houdini or something. "Houdini was an escape artist and illusionist. Not capable of mind control," he corrected me. Did I say that out loud? I tried to remember. "Nope but I heard it anyway." "Shi 3; I mean shoot 3; You can read my mind?" "Among other things, yes." "What number am I thinking of?" Let's see 3; a big number 3; Way over a hundred just to throw him off. "Just pick a number already. Over a hundred, under a hundred, makes no difference." 6432 "Six thousand four hundred thirty two." Shit. "Yeah, shit. I won't tell your mom you said it." "I didn't say it, but shit." "Speaking of not telling your mom, you can't tell her any of this. About me. About you. Any of it." "What do you mean about me?" "That's why you are here." Back to that again. "Yes, back to that." "Stay out of my head!" I almost yelled at him. "Okay, I'll tell you the whole story, but you have to stay calm." I'm cool as Santa Claus in February. "Nice analogy. Okay, in a nutshell. I have the Hart legacy, and so do you. It sometimes skips a generation, but usually passed from father to son. If you have a son, he may have it, or he may not. If he doesn't, your grandson will for sure. I didn't have a son. Only two daughters." "Mom and Aunt Emily." "Yes. Emily had three sons, and none of them have it. Only you." "I hate to disappoint you, but I can't read minds." "I don't know what abilities you will get, but you definitely have the legacy. My father could fly among other things." "How do you know I do?" "I can see it. I saw it the day you were born, and I can still see it. Your cousins don't have it. You do. And it's very strong in you." "I don't have any funny abilities. I promise." "That's why you're here today." "You keep saying that." "Tomorrow is your thirteenth birthday. Your abilities will develop over the next year, I guarantee you." "How do you know?" I'm still not believing this. "Let me guess a few things. Your dick is only two inches [5 cm] long when hard." Shit 3; I wasn't thinking about that. How did he know? "Because mine was the same. You have no pubic hair, but some of your friends do and it bothers you that you're behind in development." "So big deal, just because you and I have the same little dick doesn't mean I will have crazy powers." "I said mine WAS the same, not is the same." He stood up and undid his pants. "Hey 3; what 3;" The biggest cock in the world came out. Okay maybe not the biggest, but huge anyway." "Jesus Christ!" "Another part of the legacy is a big cock. By your fourteenth birthday, your dick will probably get to nine inches [23 cm]. It will probably grow a bit more after that, but all your other abilities will be around before then." "I'm still having trouble believing this. What are the drawbacks?" "I'm glad you asked. You know in the vampire movies how vampires thirst for blood?" "Oh god no! I don't want to drink blood!" I cried. "No. Nothing like that. I'm just using an analogy here. You will have an almost unquenchable thirst for sex. Just as vampires need blood. As your legacies come, they will help you with your thirst. For the next five years, it will be nearly unbearable. You will want it all your waking hours. Your dreams will be exclusively sexual in nature." "Five years? Then what?" "By then you will be able to control your thirst better, and lead a somewhat normal life, except for having, as you say, 'powers'. You will still want sex a lot. But you can carry on a business meeting without raping anybody." "You say these powers will help me get sex, how did flying help your dad? "He used to tell me stories of how he would swoop down, grab a girl, fuck her in mid air, and leave her miles away not knowing what happened to her." Now that would be fun to watch. "Yes it would." "Stay out of my head, gramps." Chapter 2He tried to explain things to me as best he could I guess. He spent quite a few hours discussing some of my ancestors abilities and telling stories that had been passed down. We talked a lot about sex. That in all the history he knew of, no one got pregnant unless it was wanted by the Hart descendant. He said he had sex with thousands, but didn't have kids till he wanted them with his wife. He told me about how his wife died and how much he missed her. He also said he had a lot of extramarital sex, because one person could never keep up with the Hart labido. And that he still had an abundant sex drive even at his age. I thought that was probably a little more information than I needed. At dinner I was pretty quiet. I was mulling over all of this in my head, wondering what abilities I might have, when I would get them, when would I start raping and pillaging. You know, stuff like that. Every once in awhile I would look up at Grandpa and he would smile at me. He maybe a little strange, who wouldn't be with all he's told me, but I liked him. He was kinda nice. "Thank you Isaac." "Grandpa. You gotta stop doing that." "Sorry. I know a boy your age needs his privacy. I'll tune you out as best I can." Butler guy showed me to a large bedroom. This thing was about half the size of my whole house. I crashed almost immediately. Weird stuff going through my mind and dreams. It was like all the Hart ancestors came flashing through. I could identify some from their abilities. Others I had no clue about. I woke up still tired and thought a shower might help. I'm standing there with the water cascading over my head, looking at my feet and wondering if I was going to change like a werewolf does, at the full moon. Would my toes start looking like a dog's toes? Would I grow fangs like a vampire? Then I saw it. I tried at first to wipe it off, but it didn't go away. A single hair just above the center of my dick. I know it wasn't there yesterday. I've been checking everyday for like six months. Was this just a coincidence? Does this indicate that Grandpa was right? If so, then 3; nine inches [23 cm] by next year. Wow. That would be cool to flop out in the gym shower at school. Tommy Dexter would shit a brick. He's always calling me needle dick and stuff like that. I went downstairs and in the dining hall (it was the size of a ballroom) found a birthday cake with candles and balloons on ribbons floating around. "Happy birthday Isaac." I turned, and there was Grandpa, holding the exact bike I had wanted. The man is spooky for sure. "Thanks Grandpa. I love the bike. Can I take it for a ride?" "Sure. Be careful. Wait 3; There's something different about you. Did you find a hair?" I know I wasn't thinking about it. I was concentrating on the bike. "Yeah. How did you know?" "Your Aura has changed color, and extremely bright. You are going to be very powerful, and soon." "I don't feel any different," I said dismissively. "Oh, but you will, my boy. You definitely will," he replied. So, I'm riding my bike along some paved pathways around the property. I didn't want to get it dirty riding on trails and stuff. I found myself by a riverbank, so I followed that path for a while. I knew I wouldn't get lost, you can see that house for miles. I suddenly realize I have an erection. At my age, it's an hourly occurrence practically. But it was different somehow. Like this thing wanted to chew it's way out of my zipper. I stopped and looked around. There was no one in sight, just a bunch of trees and the river. I put the kickstand down and walked over to one of the trees. I plucked out my dick and beat it into submission. It took only a minute, which is odd for me. Of course there was no juice, which unfortunately, isn't unusual for me. I got back on my bike and continued riding. Not a hundred yards later, I had to stop again. My damn dick wouldn't leave me alone. I know puberty is a bitch, but this is ridiculous. I had to stop two more times before giving up and heading back to the house. Even then it was another stop on the way. Five times in less than an hour is a lot for anyone, even a pubescent thirteen year old. "Did you enjoy your ride?" Grandpa asked as I flew passed him in the entry hall. I didn't stop to talk. Straight to the bathroom and tearing at my clothes was the only thing on my mind. My dick was trying to kill me. I know it. It wanted to eat me up. If I was able to shoot a load, I would have been drained of any fluids. They would have found a dried up mummy the next day. A mummy with it's hand on a dried up dick, at that. I didn't leave my room the rest of the day. Hell, I couldn't leave. Imagine the absolute horniest you have ever been, when you just knew if you didn't cum you would burst. Now multiply that by, like a thousand. You might get an idea what I was going through. My right arm was killing me too. I learned how to do it with my left. My poor dick was raw. Yet, I couldn't stop. I finally fell asleep from exhaustion. My dreams were nothing but naked bodies, and even bodiless sex organs, taunting me. I woke up several times humping the bed. My raw dick hurt from the friction against the sheet. When I was awake enough later, I went to the shower. It must have been around noon, from the bright sunshine in the bathroom. My poor nuts and dick were twice as big, I thought from being swollen. I tried to make it through my shower without touching my dick. I failed. I did notice that today I had five hairs, and I tried to beat them to a pulp too. I'm stroking my sore dick, when I hear my grandfather's voice in the bedroom. "I brought you some food. Try to eat something. I'll see you in about six hours." Six hours? In six more hours, I'd be dead. I dried off and went to the bedroom. I didn't bother to dress. What's the point. I really would have ripped my clothes off if they got between me and my dick. I plopped down on the bed and immediately began humping. Grandpa had brought me food, including a banana. The fool should have known it would look like a penis to me and set me off again. My grandfather came in later. It may have been six hours, or six days. He was wearing a bathrobe, and walked over to the bed. He smiled down at me as he brushed my sweaty hair from my face. I didn't even care that I was nude and totally exposed. He didn't seem to notice. He just looked into my eyes sympathetically. "I'm here, Isaac. I'll help you," he took off his robe, and stood naked before me. His large cock hung firmly halfway to his knees. I couldn't tear my eyes away. It was calling to me. "It's okay, Isaac. I understand. Go ahead," I didn't understand, how could he? "I won't think less of you. You can do it, I don't mind." I couldn't help myself. I raised up on one elbow and grabbed his cock. I could feel it's energy. He stepped closer, and I suddenly had my mouth on it. "There you go. Take what you need. I understand," he spoke calmly, looking down at me sucking his cock. He smoothed my hair back again, so he could see my eyes as I pleasured his cock. "I'm here for you Isaac. I'm gonna give you what you need. Here son, here it comes," I took as much of his cock as I could and I felt it pulse in my mouth. Then this euphoric feeling suddenly captured me. His cum tasted like manna from heaven. I couldn't get enough. I wanted it all. I swallowed and kept swallowing, like a calf on a teat. Then I erupted. My brain exploded at the same time as my dick. A thousand lights went off in my head, and I glanced down at my spurting dick just as I passed out. I awoke some time later. Grandfather was still with me. "Welcome back to the land of the living," he said. "What happened?" I asked groggily. "It's called the quickening. I had hoped it would be this week. If not, I would have found a way to go home with you." He was standing beside the bed, still naked. His impressive cock still captured my attention. I tried to sit up. "Easy does it." "Quickening?" "I told you your body would be changing. You're at the early stages of your development." "How long was I out?" "Almost four hours. I'm not sure, but that might be a record. I was only out two hours." I kept looking at his cock. I felt like a moth drawn to a light. I resisted the temptation to just grab it. "Isaac. I really do understand. If you want to touch it, go ahead. I said I'm here for you." I reached over and grabbed it again. I was fascinated by it. It's size is one thing, but somehow it seemed to have a life of it's own. I looked up into his eyes, he smiled and nodded. I took it into my mouth again. I felt it grow and become stronger, like a python uncoiling. I hadn't ever sucked a cock, never even touched another besides my own. Yet, here I was with a big cock in my mouth, my grandfather's cock no less, and I wasn't the least bit bothered or embarrassed. I reached for my own dick and got a shock. I even stopped sucking grandpa. My dick was about six inches [15 cm] long and noticeably thicker too. I even had about twenty hairs at it's base. "What the fu 3;" "I told you there would be some changes. Welcome to the Hart Legacy." "It's 3; It's 3;" "It's beautiful. Just like you. I'm very proud of you," he reached down and took hold of it and stroked it. I didn't care that a man was stroking me. This was so unlike me. I get embarrassed to get down to my underwear for the doctor. "May I be the first of many to swallow your load?" he asked. I lay back on the bed and he engulfed my dick. It was so sensitive from all the beating it had been taking that I came almost instantly. He swallowed and kept sucking until I unloaded again. "I hate to say anything.," I started. "But this is gay?" He finished. "Well, yeah. I mean, I never thought of myself as gay." "You're not. If anything, you're bi. I explained that you will have cravings for sex." "Yeah, I thought you meant I would be like some pussy hound," I can't even believe I said that. I usually am very reserved. I hardly ever say bad words. "I said you would crave sex. All sex. Male, female, if a goat looks at you funny you might fuck it. You will feed off others having sex as well. It's kind of like being addicted to porn, only you get live action. This will be just as effective to feeding your addiction as if you did all the fucking yourself. "You shouldn't try to have just one girlfriend or boyfriend. Your sexdrive will kill them if the relationship could last that long. Until you get to be eighteen I would suggest no girlfriends. After you have control, you can be a bit more selective of extra/relationship partners. I was lucky, in that I have mind control powers. I could fuck someone right in front of your grandmother and just make her forget it." "I bet that was fun," Damn I'm already thinking differently. I should be angry that he would do something like that. "Yes, it was, and yes you will think totally different about sex now. As your abilities develop, you will have sex. Lots of sex. All your teen buddies will be dreaming and hoping and wishing for a single opportunity to get laid. You will be getting all you want. This will make it less of a big deal for you, and therefore your attitude toward it a lot more casual. Monogamy is not in your future, and you will place less importance in it." "I can't believe all this," I muttered. "Believe it. Now, would you like to suck me again before I leave you to your thoughts?" He knew the answer. For some reason it felt second nature to just casually suck his dick. I must say I did get quite a charge out of it too. When his cream blasted down my throat I was hard again, and he returned the favor. Chapter 3My dreams that night were not as abrasive as the night before, but still sexual in nature. I woke up to jerk off three times during the night, and also shot a load on the bed during a wet dream. When I went down to breakfast, Grandpa was there, still in his robe. He took one look at me, stood, and opened his robe. I was on my knees in front of him in seconds. A servant came in as I worked his big cock, but I didn't even slow down until he gave me what I needed. He told her what I wanted for breakfast, even though I was getting my protein at the time. "Will that be a problem?" I asked referring to the servant. "She's already forgotten it," he said smiling at me. After breakfast he said "I have another present for you. Do you remember the maid that began to undress for us?" "Yes 3; it's the closest I've been to seeing a naked woman." "Well, she has a daughter. A lovely child from what I glean. Just celebrated her ninth birthday. Pure as snow." "So?" "She's waiting for you in your room. Her mother gets off work at two. That gives you about four hours. Do anything you want, short of murder of course. I'll see you at two." I wasn't expecting that. Did he just tell me to do whatever I wanted to her. Was he suggesting I fuck a nine year old. I couldn't do that. Could I? Would I? I mean she's only nine, that's like seventy five, in prison years. I don't think my grandfather wants me to go to prison, so I can only suspect he has made arrangements or some mental persuasion. I entered my room, and sure enough there was a pretty little girl sitting cross legged on my bed. She also happened to be very naked. As I approached her eyes followed me. I could see her little pussy very clearly the way she was sitting. "Can you speak?" I don't know how this mind control thing works. "Sure I can, I'm not a baby," she seemed a little put off by my question. "What's your name?" "Cynthia, but I liked to be called Cyn." Cyn? Sin is exactly what I was thinking of. "Do you know why you're here?" "Yep 3; we're gonna do sex stuff. Can I see your thingy?" "My uh 3; yeah, sure," I said and was quickly naked. She reached out and grasped it. "It's all hard and soft at the same time. Are they all this big?" In her little hand, it looked even bigger than it did an hour ago. "Actually, I'm still growing, there are bigger ones." "It's supposed to go in my kitty, do you think it will fit?" She had me pretty worked up playing with it. "Honey, I'll make sure to fit the whole thing in you," I layed her back on the bed and pushed my face into her 'kitty'. I tongued her for a couple of minutes and then, I had to do it. I climbed up on her, lined it up with her opening. "This may hurt a little Cyn." "Mom said it would." I pushed hard and quick. She screamed only for a second, then I was pounding on her. She could have let out a death cry and I wouldn't have quit. I pumped two loads into her tight little pussy before I stopped. I lay beside her, and she set up and looked between her legs. "My kitty's all red and swollen. And look how big the hole is." I rested a few minutes before deciding to try her other hole. It was tighter, but not for long. Before the time was up I fucked both holes four times each. I can't believe anyone is capable of that, much less me, but I did it. When we came down, Grandpa and her mother were waiting at the bottom of the stairs. Cyn's mother didn't seem to notice that her little girl was walking funny. "Mommy, I had a lot of fun. May I come back to play again?" "We'll see baby girl." Yeah, come back and get more dick anytime Cyn. "I know you are thinking something, but I can't make it out," Grandpa said. "What do you mean you can't make it out?" I asked confused. He's the mind reader. "You're blocking me. In over fifty years, no one has been able to block me. My boy, you are going to be very powerful." We had a bite to eat by the pool. Grandpa was telling me more stories, but I couldn't concentrate on what he was saying. There was a young boy cleaning the pool. He was wearing a rather tight speedo. I was staring at his crotch wondering what he would look like naked. He turned toward us and took off his speedo. His nice young cock on full display. "Grandpa, you didn't have to make him do that." "I didn't. What were you thinking about before he did it?" "I was just wondering what he would look like naked." "Think about him masturbating." I did. And he began stroking. His five inch [12.5 cm] cock and balls responded quickly and he shuddered and unloaded right on the flagstone decking. "Are you sure you didn't do that?" I asked. "I promise. It was months before I could do anything like that, and I really had to break a sweat concentrating on it. You're just barely into the quickening and have done that already. Very powerful indeed. Later we were in my bed. I had just finished fucking him. I hate to think of him being my grandfather while I'm behind him plowing his ass. "Are you thirsty," I asked him. "I'll get us something," he replied. "Don't bother, I've already sent for it." Just then the door opens and the butler guy came in with a silver tray bearing two soft drinks with ice. He was wearing boxers. I had woke him and told him to get us drinks. We laughed our asses off after he left. "You are remarkable, my son." "Well, you're the one that made me this way." The rest of the week I spent working on my skills. I could easily make people and animals do what I wanted, but hadn't mastered reading minds. Grandpa says it will come. I was already able to block him out, so it was only a matter of time. I could also move objects. Only small ones to start, but I was working my way up to bigger things. That pool boy turned out to be quite tasty. He is the groundskeeper's son, and I summoned him that night. Grandpa said that their residence was on the far side of the property, that he didn't think I could make contact that far. When he showed up a few minutes later, Grandpa smiled proudly and let me take him to my room. He's fifteen and I enjoyed playing with him. I let him have my anal cherry, because he's only five inches [12.5 cm]. Grandpa's would be way to big for a virgin thirteen year old ass. I asked him to slowly strip for me and he did. His lean body was tanned and muscular. I sucked him almost immediately and enjoyed his essence. He said he thought he was gay, but didn't have any chance to explore it. He was actually quite happy to be with me, and I didn't have to do anything to make him want to stay. I think though by the time I leave, he will probably be too sore to walk for a while. I had him in my bed most of the time I was there. Grandpa had Cyn's mother bring her back another day. Me and Marcus (the groundskeeper's son) and Cyn spent most of the day in bed. Marcus actually fucked her ass. He said he pretended it was a boy's ass, but I think he could do it again easily even thinking of a girl. Grandpa was right. Watching someone else was almost as good as doing it myself. I asked Grandpa "With all the sex we get, will it become boring?" He laughed and said "You always enjoy a good meal, even though you've had thousands," I guess he's right about that. "Why have you stayed away from us all this time? I have really enjoyed our time together, and I don't mean just the sex and stuff," I said to Grandpa on my last night there. "Oh Isaac. I really am sorry I wasn't there more. When your mom was born, being female, didn't get the Legacy. She always thought I was a bit strange, even crazy. I could do things she didn't understand and I spent a lot of time making her forget things she saw. "I was present at the birth of all my grandchildren, and you're the only one with the Legacy. I thought of being with you more. I knew I needed to prepare you for what was coming. I also wanted you to have a 'normal' life as a boy. You are also so beautiful, that I knew I would fuck you at some point. I didn't want to take advantage of my grandson, and I know I would have. I was a horny son of a bitch." We both chuckled. "I remember you being around though." "Yes, I couldn't stay away. I would visit, and mostly just watch you. I've been planning this week since you were born. Even had arrangements made in case I died first." "Don't even say that, Grandpa. Now that I have you in my life, I want to see you a lot more. But how did you know I would come? Oh never mind, that wouldn't be a problem for you. Wait 3; Did you do anything to me or my parents?" "Nope. I swear. I just asked for your visit, and I'm sure your father's greed did the rest. Had you refused to come, I would have done something though." I hugged him. "Thanks Grandpa. I'm glad you were there for me. That night was a bitch. But mostly thanks for letting me get to know you." We slept together that night. I took advantage of Grandpa's willing ass. Grandpa didn't do mine. "I'm pretty big, and I like to ride an ass hard. We will when you're a bit older, I promise." So I let him fuck my throat instead. The next day, I hugged and kissed Grandpa goodbye. He handed me a letter to give to my mom, and said he would see me soon. I didn't think I could last through the whole helicopter ride home without jerking off, but I managed. While in the car with my parents, I summoned Josh, my best friend. He was waiting at home when we arrived. I handed the letter to my mom once we were inside. Mom took out the single page and read it, then she fainted. Dropped like a rock. Dad scooped her up and laid her on the sofa. I picked up the letter.
I thought it was an unusual way to sign a letter, but I'm sure Grandpa had his reasons. Dad jerked the letter from my hand just as I finished reading it. He too dropped like a rock. I took Josh to my room and 'suggested' he get naked. "What was that all about?" Josh asked as he took off his shirt. "They just found out that my grandfather actually likes me." "Parents are weird," he said and pulled off his shorts." I had seen Josh naked before, during sleepovers, pretending not to look of course. I knew his dick was bigger than mine, then, and he even had a some hair. When I removed my underwear, Josh said "Man, Isaac. You have grown since the last time I saw you," Josh had pretended not to look at me too, obviously he did though. My cock was hard and aching. I didn't ask permission, I just took Josh's four inch [10 cm] spike into my mouth. "Ah 3; Shit, man. Isaac, I've been wanting this for so long. I didn't think you would do it. Oh 3; Don't stop," I had no intention of stopping. I sucked and I played with his balls. He liked that too. He shot a small load in my mouth and I swallowed it. When he finished, he pushed me back on the bed and started sucking me. He lifted off long enough to say "I love your dick, man," I was glad to hear it, because I plan on him getting a lot of it. I came in his mouth then told him to lay down. I lubed my cock, but I guess I should've taken a little more time. He yelled out as I took his ass cherry. I had to 'suggest' to Mom and Dad that they forget what they just heard. Josh got into it after a couple of minutes. He started backing into my thrusts and moaning "Oh god yes," I think I did a good job on him, he shot a load on my bed. Josh said his parents weren't at home so we went there. Jacob, Josh's brother was there making out with his girlfriend. They were on the sofa, so we hid and watched them. "I would love to see her naked, but she never let's him get passed squeezing her tit on top of her blouse." "Would you like to see him fuck her?" I asked Josh. "Sure, but it ain't gonna happen. She's miss goody two shoes. He even said he was looking for another girlfriend, even though she's hot." "I bet you ten bucks he fucks her today," I said. "You're on. Easiest ten bucks I'll ever make," Josh laughed. Of course I was gonna win that ten. In no time at all Jacob had her naked. She is hot for sure. At fifteen she had a nice set of B cup tits, and a trimmed bush. "I've never done this, Jacob," she said. "Neither have I," he replied as he pulled off his shorts. He was about six inches [15 cm], and pretty thick. I guess she really was a virgin, because he had some trouble getting in at first, then it slid all the way. She let out a little yelp but wrapped her arms around him. He got the rhythm down soon and was pouring the meat to her pretty good. "Oh 3; Jacob 3; Oh 3; You can't cum in me 3; Oh 3; You have to pull out 3;" I guess I could have 'told' him to pull out. But as I thought about it, she wrapped her legs around him and started throwing her hips up at him. She wanted his cum in her. So I let him. Besides, I wanted to see it. She held him tighter, as Jacob shoved in one last time and released his load. I held out my hand for the ten bucks. "It's in my room," Josh said. We got to his room, and Josh was really excited. "Did you see that?" "No dude, I wasn't there," I said shaking my head. "Oh yeah. Right. Stupid question. It's worth the ten bucks," Josh said as he dug in a drawer looking for his money. "Forget the money. Drop your pants, and bend over," I told him. Josh smiled and dropped his pants. "I can't believe you're horny again." "I pretty much stay horny," he really has no idea how true that was. "Yeah, me too." As I slid into his ass, we heard Jacob's girlfriend yelling at him about cumming in her. We all knew she pretty much prevented him from pulling out by holding him tight against her with her legs. But girls want someone to blame I guess. When his parents came in I left. At home I went straight to my room. I was tired after a long day, but I didn't want to go to bed yet. I wanted to try to sleep the whole night without my dick waking me up. I lay my head on my desk thinking about the day. I thought it would be nice if I could tell Grandpa about having sex with Josh. I bolted awake, to see Grandpa staring at me from the other end of his dining room table. He just stared, in shock. I stared back. "Did you bring me here?" I ask him after a few seconds. He just shook his head. "Did I bring me here?" He nodded. Finally he said, "I've never heard of anyone being able to teleport. And to do it in less than a week. What did you do?" "Nothing. I was just thinking how I wish I could tell you about my day. Next thing I know you're staring at me." "You just appeared. No sound, now warning, I didn't even feel your presence. I was just sitting here, and you appeared. Think about being in your own bed, then think about 3;" I was gone and back in my room. I smiled. " 3;here with me. — Son of a bitch! Did you just go home and back?" "Yep." "Instantaneous. No travel time. Son of a Bitch," Grandpa is shocked and delighted. "Try someplace far 3;" "Son of a bitch! Where did you go?" "Paris is nice this time of the year," I said smiling. "You were gone for like five seconds." "Yeah, someone bumped into me I stayed to apologize." "Son of a bitch. And you have that much control? Son of a bitch." "So, no one has been able to do this?" "Not that I'm aware of. You're the first. Take your bike home." I went to the front porch and grabbed my bike, took it to my bedroom and then took it to Grandpa's dining room. "Great you can take things with you. Let's go see the Pyramids in Egypt." "What if something goes wrong? You could get stuck in a wall or I only get part of you there." "Then you will be one rich kid. I'm willing to take the chance, and I won't blame you if something goes wrong." I held on to him real tight, and thought of the Pyramids. Suddenly I was very hot. We were in Egypt and it must have been over a hundred degrees [40°C]. "Do you know what this means?" he asked "Yeah. I'm never sitting next to a crying baby on an airplane again." "Besides that. The progress and abilities you've shown so far is amazing. There seems to be no limit to what you can do. You won't be fully developed till you're 18. This whole year is just a matter of your legacy showing itself. "It's like math. First you learn 2+2=4. Then you find out about subtraction and division and multiplication. Later you learn the hard stuff, algebra and calculus then the deep shit like quantum math and string theory. You're in the 2+2 phase, and you are doing shit that has never been done before." "Maybe we should get out of here before we get arrested," Grandpa added. "Do you really think that would be a problem for us?" "Good point, but my dinner is getting cold," he laughed. I took Grandpa home and told him about my day with Josh and watching his brother fuck. Grandpa thought it was funny that the girlfriend told him to pull out but then didn't let him. "She'll be pregnant soon," I told him. Grandpa gave me a blowjob before I left. I returned the favor. We understand each other's needs. I ported back to my bedroom just as my mom was closing my door. "Did you want something Mom?" "Oh 3; uh 3; I didn't see you there. You didn't come down for dinner, I was worried you weren't feeling well," she answered, still looking puzzled. "I guess I'm just a little tired after my trip. I'm thought I would hit the hay a little early. But thanks for checking on me." After another night of sex dreams, I did jerkoff once, I went to see Grandpa. "I have a problem," I told him. "What problem could you possibly have?" he asked with a laugh. "I can go anywhere and do anything, but you're the only person I can share it with. I'm not saying that I don't enjoy your company, but some of the places I want to go, you probably wouldn't enjoy." "Yes, I see what you mean. I'm too old for Disneyland." "Yeah, like Disneyland. I've always wanted to go there, but I don't want to go alone, and I wouldn't want to bother you with it." "You can take a friend, you just have to wipe the memory after. Like I said I had to do when you mother would see me do something extraordinary. She thinks I'm a little strange, yet I wiped her memory so many times, I'm surprised she can remember her name." "She is a bit ditzy at times, that might explain it. I don't know that I want to do that to one of my friends though." "I'm sure you will figure something out. If you go to Disneyland, you will need money. Here is one of my debit cards. Also, behind that wall is a vault. I keep about a hundred thousand for emergencies. See if you can get in it." I popped into the vault. It was dark, so I found the light switch. There were stacks of money and bonds and jewelry. I grabbed a wrapped stack of hundreds, and popped back out. Handing it to Grandpa, he said "Keep it. I just wanted to be sure you could get in the vault. If you ever need cash. Just pop in and get it. If it starts to get low, let me know." "I can't take your money, Grandpa." "It's gonna be yours someday anyway. Most places take the card, but some want cash. Care for some breakfast while you're here?" We ate and chatted about some things I should expect to happen. Then Grandpa said "Oh damn. I should have remembered. My telepathy didn't kick in until I was around a lot of people. All those people's thoughts sorta jump started it, like you do with a car battery. Let's go to Disneyland." I held his hand and we went. I was instantly bombarded by thousands of 'voices' all at once. I covered my ears with my hands, it was so loud. Grandpa took my arm and led me to a nearby toilet. Once inside, it was noticeably less loud. "Still hear them?" I nodded. "Now find all that sound in your head, focus on it. That's what you need to filter. Just like when you're talking on the phone and the tv is on. You tune into the person you're talking to, and ignore the tv." I tried, but it just wouldn't go away. "Look at me. Focus on my voice. I'm here with you. Focus on me and my voice." I looked into his eyes, then watched his mouth and listened to his words. He continued talking to me and I started blanking out the other sounds. It was like I put up a soundproof wall. "Do you hear me now?" "Yeah. I'm fine. But how can you read a person's mind with all that going on?" "Come on back outside." "Now pick someone and zero in on them. Just kind target their mind." I picked a guy. It took a few seconds, but I was able to let his thoughts in without all the others. "Well, did you pick someone?" "Yeah, that guy over there with the ugly wife. He's thinking he would like to fuck the girl in the Cinderella costume." We both had a laugh at that. Who could blame him though. His wife was a dog. We walked around a bit and I focused on people. Some of their thoughts are funny some scary. The teen boys all were thinking about sex. Tits, pussy, their girlfriends. Girls were all thinking how can they get a guy to like them. Even the ones with boyfriends were thinking of another boy, though they were thinking in terms of dating and a relationship. The boys, it was just sex. I can relate. I dropped Grandpa at his place, and went home. Mom and Dad had planned a party for me and I had forgotten about it. Somehow cake and ice cream didn't quite rate as high as telepathy and teleportation on my scale of importance. A friend from school, Colby, brought his sister Caitlyn. Colby is really good looking though not real bright. He was held back a year so he is already fourteen. His sister is twelve, and a future hottie. I had never met her, but she seems to be not even as bright as her brother. I started practicing my skills. My father was thinking 'I bet she has a tight little pussy.' about her, and all the girls actually. Dad is almost as big a horn dog as me. Well Dad, I intend to find out, starting with Caitlyn. I popped over to Grandpa's house. "Can I bring some friends over later?" "Isaac, you don't have to ask. This is your home anytime you need it. You know where your bedroom is. I of all people am not about to judge you on whoever you fuck. Though I might appreciate it if you let me have some of your leftovers." "When was the last time you had a twelve year old?" I asked. "Male, or female?" "Female." "It's been a couple of years actually. Sounds tasty." "See you later then," Poof, I was gone. Back at the party, they sang Happy Birthday to me and I opened my gifts. Mom and Dad did get me the bike I had wanted. I acted excited about it. Dad was thinking I hope he likes it. It cost a small fortune. When the party began to wind down, I 'suggested' to Caitlyn that she come to her brother's room at nine o'clock. I also 'suggested' to her brother to be naked at nine. When I arrived, Caitlyn was just walking into her brother's room. I 'told' her that she was very horny and only having sex with several guys would satisfy that itch between her legs. Colby was 'told' that his sister was willing to get fucked if he wanted to. Then I took them both to Grandpa's house. As soon as we got there, Caitlyn ripped her clothes off. She only had puffy bumps where her breast would eventually be, no pubic hair, and a pretty little underdeveloped pussy. I planned to change that. "Have you started your periods yet?" I asked the horny little girl. "No," she said as her brother started muff diving. I guess it isn't muff diving if she didn't have any hair, but you get the picture. "Too bad. Wouldn't it be fun if your brother got you pregnant." That sent her into orbit. I guess she had a thing for her brother. I nudged him aside and lined up with her small opening. One quick shove and she went into orbit again. This girl had the makings of a true slut. Once I was seated in her I started plowing her good. I dumped my first load pretty quickly, and let Colby have a turn. His dick was a little longer than mine, but not near as thick. She seemed to like it though. I fucked her three times and Colby did her twice. Her pussy was pretty sloppy by then, but she was going to need it for what was coming next. I summoned Grandpa, and he came in, his huge cock swinging as he approached the bed. Colby just stared at it, and licked his lips. "Would you like to get it wet for her?" Grandpa asked him. He was on it in a second. Grandpa smiled at me and said "I like your friends Isaac." Grandpa got on Caitlyn and she lifted her hips and spread her legs in offering. He took it slow, but soon fed her about three fourths of it. She went wild as Grandpa began moving in her. While that was going on, I got into a sixty nine with Colby. "Thanks, Isaac. That was fun. This one is a right little slut puppy though. She's gonna want more in a couple of days when the soreness goes away." "I'll bring her back for us to play with again," I laughed. I took the brother sister duo home and 'told' their parents to allow them to sleep together. I was going to keep an eye on these two just for fun. At home I lay on my bed stroking, not really trying to get off, just sort of thinking. Like when you twirl your hair or chew a pencil while doing homework. I needed a plan. I can't bring people here to fuck without wiping my parents' minds repeatedly, and Mom certainly didn't need that. Grandpa said I could use his place, which is good, I just hated to bother him all the time. He liked playing with us, but he isn't as young as he used to be, so I was afraid it might be a strain for him. Deciding I need to start taking notes of what I do, so if I needed, I could undo it, I went to the electronics store the next day. I got a cell phone, a tablet and a desktop computer. Somehow everything I picked out was seventy five percent off. I saved Grandpa a lot of money. Yes I could have gotten it free, but that would be stealing. Okay, I know. I did steal it. The richest man in our town is Mr. Barton. He's ruthless. He screwed my parents over on a few things even. Barton had recently built some lakeside villas on some property he had basically stolen in a foreclosure. The villas are top of the line and beautiful. He was charging top of the line prices too. I went to see Mr. Barton. I got video of him seducing me. I also got video of him sucking my thirteen year old dick. He's very photogenic by the way. I also 'explained' to him that he needed to file all the paperwork and that he had been paid in cash for one of the villas. Yes, I am a bit of a shit. I needed a place, he had one, he's an asshole, I got my villa. In the process, I learned he had a thirteen year old daughter. Icing on the cake. But first I needed furniture for the villa. Grandpa would be pleased at how much money I saved him. All of this took a while, but by the end of the week, I had a place. A very nice place. I jumped to Florida, and found a good looking boy on the beach. He really filled out the speedo he was wearing. Dark hair, brown eyes, seven very tasty inches [18 cm]. I fucked him for three hours before taking him home. I was just about to jump back to my villa, when I saw someone digging in the trash can on the beach. I started to ignore it but got curious as to what would make someone a trash digger. I zeroed in on him, just as he turned around holding a McDonald's bag. I can't believe that guy threw away almost all of his burger. Oh man, he left some fries too. At least I'll get a decent meal before I walk off into the ocean. It was just a kid, probably no older than me. What did he mean before he walked off into the ocean. Shit ! He was going to kill himself ! "Stop! Don't eat that," I yelled at him. He looked over at me. Just some kid being an asshole he was thinking. "Let me buy you a real meal." I got nothing to lose. He looks okay. Why not? he thought. "What would you like to eat, I'm pretty hungry myself. How about you?" I said letting him know that it was okay that he was hungry. "Just over the dunes down there are some burger joints. That okay?" "Great. I think I would like a double," I said as we started walking. "What's your name?" "Ian, what's your's?" "Isaac. Both start with I 3; that's a good sign." Ian had obviously been on the streets a while. His clothes were shabby, and dirty. His hair was stuck to his head like he had been swimming and it dried that way. Though I doubted that he'd had a bath in a while. He was actually quite good looking. A little thin, probably from being on the streets. We found a decent looking place and ordered two of their largest cheese burgers, fries, onion rings, and shakes. I sure am glad my Grandpa loves me. I'm spending the hell out of his money. We ate quietly, though I was picking his brain, he didn't know that. Apparently his mom got mixed up with some Cuban drug dealers. They got her hooked and fucked her over. Then put her on the streets. She's a coke whore now. He thinks they killed his dad, but can't prove it. Things got progressively worse and he's been on his own for a while. He had hit a dead end emotionally and psychologically. He decided he had nothing to live for. "So Ian, I need someone to talk to," I told him as he finished his burger, and was staring at my fries. "Yeah? About what?" I slid my tray of fries toward him, "Just in general. I need someone I can trust. You know, like a best friend." "You don't have a friend?" he said with a mouthful of fries. "I have friends, I just need a friend that can go places and do things with me. Without having to explain a lot to their parents." "Sorry dude, but I ain't going to jail for you. Thanks for the food. See ya." He stood and started out. I caught up with him outside. "It's not like that, I promise." "You said stuff you couldn't tell their parents. Sounds illegal to me." "I said without explaining to parents. Let's say you live in Virginia. You decide to go to Disneyland in California. You couldn't explain to your parents how you went to Disneyland, had a blast, and was back in time for dinner, now could you." He looked at me like I was crazy. I guess it did sound that way. "What are you talking about Dude? You can't do that in one day." "What if I told you I can? See I can do things that nobody else can do." "Yeah, like what?" "See that fat guy on the beach chair over there. How much do you think he weighs?" "Probably 250 maybe 300 pounds [110-140 kg]." "What are the odds of the wind blowing him face first into the sand right now?" "It would have to be a very strong wind. Like hurricane wind," he chuckled. "Watch," I flicked my finger at him and he and his chair face planted in the sand. It was actually pretty funny. We both broke up laughing. "Man! How'd you do that?" he asked once he stopped laughing. "Like I said. I can do things." "What's all this got to do with me?" "I need a friend and so do you." "What? What do you mean by that?" Shit. Now I have to tell him. "I know about your mom and the drugs. I know that you were thinking about, well, not being around anymore." He started crying. "How do you know that?" "It doesn't matter. All I'm asking is that you hang out with me. We have some fun, go places, do things. If you still want to kill yourself, you can do it later. You've got nothing to lose by trying." He looked hesitant. "You ever been to Disneyland?" I asked. "No." "We'll go tomorrow. What do you say?" "Sure, why not. You're crazy anyway." "That may be, but first you have to swear to keep anything you see a secret. I have to be able to trust you one hundred percent." "Sure, Isaac. I got no reason to turn on you." "Do you love your mom?" I asked him seriously. "Yeah. She used to be nice, till they got her." "Do you know where she is." "Yeah. She's probably on her corner, unless she's busy with someone." "Think of that corner," he did, and I flipped us there. "Fuck Man! How'd you do that?" "I'll explain later. Is that your mom?" I asked pointing at an obvious crack whore. "Yes. She looks even worse than the last time I saw her." "Stay here. I'll be back in a few minutes." I walked over to her "Hey little fella, want me to show you a good time? You're never too young to learn." I took her hand and we left. Returning a few minutes later, I found Ian waiting at the corner that I left him on. "Isaac! My god. Where'd you go? What did you do with my mom?" "She's fine. She's in a real nice rehab facility in Colorado. I don't think the Cubans will find her there." Chapter 4"Let me get this straight. You took my mom from Florida to Colorado. Came back and picked me up. And now we're in another state. All in a few minutes," Ian tried to clarify. We were sitting in the den of my villa. "Yes." "And tomorrow we're going to Disneyland in California?" "Yes. Unless there's someplace you have to be, or would rather go." "I still don't get it. Why 3; What 3;" "It's simple. You have seen what I can do, right?" He nodded. "I can go anywhere, do anything but have no one to share it with. Is there anywhere in the world you have always wanted to visit, and you could, but you had to go alone. You couldn't even talk about it after. I mean, would you want to go to Disneyland by yourself?" "No. I guess not. So this is your house? Where are your parents?" "They live not too far from here. This is my private place. I use it for 3; well, for personal stuff." "Your parents don't know about all this?" "No and they wouldn't understand. That's why I want you with me. To be a friend I can share stuff with. I could take another friend but then I'd have to 3; well, never mind." "Look, Isaac. I feel for you man. But you gotta be honest with me. What am I getting into here?" So I started at the beginning and told him the whole story. Everything, even the sex stuff. He seemed really interested in that. I told him about my Legacy, and that I was getting more powerful every day. I explained how I wanted to share things with someone but I would have to wipe their memories after, so it actually wouldn't be fun for them if they couldn't remember it. Not to mention that wiping their and their parents over and over probably wouldn't be good for them. "So you read my mind. That's how you knew about my mom. So what number am I thinking of?" 4. "Too easy. 4." "Now?" 305. "305." 6432. "That's funny. 6432. Same number I thought of with Grandpa. Another good sign." "So you had sex with a nine year old and a twelve year old girl, two of your friends, the groundskeeper's son, your grandfather, and a kid you picked up on the beach?" "Yes." "Are you going to fuck me, wipe my brain, and leave me back where you found me?" I laughed, "No, but I could. I want you to be with me. You don't have to do the sex stuff, I just want to share some fun and not have to wipe your brain. If you decide you don't want to, I will erase any memory of me and you can go back for that walk into the ocean. "Give it some thought. Make yourself at home here. I have to jump back to my parents place just to check in." I went home and 'talked' to my parents. They had been really nice to me lately, but I could tell they weren't happy about the amount of time I spent away from home. I 'suggested' they let me come and go as I pleased so I wouldn't have to keep wiping them. Then I went to see Grandpa. I told him about the money I had spent and why. Then I told him about Ian. He said to be careful, if Ian showed any signs of turning on me, I would have to wipe him and dump him. I said I understood and thanked him for being there for me. He told me not to worry about how much I spend, he has plenty. I said I would bring Ian by some time soon. I took my bike and went home and picked up the other one. It would give us something to do around the lake. Back at the villa, I found Ian sitting in the den watching tv. He was only wearing a towel. "There are no clothes in any of the closets. I didn't want to wear those dirty ones after I showered." "Shit. I'm sorry. I hadn't planned on picking you up. I'll be right back." I popped over to a department store and gathered a few things. He was about my size, only a little thinner. I actually paid for them and left. "Shit. You scared me," Ian said when I popped up right in front of him. I held out the shopping bags. "Try these on," I said. He took the bags into the bedroom. I sat and started watching the tv. After about fifteen minutes he came out. "They all fit nice," he said and I looked up. He was wearing a pair of tighty whitey underwear and nothing else. I could see the outline of a handsome cock under them. I was a bit shocked at first. I appraised him for a minute. His hair, now that it was clean, was very blond wavy and long. He had big, very blue eyes kinda like Asa Butterfield, and angular features. I hadn't realized how attractive he was. "What are you watching?" "I uh 3; wasn't really paying any attention," he sat beside me, and propped one foot on the sofa. This only accentuated the lump in his underwear. He rocked his leg back and forth which made his bulge seem to have a mind of it's on. I finally drew my attention away from his bulge and picked up on his thoughts. He did it with all those people, but won't even look at me. I must really be ugly. "Oh no. Ian. It's not like that." "Not like what.?" "You're not ugly at all. You're 3; perfect 3; .Uh I mean." "Were you reading my mind again?" "I guess, kinda." "What do you mean I'm perfect." "You're absolutely gorgeous. I just didn't want to make you do something you didn't want to do." "I'm thirteen. Of course I want to do that. I haven't ever done anything, and you've been so nice to me, and helped my mom. But then you didn't even give me a second look when I came out here almost naked. You're the one that is supposed to be a walking hard on," Ian bemoaned. "Oh, I looked alright. Even drooled a little I think. You have to understand though, I'm going to be doing things with other people too. My appetite will be much higher than yours, and I will be doing boys and girls." "I like girls. I just hoped you would want me, too. You feed me and give me clothes and a nice place to stay. I feel like a pet if I don't do something for you too." "I never thought of it like that. I have a pet boy. Nice. Always wanted one of those." Ian smacked my arm. "It's not funny. How would you like to be someone's pet?" "Well, using that same logic, if you trade sex for your food and stuff, isn't that prostitution. I didn't want you to feel like you're being used, like your mom." "I see what you mean," Ian said sadly. "Look, Ian, I helped you and your mom, because you needed it. I want you to stay with me because you want to, not because you owe it to me. I want a friend, not a pet, not a prostitute." "Friends sometimes are together in their underwear, like during a sleepover right?" Ian asked. "I guess so, yeah." "And I'm sleeping over, right?" "Yeah." "So you should be in your underwear too," Ian instructed. He watched me closely as I got down to my underwear, and sat down beside him. "There's a tv in the bedroom upstairs. We should watch tv there 3; like during a sleepover," Ian suggested. We scurried upstairs, turned on the tv, turned out the lights, and got into bed. "You know, I've heard that sometimes friends experiment during sleepovers too," Ian whispered. "Experiment? Experiment how?" I asked feigning ignorance. "Kinda like touching each other and even doing things they normally wouldn't do, because they trust their friend not to tell anyone." "Really? Do you think we should take our underwear off? I mean, just in case we want to experiment." "Yeah. That might be a good idea. Just in case one of us wants to, you know, experiment." We took off our underwear still covered by the blanket. Then I just reached over and put my hand on his very hard cock. He did a quick intake of breath, then sighed. I could feel the need in him, but I didn't want to rush things. I stroked his dick a few times and I couldn't take anymore. I had to see it. I turned on the bedside lamp and threw the covers off. Then I did a quick intake of breath. He was absolutely gorgeous. His cock was about five inches [12.5 cm] long, nicely thick and a large bell shaped head. His small patch of pubic hair was only slightly darker than on his head. The tight abs made a distinct V pointing to his pubis. I just stared at him. I was in total awe of his beautiful body. Oh god, he thinks I'm hideous. I heard Ian think. "Quite the opposite. You are perfect. I'm speechless. I have to taste you." I swooped down and took his cock into my mouth. It was like lightning struck me. I instantly knew he would be with me a long time. I could see us at forty, fifty, even sixty years old. The images kept coming, some I didn't understand, others were pretty self explanatory. I looked into his face, and I saw his eyes moving under their lids. Like when someone is dreaming. He was seeing things too. I sucked him, I cuddled his balls in my hand, I took him down my throat and held it there. Then he erupted, and it was like none of the other loads I had taken. It had life, is the only way I can describe it. Energy, power 3; life. He stayed motionless, like unconscious, I couldn't even tell he was breathing. He suddenly took a deep breath, and his eyes fluttered open, but I could tell he wasn't focused. After a minute, he raised up on his elbows and looked at me. "Did you do something to me?" "Yeah, I sucked your dick." "No, I mean like to my brain?" "Nope. You saw something though didn't you?" "Yeah, but I don't know what. And do all blowjobs feel like that?" "It was pretty different for me too. I think we need to go see my grandfather." Grandpa was startled when two naked teenagers appeared in front of him. "Isaac. What a surprise," Then looking us both over added "A very pleasant surprise I must say." Ian tried to cover his crotch. He hadn't expected to be instantly standing nude in front of a stranger. When I started off by telling my grandfather that I was sucking Ian's dick, he got even more embarrassed. I told Grandpa the whole story and Grandpa turned to Ian. "So this is Ian." "I'm sorry, I should have introduced you. Grandpa, this is Ian. Ian, my grandpa. So what do you think?" "I'm not sure what to think. Was this the first intimate contact between you two?" "Yeah." "And you sucked Ian. Did he suck you too?" "No. It was so different I had to come see you." "Well it's obvious there is some paranormal connection between you two. I would suggest you complete the connection." "Okay. How do we do that?" I asked "Simple. He has to blow you." "I was hoping you would say that," Ian said smiling. He started to get on his knees when Grandpa stopped him. "Maybe you should lay down, just in case." We ran upstairs to my bedroom, Grandpa followed. Ian got between my legs and said "I've never done this, so I'm sorry if I suck at it." We both laughed at his pun. Then he took my cock between his lips, and again it was like I had been struck by lightning. Images flashing through my mind like a scene from a movie. Future images of Ian and me. Images of some of my dead ancestors too. Voices and images crashing through and speeding to a crescendo, then the most intense orgasm I have ever experienced. My next conscious moment was looking up at Grandpa. He was sitting in a chair next to the bed. "What happened?" I asked groggily. "You both passed out. Fifty four minutes ago," he said looking at the bedside clock. "You're kidding right?" "Nope, and young Ian shot a load at the same time you did. He never touched himself. He came from tasting you." "Well, that's different," I said looking at the cum on him and the bed. His head was still on my belly, though my cock had gone down and slipped from his mouth. "What does all this mean?" I asked him. "I wish I had an answer for you son. You're in a realm way beyond anything I am familiar with. I know that it is a good sign though, otherwise Ian would not have survived. The only, even remote, possibility I can come up with is, Ian may be your soulmate." "Soulmate?" "Yeah. People have always searched for their 'soulmate', their perfect match, to marry. Though no one really does. We settle for whatever is close. Whoever we can live with and not kill, usually." "Does that mean I should marry Ian?" "Not at all. I'm not even sure that is what this is. It could just be another of your abilities showing up. It could just be a very strong connection between you two. Or you could also have more than one soulmate. I know it is a significant event for both of you." "Now I know you fucked with my head," Ian said as he came to. "Nope," Grandpa and I said together. "But all those pictures. Like memories that haven't happened yet." "Haven't happened yet?" Grandpa asked. "Well, yeah. I know they haven't happened because Isaac and I were older, much older in some of them." "Tell me, Ian, when is your birthday?" "I turned thirteen just a couple of weeks ago, why?" "What date?" "The 24th." Shit! We even had the same birthday. "Somehow I thought so," Grandpa said, and left the room. Ian looked at the clock, "Was I out for an hour?" "Yep." "Damn. I would love to have sex with you again, Isaac, but I don't know if I will survive it." "I know just what you mean," I pulled him up beside me. I couldn't help admiring his beautiful body again. I leaned in and kissed him. "I was hoping you would do that," he said. So I did it again. Later as we came downstairs we found Grandpa waiting. "I was just looking for some fire extinguishers in case you two started to fuck. I like my house unburnt," he joked. "Very funny Grandpa," I said and hugged him. I suddenly had a flash of Grandpa in a coffin, and the date 3/31/2018. I must have turned ashen. I didn't want to let go of him. He finally peeled me away and looked into my eyes. "You saw something, didn't you?" I nodded and started to cry. He hugged me again and said "There are some things that people just don't need to know. I suspect that is one of them. Son, not all abilities are gifts. Some can be a curse too. I'm sorry you received that particular one. It's one of the toughest. Maybe you can find a way to filter it, it's never been done. But if anyone can, it's you." He pulled away again and said. Never, ever, tell anyone that piece of information. We all know it's coming, we don't need to know when. Promise me." "I promise," I could barely squeak out through my tears. We went back to the villa, Ian could see I was torn up. "Is it something I can help with?" He said trying to comfort me. "Afraid not. I just learned my grandfather won't be with me very long." "What do you mean?" "I know when he's going to die. I just got to know him and love him. Now I only have a couple of years to be with him." I threw myself on the bed in despair. Ian cuddled in behind me and held me close. I could actually feel the support and sympathy pouring from him. I knew for sure he is a part of me. My strength, my resolve and courage, my coping mechanism. That was why we were brought together. Chapter 5Disneyland is a shitload of fun for two teen boys. Especially if you don't have to wait in lines, which of course we didn't. In crowds I have to block out everything, so I didn't read Ian, but he seemed to be having a good time. We went back to the villa after lunch for a little fun in bed, then back to Disneyland. For dinner we went to a restaurant on the 31st floor of a hotel in San Francisco. The view of the Golden Gate Bridge at sunset was very romantic. We made it back to Disneyland in time for the parade and fireworks display. Back at the villa, I took Ian's ass virginity. He did mine a little later after he recovered. I wasn't a virgin, but I love the hell out of what he did. He is so gorgeous, and there is definitely a connection between us. I love having his cock inside me. If I was able, I would try to just have sex with him. Even after a couple of days, I'm climbing the walls. I need more than he can give. I guess I could tie him to the bed and just fuck his ass 24/7 but I don't want to do that. The next day I decided it was time to give Barton's daughter about a foot of cock. No, mine isn't that big yet, but between Ian and I it's over a foot. I picked her up and took her to the villa. I let Ian take her cherry, I already had a few notches on my belt. Then I did her. Then we spit roasted her with me in her pussy and Ian in her mouth. In the afternoon I picked up Josh and the three of us made her airtight. Josh got her ass cherry. She's very photogenic like her father, so I sent him a few pics. Of course our faces weren't showing, but her's was clear. I 'suggested' that if she was getting it at home, she wouldn't need to look for it on the street. I guess it's a bit mean, but you have no idea what that man has done in our town. At the same time, it was kind of a gift to him. That night when he got home, he fucked his thirteen year old daughter instead of his fat assed wife. In fact he fucked her a lot over the next few months, that is till she started showing her future maternity. Then they shipped her off somewhere. The next day, I took Caitlyn to her third visit with Grandpa. Ian and I were in my room in bed when we heard her cry out. "Sounds like Grandpa finally got it all in her. Poor girl will never be the same," I told Ian. Later she was walking kinda funny, but she had a huge smile on her face. Even made me promise to bring her back. I took her home and went back to Grandpa's house. He wanted to talk to me. "Let's go to the vault." So I flipped us there. "I've already made arrangements with my attorneys, but there are some things you need to know." "No 3; I don't. It's not for years yet 3; Don't even talk about it," I yelled at him. I couldn't help but to start welling up with tears. "It doesn't matter. Next month, fifty years, whatever. These ledgers contain lists of assets and accounts. Here in this drawer is jewelry, in this is deeds and stock certificates. Everything you need to know is in this journal." "Grandpa 3; I 3;" "My turn to talk now, so quiet. I know that you are getting stronger. I can feel it. As a member of the Legacy, I have to say I am honored to get to meet you. You are by far the most powerful ever. The fact that you are my grandson is only more of an honor. "Even outside of the Legacy, I am proud to be your grandfather. I wish we could have been closer when you were growing up. But as you know it wasn't possible. "But I also must warn you. With all your abilities and power, you will do things that some would consider bad. Your inhibitions are lower than mosts because of the Legacy. Some things are harmless fun, some not so much. I just want you to remember Lord Acton's words 'Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.' He was merely speaking in human terms of authority over others. In your case, there are no limits to what you are capable of, therefore you must be doubly cautious of what you do." "I understand Grandpa. I will also try to do some good as well. I don't want to actually hurt people but it's difficult not to when you know you can and they deserve it." "Ahh 3; so some things have arisen already. Just don't hurt anyone more than you have to." By the next day however I was horny as I had ever been. I fucked Ian twice, but it wasn't enough. I remember hearing Caitlyn taking Grandpa's big cock, and the look on her face after. I needed to see something like that. A tight young pussy taking a big cock and loving it. We went to an all inclusive resort in Mexico. Very expensive place that catered to wealthy families. I found a man about forty years old. He was really packing his speedo swimsuit. I saw him watching the teen girls and zeroed in on his thoughts. He was a first class perv. He brought his family here just so he could watch the young girls and his own daughter and son. One little girl really caught his eye. She reminded him of his daughter. She was petite, blond, small breasts. Of course she didn't give him a second thought. Then his son sat down beside him. The girl was very interested in him. He was fifteen and also packing heavy meat. She was thinking, He's hot. I should do it with him just to piss off mom. She doesn't even want me to date. Wouldn't it just get her goat if I got pregnant on this trip. She's here to find a new husband, but I get fucked instead. Serve the bitch right if I did. So I decided to try my hand at matchmaking. She got out of the pool and was going to casually walk by the boy to get his attention. A slight trip with good timing, put her right in the boy's lap. Her hand, catching the python in his suit, lingered for a squeeze. His gallant effort to brace her fall, managed to remove the miniscule top half of her bikini. His offer to 'shield' her till she could get back to her room (my suggestion), was quickly accepted (also me). I told Ian to stay at the pool and was in the room when they arrived. I 'told' them to ignore my presence, just pretend I'm not here. A kiss would be a good way to thank the boy, right? A deep kiss including tongues seemed appropriate. Oh my 3; How did both of your swimsuits end up on the floor suddenly? I was right about the boy. He had eight thick inches [20 cm]. I could see the lust and fear in her eyes when she saw it. She started to chicken out, but I convinced her otherwise. Wouldn't your mom hate this. Her little baby naked with a boy? What, you're ovulating? Oh mom would definitely hate that. He is a very good kisser, isn't he. Go ahead lean back on the bed so he can kiss you some more. Yes, I think you should let him go as far as he wants. No, it won't hurt much, just a little at first then you will love it. You feel it trying to get in you? Yes, spread your legs a little bit more. Like that. Oh yeah it's pretty thick but it will go in. See, it only hurt a little, now open up for him. Yes he's big. You can feel him in your tummy? Is it good? I knew you would like it. Lift your hips up at him, yes like that. See isn't that good? Faster? Sure he can go faster and harder. Ah, you like it don't you? Yes, no longer a virgin, now you can have all the sex you want. Put your feet on his butt. It does feel even deeper, doesn't it. Throw your hips up at him, let him know how much you like it. Feels like he's getting thicker and harder? He's going to shoot his cum in you. Yes, way up in you to look for an egg. Tell him to cum in you. That's right, hold him tight with your legs. Don't let him pull out. Feel it? Good. Now cum for him. Let him know you appreciate his efforts. Oh a screamer too. Nice. I summoned Ian to bring the boy's father to the room. While waiting, I took the opportunity to lick the boy clean. When they arrived, the father took one look at the petite girl with his son's cum running out of her and instantly got hard. The little slut spread her legs in invitation, I didn't even have to suggest it. Dad's cock was slightly longer and thicker than the boy's. She took it easily though. I gave Ian a blow job as we watched Dad plow the little girl. You'd think he'd be happy fucking a teen pussy, but he was thinking about his daughter the whole time. I guess I'm somewhat corrupted already, because I didn't feel too bad about anything I had done so far. Maybe a little guilty. After all I was having people fuck their own brothers, sisters, fathers, and strangers, without regard to whether they might get pregnant. In fact, I really liked the thought of those girls getting pregnant. Pussies are made to accommodate all sizes of cocks, so they should get them. Cocks shoot cum. Pussies are made to have cum injected into them, not into some man made condom. The natural outcome may be pregnancy, so be it. I also like the girls to enjoy it, I liked them wanting the boy's cum in them. Offering themselves up to be fucked willingly and enjoying it. I liked knowing the boys were spreading their seed. A young girl with a big cock in her belly trying to get her pregnant. It doesn't get any better than that, as far as observing. Aesthetically, I enjoyed boys bodies more. They're just nicer to look at for me. Small dicks, to huge cocks. I loved them all. Mostly young boys, old enough to shoot a load though. If they can reward me with a load, then I'm happy. By far I enjoyed the actual sex with Ian though. I mean I'd fuck a girl, or another guy, in a heartbeat. But I loved being in bed with Ian, enjoying a nice leisurely fuck or just each other's body. After the boy and his father both fucked the girl twice, I took Ian to see his mother. She looked a wreck, because she was still going through withdrawals. But she also looked somewhat healthier. She was happy to see her son, and asked him how she got there. She said the staff wouldn't tell her anything. That was because they didn't know anything, except that she was a patient, and her bill was paid. Ian said I was a friend of his, and that I had arranged for her treatment. She thanked me with a kiss to my forehead, and there was a noticeable static shock between us. She looked questioningly into my eyes and then just smiled. She promised me and Ian that she would never go back to drugs, and she couldn't wait to be clean and get on with her life. He gave her my cell number and said to call if she needed anything. I explained that we traveled a lot, but I assured her we would be back for a visit again soon. Back at the villa, Ian asked me if I read her. "I didn't have to. It was in her eyes. She knows we are together, and there is a bond. She's not sure what it is, but that we belong together." "Is that why she never mentioned her and I living together again?" "I suppose so. But it could be she just isn't planning that far ahead right now, because she knows she has to get through this first." "Did 3; did you see 3; .you know, anything else?" Ian asked, referring to when she would die. "I'm trying real hard to not find that out. I am blocking everything until I need it. If you want me to, next time I'll read her. But I won't tell you when she'll die." "Thanks. I actually appreciate that. Now, I think it's passed time for your blow job. Or would you prefer to fuck my tight teenage ass?" "You know, I'm probably going to get as big as my grandfather. Then your little ass won't be so tight," I said grabbing for him as he dashed upstairs. I never tire of looking at him. His body, his cock, his bubble butt, all delicious. As I entered his hole he said "I can already tell you're getting bigger." I kissed him, and he wrapped his legs around me. I love fucking him, it's like I belong there. The two of us joined as one. If he could get pregnant, I'd be a father by the time I was fourteen. Grandpa said no Legacy had children before wanting them. I almost wish I could make Ian pregnant. I checked in on my parents, then Ian and I went to Wolfgang Puck's in Vegas for dinner. The next day Ian and I were laying in bed when he said "I wish my mom didn't have to go through that. I mean all the drugs and prostitution, now withdrawals. She used to be fun to be with, and a good mother." "I know what you mean. I wish she didn't have to. It's for the best now, she's away from that." "You're right. I wonder how many other women they did that to. I know they do that a lot. Get girls hooked on drugs then turn them into whores." "Hmm. Do you know any of the guys who did that to her?" "Mostly it was Carlos and Juan. They're bad dudes. They run drugs and prostitution and who knows what else." We popped down to his mom's street corner in Florida. There was a girl trying to pick up guys. I read her till I found out where Carlos and Juan were. We popped over there. They were a bit surprised to see two teen boys appear out of nowhere. By the time they were able to act, I had their henchmen up against the wall and naked. "You must be Carlos, and that would make you Juanito," I said pointing at the two stunned thugs. "I don't appreciate the way you do business. But I'm a friendly kind of guy. I'm going to explain how I do business to you." I pointed at the only black guy in the room, the others were all Hispanic. "What's your name?" "Ty." "Damn, Ty, you sure have a big dick. How big is it?" "12 inches [30 cm]." "Nice. You know any other brothers who have nice big cocks?" "Yeah." I let him off the wall, and handed him a cell phone off Carlos's desk. "Give them a call, and tell them that if they're not here in ten minutes, you're gonna die. I need about twelve hung brothers. Can you do that?" He nodded. Turning back to Carlos and Juan "As you can see, I have a certain set of skills. I'm not a person to be fucked with. When I leave here today, you will not remember anything about me or my friend here. But, what you will remember is what those black dicks are gonna do to you." "Are they coming Ty? Good. Step over here." I took Ty's cock in my hand and stroked it. He got hard pretty quickly. "Very nice Ty. Now Carlos step over here and drop your pants." He sat there shaking his head, so I convinced him. "I would suggest you get as much spit on Ty's big cock as you can, because that is all the lube you're getting before he shoves this beautiful cock in your ass." Carlos hesitated. "I'm serious. You lube it with your mouth, or you are taking it dry. Last chance." Carlos found the courage to swallow as much of the big cock that he could. He slathered it in as much spit as he could muster. "Now Carlos, bend over the desk," he shook his head. "I'm not asking." I forced him over the desk. "Ty, fuck him. Oh, and don't go easy on him." The rest of the crew watched in horror as Ty started pushing his cock into Carlos. For some reason Carlos didn't seem to be too happy about his ass getting invaded. He cried like a little bitch. "What's your name?" I asked one of the Cuban henchmen. "Jualito." "Well, Jualito, Juan looks lonely. Why don't you show him a good time? As much as you can with the little dick of yours." I arranged Juan over the desk next to Carlos. "No lube for you Juan. His dick is too small for you to need it." While the two assholes (pun intended) were getting fucked, I had a little chat with them. "Now, let me see. Hmm. It seems that Carlos has four kids. One boy and three daughters. And Juan has one son and one daughter. Ages 8 to 14. Nice. Carlos, do you think your nine year old son would like Ty's big cock up his ass? No? What about your eleven year old daughter? I think she would like it a lot. I think I can arrange for Ty's friends to fuck all your kids, oh and your's too Juan." The brothers arrived. "Everyone get naked, there's a party in these two's asses." The cocks were large. One was even bigger than Ty. "You fellas have a good time. Don't fight over who gets who. You all can have both of them as much as you like. "Now Carlos, oh and you too Juan, I arranged this little party so you could find out what it's like to have to take cock after cock without a choice. Just like you do to your crack whores. And If you don't get your whores off the streets and into rehab by this time tomorrow, your children are going to learn the same lesson. Am I clear? "Juan why don't you start sucking this big young guy. I think he's next in line for your ass, and it looks like this one is gonna hurt. Oh 3; Nice load Ty. Next for Carlos. You'll like this one Carlos. Not as long as Ty but a bit thicker. Don't worry just shove it in 3; yeah like that. That looked awfully painful Carlos. Was it? Should we save this one's load for your oldest daughter. I bet she would get pregnant real easy with a big black cock in her. "Juan, you won't mind if my friend and I have a nice cold coke from your bar while you're getting fucked, would you?" We watched as the buys fucked them both repeatedly. Four hours they were fucked. I lost track of how many loads were deposited in them. "Now, Carlos. What do you plan to do tomorrow?" I asked him. "Get the whores into rehab." "Good boy. I will be checking back here periodically. If I find one whore working for you, your children will become intimately familiar with some big cocked brothers. Do you understand?" Poof, we were gone. "Remind me not to piss you off," Ian said as we were cuddling later. "You could never piss me off. I love you too much," I answered. "You love me?" Ian asked in surprise. "Yeah, I do. I can't explain it, but you were meant to be a part of me." "Do you really think it's love, or just this paranormal connection?" "Whatever it is, we are going to be together for the rest of our lives. You saw the same images as I did, I assume. We were old and still together. Some of them we were in bed still fucking each other." "Yeah, I saw that too. I also felt it. I felt the same then as I do now. So, I guess this means that love can last a lifetime?" "I think it does." Ian was quiet for a minute then asked "Does it bother you that I can't do all the stuff you can do?" "Does it bother you that I can and you can't?" "No, but it does scare me some. I mean the way you like to watch people fuck and stuff. I don't want it to corrupt you, as your Grandfather put it." "It's not the watching that corrupts. It's the ability to make people do anything that I want. I'll admit that I like watching people fuck and suck, and that I like being able to make it happen. "I really didn't enjoy watching Carlos and Juan get fucked. That was pure punishment for what they do. I did enjoy making it happen though. I enjoyed being able to dish out a little taste of what they have been doing to others. If I could find a way to do that to all the guys like them I would. Of course I will be fucking and making other people fuck for my pleasure. That might be kind of like them, but I hope that the people I fuck get some measure of pleasure from it too, not just used like your mother was." I took his cock into my mouth, "Oh, I definitely get a measure of pleasure," he said. After he unloaded, I asked "Can you forgive me if I take liberties with people's lives?" "Will you also help people when you can?" "I promise. Whenever I see some injustice, I'll help all I can." "Then I will forgive you, and stay with you forever." Chapter 6The month passed quickly. Ian and I grew closer every day. We visited his mother about once a week. She seemed stronger each visit. She was concerned about getting out too soon, and I assured her she could stay as long as she felt she needed. She asked how I could afford that being a child myself. I told her I had unlimited resources. She questioned our relationship and Ian said we were best friends and closer than brothers. I explained to her that I would do anything for Ian and he would do the same for me. I read her on occasion, and she was aware that Ian and I did a lot more than play video games together. We went everywhere together. We visited all the well known tourist places in the world. Grandpa accompanied us to a few places he hadn't been and showed us around a few he had visited. Ian and I both love Paris and go there often. We were at the Louvre one day when I picked up on something. It was a Muslim who was very nervous. I followed him till he reached the room that the Mona Lisa hangs. He started shouting something about Allah, so I encased him in a shield just as he detonated his bomb vest. The authorities are still trying to figure out how he managed to blow only himself up and all his body parts and blood made a perfect circle on the floor. "I didn't know you could do that," Ian said after. "I didn't either." "Then how did you?" "You know I can move things. I just moved the air, kinda forcing it in around him. Like air pressure. It's the same way I held those goons against the wall." Ian decided I deserved a blow job for that, and the top of the Eiffel tower is a great place for a blow job. Come to think of it, anywhere is a great place for a blow job. Summer came to an end, and Ian was worried about school. I asked him if he wanted to go. He said he hadn't been in over a year. He wasn't sure if he wanted to go and be the oldest in his class. I told him I would stay with him and we didn't have to go. I 'explained' to the school that I had perfect attendance and straight A's. My parents will be so proud when report cards come out. I know, maybe dropping out of school at 13 isn't a good idea. For most people I would agree. I'm not like most people. I will never have to work, or kiss some bosses ass. I don't need to feel like I accomplished something by finishing school. I accomplish more than anybody else. I'm not going to be a doctor or lawyer or anything that requires that level of education. I'm definitely not going to perform any surgery. Even Grandpa wasn't happy with my decision, but agreed with my reasoning. I love Ian, but I need more sex. He knows it. He does all he can for me. Six, eight, ten times a day, one or both of us is getting our nut. I can go a few days then I need a fix. It's the only way to describe it. Like his mother with her drugs. I need my injection of sex. We went to L.A., to a really nice neighborhood. I found what I needed. A back to school party. The entire freshman class of the local school was there. I sent the host's parents and other chaperoning parents to the pool house. I 'suggested' to everyone that they should get naked. I love having this ability. The boys were all virgins, and so were the girls. I ended that real quick. In no time at all it was a full blown orgy. Everyone was fucking and sucking everyone. I watched and played with a lot of kids. Not one drop of semen hit the ground unless it ran out of a girl's pussy. Guys were sucking other guys as they fucked girls. The sights and sounds were just what I needed. Skin slapping skin, moaning, screams of orgasms. Girls having multiple partners, Boys depositing seeds. I only had to remove their inhibitions, and they came up their own kinkiness. One girl was sucking the family dog while getting fucked doggystyle by a hung black boy. She was only thirteen and loving it. Later I went to check on the parents. Apparently my 'suggestion' of inhibition hit them as well. They were having their own little orgy. I decided to let the two orgies blend into one. What the hell, everyone was fucking someone else's spouse, why not someone's kids as well. I read somewhere that in a room of thirty people, odds are 50/50 that two of them have the same birthday. I don't know how that works, but with a hundred girls there, surely at least two were ovulating. That thought really had me hot. Two of these girls could be mothers by the end of the school year. And two boys have spread their seed. "Are you sorry I can't get pregnant," Ian asked me. "No 3; squeezing a baby out your tight ass would probably give it brain damage or something." "You know what I mean." "No I'm not sorry. I love your body. I love your mind, I love your disposition. I love everything about you, just as you are. Don't you know that girls are batshit crazy? No thank you. I want you." He seemed to like that answer. "Then why are so hung up on girls getting pregnant?" "I really don't know. It's like 3; Well, I want the girls to get fucked by the guys, and for them to appreciate what the boys do for them. The best way for a girl to show appreciation for the seed they received, is to get pregnant with it. Sex has one purpose really, reproduction. It's enjoyable so that we will want to keep doing it and propagate the species. "You know all the time how adults tell us to be careful, we might get some girl pregnant. Well, all the sex that I crave, and can make happen, in my head I'm thinking some girls are gonna get pregnant. I also love boy's bodies and I want them to enjoy sex. Most boys want to fuck girls, so the girls should get pregnant. "I need the sex like a drug. A girl getting knocked up is like pure heroine, not the watered down version you usually get. But I definitely don't want any kids yet so I like to see other guys impregnating the girls." "I guess somehow that makes sense," Ian admitted His mother was being released from the rehab center. Ian and I went to pick her up. He had told me she was in accounting, but hadn't taken her CPA exam before getting hooked on drugs. I asked Grandpa if he knew of a place she could get a job. He wanted to meet her so we took her there. Of course I had to plant a memory of a long trip. "Now I can see how you could afford to keep me in rehab," Ian's mother said when she saw Grandpa's house. I didn't tell her that his money had nothing to do with it. Grandpa read her and talked to her alone. After about half an hour, he said he knew someone who could hire her. It's a small company in a town about an hour's drive away. He would take her the next day and introduce her to his friend the CEO of the company. We stayed with Grandpa that night, and the next day we were very busy. After her meeting, which went well, Grandpa arranged for her to get an apartment. Ian and I arranged for furnishings, while Grandpa took her clothes shopping. By the end of the day, she was completely set up with a furnished two bedroom apartment, clothes, kitchen stuff, bathroom stuff, and a new job. The next day I got her a checking account with a ten thousand dollar balance. That should help her get started until she got paid. I got her a nice car, not too expensive, but equal to her status as an young accountant. Ian and I stayed at her place that night. I didn't fuck him because he makes too much noise, but we did trade blowjobs. She didn't seem surprised that we shared a room though. The next day was Saturday, Mariam (Ian's mother) went grocery shopping and made us a nice dinner. She's a little out of practice cooking but managed pretty well. After dinner she asked how we met. "I was pretty down, and Ian found me on the beach. He was so nice and allowed me to tell him my problems. He made me feel so much better, and offered his help. I don't really want to get into it, but he was a tremendous help to me. We hit it off as friends immediately and have been together since." Ian was grateful that I had left out his problems and made it seem that he was my hero. Then she asked about school. Damn, mom's are a pain. I told her that I have a private tutor that is instructing both of us. We excused ourselves and went to the bedroom, before she could ask any more. I flipped us back to the villa, and fucked her son to pieces. He returned the favor and we went back to her place. Sunday we drove around town so she could get acquainted with it, then we went to a nice restaurant for dinner. She was starting her new job the next day and we toasted to her new life. Grandfather joined us and it was a very nice time. He and I had discussed our readings of her and we both knew she was never going back to drugs. She now had her life together, and Ian was thrilled, which made me happy. Grandfather had a birthday coming up, so I asked him what he wanted to do for his big day. "I'd like to take my grandson fishing. Isn't that what grandfathers are supposed to do?" I reminded him he had three other grandsons. "We can bring them along if you want, there's plenty of room on the boat." "Boat? What boat?" "You don't know everything about me yet, son. I joined the Navy when I was eighteen. I fell in love with the sea. I have a cabin cruiser down on the coast." My aunt Emily was glad to see me, it had been a while since we were together. I invited my cousins to go fishing with us. Emily was more excited than the boys, because of grandfather's estate of course. Eddie, who is just a little older than me, thought it would be fun. Mark, who is fifteen didn't want to go until he found out it was a week on a boat. He jumped at the chance to be out of school for a week. Lucas, seventeen, declined. He didn't want to be away from his girlfriend. Grandpa, Ian, and I were waiting for them at the airport when they arrived. We went by cab to the marina. I realized I was completely spoiled by not having to travel this way. Grandpa's 'cabin cruiser' was a sixty five foot ]20 m] yacht. I was impressed and so were the rest of the boys. He showed us around the boat and we stowed our suitcases in our quarters. There is a master suite, a VIP suite and two guests suites which have two single beds each. Grandpa of course got the master, Ian and I took the VIP, and Eddie and Mark took a guest suite. Grandpa had the boat stocked with plenty of food and booze before we arrived. I'm not a drinker and neither is Ian, I don't know about my cousins. Grandpa likes a drink now and then though. We set off south along the coast. It was beautiful, and the view from the flybridge was great. Grandpa handled the boat like an expert. We weren't interested in fishing that first day, just enjoyed being on the water. Near dusk, Grandpa set anchor next to a little island. "You'll find swimsuits in your cabins," he said. So we all went to change. Being a perv, he had gotten us all white speedos. My, now over seven inch [18 cm], cock was on display, as was everyone else's. Grandpa's speedo could barely contain his endowment, and my cousins noticed. Eddie seemed quite taken by the sight. He also stared at me. "You've grown since the last time I saw you in a swimsuit," he said. "That was a couple of years ago. Puberty has been kind to me so far," I laughed. "I'll say it has. You're going to be as big as Grandfather soon." He didn't know how right he was. Eddie's and Mark's packages appeared to be about average for boys their ages. We all got into the water and played around awhile. When we climbed back onto the swim platform of the boat, I saw why Grandpa had chosen these particular suits. They were practically transparent when wet. I got hard instantly. Eddie seem to like them too, because once he saw the other wet invisible suits, he got hard too. I think Eddie might be just slightly gay. I looked at Grandpa, and he smiled. I didn't have to read him to know what he was thinking. "Well, these don't hide much," I said as I slid them off. Eddie stared at my hard cock for a few seconds before following my lead. His hard dick was close to five inches [12.5 cm], nice patch of dark brown pubes, the head was not as rounded as mine, more pointy. I guess it would make it easier to slide into an ass. Mark hesitated. Then said "What the hell," and slid his suit down too. He had about six inches [15 cm], and kind of thin with dark pubes like Eddie. Ian and Grandpa did the same, and we all stood around staring at each other's cocks. Grandpa's was by far the largest, I was second, Ian and Mark were pretty close but Ian's is thicker, and Eddie had the smallest. He didn't seem to mind though. "My grandsons have all grown up," Grandpa said as he eyed all the teen flesh. "Quite handsomely I might add," and he licked his lips. "I can't believe how big yours is Isaac. You're younger than I am, and still growing. And Grandpa. Damn, what do you feed that thing? " Mark said. "If you're willing, you might find out. I know Eddie is willing." Eddie blushed but walked over to him and took hold of his cock. "This thing is huge. I've never touched one this big," he suddenly realized he let the cat out of the bag. "I 3; um 3; have played with a couple of friends." "Let's get some dinner and then see what happens," Grandpa suggested. He grilled some steaks, and I threw a salad together. With some fries it was pretty good. We didn't bother to get dressed. Grandpa poured out glasses of wine for himself and Mark and Eddie. Ian and I declined any. We were sitting in the beautifully appointed lounge, soft music playing, lights down low. No one was talking. I read Eddie, and he was thinking how much he wanted to have Grandpa's cock in his mouth. Mark was thinking, I hope I can get a blow job. I've heard it's great. I decided to get things moving and leaned over and took Ian's cock into my mouth. Mark and Eddie said "Shit," in unison. After watching me for a minute, Eddie went over to Grandpa and got on his knees in front of him. As he took the large cock into his mouth, his brother stood in front of Ian. Ian leaned in and started sucking Mark. Mark was the first to cum. I 'told' him to suck his brother. Eddie was surprised to find his brother's lips around his dick, but didn't complain. After everyone had cum once, I said. "Well, that was interesting." Eddie looked at Mark and said "I can't believe you sucked me. And you swallowed my cum." "I 3; I don't know what came over me. But I kinda liked it," he reported. Grandpa gave me a look, I smiled. He winked. Mark said "I think I'm the only one here who's just done that for the first time." Looking around the room, we were all nodding. "Can I assume you all have done other things too." Again, we all nodded. "Eddie has anyone ever fucked you?" "My friend Barry, during a sleepover last year. Well the first time anyway." Mark then looked at Ian. "What about you?" "Only Isaac has fucked me." I could read Mark thinking, Damn, he's the only one here I'm not related to./p> I 'told' Ian that Mark wanted to fuck him. He thought, Would you be mad if I let him? No, Baby, I'm gonna love you no matter what you do. It's up to you if you want to try it. If you don't, that's okay too. If you don't like it, don't do it again. Ian gave me a little smile then nodded at me. He got up and walked over to Mark and took his hand. When Mark stood, Ian led him downstairs to the VIP suite. "Grandpa, I still want to try that big cock in my ass." Eddie looked shocked when I said that. Grandpa told Eddie "There's plenty of room for three on my bed." He thought it would be a good idea for Eddie to do me first, sort of work my way up to his large cock. Eddie was delighted to get a chance at my ass, as Grandpa watched. His dick is a little smaller than Ian's so was no problem for me to take it. Mark had already made him cum once so he lasted a while. Once he had cum, and opened me up, Grandpa lined up his monster. I figured if Caitlyn's little girl pussy could take it, I should be able to. I did, but it wasn't easy. Grandpa was gentle with me, and fucked me good. I came while he did me. Then he wanted Eddie's ass. Eddie was scared, but acquiesced. Grandpa wasn't as gentle with him. I at first thought it was because he liked me more, which is true, but then he started talking to Eddie. "Yeah, push that ass back into me like the little slut you are," Then "You like Grandpa's big cock don't you, whore?" I put a read on Eddie, and realized he liked the humiliation. He was loving being used and called names. Grandpa was giving him just what he wanted. Eddie was going to grow up to be an effeminate slut puppy. This week is going to be the perfect launch for him. While Eddie was getting plowed, I zeroed in on Ian. You ok? Yeah. He's not as good as you. Did you do him? Mark doesn't want anything in his ass. I'll change that for you. So I 'informed' Mark that he loved a cock in his ass. By morning Mark had taken Ian's cock three times, and only fucked Ian twice. Breakfast the next morning was quiet. Talk about an elephant in the room, this one was huge and purple. Then Grandpa said "Now that everyone has had his tension released, maybe we can get some fishing done." Grandpa turned on the sonar and located a school of fish. We hauled in enough for lunch and dinner. Everyone had a great time and we really seemed to get along well. "Do you want to sleep with Mark again tonight?" I asked Ian when we were alone. "He was okay. But you're better, and the emotional bond wasn't there either. I love being with you." "I know just what you mean. Grandpa is great, but I love being with you more too." "You don't want to have his big cock again?" "It's was fun, for once in awhile, you should try it before the end of the trip. But I want you more than him." Mark and Eddie slept with Grandpa that night. I heard Mark moaning in a way that only a really big cock could produce. I had to smile. This was the boy that didn't want anything in his ass, yet taking the biggest cock around. The rest of the week was spent much the same. Floating around on a yacht. Floating, fishing, fucking. Good times. Grandpa showed me how to run the boat, though I'm too young to be licensed I suppose. He said it would be mine someday so I should know how to run it. I hate when he says things like that. I didn't want to think about him dying. He asked me about that particular legacy, and I told him I had managed to block it out unless I want that information. He was surprised because no one had blocked out that power before. He said it drove a couple of our relatives crazy, even suicidal. He was happy that I wouldn't have to contend with it. I told him I block out most everything unless I want to 'listen in' to people's thoughts. I explained how I could actually carry on a whole conversation with Ian without saying a word, and not even being near each other. At the end of the week, we took Mark and Eddie to the airport and promised to do it again soon. Of course, the three of us were back home before their plane took off. Chapter 7"A taxi brought us from the airport. We just came in from Rome," Ian explained to his mother when she asked how we got there. "Where's your luggage?" she continued. "It's been sent ahead home. We can't stay long. We just wanted to check in on you," I told her. "How's the job going?" "I love it. I got a promotion already. Mr. Anderson seems to really like me too. He said he was sure I would probably get the comptroller position when it comes up in a couple of months." "That's great Mom, I knew you could do it," Ian was genuinely excited for her. This would go a long way in helping with her self esteem. "What were you doing in Rome?" Mariam asked. "We go there a couple of times a month, just to hang out, really. Isaac's family has a place there," Ian lied. We do go there a lot, but we don't stay there. "That must be nice. Where else do you go?" She wouldn't let it go. Like a dog with a bone. "Mostly London, Paris, and Rome. We have places there. But we've been to Hong Kong, Tokyo, Copenhagen, Prague, just about everywhere," Ian replied. All true, except we don't have places there. "We? We have places?" She was still suspicious. "Oh. Uh 3; I meant, of course, that Isaac has." "He knows that any place I have, is his as well. We're inseparable. My family has practically adopted Ian. Sometimes I wonder if they even prefer him over me," I laughed. "Stop it, Isaac. You know that's not true," he said giving me a playful slap. "I tried to call your grandfather last week and the butler said he had gone fishing," Mariam said to me. "Yeah. He took us all out on his boat. It was a blast," Ian replied. "We would have invited you, but it was just us guys. My male cousins were there too. You would have been relegated to the kitchen, I'm afraid." "His boat has a kitchen?" she asked surprised. "Well, it's a pretty big boat," I answered. "So, how are your studies going? Do you like your tutor? Wouldn't you rather stay here and go to a regular school?" Damn, does this woman ever stop? Ian hesitated then said "Look, Mom, I love you. But you left me on the streets. You chose drugs and prostitution over your son. I know they forced it on you, but you have to accept at least partial blame too." Mariam started to cry. Ian took her hands in his. "Isaac is my life now. I'm never going to leave him. He took care of you even though he didn't have to. Just look at your life compared to a few months ago. He also made sure that Carlos and Juan got out of the crack whore business. I wish you knew what an amazing person he is." "How did he get them out of the business? He's only thirteen," she asked. "You probably don't really want to know. Let's just say, he gave them a taste of their own medicine." "So, you're not going to come back and live with me?" "No, Mom. I can't put myself in a position where I may end up on the streets again. Isaac lied to you when he said I saved him. It was the other way around. I was suicidal, and he saved me. I'm in love with Isaac, and he loves me. He did all those things, because he loves me. "Before you ask, yes, we have sex. A lot of sex. Probably more than you got on the street corner. Wonderful, passionate, unbridled, sex. He's very good at it too, and hung like a horse and still growing." Mariam was shocked at her son's revelation. She also gave me a funny look. I read her for a moment. She was picturing me fucking her son's ass. Pretty accurately too. "We don't live a normal life. We go places and see things that most people only dream of. Why would I want to trade that for the life we had before?" "But I'm clean now," she protested. "Yes, thanks to Isaac you are. We hope you stay that way too. But I'm not going to take that chance. I love you, I just can't live with you without risking my own sanity. I promise we will visit you often. If you ever need anything, all you have to do is call. We can be here very quickly in an emergency. Isaac's Grandpa is close. He will do what he can if you need something." Ian's disclosure of our relationship and his reluctance to live with her was quite a shock to Mariam. We stayed and talked with her at length until she understood that it was best for all of us. Ian even suggested she start dating. She is only 33 and has her whole life ahead of her. When we left, the air was much clearer between us all. We no longer had to keep secrets from her. Well, we still had a few secrets, but she understood we were a couple and would remain as such. We had stayed so long with Mariam, that by the time we got back to the villa, I was dying with need. I am able to control it some, but not for long. I was ripping Ian's clothes off as soon as we appeared in our bedroom. He was nearly as horny as I, and threw himself on the bed face up, waiting for me to fuck his brains out. "Oh God, Isaac, you've grown even more. I can feel the difference from just yesterday." I leaned in and kissed him as I worked my way completely inside him. "Do you want me to stop?" "Never. I want you to fuck me even if I die doing it." "I don't think it will kill you, but what a way to go," I said as I began to plow him. I can't explain how good the sex is with Ian. It's just different from anyone else. We're so connected, so synched together, that every move is exactly the right move. We came to a very strong, crashing, orgasm, and I collapsed on him. My face was buried in his neck, I was totally exhausted. After some minutes, Ian said "I don't want to alarm you, Isaac." "Okay, what is it?" I said into his neck. I didn't have the strength to raise up and look at him. "I think you're invisible," he said. "What? What are you talking about?" I muttered. "I can feel you on me and in me, but you're not here. I can't see you." When a naked Ian suddenly appeared in front of Grandpa, he said "Jesus Christ, Ian. You scared the shit out of me. What are you do 3; How did you get here anyway?" "I'm here too Grandpa," I said. He looked to where the voice came from. "Well, this is a new development. I suppose since Ian is quite naked, you two were doing the dirty deed when this occurred." "If you mean were we fucking, the answer is yes. Now how do I fix this?" "I have only heard of one of our ancestors who could become invisible. It was a long time ago, I don't even know his name. I remember hearing that the first time it happened to him, it was days before he was back to normal. He became an escape artist. They would lock him in a box or jail cell or whatever, then presto, when they opened the box, he was gone. Of course he wasn't, he was invisible. He would just walk out when they opened the box. Then he would reappear at the back of the theater." "Great story Grandpa, but it doesn't help me right now," I was about to lose my patience with him. "Son, like I said before, you're in a totally different realm than anyone before you. I'm sorry to say, I won't be much help to you. I can say that I have faith in your ability to take command of your powers. You have shown it time and again. Everything you have done to this point, you have conquered easily. You learned to teleport on your own without my help because you are strong." "I'm sorry Grandpa. I'm just a little scared." "I can understand that. Let me ask you something. When you and Ian first had sex, and you both had visions, what were they?" "Mostly just Ian and I growing older together. Flashes of images of us. And also some of the Hart ancestors." "You're sure they were Harts?" "Yeah. I recognized a few from the pictures you showed me. The rest were all men, and I could just tell they were relatives. You were in there too." "How many did you see?" "Probably thirty or forty. They were just flashes, and some were different ages of the same guys, and some were just teens. But it was at least thirty different people," I explained. Ian nodded in agreement. "Why, Grandpa? What does it mean?" "We know there is a connection between you two. There is no doubt about that. You are also probably the first to ever find this 'soul mate' or whatever it is. I think the flashes were a preview of the different abilities you will receive. Each of those ancestors had at least one, some had several, abilities. I think you will eventually have them all. Everything any Hart has been able to do, you will be able to do. We have no idea how far back the Legacy goes, thirty generations is a long time. Especially if you consider it has skipped a generation here and there. Plus some of us married later in life or the last child received the Legacy, etc. We could be talking a thousand years." "That would explain about some of their clothes," I said offhandedly. "Did you get a preview of what you would inherit?" "I didn't know it at the time, but I guess so. I had several dreams of one of our ancestors, and he had the same ability that I have." "Do you think meeting Ian caused me to have all the Legacy?" "No. You were already quite powerful before you met him. I could even see it in your aura. I think the joining of two souls may have speeded things up a bit. You not only have abilities, you also control them easily. It was months before I could do what you did the first day." "Still, there's this little matter of me being invisible." "Okay 3; let's see 3; You were fucking when it happened, right? "I was cumming when it happened I think." "That's not unusual. Abilities often show up during stressful or emotional times. You are able to block people's thoughts and that other cursed ability, how do you do it?" "I just sort of flip that switch off. I learned from you how to zero in on someone in particular. I just don't zero in, and all of it is blocked. The other I have to be careful not to open up to them. You know like when you see someone that you haven't seen in awhile. You smile and hug them and open yourself up to feeling the warmth and friendship in that hug. I don't allow myself to open up when I touch someone, well except for Ian. I don't know why, but I have never received that information on him, and I'm completely open to him at all times." "Hmm 3; .Very interesting. So you are always blocking all incoming feelings and emotions except with Ian?" "Pretty much, yeah," I answered. "Okay. I want you to open all your feelings, and your mind. Take a few deep breaths and relax. When you feel relaxed, I want you to hug me. You will have to do it since I can't see you." I did as he asked. Once I felt relaxed I hugged him. Suddenly I had a flow of images coming in. Events and places and people 3; just flashes 3; then the flow slowed down I could search through, like a video. Fast forward, rewind, pause. I could even read his thoughts at the moment in the playback. "You're gonna have a flat tire next Wednesday on the way to your meeting with Paul Overton, so leave early and tell your driver to bring an extra shirt. He'll need it. And you're right, Paul will up his offer by a hundred grand so hold out for it." "Holy shit. Just how far ahead could you see?" "All of it. Up until 3; Well all of it." "Incredible. Absolutely remarkable. What about the past?" I held his hand and 'pushed rewind'. It was all there. His whole life. I stopped at a few funny episodes, even saw my mom as a teen. "Yeah, it's all there." "What happened the day after my eleventh birthday?" Grandpa was testing me. "Hmm 3; public shower, hiding your little dick, slipped on wet tiles, broke your arm." "Fucking remarkable. You've probably had this for a while, you've just been blocking it." "HELLOO 3; Still invisible here," I reminded him. "Oh 3; yeah 3; Uh 3; picture yourself standing in front of a mirror. Now you fade away till only the mirror is there." "Okay. Got it." "Now 3; slowly fade into the mirror again. See yourself appearing, first sort of ghostly then becoming more solid. Yeah like that." "Like what?" "Like you just did. You're back," Grandpa said. I opened my eyes, and I could see my hands. "Thank god 3; I'm whole again." Grandpa looked down at my cock "Boy you're growing fast too. You're probably over eight inches [20 cm] now." "Yes 3; I can feel the difference too," Ian added. "Jesus, you two are obsessed with my cock. Maybe I should be invisible, so you can talk about me." "No 3; we can talk about you even if you're here," Grandpa laughed. "But see if you can go invis 3; Yeah like that. Show off. That will come in handy if you only want to pay for one ticket at the movie theater." "We don't pay for any tickets now Gramps," I laughed. "Oh yeah, you just pop into a seat somewhere. Nice." Ian and I went back to the villa. I have no idea what I'm going to do with invisibility. I mean, most boys would dream of being invisible and sneaking into the girl's locker room, but I didn't need that. I could easily just 'ask' them to drop their panties, and it's a done deal. Besides, most boys would be passing up the opportunity to be seeing the better half of the population naked. Other boys. This Legacy thing is a bit more than I expected. All the things I can do, and yet I don't know what to do. At the same time, the Legacy brought me Ian. For that I am eternally grateful. He is the only one that fulfills me sexually, emotionally, and every other way. I guess he truly is my 'soul mate'. A few days later, Ian and I had just come in from a picnic by the lake. He went to take a shower, and I turned on the tv. There was a news special bulletin about a hostage situation. A bank robber was holding about twenty people inside a bank. A teller had pressed a panic button and the cops surrounded the building. The robber was threatening to start killing hostages if they didn't meet his demands. Ian returned from his shower and got interested in the story. "Those poor people are probably scared to death. Can you imagine being held at gunpoint and the guy threatening to start shooting. Must be awful," he said as he sat his beautiful ass next to me. I started to remove my clothes "Again? You just fucked me down by the lake," Ian said. "No, not again 3; Yet. I just don't know how invisibility works with clothes." "Why are you going invis 3;" I didn't hear the rest as I popped into the bank in L.A. The hostages were all laid out on the floor with their hands under their heads. The perp looked very agitated. It was obvious he had gotten into something he wasn't prepared for. A boy of about 12 was just a couple of feet from where I entered. I whispered to him "Don't be afraid, and don't make a sound." He looked around to find out where the voice was coming from. He probably thought he was losing his mind. "Are you ok?" I whispered He nodded, still not sure where the voice was coming from. "Is anyone hurt?" He shook his head no. "Are you here with your mom?" He nodded, and gestured toward a woman at the robber's feet. I reached down to his basketball shorts and rubbed his jewels. He jump a bit, and I said "Be still, and don't make a sound. I'm going to get you out of here, but I want some of this later." I slid my hand into his shorts, and felt a nice hard four inch [10 cm] spike. "You ever had a blow job?" He shook his head. "Well that ends today. Watch this. Then meet me in the bathroom." He nodded again. I took the gun from the perp, made him undress, then made him walk out with his hands up. To say the cops outside were shocked, would be an understatement. They were on him like stink on shit. The hostages were a bit confused as well. They lay there until the cops came in. My little buddy met me in the bathroom, just as he promised. I was waiting in the stall. "How did you do that?" He asked "Magic. But you can't tell anyone." "But I couldn't even see you." "I'm a very good magician. Now I'm gonna make your virginity disappear," With that I took down his shorts and sucked his dick. He was tasty. He even gave me a small bit of boy cream. Back at the villa Ian said "You did that, didn't you," he was talking about the confused and relieved cops still trying to figure out why the guy gave up and walked out nude. The hostages all told the same story. He suddenly was less agitated, stripped and walked out. One reporter finally asked my little buddy "Were you scared?" "Yeah. I thought we were all going to die." "What do you think happened? Why did he surrender?" "Magic," was all he said. "Ah he's so cute," Ian said. "Yeah. Cute and tasty." "You didn't?" "Of course I did. I should get some payment for doing the cops' job," I said smiling. Over the next few weeks, I did similar rescues. Ian was very proud of me. Most often I rewarded myself with some teen cock. Ian didn't mind. In fact he liked hearing the details. After some massive flooding in Mississippi, I went to see what I could do to help. It would be difficult without revealing myself, so I 'flipped' a couple of dozen of the worst off people to safety, but then wiped their minds. I had a bit of fun with a fifteen year old boy and a thirteen year old girl. They didn't even know each other, but I got them to safety at the same place. Then had them strip and fuck. He had a nice thick six incher [15 cm], that opened her up well for future plowing. They were found together later with no memory of how they got miles from where they were stranded, or why his cock was still inside her. Then something unusual happened. My attempt at opening myself up more was working. I had learned to control more of my abilities without denying myself the pleasure of being with people. I routinely went into crowds without shutting down first. Of course with Ian, I was totally open at all times. I was with Ian at home and started feeling low. I don't know how else to describe it. Depressed, worried, even scared. He thought a trip to Paris would help. We love Paris. So, I 'popped' us to the Arc de Triomphe, for a walk along the Champs-Elysees. But instead of feeling better, I felt worse. It was like things were closing in on me. We went back to the villa. I didn't even want to have sex. Yeah, I know, not my normal self for sure. The next day, it didn't improve. Again the next day it was the same. I decided to go see Grandpa. "I know someone has been a busy boy," he said, referring to my exploits at rescues. It seems some stories were in the paper relating unusual circumstances in the rescues. I explained why we were there, and how I felt. "Were you having sex when it started?" "No. In fact we haven't had any since it started," I said. "Yes, I blew you yesterday to try and perk you up some," Ian corrected. "Ok 3; Too much info. Hold Ian's hands. Close your eyes. You said you felt scared. I want you to concentrate on that fear. Focus all your energy on the fear." "Oh 3; God. It's really strong. It's 3; It's 3; I can't describe it," I let go of Ian's hands. "I don't want to feel that." "You said you felt worse in Paris. Let's go." I took us to Paris, atop the Eiffel tower. Another of my favorite places.The sick feelings were strong. "Take Ian's hands, and concentrate," Grandpa instructed. "I don't want to," I complained. "It's not going to hurt you. You will get over it as soon." I did as he said. "There's someone in trouble. A girl. She's really scared," I relayed. "Can you zero in on her thoughts?" "Yes 3; She's 3; British. We have to go to London." When we arrived in London, a second later, I had to shut everything out. "I can't let her in, she's scared to death. I have never felt anything like this. What is going on?" "Let's go in here," Grandpa said indicating a nearby pub. Once inside, Grandpa ordered a pint of Guinness, while Ian and I took a table. "Didn't you say it was a girl you were focused on?" Grandpa asked when he sat down. "Yes. Definitely a girl." "Oh 3; The tv at the bar is reporting on a missing boy. I thought It might be him," I went to the bar and asked the bartender to turn up the volume. " 3; .is just the latest missing child in the last few days. He was reported missing from his home earlier today. Eight year old Timothy is the thirteenth child reported abducted in three days. Authorities believe it might be the work of a child slavery ring that has been working Europe the last couple of years. "The children are reportedly sold as sex slaves to the highest bidder. None of the other children have been found, and are believed to be in either Asia, or the Middle East. This is the first time they have struck in London, and will probably disappear in the near future." I looked at Grandpa. He and Ian were both staring at me. "You have got to do something," Ian said. Grandpa said "I know it won't be easy. You have got to find that girl, and probably the rest of them." I nodded, and took Ian's hands. Once I focused on just her I could tell she was blindfolded or in a very dark room. She was scared shitless. I tried leaving her thoughts and latching in on someone nearby. Again, nothing but fear. I tried again and again before I found one of the perp's thoughts and through him, found a location. I let go of Ian, went invisible, dropped my clothes, and flipped to the location. The room was filled with kids, all blindfolded, and scared. I grabbed two and flipped back to Grandpa and Ian. Two more on my return, then two more. By then the perp on duty discovered the missing kids. I had to put him to sleep before grabbing two more. Back with Ian, Grandpa was busy with the pub customers and bartender wiping their minds. Ian was untying the kids and removing their blindfolds. I went back for two more, then I went back for the last three, circled my arms around them and got us all back to the pub. I wanted to make sure these guys didn't sell anymore children, so I went back. The one I had put to sleep was still asleep. I discovered it was a run down old house. The basement is where the kids had been kept. Upstairs I found two other perps. I 'convinced' them to turn themselves in and to make sure they were nude when they walked into police headquarters. Grandpa said "Have you met Irene?" He indicated to the girl whose fears I had picked up on. "No, I haven't. I was rather busy," I said as I put my clothes on. "Would you like to guess how old she is, and when her birthday is?" "You're kidding me, right?" "Nope," Grandpa said. Irene was a pretty girl I had to admit. Still a little immature, but pretty. Blond, with blue eyes. And a lovely British accent. I love British accents. She was also staring at my cock as I pulled on my pants. "You are obviously in charge here. Would you care to explain all of this?" "Uh 3; Explain what?" "First how did you find us? Second, you were just invisible. Third, how did you get us out and I know we are nowhere near where we were, how do you explain all that?" "Ok 3; well, I just saved your life so I expect a little more gratitude, and a little less third degree. As for your questions, I will find you later and explain it all. In the meantime we need to get these kids and yourself back to your families. So I need you to be the spokesperson. The police will show up here soon and want answers. The bad guys will turn themselves in soon. They will spill their guts on everyone involved. I need you to tell the police that a man that wants to remain anonymous helped you get out, brought you all here, and left. Can you do that for me?" "Of course, I'm not a child." I didn't want to point out that her fear is what led me to them. "Grandpa, can you wipe the kids except Irene?" "No problem. But I think you would do a better job. I tend to go too far. I think you might want to consider wiping the whole experience. I'm sure it was pretty traumatic for them." "No, then they would not be able to remember anything, which would be a lot more suspicious. I can remove the fear from the memories though," I explained. "What in bloody hell are you talking about?" Irene wanted to know. "Look, Irene, I'm what you might call 'gifted'." "So I noticed," she said glancing at my crotch. Grandpa smiled proudly. "Not that 3; well yes that too. But I will explain it all to you later. We have got to get out of here. When we're gone, call the police." "But, I don't even know your name. How will you find me later?" I read her and quoted her address to her. "How 3;" Grandpa, Ian, and I disappeared. The next day, Interpol and local authorities around the globe arrested forty people involved in a child sex slave trade business. Computers were seized with names and accounts of different buyers. Eventually they might be able to find the rest of the missing children. Media coverage was through the roof. Everyone wanted to know about the mystery man who had saved the children. Irene stood her ground and never divulged any info. She was hounded by the police and the media, but never wavered. The other kids really didn't know too much, except they were saved. "Grandpa, do you really think she might be another soul mate?" I asked him. "Have you ever picked up anything else like that, from anyone else." "No. And It's strange she has the same birthday as Ian and I too." "You haven't had any intimate contact with her, but I would bet if you did, you would have your answer." Ian and I popped over to London. There were reporters still outside her house. I flipped us to her bathroom, where she was towel drying her hair. Nude. "Bloody hell. You scared the life out of me." Then she remembered she was naked. "Would you mind stepping out, I'm naked," she said trying to cover herself with the towel. "You've seen me. Fair is fair," I said with a smile. She stomped out to her bedroom, with Ian and I following her cute bubble butt. It reminded me of Ian's actually. "Why couldn't you ring the bell, like a normal person?" she asked disgustedly. "There are a bunch of camera crews and reporters outside. Have you ever been to the United States?" "No. I've wanted to though," she said slipping into a dress. Though she didn't put on underwear I noticed. I didn't give her a chance to put any on, before popping us back to the villa. She was dumbfounded. The first time I had done that, she had been blindfolded, and wasn't truly aware of the travel. "Bloody Hell !" "Welcome to my home." "You're telling me we're in the United States?" "If you look outside you will notice the sun is still up. It was past ten in London." "How 3; How 3;" "Like I said before, I'm gifted." She looked at Ian questioningly. He just nodded. I went on to explain the whole Hart Legacy thing. "You can read minds?" "Among other things. Why do you think those guys turned themselves in? I made them do it." "This is all so bizarre. That's what you meant by wiping the kids. You did something to them." "Nothing bad. I just made them forget anything about me and how they got away," I explained. "Why not me too? Why didn't you wipe my brain as well?" "That's why I brought you here. To explain something. You see, Ian is very special to me. He and my Grandpa are the only ones that know about this. Ian and I have some sort of connection. My Grandpa thinks it's like soul mates or something. He also thinks you may be a soul mate too." "I don't have any special powers," Irene almost yelled. "Calm down. Ian doesn't either. Yet we are definitely connected. I would like to try a little experiment." "What kind of experiment?" She worried. "It won't hurt," I promised. Taking Ian's hands I read his future like I had done with Grandpa. I immediately saw Ian and I in bed with Irene fucking like mad. All three of us doing everything three people can do. I fast forwarded and saw us together for a long time. I didn't go to the end, but far enough to know. I did the same with Irene and saw the same things. I went far enough to see her parents again, which was actually a few years. They were miserable. They thought their daughter was dead, until we popped into their lives one day. I could only imagine how I had probably wiped their memories, but I could see that Irene wanted her father to walk her down the aisle. So I must have just let them think she was dead. "What did you see?" Ian asked. Without speaking I told Ian what I had seen. You can't let that happen. he answered. "Could someone tell me what is going on?" Irene asked perplexed. "Irene 3; You see, Ian has no family except his mother. When we first got together, she was unable to care for him, so it didn't matter that we stayed together. You have a wonderful family that love you. You may or may not be our soul mate, but I won't take you from your family." "I should think not," Irene sounded almost indignant. I grasped her hand again, and read her. Everything had changed. I didn't see us fucking or the three of us together in the near future. I read Ian as well. Same thing. It seems our futures changed as soon as I had made that decision. "Irene, I need to be able to trust you. I know you understand the importance of keeping my secret. I believe there is a place for you in my life, but this is not the time. I would like to visit you from time to time though." "You saved my life. I promise to keep your secret, and you can visit whenever you want. As if I could prevent it anyway," she laughed. We took her home, then returned to the villa. Ian and I were in post coital bliss when he said "I can't believe you let her leave here with her virginity still intact." "That will change soon enough. I just didn't want to go through what you and I went through that first time. That was murder." "Agreed," Ian said. Chapter 8After nearly a year together, Ian and I are still mad about each other. Our birthday was coming up, and we were trying to decide what to do. In the previous months we had been everywhere, and done everything that two boys could possibly want to do. My altruistic endeavors were countless, as were the people I had helped. I have sworn off of fire rescues, and have the scars to explain why. Ian made me promise not to do that anymore. "Maybe you should go visit Irene. After all, it's her birthday too," Grandpa suggested. We had been to see her a couple of times. We had some laughs and dinner. We took her to Paris for a daytrip. She loves it as much as we do. Although, I'm growing fond of London too. We popped in to see her a few days before our birthday. "Good Lord. Do you even know how to use a door?" She laughed when we caught her naked again. "Maybe you should change your routine if you don't want us to catch you like this. You shower at the same time every night. Why do you think I show up at this time?" "Well, just maybe that's why I shower at the same time. In case you two decide to pop in," she teased, but put on her robe anyway. She had developed quite a bit in these months, and seemed to be proud of it. "What do you boys have on your dirty little minds? Why the visit?" She was always very direct. Ian and I both liked that about her. "Well, if you're going to be bitchy, maybe we won't tell you," I teased back. "If you won't, maybe Ian will," she said as she snuggled up close to him and twirled her finger in his hair. There was a lump already forming in his pants as he blurted out "We wanted to ask what you want to do for our birthday." "Traitor," I accused Ian. "Actually I was just thinking about that. I would love to see more of the U.S. So far, I've only seen you're parlor." "Parlor 3; ? Oh, my living room. Ok. What would you like to see? With the time difference, we may have to pick you up in the middle of the night, so we can be whereever during the day," I explained. "I was thinking of that as well. If I were to just stay there for a week or so, we wouldn't have to deal with the time difference." "That would be great. But would your parents let you go? I mean, they don't even know about us," I worried. Irene snuggled up to me then and said "If you would do some of your hocus pocus on them, we wouldn't even have to ask." Women sure know how to get their way. Does that come with the ovaries, or is it learned. Is there a class they teach girls around the age of four. What? "Uh 3; yeah, I 3; uh can do that," Now a lump was forming in my pants as well. "When would you like to go?" "I happen to have a bag packed. In case you came by." After doing my 'hocus pocus', as she called it, we went back to the villa. It was only about four in the afternoon, so I told her that she should stay awake til nine or ten, then sleep a full night and wake up refreshed and ready for a whatever she wanted to do. We showed Irene around the lake and ended up sitting and chatting under a shade tree. "How are things with you and what's his name, 3; Henry?" I asked offhandedly. "It's Harry. Don't you know it's the law to name your child after the prince," she laughed. "Wasn't aware of that. So how are things with you and Harry?" I pressed. "Over. He was a bit pushy. I felt like I was with and octopus. He seems to have a lot more, and faster hands than I have." "You can't blame the guy, you're an attractive girl. What ended it?" Ian added his two cents worth. "A girl expects boys to try to do those things. But he took it too far one day." "Oh 3; Do tell. What liberties did young Harry take?" I insisted. "We were at a friend's birthday party, out in the garden. Of course we were snogging 3;" "Snogging?" Ian asked interrupting her. "You know. Kissing and stuff." "Making out," I explained to Ian. "Yes, we were 'making out' to use American lingo. Well, the next thing I know, he has put my hand on his willie." I turned to Ian "That's a British dick." "I know what a willie is," Ian said defensively. Though I doubt he did. "So your hand is wrapped around his big willie 3; go on," I urged. "I wouldn't call it big. It was probably half the size of the only other one I have ever seen. Except my brother's, while I changed his nappy when he was a baby." Ian said to me "Nappy is a diaper." I glared at him. Then it dawned on me, she had seen mine. She just said it was half the size of mine. She doesn't know how much I've grown since she saw it. "The pig expected me to wank him at my friend's party. I slapped him and left. Thankfully we were close to my house." "Wank is.," I started to tell Ian, until I got glared at. "His little willie was half the size of Isaac's? Isaac has grown since then. You should see it now." "And you know this, how?" she asked, raising an eyebrow at Ian. Irene wasn't aware of the extent of our relationship. "Uh 3; Maybe that is a conversation best left for another time," I told her. "You're not getting off that easy, Mister." "How about we order a pizza for dinner, and we can discuss it then?" When the pizza arrived, Irene went straight for the jugular. "Ok, Svengali, out with it." Almost choking on the bite of pizza I had just taken, I asked "What do you want to know?" "Everything. How does Ian know how big your willie is first, then the whole story from beginning to end. I know you are mystery man behind the recent rescues around the world. The media loves a good mystery, and you are the only obvious answer. Do you know how hard it has been to keep that secret. They hound me night and day." "I know I have gotten a lot of press coverage, but I really haven't been paying much attention." "You have an unusual M.O. of having criminals turn themselves in naked. It's almost like your signature, according to the conspiracy circles." "That actually started with the bank robber. I did it for his own good. He was surrounded by cops. If he went out naked, they would know he wasn't hiding a weapon. Otherwise they would have been tempted to just shoot him as he tried to turn himself in." "You've done that like a hundred times though," she argued. "Sometimes I did it just for fun, other times I felt like embarrassing the bad guys. Did you ever have a dream where you were naked in school? Remember how embarrassed you felt. It's like that. Sometimes it was a matter of degrading them too." "Well, what about those teens in the flood?" She pressed. "That one was just for fun," I laughed. "They were found fucking in an abandoned car. You had them fuck for fun?" I suddenly felt like shit. Ian came to my rescue. "Isaac, it's time to tell her the whole story. From the beginning." Starting with my Thirteenth birthday week with Grandpa, I told Irene the whole truth. Even including the sex with my grandfather, the groundskeeper's son, the maid's daughter, everything. I explained how with the Legacy came a certain sexual addiction. An addiction that needed to be fed from any source. Male, female, watching, participating, whatever. She listened without interrupting or showing any sign of disapproval. "Tell her about this villa, and about me," Ian urged. "And don't cover up the bad parts." When I got to the part about Ian being suicidal, she hugged him and cried quietly, still not interrupting the story. "I was actually his first rescue. Well, my mom too. Then you should have seen what he did to those assholes that fucked up my mom." So, I had to tell her that part too. "Tell her how I seduced you," Ian said proudly. "What? You seduced him? The sex addicted mind control freak? This I've got to hear." "Damn it Ian. Can't I keep some smidgen of dignity? You're killing my reputation. Go reheat the pizza, and I'll tell her all about your great accomplishment." I told her what happened and about the flashes, and the blackout, and what Grandpa said about us being soul mates. I told about everything up until we met her. "Let me get this straight. You have an unquenchable thirst for sex. You had a mind blowing experience with your soul mate with just oral sex. You can control minds, and have sex with anyone you want. You and your Grandpa think I am also a soul mate, yet you didn't have sex with me. I know you didn't because I still have my 3; well, I just know you didn't. Why? If you and Ian have this wonderful connection, and you think we are connected too, why didn't you fuck me?" She was almost angry that I didn't fuck her. That is a strange turn of events I hadn't expected. "As I said that night. Ian had no one. You have a family," I tried to explain. "Horse shit. I want the truth. Is it because you're not attracted to me. You said you would fuck just about anything," Like I said, Irene can be very direct. "One of my abilities is to see people's past and future. I can even tell exactly when someone is going to die. That day we picked you up and brought you here, I had at first thought about keeping you with us. Not by force of course. But I did want to fuck you, and see what would happen. I assumed it would be the same as it was with Ian. "Then I did the 'experiment'. I read your future, and Ian's. I saw us all together fucking like minxes. I also saw a very sad set of parents, missing their daughter. They thought you were dead until you wanted your father to walk you down the aisle. Ian and I agreed that I couldn't let your parents think you were dead for the next twelve years, then suddenly pop back into their lives. It wasn't right. So I made the decision to take you back home. I read you again, and it had all changed. Our lives are affected by the decisions that we make, and some things do change." "I'm getting married in twelve years?" she asked. "Yes, that part didn't change. I know when and how my grandfather is going to die, and nothing has changed it either." She looked at me awkwardly for a moment, then said "What else can you do?" "I can fly. That's fun, but we can't be around other people when we do it. I can understand all languages, though I don't speak anything but English. I can talk to most animals. I can make things grow faster, like grass and plants. You don't want to know how we found that out. I have gotten really good at moving things, even really big things." "But you don't read minds all the time?" She seemed perplexed. "I turn off everything till I need it. Grandpa said I wouldn't be able to control my powers until I was eighteen, but I'm way ahead of that. Though there are still a few powers that haven't shown up yet, that I know of." "Oh, that explains it," she muttered. "Explains what?" I asked. "Why you didn't read my mind a minute ago. You've turned it off. Read me now," she insisted. I did. "Oh 3; Jesus! Uh 3; Are you sure?" She nodded. Ian said "What 3; What's going on now?" "We need to go to Grandpa's. Now." Grandpa was sitting down for dinner when we appeared. "Hey boys. Irene! Good to see you. To what do I owe this pleasure? Would you like some dinner?" "No thanks, Grandpa. We had pizza. You go ahead and finish, though." "Ok. But there must be a reason for your visit." I silently 'told' him. "Well I definitely want my dinner first. It might be my last meal." We went to my bedroom, and Irene began to undress. Ian's face lit up like Time Square. She was a little shy with my grandfather there, but she got naked and lay down. Ian and I scrambled out of our clothes. "Holy mother of God! You have grown," Irene said when she saw my, now ten inch [25 cm], very thick, cock. "That's why Ian is going first," I told her. We lay with her and began kissing and petting her body. She is really quite beautiful too. Just as perfect as Ian is. I could feel a sort of electricity in the air. I went down to her pussy and began to orally stimulate her. That is when I got the first flash. It was so fleeting, I didn't really get a chance to study it. I know it was Grandpa's house, but that was all I knew. Ian was busy sucking her tits as I tongued her clit. She began to writhe around a bit, so I moved up and started kissing her lips. I 'told' Ian to get between her legs. I held her hand, and kissed her, as Ian penetrated her. She grimaced and squeezed my hand and then the flashes began again. I can't explain anything I saw, because it didn't make sense. I could feel Ian's stroking as she was moved back and forth. I don't know how long it lasted, but I heard Ian groan. I replaced him between her legs. I remember sliding in with some effort, and hearing her moaning. It took a few strokes before I could really get it into her. The whole time there was a constant flow of images. I could tell she was seeing it too. Ian as well. I opened up all my senses and began to really fuck her hard. I was soon balls deep, and she was crying out with every stroke into her depths, but I couldn't stop. I knew I had to finish this. I had to see it through till the end. I almost didn't care if I was hurting her. I was driven. Yet at the same time, she was very responsive. She wanted it. She was just as driven as I was. Her hips were thrusting up to meet my strokes, her feet were on my ass, drawing me in. She wanted it. Needed it. The entire time I could see images of what seemed a futuristic, almost unearthly time. Cities and buildings I didn't recognize. Pristine and peaceful, is the best I can describe. But something was missing. People. I didn't see any people. Irene was cumming over and over. I could feel her gripping my cock. Milking me. Her pussy craving my sperm. And I gave it to her, in an explosion even greater than I felt with Ian the first time. I know I was unconscious, but my mind had never been clearer. I was wide open to the entire universe. I saw things the way it should be. The way it would be. I knew what it was all about. The legacy, the powers, Ian, Irene, all of it. I knew what it meant, and what I had to do. Ian was grinning at me when I opened my eyes. He and Irene were sitting cross legged on the bed beside me, drinking bottled water. I looked over at Grandpa, and he was holding out a bottle for me. "Drink it slowly," he said. I sat up and twisted the cap off. As I was drinking, I noticed the room looked different. The bed was askew and pictures had fallen off the walls. The furniture all moved about. I happened to glance down between Irene's legs, her pussy was still gaping open and sperm had dried around her labia. "How long?" I asked Grandpa. "They were out for over an hour. You've been out three." "And the furniture?" "Well, we didn't have an earthquake. That's the good news. The bad news is I don't think my house can take anymore of the three of you fucking in it," he laughed. "There was a burst of energy like I have never seen." "Don't worry. It only has to hold up through one more. And not for awhile." They all looked perplexed. Irene broke the silence with "You mean I'm only going to have sex one more time? You fucked me into the future, and now take it from me?" "Future? What future?" Grandpa asked. "I take it you saw the same thing I did?" I asked Irene. "Yes. I guess so." I looked at Ian, and he nodded. "Just the images though right." "Yeah. Like pictures. But futuristic," Ian reported. "Did you notice anything strange about them." "Pictures from the future isn't strange enough?" Ian said. "Yeah, okay, right. Did you notice anything missing?" After a minute Irene said "People. There weren't any people in the cities." "Right," Ian agreed. "That's where we come in," I told them. "Okay someone has got a lot to explain to me," Grandpa said. "Grandpa, sit down. I'll be back in a minute." I took Ian and Irene back to the villa, then returned to Grandpa. "You know I saw your death. I've looked for a way to prevent it. Nothing I do seems to change it." "I understand son. I wouldn't expect you to be able to change the future." "That's just it, Grandpa. Some things can be changed. "When I first met Ian I could see us grow old together. It didn't involve Irene at all till we met her. Now the future is different, It changed when I didn't fuck Irene the first time I had the chance. Now it's different again. Now I know what the legacy is. What it has always been. I understand what I need to do and what is going to happen." "I'm telling you, because I thought you would want to know. The Legacy isn't just a weird power that our family has passed down from generation to generation. It's the future. It's mankind's greatest period of existence. "You were right about us being soul mates, but it's not in the sense of a soul split in two becoming whole again. It's more like the ingredients of loaf of sourdough bread. Up until now you and our ancestors have been 'feeding' the starter. Now we are ready to bake some wonderful bread. The ingredients, Ian, Irene, me, and a girl named Ivanna, will be producing little starters that will go on to be the next phase of human existence." "Ivanna? Have you met her?" Grandpa asked. "Not yet. But I will. She's Russian." "Where does Ian fit into this?" "He's very important. He's like the yeast in the sourdough. He makes it all rise and live. Sort of a catalyst. He and I together produce what I can only refer to as super sperm. I can get a girl pregnant, and so can he. Together our sperm become superman, ninja, warrior, godzilla, sperm. Irene and Ivanna have the rest of the ingredients to produce the future of the world. Us four together are humanity's future." "Do they know their part in all of this?" "No. For instance, Ian saw us old together, around sixty he said. It's more like two hundred and sixty." "You're fucking kidding me right?" Grandpa gasped. "Nope. It takes a long time to produce the future. The four of us will be fucking like mad to keep up with the demand. Our children will spread worldwide and produce future generations. That's why sex is so important to the legacy. That is also why I have this fascination with girls getting pregnant, yet no legacy had children till they wanted them. So that I could choose to produce with only Ian and the girls. It's also why the sex with them is so good compared to everyone else. Do you know I have only been with Ian for over two months. Well, now Ian and Irene. "I won't tell you the bad parts, but believe me when I say the legacy is absolutely necessary to the future of mankind. Even this house is important. The four of us will live here, away from prying eyes, in a house big enough to hold a huge family. I actually will have to make a few additions to accommodate fifty people living here at one time." "Fifty 3; Damn, you will be busy with those girls," he laughed. "Yes, and we will be for a very long time. Fifty is just the number we will reach before they start moving out, and replaced with more babies. For over a hundred years." "So, are you like omnipotent now?" Grandpa asked like maybe he should bow. "No. Only God is omnipotent. But I want to show you what you helped accomplish." I took his hands in mine, he closed his eyes and I planted the visions directly into his mind. I didn't show any of the bad things, only the good results. I could feel his mind going into a state of euphoria. His face actually brightened, and softened, as if the tension was completely removed for the first time. After a couple of minutes, I let go and he sighed. "That is what you four create? How far into the future was that?" "We will live to see it, but as you know 3; ." "Thank you son. Thank you for showing me, and thank you for doing what is necessary to achieve it. I know it won't be easy for you, and lord knows, pushing out that many puppies won't be easy on the girls either. But for myself and humanity, thanks." The End |
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