PZA Boy Stories

Dark Side

A Boy's Life


A young boy receives a diary for his birthday and proceeds to record his life upon it.
English translation of L'histoire d'un garçon
Publ. Jan 2012
Finished 3,500 words (7 pages)


Lucas (12yo) and Raphael

Category & Story codes

Consensual Boy story/love
bb cons mast oral anal


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Note de l'auteur

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author through this feedback form with Dark Side - A Boy's Life in the subject line.

Day 0 (Saturday)

I won't say, 'Hello'. That would be weird. I don't say, 'Hello' to myself. So let's begin. Today's my birthday, and I got this diary, so I'll try to write things in it every day.

But I'll begin to introduce myself, even if that's odd.

My name's Lucas. I'm twelve years old and I live in Grenoble, France. I'm blond-haired and have green eyes and a semi-long hairstyle. I'm thin and not particularly muscular. In short, I'm normal.

I love music. I have a band; I'm guitarist, the lead guitarist. I'm quite proud of that; it makes me special. I don't know what else I should say, so I'll stop now.

Day 1 (Sunday)

Me and my band had a rehearsal, and we've composed a new song, When The Day Is Done. It begins around a chromatic chord progression, and it goes on to a hard riff based on power-chords and octaves. During the chorus, Matt, the drummer, broke a drumstick; it was funny. It's a good song and the lyrics are nice. The song talks about a boy who takes stock of his life, and thinks about his fears about the future. Except for that, the day was normal if not boring.

Day 2 (Monday)

Nothing happened today, so I'll talk a little more about my life. Beyond the boys from my band, I don't have a lot of friends. There's Alan, that I know since I'm six. He's my best friend. There's Alex, who is one year older than me and never stops making jokes about sexuality. I like him; he's quite funny. And finally Alaitz, shy but very friendly when you know him. I never had a girlfriend. I think it's normal when you're twelve even if Alex told me the opposite. Among people I know, only Matt has a girlfriend, but I'm not sure of it because I never saw her. I never masturbated; I never felt the desire to do it.

Day 3 (Tuesday)

Today, a new boy arrived from another secondary school (NB : In France, secondary schools are called "colleges"; it is from 11 years old to 15 years old ). His name is Raphael. He has green eyes and he has between blond and red hair. I talked him at the pause. " Hello," I said, "where are you from ?"

"I'm from Valence."

"I know Valence, it's a great city." And then, there were a few moments of silence. " Do you like music?"

"Well it depends on the style," he answered.

"You know, hard rock. Do you know Slash?"

"Of course I know him! He's a great guitarist. I love guitar, and I've always dreamed of playing the guitar. I only play piano."

"I play guitar, but I always wanted to play piano also." And then we laughed. The bell rang and we got back to class. And at the end of the day, I told him, "Hey, why don't you come to my house ? I got a keyboard; we could play together!"

He agreed.

Once we arrived at home, he started to play a few piano chords. I played with him. There's something I've got to remind you: when you play music with other people, a kind of synergy happens. You're exactly on the same wavelength than the people with whom you play. I felt this sensation with my band, but there, it was just perfect. While we were playing, Raphael and myself were the same person. It was extraordinary.

When we finished, and he had to go I told him,"Wow, that was nice!"

" Yeah that was perfect."

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow." And for the rest of the day, I had a pleasant sensation in my chest.

Day 4 to 6 (Wednesday to Friday)

I had that sensation all the week long. We're in September and the weather is still warm. Thursday, Raphael suggested me to come to his home; he said he had a swimming pool. I said yes, of course.

Day 7 (Saturday)

I was impatient to go to Raphael's. He lives in St Egrêve, which is a suburb of Grenoble. I knocked at his door. He opened and told me,"Good news, my parents had to go, they're not here for the weekend. Ask your parents if you can stay here for the night!" I called my parents, asked them and they said yes.

"It's OK", I said. We started by looking at a movie, Cowboys and Aliens. It's a science fiction movie in which an amnesic man tries to know what happened to him while aliens destroy the world for gold. It was a great film.

Then he said, "Let's go swimming."

"Ok," I said, and I looked in my bag for my swimsuit." Crap! I've forgotten my freaking swimsuit"

"I can lend you one."

We got to his bedroom and he reached into a wardrobe. "Try that one."

We began to undress and I looked at his body. He was a little more muscular than me.

After that, we were in his pool, and started playing. And then an odd thing happened. We were close together and his mouth came to my mouth.

We kissed!

We kissed. I never did it before. It was a new sensation and it was pleasant. Our tongues were intertwining, playing with each other, our mouths melted in one. The perfect synergy. But all of that stopped far too soon for me. Raphael moved back, and stared me, looked deep into my eyes. "Wow, that was strange!" he said.

I didn't answer. I did not know what to say, what to think. The rest of the day... and the night... was strange. But I had the taste of Raphael's lips in my mouth and that was enough for me.

Day 8 (Sunday)

I left Raphael's house early. All of that was quite odd. New. Pleasant ? I don't know. The afternoon was normal, I've done my homework, I've reviewed my lessons like a perfect schoolboy. I went to bed when it was around 9PM.

Day 9 (Monday)

I asked questions to myself all night long, 'Am I normal ? Am I different ? Why ? What is it to be be normal ? What is that feeling I have when I think about Raphael?' I was still wondering when I arrived at my school's portal.

"Hey. How are you?" asked Alan when he saw me.

"Nice. You?"

"As usual. We've seen you talking and hanging out with the new guy. He's cool ?" He mentioned Raphael. I've something like a weight in my stomach. "Yeah, he's a cool guy."

We talked about many useless things.

Then, Alex arrived. "Hi guys! Don't know what you've done during the weekend, but I know that I never stop masturbating!"

We laughed. And it rang. I don't like to tell what happens during the lessons, because it's always the same thing, but I'll have to make an exception. I looked at Raphael with an inquiring eye. I launched me a paper ball on which some words were written, "At the pause". The two hours of class before the pause were long. So long! And at last, it rang. I walked toward Raphael.

"Listen, what happened in my pool when we.... That was totally weird. Let's never talk about it, OK ? You're nice and it would be stupid to waste everything because of strange things."

He's giving me a way out. Nothing happened Good idea.

"Yeah, you're right. Nothing happened. Come here; I'll introduce you to my buddies."

I felt good for the rest of the day. My friends seemed to like Raphael. I invited him to one of my band's rehearsals, on Wednesday's afternoon (NB : Don't know if it's like this in other countries, but in France, there's no school on Wednesday afternoon ). He said OK.

Day 10 (Tuesday)

That was normal. The lessons were boring, but we laughed a lot with my friends. In short, a normal day.

Day 11 (Wednesday)

Raphael came to the rehearsal, as he promised. It was a good moment. We played our last composition, then we did some covers. After that, Thomas, our singer, told us his great news : "Guys, we're going to make our first concert. On Saturday, at the Amperage!"

I can't believe it! This is too much cool.

Day 12 (Thursday)

I'm overexcited. I told the news to Alex, Alan and Alaitz, and all the people from my class. A lot of them will come.

Day 13 (Friday)

Yesterday evening, I forgot to say something. When I got out of my shower, I had a boner. I know it is normal. But there was something new. During the erection, I felt the desire, the need to..... to..... FUCK! I wanted to fuck! I don't have any other word. It was strange.

Friday was quiet, I still felt the excitement about the concert despite my other desires.

Day 14 (Saturday)

The D Day finally came! I woke up with stage fright. We made many rehearsals, many sound-checks. We're ready.

At 7PM, we were behind the scenes, ready to play.

And it began. Matt give the rythm with a cymbal, and we played the main riff from "Alone", one of our songs. I don't think, I play. I am the music. The song finishes with my guitar solo. The final chord resounded in my bones and in my heart. I switched to the clean channel, and we played 'Far Away', which is the first ballad we've ever written. The sound begins to rise. I switch to the dist channel. Perfect play. Then, our first cover begins, 'Birth' by Empyr. I come close to a microphone; I've got to sing the chorus with Thomas.

I sing

"Lovers, lovers, let the river grow and ease the pain.
Never, never let them feed the crows in your head. I trusted you.
Will you trust me? Even if your eyes start to bleed,
I trusted you. Will you trust me? Even if your eyes, your eyes 3;"

Then, there is the last verse

"I lost my invitation, to the funeral of your love
I still believe, I still doubt
I saw you trough the window
I lost my invitation, to the funeral of your love
I still believe, I still doubt
I saw you, I saw you!"

The public liked it. They clapped their hands. We played 'When The Day Is Done' and other songs. The concert finally ends. When I went to bed, I was proud of me.

Day 15 (Sunday)

Last night, while I still had the adrenaline from the concert, I had an erection. I did not think; I took my penis in my hand a started to masturbate. I was numb. I thought about my kiss with Raphael. I masturbated even harder. I cummed. And I licked the cum from my hand.

Day 15 (Sunday) Next

That was good. I was numb. It was so good. But I spent the day questioning myself. Always the same questions. But I had no answers. If there's one thing I know, I must never, never tell that to anybody. It's way too dangerous; other people would judge me. I have to keep having a normal life. That's what I have to do. I went to bed with that idea.

Day 16 (Monday)

Today, I didn't think about my nocturnal troubles. 'Cuz today, I'm a hero, a star. Everybody tells me how cool the concert was. It warms my heart. And I joined my friends.

"Dude, that concert was amazing," Alan said

"Yeah totally!" Alex and Alaitz said.

"It was a very good moment," Raphael concluded.

I look at him. There's something strange.

He and I got away from the group. "Is there something wrong ? You look disturbed."

"No, everything's right. Actually, it's you. You look very tired," Raphael answered.

He's not wrong. I smile, and tell him that I'm fine. Then, it rings. Lessons seem longer than usual. Maybe it's me. Two teachers saw that I wasn't following and told me to do so. I don't care. Now, it's the end of the day. The evening was quiet and normal. I went to bed with a weight in my stomach. Was I going to masturbate again ?

Day 17 (Tuesday)

Well no. I did not masturbate. Don't know if I'm disappointed or not. As always, I went to school. I talked with my friends. I followed the lessons. But I never stopped thinking about Raphael. The hardest thing, I think, was to hide from friends that something was wrong. The day was as usual.

Day 18 (Wednesday)

I managed to forget my problems today. Thanks to the rehearsal. I thought that music was my vaccine. I liked that idea. It was a pleasant day. I've just seen that I forgot to introcuce my band. I'll do it now. We're called 'Organic View'. Thomas is the singer, I'm the lead guitarist, Jeremy the rhythmic guitarist, Josh the bassist and Matt the drummer. We play modern rock, or alternative rock, as you prefer. That's all.

Day 19 (Thursday)

Today, like every Thursday, my class and me had our sport lesson. In the cloakroom I looked at the other boys. They were all between eleven and thirteen years old. It was very beautiful, those svelte and hairless bodies. I had a boner. Fortunately, I wore jeans, and you couldn't see it.

But Alaitz told me, "Come on, hurry up, we'll be late"

Crap have to wear my sport suit. I have to take off my pants. But I have an erection and they will see it. I need an excuse. I pretend my fly is stuck. It gives me the time I need. Finally, the erection ends, and I can wear my sport suit. Those events reenforced my questions about my sexuality. I chose the easy path. I'll ignore those questions. Hope it will work.

Day 20 (Friday)

I think about Raphael. I spent my time looking at him. There's a pleasant warm feelingin my chest when I think about him. I observe him, discreetly of course. He's so beautiful. So perfect. I look at his T-Shirt. I can see his nipples. I can imagine his torso. So wonderful! Compared with that, the naked women and the porn movies Alex showes us were dull, tasteless. The day was like this all day long. I went to bed with the memory of the taste of Raphael's lips in my mouth.

Day 21 (Saturday)

Last night, I had a boner again. It was even more intense than the last time. I wanted it to be even better. I played with my penis, I totally undressed, I touched my chest. And I began. And I wanted to go further. While one hand was masturbating, I licked two fingers from my other hand. I raised my legs. And pushed my fingers into my ass. That hurt. Then, I thought about Raphael. The pain became pleasure. I pushed my finger deeper into my ass, and I come close to orgasm. There's too much pleasure!

And I cummed.

Once again, I licked the sperm. But I wanted more. I took my fingers out of my butt and I licked them too. My desire was completed. I felt good, and my mind was cleaner. Now, I could exorcise my desire.

Day 22 (Sunday)

I had an excellent day.

Day 23 (Monday)

When I went to school, I was happy to notice that I could be with my friends without always thinking about Raphael. Moreover, my parents told me that I will be alone at home Friday.

Day 24 to 26 (Tuesday to Thursday)

Nothing happened. I think about all the ways I can give myself pleasure.

Day 27 (Friday)

At last! I waited for that moment all day long. It was going to be good. At 8PM, my erection begins. I take off my clothes. I touch my penis, my nipples. I reached my butt-hole. I lick a finger and I push it into my butt. I take it out and I lick it. I lie on the sofa. I take my penis and I play a few minutes with it. I take it and I begin, slowly. I push a finger into my ass. I masturbate faster. I push a second finger, deeper. The rhythm becomes frenetic. I feel the cum. It comes out. I lick the fingers that were in my butt and then I lick the cum. I like that.

Day 28 to 29 (Week end)

I can't stand them anymore. The questions, the doubts. I'll be crazy if I don't know. Does he love me ? I don't feel OK. I have to know. I'm in love; it kills me, slowly. My love stays in me, and it destroys me. Because I don't know. And if you don't know, love takes your mind and brings it into hell. I have to know. I'll ask Raphael.

Day 30 (Monday)

I won't die. Cause I'm already dead. I talked to Raphael. Told him what I feel. Told him that I love him. Don't what was worse, the expression on his face or when he said no. I don't know. I'm dying. Welcome hell. Thanks love.

One Day

I don't know what day we are. I'm lost. I'm tasteless, I don't laugh, I don't play, I don't feel, I don't live anymore. People are worried. Even Raphael. Liar. You killed me. You know it's your fault. You know, and you don't give a damn. Even music can't heal me. I'm lost.

Another Day

Haven't written anything for days. Weeks ? I don't know, I'm too weak. I can't do it anymore. If there is a God, he forgot me. I don't know.

New Day

Today, I've been saved. This morning, I was too weak to wake up. I stayed in my bed all day long. Then Alaitz came. I talked. A lot. I knew what I felt about Raphael. He told me that I still had a chance with Raphael. I told him I would give Raphael that chance. But I had to be reborn. To be myself again. He wished me luck and he left.

Day 0

I'm living again. I don't think I need to write anymore.

Day 40

This diary is getting old. I thought he was happy. If I was, I'm not anymore. Alaitz is dead. Suicide. I'm in shock. I cried. A lot. And I cried again. I prayed. The funeral's tomorrow.

Day 41

It was raining. I don't know what wet my face the most... the rain or my tears. After the funeral, I saw Raphael on a seat. I sat close to him. He took me in his arms. I was crying. But he was here. He was crying too. We stayed one hour in the rain. At the end, we kissed. I told him, " I love you".


It's hard to live when one of your friends dies. But we've been strong. A week after the funeral, Raphael told me that Alaitz opened his eyes about his love. We needed time to understand.

Month passed.

And one day, we overcame his death. And we will never forget that night. Raphael and I kissed. We were shirtless. I licked his nipples, he kissed my chest. We undressed. We kept kissing. I caressed his penis. My mouth come to his penis. It's good. His dick makes comings and goings in my mouth.

Then he sucked me. I had the impression that my penis melted in his mouth. It was so good. He put fingers in my butt; he kissed me. I'm on all fours, and he penetrated me. He's in me. There"s no violence, just love and tenderness. We made love all night long.

Now it's time to close the diary. It helped me a lot. Goodbye and thank you.

The End

Send feedback to the author through this feedback form with Dark Side - A Boy's Life in the subject line.