DouglasCRGipsy Boy
SummaryFour short stories with 14 year old boys
Publ. 1997 (ASSGM); this site Dec 2012
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CharactersMen and 13-14yo boysCategory & Story codesConsensual/Reluctant Man-Boy Sex storiesMt – cons reluc mast oral anal (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
NoteI am not sure if DouglasCR wrote these stories, or just posted them on ASSTR. In several occasion DouglasCR names an author. These four stories seems to be from the same author. Any case, these are orphan stories, that means that the author is unknown and DouglasCR's e-mail address is no longer active. Are you the author, please contact me.
#1Gipsy Boy
Father and son on holiday find a young burglar in their caravan.
Mike (14yo), his father, and a gipsy boy (c. 13yo)
Mt – non-cons mast anal
My wife walked out on me about a year ago. I was left with a fourteen year old son to finish bringing up. His name's Mike by the way. It wasn't too much of a blow to me. Like a lot of my mates I was well and truly married before I found that my real sexual interest never really centred in women. Anyway, the thing really shook poor little Mike. I decided to take him away on holiday for two or three weeks just to help him get over it. I got the caravan out of mothballs and off we went. Mike soon began to cheer up as we got underway. Boys have wonderful recuperative powers. haven't they? We stopped for a meal and, as we were returning to our vehicle I noticed that the caravan door was open. Thinking that I must have left it that way I slammed it shut and locked it as I came past. I thought no more about it until we were many miles further on. By this time we were really out in the wilds. Mike suddenly chirped up. He was looking through the rear window at the caravan. "Dad, there's someone in the caravan." Naturally I stopped and took a look. A tousled haired dark skinned boy was staring at us through the window. "Christ! A Gippo!" Mike shouted. I'm always having a go at him for swearing, but it makes no difference. I now knew how the door came to be open. The kid must have picked the lock while we were in the restaurant. "What'll we do?" Mike said with some excitement. A thought formed in my mind and I surveyed the road ahead. There was a large copse in front and I decided to drive in there. When I explained this to Mike he grinned wickedly. I wondered whether he had the same thought in that young head of his. We got out and walked round to the caravan door. I let Mike unlock it and stood back a few feet. Out came a flayling bundle of energy, black hair, ragged red T shirt and black jeans. He was a fairly small boy, about four feet nine 3; [1.45 m] six inches [15 cm] or so shorter than my son, but this boy was a lot thinner. I held him firmly while he struggled and swore at me. A thrill went through my body and Mike had a funny look on his face too.I"m We took the kid back inside the caravan and shut the door. He went quiet now and looked a bit scared. I said "Right kid, what have you stolen?" Black eyes stabbed out at me. "I aint stolen nuffing." I judged him to be about thirteen and his voice had not yet broken. I said to Mike "We'll have to search him." My son nodded eagerly and I realised that we were both enjoying this. The gipsy boy yelled at me to let him go, swore and kicked out at me hard. So I grabbed his arms and pulled him on his back across the table. I told Mike to take the kid's shoes off as I didn't want my boy's fun to be spoilt by a kick in the balls. Mike pulled the shoes off. The struggling little boy on the table wore no socks. "Now his jeans," I yelled above the high pitched yelling of our young prisoner. Mike grinned. "Sure." And he leaned cheerfully over and pulled at the boy's zip. The little gipsy boy stopped struggling and went limp. He started to cry. "No 3; No 3; Please don't take my jeans off – I aint got no underpants on 3; Please 3; Mike slowly pulled the jeans down. First I saw the kid's belly almost as swarthy as his face, then the sunken little navel with fine dark hairs beginning to sprout. My eye followed the line of baby pubics until I saw an unbelievably fat cock being gradually uncovered. The root rested atop the broad, fleshy scrotum. Further and further down went his jeans and I thought we would never get to the tip. I had never seen such a cock on so young a boy before. Judging by the various exclamations and whistles that were coming from Mike, he was equally impressed. We both stared at it. "That's bigger than yours" I said to Mike. He nodded glumly. I remembered the excuse for stripping off this delightful boy's trousers so I told Mike to look through the pockets. Taking a last sorrowful look at the gipsy's cock, he dived his hand into one of the pockets. Out came my wallet, a watch and one or two other items. I was still holding the boy across the table and I pulled his arms hard. He squirmed and yelped. "You are going to be punished, kid. We'll show you what we do to thieves." The kid started to cry again. Mike was standing in front of him gazing down at the enormous boy-dick and I suddenly realised that the front of his tight hipsters had filled out. So had mine. I had never before thought sexually about my son. I looked at him. "Want to have some fun with him?" Mike avoided my eyes, grinned, blushed and nodded. I made the gipsy kid stand up, which he did rather shakily. As he did so his prick seemed to roll slowly off his balls. Then he fell on his knees and started begging me to let him go. Young Mike dropped down behind him and the kid gave a screech. "Stand up," Mike told him. The kid obeyed. Mike was holding his balls, tight. I told him to lift his arms up so that I could take off the T shirt. Having removed the garment I observed his brown, young chest with the little nipples just showing. He was quite thin and I amused myself for a moment running my fingers over his ribs. Now completely naked and at our mercy he did look a sorry sight, but what a picture! He had a beautiful boy's shape and I wanted him like mad. Next I ran my hands over his back. He had surrendered, I felt it. He was standing there waiting to be punished. I let my hands reach down to his arse and ran a finger in his little cleft. Then I brought my hands across his hips and began to massage that marvellous equipment. How hot and spongy it was. I looked down at him. His eyes were fixed to the floor and he was blushing. I looked further down at his prick. I took my hand away and saw that his cock was moving on its own and reaching out at me. My attention was drawn to my son, then. I was taken aback to see that he had stripped off his clothes and that he had a great big hard on. His foreskin was drawn right back. The thought crossed my mind that it wasn't after all restlessness in his sleep that caused his bed at home to creak so much in the middle of the night. I was proud of my son's appearance. He had a fine young body. His prick was a respectable five inches [13 cm] (not bad at fourteen) and I realised then that he too was madly attractive. "Want to wank him?" Mike nodded. He came and stood beside him so that he could get a better grip of the younger lad's cock, while I moved round behind and ran my hands lovingly over the thin little swarthy body and the fat, sweating balls. His body began to jerk. He gave a little sob and whispered "O 3; please 3; you'll make me come 3; " At this Mike pumped away at him really hard. I felt the little body go stiff in my arms and his small hands clasped over my wrists strongly. He shuddered and gave a deep sigh. Just then his spunk shot out all over the place. sploshing against the wall and slithering down. The spurting stopped and what was left ran out with less force all over Mike's eager hand. I heard the wet sound of the last few rubs of the wank. I was so excited I almost came my lot and I could see moisture forming at the tip of my randy son's nob, too. The gipsy boy went limp and when I turned him round to gaze on his lovely little face I saw that he was blushing again. Mike said, "Can I have some more fun with him?" I grunted. "Sure. Take him into the bedroom. I'll join you when I've stripped off." The little wanked lad was scared. "W 3; what are you gonna do 3;?" Mike did not answer. He grabbed his arms and, being the much stronger of the two boys easily hustled him through the door into the bedroom. I was glad to get my trousers and pants off. By now I was so hard that it hurt. From the other room I heard sounds. The gipsy boy was begging Mike to stop doing something then he gave a yelp of pain. The lad's high pitched voice was strained as he whimpered "please put some grease on it. It won't hurt so much then." I knew what that dirty little sod of a son of mine was up to then. Where did he learn that trick from, I wondered. Moreover it sounded as if the gipsy lad was not exactly innocent. I was now completely stripped off and ready. However, grease was a good idea. I went to the first aid and got the jar of petroleum jelly. What a sight met my eyes in the bedroom. Mike had the other kid face down on one of the beds. He was lying on top holding the smaller kid helpless and trying to push his dick up his arse. I managed to persuade my enthusiastic but not fully experienced son to lift up while I pushed a fingerful of jelly up the attacked little anus. The kid managed to turn his head on the bed and grinned at me. "Thanks mister" he said sincerely. Once again I nearly came my lot. I nearly shot again while I rubbed some more jelly onto my son's hard cock especially as he groaned with obvious pleasure. Then I watched as Mike settled down over the other boy. He put one hand round the kid's stomach and took hold of his prick and used the other hand to guide his own hot tool home. The lad underneath gave a little gasp and I knew that Mike had found his target. Then at first carefully Mike began to work up and down. Soon his movements quickened and his quick breathing mingled with the grunting and pants of the other boy. I thought; this gipsy boy has just been wanked and now he's being fucked by an equally attractive, bigger boy. I watched the younger lad's naked feet and was fascinated by the working of his toes, now jiggling about insanely. Whether they moved with pleasure or pain I did not know for sure. The sounds that came from his mouth were unidentifiable. They were grunts and gasps, and I noticed that he was dribbling. Then my son made a sound of his own. It was a long drawn out groan then, through clenched teeth he cried "O Dad, this is lovely 3;" Another moment went by and the jerking on the bed became almost alarmingly violent. Mike's buttocks went hard and rigid and he pushed ferociously into the other boy, flattening his body against him. I heard him swallow several times. After that he stopped moving and both boys lay there for a while panting. Without a word, Mike climbed off his young mount and sat down on the other bed. His dick was softening now and settling between his well built boy's legs. He was sweating. So was our little gipsy boy. As I stood looking down at him I could see his perspiration running in tiny streamlets between his bones. But though thin, this boy had a wonderful lithe body. He turned his head to look at me and I saw a flash of white teeth against dark skin as the boy drew his lips back in alarm. "O no 3;" he murmured "That's big. That'll hurt." Well, I do have a respectable eight inches [20 cm] with girth in proportion. I examined his ring. It glistened with melted grease and I saw flecks of white where some of my son's fourteen year old spunk had mixed with it. I lowered myself onto the kid. He sank his face in the bed. The boy needed no telling to lift his body so that I could get my left hand round to his dick, which, by the way was rock hard again. His muscles tensed as my nob touched his opening. I paused there for a while transferring melted grease and boy's spunk onto my weapon. The boy's ring was small and very tight in spite of the treatment that Mike had just given it. But then, as I said, mine is very fat. The sweating boy underneath me was now completely silent and I knew that he was holding his breath. I pushed a little harder. The kid banged his head up and down on the bed a couple of times, and I felt his dick moving about no doubt as he involuntarily contracted his stomach muscles with the pain. I felt Mike's eyes on me and my desire for this boy increased with the resistance his small anus was giving me. Then the gipsy boy really proved he knew something about sex with a man. I don't know what he did exactly, but he seemed to move his hips quickly from side to side. At the same time he pushed his arse into my groin. It gave me a great feeling. Suddenly my thick nob penetrated him. He gasped in that delicious high pitched unbroken boy's voice of his. I stopped there for a moment, my nob just inside him. I just could not describe the feelings that rushed over me. Never before had I felt such suction and warm wetness. I really wanted to own this boy at that moment. I pushed another inch into him. He lifted his head from the bed and yelled and I felt his body trying now to push away from me into the soft bed. I began working my hand over his hot hard dick and soon it was obvious that the boy did not know whether to cry with pleasure or pain. I felt myself going wildly insane. Suddenly I pushed everything I had into him. He screamed out words I did not understand. My cock seemed to be alive. It was hypersensitive. I could feel it rubbing against the kid's insides. I was gasping and saying stupid things in ecstasy. Then I felt Mike's hands caressing my bum cheeks and tickling my balls as they bounced against my little gipsy boy's arse. Waves of hot, fierce joy took possession of me. I suddenly felt the lad's dick swell up in my hand. He jerked and gasped and I felt his hot sticky spunk spurting out. His strong adolescent orgasm throbbed through his body and I could delay mine no longer. I shot my lot deep into him as he jerked and cried out. It took a long time for all of us to recover, particularly our little prisoner. After all, he had had two eager dicks up him and come his lot twice. He was still scared and suddenly surprised Mike and me by asking, "Have I been a good boy?" Naturally, when I had the strength to talk again I had to say yes, he had been a good boy. And to show I meant it I slipped a fiver into his ragged jeans before he put them on. One thing that experience did for me was that I now look on my handsome young son in a different way. Life's become much more interesting, I can tell you. The End#2Son Bondage
Father finds out that his son is masturbating too much and was too tired to satisfy him. He takes appropriate measurements.
Justin (14yo) and his father
Mt – cons/forced mast oral anal – chast spank Like most men, I like to masturbate. So does my 14 year old son Justin. Recently though, I've felt he's been masturbating far too much and I was finding that when I got home late he had already jacked off twice and was spent. He had gotten in a bad habit of leaving his cum towel out in the living room and letting his friends com eover to look at my porno collection. We have a very special relationship but lately he had been taking it for granted. We had shared sex since he was nine and he knew the rules. Porno with me only. Never be too tierd to have sex with me when I got home. He was breaking these rules much to frequently now. After spanking him five nights in a row with a strap for his conduct, I realized more drastic measures were called for. A quick look at my most recent catalog from a leather shop brought to my attention a unique new chastity belt. The hot man wearing it in the picture was yummy enough to want to eat and the metal cage that contained the cock looked unbelievable cruel in a way that only the most perfectly designed implements of bondage can look alluring and yet confine so completely. By allowing complete visibility and even slight touching of the cock, it would be tempting and yet still impossible for the wearer to jack off. From work the next day I ordered the device. I made sure I got the smallest one available. One that would fit my young son's small penis perfectly. When it arrived in the mail on Saturday, Justin was surprised to find a package. I opened the box and summoned my son over. After fixing him at attention, I slid the back part of the metal device around his cock shaft and pulled his testicles through. Next I strapped the belt firmly in place. Then I attached the paddlock fixing the base. Next, I closed the front cover after lifting his cock up towards his belly button. With two more paddlocks, his cock was sealed between two layers of metal. Ejaculation would be nearly impossible. It was delicious. I kissed him deeply and handed him tight fitting lycra shorts and told him we would be going out for brunch.
BrunchJustin took his time getting ready for brunch, he picked out a baggy shirt and after five hard swats on his butt replaced that with a tight T-shirt. Kids. He knew I was putting him on display in this device. Everyone we met today would know he was mine. The door man saw and smiled at me but was polite enough not to say anything. As I walked us slowly through the park, Justin gradually became shier and shier. Each passerby looked at him holding my hand and then his cock and then stared. Justin was embarassed beyond belief. In the restaurant he regained his composure and asked how long I intended to make him wear the belt. "Every afternoon when you stop by my the office after school. You'll come by and I'll put it on you," I responded. He frowned deeply, but did not argue. After a few minutes of silence, he asked the question "Why?" I waited a while and then responded, "Because you can't keep your hands off yourself." Because you've had Jarod over twice this week and jacked off to my pornos with him. As we left the restaurant to more glares from onlookers, I knew he wanted to find another answer.
Tom'sWe stopped at Tom's on the way home. Once in the door Justin stripped naked. With only the chastity belt showing, Tom and Geoffrey got a clear view of my newest method of controlling my boy. Geof's, Tom's teenager's, expression could be read without difficulty, "Am I next?" Tom and I kissed and we all sat down in the living room. Geof took up his position between Tom's legs and sucked his father. Justin sat next to me, his cock still partially erect and all but untouchable in the metal cage. Tom asked Justin about the chastity belt and Justin was not too chatty. After flipping my kid over my lap and deliverring 30 hard slaps to his buttocks he proceeded to explain to Tom why he needed the chastity belt. Tom asked me about it some more and how Justin would be able to go to the bathroom with it on. I pointed out that stainless steel doesn't rust so in terms of urinating it will be unpleasant, but it could be done. As for deficating, well just like he will have to wait to pleasure himself, he'll have to learn to control his bowels more. Justin had not thought about this and his eye's widened. Justin sure did not look pleased by the discussion, but said nothing. Tom asked me to order one for Geof and I saw Geof gag on Tom's cock. I pointed out that not only was touching impossible but also, the cage was too tiny for a boy to have an erection in. Tom rubbed his hands gleefully and pointed out that since he worked from home Geof could count on being in chastity most of the day so he wouldn't be walking around the house turned on unless Tom wanted him to be. I promised to order the unit for Geof as Justin got dressed for us to leave.
BedWhen we finally went to bed that night, Justin was very happy to be able to touch his cock again and let me know by proudly shooting a load of cum as I administered his bedtime spanking. After we made out and went to sleep he asked if I would really put the device on him after school Monday. I said yes, and he put his head against me and cried softly before falling asleep. I only wish I could make him wear to school as well. He would surely be stopping in the little boy's room to jack off there. But the device was to bulky to wear in the place. Maybe I would have to allow Justin to wear baggies like the other brats at school now. We would have to try on some outfits to see if baggies and boxers could camaflouge the device.
MondayThe day was very quiet. At 4 when Justin usually arrived he came to my office right away. After I shut the door, I quickly attached the device to him and then pulled his pants back up. I knew he was afraid to be seen in the office like this and I let him wear a raincoat out of the building. When I got home finally at 11, he was standing at the door waiting in the chastity belt. But, I didn't take it off right away. Instead, I took my time, ate my dinner, read the mail, worked out and basically ignored him. At midnight, I removed the belt, and immediately gave him his bedtime spanking. Once again he came from the spanking alone and then we had wild sex before finally going to sleep. By the end of the week, I thought he was learning to accept the belt as part of his life, but Friday he did not come to the office after school.
Friday EveningI carried the belt home with me in my briefcase as I left work that Friday evening. When I arrived at home, the apartment was empty, I checked the answering machine, only one message. Justin saying he'd be home soon. By ten o'clock, I was both annoyed and worried, an altogether unpleasant condition to find me in. A half hour later, my blood was boiling. Where was my young son. My mind played out endless horrible scenario's. But Justin was a smart kid. He was alright. I tried to be patient. When Justin finally walked in at eleven, I think he knew how furious I was because the first words out of his mouth were to ask whether he should fetch a strap or a paddle. Rather than give him time to make up excuses, I ripped his clothes off, fastened the chastity device around his cock, and dragged him by his ear to the dungeon bedroom.
WhippingQuickly, I strapped him to the spanking horse and then left him for a while to think about his conduct. I was mad and rough with him and made a harsh red mark through his hairless tummy almost to his pubic triangle when I pulled him across a corner of the device while strapping him down. When I came back at midnight, he was sobbing softly. I selected one of the Singaporan canes I had purchased recently and whisked it through the air. Justin started to stammer, but then apparently thinking better of it, went back to sobbing softly. I positioned myself behind my errant 14 year old and off to a side. Seconds later, the cane was flying through the air and down towards his tender exposed buttocks. This would be an especially painful spanking with his cock caged between two webbed layers of cold steel. No orgasm through pressure against the spanking horse would be possible. The first stroke of the cane landed on his smooth tanned buttocks violently. The cane barely made a sound as it struck. But within seconds, Justin's sobbing had turned to a yelp. I repeated the treatment, lifting the cane high in the air and bring it down violently time and time again. All told, I counted 97 strokes. His buttocks, lower back, and upper legs were a mess of deep crimson lines where the cane had struck. His voice had grown slightly hoarse from screaming in pain, but not once had he begged me to stop, he knew better than that by now. Then, I stood him up and tied his hands to the ceiling. With a tawse in hand, I then proceded to tenderize his nipples, underarms and scrawy torso. Thirty blows in all and his front side was a mess of red. When I finally untied him and placed him in the window, he could barely stand from the pain. I made him stand, sore reddened backside to the city for twenty minutes while I jerked my hard cock off in front of him. Then I asked what his excuse was. His voice was so hoarse from the whipping that I barely heard his answer. I asked him to repeat himself. "Sir, I just wanted to have some fun, I didn't think you would be angry," he managed. "Wrong," I replied. "It won't happen again sir," he responded. "Of course it won't, you'll be wearing the chastity belt full time now and only have it removed for special occasions by me," I stated calmly. His whole body convulsed in terror and I savored the control I had over my beautiful kid. "But, but, but how will I go to the bathroom," he managed. I just grinned broadly. "Please, I'm begging you sir, I promise nothing like this will happen again," he said as loudly as he could manage. "Come here," I said motioning him to the spanking horse. Slowly he came back to where he had just been caned. "Bring me a razor strap from the wall," I ordered. His eyes welled with tears, but he walked quickly to the wall and handed me the strap. "Bend over," I ordered. He did. Seconds later, I was belting his back with the strap until his smooth tan back was a dark shade of red. His cries and pleas for me to stop were barely audible. When I was satisfied that there was little point in strapping him further, I took him on the floor of the dungeon. His sore back was pressed to the hard floor of the dungeon bedroom. My hard throbbing cock rammed his fuckhole through and through. My sides were slapping against his sore buttocks and all and all I was dominating him. Inside the cock cage, his cock strained to harden, but his cock was no match for the sturdy steel that enmeshed it. Once I shot my load deep within him, I fastened the chastity belt fully and locked it in place. Then I left him on the floor, filled with my cum and sorer than I had ever made him. "I have to shit dad," he cried. "Tough cocksucker." I replied.
SaturdayTom and Geof came over early Saturday and both were surprised at how sore and bruised Justin was. Geof had stopped staying the weekends for spankings a while back, but Tom and Geof both tended to hang out at my place a lot anyhow. Justin had not said anything about how sore he was and had kissed me firmly when I woke him in the morning. He was particularly appreciative when I let him urinate and defecate. By lunch time, Justin was pleading me with his eyes to let him out of the chastity belt. Instead of releasing him though, I took him over my knee and slapped his tender buttocks with my belt and fucked him in front of Tom and Geof. The embarassment of being treated so much like my property again was too much for him finally and he headed to the bedroom. I followed and put him over my knee for another 50 with my hairbrush. All of the kicking and struggling he tried did not help him escape its blows, but did intensify the force with which I used it on him. Then I fucked him again on the floor of the bathroom. Then we both headed back out to our guests, Justin was sorer than ever with deep welts now visible on his buttocks. Geof laughed a bit and Tom made him suck cock and then had me beat Geof with my belt. Geof was not laughing so hard after that. I also made Geof suck my cock and in a moment of particular cruelty, I had Geof lick what he could of Justin's cock through the webbed cage. The effect was painful for Justin whose cock reacted by straining itself against the unyielding metal. Geof took particular pleasure in this particular "blowjob" and kept it up for a full ten minutes til I finally asked him to stop. Justin squirmed like crazy throughout the ordeal. It looked wonderful. After dinner, I used a tawse on Justin's front side again in front of Geof and Tom and then had both Tom and Geof fuck his sorry ass. By the time they finally left, Justin was so sore that he was crying a stream of tears and what voice he had left was making quite interesting sounds. I put him in the dungeon bedroom again to sleep and think about his conduct.
SundayWhen I woke Justin Sunday, I noticed immediately that he was much more attentive to my desires. In fact as soon as I woke him, his lips went right to my cock and he worked it over till I shot in his mouth. My kid is an awesome cocksucker when he wants to be. Right now, he wanted to be. He ovaled his tight young tender mouth around my hard cock and suctioned a load of come out of me in minutes. Tawse in hand, I beat him a total of 100 times more throughout the day. At midnight, I removed the chastity belt and let him come to bed with me. Since that weekend, Justin has faithfully come to my office every day after school and had a chastity belt placed around his cock. No matter how much the rush, he seemingly always finds the time to let me attach and secure it. I love my son. And he has finally learned how to love and respect his father. His kisses are tender. His mouth sucks hard and his ass remains as tight as when I busted his cherry at 8. He often allows me to invite my friends over so he may service me and recieve his punishment in front of them. He has learned what a sexy kid he is. He's a fucking exibitionist. He knows what his mouth and ass are for. And his cock produces the sweetest cum I have ever tasted. Each day I get at least four loads from him to swallow with delight. We once went at it all nigth and set a record. The horny little kid produced 16 comes in under 10 hours. I can hardly wait till he's 18. The End#3The Farm Hand
An aspiring author works as a farm hand down in the middle of Tennessee to get some experiences. And experiences is what he got.
Zak (14yo)
Mt – cons mast oral anal It was weird, me, an aspiring author, working as a farm hand down in the middle of Tennessee. I wanted some experiences. And experiences is what I got, though not the ones I was expecting. The farmer was a mean old bible spouting type. I know the only reason he hired me was because I finished a passage he was quoting from Romans. His son was fat and obnoxious. The wife was the suffering type, totally devoted to her man. But it was her son, the farmer's stepson, that caused me to accept the job. His name was Zak. Zak was around fourteen with a thin frame that had that adolescent gangliness so common in boys his age. His face was handsome with full, wide and pouty lips. I found myself sexually attracted to this young boy. Not that I like boys. But it was strange. There was an immediate sexual tension between us. I could see the way that he nervously looked at me that he felt it as much as I. No one else did. The days turned into weeks and I got tanned from working in the sun. I always kept a subtle watch on Zak, noting how he moved, how his round little ass looked so inviting as he walked. I knew that I would have to satisfy myself by masturbating about him at night. I mean Tennessee does not look kindly on someone sodomizing a fourteen year old boy. I was getting used to only seeing him naked in my mind. But then things changed. One day we were out in the field and Zak took his shirt off. It was the first time I had seen his chest. Zak had firm breasts with nicely sized nipples jutting from them. His stomach was hard and his navel was an outy. Another thing to jerk off about, I thought as I looked at him on and off. Then I happened to turn toward him about ten minutes later and almost shit. His nipples had grown so big and were now light pink. I desperately wanted to suck them. He must have seen me staring, because once again I felt that same tension rise between us. I looked away quickly, causing the air between us to relax. That night I relived it over and over. The next day we were in the same field. Suddenly, he says, "Watch out for, Nathan, ok?" Nathan was his stepfather. "Sure." Zak unzipped his jeans, took out his cock, and began to piss. I almost died. I stared openly at Zak's young virgin cock as he held it in his hand. It was about seven inches [18 cm] long, and had a big fat head. He finished, but he still held it out. Our eyes met and everything got quiet. Finally, he put it back in his jeans. We didn't say anything to each other all day. Then, as we were going in for supper, he stopped at the edge of the woods. He looked at me and smiled. "You were looking at me today, weren't you? And yesterday too." I panicked. "No, Zak, I wasn't." He came up to me and said very quietly, "I know what you want 3; and I'm willing." The denial died in my throat as I looked at his handsome face. I took him by the hand and led him into the woods. We stopped and I kissed Zak deeply. His lips were so warm and soft. My tongue explored his mouth fully. We broke and I pulled up his t-shirt. I ran my hands over his breasts. I heard him cry softly as I fingered and sucked his big nipples. My hand went down to his crotch, I could feel his erection filling it. I began to rub it. "Uh! Uh!, he cried. "We can't do what I want," I whispered. "It's too dangerous. Come to my room tonight, ok?" Zak nodded his head. I rubbed his cock harder. He came with a loud sigh. I felt the wetness through his jeans. He kissed me hard. "I'll come tonight, I promise." That night I waited for him to come. It seemed like an eternity until I heard a soft knocking on my door. I opened it. Zak stood there with no shirt on and a pair of tight jeans. He came in and we kissed. "I'm so hard," he moaned, pushing his crotch against me. I ran my hands over his sweet firm ass. I picked him up and laid him down on my bed. I kissed him for a long time. Tasting his sensual lips and exploring his mouth and throat. Then I went to his chest. I kissed the two freckles over his heart, I could feel it beating wildly. My hands caressed Zak's breasts and nipples, his huge nipples hardened and jutted from his chest. I sucked one while manipulating the other. He began to moan softly and I felt him thrust up against me once, twice, then a final time. He sighed and I knew he had come. I continued my journey down to his stomach. I chewed on the tiny knob of his navel, causing him to squirm. Then slowly I undid his jeans, unzipped them, and brought them down his muscular thighs and legs. The crotch of his jockey's was filled with his fourteen year old virgin cock. I took them off slowly. His cock was pulsating as it stood straight out from a slight bush of pubic hair; his balls were heavy. I spread his legs out as far as I could, then put my head between them. I caressed his balls as I kissed his cock. Then, slowly, I took him into my mouth. I began to suck him gently, to keep him from coming too soon. I wanted to taste his beautiful virgin cock for a while. Then I began to suck Zak harder. "Yes, Yes, take me. Take my cherry!," he groaned. Gripping my head, he cried out as his hips thrust up. His hot come filled my mouth. I squeezed his balls gently to make him come more. We lay there for awhile afterward, kissing and touching one another. Then he whispered, "more." I kissed him long and hard. I took the vaseline from the nightstand. I got between Zak's legs and lifted them over my shoulders, pushing them back until his knees touched his shoulders. His ass lay open to me. I greased his ass with the vaseline, then my cock. I eased my cock into his tight, round butt; stopping every so often to allow him to relax before continuing. Finally, I was all the way in his virgin body. I began with very gentle thrusts. I felt Zak relax and I began to pump him harder. Soon, he so loose that I could take him the full length of my cock. Zak laid beneath me as I fucked him, giving himself to me so much. He moaned, telling me he loved me, telling me how good it felt. Zak wrapped his arms around my back, kissed me, then began to push his ass up against me; wanting me deeper inside him. I took Zak by his shoulders and began to pump him harder and faster. The old bed squeaked frantically under our thrusts. Suddenly, Zak cried out. I felt his hot come spurt against me. Then I felt myself come into his taut virgin butt. We made love off and on until dawn. The End#4Trespasser in the Toilet
Closing his office building, John finds a boy in the toilet.
John (20yo) and Danny (14yo)
Mt – cons oral mast
The office clock told John that it was seven o'clock. Overtime was over for another day. During his four years with the firm where he had worked since leaving school at sixteen, he had lost count of the hours of overtime that he had earned. All the other people in the office were much older, mostly married, and they were always anxious to go home at 5. John didn't mind though, particularly at the moment, as he was saving up this year for a holiday abroad. John finished checking all the doors and windows and was at the main door when he decided to pay a visit before going out. So he put the latch down which locked the door from his side and pushed through the doors into the large toilet. Just inside he stopped, startled. Someone was already in there. A boy dressed in school blazer and navy blue trousers was peeing into one of the urinals – the toilet was fitted with those individual type basins. The boy, also startled, looked round at John, swinging his body as he did so and momentarily sending a stream of piss over the side of the basin. He went slightly red as John spoke. "This isn't a public pisshole kid!" The boy apologised. "I was going home from school. I stayed late with some of the other kids helping one of the teachers get something ready. I was dying for a piss and I knew there were toilets in this block that you can get into sometimes after the offices are closed." As John began to pee the kid finished. He had a funny feeling of excitement as he glanced at the schoolboy's little dick, with its pointed foreskin and the little droplets of yellow liquid appearing at the very point. The boy waggled his prick about and shook out the droplets. "What's your name?" The boy grinned up at John and seemed in no hurry to put his weapon away. "Danny" he said, still grinning. Suddenly, the boy drew back his foreskin a little and lifted his prick as if to shake the last droplets out. John realised that the boy's cock was bigger than it had been a few seconds ago. The realisation made his own prick grow. Danny said, "I always play with it when I go to the toilet." Then anxiously added, "Is anyone else likely to come in?" John, his voice rather shaky reassured him. Danny grinned again. "Well 3;" He looked down at John's now very hard cock and said. "Hope mine gets as big as that when I grow up." John was engulfed in hot fire that came from inside his stomach. His heart pumped away and his mouth was dry. He zipped himself up and told Danny to put his away. The boy obeyed and looked sulky. He murmured, "I thought 3; I thought 3;" John said sharply "Don't worry, kid. I'm having every drop of spunk out of you before you leave here. You are making spunk I s'pose. How old are you?" The boy said defiantly, "I'm fourteen. "Course I'm making it." John realised suddenly what a pretty boy Danny was. John felt a lot more mature than his twenty years. "Righto, sonny. Since we won't be disturbed I'm going to take all your clothes off." Danny looked apprehensive. His large grey eyes opened wide. "What 3; you gonna strip me 3; everyfing?" Fearing all at once that he might have gone too far. John leant forward and put both his arms round the young shoulders. "You'll enjoy it much better naked. Imagine my hand running over your belly and into your crotch 3;" Danny pressed himself into John's arms and sighed. "O.K. But you gotta undress, too!" John ran his fingers over the youngsters flies and felt a very hard little lump there. Fiercely, he hissed, "Don't worry I intend to." The boy was wearing laceless casual shoes and now kicked them off. Hurriedly he took off his jacket and tie. "That's enough," John called. "Now, come and stand in front of me." The kid did as he was told. He was wearing a white shirt and John's fingers fumbled excitedly over the buttons. He could feel the warmth of the boy's body and through the thin material his hand brushed over the kid's ribs. The shirt fell to the floor revealing a red singlet. Danny had slim arms but they were quite strong, as were his beautifully shaped shoulders. His flesh was a light pink and of course very smooth. Danny swallowed noisily and John asked, "Scared?" The boy shook his head. "No, I just want to 3;" and suddenly he started unbuttoning John's shirt. His movements were hurried and he almost ripped the garment in his haste. John wore no vest and his young man's chest and stomach became the focus of Danny's attention. But not for long because John was now pulling down the zip on the youngster's trousers. As the runner approached the hard little lump amidships of his flies, Danny drew in his hips obviously anxious to avoid damage to his horny little prick. The trousers dropped to the floor and Danny kicked them aside. The kid's underpants were a brighter red than his vest. They were fairly brief with a fly slit that now bulged but revealed nothing of the hot and anxious boy's flesh beneath. There was discolouration at the front and John's hard cock seemed to put on another inch as he thought of all the little dribbles of boy's piss that had diluted the colour of his underpants. His musings were disturbed by Danny. "Now yours" and at the same time the boy started tugging at John's fly zip. It so happened that the zip had been damaged recently at the cleaners and was not easy to handle. Danny frowned as his other hand came up to assist soon John was kicking his trousers off. He was now naked except for his blue, bulging and very brief underpants. Danny's small hands grasped the bulge sending shocks of unbearable pleasure shooting all over John's body. The boy looked up and grinned broadly. "I like you." John had to push him away or he would have come his lot then and there. He took the boy in his arms and crushed him to his own body. The youngster exhaled, his lips were level with the base of John's neck and his boy's breath was like an aphrodisiac. The warmth of his young, hard body seemed to soak into John. Still holding Danny firmly with one arm he let his other arm find and lift up the bottom of the kid's vest and then climb up the young trembling spine. Danny gave a loud "Oooooooo 3;" and John became aware that his fever hot boy's hands had forced their way down the front of his pants and were squeezing his nob. He almost screamed with sheer joy. John closed his eyes and was lost in a sensual, searing paradise too wonderful to be borne. Aburptly he was brought back to reality by the knowledge that his loins were cool. His briefs had been pushed down his legs and little Danny was exclaiming. "Christ, your bigger than I thought." John got rid of his briefs and with one pull had the boy's vest off. His chest, like his arms was slim but well built. His little black nipples now stood out firm and agressive. The boy-flesh was completely smooth and his skin seemed to shine with that transparency peculiar to young boys. John bent forward and sucked at one ofthe nipples. Out of the corner of his eye as he was doing this, he saw the bulge in the kid s pants jump. Danny sighed. "That's lovely" he murmured. John let his tongue explore the nipple for a minute or two before moving his mouth to the next. Danny had his arms round John's neck and was virtually hanging there. He almost whispered, "If you keep doing that, I'll come." John thought, So will I, and the kid still had his pants on! Gently he disengaged himself from the warm, clinging arms and knelt down in front of this delightful kid. He took hold of the elastic of the little red pants and slowly, slowly pulled them down. Danny's hard dick popped out as the pants were drawn down. His balls, very pink and small but well formed followed. John took great pleasure in placing the discarded boy's pants on top of his own on the floor nearby. He told Danny to open his legs. The boy obeyed willingly. John reached round and closed his hands round the kid's bum cheeks, which were hard and trembling. Then John leaned forward slightly and took the eager boy-cock into his mouth. As he did so, Danny gasped. His arse went rigid. The muscles making little jerking movements. His hands found and rested on John's head twitching among his ample hair. The boy's prick moved in John's mouth as Danny contracted his muscles. His tongue ran round the exposed part of the adolescent nob. This seemed to send Danny mad. He was almost crying and blurted out "Please suck me 3; please oh please suck me 3;" John sucked. Danny's prick was hot in his mouth. The boy's hips were thrusting forward quicker and quicker. The movements became so violent that his cock almost slipped from the greedily gobbling mouth. Suddenly Danny gave a sobbing gasp, Uh 3; uh 3; I'm comm 3; o 3;o 3; fuck its coming." And then John felt the hot, thick bitter sweet taste of the fourteen year old boy's spunk surging at the back of his throat. His mouth was full of the essence of this kid's boyhood. After a long, long time Danny unwillingly withdrew his cock. There were still some white droplets dribbling from it. John stood up and clasped the boy to him. He tried to push his own prick between Danny's legs. Too late. Instead, he pressed his already jerking weapon against the boy's stomach. As he crushed him once again in his arms he felt his own hot juice burning out. After that they both had to go over to the washbasins and clean up. In the months that followed no doubt Danny's mother must have concluded that her son was a very good boy indeed, judging by how many evenings a week he stayed at school to help the teachers! The End |