Rio's body was shivering. He knew he wasn't cold, and he was pretty sure that he wasn't all that scared, at least not yet. He thought, 'It must be the excitement,' as he turned just a bit and glanced in the large mirror that was next to him.
Rio was 13, his blonde hair a little long and shaggy, and his blue eyes had just a tinge of fright in them. He was happy with his body, but he still had a little baby fat here and there. He wasn't happy at all that he didn't have any real body hair, except for a thin patch of blonde above his dick and peach fuzz on his upper lip. His cock was a good size, about four inches [10 cm], but still kind of on the thin side. He had noticed in the showers at school that some of the boys were bigger, but most were about his size. 'Well, I guess this is it,' Rio thought.
Glancing into the mirror one last time, Rio didn't really know what to think about what was going to happen next. He knew that he had to go out onto the stage in his Scout uniform and then take it off in a room full of strangers. The night before, he had stripped and a man named Gus had taken pictures of him. That had been really uncomfortable, but only he and Gus had been in the room at the time. Now he had butterflies in his stomach much worse than last winter when he'd been Romeo in the school play. He also didn't like the way his arms were criss-crossed and tied behind his back. That wasn't comfortable at all. Still, something must have been exciting or fun about what was happening to him so far, since his dick strained against the fabric of his brand-new white underwear and the olive-green dress pants of his Boy Scout uniform. He waited while he listened to the crowd on the other side of the heavy curtain.
Just then, whatever was going on out on the stage that Rio couldn't see from where he was standing, must have ended. There were cheers and applause from the small audience and then one of the big muscular guys that ran the shows for this special room in the Stardust Hotel dragged the 15-year-old boy who had been on stage past Rio. Rio noticed that the older boy's back was covered in welts from being lashed with a whip. The older boy looked tired and haggard, and was kind of sobbing as he was dragged by. Rio's eyes became big as saucers as the older boy was led past him. Rio thought, 'Was this what the future held for him?' Rio's eyes narrowed as he said to himself under his breath, "I'm going to get through this just fine. I have to, for my family's sake."
Wrench, the large 6 foot five [1.95 m] Turkish man who'd been assigned to watch over Rio 24/7 (all the time) untied the thirteen-year-old's arms. Wrench spoke broken English, but Rio had understood every one of his commands so far. Rio stretched his aching arms back and forth around his body in wide circles. He hadn't liked being tied up, but kind of realized that being bound would be a regular part of this 'job.' Wrench yanked Rio's arm and pushed him to the curtain's edge. Mr. Leeds, the manager and owner of the Stardust, and the one had given Rio this opportunity to save his family from financial ruin, was on stage talking to the audience. As he spoke, Rio's thoughts wandered back to where this had all begun.
Chapter One Rio's Decision
Rio's parents were hopelessly addicted to gambling. They had been for about two years now: ever since winning a gambling vacation to Rio de Janeiro when Andrew (nobody called him that anymore!) was eleven. That's where his nickname had come from. It was Christmas break when they'd gone as a family to Brazil where it was summer. Because Andrew wouldn't shut up at school (he'd been in 6th grade) about the trip – his friends had nicknamed him 'Rio' and it had stuck. He greatly preferred it to 'Andrew' because it sounded cool. His parent had returned home some $35,000 [€25,000] richer, which eventually proved more of a curse than a blessing. All through the rest of 6th grade and through 7th and now 8th grade, Rio remembered that one quarrel after another had ensued between his parents. They'd been fighting because one or the other had lost their paychecks in slot machines, at some casino, or whatever.
When Rio was 12, his parents had gambled away so much money that they nearly lost their house. He had yelled at them one night during one of their arguments, and he'd threatened to go to the police or the social service agency with his little sister Daria and demand protection from them. The Gillette parents really did love their kids; except for the gambling, they were pretty much a typical American family. After six months in Gambler's Anonymous, and then saving for another six months straight, they'd recouped all of the money they had lost. Rio had been happy that the family was going on a nice vacation. His little sister was 9, and both of the kids thought for sure that their parents were taking them to Disneyland. Boy, were they wrong! Rio had no idea what made his parents think that a trip to Las Vegas was a good idea for two hopelessly addicted gamblers, but that's where they had ended up. Rio tried to tell them that a trip to Las Vegas was like an alcoholic going to a beer tent in the middle of a wine tasting festival on Saint Patrick's Day, but the Gillette parents wanted to 'test' themselves by holding themselves to gambling just the money they'd brought with them for that purpose.
It turned out that Rio loved Las Vegas. The excitement, the great-looking ladies that were everywhere and the nice room and the Playstation 2 that was included in the room he was sharing with his sister all helped a little. Rio also thought it was cool that Penn & Teller, the magicians, were performing at their hotel. Rio shared the same last name with Penn Gillette, and someday Rio wanted to be a performer himself. He liked acting in school plays, he practiced with his magic act nearly every weekend back home, and he knew that someday he'd be able to do the same kinds of stunts and performances as his idols.
Rio loved the first night in Vegas, as he and his family had gone to see his heroes perform. They were great! Rio even stopped worrying about his parents and started enjoying their family vacation. The next day, he'd even gotten a chance to shake hands with the two stars in the hotel's lobby. Rio was on top of the world. Then, everything had changed.
Once again, Rio had been right and his parents had been wrong. When they came back from the Stardust's casino, they told their kids to pack their stuff. Mom and Dad Gillette led the kids down the back stairs. Rio knew this drill too. They were trying to run out on a debt. Rio wondered just how much it was for this time, exactly how much did they owe? As the family opened the door that led from the back stairs to the hotel-casino's rear parking lot, they were stopped by two burly, armed security guards. Soon, Rio and Daria were amusing themselves with a game of 'I Spy' in the waiting room of the office of Harold Leeds, the hotel-casino owner-manager.
About a half hour later, Rio's parents came out of the office. His mother was crying and his father's head hung down in shame. Harold Leeds called out to HIM, for some reason. "Rio, Rio Gillette. Would you come over here for a moment?" Rio was puzzled by this. What did he do? He hadn't gambled. He'd been a good boy. He hadn't done anything wrong. The thirteen-year-old walked into the big man's office and when motioned to, sheepishly sat in a large, plush, oversized leather chair that was offered to him. Mr. Leeds motioned for his security guard to leave the room, which he did.
"I understand from talking to your parents that you know about their gambling problem, and the fact that they lost a considerable sum of money here on our premises today."
Rio nodded.
"And you also know that they tried to walk out on that debt; that is frowned upon here in Las Vegas, and I should call in the cops. No doubt they would have to serve prison time if arrested, at least two years, I'd say, for that alone."
Rio interrupted the big man at this point, although he was appropriately timid about asking. "How much did they lose?"
Mr. Leeds's face grew very dark and grim at this point. "All of it."
"Jeezus!" Rio exclaimed.
"They said they had almost $7,000 [€5,000] that they brought with them. I guess they can't pay the hotel bill now, huh?" Rio continued in a burst of anxious speech.
Mr. Leeds shook his head. "No son, you don't understand. They lost all of it. The money they had here. Their savings. Your savings. Your college fund. The money that you and your sister had in the trust from your grandfather. Their car, your house, everything."
Rio sat in stunned silence for several moments. "How much total?" he asked in a whisper.
"Just over one hundred and seventy-six thousand dollars [c. €127,500]."
Tears started running down Rio's face as he tried to imagine losing that much money. He had just spent six weeks of paper route money on new black dress shoes that he'd packed with his Scout uniform for THIS trip. He blinked back a few more tears. He knew the value of money, but $176,000 was a number that he could barely comprehend. Rio just sat in silence feeling awful and helpless. What could HE do about the enormity of what had happened?
Mr. Leeds cleared his throat. "We gave your parents three options, and they have left it for you to decide what to do."
Rio's eyebrows shot up in disbelief. But his shock at that news settled quickly when he considered about how often his parents had left him to clean up one of their messes – especially since their out of control gambling had started. Sometimes it seemed as if his parents were HIS kids instead of the other way around. "Okay sir," Rio asked respectfully, "What are the choices?"
Mr. Leeds cleared his throat again. "One, your family loses everything I just listed. You'll all end up on the street, or in a public shelter. Maybe your parents end up in jail. Two, your little sister Daria stays with us for the rest of the summer, the next month and a half, and works for us. Three, the last option, is that you stay and work for 44 days. I hope that you are old enough to understand what a child has to do in a place like Vegas to earn $4,000 [c. €3,000] a day. That's what it will take to save your family from financial ruin. I'll give you a moment to think it over."
Mr. Leeds left the room and Rio was alone. He didn't know exactly what he would have to do in the next 44 days, but he never, ever, considered leaving Daria with these people.
He did consider having his family lose everything. Maybe his parents would finally learn a lesson, and maybe he could get himself and Daria placed in a foster home. Or maybe they would split the kids up. He couldn't handle the thought of not seeing his sister again. Rio's mind raced as he tried to figure out what to do. It seemed like mere seconds, but five minutes later Mr. Leeds returned and demanded an answer from him.
"I'll stay and work, but I want one promise from you," Rio said.
"Well, you're not in much of a position to bargain, but I'll listen," Mr. Leeds replied.
"I want to be a magician when I grow up, just like Penn and Teller. When I come back here in five years, I'll be 18. I want you to give me a shot at a job then." Rio held out his hand.
Mr. Leeds smiled broadly and said, "Agreed. I love to see a kid with his eye toward the future. I think that you've chosen the best of the three options but there's no backing out. So whatever happens, you accept what you have coming to pay off your family's debt. Is this your final decision?"
Rio didn't see his parents or his sister again. He was taken to the private part of the hotel-casino and given a room. His suitcase was left with him. Mr. Leeds had informed him that he would have some tests today, and later that night get started with paying off the debt. Rio looked the room over. It was a miniature version of the room that his parents had purchased, before they'd lost everything, just like the one upstairs in the main area of the Stardust, only smaller. The walls were beige, the rug was a weird red, and a little worn, but the single-sized bed was freshly made and looked brand new. There was a small bathroom with a vanity, and a table on the side of the room that resembled a small desk, but there was no chair. The TV worked. It stood atop another stand to support it. Rio turned the television on with a remote that was sitting there, but all it received was eight different stations that showed porno. Bored, he switched off the TV. He kept looking around the room, alone with his thoughts. There were no pictures on the walls like in a normal hotel room, but large mirrors adorned two walls and for some reason another mirror was positioned over the bed attached to the ceiling. Rio jumped onto the bed and lay back on it, relaxing. He wondered why the ceiling had a mirror. He thought about what was going to happen to him. Suddenly ha became a little agitated and more than a little horny. He wondered just what kinds of things he would have to do to earn $4,000 [c. €3,000] a day. As he tugged down his pants enough so that his cock popped out, he grabbed it with his fist and started to jerk off. Happening to glance up once, he realized what the mirror on the ceiling might be for. He got a kick out of watching himself jack off. Unknown to Rio, a videocam was concealed in the ceiling. Behind the mirror in the ceiling the camera played, he'd been caught in the act of masturbating, and the first of many porno videos starring Rio was being filmed.
Later that afternoon, Mr. Leeds took him to a different room. This one resembled a small doctor's office. Rio didn't know it, but he would soon get to know this room well.
A dark-skinned man entered, perhaps from Pakistan or a place like that. "I'm Dr. DeJunge," he introduced himself. "Take your clothes off and sit on the edge of the exam table."
Rio had undressed in front of a doctor before, but this grubby little man seemed more like Dr. Nick on the Simpsons than a real doctor. Still, he realized that this was part of what he'd agreed to, and did as he was told. Soon he was in his birthday suit, entirely naked. Dr. DeJunge poked and prodded him for a few minutes, mostly in his chest and stomach. He didn't like it at all when the doctor grabbed him 'down there' and told him to cough. He'd had that exam once before, when he'd gone out for Jr. High Football, but this guy seemed to hold him down there for the longest time. Next, he told Rio to lay all the way back on the white paper-covered metal table. Rio did, so that his bare feet were dangling over the edge. "I can see that you're circumcised," the doctor said.
"Duh," Rio said under his breath, "That's pretty obvious." He hoped that the doctor hadn't really made out what he'd just said.
Then the doctor did something that didn't really hurt, but felt weird. He stuck a clean Q-tip down into his pee-hole, all the way in, and then pulled it out again. "That didn't hurt, now, did it boy?"
"No, it sort of tickled, actually," Rio answered truthfully.
The doctor was taking notes, and started inspecting the thirteen-year-old's body, starting with his feet, peering really closely at his skin.
"Is anything wrong?" Rio asked.
"Nope," he said, "I'm just noting all the blemishes and birthmarks on your body." Rio had one on the sole of his left foot, right below the ball, one on the same sole just below the toes, another on top of his right foot, below his toes, one on his right calf, several little ones on the inside of his front thighs, one on the underside of his penis just below the head, Rio's circumcised glans, several on the boy's chest above and alongside his nipples, and the doctor was announcing every one to the boy, and saying that they'd be important.
"Why?" Rio asked.
"You'll find out," Dr. DeJunge replied mysteriously. The doctor next told Rio to turn over onto his belly. While he was lying there, the doctor started remarking about more of his 'blemishes' and 'birthmarks.' Rio had never realized he'd had so many, nor paid much attention to them. Several more birthmarks and 'defects' were announced to the boy, "Your left heel has one, and your right buttocks cheek, and on both sides of your ribs, I can tell that you've been well-marked by nature." There was also the long scar on the instep of his right foot, on the sole, but the doctor didn't say anything about it, just nodded with a weird grin when he saw it.
"Why does it matter?" Rio repeated.
"Oh it does, it really does," the doctor replied, but he didn't tell him why. It was all seriously creepy, and Rio was glad that the exam concluded soon after that, as soon as a rubber tourniquet had been applied, and blood had been taken from his right arm.
Once he got back to his room, Rio received a phone call from his parents. They were home, they said they were truly proud of him, and wished him luck. His sister was put on the phone too, but she mostly cried, not really understanding what was going on. They wouldn't get a chance to speak with him again until he had repaid their debt to the hotel, so 'goodbye' was goodbye, and it was really starting to sink in even more what he'd agreed to. Rio held the phone in his hand for a couple of minutes after the line went dead. He felt like crying himself, but didn't, because he was thirteen, and no longer a baby.
Mr. Leeds had assigned a guard to Rios. The huge Turkish man called Wrench didn't speak much English, but Rio always understood what the man wanted him to do. The boy also realized that with a name like Wrench and muscles like he had, there was never going to be any point in trying to get away.
He was stuck at the Stardust until his parents' debt was paid off.
Rio was in the bedroom he'd been given, lying on his comfy soft bed and watching the porno stations on TV when Wrench disturbed him with a knock and entered the room. "Strip," he said, and handed him a garment bag. The light-brown bag contained his dress socks (darker brown), brand-new Hanes white underwear, and his full dress Boy Scout uniform. It had been cleaned and pressed by the hotel's laundry department. Rio wasn't sure why he'd packed it in the first place, but here it was just the same. Perhaps he'd be attending some sort of Boy Scout official function with other Scouts. He fantasized a little about that. That wouldn't be too bad, Rio mused.
"Get dressed," Wrench commanded with his harsh Turkish voice. The guy was scary and also more than a little creepy. "Be prepared," Rio sighed to himself as he dressed. Once Rio was fully dressed, cap and all, he was led by Wrench to another room that was a photography set. This one was made to resemble a regular thirteen-year-old boy's bedroom. "It looks like my room at home," Rio couldn't help remarking just under his breath. The teen shook hands with a pudgy, white guy named Gus. Gus reminded the boy of a department store Santa without the beard who was now at his day job. He remembered a Santa who'd resembled Gus when he was about four years old at Christmas time. He was pretty short, maybe 5' 6" [1.68 m], and should have been retired. He had to be at least seventy-five.
Gus knew exactly what he was doing when it came to posing and photography, and soon Rio was somewhat relaxed. The photo shoot was long, lasting five hours, almost to midnight. He posed clothed, and then slowly, Gus had him strip down to his bare skin. At first, that felt weird, being in his underwear and having pictures taken, but in some ways it was fun. Rio pretended he was a superstar and that the photos were for a men's magazine. Certainly he wasn't the first boy-model to pose in his underwear.
But then it came time to strip off his Hanes briefs. His face blushed red with shame as he slid out of his 'tighty-whiteys,' and it was even worse when the leering old man remarked, "You've got a nice little body for a thirteen-year-old, but I really expected your dick to be bigger." That comment hurt, as he felt pretty positive that he was at least average-sized as to his dick. The next hour featured Gus placing his hands on Rio's body, and posing him this way or that, in every imaginable lewd position Rio figured. Rio hated it every time the old man touched him, especially to point his penis or adjust his balls. Toward the end, Rio was tiring, so Gus said they would 'wrap things up' soon. But suddenly Gus turned on a vidcam, while continuing to pose the nude Rio for stills as well. He told the thirteen-year-old to lie back on the bed and masturbate. Rio knew what the word meant, but he had never, ever, done that in front of anyone before (at least to the best of his knowledge).
"Do I have to?" Rio complained to Gus in a whispered voice.
Gus was stern. "I'm afraid so. I got my orders so it's mandatory. Just do it. Try not to think about me being here so you can look more natural."
Rio took his advice, closed his eyes, and tried to forget where he was. He slowly jacked himself off, squirting a little load of white cum all over his belly. When he'd finished the act, Gus had Rio play with his own white ooze, running his fingers through it, and then licking his fingers when Gus commanded. He had tried tasting his spunk once a few months ago, when he'd first started cumming, and he hadn't liked it then. But he obeyed Gus, and Gus laughed at the look on Rio's face. Those pictures and its accompanying video sequence were a 'great conclusion' to the photo set, Gus remarked. Rio was quite relieved when the humiliation of the whole thing was over.
"At least that's out of the way," the boy blurted to Gus, "It can't get much worse, can it?"
Gus just smiled and said, "It's not up to me."
Rio was puzzled by that remark, but then Wrench returned to escort him back to his temporary bedroom. He locked the boy in. It didn't matter. Rio was exhausted. In the tiny bathroom, Rio showered and then plopped onto the soft bed and into a deep sleep. He awoke several hours later. Lying on his back, he played back the day, and mused, 'If today was anything like what the rest of the summer is going to be like, then I made the right decision. I can do this. I know I can.'
Chapter Two Opening Night
The next day had been strange indeed. Rio spent the better part of the morning swimming in the hotel's pool. He'd been given short, tight, light-blue swim trunks that turned almost 'see-through' once they were wet. He kept getting looks from hotel guests, and occasional questions, like "Where are your parents?" or "What are you doing?" He tried not to say much or attract much more attention than he was already getting. He hadn't been given any instructions, but Wrench was never far from sight. Rio had managed to have fun; he loved swimming, while worrying about what might happen later on that day. He was nervous. People were actually ogling him. Wrench came to retrieve him around noon, and after lunch, had the thirteen-year-old shower and change into a smart-looking black Tuxedo, that was tailored perfectly to his size. The strange thing was, he wasn't given any shoes or socks!
From his room in the private area of the hotel, the well-dressed lad followed Wrench to a tiny anteroom. "This leads to front entrance of Red Room. You sit here until I come get you."
Wrench picked up Rio and sat him atop a bar stool that was comfortable because it had a padded seat. The padding was red. For the next several hours, every ten or fifteen minutes, a man, woman, or a couple would come through a hallway to pass through the room where Rio was perched on the stool. They'd look at him, feel his face, arms or legs through the tuxedo, and make comments like, "Oh, very nice." Or "Yes, Harold was right." Or "He's adorable. I can't wait!" Never would they speak directly to him, and this made Rio uncomfortable. "This must be what a movie star feels like," he said aloud, in one of his 'alone' moments. Wrench had left a note that he was not to speak to the people, not even one word. Rio had seen mimes at parks in outdoor settings and on TV, so for awhile, he made believe he was a mime. Half-way through the afternoon, one dark-bearded man in a Hawaiian shirt spent a long time looking him over. Rio noticed that the man's aftershave smelled like roses. The man used his fingers to pry open Rio's mouth and look inside. He looked up close, real close, to Rio's face. He ran his big hands over the boy's tuxedo down his torso to his crotch. He squeezed the boy's nutsack through the pants material, and none too gently. Rio winced. Out of all the people who had come to see him, this strange man was the only one who'd touched him 'down there.' Finally, the man ran his hands down the boy's legs to his bared feet.
Bearded, heavy-set, and rugged-looking, the man was on his knees now, and breathing hard. His breathing became raspy and it echoed in the anteroom. The man pulled one of the Rio's feet close to his face. It was his right. Rio almost jumped out of his skin as he felt the man's tongue slide along his sole near his arch. It tickled terribly, and Rio stifled a laugh. The man glared up at Rio's face, apparently upset that the boy had reacted with a giggle. The man repeated the action with Rio's left foot, and Rio managed a better effort at being mime-like.
At one point, the strange man discovered the long, thin scar along the instep of his right foot. Rio had cut himself on a piece of broken glass while running barefoot in a city park when he was eleven. The man gasped when he saw the scar, and spent an inordinate amount of time running his tongue up and down the scar's entire length.
Rio had always kept his toenails neat and trimmed, and the man seemed to appreciate this as well. After spending several minutes sucking on the thirteen-year-old's toes, first all together and then individually, he began using his teeth when he licked and sucked, biting lightly, almost chewing on the underside of each toe, , but not hard enough to hurt. It felt good in fact, sort of like a wet 'Swedish' massage Rio had read about somewhere.
"I'm learning your feet," the man in the Hawaiian shirt finally said.
"I guess so," Rio muttered under his breath.
If the man heard his remark, he didn't indicate it. In fact, he stood up and left. When he was gone, Rio sighed with relief. Although the strange man had kind of frightened him, it was then that the boy realized that the 'Swedish massage' treatment of his toes had given him a boner.
Others came to see Rio where he'd been stationed, but just like the earlier visitors, they poked and prodded to their heart's content and spoke to each other, but not one of them addressed the boy. After several hours of this routine, Wrench returned and Rio followed him back to his room. A light dinner was already waiting for him, sitting on the table against the bedroom's wall. Wrench informed him that when he was done eating, it was some kind of nice chicken dish with a gravy that was delicious, that Rio was to change into the brand-new socks and underwear that had been laid out on his bed, and to once again change into his Boy Scout uniform.
About an hour later, Wrench entered the room holding a silken rope. Rio's arms were crossed behind his back and tied there.
"Follow me."
Rio again obeyed.
Rio's mind snapped back to the present. He still saw himself in the mirror, but now his arms were untied. As Mr. Leeds stopped speaking, Wrench placed his hands on the boy's ass and shoved him forward, out onto the stage. Mr. Leeds was still there, and Rio gazed around.
The lights were bright, nearly blinding. The stage he was on protruded way out into the middle of the room, like small theatre. Chairs encircled the stage, and if Rio had had the time to count, he would have observed 25 men and 7 women in the small audience. The boy gulped and walked to the center of the stage where Mr. Leeds stood.
Leeds whispered into the boy's ear, "Slowly, slowly strip and then stand at the edge of the stage and wait for the commands that are going to be given you. Understand?"
Rio gulped again, cleared his throat and said in a whisper, "Yeah, Yeah. Okay."
Mr. Leeds walked off the stage and very quiet music began to play. Not at all like the kind of 'stripper' music Rio had heard in movies that featured strip clubs. In those movies, it was girls and women that did the stripping anyway. I'm a boy, he thought. Boys aren't supposed to strip on a stage. Rio was getting extremely nervous. He walked around the stage a few times, turning this way and that. He took off his Boy Scout cap and let it drop to the side of the stage. He ran his hand through his hair to push it out of his eyes. He moved around a little more, trying to relax but failing. He still felt like he had butterflies in his tummy. The butterflies were getting worse with all these people looking up at him expectantly.
He removed his neckerchief, and tossed it into the crowd. Several of the people tried to grab for it, but it fell to the floor below the stage, and the people left it there.
Bending forward, Rio began untying his black dress shoes, left, and then right. Slipping his shoes off, he threw them down softly behind him onto the stage's hardwood floor. Next, he stripped off his socks, baring his left foot and then his right. Rio took a deep breath and with his Boy Scout uniform shirt still buttoned, he tugged it up over his head like a sweater and dragged off his white undershirt with it. Finally, he unzipped his fly, and with a grand finish, he sucked in his gut and with one swift movement, pulled his long olive green Boy Scout pants all the way off his legs to pool at his bared feet, and then deftly kicked them off and away from him on the hardwood stage. He was now dressed in only a pair of white briefs, and was otherwise naked. Nervous now almost to the point of tears, he danced around the stage a bit more.
Rio felt himself start to sweat from the heat of the lights and the dancing he was doing. He was shaking now, and much more afraid and ashamed than he'd felt with Gus the night before. This was very different and he wasn't sure that he could do it. Rio turned this way and that. As he did so, he allowed the entire room to see his undies, and then he realized that his dick was sticking straight out and that he'd peed a few drops from sheer fright, and that the white fabric was tenting out and probably stained yellow. All of his mind was feeling fear and shame, and also panic.
Rio strutted around on the stage in his now soiled underwear, dreading what had to happen next. Here he was, in a theatre full of leering strangers, and he was about to naked, in fact, exhibiting his body like some cheap boy slut. Rio felt not only butterflies now, but sick to his stomach. He felt a wave of nausea, and thought he was going to puke. But he didn't. He danced around the stage for a few more minutes, until finally one of the men getting impatient yelled angrily, "C'mon boy! We haven't got all night! Strip down to your birthday suit!"
Rio's face turned red as a beet and it suddenly felt like it was hot and burning. The thirteen-year-old hardly even realized it, but suddenly, he was naked! He must have slid out his briefs, there was no one else on stage that could have done it for him, but he didn't remember actually taking them off. His hard dick flipped this way and that as he danced, and he started to sweat even worse than before. He danced in the nude around the stage, to the delight of the audience, and then he stood at the edge of the stage in front and waited for what was going to happen next.
Suddenly, he felt somebody's presence behind him. Two hands grabbed the boy and dragged him off the stage to a wooden stool beneath the stage in front. He was tied to the stool by a rope around his legs. This was getting really weird. He was scared, and deep inside himself, Rio was just trying to be brave. Two of the women who'd been in the audience watching him strip now gathered around the nervous boy. One woman was a blonde, the other was a redhead.
"We have to get rid of all his body hair first, darling," the blonde said to the redhead.
The redhead replied, "He hasn't got much except what's on his head, has he?"
Hearing this, Rio blushed again, deeply. He really wished this event was over now; he was embarrassed worse than he'd ever been in his young life. The blonde woman was now standing behind the boy and shaving his head hair, but nothing like any barber he'd ever been to. When she took the first big fist full of hair and cut it all off, Rio protested, starting to scream at the indignity of it all, "No! I don't want a haircut! At least not one that short!" The blonde woman laughed, as did many of those in the audience, who were shifting their chairs from around the room to get a better view of what was going on. This was obviously part of the planned entertainment. The blonde woman kept relentlessly shaving his hair off in large chunks, and she threw fistfuls of his hair to some of the men and to the women who wanted a souvenir too. One woman sniffed a few locks of Rio's hair, as Rio watched, horrified, as a second person, this time a man, took over the hair cutting with his own electric razor, and he was cutting closer to the thirteen-year-old's scalp, "I don't want a crewcut," Rio screamed, "I never get a crewcut!"
"Too late now! Don't you dare move boy!" the second 'barber' said. He tried sitting as still as he could, but the red-haired lady was down on her hands and knees and she kept tugging on his bare dick the whole time. Suddenly, on an impulse, she grabbed Rio's balls and squeezed hard. It hurt badly, but when Rio squirmed and jumped, it caused the razor in the man's hand to nick the flesh along the boy's neck. Rio screeched from this new pain, and the man with the razor shouted, "Damn it kid! Keep still! This will be done in a minute."
A moment or two later, Rio had a crewcut, and his scalp had also been nicked once or twice. The red-haired woman gave up trying to get Rio to move.
Then it got worse. The man grabbed a straight razor and told Rio to keep very still as he was going to finish up around the boy's ears and do his sideburns. The man slid the sharp razor up and down along each side of Rio's face and took off the boy's sideburns. He used the razor to shave away the rest of the hair about one inch [2½ cm] above his ears to give Rio what the guys in Army Boot Camp call 'whitewalls.' As the razor was just finishing up above Rio's left ear, the nervous boy flinched involuntarily, and the razor dug just a bit into the tender flesh near his ear. "Owwh!" Rio yelled.
"Dammit boy! Do that again and I just may slice an ear off!"
A stern voice called out from near the rear of the theatre. "He disobeyed. He was told not to move! I say punish him!"
Rio heard an approving murmur from the crowd that was still more frightening.
As the man's words about punishing him sank into Rio's mind like an imbedded knife, he again tried his damndest to not even flinch. The man soon finished and his haircut was over. Or at least the thirteen year old assumed they were done cutting off his hair. But the hair-removal was only getting started.
The red-haired woman, the one who had caused Rio to jump and get nicked while he was being given his crewcut, was now looking over his entire body for more hairs, even incipient ones. She discovered a few wispy blonde hairs on his legs and on close inspection on his toes as well. She decided they weren't worth the effort and promptly turned her undivided attention to the thirteen-year-old's pubic hair.
He possessed a scant growth, only light thin blonde hairs just above his dick, and some on his ballsack which was quite typical for a boy his age. The red-haired lady took a pair of tweezers, and for the next ten minutes she tugged at his hairs with the tweezers, yanking them out one or two at a time to prolong his agony. Rio was sobbing softly at this point, not so much from the pain, although it hurt, but mostly from the extreme shame. "Ow!" "Damn you!" "Ow!" "Ow!" "Ow!" "Damn you! Damn you all!" he yelled or cursed every time she plucked out of his pubes with the tweezers. Rio was cursing the woman, everyone in the room, and everything that was happening to him. This was not at all what he had expected.
"Oh come on! We just took what was essential. You still have a few hairs left." Someone was trying to be a comedian, only Rio wasn't laughing.
"Very few, I'd say," the blonde woman mocked.
"Assholes!" Rio screamed in anger through his tears. The woman had plucked a total of 32 of the boy's pubic hairs, one souvenir for each person in the audience of sadists. As she worked, she swiveled the thirteen-year-old's penis from side to side for better access. "I like to get the best ones from boys this age," the red-head said while giggling derisively. For Rio, it was an extremely humiliating and somewhat painful experience, with sharp, stinging pains, but as soon as she was done, his ordeal seemed to be over.
What else can these monsters do to me? Rio thought.
Except that then, some guy took an entire palm-full of aftershave, and proceeded to pat down his head with the stuff. Rio suddenly felt like his head was on fire, especially the back and sides and those places he'd been nicked with the razor. "Yeowwh!" This was the first real scream Rio had voiced in front of these strange people. They reacted to it with cheers, as if they enjoyed his pain. Rio screamed even louder when the man proceeded to pat down his dick and balls with another handful of the aftershave.
The people who had been close to Rio now backed away and a large mean-looking guy stood in front of the scared young teen. Rio was really shaking now. The shakes just wouldn't stop. He was really beginning to feel nauseated again, and like he might puke soon. The man smiled at the boy, he was missing a few front teeth, and reached down to touch Rio's chest. There and then, the man quietly attached two office-style document clips, the kind that really pinch, the kind made entirely of metal and black, to first his left nipple and then his right one. Pain shot through Rio's chest, and ran across his body in shivers. He screamed again. Rio couldn't help it, it hurt so much.
"Yeowwh! Yeowwh! Yeowwh!" "Please get those things off! Get them off my nips!" Rio was in agony.
The crowd really seemed to like that outburst a lot. They were getting entertained by this boy, that's for sure! Rio's breath hissed as he sucked it in, trying his very best not to scream again. The mean-looking guy stood back and watched as the boy twitched. He got down on his hands and knees and untied the ropes securing Rio's legs to the stool. He then used his thick fingers to get a good grip on Rio's nipples and the clips, and he laughed as he sadistically jiggled them. This caused the boy a new round of pain. Rio screeched again, and this time the mean-looking man frowned and whispered, "We're just getting started, little whore!"
Rio began sobbing quietly when he heard that. He was a whore. He really didn't know all that much about sex, but he was old enough to know what a whore was. Rio's sobbing turned the crowd against him even more, and one of the men held Rio down as his wrists and ankles were tied together to the legs of the stool he was sitting on. Rio didn't realize it yet, but that posture exposed the thirteen-year-old's bare back to the crowd. They were about to take advantage of having that access to the boy's flesh. Rio again was wondering if he'd made a really bad decision the day before.
Chapter Three Interrogation
Rio's head was between his knees as he sat bent over on the stool. A new man, one with a loud deep voice sat in a chair placed right in front of Rio. Rio was still sobbing. Calm down now, boy just settle down. I need to know some things about you. I'm going to ask you questions. You will answer truthfully. You will also speak your answers loudly enough so that everyone in the whole theatre can hear you clearly. If someone in the audience says that they didn't hear your answer, you will be punished. If I think you are lying, you will be punished. Do you understand?"
Rio's voice quavered as he answered. "Yes."
Someone near the back of the audience said, "What?"
The Inquisitor waved his hand, like a signal, and another man standing behind Rio slashed a thin leather whip down in a terrible quick movement across the boy's bare back, dead center between his shoulder blades. The crack of the whip echoed in the little theatre, and for a split second, Rio thought he had been shot in the back with a gun! For several seconds, the boy gasped from the impact of the blow and then realized what had happened, letting out an almighty howl of pain. "Yeowwh!" the thirteen-year-old screamed.
"By the way, I'm called The Inquisitor," the man said. He was a large man but wore a cape that obscured a lot of his features.
The Inquisitor gave the boy a moment to catch his breath. He spoke next in his usual calm voice.
"Did you understand what I said?"
"YES!" Rio yelled at the top of his lungs.
"How many times a day do you masturbate?"
There was just the slightest of pauses, and Rio answered "Once." Rio's voice was loud enough to be heard by all. This was so embarrassing but he no longer cared.
"Have you ever tried to suck your own cock?"
3; Yes ... well, once, but I couldn't do it." The reply was stammered but heard by all. It was also deemed to be truthful.
"Have you ever sucked another boy's cock?"
"No!" came the terse reply, extra loudly.
"Besides being described as nude or naked, what kind of clothes might you be described as wearing now?"
"Duh! I'm in my birthday suit."
"You'd better lose that attitude, boy, and fast!" the Inquisitor said with a trace of irritation. He signaled to the man with the whip that quickly moved into striking distance on one side of Rio and brought the whip down across Rio's bare left calf, leaving a vivid welt like the one still visible between his shoulder blades on his back.
"Arrghh!" screamed Rio.
"Tell everybody here. What are the most sensitive areas of your body? I want a complete list. If you omit any, you will be punished."
Rio was not sure how to answer this. He was sensitive almost everywhere and absolutely hated pain. "My legs, the inside of my thighs, my belly, my chest (his nipples were sure still sore from the paper clips), my back, my sides, the palms of my hands, my neck, my face."
"Is that all?"
"Everywhere I can think of right now, except for maybe my cock and balls."
"What is the most sensitive part of your cock?"
"Uh, the head I guess."
"In your case, the circumcised head also known as the glans meatus."
"Um, I guess."
"What about your pee-hole, your piss slit? Here's your question. Has anybody ever punished you there?"
"No, Hell no!"
"That would hurt a lot, wouldn't it?"
"Yes, you're not going to punish me there, are you?"
"I don't know. Should we?"
"Do you wash your piss slit real well when you take a shower?"
"Do you give it a good cleaning and get way down inside?"
"No, I can't." Suddenly Rio remembered Dr. DeJunge and the Q-Tip during the physical examination. He tried to reassure himself that these creeps were just trying to scare him. They wouldn't do anything like THAT to him, would they? Deep down, he already knew the answer.
"Is there any more hair on your body areas that we neglected to cut off, shave, give away for souvenirs, or otherwise remove?"
"My eyebrows, eyelashes, and maybe one or two along my underarms."
"Ever look at your sister when she's naked?"
Another slight pause, and then "Yes."
"Ever touch your sister's pussy?"
"Ever make her touch your cock?"
"Why not?"
"You're just sick man."
"That's not an acceptable answer." The Inquisitor said as Rio braced for what he knew was coming. Another bite from the whip, this time along the small of his back, and the tip curled around to sting his left side.
"Owwh! Oh Gawd!" The boy cried out in the worst pain yet. Tears flowed from his eyes, but he wasn't really crying. The tears were more from trying to hold back the hundreds of curse words he wanted to scream at these sick people. And to think that his parents had even considered leaving his little sister with these sickos. Rio took several deep breaths though his ribs hurt where he'd just been lashed, and he quickly composed himself.
"Did you ever make your sister touch your cock?"
"Why not?"
Rio took a deep breath and answered, waiting for another blow from the whip. "Because I'm not a sexual deviant sicko like you people!"
"Fair enough answer. Ever think about your sister when you're masturbating?"
This time the pause was not slight. Rio's mind was racing. Yes, in the past he had once or twice thought about his sister, especially after seeing her get out of the shower three months ago. She had just the puffiest of little nipples, and it turned him on so much. He had jacked of thinking about her, but he would never, ever, touch her. What was he going to tell these
Suddenly Rio's mind was shocked back to reality. Another blow from the whip across his shoulders shocked him back to where he was and what was happening to him. "Yeowwh!"
"Well?" The Inquisitor was shouting. "Ever think about your sister while you were masturbating?"
"Yes! Dammit! Yes!" Rio sobbed, as much from embarrassment as fear of more pain. He was crying uncontrollably now, and the sobbing didn't quit.
The Inquisitor smiled at the others assembled, who gave him a light round of applause. All except the man in the Hawaiian shirt, who had bet heavily that it would take more than ten minutes to break the boy, sending him into a crying jag. The Hawaiian shirt wearer was extremely angry about losing the wager, as it meant he had to surrender his 'own' 14-year-old boy, one that Rio hadn't met, to the man who was known as The Inquisitor. That 14-year-old had the most beautiful feet to torture and they were nice and sensitive. The man in the Hawaiian shirt would soon exact revenge from Rio – that much was certain.
Rio was untied and allowed to sit up on the stool. One of the women rubbed some soothing liniment on his sore back, now traced with welts. Another person handed him a small glass of water. He sipped it slowly.
Once the thirteen-year-old was calm again, the Inquisitor looked him in the eyes. "You now will have the opportunity to save another little one slightly younger than yourself from being placed in your predicament.
A woman led a little boy across the stage and down to where Rio was still sitting on a stool. The boy couldn't have been more than eleven. He was wearing blue shorts, and a tight yellow 'action' tee shirt that left his belly exposed. The boy smiled and knelt in front of Rio.
The Inquisitor spoke again. "Kevin will have four minutes to make you cum. If he gets a shot of your cum in his mouth and shows us, he gets to go back to his room. If you cum, the night is not over for you, and the boy goes back. If you can keep from cumming for four full minutes, the boy takes your place and YOU get to go back to your room and go to bed?. Understand?"
"Yes!" Rio shouted, still remembering the rules from before.
The little boy proved a good cocksucker, and it was fortunate for him that Rio was soon as excited as he was scared. Rio tried his hardest not to think about the pleasure he was feeling. He was sure that he could wait this out. He thought about classes in school, friends he missed, his family, and that he was definitely NOT gay. He thought about his sister, about how terrible it was that the Inquisitor had made him reveal to all these sadistic strangers such an intimate thing about himself and his sister. He remembered again how she looked that day, coming out of the shower. Rio's mind ground to a halt.
"Oh no!" Rio said in a tiny voice. At three minutes and fifteen seconds, the boy named Kevin spit out Rio's penis and gagged a bit on the modest load that had squirted into his mouth. He opened up his mouth to show that Rio's cum was there, and smiled, and the woman who had brought Kevin promptly left with him. Rio looked around the room, coming down from his orgasm high, cursing himself for not holding out longer.
The Inquisitor looked at Rio and said, "Did you think about your sister all during the time that Kevin was blowing you?"
Rio sighed, dropped his head, and said, loud enough for the whole large room to hear, "Yes! Yes! I did you bastard!"
The Inquisitor laughed. He got up and merged back into the crowd that was still encircled around Rio. A man and a woman sat on two chairs near Rio, and the man in the Hawaiian shirt whom Rio recalled from the 'Swedish massage' and "I'm learning your feet" comments and experience of the previous day now sat in the chair vacated by the Inquisitor. An involuntary tremor passed through the boy's body, like a shiver. Rio wondered what the Hell could possibly happen next.
Chapter Four The Foot Fetishists (Day One)
Rio was moved from the stool to the edge of the stage, so everyone could see what would be happening better. The stool was removed from the area and replaced with a five-foot [1.50 m] bench. Rio was moved back up onto the stage platform and forced to lie down face up on the bench. The thirteen-year-old was still sniffling a bit, although he was no longer sobbing. His arms were bent beneath him and tied together in a most uncomfortable fashion. He was blindfolded.
"Why the blindfold?" Rio asked, "Why are you blindfolding me?"
"Children are to be seen and punished, but not to be heard. Would you like to be gagged too?" said Mr. White, another of the most active members of the group of sadists.
"No, I guess not," Rio answered, a bit more contritely.
The sadists preferred not to gag him anyway. The boy's screams were music to their ears.
"I think that outburst is worth an extra punishment!" Mr. White said. He was one of the most dutiful sadists, a real stickler for their group's Rules of Punishment. He was also a pot-bellied man gone to seed, fiftyish, and blessed (or cursed) with his mawkish wife Cynthia, a bespectacled hook-nosed bitch whom Rio thought was downright ugly. The couple had been active members of this clandestine group for several years now. "Many of our best friends are sadists," they liked to brag, but usually to other sadists.
"I'm not a child!" Rio yelled out.
"He really is an impudent kid," Tony, the chief foot fetishist who always wore that Hawaiian shirt, muttered.
The festivities, meanwhile, continued. Two extended 'arms' were attached to the metal bench, and Rio's head was lowered to the floor as his legs rose in the air. He was now perched at a 90-degree angle, with his legs spread far apart. His legs were next tied at the calves to the arms of the bench so that his bare feet hung limply (if also elevated) off the end of the bench. A bit of leather padding was added under his calves, to better support his feet being elevated and accessible. In fact, Rio's feet were now displayed conveniently, chest high for easy access, poised for whatever painful 'punishment' Tony had in mind.
Prior to that event, a weird kind of orgy took place. Each of the 32 sadists in the room took a few moments to examine Rio's feet up close. Some touched and prodded, some licked, and a few used their thumbs and index fingers to harshly flick the boy's sensitive insteps. One woman spent several minutes sucking on Rio's right big toe, and in spite of the boy's best efforts to fight the effect, it was highly stimulating, and led to a sudden hard-on that Rio found most unwelcome. When this woman had finished sucking on the boy's toe, she spit it out, and immediately complained, "I got a hair in my mouth."
Tony seemed to perk up at that mention. He peered closely at the offending toe, and also examined all ten of Rio's toes for hair. "Yes, he's got a few incipient hairs on his big toes, three or four on each. And this brat never mentioned them when he was quizzed about body hair."
"I didn't think they counted," Rio said, too loudly.
"Well, they do count. They will have to go. We would have used a pair of tweezers to pluck them out, but since you didn't list your feet as being 'sensitive' – I guess I am free to burn them off."
"What!" cried Rio, "You can't do that!"
One of the other men leaned over and twisted Rio's right baby toe hard. "Ow!" Rio gasped.
"Shut up, or we'll have to put a ball gag in your mouth," Mr. White said, "Okay Tony, you can keep going."
The Hawaiian shirt man, Tony, turned on a small soldering iron. When it was ready on low flame, he grabbed Rio's left foot and held the iron's red-hot tip to the bare skin near where the hairs began on the offending toe. The hair began to burn, and Tony traced a line, slowly, ever so slowly, so that each of the newly charred light-colored hairs dropped off, one by one. Rio's skin reddened slightly, but didn't blister. It hurt, a lot actually, but Rio tried to be brave. Tony quickly moved the soldering tool away as Rio squirmed and sucked in his breath. The boy was determined at this point not to scream out.
Tony then moved the iron's red-hot tip to Rio's right foot, and began burning off the hairs on the boy's other big toe. Again, Rio felt the heat, and then the burning sensation, but he was determined to not scream or cry like a baby. The tender skin surrounding the thirteen-year-old's fine blonde hairs reddened again slightly, but failed to blister. Tony was extremely skilled in this procedure. "I'd be burning the shit out of his toes with that thing," admitted Tony's wife, Cynthia. Tony was being careful not to seriously harm the boy's skin, but he wanted to make sure that no pesky hairs remained by the time he was done. The entire process took only a few minutes. "There, smooth as a baby's butt," Tony remarked, before saying to Rio, "Aren't you glad that I didn't burn you?"
"But you did! You did!" Rio objected.
"No, I didn't. It's not on tonight's schedule, although you deserve to have some further scarification performed, judging by your behavior tonight," Tony countered.
A 'real burn' with the soldering iron or a similar tool was not in the cards tonight, although Tony knew that he or one of the other sadists would be inflicting brand marks on many sensitive portions of the boy's anatomy before Rio's ordeal would be ending more than a month hence. For instance, every birthmark on the boy's bare feet would eventually be 'replaced' by a scar – this was a certainty according to the group's rigid code. For now, Tony gently massaged Rio's reddened big toes with an ointment that soothed the burning sensation. When it was over, Rio felt like his toes had really bad sunburn, but he hadn't cried out or shouted during the entire procedure, and felt a sense of pride.
Still masked and not able to see what was going on, he also breathed a sigh of relief as at least that portion of the torture was over. He hoped he would be able to go back to his room soon, but feared that this might not happen for awhile. He lay there, for more than two minutes, as the sadists in the room whispered back and forth to each other. Of course, it would be some time before Rio would know the term 'sadist' and what it really meant. Tonight, he was just getting a sneak preview of what was to come.
Suddenly, two strong hands were holding Rio's feet at the ankles. They lifted the boy's feet up a little, and Rio felt a sharp sting across the heel of his right foot. He jumped a bit, and sucked in his breath and held it. The sensation was a lot like last summer when a wasp in their family's backyard had stung him. Surely, the bastard wasn't going to keep on hitting his foot like that, was he? (He assumed it was Tony doing the hitting, although being blindfolded, he could have been wrong.)
Soon, Rio was shouting and cursing. "Fuck! Shit! Yeowwh! Fuck!" Blow after blow rained down upon the sensitive sole of his right foot. The ball, the arch or instep, the underside of his toes, the soft skin just below his toes, the outer edges of his instep near the sides of his foot, the heel – no part of his sole was spared the pain that Tony was dishing out. The man was a pro, and he knew just how hard to hit to induce tremendous pain, but with the blows so deftly placed that just hours from now, the boy's foot would look perfectly normal.
Tony had perfected the technique after years of abusing the feet of boys and young men. He was using his preferred instrument for the punishment of 'newbies,' a plastic cane ending in three delicate whip-like strands attached to a solid handle. The plastic strands felt much like being struck with an electrical extension cord. Rio had received a whipping once on his buttocks from his mother when she'd used an extension cord, she'd hit him two or three times in all, it wasn't child abuse, or anything like that, and he'd gotten her angry, and probably deserved it, but this was much worse, it stung like Hell, without leaving any permanent marks, and this beating was on the sole of his right foot, not his ass.
It's not leaving any permanent marks, Tony mused, no, permanent marks would be for later.
Rio squirmed around on the bench and hollered, "Stop it! Stop it! I did what you want. Why are you punishing me?"
Nobody bothered to respond to the pleading boy. The sadists were all gathered around and enjoying the festivities to care. This was what they were all here for: the humiliation and abuse of a boy. Tears ran down Rio's cheeks as he gasped for air and tried to stop crying. Fifty, sixty, one hundred blows in all. Too many to count. But as suddenly as the bastinado had begun, it ended.
Tony was taking a few minutes to jack himself off. He had unzipped his zipper and pulled out his average length cock. Most of the other men were now doing the same thing, and many of the women were rubbing themselves as well. The men and women who weren't enjoying their sexuality overtly were grinning wickedly.
But that intermission didn't last nearly long enough for Rio. Tony adjusted his cock and his clothing and moved over to the other side of Rio's stretched-out legs. Seconds later, he began working over the bottom of Rio's left foot.
Tony went to work. He was delivering even harder, faster blows to Rio's left sole. The pain was as terrible as before. Meanwhile, someone, he had no idea who, was sucking on his dick. This was really very weird. The boy hated the idea of merging the pain and pleasure in his head, so he tried to break it into two pieces. He imagined that one of the female sadists was sucking his dick, and one had seemed moderately good-looking before they'd placed the blindfold over his eyes. The sucking really did feel good, and some of the pain seemed to melt into the background if he tried to block it out enough. Still, it was a full-beating, one hundred strokes with a plastic cane.
It could have been much worse. These sadists were in the habit of either using bamboo for their bastinadoes or else preparing a boy's feet beforehand – like scraping the kid's soles all over with a sharp needle to lacerate the skin, then beating with a heavy cane or knout, or burning the soles first, a decent scarification and 'tenderizing' followed by a sadistic beating. Again, those 'tender ministrations' would come later, Tony mused.
Time had kind of lost its meaning. Eventually, Tony stopped beating Rio's other foot, but he was onto something new. Spreading Rio's left big toe away from his other toes, he used a pair of pliers to violently twist that toe, and then proceeded to go on to each of the thirteen-year-old's toes in their turn. He grabbed each toe carefully with the needle-nosed pliers.
"Owwh! What the fuck are you doing now?" Rio screamed. Rio felt like each of his toes were being dislocated, or else sprained on purpose, which wasn't that far from the reality.
"Just putting a little pressure on your joints, to see how you can tolerate that," Tony explained to Rio, but more for everyone else's benefit.
"Stop it please! I'm not tolerating it at all!" Rio screamed.
It was obvious that Rio was about to cum. A woman stripped off his blindfold and placed her hand under his head, moving it up to an angle where the boy could see that a MAN was sucking his cock! It had been a man all the time – Mr. White. It was too late for Rio's orgasm to stop, and Rio watched in horror as his dick spurted its little load of cum into the man's mouth. The woman, Cynthia, Rio knew her name now, leaned close to the boy's ear. "That's right. You came when my husband Stan sucked on your cute little cock. You're a nasty little faggot, aren't you?"
Cynthia White then slapped Rio's face, not really hard, and let his head drop back against the angled bench board he was still lying on. Someone was untying his arms now, but none of that mattered. His eyes were closed and his face red with shame. He feared that the woman was right, for just a split second. Then he thought, "No, I'm no fag! I'm a normal kid who's being used by the evilest people on Earth. I have to remember that I'm normal and you're the ones who are all fucked up!"
Sitting on the bench, Rio was miserable. Tony was eyeing Rio's feet again. He had something else in mind. Rio found out what it was.
"Oh well, time to clean out your toenails!" Tony announced. For this, he used a sharp needle, "my cute little cuticle needle," he explained. Everybody smirked except for Rio. This was really going to hurt, the boy thought. It was a steel sewing needle, about two inches [5 cm] long. The naked thirteen-year-old was still sitting on the bench at the edge of the stage.
"Okay, give me your right foot," Tony said casually. Rio hesitated, and it cost him.
"C'mon, we haven't got all night," a tall, bald man spoke up, "Do you want Tony to make it a double-dip by cleaning out your piss-slit with that needle too?"
Foolishly, Rio answered back a bit too smartly. "Go for it! I don't care what any of you sickos do."
The boy was just bluffing, being defiant, but he was taken seriously.
"Okay, since he's given his permission, I will," Tony said, "We'll make time to accommodate Rio's request."
Rio couldn't believe it. Here we go again, he thought. Pain, lots of pain is coming. He started sobbing, begging, when it completely sunk in what was about to happen. "No, no, don't do this! Not my dick too! I didn't mean it! I was just being stupid!"
"Lie back, lie all the way down on your back, and spread out on the bench, now! We won't even tie you down, but if you squirm, even a little bit, we do it over. We do every one of your toes and up as far as the sharp needle can go – ways up inside your pretty little cock – again and again. As many times as it takes until you lie perfectly still."
Rio did as he was told, although he started whimpering a bit even before he felt the first painful jab.
Tony started the awful needle by jabbing it under the nail of his right foot's little toe. He was quite thorough with each nail bed, and once in a while he'd comment, "I think there's a little dirt here that I missed," and the needle's sharp point would cut into the quick, Rio's sensitive flesh under the nails on each toe – the big toes were the worst – and the boy anticipated the needle's progress as it went to the next toe. Trouble was, the right foot was taking forever, as the screaming boy couldn't help squirming and kept moving because he wasn't tied down. Each time, Tony would say, "Oops, you kept squirming, got to do those dirty nails on your right foot again."
"No!" Rio would protest.
Finally, when his toenails were all bleeding and very sore and painful, after eighty-six passes, it was finally time for his left foot's toenail treatment.
Rio was just about sobbed out by then.
"Time for your left, give it to me," Tony said again much too casually. Rio very reluctantly complied. Little toe, fourth toe, middle toe, second toe which was precisely as long as the thirteen-year-old's big toe, and then finally the biggest. He was screaming his lungs out again as this torment produced excruciating pain. "Owwh! Owwwh! Fuck! Shit! Owwwwh!" But he also kept squirming. This time, the torture took eighty-nine passes, and tissue beneath the boy's ten toenails was now a bloody mess.
When the magic words, "His feet are done," were intoned, Rio felt hardly relieved.
"It's time to clean out his pretty little cock," Tony said.
First, there was a prerequisite for this new procedure.
"Make it hard boy. Jerk yourself off."
After a long time, maybe ten minutes, Rio had his hard-on back, and with his thirteen-year-old cock sticking out nearly perpendicular, a blonde woman was holding his penis steady for the insertion of the needle. First, Tony teased Rio's piss-slit.
"Makes it easier when they're circumcised," he commented.
Rio heard another sadistic woman who was nearby say "Are you sure you can find his pee-hole? Damn, he's got a cute little cock on him."
He was extremely nervous by this time, and then the sharp needle was jabbed straight down into the boy's urethra. Rio couldn't help moaning. The pain was bad, the boy thought, 'This is about as bad as my toenails getting done.'
Grasping the needle's protruding end carefully, Tony methodically scraped the walls on the inside of the boy's penis, scraped and probed, as if digging for gold. He also kept taking the needle out to check it for little bits of urethral tissue and blood, and then re-inserting it, as Rio kept up a steady stream of tears, sobbing loudly, sometimes wailing when the excruciating pain became too much for the boy to bear. It was fascinating to the sadists, especially observing the thirteen-year-old's reactions, and they didn't particularly mind the boy's tears or his prolonged agony. The boy's cacophony, however, perturbed the sadist at work, as it effected his concentration.
"Will you PLEASE stop that racket, Rio? Let me explain. We are experienced at causing pain. That's what we do. We know that this procedure doesn't hurt half as much as some of the things that we could be sticking up your peehole right this instant. We could do this, for example, with something spiny and curved that we'd be pulling out against the grain!"
But Rio was hard-pressed to imagine anything worse. The needle was digging around for cripes sake – inside his dick! Still, out of sheer terror he managed to stifle most of his cries and wails from that point – only an occasional moan or gasp escaped Rio's lips from that moment forward. About forty minutes later, Rio's piss-slit chamber was dreadfully sore, and more than a bit scratched bloody raw.
"I won't be able to jerk off for weeks," he said, under his breath but nearly out loud, but wisely kept that sentiment to himself. Funny thing, his dire prediction turned out not to be true, for five days later, miracle of miracles, his dick seemed even more sensitive to pleasant sensations, perhaps, in fact, as a consequence of that awful needle. Not that Rio was going to recommend this particular masturbation-enhancing technique to any of his friends back home.
The room cleared out fairly fast. Wrench was suddenly there, offering Rio a hand up off of the long bench, and handing the boy a white robe. The robe smelled clean, like fresh laundry, and somehow that was comforting to Rio. Wrench motioned for the boy to walk around the theatre and retrieve his clothes, including his long discarded Boy Scout uniform. Rio took a few steps, but even on the thick, luxurious shag carpet his feet hurt terribly when he tried to walk. Walking on the hardwood floor of the stage produced little yelps from the tortured boy. All he could do was limp, but he wasn't favoring either foot. Both of his feet produced agony to put any weight on. Finally, Wrench saw that the boy was taking too much time gathering his clothes together, so he helped pick some of his stuff up. Finally, Wrench smiled a crooked smile at the boy and sat him on the front of the stage in his white robe, like a bathrobe that opened in front, and it was half open. Once he had all of his clothes, he picked Rio up and launched him over his huge shoulder so that he wouldn't have to walk back to his room on those tortured and lacerated feet.
In his room, another meal was waiting for him, but Rio wanted to get cleaned up first. Blood and what-not on his feet and ankles were beginning to get crusty and it felt just awful. He showered, and then set the water temperature to 'ninety degrees' [32°C] and held the spray over the bottoms of his sore feet while sitting on the edge of the tub.
Once his feet and the rest of him were clean and he was a little more relaxed, he ate the food, his favorite, pot roast. That had been left for him. There was a card that said simply. "Congratulations on completing your second day. You have 42 left to go." Mr. Leeds signed it. Rio would get one of those cards every day until the last day. Exhausted and very sore, the boy collapsed on the bed, and was soon fast asleep.
Chapter Five Mr. and Mrs. White (Day Three)
Next morning, Rio found that body, even his feet and penis, miraculously, only felt a little sore. His entire body was somewhat stiff, but once he stretched his muscles and got out of bed, a lot of the stiffness left him. Considering what he'd been through the night before, he was feeling better than he'd expected. After being awake for about an hour, and finding the door to his room locked from the outside, Rio used the bathroom, cleaned up some more, and then lay back on the bed again.
Rio was a bit bored and anxious, so he switched on the TV. He knew that if it was like before, he could get only porno stations, and that's all there was. This time, there were three stations; two had movies featuring boys and men, and one with three ladies. He left the TV on that station with the ladies. He watched as two of the women tied up the third and then proceeded to cruelly abuse and torture her. They gave her a whipping, both front and back at the same time. It was clear that the victim didn't like what was going on. She was shouting for help and cursing the whole time.
Rio had never watched this type of porno before. His experiences with porno were limited to blurred out images on the TV at home, with the audio going in and out and with snippets of ladies moaning and groaning. He'd seen one Playboy video at his friend Barry's house once. This stuff was way beyond that, hard-core, and Rio got excited.
He laid on the bed, naked, his hard-on returned but when he tried jerking off while watching the TV he quickly discovered that his dick was still plenty sore from the evening before, oh fuck, he thought, shit, I forgot what they did to me yesterday. So he just tickled himself gently and caressed himself down there, felt his own balls up too, as the 'entertainment' began to seem at least interesting in its own way.
Like before, unknown to Rio, the video camera was recording him the whole time. Soon enough, Rio grew bored, especially since he'd been unable to jerk off the way he'd wanted to, and so he switched off the TV. He put on the white robe, as that was the only thing to wear in his room at that moment. Wrench had taken his Scout uniform, probably to be cleaned and pressed once again. Just then the bodyguard arrived with a late breakfast, more of a brunch, and another note from Mr. Leeds. The card read, 'Welcome to your third day. Usually you will have the day off after you've worked hard, but today you'll be spending time with Mr. and Mrs. White in what they call 'Their Dungeon.' Have fun!'
Rio gulped hard when he read the word 'Dungeon.' He knew what a dungeon was, but what exactly was it to these horrible people? He really didn't want to find out.
Wrench came by to tell him that he had another half hour to eat and get dressed. The big man had left his food on the desk. Sure enough, Rio's Boy Scout uniform was laid out on the bed.
When the door to his room next opened, Rio expected it to be Wrench but instead it was that odious couple from the night before, the man who had sucked his cock and the woman who had claimed it was she. Rio's face must have registered his shock, because the woman let out a little giggle and the man laughed heartily.
"We're the Whites," said Stan, "I know you didn't like the little joke we played on you last night, and my wife was kind of mean when she called you a faggot."
"Cynthia?" Rio remembered her name.
"Yes, that's correct."
"I'm n-not a fag."
"No maybe not," Stan chimed in, "Maybe you're like me, half a fag, or bi-sexual. After all, I was the one who sucked your cock last night and then went back to our room afterwards and fucked my wife hard all night long."
"I could hardly get my beauty rest," Cynthia agreed.
"You are a half-faggot, aren't you boy?"
Rio took a deep breath and said, "No, I'm not a fag at all, but as long as I'm working here, I guess I'll be playing the part of one from time to time."
From time to time, Rio mused, his Dad liked to use that expression. How he missed his Dad, and his Mom, even if they were gamblers and got their family into this mess with their stupidity.
The man smiled and said, "Good answer. Now come with us."
Dressed in his immaculate Boy Scout uniform, all cleaned and pressed, Rio timidly followed the couple. They went down the hall, past the door to the Red Room and down several flights of stairs. They passed a security guard, who nodded at them as they went by, and then they came to a large metal door.
Mr. White turned and glared at Rio. He seemed to turn on a nastier personality. "Once inside, don't speak unless you are responding from a command or question from one of us. Obey without hesitation, for even the slightest pause on your part will be grounds for punishment. Feel free to yell or scream as loudly as you want, no one will be able to hear you way down here, and even if they could, they are probably aware of your purpose this summer at the Stardust."
The man called Stan pushed a keypad on the wall and entered in a long string of numbers. The threesome walked into the dark room, Rio still limping slightly, trailed a step or two behind. He felt like running away right then but knew he couldn't. He needed to earn the money and needed good reports from these horrid people. The room was dark, but Rio was none too anxious to see what was inside the 'dungeon.' He'd played Dungeons and Dragons once, but this wasn't anything like that. What lay in store for him in this awful place?
The room was very dark. Mr. White took Rio's shoulder in his hand and moved the thirteen-year-old to the center of the dungeon. Mrs. White turned on a single light, one that shone brightly and bathed the room in a suddenly glaring light. It was difficult for the first few seconds for Rio's eyes to adjust. Mr. White pressed a second button that said 'Video Monitor' above it. There was a dark brown splotch, maybe dried up blood Rio figured – in the middle of the cement floor. Mr. White had Rio stand right there over that blood spot. The couple took a few steps back and Rio heard the dreaded word, "Strip!" Mr. White had closed the big heavy door, the only way in or out, with a loud clanging sound.
Rio knew what to do. Except, waiting to be told how – which articles they wanted him to take off first. He didn't have to wait long.
"Lose the shoes." Cynthia ordered. So Rio took off his right black dress shoe, and then his left.
"Socks." He peeled off his socks in reverse order for some reason, left then right. The cement felt hard and cold on his bare soles. His feet suddenly hurt a little more, but he wasn't sure if that was real or just memories from last night. In any case, he realized that they were still pretty tender from the treatment they'd received.
"Cap. Neckerchief. Buttons on your shirt. Slowly, slowly. Take the shirt off. Undo your pants button. Unzip your fly. Drop your pants. Let them slip down your legs. Step out of them."
Rio was standing there shivering in his white briefs. The two sadistic adults regarded him as if he were a deer caught in a truck's headlights. There was no mercy in their eyes. Not a shred of anything but pleasure that they could derive from his pain and humiliation. The room was cold too. At least it was chilly. He didn't want to take off his briefs.
"Well? What are you waiting for? A birthday suit invitation?" That was Cynthia, the bitch. The fucking bitch.
With a violent mixture of shame and anger, Rio pulled down the elastic, flashed his circumcised dick and balls, and allowed his last article of clothing to drop onto his bare feet.
"Go ahead. Step out of them. Don't you dawdle, boy. He stepped out of them with a burst of courage. Rio stood there, shivering anew in the chilly room, goose bumps all over, naked as a jaybird. His dick and balls were tightly drawn up into his groin area, his penis was a bit shriveled from the chill, since the room was kept at a constant 58 degrees Fahrenheit [14°C], like a cave. The couple just stared at him for awhile, admiring his body, studying him it seemed, until Rio was shivering and embarrassed and moved his hands from his side to cover his groin.
"Hands on top of your head!"
He obeyed.
Stan turned and kissed his wife, smacking her ass lightly if affectionately at the same time. Then he turned to Rio. He leaned over and shockingly kissed the thirteen-year-old nude boy on the lips, moving his tongue around as it suddenly snaked inside his mouth. "What the fuck!" Rio blurted out. Once again, the young teenager was totally grossed out. He hated the man treating him like that. If he'd had a gun, he'd probably have shot him dead then and there. But he didn't. He didn't even have any clothes on. When Stan was finished with the French kiss, he ran his hands lewdly over the reluctant thirteen-year-old's naked body, and then barked another order, "Kneel down."
This time, Rio didn't hesitate. Soon his bare knees were pressed flat against the hard and very cold cement floor. Stan pulled out his seven-inch [18 cm] penis as he unzipped and thrust it onto Rio's face, right against his lips. "Suck it!"
"No!" Rio refused at first, beginning to cry. But the cruel man forced the boy's nose into the large male penis where the smelly odors were overpowering. Rio still kept his mouth tightly closed, but then he noticed Cynthia reach over to one of the walls where she grabbed a nasty looking leather whip. She raised it above her head and expertly began striking the naked boy, across his shoulders, his bare ass, the back of his legs and calves, the tender soles of his feet
3; She must have hit him at least ten times so that Rio was sobbing loudly again. "Okay, okay," he wailed, "I'll do it!"
"It had better be the best blowjob I've ever had, and when I cum, I don't want you to spill a drop, before you swallow it. Understood boy?"
"Yes, I'll do it."
Rio opened his mouth, and felt the man's large stinky penis enter past his lips. He began sucking. He knew instinctively that he wasn't allowed to use his teeth to bite, although he really wanted to. He imagined biting this guy's penis right off. Boy, did he want to bite this guy's dick off! The cock was unwashed, full of smegma, and Rio almost gagged and puked at the same time, but then finally, after about ten minutes, he felt the man's organ twitch, and pulse, and soon what seemed like a gallon of cum flooded into his mouth and Rio was swallowing the stuff! It tasted sort of like piss but was sticky too, very thick and viscous, and he didn't spill any.
"Lick my balls too!" Rio did, but this was even worse, this guy needed to bathe. Rio almost retched and vomited then and there. Finally, it was over. Rio felt nauseous, a little queasy, but at least it was over.
"Stand up."
Rio did. He stood up on his shaky painful feet like he'd been ordered to. The awful sadist reached up toward the ceiling and pulled down a chain with a pair of metal handcuffs at the end. By then, Rio noticed that the man's dick was back where it belonged, in the man's pants. The handcuffs and the chain were then attached first to Rio's left wrist, and then Stan White did the same to his other wrist, attaching it.
"Raise your arms above your head."
Rio obeyed. Stan next turned to his wife, and Cynthia turned a crank on the wall. Suddenly the boy's arms were drawn upwards, ever upwards. A few seconds later, Rio's toes were barely standing on the cement floor. While Rio hung there, his toes trying to steady his swinging body, Cynthia took a small box from somewhere behind him, and showed it to Rio.
"Do you know what we have in here for you?" she said.
Rio didn't really want to know.
"No," he ended up saying, almost under his breath.
"What? We didn't hear you," Mr. White said.
"I said I don't know what you have for me – in the box."
"Should we open the box and show you?"
"I-I guess," Rio said.
Cynthia opened the box and showed the thirteen-year-old what was in it. Inside, placed against an elegant velvet interior were a variety of needles. Long, short, thin, thick, and curved. The woman set the box down on a stand that was on wheels, and moved the stand next to Rio. On the stand was also a small square-shaped bowl with what looked like water in it. Rio saw the contents of the box and his eyes widened. Cynthia said. "I'm ready. I'm not sure that he is."
Mr. White picked up one of the longer needles, and dunked it in the bowl which contained alcohol to keep the needles sterile, not water.
"Rio," Stan asked sweetly, "Ready to get some neat piercing done?"
The boy's eyes gaped and suddenly he was terrified. He remembered the sewing needle and his toenails, and also the cleaning out of his piss-slit with that same awful needle, but what were these sadistic bastards going to do to him now?
"It's all disinfected, and ready for you boy. The alcohol should make it sting a bit more too as it enters your tender skin. Lovely huh?" Stan was being really cruel at the moment.
"No," Rio hissed, "Please God no! I beg you not to do it!"
"Oh, but yes!" Cynthia said in a mocking voice, "Yes!"
Mr. White then slowly inserted the sharp needle into Rio's right breast, right below his nipple. As it pierced his sensitive pectoral muscle and dove deep into his tit meat and then came out the other side, Rio screamed a loud scream. "Yeowwh!"
Before the thirteen-year-old could react further, Mr. White grabbed Rio's chest again, held him around the shoulders with the other hand, squeezed the tender flesh on the boy's chest, as Mrs. White grabbed a second long needle, dunked it in the alcohol, and then this time she did the honors of piercing Rio's left pectoral muscle below his left nipple. His bare skin on his chest was now symmetrically pierced in two places, left and right. Rio couldn't help emit a second agonized scream, louder than the first, as the long needle passed deep into the muscle flesh below his left nipple and emerged through the other side.
He had watched in horror as the long sharp needle had come closer, knowing that these sickos were going to actually do it – start sticking him with fucking needles! But the reality of the pain was more than he could have imagined. This hurt more than getting whipped, and it hurt much worse than having the document clips on his nipples the night before. Rio gasped for air. He looked down and saw four little trickles of blood running down his chest from where the needles had entered and exited his bare chest. Mrs. White, or Cynthia as he was informally thinking of her now, why the informality he wasn't exactly sure, squealed with delight. She then began to lick the blood from Rio's chest! She's like a freaking vampire, Rio mused. The needles were still in his pectoral muscle on either side and hurt like Hell!
Cynthia the Vampire then picked up another needle, this one a little shorter, about four inches [10 cm] long, and dipped it in alcohol too. Then, she knelt down. "Guess where this one is going?" she asked innocently.
Rio had a sinking feeling and suddenly he had a good idea about where her destination with needle #3 might be. He watched in abject horror as the evil woman teased him at first, lightly scratching the head of his dick, the sensitive glans part, with the new needle's sharp point.
"No! No! Please don't" Rio yelled.
She playfully squeezed his dickhead between her thumb and forefinger. "Why is it so spongy? Is it because you're circumcised?" she asked sweetly.
Rio hesitated.
"Answer me!"
"I don't know!" the thirteen-year-old managed to stammer.
"Wrong answer!" stated Mr. White, matter-of-factly. "Now don't say another word!"
Rio spoke again, even though he'd been warned not to. "Oh, my God, no!" It was just a whisper, but the couple heard it plain and clear.
"You don't listen very well," Stan said, "Do you? I said not another word. You definitely broke a rule, our cardinal rule in fact. That means a double punishment for you. Darling, please give me another one of those needles."
Cynthia grinned as Rio began to sob. He just didn't know if he could take it.
Soon the needles were ready. These had their tips heated over the angry tip of an accessible soldering iron. Ready. Mr. White turned to Rio. The boy was squirming while suspended, trying his damndest to back away from the sadistic couple, but he had nowhere to go, as his wrists were secured in their cuffs above his head. The couple knelt in front of the boy, as if paying homage, Mrs. White putting her arm around Rio's legs to steady him, while the cruel man took Rio's flaccid cock in his left hand and then began inserting the first red-hot needle.
The soft flesh of Rio's cock gave way to the pointed instrument of torture. The needle sank deep into the spongy sensitive flesh of the thirteen-year-old's cockhead, and Rio screamed. It wasn't a holler, or a yell, or a whine; it was a scream! It sounded like the scream of a girl. The needle was slowly moved through his cockhead, and then finally came out the side of his cock, right through his glans. Piss poured out now too, and a little blood, as Rio lost the battle to control his bladder. The sadistic couple giggled at this, and Cynthia White even craned her neck forward and licked up some of the boy's piss.
When the first needle was all the way in, Mr. White started the second. This time, he pierced across the head of Rio's bare cock, lengthwise. This hurt just as much, and Rio's screams echoed off the cement walls. Even when the needles were both all the way in, and the couple had stood up and taken a step back to admire their handiwork, Rio continued to wail in pain, shaking his head from side to side like a wounded animal.
Mrs. White giggled like a schoolgirl and walked back to Rio. She flicked his cock with her fingers, making the boy squirm mightily from the newest pain, and causing his wailing to increase.
She then picked up another needle, sat down on the cold cement floor like a little girl, and lifted Rio's left bare foot. "How about one here?" she asked her husband.
"Yes, through the side of his instep. Good, you've got yourself a long, curved one."
After dabbing it in the alcohol, in a practiced motion, but slowly, ever so slowly so as to increase Rio's pain, she stuck this needle, unheated this time, through the side of Rio's left foot so that it pierced right through, under the skin of his sole in its curved way, and similar to the others, the needle's tip emerged out the side of the boy's instep on the opposite side. "Yeowwh!" Rio screamed yet again, becoming a bit hoarse.
"That one has a barb in it. It will be Hell on him when we yank it out – probably do a little extra damage!" Mr. White seemed almost gleeful at that news.
"Yes. But nothing that we'll be doing to him today will require the presence or permission of Dr. DeJunge," she explained.
Mr. White already had another barbed needle in hand. He dabbed it in the alcohol. Rio was attempting to move his right foot in back of him, out of harm's way. But moving any body part out of the range of these experienced sadists proved futile for Rio on this day. Cynthia grabbed the errant bare foot as if she was toying with Rio. Holding it steady, grasping it firmly by Rio's toes, it was her husband's turn to pierce the thirteen-year-old's naked instep.
"Going to run you through boy," Stan said. Now he was grinning too, in a jovial mood.
He jabbed and penetrated the side of Rio's right foot, and jabbed it in deep into the boy's tender skin. This needle too curved through the sensitive flesh along the sole to come out through the skin on the other side of Rio's foot.
"Yeowwh! Please! Please! I can't take this!" Rio screamed. He was bawling now from the pain. His breaths were coming in ragged gasps.
More needles ensued. Rio was forced to count them as they went in. A needle pierced through his left calf. One tore through his right kneecap. His shoulders took three of varying length and thickness. The needle through his collarbone really hurt, but not like the one 'run through' his left testicle. A second pierced his right testicle, again, meant to inflict tremendous pain, but no permanent injury. They were being perfectly placed by sadistic experts.
These diabolical people were so well practiced, that the insertion points struck no major blood vessels or crucial points. It was like acupuncture, except the needles were thicker and the deliberate goal was to make the procedures much more painful. The targets were nerve centers, and the roots of nerves. A needle through the inside of Rio's right inner thigh, the meatiest part, produced several particularly satisfying shrill screams. His belly was extremely sensitive. Rio took several there. And his screams and wailing began to get annoying enough so that Stan suggested to Cynthia that Rio wear a ball gag for the rest. Several needles stuck sideways though the boy's tender belly produced wails and shrieks non-stop, it seemed, and the worst one went in right through the thirteen-year-old's navel, his belly button.
Finally, as a sort of coup de grace, Cynthia turned to Rio's now decorated but still flaccid cock. He was just moaning now, almost out of it from the pain. As Stan tugged at the needle still lodged in his right pectoral muscle, and roughly twisted it back and forth to see if he could somehow increase the boy's pain level still further, Cynthia slowly began pulling out the penis needles, and when those were out she began slowly pulling out the others, saving the barbed ones for last. The barbed needles produced the most shrill screams because they wouldn't come out cleanly, or easily, like the ones in Rio's feet, skewering them through the insteps.
The boy howled like a banshee as his soles were 'de-needled.' Stan removed the last one from the boy's left pectoral on his chest, near the youngster's sensitive nipple flesh. That one had a little barb too – but just a tiny one. "I didn't realize that one had a barb," Cynthia said.
"I didn't either, it's a little bonus," said Stan.
As Rio hung there, drifting in and out of consciousness, the couple used special cloths to carefully wipe the many areas that had been abused on the boy. The Whites helped Rio get dressed and returned the boy to his room, where he plopped onto his bed, exhausted from the pain, and attempted to sleep.
Chapter 6 Rio's First Video (Day Ten)
Rio felt lucky that it had been several days since he'd seen Stan and Cynthia White. At night, in the Red Room, Tony was usually there, whipping or otherwise torturing his feet while The Inquisitor asked embarrassing questions. One night, the bastards had burned all the birthmarks off of his feet, as they said, "replacing them with scars." On the whipping of his soles, Tony had graduated to a bamboo cane now, and that hurt a lot more than the plastic thing had, if that was possible.
Rio was becoming an expert on the suffering of pain, but he didn't like it any more now than he had the first day. He was really earning his money, even if it was $4,000 [c. €3,000] per day. Rio's mind raced as he showered. It was now the morning of the tenth day. The worst so far, had been the third day with Mr. and Mrs. White and their needles. Rio shuddered for maybe the thousandth time just thinking about that ordeal. When Rio emerged from the shower, he spotted his breakfast on the table where the dutiful Wrench had placed it. As always, there was a note from Mr. Leeds. "Welcome to Day Ten. Things will get much more fun from here. You have the morning off, so you can go swimming or used the arcade if you wish, but be back in your room at noon, because you have a one o'clock with Mr. and Mrs. White. "
Rio's stomach did a flip-flop. He decided to try and put it out of his mind, so he could have a little fun that morning. But the whole time he was out in the pool swimming, with the ever-present Wrench keeping an eye on him, his stomach was in knots. He really wasn't looking forward to the afternoon, and when noon came, he couldn't eat any of the lunch that'd been provided for him. Rio dressed as another note had instructed, and at exactly one of the clock there was a knock at his bedroom's door.
Mr. and Mrs. White entered as soon as Rio opened the door. They looked eager, as if they couldn't wait. They wore smiles on their faces. But when they smiled at Rio, he looked at them with fear. He had good reason for fearing the couple. They, however, seemed to not notice Rio's discomfort in their presence, and Cynthia hugged the boy like she was a long lost aunt or something. Mr. White shook the boy's hand and said, "Ready to go, sport?"
"Umm. Yes, Mr. White," stammered the boy.
"Hah, no, you call me Stan, or Uncle Stan, okay Rio?"
The thirteen-year-old stammered again. "Ummmm, yeah, okay, Stan."
The couple led the boy to a room that was farther down the hall from the Red Room. It was quite a bit smaller than the Red Room, and Rio had not been in it before. A huge TV screen was at the front of the room; it was widescreen that was at least 70 inches [178 cm] in width. A metal chair was sitting just a few feet back from the wall, with the TV and a row of chairs being part of the scene too. The really odd thing about the metal chair at the front of the room was that it sat inside of a small hard children's wading pool, a yellow one. Rio's mind couldn't imagine what all this was for, but he imagined it wasn't going to be pleasant.
Stan and Cynthia led Rio to the metal chair in the wading pool and instructed him to sit down. Oddly, they had requested that the boy not wear his Scout uniform, but a pair of black shorts and a black tank top tee shirt. He wasn't wearing shoes or socks. As instructed, Rio sat in the chair, facing the TV screen. He heard people coming into the room and sitting behind him, taking their places. Soon, the room was filled with about two dozen onlookers.
Cynthia stepped to the front and started speaking. "As you all know, this is Rio's first time at the movies with us. We all really like a boy's first time at the movies, so I expect a lot of participation from the audience."
What the Hell is she talking about? I've been to the movies or watched videos about a jillion times. Any boy has.
"We all know how this works, except the boy, of course, so we can just get started. Rio, for the next sixty minutes, you are to sit right there. And sit still. And watch the wonderful new movie. By the way, after we all get the world premiere this afternoon, this video gets sent to dozens of websites and newsgroups so others can enjoy it too. So enjoy!"
A moment later, the lights in the room dimmed, but did not go out. The TV flickered to life, and the movie began.
Rio could not believe his eyes. It was him, in his room, that first day. "Oh Gawd! There's a camera in my room!" Rio's mind raced as he thought about what he had done in his room. His face turned red as a beet as the video showed him stripping out of his clothes, and then showed him showering. The movie went on to show him taking a piss, and then, he had no idea how they had actually managed this, taking a crap. There must be a camera inside the toilet bowl, looking up at his ass every time he sat down and pooped! Rio's face grew astonished, embarrassed, and angrier as the loud stereo sound of the TV's sound system blasted out his long fart before his bowel movement had begun. Everybody was laughing at him! Rio's stomach turned as he watched the video. Soon, the action changed again, and it was now showing him jerking off while lying contently on that damned bed!
It was at that moment that Rio noticed someone was standing behind him. He heard a grunt and felt the warm stickiness of a man's cum running down the back of his neck! He shivered at the strange feeling, and again felt sick to his stomach. As the movie progressed, more and more of the men came up to him and shot their loads. They fired off loads in his hair, on his face, across his tee-shirt front and back. He didn't know what the sadistic women were doing, but what the men were doing was absolutely disgusting. As Rio obediently watched the movie, of HIM, he realized that the cum was literally dripping from his body, it had an odor, and he was embarrassed beyond belief. He was covered in man goop.
Tears were streaming down his faced now. Rio wasn't sure whether it was from the utter humiliation of it all, or from the fact that one man had shot his cum into his right eye before he could close it all the way. Sweat poured down his face. It was quite warm in the room.
The video had changed to his first session with Gus, the photographer he'd met on his first day. Rio hadn't realized that a video camera was running the entire time, he'd thought that the camera had only been turned on towards the end of the five-hour session, which would have been bad enough.
As the movie showed Rio stripping down, one of the men in back of him started pissing on him. "Christ!" Rio exclaimed. "Now somebody's pissing on me!"
"You're not supposed to talk, Rio," Cynthia admonished in a sweet voice.
But then Stan stood up next to Rio, and pissed straight into his face! The acrid odor and the cum and piss mixed caused Rio to heave. He began vomiting.
The movie lasted forty-eight minutes, and about ten minutes later, Wrench came to take Rio back to 'the room,' Rio hesitated to call it 'his' room after the way his privacy had been violated. Rio washed in the shower, over and over, "I don't care if you assholes are filming me!" he screamed. But no one answered, as he was alone again. He must have showered for at least forty-five minutes before he even felt remotely clean again. As he dried off and put on a pair of clean underwear that had been left out for him, he saw that while he'd been showering, food had been left on the table. He picked at it, but really couldn't eat much. He rested on the bedroom's bed, without turning on the TV in case someone might make more 'movies' with him in them. He'd rested for about an hour before there was another knock on the door.
Chapter Seven It gets worse
Before Rio could get up from the bed and open the door, in strolled Mr. Leeds with a very large and physically powerful man. The second man looked to be about 6' 8" [2 m] tall and built like a wrestler. The man looked Rio over and said to Mr. Leeds, "I'm sorry, Harry. Maybe I didn't make myself clear enough. I need a boy who's 13 or 14 years old, but who's built pretty well and can take a little abuse from me. I like it rough, and this little guy looks more like my 11-year-old daughter, not a real boy. I need a real boy."
Rio's eyes widened as the new man spoke about him. It sounded like he should be glad that the man didn't want him. He really didn't like the sound of what 'working' with this new bastard might mean for him. What had happened so far today was disgusting and humiliating but at least Rio had gained a respite so far today from pain.
Mr. Leeds cleared his throat. "No Phil. I understood exactly what you meant. I just think that this boy fits the bill. True, he doesn't have an athlete's build but he really can take quite a licking. He is a level two, as we discussed, so I really do think he'll meet your requirements."
A level two, Rio mused, what the Hell is Mr. Leeds talking about?
The man named Phil stared at Rio. He walked over to the bed, and picked the boy up with one hand by the chin. Rio's legs kicked out from under him and in a flash the thirteen-year-old was hanging in mid-air with the man holding him by the chin and throat. Rio began to gag a bit, and hoped that the man would hold him like this for a very brief time. His chin was starting to hurt from supporting his weight, about 100 pounds [45 kg]. Suddenly, the man's other hand flew around and caught Rio smack in the gut. He hit him open-handed, no fist, but still the air whooshed out of Rio's lungs as the man let go of him. Rio crumpled onto the bed. 'Phil' waited for a moment as Rio gasped for air, "Hmm, he didn't bawl like a baby as I expected he might. Okay, I'll take him for the night."
Rio's eyes showed fear as Mr. Leeds and 'Phil' shook hands on their deal involving him. Mr. Leeds said, "I'll have him in the penthouse suite for you in half an hour."
Phil left the room. Rio was alone with Mr. Leeds. The owner-manager of the Stardust looked intently at Rios as his eyes narrowed. "He's one of our best customers using people in your new line of work. He's a retired professional wrestler who likes his boys young, dumb, and full of cum. Yes, he's a sadist too, just like some of the other people you've been serving. I expect you to be on your best behavior tonight. If I get a good report from Phil, you'll get the next two days off and still be getting paid. If I get a bad report, I'll give you to Tony or the Whites for the same amount of time while instructing them to be a little rougher with you than they have been already. Wrench will be return in a moment with your special stuff."
Rio was aghast to hear this little speech, and felt like sobbing right then and there. But he didn't. Mr. Leeds left and Rio just waited patiently for Wrench.
Wrench brought in a bag of clothes like he often did. He laid them down on the bed that had become familiar to Rio. First, there was a uniform. At first, he thought it was his Boy Scout uniform, but then, no, it's the wrong color, Rio thought. It was a Cub Scout uniform. More specifically, it was a uniform made to resemble a Cub Scout uniform. It was dark blue, and had shorts instead of long pants.
Rio tried getting into the clothes, but soon noticed that they were about two sizes too small for him. Even the white underwear he'd been given was too small! The white socks fit okay, but the blue sneakers were too tight and hurt his feet, although to a very small degree compared to some of the things his feet had endured over the past ten days. It was going to be difficult to walk in these sneakers.
When he was dressed, Wrench walked with Rio to an elevator and told the boy to not say one word. The elevator stopped at the 40th floor, on the very top of the high rise. The doors opened. Rio saw the swankiest suite of rooms the hotel-casino offered. He also spotted Phil, the man who'd come down to THE bedroom he'd been allowed to use (he still refused to consider it 'his' room anymore after what had happened) and two other teenage boys. Rio's eyes bugged out when he noticed what the other boys were wearing.
One boy who was about Rio's age, 13, was wearing a diaper and had a pacifier in his mouth. The other boy, who looked to be 15, was wrapped from neck to toe in gray duct tape. His arms were taped down to his sides, and his legs were taped together all the way from his ankles to his crotch! The only parts of his body that weren't covered in duct tape were his cock and balls, and his head. Rio stared at the other two of his peers as Phil told Wrench that he could leave.
The Turkish man whom Rio had grown accustomed to left and Phil patted Rio on the head. "Let's get some photos with you and the other boys first, before we do anything else. Afterwards, we'll get down to some fun and games, okay?"
Rio gulped and stammered, "O-Okay."
Phil spent the next hour arranging the boys in positions that suited him. Jimmy, the younger boy in the diaper was made to suck on the 15-year-old's exposed cock first, and then Rio was made to do the same, although the guy he was sucking came with the younger boy and didn't have anything left for Rio. At least the older boy's cock was clean, but it still was gay and fag-like, what he was doing, Rio mused. Rio also thought that refusing to suck the other boy's cock would have certainly led to some very serious and undoubtedly painful consequences, which at least he'd be escaping for at least a little while. He unfortunately had to kneel down to get to the other boy's cock, and this caused his balls to get smashed up against his thigh by the tight material of the undersized-shorts he'd been forced to wear. It was uncomfortable, but not really painful, he realized.
Rio 'changed' the thirteen-year-old baby's diaper, and fed him a bottle. Meanwhile, Phil was snapping photos of the 'action' with several different cameras. When he'd finished with the photos, he let the boys know. Leaving the room of the penthouse they all were in, he said he'd be back in a few minutes.
The other thirteen-year-old, whom Rio discovered his name was Jimmy, sat down on a couch, so Rio figured that he could sit down too. The older boy it turned out was named Joseph, and he could barely move, let alone sit, wrapped as he was in all that duct tape. Jimmy whispered, "You're new, huh?"
Rio whispered back, "Yeah, what kind of games does this guy like to play?"
Jimmy grunted, "He does fucking weird stuff all the time. You never know what's coming."
Joseph started speaking. "There's always something new for us to do. None of us like him much, but he's usually better than Mr. or Mrs. White."
Rio wanted to know how he compared to Tony, the foot fetish guy. "How about Tony, that asshole who always wears the Hawaiian shirt?"
Jimmy and Joseph had a definite reaction at the mention of Tony. "My feet hurt just at the mention of that creep," Jimmy chimed in.
"Two years ago when I was thirteen, he dislocated three of my toes. I thought they were broken!" Joseph was angered at the mere mention of the man, Rio could tell. Joseph added, "My parents lost a lot of money and hired me out to earn it back. It happened again. That's why I'm here."
"The Whites are real bad news," Jimmy said.
"Oh man, I hate them too!" Rio said in a loud whisper.
3;," Jimmy warned, "We probably shouldn't be talking together like this. I'm working off 25 days for my parents, and today is my last day. How many days do you have left to do?"
"I've got 34 after today, but I might get two days off if I do well with this guy."
"I have a few hours with Phil, and then tonight until midnight with that guy Tony who does stuff to your feet. Then I'm done. I just hope that I'll be able to walk out of here without having to be carried by my parents like the last time."
Just then steps were heard by all three boys. Phil was coming back. He came into the room whistling. "Everything is ready boys. Let's go!" Jimmy walked, Rio hobbled, and Joseph hopped in hot pursuit. They entered a large room. In the center of the carpeted room was a circle about six feet [1.80 m] in circumference made of tile, and there was a slight dip in the floor in the center of the tile, where there was a drain. Rio didn't have to imagine what it might be for. The tile with the drain was there so that their blood, piss, or other bodily fluids didn't stain the plush carpet. Rio gulped when he saw that, and the chains that hung above the 'pit.'
Phil ordered Joseph to the center of that circle. In his duct tape, he hopped there obligingly. He ordered the other two boys to sit Indian-style on the tile about two feet [60 cm] on either side of Joseph. For Jimmy it was easy, for Rio it was kind of difficult, because of the crap he was being forced to wear.
Phil told Joseph to stand still. The teenager did, and Phil picked up a short piece of electrical cord and began striking Joseph's back. Joseph grunted a little, but the homemade whip was only hitting duct tape at first. But the duct tape began shredding. Jimmy and Rio too could see where this little game was heading. Phil kept striking the duct tape all over Joseph's body with the electrical cord, until the tape was thinned everywhere and in places almost gone. When the cord started striking patches of flesh, it must have hurt a lot, because Joseph really began squirming. Sweat starting pouring off Joseph's body, Rio could see it almost like steam, and Joseph was starting to resemble a snake shedding its skin. The whip continued to rain down on their older peer and Phil was a big man, a giant, and really hitting hard. When Joseph started to moan and thrash it was obvious that the electrical cord had begun ripping into his bare skin, not the duct tape. Finally, Phil told Joseph to go shower, and clean the rest of the duct tape off his body, and then return. Joseph obeyed.
He then ordered Jimmy into the 'pit.'
He pushed a leather footstool into the middle of the tile circle and ordered Jimmy to kneel on it. He pulled down Jimmy's diaper, which was all he was wearing, but didn't pull it all of the way off. "Little baby boys get punished with a wooden spoon, don't they?" Jimmy just nodded.
Jimmy was pretty stoic while his asscheeks were being spanked, but it was a severe beating and eventually the thirteen-year-old's bare bottom were bright red, and even bruised purplish in few spots. After his 'spanking,' Jimmy was ordered to put his diaper back on and sit Indian-style again, but now Rio noticed that tears were running down his cheeks as he attempted to sit on that tortured bottom.
Now it was Rio's turn.
Phil attached a harness to the chains that hung above the circle with the drain in the middle and then lowered it down to just about Rio's height. He ordered Rio to the pit, and Rio knew better than to refuse. Phil put Rio's arms through the harness. It went under his arms and connected in the back between his shoulder blades. Phil then tugged on one of the chains and Rio was lifted right off the floor. He swung there, and dreaded what might happen next.
Phil picked up the same electrical cord he'd used on Joseph. It whistled as it swung through the air, catching Rio right under where the harness was across his shoulder blades. It ripped right through the material of the shirt he was wearing, and left a red mark in Rio's skin. Rio screamed in pain, and his body shook. Joseph got back from showering just in time to sit next to Jimmy on the floor and watch Rio get hit again.
This time, Phil struck so that the electrical cord whipped around the boy's mid-section, tearing at the side of his shirt and towards Rio's belly region. Rio screamed again, as it was clear the electrical cord had torn open, or at least bruised the skin on his belly, right in the middle. Another blow with the electrical cord might have bruised his belly; it later did turn purplish Rio discovered when he'd examined himself in the mirror many hours later. Phil started whipping lower on Rio's bare legs with the electrical cord, and then removed the sneakers from Rio's feet so that he was barefoot. Now, he concentrated on whipping Rio's bare feet with the electrical cord.
"You son-of-a-bitch, I can take it," Rio yelled, and this just made Phil the former wrestler more vicious, as he doubled the hard plastic electrical cord over and made it a shorter, more efficient whip. He pulled up Rio's right foot by the shin and held it out, slamming the cord onto the sole of the boy's foot over and over. Rio's right sole was reddened from the many blows. Rio actually passed out from the pain before the big man had finished.
Phil allowed Rio to dangle there and rest for over a half hour. Meanwhile, Phil beat Joseph and Jimmy with his fists until both boys were unconscious.
The next horror involved 'the tank.'
"All three of you boys have a nice session with the tank. Joseph knew what the tank was, and immediately began bawling, which was quite unsettling to Jimmy and Rio, being younger.
Rio was okay on his left foot, but limping badly on his right. The three boys followed Phil to the room where the tank was. This room possessed a peculiar door, a portal to Hell, Rio later referred to it as. This door looked like it belonged in a submarine instead of a penthouse.
"Watch your step!" Phil admonished the three young teenagers as they stepped up and over the threshold liner to get into this strange room. A dozen chairs sat at one end of the room, and bright lights were everywhere. On the right was a cabinet and on the left a table. Two video cameras appeared to be focused on the truly odd fixture at the room's front and center. It looked like a large fish tank, big enough to hold several people.
"Strip!" Phil ordered Jimmy and Rio. Joseph was still naked. "Joseph, I'm feeling generous. You'll just have to watch this time."
Phil made Jimmy and Rio, the naked thirteen-year-olds, stand on clear plastic sheeting while he covered each boy with honey – all over his body from head to toes. Rio knew that it was honey because he'd accidentally tasted some when it was being squirted from the big honey bottle onto his face.
Both boys were now ordered to step into the glass cage, in their birthday suits, entirely nude. Neither knew what was about to occur and so fear was really setting in with each boy. Phil sat them back to back on the floor of the tank, and then handcuffed their hands together. He closed and sealed the door to the tank, while the boys sat on the floor of their glass cage. The honey was very sticky and made them slide around on their asses. Phil turned on the cameras. He turned the lights up. Everything that the boys did would now be clearly seen on video. Joseph sat at the very back of the room, shaking slightly as if he had a tremor. He had been in the booth several times, and was terrified of it.
Phil went to the cabinet and pulled out a large plastic container. He next opened a small lid at the top of the glass cage and dumped the container's contents into the tank with the naked boys. The container had been filled with hundreds of fire ants. Joseph sucked in his breath and covered his own eyes, he didn't want to see what happened during the next few seconds, but he heard their cacophony, as Rio and Jimmy screamed bloody murder.
Rio and Jimmy tried to shift around to where the ants had landed, but there was no escape for them. The honey on their bare skin all over their bodies acted like a sweet magnet. "Oh my God! Help us! Don't do this for God's sake," Rio screamed, almost hysterically. Jimmy just screamed for his mommy.
Within about ten to fifteen seconds, the fire ants were crawling over both naked thirteen-year-olds. At first, with Rio and Jimmy thrashing around, the ants didn't sting or bite. Once they were 'in the honey' though, Rio and Jimmy began getting bitten and stung. Each sting felt like a bee sting, Rio learned, but they bit and stung again and again. To Rio and Jimmy, it felt as if thousands of needles were piercing their skin over and over, and no area of their bodies was spared. With their hands cuffed behind their backs, they couldn't even brush the ants off, except very inefficiently by crushing them against each other's bodies. Rio got the idea of trying to kill the ants by kicking at them but the few he was able to squash with his bare feet didn't make up for the hundreds that were crawling all over his body, including his feet.
Phil stood calmly just outside of the tank laughing as the thirteen-year-olds were screaming and suffering. After awhile, Rio and Jimmy had screamed themselves hoarse. Their agony continued, however, and now little red welts all over the boy's bodies could clearly be seen. He let both boys out of the tank about five minutes later, giving them each some calamine lotion to spread on themselves and a white robe to wear.
Rio arrived back at the bedroom that he'd been assigned by the Stardust soon afterwards. An evening meal and a note from Mr. Leeds were waiting for him. The note read: "Client pleased with your performance. Forty-eight hours of free time starting as promised, right now. Rest up. You'll discover regular TV channels and a Playstation X2 under the TV. Have fun."
Exhausted and poisoned by his numerous ant stings, Rio picked at his food, and then turned on the TV but soon fell asleep. He slept for nearly half of his forty-eight hour 'vacation.'
During the next 34 days, Rio was tortured and punished in a hundred different ways. One night Tony the foot torturer used a small torch to tenderize every part of Rio's bare feet, and then Rio's extremely tender soles were whipped with a truncheon. That ordeal lasted four full hours! Birthmarks were 'replaced by scars' on many sensitive parts of his body, usually burned off with careful applications of more red-hot irons.
Finally, it was over. Rio had worked off the debt and got to return home to his family.
Andrew 'Rio' Gillette fielded a call from his agent one day.
"Do you want to play the Stardust in Vegas? Some guy named Leeds is calling."
The handsome entertainer, now twenty-five years old and in his prime, was the most skilled and renowned magician in the world, admired for his work ethic and for the painful and sometimes dangerous death-defying stunts that he routinely performed. But he commanded $500,000 [c. €350,000] for a single performance, and on certain occasions, he might charge even more.
"Put him on, Larry. I'll speak to him. I knew this guy once."
"Hello, Mr. Gillette. Thank you for speaking with me. Can you play our venue?"
"You don't remember me, do you Mr. Leeds?"
"You're Andrew Gillette, the world-famous magician and entertainer. I don't believe we've ever met sir. I have never had the distinct privilege."
"Yes you have, Harry. I will be thrilled to play the Stardust. I'm open on the 13th of next month when I'll be in Vegas. But my fee is non-negotiable and paid in advance. I'll need one million dollars!"
Harry Leeds scratched his head to think where he might have met the great Andrew Gillette. But in this case, the fee seemed more than reasonable.
The End