PZA Boy Stories

Daemon Way



Two men, a six-foot-two [1.88 m] black man from England and his Paki lover, seek revenge against a divorced Canadian policeman who infiltrated their international Internet ring for exchanging kiddy porn and was responsible for shutting down the ring and the arrest of many of its members by forcing the policeman to watch the all-night humiliation, rape and abuse of his fourteen-year-old son and his fourteen-year-old buddy on live cam.
Publ. this site Feb 2009
Finished 17,500 words (35 pages)


The boys: Danylovych (Dany) Kryvchuk (14yo), Dimitri Savalos (14yo)
Dany's father: Mike Kryvchuk (39yo)
The thugs: Vincent Brown and Iqbal Khan

Category & Story codes

Non-Consensual story
Mt tt MM nc anal oral – humil interr violence spank ws


This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

The theme explored in this story is FANTASY. Just as one can enjoy violent videogames or movies without committing or condoning violence in real life, a person can enjoy violent fantasies of abuse without promoting abuse in real life.

By scrolling down on this page and reading the story I declare that

  • I am of legal age of majority in my area,
  • I like to read fictional stories where boys are kidnapped, raped, tortured, etc.
  • I understand the difference between fiction and real life,
  • I do not condone these actions in real life.
  • I agree that anyone who attempts to do in real life all or any of the things depicted in this story needs to be turned over to the local cops for the harshest penalties the law allows
If this type of material offends you (why are you here?) then

Author's note

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at daemonway(at)yahoo.ca or through this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line.

Being cautious by nature and with nineteen years of law-enforcement experience, when the motion sensor light on the front patio came on my first thought was of danger. When you are a cop, thirty-nine, and divorced with a fourteen-year-old son whom you can see on alternate weekends, you don't have many close friends in your social network, and those you do have don't come calling at nine o'clock on a Saturday night without advance notice. I gestured for the boys to remain where they were but to be alert. Retrieving my service revolver from the top shelf of the hallway closet where I keep it until I go to bed, I ensured the safety was on and tucked it in my belt behind my back before peeking out from behind the living room window curtain. There were two men on the doorstep, a big black man, six-foot-two [1.88 m] and two-hundred-and-thirty pounds [104 kg] with a bald head and a closely-cropped beard, and an Asian, clean shaven, brown-skinned, four inches [10 cm] shorter and seventy pounds [30 kg] lighter with long, wavy, brown hair. Both were wearing dark business suits. They didn't look dangerous which with my law enforcement training I knew didn't mean anything, the most innocent, upright citizen just as likely to be a criminal as the stereotypical shifty-eyed, tattooed, scar-faced hood, but combined with the fact they were standing there in open view in the light of the front patio light, it was less likely they were up to no good. I opened the door but left the safety chain attached just in case.

"Sargent Mike Kryvchuk?"


"I'm Inspector Vincent Brown, from the CEOP centre," the man introduced himself with a thick English accent. As he reached inside his suit jacket my right hand slipped behind me and grasped the handle of my revolver and I watched his hand carefully. He pulled out a black leather wallet and flipped it open to reveal his identification. "And this is Captain Iqbal Ali Khan from the Pakistan Child Exploitation Task Force," he continued. The captain nodded formally, his eyes cold and penetrating. "We're so sorry to be calling on you this late at night, and on a Saturday, but our flight from London just got in and time is of the essence. Boys Light Up the World has been resurrected." The mention of the detestable group of sick perverts caused a churning of nausea in the pit of my stomach and the hair on the back of my neck to stand on end. Thousands of filthy, disgusting images of child molestation and exploitation flashed through my mind, images I'd not been able to forget even though eight months had gone by since with my help CEOP, the London-based Child Exploitation and Online Protection centre, had shut down the group. That it was up and functioning again was a disappointment, but not a surprise. When it had first been shut down in March of 06, it was back up within a week, and when it was closed down a second time in September of last year it had resumed operations only a few days later. Like most vermin, the members of the group were next to impossible to exterminate. "This time it is based right here in your city."

That wasn't a big surprise either. The first operation of the file swapping group had been based out of Tennessee and the second and third out of Britain, but when we'd shut it down last September it had over seven hundred members from thirty-five countries. Although seven of the ten Canadians arrested were from Ontario and the other three from British Columbia, I'd always suspected there were members from right here in Calgary. After all, the city has a population of over a million now and a booming economy which has attracted not just major international businesses but major international criminal elements besides. Unlatching the safety chain, I invited the two men in.

"I'm sorry boys, but I'm going to have to ask you to go to Dany's room," I said, "and to close the door and stay there until I call you." The last thing I wanted them to overhear was about the sick group of perverts that preyed on boys like them.

"Oh no, no," the Asian countermanded in that high singsong voice that Asians have as he raised a hand to stop them, "this is something that very much involves you."

"I don't think 3;"

"I do," the Asian interrupted, his voice suddenly turning very unfriendly as he pulled a long-bladed knife out from inside his suit jacket and stepped up to me. I immediately began to reach for my revolver, being in a good position strategically so that I would not endanger the boys and hoping for the element of surprise, but he was quicker and snatched it out of the back of my trousers. "And I'll take this," he added with a smug smile, quickly stepping back out of my reach and snapping off the safety. He knew his way around guns. "Now, sit down there and don't try anything foolish and nobody will get hurt," he said, motioning toward the sofa chair closest to the two boys with the revolver. "You and the boys just go ahead and continue watching your video while Vincent gets our equipment."

I sat and motioned for the boys to resume watching the Shrek 3 video we'd rented. This was not the time to be confrontational. Vincent glanced at the two boys with a lustful, hungry look, the type of look you might see a middle-aged man give a shapely, scantily-dressed young woman, revealing his true nature and not the cultured British facade he'd presented to get access to my home, and then headed out the door, returning a few minutes later with a gym bag slung over his shoulder and pulling a large suitcase on wheels. Iqbal motioned for him to wheel it over to the computer. My initial impression had been that Brown was the senior officer and in charge but evidently from their behaviour and roles it was evidently Khan who was calling the shots.

"How convenient for us that you have a computer here in the living room," Iqbal said, looking at me with a smile that really wasn't a smile at all. "I suspect that is so you can keep an eye on it to be sure the boys here don't get into any sites that you don't approve of," he said with a leer as he glanced at the two boys.

He was of course correct. I was raising a good son but he had recently turned fourteen and I knew the power of curiosity and temptation at that age, and I could not be certain his friends had been raised with the same values as I hoped I'd instilled in him, nor could I be sure his mother was continuing to reinforce those values.

"No answer?" he asked.

I knew he was egging me on, looking for an excuse for a confrontation. I was not about to give him one.

"What about you?" he asked, looking at Dany. "How do you feel about your father having so little trust in you that he's got to have the computer out here in plain sight so he can watch you like you're a little child?"

Dany glanced at me, his big blue eyes wide with fear and begging for me to help him. I tensed and my heart speeded up with anger and apprehension.

"Don't look at your fuckin' ol'man!" Iqbal barked, causing the boys and me to jump, all of our nerves on edge. "Tell me the fuckin' truth, how do you like your ol'man not trusting you?"

"He 3; he trusts me," Dany said softly, his eyes downcast and his voice quavering and higher than usual.

"Oh fuck yeah, sure he does," Iqbal said mockingly. "Here," he said, tossing my revolver to Vincent, "keep your eye on the fuckin' cop and the boys while I get set up."

"Oh, I'll keep my eye on the boys," Vincent said with a wicked grin as he stepped over to where they were sprawled out on their stomachs on the carpet pretending to be watching the television set as they'd been told but watching the two men out of the corner of their eyes and trying to be discrete. He still spoke with a heavy British accent but I could not tell if it was real or if he was just continuing with the charade. He sat down on the carpet beside Dany where he could watch the two boys and me though his attention was all on them. His eyes roved over their bodies, admiring them. Dany was wearing a light, short-sleeved shirt with a skateboarder print, shiny, navy blue, satin shorts and white ankle socks and Dimitri a sleeveless, black mesh T, shiny green shorts, and black socks. The perv was practically drooling over the sight of their naked arms and legs.

Iqbal opened up the suitcase and began taking out their equipment and setting it up, starting with two video cameras and a digital camera which he set up on tripods like the points of a flat triangle with the digital in the middle. He took out two more tripods which he extended and on which he mounted two powerful lights. Taking out a laptop he connected the cameras to it and then it to my computer and the television. Turning on the computers he typed in something on the laptop and began fiddling with the connections and adjusting the positions of the cameras and lights. The cameras were controlled independently by the laptop or by a remote.

Brown meanwhile turned his attention to Dany. Reaching out he placed his left hand on his buttocks. Dany immediately began to pull away but Brown tightened his grip on his buttocks, keeping him in place. He smiled as he squeezed his left cheek more tightly and released it. Of course as soon as he began to relax his grip Dany began to shift his body away but Brown simply grasped him tighter again and dragged him back toward him. As he relaxed a second time Dany tried to squirm out of his reach again but of course Brown simply grabbed his ass cheek and drew him even closer to him, delighting in the game of cat and mouse.

Pressing the palm of his hand down firmly so Dany couldn't move away, he slowly slid his hand up over his buttocks to the small of Dany's back and then began slipping his hand back down, but with his fingers slipping inside Dany's satin shorts and his underwear. Dany of course tried to squirm away but he was helpless against the muscular pervert. Brown was still holding my service revolver in his right hand and all I could do was sit there on the sofa chair watching as helpless as my son as his big back hand slipped farther down inside Dany's shorts and he began to caress my son's compact rump inside his underwear. Dany's eyes were wide with fear and his cheeks flushed with embarrassment and though Dimitri was pretending to be watching the video he could not help notice what was happening and you could see his embarrassment for his friend and his fear what the man might have in mind doing to him. My heart was racing with anger as I watched the nigger bastard's hand caressing my son's ass inside his underwear. Revolver or not, I couldn't just sit there. Slowly withdrawing his hand, Brown hooked his thumb under the elastic band of Dany's shorts and began to pull his shorts and underwear down, revealing the beginning of Dany's pink-white buttocks and his crack.

"No," he whimpered in protest as he tried to squirm away, drawing Iqbal's attention.

"Hey, you fucking bastard! There will be plenty of time for that later!" Iqbal reprimanded sharply. "I said to keep an eye on them, not your fucking hand!"

"He's just so bloody damn cute I couldn't help myself."

"I know you got a thing for cute, blond white boys," Iqbal observed. "But there will be plenty of time later." Iqbal made no attempt to hide his displeasure and Vincent reluctantly pulled his hand out of my son's shorts, confirming my suspicion who was in charge. He glanced up at me and winked lewdly and I knew in the end it wasn't going to matter who was in charge.

Iqbal continued adjusting the equipment and typing something on the laptop and glancing at his wristwatch apprehensively. "Okay, one of you take out the video," he finally ordered. Dany hurried to obey, welcoming the excuse to get away from Brown. Taking out the video, he remained close to the television and as far from Brown as possible. Iqbal took out two nylons and tossing one to Vincent, he slipped the other over his head and picking up two remotes, he tossed one to Brown. The nylons had been cut and the men stretched them and adjusted them so their lips stuck out of the slits that had been cut in them. "Now then, we are ready to begin," he announced, typing in a command on his laptop and taking up a spot between me and the boys. A few minutes later the TV screen flickered and there on the screen and on the monitor of our computer was our living room with the boys, Brown, Iqbal, and myself in view. Brown zoomed the cameras in on Iqbal using his remote.

"Welcome to the opening night of Boys Light Up the World IV. For your entertainment tonight, we are transmitting to you live from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Click on the link on your screen for our live cam staring Sargent Mike Kryvchuk of the Southern Alberta Integrated Child Exploitation Unit whom you all know very well," Iqbal said, his voice reflecting his hatred and contempt as Brown panned the camera over to me. "And speaking of boys, we have. 3;" The camera panned over to Dany and zoomed in on him. His eyes were wide with fear and apprehension and his face pale. "Tell everyone your name boy." Dany looked over at me uncertain and frightened.

"Don't look at your fuckin' ol'man, boy!" he barked angrily, causing both boys to jump. "For this evening I'm the one telling you what the fuck to do and what the fuck not to do. Now what is your fucking name?"

"Danylovych. Danylovych Kryvchuk. But everyone calls me Dany," he replied, his voice quavering.

"Danylovych. Now what sort of parent would call their son Danylovych?" he asked, pronouncing the name in disgust and glancing at me with a grin, egging me on. I didn't bite. "And what is your name?" he asked, turning to Dany's buddy.

"Dimitri Savalos." I had to admire his courage. His voice was proud and defiant and he stared directly at the man challengingly.

"Dimitri. Did you know that comes from Demeter, the goddess of fertility?"

"No," Dimitri replied, shaking his head.

"So, are you fertile, boy?" Dimitri began to turn red. He didn't know how to answer something like that. "How old are you?"

"Fourteen. Fourteen and four months."

"Fourteen, and four months," he added mockingly. "Oh yeah, I bet you're fertile. I remember when I was a boy of fourteen. I bet you're horny all the time." Dimitri turned still redder with embarrassment. Iqbal stepped up to him and cupping his chin he raised his head so they were looking eye to eye. "On the other hand, with that pretty face and long hair and those beautiful long eyelashes, maybe you're not a boy at all. Maybe your parents named you after the goddess of fertility because you're really a girl." Dimitri's face turned scarlet. He opened his mouth to retort.

"Leave the boys alone," I said before he could speak, knowing that if he did Khan would only egg him on further. "It's me you have the grudge against, not them. Do what you want with me, but leave them out of it."

"Leave them out of it? But boys are why we exist, you dumb fuck. Boys light up the world."

"I'll do anything you want, just leave them alone."



"There anything you want?" Khan asked, turning to Brown.

"Oh yeah," the big black man said with an evil grin. Laying the revolver down on the coffee table, he pulled down his fly and slipped his hand inside. "I want a blow job from a stinking, lying, bloody snake in the grass cop," he said, pulling out his penis.

Khan zoomed in on it with his remote and then panned our faces for our responses. It was impressive, thick as a salami and at least six inches [15 cm] long and it was still soft. The boys' eyes of course widened with awe and appreciation, and with intimidation, at the sight of his monster. I'd seen enough porn to know that his size was exceptional but not unique. He smiled down at me as I glared up at him.

"No? You didn't really mean you'd do anything to protect the boys? I figured you to be a bloody lying bastard, all talk and no action. We know you're good at that," he said, looking into the camera. "Well, that's all right. I'd prefer your boy give me head instead," he said looking over at Dany lustfully.

He turned and stepped toward him and Dany immediately crawled back in fear.

"All right! But not in their presence."

"Oh yes, in their presence," replied Iqbal. "I want your boy to see what happens to anybody who messes around with us, and to see what sort of chicken shit cocksucker he has for an ol'man."

I glanced at him, and up at Brown, measuring just how far I could push them. The boys were watching me, shocked by the language the man was using, not so much the words as I'm sure they'd by now they'd heard them and more, but hearing it from a man, and hearing it directed at me. If he was swearing for shock value, it was working, though I suspected it was common usage for him.

"Delay again and there won't be any fuckin' choices. You'll be the one sitting and watching your boy giving head. Now on your knees you chicken shit bastard and do what you said you'd do."

I knew he was purposefully using his language to further egg me on. I also knew Brown would rather be having sex with a boy, and Khan too for that matter. From the way they'd looked at Dany and Dimitri from the moment they'd stepped into the house there was no doubt about that. Nor was there any doubt that I had pressed my luck as far as it was going to go. I was no fool. I knew that neither man was really planning on leaving the boys alone. Performing the perverted act on Brown wasn't going to stop that, but it would buy me some time and hopefully give me a chance to catch the two men off guard. I dropped to my knees, much to the unconcealed amusement of the two men.

I tried not to look over at my son but I could not help but glance over at him out of the corner of my eye out of concern, and I could not help but see his embarrassment and shame. I could not imagine how humiliating it must be and what he must be thinking watching his dad being ordered around by these two thugs and seeing him about to perform the most perverted, debasing act a man can be forced to perform. Slipping my fingers about the man's large, limp penis and raising it, I inhaled deeply and slipped my lips over the glans. I'd seen enough kiddy porn in my job to know what he was expecting of me, and how to do what he wanted me to do.

As I began to suck, I don't know which was worse, the feeling of filthiness and depravity performing that perverted act on him, or the humiliation and embarrassment of performing it in front of my son and his buddy. What sort of man would allow himself to be forced to do something so foul? In the eyes of a macho fourteen-year-old boy I had to be as disgusting as the act I was performing. As humiliating as it was, I began to slip my lips up and down the shaft. The sooner I got him hard and off the sooner my humiliation would be over. I felt his filthy penis slowly begin to swell between my lips.

"Look at the way the bloody bugger going at it," Brown said gloatingly. "He's evidently done this before."

I knew again he was baiting me, but again I refused to rise to the bait. I knew he was trying to further humiliate me in front of my son, and to embarrass the boy, as if seeing your father on his knees sucking a man's penis, a black man's at that, wasn't embarrassing enough. He pulled back, drawing his now semi-erect penis out of my mouth.

"So tell us, you like all cock, or do you especially like the taste of black meat?" he asked as if he'd read my mind.

Although I knew I was risking his wrath, I did not answer.

"Cat got your tongue?" he laughed. He pealed back his foreskin, revealing a large, bulbous, purple-black knob. "Well, tongue this."

I knew to hesitate risked more verbal abuse, or worse, the black bastard turning his attention to the boys. Sticking out my tongue, I ran it over his now exposed knob, keeping my eyes averted from the two boys. He could say what he wanted. As a police officer I'd been trained to think rationally under crises, and deep down I had the satisfaction of knowing that Dany knew better. We'd talked about child molesters and homosexuals back when he was still in elementary school, and he knew how I felt about both types of deviates.

The black pervert had me take his filthy cock in my mouth again and told me to go all the way down on it. In that he was now at least seven inches [18 cm] long and still swelling, that was not easy but I did as he ordered, again much to the amusement of the two thugs and observations as to how I must have had previous experience to handle a cock the size of Brown's. Of course I wanted this to be over and done with, but I knew that the sooner I was done the sooner the two men would turn to the boys. The longer I could delay that the better so I did my best to avoid stimulating his glans, which considering it was now the size of a plum was not easy.

As for my plan, that was simple. If I could somehow manoeuver myself so that the revolver laying there on the coffee table was within my reach and so I was between the two men and the boys so Dany and Dimitri would not be in the line of fire, then when they were distracted I'd grab the revolver and get the drop on them. That was what I concentrated on as I bobbed my head up and down his now stiff cock and inched my way into position. It was a natural move on my part, Brown having become erect and me attempting to adjust my position so it would be easier for me to take his entire organ in my mouth. I purposefully pretended to gag in order to force him back and move use closer to the coffee table and my revolver. It was not totally an act. It was all I could do to slip my lips over his now fully swollen glans without choking on his filthy, black organ. I wiggled another fraction of an inch closer to the table, being careful to not be too obvious. Another minute went by though it seemed more like an hour. Suddenly he pulled his cock out.

"Oh yeah, you're doing a fine, bloody job," he said with a sigh.

I knew he'd pulled it out so that I and the two boys could have a good look at his endowment, and probably to delay his ejaculation to prolong my embarrassment and humiliation. That was fine with me. His rigid cock jutted out of his fly almost perpendicular to his body. It was a good nine inches [23 cm] long and the shaft at least three fingers thick. I was impressed, and I could see from the looks on their faces that the two boys were awestruck. What fourteen-year-old size-concerned boy wouldn't be?

"Look'it the horny little bugger," Iqbal said, jerking his head toward Dimitri. "Watching the fuckin' cop giving you head has given the little shit a hardon."

Dimitri turned a bright red as the two men looked at his crotch and laughed. Although his satin shorts were baggy, the bulge was evident and now it was too late to try to hide it. The poor boy sat there on the living room carpet as red as a beet and unable to do anything about his red cheeks or his arousal. His humiliation was painful to see.

"So what do you say boy, want to pull it out and we can compare?" Brown asked with a grin, stepping toward him and bouncing his large, stiff penis in the palm of his hand.

That was the opportunity I was waiting for. With the two men distracted by Dimitri, I made a lunge for my revolver. Unfortunately Khan wasn't as distracted as his partner and the wiry Paki was fast. He quickly flicked his knife and the blade slashed through the air. It missed my hand but pinned my sleeve to the coffee table, or perhaps that had been his intention. Brown immediately turned and the bull of a man angrily grabbed me from behind and pulled my arms back and up, ripping the sleeve of my shirt and leaving a tatter attached to the table. Pinning my arms behind me, he pushed down, preventing me from getting up off my knees or getting any leverage with my feet. Although I was six-foot-one [1.85 m] and a hundred and ninety pounds [86 kg], all solid muscle, I could not break loose. Iqbal had quickly stepped forward and now kicked me solidly between the legs, sending that most acute pain a man can feel through my groin and that would have doubled me over had Vincent not had me pinned in position. Snatching up my revolver he pistol whipped me, leaving a gash across my cheek. As I felt the hot blood running down my cheek, he kicked me between the legs again sending another searing pain through my testicles and he struck me once more with the revolver, this time above my right eye. I immediately felt blood trickling around my eyebrow and down past my eye. He stepped back and kicked me several times in the chest with the heel of his foot.

"No! Please. Please stop. Please don't hurt him. Please!"

Dany's normally high-pitched voice was even higher pitched with fear and distress, shrill and with a sobbing whine as he pleaded with Iqbal. The boys could have used the opportunity of the men's focus on me to try to escape, but they were only boys and instead had been rivetted to their spots with fear. They had no experience nor training to prepare them for this violent intrusion into our home. They'd certainly never witnessed anything like this, in real life or on television. Both boys came from quiet, decent, peace-loving families. Dany's mother didn't let him watch any television shows that had a parent discretion warning and she banned any video game that had any sort of violence. Though I agreed some shows and some games were excessively violent and should be banned, I also felt you couldn't totally isolate a boy from the real world and that she was being overly protective. It was one of our many differences on raising children and viewing the world that had lead to our divorce. Seeing the fear and horror in Dany's eyes now was proof I was right, but under the circumstances, that was small consolation. As for Dimitri, I knew his parents were not quite so strict as my wife but I also knew they didn't condone violent behaviour either.

"You want me to stop?" Iqbal asked, turning to Dany. "Then strip. Both of you."

The boys of course balked and glanced at each other.

"No? Well, no matter. I like using this lying, cock-sucking mother fucker for a punching bag anyway."

He slipped the revolver into the back of his trousers and struck me in the right eye with his fist, followed by several body punches. I knew that his violent reaction was based on more than my attempt to reach my revolver and rescue the boys and myself. In that I'd posed as a fellow child molester and collector of kiddie porn in order to infiltrate their group and learn the identities of their members, and that my information had lead directly to their group being closed down and many of their members arrested, his anger was hardly surprising.

"Stop! Stop! I'll do it," Dany screamed in panic, the boy practically in tears. He began to unbutton his shirt quickly.

"Both of you little shits," Iqbal ordered. "And strip right down to your little bare asses."

"No, don't," I intervened.

The boys hesitated. Iqbal turned and gave me a swift kick in the side with the toe of his shoe, sending a shard of pain through my kidneys that was almost as sharp as the pain that had originated in my still tightly drawn up balls. I could not help but wince and cry out with the pain. Dany quickly resumed unbuttoning his shirt, his hands trembling with fear and in his haste to obey the Paki perv. Dimitri quickly began to pull his black net T-shirt over his head. Meanwhile Iqbal took a rope out of the gym bag Vincent had brought in and still recovering from the kidney kick I'd received I gave little resistance as the two men tied my hands behind my back and bending my legs under me, bound my ankles together and looped the rope up behind my back and around my neck in a hangman's knot so if I tried to stand up the noose would tighten about my neck.

Having secured me, the two men leered as they turned to watch the boys. Having removed their shirts, the two boys self-consciously pushed their shorts down over their hips and still sitting on the carpet drew their legs up and out of them. Dany was wearing tight, white briefs and Dimitri a pair of boxers with motorcycles on. The boy was crazy about cars and motorbikes and his father had boughten him a motorbike for his fourteenth birthday four months ago. Lying on their backs and raising their hips, they more slowly and reluctantly pushed their underwear down over their hips and sitting back up and staring down at their feet they pushed their underwear the rest of the way off and drew off their socks. They sat there, their legs drawn up and their arms wrapped around them tightly as they stared at the carpet self-consciously.

"Stand up." Blushing a bright red, the boys reluctantly complied and quickly began to move their hands in front of them to cover their privates. "And keep those fuckin' arms at your sides."

The boys jerked their arms back, turning even redder as they continued to stare at the carpet in embarrassment.

Dany, who had turned fourteen only two weeks ago, had worn his hair as a buzz cut when he and his mother had lived with me, but now that he was living with her he'd grown it out again so that his honey-blond hair extended in a bang over his forehead and in curls down over his ears to his shoulders, a style that to me made him look effeminate and which she knew I hated, his hair style being another thing the two of us had frequently argued about. With his fine-featured face, blue eyes, and tiny nose, with that hair style he looked a lot like his mother. Just under five feet [1.50 m] tall, a few pounds under a hundred [45 kg], and physically immature for his age, he, and I, were still waiting anxiously for the first signs of puberty. There wasn't the slightest sign of fuzz anywhere on his body, not in his armpits and not even on his forearms or shins. His body wasn't muscular but it was hard as a rock thanks to his interest in soccer, swimming and skateboarding. His little scrotum was of course totally hairless just like his pubes and the same pink as the rest of his body, as was his penis which was the size of a cocktail weenie. He was uncut, also his mother's idea and another point of contention between us, I being cut myself and wanting the same for him.

Dimitri on the other hand, two inches [5 cm] taller than Dany and a good ten pounds [5 kg] heavier, was proudly sporting all the signs of adolescence. Dark-haired with olive-tinted skin, he had fine dark hairs on his shins and calves, silky tufts of black hair sprouting from his pits which he proudly displayed by usually wearing sleeveless T's, and the beginnings of a fine, silky moustache on his upper lip. He had huge hairy nuts, exceptionally large for his age, which were several shades darker than his belly, and he had a nice size, cut dick of about three inches [7½ cm] with a slightly darker mushroom-shaped cap.

"Well, well, what has happened here?" Iqbal asked, walking over to Dimitri. "Looks like I was wrong. This boy wasn't stiff after all. Must have been just a fold in his shorts." Between witnessing my beating and the embarrassment of stripping, Dimitri had gone soft. Taking out my revolver, Iqbal nudged the boy's limp penis with the end of the barrel and the boy tensed. "Actually, there is not much here at all for a boy who is fourteen and four months," he continued. "Perhaps your parents did name you after Demeter because with that little thing they thought you might as well be a girl."

Dimitri turned an even brighter red with embarrassment. No boy likes to hear he is inadequate in what makes him a boy, and especially when you are fourteen and four months, but under the circumstances he was in no position to disagree. Of course Iqbal knew that. He reached out with his other hand and ran his fingertips under the boy's dangling ball sac. "Don't touch me there, pervert!" Dimitri responded angrily and scornfully as he jerked his body back. As Iqbal reached out again the boy tried to knee him but Iqbal was faster.

"Here," Iqbal called, tossing the pistol to Brown. "Looks like we got a boy child here who needs to be taught a lesson what a boy's place is among men."

Grabbing Dimitri's balls and giving them a twist and a hard squeeze that brought tears to the boy's eyes and caused him to double over in pain, Iqbal walked him over to the sofa, holding the boy's nuts tightly and so high the boy skipped along on his tip toes so he wasn't pulling on them so hard and to ease the pain. The Paki was slender but he was wiry and strong. Sitting on the sofa, he dragged the boy over and bent him over his knees. Dimitri of course tried to squirm away but though he had entered adolescence and was strong, he quickly found out he was no match even for Iqbal's one-armed hold. Pinning him down he began to spank him with the other hand, slapping his bare bottom with resounding smacks until his bottom was a cherry red and the boy's lower lip was bleeding from biting it to keep from crying out. Grasping a tingling ass cheek in each hand, he spread them apart to reveal the boy's anus and Brown zoomed in on it. The little pucker was darker than the rest of his ass, which was a lighter olive-brown than the rest of his body, and there were perhaps half a dozen fine hairs along the crack. Roughly pushing the boy off his knees and onto the floor, he pulled down his fly and unbuckling and unsnapping his trousers, he pushed them and his boxers down over his knees. His cut cock was semi-erect and long but slender. His pubes had been shaven.

"Crawl over here and suck this, boy," he ordered.

"Fuck you, perv," Dimitri responded defiantly.

That was not a wise thing to say. Grabbing him by the arm and twisting it behind his back, he easily drew the boy back to his feet and across his knees again. The second spanking was even harder than the first and to the boy's credit he endured it without a tear or a whimper. When he was done, Iqbal spread apart Dimitri's stinging ass cheeks once again and this time he roughly jabbed his middle finger up his asshole, finally causing the boy to cry out with the sharp pain and the indignity. Lifting him up and dragging him back with his finger still jammed up his hole until the boy was kneeling on the sofa beside him, Iqbal ordered him to kiss his cock. When the boy hesitated, Iqbal rammed his finger in still further and twisted it. Scrunching up his face and tensing with the pain, Dimitri puckered his lips and gave Iqbal's penis a quick peck. Keeping his finger up the boy's ass, he ordered him to bend over and kiss his balls, and then lick his swelling dick. As the boy reluctantly did so, Iqbal began to ease his finger in and out of the boy's ass.

Brown, his fly still down and his cock still sticking out though now semi-erect, sat on my recliner and calling Dany over to him, he had the boy sit in his lap and I watched helplessly as the big man wrapped a muscular arm about him and kissed him, forcing his foul tongue into my son's mouth. Tied as I was there was nothing I could do but kneel there on the living room floor and watch, and though I was tempted to curse him, I knew that would only encourage the son-of-a-bitch. Dany of course struggled but there was little the boy could do to resist the man's advances. You could see the revulsion on his face as the pervert kissed him on the lips and his eyes bulged and you could tell he wanted to puke as the bugger slipped his tongue in his mouth and slid it over his tongue and ran it along his gums.

As he began working his hot, wet tongue in and out of Dany's mouth, tongue fucking him, he began playing with the boy's tender nipples, holding him there on his lap with a big black hand grasping each breast and rubbing and squeezing his tender young buds and rolling them between his thumb and index finger. Dany's sensitive nipples quickly grew firm and the boy tensed with the irritation and squirmed each time Brown ran the tip of his fingers over them. Sitting on the pervert's lap with his large black cock sticking out of his fly, that of course meant he was inadvertently rubbing his naked butt against the pervert's cock.

Finally their lips parted and the black pervert smiled with delight as he reached down and began to fiddle with my son's limp, little cock with one hand and to roll his tiny balls with the other, Dany's testicles looking all the whiter cupped in the perverts black fingers. I could see the disgust and the confusion in Dany's eyes. He could not help finding what the bastard was doing physically stimulating even though he was rightfully homophobic, one thing I'd taught him and something he shared with almost all fourteen-year-old boys, and one of the few things his mother and I agreed upon. It was even more disgusting the homo being a black man. The pervert's cock began to swell once again and as it poked its purple-black head out from under Dany's testicles, Dany sat there red with embarrassment and shame, bewildered how something so filthy and perverted could be sending pangs of pleasure through his nipples and his young, limp penis.

Having been distracted by what the black pervert was doing to my son, I'd forgotten about Iqbal until he bent over and untied and removed his shoes and stood up. He was erect, his slender, brown cock at least seven and a half inches [19 cm] long and jutting up between his legs at a forty-five-degree angle. Pushing his trousers and underwear the rest of the way down and kicking them off, he ordered Dimitri to lie on his back on the sofa. Straddling the boy, he rubbed the knob of his swollen cock over the boy's smooth, flat stomach and it was not long before he began to leak pre-cum, leaving a trail of clear slime over the boy's developing abs. Staring down at what was happening with horror and revulsion, the fourteen-year-old boy looked like he was going to be sick. Iqbal shuffled further back on the sofa and prodded Dimitri's semi-erect cock and his large, remarkably hairy teenage balls with the tip of his swollen, leaking cock. He rubbed the boy's shaft and his exposed knob with the tip of his swollen organ and the boy quivered and tensed even more, not with pleasure but with revulsion as more pre-cum oozed from the pervert's swollen member, leaving a trail along the shaft of the teenager's flaccid cock and up over his glans. I could see from the look on his face the boy could not just lay there and take the latest indignity.

Before he could respond Brown ordered Dany to stand and to spread his legs and to bend over and spread apart his ass cheeks to show him his 'boy pussy.' Brown smiled with delight as Dany did so and he stroked his erect cock with sick pleasure. He had Dany turn and show me his asshole, and then blushing with shame and embarrassment walk bowlegged over to Iqbal and Dimitri and show them, finally zooming in on it with the camera. In my disgust and revulsion and anger, I'd forgotten the two cam recorders and the fact that everything was being transmitted live to perverts around the world by way of the Internet. His little anus was pink and tightly closed like a little pink rosebud. Like the rest of his body there was not a trace of hair.

Ordering Dimitri to roll over on his stomach, Iqbal began to raise his hand as Dimitri hesitated and the boy quickly complied, to the evident amusement of the two men. Iqbal pulled apart Dimitri's ass cheeks once again and spat at his gaping hole several times. Keeping his cheeks spread with one hand, he began to work his gobs of spit into the teenager's hole with the index finger of his other hand. The boy was no fool. He knew what would be next and decided to make a run for it, figuring since he was naked Iqbal wouldn't expect it of him, and since he didn't have any pants or underwear Iqbal wouldn't follow if he managed to get out the door and into the street. Most important, he knew if he didn't act now he was going to be raped.

Being agile and catching Iqbal off guard, he managed to squirm out from between the pervert's legs and dash for the door. Of course he didn't stand a chance. He was young and fast and desperate, but Iqbal was faster and motivated by not just lust but by the even greater motivator of knowing the consequences if Dimitri managed to escape and the police were contacted. He caught Dimitri at the door and angrily thrust him forward, slamming his body against the closed door. Spinning him around, he kneed the boy in the groin, causing him to drop to his knees and cave over in agony, gripping himself between the legs, his nose bloodied and his jaw aching. All the while Dany sat there wide-eyed and close to tears, too afraid to try to escape himself and oblivious of the large black hand stroking his penis, Brown enjoying the rough treatment of Dimitri as much as he was enjoying fiddling with the frightened, innocent boy on his lap.

"Now look what you've done, you fuckin' little shit. I've gotten soft again," Iqbal observed as he picked the boy up and threw him toward the sofa. Dimitri stumbled forward and fell to the carpet. Picking him up and dragging him over to the sofa, he sat him down and sat beside him. "You got me soft, you can fuckin' get me back up you fuckin' useless piece of shit. Let's see your jerking off technique. Grab my fuckin' cock and pretend its yours and show us how you play with yourself. And try another fuckin' stunt like you just did and I'll knock your fuckin' teeth out and shove them down your fuckin' throat, understand?"

Dimitri nodded. Sniffing up the blood trickling from his nose and holding his left hand up and pressing the back of his index finger against his nostrils to stop the flow, he reached over with his right hand and slipped his fingers about the Paki's limp cock. As he began to stroke it, Iqbal put his left arm about him and drawing him close, he began to caress his chest and rub his tender left nipple. Reaching over with his right hand and slipping it under Dimitri's chin, he raised the boy's head and kissed the boy on the lips, his right hand dropping down to the boy's lap and his fingers slipping about his limp penis and beginning to tug on it.

"Bet that silky moustache gets the girls fuckin' hot, does it?" Dimitri looked up at him plaintively. "You have kissed a fuckin' girl before, haven't you?"

Dimitri shook his head in the negative, keeping his hand to his nose. Blood had trickled over the back of his finger but had appeared to have stopped.

"Oh yeah? Just think, when you're a fuckin' old man and you think back to your first kiss, it'll be me," Iqbal chuckled.

Grabbing the boy by the back of the neck and pushing his head down with one hand and brushing the boy's hand away from his nose with the other, he grabbed his semi-erect cock and rubbed the tip along the boy's lips and brushed it against the fine silky wisps of hair at the corners of his upper lip. It began swelling even faster.

"Filthy Paki perv," Dimitri cursed angrily despite the beating he'd received. The boy had spunk if not discretion, but then he was fourteen.

"You got that right you little fuckin' shit," Iqbal said with amusement, his amusement rather than anger hurting the teenager even more than if he'd slapped him. "Now suck my Paki cock, or I'll cut yours off and feed it to you and you can really spend the rest of your life as a girl."

His voice was cold and his eyes piercing even behind the nylon mask, and even with his teenage temper and defiance Dimitri knew better than to challenge him. The boy reluctantly opened his lips and slipped them over Iqbal's swelling cock and began to suck on it and with Iqbal's prompting to slip his lips up and down it as I had done to Vincent. I knew how he had to be feeling having been forced to perform the same vulgar act on Brown, but for him to be forced to suck a man, and in front of me and his buddy, had to be even more humiliating. Iqbal became erect once again, and with all the focus on sex since the men had arrived Dimitri became hard again also despite his humiliation and revulsion and to the amusement of the two men. Iqbal had him stand and walk over to Dany and Vincent so they could have a good look at his dick and then myself and back to Iqbal, his stiff penis bobbing and leading the way as the boy flushed a bright red with embarrassment and shame.

"Knew you were a fuckin' randy little shit," Iqbal smirked. "How often do you two boys jerk off together?"

The two boys glanced at each other. "We've never," Dimitri responded, customarily taking the lead when with Dany.

"Never? Not even once?"

The boys shook their heads.

"But you do jack off," he said, looking at Dimitri. It was a statement, not a question.


"How often?" The boy shrugged. "Don't give me that," Iqbal barked, slapping the boy's irritated teats. "How often?"

"Once or twice a day," he replied softly, his face hot with embarrassment and shame.

"I figured so. I was a horny teenager once," he leered. "And what about you?" he asked, turning to Dany.

"Three or four times a week," he said, blushing a bright red as he purposefully looked away from me.

"That all? Why so little? You do like it don't you?"

Dany nodded sheepishly.

"Maybe they're into something heavier than jerking off," Vincent suggested with a leer.

"How about it? Is that it?" Iqbal asked, looking at Dany.

"I 3; I don't know what you mean."

"You getting it from a girl?"


"A good-looking shit like you? Then you into guys instead? You and your buddy been sucking each other, or fucking each other?"

"No!" he replied abruptly.

"No? Well, there's no time like the fuckin' present to begin," he said with a grin. "Your buddy's sporting a fuckin' boner that's aching to get off. Come over here and suck it for him."

Dany slowly got up and approached the sofa apprehensively.

"Com'on, kneel down and start sucking."

Dany knelt before Dimitri frightened and ashamed, Dimitri's erection inches from his face. As he hesitated, Iqbal gave him a sharp smack across the backside, which was all that was needed. To the amusement of the two men, he slipped his lips over Dimitri's knob and began to suck. Unaccustomed to having something that large in his mouth he breathed heavily. After a minute Iqbal instructed him to slip his lips down to Dimitri's pubes and back up while he sucked. Of course as the boy reluctantly began to obey, he began to gag and draw his head back up but Iqbal immediately grabbed his head with both hands and pushed down so he could not raise his head. Iqbal continued pushing down and having no choice Dany lowered his head, taking all of Dimitri's cock, which looked to be close to five inches [12 cm]. Iqbal held him there for a minute before letting him back up and ordering him to go back down all the way.

Breathing heavily and fighting the impulse to gag, Dany slipped his lips back down Dimitri's stiff cock, giving head for the first time in his life while I was forced to sit there on my haunches and watch. After another minute, he was told to lick Dimitri's balls for a while and Brown zoomed in with the cam recorder to catch the action. Being young and it being the first time he'd been given head, it was not long after Dany returned to sucking his cock that Dimitri began to squirm with his pending ejaculation. I could tell he was trying to hold it back, but that was impossible for the most experienced man to do for any length of time let alone a horny, young fourteen-year-old boy.

"I 3; I can't hold it back," he finally gasped apologetically and almost in tears at the last instant.

Dany began to pull away but Iqbal grabbed Dany's head again and Vincent quickly came to his assistance, Iqbal holding my boy's head down and Vincent grasping Dimitri's ass and preventing him from drawing back. As Dimitri began to come, Dany began to gag but the two men wouldn't let them break apart. In a panic, Dany gasped for breath and Dimitri's watery teenage cum snorted out of his nose and drooled out of his mouth and down over his chin. Dimitri came violently and copiously and what didn't dribble down Dany's face he swallowed. I felt filthy and embarrassed watching my son and could only imagine how dirty and befouled he had to feel.

"Not fuckin' bad for your first time," Iqbal said, smiling at Dany and then over at me as he and Vincent finally released the two boys. "You got the makings of a fuckin' good fag boy here."

Again I did not rise to the bait, to Iqbal's disappointment and anger. To do so would have been pointless, but I could see in Dany's eyes the disappointment that I hadn't retorted and come to his defence, and the wonder if maybe I was in agreement with Iqbal. That of course was ridiculous, but in his shame and confusion why the man he'd come to expect to protect him wasn't doing so I could understand his bewilderment.

Sitting in my recliner once again, Vincent ordered Dany over to him and told him to sit on his knee and stroke his cock. As Dany sat on his left thigh and reached down and wrapped his fingers about the man's big, black erect cock his fingers seemed thin and white in comparison. As he began to stroke the pervert's erection, Brown played with my boy's sensitive nipples and his tender, soft dink and fingered his butthole as he nibbled on his smooth cheeks. Forcing him to his knees he ordered Dany to lick his large, hairy black balls and to lick his shaft and swirl his tongue around his knob, and again all I could do was sit there helplessly and watch my boy being forced to perform those perverted acts. Iqbal had meanwhile drawn Dimitri over to him on the sofa and was forcing the boy to nuzzle his Paki balls and inhale the fragrance of his crotch.

"Not fuckin' bad for a white boy," Iqbal observed, "but I know from experience a boy does a much better job of arousing a man when he's aroused himself. Dany, crawl over here and get your buddy back up."

Dany did so, crawling over and taking Dimitri's balls and cock in his mouth and licking and sucking them. Although he'd just shot off his load minutes earlier, the boy quickly grew hard once again. He was, after all, fourteen and his hormones were raging, and the atmosphere was saturated with sex and lust. Telling Dany to return to Vincent, Iqbal ordered Dimitri to resume sucking his Paki cock, and as he did so the pervert observed that a boy with a bone-on did do a much better job just like he'd said.

Of course the boy's nausea and disgust soon resulted in Dimitri going soft again and Dany was once more ordered to come over and arouse his buddy, and of course having a hot, moist mouth sucking and tugging on his penis soon got him back up. The two men laughed at the ease with which Dimitri was brought back to a full erection, and commented on the fag skill of my son, to his shame and embarrassment, especially since his father didn't come to his defence again. Having Dimitri stand there with his arms at his sides and his stiff cock jutting up in the air as Vincent went to make tea, they timed how long it took for him to go soft, and as the two men sat there sipping tea they watched as Dany was made to give Dimitri an erection again. And so it was that each time Dimitri's dick began to droop, Dany was forced to take it in his mouth and it almost instantly became stiff again. When he wasn't sucking his buddy, Dany was forced to lick and suck Brown's thick, black cock. The men laughed and called him their hot little fag boy as he crawled from one to the other.

"Doesn't your pecker ever get hard boy?" Iqbal finally asked as Dany got Dimitri stiff once again and returned once more to Brown. Dany nodded, his face flushed with embarrassment. "Then why doesn't it?"

"I 3; I don't know," he replied with a shrug. Of course I knew, and I suspected Iqbal did too. Fear and disgust were effective dampeners even for a hormone-driven teenage boy.

"Maybe he needs some tender loving care," Vincent said with a smile as he nibbled on the boy's earlobe.

"Yeah, bet you're right. And who better to give it to him that his tender, loving daddy."

"Oh yeah," Vincent agreed with an evil grin. "Go to your dad, boy."

Getting off Brown's lap, he walked over to me uncertainly, keeping his eyes on the carpet, his face flushed with embarrassment.

"Now, you got a choice," Iqbal said, addressing me. "You can suck your son's pecker and get him hard, or we'll see if getting a big fat nigger cock up his ass does the trick. The choice is yours."

I knew having Brown rape my son was no idle threat, and that even if I took the choice Iqbal had supposedly given me, there was nothing stopping them from having Brown rape Dany later, but I could not take that chance and although both choices were repugnant, the latter was the worse. I began to lean forward and the noose about my neck immediately tightened, to the amusement of the two men and to Dany's concern. The two men of course made no move to help me out of my predicament nor to make things easier for me. Squatting back on my haunches, I managed to loosen the rope with Dany's help. With a bit of adjusting of our positions, I managed to take my boy's cock in my mouth and begin sucking as I worked my lips up and down the shaft.

Iqbal of course observed on how eager Dany had been to get his 'ol' man' to suck his cock and though I could not see his face, I knew he had to be blushing with embarrassment. I'd seen hundreds of porn pictures of men giving head to young boys, many of them titled father and son though I knew that was more likely to be false than true, and just seeing a man and boy engaged in that perverse act had caused the hair to stand on the back of my neck and left a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. Doing it, and doing it to my own son, was the filthiest, most vile thing I'd ever done in my life. The moment I slipped my lips over his young, slender, cock my arms and legs turned to gooseflesh and I felt so nauseated I wanted to upchuck. His penis was soft, and his foreskin silky smooth and the taste and odour far from repulsive, but it was still foul and perverted.

As sick and disgusting as it was, and as embarrassing as it had to be having his father sucking his cock in front of his best buddy, Dany slowly began to get firm, and getting an erection in his father's mouth had to be even more embarrassing. Once it started it became erect quickly. Vincent pulled him back and Iqbal zoomed the camera in on his swollen cock, four inches [10 cm] long with just the tip projecting beyond his tight foreskin, and then of me going back down on the boy. His little cocklet throbbed hotly in my mouth as I once again began to suck on it and to slip my lips up and down the now firm, projecting flesh from his hairless testicles and pubes to his slightly enlarged knob. As I mechanically bobbed my head and sucked on his cocklet, I could not get it out of my head that I'd given my son and erection, and me sucking on it was being videotaped and posted live on the web.

My blood was boiling with anger and I was becoming tenser and tenser with rage and indignation, and with the frustration of being unable to do anything about it. Dany's slender penis seemed to be growing hotter in my mouth, and the skin seemed to be tightening and becoming more difficult to work up and down over his glans. I could hear his breathing became more laboured his thin chest rose and fell with the strain and he began to squirm with the developing pressure in his groin and the irritation burning around the rim of his glans. I knew they were signs of his approaching climax and my blood boiled even hotter with frustration and fury.

Brown pulled Dany back again and as he did so a droplet of clear pre-cum formed a bubble at the tip of his stiff, aching cock.

"Look at this, the boy's sweet cherry is about to burst." Iqbal zoomed in on Dany's little cocklet slick with my spittle as second droplet oozed out of the tip and doubled the size of the first.

"You're not drinking your boy's sweet cherry juice," Brown said with a leer, glancing at me as he drew Dany further away. "The first load your boy squirts is going to be for me."

Dany stood there blushing with shame in front of me and his buddy, his stiff little cocklet standing up in the air and glistening with my spittle and jerking uncontrollably with arousal, a large droplet of pre-cum clinging to the tip. I could not begin to imagine his humiliation and his teenage angst.

Leaving him standing there, the two men turned their attention back to Dimitri. Taking out a leg-spreader from the gym bag, the men had him lie on his back and then stretching apart his legs as far as they could they strapped the boy's ankles to the expandable pole. Raising his feet above his head, they hooked a strap to each end of the leg-spreader and clamped the other end of each strap to one of his nipples with alligator clips. In that position, if the boy tried to straighten his legs, they pulled on his teats and the only way he could reduce the tension on his tender nipples was to draw his legs closer to his head, which raised his ass farther into the air. The men took turns finger fucking the boy once again, of course causing him to grow hard once more.

Again they laughed at his quick arousal and commented on his horniness and what a fag boy he obviously was getting a boner from getting his ass finger fucked. Of course Dimitri turned a bright red with embarrassment having grown erect in front of Dany and me and not knowing no man could resist getting erect getting his prostrate stroked through his anus his eyes were filled with angst at the idea he might be gay. They withdrew their fingers and showed his gaping, abused hole opening and closing in desperation to relieve the irritation, and then resumed finger fucking him until the poor boy's stiff cock was wagging uncontrollably in its arousal and desperation to ejaculate. While they were not finger fucking the squirming fourteen-year-old boy, one of them was stroking the rim of Dany's glans to keep him erect.

"You really want to fuckin' come, don't you?" Iqbal teased as he withdrew his finger from Dimitri's ass. "Well, we'll let you, eventually, but when you do it's gonna be with my brown Paki cock up your fuckin' bung hole. You're going to fuckin' like it. Just ask my Paki-lovin' nigger here. He fuckin' loves getting my Paki cock up his fuckin' black ass."

"Oh yeah. You're in for a real treat, boy," Vincent agreed, his eyes sparkling. So, Iqbal was not only the leader of the two men, but the dominant sexual partner besides. Now that I had not expected either.

Brewing more tea, the men had several more cups while continuing to tease and play with the boys. Iqbal finger fucked Dimitri with his middle finger until he got him stiff, commenting of course on how getting it up the ass turned the horny fag boy on, playing with the young teenager's mind as much as his body. When the poor boy went soft again he finger fucked him with two fingers, observing that he must have liked that even more as he'd gotten stiff faster, and when he went soft once again both men inserted their middle finger up his rectum and finger fucked him at the same time, with the boy getting stiff even faster, because of the repeated stimulation and the even greater stretching of his anus of course, but Iqbal making it seems as if the more abuse the boy was getting the more aroused he was getting.

In between his bouts of finger-fucking Dimitri, Vincent had Dany sit on his lap and he squeezed and caressed my son's white ass and fiddled with his once again little, limp dick, all the while grinning evilly at me and rubbing his filthy black cock against the boy's backside. Marching him over to his buddy with his finger still up his ass, Brown forced him to finger fuck Dimitri while the black bastard finger fucked Dany's ass with one hand and fiddled with his nipples and balls with the other. Of course Dimitri could not help but squirm with the stimulation of his asshole and his heightened arousal, and as he did so his legs pulled on the clamps on his nipples until they were raw and red, adding to his arousal. Having Dany withdraw his finger, Brown zoomed in the camera to catch Dimitri's asshole winking with irritation. Saying that his asshole was desperate to be penetrated again and deeper, Iqbal grinned evilly at the boy as he knelt beside him and waved his long, stiff cock in his face.

"No, please no," Dimitri begged with sobbing tears as Iqbal shuffled over behind him and placed the tip of his cock against his hole, the boy's resistance broken and the fight gone out of him. His young cock had been repeatedly stiffened so many times even Iqbal had lost count and the fourteen-year-old had been aching to ejaculate for close to two hours now. The tormented teenager could defy the men no longer. Loosened up by the repeated finger fucking and raw and in pain, the boy's anus readily opened up as it was prodded still again, the action being caught on the live cam. Iqbal of course seized on the opportunity to once again tell the boy what a little faggot he evidently was being so eager to be penetrated by his 'Paki cock' as he called it. The anguish on Dimitri's face was as much out of being raped as it was being called a homosexual. Brown zoomed in the camera to catch Iqbal's long, brown cock penetrating the boy and Dany sat there on his lap staring in wide-eyed wonder as he watched the Paki's long, slender cock penetrate his best buddy up to his balls and then as Iqbal began to ride the boy, drawing his cock almost all the way out and then plunging it back in. At the same time Iqbal reached between the boy's legs and gave his balls and stiff cock a rough twist to reverse his arousal and ensure the boy didn't cum.

Although it was only a minute or two, it seemed much longer before the sick bastard finally withdrew his cock and then leaned forward between Dimitri's outspread legs to spray his face and naked body with his cum. The man either was a copious squirter or had been saving up for this night. Streamer after streamer shot from his slender, brown cock and laced the fourteen-year-old boy's face and naked chest. With the tip of his cock above the boy's crotch, he milked out the remainder to dribble his foul slime over the boy's wagging, aching cock and his drawn up balls.

Finally releasing the boy's nipple clamps, revealing two red, scratched areola the size of quarters that hurt me just seeing them, he grabbed the boy by the ears and sat him up as his legs fell wearily to the carpet. Looking down at the boy, the perv ordered the dazed, abused boy to lick the cum, blood and shit from his still stiff Paki cock. Sitting there in the middle of the living room in front of us and before the cam recorder, his naked body spattered with the man's vile, sticky seed, his still stiff cock dripping with the man's slime and his nipples jutting out from his chest obscenely, Dimitri began to lick his begrimed cock in a tortured, numbed daze, and as he swallowed the man's bitter cum and blood and acrid shit slime his tortured cock mercifully went limp.

Switching positions, Iqbal sat on the recliner and having Dany sit on his lap he rubbed the boy's smooth thighs and fiddled with his bumhole and his tender balls, keeping him hot and his little dicklet stiff as Vincent took his place with Dimitri. The fight having gone out of the boy and unable to be humiliated and abused any more than he already had been, he put up no resistance as the black man grabbed the leg spreader and roughly raising the boy's legs above his head, knelt behind him and wedged his cockhead into the boy's anus. Raw and bleeding and sensitive to the slightest touch, the boy's anus immediately dilated, revealing the red, stretched sphincter inside and Iqbal's slime coating it, which of course Iqbal caught by zooming in the cam recorder. Even with his sensitivity and the lube from Iqbal's cum, it was not easy to accommodate Vincent's large purple-black knob, and the boy grunted and strained, his eyes tearing with the pain and his face contorted while Iqbal commented that he was snorting like a horny pig and couldn't wait to have Brown's big black nigger cock up his ass, which just added to the raped, dazed teenager's angst.

Again Dany sat there with wide-eyed fear and wonder as this time he watched the nigger's thick, nine-inch [23 cm], jet black cock penetrate his buddy's ass right up to his large, hairy balls. I could imagine the excruciating pain Dimitri had to be feeling and the fear and wonder that was going on in Dany's mind. While he watched the big, bearded, baldheaded black man brutally raping his best buddy, the look on his face revealed his turmoil and angst as he sat there having his thighs and anus stroked, feeling the pleasure and desire pulsating up his anus and through his stiff little penis at the same time watching the horror of his buddy's brutal multiple rape and wondering if he was going to be next. How he was feeling such pleasure as I knew the stimulation of his little cocklet and his tender anus was creating and at the same time seeing the pain and torture on his buddy's face had to be confusing, and especially with his heightened emotions.

As Brown's breathing became more laboured, so did Dimitri's as well as Iqbal's and Dany's. All four were stiff and aroused and the air in the room was heavy with the scent of man sex and sweat and cum, of nigger and Paki and teenage boy. Again it seemed like an hour though it was only minutes before Brown was pumping his hot cum deep up Dimitri's rectum. He openly gasped and quivered with pleasure which Dany could not fail to see as he himself quivered and panted with the sexual pleasure causing his erect little penis and his rectum to throb. Iqbal of course was squirming with pleasure and renewed need having watched Brown ravaging the teenage boy, and Dimitri was gasping and squirming with the need to ejaculate despite the pain ripping apart his anus and the humiliation of having been raped a second time before his buddy. Like Iqbal, when he finally withdrew, the black pervert milked the remaining slime from his still stiff cock and dribbled it over Dimitri's stiff young prick and young drawn-up balls, adding his foul, slimy cum to Iqbal's already dribbled over the teenage boy's privates.

Iqbal took Vincent's place and the black man took his, sitting in my recliner and eagerly caressing my son and fiddling with his young pink balls and still erect little cocklet as the two of them watched Iqbal once again sink his long, slender cock up Dimitri's now twice-fucked asshole. As he began to rape the boy a second time, he stroked the boy's stiff, slime-coated cock in time with his thrusts and withdrawals. With his experience he gaged Dimitri's arousal and timed it with his, cruelly twisting the boy's swollen, drawn up balls to delay his ejaculation until he himself was ready. As he brought the boy toward his orgasm for what had to be at least the twelfth time that night, he stopped stroking his stiff cocklet and stopped thrusting his own cock in and out of his body.

Desperate to come off, the abused, tortured boy began to buck, thrusting his body forward and yanking it back, working his aching, little cocklet in Iqbal's clenched fingers and alternately impaling himself on the Paki's slender cock and sliding up it only to impale himself again. Of course Iqbal laughed and told the 'horny little white boy faggot' to go for it. When he once again came, this time spurting his load of thick Paki cum up Dimitri's abused ass, Dimitri shot off at long last, with Iqbal's cock up his ass as Iqbal had promised. After hours of arousal and denial, the boy came even more forcefully and copiously than a fourteen-year-old boy normally would, filling Iqbal's left hand with a thick puddle of hot, teenage cum. The boy was clearly mortified. As he shot off in Iqbal's hand he gasped and quivered with the delight of the much delayed ejaculation, at the same time feeling befouled and degraded as he felt Iqbal filling his rectum with his own slime. On the one hand he was filled with the sexual pleasure that was still awesome and mysterious for a fourteen-year-old boy, and on the other he was filled with the horror of having been used like a woman and the filthiness of having another male's semen spurting up his rectum.

That conflict and confusion of course added to the pleasure Iqbal and Brown were feeling themselves. Finally withdrawing his cock, Iqbal obscenely French kissed the now spent and bewildered boy and then had the numbed, defeated fourteen-year-old suck up his puddle of hot, slimy cum from Iqbal's left hand, Brown zooming in on the boy's thick, cum-coated lips and the slime hanging from the fine, silky hairs of his young, developing moustache. The perverts had him lick his upper lip and his moustache, and then Iqbal milked the fourteen-year-old's stiff cocklet and forced him to lick his fingers, dripping with not just Dimitri's fresh cum but also with the slime that Iqbal and Vincent had milked over his cocklet.

Dragging the boy over to where I was tied, he stood before me wobbly, his legs weary from having them stretched and held in position over his head for so long and weak with the force of his ejaculation. As they milked the remainder of his hot, teenage cum from his tight balls and his cock into my open mouth, he swayed there dizzily. They zoomed in on his crotch as they forced me to lick and suck on his young nuts drawn up tightly beneath his cock, and then to lick his still stiff cock clean, having Dany stand beside me and play with himself as he watched. He flushed a bright red, embarrassed having to stand there and watch his dad licking his buddy's balls and cock and even more embarrassed being forced to perform that secret and private act in front of me. He squirmed and danced, his arousal quickly intensifying and his orgasm fast approaching after a night filled with sex and lust.

Allowing Dimitri to collapse on the floor, the two men stood on either side of me and raising their cocks they ordered me to open my mouth, and seconds later they began to piss. They soaked my hair with their hot, yellow urine and it ran in rivulets down over my face and down my neck to soak into my shirt. They aimed their streams into my mouth and ordered me to begin swallowing, and threatened to force my son to swallow their piss if I couldn't keep up. I swallowed desperately despite the foul, bitter taste and the nitrogenous stink of fresh piss, and after several pots of tea the men had full bladders. My Adam's apple bobbed repeatedly and the two filled my mouth with piss as rapidly as I could swallow. All the while, Dany tugged on his now rigid burning cock, sharp pangs of painful pleasure shooting through the sensitive, swollen knob and he quivered with the erotic pleasure and anticipation of his orgasm and the shame of watching his father drinking nigger and Paki piss. Just moments away from coming, Iqbal ordered him to stop and to stand there with his hands at his sides, and his young, stiff cocklet jerked uncontrollably and wildly in desperation, his body denied that ultimate pleasure he was so close to having, and the two men laughed at his unsatisfied young lust as they drenched my shirt with the last of their hot, stinking piss.

Brewing still more tea, the two men sat back and amused themselves teasing the two boys, playing with their cocklets until they were erect and whenever one began to go limp forcing the other to kneel and suck his buddy until he was hard again, commenting on how fast they were to rise and how slow to go limp and what horny little faggot boys they were.

"I bet you want to get those fuckin' big balls of yours off again, don't you?" Iqbal asked as he ran a fingertip along the rim of Dimitri's swollen glans.

"Yes," Dimitri replied, his voice quavering in his desperate need to satisfy the burning of his knob.

"Beg me to fuck your ass and I'll bring you off like the last time." Dimitri looked at the man plaintively. "No? Then I guess you don't really want to squirt again," Iqbal said, caressing the tip of the boy's erect cock with his index finger and then returning to his tea.

"All right."

"All right what?"

"Please fuck my ass."

"It didn't take you long to become a fag boy, did it?" Iqbal laughed. "All boys love to have cock fun. They just don't all know it. What about you?" he asked, turning to Dany. "Now that you've learned how to keep that little pecker of yours hard, I bet you'd like to have some fuckin' hot sex fun with a man, wouldn't you?"

"Yes," Dany whispered, flushing a bright red as he stared at the floor. The boy had spent the better part of the evening erect but had not had an ejaculation.

"Then why don't you take this nice man's hand and take him to your bedroom and have some fun," he said with a grin and Brown smiled even broader.

He stood and held out his hand and after a moment's hesitation and staring down at the floor in embarrassment, Dany reached out and took his hand and lead him to the hallway. I knew there was nothing I could do about it, and to even protest would only bring my son further embarrassment. Having been forced to witness Dimitri's humiliation and rape and having Dany watch his buddy's abuse, my first response was relief that I was not going to be forced to watch Dany's rape and that he would not have the humiliation of having his father and buddy watch him being abused by the big black man and having it broadcast by live cam to who knows how many drooling perverts who would be making copies of it just as they'd done with Dimitri.

There was silence at first, and then the muffled sound of voices talking and I found not knowing what they were doing was even worse. At least if they had been present, I'd have been able to offer Dany my moral support during his ordeal. Dany's bedroom was the first room down the hall and they had evidently left the door open. Although I could not make out the words, there was no mistaking the anxiety-filled, quavering high-pitched voice of my son and the firm, demanding English accent. There was suddenly the unquestionable slap of a hand against a smooth, compact bottom, followed by many repeated slaps, and the unquestionable reluctance in the whimpering response, the grunting and snorting and muffled noises of sex, the sharp gasp of pain and shock, the laboured breathing of both a boy and a man, and eventually the sighs of pleasure from both of them.

During it all, Iqbal had continued to play with Dimitri, keeping the boy hard, and as the noises down the hall faded, he once again had the boy raise his legs above his head, having kept the boy's ankles hooked to the leg-spreader, and he once again plunged his cock up the boy's abused anus. To the boy's pleasure and mortification, he came once again as the Paki filled his rectum with his hot cum, spattering his face and naked body with his own cum. It was soon afterward that the noises in the bedroom started up again and all I could do was sit there and listen and imaging what was going on. Iqbal glanced over at me with evil glee as he sat there on the living room floor and fiddled with Dimitri's now limp dicklet and forced the boy to play with his Paki cock. When the noises began a third time, I had to wonder if the noises weren't all a sham but I knew that was only wishful thinking. Dimitri curled up in a fetal position as Iqbal stroked his head and I doubt if he was aware of anything going on anymore. Emotionally and physically exhausted, during one of the lulls in the bedroom I finally nodded off.

When I awoke the first thing I was aware of was that the morning sun was shining in through the window. The second was that I was sitting in my recliner, and the third a hot moistness between my legs and that I was stiff. Slowly opening my eyes, I found my bonds undone and my pants and boxers about my ankles and Dimitri on his knees between my legs sucking my stiff cock.

"See, I fuckin' told you he was a fuckin' horny, boy-loving pervert," Iqbal gloated. "How's it feel knowing the fuckin' hypocritical bastard has been preaching fuckin' holiness and righteousness while all the while he's been secretly eyeing your fuckin' sweet young body and itching to have sex with you?"

Dimitri looked up at me uncertainly, unable to believe his buddy's father having such thoughts and desires, especially being a policeman, but my raging erection throbbing hotly in his mouth was convincing evidence that Iqbal was right.

"Bet he's been fuckin' eyeing your fuckin' sweet ass in those fuckin' sexy shorts of yours and just aching to shove his fuckin' dick up it," Iqbal continued.

"Now that you've gotten his fuckin' prick hard, I don't think you should fuckin' deny him the pleasure of your fuckin' ass, and we all know how fuckin' much you love getting your fuckin' sweet young ass fucked, don't we my little fag boy?"

Dimitri began to redden as he glanced down at the floor in embarrassment.

"Turn around and pull apart those fuckin' baby ass cheeks of yours and show us all your fuckin' pussy and how fuckin' eager it is for another fucking."

Dimitri did so, blushing with shame as Iqbal zoomed in the cam recorder. His once tight anus had been stretched repeatedly for the past twelve hours and was now gaping open and rubbed raw. It slowly dawned on me that Vincent and Dany were not around and I was glad they weren't there to witness Dimitri's humiliation.

"Now get down on your fuckin' hands and knees and spread those fuckin' legs for the man like a good little fag boy."

Dimitri obeyed permissively, a totally different boy than he'd been the previous evening.

Iqbal leaned forward and whispered in my ear. "You fuck that boy's ass, or I'm going to find the longest, fattest thing I can in your kitchen and fuck his fuckin' ass with it. And then I'm going to go get your fuckin' boy and you can fuck his fuckin' sweet ass instead, though I suspect you're going to find it a bit loose after Vincent riding it all fuckin' night."

Some choice. Fuck my son's buddy or have the Paki pervert fuck his ass with God knows what and then be forced to fuck my son. I glanced over at Dimitri. The boy was kneeling there on the carpet waiting, his hair dirty and plastered to his head with sweat, his body bruised and filthy and streaked with dried cum and sweat, those beautiful eyes now vacant behind his long, fluttering eyelashes. Having no choice, I pushed off my trousers and boxers and crawled over to the boy, my arms and legs stiff and aching from being tied all night. To my surprise I was still erect despite my revulsion over what I was about to do. Grasping Dimitri's hips for support, I positioned the tip of my erect cock against his anus and the boy automatically pushed out with his stomach to dilate his sphincter and open up to me after being repeatedly raped by Iqbal. I pushed forward slowly and slowly my knob stretched open his abused, raw anus, the boy dilating it as best he could to ease the pain. Finally I felt my knob pop inside his rectum. I continued pushing forward, sinking my cock up his hot, moist rectum until my hairs were pressing against his buttocks.

It was a strange feeling as I began to slowly pump my hips to and fro, working my stiff cock in and out of his anus. The physical sensation between my legs was not unlike the feeling I had fucking my wife, my swollen cock pulsating with pleasure and my blood-engorged knob burning, his rectum hot and moist just like her pussy, and pulsating and gripping my cock as it worked in and out of his body just like her cunt did. Actually, it was tighter. Unlike fucking my wife, this was perverted. It was a filthy, shitty asshole I was fucking, not a cunt, and a fourteen-year-old boy, not a woman, and on top of it, it was my son's buddy. What I was doing was sick and repulsive and I felt filthy and debased, especially knowing that the boy was participating under duress.

Even though it was repulsive and immoral, I could not deny the physical pleasure I was feeling, and much to my surprise, I found myself growing more and more aroused and the pressure gradually developing in my loins along with my growing lust. I had always believed that there was no way a male, man or boy, teen or preteen, could be forced to engage in a sex act he didn't want to without being drugged. The male's revulsion, I thought, would counteract the ability to become erect. I was evidently wrong. As much as I was sickened by the act I was engaging in, I was very much erect, and very much desiring to climax. As I thrust my cock in and out of Dimitri's ass with the same desire and pleasure as I'd fucked my wife when we were married, I slowly realized that I could very likely have been drugged in my sleep. That would in fact explain the lust throbbing through my veins and through my swollen cock.

As I felt the pressure in my loins reaching the peak, I leaned over and whispered in Dimitri's ear that I was sorry, and with a sharp intake of breath, I plunged my hips forward and began to fill his young fourteen-year-old ass with my cum. At the same time he shuddered and inhaled sharply too and I realized that he was cumming also. His young, watery, teenage cum spurted out of his wagging cock and sprayed the living room carpet just as copiously and violently as the first time he'd cum the previous evening despite having shot his wad several times throughout the evening and night. It was possible that he'd been drugged too, and then again on the other hand, he was young and his teenage hormones were rampant and it could be a perfectly natural reaction from having his anus and his prostate stimulated by my stiff cock.

We were both still spurting and trembling and gasping with our orgasms when Dany and Vincent entered the living room, both of them stark naked. A strange combination of conflicting feelings and emotions flooded my mind. My mind and loins were numb with the pleasure and power of my ejaculation, my swollen cock was burning with sexual pleasure, and I was sick to my stomach having engaged in the perverted, filthy act with a fourteen-year-old boy. Even weirder was feeling that undeniable pleasure throbbing between my legs and seeing the look of surprise and disbelief and shame in my fourteen-year-old son's eyes seeing his dad cumming up the ass of his buddy, and his buddy spurting with pleasure besides.

"Now, you see," Vincent said in that thick British accent of his, "didn't I tell you your dad was really a boy lover, and that all cops who volunteer for vice duty are really boy lovers and use their jobs as a cover so they can look at all the kiddy porn they can, that they get their jollies looking at pornographic boy pics and videos while pretending to be so righteous and outraged? Didn't I bet you your ol'man has been eyeing you and your buddy in those sexy shorts you wear and aching to have some hot cock fun with the two of you?"

Having spent my load, I pulled my cock out of Dimitri's body and sat back. My cock was still stiff and coated with the boy's shit and ass slime and I suspected the hours old cum from Iqbal and Vincent. As a residual dollop of cum oozed out of the tip and down along the cleft of my glans and the underside of my shaft, I stared down at my erection in shame and humiliation. I could only imagine what my son was thinking given the evidence he'd just witnessed.

"Now, show your daddy what a good little cocksucking, man-loving fag boy you've learned to be and lick his cock clean for him."

Iqbal forced me to my feet, my legs still sore and wobbly from being tied under me all night, and I could not help but notice Dany swallow hard and the look of hesitation and shame on his face as he walked over to me. Keeping his eyes lowered, Dany dropped to his knees and began to lick off my stiff, begrimed cock. They forced me to look down and watch as my fourteen-year-old son swirled his tongue over the blood-engorged knob of my cock and ran it up and down the shaft, cleaning it of his buddy's shit and ass slime and of the residue of my slime along with the cum from Vincent and Iqbal. To the surprise of my numbed mind, despite the perversity and vulgarity of what was happening, I was still erect, and finding pleasure in the actions of my son. As his tongue ran up the underside of my cock and the tip scooped up the last ooze of my cum clinging to my swollen organ, another dollop of cum oozed out of the tip.

"See, didn't I tell you your daddy was a boyloving faggot? See how he's enjoying getting his cock cleaned by you? His fucking cock even oozed out more cum just for you. Bet it never did that for his exwife. Lap it up and go down on him like I taught you to lick up my cum and go down on me last night."

I wanted to tell Dany not to do it, but I could not speak, and I knew it would be of little use anyway. I wanted to beat the shit out of Brown and choke the son-of-a-bitch but my limbs were like limp spaghetti. I never felt so helpless and useless in all my life. A father is supposed to protect his children but there was nothing that I could do. As Dany slipped his lips over my knob and slid them all the way down my cock without the slightest hesitation or repulsiveness, I could only wonder what he and Brown had done that he could deep throat me so easily. I could see the look of wonder and suspicion in Dimitri's eyes also, wonder that he could go down on me so easily, and suspicion that Dany was not so reluctant to perform the perverted act. What else could the fourteen-year-old think? He'd been bound and brutally raped repeatedly in front of his buddy and live on the Internet, while his buddy had gone off privately to spend the night with one of his attackers and was now eagerly (so it seemed) sucking off his own father, who had just raped him himself.

Of course I knew my son could not be performing the perverted act willingly and that Brown had to have threatened him with something for him to go down on me so willingly. He could not possibly be as eager as it looked nor enjoying it as much as he appeared to be. Actually, as he sucked on my stiff cock and slipped his lips up and down from the hairy base to the rim of my knob, the shaft throbbed with pleasure and my knob burned with arousal. Despite the perversion and the humiliation being sucked off by my own son, I was enjoying it, not just physically but to my amazement mentally also. The throbbing of my swollen cock and the burning of my glans felt good and the pressure deep in my groin was rapidly increasing along with a growing desire to ejaculate a second time despite having come only minutes ago.

I was no horny teenage boy like Dany and Dimitri, and though a divorcee for the past seven years, I was not so desperate for sex that I would find pleasure in sex with my own son. There was only one explanation for how I was feeling. As I had suspected earlier while buggering Dimitri, I had to have been drugged. Only an injection of Viagra or some other performance enhancing drug could account for the pleasure and the lust I was feeling performing such an obscene and filthy act. It was likely the Viagra that had resulted in my confusion and inability to stop Dany from going down on me and to physically attack Brown. Dany had quite likely been drugged too for him to be sucking on my cock so hungrily and so skilfully.

It was a commonly held belief among my colleagues that most of the boys in porn videos and stills had been drugged, the remainder having been coerced or tricked. There was no way a boy could enjoy the acts he was performing otherwise, just as there was no way Dany could otherwise be enjoying the perverted act he was engaged in nor that I could be enjoying having my cock sucked by my own son. There was no other way that my cock could be so rock hard and throbbing with such pleasure and desire, nor for my testicles to be tightening up for a second blast of cum so soon after my first.

Brown had Dany stop and as I stood there with my aching cock throbbing in his mouth I wondered what they were up to next. I was seconds away from cumming and my cock was aching with the anticipated pleasure. As the seconds ticked by the itching of my knob and the need to get off a load was driving me crazy. I could not take it any longer and I began to pump my hips in desperation, face-fucking my own son, further evidence that I'd been drugged with an aphrodisiac of some sort. I glanced down and could not help but see the look of embarrassment and humiliation on Dany's face as I desperately rammed my swollen cock in and out of his mouth, the pressure rapidly mounting in my loins. My lust was greater than his shame and evident disgust in me. I had to get off a load.

Suddenly a hot wetness flooded over my crotch and down my thighs. Inhaling sharply, I glanced down in bewilderment. It hadn't felt like any orgasm I'd felt before. Dany was kneeling there in front of me, his eyes wide with shock and horror, his face and neck and his naked chest spattered, not with my cum, but with hot, fresh, red blood. On the carpet between the two of us were two bloody lumps of flesh. Weak with the drugs and the sleepless night and the physical and emotional strain of the morning, I began to fall as the room began to spin and everything went black.


When I regained consciousness, I found Dany's briefs jammed between my legs to staunch the flow of blood. The boys, and my testicles, were gone. Somehow I managed to get to the phone and dial 911.

It was only two weeks later, shortly after I'd been released from the hospital and while I was still on leave at home, that the first pictures of Dimitri appeared on the Internet. He was in a kiddy porn video in the role of a teenage Mexican farm worker being raped in an old, dilapidated barn and in a sugar beet field in southern Alberta by immigrant Mexican labourers who, missing their wives and girl friends left behind in Mexico, satisfy their sexual needs with Dimitri. From the looks on the faces of the men and on Dimitri's face, there was no doubt the rape was real. Whoever had shot the video was smart. The rape could have been on any number of sugar beet farms and in any of a number of abandoned, decaying barns, there being no distinguishing characteristics visible in the video, and the men, being itinerant, had already dispersed and could be anywhere, even back in Mexico.

Several months later another video and still photos appeared on the Internet with Dimitri this time playing the role of a horny teenage Mexican slut in a Mexican brothel being gang-banged by a dozen Gringo tourists, the men chosen having to be the roughest and ugliest men they could have possibly found. A year later he starred as a peasant boy who being in the wrong place at the wrong time was drugged and raped in a marijuana field by Columbian drug dealers, and then several months later still pictures and a video appeared on the Internet in which he was dressed in fine silks and veils as a member of an Arab harem shown pleasing not just his master but his master's guests while they dined.

The most recent release, just a week ago, was the most disturbing. Now nineteen, he was shown sucking and being sucked by a cherubic four-year-old blond boy with curly hair and then the boy laying on his back and spreading his legs and being fucked. It was disturbing because there was no evidence that Dimitri was drugged or being coerced to engage in such a sick act, experts who have viewed thousands of such videos usually being able to find some evidence of either or both, and the producers of such filth rarely being that careful or concerned about such details. Of course all boy lovers claim that all boys are really horny sluts and participate in their sick pornographic videos because deep down they love sex. I, and others in my field, know that in reality those who are abused often become abusers themselves because their minds have been warped by the traumatic experience. Even more disturbing was that the four-year-old boy showed no signs of being drugged either nor of being an unwilling participant. Again boy lovers will claim that is because all boys, even at that tender, formative age, have sexual desires and derive pleasure from sex. I know at the age of four boys can be easily brainwashed or bribed to do almost anything.

What was most disturbing of all however was that the boy was the spitting image of Dany at that age. The resemblance was too close for them to have found a boy that just happened to look like Dany. The more I studied the sick film the more convinced I became that there were only two possible solutions for the similar appearances. The boy could be the product of sperm they'd managed to take from my balls or even from Dimitri's ass and frozen to be used later in artificial insemination. If that was the case, I could only wonder how many other sons I had out there that I was unaware of and that were being abused. The other solution was that the boy was not my son, but Dany's son. Five years had passed since he'd disappeared. The boy I was watching in the kiddy porn video could easily be my grandson trained from birth to satisfy the lusts of others. Either solution was sick.

As for Dany, no picture nor video of him ever surfaced on the Internet nor in any other medium except for a single nine by twelve glossy mailed to me three years ago. Although two years had passed since he'd disappeared and he was sixteen, I easily recognized the boy in the picture as Dany. It was what is considered today as soft porn. He was standing on rocky cliff looking out to sea in one of those nudist or gay mag poses that could be almost anywhere in the world from the Mediterranean to the Carribean, nude but for a strange leather strap about his neck. That I also instantly recognized, and the forensic boys in the lab blew the photo up and confirmed my suspicion that it was tanned human skin. I was looking at a picture of my missing son, and my missing balls.

The End

Author's note

In September 2006, an Internet chat room in which kiddy porn was being exchanged called "Kids the Light of Our Lives" was shut down after being infiltrated by an undercover policeman, an event occurring with greater and greater frequency and with more and more detailed media coverage. Although the idea for this story was sparked by that real event and the subsequent media coverage, the above story and the characters in it are totally fictional and do not represent a real event nor real individuals.